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Crave ea isa econ) AGREEMENT OF MANAGED LEASE Managed by Just Letting — oo LANDLORD DETAILS Tes Mc tetnome Feber Suraen Klernec summe Mack : eg. Name: to/ 8 7C PF ISSOS 2 OF? ‘TENANT DETAILS Tile: A Frtteme: [Or UuneSh surement hee Reg. Name: woven: YESSport: GAEIOS2/ Tite asttane sumame: 10 Ro ‘occupants Fistname: (OCLUDES PD sumame: Mit Hur Fist Name: suramne Fist Name: soma: DETAILS OF PREMISES TO BE LET nave TF ba, Bogaoin Villas Of Nhlacy Ke. Centdey y coe ee rain pe if A Serco RENTAL k DEPOSIT AMOUNTS, TERM OF LEASE ‘Mani Renta ep Aron| Usity Deposit other Dapecte Start date: ptember it Expiry Date, termotiene — 2/ Clow Ga'S MAthBumver of months) Monthly payment be date: 7 Annual seclation 0. (Weincreare of Rental Amount contract renewed) UTILITIES & SERVICES TO BE PAID BY THE TENANT f uC 103 suppieawinccty / soapciparate/ ween Peete Te: “Supply hatreniy / ody Corporated esting sewage dRaluees Te Spply Authority Bocy corporate / susttoting To Supply authority Body Corporate / ust etn te Supply Authority Body Corporate / st etn Fz, A[Page JUST LETTING AGREEMENT OF MANAG Bice q Croat Wace JUST LETTING DETAILS reqsocinme Qyattoghl [racking 6 CC ego Cat, /0996% Jat Tal ating peetone DE 6. cate elt) mal atees sec no. SSG trencheode: §— ZOCS. Ace Name: Justetting Preference: ‘omic DOCUMENTATION PERTAINING TO TH LEASE AGREEMENT Tenant oaaton Z Amenure Atif efes Tenantio wert freien: 47, Armen ¢-RerseeureTAC's tal uy i Arner 9-5 ober: oer pesiumons HELANDLORD ‘Te awl ower ofthe PREMISES, othe ey ppd represent apr ov sched of etal "me TENANT Tre purn/s ho herby ener ts LAS AGREEMENT ee he PREM wt the ANDLORD a rh sore chee of tt swe coccurasrs ‘The petson/s who araulhaised to reside a thease PREMISES, neon tothe TENANT, uring therm of the LEASE [REENEIT sper he above sched! dts He Paenses ‘Te vest PREMISES lobe essed ote TENANTDy te LANDLORD 2 etre on te above cele of eas THe DePostT: ping of comoges epost nan te epost eset au ne ore sca of oes "RSTn ‘atest was concasdy the ee Popa /Poersip/ Cte Corporation Company /ATUSTLETING as tot a ‘the above Schedule of deta, tracing under the icence of and being an independent ranchse in the JUST LETTING Group. JUST LETTING has been appointed by the LANDLORD to administer the LEASE as authorised bythe signed LANDLORD AUTHORISATION; “The LANDLORO hareby lets ta the TENANT who hires the PREMISES subject tothe terms and conditions st aut in this Agreement of Lease 1. THEAGENT ‘The TENANT aeinawedges thatthe LANDLORD has apneinted JUST LETTING as the Letting Management Agent fot all purpases in tems ofthis LEASE and acknwlecgas that JUST LETTING shal be ented to exercise all rights vested In tha LANDLORD in tarms ofthis LEASE an in tarms of the fw, JUST LETTING ane Trois duly oppointed agents, nancies or underwrter, sel be entitled to exer all ght vested In the LANDLONO, shoul! te TENART fall to comply with fany ofthe terms ar eanltins of the Agreement of Lense, The service/s provided by JUST LETTING include, the calecon of renal on behalf ofthe LANDLORO and the general administration ofthe LEASE, subject tothe terms and conltions of this LEASE AGREEMENT and the LANDLORD AUTHORISATION. This LEASE AGREEMENT Is concluded by the sole propietor/partners/ Close Corporation / Company trading os JUST LETTING, as set out on page 2 ofthis agreement, lading under the Heance of and being an independant franchise in the JUST LETTING Greup. 2, PERIOD OF LEASE 211 The LEASE shall befor fixed peti and shal commence and terminate on the dates specified inthe attached SCHEDULE, tis agreed tha, the event that the TENANT wishes to rane o terminate the LEASE, writen notice of his/her Intention todo so shall be provided na les than two months belore the TERMINATION DATE. Should the LANDLORD anree toa renewal or extension ofthe LEASE. the LANDLORD and TENANT wil be reouired to sin 3 new LEASE AGREEMENT ene raenth before termination date, andthe TENANT wil be lable ta JUST LETTING Tor the costs associated therewith. 2.2. 12 new LEASE is nt signad by the TENANT one calendar month before the dita of termination, the LANDLORD hereby withdraws his consent to any Further LEASE renewal. 23. Inthe ovent thatthe LANDLORD does not wish to renew the LEASE, the LANOLORD sll confirm that he does not ws 10 renew the LEASE n weting two ‘months before the termination date. 2.8 Inthe event that the LEASE AGREEMENT is renewed and / or endures for any pari that may result in stamp duty being required by statute, the TENANT shal be obliged to pay such stamp duty. 25. The DEPOSIT wil increase anrualy and wil bo adjusted accordingly n trms of the esclated rental. The top-up amount is due and payable before the commencement ofthe nev: lease. 