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Front cover

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am SG24-7901-00

DataPower SOA Appliance

Administration, Deployment,
and Best Practices
User Administration and Role-Based

Network Configuration,
Monitoring, and Logging

Appliance and Configuration


Gerry Kaplan
Ronnie Mitra
Jan Bechtold
Helio L. P. Mota
David Shute
Daniel Dickerson
Richard Kinard
John Walczyk
Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

International Technical Support Organization

DataPower SOA Appliance Administration,

Deployment, and Best Practices

April 2011

SG24-7901-00 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in
“Notices” on page xi.

First Edition (April 2011)

This edition applies to DataPower firmware version 3.8.2.

This document created or updated on April 13, 2011.

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2011. All rights reserved.

Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP
Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am


Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
The team who wrote this book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
Now you can become a published author, too! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
Comments welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi
Stay connected to IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi

Chapter 1. Securing user access. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Device initialization considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3.1 Setting up the master administrator password . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3.2 Enabling Disaster Recovery Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4 Access control lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.5 Authentication and credential mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.5.1 Locally managed users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.5.2 Locally-defined user groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.5.3 Using local user repository for contingency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.5.4 Pros and cons of using the local user repository . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.5.5 RBM policy files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.5.6 Remote authentication servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.5.7 Single sign-on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.5.8 Login processing summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.6 Audit logs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1.6.1 Obtaining the audit log using CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1.6.2 Copying the audit log using SOMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1.7 Best practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
1.8 Troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Chapter 2. Networking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.2 Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.3 Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.3.1 Network interface configuration and routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.3.2 VLAN sub-interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.3.3 Network settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.3.4 Host alias, static hosts, and DNS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011. All rights reserved. iii Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

2.3.5 Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.3.6 Load balancing a backend destination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.3.7 Intelligent Load Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.3.8 Self-Balancing services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.3.9 Load Balancer health checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.3.10 Standby Control and high availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
2.4 Best practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.4.1 Avoid using as a listener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.4.2 Separating management traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.4.3 Specify port values less than 10,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2.4.4 Persistent timeout consideration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2.4.5 Disable chained persistent connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2.4.6 Configure network settings to be portable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2.4.7 Multiple default gateways will create multiple default routes. . . . . . . 48
2.4.8 Standby Control best practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
2.4.9 Management interface and default route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2.4.10 Enabling “No Delay Ack” to avoid latency with other systems . . . . 50
2.4.11 Streaming large messages and flow control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
2.5 Examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
2.5.1 Externalizing endpoints in a Meta Data document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
2.5.2 Disabling chained persistent connections for various different points of
a service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2.5.3 Port speed mismatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.5.4 Sample DNS workaround using static host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.5.5 Sample CLI commands to capture DNS server responses. . . . . . . . 54
2.5.6 Sample test to see if Rapid Spanning Tree has been deployed properly
for DataPower Standby Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
2.5.7 Example of deleting routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
2.5.8 Sample XSLT for adding DataPower transaction ID to an HTTP header
for outgoing traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Chapter 3. Domains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.1 Application domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3.1.1 The default domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3.1.2 Domain use and benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3.1.3 Segregating projects and LOBs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3.1.4 Number of domains on an appliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3.1.5 Domain resource consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.2 Domain structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.2.1 Local flash-based file system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.2.2 Domain configuration files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.2.3 Domain logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.2.4 Domain monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

iv DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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3.2.5 Shared resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

3.3 Domain persistence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
3.3.1 Saving configuration changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
3.3.2 Imported domain configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.4 Usage considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.4.1 Cross-domain file visibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.4.2 Domain names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
3.4.3 Restarting and resetting domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3.4.4 Quiescing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3.4.5 Cleaning up orphaned objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
3.4.6 Isolating domain network interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
3.4.7 Deleting domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
3.5 Best practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
3.6 Further reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

Chapter 4. SNMP monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

4.1 Appliance monitoring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.2 DataPower monitoring fundamentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.3 Enabling statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
4.4 SNMP monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
4.4.1 SNMP protocol messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
4.4.2 Management information base (MIB) structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
4.4.3 SNMP traps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
4.4.4 DataPower status providers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
4.4.5 SNMP security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
4.4.6 Configuring SNMP using the WebGUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
4.4.7 Generating traps with SNMP log targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
4.5 Monitoring via the XML Management Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
4.5.1 Requesting device status and metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
4.6 Appliance monitoring values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
4.6.1 General device health and activity monitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
4.6.2 Interface utilization statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
4.6.3 Other network status providers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
4.7 SNMP traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
4.8 Certificate monitoring considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
4.9 Best practices and considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

Chapter 5. IBM Tivoli Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

5.1 IBM Tivoli Monitoring environment architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
5.1.1 Tivoli Management Services components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
5.1.2 IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
5.1.3 ITCAM for SOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
5.2 Monitoring DataPower appliances. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

Contents v Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

5.2.1 Monitoring DataPower application-level traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

5.2.2 Monitoring hardware metrics and resource use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
5.2.3 ITCAM for SOA DataPower agent comparisons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
5.3 ITCAM for SOA architectural overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
5.3.1 ITCAM for SOA agent architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
5.4 Monitoring DataPower service objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
5.4.1 Customizing for MPGW traffic monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
5.4.2 Using latency logs for transaction monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
5.5 ITCAM for SOA deployment scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
5.5.1 Minimal deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
5.5.2 Multi-location single agent deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
5.5.3 Multi-location multi-agent deployment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
5.5.4 Large multi-location deployment with health monitoring . . . . . . . . . 147
5.5.5 Complete ITCAM for SOA enterprise architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
5.6 ITCAM for SOA and DataPower’s built-in SLM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
5.7 Deployment considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
5.7.1 ITCAM for SOA DataPower data collector (traffic) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
5.7.2 ITCAM Agent for WebSphere DataPower Appliance (health). . . . . 151
5.7.3 DataPower appliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

Chapter 6. Logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

6.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
6.1.1 Message process logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
6.1.2 Publish and subscribe system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
6.1.3 Log targets and log categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
6.1.4 Storing log messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
6.1.5 Email Pager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
6.1.6 Audit logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
6.2 Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
6.3 Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
6.4 Event logging. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
6.4.1 Create custom log categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
6.4.2 Create log targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
6.4.3 Create log message generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
6.5 Transaction logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
6.5.1 Log Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
6.5.2 Results Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
6.6 Usage considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
6.7 Best practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
6.7.1 Set log priority levels higher in production environments . . . . . . . . 163
6.7.2 Use the default domain for device-wide logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
6.7.3 Suppress repeated log messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
6.7.4 Employ a Load Balancer for critical log targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164

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6.7.5 Select the appropriate Syslog server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164

6.7.6 Test production logging capacity before deployment . . . . . . . . . . . 165
6.7.7 Plan for confidentiality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
6.7.8 Manage multiple log target feedback loops. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165

Chapter 7. B2B Configuration and Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167

7.1 Introduction to B2B appliances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
7.2 B2B appliance benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
7.3 Best practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
7.3.1 Capacity planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
7.4 Use cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
7.4.1 Active/Passive high availability use case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
7.4.2 XB60 Active/Active high availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180

Chapter 8. Development life cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183

8.1 Organizational structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
8.2 Software development life cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
8.2.1 Sequential life cycle model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
8.2.2 Iterative life cycle model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
8.2.3 Choosing a life cycle model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
8.3 DataPower life cycle stages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
8.3.1 Physical installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
8.3.2 Solution design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
8.3.3 Operational design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
8.3.4 Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
8.3.5 Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
8.3.6 Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189

Chapter 9. Configuration management and deployment. . . . . . . . . . . . . 191

9.1 Configuration management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
9.1.1 Revision control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
9.1.2 Parallel development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
9.2 Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
9.2.1 Upgrading an existing implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
9.2.2 Managing environment specific values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
9.2.3 Handling PKI material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
9.2.4 Checkpointing configurations for back out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
9.2.5 Hot deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
9.3 Best practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214

Chapter 10. Appliance management and automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215

10.1 Task automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
10.1.1 The case for automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
10.1.2 The case against automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218

Contents vii Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

10.2 Security considerations for automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219

10.3 The XML Management Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
10.3.1 Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
10.3.2 Appliance Management Protocol (AMP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
10.3.3 SOAP Management Interface (SOMA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
10.3.4 WSDM and WS-Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
10.4 The WebSphere Appliance Management Toolkit API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
10.4.1 Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
10.4.2 Advantages of using WAMT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
10.4.3 Disadvantages of using WAMT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
10.5 Command Line Interface automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
10.5.1 Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
10.5.2 Range of commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
10.5.3 Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
10.5.4 Advantages of using CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
10.5.5 Disadvantages of using CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
10.6 WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Appliance Manager .
10.6.1 Advantages of using the WAS ND Appliance Manager . . . . . . . . 233
10.6.2 Disadvantages of the WAS ND Appliance Manager . . . . . . . . . . . 233
10.7 IBM WebSphere Appliance Management Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
10.8 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235

Appendix A. Custom RBM authentication and credential mapping . . . . 237

Authentication phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Input context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Output context. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Credential mapping phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Input context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Output context. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Example: Multiple LDAP group membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Step 1: Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
Step 2: Credential mapping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
Development considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243

Appendix B. Additional material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247

Locating the Web material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Using the Web material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Downloading and extracting the Web material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248

Abbreviations and acronyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249

Related publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251

IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251

viii DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Other publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251

Online resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Help from IBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255

Contents ix Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

x DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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xii DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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This IBM® Redbooks® publication is part of a two volume set that focuses on
operational and managerial aspects, as well as best practices for DataPower®
appliance deployments.

DataPower appliances provide functionality that crosses both functional and

organizational boundaries which introduces unique management and operational
challenges. For example, a DataPower appliance may provide network
functionality such as load balancing while at the same time providing ESB
capabilities such as transformation and intelligent content-based routing.

This IBM Redbooks publication provides guidance at both a general and

technical level for individuals responsible for planning, installation, development,
and deployment. It is not intended to be a “how-to” guide, rather to help educate
about the various options and methodologies that apply to DataPower
appliances. In addition, many chapters provide a list of best practices.

The team who wrote this book

This book was produced by a team of specialists from around the world working
at the International Technical Support Organization, Poughkeepsie Center.

Gerry Kaplan is a Senior IT Specialist with focus on IBM WebSphere®

DataPower SOA appliances. He joined IBM in 2006 and has more than 25 years
of experience in software development and engineering. He is the author of the
DataPower Proof of Technology as well as several other IBM Redbooks

Ronnie Mitra is an IBM Technical Professional operating around the world. He

has been working with DataPower technology since 2004 as both a customer
and a consultant. His areas of expertise include SOA connectivity, Java™
development and security enforcement for messaging systems.

Jan Bechtold is a Client Technical Professional at IBM SWG, Switzerland. He

graduated with a degree in Business Informatics from VWA university in
Stuttgart, Germany. He works as a WebSphere Technical Sales Specialist and
instructor for DataPower SOA Appliances. He has experience with DataPower
SOA Appliances since 2007 and has been at IBM Software Group since 2005.
His areas of expertise include business integration and web service security.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011. All rights reserved. xiii Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Helio L. P. Mota is a Technology Architect at IBM GTS, Brazil. He has been

working in the Information Technology field since 1999. He is a graduate of
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas with a degree in Information
Technology and has been working with IBM since 2006, of which three years
have been dedicated as a DataPower Enterprise Service Bus architect. His
areas of expertise include Web Technologies with a strong focus on SOA and

Dave Shute currently coordinates channel enablement activities for the

DataPower family of products. He has worked in various capacities on the
DataPower development staff for the past 6 years and entered IBM as part of the
acquisition by IBM of DataPower five years ago. David has extensive experience
with technical publications, technology training and code development.

Daniel Dickerson is a Software Engineer with the IBM WebSphere DataPower

SOA Appliances, CloudBurst™, and SMASH Level 2 Support Team since 2009
and with WebSphere Level 2 Support since 2006. As a Technical Support
Professional, Daniel specializes in Client Technical Resolution by working directly
with customers, creating knowledge sharing content, and lab research. Prior
experience includes IBM Level 2 Support of WebSphere Application Server, IBM
HTTP Server, WebSphere Edge products, and with Nortel Networks as a
network engineer. Daniel is an IBM Certified Solution Implementer for
WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances and an IBM Certified System
Administrator for WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment.

Richard Kinard is the Product Manager for WebSphere DataPower Appliances.

He is a subject matter expert in business-to-business technologies and has over
12 years of experience designing, developing, and implementing
business-to-business solutions. He has worked on many initiatives with Internet
standards organizations to promote business-to-business interoperability and
was a Senior Product Manager of a successful business-to-business application
prior to working for IBM.

John Walczyk is an AABSM SWAT Solutions Architect with focus on ITCAM

family products. John joined IBM in 1996 and is long time IBM developer with
extensive customer exposure. As a member of the Advanced Technology Group
(ATG) John has traveled all over the world to help with proof of concepts,
architectural solutions, briefings, and product demonstrations.

The following authors also contributed to the content and creation of this book.

Manuel Carrizosa is a pre-sales support IT Specialist for Latin and Central

America at the IBM Software Sales Help center for IBM Business Partners. He
has been working with the WebSphere Team since 2007. He holds a degree in
Systems and Computer engineering from Los Andes University in Bogotá,
Colombia. He is a certified SOA Solution Designer, WebSphere Application

xiv DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Server Advanced System Administrator and a WebSphere DataPower Solution


Bruno Neves is a Middleware Support Specialist at IBM Brazil. He has been

working with IT since 2004 and has a mix of experiences in various fields. He
holds a technologist degree in Data Processing Technology from FATEC and a
postgraduate degree in SOA-based Software Engineering from Veris. His areas
of expertise include WebSphere DataPower, WebSphere MQ and WebSphere
Application Server. He is an IBM Certified SOA Solution Designer and is always
interested in SOA and BPM subjects.

Sanako Kawaguchi is a WebSphere Level 1 support specialist and subject

matter expert for Edge Components. She presently works for IBM Global
Technology Services in Japan.

Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this project:

Debbie Willmschen
Stephen Smith
Linda Robinson
Tamikia Barrow
Shari Deiana
International Technical Support Organization, Raleigh Center

Krithika Prakash, Software Engineer, DataPower SOA Appliances


John Shriver, DataPower Senior Software Engineer


John S. Graham, DataPower Senior Software Engineer


Harley Stenzel, WebSphere DataPower Development


James Jong, WebSphere DataPower Development


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Preface xv Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

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xviii DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Chapter 1. Securing user access

IBM WebSphere DataPower appliances are fundamentally network devices and,
like other networks devices, require administrative access in order to perform
configuration, management, and monitoring tasks. However, unlike typical
network infrastructure devices, DataPower appliances can be configured with
complex policies that are usually implemented by middle-tier developers. In
addition, those policies can undergo many enhancements or modifications based
on enterprise requirements, such as new business or changed security policies.
The development teams can be divided further by lines of business. With such a
diverse range of individuals requiring access to the appliance, it becomes
essential to limit the functional access that each group should have.

The topic of access control on its own is a broad topic, especially when put in
context with the diverse ways in which organizations secure data centers and
lock down network infrastructures. Although this chapter cannot provide patterns
for every possible scenario, it does provide a strong foundational and technical
understanding of how the building blocks of DataPower administrative security

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011. All rights reserved. 1 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

1.1 Overview
DataPower appliances perform a broad range of functions and often act as the
gatekeeper or governor of business critical data flowing in to, out of, and within
an enterprise’s network. The appliance can contain not only processing policies
that prepare and forward messages to other systems, but it can also contain
highly guarded key material. For this reason, it is both important and essential to
control access to DataPower appliances.

Organizations that deploy DataPower appliances find that the audience of users
who need access frequently crosses departmental boundaries. Network
administrators require access to perform network-related configuration tasks,
such as IP address assignment and route definitions, while development teams
require access to configure processing policies and message flows. This
separation of concerns adds a level of complexity not normally encountered on
simple network devices. Developers should be prevented from accessing base
appliance configuration details, while network personnel should be restricted to
only network-related functions. The DataPower Role-Based Management (RBM)
subsystem handles these administrative requirements, allowing for access
policies to be as broad or fine-grained as necessary.

Restricting access to functionality is only half of the equation. Network

administrators typically prefer a command-line interface (CLI) for network
configuration related tasks, while developers typically prefer a graphical user
interface (GUI) for configuring complex message policies. DataPower appliances
meet these needs by providing a variety of administrative interfaces, each
targeting a different audience:
򐂰 The CLI is accessible through the appliance’s serial port or over SSH. The
CLI is typically the choice of network administrators.
򐂰 The Web-based GUI (WebGUI) is accessible from a browser. The WebGUI
allows for point-and-click configuration of simple to complex processing
policies. The WebGUI is typically the choice of developers.
򐂰 SOAP-based XML management interface (XMI). The XMI supports a variety
of different XML-based protocols for programmatically monitoring and
configuring DataPower appliances. The XMI (and its supported protocols) are
generally used for management, monitoring, and automation tasks.

Depending on an organization’s network architecture, the task of administering

access to DataPower appliances can be distributed with a reliance on external
authentication or policy servers. The use of such servers requires additional
considerations, such as high availability and encrypted channels.

2 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Thus, DataPower administration is a combination of any of the following

configuration tasks and processes:
򐂰 Securing access to the physical device (process).
򐂰 Securing network access to the device (configuration); this can take the form
of an access control list (ACL) or network firewall.
򐂰 Defining user roles (process); roles can include administrator, monitor,
developer, or even a line of business.
򐂰 Defining users and user groups (configuration). Groups can be directly
associated with roles.
򐂰 Defining how users are authenticated (configuration). This authentication can
be local to the appliance or remote using an authentication server such as an
LDAP. It might also be desirable to rely on a single sign-on (SSO) mechanism
such as SSL.
򐂰 Defining how functional permissions are obtained, whether local on the
appliance or remotely (process and configuration).

1.2 Benefits
A well thought-out plan for securing and administering DataPower appliances
can provide the following benefits:
򐂰 Prevent unauthorized access to an appliance, reducing the risk of malicious
threats from both inside and outside the organization.
򐂰 Prevent accidental or malicious intentional modification to network, appliance,
and policy configurations.
򐂰 Provide a clear separation of roles and responsibilities. Network
administrators, developers, and lines of business can be clearly defined and
administered independently.
򐂰 Assure the integrity of the network environment.

1.3 Device initialization considerations

When a DataPower appliance is installed and booted for the first time, it is in its
most secure and restrictive state. All network interfaces disabled, and all
administrative interfaces (with the exception of the serial port) are also disabled.

During the first-time boot, the operator performs several essential key steps:
򐂰 Accept the End User License Agreement.

Chapter 1. Securing user access 3 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

򐂰 Provide a password for the administrative account (admin).

򐂰 Decide whether to enable disaster recovery mode.
򐂰 Configure one or more of the physical ethernet interfaces.
򐂰 Decide whether to configure the WebGUI and SSH administrative interfaces.

Most of the steps result in configuring network access and are relatively
straightforward; however, two of these steps require special attention:
򐂰 Setting the administrator’s password
򐂰 Deciding whether to enable disaster recovery

1.3.1 Setting up the master administrator password

During the first-time boot process, the master administrator’s password must be
set. It is absolutely essential that this password be safeguarded. It is not possible
to recover a lost password.

After the appliance is initialized, additional privileged users can be created

providing a backup administrator in the event that the primary one becomes

Due to the hardened secure nature of the appliance, should administrator access
becomes impossible as a result of misplaced passwords, the appliance must be
returned to IBM for complete reinitialization.

1.3.2 Enabling Disaster Recovery Mode

Disaster Recovery Mode allows for the creation of a secure backup that can be
used to restore all configuration setting for an appliance, including private data
such as certificates, keys, and user data. The private material is encrypted within
the backup, preventing unauthorized access to its contents. The device
configuration itself remains unencrypted.

Note regarding private key material: Private key material is encrypted within
the backup and can be decrypted only by another DataPower appliance.

Disaster Recovery Mode can be set only during the first-time configuration.
When set, it can be changed only by reinitializing the appliance back to its initial
factory condition.

Important: Disaster Recovery Mode cannot be changed after the initial setup.

4 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Because this setting determines whether private key material is exportable, it

might or might not be prohibited based on an organization’s security policy.

Important: Determine whether your organization’s security policy allows for

exporting private key material before initial device setup.

1.4 Access control lists

An access control list (ACL) defines a list of client IP addresses that are allowed
to connect to the appliance. Using an ACL is a very strong and restrictive form of
security and requires the knowledge of each permitted client IP address that is
allowed access.

Note: ACLs control only which IP addresses can connect to the appliance;
authentication and authorization of the user still occurs.

ACLs have the following properties:

򐂰 ACLs are not associated in any way with authentication or access policies.
Users will still be required to provide their user name and password when
connecting to the appliance (unless single sign-on is configured).
򐂰 All three management interfaces (CLI, WebGUI, and XMI) can be secured
using an ACL.
򐂰 When an access control lists contains no entries, it has no effect. In other
words, it will allow any client to connect.
򐂰 There are three pre-defined ACLs for appliance administration:
web-mgmt Secures the WebGUI
xml-mgmt Secures the XML management interface
ssh Secures the SSH CLI interface

ACLs are set up in the associated service configuration page. For example, the
web-mgmt ACL can be found on the Web Management Service configuration page
(Network  Management  Web Management Service).

Take care when setting up ACLs, because it is possible to become locked out of
the appliance. ACLs should not contain DHCP assigned IP addresses because
these addresses can change unexpectedly. In the event of ACL lock-out, access
can be restored from a terminal connected to the serial port.

Chapter 1. Securing user access 5 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

1.5 Authentication and credential mapping

When a user logs in to a DataPower appliance, two important steps occur:
1. The user is authenticated against a user repository. The repository can reside
on the DataPower appliance or can be remote (such as an LDAP or Remote
Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS server). This step is referred to
as authentication.
2. The user’s credentials are established. The credentials represent the user’s
privileges to access resources and configuration functions. This step is
referred to as credential mapping.

1.5.1 Locally managed users

DataPower appliances contain a built-in user repository that manages users and
user groups.

A user object defines specific information that is associated with an individual

who is being given access to the DataPower administrative interface. The details
are minimal, including the name, password, access level, and domain
restrictions. (We discuss DataPower domains in Chapter 3, “Domains” on
page 59.)

A user’s access level determines whether access privileges are managed by the
DataPower RBM subsystem. Table 1-1 shows the available access levels and
their descriptions.

Table 1-1 User access levels

Access Level Description

User Grants access only to system status functions. This access level
is the most limited type of user and does not use RBM.

Privileged Grants access to all system functions, including status,

management, and configuration. This access level does not
utilize RBM and should be reserved for administrative purposes.

Group-defined Assigns the user to a local user group. User groups define a set of
access rights to resources and functions. The user inherits the
rights of their assigned group, which we discuss in more detail
later in this section.

Group-defined access is the preferred and most flexible method of controlling

user access. The user and privileged levels effectively grant “all or nothing”

6 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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access to the device and should be used sparingly if at all. Privileged users are
effectively administrators.

Note: Group-defined access level is the preferred method for defining access
privileges. Avoid using user and privileged access levels if possible.

1.5.2 Locally-defined user groups

User groups provide a means of defining functional roles and their associated
capabilities. DataPower user groups have little in common with user groups found
on typical servers. For example, a group on a Linux® server is used to provide a
group’s members with access privileges for a specific resource. The group has
no knowledge of the resource, rather the resource identifies the group and its

Figure 1-1 shows the relationship between a group, users, and a resource on a
typical Linux server.



Group: editors
Owner: User1, RWX

Group: editors, RW

Others: R
User2 User3 User4

Uncategorized Users

R = Read
W = Write
User5 User6 X = Execute

Figure 1-1 Linux groups are used for resource permissions

In contrast, a DataPower user group acts more like an organizational role; the
group defines a set privileges to resources and device functionality. For example,
one user group can define privileges for a user administrator, while another group
defines privileges for a network administrator or developer.

Chapter 1. Securing user access 7 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Figure 1-2 depicts the DataPower user and user group relationship.

User Repository User Group Repository

User: User1 User Group: useradmin

Group: useradmin
Access Profile
Permission to perform user mgmt tasks
Permission to perform certificate mgmt tasks

User: User2
Group: developer
User Group: developer
Access Profile
Permission to use certificate mgmt functions
Permission to configure services
Permission to read Xform.xsl
User: User3 Permission to create objects in domain1
Group: developer

User Group: netadmin

User: User4 Access Profile

Permission to configure IP addresses
Group: netadmin Permission to modify host aliases
Permission to configure DNS and NTP servers
Permission to define static routes

Figure 1-2 DataPower user groups are used to define administrative roles

Access profile
The user group defines resource access privileges using an access profile. After
a user is authenticated, their credentials are determined by inspecting the access
profile from the user’s assigned group and mapping each permission into a
credential. For example, in Figure 1-2, user User1 has an assigned user group of
useradmin. Therefore, after authentication user User1 will have credentials that
grant permission to perform user and certificate management tasks.

When a user attempts to access a resource or execute a configuration task, the

RBM subsystem checks the credentials to determine if the user has the required
privileges. In many cases, RBM adapts the user interface to match the user’s
credentials, removing some icons and enabling others. The access profile uses
access policy statements to describe the user’s privileges.

Access policy statements

An access policy statement describes a permission (read, write, add, delete, and
execute) for one or more resources. It is defined using a number of parameters
combined into a single hierarchal formatted string, much like an XPath statement
or a file path. An access policy statement can identify target resources using a

8 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Perl-compatible regular expression (PCRE), enabling it to identify a single

resource or a group of resources that match the specified pattern.

An access policy statement takes the form:


Table 1-2 explains each part within the access policy.

Table 1-2 Access policy statement parts

Policy Part Usage

device-ip The device management IP address or * for any.

domain The resource domain or * for any.

resource Identifies the type of the resource to which the statement is applied.
Specifying an asterisk (*) indicates that this policy should apply to
all resources.

Access Read, write, add, delete, and execute, represented as r, w, a, d, and

x respectively. The special keyword NONE can be used to deny

Add’l fields Depending on the resource type, additional fields can be specified
using a PCRE. For example, in the case of securing a file, a Name
parameter can be specified such as Name=Foo*, representing all files
beginning with Foo.

Default access rights

The default in the absence of any matching policy or for conflicting policies is to

The default is Accept if */*/*?Access=a+w+r+d+x is in the access profile of the


Explicitly denying access to the user is through the use of the keyword NONE
such as */*/*/services/xmlfirewall?Access=NONE. This statement denies any
type of access to any firewall in any domain on any device.

Access is evaluated against policy with longest best-match. For example, if a

user’s profile contains the following two access policies, access is denied to all
firewalls except for firewalls whose names start with foo:

Longest best-match access policies are not order dependent.

Chapter 1. Securing user access 9 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Basic policy statements

Example 1-1 defines an access policy statement that gives access to every
resource in every domain using any configured IP address.

Example 1-1 Access policy with no restrictions (defines a super admin)


In Example 1-2, a domain restriction is added to define a domain administrator.

Example 1-2 Access policy restricted to mydomain (defines a domain admin)


Example 1-3 shows how to deny access to all functionality.

Example 1-3 Deny all access


Example 1-4 shows an access policy that allows read only access to files whose
name starts with Foo within mydomain and only accessible through IP address

Example 1-4 Access policy with IP, domain, and resource restrictions*&Access=r

Host names can be used instead of IP addresses. Example 1-5 shows an access
policy that allows the user to execute the change-password function but only
through the IP address defined as MgmtInt.

Example 1-5 Access policy protecting change password function using host alias

Optional key-value pairs

The optional key-value pairs can be used to narrow down the resource instances,
such as Name, LocalPort, LocalAddress, Directory, and so forth.

Note: Each value is a PCRE. Do not forget to frame your match expression
with ^ and $ if your intend is an exact match.

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RBM controls access through both the WebGUI and SOMA. Login privilege to
either one can be granted separately. Example 1-6 shows an access policy that
grants login to web-mgmt only.

Example 1-6 Policy statement that grants access to login for web-mgmt only.

Complex policy statements

Example 1-7 shows how to give a user explicit access to create/modify
XML Firewalls with names starting with somePrefix_ and that use local
addresses between with ports between 5000-5499 within

Example 1-7 Complex policy statement using PCRE


Example 1-8 gives a user read only access to any file within directories with
prefix someOtherPrefix_ and read/write access to any file with prefix

Example 1-8 Policy statements that limit access to files and directories

Every configuration option and every resource can be protected using access
policy statements such as those shown in these examples.

Policy statement editor

The basic layout of a policy statement is straightforward and easy to understand;
however, knowing the wide range of resource and parameter options is much
more difficult to grasp. A visual policy statement editor makes this task much less

The policy statement editor is available when creating or modifying a user group.
The Access Profile section has a Build button that opens the policy statement
editor. The smart editor provides drop-down lists of resource types and adjusts
the fields and options based on user selections.

Chapter 1. Securing user access 11 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Predefined user groups and access policies

When an administrator adds a new local user, the administrator is given the
choice of several different user types (or roles) as shown in Figure 1-3.

Figure 1-3 Predefined user types

Depending on which account type is selected, a user group can be created and
prepopulated with a number of access policy strings.

Creating user groups with the CLI

In some situations, it might be easier to create a script of commands that builds
various user groups specific to your organization. Example 1-9 shows an
example script that creates a single user group named account.

Example 1-9 Sample CLI script to create user group

top; configure terminal;

usergroup "account"
summary "Account Management"
access-policy */*/access/change-password?Access=x
access-policy */*/access/usergroup?Access=rwadx
access-policy */*/access/username?Access=rwadx
access-policy */*/access/username?AccessLevel=privileged&Access=NONE
access-policy */*/config/save-config?Access=x
access-policy */*/debug/set-loglevel?Access=x
access-policy */*/debug/set-rbmlog?Access=x

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access-policy */*/login/ssh?Access=x
access-policy */*/login/telnet?Access=x
access-policy */*/login/web-mgmt?Access=x


A sample script for creating the roles shown in Figure 1-3 can be downloaded as
part of this book and is named createUserGroups.txt. Refer to Appendix B,
“Additional material” on page 247 for information on how to download the file. To
execute a CLI script like this, upload the file to the local: directory and use the CLI
exec command:
exec local:///createUserGroups.txt

1.5.3 Using local user repository for contingency

Local users and user groups are convenient and easy to setup. However, it is
common to employ the use of an external authentication server to facilitate
centralized user management. Relying solely on an external authentication
server can result in difficulties accessing the administrative interfaces in the
event that the external authentication server becomes unresponsive or
unreachable. In this case, the local user repository can be used as a backup to
authenticate users. We discuss remote user repositories later in 1.5.6, “Remote
authentication servers”.

1.5.4 Pros and cons of using the local user repository

Although the local user repository is easy to use and can accommodate nearly
all authentication and authorization requirements, it is not always the most
appropriate for all situations. The following list of pros and cons can help
establish its acceptability in a given environment.
򐂰 Pros
– Easy to manage users and groups through the WebGUI and CLI.
– Visual editor for creating and updating access profiles and policy
– Built-in templates for creating commonly used groups such as developers,
network administrators, and so on.
– Reliable and not prone to typographical errors.
– Users and groups can be included in device backups.

Chapter 1. Securing user access 13 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

– Reduces network traffic. All authentication and permissioning occur locally

on the appliance.
򐂰 Cons
– No capability to federate local users to other DataPower appliances.
– Users cannot be centrally managed.

1.5.5 RBM policy files

As an alternative to using the DataPower built-in user repository, you can use an
RBM policy file to define users and their associated privileges. A Role-Based
Management (RBM) policy file is an XML document that contains user
authentication and credential details. You can find an example RBM policy file in
the DataPower file system at store:///RBMinfo.xml.

RBM policy file creation wizard

RBM policy files are XML files and, therefore, are generally created and
maintained using an XML editor. However, an easy-to-use wizard can also be
used to create the initial policy file. The wizard guides the user through a series
of dialog boxes, ultimately resulting in a well-formed RBM policy file. The wizard
is invoked by clicking the plus sign (+) next to the field where the RBM policy file
name is entered.

Using an RBM policy file for authentication

An RBM policy file defines authentication details using <Authenticate> elements.
During authentication, RBM searches the RBM policy file for an <Authenticate>
element that contains <Username> and <Password> values that match the user
name and password that are provided by the user. If found, it saves the value
from the <OutputCredential> element and considers the user to be
authenticated. The saved value is then used as the input credential for the
subsequent credential mapping step.

In Example 1-10, the user name gkaplan is authenticated, and the credential is

Using an RBM policy file for credential mapping

RBM policy files define credential mapping details using <MapCredentials>
elements. RBM searches for a <MapCredentials> element that contains an
<InputCredential> matching the saved input credential (from authentication).
The value of the <OutputCredential> element becomes the new credential. In
Example 1-10, the credential useradmin is mapped to a new set of credentials.

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Example 1-10 Sample RBM policy file for authentication and credential mapping
<AAAInfo xmlns="">




Mixing RBM policy files and the local user repository

Even though an RBM policy file can be used for authentication and credential
mapping, it does not have to be used for both. It is possible to use the local user
repository for authentication and use an RBM policy file for credential mapping.
In this case, the user’s assigned group is used as the <OutputCredential> when
performing credential mapping, as illustrated in Figure 1-4.

Chapter 1. Securing user access 15 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Local User Repository RBM Policy File

User: User1
< MapCredentials>
Group: useradmin < InputCredential> useradmin< / InputCredent ial>
< Out put Credent ial>
*/ */ access/ username?Access= rwad
*/ */ access/ usergroup?Access= rwad
*/ */ status/ object- st at us?Access= r
*/ */ login/ web- mgmt ?Access= x
< / Output Credential>
User: User2 < / MapCredent ials>
Group: developer
< MapCredentials>
< InputCredential> developer< / Input Credential>
< Out put Credent ial>
*/ devdomain/ * ?Access= rwadx
< / Output Credential>
User: User3 < / MapCredent ials>
Group: developer
< MapCredentials>
< InputCredential> netadmin< / InputCredential>
< Out put Credent ial>
*/ */ access/ snmp?Access= rw
*/ */ config/ remove- chkpoint?Access= x
User: User4 */ */ config/ rollback- chkpoint?Access= x
Group: netadmin */ */ config/ save- chkpoint?Access= x
< / Out putCredential>
< / MapCredent ials>

Figure 1-4 Local user repository for authentication and an RBM policy file for credentials

Similarly, it is possible to use an RBM policy file for authentication and the local
group repository for credential mapping (see Figure 1-5 on page 17). The
<OutputCredential> from the authentication is used as the group name, and
RBM searches for that local group to extract the credentials from its access

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RBM Policy File Local User Group Repository

< Authent icate>

User Group: useradmin
< Username> gkaplan< / Username>
< Password> myPassword< / Password> Access Profile
< Output Credent ial> useradmin< / Output Credent ial> Permission to perform user mgmt tasks
< / Aut henticate> Permission to perform certificate mgmt tasks

< Authent icate>

< Username> user1< / Username>
< Password> password1< / Password>
< Output Credent ial> developer< / Out putCredential>
User Group: developer
< / Aut henticate>
Access Profile
Permission to use certificate mgmt functions
< Authent icate> Permission to configure services
< Username> user2< / Username> Permission to read Xform.xsl
< Password> password2< / Password>
Permission to create objects in domain1
< Output Credent ial> developer< / Out putCredential>
< / Aut henticate>

< Authent icate> User Group: netadmin

< Username> user3< / Username>
< Password> password3< / Password>
< Output Credent ial> netadmin< / Output Credent ial>
Access Profile
< / Aut henticate> Permission to configure IP addresses
Permission to modify host aliases
Permission to configure DNS and NTP servers
Permission to define static routes

Figure 1-5 Using an RBM policy file for authentication and local groups for credentials

Pros of using RBM policy files

Using RBM policy files provides the following benefits:
򐂰 An RBM policy file can be published to other DataPower appliances, keeping
the users and policies synchronized amongst the appliances.
򐂰 RBM policy files are flexible; user identities are not restricted to simple
names. This flexibility is useful when an LDAP server is used for
authentication and an RBM policy file is used for credential mapping. The
authenticated user’s identity is expressed as a DN, which can be used as the
user’s <InputCredential> in an RBM policy file.
򐂰 RBM policy files can be exported off the appliance and backed up.

Cons of using RBM policy files

Consider the following issues when using RBM policy files:
򐂰 It can be difficult to author complex access profiles because you must use an
XML or text editor.
򐂰 Passwords can be in clear text, which is not acceptable for authentication in
some environments.

Chapter 1. Securing user access 17 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

򐂰 The policy files are not centralized. RBM files can be published from one
device to another, but no real “user management” function exists to maintain
users and policies within the file.

1.5.6 Remote authentication servers

In many organizations, user authentication is frequently carried out remotely
using an LDAP server, RADIUS server, or even a mainframe. DataPower
appliances support three commonly used remote authentication servers:
򐂰 LDAP server
򐂰 RADIUS servers
򐂰 System Authorization Facility (SAF)

In situations where an unsupported, in-house or proprietary authentication server

must be used, a custom XSLT can be written to accommodate it.

Remote user management is a good idea but only provides half of the login
processing requirements. The user’s access credentials must still be determined.

There are a number of options that can be used to establish credentials for
remotely authenticated users:
򐂰 A local user group
򐂰 A Role-Based Management (RBM) policy file
򐂰 A custom developed mapping solution written in XSL

Remotely defined LDAP groups

Remote authentication servers generally do not return the user’s group
membership details. For example, after LDAP authentication, the returned
credential is the user’s fully qualified DN. That DN provides no insight into what
groups the user might belong. For this reason, it might be necessary to configure
a second LDAP query to determine the user’s group.

Note: RBM only supports a user belonging to one group. If the results of an
LDAP query yield multiple groups, only the first returned group is recognized.
This limitation can be overcome using a custom stylesheet, as discussed in
“Custom credential mapping” on page 21.

Configuring the LDAP query to retrieve the user’s group is straightforward and is
accomplished by enabling Search LDAP for Group Name in the RBM Credentials
configuration page (Administration  RBM Settings  Credential tab). The
following configuration scenarios provide more details on using LDAP groups.

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Local user group for credential mapping

In this scenario, a user is first authenticated using one of the supported
authentication mechanisms such as LDAP. The result of the authentication is
typically the user’s credential in the form of either a user name, qualified DN, or
some other proprietary format. The group cannot be determined by this
credential and therefore needs to be further mapped to a local group. A remote
LDAP server can be queried to discover of which group the user is a member.

Using an LDAP organized as in Figure 1-6, the following events occur during
LDAP authentication and credential mapping:
1. RBM authenticates the user as previously described. The result of the LDAP
authentication is the user’s DN:
2. A second LDAP query is performed to discover to which group the user
belongs. RBM issues an LDAP query for group membership and requests the
cn attribute, which contains the group name. In this example, the cn attribute
value is developer.
3. RBM maps the value developer to a local group named developer and
obtains the user’s access profile.

Figure 1-6 LDAP organization for groups and users

Chapter 1. Securing user access 19 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

RBM policy file for credential mapping

In this scenario, a user is first authenticated using one of the supported
authentication mechanisms such as LDAP. The result of the authentication is
typically the user’s credential in the form of either a user name, qualified DN,
Kerberos principal name, or some other proprietary format. The group name
cannot be derived from the credential and therefore needs to be further mapped
to a local group. There are two options for mapping the user’s credential to an
RBM group: using a local RBM policy file or using a remote LDAP server to
lookup the user’s group membership.

Group mapping within the RBM policy file

Even though RBM does not include XML elements that specifically define user
groups, it is possible to define them using an additional layer of credential
mapping. Example 1-11 shows an RBM policy file that maps the credentials
returned from an LDAP into an intermediary credential (useradmin), which is then
mapped again into a set of access credentials.

Example 1-11 Defining group credentials in an RBM policy file

<AAAInfo xmlns="">





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LDAP group mapping

Optionally, an LDAP server can be queried to determine group membership
before attempting to establish access credentials. In this case, the following steps
1. RBM authenticates the user as previously described. The results of the
authentication are the user’s credential.
2. A second LDAP query is performed to discover the user’s group membership.
The group name is returned as an LDAP attribute value.
3. The RBM policy file is then searched for an <InputCredential> that matches
the group name from step 2. If found, the contents of the <OutputCredential>
becomes the user’s new credentials.

