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Projects in Contemporary

The past several decades have been marked by rapid growth in the use of project man-
agement as a means by which organizations achieve their objectives. Project manage-
ment provides an organization with powerful tools that improve its ability to plan,
implement, and control its activities as well as the ways in which it utilizes its people
and resources.
It is popular to ask, “Why can’t they run government the way I run my business?”
In the case of project management, however, business and other organizations learned
from government, not the other way around. A lion’s share of the credit for the devel-
opment of the techniques and practices of project management belongs to the mili-
tary, which faced a series of major tasks that simply were not achievable by
traditional organizations operating in traditional ways. The United States Navy’s Po-
laris program, NASA’s Apollo space program, and more recently, the space shuttle
and the development of “smart” bombs and missiles are a few of the many instances
of the application of these specially developed management approaches to extraordi-
narily complex projects. Following such examples, nonmilitary government sectors,
private industry, public service agencies, and volunteer organizations have all used
project management to increase their effectiveness. Most firms in the computer soft-
ware business routinely develop their output as projects or groups of projects.
Project management has emerged because the characteristics of our contempo-
rary society demand the development of new methods of management. Of the many
forces involved, three are paramount: (1) the exponential expansion of human knowl-
edge; (2) the growing demand for a broad range of complex, sophisticated, cus-
tomized goods and services; and (3) the evolution of worldwide competitive markets
for the production and consumption of goods and services. All three forces combine
to mandate the use of teams to solve problems that used to be solvable by individuals.
These three forces combine to increase greatly the complexity of goods and services

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produced plus the complexity of the processes used to produce them. This, in turn,
leads to the need for more sophisticated systems to control both outcomes and

Forces Fostering Project Management

First, the expansion of knowledge allows an increasing number of academic disci-
plines to be used in solving problems associated with the development, production,
and distribution of goods and services. Second, satisfying the continuing demand for
more complex and customized products and services depends on our ability to make
product design an integrated and inherent part of our production and distribution sys-
tems. Third, worldwide markets force us to include cultural and environmental differ-
ences in our managerial decisions about what, where, when, and how to produce and
distribute output. The requisite knowledge does not reside in any one individual, no
matter how well educated or knowledgeable. Thus, under these conditions, teams are
used for making decisions and taking action. This calls for a high level of coordina-
tion and cooperation between groups of people not particularly used to such interac-
tion. Largely geared to the mass production of simpler goods, traditional
organizational structures and management systems are simply not adequate to the
task. Project management is.
The organizational response to the forces noted above cannot take the form of an
instantaneous transformation from the old to the new. To be successful, the transition
must be systematic, but it tends to be slow and tortuous for most enterprises. Accom-
plishing organizational change is a natural application of project management, and
many firms have set up projects to implement their goals for strategic and tactical
Another important societal force is the intense competition among institutions,
both profit and not-for-profit, fostered by our economic system resulting in organiza-
tional “crusades” such as “supply chain management” and “Six-Sigma.” This puts ex-
treme pressure on organizations to make their complex, customized outputs available
as quickly as possible. “Time-to-market” is critical. Responses must come faster, de-
cisions must be made sooner, and results must occur more quickly. Imagine the com-
munications problems alone. Information and knowledge are growing explosively, but
the time permissible to locate and use the appropriate knowledge is decreasing.
In addition, these forces operate in a society that assumes that technology can do
anything. The fact is, this assumption is reasonably true, within the bounds of nature’s
fundamental laws. The problem lies not in this assumption so much as in a concomi-
tant assumption that allows society to ignore both the economic and noneconomic
costs associated with technological progress until some dramatic event focuses our at-
tention on the costs (e.g., the Chernobyl nuclear accident, the Exxon Valdez oil spill,
or the possibility of global warming). At times, our faith in technology is disturbed by
difficulties and threats arising from its careless implementation, as in the case of in-
dustrial waste, but on the whole we seem remarkably tolerant of technological
change. For a case in point, consider California farm workers who waited more than
20 years to challenge a University of California research program devoted to the de-
velopment of labor-saving farm machinery (Sun, 1984). The acceptance of technolog-
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ical advancement is so strong it took more than two decades to muster the legal at-
tack. Consider also the easy acceptance of communication by e-mail and shopping on
the Internet.
Finally, the projects we undertake are large and getting larger. The modern adver-
tising company, for example, advances from blanket print ads to regionally focused
television ads to personally focused Internet ads. As each new capability extends our
grasp, it serves as the base for new demands that force us to extend our reach even
farther. Projects increase in size and complexity because the more we can do, the
more we try to do.
The projects that command the most public attention tend to be large, complex,
multidisciplinary endeavors. Often, such endeavors are both similar to and different
from previous projects with which we may be more or less familiar. Similarities with
the past provide a base from which to start, but the differences imbue every project
with considerable risk. The complexities and multidisciplinary aspects of projects re-
quire that many parts be put together so that the prime objectives—performance, time
(or schedule), and cost—are met.

Three Project Objectives

While multimillion-dollar, five-year projects capture public attention, the overwhelm-
ing majority of all projects are comparatively small—though nonetheless important to
doer and user alike. They involve outcomes, or deliverables, such as a new floor for a
professional basketball team, a new insurance policy to protect against a specific ca-
sualty loss, a new Web site, a new casing for a four-wheel-drive minivan transmission,
a new industrial floor cleanser, the installation of a new method for peer-review of pa-
tient care in a hospital, even the development of new software to help manage proj-
ects. The list could be extended almost without limit. These undertakings have much
in common with their larger counterparts. They are complex, multidisciplinary, and
have the same general objectives—performance (or scope), time, and cost. We refer to
these as “direct” project objectives or goals.
There is a tendency to think of a project solely in terms of its outcome—that is,
its performance. But the time at which the outcome is available is itself a part of the
outcome, as is the cost entailed in achieving the outcome. The completion of a build-
ing on time and on budget is quite a different outcome from the completion of the
same physical structure a year late or 20 percent over budget, or both.
Indeed, even the concept of performance or scope is more complex than is appar-
ent. Much has been written in recent years arguing that, in addition to time, cost, and
specifications, there is a fourth dimension to be considered. This fourth dimension is
the expectations of the client (see Darnell, 1997), which sometimes tend to increase
as the project progresses, known as “scope creep” (see Chapter 11). One might say
that the expectations of the client are not an additional target, but an inherent part of
the project specifications. However, to consider the client’s desires as different from
the project specifications is to court conflict between client and project team, each of
whom has unique ideas about the deliverables’ nature. Also, to separate client desires
from project specifications creates conflict because client and team rarely act in con-
cert. The client specifies a desired outcome. Then the project team designs and imple-
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ments the project. Then the client views the result of the team’s ideas. Despite this
logic, differences between the client’s expectations and the project team’s designs are
common. As a result, meeting the client’s desires may not be well reflected by the
specified performance of the project. The expectations of client and project team
should be aligned and integrated throughout the entire project, but rarely are.
As a result of the above, we include the nebulous elements of the client’s expecta-
tions and desires along with the “specified” performance, as stated in the project pro-
posal, as the total “required performance” objective for the project. The three direct
project objectives are shown in Figure 1-1, with the specified project objectives on the
axes. This illustration implies that there is some “function” that relates them, one to
another—and so there is! Although the functions vary from project to project, and
from time to time for a given project, we will refer to these relationships, or trade-
offs, throughout this book. The primary task of the project manager is to manage
these trade-offs, along with a fourth, unspecified trade-off that always exists between
the direct project objectives/goals and a set of ancillary (or process) objectives/goals.
In a more basic sense, those with a stake in the project (the project manager, proj-
ect team, senior management, the client, and other project stakeholders) have an inter-
est in making the project a success. In a thorough, empirical research study that we
will consider in more detail in Chapter 12, Shenhar, Levy, and Dvir (1997) have con-
cluded that project success has four dimensions: (1) project efficiency, (2) impact on
the customer, (3) the business impact on the organization, and (4) opening new oppor-
tunities for the future. The first two are clearly part of what we have defined as the
project’s direct objectives, the latter two are also specific objectives of the project and


Required performance

Budget limit

Due date

Time Figure 1-1 Direct project goals—

performance, cost, time.
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are thus direct goals. Ancillary goals include improving the organization’s project
management competency and methods, individuals’ increased managerial experience
gained through project management, and similar goals.
One other crucial, but unstated, element of ancillary trade-offs that a PM must
consider is the health of the project team as well as the rest of the organization. The
PM cannot burn out the team in an attempt to achieve the direct objectives, nor de-
stroy the organization’s functional departments in an attempt to meet the project’s di-
rect goals. Another ancillary element is the project’s environment, that is, those things
or persons outside the project, and often outside the sponsoring organization, that af-
fect the project or are affected by it. Examples of this environment might be antipollu-
tion groups, trade unions, competitive firms, and the like. We will deal with these
issues in more detail in Chapter 12.
From the early days of project management, the direct project objectives of time,
cost, and performance (as generally agreed to by the client and the organization actu-
ally doing the project) have been accepted as the primary determinants of project suc-
cess or failure. In the past 25 years or so, other direct and ancillary objectives have
been suggested. These did not replace the traditional time, cost, and performance, but
were added as also relevant. For the most part, however, Chapters 1–11 will focus
mainly on the traditional direct objectives.

The Project Manager

While managing the trade-offs, the project manager (PM) is expected to integrate all
aspects of the project, ensure that the proper knowledge and resources are available
when and where needed, and above all, ensure that the expected results are produced
in a timely, cost-effective manner.
The complexity of the problems faced by the PM, taken together with the rapid
growth in the number of project-oriented organizations, has contributed to the profes-
sionalization of project management. The Project Management Institute (PMI) was
established in 1969. By 1990, the PMI had 7,500 members. Five years later, it had
grown to over 17,000, and by the end of 2004 it had exploded to 154,000 (see Figure
1-2). This exponential growth is indicative of the rapid growth in the use of projects,
but also reflects the importance of the PMI as a force in the development of project
management as a profession. Its mission is to foster the growth of project manage-
ment as well as “building professionalism” in the field. The Project Management
Journal and PM Network magazines were founded by the PMI to communicate ideas
about project management, as well as solutions for commonly encountered problems.
Another PMI objective is to codify the areas of learning required for competent proj-
ect management. This project management body of knowledge, PMBOK, is meant to
serve as the fundamental basis for education for project managers (Project Manage-
ment Institute, 2004). The profession has flourished, with the result that many col-
leges and universities offer training in project management and some offer specialized
degree programs in the area.
Clearly, rapid growth in the number of project managers and of the PMI member-
ship were the result, not the cause, of tremendous growth in the number of projects
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PMI membership (1000)






1970 1980 1990 2000
Figure 1-2 Project Management Institute growth history.

being carried out. The software industry alone has been responsible for a significant
percent of the growth. Another major source of growth has been the need to control
project activity in large organizations. As the number of nonroutine activities in-
creases in an organization, there is an increased need in senior management to under-
stand and control the system. Project management, with its schedules, budgets, due
dates, risk assessments, statements of expected outcomes, and people who take re-
sponsibility, is a way to meet this need. These forces have combined and led to the
creation of a project-organized firm. Much more will be said about project-oriented
organizations in Chapter 4.
As we note in the coming chapters, the project manager’s job is not without prob-
lems. There is the ever-present frustration of being responsible for outcomes while
lacking full authority to command the requisite resources or personnel. There are the
constant problems of dealing with the parties involved in any project—senior man-
agement, client, project team, and public—all of whom seem to speak different lan-
guages and have different objectives. There are the ceaseless organizational and
technical “fires to be fought.” There are vendors who cannot seem to keep “lightning-
strike-me-dead” promises about delivery dates. This list of troubles only scratches the
Difficult as the job may be, most project managers take a considerable amount of
pleasure and job satisfaction from their occupation. The challenges are many and the
risks significant, but so are the rewards of success. Project managers usually enjoy or-
ganizational visibility, considerable variety in their day-to-day duties, and often have
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the prestige associated with work on the enterprise’s high-priority objectives. The
profession, however, is not one for the timid. Risk and conflict avoiders do not make
happy project managers. Those who can stomach the risks and enjoy practicing the
arts of conflict resolution, however, can take substantial monetary and psychological
rewards from their work.

