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Hvde~ab'ad Melno,politan Development Authonity IHMDA Act, 2008


Govt. Orders


Growing Global



1. HMDA Act. .. 1
. .
2. G.O. Ms. No.567 :: 51
3. G.O. Ms. No.570 :: 53
4. G.O. Ms. No.571 :: 77
5. G.O. Ms. No.572 :: 80

The following Act of the Andhra Pradesh Legislature received the assent of the Governor on the 16th April, 2008 and the said assent is hereby first published on the 19th April, ?008 in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette for general information.

ACT NO.8 OF 2008


Whereas, it is expedient to provide for the establishment of a Metropolitan Development Authority for the Hyderabad Metropolitan Region for the purposes of planning, co-ordination, supervising, promoting and securing the planned development of the Hyderabad Metropolitan Region.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Andhra Pradesh in the Fifty ninth Year of the Republic of India, as follows:

Short title and Commencement Definitions.



1. (1) This Act may be called the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority Act, 2008.

(2) It shall come into force on such date as the Government may by notification appoint.

2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires:-

(1) 'Agriculture' includes farming, raising of crops, fruits, vegetables, flowers, grass, trees, horticulture, floriculture, poultry, fishing, livestock breeding, bee keeping, upkeep of an orchard and the use of land ancillary and accessory to cultivation or any agriculture purpose;

(2) 'Agriculture Use' means any land used for cultivation of crops, plants, vegetables, growing of trees, orchards and includes allied activities like animal breeding and rearing, dairying and poultry;

(3) 'Amenity' includes road, water supply, drainage, sewerage, street lighting, communication network, irrigation works and other public works, tourist spots, open spaces, parks, landscaping and play fields and such other conveniences and utilities as the State Government may specify by notification to be an amenity for the purposes of this Act;

(4) 'Area Development Plans or Action Plans' means the plans prepared under the provisions of section 11 of this Act;

(5) 'Building' includes any structure or erection or part of a structure or erection which is intended to be used for residential, industrial, commercial or any other purposes, whether in actual use or not;

(6) 'Building Operations' includes rebuilding operations, structural alterations or additions to buildings and

3 other operations normally undertaken in connection with the construction of buildings;

(7) 'Company' means a body corporate registered under the Companies Act, 1956 and includes a firm or an association of individuals;

(8) 'Development' with its grammatical variations means the carrying out of building, engineering, mining or other operations in, on, over or under land or the making of any material change in any building or land or both, and includes redevelopment, reclamation of land, conservation of environment, forming of layouts and sub-division of any land into plots and development of amenities;

(9) 'Engineering Operations' includes the

formation or laying of roads, drainage, water supply, electricity, gas, irrigation works and development of such other amenities;

(10) 'Government Company' means a Government Company or corporation registered under the Companies Act, 1956 which has one of its objects the development of an area;

(11) 'Hyderabad Metropolitan Region' means the area comprised such areas as the Government may by notification specify from time-to-time under Section-3;

(12) 'Land' includes benefits to arise out of land, things attached to the earth or permanently fastened to anything attached to the earth;

(13) 'Land Use' means the principal use of land for which a plot of land or building thereon is used or intended to be used. For the purpose of classification of a plot according to the land uses, a land use shall deemed to include subsidiary land uses which are contingent upon it;


(14) 'Local Authority' means:-

(a) Municipal Corporation constituted under the provisions of the Hyderabad Municipal Corporations Act, 1955; or

(b) Municipality or a Nagar Panchayat constituted or deemed to be constituted or a Committee appointed for a Notified Area under the provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Municipalities Act, 1965; or

(c) Gram Panchayat constituted under the provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act, 1994;

(15) 'Metropolitan Development Authority' means

the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority

constituted under Section-4;

(16) 'Metropolitan Development and Investment Plan' means a set of plans for promoting the development of the Hyderabad Metropolitan region prepared under Section 11 and sanctioned by the State Government under Section 13 of this Act;

(17) 'Notification' means a notification published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette and the word 'notified' shall be construed accordingly;

(18) 'Occupier' means a person, including a firm or other body of individuals whether incorporated or not, who occupies land or building sold, leased or transferred to him / them in any manner and includes his / their successors and assignees;

(19) 'Owner' means a person, group of persons, a Company, Trust, Institute, Registered body, State or Central Government and its attached subordinate departments, undertakings and the like, in whose name the property stands registered in the Revenue Records;

(20) 'Plan' includes a map or maps indicating proposals, and / or sets of documents and / or statements and

5 policies and development briefs for securing, promoting and regulating development in the metropolitan region or for any area;

(21) 'Prescribed' means prescribed by rules made under this Act;

(22) 'Regulation' means a regulation made under Section 57 of this Act;

(23) 'Residence' includes the use of any land or building or part thereof for human habitation and the expression "Residential use" shall be construed accordingly;

(24) 'Scheme' means a scheme or policy or directives / guidelines prepared under this Act; and also includes a scheme prepared under any other Act prevailing in the State for securing the planned development of any area or constituent of a local area or District;

(25) 'Sectors of Metropolitan development' means and includes traffic and transportation facilities, housing new townships, circulation network, community facilities, work centers, open spaces and environment, ecological development, leisure, tourism and recreation facilities;

(26) 'Zone' means anyone of the divisions in which a region may be divided for the purposes of securing, promoting and regulating development under this Act, and the expression "Zoning Regulation" shall be construed accordingly;



Declaration of Hyderabad Metropolitan region

3. (1) As soon as may be, after the commencement of the Act, the Government may, by notification declare the Hyderabad Metropolitan region consisting of such urban or rural areas as a development area for the purposes of the Act.

Constitution of the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority

6 (2) The Government may, by notification and in accordance with such rules as may be made in this behalf:-

(a) exclude from a development area any area comprised therein, or

(b) include in development area any other area. (3) The provisions of sub-sections (3) to (8) of Section 13 of the Andhra Pradesh Urban Areas (Development) Act, 1975 shall mutatis mutandis applicable for the purpose of this Act.

4. (1) As soon as may be, after the date of commencement of this Act, the Government may, by notification constitute the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority for the Hyderabad Metropolitan region notified under Section-3.

(2) The Metropolitan Development Authority:-

(i) shall be body corporate and shall have

perpetual succession and a common seal; and

(ii) subject to such restrictions imposed by or under this Act, may sue or be sued in its corporate name.

(3) The Metropolitan Development Authority shall consist of the following members:-

(i) The Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, who

shall be the Chairman;

(ii) The Minister of Municipal Administration, who shall be the Vice-Chairman;

(iii) The Mayor, Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation;

(iv) Chief Secretary to the Government;

(v) Principal Secretary / Secretary, Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department;

7 (vi) Principal Secretary / Secretary, Revenue Department;

(vii) Principal Secretary / Secretary, Industries & Commerce Department;

(viii) Principal Secretary / Secretary, Transport, Roads & Buildings Department;

(ix) Principal Secretary / Secretary, Finance Department;

(x) Principal Secretary / Secretary, Environment & Forest Department;

(xi) Principal Secretary / Secretary, Panchayet Raj Department;

(xii) Principal Secretary / Secretary, Home Department;

(xiii) A representative of Metropolitan Planning Committee constituted under the provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Metropolitan Planning Committee Act, 2007;

(xiv) Vice-Chairman and Managing Director of the Andhra Pradesh Transmission Corporation (APTRANSCO);

(xv) Vice-Chairman and Managing Director of the Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation (APIIC);

(xvi) Vice-Chairman and Managing Director of the Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC);

(xvii) The Commissioner, Grater Hyderabad

Municipal Corporation;

(xviii) Four Members of the Andhra Pradesh State Legislative Assembly / Legislative Council representing the Hyderabad Metropolitan Region nominated by the Government;

Constitution of Executive Comm -ittee

8 (xix) Four elected members amongst the persons representing the local authorities in the Hyderabad Metropolitan Region;

(xx) The General Manager, South Central Railway; (xxi) The Chief General Manager, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL);

(xxii) The Metropolitan-Commissioner (in the cadre of Special Chief Secretary / Principal Secretary / Secretary) - Member-Convener;

(xxiii)Any other person nominated by the Government.

(4) The members appointed under items (xviii), (xix) and (xxiii) of sub-section (3) shall hold office for a period of three years from the date on which they assume office and shall be eligible for re-appointment on such conditions as may be prescribed.

(5) The Government may, by notification omit any member of the Metropolitan Development Authority, Such notification shall be laid before the Legislature of the State.

5. (1) There shall be an Executive Committee of the Metropolitan Development Authority consisting of:-

(i) The Metropolitan-Commissioner, who shall be

the Chairman;

(ii) The Commissioner of Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation;

(iii) The Managing Director of Hyderabad

Metropolitan Water Supply & Sewerage Board (HMWS&SB);

(iv) The Managing Director and Vice-Chairman of the Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation (APIIC);


(v) The Vice-Chairman and Housing

Commissioner of the Andhra Pradesh Housing Board (APHB);

(vi) The Vice-Chairman and Managing Director of the Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC);

(vii) A Member-Urban Planner, qualified and experienced in urban planning, planning development schemes and projects, nominated by the Government;

(viii) A Member-Engineer qualified and experienced in execution of development schemes, projects, housing and township schemes and infrastructure projects nominated by the Government;

(ix) A Member-Finance, qualified and experienced in accounting, budget, financial analysis, economic matters relating to projects, audit, etc., nominated by the Government;

(x) A Member-Estates, experienced in land management, estates management and asset management, nominated by the Government;

(xi) A Member-Environment qualified and

experienced in environmental aspects, greenery, water bodies conservation and landscaping nominated by the Government;

(xii) The Secretary

Development Authority who shall administration and experienced nominated by the Government;

to the MetropOlitan be qualified in business management executive

(xiii) The Collectors of all the Districts covered by the Hyderabad Metropolitan Region;

(xiv) Three non-officials, nominated by the

Government, who in the opinion of the Government have special knowledge and expertise in the matters relating to urban planning; urban management; infrastructure planning and development respectively; and

Powers & Functions of the Metropolitan Development Authority

10 (xv) Any other person nominated by the Government.

(2) The members nominated under item (vii) to (xii), (xiv) and (xv) of sub-section (1), shall hold office for a period of three years from the date on which they assume office and shall be eligible for re-appointment on such conditions as may be prescribed.

(3) The Government may be notification omit any member of the Executive Committee. Such notification shall be laid before the Legislature of the State.

(4) Subject to the general superintendence and control of the Metropolitan Development Authority, the management and administration of the affairs of the Metropolitan Development Authority shall vest in the Executive Committee.

(5) Subject to the direction and delegation of powers by the Metropolitan Development Authority, the Metropolitan Commissioner may exercise any power and do any act or thing which may be exercised or done by the Metropolitan Development Authority.

6. Subject to the provisions of this Act, the functions of the Metropolitan Development Authority shall be:-

(1) to undertake preparation of Metropolitan Development and Investment Plan, revision of the said Plan and prioritize the implementation of the said Plan;

(2) to undertake execution of projects and schemes as per the said Plan and / or through action plans for any sector or area of the metropolitan region;


(3) an apex body for coordination, execution of the projects or schemes for the planned development of the development areas and undertake such other measures in the metropolitan region;

(4) to co-ordinate the development activities of the Municipal Corporation, Municipalities and other local authorities, the Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board, the Andhra Pradesh Transmission Corporation, the Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation, the Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation and such other bodies as are connected with development activities in the Hyderabad Metropolitan Region;

(5) to monitor, supervise or ensure adequate supervision over the execution of any project or scheme, the expenses of which in whole or in part are to be met from the Metropolitan Development Fund;

(6) to prepare and undertake implementation of schemes for providing alternative areas for rehabilitation of persons displaced by projects and schemes which provide for such requirements;

(7) to maintain and manage the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Fund and allocate finances based on the plans and programmes of the local bodies for undertaking development of amenities and infrastructure facilities and to monitor and exercise financial control over the budgetary allocations concerning development works made through it to the various public agencies, local bodies and other agencies;

(8) to undertake by itself or through any agency, the implementation of the area level plans, execution of works relating to infrastructure development, public amenities and conservation of the environment;

(9) to create and manage the Hyderabad Metropolitan Land Development Bank and take up land acquisition every year as may be necessary for various public uses, township development, infrastructure development, etc.,

Power of Metropolitan Development Authority to appoint Committees, engage auditors and consultants and constitute function -nal units

12 allocation of lands to local bodies and public agencies upon such terms and conditions for undertaking development of amenities and infrastructure facilities;

(10) to approve the land acquisition programmes / proposals of the local authorities, other Departments and functional agencies in the metropolitan region;

(11) to enter into contracts, agreements or arrangements with any person, body or organization as the Committee may deem necessary for the performance of its functions;

(12) to acquire any movable or immovable property by purchase, exchange, gift, lease, mortgage, negotiated settlement, or by any other means permissible under any law;

(13) to perform any other function or exercise powers as are supplemental, incidental or consequential to any of the foregoing duties and powers and / or take up such matters as the Government may direct in this regard.

7. For the discharge of its functions, the Metropolitan Development Authority may from time-to-time:-

(1) appoint one or more functional committees.

The functional committees shall report and discharge their responsibilities under the instructions and directions of the Metropolitan Development Authority;

(2) consult or associate with such persons or organization whose assistance or advice it may desire. Such advisor or consultant shall be paid such fees as may be determined by the Metropolitan Development Authority.

(3) constitute as many area level functional units or sub-regional units or offices as it deems fit and assign responsibilities and functions to such units. The existing Special Development authorities in the metropolitan area constituted under the provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Urban Areas (Development) Act, 1975 shall be deemed to be functional units under this Act.


8. Nothing contained in this Act shall empower the Metropolitan Development Authority to exercise of day-to-day control which includes building approvals and building enforcement in any development area for any of the matters which are to be provided for or are to be exercised by the local authority concerned, except where any such matters are required to be provided by the Metropolitan Development Authority for the purpose of integrated development of the metropolitan region.

9. (1) The members in items (vii) to (xii) in subsection (1) of Section 5 shall head their respective Department of planning & projects, engineering, finance and accounts, estate management, environment and administration Departments respectively and shall be under the overall control of the Metropolitan Commissioner.

(2) The Metropolitan Development Authority may have District level Offices, City level Offices and Special area level offices or any such functional units at area level as may be required for the efficient performance of it's functions.

