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Job satisfaction in regards to one’s feeling or state of mind regarding nature of their work. Job
can be influenced by variety of factors like quality of one’s relationship with their supervisor,
quality of physical environment in which they work, degree of fulfillment in their work, etc.

Positive attitude towards job are equivalent to job satisfaction where as negative attitude towards
job has been defined variously from time to time. In short job satisfaction is a person’s attitude
towards job.

Job satisfaction is an attitude which results from balancing & summation of many specific likes
and dislikes experienced in connection with the job- their evaluation may rest largely upon one’s
success or failure in the achievement of personal objective and upon perceived combination of
the job and combination towards these ends.

According to Pestonejee, Job satisfaction can be taken as a summation of employee’s feelings in

four important areas. These are:
1. Job-nature of work (dull, dangerous, interesting), hours of work, fellow workers,
opportunities on the job for promotion and advancement (prospects), overtime
regulations, interest in work, physical environment, and machines and tools.
2. Management- supervisory treatment, participation, rewards and punishments, praises and
blames, leaves policy and favoritism.
3. Social relations- friends and associates, neighbors, attitudes towards people in
community, participation in social activity socialibility and caste barrier.
4. Personal adjustment-health and emotionality.
Job satisfaction is an important indicator of how employees feel about their job and a predictor
of work behavior such as organizational citizenship, Absenteeism, Turnover.

Job satisfaction benefits the organization includes reduction in complaints and grievances,
absenteeism, turnover, and termination; as well as improved punctuality and worker morale. Job
satisfaction is also linked with a healthier work force and has been found to be a good indicator
of longevity.
Job satisfaction is not synonyms with organizational morale, which the possessions of feeling
have being accepted by and belonging to a group of employees through adherence to common
goals and confidence in desirability of these goals.
Morale is the by-product of the group, while job satisfaction is more an individual state of mind.



Different authors give various definitions of job satisfaction. Some of them are taken from the
book of D.M. Pestonjee “Motivation and Job Satisfaction” which are given below:

Job satisfaction is defined as a pleasurable, emotional, state resulting from appraisal of one’s job.
An effective reaction to one’s job.


Job satisfaction is general attitude, which is the result of many specific attitudes in three areas

-Specific job factors

-Individual characteristics

-Group relationship outside the job

Blum and Naylor

Job satisfaction is defined, as it is result of various attitudes the person hold towards the job,
towards the related factors and towards the life in general.


Job satisfaction is defined as “any contribution, psychological, physical, and environmental

circumstances that cause a person truthfully say, ‘I am satisfied with my job.”
Job satisfaction is defined, as employee’s judgment of how well his job on a whole is satisfying
his various needs Mr. Smith

Job satisfaction is defined as a pleasurable or positive state of mind resulting from appraisal of
one’s job or job experiences.



The term job satisfaction was brought to lime light by Hoppock (1935). He revived 35 studies on
job satisfaction conducted prior to 1933 and observes that Job satisfaction is combination of
psychological, physiological and environmental circumstances. That causes a person to say. “I m
satisfied with my job”. Such a description indicate the variety of variables that influence the
satisfaction of the individual but tell us nothing about the nature of Job satisfaction.

Job satisfaction has been most aptly defined by Pestonjee (1973) as a job, management, personal
adjustment & social requirement. Morse (1953) considers Job satisfaction as dependent upon job
content, identification with the co., financial & job status & priding group cohesiveness.

One of the biggest preludes to the study of job satisfaction was the Hawthorne study. These
studies (1924-1933), primarily credited to Elton Mayo of the Harvard Business School, sought to
find the effects of various conditions (most notably illumination) on workers’ productivity.

These studies ultimately showed that novel changes in work conditions temporarily increase
productivity (called the Hawthorne Effect). It was later found that this increase resulted, not from
the new conditions, but from the knowledge of being observed.

This finding provided strong evidence that people work for purposes other than pay, which
paved the way for researchers to investigate other factors in job satisfaction.

