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Student’s Guide to

Social Group Work

Where there is a little common interest and activity, kindness grows like weeds by the roadside.

Compiled by

Second Draft
S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work

Dr.Vera Mehta

The material for this compilation is taken from several sources

-Dr. Vera Mehta’s “Social Group Work” in Encyclopedia of Social Work in India (I968)
-Social Work with groups -Wikipedia
-Dr.H Y Siddique, “ Group Work: Theories and Practices: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri
Lanka” Rawat Publications, 2008.
-The Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups, Inc. (AASWG)
and several other web sources
-P.D. Sharma, “Social Work –Philosophy and Methods, Inter-India Publications, New Delhi,
S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work

It is usually easier to change individuals formed into a group than to change

any one of them separately - Kurt Lewin

S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work

Social Group Work Syllabus
UGC / NET /JRF Social Group Work 6
Social Work Practice with Groups
Social Work with Groups
Alone Vs Together (Box) # Loneliness (Box)
Definitions of Social Group Work 8
The Group as the unit of Social Work Practice
‗Group‘ from social work point of view
Group Work and Team Work (Box) 9
Rationale for Group Services in Social Work
Individualism vs Collectivism (Box)
Values of Group Work 10
Characteristics of Group Work #Characteristics of Group Work (Box)
Characteristics of Group Work –II 10
1. Group work is practiced by group itself 2. Based on humanitarian philosophy 11
3. It gives aspiration to help each other 4.It provides more skill and information:
5.It develops human personality
Purpose of Social Work with Groups (Box) 11
Characteristics of group work - Trecker‘s 11
Goal & Functions of Social Group Work
Goal (Purpose) of Group work 12
Objectives of Group work (Box)
Functions of group work 12
Nature of Group work (Box) 12
Group worker (Box) 12
Principles of Social Group Work
Principles of Social Group Work 13
Douglas &Tom‘s 14 Principles of Social Group Work 14
Trecker‘s 10 Principles of Social Group Work
Assumptions and Theories helpful in Working with Groups
Life Skills #Life Skills identified by UNICEF (Box)
Sharing Feedback #Emotional support
Psychoanalytic Theory #Psychoanalytic Theory Diagram (Box)
Learning Theory # Learning Theory (Box) #Learning Theory (Box)
Kurt Lewin‘s Field Theory # Field Force Theory (Box)
Systems Theory #Systems Theory (Box) #Systems Theory (Box) 15-25
Conflict Theory #Exogenous & Endogenous Conflict #Function of Social Conflict
Exchange Theory #Exchange Theory (Box)
Power Dependence Relations
Human Capital and Social Capital #Social Capital (Box) #Human Capital (Box)
The Importance of Social Group Worker (Box) 26
Approaches to Group Work 26
Knowledge Base for Social Group Work
Knowledge of individuals (Box) # Knowledge of groups & small group behaviour 27
(Box) #Knowledge of the function of the group worker. (Box)
Group work (Box) #Group Work Skills
Skill in understanding and dealing individual behaviour + Skill in directing the small
groups + Skill in using various programmes (Box)
Skills in intake and referral services +Skill to conduct interviews and group meetings
in the community setting (Box)
Skills in group counselling and psychotherapy (Box)
Objectives of Group work (Box) 28
Group Work Practice Settings 29

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Programme Planning /Programme Laboratory in Social Group Work
Is Social Group Worker is a recreationist (Box) #Programme media (Images)
Factors in Programme Planning #Role of group worker in programme planning
Use of Programme Media 29-30
1. Play: Drama, mime, use of puppets and masks and role-play: Music and arts and
crafts: Talk Movement: Work
Scope of Social Group Work
Scope (Box) 31-32
Evolution of Social Group Work in the United States
The Mid-Thirties to the 1950s
Gisela Konopka (Box) #Harleigh Bradley Trecker (Box) 33-36
Self esteem & belonging to a group (Box)
The 1960s to the present #William Schwartz &Mutual –aid model (Box)
Jack Rothman (Box) #Robert Vinter (Box)
Mutual Aid
Practice Models
The Mutual Aid Model
Models of Group Work (Box) #Reid‘s Classification of Group Work Models (Box) 36-38
Models of Group Work
Cognitive-Behavioural Group Work #Group Work with Mandated Members
Open-Ended Groups
Early Roots of Group Work (Box) 39
Other Influences that shaped Social Group Work Practice 40
Group Work in India ( Box) #History of Group Work in India
Present Position : Academic Curriculum # Field Work #Teaching Materials
Group Work Practice in Agencies 41-44
Socio-Cultural Factors that influence Social Group Work Practice
Qualities of a Group worker 44
Evaluation of the Group Work #Group Work Evaluation (Box)
Purpose of Evaluation #Content of Evaluation
-Evaluation of Individual Growth #- Chart for Evaluating Individual Growth (Table) 45-47
- Evaluation of the group #- Chart for evaluating group performance (Table)
- Measuring the performance / growth of a group (table)
- Evaluation of the member‘s contribution to group
- Chart for evaluating member‘s contribution to group
Recording in Social Group Work #Importance of Recording in Social Group Work
(Box) #Use of records #Principles of social work recording – Lindsay 48-49
Content of Social Group Work Records

S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work

Social Group Work Syllabus

Unit I
Social Group Work - Definition, Meaning, Concept, Scope, Objectives and History of Social
Group Work, Principles of Social Group Work - Relationship between Social Case Work and
Group Work
Unit II
Dynamics of Group Formation, Structure and Functions of Group, Pattern and process of
group interaction - Group climate - Socio-metric pattern and its use
Unit III
Group Work Process - Planning Phase, Beginning Phase, Middle Phase, Ending Phase-
Recording in Group work – importance & Methods
Unit IV
Program Planning in Social Group Work - Meaning, Principles, Planning Stages – Roles of
group worker – Enabler, Therapist, Helper, Resource mobilizer and Evaluator – Skills of
Social Group Worker.
Unit V
Program Laboratory – Play, games, Singing, Dancing, Role Play, Story Telling, Puppetry,
Group Discussion and Excursion -Group Work practices among Children, Youth, Aged,
Women and in different settings

UGC NET JRF Syllabus related to Group Work

Concept of Group Work - Assumptions, Definition and Goals of Group Work. Principles, Skills
and Values of Social Group Work. Stages of Group Development and Use of Programmes for
Group Development - Orientation Stage, Working Stage, Termination Stage, Programme
Planning, Implementation and Evaluation. Study of Group Process - Group Dynamics,
Member's behaviour. Leadership and Role of the Worker in Various Settings. Approaches
and Models in Group Work Practice - Therapeutic / Social Treatment. Development Group
and Task oriented Group.

Social Work Practice with Groups

 Social work with groups has played an important role in transforming the way we think
about clients and about the helping process.
 Science has made the discovery that infants who are isolated from other human beings
succumb to inattention.
 Psychologists have observed that learning can actually be enhanced by associations with
 It is a well documented fact than many of the physical and mental illnesses of people are
caused by social and emotional malaise and that social needs bring people to the office of
social workers, psychologists, and marriage counsellors.
 People not only need to be loved, they need to know that they are wanted and
 Human beings are strongly dependent on interactions with other humans.
 Social work practice with groups builds on the important impact of groups on individuals
and utilizes group processes to accomplish individual and group goals.

S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work
Groups are a fundamental part of social life. Groups can be very small – just two people –or
very large. They can be highly rewarding to their members and to society as a whole, but
there are also significant problems and dangers with them. All this makes them an essential
focus for research, exploration and action.

Alone versus together Humans are small group beings. We always have
 Isolation can be positive, but been and we always will be. The ubiquitousness of
prolonged isolation is stressful groups and the inevitability of being in them make
 People respond negatively if they groups one of the most important factors in our
expect to be alone lives. As the effectiveness of our groups goes, so
– increased aggression goes the quality of our lives
– take risks
– reduced cognitive capacity However, there is a downside to all this. The
socialization they offer might be highly constraining
and oppressive for some of their members. They can also become environments that foster
interpersonal conflict. Furthermore, the boundaries drawn around groups are part of a process
of excluding certain people (sometimes to their detriment) and creating inter-group conflict.
There is also evidence to show that groups When alone one is free to act any way that one
can impact upon individuals in ways that like But join a group, and one must tailor
warp their judgments and that lead to his/her actions to the demands of the group
damaging decision making (what some situation
commentators have talked about as
('groupthink'). Given all of this it is easy to see why the intervention of skilled leaders and
facilitators is sometimes necessary.
Social Work with Groups.
One cannot examine the life of any group without realizing its potentialities for affecting the
attitudes and
Loneliness consequently the values
Loneliness can be emotional and social. Membership in groups can
of the members. Group
reduce both types of loneliness
interaction is the social
force through which
individual growth and
development take place.
It is also the means
through which societal
growth and change are
accomplished. While
group life makes growth
possible, it does not
necessarily mean that any
group life develops a
happy, well-balanced
individual or a democratic
society automatically. Achievement of these ends depends upon the set of values which are
the dominant ideals of the members and of the society of which they are a part. A worker is
assigned to a group in order that he may influence it for some social purpose which is of
value to the sponsor of the group. That social purpose may be totalitarian or it may be

S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work
Definitions of Social Group Work

Group Work maybe defined as an educational process emphasising the development and
social adjustment of an individual through voluntary association and the use of this
1 association as a means of furthering socially desirable ends. (Newsletter -1935)

Social Group Work aims at the development of persons through the interplay of
2 personalities in group situations, and at the creation of such group situations to
provide for integrated, co operative group action for common (Coyle 1937)

Group work is method by which the group worker enables various types of
groups to function in such a way that both group interaction and
3 programme activities contribute to the growth of the individual and the
achievement of desirable social goals
(Association for the Advancement of Group Work-1948)

Group Work as a social process and a method through which group life is affected by a
worker who consciously direct the interacting process toward the accomplishment of goals
4 which are conceived in a democratic frame of reference (Wilson & Ryland -1949)

Social Group work is a psychosocial process which is concerned no less than with developing
leadership ability and co operation than with building on the interests of the group for a
5 social purpose (Hamilton -1949)

Group Work is used within group experience as a means to individual growth and
development, and that the group worker is concerned in developing social responsibility and
6 active citizenship for the improvement of democratic society (Coyle -1954)

Social Group Work is a method through which individuals in groups and in agency settings
are helped by a worker who guides their interaction in programme activities so that they
7 may relate themselves to others and experience growth opportunities in accordance with
their needs and capacities to the end of the individual, group and community development
(H.B.Trecker -1955)

Social Group Work is a method of social work which helps individuals to enhance their social
functioning through purposeful group experiences and to cope more effectively with their
8 personal, group or community problems (Konapka -1963)

Group Work can address the two fold objectives of providing therapeutic services and also
9 the political goal of strengthening democratic functioning (Sallie Bright -1955)

Group Work include both improving the normal functioning and neutralizing the abnormal
10 functioning of individuals (Balgopal & Vassili -1983)

Social Group Work is used for the purpose of reducing or eliminating roadblocks to social
11 interaction and accomplishing desirable social goals (Skidmore – 1988)

(In Indian context) Social Group Work will refer to working with a small group (members
ranging from 7-10) to a medium size group (members ranging from 10-20) for a variety of
purposes beginning from recreation to behaviour modification on the one hand and
12 accomplishing tasks including social change and development on the other, with a variety of
clients ranging from children to elderly. The worker makes use of the expertise in human
relationships to help these groups to achieve the group goals in a participatory manner while
paying adequate attention to individual needs and social norms (H.Y.Siddiqui -2008)
S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work
The Group as the unit of Social Work Practice
‘Group’ from social work point of view
A common conceptualization of the small group drawn from the social work literature is “...a
social system consisting of two or more persons who stand in status and role relationships
with one another and possessing a set of norms or values which regulate the attitudes and
behaviours of the individual members in matters of consequence to the group. A group is a
system of relationship among persons. Therefore, group as a social system has a structure and
Group Work and Team Work
For some group work is just another way of talking about teamwork. In this context, working in
groups is often presented as a good way of dividing work and increasing productivity. It can also be
argued that it allows for the utilization of the different skills, knowledge and experiences that people
have. As a result, in schools and colleges it is often approached as a skill to be learnt – the ability to
work in group-based environments. Within schools and colleges, working in groups can also be
adopted as a mean of carrying forward curriculum concerns and varying the classroom experience - a
useful addition to the teacher or instructor's repertoire.
But the focus of Group Work is somewhat different. In the process of working with groups, group
members may undertake particular tasks and become environments where members can share in a
common life, form beneficial relationships and help each other. Entering groups or forming them,
and then working with them so that members are able be around each other, take responsibility and
work together on shared tasks, involves some very sophisticated abilities on the part of practitioners.
These abilities are often not recognized for what they are – for when group work is done well it can
seem natural. Skilled group workers, like skilled counsellors, have to be able to draw upon an
extensive repertoire of understandings, experiences and skills and be able to think on their feet. They
have to respond both quickly and sensitively to what is emerging in the exchanges and relationships
in the groups they are working with.

