The King of Spirulina

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The King of Spirulina

Nutritional Values of DXN Spirulina

DXN Spirulina is a type of spirulina called Arthropira Platensis, one of the larger dimensions variant that can
be consumed by humans. Our spirulina has been consumed by more than 10 million people throughout the
world, and is the first to mass-produce unpolluted and top-grade spirulina.
This health food has

• 1.4 times more nutritional values than cow's milk

• 2 times more protein than soya bean, 6 times more than egg and 3.5 times more than beef
• the richest source of iron and folic acid
o 68 times higher than spinach
o 29 times higher than raw beef
o 5 times higher than soya bean
• wide range of nutrients, vitamins and proteins in its composition that it is used for space food

Comparing other nutrient sources with Spirulina

Types of Equivalent
of Consequences of Deficiency
Vitamin Nutrient Sources
Beta-Carotene 28 bottles of cow's
(Pro-Vitamin 12mg milk Infections, loss of smell, acne, dermatitis, eczema
A) 550 apples
16 sardines Insomnia, muscle pain, memory impairment, acne, eczema,
B1 0.24mg
20 green chilli heart malfunctions, scurvy, body immunity system weakens
47 strawberries Cataract, deteriorating vision, insomnia, stomatitis, rough
B2 0.24mg
420 grapes and dry skin, retarded growth, eczema
B3 1.02mg 8 lemons Hypersensitivity of nerves, dermatitis
90g of bread Heart diseases, insomnia, stomatitis, rough and dry skin,
B6 micro
4 stalks of asparagus hypersensivity of nerves, eczema, dermatitis
7.2 micro 4 eels
B12 Pernicious anaemia, ageing, fatigue, menstruation problems
grams 240g cheese
7 bottles of cow's
E 0.72mg Heart diseases, hypertension, ageing
5 pieces of chicken
Contact- sajan garg 9219665915
An alternative to milk

Gamma Linolenic Acid

Essential Fatty Acids Linolenic Acid
Spirulina 44.6% 21.7% 22.9%
Mother's Milk 16.7% 15.1% 1.6%
Cow's Milk 1.3% 1.3% Little

DXN Spirulina have rich concentration of GLA, and can be used to replenish inadequate nutrients in a
mother's milk.

Functions of GLA includes:

• Prevent sensitive dermatitis in children

• Moderate blood pressure (to normalise blood pressure)
• Prevent asthma
• Prevent tumour growth
• Prevent clotting in our blood vessels
• Slows down the process of ageing (properties of an anti-oxidant)

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