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General rules / guidelines on Leave Policy:-

• This leave policy is applicable to all the permanent employees of the

• Year for the purpose of this policy means financial year i.e. 1st April to 31st
• In case the employee joins the organization during the year, he shall be
eligible for leave on a pro-rata basis.
• Any leave (except on Sickness grounds) should be sanctioned in advance
by the HOD.
• While on leave the employee cannot engage himself in any other
employment or business or profession. This would be regarded as a serious misconduct and shall
be liable for termination of his services.
• The HOD has the right of refusal to a leave application submitted to him by
an employee, depending upon the work exigencies.
• An employee can be recalled from leave under exigencies of service. The
discretion of recalling an employee lies with the HOD and the same shall be executed through the
HR department. In such cases, the employee would be treated on duty from the time he leaves the
house to rejoin duty at the designated destination and the travel expenses borne by the employee
would be reimbursed as per the existing Travel Policy. Balance of leave, which could not be
enjoyed by the employee, would be credited to his leave account.
• HR department shall maintain record of leave availed by every individual

Following are the various types of leaves the employees of the company are eligible for:


1. Casual Leave (CL)

• All employees are entitled to 7 days CL in a year.

• These leaves can be taken at a stretch of maximum 3 days at a time.

• Unavailed CL will automatically lapse at the close of the financial year; hence they cannot be
carried forward.

2. Sick Leave (SL)

• This leave type is only applicable to those employees who are not covered by the ESIC
• They will be entitled to 7 days SL in a leave year (April – March). SL can be carried
forward to the next year if not availed. The maximum accumulation possible is 25 days,
after which it gets lapsed.
• Weekends / holidays may be prefixed and / or suffixed to SL. Weekends / holidays falling
during the leave period will be treated as SL.
• For those who are covered by the ESIC Act, their sick leave will be regulated by the
provisions of the Act.

3. Annual Privilege Leave (PL)

• All the permanent employees of the company are eligible for PL.
• Every employee is entitled for 15 working days of PL in a financial year on a pro-rata basis.
• PL is an earned leave i.e. accrual of PL is subject to the attendance of the employee during a
given period. For the purpose of computing accrual of PL, period of PL availed is also
• PL is earned by an employee with effect from the date of his joining. PL so earned, is credited
to the employee’s leave account, as follows:

Month Ending No. of days PL credit

April 1.0 days

May 1.0 days

June 1.0 days

July 2.0 days

August 1.0 days

September 1.0 days

October 1.0 days

November 2.0 days

December 1.0 days

January 1.0 days

February 1.0 days

March 2.0 days

Total for the year 15 days

• Weekends / holidays may be prefixed and / or suffixed to PL. Weekends / holidays falling
during the leave period will not be treated as PL.
• Unavailed PL can be accumulated up to a maximum of 75 days. At the end of calendar year
any accumulations exceeding the above mentioned limit will lapse.
• The PL balance standing to the credit of an employee cannot be adjusted against the shortfall
in the notice period which he is required to serve as at the time of his voluntary resignation
from the services of the Organization.
• PL can be encashed under following circumstances :
a) During the course of employment : Incase an employee has PL balance of more than 75
days to his credit, he can be allowed to encash the PL balance exceeding 75 days.
b) At the time of separation: At the time of separation of an employee, the total PL balance
to standing to his credit is encashed and paid along with his Full and Final settlement
• Leave encashment is calculated at the rate of one month’s salary (Basic + Personal
Allowance) for every 30 days. The amount of Leave encashment is considered as a taxable
income under the provisions of the Income Tax Act.

Management Trainees, during the training period shall be treated at par with the permanent
employees in the context of PL and all the aforesaid norms shall apply to them. Upon
completion of the training period following will apply:

If the trainee is regularized as an employee, the PL balance standing to his leave account shall
be transferred to his leave account as an employee. However, if a trainee is not regularized as
an employee, then in such cases the PL balance standing to his credit shall be encashed and
paid along with his Full and Final settlement dues.
Leave application Procedure:

• An employee intending to avail PL should submit his leave application form, duly signed by
his HOD to the HR department, at least 15 days prior to date on which the leave commences,
if the total period of leave is to exceed 3 days. In other cases the application is required to be
submitted at least a day prior to his proceeding on leave.
• Incase of emergencies or leave on sickness grounds, when it is not possible to have the leave
sanctioned by the HOD in advance, the same needs be regularised on the first day upon
resuming the duties.
• Incase of more than 3 days PL availed on sickness grounds, the leave application is required
to be supported with a medical certificate.

4. Maternity leave (ML)

• All female employees, not covered under E.S.I scheme shall be entitled for maternity leave as
per the provisions of Maternity Benefits Act 1961.
• In order to become eligible for ML the female employee should have worked a minimum of
80 days during a period of 12 months preceding her expected date of delivery.

• The period of maternity leave can be of 12 weeks. In case of illness arising out of pregnancy,
delivery, premature birth, a female employee is eligible for an additional leave up to a
maximum period of one month.
• In case of miscarriage, a female employee is eligible for 6 weeks of leave from the date of
• In case of a female employee covered under the E.S.I scheme, is not being able to fulfil the
requirement of minimum working days to become eligible for ML under E.S.I scheme, on
account of her being out of the coverage under the E.S.I scheme, she will be eligible for ML
from the company.

Leave application Procedure:

• A female employee intending to avail of ML should submit to the HR department notices /

certificates (notice of absence, certificate of pregnancy, certificate of delivery, certificate of
miscarriage etc) in the prescribed format from time to time.

5. Marriage Leave
• All permanent employees who have completed minimum of one year of service with the
company are eligible for marriage leave on account of self marriage.

• An employee shall be eligible for marriage leave up to 3 consecutive working days.

