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INR NDEs $9.95 US $11.95 Can. JUSTIFIERS RPG ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 4 Falling SI Radiation Si Background Criticals 53 “The Corporations 8 Automatic Actions ‘The Major Corps 7 & Multiple Attacks 53 ‘The Union 8 ‘Surprise 53 ‘TransMatt Technology 9 ‘Knockback 53 Beta-Class Humanoids 10 ‘Asmor Types 54 Timeline 2 ‘Weapons Character Generation Hand Weapons (Ancient) 56 Attributes & Statistics 13 Hand Weapon (Thrown) 58 Psionics 1s Hand Weapons (2 Hand) 60 ‘Regeneration iW Projectile Weapons (Hand) 60. Cybernetics 7 Projectile Weapons Beta Racial Types 18 (Rifles & Shotguns) 61 Humans 2 Projectile Weapons (Special) 63 Projectile Weapons (Heavy) 63 Skills Beam Weapons “4 Skill Use & Career Classes 23 ‘Beam Weapons (Heavy) 65 Basic Training 28 Martial Arts 7 Carrer Class Training 26 ‘Natural Weapons 6 Cross Tarining Skills 28 Elective Skills 29 Equipment Skill Definitions 30 ‘The Company Store 8 Modifiers 45 Munitions n Levels & Advancement Vehicles Experience Bonuses 46 ‘On the Road Again 9 Ranks 7 Helicopter ” ATV Car 80 Buy Back ATV Truck 80 Obligations & Bank 48 ATV Armored Pay Per Mission 49 Personeli Carrier 81 Hovercraft 82 ‘Combat Submersible 82 Initiative & Sequence. 49 ‘The Shuttle 83 Missile Fire 49 Missile Fire Resolution 50 Vehicle Combat ‘Melee Resolution st Damage 87 Stun st Impact a7 2 j_ unsolicited submissions become the property of Starilde Publication. Special Thanks to: ‘The Windsor Gamers John Schippers & Laure! Goulding Lawrence Kapture & Wendy Allers William Grant & Michelle Martens ‘Sandy Goodfliesh & Mike Lucas Oakland University & the O of L Elena Casas & Ceredwyn Davies Randy McCall Karen & Brian Roe ‘Cat Giordano & Ida Fincannon John Anglin Rachel Lara Gordon Klein- Lebbink Captain Arrow(Andy Barlow) ‘and especially, my friend, Richard Tucholka, ‘This Book is dedicated to the two most special ladies in my worid; Jennifer, my love and Erin, my daughter. Entire contents copyright 1988 by StarCkiide Publications, a division of PK Technologies. All rights reserved, this book may not be reproduced in whole or in part except for short excerpts for the purpose of review and where otherwise indicated within the manuscript, ‘without the express written permission of the publisher. All italicized words are TM and Copyright 1988, StarChilde Publications, and Clifford Van Meter. _StarChilde Publeations a Division of PK Technologies. Publisher: Clifford Van Meter Assistant: Jennifer Barlow ‘StarChilde Publications 102 Dickinson, #1 Mt. Clemens, MI 48043 ‘All comments and ideas are welcome, Please send a S.A.S.E. for personal reply. All For information on forthcoming books and materials orto place orders contact (313) 463- INTRODUCTION: ‘Often when you read a book you project yourself into the main character. In a book you can ‘only do what the author has written, in a role playing game you project yourself into ‘character and have it do what you want. In real life things seldom go just as you plan, in a role playing game you use dice to include a number of variables that can affect any course ‘of action you take. ‘A GameMaster (GM) is part author and part referee. The GM plans the outline ofthe story for the players to move within, butcan not determine or affect the player's outoome directly. ‘TheGM is referee in that he interprets the rules from themanual and applies them, hopefully ‘unbiased, to the situations at hand. A single story is referred to as an Adventure, while a ‘group of Adventures with the same characters and theme is a Campaign. To play Justifiers you will need two ten -sided dice (D10) and at least two six- sided dice (D6), though the more the better. When a roll of 2D10;s indicated, roll two ten sided dice ‘and add the results. When. percentile roll or D100 is indicated, designate one of the dice as high and read the result as a number between O1 and 100(00). When a oll against an attribute or statis indicated roll D1O0ator below the attribute. Such dice are available at most hobby and game stores. In addition, you'll need paper and pencils, maps and a lot of imagination. A sense of humor and some snacks won't hurt either. Keep inmind that this is a game and should be fun for ali concerned. Hostile, argumentative, ‘orobnoxious players should have their characters suffersudden severe accidents, Remember sGM you are the court of last appeal. Your interpretation ofthe rules is what is important. Don'twaste everyone’stime with fruitless arguments over details of rulesintespretation, Just apply some common sense. Most of all, have fun; that’s what the game is designed for. What I've tried to do here isto establish a background against which you can play many ‘different things. Though the game is slanted toward planetary exploration there is the opportunity to play Corporate Security Forces, either asa military organization or as law enforcement erm, colonists, either Beta, or human, or any other thing you can imagine. Within this rich and varied background the possibilities are endless. Use your imagination. ‘Good luck, THE CORPORATIONS: In the beginning there was only one corporation, THE Corporation. The Terran Trade Alliance, Inc. TTA was bom out of the need of the various smaller conglomerates to protect, themselves during the late 20th and early 21st centuries. ‘There was no “Great War,” justa whole lot of litle wars. Each one broughtthe governments of earth closer and closer to economic ruin. In the end it was the corporations and later the TTA which bailed them out. The TTA simply took over all business being conducted on the ‘Planet earth and let the governments pretend to have power. ‘Then came the discovery of the TransMatt, and expansion to the stars. The TTA set up ‘colonies at Tau Ceti, Alpha Centuri and several other near stars. Each colony becoming ‘company within the corporation, each one run to make a profit. ‘Tau Ceti Prime became the largest producer of natural and synthetic foodstuffs. They were the first to break away from the TTA. There was a short armed conflict between the Cetans «and the TTA, butt was viewed as unprofitable by the TTA to risk so many billions of dollars of facilities, as well as the loss of millions in revenues and the threat of food shortages. It ‘could have undermined the TTA's authority and control ofthe various governments. Several ‘other companies went rogue soon after. Tt was then that the TTA made its move to re-establish its superiority over all the other corporations. In single bold stroke they managed to decimate every TransMatt technology production site off-earth. 80% of the TransMait technicians employed by every other corporation were killed, 15% more were bribed away. The TTA was the only Corp left with TransMatt production facilites, Ferran Speciaties, Ine. with full fledged monopoly on the production of replacement parts forthe ‘crucial TransMatt receiving and sending stations. They established their currency, the C” ‘8 the universal base of trade and refused to accept any other cunrency. ‘This meant that in order to buy new TransMatt technology 1 corporation had to sell goods and services to TTMS to get °C’ with which to buy repltcement pats for theit TransMatts. Within months several ofthe errant Corpshad come back under TMS control. Hostiletake- ‘overs (localized wars) and mergers were the norm. Through itll TMS maintained aneutral pose. Intheend they werethe winners. Only those companies which through cunning or ability had ‘made themselves invaluable to TTMS, ot were capable of producing a product which TTMS had a need for, survived. ‘That was almost 150 years ago; since then the balance of power has shifted only somewhat. Even a second Inter-Corporate War couldn't shake T7MS" hold on the TransMatt production facilities. New colonies are springing up fester than youcan count, but TMS still ‘maintains their control of TransMatt Technology and through that at least tacit control of every other Corp. Only five other Corps are large enough to run the financial risk of ‘establishing new colonies, Each one has their own Justijiers andeach one has de-specialized 10 the point of being able to exploit virtually any natura resource that a world has. While all the Corps have signed the agreement to consider Beta-humanoids and aboriginal tribespeople semi-humans, some axe more lenient than others. Often itis the older, more ‘established Corps that are the most advanced in the field of semi-human rights. ‘Many of the Corps, including some of the smaller onesnot listed below, have large security forces. There is no govemment: the law is whatever the Corps can get away with. Hostile Takeovers of exploitable border worlds are common, though outbreaks of real wars are scarce (they tend to be unprofitable). Security forces are made up of the same mixture of Human, Augmented Human, Heavy-G Human and Beta: humanoid as comprises theranks of the Justfiers. ‘THE MAJOR CORPS: ‘Tau Ceti Prime: ‘Having survived the corporate shake-ups ofthe last 150 years it stands today as the oldest independent corporation in existence. The Cetans control more than 20 worlds and are by far the largest producers of foodstuffs in the known galaxy. Though Tau Cetiis stil the seat ‘oftheir power they do have a permanent Cetan trade delegation om earth itself set up just a few miles from the headquarters of TTMS. Enclave LTD: Originally a producer of habitation structures, Enclave, like most ofthe Corpshas branched {nto many other areas of specialization. ‘They still produce many of the larger dome structures used for protection and containment on hostile environment worlds, however they ‘are currently the number two producer of mined raw materials as well as the number one ‘producer of high quality metals and man made materials. They control some 12 worlds. United Industries: ‘Asone of the very youngest, but fastest growing Corps, United Industries was started during thelastround of Hostile Takeovers. They manufacture advanced weaponry and body armor. ‘They made a killing during the war selling o all sides, since one ofthe frst casualties of that conflict were the other Corp's weapons production facilities. While they remained neutral (no other Corp dared risk involving them since they would cutoff their own weapons supplies) they managed to absorb several smaller Corps and establish a solid foundation for themselves. They now have facilities on 9 worlds, with their headquarters on Rogue, an inhospitable planet, orbiting a star in the constellation Orion. ‘STPD Engineering: ‘This Corp previously controlled as many #5 38 planets in 19 systems, but they were the big loser in the last nter-Corporate War. They now controlless than halfthose systems and have very few friends in the corporate jungle. They are probably ripe for a Hostile Takeover ‘This particular Corp is « veritable newbom in the corporate jungle. They specialize in heavy-gravity mining. Since most heavy-g worldshave few other exploitable resources and. ‘ince B’Hazard has a viral monopoly on heavy-g miners they have not felt the necessity to expand much beyond their current field. They control some 9 worlds and seem to be closely allied to the Enclavers. There's talk of a merger. Temi Specialcanc: ‘THE Corporation, they still maintain a total monopoly on the production of TransMatt technology, despite more than a dozen ‘Hostile Takeover” atterupts How they do this is as shrouded in mystery as it is rumor and gossip. It is said that they have spies within all the ‘other major Corps, itis said that they have their own crack assassination team to take care oferrantscientists. Noone knows, orifthey dothey sire aren’t around totell the story. They ‘also control virtually all the interstellar banking since their currency is the only one in existence that is universally accepted. ‘THE UNION: ‘The various unions and their parent organization, the Galaxy Workers Alliance, are = ‘powerful force within the structure of the corporate worlds. The GWA is virwally mother Corp with its level of power. Ithas been due to pressare brought to bear by the GWA that, Betas have been granted more rights over the last 40 years. Ifsome of the GWA hierarchy has its way they will be granted full human status anv! union membership. ‘The unions are still upset over the introduction of Betas in the field of planetary exploration ‘and justification, it fels that this was litle more than a union busting technique on the part of the Corps, since it was unionized workers that the Betas replaced. The Corps, however feel that it was the union which was at fault, driving wages and survivors’ benefits 50 high ‘to make the wse of union Justifiers not cost efficientIt is the union that has raised ‘questions abouthow atechnology as advanced as that used to create Betas managedto sweep ‘through all the Corps 20 quickly. This is especially odd if, as the Corps argue, there was 10 collusion on their pat. Be that as it may, few of the humans who work at any level, other than corporate ‘management, do not belong to a union of some kind. ‘TRANSMATT TECHNOLOGY: ‘The backbone of the Corporate expansion of the 23rd and 24th century is the TrensMatt, short for Transmission of Matter. Late in the 20th century the idea was developed that if it is possible for certain energy formstotravel at, orbeyond the speed of light, then matter could ‘be converted into one of those forms of energy and directed to a pre-determined location. Solving the problem of faster than light travel. Ik took a relatively short period