Custom credential mapping

In this scenario, the results of the authentication step are used as the input
context into an XSL transformation (see Example 1-12). The XSL template is
responsible for interpreting the credential and writing the user’s access
credentials to the output context. Example 1-13 shows the basic structure of a
custom XSLT for mapping credentials.

Note: A custom XSLT can use any of DataPower’s extension functions,

including LDAP query functions, SQL functions, and communications
functions, to name a few. Practically any mapping scenario can be supported
using a custom stylesheet.

Example 1-12 Input context for custom credential mapping XSLT

<entry>user credential goes here</entry>

Example 1-13 Sample custom XSLT for mapping credentials

<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:variable name="credential" select="/credentials/entry"/>
<xsl:when test="$credential = 'david'">
<xsl:when test="$credential = 'bruno'">

Chapter 1. Securing user access 21 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am


1.5.7 Single sign-on

Single sign-on (SSO) can be configured such that a user can directly access the
DataPower control panel without being challenged for a user name and
password. SSO is accomplished using SSL and User certificates.

A crypto validation credential (ValCred) is used to maintain a collection of

certificates that represent permitted users. When a user navigates to the
administrative console’s URL, DataPower will respond by requesting the browser
to forward its certificate. If the received certificate exists within the validation
credential (or is signed by an accepted CA), the user is considered authenticated
and the DN from the certificate is used in the credential mapping phase.

Because the credential that is returned from the SSO authentication phase is the
DN of the peer’s certificate, it must undergo credential mapping. Credential
mapping happens much in the same way as described in 1.5.6, “Remote
authentication servers” on page 18:
򐂰 An LDAP can be used to look up the user’s group membership, which can
then be mapped to a locally-defined user group (see “Local user group for
credential mapping” on page 19). The local user group provides the access
profile and credentials.
򐂰 An LDAP can be used to look up the user’s group membership, which can
then be mapped to a set of access credentials in an RBM policy file (see
“LDAP group mapping” on page 21).
򐂰 An RBM policy file can be used to look up the user’s access credentials (see
“Group mapping within the RBM policy file” on page 20).

1.5.8 Login processing summary

Regardless of which management interface a user connects, the authentication
and credential mapping process occurs. The process can be summarized by the
following steps:

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1. Authenticate the user. The actual steps depend on the selected

authentication method:
– Local user: A login page is displayed in order to obtain the user name and
password. The appliance’s local user repository is used to authenticate the
user. If successful, the user’s credential is determined based on the user’s
access level:
• User access level: Credentials are predetermined by DataPower and
provide the ability to view status only. A limited DataPower control
panel is displayed. No further processing occurs.
• Privileged access level: Credentials are predetermined by DataPower
and provide access to all resources and device functions. The full
DataPower control panel is displayed. No further processing occurs.
• Group-Defined access level: The user’s credential is the group name
specified in the user’s profile. Processing continues with step 2.
– Xmlfile: A login page is displayed in order to obtain the user name and
password. A local RBM policy file is used to authenticate the user. If
successful, processing continues with step 2.
– LDAP, RADIUS, or SAF: A login page is displayed in order to obtain the user
name and password. The provided user name and password are sent to
the configured remote authentication server. If successfully authenticated,
processing continues with step 2.
– User certificate: The peer’s certificate is used as the user’s identity and
validated against a Crypto Validation Credential (valcred). If the peer’s
certificate exists in the valcred, the user is considered to be authenticated.
The user’s credential is the DN from the certificate. Processing continues
with step 2.
– Custom: A login page is displayed in order to obtain the user name and
password. The user name and password are then passed into an XSL
template which will perform authentication. If successful, processing
continues with step 2.
2. Map the user’s credentials:
– Local usergroup: The credential from step 1 is used as the group name.
The group’s access profile is inspected and each access policy statement
is mapped to a credential, resulting in the user’s credentials.
– Xmlfile: A locally hosted RBM policy file is used to map the credential from
step 1 into the user’s credentials.
– Custom: An XSL template can be used to map the credential to a series of
RBM access profiles.
3. DataPower control panel is displayed.

Chapter 1. Securing user access 23 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

1.6 Audit logs

Audit logs provide a history of all administrative activities that occur on the
appliance. The audit log is separate from the regular DataPower logs and can be
viewed from the navigation menu under Status  View Logs  Audit Log.

Monitoring audit logs is important in assuring the safety and reliability of a

DataPower appliance, which can be accomplished in several ways:
򐂰 Audit event subscription where a log target can be created that subscribes to
audit events.
򐂰 Copying the audit log off the appliance using either CLI or SOMA

1.6.1 Obtaining the audit log using CLI

The CLI can be used to copy the audit log to another location or send it to a mail

Example 1-14 shows the CLI command to copy the audit log to a new file in the
temporary: directory.

Example 1-14 CLI command to copy audit log to the temporary: directory
copy audit:///audit-log temporary:///audit-log

Example 1-15 shows the CLI command to copy the audit log to an HTTP file
server URL.

Example 1-15 CLI command to copy audit log to an HTTP file server
copy audit:///audit-log <HTTP File Server-URL>

Example 1-16 shows the CLI command to send the audit log to a mail recipient
using an SMTP server.

Example 1-16 CLI command to send the audit log to a mail recipient.
send file audit:///audit-log <outgoing-mail-server> <email-address>

1.6.2 Copying the audit log using SOMA

The audit log can be retrieved using DataPower’s SOAP management interface
(SOMA). Example 1-17 on page 25 shows a SOMA request that retrieves the
audit log.

24 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Example 1-17 SOMA request to obtain the audit log

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<dp:request domain="default" xmlns:dp="ht...omitted...anagement">
<dp:get-file name="audit:///audit-log"/>

The SOMA response will contain the base64 encoded contents of the audit log
and therefore will require decoding.

For more information on SOMA, please refer to 10.3.3, “SOAP Management

Interface (SOMA)” on page 225.

1.7 Best practices

As with any complex highly-configurable device, there are some ways of
accomplishing certain tasks that are better than others. This section provides a
basic list of tips and recommendations that have, in most circumstances, proven
to be “best practices.” That said, they are not laws and might not be the best
solutions in all situations.
򐂰 Capture audit logs. Audit logs provide a window into what administrative
activities have occurred on the appliance. Audit logs can be sent to
DataPower log targets for transmission to a variety of log servers. See 1.6,
“Audit logs” on page 24.
򐂰 Configure an inactivity timeout for WebGUI. This is found in the navigation
menu under Network  Management?  Web Management Service.
򐂰 Change WebGUI Port. The most commonly used port is 9090. Secure
environments might considering using a port other than 9090. This is found in
the navigation menu under Network  Management?  Web Management
򐂰 Save and protect the admin password. It cannot be recovered. If it becomes
misplaced and no backup admin exists, the appliance must be returned to
IBM for reinitialization.
򐂰 Create a second backup privileged administrative user. This provides an
alternate admin (superuser) in the event that the primary one becomes
inaccessible. An alternate admin user can reset the password of the primary
admin if necessary.

Chapter 1. Securing user access 25 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

򐂰 Use Group-Defined access level instead of User or Privileged when creating

local users (this does not apply when using remote authentication servers).
The user access level grants the ability to view status only, and the privileged
access level provides complete access to the appliance. Group-defined
utilizes DataPower’s Role-Based Management functionality which is more
򐂰 Enable Local Login as Fallback when configuring an appliance for
non-Local RBM authentication. In the event that a remote authentication
server becomes inaccessible, the local user repository can be used as a
backup way of entry. It might not be necessary to replicate all users, rather
just a few for contingency purposes.
򐂰 Consider restricting administrative logon to the serial port. This is not a best
practice, but rather a consideration point. Government agencies might require
that administrative access be restricted to the serial port only.
򐂰 Use RBM for CLI access control, not CLI Command Groups. CLI command
groups are deprecated and do not provide robust access control like RBM
򐂰 Do not use DHCP assigned IP addresses in ACLs. DHCP assigned client
addresses can change, resulting in inaccessibility to the appliance.
򐂰 Adjust authentication caching to provide maximum permissible lifetime.
Disabled or low caching lifetimes can result in increased network traffic.

1.8 Troubleshooting
Implementing administrative configurations that rely on remote authentication
servers, RBM policy files, or custom development might require a certain amount
of troubleshooting before all of the pieces are properly integrated. Care should be
taken to assure that the configuration steps do not inadvertently prevent access
to the appliance.
򐂰 When testing or troubleshooting RBM, make sure to enable RBM debug
logging. This is found in the Troubleshooting panel in the Logging section. Log
messages might appear in either the regular system logs or the audit logs.
򐂰 Verify that remote authentication servers are reachable from DataPower. Use
the Ping Remote and TCP Connection Test to assure the servers are
򐂰 Assure that any DNS server settings are properly configured.
򐂰 Assure that the appliance’s time is accurate and that any NTP server
connections are working. Incorrect date settings could affect the validity of
some certificates.

26 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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򐂰 If a device becomes inaccessible due to access control list violations, you

might be able to verify what IP addresses are in them using either the
command line interface or by inspecting a previous backup.
򐂰 Only secure one administrative interface during security configuration. In
other words, if you’re setting up security on the WebGUI, leave the CLI
unsecured until everything has been verified. This allows for a “back door” in
case the WebGUI becomes inaccessible.

Note: Make sure to always enable local users as fallback when making
changes to RBM and user management settings. This enables the users in the
local repository to remain active in the event remote authentication servers or
custom stylesheets fail to operate as expected.

Chapter 1. Securing user access 27 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

28 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Chapter 2. Networking
At their core, DataPower appliances are highly capable network device and
provide a wide array of networking, security, and integration tasks. Whether
protecting web services, mediating security tokens, or proxying between
disparate wire protocols, all activities rely in some fashion on the underlying
network. For this reason, it’s imperative that a DataPower appliance’s network
configuration be compatible with its surrounding network environment.
Understanding DataPower’s networking capabilities and configuration nuances
can help assure maximum processing throughput.

This chapter discusses the considerations and activities associated with IBM
WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliance Networking.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011. All rights reserved. 29 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

2.1 Overview
Due to the nature and scope of the appliance’s role in the network, networking
problems might be difficult to isolate and could possibly have a significant impact.

Understanding how to properly deploy the appliance on the network can help
prevent unexpected behavior and avoid future problems.

The information discussed in this chapter is to help augment existing

documentation, attempt to help clarify any usage ambiguities, and provide some
recommendations from experience in the field.

Figure 2-1shows an example network topology using DataPower appliances.

Federated Extranet Internet Intranet

Demilitarized Demilitarized
Zone Zone
Legacy Internal
Enterprise Internet
User User
Packet Filter

Packet Filter

Packet Filter

Packet Filter

Application Internet

Web Service

Figure 2-1 Sample DataPower network topology

2.2 Benefits
The DataPower appliance is highly configurable and the administrator should use
all of its features to achieve the desired network requirements.

30 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Each configuration feature should be considered as only a part of the complete

network solution. Multiple components need to work together to achieve a proper
deployment, including:
򐂰 Multiple physical ethernet interfaces
򐂰 Virtual LANs to help further segregate traffic on a physical NIC
򐂰 IP addresses and routes on ethernet and VLAN interfaces
򐂰 Bind addresses on non-polling FSHs and management interfaces
򐂰 Network Settings
򐂰 Source and Destination routing
򐂰 Interface Isolation (off, strict, relaxed)
򐂰 Reverse Path Filtering (on/off)
򐂰 Access Control Lists (ACLs)

2.3 Usage
This section describes the usage capabilities, configuration settings, and some of
the nuances regarding networking with the DataPower appliance.

It is important to correctly set the network interface configuration settings and

routing behavior to integrate properly within the network topology and

The main objective of this section is to help administrators make an informed

decision regarding network planning, configuration, and proper deployment.

2.3.1 Network interface configuration and routing

IBM WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances come with four physical network
interfaces and one serial port to communicate with the external world. To start
using the appliance, the initialization is done through the serial port for security

The process to initialize the device is covered in the appliance documentation.

This section provides an overview of the main settings to consider when
connecting the device to the network.

Chapter 2. Networking 31 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Ethernet interface
The device has four network interfaces and a serial port as shown in Figure 2-2
on page 32.

Figure 2-2 Displaying the front of the DataPower appliance

The ethernet interfaces have the following tags or names:

򐂰 eth0
򐂰 eth1
򐂰 eth2
򐂰 eth4 (Also called “mgt0” and is usually reserved for management traffic).

Note: The SSH service attempts to bind to mgt0 if there is no interface

configured for it. If the management interface is not defined, SSH will listen on
all available interfaces (

The network interface configuration screen for the DataPower appliance looks
like Figure 2-3.

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Figure 2-3 Ethernet Interface configuration screen

When defining each network interface configuration, consider the following

򐂰 IP address
The subnet mask and a unique IP address must be used for each interface.
Administrators can use either of the two following options to define the subnet
– Specify the network using Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)
– Use a space after the IP address, an then specify the subnet mask using
the dotted notation.
For example, both CIDR notation: and dotted decimal
notation: are acceptable values for this field.
򐂰 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Whether to use DHCP depends on the network configuration and
requirements. Typically, an infrastructure network node will not use DHCP
because its network configuration must often remain static. However, the

Chapter 2. Networking 33 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

option to lease an IP address for the device is still available through the use of
the DHCP setting.
򐂰 Default gateway
The default gateway defines the interface and route in which the traffic leaves
the appliance when it does not match an explicitly configured static route.
򐂰 Secondary address
Each interface can have additional IP addresses in addition to the primary IP

Note: All secondary addresses must be on the same subnet as the

primary address.

򐂰 Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)

This is the option to enable or disable ARP, which broadcasts the IP address
and the physical interface mapping over the network.
򐂰 IPv6
Configure this field only if the network is using IPv6. When enabled, it creates
an IPv6 address linked to the primary interface by default.
򐂰 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC)
This option is only available when IPv6 is enabled and used to enable or
disable SLAAC. When enabled, the IPv6 address is obtained when connected
to the network. When disabled, the interface uses the defined primary
򐂰 Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)
MTU defines the size of the MAC layer data field that can be handled on this
interface. Do not modify this configuration unless all other interfaces on this
network are similarly configured. If any VLAN sub-interfaces are enabled, an
extra 4 bytes are added automatically.
򐂰 MAC address
Use this field to override the assigned MAC address associated with the
hardware interface. This field should not be changed arbitrarily from the
As a side note, the original MAC address might not be displayed in the
interface status provider when the appliance is in the Active State for Standby
Control and may only display the Virtual MAC address.
򐂰 Physical Mode

34 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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It is possible to configure the interface speed and direction of the Ethernet

unshielded twisted pair physical layer. This property allows the speed and
direction to be explicitly set. which is useful since some networking equipment
might not negotiate properly.

Note: The switch or router connected to the appliance interface must have
an exact port speed match.

For example, AUTO<->AUTO or 100BASE-TX-FD<->100BASE-TX-FD.

If the port speed on the Ethernet interface is not set to the same port speed
as the connected switch, the following symptoms may occur:
– Slow performance in sending or receiving data.
– Inability to send or receive data (most commonly unable to send or receive
large amounts of data).
– Intermittent connectivity.

Static routes
it is possible to define the routing path of network traffic for each interface. Define
the routes carefully to avoid rule overlapping which can cause undesired

When defining a static route, the following three fields must be set:
򐂰 Destination - Defined using either CIDR or dotted decimal format.
򐂰 Gateway - Should be the first hop on the network from the appliance.
򐂰 Metric - A numeric value to determine priority (lowest value is used) when two
or more routes have the same destination.

Note: To find the first hop on the network from the appliance, issue a
traceroute command from the CLI Interface as depicted in Example 2-1 and
select the first entry.

Example 2-1 Sample traceroute command from the CLI

xi50# traceroute
Traceroute (
1: rtt= 1 ms
2: rtt= 1 ms
3: rtt= 1 ms

Chapter 2. Networking 35 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

2.3.2 VLAN sub-interfaces

Use Virtual LANs (VLANs) to define a set of machines that can communicate
with each other as if they were attached to the same physical network. In addition
to the regular interface settings, the VLAN sub-interface will need to be
associated with a specific physical interface, provide a VLAN Identifier, and
specify an Outbound Priority. VLAN sub-interfaces can be defined outside the
subnet of the primary interface.

Note: The VLAN sub-interface can be configured to use DHCP, but then it will
not allow a static route to be defined for this sub-interface.

If static routes are defined within a VLAN sub-interface using DHCP, the VLAN
will drop the IP address and any connectivity to that IP address will be lost.

IPv6 default routes

In order to define an IPv6 default route in a VLAN sub-interface, it is necessary to
configure the IPv4 as the primary address and the IPv6 entry as a secondary
address, then add the IPv4 and the IPv6 default gateways. Once this has been
completed, both addresses will be configured on the system and their default
routes will appear as expected.

2.3.3 Network settings

This section provides an explanation of the appliance-wide general network
settings. These setting can be configured in the Network Settings configuration
screen shown in Figure 2-4.

36 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Figure 2-4 Example Configure Network Settings screen

These settings apply to all configured interfaces:

򐂰 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Disable
This setting disables the following ICMP replies:
– Echo Reply
– Timestamp Reply

Chapter 2. Networking 37 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

By default, the Timestamp-Reply is disabled for ICMP.

– Info Reply
– Address Mask Reply
This means that by default, the appliance will respond to ICMP pings, Info
requests, and Address Mask queries.
򐂰 Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) Disable
ECN is a flag defined to alert about network congestion to other devices. By
default, TCP sessions are ECN enabled in the appliance. Some older network
devices are not compatible with ECN. If the network is experiencing packet
loss, ECN can be disabled to resolve the problem. If the problem persists, this
feature should be enabled again.
򐂰 Destination Based Routing
This setting controls the behavior of how the appliance routes responding
packets to an incoming client request.
The default behavior selects the interface bound to the service IP address. In
the case of a service listening on multiple IP addresses (, the
appliance will use the interface that initially received the request (not the
interface that is bound to the service that generated the response).
When it is enabled, the interface selection uses the routing table to determine
the best path to the client, irrespective of the service or receiving interface.

Note: Destination based routing is for backward compatibility only.

Destination based routing should only be enabled if an upgrade disrupts
existing connectivity.

򐂰 Relaxed Interface Isolation

For security reasons, an incoming packet typically will only be accepted when
the destination address matches the IP address configured on the ethernet
interface. The Relaxed Interface Isolation option allows less strict
enforcement so that packets with the destination address within the same
subnet may be allowed.
This option should be set to “on” if Destination Based Routing is also on.
򐂰 TCP Segmentation Offload on Ethernet
This setting enables an ethernet chip feature intended to improve
performance on large TCP writes to the network. Disable this option only if

38 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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link layer resets are seen on the network or to determine if this feature is
incompatible with the network traffic.

Note: An appliance restart is required when modifying TCP Segmentation

Offload in order for the change to take effect.

򐂰 Reverse-Path Filtering
The option “Ignore packets with a source address that the interface cannot
route” can ignore packets that have a source address which the interface
cannot route.
By default, incoming packets with an unreachable source address will still be
accepted and processed.
򐂰 Enable TCP Window Scaling
This setting allows negotiation of window sizes greater than 64 KB by default.
Disable this option when integrating with TCP systems that cannot handle
window scaling.

2.3.4 Host alias, static hosts, and DNS

This section explains the usage of host alias and static hosts. It also describes
the configuration of DNS servers and the management options.

Host alias
The host alias may be used in place of IP addresses for object configuration and
are often used to simplify export and import of service configurations between
DataPower systems.

Static host
The static host setting manually maps a host name to the host IP address without
using DNS. This can be useful if DNS is not available, incorrect, or incomplete.
However, the device's DNS name resolver uses a cache, therefore static
mappings will usually not result in significant performance improvement.

Domain Name Server (DNS)

The DNS section is where the list of DNS Servers and Search Domains are

If a port is not configured, the appliance uses port 53 by default (for both UDP
and TCP).

Chapter 2. Networking 39 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Selecting the DNS Load Balancing Algorithm controls which DNS server is used
when multiple DNS Servers are configured.

There are two Load Balancing algorithms available for DNS servers:
򐂰 The First Alive algorithm will use the first available DNS server in the list and
then will try subsequent servers in the list if the first DNS server is down.
When selected in the WEBGUI, the First Alive algorithm will show a retry and
timeout setting for the whole DNS group.
򐂰 The Round Robin algorithm will alternate through the list of configured DNS
servers. Selecting the Round Robin algorithm only allows each DNS to have
its own retry setting.

Tip: Consider using DNS aliases on a DNS server as an alternative to using

secondary IP addresses directly on the appliance.

2.3.5 Routing
The DataPower appliance has several features that affect the network path
selected for traffic. Packets responding to incoming traffic typically use the same
interface they came in on, however outgoing new TCP connections utilize the
routing table to select an outgoing interface.

The routing table shows the routing rules generated from configured static routes
and default routes.

It is important to understand that default routes and static routes on the

DataPower appliance behave differently and have unique functionality.

A static route forces the DataPower appliance to use a specific interface and a
specific set of network hops to access a given set of destinations.

The default route is created by setting the Default Gateway on one of the
appliance’s interfaces. The appliance uses a default route when a given
destination address is unknown.

When a specific route cannot be found and multiple default routes are
configured, the appliance will randomly pick which interface to use for outbound

For network traffic to follow a specific route, configure a static route instead of
relying on a Default Gateway.

Consider Example 2-2, which shows the routing table from the CLI command
show route:

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Example 2-2 Routing table

xi50# show route
destination interface gateway metric eth0 0 eth1 0 mgt0 0 mgt0 0 eth0 0 eth1 0

The output shows three Default Gateways configured on eth0, eth1, and mgt0.
This causes three default routes to be generated as indicated by the
If the destination address of the service is, the device will randomly
choose any one of the default routes because no specific route is configured. If
the appliance selects the mgt0 route using gateway and the
gateway cannot route to the backend server IP address, this will trigger an
unexpected connection failure. This failure can be intermittent because the
appliance selects the route randomly.

2.3.6 Load balancing a backend destination

When considering how to Load Balance traffic sent from a DataPower appliance,
the common scenario is to use either the built-in DataPower Load Balancing
Group or an external Load Balancer.

Note: If using an external Load Balancer, the external Load Balancer should
be transparent to the appliance as a backend network destination endpoint.

The DataPower appliance can perform Load Balancing to multiple backend

destinations that are grouped logically as a single unit/server pool by:
򐂰 Creating a Load Balancer Group Object.
򐂰 Adding the Load Balancer Group Object name to the service’s XML Manager.
򐂰 Specifying the desired configuration parameters, such as Algorithm.
򐂰 Specifying the Load Balancer Group Object name instead of a backend
hostname or IP Address.

The usage of a Load Balancer Group is intended for backend service

destinations and failover support for LDAP/IMS™ Connect Servers.

Depending on the algorithm that makes load-balancing decisions, each Load

Balancer Group can support 64 or 512 members.

Chapter 2. Networking 41 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

The following algorithms support 64 members:

򐂰 Least connections
򐂰 Weighted least connections
򐂰 Weighted round robin

Caution: The Load Balancer Group Objects are not intended for usage in
static configuration settings such as the WSDL source location.

2.3.7 Intelligent Load Distribution

The WebSphere DataPower Option for Application Optimization adds further
functionality to the standard Load Balancer Group feature set to include
Intelligent Load Distribution.

Intelligent Load Distribution distributes load to backend WebSphere Network

Deployment and other non-WebSphere Application Server environments.

Information about Load Balancer Group membership, weights, and session

affinity can be retrieved from WebSphere Application Server Network
Deployment cells for load distribution decisions as shown in Figure 2-5.

WebSphere Cluster
Cluster information
sent for load Deployment Mgr. with
balancing decisions. ODCInfo
Application Server 1

Application Server 2

Application Server 3

Figure 2-5 Example of Intelligent Load Distribution of a WebSphere cluster

Intelligent Load Distribution is designed to help use system resources more

efficiently and adjust to traffic dynamically.

42 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Note: Only WebSphere Virtual Enterprise dynamically changes weights and

members based on runtime traffic conditions and workload.

Intelligent Load Distribution also leverages:

򐂰 Weighted Least Connection Algorithm
Imposes weight infrastructure on top of the least connections algorithm. The
larger the weight, the larger the percentage of connections that will go to a
given server. The smaller the number of connections, the more likely that a
server will receive the next connection.
򐂰 Session affinity
Uses cookies to more efficiently provide the persistent (session) information
to an application by forwarding every request within a session to the same
– If DataPower recognizes the session ID format and can resolve the routing
information, it uses the routing information to forward the request.
– If there is no session ID, or the routing information cannot be resolved, the
request is load balanced.

When Workload Management Retrieval is enabled and the Load Balancer Group
contains explicitly defined (static) members, the following rules apply:
򐂰 If a member is part of the retrieved workload management information, its
configuration settings are updated dynamically.
򐂰 If a member is not part of the retrieved workload management information,
the load balancer group disables this member. Although disabled and not
included in load balancing decisions, its configuration settings are not deleted
from the persisted configuration. Disabling the workload management feature
allows to display and update the information for these explicitly defined

When Workload Management Retrieval is disabled, the configuration may be

changed from dynamic to static in order to debug load balancer group

2.3.8 Self-Balancing services

With the WebSphere DataPower Option for Application Optimization
Self-Balancing feature. two or more DataPower appliances can distribute load
amongst themselves. This removes the requirement to place traditional server
load balancers in front of a cluster of DataPower appliances.

Chapter 2. Networking 43 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

When Self-Balancing is enabled, one appliance is designated as the distributor of

traffic across the front of the cluster.

Figure 2-6 on page 44 shows the request flow of two self-balanced requests.


Response 1

Request 1
Virtual IP –

Request 2
Response 2


Figure 2-6 Example of Self-Balancing

Self-Balancing is fault-tolerant by providing high availability and is built on top of

Standby Control. The virtual IP address of the Standby Control configuration is
the external address used for Self-Balancing.

If the appliance acting as the distributor fails, another cluster member will
assume the role of the distributor and take ownership of the virtual IP address.

All of the DataPower appliances in the group are aware of all shared services.

Important Self-Balancing usage considerations:

򐂰 Requires coordination with network team
򐂰 Must have rapid spanning tree enabled
򐂰 Convergence should be less than six seconds in the event of a MAC address
򐂰 Must not use the same Standby Control group as any other hot standby router
protocol (HSRP) group deployed on the same network

2.3.9 Load Balancer health checking

This section describes usage considerations of health checking to the Front-Side
and from the Back-Side of the appliance.

Here are some types of health checks that might be used to detect whether a
service is available:

44 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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򐂰 Simple TCP check

A simple TCP connection port check might be used as a simple “lightweight”
health check since this approach has the least overhead on the network
beyond the appliance.
However, a simple TCP connection check can only determine the TCP layer
response and may mark the appliance up even though the actual
HTTP/HTTPS response for a service may be wrong, empty, incomplete, or
򐂰 Full service check
Sending a full request to a service may be considered a more “heavyweight”
health checking method, but can confirm the complete service is really up.
򐂰 Service object status
Checking the service object operational status by using a monitor or status
provider can provide health check information.
򐂰 Separate health check match
Configure the DataPower service object to match on a particular URI on the
Front-End request rule and generate a static response.
For example, a DataPower service could be configured to match the
/healthcheck part of the URL

DataPower appliances have the functionality to enable health checking to

backend servers by using the Load Balancer Group Object.

2.3.10 Standby Control and high availability

The standby capability of the DataPower appliance allows one device to serve as
a failover for another device. Two ethernet interfaces on the same appliance may
not be used as members of a standby group and cannot back each other up.
Ethernet interfaces on different appliances must be used as members of a
standby group to back each other up.

Standby Control allows a collection of ethernet interfaces on different appliances

to share responsibility for one virtual IP address (VIP).

Basic requirements:
򐂰 Must be on same network segment.
򐂰 Must be configured with same VIP, group number, and authentication token.
򐂰 A device may have only one instance of a particular standby group number.


Chapter 2. Networking 45 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

򐂰 Operates in active/standby (active/passive) mode.

򐂰 Interfaces with the highest priority will be the active member.
򐂰 Allows for interface failover to another device.

2.4 Best practices

After taking in the full consideration of the usage previously discussed, here is a
collection of best practices drawn from experience in the field.

2.4.1 Avoid using as a listener

Binding a specific IP address and port to a specific service is recommended
instead of using

Using as a listening address is typically not a good practice since this
will allow all interfaces to receive traffic for the assigned port. This may be an
unnecessary exposure when services are set to listen on this address.

2.4.2 Separating management traffic

The DataPower appliance can be managed over the network through various
methods such as the WebGUI, SSH, Telnet, XML Management Interface, and

Management traffic should typically be separated from service traffic.

Careful construction of the routing configuration with non-overlapping routes can

help isolate the front side, back side, and management traffic. This can help
prevent an attacker from directly connecting to the management interface even
from the back side. Traffic separation can be achieved by binding the
management interfaces to a specific management IP address or VLAN address.

A common scenario for management traffic separation is to have separate

management interface routes for the back-side and front-side.

It is not recommended to bind management interfaces to

If more than one IP address is required for management services, an alternative

could be to use a TCP Proxy listening on a second IP address which then points
to the original management IP address.

46 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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2.4.3 Specify port values less than 10,000

Ports with a value of less than 10,000 should be used when configuring services
or protocol handlers. The DataPower appliance uses port values of 10,000 and
greater as ephemeral ports. Using ports above 10,000 could cause a port conflict
and prevent the service from initializing properly.

2.4.4 Persistent timeout consideration

DataPower’s back persistent timeout should typically be lower than the backend
server's timeout to prevent the reuse of a closed connection. The may help to
avoid the inherent race condition where the server side may close a connection
at the same time further data is being sent from the appliance.

2.4.5 Disable chained persistent connections

Services that communicate within the same appliance should have persistent
connections disabled over that connection. Failure to disable persistent
connections may cause undesirable results such as connection errors or
unexpected memory usage.

The connection errors are associated with the inherent race condition that may
occur using an HTTP POST. This may cause the occurrence of a simultaneous
POST at one endpoint and a TCP close at the other end.

Additionally, memory overhead may occur for a build-up of many local

long-running persistent connections.

This method should be consolidated and not used across too many levels
whenever possible, as serialization/de-serialization will occur when passing
messages from one service to another.

2.4.6 Configure network settings to be portable

Using host alias, static host, and externalizing end points in XSLT may help make
a configuration more portable and maintainable. Using these is recommended
instead of designating an explicit IP address in Service configuration. Doing this
can allow easier Service migration to another appliance. Otherwise, every
configuration reference to the unique IP address on one appliance would need to
be modified to correspond with the new appliance’s IP address.

Chapter 2. Networking 47 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

2.4.7 Multiple default gateways will create multiple default routes

The appliance allows multiple default gateways to be configured and can have
one on each of the four interfaces. This was designed to meet the requirements
of having a robust appliance. The network administrator should choose the
number of default gateways based on network design.

A general recommendation is to set specific static routes and use only one
default gateway that can catch all traffic not explicitly being directed by the static
routes. This may cause intermittent failure in connecting to other network
destinations. The default routes are generated when the default gateway is
configured on each interface.

It is recommended to use one default gateway that should be chosen to connect

with other destinations/subnets outside of the network and use static routes
inside of the network. For example, use the default gateway to connect all
internet-based servers and clients, then use a static route to the Intranet servers
which may include the back-end application servers.

2.4.8 Standby Control best practices

This section describes the best practices for Standby Control deployment.

Priority and Preempt

Ensure that the Priority set on each interface is unique. It is not recommended to
have multiple interfaces set to the same Priority value.

Preempt mode should be set to OFF. This is recommended to simplify the

configuration and to help with debugging in the event that there are unexpected
network delays which could cause the interfaces to start switching between the
active and standby states.

Group number
An integer used to identify a standby group; allowable identifiers are in the range
1 through 255. All interfaces in a given standby group must have the same group
number. This value must be distinct from all group numbers being used by IP
routers or switches in the same broadcast domain.

The active interface in the group will change its ethernet MAC address to
00:00:0C:07:AC:XX, where XX is the group number. This number must also be
unique among all standby groups on a given system.

Configure the standby group number with a value higher than 20. This will help
avoid the accidental use of duplicate group numbers within a single network as it

48 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

is very common for network routers and switches to be configured with the lower
standby group numbers.

Virtual IP address
The IP address that will be used by the active member of the standby group.
External clients that want to be able to contact the active member of the standby
group should use this IP address. This address must be on the same IP subnet
as the primary address of the interface.

Rapid Spanning Tree

Ensure that Spanning Tree PortFast (or Rapid Spanning Tree, depending on the
make/model of the switch) is enabled on all switches that are connected to the
DataPower appliances. This should also be enabled on any other switches within
the network path of the appliances. This will place the switch ports into a
forwarding state that will allow traffic to be passed through immediately whenever
the VIP moves to the currently active device. Refer to the switch operation
manual for configuring this setting.

Make sure that Rapid Spanning Tree is properly deployed and that the
convergence time on the switch is less than the “hold” time configured on the
appliance. The default “hold” time on the appliance is 10 seconds. This should
help allow the proper amount of time to complete a failover and help prevent
unnecessary fail-overs caused by misconfiguration.

If the Rapid Spanning Tree is properly deployed and the convergence time
requires longer than 10 seconds, the “hello” and “hold” time intervals on the
appliance to accommodate the switch can be changed by using the standby CLI

Note: It is not recommended changing the intervals on the appliance because

in rare instances that required the timer values to be larger than the default
setting. Also, keep in mind that larger timers would mean longer periods to
detect when a failover should occur.

For example, issue the command shown in Example 2-3 from the CLI, where 100
is the group number, 5 is the hello time, and 15 is the hold time.

Example 2-3 config command for changing intervals

int eth0
standby 100 timers 5 15

Chapter 2. Networking 49 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

2.4.9 Management interface and default route

Since all network interfaces available in DataPower devices are the same and
one of the interfaces is named mgmt only to help distinguish it from others, any
interface can be used as a management port and one or more DataPower
network interfaces can be used to route network traffic to/from the device.

As a general rule, the management interface should not have the default gateway
set, because it is generally recommended to restrict the connections that can be
made through that interface.

2.4.10 Enabling “No Delay Ack” to avoid latency with other systems
If slow performance is observed and a delayed ACK response from an
application replying back to the DataPower Appliance, then a latency issue may
be the cause. For example, this has been observed using applications such as
WebSphere MQ or Tivoli® Access Manager running on AIX®.

By default, AIX has a feature called “delayed acknowledgement” enabled in order

to improve performance for some network traffic, such as large chunks of data.

While this has been mainly observed on AIX, this could occur on any operating
system that employs a delayed acknowledgment setting.

This feature is controlled by the AIX setting tcp_nodelayack which is set to 0 by


However, this AIX default setting can slow down performance communicating
between DataPower and some applications such as WebSphere MQ or Tivoli
Access Manager.

Changing the default tcp_nodelayack option to enabled (set tcp_nodelayack=1)

prompts TCP to send an immediate acknowledgement, rather than the default
200 ms delay.

Sending an immediate acknowledgement might cause a few more ACKs on the

network, but in some cases with WebSphere MQ, Tivoli Access Manager, or
generally when sending small messages back and forth, it may greatly improve

Use the following suggestions to diagnose the problem:

򐂰 Turn the tcp_nodelayack option on and test the performance.

50 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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򐂰 Review packet traces from DataPower to see if there is a delay between the
packet sent to AIX and the ACK response coming back from AIX.

For example, in Wireshark/Ethereal, look for the “Time delta from previous
packet” entry for the ACK packet to determine the amount of time elapsed waiting
for the ACK.

To resolve this problem, disable the default ACK delay on AIX by changing the
setting to:

For example, to see what the current setting is:

/usr/sbin/no -o tcp_nodelayack

To test the option:

/usr/sbin/no -o tcp_nodelayack=1

To make the change persistent across reboots:

/usr/sbin/no -p -o tcp_nodelayack=1

Note: Although delayed acknowledgement may adversely affect some

applications on AIX such as WebSphere MQ or Tivoli Access Manager
communications with DataPower, it can improve performance for other
network connections.

Therefore, do not change the default tcp_nodelayack value unless slow

communication with a DataPower Appliance is occurring.

Consult with the AIX system administrator for further considerations about the
impact this may have on the system and for further details of how to do this.

2.4.11 Streaming large messages and flow control

Streaming allows a message to start flowing to the backend before the whole
message is read from the sending client.

When streaming large messages through a DataPower Multi-Protocol Gateway, it

is recommended to utilize the flow control feature to help prevent memory from
building up in the case of a slow backend server.

In order to effectively use flow control, it is recommended to verify that a

processing policy does not prevent streaming, which is discussed further in the

Chapter 2. Networking 51 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Optimizing Through Streaming product documentation available in the

DataPower Information Center:

Also, verify that the XML Manager  XML Parser  XML Bytes Scanned
value used by the service is large enough to handle the desired large file size.

2.5 Examples
This section provides examples of various configuration and troubleshooting

2.5.1 Externalizing endpoints in a Meta Data document

XSLT often uses environment specific information. Externalizing endpoints in a
Meta Data document can help remove the environment specific information from
within the XSLT to allow better reusability. Each environment could then contain
its own Meta Data document.

Example 2-4 is a Routing example that shows how to externalize endpoints in a

Meta Data document.

Example 2-4 Routing example for externalizing endpoints

<destinations subjectCN="CN=companylocation1">
<destinations subjectCN="CN=companylocation2">

XSL will reference the above Meta Data document as shown in Example 2-5.

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Example 2-5 XSL reference to externalized endpoints


<!--Set routing for Purchases -->

<dp:xset-target host="$endPoints/BookServiceHost1/ip/text()"
port="$endPoints/BookServiceHost1/port/text()" ssl="false()"/>

2.5.2 Disabling chained persistent connections for various different

points of a service
Persistent connections can be used at various points of a service object,
򐂰 Front-Side
򐂰 Back-Side
򐂰 Processing Policy

Disabling persistent connections for Front-Side

If the service is using a Front-Side Handler, persistent connections can be
enabled or disabled explicitly in this Front-Side Handler. This is particularly useful
if the Front-Side Handler is listening on a local host or IP Address.

Disabling persistent connections for Back-Side

If the service points to a local chained service as a backend, then use the
Advanced tab to disable persistent connections going to this local chained

Disabling persistent connections in Processing Policy

If traffic is sent out during a processing policy (url-open), then the User-Agent will
dictate the type of connection used. Use the User-Agent to “Restrict to HTTP 1.0"
to prevent persistent connections for the processing policy traffic with a match.

Another possibility would be to add the “Connection: close” header to the

url-open to prevent persistent connection reuse. See the following website for
more information:

Chapter 2. Networking 53 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

2.5.3 Port speed mismatch

If the ethernet interface port speed is configured as auto, the interface setting
must be matched by auto on the switch to ensure reliability.

FailureNetwork collisions could be caused by incompatible interface settings on

the DataPower device® and the switch.

2.5.4 Sample DNS workaround using static host

Each DNS query response from the DNS server typically contains an IP address
along with a time-to-live (TTL) with an IP address/hostname mapping.
DataPower will try Host Alias to honor and respect the TTL that is specified in the
DNS Server response.

In order to shorten the time that the DNS cache exists from the DataPower side,
the DNS servers should be configured with the desired time-to-live. It is
recommended that these settings are consistent across all of the DNS servers
that are configured for usage with DataPower.

Workaround: If this is affecting Production Traffic, enter a static host for the
IP/hostname mapping in the DNS configuration section of DataPower. This will
serve as a temporary workaround so that there is not an outage.

2.5.5 Sample CLI commands to capture DNS server responses

To obtain DNS server information, determine the route that will be used to query
the configured DNS server by examining the routing table and the IP address of
the DNS server.