some degree of stability in interaction, reciprocity, interdependence and group bond. Open
social systems do not exist in a vacuum; they are part of and transact with their
surroundings”. Thus group is a collection of people who need each other in order to work on
certain common tasks, and the social group work(er) provides a hospitable environment
(agency setting) to achieve those tasks”
Rationale for Group Services in Social Work
Opportunities for mutual aid to be found in associating with a group offer the major rationale
for the provision of group services by social workers. Gitterman (2006), a social work
Individualism vs Collectivism
Individualism Collectivism
The individual is primary, first. His or her rights The group is primary, first. Its rights must
must be recognized and put above the right of the be recognized & put above the right of
group as a whole. If the group‘s goals aren‘t the individual. The individual belongs to
compatible with the individual‘s goals, then the the group.
individual is free to go his or her own way.
Individualism foster exchange relationships rather greater loyalty to the ingroup and less
than communal relationships concern for the outgroup
Individualism: stresses individuality and Collectivism: stresses hierarchy and reacts
independence more negatively to nonconformity
Individualism: self-serving tendencies, reliance on Collectivism: group-serving tendencies,
the equity norm reliance on the equality norm
Individualism: emphasis on personal identity Collectivism: emphasis on collective, social

S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work
educator and group work scholar has elaborated on the role of mutual aid in the small group,
noting that “as members become involved with one another, they develop helping
relationships and take interest in each other and participate in the group activities". The
mutual aid processes that unfold in a group context help group members
 "to experience their concerns and life issues as universal,"
 "reduce isolation and stigma,"
 "offer and receive help from each other," and
 "learn from each other‟s views, suggestions and challenges".

Values of Group Work

The value system informing group work practice identify with “the ultimate value of social
work” which they suggest is “that human beings have opportunities to realize their potential
for living in ways that are both personally satisfying and socially desirable”. Humanistic
Values of

1. Respect for persons and their autonomy.


Value: The moral principles and beliefs or


accepted standards of a person or social group

2. The creation of a socially just society.

values guide social work practice with groups, inform worker role and use of self, and the
understanding of membership in a social work group. Humanistic values "cast people in
society as responsible for and to one another”. The perspective espoused by several social
work group work experts is that not only are people responsible for one another but that
mutual interdependence is preferable to individualism.

The following humanistic values have been highlighted by social work educators, such as
Gisela Konopka, as integral to social work practice with groups: 1) "individuals are of
inherent worth"; 2) "people are mutually responsible for each other; and 3) "people have the
fundamental right to experience mental health brought about by social and political
conditions that support their fulfilment" .
Characteristics of Group Work
Group work is essential to work with a systematic plan having understanding, we feelings
and concentration. Group workers are viewed as helping persons whose job is to help people
by identifying her/his problem, skill and ability.
There are specific characteristics of group work which are distinct from those of the
other methods of social work.
Characteristics of Group work

1. Group work makes use of multiple relationships and a multi-person

process (worker to member, worker to group, member to member and member to
group) whereas casework relies on the interview, a two-person process. The latter also
sometimes utilises joint interviews as well when there are multiple clients in family
casework in which case knowledge and use of group theory and dynamics are used.
2. The group is an instrument for meeting basic needs and strengthening human
capacities. It promotes identification of participants with one another and provides
freedom to relate as and when the client is ready for it.
3. A unique characteristic of group work is its use of programme media such as
discussion, arts and crafts, music, dance, drama, role play, outings and parties which
facilitate mastery of skills and serve as a vehicle for fostering human relationships.
4. Programme activities offer scope for utilisation of non-verbal communication, a
particularly valuable tool for clients who cannot articulate their needs and problems.
5. Mernbership in the group, exposure to its influences, participation in its activities
and acquisition of a role and status within it can have potent effects for individuals. 10
S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work

Characteristic of Group work:

1. Group work practiced by group itself Purpose of Social Work with
2. It‟s based on humanitarian philosophy Groups
3. It gives aspiration to help each other In 1964 the Committee on Practice of
4. Group work provides more information and the Group Work Section of the
more skill National Association of Social Workers
proposed that group work was
5. It develop human personality applicable for the following purposes:
 corrective/treatment;
1. Group work is practiced by group itself  prevention;
With the help of group workers, development of the  normal social growth and
individual changes and personality growth are happen. development;
The group practiced and take steps by his own worth  personal enhancement; and
and dignity by the help of its workers. citizenship indoctrination.
Common needs addressed by social
2. Based on humanitarian philosophy: work groups include
Group work is based on humanitarian philosophy. A  coping with major life transitions;
group get its inspiration from the happiness, joy and  the need to acquire information or
prosperity of the member of that particular group  the need to improve social
within a community. A group must have a relationships;
belongingness and group philosophy.  the need to cope with illness;
 the need to cope with feelings of
3. It gives aspiration to help each other: loss or loneliness
Because of living together, sharing problem and
emotion of each other they get a aspiration to help
each other. The group help the individual when she/he is in problem.
4.It provides more skill and information:
After formation of a group by a worker the group member get more information and skill.
Because of belongingness and helping mind the member can share their knowledge among
themselves. They get more information about science, resources and techniques.
5.It develops human personality:
After making a group their networking with other groups, workers and agency develop their

Characteristics of group work identified from Trecker’s definition

1. Social Group work is a method
2. Individuals helped through groups in social agency settings
3. The role of worker is to guide interaction process
4. The purpose of group work is to provide experience, growth
opportunities for development


Goal & Functions of Social Group Work

Social group work is a orderly, systematic plan, way of working with people in groups.
Social group work is not an activity but a way of conducting many different activities. The
members are helped to learn new ideas, develop skills, attitude changes & responsibilities

S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work
through participation in a social process.
In group work group itself has utilized by the individual with the help of the worker as a
primary means of personality growth, change & development of individual.
Goal (Purpose) of Group work:
 To teach the individual to live & work together and participate in the group activities
for their intellectual emotion& physical growth
 To live a good life within the group and family. The individual is also taught to work
together with other people & participate in different activities.
 To develop individual personality& behaviour by using different group work process
 To prepare the individual to learn how to safe responsibility in a democracy style of
 To give opportunity to them who have potentiality, worth and dignity of leadership
 To make best use of leisure time
 To learn division of labour & specialization of role just to indicate to play individual
role in the group
 To provide suitable task to the individual according to her/his skill, knowledge and
 To widen ones horizon
 To prepare people for social change
 To apply group therapy in need of physical, mental and emotional adjustment
Functions of group work:
 Group works mainly sees the situation & the needs of all the individuals & try to
solve the problems of the individuals. For every individual the group is the main
source of strength & renders everybody helping hand.
 A group fulfil the social desires and need of each individual in the group
 Group work is carried on with voluntary group in the setting of social agency
 Group workers tale care of social agencies in many fields as education, religious &
recreational field.
 It‟s a helping process with dual purpose of individual & group growth.
 The function of the group work is always for the betterment of the individual as well
as for the growth of the entire group.
 Group worker plays role of enabler & helping person, by earning an effective group.
The group worker is a main person who by her/his better knowledge try to make the
group better.
Nature of Group work Group worker
Group work recognises the strength of Group worker is thus constantly operating at two levels — the
social forces that are generated within client as an individual and the group as a social system,
small groups and seeks to mobilize whose influence can be utilized to develop client abilities,
them for change in the client. The modify self-images and perspectives, resolve conflicts and
group worker consciously guides the inculcate new patterns of behaviour. These changes must be
composition, development and stabilized beyond the duration of the group experience if they
processes of the group for are to gain significance. The results of group work
accomplishing his goals for each intervention are to be assessed, then, in terms of improved
individual member and the group as a performance in these social role areas in the client's life and
whole. not merely in terms of changed behaviour within the group.

S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work
Principles of Social Group Work
While group work shares with other methods of social work, generic principles such as
respect for the individual, non-judgemental attitude and objectivity, out of its own
philosophy and skill evolve basic principles specific to this method
which guide the worker. Change is brought about through the
establishment of purposeful growth-producing relationships
between the worker and group members and among the members
themselves. Sometimes this may require an appropriate
modification of the group interactional process and its
components (such as bond, leadership, isolation, scapegoating, sub-
groups, conflict, hostility and contagion) to create a conducive
atmosphere. The group worker encourages each member to
participate according to the stage of his capacity thus enabling him
to become more capable and confident in the process of problem
solving. The worker also makes judicious use of limitations to direct and control the
behaviour of members to obtain the optimum interaction. Most important is the differential
and purposeful use of a programme according to the diagnostic evaluation of individual
members, the group purpose and appropriate social goals. Well-chosen programme media
provide opportunities for a new and differing experience in relationships and
accomplishments. Group work demands an ongoing evaluation of the progress made by
each individual and the group and, finally and most important of all, a warm and disciplined
use of self on the part of the worker.
Principles of Social Group Work
Douglus &Tom has mentioned 14 Principles of Social Group Work
1 Recognition and subsequent action in relation to the unique difference of each individual
2 Recognition and subsequent action in relation to the wide variety of groups as groups
3 Genuine acceptance of each individual with his unique strengths and weaknesses
4 Establishment of a purposeful relationship between group worker and group member
5 Encouragement and enabling of help and co-operative relationships between members
6 Appropriate modification of group process
7 Encouragement of each member to participate according to the stage of his capacity and
enabling him to become more capable
8 Enabling members to involve themselves in the process of problem solving
9 Enabling group members to experience increasingly satisfactory forms of working through
10 Provision of opportunities for new and differing experience in relationship and accomplishments
11 Judicious use of limitations related to the diagnostic assessment of each individual and the total
12 Purposeful and differential use of programme according to diagnostic evaluation of individual
members, group purpose and appropriate goals
13 Ongoing evaluation of individual and group progress
14 Warm human and disciplined use of self on the part of the group worker

Terence J. Cooke in his book ‘Basic Principles of Social

Group Work’ mentioned 4 Principles of Group Work

Walter A Friedlander in his book ‘Concepts and

Methods of Social Work’ mentioned 10 principles of
Social Group Work

S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work
Trecker’s 10 Principles of Social Group Work
1 The Principle of Planned Group Formation
Group is the basic unit through which the service is provided to the individual, consequently, the
agency and the worker responsible for the formation of group or the acceptance into the agency of
already formed groups must be aware of the factors inherent in the group situation that make the
given group a positive potential for individual growth and for meeting recognizable needs
2 The Principle of Specific Objectives
Specific objectives for individual as well as group development must be consciously formulated by the
worker in harmony with group wishes and capacities and in keeping with agency function
3 The Principle of Purposeful Worker Group Relationship
A consciously purposeful relationship must be established between the worker and the group
members based on the worker‘s acceptance of the group members as they are and upon the groups
willingness to accept help from the worker because of the confidence the members have in him and
in the agency
4 The Principle of Continuous Individualization
In group work it is recognized that groups are different and that individuals utilize group experience
in a variety of ways to meet their differing needs; consequently, continuous individualization must be
practised by the worker. Groups and individuals in the group must be understood as developing and
5 The Principle of Guided Group Interaction
In group work the primary source of energy which propels the group and influences the individuals to
change are the interaction and reciprocal responses of the members. The group worker influence this
interaction by the type and the quality of participation
6 The Principle of Democratic Group Self Determination
In group work the group must be helped to make its own decisions and determine its own activities,
taking the maximum amount of responsibility in line with the capacity and ability. The primary source
of control over the group is the group itself
7 The Principle of Flexible Functional Organization
In group work, the group worker guides the group by setting up an organization to meet the group
needs. The organization thus established should be understood by the group members, should be
flexible and encouraged only if it meets the felt need of the members. The organization should be
adaptive and should change as the group changes.
8 The Principle of Progressive Programme Experiences
In social group work, the program experiences in which the group engages should begin at the level
of the member interest, need, experience and competence and should progress in relation to the
developing capacity of the group.
9 The Principle of Resource Utilization
In social group work, the total environment of the agency and the community possess resources
which should be utilized to enrich the content of group experience for individuals and for the group
as a whole.
10 The Principle of Evaluation
In social group work, continuous evaluation of process and programmes in terms of outcomes is
essential. Worker, group and agency share in this procedure as a means of guaranteeing this
greatest possible self fullfilment