of time for scientists to develop this from a theory into a ‘working principle. It did, however have some major drawbacks; firstly a receiving station ‘was needed in order to keep your molecules from re-integrating into the molecules ofthe surrounding air or earth. If re-integration with surrounding molecules should occur, a devastating explosion results. Secondly; there were size and mass limitations and energy requirements to overcome. ‘Though the energy problems were later solved, the mass that can be safely transmitted is till restricted and te size of a maintainable portal is only 20 feet square, no bigger, no smaller. Inadditionit seems the TransMatt deviceis limited in range to 6 ight years. This wouldhave ‘made expansion extremely slow were it not for the seeming abundance of earth-type worlds ‘within our quadrant of the galaxy. Time spent in transit is approximately 1 month for each lightyear, subjective. In other words if you left earth for Alpha Centuriit would take you3.5 light yearsto getthere and3.5 to getback. Upon yourreturn seven months wouldhave passed ‘on earth, although the process would have seemed instantaneous to you. ‘Then there was theproblem of “blind bearing”, thatis beaming without areceiving station. Of course military application was limited if the enemy already knew where you'd be ending; but more importantly for exploration, if youcan't go where youhaven'tbeen before it limits the range of possibilities. (Originally the idea was to use slow ships for exploration and TransMat stations to receive colonists Thisideawas abandoned in favor of blind beaming ashutle ship directly into orbit ‘once asuitable target had been found usingradio and optical telescopes. A team of specialists ‘would be on board who would justify and pacify the planet and prepare to receive colonists by constructing the TransMau station, Since space is mostly dangers in blind beaming would be minimized. Certain problems sill exist, however and certain dangers. The most pressing problem is that while objects can be TransMatted, communications transmissions cannot. For explorers this ‘means that they are completely out of touch for the time it takes them to construct a portal ‘on theirend, ———— _—_—_——_—ee BETAS: ‘Todeal with the dangers of exploring new worlds the Corps developed the Justifiers. These ‘were originally highly trained human explorers equipped to deal with the dangers of ‘unknown and potentially hostile environments. However, the original estimates of the dangers of planetary exploration proved woefully inadequate, just asthe original estimates of the number of habitable worlds proved far too small. One theory to account fortis is that at one time there was a highly advanced race with biological needs similar to ours who inhabited much ofthis quadrant of the galaxy. These aliens, known in Corp slang as the ‘Ancients, terraformed many otherwise inhospitable worlds to fit their needs. This seems to be substantiated by the ruins and artifacts, many obviously related, found on different worlds. Itis further substantiated by the presence of so many primitive humanoid tribes, most with obviously similar genetic origins, on so many worlds. ‘An early response o the growing loss of life and material by the Corps was to send trained animals, with shuman handler, slong with the regular members ofthe Justifier team. In the early 22nd century, gene altering techniques allowed forthe creation of the Alpha Class ‘Humanoid Construct; animals with human intelligence, artificially created in the labo- ratory by introducing human genetic material into animal embryos. Though still under the ‘commandof a human team leader, they could function independently ofthe team for security and soout duty. Inthe First Inter-Corporate War, teamsof Alpha-humanoids were used for sabotage work. ‘The ultimate development of the Corp gene-designers is the Beta Class Humanoid Construct, Fully humanoid in form, bi-pedal and bimanual, but with the instincts and natural weapons of an animal. They can use tools havespecch capabilities and are of human ‘intelligence, Beta-humanoids, owned by the Corps, took the place of human Justifiers thus reducing the high mortality rat and cutting costs for the Corps. This plan would have worked extremely ‘well had not the Union intervened to have Beta-humanoids declared semi-human. Though they cannot hold managerial positions within the Corps, or membership inthe Union, Betas hhave earned some right to self determination and the concept of the Buy-Back has been ‘universally accepted through the Corps. ‘Anunexpected side effect ofthe genetic manipulation of the animal embryos has been that Betas ae able wo interbreed between species, as well as with humans. The original thinking. ‘was that all Betas would be sterile. In about 40% of the cases this is true. In75% of the cases where offspring sre produced by cross -breeding, twins (one of each racial type) are produced. However in 25% of the cases as single ‘hybrid? child is produced, having some of the characteristics of both parents and in some cases abilities possessed by neither. ‘The child of « Beta and a human is considered « Beta in terms of its rights and privileges. ‘Acchild bom to acouple where either parent i still owned by a Corp is considered property of the Corp. Howeves children of free Betas are free.In most cases the child’s Buy-Back is simply added to the parent's. ——”_—————— Freedom doesn’t always come easy for a Beta and many have gone AWOL in the past. Within most Corps there is a branch of the security forces that specialize in racking down and bringing back (or in some cases eliminating) rogue Betas. Many of these Trackers are themsavos Betas, thers me Augmented Humans. They we wifey rales loyal to the Corps. ‘The last of the governments of earth meets its economic end. The Terran Trade Alliance, Inc manages to consolidate its hold over the last few independent Corporations. ‘The first sucessful tests of TransMatiTechnology and the developmentof plans to expand mankind to the stars, under the control of the TTA. ‘The planting of the TTA flag on Alpha Centauri. The fist colony is now inplace. ‘The Cetan Rebellion. Tau Ceti Prime is declared sn independent Corporation. The discovery of the fist of the Ancients” ‘artifacts, Hostile Takeovers and mergers increase, The GWA is founded by the ‘merger of three of earths former trade unions. ‘The GWA manages to consolidate its hold by absorbing the last few colonial unions. The introduction of Alpha-Humanoids. ‘The Ficst Inter-Corporate Wars, setoff by the TTA destruction of the TransMatt Technologies facilities and scientific brains. The TTA renames itself Terran TransMaut Specialties ind re-opens for business. Relative calm retums to the known galaxy as TTMS establishes itself and its currency as the ultimate power within the corporate structure. ‘The introduction of Beta technology md the replacement ofthe unionized hhuman Justifiers with company owned Beta-humanoids. ‘The Second Inter-Corporate War, with which came the introduction of the Augmented Human, a genetically superior, superhuman soldier. ‘Betas and some aboriginal tribes granted semi-human status by the Corps. ‘The Buy-back principle established. Today. CHARACTER GENERATION ATTRIBUTES & STATISTICS: In the Justfiers game system we use seven randomly generated numbers to represent a being’s innate physical and mental abilities; these are called Attributes. We then use a mathematical formula to generate still more numbers lorepresent aspects ofthese Attribules; these are called Statistics. For the ATTRIBUTES, roll D100, seven times and place as you wish; one score can be discarded and raised to 65 automatically. Strength (Str) Dexterity (Dex) ‘Constitution (Con) Inelligence 1) ‘Wisdom (Wis) Agility (Ag) Presence (Pra) STRENGTH: ‘The Strength score is used to determine how well you can perform feats of strength. Use the following chart to determine common feats: Strin Ibs = carry Str x Sibs= lift Strx 1Olbs= drag Strength/S in feet = jump Strength in ft= throw Co , ‘DEXTERITY: : ‘The Dexterity soore represents your quickness and yourhand ‘your ability to manipulate tools, or hit with your fists or 8 weapon. CONSTITUTION: ‘This isthe amount of debilitating damage that « body can suffer before death occurs. Itis a ‘combination of health, stamina and willpower. When a character's Con reaches 0 he is dead INTELLIGENCE: ‘This represents your ability to learn, to memorize facts and absorb knowledge and skills. It affects the type of Career Class and the level at which you begin new skills. WISDOM: ‘Wisdom differs from Intelligence in that it doesn’t so much relate to knowledge as to sense. High Wisdom reflects an ability wo understand, the ability toextrapolate and gobeyond what you've leamed. It is used to determine your ability to figure out the function of an alien ‘rtifect, or detect an ambush. AGILITY: A person's ability to move ther entire body with grace and speed, The sense of balance and ‘co-ordination. It serves to determine your ability to dodge, or take a fall. Combined with Dexterity , it affects the speed at which you can move, PRESENCE: ‘A combination of an individual's personal charisma and good-looks. People with high Presence are more likely to convince others to do their bidding, or get a date. For the STATISTICS use the formula at the right. Mental Strength (MS) (IQ+Wis)+ D10 per level Body (Bod) (Con/10 + D10 per Level) Resilience (Res) ((Str + Wis)/10 }+ D10 per level Base Speed (Spd) (Agl + Dexyi0 Base Skill Level Cnv10)% Base to Strike Dexi3)% Damage Bonus (DB) —_(Str/10) MENTAL STRENGTH: ‘This statistic reflects a person's willpower: how strong their mind is, both in defending and attacking with psionics (see PSIONICS). Think of Mental Strength as you would Constitution. Itreflects the amount of damage your mind can take. BODY: ‘This is how much punishment your body can take before it becomes debilitating, Like a ‘boxer who takes several punches before he really begins to feel them. When Bods usedup, damage is taken to Con. ———I_———— ———_ ‘This statrelates to Mendal Sirength in the same way that Body relates to Constitution. Ibis how ‘much non-debiltating damage your mind can take. SPEED: ‘Your Speed is used to determine two things. How far youcan move in a single Melee Round (see COMBAT), and how fast youcan move at dead run, Running is Speed in miles per hour, ‘Movement per Melee is Speed in feet. BASE SKILL LEVEL: ‘This statistic is used in figuring your skill percentages. Every skill a person has or will ever suave in the game, begins at this percentage. Skills are then adjusted by Career Bonuses and Experience. BASE TO STRIKE: ‘This is your base percent chance to hit with any weapon. ‘DAMAGE BONUS: ‘This is the base damage that you do with any weapon wielded by hand, does not include ‘weapons tha strike ata distance, PSIONICS Peionics are the powers of the mind. These powers draw off your Mental Strength. ‘Therefore, 8s you use Psionic Talents you become more vulnerable to them at the same time. ‘When using 1 Psionic Talent against a resistant target you must first add your Resilience, ‘and 2 D100 roll. Ifthe result is higher than the target's Resilience your attack is sucessful. ‘This is called a'Break Will,’ and is not required with talents that do a physical attack. Only for a sucessful attack do you subtract Mental Strength atthe rate indicated for the talent, In the case of atacks against computers and other artifical intelligences figure the stats {or the AI as you would for a character, but don't waste time on stats that won't be used (such as Dex). Computers may have Psionic talents, The base chance of Psionics forall player characters is 5%. The number rolled at Sor below isthenumberofPsionic lens. Roll D10 on sionics chart below foreach sill, duplications roll again WLelepathy: Mind to mind contact, reading the thoughts of anothes.1MS per secondo contact for willing. For an unwilling, sentient target perform a Break Will’, then expend an additional LMS per second of contact, Ifthe target mind has a sufficiently higher Resilience astonotbeavercome the user looses 1/2 their total Resilience and becomes Vulnerable toa counter attack if the targets appsionic. ———S JO rs ‘2yLelekinesis : ‘The ability to manipulate solid objects with the power of the mind.1MS per pound of object times (yards moved vertically plus yards moved horizontally). (Minimum is one yard) 3)Lelepoct : ‘The ability to travel by psionic means from one place to another. IMS per pound teleported to anyplace thatthe teleporter has been before. Takes 1 minute to prepare for each 5 miles, teleported, during which time the useris entranced andincapable of any movement or action, Distance is limited to MS in miles. Only an entire object or person can be teleported, not an ‘auached part without the whole. Only organic or high carbon items may be teleported. (Carbide weapons will teleport, but most ammunition and other metallic objects will not. OPsiBlat: ‘A mental fist. At IMS pec point of damage inflicted, the effects are identical to a physical ‘tuck since the user is drawing on psionic energies to form atoms of the surounding ‘tmosphere into a solid block of invisible force. Unusable in a vacuum. See combat. S)Ryrochokinesis: ‘The ability to stat fires with mental energy. 