10.(1) The Metropolitan Development Authority shall constitute for the benefit of its whole-time paid members, officers and other employees in such manner and subject to such conditions, as may be prescribed, such pension and provident fund as it may deem fit.

(2) Where any such pension or provident fund has been constituted, the Government may declare that the provisions of the Provident Fund Act, 1925 shall apply to such fund as it were a Government Provident Fund.

Metropoli tan Developm ent Authority ordinarily not to provide for matters falling within obligator yand discretion ary duties of local bodies except for integrate d developm ent of the Developm ent Area

Staff of the Metropoli tan Developm ent Authority

Pension and Provident Fund

Prepar ation and conten ts of Metrop olitan Develo pment Plan and Invest ment Plan



11 . Subject to the provisions of this Act and rules

made in this behalf, the Metropolitan Development Authority shall:-

(1) within two years of its constitution prepare a Metropolitan Development Plan & Metropolitan Investment Plan with time frame of twenty years, having due regard to:-

(i) Proposals and policies for promoting growth

and securing economic development in the Metropolitan area;

(ii) Proposals for conservation, optimum utilization and development of resources in the Metropolitan area;

(iii) A land use plan indicating the broad areas of development and general location of residential, industrial, agriculture and areas for conservation and protection of ecologically fragile areas, including:-

(a) A Infrastructure network Plan showing existing and proposals of major infrastructure facilities like transport, power, communications network and related facilities like power plants, roads, highways, railways, airports and waterways;

(b) Policies for preservation, conservation and development of areas of natural beauty and scenic spots and areas of historic and archaeological interest and tourism areas;


(c) Proposals and policies for watershed

management, water supply, water harvesting, recharge of ground water, flood control and prevention of water pollution;

(d) Proposals and plans for river front

development and / or lake front development;

(e) Proposals and policies for improvement and development of public amenities and services including water supply, electricity, gas, storm water drainage, sewerage, waste disposal, educational facilities, health facilities, social welfare and prevention of air and water pollution;

(f) Policies for promoting development and

regulating uses and activities through zoning and other development regulations;

(g) Policies for promoting housing and community


(h) Proposals and policies for traffic and transportation and promoting mass transportation facilities;

(i) Proposals and policies for industrial


U) Siting of major development projects;

(k) Strategies and priorities for implementation of the various proposals with time frame and programmes;

(I) Development Promotion Regulations for

promoting and regulating development;

(rn) Any other matter which may be necessary for the orderly development and management of the metropolitan region.

(2) Undertake surveys, research and studies and the creation and maintenance of metropolitan region data base and information system and collection of such information and preparation of reports and maps; and

Power to undert ake prepar ation of Area Develo pment Plans! Action Plans. Submi

ssion of Plan to Gover nment for sancti on.

Sancti on of Plan by Gover nment

16 associate advisors, consultants as may be necessary for the preparation of the Plans mentioned above;

(3) Undertake detailed area level plans for specific areas, plan programming and phasing of development and enforce special development regulations for the purpose of securing planned development;

(4) Review and revise the Metropolitan

Development Plan and Investment Plan and other statutory area plans within the expiry of the Plan period.

12. Subject to overall conformity with the

Metropolitan Development and Investment Plan, the Metropolitan Development Authority may undertake preparation of area level development plans or action plans as deemed necessary for execution of projects and schemes for any sector or area of the metropolitan region;

13.(1) After preparing any of the said plans in accordance with Section 11, the Metropolitan Development Authority shall notify the same in such form and manner as may be prescribed, inviting objections and suggestions from any person or body giving minimum of one month time for filling objections and suggestions.

(2) After considering all objections, suggestions and representations that may have been received, the Metropolitan Development Authority shall make modifications / revision to the plan in such manner as it may thinks fit and submit to the Government for the sanction of the Metropolitan Development Plan and Metropolitan Investment Plan together with draft policies, development promotion regulations and reports along with remarks on the suggestions, if any, received.

14.(1) On receipt of the Plans under Section 13, the Government shall consult the metropolitan planning committee and immediately sanction the said plans with or

17 without modifications or reject the plan with directions to modify or prepare fresh plans.

(2) The sanction accorded by the Government shall be notified in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette and the plans shall come into force from the date of its publication in the Gazette.

(3) The Metropolitan Commissioner shall take necessary action as may be necessary to ensure that each development project or scheme is executed in the interest of overall development of the development area and in accordance with any plan, project or scheme duly approved either by the Metropolitan Development Authority or under any law in force or by the Government.

15. (1) The Metropolitan Development Authority or the Government, as the case may be, may make such modifications to the Metropolitan Development and Investment Plans as it may thinks fit and which in its opinion are necessary.

Modifi cation s to the Metrop olitan Develo

(2) The Metropolitan Commissioner shall prepare ~~~nt a report together with necessary plan, any such modification and

and submit to the Government for approval. Invest

ment Plan

(3) Before making any modifications to the Metropolitan Development Plan and Investment Plan, the Metropolitan Development Authority, or the Government, as the case may be, shall publish a notice in atleast two popular local newspapers and Andhra Pradesh Gazette inviting objections and suggestions from the public specifying such date in the notice and for examining the proposals and report and shall consider all objections and suggestions that may be received by the Metropolitan Development Authority or Government.

(4) Every modifications made under the provisions of this Section shall be published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette and newspapers and the modifications shall come into operation from the date of publication of such notification in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette and newspapers.

Consti tution of the United Metrop olitan Transp ort Author ity


(5) The Metropolitan Development Authority shall levy such fees and conversion charges from the owners as applicable and as may be prescribed in any such modification effected to the Metropolitan Development Plan and Investment Plan.


16. (1) As soon as may be, Government may constitute a Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority for the Hyderabad Metropolitan Region with the following members:

(i) Chief Secretary - Chairman;

(ii) Commissioner, Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation - Vice-Chairman;

(iii) Principal Secretary / Secretary, Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department - Member.

(iv) Principal Secretary / Secretary, Transport, Roads & Buildings Department - Member.

(v) Vice-Chairman & Managing Director, the Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation - Member.

(vi) Commissioner of Police, Hyderabad


(vii) Commissioner of Police, Cyberabad - Member

(viii) Member-Secretary, Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board - Member

(ix) General Manager, South Central Railway -


(x) Transport Commissioner - Member

19 (xi) Two experts in the field of urban transportation (to be nominated by the Government) - Members

(xii) Metropolitan Commissioner



(xiii) Any other person nominated by the Government.

(2) The terms of the members nominated under clause (xi) and (xiii) of sub-section (1) shall be for a period of two years.

(3) The Government may by notification omit any member of the Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority. Such notification shall be laid before the Legislature of the State.

(4) The Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority constituted under sub-section (1) shall ensure effective implementation and coordination of the various traffic and transportation measures undertaken by functional Departments and public agencies in the Hyderabad Metropolitan Region.

(5) The Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority may co-opt any expert for dealing with specific traffic and transportation issues.

(6) The Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority may constitute sub-groups for specific traffic and transportation issues.

17.(1) The powers and functions of the Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority shall be:-

Powers and functions of the Unified Metropolit an Transport Authority

(i) to oversee implementation of various traffic

and transportation measures undertaken by various agencies in the Hyderabad Metropolitan region;

(ii) to ensure effective public transport systems are in place for the Hyderabad Metropolitan region;


(iii) to ensure effective coordination and

implementation of the various traffic and transportation measures undertaken by various Departments;

(iv) to promote and monitor key / major traffic and transportation projects;

(v) to deliberate and recommend effective transportation strategies for Hyderabad Metropolitan region;

(vi) to integrate and consolidate all the action plans of various Departments and agencies and ensure implementation of the traffic and transportation Plans for the Hyderabad Metropolitan region;

(vii) to give directions to different agencies involved in the implementation of traffic and transportation policies and measures, including shifting of utilities and services / amenities;

(viii) processing of funds for implementation of proposals;

(ix) integrating various routes of public transport and issues of combined ticketing, feeder services, etc.

(x) approval of all traffic and transportation proposals / projects from any agency in the metropolitan region and all new initiatives;

(xi) to direct the appropriation / subvention of funds from various Departments and agencies of the State Government for ensuring implementation of the traffic and transportation plans and measures in the Hyderabad Metropolitan region;

(2) The recommendations / instructions of the Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority shall be binding on all the concerned Departments.

(3) The Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority shall hold meetings at least once in a month.


(4) The Technical support staff and secretarial assistance to the Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority shall be provided by the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority.

(5) Hyderabad Metropolitan Development

Authority shall build a detailed data base and carry out necessary traffic & transportation surveys to update its data base and also make it available for various studies and to public. The data base would help in monitoring and understanding the various traffic and transportation needs in the Hyderabad Metropolitan region. It should act as a center for technology transfer and also guide the local authorities for all their technical inputs / plans in the field of traffic and transportation.

(6) An escrow account shall be maintained in Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority in which 0.25% of estimated cost of all projects of Traffic and Transportation costs undertaken by various Departments / functional agencies shall be deposited in this account and 0.25% of development charges collected by Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority and Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation and other urban local bodies shall be annually credited to this account. This amount shall be utilized for all research, studies and training in the field of traffic and transportation apart from meeting administrative expenses of the Hyderabad Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority.



develop ment powers of land to vest with Metrop olitan Develo pment Authori

ty (2) After the coming into operation of the

Metropolitan Development and Investment Plan, or any area development plan in an area, no person or body shall use or


18.(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law, all development powers of land shall vest in Metropolitan Development Authority.

22 be permitted to use any land or carry out any development in that area unless the development is in conformity with the Metropolitan Development Plan and Metropolitan Investment Plan, area level development plans and notified schemes.

Develo 19. Subject to the provisions of this Act, no pment development, or institution of use or change of use of any land permis

sion shall be undertaken or carried out in the metropolitan region:-


tory (1) without obtaining a Development Permission


undert Order from the Metropolitan Development Authority;

aking develo pment

(i) certifying that the proposed development is in

conformity with the metropolitan development plan and investment plan, or area level development plan or where there is no such plan, such a scheme be integrated with the surrounding area and rules / regulations;

(ii) subject to development conditions that are applicable and required to be complied;

(iii) the development charges as leviable under this Act and other fees and charges leviable have been paid to the Metropolitan Development Authority.

(2) without obtaining a building permission from the local authority in case of developments involving civil construction in accordance with the relevant local body Act, rules, regulations, orders, bylaws and which shall be in conformity with sub-section (1) and conditions therein:

Provided that no such permission shall be necessary :-

(i) for carrying out such works for the

maintenance of a building or land that do not materially alter or affect the building or land;

(ii) for agriculture purpose and for the excavation (including wells, borewells) made in the ordinary course of agricultural operations and for the construction of unmetalled

23 road intended to give access to land solely for agricultural purpose;

(iii) In case of the following developments of the Government whether temporary or permanent which is necessary for the operation, maintenance, development or execution of any of the public utility services, viz:-

(a) Railways;

(b) National Highways, State Highways & Major District Roads;

(c) Works undertaken by the Metropolitan Planning Committee / District Planning Committee / Special Area Planning and Development Committee / Metropolitan Development Authority / Municipal Corporation / Municipal Council/District Administration / Zilla Praja Parishad / Mandai Praja Parishad / Gram Panchayat;

(d) Waterways;

(e) Airways & Aerodromes;

(f) Defense;

(g) Oil and Natural Gas Commission;

(h) Posts and Telegraphs, Telephones

Department, Wireless, broadcasting and other like forms of communications;

(i) Electricity;

(ii) Any other service which the Government may declare to be a public utility service from time-to-time for the purpose of this Section:

Provided that the said public utility services shall intimate in writing and file the necessary detailed plans, site plans layout plans and building plans for information and record of the Metropolitan Commissioner.

Applic ation for Land Develo pment Permis sion


20.(1) Any person or body intending to carry out any development on any land as a layout or such similar land development scheme shall apply in writing to the Metropolitan Commissioner for Development Permission containing such particulars and accompanied by such documents, ownership clearance from the revenue authority, fees and plans as may be prescribed and enclosing joint undertaking with a licenced developer, where applicable;

(2) On receipt of an application for Development permission under sub-section (1), the Metropolitan Commissioner, after making such enquiry as it considers necessary in relation to any matter concerning the Metropolitan Development and Investment Plan and regulations or area development plan or notified Development Schemes or in relation to any other matter, may issue an order:-

(i) granting Development Permission

unconditionally, or subject to such condition as it may consider necessary, or

(ii) refusing permission by recording reasons in


(3) if within ninety days after the receipt of such application made under this Section for Development Permission for layout or such similar land development scheme, or of any information or further information required, the Metropolitan Development Authority has neither granted or refused its permission, such permission shall be deemed to have been granted and the applicant after intimating the Metropolitan Commissioner in writing, may proceed to carry out the development but not so as to contravene any of the provisions of this Act or Metropolitan Development and Investment Plan or Scheme or any rules or regulations made under this Act.

(4) The Development Permission Order may among other conditions contain the implementation of Metropolitan Development and Investment Plan, road and other communication network system and the area of land

25 affected and to be surrendered free of cost to the Metropolitan Development Authority for development in accordance with the Statutory Plan. In the area so affected insuch alignment of the Statutory Plan, road or other communication network system, the area of such affected land in such alignment shall be entitled and reckoned for computation of grant of Transferable Development Right.

(5) In the case of land pooling scheme and such other similar site development-

(i) such layout approval shall be considered only

if the same is undertaken through a licensed developer;

(ii) the licensed developer shall be required to mortgage twenty five percent of the plotted saleable land to the Metropolitan Development Authority as sureity for carrying out the development and complying other conditions as per specifications and in the given time period, in case of failure, the Metropolitan Development Authority shall be empowered to sell away the mortgaged plots and utilize the amount so realized for completion of the development works.

21. Every Development Permission granted under

this Act shall remain valid for three years during which time the development works / layouts works / and civil works shall be completed and if not completed, such permission shall be got revalidated on application subject to the rules then in force and on payment of 20% of the fees and charges.

Lapse of Develo pment Perm is sion

22. The Metropolitan Development Authority or

the Government, as the case may be, may revoke any Development Permission issued under this Act whenever it is found that it was obtained by making any false statement or misinterpretation or suppression of any material fact or rule, by following such procedure as may be prescribed.