S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work
Assumptions and Theories helpful in Working with Groups
Life skills
One of the frameworks used in working with List of Life Skills Identified by UNICEF
group is the assumption that many persons 1. Communication & Interpersonal Skills
lack the requisite skills and experiences to Interpersonal communication skills
Verbal/Nonverbal communication # Active
cope with stresses in their social relationships. listening # Expressing feelings; giving feedback
These stresses usually occur in their childhood (without blaming) and receiving feedback
when children and adolescents move from one Negotiation/refusal skills
status and role position to the other or from Negotiation and conflict management #
Assertiveness skills # Refusal skills
one interaction milieu to the other. For Empathy
example, when a child moves out from a Ability to understand another's needs &
relatively contained, secure and static home circumstances
environment to a school which is a more open Cooperation and Teamwork
Expressing respect for others' contributions and
and dynamic environment, from a primary different styles #Assessing one's own abilities
school to middle or higher secondary school, and contributing to the group
from school to college, etc. These changes Advocacy Skills
Influencing skills & persuasion #Networking and
create stress as a child or an adolescent is motivation skills
expected to adapt to a new set of norms and 2. Decision-Making & Critical Thinking
also rules, meant for regulating behaviour. Skills
Adolescents in general experience stress Decision making / problem solving skills
Information gathering skills # Evaluating future
associated with physical development, social consequences of present actions for self and
acceptance and academic performance. The others # Determining alternative solutions to
degree of stress is directly related to the problems # Analysis skills regarding the
degree of life skills they possess in coping influence of values and attitudes of self and
others on motivation
with the change. For example, for a young Critical thinking skills
boy to move from a rural school to an urban Analyzing peer and media influences # Analyzing
higher education institution will cause more attitudes, values, social norms and beliefs and
factors affecting these # Identifying relevant
stress than for a young person moving from an information and information sources
urban school to a higher education institution 3. Coping & Self-Management Skills
in an urban area. Similarly, a child from a Skills for increasing internal locus of control
family of uneducated parents will face more Self esteem/confidence building skills # Self
awareness skills about rights, influences, values,
stress at school and other educational attitudes, strengths and weaknesses # Goal
institutions. The inadequacy of life skills such setting skills # Self evaluation / Self assessment /
as verbal and non verbal communications, Self-monitoring skills
asserting, handling feelings and conflicts, Skills for managing feelings
Anger management # Dealing with grief and
coupled with experience of functioning in a anxiety Coping skills for dealing with loss, abuse,
group consisting of members from trauma
multicultural background, increases the stress Skills for managing stress
Time management # Positive thinking #
leading to maladjustment problems. This
Relaxation techniques
framework helps a group worker to
understand the children and adolescents exhibiting stress symptoms and their inability to
adjust in the group. The worker can provide these children a support group to discuss their
problems and learn from each other and to understand the coping strategies that they are
using to deal with the situation. The group worker can also help them to learn new life skills
to update their competence to cope with stresses and sources of stresses.

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Sharing Feedback
Peer relations greatly influence children and adolescents. Hence, it is important for them to
understand how others rate them. The process of
nicknaming persons is a common occurrence in all
societies and at all stages. Generally, the labels aptly
describe how others view the behaviour of a person. The
group can provide an opportunity to children and
adolescents to discover how others view them. It
can also help them to analyze it objectively and
Feedback learn to take corrective action if needed. For
example, if a person is identified as a „bully‟,
Conscious Knowledge what are its implications, and how can one change
the label. A discussion of stereo types can also be
Decision & Commitment helpful in understanding labels and how to deal
with them. There are also instances of giving
Undesired Incorrect Correct Desired
labels to members of a particular religious,
Results Action Action Results linguistic or caste group, which are negative.
The children and adolescents of these groups
experience a high degree of stress leading to academic and mental health problems. The
group worker can use the knowledge to design a number of programs for children and
adolescents indulging in labeling and for those who are at the receiving end.

Emotional support
Many persons experience trauma due to a variety of reasons. Some examples are loss of
significant persons, family violence, long-term unemployment, retirement trauma, and loss of
shelter or other valuables, etc. These conditions produce stress and could become traumatic.
Individual counseling is helpful but emotional trauma shared with fellow sufferers has been
found to be of help. The studies of children and adolescents affected by disasters indicate that
the trauma produces a great deal of anxiety, resulting in loss of concentration and producing
incoherent behaviour. The adolescent‟s reaction to stress may vary such as withdrawal or
opting out, depression, loss of control, inability to concentrate, irritability, disturbed sleep or
eating patterns, flashbacks and emotional numbing. Loss of significant members such as
parents or siblings and material resources such as housing will require a different set of life
skills and coping strategies to survive. The studies indicate that emotional support from
others who have undergone a similar trauma is helpful. The finding is used to form groups of
persons having suffered a trauma to provide emotional support to each other.

By now it is clear that in order to understand the events taking place within a group, one need
to understand the individuals within the group on the one hand and their interaction in the
group on the other. There are now a number of psychological theories providing an
explanation of individual behaviour and how it can help in understanding the group
functioning. A number of studies on group psychology and group dynamics are now
available to provide important insights about groups

Psychoanalytic Theory
Freud is perhaps one of the earliest theorists to provide an explanation of human personality.
Freud conceptualized that the human mind has two broad systems.

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One he described as conscious, pre-conscious and unconscious and the other as Id, Ego and
super Ego. Freud suggested that mind was composed of thoughts (ideas), feelings, instincts,
drives, conflicts and motives. Most of these elements were located in the unconscious or
preconscious. There is a repressed area which serves as a barrier where a lot of disturbing
material (thoughts and feelings), as unresolved conflicts, are placed through the process of
defense mechanism. Defense mechanism or repression is a process in which unacceptable
desires, memories and thoughts are excluded from consciousness by sending the material into
the unconscious under the repressed barrier. Freud suggests that this results in producing
irritants such as unwanted emotions and behaivour such as anger, hallucinations, etc.
Describing the second system Freud explains that Id is the primitive psychic force hidden in
the unconscious. It represents the basic needs and drives such as hunger, thirst, sex and self
preservation, which support other personality factors. Id governed by the pleasure principle

primarily seeks to express itself irrespective of the consequences, while Ego acts as the
rational component of the mind which controls the thinking of the mind. Super ego serves as
the conscience by indicating what is right and wrong socially and morally. Freud
conceptualized that people pass through six psychosocial development stages. During any
one of the stages conflicts may arise and if it remains unresolved the person‟s personality
development will be affected. He thought that disturbances can arise from several sources.
Traumatic experiences which a person‟s ego is not able to cope with directly are repressed.
Similarly internal unconscious processes could also cause disturbances. Freud, in elaborating
the group‟s influence on human behaviour, specifically mentions about the importance of
group leader, and the early life experiences of the members. The members use transference in
their interactions that occur within the group and try to recreate their conflicts and defense
More recent psychoanalytic group treatment have adapted and modified classical
psychoanalytic theory to emphasize the current experiences of group interaction. Through
direct, mutual interpersonal communications members build interpersonal skills, adaptive

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capacities and ego strength, and develop self awareness of their behaviour and its
implications in a group situation. The cohesiveness of the group helps members to feel secure
and able to share the intimate personal details of their life and to act out their conflicts in the
safe and supportive environment of the group. For details see the text on psychoanalytic
A number of psychologists have contributed in developing learning theory as an explanation
of human behaviour.
Learning Theory
Learning Theory has created a lot of controversy in group work as it focuses more on
individual than on group dynamics with reference to influencing individual behaviour.
Learning theory also provides a frame work for understanding human behaviour. It provides
an understanding of the social functioning of persons within their environments. The person
in dynamic interaction with all aspects of the environment is the focus of attention. Further, it
emphasizes the importance of assessment of observable behaviour, and advocates the use of
specific terms in defining behaviour. And finally it takes a positive approach that if behaviour
is learned then it can also be unlearned.

Respondent conditioning refers to the emission of behaviour in response to a specific

stimulus. The stimulus could be a word, sight or a sound. The second type of learning is
called modeling, which simply refers to learning by observation. The children of parents who
smoke are likely to be smokers. Children of parents with ability to control their feelings under
stress are likely to learn self-control. However, a number of factors or conditions can affect
the effectiveness of modelling. Some of them are similarity of the model to the observer, the
prestige, status and expertise of the model, and the diversity of models around the observer.
Operant conditioning is a type of learning in which behaviours are altered primarily by
regulating the subsequences which follow them. New behaviours could be learned and
undesirable behaviours could be weakened and eliminated by regulating the consequences.

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By using the learning theory framework, the group can provide reinforcements to strengthen
behaviour. There are both positive and negative
reinforcements. A good example of
negative reinforcement in a group situation
is to discourage behaviour by booing, if the
proper dress code or language or behaviour
code is violated. The person will then
behave in a particular manner to avoid the
booing. However, a more server response
like terminating the membership to weaken
a behaivour is called punishment. Similarly
extinction or withdrawal of reinforcements
results in weakening of particular
behaviour. The learning theory thus
provides a framework for group workers to
modify behaviour. The context could be
achievement of group tasks and
development, or helping the members to
unlearn behaviors that create problems in
their social functioning.
Sociologists have also studied groups and their functioning. They have come up with a
number of interesting findings that are helpful in highlighting the functioning of groups.
Field Theory
Kurt Lewin was one of the pioneers to scientifically study group
functioning. He focused on the forces that influenced the working of
groups. He and his colleagues tried to study leadership styles by
creating groups with different styles of leaderships in order to see their
impact on the functioning of the group. It is commonly observed that a
leader becomes authoritarian when the members are seeking favours,
rather than questioning the decisions or even discussing the issues
objectively. Lewin argued that the leadership style is a product of
leader and member interaction rather than a personality trait of the
leader. Further, Lewin, while developing his Field Theory, argued that
a group has a life space and it has movement. It tries to accomplish goals or group tasks and
faces hurdles in its movement (locomotion). Lewin believed that group was an entity of
opposing forces which keep the group members in the group and move them along in
achieving group goals. However, the behaviour of individual members and the group itself
should be seen as a product of the totality of the group situation (Lewin, 1964)
Lewin introduced several concepts to help in the understanding of forces at work in the
Some of them are
 Roles- status rights and duties of group members;
 Norms – Rules governing the behaviour of group members;
 Power – the ability of members to influence on another;

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 Cohesion-The attraction the group members feel towards one another and towards the
 Consensus- the degree of agreement
regarding goals and other group
phenomena, and
 Valence – the potency of goals and
objects in the life space of the group.
Other field theorists have continued to
work on the characteristics of group that
influence the individual behaivour.
Cohesion has been identified as an
important factor, defined as, “the totality of
forces acting on individual members to
keep them in the group.
Cohesion reflects the agreement on goals
and norms, shared understanding and a
greater homogeneity in demographic
background, as also the productivity, satisfaction and cooperative interaction patterns.
Lewin developed t-group as a means to observe the effects of group process on group
members and as a means to induce changes in behaviour. Lewin thus helped in developing a
theory that people change when they see their behaviour as others see it, thus leading to
development of the feedback method whereby the group members and the group leader
provide feedback to the individual as to how his/her behaviour was affecting them. Role
plays and simulations are also used to highlight the group process. The group workers using
the field theory framework can design their own interventions in working with the group for
achieving the group goals along with individual development
Systems Theory
Systems theory is also helpful to
explain the functioning of a
group. Talcott Persons defined
social system as a set of
interdependent elements trying to
function as a unified whole to
maintain order and a stable
equilibrium. The social systems
are constantly facing new
challenges as the environment
around them and within, is
constantly changing. Therefore,
they must act to maintain the
equilibrium if they have to
survive. This act of survival
depends upon four basic
(a) Integration
(b) adaptation;

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(c) pattern maintenance; and
(d) goal attainment.
The group viewed as a system would therefore be able to achieve its objectives if it is able to
carry out these four functions effectively. It is able to integrate members by achieving
individual and group goal matching. It also has the capacity to make changes to adapt itself to
outside demands like that of the community and the sponsoring organization and with the
internal dynamics as it changes with time. The pattern maintenance would require
development of norms and guidelines to regulate its activities and develop well defined
objectives, identify and procedures that are able to sustain these over time. The functioning of
a system depends to a great extent on the carrying out the role assigned to them. The goal
attainment is the final task to ensure the smooth functioning of the system. The members will
lose interest and the functioning of the group will be affected if the goals are attainable is an
important attribute of group stability and functioning. Parsons pointed out that problems will
arise during the functioning of the group; the group, including its leadership must make use
of its resources effectively to tackle the problems to maintain the equilibrium of the group.
Robert Bales, however, believed that the survival of the group depends on two central tasks.

