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The following is a variant standard Warhammer The Secessionists have 2,500 points of forces
40,000 Battle Mission intended for larger-size forces available to them chosen as normal for a standard
and uses elements from the Warhammer 40,000 mission, and in addition they may take super-heavy
Apocalypse expansion. vehicles of up to 1,000 points in value*.

During the final cataclysmic assault on Badab, while *This points allowance may only be spent on super-
the Star Phantoms fought a deadly siege at the gates heavies, any unused points are lost, not transferred
of the Palace of Thorns the world of Badab was to the standard army!
wracked with dozens of furious and terrible battles.
Some of the worst of these decided the fate of the OBJECTIVES/VICTORY CONDITIONS
beleaguered cityscapes of Hive Dominar, where the This mission has a single objective, the destruction of
savagery of the Carcharodons was unleashed and the enemy. A variant of Kill Points are used, with kill
washed the city in blood while the towers and points scored in relation to the unit destroyed.
statues of vaunted Badab collapsed around them.
• HQ Units are worth three kill points if destroyed
The Loyalists have 2,500 points of forces available to • Elite, Troops and Fast Attack Units, as well as
them chosen as normal for a standard mission, and Dedicated Transports, are worth two kill points if
in addition they may take super-heavy vehicles of up destroyed, and one kill point if immobilised or
to 1,000 points in value*. reduced to under half strength.

• Heavy Support Units are worth four kill points

LEGIO CRUCIUS each if destroyed, and two kill points if
Alternately the loyalist force may consist of a immobilised or reduced to under half strength.
force of 2,500 points of Imperial Titans (although
a Warlord Titan may not be used), with 1,000 • Super-Heavy Vehicles are worth six kill points
points of Imperial Guard (representing a each if destroyed, and three kill points if
Mechanicus support cohort). If this latter choice immobilised.
is chosen, the Secessionist player should be
notified prior to the game so they can adapt their The side with the greatest number of kill points
force accordingly! scored at the end of the game or which wipes out the
other is the victor.



This mission is intended to be played on a larger 8' This mission uses the Scouts, Infiltrators and Deep
by 6' playing table. The table is divided into three Strike rules as normal, however there are risks in
sectors, (see map). In addition an 12" wide corridor holding units in reserve (see Burning World below). In
should be marked during set-up representing one of addition the rules for Super-Heavy vehicles from
the hive city’s main arterial roads. On either side of Warhammer 40,000 Apocalypse are also used.
this area, ruins, buildings, craters and wrecks should
be set up as terrain (with the total terrain footprint Burning World: Badab is a hellish storm of fire and
equating roughly to a third of the table area, and at destruction, in which nothing is certain.
least a dozen buildings or ruins used.) These should
be dispersed roughly evenly outside the corridor • Lost in Action: Before each player rolls for any
area, with only a few small craters and wrecks in the reserves to appear, they must roll a separate D6
central corridor. for each unit still in reserve on a 6, they are lost
and removed entirely from the game (this
DEPLOYMENT however does not gain any Kill Points for the
Both sides roll a D6. The side with fewer units in total enemy).
add +1 to their result. The side with the highest score
chooses which of the two end sectors of the table to • Fire and Destruction: At the start of each player
deploy in. The other then deploys in the opposite end turn, the player whose turn this is rolls a D6. On a
sector. result of 3+ they can collapse a single piece of
large removable terrain (such as a building or
THE FIRST TURN ruin) of their choice on the table. This causes 2D6
The side which deployed last has the first turn unless strength 5 hits to any unit inside or partly inside it
their opponent can seize the initiative. at the time of collapse, vehicles are struck on
their rear armour. The terrain piece is then
removed. If you have sufficient unused craters or
Playing as part of the Badab War Campaign: wreckage terrain, you may replace the removed
When played as part of the Badab War terrain with this instead!
Campaign (see Imperial Armour Volume 9), this
mission is worth three campaign points to the ENDING THE GAME
victor, and nothing in the case of a loss or draw, This game is played for six full game turns or until
contributing to the results of Phase V of the one side has destroyed the other.
Badab War campaign.

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