28 Unexpiryortne Ease, the VENAN| shal elver he Keys tO te omeRs OF JUD) LEI FING By no later than LULU am on the Gay ater the termination date ot the LEASE Agreement. Faure oda this will ents the LANOLORO to deduct from the DEPOSIT any damages slfered as a result of any loss of income. 3. PAYMENT OF RENTAL 3.2, Payment of the DEPOSIT, the (lst month's rent and the administration oe In respect of the LEASE shall be affected pon signature of the LEASE [AGREEMENT and JUST LETTING shal be entitle to withheld occupation of the PREMISES unl the TENANT has effected these payments 32. Therantal nd anyother charges ayanle in terms of tis agreement shall be payable strict in advance, Payment shall be made on, or before, the Ast day ‘ofeach and every mont forthe duration ofthe LEASE, without ny ceducions, bank charges arse of, into the JUST LETTING Trust account asset eu the attached SCHEDULE, or at such other place asthe LANDLOAD or 1UST LETTING may adhe the TENANT in wt, 32" nrespattve of the manner of paymant, the TEHANT shall aneura that JUST LETTING shall rcesive the amounts payable in texms of this LEASE on, or before, the due date. The TENANT shall furthermore nt withhold sto or delay payment af any maries owedto the LANDLORD in terms this LEASE for any feason whatsoever. 2 age UST LETTING AGREEMENT OF MANAGED LEASE initial 34 The TENANT agreesto notify JUST LETTING when making payment ofthe rental ofthe date, place, amount and means of payment and produce proot Of payment in writin, SnOUd the TENANT fall to advse JUST LETTING ef any payment made, the TENANT agrees that X may not be possible to idenity the payment and allocate it tothe credit ofthe TENANT, an the TENANT therefore inlemaifies JUST LETTING and holds them harmless for ‘any damages whch the TENANT may sufer should UST LETTING take legal action against the TENANT for nn payment. 35. JUSTLETTING shal provide » receipt forthe payment of any amount which the TENANT has paid in terms of thi LEASE AGREEMENT upon request och receipt ul contain he date of payment, adcrass ofthe Prizes, the period for which the payment is made and datas of te item for which payments made 36 Inthe event that the commencement date ofthis LEASE doesnot concie with te first day ofthe calendar month, the renal ofthe frst month shall be calculated on aprowata bss 37 nthe event that the eental is pad In ash, the TENANT shal be lable for an atonal 1.2% (one pont two percent) plus VAT cash-handing fee, hich sal be ple togethor with the rata. The 1.2% wil be caleulsted on the total 2msount due. 38 ‘The TENANT agrees thathe /she shall not offset the DEPOSIT in ew ofthe last month's rental. A-ESCALATION {The amount of rent payable by the TENANT in terms of this LEASE AGREEMENT shall automaticaly escalate atthe rate presrived in the SCHEDULE attached, ‘compounded on e321 ana every aniversary of tne Commencement oat. ‘SLTHE DEPosrt 5a 52 “The TENANT shall upon signature hereof, deposi with JUST LETTING the amoun prescribed asa damages depost and as anyother deposts as may ‘be required in respect ofthe PREMISES, Tis amount shall be placed n an Iverest bearing trust account. Where the deposi i invested with 2 third party, the TENANT seknowisdges that afar levy and administration, fee based on the invested armount, is charged for such services rendered. The TENANT shall be anti to interast equivalent to that pal by the bank’ savings account for investment of this nature (On termination ofthe LEASE, the DEPOSIT and any interest earned shal be dea with as fllows “UST LETTING shall apply the OEPOSIT towards the payment of all amounts outstanding fr which the TENANT is lible; inducing but pot limited te arrears ental, unpaid uty sesoure, tha eoet of rapsring éomaper, replacing lst hays, remote contin areete ek, lags costs and exnenses, 5.22. Sublet tothe provislons of Clause 5.2.1 and 8, the DEPOSIT and interest shall be refunded tothe TENANT by JUST LETTING within seven (7) days of the termination of thi agreement, provided tat there are no damages ad thatthe tenants nat in breach of any of he terms ofthis agreement, 5.23. The relevant recaotsindeating the coss Incurred by the LANDLORD (as canterplated in Clause 5.2.1), shall be made avaiable to the TENANT for inspection as prof of such costs Incurred by the LANDLORD. 