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The first he termed the instrumental problems related to tasks or goal related functions and
the second, socio-emotional tasks related to the interpersonal relationships between members,
and between members and leader, for coordinating and maintaining the emotional unity and
morale of the group. While the instrumental problems generally arise on account of the
external pressures, the socio emotional problems are rooted in the internal dynamics of the
group. The insights are helpful for workers to deal with both kinds of challenges in their
working with groups. It is often seen that exclusive focus on one results in ignoring the other,
making the group dysfunctional in the process. However, Bales sees this as natural, as the
group struggles to maintain a dynamic equilibrium between the two sets of functions. Bales
prefers a certain amount of tension and antagonism to Parsons; emphasis on harmony. The
worker can keep in mind that the emphasis on tasks will vary in different groups, depending
upon the central purpose of the group. It will be different in a self-help group formed to
achieve a specific task, than in a group of children. it is also possible to analyze the
interaction between members in a group by using a tool developed by Bales called interaction
Process Analysis.

Conflict Theory
Although sociologists differ in their understanding of conflict as a social phenomenon in
society, yet some of the explanations of conflicts are
helpful in understanding the conflicts in groups and in
dealing with them.
Sociologists have identified two broad categories of
1. Endogenous conflict: This refers to sources of
changes from within a society
2. Exogenous conflict: This refers to changes from
without or between systems
Endogenous conflict highlights the following sources of conflict
a. Inherent predilection to change
b. Conflict over the differential distribution of resources such as wealth, power and prestige
c. Conflict of values
d. Conflict of authority
e. Conflict between individual and collectivity
The exogenous conflict identifies three sources:
a. Wars
b. Cultural invasions
c. Conflict of ideology
Lewis Coser (1973) distinguishes between realistic and non realistic conflicts. Realistic
conflicts are conflicts arising on account of non-fulfillment of specific of specific demands,
whereas non –realistic conflicts are rooted in the need for release of tension and are not
oriented towards achievement of any specific demand.
Function of social conflict
In every group there are occasions for conflict, since individuals and sub-groups are likely to
make rival claims to scarce resources, prestige or power positions. But social structures differ
in the way the group allows expression to these claims. Some are more tolerant, others are
not. Closely built groups are likely to suppress conflict. The feeling of hostility tends to
accumulate and intensify and when it breaks out it will be intense. This is because of two

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factors. Firstly, it will not aim at resolving the immediate issue as all accumulated grievances
will com to fore. Secondly, it is because of total personality involvement of the group
members. It is important for a group worker to remember that the hostility should not be
permitted to accumulate and conflict should be allowed to occur wherever a resolution of
tension seems to be allowed to occur wherever a resolution of tension seems to be indicated.
In such cases the conflict is likely to remain focused primarily on the condition leading to its
outbreak. Conflicts within a group can also help to revitalize existing norms and help to
develop new norms as well.

Exchange Theory
The central concern of the exchange theory is to find an explanation for the human
transactions of giving and receiving. James Frazer suggests that men enter in to
institutionalized patterns of exchange to satisfy their economic needs. But there is a
difference between economic exchange and
social exchange. Social exchange process According to the social-exchange theory, people
yield for the larger society a moral code of help because they want to gain goods from the one
behaivour, which acquires an independent being helped. People calculate rewards and costs of
existence outside the social exchange helping others, and aim at maximizing the former
situation and which informs all social, and minimizing the latter, which is known as a
“minimax” strategy.
economic, and political interpersonal
Rewards are incentives, which can be materialistic
relationships in society. The triple goods, social rewards which can improve one’s
obligations of social exchange- to give, to image and reputation (e.g. praise) or self-reward.
receive and to repay – are to be understood Rewards are either external or internal. External
not as self- interest but in terms of reward is things that obtained from others when
interpersonal, hence inter-group, relations. helping them, for instance, friendship and
Social exchange transaction creates social gratitude. People are more likely to help those who
bonds creating ties between individuals and are more attractive or important, whose approval
is desired. Internal reward is generated by oneself
the collectivity. Levr-Stratuss argued that it
when helping, for example, sense of goodness and
is the exchange which is important not the self-satisfaction. When seeing someone in distress,
things which are exchanged and the primary one would empathize the victim and are aroused
function of the exchange is structural and distressed. We may choose to help in order to
integration of the collectivity. reduce the arousal and distress. Preceding helping
behavior, people consciously calculate the benefits
Homans and Blau among others have and costs of helping and not helping, and they help
developed the exchange theory to explain when the overall benefit of helping outweigh the
members‟ behaviour within a group. They
argued that all members in a group will try
to maximize individual rewards and
minimize punishments. All human
interaction according to them is seeking
something in return from the other. The
behaviour is conditioned to maximize
rewards and minimize punishment in all
interactions. However, the process requires
taking decisions and carrying out tasks
assigned. Deviations occur as members to not attempt to maximize rewards, which create
difficulties in accepting the exchange theory. The cognitive process and the members
capacities are not full explained by the exchange theory can be summarized as follows: social

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behaviour is an exchange of goods, material and non-material, such as approval or prestige.
Persons that give to others try to get something in return, and persons who receive from
others are under pressure to give in return. This process of exchange tends to create
equilibrium to balance the exchanges.
Power Dependence Relations
Emerson sought to advance exchange theory by developing a theory of power dependence,
Emerson attempts to provide a link among the concepts of „Power‟, „Authority‟, Legitimacy‟
and „Structure‟ by giving a definition of power that emphasizes its relational character. He
sees power as bound with ties of mutual dependence. This means that „B‟s power is
proportionally related to „A‟ dependence on „B‟ for particular rewards or resources. Power is
a phenomenon that is realized through social exchange. The explanation can help the group
workers to understand the relationship among members in a group. It can also explain the
emergence of leadership in a group and the processes of dominance and obedience. One of
the ways of coupling with the power of a person is the emotional withdrawal by the other.
The other strategy is to extend your networking, by enlisting the support of other persons
having a dependence on the same persons. For example if „A‟ is the dominating person in the
group who makes demands on others „B‟ and „C‟ join together to balance the power
dependence relations. Such networking or coalition formation goes on changing as the power
dependence relation between members continues to change. The stabilization of this can
result in development of group norms and role prescriptions. Both are collective efforts at
giving some kind of legitimacy to power dependence relations as also balancing them for the
survival of the collective goals. Status ordering also is a balancing act of power dependence
relations within group. Some of the salient features of the theory are:
1. Conformity varies directly with motivational investment in the group.
2. Conformity varies inversely with acceptance in alternative groups
3. Conformity is high at both ends, i.e. the highly valued and the lowly valued members
4. Coalition of week members is inevitably formed to control the strong within a coalition
5. Greatest rewards within a coalition are given to he least dependent member of the
Human Capital and Social Capital
James Coleman is one
of the advocates of
rational choice theory.
Coleman believes in a
concept known a
individualism‟. The
two concepts in
Coleman‟s theory are
actors and resources
and the two key
resource are: human
capital and social
capital. Similar to the
creation of physical capital by shaping the material into tools and machines to facilitate
production, human capital is created by shaping the individuals by giving them skills and
capabilities that gives them power to act in innovative ways to produce. Social capital is

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created by shaping relations between individuals to facilitate action. For example, a group
where members trust each other will act better than the one where there is no trust. The
importance of social capital has been exhibited by the acceptance of team development
efforts by the corporations.

Human capital and social capital can complement each other or they can destroy each other.
Social capital as a concept can help the actors to realize the importance and usefulness of
those aspects of social to realize the importance and usefulness of those aspects of social
structure which will help them to achieve their interests. In a cohesive group where members
are willing to help each other and abide by the group norms, the level of trust worthiness of
the group environment is a crucial factor in the success of the group. It means that the
obligations will be repaid. A simple example is the rotating credit groups. In such groups,
each member contributes and amount to a central fund, which is given to a member. Each
member gets his/her amount back and in addition gets a loan without
interest. However, if obligations and expectations are not Skills & balanced
the social capital gets diluted. Norms and effective sanction can Abilities help in
balancing obligations and expectations. The stability of marriage and family
in India is an example of effective sanctions, as
deviations bring about spontaneous and complete Human
Knowledge Creativity
rejection from the entire group, forcing Capital
compliance from members.

Social group work practice based on the above findings Life relating
to small groups has developed the following assumptions: Experiences

 Group is a powerful source for influencing the behaviour of its members.

 The nature of influence depends on a number of factors such as the size of the group,
bond among members, and the capacity of the group to reward members
 Members carry their social status in the group
 The internal and external environment of the group is dynamic in nature.
 There are groups within a group
 Generally members are under pressure to conform to group norms
 Smaller the group the greater is the intensity of bond between members.
 Group influence on members can be both positive and negative.
 Group is a potential source for meeting individual needs.
Group dynamics can be planned and structured to achieve desirable results

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The Importance of Social Group Worker

Reaction Groups with Social Group Worker Groups without Social Group Worker

Task Members engage in diligent, consistent, Members are perfunctory, inconsistent, and
performance goal-related actions sloppy

Performance Members provide one another with Members exhibit little concern for the
monitoring corrective, critical feedback as needed quality of the group‘s performance

Perceptions Members are viewed in terms of the jobs Members focus on the personalities and
they do rather than individual qualities uniqueness of members rather than group

Self- Members feel important, responsible, and Members feel lowered self-esteem with little
perceptions capable sense of competence

Attitude Members express concerned over the Members are cynical about the group and
toward the continuation of the group its functions

Supportiveness Members are reluctant to reject those who Members are less willing to help other
are performing poorly members of the group

They are determined by availability, accessibility and nature of clients. In

penal and medical settings the groups conducted have a time-limit as the stay
Approaches to

or availability of clients is brief. Short-term groups are advisable when clients

Group Work

may be geographically dispersed over the city as in the case of a family

welfare agency. Some clients such as the mentally retarded are unable to
comprehend time and are not future-oriented. Short-term groups are also
necessary if the worker is handling several groups simultaneously. The trend
today is to conduct more short-term groups because it is found that they
demand the maximum from the worker and clients and have rapid and lasting

Long- term/short-term groups

Individual and/or group oriented 1 Crisis intervention

4 2
Approaches of group work
The determining question here The broad approaches of group work A group may or may not
is whether the group or the can be classified into four main categories admit new members as old
individual becomes the target ones drop out. A group of
of the predominant focus. In 3 children in a child guidance
therapeutic groups, the clinic or unmarried mothers
Closed or open groups
individual attains primary in an institution may remain
attention whereas in task- a closed group but a group
oriented, conscientization or Often the urgency of a common in a hospital ward must
social action projects, the problem or need requires necessarily be open
overall group goals are more immediate resolution; a crisis may
important. be pre-planned as when boys
abscond from an institution or
accidental when death or natural
calamities occur.

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Knowledge Base for Social Group Work
There are special areas of knowledge that enable group workers to more ably serve the group.
Besides the knowledge of the history and mission of social work profession as it impacts,
group work with poor people, minorities and other disenfranchised people, a worker should
have a knowledge of individuals, small group process and what is expected (functions) from
the about the group work.

1) Knowledge about the nature of individual human growth and behaviour, that too
Knowledge of individuals

from a biopsycho-social perspective (person-in-environment) that means viewing the member in

the context of the group and the community.
2) Knowledge about the familial, social, political and cultural contexts that influence
members‘ social identities, interactional styles, concerns, opportunities, and the attainment of their
3) Knowledge about the capacity of members to help one another and to change and
contribute to social change in the community.
4) Knowledge about the protective and risk factors that affect individuals‘ needs for
services and their ability to act.
5) Knowledge about how to appreciate & understand differences due to culture,
ethnicity, gender, age, physical and mental abilities and sexual orientation among members that
may influence group life and group work practice.

1. Knowledge about the group as an entity, its dynamics, culture and other social conditions.

Knowledge of groups &

small group behaviour
2. Knowledge about the group‘s multiple helping relationships, and ―mutual aid.‖
3. Knowledge about the group process and structures that shape and influence
the members individual as well as collective transaction and how the group develop goals that
contribute individual member growth, group development and/or social change.
4. Knowledge about the phases of group development and how it influence change throughout
the life of the group.
5. Knowledge about how groups are formed for different purposes and goals (e.g., education
problem solving, task accomplishment, personal change, social action) and this influences what
the worker does and how the group accomplishes its goals as well as the nature of the contract
between the worker and members, among the members, and between the group and the
sponsoring organization.

1. Knowledge about how to promote individual and group autonomy, how to promote group
Knowledge of the function

goals, how to remain flexible, sensitivite and creativite.

of the group worker.

