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NetApp Fundamentals

• Volumes are logical entities that hold user data. They are accessible from one
or more access protocols supported by Data ONTAP
• Aggregates provide the underlying physical storage for traditional and flexible
• Traditional volume is contained by a single, dedicated aggregate.The only way
to change the size of a traditonal volume
is to add disks
• Flexible volume is contained within a single aggregate. You can increase and
decrease the size of flexible volumes
almost instantaneously

You assign the following attributes to every volume, whether it is a traditional or

FlexVol volume:

• Volume name
• Volume size
• Security style: determines whether a volume can contan fiels that use UNIX
security or Windows NTFS file security
• Option to designate the volume as one that uses CIFS oplocks (opportunistic
• Suppoted language
• Level of space guranteed (FlexVol only)
• Disk space and file limits (quotas)
• Snapshot schedule (optional)
• Option to designate the volume as a SnapLock volume
• Option to designate the volume as a root volume. The root volume in Data
ONTAP is named vol0 by default.

A volume can store:

• Files and directories

• qtree
◦ a special subdirectory of the root directory of a volume. qtrees can be
used to subdivide a volume in order to group LUN's
• LUN's
◦ A LUN is logical representation of a physical unit of storage. It is a
collection of, or part of, physical or virtual disks configured
as a single disk.

CIFS Administration
# To add a new local user
useradmin user add user_name -g group_name

# To modify a local user

useradmin user modify user_name -g group_name

# To list user information

useradmin user list user_name

# To delete a local user

useradmin user delete user_name

# To add new group

useradmin group add group_name -r role
useradmin group add Helpers -r admin

# To modify an existing group

useradmin group modify group_name -g new_group_name

# To list group information

useradmin group list group_name
useradmin group list Helpers

# To delete a group
useradmin group delete group_name

# To add an existing Windows domain user to a group

useradmin domainuser add user_name -g group_name

# To list Windows domain users in a group

useradmin domainuser list -g group_name

# To modify a share access

cifs access <share> [-g] [user_rights]
cifs access datatree1 administrator Full Control

# To delete an ACL (share-level access control list) entry for a user on a share
# Note: the -g option specifies that the user is the name of a UNIX group.
cifs access -delete <share> [-g] [user]
cifs access -delete datatree1 everyone

## Multiprotocol options:
# A CIFS user can access the file without disrupting UNIX permissions
# When enabled, UNIX qtree's appear as NFS volumes. (ONTAP 7.2 or later)
options cifs.preserve_unix_security on

## Reconfiguring CIFS
# Disconnect users and stop the CIFS server
cifs terminate
# Reconfigure the CIFS service
cifs setup

# These options are needed to configure basic time services

options timed.max_skew 5m
options timed.proto ntp
options timed.sched hourly
options timed.servers [server_ip_or_name,...]
options timed.enable on
options timed.log on

## Important configuration files in a Windows domain environment

# contains the storage system SID
# contains the Windows domain SID
# contains domain administrator accounts

# To resolve SID's run

cifs lookup

# Display your domain information

cifs domaininfo

# Test the storage system connection to the Windows DC.

cifs testdc [ WINSsvrIPaddress ] domainname [ storage_sys_name ]

# To display the preferred domian controller list

cifs prefdc print [ domain ]

# To add a preferred domain controller list

cifs prefdc add domain address [ address ... ]

# To delete a preferred domain controller list

cifs prefdc delete domain

Checklist for troubleshooting CIFS issues

• Use "sysstat –x 1" to determine how many CIFS ops/s and how much CPU is
being utilized
• Check /etc/messages for any abnormal messages, especially for oplock break
• Use "perfstat" to gather data and analyze (note information from "ifstat",
"statit", "cifs stat", and "smb_hist", messages, general cifs info)
• "pktt" may be necessary to determine what is being sent/received over the
• "sio" should / could be used to determine how fast data can be written/read
from the filer
• Client troubleshooting may include review of event logs, ping of filer, test using
a different filer or Windows server
• If it is a network issue, check "ifstat –a", "netstat –in" for any I/O errors or
• If it is a gigabit issue check to see if the flow control is set to FULL on the filer
and the switch
• On the filer if it is one volume having an issue, do "df" to see if the volume is
• Do "df –i" to see if the filer is running out of inodes
• From "statit" output, if it is one volume that is having an issue check for disk
• Try the "netdiag –dv" command to test filer side duplex mismatch. It is
important to find out what the benchmark is and if it’s a reasonable one
• If the problem is poor performance, try a simple file copy using Explorer and
compare it with the application's performance. If they both are same, the issue
probably is not the application. Rule out client problems and make sure it is
tested on multiple clients. If it is an application performance issue, get all the
details about:
◦ The version of the application
◦ What specifics of the application are slow, if any
◦ How the application works
◦ Is this equally slow while using another Windows server over the
◦ The recipe for reproducing the problem in a NetApp lab
• If the slowness only happens at certain times of the day, check if the times
coincide with other heavy activity like SnapMirror, SnapShots, dump, etc. on
the filer. If normal file reads/writes are slow:
◦ Check duplex mismatch (both client side and filer side)
◦ Check if oplocks are used (assuming they are turned off)
◦ Check if there is an Anti-Virus application running on the client. This
can cause performance issues especially when copying multiple small
◦ Check "cifs stat" to see if the Max Multiplex value is near the
cifs.max_mpx option value. Common situations where this may need
to be increased are when the filer is being used by a Windows Terminal
Server or any other kind of server that might have many users opening
new connections to the filer. What is CIFS Max Multiplex?
◦ Check the value of OpLkBkNoBreakAck in "cifs stat". Non-zero numbers
indicate oplock break timeouts, which cause performance problem

NFS Administration

# Examples to export resources with NFS on the CLI

exportfs -a
exportfs -o rw=host1:host2 /vol/volX

# Exportable resources

# Target examples from /etc/exports

# Host - use name of IP address

/vol/vol0/home -rw=venus
/vol/vol0/home -root=venus,-rw=venus:mars

# Netgroup - use the NIS group name

/vol/vol0/home -rw=mynisgroup

# Subnet - specify the subnet address

/vol/vol0/home -rw=""

# DNS - use DNS subdomain

/vol/vol0/home -rw=""

# Rules for exporting Resources

• Specify complete pathname, must begin with /vol prefix
• Cannot export /vol, which is not a pathname to a file, directory or volume
◦ Export each volume separately
• When export a resource to multiple targets, separate the target names with a
colon (:)
• Resolve hostnames using DNS, NIS or /etc/hosts per order in /etc/