Recent Changes in Managing Organizations

In the two decades since the first edition of this book was published, the process of
managing organizations has been impacted by three revolutionary changes. First, we
have seen an accelerating replacement of traditional, hierarchical management by
consensual management. Second, we are currently witnessing the adoption of the
“systems approach” (sometimes called “systems engineering”) to deal with organiza-
tional or technological problems because it is abundantly clear that when we act on
one part of an organization or system, we are certain to affect other parts. Third, we
have seen organizations establishing projects as the preferred way to accomplish their
goals. Examples vary from the hundreds of projects required to accomplish the “glob-
alization” of a multibillion-dollar household products firm to the incremental tailoring
of products and services for individual customers. We elaborate on this tie between
the organization’s goals and the projects it selects for implemention in the following
chapter. And as we will note in Chapter 4 and elsewhere, there has been a rapid and
sustained growth in the number of organizations that use projects to accomplish al-
most all of the nonroutine tasks they undertake. While all three of these phenomena
have been known for many years, it is comparatively recent that they have been
widely recognized and practiced.
In his fascinating book, Rescuing Prometheus (Hughes, 1998), technology histo-
rian Thomas Hughes examines four large-scale projects that required the use of a non-
traditional management style, a nontraditional organizational design, and a
nontraditional approach to problem solving in order to achieve their objectives. These
huge projects—the Semiautomatic Ground Environment (SAGE) air defense system,
the Atlas Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, the Boston Central Artery/Tunnel, and the
Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s Internet (ARPANET)—
were all characterized by extraordinarily diverse knowledge and information input re-
quirements.* The size and technological complexity of these projects required input
from a large number of autonomous organizations—governmental, industrial, and aca-
demic—that usually did not work cooperatively with other organizations, were some-
times competitors, and could be philosophical and/or political opponents. Further, any
actions taken to deal with parts of the total project often had disturbing impacts on
many other parts of the system.
Obviously, these projects were not the first, complex, large-scale projects carried
out in this country or elsewhere. For example, the Manhattan Project—devoted to the
development of the atomic bomb—was such a project. The Manhattan Project, how-
ever, was the sole and full-time work for a large majority of the individuals and orga-

*Hughes’s term for this is “transdisciplinary” (across disciplines), which is rather more accurate than the
usual “interdisciplinary” (between discliplines).
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nizations working on it. The organizations contributing to the projects Hughes de-
scribes were, for the most part, working on many other tasks. For example, Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the Pentagon, IBM, Bell Labs (now Lucent
Technologies), RAND Corporation, the Massachusetts Department of Highways, and
a great many other organizations were all highly involved in one or more of these
projects while still carrying on their usual work. The use of multiple organizations
(both within and outside of the sponsoring firm) as contributors to a project is no
longer remarkable. Transdisciplinary projects are more the rule than the exception.
These revolutions and modifications in the style of management and organization
of projects will be reflected throughout this book. For example, we have come to be-
lieve that the use of a traditional, hierarchical management style rather than a consen-
sual style to manage multiorganizational projects is a major generator of conflict
between members of the project team. We have long felt, and are now certain, that
staffing multidisciplinary projects with individuals whose primary focus is on a spe-
cific discipline rather than on the problem(s) embodied in the project will also lead to
high levels of interpersonal conflict between project team members. In Chapter 4 we
will discuss some issues involved in the widespread use of projects to accomplish or-
ganizational change. As in the first edition, we adopt a systems approach to dealing
with the problems of managing projects.
This book identifies the specific tasks facing PMs. We investigate the nature of
the projects for which the PM is responsible, the skills that must be used to manage
projects, and the means by which the manager can bring the project to a successful
conclusion in terms of the three primary criteria: performance, time, and cost. Before
delving into the details of this analysis, however, we clarify the nature of a project and
determine how it differs from the other activities that are conducted in organizations.
We also note a few of the major advantages, disadvantages, strengths, and limitations
of project management. At this end of this chapter, we describe the approach followed
throughout the rest of the book.


The PMI has defined a project as “A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a

unique product or service” (Project Management Institute, 2004, p. 5). There is a rich
variety of projects to be found in our society. Although some may argue that the con-
struction of the Tower of Babel or the Egyptian pyramids were some of the first “proj-
ects,” it is probable that cavemen formed a project to gather the raw material for
mammoth stew. It is certainly true that the construction of Boulder Dam and Edison’s
invention of the light bulb were projects by any sensible definition. Modern project
management, however, is usually said to have begun with the Manhattan Project. In
its early days, project management was used mainly for very large, complex research
and development (R & D) projects like the development of the Atlas Intercontinental
Ballistic Missile and similar military weapon systems. Massive construction pro-
grams were also organized as projects—the construction of dams, ships, refineries,
and freeways, among others.
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As the techniques of project management were developed, mostly by the military,

the use of project organization began to spread. Private construction firms found that
project organization was helpful on smaller projects, such as the building of a ware-
house or an apartment complex. Automotive companies used project organization to de-
velop new automobile models. Both General Electric and Pratt & Whitney used project
organization to develop new jet aircraft engines for airlines, as well as the Air Force.
Project management has even been used to develop new models of shoes and ships
(though possibly not sealing wax). More recently, the use of project management by in-
ternational organizations, and especially organizations producing services rather than
products, has grown rapidly. Advertising campaigns, global mergers, and capital acqui-
sitions are often handled as projects, and the methods have spread to the nonprofit sec-
tor. Teas, weddings, scout-o-ramas, fund drives, election campaigns, parties, and recitals
have all made use of project management. Most striking has been the widespread adop-
tion of project management techniques for the development of computer software.
In discussions of project management, it is sometimes useful to make a distinc-
tion between terms such as project, program, task, and work packages. The military,
source of most of these terms, generally uses the term program to refer to an excep-
tionally large, long-range objective that is broken down into a set of projects. These
projects are divided further into tasks, which are, in turn, split into work packages that
are themselves composed of work units. But exceptions to this hierarchical nomencla-
ture abound. The Manhattan Project was a huge “program,” but a “task force” was
created to investigate the many potential futures of a large steel company.
In the broadest sense, a project is a specific, finite task to be accomplished.
Whether large- or small-scale or whether long- or short-run is not particularly rele-
vant. What is relevant is that the project be seen as a unit. There are, however, some
attributes that characterize projects.

The most crucial attribute of a project is that it must be important enough in the eyes
of senior management to justify setting up a special organizational unit outside the
routine structure of the organization. If the rest of the organization senses, or even
suspects, that it is not really that important, the project is generally doomed to fail.
The symptoms of lack of importance are numerous and subtle: no mention of it by top
management, assigning the project to someone of low stature or rank, adding the proj-
ect to the responsibilities of someone who is already too overworked, failing to moni-
tor its progress, failing to see to its resource needs, and so on.

A project is usually a one-time activity with a well-defined set of desired end results.
(We discuss poorly defined, or “quasi-” projects a bit later.) It can be divided into sub-
tasks that must be accomplished in order to achieve the project goals. The project is
complex enough that the subtasks require careful coordination and control in terms of
timing, precedence, cost, and performance. Often, the project itself must be coordi-
nated with other projects being carried out by the same parent organization.
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Life Cycle with a Finite Due Date

Like organic entities, projects have life cycles. From a slow beginning they progress
to a buildup of size, then peak, begin a decline, and finally must be terminated by
some due date. (Also like organic entities, they often resist termination.) Some proj-
ects end by being phased into the normal, ongoing operations of the parent organi-
zation. The life cycle is discussed further in Section 1.3 where an important
exception to the usual description of the growth curve is mentioned. There are sev-
eral different ways in which to view project life cycles. These will be discussed in
more detail later.

Projects often interact with other projects being carried out simultaneously by their
parent organization. Typically, these interactions take the form of competition for
scarce resources between projects, and much of Chapter 9 is devoted to dealing with
these issues. While such interproject interactions are common, projects always inter-
act with the parent organization’s standard, ongoing operations. Although the func-
tional departments of an organization (marketing, finance, manufacturing, and the
like) interact with one another in regular, patterned ways, the patterns of interaction
between projects and these departments tend to be changeable. Marketing may be in-
volved at the beginning and end of a project, but not in the middle. Manufacturing
may have major involvement throughout. Finance is often involved at the beginning
and accounting (the controller) at the end, as well as at periodic reporting times. The
PM must keep all these interactions clear and maintain the appropriate interrelation-
ships with all external groups.

Though the desired end results may have been achieved elsewhere, they are at least
unique to this organization. Moreover, every project has some elements that are
unique. No two construction or R & D projects are precisely alike. Though it is clear
that construction projects are usually more routine than R & D projects, some degree
of customization is a characteristic of projects. In addition to the presence of risk, as
noted earlier, this characteristic means that projects, by their nature, cannot be com-
pletely reduced to routine. The PM’s importance is emphasized because, as a devotee
of management by exception, the PM will find there are a great many exceptions to
manage by.

Projects have limited budgets, both for personnel as well as other resources. Often the
budget is implied rather than detailed, particularly concerning personnel, but it is
strictly limited. The attempt to obtain additional resources (or any resources) leads to
the next attribute—conflict.
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More than most managers, the PM lives in a world characterized by conflict. Projects
compete with functional departments for resources and personnel. More serious, with
the growing proliferation of projects, is the project-versus-project conflict for re-
sources within multiproject organizations. The members of the project team are in al-
most constant conflict for the project’s resources and for leadership roles in solving
project problems. The PM must be expert in conflict resolution, but we will see later
that there are helpful types of conflict. The PM must recognize the difference.
The four parties-at-interest or “stakeholders” (client, parent organization, project
team, and the public) in any project even define success and failure in different ways
(see Chapters 12 and 13). The client wants changes, and the parent organization
wants profits, which may be reduced if those changes are made. Individuals working
on projects are often responsible to two bosses at the same time; these bosses may
have different priorities and objectives. Project management is no place for the timid.