5.24, JUST LETTING wil oni refund the deposit upon receipt of prof of settlement by the TENANT ofa ental, tity, maintenance, service ‘ad legal accounts. 5.25. A slatement issued by the principal of JUST LETTING shall be prima face proof ofthe indebtedness ofthe TENANT to the LANDLORD Ia resnnct of arrar rental. & statement iewued by each uty saree as listed In elause 7-1 of tis agreement shall be proof of settlement of lity, malntenance and service accounts by he TENANT. 6. RATES, TAXES, AND LEVIES ‘Aetessment rata, txt an levies on the leasod PREMISES wl be forthe account ofthe LANDLORD. ‘2. UTILITIES AND SERVICES ia 7a 73 14 78 “The TENANT shal promptly and repulsy py the charges and dpe avsng rom the supply ef elacrcy, water, sewerage, refuse and anyother cclevant uty charges. ‘Tra TENANT NreDy authonses JUSI LELIING fo obtan prntouLs of the 1ENANI'S BECOUNE WED the saKGSUpPIY ALIMONY. 1m the even OF any ‘asounts being owed by the TENANT tothe supply authority at the termination ofthe LEASE, the TENANT Irevocebly authorizes JUST LETTING to ‘educt the amount thereof from the DE®OSIT and to pay such serear amounts in full provided there ae sufiient funds avaiable, Any amount not ‘covered bythe depest and interest canbe claimed bythe LANDLORD fm the TENANT. “The TENANT adnowledges that flue on his/her part to settle his/her month-to-month account withthe relevant supply euthority within period of 20 (thirty) dave fram the date of the account shall be ragorded as matoril breach ofthis LEASE ending the LANDLORD to cencal the LEASE, without nica ang with mmadiat effect. ‘The TENANT indemifies the LANDLORD against any damages he may experience as a result of any fulure or interuption of any supplies to the (PREMISES. The LANDLORD ds not guarantee that these supplies wil be contiqued forthe period af the LEASE AGREEMENT. The LANDLORD and SUS? LETTING howouee cndartato tht thay wil dn anting tn interno intariors withthe eafinuaian nf thaee wile ing 1h vin’ ofthe LEASE AGREEMENT. Notwithstanding any provions te the contrary, JUST LETTING shall apply sny payment made by the TENANT to any indebtedness of the TENANT, ‘otwithstanding the TENANT Intending payment forthe rental any ater spaced amount {nthe event tat normal mnthy levies / rates payable in aspect of te PREMISES being increased by the Body Corporate / Local Authority, or any Imposition oFother taxes, as the case may bs, JUST LETTING shal increase the monthly rental by the ammount equal to such increase, LINSPECTION AND CONDITION OF PREMISES, a 83 aA 8s. 86 3)Page JUST LETTING aGR “Ihe TENANT and JUST LEFTING or an appointed inspector shal jlntiy inspect the PREMISES before the date of occupation. A ist of defects or damages recorded at the Inspection shall be signed and dated by the TENANT and JUST LETTING and shall be attached as “AMNEXURE A to this LEASE AGREEMENT by no later than 3 (threo) working dys after occupation, "Ne oblzations shall est 0 the LANDLORD or UST LETTING to repair any ofthe defects listed In ANNEXURE A unless specifically specified asa special condition of tls LEASE AGREEMENT. ‘Should the TENANT fit attend! the ingoing inspection, or should the TENANT fl to inspect the PREMISES Inthe presence ofthe LANDLOR® or UST LETTING as contemplated in Cause f.1 above, shal be deemed ta bean acknowledgement by the TENANT that the dwelng fin good order and proper state of repr “The LANDLORD or JUST LETTING shal be ented to inspect the PREMISES during the lease peod and have access tothe PREMISES for inspection ‘purposes tall easonable times and by prior arrangement with the TENANT. ‘At the emir of he LEASE, JUST LETTING and the TENANT sal arrange aint Inspection ofthe PREMISES at 2 mutually convenian ime ta establish ‘whether any damage hss been caused tothe MEMISEE during the TENANTS occupation. The TENANT abel ensure thet the PREMISES sh [tthe time of such nepection, UST LETTING shal deduct fram the TENANT'S DEPOSIT and interest, the costs of reasonable repair of any damage caused tothe PREMISES, including the cost to replace ay lost keys, access disks, remotes or athe items ee veut HP OF MANAGED LEAS a7 Should the TENANT not attend the outgoing Inspection JUST LETTING shal, n termination ofthe LEASE AGREEMENT inspect the property within Seven {7} day rom the Termination Bate in order ta assess any damages of loss caused during the lease period. The LANDLORD may deduct frm the TENANT's deposi and interest the reasonable cst of repairing any damage to the PREMISES andthe cost of replacing lost keys access dst, remotes 1nd other electronic devices. The balance ofthe deposit end Interest thereon shal be