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Debate (English / Kannada / Hindi)

Each member will given 3 minutes to present his/her argument on the given topic.( 2+1)
The members will be allowed for the rebuttal of two minutes after the opponents’ argument.
Topics will be announced on the previous day of the competition.
Use of abusive language, controversial comments, personal remarks, shouting and unhealthy
verbal arguments will lead to disqualification of the team.
Registration will not be entertained after the commencement of the competition.
Participants are supposed to speak only during their turn.
It is mandatory for the teams to speak for and against the topic.

Collage Making
The topic for the collage will be informed on the spot.
The organizer shall provide KG Cardboard for all the teams.
The team can use newspapers, magazines or any other source other than the Internet extracts.
No cutting materials to be used.
The team will be judged on the basis of relevance with the topic, quality of the collage and the

T-Shirt Painting
The theme for the T-Shirt painting will be announced a day prior to the competition on the website.
The team has to carry all the paints required for the competition.
The organizer will provide a T-Shirt for each of the teams to paint, which has to be submitted to the
organizer for evaluation.
There will be a presentation for 3 minutes after the painting session.
The team will be evaluated on the basis of relevance with the topic, quality of usage of colors,
Presentation etc.

Face Painting
The theme for the face painting will be announced a day prior to the competition on the website.
The team has to carry all the paints required for the competition.
A team member has to paint on his/her partner’s face.
The team will be evaluated on the basis of relevance with the topic, quality of usage of colors etc.

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