Nonprojects and Quasi-Projects

If the characteristics listed above define a project, it is appropriate to ask if there are
nonprojects. There are. The use of a manufacturing line to produce a flow of standard
products is a nonproject. The production of weekly employment reports, the prepara-
tion of school lunches, the delivery of mail, the flight of Delta-1288 from Dallas to
Dulles, checking your e-mail, all are nonprojects. While one might argue that each of
these activities is, to some degree, unique, it is not their uniqueness that characterizes
them. They are all routine. They are tasks that are performed over and over again.
This is not true of projects. Each project is a one-time event. Even the construction of
a section of interstate highway is a project. No two miles are alike and constructing
them demands constant adaptation to the differences in terrain and substructure of the
earth on which the roadbed is to be laid. Projects cannot be managed adequately by
the managerial routines used for routine work.
In addition to projects and nonprojects, there are also quasi-projects: “Bill, would
you look into this?” “Judy, we need to finish this by Friday’s meeting.” “Can you find
out about this before we meet with the customer?” Most people would consider that
they have just been assigned a project, depending on who “we” and “you’’ is supposed
to include. Yet there may be no specific task identified, no specific budget given, and no
specific deadline defined. Are they still projects, and if so, can project management
methods be used to manage them? Certainly! The performance, schedule, and budget
have been implied rather than carefully delineated by the words “this,” “meet,” and
“we” (meaning “you”) or “you” (which may mean a group or team). In such cases, it is
best to try to quickly nail down the performance, schedule, and budget as precisely as
possible, but without antagonizing the manager who assigned the project. You may need
to ask for additional help or other resources if the work is needed soon—is it needed
soon? How accurate/thorough/detailed does it need to be? And other such questions.
One common quasi-project in the information systems area is where the project in-
cludes discovery of the scope or requirements of the task itself (and possibly also the
budget and deadline). How can you plan a project when you don’t know the performance
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Project Management in Practice

The Olympic Torch Relay Project



New York


Angeles Atlanta

New Orleans


Getting the Olympic Flame, known as the The caravan included: 50 cellular telephones; 60
Olympic Torch Relay, to the Salt Lake City, pagers; 120 radios; 30 cars; 10 motorcycles; and
Utah, USA 2002 Olympic Games promised to be clothing for 10,000 runners, 10,000 volunteers, as
no simple matter. Generally, the Torch Relay has well as 2,500 escort runners.
gotten longer and more complex with every However, the torch relay is also a major mar-
Olympic event. This complexity is driven by the keting campaign, primarily for the relay’s spon-
realization of host-country citizens that it is a rare sors. Thus, accompanying the Atlanta-bound
opportunity to have the Olympic torch pass caravan were trucks hawking Olympic memo-
through your hometown and the corresponding rabilia: t-shirts, sweatshirts, baseball caps, tick-
goal of the Olympic Committee to touch as many ets to the soccer matches, and on and on. In
lives as possible in a positive way. addition to retail commercialism, a number of
Planning for the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Torch companies were piggybacking on the torch
Relay took two years, cost over $20 million, and relay to further their own commercial interests:
involved an 84 day, 42 state campaign using IBM, Motorola, BellSouth, Texaco, BMW, Lee,
10,000 runners to carry the torch for 15,000 miles! Coca-Cola, and so on. All in all, a very success-
Accompanying the runners was a 40-vehicle cara- ful relay!
van carrying security officers, media personnel,
medical personnel, computers, telecommunica- Source: G. Ruffenach, “Getting the Olympic Flame to Atlanta
tions gear, clothing, food, and spare lanterns with Won’t Be a Simple Cross-Country Run,” The Wall Street Jour-
extra flames in case the original torch went out. nal, February 26, 1996.
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requirements? In this case, the project is, in fact, determining the performance require-
ments (and possibly the budget and deadline also). If the entire set of work (including the
discovery) has been assigned to you as a project, then the best approach is to set this de-
termination as the first “milestone” in the project, at which point the resources, budget,
deadline, capabilities, personnel, and any other matters will be reviewed to determine if
they are sufficient to the new project requirements. Alternatively, the customer may be
willing to pay for the project on a “cost-plus” basis, and call a halt to the effort when the
benefits no longer justify the cost.


The basic purpose for initiating a project is to accomplish specific goals. The reason
for organizing the task as a project is to focus the responsibility and authority for the
attainment of the goals on an individual or small group.
In spite of the fact that the PM often lacks authority at a level consistent with his
or her responsibility, the manager is expected to coordinate and integrate all activities
needed to reach the project’s goals. In particular, the project form of organization al-
lows the manager to be responsive to: (1) the client and the environment, (2) identify
and correct problems at an early date, (3) make timely decisions about trade-offs be-
tween conflicting project goals, and (4) ensure that managers of the separate tasks that
comprise the project do not optimize the performance of their individual tasks at the
expense of the total project—that is, that they do not suboptimize.
Actual experience with project management (such as through the currently popu-
lar Six-Sigma projects) indicates that the majority of organizations using it experience
better control and better customer relations (Davis, 1974), and probably an increase in
their project’s return on investment (Ibbs and Kwak, 1997). A significant proportion
of users also report shorter development times, lower costs, higher quality and relia-
bility, and higher profit margins. Other reported advantages include a sharper orienta-
tion toward results, better interdepartmental coordination, and higher worker morale.
On the negative side, most organizations report that project management results
in greater organizational complexity. Many also report that project organization in-
creases the likelihood that organizational policy will be violated—not a surprising
outcome, considering the degree of autonomy required for the PM. A few firms re-
ported higher costs, more management difficulties, and low personnel utilization.
As we will see in Chapter 4, the disadvantages of project management stem from
exactly the same sources as its advantages. The disadvantages seem to be the price
one pays for the advantages. On the whole, the balance weighs in favor of project or-
ganization if the work to be done is appropriate for a project.
The tremendous diversity of uses to which project management can be put has had
an interesting, and generally unfortunate, side-effect. While we assert that all projects
are to some extent unique, there is an almost universal tendency for those working on
some specific types of projects to argue, “Software (or construction, or R & D, or mar-
keting, or machine maintenance, or . . .) projects are different and you can’t expect us
to schedule (or budget, or organize, or manage, or . . .) in the same way that other
kinds of projects do.” Disagreement with such pleas for special treatment is central to
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the philosophy of this book. The fundamental similarities between all sorts of projects,
be they long or short, product- or service-oriented, parts of all-encompassing programs
or stand-alone, are far more pervasive than are their differences.
There are real limitations on project management. For example, the mere creation
of a project may be an admission that the parent organization and its managers cannot
accomplish the desired outcomes through the functional organization. Further, con-
flict seems to be a necessary side-effect. As we noted, the PM often lacks authority
that is consistent with the assigned level of responsibility. Therefore, the PM must de-
pend on the goodwill of managers in the parent organization for some of the neces-
sary resources. Of course, if the goodwill is not forthcoming, the PM may ask senior
officials in the parent organization for their assistance. But to use such power often re-
flects poorly on the skills of the PM and, while it may get cooperation in the instance
at hand, it may backfire in the long run.
We return to the subject of the advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of the
project form of organization later. For the moment, it is sufficient to point out that
project management is difficult even when everything goes well. When things go
badly, PMs have been known to turn gray overnight and take to hard drink! The trou-
ble is that project organization is the only feasible way to accomplish certain goals. It
is literally not possible to design and build a major weapon system, for example, in a
timely and economically acceptable manner, except by project organization. The
stronger the emphasis on achievement of results in an organization, the more likely it
will be to adopt some form of project management. The stake or risks in using project
management may be high, but no more so than in any other form of management.
And for projects, it is less so. Tough as it may be, it is all we have—and it works!
All in all, the life of a PM is exciting, rewarding, at times frustrating, and tends to
be at the center of things in most organizations. Project management is now being
recognized as a “career path” in a growing number of firms, particularly those con-
ducting projects with lives extending more than a year or two. In such organizations,
PMs may have to function for several years, and it is important to provide promotion
potential for them. It is also common for large firms to put their more promising
young managers through a “tour of duty” during which they manage one or more
projects (or parts of projects). This serves as a good test of the aspiring manager’s
ability to coordinate and manage complex tasks and to achieve results in a politically
challenging environment where negotiation skills are required.


Most projects go through similar stages on the path from origin to completion. We de-
fine these stages, shown in Figure 1-3, as the project’s life cycle. The project is born
(its start-up phase) and a manager is selected, the project team and initial resources
are assembled, and the work program is organized. Then work gets under way and
momentum quickly builds. Progress is made. This continues until the end is in sight.
But completing the final tasks seems to take an inordinate amount of time, partly be-
cause there are often a number of parts that must come together and partly because
team members “drag their feet” for various reasons and avoid the final steps.
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Slow finish

% Project completion

Quick momentum

Slow start

Figure 1-3 The project life cycle.

The pattern of slow-rapid-slow progress toward the project goal is common. Any-
one who has watched the construction of a home or building has observed this phe-
nomenon. For the most part, it is a result of the changing levels of resources used
during the successive stages of the life cycle. Figure 1-4 shows project effort, usually
in terms of person-hours or resources expended per unit of time (or number of people
working on the project) plotted against time, where time is broken up into the several
phases of project life. Minimal effort is required at the beginning, when the project
concept is being developed and subjected to project selection processes. (Later, we
will argue that increasing effort in the early stages of the life cycle will improve the
chance of project success.) Normally there is a strong correlation between the life-
cycle progress curve of Figure 1-3 and the effort curve of Figure 1-4 because effort
usually results in corresponding progress (although not always). Hence the mathemat-
ical derivative of the former tends to resemble the latter (Cioffi, 2004). Moreover,
since the effort curve is generally nonsymmetrical, the progress curve will in general
not be symmetrical either.
Activity increases as planning is completed and the real work of the project gets
underway. This rises to a peak and then begins to taper off as the project nears com-
pletion, finally ceasing when evaluation is complete and the project is terminated.
While this rise and fall of effort always occurs, there is no particular pattern that
seems to typify all projects, nor any reason for the slowdown at the end of the project
to resemble the buildup at its beginning. Some projects end without being dragged
out, as is shown in Figure 1-4. Others, however, may be like T. S. Eliot’s world, and
end “not with a bang but a whimper,” gradually slowing down until one is almost sur-
prised to discover that project activity has ceased. In some cases, the effort may never
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Peak effort level

Level of effort

Planning, scheduling, Evaluation
monitoring, control and termination
Conception Selection

Figure 1-4 Time distribution of project effort.

fall to zero because the project team, or at least a cadre group, may be maintained for
the next appropriate project that comes along. The new project will then rise,
phoenix-like, from the ashes of the old.
The ever-present goals of meeting performance, time, and cost are the major con-
siderations throughout the project’s life cycle. It was generally thought that perfor-
mance took precedence early in the project’s life cycle. This is the time when
planners focus on finding the specific methods required to meet the project’s perfor-
mance goals. We refer to these methods as the project’s technology because they re-
quire the application of a science or art.
When the major “how” problems are solved, project workers sometimes become
preoccupied with improving performance, often beyond the levels required by the
original specifications. This search for better performance delays the schedule and
pushes up the costs.
At the same time that the technology of the project is defined, the project
schedule is designed and project costs are estimated. Just as it was thought that per-
formance took precedence over schedule and cost early in the life cycle, cost was
thought to be of prime importance during the periods of high activity, and then
schedule became paramount during the final stages, when the client demanded de-
livery. This conventional wisdom turns out to be untrue. Recent research indicates
that performance and schedule are more important than cost during all stages. The
reality of time-cost-performance trade-offs will be discussed in greater detail in
Chapter 3.
Figure 1-3 presents the conventional view of the project life cycle. There are,
however, many projects that have a life cycle quite different from the S-shaped Fig-
ure 1-3, conventional wisdom to the contrary. Remember that Figure 1-3 shows
“percent project completion” as a function of “time.” The life-cycle function is es-
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sentially unchanged if, for the horizontal axis, we use “resources” instead. In effect,
the life cycle shows what an economist might call “return on input,” that is, the
amount of project completion resulting from inputs of time or resources. While the
S-shaped return curve reflects reality on many projects, it is seriously misleading
for others.
For example, consider your progress toward getting a degree, which is usually
specified, in large part, by the number of credit hours for courses successfully passed.
For smooth progress toward the degree, the life-cycle “curve” would probably resem-
ble a stairstep, each level portion representing a term of study and the step up repre-
senting completion of credit toward the degree. Summer vacation would, of course,
be a longer level stair continuing into the fall term. Passing a crucial licensing exam,
such as the Certified Public Accountant (CPA), the bar exam for attorneys, or even an
electrician’s or plumber’s certification, might appear as a long flat line along the hori-
zontal axis with a spike at the time of passing the exam; of course, the effort curve of
Figure 1-4 would look completely different.
Another type of life-cycle curve might be the installation of a new technology
consisting of multiple parts, where each independent part resulted in different in-
cremental benefits. In these cases, organizations prefer to install those parts result-
ing in “the biggest bang for the buck” first, so the resulting life-cycle curve would
show great progress at first, and slightly less next, and continual dwindling off as
the remaining parts were installed, essentially concave with “decreasing returns to
scale,” as the economists call it. And there might even be an “inverse S-curve” rep-
resenting fast progress at first, a slowdown in the middle, and then speeding up
again at the end.
A particularly important alternative life cycle shape can be captured by the
analogy of baking a cake. Once the ingredients are mixed, we are instructed to
bake the cake in a 350 (F) oven for 35 minutes. At what point in the baking
process do we have “cake?” Experienced bakers know that the mixture changes
from “goop” (a technical term well known to bakers and cooks) to “cake” quite
rapidly in the last few minutes of the baking process. The life cycle of this process
looks like the curve shown in Figure 1-5. A number of actual projects have a simi-
lar life cycle, for example, some computer software projects, or chemistry and

