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(Study of Cash management at Standard Chartered Bank)



Guided By: Submitted by:

Mrs. Jyoti Goel Mr. Avnish Mehra

(Project Guide) 1371591706















(Aff. to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha



This is to certify that the summer training project (MS/BBA-CODE) entitled

Study of cash management at Standard Chartered Bank done by Mr.

Avnish Mehra, Roll No. 1371591706 is an authentic work carried out by her at

Rukmini Devi Institute of Advance Studies under my guidance. The matter

embodied in this project work has not been submitted earlier for the award

of any degree or diploma to the best of my knowledge and belief.


Mrs. Jyoti Goel

(Project Guide)



I sincerely record my appreciation to all, who have contributed in preparing this report with

suggestions and critical evaluation.

I am extremely thankful to Mr. AMIT AGGARWALA (Associate Director, standard chartered)

who zestfully monitored the growth of this project. He from time to time guided me in the right

direction and took care that I had enough time to complete my project.

As an amateur in this field I am indebted to those who have readily responded to my request for

expert guidance.
( )




In a business anything done financially affects cash eventually. Cash is to a business is

what blood is to a living body. A business cannot operate without its life-blood cash, and without

cash management, there may remain no cash to operate. Cash movement in a business is two-

way traffic. It keeps on moving in and out of business. The inflow and outflow of cash never

coincides. Important aspect which is unique to cash management is time dimension associated

with the movement of cash. Due to non-synchronicity of cash inflow and outflow, the inflow

may be more than the outflow or the outflow may be more than the inflow at a particular point of

time. This needs regulation. Left to itself cash flow is apt to follow monsoonic pattern, and

showers of cash may be heavy, scanty or just normal. Hence there is a dire need to control its

movement through skillful cash management. The primary aim of cash management is to ensure

that there should be enough cash availability when the needs arises, not too much, but never too


Sr. No. Topics Page No.

1. Introduction 1 - 14
✔ Definition
✔ Facets of CMS
✔ Purpose of CMS
✔ CMS at Standard Chartered Bank
2. Objectives 15

3. Research Methodology 16 - 17

4. Literature Review 18 – 36

5. Industry Profile 37 – 43

6. Company Profile 44 - 87
✔ History of Standard Chartered Bank
✔ About Standard Chartered Bank
✔ Products offered by SCB
✔ Cash Management at length
7. Result and Analysis 88 – 96

8. Case Study 97 – 104

✔ Case Study
✔ Analysis of the Case Study
9. Limitations of the report 105
10. Conclusions and Recommendations 106 - 109
✔ Conclusions
✔ Recommendations
11. References 110

12. Appendixes 111 – 113

✔ Questionnaire
Cash management is a marketing term for certain services offered primarily to larger

business customers. It may be used to describe all bank accounts (such as checking accounts)

provided to businesses of a certain size, but it is more often used to describe specific services

such as cash concentration, zero balance accounting, and automated clearing house facilities.

Sometimes, private bank customers are given cash management services.

Cash Management Services Generally offered

The following is a list of services generally offered by banks and utilised by larger businesses

and corporations:

• Account Reconcilement Services: Balancing a checkbook can be a difficult process for

a very large business, since it issues so many checks it can take a lot of human

monitoring to understand which checks have not cleared and therefore what the

company's true balance is. To address this, banks have developed a system which allows

companies to upload a list of all the checks that they issue on a daily basis, so that at the

end of the month the bank statement will show not only which checks have cleared, but

also which have not. More recently, banks have used this system to prevent checks from

being fraudulently cashed if they are not on the list, a process known as positive pay.
• Advanced Web Services: Most banks have an Internet-based system which is more

advanced than the one available to consumers. This enables managers to create and

authorize special internal logon credentials, allowing employees to send wires and access

other cash management features normally not found on the consumer web site.

• Armored Car Services: Large retailers who collect a great deal of cash may have the

bank pick this cash up via an armored car company, instead of asking its employees to

deposit the cash.

• Automated Clearing House: services are usually offered by the cash management

division of a bank. The Automated Clearing House is an electronic system used to

transfer funds between banks. Companies use this to pay others, especially employees

(this is how direct deposit works). Certain companies also use it to collect funds from

customers (this is generally how automatic payment plans work). This system is criticized

by some consumer advocacy groups, because under this system banks assume that the

company initiating the debit is correct until proven otherwise.

• Balance Reporting Services: Corporate clients who actively manage their cash balances

usually subscribe to secure web-based reporting of their account and transaction

information at their lead bank. These sophisticated compilations of banking activity may

include balances in foreign currencies, as well as those at other banks. They include

information on cash positions as well as 'float' (e.g., checks in the process of collection).

