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ea Official aed Bulletin of — Ordo ae Orientis 1981 ag LXXVI Januar: ran aren nn eae what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law, Welcome ‘to the: 1st Issue of the Magickal Link an 0.7.0. monthly Bul- leton. First of a11 this does not take the place of the 0.1.0, Newe- letter; but instead is an added service we want to give our members So they are up to date with whats happening among the different groups within the order, “This will be done through monthly reports from various Camps, Chapters and Lodges and Reports from the Supreme Coun- Sil of the 0.7.0, and the Board of Bishops of the Ecclesiae Cnosticae Catholicae. We will also hear-from time to time from other groups forming for various purposes within the Order such as the 11th degree and different groups working on Ritual and other special areas in mag- ick But, this is only a part of the purpose of the Magickal Link. We also want to be @ sounding board for the membership through a column where we can print letters. Also there will be advertisment/notice column where menbers ean request needs free of cost. See the heading 'Menber to Member' for further details The 0.7.0 Newsletter will keep on publishing its wonderful informative articles and should be out in January if Bill gets the help he needs We hope that the Magickal Link can £i11 the gap so sorely needed in bringing members in ‘closer communication with each other The Magical Link will also carry notices of teaching materials, tapes I books available from the Order, Jom the CAL!PHon The latest project at Grand Lodge is to get the Guild system going. Crowley recommended this highly in the {Blue Equinox". So do I. It is an excellent system of lat- eval (horizantal) energy manifes- tation, as opposed to vertical structuring. For this purpose I have created the curzp oF prama & THAUMATURY. Obviously this places heavy emphasis on dramatic ritual, both group and individual. unfor- tunately I have not yet found the secretarial help needed to pro- vide communications. If there are any volutteers, please let me know. HeR. 3490: é OTO SUPREME COUNCIL RESOLUTIONS AFFECT- ING THE MEMBERSHIP RESOLUTION 165 After completion of one year of most vecent initiation a member of Ordo Ten- pli Orientis of first degree or higher may become an inactive member During this rive member- ship no dues are oweing and all rights and privileges connected with this mem- eriod of in bershiv are suspended. This inactive member ust be approved by the Board, When an. inactive mémber of Ordo Templi Orientis decides to kecome active again, that © 1i cay two years dues, One half of which is to cover the year beginning the renewed activities and the other half of the dues are an established simple fee to the Order RESOLUTION 174 Any Minerval that has gone more than one year without “payment of original dues shall have a stop entered into their re- cord until such time as these original dues are paid § The Grand Secretary General is empowered to write this stop in the records for these individuals after 6 weeks from this date has expired with no further attempt to redeem their dept. RESOLUTION 175 Minervals that have paid their 1st years dues but have not contacted 0.7.0. by ‘the end of the 1st year for a request of elevation in the Order or paid the 2nd year dues be given one month to respond to a notice of Honorable Demit. such a notice will be sent out on or before 30 September 1980, ‘These people will have until 30 November 1980 to clear up the Honorable Demit status. Honorable ex- pired on their records if no further action is taken by them. RESOLUTION 178 In the case of any minerval or any other degree,with the sole exception of the 9th degrees, that failure to pay dues within 3 months after the expiration of the Ist year in the degree shall absolve the order of the responsibility of sending said members the newsletter. RESOLUTION 182 Grady L. McMurtry also known as Bymenaeus Alpha, Caliph of the Ordo Templi Orientes, in as much as he is Grand Master of the 0.7.0. having exclusive control over said guilds except in instances where said Guilds may be acting against the interests of the 0.7.0, See GNOSTIC CATHOLIC CHURCH COUNCIL-EC- CLESIAE GNOSTICAE CATHOLICAE On Oct 30, 1980 the first annual meet- ing of the Council of Bishops was held. The main purpose of this meeting was to elect the new board who decide upon gen- eral policy and oversee the operation of the Church. ‘the new board of Directors axe: Bishop Lon M. DuQuette, Bishop An— dzea Lucedonia, Bishop William Heidrick, Bishop Jeffery Price, Bishop Rusty Sporer and Bishop Michele Ripple with our pat- ziarch Grady L, MeMurtry leading the team, One of the matters discussed at this annual meeting of all the Bishops was the need for communication among the clergy, not just the board. Many of them did not realize the simularity of problems they each confront within their diocese. Questions like how to raise money etc. Oneway in which we are trying to open up this communication is to ask for Suggestions for the EGC logo which will reflect not only our GNOSTIC heritage but our link with 0.7.0, Ledges Chapters § Camps SeAnvo Thelema Lodge, Grand Lodge of 0.7.0. P.0. Box 2303 “Berkeley, CA 94702 U.S.A, Chartered Oct. 12, 1977 e.v. by Fre Hua. under letters patent issued by Aleister Crowley. ‘This is the administrative cen- ter of the Order, worldwide. The Grand Lodge presents"classes both for members and nonnenbers on a monthly basis. Monthly initiations are held and special activities are held in dramatic ritual and seasonal ritual. ( See attached calandar for Current events at Grand Lodge. Also available at grand Lodge: the 0.7.0. Newsletter, Liber AL (due out in Feb.), Liber 777, tape recokdings of Crowley and £.1. Regardie for the general public and instructional tapes for members, etc. Ordo Templi Orientis, Brocken Mountain Lodge, 178 Cosey Beach Ave, East Haven, Conn 06512 . Brocken Mountaia Lodge is publishing as many THELEMIC manuscripts at low cost as possible. “A catalogue may be obtained by mailing 50% to che Brocken Mountain Lodge. Besides the publications everyone in the Lodge has been doing great in recent months. Activities are at a low but enthusiasm is very high on individual basis. Camp 4. 