A Report On Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever: Submitted by

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Submitted By:

Dave Jay S. Manriquez RN.

Submitted to:
Dr. Robert Denopol

December 2009

Philippine Hemorrhagic Fever was first reported in 1953. In 1958, hemorrhagic

became a notifiable disease in the country and was later reclassified as Dengue
Hemorrhagic Fever. Dengue is primarily a disease of the tropics, and the viruses that
cause it are maintained in a cycle that involves humans and Aedis Aegypti. Infection with
dengue viruses produces a spectrum of clinical illness ranging from a nonspecific viral
syndrome to severe and fatal hemorrhagic disease.


A severe mosquito transmitted viral illness endemic in the tropics, much in South
and Southeast Asia especially in the Philippines. It is characterized by increased vascular
permeability, hypovolemia and abnormal blood clotting mechanisms. WHO case definition
for DHF: 1) fever or history of recent fever, 2) thrombocytopenia (platelet count equal to
or less than 100 x 10 /cu mm), 3) hemorrhagic manifestations such as petechiae or overt
bleeding phenomena, and 4) evidence of plasma leakage due to increase vascular
Illness is biphasic; it begins abruptly with fever, and in children, with mild upper
respiratory complaints often anorexia, facial flush and mild GI disturbances. Coincident
with defervescence and decreasing platelet count, the patient’s condition suddenly
worsens, with marked weakness, severe restlessness, facial pallor and often diaphoresis,
severe abdominal pain and circumoral cyanosis. GI hemorrhage is an ominous prognostic
sign that usually follows a prolonged period of shock.

Infectious Agent:

The viruses of dengue fever are flaviviruses and include serotypes 1, 2, 3 and 4
(dengue 1, -2, -3, -4); Chikungunya virus


Dengue occurrence is sporadic throughout the year. Epidemic usually occurs during
the rainy seasons June – November. Peak months are September and October. It occurs
wherever vector mosquito exists. DHF / DSS are observed most exclusively among
children of the indigenous population under 15 years of age. Occurrence is greatest in the
areas of high Ae. Aegypti prevalence.


The viruses are maintained in a human Aedes Aegypti mosquito cycle in the
tropical urban centers
Mode of Transmission:

By the bite of infective mosquitoes, principally Ae. Aegypti. This is day biting
specie, with increased biting activity for 2 hours after sunrise and several hours before

Incubation Period:

From 3 to 14 days, commonly 4-7 days (one week).

Period of Communicability:

Not directly transmitted from person to person. Patients are infective for
mosquitoes from shortly before to the end of the febrile period, usually a period of 3-5
days. The mosquito becomes infective 8-12 days after the viremic blood meal and
remains so for life.

Susceptibility and resistance:

All persons are susceptible. Both sexes are equally affected. The age groups
predominantly affected are the preschool age and school age. Adults and infants are not
exempted. Peak age affected 5-9 years.
Susceptibility is universal. Acquired immunity may be temporary but usually

Diagnostic Test:

1.) Tourniquet Test (Rumpel Leads Tests)

• Inflate the blood pressure cuff on the upper arm to a point midway
between the systolic and diastolic pressure for 5 minutes
• Release cuff and make an imaginary 2.5 cm square or 1 inch just below
the cuff, at the antecubital fossa
• Count the number of petechiae inside the box
• A test is (+) when 2 or more petechiae per 2.5 cm square or 1 inch
square are observed

2.) A con firmed diagnosis is established by culture of the virus, polymerase-chain-

reaction (PCR) tests, or serologic assays.

The diagnosis of dengue hemorrhagic fever is made on the basis of the following triad
of symptoms and signs: Hemorrhagic manifestations; a platelet count of less than 100,
000 per cubic millimeter; and objective evidence of plasma leakage, shown either by
fluctuation of packed-cell volume (greater tan 20 percent during the course of the
illness) or by clinical signs of plasma leakage, such as pleural effusion, ascites or
hypoproteinemia. Hemorrhagic manifestations without capillary leakage do not
constitute dengue hemorrhagic fever.

Clinical Manifestations (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, 2007):

An acute febrile infection of sudden onset with 3 stages:

• 1st-4th day (febrile or invasive stage)
-high fever, abdominal pain and headache; later flushing which may be accompanied
by vomiting, conjunctiva infection and epistaxis.
• 4th-7th day (toxic or hemorrhagic stage)
-lowering of temperature, severe abdominal pain, vomiting and frequent bleeding
from gastrointestinal tract in the form of hematemesis or melena. Unstable blood
pressure, narrow pulse pressure and shock. Death may occur. Tourniquet test which
may be positive may become negative due to low or vasomotor collapse.
• 7th-10th day (convalescent or recovery stage)
-generalized flushing with intervening areas of blanching, appetite regained and blood
pressure already stable.
• Dengue shock syndrome is defined as dengue hemorrhagic fever plus:
*Weak rapid pulse,
*Narrow pulse pressure (less than 20 mm Hg) or, Cold, clammy skin and

Grading of Dengue Fever:

The severity of DHF is categorized into four grades:

• grade I, without overt bleeding but positive for tourniquet test

• grade II, with clinical bleeding diathesis such as petechiae, epistaxis and
• grade III, circulatory failure manifested by a rapid and weak pulse with narrowing
pulse pressure (20 mmHg) or hypotension, with the presence of cold clammy skin
and restlessness; and
• Grade IV, profound shock in which pulse and blood pressure are not detectable. It
is note-worthy that patients who are in threatened shock or shock stage, also
known as dengue shock syndrome, usually remain conscious.
* Grade III and IV are considered to be Dengue Shock Syndrome


Supportive and symptomatic treatment should be provided:

 Promote rest
 Medication
 Paracetamol – for fever
 Analgesic (Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and codeine) – for severe headache and joint
and muscle pains
 Aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be avoided
 Rapid replacement of body fluids is the most important treatment
 Give ORESOL to replace fluid as in moderate dehydration at 75ml/kg in 4-6 hours
or up to 2-3L in adults. Continue ORS intake until paient’s condition improves.
 Intravenous fluid
 For hemorrhage
 Keep patient at rest during bleeding periods
 For epistaxis – maintain an elevated position of trunk and promote vasoconstriction
in nasal mucosa membrane through an ice bag over the forehead.
 For melena – ice bag over the abdomen.
 Provide support during the transfusion therapy
 Diet
 Low fat, low fiber, non-irritating, non-carbonated
 Noodle soup may be given
 Observe signs of deterioration (shock) such as low pulse, cold clammy perspiration,
 For shock
 Place in dorsal recumbent position to facilitate circulation
 Provision of warmth through lightweight covers (overheating causes vasodilation
which aggravates bleeding)


The best way to prevent dengue fever is to take special precautions to avoid contact
with mosquitoes.
 Eliminate vector by:
 Changing water and scrubbing sides of lower vases once a week
 Destroy breeding places of mosquito by cleaning surroundings
 Proper disposal of rubber tires, empty bottles and cans
 Keep water containers covered

Because Aedes mosquitoes usually bite during the day, be sure to use precautions
especially during early morning hours before daybreak and in the late afternoon before

Other precautions include:

 When outdoors in an area where dengue fever has been found

 Use a mosquito repellant containing DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus
 Dress in protective clothing-long-sleeved shirts, long pants, socks, and shoes
 Keeping unscreened windows and doors closed
 Keeping window and door screens repaired
 Use of mosquito nets

Public Health Nursing in the Philippines by the Publications Committee, National League
of Philippine Government Nurses, Incorporated

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