# Access restrictions that specify what operations a target can perform on a resource
• Default is read-write (rw) and UNIX Auth_SYS (sys)
• "ro" option provides read-ony access to all hosts
• "ro=" option provides read-only access to specified hosts
• "rw=" option provides read-write access to specified hosts
• "root=" option specifies that root on the target has root permissions

# Displays all current export in memory


# To export all file system paths specified in the /etc/exports file.

exportfs -a

# Adds exports to the /etc/exports file and in memory.

# default export options are "rw" (all hosts) and "sec=sys".
exportfs -p [options] path
exports -p rw=hostA /vol/vol2/ora

# To export a file system path temporarly without adding a corresponding

# entry to the /etc/exports file.
exporfs -i -o ro=hostB /vol/vol0/lun2

# Reloads ony exports from /etc/exports files

exportfs -r

# Unexports all exports

exportfs -uav

# Unexports a specific export

exportfs -u /vol/vol0/home

# Unexports an export and removes it from /etc/exports

exportfs -z /vol/vol0/home

# To verify the actual path to which a volume is exported

exportfs -s /vol/vol9/vf19

# To display list of clients mounting from the storage system

showmount -a filerX

# To display list of exported resources on the storage system

showmount -e filerX
nfsstat -m

# To check NFS target to access cache

exportfs -c clientaddr path [accesstype] [securitytype]
exportfs -c host1 /vol/vol2 rw

# To remove entries from access cache

exportfs -f [path]

# Flush the access cache.

exportfs -f
# To add an entry to the WAFL credential cache
wcc -a -u unixname -i ipaddress
wcc -u root

# To delete an entry from the WAFL credentail cache

wcc -x uname

# To display statistics about the WAFL credential cache

wcc -d -v uname
wcc -d

# Displays the UNIX user mappings for the specified Windows account
wcc -s ntname
# local admin
wcc -s administrator
# domain admin
wcc -s development\administrator

# WCC rules
• A Windows-to-UNIX user mapping is not stored in the WCC
• The WCC contains the cached user mappings for the UNIX user identities (UID/
GID) to Windows identities (SID's)
• The wcc command useful for troubleshooting user mappings issues
• the cifs.trace._login option must be enabled.

# factors that affect the NFS performance

• Memory
• Network
• Network interface
• System bus
• Nonvolatile randown access memory (NVRAM)
• I/O devices
◦ Disk controllers
◦ Disks

# Data ONTAP commands that can be used to collect performance data

# Client tools
# Displays per-client statistics since last zeroed
nfsstat -h

# Displays list of clients whose statistics where collected on per-client basis

# Note: nfs.per_client_stats.enable option must be set to "on"
nfsstat -l

# Zeroes current cumulative and per-client statistics

nfsstat -z

# Includes reply cache statistics

nfsstat -c

# Displays stats since boot time

nfsstat -t

# Displays reply cache statistics, incoming messages and allocated mbufs.

# Note: most commonly used option to decode exports and mountd problems.
nfsstat -d

# Displays number and type of NFS v2,v3 requests received by all FlexCache volumes
nfsstat -C

# To enable mountd tracing of denied mount requests against the storage system.
option nfs.mountd.trace on

# Display Top NFS clients currently most active for the storage system -i 30 filerX

# Captures all needed performance information from the storage system and hosts
perfstat -f filerX -h host1 -t 5 -i 12 >perfstat.out

# Recommended NFS mount options for various UNIX hosts

# Note: mount options "forcedirectIO" and "noac" are only recommended on



HPUX (11.31 or later):

rw,bg,hard,intr,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,timeo=600,noac,forcedirectio 0 0

# Recommended test to collect NFS statistics

nfsstat -z (zero the NFS statistics at the client)

netstat -I (network stats before the tests at the client)
mount -o rsize=32768,wsize=32768 filerX:/vol/vol2/home /mnt/nfstest
cd /mnt/nfstest
nfsstat -m (output of the mountpoints and the mount flags)
time mkfile 1g test (write test)
time dd if=/mnt/nfstest/test /tmp/test (read test)
time cp test test1 (read and write test)
nfsstat -c (verify nfsstat output)

# Check the nfsstat output against retransmissions, timeouts and bad calls

• timeout>5%. Requests timing out before the server can answer them
• badxid~timeout. Server slow. Check nfsstat -m.
• badxid~0 and timeouts > 3%. Packets lost in the network; check netstat. If
this number is the same as bad calls, the network is congested.
• retrans. May indicate network of routing problem if retransmit >5%.
• null>0. Automounter timing out. Increase the timeout parameter on the
Automounter configuration.

# In the output of the "nfsstat -m`' command, the following parameters are critical
• srtt. Smoothed round-trip time.
• dev. Estimated deviation.

# NFS troubleshooting

Problem: Stale NFS File handle

Sample Error Messages - NFS Error 70

Resolution Tips

• Check connectivity to the storage system (server)

• Check mountpoint
• Check client vfstab or fstab as relevant
• Check showmount –e filerx from client
• Check exportfs from command line of the storage system
• Check storage system /etc/exports file

Problem: NFS server not responding

NFS Server (servername) not responding

NFS client hangs, mount hangs on all clients

Resolution Tips

• Use ping to contact the hostname of the storage system (server) from client
• Use ping to contact the client from the storage system
• Check ifconfig from the storage system
• Check that the correct NFS version is enabled
• Check all nfs options on the storage system
• Check /etc/rc file for nfs options
• Check nfs license

Problem: Permission denied

nfs mount: mount: /nfs: Permission denied

Resolution Tips

• Check showmount –e filername from client

• Try to create a new mountpoint
• Check exportfs at the storage system command line to see what system is
• Check auditlog for recent exportfs –a
• Check the /etc/log/auditlog for messages related to exportfs
• Check the storage path with exportfs –s
• Check whether the client can mount the resource with the exportfs –c
• Flush the access cache and reload the exports, then retry the mount

Problem: Network Performance Slow

Poor NFS read and/or write performance

Resolution Tips

• Check sysstat 1 for nfs ops/sec vs. kbs/sec

• Check parameters on network card interface (NIC) with ifconfig –a
• Check netdiag
• Check network condition with ifstat –a; netstat –m
• Check client side network condition
• Check routing table on the storage system with netstat
• Check routing table on the client
• Check
• Check throughput with sio_ntap tool
• Check rsize and wsize
• Consider configuring jumbo frames (entire path must support jumbo frames)

Problem: RPC not responding

RPC: Unable to receive or RPC:Timed out

Resolution Tips

• Use ping to contact the storage system (server)

• From storage system, use ping to contact client
• Check mountpoint
• Check showmount –e filerX from client
• Verify name of directory on the storage system
• Check exportfs to see what the storage system is exporting
• Use the "rpcinfo -p filerx" command from the client to verify that the RPCs are

Problem: No Space Left On Disk

No space left on disk error

Resolution Tips

• Check df for available disk space

• Check for snapshot overruns
• Check quota report for exceeded quotas
Data Protection and Retention

1. What is Information Lifecycle Management (ILM)

The concept of information lifecycle management (or data lifecycle management) is

based on assigning a value to
data as it ages.

