ACLS Algorithms

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S736 Circulation November 2, 2010

Figure 1. ACLS Cardiac Arrest Algorithm.

In addition to high-quality CPR, the only rhythm-specific ventions during cardiac arrest may be associated with an
therapy proven to increase survival to hospital discharge is increased rate of ROSC but have not yet been proven to
defibrillation of VF/pulseless VT. Therefore, this intervention increase survival to hospital discharge. Therefore, they are
is included as an integral part of the CPR cycle when the recommended as considerations and should be performed
rhythm check reveals VF/pulseless VT. Other ACLS inter- without compromising quality of CPR or timely defibril-
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Figure 2. ACLS Cardiac Arrest Circular Algorithm.

lation. In other words, vascular access, drug delivery, and If the patient achieves ROSC, it is important to begin
advanced airway placement should not cause significant post– cardiac arrest care immediately to avoid rearrest and
interruptions in chest compression or delay defibrillation. optimize the patient’s chance of long-term survival with
There is insufficient evidence to recommend a specific good neurologic function (see Part 9). Finally, the reality is
timing or sequence (order) of drug administration and that the majority of resuscitative efforts do not result in
advanced airway placement during cardiac arrest. In most ROSC. Criteria for ending unsuccessful resuscitative ef-
cases the timing and sequence of these secondary inter- forts are addressed briefly below (see “When Should
ventions will depend on the number of providers partici- Resuscitative Efforts Stop?”) and in more detail in Part 3:
pating in the resuscitation and their skill levels. Timing “Ethics.”
and sequence will also be affected by whether vascular
access has been established or an advanced airway placed Rhythm-Based Management of Cardiac Arrest
before cardiac arrest. In most cases of witnessed and unwitnessed cardiac arrest the
Understanding the importance of diagnosing and treating first provider should start CPR with chest compressions and
the underlying cause is fundamental to management of all the second provider should get or turn on the defibrillator,
cardiac arrest rhythms. During management of cardiac arrest place the adhesive pads or paddles, and check the rhythm.
the provider should consider the H’s and T’s to identify and Paddles and electrode pads should be placed on the exposed
treat any factor that may have caused the arrest or may be chest in an anterior-lateral position. Acceptable alternative
complicating the resuscitative effort (Table 1).
It is common for the arrest rhythm to evolve during the
Table 1. Treatable Causes of Cardiac Arrest: The H’s and T’s
course of resuscitation. In such cases management should
shift smoothly to the appropriate rhythm-based strategy. In H’s T’s
particular, providers should be prepared to deliver a timely Hypoxia Toxins
shock when a patient who presented with asystole or PEA
Hypovolemia Tamponade (cardiac)
is found to be in VF/pulseless VT during a rhythm check.
Hydrogen ion (acidosis) Tension pneumothorax
There is no evidence that the resuscitation strategy for a
new cardiac arrest rhythm should necessarily be altered Hypo-/hyperkalemia Thrombosis, pulmonary
based on the characteristics of the previous rhythm. Med- Hypothermia Thrombosis, coronary
ications administered during resuscitation should be mon- For further explanation of the H’s and T’s, see Part 12: “Special Resusci-
itored and total doses tabulated to avoid potential toxicity. tation Situations.”

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Figure 3. Bradycardia Algorithm.

