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 Company Profile………………………………………………………..
• Mission……………………………………………………………
• Vision…………………………………………………………….
• Objectives………………………………………………………….
• Products……………………………………………………………
 Box: About
 Environments…………………………………………………………….
• Demographics…………………………………………………….
• Economic…………………………………………………………..
• Cultural……………………………………………………………
• Political……………………………………………………………
• Legal……………………………………………………………….
 Health
(Causes of Death, Diabetes, Eating habits of Children)
 Marketing mix……………………………………………………………
• Product mix………………………………………………………..
• Promotion
• Box: Perception of
• Place mix…………………………………………………………..
• Price…………………………………………………………………
 Competitors……………………………………………………………….
 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………
 Bibligraphy………………………………………………………………..
 Company profile:

YuvAnaH is an Indian company which manufactures

Chyawanprash. It was established in 2004. It is positioned as a
company which manufactures exclusively Chyawanprash. It is
known to have provided good quality Chyawanprash for all age
groups, across social boundaries. It has received various
certificates over the years which include Certificate of Good
Manufacturing Practices to manufacture Ayurveda, HACCP and
GMP Certification in compliance with the Food & Drug
Administration regulation. YuvAnaH is ISO 9002 certified.

• Vision:
Focus on growing their core brands across categories, reaching out to new
geographies, within and outside India.

• Mission
Their mission goes beyond the mere provision to heal ailments and extends to
helping people live long, healthy and productive lives. They seek to explore &
harness the tremendous potentials of Ayurveda & offer the goodness for human

• Objectives:

• YuvAnaH Chyawanprash: This is ordinary Chyawanprash.

It contains all the basic ingredients of Chyawanprash and
can be consumed by people belonging to all age groups.
• YuvAnaH Chocolate Chyawanprash: This is chocolate
flavored Chyawanprash targeting children and people who
favor chocolates. It will be marketed as a product with
added benefits of chocolates.
• YuvAnaH Sugar-free Chyawanprash: This is targeted to
diabetic patients since it does not contain artificial
• YuvAnaH Chyawanprash (for summer):This
Chyawanprash is specially made for the summer season to
provide protection against infections that are common
during the season.
• YuvAnaH Diet Chyawanprash: This product is specially
designed for the Diet conscious with particular ingredients.
• YuvAnaH Chyawanprash (for pregnant women):
Pregnant women are advised not to have chyawanprash.
This product will cater to the needs of a pregnant woman.
• YuvAnaH Chyawanprash (for Skin): This product
contains added herbs which are beneficial for a glowing
According to Ayurveda, Chyawanprash comes under the
category of 'Rasayana' which aims at maintaining
youthfulness, vigor, vitality of the body and keeping away
aging process, senility and debility. It maintains the proper
functioning of the cells and rejuvenates the cells. However, the
main ingredient, regardless of the exact formula is always
amla or amalaki, a tropical gooseberry that is the world's
richest source of vitamin C. It is, moreover, a source that
remains stable in storage for years.

• Digestive and immune system:

Chaywanprash's basic ingredient amla has 30 times more
vitamin C than orange and helps in strengthening the
immune system and expediting the healing process.
Regular intake of chyawanprash strengthens digestion,
absorption and assimilation of food and balances stomach
• Heart and Brain
The perfect blend of Ayurvedic herbs acts as a cardiac
stimulant and nourishes the brain cells by supporting the
nervous system and enhances co-ordination and memory
power. The tonic is good for students as it increases
retention and recall.
• Lung, Liver and Kidneys
The smooth functioning of the lungs is facilitated by the
regular intake of chyawanprash.Chyawanprash helps purify
blood and invigorates the liver and helps to eliminate
toxins. It helps the downward flow of energy in the body
and eases constipation.
• Other Benefits
The holistic traditional formula of chyawanprash improves
skin complexion, glow and fights dermal bacterial
infection. It promotes hair growth and helps absorption
of calcium resulting in strong bones and teeth. It is
especially good for alleviating cough and asthma. The anti-
oxidant properties of the tonic act against the ageing
process and maintain youthfulness.

