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It has been said that smart cards will one day be as important as
computers are today. This statement contains a bit of an error because it implies
that smart cards are not computers, when in fact, they are. Because smart cards
are indeed tiny computers, it¶s difficult to predict the variety of applications that
will be possible with them in the future. It¶s quite possible that smart cards will
follow the same trend of rapid increases in processing power that computers
have, following "Moore¶s Law" and doubling in performance while halving in cost
every eighteen months.
Smart cards have proven to be quite useful as a
transaction/authorization/identification medium in European countries. As their
capabilities grow, they could become the ultimate thin client, eventually replacing
all of the things we carry around in our wallets, including credit cards, licenses,
cash, and even family photographs. By containing various identification
certificates, smart cards could be used to voluntarily identify attributes of
ourselves no matter where we are or to which computer network we are
attached. According to Dataquest, the worldwide smart card market has grown
4.7 Billion units and $6.8 Billion by 2002.
We live in a world of fast-moving technical change. This is perhaps
particularly relevant and challenging when related to smart cards, where
hundreds of thousands of card-reading terminals need to be available, and tens
of millions of smart cards need to be deployed, all with a potential life of several
years. Forwards compatibility, and cross border and cross scheme
interoperability is increasingly difficult to maintain against the background of rapid
chip technology development. EEPROM may give way to faster and longer-lived
Flash memory. Voltages for powering smart cards are reducing almost annually.
Security technologies demand ever-faster processing power.
 J JJ  

The smart card is one of the latest additions to the world of information
technology. Similar in size to today's plastic payment card, the smart card has a
microprocessor or memory chip embedded in it that, when coupled with a reader,
has the processing power to serve many different applications. This chip is the
engine room of the smart card, and indeed is what makes it  . The
information or data stored on the IC chip is transferred through an electronic
module that interconnects with a terminal or a card reader. This union between a
conventional PVC card and a microprocessor allows an immense amount of
information to be stored, accessed and processed either off-line or on-line. A
smart card carries more information than can be accommodated on a magnetic
stripe card. It can make a decision, as it has relatively powerful processing
capabilities that allow it to do more than a magnetic stripe card (e.g., data
On a fundamental level, microprocessor cards are similar to desktop
computers. They have operating systems, they store data and applications, they
compute and process information and they can be protected with sophisticated
security tools. Memory capacity and computing capabilities are increasing as
semiconductor technology races forward. In fact, today's microprocessor cards
have roughly the same computing power as desktop computers from 15 years


The roots of the current day smart card can be traced back to the US in the
early 1950s when Diners Club produced the first all-plastic card to be used for
payment applications. The synthetic material PVC was used which allowed for
longer-lasting cards than previously conventional paper based cards. In this
system, the mere fact that you were issued a Diners Club card allowed you to
pay with your "good name" rather than cash. In effect, the card identified you as
a member of a select group, and was accepted by certain restaurants and hotels
that recognized this group. VISA and MasterCard then entered the market, but
eventually the cost pressures of fraud, tampering, merchant handling, and bank
charges made a machine readable card necessary. The magnetic stripe was
introduced, and this allowed further digitized data to be stored on the cards in a
machine readable format. This type of embossed card with a magnetic stripe is
still the most commonly used method of payment.
In 1968, German inventors Jürgen, Dethloff and Helmut Grötrupp applied
for the first ICC related patents. Similar applications followed in Japan in 1970
and France in 1974. Smart cards date back to 1974 when the Frenchman Roland
Moreno was granted patents on the concept of the smart card. The first public
field-tests with memory cards were launched in France in the early 1980s. In
these tests, memory cards were used as telephone and payment cards. The first
Finnish smart card was developed by the so-called Otakortti Project, organized
by the Student Union of the University of Technology in Otaniemi in the late
1980s. The cards used in the project were manufactured by Setec which was still
called the Security Printing House of the Bank of Finland at that time. By 1986,
many millions of French telephone smart cards were in circulation. Their number
reached nearly 60 million in 1990, and 150 million are projected for 1996.
Latest have keypads, LCD displays, battery and math
co-processors for performing complex encryption algorithms.

 J JJ  

Memory cards simply store data. They do not have any processing
capability and can be viewed as a small floppy disk with optional security. The
main storage area in such cards is normally 
 (Electrically Erasable
Programmable Read-Only Memory), which ± subject to defined security
constraints - can have its content updated, and which retains current contents
when external power is removed. Memory cards can be either  !" or
can have # "$#using passwords and pin codes.
Memory cards are further divided into 2:-

Can store data, but do not have a processor on the card.

