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Author's Note

I have devoted my visit to this planet to the resurrection of the men-

tally dead, which I affectionately refer to as mummies. Never did
I know that the evil one had done such a great job with these peo-
ple both mentally and physically as to have them hate self and kind.
My greatest dilemma and hindrance has been the black devil, born
amongst you, and by you, married to you, socializing with you,
praying in the same sacred houses of worship as you; but secretly
they have a spiritual pact with the devil, which makes it near
impossible for them to totally surrender to the true word. Their
very nature won't let them. It's in their seed from Genesis 3:15 and
1Peter 5:9-10. There is a curse seed of devils who are the
Canaanites who work with the original devil the serpent man,
lizard people or reptilians. However, it's not about race when it
comes to evil, because there are black and white evil people. But,
for the few chosen from the many called, I sift to find those beings
that wish to become one with the supreme in all. Those that wish
to know the way, the truth, and the light to our Heavenly Father,
'Elyon El, Most High God creator of all and his chosen anointed
one (Psalms 2:2) "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the
rulers take counsel together, against the (Yahayyu "Existing One,
Living One") 'LORD', and against his anointed (messiah) saying. "

I am known throughout the mystical schools as the incarnation of

Tehuti "Thoth", student to the great Turn, known as Aturn-Re, the
first point of resurrection from Ignorance to The Right Knowledge,
The Right Wisdom and The Right Overstanding called Nuwaupu,
the Amen (Revelation 3:14). I have blended in with each of the
religions most interesting to my people. I lived as one of them and
practiced as one of them in order to reveal the misconceptions of
these doctrines that have plagued and diseased the minds of my
people created by Leviathan to enforce a spell over the lost sheep
called religions, beliefs or faiths.

Amongst the Arabs of AI Islam in the Scroll#196 Degree of
Muhammadism, I, as a Muslim was known as As Sayyid: Issa AI
Haadi Al Mahdi (1945 A.D. - Living) or simply Imaam Issa,
under Shaikh Daoud Ahmad Faisal (1891-1980 A.D.), a Maur,
Muur, Moor by birth of Morocco. (Read Scroll #165 Shaikh
Daoud Vs. J¥.D. Fard by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York -El
33°/7200©TM) who was the founder of Sunni Islam in America,
and also the Islamic Mission in America, who himself was a
Shriner. Being fluent in the many dialects as well as the Classical
Arabic language, I translated word for word without biasness in
favor of the Islamic religion, Scroll # 176 The Noble's Koran from
Ashuric/Syriac Arabic into English. I sat beneath the great
Shuyuwkh "elders" as a student, one of which was Mahmoud
Muhammad Mahmoud and the great master Karama Shaikh AI
Hasoun of the Khalwatiyya Order of Sufis out of Sudan, as a
Mahdiyya or Ansarullah and studied Scroll#9 The Raatib, which
is the Mahdi's expression of love for his creator, completed in 1885
A.D., and I reorganized it and printed it for them.

As a Moorish-American under the teachings of Prophet Noble

Drew Ali (1886-1929 A.D.) as A Moorish card-holding member,
Since 1973 A.D. M. York-EI. I republished and revised Scroll
#219 The Holy Koran Circle Seven. Their connection with the
N.O.I. "Nation of Islam", Known as the Black Muslims, encour-
aged me to do an in-depth study of the teachings of Master W.D.
Fard, Allah in person, to his final messenger, The Honorable
Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X and Minister Louis
Farrakhan, (Read Scroll#166 Post Graduate: The Renewal of the
Lessons, Zig, Zag, Zig, by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York -El
33°/720o©TM) all of whom were also admitted Freemasons. I
released several books explaining in-depth, their doctrine, which
led me to another ex-member of the Nation of Islam called
Clarence 13X, a self-styled Allah who founded the 5 Percent
Nation of Gods and Goddesses. I collected data and published The

Problem Book, their interpretation of the English class lessons of
The Nation Of Islam.

Amongst the Hebrew Israelites, while in the degree of Mosesism

(Scroll#194), I was known as Rabboni: Yashu'a Bar EI Haady.
As a Hebrew, I was given a Bar Mitzvah in the year 1958 A.D. by
the great Rabbi: Wentworth Arthur Matthews (1892-1965 A.D.),
leader of the Moorish Zionist Temple of the Moorish Jews of
Harlem at age 13. Through the school of Judaism, I translated the
Torah and the Psalms from the ancient Hebrew into English.

Amongst the Christians in the Degree of Christism (Scrolf#195), a

study, the Jehovah Witnesses, whose founder Charles Taze
Russell (1852-1916 A.D.) and another leader Joseph B.
Rutherford 1869-1942 A.D. were also Freemasons as was the
founder of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard (1911-1986 A.D.) And
even the founder of the Mormons Joseph Smith (1805-1844 A.D.)
I was known as Reverend Dr. Malachi Z. York or Dr. York EI,
pastor and founder of The Holy Tabernacle Ministries and later
the Reverend and Founder of The Egiptian Church Of Karast
"Christ" Inc., The Holy Seed Baptist Synagogue Inc. and The
Amen Institute.

Through the School of Christism, I translated and explained the

Book of Revelation, from the Galilean Arabic and the Ancient
Greek. (Read Book# 203 Jesus Found In Egipt by Noble: Dr.
Malachi Z. York -El 33°/7200©TM) All of these new sects of
Muslims, Christians, Hebrew Israelites and mystic groups were
all founded by Freemasons.

In this day and time, I received a new Holy Tablet (Book#172), the
Book of Lam, prophesied by the Messenger, The Honorable
Elijah Muhammad, our own scripture that each day, as scientists,
astronomers, paleontologists, and the likes uncover new evidence

confirming that this Holy Tablet was indeed divinely inspired, and
is not merely a book, the Book of Lamb, but a revelation, a holy
scripture with prophecies of the future which are manifesting daily.
Also, I translated EI Katub Shil EI Mawut, (The Book of The
Dead) The Book Of The Coming Forth By Day originally called
Coming Forth From The Darkness Into The Light, commonly
called today The Egyptian Book Of The Dead after its discovery
in the many tombs of the deceased. As Amun Nebu Re Akh Tah I
also released a series of books called Behind The Nine Ball and
Bible Interpretations and Explanations in 1967 A.D.

I felt it my duty as the true Reformer and Saviour to my people, to

make that which is unclear, clear. I have also revealed the doctrine
of those called the Hebrew Israelites, and the likes with a series of
books called 360 Questions To Ask and 3 volumes of over 1,000
pages each entitled the Degree Of Mosesism, The Degree Of
Christism, and the Degree Of Muhammad ism covering any ques-
tion that anyone could have, pertaining to any of the 3 monotheis-
tic religions as taught by the Canaanites who tampered with them
over the years.

I have also traveled the rough, and rugged path of Freemasonry.

All my life never once did I deny this to any, and have 'crossed the
burning sands', and have arrived as The Imperial Grand
Potentate (Worldwide), affiliated with the Ancient Arabic &
Oriental Order Nobles Of The Mystic Shrine New Mecca
Temple No. 11 "Oasis" Macon "Desert" Ga, Noble: Bishop T.
W. Smith Jr. 33°/ 95°, as well as Mecca Temple No.1 Ancient
Arabic Order Nobles Of The Mystic Shrine Of North And
South America Inc., Grand Jurisdiction Of Georgia Noble:
Harold Martin, And I.GP. Of A.E.O. & A.N.O.M.S. AI Mahdi
Shrine Temple No. 19 "Oasis" Macon, "Desert" Ga. Northern
& Southern Jurisdiction, The Ancient Egiptian Order Arab
Noble of the Mystic Shrine Worldwide, AI Mahdi Shrine
Temples "Ansaruallah" worldwide as Imperial Grand
Potentate (Grand Mufti); also over The Sisters of Fatima,
Shriner Ladies, Haram #19, (Worldwide), and Shiloh Chapter
#3 O.E.S. Order of the Eastern Star, and their many sub-chap-
ters (worldwide). Also acting in the position of the Sovereign
Grand Commander Of The Nuwaupian Worldwide Grand
Lodge, "Oasis" Monrovia, "Desert" Liberia, West Africa; Also
the Deputy Grand Master Affiliated with the Pride of Georgia
Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. 33rd Scottish Rite Freemason and
Amos Grand Lodge of Macon, Ga.

T entered the Order Of The Acacia, under the Most Worshipful

Master The III. Charles Tinsley, 33rd Degree Of King
Solomon's Lodge NO.4 Of Brooklyn. NY; also T passed at the
II New York Grand Enoch Lodge In Brooklyn N.Y. on Putnam and
Nostrand Avenue, Prince Hall affiliated and of the Ancient And
Accepted Scottish Rite Freemasonry A.F. & A.M. Jurisdiction
Of Georgia called Zerubbabel Grand Chapter Royal Arch
Mason, United States And Canada. In my heart and in my mind
from my experiences, the sectism and the separation will be elimi-
nated by the efforts of those amongst us whose concerns are
Freemasonry and Shrinendom and not self-gains and egos.

My travels took me throughout the world from sitting with the mys-
tics and the monks under the Tibetan Master Lama Mott
Kokomau Of China to the Grand Lodge In Cairo, Egypt, North
East Africa; to being a member of the Rosicrucian Order since
1974 A.D. as well as Astara Mystic Order since 1975 A.D.; for
more than 25 years. As the Supreme Grand Hierophant, of the
Ancient Egiptian Order, A.E.O., Mir "Pyramid" No.9, my fam-
ily have been Freemasons for generations in Virginia's Zen
Shriner Temple No. 122, Newport News, Virginia and
Daughters Of Isis, Zen Court No. 98, Prince Hall Affiliated.

I stepped on to the White Lodge Freemasonry, "The White Nile"

from the Black Egiptian mystery as Tehuti "Thoth", called
Hermes thrice times great, the possessor of the master's key,
keeper of the secret word to become a Haru "Horus, Heru", a

companion of the Great Hierophant: I-M-Hotep, The Scribe Of
The Secret Doctrine, Conferrer Of The 7200 Degrees In The
Secret Number 9, And The Guardian Of The 9th Gate, Raising
From The Ninth Chamber. In possession of the secret, which will
give you the power to re-align yourselves. "I was there, which is
here", when the words "let there be light" ~~fTY ~ ~ 0~ '1't-'1~~
~fTY ~ literally meaning "become, exist be, come into being"
~fTY~ ~~fTY~~ and "light" '1~~ 0~'1't- was uttered. It was
actually a request to the Most High by the Elohyeem, called
Anunna, Anunnaki, Orisha, Dineer, Malaa-ikat, Nommos,
Neteraat, angels to allow the green light to exist.