Revoki ngof perm is sion

Deviati ons during develo pment/ undert aking of layout works & unauth orized develo pment/ constr uction s

Land Poolin g Schem e


23.(1) If during the execution of any development works / layout works / and civil works any deviation / departure is made from the Development Permission granted, the owner shall obtain revised sanction as per the procedure laid down in Section 19.

(2) Where a development / construction is undertaken by an owner, builder or developer without approval or in violation of the Metropolitan Development Plan and Investment Plan or an area development plan or development scheme or any rule, regulation, order, the local authority concerned shall take immediate necessary steps against the said unauthorized development / construction as per the provisions of the respective law.

(3) The Metropolitan Development Authority may give directions to the concerned local authority to take action against any unauthorized development / construction and the said local authority shall take action accordingly.

24. The Metropolitan Development Authority may

undertake to develop a Land Pooling Scheme in an area on it's own or authorize any other body or licensed developer to undertake such a Land Pooling Scheme. The Land Pooling Scheme shall be in conformity with the infrastructure network of the Metropolitan Development and Investment Plan and may make provision for any of the following matters, viz,

(a) the laying out or relaying out of land, either vacant or already built upon;

(b) the filling up of low-lying, swampy or unhealthy areas or leveling up of land;

(c) layout of new streets or roads, construction, diversion, extension, alteration, improvement of streets and communications network;

(d) the allotment of land for roads, open spaces, gardens, recreation grounds, schools, markets, green belt, transport facilities and amenities of all kinds;

27 (e) drainage inclusive of sewerage, surface or sub-soil drainage and sewage disposal;

(f) lighting;

(g) water supply;

(h) the preservation of objects of historical or national interest or natural beauty:

Provided that such a Land Pooling Scheme shall make provisions for the following:

(i) the reservation of land to the extent of five

percent for the purpose of providing housing accommodation for low income groups and weaker sections of society;

(ii) the allotment of land from the total area covered under the Land Pooling Scheme to the extent of:

(a) ten percent for parks, playgrounds, garden and open space;

(b) 2.5% for social infrastructure such as schools, dispensary, public utility spaces and other community facilities;

(c) five percent to be surrendered free of cost to the Metropolitan Development Authority for sale for residential or commercial use and the balance area for circulation and plots and development use. Out of the area for development use, atleast 20% of the area shall be set apart and developed for lower income group (LlG) and middle income group (MIG) equally.

Provided further that the minimum area for such Land Pooling Schemes shall not be less than 75 hectares.

25. A developer may be given a license to frame

and develop a Land Pooling Scheme containing such particulars and details as prescribed:

Provided that:

Private Sector Land Poolin

9 Schem



(i) the lands covered by such Land Pooling

Scheme shall be contiguous and approachable by an existing road;

(ii) the total area of such Land Pooling Scheme shall not be less than 50 hectares and for commercial development not less than 2 hectares.

(iii) the requirements of the Land Pooling Scheme as laid down in section 24 shall be complied with;

(iv) the costs indicated in section 26 are factored into the Project before the developer undertakes the development work.

Cost 26.(1) The cost of a Land Pooling Scheme shall

of include:


Pool in 9 Schem e

Notific ation and effect of Land Poolin

9 Schem e

(a) all sums payable to the Metropolitan Development Authority under the provisions of this Act;

(b) all sums spent or estimated to be spent by the Metropolitan Development Authority or licensed developer or other body authorized to undertake the Land Pooling Scheme:

(i) in the making of the Land Pooling Scheme;

(ii) in the execution of the Land Pooling Scheme;

(iii) in the execution of such part of the peripheral and bulk services as may be considered necessary;

(2) The above costs shall be apportioned to the final cost of the developed plots accordingly.

27.(1) Any such Land Pooling Scheme shall be notified for information to general public and others, by the Metropolitan Development Authority or at the behest of a licensed developer or other body authorized to undertake the Land Pooling Scheme after the layout is approved by the Metropolitan Commissioner giving details of the plots available for disposal, plots available for Low income group,

29 Middle income groups and Weaker Sections and sites available for social infrastructure, and the cost of providing infrastructure facilities and the tentative final cost, period for completion of the developments etc.,

(2) After notification of the said approved Land Pooling Scheme, the same shall be incorporated in the Metropolitan Development and Investment Plan or where there is no Statutory Plan, such a Scheme be integrated with the surrounding area. Such a Land Pooling Scheme shall be deemed to be an area development plan.

(3) All open spaces and roads shall deemed to be handed over to the Metropolitan Development Authority upon the notification of the approved Land Pooling Scheme.

(4) The notified Land Pooling Scheme shall be deemed to be a development permission by the Metropolitan Development Authority and all building permissions shall be scrutinized by the Local authority based on the approved Land Pooling Scheme.

28. Subject to the provisions of this Act and rules

and regulations made there under, the Metropolitan Development Authority or a local authority or public agency may undertake development in any area under its jurisdiction by framing and executing development schemes.

29.(1) A development scheme may be prepared for making provision for all or any of the following matters, namely:

(a) acquisition of land by purchase, lease or otherwise and to erect thereon such buildings or to carry out such operations as may be necessary for the purpose of carrying out its functions;

(b) establishment of a new town or township or growth centre;

(c) establishment of industries, industrial estates, flatted factories, service industries, special and exclusive industrial areas;

Power to undertak e develop ment scheme

Preparat ion of develop ment scheme

30 (d) establishment of tourist centres and tourism related infrastructure;

(e) development and landscaping of open spaces, recreational grounds, parks, zoological and botanical gardens, public assembly grounds, social forestry;

(f) conservation of ecologically sensitive areas, lake front development, river-front development, prevention of injury or contamination to rivers, water bodies and sources of water supply;

(g) preservation and protection of heritage sites and buildings, objects of historical importance or outstanding natural beauty, etc.;

(h) control of floods and other natural disasters;

(i) housing schemes for different income groups

including housing for economically weaker sections of society;

0) construction and maintenance of rest houses,

night shelters, infirmaries, homes for destitutes, children disabled, handicapped, senior citizens, etc.;

(k) redevelopment and renewal of blighted areas;

(I) resettlement, rehabilitation and upgradation of

slum areas;

(rn) provision of health care, educational, cultural and recreational facilities;

(n) provision of water supply, electricity and gas, disposal of sewage, solid waste and refuse and manufacture of its by-products;

(0) provisron of sanitary arrangement including construction of drains and general conservancy, public conveniences, etc.,

(p) construction, reconstruction, alternation,

improvement and maintenance of public roads and streets,

31 bridges, parking lots, transport terminals including railway stations, bus depots, air ports, bus bays and bus stops, avenue plantation, etc.,

(q) provisron and facilitating of public transportation including mass transportation by rail or road;

(r) provision of communication facilities;

(s) provision of slaughter houses, burial grounds and cremation grounds;

(t) closure or demolition of dwellings and portions of dwellings unfit for human habitation;

(u) such other matters not inconsistent with the objects of this Act, as may be considered necessary.

(2) Every development scheme shall contain details, as far as may be applicable, in respect of:-

(a) land assembly over which the development scheme is to be undertaken;

(b) layout plan and other relevant drawings and details including, if necessary, the imposition of conditions and restrictions in regard to the open spaces to be maintained about buildings, the percentage of building area, the number, height, character of buildings allowed in specific areas, the purpose for which buildings or specified areas mayor may not be appropriated, the sub-division of plots, the discontinuance of objectionable uses of lands in any area in reasonable periods, parking spaces and loading and unloading spaces for any building, etc.,

(c) total estimated cost, sources of funding, cost recovery statement;

(d) manner of disposal of assets, if any;

(e) management and maintenance mechanism; (f) any other matter considered necessary.

Public ation of area develo pment plan/d evelop ment schem eand approv al

Power of the Metrop olitan Develo pment Author ity in case of default


(3) The Metropolitan Development Authority may, on such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon, undertake formulation and execution of any development scheme any where on behalf of a local authority, corporate body, co-operative society, or a Department of the State or Central Government.

(4) No development scheme shall be formulated by the Metropolitan Development Authority or local authority and no project shall be formulated by any other person or body including Departments of the Central or State Governments, public undertakings, etc., unless they are in conformity with the provisions of Metropolitan Development and Investment Plan approved under this Act.

30.(1) As soon as may be after a draft area development plan has been prepared under section 12 or a development scheme has been formulated in accordance with section 28 above, the Metropolitan Development Authority shall publish in atleast two popular local newspapers a notice of the said scheme and its implementation and the place where copies of the same may be inspected, inviting objections and suggestions in writing from public to be filed within thirty days from the date of such publication.

(2) After the expiry of above time / period, the Metropolitan Development Authority shall consider all objections and suggestions and after making modifications as are considered necessary submit to the Metropolitan Development Authority for approval and enforcement.

31.(1) If the Metropolitan Development Authority, after holding enquiry or upon report from any of its officers or other information in its possession, is satisfied that any amenity in relation to any land or layout or colony has not been provided to such a land or layout or colony which in the opinion of the Metropolitan Development Authority is to be provided as per development specifications, or that any development of the land for which permission, approval or sanction has been obtained under this Act has not been carried out, it may serve upon the owner of such land or his successor-in-interest, or upon the person providing, or

33 responsible for providing the amenity, a notice requiring him to provide the amenity or carry out the development within such time as may be specified in the notice.

(2) If any amenity is not provided or any such development is not carried out within the time specified in the notice, the Metropolitan Development Authority may itself undertake to provide the amenity or carry out the development or have it carried out though such agency as it deems fit and recover all expenses incurred with a penalty as decided by the Metropolitan Development Authority together from such owner of the land or his successor-in-interest, or upon the person providing, or responsible for providing the amenity and in case of failure to pay as per demand notice, recover the same as arrears of land revenue.

(3) If the Metropolitan Development Authority, after holding an enquiry or upon report from any of its officers or other information in its possession, is satisfied that the concerned local authority or functional department or agency has not taken steps and action for implementation of the Action Plan or Scheme or project in the given time, it may require an officer or any other public / private agency to complete the same and the expenses so incurred shall be recoverable from the concerned local authority or functional department or agency concerned.


32. Any land required, reserved or designated in

the Metropolitan Development Plan and Investment Plan or a Development Scheme or a Land Pooling Layout Scheme shall be deemed to be land needed for a public purpose within the meaning of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 and may be acquired by the Government on request by the Metropolitan Development Authority or local authority or other authority.

Power to acquire land under the Land Acquisi tion Act, 1894.

Central Act 1 of 1894

Transf er of govern ment lands to the Metrop otitan Develo pment Author ity

Acquis ition of land byway of Negoti ated Settle ment

Acquis ition of land byway of Transf erable Develo pment Right

Acquisi tion of land and built up space byway of Accom modatio n/Reser vation


33. The Government by order and on such terms

and conditions as may be agreed upon between the Government and the Metropolitan Development Authority, place at the disposal of the Metropolitan Development Authority any developed and undeveloped Government lands situated within the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Development Authority or from the State's Land Bank for the purpose of development in accordance with the provisions of this Act.

34. The Metropolitan Development Authority may

acquire land by agreement by paying such amount as may be arrived at through negotiated settlement in such manner as may be prescribed under regulations.

35. The Metropolitan Development Authority or

the local authority may, with the consent of the owner, acquire land for public purposes by way of according transferable development right through issue of Development Right Certificate in lieu of payment towards cost of land in such manner as may be prescribed:

Provided that the transferable development right may be arrived at on the basis of relative land value and equivalent amount or both export and import areas as per the Registration Department records. Such Transferable Development Right may be utilized additional built space by the owner who can use this either by himself or transfer it to any other person in full or in part for use in a less developed area as prescribed.

36. The Metropolitan Development Authority or

the local authority may, with the consent of the owner and in the manner prescribed, acquire land and built up space for public purposes, indicated in the statutory Development Plan, by permitting an equivalent built up space in addition to built up space required for the amenity or facility, in lieu of the cost of land and the built up space for the amenity transferred to the Metropolitan Development Authority or local authority.


37. The disposal of any land acquired by the Dispos

Government and transferred to the Metropolitan Development alof

land & Authority with or without development thereon, or any other other

immovable property belonging to the Metropolitan proper

Development Authority shall be done in accordance with ty by


regulations made for the purpose in this behalf. Metrop

olitan Develo pment Author ity

Creati on & Manag ement of Develo pment

Land Bank

38. The Metropolitan Development Authority shall

create and maintain a metropolitan land development bank, in which all lands acquired, allotted, purchased, obtained, etc., shall be monitored and maintained and position reviewed periodically.



39.(1) The Government shall create a Metropolitan Creati Development Fund with a seed capital of Rs.200 crores for on of

the purpose of administering this Act. ~~:~p

Develo pment Fund

(2) The Government shall create a Revolving Fund for the Metropolitan Development Authority with a fund of Rs.100 crores for the purpose of performing it's functions under this Act and allocate finances based on the plans and programmes of the local bodies for undertaking development of amenities and infrastructure facilities as per plan programmes.

40.(1) The Metropolitan Development Authority shall manage and operate the Metropolitan Development Fund to which shall be credited:-

(a) all moneys received from the Government by way of revolving fund, grants, loans, advances or otherwise;

Metrop olitan Develo pment Fund

& its applic ation

36 (b) all moneys borrowed by the Metropolitan Development Authority by way of loans or debentures;

(c) all moneys received by the Metropolitan Development Authority from the disposal of lands, buildings and other properties, movable and immovable;

(d) all development charges or other charges, fees received under this Act or rules or regulations made there under;

(e) contribution from Municipal Corporation and Municipalities;

(f) all moneys earned from remunerative projects

and schemes by way of rent or otherwise and disposal of its assets;

(g) sum of money received from projects implemented under Land Pooling Schemes;

(h) sum of money received by way of user


(i) any other sum of money received by the

Metropolitan Development Authority from any other sources for performing its functions.

(2) The Metropolitan Development Fund shall be applied towards meetings;

(a) the expenditure incurred in the administration of this Act;

(b) The cost of land acquisition and areas mentioned under Land Pooling Schemes and development schemes undertaken by the Metropolitan Development Authority for the proposes of ensuring planned development;

(c) any expenses incurred by the Metropolitan Development Authority in connection with preparation of Development plans, undertaking surveys, studies, Investment plans and execution of projects and schemes;

37 (d) for maintaining sinking fund and other separate accounts required under the Act; and

(e) the expenditure for such other purposes not inconsistent with this Act.

