Letter To Zite (03 30 11)

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March 30, 2011 By Hector ‘Ali Daver Chief Exceutive Officer Zite Re: Unauthorized Use of intellestual Property oat Mr, Davar: ‘The undersigned represent Advance Publications, In, The Associated Press, Dow Jones & Company, Inc, Gannett Co, Ine., Getty Images, The McClatchy Company, the National Geographic Society, The E.W. Scripps Company, Time Inc, The Slate Group, and The Washington Post. ‘Our clients are some ofthe many publishers and providers of news and other original content whose ‘materials aggregated and displayed in your Zte iPad application. Zite~ without our permission - publishes reformatted copies of our articles, photographs, and illutations to users in a eustomized manner based on those users preferences and behavior. We have reviewed your application carefully. We write to explain how Zite damages our businesses by misappropriating our intellectual property, and to Insist that you immediately stop doing so. Collectively, our companies gather and license original content to produce more than 300 newspapers, ‘magazines, and news broadcasts on a regular bass, and we operate and updste several hunted news and infomation websites 24 hours a day, 365 days year. As-a group, we publish thousands of original articles, columns, photographs; illustrations, video segments, audio ecordings, and other types of news and information ‘eantent every day. We steve to keep the public continuously informed about news and other developments ‘throughout the world ~ from the devastating events in Japan, tothe turmoil inthe Middle Fas, co the commanity impact of new construction down the block. ‘To ideatity, research, creat, and distibute this sort of original content requires a substantial undertaking and investment, Our companies employ or contract with many thousands of people who investigate, report and publish our original content and we spend hundreds of millions of dois annually on our news and information ‘xthering and reporting, By systematically reformatting republishing, and redistributing our original content on a mass ‘commercial scale without our permission in your iPad application, Zite dively and adversely impacts our bosinesses. Your aplication takes the intellectual property of our companies, as well asthe hard and sometimes dangerous work of tens of thousands of people, Ie deprives our websites of alle and wlvertsing revenue. We ‘donot know your intentions, but your actions harm our companies andthe broader media and news industry on ‘which your application relies fr its content. ‘The Zit application is plainly unlawful, Among other things, It intentionally and pervasively ininges ‘on our copyrights by reformatting and republishing substantial postions (and in many cases, the entirely) of eur articles and large-scale reproductions of our photographs and illustration, Further, it misappropriates and ineinges our trademarks and falsely implies or affiliation by prominently featuring certain of our logos on your hhome seen. Zite uses our conten for commercial purposes in a mannet that the law prohibits absent agreements ly cease and desist all such infnging use of our intellectual. property, both copyright and trademark, in or in connection with the Zite iPad application. Ali Davar Marek 30,2011 Page 2 of 3 ‘We encourage and support the development of new technologies tha facilitate innovative uses of our ‘content —but those uses must be subject to our advance consent. We weleome any opportunity for open «liscussions among members