2. Knowledge about the worker‘s tasks and skills that are specific to each stage of group
development and the related group character, members‘ behaviour and tasks.
3. Knowledge about the recent advancement and research related to group process and
contemporary practice principles.
4. Knowledge about methods of monitoring and evaluating the group process, how to involve
the members in evaluation process
5. Knowledge about appropriate recording of the group processes and how to disseminate
knowledge about effective practices through professional meetings, education and scholarship.
6. Knowledge about professional, ethical, and legal requirements generally associated
with social work practice as well as those specifically associated with social work with groups
and how to assess their own practice and seek supervision and/or consultation in order to
enhance their practice.

Group work
Group work is a method of social work practice by which individuals are served within
and through small face-to-face groups, in order to solve their problems and bring
about desired changes at the individual, group and community levels.

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Group Work Skills

While there are some common steps in different social work methods such as fact finding,
assessment, problem-solving and evaluation, it is possible to identify certain basic areas
of knowledge and skill distinctive to group work.

Skill in understanding and dealing individual behaviour + Skill in directing the

small groups + Skill in using various programmes
Knowledge of individual behaviour and the characteristics of small groups (now extended
in current literature to larger groups and social movements), of their potentialities for
participants and means to modify group process and interaction, and the use of
programme media and their proper planning, constitute the fundamental basis for
competence. The group worker shares with other members of the profession knowledge
about human development, community structures and welfare organizations and services.
His primary mode of utilising such generic knowledge as an integrated method of social
work to clients is through sessions of the small group.

Skills in intake and referral services +Skill to conduct interviews and group
meetings in the community setting
The practitioner also conducts intake and referral interviews and group meetings in the
community setting, visits clients' homes when necessary and discusses with them
incidents that occur between group sessions and so on. Therefore, contacts are not
restricted within the group. Direct interaction between worker and client within and
outside the group is an important means of giving services. The knowledge and skills
needed for such service are identical with those appropriate for other methods, especially
casework interviewing, while not forgetting that the group is both the context and
medium of service.

Skills in group counselling and psychotherapy

There are many schools of group counselling and psychotherapy which make use of multi-
person procedures but they lack the thorough recognition of effects of group processes
that group work has. Neither have they harnessed the power of the group with all its
forces which characterises group work.

The interaction pattern of any group is dependent on five major factors. The worker must
not only have knowledge of them but also the necessary skills in handling them
effectively. These are:
 Qualities of members - characteristics, abilities, personalities, experiences, culture,
motivation, position in the group;
 Qualities of the group - size, cohesiveness, values, communication, performance,
composition, duration, internal structure;
 Qualities of the goal or task - kind of task, stress, criteria for completion, sanctions,
and consequences;
 Quality of external relationships, with other groups and the community; and
 Psychological structure — power relations, sociometric choice, roles, norms and group

Objectives of Group work

Group work helps to achieve the overall objectives of social work through its own specific
objectives which are to assist individuals in their maturation; provide supplemental emotional and
social nourishment; promote democratic participation and citizenship; and remedy individual and
social disorganisation or maladjustment through group intervention strategies.

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Group Work Practice Settings

The setting for social work practice is also the settings for group work. Groups can be
conducted in clinical settings which may be traditional or innovative in approach like
family welfare agencies, hospitals, child guidance clinics, adult psychiatric units, schools
and colleges, correctional institutions, institutions for children, women, the aged and the
handicapped; and in many non-institutional services such as clubs for children, youth and
women. It can be practised in developmental settings like unstructured community
projects, floating placements and social action movements

Programme Planning /Programme Laboratory in Social Group Work

Planned activities play on important role in social
Social group worker translates his /her group work practice. These planned activities are
knowledge with the groups through the the programmes which are organised for many
use of programme as a tool to enhance purposes. These include attaining improvement in
group relationships. Most of the tools in
member‟s own environmental conditions,
group work used are that of recreation
and that is why social group work is promoting a sense of achievement, sublimating
thought to be equivalent to recreation. and canalising certain impulses, actualizing
It is as if we should say that the surgeon problems in an on-going social situation and
is a butcher because he uses knife and working through or articulating symbolically
cuts into flesh, or that the case worker problems and feelings which members are unable
is a talker because he uses only words. to express verbally. Programme is a concept
Like wise social group worker is not a
which, when broadly conceived, includes the
recreationist/craft teacher nor a story
teller. He uses all these programmes. entire range of activities, relationship, interactions
and experience that have been deliberately
planned and carried out with help of the worker to meet the needs of the individuals and the

Play Dance

S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work
Factors in Programme Planning
In planning programmes, the social group worker must take into account a number of factors.
1. The programme must in accord with the facilities and traditions of the community
2. The programme must be tailored to fit into the needs and interest of the group members.
3. The programme must be based upon the resources which exist in the community
4. The programme should provide opportunities for all members to participate
Role of group worker in programme planning
1. Helping the members to plan the programme
2. Discovering and arousing interests
3. Enabling the group to use environment effectively
4. Making the group to realize limitations

Use of Programme Media

Largely because of its early linkages to the field of recreation, group work has recognized
the value of additional types of activities in pursuit of change goals. Often, group workers
introduce varied tasks and programme to supplement discussion, depending on the
particular composition and goals of the group. Since verbal abilities are less developed
among younger children, games and craft activities have been effectively used as part of
their programme. With adolescents and adults, on the other hand, a number of social
activities and planning for group action are found effective. Within institutions client groups
can be helped to explore problems of the social milieu by being permitted to undertake
limited self-government. Many messages for social development and conscientization are
given through the use of folk media in villages and urban community groups. All these
programme activities extend the opportunities for meaningful interaction among clients,
significant involvement with social tasks and acquisition of valued interpersonal skills. For
any of the types of models or approaches of groups referred there are in any setting of
group work practice, one or a
combination of the following programme activities which can be used for diagnostic
problem-solving or treatment purposes.
1. Play:
The use of all types of games (physical, intellectual, memory, sensory) including playing
with blocks, toys, sand and water, in the case of young children.
2. Drama, mime, use of puppets and masks and role-play:
In these, members of the group are asked to act various parts which have significance to
their problems or difficulties. Individuals thereby gain insight into their own behaviour and
that of others.
3. Music and arts and crafts:
The former which can be vocal or instrumental on a solo or group basis depict and provide
an outlet for all varieties of human emotions whereas the latter, through work with diverse
materials such as wood, clay, paper, straw or paints, give ample scope for self-expression,
creativity, balance and harmony.
4. Talk:
This is the action most people associate immediately with group activities especially of a
problem-solving or therapeutic nature dealing with critical topics related to the clients'
personal lives. Included in this activity are small group discussions, lectures, seminars,
conversations, sensitivity games and encounter sessions. (A much-used mode of
communication, talk is an essential part of most of the other activities).
5. Movement:
This kind of activity is being used, as counter to the rather overemphasized verbal
communication just referred to. Activities include exploration of touch, non-verbal
communication, dance, mime and physical encounter.
6. Work:
This activity speaks for itself and covers projects and tasks of all kinds of complexity which
involve an ongoing process of cooperative endeavour.

S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work
Scope of Social Group Work
The scope of group work can best be considered in two dimensions. Firstly, in its role
Scope of Social Group Work

in traditional programmes with their original purposes and, secondly, in social

development. Both of these would be more illuminating in a historical perspective.
With the breakdown of the
In the last half decade one sees substantial progress
caste system and the joint Scope
made in group work practice in most of the traditional family and the resulting
settings. The potentialities of groups are recognised insecurity in a fast changing
and several new and expanded services are being society, group approaches are
offered which make use of the small group. most invaluable' in providing
Institutional and non-institutional services can be re- the sense of belonging and
aligned providing more experiences in group living. the accelerated learning that
occurs within the group.
Scope of Social Group Work

With the breakdown of the caste system and the joint

Problems of poverty and lack
family and the resulting insecurity in a fast changing of resources, combined with
society, group approaches are most invaluable' in interpersonal and
providing the sense of belonging and the accelerated intrapersonal tensions can be
learning that occurs within the group. Problems of so overwhelming that sharing
poverty and lack of resources, combined with these with others and seeking
interpersonal and intrapersonal tensions can be so solutions jointly in groups is a
method of problem-solving.
overwhelming that sharing these with others and
seeking solutions jointly in groups is a method of

In recent year‟s new psychological concepts and, in particular psychoanalysis and

psychotherapeutic techniques of transference, ego-

Scope of Social Group Work

Group work is used in
group psychoanalysis,
Scope strengthening and direct or derivative insight have
begun to dominate the scene of group work, thus
group psychotherapy, ego
strengthening, sensitivity tending to make it more refined. Furthermore, the basic
training, self awareness principles and methodology of group work have been
training etc used in new movements such as transactional analysis,
sensitivity training, self-awareness and laboratory
sessions with youth and adults elsewhere and in India. However, insight into the
resources and influence of the environment and ability to bring indirect influence to
bear upon the client through the environment, which are essential elements of a
sociological approach in group work and absolute prerequisites for developmental
work, have so far been overlooked. These need re-thinking and strengthening.

Group work method can be most advantageously used to achieve India's

Scope of Social Group Work

developmental objectives through programmes of health, family welfare, education,

community development and housing to mention a few. This will demand a re-
conceptualisation of both group work theory and
programmes. Hence, an orientation in group work Group work method can be used
in developmental programmes
should be given to students in schools of social
related to health, family welfare,
work and to personnel in voluntary and education, community
government agencies. This orientation should development and housing Scope
include a background of social, political and
economic development, strategies of planned development in a developing economy,
the need for and types of fundamental changes required in the social structure, and the

S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work
steps being taken to bring about these changes. It should also cover an assessment of existing
programmes in the country implemented by voluntary and governmental agencies and further
possibilities of new programmes. Only then can practitioners meaningfully grasp the

Scope of Social Group Work

contribution of group work to the programmes like integrated rural development,
integrated child development, family planning and the national adult education
programmes. In addition, it is necessary to incorporate into the curriculum of schools
of social work, the theories of Paulo Freire and structural analysis side by side with
the Indian approaches of Sarvodaya, Bhoodan, etc.

In India where poverty, disease, illiteracy and low level of living are widespread,
group workers must strive for social action and
Group workers must strive for
social change even in remedial and clinical
social action and social change
even in remedial and clinical settings. To illustrate, school social work with a
settings group of slow learners is the usual idea of group
In the education field GWrs can work in the educational field. A wider way of
work with slow learners, School looking at it would be to focus on functional
drop outs, Parent Teachers

Scope of Social Group Work

literacy and social education programmes,
Association, Vocational
Scope establishment of parent-teachers' associations
Guidance Centres and
Community Colleges
wherever possible in the neighbourhoods and
vocational guidance and counselling services on a community extension basis. Special
programmes for culturally deprived children, prevention of school drop-outs, family
life education and organising local pressure groups to demand changes in the
educational system and better educational facilities from local educational authorities
are some of the other ideas that can be initiated. One can also be involved in the
preparation of memoranda and collaboration with other groups working in the same
field. The scope of education should also be extended to cover education for health,
better standards of living, housing with all its legislation, and land reforms.

If group work is objectively studied in a developing country, it will be seen that the
majority of the programmes will be focused on the
Without sacrificing the
Scope of Social Group Work

bulk of the population that is normal and which therapeutic service value, GWrs
will have to be organised into local self-help and in country like India can direct
self-governing groups. This is not to under-rate the their efforts to achieve social
highly therapeutic services that will be needed to justice for the marginalized like
continue for those with a breakdown. While in dalits, religious as well as sexual
India the efforts will be directed at striving for minorities.
social justice and removal of inequalities, social GWrs focus on legal and Scope
political literacy, political
group work will have to form a partnership with participation of dalits & women
social education and deal with critical aspects of
the clients' life. It will also focus on 'legal' and 'political' literacy, that is making
people aware of their individual rights, voting procedures, representation in political
parties, etc., which will be important components of such an educational programme.

S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work
Evolution of Social Group Work in the United States
Social group work and group psychotherapy have primarily developed along parallel paths.
Where the roots of contemporary group psychotherapy are often traced to the group
education classes of tuberculosis patients conducted by Joseph Pratt in 1906, the exact birth
of social group work cannot be easily identified.

Social group work approaches are rooted in the group activities of various social agencies
that arose in the latter part of the 19th century and the early years of the 20th century. Social
upheaval and new found demands as a result of post Civil War industrialization, migration
and immigration created many individual and societal needs. Some of these needs were met
through group work endeavours found in settlement houses as well as religious and charity
organizations. Additionally group work could be found in the progressive education
movement (Dewey), the play and recreation movement (Boyd), informal education, camping
and youth service organizations invested in „character building‟.