I have stood the test of time. I have been questioned by scholars

and historians of all religions and denominations. I am able to
answer the unanswered and solve the problems of the world; yet,
my personal interest is in each and everyone of you. I am not The
Lord Jesus the Christ. Nor am I a holy man nor a preacher. I am
a Master Teacher, a guide. I have resurrected in the west, the
ancient fraternity, A.E.O. "with healing in my wings" (Malachi
4:2), the spiritual order of our ancestors, the Egiptians, and your
true bloodline under the reincarnation ofNeter: Amunnubi Reakh
Tah, your A'aferti, par-ah "pharaoh" for this day and time Atum-
Re. 1 have experienced all the religions and sacred orders, and
now, I bring to you, the Ancient Egiptian Order A.E.O., the true
order of the Egiptians called Ipet, Isut which the university of edu-
cational and spiritual knowledge of Ancient Tama-Re "Egipt." It is
referred to as the White Lodge, built in 1500 B.c. in the old days,
that which gave birth to all others and it, in this day and time, has
become the fastest growing movement for world peace of the new
millennium. You have found your way to that which you have
sought all your life. Don't bel ieve a word I say, "Check it out for
yourself." So I am your brother. I am a Nubian Islamic Hebrew

"Only fools duck when the truth is thrown at them"

"Don't believe a word 1say, check it out for yourself"
-1 do my Bes-

Table of Contents

Ques: What are the Seven Thunders? 76

Ques: Is The Spell of Leviathan the only spell? 88
Ques: You mentioned Ether spirit forces. What are
sp iri t forces? 95
Ques: What is the symbol of the 9-Ether eternal life, is it the
cross? 98
Ques: What is meant by the devil will bite the heel of the
woman's seed? 114
Ques: If the description of Yashu'a, !sa, Jesus is right in
The Holy Bible which is the word of' Alyuwn
EI, 'Elyown EI, 'Alyon EI ("Most High God''),
in the book of Revelation 1:14-15, how did the image
of the beast start? 118
Ques: What is Character Assassination? 139
Ques: What Is The Aquarian Conspiracy? 162
Ques: What is an icon? 166
Ques: When was the Spell of Leviathan cast? 185
Ques: What happened in the year 2,000 A.D.? 187
Ques: Are people aware about developments in cloning in
America? 193
Ques: What is a clone? 193
Ques: So are you saying that this is how clones are made? 194
Ques: Has there ever been a successful clone? 195
Ques: What is the purpose for creating clones today? 196
Ques: Upon whom was this spell cast upon? 201
Ques: How did Zuen get close enough to Enlil to
acco m plish this? 222
Ques: Who are the Adamites? 226
Ques: Who are the Cainites? 229
Ques: Who are the Enosites? 232
Ques: When you say Negroid, is that a specific group
of peo pie? 235
Ques: How was the spell introduced and enforced? 236
Ques: Who was Seth's seed? 237
Ques: Is this religious stuff a part of The Spell? 241
Ques: If we shouldn't follow religion, then what should
we be following? 245
Ques: How can it be destroyed? 251
Ques: How will this work to break the Spell of Leviathan? 253
Ques: I don't want to fight you Doc, I just don't understand,
I mean I don't overstand how the spell is enforced? 256
Ques: What will happen if the Spell is broken? 263
Ques: Who exactly were the Pharisees? 284
Ques: What do you mean this reptile is the most symbolic of
Human Develop ment? 298
Ques: Does all of this happen before the mother's first month
of p regnancy? 299
Ques: Can you please explain this further? 299
Ques: Does a baby stay a reptile? 300
Ques: What is a Rumardian? 301
Ques: You're describing these beings, but what do they have to
do with a newborn baby? 302
Ques: When you say resemble a human, do you mean human
fea tu res? 302
Ques: Do humans have traits of the Rumardians? .304
Ques: What happens if a baby is transplanted and is born
ea r Iy? 304
Ques: What are some of the the many names
of the Devil? 304
Ques: How is this seed planted from childhood? 314
Ques: Do Caucasoids know that they are from the cursed
seed of the albino Canaan? 362

Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
________ Part One of Four _

The Holy Bible - Revelation 13: 17-18

(With Modern Greek Script)

17 Kat wa J.!11 ne; OllY11'tat ayopaoat 117tWA110at £1 J.!11 0 £XWY

'to xapaYJ.!a 11'to OYoJ.!a 'tOll 811PlOll 11'tOY ap18J.!oy 'tOll
OyoJ.!a'tOe; <pall'toll 18 wo£ 11 OO<plU £ony 0 £XWY 'tOY YOllY
\JI11<p1oa'tW'tOY ap18J.!oy 'tOll 811PlOll ap18J.!0e; yap aY8pW7tOll
£ony Kat 0 ap18J.!0e; all'tOll x~e;

"17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, .
or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wis-
dom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the
beast: for it is the number ofa man; and his number is Six hundred
threescore and six. "
The King James Version of the Holy Bible
Copyright 1971 A.D.
Sixth revision 2003 A.D.
Printed in the U.S.A.

It has been customary in the past for me to

include an introduction in the beginning of
all pamphlets, and scrolls. This revised edi-
tion of Leviathan The Beast As The Anti-
Christ contains information so profound
that I, Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, as
well as you, will agree again, that...

Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________ Part One of Four _

This Book Needs No

It has been customary in the past for me to include an introduction
in the beginning of all pamphlets of peace Editions and Scrolls.
However in this day and time, I must take a moment to mention that
I have taught you of the existence of beings called Extraterrestrial
(extra-terra-astrals) or extra beings on your planet called Terra
now called Earth. Many times before, these beings that come from
their home, the 8th Planet Rizq, of the 19th Galaxy Illyuwn chose
me to be born at exactly the right time. This is why my mother and
relatives sighted the presence of the great star (ship) on that
Tuesday, at 12:00 midnight, on June 26,1945 A.D. The weather
filled with an overcast of clouds and rain, which was a perfect
cover for a mission. The child was then made right to make way
for me, Yaanuwn to make my entrance. Then was born a little
dark, copper-toned baby, and I went into his body and he became
The Sun of Justice (Malachi 4:2) also called As Sayyid: Issa Al
Haadi Al Mahdi, which is Ashuric/Syriac (Arabic) for the Aramic
(Hebrew) name: Rabboni: Yashu'a Bar EI Haadi, known today as
Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°. Yet, principalities in high places try
to eliminate the birth of any supreme being as written in The Holy
Bible in Psalms 2:2-3.

The Holy Bible, Psalms 2:2-3

(With Modern Hebrew Script)

7n~~m~li' jT'jT~~li in~ 'iO'~ C~~nj'rj~ ~~~~,~~~n~

,~~n~li,~~~jT~~~~~' m~n'jO'~ n~ jTpn~~

Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________ Part One of Four _
"The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel
together, against the (Yahayyu "Existing One, Living One '')
'LORD', and against his anointed, saying, 3 Let us break their
bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us."
The King James Version of the Holy Bible

One way this is done is by an injection with a hypodermic needle

into the base of the baby's brain with a drug called PCP, Phenyl
Cyclohexyl Piperidine known as Angel Dust, which can reduce an
angelic being to mere dust when it is injected into the
Hippocampus area of the brain, which deadens the Barathary
Gland, killing the memory, making one a forgetful being. The
Barathary Gland is your connection to the four higher senses,
which are:

Clairvoyance: The ability to see clear, to know

what is going on in another place or another room
without seeing the event or events with the two
physical eyes.

Intuition: the ability to know what is about to hap-

pen before it happens;

Telepathy: the ability to communicate messages

from the mind without using verbal speech;

Psychometry: the ability to be able to tell some-

thing about a person by holding an object that
belonged to the person.

However, in order to prevent this, the child was born on T, esday,

at 12:00 midnight, on June 26, 1945 A.D., in the midst of light-
ning storm as a shield. I am here amongst you to take you by the
hand and lead you to that which was promised to you. You should
feel a comfort being with me. I truly know the way out of the hell
that you Negroids have been in for six thousand years. You can
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________ Part One of Four _
now say you have a a Master Teacher living in your midst today.
And how to break the spell, for all who will listen; It is through
Right Knowledge, Right Wisdom, and the Right Overstanding,
which is the science of Nuwaubu, Sound Right Reasoning.
Thus, this revised edition of "The Spell of Kingu, The Spell of
Leviathan 666" contains information so profound that I, Dr.
Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, as well as you will agree that:

"This Book Needs No

Introduction!! !"


Leviathan: From The Klein's Comprehensive Etymological

Dictionary Of The English Language.

Late Latin From Hebrew Liwayathan, "Serpent, Dragon,

'Leviathan", Prop, Tortuous, Which Is Related To 'Liwya,
"Wreath" From Base L-W-H, "To Wind, Turn, Twist", Whence
Also Arab, Lawa, "The Wound, Turned, Twisted", To Surround,

Leviathan: From the Webster's New Twentieth Century

Dictionary Unabridged, Second Edition

(Noun) Middle English - L euyeth an, Late Latin (Ecclesiastic)

Hebrew Liwayathan, base akin to Akkadian - Lawu, to surround,
Arabic: Liyatu, Snake. 1. A large and powerful aquatic animal
described in Job Chapter 4, and mentioned in other passages or
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________ Part One of Four _
scriptures: variously thought of as a whale or a reptile. 2.
Anything huge of its kind.

Leviathan: From The Webster's Second College Edition, New

World Dictionary.

(Noun) Middle English - Leuyethan, Late Latin (Ecclesiastic)

Hebrew Liwayathan, base akin to Akkadian - Lawu, to surround,
Arabic: Liyatu, Snake. 1. Bible, a sea monster, variously thought
of as a reptile or a whale. 2. Anything huge or very powerful. 3. a
political treatise by Thomas Hobbes (1651 A.D.) dealing with the
organization of the state.