Scientific management (aka Taylorism) also had a significant impact on the study of job
satisfaction. Frederick Winslow Taylor’s 1911 book, Principles of Scientific Management,
argued that there was a single best way to perform any given work task. This book contributed to
a change in industrial production philosophies, causing a shift from skilled labor and piecework
towards the more modern approach of assembly lines and hourly wages.

The initial use of scientific management by industries greatly increased productivity because
workers were forced to work at a faster pace. However, workers became exhausted and
dissatisfied, thus leaving researchers with new questions to answer regarding job satisfaction.

It should also be noted that the work of W.L. Bryan, Walter Dill Scott, and Hugo Munsterberg
set the tone for Taylor’s work.

Some argue that Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, a motivation theory, laid the foundation for
job satisfaction theory. This theory explains that people seek to satisfy five specific needs in life
– physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, self-esteem needs, and self-actualization. This
model served as a good basis from which early researchers could develop job satisfaction


1. Job satisfaction is an important indicator of how employees feel about their job and a
predictor of work behavior such as organizational, citizenship, Absenteeism, Turnover.
2. Job satisfaction can partially mediate the relationship of personality variables and deviant
work behavior.
3. Common research finding is that job satisfaction is correlated with life style.
This correlation is reciprocal meaning the people who are satisfied with the life tends to
be satisfied with their jobs and the people who are satisfied their jobs tends to satisfied
with their life.

4. This is vital piece of information that is job satisfaction and job performance is directly
related to one another. Thus it can be said that, “A happy worker is a productive worker.”
5. It gives clear evidence that dissatisfied employees skip work more often and more like to
resign and satisfied worker likely to work longer with the organization.

Job satisfaction and occupational success are major factors in personal satisfaction, self-respect,
self-esteem, and self-development. To the worker, job satisfaction brings a pleasurable emotional
state that can often leads to a positive work attitude. A satisfied worker is more likely to be
creative, flexible, innovative, and loyal.

For the organization, job satisfaction of its workers means a work force that is motivated and
committed to high quality performance. Increased productivity- the quantity and quality of
output per hour worked- seems to be a byproduct of improved quality of working life. It is
important to note that the literature on the relationship between job satisfaction and productivity
is neither conclusive nor consistent.

However, studies dating back to Herzberg’s (1957) have shown at least low correlation between
high morale and high productivity and it does seem logical that more satisfied workers will tend
to add more value to an organization.

Unhappy employees, who are motivated by fear of loss of job, will not give 100 percent of their
effort for very long. Though fear is a powerful motivator, it is also a temporary one, and also as
soon as the threat is lifted performance will decline.

Job satisfaction benefits the organization includes reduction in complaints and grievances,
absenteeism, turnover, and termination; as well as improved punctuality and worker morale. Job
satisfaction is also linked with a healthier work force and has been found to be a good indicator
of longevity.

Although only little correlation has been found between job satisfaction and productivity, Brown
(1996) notes that some employers have found that satisfying or delighting employees is a
prerequisite to satisfying or delighting customers, thus protecting the “bottom line”.


1. If job satisfaction is a worker benefit, surely the worker must be able to contribute to his
or her own satisfaction and well being on the job. The following suggestions can help a
worker find personal job satisfaction: Seek opportunities to demonstrate skills and talents.
This often leads to more challenging work and greater responsibilities, with attendant
increases in pay and other recognition.

2. Develop excellent communication skills. Employer’s value and rewards excellent

reading, listening,writing and speaking skills.

3. Acquire new job related knowledge that helps you to perform tasks more efficiently and
effectively. This will relive boredom and often gets one noticed.

4. Demonstrate creativity and initiative. Qualities like these are valued by most
organizations and often results in recognition as well as in increased responsibilities and

5. Develop teamwork and people skills. A large part of job success is the ability to work
well with others to get the job done.

6. Accept the diversity in people. Accept people with their differences and their
imperfections and learn how to give and receive criticism constructively.

7. See the value in your work. Appreciating the significance of what one does can lead to
satisfaction with the work itself. This help to give meaning to one’s existence, thus
playing a vital role in job satisfaction.Learn to de-stress. Plan to avoid burn out by
developing healthy stress management techniques.