There have been numerous philosophical and theoretical influences on the development of
social group work. Chief amongst these influences are:-
• the ethics of Judeo-Christian religions
• the settlement house movement‟s charitable and humanitarian efforts
• theories eminent in progressive education, especially those of John Dewey (1910)
• sociological theories about the nature of the relationship between man and society, i.e.
• the democratic ethic articulated by early social philosophers
• the psychoanalytic theories of Rank and Freud
• the practice wisdom, theory building, educational and research efforts of early social group
workers Early theoretical, research and practice efforts of Grace Coyle, Wilber Newstetter,
and Neva Boyd paved the way for the advancement and development of social group work.
The Mid-Thirties to the 1950s
Social group work was introduced to the social work profession when it made its debut at the
National Conference for Social Work in 1935. At this conference, Newsletter (1935)
introduced the concept of social group work to the social work profession and identified

Born February 11, 1910 in Berlin, Germany, Gisela Konopka‘s

outstanding career in youth and adolescent services, social work,
education and history is reflected in her litany: ―All my life I have
been fighting for justice, and for respect for all people. I abhor any
arrogance related to race, religion, nationality, appearance, sex,
age, intelligence, profession, money. That arrogance is wrong.
What is important is what a person is, and does, for the
Some works by Gisela Konopka
Therapeutic Group Work With Children Concepts and Methods of
Social Work Social Group Work: A Helping Process

group work as a field, process and set of techniques. He described group work as an
“educational process” concerned with “the development and social adjustment of an

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individual through voluntary group association” and “the use of this association as a means of
furthering other socially desirable ends”.

The period of time between the 1930s and the 1950s was one of growth and expansion for
social group work. The economic despair of and varied psychosocial needs resultant of the
Great Depression paved the way for greater affiliation between the social work profession
and the field of group work. The psychological needs of returning war veterans who served in
World War II resulted in the more frequent application of social group work in psychiatric
treatment (Konopka1983). During this period of time not only would the field of social group
work debut at the National Conference for Social Work but additional advances would be
made. Academic courses and research institutions were established; a professional
Harleigh Bradley Trecker, (1911 - 1986) born in Calery, Illinois, attended
George William College in Chicago where received his Bachelor of Science
degree in 1934. In 1938 he obtained his master's degree from the University
of Chicago.Upon completing his formal education, Trecker embarked upon a
career in social work. From 1938 to 1941 he was an instructor at George
Williams College. From 1941 to 1951 he taught at the University of Southern
California (USC). He attained the position of professor at USC in 1949. In
1951 Trecker moved to the University of Connecticut where he served as
Dean until 1968. From 1968 until his retirement, in 1977, he served as
University Professor of Social Work. The University's Board of Trustee
named the School's library after him.

organization was formed, The American Association of Social Work with Groups (AAGW);
and a journal, The Group, was established. The first textbooks would appear as well, written
by Harleigh Trecker and Gertrude Wilson and Gladys Ryland.
The 1950s would usher in even greater affiliation of group work with the profession of social
work. The merger of the AAGW with six other organizations to form the National
Self-esteem is not the evaluation of your worth—it is an indicator of how well you are accepted
Association of Social
into social groups. Work (NASW)
Self-esteem depends in
on1955 solidifiedpersonal
an individual‘s the identification
qualities andand
the integration
value of the of
groups group work
to which with
they the social work profession. The impact of the merger was reflected in
 Ingroup-
efforts outgroup shifts
at definitional bias: by rating one‘s
regarding ownwork.
group group positively self-esteem is enhanced
 If a member of a prestigious collective self-esteem will increase
In 1956
the ofNASW
stigmatized groupa may
formed nonetheless
group take pride
work section in their
which groups
issued a and
definition that
nonmembers evaluations of their groups (social creativity)
contrasted in focus with that proposed by the AAGW. The new definition dismissed the idea
 Basking in Reflected Glory (BIRG): stressing association with successful groups.
of group work with normal growth and development and instead saw group work as a
“service to a group where the primary purpose is to help members improve social adjustment,
and the secondary purpose is to help the group achieve objectives approved by society…the
definition assumes that the members have adjustment problems”.
Less than one fifth of the group work section agreed with this definition at the time (Alissi,
1980). The ensuing tensions regarding the defining parameters of social group work lead to a
reconceptualization that included recognition that there existed different models to be used
for different purposes .
The 1960s to the present
The 1960s and the 1970s saw the expansion of the social welfare state; the Vietnam War; the
emergence of the war on poverty; the Woman's Rights Movement; the Black Power
Movement; and the Lesbian and Gay Rights Movement. The above social, intellectual and
cultural factors influenced the social work profession including social group work. With such

S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work
a wide range of social and therapeutic needs there seemed to be an even greater appreciation
of group work. Having expanded into differing practice settings, the purposes and goals of
group work had been more broadly described at this juncture than in previous decades.
Group work scholars made great strides in developing
Small group as an enterprise in
mutual aid was propounded by
practice theories. The work of Vinter and Schwartz and their
William Schwartz, professor respective associates would dominate the group work scene
emeritus of social work at for much of this decade and the next. In Vinter‟s approach
Columbia University . He was (1967) the treatment group is thought of as a small social
co-author with Serapio R. system “whose influences can be planfully guided to modify
Zalba of ''The Practice of client behavior”. In this approach the worker takes a central
Group Work,'' a widely used position in providing treatment, interventions are planned,
textbook published by the
group process is highly structured, and great emphasis is
Columbia University Press in
given to outcome evaluation and research. Schwartz (box)
proposed his vision of the small group as an enterprise in
mutual aid.

In 1965 Bernstein and

colleagues introduced another
social group work practice
theory, known as the Boston
Model, which presented a
framework for understanding
how groups navigate degrees
of emotional closeness over Robert Vinter, professor
Jack Rothman, is a professor time. emeritus of social work, whose
emeritus of social work from research in the juvenile justice
UCLA. Dr. Rothman is senior system garnered state and
editor of Strategies of In 1966 Papell and Rothman national recognition. His
presented a three types of research interests included the
Community Intervention, the
theory and practice of group
longest standing text in social group work that work; the criminal justice
community organization. He is included the social goals system; the development of
recognized nationally and model (Coyle), the remedial organization and management
internationally for “Three model (Vinter) and the theories for the human services;
Models of Community and program design and fiscal
reciprocal model (Schwartz). management. Research activities
Organization Practice,” the
leading conceptualization of included co-investigator for
community intervention. In 1968 Middleman made a studies for the U.S. Bureau of
seminal contribution in Prisons, the U.S. Office of
Economic Development, a study
articulating an approach to group work practice that utilized of malperformance in the public
non-verbal activities. In 1976 Roberts and Northen presented a schools for the President's
collection of ten group work practice theories (Roberts & Committee on Juvenile
Northen, 1976) further illustrating the diversity of approaches Delinquency and a Comparative
Study of Juvenile Correctional
to group practice. Programs.

The late seventies saw the re-emergence of a professional journal, Social Work with Groups
in 1978. Additionally, in 1978 social group workers formed a committee to host a symposium
in honour of Grace Coyle which paved the way for an annual conference in subsequent years.
The conference planning committee was transformed into the membership driven
organization, The Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups now an
international organization (AASWG, 2006).

S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work
Contemporary group work practice continues to be informed by the work of early pioneers
and the vanguards of the 1960s and 1970s. In addition to the Mutual Aid Model of social
work with groups, the Cognitive-Behavioural Group Work Model is recognized as influential
on contemporary group work practice.

Mutual Aid
Mutual aid as group work technology can be understood as an exchange of help wherein the
group member is both the provider as well as the recipient of help in service of achieving
common group and individual goals. The rationale for cultivating mutual aid in the group
encounter is premised on mutual aid's resonance with humanistic values and the following
1. members have strengths, opinions, perspectives, information, and experiences that can be
drawn upon to help others in the group;
2. helping others helps the helper, a concept known as the helper-therapy principle);
3. some types of help, such as confrontation, are better received when emanating from a
peer rather than the worker.
Mutual aid is often erroneously understood as simply the exchange of support. Mutual aid is
better conceptualized as multidimensional with at least 10 types of processes or activities that
occur amongst and between members, including:
sharing data the dialectic process discussion of taboo topics
the all in the same boat phenomenon developing a universal perspective
mutual support, mutual demand (including confrontation rehearsal of new skills
individual problem solving the strengths in numbers phenomenon

Practice Models
The Mutual Aid Model
The Mutual Aid Model of group work practice (Gitterman, 2004) has its roots in the practice
theory proposed by William Schwartz which was introduced in the article, “The Social
Worker in the Group”. Schwartz envisioned the group as an“enterprise in mutual aid, an
alliance of individuals who need each other in varying degrees, to work on certain common

Models of Group Work

The three models of group work which it shares with the wider profession of social work as a
whole may be termed as remedial, developmental and preventive.
1. Remedial groups Remedial groups focus on restoration to normalcy after a point of
2. Developmental groups: The term developmental can be understood to have two
 enhancing maturational tasks in the human life cycle with groups of children, teenagers and
adults; and
 a partnership with the nation in its developmental programmes and social progress such as
adult education or health.
3. Preventive Groups: Good examples of preventive work are a juvenile guidance centre group
or a prenatal or pre-discharge group in a hospital.

S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work
Reid’s Classification of Group Work Models
Case-focused group work.
This approach can be described as 'preventative and rehabilitative', 'remedial' or 'organizational' -
and is focused on the individual. The group provides a means by which an individual's problems
can be assessed and addressed. It is most clearly connected with social work and casework and
case management. The emphasis is upon 'ameliorating or preventing the adverse conditions that
negatively influence individuals and result in deviant behaviour'. (Example Gisela Konopka and
Paul Glasser).
Interaction-focused group work.
Here the group is understood as 'a system of mutual aid wherein the worker and the members are
engaged on the common enterprise of carrying out the group's goals'. Within this category fall
humanistic approaches such as those of Glassman and Kates, the social group work of Grace
Coyle and the work of William Schwartz as his associates such as Lawrence Shulman.

3 Group therapy, T-groups and encounter groups.

There was a continuing growth in discussions that looked to the group as a key element in the
therapeutic process - and that drew heavily upon central traditions of practice within
psychotherapy e.g. psychoanalytic, Gestalt, cognitive-behavioural etc. Allied to this was material
around family therapy. (Example Wilfred Bion & Irvin D. Yalom). Another tradition of practice that
could be said to fall in this strand is that of Training groups (T-groups). In T –groups, sensitivity-
training or encounter groups small groups are used as training laboratories for teaching people
interpersonal skills.
Social goals group work.
4 Here the focus is on dealing with 'those problems that are related to the social order & the social
value orientation in small groups'. This long established set of traditions of practice is closely
linked to community organization/community work. (Example Mullender and Ward and
In recent years there has been a significant development in the discussion of therapeutic traditions
of group work. Sadly, working with emergent groups, and with community groups has not had the
attention it merits.

Models of Group Work

Schwartz elaborated: “the fact is that this is a helping system in which clients need each other
as well as the worker. This need to use each other, to create not one but many helping
relationships, is a vital ingredient of the group process and constitutes a need over and above
the specific tasks for which the group was formed”.
Schwartz preferred to think of this model as social work with groups. Schwartz regarded this
approach as resonant with the demands of a variety of group types including,
Natural and formed
Therapeutic and task
Open and closed
Voluntary and mandatory
Schwartz initially thought of this approach as an organic systems model later to refer to it as
the mediating model and then the interactionist model. The model initially proposed by
Schwartz has been further developed most notably by Lawrence Shulman and Alex
Gitterman, who have since referred to this model as the Mutual Aid Model
Cognitive-Behavioural Group Work
The Cognitive-Behavioural Group Work Model is recognized as influential contemporary
group work practice approach. The approach suggested by Rose integrates cognitive and
behavioural interventions with small group strategies. While primacy is not placed on

S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work
establishing the group as a mutual aid system in quite the same way as with the Mutual Aid
Model, the worker promote group discussion and member interaction. Furthermore, drawing
upon Yalom‟s Therapeutic Factor construct Rose (2004) points out the benefits of
universality, altruism, and group cohesion as well as mutual reinforcement, factors which are
conceptually resonant with mutual aid.
Special Considerations
Group Work with Mandated Members
The involuntary client can be understood as someone who is pressured by some external
source to seek social services. Mandated involuntary clients are pressured to seek services as
a result of the legal system. Reactance theory as an explanatory framework for the attitude
and behaviours of the involuntary client and the mandated involuntary client. Reactance
theory suggests that as a person is pressured to relinquish certain behaviours as a result of
treatment efforts they experience reactance, “a motivational drives to restore those free
It is noted tensions between the concept of working with mandated clients and professional
ethics, such as the belief in fostering self determination. The chief concern is whether or not
“involuntary applicants” are in fact “clients”, as to become a client of a professional social
worker requires “mutual agreement”. In social work practice, the primary task given this
issue is to help the applicant “transform to client hood”. In the absence of this transformation,
the mandated “client” is likely to be superficially compliant and deny they have any problems
warranting social work attention.
Open-Ended Groups
Most conceptualizations of group development are predicated on the belief that the group is
closed, with unchanging membership.
As a concept, open-endedness exists along a continuum dependent upon the duration of the
group. When membership is open but the group is of a long duration a core group of
members is likely to emerge. When this occurs the core group assumes responsibilities for
indoctrinating new members