ofthe relevant industries and the publi to develop solutions that ean promote appropriate uses of our content int the future. Please have your counsel contact each ofthe atomeys listed below individually ifyou have any questions out this matter, [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS} Al Davar March 30,2011 Page 3 of Sinceraly, Jeng Sabin, Berman & Gould LLP ‘On behalf Advance Pubieations, Ine. oar Times Square, 23rd Floor [New Yor, NY 10036 210-381-7087 (phone); 212-381-7201 (fax) SasonP Cont Vice resident & Assocato General Counsel Dow Jones Company; In 1211 Avenue ofthe Amerie, 7 Floor New York, NY 10036 212-416-2164 (phone); 212-416-2524 (Eu) ie Wilmer Diretr, Corporte Counsel Gat Images ‘OLN, Sah Suost Seale, WA 98103 206-525-6792 (phone) ‘arte Morga-Prager VP, General Counsst ‘The MeCltchy Company 21009 Stet Sacramento, CA 95816 916-321-1838 (phone); 916-326-5586 (ax) ‘Andrew Lashow {VP and Deputy General Counss-Litigation Timolne. 212-522-8307 (phone); 212-467-0860 (fax) ‘Tawra Malone Associate General Couns Intellectual Property ‘The Associated Prost 450 West 331d Steet, [New York, NY 10001 22621-7938 (phone); 212-621-5456 (Bx) ‘aaa Wall VP & Senior Associate Gonral Cunsal Gannett Co, Ie, 7950 Jones iach Drive ‘MoLean, VA22107 703-854-6951 (phone; 703-854-2031 (ax) enone 8, Meal Vice President, Associate General Counse! ‘National Geographic Society 1148 17h Sree NW. ‘Washingion, DC 20036, 200-828-6654 (phn); 202-857-5874 (fan) David Giles ‘VP Deputy General Counsel ‘The LW. Serpps Company 513-977-3892 (i) “Timotiy . Tueovy Associate Counsel “The Washington Post and "Te Ste Group 1130 15th Steet NW Washington, DC 20071 2023349266 (phone; 202-334-5075 (4) Ali Davee ‘Marel 30,2011 Page 30F3 Sincorely, Sony 8. Bireaz Sabin, Bermant& Gould LLP ‘Oa bala oF Advance Publications, ne, Four Times Square, 23 Foor "Now York, NY 10036 387 (phone) 212-381-7201 (lax) TasonP, Conit Vive President & Associate General Counsel Dow Jones & Company, ne 1211 Avenue ofthe Ameren, 7th Poor New York, NY 10036 212-416-2164 (phone); 212-416-2524 (x) isa Wilner Director, Corporate Counsel Getty Images GOI N.3ath Set Seat, WA 98103, 206-925-6792 (phone) Karol eigen Pager VP, General Counae! The McClatchy Company 21009 Steet Sacrament, CA 98816 ‘916-321-1828 (phone); 916-226-5586 (fax) ‘new Tachow \VP and Deputy General Counsel tigation Time ne 212-522-8307 (phone; 212-467-0860 (fx) Ta alos Associate General Counsel, Intellectual Property ‘The Ansociated Press 450 Wen Sed Steet New York, NY’ 10001 21621-1938 (phone; 212-621-5456 (on) ‘Bibara Wall ‘VP & Seni Associate General Couns! Gannett Co, te. 7980 Jot Branch Drive Melean, VA 22107 703-854.5951 (phon), 703-854-2031 (fas) Tove Sac Vice President, Asscite General Counsel National Geogsaphic Society 1145 17h treat NW. ‘Washington, DC 20036, 202-828-6654 (pone); 202-857-8874 (lax) David, VP Depuiy General Counsst ‘The ENV. Serpps Company 513-977-3892 (las) ‘Timothy Loco Associate Counsel The Washington Post ade Slate Group 1150 15h Stret NW. ‘Washington, DC 20071 202-334-9266 (phone); 2023348075 (ax) AliDavar ‘March 30,2011 Page 30f3 Sincerely, Jeny 5. Benz Sebin, Bormant & Gould LLP On behalf of Advance Pulention, In Fout Times Squate, 23rd Floor "New York, NY 10036 212-381-7057 (phone); 212-381-7201 (fax) Viee President & Associate General Counsel ow Jones & Company, Ine. 1211 Avenue ofthe Americas, 7h Floor New York, NY 10036 212-416-2164 (phone); 212-416-2524 (fax) Lisa Willmer Director, Corporate Counsel Getty Images 601 N. 34th Steet Seattle, WA 98103 206-925-6792 (phone) ‘Karole Morgan Prager VP, General Counsel ‘The MeClatehy Company 2100 Q Street ‘Steramento, CA 95816 ‘916-321-1828 (phone); 916-326-5586 (fsx) ‘ndiew Lachow VP and Deputy General CounseP-Litigation ‘Time Inc 212-522-8307 (phone); 212-467-0860 (lax) aura Malone Associate General Counsel, Intellectual Property ‘Te Assoated Prose 450 West 33rd Street "New York, NY 10001 212-621-7938 (phone); 212-621-5456 (Fax) VP & Senior Associate General Counsel Gannett Co, Ine. 7930 Jones Branch Drive MeLean, VA 22107, 703-854-6951 (phone); 703-854-2031 (fax) eanne S. Macel Vice President, Associate General Counsel [National Geographic Society 1145 17th Steet NW Washington, DC 20036 202-828-6654 (phone; 202-857-5874 (ex) David Mi. Gites VP Deputy General Counsel ‘The E.W. Scripps Company 513-977-3892 (Tan) Tinihy T-Tocovy Associate Counsel ‘Tho Washington Post and The Slate Group 1150 15th Street NW. ‘Washington, DC 20071 202-334-9266 (phone); 202-334-5075 (fx) ~ AliDavar March 30, 2011 Page 3 0f3 Sincerely, Jen 8. Biz Sabin, Bermant & Gould LLP On behalf of Advance Puhctions, Te out Times Square, 23rd Floor [New York, NY 10036 212-381-7057 (phone), 212-381-7201 (fax) Jason P. Cont Vice President & Associate General Counsel Dow Jones & Company, Inc. 1211 Avenue ofthe Ameties, 7h Float [New York, NY 10036, 212-416-2164 (phoney; 212-416-2524 (fax) isa Willmer Director, Corporate Counsel Getty inages 601 N. 34th Steet Seattle, WA 98103 206-925-6792 (phone) Karole Morgan Prager ‘VP, General Counsel ‘The MeClatehy Company 2100 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 916-321-1828 (phone); 916-326-5586 (fax) ‘nview Lachow ‘VP and Deputy General Counsel ‘Time Ine 212-522-8307 (phone); 212-467-0860 (fax) tigation ‘Taura Mafone Associate General Counsel, Intellectual Property ‘The Assutated Prese 450 West 33d Street ‘New York, NY 10001 212-621-7938 (phone); 212-621-5456 (ax) fies lal. fu, a Wall VP & Senior Associate Goneral Counsel Gannett Co, Ine. 7930 Jones Branch Drive MeLean, VA 22107 703-854-6951 (phone); 703-854-2031 (fix) eanne 5: Maoet Viee President, Associate General Couns [National Geographic Society TMS 17th Sweet NW. Washington, DC 20036 202-828-6654 (phone); 202-857-5874 (fax) David Mi Gites VP Deputy General Counsel ‘The E.W. Scripps Company 513-977-3892 (fan) ‘Timothy L. Tucowy Associate Counsel ‘The Washington Post and The Slate Group 1150 15th Steet NW, ‘Washington, DC 20071 202-334-9266 (phone); 202-334-5075 (fax) Al Davas March 30,2011 Page 3of3 Sincerely, Seay 8. Bir ‘Sebin, Berman & Gould LLP On behalf of Advance Publications Tne. our Times Square, 23rd Flor New York, NY 10036 212-381-7057 (phone); 212-381-720 (A) Iason P, Cont Vice Presidont & Associate General Counsel Dow Jones & Company, Inc. 1211 Avene ofthe Americas, 7th Floor New York, NY 10036 212-416-2166 phone); 212-116.2504 (x) LS tlilra ‘it Willer Direstor, Corporate Counsel Gaty Images OLN, 34th Steet Seatle, WA 98103 206-525.6792 (phone) ‘Kale Morgan Prager VP, General Counsel ‘The MeCiathy Company 21009 Steet Socrameni, CA 98816 916-321-1828 (phone); 91626-5586 (fax) Andrew Lachow ‘Pan Deputy General Comsel-Litigation Tine. 212-822-8307 (phone; 212-467-0860 (ax) Couns, Ineetual Property ‘The Associated Press 430 West 33ra Steet New York, NY 10001 212-621-1958 (phone), 212-621-S456 (Fx) abana Wal “VP & Senior Associte General Cosel Gannett Co, Ine, 7950 Jona Branch Drive MeLean, VA22107 103-854-6951 (phone) 703-854-2031 (Fax) ‘eae. Mace Vice President, Associate General Couns! ‘atonal Geographic Sorety 1145 17h Sec NW. Washington, DC 20036, 202-828-6654 (phone); 202-857.