Hoppock, the earliest investigator in this field, in 1935 suggested that there are six major
components of job satisfaction. These are as under:

1. The way the individual reacts to unpleasant situations,

2. The facility with which he adjusted himself with other person
3. The relative status in the social and economic group with which he identifies himself
4. The nature of work in relation to abilities, interest and preparation of worker
5. Security
6. Loyalty
Herzberg, Mausaer, Peterson and Capwell in 1957 reviewed more than 150 studies and listed
various job factors of job satisfaction. These are briefly defined one by one as follows:

1. Intrinsic aspect of job

It includes all of the many aspects of the work, which would tend to be constant for the work
regardless of where the work was performed.

2. Supervision
This aspect of job satisfaction pertains to relationship of worker with his immediate
superiors. Supervision, as a factor, generally influences job satisfaction.

3. Working conditions
This includes those physical aspects of environment which are not necessary a part of the
work. Hours are included this factor because it is primarily a function of organization,
affecting the individuals comfort and convenience in much the same way as other physical
working conditions.

4. Wage and salaries

This factor includes all aspect of job involving present monitory remuneration for work done.

5. Opportunities for advancement

It includes all aspect of job which individual sees as potential sources of betterment of
economic position, organizational status or professional experience.

6. Security
It is defined to include that feature of job situation, which leads to assurance for continued
employment, either within the same company or within same type of work profession.

7. Company & management

It includes the aspect of worker’s immediate situation, which is a function of organizational
administration and policy. It also involves the relationship of employee with all company
superiors above level of immediate supervision.

8. Social aspect of job

It includes relationship of worker with the employees specially those employees at same or
nearly same level within the organization.

9. Communication
It includes job situation, which involves spreading the information in any direction within the
organization. Terms such as information of employee’s status, information on new
developments, information on company line of authority, suggestion system, etc, are used in
literature to represent this factor.

10. Benefits
It includes those special phases of company policy, which attempts to prepare the worker for
emergencies, illness, old age, also. Company allowances for holidays, leaves and vacations
are included within this factor.


Reasons why employees may not be completely satisfied with their jobs:
1. Conflict between co-workers.
2. Conflict between supervisors.
3. Not being opportunity paid for what they do.
4. Have little or no say in decision making that affect employees.
5. Fear of loosing their job.


1. High Absenteeism
Absenteeism means it is a habitual pattern of absence from duty or obligation. If there will be
low job satisfaction among the employees the rate of absenteeism will definitely increase and it
also affects on productivity of organization.
J High B

w A
o Lo
n w
Rate of turnover and
absenteeism 1 Curve showing relationship between job satisfaction and rate of

turnover and absenteeism.

In the above diagram line AB shows inverse relationship between job satisfaction and rate of
turnover and rate of absenteeism.

As the job satisfaction is high the rate of both turnover and absenteeism is low and vise a versa.

2.High Turnover
In human resource refers to characteristics of a given company or industry relative to the rate at
which an employer gains and losses the staff.If the employer is said to be have a high turnover of
employees of that company have shorter tenure than those of other companies.

3.Training costs increases

As employees leaves organization due to lack of job satisfaction. Then Human resource manager
has to recruit new employees. So that the training expenditure will increases.

There is no. of factors that influence job satisfaction. For example, one recent study even found
that if college students majors coincided with their job, this relationship will predict subsequent
job satisfaction. However, the main influences can be summarized along with the dimensions
identified above.

1.The work itself

The concept of work itself is a major source of satisfaction. For example, research related to the
job characteristics approach to job design, shows that feedback from job itself and autonomy are
two of the major job related motivational factors. Some of the most important indri gents of a
satisfying job uncovered by survey include interesting and challenging work, work that is not
boring, and the job that provides status.

2. Pay

Wages and salaries are recognized to be a significant, but complex, multidimensional factor in
job satisfaction. Money not only helps people attain their basic needs butevel need satisfaction.
Employees often see pay as a reflection of how management views their contribution to the
organization. Fringe benefits are also important.

