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(An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Institution)
(For Internal Circulation Only)



Compiled by:
R. Narotham Reddy,
Member of Faculty,
International Banking


(An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Institution)

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 2

It gives me immense pleasure in bringing out the fourth edition of ‘Handbook

on FEMA Regulations Imports & Exports’. It is updated upto February 2009,
incorporating the instructions issued by Reserve Bank of India under FEMA during
the last one year.

2. As part of the Government’s efforts to integrate India with the global economy
and especially in the wake of the global financial crisis the regulatory framework in
the area of foreign exchange is being reviewed frequently and some more
liberalization has been brought out during the last quarter of 2008. To enable our
staff dealing with Imports and Exports at authorised branches and TFCPCs, to
handle their jobs more effectively, this book had been compiled to contain all the
FEMA regulations in a handbook form. It was first brought out in January 2006 and
based on the encouraging feedback, its second and third updated editions were
brought out in January 2007, January 2008 and now the fourth and updated edition.

3. The Handbook details the important FEMA regulations concerning Imports

and Exports and is designed to assist the staff in their day-to-day work. The users
should, nevertheless, take into account any latest changes in the instructions and
circulars issued by Govt., RBI and our Foreign Department.

3. I am sanguine that this volume, just as the earlier editions, will be well
received by the Forex branches as a very useful reference book. I trust that the staff
at our Forex branches will be benefited in handling day to day issues relating to
Imports and Exports in an error free and customer friendly manner. I compliment
Shri. Narotham Reddy, Faculty of the College for his efforts in compiling and
periodically updating this book. Suggestions are welcome to further improve the
quality and usefulness of the Handbook.

March 11, 2009 USHA R. NAIR

General Manager and Vice Principal

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 3
Part I - Import of Goods
1. General
2. Form A-1
3. Import Licenses
i) General
ii) Endorsement on Import Licences
iii) Preservation of Import Licences
iv) Import Licences for C.I.F.Value
v) Imports on C.I.F.basis by Government Departments / Public Sector
4. Manner of Rupee Payment
5. Letter of Authority holders / Agents of Importers
6. Obligation of Purchaser of Foreign Exchange
7. Time Limit for Settlement of Import Payments
8. Interest on Import Bills
9. RBI’s Instructions on Trade Credits for Imports into India
i) General
ii) Amount and Maturity
iii) All-in-cost Ceilings
iv) Guarantee
v) Reporting Arrangements
10. Advance Remittance
11. Advance Remittance for Import of Rough Diamonds
12. Advance Remittance for Import of aircrafts / helicopters / other aviation
related purchases
13. Remittances for Import of Aircraft /Aircraft Engine/Helicopter on Lease
14. Remittances for Import of films on lease / rental basis
15. Advance Remittances for Import of Services

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 4
16. Remittances for War Risk Insurance / Bunker /Congestion Surcharge /
Premium for extended Insurance
17. Remittances for Imports under Penalty
18. Remittances against Replacement Imports
19. Guarantees for Replacement Import
20. Evidence of Import
i) General
ii) Imports in non-physical form
iii) Imports on D/A basis
iv) Issuing acknowledgement
v) Verification by auditors
vi) Preservation of evidence of Import
vii) Certificate from CEO/Auditor of the Company as evidence of
21. Follow up for Import Evidence
22. Follow up for Import Evidence – Bank’s instructions
23. Import of Equipments by BPO Companies in India for International Call
24. Handling of Import Documents on collection basis
25. Direct Receipt of Import Bills / Documents
26. Direct receipt of Import Bills / Documents - Import of Rough Diamonds
27. Postal Imports
28. Import of Gold/Platinum/Silver by Nominated Banks/Agencies
i) Import of Gold on consignment basis
ii) Import of Gold on unfixed price basis
29. Direct Import of Gold
30. Import of Gold on Loan basis
31. Import of Gold, Silver and Jewellery by NRIs
32. Import factoring
33. Merchanting Trade
34. Issue of Bank Guarantee on behalf of service importers

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 5
Part II – Export of Goods and Services
1. General
2. Exemptions from Declarations
3. GR Approval for Exports
4. Numbering of Forms
5. Manner of Payment
6. Payments in foreign currency to units in SEZ
7. Guarantees against Exports
8. Foreign Currency Accounts
i) Opening of Foreign Currency Accounts
ii) Diamond Dollar Account
iii) Exchange Earners’ Foreign Currency (EEFC) Account
9. Acquisition of Immovable Property for Overseas Offices
10. Counter-Trade Agreement
11. Export of Goods on Lease, Hire etc.
12. Participation in Trade Fairs Abroad
13. Project Exports and Service Exports
14. Export on Elongated Credit Terms
15. Export of Goods and Services by Units in Special Economic Zones
i. Realisation of Export Proceeds
ii. Job Works Abroad
iii. Receipts of payment in precious metals for EOUs and units in
iv. Netting off of export receivables against import payments
v. Issue of equity shares against import of capital goods
vi. Purchase of foreign exchange by units in DTAs
16. Forfaiting
17. Disposal of Copies of Export Declaration Forms (GR/PP/SOFTEX forms)
18. Counter Signature on PP forms
19. Terms of Payment – Invoicing (Software)
20. Disposal of SOFTEX Forms
Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 6
21. Shut out Shipments and Short Shipments
22. Consolidation of Air Cargo
23. Exports by Barges/Country Craft/Road Transport
24. Barter Trade with Myanmar
25. Delay in submission of shipping documents by exporters
26. Scrutiny of Export Declaration Forms
i. Bill of Lading/Shipping Bill
ii. Freight Payment
iii. Inter se discrepancies
A. Differences in Value due to Freight
B. Transfer of Documents
C. Differences in Value due to quality analysis / late shipment
27. Trade Discount
28. Advance Payments against Exports
29. Part Drawings
30. Consignment Exports
i. Payment of Freight and marine Insurance
ii. Exports to CIS Countries and East European Countries
iii. Opening / Hiring Warehouses Abroad
31. Direct Despatch of Shipping Documents
32. Handing Over Negotiation Copy of Bill of Lading to Master of
Vessel/Trade Representative
33. Export Bills Register
34. Follow-up of Overdue Bills
35. Reduction of Invoice Value on Account of Prepayment of Usance Bills
36. Reduction in Value
37. Export Claims
38. Change of Buyer/Consignee
39. Self Write-off, Reduction in Invoice Value

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 7
40. Extension of Time Limit in Other Cases
41. Shipments Lost in Transit
42. Payment of Claims by ECGC/ insurance companies registered with IRDA
43. “Write off” of Unrealised Export Bills
44. Return of Documents to Exporters
45. Exporters’ Caution List
46. Remittance of Agency Commission on Exports
47. Refund of Export Proceeds
Annex-1 BEF statement

Annex-2 Monthly Statement of Gold Imported

Annex-3 GR,SDF,PP,SOFTEX Forms

Annex-4 XOS statement

Annex-5 Self Write-off and Extension of time – Annual statement to be submitted by


Annex-6 Statement of Advance Remittance without bank guarantee or standby letter of

credit where the amount of advance is equivalent to or more than USD 5 million for import
of Rough Diamonds

Annexure -7

Part I : Approvals of Trade Credit granted by all branches during the (Month /

Part I: Approvals of Trade Credit granted by all branches during the (Month /
Year)………..(excel format)

Part II : Disbursement, Utilisation and Debt Servicing of Trade Credit during (month) /
(year)………. (excel format)

Annexure-8 Trade Credits - Statement on LCs/Guarantees/LOU/LOC issued by AD

Category I Banks

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 8
Foreign Exchange Management (Current Account Transactions) Rules, 2000 were
circulated by Government of India vide Notification No. G.S.R.381 (E) dated May 3,
2000, and amended vide Notification No. SO 301 (E) dated March 30, 2001.
Reserve Bank of India under Foreign Exchange Management Act issues directions
from time to time bringing out the changes and operational clarifications that are
applicable to foreign trade and all AD Category - I banks in Foreign Exchange are
required to strictly adhere to these regulations.
2. Reserve Bank has made the Foreign Exchange Management (Export and Import
of Currency) Regulations, 2000 vide its Notification No.FEMA 6/RB-2000 dated 3rd
May 2000 and subsequently modified vide Notification No.FEMA 38 / 2001 – RB
dated 27th February, 2001. Any export of Indian currency of value exceeding
Rs.5000/- except to the extent permitted under any general permission granted
under the Regulations, will require prior permission of Reserve Bank.

3. In terms of Regulation 4 of the Foreign Exchange Management (Guarantees)

Regulations, 2000, notified vide Reserve Bank Notification No.FEMA 8 / RB dated
3rd May 2000, AD Category - I banks have been permitted to issue guarantees on
behalf of exporter clients on account of exports out of India.

4. Export of goods and services against repayment of state credits granted by

erstwhile Soviet Union will continue to be governed by the extant directions issued
by Reserve Bank, as amended from time to time. Further, Reserve Bank will
continue to consider as hitherto, counter trade proposals from Indian exporters with
Romania involving adjustment of value of exports from India against value of imports
made into India in terms of a voluntarily entered arrangement between the
concerned parties, subject to the condition, among others that the Indian exporter
should utilise the funds for import of goods from Romania into India within six months
from the date of credit to Escrow Accounts allowed to be opened.

5. Import and Export of goods and services are regulated by the Directorate General
of Foreign Trade (DGFT) and its regional offices, functioning under Ministry of
Commerce & Industry, Department of Commerce, Government of India. Policies and
procedures required to be followed for Imports to India and Exports from India are
announced by the DGFT. AD Category - I banks, while undertaking import and
export related transactions, are required to ensure that these are in conformity with
the Foreign Trade Policy in force.

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 9
6. Further, AD Category - I banks should follow normal banking procedures and
adhere to the provisions of Uniform Customs and Practices for Documentary Credits
(UCPDC), etc. while opening letters of credit for import into India on behalf of their
constituents. In respect of import of drawings and designs, compliance with the
provisions of Research & Development Cess Act, 1986 may be ensured. AD
Category - I banks may also advise importers and exporters to ensure compliance
with the provisions of Income Tax Act, wherever applicable.

7. Banks are also expected to meticulously adhere to "Know Your Customer" (KYC)
guidelines issued by Reserve Bank (Department of Banking Operations &
Development) in all their dealings.

8. Financial year' (April to March) is to be reckoned as time base for all transactions
pertaining to trade related issues.

9. In this Handbook, the rules and regulations from the foreign exchange angle under
Foreign Exchange Management Act that are to be followed by Banks (AD Category -
I banks) while undertaking import and export related transactions on behalf of their
clients are only discussed. Where specific regulations do not exist, AD Category - I
banks may be governed by normal trade practices. The users of this Handbook are
required to check for the updates of these regulations, which are brought out by
Reserve Bank of India under ‘AP (DIR) Circulars’ series from time to time. These
circulars are available on Reserve Bank’s website:

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 10
1. General
Rupee accounts maintained in India by citizens of India, Nepal and Bhutan, residents
in Nepal and Bhutan, as well as Indian, Nepalese and Bhutanese firms, companies
or other organizations, including Banks functioning in these countries are regarded
as resident accounts and rupee transfers to such accounts, for imports in to India
may be made freely, without reference to the Reserve Bank of India.

Sale of Foreign Exchange for current account transactions# with persons resident in
Nepal and/or Bhutan, or against import into these countries made by residents in
India, is prohibited.

Directions contained hereunder are also applicable to imports which are financed in
rupees and payment for which is made by crediting rupees to a non-resident account
in India or to a rupee account maintained by a non-resident bank.
Transactions relating to Imports are current account transactions

2. Form A-1

Applications by persons, firms and companies for making payments, exceeding USD
500 or its equivalent, towards imports into India must be made on Form A-1.
Variants of this form have been devised in different colours to be used for –

(a) remittance in foreign currency,

(b) transfer of rupees to non-resident bank accounts, and

(c) remittance through Asian Clearing Union.

Appropriate A1 form should be obtained and retained by AD Category - I bank for

verification by Concurrent Auditors/Internal Auditors and not to be forwarded to RBI.

3. Import Licenses
i) General
AD Category - I banks may freely open letters of credit and allow remittances for
import of goods unless they are included in the negative list requiring licence
under the Foreign Trade Policy in force. In such cases, licences marked ‘For

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 11
Exchange Control purposes’ should be called for and special conditions, if any,
attached to such licences adhered to.

ii) Endorsement on Import Licences

AD Category - I banks should note to endorse on the ‘Exchange Control Copy’ of
import licences, under their stamp and signature, the details of letters of credit
opened or forward contracts booked or remittances made in foreign currency as
also the amount of insurance and freight paid by the importer locally in rupees,
wherever licences have been obtained by importers.

iii) Preservation of Import Licences

Exchange Control copy of the import licence submitted by importer for opening of
Letter of Credit or making remittance, when fully utilised, should be retained by
AD Category - I banks and may be preserved till its scrutiny by the internal
auditors or inspectors is completed.

iv) Import Licences for C.I.F. value

a. Import licences are normally issued for the C.I.F. value of the goods to be
imported. When imports are made on F.O.B. terms the full amount of
import licence (of C.I.F value) cannot be used, leaving insurance and
freight to be settled by the supplier or his agent, as additional charges over
and above the F.O.B. value are to be paid in rupees.

b. Imports are sometimes made on F.O.B. terms and Indian importers agree
to the suppliers paying for the freight to be reimbursed to them along with
the cost of the goods. AD Category - I banks in such cases should before
making the remittance of freight charges, ascertain the actual freight
amount paid with reference to the original freight bill or memo issued by
the shipping company or the amount stated on the relative bill of lading.

v) Imports on C.I.F. basis by Government Departments/Public Sector

In cases where imports are made on C.I.F. terms and through ocean transport
by Government Departments/Public Sector Undertakings, they are required to
obtain the approval of the Chartering Wing of Ministry of Shipping for payment of
imports on C.I.F. basis. Such approvals will not be required by Public Sector

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 12
Undertakings/Government Department, if the mode of transport is other than
ocean transport.

4. Manner of Rupee Payment

Payments for retirement of bills drawn under letters of credit as well as bills received
from abroad for collection against imports into India, must be received by AD
Category - I banks, irrespective of amount, by debit to the account of the importer
maintained with them or by means of a crossed cheque drawn by the importer on his
other bankers. Payments against bills under no circumstances should be accepted
in cash.

5. Letter of Authority holders / Agents of Importers

AD Category - I banks may open letters of credit or make remittances where the
Exchange Control copy of the relative import licence has been issued in the name of
a party other than the applicant, provided the applicant produces a letter of authority
obtained from the import licence holder in his favour authorizing him/her, inter alia, to
open letters of credit or make remittances for payment towards import under the
licence (subject to the terms and conditions, if any, applicable in this regard as per
Foreign Trade Policy in force). AD Category - I banks may also open letters of
credit or make remittances towards imports permitted without licences on behalf of
authorised agents of importers, after satisfying themselves to the Foreign Trade
Policy in force that the importers are permitted to utilize services of agents for the
imports in question. In all such cases, the responsibility for production of the
Exchange control copy of the Bill of Entry, wherever required, will rest on the letter of
authority holder or agent.

6. Obligation of Purchaser of Foreign Exchange

(a) In terms of Section 10(6) of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999
(FEMA), any person acquiring foreign exchange is permitted to use it either
for the purpose mentioned in the declaration made by him to an Authorised
Dealer Category - I bank under Section 10(5) of the Act or to use it for any
other purpose for which acquisition of exchange is permissible under the said
Act, or Rules or Regulations framed there under.

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 13
(b) Where foreign exchange acquired has been utilised for import of goods into
India the AD Category - I bank should ensure that importer furnishes an
evidence of import to his satisfaction, as laid down in paragraph 10.

(c) In cases payment for import is made by way of credit to resident account of
the overseas exporter maintained with a bank in India, AD Category - I banks
should ensure compliance with the instructions contained in sub-paragraph
(a) above.

(d) In cases payment for import is made by way of credit to non-resident

account of the overseas exporter maintained with a bank in India, AD
Category - I banks should ensure compliance with the instructions contained
in sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) above.

(e) The directions contained in this paragraph are also applicable to payments for
imports in to India are made through ACU mechanism.

7. Time Limit for Settlement of Import Payments

(i). In terms of the extant regulations, remittances against imports should be
completed not later than six months from the date of shipment except in cases
where amounts are withheld towards guarantee of performance etc. Deferred
payment arrangements including suppliers and buyers credit providing for payments
beyond a period of six months from date of shipment upto a period of less than three
years are treated as trade credits (Suppliers Credit and Buyers Credit) for which the
instructions and procedural guidelines laid down for trade credits (given in para 9)
may be followed.

(ii). AD Category - I banks may permit settlement of import dues delayed due to
disputes, financial difficulties etc. Interest in respect of such delayed payments may
be permitted in terms of the directions in Para 9.

(iii). Time limit for import of books; Remittances against import of books may be
allowed without restriction as to time limit, provided, interest payment, if any, is as
per the instructions in para 9 (iii).

8. Interest on Import Bills

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 14
i) AD Category - I banks may allow payment of interest on usance bills or
overdue interest for a period of less than three years from the date of shipment
at the rates prescribed for trade credits mentioned in the Para 9 (iii).

ii) In case of pre-payment of usance import bills, remittances may be made only
after reducing the proportionate interest for the unexpired portion of usance at the
rate at which interest has been claimed or LIBOR of the currency in which the
goods have been invoiced, whichever is applicable. Where interest is not
separately claimed or expressly indicated, remittances may be allowed after
deducting the proportionate interest for the unexpired portion of usance at the
prevailing LIBOR of the currency of invoice.

9. RBI’s instructions on Trade Credits for Imports into India

i) General

‘Trade Credits’ (TC) refer to credits extended for imports directly by the overseas
supplier, bank and financial institution for original maturity of less than three
years. Depending on the source of finance, such trade credits include suppliers’
credit or buyers’ credit. Suppliers’ credit relates to credit for imports in to India
extended by the overseas supplier, while buyers’ credit refers to loans for
payment of imports in to India arranged by the importer from a bank or financial
institution outside India for maturity of less than three years. It may be noted that
buyers’ credit and suppliers’ credit for three years and above come under the
category of External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) which are governed by ECB

ii) Amount and Maturity

AD Category - I banks are permitted to approve trade credits for imports into
India up to USD 20 million per import transaction for import of all items
(permissible under the Foreign Trade Policy in force) with a maturity period (from
the date of shipment) up to one year. For import of capital goods, AD Category -
I banks may approve trade credits up to USD 20 million per import transaction
with a maturity period of more than one year and less than three years. No roll-
over/extension will be permitted by the AD beyond the permissible period.

AD Category - I banks have no powers to approve trade credit exceeding USD 20

million per import transaction.

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 15
iii) All-in-cost Ceilings

The all-in-cost ceilings are as under:

Maturity period All-in-cost ceilings over 6 months


Up to one year

More than one year but less than three 200 basis points

* for the respective currency of credit or applicable benchmark.

(A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 27 dated October 27, 2008)

The all-in-cost ceilings include arranger fee, upfront fee, management fee,
handling / processing charges, out of pocket and legal expenses, if any. The all-
in-cost ceilings will be reviewed from time to time.

iv) Guarantee

AD Category - I banks are permitted to issue guarantee/Letter of Undertaking

(LoU) /Letter of Comfort (LoC) in favour of overseas supplier, bank and financial
institution, up to USD 20 million per transaction for a period up to one year for
import of all non-capital goods permissible under Foreign Trade Policy (except
gold) and up to three years for import of capital goods, subject to prudential
guidelines issued by Reserve Bank from time to time. The period of such
guarantees/LoU/LoC has to be co-terminus with the period of credit, reckoned
from the date of shipment.

v) Reporting Arrangements

AD Category - I banks are required to furnish details of approvals, drawal,

utilisation, and repayment of trade credit granted by all its branches, in a
consolidated statement, during the month, in form TC (format in Annex 9) from
April 2004 onwards to the Director, Division of International Finance, Department
of Economic Analysis and Policy, Reserve Bank of India, Central Office Building,
8th floor, Fort, Mumbai – 400 001 (and in MS-Excel file through email to
[email protected] ) so as to reach not later than 10th of the following month.
Each trade credit may be given a unique identification number by the AD.
Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 16
AD Category - I banks are required to furnish data on issuance of Letters of
Credit/Guarantees/Letters of Undertaking/Letter of Comfort by all its branches, in
a consolidated statement, at quarterly intervals (format in Annex 10) to the Chief
General Manager, Foreign Exchange Department, ECB Division, Reserve Bank
of India, Central Office Building, Fort, Mumbai – 400 001 (and in MS-Excel file
through email to [email protected]) from December 2004 onwards so as to
reach the department not later than 10th of the following month.

