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Important Lakes of Asia

Name Information
Located in the southern part of
eastern Siberia and to the west
of Yablonovy Range in Russia
Lake Baikal Source of the Lena River.
It is the deepest continental
body of water on Earth having a
maximum depth of 1,620 m.
Located in Kazakhastan
Lake Bailkash North of the Lake is Karanganda
coal basin
Located between Kazakhstan
and Uzbekistan
Two principal Asian rivers, the
Aral Sea
Amu Darya and Syr Darya flow
through semi arid depression
into the sea.
The largest lake of Turkey
Lake Van Golu One of the saltiest lake in the
The northernmost extent of East
African Rift Valley
Lake Turnool
Located in the Anatolia
Peninsula of Turkey
Lake Asad Located in Syria
It is an example of rift valley
lake which lies along the West
Bank of Jordan.
One of the deepest points of
Dead Sea Asia is the world's lowest lake.
The Jordan river flows in to the
Dead Sea, which has no outlet,
and evaporation balances the
Lava flow blocked the Jordan
Valley and formed an elongated
lake in Israel.
Sea of Galilee
The lava-blocked lake is linked
to the Dead Sea through the
Jordan River.
Lake Tonle Located in the Central lowland
Sap of Cambodia
Situated in the Sumatra
Lake Toba
An example of crater of caldera
Salt lake in China, site of
Lop Nor numerous nuclear testing
Tarim river drains into the lake
The largest lake in the world and
five times larger than the Lake
Caspian Sea
It separates Europe from Asia.

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