When the interface that handles the DNS traffic has been determined, the
following commands will get DNS information and a packet capture of the DNS
򐂰 co
򐂰 show dns
򐂰 show dns-cache
򐂰 show ip hosts
򐂰 clear dns-cache
򐂰 show dns-cache
򐂰 show ip hosts
򐂰 int eth<interface number>
򐂰 packet-capture temporary:///DNStrace.pcap -1 5000
򐂰 exit

54 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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򐂰 show clock
򐂰 ping <hostname of failing DNS entry>
򐂰 <Wait for the console to return before continuing>
򐂰 show dns-cache
򐂰 show ip hosts
򐂰 show clock
򐂰 ping <IP Address of failing DNS entry>
򐂰 <Wait for the console to return before continuing>
򐂰 show dns-cache
򐂰 show ip hosts
򐂰 show clock
򐂰 int eth<interface number>
򐂰 no packet-capture temporary:///DNStrace.pcap
򐂰 exit

2.5.6 Sample test to see if Rapid Spanning Tree has been deployed
properly for DataPower Standby Control
If Rapid Spanning Tree is not deployed correctly on the network, then the
Standby Control Appliances may not be able to communicate properly.

If the convergence time is more than 6 seconds, the network has not successfully
deployed rapid spanning tree and the network administrator should be contacted.

Use the following procedure to determine if rapid spanning tree is deployed.

1. Record the current Standby Control configuration settings, disable Standby
Control on both Appliances, and then save the updated configuration.
– Using the WebGUI:
i. Navigate to Network  Interface  Ethernet Interface 
ii. Click the Standby Control tab to view and record the settings.
iii. Click the X next to the Standby Control configuration entry to remove
the Standby Control configuration.
iv. Click Apply  Save Config.
– Using the CLI:

Example 2-6 Using the CLI

#show standby
#int eth<number>
#no standby

Chapter 2. Networking 55 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

#write memory

2. Reboot both Appliances.

3. Once the Appliances have completed the reboot, check that both have their
original MAC addresses.

Note: This should not be the HSRP Virtual MAC Address:


– Using the WebGUI:

Navigate to Status  IP-Network  Ethernet Interfaces to view the
MAC addresses.
– Using the CLI:
#show int mode
Be sure to record the original MAC addresses for later use.

The next several steps describe how to measure the spanning tree convergence
4. Start a continuous ping to one of the DataPower interfaces from another
remote host on the network and verify that they are successful.
– Using UNIX®:
ping <DataPower IP>
– Using the Windows® command prompt:
ping -t <DataPower IP>
5. Change the MAC address on the Appliance interface to any MAC address
currently not in use on the network. This should cause the continuous pings
from the remote host to start failing.
– Using the WebGUI:
i. Navigate to Network  Interface  Ethernet Interface 
ii. Update the MAC address Field and click Apply.
– Using the CLI:
#int eth<number>

56 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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#mac-address <mac-address>
6. From the Appliance, ping a remote address.
– Using the WebGUI:
Navigate to Control Panel  Troubleshooting  Ping Remote.
– Using the CLI:
#ping <ip-address>
7. Immediately time how long it takes for the continuous pings to become
successful again from the remote host.

Note: If the network has correctly deployed rapid spanning tree, the ping
will resume successfully within 6 seconds.

Return the MAC address to the original MAC address recorded from step 3.
Add the Standby Control configuration back after Rapid Spanning Tree has
been deployed properly.

2.5.7 Example of deleting routes

A deleted static route setting of an Ethernet interface causes connection loss to
DataPower using WebGUI or SSH. Static routes can be deleted using either of
these methods:

Using the WebGUI:

1. Navigate to Network  Interface  Ethernet Interface.
2. Choose the interface with the static route to be modified.
3. Select the Static Routes tab.
4. Delete what is not used anymore.

Using the CLI (In this example, eth0 is used):

Example 2-7 Deleting static routes using the CLI

xi50# co
Global configuration mode
xi50(config)# inter eth0
Interface configuration mode (eth0 )
xi50(config-if[eth0])# clear route

Chapter 2. Networking 57 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

If connectivity is lost after removing a static route, then check to see if the serial
console is working. If so, then a particular route or default route may need to be
defined. Use the serial console to set a default route/gateway to recover the
network connectivity.

Note: Be sure to set the default route/gateway before deleting static routes on
the connected ethernet interface.

2.5.8 Sample XSLT for adding DataPower transaction ID to an HTTP

header for outgoing traffic
It is often necessary to correlate a transaction between the logs and a packet
capture in order to debug. This can be especially difficult in environments with
large numbers of transactions.

Use the following stylesheet in a Transform Action to insert the transaction ID into
the HTTP headers.

Example 2-8 Insert the transaction ID into HTTP headers

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"

<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:variable name="tid"

<!-- can be used for request/response/both -->

<dp:set-response-header name="'TransactionID'" value="$tid"/>

<xsl:message dp:priority="info">
<xsl:text>Transaction ID: </xsl:text>
<xsl:value-of select="$tid"/>


Now the transaction ID can be viewed in the packet capture and search the logs
for corresponding events quickly and easily.

58 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Chapter 3. Domains
From a cost perspective, one of the benefits of using DataPower appliances is
the ability to use the same physical device to support many different projects and
implementations. To support this level of versatility, DataPower appliances
provide management functions for the separation of a single physical appliance
into one or more logical instances called domains.

This chapter discusses the various benefits, uses, configuration, and best
practices that are associated with DataPower domains.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011. All rights reserved. 59 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

3.1 Application domains

An application domain is similar to a private workspace. It isolates object
configurations and files in one domain from those in other domains. Application
domains provide an easy way to logically partition a single DataPower appliance
for use by multiple developers, applications, or lines of business.

IT professionals will find that application domains are similar to virtualization

solutions and logical partitions (LPARs), which allow a single physical machine to
be divided into several virtual systems for distinct usage. There are indeed some
similarities; however, unlike a true virtualized system, all DataPower domains
share the same system level resources. Memory, CPU, and network interfaces
are shared throughout the entire appliance. This shared resource model means
that administrators must be careful in how they reuse a single appliance.

As an example, it would be unwise to have a single appliance that had one

domain that processes high volume web service traffic and another domain that
processes medium volume, very large (perhaps 1 GB) files. The memory
consumption of the large files might impede not only available memory
(especially if cryptographic functionality is required) but also network capacity.

3.1.1 The default domain

A special administrative domain, named default, contains the device’s global
configuration. Network setup, user administration, and other device configuration
tasks can be performed only from within the default domain. In addition,
application domains can be created and deleted only by administrators who are
logged in to the default domain.

Development within the default domain: Do not do application-related

development within the default domain.

3.1.2 Domain use and benefits

Application domains provide a convenient and flexible way of dividing a single
appliance into multiple workspaces. Domains are atomic in nature and are
managed as a unit. An application domain can be exported easily from one
appliance and imported into another one.

How a DataPower appliance is divided depends largely on its role within the
enterprise. For example, a development appliance might contain the following

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򐂰 Individual developer domains

򐂰 In this case, each developer has a domain so that activities do not disrupt the
activities of other developers. This provides each developer with a sandbox
for learning, testing, and troubleshooting.Shared project domains
In this case, the domain can represent a single project (or application).
Developers might build components in their own development domains and
copy these components into this domain for integration with pieces created by
other developers. This domain ultimately is promoted to test and production

Test and production appliances generally contain domains for specific

applications or lines of business and rarely, if ever, contain developer domains.

The DataPower appliance domain model provides a number of benefits:

򐂰 Logical segregation
– Workspace segregation
Developers are segregated from each other. Role Based Management
(RBM) access policies can easily restrict developers from accessing each
other’s domains.
– Message segregation
Messages from one domain are not visible within other domains (except
the default domain).
– Application segregation
A single domain can contain a set of services or configuration objects that
are used by a single enterprise application. This type of segregation
facilitates easy promotion between appliances and easy overall
management and policy enforcement at the domain level.
– Line of business (LOB) segregation
A single domain can contain all services for a specific LOBs.
򐂰 Easy backup and restore (import/export)
With just a few actions, an entire domain can be exported or imported, making
migration relatively easy. Import and export can also be automated using the
CLI (scripting) or the XML Management Interface (XMI). Deployment policies
further enhance this process by allowing specific elements within a
configuration to be modified during an import operation. For example, the test
environment can use a host name of wsgatewaytst as a back-end service, but
in production it must be changed to wsgateway.
򐂰 Access control

Chapter 3. Domains 61 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Using role-based management, domains are easily protected and secured by

unauthorized access.
򐂰 Version control
Domains can be exported as a compressed file or as an XML file and saved
within any popular source code management solution.
򐂰 Easy rollback
Using either backup and restore functionality or the built-in configuration
checkpoints facility, domains can be easily rolled back to a configuration from
a previous point in time.

3.1.3 Segregating projects and LOBs

Application domains provide a useful way of supporting many projects from
different business and technology teams within the same physical appliance. The
segregation of configuration provides some assurance to business stakeholders
that their implementations will not be impacted when another business’
configuration is deployed to the production environment.

However, it is important to remember that the same physical system resources

are shared across the device. Project teams and LOBs must be made aware of
this fact and must be willing to accept the risk that over utilization of processing
or memory resources by one domain might impact their application.

If this risk is deemed unacceptable by the stakeholders, it might be necessary to

purchase additional devices and physically separate usage. Alternatively, a
DataPower team can use a process of capacity planning with negotiation of
service level agreements and DataPower service level monitors (SLM) to greatly
reduce the risk that a single application domain will consume an inordinate
amount of system resources. See the Service Level Monitoring topic in the
DataPower Information Center for more details about SLM functionality (the URL
can be found in 3.6, “Further reading”).

3.1.4 Number of domains on an appliance

Although there is no set limit on the number of application domains that can be
configured on a single appliance, there are several environmental considerations
worth assessing to safeguard against exhaustion of DataPower system
resources. For example, having one application domain with 20 complex services
will impose a larger strain on system resources than 10 application domains with
10 simple services.

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Consideration: There is no limit to the number of domains that can be

created on a single DataPower appliance. However, because all domains
share system resources, it is prudent to evaluate whether introducing a new
domain on an existing appliance will negatively impact other domains.

3.1.5 Domain resource consumption

The existence of a domain requires a negligible amount of system memory and is
not generally a consideration in overall capacity planning. A new (or empty)
domain’s private flash file system also consumes minimal resources with the
exception of the domain’s default logs.

When a domain is created, it includes a single log target that is configured to

send log messages to a flash-based file in the logtemp: directory. The file has an
upper size limit of 500 KB; however, the log target is configured for three
rotations. Thus, when the default log file becomes full, it is archived up to three
times, which results in 2 MB of space in the flash file system. Depending on the
amount of flash memory resident in the appliance, this space consumption might
be worthy of consideration.

Space considerations: Although a domain consumes minimal system

resources, its default logs require at least 2 MB on the flash file system.

3.2 Domain structure

All domains contain the same basic structure and capabilities:
򐂰 A domain-specific file system is used to organize and persist various details
about the domain, such as configuration, XSL templates, cryptographic
certificates, and so forth. We discuss the file system in 3.2.1, “Local
flash-based file system” on page 64.
򐂰 A domain-specific configuration file includes configuration details that pertain
to all objects that are created within the domain. We discuss configuration
files in 3.2.2, “Domain configuration files” on page 66.
򐂰 A domain-specific logging system is isolated from logged output that is
generated in other domains. We discuss domain logging further in 3.2.3,
“Domain logging” on page 66.
򐂰 All domains have access to shared system resources, such as CPU, memory,
and network interfaces.

Chapter 3. Domains 63 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

3.2.1 Local flash-based file system

When an application domain is created, a set of dedicated directories in the
flash-based file system are also created. The directories listed in Table 3-1 are
specific to that domain, and the directories listed in Table 3-2 are shared across
all application domains. There are also several domains that are administrative in
nature and are accessible only through the CLI within the default domain (as
listed in Table 3-3).

Table 3-1 Domain directories that exist in every domain

Directory Usage

export: Contains the exported configurations that are created with the Export
Configuration utility. Each application domain contains one export:
directory. This directory is not shared across domains.

cert: Contains keys and certificates for application development. Keys and
certificates in this folder are specific to an application domain and are
not accessible from any application domain. You must be in the
specific application domain to create or upload keys and certificates
to this folder.

chkpoints: Contains the configuration checkpoint files for the appliance. Each
application domain contains one chkpoints: directory. This directory
is not shared across domains.

config: Contains the domain’s configuration file.

local: Contains miscellaneous files that are used by the services within the
domain, such as XSL, XSD, and WSDL files. Each application
domain contains one local: directory. This directory can be made
visible to other domains.

logstore: Contains log files that are stored for future reference. Typically, the
logging targets use the logtemp: directory for active logs. You can
move log files to the logstore: directory. Each application domain
contains one logstore: directory. This directory is not shared across

logtemp: This directory is the default location of log files. Each application
domain contains one logtemp: directory. This directory is not shared
across domains.

temporary: Used as temporary disk space by processing rules. Each application

domain contains one temporary: directory. This directory is not
shared across domains. During an upgrade, domain restart, reset, or
device restart, the contents of this directory are deleted.

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Table 3-2 Domain directories that are shared across all domains
Directory Usage

pubcert: Contains certificates that are commonly used by web browsers.

Certificates in this folder are accessible from any application domain.
However, you must be in the default domain to upload public
certificates to this folder.

sharedcert: Contains keys and certificates for application development. Keys and
certificates in this folder are accessible from any application domain.
However, you must be in the default domain to create or upload keys
and certificates to this folder.

store: This directory contains example style sheets, default style sheets,
and schemas that are used by the appliance. Do not modify the files
in this directory. Each appliance contains only one store: directory.
By default, this directory is visible to all domains. The store:
directory has the following subdirectories:
meta: Files used by the appliance itself
msgcat: Message catalogs
policies: Predefined WS-Policy definition files
profiles: Style sheets used by DataPower services
schemas: Schemas used by DataPower services
dp: Encrypted, internal-use files
pubcerts: Used internally by the appliance

Table 3-3 Directories accessible from the CLI only in the default domain
Directory Usage

audit: Contains the audit logs. Each appliance contains only one audit:
directory. This directory is available from the command line in the
default domain only and is not visible from the WebGUI.

dpcert: This encrypted directory contains files that the appliance itself uses.
This directory is available from the command line in the default
domain only and is not visible from the WebGUI.

image: Contains the firmware images for the appliance. This directory is
where firmware images are stored during an upload or fetch
operation. Each appliance contains only one image: directory. This
directory is available in the default domain only.

tasktemplates: Contains the XSL files that define the display of specialized WebGUI
screens. Each appliance contains only one tasktemplates:
directory. This directory is visible to the default domain only.

Chapter 3. Domains 65 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

3.2.2 Domain configuration files

Every application domain includes at least one configuration file, which is kept in
the config: directory. The domain configuration file contains a script of CLI
commands that are executed to initialize all of the service and configuration
objects within the domain.

At device startup, the default domain’s configuration file is executed first,

initializing the network, administrative interfaces, and other device-wide settings.
It also includes a number of commands that create all of the user-defined
application domains. As each domain is initialized, its configuration script is
executed, building all of the services and configuration objects for that domain.

The configuration script for the default domain is named autoconfig.cfg. The
configuration script in each application domain is named the same as the domain
with a .cfg extension. For example, the configuration file for a domain named
wsgateway would be wsgateway.cfg and would be found in that domain’s config:

3.2.3 Domain logging

Every application domain includes its own isolated logging subsystem, which
operates only on log messages that are generated by service objects defined
within the same domain. Log messages do not cross domain boundaries, with
the exception of the default domain, which is capable of receiving messages from
all domains. When a new application domain is created, a log target named
default-log is created.

As you might expect, each domain can control the level (or severity) of log
messages that are generated within the domain. Log levels range from
emergency to debug, with the latter generating the most log messages. Setting
the log level in one domain has no effect on logging in other domains. You can
determine the log level for a specific domain by clicking the Troubleshooting
Panel icon from within the main Control Panel.

We describe logging capabilities in more detail in Chapter 6, “Logging” on

page 153.

3.2.4 Domain monitoring

Domains can provide monitoring systems with metrics that pertain to service
activity. When a domain is created, this functionality is initially disabled, but you
can enable it using Administration  Device  Statistic Settings.

66 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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We discuss device monitoring in more detail in Chapter 4, “SNMP monitoring” on

page 77.

3.2.5 Shared resources

Although application domains provide a convenient mechanism for logically
partitioning a DataPower device, they do not provide any segmentation of global
system resources. System resources such as processor, memory, network
cards, and storage are shared across all domains on a single physical device and
cannot be partitioned. Thus, if a configuration running on a single application
domain experiences heavy use, it can consume the majority of system resources
and leave little resources for other configurations running on the same appliance.
Although there is limited support for prioritization of services, using global system
resources cannot be restricted to a specific application domain.

In addition to physical system resources considerations, be aware that a

DataPower device can run only a single firmware image at a time. For application
domains, the impact is that all domains must operate with the same firmware
version, which might be a consideration when planning the number of devices
per user for development, testing, and production environments.

3.3 Domain persistence

When an administrator creates a new application domain, the following actions
򐂰 System memory (RAM) is allocated for the domain.
򐂰 The domain’s directory structure is allocated in the file system.
򐂰 A configuration file is created in the config: directory.
򐂰 The logging and monitoring subsystems are initialized for the domain, along
with any preconfigured log targets.

3.3.1 Saving configuration changes

When these actions complete, the domain is active in memory and ready for
administrative or development activities. From this point on, any configuration
actions that are performed within the domain, such as creating a new Web
Service Proxy or defining an MQ Connection Manager, result in the immediate
creation of memory-resident objects.

Chapter 3. Domains 67 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

These newly created objects are alive and functional and can perform work
tasks, but they are not yet part of the domain’s saved configuration. In other
words, these newly defined objects are not yet written into the domain’s
configuration file. After you save the configuration (by either clicking the Save
Config link or by executing the write memory CLI command), the newly created
objects are added to the domain’s configuration file. (See Figure 3-1 for the
location of the Save Config link.) If the domain is restarted or the appliance is
rebooted before the configuration is saved, the newly created objects will be lost.

Configuration note: Configuration changes are not saved into the domain’s
configuration file until you click the Save Config link.

This same rule holds true when modifying pre-existing objects. For example, if a
developer modifies a request processing rule to include a new XSL transform
action, the functionality becomes immediately available to any messages that
pass through the service. However, the domain’s configuration file does not
reflect this new action until the developer clicks the Save Config link to persist
the modifications.

Figure 3-1 The Save Config link is located towards the top of the WebGUI

Consequently, an application domain is also a configuration object created in and

owned by the default domain. To ensure that the newly created domain becomes
part of the default domain’s saved configuration, its important to remember to
click the Save Config link.

Important to save changes: Application domains are configuration objects

that are owned by the default domain. Thus, it is important to save the default
domain’s configuration after creating any new domains.

68 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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3.3.2 Imported domain configurations

By default, when a domain is created, its configuration is stored locally as
described in 3.2.2, “Domain configuration files” on page 66. It is also possible to
create a domain that, when started, imports its configuration from a remote
location. Both local and imported domains have specific usage scenarios and

Local domains
Domains that are purposed for development are always defined as local. As
developers modify the objects within the domain, they save the active
configuration to the local configuration file. If the domain or appliance is
restarted, the saved configuration is used to reconstitute the domain.

Imported domains
Imported domains fetch their configuration from a remote location. This type of
domain is read-only. After a domain is initialized, any changes that occur to the
running configuration cannot be saved, which disqualifies imported domains for
development use. However, imported domains are ideally suited for test and
production environments.

Modifying imported domains: An imported domain’s running configuration

can be modified, but the modifications cannot be saved. When the appliance
is rebooted or the domain is restarted, those changes are lost. Changes can
be made only to local domains.

3.4 Usage considerations

Domains provide a powerful and convenient way to segment a single DataPower
appliance. Creating and using domains is simple and intuitive; however, this
section provides additional guidance when configuring or using domains.

3.4.1 Cross-domain file visibility

An application domain can be provided with read-only access to any other
domain’s local: directory. By default, all domains are created with visibility into
the default domain. Domain visibility is added (or removed) during domain
creation or modification (see Figure 3-2).

Chapter 3. Domains 69 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Figure 3-2 Adding or removing visible domains

Domain visibility is useful for viewing or copying file resources that are located in
another domain’s local: directory. For example, a team can create a single
domain to hold XSL templates that are modified frequently for various
applications. This domain can then be visible from developer domains, allowing
developers to copy the files into their local: directories.

Do not confuse domain visibility with domain sharing. Files or artifacts that are
located within a visible domain’s local: directory cannot be directly referenced
by configuration objects. For example, an XSL template located in domain1’s
local: directory cannot be used in a Transform action within domain2. The XSL
template first must be copied from domain1’s local: directory into domain2’s
local: directory before it can be referenced by a transform action.

3.4.2 Domain names

There is no strict rule on how to assign domain names. Every organization
generally has its own set of naming standards. Keep in mind the following points
when naming a domain:
򐂰 Domain names must be alphanumeric and cannot contain spaces or special
򐂰 Domain names cannot be longer than 128 characters, however it is
recommended to keep names shorter than 80 characters (see 3.5, “Best
practices” on page 75)
򐂰 Domain names cannot be changed once the domain has been created

70 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Although it is not possible to rename a domain, you can migrate an existing

domain easily to a domain with the desired name.

Renaming a domain: The methods that we describe provide an alternate

means of renaming a domain by copying its contents to a new domain and
then removing the original domain. Take care to ensure that all artifacts in the
source domain’s local: and cert: directories are reproduced in the new
destination domain.

Exporting and importing

The contents of a source domain can be exported and then imported into a newly
created domain. This method has the advantage of exporting the domain’s
local: directory. It might be necessary to re-import private key material into the
cert: directory, because keys are generally not included in domain exports.

To export and then import a domain:

1. Export the source domain, and download the exported compressed file,
which is used as the import into step 3 but also as a backup of the original
domain if it is necessary to undo these actions.
2. Create a new domain with the desired name.
3. Import the compressed file into the new domain.
4. (Optional) Upload any private key material into the domain’s cert: directory.
5. Disable the source domain.
6. Test the new domain.
7. Delete the source domain.

Copying the configuration file using the CLI

If there is little or no dependence on the local: directory, it might be easier to
create a new domain and then copy the configuration file from the original
domain into the newly created domain.

Copying the configuration file does not automatically include any artifacts that
exist in the source domain’s local: directory; therefore, it might be necessary to
copy the contents of the source domain’s local: directory to the new domain as
well. It might also be necessary to upload any dependent private key material.

Note: Maintaining required artifacts on an external server avoids the need to

copy them from one domain to another. This applies also to private key
material which can possibly be kept in the sharedcert: directory.

Chapter 3. Domains 71 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Example 3-1 shows the CLI commands to copy a domain to a new domain.

Example 3-1 Copying one domain to another

configure terminal
domain SourceDomain; admin-state disabled; exit
domain DestDomain; exit
copy -f config:/SrcDomain/SrcDomain.cfg config:/DestDomain/DesetDomain.cfg
restart domain DestDomain

The commands in this example accomplish the following tasks:

1. Disable the source domain (SourceDomain).
2. Create a new domain named DestDomain.
3. Copy the configuration file from the SourceDomain to DestDomain. Notice that
the new file is renamed to the domain’s name. The -f parameter overwrites
the existing file.
4. Restart the new domain. Restarting a domain rebuilds the domain based on
the new configuration file.

Note that no files from the local: directory are copied to the new domain. If you
need to copy files from the local: directory, use the CLI copy command or the

3.4.3 Restarting and resetting domains

There is a significant difference between restarting and resetting a domain. This
section explains those differences and when to use each of these actions.

It is possible to restart an application domain, including the default domain,
without restarting the entire appliance. The application domain is reconstituted
using the currently saved configuration for the domain. In the event that the saved
configuration differs from the running configuration, a notice displays that
prompts the user to save the configuration before restarting.

There is no effect on the contents of the domain’s flash file system. Restarting a
domain is an immediate action and does not wait for in-flight transactions to
complete. If you need to wait for in-flight transactions to complete, quiesce the
domain before restarting (see 3.4.4, “Quiescing” on page 73).

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Resetting a domain has the effect of deleting all configuration objects from the
running configuration but not from the saved configuration. In-flight transactions
are abandoned. If in-flight transactions should complete first, quiesce the domain
prior to resetting it (see 3.4.4, “Quiescing” on page 73).

Clicking the Save Config link after resetting a domain causes the new empty
running configuration to be saved to the domain’s configuration file and
permanently removes all service objects.

To illustrate the effects of saving the configuration, assume that a domain

contains several service objects that are saved in the configuration. Consider the
following sequence of events:
1. A domain is reset; all running objects are purged from memory.
2. The domain is then restarted (or the appliance is rebooted); the domain is
restored back to its original state.

The following sequence of events illustrates what happens if the configuration is

saved after resetting the domain:
1. A domain is reset; all running objects are purged from memory.
2. The Save Config link is clicked. The empty running configuration is now
saved to the configuration file.
3. The domain is restarted (or the appliance is rebooted). The domain exists but
is empty and has no service objects.

Resetting is not the same as deleting: Resetting a domain is different from

deleting and recreating a domain.
򐂰 Resetting a domain deletes all configured objects in the domain but retains
the configuration of the domain and retains all files in the local: directory.
򐂰 Deleting a domain deletes all configured objects in the domain, deletes all
files in the domain, and deletes the configuration of the domain itself.

3.4.4 Quiescing
DataPower firmware version 3.8.1 introduces the quiesce function that allows an
administrator to bring down a domain (or any service object) in a controlled
manner. Quiescing causes the domain objects to stop accepting new
transactions while continuing to finish processing any existing activities. In
production environments, quiescing helps to guarantee that any in-flight
transactions will complete before the domain is brought down.

Chapter 3. Domains 73 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

3.4.5 Cleaning up orphaned objects

During the process of developing service objects, it is common for configuration
objects to become unassociated with a service. For example, a developer might
place a decrypt action within a processing rule and then later remove the action
from the rule. The decrypt processing action still exists within the configuration
but is no longer being referenced. The unused processing action is referred to as
an orphaned object.

An orphaned object’s existence has extremely minimal impact to system memory

and no impact at all to the overall performance. The object is still accessible and
can be used if necessary, but in most cases, it is forgotten and remains

You can clean up orphaned objects in various ways:

򐂰 When exporting, select only the top-level service objects that are required.
Assure that the “Include all objects required by selected objects” option is
selected, which causes only referenced objects to be exported. When later
imported, the orphaned objects will not exist.
򐂰 Using either the WebGUI or the CLI, manually delete orphaned objects.
򐂰 Manually edit the domain’s configuration file to remove the commands that
create the orphaned objects.

3.4.6 Isolating domain network interface

There is no global mechanism within the DataPower appliance to isolate
application domains to a specific Ethernet interface; however, there is a
brute-force approach that can be applied in accomplishing similar results. For
example, assume there are two application domains called AppDomA and
AppDomB. In addition, the Ethernet interfaces are defined as shown in Table 3-4.

Table 3-4 Ethernet interface definition

Interface IP Address

Ethernet 0

Ethernet 1

The services within the application domains can be forced to have their inbound
and outbound traffic isolated to a specific interface. If AppDomA has an XML
firewall (with a static backend) and a Multiprotocol Gateway (MPGW) and if all
traffic should go over Ethernet 0, you would associate the inbound traffic on the
service by specifying the IP address on both the XML firewall and

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the HTTP front-side handler for the MPGW. Static routes are then defined on
Ethernet 0 for the destination addresses of the XML firewall and the MPGW.

In this simple example, the services that are associated to AppDomA have all of
their inbound traffic restricted to Ethernet 0, and after the XML firewall or MPGW
opens an outbound connection, it goes out Ethernet 0 following the static route.

Unfortunately, this brute-force approach cannot be applied to FTP poller

front-side handlers because there is no way to isolate FTP server traffic to come
into a MPGW on a specific Ethernet interface.

3.4.7 Deleting domains

Domain deletion is an asynchronous process. DataPower locks objects that are
currently in use until any open transactions complete. This lock guarantees that
transactions in flight are processed successfully before any dependent service
objects are deleted.

3.5 Best practices

As with any complex highly-configurable device, there are some ways of
accomplishing certain tasks that are simply better than others. This section
provides a basic list of tips and recommendations that have, in most
circumstances, proven to be “best practices.” That said, these tips are not laws
and might not be the best in all situations.

Consider the following best practices:

򐂰 Avoid creating service objects in the default domain. Restrict the default
domain to network-related configuration and any other appliance-wide
settings. Using the default domain for other purposes makes migrating and
upgrading difficult.
򐂰 Do not restore the default domain from a different appliance. See Backing up,
exporting, and importing the configuration of an IBM WebSphere DataPower
SOA Appliance at:
򐂰 Although domain names may be as long as 128 characters, try and keep
them as short as possible. In addition to helping facilitate easy viewing when
the domain name appears in a list in the WebGUI, external systems that
monitor DataPower may have difficulty with long names.
򐂰 Secure the default domain. Use RBM to define access policies that restrict
access from non-administrative personnel.

Chapter 3. Domains 75 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

򐂰 Quiesce production domains before performing configuration activities to

assure that any in-flight transactions complete.
򐂰 Keep development, test, integration, and production domains on separate
devices to facilitate easy migration between environments.
򐂰 Remove unused ancillary configuration objects.
򐂰 Configure high availability for external domain repositories to ensure that a
domain’s configuration is always available if the appliance is restarted.
򐂰 Monitor for remote domain configuration error messages.
򐂰 Do not migrate domains to older firmware levels. In the event that this type of
migration becomes necessary, perform ample regression testing.

3.6 Further reading

For more information, refer to the following additional resources:
򐂰 IBM WebSphere DataPower Version 3.8.2 Information Center
򐂰 Managing IBM WebSphere DataPower Device configurations for high
availability, consistency, and control, Part 1
򐂰 Managing IBM WebSphere DataPower Device configurations for high
availability, consistency, and control, Part 2: Application promotion strategies
򐂰 Backing up, exporting and importing the configuration of an IBM WebSphere
DataPower SOA Appliance

76 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Chapter 4. SNMP monitoring

Understanding a network’s composition and complexity, and having the ability to
be informed of how individual network components are performing at any given
time, is a key success factor in maintaining the performance and integrity of the
network. A clear perspective into the overall health of a network is critical to its
operational efficiency.

DataPower appliances rely on a variety of mechanisms to communicate its

overall condition. For example, an onboard Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP) agent monitors vital statistics and provides an interface for
SNMP-based monitoring solutions to both query the device, as well as receive
alerts when abnormal conditions arise.

This chapter discusses DataPower monitoring and presents strategies and best
practices for using it. It will cover:
򐂰 Enabling monitoring of DataPower from SNMP tools
򐂰 Producing SNMP alerts from within DataPower
򐂰 Configuring log targets to produce alerts based on system events
򐂰 Event subscriptions
򐂰 Monitoring best practices

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011. All rights reserved. 77 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

4.1 Appliance monitoring

Monitoring the health and capacity of DataPower appliances will ensure that they
are ready to perform the functions for which they are configured. Monitoring not
only notifies administrators of exceptions, it also provides trending analysis for
managing the appliances and their capacity utilization over time, thus enabling
the organization to maximize its return-on-investment and receive warnings of
increases in network volumes and potential capacity issues.

DataPower appliances rely on a wide array of hardware components when

processing network traffic. These components generally include RJ-45 Ethernet
interfaces, a DB-9 serial port, redundant power supplies and fans, batteries,
memory, CPUs, compact flash, hard drives, and hardware security modules. The
integrity of each of these components assures that DataPower can handle the
traffic it receives. Knowing the health of individual components is germane to
avoiding potential downtime and maintaining maximum throughput.

4.2 DataPower monitoring fundamentals

Like most networking components, DataPower monitors its general system
health, services, and resource consumption and exposes the various monitored
metrics through various interfaces. Physical device parameters include CPU
thermal details, memory and file system utilization, interface utilization, and
voltage reading to name a few. In addition, DataPower also provides various
formulaic indicators such as System Usage, which is a calculation of system
capacity based on various factors.

DataPower exposes monitoring metrics in several ways:

򐂰 WebGUI - a browser-based user interface for managing, configuring, and
administering DataPower appliances. Status metrics are available under the
Status navigation menu. For example, to view System Usage, you would
select: Status  System  System Usage (see Figure 4-1).

Figure 4-1 System Usage as displayed in WebGUI

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򐂰 command line interface (CLI) - accessed via SSH or the appliance’s serial
interface; provides network administrators with a familiar command line
environment for initial device setup and configuration (see Figure 4-2).

Figure 4-2 Output from CLI Show CPU command

򐂰 XML Management Interface (XMI) - a SOAP-based interface for

programmatic access to appliance management and administration. This is
discussed in more detail throughout this chapter and in [CHAPTER 3].
򐂰 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) - an onboard SNMP agent
provides status information in response to SNMP operations, and supports
creation of alerts via the SNMP notification mechanism.

Unlike SNMP which focuses exclusively on device monitoring, the WebGUI, CLI,
and XMI can provide access to every aspect of a DataPower appliance, including
configuration, administration, and monitoring.

4.3 Enabling statistics

Some status data such as fan speeds and CPU utilization are specific to the
appliance as a whole, while other status data such as transaction rates are
segmented by application domain and are accumulated only if Statistic Settings
are enabled. Enabling statistics has a very small impact on system utilization.
The impact can further be reduced by increasing the load interval (frequency of
SNMP polling).

To enable statistics, select Administration  Device  Statistic Settings.

Once enabled, an SNMP manager can monitor application related statistics in

the specified domain. Figure 4-3 on page 80 shows an example of the Statistic
Settings configuration form. Depending on the configuration, specific metrics can
be polled to provide data on the health or throughput of the application. These
application-related table entries differ from system-level metrics in that they are
dynamic and are based on the key fields of these tables. For example, the
dpStatusHTTPTransactions2Table table contains the transaction rates for all
services in a domain over various time intervals. Metrics in this table are based

Chapter 4. SNMP monitoring 79 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

upon the service class, such as XMLFirewallService, as well as the service


Figure 4-3 Configure Statistic Settings

4.4 SNMP monitoring

Most organizations query the health and capacity of network-attached devices
using the SNMP protocol in conjunction with tools such as those in the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring (ITM) and Tivoli Composite Application Manager (ITCAM) product
families. These tools use SNMP over UDP to query an SNMP agent for device
and application metrics, as well as receive notifications of conditions that warrant
administrative attention.

SNMP is based on the manager/agent model consisting of an SNMP manager,

an SNMP agent, a database of management information, managed SNMP
devices and the network protocol. SNMP agents expose management data in the
form of variables on the managed devices. These variables can then be queried
by the SNMP manager. SNMP itself does not define which information, or
variables, a managed system should offer. Rather, the available information is
defined within management information bases (MIBs). MIBs are text files that
describe the structure of the device’s management data using a hierarchical
namespace containing object identifiers (OIDs). Each OID identifies a specific
metric that can be queried (or sometimes set) via SNMP. Some metrics are
scalar objects describing a single data point, such as the current firmware
version, while other metrics may be tabular such as the CPU status provided in
Figure 4-1 and Figure 4-2 on page 79.

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4.4.1 SNMP protocol messages

The SNMP protocol includes five basic messages for communications between
the manager and the agent:
򐂰 GET, GET-NEXT, used by the manager to query the agent for specific variable
values. The agent returns the requested value in the GET-RESPONSE
򐂰 GET-RESPONSE, used by the agent to respond to various queries.
򐂰 SET, sent by the manager to the agent to modify the value of a variable on the
monitored device.
򐂰 TRAP, initiated by the agent to alert the manager of some event or condition
on the monitored device.

4.4.2 Management information base (MIB) structure

SNMP managers rely on MIBs to define the specific details related to the
device(s) being managed. Each object (or characteristic) has a unique object
identifier (OID) consisting of a series of numbers separated by decimal points.
For example, refers to the
dpStatusSystemUsageLoad metric. OIDs are hierarchical, with each number
representing a different branch or leaf of the tree. See Example 4-1.

Example 4-1 OID Hierarchy for dpStatusSystemUsageLoad

ccitt (0)
joint ccitt (3)
iso (1)
org (3)
dod (6)
internet (1)
directory (1)
mgmt (2)
experimental (3)
private (4)
enterprise (1)
datapower (14685)
modules (2)
management (3)
status (1)
tcp table (39)
system usage (52)

Chapter 4. SNMP monitoring 81 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

load (2) ¬

work list (3)
http transactions (53)
config (2)
notifications (3)

When the SNMP manager wants to know the value of an object or characteristic,
such as DataPower’s current system load, it will assemble a GET packet that
includes the dpStatusSystemUsageLoad OID. If the agent understands the OID,
it will create a response packet and return the value, otherwise a special error
response is returned. Similarly, when an agent wants to send a TRAP to the
manager, it will create a TRAP packet and include the OID and value information
to advise of the event.

4.4.3 SNMP traps

While querying DataPower for status values is a relatively straightforward
endeavor, alerting is done using several DataPower objects. There are four
built-in notifications alerts:
򐂰 authenticationFailure - sent when a failed attempt to access the device
򐂰 linkDown - sent when an interface becomes disabled.
򐂰 coldStart - sent when the device restarts.
򐂰 linkUp - sent when an interface becomes enabled.

In addition to these built-in alerts, custom alerts may be generated by subscribing

to a list of error conditions or in conjunction with the logging system described in
Chapter 6, “Logging” on page 153.

Best Practice: Reliance on alerts alone is not a sufficient monitoring strategy.

The device may become unable to transmit alerts, therefore it is prudent to
rely on both subscription-based alerts as well as device polling to provide a
robust monitoring strategy.

4.4.4 DataPower status providers

DataPower appliances rely on multiple status providers to maintain status data.
Some providers handle data that is specific to the device, such as environmental
components, fans, temperatures, or battery health) and are always enabled and

82 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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associated with the default domain. Other status providers are application
domain specific, such as those that measure service transaction rates. These
status providers may be further segmented by XML-Manager or DataPower

While the device-level data is automatically enabled, transaction data such as

transaction rates or transaction times, must be explicitly enabled (it is disabled by
default). There are exceptions to this generalization - for example, CPU status
requires statistic enablement, while System Load does not. Each domain must
have its individual Statistics setting enabled to provide domain-specific status.

4.4.5 SNMP security

SNMP, originally developed in the late 80’s, has undergone several
redevelopments with focus on performance and security improvements. A weak
authentication and access control model has been a key factor in the continual
evolution of SNMP. This section discusses the various SNMP versions and their
security model.

SNMP security history

SNMP version 1 (SNMPv1), the initial implementation of SNMP, required
authentication of clients using a simple “community string”. This community
string acted effectively as a password, which is transmitted between the manager
and the agent in cleartext. For read-only communities, the name public is often
used. So long as the manager provided a community name of public, it would
have complete access to monitoring data. The community name of private was
often used for read-write access. This weak form of security required a water
tight management network infrastructure to prevent unauthorized access,
especially to read-write communities.

SNMP version 2 (SNMPv2) enhanced version 1 by adding improvements in the

areas of performance, security, confidentiality, and manager-to-manager
communications. However, the party-based security enhancements in version 2
were viewed by many as overly complex and was not widely accepted.

Community-Based Simple Network Management Protocol version 2 (SNMPv2c)

was based on the enhanced SNMPv2 but without the controversial security
model. Rather it re-introduced the simple community-based security model found
in SNMPv1. While officially only a “Draft Standard”, this is widely considered the
de facto SNMP v2 standard. Like SNMPv1, this version depends on a secure
management network infrastructure.

SNMP version 3 (SNMPv3) added new security and remote configuration

functionality, including password authentication, packet signing, and

Chapter 4. SNMP monitoring 83 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

encryption/decryption. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) recognizes

SNMPv3 as the current standard version and has designated it as a full Internet
Standard. The IETF considers earlier versions to be obsolete.

Community-based security (SNMPv1 & SNMPv2c)

An SNMP community is the name of the group that devices and managers
belong to. It is not necessarily unique amongst devices, nor does a device have
to belong to a single community. The community name is used to identify the
group. SNMP agents will not respond to requests from managers that do not
belong to one of its communities. Communities are further designated as
read-only or read-write. It’s important to realize that community names are
transmitted in cleartext, therefore they are considered weak forms of security and
offer little in the form of protection. Packets are neither signed nor encrypted.