Thomas Hobbes is considered one of the greatest British political

philosophers. His best-known publication was entitled Leviathan
or the Matter, Form, and Power of a Commonwealth,
Ecclesiastical and Civil, ISBN 0-14043-195-0, Viking Press. In
the first two parts "Of Man" and "Of Commonwealth ", he wrote
"Man can only live together in peace if they agree to subject them-
selves to an absolute and undivided sovereign" (Leviathan). In the
last two parts, "Of A Christian Commonwealth ", and "Of The
Kingdom Of Darkness ", he discussed the scripture and attacked the
attempts of Baptists and Presbyterians to challenge the right of
the sovereign. In the spring of 1660 A.D., Thomas Hobbes pub-
lished an attack on new methods of mathematical analysis in 6 dia-
logues in England; Leviathan was included amongst them. For his
works he was ostracized and no longer allowed to publish anything
on subjects relating to human conduct. Thomas Hobbes was out
to expose the Beast of Leviathan as it appeared in the govern-
ment and in the church. Yes, without people even knowing it,
Leviathan works through the many secret societies in the church:

Christian Secret Societies

1. The Knights of Columbus

Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________________ PartOneofFour _
2. The Brotherhood of the Snake
3. The Brotherhood of the Dragon
4. The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
5. The Order of Luciferians
6. The Satanic Order
7. The Open Friendly Secret Society (The Vatican)
8. The Nazi Party S.S.
10. The Illuminati
11. The Secrets of the Ages
12. The Guardians
13. The Millennium
14. The Skull and Bone
15. The Demolay Society
16. The Order of the Quest
17. The Jesuits
18. The Rosicrucians
19. The Astara Order
20. The Scroll and Key
21. The Odd Fellows
22. The Order of Sion "Zion"
23. Le Serpent Rouge "The Red Serpent"

These are just some of the Christian Secret Orders that the
average Christian knows nothing about. Most Christian
Ministers, Pastors, Bishops, Reverends, Deacons, Fathers don't
know anything about them.

In The Controllers, The Hidden Rulers Of Earth Identified writ-

ten by Commander X, ISBN 0-93829-44-23, published by Inner
Light Global Communications, who is a retired military intelli-
gence operative, page 55 in the fourth paragraph, reads as follows:

"'In reference to the New Age Movement and our

Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________________ PartOneqfFour _
coming age of barbarism, ' attorney Constance E.
Combey writes this in her book, the Hidden
Dangers Of The Rainbow (1983) - "Benjamin
Creme, David Spangler, Alice Baily, Helena
Petrovna Blavatsky, Et AI, have all said that 'initi-
ation 'will be the heart and core of the "New World
Religion ".

* David Spangler has defined that initiation as a

Luciferian initiation and for those who cannot
accept the 'New Christ' - they will be sent to anoth-
er dimension other than the physical incarnation (a
nice way qf saying, if you don't bow down to our
new age Messiah (Antichrist) we will hunt you
down and slaughter you and your children 11I)

* Creme says that "CASH WILL BE ABOLISHED

and the world will go to a more rational means of
exchange, such as a computerized barter economy.
Creme has said that "The 'initiations' will be given
on a mass planetary basis in a revitalized
"Christian" church and in the Freemasonic Lodges
and other Esoteric Organizations." Note: Could
this 'revitalized,' or 'revitalized' 'Christian' church
be the prophesied Whore of Babylon or the Church
of Rome? Also, it is possible that part of the
Luciferian Initiation will involve accepting the
'Mark Of The Beast' which will have committed the
final offense against their creator, in essence
'Signing Over' ownership of their souls and Free
Will to 'The Beast' and choosing this creature as
'God'. Some suggest these will be incapable ql
redemption since they will somehow turn their wills
over to the collective consciousness of 'The Beast'
and therefore could not 'choose' to resist the
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________ Part One of Four _
Antichrist even if they wanted to, because their
Free Will has been destroyed.

Commander X was out to expose the Beast of Leviathan as it

appeared in the Government and in the Church.

On page 16 of The New Age Movement - The Illuminati 666, com-

piled by William Josiah Sutton, ISBN 1-57258-01-43 published
by Teach Services Inc Copyright 1983 A.D. it states:

"The Luciferian plot to overthrow the worship of

Jesus has always worked in secret, using camou-
flages to remain hidden, it has not come upon the
world suddenly, but little by little. Likewise, we
must also trace this history of the great Luciferian
Conspiracy little by little. We will expose how prim-
itive man was deceived into worshipping Lucifer,
then bring the reader down through the centuries
and show how Lucifer is being worshipped in these
modern 1980 s."

And I must add the 1990's till now!!!

William Josiah Sutton was also out to expose the Beast of

Leviathan as it appeared in the Government and in the Church.
And they're not the only ones trying to expose "The New World
Order" for what it is. Take into consideration that these individu-
als have for a long time put their lives on the line trying to awake
you to the mystifying truths and startling facts. You have authors
such as Dr. John Coleman who published Conspirators'
Hierarchy: The Story Of The Committee Of 300, ISBN 0-96340-
19-47 copyright 1992 A.D. whom also is seeking to expose The
Beast, and its new One Worldism.

* Page 4: "Some may already have heard my

Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________________ Part One qfFour _
expose of the foreign aid scandal, in which work I
named several conspiratorial organizations, whose
number is legion. Their final objective is the over-
throw of the Us. Constitution and the merging of
this country, chosen by god as his country, with a
godless one world order government which will
return the world to conditions far worse than exist-
ed in the dark ages. "

According to Easton's Revised Bible Dictionary, the quantity

legion is defined as, "The number of men composing, which dif-
fered at different times. It originally consisted of three thousand
men, but in the time of Christ consisted of six thousand,"

* Page 144: "The Royal Institute Of International

Affairs used the lifetime work qf Aldous Huxley and
Buwler-Lytton as its blueprint to bring about a state
where mankind will no longer have wills of their
own in the One World Government -New World
Order of the fast-approaching new Dark Age. "

* Page 158: "These nice proper English gentlemen

are, in reality, utterly ruthless- what they did in
India, Sudan, Egypt, Iraq, Iran and Turkey will be
repeated in every country under The New World
Order-One World Government. They will use every
nation and its wealth to protect their privileged way
of life. "

* Page 166: "Rival factions and groups such as

Arabs and Jews and Africans shall have differences
magnified and allowed to wage wars of extermina-
tion against each other under the eyes of NATO and
UN observers. The same tactics will be used in
Central and South America. These wars of attrition
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________ Part One of Four _
shall take place before the take over of the one
world government and people with ethnic and reli-
gious differences live, such as the Sikhs, Moslems
Pakistanis and the Hindu Indians. Ethnic and reli-
gious differences shall be magnified and exacerbat-
ed and violent conflict as a means of "settling" their
differences shall be encouraged and fostered. All
information services and print media shall be under
the control of the one world government. Regular
brainwashing control measures shall be passed off
as "entertainment" in the manner in which it was
practiced and became afine art in the United States.
Youths removed from "disloyal parents," shall
receive special education, designed to brutalize
them. Youth of both sexes shall receive training to
qualify as prison guards for The One World labor
camp system. It is obvious that much work remains
to be done before the dawning (Shakhar) of the new
world order can occur."

* Page 172: "But with the coming of the new world

order-one world government, far reaching experi-
ments will be stepped up to drive man s god-given
yearning for freedom out of his mind, body and
soul. "

Dr. John Coleman was out to expose the One World Order as it
appeared in the government (Read Book#156 The Year 2000 and
What to Expect, by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN 1-
59517-147-9, distributed by Egipt Publishers, and Book #156 The
Millenium Book Part 1-2 by Noble:Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°,
ISBN 1-59517-142-8 distributed by Egipt Publishers, Behold a
Pale Horse by William Cooper,ISBN 0-92938-52-25, Light
Technology Publishing, The Biggest Secret by David Icke, ISBN
0-95261-47-66, Bridge of Love Publications, and The Illuminati
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________ Part One of Four _
666 compiled by William Josiah Sutton, ISBN 1-57258-01-43,
published by Teach Services Inc.).



As of March 1, 2002 A.D. the existence of the Underground

Government has come to light. The same underground govern-
ment I described in Book #156 The Millennium Book (Part 1)
by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISB 1-59517-142-8,
distributed by Egipt Publishers on page 13, where I write and I
quote, "Don't forget the Second government that is underground. .. "
This underground government is operating right now within under-
ground cities beneath Washington D.C., and surrounding east
coast areas. This government is being termed as the Shadow
Government, which is being ran by Dick Cheney, the Vice
President under President George W. Bush. Cheney was also the
Secretary of Defense under George H.W. Bush. This is why you
haven't heard anything about Dick Cheney. You don't hear about
him because he is running the Underground Government as I
prophesied in the book Book #131 Shamballah and Aghaarta by
Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-081-2 dis-
tributed by Egipt Publishers, first copyrighted in 1995 A.D.

They are now telling you that this underground government will
run America and that these plans were long standing plans that are
being activated for the first time; necessitated by the prophesied
attack on 9/111Ql A.D. Everything is being done in secret. For
example: lawmakers were not told of secret plans for the Shadow
Government. The Senate has not even been informed about the
role of the Shadow Government, its whereabouts or what particular
responsibilities they have and when they would kick in. Keep in
mind what the Senate seat is as defined by the American Heritage
Dictionary, by the Editors of the American Heritage Dictionary,
ISBN 0-39582-51-72, Houghton Mifflin Publishers as:
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________ Part One of Four _
"An assembly or a council of citizens having the
highest deliberative and legislative functions in a
government, specifically"

Meaning the citizens of the United States of America will have no

power or say in the true government, the shadow government.
Making way for the New World Order as I prophesied to you in
Book #156 The Year 2000 A.D. And What To Expect by Noble:
Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-147-9, distributed
by Egipt Publishers.

The Executive Branch (The branch of government charged with

putting into effect a country's laws and the administering of its
functions) is one of the most important branches within the shadow
government. Yet the Judicial and Legislative Branches which rep-
resent the people are not involved in any of the decisions of this
shadow government. They must maintain their position within the
underground city 24 hours a day.

