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Police Case number 11~11848


JD·CR.71 Rev: 3-1'1

Agency name

Hartford Police Dep"',rtm~nt

Disposition date

Agency number

Title, Allegation and Counts

Slate of Connecticut VS, (Name of accused) Medina, DeHtrice H AKA ROCKY

Dale 01 birth

IRe, ,Si,denc, e (,TOWn) of accused

SSN: 046~68-6034 Hartford


LKA 2580 Ma in Street, 2 nd floor 11121177 The undersig ned Prosecuting

-=:-.:-:--::-:;~"""=.---~~---------------r-:::----:-:--:---f-:::---:-~---l Authority of the Superior Court

To be held at (Town) I Geog, rapllica.1 copn i;I~!!!. J of the State of Connecticut

Hartford ~~~ber 14 lJ f:,:,!\: charges that

At (Town) I On or about (Da, te)

Hartford 04/0312011

lin violation of General Statute number


Count One' Didccrnrnlt llie offense of:


COntinued to Purpose Reason

Count Two - Did commit the offense of:

Unlawful Discharge of a fir,ea,rm

AI (Town) lonor aboLit,',(DiliS)

- Hartford 0410312011

lin Violation of General Statu Ie number

53a~203 '

Ai (Town) Hartford

Count Three ~ Did,commi\ the offense of:

Criminal Use of a firearm

I On or about (Dale)


Ilnliiolation 01 General Statute number

53a~216 ...-.

I Date

o See other sheet for additional counts ~ --r- //

Court Action

Defend ant advised of rig hts before plea

(Judge) CO.ll~ (Date)

Bond ;;'" I ..._.. Jlsurely I[] 10 % Election

I PlIlflCrJ t/.1 10 Cash D. CT DJY



o Attorney 0 PubliC defender Guardian

Bond change

Seized property inventory n um ber



Additional dispcsitlun

Plea I---=-P...,.le_a_W1_·t ... ll...,df;-, 9_w_n,...---1 Dale I New plea

Verdict Fine


Plea date













~ li·iI 11r~"'1kbr;l_ fhreci5 frt 'Vviu rnNl~·· t"'CXhON 'DttJidl

;oJ. ~bJ Htdfi..} !,:,/lud, WtJ.cL.... &'5 m..gJi1Cf.,1 k¢JIl.:oki

Other Cou.rt Action

J Judge

Receipt number


IBond infowan,'on

o NCI ID Bond forfeited r;:J Forfeiture vacated 0 Forfeiture vacated and bond reinstated (

Appllcatlon fee - receipt number ifpaid

icirde one )Programlek. receipt number !Circle one IPro~ation fee - receipt number / •. !GirCie ~

i W I a )ifPaid : W 1 a l,fpa'd .~ \\ '"" i)V'l Q

Proseeu tor 0 n 0 rig ina I d lspositlon

Reporter/monitor on anginal disposition ISigned (C/e.rk) Signed (JUdg~l~ f) n\ ~

This is page 1 ote 2 page Infonnation




Pr Elk. Sec. 36-1. 36-2.36-3

Supporting Affidavits sealed

DYes 0 No

For Court Use Only

Police Case number I Agency name

11-11848 Hartford Police Department .

.. . .1"'ge ncy nu rl'he.r

Name (LasCF;rsl, Middle IniliaQ I Residence (TOwn) of accused

Medina, Delltrlce H AKA ROCKY SSN:.046-68-6034 Hartford

I Court to be hela at (Towil) I GeographiCilI

Ha rtford , Area number 14

Application For Arrest Warrant To: A Judge of the Superior Court

The undersigned hereby applies for a warrant for the arrest of the above-named accused on the basis of the facts set forth in the: [gJ, Affidavit Below. 0 Affidavit(s) Attached.