% Project completion

Figure 1-5 Another possible
Time project life cycle.
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chemical engineering projects. In general, this life cycle often exists for projects in
which the output is composed or constructed of several subunits (or subroutines)
that have little use in and of themselves, but are quite useful when put together.
This life-cycle curve would also be typical for projects where a chemical-type re-
action occurs that rapidly transforms the output from useless to useful—from goop
to cake. Another example is the preparation of the manuscript for the current edi-
tion of this book. A great deal of information must be collected, a great deal of
rewriting must be done and new materials gathered, but there is no visible result
until everything is assembled.
Figure 1-3 shows that, as the project nears completion, continued inputs of time
or resources result in successively smaller increments of completion—diminishing
marginal returns. Figure 1-5 shows the opposite. As these projects near completion,
additional inputs result in successively larger increments of progress—increasing
marginal returns, obviously bounded at 100 percent completion. In Chapter 7, we will
see that the distinction between these types of life cycles plays a critical role in devel-
oping budgets and schedules for projects. It is not necessary for the PM to estimate
the precise shape of the life-cycle curve, but the PM must know which type of project
life cycle applies to the project at hand.
There is another comparison between the two types of project life cycles that is
instructive. For the S-shaped life cycle in Figure 1-3, percentage of project comple-
tion is closely correlated with cost, or the use of resources. In fact, this is the basis for
the use of “earned value,” a technique for monitoring project progress that we will de-
scribe in more detail in Chapter 10. However, for the exponential progress curve in
Figure 1-5, the expenditure of resources has little correlation with progress, at least in
terms of final benefit.
Finally, not only does the shape of the project life-cycle curve fail to conform to a
neat, single shape—there are also several different ways in which a project life cycle
can be viewed and understood. We might view the project life cycle as a control sys-
tem, as a mechanism to control quality, as a way of organizing the management of
risk, and as a collection of small projects within larger projects within still larger proj-
ects. Each of these views of a project’s life is useful to the project manager. These
will be discussed in later chapters.

Risk During the Life Cycle

It would be a great source of comfort if one could predict with certainty, at the start of
a project, how the performance, time, and cost goals would be met. In a few cases,
routine construction projects, for instance, we can generate reasonably accurate pre-
dictions, but often we cannot. There may be considerable uncertainty about our abil-
ity to meet project goals. The crosshatched portion of Figure 1-6 illustrates that
Figure 1-6 shows the uncertainty as seen at the beginning of the project. Figure
1-7 shows how the uncertainty decreases as the project moves toward completion.
From project start time, t0, the band of uncertainty grows until it is quite wide by the
estimated end of the project. As the project actually develops, the degree of uncertainty
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Project cost

Figure 1-6 Estimate of proj-

ect cost: estimate made at proj-
Time ect start.

about the final outcome is reduced. (See the estimate made at t1, for example.) A later
forecast, made at t2, reduces the uncertainty further. It is common to make new fore-
casts about project performance, time, and cost either at fixed intervals in the life of
the project or when specific technological milestones are reached. In any event, the
more progress made on the project, the less uncertainty there is about achieving the
final goal.
Note that the focus in Figures 1-6 and 1-7 is on the uncertainty associated with
project cost—precisely, the uncertainty of project cost at specific points in time.
Without significantly altering the shapes of the curves, we could exchange titles on
the axes. The figures would then show the uncertainty associated with estimates of
Project cost

t0 t1 t2 Time
Figure 1-7 Estimates of project cost: estimates made at time t0, t1, and t2.
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Project Management in Practice

Demolishing San Francisco’s Bridges Safely

The Central Freeway Viaduct in downtown San related parties. An extensive Demolition Plan
Francisco suffered major structural damage dur- was required and included:
ing the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake and re-
—a Code of Safe Practice describing personal
cently had to be safely demolished. The task was
protective equipment for the workers, as
complicated because the bilevel, multispan
well as a maintenance plan for the equip-
bridge passed within six feet of heavily popu-
lated buildings, ran in the vicinity of both over-
head and underground utilities (gas, water, —a demolition sequence plan (sequence of
electric, and sewer lines), and crossed both com- work, staging, equipment location, re-
mercial and residential areas with strict vibration straints, safety structures, traffic control)
and sound level restrictions. Thus, managing the —a dust control plan
demolition while ensuring the safety of both the —work-hour schedule
on-going population and existing facilities was a —noise-level monitoring
major challenge. —load determinations and structural analyses.
The primary tools for conducting such a deli-
cate, but dangerous operation were detailed plan- Most of the demolition was accomplished
ning and thorough communications with all using a breaker on the upper deck of the bridge
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and a pulverizer on the lower deck. First the communication was made with utility companies
roadway slab was demolished, then the girders and others concerned with a particular segment
were pulverized and all the debris pushed down being demolished. In this fashion, the entire
to the ground. Then the cap, columns, and re- viaduct was demolished with no major accidents
strainers were demolished. This process contin- or injuries.
ued along the length of the bridge until the entire
distance was demolished. Constant monitoring Source: O. Y. Abudayyeh, “Safety Issues in Bridge Demoli-
was conducted for noise, vibration, safety, and tion Projects: A Case Study,” PM Network, January 1997, pp.
procedures throughout the project. Continuous 43–45.

the project schedule, given specific levels of expenditure. The relationship be-
tween time and cost (and performance) is emphasized throughout this book. Deal-
ing with the uncertainty surrounding this relationship is a major responsibility of
the PM.


This book, a project in itself, has been organized to follow the life cycle of all projects.
It begins with the creative idea that launches most projects and ends with termination
of the project. This approach is consistent with our belief that it is helpful to under-
stand the entire process of project management in order to understand and manage its
parts. In addition, although this book is intended primarily for the student who wants
to study project management, we feel it can also be of value to the prospective or act-
ing PM, and to senior managers who initiate projects and select, work with, or manage
PMs. Therefore, our interests often go beyond the issues of primary concern to begin-
ning students.
Most actual projects will not be of the size and complexity addressed in many of
our discussions. Though our intent was not to confine our remarks only to large engi-
neering-oriented projects, these are typically the most complex and place the greatest
demands on project management. Smaller, simpler projects may therefore not require
the depth of tools and techniques we will present, but the student or manager should
be aware that such tools exist.
Project management actually begins with the initial concept for the project. We feel
that this aspect of project management is so important, yet so universally ignored in
books on project management, that we included two appendices covering this area in
previous editions of this book. In one appendix we discussed creativity and idea genera-
tion. In another, we described some of the techniques of technological forecasting. While
our notion about the importance of these subjects is unchanged, the location of the two
appendices has been moved from the end of this work to the Internet. The complete text
of both appendices now appears in (along with
other items noted in the preface to this edition). We realize that these topics may be of
more direct interest to the senior manager than the PM. Though a PM may prefer to skip
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this material, since what is past is past, we believe that history holds lessons for the
future. Wise PMs will wish to know the reasons for, and the history behind, the initiation
of their project.
In years past, there were arguments between those who insisted that project man-
agement was primarily a quantitative science and those who maintained that it was a
behavioral science. It has become clear that one cannot adequately manage a project
without depending heavily on both mathematics and the science of human behavior.
To contend that mathematics is exact and that behavioral science is “mushy” is to ig-
nore the high level of subjectivity in most of the numeric estimates made about the
times, costs, and risks associated with projects. On the other hand, to assert that “peo-
ple don’t really use that stuff” (mathematical models) is to substitute wishful thinking
for reality. For nonmathematicians, we have computers to help with the requisite
arithmetic. For the nonbehaviorists, there is no help except hard work and an accept-
ing attitude toward the subject.
Before undertaking any journey, it is useful to know what roads are to be trav-
eled. While each individual chapter begins with a more detailed account of its con-
tents, what follows is a brief description of chapter contents along with their
organization into three general areas: project initiation, project implementation,
and project termination. Following this introductory chapter, the material in Part I
focuses on project initiation beginning with strategic management through judi-
cious selection of the organization’s projects. Chapter 2 describes strategic project
management through an eight-step procedure called the “project portfolio
process.” It then details the problems of evaluating and selecting projects, includ-
ing descriptions of the major models used to select projects for funding in govern-
ment, as well as in industry. In addition, this chapter also covers some of the
technical details of proposals. Chapter 3, “The Project Manager,” concerns the
PM’s roles, responsibilities, and some personal characteristics a project manager
should possess. It also discusses the problems a PM faces when operating in a
multicultural environment. Next, Chapter 4 concentrates on establishing the pro-
ject organization. Different organizational forms are described, as well as their re-
spective advantages and disadvantages. The staffing of the project team is also
discussed. Chapter 5 deals with project planning and presents tools useful in orga-
nizing and staffing the various project tasks. It also contains a short discussion of
phase-gate management systems and other ways of dealing with the problems
raised when multidisciplinary teams work on complex projects. Concluding Part I
of the book, Chapter 6 covers a subject of critical importance to the PM that is al-
most universally ignored in project management texts: the art of negotiating for re-
sources. The chapter also includes some major sources of interpersonal conflict
among members of the project team.
In Part II we consider project implementation. This section of the text discusses
the essentials of ongoing project management. Because of its importance, budgeting
is addressed first in Chapter 7. Scheduling, a crucial aspect of project planning, is
then described in Chapter 8, along with the most common scheduling models such as
the Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), the Critical Path Method
(CPM), and precedence diagramming. Resource allocation is covered in Chapter 9.
For single projects, we discuss how the resource allocation problem concerns re-
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source leveling to minimize the cost of the resources; but for multiple projects, we
learn that the issue is how to allocate limited resources among several projects in
order to achieve the objectives of each.
Chapter 10 examines the information requirements of a project and the need for
monitoring critical activities. Included in this chapter is a description of some com-
mon Project Management Information Systems (PMIS). In general, it is not possible
to manage adequately any but the smallest of projects without the use of a computer-
ized PMIS. There are many such systems available and several are briefly discussed,
but in this book all examples using PMIS will use Microsoft Project Professional
2002® (as well as Excel® and other software made to interact easily with Microsoft
Project® and Excel®), by far the most popular project management software. While
Microsoft has been a driving force in the development of project management soft-
ware, there is a wide variety of PMIS available. We must add that to use any project
management software wisely, the user must understand the principles of project man-
agement. Concluding Part II, the implementation phase, Chapter 11 describes the
control process in project management. This chapter covers standards for comparison
and tools to aid the manager in maintaining control.
The final section of the book, Part III, concerns project termination. Chapter 12
deals with methods for both ongoing and terminal evaluations of a project, as well as
identifying factors associated with project success and failure. Chapter 13 describes
the different forms of project termination, such as outright shutdown, integration into
the regular organization, or extension into a new project. Each of these forms presents
unique problems for the PM to solve.
The subject of risk management and its component parts, risk management plan-
ning, risk identification, risk assessment, risk quantification, risk response develop-
ment, and risk monitoring and control (Project Management Institute, 2004), is given
extensive coverage throughout this book. We considered the addition of a chapter
specifically devoted to the management of risk, but the fact that risk and uncertainty
are inherent in all aspects of project life led us to incorporate discussions of risk man-
agement when they were relevant to the problem at hand.
Determination of the sources and nature of risks that might affect a project is risk
identification and, in our opinion, should be the subject of an ongoing analysis carried
out by the project council, the Project Management Office, and the project team itself.
Risk identification, therefore, should be embedded as a part of any project, and we
deal with the subject in Chapter 4 when we discuss project organization.
Risk analysis, a term we use to cover both risk quantification and risk response
planning, is devoted to estimating the specific impacts that various uncertainties may
have on project outcomes. The techniques used to estimate and describe uncertain
outcomes vary with the particular problem at hand. Determination of the impact of
risks on the project selection process, for example, is significantly different from a
study of the impact of risks on project budgets or schedules. Each will be considered
in its appropriate place. The use of Decisioneering’s Crystal Ball® 2000 (enclosed
with this volume) will greatly simplify the mathematical difficulties often associated
with risk analysis.
With this introduction, let us begin our study, a project in itself, and, we hope, an
interesting and pleasant one.
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This chapter introduced the subject of project manage- • The three prime objectives of project manage-
ment and discussed its importance in our society. It de- ment are to meet specified performance within
fined what we mean by a “project,” discussed the need cost and on schedule.
for project management, and described the project life • Our terminology follows in this order: program,
cycle. The final section explained the structure of this project, task, work package, work unit.
text and gave an overview of the material to be de-
scribed in coming chapters. • Projects are characterized by their importance,
specific end results, a definite life cycle, complex
The following specific points were made in the
interdependencies, some or all unique elements,
limited resources, and an environment of conflict.
• The Project Management Institute (PMI) was • Project management, though not problem-free,
founded in 1969 to foster the growth and profes- is the best way to accomplish certain goals.
sionalism of project management.
• Projects often start slowly, build up speed while
• Project management is now being recognized as using considerable resources, and then slow
a valuable “career path” in many organizations, down as completion nears.
as well as a way to gain valuable experience
within the organization. • This text is organized along the project life cycle
concept, starting with project initiation in Chap-
• Project management, initiated by the military, ters 2 to 6, where selection of the project and
provides managers with powerful planning and project manager occurs and project organization
control tools. and planning begin. Project implementation,
• The three primary forces behind project manage- Chapters 7 to 11, is concerned with budgeting,
ment are (1) the growing demand for complex, scheduling, resource allocation, and activity
customized goods and services; (2) the exponen- monitoring and control. Project termination,
tial expansion of human knowledge; and (3) the concerning final evaluation and completion, is
global production-consumption environment. covered in Chapters 12 and 13.