inadequate or the patient shows signs of increased work of Mobitz type II block, the block is usually below the AV node
breathing, provide supplementary oxygen. Attach a monitor within the His-Purkinje system; this block is often symptomatic,
to the patient, evaluate blood pressure, and establish IV with the potential to progress to complete (third-degree) AV
access. If possible, obtain a 12-lead ECG to better define the block. Third-degree AV block may occur at the AV node,
rhythm. While initiating treatment, evaluate the patient’s bundle of His, or bundle branches. When third-degree AV block
clinical status and identify potentially reversible causes. is present, no impulses pass between the atria and ventricles.
The provider must identify signs and symptoms of poor Third-degree AV block can be permanent or transient, depend-
perfusion and determine if those signs are likely to be caused ing on the underlying cause.
by the bradycardia (Figure 3, Box 3). If the signs and
symptoms are not due to bradycardia, the provider should Therapy (Figure 3, Box 5)
reassess the underlying cause of the patient’s symptoms. Atropine
Remember that signs and symptoms of bradycardia may be Atropine remains the first-line drug for acute symptomatic
mild; asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic patients do bradycardia (Class IIa, LOE B). Clinical trials in adults363–367
not necessarily require treatment (Figure 3, Box 4) unless showed that IV atropine improved heart rate, symptoms, and
there is suspicion that the rhythm is likely to progress to signs associated with bradycardia. Atropine sulfate reverses
symptoms or become life-threatening (eg, Mobitz type II cholinergic-mediated decreases in heart rate and should be
second-degree AV block in the setting of acute myocardial considered a temporizing measure while awaiting a transcu-
infarction [AMI]). If the bradycardia is suspected to be the taneous or transvenous pacemaker for patients with symp-
cause of acute altered mental status, ischemic chest discom- tomatic sinus bradycardia, conduction block at the level of the
fort, acute heart failure, hypotension, or other signs of shock, AV node, or sinus arrest.367
the patient should receive immediate treatment. The recommended atropine dose for bradycardia is 0.5 mg
Atrioventricular (AV) blocks are classified as first-, second-, IV every 3 to 5 minutes to a maximum total dose of 3 mg.
and third-degree. Blocks may be caused by medications or Doses of atropine sulfate of ⬍0.5 mg may paradoxically
electrolyte disturbances, as well as structural problems resulting result in further slowing of the heart rate.368 Atropine admin-
from AMI or other myocardial diseases. A first-degree AV block istration should not delay implementation of external pacing
is defined by a prolonged PR interval (⬎0.20 second) and is for patients with poor perfusion.
generally benign. Second-degree AV block is divided into Use atropine cautiously in the presence of acute coronary
Mobitz types I and II. In Mobitz type I block, the block is at the ischemia or MI; increased heart rate may worsen ischemia or
AV node; the block is often transient and asymptomatic. In increase infarction size. Atropine will likely be ineffective in
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Neumar et al Part 8: Adult Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support S751

Figure 4. Tachycardia Algorithm.

rate of a tachycardia takes on clinical significance at its on signs of increased work of breathing (tachypnea, intercos-
greater extremes and is more likely attributable to an arrhyth- tal retractions, suprasternal retractions, paradoxical abdomi-
mia rate of ⱖ150 beats per minute (Figure 4, Box 1). A rapid nal breathing) and oxyhemoglobin saturation as determined
heart rate is an appropriate response to a physiologic stress by pulse oximetry (Figure 4, Box 2). If oxygenation is
(eg, fever, dehydration) or other underlying conditions. When inadequate or the patient shows signs of increased work of
encountering patients with tachycardia, efforts should be breathing, provide supplementary oxygen. Attach a monitor
made to determine whether the tachycardia is the primary to the patient, evaluate blood pressure, and establish IV
cause of the presenting symptoms or secondary to an under- access. If available, obtain a 12-lead ECG to better define the
lying condition that is causing both the presenting symptoms rhythm, but this should not delay immediate cardioversion if
and the faster heart rate. Many experts suggest that when a the patient is unstable. While initiating treatment, evaluate the
heart rate is ⬍150 beats per minute, it is unlikely that patient’s clinical status and identify potential reversible
symptoms of instability are caused primarily by the causes of the tachycardia.
tachycardia unless there is impaired ventricular function. If signs and symptoms persist despite provision of supple-
The evaluation and management of tachyarrhythmias is mentary oxygen and support of airway and ventilation, the
depicted in the ACLS Tachycardia With Pulse Algorithm provider should assess the patient’s degree of instability and
(Figure 4). Box numbers in the text refer to numbered boxes determine if the instability is related to the tachycardia
in this algorithm. If cardiac arrest develops at any time, see (Figure 4, Box 3). If the patient demonstrates rate-related
the ACLS Cardiac Arrest Algorithms in Part 8.2: “Manage- cardiovascular compromise with signs and symptoms such as
ment of Cardiac Arrest.” acute altered mental status, ischemic chest discomfort, acute
Because hypoxemia is a common cause of tachycardia, heart failure, hypotension, or other signs of shock suspected
initial evaluation of any patient with tachycardia should focus to be due to a tachyarrhythmia, proceed to immediate syn-
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