(3) The Metropolitan Development Authority may borrow money by way of loans, debentures or bonds or in any manner from any other source other than the Government.

(4) The Metropolitan Development Authority shall maintain a sinking fund for the repayment of loans and moneys borrowed and shall pay every year into the sinking fund such sum as may be sufficient for repayment within the period fixed of all moneys so borrowed.

(5) The Metropolitan Development Authority may accept grants, subventions, donations and gifts from the Central Government or local Authority or any individual or body whether incorporated or not, for all or any of the purpose of this Act on such terms and conditions as mutually agreed upon.

(6) Loans, debentures and bonds issued under this Section may be guaranteed by the Government as to the repayment of the principal and the payment of interest at such rate as may be agreed upon.

41. Every Municipal Corporation and Municipality

located in the jurisdiction of the Hyderabad Metropolitan Region at the beginning of the financial year shall contribute a sum of ten percent of the total sum of money credited during the last preceding year to the Metropolitan Development Fund.

42. Subject to the approval by the Government,

the Metropolitan Development Authority may levy specific cess for the implementation of specific capital infrastructure projects and upon such terms and conditions as the Government specify.

Contrib uti on by the Urban Local Authori ty

Power to levy specific cess for capital infrastr ucture project s

Budge t of the Metrop olitan Develo pment Author ity

Annual Plan & Report


43.(a) The Metropolitan Development Authority shall prepare in such form and at such time every year as may be prescribed, a budget in respect of the financial year next ensuing showing the estimated receipts and expenditure of the Metropolitan Development Authority and shall forward to the Government as may be prescribed.

(b) The accounts of the Metropolitan

Development Authority shall be subject to audit annually by such person as may be appointed by the Government any such expenditure incurred by that person in connection with such audit shall be payable by the Metropolitan Development Authority.

(c) The person so appointed and any other person authorized by him in connection with the audit of accounts of the Metropolitan Development Authority shall have the same right, privilege and Metropolitan Development Authority in connection with such audit as the Accountant General has.

(d) The accounts of the Metropolitan

Development Authority as certified by the person so appointed or any other person authorized by him in this behalf together with the audit report thereon shall be forwarded annually to the Government, and the government shall cause a copy of the same to be laid before the State legislature.

44. The Metropolitan Development Authority shall

prepare for every year an Annual Plan and Report of its programmes and activities during that year, and submit the Annual Plan and Report to the government in such form and on or before such date as may be prescribed.




45.(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act and rules Levy made thereunder, the Metropolitan Development Authority of Develo shall levy a charge, hereinafter called development charge on: pment

Charg (a) the carrying out of any land or building or both; e

(b) the change of use of land or building or both;

(2) the rates of development charge, their manner

of assessment and recovery shall be such as may be prescribed.

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in subsection (1) no development charge shall be leviable in case of any development undertaken by the Central Government Department, the State government Departments, or local authority.

46.(1) The Metropolitan Development Authority shall after receipt of any application received for Development Permission or if no such application is made, serve a notice on the person liable for such payment, intimating in writing the development charge leviable and fix a date by which such payment shall be made, and interest at the rate of 10% per annum shall be payable from the date.

Asses sment and Recov eryof Develo pment Charg


(2) The development charge payable in respect of any land and / or building by any person shall be a first charge on such land and / or building, subject to the condition that there is no change in use or activity or additions / extensions in which case fresh development charge are applicable.

(3) The development charge payable in respect of any land and / or building by any person shall, together with interest due upto the date of realization, be recoverable from such person or his successor-in-interest in such land and / or building as arrears of land revenue.

Levy of User Charg es

Recov eryof arrears

40 (4) The Metropolitan Development Authority may allow the development charge to be remitted in phased manner in case of phase-wise development.

(5) The Metropolitan Development Authority may allow the development charge to be paid in installments in which case interest as stated in sub-section (1) shall be applicable.

47.(1) In order to recover fully or partly, the capital expenditure incurred or likely to be incurred for the provision of utilities, amenities, services or facilities provided by the Metropolitan Development Authority, the Metropolitan Development Authority may levy and collect a charge from the users, hereinafter called the user charges.

(2) The amount of user charge to be levied and its manner of assessment shall be as may be prescribed by regulations.

(3) The Metropolitan Development Authority may assign, on such terms and conditions, as may be agreed upon, the task of providing and maintaining any utility, amenity, service or facility, within the area of its jurisdiction, to any person or licensed developer or agency including as association or body of individuals, whether corporate or not and permit them to collect such user charges from such beneficiaries and subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by regulations.

(4) The provisions of section 45 above shall mutatis mutandis apply to this Section.

48. Any sum due to Metropolitan Development

Authority under the provisions of this Act or any rule or any regulation or order made there under, shall be a first charge on the plot or land on which it is due, and if it is not paid on demand on the day on which it becomes due or on the day fixed by the Metropolitan Development Authority, shall be recoverable by the Metropolitan Development Authority, as an arrear of land revenue.



49. (1) The Metropolitan Development Authority shall carry out such directions and guidelines as may be issued to it from time-to-time by the Government for the efficient discharge of its responsibilities and functions under this Act.

(2) If in, or in connection with, the exercise of its powers, responsibilities and discharge of its functions by the Metropolitan Development Authority under this Act, any dispute arises between the Metropolitan Development Authority and other Authority or Committee or local Authority, the matter shall be resolved at the Government level and the decision of the Government shall be final and binding on the Metropolitan Development Authority and the other Authority or Committee or local authority.

(3) The Government may, at any time either on its own motion or on application made to them in this behalf, call for the records of any case disposed of, or order passed by the Metropolitan Development Authority for the purpose of satisfying themselves as to the legality or propriety or correctness of any order passed or direction issued, and may pass such order or issue such director in relation thereto as they may think fit:

Provided that the Government shall not pass an order adversely affecting any person or body without affording such person or body an opportunity of being heard or offering explanation.

50. (1) The Metropolitan Development Authority shall furnish to the Government such reports, returns, records and other information as the Government may, from time-to-time require.

(2) The Government may, call for reports, returns, records and other information from the Metropolitan


Contra I by Gover nment

Return s& Inform ation

Power of entry & power of Metrop olitan Develo pment Authori ty to demarc ate alignme nts and reserva tion as per Statuto ry Plan

42 Development Authority or the local authority or the public agency responsible, in regard to:-

(a) Preparation of the Statutory Development Plan, Investment Plan, Development Scheme or Land Pooling Scheme;

(b) implementation of the Statutory Plan, Scheme or programme or authorize an officer in this behalf.

(c) any officer authorized by the Government may enter into or upon any land with or without assistants or workmen for ascertaining whether provisions of the Statutory Development Plan, Investment Plan, Development Scheme or Land Pooling Scheme, etc. are being or have been implemented, or whether the development is being or has been carried out in accordance with such plan or permission or order.

(3) The Metropolitan Development Authority shall comply with such directions, guidelines or instructions as may be given by the Government with regard to the above aspects.


51 . The Metropolitan Commissioner may

authorize any person to enter into any land or building with or without assistance or workmen for the purpose of:-

(a) Making any enquiry, inspection, measurement or surveyor taking levels of such land or building;

(b) Examining works under construction and ascertaining the course of public utilities and drains, etc;

(c) Digging or boring into the sub-soil;

(d) Setting out boundaries and demarcation of intended alignment of roads, public utilities and other works;

43 (e) Making such levels, boundaries, demarcations and lines by placing marks and cutting trenches;

(f) Ascertaining whether any land or property is

being affected in the Statutory Development Plan / Development Scheme / Land Pooling Scheme / road / public utilities alignments, etc.

(g) For grounding of new alignment of roads / road widening / alignment of new communication network in any land;

(h) Ascertaining whether any land or property is being or has been developed in accordance with the Development Permission or in contravention of the provisions of this Act, or conditions subject to which the Development permission has been issued are being or have been complied; or

(i) Doing any other thing necessary for the

implementation of the Statutory development Plan / Development Scheme / Land Pooling Scheme or other provisions for the efficient administration of this Act:

Provided that

(i) no such entry shall be made except between

the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m.

(ii) the development rights of the owner of the land would not be affected by such actions or by grounding of the said network.

(iii) due regard shall always be had so far as may be compatible with the exigencies of the purpose for which the entry is made, to the social and religious usages of the occupants of the land / building or property entered or surveyed or demarcated.

(iv) sufficient opportunity shall in every instance be given to enable women, if any, to withdraw from such land / building or property.

Power to delega te

Effect of other laws


52. (1) The Metropolitan Development Authority may by resolution direct that any power exercisable by it under this Act or rules or regulations made there under may also be exercised by any Metropolitan Development Authority or local body or officer or the government or any other body, in such cases and subject to such conditions, if any, as may be specified therein.

(2) The Government may by notification, direct that any power exercisable by the Government or the Metropolitan Development Authority under this Act, except the power to make rules or regulations, may be exercised by any local body or officer of the government or any other body, in such cases and subject to such conditions, if any, as may be specified therein.

53.(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Hyderabad Municipal Corporations Act, 1955, the Andhra Pradesh Municipalities Act, 1965, the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 or any other law which are contrary to the provisions of this Act, the provisions of this Act shall have an over-riding effect over all such laws.

(2) The provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Urban Areas (Development) Act, 1975 which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Act shall not be applicable to the metropolitan region constituted under Section 3 of this Act.

(3) Notwithstanding anything any other law:-

(a) When Development permission for

development in respect of any land has been obtained under this Act, such development shall not be deemed to be unlawfully undertaken or carried out by reason only of the fact that any permission, approval or sanction required under such other law for such development has not been obtained.

(b) When Development permission for such development in respect of any land has not been obtained under this Act, such development shall not be deemed to be lawfully undertaken or carried out by reason only of the fact

45 that permission, approval or sanction required under such other law for such development has been obtained.

(4) Any Development permission, No Objection Certificate or other clearance given under this Act shall be construed as from the planned development point of view and shall in no way either confer the ownership rights or affect the ownership under the land revenue laws. The Metropolitan Development Authority shall stand absolved of any ownership disputes or discrepancies.

(5) Once a Development permission is given, the right to develop the land in that way can be exercised by anyone acquiring and occupying the land. It is not restricted to the person making the application unless a specific condition is incorporated in the grant of the Development Permission.

(6) Any draft development plan prepared by the Metropolitan Planning Committee for the Metropolitan area (region) under Section 10 of the Andhra Pradesh Metropolitan Planning Committee Act, 2007 shall be construed as a draft development plan by the Authority and the plan shall be subject to the review of the Authority.

54.(1) Any General Town Planning Scheme under Certai the Andhra Pradesh Town Planning Act, 1920, any n

Development Plan under the Hyderabad Municipal ~:~;asd

Corporations Act, 1955 or any Master Plan under the Andhra y Pradesh Municipalities Act, 1965 or a Master plan under the prepar Andhra Pradesh Urban Areas (Development) Act, 1975 ::n~~~ already prepared and published by the local authority oned concerned or the Urban Development Authority concerned, deeme and sanctioned by the government before the commencement\~~~e of this Act shall continue to be in force unless prepared afresh been

and superseded or revised under this Act. prepar

i edand

(2) An detailed Town Planning Scheme under z: the Andhra Pr esh Town Planning Act, 1920, any under Improvement Scheme under the Hyderabad Municipal this Corporations Act, 1955, or any town development plan under Act. the Andhra Pradesh Municipalities Act, 1965 or any Zonal

Power to give directi ons

Power to make rules

46 Development Plan prepared under the Andhra Pradesh Urban Areas (Development) Act, 1975 and any plan prepared and published by the local authority concerned or the Urban Development Authority concerned, and sanctioned by the government before the commencement of this Act with respect to any area now forming part or whole of the Metro olitan Re ion shall continue to be in force unless prepared afresh and superse e or revised under this Act.

55. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time-being in force, the Metropolitan Development Authority may give such directions to any local authority or other department or authority or person with regard to the implementation of any development projects or schemes financed under this Act, or land development conditions approved under this Act, or demarcations of roads, right-of-way for facilities, etc., fencing of open spaces amenity reservations, etc. as it deems fit, and any such Authority or person shall be bound to comply with such directions.

(2) If any such direction is not complied with by the body to whom it is issued, it shall be competent for the Authority to take necessary action to carry out the directions issued under sub-section (1) and recover expenses, if any, incurred therefore from the body concerned.

56.(1) The Government after consultation with the Metropolitan Development Authority, may by notification, make rules to carry out the functions of the Metropolitan Development Authority and to carry out the purpose of this Act:

Provided that consultation with the Metropolitan Development Authority may not be necessary on the first occasion of the making of rules under this Section but the Government shall take into consideration any suggestions which a Metropolitan Development Authority may make in relation to the amendment of such rules after they are made.

(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing powers, such rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:

47 .

(i) The terms of office of members and staff, their

allowances and other conditions of service, summoning and holding of meetings, the conduct of business, powers and functions of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman / Metropolitan Commissioner;

(ii) the conditions of service, salaries and allowances, job chart, duties and responsibilities, powers and functions of the full-time members and officers and other employees appointed by the Metropolitan Development Authority;

(iii) The procedure to be followed in connection with the preparation, publication, submission and approval of the Metropolitan Development Plan, Metropolitan Investment Plan, Area Development Plan, and the manner of publication of the notice inviting objections and suggestions relating to any such plan in draft;

(iv) The form, manner and procedure for modifications to the Statutory Development Plan, the payment of fees and rates of conversion charges for such modifications;

(v) With regard to permitting land pooling schemes, layouts and their requirements, development specifications and conditions; form and content of mortgage deed and other conditions of surety to be complied by a licenced developer;

(vi) Relationship and coordination between the Metropolitan Development Authority and the local Metropolitan Development Authority in matters of issue of permission, ensuring planned development and undertaking implementation of Metropolitan Development Plan and Investment Plan, Development Schemes, Area Development Plans, Action Plans and pooling schemes;

(vii) Form and manner of regularization of unauthorized layouts and developments by the Metropolitan Development Authority and fees, charges and penalties to be levied thereto;


(viii) The form and manner of maintaining the Metropolitan Development land bank, handing over of government lands to the Metropolitan Development Authority, and requisition of lands for acquisition every year by the Metropolitan Development Authority;

(ix) Form and manner of Transferable Development Rights the Metropolitan Development Authority may take up with owners;

(x) collection of charge and buildings;

The procedure for assessment, levy and development charge, rates of development calculation and assessment for land and

(xi) The duties and responsibilities and powers of the Metropolitan Commissioner, Member-Urban Planning, Member-Engineering, Member-Environment, MemberEstates, Secretary and the Member-Finance of the Metropolitan Development Authority;

(xii) The functioning and conduct of meetings and any other matters relating to the powers and functions of the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority and the Executive Committee

(xiii) Any other matter which has to be or may be made by rules.

