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PLG Power Limited 

Headquarters: 139, A‐1 Shah & Nahar Ind. Est, Lower Parel (W), Mumbai:400013, India            
Tel: +91‐22‐42309509 Fax: +91‐22‐42309505 
Manufacturing Plant: 65/108, STICE, Sinnar, Nasik: 422122, India 
European Office: Milan Central, Italy 
Ref: PLG/RPPL/SPV-Plant/1 MW/2010 Date: 20 /July / 2010

Aztrex Solar Vidyut (P) Ltd.
Wrf. Rays Power (P) Ltd.
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: Offer for 1 MW Solar Power Plant

Ref: Rays Power (P) Ltd.

We like to thank you for providing us an opportunity to offer our best offer for 1
MW grid connected Solar Power Plant. In continuation of our discussions, we are
providing you with our best offer for Complete EPC (Engineering Procurement &
Construction) Contract on Turnkey basis for setting up 1 MW Solar Grid Connected
Power Plant.

We hope the details provided are sufficient to scrutinize our offer. You can write to us at
your convenience for any further clarifications.

Assuring our best services at all times.

With Regards


Head – Business Development

PLG Power Limited 
Headquarters: 139, A‐1 Shah & Nahar Ind. Est, Lower Parel (W), Mumbai:400013, India            
Tel: +91‐22‐42309509 Fax: +91‐22‐42309505 
Manufacturing Plant: 65/108, STICE, Sinnar, Nasik: 422122, India 
European Office: Milan Central, Italy 
Offer:  Complete EPC (Engineering Procurement & Construction) Contract on  
     Turnkey basis for setting up 1 MW Solar Grid Connected Power Plant. 
1.0 Key Facts and Figures of the Grid Connected 5 MW PV Solar Power Plant:
Location: To be provided by RPPL
Land Size: To be provided by RPPL
Land Survey No: To be provided by RPPL
Project Size: 1 MW
Plant Load Factor: 20%
Yearly Units 18 Lacs units Guaranteed
Solar modules: Approx 4550 Modules: PLG P-Series 220 Watts
Technology: Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic
Type: Multi-Crystalline
EPC: PLG Power Limited
Module Life: 25 Years Minimum
EPC Cost: RS 12.75 Crores

2.0 Engineering, Procurement and Construction by PLG in Details

2.1 Development and Site Management by PLG:

A good technical concept recognizes the importance of using high quality and well-
matched components. Through intelligent development, these are optimally
interconnected thereby minimizing electrical conduction losses which occur naturally
during transmission. Furthermore, electro technical development is necessary for
grid connection. The static’s of aluminum module support frames are fitted for each,
individual power plant depending on geographical circumstances and planning

PLG Power Limited applies conservative methods of calculation with appropriate

safety margins. An experienced construction manager takes on the site
management. PLG Power Limited completely oversees each individual construction
PLG Power Limited 
Headquarters: 139, A‐1 Shah & Nahar Ind. Est, Lower Parel (W), Mumbai:400013, India            
Tel: +91‐22‐42309509 Fax: +91‐22‐42309505 
Manufacturing Plant: 65/108, STICE, Sinnar, Nasik: 422122, India 
European Office: Milan Central, Italy 
phase and ensures that time schedules, quality specifications and cost calculations
are adhered to.

2.2 Excavation and foundation work by PLG:

Foundations secure the module support frames in the ground and serve as a
counterbalance, compensating wind forces which act on the module surfaces.
Leveling of the area might be necessary for ground level power plants so that each
row of modules is installed at the same height. This minimizes shading between
rows, makes for better optical assimilation into the environment and makes optimal
use of the available area. In ground level plants, reinforced concrete foundations or
anchor bolts are employed. Flat roofed solar plants use foundations or mountings
made of precast concrete parts and/or aluminium support frames.

2.3 Installation of support frames and solar modules by PLG:

To ensure HIGH Quality, PLG Power Limited has solar modules produced
according to its own technical specifications: PLG P-Series. At the core of the solar
module manufacturing itself, PLG is aware of the detailed technicalities and thus
manufactures the solar modules with precision and with the highest quality
standards and with the best bill of materials, the PLG P-Series 200 Wp to 280 Wp,
are premium polycrystalline modules made of multi/poly solar cells of 16.40 %

The PLG modules are tested by TÜV, certified according to IEC 61215 and
permitted with protection class II. The product guarantee is for 10 years (the highest
Product Guarantee by any Company in the world so far), the power output is
guaranteed for 90% minimum performance over a 12 year period and 80% minimum
performance over 25 years.

For the assembly of solar modules, PLG Power Limited has developed an innovative
support frame. The great advantage lies in its easy, rapid construction and in the
uncomplicated installation of the solar modules. Much time and materials are saved
and assembly costs are considerably reduced. These cost advantages are
particularly noticeable in large scale projects. Assembly is carried out by local
PLG Power Limited 
Headquarters: 139, A‐1 Shah & Nahar Ind. Est, Lower Parel (W), Mumbai:400013, India            
Tel: +91‐22‐42309509 Fax: +91‐22‐42309505 
Manufacturing Plant: 65/108, STICE, Sinnar, Nasik: 422122, India 
European Office: Milan Central, Italy 
2.4 Installation of electrical equipment by PLG:
PLG uses only the most modern and high quality power plant technology
(converters, transformers, cable systems, etc.) from reputed producers. High quality
guarantees long life and at the same time operational reliability.