Ex- President Ronald Wilson Reagan, as Satan, established the

Church of Satan on June 6th of 1966 in California. (Morals and
Dogma of the Ancient and A ccepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
by Albert Pike Published by Kessinger Publishing Co as well as
Albert Mackey's Revised Encyclopedia of Freemasonry were both
done in 1966.) Reagan signed a revised Executive Order 12656, on
November 18, 1988 A.D. among them were legal instruments for
"succession to office and emergency delegation of authority"; giv-
ing authority to whomever they decide. In this case it would be the
Executive Branch of the Shadow Government also defined as hav-
ing managerial authority in an organization (United States). I told
you all of this before in Book #156 The Year 2000 A.D. And What
To Expect by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN 1-
59517-147-9 distributed by Egipt Publishers on page 267-269;
exactly how they, Satan, Shaytaan, Devil, set the stage for the ush-

Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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ering in of the One World Order:

Through FEMA (Federal Emergency Management

Agency) there will be what is called "takeovers".
These takeovers include anything from the takeover
of electric power to the takeover of your children.
They have what is called "Executive Order 11021 "
and it gives all of the details of the responsibilities
of FEMA. It gives FEMA the authority to execute
the orders of the Executive Order 11051. FEMA
covers every type of domes tical crisis but it doesn't
involve war or nuclear attacks ... All FEMA needs is
to be able to implement anyone of the Executive
Orders of The President of the United States to say
that there is some type of national emergency.
Regardless of what it is, if the President says that it
is a national emergency then they take action ... Here
is a list of them:

Executive Order 10995 provides for the takeover of

the communication media

Executive Order 10997 provides for the takeover of

all electric, power, petroleum, gas fuels and miner-

Executive Order 10988 provides for the takeover of

food resources and farms

Executive Order 10999 provides for the takeover of

all modes of transportation, control of highways,
seaports, etc.

Executive Order 11000 provides for mobilizations

of all civilians into work brigades under the govern-
ment supervision.
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Executive Order 11001 provides for governmental
takeover of all health, education and welfare func-

Executive Order 11002 designates the postmaster

general to operate a national registration of all per-

Executive Order 11003 provides for the government

to takeover airports and aircraft.

(Read Behold a Pale White Horse by William Cooper, ISBN 0-

92938-5225, by Light Technology Publishing)
I must interject that after the World Trade Center Bombings, of the
Twin Towers, one was called Abbadon and the other Apollyon
(both of these words mean "destroyer") as spoken of in Revelation
9:11 "And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bot-
tomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in
the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon ", on September 11, 2001
A.D., the government controlled all forms of transportation. And
now even to this day, the government is controlling all transporta-
tion in the air as they have even taken over the airports. This too
has come to pass. Prophecy Fullfilled!

Executive Order 11004 provides for the housing and

finance authority to relocate communities, designate
areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations
for populations.

Executive Order 11005 provides for the government

to takeover railroads, inland waterways and public
storage facilities.

These orders were combined under Executive Order

Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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11490 , by Ex-President Richard Nixon in October
of 1969 A.D. This Executive order states:

"Whereas our national security is dependent upon

our ability to assure continuity of government, at
every level, in any national emergency type situation
that might conceivably confront the nation ... "

They are now telling you the type of national security they are
planning. In The Army Times- August, 6, 2001 A.D., in an article
called "Zapper Tactics" (a copy of the article appears below); they


IIIIW you'1I USE' this

! lot fl('\l, \\ (';lJ}()J1
(il smm'OlW
doesn't kill it first)

Plate 1
This is "The Zapper"; a weapon that will be used Jor crowd control

tell you about the Vehicle-Mounted Active Denial System

(VMADS) is a powerful millimeter-wave generator that, when
pointed at a crowd, would hit them with powerful pulses of energy,
instantly heating up their skin, causing intense pain, fear and
panic. This weapon, they say, is for angry citizens at distribution
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________ Part One of Four _
centers in war-tom countries. That would be America after the 9/11
attacks on the World Trade Center. They also say that this weapon
will be good for urban areas. This order came after the original
order that was given by the Ex-President John F. Kennedy signed
on October 2, 1962 A.D. This order was Executive order 11051
and it stated:

"Whereas, national preparedness must be achiev -

ed. ... as many be required to deal with increases in
international tension with limited war, or with gen-
eral war including attack upon the United States"

President Nixon changes some of the words round.

He took out reference to war, and general war from
the order and replaced it with "During any emer-
gency that might conceivably corifront the nation"
meaning that FEMA has to respond to any situation,
even it isfake ... Once the president says that there is
a national emergency, then the head of FEMA gives
the instructions for FEMA to attack and takeover.
The Executive Orders were signed by Ex-President
Jimmy Carter on July 20, J 979 A.D. FEMA has the
power to direct any and all other federal agencies
who fall under FEMA. This has nothing to do with
anything else other than the Illuminati taking over
the world and joining in with the New World Order.

Now as of Feburary 7, 2002 A.D., FEMA - The Federal

Emergency Management Agency will recruit and train an army of
400,000 citizen corps volunteers in medical care and other skills to
be ready for the next possible terrorist attack, FEMA Director Joe
M. Allaugh told United Press International. They have also
received $3.5 billion in grants to give to local emergency agencies
unveiled in President Bush's new budget proposal. Bush's 2003
A.D security plan will virtually transform FEMA and double its
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________ Part One of Four _
budget to $6.5 billion, making it the go-to agency for helping state
and local governments. FEMA will also absorb the Justice
Department Office. Workers at the Department of Justice will move
to FEMA's office and will also receive parts of Department of
Justice programs. You were told this was going to happen since
1971 A.D. This is all to prepare you for The New World Order.
This was made possible by their attack on the Pentagon on 9/ II
which houses the Justice Department.

Expect more changes that will take away your rights. As of May
2002 A.D. the Congress of the United States of America passed a
law outlawing the use of any other language besides American
English. As of now this means no signs are allowed in other lan-
guages and no speaking in other languages for it is now against the
law. Pay close attention to what is going on around you for the
beast is getting in place and fullfilling revelations that have been
unfolded for you since 1970 A.D. until now. Satan, Shaytaan,
Devil knows his rule is up!

This Shadow Government internally known as the C.O.G (conti-

nuity of government), which has been in the planning for centuries
C.O.G. is the same name that was being used by Nixon, as the son
of the devil, whose name denotes who he is. Just take a look at his
name, Nix (which is a term applied to the devil) and Son being the
son of the Satan, Shaytaan, Devil (Shakhar "the dark one, prince
of darkness") (Isaiah 14:12). Nixon is Lucifer; just one of many.
He too "deceived the whole world" with Watergate, which was "A
scandal involving abuse of power by public officials, violation of
the public trust, bribery, contempt of Congress, and attempted
obstruction of justice ". The Watergate scandal was named after
"Watergate, a building complex in Washington, D.C, the site of
illegal activities (1972) that gave rise to such a scandal". Now this
scandal would have never been exposed if it wasn't for a Negroid
of the pure seed who was cleaning one night and found the tapes
that cracked Nixon's deception wide open. This same Nixon, back
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________ Part One 0.1Four _
in 1969 A.D., referred to this shadow government as C.O.G., as a
sign for what he was going to do. The acronym C.O.G., which is the
same as the word cog which is of Scandinavian origin, Swedish
kugg, defined by The American Heritage Dictionary, by the
Editors of the American Heritage Dictionary, ISBN 0-39582-
51-72, Houghton Mifflin Publishers as;

"Cog2 (kog, k6g) v. cogged, cog·ging, cogs. --tr. 1.

To load or manipulate (dice) frsaudulently. --intr. 1.
To cheat, especially at dice. --cog n. An instance of
cheating; a swindle. [Origin unknown.}"

Cog, phonetically the same as Cog of Cog and Magog explained

in the first edition of Book #15 Leviathan - 666 (first published
back in 1971 A.D.) written by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York
33°/720°, ISBNl-59517-143-6, distributed by Egipt Publishers ..
On page 415 of The New Webster's International Encyclopedia
by Michael D. Harkery, ISBN 8-88777-76-1, published by
Trident Press International, the entry for the letter C states and I

"0, seventh letter of the English alphabet. Like the

C, it developed from the Semitic ghimel and Greek
gamma. The Romans, who used the same letter for
the k sound and the hard g sound (as in go), added
a small line to the c... "

You were told back in 1970 A.D. who the real government was and
the name that it was represented under, Cog being the United States
and Magog being Russia. This information can be found in El's
Holy Injiyl - The Book of Revelation translated from the original
Aramic by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-
118-5, distributed by Egipt Publishers, from the Revelation of
Yashu'a Ha Mashiakh, Isa Al Masih, Ham Pa Messeh, Jesus the
Messiah "Christ", received by Yowkhanan, Yuhanna, John son of
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________ Part One of Four _
I Zebedee and Salome. (Revelation 1:1). On page 871 of El's Holy
Injyl by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-
118-5, distributed by Egipt Publishers, it states and I quote, "And
he will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters
of the Planet Earth, Gog (United States) and Magog (Russia), to
gather them together." That is exactly what America has done as
prophesied. In Book #156 The Year 2000 A.D. And What To
Expect authored by Noble:Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN
1-59517-147-9, distributed by Egipt Publishers, on page 250-253
and I quote,

"Deception is a key factor in the New World Order.

Some examples of this mass deception is the landing
on the moon story ... In 1969 A.D. I told you years
ago that the landing on the moon story was a hoax
and you looked at me like I was crazy. Now some
Caucasians are coming out in the public and saying
the same thing. In the 1970 s A.D., the evil one made
a movie entitled "Capricorn One" And a James
Bond movie called "Diamonds are Forever, " which
depicted the story of how the entire Apollo I space
mission to the moon was a fake. Isn't that decep-
tion? Deception simply means "to deceive some-
one ... When Paul Lazarus did the movie "Capricorn
One ", they were trying to cover up and hide the
video about how we never went to the moon, which
was the real story of the incident. This not only
shows they are liars and fabricators, but also, even
to this day these high societies avidly persists in
their search for a way to get off of the planet earth
before the severest of the worlds calamities begin to
affect man and man kind"

Now in the present day, the year 2004 A.D. it is a known fact that
the American people were deceived. A headline printed in U.S.A.
Today read "Astronomers mock Fox show about moon fakery";

Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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this information also appears in The Weekly World News dated
March 5, 1991 A.D.