(3) Every rule made under this Act shall immediately after it is made, be laid before each House of the State Legislature if it is in session and if it is not in session in the session immediately following for a total period of fourteen days which may be comprised in one session or in two successive sessions, and if, before the expiration of the session in which, it is so laid or the session immediately following, both Houses agree in making any modification in the rule or in the annulment of the rule, the rule shall, form the date on which the modification or annulment is notified in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette, have effect only in such modified form or shall stand annulled, as the case may be, so however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without

49 prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that rule.

57. (1) The Metropolitan Development Authority may, with the previous approval of the government, make regulations consistent with this Act and the rules made there under, to carry out, the purpose of this Act and without prejudice to the generality of this power, such regulations may provide for:-

Power to make regulat ions

(i) The conditions of service of other employees appointed on contract or otherwise, by the Metropolitan Development Authority, their duties and responsibilities and the control and restrictions in relation of such appointments;

(ii) The plan programmes of the Metropolitan Development Authority, stages of implementation of the Statutory Development Plan, the agencies and departments responsible for implementation of the Statutory Development Plan;

(iii) The form, manner and procedure for application for Development Permission, the payment of fees, rates of user charges, form of ownership clearance by the Revenue Authorities and the fees payable; and conditions to be complied with by the local Metropolitan Development Authority while considering building permissions based on the Development permission given by the Competent Metropolitan Development Authority;

(iv) Form and conditions of licensing of developers;

(v) The form and manner of sanctioning of building permissions by the local authority and conditions to be adhered to, and responsibilities of local authority thereto;

(vi) Form, manner and conditionalities of undertaking road development schemes by the Metropolitan Development Authority or local authority or government agency concerned;

Dissol utions of Hydera bad Urban Develo pment Author ityand vestin gin the Hydera bad Metrop olitan Develo pment Author ity

50 (vii) Details and rates in respect of levy of user charges under Section 47;

(viii) The form and manner of preparation of Annual Plans and Budget, and Annual Reports of the Metropolitan Development Authority;

(ix) The procedure to be followed for borrowing money or raising money through loans, debentures and bonds and their repayment;

(x) Metropolitan settlement;

Form and manner for taking over lands by the Development Authority under negotiated

(xi) Any other matter which is required to be provided by regulations.

58. (1) On and from the date of dissolution of the Hyderabad Urban Development Authority and Special Development Authorities under the provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Urban Areas (Development) Act, 1975, the assets and liabilities of the such Authorities shall vest in the Metropolitan Development Authority and all officers and employees of the said dissolved authorities shall be deemed to be the officers and employees of the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority.

(2) The supporting staff of the Metropolitan Development Authority shall be minimal and any new staff shall be appointed on contract basis (including experts for technical work), as may be necessary for the efficient performance of its functions and the Metropolitan Development Authority may outsource the supporting functions like project management, development management, legal functions, contracts and tendering, layout planning, architectural services, engineering works and projects including their preparation, design, implementation, through public-private partnerships.

Levy of User Charges:



Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department - Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority Act-2008 (Andhra Pradesh Act. No.8 of 2008) - Date of Commencement of the Act - Orders - Issued.


G.O. Ms. NO.567

Dated: 23rd August, 2008 Read the following

1. Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority Act, 2008 (Andhra Pradesh Act. NO.8 of 2008).

2. From VC, HUDA Letter No.7438/HMDAlAOE/2008,

dated: 27-06-2008.

* * *


The following notification shall be published in the Extra-ordinary issue of Andhra Pradesh Gazette dated:23-08-2008.

The Commissioner, Printing Stationery & Stores Purchase, Hyderabad is requested to furnish 50 copies of the notification to the Government.


In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section 1 of section 3 of Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority Act, 2008 (Andhra Pradesh Act. NO.8 of 2008), the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby appoints the 24th day of August, 2008 as the date on which the provisions of the said Act shall come into force.






The Commissioner, Printing, Stationery & Stores Purchase, Hyderabad. The Vice-Chairman, Hyderabad Urban Development Authority, Hyderabad.

The Vice-Chairman, Hyderabad Airport Development Authority, Hyderabad.

The Vice-Chairman, Cyberabad Urban Development Authority, Hyderabad.

The Vice-Chairman, Buddha Poornima Project Authority, Hyderabad. The Commissioner, Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, Hyderabad.

The Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration, A.P., Hyderabad.

The Director of Town & Country Planning, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad. The Accountant General, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.

All the Departments in Secretariat, Hyderabad.

Copy to

The Principal Secretary to C.M. The Special Secretary to C.M. The P.S. to M (MA).




Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department - Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority Act-2008 (Andhra Pradesh Act. No.8 of 2008) - Declaration of Hyderabad Municipal Region - Orders - Issued.


G.O. Ms. No.570

Dated: zs" August, 2008 Read the following

1. Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority Act, 2008 (Andhra Pradesh Act. No.8 of 2008).

2. From VC, HUDA Letter No.7438/HMDAlAOE/2008,

dated: 27-06-2008.

3. G.O. Ms. No.567, MA&UD (11) Dept., dated: 23-08-2008.

* * *


The Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority Act, 2008 (Andhra Pradesh Act. No.8 of 2008) has come into force with effect from 24th day of August, 2008 by virtue of notification published in the Extraordinary Issue Andhra Pradesh Gazette, dated: 23-08-2008.

The Vice-Chairman, Hyderabad Urban Development Authority has submitted proposals for declaration of the Hyderabad Metropolitan Region to be Government have examined the proposals and considered that it is expedient to notify the areas covering broadly and area of about7,100.00 Sqr Kms as detailed in the schedule to the notification appended hereto, as Hyderabad Metropolitan Region which are meant for development under the provision of the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority Act, 2008 (Andhra Pradesh Act. No.8 of 2008).

The appended notification shall be published in the Extra-ordinary Issue of Andhra Pradesh Gazette dated: 25-08-2008. The Commissioner, Printing Stationery & Stores Purchase, Hyderabad is

54 requested to arrange to publish the said notification accordingly and furnish 50 copies of the notification to the Government.





The Commissioner, Printing, Stationery & Stores Purchase, Hyderabad. The Vice-Chairman, Hyderabad Urban Development Authority, Hyderabad. The Vice-Chairman, Hyderabad Airport Development Authority, Hyderabad. The Vice-Chairman, Cyberabad Urban Development Authority, Hyderabad. The Vice-Chairman, Buddha Poornima Project Authority, Hyderabad.

The Commissioner, Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, Hyderabad. The Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration, A.P., Hyderabad. The Director of Town & Country Planning, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad. The Accountant General, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.

All the Departments in Secretariat, Hyderabad.

Copy to

The Principal Secretary to C.M. The Special Secretary to C.M. The P.S. to M (MA).




In exercise of the power conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 3 of Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority Act, 2008 (Andhra Pradesh Act No.8 of 2008), having regard to the extent of and cope for it urbanization and other relevant consideration, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby specifies the area mentioned in the schedule hereunder a Hyderabad Metropolitan Region under the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority Act, 2008 (Andhra Pradesh Act No.8 of 2008).

SCEDULE TO G.O.Ms.No._570 MA & UD Department, Dated: 25-0 -200

JURISDICTION OF HYDERABAD METROPOLITAN REGION Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (G MC) Sangareddy Municipality

Buvanagiri Municipality


SI. Name of the Village


1 Hasthepur

2 Nowlaipalle

3 Anantawaram

4 Aloor I

5 Aloor II

6 Aloor III

7 Kowkunta

8 T angedapalle

9 Tallaram

10 Nyalata

11 Orella

12 Yenkepalle

13 Dearlapalle

14 Kammeta



Chevella Chevella Chevella Chevella Chevella Chevella Chevella Chevella Chevella Chevella Chevella Chevella Chevella Chevella

Ranga Reddy Ranga Reddy Ranga Reddy Ranga Reddy Ranga Reddy Ranga Reddy Ranga Reddy Ranga Reddy Ranga Reddy Ranga Reddy Ranga Reddy Ranga Reddy Ranga Reddy Ranga Reddy