Authenticated and private security (SNMPv3)

SNMPv3 security resolves the lack of security in earlier versions by adding
support for authenticating the manager, digitally signing transmitted packets, and
optionally encrypting the packets transmitted between the agent and the

In SNMPv3, authentication actually represents both authentication of the

manager accessing the agent as well as the creation of a digest (digital
signature) for each packet that is transmitted between the manager and the
agent. Handshaking during the initial contact between the manager and the
agent includes authenticating the user and then exchanging a secret
authentication key. This is then used during subsequent message digest creation
and packet encryption/decryption.

A message digest is created for each packet using a combination of the Keyed
Hashing for Message Authentication (HMAC) algorithm, and either the Message
Digest 5 (MD5) or the Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA-1). When either the
manager or the agent receives a message, they calculate a message digest and
compare it with the received one. If the digest does not match, the packet is not
authenticated and it is dropped. If privacy is configured, packets are encrypted
using the Cipher Block Chaining mode to the Data Encryption Standard
(CBC-DES) algorithm.

SNMPv3 security models

SNMPv3 offers three security models:
򐂰 No Authentication, No Privacy - Essentially unsecured.
򐂰 Authentication, No Privacy - the user is authenticated and a secret key is used
to generate a message digest (signature) for each SNMP packet. Packets are
not encrypted.

84 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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򐂰 Authentication, Privacy - the user is authenticated and a secret key is used to

generate a message digest (signature) for each SNMP packet. The packets
are then encrypted.

4.4.6 Configuring SNMP using the WebGUI

SNMP settings must first be configured within the default domain. Using the left
navigation menu, select SNMP Settings:
Administration  Access  SNMP Settings

Main tab configuration

Use the guidelines in Table 4-1 to complete the Main tab (shown in Figure 4-4).
This example assumes that polling will occur on MgmtInterface (host alias to
mgt0) on port 161, and outbound responses and alerts will be sent out using any
appliance interface that has the appropriate routing.

If it is necessary to restrict outbound traffic to the same management interface, a

static route can be added to the management interface’s (mgt0) configuration.

Table 4-1 DataPower vs. SNMP Manager matching options

DataPower Option SNMP Manager Option

Administrative State N/A

Local IP Address - the IP address that In the manager, this address is referred to
DataPower will expect incoming SNMP as Remote IP Address or Agent IP
connections on. Typically this is set to a Address.
host alias that maps to the management
interface IP (mgt0). This restricts SNMP
polling requests to this IP only, and
prevents any SNMP requests from being
received over client traffic interfaces (eth0,
eth1, or eth2).

Local Port - used for inbound SNMP This value must match the agent’s port
polling requests. when setting up the manager.

SNMPv3 Fields - these are discussed

later in “Configuring for SNMP V3

Best Practice: A Host Alias should be defined (in the default domain) and
used instead of an actual IP address.

Chapter 4. SNMP monitoring 85 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Figure 4-4 Enabling SNMP and providing an IP address.

Configuring for SNMPv3 security

When configuring for SNMPv3 security, a pre-existing DataPower user will need
to be identified and configured for the purposes of SNMPv3 authentication and
subsequent cryptographic activity.
1. In the SNMPv3 Users dropdown, select an existing DataPower user (or create
a new one by pressing the plus button). The DataPower user does not need
any special permissions.
2. Towards the top of the Configure User Account form, select the SNMP V3
User Credentials tab.
3. In the section SNMP V3 User Credentials, click the Add button to add a new
credential for the selected DataPower user.
a. Refer to Table 4-2 on page 87 for a discussion of the various configuration
options and how they should match in the SNMP manager. Figure 4-5 on
page 88shows a graphical representation of the parameter relationships.
b. Save the SNMPv3 user credential information and apply the user settings.
4. With the user selected in the dropdown list, click the Add button to add this
user to the list of SNMPv3 Users.
5. In the SNMPv3 Security Level, select the minimum security level required for
incoming SNMPv3 Get/Set requests.
6. In the SNMPv3 Access Level, select “read-only”.

86 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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7. Click the Apply button to activate the SNMP configuration settings.

Table 4-2 SNMPv3 User Credential configuration

Option Description

EngineID: Leave this field This unique value is used at various times through the
“0” and let DataPower SNMPv3 authentication and encryption process.
provide it.
The manager generally fetches this during initial contact
with the agent.

Authentication Protocol Select which algorithm to use for authentication and

None, MD5, or SHA digest creation. This must match the algorithm selected
in the SNMP manager’s authentication settings.
Selecting none will disable authentication.

Authentication Secret Type For password, the authentication secret (next

Password or Key parameter) is a text password that will be converted to
an intermediate key with a standardized algorithm, and
then localized against the engine ID value. After saving,
this value will change to “key”.

For key, the authentication secret is a fully localized key.

Specifying a fully localized key is useful when the key
was initially created on another system.

Authentication Secret If authentication type is password, provide a text

password (at least 8 characters). If authentication type is
MD5, then provide a 16-byte hexadecimal key. For SHA,
provide a 20-byte hexadecimal key.

This value must match the provided secret in the SNMP


Privacy Protocol Select which algorithm to use for encryption/decryption.

None, DES, or AES This value must match the algorithm selected in the
SNMP manager’s privacy settings. Selecting “none” will
disable privacy.

Privacy Secret Type Same as Authentication Secret Type.

Privacy Secret Similar to Authentication secret, except using DES or

AES. This secret must match at the SNMP manager.

Chapter 4. SNMP monitoring 87 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Figure 4-5 SNMPv3 Parameter relationships for DataPower and SNMP Manager

DataPower Enterprise MIBs

DataPower MIBs define all of the status values which can be queried by a SNMP
manager. On the SNMP settings page, select the Enterprise MIBs tab.

The Enterprise MIBs tab, shown in Figure 4-6, lists three DataPower MIBs that
can be downloaded and imported into any SNMP manager. There’s a MIB for
each of configuration, status, and notifications.

Figure 4-6 Accessing DataPower’s Enterprise MIBs

88 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Trap subscriptions
The Trap Event Subscription tab enables the selection of which DataPower event
codes will be sent to the management console as alerts. Figure 4-7 shows the
Trap Event Subscription tab. Additional event codes can be added as needed by
clicking the Select Code button. If a specific code is not shown in the list, it can
be added manually.

Figure 4-7 Trap Event Subscriptions

Chapter 4. SNMP monitoring 89 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Figure 4-8 lists the preconfigured event code subscriptions.

0x00030002 (Out of memory)

0x00230003 (Unable to allocate execution resources)
0x00330002 (Memory full)
0x00b30014 (Duplicate IP address)
0x00e30001 (NTP - Cannot Resolve Server Name)
0x00f30008 (File is expired)
0x01530001 (Time zone config mismatch.)
0x01a2000e (Installed battery is nearing end of life.)
0x01a40001 (Throttling connections due to low memory)
0x01a40005 (Throttling connections due to low temporary file space)
0x01a40008 (Throttling connections due to low number of free ports)
0x01b10006 (Microcode load failed)
0x01b10009 (uncertified HSM firmware detected)
0x01b20002 (HSM is uninitialized)
0x01b20004 (HSM PED login failed)
0x01b20008 (HSM password login failed)
0x02220001 (Power supply failure.)
0x02220003 (Internal cooling fan has stopped.)
0x02240002 (Internal cooling fan has slowed)
Figure 4-8 Preloaded event codes subscriptions

A complete list of reference codes can be found in the IBM WebSphere

DataPower SOA Appliances Message Reference.

SNMP communities
SNMP communities are used by SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c to establish trust
between managers and agents. Community names are essentially used as
credentials to access SNMP data on the appliance. There are three types of
򐂰 Read-only, allows only reading of data values. A commonly used name for
read-only access is public.
򐂰 Read-write, allows reading and modifying of data values.
򐂰 Trap, allows receipt of asynchronous notifications (traps) from the agent.

Best practice: Since community strings are essentially passwords that allow
access to the SNMP agent, community strings should adhere to the same
creation rules (mixed case, must contain a number, etc.) as passwords.

90 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Best practice: Unless it is necessary for the SNMP manager to set values
from MIB-II and other IETF MIBs, it is recommended that all communities
defined on DataPower be read-only. There are no read-write values defined
within the DataPower MIBs.

Community strings are sent from monitoring software to the agent in clear text.
For this reason, it is important to assure that firewalls are properly configured to
protect the SNMP infrastructure. SNMPv3 addresses this problem by
establishing secure authentication and communication between SNMP devices.

SNMP communities and DataPower domains

SNMP communities on DataPower are associated with an application domain.
This allows for a specific community to have access to domain (or application)
specific metrics such as transaction rates, queue manager status, etc. If
application specific data is not required, the community should be associated
with the default domain. Specifying an application domain (other than default)
does not prevent management software from polling device-level metrics such as
device load, CPU utilization, etc.

Best practice: If application/domain specific data is not required, associate

the community with the default domain.

Associating communities to specific managers

A community can be further restricted to allow requests from a range of IP
addresses, thus further securing access to SNMP data. By default, the IP
address is set to which allows any SNMP manager to access the
community. Figure 4-9 shows a single read-only community named public that is
associated with domain SA_W004_R01_Kaplan and not restricted to any
specific IP addresses.

Figure 4-9 SNMPv1/v2c Community tab

Chapter 4. SNMP monitoring 91 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

SNMP trap and notification targets

SNMP managers that should receive event (trap) notifications can be specified
on the Trap and Notification Targets tab. The manager is identified by an IP and
port combination, along with the community. Targets can be configured for either
SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3. If SNMPv3 is selected, additional
security-related parameters may need to be specified depending on which
security model is selected. Figure 4-10 on page 92 shows SNMP configured for
SNMPv3 traps with authentication and privacy enabled.

Figure 4-10 DataPower configured for SNMPv3 Trap Notification

SNMPv3 contexts
Setting up SNMPv3 context allows SNMP managers to gain access to
non-default application domains. See Figure 4-11.

92 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Figure 4-11 SNMPv3 Context Configuration

4.4.7 Generating traps with SNMP log targets

In addition to the event subscriptions that can be specified in the SNMP settings,
DataPower log targets can be configured to produce SNMP events from general
runtime log messages. For example, an SNMP log target could be created that
lists only for log messages with a log category of MQ. Whenever an MQ
message is received by the log target, it would convert the log entry into an
SNMP trap and forward it to the subscribed manager.

Creating an SNMP log target is straightforward. Within the desired domain,

select Log Target from the left navigation menu:
Objects  Logging Configuration  Log Target

Follow these steps to create a log target that subscribes to critical MQ events:
1. On the main tab, specify a meaningful name for the log target (See
Figure 4-12 on page 94).
2. In Target Type, select SNMP.

Chapter 4. SNMP monitoring 93 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Figure 4-12 SNMP Log Target Configuration.

3. Select the Event Subscriptions tab, then click Add to add a new event
4. For the Event Category, select: mq
5. For the Minimum Event Priority field, select: critical
6. Click Apply to save the subscription (See Figure 4-13).
7. Click Apply to save the log target.

Figure 4-13 Critical MQ event subscription for SNMP log target.

94 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Whenever a critical MQ message is logged within the domain, the log message
will be used as the basis for an SNMP trap. Any managers subscribing for traps
will receive the notification.

4.5 Monitoring via the XML Management Interface

While SNMP provides a standards-based approach to monitoring, and the
WebGUI and CLI are convenient tools to fetch status information interactively, the
XML Management Interface (XMI) can be used to programmatically monitor and
configure DataPower. For example, an application can request status information
from DataPower by issuing a dp:get-status SOAP request to the XMI, and
perform some operation or configuration modification based on the value in the
SOAP response.

The XML Management Interface exposes several endpoints which are accessible
via URI. One such endpoint is the SOAP Configuration Management (SOMA)
interface, a service that provides a set of operations for both monitoring and
configuring DataPower appliances. The Web Services Description Language
(WSDLs) and schemas for SOMA can be found in DataPower’s store: directory.

Table 4-3 SOMA-related WSDLs and XSDs found in store: directory

File Name Description

store:///xml-mgmt.wsdl SOMA WSDL

store:///xml-mgmt-ops.xsd Schema describing various operations and types

store:///xml-mgmt.xsd Schema describing elements and options

Enabling the XML Management Interface

In order to issue requests against the XML Management Interface, it must be
enabled and configured for the appropriate request types. XMI configuration
options can be found in the left navigation menu:

Network  Management  XML Management Interface

Once selected, the XMI can be enabled and the network-related settings can be
customized as necessary (see Figure 4-14). Table 4-4 on page 96 discusses the
various configuration options available.

Chapter 4. SNMP monitoring 95 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Figure 4-14 Enabling SOAP Configuration Management.

Best practice: Use a host alias when specifying the IP address for the XML
Management Interface, especially in production environments. Leaving the IP
address as allows requests to be received on any IP address defined
on the appliance. Generally speaking, the management interface is used for
XMI traffic (mgt0 or eth4).

Table 4-4 XML Management Interface settings

Option Value

Administrative State Enabled

Local IP Address Specifies the IP address that exposes the XMI. It’s best practice
to specify a previously defined host alias which maps to the
management interface. Specifying allows access to the
XMI from any active Ethernet interface and is especially not
recommended in production environments.

Use Network  Interface  Host Alias to assign a host alias

to the management interface.

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Option Value

Access Control List Allows access to the XMI from only specified IP addresses.
Usage depends on organizational security requirements.

Enabled Services Checkboxes enable the various services which can be

accessed through the XMI. Clicking on the Enabled Services
link will display a help window explaining the various options.
This chapter focuses on using the SOAP Configuration
Management (SOMA) service, therefore SOAP Configuration
Management should be checked.

4.5.1 Requesting device status and metrics

The SOAP Configuration Management service exposes the get-status operation
for the purpose of obtaining device status and metrics. Example 4-2 shows a
SOAP request to obtain the device’s current CPU Usage, and Example 4-3
shows the response generated by the DataPower appliance.

Example 4-2 SOMA Request for obtaining device status

<man:request domain="default">
<man:get-status class="CPUUsage"/>

Chapter 4. SNMP monitoring 97 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Example 4-3 SOMA Response to request in Example 4-2

<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
<dp:response xmlns:dp="http:..[omitted]..schemas/management">
<CPUUsage xmlns:env="[omitted]..envelope">

Posting SOAP requests to the XMI

SOMA requests are posted to the XMI using HTTPS and are secured using
HTTP Basic Authentication. The following URI is used for SOMA (this can be
found in the xml-mgmt.wsdl file):

For a complete list of classes attributes that can be used in the SOMA get-status
request, see the store:/xml-mgmt.xsd schema and search for the text

4.6 Appliance monitoring values

Whether through the WebGUI, SNMP, or the XML Management Interface, the
overall condition of DataPower and its configured services should be religiously
monitored to mitigate potential loss of service due to hardware or environmental
failures. DataPower’s unique ability to perform complex message processing
leads to three generalized types of monitoring:
򐂰 General health can be ascertained by monitoring environmental status
information such as temperatures, fan speeds, and power supply health to
name a few.
򐂰 System load can be gauged by monitoring various system metrics such as
System Usage, CPU utilization, memory, and file system utilization.

98 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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򐂰 Processing throughput can be determined by analyzing network interface

consumption and transaction statistics.

DataPower appliances expose a wealth of information that can be used to

support monitoring of these topics and assess the overall health of DataPower
and its configuration. The remainder of this section describes some of the key
status values which should be monitored. For each monitored value described, a
table is presented that shows the four primary ways of obtaining the status
values. The table shows:
򐂰 The access path using the left navigation menu in DataPower’s WebGUI.
򐂰 The CLI command to enter into a command window (SSH or Serial interface).
򐂰 The XMI Status class, describing which values to use for the class attribute in
a SOMA request.
򐂰 The name of the MIB variable in the Status MIB document which contains the
associated value.

Note: The XML examples showing the SOMA responses have been slightly
simplified for the purpose of brevity. Specifically, the SOAP Body and
Envelope elements have been removed, large repeating elements have been
removed (and noted), and some namespaces have been shortened. The XML
examples are provided for reference to see exactly what data is returned on
the request.

Requests are not shown but a fully functional SOM request can be seen in
Example 4-2 on page 97. Replacing the CPUUsage class with the class
specified in this section will yield the desired status values.

4.6.1 General device health and activity monitors

General health and activity monitors ensure that a DataPower appliance is
operating within predefined system parameters. The monitoring values in this
section are all related to general device health.

System usage
System Usage is a measurement of the device’s ability to accept additional work.
It is a formulaic calculation based on various components of system load,
including CPU, memory, and filesystem utilization. System Usage is typically
considered the best single indicator of overall system capacity. While it may
sometimes spike to 100%, typical values are less than 75%. The secondary work
list value is a calculation of internally queued tasks, and is of lesser interest in
typical monitoring situations.

Chapter 4. SNMP monitoring 99 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Table 4-5 shows the various ways for obtaining system usage metrics.
Figure 4-15 shows system usage as displayed in the WebGUI, and Example 4-4
and Example 4-5 show the SOAP response from the XMI request for
SystemUsageTable and SystemUsage.

Table 4-5 Obtaining System Usage

Access Method Menu location, Command or Variable

WebGUI Status  System  System Usage

CLI show load

XMI Status Class SystemUsage; SystemUsageTable

Status MIB dpStatusSystemUsageLoad

Figure 4-15 System usage as depicted by the WebGUI.

Example 4-4 Response from XMI get-status, class: SystemUsageTable.

<dp:response xmlns:dp="">
<SystemUsageTable xmlns:env="[omitted]...velope">
<SystemUsageTable xmlns:env="[omitted]...velope">

100 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Example 4-5 Response from XMI get-status, class: SystemUsage.

<dp:response xmlns:dp="">
<SystemUsage xmlns:env="">

CPU usage
CPU Usage statistics are provided over five time intervals. CPU utilization is not
as reliable as System Usage in determining device capacity. DataPower is
self-optimizing, and spikes in CPU not associated with traffic levels may occur as
the device performs background activities. Spikes as high as 100% are not
unusual and should not raise concern unless it is sustained over numerous
consecutive polls.

Table 4-6 shows the various ways for obtaining CPU usage metrics. Figure 4-16
shows CPU usage as displayed in the WebGUI, and Example 4-6 shows the
SOAP response from the XMI request for CPUUsage.

Table 4-6 Obtaining CPU Usage

Access Method Menu location, Command or Variable

WebGUI Status  System  CPU Usage

CLI show cpu

XMI Status Class CPUUsage

Status MIB dpStatusCPUUsage

Chapter 4. SNMP monitoring 101 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Figure 4-16 CPU Usage as depicted by the WebGUI.

Example 4-6 Response from XMI get-status, class: CPUUsage.

<dp:response xmlns:dp="">
<CPUUsage xmlns:env="">

Memory usage
Memory Usage statistics are provided for various classifications of the
appliance’s flash memory. Statistics including a percentage of total memory
utilized; bytes of total, used and free memory; and of lesser interest in typical
monitoring, reque3st, XG4, and held memory. The percentage of used memory
depends on the application, the size of request and response messages, and the
volume and latency of requests. Typical utilization runs are less than 80%, and
statistics beyond this threshold are of concern. You can use the device’s Throttle
Settings to temporarily slow down request processing or to perform a warm
restart, which recaptures memory in this situation.

Figure 4-17 shows system error codes that are associated with these sensors
and can be used to trigger alerts from the SNMP Trap Event Subscription

102 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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0x01a40001 Throttling connections due to low memory

0x01a30002 Restart due to low memory
0x01a30003 Memory usage recovered above threshold
Figure 4-17 Error codes associated with memory usage

Table 4-7 shows the various ways for obtaining memory usage metrics.
Figure 4-18 shows memory usage as displayed in the WebGUI, and Example 4-7
shows the SOAP response from the XMI request for MemoryStatus.

Table 4-7 Obtaining Memory Usage

Access Method Menu location, Command or Variable

WebGUI Status  System  Memory Usage

CLI show memory

XMI Status Class MemoryStatus

Status MIB dpStatusMemoryStatus

Figure 4-18 Memory Usage as shown in the WebGUI.

Chapter 4. SNMP monitoring 103 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Example 4-7 Response from XMI get-status, class: MemoryStatus.

<dp:response xmlns:dp="">
<MemoryStatus xmlns:env="[omitted]...elope">

File system usage

File system statistics are provided for free and total space of the encrypted,
temporary, and internal file system. Monitor all free space metrics -- levels below
20% of the total space are a concern. You can use the device’s Throttle Settings
to temporarily slow down request processing or to perform a warm restart, which
recaptures file system space in situations of reduced free space.

Figure 4-19 shows system error codes that are associated with these sensors
and can be used to trigger alerts from the SNMP Trap Event Subscription

0x01a40005 Throttling connections due to low temporary file space

0x01a30006 Restart due to low temporary file space
0x01a50007 Temporary file space recovered above threshold
Figure 4-19 Error codes associated with filesystem status

Table 4-8 shows the various ways for obtaining filesystem usage metrics.
Figure 4-20 shows filesystem status as displayed in the WebGUI, and
Example 4-8 shows the SOAP response from the XMI request for

Table 4-8 Obtaining Filesystem Information

Access Method Menu location, Command or Variable

WebGUI Status  System  Filesystem Information

CLI show filesystem

104 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Access Method Menu location, Command or Variable

XMI Status Class FilesystemStatus

Status MIB dpStatusFilesystemStatus

Figure 4-20 Filesystem Information as shown in the WebGUI

Example 4-8 Response from XMI get-status, class: FilesystemStatus.

<dp:response xmlns:dp="">
<FilesystemStatus xmlns:env="[omitted]...nvelope">

System up time
System up time indicates the elapsed time since the device was last restarted,
including controlled firmware reloads as well as any unexpected device restarts.
DataPower appliances restart themselves automatically in conjunction with
throttle configurations such as memory or file system constraints.

Even though SNMP notifications are sent in the event of a restart, it is possible
that message delivery fails due to the conditions that may have caused the
restart in the first place. For this reason, it is prudent to rely on both SNMP traps
as well as SNMP polling to assure that any notification delivery failure will not

Chapter 4. SNMP monitoring 105 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

obscure the fact that the machine was restarted. Uptime is an ideal metric for
determining the last time an appliance restarted.

Table 4-9 shows the various ways for obtaining system time metrics (including
uptime). Figure 4-21 shows date and time status as displayed in the WebGUI,
and Example 4-9 shows the SOAP response from the XMI request for

Table 4-9 Obtaining System Uptime

Access Method Menu location, Command or Variable

WebGUI Status  Main  Date and Time

CLI show time

XMI Status Class DateTimeStatus

Status MIB dpStatusDateTimeStatusuptime

Figure 4-21 Date and Time status as shown in the WebGUI

Example 4-9 Response from XMI get-status, class: FilesystemStatus.

<dp:response xmlns:dp="">
<DateTimeStatus xmlns:env="[omitted]...nvelope">
<time>Mon Jul 19 15:24:45 2010</time>
<uptime>2 days 23:50:23</uptime>
<bootuptime>2 days 23:52:42</bootuptime>

106 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Temperature sensors
Sensors for obtaining CPU, Memory, and System temperatures can be queried to
ascertain whether the components are operating within acceptable temperature
ranges. Each component has a warning and danger temperature associated with
it and a status value of OK or FAIL. High temperatures may be the result of
ambient temperature or fan failures.

Table 4-10 shows the various ways for obtaining temperature sensor metrics.
Figure 4-22 shows temperature sensor status as displayed in the WebGUI, and
Example 4-10 shows the SOAP response from the XMI request for

Table 4-10 Obtaining Temperature Sensor Status

Access Method Menu location, Command or Variable

WebGUI Status  System  Temperature Sensors

CLI show sensors-temperature

XMI Status Class TemperatureSensors

Status MIB dpStatusTemperatureSensorsTable

Figure 4-22 Temperature sensor information as shown in the WebGUI.

Chapter 4. SNMP monitoring 107 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Example 4-10 Response from XMI get-status, class: TemperatureSensors.

<dp:response xmlns:dp="">
<TemperatureSensors xmlns:env="">
<Name>Temperature CPU1</Name>
<TemperatureSensors xmlns:env="">
<Name>Temperature CPU2</Name>
<TemperatureSensors xmlns:env="">
<Name>Temperature System 1</Name>

Fan sensors
Proper fan operation assures that DataPower appliances can operate safely
within normal ambient conditions. The number of fans within the case may vary
depending on installed options. Fan malfunctions potentially can lead to device
overheating and malfunction, therefore it is important to proactively monitor their

Figure 4-23 shows system error codes that are associated with these sensors
and can be used to trigger alerts from the SNMP Trap Event Subscription

0x02240002 Internal cooling fan has slowed

0x02220003 Internal cooling fan has stopped
Figure 4-23 Error codes associated with fan status

108 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Table 4-11 shows the various ways for obtaining temperature sensor metrics.
Figure 4-24 shows temperature sensor status as displayed in the WebGUI, and
Example 4-11 shows the SOAP response from the XMI request for

Table 4-11 Obtaining Fan Sensor Information

Access Method Menu location, Command or Variable

WebGUI Status  System  Fan Sensors

CLI show sensors-fan

XMI Status Class EnvironmentalFanSensors

Status MIB dpStatusEnvironmentalFanSensorsTable

Figure 4-24 Fan sensor status as shown in the WebGUI.

Chapter 4. SNMP monitoring 109 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Example 4-11 Response from XMI get-status, class: EnvironmentalFanSensors.

<dp:response xmlns:dp="">
<EnvironmentalFanSensors xmlns:env="[omitted]..lope">
<EnvironmentalFanSensors xmlns:env="[omitted]..lope">
. [repeated for various installed fans]

Other sensors
Sensors that are more specific to DataPower appliances are grouped into the
Other Sensors category, including intrusion detection, battery, hard disk, and
power supply indicators.

Figure 4-25 shows system error codes that are associated with these sensors
and can be used to trigger alerts from the SNMP Trap Event Subscription

0x02220001 Power supply failure

0x02220004 System battery missing
0x02220005 System battery failed
Figure 4-25 Error codes associated with DataPower’s other sensors

Table 4-12 shows the various ways for obtaining other sensor metrics.
Figure 4-26 shows other sensor status as displayed in the WebGUI, and
Example 4-12 shows the SOAP response from the XMI request for

Table 4-12 Obtaining other sensor information

Access Method Menu location, Command or Variable

WebGUI Status  System  Other Sensors

110 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Access Method Menu location, Command or Variable

CLI show load

XMI Status Class OtherSensors

Status MIB dpStatusOtherSensorsTable

Figure 4-26 Other sensor status as shown in the WebGUI.

Example 4-12 Response from XMI get-status, class: OtherSensors.

<dp:response xmlns:dp="">
<OtherSensors xmlns:env="[omitted]...elope">
<Name>Intrusion Detected</Name>
<OtherSensors xmlns:env="[omitted]...elope">
<Name>Power Supply 1 Output Failure</Name>

Chapter 4. SNMP monitoring 111 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am


4.6.2 Interface utilization statistics

Interface utilization monitors provide an analysis of the amount of data that is
being received and transmitted by the DataPower device. Each device contains
four gigabit interfaces. Monitoring interface utilization can help predict and
prepare for increased throughput and growth, both for DataPower as well as
backend services.

Table 4-13 shows the various ways for obtaining ethernet interface metrics.
Figure 4-27 shows status as displayed in the WebGUI, and Example 4-13 shows
the SOAP response from the XMI request for EthernetInterfaceStatus.

Ethernet interface status

Table 4-13 Obtaining Ethernet Interface status
Access Method Menu location, Command or Variable

WebGUI Status  IP-Network  Ethernet Interfaces

CLI show ethernet

XMI Status Class EthernetInterfaceStatus

Status MIB dpStatusEthernetInterfaceStatusTable

Figure 4-27 Ethernet interface status as shown in the WebGUI.

112 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Example 4-13 Response from XMI get-status, class: EthernetInterfaceStatus.

<dp:response xmlns:dp="">
<EthernetInterfaceStatus xmlns:env="http:/.[omitted]...elope">
<EthernetInterfaceStatus xmlns:env="http:/.[omitted]...elope">
<.. repeated for each interface ... />

Receive/Transmit throughput
Receive and transmit throughput information can help understand the amount of
data being processed by the device. These statistics are provided for five time
intervals ranging from 10 seconds up to the most recent 24 hour period and help
capture and understand network load. Metrics include traffic on the mgt0
(management) interface, so WebGUI, CLI, and other management traffic is
included in the totals.

Depending on how DataPower processing rules are configured, the amount of

processing may vary greatly. The message size is not always a good factor in
determining throughput. For example, a small message may trigger significant
processing actions, such as cryptographic operations or off-box communications,
while a large message may require nothing more than dynamic routing.

Being aware of increases in receive/transmit throughput can also help in capacity

planning and avoid overtasking the appliances.

Chapter 4. SNMP monitoring 113 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Table 4-14 shows the various ways for obtaining receive and transmit throughput
metrics. Figure 4-28 and Figure 4-29 shows status as displayed in the WebGUI,
and Example 4-14 and Example 4-15 shows the SOAP response from the XMI
request for ReceiveKbpsThroughput and TransmitKbpsThroughput.

Table 4-14 Obtaining Interface Throughput

Access Method Menu location, Command or Variable

WebGUI Status  IP-Network  Rx Throughput

Status  IP-Network  Tx Throughput

CLI show receive-kbps

show transmit-kbps

XMI Status Class ReceiveKbpsThroughput


Status MIB dpStatusReceiveKbpsThroughputTable


Figure 4-28 Receive throughput as shown in the WebGUI.

114 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Example 4-14 Response from XMI get-status, class: ReceiveKbpsThroughput.

<dp:response xmlns:dp="">
<ReceiveKbpsThroughput xmlns:env="ht..[omitted]...oap-envelope">
... repeated for remaining interfaces ...

Figure 4-29 Transmit throughput as shown in the WebGUI.

Chapter 4. SNMP monitoring 115 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Example 4-15 Response from XMI get-status, class: TransmitKbpsThroughput.

<dp:response xmlns:dp="">
<TransmitKbpsThroughput xmlns:env="http:/...[omitted]...elope">
<TransmitKbpsThroughput xmlns:env="http:/...[omitted]...elope">
... repeated for remaining interfaces ...

HTTP connection status

HTTP connections are produced at the domain level. Statistics must be enabled
for each domain that is to produce HTTP connection data. Status data is grouped
by XML-Manager and contains a wealth of HTTP connections data

Note: HTTP Connection status statistics do not include connection data for
services configured as loopbacks.

When using SNMP to obtain HTTP connection status, the target domain is
specified when setting up communities (for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c) or when
setting up contexts (for SNMPv3).

Table 4-15 shows the various ways for obtaining HTTP connection statistics.
Figure 4-30 shows status as displayed in the WebGUI, and Example 4-16 shows
the SOAP response from the XMI request for HTTPConnections.

Table 4-15 Obtaining HTTP Connection Statistics

Access Method Menu location, Command or Variable

WebGUI Status  Connection  HTTP Connection Statistics

CLI show http-connection

XMI Status Class HTTPConnections

Status MIB dpStatusHTTPConnectionsTable

116 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Figure 4-30 HTTP Connection statistics as shown in the WebGUI.

Example 4-16 Response from XMI get-status, class: HTTPConnections.

<dp:response xmlns:dp="">
<HTTPConnections xmlns:env="http:...[omitted]...soap-envelope">
<XMLManager class="XMLManager">default</XMLManager>

Chapter 4. SNMP monitoring 117 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

<HTTPConnections xmlns:env="http:...[omitted]...soap-envelope">
... repeated for additional XML Managers ...

Transaction rate status

Transaction rates and elapsed times for individual services are accumulated at
the domain level. Transaction rates and times are not provided unless statistics
are enabled for each specific domain where statistics are needed. This metric
can help to understand the number of transactions processed and the average
response time of those transactions for a particular service over several time

Table 4-16 shows the various ways for obtaining receive and transmit throughput
metrics. Figure 4-31 and Figure 4-32 shows status as displayed in the WebGUI,
and Example 4-17 and Example 4-18 shows the SOAP response from the XMI
request for HTTPTransactions and HTTPMeanTransactionTime.

Table 4-16 Obtaining Transaction Rate statistics

Access Method Menu location, Command or Variable

WebGUI Status  Connection  Transaction Rate

Status  Connection  Transaction Time

CLI show http

XMI Status Class HTTPTransactions


Status MIB dpStatusHTTPTransactionsTable


118 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Figure 4-31 Transaction rates as shown in the WebGUI.

Example 4-17 Response from XMI get-status, class: HTTPTransactions.

<dp:response xmlns:dp="">
<HTTPTransactions xmlns:env="http:...[omitted]...ope">

Figure 4-32 Transaction times as shown in the WebGUI.

Chapter 4. SNMP monitoring 119 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Example 4-18 Response from XMI get-status, class: HTTPMeanTransactionTime.

<dp:response xmlns:dp="">
<HTTPMeanTransactionTime xmlns:env="http:...[omitted]...ope">

4.6.3 Other network status providers

In addition to HTTP, DataPower supports various other protocols including FTP,
IMS, WebSphere MQ, NFS, NTP, SQL, Tibco, and WebSphere JMS. Each of
these protocols is represented by status providers and is supported by the
WebGUI, CLI, XMI, and SNMP for monitoring.

4.7 SNMP traps

Effective monitoring of DataPower appliances should include the utilization of
both active and proactive status inquiry. SNMP monitoring tools should be
configured for both trap monitoring as well as periodic device polling.

Application monitoring should be employed to assure that round-trip processing

is successful and backend services perform within permissible limits. Automated
or robotic clients may be setup to send sample messages through DataPower
services to ensure that all network links (e.g. load balancers, routers, etc.) are
operational. Sending messages through to backend service provider applications
helps to assure that both frontside and backside links are in service. Both
DataPower and backside resources must be configured to respond appropriately
to the test messages.

DataPower SNMP traps provide a useful means of receiving notification of

events, both normal and abnormal, from DataPower appliances. Figure 4-33 on
page 121 provides a list of suggested error codes for trap subscriptions, and
Figure 4-34 lists various MIB status values worth monitoring.

120 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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0x02220001 environmental critical Power supply failure.

0x02220002 environmental warning Internal cooling fan has slowed.
0x02220003 environmental critical Internal cooling fan has stopped.
0x02220004 environmental critical System battery missing.
0x02220005 environmental critical System battery failed.
0x00330002 mgmt error Memory full
0x01a40001 system warning Throttling connections due to low memory
0x01a30002 system error Restart due to low memory
0x01a30003 system error Restart due to resource shortage timeout
0x01a50004 system notice Memory usage recovered above threshold
0x01a50005 system warning Throttling connections due to low temporary file space
0x01a30006 system error Restart due to low temporary file space
0x01a50007 system notice Temporary file space recovered above threshold
0x01a40008 system warning Throttling connections due to low number of free ports
0x01a30009 system error Restart due to port shortage
0x01a3000b system error Restart due to prefix qcode shortage
0x01a3000c system error Restart due to namespace qcode shortage
0x01a3000d system error Restart due to local qcode shortage
0x01a2000e system critical Installed battery is nearing end of life
0x01a30011 system error Invalid virtual file system
0x01a30012 system error File not found
0x01a30013 system error Buffer too small
0x01a30014 system error I/O error
0x01a30015 system error Out of memory
0x01a10016 system alert Number of free qcodes is very low
0x01a30017 system error Restart due to low file descriptor
0x01a40018 system warning Throttling due to low number of available file

Figure 4-33 Important Error Codes

dpStatusSystemUsageLoad >80% for interval of 10 minutes or more

dpStatusCPUUsagetenMinutes >90% 10 minute interval
dpStatusFilesystemStatusFreeTemporary <20% alternatively use error code subscription
dpStatusFilesystemStatusFreeUnencrypted <20% alternatively use error code subscription
dpStatusFilesystemStatusFreeEncrypted <20% alternatively use error code subscription
dpStatusMemoryStatusFreeMemory <20% alternatively use error code subscription
dpStatusTemperatureSensorsReadingStatus various temperature sensor readings
dpStatusEthernetInterfaceStatusStatus for configured interfaces

Figure 4-34 MIB Status Values

Being able to ascertain the normal traffic patterns of applications over time helps
to predict growth and capacity requirements. The SNMP MIB values shown in
Figure 4-35 can be queried to help capture and monitor the amount of network
traffic that the device is processing.

Chapter 4. SNMP monitoring 121 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

dpStatusNetworkTransmitDataThroughputTenMinutesBits Capture values of extended period of time

dpStatusNetworkTransmitDataThroughputTenMinutesBits Capture values of extended period of time

Figure 4-35 MIB Interface Utilization Status Values

4.8 Certificate monitoring considerations

DataPower appliances come with an embedded function for certificate
monitoring, called Crypto Certificate Monitor. This function is found only at the
default domain. The certificate monitor object can help to keep you informed
about every X.509 certificate expiration date that is installed in the device.

To open the Crypto Certificate Monitor, click Objects  Crypto

Configuration  Crypto Certificate in the left menu.

Figure 4-36 on page 122 shows an example of the crypto certificate monitor
object. You can customize and tune crypto certificate object settings such as the
Polling Interval, Reminder Time, and Log level. These settings need to be in
agreement with your company’s certificate replacement policy.

Figure 4-36 The crypto certificate monitor object settings

Every time a certificate expiry date is within the Reminder Time, a log message
with the specified log level is generated in the appliance system’s logs. You can
also set the expired certificate object to be automatically disabled.

122 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Important: Keep in mind that any other crypto objects that reference the
disabled certificate object will also be disabled.

For better results and visibility regarding certificates expiry, always enable the
crypto certificate monitor functionality. The device administrator needs to make
sure this step is included on every initial setup process.

Set a log target with the cert-monitor category

A log target can capture log messages that are generated by the objects and
services that are set on a DataPower appliance. The main feature within a log
target is the target type option. A target type allows the appliance to deal with log
messages and files, such as using encryption and signing, and it can also send
the messages to remote servers.

During a log target setup, you must set up an event category subscription. A log
category is used to relate log events and messages under a same subject. Thus,
a category determines the subjects in which a log target is interested. A log
target receives only messages that are related to its subscribed categories.
DataPower appliances come with some log categories set and enabled by
default. A useful category for certificate monitoring is the cert-monitor category.
You can use this category when setting monitoring for certificates expiry.

A good monitoring option for certificates is to combine an event category, such as

the cert-monitor, with a remote target type option. This way, certificates expiry
related messages can be sent remotely using one of the various options
available such as SMTP, NFS, SOAP, and syslog (or syslog-ng).

Ensure monitoring traps are set

Information regarding certificates expiry are generated when the crypto
certificate monitor object is enabled and when a log target is set. The problem is
that information can be useless if no one is watching for it. The best monitoring
suites available offer the ability to set an alert or an alarm trap. Such traps can be
set in order to call for attention.

An example would be to have the device administrator group emailed every time
a certificate expired log entry is found. Alternatively, the production support team
can be paged, or perhaps both situations can occur. The monitoring response
can vary depending on your company support process.

It is essential that anyone who works with monitoring traps have a deep
knowledge of the monitoring suite that is used. Alerts and alarms are generally
not enabled by default. They need to be enabled and set based on your company
criterion. For best results when monitoring certificates, set alarms and traps.

Chapter 4. SNMP monitoring 123 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Define a certificate replacement policy

Most companies do business with several partners. Thus, a DataPower
appliance can have certificates from several companies installed on it. Because
certificates are critical documents, a company must have a well-defined
certificate replacement policy.

Remember that your partners have their own policy for dealing with certificates.
Some partners can take more time to deploy a new certificate than others. Also,
certificates need to be signed by a certificate authority (CA). Each CA has their
own service level agreement (SLA), which can also cause a delay.

