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Presented by:
Swarup Samal.
Pratik Chawla.

Niladri Sekhar Jana

Prashant Raj.
üThe Values and principles which have governed the
TCS and their employees were formally articulated
in 1998.

üThe code was intended to serve as a guide to each
employee on the values, ethics and business
principles expected of him or her in personal and
professional conduct.

üAs it is a global company, it requires an
appropriate modification of the Code to ensure
that it addresses and encompasses diverse
cultural, business and related issues universally
across TATA Group.

üTCS has 25 code of conducts to maintain their
CLAUSE 1:National Interest
ü The TCS is committed to benefit the economic
development of the countries in which it operates.
ü The TCS management practices and business conduct shall
benefit the country, localities and communities in
which it operates, to the extent possible and
affordable, and shall be in accordance with the laws
of the land.
ü TCS in the course of its business activities , shall
respect the culture , customs and traditions of each
country, in which it operates. It shall conform, to
trade procedures including licensing documentation
and other necessary formalities, as applicable.
CLAUSE 2: Financial Reporting & Records
ü TCS shall prepare and maintain its accounts fairly and
accurately and in accordance with the accounting and
financial reporting standards, which represent the
generally accepted guidelines principles, standards
laws and regulations of the country.
ü Internal accounting and audit procedures shall reflect
fairly and accurately the company’s business,
transactions and disposition of assets and shall
have internal controls to provide assurance to the
company board and shareholders that the transactions
are accurate and legitimate.
ü Any willful material misrepresentation of and / or
misinformation on the financial accounts and reports
shall be regarded as a violation of the Code.
ü No employee shall make, authorize, bet or collude in an
improper payment, unlawful commission or bribing.
Clause 3: Competition
üA Tata company shall fully support the
development and operation of competitive open
markets and shall promote the liberalization
of trade and investment in each country, and
market in which it operates. Specifically no
Tata company or employee shall engage in
restrictive trade practices, abuse of market
dominance or similar unfair trade activities.
üA Tata company or employee shall market the
company’s products and services on their own
merits and shall not make unfair and
misleading statements about competitors’
products and services.
Clause 4: Equal opportunities employer
ü A Tata company shall provide equal opportunities to
all its employees and all qualified applicants for
employment without regard to their race, caste,
religion, colour, ancestry, marital status, gender,
sexual orientation, age, nationality, ethnic origin
or disability.

ü Human resource policies shall promote diversity and

equality in the workplace, as well as compliance
with all local labor laws, while encouraging the
adoption of international best practices.

ü Employees of a Tata company shall be treated with

dignity and in accordance with the Tata policy of
maintaining a work environment free of all forms of
harassment, whether physical, verbal or
psychological. Employee policies and practices shall
be administered in a manner consistent provisions of
Clause 5: Gifts and donations
ü A Tata company and its employees shall neither receive, nor offer or
make directly or indirectly any illegal payments, remunerations,
gifts, donations or comparable benefits that are intended, or
perceived, to obtain uncompetitive favors for the conduct of its
business. The company shall cooperate with governmental
authorities in efforts to eliminate all forms of bribery, fraud and
ü A Tata company and its employees may, with full disclosure, accept
and offer nominal gifts, provided such gifts are customarily given
and are of a commemorative nature. Each company shall have a
policy to clarify its rules and regulations on gifts and
entertainment, to be used for the guidance of its employees.
Clause 6:Government agencies
üA Tata company and its employees shall not,
unless mandated under applicable laws, offer
or give any company funds or property as
donation to any government agency or its
representative, directly or through
intermediaries, in order to obtain any
favorable performance of official duties.
üA Tata company shall comply with government
procurement regulations and shall be
transparent in all its dealings with
government agencies.
Clause 7:Political non-alignment

üA Tata company shall be committed to and

support the constitution and governance
systems of the country in which it operates.
üA Tata company shall not support any specific
political party or candidate for political
office. The company’s conduct shall preclude
any activity that could be interpreted as
mutual dependence / favor with any political
body or person, and shall not offer or give
any company funds or property as donations
to any political party, candidate or
Clause 8: Health safety and environment

üA Tata company shall strive to provide a safe,

healthy, clean and ergonomic working
environment for its people. It shall prevent
the wasteful use of natural resources and be
committed to improving the environment.

üA Tata company, in the process of production

and sale of its products and services, shall
strive for economic, social and
environmental sustainability.
Clause9: Quality of products & services
üA Tata company shall be committed to supply
services of world class quality standards,
backed by after-sales services consistent
with the requirements of its customers,
while striving for their total satisfaction.
üThe quality standards of the company’s goods
and services shall meet applicable national
and international standards.
üA Tata company shall display adequate health
and safety labels and other necessary
information on its product packaging.
Clause 10: Corporate citizenship
üA Tata company shall be committed to good
corporate citizenship, not only in the compliance
of all relevant laws and regulations but also by
actively assisting in the improvement of quality
of life of the people in the communities in which
it operates. The company shall encourage
volunteering by its employees and collaboration
with community groups.
üTata companies are also encouraged to develop
systematic processes and conduct management
reviews, as stated in the Tata ‘corporate
sustainability protocol’, from time to time so as
to set strategic direction for social development
üThe company shall not treat these activities as
Clause 12: Public representation of the
company and the Group.