Deliverables The desired elements of value, out- Project Management The means, techniques, and
comes, or results that must be delivered for a project to concepts used to run a project and achieve its objec-
be considered complete. tives.
Interdependencies Relations between organiza- Risk The chance that project processes or outcomes
tional functions where one function or task is depen- will not occur as planned.
dent on others. Stakeholder see “Parties-at-interest.”
Life Cycle A standard concept of a product or proj- Suboptimize Doing the best within a function or
ect wherein it goes through a start-up phase, a building area but at a cost to the larger whole.
phase, a maturing phase, and a termination phase. Task A subset of a project, consisting of work pack-
Parties-at-Interest Individuals or groups with a ages.
special interest in a project, usually the project team, Technology The means for accomplishing a task.
client, senior management, and specific public interest Trade-off Taking less on one measure, such as per-
groups. formance, in order to do better on another, such as
Program Often not distinguished from a project, schedule or cost.
but frequently meant to encompass a group of similar
projects oriented toward a specific goal.
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Uncertainty Having only partial or no information Work Package A subelement of a task at the lowest
about the situation or outcomes, often due to ambiguity level in the Work Breakdown Strucure, used to assign
or complexity. costs and values.


Material Review Questions

1. Name and briefly describe the societal forces that 7. How do projects, programs, tasks, and work pack-
have contributed to the need for project management. ages differ?
2. Describe the life cycle of a project in terms of (1) 8. How would you define a project?
the degree of project completion; (2) required effort. 9. What are some of the interdependencies related to
3. Describe the limitations of project management. a project?
4. List the seven main characteristics of a project and 10. What are some sources of conflict the project man-
briefly describe the important features of each. ager must deal with?
5. Name and briefly describe the three primary goals 11. Differentiate between direct and ancillary project
of a project. goals. Would learning a new skill through the project
6. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of proj- be a direct or ancillary goal? Entering a new market?
ect management.
Class Discussion Questions
12. Give several examples of projects found in our soci- 18. Discuss why there are trade-offs among the three
ety, avoiding those already discussed in the chapter. prime objectives of project management.
13. Describe some situations in which project manage- 19. Why is the life cycle curve often “S” shaped?
ment would probably not be effective. 20. How might project management be used when
14. How does the rate-of-project-progress chart (Fig. doing a major schoolwork assignment?
1-3) help a manager make decisions? 21. Why is there such a pronounced bend in the curve
15. Expound on the adage, “Projects proceed smoothly of Figure 1-2?
until 90 percent complete, and then remain at 90 22. Which of the identified project attributes in Section
percent forever.” 1.1 are always present? Which are simply fre-
16. Discuss the duties and responsibilities of the proj- quently present?
ect manager. How critical is the project manager to 23. Describe a project whose life cycle would be a
the success of the project? straight line from start to finish. Describe a project
17. Would you like to be a project manager? Why, or with an inverse-S life cycle.
why not?
Questions for Project Management in Practice
The Olympic Torch Relay Project Demolishing San Francisco’s Bridges Safely
24. Is the torch relay another part of the Olympics 27. What was the main consideration in this demoli-
themselves, perhaps a sub-project? tion project?
25. Given the geography of Australia, with most of the 28. How would a demolition project differ from a
populace living on the edges of the continent and more common construction project? Consider per-
few in the interior, what path for the torch relay formance, schedule, and budget.
would make sense? 29. Would the life cycle for this project be S-shaped or
26. Is the life cycle for this project S-shaped or shaped the right half of a U or something else? How about
like the right half of a U or something else? Why? the life cycle for a freeway construction project?
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Blanka Transport, Inc. some of the older, more experienced drivers might be
After several years of driving long-haul trucks, Joe helpful. The objective of the project would be to de-
Blanka founded his own trucking company, Blanka crease the size of the route imbalances by 75 percent in
Transport Inc. (BTI), which specialized in less-than-car- a 1-year period.
load shipments in the midwestern part of the United Questions: Is this a proper approach to the prob-
States. Joe developed a successful method for schedul- lem? What, if any, helpful suggestions would you make
ing BTI’s runs that met or exceeded the delivery expec- to Joe?
tations of its customers. As a result, BTI shipments were
growing at a rate between 15 and 20 percent per year. Maladroit Cosmetics Company
The growth, however, was not evenly distributed across
The plant manager of the Maladroit Cosmetics Com-
BTI’s territory. On some routes, capacity was over-
pany must replace several of her filling machines that
loaded in one direction and underloaded in the other.
have become obsolete. She is about to take delivery of
Joe noticed that the imbalance problem was not sta-
six machines at a total cost of $4 million. These ma-
ble across time. In some months capacity was short in
chines must be installed and fully tested in time to be
one direction, and in other months it was short in an-
used on a new production line scheduled to begin oper-
other direction. He thought that one way of solving the
ation in six months. Because this project is important,
problem would be through marketing, by offering in-
the plant manager would like to devote as much time as
centives to customers whose shipments would improve
possible to the job, but she is currently handling several
load balance. Another approach to the problem was to
other projects. She thinks she has three basic choices:
analyze and restructure the route–equipment combina-
(1) she can handle the project informally out of her of-
tions. He also thought that it might be possible to ware-
fice; (2) she can assign the project to a member of her
house some less-urgent shipments for short periods in
staff; or (3) the company that manufactures the ma-
order to help the balance.
chines can handle the installation project for a fee close
Joe’s son, the first member of the Blanka family to
to what the installation would cost Maladroit.
attend college, was a senior in engineering school. He
had just completed a course in project management, Questions: Which of the three choices do you rec-
and after briefly describing some of the basic concepts ommend, and why? If the project was one small ma-
to his father, he suggested that a project might be a chine at a total cost of $4,000, would your answer be
good way to deal with the balance problem. He thought different? Discuss the relative importance of the capital
that the Marketing Manager and the Route Manager investment required versus the role of the investment in
could serve as project co-managers. He also felt that machinery.

ARCHIBALD, R. D. Managing High Technology Pro- DAVIS, E. W. Project Management: Techniques, Appli-
grams and Projects. New York: Wiley, 1992. cations, and Managerial Issues, 2nd ed. Norcross, GA:
CIOFFI, D. F. Personal communication, 2004. AIIE Monograph, 1983.
CLELAND, D. I. Project Management Techniques Hand- FOTI, R. “Maturity, noun, 21st Century. Synonym: Sur-
book—Advanced. Centerville, VA: Management Con- vival.” PM Network, September 2002.
trol Institute, 1990. GIDO, J., and J. P. CLEMENTS. Successful Project Man-
DARNELL, R. “The Emerging Role of the Project Man- agement, with Microsoft Project 2003 CD-ROM.
ager.” PM Network, July 1997. Cincinnati: Thompson/South-Western, 2004.
DAVIS, E. W. “CPM Use in Top 400 Construction GREY, C. F. and E. W. LARSON. Project Management:
Firms.” Journal of the Construction Division, Ameri- The Managerial Process. New York: McGraw-Hill/
can Society of Civil Engineers, 1974. Irwin, 2005.
c01.qxd 8/18/05 5:56 PM Page 27


HOCKNEY, J. W., and K. K. HUMPHREYS. Control and NICHOLAS, J. M. Project Management for Business and
Management of Capital Projects, 2nd ed. New York: Technology, 2nd ed., Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-
McGraw-Hill, 1991. Hall, 2001.
HUGHES, T. P. Rescuing Prometheus. New York, Pan- PROJECT MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE. A Guide to the Proj-
theon, 1998. ect Management Body of Knowledge, 3rd ed. Newtown
IBBS, C. W., and Y. H. KWAK. “Measuring Project Square, PA: Project Management Institute, 2004.
Management’s Return on Investment.” PM Network, SHENHAR, A. J., O. LEVY, and D. DVIR. “Mapping the
Nov. 1997. Dimensions of Project Success.” Project Management
IBBS, C. W., and Y. H. KWAK, “Assessing Project Man- Journal, June 1997.
agement Maturity.” Project Management Journal, STEWART, J. M. “Making Project Management Work.”
March 2000. Business Horizons, Fall 1965.
KERZNER, H. Project Management: A Systems Ap- SUN, M. “Weighing the Social Costs of Innovation.”
proach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling, 8th Science, March 30, 1984.
ed. New Jersey: Wiley, 2003.

The following reading describes the common occurrence of someone suddenly being appointed a project manager
and finding he or she has been inadequately trained for the task. Based on the authors’ own experiences and inter-
views with dozens of senior project managers, they distill twelve guidelines for new project managers. The guide-
lines run the gamut from project initiation, through planning, to execution and close-out. Some are technical, some
are uncommon sense, and many are philosophical, and sometimes political. But they are sage advice, not only for
the novice but for the experienced project manager as well.

J. K. Pinto and O. P. Kharbanda: Lessons for an Accidental
Profession. Reprinted with permission from Business Horizons, March–April 1995.
Copyright ©1995 by Indiana University Kelly School of Business.