refunded tothe TENANT By the LANDLORD/IUST LETTING ne Tater than twenty one (21) dys after the Termination Date. 9. USE OF PREMISES “The TENANT and all occupants shall use the PREMISES for private residential purposes ony “The numberof persons residing tthe PREMISES shall ot exceed the number specif Inthe SCHEDULE attached. The PREMISES shall not be occupied by anyone her than the TENANT and the OCCUPANTS Istedin the attached SCHEDULE, unless the LANDLORD'S ‘writen persion has been obtained, 10, TENANT'S MAINTENANCE OBLIGATIONS 103 302 103 “The TENANT anal ceupants ofthe household SHALL: 304.1 Maintain the PREMISES [inclucing garden, pool, equipment, gates ete) and ensure that alli In good arder ard canton and regularly lean the carpets, lor covering ana tes, anc keep the PREMISES ina clean anc Mylene state; 30,2 Clean and malntan Ue carpets ané other lor coverings In the Premises regularly. On the termination of this LEASE, the TENANT shall have the carpets cleaned professionally at his/her awn cost if th earpet ae not leaned, the cost of cesning the carpets aropary may be deductad from the TENANT'S DEPOSIT. If the carpets are damaged by the TENANT oF have deteriorated beyond far wear and tear durin the tenancy, thes tems wal be placed completly on te termination ofthe Agreement of Lease atthe expense ofthe TENANT. 20.3 refrain from interfering wth the electrical, plumbing or g3s instalation or systems serving the PREMISES, excaptas may be necessary to ‘enable the TENANT to carryout his/her obligations of maintenance and repatin terms of Clause 30.2.1 ofthis LEASE: 20.14 Take reasonable measure to prevent Dickages and obstruction from occurring nthe cans, sewersge pipes anc water pips saving the PREMISES, 20.4.5 be rxpontibl whore appleabla for tha maintanance and upkaee ofthe garden and chal saturn the gatdan Inthe same eanation that it was atthe Commencement Date. The cost of any garden service employed together with the cost of any materials required to restore the arden to the same condition was atthe Commencement Date wl be for the TENANT’s account and wll be payable upon demand by {he LANDLORD, 102.6 is responsible for the maintenance ard upkeep of the swimming pool, Should the LANDLORD Have ta employ the services of a pool company to restore the pool tothe cancion to which it was at the commencement date, this wil befor the account ofthe TENANT and willbe payable upon damand bythe LANDLORO/UST LETING. 10.1.7 feplace andl repair any damaged or broken asso mirar however such dama orbrealeage was caused, ‘The TENANT anal occupants ofthe household SHALL NOT: 410.2. Stek adhesive pleture holders onto or deface the walls drive nails or other objects nto any portion of the PREMISES or paint the interlor ‘ofthe PREMISES without te prior written consent ofthe LANDLORD; 10.2.2 Keep pats on the PENSE without the prior written consent of the LANDLORD and where appcabe the bedy corporat, which consent maya wkhdrown atany He at the LANDLORDS sole and unatterad dcraton, 430.28 Engagein any activity which may potently cause damage tothe PREMISES or which may be potentially preuiial to neighbours 30.24 Pace any signs, notices or adver'sements anywhere on the PREMISES without the LANDLORO'S prio written consent, 30.25 Have dupleate kay ofthe PREMISES made without the written eantan of JUST LETTING or the LANDLORD; 3026 Leaver allow refuse to accumulate Ina about the PREMISES except in the refuse bins provided; 102.7 use any apparatus or keep any combust, hazardous, flammable or dangerous materials ar substances an the PREMISES which ray In ny wey affect the LANDLORD'S fie pe nreapcet ofthe PAEMIES, or have the effect of increasing the premium: 10.2.8 Keep or da anything in or about the PREMISES which may enhance any ofthe ris against which the PREMISES are Insured or the premiums oF such insurance, became lable 1 be increased. Inthe evont that the TENANT falls to cary out any regnr wer fr which the TENANT Ig lable, the LANOLORO shall earry aut suehrepals personally ‘or through contractors. The cast of such maintenance and repair work shal be forthe TENANTS account and shall be recoverable by the LANDLORD from the TENANT. ‘The TENANT shal be oblige to give noice af any repairer malntenance work for which the LANDLORD Is sponsible, within 24 (twenty four) hours, ‘of becoming aware ofthe damages. inthe event ofthe TENANT'S falure to do 50, he/she shall be deemed cesponsibe forthe resulting damages ‘aused and shal be obligated to repair the damages at his/her own expense, {11 LANDLORD'S MAINTENANCE OBLIGATIONS ina m2 “The LANDLORD shall keep and maintain In good order and condition, far wear and tear exceed, the exterior ofthe propery. nthe case of sectional sie schemes, the body corporate sal be responsible forthe aferesald malntenan ‘The LANOLORD thal be ented to make such pais and alteration a ara deemed necesrory forthe safety or preservation af the PREMISES, bath externally an inernaly, a all easonable times durag the subastence of the LEASE, subject to 72 (seventy two) haure written notice having been ven, 12. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND RULES Erxy 22 123 wa ms 126 alee “The TENANT and all occupants smal observe snd comply with all applicable statutory, municpal and other bylaws and regulations during his ‘ccupation ofthe Premises. ‘The TENANT shall serve and comply withthe rues ond regulations ofthe Body Corporate / Heme Ovenes' Association during Ns ocupation ofthe Premises together with any house rules stached herewith ‘The LANDLORD shall supply a copy ofthe sad rules within 7 (sever) days the TENANT taking ocupation, ‘The TENANT acknowlodgas that he/she will become sequsined withthe Rules ofthe Body Corporate / Home Owners Assocation. Fllsre to comply ‘ith the Rules ofthe Body Corporate / Home Owner's Association le sufitont grounds forthe LANDLORD te eancel the LEASE, a this constitutes a material breach by the TENANT. ‘The TENANT shall be able for any damage caused bythe TENANT, OCCUPANTS and / or VISITORS, to any camnon property ofthe Boy Corporate / nm Cnunae’s Assocation nd ehallbe eige to pay aleost lnvalud to rapa the domme. During the peried ofthe LEASE, the TENANT shall not remove any moveable prapery brought onto the PREMISES without the consent of the LANDLORD, it being understood that such meveabe property fas under the LANDLORD's tact hypothec and serves as secuty fr all payments due JUST LETTING AGREEMENT OF MANA in terms ofthe LEASE, I any monies are due by the TENANT tothe UINDLORD onthe termination or concalation ofthis Lease, the provisions ofthis ‘dause shall continue to apply. 113, SUBLETTING AND ASSIGNMENT ‘The TENANT shall not cede or assign any of his/her rights and obligations In terms ofthis LEASE AGREEMENT and shall nat sublet the PREMISE, In whole cr in ar, without the por written consent ofthe LANDLORD. 14, ACCESS BY LANDLORD. 341 The LANDLORD, UST LETTING, workeen or other person/s duly authorised thereta, shal be entitle to enter the PREMISES at al reasonable times on reasonable notice of 72 (seventy two} hours to ingpect the property orto earty out lawful busines heroin without interference rer the TENANT. 342. The TENANT shall not be ented to a remision of rental ie espect af elause 24.1. ASLNUISANCES 351 The TENANT andall OCCUPANTS ae ented to undisturbed eniovment ofthe premises 352 The TENANT, OCCUPANTS and guests wil nat use the premises or adjacent oreasin such away a to 152.1. Vilate any lw a ordinance including laws prohibiting the use, possesion, or Sle of legal rugs; 3522 Commit severe property damage: 0 35.23 Create a nuisance by dsturbing or interfering with the enjoyment, peace and qulet of anyother tenant or nearby resident. 36. inpemntry 361 The TENANT hereby indemnifis the LANDLORO, JUST LETTING and its authorises agen and holds tham harmless for ary loss of damage to property or injury to persons sufered an the property as result of ony act or omission by the LANDLORD er JUST LETTING er any cf ts employees or 162 The TENANT indemnifesand holds harmless JUST LETTING Inthe event that the deposits pal over tothe LANDLORD atthe LANDLOAD'S 363. The TENANT welvesany and lf claims that he may have gaint the LANDLORD and / or JUST LETTING or thelr appointed agents arsng eu of any ‘ation ar nan action onthe part of the LANDLORD and / or JUST LETTING ar thelr appointed agents in raspact of which the TENANT has sustained any ‘damages including rss negligence onthe par of the LANDORD and fer JUST LETTING o their appointed agents 117, RIGHT TO AFFIX NOTICES ‘The LANDLORD shal have the right to aficand exhibit "TO LET” and/or “FOR SALE" noticas onthe PREMISE. 118, SALE OF PREMISES 3B4 the PAEMIECS are sold, che LANDLORD shell be deemed te have acigncd Neher rights and alison in torme ofthis LEASE to the Purchaser and the TENANT shall continue to remain bound by this LEASE inal respact. 382 nade, the TENANT shall permit the LANDLORD or any other estate agent authorized by the LANDLORD, to make the PREMISES avaliable as @ show house en 2 (two) Sundays per month between the hours af 12:00 AND 17-00 during the period af twa months price tothe tomination ofthis LEAS AGREEMENT. 