0. Spare, P. 0, Box 1418, Col- umbus, Georgia 31902 Camp A. 0. Spare is secking applicants for Minerval initation in the Southeast~ ern part of United states TAHUTI ENCAMPMENT, 585 Ww APT 6D, New York,’ W.¥. 214th st., 10034 There was a Dance Benefit on Nov- ember 22nd sponsored by the Tah- uti Temple Fund featuring the sen- sational rock group - THE WORKERS. Two Tahutians are members of The Workers, this Dance helped kicked off their musical careers... we are developing an adaptation of the Mark of the Beast Ritual for group working, When refined we will sub- mit it to the Newsletter for gen- eral 0.7.0. workings.:..Working with Bill Heidrick on establishing the 0.7.0. Mail Order Book Service. Shortly we will be providing a book list with a 10% member discount... Currently in the process of writing our Winter Solstice Ritual which will be a continuation of the eight ritual cycle completed october 31st. Working on a Spanish translation of Liber Oz which we will post along with the English version around this bilingual city... In conjunction with NY Mother Lodge we have insti- tuted a rotating daily schedule of banishing the group's Temple Also in progress are plans for a lecture series hopefully attracting large numbers of people currently outside the MAGICKAL COMMUNITY... We have recently formulated a spec- ial TEMPLE FUND designed to raise money to eventually house our act- ivities in a more permanent and pub- lically accessable location. Heru-Ra-lia Lodge, P.O. Box 3111, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Heru-Ra-Ha Lodge has been extremely busy. We are publishing a small mag- azine entitled Ovez which comes out on the SOLISTICES & EQUINOXES. For information on obtaining copies con- tact Heru-Ra-Ha Lodge, Besides the Publications, the Lodge has been holding regular Guild classes on Enochian Studies Workshop. The Lodge has also been actively initiat- ing new members & raising members through the degrees. The members-of the Lodge enter- tained the Caliph & Shirine Morton for a short while in October. Mem= bers of the Lodge hold feasts and EGC masses on Solistices and Equi- noxes. The Lodge is also helping the Lodge Master, Lon Duguette, in obtain= ing a large space in which classes and rituals may be performed. Nait-Urania Chapter, P.O. Box 2303, C/o 0.7.0. Berkley, cali€é 94702 The Wuit Urania Chapter has taken the direction of presenting the RITES OF ELEUSIS as written by A.C. , for performances at Caxton Hall and reproduced in the EQUINOX. ‘The in- terpretation Of the lights and sounds, sights and feelings, internal cognition and exploration was done by MISTRESS CHANDRIA, FRATER APIS and attending chapter menbers. The RITE OF SO: was done on Aug 9th and was filmed in part by Trent Harris for viewing in the — ——— Intermountain West asa documentary of present day OCCULTIS?S. Mr. Trent is the producer of the regular showing eruar : Jane Wolfe Chapter, #2709 MacDonald apts, 9925 Jasper Ave, Edmonton, Alberta, Can. The Jane Wolfe Chapter has been active in studying and presenting several dif- ferent GOLDEN DAWN rituals. They have also held a class on robe making. Be- sides the serious ritual business the Chapter held an ALL, HALLOW's EVE party 2 for the chapter members. One new mem ber was initiated into the Chapter bringing the membership to 11. The head of the Chapter spent approximately 3 weeks at Grand Lodge for initiations, classes and Order Business. Fenris Encampment is temporarly be- tween addresses. The Fenris Encampment was charted on 5 duly, 1980, e.v. by the hand and seal of Our Most Holy King & Caliph, H. A. 777. Fenris was created to provide a divergent stylistic and esthetic approach to Thelema, mainly through a res toration of the Sumerian systems of Magick (retonstructed and re- aligned to conform with the pic- tation of Aiwaz), and an explor- ation of certain esoteric tech- niques revealed by Mr. wm. 3. Bur- xoughs. We are also interested in the promulgation of Thelema via the marketplace. The Order must be strengthened: It must have gold. At this time the Penris Encamp- ment is not open to written com- munication from the Outer; how- ever, this situation will soon change. Interested parties would do_well, in the meanwhile, to give a cursory perusal to the re- quired reading material listea as follows: NECRONOHICON (edited by "Simon" Published in hardcover by Schlan- gekraft, Inc. 233 Spring St., NY, NY~10013~ $50.00 in paperback from Avon, $2.75 THE BOOK OF BREBETHING, By Wm. S Burroughs, Blue Wind Press PORT OF SAINTS, by Wm. S. Burroughs Blue Wind Press We: would also suggest a thorough examination of all available com- ment on Hexagram 49 of the I CHING a working familiarity with the world-wide mythology of sHaPE- SHIFTERS, and an in-depth study of the Norse myth of Fenris.

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