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David Myatt, Reichsfolk, Esoteric Hitlerism, and Savitri Devi

One Man Above Time

David Myatt, Reichsfolk, Esoteric Hitlerism, and Savitri Devi

In a somewhat startling if not provocative essay - first circulated privately

among Myatt's Reichsfolk group and subsequently published in February 2011
- Myatt wrote that,

" In the terms of Savitri Devi, my Numinous Way is a philosophy

manifesting what is 'above time', while the ethical National-Socialism
of Reichsfolk and other groups is 'against time', that is, imbued with
both Lightning and Sun: a necessary precursor of that future when
the empathy and compassion of The Numinous Way is a reality for
more than just some small isolated communities of mystics dwelling
on planet Earth." Concerning National-Socialism, The Numinous
Way, and a Muslim Khilafah

In effect, in this essay Myatt publicaly endorsed the non-racist National

Socialism he had developed in the late 1990's and whose implementation, by
groups such as Reichsfolk, he stated was "a numinous option for individuals
who are so inclined to engage the Magian" and that he,

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David Myatt, Reichsfolk, Esoteric Hitlerism, and Savitri Devi

" regard[s] such ethical National-Socialism... as the required and

necessary prelude to the emergence, some time in the still distant
future, of a numinous way of life for the majority of human beings,
as expressed by my mystical Numinous Way."

It seems particularly relevant that the published article is dated not only
February 2011 CE but also 122 yf.

Savitri Devi and The Lightning and The Sun

Myatt's mention of Savitri Devi is of particular interest, as it appears that he is

directly linking himself, and his own apolitical mystical Numinous Way
philosophy, with the esoteric National Socialist tradition - the esoteric
Hitlerism - that Savitri Devi helped to create by her seminal work, The
Lightning and The Sun, first published in Calcutta in 1958.

Since Myatt writes that his Numinous Way is a philosophy 'above Time' and
that his ethical National Socialism is 'against Time', it is pertinent to quote
some relevant passages from Chapter 3 of the aforementioned book by Savitri

But there are also men 'outside Time' or rather 'above Time'; men
who live, here and now, in eternity; who (directly at least) have no
part to play in the downward rush of history towards disintegration
and death, but who behold it from above — as one beholds, from a
strong and safe bridge, the irresistible rush of a waterfall into the
abyss — and who have repudiated the law of violence which is the
law of Time.....

But the salvation which the men 'above Time' offer the world is
always that which consists in breaking the time-bondage. It is never
that which would find its expression in collective life on earth in
accordance with Golden Age ideals. It is the salvation of the
individual soul, never that of organised society.....

Men 'outside Time' or 'above Time,' at the most saviours of souls,

have, more often than not, disciples who are definitely men 'against

No organisation can live 'outside Time' — 'above Time' — and hope to

bring men back, one day, to the knowledge of the eternal, values.
That, all men 'above Time' have realised. In order to establish, or

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David Myatt, Reichsfolk, Esoteric Hitlerism, and Savitri Devi

even to try to establish, here and now, a better order, in accordance

with Truth everlasting, one has to live, outwardly at least, like those
who are still 'in Time'; like them, one has to be violent, merciless,
destructive — but for different ends.

Knowing this, the real men 'above Time' are the first ones to
understand and to appreciate the wholehearted efforts of their
disciples 'against Time,' however awful these might appear to
ordinary people.... The fallen world can never understand them.

Importantly, these quotes from Savitri Devi do indeed appear to place Myatt,
and his work, into a particular perspective, that of National Socialism - for his
Numinous Way philosophy, with its emphasis on empathy, compassion and the
cessation of suffering, is certainly, judging by what Devi writes, 'above Time'
while his ethical National-Socialism, his Reichsfolk group, his influence on
many contemporary National Socialists, from Russia, to Finland, to Serbia, to
America - and even his apparently still continuing support for a new Muslim
Khilafah in Muslim lands - does seem to be, as Devi expresses it in a quote
above, a man 'above Time' understanding and appreciating "the wholehearted
efforts of their disciples against Time, however awful these might appear to
ordinary people."

Myatt, certainly, expresses such an understanding and appreciation of those

'against Time', for he writes that:

"Viewed in such an Aeonic – such a Cosmic – perspective both ethical

National-Socialism and a Muslim Khilafah are....steps along the way,
and, for now, a practical means, in causal Time and causal Space, of
replacing the current material profanity of the Magian ethos with
something numinous."

As Devi also, perhaps poignantly, writes of the men 'above Time' - the fallen
world can never understand them. Which possibly explains why Myatt is so
mis-understood, and so maligned, even by many individuals who deign to
describe themselves as 'National Socialists' but who seem to fail to apply the
ethic of honor which Myatt has placed at the heart of his Reichsfolk National

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David Myatt, Reichsfolk, Esoteric Hitlerism, and Savitri Devi

Toward The Cosmic Reich

Myatt's essay is also noticeable for the theme of Galactic colonisation which
runs through it, as well as for Myatt's emphasis on the long-term nature of his
work - that is, what he calls his Aeonic vision and perspective.

Hence, he views his own mystical Numinous Way philosophy as the way of only
a few enlightened individuals, at least until the ones 'against Time' -
represented by those promulgating his ethical National Socialism (such as
Aryan Nations) and by those Muslims violently seeking to create a new Muslim
Khilafah - have replaced "the current material profanity of the Magian ethos
with something numinous."

Myatt's Cosmic vision is of,

"the means required to bring-into-being new ways of numinous living

for human beings, on this planet Earth, and of the means required to
enable us to leave this Earth and so grow to maturity among the
star-systems of our, and of other, Galaxies."

Which rather neatly returns him to much earlier National Socialist works of his
where he wrote and spoke about a Galactic Imperium and a Cosmic Reich.

It seems to me especially relevant that Myatt writes that, "in the Cosmic
scheme of things", there is no contradiction between his compassionate
ethereal Numinous Way and National Socialism, nor between these and the
Muslim quest for a new Khilafah. For, as he admits, he is being pragmatic -
considering such things, as one might expect someone 'above Time' to do, with
an almost cosmic detachment.

In particular, this cosmic detachment - which seems to so enrage Myatt's

enemies - places Myatt's decade long support for violent Jihad into the correct
perspective. For he is, and has been, in the words of Savitri Devi, accepting of
those 'against Time' who have "to be violent, merciless, destructive," regarding
such Jihad, as Myatt does, as one practical means to defeat his life-long enemy,
the euphemistically termed Magian, in preparation for Myatt's New Golden
Age of Galactic exploration and colonisation when his mystical Numinous Way,
or something similar, will finally enlighten humanity, or at least a significant
number of them.

That the nature and relevance of Myatt's support for and tolerance of such
diverse violent means has not been understood, except by a few individuals -

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David Myatt, Reichsfolk, Esoteric Hitlerism, and Savitri Devi

and is especially misunderstood by many who describe themselves as 'National

Socialists' - is surely yet more proof of just how well David Myatt now fits
Savitri Devi's label of a man 'above Time'.

February 2011

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