10. Advance Remittance

AD Category - I banks may allow advance remittance for import of goods without any
ceiling subject to the following conditions:

(a) i). If the amount of advance remittance exceeds USD 100,000 or its
equivalent, an unconditional, irrevocable standby Letter of Credit or a
guarantee from an international bank of repute situated outside India or a
guarantee of an Authorised Dealer in India, if such a guarantee is issued
against the counter-guarantee of an international bank of repute situated
outside India, is obtained.

ii). In cases where the importer (other than a Public Sector Company or a
Department/Undertaking of the Government of India/State Governments) is
unable to obtain bank guarantee from overseas suppliers and the AD
Category - I bank is satisfied about the track record and bonafides of the
importer, the requirement of the bank guarantee/ standby Letter of Credit may
not be insisted upon for advance remittances upto USD 5,000,000 (US dollar
five million). AD Category - I banks may frame their own internal guidelines to
deal with such cases as per a suitable policy framed by the bank's Board of

iii). A Public Sector Company or a Department/Undertaking of the

Central/State Government/s which is not in a position to obtain a guarantee
from an international bank of repute against an advance payment, it is
required to obtain a specific waiver for the bank guarantee from the Ministry of
Finance, Government of India before making advance remittance exceeding
USD 100,000.

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 17
(b) All payments towards advance remittance for imports shall be subject to the
following conditions:

i) The importer is a customer of the AD Category – I bank.

ii) The customer’s account is fully compliant with Reserve Bank’s extant
KYC / AML guidelines. KYC and due diligence exercise should be done by the
AD Category – I bank for the Indian importer entity as well the overseas
manufacturer / supplier.
iii) The AD Category - I banks should undertake the transactions based on
their commercial judgment and after being satisfied about the bonafides of the
iv) Advance payments should be made strictly as per the terms of the sale
contract and should be made directly to the account of the manufacturer /
supplier concerned.
v) Physical import of goods into India should be made within six months
(three years in case of capital goods) from the date of remittance and the
importer should give an undertaking to furnish documentary evidence of
import, within fifteen days from the close of the relevant period.
vi) AD Category – I banks should follow up submission of documentary
evidence for import into India.
vii) In the event of non-import of goods, AD Category – I banks should
ensure that the amount of advance remittance is repatriated to India or is
utilised for any other purposes for which release of exchange is permissible
under the Act, Rules or Regulations made there under.

11. Advance Remittance for Import of Rough Diamonds

Based on the Recommendations of the Expert Committee on Gems and Jewellery

Sector, constituted by the Ministry of Finance, Government of India, a representation
was made by the Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) for
allowing advance remittances without insisting on bank guarantee in respect of
import of rough diamonds from five select mining companies of rough diamonds in
addition to the Diamond Trading Company Pvt. Ltd., UK.

With a view to liberalising the procedure further and facilitate import of rough
diamonds, AD Category - I banks are,permitted to allow advance remittance without
any limit and without bank guarantee or standby letter of credit, by an importer (other
Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 18
than a Public Sector Company or a Department / Undertaking of the Government of
India / State Government/s), for import of rough diamonds into India from the
undernoted mining companies, viz.

i) De Beers UK Limited., UK,

iii) BHP Billiton, Australia
iv) ENDIAMA, E. P. Angola,
v) ALROSA, Russia,
vi) GOKHARAN, Russia,
vii) RIO TINTO, Belgium and
viii) BHP Billiton, Belgium

(A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 03 dated August 04, 2008 and A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
08 dated August 21, 2008)

While allowing the advance remittance, AD Category - I banks may ensure the

(i)The importer should be a recognised processor of rough diamonds as per a

list to be approved by GJEPC in this regard and should have a good track
record of export realisation;

(ii) AD Category - I banks should undertake the transaction based on their

commercial judgment and after being satisfied about the bonafides of the

(iii) Advance payments should be made strictly as per the terms of the sale
contract and should be made directly to the account of the company
concerned, that is, to the ultimate beneficiary and not through numbered
accounts or otherwise. Further, due caution may be exercised to ensure that
remittance is not permitted for import of conflict diamonds;

(iv) KYC and due diligence exercise should be done by the AD Category - I
banks for the Indian importer entity and the overseas company; and

(v) AD Category - I banks should follow up submission of the Bill of Entry /

documents evidencing import of rough diamonds into the country by the
importer, in terms of the Act / Rules / Regulations / Directions issued in this

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 19
In case of an importer entity in the Public Sector or a Department / Undertaking of
the Government of India / State Government/s, AD Category - I banks may permit
advance remittance subject to the above conditions and a specific waiver of bank
guarantee from the Ministry of Finance, Government of India where the advance
payments is equivalent to or exceeds USD 100,000/- (USD one hundred thousand

AD Category - I banks are required to submit a report of all such advance

remittances made without a bank guarantee or standby letter of credit, where the
amount of advance payment is equivalent to or exceeds USD 5,000,000/- (USD Five
million only), to The Chief General Manager, Reserve Bank of India, Foreign
Exchange Department, Trade Division, Central Office, Mumbai, on a half yearly
basis, as at the end of September and March every year, in the format given in
Annexure-8. The deadline for submission of the report would be 15 calendar days
after the close of each half year.

12. Advance Remittance for Import of aircrafts / helicopters / other aviation

related purchases
As a sector specific measure, airline companies which have been permitted by the
Directorate General of Civil Aviation to operate as a schedule air transport service,
can make advance remittance without bank guarantee, up to USD 50 million.
Accordingly, AD Category – I banks may allow advance remittance, without obtaining
a bank guarantee or an unconditional, irrevocable standby Letter of Credit, up to
USD 50 million, for direct import of each aircraft, helicopter and other aviation related
purchases. The remittances for the above transactions shall be subject to the
following conditions:
i. The AD Category - I banks should undertake the transactions based on their
commercial judgment and after being satisfied about the bonafide of the
transactions. KYC and due diligence exercise should be done by the AD
Category - I banks for the Indian importer entity and the overseas manufacturer
company as well.
ii. Advance payments should be made strictly as per the terms of the sale contract
and are made directly to the account of the manufacturer (supplier) concerned.
iii. AD Category - I bank may frame their own internal guidelines to deal with such
cases, with the approval of their Board of Directors.

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 20
iv. In the case of a Public Sector Company or a Department / Undertaking of Central
/ State Governments, the AD Category - I bank shall ensure that the requirement
of bank guarantee has been specifically waived by the Ministry of Finance,
Government of India for advance remittances exceeding USD100,000.
v. Physical import of goods into India is made within six months (three years in case
of capital goods) from the date of remittance and the importer gives an
undertaking to furnish documentary evidence of import within fifteen days from
the close of the relevant period. It is clarified that where advance is paid as
milestone payments, the date of last remittance made in terms of the contract will
be reckoned for the purpose of submission of documentary evidence of import.
vi. Prior to making the remittance, the AD Category – I bank may ensure that the
requisite approval of the Ministry of Civil Aviation / DGCA / other agencies in
terms of the extant Foreign Trade Policy has been obtained by the company for
vii. In the event of non-import of aircraft and aviation sector related products, AD
Category - I bank should ensure that the amount of advance remittance is
immediately repatriated to India.
Prior approval of the concerned Regional Office of the Reserve Bank will be required
in case of any deviation from the above stipulations.

13. Remittances for Import of Aircraft /Aircraft Engine/Helicopter on Lease

a. Authorised dealers may allow remittance of payment of lease rentals, opening
letter of credit towards security deposit etc., in respect of import of
aircraft/aircraft engine/helicopter on operating lease basis, after verifying that
the airline company has obtained necessary approval from the appropriate
authorities like Ministry of Civil Aviation/Director General of Civil Aviation,
Government of India.

b. In cases where the lease transaction contains option to purchase the asset at
the end of the lease period, it will require prior approval from the Reserve Bank
of India.

c. ADs may permit airline companies (other than a Public Sector company or a
Department/Undertaking of the Government of India/State Government/s) to
remit up to USD 1,000,000 (US Dollar one million only) per aircraft towards
security deposit (for payment of lease rentals) with lessor for import of aircraft/
Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 21
aircraft engine / helicopter on operating lease without a standby letter of credit
or a guarantee from a reputed international bank abroad or a guarantee of an
AD in India against the counter-guarantee of a reputed international bank
abroad subject to following conditions:

i) The AD is satisfied about the bona fides of the transaction.

ii) The airline company has obtained necessary approval from appropriate
authority like Ministry of Civil Aviation/Director General of Civil Aviation,
Government of India for importing the aircraft/helicopter on operating lease.

iii) Remittance is permitted as per the Policy on Advance Remittances

approved by the Board of Directors of the bank or with the specific approval
of the Board of Directors of the bank.

iv) The final maturity of the security deposit should not be beyond the date of
the last instalment towards lease rental or date of return of the aircraft /
helicopter to the lessor, whichever is later. If required, the deposit amount
may be adjusted towards lease rentals. However, the balance security
deposit, if any, should be repatriated before expiry of the lease period.

d. In case of an airline company in the Public Sector or a Department/Undertaking

of the Government of India/State Government/s, ADs may permit remittance of
amount exceeding USD 1,00,000 (US Dollar one hundred thousand only) per
aircraft towards security deposit (for payment of lease rentals) with lessor
subject to conditions (i) to (iv) in paragraph (c) above and a specific waiver of
bank guarantee from the Ministry of Finance, Government of India.

14. Remittances for Import of films on lease / rental basis

AD Category - I banks may allow remittance of rent, royalty, licence fee, profit etc., in
connection with import of cinematograph feature films and video films subject to the
following conditions:

i) A ‘No Objection Certificate’ from Central Board of Film Certification, wherever

required, has been submitted;

ii) A Chartered Accountant’s certificate is produced indicating that the payment

to overseas supplier is due and the amount sought to be remitted is in
conformity with the terms of the contract; and
Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 22
iii) An undertaking / certificate regarding payment of income-tax has been

15. Advance Remittances for Import of Services

With a view to liberalizing the procedure further, it has been decided by RBI to raise
the limit of USD 100,000 for advance remittance for all admissible current account
transactions for import of services without bank guarantee to USD 500,000 or its
equivalent. AD Category – I banks may frame their own guidelines to deal with such
cases as per the policy approved by the bank’s Board of Directors.

Where the amount of advance exceeds USD 500,000 or its equivalent, a guarantee
from a bank of international repute situated outside India, or a guarantee from an AD
Category – I bank in India, if such a guarantee is issued against the counter-
guarantee of a bank of international repute situated outside India, should be obtained
from the overseas beneficiary.

AD Category – I banks should also follow-up to ensure that the beneficiary of the
advance remittance fulfils his obligation under the contract or agreement with the
remitter in India, failing which, the amount should be repatriated to India.

The ECCB approved Bank’s policy guidelines for all admissible Current Account
transactions for Import of Services, without insisting on Bank Guarantee for amounts
above USD 100,000 and upto USD 500,000 or its equivalent are given below;

i) The advance remittance will be effected on behalf of our customers only and all
KYC, Anti Money Laundering (AML) guidelines shall be strictly adhered to.
ii) Documentary evidence, such as agreement, proforma invoices etc. indicating the
cost of the services to be provided /imported and specific demand of the overseas
service provider shall be obtained and kept as branch record.
iii) The overseas service provider shall also furnish an undertaking that the amount
shall be repatriated immediately in case the obligations under the contract /
agreement are not fulfilled /met.
iv) Satisfactory Opinion Report on the overseas supplier / accredited agent shall be
obtained beforehand, from an independent agency or from our Representative /
Foreign Offices / Correspondents abroad.

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 23
v) Remittances shall be made by the Bank direct to the overseas suppliers, through
banking channel.
vi) Since such imports are in non-physical form, branches shall ensure to obtain an
undertaking and or a certificate from the Chartered Accountant of the importer /
remitter, after a reasonable time, indicating that the services have been procured /
imported and taxes, wherever applicable, have been deducted / paid, as per the
terms / format contained in Section X, Chapter 22 of the FD Codified Circular.
vii) For non-borrower customers, the remittance shall be made subject to availability
of funds in their accounts and Bank is satisfied about the bonafide of the importer
and the purpose of the remittance.
viii) So far as the borrower customers are concerned, the facility is to be extended to
such borrowers with a satisfactory track record.
ix) The branches shall follow up to satisfy themselves about the import of services. If
however, the imports do not fructify as per the agreed terms and conditions / time
lines, all efforts should be made to repatriate the funds in terms of the undertaking
furnished by the overseas beneficiary. In the event of the repatriation not being made
despite all efforts, the branch shall report the matter to the Regional Office
concerned of RBI after a reasonable time, viz 3 months after the agreed / extended
date for such import.
x) Remittances exceeding USD 500,000 or its equivalent shall be effected only
against a guarantee from a bank of international repute situated outside India or the
guarantee issued by an AD Category-I bank in India against the counter-guarantee
of a bank of international repute situated outside India, as per extant instructions of

16. Remittances for War Risk Insurance / Bunker / Congestion Surcharge /

Premium for Extended Insurance
AD Category - I banks may make remittances towards War Risk insurance premium,
Bunker / Congestion surcharge at foreign ports, and premia for extended insurance
cover etc., which are incidental to imports.

17. Remittances for Imports under Penalty

AD Category - I banks may make remittances against goods imported without
authority, but later allowed to be cleared by the Customs Authorities against payment
of penalty, to the extent of C.I.F. value of the goods indicated on the relative
Exchange Control copy of Bill of Entry evidencing import of goods in to India.

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 24
18. Remittances against Replacement Imports
Where goods are short-supplied, damaged, short-landed or lost in transit and the
Exchange Control copy of the import licence has already been utilised to cover the
opening of a letter of credit against the original goods which have been lost, the
original endorsement to the extent of the value of the lost goods may be cancelled by
AD Category - I banks and fresh remittance for replacement imports permitted
without reference to Reserve Bank, provided the insurance claim relating to the lost
goods has been settled in favour of the importer. It may be ensured that the
consignment being replaced is shipped within the validity period of the licence.

19. Guarantees for Replacement Import

In case replacement goods for defective import are being sent by the overseas
supplier before the defective goods imported earlier are reshipped out of India, AD
Category - I banks may issue guarantees at the request of importer client for
despatch/return of the defective goods, according to their commercial judgment.

20. Evidence of Import

i. General : In case of all imports, where value of foreign exchange
remitted/paid for import into India exceeds USD 100,000 or its equivalent, it is
obligatory on the part of the AD Category - I banks through whom the relative
remittance was made, to ensure that the importer submits :-

a. The Exchange Control copy of the Bill of Entry for home consumption,

b. The Exchange Control copy of the Bill of Entry for warehousing, in case
of 100% Export Oriented Units
c. Customs Assessment Certificate or Postal Appraisal Form, as declared
by the importer to the Customs Authorities, where import has been
made by post, as evidence that the goods for which the payment was
made have actually been imported into India.

ii. Imports in non-physical form: Where imports are made in non-physical

form, i.e., software or data through internet/datacom channels and drawings
and designs through e-mail/fax, a certificate from a Chartered Accountant that
the software/data/ drawing/ design has been received by the importer, may be

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 25
Note: AD Category - I banks should advise importers to keep Customs
Authorities informed of the imports made by them under this clause.
iii. Imports on D/A basis: In respect of imports on D/A basis, AD Category - I
banks should insist on production of evidence of import at the time of effecting
remittance of import bill. However, if importers fail to produce documentary
evidence due to genuine reasons such as non-arrival of consignment, delay in
delivery/customs clearance of consignment, etc., AD Category - I banks may,
if satisfied with the genuiness of request, allow reasonable time, not
exceeding three months from the date of remittance, to the importer to submit
the evidence of import.

iv. Issuing acknowledgement: AD Category - I banks should acknowledge

receipt of evidence of import e.g. Exchange Control copy of the Bill of Entry,
Postal Appraisal Form or Customs Assessment Certificate, etc., from
importers by issuing acknowledgement slips containing all relevant particulars
such as;

a) Importer’s full name and address with code number;

b) Import licence number and date (wherever applicable);
c) Bank’s reference of letter of credit number, etc., if any;

d) Number and date of Exchange Control copy of Bill of Entry/Postal

Appraisal Form or Customs Assessment certificate and the amount of
import; and

e) Particulars of goods imported.

v. Verification by auditors: Internal inspectors or auditors (including external

auditors appointed by dealers) should carry out verification of the documents
evidencing import, e.g. Exchange Control copies of Bills of Entry or Postal
Appraisal Forms or Customs Assessment Certificates, etc.,

vi. Preservation of evidence of import: Documents evidencing import into India

should be preserved by AD Category - I banks for a period of one year from
the date of its verification. However, in respect of cases which are under
investigation by investigating agencies, the documents may be destroyed
only after obtaining clearance from the investigating agency concerned.

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 26
vii. Certificate from CEO/Auditor of the company as evidence of import: AD
Category - I banks may accept either Exchange Control copy of Bill of Entry
for home consumption or a certificate from the Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
or auditor of the company that the goods for which remittance was made have
actually been imported into India provided :-

a. the amount of foreign exchange remitted is less than USD

1,000,000 (USD one million) or its equivalent,

b. the importer is a company listed on a stock exchange in India

and whose net worth is not less than Rs.100 crores as on the date of
its last audited balance sheet, or

c. the importer is a public sector company or an undertaking of the

Government of India or its departments.

The above facility may also be extended to autonomous bodies, including

scientific bodies/academic institutions, such as Indian Institute of Science /
Indian Institute of Technology etc. whose accounts are audited by the
Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG). AD Category - I banks may
insist on a declaration from the auditor/CEO of such institutions that their
accounts are audited by CAG.

21. Follow up for Import Evidence

i. In case an importer does not furnish any documentary evidence of import, as
required under paragraph 17 above, within 3 months from the date of
remittance involving foreign exchange exceeding USD100,000, the AD
Category - I banks should rigorously follow-up for the next 3 months, including
issue of registered letters to the importer.

ii. AD Category - I banks should forward to Reserve Bank a statement on half-

yearly basis as at the end of June & December of every year, in form BEF
(format as per annexure 1) furnishing details of import transactions, exceeding
USD 100,000 in respect of which importers have defaulted in submission of
appropriate document evidencing import within 6 months from the date of
remittance. The said half-yearly statement should be submitted to the
Regional Office of R.B.I. under whose jurisdiction the AD Category - I banks is

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 27
functioning, within 15 days from the close of the half-year to which the
statement relates.

AD Category-I banks need not follow up submission of evidence of import involving

amount of USD 100,000 or less provided they are satisfied about the genuineness of
the transaction and the bonafides of the remitter. A suitable policy may be framed by
the bank's Board of Directors and the AD Category-I banks may set their own
internal guidelines to deal with such cases. Accordingly, our internal policy
guidelines (as per FD Circular No. 105/2005-06 dated 23.12.2005) on the follow-
up of evidence of import of goods of value upto USD 100,000 have been framed
and approved by the Central Board as given in para 21 below :
22. Follow up for Import Evidence – Bank’s instructions
a) Where Imports are on DP (Delivery against payment) basis:

i). Customers having borrowing arrangements with us.

In case of customers having credit relationship with us, observance of KYC
guidelines is ensured. Moreover, on account of regular transactional
relationship with the borrower, the bonafides of the customer and
genuineness of the transactions is also established. Therefore, for such
category of customers, follow-up for submission of evidence of import need
not be done in case of borrowers having Credit Rating up to SB-5. In case of
borrowers having Credit Rating below SB-5, such waiver may be permitted on
case to case basis by the sanctioning authority.

ii). Customers not having any borrowing arrangements with us.

