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Method of calculating oil

1. Ullage “Corrected Ullage” Gross Observed Volume (G.O.V.) from tank calibration

2. From “TABLE 54-B”, under the given Specific Gravity/Density at 150 C by the oil supplier,
choose the V.C.F. (Volume Correction Factor) with relation to prevailing tank temperature.
For e.g.,
If the Specific Gravity/Density at 150 C of oil is 0.884, and the temperature is say 260 C, then
referring to ‘Table 54B’, page 212, under 884.0 (i.e. 0.884), and in line with Temp. 26 0 C, the
Volume Correction Factor (V.C.F.) is 0.9913.
Gross Observed Volume (G.O.V.) x Volume Correction Factor (V.C.F.) = Gross Standard
Volume (G.S.V.)

3. From “TABLE 56”, under the Sp. Gr./Density at 150 C, choose the “Weight Correction
Factor” (W.C.F.) in vacuum condition.

4. For e.g., for 0.884 (Sp. Gr./Density at 150C), W.C.F. (in vacuum) = 0.99875.
Gr. Stand. Vol. (G.S.V.) x W.C.F. (in vacuum) x Sp. Gr./Density at 150C = Weight in M.T.

Gross Wt. Corr. Fact.

Obsrvd. Corrtd. Density Vol. Corr. Gross. Sta. Weight
Obs. Vol. Temp W.C.F.
Tank Ullage Ullage o Factor Vol. In
G.O.V. C (Vacc).
Mtrs. Mtrs. @15oC T 54 B G.S.V. M.T.
M3 T 56
3 ‘P’ 4.33 4.28 168.5 26 0.8706 0.991 167.0 0.99875 145.2

(168.5 x 0.9911 x 0.98875 x 0.8706 = 145.2 MT)

Mohammed Khan
M.T. New Jane
Feb. 2002

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