Lifecycle consists of five phases.

• Phase I - Data Creation

Data is created during the first phase of the ILM. The data created consists of
dynamic, static, and reference information.
• Phase II - Data classification, Security, and Protection
During this phase, data is classified, secured, and protected. Data regulation is
implemented at this phase.
• Phase III - Data Migration (Backup and Recovery)
In this phase, data migration is implemented.
• Phase IV - Data Retention and Archiving
• Phase V - Data Dispostion

Bussines Continuance Solutions

• snaprestore
snaprestore enables rapid revert (restore) of single files or volumes so
operations can resume quickly.
• snapmirror
The are two types of snapmirror solutions:
◦ Asynchronous snapmirror
This is an automated file system or qtree replication for disaster
recovery of data distribution.
Updates of new and changed data from the source to the destination
occur on a scheduled defined by the storage administrator.
◦ Synchronous snapmirror
Replicates writes from the source volume to the partner destination
volume at the same time it is written to the source volume.
Updates are performed in real time intervals.
• snapvault
Is a low-overhead, disk-based online backup of homogeneous storage systems
for last and simple restores.
• Open Systems SnalVault (OSSV)
Is a heterogeneous disk-based data protection feature of Data ONTAP that
enables data stored on multiple Open Systems platforms (Windows/Unix based
to be backed up to and restored from a central storage system.

System Management Solutions

snaplock technology is a software feature that allows companies to implement the data
perfromance functionality of traditional WORM
(write once, read many) storage in an easier-to-manage, faster access, lower cost
magnetic disk-based solution.
There are two types:

• snaplock
◦ snaplock Compliance
Is designed for comprehensive archival solution that meets UD
Securities and Exchange Commission regulations for
data retention. snaplock volumes of this type cannot be altered
or deleted before the expiration of retention period.
◦ snaplock Enterprise
This solution is designed for organizations whith self-regulated
and best-practice requirements for protecting digital assets with
WORM-like storage devices. Data written on a snaplock
Enterprise volume can be deleted by an administrator.
• Data Fabric Manager (DFM)
Data Fabric Manager provides centralized management of distributed NetApp,
NetCache, storage, and NearStore appliances.

OS-Based Data Protection Solutions

snapshot technology

Creates a read-only copy of a storage appliance's file system, readily accessible via
special subdirectories (i.e. .snaphot), taken automatically on a schedule
manually. Creating snaphot copies is very quicly because if it an index to the file

Disk Sanitization

Disk sanitization is the process of physically removing data from a disk by overwriting
patterns on the disk in a manner that precludes the
recovery of that data by any known recovery methods.

2. SnapRestore

SnapshotRestore Considerations

• Time required for data recovery

If the amount of corrupted data is smal, it is probably asier to copy files from a
If the amount of data to be recovered is large, it takes a long time to copy files
from a snapshot or
to restore from tape. In this case, SnapRestore is perferred for recovering from
data corruption.
• Free space required for single file data recovery
To use the single file SnapRestore feature, you must have enough free space
on the volume to recover the singile file.
• Reboot required for root volume recovery
• Performance hit for single file SnapRestore
A performance penality is encountered during snapshot deletion, because teh
active maps across all snapshot copies
need to be checked. After doing a single-file SnapRestore, the system has to
look at all snapshots to see if it can
free the blocks in the file.
When a block is allocated, it cannot be reallocated until it is freed in the active
file system and not in use by any snapshot.

Reverting a Volume or File

• You can use SnapRestore to revert a volume or file to a snapshot at any time
• NOTE: Reverting an Aggregate snaphot will revert ALL volumes in the
• Prerequisites
◦ SnapRestore licensed
◦ Snapshots must exist of the appliance so that you can select a
snapshot for the reversion.
◦ The volume to be reverted must be online.
◦ The volume to be reverted must not be a mirror used for data
◦ Enough free space must be available for recovery of a single file.


• You cannot undo a SnapRestore reversion!

• Avoid selecting a snapshot taken before any SnapMirror snapshot If you dp
this, Data ONTAP can no longer perform incremental
updates to the mirror, it must recreate the baseline.
• You cannot use SnapRestore to undo a snapshot deletion!
• After you revert a volume, you lose all snapshots that were taken after the
selected snapshot.
• While SnapRestore is in progress, Data ONTAP cannot delete or create
• Reverting a root volume requires a reboot, and will restore earlier configuration

Steps to Revert a Volume

1. Notify network users

2. Review list of snaphots available

snap list volname

3. Enter the name of the snapshot to be used for reverting the volume

snap restore -t vol -s snapshot_name path_and_volname

4. Enter "y" to confirm reversion of the volume.


• Reverting an aggregate is not recommended!

• NFS users should dismount the affected volume before the reversion. If they
do not dismount the volume
they might see the "Stale File Handle" error messages after the reversion.
Steps to Revert a File

1. Notify network users

2. Review list of snapshots available

snap list volname

3. Enter the name of the snapshot to be used for reverting the file

snap restore -t file -s snapshot_name -r new_path_and_filename


4. Enter "y" to confirm reversion of the file.

• A file can only be restored to an existing directory. The SnapRestore default is
to restore the file to its
original directory path. The "-r" option can be used to specify a different
(existing) directory.
• NFS users who try to access a reverted file without first reopening it might get
a the "Stale File Handle" error message after the reversion.

3. SnapMirror

snapmirror overview

SnapMirror provides a fast and flexible enterprise solution for replicating data over
local area,
wide area and Fibre Channel networks. SnapMirror addresses mutiple applications
areas such as
mission critical data protection, and business continuanance in case of a disaster.

• Data migration
• Disaster Recovery
• Remote access to data and load sharing
• Remote tape archival

SnapMirror Modes

• Asynchronously. SnapMirror replicates snaphot images from a source volume

to a partner destination volume at the same time it
is written to the source volume.
• Synchronously. SnapMirror replicates writes from a source volume or qtree

SnapMirror Terminology

• Source: storage appliance system whose data is to be replicated.