Can only store data, but has a larger memory capacity than IC memory
J &J  J' 
A microprocessor card, on the other hand, can add, delete and manipulate
information in its memory on the card. Similar to a miniature computer, a
microprocessor card has an input/output port, card operating system (COS) and
hard disk with built-in security features. These cards have on-card dynamic data
processing capabilities. Within the card is a microprocessor or microcontroller
chip that manages this memory allocation and file access This type of chip is
similar to those found inside all personal computers and when implanted in a
smart card, manages data in organized file structures, via a card operating
system. Unlike other operating systems, this software controls access to the on-
card user memory. This capability permits different and multiple functions and/or
different applications to reside on the card, allowing businesses to issue and
maintain a diversity of µproducts¶ through the card.
    J ()
Though commonly referred to as *  *, all  
!+"#!", by definition, have the ability to read and write as long as the
smart card supports it and the proper access conditions have been fulfilled. It is
also called as J!, -# (J). In contrast to smart cards, which all have
very similar construction, smart card readers come in a variety of form factors
with varying levels of mechanical and logical sophistication. The card user's first
action is to insert the card in the reader. The application controlling the reader will
detect the presence of the card and issue a **command. This will ensure
that the smart card begins the new session in a *"+*context, with all its
working data in RAM newly initialized. The card returns a response to the reset
that indicates to the application that the card is initialized and ready to proceed
with the session.
Mechanically, readers have various options including:-
Whether the user must insert/remove the card versus automated
insertion/ejection mechanism, sliding contacts versus landing contacts, and
provisions for displays and keystroke entry. Electrically, the reader must conform
to the J &J  ./012 standards. The options for readers are numerous. The
easiest way to describe a reader is by the method of it¶s interface to a PC. Smart
Card Readers are available that interface to RS232 serial ports, USB ports,
PCMCIA slots, floppy disk slots, parallel ports, infrared IRDA ports and
Keyboards and keyboard wedge readers. Most units have their own operating
systems and development tools. They typically support other functions such as
magnetic stripe reading, modem functions and transaction printing.
A wide range of Mobile and Desktop Readers for off-line or online
transactions like Proximity Terminals & Finger Print Scanners are available.
Some examples include reader integrated into a vending machine, handheld
battery-operated reader with a small LCD screen, reader integrated into a GSM
mobile phone, and a reader attached to a personal computer.

Applications using smart cards work through an API providing card

services. The card services interface with the COS through the driver software,
which is generally card-specific. In general terms, the card services correspond
to the COS functions. Diagram illustrates the relationship between COS, reader,
driver software, API and application.
 J '  
( )
The functional characteristics of the smart card are determined by its
operating system. The operating system differs from traditional operating
systems in that it is the only program run by the card processor. The directories
and files on the card may be assigned operating conditions. The operating
system receives outside commands and executes them provided that certain
processing conditions are met. The processing conditions may include items
such as the requirement to enter the user¶s PIN or a strong authentication of the
reader. The operating system is also responsible for the control of the RAM and
Operating systems used in smart cards resemble disk operating systems
used in PCs. Operating systems provide a hierarchical tree structure and very
versatile options for specifying access rights. For this reason, a directory
designed for smart cards together with its files and access rights is called an
Though typically only a few thousand bytes of program code, the operating
system for the smart card microprocessor must handle such tasks as:
ë Data transmission over the bi-directional, serial terminal interface
ë Loading, operating, and management of applications
ë Execution control and Instruction processing
ë Protected access to data
ë Memory Management
ë File Management
ë Management and Execution of cryptographic algorithms
In contrast to personal computer operating systems such as Unix, DOS, and
Windows, smart card operating systems do not feature user interfaces or the
ability to access external peripherals or storage media. The size is typically
between 3 and 24 Kbytes. The lower limit is that used by specialized applications
and the upper limit by multi-application operating systems.

 J  JJJ 

Electronic Purse to replace coins for small purchases in vending machines
and over-the-counter transactions. J  Cash Card issued during Olympics
1996 were the best example for this and Singapore¶s Net Cash Card system is a
Smart card which acts like electronic purse and holds the money. The money can
be spent for Payment in Parking Lots, museums, telephones, fast food joints,
vending machines, transportations and many more places. Such electronic
money can take many forms, and has been endowed with a wide and misleading
vocabulary including stored value and e-purse.

These are the most widely used cards in the world. They have replaced
coin-operated public phones, and have become advertising devices as well as
collector¶s items.