Finally, they offer transaction-specific details on all forms of payment activity, including

deposits, checks, wire transfers in and out, ACH (automated clearinghouse debits and

credits), investments, etc.

• Cash Concentration Services: Large or national chain retailers often are in areas where

their primary bank does not have branches. Therefore, they open bank accounts at various
local banks in the area. To prevent funds in these accounts from being idle and not

earning sufficient interest, many of these companies have an agreement set with their

primary bank, whereby their primary bank uses the Automated Clearing House to

electronically "pull" the money from these banks into a single interest-bearing bank


• Lockbox services: Often companies (such as utilities) which receive a large number of

payments via checks in the mail have the bank set up a post office box for them, open

their mail, and deposit any checks found. This is referred to as a "lockbox" service.

• Positive Pay: Positive pay is a service whereby the company electronically shares its

check register of all written checks with the bank. The bank therefore will only pay

checks listed in that register, with exactly the same specifications as listed in the register

(amount, payee, serial number, etc.). This system dramatically reduces check fraud.

• Sweep Accounts: are typically offered by the cash management division of a bank.

Under this system, excess funds from a company's bank accounts are automatically

moved into a money market mutual fund overnight, and then moved back the next

morning. This allows them to earn interest overnight. This is the primary use of money

market mutual funds.

• Zero Balance Accounting: can be thought of as somewhat of a hack. Companies with

large numbers of stores or locations can very often be confused if all those stores are

depositing into a single bank account. Traditionally, it would be impossible to know

which deposits were from which stores without seeking to view images of those deposits.

To help correct this problem, banks developed a system where each store is given their

own bank account, but all the money deposited into the individual store accounts are

automatically moved or swept into the company's main bank account. This allows the
company to look at individual statements for each store. U.S. banks are almost all

converting their systems so that companies can tell which store made a particular deposit,

even if these deposits are all deposited into a single account. Therefore, zero balance

accounting is being used less frequently.

• Wire Transfer: A wire transfer is an electronic transfer of funds. Wire transfers can be

done by a simple bank account transfer, or by a transfer of cash at a cash office. Bank

wire transfers are often the most expedient method for transferring funds between bank

accounts. A bank wire transfer is a message to the receiving bank requesting them to

effect payment in accordance with the instructions given. The message also includes

settlement instructions. The actual wire transfer itself is virtually instantaneous, requiring

no longer for transmission than a telephone call.

• Controlled Disbursement: This is another product offered by banks under Cash

Management Services. The bank provides a daily report, typically early in the day, that

provides the amount of disbursements that will be charged to the customer's account. This

early knowledge of daily funds requirement allows the customer to invest any surplus in

intraday investment opportunities, typically money market investments. This is different

from delayed disbursements, where payments are issued through a remote branch of a

bank and customer is able to delay the payment due to increased float time.

In the past, other services have been offered the usefulness of which has diminished with the rise

of the Internet. For example, companies could have daily faxes of their most recent transactions

or be sent CD-ROMs of images of their cashed checks.

Cash management aims at evolving strategies for dealing with various facets of cash

management. These facets includes the following:

• Optimum Utilisation of Operating Cash

Implementation of a sound cash management programme is based on rapid generation,

efficient utilisation and effective conversation of its cash resources. Cash flow is a circle. The

quantum and speed of the flow can be regulated through prudent financial planning facilitating

the running of business with the minimum cash balance. This can be achieved by making a

proper analysis of operative cash flow cycle alongwith efficient management of working capital.

• Cash Forecasting

Cash forecasting is backbone of cash planning. It forewarns a business regarding

expected cash problems, which it may encounter, thus assisting it to regulate further cash flow

movements. Lack of cash planning results in spasmodic cash flows.

• Cash Management Techniques:

Every business is interested in accelerating its cash collections and decelerating cash

payments so as to exploit its scarce cash resources to the maximum. There are techniques in the

cash management which a business to achieve this objective.

• Liquidity Analysis:

The importance of liquidity in a business cannot be over emphasized. If one does the

autopsies of the businesses that failed, he would find that the major reason for the failure was

their unability to remain liquid. Liquidity has an intimate relationship with efficient utilisation of

cash. It helps in the attainment of optimum level of liquidity.

• Profitable Deployment of Surplus Funds

Due to non-synchronization of ash inflows and cash outflows the surplus cash may arise

at certain points of time. If this cash surplus is deployed judiciously cash management will itself

become a profit centre. However, much depends on the quantum of cash surplus and

acceptability of market for its short-term investments.

• Economical Borrowings

Another product of non-synchronisation of cash inflows and cash outflows is emergence

of deficits at various points of time. A business has to raise funds to the extent and for the period

of deficits. Raising of funds at minimum cost is one of the important facets of cash management.