• Destination: storage system which contains data replica.
• Volume SnapMirror (VSM): Replication process from a source volume to a
destination volume.
• Qtree SnapMirror (QSM): Replication process from a source qtree to a
destination qtree.

SnapMirror Components

• Source volumes and qtrees: SnapMirror source volumes and qtrees are
writable data objects.
• Destination volumes and qtrees: the SnapMirror destination volumes and
qtrees are read-only objects, usually on a separate storage system.
The destination volumes and qtrees are normally accessed by users ony when
a distaser takes down the source system
and the administrator uses SnapMirror commands to make the replicated data
at the destination accessible and writable.

Async SnapMirror Theory of Operation

• The VSM initial baseline transfer

◦ Create a restricted destination volume
◦ For VSM 1st time replication, all data in all snapshots on the source are
transferred to the destination volume.
◦ The baseline transfer is initiated and driven by the destination by
establishing a TCP connection with the source.
◦ Read-only destination volume brought online after initial transfer
• The QSM initial baseline transfer
◦ Do not create a destination qtree; it is created automatically upon first-
time replication
◦ For QSM, no snapshots are sent from the source to the destination
◦ Within QSM, the destination qtree is read-only, while the hosting
volume is writeable.
• Incremental updates process
◦ Scheduled process updates the mirror (destination system). After the
source and destination file systems are synchronized for the first time,
you can schedule incremental updates using the snapmirror.conf file.
This file must created on the destination root volume (/etc).
◦ Current snapshot is compared with the previous snapshot
◦ Changes are synchronized from source to destination

Volume versus Qtree SnapMirroring

• VSM can be synchronous or asynchronous, while QSM is available with

asynschronous mode only.
• VSM is a block-for-block replication. QSM is a file based replication.
• VSM can occur only with volumes of the same type (both must be traditional or
• With VSM, the destination volume is always a replica of a single source volume
and is read-only.
• With QSM, only the destination qtree is read-only, while the containing volume
remains writeable.
• VSM replicates all Snapshot copies on the source volume to the destinatio
volume. QSM replicates
only one snapshot of the source qtree to the destination qtree.
• VSM can ne initialized using a tape device (SnapMirror to tape); QSM does not
support this feature.
• Cascading of mirrors is supported only for VSM

Traditional and Flexible Volumes

• For VSM: Like to Like transfers only: flex-toflex or trad-to-trad

• For QSM: you can snapmirror qtrees:
◦ From a traditional volume to a flexible volume
◦ From a flexible volume to a traditional volume

SnapMirror and Flexvol Space

• Space guarantee
◦ volume-disable automatically on the destinal volume
◦ As a result, it is possible to overcommiting the aggregate
◦ When the relationship is broken, space mode is identical on source and
• Overcommiting the aggregate
◦ More efficient disk space utilization on the destination
◦ When the relationship is broken, turn off vol options
fs_sized_fixed and use vol size to re-size the destnation volume.
◦ To overcommit an aggregate volume, create the destination flexvol
with quarantee set to none of file

SnapMirror Control Files

• On the source system: /etc/snapmirror.allow

• On the destination system: /etc/snapmirror.conf
source:src_vol destination:dst-vol arguments schedule
source:/vol/src_vol/src_qtree destination:/vol/dst_vol/dst_qtree
arguments schedule
src_hostname:/vol/src_vol/- dst_hostname:/vol/dst_vol/dst_qtree
("-" indicates all non-qtree data in the specified volume)


Maximum transfer speed, in kilobytes per second, that Data ONTAP can use to transfer

restart={ never | always | defaut }

Restart mode that SnapMirror uses to continue an incremental transfer from a
checkpoint if it is interrupted:

• Never: Transfers are always restarted from the beginning of a transfer and
never from where they
were before an interruption
• Always: Transfers are always restarted if possible from where they were
before an interruption
• Default: Transfers are restarted if they do not conflict with a scheduled


For asynchronous SnapMirror, a schedule must be set per relationship and consists of:
minute hour day_of_month day_of_week

• minute can be a value from 0-59
• hour can be 0 (midnight) to 23 (11 pm)
• day_of_month can be 1-31
• day_of_week can be 0 (sunday) to 6 (saturday)
• all possible values can applied with an "*"
• A "-" means "never" and prevents this schedule entry from executing

Options Snapmirror

• snapmirror.access (it set to legacy, the snapmirror.access file is used)

• snapmirror.enable
• snapmirror.log.enable
• snapmirror.checkip.enable
• snapmirror.delayed_acks.enable
• snapmirror.window_size


With VSM, if you upgrade your systems to a later version of Data ONTAP, upgrade the
SnapMirror destination before you upgrade
the SnapMirror source system.

Async SnapMirror Pre-requisites

• Make sure the source volume or qtree is online

• For VSM
◦ Create a non-root restricted destination volume
◦ The snapmirror source volume can be the root volume
◦ Destination volume capacity > or = to source
◦ Disks checksum type (block or zone checksum) must be identical
◦ Quota cannot be enabled on destination volume
• For QSM
◦ Destination qtree must not exist and cannot be /etc
◦ Destination volume must have 5% extra space
◦ A destination qtree can be on the root volume
• TCP port range 10565-10569 must be open (destination system contacts the
source at TCP port 10566)

Snapmirror Snapshot copies are distinguished from the system Snapshot copies by a
more elaborate naming convention
and the label snapmirror in parentheses with the "snap list" command.

The default name of a SnapMirror volume snapshot is:


The default name of a SnapMirror qtree snapshot is


Steps to convert a Replica to a Writeable File System

• To convert a mirror to a read/write volume or qtree, you must use snapmirror

quiesce prior to using snapmirror break
◦ the snapmirror relationship is broken-off
◦ the destination volume or qtree becomes writeable
◦ Learn how to enable quotas on the converted file system
• What next?
◦ you can resynchronize the broken-off relationship or
◦ you can release the relationship if you want to make the break

NOTE: If you use SnapMirror for data migration, you can copy the /etc/quotas
entries from the source to the /etc/quotas file of the destination before
you convert the mirror to a regular volume or qtree. However, if you use SnapMirror
for Disaster Recovery, you must keep a copy on the destination
storage system of all /etc/quotas entries used by the source.


Dest> snapmirror quiesce /vol/dst_vol/dst_qtree

Dest> snapmirror break /vol/dst_vol/dst_qtree
Dest> quota on dst_vol

Resynchronize a Broken Relationship

When the relationship is broken, subsequent updates will fail. To resume incremental
updates, you have first to re-establish
the relationship. The snapmirror resync (on the source or destination) command
enables you to do this without executing a new initial base transfer.