Smart Card based National ID¶s project have started to take of in many
countries among which Sultanate of Oman is first middle east country to deploy
1.2 million National ID cards to its residents. '", one of the leading
providers of smart cards is behind this project with their solution called J!
for this purpose. Smart Card is one of the most secure mechanism today
compared to any other type of ID cards, but when applications start to be
deployed in such large scales it must take care to make sure the whole system of
such a project is secure rather than just the information on the smart card, failing
to do so will result for high threats and failure of such systems.
The citizens of Argentina, El Salvador don¶t need to carry dumb cards/
license booklets as a proof of eligibility to drive; they are allotted smart cards with
their complete information on it. This almost reduces the license fraud to none
with a secure mechanism which is difficult to be faked.

2 JJ 
A Patient data Card is a mobile data card held by the patient. It stores
current, accurate health information. Data typically stored on a PDC includes
patient ID, insurance information, emergency record, disease history and
electronic prescriptions.
ñ     ñ 
An HPC is an individually programmed access authorization card held by
the health professional. It gives him/her the right to read or write specific data
fields on a PDC and it can also carry a digital signature for secure
communication. This solution is popular and can be found available for citizens of
countries like France, Germany, Slovenia, and Belgium.


Student ID card, containing a variety of applications such as electronic
purse (for vending and laundry machines), library card, meal card and
transportation are used and University of Nottingham is one them.

These are used as identification cards at offices.
Employee access card are used in most of the organizations today and
millions of cards are being distributed every year catering this market, this
mechanism replaces the conventional lock and key security, employees today
don¶t need to carry different keys to different locks for the secure office areas and
access can be given or terminated at given point with just a click on the access
software without any management of conventional keys, with the older
mechanism of lock and key any disgruntled employee could make a fake key of
the original while it was in his possession and misuse it later but in the case of
smart cards this is almost impossible and if higher security is needed then
biometrics can be combined to protect physical access to facilities.
It monitors staff attendance and streamlines the input of data into the
payroll system eliminating re-keying time sheets of time cards. These systems
interact with existing automated Payroll systems, reducing administrative work,
maximizing resources and optimizing performance. It customizes company data
and its GUI Interface of point and click processing now automates this process
and eliminates manual data entry. Its unique working timetable with varying
schedules and work rules help ensuring company policies, accurate pay and
uniformly administers benefitsIt¶s searching capabilities for employee records or
date intervals produce detailed reports according to the searching criteria. The
security features enable only the authorized person or administrator to view and
modify data records as permitted to.


 JJ    J


Subscriber Identification Module (SIM) providing secure initiation of calls
and identification of caller (for billing purposes) on any Global System Mobile
Communications (GSM) Mobile Phones. According to the survey don¶t by GSM
World around 763 million cards used worldwide, this is one of the biggest
applications of smart cards in the world after payphone cards.

Subscriber activation for various programmes on Pay-TV like Showtime
and others is a big market for smart cards.

J  J

Chip cards are used today by majority of the corporations like Microsoft,
Oracle to access their networks, chip cards can be incorporated with
technologies like Active Directory to store the PKI certificates for authentications
makes it dual factor (Digital Certificate + User password) and the it also allows
the users to encrypt the files and digitally sign the emails. The advantage of this
mechanism is that in case of any damage to smart card due to tampering/usage
the user data is still secure to be decrypted by issuing a new card with the same
original Digital Certificate. In case the smart card is lost or if company decided no
to reissue the same digital certificate to avoid any kind security breach, they can
reissue the smart card with a new private key (Digital Certificate) and the data
can be decrypted for the user by an special key.

Web based HTML forms can be digitally signed by your private key. This
could prove to be a very important technology for internet based business
because it allows for digital documents to be hosted by web servers and
accessed by web browsers in a paperless fashion. Online expense reports, W-4
forms, purchase requests, and group insurance forms are some examples. For
form signing, smart cards provide portability of the private key and certificate as
well as hardware strength non repudiation. If an organization writes code that can
be downloaded over the web and then executed on client computers, it is best to
sign that code so the clients can be sure it indeed came from a reputable source.
Smart cards can be used by the signing organization so the private key can¶t be
compromised by a rogue organization in order to impersonate the valid one.
Smart cards can cipher into billions and billions of foreign languages, and
choose a different language at random every time they communicate. This
authentication process ensures only genuine cards and computers are used and
makes eaves-dropping virtually impossible.