Purpose of Cash Management

Cash management is the stewardship or proper use of an entity’s cash resources. It serves as the

means to keep an organization functioning by making the best use of cash or liquid resources of

the organization.

The function of cash management at the U.S. Treasury is threefold:

1. To eliminate idle cash balances. Every dollar held as cash rather than used to augment

revenues or decrease expenditures represents a lost opportunity. Funds that are not needed to

cover expected transactions can be used to buy back outstanding debt (and cease a flow of funds

out of the Treasury for interest payments) or can be invested to generate a flow of funds into the

Treasury’s account. Minimizing idle cash balances requires accurate information about expected

receipts and likely disbursements.

2. To deposit collections timely. Having funds in-hand is better than having accounts receivable.

The cash is easier to convert immediately into value or goods. A receivable, an item to be

converted in the future, often is subject to a transaction delay or a depreciation of value. Once

funds are due to the Government, they should be converted to cash-in-hand immediately and

deposited in the Treasury's account as soon as possible.

3. To properly time disbursements. Some payments must be made on a specified or legal date,

such as Social Security payments. For such payments, there is no cash management decision. For
other payments, such as vendor payments, discretion in timing is possible. Government vendors

face the same cash management needs as the Government. They want to accelerate collections.

One way vendors can do this is to offer discount terms for timely payment for goods sold.


Cash Management As part of Standard Chartered's global transaction solutions to Corporates

and Institutions, we provide Cash Management, Securities Services and Trade Services through

our strong market networks in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America. We also provide
a bridge to these markets for clients from the U.S and Europe. We are committed to providing

you with

Integrated, superior cross-border and local services

Efficient transaction processing

Reliable financial information

Innovative products

World-class clearing services Thus ensuring a full suite of transactional products for your


For Corporates

Standard Chartered is highly recognized as a leading cash management supplier across the

emerging markets. Our Cash Management Services cover local and cross border Payments,

Collections, Information Management, Account Services and Liquidity Management for both

corporate and institutional customers. With Standard Chartered's Cash Management services,
you'll always know your exact financial position. You have the flexibility to manage your

company's complete financial position directly from your computer workstation. You will also be

able to take advantage of our outstanding range of Payments, Collections, Liquidity and

Investment Services and receive comprehensive reports detailing your transactions. With

Standard Chartered, you have everything it takes to manage your cash flow more accurately.

Payments Services

Collection Services

Liquidity Management

For Financial Institutions

Standard Chartered is highly recognized as a leading cash management supplier across the

emerging markets. Our Cash Management Services cover local and cross border Payments,

Collections, Information Management, Account Services and Liquidity Management for both

corporate and institutional customers. If you are looking for a correspondent banking partner you

can trust, Standard Chartered can help you. We have more than 500 offices located in 50

countries throughout the world and, with 150 years of on-the-ground experience, we can help our

bank clients with all their cash management needs.

Clearing Services

Asian Gateway
Payment Services Global payments solution for efficient transaction processing Looking to

outsource your payments to enable:

Efficient processing of all your payables in the most cost effective way

Straight through processing both at your end as well as your bank's back-end

Efficient payables reconciliation with minimal effort and delay

Quick approval of payments from any location

Minimum hindrance to automation due to local language difficulties

Centralized management of payables across departments, subsidiaries and countries Our

Solution Standard Chartered's Straight Through Services (STS) Payments Solution can be

tailored to the different payment needs of companies, whatever industry, size or country you may

be in. With a comprehensive End-to-end Payment Processing Cycle, STS allows companies to

process a variety of payment types, whether they be domestic or international, local or central in

different countries, all in a single system file. To realise the benefits of STS, please contact your

local Relationship Manager or Cash Management representative. Our Coverage We are the

foreign bank having the largest geographical representation in the country. We are present in 31

locations which enables you to print Payable At Par at 31 locations with the highest number of

print sites. i.e. we can print cheque, drafts for you at 31 locations and thus bring down your cost.

We can also provide 700+ locations online for draft required. We are the only bank which

provides draft status to you on the website.

Collection Services
Comprehensive receivables management solution. Standard Chartered understands that

operating and sustaining a profitable business these days is extremely tough. In an environment

of constant changes and uncertainties, most businesses face challenges of costs and efficiency.

Key concerns include:

Receivables Management - ensuring receivables are collected in an efficient and timely

manner to optimise utilisation of funds.