1MS per point of damage inflicted to inanimate objects only. Cannot be used against still living tissue, but can be used against weapons, clothing, armor, etc. of the victim. ‘Treat as a physical attack on any flammable substance. Cyberpathy: ‘Acts the same as telepathy, but only works with computer or artificial intelligences. Will allow the Cyberpath to control the computer-treat as a ‘Break Will . TBnchic Healing : Using the mindto heal physical damage, 1MS per pointof damage healed, Requires 1 minute to prepare for each 10 points of healing, but healing is instantaneous. 8)Animal Control: ‘The ability to control the minds of animals. 1MS per minute of control. Must perform ‘Break Will” allows the user to see, feel and hear everything the animal is experiencing. There is 1% cumulative chance per use that contact will become permanent. 50% base chance that ‘power will work with an alien animal never before encountered, but once the possibility of ‘contact has been established it always remains the sam for the individual user. Not possible to use with sentient creatures. 9)Danger Sense : Automatic ability to sense impending danger- 10 MS per use. GM controlled works 50% of the time unless definite ill wil is present, it then works 99% of the time. For example, if rock is sbout to fall no ill willis present, but if that same rock is being pushed by someone ‘or something, then il willis present. Cost is for sucessful use only. 10)Body Control: ‘Allows the user to increase one attribute score temporarily. 1MS per point of increase x rounds maintained, gm | REGENERATION: ‘As you go through the adventure you will ose Constitution and Body mn the course ofcombat (Gee COMBAT). As you heal (assuming you survive) you willregain Con and Bod at the rate | of 2D10 per day. In using psionics, in being stunned, or mentally attacked you will lose | Mental Strength and Resilience. Regeneration is 2D6 per day for MS and Res. | Successful medical weatment can sid in Regeneration. Add an additional 1D6 of | Regeneration to Constitution and Body for successful treatment. Modify according to the ‘conditions under which treatment was administered. Additional modifiers for such things as infection and surgical complications can be used at the GM's discretion, CYBERNETICS: ‘Cybemetics, or eyber-replacements, involve the replacement of existing body parts with ‘mechanical ones due injury or illness. Itis suggested that for catastrophic injures, or when the injuries have gone without treatment for an extended period, the GM rollon the following table to determine what limbs or other functions the victim may have lost. For those players who wish to have cybemetic replacements to begin the game they may, at the GM's discretion, choose what replacement parts they want. Regardless, the cost of replacement parts will be added tothe player's Buy-Back (see Buy-Back). Persons with cyber-replace- {| ments will automatically receives the skill Cybernetics Technology at bonus of +20%. Roll 2D10 and add the result. leftleg right leg both legs leftarm right arm ‘both arms lefteye right eye 10 botheyes At lefthand 12° righthand 13 both hands 14 leftear 15 righterr 16 bothears 17 both eyes & both ears 18 bothlegs, both arms & both hands 19 both arms & both hands 20 everything Individual cyber-replacements have their own Attributes and Statistics, which supercede those ofthe user. Some also have traits which may or may not be available under normal circumstances. Listed below are the descriptions of each cyber-replacement. ———S———E wm anaen —_—_— Eye: ‘The eye has infra-red night vision. This means that it can sec heat patterns, even in the pitch dark Italso has a telescopic function identical tothe telescopic sight listed in the Equipment section, all functions are identical, Cost: 25000C. Ear: ‘The carwill allow the user a50% track by hearing skill for anything within arange of 2miles. Cost: 25000C Hand: ‘The hand has a Strengthof 100, a Dexterity of 65 and a Body of 75, When ts body is depleted, through injury or attack, itis non-functional. The strength listed would apply to grip only, itwould not increase a person’s Damage Bonus. A handmay bereplaced without an arm, but not vice versa. Cost: 50000, Am: ‘The arm has a Strength of 100 and a Body of 75. This would allow a person to increase their ‘Damage Bonus, if their natural Strength was less than 100, but only with weapons used by that arm. Cost: 75000C. Leg: ‘The leg has a Strength of 100, a Body of 75 and a Speed of 50. The Strength would apply only to lifting, and the Speed would only be usable if both legs were cyber-replacements. If not the slower leg would be ripped out of its socket while running. Cost: 100000C. BETA RACIAL TYPES: Most Justifiers are Beta-Humanoids, That is, they are artificially constructed beings, part animal and part human (see Beta-Humanoids ). All have distinct characteristics from their root animals, but are bipedal and bimanual. Listed below are the racial modifiers to be. applied to your Attributes and Statistics according to root animal. Due to the variation of racial types the sizes of Beta Humanoids can vary anywhere from 3 109 feet. Gear specially constructed for one racial type (such as E-Suits) are unusable by ‘other types Obviously larger root animals lead to larger Beta-humanoid types. rr ‘Where more than one Speed is listed (as Speed 20/50 for the Otter), the second speed is for movement in the creature's secondary element (such as water for the Otter or through trees for the Monkey). ‘When club is listed under natural weapons itrefers to hooves in hoofed Beta-Humanoids and tails in tailed Beta-Humanoids. Albatross: armor:Lt Hide speed:10/50 attribute modifiers:Con-10 Str+30 Dex-40 Flight (miles in Strx2) natural wespons: 1 bite(small) ‘Armadillo: amor:Plate speed :10 attribute modifiers-none natural weapons: none Badger: armor:H Fur speed:40 attribute modifiers:none ‘natural weapons: 1 bite(small) 2 claw(large) Bats srmor:Lt Hide Speed:10/35 attribute modifiers:Sonar (200yd. range) Flight(Miles in Str) natural weapons: 1 bite(small) ‘Track by hearing 70% ‘Track by scent 70% Bear(Black, Brown, Grizzly): ‘samor-Hv Fur speed:20 attribute modifier:Str+40 ‘natural weapons:l bite 2 claw (both large) Track by scent 35% Bear(Polar): armor:H Fur speed-:35_ attribute modifiers:Str+45 Swim 99% ‘natural weapons:1 bite 2 claw (both large) Bighorn Sheep: armor:Hv Hide speed: 50 attribute modifiers:Su-+20 Agl+30 no negatives for rocky terrain. ‘natural weapons:1 horn(large) 2 clubs(small) Bison: ammor:Hv Fur speed:50_ attribute modifier:Str+45 Con+30 ‘natural weapons: 1 horns(small) 2 clubs(large) Bloodhound: sarmor:Lt Hide speed:15_ attribute modifiers-none ‘natural Weapons: 1 bite(small) Cheetah: sumoriLt Hide speed:60 attribute modifiers: Agl+20 Dex+25 natural weapons: 1 biteCarge) ‘Track by soent 30% ———_———————— ‘Track by scent 50% ‘Track by scent 99% Falcon: armor-Lt Hide speed:30/100 attribute modifier:Con-10 Flight(miles in Stu) natural weapons-1 bite(large) 2 laws(large) Fox: armor: Lt Hide speed: 40 attribute modifiers: Agl+25 Dex+15 natural weapons: 1 bite (small) Gazelle: armor: Lt Hide speed:70 attribute modifiers: none ‘natural weapons: 1 hom (small) 2 clubs(small) Gila Monster: armor:Hy Hide speed:20 attribute modifier:-Str+20 ‘natural weapons:1 bite (small}+ poison (D6/rd) Goritla: armor: Hy Fur speed: 25 attribute modifiers: Str+50 ContlS natural weapons: I bite(large) Hog: armor H Hide speed:30 stribute modifiers:Str+10 Com+25 natural weapons? bite(large) 2 club(small) Komodo Dragon: armor:Hy Hide speed:30 attribute modifiers:Sar+20 natural weapons! bit(large) 1 club(large) ‘Track by scent 65% Mantis: semor-Chitin speed: 40 attribute modifiers: Str+25 Jump Str in feet — es 21 armor:Lt Fur speed :35/50 attribute modifiers:Agl+25% Dex+25% Climb 99% natural Prehensile tail acts as third hand at 1/2 Dexterity. ‘weapons: bitefsmall) (Otter: armor:Lt Hide _ speed:20/50 attribute modifiers:-Dex+15 Swim 99% natural weapons:1 bite(small) “Track by scent 45% ‘Track by scent 50% Owl: srmor:Lt Hide speed: 20/75 auribute modifiers:-Con-10 Str+20 Nightvision Flight(Str in miles) natural weapons-1 bite (small) 2 claws(large) ‘Track by Hearing: 80% Panther: sarmor:Lt Hide speed:50 attribute modifiers:Agl+25 Str+15 natural weapons:1 bite(large) 2 claw large) Raccoon: armor:Lt Hide speed:35 attribute modifiers:Dex+35 Climb 75% Nightvision ‘natural weapons: 1 bite 2 claw(both small) ‘Track by scent 30% ‘Track by scent 70% Rhino: armor:Plate speed:20 attribute modifiers:Com+30 St+50 Int-20 natural weapons:1 hom(large) 2 club(large) Sea Lion: armor:Lt Hide speod:25/10 attribute modifi ‘aural weapons:1 bite (small) x+10% Agh+20% Swim 99% “Track by scent (Ssunderwater)- 45% ide speed :30 attribute modifiers: Str+20Con +25 Swim 99% (tiger only) natural weapons: 1 bite(large) 2 claw (large) ‘Track by scent 50% Turtle: armor :Plate speed: 5 attribute modifiers:amphibiows Str+40 natural weapons: 1 bite(small) Wott: ‘armor: Hv Hide speed : 30 attribute modifiers: Str +15 Agl +25 Nightvision 40% natural weapons: 1 bite(large) ‘Track by scent 70% HUMANS: ‘No ordinary human in their right mind would be a Justifier; it's justtoo dangerous. However, ‘criminals are sometimes sentenced o Justifier duty forthe same number of years they would have served in aprison. During this time their pay ishel¢ in trust with the exception of asmall allowance to purchase personal items. They are not allowed to own weapons, Seldom are. they used in positions of authority and itis unlikely that they would be put into Security. To further insure that they remain within the jurisdiction of the Corporation, many are implanted ‘with small explosive devices, usually in the skull The tigger mechanism for this device has ‘arange of several miles, more when keyed to the communications satellite. The trigger is in the custody of either the Security Officer or the Commander at any given time and the individual criminal has no idea which. ‘There are also Augmented humans; genetically altered human soldiers from the Corporate ‘Wars a few years back who were unable to assimilate into normal society. A numberof them have become Justfiers cither by volunteering or by being sentenced for violent crimes. Lastly a number of the Heavy Gravity planets hire outtheir services as Justifiers. It beats slaving in the corporate mines of most of those worlds. Virtually all ofthe Heavy-G humans sre volunteers, though as much as 1/2 their pay goes into their homeworld’s treasuries as taxes. Human: amor: Lt Hide speed: 15 attribute modifiers- Int+20 ‘natural weapons: none Augmented Human: armor: Hv Hide speed: 30 attribute modifiers: Str+20 Dex+20 Pr2-20 Nightvision (same as eye in Cybemetics) natural weapons-none Heavy-G Human: armor: Lt Hide speed: 10 attribute modifiers: Str+30 Con+20 ‘natural weapons: none ————— ———————————————— SKILL USE & CAREER CLASES: ‘The Justifiers RPG is a skill based system. Like most skill based systems itrelies on Career ‘Classes to determine a character's fundamental skills. In Justifiers we have four Career (Classes and specialties under each of the general classes that amount to total of nine career choices. In addition to the Career Class sills, the character also gets Basie Tratning skills, (Cross-Training, and certain Elective skills. Each skill begins at a certain percentage, plis your Base Skill Level, unless otherwise indicated. ach character class has a prime requisite. This a minimum attribuse score for what are considered the most important attributes fora particular class, Noone without the minimum attribute score in Career Class may choose to play that Career Class, or take Cross Training from that Career Class. ‘The Career Classes are Field Sclentist; with Life Sciences, Social Sciences and Planetary Sciences specialties; Fleld Engineer; with Electrical and Mechanical Engineering specialties; Fleld Operative , which has the Scout, Security and Pilot specialties, and Fleld Doctor. ‘To determine a character's success at a task for which there is a skill, have them roll D100 st or below their skill percentage. Use whatever modifiers are appropriate, An unmodified roll of 100 is always a failure and an unmodified roll of 01 is always a success. Unless otherwise indicated any character attempting a task requiring a skill he does not have has a ‘minus 50% chance to accomplish that task andmay use his Base Skill Level only for theroll. FIELD SCIENTIST: Within this category are the people who concentrate on learning about a planet from ‘scientific point o ‘world and its life forms. Fevery aspect ‘This character studies the life of the planet and its complex eco-structure. A combination of ‘biologist and ecologist it is up to him wo determine the nature of each link in a planet's life z Sci ist: Geologist, map maker and meteorologist. The Planetary Scientist studies the effects ofthe forces of nature and the planet’s mineral and structural composition. Social Soimtan: ‘Studies the world’s sentient inhabitants, if ithas any, extant or otherwise. Often along,"just incase”. Will also act as the psychologist for the Justfier team working in concert with the Field Doctor to determine the nature of possible mental instabilities in the group. FIELD ENGINEER: ‘A handy person to have around. This character can reptir or build just sbout any piece of ‘equipment necessary to the team’s function. Also works in tandem with the other team ‘members to construct the TransMatt gate which will take them all home, ‘This character concentrates on the complex electrical systems so important to technologically based culture. Can repair or build most ofthe communication, computer, around. ical Ensincsring Speci ‘This character, like his counterpart is « tinkerer, but urlike the Electrical Engineer, the Mechanical Engineer is more likely to get his hands dirty. He repairs and build the ‘mechanical systems, from hydraulic cooling systems to the power plants of the vehicles. FIELD OPERATIVE: Pooks nna special way toward the wellre ond protecaon of eam Scout: ‘The Scout's function is unique. He incorporates some of the functions of the Field Scientist ‘and many of the abilities of the Security Officer. Heis the team survivalist, able tocope with any environment, makemaps, judge terrain andlead “away teams” whennecessary.Inmany ‘ways the most valuable member of the team because his jobis tobe alert for dangers, keep the rest of the team alive, and get them back to the base camp when away. Security: ‘This is the grunt, the gun-bunny.. usually the strongest and best equipped to handle a fight. He's aweaponsexpert and something of aspy (usually for the Corporation), alertfor trouble from within the team as much as from without. Pilot Tf thas wheels, tracks, wings, or fins he can pilot it, He’s the all purpose hot-shot speed. jockey. Often having some of the mechanical skills of the Mechanical Engineer as well. FIELD DOCTOR: Not the pretty kind of medicine that is practised in most hospitals, but what he lacks in facilites the Field Doctor more than makes up for in skill. Also, in the case of injuriestoo severe to be treated in the field, there are eryonic suspension tubes available to store the injured pany until better treatment can be sought out. BASIC TRAINING: ‘Thefollowing skills are automatic toevery JUSTIFIER regardless of CareerClass, Beswe to add Base Skill Level. BASIC MATH 50% COMMUNICATOR OPERATIONS. 