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The Chakras and the 7 Planes of Existence

Every one of the centers that are called Chakras corresponds to an area of the body,
certain behavioural characteristics and a stage of spiritual growth. Chakras represent
specific psychophysical energies that are activated one by one through the breath along
with the flow of the elements throughout daily life. Aroused by the practices of Tantra
Yoga, the dormant spiritual Kundalini energy can be made to leave the first chakra and
pierce the chakras above, causing various spiritual experiences to occur.
Each of the seven chakras represents a definite set of desires that correspond to a
particular element (up to the fifth chakra). While desires should not be cultivated, they
should be fulfilled if they are found to be really present instead of artificial. Otherwise
one will be inevitably drawn back to them. The understanding of the seven chakras offers
a way to balance ones desires and lead a more happy and spiritual life along personal
In Kundalini yoga or Lava yoga, a large set of techniques is used to concentrate all life
force in the Sushumna Nadi and rise the coiled Kundalini energy through all seven
chakras towards the seventh chakra. In this way, the divine mother Shakti, in the form of
Kundalini, can find union with her beloved, the Supreme Shiva, who resides in eternal
bliss at the top of the skull. Thus, one can move beyond the elements and achieve the
non-dual consciousness that bring liberation from the ever changing world of illusion.

Leela: States of the Chakras

Our existence is not only on one level, but on many levels (lokas) at the same time. Each of the
72 squares of the Leela (game board) represents an aspect of human consciousness or inner
state of being which – when explained and understood in the light of the chakras (the subtle
energies of transformation)–will lead to great insight and progress on the path towards
spirituality. It discusses 9 mental attitudes related to each one of the 7 chakras.
Leela, the divine game, is played out on 8 Lokas (the Sanskrit term loka refers to a
division of the universe, a plane of existence, or level of being). Seven Lokas are
connected with the seven major chakras, through which an individual must pass before
reaching the 8th plane, which is beyond all planes, the level of Cosmic Consciousness, the
essence of pure being and bliss; nirvana. The basic knowledge of the chakras and their
particular characteristics enables us to determine where we are vibrating at any given
moment. Each loka is a state of being in the process of inner growth. An overview of all
these states can be found on the individual chakra page(s).

First Chakra (Muladhara)

Translation: Basic Support Chakra (Tail Chakra)
Location: Perineum, below the genitals and above the anus inside the coccyx,
the pelvic plexus, base of the spine, the first three vertebrae
Element: Earth
Color: Yellow
Aspects: Security
Ruling Planet: Mars
Deity: Brahma
Behavioral A predominant desire for security in the form of a job or
shelter +
characteristics: Greed is the main problem -
(direction of spin)
Associated Age: A child of 1-7 years old

Leela (states of being in the chakras)

1. Genesis (Janma)
2. Illusion (Maya)
3. Anger (Krodh)
4. Greed (Lobh)
5. Physical Plane (Bhu Loka)
6. Delusion (Moha)
7. Conceit (Mada)
8. Avarice (Matsar)
9. Sensual Plane (Kama Loka)

Second Chakra (Svadhisthana Ch.)

Translation: Dwelling Place of the Self (Genital Chakra)
Location: Genital region, hypogastric plexus
Element: Water
Color: Transparent Blue
Aspects: Procreation, family, fantasy, creativity, sensuality
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Deity: Vishnu
Behavioral Trying to establish his/her identity to attract the opposite
sex. +
characteristics: Fantasies and moods create a constantly changing behaviour. -
(direction of spin)
Associated Age: A person of 8-14 years old

Leela (states of being in the chakras)

10. Purification (Tapah)
11. Entertainment (Gandharvas)
12. Envy (Eirsha)
13. Nullity (Antariksha)
14. Astral Plane (Bhuvar Loka)
15. Plane of Fantasy (Naga Loka)
16. Jealousy (Dwesh)
17. Mercy (Daya)
18. Plane of Joy (Harsha Loka)
Third Chakra (Manipura Chakra)
Translation: City of Gems (Navel Chakra)
Location: The part of the vertebral column corresponding to the navel region.
Element: Fire
Color: Orange - Red
Aspects: Vision, Form, Color, Ego
Ruling Planet: Sun
Deity: Braddha Rudra
Behavioral A desire for identification, recognition, power & better
characteristics: Ego is the main problem.
(direction of spin)
Associated Age: A person 14-21 years old

Leela (states of being in the chakras)

19. Plane of Karma (Karma Loka)

20. Charity (Daan)
21. Atonement (Saman Paap)
22. Plane of Dharma (Dharma loka)
23.Celestial Plane (Swarga Loka)
24. Bad Company (Ku-Sang Loka)
25. Good Company (Su-Sang Loka)
26. Sorrow (Dukh)
27. Selfless Service (Parmarth)

Fourth Chakra (Anahata Chakra)