Canada is a country occupying most of northern North

America, extending from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the
Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean. It
is the world's second largest country by total area, and shares
land borders with the United States to the south and northwest.

 Demographics:

• Capital: Ottawa
• Largest City: Toronto
• Currency: Canadian Dollar
• Population of Canada: (2008 estimate)
(0.51% of World population)
• Population growth rate: 0.869%

Birth Rate 10.75 births/1,000 population

• Density: 3.2/km² (219th)
• It is the world's second largest country by total area.(Area:
99884670 km^2

Even though the density is just 3 persons per square

kilometer , a majority of population is concentrated in the
narrow band along the U.S. border, leaving a major portion of
the land mass unoccupied.

• Distribution of population:
Population Distribution by Age Group
0-14 17.9%
65+ 13.0%

• Population of Main Metro Areas:

Montreal 3,607,150
Vancouver 2,159,994
Ottawa-Gatineau (Capital) 1,142,708
Edmonton 1,001,636
Quebec City 710,801
Hamilton 702,396
Winnipeg 698,210
London 459,697

Considering the fact that a majority of population lives in the

metros mentioned above, majority of our marketing
promotions will concentrated in those areas.

 Economic Environment:

• Gross National Product: $760

• Purchasing power parity(per capita)
(According to the World Bank Economic Groups, Canada falls
under the “high per capita income category”)

• Canada was the only country from G7 to record a surplus in

2006 and 2007. It was estimated to be the only country
from G7 to record a surplus in 2008 as well.
• Canada is on track to eliminate its net debt by 2021. By
doing so, Canada will be able to count itself among the very
few OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development) countries that are in a net asset position.
• The OECD forecasts Canada’s surplus will be 0.8 per cent of
GDP in 2008, compared to an expected average deficit of
2.7 per cent in the G7 countries.
• Trade and Economic Organization Memberships
• Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation
• Commonwealth
• Group of Eight (G8)
• International Monetary Fund
• La Francophone
• North Atlantic Treaty Organization
• Organization for Economic Co-operation and
• Organization of American States
• United Nations (and its subsidiary agencies)
• World Bank
• World Trade Organization

Thus, the size of the market and the nature of

the economy portray a positive economic environment of
Canada and favor the establishment of business relations
with it.

 Cultural environment:

Established in 1867 as a nation without war or

rebellion, Canadians are most likely to be described as
“friendly”, peaceful, polite, modest. They have a unique
culture and deeply rooted values and traditions and
though they enjoy cordial relations with their neighbor;
the United States; they are not “Americans”. They love
to laugh , often at their own expense, since they don’t
always take themselves too seriously.

• Language: Unlike many countries Canada has 2 official

languages; English and French. A majority of French
speakers-called francophones-live in Quebec. Thus they
have a bilingual culture. This fact will be kept in mind by
resorting to bilingual labeling and advertising and
bilingual press releases.
• Creativity: Canadians value creativity and support its
nurturing in all walks of life. They are not resistant to
• Attitudes and Values:
o Canadians struggle with how to promote their
image as Canadians and separate themselves
from Americans. Our marketing strategies will
take care of this cultural factor.
o Canadians are practical in their approach.
They speak their minds and voice their
opinions and are open to those of others.
British novelist Douglas Adams said each
country was like a particular type of person,
and "Canada is like an intelligent 35 year old
woman". America, on the other hand, is a
"belligerent adolescent boy"
o Canadians tend to dislike excessive
promotion. It is favorable to skip the hype and
focus on the facts.
o They also tend to dislike companies which
make negative comparisons with Canadian
• Religion: Canada has a wide mix of religions and there is no
official religion of Canada; though a majority of the
population follows Christianity, followed by a large number
of people who claimed to have no religious affiliation.
• Family structure: a typical family structure in Canada in
2005 was “a spouse and no children below the age of 13; at
least one child between the age of 13 and 24.