,.y . ..): //

Affidavit The undersigned affiant, being duly sworn, deposes and says:

1. The Affiants; Detective L. Poma and Detective D. DeMatteo are sworn members of the Hartford Police Department and have over twenty two years of combined police experience. The Affiants are currently assigned to the Hartford Police Major Crimes Division and tasked to investi.gate; serious assaults, untimely deaths, and homicides.

2. On Sunday 4/3/11 at approximately 0125 hours, Hartford Police Patrol units were dispatched to 151 Edgewood Street on a report of serious assault with a firearm. Unit 214, Officer R. Fogg was one of several units that arrived at 151 Edgewood Street and located a crime scene which consisted of nine spent .40 caliber shell casings and blood droplets. Responding Patrol units were notified that the victim, later identified as Quiana J. Dismuke DOB 3/22/79 had been transported to Saint Francis Hospital by a privately owned vehicle ... At approximately 0220 hours, Dr. Scheuster E. Christie pronounced Dismuke deceased due to multiple gunshot injuries.

3. On Monday 4/4/11 a post mortem examination was conducted on Dismuke by Dr. Frank Evangelista; Associate Medical Ex.aminer. The cause of death was certified as multiple gunshot injuries and the manner of death was certified as a homicide.

4. During the course of the investigation, the Affiants obtained the following information pertaining to this homicide investigation.

S. On Saturday 4/3/11 in the evening hours, Dismuke met with Aisha Logan DOB 7/8/77 and Rhonda Arnum DOB 6/5/81. The three females drove around the city of Hartford in a gray Mercury Milan rental vehicle which was rented by Logan's mother for her use. At the time, Logan had asked Dismuke to operate the vehicle because she was tired and Arnurn did not have a driver's license. The three females stopped at Kent Pizza which is located at 211 Garden Street Hartford, CT in order to purchase a slice of pizza for Logan.

6. While at the location, Logan and Arnum both described a white or sliver colored Dodge Charger pull up along the west curb of Garden Street. A female later identified as Delitrice H. Medina exited the driver seat of the Dodge Charger and approached Dismuke. A heated verbal altercation took place between both females. Individuals at the location intervened and both females parted ways. As Dismuke drove away from the location, she explained to Logan and Arnurn

(This is page 1 of a 4 page Affidavit.)



Finding The foregOing Application for an arrest warrant, and affidavit(s) attached to said Application, having been submitted to and considered by the undersigned, the undersigned finds from said affidavit{s) that there is probable cause to believe that

an offense has been committed and that the accused committed it and, therefore, that probabl cause exists for the issuance of a warrant for the arrest of the above-named accuse .

Date and Signature


't: j-V{(



C.G.S. § 54-213

Pr. Bk. Sec. 36-1, 36-2. 36-3


Name (Last. First, Middle iniliaf) Re.sidenee (Town) 01 accused

Medina, Delltrlce H AKA. ROCKY SSN: 046-68-6034 Hartford

Court 10 be !lelaal (Town' Geographical

Hartford Area number 14

Affidavit ~ Continued

that the female she had words with had stolen some money from her. Dismuke and Medina had a physical confrontation several months earlier and Dismuke had beat up Medina at the time. Dismuke identified Medina to Logan and Arnurn by her street name of, "ROCKY."

7. Dismuke, Arnum, and Logan continued to drive around the city of Hartford. As they approached the area of Main and Nelson Street, Dismuke turned west onto Nelson Street. Medina was seen on foot crossing Nelson Street. Medina saw Dismuke, Arnum, and Logan and stopped their vehicle by stopping in the middle of the street, impeding their path of travel, At this time Medina exchanged words with Dismuke and challenged her to a fight. Dismuke drove away from the location.

8. As the three females continued to drive around Arnum and Logan both stated Dismuke received a telephone call from Medina. Words were again exchanged and Dismuke told Medina if she wanted to fight to drive to Edgewood Street where Dismuke resided.