Risk Management - ensuring effective management of debtors to eliminate risk of returns

and losses caused by defaulters and delayed payments

Inventory Management - ensuring efficient and quick turnaround of inventory to maximise


Cost Management - reducing interest costs through optimal utilisation of funds. Our

Solution The Standard Chartered Collections Solution leverages the Bank's extensive regional

knowledge and widespread branch network across our key markets to specially tailor solutions

for your regional and local collection needs. In India we have around 270 local locations and we

are the only foreign bank which is present in 31 locations. We have the widest network among

foreign banks in the country. This Collections Solution, delivered through a standardised

international platform, has the flexibility to cater to your local needs, thus enabling you to meet

your objectives of reducing costs and increasing efficiency and profitability through better

receivables and risk management. The key components of our solution include the following:

Extensive Clearing Network

Guaranteed Credit

Comprehensive MIS

System Integration
Outsourcing of Collection

Liquidity Management

Solutions for efficient management of your funds A corporate treasurer's main challenge often

revolves around ensuring that the company's cash resources are utilised to their maximum

advantage. You need a partner bank that can help you:

Maximise interest income on surplus balances; minimise interest expense on deficit

balances for domestic, regional and global accounts

Minimise FX conversion for cross-currency cash concentration

Customise liquidity management solutions for different entities in different countries

Centralise information management of consolidated account balances Our Solution With

our global experience and on-the-ground market knowledge, Standard Chartered will help you

define an overall cash management strategy which incorporates a liquidity management solution

that best meets your needs. Click here for an illustration of our propositions.

Key Features Based on your needs and the regulatory environment that you are in, you can

choose any of the following features:

Physical Sweeping

Notional Pooling


Objectives of a project tell us why project has been taken under study. It helps us to know more

about the topic that is being undertaken and helps us to explore future prospects of that

organisation. Basically it tells what all have been studied while making the project.

➢ To learn about various aspects of standard charered cash management.

➢ To analyze the history of Standard chartered bank.

➢ To gain insights about functioning of standard chartered cash management.

➢ To explore the future prospects of standard chartered cash management.

Research Methodology
Research is a process through which we attempt to achieve systematically and with the support

of data the answer to a question, the resolution of a problem, or a greater understanding of a

phenomenon. This process, which is frequently called research methodology, has eight distinct


1. Research originates with a question or problem.

2. Research requires a clear articulation of a goal.

3. Research follows a specific plan of procedure.

4. Research usually divides the principal problem into more manageable subproblems.

5. Research is guided by the specific research problem, question, or hypothesis.

6. Research accepts certain critical assumptions.

7. Research requires the collection and interpretation of data in attempting to resolve the

problem that initiated the research.

8. Research is, by its nature, cyclical; or more exactly, helical.

Descriptive research is used in this project report in order to know about cash management

services to clients and determining their level of satisfaction. This is the most popular type of

research technique, generally used in survey research design and most useful in describing the

characteristics of consumer behavior. The method used were following:

 Questionnaire method
 Direct Interaction with the clients.


 Primary Data: - The sources of Primary data were questionnaires and personal


 Secondary data: - the sources of secondary data were internet, books and newspaper


Sample size: 8

Web-based Cash Management

Finacle web-based cash management solution enables banks to offer comprehensive cash

management services to businesses, ranging from small enterprises to large corporate houses.

Built on new-generation industry standard technologies J2EE and .NET, the modular solution

provides corporate customers anytime, anywhere access to real-time consolidated information. It

manages cash positions and electronically sends and receives funds in a secure

manner, within and across borders.

The solution is multi-currency enabled and offers multilingual support. It is also designed to

support multiple channels including the Internet and mobile, and can be interfaced with disparate

host systems and third-party applications.

Key Offerings

• Balances and Transaction Information

• Electronic Invoice Presentment and Payment

• Payables Management

• Receivables Management

• Liquidity Management and Reconciliation Reporting

• Trade Finance

Additional Features

• Alerts

• Infrastructure
• Security

Corporate Cash Management to benefit from Electronic Payments

The new electronic payment products and services offer the corporate clients an improved

bottom line by helping manage cash requirements. It helps corporate to make the best use of

their funds and provides an effective means of managing their financial requirements.

Several of the trends in cash flow forecasting favor the use of electronic payment products

like RTGS, Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and card payments. Improved technology and

systems integration makes it more attractive to use electronic payment products because these

methods of payment can be incorporated into firm-wide computing systems.

The new forecasting techniques also suggest use of electronic payments, because they offer

disaggregated revenue and spending data that can easily be categorized and studied.

Electronic payments and cards provide control over incoming funds, and allow companies to

limit access to these funds to authorized parties. In addition, limiting corporate purchases to

electronic payments makes it easier for firms to monitor cash outflows and prevent

unauthorized expenditures, because these payments are easier to document and provide an

audit trail.