Gog (United States) and Magog (Russia) were also ancient king-
ships in Asia Minor, who took the city of Jerusalem and were ene-
mies of the Israelites, who are Elohyeem's "Gods', Judges',
Angels '" people. In Revelation 20:9 it is foretold they too will be
destroyed from before the Elohyeem "Gods, Judges, Angels".

All of this is going on within underground cities housing the real

government, the shadow government. You were told about these
underground cities, Shamballah and Aghaarta , back in 1971 A.D.
Don't believe me, check it out! On page 4 of Book #131
Shamballah and Aghaarta authored by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z.
York 33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-081-2, distributed by Egipt
Publishers copywritten in 1995 A.D. it states and I quote;

Some countries such as Switzerland have ... under-

ground city that can house 20,000 people. The city
is equipped with schools, hospitals, generators, tele-
vion, housing and everything that you could possi-
bly conceive. If you don't believe me, go investigate.
These cities will serve as an escape when catastro-
phe hits the planet earth. Now, taking into consid-
eration that the population ... the space availablilty
in the underground cities means that everybody
won't be there. This tunnel could be another link to
one of the caverns to the inner world..

Also on page 41 of the book Book #147 People of the Sun

authored by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN 1-
59517-008-1 distributed by Egipt Publishers copywritten in 1996
A.D., there is a list of the alternatives. Plans that have been organ-
ized so that when the Earth does destruct, the elite of your society

Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________ Part One of Four _
will have a place to relocate. Alternative 2 is as follows:

Alternative 2- Was to build underground cities to

escape the atrocities of this world. That s the reason
why the Canaanites are building underground tun-
nels across Europe, ...

Plate 2 Plate 3
George J¥.. Bush Dick Cheney

This is just the beginning of their destruction. Yet, you sti 11want to
be a part of this beast and go down with him. Look at the name of
the leader of the United States of America, President George W.
Bush. When you look in the Strong's Hebrew Lexicon, the word
"bush" in Hebrew is Strong's #0954 tv1:l buwsh boosh, meaning
"to put to shame, be ashamed, be disconcerted, be disappointed"
This is what is on the news right now, he disappointed everyone
with the war in Iraq; all this is because Satan, Shaytaan, Devil's
time is up. You see the physical Satan, Shaytaan, Devil

Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________________ Part One ofFour _

Plate 4
George H. J¥. Bush

(Caucasoids) are in for it. The Reptilians don't need them anymore.
So he will make them kill each other. He said it would be over in a
few days, now he is asking for more money and sending another
100,000 troops. And look at the world: the big boys don't back the

1. Russia
2. France
3. Germany
4. China
5. Pakistan
6. Arab World
7. Africa
8. Korea

It's almost over for them and at the same time war is breaking out
in South America again. How can the U.S. keep up with all this,
troops all over the place, outside the U.S.? So who will be home
security if all our troops are outside? But President George W. Bush
is still sending more troops.
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________________ Part One ofFour _

'Shadow' government
preparing to run U.S.
Cheney part of nlghtrnare, and federal offi-
cials have dusteci oil' plans
doomsday plan to deal ••\'tth the Llnthink-
ablf..~.President Bush's cieci-
By Ron Iiutcheson sion to activate a "shadow"
Knigl"i1Ridder Newspapers
government is just one of a
series of precautions tllUt
WASHINGTON· A ·were ordered after the Sept.
doomsday scenario has 11 terrorist attaeks_
haunted government plan- ''This is serious busi·
ners since the dawn of the ness, and we t.a'keit serious-
nuclear age: \l\lhat \\'ould ly," Rush told rt"porters Fri-
happen if the nation's capi- day, confirming reports
ta! ",,'lerp wiped out by a dev- that he- has orderc~d t11e
astating attack? extraordinary precaution.
:;.JO'l,/ tl18 rhre •.lt of terror- "Until this country has
ism has rev ived a Cold 'vVar Please see SHADOW, 9A

Plate 5
"Shadow government preparing to run U.S," one of many
articles where they are now telling you what I have been
telling you for over 30 years

Right there The Holy Bible is telling you who he is, a deceiver.
Then when you look up the number 0954 in Strong's Hebrew
Lexicon you get Strong's #0954 ~,~ buwsh boosh, meaning "to
put to shame, be ashamed, be disconcerted, be disappointed'and
when you look up this same number 954 in the Greek Lexicon you

Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________________ PartOneofFour _
get 13EEA~E130UA Beelzeboul beh-el-zeb-ool' or beelzeboub,
Beelzebub meaning "lord of the house", "a name of Satan, the
prince of evil spirits"; this is no coincidence.

They have tried time after time to guide you on a path that would
lead you closer to the realization that these things really exist. Yet
every time someone tries to tell you, you do what we all do when
we don't want to hear the truth, you run. Well now is not the time
for running. For time has run out, and the time is now! Now is an
actual event of removing the Spell of Sleep, Leviathan. From the
point of the start of the removal of the spell to this present moment
is now, and now is the time for all good people to come. (Read
Book #80 Man From Planet Rizq by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York
33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-075-8 distributed by Egipt Publishers)

Tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, blizzards, and all the like,

which have already started and continue today. I've told you about
the Year 2000 A.D. since 1967 A.D.



The alignment has happened. So, if you wonder why the world is
going crazy, it's because the planets have aligned as of May 5th
2000 A.D. and ushered in the Sun Cycle, which is a 6,000 year
period of time. I have been telling you this since 1970 A.D. and
you all called me crazy. Just look around you. In Popular Science
magazine dated May 2000 A.D. on page 22, they have just now
decided to tell you about this alignment.
May 5th, 2000 A.D. as described in the articles below, and yes
these things did occur and are occuring now:
"Lined Up"
"On May 5, the inner six planets of our solar system

Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________ Part One of Four _

::$parkles: Scientists are dazzled by rare solar flares,

which may reveal uniforrnJty in the sun's structure.

Sun cranks out rare cookie-cutter flares

Nearly Identical recent solar explosions have scien-
tists Intrigued, The "cookie-cutter" solar flares. which
occurred in November, are detailed in the current
Geophysical Research Letters. Researchers led by Naria-
ki Nitta of the Lockheed Martin Solar and Ascrophys-
ics Laboratory 10 Palo Alto, Calif., say the SIX simIlar
blasts may reveal uniformity In the internal structure
of f.he sun. Each flare used 100,000 times mankmd's
annual energy consumption. Some 14 coronal mass
ejections. blasts of hjgh~energy particles Ihat can
knock out satellites, accompanied the flares.

Plate 6
U.S.A. Today Newspaper Article: "Sun cranks out rare cookie-cutter
flares" about the solar flares on the sun. It was these same Solar
Flares that shut down the Stock Market on a Friday.

will be roughly positioned in line with the sun.

Doomsayers are warning that this so-called plane-

Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________ Part One of Four _
tary alignment could cause solar flares, earth-
quakes measuring up to 13 on the Richter scale,
winds of over 500 mph, polar ice cap movement,
and huge tidal waves ... Don ~ worry. Astronomers
say that while other planets do exert some gravi-
tional pull on Earth, they are too far away to have
much influence; "
When looking at the above article you can see how they try to
deceive you. I have always said they tell you the truth and then SUf-
rond it with lies. They tell you truth and mix it with a lie.
Let's take a look at what did happen at the planetary alignment of
May 5th 2000. You were told that many natural disasters were
going to accompany the planetary alignment, also just recently a
giant iceberg spotted off Antarctica, named B-22 broke free in an
area South of the Pacific Ocean. It is about nine times as large as

Most important was the sun cycle coming and the sun's rays
increasing, creating a hotter environment where only people with
an abundance of melanin (Negroids) will be able to survive it. In
Book #147 People of the Sun authored by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z.
York 33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-008-1 distributed by Egipt
Publishers copywritten in 1996 A.D. on page 37 it states:
"The Canaanites will eventually have to move out of
the sun. People of color should move to the sunlit
areas where there are more alive and colorul festiv-
ities ... "
While the sun is heating up, Caucasoids fearing skin cancer have to
run from the sun, Elohyeem's "Gods', Judges', Angels '" greatest
gift. Negroids need to return down south where they belong. Places
such as Macon, Georgia are filled with sun and have "alive and
colorful activities". Why live somewhere where you have to stay
inside ten months of the year and be outside two when you can
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________ Part One of Four _


The Skin-Cancer Scare

he lesion on 13i11 'Iintoll's ba"k was casilv cured
but it offers a , tark reminder of the un' ha:"..anb

Plate 7
Article: "The Skin Cancer Scare"

move somewhere where it is warm ten months of the year and cold
two? Think about it!