In such cases while the KYC requirements are fulfilled, there is no credit
relationship which will enable the Bank to establish genuineness of
transaction on an ongoing basis. Therefore, for customers under this
category, a suitable self declaration, furnishing particulars like details of Bill of
Entry, purpose of import etc. may be obtained. This will adequately address
the issue of establishing the genuineness of the transaction.

iii). Imports made by non-customers (i.e. customers of other Banks,

customers who have received Bills direct from the overseas exporters).
In such cases since KYC guidelines will not be complied with, the following
procedure is proposed:-

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 28
a) The rupee equivalent of the remittance should be invariably received
through normal banking channels like Crossed Cheques/Drafts/Pay
Orders etc.
b) In order to ascertain the genuineness of the transaction, Branches
should obtain declarations giving details of the import, like particulars of
Bill of Entry, purpose of import etc. as under:
i) If the value of import is upto USD 25000, self declaration from the
ii) Where the value of import falls between USD 25000 and USD
100,000 or its equivalent, Certificate from the Chartered Accountant of
the importer. The cut-off limit for self-declaration has been proposed
keeping in view the liberalization measures where remittances for all
eligible purposes for an amount upto USD 25000 or equivalent has
been permitted.
b) Imports made on DA basis or Imports in Non-Physical form:
The existing / prescribed procedure of follow-up, as laid down in Section VI, Para
8 of Codified FD Circulars updated as on the 30th June, 2005, which briefly are as
under, shall continue:
i) Imports made on DA (Delivery Against Acceptance)
Production of evidence of import at the time of effecting remittance of import
bill will be insisted upon. However, if the importer fails to produce
documentary evidence due to genuine reasons, reasonable time, not
exceeding three months from the date of remittance, will be allowed to the
importer to submit the evidence of import.
ii) Imports made on non-physical form i.e. in software or data through
internet and drawings and designs through email/ fax :
A certificate from a Chartered Accountant that the software / data / drawing /
design have been received by the importer shall be obtained.

23. Import of Equipments by BPO Companies in India for International Call

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) companies in India make remittances towards
import and installation of equipments at overseas sites in connection with setting up
of their International Call Centres. In such cases, the equipments are installed at
overseas sites without physical import taking place in India. As a result, the importers
are unable to produce evidence of import, requiring specific permission from the

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 29
Reserve Bank. Hence, it has been liberalised that AD category I banks may, allow
BPO companies in India to make remittances towards the cost of equipment to be
imported and installed at their overseas sites in connection with the setting up of
their International Call Centres, subject to the following conditions:
a. The BPO company should have obtained necessary approval from the Ministry of
Communications and Information Technology, Government of India and other
authorities concerned for setting up of the International Call Centre.
b. The remittance should be allowed based on the AD Category – I banks’
commercial judgment, the bonafides of the transactions and strictly in terms of the
c. The remittance is made directly to the account of the overseas supplier.
d. The AD Category – I banks should also obtain a certificate as evidence of import
from the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or auditor of the importer company that the
goods for which remittance was made have actually been imported and installed
at overseas sites.

24. Handling of Import Documents on collection basis

Due care should be exercised while handling import documents on collection basis
on behalf of importer customers with reference to their line of business, financial
standing, frequency of import etc., to establish the genuineness of the import. In
case of bills involving large values, AD Category - I banks should satisfy themselves
that the importer is known to be trading in items mentioned in the shipping
documents or that the items are required for his actual use. In case of importers who
are not their constituents, AD Category - I banks should, at the time of acceptance of
the documents/making payment, call for detailed Certificate-cum-Report from their
bankers in support of the genuineness of the imports.

25. Direct Receipt of import Bills/Documents

Import bills and documents should be received from the banker of the supplier by the
banker of the importer in India. AD Category - I banks should not, therefore, make
remittances where import bills have been received directly by the importers from the
overseas supplier, except in the following cases:

i) AD Category – I banks may make remittances for imports, where the import bills /
documents have been received directly by the importer from the overseas

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 30
supplier and the value of import bill does not exceed USD 300,000, subject to the
following conditions :
a. The import would be subject to the prevailing Foreign Trade Policy.
b. The transactions are based on their commercial judgment and they are
satisfied about the bonafides of the transactions.
c. The importer is a customer of AD Category – I bank and the customer's
account is fully compliant with extant KYC / AML guidelines issued by the
Reserve Bank.
d. AD Category - I banks should do the due diligence exercise and should be
fully satisfied about the financial standing / status and track record of the
importer customer.
e. It is customary in that trade to receive import documents directly from the
overseas exporter.
f. In case the AD Category – I bank has suspicions about the genuineness of
the transaction, it should be reported through the Suspicious Transaction
Report (STR) to FIU_IND (Financial Intelligence Unit in India).
(A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 13 dated September 1, 2008)

ii). Import bills received by wholly-owned Indian subsidiaries of foreign companies

from their principals.

iii). Import bills received by Status holder exporters as defined under the Foreign
Trade Policy, 100% Export Oriented Units / Units in Free Trade Zones, Public Sector
Undertakings and Limited Companies.

iv). Import bills received by all limited companies viz. public limited, deemed public
limited and private limited companies.

v). At the request of importer clients, AD Category - I banks may receive bills direct
from the overseas supplier as above, provided the AD Category - I bank is fully
satisfied about bonafides of the transaction and the financial standing/status and
track record of the importer customer. Before extending the facility, , AD Category - I
bank should obtain a credit report on each individual overseas supplier from the
overseas banker or reputed credit agency, where the invoice value exceeds USD
300,000. Credit report on the overseas supplier (where the import documents are
received directly) need not be obtained in cases where the invoice value does not

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 31
exceed USD 300,000, provided that the AD Category - I bank is satisfied about the
bonafides of the transaction and track record of the importer constituent.

26. Direct receipt of import bills / documents - import of rough diamonds:

The Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) has represented that
the restrictions placed on non-status holder exporters for direct receipt of import bills
/ documents, where the value exceeds USD 100,000 adds to transaction costs for
small importers and have requested the Reserve Bank to consider relaxing this
condition for import of rough diamonds by non-status holders. It has, therefore, been
decided by RBI, as a sector specific measure, to enhance the limit for direct receipt
of import bills / documents from USD 100,000 to USD 300,000 in the case of
import of rough diamonds. Accordingly, AD Category - I banks are permitted to
allow remittance for imports up to USD 300,000 where the importer of rough
diamonds has received the import bills / documents directly from the overseas
supplier and the documentary evidence for import is submitted by the importer at the
time of remittance. AD Category - I banks may undertake such transactions subject
to the following conditions :

(i) The import would be subject to the prevailing Foreign Trade Policy.

(ii) The transactions are based on their commercial judgment and they are
satisfied about the bonafides of the transactions.

(iii) AD Category - I banks should do the KYC and due diligence exercise and
should be fully satisfied about the financial standing / status and track record
of the importer customer. Before extending the facility, they should also
obtain a report on each individual overseas supplier from the overseas banker
or reputed credit agency overseas.

27. Postal Imports

Remittances against bills received for collection in respect of imports by post parcel
made by AD Category - I banks, provided the goods imported are such as are
normally despatched by post parcel. In these cases, the relative parcel receipts
must be produced as evidence of despatch through the post and an undertaking to
submit Postal Appraisal Form or Customs Assessment Certificate as evidence of
import within three months from the date of remittance should be furnished by
importers. Where the remittance is sent subsequent to receipt of the parcel, the
Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 32
Postal Appraisal Form or Customs Assessment Certificate should be produced by
the importer. Where goods to be imported are not of a kind normally imported by
post parcel or where AD Category - I bank is not satisfied about the bonafides of the
application, the case may be referred to R.B.I. for prior approval with full particulars
together with relative parcel receipts/and Postal Appraisal Form or Customs
Assessment Certificate.

Note: AD Category - I banks may make remittances towards import of books by post
parcel by book sellers / publishers against bills received for collection, irrespective of
the amounts involved, without prior approval of R.B.I. They may also make
remittances even if import licences covering the imports have been issued
subsequent to the date of import subject to endorsement on such import licences.

28. Import of Gold/Platinum/Silver by Nominated Banks/Agencies

Under the liberalised policy for import, Government of India has permitted import of
gold by certain nominated agencies viz., MMTC, HHEC, STC, SBI and other
agencies authorised by R.B.I. for sale to jewellery manufacturers, exporters, NRIs,
holders of special import licences and domestic users. These nominated
agencies/banks are permitted to to import gold under different arrangements,
besides outright purchase on D/P basis as follows:

i. Import of gold on consignment basis

Gold may be imported by the nominated agencies/banks on consignment

basis where the ownership will remain with the supplier and the importer
(consignee) will be acting as an agent of the supplier (consignor).
Remittances towards the cost of import shall be made as and when sales take
place and in terms of the provisions of agreement entered into between the
overseas supplier and nominated agency/bank.

ii. Import of gold on unfixed price basis

The nominated agency/bank may import gold on outright purchase basis

subject to the condition that although ownership of the gold shall be passed
on to the importer at the time of import itself, the price of gold shall be fixed
later, as and when the importer sells the gold to the users.

iii. Import of Platinum / Palladium / Rhodium / Silver

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 33
The present instructions have been reviewed in the context of recent
developments and it has been decided by RBI that Suppliers’ and Buyers’
credit, including the usance period of Letters of Credit opened for import of
Platinum, Palladium, Rhodium and Silver should not exceed 90 days from the
date of shipment.

AD Category – I banks should ensure that due diligence is undertaken and

Know-Your-Customer (KYC) norms and Anti-Money Laundering (AML)
guidelines, issued by the Reserve Bank are adhered to while undertaking
import of these metals. Further, any large or abnormal increase in the volume
of business should be closely examined to ensure that the transactions are
bonafide and are not intended for interest / currency arbitrage. All other
instructions relating to import of these metals shall continue.
(A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 12 dated August 28, 2008)

NOTE: Instructions contained in this paragraph would also apply to import of

platinum and silver.

29. Direct Import of Gold

AD Category - I banks can open Letters of Credit and allow remittances on behalf of
EOUs, units in SEZs in the Gem & Jewellery sector and nominated agencies, for
direct import of gold, subject to the following--

i. The import of gold should be strictly in accordance with the Foreign Trade

ii. Suppliers’ and Buyers’ Credit, including the usance period of LCs opened for
direct import of gold, should not exceed 90 days.

iii. Banker's prudence should be strictly exercised for all transactions pertaining
to import of gold. AD Category - I banks should ensure that due diligence is
undertaken and all Know-Your-Customer (KYC) norms and the Anti-Money-
Laundering guidelines, issued by R.B.I, are adhered to while undertaking such
transactions. Any large or abnormal increase in the volume of business of the
importer should be closely examined to ensure that the transactions are
bonafide trade transactions.

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 34
iv. AD Category - I banks should closely monitor such transactions in addition to
carrying out the normal due diligence exercise. The credentials of the supplier
should also be ascertained before opening of LCs. The financial standing, line
of business and the net worth of the importer customer should be
commensurate with the volume of business turnover. Apart from the above, in
case of such transactions banks should also make discreet enquiries from
other banks to assess the actual position. Further, in order to establish audit
trail of import/export transactions, all documents pertaining to such
transactions must be preserved for at least five years.

v. AD Category - I banks should follow up submission of the evidence of import

by the importers as mentioned in Para 18 above.

vi. Head Offices/International Banking Divisions, of AD Category - I banks

undertaking gold import transactions are required to submit as per the format
(Annexure 2) a monthly statement thereof, to the Trade Division, Foreign
Exchange Department, Amar Building, Central Office, Reserve Bank of India,
Sir P.M. Road, Fort, Mumbai 400001.

30. Import of Gold on Loan basis

(i). Nominated agencies / approved banks can import gold on loan basis for
on lending to exporters of jewellery under this scheme. On the other hand
EOUs and units in SEZ who are in the Gem and Jewellery sector can import
gold on loan basis for manufacturing and export of jewellery on their own
account only.

(ii). The maximum tenor of gold loan would be as per the Foreign Trade
Policy in force, or as notified by the Government of India from time to time in
this regard. The same is 240 days at present, as per the Foreign Trade Policy
and Public Notice No.28/ 2004-09 dated December 1, 2004.

(iii). AD Category - I banks may open Standby Letters of Credit (SBLC), for
import of gold on loan basis, where ever required, as per FEDAI guidelines
dated April 1, 2003. The tenor of the SBLC should be in line with the tenor of
the gold loan. It may be noted that the SBLC can be opened only on behalf of
entities permitted to import gold on loan basis, viz. nominated agencies and
100% EOUs/units in SEZ, which are in the Gem and Jewellery sector.

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 35
Further, the SBLC should be in favour of internationally renowned bullion
banks only. AD Category - I banks can obtain a detailed list of internationally
renowned bullion banks from the Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council.
All other existing instructions on import of gold and opening of Letters of
Credit, with usance period not exceeding 90 days, will continue to be

(iv). AD Category - I banks must maintain adequate documentation with them

to uniquely link all imports with the Standby Letters of Credits issued for the
import of gold on loan basis.

31. Import of Gold, Silver and Jewellery by NRIs

Gold bought by an NRI in accordance with the Foreign Trade Policy in force, is
permitted to be sold to residents against payment in rupees. The amounts so
received should only be credited to Non-Resident Ordinary accounts of the
concerned NRI seller.

32. Import factoring

AD Category - I banks may enter into arrangements with international factoring
companies of repute, preferably members of Factors Chain International, without
prior approval of R.B.I. However, AD Category - I banks will have to ensure
compliance with the extant exchange control directions relating to imports, Foreign
Trade Policy in force and any other guidelines/directives issued by R.B.I. in this

33. Merchanting Trade

AD Category - I banks may take necessary precautions in handling merchanting
trade transactions or intermediary trade transactions to ensure that:

a. goods involved in the transactions are permitted to be imported into India,

b. such transactions do not involve foreign exchange outlay for a period

exceeding three months, and

c. all rules, regulations and directions applicable to export out of India (except
Export Declaration Form) are complied with in respect of the export leg and all
rules, regulations and directions applicable to import (except Bill of Entry) are
complied with in respect of the import leg of merchanting trade transactions.

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 36
AD Category - I banks are also required to ensure timely receipt of payment
for the export leg of such transactions.

AD Category - I banks may note that short-term credit either by way of suppliers'
credit or buyers' credit is not available for merchanting trade or intermediary trade
transactions. While undertaking bonafide merchanting trade transactions on behalf
of their trader clients, AD Category - I banks should ensure that the terms of
payment for the import leg and the export leg of the transactions are such that:

i. the liability for the import leg of the transaction is extinguished by the payment
received for the export leg of the transaction, without any delay; and

ii. the entire merchant trade transaction is completed within a period of 6


34. Issue of Bank Guarantee on behalf of service importers

AD Category-I banks are now permitted to issue guarantee on behalf of their

customers importing services, provided:
a. the guarantee amount does not exceed USD 100,000,
b. the AD Category-I bank is satisfied about the bonafides of the transaction.
c. the AD Category-I bank ensures submission of documentary evidence for
import of services in the normal course, and

d. the guarantee is to secure a direct contractual liability arising out of a

contract between a resident and a non-resident.

In case of invocation of the guarantee, the AD Category-I bank is required to submit

to the Chief General Manager-in-Charge, Foreign Exchange Department, Foreign
Investments Division (EPD), Reserve Bank of India, Central Office, Mumbai-400001
a report on the circumstances leading to the invocation of the guarantee.

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 37

1. General
i. Trade and Foreign Exchange Regulations

In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of sub-section (1), sub-section

(3) of section 7 and sub-section (2) of section 47 of the Foreign Exchange
Management Act, 1999 (42 of 1999), the Reserve Bank has made the Foreign
Exchange Management (Export of Goods and Services) Regulations, 2000
relating to export of goods and services from India, hereinafter referred to as the
‘Export Regulations’. These Regulations have been notified vide Notification No.
FEMA 23/2000-RB dated May 3, 2000, as amended from time to time.

Any reference to Reserve Bank should be made to the regional office of the
Foreign Exchange Department situated in the jurisdiction where the applicant
person, firm or company resides or functions, unless otherwise indicated. If for
any particular reason, a firm or company desires to deal with a different office of
the Foreign Exchange Department, it may approach the regional office of its
jurisdiction for necessary approval.

2. Exemptions from Declarations

(i) The requirement of declaration of export of goods and software in the prescribed
form will not apply to the cases indicated below.

a) Trade samples of goods and publicity material supplied free of payment;

b) Personal effects of travellers, whether accompanied or unaccompanied;

c) Ship’s stores, trans-shipment cargo and goods supplied under the orders of
Central Government or of such officers as may be appointed by the Central
Government in this behalf or of the military, naval or air force authorities in
India for military, naval or air force requirements;

d) Goods or software accompanied by a declaration by the exporter that they are

not more than USD 25000 (U.S.Dollar twenty five thousand) in value or its
equivalent. The exporters shall however, be liable to realise and repatriate
export proceeds as per FEMA Regulations. The AD Category - I banks
should not report all exports of value upto USD 25000 or its equivalent in the
XOS half yearly statements falling due on 31st December 2004 and thereafter;
Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 38
e) By way of gift of goods accompanied by a declaration by the exporter that
they are not more than five lakhs rupees in value.

f) Aircrafts or aircraft engines and spare parts for overhauling and/or repairs
abroad subject to their re-import into India after overhauling /repairs, within a
period of six months from the date of their export;

g) Goods imported free of cost on re-export basis;

h) Goods not exceeding U.S.$ 1000 or its equivalent in value per transaction
exported to Myanmar under the Barter Trade Agreement between the Central
Government and the Government of Myanmar;

i) The following goods which are permitted by the Development Commissioner

of the Export Processing Zones, Electronic Hardware Technology Parks,
Electronic Software Technology Parks or Free Trade Zones to be re-exported,

i) Imported goods found defective, for the purpose of their replacement

by the foreign suppliers/collaborators;

ii) Goods imported from foreign suppliers/collaborators on loan basis;

iii) Goods imported from foreign suppliers/collaborators free of cost,

found surplus after production operations.

Goods listed at items (i), (ii) and (iii) of clause ( i ) to be re-exported by units in
Special Economic Zones, under intimation to the Development Commissioner
of Special Economic Zones/concerned Assistant Commissioner or Deputy
Commissioner of Customs;

j) Replacement goods exported free of charge in accordance with the provisions

of Exim Policy in force, for the time being.

k) Goods sent outside India for testing subject to re-import into India;

l) Defective goods sent outside India for repair and re-import provided the goods
are accompanied by a certificate from an Authorised Dealer in India that the
export is for repair and re-import and that the export does not involve any
transaction in foreign exchange;

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 39
(ii) Exports permitted by the Reserve Bank, on application made to it, subject to the
terms and conditions, if any, as stipulated in the permission.

(iii) Gift of goods exceeding Rupees Five lakhs in value requires approval of the
Reserve Bank.

(iv) AD Category - I banks may consider requests for grant of GR waiver from
exporters for export of goods free of cost, for export promotion up to 2 percent of the
average annual exports of the applicant during the preceding three years subject to a
ceiling of Rs.5 lakhs. For status holder exporters, the limit as per the present Foreign
Trade Policy is Rs.10 lakhs or 2 percent of the average annual export realisation
during the preceding three licensing years (Apr-March), whichever is higher.

(v) Export of goods not involving any foreign exchange transaction directly or
indirectly requires the waiver of GR/PP procedure from the Reserve Bank.

