Epa Regulations Important Dates To Remember

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1987-Montreal protocol signed by the United States and 22 other nations.

1990-Clean Air Act (CAA) Amendment of 1990 assigns EPA authority to control
ozone depleting substances.

1992-As of 1 July 1992 it is illegal under Federal law to knowingly vent or release
refrigerants in Class I or Class II into the environment.

1993-As of August 12 1993 all persons/contractors/shops must certify ownership

of recovery machines to EPA. To satisfy this requirement all recovery (to include
home made) must be registered with the regional EPA office for your area using an
OMB# 2060-0256 Form.

1993-As of October 15 1993 all technicians must take a closed book examination
to become certified under EPA rules.

1993-As of November 15 1993 recovery and recycling machines must meet

stricter EPA standards pertaining to evacuation levels for machines manufactured
after this date.

1994-As of November 15 1994 a technician cannot perform work on an air

conditioning or refrigeration system requiring access to the refrigerant charge unless
the technician is certified for that type of machine under an EPA approved program.
For those programs that have been granted official “Grand Fathering” by the EPA 15
May 1995 is the date everyone must be certified.

1994-As of November 15 1994 no technician may purchase refrigerant in Class I

or Class II unless they are certified by an EPA approved certification program.

1994-As of November 15 1995 it is illegal under Federal law to knowingly vent or

release substitute refrigerants into the environment.

1995-Certification programs approved by the EPA office in Washington DC for

grandfathering must be certified by 15 May 1995 (Effective 13 Feb. 1995, the DOD /
EPA Certification is one of these programs).

1995-As of December 31 1995 it will be prohibited in the United States to

manufacture or import CFC refrigerants.

2020-The year that refrigerants containing HCFCs in part or as a whole will be

prohibited from manufacture. This dated could be moved forward as progress in
finding a HCFC replacement is found. This also includes some of the new ternary
refrigerants now being introduced and used as replacement refrigerants.

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