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Hegelian Dialectic and Diaprax

Diaprax is having someone who has an opinion contrary to the one you want them
to have and leading them in small ideological steps in the direction of the opinion
you want them to have until they have arrived at that opinion, ideology or way of
thought. Basically it is intentionally manipulating someone to change their
opinion. You know the intended outcome but they do not. And if they did, they
wouldn’t be willing to participate. The only way to bring such unwilling
participants to the desired outcome is to convince them to step outside of their
previous opinions in such small steps that they do not realize how they are being
led away from their former opinions. Even the intelligent can be fooled by such a
procedure if the steps that they take seem to be “logical” or “reasonable.” It takes
a sharp and discerning mind to realize what others are trying to attempt and an
even stronger one to resist. I am most certainly for changing my values and ideas
if they are not based on truth, justice and consciousness. But a facilitator, the
one using diaprax to convince another, may be trying to eventually convince me
to believe or do something that is ultimately against my values.
Someone may be trying to do that to you. BE AWARE and BE DISCERNING.

Diaprax deceives not only the innocent but also the “wise” and establishes them
all on its godless structure. Major Christian ministries are being seduced as they
incorporate new management techniques based on diaprax to help them market
their ministry. Anyone who complains when they see this happening is identified
as a “resistor to change.” The “watchman at the gate” must be neutralized
if diaprax is to remain undetected.
There are many discerning Christians who are troubled and grieved when they
come under ministries that facilitate and dialogue God’s Word instead of preach it.
They hear the Word of God (content) but sense something drastically wrong with
how it is being presented or applied in ministry (structure). Because content
always builds upon structure, when the content of God’s Word is built upon the
structure of diaprax, eventually only those scriptures that promote and sustain
human relationship building will be accentuated, and those verses that might get
in the way of ministry “growth” will be either overlooked, trivialized, or

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