(vi) The importer-exporter code number allotted by the Director General of Foreign
Trade under Section 7 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992
(22 of 1992) shall be indicated on all copies of the declaration forms submitted by the
exporter to the specified authority and in all correspondence of the exporter with the
AD Category - I bank or the Reserve Bank, as the case may be

3. GR Approval for export

With a view to further liberalise the facilities available to exporters and simplify the
procedure for export, RBI has delegated powers to AD Category - I banks for grant
of GR approval in cases where goods are being exported for re-import after repairs /
maintenance / testing / calibration, etc. Accordingly, AD Category - I banks may,
consider grant of GR approval, in cases where goods are being exported for repairs,
maintenance, calibration, testing etc. and subsequently re-imported after necessary
repairs / maintenance / calibration / testing, etc. subject to the condition that the
exporter shall produce relative Bill of Entry within one month of re-import of the
exported item from India.

It is clarified that in cases where the goods being exported for testing are destroyed
during testing, AD Category - I banks may obtain a certificate issued by the testing
agency that the goods have been destroyed during testing, in lieu of Bill of Entry for

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 40
4. Numbering of Forms

GR, PP and SOFTEX forms will bear specific identification numbers. In all
applications/ correspondence with the Reserve Bank, this identification number
should invariably be cited. In the case of declarations made on SDF form, the port
code number and shipping bill number should be cited.

5. Manner of Payment

(i) The amount representing the full export value of the goods exported shall be
received through an AD Category - I bank in the manner specified in the Foreign
Exchange Management (Manner of Receipt & Payment) Regulations, 2000 notified
vide Notification No. FEMA 14/2000-RB dated May 3, 2000. Re-import into India,
within the period specified for realisation of the export value, is deemed to be
realisation of full export value of such goods.

(ii) Payment for export may also be received by the exporter in the following manner:

a. Bank draft, pay order, banker’s or personal cheques.

b. Foreign currency notes/foreign currency travellers’ cheques from the buyer

during his visit to India.

c. Payment out of funds held in the FCNR/NRE account maintained by the


d. International Credit Cards. When payment, in respect of goods sold to

overseas buyers during their visits is received in this manner the GR/SDF
(duplicate) should be released by the AD Category - I banks only on
receipt of funds in their Nostro account or if the AD Category - I bank
concerned is not the Credit Card servicing bank, on production of a
certificate by the exporter from the Credit Card servicing bank in India to
the effect that it has received the equivalent amount in foreign exchange,
AD Category - I banks may also receive payment for exports made out of
India by debit to the credit card of an importer where the reimbursement
from the card issuing bank/organisation will be received in foreign

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 41
e. All transactions between a person resident in India and a person resident
in Nepal may be settled in Indian Rupees. However, in case of export of
goods to Nepal, where the importer has been permitted by the Nepal
Rashtra Bank to make payment in free foreign exchange, such payments
shall be routed through the ACU mechanism.

f. Precious metals i.e. Gold / Silver / Platinum by the Gem & Jewellery units
in SEZs and EOUs in equivalent to value of jewellery exported on the
condition that the sale contract provides for the same and the approximate
value of the precious metals is indicated in the relevant GR / SDF / PP

6. Payments in foreign currency to units in SEZ

AD Category - I banks may permit units in Domestic Tariff Areas (DTA) to purchase foreign
exchange for making payment for goods supplied to them by units in Special Economic
Zones (SEZ).

7. Guarantees against Exports

AD Category - I banks should obtain prior approval of the Reserve Bank for issuing
guarantees for caution-listed exporters.

8. Foreign Currency Accounts

i) Opening of Foreign Currency Accounts

(a) Reserve Bank may consider applications in Form EFC from exporters having
good track record for opening foreign currency accounts with banks subject to
certain terms and conditions. Applications for opening such an account with a
branch of an AD Category - I bank in India may be submitted through the branch
at which the foreign currency account is to be maintained. If the foreign currency
account is to be maintained abroad the application should be made by the
exporter giving details of the bank with which the account will be maintained.

(b) An Indian entity has also been permitted to open, hold and maintain in the
name of its office/branch set up outside India, a foreign currency account with a
bank outside by making remittance for the purpose of normal business operations
of the said office/branch or representative subject to conditions stipulated in
Notification No. FEMA 47/2001-RB dated December 5, 2001. The AD Category -

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 42
I banks may therefore allow remittances for the purpose of normal business
operations of the office (trading/non-trading)/ branch or representative outside
India as per the provisions of the Regulations in this regard subject to the
following terms and conditions:

i) The overseas office (trading/non-trading)/branch / representative should not

create any financial liabilities contingent or otherwise for the head office in

ii) The overseas office (trading/non-trading)/ branch representative should not

invest surplus funds abroad without prior approval of Reserve Bank of India.
Any funds rendered surplus should be repatriated to India.

iii) The overseas office/branch of software exporter company/firm may

repatriate to India 100% of the contract value of each ‘off-site’ contract as
also at least 30% of the contract value of each ‘on-site’ contract and may
utilize the balance amount (70%) of the contract value of ‘on-site’ contracts for
contract related expenses including office/branch expenses abroad. A duly
audited yearly statement showing receipts under ‘off-site’ and ‘on-site’
contracts undertaken by the overseas office, expenses and repatriation
thereon may be sent to the AD Category - I bank.

iv) The details of bank accounts opened in the overseas country should be
promptly reported to the Authorised Dealer.

(c) A unit located in a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) may be allowed to open,
hold and maintain a Foreign Currency Account with an AD Category - I bank in
India subject to certain specified conditions.

(d) A person resident in India being a project /service exporter may open, hold
and maintain Foreign Currency Account with a bank outside or in India, subject to
the standard terms and conditions in the Memorandum PEM.

ii) Diamond Dollar Account

Under the scheme of Government of India, firms and companies dealing in
purchase/sale of rough or cut and polished diamonds / precious metal jewellery
plain, minakari and / or studded with / without diamond and / or other stones, , with
track record of at least three years in import or export of diamonds / coloured
gemstones / diamond and coloured gemstones studded jewellery / plain gold

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 43
jewellery, and having an average annual turnover of Rs. 5 crores or above during the
preceding three licensing years (licensing year is from April to March) are permitted
to transact their business through Diamond Dollar Accounts and may be allowed to
open not more than five Diamond Dollar Accounts with their banks.
With a view to liberalising the procedure, it has been decided by RBI to delegate powers
to AD Category – I banks to permit such firms and companies to open and maintain DDA
with AD Category – I banks, subject to the following terms and conditions:
a. The exporter should comply with the eligibility criteria stipulated in the Foreign
Trade Policy of the Government of India, issued from time to time.
b. The DDA shall be opened in the name of the exporter and maintained in US
Dollars only.
c. The account shall only be in the form of current account and no interest should
be paid on the balance held in the account.
d. No intra-account transfer should be allowed between the DDAs maintained by
the account holder.
e. An exporter firm / company shall be permitted to open and maintain not more
than 5 DDAs.
f. The balances held in the accounts shall be subject to Cash Reserve Ratio
(CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) requirements.
g. Exporter firms and companies maintaining foreign currency accounts,
excluding EEFC accounts, with banks in India or abroad, are not eligible to open
Diamond Dollar accounts.
h. The transactions in the DDA would be as under:
Permissible Credits
• Amount of pre-shipment and post-shipment finance availed in US Dollars .
• Realisation of export proceeds from shipments of rough, cut, polished diamonds
and diamond studded jewellery.
• Realisation in US Dollars from local sale of rough, cut and polished diamonds.
Permissible Debits
• Payment for import / purchase of rough diamonds from overseas / local
• Payment for purchase of cut and polished diamonds, coloured gemstones and
plain gold jewellery from local sources.
• Payment for import/purchase of gold from overseas / nominated agencies and
repayment of USD loans availed from the bank.
• Transfer to rupee account of the exporter.

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 44
The above transactions are subject to the provisions of the Foreign Trade Policy of
Government of India, issued from time to time.
The exporter firm / company shall make an application in the format annexed to the AD
Category – I bank for opening of the DDA. AD Category - I banks should assess the
track record of the firm / company at the end of every licensing year (April-March). In
case any firm / company fails to meet the eligibility criteria, the account may be closed
(A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 51 dated February 13, 2009)

iii) Exchange Earners’ Foreign Currency (EEFC) Account

A person resident in India may open, hold and maintain with an AD Category - I
bank in India, a foreign currency account to be known as the Exchange Earners’
Foreign Currency (EEFC) Account. EEFC accounts were hitherto permitted to be
maintained in the form of non-interest bearing current accounts. As per A.P. (DIR
Series) Circular No 13 dated October 6, 2007, it was possible for account holders
to maintain outstanding balances to the extent of US $ 1 million in the form of term
deposits up to one year, at a rate of interest determined by the banks themselves,
maturing on or before 31st October 2008. . The measure of interest payment on
EEFC accounts has since been reviewed in consultation with the Government of
India and it has been decided by RBI to withdraw the facility from November 01,
2008. With effect from November 01, 2008, all EEFC accounts shall only be
permitted to be opened and maintained in the form of non-interest bearing current
accounts. (A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 04 dated August 4, 2008)

No credit facilities either fund-based or non-fund based, should be permitted

against the security of balances held in EEFC accounts, by the AD Category - I

The limits of eligible credits to the EEFC accounts are 100 per cent all categories of
exporters, Viz.,
a) Status Holder Exporter (as defined in Foreign Trade Policy in force);

b) A resident in India for professional services rendered in his personal


c) 100% Export Oriented Unit/s;

d) Unit/s in Export Processing Zones (EPZs);

e) Software Technology Parks (STPs); and

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 45
f) Electronic Hardware Technology Parks (EHTPs).

g) All other exporters resident in India

The eligible credits represent inward remittance received through normal banking
channel, other than the remittance received pursuant to any undertaking given to
the Reserve Bank or which represents foreign currency loan raised or investment
received from outside India or those received for meeting specific obligations by
the account holder.

Payments received in foreign exchange by a unit in Domestic Tariff Area (DTA) for
supplying goods to a unit in Special Economic Zone out of its foreign currency a/c.
are to be treated as eligible foreign exchange earnings for the purpose of credit to
the EEFC A/c

AD Category - I banks may permit their exporter constituents to extend trade

related loans / advances to overseas importers out of their EEFC balances without
any ceiling, subject to overseas borrower providing a guarantee from a bank of
international repute situated outside India, if the amount exceeds USD 100,000.

AD Category - I banks may permit exporters to repay packing credit advances

whether availed in Rupee or in foreign currency from balances in their EEFC A/c
and / or rupee resources to the extent exports have actually taken place.

9. Setting Up Offices Abroad and Acquisition of Immovable Property for

Overseas Offices

a. Remittances for initial expenses:

AD Category - I bank may allow remittances up to fifteen per cent of the average annual
sales/income or turnover during the last two financial years or up to twenty-five per cent
of the net worth, whichever is higher.

b. Remittances for Recurring expenses:

AD Category - I banks may allow remittance up to ten per cent of the average annual
sales/income or turnover during the last two financial years for the purpose of normal
business operations of the office (trading / nontrading) / branch or representative office
outside India as per the provisions of the Regulations in this regard subject to the
following terms and conditions that the overseas office (trading / non-trading) / branch /
representative should not:
i) Create any financial liabilities contingent or otherwise for the head office in India.
ii) Invest surplus funds abroad without prior approval of Reserve Bank of India. Any
funds rendered surplus should be repatriated to India.
iii) The details of bank accounts opened in the overseas country should be promptly
reported to the AD Category - I bank.

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 46
c. Repatriation of contract value by overseas office of software export
In addition to the above, the overseas office / branch of software exporter company /
firm may repatriate to India 100 per cent of the contract value of each ‘off-site’ contract.
It may utilize the entire amount of the contract value of ‘on-site’ contracts for contract
related expenses including office/branch expenses abroad but at least repatriate the
profits of ‘on-site’ contract after the completion of the said contract. A duly audited
yearly statement showing receipts under ‘off-site’ and ‘on-site’ contracts undertaken by
the overseas office, expenses and repatriation thereon may be sent to the AD Category -
I bank.

d. Acquitsition of immovable property:

AD Category - I banks may now allow remittances by a company incorporated in
India having overseas offices, within the above limits for initial and recurring
expenses, to acquire immovable property outside India for its business and for
residential purpose of its staff. .

10. Counter-Trade Arrangement

i) Counter trade proposals involving adjustment of value of goods imported into

India against value of goods exported from India in terms of an arrangement
voluntarily entered into between the Indian party and the overseas party
through an Escrow Account opened in India in U.S. dollar will be considered
by the Reserve Bank. All imports and exports under the arrangement should
be at international prices in conformity with the Foreign Trade Policy and
Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and the Rules and Regulations
made there under. No interest will be payable on balances standing to the
credit of the Escrow Account but the funds temporarily rendered surplus may
be held in a short-term deposit up to a total period of three months in a year
(i.e., in a block of 12 months) and the banks may pay interest at the applicable
rate. No fund based/or non-fund based facilities would be permitted against
the balances in the Escrow Account.

ii) Application for permission for opening an Escrow Account may be made by
the overseas exporter/organisation through his AD Category - I bank to the
concerned regional office of the Reserve Bank.

11. Export of Goods on Lease, Hire, etc

Export of machinery, equipment, etc., on lease, hire, etc., basis under agreement
with the overseas lessee against collection of lease rentals/hire charges and ultimate
re-import require prior approval of the Reserve Bank. Exporters should apply for

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 47
necessary permission, through an AD Category - I bank, to the concerned regional
office concerned of the Reserve Bank, giving full particulars of the goods to be

12. Participation in Trade Fairs Abroad

(a) Firms/Companies and other organisations participating in Trade

Fair/Exhibition abroad are now permitted to take/export goods for exhibition
and sale outside India without the prior approval of the Reserve Bank of

(b) Unsold exhibit items may be sold outside the exhibition/trade fair in the same
country or in a third country. Such sales at discounted value are also

(c) It would also be permissible to `gift' unsold goods up to the value of

US $ 5000 per exporter, per exhibition/trade fair.

(d) AD Category - I banks may approve GR Form of export items for display or
display-cum-sale in trade fairs/exhibitions outside India subject to the

i. The exporter shall produce relative Bill of Entry within one month of re-
import into India of the unsold items.

ii. The sale proceeds of the items sold are repatriated to India in accordance
with the Foreign Exchange Management (Realisation, Repatriation, and
Surrender of Foreign Exchange) Regulations, 2000.

iii. The exporter shall report to the AD Category - I bank the method of
disposal of all items exported, as well as the repatriation of proceeds to

Such transactions approved by the AD Category - I banks will be subject to

100% audit by their internal inspectors/auditors.

(e) Participants in international exhibition/trade fair have been granted general

permission for opening a temporary foreign currency account abroad.
Exporters may deposit the foreign exchange obtained by sale of goods at
the international exhibition/trade fair and operate the account during their
stay outside India provided that the balance in the account is repatriated to

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 48
India within a period of one month from the date of closure of the
exhibition/trade fair and full details are submitted to the AD Category - I bank

13. Project Exports and Service Exports

a) Export of engineering goods on deferred payment terms and execution of

turnkey projects and civil construction contracts abroad are collectively referred to
as ‘Project Exports’. Indian exporters offering deferred payment terms to
overseas buyers and those participating in global tenders for undertaking
turnkey/civil construction contracts abroad are required to obtain the approval of
the AD Category - I bank /Exim Bank/Working Group at post-award stage before
undertaking execution of such contracts. Regulations relating to ‘Project Exports’
and ‘Service Exports’ are laid down in the Memorandum on Project Exports
(PEM) (furnished in Annexure 4).

b) Pure supply contacts (contracts for export of goods) where at least 90 percent
of the export value is realised within the prescribed period i.e., six months from
the date of export and the balance amount within a maximum period of two years
from the date of export are not treated as deferred payment exports, provided the
exporter does not require / avail of any funded or non-funded facilities for such
exports from AD Category - I banks.

c) Exporters desiring to submit bids for execution of projects abroad including

service contracts have been allowed issue corporate guarantee in lieu of Bid
Bond Guarantee, provided the amount of such guarantee shall not exceed 5
percent of the contract value.

14. Export on Elongated Credit Terms

Exporters intending to export goods on elongated credit terms may submit their
proposals giving full particulars through their banks for consideration to the Regional
Office concerned of the Reserve Bank.

In the case of export of books on consignment basis, AD Category - I bank may

approve such proposals allowing for realisation of export proceeds up to 360 days
from the date of shipment. The exporters may be allowed to abandon the books
which remain unsold at the expiry of the period of the sale contract. Accordingly, the

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 49
exporters may show the value of the unsold books as deduction from the export
proceeds in the Account Sales.

15. Export of goods and services by Units in Special Economic Zones

a. Realisation of Export Proceeds: At present, there is no prescription of any

time limit for realization of export proceeds by units in SEZs. However, they
will continue to follow GR/PP/SOFTEX procedure.

b. Job Works abroad: Units in SEZs are permitted to undertake job work
abroad and export goods from that country itself subject to the conditions that:

i. Processing / manufacturing charges are suitably loaded in the export price

and are borne by the ultimate buyer.

ii. The exporter has made satisfactory arrangements for realisation of full
export proceeds subject to the usual GR procedure.

c) Receipts of payment in precious metals for EOUs and units in SEZs:

Payment of export may be received in the form of precious metals i.e. Gold /
Silver / Platinum by the Gem & Jewellery units in SEZs and EOUs in
equivalent to value of jewellery exported on the condition that the sale
contract provides for the same and the approximate value of the precious
metals is indicated in the relevant GR / SDF / PP Forms.

d) Netting off of export receivables against import payments: AD Category -

I banks may allow ‘netting off’ of export receivables against import payments
for units located in SEZs subject to the following:

i) The ‘netting off’ of export receivables against import payments is in

respect of the same Indian entity and the overseas buyer/supplier. The
netting may be done as on the date of balance sheet of the unit in SEZ.

ii) The relative GR/SDF forms will be treated as complete by the

designated AD Category - I bank only after the entire proceeds are

iii) Both transactions of sale and purchase in ‘R’ Returns under FET-ERS
are reported separately.

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 50
iv) The export/import transactions with ACU countries are kept outside the

v) All the relevant documents are submitted to the concerned AD

Category - I bank who should comply with all the regulatory requirements
relating to the transactions.

e) Issue of equity shares against import of capital goods: Units in SEZs are
permitted to issue equity shares to non-residents against import of capital
goods subject to the following:

i) The valuation should be verified by a Committee consisting of

Development Commissioner and the appropriate Customs officials.

ii) The SEZ units issuing equity in the above manner should report the
particulars of the shared issued in the form ‘FC-GPR’, to the concerned
Regional Office under whose jurisdiction the SEZ falls, together with the
copy of the valuation certificate. A copy of the report may be forwarded to
Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of
Commerce and Industry, Government of India.

f) AD Category - I banks may permit units in DTAs to purchase foreign

exchange for making payment for goods supplied to them by units in SEZs.

16. Forfaiting

Export-Import Bank of India (Exim Bank) and AD Category - I banks have been
permitted to undertake forfaiting, for financing of export receivables. It would be in
order for the AD Category - I banks to allow remittance of commitment fee/service
charges, etc., payable by the exporter as approved by the Exim Bank/the AD
Category - I bank concerned. Such remittance may be permitted in advance in one
lump sum or at monthly intervals as approved by the agency concerned.

17. Disposal of Copies of Export Declaration Forms (GR / PP / SOFTEX forms)

(i) Copies of export declaration forms should be disposed of as under:

(a) GR forms should be completed by the exporter in duplicate and both the
copies submitted to the Customs at the port of shipment along with the shipping
bill. Customs will give their running serial number on both the copies after

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 51
admitting the corresponding shipping bill. The Customs serial number will have
ten numerals denoting the code number of the port of shipment, the calendar
year and a six- digit running serial number. Customs will certify the value
declared by the exporter on both the copies of the GR form at the space
earmarked and will also record the assessed value. They will then return the
duplicate copy of the form to the exporter and retain the original for transmission
to Reserve Bank. Exporters should submit the duplicate copy of the GR form
again to Customs along with the cargo to be shipped. After examination of the
goods and certifying the quantity passed for shipment on the duplicate copy,
Customs will return it to the exporter for submission to the AD Category - I bank
for negotiation or collection of export bills.