 Political Environment:

• Canada has a federal parliamentary democracy within a

constitutional monarchy.
• In general, Canadian politics have not operated through
revolutionary, swift changes. Instead, change is typically
slow and worked out through compromise between
interest groups, regional consultations, and the
government of the day.
• India and Canada have always had a healthy trade

Thus , political environment is also favorable and there

will not be any major issues as far as the government is

 Legal Environment:

• Canada can guarantee investors the overall lowest tax

rate among developed countries.
• One important factor is the legal system in Canada is that
although their criminal law system nationally and the civil
law system in most of Canada is based on the English
precedent-based system of common law, civil law in the
Province of Québec is based on the French Code
Napoléon. For this reason, we should ensure that our
Canadian legal advisors are well versed in both systems.
• Few laws that are different to Quebec particularly are as
o Generally speaking, a French firm name may be
accompanied by its English version, provided that
the French version appears at least as prominently;
however, in some cases, use of the English version
of a firm name is only permitted if the French
version is "markedly predominant," meaning the
French text must have a much greater visual
impact than the text in another language.
o Product labelling: Every inscription on a product,
its container or wrapping, or on a leaflet, brochure
or card supplied with it, including the directions for
use and warranty certificate, must be drafted in
o Public signs, posters and commercial
advertising: Public signs, posters and commercial
advertising may also be bilingual, provided that the
French is "markedly predominant." However, large
billboards or signs that are visible from any part of
a public highway must be exclusively in French,
unless they are displayed on the firm's premises.
Likewise, signs on public transportation vehicles,
such as buses and subways, must be exclusively in
French, unless they are used regularly to transport
passengers or merchandise both inside and outside
Québec, in which case the signs may be bilingual.
o Any corporation that contravenes the Charter is
liable for each offence to a fine of up to $1,400 and,
for any subsequent conviction, to a fine of up to
• All shipments to Canada are also subject to the 7% Goods
and Services Tax (GST), a multi-stage sales tax.
 About Health Canada:

The new face of the average Canadian health care

consumer belongs to a well-educated, middle-income, middle-
aged woman who is actively involved in her own well-being. She
is very interested in diet and nutrition, longevity, alternative
medical therapies, vitamins and antioxidants. And she's willing to
pay: she spends between $500 and $1000 a year on health

Respiratory and cardiovascular diseases are the major reasons

for hospitalization in Canada. Other reasons include digestive
diseases, genitourinary diseases, poisoning, mental disorders etc.

A chart showing leading causes of death in Canada is as under:

. Canadians are health conscious and try to make healthy

eating decisions. According to a new study conducted by Ipsos-
Reid on behalf of Sleeman Breweries, nine in ten (93%)
Canadians say they try to be health conscious when making
decisions about what to eat. The factors which play an important
role in the eating habits of Canadians are as follows:

Source: Tracking Nutrition Trends survey

Key motivators to change/ improve eating habits
To maintain personal health 58%
To lose weight 22%
To accommodate the needs of family members 10%
To prevent disease 8%
To look better 8%

The relative importance of each of these factors, however,

differed according to age, with responses related "looking better"
being more prevalent among adults under the age of 25 (17%)
and responses related to "maintaining health" and "preventing
disease" being more prevalent among those over the age of 45.
National Population Health Survey (NPHS) also indicated
that the single biggest reason reported for avoiding or choosing
certain foods for both women (80%) and men (63%) is
"maintaining or improving health".


We all know that there is no quick fix for diabetes. More

than 2 million Canadians have diabetes, over one third of
them aren't diagnosed. Forty percent of Canadians with
diabetes develop long-term complications such as high blood
pressure, vision loss and kidney disease. It is clear that diabetes
has become a public health challenge of major proportions in
Canada. Many cases of type 2 diabetes could be prevented by
making healthier living choices.