Example (from the destination system):

Dest> snapmirror resync [options ] dst_hostname:dst_vol

Dest> snapmirror resync [options ] dst_hostname:/vol/dst_vol/qtree

Releasing a Partner Relationship

You can release a mirror volume or qtree when you want to permanently remove it
from a mirrored relationship.
Releasing the mirror deletes Snapshot copies from the volume.

Example (from the source):

Src> snapmirror release src_vol dst_hostname:dst_vol

Src> snapmirror release /vol/src_vol/src_qtree dst_hostname:/vol/dst_vol/

NOTE: To make this removal permanent, delete the entry in /etc/snapmirror.conf


SnapMirror to Tape

SnapMirror to tape supports SnapMirror replication over low-bandwidth connections by

an initial mirror between the source and destination volume using a physically
transported tape.

1. Initial large-sized vol baseline snapshot replicated to tape from source filer.
2. Tape physically transported to tape drive on destination site
3. Load the tape and start replication to the destination filer.
4. Incremental SnapMirror updates are made via low bandwidth connection


1. Load the tape and start replication:

Src> snapmirror store src_vol tapedevice

The command starts the initial baseline transfer from the source volume to the

2. Remove the base snapshot on the source when the backup to tape is

Src> snapmirror release src_vol tapedevice

3. Restore data from tape to the destination system:

Dest> snapmirror retrieve dst_vol tapedevice

NOTE: If you retrieve a backup tape into a file system that does not match the disk
geometry of the
source storage system used when writing the data onto tape, the retrieve can be
extremely slow.

4. SnapVault

SnapVault is a disk-based storage backup feature of ONTAP that enables data stored
on multiple storage systems
to be backuped up to a central, secondary NetApp storage system as read-only
Snapshot copies.

Both primary and secondary systems use SnapVault for backup and restore operations,
based on the
same logical replication engine as qtree SnapMirror.
SnapVault Basic Deployment

• SnapVault Primary to Secondary to Tape

◦ Enables to store an unlimited number of backups offline
◦ Can be used to restore data to the SnapVault secondary
◦ Reduces media costs
• SnapVault Primary to Secondary to SnapMirror
◦ SnapMirror backup and standby service for SnapVault
◦ SnapMirror backup and restore protection for SnapVault

The primary system's data is backup up to a secondary system. Then Volume

SnapMirror is used to mirror the data stored on secondary
to a tertiary system (SnapMirror destination) at the remote data center.

• Qtree is the basic unit of SnapVault backup

• Data restored from the secondary Qtrees can be put back to their associated
• Supports backup of non-qtree data and entire volume on primary to a Qtree on
the secondary
• When you back up a source volume, the volume is backed up to a Qtree on the
• Qtrees in the source volume becomes directories in the destinations qtree
• SnapVault cannot restore data back to a volume (volume is restored as a qtree
on the primary)
• The maximum number of secondary system Qtrees per volume is 255
• The maximum total of Snapshot copies per destination volme is 251
• A separate SnapVault license for the primary and the secondary system is

Restoration on Request

Users can perform a restore of their own data without intervention of system

To do a restore, issue the snapvault restore command from the primary system
whos qtree needs to be restored.

Ater succesful restore of data, you use the snapvault start -r command to restart
the SnapVault relationship
between primary and secondary qtree.

Note: when you use snapvault restore command to restore a primary qtree,
SnapVault places a residual SnapVault
Snapshot copy on the volume of the restored primary qtree. This Snapshot copy is not
automatically deleted.

You cannot use the snapvault restore command to restore a single file. For single
file restores, you must use the ndmpcopy command.

The NearStore Personality

NearStore Personality allows to utilize FAS storage systems as secondary systems.

• Converts the destination storage system to a NearStore system

• Increase the number of concurrent streams on destinations system when used
for SnapMirror and SnapVault transfers
• Requires nearstorage_option license on secondary and ONTAP 7.1 or later
• The license should not be installed on these systems if hey are used to handle
primary application workloads
• Supported only on FAS3000 series

TCP Port requirements

Port 10566 must be open in both directions for SnapVault backup and restore
If NDMP is used for control management, then Port 10000 must be open on primary
and secondary.

Configuring SnapVault Primary and Secondary systems

• On Primary
◦ Add the license sv_ontap_pri
◦ Enable SnapVault service and configure SnapVault options
• On Secondary
◦ Add the license sv_ontap_sec
◦ Enable SnapVault service and configure SnapVault options
◦ Initialize the first baseline transfer
• On Primary and Secondary
◦ Schedule SnapVault snapshots creation
◦ Monitor transfers progress, status and snapshots


Pri> license add sv_primary_license_code

Pri> options snapvault.enable on
Pri> options ndmpd.enable on
Pri> options snapvault.access host=secondary_hostname

Sec> license add sv_secondary_license_code

Sec> options snapvault.enable on
Sec> options ndmpd.enable on
Sec> ons snapvault.access host=primary_hostname1,primary_hostname2
Sec> snapvault start -S pri_hostname:/vol/pri_vol/pri_qtree
sec_hostname:/vol/sec_vol/sec_qtree (sec_qtree must not exist on sec_vol)

Pri/Sec> snapvault status

Schedule SnapVault Snapshot Creation

Command Syntax:

Pri/Sec> snapvault snap sched (-x) vol_name snapshot_name


snapshot_name is the snapshot copy basename. It must be identical on

primary and secondary for a given scheduled data set
retention_count defines the numer of SnapVault Snapshot copies you want to
maintain for archiving.
"-x" parameter causes Snapvault to copy new or modified data from primary
qtree to its associated qtree on the secondary

Snapshot schedule results: This schedule keeps the two most recent weekly
Snapshot copies, the six most recent nightly Snapshot copies,
and the eight most recent hourly Snapshot copies, created at 8 a.m., noon, 4
p.m., and 8 p.m. every day.
Whenever the Snapshot schedule creates a new Snapshot copy of a particular
type, it deletes the oldest one and renames the existing ones.
On the hour, for example, the system deletes hourly.7, renames hourly.0 to
hourly.1, and so on.


Pri> snapvault sched pri_vol sv_hourly 11@mon-fri@7-18

Sec> snapvault sched -x sec_vol sv_hourly 11@mon-fri@7-18
Pri/Sec> snapvault status -q
Pri/Sec> snap list -q vol_name

SnapVault commands

• Perform the initialization baseline transfer from the primary qtree to the
secondary qtree

Sec>snapvault start -k <kbs> -t <n> -S pri_hostname:/vol/pri_vol/

pri_qtree sec_hostname:/vol/sec_vol/sec_qtree

• Resume the SnapVault relationship between the restored qtree and its backup
qtree on the secondary

Sec> snapvault start -r -S pri_hostname:/vol/pri_vol/pri_qtree

• Removes a qtree on the secondary from the protection scheme and deletes it

Sec> snapvault stop sec_hostname:/vol/sec_vol/sec_qtree

• Forces an incremental update of the snapshot specified on the primary and

transfer it to the secondary.

