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9.0 Introduction:
Generally statistics deal with quantitative data only. But in
behavioural sciences, one often deals with the variable which are
not quantitatively measurable. Literally an attribute means a
quality on characteristic which are not related to quantitative
measurements. Examples of attributes are health, honesty,
blindness etc. They cannot be measured directly. The observer may
find the presence or absence of these attributes. Statistics of
attributes based on descriptive character.

9.1 Notations:
Association of attribute is studied by the presence or
absence of a particular attribute. If only one attribute is studied, the
population is divided into two classes according to its presence or
absence and such classification is termed as division by dichotomy.
If a class is divided into more than two scale-classes, such
classification is called manifold classification.
Positive class which denotes the presence of attribute is
generally denoted by Roman letters generally A,B,….etc and the
negative class denoting the absence of the attribute and it is
denoted by the Greek letters α, β….etc For example, A represents
the attribute ‘ Literacy’ and B represents ‘ Criminal’ . α and β
represents the ‘ Illiteracy’ and ‘ Not Criminal’ respectively.

9.2 Classes and Class frequencies:

Different attributes, their sub-groups and combinations are
called different classes and the number of observations assigned to
them are called their class frequencies.
If two attributes are studied the number of classes will be 9.
(i.e.,) (A) , (α), (B), (β), (A β) (α β), (α B) and N.

The chart given below illustrate it clearly.

(A) (α)

(AB) (Aβ) (αB) (αβ)

The number of observations or units belonging to class is

known as its frequency are denoted within bracket. Thus (A) stands
for the frequency of A and (AB) stands for the number objects
possessing the attribute both A and B. The contingency table of
order (2×2) for two attributes A and B can be displayed as given

A α Total
B (AB) (αB) (B)
β (Aβ) (αβ) (β)
Total (A) (α) N

Relationship between the class frequencies:

The frequency of a lower order class can always be
expressed in terms of the higher order class frequencies.
i.e., N = ( A ) + (α ) = (B) + (β)
(A) = (AB) + (Aβ)
(α) = (αB) + (αβ)
(B) = (AB) + (α B)
(β) = (Aβ) + (α β)
If the number of attributes is n, then there will be 3n classes
and we have 2n cell frequencies.

9.3 Consistency of the data:
In order to find out whether the given data are consistent or
not we have to apply a very simple test. The test is to find out
whether any or more of the ultimate class-frequencies is negative or
not. If none of the class frequencies is negative we can safely
calculate that the given data are consistent (i.e the frequencies do
not conflict in any way each other). On the other hand, if any of the
ultimate class frequencies comes to be negative the given data are

Example 1:
Given N = 2500, (A) = 420, (AB) = 85 and (B) = 670.
Find the missing values.
We know N = (A) +(α) = (B) + (β)
(A) = (AB) + (Aβ)
(α) = (αB) + (αβ)
(B) = (AB) + (α B)
(β) = (Aβ) + (α β)
From (2) 420 = 85 + (Aβ)
∴ (Aβ) = 420 –85
(A β) = 335
From (4) 670 = 85 + (αB)
∴ (αB) = 670 − 85
(αB) = 585
From (1) 2500 = 420 + (α)
∴ (α) = 2500 − 420
(α) = 2080
From (1) (β) = 2500 −670
(β) = 1830
From (3) = 2080 = 585 + (αβ)
∴(αβ) = 1495

Example 2:
Test the consistency of the following data with the symbols
having their usual meaning.
N = 1000 (A) = 600 (B) = 500 (AB) = 50

A α Total

B 50 450 500

β 550 -50 500

Total 600 400 1000

Since (αβ)) = −50, the given data is inconsistent.

Example 3:
Examine the consistency of the given data. N = 60 (A) = 51
(B) = 32 (AB) = 25

A α Total
B 25 7 32
β 26 2 28
Total 51 9 60

Since all the frequencies are positive, it can be concluded

that the given data are consistent.

9.4 Independence of Attributes:

If the attributes are said to be independent the presence or
absence of one attribute does not affect the presence or absence of
the other. For example, the attributes skin colour and intelligence of
persons are independent.
If two attributes A and B are independent then the actual
frequency is equal to the expected frequency
(AB) =
Similarly (α β) =

9.4.1 Association of attributes:

Two attributes A and B are said to be associated if they are
not independent but they are related with each other in some way or

The attributes A and B are said to be positively associated if

(AB) >
If (AB) < ,. then they are said to be negatively associated.