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Early Roots of Group Work

Social group work began as 'group work' with In the 1940s, with the efforts of persons such
its own unique history and heroes. It was not as Grace Coyle, Clara Kaiser, Wilber
part of the mainstream of professional social Newsetter, Gertrude Wilson and Helen
work, which in the early days was Phillips, group work was more fully rooted
synonymous with casework, as far as the within the profession of social work and
method was concerned. The ideological roots began to be taught in many more schools in
of social group work were in the self-help and the USA. Soon the American Association of
informal recreational organisations, such as Group Workers was established, which
YMCA, YWCA settlement, scouting, Jewish brought out regular ly a professional
Centres in U.S.A. and democratic ideals that publication called The Group. Several new
all should share in the benefits of society text-books had been published that served to
following the Industrial Revolution. Social formalise the thinking of the day.
group work was also influenced by
progressive education as it developed in By the early 1950s the method developed its
Europe and stressed the use modern and own distinctiveness and was introduced in
liberal techniques in group learning. most schools of social work throughout the
U.S.A., Great Britain, Canada and other parts
The major thrust of early group-serving of the world. Social group work now wrested
agencies was toward the normal rather than itself from the field of social psychology and
the maladjusted person who would seek also distinguished its methodology from
service primarily during his 'leisure' hours. He group psychotherapy. It moved into many
came for recreation, education, enjoyment 'specialized' settings previously reserved for
and the development of special skills and the practice of casework to serve problem
interests. Group work was then not geared clients. It developed a refined and
towards individuals with particular problems. sophisticated set of techniques as the
The person with severe problems who National Association of Social Workers and
appeared in the group was incorporated as the Council of Social Work Education
much as possible with his peers or was produced new documents and publications in
referred for individual attention to a casework group work. Gisella Konopka, William
agency or psychiatric clinic. Schwartz and Dorothea Spellman were the
new group work writers. They urged that
The first course in group work was offered by group work cease following the path of
the Western Reserve University in the U.S.A. casework development and move to identify
in the early 1930s. There was then great and elaborate its own therapy and practice.
preoccupation and focus on the activity and Thus group work obtained a new depth and
programme of the group. This, unfortunately, vision. Its competence is reserved neither for
in many ways held back the flowering of dysfunctioning individuals alone nor for the
group work as a theoretically sound method range of services to maximise potentials; it
within social work. In 1935 Grace Coyle, as can be used for a range of services. In the
the Chairman of the newly established section late 1960s, Ruth Smalley's new text book
of social group work of the National "Theory for Social Work Practice" whose
Conference of Social Work, began to clarify uniqueness rests in the fact that it is the first
that group work was a method within social book to present a unified theory applicable to
work and that recreation and education were casework, group work and community
other fields (professions) which might include organisation, made a breakthrough in social
group work as a method. work education by emphasizing the
commonalities of the three methods. The
The focus then gradually moved from doing seventies and eighties saw the method of
activities to talking activities which was group work being utilised in new innovations
understood at that time as leading more such as the laboratory method, sensitivity
quickly towards self-understanding, insight training, encounter groups and many
and behavioural change. movements like trans-actional analysis,
gestalt therapy and so forth.

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Other Influences that shaped Social Group Work Practice

Historically, we can distinguish many significant thought systems developed in the
western hemisphere, particularly in America and Europe, which have given direction and
content to the conceptual framework of social group work from its inception till the
present date. These are:
Historical Influences that Shaped Social Group Work Practice

1. The ethical, social and theistic beliefs embodied in the Judeo-Christian religions;
2. The humanitarian thinking of the late nineteenth century which found expression in
the social settlement movement in England and later in America;
3. The educational philosophy of John Dewey and his followers who formulated the
theories of progressive education;
4. The theories of certain early sociologists, particularly Durkheim, Simmel, Cooley and
Mead, who saw in the small group the key to studying the relation of the individual
to society;
5. Recent basic research in small group theory by social scientists such as Kurt Lewin,
Moreno, Elton, Mayo and Merton;
6. Contemporary developments such as the interaction theory which conceives of the
group as a system of interacting individuals, the system theory which views the
group as a system of orientation, interlocking positions and roles, Communication
and equilibrating processes, empiristic statistical orientation which maintains that
the concept of group dynamics should be discovered from statistical procedures
rather than pure theory, and makes considerable use of procedures developed in
the field of personality testing, and formal models orientation which attempts to
construct these models with the aid of mathematics in order to deal vigorously with
some -rather limited aspects of groups;
7. The democratic ethic not only as it applies to a political system, but as it permeates
all forms of social relationships, and as expressed in the writings of authors such as
Mary Follet and Edward C. Lindeman;
8. General psychology orientation wherein the influence of each of the major theories
of motivation, learning and perception can be seen, important contributions to the
study of groups having been made in this area by Asch, Festinger, Heider and Krech
and Crutchfield;
9. The psychoanalytic school of psychiatry initiated by Freud resulting in a growing
interest in group psychotherapy elaborated by writers such as Bion, Schiedlinger,
Stock and Thelen;
10. The liberation theories especially those of Paulo Freire, and the culture of silence
which have arisen in Latin America;
11. The school of liberation theology in the last decade (giving new interpretations to
the Bible and Christian doctrine in the light of prevalent socio-economic structures)
which has inspired and fostered activist movements amongst the Christian
12. The values, principles and methods of social work as the profession within which
social group work as a method has developed.

S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work
Group Work in India
Group Work in India
History of Group Work in India It developed and published some of the first
India has a long history of social work and records of group work practice in India in
social welfare. There is evidence of the group 1960. The Association of Schools of Social
approach being used in charity, imparting Work in India, jointly with Technical
religious education through the oral tradition, Cooperation Mission (U.S. A) laid down
mobilising the people for the freedom struggle minimum standards for group work.
against the British, social reform and, more Throughout India in schools of social work,
recently, in typically indigenous welfare group work found a place in all of them along
strategies such as the Sarvodaya and casework and community organisation. There
Bhoodan movements. However, the history of was no specialisation in the methods courses
group work as a method of social work as in American social work education. The
practice can be seen only in the context of theoretical framework and its practice model
social work education in India. was mainly American and until recently, few
attempts were made to indigenize it. Group
Group work began with the founding of the work which could have played a significant
first School of Social Work in 1936, viz, the Sir role in some of the major social development
Dorabji Tata Graduate School of Social Work. programmes launched in the earlier plans
In 1947-48 the second school was established remained ineffective, since the relationships
in Delhi and, for the first time, as part of an between social work education and these
already established University. This is programmes were at best peripheral and the
significant because it meant recognition of the points of contact and integration are only now
academic status of social work education, and being appreciated and to some extent taking
of group work as one of its courses. place. Furthermore, because of the location of
Within less than two years a third school was schools of social work in urban areas,
established as part of the University of professional group work practice remained,
Baroda, which had a fairly strong sequence in until recent times, primarily urban.
group work.

Present Position
Present Position : Academic Curriculum

Academic Curriculum: Most schools preparing students for the Master's Degree teach
group work in the first year only. The content is of varied nature imparting, in most cases,
rudimentary concepts and principles. Only about twenty percent of the schools teach group
work in the second year covering simple therapeutic aspects. It is necessary for schools to
introduce group work in the second year to strengthen the grasp of the method. The
curriculum at the Bachelor's Degree level also needs to be upgraded.
At both graduate and undergraduate levels, there has been lack of clarity as to what the
course on group work is meant to achieve. The teaching of group work should keep in mind
the level of work and tasks to be performed after graduation and post-graduation and the
possible integration of group work with new national projects that can be developed within
the region. The curriculum should prepare students not only for field level practice in
developmental and clinical settings but for policy-making, training para-professionals in
group work, consultation in organising group services, supervision in group work and social
research in the methodology and techniques of group work. What seems to be grossly
lacking is the inter-relatedness of the basic social work methods arising out of a
compartmentalised teaching of casework, group work and community organisation with
over-emphasis on casework.

Present Position: Field Work

Most school in India have heavy concentration between classroom teaching and the
of casework in their field work in terms of instructor's knowledge of the method needs to
distribution of hours. Likewise, adequate time is be bridged. This can be achieved by closer
not allotted for instruction in group work in the collaboration between the schools and the field
total supervisory conference. Field instructors through faculty field staff development 41
themselves have had little orientation in group programmes and updating the practice of
work and the gap group work related to the country's needs.
S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work
Present Position: Teaching Materials
Present Position: Teaching Materials: To demonstrate many of the cultural patterns
and the adaptation of the group work method from an American environment into an
Indian setting, it is necessary to utilise indigenous books and articles on the subject. While
there is some literature on casework and relatively more on community organisation
practice in India, there is very little on group work. Indian social workers have not
documented their work nor are they able to demonstrate through their records diagnostic
and problem-solving skills at a much higher level than that of students. Higher levels of
performance than one's own are necessary to stimulate thinking. Most of the records on
group work in India are, therefore, by students of social work. They are of the nature of
anecdotes of a situation or two whereas the need is for demonstrating good practice over
a period of about two years in each setting with long-term as well as short-term groups of
a varied nature.

Present Position: Group Work Practice in Agencies

Group Work Practice in Agencies: At the agencies manned by both qualified and
practical level, in most agencies, the untrained social workers do conduct group
potentialities of group work as a method have programmes. These agencies range from
not been fully explored. Group work teachers highly remedial ones such as those of
through student placements, demonstrations Alcoholics Anonymous to developmental ones,
and consultations need to develop group such as projects in child welfare, rural
programmes which can become an integral development and family welfare.
part of the agency's services. Unfortunately, the majority of social work
personnel lack the technical know-how of
The majority of agencies which engage working with groups. Those amongst them
professional social workers are casework who are competent group work practitioners
oriented and very few have utilised the group do not document their work and hence a
work method. In almost all agencies, the job wealth of good data is lost.
description or official policy does not demand
utilisation of group approaches to achieve Recently, attempts have been made to
their over-all objectives. Therefore group develop indigenous literature. Some of the
work is conducted on an ad hoc basis. This is case studies prepared for the Workshop
partly due to a lack of conviction, inadequate entitled "Poverty and the Development of
skills and the vagueness of its place in the Teaching Materials in Social Work Education"
total educational programme for social work. sponsored by the then United Nations Social
If group work is conducted it is generally Welfare and Development Centre for Asia and
found that records are often not maintained the Pacific (Manila) and the Association of
or are so sketchy that it is not possible to get Schools of Social Work in India in Bangalore
any idea of its process and methodology. in 1979 describe very clearly group work
processes in working with the rural and urban
A large number of governmental & voluntary poor.

S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work

Socio-Cultural Factors that influence Social Group Work Practice

For the scope of group work to be realised fully it is important to understand the cultural
determinants which will affect its practice such as the nature of society and the individual's
social functioning in groups in the Indian context.
Indians are very group conscious living closely knit in families and associating freely with
neighbours and community members through many informal primary and secondary groups.
Most activities, whether the celebration of an offspring's birth or singing devotional hymns
for a religious ceremony, are conducted in groups.
Understand Indian family culture Hence it would be a fallacy to draw such natural
and its dynamics
1 spontaneous programmes within the setting of the
Need to move out of the agency
setting to reach them
agency and its office in an attempt to institutionalise
them. Social workers need to move out of the agency
and communicate with such informal groups of men and women at their doorsteps.

Dependence on adult guidance has been emphasised in every phase of an individual's life in
India. Hence, the concept of self-determination undergoes a modification especially in the
practice of group work in India where clients are so
used to being influenced by elders. The western method Understand family & elders
influence in a positive sense
of discussing the problem threadbare does not appeal to Appreciate the traditional patterns
Indian sentiments and, therefore, social workers of learning in order to make
mistakenly think that because of this dependence the appropriate intervention 2
client will not be able to meet his life's problems as he
does not develop coping mechanisms and skills in the group. Hence, knowledge of the
traditional patterns of learning in India and how it is shaped by community, class, education
and religion will guide the worker to develop further techniques in group work. By doing so
one can enable the client to absorb new ideas and have his problem interpreted in the group
Democratic functioning which is the fundamental principle of group work is not practised in
some sections of the population and people are
Individuals who are not exposed to confused when a democratic approach is taken.
democratic functioning may find it When clients in a group are not in a position to take
difficult to take decisions or initiative. 3
It is the responsibility of the GWr to
a decision or initiative, it is advisable to give
provide concrete suggestions concrete advice rather than leave them in that state
to work out their own problems. Gradually, when
concrete suggestions from the group worker help people to overcome their problems to some
extent, they can develop further strength to cope with their affairs unaided.