Projects and project management are the wave of the or service development. Senior managers in many
future in global business. Increasingly technically com- companies readily acknowledge the ad hoc manner in
plex products and processes, vastly shortened time-to- which most project managers acquire their skills, but
market windows, and the need for cross-functional they are unsure how to better develop and provide for a
expertise make project management an important and supply of well-trained project leaders for the future.
powerful tool in the hands of organizations that under- In this article, we seek to offer a unique perspective
stand its use. But the expanded use of such techniques on this neglected species. Though much has been writ-
is not always being met by a concomitant increase in ten on how to improve the process of project manage-
the pool of competent project managers. Unfortunately, ment, less is known about the sorts of skills and
and perhaps ironically, it is the very popularity of proj- challenges that specifically characterize project man-
ect management that presents many organizations with agers. What we do know tends to offer a portrait of
their most severe challenges. They often belatedly dis- successful project managers as strong leaders, possess-
cover that they simply do not have sufficient numbers ing a variety of problem-solving, communication, mo-
of the sorts of competent project managers who are tivational, visionary and team-building skills. Authors
often the key driving force behind successful product such as Posner (1987), Einsiedel (1987), and Petterson
c01.qxd 8/18/05 5:56 PM Page 28


(1991) are correct. Project managers are a special new to the company and its culture, are given a project
breed. Managing projects is a unique challenge that re- to complete with the directive to operate within a set of
quires a strategy and methodology all its own. Perhaps narrowly defined constraints. These constraints most
most important, it requires people willing to function commonly include a specified time frame for comple-
as leaders in every sense of the term. They must not tion, a budget, and a set of performance characteristics.
only chart the appropriate course, but provide the Those who are able to quickly master the nature of
means, the support, and the confidence for their teams their myriad duties succeed; those who do not gener-
to attain these goals. Effective project managers often ally fail. This “fly or die” mentality goes far toward
operate less as directive and autocratic decision makers creating an attitude of fear among potential project
than as facilitators, team members, and cheerleaders. managers. Generation after generation of them learn
In effect, the characteristics we look for in project their duties the hard way, often after having either
managers are varied and difficult to pin down. Our goal failed completely or stumbled along from one crisis to
is to offer some guidelines for an accidental profession, another. The predictable result is wasteful: failed pro-
based on our own experiences and interviews with a jects; managers battling entrenched bureaucracy and
number of senior project managers—most of whom powerful factions; money, market opportunities, and
had to learn their own lessons the hard way. other resources irretrievably lost to the company.
The amazing part of this scenario is that it is re-
peated again and again in company after company.
“Accidental” Project Managers
Rather than treating project management as the unique
Project managers occupy a unique and often precarious and valuable discipline it is, necessitating formal train-
position within many firms. Possessing little formal au- ing and selection policies, many companies continue to
thority and forced to operate outside the traditional orga- repeat their past mistakes. This almost leads one to be-
nizational hierarchy, they quickly and often belatedly lieve they implicitly view experience and failure as the
learn the real limits of their power. It has been said that best teacher.
an effective project manager is the kingpin, but not the We need to shed light on the wide range of de-
king. They are the bosses, it is true, but often in a loosely mands, opportunities, travails, challenges, and vexa-
defined way. Indeed, in most firms they may lack the au- tions that are part of becoming a better project
thority to conduct performance appraisals and offer in- manager. Many of the problems these individuals
centives and rewards to their subordinates. As a result, struggle with every day are far more managerial or be-
their management styles must be those of persuasion havioral in nature than technical. Such behavioral chal-
and influence, rather than coercion and command. lenges are frequently vexing, and though they can
Because of these and other limitations on the flexi- sometimes seem inconsequential, they have a tremen-
bility and power of project managers, project manage- dous impact on the successful implementation of proj-
ment has rightly been termed the “accidental ects. For example, it does not take long for many
profession” by more than one writer. There are two pri- project managers to discover exactly how far their per-
mary reasons for this sobriquet. First, few formal or sonal power and status will take them in interacting
systematic programs exist for selecting and training with the rest of the organization. Hence, an understand-
project managers, even within firms that specialize in ing of influence tactics and political behavior is ab-
project management work. This results at best in ad solutely essential. Unfortunately, novice project
hoc training that may or may not teach these people the managers are rarely clued into this important bit of in-
skills they need to succeed. Most project managers fall formation until it is too late—until, perhaps, they have
into their responsibilities by happenstance rather than appealed through formal channels for extra resources
by calculation. Second, as Frame (1987) cogently ob- and been denied.
served, few individuals grow up with the dream of one Consider the following examples:
day becoming a project manager. It is neither a well- • A long-distance telephone company whose
defined nor a well-understood career path within most CEO became so enamored of the concept of
modern organizations. Generally, the role is thrust high-profile project teams—or “skunkworks,” as
upon people, rather than being sought. they have come to be called—that he assigned
Consider the typical experiences of project man- that title to the few most highly visible, strategi-
agers within many corporations. Novice managers, cally important projects. Quickly, both senior
c01.qxd 8/18/05 5:56 PM Page 29


and middle managers in departments across the velop, or incur such high cost overruns, that
organization came to realize that the only way to they are either abandoned before scheduled in-
get their pet projects the resources necessary to troduction or never live up to their potential in
succeed was to redesignate all new projects as the marketplace.
“skunkworks.” At last report, there were more
than 75 high-profile skunkworks projects whose This ad hoc approach to project management—cou-
managers report directly to the CEO. The com- pled, as it frequently is, with an on-the-job training
pany now has severe difficulties in making re- philosophy—is pervasive. It is also pernicious. Under
search allocation decisions among its projects the best of circumstances, project managers are called
and routinely underfunds some vital projects upon to lead, coordinate, plan, and control a diverse
while overfunding other, less important ones. and complex set of processes and people in the pursuit
of achieving project objectives. To hamper them with
• A large computer hardware manufacturer has inadequate training and unrealistic expectations is to
been dominated by the members of the hard- unnecessarily penalize them before they can begin to
ware engineering department to such an extent operate with any degree of confidence or effectiveness.
that practically all new product ideas originate The successful management of projects is simultane-
internally, within the department. By the time ously a human and technical challenge, requiring a far-
marketing personnel (sneeringly called “order sighted, strategic outlook coupled with the flexibility to
takers” by the engineering department) are react to conflicts and trouble areas as they arise on a
brought on board, they are presented with a fait daily basis. The project managers who are ultimately
accompli: a finished product they are instructed successful at their profession must learn to deal with
to sell. Marketing managers are now so cynical and anticipate the constraints on their project team and
about new projects that they usually do not even personal freedom of action while consistently keeping
bother sending a representative to new product their eyes on the ultimate prize.
development team meetings.
• A medium-sized manufacturing firm made it a
policy to reward and punish project managers From Whence Comes the Challenge?
on the basis of their ability to bring projects in One of the most intriguing and challenging aspects of
on time and under budget. These project man- project management lies in the relationship of project
agers were never held to any requirement that teams to the rest of the parent organization. With the
the project be accepted by its clients or become exception of companies that are set up with matrix or
commercially successful. They quickly learned project structures, most firms using project manage-
that their rewards were simply tied to satisfying ment techniques employ some form of standard func-
the cost accountants, so they began to cut cor- tional structure. When project teams are added to an
ners and make decisions that seriously under- organization, the structural rules change dramatically.
mined product quality. The vast majority of personnel who serve on project
• Projects in one division of a large, multinational teams do so while maintaining links back to their func-
corporation are routinely assigned to new man- tional departments. In fact, they typically split their
agers who often have less than one year of expe- time between the project and their functional duties.
rience with the company. Given a project The temporary nature of projects, combined with
scheduling software package and the telephone the very real limitations on power and discretion most
number of a senior project manger to be used project managers face, constitutes the core challenge of
“only in emergencies,” they are instructed to managing projects effectively. Clearly the very issues
form their project teams and begin the develop- that characterize projects as distinct from functional
ment process without any formal training or work also illustrate the added complexity and difficul-
channels of communication to important clients ties they create for project managers. For example,
and functional groups. Not surprisingly, senior within a functional department it is common to find
managers at this company estimate that fewer people with more homogenous backgrounds. This
than 30 percent of new product development ef- means that the finance department is staffed with fi-
forts are profitable. Most take so long to de- nance people, the marketing department is made up of
c01.qxd 8/18/05 5:56 PM Page 30


in retrospect, could have made your job easier?” From

1. Understand the context of project management. the data gathered in these interviews, we have synthe-
2. Recognize project team conflict as progress. sized some of the more salient issues, outlined in Fig-
3. Understand who the stakeholders are and what ure 1 and detailed below, that managers need to keep in
they want. mind when undertaking a project implementation ef-
4. Accept and use the political nature of fort. While not intended to appear in any particular
organizations. order, these 12 rules offer a useful way to understand
5. Lead from the front. the challenge project managers face and some ways to
6. Understand what “success” means. address these concerns.
7. Build and maintain a cohesive team.
8. Enthusiasm and despair are both infectious. 1. Understand the context of project management.
9. One look forward is worth two looks back.
10. Remember what you are trying to do. Much of the difficulty in becoming an effective project
11. Use time carefully or it will use you. manager lies in understanding the particular challenges
12. Above all, plan, plan, plan. project management presents in most corporations.
Projects are a unique form of organizational work,
Figure 1 Twelve points to remember. playing an important role within many public and pri-
vate organizations today. They act as mechanisms for
the effective introduction of new products and services.
They offer a level of intraorganizational efficiency that
marketers, and so on. On the other hand, most projects all companies seek but few find. But they also force
are constructed from special, cross-functional teams managers to operate in a temporary environment out-
composed of representatives from each of the relevant side the traditional functional lines of authority, relying
functional departments, who bring their own attitudes, upon influence and other informal methods of power.
time frames, learning, past experiences, and biases to In essence, it is not simply the management of a proj-
the team. Creating a cohesive and potent team out of ect per se that presents such a unique challenge; it is
this level of heterogeneity presents a challenge for even also the atmosphere within which the manager operates
the most seasoned and skilled of project managers. that adds an extra dimension of difficulty. Projects exist
But what is the ultimate objective? What determines outside the established hierarchy. They threaten, rather
a successful project and how does it differ from proj- than support, the status quo because they represent
ects we may rightfully consider to have failed? Any change. So it is important for project managers to walk
seasoned project manager will usually tell you that a into their assigned role with their eyes wide open to the
successful project is one that has come in on time, has monumental nature of the tasks they are likely to face.
remained under budget, and performs as expected (that
is, it conforms to specifications). Recently, though, 2. Recognize project team conflict as progress.
there has been a reassessment of this traditional model
for project success. The old triple constraint is rapidly One of the common responses of project managers to
being replaced by a new model, invoking a fourth hur- team conflict is panic. This reaction is understandable
dle for project success: client satisfaction. This means in that project managers perceive—usually correctly—
that a project is only successful if it satisfies the needs that their reputation and careers are on the line if the
of its intended user. As a result, client satisfaction project fails. Consequently, any evidence they interpret
places a new and important constraint on project man- as damaging to the prospects of project success, such
agers. No wonder, then, that there is a growing interest as team conflict, represents a very real source of anxi-
in the project manager’s role within the corporation. ety. In reality, however, these interpersonal tensions are
a natural result of putting individuals from diverse
The Vital Dozen For Project Managers backgrounds together and requiring them to coordinate
their activities. Conflict, as evidenced by the stages of
Over the last several years, we have conducted inter- group development is more often a sign of healthy mat-
views with dozens of senior project managers in which uration in the group.
we asked them a simple question: “What information The result of differentiation among functional de-
were you never given as a novice project manager that, partments demonstrates that conflict under these cir-
c01.qxd 8/18/05 5:56 PM Page 31