Example 4:
Show that whether A and B are independent, positively
associated or negatively associated.
(AB) = 128, (αB) = 384, (Aβ) = 24 and (αβ) = 72
(A) = (AB) + (Aβ)
= 128 + 24
(A) = 152
(B) = (AB) + (αB)
= 128 +384
(B) = 512
(α) = (αB) + (αβ)
= 384 + 72
∴(α) = 456
(N) = (A) + (α)
= 152 + 456
= 608
(A) × (B) 152 × 512
N 608
= 128
(AB) = 128
(A) × (B)
∴ (AB) =
Hence A and B are independent

Example 5:
From the following data, find out the types of association of
A and B.
1) N = 200 (A) = 30 (B) = 100 (AB) = 15
2) N = 400 (A) = 50 (B) = 160 (AB) = 20
3) N = 800 (A) = 160 (B) = 300 (AB) = 50

1. Expected frequency of (AB) =
= = 15
Since the actual frequency is equal to the expected frequency,
ie 15 = 15, therefore A and B are independent.

2. Expected frequency of (AB) =
= = 20
Since the actual frequency is greater than expected frequency. i.e.,
25 > 20, therefore A and B are positively associated.

(A).(B) (160)(300)
3. Expected frequency of (AB) = = = 60
N 800

Since Actual frequency is less than expected frequency i.e., 50 < 60

therefore A and B are negatively associated.
9.5 Yules’ co-efficient of association:
The above example gives a rough idea about association but
not the degree of association. For this Prof. G. Undy Yule has
suggested a formula to measure the degree of association. It is a
relative measure of association between two attributes A and B.
If (AB), (αB), (Aβ) and (αβ) are the four distinct
combination of A, B, α and β then Yules’ co-efficient of
association is
(AB)(αβ) − (Aβ).(αB)
(AB)(αβ) + (Aβ).(αB)
I. If Q = +1 there is perfect positive association
If Q = -1 there is perfect negative association
If Q = 0 there is no association (ie) A and B are independent
1. For rememberance of the above formula , we use the table
A α
β Aβ αβ

Example 6:
Investigate the association between darkness of eye colour
in father and son from the following data.
Fathers’ with dark eyes and sons’ with dark eyes = 50
Fathers’ with dark eyes an sons’ with no dark eyes = 79
Fathers’ with no dark eyes and sons with dark eyes = 89
Neither son nor father having dark eyes = 782
Let A denote the dark eye colour of father and B denote
dark eye colour of son.
A α Total
B 50 89 139
β 79 782 861
Total 129 871 1000
Yules’ co-efficient of association is
(AB)(αβ) − (Aβ).(αB)
Q =
(AB)(αβ) + (Aβ).(αB)
50 × 782 − 79 × 89
50 × 782 + 79 × 89
= = 0.69
∴ there is a positive association between the eye colour of fathers’
and sons’ .
Example 7 :
Can vaccination be regarded as a preventive measure of
small pox from the data given below.
Of 1482 persons in a locality, exposed to small pox, 368 in
all were attacked, among the 1482 persons 343 had been vaccinated
among these only 35 were attacked.
Let A denote the attribute of vaccination and B denote that
of attacked.

A α Total
B 35 333 368
β 308 806 1114
Total 343 1139 1482
Yules’ co-efficient of association is
(AB)(αβ) − (Aβ).(αB)
(AB)(αβ) + (Aβ).(αB)
35 × 806 − 308 × 333
35 × 806 + 308 × 333
= = − 0.57
i.e., there is a negative association between attacked and
vaccinated. In other words there is a positive association between
not attacked and vaccinated. Hence vaccination can be regarded as
a preventive measure for small pox.
Example 8:
In a co-educational institution, out of 200 students, 150
were boys. They took an examination and it was found that 120
passed, 10 girls failed. Is there any association between sex and
success in the examination.
Let A denote boys and α denote girls. Let B denote those
who passed the examination and β denote those who failed.
We have given N = 200 (A) = 150 (AB) = 120 (αβ) = 10
Other frequencies can be obtained from the following table

A α Total
B 120 40 160
β 30 10 40
Total 150 50 200

Yule’ s co-efficient of association is

(AB)(αβ) − (Aβ).(αB)
(AB)(αβ) + (Aβ).(αB)
120 ×10 − 30 × 40
= =0
120 × 10 + 30 × 40
Therefore, there is no association between sex and success
in the examination.
(A) (B) denote positive attributes
(α) (β) denote negative attributes
2 ×2 contingency table.
X A α Total

B (AB) (αB) (B)

β (Aβ) (αβ) (β)
Total (A) (α) N

Vertical Total Horizontal Total
(AB) + (Aβ) = (A) (AB) + (αB) = B
(αB) + (αβ) = (α) (Aβ) + (αβ) = β
(A) + (α) = N (B) + (β) = N
Types of Association
Positive Association if (AB) >
Negative Association if (AB) <
Independent if (AB) =
Yule’ s co-efficient of Association
(AB)(αβ) − (Aβ).(αB)
(AB)(αβ) + (Aβ).(αB)