If the employees are allowed some flexibility in choosing the type of benefits they prefer within
a total package, called a flexible benefit plan, there is a significant increase in both benefit
satisfaction and overall job satisfaction.

3. Promotions

Promotional opportunities are seem to be having a varying effect on job satisfaction. This is
because of promotion take number of different forms.


Many managers subscribe to the belief that a satisfied worker is necessarily good worker. In
other words, if management could keep the entire worker’s happy”, good performance would
automatically fallow. There are two propositions concerning the satisfaction performance
relationship. The first proposition, which is based on traditional view, is that satisfaction is the
effect rather than the cause of performance. This proposition says that efforts in a job leads to
rewards, which results in a certain level of satisfaction .in another proposition, both satisfaction
and performance are considered to be functions of rewards.

Various research studies indicate that to a certain extent job satisfaction affects employee
turnover, and consequently organization can gain from lower turnover in terms of lower hiring
and training costs. Also research has shown an inverse relation between job satisfaction and
absenteeism. When job satisfaction is high there would be low absenteeism, but when job
satisfaction is low, it is more likely to lead a high absenteeism.


Each employee wants:

1. Recognition as an individual
2. Meaningful task
3. An opportunity to do something worthwhile.
4. Job security for himself and his family
5. Good wages
6. Adequate benefits
7. Opportunity to advance
8. No arbitrary action- a voice a matters affecting him
9. Satisfactory working conditions
10. Competence leadership- bosses whom he can admire and respect as persons and as
However, the two concepts are interrelated in that job satisfaction can contribute to morale and
morale can contribute to job satisfaction.

It must be remembered that satisfaction and motivation are not synonyms. Motivation is a drive
to perform, where as satisfaction reflects the individual’s attitude towards the situation. The
factors that determine whether individual is adequately satisfied with the job differs from those
that determine whether he or she is motivated. The level of job satisfaction is largely determined
by the comfits offered by the environment and the situation. Motivation, on the other hand is
largely determine by value of reward and their dependence on performance. The result of high
job satisfaction is increased commitment to the organization, which may or may not result in
better performance.

A wide range of factors affects an individual’s level of satisfaction. While organizational rewards
can and do have an impact, job satisfaction is primarily determine by factors that are usually not
directly controlled by the organization. a high level of job satisfaction lead to organizational
commitment, while a low level, or dissatisfaction, result in a behavior detrimental to the
organization. For example, employee who like their jobs, supervisors, and the factors related to
the job will probably be loyal and devoted. People will work harder and derive satisfaction if
they are given the freedom to make their own decisions.


1. To find that whether the employees are satisfied or not.

2. To analyze the company’s working environment.

3. To find that they are satisfied with their job profile or not.

4. To find the relationship between the personal factors of the employee

(income,designation,educational qualification,gender,etc.).


The scope of the study is very vital. Not only can the Human Resource department use the facts
And figures of the study but also the marketing and sales department can take benefits from the
Findings of the study.

Scope for the sales department-

The sales department can have fairly good idea about their employees, that they are satisfied or
Scope for marketing department-

The marketing department can use the figures indicating that they are putting their efforts to plan
their marketing strategies to achieve their targets or not.
Scope for personnel department-
Some customers have the complaints or facing problems regarding the job. So the personnel
department can use the information to make efforts to avoid such complaints.


Research refers to a search for knowledge. It is a systematic method of collecting and recording
the facts in the form of numerical data relevant to the formulated problem and arriving at certain
conclusions over the problem based on collected data.

Thus formulation of the problem is the first and foremost step in the research process followed
by the collection, recording, tabulation and analysis and drawing the conclusions. The problem
formulation starts with defining the problem or number of problems in the functional area. To
detect the functional area and locate the exact problem is most important part of any research as
the whole research is based on the problem.

According to Clifford Woody research comprises defining and redefining problems, formulating
hypothesis or suggested solutions: collecting, organizing and evaluating data: making deductions
and reaching conclusions: and at last carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they
fit the formulating hypothesis.