From the perspective of a Corporate, the electronic payment systems ensure speed and

security of the transaction processing chain, from verification and authorisation to clearing

and settlement. Also it gives a great deal of freedom from more costly labor, materials, and

accounting services that are required in paper-based processing, better management of cash

flow, inventory, and financial planning due to swift bank payments.

Banknet Fourth Annual Conference on Payment Systems in Mumbai, India on 16 January

2008will discuss on topics like: How innovations in the payments world could shape cash

management, How can banks and corporate facilitate one another's business, Linking of

electronic payment systems like RTGS, EFT, NEFT, SWIFT etc in cash management etc.

Banknet will also release results of “Bank Customer Survey on Payment Systems” at the


Business Benefits

Generation of Fee-based Income

Finacle’s features such as wire initiations, liquidity management, alerts, cross border payments

and positive pay offer a consistent stream of fee-based revenues. The customer relationship

management capabilities embedded within these systems also enable targeted marketing, leading

to greater opportunities for cross-selling and a higher fee income.

Business Agility
Built on industry standard platforms J2EE and .NET, the solution provides banks with

tremendous flexibility to extend their product portfolio and customize the solution according to

requirements. The architecture of the solution enables the bank to write business rules once and

deploy anywhere, add new rules, modify existing ones or integrate with other applications

seamlessly. The solution also provides an additional layer that can be extended to interface with

multiple back office systems. All this enhances agility of operations, helping the bank identify

new opportunities and roll out new products.

Cost Savings
Thin-client architecture over the Internet reduces the cost of maintenance associated with

frequent upgrades and support. The deployment of Finacle enables a cost-effective channel

through which to serve customers. As the number of transactions completed on-line increases,

the number of more expensive branch transactions decreases. This is especially true of small

business customers who tend to use the branch as their primary channel. Greater automation and

productivity, as well as reduced human error, further lead to increased cost savings.

Increased Customer Satisfaction

The self-service capabilities empower corporate customers to manage the solution in terms of

defining user-permissions, based on hierarchy and roles. This leads to greater convenience and

offer better monitoring of banking transactions in real time. A more empowering corporate client

would be a more satisfied and profitable customer.

Cash Management Basics

Cash is your business's lifeblood. Managed well, your company remains healthy and strong.

Managed poorly, your company goes into cardiac arrest.

If you haven't considered cash management an important issue, then you're probably

undermining your business's short-term stability and its long-term survival. But how can you

manage business cash better?

Start with understanding how good cash-management practices can influence your company's

growth and survival by reading "The Art of Cash Management," Inc Finance Editor Jill

Andresky Fraser's classic article on the topic. Then dive into forecasting your business-cash
needs and learning how to handle a cash crisis. Assembled here are practical pieces of advice,

tips and tricks from CEOs, and tools that you can use to get a handle on business cash.

Handling and Avoiding Crises

How Do You Define Cash Flow?

If your definition of cash flow is flawed, and you're not tracking the right numbers, you

may grow your company right into a cash crisis.

The 10 Absolutely Must Follow Cash Flow Rules

Everyone wants cash on hand at all times. Here are 10 rules to help you get there.

The Magic Number

Every business has a magic number. By employing his, our columnist didn't overstaff this


Riding the Economic Roller Coaster

Tighten your seatbelt. Surviving the ups and downs of the world economy means keeping

an eye on business finances.

When a Cash Crisis Strikes

Credibility with vendors, bankers, and other creditors is built slowly, but can be destroyed

quickly if your company falls behind on payments. Know how to break the bad news to

preserve your business's relationships.

Hot Tip: Prepare for a Cash Crisis

How do you prep for a cash crisis? Wayne Karpoff, president of Myrias Software Corp., knew

cash would be a problem late last year. His 15-employee, $1.5-million company dropped selling

its products and became a full-time service business. So he built a contingency fund into his

annual budget -- an amount equal to three months' worth of payroll. He got the idea when his
bank suggested he set up a contingency fund to safeguard his mortgage payments in the event he

found himself out of work. He dipped into the fund three times last year to float the company

during project and payment delays.

Source: Ilan Mochari, Inc magazine, March 2000

Forecasting, Projections and Budgets

The Secrets to Formatting Cash Flow Projections

Here are the keys to creating a powerful tool to take control of your cash flow.

Cash Flow Projections Made Easy

Here is a 4-step process you can use to create cash flow projections you can trust.

Breaking Free from Budgets

Exasperated by budgets that hamstring creativity, a growing number of companies are

tossing off financial constraints--and still holding the line on spending.

Budgeting for Blunders

Lisa Hickey created a fund to support creative risks her Boston-based ad agency, Velocity

Inc., takes when trying innovative ideas that might not pan out.