15 Gollapalle Chevella Ranga Reddy
16 Ravulapalle (Khurd) Chevella Ranga Reddy
17 Mudimyal Chevella Ranga Reddy
18 Kummera Chevella Ranga Reddy
19 Devuni Erravelly Chevella Ranga Reddy
20 Ibrahimpalle Chevella Ranga Reddy
21 Damergidda Chevella Ranga Reddy
22 Bastepur Chevella Ranga Reddy
23 Mirjaguda Chevella Ranga Reddy
24 Kistapur Chevella Ranga Reddy
25 Naincheru Chevella Ranga Reddy
26 Khanapur Chevella Ranga Reddy
27 Regadghanapu r Chevella Ranga Reddy
28 Devarampalle Chevella Ranga Reddy
29 Chanvelli Chevella Ranga Reddy
30 Pamena Chevella Ranga Reddy
31 Allawada Chevella Ranga Reddy
32 Chevella Chevella Ranga Reddy
33 Kesavaram Chevella Ranga Reddy
34 Malkapur Chevella Ranga Reddy
35 Kanduwada Chevella Ranga Reddy
36 Gundal Chevella Ranga Reddy
37 Parvathapur Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy
38 Changicherla Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy
39 Pocharam Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy
40 Yamnampet Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy
41 Ismailkhanguda Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy
42 Padameth aiguda Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy
43 Kondapur Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy
44 Aushapur Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy
45 Ankushapur Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy
46 Annojiguda Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy
47 Majarguda Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy
48 Narepalle Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy
49 Kachwani Singaram Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy
50 Muthawalliguda Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy
51 Prathapsingaram Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy
52 Korremul Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy
53 Badesahebguda Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy
54 Edulabad Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy
55 Madharam Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy 57
56 Ghatkesar Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy
57 Daira Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
58 Bandaraviryal Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
59 Akbarja Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
60 Baljaguda Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
61 Pochampallewada Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
62 Omerkhandaira Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
63 Surmaiguda Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
64 Laskerguda Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
65 Inamguda Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
66 Abdullapur Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
67 Kawadipalle Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
68 Batasingaram Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
69 Pigilipur Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
70 Mazidpur Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
71 Sagarpump Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
72 Guntapalle Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
73 Anajpur Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
74 Hathiguda Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
75 Tatti Annaram Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
76 Tatti Khana Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
77 Marripalle Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
78 Quthbullapur Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
79 Thimmaiguda Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
80 Gowrelli Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
81 Bacharam Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
82 Tharamathipet Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
83 Kuntloor Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
84 Kalvancha Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
85 Injapur Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
86 Turror (Faroor) Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
87 Munganoor Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
88 Pedda Amberpet
(Kalan) Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
89 Koheda Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
90 Pasumamla Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
91 Manneguda Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
92 Turkayamjal Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy
93 Ismailshapampu Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy
94 Naganpalle Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy
95 Polkampalle Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy 58
96 Narrepalle Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy
97 Dandumailaram Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy
98 Muknoor Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy
99 Rainguda Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy
100 Yengalaguda Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy
101 Raipole Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy
102 Tattikhana Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy
103 Alimiyakunta Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy
104 Ramreddiguda Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy
105 Pocharam Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy
106 Yeliminedu Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy
107 Tadlakalva Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy
108 Yerrakunta Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy
109 Turkaguda Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy
110 Kappapahad Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy
111 Toolekalan Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy
112 Kongara Kalan Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy
113 Adibatla Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy
114 Bongloor Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy
115 Chintapalleguda Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy
116 Ramda palle I brah i mpatnam Ranga Reddy
117 Ibrahimpatnam (Khalsa) Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy
118 Ibrahimpatnam
(Bagath) Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy
119 Mangalpalle I brahi mpatnam Ranga Reddy
120 Ferozguda Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy
121 Chippalpalle Kandukur Ranga Reddy
122 Murlinagar Kandukur Ranga Reddy
123 Dhannaram Kandukur Ranga Reddy
124 Pulumamidi Kandukur Ranga Reddy
125 Kufarchandguda Kandukur Ranga Reddy
126 Jaithwaram (Khalsa) Kandukur Ranga Reddy
127 Jaithwaram (Maqta) Kandukur Ranga Reddy
128 Gafoornagar Kandukur Ranga Reddy
129 Kothur Kandukur Ranga Reddy
130 Gudoor Kandukur Ranga Reddy
131 Rachloor Kandukur Ranga Reddy
132 Lemoor Kandukur Ranga Reddy
133 Timmapur Kandukur Ranga Reddy
134 Madhapur Kandukur Ranga Reddy
135 Gummadavalle Kandukur Ranga Reddy 59
136 Thimmaipalle Kandukur Ranga Reddy
137 Annojiguda Kandukur Ranga Reddy
138 Kandukur Kandukur Ranga Reddy
139 Mohammadnagar Kandukur Ranga Reddy
140 Peruguguda Kandukur Ranga Reddy
141 Bachupalle Kandukur Ranga Reddy
142 Nednur Kandukur Ranga Reddy
143 Akberja Kandukur Ranga Reddy
144 Da arlapalle Kandukur Ranga Reddy
145 Allikhanpalle Kandukur Ranga Reddy
146 Debbadaguda Kandukur Ranga Reddy
147 Panjaguda Kandukur Ranga Reddy
148 Meerkhanpet Kandukur Ranga Reddy
149 Sarvaravulapalle Kandukur Ranga Reddy
150 Mucherla Kandukur Ranga Reddy
151 Thimmaipalle Keesara Ranga Reddy
152 Dharmavaram Keesara Ranga Reddy
153 Narsampalle Keesara Ranga Reddy
154 Yadgarpalle (West) Keesara Ranga Reddy
155 Keesara Keesara Ranga Reddy
156 Yadgarpalle (East) Keesara Ranga Reddy
157 Haridaspalle Keesara Ranga Reddy
158 Cheeriyal Keesara Ranga Reddy
159 Keesara Daira Keesara Ranga Reddy
160 Kundanpalle Keesara Ranga Reddy
161 Nagaram Keesara Ranga Reddy
162 Ahmadguda Keesara Ranga Reddy
163 Godmakunta Keesara Ranga Reddy
164 Rampalle Keesara Ranga Reddy
165 Bogaram Keesara Ranga Reddy
166 Venkannaguda Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
167 Gollor Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
168 Nandipalle Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
169 Nagaram Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
170 Nagireddipalle Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
171 Ameerpet Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
172 Tooprakhurd Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
173 Kalwakole Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
174 Pendyal Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
175 Dabilguda Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
176 Mansanpalle Maheswaram Ranga Reddy 60
177 Gangaram Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
178 Sirigirpur Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
179 Mohabatnagar Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
180 Thummaloor Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
181 Maheswaram Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
182 Ghatpalle Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
183 Dubbacherla Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
184 Subhanpur Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
185 Dilwarguda Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
186 Kollapadkal Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
187 Akanpalle Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
188 Porandla Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
189 8aghmankhal Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
190 Almasguda Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
191 Mankhal Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
192 Sardar Nagar Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
193 Raviryal Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
194 Kongarkhurd (A) Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
195 Kongarkhurd (8) Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
196 Imamguda Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
197 Sreenagar Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
198 Malikdanguda Maheswaram Ranga Reddy
199 Khanapur Manchal (Part) Ranga Reddy
200 Mallikarjunaguda Manchal (Part) Ranga Reddy
201 Manorabad Manchal (Part) Ranga Reddy
202 Sabithnagar Manchal (Part) Ranga Reddy
203 Lingampalle Manchal (Part) Ranga Reddy
204 Thallapalliguda Manchal (Part) Ranga Reddy
205 Nallacheru Manchal (Part) Ranga Reddy
206 Thippaiguda Manchal (Part) Ranga Reddy
207 Chittapur Manchal (Part) Ranga Reddy
208 Manchal Manchal (Part) Ranga Reddy
209 Jainammaguda Manchal (Part) Ranga Reddy
210 Nomula Manchal (Part) Ranga Reddy
211 Agapalle Manchal (Part) Ranga Reddy
212 Ravalkola Medchal Ranga Reddy
213 Shahazadiguda Medchal Ranga Reddy
214 Yadaram Medchal Ranga Reddy
215 Muraharipalle Medchal Ranga Reddy
216 Akbarjapet Medchal Ranga Reddy
217 Raj Bollararn Medchal Ranga Reddy 61
218 Ghanpur Medchal Ranga Reddy
219 Velgalkunta Medchal Ranga Reddy
220 Nuthankal Medchal Ranga Reddy
221 Maisireddipalle Medchal Ranga Reddy
222 Konaipalle Medchal Ranga Reddy
223 Yellampet Medchal Ranga Reddy
224 Somaram Medchal Ranga Reddy
225 Atevelle Medchal Ranga Reddy
226 Dabirpur Medchal Ranga Reddy
227 Banda Madharam Medchal Ranga Reddy
228 Srirangavaram Medchal Ranga Reddy
229 Bandakunta Medchal Ranga Reddy
230 Railapur Medchal Ranga Reddy
231 Girmapur Medchal Ranga Reddy
232 Goudavelle Medchal Ranga Reddy
233 Medchal Medchal Ranga Reddy
234 Pudoor Medchal Ranga Reddy
235 Gosaiguda Medchal Ranga Reddy
236 Munirabad Medchal Ranga Reddy
237 Seethariguda Medchal Ranga Reddy
238 Kandlakoi Medchal Ranga Reddy
239 Gundla Pochampalle Medchal Ranga Reddy
240 Kaziguda Medchal Ranga Reddy
241 Medipalle Moinabad Ranga Reddy
242 Chinna Mangalaram Moinabad Ranga Reddy
243 Mothukupalle Moinabad Ranga Reddy
244 Reddipalle Moinabad Ranga Reddy
245 Chandanagar Moinabad Ranga Reddy
246 Murthuzaguda Moinabad Ranga Reddy
247 Peddamangalaram Moinabad Ranga Reddy
248 Chinnashapur Moinabad Ranga Reddy
249 Sajjanpalle Moinabad Ranga Reddy
250 Tolkatta Moinabad Ranga Reddy
251 Yethbarpalle Moinabad Ranga Reddy
252 Nakkalapalle Moinabad Ranga Reddy
253 Kethireddipalle Moinabad Ranga Reddy
254 Kankamamidi Moinabad Ranga Reddy
255 Surangal Moinabad Ranga Reddy
256 Nazeebnagar Moinabad Ranga Reddy
257 Amdapur Moinabad Ranga Reddy
258 Venkatapur Moinabad Ranga Reddy 62
259 Chilkoor Moinabad Ranga Reddy
260 Himayathnagar Moinabad Ranga Reddy
261 Aziznagar Moinabad Ranga Reddy
262 Yenkepalle Moinabad Ranga Reddy
263 Bangaliguda Moinabad Ranga Reddy
264 Nagireddiguda Moinabad Ranga Reddy
265 Bakaram Jagir Moinabad Ranga Reddy
266 Sriramnagar (Dongala
Doswada) Moinabad Ranga Reddy
267 Gagilapur Quthbullapur Ranga Reddy
268 Naglur Quthbullapur Ranga Reddy
269 Dundigal Quthbullapur Ranga Reddy
270 Dommara Pochampalle Quthbullapur Ranga Reddy
271 Bahadurpalle Quthbullapur Ranga Reddy
272 Bowrampet Quthbullapur Ranga Reddy
273 Shambhupur Quthbullapur Ranga Reddy
274 Mallampet Quthbullapur Ranga Reddy
275 Bachpalle Quthbullapur Ranga Reddy
276 Nizampet Quthbullapur Ranga Reddy
277 Dulapalle Quthbullapur Ranga Reddy
278 Kompalle Quthbullapur Ranga Reddy
279 Gungurthy Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy
280 Khanapur Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy
281 Vattinagulapalle Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy
282 Kokapet Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy
283 Gandipet Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy
284 Narsingi Rajend ranagar Ranga Reddy
285 Puppalguda Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy
286 Maqtha Kousarali Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy
287 Manikonda (Khalsa) Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy
288 Manikonda (Jagir) Rajend ranagar Ranga Reddy
289 Pokkalwada Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy
290 Panjashajamal Bowli Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy
291 Alizapur Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy
292 Neknampur Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy
293 Manchirevula Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy
294 Bairagiguda Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy
295 Gandamguda Rajend ran agar Ranga Reddy
296 Sogbowli Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy
297 Janibegum Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy
298 Bandlaguda (Jagir) Rajend ranagar Ranga Reddy 63
299 Peerancheru Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy
300 H imayathsagar Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy
301 Kismatpur Rajend ranagar Ranga Reddy
302 Jillalguda Saroornagar Ranga Reddy
303 Medbowli Saroornagar Ranga Reddy
304 Meerpet Saroornagar Ranga Reddy
305 Almasguda Saroornagar Ranga Reddy
306 Dawoodkhanguda Saroornagar Ranga Reddy
307 Badangpet Saroornagar Ranga Reddy
308 Renukapur Saroornagar Ranga Reddy
309 Balapur Saroornagar Ranga Reddy
310 Kothapet Saroornagar Ranga Reddy
311 Venkatapur Saroornagar Ranga Reddy
312 Mallapur Saroornagar Ranga Reddy
313 Jalpalle Saroornagar Ranga Reddy
314 Papayakumandan Saroornagar Ranga Reddy
315 Mamidipalle Saroornagar Ranga Reddy
316 Kurmalguda Saroornagar Ranga Reddy
317 Nadargul Saroornagar Ranga Reddy
318 Bobbilgam Shabad Ranga Reddy
319 Tirumalapur Shabad Ranga Reddy
320 Etlaerravaly Shabad Ranga Reddy
321 Tadlapalle Shabad Ranga Reddy
322 Rudraram Shabad Ranga Reddy
323 Chandernvalle Shabad Ranga Reddy
324 Hayathabad Shabad Ranga Reddy
325 Solipet Shabad Ranga Reddy
326 Maddur Shabad Ranga Reddy
327 Peddaved Shabad Ranga Reddy
328 Damerlapalle Shabad Ranga Reddy
329 Nagarkunta Shabad Ranga Reddy
330 Bhongirpalle Shabad Ranga Reddy
331 Machanpalle Shabad Ranga Reddy
332 Polaram Shabad Ranga Reddy
333 Pothugal Shabad Ranga Reddy
334 Regadidoswada Shabad Ranga Reddy
335 Komerabanda Shabad Ranga Reddy
336 Obagunta Shabad Ranga Reddy
337 Shabad Shabad Ranga Reddy
338 Manmarri Shabad Ranga Reddy
339 Kakloor Shabad Ranga Reddy 64
340 Ananthawaram Shabad Ranga Reddy
341 Kesavaram Shabad Ranga Reddy
342 Rangapur Shabad Ranga Reddy
343 Turkapalle Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
344 Kothur Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
345 Potharam Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
346 Anantharam Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
347 Narayanpur Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
348 Lakshimapur Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
349 Mooduchintalapalle Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
350 Nagisettipalle Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
351 Kesavaram Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
352 Sampan bole Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
353 Lalgadimalakpet Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
354 Majidpur Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
355 Aliabad Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
356 Jaggamguda Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
357 Adraspalle Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
358 Lingapur Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
359 Uddemarri Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
360 Hoshyarpalle Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
361 Kesavapur Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
362 Yakhatpura Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
363 Ponnal Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
364 Bomraspet Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
365 Shamirpet Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
366 Devar Yamjal Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
367 Pothaipalle Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
368 Mandaipalle Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
369 Thumkunta Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
370 Antaipalle Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
371 Jawahar Nagar Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
372 Singaipally Shamirpet Ranga Reddy
373 Peddatopra Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
374 Ramanujapur Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
375 Kaveliguda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
376 Malkaram Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
377 Kolbowidoddi Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
378 Sultanpalle Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
379 Kacharam Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
380 Rayannaguda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy 65
381 Nanajpur Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
382 Jukal Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
383 Chowderguda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
384 Narkhuda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
385 Ammapalle Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
386 Hariguda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
387 Kothwalguda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
388 Satamrai Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
389 Langerguda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
390 Pashambanda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
391 Kishanguda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
392 Ootpalle Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
393 Tondapalle Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
394 Devatabowli Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
395 Gandiguda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
396 Peddashapur Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
397 Madanpalle Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
398 Palmakole Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
399 Muchintal Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
400 Ghansimiaguda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
401 Cherlaguda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
402 Hamidullanagar Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
403 Posettyguda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
404 Gollapallekhurd Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
405 Rasheedguda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
406 Sayyed guda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
407 Gollapallekalan Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
408 Bahadurguda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
409 Golkondakhurd Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
410 Shankarapur Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
411 Sanghiguda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
412 Golkondakalan Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
413 Shazadi Begum Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
414 Shamshabad Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
415 Makthabahadurali Shamshabad Ranga Reddy
416 Dhobipet Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy
417 Fathepur Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy
418 Singapur Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy
419 Shankarpalle Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy
420 Bhulkapur Shan karpalle Ranga Reddy
421 Kondakal Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy 66
422 Mokila Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy
423 Donthanpalle Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy
424 Maharajpet Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy
425 Gopularam Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy
426 Proddutur Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy
427 Tangutoor Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy
428 Yelwarthy Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy
429 Ramanthapur Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy
430 Chandippa Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy
431 Ravalpalle Kalan Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy
432 Sankepalle (Khalsa) Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy
433 Sankepalle (Paigah) Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy
434 Anthappaguda Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy
435 Masaniguda Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy
436 Husainipur Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy
437 Parveda (Chanchalam) Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy
438 Parveda Khalsa Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy
439 Yervaguda Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy
440 Kothapalle Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy
441 Janwada Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy
442 Makthabibisahebguda Uppal Ranga Reddy
443 Boduppal Uppal Ranga Reddy
444 Miapur Uppal Ranga Reddy
445 Medipally Uppal Ranga Reddy
446 Peerzadiguda Uppal Ranga Reddy
447 Gulamaliguda Uppal Ranga Reddy
448 Tulekhurd Yacharam (Part) Ranga Reddy
449 Gungal Yacharam (Part) Ranga Reddy
450 Yacharam Yacharam (Part) Ranga Reddy
451 Mogullavampu Yacharam (Part) Ranga Reddy
452 Chowderpalle Yacharam (Part) Ranga Reddy
453 Kasal Hathnoor (Part) Medak
454 Doultabad Hathnoor (Part) Medak
455 Mangapur Hathnoor (Part) Medak
456 Nastipur Hathnoor (Part) Medak
457 Macherla Hathnoor (Part) Medak
458 T aherkhanpet Hathnoor (Part) Medak
459 Malkapur Hathnoor (Part) Medak
460 Reddikhanpur Hathnoor (Part) Medak
461 Borpatla Hathnoor (Part) Medak
462 Palapnoor Hathnoor (Part) Medak 67
463 Gundla Machanur Hathnoor (Part) Medak
464 Chandapur Hathnoor (Part) Medak
465 Turkal Khanapur Hathnoor (Part) Medak
466 Sadullanagar Hathnoor (Part) Medak
467 Chintalcheru Hathnoor (Part) Medak
468 Yellammaguda Hathnoor (Part) Medak
469 Kodapak Hathnoor (Part) Medak
470 Nagaram Hathnoor (Part) Medak
471 Shairkhanpalle Hathnoor (Part) Medak
472 Royyapalle Hathnoor (Part) Medak
473 Akwanchaguda Hathnoor (Part) Medak
474 Lakshmapur Jinnaram Medak
475 Kothapalle Jinnaram Medak
476 Pyaranagar Jinnaram Medak
477 Nallavalli Jinnaram Medak
478 Mambapur Jinnaram Medak
479 Anantharam Jinnaram Medak
480 Kanukunta Jinnaram Medak
481 Dacharam Jinnaram Medak
482 Gummadidala Jinnaram Medak
483 Bonthapalle Jinnaram Medak
484 Domadugu Jinnaram Medak
485 Gadda Potharam Jinnaram Medak
486 Annaram Jinnaram Medak
487 Vailal Jinnaram Medak
488 Jinnaram Jinnaram Medak
489 Palem Jinnaram Medak
490 Mangampet Jinnaram Medak
491 Ootla Jinnaram Medak
492 Solakpalle Jinnaram Medak
493 Amdoor Jinnaram Medak
494 Sivanagar Jinnaram Medak
495 Kodakanchi Jinnaram Medak
496 uttaguda Jinnaram Medak
497 Nalthur Jinnaram Medak
498 Madharam Jinnaram Medak
499 Kishtaipalle Jinnaram Medak
500 Chetlapotharam Jinnaram Medak
501 Khazipalle Jinnaram Medak
502 Bollaram Jinnaram Medak
503 Banda Thimmapur Mulugu Medak 68
504 Kokkonda Mulugu Medak
505 Srirampur Mulugu Medak
506 Singannaguda Mulugu Medak
507 Narsapur Mulugu Medak
508 Tuniki Bollaram Mulugu Medak
509 Lakshmakkapalle Mulugu Medak
510 Mulugu Mulugu Medak
511 Thanedharpalle Mulugu Medak
512 Bhilampur Mulugu Medak
513 Mamidial Mulugu Medak
514 Markoor Mulugu Medak
515 Damarakunta Mulugu Medak
516 Karkapatla Mulugu Medak
517 Kothial Mulugu Medak
518 Aliabad (Adivimasjid) Mulugu Medak
519 Narsampalle Mulugu Medak
520 Mustafaguda Mulugu Medak
521 Chilla Sagar Mulugu Medak
522 Gangadharpalle Mulugu Medak
523 Zapthi Singaipalle Mulugu Medak
524 Chinna Thimmapur Mulugu Medak
525 Achaipalle Mulugu Medak
526 Dasarlapalle Mulugu Medak
527 Ba wapuram Mulugu Medak
528 Kothur Mulugu Medak
529 Banda Mailaram Mulugu Medak
530 Ahmednagar Narsapur Medak
531 Ibrahimbad Narsapur Medak
532 Admapur Narsapur Medak
533 Jakkupalle Narsapur Medak
534 Chippalturthi Narsapur Medak
535 Nagulpalle Narsapur Medak
536 Moosapet Narsapur Medak
537 Mohammadabad Narsapur Medak
538 Manthoor Narsapur Medak
539 Reddipalle Narsapur Medak
540 Khazipet Narsapur Medak
541 Tujalpur Narsapur Medak
542 Thirmalapur Narsapur Medak
543 Gollapalle Narsapur Medak
544 Brahmanpalle Narsapur Medak 69
545 Lingapur Narsapur Medak
546 Achampet Narsapur Medak
547 Hanmanthapur Narsapur Medak
548 Malparthi Narsapur Medak
549 Narayanpur Narsapur Medak
550 Chinna Chintakunta Narsapur Medak
551 Pedda Chintakunta Narsapur Medak
552 Sitarampur Narsapur Medak
553 Rustumpet Narsapur Medak
554 Ramachandrapur Narsapur Medak
555 Tuljarampet Narsapur Medak
556 Awancha Narsapur Medak
557 Yellapur Narsapur Medak
558 Madapur Narsapur Medak
559 Narsapur Narsapur Medak
560 Kondapur Narsapur Medak
561 Kagazmaddur Narsapur Medak
562 Naimatullaguda Narsapur Medak
563 Nathinoipalle Narsapur Medak
564 Darmaram Narsapur Medak
565 Rudraram Patancheruvu Medak
566 Lakdaram Patancheruvu Medak
567 Chinnakanjerla Patancheruvu Medak
568 Peddakanjerla Patancheruvu Medak
569 Wadakpalle Patancheruvu Medak
570 Indresham Patancheruvu Medak
571 Inole Patancheruvu Medak
572 Bachuguda Patancheruvu Medak
573 Chikul Patancheruvu Medak
574 Isnapur Patancheruvu Medak
575 Pashamylaram Patancheruvu Medak
576 Kyasaram Patancheruvu Medak
577 Bhanoor Patancheruvu Medak
578 Nandigaon Patancheruvu Medak
579 Sultanpur Patancheruvu Medak
580 Krishnareddipet Patancheruvu Medak
581 Rameshwar Banda Patancheruvu Medak
582 Patighanpur Patancheruvu Medak
583 Kardanur Patancheruvu Medak
584 Muthangi Patancheruvu Medak
585 Pocharam Patancheruvu Medak 70
586 Rendlagudda Patancheruvu Medak
587 Iylapur Patancheruvu Medak
588 Ameenapur Patancheruvu Medak
589 Tellapur Ramachandrapuram Medak
590 Osman Nagar Ramachandrapuram Medak
591 Kollur Ramachand rapu ram Medak
592 Edulanagulapalle Ramachandrapuram Medak
593 Vellmella Ramachandrapuram Medak
594 Chintalpalle Sangareddy Medak
595 Nagapur Sangareddy Medak
596 Tadlapalle Sangareddy Medak
597 Kulabgoor Sangareddy Medak
598 Fasalwada Sangareddy Medak
599 Ismailkahnpet Sangareddy Medak
600 Arutla Sangareddy Medak
601 Chidruppa Sangareddy Medak
602 Byathole Sangareddy Medak
603 Edthanur Sangareddy Medak
604 Mamidipalle Sangareddy Medak
605 Koulampet Sangareddy Medak
606 Kandi Sangareddy Medak
607 Mohammad Shapur Sangareddy Medak
608 Pothreddipalle Sangareddy Medak
609 Kothlapur Sangareddy Medak
610 Utharpalle Sangareddy Medak
611 Maktha Allor Sangareddy Medak
612 Kalvemula Sangareddy Medak
613 Kasipur Sangareddy Medak
614 Cheriyal Sangareddy Medak
615 Inderkaran Sangareddy Medak
616 Eddumailaram Sangareddy Medak
617 Julkal Sangareddy Medak
618 Topkonda Sangareddy Medak
619 Irigipalle Sangareddy Medak
620 Kalvaboor Sangareddy Medak
621 Lingojiguda Shivampet Medak
622 Allipur Shivampet Medak
623 Pambanda Shivampet Medak
624 Pothula Boguda Shivampet Medak
625 Konthanpalle Shivampet Medak
626 Gundlapalle Shivampet Medak 71
627 Shabashpalle Shivampet Medak
628 Donthi Shivampet Medak
629 Usirikapalle Shivarnpet Medak
630 Edulapur Shivarnpet Medak
631 Ratnapoor Shivampet Medak
632 Kothapet Shivarnpet Medak
633 Pillutla Shivarnpet Medak
634 Thimmapur Shivampet Medak
635 Chinnagottimukkala Shivampet Medak
636 Shivampet Shivampet Medak
637 Chandi Shivampet Medak
638 Maqdumpur Shivampet Medak
639 Gangaipalle Shivampet Medak
640 Potharam Shivampet Medak
641 Parkibanda Shivarnpet Medak
642 Sikindlapur Shivampet Medak
643 Bijilipur Shivampet Medak
644 Gomaram Shivampet Medak
645 Pedda Gottimukkala Shivampet Medak
646 Chennapur Shivampet Medak
647 Nawabpet Shivampet Medak
648 Vattur Tupran Medak
649 Jhandapalle Tupran Medak
650 Nagulapalle Tupran Medak
651 Islampur Tupran Medak
652 Datarpalle Tupran Medak
653 Gundareddipalle Tupran Medak
654 Malkapur Tupran Medak
655 Konaipalle
(Pattibegampet) Tupran Medak
656 Venktaipalle Tupran Medak
657 Kistapur Tupran Medak
658 Yavapur Tupran Medak
659 Hussainpur Tupran Medak
660 Tupran Tupran Medak
661 Padalpalle Tupran Medak
662 Brahmanapalle Tupran Medak
663 Venkatapur
(Pattitupran) Tupran Medak
664 Ravelli Tupran Medak
665 Ghanpur Tupran Medak 72
666 Immapur Tupran Medak
667 Allapur Tupran Medak
668 Lingareddipet Tupran Medak
669 Palat Tupran Medak
670 Ramaipalle Tupran Medak
671 Venkatapur Agraharam Tupran Medak
672 Dharmarajpalle Tupran Medak
673 Chatla Gouraram Tupran Medak
674 Konaipalle
(Patti Tupran) Tupran Medak
675 Manoharabad Tupran Medak
676 Majeedpally (N.K) Tupran Medak
677 Jeedipalle Tupran Medak
678 Kucharam Tupran Medak
679 Kondapur Tupran Medak
680 Muppi Reddy Palle Tupran Medak
681 Rangaipalle Tupran Medak
682 Kallakal Tupran Medak
683 Narsampalle Wargal Medak
684 Nacharam Wargal Medak
685 Majidpalle Wargal Medak
686 Mentur Wargal Medak
687 Jabbapur Warga I Medak
688 Mylaram Wargal Medak
689 Kondaipalle Wargal Medak
690 Singaipalle Wargal Medak
691 Pamulaparthi Wargal Medak
692 Gouraram Wargal Medak
693 Wargal Wargal Medak
694 Govindapur Wargal Medak
695 Girmapur Wargal Medak
696 Madharam Wargal Medak
697 Chandapur Wargal Medak
698 Veluru Wargal Medak
699 Ananthagiripalle Wargal Medak
700 Ramachandrapur Wargal Medak
701 Sitarampalle Wargal Medak
702 Amberpet Wargal Medak
703 Shakaram Wargal Medak
704 Tunkikhalasa Wargal Medak
705 Tunki Makta Wargal Medak 73
706 Meenji pally
(Meenaji Peta) Wargal Medak
707 Veligerla Farooqnagar (Part) Mahaboobnagar
708 Suryaraoguda Farooqnagar (Part) Mahaboobnagar
709 Koddannaguda Farooqnagar (Part) Mahaboobnagar
710 Buchiguda Farooqnagar (Part) Mahaboobnagar
711 Dooskal Farooqnagar (Part) Mahaboobnagar
712 Chetanpalle Farooqnagar (Part) Mahaboobnagar
713 Farooqnagar
(Shad nagar) Farooqnagar (Part) Mahaboobnagar
714 Alisasbguda Farooqnagar (Part) Mahaboobnagar
715 Nagulapalle Farooqnagar (Part) Mahaboobnagar
716 Elkatha Farooqnagar (Part) Mahaboobnagar
717 Mogalgidda Farooqnagar (Part) Mahaboobnagar
718 Ranga amudram Farooqnagar (Part) Mahaboobnagar
719 Edulapalle Kothur Mahaboobnagar
720 Mamidpalle Kothur Mahaboobnagar
721 Chegur Kothur Mahaboobnagar
722 Mallapur Kothur Mahaboobnagar
723 Gudur Kothur Mahaboobnagar
724 Kothur Kothur Mahaboobnagar
725 Thimmapur Kothur Mahaboobnagar
726 Theegapur Kothur Mahaboobnagar
727 Veerlapalle Kothur Mahaboobnagar
728 Nandigama Kothur Mahaboobnagar
729 Penjerla Kothur Mahaboobnagar
730 Onmulnarva Kothur Mahaboobnagar
731 Khajiguda Kothur Mahaboobnagar
732 Kodicherla Kothur Mahaboobnagar
733 Seriguda Bhadraiplle Kothur Mahaboobnagar
734 Siddapur Kothur Mahaboobnagar
735 Rayarao Pet Bibinagar Nalgonda
736 Jameelapet Bibinagar Nalgonda
737 Jiya Palle Bibinagar Nalgonda
738 Mahadevpur Bibinagar Nalgonda
739 Kondamadugu Bibinagar Nalgonda
740 Jain Palle Bibinagar Nalgonda
741 Gudur Bibinagar Nalgonda
742 Annampatla Bibinagar Nalgonda
743 Bibinagar Bibinagar Nalgonda
744 Rangapur Bibinagar Nalgonda 745 Bagdayara

