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Mock Test

Prof. Alessandra Vicentini

a.a. 2010-2011
For each of the following symbols,
choose the correct description
 1. /ŋ/
 a) voiced velar nasal
 b) voiceless velar nasal
 c) voiceless alveolar nasal

 2. /ʃ/
 a) voiced palato-alveolar affricate
 b) voiceless palato-alveolar fricative
 c) voiceless palatal fricative
For each of the following definitions,
choose the corresponding phonetic symbol.

6. voiceless bilabial plosive a) /m/ f) /k/

b) /n/ g) /j/
7. voiced dental fricative
c) /p/ h) /ŋ/
8. palatal approximant d) /ð/ i) /w/
e) /s/ l) /ʃ/
9. voiceless velar plosive
10. alveolar nasal
Identify the correct phoneme
for each word
 foot  clear
 a) /ʊ/  a) ɛə
 b) /u:/  b) ɪə
 c) /əʊ/  c) i:
 stir  straw
 a) /ɜ:/  a) /əʊ/
 b) /ɪ/  b) /ɔ:/
 c) /ə/  c) /ɒ/
 want
 a) /ɔ:/
 b) /ɒ/
 c) /əʊ/
For each of the words below, identify the
correct transcription.

Redeem suspension

a) /’rɪdi:m/ a) sə’spenʃən
b) /ri’di:m/ b) sʌ’spenʃən
c) /rə’di:m/
For each of the vowel sounds below, state
whether they are central, front or back

 ɜ:
 ɔ:
 i:

a. central
b. front
c. back
strong and weak forms

For each of the following examples, identify

the correct transcription of the words

a. I’m from London.

/frǝm/ /frɒm/

b. Where are you from?

/frǝm/ /frɒm/
Connected speech

 In connected speech, a number of changes can occur in

the pronunciation of words due to their proximity to
other sounds. For each of the phrases below, identify
the connected speech phenomenon they exemplify.

 Law and order lɔ:r ǝn ɔ:dǝ

 a. Elision
 b. Assimilation of place
 c. intrusive r
 d. Assimilation of manner
 e. Coalescence
 f. Linking r
 g. Assimilation of voice
Tone placement (a)

 For each of the answers to the questions below,

decide which word carries the nucleus.

I hear your sister has moved to London – is that true?

 No, I have moved to London.

 A. I
 B. have
 C. moved
 D. to
 E. London
Tone placement (b)

 Depending on intonation, the sentence “I thought

you’d like it” can have different meanings. For each of
the two meanings specified, identify tone placement
in the sentence choosing among the options given

 I thought you’d like it. (and I was right)

 I thought you’d like it. (and I’m surprised you don’t)

 A. I
 B. thought
 C. you’d
 D. like
 E. it
Transcribe the following passage
into alphabetic characters.

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