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Consumer Exploitation

In a capitalist society, the consumer should be king. Even so, there are plenty of ways companies rip
consumers off and treat them poorly. No matter what types of products you buy, you need to be on the
lookout for consumer exploitation. Some types of exploitation are small and somewhat insignificant, but
other types of exploitation can be quite costly.

The following are the forms of consumer exploitation:

1) Underweight and under measures.

2) High prices.

3) Sub standard quality.

4) Adulteration of goods

5) Duplicate articles.

6) Rough behavior and undue conditions.

7) Lack of safety devices.

8) Poor or inadequate after sales service.

Reasons for Consumer Exploitation

1. Illiteracy and Ignorance: Consumers in India are mostly illiterate and ignorant. They do not
understand their rights. A system is required to protect them from unscrupulous businessmen.

2. Unorganized Consumers: In India consumers are widely dispersed and are not united. They are at the
mercy of businessmen. On the other hand, producers and traders are organized and powerful.

3. Spurious Goods: There is increasing supply of duplicate products. It is very difficult for an ordinary
consumer to distinguish between a genuine product and its imitation. It is necessary to protect
consumers from such exploitation by ensuring compliance with prescribed norms of quality and safety.

4. Deceptive Advertising: Many advertisements make false promises, are highly exaggerated and give
incomplete descriptions of products. Consumers are misled by false advertisement and do not know the
real quality of advertised goods.

5. Malpractices of Businessmen: Fraudulent, unethical and monopolistic trade practices on the part of
businessmen lead to exploitation of consumers. Consumers often get defective, inferior and
substandard goods and poor service. Certain measures are required to protect the consumers against
such malpractices.

File your consumer complaint and grievances on

Avoiding Consumer Exploitation
In the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 of India, the following six consumer rights have been recognized.

• The right to be protected from all types of hazardous goods and services
• The right to be fully informed about the performance and quality of all goods and services
• The right to free choice of goods and services
• The right to be heard in all decision-making processes related to consumer interests
• The right to seek redressal, whenever consumer rights have been infringed
• The right to complete consumer education

If you have been denied the above rights, you can file a complaint to respective authorities. Though, the
best way to avoid consumer exploitation and fraud is to educate oneself. Know or be aware of what is
happening around you. Read the cases of various scams, thefts, burglaries, phishing scams etc,
highlighted in your local newspaper and also on television.

File your consumer complaint and grievances on

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