(b) Within twenty-one days from the date of export, exporter should lodge the
duplicate copy together with relative shipping documents and an extra copy of the
invoice with the AD Category - I bank named in the GR form. After the documents
have been negotiated / sent for collection, the AD Category - I bank should report
the transaction to Reserve Bank in statement ENC under cover of appropriate R-
Supplementary Return. However, the duplicate copy of the form together with a
copy of invoice etc. will henceforth be retained by the AD Category - I bank and
may not be submitted to Reserve Bank.

Note: (i) In the case of exports made under deferred credit arrangement or to
joint ventures abroad against equity participation or under rupee credit
agreement, the number and date of Reserve Bank approval and/or number
and date of the relative RBI circular should be recorded at the appropriate
place on the GR form.

(ii) Where Duplicate copy of GR form is misplaced or lost, AD Category - I

bank may accept another copy of duplicate GR form duly certified by

(c) On account of introduction of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) System at

certain Customs offices where shipping bills are processed electronically, the
existing declaration in GR form is replaced by a declaration in form SDF
(Statutory Declaration Form). The SDF form should be submitted in duplicate (to
be annexed to the relative shipping bill) to the Commissioner of Customs
concerned. After verifying and authenticating the declaration in form SDF, the

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 52
Commissioner of Customs will hand over to the exporter, one copy of the
shipping bill marked ‘Exchange Control Copy’ in which form SDF has been
appended for being submitted to the AD Category - I bank within 21 days from
the date of export. The AD Category - I bank should accept the Exchange Control
(EC) copy of the shipping bill and form SDF appended thereto, submitted by the
exporter for collection/negotiation of shipping documents. The manner of disposal
of EC copy of shipping Bill (and form SDF appended thereto) is the same as that
for GR forms.

(d) In cases where ECGC initially settles the claims of exporters in respect of
exports insured with them and subsequently receives the export proceeds from
the buyer/buyer’s country through the efforts made by them, the share of
exporters in the amount so received is disbursed through the bank which had
handled the shipping documents. In such cases, ECGC will issue a certificate to
the bank which had handled the relevant shipping documents after full proceeds
have been received. The certificate will indicate the number of declaration form,
name of the exporter, name of the AD Category - I bank, date of negotiation, bill
number, invoice value and the amount actually received by ECGC.

(e) The AD Category - I bank should ensure by random check of the relevant
duplicate forms by their internal / concurrent auditors to confirm that non-
realisation or short realisation allowed, if any, is within the powers delegated to
them or has been duly approved by Reserve Bank, wherever necessary.

(f) Where a part of the export proceeds are credited to an EEFC account, the
export declaration (duplicate) form may be certified as under:

"Proceeds amounting to....... representing ......% of the export realisation

credited to the EEFC account maintained by the exporter with......"

(ii) The manner of disposal of PP forms is the same as that for GR forms. Postal
Authorities will allow export of goods by post only if the original copy of the form has
been countersigned by an AD Category - I bank. Therefore, PP forms should be first
presented by the exporter to an AD Category - I bank for countersignature. The AD
Category - I bank will countersign the forms in accordance with the directions in
paragraph B.2 and return the original copy to the exporter, who should submit the
form to the post office with the parcel. The duplicate copy of the PP form will be

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 53
retained by the AD Category - I bank to whom the exporter should submit relevant
documents together with an extra copy of invoice for negotiation/collection, within the
prescribed period of twenty-one days.

18. Counter Signature on PP Forms

PP forms will be presented by the exporter to an AD Category - I bank for counter
signature. AD Category - I banks should countersign the PP forms after ensuring that
the parcel is being addressed to their branch or correspondent bank in the country of
import. The concerned overseas branch or correspondent should be instructed to
deliver the parcel to consignee against payment or acceptance of relative bill. AD
Category - I banks may, however, countersign PP forms covering parcels addressed
direct to the consignees, provided:

a. An irrevocable letter of credit for the full value of the export has been opened
in favour of the exporter and has been advised through the AD Category - I
bank concerned

The full value of the shipment has been received in advance by the exporter
through an AD Category - I bank


b. The AD Category - I bank is satisfied, on the basis of the standing and track
record of the exporter and the arrangements made for realisation of the export
proceeds, that he could do so.

In such cases, particulars of advance payment/letter of credit/AD Category - I bank’s

certification of standing, etc., of the exporter should be furnished on the form under
proper authentication. Any alteration in the name and address of consignee on the
PP form should also be authenticated by the AD Category - I bank under his stamp
and signature.

19. Terms of Payment - Invoicing - (Software)

(i) In respect of long duration contracts involving series of transmissions, the
exporters should bill their overseas clients periodically, i.e., at least once a month or
on reaching the ‘milestone’ as provided in the contract entered into with the overseas
client and the last invoice/bill should be raised not later than 15 days from the date of
completion of the contract. It would be in order for the exporters to submit a

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 54
combined SOFTEX form for all the invoices raised on a particular overseas client,
including advance remittances received in a month.

(ii) In respect of contracts involving only ‘one shot operation’, the invoice/bill should
be raised within 15 days from the date of transmission.

(iii) The exporter should submit declaration in Form SOFTEX in triplicate in respect
of export of computer software and audio / video / television software to the
designated official concerned of the Government of India at STPI / EPZ /FTZ /SEZ
for valuation / certification not later than 30 days from the date of invoice / the date of
last invoice raised in a month, as indicated above. The designated officials may also
certify the SOFTEX Forms of EOUs which are registered with them.

(iv) The invoices raised on overseas clients as at (i) to (iii) above will be subject to
valuation of export declared on SOFTEX form by the designated official concerned of
the Government of India and consequent amendment made in the invoice value, if

20. Disposal of SOFTEX Forms

As for disposal of SOFTEX forms, the procedure indicated in Regulation 6 of Export
Regulations is to be observed. However, the duplicate copy of the form together with
a copy of invoice etc. will henceforth be retained by the AD Category - I bank and
may not be submitted to Reserve Bank.


(i) In all the above procedures AD Category - I bank banks should ensure, by
random check of the relevant duplicate forms by their internal / concurrent
auditors, that non-realisation or short realisation allowed, if any, is within the
powers delegated to them or has been duly approved by Reserve Bank,
wherever necessary.

(ii) Where a part of the export proceeds are credited to an EEFC account, the
export declaration (duplicate) form may be certified as under:

"Proceeds amounting to....... representing ......% of the export realisation

credited to the EEFC account maintained by the exporter with......"

21. Shut out Shipments and Short Shipments

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 55
(i) When part of a shipment covered by a GR form already filed with Customs is
short-shipped, the exporter must give notice of short-shipment to the Customs in the
form and manner prescribed. In case of delay in obtaining certified short-shipment
notice from the Customs, the exporter should give an undertaking to the AD
Category - I bank to the effect that he has filed the short-shipment notice with the
Customs and that he will furnish it as soon as it is obtained.

(ii) Where a shipment has been entirely shut out and there is delay in making
arrangements to re-ship, the exporter will give notice in duplicate to the Customs in
the form and manner prescribed, attaching thereto the unused duplicate copy of GR
form and the shipping bill. The Customs will verify that the shipment was actually
shut out, certify the copy of the notice as correct and forward it to the Reserve Bank
together with unused duplicate copy of the GR form. In this case, the original GR
form received earlier from Customs will be cancelled. If the shipment is made
subsequently, a fresh set of GR form should be completed.

22. Consolidation of Air Cargo

Where air cargo is shipped under consolidation, the airline company’s Master Airway
Bill will be issued to the Consolidating Cargo Agent who will in turn issue his own
House Airway Bills (HAWBs) to individual shippers. AD Category - I banks may
negotiate HAWBs only if the relative letter of credit specifically provides for
negotiation of these documents in lieu of Airway Bills issued by the airline company.
AD Category - I banks may also accept Forwarder’s Cargo Receipts (FCR) issued by
steamship companies or their agents (instead of 'IATA' approved agents), in lieu of
bills of lading, for negotiation / collection of shipping documents, of export
transactions backed by letters of credit, only if the relative letter of credit specifically
provides for negotiation of this document, in lieu of bill of lading. Further, relative sale
contract with the overseas buyer should also provide that FCR may be accepted in
lieu of bill of lading as a shipping document.

23. Exports by Barges/Country Craft/Road Transport

Following procedure should be adopted by exporters for filing original copies of
GR/SDF forms where exports are made to neighbouring countries by road, rail or
river transport:

a. In case of exports by barges/country craft/road transport, the form should be

presented by exporter or his agent at the Customs station at the border
Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 56
through which the vessel or vehicle has to pass before crossing over to the
foreign territory. For this purpose, exporter may arrange either to give the form
to the person in charge of the vessel or vehicle or forward it to his agent at the
border for submission to Customs.

b. As regards exports by rail, Customs staff has been posted at certain

designated railway stations for attending to Customs formalities. They will
collect the GR/SDF forms in respect of goods loaded at these stations so that
the goods may move straight on to the foreign country without further
formalities at the border. The list of designated railway stations is obtainable
from the Railways. In respect of goods loaded at stations other than the
designated stations, exporters must arrange to present GR/SDF forms to the
Customs Officer at the Border Land Customs Station where Customs
formalities are completed.

24. Barter trade with Myanmar

In terms of an agreement on Border Trade between India and Myanmar, exchange

of certain specified locally produced commodities, by people living along the India-
Myanmar border on both sides under barter trade arrangement as also trade in freely
convertible currency, has been permitted. AD Category - I banks should follow
strictly the revised guidelines issued in terms of A.P.(DIR Series) Circular No.17
dated 16th October 2000, main points of which are listed below:

i) Under the Border Trade Agreement between India and Myanmar, imports
from Myanmar into India should precede exports from India to Myanmar.

ii) The barter trade shall be restricted to land route as per the Border Trade
Agreement between the two countries. Such barter trade transactions shall
take place only by way of head load or non-motorised transport system.

iii) Imports from Myanmar to India shall precede export from India to Myanmar.

iv) The border trade will be restricted to items agreed to as per Border Trade
Agreement with Myanmar.

v) There will be no monetary transaction under the barter trade trade agreement.

vi) The consignment of imports and exports should be invoiced in USD.

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 57
vii) The value of goods exported under barter trade should not exceed USD
20,000 per transaction.

viii) Exports from India to Myanmar under barter trade of the value not
exceeding USD 1000 per transaction are exempt from declaration on the
prescribed form viz. GR form. However, such transactions should be
completed in one or two days. Customs authorities at the Indo-Myanmar
border will report import/export transactions of value not exceeding USD 1000
to the Foreign Exchange Department, R.B.I., Guwahati on monthly basis.

ix) On import of goods the party should submit documentary evidence such as
Bill of Entry to the designated bank, where the value exceeds USD 5000.

x) The designated branches of AD Category - I banks viz. (a) United Bank of

India, Moreh Branch, Manipur and (b) State Bank of India, Champai Branch
should only handle proposals for barter trade and documents relating to
imports and exports thereunder.

xi) The exporters should approach the designated branches as per (x) above,
along with a copy of the contract for import and export with Myanmar parties,
for countersignature on GR forms before submitting them to Customs
authorities. The bank branches will countersign GR forms original and
duplicate, submitted to them by the exporters, after satisfying themselves that
the GR forms are supported by a Bill of Entry for import of goods from
Myanmar to India. Both original and duplicate copies of the forms should be
returned to the exporter which may be superscribed as under:

“Exports under barter arrangement with Myanmar. The payments have been
received in the form of goods/commodities of the equivalent value”

xii) The designated banks should maintain a record of the transactions under the
barter trade arrangement on the basis of GR forms countersigned by them, in
a register. They should also submit a monthly statement to Foreign Exchange
Department, RBI, Guwahati, within 15 days from the close of the month.

xiii) On completion of export against receipt of payment in the form of

import of goods/commodities from Myanmar, the concerned designated bank

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 58
should surrender the duplicate copy of GR form and evidence of import to the
Foreign Exchange Department, RBI, Guwahati, along with monthly statement.

xiv) The transactions relating to barter trade should not be reported in R


25. Delay in submission of shipping documents by exporters

In cases where exporters present documents pertaining to exports after the

prescribed period of twenty-one days from date of export, AD Category - I banks
may handle them without prior approval of Reserve Bank, provided they are satisfied
with the reasons for the delay.

26. Scrutiny of export declaration Forms

AD Category - I bank Category – I Banks may ensure the following while accepting
the export declaration forms (GR/SDF):

i. Bill of Lading/Shipping Bill: The number on the duplicate copy of a GR form

presented to them is the same as that of the original which is usually recorded
on the Bill of Lading/Shipping Bill and the duplicate has been duly verified and
authenticated by appropriate Customs authorities. In the case of SDF form,
the Shipping Bill No. should be the same as that appearing on the Bill of
ii. Freight Payment: AD Category - I banks may accept the Bill of
Lading/Airway Bill issued on ‘freight prepaid’ basis where the sale contract is
on F.O.B., F.A.S. etc. basis provided the amount of freight has been included
in the invoice and the bill. Conversely, in the case of C.I.F., C.& F. etc.
contracts where the freight is sought to be paid at destination, it should be
ensured that the deduction made is only to the extent of freight declared on
GR/SDF form or the actual amount of freight indicated on the Bill of
Lading/Airway Bill, whichever is less. Likewise, where the marine insurance is
taken by the exporters on buyer’s account, AD Category - I banks should
verify that the actual amount paid is received from the buyer through invoice
and the bill.
iii. Inter se discrepancies: AD Category - I banks to ensure that the documents
submitted do not reveal any material inter se discrepancies in regard to
description of goods exported, export value or country of destination.

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 59
Notes :
A. Differences in Value due to Freight : The export realisable value may be
more than what was originally declared to/accepted by the Customs on the
GR/SDF form in certain circumstances such as where in c.i.f. or c. & f.
contracts, part or whole of any freight increase taking place after the contract
was concluded is agreed to be borne by buyers or where as a result of
subsequent devaluation of the currency of the contract, buyers have agreed to
an increase in price.

B. Transfer of Documents: AD Category - I bank may accept, for negotiation or

collection, shipping documents including invoice and bill of exchange covering
exports, from his constituent who is not a person who has signed the
declaration (GR/PP/SDF/SOFTEX), Provided that before accepting such
documents for negotiation or collection, the

Authorised Dealer shall -

a) Where the value declared in the declaration does not differ from the
value shown in the documents being negotiated or sent for collection, or

b) Where the value declared in the declaration is less than the value
shown in the documents being negotiated or sent for collection,

require the constituent concerned also to sign such declaration and thereupon
such constituent shall be bound to comply with such requisition and such
constituent signing the declaration shall be considered to be the exporter for
the purposes of these Regulations to the extent of the full value shown in the
documents being negotiated or sent for collection and shall be governed by
these Regulations..

C. Differences in Value due to quality analysis / late shipment penalty:

In certain lines of export trade, the final settlement of price may be dependent
on the results of quality analysis of samples drawn at the time of shipment;
but the results of such analysis will become available only after the shipment
has been made. Sometimes, contracts may provide for payment of penalty for
late shipment of goods in conformity with trade practice concerning the
commodity. In these cases, while exporters declare to the Customs the full
export value based on the contract price, invoices submitted along with
Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 60
shipping documents for negotiation/collection may reflect a different value
arrived at after taking into account the results of analysis of samples or late
shipment penalty, as the case may be.

As these variations stem from the terms of contract, AD Category - I banks may
accept them on production of documentary evidence after verifying the arithmetical
accuracy of the calculations and on conforming the terms of underlying contracts.

27. Trade Discount

Bills for exports by sea or air which fall short of the value declared on GR/SDF forms
on account of trade discount may be accepted for negotiation or collection only if the
discount has been declared by the exporter on relative GR/SDF form at the time of
shipment and accepted by Customs.

28. Advance Payments against Exports

Exporters may receive advance payments (with or without interest) from their
overseas buyers. It should, however, be ensured that the shipments made against
the advance payments are monitored by the AD Category - I bank through whom the
advance payment is received. The appropriations made against every shipment
must be endorsed on the original copy of the inward remittance certificate issued for
advance remittance.

Note: Purchase of foreign exchange from the market for refunding advance payment
credited to EEFC account may be allowed only after utilising the entire balances held
in the exporter’s EEFC accounts maintained at different branches/banks.

Exporter receiving advance payment (with or without interest), from a buyer outside
India, shall be under an obligation to ensure that –

(1). the shipment of goods is made within one year from the date of receipt of
advance payment;

(2). the rate of interest, if any, payable on the advance payment does not
exceed London Inter-Bank Offered Rate (LIBOR) + 100 basis points, and

(3). the documents covering the shipment are routed through the AD Category
- I bank through whom the advance payment is received;

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 61
In the event of the exporter's inability to make the shipment, partly or fully, within one
year from the date of receipt of advance payment, no remittance towards refund of
unutilised portion of advance payment or towards payment of interest, shall be made
after the expiry of the said period of one year, without the prior approval of the
Reserve Bank.

Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (1) above, where the export agreement
provides for shipment of goods extending beyond the period of one year from the
date of receipt of advance payment, the exporter shall require the prior approval of
the Reserve Bank.

29. Part Drawings

In certain lines of export trade, it is the practice to leave a small part of the invoice
value undrawn for payment after adjustment due to differences in weight, quality, etc.
to be ascertained after arrival for inspection, or analysis of the goods. In such cases,
AD Category - I banks may negotiate the bills, provided:

a. The amount of undrawn balance is considered normal in the particular

line of export trade, subject to a maximum of 10 per cent of the full
export value

b. An undertaking is obtained from the exporter on the duplicate of

GR/SDF/PP forms that he will surrender/account for the balance
proceeds of the shipment within the period prescribed for realisation.

Note: In cases where the exporter has not been able to arrange for repatriation of
the undrawn balance in spite of best efforts, AD Category - I banks, on being
satisfied with the bona fides of the case, should ensure that the exporter has realised
at least the value for which the bill was initially drawn (excluding undrawn balances)
or 90% of the value declared on GR/PP/SDF form, whichever is more and a period
of one year has elapsed from the date of shipment.

30. Consignment Exports

(i) When goods have been exported on consignment basis, AD Category - I bank,
while forwarding shipping documents to his overseas branch/correspondent, should
instruct the latter to deliver them only against trust receipt/undertaking to deliver sale
proceeds by a specified date within the period prescribed for realisation of proceeds

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 62
of the export. This procedure should be followed even if, according to the practice in
certain trades, a bill for part of the estimated value is drawn in advance against the

(ii) The agents/consignees may deduct from sale proceeds of the goods expenses
normally incurred towards receipt, storage and sale of the goods, such as landing
charges, warehouse rent, handling charges, etc. and remit the net proceeds to the

(iii) The account sales received from the Agent/Consignee should be verified by the
AD Category - I bank. Deductions in Account Sales should be supported by
bills/receipts in original except in case of petty items like postage/cable charges,
stamp duty etc.


A. Payment of Freight and Marine Insurance: In case of goods exported on

consignment basis, freight and marine insurance must be arranged in India.

B. Exports to CIS Countries and East European Countries: Reserve Bank

will permit on application, exporters with satisfactory track record, a longer
period up to twelve months for realisation of export proceeds for exports on
consignment basis made to CIS countries and East European countries
financed in any permitted currency.

C. Opening / Hiring Warehouses Abroad: AD Category - I banks may consider

the applications received from exporters and grant permission for opening /
hiring warehouses abroad subject to the following conditions:

a) Applicant's export outstanding does not exceed 5 per cent of exports

made during the previous year.

b) Applicant has a minimum export turnover of USD 1,00,000 during the

last year.

c) Period of realisation should be as applicable i.e., 180 days for non-

status holder exporters and 12 months for status holder exporters.

All transactions should be routed through the designated branch of the AD

Category - I bank.

