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General Roots and Prefixes

Root or Prefix Meaning Examples

a, an not, without atheist, anarchy, anonymous apathy,

aphasia, anemia, atypical, anesthesia

ab away, down, from, off absent, abduction, aberrant, abstemious,

abnormal, abstract, absorb

acro high, tip, top acrobat, acrophobia, acronym,

acromegaly, acropolis

action, react, transaction, proactive,

act do, move
activity, activation, deactivate

admit, addition, advertisement,

ad to, toward adherent, admonish, address, adhesive,
adept, adjust

altitude, altimeter, alto, contralto,

alt high
altocumulus, exalt

ambulatory, amble, ambulance,

ambul to walk
somnambulist, perambulate, preamble

animation, inanimate, animal, anime,

anima soul, life
equanimity, animism, animus

ante before anteroom, antebellum, antedate

antecedent, antediluvian

anti, ant against, opposite antisocial, antiseptic, antithesis,

antibody, antichrist, antinomies,
antifreeze, antipathy, antigen, antibiotic,
antidote, antifungal, antidepressant

army, armament, disarm, rearm,

arm weapon
armistice, armor, armory, arms

audi to hear audience, auditory, audible, auditorium,

audiovisual, audition, audiobook

auto self automobile, automatic, autograph,

autonomous, autoimmune, autopilot,

be thoroughly bedecked, besmirch, besprinkled,

begrudge, begrime, belie, bemoan

bell war belligerent, antebellum, bellicose, rebel

bene good, well benefactor, beneficial, benevolent,

benediction, beneficiary, benefit

bi two bicycle, bifocals, biceps, billion, binary,

bivalve, bimonthly, bigamy, bimetal,
biathlete, bicarbonate

bio life, living biology, biography, biodiversity,

bioavailability, bioflavonoid, biofuel,
biohazard, biomass, biorhythm 

cede, ceed, cess to go, to yield succeed, proceed, precede, recede,

secession, exceed, succession, excess 
chron time chronology, chronic, chronicle, chronometer, anachronism
fratricide, suicide, incision, excision, circumcision, precise, concise, precision, homicide,
cide, cis to kill, to cut
genocide, regicide
circumnavigate, circumflex, circumstance, circumcision, circumference, circumorbital,
circum around
circumlocution, circumvent, circumscribe, circulatory
clud, clus
to close include, exclude, clause, claustrophobia, enclose, exclusive, reclusive, conclude, preclude
with, convene, compress, contemporary, converge, compact, confluence, concatenate, conjoin,
con, com
together combine, convert, compatible, consequence, contract
contradict, counteract, contravene, contrary, counterspy, contrapuntal, contraband,
contra, against,
contraception, contrast, controversy, counterfeit, counterclaim, counterargument,
counter opposite
counterclaim, counterpoint, counterrevolution
cred to believe credo, credible, credence, credit, credential, credulity, incredulous, creed, incredible
commune, community, communism, communicable, communication, commonality,
commun to share
cycl circle, wheel bicycle, cyclical, cycle, encliclical, motorcycle, tricycle, cyclone
from, down, detach, deploy, derange, deodorize, devoid, deflate, degenerate, deice, descend, derail,
away depress, depart, decompose, destruction
dei, div God, god divinity, divine, deity, divination, deify, deism
demo people democracy, demagogue, epidemic, demographic
diameter, diagonal, dialogue, dialect, dialectic, diagnosis, diachronic, diagram, diaphragm,
dia across,
dialysis, diarrhea
dict speak predict, verdict, malediction, dictionary, dictate, dictum, diction, indict, contradict 
away, not, dismiss, differ, disallow, disperse, dissuade, disconnect, dysfunction, disproportion,
dis, dys, dif
negative disrespect, distemper, distaste, disarray, dyslexia
duc, duct to lead, pull produce, abduct, product, transducer, viaduct, aqueduct, induct, deduct, reduce, induce
dyn, dyna power dynamic, dynamometer, heterodyne, dynamite, dynamo, dynasty
ecto ectomorph, ectoderm, ectoplasm, ectopic, ectothermal
endo inside, within endotoxin, endoscope, endogenous
equi equal equidistant, equilateral, equilibrium, equinox, equitable, equation, equator
out, away,
e, ex emit, expulsion, exhale, exit, express, exclusive, enervate, exceed, explosion
external, extrinsic, exterior, extraordinary, extrabiblical, extracurricular, extrapolate,
exter, extra outside of extraneous, exterminator, extract, extradite, extraterrestrial, extrasensory, extravagant,

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