A Passion for Forecasting

Don't put together an annual sales forecast using only gut instinct and wishful thinking!

Here are some rules you can follow to create a forecast that you and your employees can

count on.

Action Plan: Forecasting and Cash-Flow Budgeting

Developing a budget is simple, and when created with solid sales and expense forecasts

in mind, you can ensure that your budget will stand up to the daily demands of your

business. Here are some steps you can take to create a cash flow budget you can rely on.

Defining Key Financial Ratios

Tracking these key financial ratios will highlight financial trends in your business.

Financial Ratio Worksheets

Use these financial-ratio worksheets to determine 10 key ratios and track financial trends

in your business.

A Simple Formula

Determine your breakeven point with this online calculator.

The Employee-Run-Budget Worksheet

Help employees get in on the budgeting act with this worksheet.

Profit-and-Loss Projection

Use this profit-and-loss projection as a guide to projecting your company's profitability.

How to Improve Cash Management Practice in India?

There are, of course, many ways to improve and re-engineer the processes. However,

depending on budgets and also to minimise disturbances to the business, the following are the

suggested simple and initial steps. Note that the larger the corporation, the more involved the

process will be.

(1) Commit to change:

Recognize the need for improvement and commit to change (this commitment must come

from top management and cannot be just lip service).

(2) Establish a credible project team:

The project team must have a credible and strong project leader and be sponsored by the

decision maker(s).

(3) Study the existing internal financial transaction processes:

This is straightforward and a simple overview. Ask questions such as: Is electronic

banking used? To what degree? How are revenues collected and how are payments made? How

many staff are dedicated to these functions? What is the decision-making and authorisation

chain? What information is available from internal management information systems?

(4) Review services available in the marketplace:

Review existing service providers and other service providers, making initial

presentations and discussions with banks and providers. Quickly shortlist potential providers for

further in-depth discussions and presentations. Develop a good idea of what solutions, services

and products are on offer.

(5) Establish high-level, practical goals and objectives:

There must be a true desire and commitment to improve and make changes for the better;

however, the process should be evolutionary and practical. Take care to ensure goals are not

artificially set for easy attainment nor established for ideal perfection so to be unreachable or

unrealistic. The goals should be at a higher level than where the company is now and the initial

level of improvement. For example, a goal may be to achieve costs savings and efficiency gains

on the process of collecting revenues and reconciling with the accounts receivable system.
(6) Establish and commit to specific initiatives, sequence and timeframe:

Action points, initiatives and a realistic time frame must be decided for achieving each

initiative. Communicate these to the providers. For example, an initiative may include

automating and outsourcing vendor payments.

(7) Obtain simple written proposals from the shortlisted potential providers:

Have providers present proposals and be prepared to ask questions and probe exactly

what is being offered and whether the proposed solution, services and products meet your

objectives. Look for comprehensive, well thought-out and realistic solutions.

(8) Decide on the solution and decide on a provider(s):

It is not necessary to have only one provider of services. For example, there could be a

domestic collection bank and a regional account management bank. Document all goals and

services as well as pricing and the period the pricing covers, such as one-year or two-year, and

the start dates.

(9) Review the internal project team and add actual users to help implement the proposed


This process is to help obtain commitment from the bottom up and to gain the buy in of

internal users. The bank provider(s) should also have a parallel team to work with your

implementation or project team. Also, a mutually designed and agreed schedule and action plan

should be established.

(10) Review, establish and commit to a process for ongoing improvement:

Services should be reviewed once implemented to ensure that the high-level goals and

objectives are obtained. There should also be an ongoing emphasis on improvement, and a

culture for empowering staff to recommend and look for ways and means to improve cash

management services and processes. This needs to be encouraged, especially with the new

developments in technology afforded by the Internet. Management and users must commit to the

discipline of cash management.

Protecting Yourself from Fraud

Safeguarding your personal and financial information has become increasingly challenging, as

the threat of fraud has never been greater. Personal computers, the Internet and e-mail can

become dangerous weapons in the hands of someone looking to deceive you.

You can help prevent many types of fraud if you know what to look for. Below are some of the

most common online threats.

What types of scams should I be aware of?

Among ways that scam artists obtain access to personal and/or financial information are:

Phishing: These authentic-looking e-mail messages instruct the recipient to provide

sensitive personal, financial or password information. The e-mail appears to have been sent

by a reputable company from a legitimate e-mail address and includes logos and links to

reputable businesses and government agencies.

Social engineering (a term used in the information security industry): Criminals

pretend to be, for example, from the security and fraud department of a major credit card

company. They ask questions to verify personal information such as your home address, as

well as the numbers on the back of your credit card, to verify you have the card.