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 63
The above permissions may be granted to the exporters initially for a period of
one year and their renewals may be considered subject to the applicant
satisfying the requirement at (a) above. AD Category - I banks granting such
permission / approvals should maintain a proper record of the approvals

31. Direct Despatch of Shipping Documents

(i) While AD Category - I banks should normally despatch shipping documents to

their overseas branches/correspondents expeditiously. They may also despatch
shipping documents direct to the consignees or their agents resident in the country
of final destination of goods in the following cases:

(a) Where advance payment has been received for the full value of the
export shipment and the underlying sale contract provides for despatch of
documents direct to the consignee or his agent resident in the country of final
destination of goods. Or

(b) Where an irrevocable letter of credit has been received for the full value
of the export shipment and the underlying letter of credit provides for despatch
of documents direct to the consignee or his agent resident in the country of
final destination of goods.

(ii) In cases not covered by (i) above also, AD Category - I banks may accede to the
request of the exporter, for despatch of documents for whatever reason, direct to the
consignee / agent provided the exporter is a regular customer and the AD Category -
I bank is satisfied, on the basis of standing and track record of the exporter and the
arrangements made for realisation of export proceeds, that the request can be
acceded to.

(iii) Documents in respect of goods or software which are accompanied with a

declaration by the exporter that they are not more than Rupees Twenty Five
Thousand in value and not declared on GR/SDF/PP/SOFTEX form, in terms of
paragraph 2 may be directly sent by the exporter to the consignee.

(iv) Documents in respect of goods exported against 100% advance remittance, in

terms of paragraph 26, may be directly sent by the exporter to the consignee.

(v) AD Category - I banks may permit `Status Holder Exporters' (as defined in the
Foreign Trade Policy), and units in Special Economic Zones (SEZ) to despatch the

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 64
export documents to the consignees outside India subject to the terms and
conditions that:

a. The export proceeds are repatriated through the AD Category - I bank

named in the GR Form.

b. The duplicate copy of the GR form is submitted to the AD Category - I

bank for monitoring purposes, by the exporters within 21 days from the
date of export.

(vi) With view to further liberalise the facilities available to the exporters and to
simplify the procedure, it has been decided by RBI to allow AD Category - I banks, to
regularize cases of dispatch of shipping documents by the exporter direct to the
consignee or his agent resident in the country of the final destination of goods, up to
USD 1 million or its equivalent, per export shipment, subject to the following
a) The export proceeds have been realized in full.
b) The exporter is a regular customer of AD Category - I bank for a period of at
least six months.
c) The exporter’s account with the AD Category – I bank is fully compliant with
Reserve Bank’s extant KYC / AML guidelines.
d) The AD Category – I bank is satisfied about the bonafides of the transaction.
e) In case of doubt, the AD Category – I bank may consider filing Suspicious
Transaction Report (STR) with FIU_IND (Financial Intelligence Unit in India).
(A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 06 dated August 13, 2008)

32. Handing Over Negotiable Copy of Bill of Lading to Master of Vessel/Trade


AD Category - I banks may deliver one negotiable copy of the Bill of Lading to the
Master of the carrying vessel or trade representative for exports to certain landlocked
countries if the shipment is covered by an irrevocable letter of credit and the
documents conform strictly to the terms of the Letter of Credit which, inter alia,
provides for such delivery.

33. Export Bills Register

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 65
i. AD Category - I banks should maintain Export Bills Register, in physical or
electronic form. Details of GR/SDF/PP form number, due date of payment,
the fortnightly period of R Supplementary Return with which the ENC
statement covering the transaction was sent to R.B.I, should be available.
ii. AD Category - I banks should ensure that all types of export transactions are
entered in the Export Bills Register and are given bill numbers on calendar
year basis (i.e. January to December). The bill numbers should be recorded in
ENC statement and other relevant returns submitted to Reserve Bank.

34. Follow-up of Overdue Bills

Reserve Bank has been receiving representations from Exporters / Trade bodies
to extend the period of realisation of export proceeds in view of the external
environment. It has, therefore, been, in consultation with Government of India,
announced in the Annual Policy Statement for the Year 2008-09 (para 134) to
enhance the present period of realization and repatriation to India of the amount
representing the full export value of goods or software exported, from six
months to twelve months from the date of export, subject to review after one
year. The provisions in regard to period of realization and repatriation to India of
the full export value of goods or software exported by a unit situated in Special
Economic Zone (SEZ) as well as exports made to warehouses established
outside India with the permission of Reserve Bank remain unchanged.
(A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 50 dated 03.06.2008)

(i) AD Category - I banks should closely watch realisation of bills and in cases
where bills remain outstanding, beyond the due date for payment or twelve
months from the date of export, the matter should be promptly taken up with
the concerned exporter. If the exporter fails to arrange for delivery of the
proceeds, within twelve months or seek extension of time beyond twelve
months the matter should be reported to Reserve Bank stating, where
possible, the reason for the delay in realising the proceeds. The duplicate
copies of GR / SDF / PP Forms should, however, continue to be held by AD
Category - I bank until the full proceeds are realised, except in case of
undrawn balances covered by Note under paragraph 27.
(ii) AD Category - I banks should follow up export outstandings with exporters
systematically and vigorously so that action against defaulting exporters does
not get delayed. Any laxity in the follow up of realisation of export proceeds by

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 66
AD Category - I banks will be viewed seriously by R.B.I. leading to the
invocation of the penal provisions under FEMA 1999.
(iii) Exporters who have been certified as `Status Holder' in terms of Foreign
Trade Policy are permitted to realise and repatriate the full value of export
proceeds within a period of 12 months from the date of shipment.

(iv) 100% Export Oriented Units (EOUs) and units set up under Electronic
Hardware Technology Parks (EHTPs), Software Technology Parks (STPs)
and Bio–Technology Parks (BTPs) Schemes are permitted to realise and
repatriate the full value of export proceeds within a period of 12 months from
the date of export in respect of export made on or after September 1, 2004.

(v) The stipulation of twelve months or extended period thereof for realisation of
export proceeds is no longer applicable for units located in Special Economic
Zones (SEZs). The units in SEZs will however continue to follow the GR/ PP /
SOFTEX export procedure outlined in this Handbook.

(vi) AD Category - I banks should furnish to Reserve Bank, on half-yearly basis, a

consolidated statement in Form XOS giving details of all export bills
outstanding beyond six months from the date of export as at the end of June
and December every year. The statement should be submitted in triplicate
within fifteen days from the close of the relative half-year.

35. Reduction in Invoice Value on Account of Prepayment of Usance Bills

Occasionally, exporters may approach AD Category - I banks for reduction in invoice

value on account of cash discount to overseas buyers for prepayment of the usance
bills. In such cases AD Category - I banks may allow cash discount to the extent of
amount of proportionate interest on the unexpired period of usance, calculated at the
rate of interest stipulated in the export contract or at the Prime rate/LIBOR of the
currency of invoice where rate of interest is not stipulated in the contract.

36. Reduction in Value

If, after a bill has been negotiated or sent for collection, its amount thereof is desired
to be reduced for any reason, AD Category - I bank may approve such reduction, if
satisfied about genuineness of the request, provided:

a. The reduction does not exceed 25% of invoice value,

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 67
b. It does not relate to export of commodities subject to floor price stipulations,

c. The exporter is not on the exporters’ caution list of Reserve Bank, and

d. The exporter is advised to surrender proportionate export incentives availed

of, if any.

In the case of exporters who have been in the export business for more than three
years, reduction in invoice value may be allowed, without any percentage ceiling,
subject to the above conditions as also subject to their track record being
satisfactory, i.e., the export outstandings do not exceed 5% of the average annual
export realisation during the preceding three calendar years. For the purpose of
reckoning the percentage of export bills outstanding to the average export
realisations during the preceding three calendar years, outstanding of exports made
to countries facing externalisation problems may be ignored provided the payments
have been made by the buyers in the local currency.

37. Export Claims

AD Category - I banks may remit export claims on application, provided the relative
export proceeds have already been realised and repatriated to India and the exporter
is not on the caution list of Reserve Bank. In all such cases of remittances, the
exporter should be advised to surrender proportionate export incentive, if any,
received by him.

38. Change of buyer/consignee

Prior approval of Reserve Bank is not required if, after goods have been shipped,
they are to be transferred to a buyer other than the original buyer in the event of
default by the latter, provided the reduction in value, if any, involved does not exceed
10% and the realisation of export proceeds is not delayed beyond the period of six
months from the date of export. Where the reduction in value exceeds 10%, all other
relevant conditions stipulated in paragraph 34 should also be satisfied.

39. Self write-off, Reduction in Invoice Value and Extension of Time

All exporters (including Status Holder) have been allowed to:

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 68
(a) Write off (including reduction in invoice value) outstanding export dues and,

(b) Extend the prescribed period of realisation beyond 180 days or further period as
applicable, provided the aggregate value of such export bills written-off
(including reduction in invoice value) and bills extended for realisation does
not exceed 10 per cent of the export proceeds due during the calendar year
and such export bills are not a subject of investigation by Enforcement Directorate /
Central Bureau of Investigation or any other Investigating Agencies.

(c) Exporters dealing with more than one AD Category - I bank can avail of this
facility through each AD, i.e., the limit of 10 per cent for self write-off (including
reduction in invoice value) and extension of time for realisation of export proceeds
would be applicable for export bills lodged for realisation with that AD Category - I
bank. However, exporters operating under a consortium of banks or with multiple
banks will also have the option of computing the 10 per cent limit on an aggregate
basis with all the banks, provided the lead bank of the consortium or in case of
multiple banking, a nodal bank, undertakes to verify the exporters’ annual
performance on behalf of all the banks.

(d) Within a month from the close of the calendar year, exporters should submit a
statement as per prescribed format, giving details of export proceeds due, realised
and not realised to the AD Category - I bank concerned. Export bills due in the year
for which the exporter has extended the period of realisation on his own (within the
10 per cent limit) or sought extension of time from the AD Category - I bank but
unrealised as at the end of calendar year will be computed for export proceeds due
in the following year. The AD Category - I bank will be required to verify the
statement with his records and review the export performance of the exporter during
the calendar year to ascertain that in cases where the 10 per cent limit of self
extension, write-off (including reduction in invoice value) and non-realisation has
been breached, the exporter has sought necessary approval for write-off, reduction
in invoice value or extension of time, as the case may be, for the excess over the 10
per cent limit before the end of the calendar year.

(e) In cases where exporters have failed to comply with the above requirement, AD
Category - I banks may promptly advise the exporter concerned to seek extension of
time/reduction in invoice value/write-off in respect of non-realisation in excess of the
10 per cent limit, failing which, the AD Category - I banks may inform the exporter

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 69
about the withdrawal of this facility of self write-off / extension of time, within a
month, under advice to the Regional Office concerned of the Reserve Bank.

40. Extension of Time Limit in Other Cases

1. (i) In cases where an exporter has not been able to realise proceeds of a shipment
made within the period prescribed, for reasons beyond his control, but expects to be
able to realise proceeds if extension of the period is allowed to him, necessary
application (in duplicate) should be made to the Regional Office concerned of
Reserve Bank in form ETX through his AD Category - I bank with appropriate
documentary evidence in respect of cases not falling under para (ii) below.

(ii) Reserve Bank of India has permitted the AD Category - I banks to extend the
period of realisation of export proceeds beyond 6 months from the date of export up
to a period of six months, at a time, irrespective of the invoice value of the export
subject to the following conditions :

a. The AD Category - I bank is satisfied that the exporter has not been
able to realise export proceeds for reasons beyond his control.

b. The exporter submits a declaration that he will realise the export

proceeds during the extended period.

c. The export transactions covered by the invoices are not under

investigation by Enforcement Directorate / Central Bureau of
Investigation or other investigating agencies,

d. While considering extension beyond one year from the date of export,
the total outstanding of the exporter does not exceed USD one million
or 10 per cent of the average export realisations during the preceding
three financial years, whichever is higher,

e. The date up to which extension has been granted is indicated in the

`Remarks’ column of the XOS statement

f. In cases where the exporter has filed suits abroad against the buyer,
extension may be granted irrespective of the amount involved /

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 70
g. Cases which are not covered by the above instructions would require
prior approval from the Regional Office of the Reserve Bank.

41. Shipments Lost in Transit

When shipments from India for which payment has not already been received either
by negotiation of bills under letters of credit or otherwise are lost in transit, the AD
Category - I bank must ensure that insurance claim is made as soon as the loss is
known. The duplicate copy of GR/SDF/PP form should be forwarded to Reserve
Bank with following particulars:

a. Amount for which shipment was insured.

b. Name and address of the insurance company.

c. Place where the claim is payable.

In cases where the claim is payable abroad, the AD Category - I bank must arrange
to collect the full amount of claim due on the lost shipment, through the medium of
his overseas branch/correspondent and release the duplicate copy of GR/SDF/PP
form only after the amount has been collected. A certificate for the amount of claim
received should be furnished on the reverse of the duplicate copy.

Note: Sometimes claims on shipments lost in transit are also partially settled directly
by shipping companies/airlines under carrier’s liability. AD Category - I banks should
ensure that amounts of such claims if settled abroad are also repatriated to India by

42. Payment of Claims by ECGC / insurance companies registered with IRDA

AD Category - I banks shall, on an application received from the exporter supported
by documentary evidence from the ECGC / insurance companies registered with
IRDA confirming that the claim in respect of the outstanding bills has been settled by
them, write off the relative export bills and delete them from the XOS statement.
Such write-off will not be restricted to the limit of 10 per cent indicated in paragraph
43 below. Surrender of incentives, if any, in such cases will be as provided in the
Foreign Trade Policy.

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 71
It is clarified that the claims settled in rupees by ECGC / insurance companies
should not be construed as export realisation in foreign exchange.
(A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 49 dated June 03, 2008)

43. "Write off" of Unrealised Export Bills

(i) An exporter who has not been able to realise the outstanding export dues despite
best efforts, may approach the AD Category - I bank, who had handled the relevant
shipping documents, with appropriate supporting documentary evidence with a
request for write off of the unrealised portion. AD Category - I banks may accede to
such requests subject to the under noted conditions:

a. The relevant amount has remained outstanding for one year or more;

b. The aggregate amount of write off allowed by the AD Category - I bank

during a calendar year does not exceed 10% of the total export proceeds
realised by the concerned exporter through the concerned AD Category - I
bank during the previous calendar year;

c. Satisfactory documentary evidence is furnished in support of the exporter

having made all efforts to realise the dues;

d. The case falls under any of the under noted categories:

i. The overseas buyer has been declared insolvent and a certificate from the
official liquidator indicating that there is no possibility of recovery of export
proceeds produced.

ii. The overseas buyer is not traceable over a reasonably long period of time.

iii. The goods exported have been auctioned or destroyed by the

Port/Customs/Health authorities in the importing country.

iv. The unrealised amount represents the balance due in a case settled
through the intervention of the Indian Embassy, Foreign Chamber of
Commerce or similar Organisation.

v. The unrealised amount represents the undrawn balance of an export bill

(not exceeding 10% of the invoice value) remained outstanding and turned
out to be unrealisable despite all efforts made by the exporter.

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 72
vi. The cost of resorting to legal action would be disproportionate to the
unrealised amount of the export bill or where the exporter even after
winning the Court case against the overseas buyer could not execute the
Court decree due to reasons beyond his control.

vii. Bills were drawn for the difference between the letter of credit value and
actual export value or between the provisional and the actual freight
charges but the amount has remained unrealised consequent on
dishonour of the bills by the overseas buyer and there are no prospects of

viii. The case is not the subject matter of any pending civil or criminal suit.

ix. The exporter has not come to the adverse notice of the Enforcement
Directorate or the Central Bureau of Investigation or any such other law
enforcement agency.

x. The exporter has surrendered proportionate export incentives, if any,

availed of in respect of the relative shipments. The AD Category - I bank
should obtain documents evidencing surrender of export incentives availed
of before permitting the relevant bills to be written off. AD Category - I
banks are to put in place a system under which their internal inspectors or
auditors carry out random sample check/percentage check of outstanding
export bills written off.

(ii) Where there is no further amount to be realised against the GR/SDF/PP form
covered by the write off, AD Category - I bank should certify the duplicate form as
"Write off of...........……… (Amount in words and figures) permitted in terms
of paragraph C.18 of Directions to Authorised Dealers."
Stamp & Signature of
Date ………………………….. Authorised Dealer

(iii) Status holders exporters (viz. Export Houses, Trading Houses, Star Trading
Houses, Superstar Trading Houses) and manufacturer exporters exporting more
than 50% of their production, and recognised as such by DGFT, may be permitted to
"write off" outstanding export bills up to extent of (i) 5 per cent of their average
annual realisation during the preceding three financial years or (ii) 10 per cent of the

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 73
export proceeds due during the financial year, whichever is higher. The limit will be
cumulatively available in a year and subject to the following conditions.

1. The exporter should submit to the concerned AD Category - I bank a

Chartered Accountant’s certificate indicating –

a. the export realisation in the preceding three calendar years and also the
amount of "write off " already availed of during the year, if any.

b. the relevant GR/SDF Nos. to be written off, Bill No., invoice value,
commodity exported, country of export,

c. the export benefits, if any, availed of by the exporter have been


2. It is clarified that the following do not qualify for the "write off" facility:

a. Exports made to countries with externalisation problem i.e. where the

overseas buyer has deposited the value of export in local currency but the
amount has not been allowed to be repatriated by the central banking
authorities of the country.

b. GR/SDF forms which are under investigation by agencies like,

Enforcement Directorate, Directorate of Revenue Intelligence, Central
Bureau of Investigation, etc. as also the outstanding bills which are subject
matter of civil / criminal suit.

3. After the "write off" has been permitted Authorised Dealer may certify the
duplicate form as under:-

"Write off of ……………………………(Amount in words and figures)

permitted in terms of AP(DIR Series) Circular No.30 dated April 4,


Date……………………… Stamp & Signature of

Authorised Dealer

4. AD Category - I banks may note to take into account the amount written off
under this facility while arriving at the eligible amount.

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 74
5. AD Category - I banks may forward a statement in form EBW to the
Regional Office of Reserve Bank under whose jurisdiction they are
functioning, indicating details of write offs etc.

44. Return of Documents to Exporters

The duplicate copies of GR/SDF/PP forms and shipping documents, once submitted
to the AD Category - I banks for negotiation, collection, etc., should not ordinarily be
returned to exporters, except for rectification of errors and resubmission.

45. Exporters’ Caution List

AD Category - I banks will also be advised whenever exporters are cautioned in

terms of provisions contained in Regulation 17 of "Export Regulations". They may
approve GR/SDF/PP forms of exporters who have been placed on caution list if the
exporters concerned produce evidence of having received an advance payment or
an irrevocable letter of credit in their favour covering the full value of the proposed
exports. Such approval may be given even in cases where usance bills are to be
drawn for the shipment provided the relative letter of credit covers the full export
value and also permits such drawings and the usance bill mature within six months
from the date of shipment.

46. Remittance of Agency Commission on Exports

(i) AD Category - I banks may allow payment of commission, either by remittance or
by deduction from invoice value, on application submitted by the exporter. The
remittance on agency commission may be allowed subject to the following

a. Amount of commission has been declared on GR/SDF/PP/SOFTEX form and

accepted by the Customs authorities or Ministry of Information Technology,
Government of India / EPZ authorities as the case may be. In cases where
the commission has not been declared on GR/SDF/PP/SOFTEX form,
remittance may be allowed after satisfying the reasons adduced by the
exporter for not declaring commission on Export Declaration Form, provided a
valid agreement/written understanding between the exporter and/or
beneficiary for payment of commission exists.

b. The relative shipment has already been made.

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 75
(ii) AD Category - I banks may allow payment of commission by Indian exporters, in
respect of their exports covered under counter trade arrangement through Escrow
Accounts designated in U.S.Dollar, subject to the following conditions:

a. The payment of commission satisfies the conditions as at (a) and (b)

stipulated in paragraph above.

b. The commission is not payable to Escrow Account holders themselves.

c. The commission should not be allowed by deduction from the invoice value.

