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Mike Hawk-Jacob M.


Mike Hunt- Jaylen C.

It’s a normal day at the bus stop early in the morning as Mike and Phil talk about the JETS!!!!
and PATRIOTS game.

Mike and Phil get on the bus.

When they get to school they hear a lot of commotion.

They heard that new laptops were arriving.

They see the brand new transparent laptops.

Everyone is talking about the new laptops.

Mike and Mike plot out a way to steal the laptop.

…..The following night.

That night was the night that Mike and Mike were going to steal the new transparent laptops.

They head of in their car and headed to the school.

As the janitor was walking out Mike and Mike went in.

They go to the classroom and pick the lock.

They get two laptops and leave the school.

The next day.

Principle does an all call for mike and mike.

Cops are at office.

Mike and Mike were caught on security camera

Get arrested.

Have a trial and put on 6 month probation.

The Script:
(at bus stop) Mike Hawk: So what about those Jets huh Mike?

Mike Hunt: Huh it was just an off night

Mike Hawk: okay yeah sure 45-3 is an off night?

Mike Hunt: Yeah Mark wasn’t feeln’ it

Mike Hawk: Okay sure, even though you guys won in week two doesn’t mean anything

Mike Hunt: Yea it does

Mike Hawk: What then

Mike Hunt: (Thinking)

Mike Hawk: Exactly

(At school)

Mike Hunt: What’s all this talk about new laptops?

Mike Hawk: Oh yeah I heard about those

Mike Hunt: it sounds like it’s a big deal

Mike Hawk: Man I want one so bad

Mike Hunt: oh I heard they were transparent

Mike Hawk: Hey you wanna’ lift on later tonight

Mike Hunt: are you crazy we can’t do that without gettin’ caught

Mike Hawk: Sure we can

Mike Hunt: How

Mike Hawk: we call someone to come pick us up for a getaway car sneak out later tonight as
the last janitor comes out we go in then we go to the computer lab and pick the lock take three
computers and high tail it out of there

Mike Hunt: what about the cameras

Mike Hawk: what cameras, there are no cameras

Mike Hunt: are you sure

Mike Hawk: yeah so is it a plan

Mike Hunt: Sure

(In their friend’s car)

Driver: Hey guys hurry up

Mike Hunt: that was way easier than I thought

Mike hawk: yeah it felt weird, but im not complaining we got what we came for.

Mike hunt: yeah

Driver: so did you guys get me a laptop

Mikes: heak yeah here

Driver: thanks put it in the trunk when I drop you guys off

Mikes: sure

(At school the next day)

Principle: Can Mike Hunt and Mike hawk attend to the principal’s office

(At principal’s office)

Principle: okay boys we have a few laptops missing and some anonymous people told me they
heard you talking about stealing the laptops.

Mikes: no way the laptops are missing who could’ve done such a thing

Principle: okay so let me say this, you two boys were caught on the security cameras

Mike Hunt: Crap man I asked you if there were any cameras

Mike Hawk: I swore there weren’t any

(Look up at the cops)

(get escorted out)

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