15% COMPUTER OPERATIONS. 15% E SUIT OPERATIONS. 8% EMERGENCY E SUIT REPAIR 20% FIRST AID 15% HAND TO HAND COMBAT 15% NAVIGATION 18% PILOT GROUND VEHICLE 18% PROJECTILE WEAPONS (HAND) 18% SCANNER SYSTEMS OPERATIONS 28% SPEAK NATIVE 38% ‘TRANSMATT OPERATIONS. 23% READ & WRITE NATIVE 18% ‘ZERO-G TRAINING 15% —————————— I ——————— CAREER CLASS TRAINING: ‘ETELD SCIENTIST (Minimum Auribute scores: 10-65) Life Sciences Specialist ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 15% AQUATICS 20% BIOLOGY (marine) 25% BOTANY 25% ‘CHEMISTRY 20% ECOLOGY 25% ‘SURVEILANCE 10% ‘ZOOLOGY 28% Planctary Sciences Specialist AQUATICS 18% ‘CARTOGRAPHY 20% ‘CHEMISTRY 20% DEMOLITIONS 10% GEOGRAPHY 25% GEOLOGY 25% GEOMORPHOLOGY 15% METEOROLOGY 20% PHOTOGRAPHY 15% Social Sciences Specialist ‘ANTHROPOLOGY 25% ARCHEOLOGY 25% CRYPTOLOGY 10% HISTORY 25% INSTRUCTION 5% LINGUISTICS 15% PSYCHOLOGY 10% SOCIOLOGY 10% FIELD ENGINEER Mi F 10-64 Dex 5 Electrical Engineering Specialist ‘ADVANCED MATHEMATICS 20% COMMUNICATOR TECHNOLOGY 25% ‘COMPUTER PROGRAMMING 25% COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY 25% ELECTRONIC DIAGNOSIS 20% FUSION TECHNOLOGY 20% LASER TECHNOLOGY MICROELECTRONICS ing SCANNER SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY ‘SOLAR TECHNOLOGY ‘TRANSMATT TECHNOLOGY 23% ‘Mechanical Engincering Specialist ADVANCED MATHEMATICS 18% ‘AIRCRAFT TECHNOLOGIES 0% DEMOLITIONS 18% FABRICATION 0% FLUD SYSTEMS B% GROUND VEHICLE TECHNOLOGEES 25% MECHANICAL DIAGNOSIS we ‘METALLURGY 25% ‘MICROELECTRONICS 15% ROBOTICS 10% ‘STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 25% ‘EIELD OPERATIVE CARTOGRAPHY 23% ARCTIC SURVIVAL W% DESERT SURVIVAL We FORESTUNGLE SURVIVAL 20% IMPROVISED/PRIMITIVE WEAPONS 20% MARTIAL ARTS 5% ‘SURVEILANCE 20% HAND WEAPONS, 20% BEAM WEAPONS 20% HOSTILE ENVIRONMENTS 18% ‘TRACKING/TRAPPING 15% SECURITY (Minimum Atribute Scores: Su-65) INTERROGATION B% MARTIAL ARTS 0% HAND WEAPONS 0% PROJECTILE WEAPONS (RIFLES & SHOTGUNS) 20% BEAM WEAPONS 20% HEAVY WEAPONS (BEAM)* 15% WEAPONS TECHNOLOGY (PROJECTILE) 15% WEAPONS TECHNOLOGY (BEAM) 18% NUCLEAR WEAPONS TECHNOLOGY* — 20% PROTECTILE WEAPONS (HEAVY), 20% ——— TnL Gn —— ‘SECURITY SYSTEMS. 15% SURVEILANCE 23% ELECTRONIC COUNTER MEASURES 15% CRYPTOLOGY 23% ‘VEHICLE MOUNTED WEAPONS 10% * can't cross train PILOT Mii a -Dex-50 Agl ADVANCED NAVIGATION 28% PILOT HOVER CRAFT 20% PILOT AIRCRAFT/SUBMERSIBLE. 20% AIR TO AIR COMBAT 15% COMBAT DRIVING 15% ‘VEHICLE MOUNTED WEAPONS 20% METEOROLOGY 10% GROUND VEHICLE TECHNOLOGY 10% AIRCRAFT TECHNOLOGY 10% ADVANCED ZERO-G TRAINING 15% EIELD DOCTOR (Minimum Auribute scores-JQ-75 Wis 65) PHARMACOLOGY 25% PATHOLOGY 25% MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS 20% INTERNAL MEDICINE 20% ‘SURGERY 25% ‘TRAUMA TREATMENT 25% PSYCHOLOGY 15% ORTHOPEDICS 18% CYBERNETIC TECHNOLOGIES 10% ADVANCED FIRST AID 20% ‘CROSS-TRAINING SKILLS: ‘Take 1010 in cross training. You can cross-train from as many different Career Classes ts you ae allows by Atribute andthe chit low. You begin tes sist your Base “list specific type, may be taken more than once, — wi rarer re Cross-Training is not ‘possible additional Elective skills may be taken. Only the following Career classes cancross- ain: SCOUT w SECURITY (and vice versa) All ENGINEER SPECIALTIES to each other All FIELD SCIENTIST SPECIALITES to each other FIELD DOCTOR to SCOUT (but not vice versa) SCOUT wo FIELD SCIENTIST (and vice versa) Any Career Class can cross-train to PILOT All FIELD SCIENTIST SPECIALTIES to FIELD DOCTOR (And vice versa) ELECTIVE SKILLS: ‘Take 1D10 in Elective skills. These are skills thatrepresent hobbies and special training not available from cross training. Begin at Base Skill Level only. ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE READ & WRITE ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE-SPEAK ADMINISTRATION AGRICULTURE ANIMAL TRAINING ART* ‘CAROUSING CIVILLAW CORPORATE STRUCTURE ‘CRIMINAL LAW CUISINE DUAL WEAPONS* ENTERTAINER* EXO-SKELETON OPERATIONS: HAND WEAPONS (ANCIENT) HAND WEAPONS (TWO HANDED) HEAVY WEAPONS (ANCIENT) PICK POCKET PROJECTILE WEAPONS (SPECIAL) SMUGGLING ‘SPORTS* SUBDUING ‘SWIMMING ‘THROWN WEAPONS (HAND) ‘SKILL DEFINITIONS: it Speak: ‘The study of the spoken form of a foreign or alien tongue. ional L Read & Writes ‘The study of the written form of a foreign or alien tongue. ‘The ability to successfully deal with the Corporate or Governmental bureaucracies. anced Fit Aid: May be added directly to the skill First Aid, See Basic Training. Mathematics: Advanced Mathematics: ‘The ability to do complex mathematical computations. May be added directly to Basic Math for most computations. Advanced Navigation: May be added directly to Navigation skill See Basic Training. Training: ‘May be added directly to Zero-G Training skill. See Basic Training. Asriculture: ‘The ability to judge the quality and type of food grown from the land. Also the skillto cultivate those food. iccrafT , ‘The understanding and repair of the operating mechanical devices and power plants of aireraft ew ARG ‘Added to Pilot Aircraft skill for success of maneuvers in combat, at high speeds or when unsafe, ical Chemis ‘Whereas Chemistry isthe knowledge of how to put things together, Analyticel Chemisty is the knowledge of how to take them apart. Used to detemmine a character's ability to Understand the chemical composition of a compound and how to re-create that compound. ‘May be added to Chemistry for most simple analyses. imal Teaning: ‘The ability to tain animals, including alien ones. The usual training involves affection ‘vaining and reward training. Both techniques involve a long period in which to win an animal's confidence. Roll vs this skill nce each week to determine ifthe animal's confidence is won, then rll once each week to determine whether ornot a particular behavior has been, ‘aught the animal. The player must specify the behavior in advance and cannot tesch more than three at once. Anthropology: ‘The study of living, though often primitive cultures. Use to determine the success of a at dealing with aboriginal culuures, recognizing important cultural trait, etc. Aquatics: ‘The use and routine maintenance of underwater equipment. Use to determine a character's success with diving equipment orto determine the chance of emergency repairs while under water Inchudes the skill, Swimming. Archeology: ‘The study of the relics of pest civilizations. Use to determine a character's ability to ‘understand artifacts, 10 locate additional artifacts, to identify cultures, etc... —————— 3] = ‘The ability to survive, find shelter and food in an arctic environment. Use to determine character's success at existing under primitive conditions in the cold. An ‘Another generic category which can pertain to any activity whichthe GM considers art. Must bbe a visual art and not a performing art. This skill may be taken more than once to get additional artistic skills. ‘Aswonomy: ‘The study of the stars. May be averaged with Navigation wo navigate by the stars. Bak sess 2+2=4,4+4=8. Ah, you getthe idea. Use wo determine a character's ability to perform simple ‘mathematical problems with accuracy. ‘Beam Weapons: ‘The ability o effectively use and maintain beam weapons such as lasers and stoppers. May Also be used to determine the knowledge of weapon quality. Ri . ‘The study of plant and animal life as it lives underwater. Use to determine a character's success at identifying and classifying marine life. Bouny: ‘The knowledge and study of plants. Use to determine a character's ability to identify and classify plant-lfe, their function, toxicity, ete... ye fist a oa ae 4 ( is: LF ‘A loosely defined skill involving such things as gambling, success with the opposite sex, etc... Tis skill may be averaged with Presence to determnine success where other characters ‘are concemed, ‘Cartography: ‘The acience of making maps. Use to determine the accuracy and detail of acharacter’s maps. Chemistry: ‘The sturdy of how elements interact to form compounds and the effects of those. ‘on other compounds and their environment. Use to determine « character's ability 10 formulate substances and predict their effects. ‘Cuil Law: ‘The knowledge ofthe law as it pertains to non-criminal matters as well as court procedures. Combat Driving: ‘Added 10 Pilot Ground Vehicle skill for success of maneuvers in combat, high speed maneuvers or unsafe mancuvers. Communicator Operat ‘The ability to use simple communications equipment to accomplish routine tasks. Use to determine the success of a character using a picce of equipment for the first time, adjusting frequencies, ec. The simple act of flipping a switch does not require aol. ——————=e Communicator Technology: ‘The ability to understand and repsir the intricate workings of communications equipment. ‘May be averaged with Electronic Diagnosis to determine the nature of a problem or with Mioro-Electronics for repairs. Computer Programing: ‘The ability to write and alter programs for computers. Use to determine the success of « ‘character trying to make & computer do something it was not intended originally to do. ‘Computer Programming: ‘The ability to write and alter programs for computers. Use to determine the success of a ‘character trying to make a computer do something it was not originally intended to do. ‘Computer Technology: ‘The ability to understand and repair the intricate workings of computer equipment. May be averaged with Electronic Diagnosis to determine the nature of a problem or with Micro- Electronics for repairs, Comporate Structure: ‘The ability to know who is who within a given corporation. Including how to go over ‘someone's head. ‘Cciminal Law: ‘The knowledge of the law as it pertains to criminal matters, as well as the knowledge of individual rights of the accused and of court procedures. Crypiology: ‘The study of codes and cyphers. Useto determine the success of acharacter atunderstanding ‘complex codes. May be averaged with Computer Programing for deciphering complex computer codes or with Linguistics for understanding writen artifacts in an unknown JIanguage. Attempts may be made once per six hours. Cuisine: ‘The ability to prepare « proper meal with flair. ‘Theunderstanding and repair of cyber-replacements, Useto determine a character’ssuccess atdealing with malfunctions of cybernetic pers. ‘Theuse of explosive devices. Use to determine a character's success athandling explosives, ‘ising the correct amount to ensure effect and safety, etc. ‘The ability to survive, find shelter and food in an arid environment. Use to determine « kf sexi ‘ Sse inthe ‘Dual Weapons: ‘The ability to use two weapons, one in each hand. Must be taken with a specific category ‘of weapon, and may be taken more than once. This skill cannot be used with weapons that ‘require two hands to wield. Ecology: ‘The study ofthe interrelations of all the factors within a given eco-system. Use to determine ‘a character's understanding of how plants, animals and even weather have jointly caused certain effects over a planet's lifetime. ‘Electronic Counter Measures: ‘The ability to operate and/or by-pass sophisticated electronic surveillance systems. laconic Diagnosis: ‘Understanding the nature of problems within electrical equipment. Use to determine ‘character's success at correctly diagnosing a problem. E E-Suit Rep ‘Accharacter’s base chance to repair any malfunction with an E-Suit while he is wearing it ESuitOpensione: ‘The ability to maneuver and use any of several types of Environment Suits, knowledge of their workings and vulnerabilities. Use to determine the success. of a character in suiting ‘up, recognizing the quality of the equipment locating leaks or tears, ec... Entertainer: ‘Another generic category which can pertain to any activity which the GM considers performing art. This skill may be taken more than once to get additional peeformance skills Exo-skeleton Operations: Use of the various types of exo-skeletal equipment, including the Cargo Loader and the Armored Environment Suit, Fabrication: ‘The ability to make mechanical parts from their basic materials. See Mechanical Diagnosis, for additional information. 