Business to business Intranets and Virtual Private Networks ³VPNs´ are
enhanced by the use of smart cards. Users can be authenticated and authorized
to have access to specific information based on preset privileges. Additional
applications range from secure email to electronic commerce. A smart card as an
interoperable computing device has become the ultimate utility of processor
cards. Today's networked societies revolve around accessing the worldwide
information superhighways. As more people log-on to the network and more and
more activities take place through networks, online security is of utmost
† J  
!Ê pÊpÊp
ë Light and easy
ë Easy to use
ë Portable
ë Can be used independent of terminal devices.
ë Secret place for storing information.
X ʄp"pÊp
ë Capable of processing, not just storing information.
ë Communicating with computing devices.
ë Information and applications on a card can be updated without having to
issue new cards
½ #„$#Ê„!Ê„
The processing power of a smart card makes it ideal to mix multiple
functions. For example, government benefit cards will also allow users access to
other benefit programs such as health care clinics and job training programs. A
college identification card can be used to pay for food, phone calls and
photocopies, to access campus networks and to register classes. By integrating
many functions, governments and colleges can manage and improve their
operations at lower costs and offer innovative services.
% p!Ê!†pÊp$„
Smart cards reduce transaction costs by eliminating paper and paper
handling costs in hospitals and government benefit payment programs. Contact
and contactless toll payment cards streamline toll collection procedures, reducing
labor costs as well as delays caused by manual systems. Maintenance costs for
vending machines, petroleum dispensers, parking meters and public phones are
lowered while revenues could increase, about 30% in some estimates, due to the
convenience of the smart card payment systems in these machines.
[ #„!&„!Ê
A smart card contains all the data needed to personalize networking, Web
connection, payments and other applications. Using a smart card, one can
establish a personalized network connection anywhere in the world using a
phone center or an information kiosk. Web servers will verify the user's identity
and present a customized Web page, an e-mail connection and other authorized
services based on the data read from a smart card. Personal settings for
electronic appliances, including computers, will be stored in smart cards rather
than in the appliances themselves. Phone numbers are stored in smart cards
instead of phones. While appliances become generic tools, users only carry a
smart card as the ultimate networking and personal computing device.
' p#(„
ë Chip is tamper-resistant.
ë Information stored on the card can be PIN code and/or read-write
ë The most common method used for cardholder verification at present is to
give the cardholder a PIN (!"J!#,##! +) which he or
she has to remember.
ë Who can access the information?
p- Some smart cards require no password. Anyone holding the Card
can have access (e.g. the patient's name and blood type on a Medi Card can be
read without the use of a password).
 ñ  !  - The most common form of password for card holders is a
PIN (Personal Identification Number), a 4 or 5 digit number which is typed in on a
key pad. Therefore, if an unauthorized individual tries to use the card, it will lock-
up after 3 unsuccessful attempts to present the PIN code. More advanced types
of passwords are being developed.
„   !  - Some smart cards can only be accessed by the party who
issued it (e.g., an electronic purse can only be reloaded by the issuing bank).
ë How can the information be accessed? Information on a smart card can be
divided into several sections: - read only, added only, updated only and no
access available.
ë Capable of performing encryption.
ë Each smart card has its own, unique serial number.
ë Using biometrics for security. In production systems using fingerprint
recognition, the fingerprint sensor is in the terminal, but the fingerprint
profile data may be either in the terminal side of the card-to-terminal
interface, or preferably held within the card itself (a fingerprint profile takes
up only a few hundred bytes of data space). Prototype cards where the
fingerprint sensor is on the card surface are now in development and may
one day be a commercial proposition. In the meantime, a number of major
national schemes around the world are incorporating fingerprint biometrics
using optical or proximity readers associated with keyboards, mice and
point-of-sale terminals.
.  J J 
There are two types of personalization.
ë The first one is the "!#!"#3#!, which means writing the
data (particular data, fingerprint minutiae, variable data, etc.) into the chip.
ë The second is the '4#" !"#3#!, which means printing the
required optical layout on the card surface (Text, Photos, Signature, and
J J '5  J 

It is believed that smart cards offer more security and confidentiality than
the other kinds of information or transaction storage. Moreover, applications
applied with smart card technologies are illustrated which demonstrate smart
card is one of the best solutions to provide and enhance their system with
security and integrity.

Finally, it is concluded that the smart card is an intrinsically secure device.

It is a safe place to store valuable information such as private keys, account
numbers, and valuable personal data such as biometrics information. The smart
card is also a secure place to perform off-line processes such as public or private
key encryption and decryption. The smart card can be an element of solution to a
security problem in the modern world.


Smart card is an excellent technology to secure storage and

authentication. If an organization can deploy this technology selecting the right
type of solutions which is cross platform compatible and supports the standards
required, it would be economical as well as secure. This technology has to be
standardized and used in various applications in an organization not just for
physical access or information access. Various developments are happening in
the smart card industry with respect to higher memory capacities and stronger
encryption algorithms which could provide us with much tougher security. But we
need to understand that we will achieve better security only if we have users
educated to use these technology with at most care. A smart world is the future.

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