If any of you have been blessed to visit Tama-Re Egipt of the

West, then you would know of a drink I put together called Tama-
Re Tea. It is a unique combination of Cola and Tea. It seemed to
give a great boost of natural energy. Now doctors have un-covered
the Cola and Tea mix and it has proven to give you a natural boost
of energy without the dangerous lows of many caffeine pills on the
market. Now they reproduce this mix in a little pill and market it.
Don't believe me, check it out!
Now back to the weather, which is a sign of the times. There are
heat waves in cold climate areas and below freezing temperatures
in hot areas. Most importantly with the planetary alignment, the
fact is that the weather patterns are shifting causing tornadoes,
earthquakes and mudslides and also affecting or causing rampant
The Caucasoid's rule is up and he is losing his mind, going around
killing people, children, parents and so on. This has been prophe-
sied to you since 1970 A.D.
The planets will align again in the year 2002 A.D. going into 2003

Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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A.D., just like the planets aligned in the year 1960 A.D. and again
in 1962 A.D. as prophesied to you in Book#172 The Holy Tablets
received by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-
008-1, distributed by Egipt Publishers, first printed in 1997 A.D.
On page 1708, there is a list of the Seven Thunders "The Seven
Plagues". The current changes in weather seen in the last few
years is prophesied as the "Fifth Thunder":
Fifth Thunder: 4 great people will perish. Floods,
lightning storms, tornadoes, land slides, hurricanes,
hail in the summer, forest jires ...Nina, "Little girl
will come"
At the start of 2000 A.D. ice storms and blizzards occurred every-
where all over the country.
You have been told these events were to come and now look close-
ly, they are here. Time has run out. This was predicted in Book
#172 The Holy Tablets by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°,
ISBN 1-59517-116-9, distributed by Egipt Publishers. Even
recently in 2003 A.D. on the news show Dateline N.B.C., the pub-
lic is warned of EI Nina's return, which will be much deadlier,
bringing more and stronger disasters. You were told of these effects
of the planetary alignments in Book #80 Man From Planet Rizq
ISBN 1-59517-075-8 by oble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°,
distributed by Egipt Publishers. On page 34 it states,
First on May 5, 2000 A.D. the gates of heaven will
be lined up and open. On August 12, 2003 A.D. pas-
senger :;hips, "the Sham" will reach Qi (earth) to
retrieve the 144,000 ... May 5,2000 A.D. is also the
next alignment of the major planets; the earth, mars
Jupiter and Saturn. In 1970 A.D. We started going
into the sun cycle, you called it new age or
Aquarius, but we'll be in the 4th cycle when this all
happens. This is the last of the 4th cycle alignment
Oven-like temps baKe USA t--<
Records drop IH,Ult"i!l.:f>11!' 'l~kI (',,!,
H:oJ lBi"",,~ ••/lrlj -:""l<l,lf,'
!lIt- lii":I' M hc.r, ml n!flll1.rv.
asACschurn l>,;l,d "n mJ'~' lll.):cj; hI Ill.!-l; II
~fft\U. '"tl~

'J::llI,."Ul1"/''lI!.<"I),'il ,)
~ •••t!f t::l
,n:~rd df/lu"ll ft, t 'tlt\::Q1 If>
r;,•.•.••It;~~'''l .,,,1 "fa'llV,:111
::t ~
NI,h.,./" ,. PAl""""" ()~
N '(' ,- tJUt , l}y~' I;. 4ll'l',t ." ;::; b;:j
1.0 >td~i( .:t. ftjU1j~l:ntt~1~C;n~J)rt
Il'l.:h-",:::l::n. ,luoo l'!l Hull Lau
~ ~
~'llett,(\~iii nil nll ::I,•••m~m
~illJ, f~I!'}..•.•• 'I1lHlIl!.i •• lrol!
'nl "lllll"",,,f.., 1"ll1l4:i'fokilY
4, {"b! ' ( l,rJl ",!yl" t, f1."
',"!O~ifil.:"r~::'lItlf~, ~.,.~n'it:,~_~ s::: ....•.
·••••ullla.\',N('I ~dl lb, "11· "':
""~ h,l, 1:1 Ill~IlW!!; II" 11•• 1 ~
""'!Jlli~r p,J:lrrn I:i 1lI~ fUot ~ •• ::t:..
''"',n+:L : 111r~:f1m31t!l.l1 &>:llr-d ;::;
·h .,,,tr l:run:h:i••••.rck ::::--,
1,'(,",.~, "'';';'h lilt
, ,''''!f'lIltll I
nAh!1l tu~* ••Jtl21 '~Jtf!,t,'\It n~tet" (rU 'tJ;tu; t":;., tIU1"r~~i)l.1F:~
Plate 8 ....•.
A USA Today Newspaper article: "Oven-like temps bake USA" Abnormally high temperatures are
being seen across the nation
We'll just change Earth's orbit
bodies orbiting in the region of ••.A miscalculation might t-<
Pluto. send the 62-mile-wide asteroid ('\)

The plan would have the as- slammmg mto Earth, which ~
teroid give Earth a gravity lug "would sterilize the biosphere is'
as it passes by. Then the aster- :::r-
most effectlvely, at least to the ~
oid would slingshot around the level of bactena." the astrono- ;:s
sun and loop around .Jupiter for mers warn. 0-
another return cnp past Earth. 'Their analysis shows that it 0-
Each round tnp would last works, but I don't think we'd "'i:l~
6,000 years. want to do it this way:' says as- ...•.
Over millions of years, the tronomer Jack lissauer of NA- ~
gravity asSists would pull the SA's Ames Research Center in ::s b::l
~ planet from 93 million miles Moffett Field, Calif. ('\) ('\)
o away from the sun - roo close A story about the analysis
- to a comfy 140 million-mile carned by BBC Online caught ~~
orbit, Korycansky estimates. the attention of astronomers 6J~
l:: ...•.
However, he and hIS colleagues note a few draw- concerned with ways to deflect asteroids aimed at the "'!: :::r-
backs: Earth. A gravity slingshot may represent one way to ('\)
••.We may lose the moon. handle such hazards, Lissauer suggests. ". ' :::t:...
••.The gravIty tugs might spm Earth faster, short- "If we don't destroy ourselves, we have a. billion ;:s
ening a day to a few hours. years to figure this one out," he adds. "Who kIlOws ~.I
••. Mars and Venus apparently need Earth to Slay m what technology we will hJve in just 1,000 yeafS?" .
their orbits.
••.The scheme might pull Jupiter 10 million miles
In the final analysis, he compares the plCllld~ving
scheme to primitives figuring out a way to 'I;)ijttd the
closer to the sun, disturbing the asteroid belt and Golden Gate Bridge out of rope. "We c6ul<f46 it. but ...•.
sending more rocks hurtling onto our planet. who'd want to7"

Plate 9
USA Today article "Sun too close? We'll just change Earth's Orbit"
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________ Part One of Four _
The significance of August 12th is further explained in Book #172
The Holy Tablets by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN
1-59517-116-9, distributed by Egipt Publishers. In Chapter Two
The Slaves, Tablet One, A Mission to the Planet Earth. verse 22 it
22 Know this my child, in the Lunar Logging of the
12th Point, in the Month of August, when the planet
Earth positions itself in the location of revolution of
Earth in the year 2043 A.D. of the Gregorian
Calendar, this vortex will reopen and we must
depart with or without you, so be prepared. 23 My
child listen and overstand. These crafts are coming
to pick you up, their children. "
On January 14, 2002 A.D. it was actually snowing in Saudi
Arabia. Now take a look at this, the normal climate in the country
of Saudi Arabia during the month of January is between 75
degrees and 89 degrees Fahrenheit. And keep in mind that Saudi
Arabia is a desert country and snow only occurs in below freezing
conditions. This is just one sign of the times; snow in the desert.
Saudi Arabia was not the only place that felt the wrath of snowy
weather. January 27, 2002 A.D. in Petaluma, a city in north west-
ern California, Sonoma County, which is north of San Francisco,
to the beaches of Santa Cruz, everyone woke up to snow filled
cities. In California, what are the chances of this being looked at as
Just days before, the hot locations were in a state of a snowy weath-
er and normally cold climate areas were in a state of heat. On
January 26, 2002 A.D. record high temperatures were set in places
like McCook, Nebraska where the normal temperatures are 35
degrees; highs were instead in the high 70's. Austin, Minnesota is
normally 23 degrees and highs there were in the high 50's. In
Waterloo, Iowa where the normal high temperature is 26 degrees,

Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________ Part One of Four _
their temperatures were in the high 60's. This is far from a coin-
cidence, but more like prophecies being fulfilled!
As shown above, this isn't only happening in America but all over
the world. In 2000 A.D. a big earthquake hit India and killed over
10,000 people. There have been many severe weather events and
calamities. For example, within the span of one month, from mid
November to mid December 2001 A.D., 765 earthquakes
occurred all over the world. Keep in mind, these are the only ones
reported. You can check it out for yourself on the Internet at the
many sites for earthquake updates.

And at the time this book went to print, there were earthquakes in
Atlanta, Georgia and tornadoes touching down in Atlanta as well as
Athens, Georgia, completely abnormal weather for these areas.

You were told about the Caucasoid and the fact that as the sun gets
closer to the earth they were going to go crazy. What was expect-
ed for the year 2000 and the planetary alignments was also proph-
esied under the Fifth Thunder in Book #172 The Holy Tablets
received by Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-
116-9, distributed by Egipt Publishers, first printed in 1996 A.D.
On page 1708 under the section of the Seven Thunders "The
Seven Plagues" it states:

F(/ih Thunder: ...children killing children, children

killing their parents, rampant insanity and murders,
an upsurge in drug addiction, and demonic revivals
parading themselves as righteous ...
This too has come to pass. Look at all the Caucasoid people
around you. They have lost their minds from the young to the old.
I have been telling you this for years. They are going around killing
people and themselves; they have completely lost their minds. The
sun cycle is in full effect, that is why while you are moving to the

Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________ Part One of Four _
Indian town becomes
c.emetery after quclke

Plate 10
Article "Indian town becomes cemetery after quake"
High magnitude earthquake that hit India and killed over 10,000 people

south, the Caucasoids are moving to the north because it is heating

up down here. And it is heating up because of the planetary align-
ment, and because the sun cycle has come in also known as the
"sun of rightousness" in Malachi 4:2 which says, "But unto you
that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing
in his wings;" it's our time and the devil's rule is up! The
Caucasoids (Canaanites) are going crazy while you stay by them.
You Negroids have nothing to fear of the sun. You should be mov-
ing in the opposite direction of the Caucasoid; south, toward the

All you have to do is look around you. It started with the school
massacre at Columbine High School in Jefferson County,
Colorado, when Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, two Caucasoid
boys decided to do what came natural to them, kill the innocent. In
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________ Part One of Four _
1999 A.D. into the beginning of 2000 A.D., these two boys were
obviously effected by the sun cycle coming in and as said before if
the sun doesn't protect you, it will do nothing but harm you men-
tally and physically; it will destroy the devil. In this case the sun
cycle caused them to massacre fellow students in school. They
were not by far the first, however a series of D.N.A. explosions
occured with fellow Caucasoid children which caused them to fol-
low suit. There has been a school shooting on the average of one a
month since 1999 A.D. What the media neglected to inform you is
that Columbine was not unique.

Caucasoid children have been doing this for years because his rule
is up and as it says in Revelation 12:12 (in part), "..... Woe to the
inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down
unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but
a short time" The devil has been fighting it for a very long time;
doing what, you may ask. Going crazy! They have not made media
events of all the other school shootings in order to deceive you and
keep you misinformed about their Caucasoid children. I have been
telling you this for years. If all these constant murders aren't a sign
that the white man's world is coming to an end, keep reading.