35 ‘The nowledgeto rea! simple injures inthe eld. Use to determine the nocese for temp to stop bleeding, diagnose minor illnesses, correctly teat a fracture , etc. Forest/Jungle Survival: ‘The ability to survive, find shelter and food in a forested environment. Use to determine a character's success at existing under primitive conditions in the woods. ‘Bluid Systems: ‘The technology of fluid under pressure. Use to determine th success atthe dingnosis or repair ‘of such things as hydraulics, cooling systems, plumbing, etc. Fusion: ‘The ability to understand and repair the intricate workings of Fusion generators and equipment with muclear power cells. May be averaged with Electronic Diagnosis to ‘determine the nanure of a problem or with Micro-Electronics. and for repairs, ‘Geography: ‘The study of « planets physical features. Use to determine the character's chance of ‘understanding « planet's topology. Geology: ‘The study ofrocks and minerals their composition and robable location. kmay be averaged ‘with Geography and Geomorphology to determine the chance of finding valuable mineral seposits. ‘Geomorphology: “The study ofthe development of «planet's opology. Why its features exist the way they do. Gromd Vehicle Ts ‘The understanding and repair of the operating mechmical devices and power plants of ground vehicles, including Hovercraft. ‘Hand Weapons (Ancient): ‘The ability to effectively use and maintain ancient type Hand weapons such as knives and swords. May also be used to determine the knowledgeof weapon quality. ‘Hand Weapons (Thrown): ‘The successful use and routine maintenance of any of ihe weapons in this category. Hand Weapons (Two Handed): ‘The successful use and routine maintenance of any of the weapons in this category. ‘Handto Hand Combat: ‘A type of shorthand martial arts similar to what most military branches teach as “Close Combat”, Use with modifiers and bonuses to determine a character's success at striking an ‘opponent while using nothing bat his Natural Weapons of fits. ——— ‘The successful use and routine maintenance of any of the weapons in this category. ‘Beavy Weapons Beam): ‘The ability 1 effectively use and maintain beam weapons of this type. May also be used to determine the knowledge of weapon quality. This skills restricted to security officers only! ‘I cannot be cross tained!! Histor: ‘The study of past events, the causes and effects. Use to determine a character's ability to recognize historical places, dates, etc.. May be averaged with Archeology to determine the culture of origin of antfacts and ther significance, ile Envi ‘The ability to think on your feet and survive under extreme conditions, such as blizzards, sand storms, etc. May be averaged with any Survival skill at the GM's discretion, ‘The ability 10 extract information from a reluctant source. May be averaged with Presence for the purpose of intimidation. Intsrrogation may be attempted only once per hour, Instruction: ‘The knowledge of teaching. This skill may be used to teach any other skill that character has atmore than 70%, One attempt may be made each six months and asuccessfulnstruction roll must be made by the teacher, as well as a successful Intelligence roll by the student. It takes one week to absorb 1% of a skill and up to 50% of the instructor's skill (not including Base Skill Level) may be absorbed by the pupil Improvised/Primitive Weapons: ‘The ability to manufacture crude or primitive weapons from the raw materials available, ‘GM's option, use some common sense, if they can explain it in detail they cam buildit, with ‘or without tis skill. k icine: ‘The diagnosis and treatment of non-surgical diseases. Use to determine the success of treatment for such diseases. Laser Technology: ‘The ability to understand and repair the intricate workings of lasers. May be averaged with Electronic Diagnosis to determine the nature of a problem or with Mioro-Electronics for repairs.Can be used with Laser weapons. ‘The study of language. Use to determine a character's success at deciphering an unknown language, written or spoken. May be averaged with Cryptology for deciphering writen remnants. Additional attempts may be made once per six hours, ———— ‘Mastial Ans: “May be added directly to Hand to Hand skill for strikes, see COMBAT for more detailed information. See WEAPONS for damages. ‘Medical Technology Operations: ‘The knowledge of the use and routine maintenance of advanced medical technology, such «as x-ray machines, diagnostic analyzers, etc. Mechanical Diagnosis: ‘The understanding ofthe nature of problems with mechanical devices. Use to determine the success of a character at understanding the nature of a problem and repairing it. Can be averaged with Fabrication, to make needed parts or with Metallurgy for to weld or otherwise attach metal parts properly. Metallurgy: ‘The understanding ofthe strengths and uses of metals. The working of metals withequipment and welding gear. May be used to determine the quality of metals, the ability of a character to weld or combine metals, etc. Meicorology: ‘The study of weather. Use to determine the success of a character's ability to predict and ‘determine a planet's weather patterns, Mine Ensinesing: ‘The ability to extract minerals from the ground, knowledge of minerals and types and the ‘construction of mines. May be averaged with Geology to locate precious minerals. May also ‘be used to determine the structural safety of caves and mines. Micto-Electronics: ‘The understanding and ability torepair complex micro-electronic circuits. Use to determine the success of a character trying to repeir anything electronic. Mountain Climbing: ‘The use of techniques and equipment used in climbing mountains or other precipices. ‘Navigation: ‘The imowledge to guide a person andlor vehicle from a given point to another given point ‘and back again without getting lost. Useto determine acharacter’s chance of locating aplace spotted from the air while walking, reading a map correctly, finding his way back to the base after an extended(24 hours or more) absence, etc, Nuclear Weapons Tectnology: ‘The ability o effectively use and maintain projectile weapons of this type. It includes the knowledge of the workings and functions of all weapons ofthis type, as well asthe ability 10 repair such weapons. May also be used to determine the knowledge of weapon ‘qualty-This skill is restricted to security officers only! It cannot be cross trained! Orthopedics: ‘The study of the treatinent and diagnosis of diseases and injuries of the bone. Use to ‘determine the success at dealing with diseases and injuries to bones and surrounding tissues, Pathology: ‘The smidy of the nature of diseases. Use to determine the character's success at discovering, thecause of an unknown disease. May be averaged with Internal Medicine or for developing a teatment. —Saees ‘The manufscture and use of medicines. Use to determine the characier’s suocess at ‘concocting a special medicine fram available chemical substances. Philosophy: ‘The search for the understanding ofthe principles and values of reality by speculative means. May be used in determining aspects of the surrounding reality, the nature of aboriginal Philosophies, etc. Photography: ‘The artandscience of the use of cameras and other photographic equipment, and theirroutine ‘mintenance. Use to determine the success of a character's attempts to capture anything on film. Physics: ‘The study of the physical laws of nature, Pick Pocket: ‘The ability to remove an item from the person of one individual by another, usually unobserved, Pilot AierafuSubmerst ‘The ability to pilot and maneuver in three dimensions, Since these skills are basic and the various vehicles similar use the same percentage for both. Use to determine the character's ability to pilot craft ofthis type. Pilot Ground Vehicle: ‘The ability wo maneuver and control any wheeled or tracked ground vehicle under unusual ‘conditions. Use to determine the success of a character in piloting a vehicle under unusual Pilot Hovereraft: . ‘The ability to mmeuver and control any Hovercraft vehicle under tnusual conditions. Use to determine the success of a character in covering broken or uneven ground ot while making ‘maneuvers a high speeds. Projectile Wespons (Hand): ‘The use and routine mainienance of any projectile firing weapon held and fired in one hand (See WEAPONS). Use with modifiers and bonuses to determine a successful strike with any ‘weapon of this type. Projectile Weapons (Heavy): ‘The ability to effectively use and maintain projectile weapons ofthis ype. May also be used to determine the knowledge of wespon quality. Project Rifles &S ‘The ability to effectively use and maintain projectile weapons of this type. May also be used to determine the knowledge of weapon quality. Projectile W Special: ‘The successful use and routine maintenance of any of the weapons in this category. Psychology: ‘The study of the workings of the mind. Use to determine acharacter’s success at diagnosing ‘mental ilines, determining the motives of another character, et... Read & Write Native: ‘The ability to read and write in one’s native language. For the most part this percentage is | ‘2 measure of the vocabulary of a character. Most of us can read, some are Jess able to recognize unfamiliar words and their meaning, many cannot understand even simple technical terms. Use to determine a character's ability to understand written material of @ ‘complex nature.Most languages in this time are more a matter of ethnic background than country of origin since countries are an outmoded concept. Only Terran Basic, which is ‘widely aocepted as the universal Corp language, is taught to Betas. Sample languages are as follows: French Arabic Ancient (written only) English Japanese Cetan Chinese Russian Terran Basic Robotics: ‘The use and repair of robotic structures. Use to determine the success of a character at repairing any type of robotic form, including exo-skeletal structures. SE ———— ‘Theknowledge of the use and routine maintenance of eny picce of equipment with the words, scanner or sensor in tsname. Use o determine the success of a character in locating alnown ‘or unknown item or entity using such equipment. ‘Scanner Systems Techaology: ‘The ability to understand and repair the intricate workings of scanner and sensor equipment. May be averaged with Electronic Diagnosis to determine the nature of a problem or with Micro-Electronics for repairs. ‘Smuggling: ‘The practise of concealing or locating concesled, sometimes illegal, items. Speak Native: Use in much the same way as Read & Write Native, but for verbal communications. Sports: ‘A generic category which can contain any sport that a GM approves. Please remember that such things as weapons skills and martial arts canbe sports. This skill may be taken more than ‘once to get additional sports skills. ‘Sosiology: ‘The study of the social order. Use to determine a character's success at determining the social hierarchy in a given order, the societal consequences of actions taken by people within society , ee. ‘Solar Technology: ‘The ability to understand and repair the intricate workings of solar power generating ‘equipment. May be averaged with Electronic Diagnosisto determine the nature of aproblem. (0 with Micro-Electronics for repairs. ‘The understanding and construction of large structures such a buildings of bridges. Use to determine the success of a character trying to construct one of these structures. NYS ‘The ability to render an opponent unconscious without doing permanent damage. ‘Surgery: The treatment of diseases and injuries requiring operative procedures. Use to determine a character's success at complex operative procedures. May be averaged with internal medicine for diagnostic abilities. Surveillance: ‘The artof watching and not being watched. Use to determine acharacter's ability to observe ‘unnoticed, also used to determine whether a character knows he is being watched. ‘Swimming: ‘The ability to maneuver successfully in deep, or rapid water. May be added where an animal type has the skill naturally. Aquatics includes this skill. ‘Tracking/Trapping: ‘The ability to follow the signs left by an entity after it has physically left a given spot. The sar of following. May be averaged with Surveillance skill to track unnoticed, Trapping includes the skill of tracking and the use of trape to restrain life forms. ‘TransMatt Operations: The ability to use a fully functional TransMatt Receiving/Sending sation. Use to determine the character's success after resetting planetary alignments, recalibrating instruments, etc. ‘TransMatt Technology: "The ability to understand and repair TransMatt equipment. May be averaged with Electronic Diagnosis to determine the nature of a problem or with Micro-Electronics for repairs. Since the most complex TransMatt parts are sealed modules often this skill involves the replacement of « damaged part, most parts cannot be mamufactured. ‘Trauma Treatment: ‘A bonus skill, may be added directly to ether intemal medicine or surgery where medical facilities are available, or First Aid and Advanced First Aid where they are not. Used to etermine the success at treating severe injures in the field. ‘Weapons Tecnology (Beam): ‘The knowledge of the workings and functions of all beam weapons as well as the ability to repair such weapons. ‘The knowledge of the workings and functions of all projectile weapons as well asthe ability to repair such weapons. Vehicle Mounted Wespons: ‘The ability tw effectively use and maintain weapons of this type. May also be used to determine the knowledge of weapon quality. Ze-STaining: ‘The ability to maneuver gracefully without gravity. Use to determine a character's base chance to get anywhere while in Zero-G, ‘The knowledge and study of animal life. Use 0 determine acharactet’s ability toidentify and (ODIFIERS: Is up to the GM wo decide how difficult to make a given activity. GM's may modify skills ‘or actions in any way whatsoever, so long as itis consistent with the rules and remains ‘consistent every time that action is performed under those circumstances, Below aresome of the kinds of things that a GM can use to modify a skill, or Agility/Dexterity roll. ‘Remember that these are examples and may be used or not at the GM’s discretion, EXAMPLES OF SKILL MODIFIERS: Lack of tools 25% Lack of materials 20% During combat 35% Hostile environment “15% Lack of instructions. 