383 The TENANT shall permit prospective TENANTS and/or purchasers, 2 the case may be, to view the PREMISES on 72 (seventy twa) hours notice 19, DESTRUCTION OF PREMISES, 30. Should the Premises at anytime dicing the lease period be materaly damaged or destroyed so thatthe TENANT is notable to occupy the Premises, then ths Aaveament of Lease shale terminates. Each sat shall remain resaonsibe far ks ablations In tezms ofthe Aereement of Lease voto the date of uch termination and nether party wil have any further calm agains the other 192 Should the Premises only be party eamaged, this Agraement of Lago shall main in fll occa and effect and the LANOLORD/IUST LETTING shall repair the damage at Its cost as soon ass reasonably possible, The TENANT shall remain in occupation and be entitled to a reduction of rent during ‘the period in which the Premises are being repaired. The reduction ln ental shall be araad upon by the LANOLORO/LUST LETTING and the TENANT ‘orifsuch agreement cannot be reached, an independant thd part wil be used to deed en the rection. 383 The provisions of Clauses 18-1, and 19.2, above shall not prejudice any claim the LANDLORD/JUST LETTING ray have against the TENANT where any destrution of, or damage tothe Premisus i the sult of an actor naglet of Ue TENANT ae of any person for whose action the TENANT sal be response infow. AU. KEAGH, CANCELLASION UK LEHMINALION 20. Should the LANDLORD cancal this Agrenmant of Lease, and shoul the TENANT dispute the LANDLORD'S right to cancel and remain occupation of ‘the Promises, the TENANT shall carsnue to pay the amaunt of rent In advance as in the Agreement of Lease unt the dspute fs eetted ether by ‘negotiation oat. The TENANT shal continue to pay, 09 due date, anyother amaunts fr which hel respansible in terms of hi Agreement of Lease andthe LANDLORO/IUST LETTING shall be ented to accept and eecover such payments, This atcentance shal be without prelude to and shall not in any way whatscover affect the LANDLORO's ela for cancelation 20.2 Should the dispute be sete in favour ofthe LANDLORO, payments made and recaved in terms of cause 20.1 above shall be deemed to be amounts ‘ald by the TENANT for darmages suffered by the LANDLORD as a result of the cancellation of the Agreement of Lease and/or the unlawful holding ‘over by the TENANT. The payment shal nat prejudice anyother calm whieh the LANDLORD may have against the TENANT foc damages or otherwise. Should th dgpute however ba datarmined in Favour af tha TENANT, eaymente made and resid by the LANDLORD interme af esses $end 20 shal be deemed to be on account ofthe rent payable bythe TENANT in terms of his Agreement of Lease, (21, REMEDIES FOR BREACH, CANCELLATION AND TERMINATION Ifthe TENANT, a ary surety (granted in favour af the LANDLORD): 211 fallto pay on due date ay rent or other amount dus by It to the LANDLORD in terms of ths lace: or 242 commitsany other breach ofthe terms ofthis lease which incapable of being remedies, or 212 commits any breach ofthe terms ofthis lease athar than a breach ceferred to in clause 2.2 or clause 22.2 and falls to remecy that breach within 7 {seven day aftr the date ofa written notice requiring that It be ramedied, proved that no such notice shall be nacszzary inthe case of 3 secand or subsequent breach of the sare ter; or 214 consistently breaches the terms ofthis leate (whether by non-payment af renter any other amount due tothe LANDLORD on due date or by rnoncomgllance with is terns| 25 justify the LANDLORO in holding that the TENANT'S eanduct s inconsistent wth an intention er an ay to cary cout such tems; or S]Page JUST LETTING AGREEMENT OF MANAGED L 215 allows any judgment against and knewa tothe TENANT to rersia unsatisfied fora period of7 days o longer oF 216 —_commilsan act of solvency within the meaning of Section # of the insvency Act. No. 28 of 1836, or an replacement elsation therefore; or 217 boing an individual or trust, should die o be sequestrated whathar previsianaly er Rinly or cease to reside permanently in the Repubic of South ‘Africa or, inthe case ofa company or any other corporate entity, be woUns up or paced under judicial management, (in ether case whether provisionally or atherwise) 21 uray withers and the TENANT, within 21 days after noice t it by the LANDLORO, fall to furish the LANDLORD with 2 suretyship i replacement to the satisfaction ofthe {ANDLORO, thon the LANDLORD shal have the right, but shall not be obliged, to ether: 21.84 cancel this ease and to resume possession ofthe leased premises; 21.8.2 convert this lease to one in which the LANDLORD but not the TENANT (who shall continue tobe bound forte fll_period of the ease} shall be entitled te terminate the laze by giving one rronth’s writen notice tothe TENANT, tha remaining terms and renditions being otherwise unaffected; ‘but without prejudice to the LANDLORO'S lai for areats of rent znd damages which it may have suffered by reason of tha TENANT'S breach of contract or cf the premature cancelation, zz.nomices 223 The TENANT eppolns the PREMISES as his/her oficial sot fora purposes in terms ofthis LEASE 222 Any notices gen toJUST LETTING shouldbe atthe physieal address incated in the SCHEDULE. 