Bank scams: Perpetrators attempt to get you to log on to a fake Web site to capture your

personal financial information. They send an e-mail to bank customers asking them to click

on a fake bank Web site and supply their account name and password. These e-mails may

contain logos and graphics that appear to be legitimate, but they often contain typos, e-mail

addresses or URLs that have nothing to do with the company. An example of this is the 419,

or advance-fee scam, run by Nigerian gangs who set up fake bank Web sites.

How can I protect myself from these scams?

Use extreme caution in providing personal information on Web sites or on unsolicited phone

calls. Be cautious of unexpected e-mails linking to online forms that ask you to submit sensitive

personal information. Legitimate Web sites hardly ever ask for this kind of information to

confirm account renewal or other information. Scam artists take many precautions to make

consumers believe their site is secure and legitimate.

If you receive an e-mail that warns you, with little or no notice, that an account of yours will be

shut down unless you confirm your billing information, do not reply or click on the link in the e-

mail. Instead, contact the company cited in the e-mail by a telephone number or Web site address

you know to be genuine. (Note: Merrill Lynch will not ask a client to send sensitive personal

information via non-secure e-mail.)

If someone calls about a potential attempt at credit card theft, hang up and call back, using the

phone number on the back of your credit card. Do not share any personal information over the

phone with an unsolicited caller.

Why Invest Your Working Capital?

Keeping your operating funds working for your company is crucial to maintaining healthy cash

flow and maximizing your financial return. Investing idle funds wisely may help you to generate

income from your working capital, increasing your yields while maintaining liquidity.

There are a wide variety of investment instruments available to companies seeking a return on

excess cash. How do you know which investments to choose? Many businesses emphasize only

convenience and accept whatever return is offered. However, there are ways you may be able to

improve yields on your idle working capital.

Concentrate on maximizing after-tax returns

If your company is in a lower tax bracket, focus on higher yields rather than tax advantages;

however, if your federal tax bracket is high, you may be able to obtain a better after-tax return by

investing in federally tax-exempt securities. It's important to compare the yields on tax-free

obligations to their fully taxed equivalents to find those that provide a higher after-tax return.

The tax benefits of some investments may depend on your business structure.1
Extend the maturities of investments when practical

Investing funds for longer terms typically means higher yields. If your business keeps its cash

highly liquid, perhaps in a money market fund, when only a portion is needed for

daily operating expenses, you may well be sacrificing some yield.

Determine how much you can commit for a longer period. By investing that amount for as little

as 90 days, you may be able to earn extra return. Also consider intermediate-term investments

with maturities from one to three years. If your business is building cash reserves for an

expansion, an acquisition or new machinery, you may be able to invest those funds for a year or


Diversify credit quality to help increase yield potential

The potential for additional yield might warrant assuming some moderate investment risk.

Newly issued obligations guaranteed by the U.S. government (such as Treasury bills) yield less

than securities lacking that guarantee. You may be able to obtain a higher yield with high-quality

investment-grade corporate obligations.

A number of rating services, such as Fitch Investors Service, Moody's Investors Service and

Standard & Poor's Corporation (S&P), provide comparative analyses of the risk levels of various

instruments. If you choose bonds with short maturities, you may want to consider an A-rated

bond by S&P. This type of bond is likely to yield a higher return than an AAA-rated bond (S&P’s
highest investment rating) of equal maturity. You should, however, be comfortable with the

incremental risk associated with lesser quality credits.

Choose investments based on the amount of cash available to you

Many working capital investment vehicles must be purchased in minimum amounts and in

multiples of the same or smaller amounts. Treasury bills, for example, can be bought in multiples

of $1,000, with a minimum investment of $10,000.

As a business grows and builds a stronger cash flow, the variety of investment opportunities

increases. If you have a large amount of investable assets (perhaps $100,000 or more), this gives

you an advantage in finding higher rates. Many institutional investment vehicles require high

minimum investments but, in return, offer higher yields

Four Steps to a Healthy Cash Flow

Healthy cash flow is essential to the success of a small business. You may have the best service

or product around, your employees and customers may love you, your office may be well

organized, but if you don’t have the money to buy inventory or pay bills, you can’t keep your

business running. Many business owners make the mistake of believing cash flow is largely out

of their control. On the contrary, the following steps can really help.

1. Analyze your financial condition

Financial analysts, credit providers and knowledgeable investors rely heavily on financial ratios

to judge the health of a company. You should use these tools as well. Commonly used ratios can

help you analyze your pricing strategy, level of overhead, liquidity, the health of your cash flow,

your average collection period, the appropriateness of your collection terms and your inventory

turnover rate.