9. All three females then drove to Dismuke's residence and Dismuke parked the gray Mercury Milan rental vehicle. Dismuke and Arnum exited the vehicle in order to use the bathroom at Dismuke's residence while Logan remained inside the vehicle. I

10. Rhonda Arnum stated as she was walking back to the vehicle with Dismuke, she observed the same vehicle from Kent Pizza pull up to Edgewood Street and park along the west curb. It was occupied by two females. Arnum identified the driver by the street name of Rocky. Arnum further described Rocky as a Hispanic female with some African-American features. She was accompanied by a second unidentified female whom was described as being Hispanic and having a chubby build. This female was sitting in the front passenger seat. Arnum stated she and Dismuke were standing approximately one foot from the driver side door of the white Dodge Charger. Arnum saw Dismuke exchange words with Rocky. Rocky never got out of the vehicle. Arnum and Dismuke began to walk away from Rocky who was still sitting in the driver seat of the Dodge Charger .. Arnum saw Rocky extend her arm out of the driver's window and described muzzle flash coming out from the vehicle at the same time she heard the multiple gunshots. Arnum stated she and Dismuke ran away from the location south on Edgewood Street. Arnum also stated she feared for her life and at one point believed she had been shot because she felt a burning sensation on her legs. Arnum stated Rocky drove away from the location north on Edgewood Street toward Greenfield Street.

11. The Affiants asked Arnum if she would be able to identify the female suspect through a photo array. She replied yes. Arnum was provided with a witness instruction for photo identification form which she read, initialed, and signed. She was then provided with the photo array. Arnum viewed all eight photographs and identified the female in photograph number four as Rocky. Arnum wrote on the witness instructions for photo identification form, "This is the girl who shot my friend 1000000000% shure"

12. The female in photograph number four that Arnum had identified as Rocky was further identified as Delitrice H. Medina DOB 11/21/77, Hartford Police master file number A078734.

14. Arnum was asked if she would be able to identify the second female that had accompanied Medina at the time of the incident. She replied yes and was provided with the second witness instructions for photo identification form which she

(This Is page 2 of a 4 page Affidavit.)





e.G.s. § 1;4-2a

Pr. 8k. Sec. 313.1,36-2,36-3


Name (Lasl, First Middle Initial)

Medina, Delitrice H AKA ROCKY

Residence (Town) of accused SSN: 046~6a-6034 Hartford

Court to be held at(Town) Hartford


Ares number 14

Affidavit - Continued

read, initialed, and signed. She was then provided with the second photo array, Arnum viewed all eight photographs and was unable to identify Medina's companion that accompanied her at the time of the shooting.

15. Arnum provided two separate voluntary statements of what she observed that night The initial statement and a second statement to clarify with add itiona I d eta i Is of what she actua lIy saw.

16. Logan stated upon arrival to Edgewood Street, Dismuke and Arnum exited the gray Mercury Milan rental car while she remained seated inside the vehicle. She observed the same silver colored Dodge Charger from the earlier Kent Pizza incident dispute pull up to Edgewood Street. Logan stated she saw that the female who was earlier identified as Rocky was still driving the vehicle. logan was still sitting in the passenger seat of the gray Mercury Milan rental vehicle. She saw Dismuke and Arnum standing near the road, and that Dismuke and Rocky were yelling at each other. logan stated at this time she heard gunshots and saw sparks from a gun coming out from the driver's side window where Rocky was still sitting. Logan stated as soon as the gunshots stopped, the silver Dodge charger drove away from the location north on Edgewood Street.

17. Logan was asked if she would be able to identify Rocky through a photo array. Logan replied yes. She was presented with witness instructions for photo identification form which she read, initialed, and signed. She was then provided with the photo array .. Logan viewed all eight photographs and identified the female in photograph number eight as Rocky. logan further wrote on the witness instructions for photo identification form, "This is the person "Rocky" who shot and killed my friend." logan provided a voluntary statement of what she observed that night.