20% Unfamiiar design “15% Alien design 25% Never attempted before 25% ‘Rumning & firing a weapon 25% EXAMPLES OF AGL/DEX MODIFIERS: Complex action during combat 35% Never attempted before “ (Character under a burden + (bs of burden minus St) In unfamiliar gravity 10% Less than 1/2 Con remaining 50% Loose terrain (sand/gravel ) “15% Close terrain (tees/boulders) 25% Less than 1/4 Con remaining. 75% ALL MODIFIERS ARE CUMULATIVE! ———— LEVELS AND ADVANCEMENT BONUSES EXPERIENCE: As the characters progress they will gain experlence. All experience point awards are upto theGM, but such things as quick thinking, saving life, or fighting off amenace are all cts that awards can be made for, Additionally a player receives 1 experience point for every ‘1O0C he makes atthe end of a mission and 1000 experience points for completing amission, alive, Additional points are added immediately upon reaching anew level oaplayer’s Body and Resistance, us well as his Mental Strength and a special award of skill points that may be divided as the player wishes to his skills. ‘LVL_EX.POINTS REQUIRED ADD. BODIRES MS ADD. SKILL POINTS 1 100-1000 Dio DIO 2 1001-2000 Dio DIO 3 2001-4000 Dio DIO 4 4001-8001 Dio DIO 58001-15000 Dio DIO 6 15001-30000 Dio D10+3 7 30001-60000 Diow D10+2 8 60001-10000 Dio Dio 9 10001-16000 Dio D101 10 16001-23500 DiO+s DIOH1 11 100000 Exp Points perlevel D10+6/tv1 DIO WL Player also receives 1D6 in new Elective skills every three levels and 1D6 of new Cross- Training skills every five levels. CY RANKS: ‘Ateach increase in level the player has «50% chance of increasing their rank. Ranks within the Corporations are structured much as military ranks and advancements not always based on merit. Superior officers within a Justifiers team can recommend more (or less) rapid advancement. Subversive activities, or the destruction of corporate property (whether inthe line of duty or not) can all play a factor at the GM's discretion. Scouts and Security Career Classes begin at Enlisted ranks and are promoted directly from Enlsted to Officer ranks without being Warrant Officers. Enlisted ranks are as follows: Private . Private First Class Lance Corporal Corporal Sergeant Staft Sergeant Master Sergeant Chief Master Sergeant ‘Sergeant Major Pilot and Engineer Career Classes begin at Warrant Officer rank md sdvance through Officer rank. Warrant Officer ranks are 2s follows: Warrant Officer Third Class Warrant Officer Second Class ‘Warrant Officer First Class Chief Warrant Officer Field Doctor and Field Scientist Career Classes begin as Officer ranks and advance as follows: ‘Second Lieutenant First Lieutenant Captain Major Lieutenant Colonel Colonel Brigadier ‘*No field officer may ever rise above the rank of Brigadier. ————Ee tT Vite i 7 OBLIGATIONS & BANK: ‘Asa Beta-Humanoid you are owned by the corporation which spawned you until such time 48 you have fulfilled your obligation to them and succeeded in buying yourself back. Your amount of ‘Buy-Back’ is figured by multiplying 1,000,000C times 1D10. In addition acharaciermay have a‘BanW’. This isan amountof money saved toward the Buy- Bec. In beginning the geme the player may use his ‘Bank’ to purchase personal equipment. ‘The player begins the game with 1D6 times 1000 inhis bank. From this bank the player ‘may buy peronal equipment and weapons, PAY PER MISSION: Pay per mission is figured by multiplying 1D10 by 100000C and dividing it among the erew as follows: 35% for the Commanding Officer. 35% divided among all other Officers, excluding Warrant Officers, 30% divided among the Enlisted Personnel and Warrant Officers. In addition the GM may use the following optional modifiers: = cost of property + cost of resources payx 15 pay x2 “The Corporation or a superior officer may also fine, imprison, or execute within the group for such things as disobedience or dereliction of duty. The severity of punishment is left up to the Commander, but should be consistent with the severity of the infraction. Each combat is broken down into missile fire and melee rounds. Each round is the time it takes to perform an action. Draw and fire a pistol, sight arifle, push acouple of butions etc. Esch round is further divided into tums. ‘Turns are determined by initiative, which is determined by rolling a D10 and adding it to the player's Speed statistic. “The highest initiative takes the first tum in that sequence. MISSLE FIRE: Missile fire is always resolved firstin the combat sequence, There are three types. There are almed shots, which take one full combat sequence to aim. The attacker gets a +25% bors ‘o his strike roll and the player may complete his aim even if the target continues to move, s0 long as itdoesn’t move out of range. However the attacker may not move ata, including. 'o dodge incoming fire. A form of the almed shot is declared fire. Here the attacker aims tacertain spot, forexample a window, and fires at the first target to present itselfin his field of aim. All the same bonuses and restrictions apply. ‘The second type of missile fire is area of effect fire. This typeof fire can only be done with ‘tutomatic weapons or heavy weapons. The player is essentially blanketing an area with ‘damage. Ifthe targetor targets don't move outof the area they will take some portion of the ‘otsl damage. No dodge is allowed unless the target has Roll 10 ————<—< 9 10 an area. Iris possible forthe total damage to multiple targets to add upto more than the total amountof the damage toa given area. This reflecs the additional damage done by flying debris, knockback, etc... Ieis equally possible forthe total of the damage ofthe individuals to amountto less than the total of the damage to an area, this reflects the possibility of cover, or the presence of something that shaped or deflected a portion of the damage. The additional damage is considered as having been done to the surrounding trees, rocks, ee. ‘The third type of fire is target flre. This is the most basic and can be done whileonthemove, Simply declare a target snd fire. Since psionics areconsidered missle fire, thepsionic tacks areresolved inexacily the same way and according tothe same initiatives. Missile Fire Resolution: ‘Attacker adds his Base to Strike and Skill percent plus any optional modifiers that the GM decides are appropriate. Since firing a weapon is considered a Dex movement, AglDex modifiers do apply. ‘Under most conditions the target, if it is capable of movement, then ges to attempt an. automatic dodge. Ifthe target is successful ittakes no damage. Again Agl/Dex modifiers do apply. tthe target fails its dodge or is incapable of movementittakes damage according othe type MELEE RESOLUTION: ‘The Meleeroundis for weapons without range, such as swords, knives, or fists. Attack with natural weapons such as bite or claw are also resolved in this round. The chance of a successful strike is the player's skill percent plus Base oStrike and any additional modifiers atthe GM's discretion. Where the attacker lacks basic Hand to Hand skill only his Base to Strike is used to figure his chance to hit with fists or natural weapons. Damage isthe Damage Bonus only. AglDex modifiers do apply. The damage from natural weapons such as claws can be added directly to the total damage from a Hand to Mand attack, Martial Aris can also be added, ‘Martial Arts skill can be added directly 10 the Hand to Hand strikes and the following weapons: (See WEAPONS for damage). Bastard sword ‘Steel Balls ‘Nunchuku Chain Kuife Shuriken Quarter Staff STUN: With certain weapons (unbladed weapons or by using the fat ofa blade) an attacker can stun, rather than kil his victim. This is called Subduing. For hand to hand use the skill Subduing to resolve attacks, If the attacker lacks the skill Subduing he is, at a -254% chance to successfully subciue, Roll against the attacker's Base to Strike. Take weapon damage plus Damage Bonus (if any). Damageis figured against Resilienc. When Resilience reaches 2er0, the victim is rendered unconscious. The victim only takes real damage if the amount of damage exceeds his Resilience, That damage is taken directly to his Constitution. If his Constitution reaches zero he is dead. The victim is rendered unconscious for 1 minute for every point of Constitution damage he takes. FALLING: A fallis aspecial type of damage. You may fell your Body in feet without taking any damage ‘whatsoever, For falls longer than that take 1D6 of damnage for every ten feet you fall. Armor will absorb its normal amount of damage and a successful Agility oll reduces the total damage by 25%. RADIATION: ‘Youcen take up to your Body in Rads without any ill effects, However, radiation exposures —— aes 51 ee [csynipnerwilesurescvers rcnpemnenamege anmeen Deoyiecieener aae tester proinged vomiting eis resling al pea Arie en Statistics being reduced by 5% emporriy. In adiion he character wl beg to slr 206 cumulative damage perround. Thatmeans inthe fstround youtake 1D6, inthe second more and so on. There is also a 5% cumulative chance of permanent Constitution loss er round of continued exposure. Have the payer roll athe end ofeach round to detemnine this The character's Constantin wllremain tte Jvelitwas when exposure stopped, pis 10, itis not possible fora character to gain back more Constitution thanhehas lost. Reduce all the character's Statistics and Attributes accordingly. . EE CRITICALS: ‘When a Strike roll is made and the percentage is equal io orless than 50% of the scoreneeded to strike tis is a Critleal Hit. Criticals do one and one half the normal damage. This is reflect the s0 called “Lucky Shot," or the additional damage that a single blow can do when ithits an exceptional vital spot. For example if Ineed aroll of 60 on D100 to score ahit with ‘a knife and Troll 30 or less I have done a critical hit. [roll for damage and roll 10 on 2D6. multiply this by one and one half and I have done 15 points of damage. In the case of, fractions, always round up. ‘When an unmodified Strike rol of 01 is made, this is a Super Critleal and scores twice the normal damage. {In additon to the damages listed by weapon, the target will aso take an additional 25% per round of damage when a critical or super critical is scored. This is to reflect damage to inuernal organs or bleeding from wounds. This damage will continve until either the target is dead or medical treatment is given, The simple act of binding a wound will stop furthur damage. A rollof 100 always misses under any circumstances. This is considered a funble, or ripen the part of the attacker. tis a reflection of all the litte things that can go wrong. AUTOMATIC ACTIONS & MULTIPLE ATTACKS: Dodges are considered automatic and do not count as the player’s turn for that round. A ‘player, whether he makes a successful dodge roll or not (unless killed outright by the tack) ‘may still make an attack in that round, In the case of multiple attacks, initiative for each attack is divided from the player's original ‘oll, For instance if my initiative is 20 and Thave four attacks in this round I will goon 20 then 15, then 10 and then 1.