NOTE: Payment of commission is prohibited on exports made by Indian Partners

towards equity participation in an overseas joint venture / wholly owned subsidiary as
also exports under Rupee Credit Route except for tea & tobacco. In case of export
of tea and tobacco to Russia under Rupee Credit Route AD Category - I banks may
permit payment of commission in free foreign exchange upto 10 percent of invoice

47. Refund of Export Proceeds

AD Category - I banks, through whom the export proceeds were originally realised,
may consider requests for refund of export proceeds of goods exported from India
and being re-imported into India on account of poor quality. While permitting such
transactions, AD Category - I banks are required to:
i. exercise due diligence regarding the track record of the exporter;
ii. verify the bonafides of the transactions;
iii. obtain from the exporter a certificate issued by DGFT / Custom authorities
that no incentives have been availed by the exporter against the relevant
export or the proportionate incentives availed, if any, for the relevant
export have been surrendered;
iv. obtain an undertaking from the exporter that the goods will be re-imported
within three months from the date of remittance; and
v. ensure that all procedures as applicable to normal imports are adhered to.

(Statement showing the details of remittances effected towards import in respect of
which documentary evidence has not been received despite reminders)

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 76
Name and address of AD branch…………………….
Name of Controlling Office of AD branch ……………..
Statement for the half-year ended …………………
i. The statement should be submitted in duplicate, to the Regional Office of
Reserve Bank under whose jurisdiction the A.D. branch is functioning.
ii. Details of transactions where the amount of remittance exceeds USD 100,000
or its equivalent should only be included in the statement.
iii. In cases where, at the time of advance remittance, purpose of remittance was
as import and subsequently the exchange has been used for other purpose
for which sale of exchange is permissible, and a document to the satisfaction
of Authorised Dealer has been produced, such cases should not be treated
as default and hence be excluded from the BEF statement.
iv. AD Category - I banks may accept ‘Into Bond Bill of Entry’ as a provisional
evidence of import into India. However, they may ensure submission of
Exchange Control copy of the Bill of Entry for Home consumption within a
reasonable period of time. Where EDI system has been implemented by
customs and the importer receives only one copy of the "ex-Bond Bill of Entry"
from the customs, AD Category - I banks may advise importer to submit a
photocopy of the "ex-Bond Bill of Entry" for home consumption after clearance
of the goods from the warehouse / bond, which may be duly verified by the
AD Category - I bank and accepted as final evidence of import. Cases where
‘Into Bond Bill of Entry’ has been submitted need not be reported in BEF
v. The statement should include details of all remittances, exceeding USD
100,000 from India or payments from abroad in connection with imports,
including advance payments, delayed payments, etc. irrespective of the
source of funding (i.e. EEFC accounts/foreign currency accounts maintained
in India and abroad, payments out of external commercial borrowings, foreign
investments in the shares of importers etc.)
vi. The cases reported in Part I of statement for the previous half-year should not
be reported again in Part I of the statement for the current half-year.
vii. In case no transaction is required to be reported, ‘NIL’ statement should be

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 77
viii. Statement should be submitted within 15 days from the close of the half-year
to which it relates.

Part I

Information regarding importers who have defaulted in submission of the

documentary evidence of import

Sr.No. Importer/ Name No.and Brief Date of Currency Rupee Remarks

Exporter and date of description remittance/ and equiv-
Code No. address import of goods payment amount alent
of the licences,
Importer if any

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A. Import by parties other than Public Sector Undertakings/Government
B. Import by Public Sector Undertakings/Government Departments

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 78
Part II

Information regarding subsequent receipt of documentary evidence of Import from

importers whose names were reported in Part I of earlier BEF statement/s

Sr.No. Name and Period of the Date of Amount of remittance Remarks

address of BEF statement receipt Currency & Rupee
the importer and serial No. Amount equivalent
of the
reported earlier
in Part I of BEF
1 2 3 4 5 6
A. Import by parties other than Public Sector Undertakings/Government


B. Import by Public Sector Undertakings/Government Departments

Note: The transactions reported in Part II of BEF statement of earlier half-year

should not be repeated in Part II of the current half-year.

i. We certify that the particulars furnished above are true and correct as per our records.

ii. We further certify that the statement includes all cases which are required to be reported
under the prescribed procedure.

iii. We undertake to continue to pursue the cases with the importers reported in Part I of the

(Signature of the Official)

Name: :
Designation :


Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 79
[A.P.(DIR Series) Circular No.2 dated July 9, 2004]
Statement of Gold Imported during the month ended ……….
Name of the Bank :
Date of Statement :
Number of Transactions Value of Gold Imported
EOU/SEZ Nom.Agency/ (USD million) (Rs. Crore)
EOU/SEZ Nom.Agency/ EOU/SEZ Nom.Agency
Bank /Bank

(i) Delivery
(ii) Supp-
liers’ Credit
(iii) Consign-
ment Basis
(iv) Unfixed
Price Basis

Note: 1. Full details of transactions may be provided in cases where the number of
transactions in respect of a single importer exceeds ten transactions in a month or
the aggregate value of imports exceeds US Dollar 50 million.
2. Details of EOUs/Units in SEZ and Nominated Agencies should be given

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 80
GR, SDF,PP and SOFTEX Forms Annex-3
Exporter Invoice No. & Date SB No. & Date

AR4/AR4A No. & Date

Q/Cert. No. & Date Importer-Exporter Code No.

Consignee Export Trade Control


If export under:
Deferred Credit
Joint Venture
Rupee Credit
RBI’s Approval/Cir. No. & Date
Custom House L/C. No.

Pre-Carriage by Place of Receipt Type of shipment :

by Pre-Carrier Outright Sale
Consignment Export
Vessel/Flight No. Rotation No. Others (Specify)

Port of Loading Nature of contract /C&F /FOB

Other (Specify)
Port of Discharge Country of Destination Exchange Rate u/s 14 of CA Currency of invoice

S. Marks & Container No. & Kind of Statistical Code & Quantity Value FOB
No. No. Nos. Pkgs. Description of Goods

Net Weight
Gross Weight
Total FOB value (in
Analysis of Export value Currency Amount Full export value or where not ascertainable, the value
which exporter expects to receive on the sale of goods.
FOB Value
Insurance Currency
Discount Amount
Other Deductions

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 81

Is Export under L/C Yes No For customs

If yes, name of advising bank in India Customs Assessable value Rs.


Bank through which payment is to be received

Export value Verified
Customs Appraiser

Whether payment is to be received through the ACU Date of Customs Appraiser

Yes/No Shipment

Declaration under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999: I/We hereby declare that I/we am/are the
Seller/Consignor of the goods in respect of which this declaration is made and that the particulars given above are
true and that (a) *the value as contracted with the buyer is the same as the full export value declared overleaf/ (b) *the
full export value of the goods is not ascertainable at the time of export and that the value declared is that which I/we,
having regard to the prevailing market conditions, expect to receive on the sale of goods in the overseas market.
I/We undertake that I/we will deliver to the bank named herein the foreign exchange representing the full export value
of the goods on or before @. in the manner specified in the Regulations under the Act, I/we further declare
that I/we am/are resident in India and I/we have a place of business in India.
I/We* am/are OR am/are not in Caution List of the Reserve Bank of
(Signature of Exporter)
@ State appropriate date of delivery which must be within six months from the date of shipment, but for exports to
warehouses established outside India with the permission of the Reserve Bank, the date of delivery must be within
fifteen months.
*Strike out whichever is not applicable

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 82
Exporter Invoice No. & Date SB No. & Date
AR4/AR4A No. & Date
Q/Cert. No. & Date Importer-Exporter Code No.

Consignee Export Trade Control

If export under:
Deferred Credit
Joint Venture
Rupee Credit

RBI’s Approval/Cir. No. & Date

Custom House L/C. No.

Pre-Carriage by Place of Receipt Type of shipment :

by Pre-Carrier Outright Sale
Vessel/Flight No. Rotation No. Others (Specify)

Port of Loading Nature of contract /C&F /FO

Other (Specify)
Port of Discharge Country of Destination Exchange Rate u/s 14 of CA Currency of invoice

S. Marks & Container No. & Kind of Statistical Code & Quantity Value FOB
No. No. Nos. Pkgs. Description of Goods

Net Weight
Gross Weight
Total FOB value (in
Analysis of Export value Currenc Amount Full export value or where not ascertainable, the value
y which exporter expects to receive on the sale of
FOB Value
Insurance Currency
Discount Amount
Other Deductions
For customs
Is Export under L/C Yes No
If yes, name of advising bank in India Customs Assessable value Rs.

Bank through which payment is to be received
Export value Verified

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 83
Cargo shipped in full/part

Whether payment is to be received through the ACU Date of Customs Appraiser

Yes/No Shipment

Declaration under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999: I/We hereby declare that I/we am/are the
Seller/Consignor of the goods in respect of which this declaration is made and that the particulars given above are
true and that (a) *the value as contracted with the buyer is the same as the full export value declared overleaf/ (b) *the
full export value of the goods is not ascertainable at the time of export and that the value declared is that which I/we,
having regard to the prevailing market conditions, expect to receive on the sale of goods in the overseas market.
I/We undertake that I/we will deliver to the bank named herein the foreign exchange representing the full export value
of the goods on or before @. in the manner specified in the Regulations made under the Act, I/we further
declare that I/we am/are resident in India and I/we have a place of business in India.
I/We* am/are OR am/are not in Caution List of the Reserve Bank of India.
(Signature of Exporter)
@ State appropriate date of delivery which must be within six months from the date of shipment, but for exports to
warehouses established outside India with the permission of the Reserve Bank, the date of delivery must be within
fifteen months.
*Strike out whichever is not applicable
Uniform Code
*Indicate ( ) in the box applicable
Date of *(i) negotiation (ii) receipt for Bill No
Type of Bill* (i) DA (ii) DP (iii) Others (Specify)
Type of shipment : *(i) Firm Sale (ii) Consignment Basis
(iii) Others (Specify)
The GR Form was included in the statement sent to the Reserve Bank with the R Return for the fortnight ending ..
sent on …
We certify and confirm that we have received the total amount of (Currency) (amount) as
under being the proceeds of exports declared on this form.

Date of Currency Credit to Nostro Account in Debit to NR Rupee Account Period of R Return
receipt Country of a Bank in country with which the
In our name In the name of* Held with us Held with* realisation has
been reported to
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

*(Write the name of the concerned Indian Authorised Dealer Branch)

Any other manner of receipt (Specify)

(Stamp & Signature of Authorised Dealer)

Date : Address :


Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 84
[In duplicate]
Shipping Bill No. Date :

Declaration under Foreign Exchange Management, Act, 1999 :

I/We hereby declare that I/We am/are the *Seller/Consignor of the goods in respect of which this
declaration is made and that the particulars given in the Shipping Bill No. dated are
true and that (a) *the value as contracted with the buyer is the same as the full export value declared
in the above shipping bill (b) *the full export value of the goods is not ascertainable at the time of
export and that the value declared is that which I/We, having regard to the prevailing market
conditions, expect to receive on the sale of goods in the overseas market.
I/We undertake that I/We will deliver to the bank named herein . The foreign exchange
representing the full export value of the goods on or before @ in the manner specified in
the Regulations made under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999. I/We further declare that
I/We am/are resident in India and I/We have a place of business in India.
I/We* am/are OR am/are not in Caution List of the Reserve Bank of India.

(Signature of Exporter)

@ State appropriate date of delivery which must be within six months from the date of shipment but
for exports to warehouses established outside India with permission of the Reserve Bank, the date of
delivery must be within fifteen months.
*Strike out whichever is not applicable.

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 85
Uniform Code Number

Date of (i) negotiation

(ii) receipt for collection
(iii) Bill No.

*Type of Bill (i) DA (ii) DP (iii) Others (Specify)

*Types of shipment (i) Firm Sale Contract (ii) Consignment Basis
(iii) Others (Specify)
*Indicate ( ) in the box applicable

The SDF Form was included in the Statement sent to Reserve Bank with the R Return for the fortnight
ending …. .. sent on …..
We certify and confirm that we have received the total amount of (Currency amount) as under
being the proceeds of exports declared on this form.

Date of Currenc Credit to Nostro Account Debit to NR Rupee Period of R Return

receipt y in...............Country Account of a Bank with which the
in................. country realisation has been
reported to RBI
In our In the name Held with Held with**
name of** us
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

**(Write the name of the concerned Indian Authorised Dealer Branch)

Any other manner of receipt (Specify)

(Stamp & Signature of Authorised Dealer)

Date :
Address :


Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 86
Exporter’s Declaration
Form Number :
(Please see ‘Notes to Exporters’)
1. (a) Name of the Post Office
(b) Number and date of Parcel Receipt
2. Exporter’s Name (for RBI use)
3. Importer/Exporter Code No.
4. Buyer’s/Consignee’s Name and address:
5. Country of destination
6. Nature of contract*(i) CIF/(ii) C&F/(iii)FOB/
(iv) Others (Specify): .....
7. Date of despatch .
8. Type of Shipment*(i) Outright Sale/(ii)
Consignment export/(iii) Others (Specify)
9. Description of goods :
10. Quantity of goods : Unit† .....Quantity
11. Currency of Invoice
[†Ton/Kilogram/Litre/Cubic Metre/
Sq. Metre/Metre/Number/Others (Specify)]

@ Where the full export 12. Analysis of export value :

value is not Particulars Currency Amount
ascertainable value
expected on sale of
goods in the oversease
market may be shown
@Full Export value
No application for F.O.B. Value
permission for Freight
from the declared value
on account of agency
commission and/or
discount will be
entertained by the
Reserve Bank or
Authorised Dealer
unless these have been
declared on this form
Discount (Rate. ....)
Agency Commission
(Rate. ..)

(For Customs Use) 13. Customs Assessable Value

Export Value verified (Rupees)
(Customs Appraiser)

14. If the export is made under general permission of

the Reserve Bank of India, Number and date of its

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 87
15. If the export is made under L/C arrangements,
name of advising bank in India
16. State if the payment is to be received through the
Asian Clearing Union: *Yes/No
17. Name & address of bank through whom payment is
to be received

I/We hereby declare that I/we am/are the *SELLER/CONSIGNOR of the goods in respect of which the
declaration is made and that the particulars given above are true and that *(a) the export value as
contracted with the buyer is the same as the full export value declared above/*(b) the full export value
of goods is not ascertainable at the time of export and that the value declared is that which I/we,
having regard to the prevailing market conditions, expect to receive on the sale of goods in the
overseas market.
I/We undertake that I/we will deliver to the bank named above the foreign exchange representing the
full export value of the goods on or before† in the manner prescribed in the Regulations made
under Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999. I/We further declare that I/we am/are resident in
India and I/we have a place of business in India.
I/We* am/are not in the Caution List of the Reserve Bank of India.
†State approximate date of delivery which must be within six months from the date of shipment.
*Strike out whichever is not applicable.
(For A.D.’s use)

(Signature of Exporter)
Stamp & Signature Date:
of Authorised
Date Address :
Bank’s Uniform Code
Notes to Exporters
(1) This Form should not be pasted on the Parcel.
(2) The PP Form procedure applies to postal exports to all territories outside India excluding
Nepal and Bhutan. The PP Form should be completed in duplicate in all cases.
(3) The Original should be submitted by the exporter to the Post Office after having it
countersigned by an Authorised Dealer in foreign exchange. The Post Office through
which the goods have been despatched will forward the Original to the nearest office of
Reserve Bank of India.
(4) All documents relating to export of goods from India must be passed through the medium
of an Authorised Dealer in foreign exchange in India within 21 days of the date of
shipment of the goods.
(5) The amount representing the full export value of goods must be realised within six
months from the date of shipment.
Note : Government of India/Indian Financial institutions may conclude from time to time Special
Trade Agreements with other countries providing for settlement of certain payments from
the countries in a specified manner or for exports to be financed from Government to
Government Credits. Reserve Bank will advise Authorised Dealers of such
arrangements by issue of circulars. Methods of payment specified in the individual
arrangements will have to be followed in such cases.

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 88
Exporter’s Declaration
Form Number :
1. (a) Name of the Post Office
(b) Number and date of Parcel Receipt
2. Exporter’s Name (for RBI use)
3. Importer/Exporter Code No.
4. Buyer’s/Consignee’s Name and address:
5. Country of destination
6. Nature of contract*(i) CIF/(ii) C&F/(iii)FOB/
(iv) Others (Specify): .....
7. Date of despatch .
8. Type of Shipment*(i) Outright Sale/(ii)
Consignment export/(iii) Others (Specify)
9. Description of goods :
10. Quantity of goods : Unit† .....Quantity
11. Currency of Invoice
[†Ton/Kilogram/Litre/Cubic Metre/
Sq. Metre/Metre/Number/Others (Specify)]

@ Where the full export 12. Analysis of export value :

value is not Particulars Currency Amount
ascertainable value
expected on sale of
goods in the oversease
market may be shown
@Full Export value
No application for F.O.B. Value
permission for Freight
from the declared value
on account of agency
commission and/or
discount will be
entertained by the
Reserve Bank or
Authorised Dealer
unless these have been
declared on this form
Discount (Rate. ....)
Agency Commission
(Rate )

(For Customs Use) 13. Customs Assessable Value

Export Value verified (Rupees)
(Customs Appraiser)

14. If the export is made under general permission of the

Reserve Bank of India, Number and date of its
15. If the export is made under L/C arrangements, name
of advising bank in India

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 89
16. State if the payment is to be received through the
Asian Clearing Union: *Yes/No
17. Name & address of bank through whom payment is to
be received

I/We hereby declare that I/we am/are the *SELLER/CONSIGNOR of the goods in respect of which the
declaration is made and that the particulars given above are true and that *(a) the export value as
contracted with the buyer is the same as the full export value declared above/*(b) the full export value
of goods is not ascertainable at the time of export and that the value declared is that which I/we,
having regard to the prevailing market conditions, expect to receive on the sale of goods in the
overseas market.
I/We undertake that I/we will deliver to the bank named above the foreign exchange representing the
full export value of the goods on or before† in the manner specified in Regulations made
under the Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999. I/We further declare that I/we am/are resident
in India and I/we have a place of business in India.
I/We* am/are not in the Caution List of the Reserve Bank of India.
†State approximate date of delivery which must be within six months from the date of
*Strike out whichever is not applicable.

(For A.D.’s use)

(Signature of Exporter)
Stamp & Signature Date:
of Authorised
Date Address :
Bank’s Uniform Code
Note : All documents relating to export of goods from India must be passed through the
medium of an Authorised Dealer in foreign exchange in India within 21 days of the
date of shipment of the goods.


Uniform Code Number : .

Date of *(i) negotiation/(ii) receipt for collection Bill No.

* Strike out whichever is not applicable Type of Bill *DA/(ii)DP/ (iii) Others
Type of shipment : *(i) Firm Sale Contract/ (ii)
Consignment Basis/ (iii) Others (Specify)
The PP Form was included in the Statement
sent to the Reserve Bank with the R Return for
the fortnight ending sent on

We certify and confirm that we have received the total amount of (Currency)
(Amount) as under being the proceeds of exports declared on this form.

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 90
Date of Currency Credit to Nostro Debit to NR Rupee Period of R
Receipt Account in Account of a bank in Return with
(Country) (country) which the
realisation has
been reported to
In our name In the Held Held with†
name of† with us
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(† Write the name of the concerned Indian Authorised Dealer branch).

Any other manner of receipt (specify)

(Stamp & Signature of Authorised Dealer)

. Date :
Address :

Notes to Authorised Dealer :

1. Please ensure that the columns on the face of the PP Form have been completed by the
exporter and that they have been duly authenticated by the Postal authorities wherever
2. In case the net amount received falls short of the full export value declared on the Form for
reasons other than deduction of bank charges, please indicate the authority conferred on the
Authorised Dealers by or under the Exchange Control Manual or the Authorised Dealer’s
Circular or Circulars, as the case may be, or the Reserve Bank of India’s approval number
and date for reduction.