Children’s eating habits:

Unhealthy eating habits during childhood can interfere with

optimal growth and development Poor diet can predispose to a
number of serious illnesses, such as cardiovascular disease and
some cancers, and lead to a poorer quality of life. Increases in
other nutrition-related risk factors for chronic disease in children
such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and type 2 diabetes
have also been found. Poor diet has also been linked to low
academic performance, classroom behaviour problems and low
self-esteem among school-age children.
The Canadian Community Health Survey found that seven
out of 10 children aged four to eight, and half of adults, did not
eat the recommended daily minimum of five servings of
vegetables and fruit. Children age four to eight years consumed
fewer vegetables and fruit on average than any age group, 4.18
servings per day. Among girls aged 10-16 years, 83% did not
consume the recommended three daily servings of milk products.
More than a fifth of total calories consumed by 4-18 year olds and
18.2% of calories consumed by four to eight year old children
came from the “other foods” category. More than a third of these
“other foods” were reported as soft drinks, sugars, fruit drinks,
animal fats, chocolate bars and potato chips. Among youth aged
14-18, one quarter of all calories came from “other foods”.
The growing number of older and longer living Canadians,
faced with health problems and being more prone to illnesses and
injuries, have supported sales of medications and healthcare
services in the country. Recently, a research showed that many
Canadians are increasingly turning to preventive care and self-
medication, thereby increasing the scope of health products like
Marketing Mix:

 Products:
• YuvAnaH Chyawanprash
• YuvAnaH Chocolate Chyawanprash.
• YuvAnaH Sugar-free Chyawanprash.
• YuvAnaH Chyawanprash ( for summer)
• YuvAnaH Diet Chyawanprash
• YuvAnaH Chyawanprash ( for pregnant women)
• YuvAnaH Chyawanprash ( for skin)

All YuvAnaH products will be available in a standard size of 500



All our products will be branded under the name of “YuvAnaH”

which is Sanskrit for “the youthful”, thereby following Umbrella
Branding. Ayurveda is native to the Indian Subcontinent. Thus,
the Sanskrit name “YuvAnaH” implies a “Made in India” image
which works favorably for the company.

Packaging and labeling:

Our product will be packed in HDPE plastic containers which will

be sealed with a golden foil.

The federal Consumer Packaging and Labeling Act require

bilingual designation of the generic name on most prepackaged
consumer products. Under this Act, the following information
must appear on the package/label of a consumer good sold in

• Drug Identification Number (DIN),

• Natural Product Number (NPN)
• or a Homeopathic Drug Number (DIN-HM)

This is to ensure the people about the safety of the product.

Since Canadians tend to make healthy eating decisions; the
package of the product will emphasize the nutrients and
herbs it contains along with its benefits. Other relevant
information includes Name of the product
Brand name of the product ,Country of origin ,Name and
address of the local importer, Date Marking, Manufacturing,
Date ,Expiry Date , Storage Batch Number and Packaging
Date(PKD, )Precautionary Message ,Bar Code,
Dosage, Nutritional Value (different for various flavors,)
Ingredients (different for various flavors).
 Promotion Mix:


Electronic Media:

 Television in Canada:

• The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) operates

both English-language and French-language national
television networks. Both networks broadcast on two
channels, one with regular programming and one with all-
news programming. There are two private national
television networks: CTV, broadcasting on two English-
language channels (regular programming and all-news) and
Global Television, broadcasting on a single English language
channel. There are also 105 independent television stations
in Canada.
• Over 98% of Canadian households own Television sets. 2
out of 3 households subscribe to Cable TV though “over-the-
air” local television is free.
• 85% of Canadian consumers agree that they are too
obsessed with images of youth. They feel alienated by
advertisements that do not portray people “like me”.
• Government control:


Section 248 of the Consumer Protection Act 1980

provides that no person may make use of commercial
advertising directed at persons less than thirteen
years of age.