(See COMBAT) SURPRISE: ‘Applayermust announce tothe party thathe is prepared for an ambush, or make aroll against his Wisdom auribute in order to avoid being surprised by am ambush. If a player makes a successful roll under his Surveillance skill it does not necessarily mean that he expects an ambush. Surprised characters loose their initiative for that round and getno chance to dodge. KNOCKBACK (Optional): ‘The force of a weapon impacting on the body of an individual is often enough to carry thet person off his feet, even knock him back several inches. This is called Knockback. Unless a successful Strength roll is made a character is knocked back a number of inches equal to half the damage he has taken in that attack, A successful Agility roll must be made for 2 —— es 5; iaracier to Temain on. me ‘down are at -! iy © dodge for the next round and loose their next turn, ARMOR ‘There are two types of armor; Natural Armor, which is essentially the skin, and Artificial Armors, either worn or stood behind like a shield or barricade, Armor will deflect a portion of the total damage inflicted sgainst aperson. Artificial Armor hhas three stats: Armor Value (that is, the amount of damage it will stop in a round), Body (the tol amount of damage it will take before being rendered useless) and Ag! Modifier, since itis not a natural portion of the body and many armors are clumsy and binding, they ‘will affect the wearer's ability to move freely. Natural Armor has only Armor Value, ‘You also use the chart below to calculate the amount of force required to break down adoor, Puncture a wall, etc...Armor types and their statistics are as follows: ————————————— —F—=———— fei Spo Stone/inch (artificial) 6/60 Easth/inch (artificial) 40 (Concretefinch (artificial) 8/80 Cloth (artificial) 1s Plastic Chain (artificial) Plastic Plate (artificial) 7130 Lt Metal (atficial) 160 ‘Metal Chain (artificial) 9160 Metal Plate (antficial) 10/80 Carbide (anificial)* 147200 however they are also +20 to be hit. *Carbide is available to Security Career Class only. and barricades.. All values are +3 vs. beam weapons if coated with reflective material, Cost for armor s 50C per point of Body for worn armor end 10C per point of Body for shields 5 (shield) -30 (womy/-15 (shield) ‘cannot be wor or used as a shield -15 (Ghield) -5 (wom) -10 (worn) -10 (wor) (worn) -10(worn) -15 (worn) 5 (wom) -10 (wom) -15 (worn) -25 (worn) -30 (womn)-10(shield) -20(womn) /-5 (shield) the corporations have more or less the same technologies their equipment is virtually ‘identical. Please keep in mind that this is an advanced technolo gical society. Most weapons, though many have archaic counterparts, are of extremely high workmanship. All weapons ‘ze of an ultra high quality stainless steel or carbon fibre resin(Carbide) construction. For primitive societies the GM should take this inio account and assign suitable modifiers. ‘Weapons are listed with damage, number of attacks per tum, range and cost. For bladed ‘weapons it is possible to get carbide blades as opposed to steel at a cost modifier of x2. However these blades never loose sharpness and can be teleported by a psionic using the Teleport talent. HAND WEAPONS (ANCIENT): Bask: @& attack perround —_1/2.D6 x Ibs of rock (+Damage Bonus) Orange Ocost omer Knife ‘attack per round ‘2D6+1(+Damage Bonus) Iftrange 10C cost E ‘Short Sword: 1 attack per round 3D6+1(+Damage Bonus) ‘ft range 100C cost: 1 atuck per round 4D6(+Damage Bonus) ‘3ft range (250C cost, oO AD64+2(+Damage Bonus) 300C cost 1 attack per round 16 per round(+ Damage Bonus) Orange SC cost ‘SPECIAL: Enangle; victim must make a successful dodge roll or con- tinue to take damage every round. Ag] is at minus 50% to escape. Whip: 1] attack per round 1D6 208 range 20C cost SPECIAL: Entangle 50% ofthe time. May be’ lor swinging if « successful entangle is made. Victim is at Ag! minus 50% to escepe. Can also entangle weapon. Target must make a successful ‘Strength roll o keep hold of weapon. Trident: 1 attack per round 4D6+2(+Damage Bonus) ‘Aftrange 150€ cost Spear cl 1 attack per round 2D6+6(+Damage Bomus) Aftrange 100C cost Hand Axe: 1 attack per 2D6(+Damage Bonus) Orange 250C cost ‘Chain: 1 attack per round ‘3D6(+Damage Bonus) Afcrange 200€ cost ‘SPECTAL:entangle 50% of the time. May be used as a rope for e climbing or swinging if « successful entangle is made. Victim is at Agl ‘minus 50% to escape. Can also entangle weapon, a successful Strength roll must be made to retain weapon. Mace: 1 attack per round 2ftrange range SPECIAL: Entangle; 25% of the time, Victim is at Agl-25% to escape. ————e 57 ‘2D6(+Damage Bonus) 1 stack per round 2D6(+Damage Bomus) 2ferange 100C cost — 15Ceost ‘SPECIAL entangle: 25% ofthe time, only weapon. A SPECIAL entangle 50% of the time, Victim is at Ag! minus successful Srength roll must be made to retain wespem.. 50% toescape. HAND WEAPONS (THROWN): ‘Sueel Balls: @ | | A amack per @@ 16 +Damage Bors) ‘Base range for all thrown weapons is the attacker's Strength in feet. Where applicable | xl range 10Ccost SPECIAL: Cast rmultply this by the factor given under range. three atone time, not once three times. Coa is foreach. Tatiack per round 1/26 x Ibs of rock (+Damage Borns) (| tact per ound 1D6 xl range Ocost || strange ‘50Coost SPECTAL:Entangle 90% of the time, Victim is at Ag! minus Kaife: | 509% to escape. 1 attack per round -206+2(+Damage Bonus) xirmge 10C cost (| asso: SPECIAL: While any knife can be thrown, a balanced throwing knife has a || amack per round 1np6+t sreater range. If uch knives are used mukiply range x2 and cost x3. 30 range 20Cooat ‘SPECIAL:Entangle 90% of the time. Can also entangle Spe: ‘weapon, a successful Strength rol must be made to retain, 1 attack per round 206+3(+Damage Bonus) | | weapon. Vien sat Ag minis 50% to escape, xdrange 100C cost SPECTAL: Spear throwers can be used to extend range and damage. Almost Sting: All primitive peoples develop spears and spear throwers early on. Multiply || attacks per round 16+4(+Damage Bonus) ‘damage and range by x2 in addition to all other ranges and bonuses. || xteange SC cost SPECIAL: Above is base damage, sicel balls may be used in & Thidem: |_| sting, add their damage. Special slingshot rounds are available 1 attack per round 4D6(+Damage Bons) and can add bonus damage as well Explosive (4D6) and acid x2range 150C cost (2D 6rd of contact for D6 rounds). Tavelin: 1 attack per round 2D6(+Damage Bonus) x4range 200€ cost Boomerang: ! 1 attack per rd 206(+Damage Bonus) xSrange 15C cost ‘SPECIAL: Will return unless intercepted or impacting an obstruction User ‘must make a successful Dexterity roll to catch, 3 casts per round 12D6+1(+Danage Bonus) ee HAND WEAPONS (2 HANDS) All clip fed weapons take one round to reload. Unless otherwise indicated, are the base damage. More powerful ammunition will give higher damages. _Azmor Piercing ignores 50% Armor Value for everything but Carbide. (Glasier-damage x2, ignores 30% Armor Value for everything but Carbide. Explosive-damage x 3. ‘Teflon-ignores 90% Armor value for everything but Carbide. LiPistol: 2 attack per 206 150ft range 100C ‘SPECIAL: Clip fed holds 15 rounds. Med Pistol: ‘Datacks per rd. 2D6+6 ‘250ft range 200C ‘SPECIAL: Clip fed holds 15 rounds. ‘Heavy Pistol: 2 attacks per rd, 364 250ft range 2006 ‘SPECIAL: Clip fed holds 15 rounds. —— ———— ‘ile Pistol (Slug Thrower): 4 attacks per round 4D6+8 1500ft range g00c SPECIAL: Special high tech design fires a heavy Projectile using electromagnetic repulsion. Fires very quickly and with no recoil. can be used with a laser scope for better accuracy. Uses special clip fed ‘ammo, clip also functions as a battery pack. Bach time youreload you also change the battery. Clip fed ‘holds 20 sounds. ‘Sub-machine Gun; 6 atacks per round. 2D6+2 ‘S00ft range 500c ‘SPECIAL: Clip fed holds 50 rounds. PROJECTILE WEAPONS (RIFLES & SHOTGUNS): ‘Unless otherwise indicated the special ammunitions for Projectile Weapons Hand)may also bbe used for rifles and shotguns. See Projectiles Weapons (Hand) for damage modifiers. ‘Shotgun: ‘attacks per round 3D6+4 i 500ft range s00c ‘SPECIAL: Clip fed holds 10 rounds, ‘Auto-Shotgun: 4 attacks per round: 306 300ft range 3200 ‘SPECIAL:Clip fed holds 20 rounds. Li. Rifle: 2 attacks per round & 1200ft range 1000C SPECIAL: Clip fed holds 25 rounds. g Med Rifle: 2 attacks per round 3D6+6 1800ft range 1200 ‘SPECIAL: Clip fed holds 15 rounds. 1500 ‘SPECIAL: Clip fed holds 10 rounds. ‘Assault Rifle: 6 attacks per round 1800ft range SPECIAL: Clip fed holds 25 rounds. ‘Grenades: Te ad High Explosive ‘Armor Piercing (HEAP) Tear Gas 5 Microton Nuclear Grenade ‘Stun SPECIAL: The standard type is clip fed and holds $ rounds Another version can be attached directly to the Assault Rifle or Autoshotgur. That version holds 2 rounds. Effects are the same whether a grenade is launched or thrown. Cost is for each. 20646 2500C ‘Damage Con Laser & laser guided 100C ‘weapons inoperative, All Strikes at 50% for 2D10 rounds. Soft radius. 5 ‘8D6+6 Damage. Ignores 50% of Armor Value 3 1D6 Damage. Al strikes at 50% for 1D10 rounds Unless protected by mask. ‘50ft radius. 10D10x5 Damage for 2500 ft 5000C radius, Restricted to security officers only. Programmable delayed ‘explosion. Imin-1Er. ‘A white sound grenade 350C accompanied by a bright flash. Blinds for 1D10 rounds ‘Stuns for 1D6 rounds. Stun is useless in zero atmosphere. ‘50 ftradius SO 3D6/round(to flammables) Of range 1100¢ SPECIAL: Uses two two gallon tanks, Body 35, Armor Value as Metal Plate, If they are rsptured by any means the resulting explosion does 10D6 damage in «25 yard radius, PROJECTILE WEAPONS (SPECIAL): ‘Autobow: 3 attacks per round 20643 300ft mg 150C SPECIAL: Thisis a cannister fed crossbow. The cannister contains 6 bolts, Is operation is completely silent and automatic. Cannisters take ‘one round to exchange. ‘Compound bow: 2 attacks per round 2D6+8 (6008 range 000¢ ‘Slingshot: 2 attacks per round 1D6 200K range 200 ‘SPECIAL: Above is base damage steel balls may be used in asting add their damage. Special slingshot rounds are available and can add bonus damage as well. Explosive(4D6), and acid(2D6/round of contact). PROJECTILE WEAPONS (HEAVY) Morar 1 per two rounds as per shell 25008 mg. 2500C SPECIAL: Morer shells are identical in type to grenades (See Grenades ) Damage and~” radius is x2.Treat as area of effect fire. Cannon: 1 per two rounds ‘7D10+10 (150ftredivs) 35008 mg 35000C SPECIAL: Requires 1 two man team to operate Must reload after each round fired. Additional rounds identical in type to grenades (See Grenades for additional damages) Treat as area of effect fire. Med Cannon: 1 per two rounds 8D10+6 (250ft radius) 45008 mg. 45000C ‘SPECIAL: Requires a two man team to operate Must reload after each round fired. Additional rounds identical in type to grenades (See Grenades for additional damages)-Treat as area of effect fre. 1 attack per round 20008 mg ‘SPECIAL: Can be vehicle mounted. Additional rounds identical in type to grenades (See Grenades for additional damages). Treat as area of effet fire, ‘5D10+6 (S08 radius) 30000C ‘Machine Gun: 10 attacks per round 3D6+6 1000fmg. 25000 ‘SPECIAL: Can do any type of Missile Fire. Can sweep(tueatas area of effect) target area ‘25ft scross. Chain feed gun with 100 rounds. Takes 1 round to reload. Can use any type Of ammo(Sex Projectile Weapons(Hand) for additional damages). May be vehicle or sircraft mounted. Treat as area of effect fie. ‘Auto-camon: ‘5 atacks per round 6D10 (1008 radius) 1500ft mg 50000 ‘SPECIAL: Chain feed gun with 100 rounds. Takes two rounds to reload and can be vehicle or sireraft_ mounted. Additional rounds identical in type to grenades (See Grenades for additional damages). Treat as area of effect fire, BEAM WEAPONS: ‘The energy clip forall bear weapons isthe same unless otherwise noted. Number of shots {fired from the same clip varies as to weapon. Each clip can be recharged using a special recharging device and a sufficient power source. Each clip takes 2 hours to fully recharge and is inserted much like the clip in an automatic pistol or rifle. 3 attacks per round 1D6(x1-10) 2008 mg 1500C ‘SPECTAL: This weapons is made to stun, notkill [thas ‘slide setting near the thumb and can be adjusted from 1 to 10. This makes it effective even against larger targets Since its operation is based on sonics it is ineffective in light atmosphere, and useless without atmosphere. It is effective under water and in dense atmospheres. Battery clip fires 20 shots. Conta Distal: 2 Attacks per round 606 400K mg 2500C ‘SPECIAL: This weapon is useless in fog, smoke, under ‘water, orin dense atmospheres, Battery cliphas charges, for 20 shots. 64 ‘3 antacks per round, 66 1600f mg ‘SPECIAL: This weapon does not suffer the restriction that lasers do, but is powered from a large belt clip style battery pack. While “ the battery pack is self recharging it will allow the attacker to fire three shots in oneround, but then takes 1 round torecharge. Shots cannot be saved fromone round tothe next. One pull ofthe trigger sutomatically fires three rounds at the target. ‘Laser Projected Plasma Biector (Plaser) 1 attack per round. 