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 91

(For declaration of Software Exports through data-communication links

and receipt of Royalty on the Software Packages/Products exported)


1. Name and address of the

2. STPI Centre within whose

jurisdiction the unit is

3. Import-Export Code Number

4. Category of exporter : STP/EHTP/EPZ/SEZ/100% EOU/DTA unit

5. Buyer’s name and address including

country and their relationship
with exporting unit (if any)

6. Date and Number of Invoice

7. a) Whether export contract/

purchase order already
registered with STPI. Yes No
(If ‘No’, please attach copy
of the contract/purchase

b) Does contract stipulate

payment of royalty
Yes No

(For exports through data communication link)

8. Name of Authorised datacom STPI/VSNL/DOT/Internet/Others

service provider (Please specify)

9. Type of software exported (Please mark on the appropriate box on

the left side).

(a) Computer Software RBI Code

Data Entry jobs and Conversion 9 0 6

Software Data Processing

Software Development 9 0 7

Software Product, Packages 9 0 8

Others (Please specify) 9 0 9

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 92
(b) Other Software

Video/TV Software 9 1 0

Others (Please specify) 9 1 1

10. Analysis of Export Value Currency Amount

(a) Full export value

of which :-
i) Net value of exports without
transmission charges

ii) Transmission charges

included in invoice

(b) Transmission charges (if payable

separately by the overseas client)

(c) Deduct: Agency commission,

at the rate of .......%

(d) Any other deductions as

permitted by RBI (please specify)

(e) Amount to be realised [(a+b) - (c+d)]

11. How export value will be realised

(mode of realisation) (Please mark
on the appropriate box)

(a) Under L/C (a) Name and address of ________________

Authorised Dealer

(b) Authorised Dealer Code No. __________

(b) Bank Guarantee (a) Name and address of ________________

Authorised Dealer

(b) Authorised Dealer Code No. __________

(c) Any other arrangement (a) Name and address of ________________

e.g. advance payment, etc. Authorised Dealer
including transfer/remittance
to bank account maintained (b) Authorised Dealer Code No. __________
overseas (Please specify)

(For receipt of Royalty on Software Packages/Products exported)

12. Details of Software Package(s)/

Product(s) exported
(a) Date of export ___________________________________

(b) GR/SDF/PP/SOFTEX Form No. on ___________________________________

which exports were declared

(c) Royalty agreement details

%age and amount of royalty __________________________________

Period of royalty agreement

(Enclose copy of Royalty ___________________________________
agreement, if not already registered)

13. How royalty value will be realised

(as defined in Royalty agreement) ___________________________________
14. Calculation of royalty amount ___________________________________

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 93
(Enclose copy of communication
from the foreign customer)

15. Name and address of designated Authorised

Dealer in India through whom payment has
been received/to be received A.D. Code No. _______________________


16. Declaration by exporter

I/We hereby declare that I/we am/are the seller of the software in respect of which this declaration is
made and that the particulars given above are true and that the value to be received from the buyer represents
the export value contracted and declared above. I/we also declare that the software has been developed and
exported by using authorised and legitimate datacom links.

I/We undertake that I/we will deliver to the bank named above the foreign exchange representing the full value of
the software exported as above on or before ......................... (i.e. within six months from the date of invoice/date of last
invoice raised during a month), in the manner specified in the Regulations made under the Foreign Exchange Management
Act, 1999.
Place: Signature of the Exporter
Stamp Name: ______________________________
Designation: _________________________

(1) Copy of Export Contract [7(a)]
(2) Copy of Royalty Agreement [12(c)]
(3) Copy of communication from foreign customer [14]
Space for use of the competent authority (i.e. STPI/EPZ/SEZ) on behalf of
Ministry of Information Technology

Certified that the software described above was actually transmitted and the export/royalty value declared by the
exporter has been found to be in order and accepted by us.

Place: _________________________________________
Date: (Signature of Designated Official of STPI/EPZ/SEZ
on behalf of Ministry of Information Technology)
Stamp Name: _______________________________________
Designation: __________________________________

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 94

(For declaration of Software Exports through data-communication links

and receipt of Royalty on the Software Packages/Products exported)


1. Name and address of the

2. STPI Centre within whose

jurisdiction the unit is

3. Import-Export Code Number

4. Category of exporter : STP/EHTP/EPZ/SEZ/100% EOU/DTA unit

5. Buyer’s name and address including

country and their relationship
with exporting unit (if any)

6. Date and Number of Invoice

7. a) Whether export contract/

purchase order already
registered with STPI. Yes No
(If ‘No’, please attach copy
of the contract/purchase

b) Does contract stipulate

payment of royalty
Yes No

(For exports through data communication link)

8. Name of Authorised datacom STPI/VSNL/DOT/Internet/Others

service provider (Please specify)

9. Type of software exported (Please mark on the appropriate box on

the left side).

(a) Computer Software RBI Code

Data Entry jobs and Conversion 9 0 6

Software Data Processing

Software Development 9 0 7

Software Product, Packages 9 0 8

Others (Please specify) 9 0 9

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 95
(b) Other Software

Video/TV Software 9 1 0

Others (Please specify) 9 1 1

10. Analysis of Export Value Currency Amount

(a) Full export value
Of which :-
i) Net value of exports without
transmission charges

ii) Transmission charges

included in invoice

(b) Transmission charges (if payable

separately by the overseas client)

(c) Deduct: Agency commission,

at the rate of .......%

(d) Any other deductions as

permitted by RBI (please specify)

(e) Amount to be realised [(a+b) - (c+d)]

11. How export value will be realised

(mode of realisation) (Please mark
on the appropriate box)

(a) Under L/C (a) Name and address of ______________________

Authorised Dealer _______________________

(b) Authorised Dealer Code No. ________________

(b) Bank Guarantee (a) Name and address of ______________________

Authorised Dealer ______________________

(b) Authorised Dealer Code No. ________________

(c) Any other arrangement (a) Name and address of ______________________

e.g. advance payment, etc. Authorised Dealer ______________________
including transfer/remittance
to bank account maintained (b) Authorised Dealer Code No. ________________
overseas (Please specify)

(For receipt of Royalty on Software Packages/Products exported)

12. Details of Software Package(s)/ Product(s) exported

(a) Date of export ___________________________________

(b) GR/SDF/PP/SOFTEX Form No. on ___________________________________

which exports were declared

(c) Royalty agreement details

%age and amount of royalty ___________________________________

Period of royalty agreement

(Enclose copy of Royalty ___________________________________
agreement, if not already registered)

13. How royalty value will be realised

(as defined in Royalty agreement) ___________________________________

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 96
14. Calculation of royalty amount ___________________________________
(Enclose copy of communication
from the foreign customer)

15. Name and address of designated Authorised

Dealer in India through whom payment has
been received/to be received A.D. Code No. _______________________


16. Declaration by exporter

I/We hereby declare that I/we am/are the seller of the software in respect of which this declaration is
made and that the particulars given above are true and that the value to be received from the buyer represents
the export value contracted and declared above. I/we also declare that the software has been developed and
exported by using authorised and legitimate datacom links.

I/We undertake that I/we will deliver to the bank named above the foreign exchange representing the full
value of the software exported as above on or before ......................... (i.e. within six months from the date of
invoice/date of last invoice raised during a month), in the manner specified in the Regulations made under the
Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999.

Place: Signature of the Exporter
Date: Stamp Name: ________________________________

Designation: ___________________________

(1) Copy of Export Contract [7(a)]
(2) Copy of Royalty Agreement [12(c)]
(3) Copy of communication from foreign customer [14]
Space for use of the competent authority (i.e. STPI/EPZ/SEZ) on behalf of
Ministry of Information Technology

Certified that the software described above was actually transmitted and the export/royalty value declared by the
exporter has been found to be in order and accepted by us.

Date: (Signature of Designated Official of
on behalf of Ministry of Information Technology)
Stamp Name: _________________________________
Designation: ____________________________

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 97
For Authorised Dealer’s use only

Certificate by Authorised dealer

AD’s Uniform Code No.......................................

The SOFTEX Form included in the ENC statement sent to the Reserve Bank with the ‘R’ Return
(NOSTRO/VOSTRO) ....................................... for the period ending ................................... sent on
(Currency name)

We certify and confirm that we have received the total amount of.......................... ....... as under being the
(Currency) (Amount)
proceeds of exports declared on this form.

Date of Currency Credit to Nostro Account Debit to Non-Resident Period of R-Return with
Receipt in .................. Rupee Account of a which the realisation
(Country) bank in ..................... has been reported to RBI
In our name In the name Held with Held with
of ** us **
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(** Write the name of the concerned branch of Authorised Dealer)

Any other manner of receipt (Specify) ............................................................................................

Place:____________ Stamp
Date:____________ ___________________________
(Signature of Authorised Official)
Name: ____________________________________
Designation : _______________________________
Name & Address of__________________________
Authorised Dealer ___________________________

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 98

(For declaration of Software Exports through data-communication links

and receipt of Royalty on the Software Packages/Products exported)


1. Name and address of the

2. STPI Centre within whose

jurisdiction the unit is

3. Import-Export Code Number

4. Category of exporter : STP/EHTP/EPZ/SEZ/100% EOU/DTA unit

5. Buyer’s name and address including

country and their relationship
with exporting unit (if any)

6. Date and Number of Invoice

7. a) Whether export contract/

purchase order already
registered with STPI. Yes No
(If ‘No’, please attach copy
of the contract/purchase

b) Does contract stipulate

payment of royalty
Yes No

(For exports through data communication link)

8. Name of Authorised datacom STPI/VSNL/DOT/Internet/Others

service provider (Please specify)

9. Type of software exported (Please mark on the appropriate box on

the left side).

(a) Computer Software RBI Code

Data Entry jobs and Conversion 9 0 6

Software Data Processing

Software Development 9 0 7

Software Product, Packages 9 0 8

Others (Please specify) 9 0 9

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 99
(b) Other Software

Video/TV Software 9 1 0

Others (Please specify) 9 1 1

10. Analysis of Export Value Currency Amount

(a) Full export value
Of which :-
i) Net value of exports without
transmission charges

ii) Transmission charges

included in invoice

(b) Transmission charges (if payable

separately by the overseas client)

(c) Deduct: Agency commission,

at the rate of .......%

(d) Any other deductions as

permitted by RBI (please specify)

(e) Amount to be realised [(a+b) - (c+d)]

11. How export value will be realised

(mode of realisation) (Please mark
on the appropriate box)

(a) Under L/C (a) Name and address of ______________________

Authorised Dealer ______________________

(b) Authorised Dealer Code No. ________________

(b) Bank Guarantee (a) Name and address of ______________________

Authorised Dealer ______________________

(b) Authorised Dealer Code No. ________________

(c) Any other arrangement (a) Name and address of ___ ___________________
e.g. advance payment, etc. Authorised Dealer ______________________
including transfer/remittance
to bank account maintained (b) Authorised Dealer Code No. ________________
overseas (Please specify)

(For receipt of Royalty on Software Packages/Products exported)

12. Details of Software Package(s)/

Product(s) exported
(a) Date of export ___________________________________

(b) GR/SDF/PP/SOFTEX Form No. on ___________________________________

which exports were declared

(c) Royalty agreement details

%age and amount of royalty ___________________________________

Period of royalty agreement

(Enclose copy of Royalty ___________________________________
agreement, if not already registered)

13. How royalty value will be realised

(as defined in Royalty agreement) ___________________________________

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 100
14. Calculation of royalty amount ___________________________________
(Enclose copy of communication
from the foreign customer)

15. Name and address of designated Authorised

Dealer in India through whom payment has
been received/to be received A.D. Code No. _______________________


16. Declaration by exporter

I/We hereby declare that I/we am/are the seller of the software in respect of which this declaration is
made and that the particulars given above are true and that the value to be received from the buyer represents
the export value contracted and declared above. I/we also declare that the software has been developed and
exported by using authorised and legitimate datacom links.

I/We undertake that I/we will deliver to the bank named above the foreign exchange representing the full
value of the software exported as above on or before ......................... (i.e. within six months from the date of
invoice/date of last invoice raised during a month), specified in the Regulations made under the Foreign
Exchange Management Act, 1999.

Signature of the Exporter
Place: Stamp Name: ________________________

(1) Copy of Export Contract [7(a)]
(2) Copy of Royalty Agreement [12(c)]
(3) Copy of communication from foreign customer [14]
Space for use of the competent authority (i.e. STPI/EPZ/SEZ) on behalf of
Ministry of Information Technology

Certified that the software described above was actually transmitted and the export/royalty value declared by the
exporter has been found to be in order and accepted by us.

Place: ___________________________________
Date: (Signature of Designated Official of
on behalf of Ministry of Information Technology)
Stamp Name: _________________________________
Designation: ____________________________

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 101

A. D. Code No……………

Statement of particulars of export bills outstanding

beyond prescribed period/ due date of realisation
as at 30th June/ 31st December

Part I – Outstanding export bills other than those on deferred payment terms

Sr. Bill No. Name & Exporter’s Date Due GR/PP/ Port of Shipping Name & Commodit
No and Address Code No./ of date SOFTE Shipment bill No. address y
. date of IE Code export of X and date of the
exporter No. reali- form overseas
sation No. buyer
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Invoice Amount Amount Rupee equivalent of outstanding amount Remarks

value Realised Outstanding (To be classified as)
Currency Currency Currency Cash exports Exports on Undrawn balances
and and and consignment
Amount Amount Amount basis
12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.


Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 102
Part II – Exports on deferred payment terms where instalments (including
interest) are outstanding beyond due date

Sr. Name & Exporter’s No. & date Date of GR Port of Shipping Name & Commodity Invoice value
No. address Code No./ of RBI export Form Shipment bill No. address
of IE Code approval for No. and date of the
exporter No. deferred overseas Currency &
payment buyer Amount
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Value of goods Total Amount of Total Amount of Rupee Whether ECGC No. & date Remarks
covered under deferred instalments instalments outstanding equivalent of cover obtained of bank
deferred payment (including interest) (including interest) outstanding (Yes /No) certificate
terms(including already received beyond due date amount issued
Currency Amount Currency Amount Currency Amount

12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.


Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 103
Part III : Summary

Part I Part II

'Cash' exports Export on Undrawn Total Exports on deferred

consignment basis balances payment basis
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

Outstandings as on

(End of previous

Add: Addition during

the half- year
under report

Less: Deletion during

the half-year

Net position of
outstanding as on

(End of half-year
under report)

We certify that all export bills i.e. export bills purchased, negotiated and sent for collection, outstanding
beyond the prescribed period / due date of realisation of as at the end of half-year under report have
been included in this statement.

Place: ___________________ (Signature of Authorised Official)

Stamp Name: ______________________
Date : ___________________ Designation: _________________

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 104
Annex- 5
(Self write-off and extension of time )

Annual statement to be furnished to Authorised Dealers by exporters
giving details of export performance during a calendar year as on 31 Dec…..
(Amount in Rs 000s)
Total Export Proceeds Due Total Export Proceeds Export proceeds not realised
within the Prescribed period realised within the prescribed within the Prescribed period
of 180 days or higher period period of 180 days or higher of 180 days or higher period
as applicable period as applicable as applicable
No.of No.of No.of
SDF/PP forms SDF/PP forms SDF/PP forms
Fully Realised

Partly Realised

(Amount in Rs 000s)
Details of Export Bills not Details of Extension / Extension/ Reduction in
Realised (partly or fully) within Reduction in invoice value/ invoice value / Write off
the prescsribed period Write off by the Exporter sought from AD
GR/SOFTEX/ Amount Amount Revised due Amount Revised due
SDF/PP No. date date
@ @
(1) (2) (3)


NOTE : 1) The exporter should approach AD/RBI for extension of time in respect of bills in Column
(3) in PART B.
2) Total of Bills in Column (2) in Part B should not exceed 10% of those in Column 1 of PART
3) From 2005 onwards Bills in Column 1 of PART A will include those which have been
extended for realisation by the exporter himself or with the approval of AD/RBI.
4) In respect of export bills written off (including reduction in invoice value) evidence for
surrender of export incentives to be enclosed.
@ For cases of extension

Exporters Signature : Verified by Authorised Dealer

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 105
Annex - 6

Statement of Advance Remittance without bank guarantee or standby letter of credit where the
amount of advance is equivalent to or more than USD 5 million for import of Rough Diamonds
for the period ended ……………………..

Name of the AD Category – I Bank :

AD Code (12 digit) :

Sl. No. Name of the Name of the Amount of Advance Whether document for
Company Importer Entity Payment made evidence of import
and IEC No. without BG / Standby submitted

Diamond Trading
1. Company Pvt. Ltd.,


BHP Billiton,
3. Australia

4. Angola

ALROSA, Russia

6. Russia

Signature of the authorised official of the bank :

Date :

Stamp :

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 106
Annexure 7

Form – TC Annex to A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 87 dated April 17,

Part I : Approvals of Trade Credit granted by all branches during the (Month /

Name of the AD : Contact Person:

Address : Tel :

Fax :

Sr. Date of Loan Category of Name of Country Currency Amount Equiv. Rate of Other
No Approv Identificatio Borrower Lender* of Amt.inUS Interest chages
al n No. Lender* D in USD

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 107
Form – Excel format Annex to A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 87 dated April 17, 2004

Part I: Approvals of Trade Credit granted by all branches during the (Month / Year)…………


Period of credit Type of Crdit** Item of Import / proposed


All-in- No. of Unit of time SC / STC / Description Category***

cost Days/Mon./Yr period BC LTC

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

I. Supplier's Credit (SC)

II. Buyer's Credit (BC)
III. Short-term Trade Credit (STC) (maturity period up to one year)
IV. Long-term Trade Credit (LTC) (maturity period more than one year & less than three years)
V. Total Trade Credit (TC) (I+II)
*: or Supplier
**: Please type respective code such as SC or BC; STC or LTC.
***: Petroleum Oil Lubricants (POL), Capital Goods (CG), Others (OT)

Note 1: The format of the loan identification number is : TC/(Name of the Bank/branch)/(Identification
Note 2: Information in column nos. 8 to 13 should be numeric only. No alphabets should be entered in
those columns.
Note 3:Date format in col. No 2 is YYYY/MM/DD. For example, December 31, 2003 should be entered
as 2003/12/31
Note 4:Data on rate of interest (col. No 10) & all-in-cost(col no 12) should be entered as follows: 3 per
cent per annum is to be typed as '3.00' without any % sign.
Note 5:In the Col. No 13, no.of days/month/year under period of credit may be entered as follows: '90'
for 90 days.
Note 6:In the case of unit of time period(Col. No 14), only unit of time period such as days(DD),
months(MM), year(YY) to be entered.
Note 7: Codes for Category of Borrower (in Col. 4) may be entered as follows: PUB: Public Sector,
BKG: Banking, PVT:Private

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 108
Part II : Disbursement, Utilisation and Debt Servicing of Trade Credit during (month) / (year)

Repayments Date of

Sr.N Loan Amount Disburse Utilisat Princip Interest Other Total Outstan Shipment Final
o. Ident Approv ment ion al charges (6+7+8) ding (4- Repaymen
ificat ed (USD) (USD) 6) t
ion (USD)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Note 1: Information in column nos.1, 3 to 10 should be numeric only. No alphabets should be

entered in those columns.

Note 2: Date format in col. No 11, 12 is YYYY/MM/DD. For example, December 31, 2003 should
be entered as 2003/12/31

Certificate by the Authorised Dealer

1. All trade credits for imports approved by all our branches during the month------------------ have
been included in this statement.

2. Related import documents (including EC copy of Bill of Entry) towards utilisation of such trade
credits have been verified and found in order.

3. The drawal, utilisation and repayment of all trade credits approved by our branches have
been scrutinised and it is cerified that such drawal, utilisation and repayments of trade credits


Date: ------------------------

Signature of Authorised Dealer

[ Stamp]

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 109
Annexure 8
Statement on LCs/Guarantees/LOU/LOC issued by AD Category I Banks
As on quarter ended…………….
Name of the AD Contact person:
Address: Tel:
Email: Fax:

On behalf of Residents LCs/Guarantees/LOU/LOC issued

Trade Credits (Les than 3 years) Buyer’s Credit Supplier’s Credit

Up to one year

Above one year and les than three


** limited to import of capital goods

Place Signature of Authorised Dealer

Date [ Stamp]

Handbook on FEMA regulations – Imports and Exports Feb’09 State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad 110

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