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Hard Rock Cafe Ford Motor Company

Service and Hard Rock Cafe products food, it must be The car of Ford Motor Company are designed, tested,
Product design designed, tested, and costed out, the menus and costed out too by the engineers and operations
have to be reviewed. H.R.C. products managers. There are model specific to Europe and
intangible products too including the music, United States. F.M.C. does design of cars, flexible fuel
memorabilia, the atmosphere and service. vehicles, electric vehicles...
Quality The quality survey is an over quality measure As an auto plant, quality may take the form of measuring
Management (7 in a scale of 7 to make a success). The tolerances, the wear on the car after kilometers
quality may include: hiring the right people traveled and after many tests. The crash tests are
(passionate about music for examples), food other measures to qualify the resistance of the car.
ingredients( importance of food research),
good suppliers, speed of service,
friendliness, etc.
Process and The process of dealing with the guests (more Ford Motor Company uses assembly-line process. An
Capacity than 100.000 a day): give a seat, take the arrangement of workers, machines, and equipment in
design order, deliver the meal, receive the which the car being assembled passes consecutively
payment, etc., from operation to operation until completed.
The process of how to prepare the meal Since August, 2010 Ford begins using WiFi to install its
(sandwiches, salads, burgers, sides, entrees, Sync Software easier on assembly lines.
desserts…) is important too.
Location The location is a major long-time decision, An automobile company such as Ford Motor Company
H.R.C. narrow the search from country may want to go to a location that will minimize the
(political risk, currency risk, social norms, fixed or variable costs: proximity to raw material,
business practices…) to city and the precise locations where wages are low, locations where there
street corner to attract people, traditionally is skilled labor, locations closed to the areas where are
located in tourist locations. H.R.C. is destined the specific models…
established into 52 countries.
Layout design The kitchen layout is critical to efficient food An automobile assembly plant is organized
preparation and flows, the bar layout is on an assembly line criterion. Assembly lines are
critical for profitability, all of these for designed for a sequential organization of workers,
revenue maximum. The lighting, sound, tools or machines, and parts. The motion of workers is
screens contemporary music and circulations minimized and the parts or assemblies are handled
paths are designed to expose customers to either by conveyors or motorized vehicles.
merchandise for sale. The retails shops are In an assembly line, car assembly is split between
carefully integrated into restaurant layout. several stations, all working simultaneously. When
Every restaurant have a unique design one station is finished with a car, it passes it on to the
customizing to the local country they are in. next.
Human Human resources are a “support center” for Ford Motor Company focuses on hiring manufacturing
resources, job the employees: following them, helping skilled people such as engineers or workers. In the
design them, training them... H.R.C. seeks people case of workers involved in the assembly line, they are
passionate about music, who love to serve modestly trained because they often do the same
and can tell stories. This is one of the reasons task.
of the success of dining experience in H.R.C.
Supply-chain H.R.C. work with qualified suppliers to ensure
The ability of suppliers to contribute to design and low
management fresh meals. There are contracts with meal cost may be a critical factor in the modern auto plant
suppliers signed 8 months in advance. Some such as Ford Motor Company. Moreover, many
items like leather jackets have a 9-month suppliers of automobile manufacturer establish itself
lead time. near the manufacturer to reduce the costs and
implement the Just-In-Time process.
Inventory H.R.C. as any restaurants has to inventory Auto plant such as Ford Motor Company need to do
management foods (turn over, temperatures). As retail inventories with JIT procurement techniques used. JIT is
shop H.R.C. has to inventory the an inventory strategy that strives to improve a
merchandises. But, there is also an inventory business's return on investment by reducing in-
system that allows to know where are more process inventory and associated carrying costs.
than 70.000 pieces (for more than 40M$) of
rock-and-roll memorabilia in the 133 cafes
world-wide in 52 countries which they
replace every 5 to 7 years in different cafes.

Scheduling H.R.C. firm uses a specific method to prepare Ford Motor Company is more concerned with
work schedules in the 23 departments for scheduling material than people. The scheduling is
over 600 people. Scheduling varies according based on building various models from modules to
to different factors: the current sales, the forecast.
sales for prior year, the seasonality (sales are
driven by tourists, the fluctuations in
seasonal, daily, and hourly demands for food
are huge), the community events and the
trend of the past couple weeks.
Maintenance The quality and control are the keys to Maintenance is critical in a plant using assembly line
success: the cafes must open every day for because if a part of the line doesn’t work, all the plant
business. The kitchen, the bar, the shop is paralyzed and down times are very expensive,
must open every days. Menu review and the because of high fixed and variable cost.
help of the surveys are parts of the
maintenance too, the maintenance of
memorabilia is done in Orlando.


Number of meals per labor hour

Productivity of kitchen staff = number of meals produced ÷labo r hours

Number of customers per labor hour

Productivity of the wait staff =

number of customers served∈a day ÷ total working hours of wait staff ∈a day

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