100648 25008 mg, 2500¢ ‘SPECIAL: This weapon isuseless in fog, smoke, under water, or indense atmospheres. Since the plasma ejected is both propelled and guided to ts target by a laser. It has charges for 10 shots. ‘SPECIAL: This weaponis useless in fog, smoke, under water, or in dense atmospheres. It has charges for 10 shots. BEAM WEAPONS (HEAVY): Laser Cannon: 1 per two rounds 8D10+10 (150 yd radius) so0oft '50000C mg SPECIAL: This wespon is useless in fog, smoke, under water, or in dense atmospheres. ‘Though powered by a battery clipits clip is much larger and not interchangeable with other _weapons of this type. Its recharging cycle takes 6 hours. Ithas charges for 5 shots. Particle Beam Cannon (PBC) 1 per three rounds 10D10+10 (250 ya radius) 8500 mg 75000C ‘SPECIAL: This weapons large and unwieldy, very slow to fire and prone to overheating (20%). It requires a power source such as a vehicle generator, 2 solar recharger or a shuttleeraft's nuclear reactor. HEAVY WEAPONS (ANCIENT): ‘These weapons have no modem equivalents, but have been encountered among some primitive cultures, They have no cost equivalents in Justifer terms, but may be constructed ‘by persons with ImprovisediPrimitive Weapons skill. Ballista: 1 per three rounds 10D6 (10% radius) 10008 range ‘Trebuches: 1 per four rounds 12646 (208 radiss) 15008 range LtCatapult: I per three rounds 12D6 (10ft radius) 1000%t range ‘Hy. Catagult: 1 per four rounds 14D6 (25ft radius} 2000ft range —— eS FEE a MARTIAL ARTS: ‘These are bonuses to damage based on the simplest martial arts moves, ‘Hand Strike: ‘2 attacks per round 1D6+2 Kick: 1 attack per ound 166 ‘Head-butt: 4 attack per round. U2D6+2 ‘Throw: 1 attack per round 162 ‘SPECIAL: Victim looses his atack next round. ‘Theses weapons are attacks with a part of the attacker's body. ‘Small Claw: 1D6+1 Large Claw: 20641 ‘Small Bite: 4AD6+1 ‘THE COMPANY STORE: See the description ofthe shuttle in the Vehicles section for restrictions onthe number snd types of equipment available. ' i 850C oest Hae el mini-compressor capable of high utp 100C cost ‘Analyzer. Aunosphere : [dentifies the percentage of elements present in an atrispheric sample down to .001%. Battery powered. agnostic: 1500C cost Diagnoses known diseases or injuries where present. Buttery powered. Requires Medical Technologies skill to use. Organic Tissue Analyzer Analyzer, Linguistics/Cryptography : 1500C Useful for encoding, decoding or deciphering. Battery powered. ‘Analyzer, Organic Tissue ; 1500C Gives chemical and genetic composition of organic tissue. Battery powered. Analyzer, Soil and Rock: 500C ‘Gives chemical composition of soil and rock samples inserted into base. Battery powered, ‘Analyzer, Water: 100 cost [dentifies impurities in a water sample down to .001%. Battery powered. AntSupplies: 50C cost ‘Multi-purpose kit for drawing or painting. A sculpture kit is available at the same cost. ‘Backpack 50C cost ‘Binoculars : 250C cost High tech binoculars with magnification from 10 to 25 times. Built for rugged outdoor use. and practically indestructible, Maximum effective range is SOOyards. SS Boots: ‘Boots, Hiking : 75C cost ‘These boots se waterproof, witha sole made for tacton and a paid insole for long distance walking. 50C cost : 1000 cont Estes el pitas a en id inclinbing ten. Boots. Work: 150C cost ‘Made with steel toes and shank for extra protection. Camere: 1500C cost. ‘Completely self contained, prints in 15 seconds. Camera Film: 50C cost Camera Lenses: 250C cost each ‘Light enhancement, telephoto (x3), wide angle (up to 180 degrees), etc. EE ‘Two bumer size eleciric camp stove, battery powered. ‘Cargo Loader: 15000C cost Large Exo-skeleton used for cargo loading and construction purposes, Strength 250, Body 75. Requires Exo-Skelton Operations skill to use, D's: ‘WCoost each ‘A wide variety of music and instructional tapes are available, ‘4s well as blanks for making personal recordings. CD Player/Recorder: 150C cost Battery powered device for playing and recording compact disks. Chain Saw: 200C cost For cutting large amounts of wood. 4D6 damage if used 1s a weapon. Chronometer: 35C cost rae Loader “An accurate Day/ Date/Time wristwatch with a miniature permanent power source. Also has alarm and calculator functions. Clothing, Cold Weather: 250C cost ; Kit containing parka, mittens, pants, snow boots, and thermal underwear, Protection to SOF. 5 Computer Clothing, Wet Weather: 150 eos Kit contains rain hood, poncho, pants & rubber boots. Climbing Gear, S00C cost ‘Accombination kit for the experienced climber. Itcontains all the gear needed for climbing. ‘or rappelling. Including a grappling hook, 150 feet of high strength carbon-nylon filament rope, climbing hammer, stirups, pitons and harness. Communicator, 300C cost Batiery powered headset communicator; it feeds through the communications satellite the range is unlimited so long as sender and receiver are inthe same planetary hemisphere. See ‘Shuttle for more information. ‘Compass: 400 ooxt ‘Automatic, electronic compass which points to true north on any world. Battery powered. ‘Computer, 950C con . ‘Ahend held personal computer capable of doing complex calculations (+50% 10 Mathematics, and Navigation skills. It also has on board recorder which transcribes personal logs to laser disc for future use. Battery powered, all entries are saved automatically and cannot be lost due to power failure. ———eeees 70 Goss Sumpter, 1000 cost ‘Used to uke samples of rock or soil to examine strata. Takes « 15 foot by 1 foot circular section of earth or rock by drilling with a laser device. Cannot be used as a weapon effectively. Coveralls: 25C cost Crvonie Tubes. 35000C cost ‘Single person container capable of sustaining a living being at a temperature just above Drill. Laser: 250C cost Laser Dit For drilling through wood, stone, or metal. 2D6 damage if used as a weapon. ‘lecumnic Bugging Ki, 250€ cost ‘Complete with transmitter and micro-receiver. Range 1500 yards, ‘Electronic Counter-Measures Kit: 650C cost cP ‘Complete with several types of bug finders. Range 1500 feet. Flares 4& Fare Gun Ele Gun: | 250C cost For firing signal flares, 2D6 damage if used as a weapon, effective range 10ft. ‘Elaes 10C cost cal 20c ape or Ses continous se. Fs all batery powered devices, ‘Geiger Counter: 500C cost Battery powered device for measuring radiation. ‘calgr Counter ‘Generator 300C cost Fuel fired electrical emegency generator. Seager 1200C cost For mounting on apy rifle type weapon or where applicable. Cannot be used with bonuses ‘on pistols with the exception of the slug.thrower, The user is at plus 25% to strike with the weapon while using the telescopic sight. Range is 1500 feet. vocon —EE* ‘Gun Sight, Laser: ‘Con be mounted as a welescopic sight, it does have a magnificetion function, but its main function isto project a thin, low power laser which will show up as a red dot on the target, right where you are pointing. Gives the user a plus 40% to strike, but this sight has the same testriction on it that weapons using a laser beam have. That is, they cannot be used in heavy fog, mist, smoke or other dense atmospheres, 71 _—_—— ‘Handeuffs: 45C cost, Heater: 90C cost Heats a 5 foot radius up to 60°F. more than initial vemperature. Baitery poewered. ‘HowCold Chest 100C/ 200C/ 350C cost ‘Comes in 10 quart, 25 quart, and 50 quart sizes, Same chest switches from hot to cold at the touch of a bution. Battery powered, 150C cost GSS ‘HotBot. Selfcontsined 4 cup size, can be used to heat liquids upto 215 degrees F. Batery powered. InfraRed Goggles: 600C cast ‘Computerized light enhancement device capable of seeing ‘heat sources in the dark at a range of 1500 feet. Battery powered. Lantem: 150C cost 4 Tiuminates a 10ft radius. Battery powered. Lathe, Laser: 3500C cost Useful in the fabrication of items from metal, stone, or wood. ‘Lock Pick, Electronic : 1500C cost Device which plugs into the personal computer and any electronic lock. Scans and tries innumerable combinations of ‘numbers tll the lock opens. Lock Pick Tools. Conventional: For non-electronic locks. Map Case: 25C cast ‘Special carry case with stylus & electronic map pad. Once drawn the map can be transferred directly to the main ‘computer in the shuttle or to a personal computer. Battery powered, Mask. AirTank & Face 850C cost ‘Holds enough air for 4 hours of operation . Gas Mask a ——————_—_—=—=XK{&£==E={==E=EeEE=—= ‘Covers the mouth and nose for filtering impurities in the air such as smoke, or dust. Good for 12 hours before the filter must be replaced. Filters cost 15C each. Mask. Gas: 650C cost Protects the user from the effects of toxic gasses. Good for 12 hours. Filters cost 25C each. ‘Medical Kit: 2500C cost A portable medical kit containing pain drugs, antibiotics, burn creams, hypodermic, stethoscope, blood pressure cuff, rayon, bandages and emergency surgical tools. Mess Kit 50C cost ‘Metal Detector: 1000C cost Reacts by sound to the presence of metals hidden below the ‘ground, behind walls, etc... Range up to 100 feet . It directional and will not react to metal on the body of the user. ‘Motion Sensors: 850 cost ‘Acdevice capable of registering any motion within a 1500 foot, 180 degree are. Since itis direction, itwill only register motion, in the direction itis pointed, Battery powered Recharger, Battery Clip: 2500C cost lug into any power source. Recharges all weapon battery clips atthe rate of one minute for each shot. Recharzer, Fuel Cell: 1500C cost ‘Motion Sensor ‘Takes mineral ores and refines them to useful metals and minerals. Can be used in ‘conjuction with other equipment to manufacture replacement parts and other such items needed by the explorers. Refinery Plant, Ore: 25000 cost Refinery Plant Fuel: 25000€ cost Refines crude oil, coal, or shale to a usable form. Useful in producing alternative fuel sources for the generation of electricity. Ore Refinery Plant ——es 73 —_— Rope: ‘10C cost per foot Satellite. Weather; {60000C cost ‘Comprehensive weather tracking satellite about the size of a large pumpkin. It has an intemal solar power source with a virally unlimited duration. It is automaticaly launched from orbit by the shuttle (See SHUTTLE). ‘Satellite, Communications ; 65000C cost Satelite capable of relaying ground communications to any other site in the same hemisphere, It has an internal solar power source with a virtually unlimited duration. It is automatically launched into geo-synchronous orbit by the shuttle (See SHUTTLE). ‘Scuba Gear Includes rebreather, [tanks with 4 hours capacity each, diving helmet, a wet suit good to 15 degrees Fahrenheit, swim fins (410% to swimming ability), depth gauge and weights. ‘Shelter, Portable : 500C cost ‘A highly portable inflatable shelter capable of comforubly sleeping four people of average size. Skis (water): 200€ cost ‘Skis (mow): 250C con ‘Skis (cross-country): 100C cost ‘Sleeping Bags: SSCon ‘Sola Generator: 2000C cost Poratable Solar dish capable of powering or recharging shuttle and all personal equipment. Takes 1 person, 2 hows to assemble. ‘Snow Shoos: 75C cost ‘Stationary Kit: 25C cost ‘Waterproof kit containing pens, pencils, wd O—o< i ee 100000C cost ‘Suit_Amored Envioronment : ‘Same asa Hard Suit, butuses Carbide instead of Plastic. Requires Exo-Skeleton Operations || skill to use, ‘Suit, Fluid Recycling : 1000C cost ‘Contains the body's vital uid and recycles sweat and other wastes. Used in extremely atid |__| environments. Filters must be replaced every 48 hours of continuous operation. Filters cost | | 35C each. Armor Value is as Lt Fabric, | | Suit Hard Environment: 4500C cost For use in zero atmosphere where the likelihood of puncture is present. Air for 8 hours. Armor value is as Plastic Plate. Requires Exo-Skeleton Operations skill o use. Unpressurized self contained environment suit with built in face plate and air tanks. Air for | | 4hours, Armor Value as Hv Fabric. ‘Suit. Radiation ; , 15000C cost |_| Seteens up to 500 rads of radiation. Armor Value is as Hv Fabric. Suit. Sundard Environment: 3500C cose ‘Pressurized for use in zero atmosphere, Air for 6 Hours. Armor Value is as Ballistic Cloth. Hard/Armored ‘E-Suit Laser scalpel and other high tech surgical tools. Requires Medical Technologies skill o use, (Oft square of microthin plastic. Telescope 500C cast ‘This is a small refracting telescope that can be tied into the ships computer system for automatic identification of con- stellations and individual tas, Formore than juststargazing, itis useful in aligning the TransMatt receiver to the proper star of origin. Magnification is variable at 150-250 times. AlOxi ‘Themometer: 100C cast Gives temperature in.1 increments from minus 70 F.to450F. Electronic, battery powered. Tool Kit Carpentn:: 1000€ cost ‘Contains al] the tools needed to cut, shape and build items from wood. Telescope Contains tools and meters for the diagnosis, assembly and repair of electronic devices. ‘Tool Kit, Electronic : 1000C cost ‘Tool Kit Metalwork: 1000C cost ‘Contains all the tools necessary to weld, shape, & cut items in metal. ‘Tracking Collar: 100€ cost, ‘Operates on the same principle asthe communicators, but is contained in a collar that can be adjusted to fit a variety of ‘animals for scientific tracking purposes. Powered with a small solar battery of the same type that powers the chro- nometer. The charge is of virtually unlimited duration, ‘Trapping Gear: 200€ cost ‘This kit includes SOR snare wire, 4 live trap cages, and universal artificial scent. ‘Vacuum Thermos 10C/ 15C/ 25C cast ‘Comes in one quar, three quart, and one and a half gallon sizes. Keeps liquid hot or cold for up to 10 hours, Water Purification Plant: 3500C cost ‘Will filter up to 25 gallons of water of all impurities each day. Must be powered by solar generator or shuttle's fusion plant. (ES 1 MUNITIONS: All costs are given for standard ammunition. Use the following multipliers for special rounds: Teflon-Armor Piercing-x2 Glaiser-13 Explosive-x4 1.Glip-Lt Pistol: 25C cost 1.Clip:-Med Pistol: 35C cost Clip Hy Pistol: 45C cost ALClip Slug Thrower: 65C cost LGlip Shotgun: 1.Glip-Auto Shotgun: HC cost ————— TT VEHICLES: ON THE ROAD AGAIN: ‘Vehicles are important to amodem society, and planetary exploration would be difficult, if not impossible, without them. Listed inthis section are the vehicles that will be supplied by the corporations. Virtually all corporations use the same basic exploration vehicles, Unless otherwise stated, all vehicles are powered by internal, interchangeable andrecharge- able fuel cells. Each holds sufficient charge forthe given vehicle wo move its given rangeand speed for 12 hours of continuous use, It then requires 5 hours to recharge. ‘This is a small reconnaissance copter of the NOTAR, or no tail otor type, developed in the —————————— ————— le 20th century, capable of carrying two people plus 300Ibs of cargo. Its equipped with ‘on board cameras for fly-by, identical tothe camera listed under the Equipment section. In addition itcan be fitted with either an auto-cannon or a laser cannon. Restrictions for lasers

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