üThe Tata Group honors the information

requirements of the public and its
stakeholders. In all its public appearances,
with respect to disclosing company and
business information to public
constituencies Tata Group shall be
represented only by specifically authorized
directors and employees.
üIt shall be the sole responsibility of these
authorized representatives to disclose
information about the company or the Group.
Clause13: Third party representation

üParties which have business dealings with the

Tata Group but are not members of the Group,
such as consultants, agents, sales
representatives, distributors, channel partners,
contractors and suppliers, shall not be
authorized to represent a Tata company without
the written permission of the Tata company, and
/ or if their business conduct and ethics are
known to be inconsistent with the Code.
üThird parties and their employees are expected
to abide by the Code in their interaction with,
and on behalf of, a Tata company. Tata companies
are encouraged to sign a non-disclosure
agreement with third parties to support
Clause 14: Use of the Tata brand
ü The use of the Tata name and trademark shall be
governed by manuals, codes and agreements to be
issued by Tata Sons. The use of the Tata brand is
defined in and regulated by the Tata Brand Equity
and Business Promotion Agreement. No third party
or joint venture shall use the Tata brand to
further interests without specific authorization.

Clause 15: Group policies

üA Tata company shall recommend to its board of

directors the adoption of policies and guidelines
periodically formulated by Tata Sons.
Clause 16: Shareholders
üA Tata company shall be committed to enhancing
shareholder value and complying with all regulations
and laws that govern shareholder rights. The board of
directors of a Tata company shall duly and fairly
inform its shareholders about all relevant aspects of
the company’s business, and disclose such information
in accordance with relevant regulations and agreements.

Clause 17: Regulatory compliance

üEmployees of a Tata company, in their business

conduct, shall comply with all applicable laws and
regulations, in letter and spirit, in all the
territories in which they operate. If the ethical and
professional standards of applicable laws and
regulations are below that of the Code, then the
standards of the Code shall prevail.
Clause18: Ethical conduct
ü Every employee of a Tata company including full-time
directors and the chief executive, shall exhibit
culturally appropriate deportment in the countries
they operate in, and deal on behalf of the company
with professionalism, honesty and integrity, while
conforming to high moral and ethical standards. Such
conduct shall be fair and transparent and be
perceived to be so by third parties.

ü Every employee of a Tata company shall preserve the

human rights of every individual and the community,
and shall strive to honor commitments.
ü Every employee shall be responsible for the
implementation of and compliance with the Code in
his / her environment. Failure to adhere to the Code
could attract severe consequences, including
Clause19: Concurrent employment
ü Consistent with applicable laws, an employee of a
Tata company shall not, without the requisite,
officially written approval of the company, accept
employment or a position of responsibility (such as
a consultant or a director) with any other company,
nor provide freelance services to anyone, with or
without remuneration.
ü In the case of a full-time director or the chief
executive, such approval must be obtained from the
board of directors of the company.
CLAUSE 20:Conflict of interest
An employee or director of a Tata company
shall always act in the interest of the
company, and ensure that any business or
personal association which he / she may have
does not involve a conflict of interest
with the operations of the company and his /
her role therein.

CLAUSE 21: Securities transactions and confidential
Insider information might include the following:
 Acquisition and divestiture of businesses or business
 Financial information such as profits, earnings and
 Announcement of new product introductions or
 Asset revaluations.
 Investment decisions / plans.
 Restructuring plans.
 Major supply and delivery agreements.
 Raising of finances.
 An employee of a Tata company shall also respect and
observe the confidentiality of information
pertaining to other companies, their patents,
intellectual property rights, trademarks and
inventions; and strictly observe a practice of non-
Clause:22 Protecting company assets
 The assets of a Tata company shall not be misused;

 They shall be employed primarily and judiciously for
the purpose of conducting the business for which
they are duly authorised.

 These include tangible assets such as equipment and
machinery, systems, facilities, materials and
resources, as well as intangible assets such as
information technology and systems, proprietary
information, intellectual property, and
relationships with customers and suppliers.
Clause:23 Citizenship

The involvement of a Tata employee in civic or

public affairs shall be with express
approval from the chief executive of his /
her company, subject to this involvement
having no adverse impact on the business
affairs of the company .
Clause:24 Integrity of data furnished

Every employee of a Tata company shall ensure,

at all times ,the integrity of data or
information furnished by him/her to the

He/she shall be entirely responsible in
ensuring that the confidentiality of all data
is retained and in no circumstance
transferred to any outside person/party in the
course of normal operations without express
guidelines from or, the approval of the
Clause:25 Reporting concerns

Every employee of a Tata company shall promptly

report to the management and / or third-party
ethics helpline, when she / he becomes aware
of any actual or possible violation of the
Code or an event of misconduct in the
company’s interest. Such reporting shall be
made available to suppliers and partners, too.

The company shall ensure protection to the
whistleblower and any attempts to intimidate
him / her would be treated as a violation of
the Code.17

1)Unethical behavior of an employee after getting

 An employee at TCS Kolkata, involved in
Johnson&Johnson project , wearing the ID-card
was drunkard at night and waited for cab. When
he did not got the cab at night, he shouted to the
security and used awkward languages and fought
with the security.

 Next day morning the head of the security

informed the matter to the PL & head HR.

 With in 24 hrs, he got pink slip.

2)5000 employees of TCS BPO left the job
because of non-increment of salary &
But the company got the profit in the
last quarter .
People were made to work 14- 18 hrs a day,
like slaves.
They were asked to resign in closed door
Most of them had not resigned on their
These people were forced to resign but
there will not be any proof because
3)During sept- oct 2008, a person having more than 7
yrs of experience in IT cleared all rounds of
interview & got offer letter in nov. 2008.
He was asked to resign the current job & give a
tentative joining date. He gave the joining
date as 1st week of jan. 2009.& gave the
resignation from the current employer .
When he contacted TCS HR on 1st week of jan 2009,
the HR told him to wait till 3rd week of the
Again when he went on the 3rd week, he was asked to
wait for 2 more weeks. This process went on for
6 months & he didn’t got any word from TCS .
He was married & was living with his family. He
was pretty safe in his previous job but now he
had to face an uncertain future because of a
fake offer. His family was in a great pain

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