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To: SEALFIIT Trainees

From: Coach Mark Divine

Subject: Coach Divine’s Reaading List

ccess / Philosophy / Koko
oro (Warr
rior) Spirrit:

A Brief History off Everythin

ng, by Ken Wilbur

Integral Spirituality, by Ke
en Wilbur

al Spiritua
ality, by Roger
R Wals

Man’s Search
S for Meaning,, by Viktorr Frankl

Think and Grow Rich,

R by Napolean
N Hill

Being Peace,
P by Thich
T Hha
at Hanh

Yoga Su
utras, by Patanjali

ga Yoga, First
F Serie
es, by Dav
vid Swenso

Light on
n Yoga, K.. S. Iyangar

Zen Min
nd, Beginn
ners Mind,, by Shunryu Suzuk

Three Pillars
P of Zen,
Z by Ph
hillip Kaple

As a Ma
an Thinketth, by Jam
mes Allen

The Pow
wer of Now
w, by Eckh
hart Tolle

ather, by Tom
T Brow
wn, Jr.

The Sea
arch, by Tom
T Brown

Trackerr, by Tom Brown

Intuitive Warrior,, by Mike Jaco

Living the Martial Way, by Forrest E. Morgan

In Search of the Warrior Spirit, by Richard Strozzi-Heckler

Unleash the Warrior, by Richard J. Machowicz

Thoughts of a Philosophical Fighter Pilot, by Jim Stockdale

On Killing, by Dr. Grossman

Book of Five Rings, by Myomato Musashi

The Art of War, by Sun Tzu

Warrior Soul, by Chuck Pfarrer

Fitness and Nutrition:

Crossfit Journal articles “What is Fitness” and “What is CrossFit” by Coach Greg
Glassman (online at

Starting Strength, by Mark Rippetoe

SEAL FIT Training Guide, by Mark Divine

Natural Hormonal Enhancement, by Rob Fagen (our nutrition bible)

The Paleo Solution, by Robb Wolf

Fixing Your Feet 4th Edition, by John Vonhof

SEAL / SOF / Military History:

Lone Survivor, by Marcus Luttrell

The Warrior Elite, by Dick Couch

Down Range, Navy SEALs in the War on Terrorism by Dick Couch

The Finishing School, by Dick Couch

Suffer in Silence, by David Reid

You Want Me To Do What? by Jeff Kraus

One Bullet Away, by Nathaniel Fick

Band of Brothers
s: E Comp
pany, 506tth Regime
ent, 101st Airborne

awk Down
n: A Story of Modern War by Mark Bow

Killing Rommell,
R by Steven
n Pressfield

ation Kill, by
b Evan Wright

Gates of
o Fire, by
y Steven Pressfield

The Virrtures of War,

W by Stteven Pres

The Afg
ghan Campaign by Steven Prressfield

SEAL of Honor, by
b Gary Williams

Robert’’s Ridge, Malcom

M MacPherson

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