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Cir.Memo.No.15744-C/324/FR.I/2010 Dated: 15-6-2010

Sub: E.L. – Surrender of Earned Leave - Encashment during the financial

year 2010-2011 – Instructions – Issued.
Ref: Cir. Memo. No. 10472/C199/FR.I/2009, dt. 29-4-2009, Finance
(FR.I) Dept.

In the reference cited, instructions have been issued that during the
financial year 2009-2010 to regulate the expenditure on surrender/encashment of
EL and the fixing of calendar for surrender leave has been dispensed with. It is
also ordered therein that the instructions contained in the Cir. Memo. No.
50798/1063/FR.I/79-1, Fin. (FR.I) Dept., dt. 22-11-1979 shall also be followed
during the financial year 2010-2011 i.e., in the case of employees who
surrendered E.L. as on 1st January or 1st July in any year, the number of days of
E.L. so surrendered should, in the first instance, be deducted from the E.L.
account and thereafter the advance credit of EL as per eligibility due for that half
year be added as on 1st January/1st July of the respective year.

In para 4 of the Cir. Memo. cited, . it is ordered that

a) The calendar for surrender of Earned Leave is dispensed with

w.e.f. 1-4-2009 and employees are hereby permitted to surrender earned leave at
any time not exceeding 15/30 days within a block period of one/two financial
years w.e.f. 1-4-2009. All other conditions prevailing before 1-4-1989 and other
amendments issued on the subject till now will hold good.

b) Government permit the employees who have a balance of more

than 285 days of E.L. as on 30th June, 2009 to surrender E.L. without waiting for
completion of 12 months.

c) Government permit those all India service Officers, who have a

balance of more than 285 days of earned leave as on 30th June, 2009 to surrender
E.L. without waiting or completion of 12 months.

d) Government also clarify that 15 days are to be allowed in one

financial year and 30 days in two financial years and the condition of 12/24
months mentioned in the G.O. 172, Fin. & Plg. (FR.I) Dept., dt. 1-7-1974 need
not be followed in those cases of all India service officers, who have a balance of
more than 285 days as on 30th June, 2009.

e) Government extend the facility of encashment of earned leave to

the all India Service Officers soon after their central posting is received, subject to
satisfaction of other conditions.

The above instructions shall also continue during the financial year 2010-
2011 for encashment of 15 days of E.L. by Government employees provided if
there is 12 months gap for one surrender to another surrender in one financial year
and 30 days if there is gap of 24 months for two financial years. The gap of 12/24
months shall be worked out from the 1st day of leave surrendered last time to the
1st day of leave proposed for surrender now.

In respect of the employees who are having 286 days and above of E.L. to
their credit as on 30-6-2010, they are permitted to surrender without following the
gap of 12 months.

The departments of Secretariat/Heads of departments are requested to

keep these instructions in view while sanctioning the surrender of earned leave for
purpose of encashment during the Financial Year 2010-2011.

All the Treasury Officers/State audit authorities, Pay and Accounts Office,
Hyderabad and deputy financial advisor, Projects/Directors of Accounts of Major
Projects are requested to follow these instructions scrupulously while dealing with
the bills for encashment of earned leave during the Financial Year 2010-2011.

These instructions are available in the internet and can be accessed at the
address http;//


All the Departments of Secretariat.
All the Heads of departments.
The Pay and accounts Officer, A.P., Hyd.
The Director of Treasuries & accounts, A.P., Hyd.
The Director of State Audit, A.P., Hyderabad.
All the dist. collectors.
All the Dist. Treasury Officers.
Copy to:
The Accountant General, A.P., Hyderabad.
A.P. Secretariat Association, Hd.

// Forwarded :: By Order //


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