cumstances is not only possible but unavoidable. One imizing everyone’s happiness and concentrate instead
of the worst mistakes a project manager can make on maintaining satisfactory relations that allow them to
when conflicts emerge is to immediately force them do their job with a minimum of external interference.
below the surface without first analyzing the nature
of the conflict. Although many interpersonal con- 4. Accept the political nature of organizations and
flicts are based on personality differences, others are use it to your advantage.
of a professional nature and should be addressed Like it or not, we exist in a politicized world. Unfortu-
head-on. nately, our corporations are no different. Important
Once a project manager has analyzed the nature of decisions involving resources are made through bar-
the conflict among team members, a variety of conflict gaining and deal-making. So project managers who
handling approaches may be warranted, including wish to succeed must learn to use the political system
avoidance, defusion, or problem-solving. On the other to their advantage. This involves becoming adept at ne-
hand, whatever approach is selected should not be the gotiation as well as using influence tactics to further
result of a knee-jerk reaction to suppress conflict. In the goals of the project.
our experience, we have found many examples that At the same time, it is important to remember that
show that even though a conflict is pushed below the any project representing possible organizational
surface, it will continue to fester if left unaddressed. change is threatening, often because of its potential to
The resulting eruption, which will inevitably occur reshuffle the power relationships among the key units
later in the project development cycle, will have a far and actors. Playing the political system acknowledges
stronger effect than would the original conflict if it had this reality. Successful project managers are those who
been handled initially. can use their personal reputations, power, and influence
3. Understand who the stakeholders are and what to ensure cordial relations with important stakeholders
they want. and secure the resources necessary to smooth the
client’s adoption of the project.
Project management is a balancing act. It requires Pursuing a middle ground of political sensibility is
managers to juggle the various and often conflicting the key to project implementation success. There are
demands of a numbers of powerful project stakehold- two alternative and equally inappropriate approaches to
ers. One of the best tools a project manager can use is navigating a firm’s political waters: becoming overly
to develop a realistic assessment early in the project political and predatory—we call these people
identifying the principal stakeholders and their agen- “sharks”—and refusing to engage in politics to any de-
das. In some projects, particularly those with impor- gree—the politically “naive.” Political sharks and the
tant external clients or constituent groups, the number politically naive are at equal disadvantage in managing
of stakeholders may be quite large, particularly when their projects: sharks because they pursue predatory
“intervenor” groups are included. Intervenors, accord- and self-interested tactics that arouse distrust, and the
ing to Cleland (1983), may include any external group naive because they insist on remaining above the fray,
that can drastically affect the potential for project suc- even at the cost of failing to attain and keep necessary
cess, such as environmental activists in a nuclear resources for their projects.
plant construction project. Project managers who ac- Figure 2 illustrates some of the philosophical differ-
knowledge the impact of stakeholders and work to ences among the three types of political actors. The
minimize their effect by fostering good relations with process of developing and applying appropriate politi-
them are often more successful than those who oper- cal tactics means using politics as it can most effec-
ate in a reactive mode, continually surprised by unex- tively be used: as a basis for negotiation and
pected demands from groups that were not initially bargaining. “Politically sensible” implies being politi-
considered. cally sensitive to the concerns (real or imagined) of
As a final point about stakeholders, it is important powerful stakeholder groups. Legitimate or not, their
for a project manager’s morale to remember that it is concerns over a new project are real and must be ad-
essentially impossible to please all the stakeholders all dressed. Politically sensible managers understand that
the time. The conflicting nature of their demands sug- initiating any sort of organizational disruption or
gests that when one group is happy, another is probably change by developing a new project is bound to reshuf-
upset. Project managers need to forget the idea of max- fle the distribution of power within the firm. That effect
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Characteristics Naive Sensible Sharks

Underlying Attitude Politics is unpleasant Politics is necessary Politics is an opportunity
Intent Avoid at all costs Further departmental goals Self-serving and predatory
Techniques Tell it like it is Network; expand connections; Manipulate; use fraud and
use system to give and receive deceit when necessary
Favorite Tactics None—the truth will Negotiate, bargain Bully; misuse information;
win out cultivate and use “friends” and
other contacts
Figure 2 Characteristics of political behaviors.