Exercise – 9

I. Choose the best answer:

1. Measures of association in usually deal with
(a) Attributes (b) Quantitative factors
(c) Variables (d) Numbers
2. The frequency of class can always be expressed as a sum of
frequencies of
(a) Lower order classes (b) Higher order classes
(c) Zero order classes (d) None of the above
3. With the two attributes the total number of class frequencies
(a) Two (b) Four (c) Eight (d) Nine
4. If for two the attributes are A and B, (AB) > the
attributes are
(a) Independent (b) Positively associated
(c) Negatively associated (d) No conclusion

5. In case of two attributes A and B the class frequency
(AB) = 0 the value of Q is
(a) 1 (b) − 1 (c) 0 (d) −1 ≤ Q ≤ 1

II. Fill in the blanks:

6. If an attribute has two classes it is said to be ____________
7. In case of consistent data, no class frequency can be
8. If A and B are independent Yule’ s co-efficient is equal to
9. If A and B are negatively associated then __________
10. If N = 500, (A) = 300, (B) = 250 and (AB) = 40 the data are

III. Answer the following:

11. Give a brief idea of notations used in classification of
12. How can the frequencies for various attributes be displayed
in contingency table
13. What do you understand by consistency of data.
14. Write briefly about association of attributes.
15. Give Yule’ s co-efficient of association
IV. Problems
16. For two attributes A and B, we have (AB) = 35, (A) = 55;
N=100 and (B) = 65. Calculate the missing values.
17. From the following ultimate class frequencies, find the
frequencies of positive and negative classes and the total
number of observations. (AB) = 9, (Aβ) = 14, (αB) = 4 and
(αβ) = 37
18. Verify whether the given data N = 100, (A) = 75, (B) = 60
and (AB) = 15 are consistent.
19. Find whether A and B are independent in the following data
(AB) = 256 (αB) = 768 (Aβ) = 48 (αβ) = 144
20. In a report on consumer’ s preference it was given that out of
500 persons surveyed 410 preferred variety A 380 preferred

variety B and 270 persons linked both. Are the data
21. For two attributes A and B, we have (AB) = 35, (A) = 55,
N=100, (αβ) = 20. Calculate the Yule’ s co-efficient of
22. Given N = 1500, (A) = 383, (B) = 360 and (AB) = 35.
Prepare 2 × 2 contingency table and compute Yule’ s co-
efficient of association and interpret the result.
23. In an experiment on immunization of cattle from
tuberculosis the following results were obtained.
Affected Unaffected
Inoculated 12 26
Not inoculated 16 6
By calculating Yule’ s co-efficient of association, examine
the effect of vaccine is in controlling the disease.
24. Calculate the co-efficient of association between the
intelligence of fathers and sons from the following data
Intelligent fathers with intelligent sons = 300
Intelligent fathers with dull sons = 100
Dull fathers with intelligent sons = 50
Dull fathers with dull sons = 500
25. Out of 3000 unskilled workers of a factory, 2000 come
from rural area and out of 1200 skilled workers 300 come
from rural area. Determine the association between skill and
26. In an anti-malarial campaign in a certain area, quinine was
administrated to 812 persons out of a total population of
3428. The number of fever cases is shown below:
Treatment Fever No Fever
Quinine 20 792
No quinine 220 2216
Examine the effect of quinine on controlling malaria.

27. 1500 candidates appeared for competitive examinations 425

were successful. 250 had attended a coaching class and of

these 150 came out successful. Estimate the utility of the
coaching class.
28. In an examination at which 600 candidates appeared of
them 348 were boys. Number of passed candidates
exceeded the number of failed candidates by 310. Boys
failing in the examination numbered 88. Find the co-
efficient of association between male sex and success in
29. Following data relate to literacy and unemployment in a
group of 500 persons. Calculate Yule’ s co-efficient of
association between literacy and unemployment and
interpret it
Literate unemployed = 220
Literate employed = 20
Illiterate Employed = 180
30. In a group of 400 students, the number of married is 160.
Out of 120 students who failed 48 belonged to the married
group. Find out whether the attributes of marriage and
failure are independent.

1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5. (b)

6. Dichotomy 7. Negative 8. 0
9. AB < 10. Inconsistent

A α Total
B 35 30 65
β 20 15 35
Total 55 45 100


A α Total
B 9 4 13
β 14 37 51
Total 23 41 64
Total No of observations = 64
18. Inconsistent
19. A and B are independent
20. Inconsistent
21. 0.167
22. – 0.606, Negative association
23. − 0.705, Vaccine is effective
24. + 0.935
25. Negative association between skill and residence.
26. – 0.59. Negative association ∴quinine is effective.
27. + 0.68. Coaching class are useful
28. – 0.07
29. 0.92 Positive association between literacy and unemployment
30. Q = 0, Marriage and failure are independent.


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