Sec> snapvault update [options] -S pri_hostname:/vol/pri_vol/

pri_qtree sec_hostname:/vol/sec_vol/sec_qtree

• Alter the characteristics of a SnapVault relationship, including the transfer

speed, the number of re-tries and the primary and secondary paths

Sec> snapvault modify -k <kbs> -t <n> -S pri_hostname:/vol/pri_vol/

pri_qtree sec_hostname:/vol/sec_vol/sec_qtree

• Display SnapVault status information on primary or secondary

Pri/Sec> snapvault status

• Halts a SnapVault transfer currently in progress, this operation will abort a

transfer from the primary to the secondary

Sec> snapvault abort sec_hostname:/vol/sec_vol/sec_qtree

• Manually creates a snapshot on the primary or secondary

Pri/Sec> snapvault snap create vol_name snapshot_name

• Unconfigures a snapshot schedule on primary or secondary

snapvault snap unsched -f vol_name snaphot_name

• On primary, lists all the known destinations for SnapVault primary qtrees.

Pri> snapvault destinations

• On primary, release Snapshot copies that are no longer needed

Pri> snapvault release sec_hostname:/vol/sec_vol/sec_qtree

• Restores a qtree from the secondary to the primary

Pri> snapvault restore -s snap_name pri_hostname:/vol/pri_vol/

pri_qtree sec_hostname:/vol/sec_vol/sec_qtree

Comparing SnapVault with SnapMirror

• VSM copies all snaphots from a read/write source into a read-only destination
• Qtree SnapMirror is to be used in an environment requiring an immediate
failover capability
• SnapVault is to be used with applications that can afford to lose some data and
not require immediate failover
• Qtree SnapMirror allows replication in both directions (source and destination
can run on same storage system)
• Qtree SnapMirror does not allow snapshot creation or deletion on the read-only
• SnapVault replicates in one direction (source and destination cannot run on
same storage system)
• SnapVault adds snapshot scheduling, retention, and expiration, providing
versions (backups) on secondary
• SnapMirror provides up to per minute updates
• SnapVault provides up to per hour updates

Throttle Network Usage of SnapMirror and SnapVault Transfers

• On per transfer basis:

◦ For SnapMirror, use kbs option in the /etc/snapmirror.conf file on
the secondary/destination
◦ For SnapVault, use the -k <kbs> option in the snapvault start or
snapvault modify command on the secondary
• For all transfers
◦ Requires ONTAP 7.2 or later
◦ Enable system wide throttling (default is off) on all systems: options
replication.throttle.enable on
◦ Set max bandwidth (default is unlimited) for all incoming transfers on
secondary: options replication.throttle.incoming.max_kbs
◦ Set max bandwidth (default is unlimited) for all outgoing transfers on
primary: options replication.throttle.outgoing.max_kbs

Backup with Failover

In case of a disater, when the prinmary becomes unavailable, you might want to
convert the read-only qtrees replica
to a writeable file system to redirect CIFS and NFS clients access to the secondary.

SnapVault does not currently have the ability to create a writable destination on the
secondary. You can use
SnapMirror/SnapVault bundle to convert the SnapVault destination qtree to a
SnapMirror destination qtree,
making it a typical SnapMirror destinations qtree that can be quiesced and broken.

Requirements for SnapVault/SnapMirror Bundle

• ONTAP 6.5 or later

• SnapVault primary license

Note: if any changes made while in the broken state need to be copied back to
the primary, you also need a SnapMirror license on primary

• SnapVault/SnapMirror bundle license

A SnapMirror license is required on the secondary to have access to the

snapmirror convert command in priv set diag mode
Make a Secondary Qtree Writeable

• Involve NetApp Support (when entering the priv set diag mode)
• Convert snapvaulted qtree to a snapmirrored qtree
• Quiesce the snapmirror qtree
• Break the mirror, making it writeable
• Restablishing the SnapVault relationship
◦ Preserve the changes made on the secondary
◦ Or discard all changes made on the secondary


1. Convert the SnapVault qtree into a SnapMirror qtree:

Sec> snapmirror off

Sec> options snapvault.enable off
Sec> priv set diag
Sec*> snapmirror convert /vol/sec_vol/sec_qtree

2. Quiesce the destination qtree and break the releationship (makes qtree writable)

Sec*> snapmirror on
Sec*> snapmirror quiesce /vol/sec_vol/sec_qtree
Sec*> snapmirror break /vol/sec_vol/sec_qtree

Restablishing the SnapVault relationship

There are two scenarios.

Scenario 1 : Preserve all the changes made to the secondary during th DR


1. Resync the primary qtree

Pri> snapmirror resync /vol/pri_vol/pri_qtree

2. Quiesce the qtree

Pri> snapmirror quiesce /vol/pri_vol/pri_qtree

3. Break the mirror, making it writable

Pri> snapmirrow break /vol/pri_vol/pri_qtree

4. Resync the secondary qtree

Sec> snapmirror resync /vol/sec_vol/sec_qtree

5. Turn SnapMirror and SnapVault off

Sec> snapmirror off

Sec> snapvault off
6. Convert the SnapMirror qtree to SnapVault qtree

Sec> snapvault convert /vol/sec_vol/sec_qtree

7. Turn SnapMirror and SnapVault on

Sec> snapmirror on
Sec> snapvault on

Scenario 2: Discard all the changes made on the secondary during the DR

1. Resync the secondary qtree

Sec> snapmirror resync /vol/sec_vol/sec_qtree

2. Turn SnapMirror and SnapVault off

Sec> snapmirror off

Sec> snapvault off

3. Convert the SnapMirror qtree to SnapVault qtree

Sec> snapvault convert /vol/sec_vol/sec_qtree

4. Turn SnapMirror and SnapVault on

Sec> snapmirror on
Sec> snapvault on

5. Best Practices and Troubleshooting

Optimize Mirror Performance and Recommendation

The following methodilogy will help in troubleshooting SnapMirror, SnapVault and

OSSV (Open Systems SnapVault) performance issues.