The social group to which one belongs prescribes for the individual which attributes he
should suppress in order to be more acceptable to other members as social conformation is
the aim. The Indian virtually never steps out of his
When family & community are closely
compact group relations, the family or the caste.
interdependent in the life of an
This accounts for his relative reserve in group individual as in India, to find a solution
discussions and his relative inability to carry out to problem will be challenge than one
group and individual decisions as compared with who is highly individualistic 4
the frank outburst of his western counterpart. As
members of the family and the community are closely interdependent in the life of the Indian,
it is but natural that various relationships have to be taken into consideration before any

S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work
solution is sought. The group worker must therefore realise that it requires greater strength of
character on the part of the client who is closely tied to his environment to find a solution to
his problem than one who is highly individualistic.

The importance of programmes for social change can never be over-emphasized. As Indian
society is traditional and there is a general tendency towards conformity to group norms on
the part of the people, the individual's adjustment to his reality will be less disturbed. The
emphasis in group work will, therefore, be to reach a new level of integration by the
introduction of new ideas and ways of
When conformity to the community norms is
preferred, Group work should not only be
living. Group work should not only be
confined to help the members to adjust to the confined to help the members to adjust to
existing reality but also become active partners the existing reality but also become active
in the process of change for the betterment of partners in the process of change for the
society so that client participants are the betterment of society so that client
makers of their own destiny 5 participants are the makers of their own
destiny. The group worker cannot be tied
solely to the institutional structure but should be instrumental in bringing about a change in
the individual as well as in society. The group, therefore, becomes a catalytic agent. In the
light of this, the group worker should play an increasing part in community life and be in
contact with conditions that affect groups, communities and the wider society.

The quality of participation in a group is dependent on the sole expectations of the individual
in terms of certain traditional factors such as sex, class, social status and educational
background. No doubt, according to these, certain stereotyped ideas have been generated that
women or the poor and illiterate tend to be
passive. Although these factors are important, In a culture where women, poor &
illiterate are stereotyped as passive, the
they are mistakenly considered to be the sole role of GWr is to conscientize the 6
determinants. The concept of group dynamics is deprived and disadvantaged and move
to be transferred to the particular auspices, setting them towards social action
and context of programmes and services. While
the profession proclaims the new enabling role of social work, there are agencies which even
today retain the old idea of relief or charity. Where the social workers come down to the level
of being equals and engage the people in truly activist and self-help campaigns, the
participation is dynamic and vibrant, irrespective of caste, educational level or social status.
There are a large number of people working with the masses in urban, rural and tribal areas
who are able to evoke responses even among the most deprived and disadvantaged people
and move them towards social action. They are not trained social workers but group workers
can learn from the efforts of such indigenous and non-indigenous workers.

Qualities of a Group worker:

Social group worker must have certain essential qualities where she/he brings harmony
and co-operation between groups and the individuals on the basis of knowledge and
experience. The group worker could only implement her/his work plan on the basis of
skilled assessment which is as follows:
 Selection of group
 Obtaining maximum information about group
 Establishing purposeful relationship with the individual in the group
 Knowledge about status of an individual and analyzing group situation
 Suitable programme planning and programme implementation process
 Knowledge about the available resources within and outside the group 44
 Optimum utilization of agency and group resources
 Evaluating the programme
S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work
Evaluation of the Group Work
Evaluation means appraising or judging the worth and effectiveness of the process/activities carried
out by the group in order to meet the objectives of the group. It

Group Work Evaluation

Group Work evaluation techniques are concerned with the following aspects of evaluation
1. Evaluation of leadership
2. Evaluation of the group process
3. Evaluation of the outcomes or changes brought about in members and
4. Evaluation of group action in terms of group goals.

is essentially the study and review of what was carried out in the past. According to Trecker,
“Evaluation is that part of social group work in which the worker attempts to measure the quality of
group‟s experience in relation to the objectives and function of the agency.
Evaluation may be centered upon
1. Individual growth,
2. Program content, or on
3. Worker‟s performance.
Purpose of Evaluation
 Evaluation is essential because it enables the worker to discover to what extent group
has achieved its objectives.
 Evaluation enables the group to see both strengths and weaknesses and it helps to
discover points at which group members need to alter their procedures.
 Evaluation helps to formulate new objectives and to renew unsuited objectives.
 Evaluation helps the group worker to adjust and modernize his methods of working
with group.
 Evaluation can be stimulation to greater professional growth.
 Evaluation can be an extension of the learning process because its very nature is
scientific and its aim is educational.

Content of Evaluation
Group worker evaluates the following:
Evaluation of Individual Growth
Group is composed of individuals. They become the member of the group because of certain
needs and desires. Therefore, the main objective of social group work is to fulfill these needs
and desires in accordance with the prescribed rules and procedures. But how can the worker
be able to know the level of fulfillment of their needs without evaluating their growth
process. The worker evaluates the presence of each member. He evaluates their level of
participation in the group activities. Sometimes it happens that the member because of
difficulty in adjusting himself in the group remains usually absent giving one or the other
reason. The worker evaluates the growth of skills, methods of problems solving, behaviour
techniques or knowledge gained by the member through the group experience. The chart (A)
has been prepared for the evaluation of the individual member growth.

Chart for Evaluating Individual Growth

A* A*
No Individuals Qualities No Individuals Qualities
1 2 3 1 2 3
1 Attendance 11 Sensitivity
2 Frequency of participation 12 Sympathy for group

S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work
3 Contact with group 13 Loyalty for group
4 Self – esteem 14 Capacity of Problem solving
5 Reliability 15 Discussion and conversation
6 Emotional control 16 Ways of performing task
7 Contact with reality 17 Leadership qualities
8 Frequency of responses 18 New knowledge
9 Behavioral dynamism 19 Status in group
10 Tolerance 20 Breakdown prejudices
A* Nature of growth and change 1.Regression as usual 2.Slight progress 3.Major progress

Douglas has proposed the following capacities to be evaluated for measuring individual growth. These are:
1.Encourages, 2.Agrees, accepts 3.Arbitrates 4.Proposes action, 5.Asks suggestions, 6.Gives opinion, 7.Asks
opinion 8.Gives information, 9.Seeks information, 10.Poses problem, 11.Defines position, 12.Asks position,
13.Routine direction 14.Depreciates self, 15.Autocratic manner 16.Disagrees 17.Self-assertion 18.Active
aggression 19.Passive aggression

Evaluation of the group

Group is the medium for achieving individual‟s objectives and individual personality
development. Therefore, it is essential for a worker to evaluate the effects and growth of
group as a whole. The group worker evaluates the group organization, a social responsibility
fulfilled by the group, maturity that has achieved, skilfulness, and expertness has developed,
the techniques of problem solving have seen learned and mutual understanding and
cooperation have developed among group members. Bernstein52 has developed the chart (B)
for evaluation of the progress in the group.
Chart for evaluating group performance
Group criteria
Regression Static Slight progress Great progress
1 2 3 4 5
1 Attendance
2 Group organization
3 Group standards
4 Wider Horizons
5 Social responsibility
1. To each other
2. To agency
3. To community
6 Enriched Interests
7 Handling conflicts
8 Leadership and participation
9 Cooperative planning
10 Group- thinking
11 Group- thinking
12 Group loyalty and morale
13 Acceptances of differences
14 Decreasing need of leader

S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work
Douglas has prepared the following yardstick for measuring the performance / growth of a
1. How clear are the group goals: 2. How much trust and openness in the group?
a. No apparent goals a. Distrust, a closed group
b. Goal confusion, uncertainly or conflict b. Little trust, defensiveness
c. Average goal clarity c. Average trust and openness
d. Goals mostly clear d. Considerable trust and openness
e. Goals very clear e. Remarkable trust and openness
3. How sensitive and perceptive and group 4. How much attention was paid to process?
members? The way group has
a. No awareness or listening in the group a. No attention to process
b. Most members self- absorbed b. Little attention to process
c. Average sensitivity and listening c. Some concern with group process
d. Better than usual listening d. A fair balance between content and process
e. Outstanding sensitivity to others e. Very concerned with process
5. How were group leadership needs met? 6. How were group decision made?
a. Not met, drifting a. No decisions could be reached
b. Leadership concentrated in on person b. Made by a few
c. Some leadership distributed c. Majority vote
d. Leadership needs met creatively and flexibly d. Attempts at integrating minority vote
e. Full participation and tested consensus
7. How well were group resources used? 8. How much loyalty and sense of belonging to
a. One or two contributed but deviants silent the group?
b. Several tried to contribute but more a. Members had not group loyalty or sense of
discouraged belonging
c. About average use for group resources b. Members not close but some friendly relations
d. Group resources well used and encouraged. c. About average sense of belonging
e. Group resources fully and effectively used. d. Some warm sense of belonging
e. Strong sense of belonging among members.
Evaluation of the member’s contribution to group
The focus here is on the contribution of the member to the development of the group, not on his
total personality. This calls for an assessment at the end of each meeting. Bernstein has prepared
the chart © for this purpose
Chart for evaluating member’s contribution to group
Constructive participation Name of member
1 Good attention and interest but no outstanding participation
2 Minor contributions, such as helping to arrange chairs, getting
equipment. etc
3 More important contribution, e.g., thoughtful consideration of new
4 A good job handing a committee assignment of something
5 An outstanding contribution, such as helping to resolve conflicts,
unusual effort in relation to responsibilities etc.
Destructive participation
1 Inattentiveness and lack of interest and participation
2 Giggling, restlessness, and similar behaviour
3 Openly opposing and thwarting the plans and activities of the group
4 Name calling and other arts which tend to stimulate aggressive and
negative responses
5 Violently destructive behaivour which makes it impossible for the
group to continue normally for time.

S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work
Recording in Social Group Work
The Social Work Dictionary (1995) defines “recording” as the process of putting in writing and
keeping on file relevant information about the client system; the problem; the prognosis; the
intervention; the progress of treatment; the social, economic, and health factors contributing to the
situation and the procedures for termination or referral.
The social work record should also emphasize the strengths client‟s system and solutions for change.
The dictionary acknowledges that there are many types of social work recording and the type used
may depend upon factors such as agency requirements, the social worker‟s theoretical base, style and
type of intervention

Importance of
Recording in Social
Group Work

1. Records helps the group worker to understand the group

2. Help the worker to understand the group as a whole
3. Provide evidences of growth and change in the members and in the group worker himself
4. Recording help the worker to do more effective job with his groups
5. Through records the worker can see merging and changing of interests of individual members
6. Through records the worker can see the development of skills and social attitudes of members
7. Through records the worker gains knowledge of special problems in the group
8. Through records the worker can trace out the emergence of group consciousness
9. Records provide content of supervisory conferences
10.Records of the source of future planning
11.Records are the source of information for other workers
12.Records provide a permanent and continuous register of facts for the agency

Principles of social work recording – Lindsay

1. The Principle of flexibility
2. The Principle of selection
3. The Principle of readability
4. The Principle of confidentiality
5. The Principle of worker’s acceptance

S.Rengasamy - Social Group Work
Content of Social Group Work Records

Identifying Information about the group

1 1. Name of the group 2.Place, Time & Physical setting of the meeting
3. Members Present & Absent 4. New Members 5.Observation /Remarks

Member’s participation by name

1. Role performed 2. Conversation did 3. Talks Began 4. Views expressed
5. Sequence of participation in activities 6.Special contributions made 7. 2
Interaction type, level, duration & creativeness took place 8. Emotional
quality of participation

Description of the group as a whole

1. General atmosphere in the group – Formal, Informal, Competitive, Co-
operative, Hostile, Supportive, Permissive, Any other
2. Quantity & Quality of thw work completed by the group
3. Participation of group members –mostly all /few members talked and
3 participated, supported others, took sides /dominated group etc.
4. Positive & Negative responses
5. Members feelings about their group
6. Groups status in the agency

Description of the group problems

1. Conflict or fight –Nature, Type, Reason, Involvement level
2. Apathy –Nature, Level and possible causes 4
3. Inadequate decision making

The Relationship & the role of the group worker

1. Material provided by the worker
2. Arrangements made
3. Agency help taken
5 4. Suggestions given
5. Techniques used for problem solving
6. Worker‘s participation in group process

Special Assistance given

1. Member‘s name
2. Problem 5
3. Nature of assistance

1. Evaluation of program activities
6 2. Evaluation of group members participation
3. Evaluation of the worker‘s role


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