2. Improve your cash management

When it comes to the cash flowing through your financial accounts, your goals should be to

ensure that incoming funds spend as much time as possible earning interest or dividends for your

benefit and that outgoing funds are available when needed. With a traditional business checking

account, meeting these seemingly simple goals can be a complex task. You will have to move

funds manually into a separate money market account in order to earn interest or dividend

income and back into your checking account to cover disbursements when due.

An alternative is a central asset account, which combines traditional checking features,

investment and borrowing into a single account. A central asset account saves you time and effort

by automatically putting your cash where it needs to be, when it needs to be there. And by

keeping your cash in interest-bearing accounts right up until the moment disbursements clear

your account, a central asset account can also help increase your return and your bottom line.1

3. Even out temporary fluctuations

No matter how efficiently you manage your cash flow, there may be times when your business

needs more money than it has on hand. This is why adequate credit resources are essential. A

business line of credit is useful and convenient because it can be used as needed, paid down and

reused without reapplying. When a line of credit is integrated with a central asset account, credit

is automatically accessed when needed. And incoming funds automatically go to pay down your

loan balance, reducing borrowing time and interest expense.

4. Invest surplus cash

Although part of your business capital needs to be liquid, most businesses have some capital that

can be invested in short- and intermediate-term securities for potentially higher yields. A broad

array of investments can be purchased within a central asset account. And you can sell securities

in your account at any time, or, if appropriate, borrow against their value2, to meet working

capital needs. Be sure to discuss the risks of borrowing against your securities with your

Business Financial Advisor.

Today’s business environment changes rapidly, and as a business owner, you need to regularly

review your cash flow and cash management policies to ensure that they are helping to keep your

business competitive.

Banks are the most significant players in the Indian financial market. They are the biggest
purveyors of credit, and they also attract most of the savings from the population. Dominated by
public sector, the banking industry has so far acted as an efficient partner in the growth and the
development of the country. Driven by the socialist ideologies and the welfare state concept,
public sector banks have long been the supporters of agriculture and other priority sectors. They
act as crucial channels of the government in its efforts to ensure equitable economic

The Indian banking can be broadly categorized into nationalized (government owned),
private banks and specialized banking institutions. The Reserve Bank of India acts a centralized
body monitoring any discrepancies and shortcoming in the system. Since the nationalization of
banks in 1969, the public sector banks or the nationalized banks have acquired a place of
prominence and has since then seen tremendous progress. The need to become highly customer
focused has forced the slow-moving public sector banks to adopt a fast track approach. The
unleashing of products and services through the net has galvanized players at all levels of the
banking and financial institutions market grid to look anew at their existing portfolio offering.
Conservative banking practices allowed Indian banks to be insulated partially from the Asian
currency crisis. Indian banks are now quoting al higher valuation when compared to banks in
other Asian countries (viz. Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines etc.) that have major problems
linked to huge Non Performing Assets (NPAs) and payment defaults. Co-operative banks are
nimble footed in approach and armed with efficient branch networks focus primarily on the
‘high revenue’ niche retail segments.

The Indian banking has finally worked up to the competitive dynamics of the ‘new’
Indian market and is addressing the relevant issues to take on the multifarious challenges of
globalization. Banks that employ IT solutions are perceived to be ‘futuristic’ and proactive
players capable of meeting the multifarious requirements of the large customer’s base. Private
Banks have been fast on the uptake and are reorienting their strategies using the internet as a
medium The Internet has emerged as the new and challenging frontier of marketing with the
conventional physical world tenets being just as applicable like in any other marketing medium.

The Indian banking has come from a long way from being a sleepy business institution
to a highly proactive and dynamic entity. This transformation has been largely brought about
by the large dose of liberalization and economic reforms that allowed banks to explore new
business opportunities rather than generating revenues from conventional streams (i.e.
borrowing and lending). The banking in Indiais highly fragmented with 30 banking units
contributing to almost 50% of deposits and 60% of advances. Indian nationalized banks (banks
owned by the government) continue to be the major lenders in the economy due to their sheer
size and penetrative networks which assures them high deposit mobilization. The Indian
banking can be broadly categorized into nationalized, private banks and specialized banking

The Reserve Bank of Indiaacts as a centralized body monitoring any discrepancies and
shortcoming in the system. It is the foremost monitoring body in the Indian financial sector.
The nationalized banks (i.e. government-owned banks) continue to dominate the Indian
banking arena. Industry estimates indicate that out of 274 commercial banks operating in
India, 223 banks are in the public sector and 51 are in the private sector. The private sector
bank grid also includes 24 foreign banks that have started their operations here.

The liberalize policy of Government of India permitted entry to private sector in the banking, the
industry has witnessed the entry of nine new generation private banks. The major
differentiating parameter that distinguishes these banks from all





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