223 Notices Sent by relstered post shall be deemed to have been recelved 5 three] days alter date of posing. Notices dalivred tothe PREMISES by hand or sent tothe facsimile number or email recorded in the SCHEDULE, shall be deemed to have bean recaved on the date of dalvery o- transmission asthe case may be. 24 ABMUNISIHALION AND DULUMENIALION CUSIS “The TENANT shall be lable for an administration Fee for the preparation of his LEASE AGREEMENT and associated documents, ‘which amount eal be pad onthe date of signature here. ‘24, PENALTIES AND LEGAL Costs 24, The TENANT shal pay algal costs incurred should the LANDLORD, or & duly authodsed representative, have to take any legal action agaist the ‘TENANT to enfores the TENANTs obligations in terms of this LEASE AGREEMENT. Tha legal costs shall ba based onan attorney and clone seal, and ‘may aeo include collection commission, tracing costs, debt collect’ fes, interest and administration charges or any athe fee charged, 242 Imation ta 26.2, the TENANT shall be Hable for any reasonable or adttonal aaminstaton charges rales by JUST LETTING In connection with the late payient ofertas, orin connection with ey ather breech of ti LACE, 243 Interest hal accrue on any outstanding payments cv by the TENANT to the LANDLORD/IUST LETTING terms ofthis LEASE AGREEMENT atthe rate cf interest charged by standard Bank to Its customers from time to tme, compounded manthiy In advance, fram the due date to the date of actual payment. 244 Tha TENANT oeknowledges that he/sho shal bo liable forthe following administration costs should he/she be In breach of the LEASE, and that the following fees (ncusing vat, fapplicabie) wl be payable to JUST LETTING. 244.1 150.0 [one hundred ad ity rand) ate payment admialstion fee, 244.2 Inthe event thatthe rental has not been paid tmecusly the TENANT wil belted with ITC and TPN as abd payer at» cost of R7S.00, {seventy five rand) per ocurrence. Removal ofthe Ustng wl commence once the accounts pad In ull and wl cost an ational charge ‘of 250,00 (twe huncee an fv ran 2443 7800.00 [eight Huncred Ren} breech, cenceiton, or termination fe; 2444 The agents! commission n the unexpiced portion ofthe LEASE AGREEMENT. 2445 Rental payments unisuch time that a replacement tenant takes occupation ofthe Premises. 24a — Adverdsng costs incurred to nda replacement tenant. 24.4.7 Appointing JUST LETTING to finda suitable tenant and payment of letting commission as per the Authorisation Agreement, 245 Tae TENANT acknowledges that an actional fee wil be payable in respect of unoaid cheques ta caver the bank penalties incurra by JUST LETTING, 246 The TENANT acknowledges that an adaltional fee wil be payable In respect fs debit order returned or in the case where the debit arder i cancelles cr stopped bythe TENANT to cover the bank penalties Incurred by UST LETTING. 2. WANHCANIIES 25. The TENANT acknowledges thatthe exten thatthe TENANT may be legay ented to the protetion aflerded by the provisions ofthe Prevention of egal Eviction from Unlzwful Gccupation of Land Act 19 of 2998 {harelnater the “ACT such ACT shall apply to any proceedings of ha/her eviction from the PREMASES, lo the event ofthe same being necessary. 252 The TENANT acknowledges that service of writen notice ofan application of his/her eviction in terms ofthe ACT atthe PREMISES and drafted In English, wilconsttute effective notice ae contemplated in action 4 of the ACT. 253 The TENANT warrants that his/her persona Crcumstances, as set out in Anenure “5” hereto, ae both true and tere, and that same are the only relevant considerations prtaning to his/her personal circumstances for the Cour to take into account in making any order In terme of the ACT. 26, RELAXATION OR INDULGENCE "No retxaton or indulgence given to the TENANT shallin any way prejucica the LANDLORD'S rights hereunder and shall not affect the LANDLORO'S right to insist, at any time upon set compliance with each and evary tar hereat, zzsurery 274 Where the TENANT isa urs person, the crectrs, memiversor trustees, 2 the case may be, ofthe TENANT shall bind themselves 2: surety and co ‘principal debtor in tel personal capacities in respect ofthe TENANT'S obilgations hereunder, tothe satisfaction af Une LANDLORD. In the event that the directors, members or trustees asthe case may ba, alto provide such surety then te signatory heret, signing on behalf ofthe TENANT, hereby binds himself ax surety and corneal dabtor withthe TENANT fr the due fullment by tha TENANT ofthe TENANT's obligations and payments sein terms of this LEASE. 