Research can be defined as “the manipulation of things, concepts or symbols for the purpose of
generalizing to extend, correct or verify knowledge, whether that knowledge aids in construction
of theory or in the practice of an art”. In short, the search for knowledge through objective and
systematic method of finding solution to a problem is research.

The questionnaire is considered as the most important thing in a survey operation. Hence it
should be carefully constructed. Structured questionnaire consist of only fixed alternative
questions. Such type of questionnaire is inexpensive to analysis and easy to administer. All
questions are closed ended.

Research Design-
The research design is descriptive design.

Sampling universe
All the employees are the sampling universe for the research.

Sampling technique-
Judgmental sampling
Sample was taken on judgmental basis. The advantage of sampling are that it is much less costly,
quicker and analysis will become easier.

Scaling technique-
Likert scale.

Sample size-
50 employees.

The task of data collection begins after the research problem has been defined and research
design chalked out. While deciding the method of data collection to be used for the study, the
researcher should keep in mind two types of data viz. Primary and secondary data.

Primary Data: -
The primary data are those, which are collected afresh and for the first time and thus happen to
be original in character. The primary data were collected through well-designed and structured
questionnaires based on the objectives.
Secondary Data:
The secondary data are those, which have already been collected by someone else and passed
through statistical process. The secondary data required of the research was collected through
various newspapers, and Internet etc.

Job satisfaction represents the constellations of person’s attitude towards or about the job. In
general, job satisfaction is the attitude towards the job as a whole. Job satisfaction is a
function of satisfaction with different aspects of job, i.e. supervision, pay, works itself, co-
workers, promotion, etc., and of the particular weighting or importance one attaches to these
respective components.
The study of job satisfaction is a relatively recent phenomenon. It can perhaps be said to have
begun in earnest with the famous Hawthorne studies conducted by Elton Mayo at the
Western Electronic Company in 1920s during the course of investigations. However they
become convinced that factors of a social nature were affecting satisfaction with the job and
productivity. Since the Hawthorne studies there has been an enormous output of work on the
nature, causes and correlates of job satisfaction. The traditional model of job satisfaction is that it
consists of the total body of feelings that an individual has about his job.
This total body of feelings involves, in effect, weighting up the sum total of influences of
the job, the nature of job itself, the pay, the promotion. The promotion prospects, the nature
of supervision and so on. Where the sum total of influences gives rise to feelings of satisfactions
the individual is job satisfied. Where in total they give rise to feelings of job dissatisfaction the
individual is job dissatisfied. Improving any one of these influences will lead in the direction of
job satisfaction, making less satisfactory any makes a job satisfying does not depends only on
the nature of the job, but on the job expectations that individuals have of what their job should
Expectancy theory points to the importance of the individual’s expectations of his job in
determining job satisfaction. For individuals who have expectations that their job should give
them opportunities for pay, challenge, a failure of the job to meet this expectation will lead
to dissatisfaction compared to a situation where no such expectation is involved. What expect
expectation of individuals will have of a job may vary. For a large number of reasons, some
derives from social others from individual causes. These proposing an expectancy theory usually
regarded over all job satisfaction as a function of satisfaction with various elements of the job.
Another theory that has dominated the study of the nature of job satisfaction is Herzberg’s
famous “Two factor Theory’s of job satisfaction. In this he claims that the factors which cause
job satisfaction are separate and distinct from the factors which job dissatisfaction.
The factors causing job satisfaction, which level factors such as their relating to satisfaction
with the job itself. The factors which cause job dissatisfaction called hygiene factors are more
concerned with conditions of work such as pay and supervision. At no time does Herzberg argue a
job satisfactory, except may be for a short run.