• Incase the employee is already on leave during the period, he will be eligible to add up to 3
days to his leave.

Leave Application Procedure:

• An employee must inform his HOD and HR department his intention to avail Marriage
Leave by submitting the leave application form at least 10 days in advance.
• An employee must submit a copy of the Marriage Certificate together with “Change of
Personal Data Form” upon his return from his leave.

6. Bereavement Leave
• All permanent employees who have completed minimum of one year of service with the
company are eligible for bereavement leave on account of death of an immediate family
member(s). For the purpose of this policy, immediate family is defined as Mother, Father,
Sister, Brother, Husband, Wife, Son & Daughter.

• An employee shall be eligible for bereavement leave up to 5 working days, in the event of
death of his immediate family member(s). Incase he has to attend the funeral ceremony in a
country outside India, he shall be eligible for a additional leave up to 3 working days, for
which he needs to present appropriate travel document after he returns from the leave.
• Incase the employee is already on leave during the period, he will be eligible to add up to
5 days / 8 days (as the case may be) to his leave.
• Bereavement Leave can be granted to an employee at every instance of death of
immediate family member, irrespective of no. of occurrences during a year.

Leave Application Procedure:

• Given the nature of Bereavement Leave, it may not be always possible to get the same
approved in advance. An employee therefore must regularize the leave on the first working
day on which he resumes duty, if not done earlier.
• An employee must submit appropriate travel document upon his return from his leave, in
case he has attended funeral outside India.

7. Examination Leave
• All permanent employees who have completed a minimum of one year service with the
company are eligible for Examination leave on account of examination.
• An employee can avail 1 day examination leave per examination up to a maximum of 3 days
per year depending upon the time of examination and the place where it takes place.
• An employee is entitled to such leave only for a course / subject of study related to his own
field of work in the Company.
• Examination leave can be availed only for the first attempt of the Subject / Course.

Leave Application Procedure:

• An employee intending to avail examination leave should submit the leave application form,
duly approved by the HOD along with copy of the examination schedule, at least 10 days
prior to the leave.

8. Special Leave
• All permanent employees who are not covered under the Employees State Insurance Act and
have completed a minimum of one year service with the company are eligible to be
considered for Special Leave.

• This is a special type of leave permissible to provide the eligible employees with paid leave
during the period of their inability to attend the work / duty on account of serious accident
while in employment, acute illness / hospitalization, or any other similar condition which
renders them totally inactive for a period of more than 7 consecutive days.
• Depending upon the nature of illness / hospitalization, quantum of leave to be sanctioned will
be solely at the discretion of the Management; however the same shall not exceed 30 days in a
calendar year.

Leave Application Procedure:

• In such a case the employee concerned shall make an application, supported by relevant
medical documents and Doctor’s certificate stating the number of days leave required. The
concerned HOD shall then forward the application to the head of HR department. The head
of HR shall take cognizance of the matter and obtain an approval of the CEO.

9. Relocation Leave
• Every employee whose services have been transferred from one location to another in
accordance with Inter-Location Transfer, as defined under the Transfer Policy.

• An employee shall be eligible for a paid leave up to 7 working days on account of relocation,
to give him time to wind up at the existing location and to settle down at the new location.
The day of travel is included in the leave as one day.

• Relocation leave can be availed up to 3 days at each location or as per the convenience of the
employee. Leave can be availed at a stretch or can be deferred, depending upon the
convenience of the employee and /or exigencies of work. However in no circumstances, it
would be allowed to be availed after completion of one month from his reporting at the new

Leave Application Procedure:

• An employee intending to avail Relocation leave should submit the leave application form,
duly approved by the HOD, prior to proceeding on the leave.
• Incase he is availing the leave at both the locations; he needs to obtain approval of respective


1. Personal Leave
• All permanent employees who have completed a minimum service of one year with the
• Personal Leaves are unpaid leaves and require prior approval by the HOD and the HR
• Personal Leave is authorized absence from work, for which the employee doesn’t earn any
salary. Also PL is not earned on the period of personal leave availed.
• Granting of Personal Leave is discretion of the Management and shall be dealt with on case to
case basis.
• Should the employee has accrued PL, he should first avail the same before his application for
Personal Leave is considered.
• If an employee takes a personal leave in excess of 30 days, his annual review date should be
adjusted by the total amount of the leave.

Leave Application Procedure:

• An employee intending to avail Personal Leave should submit his leave application form,
duly signed by his HOD to the HR department, at least 15 days prior to date on which the
leave commences.

2. Absenteeism
When an employee absents himself without any prior sanction then such unsanctioned absence from
work is regarded as Absenteeism. No leave or salary accrues during these days of absenteeism and it
is regarded as a serious misconduct on the employee’s part.
In case the employee remains absent for more than 8 consecutive days, he is presumed to have
voluntarily abandoned his employment and his name is struck off the rolls of the company.

The public holidays to be declared for the company staff will be as determined by the Management,
from the approved list of Government holidays. The list will be circulated among the staff members
early every year, and a copy will be displayed on the company notice board permanently.
The Company declares Eleven (11) Public Holidays every year. These are in addition to your leave
entitlement of the year.

Name : ____________________________________________Emp.No: ________________________

Position: ___________________________________________ Function: ________________________

Leave applied for: Privilege / Maternity / Casual / Sick (if applicable)

From: ___________________ To: ___________________

Reason for leave: __________________________________________________________________

Contact Address during leave: ______________________________________________________

__________________________ Tel no: _____________________

Date: ___________________ Signature: ________________________

Leave sanctioned / deferred by:-

Leave Encashment Form

Name Emp.Code

Designation Grade

Date of Joining Zone

I hereby wish to encash days leave from my balance, which as on today stands at

days (should be more than 75 days, counter-checked with HR)





Counter-checked by HR:


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