Caucasoid children are not the only ones killing everybody in the
midst of the sun cycle coming in. As I said before, it's the
Caucasoids that are losing their minds. Mothers are killing their
children, under the guise of voices telling them to do it (such as
Andrea Yates). 1 have also been telling you, concerning the
Canaanites, who are cursed, and that it is in their genes to breed and
be killers. Tsiydown, Siyduwn, Sidon, who was the first born of
Kena'an, Kana'an, Canaan (Genesis 10:19) who was a cursed
albino was a hunter, a killer for fun. They continue to do it till this
day. They kill animals for fun. They call it "game", just to put the
animal's head on a slab of wood and hang it on a wall. They are
your true savages. According to an article from Time Magazine
May 28, 2001 A.D. entitled "Voices From The Cell" Jacob Davis,
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________________ PartOneofFour _
who used a rifle to shoot a fellow student in his Tennessee high
school in 1998 A.D., dropped down beside the teen he had just mur-
dered and "A friend came over and said to Davis, "Man, you just
flushed your life down the toilet" Davis, replied, "Yes, but it's been
Jim. "

They kill for fun. They have no remorse because their time is up;
the devil's rule is out. They have nothing to hang on to but death,
drugs and sex. In this time of the sun cycle and as prophesised in
Malachi 4:2 (In part) , "But unto you that fear my name shall the
Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings ... " This sun is
the sun cycle being ushered in by the Angel Miykael, Miyka'el,
Michael. If you can't take the sun that is here to destroy those of
iniquity as prophesied, you will flee to the mountains and caves
called malls. The Elohyeem "Gods, Judges, Angels" said in
Genesis 1:30,

The Holy Bible, Genesis 1:30

(With Modern Hebrew Script)

r;~;"T S1' ~~,; S~~, tJ~~~;"T="]'1'S~S, r;~;"Tn~n S~S,

p ~;"T~';"TS~~S~~1' p;~S~ n~ ;"T~n~::J:J'~ ;~~
"And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and
to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I
have given every green herb for meat: and it was so. "

The King James Version of the Holy Bible

The Elohyeem "Gods, Judges, Angels" also commanded man to

eat herbs for their meat not animals; but Tsiydown, Siyduwn,
Sidon being the first son of Kena'an, Kana'an, Canaan (whose
name appears under the Strong's Hebrew Lexicon Number 06721
l'i~~ and means hunter) did opposite of the law of the Elohyeem

Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________ Part One of Four _
"Gods, Judges, Angels", which the law was to eat the herbs of the
field and not to kill as stated in Exodus 20:13, "Thou shalt not
kill." But this human beast, the Caucasoid, did differently and lost
his soul in Joshua 5:1:

The Holy Bible, Joshua 5: 1

(With Modern Hebrew Script)

~~, i1~~li'~i1 '~S'~ ,~~ ~'~~i1 ~~~~ ~~ S'~~~ ~i1~'

li'~i1 ~~ n~ i11i1~ ~~~'i1 ,~~ n~ Cl~i1~S' ,~~ ~jS'j~i1~~~~
m, i'S' Cl~i1~i1~~, Cl~~~O~~, 'j'~ is' ~~,~~ ~j~~j::l~
~~,~~ ~j~~j::l~

"And it came to pass, when all the kings of the Amorites, which
were on the side of Jordan westward, and all the kings of the
Canaanites, which were by the sea, heard that the (Yahayyu
"Living One, Existing One '') 'LORD' had dried up the waters of
Jordan from before the children of Israel, until we were passed
over, that their heart melted, neither was there spirit in them any
more, because of the children of Israel. "
The King James Version of the Holy Bible

As they are soul-less, the Caucasoid kills and doesn't care. They
are tools for the devil, the reptilians that really rule this world, and
they enjoy it because they have no souls. And just who are these
reptillians? They are humanoid lizards, descending from the
Stenonychosarus Inequalis. Dragons, as in the Dracos Star con-
stellation. And where do you find them? Just look at the Ku Klux
Klan (KKK), headed by the Grand Dragon, or the Grand Wizard
(lizard) as David Icke states in his book The Biggest Secret. The
Satan, Shaytaan, Devil called the dragon, "that old serpent"

Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________ Part One of Four _

(Revelation 12:9, Revelation 20:2), has succeeded in undermining

Holy Seed by under-mind-ing us; creating the illusion that he is
more intelligent and superior to those of the Tribe of Yehudaw,
Yahudah, Judah. (Read Book #47 The Body Parts of God Noble:
Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720{~ISBN 1-59517-.070-7, distributed
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________ Part One of Four _
by Egipt Publishers Book #94 Is God an Extra-terra-astral
Noble:Dr. Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, ISBN 1-59517-058-8, dis-
tributed by Egipt Publishers, Book #83 Who Lived before the
Adam and Eve Story? Noble: Dr. Malachi Z. York 330;720°, ISBN
1-59517-078-2, distributed by Egipt Publishers by Noble:Dr.
Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, distributed by Egipt Publishers and
The Biggest Secret by David Icke, ISBN 0-95261-47-66, pub-
lished by Bridge of Love).

r mean the Holy Seed comes from above and would be "over-
mind", over the mind of those of the serpent seed, but has fallen
victim to the race known as the beast of the field or simply the
Serpent's seed in Genesis 3:15, "And I will put enmity between
thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed". With this
deception, the Lu~iferian Conspiracy has succeeded in inflicting
the Spell of Leviathan, which is another name for The Great
Serpent or devil that deceives the world by his great disguise.

Leviathan is a jointed monster, often symbolized by a crocodile,

frog or another of the reptile family. This Leviathan is the joint-
ed-head monster, the 10 heads of the beast referred to in Psalms
74:14 or the three dirty souls like frogs. And if you look at
Revelation 16:13, you'll see that it states within the correct trans-
lation: "And I saw from the mouth of the reptilian, and from the
mouth of the beast, and from the mouth of the liar news bearer,
three dirty souls like frogs, who are reptilians." However they
choose to lead you to believe that it states: "And I saw three
unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and
out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false
prophet. "

In the above quote, the frog is symbolic ofa reptile with legs prov-
ing this serpent is a man, and that Satan, Shaytaan, Devil appears
in the form of a man. The name Leviathan itself is also referred to
as a reptile or serpent because the Satan, Shaytaan, Devil entered

Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________________ PartOne~fFour _
the garden in the form of the Taniyn serpent who was cursed to
crawl on its belly, after the manner of a reptile, all its life for aiding
Shaytaan! Shay "thing" taan "clay"; taan being the same as
taynin or Taynim, Strong's #08577 defined in the lexicon as jn "r
tanniyn tan-neen'; or Cl~jntanniym tan-neem'; intensive from the
same as 08565; a marine or land monster, i.e. sea-serpent or jack-
al.·--dragon, sea-monster, serpent, whale." Today this reptile is
known as the Komodo dragon.

Figure 1
Plate 12
The Serpent on
The Komodo dragon of today
two feet

The devil knows the truth!!!

This is a picture of the devil walking on two feet.
This is how the serpent originally looked in the garden.

These three frogs represent:

l.The Dragon, That old serpent; (Revelation 20:2)

2.The Beast (Revelation 16:13),
3. The false great teacher who represents the "Synagogue of
Satan" (Revelation 2:9).

Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________ Part One of Four _
Dinos-aurs are reptiles, however when we speak of reptilians we
are referring to a creature with a humanoid form and reptilian fea-
tures. Many dinosaurs evolved from or mixed with Reptilians and
other extra terrestrials and can be classified as "reptilian". The term
reptilians also applies to the creatures from the Dracos star con-

The serpent in the garden was actually a Draco, Dragos.

Remember they were already living on the planet before the crash
of NIBIRU. They were extra-terrestrials, who lived under the
water. In the Sumerian story about the rivalry between the two sons
of the second AN or ANU, EN.QI, NU.DIM.MUD, Zagzagel
would have been the serpent of Genesis Chapter 3, being half
Draconian and Anu's other son EN.LIL, NU.NAM.NIR, Suriel
would have been looked at as the "God". In the Egiptian Mysteries
the equivalents would be Asar, Usir, Osiris "God" and Sutukh,
Set, Typhoon "the serpent" who are the two son ofShu. In ancient
Egipt, On is also Anu and in Ancient Egipt he would be equivalent
to Re, Ra and Roi, the Highest being in ancient Tama-Re "Egipt",
and is also the name of the sun, which is the highest, or "The Most
High "in ancient Egipt as mentioned before. In a book called The
Biggest Secret by David Icke ISBN 0 9526147 6 6, he has an inter-
view with a Zulu Sanusi or Shaman named Credo Mutwa, who
calls these reptilian-humanoids Chitauri. He has even drawn pic-
tures of what these beings look like. David Icke also claims that the
INA-ANUN.NA.QI are ones responsible for the genetic manipula-
tion and crossbreeding program to produce these Reptilian
humanoids that are found in many Sumerian texts.