This results in higher electricity yields, since the power plant is available on a
constant basis, as well as lower maintenance and servicing costs. In addition,
electrical conduction losses which occur naturally during transmission are minimized.
The installation of electrical equipment is carried out by the respective producers or
local contractors.

2.5 Technical Operations Management by PLG:

Whether a solar plant performs well in the long term and remains technically
available depends to a large extent on servicing and regular maintenance. This is
carried out by our electrical experts in conjunction with technicians from the
respective component manufacturers.

To keep all components optimally available, PLG Power Limited works with a
‘visualisation concept’. Central to this concept is an optional electronic data
processing unit in the solar power plant which permanently gathers and evaluates all
relevant performance data and possible error messages. Using target/actual
comparison, data from the power plant is continually compared with data from an on-
site weather station.

Possible errors are precisely located and immediately passed on via email, SMS or
fax to the relevant service technicians. These can then, from their workplace,
conduct fault repair through on-line remote maintenance
PLG Power Limited 
Headquarters: 139, A‐1 Shah & Nahar Ind. Est, Lower Parel (W), Mumbai:400013, India            
Tel: +91‐22‐42309509 Fax: +91‐22‐42309505 
Manufacturing Plant: 65/108, STICE, Sinnar, Nasik: 422122, India 
European Office: Milan Central, Italy 
2.6 Project Completion and Implementation Schedule

Sl.No. Project Activity Implementation Schedule

1. Signing of EPC Contract 1st Month
2. Survey of Land & Soil Testing 2nd Month
3. Detailed Engineering & Design of Power Plant 2nd Month
4. Finalization of Bill of Materials 3rd Month
5. Preparation of the Land 3rd Month
6. Building and Fencing 3rd Month
7. Installation of Panel Mounting Structures 3rd Month to 6th Month
8. Installation of the PV Solar Modules 1 MW 3rd Month to 6th Month
9. Installation of Balance Components 3rd Month to 5th Month
10. Final Inspection and Connection to the Grid 7th Month
11. Completion & Handing over of the Project 8th Month
EPC Cost Unit Rate Price
Crystalline Solar PV Modules INR 88.00 INR 88,000,000.00
Ground Mounting Structures INR 9.50 INR 9,500,000.00
DC Cabling Between Panels & Inverters INR 3.50 INR 3,500,000.00
Grid Inverters INR 10.50 INR 10,500,000.00
AC Cabling between Inverter & Substation INR 1.50 INR 1,500,000.00
Transformer Station INR 6.00 INR 6,000,000.00
Installation of Entire Plant & Civil & Foundation
Works INR 2.75 INR 2,750,000.00
Building and Boundary Fencing INR 1.00 INR 1,000,000.00
Local Project Management & Transportation INR 2.50 INR 2,500,000.00
Data Communication to Internet INR 1.00 INR 1,000,000.00
Total EPC INR 120.25 125,250,000.00
Taxes @ 5% INR 6.31 INR 6,312,500.00
TOTAL 125,562,500.00
PLG Power Limited 
Headquarters: 139, A‐1 Shah & Nahar Ind. Est, Lower Parel (W), Mumbai:400013, India            
Tel: +91‐22‐42309509 Fax: +91‐22‐42309505 
Manufacturing Plant: 65/108, STICE, Sinnar, Nasik: 422122, India 
European Office: Milan Central, Italy 
In Words – Rupees Twelve Crores Twenty Five Lakhs Sixty Two thousand five 
hundred Only. 
Price Basis EPC Contract on Turnkey Basis, Delivered and Installed in Jodhpur
District, Rajasthan.
Payment Terms - 10% advance against signing of contract.
- 30% against completion of Detailed Engineering and Design
with BOM.
- 30% after 50% completion of the project.
- 20% after 75% completion of the project.
- 10% after successful completion of the project and handing
Delivery As per the Implementation schedule provided.
Warranty • Solar PV Modules - 90% of the Power Output for 10 Years & 80%
of the power output for 25 Years.
• Inverters / Transformers / Cables / Electrical Switchgears –
Warranty shall be transferred to the Project Developer as given by
the manufacturer.
Module Power ±3%
Taxes All Inclusive
Product IEC certificate
Energy Generation Minimum Energy Generation Guarantee of 1.8 Million Units per MW
Guarantee per year shall be provided considering that the Grid availability for
power evacuation is 99%.
Any reduction in the percentage of Grid availability will lead to drop
in Energy Generation.
The finance cost involved in providing BG against the MEG is to be
borne by the project developer only.
Operation and O&M of the Solar Power Plant can be taken up by PLG.
Maintenance Minimum Energy Generation Guarantee can be provided only if
the O&M contract is signed with us.

Legal Clearances All statutory clearances and approvals required for EPC of the Solar
and Approvals Power Plant has to be provided by the Project Developer.
With Regards
PLG Power Limited 
Headquarters: 139, A‐1 Shah & Nahar Ind. Est, Lower Parel (W), Mumbai:400013, India            
Tel: +91‐22‐42309509 Fax: +91‐22‐42309505 
Manufacturing Plant: 65/108, STICE, Sinnar, Nasik: 422122, India 
European Office: Milan Central, Italy 
Head – Business Development
O & M Contract
Operation and Maintenance cost for the Power plant will be Rs.9,00,000/‐ per MW as per CERC 
guide lines and there will be an escalation of 5.72% every year. 

Head – Business Development

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