4.9 Best practices and considerations

򐂰 Use both subscription-based alerts as well as device polling for the most
robust monitoring strategy. Reliance on alerts alone is not a sufficient
monitoring strategy. The device may become unable to transmit alerts.
򐂰 Host Aliases should be defined (in the default domain) and used instead of
actual IP address when identifying SNMP managers
򐂰 Use a Host Alias when specifying the IP address for the XML Management
Interface, especially in production environments. Leaving the IP address as allows requests to be received on any IP address defined on the
appliance. Generally speaking, the management interface is used for XMI
traffic (mgt0 or eth4)
򐂰 Since SNMP community strings are essentially passwords that allow access
to the SNMP agent, community strings should adhere to the same creation
rules (mixed case, must contain a number, etc.) as regular passwords
򐂰 Unless it is necessary for the SNMP manager to set values from MIB-II and
other IETF MIBs, it is recommended that all communities defined on
DataPower be read-only. There are no read-write values defined within the
DataPower MIBs
򐂰 Host Aliases should be defined (in the default domain) and used instead of
actual IP address when identifying SNMP managers
򐂰 Unless application/domain specific data is required, associate SNMP
communities with the default domain

124 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Chapter 5. IBM Tivoli Monitoring

IBM Tivoli Monitoring is a collection of components that provide a means to
manage distributed resources through centralized control and configuration.
Tivoli Monitoring is used as the foundation for a set of products that are built on
top of Tivoli Monitoring, such as IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager
(ITCAM) and Omegamon family of products. These Tivoli Monitoring-based
products can help you manage the performance and availability of distributed
operating systems, applications, and DataPower appliances. Tivoli Monitoring
seamless integrates these products that alert, identify, and isolate an incident
with the subject matter expert tools that diagnose and resolve the problem.

This chapter introduces the various Tivoli components and how they work
together with DataPower appliances.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011. All rights reserved. 125 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

5.1 IBM Tivoli Monitoring environment architecture

Tivoli Monitoring is consists of a set of common service components, referred to
collectively as Tivoli Management Services, as depicted in Figure 5-1.

IBM IBM Tivol i IBM Tivoli Business

Netcoo l/OMNIbus Enterprise Con sole Systems Man ager

Tivo li Event Integratio n

e vent synch roniza tion

Mo nitor ing
Re mote a gents
Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server

Tivoli Enterprise
b rowser clie nt
or Monitoring
MSSQL agents
Tivol i Enterprise
Hub Tivoli Ente rprise
Por tal Server
Monitoring Server
Ti voli Enterprise
desktop client

DB2, Mo nitor ing

or Remote a gents
Oracle Tivoli Ente rprise
Monitoring Server

Tivoli Data

Figure 5-1 Tivoli Monitoring environment architecture overview

5.1.1 Tivoli Management Services components

The following Tivoli Management Services components provide the infrastructure
for Tivoli Monitoring-based products, such as ITCAM and Omegamon family.

Monitoring Agents
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents are responsible for collecting application and
resource metrics from various enterprise systems. In most cases, the agents run
within the system that they monitor, however agents that monitor DataPower
appliances are located on separate servers and are capable of monitoring
multiple DataPower appliances simultaneously.

Tivoli Monitoring -based products supply a variety of different agent types which
are compatible with different types of systems. For example, IBM Tivoli

126 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Composite Application Manager for SOA (ITCAM for SOA) includes a number of
monitoring agents, several of which are specific to DataPower appliances.

The metrics collected by each monitoring agent are packaged and transmitted to
a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server (TEMS) for further analysis.

Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server

The monitoring server acts as a collection and control point for performance and
health metrics that are received from the various monitoring agents. Depending
on the deployment, remote monitoring servers (RTEMS) may be configured to
consolidate metrics from groups of agents and relay the data to the hub
monitoring server.

The hub monitoring server correlates the monitoring data that is collected by
monitoring agents and any remote monitoring servers and passes that data to
the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server for presentation by portal clients. It may also
be configured to forward data to the data warehouse for subsequent inspection
and analytics.

Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server

Desktop and browser-based clients connects to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Server. It provides the core presentation layer for retrieval, manipulation,
analysis, and preformatting of data. The portal server retrieves data from the hub
monitoring server and sends the data back to the portal client for presentation.

Tivoli Enterprise Portal desktop client

The Tivoli Enterprise Portal client is a dashboard for viewing and monitoring an
enterprise network. It can be viewed either as a desktop application or through a
browser as a web application. It can be configured to test various monitored
values against a threshold and display an alert icon when that threshold is
exceeded or a value is matched. These tests are called situations.

Data warehouse
The Tivoli Data Warehouse is an optional component for storing historical data
that is collected from the various monitoring agents. It includes a relational
database that allows historical and trending analysis of all collected metrics. This
analysis is useful for baselining and viewing peak load periods for an hour, day,
week, or other specified time period.

Event synchronization
The event synchronization components are optional. These components are
configured to send situation event updates that were forwarded to a Tivoli

Chapter 5. IBM Tivoli Monitoring 127 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Enterprise Console Event Server, Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Object Server, or

Tivoli Business Service Management.

5.1.2 IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager

IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager (ITCAM) is a family of monitoring
products that combines end-to-end application management with deep-dive, root
cause capabilities. ITCAM delivers an integrated solution for monitoring and
management across the enterprise and offers a single set of tools that can help
optimize performance and availability at every level of the IT infrastructure.

ITCAM products provide a workflow for solving business application problems, as

shown in Figure 5-2.

Sense Isolate Diagnose Repair

Detect that a Pinpoint the problem Drill down into Fix the faulty
threshold has been to a specific part of the details and component,
breached and that a the environment and get to the root validate the fix
problem occurred, or hand-off to the cause of the and roll back into
is about to happen appropriate specialist problem production

Figure 5-2 ITCAM workflow for solving problems

ITCAM helps to simplify and enhance application management for components

that can reside:
򐂰 on multiple servers
򐂰 across different platforms such as DataPower appliances and mainframes
򐂰 within different J2EE environments

Integration begins at the data layer, where a common data model enables a
consistent view of information across all components and agents. This
information is then consolidated in Tivoli Enterprise Portal which provides single
sign-on to the monitoring data and management tools needed for server
management, application management, transaction management, and advanced
management capabilities.

The following ITCAM products are among the most popular:

򐂰 ITCAM for SOA Platform: Discover, monitor, track and apply controls to web
service messages
򐂰 ITCAM for Application Diagnostics: Monitoring and Deep-Dive Diagnostics for
J2EE applications

128 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

򐂰 ITCAM for Applications: Broad Application and Application Infrastructure

Monitoring Capabilities
򐂰 ITCAM for Transactions: User Response Time Monitoring and End-to-End
Transaction Tracking
򐂰 ITCAM for Virtual Servers: Monitoring for VMWare, zVM, Power Systems,
Hyper-V, Citrix, KVM, Xen, and MS Virtual Server environments
򐂰 Tivoli Monitoring for Energy Management: Monitor and optimize power

The remainder of this chapter will focus on the ITCAM for SOA product and its
relationship to DataPower appliances.

5.1.3 ITCAM for SOA

ITCAM for SOA is a bundle of products that are part of a series of integrated
performance management solutions that plug directly into IBM Tivoli Monitoring.
It is designed to discover, monitor, track and apply controls to web services in an
SOA environment. The data collected by ITCAM for SOA can then be graphically
displayed within the integrated console as shown in Figure 5-3. This helps
engineers and IT operators pinpoint issues at the web services layer in addition
to providing automation capabilities for service mediation.

Figure 5-3 ITCAM for SOA dashboard example

Chapter 5. IBM Tivoli Monitoring 129 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

ITCAM for SOA Web Services Navigator

In addition to the dashboards that are provided with Tivoli Enterprise Portal,
ITCAM for SOA includes the Web Services Navigator. This tool is a plug-in to
IBM Rational® Application Development and other Eclipse-based tools. It
provides a deep understanding of the service flow, patterns, and relationships for
developers and architects. The Web Services Navigator uses data from Tivoli
Data Warehouse or directly from ITCAM for SOA log files. Figure 5-4 on
page 130 shows an example of the Web Services Navigator.

Figure 5-4 Web Services Navigator

The ITCAM for SOA Web Services Navigator provides the following capabilities:
򐂰 Topology View: A graphical representation of the interactions between all
monitored web services
򐂰 Statistics View: Tables of the metric data that is collected by the agents at
each interception point
򐂰 Sequence Diagram: The exact sequence of messages over time (UML-like
sequence diagrams and call flows)

130 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

򐂰 Message Flow Pattern: A visual representation of the different patterns of

transactions; each pattern represents a distinct sequence of web service calls
򐂰 Message Content View: Content of the SOAP message itself

5.2 Monitoring DataPower appliances

ITCAM for SOA ships with a complete monitoring solution for DataPower
appliances that is ready for immediate use. The solution uses two dedicated
DataPower agents that operate at different layers of the OSI model:
򐂰 The ITCAM for SOA DataPower data collector monitors application-level
traffic that flows through various DataPower services such as the WS-Proxy
and Multi-protocol Gateway objects. This agent is often referred to as the
“Traffic Monitor”.
򐂰 The ITCAM Agent for WebSphere DataPower Appliance monitors DataPower
device health and availability. This agent is often referred to as the “Health

These agents complement each other and provide excellent control and visibility
of DataPower devices.

ITCAM for SOA ships with and plugs in to the Tivoli Monitoring framework. Tivoli
Monitoring provides the base enterprise-class monitoring functionality, including
alerting, performance thresholds, historical trending analysis, reporting
capability, high availability, and policies to perform actions, to schedule work, and
to automate manual tasks (see 5.1, “IBM Tivoli Monitoring environment

5.2.1 Monitoring DataPower application-level traffic

Of the two agents, the ITCAM for SOA DataPower data collector is used for
monitoring DataPower appliances for application-related metrics. Depending on
how the appliance is configured, it extracts application-related details pertaining
to traffic passing through service objects such as the WS-Proxy and Multi
Protocol Gateway.

The data collector agent forwards the extracted metrics to a Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server where it can be consolidated with metrics from other ITCAM
agents such as .Net, WebSphere, Weblogic, etc. This aggregate of metrics
allows for a greater visibility of not only DataPower application traffic, but also the
up and down stream services and components that affect overall application

Chapter 5. IBM Tivoli Monitoring 131 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

This correlated data is automatically drawn in a topology workspace that

contains performance metrics and alerts. Figure 5-5 shows an example of the
ITCAM for SOA workspace within the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.

Figure 5-5 Web service topology diagram with alerts and metrics

The web service topology diagram workspace allows for the creation of service
groups. A service group encapsulates a set of operations that collectively provide
some business function such as createPolicy or lookupCustomer (see Figure 5-6
on page 133). ITCAM for SOA can provide management of the SOA environment
monitoring from the edge, through DataPower devices, and following the service
to service hops. ITCAM for SOA ships with the agents that are required to track
this flow from both distributed applications through the mainframe, such as CICS
on zOS.

ITCAM for SOA can also determine unavailability for services and service groups
in the following terms:
򐂰 Unavailability by faults: Situations triggered when faults are detected
򐂰 Absence of expected traffic: Situations triggered by monitoring traffic volumes
򐂰 Requests without responses: Situations triggered by missing or invalid
򐂰 Request/response/fault counts: Situations triggered by the ratio of requests to
responses or faults

132 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Figure 5-6 ITCAM for SOA Service Groups Dashboard

Monitoring Key Performance Indicators

ITCAM for SOA DataPower data collector agent also monitors critical
service-level metrics such as response times, message sizes, message counts,
and faults. It operates on fixed intervals and calculates aggregate information,
such as:
򐂰 response time averages and standard deviations
򐂰 arrival rates
򐂰 service latency
򐂰 weighted averages
򐂰 minimum and maximum values
򐂰 message sizes, counts, and faults

These key performance indicators (KPI) can be used to create a multitude of

graphs, charts, table views, and so forth (see Figure 5-7). For information about
the complete KPI list, see IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for SOA,
User’s Guide Version 7.1.1, Appendix B “Attribute groups”, or visit the following

Chapter 5. IBM Tivoli Monitoring 133 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Figure 5-7 ITCAM for SOA view of DataPower services for various time intervals

Collecting application message content

The ITCAM for SOA DataPower data collector agent can be configured to collect
message content, however this configuration generates a large amount of data
and can only be viewed using a special Eclipse-based tool called the ITCAM for
SOA Web Services Navigator. The Web Services Navigator is designed for the
developer and gives transaction-level details such as sequence diagrams, flow
patterns, transaction level metrics, and message content.

5.2.2 Monitoring hardware metrics and resource use

The ITCAM Agent for WebSphere DataPower Appliance focuses on device
health and availability, including:
򐂰 resource usage (CPU, memory, and network)
򐂰 object status
򐂰 system logs
򐂰 events
򐂰 connection statistics
򐂰 transaction latency

Similar to the ITCAM for SOA DataPower data collector, this agent can also
monitor transaction-level metrics using the DataPower latency logs. This method

134 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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is a quick way to view transactions without having to instrument DataPower

processing rules with customized XSL templates.

Although the ITCAM Agent for WebSphere DataPower Appliance has the ability
to monitor transaction-level metrics, they are not automatically correlated or
aggregated, thus it can be difficult to find the start of a transaction.

Figure 5-8 shows an example view of system log content extracted by the ITCAM
Agent for WebSphere DataPower Appliance. The view in Figure 5-9 shows
uncorrelated latency logs.

Figure 5-8 DataPower System logs

Figure 5-9 DataPower latency logs show non-correlated transaction level metrics

Figure 5-10, Figure 5-11, Figure 5-12, and Figure 5-13 show samples of the
numerous workspaces that ship with this solution.

Chapter 5. IBM Tivoli Monitoring 135 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Figure 5-10 DataPower health console: Top resource usage

136 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Figure 5-11 DataPower system uptime, HTTP mean transaction, system load, CPU, and memory usage

Chapter 5. IBM Tivoli Monitoring 137 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Figure 5-12 DataPower system logs: View latency details of a specific transaction

138 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Figure 5-13 DataPower object status and active services

5.2.3 ITCAM for SOA DataPower agent comparisons

The two ITCAM for SOA monitoring agents that are specific to DataPower
appliances are each tailored for specific reporting requirements. They are
mutually exclusive of each other and can be deployed either individually for
specific monitoring requirements, or together for maximum monitoring
capabilities. The two ITCAM for SOA DataPower specific agents are:
򐂰 The ITCAM Agent for WebSphere DataPower Appliance, which focuses on
device health and availability. It is quick to deploy and should be the first
component of a phased deployment plan to monitor DataPower. This agent
provides extensive information about DataPower hardware usage with
minimum visibility into applications (using latency logs).

Chapter 5. IBM Tivoli Monitoring 139 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

򐂰 The ITCAM for SOA DataPower data collector, which provides a complete
application-level monitoring solution. It focuses on monitoring application
traffic that is routed through MPGW and WS-Proxy service objects.

Table 5-1 shows the differences between the two DataPower agents.

Table 5-1 ITCAM for SOA DataPower-specific agent comparison

ITCAM Agent for WebSphere ITCAM for SOA DataPower data
DataPower Appliance (health monitor) collector (traffic monitor)

Primary focus: Device health metrics Primary focus: Application traffic metrics

Quick deployment, especially for MPGW XSL stylesheets are required for MPGW
objects: monitoring:
򐂰 No need to implement XSL 򐂰 Takes longer to deploy and manage
stylesheets for every MPGW 򐂰 intrusive to code flow
򐂰 Not required to code XSL stylesheets
for each object flow Automatic correlation and service
򐂰 No need to map non-SOAP XML discovery can be achieved
򐂰 No need for maintenance of XSL Supports MPGW and WS-Proxy objects
Allows for graphical topology with alerts
Supports XML Firewall objects as well as and metrics in Tivoli Enterprise Portal
MPGW and WS-Proxy objects
Service group features
Detailed information about the flow itself
(latency logs): Data Aggregation (averages, standard
򐂰 Includes metrics on front and deviations, min/max, missing
backside as well as latency of object percentages, faults, and so forth)
flow itself (the application)
򐂰 Data on Individual Transactions - Message content available
near-real time
Requestor ID tracking support
Latency logs contains individual
transaction details and data; potential Web Services Navigator tool
performance implication
WSRR, Tivoli Application Dependency
Discovery Manager (TADDM), and Tivoli
Businses Service Manager (TBSM)
integration using Discovery Library
Adapters (DLAs)

140 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

5.3 ITCAM for SOA architectural overview

This section provides a general overview of how ITCAM for SOA communicates
with DataPower appliances and other IBM Tivoli Monitoring components.
Figure 5-14 shows an architectural overview for the ITCAM for SOA and
DataPower monitoring solution.

User Interfaces

Web Services
Custom Scripts TEPS Client
DataPow er Appliance
Transaction metadata
Transaction Log
and optional payload
Events, Faults, Audit WS transaction metrics, fault
Logging System Log
Messages info, and optional payload data
for transaction breakdown Tivoli Enterprise
Latency Messages Latency Log
Portal Server
Current D4 Agent Agent Logs
Focus on DP Services
Alerts and Monitoring
Web Services Transaction metadata
Mgt (WSM) and optional payload contents
(TCP) Collector Agent Single message
and summarized
New BN Agent Focus Tivoli Enterprise
Management Server
on hardware usage (TEMS)
with some visibility Near real-time
and summarized
into services Data data
Collector Historical Data
Polled MIB data: CPU, Memory, Interfaces Data ITCAMfWDP
(UDP) Collector Agent
SNMP Summarized
Traps Data data
(UDP) Collector
Tivoli Data Warehouse
Agent Host (TDW)

Tivoli Monitoring

Figure 5-14 ITCAM for SOA conceptual monitoring architecture

5.3.1 ITCAM for SOA agent architecture

ITCAM agents consist of two components:
򐂰 Data Collector
򐂰 Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent (also known as TEMA)

For most J2EE platforms (such as WebSphere) the Data Collector is

implemented as a JAX-RPC Handler (also known as a SOAP Handler) and runs
within the application server that it is monitoring. However, because a Data
Collector cannot run within a DataPower appliance, it resides on a separate
machine and queries the DataPower appliance. DataPower agents use the
DataPower XML management interface to retrieve performance data from the
appliance. It is worth noting that the performance data is specifically tailored by

Chapter 5. IBM Tivoli Monitoring 141 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

the DataPower device for the ITCAM for SOA DataPower data collector agent
(see Figure 5-15).

TEP Client
Agent DataPower Data




DataPower Production
Integration Appliance Servers

Figure 5-15 DataPower integration with Tivoli Monitoring

Consumer(s) Backend Service Machines


Operation 1
Load Balancing
Redundant DataPower; Security,
XML Transformations and Routing Custom Operation 2

Some SOAP Web Services

Dedicated Server

Tivoli Portal
SOA DP ITCAM for SOA v7.1.x
Agent (application support)
+ Navigator

ITM v6.2.2.x

Figure 5-16 Sample DataPower architecture

142 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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The ITCAM for SOA DataPower data collector agent can aggregate data for
multiple DataPower appliances and/or multiple DataPower domains, allowing for
varied architecture patterns such as that shown in Figure 5-16.

5.4 Monitoring DataPower service objects

DataPower appliances can process application traffic using three different
service object types: Web Service Proxy, Multi-protocol Gateway, and XML
Firewall. Each of these three service types are tailored to specific uses:
򐂰 Web Service Proxy (WS-Proxy) - used exclusively for Web services and is
self-configuring based on Web Services Description Language (WSDL)
documents. Traffic through this service is predictable and is always in the form
of SOAP requests, responses and faults.
򐂰 Multi-protocol Gateway - an all-purpose service listener that can process any
type of content, whether raw XML, SOAP, or non-XML. In addition, this
service type allows for mixing and matching of protocols (such as HTTP,
HTTPS, MQ, IMS, etc.) on both the front and backside.
򐂰 XML Firewall - an all-purpose service listener that can process any type of
content, whether raw XML, SOAP, or non-XML, but is limited to HTTP and
HTTPS protocols only.

The Web Service Proxy is ideally suited for application traffic monitoring since its
traffic is always predictable and will be either a SOAP request, response, or fault.
For this reason, the ITCAM for SOA DataPower data collector can easily extract
and interpret detailed service-related metrics including fault codes and
messages. Configuration of the WS-Proxy is minimal in this case.

On the other hand, the Multi-protocol Gateway is not restricted to SOAP-based

traffic and thus, there is no “standard” way to interpret message content without
programmatic inspection. In addition, backend server response codes cannot
easily be interpreted since the protocols may vary. For example, the same
MPGW may dynamically select different backends that are both HTTP and MQ,
each having different protocol response codes.

5.4.1 Customizing for MPGW traffic monitoring

Because the traffic that flows through a MPGW service object is not predictable,
it is necessary to create a customized solution that can inspect the service traffic
and report metrics to DataPower’s onboard Web Services Management (WSM)
subsystem. This customization is accomplished using an XSL stylesheet with
that uses a specific WSM extension function to publish the data. Once service

Chapter 5. IBM Tivoli Monitoring 143 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

metrics have been published to WSM, ITCAM for SOA monitoring agents can
extract the metrics and report them back to TEMS.

For an in-depth description of integrating ITCAM for SOA with WS Proxy and
Multi-protocol Gateway services, please refer to Composite Application Manager
for SOA, Version 7.1.1, Installation Guide - “Configuring processing rules for
DataPower Multi-Protocol Gateways” or visit:

WSM customization considerations

Consider the following deployment and instrumentation challenges in
environments with large numbers of Multi-protocol Gateway objects:
򐂰 Managing XSL stylesheets is a manual process and errors can impact the
application itself.
򐂰 You must add transform actions to every rule within the service’s policy.
򐂰 No ready-to-use mechanism to quickly (and globally) turn off all the XSL
stylesheets or to remove them.

Despite these minor challenges, it is often advantageous (or necessary) to

perform the customization in order to enable the MPGW service to appear as
part of the complete end-to-end flow in the ITCAM for SOA topology view (see
Figure 5-5 on page 132).

5.4.2 Using latency logs for transaction monitoring

As an alternative to using the full-featured traffic monitoring agent and writing
customized monitoring logic, the health monitor can be used to gain some
visibility into fine-grained traffic statistics such as latencies for front, processing,
and backside phases of a Multi-protocol Gateway, WS-Proxy, or XML Firewall
services. It accomplishes this by referencing DataPower generated latency logs.
However, the health agent is unable to aggregate the data and does not draw any
service-to-service topology information making it unable to correlate transactions
to other components within the high-level application flow (See 5.2.3, “ITCAM for
SOA DataPower agent comparisons” on page 139 for a detailed comparison of
the two agent types.)

144 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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5.5 ITCAM for SOA deployment scenarios

Because solutions that employ IBM Tivoli Monitoring servers and ITCAM for SOA
can range from small to extremely large, it can often be confusing as to which
pieces are required and how they interact with each other. This section discusses
some common ITM, ITCAM for SOA, and DataPower deployment patterns.

Note: for the deployments described in this section, some of the Tivoli
Monitoring components have been omitted for simplicity.

5.5.1 Minimal deployment

Figure 5-17 illustrates a simple deployment that includes the data collector agent
which monitors a single DataPower appliance. This type of deployment is useful
for light DataPower loads such as lab environments or a Proof of Concept. A
single ITCAM for SOA data collector can be used for multiple DataPower
appliances. This collector can be co-located on a machine with the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal Server to further simplify the infrastructure.

Lab Architecture

Service Requestors Service Providers

Op A

DataPower XI50 Op B

ITCAM for Op C
SOA DataPower
Agent (D4) Op D


DataPower Data
Collector runs on a
dedicated machine. Data Sent to Tivoli Server…

Figure 5-17 Minimal ITCAM for SOA deployment

Chapter 5. IBM Tivoli Monitoring 145 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

5.5.2 Multi-location single agent deployment

The architecture shown in Figure 5-18 shows DataPower appliances in multiple
locations being monitored by a single data collector agent. The metrics collected
by the agent are then transmitted to a Remote Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Server (RTEMS) which then forwards the data to the hub monitoring server.

This type of configuration may be excessive for small applications; however,

implementing a Hub/Remote architecture in the early stages allows for growth
and scalability. This design builds around Tivoli Monitoring’s built-in failover
capabilities. Additionally, the usage of RTEMS facilitates traffic from the data
collector to flow through a single port, simplifying firewall configuration and

Domain 1 Domain N

. . . . . .

Agent (D4)

• Remote TEMS


• Portal Server
Tivoli Portal

Figure 5-18 Single data collector monitoring multiple DataPower locations

5.5.3 Multi-location multi-agent deployment

Figure 5-19 on page 147 shows an architecture with multiple locations (or
networks) being monitored by multiple data collectors (agents). The data

146 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

collectors transmit metrics to a single remote monitoring server which relays the
data to the hub monitoring server. The use of remote monitoring servers
facilitates future growth; additional remote monitoring servers can be deployed,
each feeding metrics into the hub monitoring server.

Domain 1 Domain N

. . .
. . . . . .
Agent (D4) Agent (D4)

• Remote TEMS


• Portal Server
Tivoli Portal

Figure 5-19 Large multi-location multi-agent deployment with remote monitoring servers

5.5.4 Large multi-location deployment with health monitoring

Figure 5-20 on page 148 illustrates a large deployment that includes both data
collector agents (for traffic) and health monitoring agents in multiple locations. All
agents transmit collected metrics to a remote monitoring server, which forwards
the data to the hub monitoring server for future consumption by the portal server.
The architecture also indicates that the health agent (ITCAM Agent for
DataPower in lower left) is colocated with a log target server (i.e. syslog,
syslog-ng, etc.).

Chapter 5. IBM Tivoli Monitoring 147 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Domain 1 Domain N

. . .
. . . . . .
Agent (D4) Agent (D4)


for DataPower • Remote TEMS
Also DP Latency
Log Target


• Portal Server
Tivoli Portal

Figure 5-20 BN agent deployment

5.5.5 Complete ITCAM for SOA enterprise architecture

By introducing other complementary Tivoli Monitoring components into the
architecture, a full-featured robust monitoring solution emerges. Without the
additional components, the ITCAM for SOA agents can only identify the general
problem areas but have no ability to react or correlate.

ITCAM is most successful when deployed as a horizontal and vertical monitoring

solution. ITCAM for Application Diagnostics, Omegamon for Messaging, Tivoli
Monitoring for OS and other domain/alerting products are absolutely critical. In
fact, ITCAM for SOA ships with built-in links to these other products. When a
problem is diagnosed in the SOA realm, links can be followed into a
corresponding deep dive agent to repair the issue. Therefore, to complete the
conversation of DataPower monitoring, it is necessary to include these other
critical components as depicted in Figure 5-21 on page 149.

148 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Domain 1 Domain N
Additional ITCAM / Ome gam on Components

ITCA M fo r ITCAM for

... AD AD
. . . . . .

Other O ther
Agents Agen ts



Remote Remote
• Remote TEMS ...
for DP (BN)
a lso
Log Target


• Porta l Serve r

Figure 5-21 Complete ITCAM Architecture includes other products

5.6 ITCAM for SOA and DataPower’s built-in SLM

Although DataPower appliances provide built-in service level monitoring (SLM)
capabilities that can be compared to certain ITCAM for SOA functionality, there
are significant differentiators that should be considered when architecting an
enterprise monitoring solution.

Service level monitoring on DataPower appliances include the following basic

򐂰 Monitor and/or restrict traffic. SLM policies can be configured to throttle
(reject), shape (delay), and notify (via logging) in the event that defind
thresholds are exceeded. For example, an SLM policy may specify that a
given service should not allow more than 1,000 transactions per minute and,
once the threshold is reached, throttle any new transaction until the 1 minute
interval restarts.

Chapter 5. IBM Tivoli Monitoring 149 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

򐂰 SLM policies can contain simple rules as well as complex rules involving
message inspection and XPath evaluation. For example, limit the number of
times a service is called by a specific user for a specified SOAP operation.
򐂰 SLM policies can reference latency values, causing notifications to occur if
backend processes exceed certain thresholds.
򐂰 Service level monitors can be applied across multiple DataPower devices,
allowing installations to enforce SLM policies based on aggregated counts
across peer devices.
򐂰 Basic graphing through the WebGUI. A simple graph can be displayed
showing throttled, shaped, and notified transaction counts over a period of

In general, The DataPower SLM feature is excellent for ESB-like capabilities and
individual DataPower appliance troubleshooting, but it was not intended to serve
as an enterprise-wide, operations level monitoring solution. ITCAM for SOA
provides the following capabilities above and beyond what DataPower’s built-in
SLM can provide:
򐂰 Long-term storage of transaction metrics for subsequent analysis, historical
graphing, reporting, and compliance.
򐂰 Easy cross-referencing of metrics and correlation to other environmental
򐂰 Impact analysis and “drill-down” for root cause analysis.

5.7 Deployment considerations

This chapter has provided a general overview of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
solution and ITCAM for SOA as they relate to DataPower appliances. Together
these offerings provide a full-featured robust solution to manage and monitor the
performance and availability of complex distributed topologies.

The remaining topics in this section address specific considerations that can help
assure that a deployment functions both reliable and efficiently. These
considerations focus primarily on agent deployment and DataPower

5.7.1 ITCAM for SOA DataPower data collector (traffic)

The following topics should be considered when configuring and deploying the
ITCAM Agent for WebSphere DataPower Appliance:

150 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

5.7.2 ITCAM Agent for WebSphere DataPower Appliance (health)

The following topics should be considered when configuring and deploying the
ITCAM Agent for WebSphere DataPower Appliance:
򐂰 For latency log monitoring, the latency log target should exist on the same
machine as the agent that monitors it.
If it is not possible to co-locate the agent and the log target on the same
machine, a file transfer mechanism such as FTP can be employed to copy the
latency logs from the log target machine to the agent’s host machine.

5.7.3 DataPower appliance

Chapter 5. IBM Tivoli Monitoring 151 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

152 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Chapter 6. Logging
Organizations of all types and sizes need to keep a record of activity within their
enterprise computing systems, particularly when those systems interact directly
with external customers. Only by keeping such records, or logs, can the
organization find the cause of failures or unexpected results, or, in some cases,
prove that any given transaction actually did occur. A robust logging system can
also be used to continually monitor all enterprise systems, to ensure that each
system is performing as expected and that corporate guidelines are followed.
Similar to using a security camera in a brick-and-mortar store, logging does not
prevent incidents from happening but can help to identify the root cause of an

This chapter provides information that can help in planning a logging solution.
Topics covered include the following:
򐂰 Overview of the DataPower logging systems
򐂰 Log types and destinations available
򐂰 Methods for event and transaction logging
򐂰 Privacy considerations
򐂰 Best practice recommendations

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011. All rights reserved. 153 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

6.1 Overview
The device offers two distinct types of logging:
򐂰 Message process logging
These logs capture log messages generated as the device processes
messages flowing through the device. The device can generate two kinds of
processing messages: event-driven messages and transactional messages.
򐂰 Audit logging
Audit logs capture messages generated by changes to the configuration of
the device, or by administrators logging into the device.

The Audit logs and the Message process logs are distinct, and require different
handling procedures.

6.1.1 Message process logging

The device can generate two different kinds of logs during message processing:
򐂰 Event logging
The device generates log messages automatically during operation. Every
subsystem within the device can and will generate log messages as events
occur within those systems. These messages can be very verbose (at a
debug level) or very sparse (at a warning or critical level). Administrators can
set the depth and frequency of event-driven log messages. See 6.4, “Event
logging” on page 158 for more information.
򐂰 Transaction logging
Transaction logging enables the capture of messages flowing through the
device during processing. Transaction logging employs either a Log Action or
a Results Action within the processing policy of the service, allowing access
to the contents of messages flowing through the device. The messages
logged can be much larger than the standard logging system allows. The
standard event logging system is not used at all. See 6.5, “Transaction
logging” on page 160 for more information about transactional logging.

6.1.2 Publish and subscribe system

The event logging system works as a publish and subscribe system. Each of the
subsystems, or objects, within the device generate, or publish, log messages.
Log targets capture, or subscribe to one or more published logging streams. The
default system log subscribes to all logging streams. It is possible to create a

154 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

wide range of log targets that subscribe to any subset of published streams,
enabling administrators to capture only the information desired.

6.1.3 Log targets and log categories

Each log message generated belongs to a particular log category, or type. Log
targets can subscribe to a selection of categories. In addition to the standard
categories of messages generated, the logging system also offers the ability to
create custom log categories, allowing for the capture of completely custom

The containers, or objects, that subscribe to published log messages are called
log targets. Administrators can create any number of log targets, each
subscribed to different categories of log messages or of error events. It is
possible to create log targets that are highly focussed and thus provide rapid
access to only the log messages or other events of interest. It is also possible to
create log targets that capture a wide range of messages, providing a general
context for processing events within the device.

6.1.4 Storing log messages

Log targets offer a number of methods for storing messages and for moving
stored messages off the device to other repositories for analysis. The methods
for storing log messages fall into two basic categories: writing to a cache or file,
or dispatching messages in real time to external servers.

Writing to local file or cache

The log target system can write to a file on the local file system. These archive
files are necessarily limited in size to eliminate the possibility of filing up the local
storage system. The system can support rotating files so that messages are not
lost when the file size limit is reached. Once full, the rotated file can then be
moved off of the device to another storage system for permanent keeping and
analysis. Methods for automatically moving log files off the device include FTP,
SMTP and HTTP, to name a few. It is also possible to write to files that are NFS
drives, pointing to files that are stored on remote servers.

If the device offers hard drive storage, the hard drives can be used for log
storage. Even when using the hard drives, log archive files need to be moved off
of the device at regular intervals.

Writing to a remote server

The log target system can dispatch log messages immediately to remote servers,
thus moving all storage off of the device. These servers can include syslog,

Chapter 6. Logging 155 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

syslog-ng, databases, and web applications. Consult the DataPower

documentation for a full list of the options available.

6.1.5 Email Pager

The device offers an Email Pager which automatically sends email to a
designated address whenever a critical event occurs in the default domain of the
device. This feature provides an easy way to make sure a person is notified
whenever critical events occur. This feature is the same as a log target
subscribed to critical-level events that sends messages via email to a remote

6.1.6 Audit logging

By default, the device maintains an Audit log, found in the default domain of the
device. To view the contents of this log, select Status  Audit Log. Log entries
contain information about changes to the configuration of the device.
Example 6-1 provides a sample.

Example 6-1 Audit log entries

20110210T010950Z [conf][success] (SYSTEM:default:*:*): domain 'SDF_DEVUPDATE' -
Configuration added
20110210T010950Z [conf][success] (SYSTEM:default:*:*): domain 'SDF_DEVUPDATE' -
Configuration settings applied
20110210T010950Z [file][success] (SYSTEM:SDF_DEVUPDATE:*:*): Created directory
20110210T010950Z [file][success] (SYSTEM:SDF_DEVUPDATE:*:*): Created directory
20110210T010950Z [file][success] (SYSTEM:SDF_DEVUPDATE:*:*): Creating file
20110210T010957Z [file][success] (admin:default:secure-shell: (config)#
delete "xa35://tmp/temp_03059"
20110210T011001Z [file][success] (SYSTEM:default:*:*): Creating file
20110210T215321Z [file][success] (SYSTEM:default:*:*): Creating file
20110211T212422Z [file][success] (SYSTEM:default:*:*): Creating file

The contents of the Audit log can be obtained by generating an Error Report.
This report contains the audit log entries.

156 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

It is also possible to capture much of the same information by creating a log

target in the default domain subscribed to the audit, file, and user events. This
log target could then be configured to send the log messages off the device as

6.2 Benefits
A robust logging system provides enterprises with a number of benefits, such as
the ability to comply with governmental regulations or implement an enterprise
auditing policy.

DataPower logging features provide the following benefits:

򐂰 Help to track all device activity in its context.
򐂰 Provide information needed during application development.
򐂰 Provide records needed during normal operation.
򐂰 Help isolate failures.
򐂰 Maintain records of changes to device configuration.
򐂰 Provide immediate notification upon catastrophic events.

6.3 Usage
The logging capabilities of the device offer a great deal of flexibility. The
enterprise business requirements regarding logs and records determine the
logging methods used for any given deployment. The DataPower device can
support the following degrees of reliability in logging:
򐂰 Best Effort Event Logging
Log messages are generated and captured as events occur during normal
message processing. In the event the device needs the processing power and
memory to process transactional messages rather than handling logging, the
device will pre-empt the logging system in favor of transactional processes.
Log messages may be lost as a result. The standard logging system
employing log targets offers this best effort logging.
򐂰 Reliable Logging
The device will hold up the processing of messages to ensure that the desired
logs are created and delivered as needed to meet the business requirements.
The device offers the Log Action, a processing policy action, to accomplish
this task. The Log Action, when used in this way, does not employ the

Chapter 6. Logging 157 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

standard event-driven logging system but rather sends log messages off the
device immediately. As defined above, this makes logging part of the
transaction processing, and can include a copy of the transaction message in
the generated log. This same objective can be reached using a Results
Action in the processing policy.

6.4 Event logging

The majority of logging systems implemented on DataPower use the standard
event logging system. This is the system that employs log messages, log
categories, and log targets. These are the methods used to implement the
standard event logging system:
򐂰 Create any desired custom log categories
򐂰 Create any desired log targets
򐂰 Create any custom log message generators

Each of these topics are covered below.

6.4.1 Create custom log categories

Administrators most often create custom log categories to support the ability to
generate custom log messages which are captured by focused log targets. This
capability gives administrators and developers the ability to quickly view the log
information desired.

Use the following procedure to create a log category.

1. Select Administration  Configure Log Categories from the main
navigation menu.
2. On the Configure Log Category menu page that displays containing a list of
all existing log categories, click Add.
3. On the page that displays, enter the name of the new custom category. Click
Apply and then save your configuration.

6.4.2 Create log targets

Most of the key decisions regarding the logging information that needs to be
captured on the DataPower system are made while configuring log targets. Such
decisions as what logs to keep, when, where, and how to move logging
information off of the device, and also what actions to take, if any, when a given
event occurs, are implemented through the configuration of log targets.

158 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Use the following procedure to create a log target.

1. Select Administration  Manage Log Targets from the main navigation
2. On the Configure Log Targets menu page that appears, containing a list of all
existing log targets, click Add.
3. On the Configure Log Target page that displays, enter the name of the new
log target.
4. Select the Event Subscriptions tab.
5. Click the Add button.
6. On the Edit Event Subscriptions window that displays, select an event
category from the Event Category drop down. You can also specify a priority
level using the Minimum Event Priority drop down.
An event subscription designates a log category and also a priority (from
debug up to emergency). The device offers a large number of categories,
including any custom categories. Only messages that meet the minimum
priority level will be captured by the log target.
7. Click Apply to close the window and then click Apply again to save your

In addition to event subscriptions, log targets offer the ability to create filters of
various kinds. Filters restrict the messages captured by the log target. Filters can
be any of the following types:
򐂰 Event filters
Event filters either include only messages with the designated event code
within them or exclude messages with the designated event code within them,
򐂰 Object filters
Object filters include only messages published by the selected object class
and name. The name can be a wildcard, including all objects of the selected
򐂰 IP address filters
IP address filters include only those messages with the client IP addresses
included in the filters set for this target.

Log targets can also execute a CLI command upon the appearance of an event
trigger. Events with a particular log message ID (such as Ox011300006, which
indicates failure to establish a backside connection) trigger the execution of a
given CLI command. Event triggers are typically used to immediately capture
system state information, execute a packet capture or generate an error report.

Chapter 6. Logging 159 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Note: Each log target maintains a fixed queue of log events to process. If the
arrival rate of messages exceeds this queue, the target may drop messages.
Navigate to Status  Logging Target to view the number of processed,
pending, and dropped events. If this number is large, examine the subscription

Administrators can create any number of log targets. More than one log target
can subscribe to the same events.

6.4.3 Create log message generators

In some cases, it is desirable to generate custom log messages, containing
exactly the required information. This can be done at any time during the
execution of a processing policy by using a Transform action that executes a
custom stylesheet. Example 6-2 shows a custom log message.

Example 6-2 Code to generate a custom log message

<xsl:message dp:type="my_category" dp:priority="notice">
XYZ just happened during processing

This message will be caught by any log target subscribed to the my_category
event type with a priority of notice or higher. This flexibility makes it possible to
include exactly the information desired in a log message.

6.5 Transaction logging

To ensure that the system generates a log message containing the desired
information and that this message is delivered successfully to an external
repository, the processing policy used to process messages must include either a
Log Action or a Results Action. Using either of these actions, it is also possible to
include part or all of the message content at any stage of processing.

6.5.1 Log Action

The Log Action sends the contents of its input context to the destination given in
the configuration of the action. In addition to the input content, the Log Action
adds some additional information and wraps the entire message in a SOAP XML
envelope. Example 6-3 shows example output from the Log Action.