There are many instances of dinosaurs descending from Extra ter-

restrials or mixing with them to create humanoid reptilians on
earth. One example of this is the Stenonychosaurus Inequalis
(later known as Troodon "wounding tooth "), a dinosaur known
for its advanced intelligence, which lived during the Cretaceous
period of the Mesozoic era The would also be
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________ Part One of Four _

Figure 2
The Stenonychosaurus Inequalis (Troodon)

Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________ Part One of Four _

Reptiles dLl

Plate 13
The Stenonychosaurus and the "Dinosaur man"

Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________ Part One of Four _
fan: ApruOY. time b:Jwda'ie$'· lie tOffl"'eO Clf:J:.vi6br~
z~.ooa,OOCl Gra!lllO arJd
::s>J,(tJO,tiI:.(l ~eu.,SJOO t~
6,p;lOtJOO Pnm.t"", '""""'f\9l'wt.
2OS.rot>,OOCl 6,rd;;
Z~,MO,llOO IN..,......,..,."'~,""",ls
m.oool.lOO ~~le;;
;xnOOO,OOCl Femfllr€St,;
41ll::000. .Ooo A1~. iU"tU
1::g;P30»OO Vc'1S!.~ ~;nf~
501},OOO,OOCl Fi>f~Cli<:ni*,>
sm.ltll'lJlOO ~e~. r",I;t,.,.,.
'!OO~ AlGoo
2,500,I)OO))CcQ E~iil.ctk 0:"'"
:~,fi«I/.(lO..t1(j1) f'rQl;~~ ["elk
.•~"OOPoo,t)llOi' F!l<fflotkin c1 tt.e E,;tth

Diagram 1
The Geologic Time Chart
(Excerptedjrom Microsoft Encarta 2000)

called Homo-Saurus which later became Homo Sapien. The

Trodoon first acquired its name because of its sharp teeth, and was
one of the first American dinosaurs to be named. 76 million year
old fossils of this creature were found in Alberta, Canada. The
Stenonychosaurus Inequalis (Troodon) was discovered in 1855
by Ferdinand V. Hayden -and named in 1856 by Joseph Leidy.
Fossils were also found in Montana and Wyoming. Eggs of the
Stenonychosaurus Inequalis (Troodon) have been found in
Montana in dirt nests,

The Stenonychosaurus Inequalis (Troodon) was between 6.5 to

11.5 feet long and was thought to have weighed around 100 pounds.
It was known for having a large brain for a reptile, and was most
likely as smart as a modern-day bird

Stenonychosaurus Inequalis (Troodon) is described as having

long hind legs, a stiff tail and exceptionally large eyes, This crea-
ture was a carnivore, a meat eater, most likely eating primitive

Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________ Part One of Four _
Stenonychosaurus Inequalis (Troodon) belonged to the
Kingdom Animalia (animals); Phylum Chordata (having a hol-
low nerve chord ending in a brain); Class Archosauria (diapsids
with socket-set teeth; order saurichia; sub order theropoda -
bipedal carnivores; Infraorder Choelurosauria - lightly built fast
running predators with hollow bones and large brains; Super fam-
ily Maniraptoriformes - advanced coelurosaurs with a fused wrist
bone; Family Troodontidae - the smartest dinosaurs with large
eyes and grasping hands (it included Troodon, Orogovia,
Hepasteornis, Paronychodon and Saurornithoides); Genus
Troodon; Species T.formosus (the type species, Leidy, 1856)
The Stenonychosaurus Inequalis (Troodon) lived during the late
Cretaceous Period about 76-70 million years ago. As stated in
Microsoft Encarta 2000, the Cretaceous Period, was "the latest
time period of the Mesozoic era, lasting from about 138 million to
about 65 million years before present. "

In the article "The Dinosaurs Had a 64 Million Year Headstart"

posted on, the Stenonychosaurus
Inequalis (Troodon) is described as follows:

"Stenonychosaurus had large eyes slender flexible

fingers and a light body. The brain was probably
concerned mainly with its highly developed senses,
fine control of its limbs, and fast reflexes, which
were used in hunting small elusive prey ....
Stenonychosaurus ...was one of the largest-brained
and therefore presumably one of the most intelligent
of all dinosaurs"

These creatures are described as being hominoid in appearance.

According to The American Heritage Dictionary, by the Editors
of the American Heritage Dictionary, ISBN 0-39582-51-72
Houghton Mifflin Publishers, hominoid mean~ "I. Of or belong-

Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
_________ Part One of Four _
ing to the superfamily Hominoidea, which includes apes and
human beings. 2. Resembling a human being. " Stenonychosaurus
Inequalis (Troodon) possibly had greenish grey skin, standing
anywhere from 3.5 to 4.5 feet with three digit clawed fingers
including a partialJy opposable thumb. Lacking the opposable
thumb and intellectual capacity are the only things which kept this
creature from possibly dominating humans as stated in a posting on
the Race4Race web site:

"The opposable thumb and intellectual capacity is

the only thing preventing members of the animal
kingdom from challenging the human race as mas-
ters of the Planet Earth. For instance the ape king-
dom posesses opposable thumbs yet it does not pos-
sess the intellectual capacity to use them as humans
do. The dolphin possess intellects nearing that of
humans but do not possess opposable thumbs or
even limbs necessary to invent....The cranial capac-
ity of Stenonychosaurus was nearly twice the size of
human beings, indicating a large brain and possibly
advanced though not necessarily benevolent intel-

And just look at the television show "Dinotopia" now airing on

ABC (American Broadcasting Network), the librarian is a
Stenonychosaurus Inequalis (Troodon). The media is letting you
know these dinosaurs are very intelligent and are linked to humans.

Paleontologist Dale RusselJ explored what would have happened

had the Stenonychosaurus Inequalis (Troodon) continued to
evolve, developing the dinoman model:

"After 50 million years of theoretical evolution,

Russell came up with Dinoman, a hairless green-
skinned creature with a bulging skull, luminous cat
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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like eyes and three fingered hands, not unlike some
of the extraterrestrials that have populated science
fiction films. Dinoman is 41/2 feet tall and would
have a live weight of about 32 kilograms. 1t s brain
is the same size as that of a human ofsimilar stature,
about the size of a i3-year-old human. It is warm-
blooded. Since the teeth of Stenonychosaurus were
small compared with related dinosaurs, Russell
thinks that teeth may have been on the way out from
an evolutionary standpoint. Dinoman, therefore,
had none. Instead, the biting edges of the mouth are

Figure 3
Humanoid Reptile

keratinous occlusal surfaces, similar to those of a

turtle. What this research suggests is that the
humanoid shape might be a natural form for a crea-
ture with a large brain. The general body of the
humans - two arms, two legs and a head on rela-
tively short neck - is no accident. it is the most log-
ical arrangement for a big brained land-dwelling
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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(Excerpted from Extraterrestrials - A Field Guide for Earthlings

by Terence Dickson & Adolf Schaller, ISBN 0-92182-08-79,
Published by Camden House).

Figure 4
The "dinosaur people"

There were in fact Dinosaur people that really existed. There have
been remains found of highly evolved reptiles that were here long
before humans had come. These remains were found near Aalborg,
Denmark by construction workers in August 1989 A.D. had none.

These findings consisted of spears, hammers and scrapers, which

show a certain amount of intelligence. Now the date of these frag-
ments is dated no less than 50 million years ago, which would
place us in the dinosaur age, which began 65 million years ago.
Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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"According to the paleontology of Dale Russell, if the dinosaurs
had not disappeared, they could have turned into Biped animals
with great cerebral capacity, that would look more or less like the
above figure. These humanoid reptiles probably would have occu-
pied the niche, that man now occupies. A possible candidate for
such evolution was the Stenonchyosaurus Inequalis which is a
dinosaur I 0feet high with a body-brain relation close to the prim-
itive mammals. " (Taken and translated from the Spanish maga-
zine entitled" iEnigma! Special Edition, No 23, page 35)

The dinosaur people are described as standing 12-15 feet high,

having short, but powerfully built arms and legs, with large 4-fin-
gered hands and brains larger than humans today. Their faces have
2 large cat-like eyes and 2 nostrils at the end of a short stubby muz-

The Dinoman also looks remarkably like the Markabian, a

dinosaur which evolved from the Grey, as recounted in Book #172,
The Holy Tablets, (Pa Gadush Lowhaat) inscribed by Noble:
Malachi Z. York, ISBN 1-59517-116-9, distributed by Egipt
Publishers, Chapter One EI Istakhlaag, The Creation, Tablet
Nine, The Evolutionary Process Verse 98-104:

"Although life evolved from the seas, all of it did

not originate there. Some lifeforms crashed in the
seas of Tiamat from the Maldek incident; particu-
larly from the Ninga star fleet. They being from
another star constellation, and they lived under the
seas of Tiamat. These other life forms were beings
known as troglodytes, or Maldekians, which
crashed down on Tiamat . One of the four
M aldekian crafts, called the West Wind, crashed

Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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Figure 5 Figure 6
Dino Man The Markabians

into the center of the Planet Earth. These beings

lived in the seas of Tiamat Earth for millions of
years. Their home base is under the Bermuda
Triangle. They set up kingdoms called Yams under
the waters. While on one hand there was another
set of Extraterrestrial beings like the Grevs, from
which some of the dinosaurs evolved from. These
greys came from the star constellation Orion, the
star constellations of Arcturus and Pleiades.
Meanwhile the Reptilians ruled them from Rigel
and Betelguese, Belletraz, Mintaka, Alnilam, and
Alnitak in the orion star constellation and Auriga
in the Capppella star formation"

Leviathan 666: The Beast as the Anti- Christ
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The Stenonychosaurus Inequalis is one of the dinosaurs which
evolved from the grey and into the bug eyed being, the Markabian
as spoken of in Book #172 The Holy Tablets, inscribed by Noble:
Malachi Z. York, ISBN 1-59517-116-9, distributed by Egipt
Publishers, Chapter Three The Scientist El Mustawathee'ya
Tablet Five The Dogon and the Sirius Mystery, Verse 144: "The
beings from Andromeda, who work alongside with the Reptilians,
also came and captured the Rumardians and started breeding
their own race of Greys, which in turn led to a breed of mean,
vicious, bug-eyed beings, called the Markabians." (Read Book
#80 Man From Planet Rizq ISBN 1-59517-075-8 by Noble: Dr.
Malachi Z. York 33°/720°, distributed by Egipt Publishers).

So as you see, the Stenonychosaurus is a missing link between the

extra terra-astrals and the reptiles who inhabited the earth. However
if you don't believe me, check it out! Just look at a posting on the
Race4Race site, it states:

"The reptilians are the evolved dinosaur, to which

left earth and returned, to experiment with gene
splicing and DNA alterations. The Stenony-
chosaurus is ONE of the 'missing links' directly
involved with the Mongoloid equation. "

So it is clear that the reptilians such as the Stenonychosaurus were

highly intelligent and bipedal (the capacity to walk on two "feet")
and had physical features similar to humans. This creature is a
humanoid reptile, just like the the serpent that spoke to Nekaybaw,
Hawwah, Eve in the KIN.GUB "garden".

According to The Holy Bible story of the garden of Eden (Kingub

in E.DIN), a "serpent" was the one who beguiled Nekaybaw,
Hawwah, Eve. You say it was some type of Reptile or snake who
spoke to Eve in the Garden (KIN.GUB). Now let's take this from
a logical point of view. In order to speak or talk you need a larnyx.


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