18. The female in photograph number eight that Logan had identified as Rocky was further identified as Delitrice H. Medina DOB 11/21/77, Hartford Police master file number A078734.

19. On Monday 4//4/11 at approximately 0211 hours, Affiant Poma and Major Crimes Division Detective R. Salkeld made contact with Nichey Pearson DaB 4/14/82 at her place of employment. Pearson stated that Rocky whom she also knew by the name of Delitrice Medina had been her friend since 2005.

20. Pearson stated that prior to the homicide taking place, she had been with Medina and another Hispanic female whom she identified by the first name of Jada. The three females were in silver colored Dodge Charger that Medina was operating. The three of them drove to Kent Pizza located at 211 Garden Street, Hartford, CT. At this location, Medina engaged in a heated verbal argument with a female whom Pearson later found out was named Quiana. Both females were separated from each other and went on their separate ways. Pearson stated Medina dropped her off at her place of employment at 98 Weston Street, Hartford, CT. The plan was for the females to get together later in the night Medina never showed up and Pearson began to call Medina on her cell phone. Pearson did make contact with Medina by telephone and asked her what was going on. Medina informed Pearson that the girls had thrown a drink in her face. Medina told Pearson that she had been on Edgewood Street and had,"Busted on her." Pearson further explained that busted on her was an expression that meant Medina had shot at a girl. with a gun. Pearson asked Medina on the tel.ephoneif she was being truthful. Medina replied yes.' Medina also commented that she was, "Tired" and at her, "Breaking Point."

21. On Sunday moming 4/3/11 at approximately 0700 hours} Pearson checked the news on her cell phone by accessing (This is page 3 of a _4 page Affidavit.)





JD~CR-S4a . Re"_ 3·11 C.G.5. § 54-2a

Pro BK Sec. 30-1, 30-2, 30-3


. Name (La~!. First Middle Initial)

Medina, Delitrice H AKA ROCKY

SSN.: 046-68-6034

Residence (Town) ofa6ciJ.sed Hartford

Court to be held at (Town)



Area number 14

Affidavit - Continued

the website. Pearson stated she wanted to know if the news had reported the shooting. Pearson stated she read that a female had been killed on Edgewood Street. At this time she realized Medina had been telling her the truth. A couple of hours passed and Pearson received a phone call from a number that she did not recognize, (860) 616~8571. Medina was on the line. Pearson asked Medina if she had shot and killed Dismuke. Medina replied over the telephone that she had shot Dismuke. Medina also told Pearson that she thought she had hit Dismuke in the legs. At this time Medina started to cry. Pearson told Medina that she had to turn herself in. Medina started to cry again and hung up the


22. Pearson was asked if she would be willing to identify Medina through a photo array. Pearson replied yes. She was presented with a witness instruction for photo identification form which she read, initialed, and signed. She was then provided with the photo array. Pearson viewed all eight photographs and identified the female in photograph number seven as DeHtrice Medina AKA Rocky. The female in photograph number seven was further identified as Delitrice H. Medina DOB 11/21/77, Hartford Police master file number A078734. Pearson did provide a voluntary statement of what she knew about the incident.

23. A State Police Records check on Medina indicated that she was arrested by West Hartford Police on 3/23/04 for West Hartford Police case 03~62764. On 4/12/04 Medina was convicted of making a. False Statement 53a·157b a class A Misdemeanor and Larceny III 53a-124 a class D Felony under docket H14H~CR04~0579029~S.

24. Based on the information obtained in this homicide investigation, the Affiants respectfully request that the court issue an arrest warrant toward Delitrice Medina DOB 11/21/77. That Medina is charged with the following charges; Murder S3a~54a, Unlawful Discharge of a fir-earm 53a~203, and Criminal Use of a firearm 53a-216. All of which are violations of Connecticut General Statutes.

(This Is page 4 of a 4 page Affidavit.)


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