is likely to make many departments and managers very tailored to the situation; it is self-defeating to attempt
nervous as they begin to wonder how the future power to tailor the situation to a preferred approach. The
relationships will be rearranged. worst leaders are those who are unaware of or indiffer-
Appropriate political tactics and behavior include ent to the freedom they have to vary their leadership
making alliances with powerful members of other stake- styles. And they see any situation in which they must
holder departments, networking, negotiating mutually involve subordinates as inherently threatening to their
acceptable solutions to seemingly insoluble problems, authority. As a result, they usually operate under what
and recognizing that most organizational activities are is called the “Mushroom” Principle of Management.”
predicated on the give-and-take of negotiation and com- That is, they treat their subordinates the same way they
promise. It is through these uses of political behavior would raise a crop of mushrooms—by keeping them in
that managers of project implementation efforts put the dark and feeding them a steady diet of manure.
themselves in the position to most effectively influence Flexible leadership behavior consists of a realistic
the successful introduction of their systems. assessment of personal strengths and weaknesses. It
goes without saying that no one person, including the
5. Lead from the front; the view is better. project manager, possesses all necessary information,
One message that comes through loud and clear is that knowledge, or expertise to perform the project tasks on
project management is a “leader intensive” undertak- his own. Rather, successful project managers usually
ing. Strong, effective leaders can go a long way toward acknowledge their limitations and work through subor-
helping a project succeed even in the face of a number dinates’ strengths. In serving as a facilitator, one of the
of external or unforeseen problems. Conversely, a poor, essential abilities of an exceptional project manager is
inflexible leader can often ruin the chances of many knowing where to go to seek the right help and how to
important projects ever succeeding. Leaders are the ask the right questions. Obviously, the act of effective
focal point of their projects. They serve as a rallying questioning is easier said than done. However, bear in
point for the team and are usually the major source of mind that questioning is not interrogation. Good ques-
information and communication for external stakehold- tions challenge subordinates without putting them on
ers. Because their role is so central and so vital, it is the spot; they encourage definite answers rather than
important to recognize and cultivate the attributes proj- vague responses, and they discourage guessing. The
ect “leaders” must work to develop. leader’s job is to probe, to require subordinates to con-
The essence of leadership lies in our ability to use it sider all angles and options, and to support them in
flexibly. This means that not all subordinates or situa- making reasoned decisions. Direct involvement is a key
tions merit the same response. Under some circum- component of a leader’s ability to perform these tasks.
stances an autocratic approach is appropriate; other 6. Understand what “success” means.
situations will be far better served by adopting a con-
sensual style. Effective project leaders seem to under- Successful project implementation is no longer subject
stand this idea intuitively. Their approach must be to the traditional “triple constraint.” That is, the days
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when projects were evaluated solely on adherence to To effectively intervene and support a team, project
budget, schedule, and performance criteria are past. In managers play a variety of roles—motivator, coach,
modern business, with its increased emphasis on cus- cheerleader, peacemaker, conflict resolver. All these
tomer satisfaction, we have to retrain project managers duties are appropriate for creating and maintaining an
to expand their criteria for project success to include a effective team.
fourth item: client use and satisfaction. What this sug-
gests is that project “success” is a far more comprehen- 8. Enthusiasm and despair are both infectious.
sive word than some managers may have initially
thought. The implication for rewards is also important. One of the more interesting aspects of project leaders
Within some organizations that regularly implement is that they often function like miniaturized billboards,
projects, it is common practice to reward the imple- projecting an image and attitude that signals the cur-
mentation manager when, in reality, only half the job rent status of the project and its likelihood for success.
has been accomplished. In other words, giving man- The team takes its cue from the attitudes and emotions
agers promotions and commendations before the proj- the manager exhibits. So one of the most important
ect has been successfully transferred to clients, is being roles of the leader is that of motivator and encourager.
used, and is affecting organizational effectiveness is se- The worst project managers are those who play their
riously jumping the gun. cards close to their chests, revealing little or nothing
Any project is only as good as it is used. In the final about the status of the project (again, the “Mushroom
analysis, nothing else matters if a system is not produc- Manager”). Team members want and deserve to be
tively employed. Consequently, every effort must be kept abreast of what is happening. It is important to re-
bent toward ensuring that the system fits in with client member that the success or failure of the project affects
needs, that their concerns and opinions are solicited the team as well as the manager. Rather than allowing
and listened to, and that they have final sign-off ap- the rumor mill to churn out disinformation, team lead-
proval on the transferred project. In other words, the ers need to function as honest sources of information.
intended user of the project is the major determinant of When team members come to the project manager for
its success. Traditionally, the bulk of the team’s efforts advice or project updates, it is important to be honest.
are centered internally, mainly on their own concerns: If the manager does not know the answer to the ques-
budgets, timetables, and so forth. Certainly, these as- tions, he should tell them that. Truth in all forms is rec-
pects of the project implementation process are neces- ognizable, and most project team members are much
sary, but they should not be confused with the ultimate more appreciative of honesty than of eyewash.
determinant of success: the client.
9. One look forward is worth two looks back.
7. Build and maintain a cohesive team.
A recent series of commercials from a large computer
Many projects are implemented through the use of manufacturer had as their slogan the dictum that the
cross-functional teams. Developing and maintaining company never stop asking “What if?.” Asking “What
cordial team relations and fostering a healthy inter- if?” questions is another way of saying we should
group atmosphere often seems like a full-time job for never become comfortable with the status of the proj-
most project managers. However, the resultant payoff ect under development. One large-scale study found
from a cohesive project team cannot be overestimated. that the leading determinant of project failure was the
When a team is charged to work toward project devel- absence of any troubleshooting mechanisms—that is,
opment and implementation, the healthier the atmos- no one was asking the “What if?” questions. Projecting
phere within that team, the greater the likelihood the a skeptical eye toward the future may seem gloomy to
team will perform effectively. The project manager’s some managers. But in our opinion, it makes good
job is to do whatever is necessary to build and maintain sense. We cannot control the future but we can actively
the health (cohesion) of the team. Sometimes that sup- control our response to it.
port can be accomplished by periodically checking A good example of the failure to apply this philoso-
with team members to determine their attitudes and phy is evidenced by the progress of the “Chunnel” in-
satisfaction with the process. Other times the project tended to link Great Britain with France. Although now
manager may have to resort to less conventional meth- in full operation, it was not ready for substantial traffic
ods, such as throwing parties or organizing field trips. until some 15 months later than originally scheduled.
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As a result, chunnel traffic missed the major summer agendas that grind on and on, unexpected telephone
vacation season with a concomitant loss in revenue. calls in the middle of planning sessions, quick “chats”
At the same time, the final cost (£15 billion) is likely with other managers that end up taking hours, and so
to be six times the original estimate of £2.3 billion forth. Efficient time management—one of the keys to
(O’Connor, 1993). It is instructive to take note of a re- successful project development—starts with project
cent statement by one of the project’s somewhat ha- managers. When they actively plan their days and stick
rassed directors who, when pressed to state when the to a time budget, they usually find they are operating
Chunnel would be ready, replied, “Now it will be ready efficiently. On the other hand, when they take each
when it’s ready and not before!” Clearly, the failure to problem as it comes and function in an ad hoc, reactive
apply adequate contingency planning has led to the mode, they are likely to remain prisoners of their own
predictable result: a belief that the project will simply schedules.
end when it ends. A sure recipe for finding the time and resources
needed to get everything done without spending an in-
10. Remember what you are trying to do. ordinate amount of time on the job or construction site
is provided by Gosselin (1993). The author lists six
Do not lose sight of the purpose behind the project. practical suggestions to help project managers control
Sometimes it is easy to get bogged down in the minu- their tasks and projects without feeling constantly be-
tiae of the development process, fighting fires on a hind schedule:
daily basis and dealing with thousands of immediate
concerns. The danger is that in doing so, project man- • Create a realistic time estimate without overex-
agers may fail to maintain a view of what the end prod- tending yourself.
uct is supposed to be. This point reemphasizes the need • Be absolutely clear about what the boss or client
to keep the mission in the forefront—and not just the requires.
project manager, but the team as well. The goal of the
implementation serves as a large banner the leader can • Provide for contingencies (schedule slippage,
loss of key team member).
wave as needed to keep attitudes and motives focused
in the right direction. Sometimes a superordinate goal • Revise original time estimate and provide a set
can serve as a rallying point. Whatever technique proj- of options as required.
ect managers use, it is important that they understand • Be clear about factors that are fixed (specifica-
the importance of keeping the mission in focus for all tions, resources, and so on).
team members. A simple way to discover whether team
members understand the project is to intermittently ask
• Learn to say “Yes, and . . .” rather than “No, but
. . .” Negotiation is the key.
for their assessment of its status. They should know
how their contributions fit into the overall installation 12. Above all, plan, plan, plan.
plan. Are they aware of the specific contributions of
other team members? If no, more attention needs to be The essence of efficient project management is to take
paid to reestablishing a community sense of mission. the time to get it as right as possible the first time. “It”
includes the schedule, the team composition, the proj-
11. Use time carefully or it will use you. ect specifications, and the budget. There is a truism
that those who fail to plan are planning to fail. One of
Time is a precious commodity. Yet when we talk to the practical difficulties with planning is that so many
project managers, it seems that no matter how hard of us distinguish it from other aspects of the project de-
they work to budget it, they never have enough. They velopment, such as doing the work. Top managers are
need to make a realistic assessment of the “time often particularly guilty of this offense as they wait im-
killers” in their daily schedule: How are they spending patiently for the project manager to begin doing the
their time and what are they doing profitably or unprof- work.
itably? We have found that the simple practice of keep- Of course, too much planning is guaranteed to elicit
ing a daily time log for a short time can be an repeated and pointed questions from top management
eye-opening experience. Many project managers dis- and other stakeholders as they seek to discover the rea-
cover that they spend far too much of their time in un- son why “nothing is being done.” Experienced project
productive ways: project team meetings without managers, though, know that it is vital not to rush this
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stage by reacting too quickly to top management in- Turner presents quite a rosy future, one that is pred-
quiries. The planning stage must be managed carefully icated on organizations recognizing the changes they
to allow the project manager and team the time neces- are currently undergoing and are likely to continue to
sary to formulate appropriate and workable plans that see in the years ahead. In this challenging environment,
will form the basis for the development process. Divid- project management is emerging as a technique that
ing up the tasks and starting the “work” of the project can provide the competitive edge necessary to succeed,
too quickly is often ultimately wasteful. Steps that given the right manager.
were poorly done are often steps that must be redone. At the same time, there seems to have been a sea
A complete and full investigation of any proposed change in recent years regarding the image of project
project does take significant time and effort. However, managers. The old view of the project manager as es-
bear in mind that overly elaborate or intricate planning sentially that of a decision maker, expert, boss, and di-
can be detrimental to a project; by the time an opportu- rector seems to be giving way to a newer ideal: that of
nity is fully investigated, it may no longer exist. Time a leader, coach, and facilitator. Lest the reader assume
and again we have emphasized the importance of plan- these duties are any easier, we would assert that anyone
ning, but it is also apparent that there comes a limit, who has attempted to perform these roles knows from
both to the extent and the time frame of the planning personal experience just how difficult they can be. As
cycle. A survey among entrepreneurs, for example, re- part of this metamorphosis, says Clarke (1993), the
vealed that only 28 percent of them drew up a full- new breed of project manager must be a natural sales-
scale plan (Sweet, 1994). A lesson here for project person who can establish harmonious customer (client)
managers is that, like entrepreneurs, they must plan, relations and develop trusting relationships with stake-
but they must also be smart enough to recognize mis- holders. In addition to some of the obvious keys to
takes and change their strategy accordingly. As is noted project managers’ success—personal commitment, en-
in an old military slogan, “No plan ever survives its ergy, and enthusiasm—it appears that, most of all, suc-
first contact with the enemy.” cessful project managers must manifest an obvious
desire to see others succeed.
For successful project managers, there will always
Project Managers in the be a dynamic tension between the twin demands of
Twenty-First Century technical training and an understanding of human re-
source needs. It must be clearly understood, however,
In our research and consulting experiences, we con-
that in assessing the relative importance of each chal-
stantly interact with project managers, some with many
lenge, the focus must clearly be on managing the
years of experience, who express their frustration with
human side of the process. As research and practice
their organizations because of the lack of detailed ex-
consistently demonstrate, project management is pri-
plication of their assigned tasks and responsibilities.
marily a challenge in managing people. This point was
Year after year, manager after manager, companies
recently brought to light in an excellent review of a
continue to make the same mistakes in “training” their
book on managing the “human side” of projects
project managers, usually through an almost ritualized
(Horner, 1993):
baptism of fire. Project managers deserve better. Ac-
cording to Rodney Turner (1993), editor of the Interna- There must be many project managers like me
tional Journal of Project Management: who come from a technological background, and
who suffered an education which left them sin-
Through the 90’s and into the 21st century,
gularly ill-prepared to manage people.
project-based management will sweep aside
traditional functional line management and (al- Leading researchers and scholars perceive the
most) all organizations will adopt flat, flexible twenty-first century as the upcoming age of project
organizational structures in place of the old management. The globablization of markets, the merg-
bureaucratic hierarchies . . . [N]ew organizational ing of many European economies, the enhanced expen-
structures are replacing the old . . . [M]anagers ditures of money on capital improvement both in the
will use project-based management as a vehicle United States and abroad, the rapidly opening borders
for introducing strategic planning and for win- of Eastern European and Pacific Rim countries, with
ning and maintaining competitive advantage. their goals of rapid infrastructure expansion—all of
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this offers an eloquent argument for the enhanced pop- sult is to continually compound the mistake of creating
ularity of project management as a technique for im- wave after wave of accidental project managers, forcing
proving the efficiency and effectiveness of them to learn through trial and error with minimal guid-
organizational operations. With so much at stake, it is ance in how to perform their roles.
vital that we immediately begin to address some of the Managing a project is a challenge that requires a
deficiencies in our project management theory and strategy and methodology all its own. Perhaps most
practice. important, it requires a project manager willing to
Project management techniques are well known. function as a leader in every sense of the term. We have
But until we are able to take further steps toward for- addressed a wide range of challenges, both contextual
malizing training by teaching the necessary skill set, and personal, that form the basis under which projects
the problems with efficiently developing, implement- are managed in today’s organizations. It is hoped that
ing, and gaining client acceptance for these projects are readers will find something of themselves as well as
likely to continue growing. There is currently a true something of use contained in these pages.
window of opportunity in the field of project manage-
ment. Too often in the past, project managers have References
been forced to learn their skills the hard way, through B. N. BAKER, P. C. MURPHY, and D. FISHER, “Factors
practical experience coupled with all the problems of Affecting Project Success,” in D. I. Cleland and W. R.
trial and error. Certainly, experience is a valuable com- King, eds., Project Management Handbook (New York:
ponent of learning to become an effective project man- Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1983): 778–801.
ager, but it is by no means the best.
What conclusions are to be drawn here? If nothing K. CLARKE, “Survival Skills for a New Breed,” Man-
else, it is certain that we have painted a portrait of proj- agement Today, December 1993, p. 5.
ect management as a complex, time-consuming, often D. I. CLELAND, “Project Stakeholder Management,” in
exasperating process. At the same time, it is equally D. I. Cleland and W. R. King, eds., Project Manage-
clear that successful project managers are a breed ment Handbook (New York:Van Nostrand Reinhold,
apart. To answer the various calls they continually re- 1983): 275–301.
ceive, balance the conflicting demands of a diverse set J. C. DAVIS, “The Accidental Profession,” Project Man-
of stakeholders, navigate tricky corporate political wa- agement Journal, 15, 3 (1984): 6.
ters, understand the fundamental process of subordi-
A. A. EINSIEDEL, “Profile of Effective Project Man-
nate motivation, develop and constantly refine their
agers,” Project Management Journal, 18, 5 (1987):
leadership skills, and engage in the thousands of pieces
of detailed minutiae while keeping their eyes fixed
firmly on project goals requires individuals with spe- J. DAVIDSON FRAME, Managing Projects in Organiza-
cial skills and personalities. Given the nature of their tions (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1987).
duties, is it any wonder successful project managers T. GOSSELIN, “What to Do with Last-Minute Jobs,”
are in such short supply and, once identified, so valued World Executive Digest , December 1993, p. 70.
by their organizations? R. J. GRAHAM, “A Survival Guide for the Accidental
There is good news, however. Many of these skills, Project Manager,” Proceedings of the Annual Project
though difficult to master, can be learned. Project man- Management Institute Symposium (Drexel Hill, PA:
agement is a challenge, not a mystery. Indeed, it is our Project Management Institute, 1992), pp. 355–361.
special purpose to demystify much of the human side of
M. HORNER, “Review of `Managing People for Project
project management, starting with the role played by
Success,”’ International Journal of Project Manage-
the linchpin in the process: the project manager. The
ment, 11 (1993): 125–126.
problem in the past has been too few sources for either
seasoned or novice project managers to turn to in at- P. R. LAWRENCE and J. W. LORSCH, “Differentiation and
tempting to better understand the nature of their unique Integration in Complex Organizations,” Administrative
challenge and methods for performing more effectively. Science Quarterly, 11, (1967):147.
Too many organizations pay far too little attention to M. NICHOLS, “Does New Age Business Have a Mes-
the process of selecting, training, and encouraging those sage for Managers?” Harvard Business Review,
people charged to run project teams. The predictable re- March–April 1994, pp. 52–60.
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L. O’CONNOR, “Tunnelling Under the Channel,” Me- R. TURNER, “Editorial,” International Journal of Proj-
chanical Engineering, December 1993, pp. 60–66. ect Management, 11 (1993): 195.
N. PETTERSEN, “What Do We Know About the Effec-
tive Project Manager?” International Journal of Proj- Questions
ect Management, 9 (1991): 99–104.
1. What are the reasons the author advances for pro-
J. K. PINTO and O. P. KHARBANDA, Successful Project ject management to be considered an “accidental
Managers: Leading Your Team to Success (New York: profession?” The twelve guidelines are presented in
Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1995). no particular order. Order them by level of impor-
J. K. PINTO and D. P. SLEVIN, “Critical Factors in Suc- tance and explain your reasoning.
cessful Project Implementation,” IEEE Transactions on 2. Where would you place yourself in Figure 2?
Engineering Management, EM-34, 1987, pp. 22–27.
3. A few of the guidelines are related to the need to
B. Z. POSNER, “What it Takes to Be a Good Project Man- understand the reason for the project in the first
ager,” Project Management Journal, 18, 1 (1987): 51–54. place. Which guidelines would you place in this cat-
W. A. RANDOLPH and B. Z. POSNER, “What Every Man- egory? Why is this so crucial?
ager Needs to Know about Project Management,” 4. Why, in lesson 9, is always thinking about “what if”
Sloan Management Review, 29, 4 (1988): 65–73. so important?
P. SWEET, “A Planner’s Best Friend,” Accountancy, 113 5. Lesson 12 warns about not planning enough, but
(1994): 56–58. also about spending too much time planning. How
H. J. THAMHAIN, “Developing Project Management Skills, do you draw the line?
“Project Management Journal, 22, 3 (1991): 39–53.

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