 Radio
• Canadians spend more time with radio compared to
the US (22.2 hrs weekly) and radio enjoys a larger
share of ad spending in Canada.

 Print Media:
• The newspaper with the highest circulation is the
Toronto Star, and the newspaper with the highest
readership per capita is the Windsor Star.
• Readership of community newspapers is strong
despite the size of the market – 70.4% of the
“ComBase sample” read the most recent issue of
their community newspaper. These readers are
loyal; with most reading all 4 of the last 4 issues
They read with attention – reading most or all of
each issue Community newspapers get high ratings
from their readers.
• Community newspapers capture a very high
proportion of exclusive readers.

 Point of Purchase advertising:

• 72% of big boxes were added in the previous

nine years.
• 59% of all big box locations are on expressways.
This gives a scope for sales through point of
purchase advertising.

 Perception of Ayurvedic Medicines:

In 2005, the Canadian government had banned the sale of

Indian ayurvedic medicines in the country claiming that they
contain high levels of metals like lead and mercury and arsenic,
posing grave health risks. Improper manufacturing processes
may result in dangerously high level of heavy metals remaining
in the final product. However YuvAnaH Chyawanprash is not
included in the products that are banned. Our company obtained
the certificate of Good Manufacturing Practices in 2001 and also
ISO 9002 certification in 1999. The products are manufactured as
per Indian Standards. Authorized natural health products will
either bear an eight-digit Drug Identification Number (DIN), a
Natural Product Number (NPN) or a Homeopathic Drug Number
(DIN-HM). This authorization indicates that the product has been
assessed by Health Canada for safety, efficacy and quality. All
our promotion programmes will highlight the fact that our
products are legal and completely safe for consumption.

 Place Mix:
• Entry Strategy:
We intend to enter Canada by directly exporting our
products. The company has two distributors in Canada; one in
Toronto and one in Vancouver. As shown in the
demographics, these are the most populated metros of Canada.
They also happen to be the cities where most of the Canadians
live. These distributors stock the products in their warehouses
and regularly supply to retailers over there. They have major tie-
ups with many super markets and these markets sell their
We will follow 4 level channel of distribution involving our
importer, distributers and retailers. Through our distributors
YuvAnaH will reach out to all the major cities of Canada some of
which are Toronto Montreal, Vancouver , Ottawa-Gatineau
(Capital), Calgary , Edmonton, Quebec City, Hamilton,
Winnipeg, London.
 Competitors:
• Dabur Chyawanprash:

The biggest and major competitor for the company is the Dabur
Chyawanprash. Dabur is already an established player in this
country and has a wide range of products over here. The
company has a major market share in Canada. Dabur is also a
very famous brand in India and thus has the edge.

• Himani Sona Chandi Chyawanprash:

There are other competitors such as the Himani Sona Chandi

Chyawanprash. This company is also an established company in
India and has a wide range of products in Canadian market. Its
moisturizing cream Boroplus is huge success in Canada and thus
has helped company strengthen its base in Canada.

• Tattvas Herbs Chyawanprash is also an exporter of

Chyawanprash and is available in Canada.

Since the major herbs required in Chywanprash are available only

in India there no manufacturers of it in Canada.

 Competitive edge:

• The prices of Dabur, Himani, and Tattvas is very high .They

cater only to the high spending class of people. This leaves
YuvAnaH an opportunity to target the low-spending
• None of the competitors provide chocolate flavored
Chyawanprash or sugar free chyawanprash in Canada. Here,
YuvAnaH has an edge over the others.
• The only company which has franchises in Canada is Dabur .
Since our company is also planning to introduce similar kind
of stores where all our products would be available
company hopes to face the competition fiercely.
 Bibliography:
International Marketing- Vern Terpstra & Ravi Sarathy
Marketing Management.- Kotler, Philip.

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