160 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Example 6-3 Log Action output

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""
serial="1298043707619000" domain="WorldofFTP"><date>Fri Feb 18 2011</date><time
-1.0.xsd" xmlns:S11=""
<tns:AddressLine1>1 Alewife Center</tns:AddressLine1>

This action can use any supported protocol to send its payload to a destination,
including HTTP, HTTPS, MQ and JMS.

Note: If no destination value is provided, the Log Action sends it’s payload to
the standard event logging system. To ensure reliability, it is necessary to
supply a valid destination.

A processing policy containing this action will only continue forward if the Log
Action can successfully send its payload to the destination given. If the action
cannot succeed in this manner, an error occurs.

Chapter 6. Logging 161 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

This action will also wait for the configured amount of time (in this case the
default timeout value for the URL used) to receive a reply. If no reply is received,
the processing policy then continues to completion. The action does not make
the response available for further processing.

Note: This action must not be marked asynchronous to ensure reliability.

6.5.2 Results Action

The Results Action sends the content of its input context to a designated
destination. Unlike the Log Action, this action does not include any additional
information in its payload.

Like the Log Action, the Results Action will cause an error if the attempt to send
its payload to the configured destination fails. Like the Log Action, the Results
Action will wait for a response for the standard timeout amount of time, if the URL
given for the destination expects a response (such as with MQ).

Unlike the Log Action, the Results Action will cause an error if a response is
expected and none is received within the timeout amount of time.

Note: This action must not be marked asynchronous to ensure reliability.

6.6 Usage considerations

In addition to those items already mentioned, here are some items to consider
when using the DataPower logging system.
򐂰 Logging is segregated by application domains. Log targets can only subscribe
to messages published by objects in the same application domain. The
default system log in the default domain captures all log messages from all
򐂰 Log categories are segregated by application domains. Any custom log
categories created in one domain are not visible to any other domain,
including the default domain.
򐂰 The total number of custom log categories created on a device is limited,
including all application domains. For firmware versions 3.7.3 and earlier,
there is an “appliance-wide” limit of 32 custom Log Categories across all
domains. For firmware versions 3.8.0 and higher, there is an “appliance-wide”
limit of 175 custom log categories across all domains.

162 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

򐂰 The device can generate a large volume of log messages in a short amount of
time when under load. This can make the log messages sent by the device to
a remote server overload that server. When this happens, the DataPower
device can begin to slow down as well.
򐂰 Event log messages cannot exceed 2 Kbytes in size. Messages larger than 2
Kbytes are truncated.
򐂰 Using the Log Action or the Results Action in asynchronous mode can result
in excessive resource utilization when the destination becomes unresponsive.
Use of asynchronous mode should be avoided if possible.
򐂰 It is possible to execute CLI commands on the device when particular log
messages are caught by a Log Target with an appropriately configured Event
Trigger. This capability allows administrators to automatically generate error
reports, run packet captures or even quiesce services with no human
intervention. This is very useful during heavy load testing or production
򐂰 Some DataPower devices do offer hard drive storage (an option). These hard
drives can be used for log files. The persistent storage and larger capacities
of the hard drives allow for the creation of larger log files on the device itself. If
network latency or processing latency is a concern, consider using hard drive
storage for logging. Even when using a hard drive, log files must still be

6.7 Best practices

This section contains suggested methods for meeting the logging requirements
for a range of use case scenarios.

6.7.1 Set log priority levels higher in production environments

The minimum event priority for all active log targets should be set to Warning or
higher when a device configuration is moved to production. When log levels are
set to Notice or lower in a high-load production environment, the resource
demands of logging may become too great for the device to provide the level
requested. As previously mentioned, the device places higher priority on
message transactions than logging.

6.7.2 Use the default domain for device-wide logging

The default system log in the default domain can capture log messages from all
domains on the device. Consider creating specialized log targets in the default

Chapter 6. Logging 163 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

domain to more readily identify problems that could cross domain boundaries.
For example, when an MQ Queue Manager fails or an ODBC connection fails
with just a “connection failure” error message in the application domain, the
default domain log can show any network, interface, DNS, or other errors that
might have affected the connection.

6.7.3 Suppress repeated log messages

Some processes, such as load balancer health checks, generate a large number
of identical log messages, thus flooding logs and consuming system resources.

To avoid this condition, it is possible to suppress identical event messages from

the same object over a set time period. When enabled, the log target records
only one instance of the event until the suppression period expires.

To achieve this configuration, set the Identical Event Detection radio input to On
(the default is Off). In the Event Suppression Period field that then appears, enter
a value to indicate a suppression period (the default is 10 seconds). Only one
instance of identical messages will appear in the logs every 10 seconds. Use a
lower suppression period value if this does not meet the enterprise requirement.

6.7.4 Employ a Load Balancer for critical log targets

To ensure the availability of log servers, employ a Load Balancer. The remote
destination of any log target would then be set to the address of the Load
Balancer rather than a single server.

Using a Load Balancer increases the availability of the logging servers, thus
reducing the likelihood that the logging system will become backed up and slow
down the device. This becomes particularly useful when the logging system is
using TCP to deliver log messages to a destination server. If that server
becomes unresponsive and the logging rate is high, the device can consume its
protocol stack resources.

It is also possible to use a Load Balancer Group as defined on the device to

ensure availability of log servers. In this way, no external balancer is required.

6.7.5 Select the appropriate Syslog server

Syslog servers accept messages over two different IP protocols - TCP and UDP.
While the use of the TCP protocol by Syslog-ng servers ensures delivery of each
message over the network, this can at times take more time than the rate of

164 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

messaging allows. When this happens, consider using the older, UDP-based
Syslog service.

6.7.6 Test production logging capacity before deployment

It is good practice to establish the level of logging that can be supported in
production environments before a configuration is deployed to production.

When an error condition occurs in production environments, it may be necessary

to set logging levels to debug to identify the problem. This setting will generate
large volumes of log messages in high load production environments. If the
production environment cannot handle such log volumes, another
troubleshooting strategy may be needed.

6.7.7 Plan for confidentiality

If the device will process messages that may contain confidential information
(such as consumer credit information, health records, or classified government
information), and any type of transaction logging is also required, plan for an
appropriate logging methodology. Keeping persistent records of such information
may violate privacy and security laws in effect.

The event logging system offers the ability to encrypt log messages before the
messages are sent off the device, which may meet the privacy requirements that
apply. For transaction logging, or any logging that contains a copy of all or part of
messages flowing through the device, it may be necessary to encrypt the
message content before using an action to send the message off the device.

6.7.8 Manage multiple log target feedback loops

The use of multiple log targets in any configuration can cause the device to
cascade log messages endlessly. A log target always suppresses its own events,
but will record events from other log targets. Under certain circumstances with
multiple log targets, these events could create a positive feedback loop that could
cause resource contention.

Enable Feedback Detection when configuring the log target to suppress all log
events from the logging subsystem and prevent resource contention.

Chapter 6. Logging 165 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

166 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Chapter 7. B2B Configuration and

This chapter provides a brief introduction to the WebSphere DataPower B2B
Appliance and describes some of the challenges and best practices surrounding
the configuration and administration of the B2B appliance.

There are many other configuration and administration considerations with

regards to using the B2B appliance however, they are core DataPower
challenges that are discussed in other chapters in this book and as such this
chapter will only address functionality that is unique to B2B.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011. All rights reserved. 167 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

7.1 Introduction to B2B appliances

IBM recognizes the convergence between B2B integration (external integration)
and application integration (internal integration) and understands that some
integration functions are needed at the edge of the network to support complex
B2B flows and to provide greater flexibility for file processing and routing; for this
reason the B2B appliance provides the same integration capabilities as our
integration appliance allowing our customers to easily and seamlessly bridge
external integration and internal integration flows between the DMZ and the
protected network.

The WebSphere DataPower B2B Appliance builds upon the functionality in the
WebSphere DataPower Application Integration Appliance by adding trading
partner profile management, B2B transaction viewing capabilities and industry
standards based B2B messaging protocols to the already robust integration
capabilities of the core appliance. These three key capabilities are at the heart of
the B2B appliance. They are designed in such a way that the B2B appliance is
positioned very well to handle simple partner connections with data passing
through directly to end applications for further processing. If more complex data
flows are required the application integration capabilities of the B2B appliance
can be used to perform data validation, transformation, rules based enforcement
and content based routing.

The WebSphere DataPower B2B Appliance extends application integration

beyond the enterprise by supporting the following B2B functionality:
򐂰 EDIINT AS1, AS2, AS3 and ebMS v2.0
򐂰 EDI, XML and Binary Payload routing and transformation
򐂰 ebXML Collaboration Partner Profile and Agreement (CPPA) v2.0
򐂰 MQ File Transfer Edition integration
򐂰 Partner Profile Management
򐂰 Plaintext e-mail support
򐂰 Encrypted B2B payload persistence
򐂰 Hard Drive Archive/Purge policy
򐂰 Certificate Management (S/MIME Security)
򐂰 Multi-step processing policy
򐂰 B2B and MQ FTE transaction viewing with optional trading partner visibility
򐂰 Transaction event and acknowledgement correlation
򐂰 Transaction resend/replay capabilities

168 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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The B2B Gateway Service is a configuration object that is responsible for

processing and routing B2B data. Partner profiles are configuration objects that
are capable of supporting multiple destinations; the profiles are associated with
any number of B2B Gateway Services. The B2B Viewer is used to view all
transactions that pass through a B2B Gateway Service.

The components that make up the B2B Gateway Object in the XB60 are depicted
in Figure 7-1.

B2B Appliance

B2B Gateway
Partner Connection External Partner
Front Side Handlers Destinations

Internal Partner Integration

Destinations Front Side Handlers


Metadata Document
Store Store
(DB) (HDD)

B2B Viewer

Figure 7-1 B2B Components

7.2 B2B appliance benefits

The global economy, large outsourcing initiatives and the virtual supply chain
have blurred the boundaries of the enterprise and the distinction between public
and private processes. As a result, internal application-to-application (A2A) and
external business-to-business (B2B) technologies are converging. Many
enterprises are seeking a single business integration platform to meet all of their

Chapter 7. B2B Configuration and Administration 169 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

internal and external B2B messaging and integration needs to reduce duplication
of effort and the increase speed of 'externalizing' internal processes. The
appliance model enables strong B2B business value by accelerating the pace of
innovative value-creating processes and strategic initiatives. You can utilize B2B
services to quickly and securely connect to your external partners and integrate
the partner connections to your application integration flows, all in a purpose built
hardware solution.

To take advantage of the improved business processes, flexibility and IT

efficiency that come with moving to B2B appliances, organizations require
pervasive, scalable services and controls, robust security, and high service
assurances in their infrastructures. Today, enterprises often find themselves
struggling to deliver these critical requirements without having to handle
prohibitive cost, complexity and hard-to-manage infrastructures. Addressing
these challenges requires a pragmatic approach; one that simultaneously
recognizes the evolution of standards, the value of existing infrastructure
investments, your organizational challenges and how security and performance
can be affected across applications. The WebSphere DataPower B2B Appliance
meets these challenges by providing the key benefits listed below.
򐂰 Simplifies SOA deployment by integrating many core functions required for
adopting B2B, SOA or Web services into a single, purpose-built device with
enterprise service bus (ESB) capability, the B2B appliance simplifies an
overall B2B/SOA infrastructure.
򐂰 Designed to deploy easily into an existing environment as an in-line network
device. You gain business value without having to change your network or
application software. As a result, proprietary schemas, coding or application
programming interfaces (APIs) are not required to install or manage the
򐂰 Makes it easier for your partners and customers to do business with you
through centralized and consolidated B2B trading partner and transaction
management. It provides highly secure connectivity to trading partners over a
wide range of protocols, reduces infrastructure costs and increases the speed
of on-boarding new partners utilizing a configuration-driven approach that
tackles today’s toughest B2B integration challenges.
򐂰 Improves the performance and scalability of your B2B deployment by easily
integrating disparate transport protocols with no dependencies between
inbound “front-side” and outbound “back-side” interfaces.
򐂰 Provides front-line defense for both inbound and outbound traffic with high
levels of security assurance utilizing AAA Security with integration to a broad
range of access control solutions and data security through a broad range of
B2B messaging protocols.

170 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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򐂰 Utilizes WebSphere Transformation Extender on the device for transforming

any message format with ultimate flexibility. Common WTX tooling is used to
develop maps and compiling them to run on the B2B appliance in a
processing policy.
򐂰 Dynamically route based on any message content attributes such as the
originating IP, requested URL, protocol headers, etc. Data within the message
such as SOAP Headers, XML, Non-XML content, etc.
򐂰 Provides Service Level Management (SLM) to protect your applications from
over-utilization using frequency based on concurrency or based on messages
per time period; take action when exceeding a custom thresholds (Notify,
Shape or Throttle). Combine SLM with routing to make intelligent fail-over
decisions when a threshold is exceeded.

Figure 7-2 depicts how the WebSphere DataPower B2B Appliance utilizes B2B
services and A2A services together to provide a robust and complete B2B
integration solution.

B2B Integration
Services Services
• Partner Provisioning • Protocol Bridging
• Community • Content-based Routing
Management • Any-to-Any
• Non-Repudiation Transformation


• B2B Security • Policy Enforcement

Requester Internet • B2B Acknowledge • Multi-stage Pipeline Service
• B2B Exception Processing
Handling • Service Level
• B2B Monitoring Management

Network Services
• IP Address Filtering / Host Aliasing
• VLAN Support / Standby Control
• Packet Trace / SNMP Traps

Figure 7-2 B2B and A2A convergence

7.3 Best practices

This section describes the best practices associated with the configuration and
administration of the B2B appliance. It will briefly describe best practices as they
related to capacity planning followed by configuration and/or administration use
cases with best practices associated with each case.

Chapter 7. B2B Configuration and Administration 171 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

7.3.1 Capacity planning

File transferred through the B2B Gateway object are stored on the appliance
hard disk and are eventually transferred to a permanent archive. Each B2B
Gateway object can have a separate archiving policy, but all B2B Gateway
objects together share space on the hard disk. Additionally, metadata that is
extracted from each transaction is retained in a separate B2B persistence store
on the hard disk.

The archive process removes both copies of messages and message metadata.
Archived data cannot be imported into the appliance and cannot be viewed
through the Transaction Viewer.

B2B payload storage

Up to 70 GB of space on the encrypted portion of the hard drive can be used to
store copies of message documents. This space is shared across all B2B
Gateway objects. Processing a message generally requires saving a copy of it as
it is received “off the wire”, plus a copy of the message after EDIINT or ebMS
headers and any S/MIME compression and encryption have been handled. One
or more copies of the MDN might also be saved, particularly if asynchronous
MDNs are in use.

Note: B2B payloads can optionally be stored off device to either a NFS mount
point or on an iSCSI device attached to the network.

Metadata storage
Metadata from each transaction is held on the appliance in the persistence store,
which is on the unencrypted part of the hard disk. This space can be shared with
configuration and log files if the appliance is otherwise configured to use the
local:///ondisk/ directory. The default setup does not use the hard disk for
anything besides B2B message contents and metadata. The B2B Persistence
object can be accessed by device administrators in the default domain. Its
Storage Size parameter controls the size of the persistence store. The default is
1GB to allow other use of the hard disk. The size can be safely increased to 64

Note: After this value is increased, it cannot be decreased. Consider whether

you will need to use the appliance hard disk for anything else before
increasing the size.

172 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Note: During testing, transaction metadata appears to require about 4 KB per

transaction. One transaction here includes an inbound or outbound file or B2B
message. If an outbound message is sent that requests an asynchronous
MDN, receipt of that MDN will be processed as a separate transaction that
requires separate metadata storage.

Calculating capacity
To properly plan for archiving and the persistence store size, you need to
estimate the traffic characteristics for your appliance.
򐂰 How many documents do you expect to receive per day and over what
number hours (peek)?
򐂰 How large, on average, do you expect these documents to be?

Payload storage
For illustrative purposes, assume 10,000 EDI messages per day with an average
size of 10 KB. Therefore, you are expecting 100 MB of content per day. This
capacity requires 360 MB of document storage per day, which equates to
approximately 84 days.

This corresponds to:

򐂰 200 MB of stored data for these messages. 2 copies of each message -- one
copy for "off the wire" and one for the processed request.
򐂰 40 MB (4 KB per message) for protocol responses
򐂰 120 MB for the raw MDN (4 KB per message), HTTP request containing MDN
(4 KB per message), and HTTP response containing MDN (4 KB per

Metadata storage
If the messages per day are split evenly between inbound and outbound and that
every outbound message requests an asynchronous MDN, the space for
metadata storage adds up to 15,000 transactions per day, which equates to 60
MB (15000 * 4 KB) of metadata storage per day. At the default 1 GB persistence
store size, this will fill in approximately 16 days. If the persistence store is
increased to 64 GB, over 1,000 days of message metadata can be persisted.

Using the default persistence store size in this example, setting the Archive
Document Age property to 7 days will remove document metadata from the
persistence store before it fills.

Chapter 7. B2B Configuration and Administration 173 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

WebGUI controls
Each B2B Gateway object has an Archive tab. Each gateway can be
independently configured to archive documents and metadata off of the
appliance before purging or to purge without archiving.

Relevant settings on the Archive tab include:

򐂰 Archive Minimum Size -- Archiving will not occur unless this amount of data is
stored in copies of message content
򐂰 Archive Document Age -- Documents that were received at least this many
days ago will be archived
򐂰 Archive Minimum Documents -- Archiving will keep at least this many
documents on the appliance after archiving is completed; if fewer than this
many documents have been received archiving will not occur
򐂰 Disk Use Check Interval -- Specifies how often to check for documents to
archive, defaults to hourly Maximum Disk Usage for Documents -- Archiving
will occur unconditionally if this amount of data is stored in copies of message

Commands to monitor space

You can use a pair of commands to monitor the disk space and the size of the
persistence store.

From the command prompt, type:

#service show b2bp encrypted-space
#service show b2bp size

Figure 7-3 Commands to monitor B2B drive space

The service show b2bp encrypted-space command shows how much of the 70
GB encrypted disk space the message contents has used.

The service show b2bp size command shows how much space message
metadata has used in the persistence store.

7.4 Use cases

This section describes some common configuration use cases with known
limitations and best practices for each.

174 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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7.4.1 Active/Passive high availability use case

The WebSphere DataPower B2B appliance can be deployed in an Active/Passive
High Availability configuration using the standby control functionality native to
DataPower devices. Since all of the other services on the device do not persist
any data or state information, they will process and pass through all information
sent to each of the front-side handlers associated with each of the services. The
B2B Gateway service on the primary device maintains state for any B2B
messaging protocols that are in use and persists metadata on the primary device
for any data it processes and then synchronizes theB2B metadata to the
secondary device. In order for synchronization of metadata to work between the
two devices, one of the devices must be primary and the other must be
secondary; the standby control configuration allows us to provide automatic
fail-over to the secondary device in the event the primary device fails and assures
the B2B Gateway services on the secondary are not receiving any data.
Figure 7-4 on page 176 depicts what a typical active/passive High Availability
deployment looks like.

Chapter 7. B2B Configuration and Administration 175 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Internet DMZ Trusted Domain

B2B Appliance

Multi-Protocol B2B Gateway

Service (pollers) 2

3 B2B
B2B Metadata
Storage Viewer

Application Integration Middleware

1 Primary System (Active)

Shared Virtual IP Address File Server (SAN)

Real-time Data

Partners Active/Passive
Partners Standby Control
Partners B2B Payload

4 B2B Appliance

Multi-Protocol B2B Gateway

Service (pollers) Service

B2B Metadata
Storage Viewer

Secondary System (Passive)

Figure 7-4 Active/Passive high availability example

Standby Control must be configured on the ethernet adapter being used for data
transfer with both the primary and secondary device and both devices in the
standby group need to be set to a priority of 100. This will create a Virtual IP
(VIP) address that is shared between the two devices in the Standby Group. The
primary device receives data over the VIP, if a failure condition arises the
secondary device takes over the VIP and starts to receive data.

Figure 7-5 shows an example of the standby control configuration page.

176 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Figure 7-5 Standby control configuration example

In addition to standby control the B2B metadata store must be configured as

primary on the active device and secondary on the passive device. Figure 7-6 on
page 178 shows an example of what the High Availability tab in the B2B
persistence configuration page looks like.

Chapter 7. B2B Configuration and Administration 177 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Click here for active


Click here for passive


Figure 7-6 B2B Persistence configuration example

Best practices
The best practices listed in this section are unique to this use case, however any
best practices that exist related to the DataPower platform and or deployment of
the B2B appliance also apply.
򐂰 B2B Payload Data for each B2B Gateway should be stored off device to a
shared directory (NFS or ISCSI). The storage system can be placed either in
the DMZ or protected zone depending on your security requirements. If
deployed in the protected zone it is recommended to isolate one of the
ethernet controllers to the connection and open the appropriate ports through
the inner firewall only from the B2B appliance.
– Use the same file location for all B2B Gateway Services; each file
persisted for non-repudiation is uniquely named and preceded with the
serial number of the device
򐂰 When configuring the B2B persistence High Availabilitiy tab be sure to use the
same virtual IP addresss that you configured in Standby Control for the
Ethernet interface being used for external connections.

178 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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򐂰 Pollers should not be configured in the B2B Gateways of either the primary or
secondary device; they should be configured in a Multi-Protocol Gateway that
outputs to the virtual IP Address being used for connectinons from external
partners. This ensures that the metadata store on the secondary device does
not receive active data from pollers.
򐂰 The B2B Gateways and Multi-Protocol Gateways (used for pollers) should be
configured identical on both the primary and the secondary devices.
򐂰 If using a standby group on the Ethernet interface that is being used for the
internal network connection, it is recommended that you use a Multi-Protocol
Gateway service to route all transactions originating from the internal network
into the virtual IP address associated with the B2B Persistence HA
configuration. The best way to do this is to set the output of the Multi-protocol
gateway to point to the a HTTP front-side handler in the B2B Gateway
򐂰 Sharing the same configuration between the two devices is recommended.
the most basic way to do this is to export the configuration from the primary
device and import it into the secondary device using deployment policies on
the secondary device to change any settings specific to the secondary device
(e.g. host names, IP addresses, etc.). More information about configuration
management techniques and options can be found in Chapter 9,
“Configuration management and deployment” on page 191.

The limitations listed in this section are unique to this use case, however any
limitations that exist related to the DataPower platform and or deployment of the
B2B appliance also apply.
򐂰 When B2B payloads are stored off of the device they are not encrypted, it is
the responsibility of the network security team to adequately protect all data
stored on external Storage Area Networks and/or file servers.
򐂰 The passive device is sitting idle until fail-over occurs; The passive system
should have an identical configuration as the primary; any usage of the
passive system will cause the configuration to be out of sync.
򐂰 This solution only provides fail-over and does not provide additional
throughput like an active/active configuration does.
򐂰 There will be a 1 to 3 second delay during the switch over to the secondary
device depending on the network latency of your network.
򐂰 Both the primary and secondary device must be installed on the same
network subnet.
򐂰 Pollers must be configured outside of the B2B Gateway service in
pre-processing service that bridges the polling protocol to a http.

Chapter 7. B2B Configuration and Administration 179 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

򐂰 Multiple passive devices are not supported; this configuration only supports a
two device configuration.

7.4.2 XB60 Active/Active high availability

The WebSphere DataPower B2B Appliance can be deployed in an Active/Active
High Availability configuration with a load balancer sending data to multiple
devices. Since all of the other services on the device do not persist any data or
state information, they will process and pass through all information sent to each
of the front-side handlers associated with each of the services. The B2B
Gateway Service maintains state for any B2B messaging protocols that are in
use and persists metadata on each individual device for any data it processes.
Figure 7-7 on page 180 depicts what a typical active/passive High Availability
deployment looks like.

Internet DMZ Trusted Domain

B2B Appliance

Multi-Protocol B2B Gateway

Service (pollers) 2 Service

3 B2B
B2B Metadata
Storage Viewer

Application Integration Middleware

Primary System (Active) 4
External Load Balancer

File Server (SAN)

Partners B2B Payload

B2B Appliance

Multi-Protocol B2B Gateway

Service (pollers) 2 Service

B2B Metadata
Storage Viewer

Secondary System (Passive)

Figure 7-7 Active/Active deployment example

180 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Best practices
The best practices listed in this section are unique to this use case, however any
best practices that exist related to the DataPower platform and or deployment of
the B2B appliance also apply.
򐂰 B2B Payload Data for each B2B Gateway should be stored off device to a
shared directory (NFS or ISCSI). The storage system can be placed either in
the DMZ or protected zone depending on your security requirements. If
deployed in the protected zone it is recommended to isolate one of the
ethernet controllers to the connection and open the appropriate ports through
the inner firewall only from the B2B appliance.
– Use the same file location for all B2B Gateway Services; each file
persisted for non-repudiation is uniquely named and preceded with the
serial number of the device.
򐂰 Archive B2B Gateway transactions often using the automated archive
capabilities of each B2B Gateway service; if any device should fail, the
metadata on that device will not be accessible until you restore the machine
or place the hard drives into a replacement device.
򐂰 Sharing the same configuration between all active nodes is recommended.
the most basic way to do this is to export the configuration from the primary
device and import it into the secondary device using deployment policies on
the secondary device to change any settings specific to the secondary device
(e.g. host names, IP addresses, etc.). More information about configuration
management techniques and options can be found in Chapter 9,
“Configuration management and deployment” on page 191.
򐂰 The B2B payload portion of the local hard drives are encrypted at the time of
first initialization. If using an active/active deployment and storing the B2B
payloads externally, IBM recommends you disable the encryption on the local
drive so it can be used for other functions. information on how to disable the
AES encryption can be found in the B2B appliance documentation.

The limitations listed in this section are unique to this use case, however any
limitations that exist related to the DataPower platform and or deployment of the
B2B appliance also apply. When passing data from a load balancer to multiple
front-side handlers associated with any B2B Gateway service configured on each
device, the following limits and advice should be taken into consideration.
򐂰 When B2B payloads are stored off of the device they are not encrypted, it is
the responsibility of the network security team to adequately protect all data
stored on external Storage Area Networks and/or file servers.
򐂰 MDN state is not monitored across multiple devices. When using B2B
messaging protocols you must only use synchronous Message Disposition

Chapter 7. B2B Configuration and Administration 181 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Notification (MDN) requests or no MDNs at all for outbound message flows.

Each device monitors the state of the MDN request and performs an action
(reject or resend) if the MDN is not received in the specified period of time.
– AS2 and ebMS have the option of using synchronous MDNs, AS1 and
AS3 do not.
– Binary or raw EDI or XML file do not use MDNs and thus are not affected.
– Inbound flows can support synchronous MDN requests from partners
since the state of the MDN request is monitored at the sending B2B
gateway; the same device that received the MDN request will always
process the MDN request.
򐂰 Metadata from the B2B Gateway service cannot be stored off device, nor
does it synchronize with the metadata store on the any other devices when
using an Active/Active deployment, so if you use the B2B Viewer as the
primary source to view the state of your transactions you must monitor the
transactions on each device separately.
– DataPower has robust logging capabilities that allows you to use custom
log categories, event subscriptions, log targets and multi-step to generate
the desired events (if they do not already exist) and send the logs/events
to a third party monitoring tool that can consume log data (e.g. syslog
server, monitoring applications, etc.). This decreases the operational
impact of having the metadata stored on multiple devices. More
information about logging can be found in Chapter 6, “Logging” on
page 153.

182 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Chapter 8. Development life cycle

This chapter discusses the considerations and activities that are associated with
a typical DataPower solution life cycle.

Successful implementation is a key objective for projects in the technology

industry. However, implementation is also the phase of a project that is
associated with the highest level of risk. It requires planning, testing, and
forethought to minimize the chance of a failed launch.

As a result, significant effort has been made within the software industry to
produce standardized frameworks that outline the development, testing, and
release life cycles for projects to minimize this risk. These frameworks or
methodologies are implemented by many IT organizations and share common
development, deployment, and testing principles.

This chapter discusses the features, considerations, and best practices for
implementing DataPower appliances within a life cycle based implementation. It
includes the following topics:
򐂰 Organizational structure
򐂰 Software development life cycle
򐂰 DataPower life cycle stages

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011. All rights reserved. 183 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

8.1 Organizational structure

One of the initial challenges for organizations that are new to DataPower
technology is the definition of roles and responsibilities for development,
deployment, and management tasks.

A common misconception is that the “all in one” nature of the device necessitates
a single group or individual owning and executing all aspects of the development
and management life cycle. It is possible for a single group to own the end-to-end
responsibility for executing all DataPower solution tasks; however, the breadth of
knowledge that is required across technology disciplines makes this type of
structure impractical within most organizations.

DataPower development, management, and operational roles can be defined in

much the same way as they are in traditional software-based solutions. Using
traditional roles is useful because most companies that release software projects
have already identified groups or individuals with the following high-level
򐂰 Software design
򐂰 Infrastructure and network design
򐂰 Security design
򐂰 Software development
򐂰 Project management
򐂰 Quality Assurance
򐂰 Operations

For example, an organization building and deploying a DataPower solution might

allocate tasks as listed in Table 8-1.

Table 8-1 Responsibilities and tasks associated with a DataPower solution

Role Typical Responsibilities

Architect 򐂰 Design high-level integration and security

򐂰 Identify system components.

Security Officer 򐂰 Establish security policies for integration

򐂰 Audit application and infrastructure design for
security exposure.

Developer 򐂰 Configure DataPower appliance messaging

services and policies.
򐂰 Manage DataPower devices in the development

184 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Role Typical Responsibilities

Network Administrator 򐂰 Allocate and assign IP addresses for

DataPower appliance network cards.
򐂰 Implement fire wall rules, load balancing rules,
and network segregation.

System Operator 򐂰 Install and set up initial DataPower appliance.

򐂰 Create DataPower domains and user accounts.

Quality Assurance Lead 򐂰 Test execution.

򐂰 Manage DataPower appliance domains that are
assigned to QA.

Although the actives that are related to DataPower appliance management,

configuration, and implementation are distributed easily within the organization, it
is prudent to establish a single team that will be responsible for overseeing all
DataPower appliance deployments. This group is the subject matter experts or
“center of excellence” within the company and can provide advice on functional
capabilities, limitations, and future direction for DataPower appliance projects.

In the absence of a defined DataPower appliance team that can gauge the
suitability of using the appliance for new projects, it is important to establish
guidelines for use within the enterprise. Guidelines help to avoid implementations
that are not in line with the original design intent of the product or that conflict
with the organization’s desired role for the DataPower device.

For example, a DataPower specialist group might identify that an XML

transformation be off-loaded from a back-end system to a DataPower appliance.
The group can provide a rough estimate on the cost in time and effort to
implement the solution. The same group might also advise an application team
not to deploy a solution that requires an unsupported custom TCP/IP protocol.

8.2 Software development life cycle

The software development life cycle (SDLC) describes the set of activities that
must take place for a software solution to be implemented or released. There are
many methodologies and practices that define the order and types of activities in
a life cycle. In this section, we discuss two of the SDLC categories.

Chapter 8. Development life cycle 185 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

8.2.1 Sequential life cycle model

A sequential life cycle defines a series of activities that must be executed in order
and prior to the release of a software project. Steps within the process might be
repeated, but an activity can commence only when the previous stage’s activities
are complete. The usual characteristics of a sequential life cycle model are long
running, monolithic planning, design, and development stages. The waterfall
model of software development is a classic example of a sequential life cycle
model (see Figure 8-1).






Figure 8-1 The waterfall SDLC model

8.2.2 Iterative life cycle model

In contrast to the sequential life cycle model, an iterative life cycle model does
not require a life cycle stage to be completed before embarking on the
subsequent step. In most cases, iterative models prescribe partitioning a project
into smaller subprojects or phases that can be deployed into a release
environment iteratively. In theory, this model results in faster implementation of
feature subsets and less rigidity in solution design and implementation. The
Rational Unified Process shown in Figure 8-2 is a popular example of an iterative
development model.

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Figure 8-2 The Rational Unified Process (RUP)

8.2.3 Choosing a life cycle model

DataPower appliance projects can be implemented within both iterative and
sequential life cycles. The device provides functionality that is well suited to the
controlled deployment of configuration and assets. Organizations should feel
comfortable adopting either style of life cycle model for projects that include
DataPower components.

8.3 DataPower life cycle stages

When planning a DataPower appliance project, it is important to identify all of the
tasks that are related to implementation in order to properly estimate project cost
and allocate resources. Typically, DataPower tasks are very similar to tasks for
software projects; however, they tend to be much shorter due to the
appliance-based nature of the product.

Although a detailed discussion of the specific activities that are associated with
DataPower development is beyond the scope of this book, project managers can
expect the high-level tasks that we discuss in this section to be executed in a
conventional DataPower project.

Chapter 8. Development life cycle 187 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

8.3.1 Physical installation

Colloquially referred to as “racking and stacking,” physical installation is required
only if an existing DataPower device is not available for use within the
organization. This task includes the following activities:
򐂰 Install the device in development, testing, and production data centers
򐂰 Provision power and network connectivity
򐂰 Configure the initial system and network, which requires physical access to
the device

Roles for this task include the Network Administrator, Systems Operator, and
Operations Personnel.

8.3.2 Solution design

Every organization has its own design culture and architectural guidelines;
however, the following activities are usually performed when designing a
DataPower solution component:
򐂰 Identify the integration and security functions that must be implemented to
meet the specified requirements
򐂰 Conduct a feasibility study to determine if all integration and security functions
can be met with existing DataPower hardware and firmware
򐂰 Identify the type of DataPower service objects that will support the solution

Roles for this task include the Architect and Developer.

8.3.3 Operational design

In addition to designing a functional solution, it is important to consider all of the
nonfunctional aspects of the DataPower appliance installation that we describe in
this book. Operational design activities usually include:
򐂰 Create a design for systems level monitoring of the device
򐂰 Create a domain management strategy
򐂰 Identify operational and deployment tasks that should be automated

Roles for this task include the Architect and Operations Staff.

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8.3.4 Development
For DataPower users, development usually entails configuration through the
web-based graphical user interface (WebGUI) and construction of associated
artifacts. The actual development activities vary from project to project, but in
most cases development includes the following activities:
򐂰 Configure messaging listeners and services (for example, HTTP Front Side
Handlers and WS-Proxy services)
򐂰 Configure messaging policies that define how to manage or manipulate
in-flight messages
򐂰 Construct integration and security artifacts, such as XSL templates
򐂰 Test the solution during development

The roles for this task includes the Developer.

8.3.5 Testing
The testing or quality assurance stage in a DataPower solution is identical to a
software project testing stage. The only difference for a DataPower project is that
the solution is deployed on hardware instead of a software platform. As with any
project, testing includes the following activities:
򐂰 Construct test cases
򐂰 Execute test cases
򐂰 Record issues

The role for this task includes Quality Assurance Personnel.

8.3.6 Deployment
Throughout this book, we discuss strategies for configuration and firmware
deployment. At a high level, DataPower deployment includes the following tasks:
򐂰 Deploy the firmware
򐂰 Deploy the configuration
򐂰 Configure the environment
򐂰 The role for this task includes the Operations Staff

Chapter 8. Development life cycle 189 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

190 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Chapter 9. Configuration management

and deployment
This chapter covers the practicalities of managing and deploying DataPower
configurations within modern IT environments. The specific aspects of
configuration management and deployment that will be covered include:
򐂰 Utilizing revision control systems
򐂰 Developing deployment packages
򐂰 Considerations for parallel development
򐂰 General deployment strategies

Additional information: For additional information about DataPower

configuration and deployment, see the IBM WebSphere DataPower
Information Center at:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011. All rights reserved. 191 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

9.1 Configuration management

You can configure DataPower device integration and security solutions easily
using the web GUI. In addition, the device is designed to support rapid creation
of messaging policies. However, this type of hands-on configuration is
recommended only for environments in which changes can be made with no risk
of impacting existing services. Most commonly, this type of configuration is
performed in development and test environments, never in production
environments. As with software-based solutions, you need to migrate DataPower
appliance configurations from the development environment to the testing and
production environments in a controlled and repeatable manner.

9.1.1 Revision control

A key aspect of any software configuration management (SCM) process is
revision control. Revision control provides an auditable repository of the assets
that are implemented into a target environment and allows an organization to
maintain a history of changes that are applied. SCM tools are particularly
important for organizations that practice iterative style software development life
cycle (SDLC) methodologies in which there are often multiple versions and
releases of software to manage at the same time.

There are many SCM tools available on the market today. Most organizations
have a favorite (or in some cases a mandated) SCM tool. An effective SCM tool
provides support for file versioning, parallel development, audit trails, and
integration with development and deployment tools, IBM Rational ClearCase® is
an example of a popular software configuration management tool that provides
this type of functionality.

It is important to note that there can be multiple SCM tools in use at the same
time within a single organization. For example, a development team might use a
robust enterprise product for control of source code, while an operations team
might maintain a home-grown tool for control of compiled application releases.
This type of variation is often a result of the differences in function, budgets, and
culture between teams.

Regardless of the specific product that is chosen, DataPower appliance

deployments benefit from the use of an SCM. It is strongly recommended that
organizations use SCM tooling for any non-trivial implementations.

The following categories of DataPower configuration can benefit from change

򐂰 System-level configuration

192 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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򐂰 Development assets
򐂰 Deployment packages

System-level configuration
As a general rule, system-level configuration covers configuration that is defined
within the default domain of the device. For example, the network card
configuration, device name, NTP settings, DNS settings, and role-based
management settings are all system level configuration items that an
administrator should store in a revision control system. This type of configuration
is the least likely to change over time, but it is worthwhile storing this information
in a change repository in case a device ever needs to be replaced or
reconfigured from an initial state.

A revision control process for system-level data can be as primitive as the use of
a spreadsheet with all of the relevant system information stored within. However,
a simpler and more reliable method is to use the Backup Configuration function
to retrieve a compressed file that contains the system-level settings of the
device.This backup file can then be stored and versioned as a file within an SCM

In addition, as of firmware version 3.8.1, DataPower administrators can perform a

secure backup of the device that includes all of the cryptographic key material
from the file system. This feature makes it easier to maintain a complete backup
of the device for the purposes of failure recovery.

Development assets
Development assets on a DataPower appliance project include the XML, XSLT,
WTX, WSDL, and XSD files that are used within a processing policy. Although
these assets can be exported from the device as part of a system backup or
domain export, it is prudent to manage each file individually within an SCM tool
so that changes to the files can be tracked atomically. This tracking allows for
individual files to be versioned as changes are made during the development
stage and before the entire project reaches the checkpoint or is labeled for
release into the next SDLC stage.

Deployment packages
Although revision control of the atomic development assets is useful in a
development environment, it is more practical to manage a complete deployment
package when migrating to testing and production environments. In the
DataPower appliance context, this type of management means using the Export
Configuration function to generate a compressed package and storing the entire
package in the repository. This function provides the deployment team with a
history of deployment packages within the repository and ensures that a domain
can be returned to a versioned state by importing the appropriate package.

Chapter 9. Configuration management and deployment 193 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

As mentioned previously, most DataPower appliance configurations have

dependencies on external flies to process messages (XML, XSLT, WSDL, and so
forth). If these files are stored off the device, it is useful to provide a package or a
revision control system checkpoint that contains both the DataPower appliance
configuration and the associated files for deployment, as illustrated in Figure 9-1.

Development System

Development System
Assets Backup

Deployment RCS

Figure 9-1 Three categories of revision control

An advantage of using a revision control repository is the level of control over

change that it provides. As with software development, projects that use code
and build respositories can use these systems to ensure that only tested and
audited configuration packages and files are deployed in controlled
environments. For example, a typical end-to-end DataPower implementation
might entail the following activities:
1. The development team creates and tests a DataPower configuration that
meets the business requirements for the project, as shown in Figure 9-2.


1. Configure and Test


Figure 9-2 Configure and test

194 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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2. During development, developers check in individual XSLT, WSDL, and XSD

files to the development code repository, as shown in Figure 9-3.


2. Check in Assets
Developer Code Repository

Figure 9-3 Check in assets

3. After development is complete, the team leader exports the working

DataPower configuration along with the associated files and checks in the
package to the build repository and uses 1.0 as the checkpoint for the
projects, as shown in Figure 9-4.

