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16 | Get fit for free Everyday | 17

Eight-week fitness plan Over the following pages, we’ve devised an easy-as-pie exercise plan
that will kick-start your new year. If the sessions for one week are too
hard, stick at an attainable level for another week before moving on

Before you begin …

Always start your workout session with
a cardiovascular warm-up. Marching
on the spot, dancing to music or
walking up the stairs for 5-10 minutes
will prepare your muscles for action.
Equally always end a session gradually,
with stretching and a gentle walk.

WEEK one
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6
8-12 5 min brisk 8-12 reps of 12 min gentle Rest 8-12 reps of 12 min gentle 8-12 reps of 7 min brisk walk 8-12 reps of 15 min gentle Rest 8-12 reps of
repetitions of walk weighted walk or cycle sofa crunches walk or cycle dining-chair dining-chair walk or cycle sofa crunches
dining-chair squats and and book calf raises,

dips, wall and weighted
dips, wall weighted chest-presses thigh raises and press-ups and squats
press-ups lunges (using 3-4 step-ups dumbbell curls
and dumbbell books)

Day 7
15 min gentle walk or cycle

WEEK Three
Day 1
2 x (8 reps of book chest-
presses using 3-4 books,
dining-chair dips and
dumbbell curls)

Day 6 Day 5 Day 4 Day3 Day 2 Day 1 Day 7 Day 6 Day 5 Day 4 Day 3 Day 2
2 x (10 reps Rest 8 mins of (1 2 x (10 reps of 18 min gentle 15 secs of step- 15 min gentle 2 x (8 reps of Rest 2 x (8 reps of 15 min gentle 5 mins of (1 min
of weighted min walk + 1 wall press-ups, walk or cycle ups; 1 min rest; walk or cycle wall press- weighted lunges walk or cycle walk + 1 min jog)
WEEK four

lunges, dining min jog) dumbbell curls 15 secs of step- ups, weighted and step-ups)
chair calf raises and dining-chair ups squats and sofa
and weighted dips) crunches)

Day 7
12 min gentle walk or cycle

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18 | Get fit for free Everyday | 19

Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 WEEK eight

3 x (8 reps of book chest- 8-12 reps of 12 mins of (1 3 x (8 reps 25 min gentle
presses, wall press-ups and dining-chair calf min walk + 1 of weighted walk or cycle Day1
dining-chair dips) raises, thigh min jog) lunges, 3 x (45 secs step-ups + 90
raises and step- weighted secs rest)
ups squats, thigh
raises and
dining chair calf
Day 2 raises)
25 min gentle walk or cycle
Day 2
30 min gentle walk or cycle

Day 1
3 x (30 secs of step-ups + 1
min rest) Day 3
3 x (12 reps of book chest-
presses using an extra book,
wall press-ups, dining-chair
dips and dumbbell curls)

WEEK five WEEK seven

Day 1 Day 7 Day 4
30 secs of step-ups; 90 secs 22 min gentle walk or cycle 20 min gentle walk
rest; 30 secs of step-ups

Day 2 Day 6 Day 5

20 min gentle walk or cycle 2 x (12 reps of weighted Rest
lunges, weighted squats, sofa
crunches and thigh raises)

Day 3 Day 5 Day 6

2 x (12 reps of book chest- Rest 3 x (12 reps of weighted
presses using an extra book), lunges, weighted squats, sofa
dining-chair dips and wall crunches, thigh raises and
press-ups) dining chair calf raises)

Day 4 Day 4 Day 7

10 mins of (1 min walk + 1 12 mins of (1 min walk + 1 30 min gentle walk or cycle
min jog) min jog)

Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Rest 12 reps of 20 min gentle 45 secs step- 22 min gentle 12 reps of wall
weighted walk or cycle ups; 2 mins walk or cycle press-ups,
lunges, rest; 45 secs dining-chair
WEEK six

weighted step-ups dips and

squats, thigh dumbbell curls
raises and
dining chair calf

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