272 Where the TENANT is jrste person, the LANDLORD may withdraw from the agreement ona 7 seven} day notice, shoul the directors, members lor trustees, asthe ase may bs, of the TENANT, not exacute 4 daadfe) of uraty and co-princpal debtor in their personal eapeetes in eapect ofthe TENANT'S obligations hereunder, tothe satisfaction ofthe LANDLORD. Inthe evant thatthe LANOLORO withraws fom the agreement the TENANT GlPage JUST LETTING AGREEMENT a init al shall immecitely wate the PREMISES and the TENANT and signatory shall be lable for any and all damages wich the LANDLORD may sufer as 3 consequence, 28. IND ADDITIONS To Pat Te expresly recorded tht the TENANT shall not make ary alterations or altions whatsoaver tothe PREMISES without the prior writen consent of the LANDLORD. nthe avent that the [ANNAN eancant in ung te any seh allerations or alison to the PREMISES, the LANDLORD shall be tented, at his her sole and absolute iscretion, on termination of the LEASE agreement to require a TENANT to restore the PREMESES, atthe TENANT'S expense, tothe same condition as they were porto such alteration ar addon. 28.2 {ts exprasy racorded thatthe TENANT shall have na claim of whatsoever nature for any improvements, alterations or addons affected bythe TENANT to the PREMISES, whether such provements were affected with, or without the LANDLORD'S consest. 283 The TENANT utermare hereby express acknowledges that he/she shal have no right to occupy the property pending the outcome of any legs or “other spute that may area between te parties in cepeet of any legal Improvement len and Neesby walves any such ian as he/she baeves that he /e ras, 29. GENERAL 2941 This LEASE adits ANNEXURES consttute the ante contract between the parties, anno verbal reprecentations or warranties given tothe TENANT by the LANOLORD or JUST LETTING, sive insofar as such warranties ar representations ae set ut herein, shal be enforceable and/or actionable by ‘the TENANT against the LANDLORD. 282 _Novariation, amendment, addon or agreed caneallation ofthis LEASE AGREEMENT shal bs regarded as legal ald unless [isin writing and signed by the LANDLORD / JUST LETTING and TENANT. 283 Theslgnatorls, on behalf of tre paris, warant tat they are duly authorized to sign the LEASE, 294 Should the TENANT be an alan as defined in terms ofthe Aliens Control Act, he/she warrants that he/she is in possession ef a residence petit ‘ated in term of the said Act. The TENANT furthermere warrants that this permit wil be va fo the periad of the LEASE (including any renew or ‘extension period. 295 The TENANT echvumledges Us hese has cead ‘been expalned to him/her by JUST LETTING 286 Whenever in this LEASE agraement the masculine Is used It shall Include the femlnine and the neuter, and the singulr shal Include the plural ane ce ets, unless the context shall indicate otherwise 30. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Oe tenc.nt ascoes to pe the lull depast. of Tuaso on or belare 1 Derember201 @ODS pa onan aoe be ore ot Ee GilasteeEng illo. manly nspeceian_at the pre pereyy ene Tee TK ate endorel “Thus done and signed by the TENANT at onthe. Dayet___ a TENANT ‘CO-APPLICANT/ SPOUSE VaTNESS NAME ‘WITNESS SIGNATURE “Thus done nd signed bythe LANDLORD at on the Dayot 30 | warrant by my signature Nerato, that | ar authorized ta sign this document on bahalf ofthe Landlord, in addition, all documentation required und the Financial Ineligence Centre Act (FCA) is waid and has been provided to JUST LETTING. | hereby also acknowledge tht | Understand the fee and commission strueture, and confirm that an agent of JUST LETTING has fully explained tt me. ‘The signatory acknowledges that he/she ls bound by the provsons of Cause 27 applicable. iawotoRo TinoioRDs srouse ‘WiTRESS NAME ‘WITNESS SIGNATURE 7)Page JUST LETTING AGREEMENT OF MANAG inital

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