3. Create and store package

for deployment

Team Lead


Build Repository

Figure 9-4 Create and store package

4. The deployment team retrieves the 1.0 project from the build repository and
deploys it into the QA environment, as shown in Figure 9-5.

Chapter 9. Configuration management and deployment 195 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am


4. Deploy to QA

Build Manager

Build Repository

Figure 9-5 Deploy the package

5. The QA team executes testing and identifies a functional issue, as shown in

Figure 9-6.

QA 1.0

5. Found Bug!

Figure 9-6 QA tests the package

6. The development team resolves the issue and the team leader checks in a
new version of the configuration to the build repository with the label 1.1 as
the checkpoint for the package, as shown in Figure 9-7.


Fix bug and test DP

6. Bug fix applied
Team Lead and checked in
Developer Code Repository Package

Build Repository

Figure 9-7 Resolving the issue

196 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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7. The QA team executes testing on the newly deployed 1.1 configuration and
gives it the green light, as shown in Figure 9-8.


Build Manager

Build Repository 7. All tests passed

Figure 9-8 QA test on the new deployment package

8. The project manager notifies the deployment team that the package is now
ready for implementation to production and a change window is scheduled, as
shown in Figure 9-9.


Project Manager Operations

Figure 9-9 Package ready for implementation

9. The deployment team retrieves the 1.1 version of the configuration from the
build repository and deploys it into production, as shown in Figure 9-10.



Build Repository

Figure 9-10 Package is deployed into production

In this manner, the development team can make configuration changes only on
their own devices, and the testing and production teams have absolute certainty
about the changes that are applied to their respective environments. A full history
of releases is maintained, and previous builds can be retrieved and examined if

Chapter 9. Configuration management and deployment 197 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

For a detailed description of a DataPower appliance change management cycle,

consult the developerWorks® article, Managing WebSphere DataPower Device
configurations for high availability, consistency, and control, Part 2: Application
promotion strategies, which is available at:

9.1.2 Parallel development

With the rise of larger development teams, iterative life cycle methodologies, and
tighter project time lines, developers commonly work in parallel on the same
development components within a software project. Early versions of SCM tools
allowed only a single developer to “lock” a file when working on it, forcing other
developers to wait until changes were checked in to the repository before they
could make their own modifications. See Figure 9-11.

Code Developer



Figure 9-11 A traditional lock based SCM method

However, most tools now support parallel development through the advent of
code branching, textual merging, and in many cases the elimination of the lock
concept entirely as shown in Figure 9-12.


Code Developer



Figure 9-12 An SCM method that supports parallel development

198 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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In practice, parallel development requires a significant amount of planning and

foresight to avoid spending inordinate amounts of time resolving merge-related
conflicts and bugs. However, when executed properly, the organization can
realize a large time savings for development and release activities.

The classic target of parallel or concurrent development is source code files. For
example, in a C++ based software development project, multiple developers
might need to modify the same C++ source code file at the same time and
resolve conflicts when checking the file back into the source code repository.

Although the practice of concurrent development can work well for traditional
software development projects, applying this practice to DataPower appliance
development can be a challenge. With the DataPower appliance, the
configuration instructions for messaging and security policies are not contained
within atomic text-based files. Instead, the DataPower device allows users to
export configuration as an XML file contained within a compressed package,
which makes it difficult to apply most of the automated merge and resolve
functionality on which concurrent development projects rely.

In fact, most DataPower users find that the advantages of parallel software
development do not translate well to an appliance-based solution. Configuration
of a DataPower device takes less time to implement, requires fewer developers,
contain fewer bugs, and changes far less than traditional code based
development. These advantages result in a shorter development life cycle, which
offers far less return on the cost of managing a parallel development practice.

However, if desired, it is still possible to apply a parallel development style to the

practice of configuration DataPower devices. The file-based assets, such as
XSLT, XSD, and XML files on which DataPower configurations rely, can be
developed in parallel easily and do not present a challenge for a build manager.
The real complexity arises in managing parallel development of the services,
processing policies, and listener objects that are associated with the DataPower
web GUI based configuration.

One approach allows individual developers to work in their own domains with a
configuration that is exported from the SCM tool. Environment-specific values,
such as IP addresses and ports, might need to be modified for each domain, but
the actions and the order of operations within the processing policy should
remain the same.

Upon completion of a change, the developer is responsible for merging any

changes made to the configuration with the official version before checking in the
change to the SCM tool. This method entails maintaining a build management or
integration test domain for testing merges to ensure that they have not broken the
configuration. Configurations can be merged with the import and export facilities
that are provided within the device or through a textual merge of the exported

Chapter 9. Configuration management and deployment 199 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

DataPower configuration file; however, both approaches will likely require manual
correction to address any conflicts or unintended errors that arise after the
merge. Figure 9-13 illustrates the use of domains and merging to support a
parallel development methodology.

Domain A Domain B

Test Domain
1. Make changes
2. Merge and
Test 4. Refresh domains
with updated config

Developer A

3. Check in changes

Code Repository

Figure 9-13 Parallel development methodology support

Although it is technically possible to develop DataPower appliance solutions in

this manner, it is rare to see an organization take this approach in the long term.
Teams that have strong roots in parallel development often start by implementing
complex processes and tooling to support parallel development of DataPower
appliance solutions but abandon these process after they gain a better
understanding of the realities of appliance-based development. Although
transformations, schemas, and XML-based registries are likely to change with
some level of frequency and might require the involvement of many different
people, configuration of DataPower processing policies and listener objects tend
to change with less frequency and are usually best configured by a single

9.2 Deployment
Deploying a DataPower appliance configuration into a production or testing
environment is an important step in the life cycle and should always be executed
in a well thought out manner. Although the DataPower appliance is designed and
built to support rapid changes to configurations during development, it is
important to deploy those changes in a way that is both repeatable and
reversible. Fortunately, the device provides built-in functionality to facilitate
controlled deployment of configuration packages.

200 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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9.2.1 Upgrading an existing implementation

A fundamental decision for deploying a configuration to an existing application
domain is deciding whether to start with an empty domain or to deploy the new
configuration on top of an existing configuration. This decision has ramifications
for how configurations are exported, how they are imported, and how devices are

Starting from an empty application domain

An advantage of starting with an empty application domain is the assurance that
only the objects and settings that have been exported from the development
environment will be active after the import. However, This approach presents the
following disadvantages:
򐂰 Removing the existing configuration adds to the complexity of the deployment
򐂰 Assets within the domain might be specific to the environment and will not be
contained in the deployment package (for example, private and public key
files, deployment policy objects, and log target configuration).
򐂰 DataPower configuration objects cannot be deleted if they are in use.

As described in Chapter 3, “Domains” on page 59, domain deletion is an

asynchronous task and was not originally designed as a mechanism for
deployment. Instead, the recommendation is to overwrite the existing
configuration with a new configuration. However, In cases where the new
configuration differs significantly from the existing version, it often makes sense
to start with a blank slate rather than reconciling two dissimilar configurations.

In these situations, a reasonable approach is to create a new domain rather than

replacing the existing domain. For example, suppose we have an existing
configuration in a domain named ESB_1_0. Further, suppose that the
requirements have been changed extensively and that the configuration is
revamped. In this case, we might consider creating a new domain named
ESB_1_1 and importing the configuration into this newly created empty domain.

Ultimately, your organization might choose to move forward with domain deletion
or a domain reset as part of the deployment process. If this is the case, ensure
that the device is removed from active use before executing the deletion. Starting
with firmware version 3.8.1, DataPower products provide a quiesce function that
gracefully disables a configuration object. See 9.2.5, “Hot deployment” on
page 213 for details.

Chapter 9. Configuration management and deployment 201 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Overwriting existing configuration

Overwriting an existing DataPower configuration with a newer configuration might
be perceived as risky by teams that have their roots in software deployment. This
perception is because, traditionally, variations in server environments and
application instances increase the risk of unexpected issues. For example, a
Java class that exists in production but not in the tested development code can
wreak havoc when the application is started. However, on the DataPower
appliance, this risk is greatly diminished. To understand the implications of
overwriting a DataPower appliance configuration, it is important to first
understand the structure and relationships of DataPower configuration objects.

Multi Protocol Gateway

Figure 9-14 A DataPower Multi Protocol Gateway service object

The Multi Protocol Gateway, WS-Proxy, B2B Gateway, Low Latency Messaging,
and XML Gateway are all service objects within DataPower configurations.
Without these top-level service objects, no messages can be processed, routed,
or handled. Service objects define relationships to many other configuration
objects, in particular Front Side Handlers, XML Managers, and Processing
Policies as shown in Figure 9-15.

Front Side Handler Multi Protocol Gateway

Processing Policy XML Manager

Figure 9-15 A service object with child configuration objects

The Front Side Handler object defines how messages are received on the front
side of the appliance. For example, an HTTPS front side handler defines the IP,
Port, and SSL credentials that the device uses when listening for incoming
messages. Among other things, the XML manager object defines the rules and
limits for XML parsing. Finally, the processing policy describes what happens
when messages are received through the processing actions that are defined in
its child, the processing rule object. See Figure 9-16.

202 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Front Side Handler Multi Protocol Gateway

SSL Policy
Processing Policy XML Manager

Action Action Action Action Parser Config

Figure 9-16 A service object with third generation descendants

The beauty of this design is that an object can become an active part of message
processing only if it has a relationship with a parent service or one of its
descendents. Thus, orphaned objects cannot impact message processing. In
other words, if a configuration object is inadvertently orphaned and left in a
domain after a change is applied, the orphaned object has little chance of
impacting the new configuration. See Figure 9-17.

Front Side Handler Multi Protocol Gateway

SSL Policy
Processing Policy XML Manager

Action Action Action Action Parser Config

Figure 9-17 An orphaned configuration object

To further reduce risk of introducing a defect when overwriting an existing

deployment, organizations can consider the following actions:
򐂰 Maintain an application domain in a nonproduction environment that is
structurally identical (that is, the same objects, relationships, and definitions
as the production configuration with parameters that correspond to the
򐂰 Deploy the new configuration in this preproduction environment to ensure that
there are no unexpected issues.
򐂰 Use the DataPower Compare Configuration function to compare the running
configuration and the compressed package to be deployed (see the
DataPower Administrator’s Guide for details). This function allows an

Chapter 9. Configuration management and deployment 203 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

operations team to identify any unexpected changes or to compare the results

with a list of expected changes provided by the application team.

9.2.2 Managing environment specific values

Certain configuration values within a DataPower appliance solution differ,
depending on the environment to which it is deployed. For example, a DataPower
appliance implementation that protects a back-end web service can route
messages to the URL in development but needs to
route to in the production environment. The challenge
for a DataPower operations team is to ensure a deployed configuration will work
within the target environment while avoiding any damage to the integrity of the
tested solution.

The following DataPower configuration values typically need to be modified due

to environmental dependencies:
򐂰 Back-end destination addresses
򐂰 External server addresses (including MQ servers, IBM Tivoli Access
Manager, and SNMP servers)
򐂰 Front Side Handler listener addresses for inbound messages
򐂰 Locations for XML, schema, XSLT, and other external files
򐂰 Security material (including private keys and keytabs)
򐂰 Custom variables that drive environment specific behavior (for example, a flag
used to indicate the verbosity of error messages is set to terse in a production

Overall, controlled modification and management of environment values is a

common requirement for DataPower administrators, and there are multiple
solutions available. Both DataPower appliance configurations and operating
environments differ greatly from one user to the next. Thus, it is important to find
a solution that fits the organization’s own needs. The risk, complexity, and
flexibility of each type of value management solution is a good indicator of
solution suitability, and often times it makes sense to combine different strategies
to come up with the best fit.

Host name resolution

Host name resolution is a method of resolving a host name to a physical TCP/IP
address. For example, in a web browser, the host name is resolved
to its physical IP address of

Name resolution is a simple yet effective way of resolving destination values to

environment specific addresses. For example, if a configuration defines a service

204 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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with a back-end destination address of, the

backend-server host name can be resolved to a physical IP address for the
hosting environment (assuming that the resolution rules themselves are
environment specific).

The Domain Name System (DNS) protocol is the standards-based mechanism

that DataPower appliances and almost all computer systems use for host name
resolution. The protocol is superficially a client-server messaging protocol and
requires the implementation of a DNS server in the operational environment. A
DataPower appliance that needs to resolve a host name for a TCP/IP based
connection issues a DNS name resolution request to the defined DNS server and
uses the IP address that is returned to create the connection. By configuring
each DataPower device point to a DNS server that returns an
environment-specific IP address, an administrator can avoid making changes to
the DataPower configuration package.

Alternatively, the administrator can define name resolution rules in the Host Alias
section of the default domain on the appliance. The Host Alias operates similarly
to the DNS protocol, except there is no call made to a DNS server. Instead, the
DataPower device uses the local name resolution table to resolve the host name
to a physical address.

Although name resolution has many advantages, it is limited in scope and

addresses only the problem of resolving differences in physical IP destinations. It
is not a solution for managing differences in ports, URIs, or object values. For
example, name resolution is not the solution for replacing the development
back-end destination of with
in production because the port and URI need to be modified in addition to the IP

Post deployment modification

Another way of compensating for environmental differences is to modify the
DataPower configuration values after deploying the original version. For example,
if the back-end destination needs to be modified to
point to, the value itself can be updated to point to the
correct destination after the configuration is installed on the device.

When taking this approach, it is crucial that post deployment changes be made in
a repeatable, auditable, and reliable way. This method implies that some form of
automation is necessary and that the replacement values must be stored and
versioned in a repository.

An advantage of applying post deployment modification is the scope of

functionality that is available. Any value in the DataPower domain can be

Chapter 9. Configuration management and deployment 205 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

modified, created, or deleted in some way. However, if not implemented properly,

modifying a deployed configuration can have disastrous results.

It is extremely important that the value modification solution is well thought out in
order to mitigate the risk of introducing unexpected problems into a critical
environment. Due to the level of diligence required, it is often the case that post
deployment value modification solutions have a fair degree of complexity in
planning, creation and maintenance of the solution.

Predeployment modification
The flip side of post deployment modification is modification of a configuration
package before it is deployed to the target device, which can take one of the
following forms:
򐂰 Modification of values on a DataPower device prior to export (for example, a
development team might replace a back-end destination value of with prior to
exporting the configuration from the device)
򐂰 Modification of the deployment package after exporting it from the device (for
example, the use of an XSLT transformation to replace the back-end
destination in the export.xml file that is contained in the export package)
򐂰 Modification of a remote configuration file (see Chapter 3, “Domains” on
page 59 for additional information)

Pre- and post-deployment modification share many of the same characteristics.

They both have high degrees of flexibility but also carry the risk of introducing
new defects and, thus, tend to be more complex solutions. However, one key
difference is that modification of a configuration before deployment allows an
organization to have a single asset that represents a deployment package for a
particular environment.

In addition to the risks involved when changing configuration, it is important to

remember that there is no support, documentation, or official guidance for
modification of a configuration file after it is exported from the device. Although
the export.xml file that represents the configuration tends to be fairly intuitive,
users who decide to modify it need to reverse engineer the configuration data
and must accept the risk that the structure and content of the file can be changed
without any notice.

Important: There is no official guidance or support for the direct modification

of a configuration file. The actual structure of a configuration file can change
without notice.

206 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Deployment policy
The Deployment Policy object is designed and developed specifically to address
the issue of modifying fine-grained DataPower configuration values for
environments. As such, it provides easy to use and deep functionality for
modification of values and can be referenced when importing a configuration

The Deployment Policy object is a powerful tool and is easy to use, but it was not
designed to support the modification of coarser grained configuration objects.
When judging the suitability of the deployment policy it is worth remembering that
it can only act on name-value pairs. For example, suppose that a DataPower
configuration contains a Matching Rule action for requests that end in the URI
/Jay as shown in Example 9-1.

Example 9-1 XML representation of a Matching rule for /Jay

<Matching name="MyMatchingRule" xmlns:...

A deployment policy can be created to modify the URL property of the matching
rule so that it is changes to the value /Ratna as shown in Figure 9-18.

Matching Matching
MatchRules MatchRules
Url="/Jay" Change URL to "/Ratna" Url="/Ratna"

Figure 9-18 A valid deployment policy for the URL property

This deployment policy rule is valid because URL is a simple name-value

property contained within the Matching Rule action. After applying the

Chapter 9. Configuration management and deployment 207 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

deployment, the DataPower configuration file would look similar to the XML
snippet shown in Example 9-2.

Example 9-2 XML representation of the Matching Rule after modification

<Matching name="MyMatchingRule" xmlns:...

However, it would not be possible to create a deployment policy that can add new
MatchRules to the action (that is, it is not possible to add a rule to match on
/Ratna in addition to the /Jay match). This configuration is not possible with the
deployment policy because a MatchRule is a complex configuration item with
multiple name-value pairs. See Figure 9-19.

Matching Matching
MatchRules MatchRules
Add New MatchRule
Url="/Jay" Element Url="/Jay"


Figure 9-19 Deployment policies cannot be applied to complex content

Prior to the addition of the Deployment Policy object in DataPower firmware,

administrators had to employ the modification methods described previously.
However, Deployment Policies should be the first option for any administrator
looking for a straightforward solution to environment variability when host name
resolution is not enough.

208 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Externalizing values
A final method for dealing with environment-specific values is to externalize the
data from the DataPower appliance. For example, a DataPower processing policy
package can reference an XML-based routing table that contains a list of
back-end destinations. If this routing table file is retrieved from an external source
(such as a web server), the DataPower configuration can be deployed without
any changes as long as the appropriate resource file is available.

One of the main advantages of this approach is that these values can now be
modified without making any changes to the DataPower processing policy or
service objects. In fact, this is a useful design pattern in general and is an easy
way to minimize the amount of change required on the device itself.

It is important for the external files to be stored in a revision control system along
with the associated DataPower configuration so that the environment can be
recreated when necessary. In addition, be aware that DataPower policies must
be configured to use externalized values. No action (without modification)
automatically performs this function.

Readers may wish to consult John Rasmussen's developerWorks article titled

Managing WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliance configurations for high
availability, consistency, and control, Part 1 for an in depth example of
externalizing configuration values through the use of an XML “identity
document”. This article is available at:

Choosing the best method

All of the methods of managing environment variables that we described in this
chapter are used successfully in real DataPower appliance deployments.
Development and operations teams need to select the method that fits their own
set of requirements based on the configuration that will be deployed and the
types of values that need to be modified.

To aid in selecting an appropriate replacement method, administrators can use

Table 9-1, which summarizes each scheme according to its risk of introducing
defects to the configuration, the complexity of implementing the solution, and its
flexibility for handling configuration values:

Table 9-1 Replacement method risk levels

Replacement Method Risk Complexity Flexibility

Host Name Resolution Low Low Low

Chapter 9. Configuration management and deployment 209 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Replacement Method Risk Complexity Flexibility

Post Deployment Modification Medium Medium High

Pre Deployment Modification High High High

Deployment Policy Low Low Medium

Externalizing Values Low Medium Low

9.2.3 Handling PKI material

In many cases, DataPower devices are implemented to protect a backend
system or to secure communications with a remote system. In these scenarios it
is quite often the case that public key infrastructure (PKI) public and private key
files are loaded onto the DataPower appliance for use at run time. Although a
public certificate is intended to be distributed freely, the corresponding private
key must be closely guarded. If the key were to fall into the wrong hands, the
secure nature of the integration will be compromised and the entire solution can
be at risk of a malicious attack.

Although DataPower products are not designed to offer an enterprise solution for
storing and securing private key material, they do store private key files in an
encrypted, write only file system for internal use. Thus, after a private key file is
uploaded, imported, or created on a DataPower device, it is almost impossible to
view or download that cryptographic material.

The following scenarios provide an exception to this rule:

򐂰 If the public and private key pair are created on the appliance itself, there is an
option to store both the public and private key files in the temp: directory of
the appliance file system. All contents of the temp: directory are deleted
automatically after a domain restart, firmware reload, or system restart event.
򐂰 The 3.8.1 firmware version supports a conversion function that allows an
administrator to export a private key off the device in openSSH public key
authentication format, which is primarily useful for sFTP connection handling.
򐂰 The 3.8.1 firmware version introduces the secure system backup function that
includes key files within a secure backup package.
򐂰 DataPower devices that contain the optional hardware security module (HSM)
can support extraction of private keys.

Private keys: It is essential that private key files are stored in a reliable,
secure repository within your organization. The DataPower appliance is not a
key storage or distribution system and should not be used as a key repository.

210 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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At one time, managing the redeployment of private key files for DataPower
disaster recovery was a challenge for administrators. However, the recent
improvements provided in firmware version 3.8.1 make the process much easier.
Now, administrators can simply export the entire contents of the device including
the private key material and store the package in a reliable repository. The key
files remain secure because the backup package is encrypted using the public
certificate specified by the user. For specific details about the secure backup
function, consult the Administrator’s Guide in the online IBM DataPower
Information Center.

Although this solves the issue of key deployment for backup and recovery, those
organizations who choose to deploy configurations by first wiping out the target
application domain need a mechanism for redeploying the private key files to the
DataPower appliance. One solution is to avoid deleting the application domain
and instead adopt a policy of overwriting changes as described in “Overwriting
existing configuration” on page 202. If this method is not possible, an
administrator can either re-import cryptographic material or store the files in the
sharedcert: directory.

Re-importing private key material

If desired, private key and public certificate files can either be re-imported to the
device manually through the web GUI, or the process of importing can be
implemented with automation. Regardless of the method chosen for importing
the key files, the real challenge is ensuring that the keys are stored securely
while still being accessible to the deployment team.

It is recommended that administrators work closely with their organization’s

security team to ensure that any key material deployment solution does not
introduce unnecessary risk to the solution.

Using the sharedcert: directory for key material

A more practical option is to store the key material in the sharedcert: directory of
the default domain. This directory is a special DataPower directory that can be
written to only from the default directory but is shared across all of the application
domains on the device. As with the cert: directory, the sharedcert: file system
is encrypted and is write-only so that key material cannot be downloaded from
the DataPower device.

Because the sharedcert: directory is shared across all domains, special care
must be taken with the names of the files to ensure that there are no conflicts. it
is also advisable that key and certificate files be password protected due to the
fact that they will be accessible within all domains.

Chapter 9. Configuration management and deployment 211 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

As described in “Deployment policy” on page 207, a deployment policy can be

used to manage the differences in private key file locations from one environment
to the next.

9.2.4 Checkpointing configurations for back out

Administrators of critical systems and components must have a way to back out
changes after they are applied in case an implementation goes wrong. A
decision to back out or roll back a change might be the result of a functional
issue, a conflict in the environment, or a management decision to back out a
change due to an unexpected business impact. Regardless of the reason for the
back out, most project teams will have a plan in place, and in certain cases the
back out plan might be more complex than the original implementation plan.

DataPower appliances provide a Configuration Checkpoint feature to support an

easy method of immediately reverting to a previously saved domain
configuration. The checkpoint function allows an administrator to save a copy of
the running DataPower configuration to the local file system.

Configuration checkpoint: The configuration checkpoint function on the

DataPower appliance is not designed to be a persistent repository of
configuration states. Administrators who want a robust solution to manage
DataPower change history should consider using a software configuration
management tool, such as Rational ClearCase, to store and manage versions
of DataPower configurations.

Deployment teams can use the checkpoint feature in their implementation

process as follows:
1. Checkpoint the existing running configuration of the target domain.
2. Import a new configuration package into the target domain.
3. If a back out is required, roll back to previously checkpointed configuration.

See Figure 9-20.

212 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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1. Checkpoint 2. Import 3. Problem! 4. Rollback

Operator Operator Operator Operator

Figure 9-20 Checkpointing configurations

Provided that the team had the forethought to use a checkpoint, the roll back
feature can be a time saver when backing out a project change. For details about
the use of the domain checkpoint functionality, consult the Administrator’s Guide
in the DataPower product documentation set.

9.2.5 Hot deployment

A hot deployment is the act of deploying a change to a system component when
it is still live. Although it is technically possible to import a configuration into a
DataPower device when it is serving traffic, the results are often unpredictable.
The immediate risk is that the import process will fail if an attempt is made to
update an object that is currently handling a transaction. The additional risk is
that the act of updating live configuration objects can inadvertently impact the
processing of a message.

The safest way to update the configuration on a DataPower device is to ensure

that it is no longer processing messages or transactions. Most operations teams
achieve this by removing the device from active service through modification of
the network routing infrastructure or by implementing changes during designated
service hours. This method is normal practice for most system updates and
should not be unique to the practice of DataPower deployment.

In addition, the release of firmware version 3.8.1 introduces a new quiesce

feature that lets DataPower administrators drain configuration objects of
transactions so that they can be safely modified or deleted. The quiesce function
can also be used to stop a service and front side handler from accepting new
message requests. For example, an operations team might build a deployment
script that first sends a quiesce command to a Web Service Proxy object and its
Front Side Handler to ensure that there are no transactions being processed
prior to performing a configuration import.

Chapter 9. Configuration management and deployment 213 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Details on the quiesce feature can be found in the Administrator’s Guide within
the IBM DataPower Information Center.

9.3 Best practices

As with any complex highly-configurable device, there are some ways of
accomplishing certain tasks that are simply better than others. This section
provides a basic list of tips and recommendations that have, in most
circumstances, proven to be “best practices.” That said, they are not laws and
may not be the best in all situations.
򐂰 Quiesce domain traffic (using domain quiesce or other means) before making
updates to ensure that all message processing jobs are completed.
򐂰 Utilize a single administrative user per domain when applying configuration
changes to a DataPower appliance. This will help to avoid conflicts when
changes are made by multiple users within a single domain.
򐂰 Avoid committing many configuration changes all at once, particularly when
heavy data traffic is flowing.
򐂰 Ensure that the firmware of DataPower devices being targeted for deployment
are the same version or higher than the firmware version that was used for
the development of the original configuration export.
򐂰 Test and validate configurations after making changes or deploying.
򐂰 For production or critical domains and devices, schedule a maintenance
window so that a controlled migration and test process can be performed
before returning the system to active service.
򐂰 Track versions of configuration so that changes can be verified and
implementations can be rolled back to a known version if necessary.

214 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Chapter 10. Appliance management and

In this chapter we will describe the DataPower interfaces that may be used for
management and configuration tasks with a special focus on automation.

The following topics will be covered:

򐂰 Overview of task automation
򐂰 Security considerations
򐂰 The Web GUI
򐂰 The XML Management Interface
򐂰 The Command Line Interface (CLI)

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011. All rights reserved. 215 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

10.1 Task automation

Task automation refers to the replacement of a manual task with a set of
automated steps that can be executed repeatedly with minimal human
interaction. For example, a scheduled file transfer task may be executed by a
human operator, but is often implemented in an automated system instead.

By design, DataPower appliances provide multiple administration interfaces that

support automation of management, monitoring and configuration functions. The
DataPower appliance can fit into most existing operational and management
environments and any task executed via the WebGUI can also be automated.

This provides for automation possibilities that are limited only by the end user’s
desire to reduce hands on operation.

10.1.1 The case for automation

Modern organizations prefer repeatable, automated processes to manual ones
because they provide the following benefits:
򐂰 a reduction in issues resulting from human error
򐂰 a restriction of access to critical systems
򐂰 a reduced need for resources with specific system and process expertise
򐂰 a reduction in operational time and cost

Reducing human error

Occasional errors are both inevitable and unavoidable when using a computer
system. While most systems provide user interfaces that are designed to
accommodate a small percentage of errors through deletion, undo and back out
functionality, the impact of human error when making changes to critical systems
can be catastrophic. Examples of human error resulting in disasters can be found
throughout history and pose a legitimate risk to any system.

Reducing the steps involved in human-computer interaction to a set of defined

instructions that can be executed with a specific set of variables, minimizes the
amount of human interaction and in turn, minimizes the overall risk to an

Repeatable processes
A benefit of building an automated system is that the set of defined instructions
are both repeatable and auditable. Having a truly repeatable process means that
behavior is predictable and results achieved when testing a process are more

216 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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valuable because the risk of variation is minimal. Repeatability implies improved

predictability - an important factor when planning changes to systems or
environments that are of a critical nature.

Restricting access
Not only does automation allow organizations to reduce the number of errors
resulting from human operation, it also allows them to restrict the type of access
that is allowed to critical systems. For example, a human operator with an
administrator account can invoke a broad range of management functions, while
a human operator with access to an automation system can only invoke the
functions that have been automated. Provided that the automation system itself
is secured, an automated system provides a reduction in the risk that
unauthorized changes will be made to the target system.

A side benefit of automation is that management and monitoring functionality can

be rolled out to end users who would not normally be provided with direct access
to the system due to the criticality or secure nature of the target system.

Reducing specialization
Reducing the level of human interaction can also mean reducing the level of
specialization required to operate a system. For example, a user may require a
certain level of product experience and skill to retrieve memory and CPU
utilization from a group of production servers. This dependency on skilled
resources limits the availability of the information and can ultimately increase the
overall cost for maintenance of the system.

Instead, automating the task of retrieving system metrics to a simple script or

program, reduces task complexity and in turn reduces the need for a specialist to
be available. Automation can be further extended to take this raw data and
present it to non technical users in a more meaningful way - further reducing the
dependence on highly skilled, specialized operators.

Reducing time and cost

Perhaps the biggest motivation amongst systems operators and developers is
the time and cost that can be saved by automating monotonous and repetitive
tasks. Automation for these types of tasks is usually the easiest to justify and can
provide large cost savings for the overall maintenance of a system. This is
especially true in environments where multiple systems need to be managed or
monitored in the same way.

Chapter 10. Appliance management and automation 217 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

10.1.2 The case against automation

Deciding which tasks to automate often comes down to determining if the up
front effort required to implement an automation script or system is worth the
value associated with automating the task or process. While this is ultimately a
quantitative judgement call, there are a few scenarios that are generally not good
cases for automation:

One-off tasks
While it may seem obvious that tasks destined to be executed only once or twice
are not candidates for automation, there are occasions where a lack of foresight
can result in a wasted investment of effort for a task that rarely gets executed. An
example would be a script that creates user accounts for an environment that will
only ever have a single account.It is important to gain an understanding of the
frequency with which a task may be executed prior to spending the effort
required to automate it.

Nevertheless, automating a one off task may be justified in environments where

the criticality of the system requires that all management and monitoring
commands must be automated to avoid any chances of human error.

Scope creep and high levels of complexity

Automation systems that grow too complex can end up becoming more costly to
manage and maintain than the manual task it originally replaced. This type of
automation often starts life as a simple script to meet a specific set of
requirements and grows to become an unmanageable beast through scope

For example, suppose an automation component is built to dynamically generate

a DataPower configuration to encrypt messages:

At inception this script might provide immediate value - reducing the time
required for the middleware team to release an encrypted messaging proxy and
minimizing the level of expertise required. However, if new users demand
additional options to meet their own specific requirements, the complexity of the
script will rise until it becomes more complex than the original activity it was
meant to simplify.

Maintaining the fine balance of providing comprehensive functionality while

ensuring that the solution is not overly complex requires vigilance on the part of
the automation team. It is worthwhile reviewing automated solutions at regular
intervals to ensure that they are still delivering the value for which they were
designed and implemented.

218 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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10.2 Security considerations for automation

Automation of DataPower management and monitoring functionality should be
implemented in a secure manner whenever possible. Implementing automation
without security in mind increases the risk of malicious and unintentional
modification of a running configuration and can have a major impact on critical
and secure deployments.

While DataPower integration products always require authentication for any

management task (including functions that are executed through the automation
interfaces), a poorly designed automation system can diminish the secure nature
of DataPower device management.

For example, suppose that a build manager is assigned the task of regularly
monitoring the system metrics of a DataPower device hosted in a development
In order to address the requirement and save himself the effort of manually
retrieving the data, the build manager builds a script that queries the system
metrics of the device and appends the results to a local file (Figure 10-1). In
order for the script to be called regularly, he deploys the script on a
development server so that it can be executed every 30 minutes. Because he
will not be manually running the script herself, the build manager hardcodes
the administrator username and password into the script so that the
authentication requirement can be successfully fulfilled.


Build Manager Build Script

Figure 10-1 An automated build system

In this scenario, there are a few potential risks that the build manager may have
inadvertently exposed (see Figure 10-2):
򐂰 The script has a hard coded password in it - this means that anyone who
gains access to the script will be privy to the authentication data required to
login to the appliance.

Chapter 10. Appliance management and automation 219 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

򐂰 If other users are able to access to the script, they may be able to create
additional user accounts or modify the configuration by simply changing the
commands contained in the script.
򐂰 If the network has not been segregated with IP firewalls, a typo in the device
destination may impact a production or testing device.



Build Manager Build Script

Figure 10-2 Worst case scenario for an insecure automated system

A few simple steps can be taken to ensure that implementing an automation

system does not add increased risk to a DataPower deployment:
򐂰 Whenever possible, prompt for passwords rather than hard coding them.
򐂰 Ensure that automation scripts are stored and executed in a secure system
with restricted access.
򐂰 Create a unique userid on the DataPower appliance for the automation
component to use.
򐂰 Ensure that critical DataPower appliances are deployed in segregated
networks. If this is not possible, at the very least, use different authentication
credentials to avoid accidentally modifying a production system.

10.3 The XML Management Interface

The XML Management Interface (or XMI) is the backbone for all XML
message-based administration on the appliance. It allows a DataPower
administrator to set the system level properties for XML management
communication as well as the authentication and security rules that will be
enforced. All of the XML message based administrative protocols utilize the XML
management interface and inherit its physical and security characteristics (see
Figure 10-3).

220 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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XML Management Interface



Figure 10-3 The XML Management Interface and messaging protocols

When enabled, the XML Management Interface will:

򐂰 Bind to a specified TCP/IP port and listen for messages
򐂰 Enforce SSL connection rules according to an SSL Proxy configuration object
򐂰 Identify the type of XML management message based on the URI

For example, suppose that an automation system is sending an XML based

management message to a DataPower device as in Figure 10-4 on page 222.
For this scenario, the following will take place:
1. The automation system will connect to the XML Management Interface at the
TCP/IP IP and port that have been defined by the administrator
2. The automation system will conform to the security policies that have been
set for the XMI. For example, the DataPower management interface enforces
the use of SSL by default.
3. The automation system will POST a SOAP/XML message to the XMI with a
URI indicating the type of message protocol that will be used. In this example
the client is using the URI /service/mgmt/amp/1.0 indicating that an AMP 1.0
message is being transmitted.
4. The XMI parses the SOAP/XML message and if it is valid passes it on to the
appropriate message processor (which in this case would be AMP).
5. After executing the management command a response message is passed
back to the management client.

Chapter 10. Appliance management and automation 221 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

POST to:
Automation System



XML Management Interface
port 5550

Figure 10-4 An automation system utilizing the XML Management Interface for an AMP

Specific instruction on configuring the XML Management Interface can be found

in the DataPower Administration Guide and the IBM Redpaper™ WebSphere
DataPower SOA Appliance: The XML Management Interface.

10.3.1 Authentication
As with all DataPower administrative interfaces, automation systems that utilize
the XML Management Interface must provide credentials for authentication. XMI
authentication uses the same credential store and Role Based Management
(RBM) rules as the CLI and WebGUI interfaces. The administrative username
and password is transmitted over a secure HTTPS connection via basic access

The HTTP basic authentication scheme works by setting an HTTP header

named “Authorization” with a base64 encoded value containing the username
and password strings. The intent of the base64 encoding is not to obfuscate or
encrypt the username/password string - instead the credential string is encoded
to ensure that escaping of special characters is not required. It is vitally important
to transmit HTTP basic access authentication over a secure connection to
ensure that the username and password data are encrypted during transmission.
The XML Management Interface relies on the HTTPS protocol to protect the
sensitive credential data that is passed during authentication.

222 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Example 10-1 shows the format of an HTTP basic access authentication header.

Example 10-1 Format of HTTP basic authentication header

Authorization: Basic encoded-credential

Prior to encoding, the username and password string is formatted as shown in

Example 10-2. It shows how the username and password string should be
formatted prior to encoding.

Example 10-2 Format of username and password prior to base64 encoding


Note: If you are manually creating your credential string for encoding, make
sure that there are no CR or LF characters at the end of the credential string.
An encoded string that ends with “Cg” is a strong indication that the clear text
string ended with a newline character.

For example, to authenticate with the XML Management Interface using the
username ‘Ashy’ and password ‘supplies’, concatenate the username and the
password separated by a colon as shown in Example 10-3 on page 223.

Example 10-3 A raw credential string


Next, the raw credential string is encoded using the base64 algorithm to produce
an encoded version of the credentials as shown in Example 10-4.

Example 10-4 The base64 encoded credential


Finally, the HTTP header is set as specified in the HTTP access authentication
scheme with the base64 encoded credential data and a token as shown in
Example 10-5.

Example 10-5 The completed HTTP authorization header

Authorization: Basic QXNoeTpzdXBwbGllcw==

The HTTP Basic Authentication scheme is a well known and popular standard for
transmitting credentials. Most tools, programming languages and scripting

Chapter 10. Appliance management and automation 223 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

platforms will already provide facilities for generating the HTTP headers required
based solely on username and password credentials, thus minimizing the effort
required to build an automation solution.

Troubleshooting XMI authentication

Most XML management authentication issues can be resolved by enabling the
internal logging setting within the Troubleshooting Panel in the default domain.

10.3.2 Appliance Management Protocol (AMP)

The Appliance Management Protocol (or AMP) is an IBM specification designed
to be the primary solution for XML based automation of DataPower appliance
management functions. While AMP was originally designed and developed for
intra-device communication, it is now being heralded as the ideal messaging
protocol for automated management of DataPower appliances.

AMP is particularly useful for managing firmware and configuration in multi-box

deployments and exposes a comprehensive API of high level management

AMP is exposed on the DataPower appliance as a web service with a WSDL that
describes the service, operation and message elements for AMP commands.
The app-mgmt-protocol.wsdl and associated app-mgmt-protocol.xsd files are
available for download and are located on the appliance’s filesystem within the
store directory.

AMP request messages are transmitted to the XML Management Interface over
the HTTPS protocol and response messages are returned over the same
interface. The format of the request and response messages are described in the
WSDL and are designed to be used by WSDL aware tools to quickly generate
AMP messages. The sample AMP message shown in Example 10-6 illustrates a
request message that retrieves the list of domains from a DataPower appliance.

Example 10-6 AMP message to retrieve existing domains

<env:Envelope xmlns:env="http ...omitted... agement/1.0">

224 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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After receiving the preceding AMP request message, the DataPower appliance
will return a response shown in Example 10-7.

Example 10-7 AMP response for GetDomainListRequest

<env:Envelope xmlns:env="http ...omitted... agement/1.0">
<amp:GetDomainListResponse xmlns:amp ...omitted... agement/1.0">

The AMP API provides a set of operations that are useful for administration of
firmware, determining global settings and administration of domain
configurations. However it does not provide full coverage of all DataPower
administrative and system funcitons.

For additional details on the Appliance Management Protocol, readers can

consult the Administrator’s Guide contained within the IBM WebSphere
DataPower Information Center.

Advantages of using AMP

򐂰 Identified by IBM as the strategic messaging protocol for automating
DataPower management functions.
򐂰 Self descriptive WSDL operations and message elements make it easier to
generate request messages and parse response messages.

Disadvantages of using AMP

򐂰 The range of commands is currently limited to higher level device and domain
򐂰 Limited support for monitoring. See Chapter 4, “SNMP monitoring” on
page 77 for a detailed discussion on monitoring.

10.3.3 SOAP Management Interface (SOMA)

The SOMA messaging protocol was originally the only method available for
managing and monitoring DataPower appliances using XML messages.
Although AMP has now been identified as the primary XML administrative
protocol, the SOMA protocol is still very useful for fine grained management and
monitoring of DataPower configuration objects.

Chapter 10. Appliance management and automation 225 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

A key difference between AMP and SOMA is that IBM makes no guarantee that
SOMA operations and message formats will remain the same between firmware
releases. This means that automation systems need to be regression tested as
part of a firmware upgrade process if they utilize SOMA operations. In practice,
the SOMA protocol has changed very little from release to release - however it is
important to understand that changes to the SOMA API is a realistic possibility.

