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Guion Miller Roll Index

The index includes the names of all persons applying for compensation arising from the judgment of the United
States Court of Claims on May 28, 1906, for the Eastern Cherokee tribe. While numerous individuals applied, not all
the claims were allowed. The information included on the index is the application number, the name of the applicant,
and the State or Territory in which the individual resided at the time the application was filed. To order copies of these
applications, you must General Note submit a completed NATF Form 83 which includes the individual's name and
application number. A separate form must be completed for each file you wish copied. To obtain an NATF Forms 83
write the National Archives, NWCTB, Old Military and Civil Records (Form 83), Washington, D.C. 20408.
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Guion Miller Roll Results

Total Records: 37 
Number   Surname   Given   Middle   State   Comments   Page  
44269 Lester A M W.Va Written on Page 177
44278 Lester Abner S W.Va Written on Page 177
44265 Lester Anna W.Va Written on Page 177
35672 Lester B F W.Va 177
41342 Lester Causby J W.Va 177
41371 Lester Charles K W.Va 177
35070 Lester Dave Wash 177
32536 Lester E H Wash 177
35673 Lester Floyd W.Va 177
35671 Lester Geo T W.Va 177
35674 Lester Harison W.Va 177
33403 Lester Isiah M Wash 177
44273 Lester James Lewis W.Va Written on Page 177
35071 Lester John Wash 177
44144 Lester John T W.Va Written on Page 178
41372 Lester John W W.Va 177
3458 Lester Julia B I.T. 177
35675 Lester Lee W.Va 177
35676 Lester Loyd W.Va 177
41370 Lester Manuel W.Va 177
44267 Lester Mariah W.Va Written on Page 177
33404 Lester Martha A Wash 177
31034 Lester Minnie Tex 177
5367 Lester Mollie Va 177
44246 Lester Ralph B W Va Written on Page 178
5371 Lester Rhoda Va 177
42855 Lester Richard T W.Va 177
44070 Lester Sam'l W.Va Written on Page 178
35670 Lester Samuel Day W.Va 177
11024 Lester Sarah Va 177
35072 Lester Thomas C Wash 177
32363 Lester W H W.Va 177
33402 Lester William C Wash 177
? Lester Willie W.Va Written on Page 178
44268 Lester Wm Floyd W.Va Written on Page 177
44279 Lester Wm H W.Va Written on Page 177
22053 McAlester Ellen I.T 185

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