$874 (0) David Giles \VP Deputy General Counsel ‘The EW. Sipps Company 513.977.3892 (lax) TimoiiyT theo Associate Counsel ‘The Washington Pst end The Slate Group 1150 15th Street NW. ‘Weshingon, DC 20071 202-334-9266 (phone); 202-334-5075 (fx) Ali Davee March 30,2011 Page3 of 3 Sincerely, Sony 5 Bivona ,Rermat Goald 1.P Jn behalf of Advance Publication, Ic Four Times Square, 23rd Floor [New York, NY 10036 212-381-7057 (phone); 212-381-7201 (ex) acon P, Cont ‘Viee President & Astocato General Counsel Dow Jones & Company, Ic 1211 Avenue ofthe Ameria, 7h Floor [New York, NY 10096 212-416-2164 (pone); 212-416-2524 (x) ‘Gia Witmer Director, Corporate Counsel Getty images 601 N. Bath Steet Seatle, WA 98103, 206-925-6192 (phone) nee Wop ager ‘VP, General Counsel ‘The MeClatchy Company 2100Q Steet Secramento, CA 95816 916-321-1828 (phone; 916-326-5586 (fx) Trsdrow Lachow ‘VP and Deputy General Counsel tigation Time Ine 21222-4307 (phone; 212-467-0860 (fas) ‘The Associated Pros: 450 West 331d Street ‘New York, NY 10001 212-621-7938 (phone) 212-621-5456 (fs) Barbara Wall VP & Senior Associate General Counsel Gannett Co, Io, 17950 Jones firanch Drive ‘MeLean, VA 22107 703-854-6951 (phone), 703-854-2031 (fx) Loess ll uu) ‘Pesine 5. Mace! ‘Vice President, Assoclate General Counsel, ‘National Geographic Society 1145 11h Steet NW. Washington, DC 20036 202-828-6654 (phone); 202-857-5874 (Fax) David, Glan “VP Deputy General Counsel The E.W. Scripps Company 515-977-3892 (fo) Tinay Tory ‘Associnte Counsel, ‘The Washington Post and The Slate Group 1130 15 Steet NW ‘Wasingion, DC 20071 200-334-5266 (phone}, 202-334-5075 (Fax) AliDaver March 30,2011 Page of 3 Sincerely, Keay. Birene Sabla, Beimart & Gould LLP (On Uehalfot Advance Publications, Ie Fourie Squao, 23 Foor New York, NY 10036 212-381-7087 (phone); 212-381-7201 (le) Jason Cont ‘Viae President & Associate Genes Counsel Daw Jones & Company, Ine. 1217 Avenue ofthe Ameren, 7h Floor New York NY 10036 212-416-2164 (phone); 212-416-2524 (x) Tse Witmer Director, Corporate Counsel ‘Gat images {018,34 Stest Seat, WA 98103, 206-925.6792 (phone) ay ba nas ‘VP, General Counsel ‘The MeChchy Company 2100Q Steet Sacrameno, CA 95816 916-321-1828 (phone; 916.326.8586 (ax) ‘Anirew Lachow “VP and Deputy Gener] Counsel Litigation ‘Time ne. ‘T2807 (phone; 212-467-0860 (Fax) aus Malone ‘Associate General Counsel, Inlet! Property “The Asoo Poor 450 West 3rd Steet. [New York, NY 10001 212-621-7938 (phone); 212621-5456 (ix) Barbas Wall ‘VP & Senior Associate Geaeal Counse! Gannett Co, ne. 17950 Jones Branch Drive Metean, VA 22107 105-6566951 (hon); 703-854-2081 (hs) ean S Macst ‘Vigo rsient, Associate General Counsel "National Geographic Society 114s 1th Steet NW. ‘Washington, DC 20036, 200-828-6654 (phone; 200-457-5874 (Fx) David Gites {VP Deputy General Comsat ‘TheE.W. Soripps Company 513-977-3892 (Ins) ‘TimatiyL. feowy ‘Asocite Counsel ‘The Washingon Post and The Slate Group 1150 5th Seat NW, Washington, DC 20071 200-334-9266 (phono); 202-334-5075 (fa) AliDavar oe 30,2011 Page 30f3 Sinely, aay Bie ia one Sabin, Hemant & Gould LP sod Geel Come, Ile Popery Cn eh Ae Pins, ‘The Amel Pres Four Tins Sayre 23 Fla Bo Wet tr Stet Now Yor NY ote New York, NY 0001 D387057 (phone); 21231-7201 (fs) DIE 998 (hon) 212-021-846 (i) Ison? Col ara Wal Vice sient & Asai Goel Counsel {Pe Sef Associate Genel Counsel Dow Jone Compan aanet Coyne Tat Av ofthe Aeris, 7h Floor S080 ves ch rive New Yoru nv 1036 Metean VA 22107 DDAT6264 (hon 212-416 2824 (x) MO-850951 (Sn 703-854-2031 (x Ta Winer Tame. Wood Dt Cope Comet Vie President Asacit General Counsel Gay aes Natonl Geog Succ Gor 3th Suet Ties sree Seat, WASHIOS Wastngon, De2006 2169256792 (hone) 208285634 hon) 20287-5874 (x) Dut WrGlies pa aol Morgane David Mies Ve cunerComet ‘VP Deputy General Couns The Mectnthy Company The. Sets Comper Hoo Steet 5159773892 fo) Sacranent, CA 98816 MeSH hon) 916326886 (x) Roaiew Laciow Timaly Lue ‘VPan Dept Genera Counse.taton Astocte Goumel ‘eine, ‘The Wehigtn Fost and The Sle Group 2123228307 (hon) 212.467.0860 (x) Tiso 3h Seat NW Washington, DC 20071 202-334-9266 (phone); 202-334-5075 (fx) Ali Davae ‘Moreh 30.2011 Page 30f3 Sincerely Teys, Bree Sabin. Berman & Gould LLP Oa behalf of Advance Publications. ne. Four Times Square. 214 Foor [New York NY 10036 212-381-7057 (phone): 212-381-7201 (fas) Sison P. Cont Vie President & Associate Goneral Counsel Dove Jones & Company, In. 1211 Avenue ofthe Amerie. 70h Floor New York NY 10036 212-416-2164 (phone): 212-416-2524 (fas) ise Witiner Director. Corporste Couns! Getty Images (601 N. 3h Suet Seattle. WA98103, 206:995.6792 (phone) Karole Worgan Prager VP. Genera! Course ‘The MeCintehy Company 21000 Steet. Sacramento. CA9S816 916-321-1828 (phone): 916:326.586 (ss) ‘Andree Lachow ‘VP and Deputy Genera! Course igation Tine Ine 212-522-8307 (phone); 212-467-0860 (fax) Tara atone ‘Associate General Couns. lntllectnl Property “The Asscinted Prose 450 West 33rd Stoet ‘New York, NY 10001 212-621-7838 (phone): 212-621.5456 (fas) Tirbaa Wall VP & Senior Associate General Counsel Gannet Co. In. 7950 Joes Branch Drive MeLean, VA 22107 103-854'6951 (phone; 703-854-2031 (Fax) Tone §: Maced ‘Vie President, Associate General Conmsel ‘National Geographic Society 1145 17h Steet NW. Washington, DC 20036 202-828-6654 (phone); 202-857-5874 (ex) David, Glee ‘VP Deputy General Counsel ‘The EW. Scripps Company 515-97.3892 (fa) Tinay Leon Associate Counse ‘The Washington Post and The Slate Group 1139 5th trot NW. Washington, DC 20071 202-334-9266 (phone): 202-334-5075 (x) Al Davar ‘Manel 30, 2011, Page 3 of 3 Sincerely, Terry 8. Biren Sabin, Bermant & Gould LLP On behalf of Advance Publications, Ine. Four Times Square, 23rd Floor New York, NY 10036 212-381-7057 (phone); 212-381-7201 (fox) Tason P. Cont Vice President & Associate General Counsel Dow Jones & Company, Ine. 1211 Avenue ofthe Americas, 7h Floor ‘New York, NY 10036 212-416-2164 (phone); 212-416.2524 (ax) ise Willmer Director; Corporate Counsel Getty Images 601 N. 34th Street Seattle, WA 98103, 206-925-6792 (phone) Karole Morgan Prager VP, General Counsel ‘The MeClatehy Company 2100 Q Sireet ‘Saotamento, CA 95816 916-321-1828 (phone); 916-326-5586 (fax) ‘Andiow Lachow VP and Deputy General CounseFLitigation ‘Time Ine 212-522-8307 (phone); 212-467-0860 (fax) Causa Malone ‘Associate General Counsel, Intellectual Property “The Associated Press 450 West 33rd Street, New York, NY 10001 212-621-7938 (phone); 212-621-5456 (x) Barbara Wi ‘YP & Senior Associate General Counsel Gannett Co, Ine. 7980 Jones Branch Deive ‘McLean, VA 22107 703-854-6951 (phone); 703-854-2031 (fx) Teanne 5. Mecst Vice President, Associate General Counsel "National Geographie Society 1145 17th Street NW Washington, DC 20036 202-828-6654 (phone); 202-857-5874 (fax) David Wi. Giles VP Deputy General Counsel ‘The E.W. Scripps Company 513-977-3892 (Hux) ‘Timothy Thucowy Associate Counsel “The Washington Post and The Slate Group 1150 15th Steet NW Washington, DC 20071 202-334-9266 (phone); 202-334-5075 (ax)

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