Philip Apple while has listed five major components of job satisfaction as,
1. Attitude towards work group.
2. General workings conditions.
3. Attitude towards company.
4. Monetary benefits and
5. Attitude towards supervision.
Other components that should be added to these five are the individual’s state of mind about the
work itself and about life in general. The individual’s health, age, level of mind about the work
itself and about life in general. The individual’s health, age, level of aspiration, social status and
political and social activities can all contribute to job satisfaction. A person attitude toward
the job may be positive or negative.
Job satisfaction is not synonymous with organizational morale, which is the possession of
felling of being accepted by and belonging to a group of employees through adherence to
common goals and confidence in desirability of these goals. Morale is the byproduct of a group,
while job satisfaction is more of an individual stage of mind.
However the two concepts are interrelated in that job satisfaction can contribute to morale and
morale can contribute to job satisfaction. For many years managers generally have believed that a
satisfied worker is necessarily a good worker.
In other works if management could keep all the employees “HAPPY”, good performance
would automatically follow. Charles Greene has suggested that many managers subscribe to
this be life because it represent “the path of least residence”.
Greene’s thesis is that if a performance problem exists, increasing an employee’s happiness is for
more pleasant than discussing with the worker his or her failure to meet standards. Although
happiness eventually results from satisfaction, this feeling goes much deeper and is far less
tenuous than happiness. Recent research evidence generally rejects the more popular view that
satisfaction causes performance. The evidence does, however, provide moderate support for the
view that job effort causes satisfaction. The evidence also strongly indicates that rewards
constitute a more direct cause of satisfaction that performance does and that rewards based
on current effort causes subsequent performance.
Research also indicates that a high level of job satisfaction does have a positive impact is
reducing turnover, absenteeism, tardiness accidents, grievances and strikes. In addition,
recruitment efforts by current employees generally are more successful if these employees are
well satisfied. Satisfied employees are preferred simply because they affect the work environment
positively. Thus even through a well satisfied employee is not necessarily an outstanding
performer; there are numerous reasons for taking steps to encourage employee satisfaction.
A high level of satisfaction leads to organizational commitment while a low level or
dissatisfaction results in behaviours detrimental to the organization. It must be remembered that
satisfaction and motivation are not synonymous. Motivation is a drive to perform, whereas
satisfaction reflects situation. The factors that determine whether an individual is adequately
satisfied with the job differ from those that determine whether he or she is motivated. The level of
satisfaction is largely determined by the comforts offered by the environment and situation.
Motivation on the other hand, is largely determined by the value of rewards and their contingency
on performance. Motivation results is added effort that is turn leads to increased performance if
the individual has the ability and result of high satisfaction is increased commitment to the
organized which may or may not result is better performance.
The increased commitment normally will lessen the number of personnel related problems,
Such as strikes, excessive absenteeism, tardiness and turnover.
A study on job satisfaction among workers in chemical unit (M/S. Shri Veeco chems
corporation, ) done by Mr. C.M. RAVIKUMAR (MBA project) in the year 1985.
The techniques used by the Researcher for analyzing the data were personal interview. The
Researcher interviewed sixty workers on the basis of sex, age, educational qualification,
experience, monthly income, marital status and family income.The tools adopted by the
Researcher were percentage method of tabulation to find job satisfaction.
A study on job satisfaction among bank officers in State Bank of India, Jabalpur
Done by Mr.S. NAREND in his MBA project, in the year 1990.
The techniques used by the Researcher for analyzing the data were through questionnaire
method. The Researcher interviewed forty respondents on the basis of sex, age, educational
qualification, experience, monthly income,marital status and family income.The tools adopted
by the Researcher were average scoring and two-way table method to find out job satisfaction. A
study on job satisfaction of Tea Plantation Workers with special reference to Sheikalmudi
Estate, Valparai Taluk, done by Mr.K.Madhu.
In the year 1986 (M.Com project).
The techniques used by the Researcher for analyzing the data were through questionnaire
and personal interview method. The Researcher interviewed sixty respondents on the basis
of sex, age, educational qualification,experience, monthly income, marital status and family
income. The tools adopted by the researcher were average scoring and two-way table method.
The hypothesis was tested through chi-squire test and correlation to find out job satisfaction.


Tools used for data analysis is questionnaire.
Sampling Technique-Judgmental Sampling
Scaling Technique-Likert Scale



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