746 Nemarugomula

747 Padamati Somaram 748 Raheem Khanguda 749 Brahmana Palle 750 Maqdoom Palle

751 Ravi Pahad

752 Madharam

753 Jam Palle 754 Surraiadandi

755 Chinaraval Palle

756 Raghavapur

757 Rudra Velly 758 Venkiryal

759 Anantharam (Maktha) 760 China Parvathapur

761 Thimmapuram

762 Boin Palle

763 Somajipalle

764 Muneerabad

765 Bandakindipalle 766 Thumkunta

767 Jalalpur

768 Pyararam

769 Solipeta

770 Cheekatimamidi

771 Maryala

772 Malyala

773 Yavapur

774 Rangapuram

775 Ramlingampalle

776 Pedda Parvathapur

777 Bommalaramaram

778 Tirumalagiri

779 Naginenipalle

780 Maisireddypalle

781 Hazipur

782 Mailaram

783 Medipalle 784 Tajpur

785 Hanmapur


Bibinagar Nalgonda

Bibinagar Nalgonda

Bibinagar Nalgonda

Bibinagar Nalgonda

Bibinagar Nalgonda

Bibinagar Nalgonda

Bibinagar Nalgonda

Bibinagar Nalgonda

Bibinagar Nalgonda

Bibinagar Nalgonda

Bibinagar Nalgonda

Bibinagar Nalgonda

Bibinagar Nalgonda

Bibinagar Nalgonda

Bibinagar Nalgonda

Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda

Buvanagiri Nalgonda

Buvanagiri Nalgonda

786 Wadaparthi Buvanagiri Nalgonda
787 Timmapur Buvanagiri Nalgonda
788 Baswapur Buvanagiri Nalgonda
789 Rayagiri (Rural) Buvanagiri Nalgonda
790 Kesaram Buvanagiri Nalgonda
791 Kunoor Buvanagiri Nalgonda
792 Chandupatla Buvanagiri Nalgonda
793 Cheemala Kondur Buvanagiri Nalgonda
794 M ustyalapalle Buvanagiri Nalgonda
795 Veeravelly Buvanagiri Nalgonda
796 Banda Somaram Buvanagiri Nalgonda
797 Gouse Nagar Buvanagiri Nalgonda
798 Yerrampalle Buvanagiri Nalgonda
799 Tukkapur Buvanagiri Nalgonda
800 Ramachandrapur Buvanagiri Nalgonda
801 Penchikala Pahad Buvanagiri Nalgonda
802 Anantharam (Rural) Buvanagiri Nalgonda
803 Pagidi Palle Buvanagiri Nalgonda
804 Bommai Palle Buvanagiri Nalgonda
805 Anajipur Buvanagiri Nalgonda
806 Nandanam Buvanagiri Nalgonda
807 Nagireddi Palle Buvanagiri Nalgonda
808 Bollepalle Buvanagiri Nalgonda
809 Surepalle Buvanagiri Nalgonda
810 Tupranpet Choutuppal Nalgonda
811 Malkapur Choutuppal Nalgonda
812 Khairathpur Choutuppal Nalgonda
813 Yellagiri Choutuppal Nalgonda
814 Lakkaram Choutuppal Nalgonda
815 Choutuppal Choutuppal Nalgonda
816 Chinna Kondur Choutuppal Nalgonda
817 Nelapatla Choutuppal Nalgonda
818 Jaikesaram Choutuppal Nalgonda
819 Swamulavari Lingotam Choutuppal Nalgonda
820 Panthangi Choutuppal Nalgonda
821 Lingojiguda Choutuppal Nalgonda
822 Tallasingaram Choutuppal Nalgonda
823 Tangadpalle Choutuppal Nalgonda
824 Devalammanagaram Choutuppal Nalgonda
825 Allapur Choutuppal Nalgonda
826 Peepal Pahad Choutuppal Nalgonda 827 Pochampally 828 Jalalpur

829 Revanpally

830 Gousekonda

831 Ramalingampally

832 Abdullanagar

833 Indriyala

834 Mukthapur 835 Juloor

836 Alinagar 837 Jagathpally

838 Deshmukhi

839 Pillaipalli

840 Kapuraipally

841 Peddaravalpally

842 Dharmareddypally

843 Vankamamidi

844 Dantur

845 Kanumukkala

846 Bhemanapally 847 Meharnagar 848 Hyderpur

849 Jublakpally

Pochampally Pochampally Pochampally Pochampally Pochampally Pochampally Pochampally Pochampally Pochampally Pochampally Pochampally Pochampally Pochampally Pochampally Pochampally Pochampally Pochampally Pochampally Pochampally Pochampally Pochampally Pochampally Pochampally


Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda





Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department - Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority Act-2008 (Andhra Pradesh Act. NO.8 of 2008) - Constitution of Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority - Orders - Issued.