Performance issues are mainly due to:

• Overloaded SnapMirror/SnapVault implementation

• non-optimal space & data layout management
• High system resources utilization (CPU% util, disk I/O, CIFS/NFS connections/
transmissions, etc)
• Low network bandwidth

Symptoms are:

• Initialization or transfer updates lagging, the lag is above the expectation, and
the transfer duration does not meet the SLA
• The transfer duration meets the SLA, but the throughput is low.
◦ Check /etc/snapmirror.conf or snapvault snap sched, define what
is the expected lag (exptected time between two scheduled updates)
◦ Then explore the snapmirror status -l or snapvault status -l
outputs to get a view of the mirror implementation:
▪ How many systems are involved?
▪ How many mirror/backup services are active?
▪ Which systems are a source and a destination at the same
▪ How many relationships are set per source and destination
◦ Note the transfer lag and define the data/time the last transfer
◦ Analyze the SnapMirror logs /etc/log/snapmirror and syslog
messages /etc/messages to trace what happened before and after the
last succesful transfer has completed:
when was the request sent, started and ended. Are there any errors?

6. NDMP Fundamentals

7. Snaplock

SAN Administration

NAS versus SAN

• NAS provides file-level access to data on a storage system. Access is via a

network using ONTAP services such as CIFS and NFS
• SAN provides block-level access to data on a storage system. SAN solutions
can be a mixture of iSCSI or FCP protocols.
• SAN provides block access to LUN's (logical uniit numbers) which are treated
as local disk by both Windows and UNIX-based systems.
• Network access to LUN's is via SCSI over Fiber Channel (FCP) network
(refferred to as Fabric) or SCSI over TCP/IP (Ethernet) network.
• Network access to NAS storage is via an Ethernet network.
• FCP and ISCSI protocol carry encapusulated SCSI commands as the data
transport mechanism.
• When SAN ans NAS storage are present on the same storage system, it is
refferred to as unified storage.
• Fabrics generally refer to FC connections through a switch.

Initiator/Target Relationship

1. The host (initiator) moves requests to the storage system (target)

2. An application sends a request to the file system
3. The file system issues I/O calls to the operating system
1. The operating system sends the I/O through its storage stack (SCSI driver) to
issue the SCSI commands
2. The SCSI commands are encapsulated in FC frames or iSCSI IP packets
3. Once the request is received by the storage system target, Data ONTAP OS
converts requests from the initiator
4. Data ONTAP turns SCSI commands into WAFL operations
5. WAFL sends the request to the RAID subsystem where RAID manages data on
the physical disks where the LUN is located
6. Once processed, request responses move back through the FC fabric or iSCSI

How are Initiators and Targets connected (FC-SAN)

• Storage systems and hosts have HBA's (Host Bus Adapters) so they can be
connected directly to each other or to FC switches
• Each FCP node is identified by a World Wide Node Name (WWNN) and a World
Wide Port Name (WWPN)
• WWPN's are used to create igroups, which controls host access to specific

How are Initiators and Targets connected (IP-SAN)

• Storage systems/controllers are connected to the network over stand Ethernet

interfaces or through target HBA's
• Nodes are identified in IP SAN enivironments using a node name. The are two
formats, iqn and eui
◦ eui.1234567812345678
• The host node names are used to create igroups, which controls host access to
specific LUN's

Fabric or Network Architectures

• NetApp supports all industry accepted fabric and network architectures

• Types if architectures are:
◦ Single switch
◦ Cascade
◦ Mesh
◦ Core-Edge
◦ Director
• The maximum suported hop count for FC switches, which is the number of
inter-switch links (ISL's) crossed between a host and the storage system, is
limited to three (3)
• Multivendor ISL's are not supported

Zoning for an FC SAN

• Zones separate devices into separate subsets

• "Hard" zoning
◦ Restricts communication in a switched fabric
◦ Prevents zoning breaches caused by bypassing the name service
• "Soft" zoning
◦ Separate devices at the name service level but does not restrict
communication between zones
◦ More flexible, less secure
• Similar to Ethernet VLAN's
• Zones live on the switch
• A FC channel zone consists of a group of FC ports or nodes that can
communicate with each other
• Two FC nodes can communicate with one another only when they are
contained in the same zone
• The name service converts a name into a physical address on the network

FC SAN Topologies

• Direct Attached (Point-to-Point)

• Fiber Channel Arbitrated Loop (FCAL)
◦ A private loop works FC hubs. This Loop can address 127 devices due
to limitation of 8-bit addresses
◦ A public loop works in a fabric with switches. This loop can address 15
million addresses due to its 24-bit addressing schema
• Switched Fabric
• NetApp supports three basic FCP topologies between storage system targets
and host initiators:
◦ Direct-Attached
◦ Single Fabric
◦ Dual Fabric

IP SAN topogies

• NetApp differentiates between two basic topologies:

◦ Direct-Attached: The initiators (hosts) are directly attached to the
target storage controller using a cross-over cable
◦ Switched environment: the hosts are attached to storage controllers
through Ethernet switches

Guidelines for creating Volumes with LUN's

• Do not create any LUN's in the systems root volume.

• Ensure that no other files or directories exist in a volume that contains a LUN.
Otherwise, use a separate qtree to contain LUN's.
• If multiple hosts share the same volume, create a qtree on the volume to store
all LUN's for the same host.
• Ensure that the volume option create_ucode is on (this is off by default)
• Use naming conventions that reflect the LUN's owner or the way that the LUN
is used.

Create and Access a LUN

There a three steps required on the storage system and two additional steps performed
on the FCP or iSCSI accessed host.

• On the storage system:

◦ Create a LUN
◦ Create an igroup (FCP or iSCSI)
▪ mapping a LUN to an igroup os often refferred to as "LUN
▪ igroups may be created prior to creating LUN's
▪ there is no requirement to populate the igroup with a WWPN
(FCP) or node name (iSCSI) before mapping a LUN to an igroup
◦ Map the LUN to the igroup
• On the host:
◦ FCP: bind the HBA of the host to the storage system's WWPN (AIX and
HP do not require persistent bindings)
◦ iSCSI: configure the iSCSI initiator to access the target
◦ Configure (i.e. format) the LUN for use on the host

Methods for LUN creation

• lun create (storage system)

◦ additional steps:
▪ igroup create (create initiator group)
▪ lun map (maps the LUN to an initiator group)
▪ add portset (FCP) - consists of a group of FCP target ports. You
bind a portset to an igroup to make LUN available only on a
subset of FCP ports.
• lun setup (storage system)
• FilerView (host) - web-based application
• SnapDrive (host) - designed specifically for LUN management

Bind host HBA to WWPN (FCP igroup)

Persistant binding permanently bind a particular target ID on the host to the storage
system WWPN. On some system you must create persistent
binding between the storage system (target) and the host (initiator) to guarantee that
the storage system is always available at the correct SCSI target ID
on the host.