As with AMP, the SOMA messaging protocol is implemented as a web service
with WSDL and XSD files describing the service available for download from the
DataPower device’s internal filesystem.

There are two versions of the SOMA API available on the 3.8.1 version of
firmware located in the store directory:
򐂰 xml-mgmt.wsdl
򐂰 xml-mgmt-2004.wsdl (deprecated)

The xml-mgmt-2004.wsdl file is an older version of the service interface that is

included for backwards compatibility only. Administrators should use the
xml-mgmt.wsdl service description file when creating SOMA request messages.

In addition, the SOMA service utilizes the following schema files located within
the store directory:
򐂰 xml-mgmt-base.xsd
򐂰 xml-mgmt-ops.xsd
򐂰 xml-mgmt.xsd

These schema documents describe the structure of SOMA messages, the

operations that are available and the enumerated values that may be used to
populate request messages.

Example 10-8 shows a SOMA request message that retrieves the memory
utilization on a particular DataPower appliance:

Example 10-8 SOMA request message

<env:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http ...omitted... management">
<man:request domain="default">
<man:get-status class="MemoryStatus"/>

226 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Given the SOMA request identified above, the appliance will respond with a
message similar to that in Example 10-9.

Example 10-9 SOMA response message

<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
<dp:response xmlns:dp="http ...omitted...agement">
<MemoryStatus xmlns:env="htt ...omitted... velope">

The power of SOMA is its broad range of administrative functions. Almost every
function exposed through the Web GUI and CLI interface is also available within
the SOMA catalog making it an ideal interface for fine grained task automation.

However, due to the wide variety of administrative commands that are supported,
the operations themselves tend to be defined abstractly and it can be difficult to
identify the correct syntax to achieve a desired result. Users may need to consult
the xml-mgmt.xsd file (available on the DataPower appliance filesystem) for
specific enumeration values when using the following SOMA operations:

Advantages of using SOMA

򐂰 Extensive support for DataPower management and monitoring functions.

Disadvantages of using SOMA

򐂰 Names, format and behavior of operations may change.
򐂰 WSDL is very generic, resulting in additional effort to create request

Chapter 10. Appliance management and automation 227 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

10.3.4 WSDM and WS-Management

Web Services Distributed Management (WSDM) is an OASIS standard that
describes a vendor and platform neutral method for management of systems and
resources. It is built on the foundation of other WS-* standards including
WS-Addressing, WS-ResourceProperites, WS-BaseNotification and WS-Topics.

The WSDM standard is split into two major categories: Management Of Web
Services (MOWS) and Management Using Web Services (MUWS). The intent is
for MUWS to be used for manageable resources (for example, the management
of a printer), while MOWS extends MUWS with additional functionality for
managing web services.

The WS-Management standard is a competing industry standard for

management of services and devices with SOAP based messaging. Microsoft
was a founding member of the WS-Management standard before it was passed
on to the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) and it is usually utilized in
Microsoft products.

For DataPower devices, these management interfaces are mainly used for
monitoring system and web service metrics. Details on using the WSDM
interface can be found in the DataPower Administrator’s Guide

Advantages of using WSDM and WS-Management

򐂰 Ease of integration with generic management tools that support the

Disadvantages of using WSDM and WS-Management

򐂰 WSDM and WS-Management implementations provide limited scope of
information about the device and the exposed services.

10.4 The WebSphere Appliance Management Toolkit API

The WebSphere Appliance Management Toolkit (WAMT) is a client side package
that may be used to programmatically make XML Management calls to a
DataPower device. It has been designed to minimize the level of effort required to
manage devices through the XML management interface by encapsulating all of
the transport and message creation details and exposing a simple to use Java
API. WAMT is available as a set of Java jar packages and can be embedded
within any java based application.

228 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Client System


Figure 10-5 WebSphere Appliance Management Toolkit API

The value of WAMT is in its set of coarse grained operations that represent
typical DataPower management functions. Under the covers, WAMT is calling the
set of finer grained management functions that comprise the AMP and SOMA
messaging protocols within the XML Management Interface - however these
details are hidden from a WAMT user.

In addition to the set of client APIs, WAMT provides java classes to

programmatically manage pools of DataPower devices and persisting artifacts,
configurations and firmware in a storage repository. These features provide an
incredibly powerful platform for management of DataPower systems,
configuration and firmware.

While the feature set is deep, WAMT is not actually intended for human use and
there is no GUI or human operator interface provided. Instead, all WAMT calls
are made within a Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

10.4.1 Usage
The WAMT API can be used by any application or system capable of invoking the
java classes provided in the WAMT jar packages. This can include:
򐂰 custom Java GUI applications
򐂰 third party management applications with Java based extensibility
򐂰 ANT build tasks
򐂰 Jython scripts
򐂰 non java applications that leverage a Java Native Interface (JNI) bridge. (see for details on
using JNI).

WAMT operations are particularly useful for developers, administrators and build
managers who are looking for a custom, automated DataPower management
solution. An classic example of WAMT usage would be the creation of an ANT
task that uploads files to a device as part of a build management script.

Chapter 10. Appliance management and automation 229 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

The WAMT library automatically takes advantage of the management

subscription capability provided in AMP. This means that there is less risk of
conflicts when duplicate WAMT based managers are operating on the same

Users can consult the javadoc included with the WAMT package for a complete
reference of operations that are available. At a high level, the WAMT
management functions are similar to the ones exposed by AMP and include
operations for domain management, disaster recovery and device

10.4.2 Advantages of using WAMT

򐂰 Transport, messaging and finer grained operations are hidden.
򐂰 Covers complete range of high level firmware, system and configuration
management functions.

10.4.3 Disadvantages of using WAMT

򐂰 Requires JVM based solution.
򐂰 Abstraction of DataPower API calls may result in less flexibility for user.

10.5 Command Line Interface automation

The command line interface (or CLI) is a terminal based interface that allows a
DataPower operator to create, manage and monitor appliance configurations. It
is usually accessed through the secure shell (ssh) protocol, however it can also
be accessed via telnet or a direct serial connection.

While not originally designed or intended to be used for automation, it is possible

to script shell commands that mimic human command entry and parse the
response provided by the appliance to systematically determine the result of the
issued command

Note: The CLI interface is not designed for automation and there is no
guarantee that the interface will remain the same. Users should be aware that
it is possible for support, syntax and results of commands to differ between
firmware releases.

230 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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10.5.1 Authentication
The CLI uses the same authentication scheme and credential store as the XML
Management and Web GUI management interfaces. Users must enter their
username and password in order to be authenticated by the DataPower
appliance prior to executing any management commands.

Although the SSH protocol defines an authentication schemas part of the

protocol the DataPower appliance does not use the username passed by SSH for
authentication. Instead, the appliance will validate any username to establish the
initial SSH session and will then prompt the user for a DataPower username and

10.5.2 Range of commands

CLI commands cover the entire range of management, monitoring and
administrative functionality. A catalog of CLI commands is available in the
DataPower Command Reference guide.

10.5.3 Usage
As part of the initial DataPower installation an operator will need to access the
CLI via a direct serial port connection. During this time, the operator will assign
an IP addresses to one or more of the network cards and choose to enable the
web GUI and ssh management interfaces. Upon completion of this initial setup all
CLI management should be done remotely via the SSH protocol. There is also
an option to expose the CLI over the telnet protocol, however this is not a
recommended approach due to the non-secure nature of telnet.

Manual usage of the command line interface is straightforward and network

administrators should feel comfortable with the syntax due to the similarity to IP
level device consoles. Automation of the CLI is usually implemented using Unix
or Linux shell scripting and most network and administrators will be comfortable
creating scripts that can transmit SSH commands and retrieve response data.

For example, the following script prompts a user for a password, logs in to a
remote DataPower appliance and retrieves memory usage statistics:

Example 10-10 Sample CLI script

# Prompt for password without linebreak
echo -ne "Enter password: "

Chapter 10. Appliance management and automation 231 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

# Disable character echo to hide password during entry

stty -echo
read password
# Reenable character echo
stty echo

# Transmit login and show mem command to the DataPower

# appliance and display results on console.
show mem

On execution, the preceding script will return a result similar to the following:

Example 10-11 Output of sample CLI script

Enter password: (unknown)
Unathorized access prohibited.
login: Password:
Welcome to DataPower XI50 console configuration.
Copyright IBM Corporation 1999-2010

Version: XI50. build 181168 on 2010/01/21 09:51:37

Serial number: 13002C1

Memory Usage: 14 %
Total Memory: 4149440 kbytes
Used Memory: 598201 kbytes
Free Memory: 3551239 kbytes
Requested Memory: 670956 kbytes
Hold Memory: 232011 kbytes

xi50# Goodbye.

10.5.4 Advantages of using CLI

򐂰 The DataPower command line interface is a great fit for administrators who
are comfortable with command line based management.

232 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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򐂰 All DataPower functionality is available through the CLI.

10.5.5 Disadvantages of using CLI

򐂰 The CLI was not designed to support automation.
򐂰 Command syntaxes may change and commands may be deprecated
between firmware releases.
򐂰 CLI usage requires specific skill sets that may not be applicable to all
DataPower administrators.

10.6 WebSphere Application Server Network

Deployment Appliance Manager
Users of WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment version 7 (WAS
ND 7) can take advantage of the Appliance Manager capability of the WAS ND
Manager. This administrative function utilizes the AMP API and provides a
graphical user interface view for managing configuration and firmware sets
targeted at multiple DataPower devices.

For more information on the WAS ND Appliance Manager, refer to the

WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V7 Information Center.
Search on “DataPower application manager overview” and select WebSphere
DataPower appliance manager.

10.6.1 Advantages of using the WAS ND Appliance Manager

򐂰 GUI based view of DataPower firmware and configuration management.
򐂰 Operators familiar with WAS administration will feel comfortable with look and
feel of console.

10.6.2 Disadvantages of the WAS ND Appliance Manager

򐂰 Requires an IBM WebSphere Application Server ND license
򐂰 Limited to AMP functionality.

CLI usage requires specific skill sets that may not be applicable to all DataPower

Chapter 10. Appliance management and automation 233 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

10.7 IBM WebSphere Appliance Management Center

IBM WebSphere Appliance Management Center V4.0 provides capabilities for
centrally managing and monitoring groups of WebSphere DataPower appliances.
WebSphere Appliance Management Center is intended for deployments with two
or more WebSphere DataPower appliances and which may also span multiple
deployment environments (for example, development, test, production, and
disaster recovery). WebSphere Appliance Management Center serves as the
control point for lifecycle management of firmware and configurations across one
or more groups of appliances. Also included with the IBM WebSphere Appliance
Management Center is IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for
DataPower, which can be used to monitor key metrics from multiple appliances in
a central location.

Key features of V4.0 include:

򐂰 Disaster recovery of appliances
򐂰 Support for managed groups of different appliance models and firmware
levels for greater flexibility
򐂰 Support for new managed domain tasks, and configuration and firmware
deployments providing fine-grained control of the environment
򐂰 Management of deployment policies for WebSphere DataPower appliances,
both individually or in managed sets, providing full lifecycle management
across deployment environments
򐂰 Easy-to-use multiplatform installer
򐂰 Support for multiple generations of WebSphere DataPower appliance
platforms and firmware versions
򐂰 Enhanced monitoring capability with default settings for critical WebSphere
DataPower appliance key performance indicators
򐂰 Easy-to-use and navigate user interface, including support for different user
򐂰 Seamless integration into the IBM Tivoli Monitoring infrastructure

The following IBM WebSphere Appliances are supported:

򐂰 WebSphere DataPower XML Accelerator XA35 (9235 model only)
򐂰 WebSphere DataPower XML Security Gateway XS40 (9235 model only)
򐂰 WebSphere DataPower Integration Appliance XI50 (9235 model only)
򐂰 WebSphere DataPower Integration Blade XI50B
򐂰 WebSphere DataPower Integration Appliance XI50 for zEnterprise
򐂰 WebSphere DataPower B2B Appliance XB60
򐂰 WebSphere DataPower Low Latency Appliance XM70
򐂰 WebSphere DataPower Integration Appliance XI52
򐂰 WebSphere DataPower B2B Appliance XB62

WebSphere Appliance Management Center supports DataPower appliances with

234 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

firmware V3.7.3, or later.

10.8 Summary
Modern technology groups have an expectation that operations tasks related to
management and deployment of applications will be automated. DataPower
devices offer many different administrative interfaces in support of automation
and can fit well into existing automation environments.

The skill sets of the team, the tooling that is available and the functions that are
required will often dictate the specific interface and message protocol that will be

Chapter 10. Appliance management and automation 235 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

236 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Appendix A. Custom RBM authentication

and credential mapping
The DataPower built-in Role-Based Management (RBM) capabilities are robust
and can accommodate most enterprise needs for securing access to the
appliance. However, some organizations might rely on a proprietary
infrastructure for governing access to the appliance. In this case, the built-in RBM
functionality can be extended using extensible stylesheet markup language
templates (XSLT).

Two phases of the RBM process can be customized:

򐂰 Authentication
򐂰 Credential mapping

The key to customizing these steps is a clear understanding of the input and
output contexts for the custom XSL templates. This appendix provides the details
needed to create either a custom authentication or credential mapping XSLT.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011. All rights reserved. 237 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Authentication phase
The authentication phase is responsible for determining whether a user should
be granted access to the WebGUI or the command-line interface (CLI). A custom
authentication XSLT is responsible for inspecting the user’s identity and providing
a credential in return.

A custom XSL has the freedom to do whatever it needs to determine the

authenticity of the identity and can use the entire library of DataPower XSL
extension functions to make this determination.

Input context
The input context to a custom authentication XSL contains the user’s extracted
identity and is shown in Example A-1.

Example A-1 Input context to custom RBM authenticate XSL template

<entry type="http-basic-auth">
Results of Extract Identity Here

To illustrate, if user fred logged in to the WebGUI and provided a password of

myPassword, the input context to the custom stylesheet would look as shown in
Example A-2.

Example A-2 Example input context for WebGUI login

<entry type="custom" url="webgui:///map/map-ei-login.xsl">
<password sanitize="true">myPassword</password>
<kerberos-apreq sanitize="true"/>
<cert sanitize="true">*No certificate provided*</cert>

238 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Output context
The output context provides RBM with the authenticated user’s credential, or null
if authentication failed.

Credential mapping phase

The credential mapping phase is responsible for mapping an identity credential
to a list of access policy strings.

Input context
The input context to a custom credential mapping XSL contains the
authenticated credential and includes the XML shown in Example A-3.

Example A-3 Input context for custom credential mapping

<entry type="credType">
<!-- credential from authentication -->

To illustrate, if user sarah was successfully authenticated against an LDAP, the

input context would look like the XML shown in Example A-4.

Example A-4 Sample input context with LDAP credentials

<entry type="ldap">

Output context
The output of the credential mapping phase must be a list of access policy
strings as described in “Access policy statements” on page 8.

Appendix A. Custom RBM authentication and credential mapping 239 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Example: Multiple LDAP group membership

In this scenario, an organization decides to use an LDAP server to manage
DataPower users and their associated access privileges (or roles). Users will first
be authenticated against the LDAP. If successful, the LDAP will then be queried
to determine the user’s roles (represented as LDAP group membership). For
maximum flexibility and fine-grained access control, a single user may belong to
more than one group. For example, a user might be a developer in domain1 and
domain2, and a network administrator in the default domain.

The LDAP organization is shown in Figure A-1. The left subtree shows how users
are organized, and the right subtree shows how domains and roles are
organized. An organizational unit (ou) is used to represent a DataPower domain
and a group of names (groupOfNames) is used to represent the various access

Figure A-1 LDAP structure

Table A-1 shows the various roles and their domain restrictions.

Table A-1 DataPower roles and their domain restrictions

Role Description Restrictions

sysadmin Access to everything except network interfaces default domain only

netadmin Network configuration default domain only

240 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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Role Description Restrictions

account User accounts and user groups default domain only

access Access policies and existing domains default domain only

developer Configuring services none

backup System and domain backup none

guest Read-only access none

An XML file is used to define the various roles and their access policies.
Example 10-12 shows a fragment of the sample rbmTemplates.xml file. If a
template has a privileged attribute equal to true, then it can be associated only
with the default domain. The complete file can be found in this book’s associated
download files. Refer to Appendix B, “Additional material” on page 247 for
information on how do download the associated files.

Example 10-12 Partial listing of rbmTemplates.xml file that defines various roles
<rbm-template name="developer" privileged="false">

<rbm-template name="guest" privileged="false">


<rbm-template name="backup" privileged="false">


<rbm-template name="access" privileged="true">


Appendix A. Custom RBM authentication and credential mapping 241 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am


Step 1: Authentication
Because DataPower has built-in support for LDAP-based authentication, no
customization is required. Figure A-2 shows an example of the configuration
settings to authenticate the user against the LDAP server.

Figure A-2 RBM settings for LDAP authentication

Step 2: Credential mapping

Credential mapping is specialized for this organization and requires a custom
XSLT that maps the user’s credential (returned from the LDAP) to a list of access
policy strings. The complete sample customRbmMapping.xsl can be found in the

242 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

download files for this book. Refer to Appendix B, “Additional material” on

page 247 for information on how to download the files. Example A-5 provides an
overview of how the XSL template works.

Example A-5 Required steps to map user credential to access policy strings
query the LDAP server for a list of groups to which the user belongs;
for each group found
parse the group’s DN to determine domain name and user role;
if the domain = ‘default’, privileged = ‘true’ else ‘false’;
find any template with name=role and matching privilege;
if a template was found
for each access-policy within the template
replace the domain placeholder with the actual domain name;
write the access policy string to the output context;

The output from the XSLT will be the list of access policy strings for the user’s
role or roles. Example A-6 shows the output for a user who is authorized to do
backups in domain1 and a developer in domain2.

Example A-6 Sample output from the custom mapping XSLT


Development considerations
This section provides some basic guidance to help with the development of XSL
templates for custom RBM processing.

Appendix A. Custom RBM authentication and credential mapping 243 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Use a loopback service for testing

Use a stand-alone service, such as an XML Firewall or multi-protocol gateway, to
develop and test XSL templates. For example, create a loopback XML Firewall
that has a single transform action that executes your XSLT. This method allows
you to take advantage of the transaction probe so that you can see exactly what
is happening under the covers. This method is also especially useful when
performing LDAP queries or off-box service calls because you can see the
results of these actions. Only after the XSLT is working properly should RBM be
configured to use it.

Enable local login as fallback

Enabling local login as fallback assures that you can access the appliance using
local users and groups in the event that the new RBM settings do not work as
planned. This fallback is critical, especially during the development and testing
phase. If this login is not set, it is possible to become completely locked out of the
device. Also, make sure that there is at least one user with administrative
privileges that is locally defined (such as admin).

Do not enforce RBM on the CLI until changes are proven

Leaving the CLI out of the mix during the development phase allows you to gain
access to the appliance through the CLI to reset RBM if necessary. Enable RBM
on the CLI only after the new RBM settings are tested and proven to work on the

Use multiple browsers during development and testing

It is convenient to use one browser as an administrator and another browser to
test that configuration is working properly. This method requires different browser
types for each task because sessions are generally shared within the same
browser type. For example, use Firefox as the administrative browser and
Internet Explorer for login testing. This method further helps to ensure that you
maintain access to administrative functionality while testing.

Disable caching
Make sure to disable caching during the development and testing phases. By
default, DataPower caches RBM results. After the solution is deployed, you can
re-enable caching.

Using <xsl:message> for final troubleshooting

After RBM has been set to use a custom XSL, you will lose access to the
transaction probe; therefore, all troubleshooting will rely on the DataPower logs.

244 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Enable RBM logging

On the Troubleshooting tab, you can enable RBM logging. Doing so provides
more details as to what steps are occurring during the RBM processes.

Appendix A. Custom RBM authentication and credential mapping 245 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

246 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Appendix B. Additional material

This book refers to additional material that can be downloaded from the Internet
as described in the following sections.

Locating the Web material

The Web material associated with this book is available in softcopy on the
Internet from the IBM Redbooks Web server. Point your Web browser at:

Alternatively, you can go to the IBM Redbooks Web site at:

Select the Additional materials and open the directory that corresponds with
the IBM Redbooks form number, SG247901.

Using the Web material

The additional Web material that accompanies this book includes the following
File name Description

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011. All rights reserved. 247 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

createUserGroups.txt Script to create user groups

customRbmMapping.xsl Map user credentials to access policies
rbmTemplates.xml Roles and access policies

Downloading and extracting the Web material

Create a subdirectory (folder) on your workstation, and extract the contents of the
Web material .zip file into this folder.

248 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Abbreviations and acronyms

A2A application-to-application IBM International Business Machines
ACL access control list Corporation

ACLs Access Control Lists ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol

AMP Appliance Management Protocol IETF Internet Engineering Task Force

APIs application programming interfaces ITCAM IBM Tivoli Composite Application

ARP address routing protocol
ITM IBM Tivoli Monitoring
AS Applicability Statement
ITSO International Technical Support
AS1, AS2 applicability statement 1, 2 Organization
ATG Advanced Technology Group JNI Java Native Interface
B2B business-to-business JVM Java Virtual Machine
CA certificate authority KPI Key Performance Indicators
CIDR Classless Inter-Domain Routing LDAP lightweight directory access protocol
CLI command line interface LOB line of business
CPPA Collaboration Partner Profile and LPAR logical partition
LPARs logical partitions
DC Data Collector
MAC media access control
DHCP dynamic host configuration protocol
MD5 Message Digest 5
DMTF Distributed Management Task Force
MIB management information base
DMZ demilitarized zone
MIBs management information bases
DNS Domain Name Server
MOWS management of Web services
DP DataPower
MPGW multi-protocol gateway
ebMS Electronic Business Message Service
MPGW multiprotocol gateway
ebXML Electronic Business using eXtensible
Markup Language MTU maximum transmission unit

ECN explicit congestion notification MUWS management using Web services

EDIINT Electronic Data Interchange-Internet NIC network interface card

Integration OID object identifier
ESB Enterprise Service Bus OIDs object identifiers
GSSAPI Generic Security Service API PCRE Perl-compatible regular expression
GUI graphical user interface PKI public key infrastructure
HMAC Hashing for Message Authentication RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In User
HSM hardware security module Service

HSRP hot standby router protocol RBM Role Based Management

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011. All rights reserved. 249 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

RUP Rational Unified Process WPA Warehouse Proxy Agent

SAF System Authorization Facility WSDL Web Services Description Language
SCM software configuration management WSDLs Web Services Description Language
SDLC software development life cycle WSDM Web Services Distributed Management
SLA service level agreement WSN Web Services Navigator
SLAAC Stateless Address Autoconfiguration WTX workstation technology extended
SLACC Stateless Address Autoconfiguration XMI XML Management Interface
SLM server level monitoring XML eXtensible Markup Language
SLM service level management XSD XML Schema Definition
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol XSL Extensible Stylesheet Language
SNMPv1 SNMP version 1 XSLT eXtensible Stylesheet Language
SNMPv2 SNMP version 2 Transformations

SNMPv3 SNMP version 3

SOA service oriented architecture
SOAP simple object access protocol
SOMA SOAP Configuration Management
SOMA SOAP Management Interface
SPNEGO Simple and Protected GSSAPI
Negotiation Mechanism
SSH secure shell
SSL secure sockets layer
SSO single sign-on
TBSM Tivoli Business Service Management
TDW Tivoli Data Warehouse
TEC Tivoli Enterprise Console
TEMA Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents
TEMS Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
TEP Tivoli Enterprise Portal
TEPS Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server
TTL time-to-live
VIP virtual IP address
VLAN virtual LAN
VLANs Virtual LANs
WAMT WebSphere Appliance Management
WebGUI web-based graphical user interface

250 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Related publications

The publications listed in this section are considered particularly suitable for a
more detailed discussion of the topics covered in this book.

IBM Redbooks
The following IBM Redbooks publications provide additional information about
the topic in this document. Note that some publications referenced in this list
might be available in softcopy only.
򐂰 WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliance: The XML Management Interface,
򐂰 IBM WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances Part I: Overview and Getting
Started, REDP-4327-00
򐂰 IBM WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances Part II: Authentication and
Authorization, REDP-4364-00
򐂰 IBM WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances Part III: XML Security Guide,
򐂰 IBM WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances Part IV: Management and
Governance, REDP-4366-00

You can search for, view, or download Redbooks, Redpapers, Technotes, draft
publications and Additional materials, as well as order hardcopy Redbooks
publications, at this Web site:

Other publications
These publications are also relevant as further information sources:
򐂰 IBM WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliance Handbook, IBM Press © 2008,
ISBN 9780137148196

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011. All rights reserved. 251 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

Online resources
These Web sites are also relevant as further information sources:
򐂰 Monitoring WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances
򐂰 Managing multiple DataPower Appliances with the WebSphere Appliance
Management Toolkit, Part 1: Introduction to the WebSphere Appliance
Management Toolkit
򐂰 Managing multiple DataPower Appliances with the WebSphere Appliance
Management Toolkit, Part 2: Scripting with the WebSphere Appliance
Management Toolkit
򐂰 Extending WebSphere DataPower with centralized appliance management
򐂰 Managing WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliance configurations for high
availability, consistency, and control, Part 1
򐂰 Managing WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliance configurations for high
availability, consistency, and control, Part 2: Application promotion strategies
򐂰 WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliance performance tuning
򐂰 Managing WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances via the WebSphere
Application Server V7 Administrative Console
򐂰 WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances developerWorks library

252 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

򐂰 Capacity Planning for WebSphere DataPower B2B Appliance XB60
򐂰 WebSphere DataPower V3.8.2 Information Center

Help from IBM

IBM Support and downloads

IBM Global Services

Related publications 253 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

254 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

configuration functions 216
A for 216
access control 61
management functions 216
access control list 5
monitoring functions 216
access level 6
security considerations 219
Group-defined 6
task 216
Privileged 6
User 6
access policies 12 B
access policy statement 8–9 B2B
basic policy statement 10 Active/Active high availability 180
complex policy statement 11 Active/Passive High Availability 175
policy statement editor 11 appliance 168, 171
access profile 8 best practices 171, 178, 181
Active/Active high availability 180 capacity planning 172
Active/Passive High Availability 175 Gateway Service 169
Address Mask Reply 38 integration 168
Address Resolution Protocol 34 metadata storage 172–173
administering access 2 payload storage 172–173
Appliance Management Protocol 224–225 Transaction Viewer 172
advantages 225 use cases 174
disadvantages 225 Viewer 169
appliance team 185 B2B Gateway 202
application domain 60, 62, 67–69 backup 61
benefits 60 basic policy statement 10
configuration file 66 Best Effort Event Logging 157
empty 201 best practices
upgrading 201 B2B 171, 178, 181
application segregation 61 configuration management 214
application-level traffic 131 deployment 214
app-mgmt-protocol 224 domain 75
Audit log 154, 156 logging 163
audit log 24 networking 46
SOAP management interface 24 securing access 25
authentication 3, 5–6, 22, 237–238 SNMP monitoring 124
authentication server Standby Control 48
remote 18 build repository 195
authenticationFailure 82
authorization 5
autoconfig.cfg 66
capacity planning 62
automation B2B 172
against 218 certificate
authentication 222 replacement policy 124
command line interface 230 certificate monitoring 122

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011. All rights reserved. 255 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

cert-monitor category 123 default-log 66

Classless Inter-Domain Routing 33 delayed acknowledgement 50–51
coldStart 82 deleting domains 73, 75
command line interface 2 dependent private key 71
advantages 232 deployment
audit log 24 best practices 214
authentication 231 empty application domain 201
automation 230 hot 213
disadvantages 233 overwrite existing domain 202
monitoring 79 deployment package 193
usage 231 Deployment Policy 208
user group 12 deployment policy 207–208
communities Destination Based Routing 38
SNMP 90–91 developer domain 61
Compare Configuration 203 development assets 193
complex policy statement 11 development roles 184
concurrent development 199 Disaster Recovery Mode 4
Configuration Checkpoint 212 Distributed Management Task Force 228
configuration file 63, 66 domain 59
configuration managment access control 61
best practices 214 application 60, 67–69
configuration roles 185 configuration file 66
configuration script 66 log messages 66
context 92 backup 61
correlated data 132 benefits 60–61
CPU Usage 101 best practices 75
CPUUsage 101 capacity planning 62
credential mapping 6, 19–22, 237, 239 configuration file 63
Crypto Certificate Monitor 122 copying 72
custom log categories default 60, 68
create 158 default, directories 65
deleting 73, 75, 201
developer 61
D directories, shared 65
data collector agent 131
directories, specific 64
data layer 128
export 61
data warehouse 127
file system 63
DataPower appliance
import 61
monitoring 131
imported 69
DataPower appliance team 185
integration test 199
DataPower specialist group 185
isolating network interface 74
DateTimeStatus 106
local 69
DB-9 serial port 78
logging 66
default access rights 9
logging system 63
default domain 60, 68
monitoring 66
directories 65
name length 70
default gateway 34, 36, 40, 48, 50
names 70
multiple 48
number of 62
default route 40
orphaned object 74

256 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

persistence 67 Front Side Handlers 202

quiescing 73 full service check 45
resetting 72–73
resource consumption 63
rollback 62
graphical user interface 2
sharing 70
Group-Defined access 26
structure 63
Group-Defined access level 23
version control 62
visibility 69–70
Domain Name Server 39 H
dpStatusSystemUsageLoad 82 health checking
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 33 full service check 45
separate health check match 45
service object
E status 45
Echo Reply 37
simple TCP check 45
Email Pager 156
host alias 39, 47, 96, 205
enable statistics 79
host name resolution 204
Enable TCP Window Scaling 39
hot deployment 213
Enterprise MIBs 88
HTTP Connection Status 116
EnvironmentalFanSensors 109
HTTPMeanTransactionTime 118
ephemeral port 47
hub monitoring server 127
eth0 32, 41
eth1 32, 41
eth2 32 I
eth4 32 IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager 126,
Ethernet 32 128
EthernetInterfaceStatus 112 IBM Tivoli Monitoring 80
event filters 159 IBM WebSphere Appliance Management Center
event logging 154, 158, 165 234
event synchronization 127 import 61
Explicit Congestion Notification 38 imported domain 69
export 61 Info Reply 38
external authentication 2 integration test domain 199
external authentication server 13 Intelligent Load Distribution 42–43
externalizing endpoints 52 session affinity 43
externalizing values 209 Weighted Least Connection Algorithm 43
interface utilization monitors 112
Internet Control Message Protocol 37
F IP address filters 159
Fan Sensors 108
IPv6 34, 36
Feedback Detection 165
default route 36
file system 63
isolating network interface 74
flash based 64
ITCAM Agent for WebSphere DataPower Appliance
File System Usage 104
FilesystemStatus 104
ITCAM for Application Diagnostics 128
firmware version 67
ITCAM for Applications 129
First Alive algorithm 40
ITCAM for SOA 129
flash-based file system 64
Web Services Navigator 130
flow control 51

Index 257 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

ITCAM for SOA DataPower data collector 131 writing to a remote server 155
ITCAM for SOA Platform 128 writing to local file or cache 155
ITCAM for Transactions 129 log messages
ITCAM for Virtual Servers 129 domain 66
iterative life cycle 186, 198 Email Pager 156
log target 63, 154–155, 157
create 158
L event filters 159
LDAP 18–19
IP address filters 159
group mapping 21
object filters 159
remotely defined group 18
least connections 42
life cycle stages 187
asynchronous mode 163
deployment 189
Audit logging 154
development 189
benefits 157
operational design 188
best practices 163
physical installation 188
confidentiality 165
solution design 188
domain 66
testing 189
Feedback Detection 165
line of business segregation 61
Message process logging 154
linkDown 82
usage 157
linkUp 82
usage considerations 162
listening address 46
logging system 63
Load Balancer 43, 164
logical segregation 61
Low Latency Messaging 202
least connections 42
weighted least connections 42
weighted round robin 42 M
backend destination 41 MAC address 34
First Alive algorithm 40 management information base 80–81
Group 41–42 structure 81
Group Object 41–42, 45 management interface 50
health checking 44 Management Of Web Services 228
full service check 45 management roles 184–185
separate health check match 45 management traffic 46
service object Management Using Web Services 228
status 45 MapCredentials 14
simple TCP check 45 master administrator password 4
Round Robin algorithm 40 Maximum Transmission Unit 34
local domain 69 Memory Usage 102
Local Login as Fallback 26 MemoryStatus 103
local user group 7, 18 Message Content View 131
credential mapping 19 Message Flow Pattern 131
local user repository 13, 15 Message process log 154
pros and cons 13 event logging 154
Log Action 154, 157, 160–161, 163 transaction logging 154
log category 155, 162 message segregation 61
custom 162 Meta Data document 52
log message storage 155 MgmtInterface 85

258 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

mgt0 32, 41 physical installation 188

monitoring Physical Mode 34
application-level traffic 131 policy server 2
certificate 122 policy statement editor 11
command line interface 79 post deployment modification 205
DataPower appliance 131 predefined 12
DataPower appliances 131 predefined access policies 12
domain 66 predefined user group 12
Simple Network Management Protocol 77, predeployment modification 206
79–80 Preempt 48
SNMP 77, 80 Priority 48
System Usage 78 private key 210–211
values 98 private key material 4
WebGUI 78 Privileged access level 23
XML Management Interface 79, 95 processing policy 51, 160–162
monitoring agents 126–127 public certificate 210–211
Multi Protocol Gateway 131, 202 public key 210
public key infrastructure 210
publish and subscribe system 154
network interface
configuration 31–33 Q
Ethernet 32 quiesce function 213
serial port 31 quiescing 73
Virtual LAN 36
best practices 46
RADIUS 6, 18, 23
number of 62
Rapid Spanning Tree 49, 55, 57
number of domains 62
receive throughput 113
ReceiveKbpsThroughput 114
O Redbooks Web site 251
object filters 159 Contact us xvi
object identifier 80 Relaxed Interface Isolation 38
onboard SNMP agent 77, 79 Reliable Logging 157
operational design 188 remote authentication server 18
operational roles 184 remote monitoring servers 127
orphaned object 74, 203 remote user repository 13
Other Sensors 110 repeatable processes 216
OtherSensors 110 resetting domains 72–73
OutputCredential 14 restarting domains
restarting 72
P restricting access 217
parallel development 198–200
Results Action 154, 158, 160, 162–163
payload storage
Reverse-Path Filtering 39
B2B 172–173
revision control 192–193
persistent connections 47, 53
build repository 195
disabling 53
repository 194
persistent timeout 47
revision control system 209

Index 259 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

RJ-45 Ethernet interface 78 configuring 85

Role Based Management 222 context 92
Role-Based Management 2, 8, 14, 18–19, 237 event 92
authentication 237–238 log target 93
credential mapping 20, 237, 239 manager 80
policy file 14 monitoring 80
pros and cons 17 monitoring best practices 124
policy file creation wizard 14 protocol messages 81
rollback 62 security 83
Round Robin algorithm 40 SNMPv3 security 86
routing traps 82, 92
default routes 40 User Credentials 86
static routes 40 SNMP traps 120
User Credentials 86
S SNMPv1 84
SAF 18
SNMPv2c 84
Save Config 68, 73
SNMPv3 84, 86
saved configuration 68
SOAP Configuration Management 95, 97
scope creep 218
SOAP Management Interface 225–226
secondary address 34
advantages 227
securing access
disadvantages 227
best practices 25
usage 226
troubleshooting 26
SOAP management interface
security 83
audit log 24
Self-Balancing 43–44
software development life cycle 185
separate health check match 45
solution design 188
Sequence Diagram 130
ssh 5, 230
sequential life cycle 186
Standby Control 34, 44–45, 48, 55, 57, 175–176
serial port 31
best practices 48
service groups 132
Preempt 48
Service Level Management 171
Priority 48
service level monitor 62
Rapid Spanning Tree 49
service object 45, 53
standby group 48–49
status 45
standby group 48–49
service traffic 46
Stateless Address Autoconfiguration 34
session affinity 43
static host 39, 47, 54
shared 67
static route 35–36, 40, 48, 57–58
shared system resources 67
delete 57
sharedcert directory 211
Statistic Settings
Simple Network Management Protocol
configuration 79
monitoring 77, 79–80
simple TCP check 45
enable 79
single sign-on 3, 22, 128
Statistics View 130
status providers 82–83
traps 120
Syslog server 164
system checkpoint 194
agent 80
system resources 67
communities 90–91
System Up Time 105

260 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

System Usage 78, 99 User certificate 22–23

system-level configuration 193 User Credentials 86
SystemUsageTable 100 user group 6, 13
CLI 12
locally defined 7, 18
T predfined 12
task automation 216
user object 6
TCP Segmentation Offload 38
user repository 6
tcp_nodelayack 50–51
local 13, 15
Temperature Sensors 107
remote 13
TemperatureSensors 107
Throttle Settings 104
Timestamp Reply 37 V
time-to-live 54 version control 62
Tivoli Composite Application Manager 80 Virtual LAN 36
Tivoli Data Warehouse 127, 130
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Monitoring Agents 126
waterfall model 186
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server 127
Web Services Distributed Management 228
Tivoli Enterprise Portal 132
advantages 228
desktop client 127
disadvantages 228
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server 127
Web Services Navigator 130
Tivoli Management Services
Message Content View 131
components 126
Message Flow Pattern 131
Tivoli Monitoring 126
Sequence Diagram 130
Tivoli Monitoring for Energy Management 129
Statistics View 130
Topology View 130
Topology View 130
traceroute 35
WebGUI 78
transaction logging 154, 160, 165
Log Action 154, 160–161
web-mgmt 5
Results Action 154, 160, 162
WebSphere Appliance Management Center 234
Transaction Rate Status 118
WebSphere Appliance Management Toolkit
transaction rates 83
transaction times 83
advantages 230
Transaction Viewer 172
disadvantages 230
Transform Action 58
usage 229
transmit throughput 113
WebSphere Application Server Network Deploy-
TransmitKbpsThroughput 114
ment Appliance Manager 233
WebSphere DataPower B2B Appliance 168,
authenticationFailure 82
coldStart 82
WebSphere Transformation Extender 171
linkDown 82
Weighted Least Connection Algorithm 43
linkUp 82
weighted least connections 42
weighted round robin 42
Workload Management Retrieval 43
U workspace segregation 61
use cases write memory 68
B2B 174 writing to a remote server 155
User access level 23 writing to local file or cache 155

Index 261 Draft Document for Review April 13, 2011 6:45 am

WS-Addressing 228
WS-BaseNotification 228
WS-Management 228
advantages 228
disadvantages 228
WS-Proxy 131, 202
WS-ResourceProperites 228
WS-Topics 228

XML Gateway 202
XML Management Interface 220–222, 224
enabling 95
monitoring 79, 95
XML management interface 2
XMLFirewallService 80
xml-mgmt 5
xml-mgmt.wsdl 226
xml-mgmt.xsd 227
xml-mgmt-2004.wsdl 226
xml-mgmt-base.xsd 226
XPath 8

262 DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices

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DataPower SOA Appliance

Administration, Deployment,
and Best Practices ®

User Administration This IBM Redbooks publication is part of a two volume set
and Role-Based that focuses on operational and managerial aspects, as well INTERNATIONAL
Management as best practices for DataPower appliance deployments. TECHNICAL
DataPower appliances provide functionality that crosses both
Network functional and organizational boundaries which introduces
Configuration, unique management and operational challenges. For
Monitoring, and example, a DataPower appliance may provide network
Logging functionality such as load balancing while at the same time BUILDING TECHNICAL
providing ESB capabilities such as transformation and INFORMATION BASED ON
Appliance and intelligent content-based routing. PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE
Configuration This IBM Redbooks publication provides guidance at both a
Management general and technical level for individuals responsible for IBM Redbooks are developed by
planning, installation, development, and deployment. It is not the IBM International Technical
intended to be a “how-to” guide, rather to help educate Support Organization. Experts
about the various options and methodologies that apply to from IBM, Customers and
DataPower appliances. In addition, many chapters provide a Partners from around the world
create timely technical
list of best practices. information based on realistic
scenarios. Specific
recommendations are provided
to help you implement IT
solutions more effectively in
your environment.

For more information:

SG24-7901-00 ISBN

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