G.O. Ms. NO.571

Dated: zs" August, 2008 Read the following

1. Andhra Pradesh Urban Areas (Development) Act, 1975

2. Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority Act, 2008 (Andhra Pradesh Act. NO.8 of 2008).

3. From VC, HUDA Lr. No.8865/AOE/HUOAl2008,


4. G.O. Ms. NO.567 MA&UD(11)Dept., dated:23-08-2008.

5. G.O. Ms. NO.570 MA&UD(11)Dept., dated:25-08-2008.

* * *


The following notification shall be published in the Extra-ordinary issue of Andhra Pradesh Gazette dated:25-08-2008.

The Commissioner, Printing Stationery & Stores Purchase, Hyderabad is requested to furnish 50 copies of the notification to the Government


Whereas, the Government in the reference fourth read above have brought into force the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Act, 2008 (Andhra Pradesh Act.8 of 2008).

And whereas, the Government in the reference fifth read above declared the Hyderabad Metropolitan Region.


Now therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 4 of Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority Act, 2008 (Andhra Pradesh Act. No.8 of 2008), the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby constitutes the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority with the following Members as specified in sub-section (3) of section 4 thereof:

1. Chief Minister, Andhra Pradesh

2. Minister, Municipal Administration & Urban Development

3. Mayor, Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation

4. Chief Secretary to Government

5. Principal Secretary / Secretary to Government MA&UD Dept.

6. Principal Secretary / Secretary to Government Revenue Dept.

7. Principal Secretary / Secretary to Government Industries & Commerce Dept.

8. Principal Secretary / Secretary to Government Transport, Road & Buildings Dept.

9. Principal Secretary / Secretary to Government Environment & Forest Dept.

10. Principal Secretary / Secretary to Government Panchayat Raj Dept.

11 . Principal Secretary / Secretary to Government Home Dept.

12. Principal Secretary / Secretary to Government Finance Dept.

13. Representative of Metropolitan Planning Committee

14. Vice-Chairman & Managing Director, A.P. TRANSCO

15. Vice-Chairman & Managing Director, APIIC

16. Vice-Chairman & Managing Director,


17. Commissioner, GHMC

18. General Manager, South Central Railways

19. Chief General Manager, BSNL, Hyderabad

20. Metropolitan Commissioner

- Chairman

- Vice-Chairman

- Member

- Member

- Member

- Member

- Member

- Member

- Member

- Member

- Member

- Member

- Member

- Member

- Member

- Member

- Member

- Member

- Member

- Member Convener


Regarding appointment of elected members to the Authority, under clause (XVII) & (XIX) of sub-section (1) of section-4 of Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority Act, 200S (Andhra Pradesh Act. No.S of 200S) orders will be issued subsequently.





The Commissioner, Printing, Stationery & Stores Purchase, Hyderabad. The Chief Secretary to Government.

The Principal Secretary to Government, MA&UD Department.

The Principal Secretary I Secretary to Government, Revenue Department. The Principal Secretary I Secretary to Government, Industries & Commerce Department.

The Principal Secretary I Secretary to Government, Transport Roads & Buildings Department.

The Principal Secretary I Secretary to Government, Finance Department.

The Principal Secretary I Secretary to Government, Panchayatraj Department. The Principal Secretary I Secretary to Government, Home Department.

The Commissioner, Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, Hyderabad. The Metropolitan Planning Committee.

The Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA, Hyderabad.

The Vice-Chairman & Managing Director, A.P. TRANSCO, Hyderabad. The Vice-Chairman & Managing Director, APIIC, Hyderabad.

The Vice-Chairman & Managing Director, APSRTC, Hyderabad.

The General Manager, South Central Railways, Hyderabad.

The Chief General Manager, BSNL, Hyderabad.

The Vice-Chairman, Hyderabad Urban Development Authority, Hyderabad. The Vice-Chairman, Hyderabad Airport Development Authority, Hyderabad. The Vice-Chairman, Cyberabad Development Authority, Hyderabad.

The Vice-Chairman, Buddha Poornima Project Authority, Hyderabad.

Copy to:

The Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration, A.P. Hyderabad. The Director of Town & Country Planning, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad. The Accountant General, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.

All the Departments in Secretariat, Hyderabad.

The Principal Secretary to C.M.

The Special Secretary to C.M.

The P.S. to M (MA).

The P.S. to Mayor, GHMC. SF/SC



Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department - Andhra Pradesh Urban Areas (Development) Act, 1975 - Dissolution of Hyderabad Urban Development Authority, Hyderabad Airport Development Authority, Cyberabad Development Authority, Buddha Poornima Project Authority and vesting of all assets and liabilities in the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority - Orders - Issued.


G.O. Ms. NO.572

Dated: zs" August, 200B Read the following

1. Andhra Pradesh Urban Areas (Development) Act, 1975

2. Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority Act, 200B (Andhra Pradesh Act. No.B of 200B).

3. From VC, HUDA Lr. No.BB65/AOE/HUDAl200B,


4. G.O. Ms. NO.567 MA&UD(11)Dept., dated:23-0B-200B.

5. G.O. Ms. NO.570 MA&UD(11)Dept., dated:25-0B-200B.

6. G.O. Ms. NO.571 MA&UD(11)Dept., dated:25-0B-200B.

* * *


The following notification shall be published in the Extra-ordinary issue of Andhra Pradesh Gazette dated:25-0B-200B.

The Commissioner, Printing Stationery & Stores Purchase, Hyderabad is requested to furnish 50 copies of the notification to the Government.


Whereas, the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority Act, 200B (Andhra Pradesh Act. No.B of 200B) has been enacted with a view to establish Metropolitan Development Authority for the purpose of

81 planning, co-ordination, supervision, promoting and securing the planned development of the Hyderabad Metropolitan Region.

And whereas, Government consider that the purpose for which the Hyderabad Urban Development Authority, Hyderabad Airport Development Authority, Cyberabad Development Authority, Buddha Poornima Project Authority, constituted under Andhra Pradesh Urban Areas (Development) Act, 1975, has been substantially achieved and their further continuance in the opinion of the Government is not necessary.

Therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 60 of Andhra Pradesh Urban Areas Development Act, 1975, (Act. 1 of 1975), the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby dissolves Hyderabad Urban Development Authority, Hyderabad Airport Development Authority, Cyberabad Development Authority, Buddha Poornima Project Authority with immediate effect.

Consequently, under Sub-Section (1) of Section 58 of the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Act, 2008 (Andhra Pradesh Act. No.8 of 2008), on and from the date of dissolution of the Hyderabad Urban Development Authority and above mentioned Special Development Authorities under Section 60 of the Andhra Pradesh Urban Areas (Development) Act, 1975, the assets and liabilities of these authorities shall vest in the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority and all officers and employees of the said dissolved authorities shall be deemed to be the officers and employees of the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority.

Further, all the rules, regulations, instructions, orders issued under the provisions of Andhra Pradesh Urban Areas (Development) Act, 1975 (Act-1 of 1975), in respect of above authorities shall be deemed to have been issued under the provisions of Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority Act, 2008 (Andhra Pradesh Act-8 of 2008) and shall continue to be applicable mutatis-mutandis to Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority till such time the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority Rules are approved by the Government.

The dissolved Special Authorities of Hyderabad Airport Development Authority, Cyberabad Development Authority & Buddha

82 Poornima Project Authority shall function as functional units of Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority.





The Commissioner, Printing, Stationery & Stores Purchase, Hyderabad. The Vice-Chairman, Hyderabad Urban Development Authority, Hyderabad. The Vice-Chairman, Hyderabad Airport Development Authority, Hyderabad. The Vice-Chairman, Cyberabad Development Authority, Hyderabad.

The Vice-Chairman, Buddha Poornima Project Authority, Hyderabad.

The Commissioner, Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, Hyderabad. The Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration, A.P. Hyderabad. The Director of Town & Country Planning, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad. The Accountant General, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.

All the Departments in Secretariat, Hyderabad.

Copy to:

The Principal Secretary to C.M. The Special Secretary to C.M. The P.S. to M (MA).




Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department - Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority Act-2008 (Andhra Pradesh Act. NO.8 of 2008) - Constitution of Executive Committee of Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority - Orders - Issued.



G.O. Ms. No.573

Dated: 25th August, 2008 Read the following

1. Andhra Pradesh Urban Areas (Development) Act, 1975

2. Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority Act, 2008 (Andhra

Pradesh Act. NO.8 of 2008).

3. From VC, HUDA Lr. No.8865/AOE/HUDAl2008, dated:20-06-2008.

4. G.O. Ms. NO.567 MA&UD(11)Dept., dated:23-08-2008.

5. G.O. Ms. NO.570 MA&UD(11)Dept., dated:25-08-2008.

6. G.O. Ms. No.571 MA&UD(11)Dept., dated:25-08-2008.

7. G.O. Ms. No.572 MA&UD(11)Dept., dated:25-08-2008.

* * *


The following notification shall be published in the Extra-ordinary issue of Andhra Pradesh Gazette dated:25-08-2008.

The Commissioner, Printing Stationery & Stores Purchase, Hyderabad is requested to furnish 50 copies of the notification to the Government.


Whereas, the Government in the reference fourth read above have brought into force the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Act, 2008 (Andhra Pradesh Act.8 of 2008).

And whereas, the Government in the reference sixth read above constituted the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority.

Now therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 4 of Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority Act, 2008 (Andhra Pradesh Act. NO.8 of 2008), the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby constitutes the Executive Committee of Hyderabad Metropolitan Development

84 Authority with the following Members as specified in sub-section (1) of section-5 thereof:

1. Metropolitan Commissioner

2. Commissioner of Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation

3. Managing Director of Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply & Sewerage Board (HMWS&SB)

4. Managing Director and Vice-Chairman of The Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation (APIIC)

5. Vice-Chairman and Housing Commissioner of The Andhra Pradesh Housing Board (APHB)

6. Vice-Chairman and Managing Director of The Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC)

7. Member-Urban Planning (qualified and Experienced in urban planning, planning development schemes and projects)

8. Member-Engineer (qualified and experienced

in execution of development schemes, projects, housing and township schemes and infrastructure projects) nominated by the Government

9. Member-Finance, (qualified and experienced

in accounting, budget, financial analysis, economic matters relating to projects, audit, etc.) nominated by the Government

10. Member-Estates, (experienced in Land Management, estates management and asset management) nominated by the Government

11. Member-Environment (qualified and experienced In Environmental matters, greenery, water body Conservation and landscaping nominated by the Government

12. Secretary to the Metropolitan Development Authority (qualified in business administration and experienced management executive) nominated by the Government

13. Collector, Hyderabad District

14. Collector, Ranga Reddy District

15. Collector, Medak District

16. Collector, Nalgonda District

17. Collector, Mehaboobnagar District

- Chairman

- Member

- Member

- Member

- Member

- Member

- Member

- Member

- Member

- Member

- Member

- Member

- Member

- Member

- Member

- Member

- Member


Regarding nomination of non-officials to the executive committee, under clause (XIV) & (XV) of sub-section (1) of section-5 of Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority Act (Andhra Pradesh Act. No.8 of 2008), orders will be issued subsequently.





The Commissioner, Printing, Stationery & Stores Purchase, Hyderabad. The Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA, Hyderabad ..

The Commissioner, Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, Hyderabad. The Managing Director, HMWS&SB, Hyderabad.

The Vice-Chairman & Managing Director, APIIC, Hyderabad. The Vice-Chairman & Housing Commissioner, APHB.

The Vice-Chairman & Managing Director, APSRTC.

The Member, Urban Planner, HMDA.

The Member, Engineer, HMDA.

The Member, Finance, HMDA.

The Member, Estates, HMDA.

The Member, Environment, HMDA. The Secretary, HMDA.

The Collectors of Hyderabad, Ranaga Reddy, Medak, Nalgonda, Mahaboobnagar Districts.

The Vice-Chairman, Hyderabad Urban Development Authority, Hyderabad. The Vice-Chairman, Hyderabad Airport Development Authority, Hyderabad. The Vice-Chairman, Cyberabad Development Authority, Hyderabad.

The Vice-Chairman, Buddha Poornima Project Authority, Hyderabad.

Copy to:

The Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration, A.P. Hyderabad. The Director of Town & Country Planning, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad. The Accountant General, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.

All the Departments in Secretariat, Hyderabad.

The Principal Secretary to C.M.

The Special Secretary to C.M.

The P.S. to M (MA).


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Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority

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