Translation: UnStruck Chakra (Heart Chakra)
Location: The heart region of the vertebral column, the cardiac plexus.
(Main connector of the chakras. Do not block on this one)
Element: Air
Color: Smokey green
Aspects: Balance
Ruling Planet: Venus
Deity: Ishana Rudra Shiva
Behavioral Devotion and self confidence are the motivating forces. One strives
to achieve balance on all levels. Selfless service is the key, often
awakened by mother / father hood +
characteristics: (direction of spin) N/A -
Associated Age: A person 21-28 years old

Leela (states of being in the chakras)

28. Apt Religion (Sudharma)
29. Irreligiosity (Adharma)
30. Good Tendencies (Uttam Gati)
31. Plane of Sanctity (Yaksha Loka)
32. Plane of Balance (Maha Loka)
33.Plane of Fragrance (Gandha Loka)
34.Plane of Taste (Rasa Loka)
35.Purgatory (Narka Loka)
36.Clarity of Consciousness (Swatch)


Fifth Chakra (Vishudda Chakra)

Translation: Pure Chakra (Throat Chakra)
Location: Neck region, throat, carotid plexus, the cervical part of the spine
column that corresponds to the neck
Element: Akasha
Color: Smokey Purple
Aspects: Knowledge
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Deity: Panchavakstra Shiva
Behavioral Simple living and high thinking /un-knotted by true spiritual
knowledge. +
characteristics: The main problem is negative intellect. -
(direction of spin)
Associated Age: A person of 28-35 years old

Leela (states of being in the chakras)

37.Right Knowledge (Gyana)
38.Plane of Prana (Prana Loka)
39.Plane of Apana (Apana Loka)
40.Plane of Vyana (Vyana Loka)
41.Human Plane (Jaga Loka)
42.Plane of Fire (Agnih Loka)
43.Birth of Man (Manushya Janma)
44.Ignorance (Avidya)
45.Right Knowledge (Suvidya)

Sixth Chakra (Anja Chakra)

Translation: Command Chakra (Third Eye Chakra)
Location: Medulla plexus, pineal plexus, point between the eyebrows.
Element: Mahatattva, in which all elements are present in pure essence.
?? isn’t that Akasha? Or the void?
Color: Transparent White
Aspects: Self-realization
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Deity: Ardhanarishvara
Behavioral The stage of the true yogi; all external & internal changes cease to pose
problems. All duality ceases; like the left and right side of our brain. Solar
& Lunar duality cease to exist +
characteristics: There is no observed, and no observer. –(?)
(direction of spin)
Associated Age: None

Leela (states of being in the chakras)

46.Conscious (Vivek)
47.Plane of Neutrality (Saraswati)
48.Solar Plane (Yamuna)
49.Lunar Plane (Ganga)
50.Plane of Austerity (Tapah Loka)
51.Earth (Prithvi)
52.Plane of Violence (Himsa Loka)
53.Liquid Plane (Jala Loka)
54.Spiritual Devotion (Bhakti Loka)

*The Sixth Chakra is one of the Chakras of Higher Consciousness

(3 aspects of consciousness: knowing, feeling and doing) /// Truth, beauty and goodness/////

Seventh Chakra (Sahasrara Chakra)

Translation: Thousand-petaled Chakra (Crown Chakra)
Location: Top of the Cranium, cerebral plexus.
Element: None
Color: None
Aspects: None
Ruling Planet: Ketu
Deity: The Guru within
Behavioral Non-dual consciousness.
characteristics: (direction of spin)
Associated Age: None

Leela (states of being in the chakras)

55. Egotism (Ahamkara)
56. Plane of Primal Vibrations (Omkar)
57. Gaseous Plane (Vayu Loka)
58. Plane of Radiation (Teja Loka)
59. Plane of Reality (Satya Loka)
60.Positive Intellect (Subuddhi)
61.Negative Intellect (Durbuddhi)
62. Happiness (Sukh)
63. Tamas
64. Phenomenal Plane (Prakriti Loka)
65. Plane of Inner Space (Uranta Loka)
66. Plane of Bliss (Anand Loka)
67. Plane of Cosmic Good (Rudra Loka)
68. Cosmic Consciousness (Vaikuntha Loka)
69.Absolute Plane (Brahma Loka)
70. Satoguna
71. Rajoguna
72. Tamoguna

*The Seventh Chakra and the Soma Chakra (below) belong to the Chakras of Higher

Sub-Chakra of the Seventh Chakra (Soma Chakra) Between 6th and 7th Chakra)
Translation: Nectar Chakra
Location: Above the Ajna Chakra and within the Sahasrara or 7th Chakra;
above the 3rd eye in the centre of the forehead.
Element: None
Color: None
Aspects: None
Ruling Planet: Rahu
Deity: Kameshvara and Kameshvari
Behavioral Bliss
characteristics: (direction of spin)
Associated Age: None

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