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Answer all questions.

1 What are the basic needs of human beings?

S Food
T Water 4 What happens when humans inhale and
U Shelter exhale ?
V Air
Inhale Exhale
A S and U only
B T and V only A Air is taken into Air is given out of
C S, U and V only the body the body.
D S, T, U and V
B Air is given out Air is taken into
of the body the body.
2 The diagram below shows an experiment. C Water is taken Water is given out
into the body of the body.
D Water is given Water is taken
out of the body. into the body.

5 We need to remove (excrete) waste

materials from our bodies because the
Which of the following may happen after
waste materials will
one week ?
A make us weak.
A The mouse will grow.
B make us grow tired easilly.
B The mouse will die.
C make us put on weight quickly.
C The mouse will compete to get food.
D make us become unhealthy
D The mouse will compete to get air.

6 What is meant by excretion ?

3 The diagram below shows two potted
plants. The plants were put in a bright
A Discharging digested materials.
B Discharging toxic fluid which can be
Airtight plastic found in the body.
A bag C Discharging the materials that are
not needed by the body.
D The removal of waste products in
Wet the form of feaces and urine.
B 7 A pupil quickly withdrew his hand when he
After a few days, plant A grow taller but accidentally touched a hot iron. What life
plant B died. What conclusion can process is shown by the pupil?
you make from the experiment ?
A excretion
A Plants need air to live. B breathing
B Plants need water to live C defecation
C Plants need sunlight to live. D respond to stimuli
D Plants need a suitable temperature
8 The 11. The diagram Which of them
pictures below shows a plant reproduce by
below grown giving birth ?
shows four from
suckers. A W and
The animal B X, Y
protects itself and Z
from enemies C W,X
by and Y
D W, X, Y
A rolling and Z
up its body
13 Which of the
producing bad following animals uses
smells gills as
C breathing
organs ?
pretending to Which of the
be dead folowing plant
D having reproduce through
a poisonous the same
sting method ?

10 The plant Pineapple
below cannot be II
eaten by animals Mushroom B
Which of the above A I only
animals reproduce B I and II
by laying eggs? only
C II and C
A P III only
and Q D I, II and
B Q III only D
and R
C P,
Q and S 12 The picture
D Q, R below shows four
and S animals, W,
A its
9 The stems have
diagram Z
thorns 14 A plant has
below B its these characteristics.
shows a stems produce
type of latex
animal. C its • Roll up its leaves
leave have fine • Has a layer of wax on the leaves
D its What is the
leaves have purpose of these
bitter taste characteristics ?
A To protect the plant have sharp claws to
from losing too much protect themselves This is
water. from A air most probably the life
B To protect the being attacked B touch cycle of a
leaves from being by enemies ? C gravity
eaten by I cat D sunlight A Frog
animals. II B
C To prevent insect 20 The diagram Chicken
from laying eggs on Elephant below shows the life C
the leaves. III Tiger cycle of an Butterfly
D To prevent D
rainwater from A I only
collecting on the B III only
leaves. C I and III
15 The diagram D I, II and
below shows an III
18 Which of the
following are
waste products of
humans ?

I Carbon
How does this animal II Sweat
survive in extreme III Oxygen
weather in its habitat ? IV Urine

AThey have thick fur. A I and II

BThey wallow in only
rivers. B I and III
CThey have humps to only
store food and water. C I, II and
DThey have a thick III only Cockroach
layer of fat beneath D I, II and
their skin. IV only
21 Which of the
19 The diagram below are the basic
16 Which of the shows a plant needs of
following is true ? humans?

I Food
II Air
III Sunlight
A Millipedes IV Shelter

B Porcupines

A I, II and
C Bed bugs III only
B I, II and
IV only
D Chameleons C I, III
and IV only
17 Which of the D I, II, III
followings animals and IV
24 The 25 The plants that D build
information below has fine hairs to up their muscles.
shows the specific protect itself
22 The plant is characteristics from enemies is
grown from suckers of a plant. 27 The diagram
is ............ A below shows a simple
mimosa experiment.
A banana  Has stem that can bent B
B balsam  Has strong and big stem bamboo
C rose C yam
D ginger plant
This shows that the D papaya
plant can protect from tree
.............................. after one day

23 When human A 26 Animals need live tadpole

dead tadpole
defecate, it produced enemies air to…
B dry The experiment
A urine region above shows that
B water C strong A help animals
C sweat wind them grow and need…
D faeces D stay healthy.
excessive loss B help
of water them breathe. A sunlight
C protect
them from danger. B food
C air

D water.

28 Based on the
below, the
housefly and
the lizard will
die because
they do not

A water
B food
C air
D enough
29 Which of the
following seeds will 30 A potted plant
grow after a is placed in a box as
week? shown in
A the diagram .


What will
happen to the plant
after two

A the
plant wilts.
B the
leaves of the plant
C the
plant grows towards
the hole.
D the
plant grows upwards.

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