Use the command fcp show adapters to display the WWPN for each HBA on the
storage system.

On the Solaris host, use one of the following methods to specify the adapter on the
storage system HBA.

• /usr/sbin/lpfc/lputil
• /kernel/drv/lpfc.conf
• HBAnywhere (Emulex adapter)
• SANsurfer (Qlogic adapter)

To determine the WWPN of the HBA installed on the AIX or HPUX host.

• sanlun fcp show adapter -c

• The "-c" option will generate the complete command necesarry for creating the
• Use the WWPN when you create a FCP type initiator groups on the storage

To find the WWPN for the WWPN installed on the Linux host.

• modprobe driver_name - loads the driver

• The system creates /proc/scsi/driver_name directory that contains a file for
each QLogic HBA port.
The WWPN is contained in the file for that port.
• Look in each /proc/scsi/driver_name/HBA_port_num file and get the WWPN.
The filename is the HBPA port number.
Storage system commands for Initiators and Targets

• Host initiators HBA's

◦ fcp show initiators 0a
• Filer (storage) target HBA's
◦ fcp show targets 0a

Access LUN's on Solaris (FCP igroup)

LUNs created on storage system that will be accessed via FCP must be configured on
the SUN Solaris host.

• Edit /kernel/drv/sd.conf file with the appropriate target and LUN IDs. The
/kernel/drv/lpfc.conf file will help determine
what should be in the sd.conf file.
• Run devfsadm on the host to allow discovery of the new LUN's or use the
reboot command reboot -- -r
• Use the sanlun command to verify that the new LUN's are now visable
• Use the format command to label the new LUN's as Solaris disks
• Create a UNIX file system on the disk, or use it as a raw device

Access LUN's on AIX (FCP igroup)

Configure with native AIX LVM (Logical Volume Manager)

• Run cfgmgr command to discover the new LUN's. Allows the host to log into
the fabric, check for new devices and create new device entries.
• Run the sanlun lun show command to verify that the host has discovered the
new LUN's
• Run smit vg command to create a volume group.
• Rim smit to access storage on a volume group.
• Run smit fs to create a file system
• Run lsvg newvg command to verify the information on the new volume group.

Access LUN's on HPUX (FCP igroup)

Discover the new LUN's on HPUX.

• Run ioscan to discover the LUN's.

• Run ioinit -i or insf -e command to create device entries on the host.
• Check to see which disk devices map to which HBA devices (tdlist or
• Run sanlun lun show -p all command to display information about device
• Use HPUX LVM or VERITAS Volume Manager to manage the LUN's

Access LUN's on Linux (FCP igroup)

To configure the LUN's on Linux.

• Confiure the host to find the LUN's (reboot or modprobe)
• Verify that the new LUN's are visable (sanlun lun show
• Enable the host to discover new LUN's (modprobe)
• Label the new LUN's as Linux disks:
◦ File system: fdisk /de/sd[char]
◦ Raw access: use raw command to bind the raw device to the block

Access LUN's on Solaris (iSCSI igroup)

To configure the iSCSI LUN's on Solaris.

• Configure an iSCSI target for static or dynamic discovery

◦ Sendtargets (dynamic): iscsiadm add discovery-address
◦ iSNS (dynamic): iscsiadm iSNS-server Ipaddress:port
◦ Static: iscsiadm add static-config eui_number,Ipaddress
• Enable an iSCSI target delivery method
◦ SendTargets: iscsiadm modify discovery --sendtargets enable
◦ iSNS: iscsiadm modify discovery --isns enable
◦ Static: iscsiadm modify discovery --static enable
• Discover the LUN's with devfsadm -i iscsi
• View LUN's with /opt/NTAP/SANToolkit/bin/sanlun lun show all
• Create file systems with format command
• Make iSCSI devices available on reboot. Add an entry to the /etc/vfstab file.

Administer and Manage LUNs

The commands are used to manage LUNs.

• Take LUN's offline and online

◦ lun online lun_path [ lun_path ]
◦ lun offline lun_path [ lun_path ]
• Unmap a LUN from an igroup
◦ offline the LUN using the lun offline command
◦ lun unmap lun_path igroup LUN_ID
• Rename a LUN
◦ lun move lun_path new_lun_path
• Resize a LUN
◦ offline the LUN using the lun offline command
◦ lun resize [-f] lun_path new_size
• Modify the LUN description
◦ lun comment lun_path [comment]
• Enable or disable space reservation
◦ lun set reservation lun_path [enable | disable]
• Remove a LUN
◦ offline the LUN using the lun offline command or use the "-f" option
with the lun destroy command.
◦ lun destroy [-f] lun_path
LUN migration and Mapping

• LUN's can be migrated to another path (lun move lun_path new_lun_path) in

the same qtree or volume.
• Separate LUN maps are maintained for eahc initiator group
◦ Two LUN's mapped to the same igroup must have unique LUN ID
◦ You can map a LUN ony once to an igroup
◦ You can add a single initiator to multiple igroups
• To migrate a LUN from one igroup to another, use the commands:
◦ lun unmap /vol/vol1/lun1 igroup1 3
◦ lun map /vol/vol1/lun1 igroup2 3

New and Changed SAN-related Commands for Data ONTAP 7.0

• cf takeover -n enables clustered giveback operation when different versions

of Data ONTAP are used
• fcadmin configures the FAS6000 FC cards to operate in SAN target mode or
initiator mode
• lun clone create creates a LUN clone
• lun clone split (start, status, stop) splits a clone, display status of
clone splitting, stops the clone splitting process

New and Changed SAN-related Commands for Data ONTAP 7.1

• iscsi tpgroup manages the assignment of storage system network interfaces

to target portal groups
• portset (help,add,create,destroy,remove,show) lists portsets, add ports
to portsets, creates new portsets,
destroys portsets, remove ports from a portset, show ports in a portset
• fcp config new includes the speed option, allowing you to change the speed
setting for an adapter (4,2,1, auto which is the default)

New and Changed SAN-related Commands for Data ONTAP 7.2

• igroup rename allows you to rename an igroup

LUN cloning

• A LUN clone is a point-in-time, writable copy of a LUN in a snapshot copy.

• The LUN clone shares space with the LUN in the backing snapshot copy.
◦ unchanged data on the original snapshot
◦ changed data written to the active file system
• Sample usage for testing
◦ Use LUN cloning for long-term usage of writable copy of a LUN in a
snapshot copy
◦ after LUN clone operation is complete, split the LUN clone from the
backing snapshot copy and
delete the snapshot copy.

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