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Peleliu Palau Combat LCI(M) Navy Mortar replace Army

15/9/44 Mortar at Saipan 6/2/45 Trinity Tests
Major Leland E Anderson Re-Classification USS Indianapolis dep SFO
CWS (Chemical) LCI(G) 31/12/44 16/7/45

Converted to Mortar at Pearl Angaur Island Re-Classification Hiroshima Bomb

Launched 27/2/44 LCI Group 40 5/8/44 17/9/44 LCI(M) 30/4/45 6/8/45

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Ramp Removed Okinawa VJ Day 2/9/45

D-Day Normandy Palau Campaign 5/1/45 26/3/45 to 14/6/45
6/6/44 6/9/44 to 14/10/44
Laid 30/1/44
Portland, OR Nagasaki Bomb
MacArthur Leyte Landing Iwo Jima
Creech taken ill, sent ashore 20/10/44 19/2/45 to 3/3/45
Ens. C.W. Rhodes command
NRB San Diego 26/3/44 Lt. (jg) Frederick Rapoport
assumes command
Pearl 12/8/45
Depart Saipan for Iwo Depart Iwo for Saipan
Commissioned 6/3/44 LCI(L) Mortar crew of 2 Officers and 25 Army 15/2/45 4/3/45
Lt.(jg.) Marvin August Creech personnel reported aboard.
Pearl 30/7/44

1944 1945

USS LCI 739 Timeline Red boxes are unconfirmed

1944 - 1945
Bold boxes contain significant events as time references
Version 2.0

Author: Pongsatorn Sukhum


The Definitive Wreck Registry "Bringing Wrecks to Life..."

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