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Case 4:08-cv-00364-SNL Document 1 Filed 03/17/2008 Page 1 of 10



v. ) Cause No.
JAMES E. KUEHNLEIN, JR., in his official )
and individual capacities, )
JOHN DOE, in his official and individual )
capacities, and )
Defendants. )


Plaintiff Brett Darrow, for his complaint against Defendants James Kuehnlein, John Doe,

and the City of St. George, Missouri states as follows:


1. This is an action for money damages, declaratory, and injunctive relief brought

pursuant to 42 U.S.C. §§ 1983 and 1988, the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United

States Constitution, and under the law of the State of Missouri, against Sergeant James

Kuehnlein and Officer John Doe, police officers of the City of St. George, in their individual and

official capacities and against the City of St. George.

2. Plaintiff Brett Darrow alleges that Defendants Kuehnlein and Doe made an

unreasonable search and seizure of his person, assaulted, battered, and falsely imprisoned him by

stopping him, threatening to arrest him, and physically restraining him without cause. Plaintiff

alleges that these constitutional violations were committed as a result of the policies and customs

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of the City of St. George, and that the City of St. George is liable under the theory of respondeat

superior for the torts committed by Defendants Kuehnlein and Doe.


3. This Court has original jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1343 over

Plaintiff’s cause of action arising under the Constitution of the United States and 42 U.S.C. §

1983 and pursuant to the Declaratory Judgment Act, 28 U.S.C. §§ 2201 and 2202. This Court

has supplemental jurisdiction over plaintiff’s causes of action arising under the Missouri state

law pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1367.

4. Venue lies in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri

because a substantial part of the events or omissions giving rise to Plaintiff’s claims occurred in

St. Louis County, Missouri. 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b)(2).

5. Divisional venue is in the Eastern Division because the events leading to the

claim for relief arose in St. Louis County. E.D.Mo. L.R. 2.07(A)(1), (B)(2).


6. Plaintiff Brett Darrow is an adult citizen and resident of the City of St. Louis,

Missouri. He runs a painting business during the day and attends college in the evenings.

7. Defendant James Kuehnlein was a Sergeant with the St. George Police

Department when the relevant events occurred. He has since been terminated. He is sued in his

individual and official capacities.

8. Defendant John Doe is an unknown officer of the St. George Police Department

who arrived at the scene that gave rise to this claim for relief. He failed to take reasonable steps

to end the unlawful conduct alleged in this complaint. He is sued in his individual and official


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9. Defendant City of St. George is located in St. Louis County, Missouri. It is a

municipal corporation and the public employer of Defendants Kuehnlein and Doe.


10. On or about September 7, 2007 at about 2:00 a.m., Plaintiff Brett Darrow properly

turned into a commuter parking lot at Spokane and Reavis Barracks roads. The commuter lot

was located in an unincorporated part of St. Louis County, outside the jurisdiction of the St.

George Police Department.

11. Plaintiff properly signaled his intention to turn, and did not violate any traffic

laws. He was not illegally parked in the commuter lot, and he did not engage in any unlawful

conduct while in the lot.

12. A police car driven by Defendant Sergeant Kuehnlein followed Plaintiff’s vehicle

into the commuter lot.

13. A video camera installed in Plaintiff’s vehicle recorded the ensuing more than 18-

minute encounter between Defendant Kuehnlein and Plaintiff.

14. Defendant Kuehnlein approached Plaintiff’s vehicle and began questioning

Plaintiff. Defendant Kuehnlein responded aggressively to Plaintiff’s questions about why he was

being detained. Plaintiff asked if he could park in the commuter lot, and Defendant Kuehnlein

leaned into the car and yelled, “You are a suspicious vehicle right now!”

15. Defendant Kuehnlein ordered Plaintiff to exit the vehicle.

16. Plaintiff asked Defendant Kuehnlein if he had committed a moving violation, and

Defendant Kuehnlein pinned Plaintiff between himself and the vehicle, got close to his face, and

shouted, “You wanna try me tonight? You think you’ve had a bad night? I will ruin your

fucking night.”

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17. Defendant Kuehnlein asserted that he could make up reasons for detaining

Plaintiff. He shouted, “Oh, while you were coming towards me you were swerving back and

forth within the roadway. Okay? I might give you a ticket for that. You want me to make up

some more? When you turned in, you failed to use your turn signal.”

18. Defendant Kuehnlein also threatened to make up other reasons for arresting

Plaintiff and taking him to jail. He shouted, “Do you want to go to jail for some fucking reason I

come up with? Do you wanna see who knows the law better, me or you? My experience

compared to your young ass.”

19. Defendant Kuehnlein threatened to arrest Plaintiff for resisting arrest: “Try and

talk back. Talk back to me again. I bet I could say you resisted arrest or something. You want

to come up with something. I come up with nine things. Do you wanna try something?”

20. A few minutes later, Defendant Kuehnlein threatened to arrest Plaintiff for failure

to comply with a police officer’s commands: “Did we have a bad night, boy? Huh? Answer me

or I’ll lock you up for failure to comply with a police officer’s commands.”

21. Before noticing the video camera in Plaintiff’s vehicle, Defendant Kuehnlein

threatened to make up a reason to tow his car. He threatened, “I bet—I guarantee I can tow this

car by the time I’m done with you.”

22. After seeing the camera, Defendant Kuehnlein threatened to destroy it: “I really

don’t care about your camera system '

cause I’m about ready to tow your car. Then we can tear

them all apart.”

23. About eight minutes into the encounter between Defendant Kuehnlein and

Plaintiff, Defendant John Doe, another St. George police officer, arrived at the scene. Defendant

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Doe was present for part of the discussion about Plaintiff’s camera and the police camera. He

did nothing to stop the violations of Plaintiff’s rights.

24. About nine minutes into the encounter, Plaintiff asserted his Fifth Amendment

right to refuse to answer Defendant Kuehnlein’s questions and his Fourth Amendment right to

privacy. Defendant Kuehnlein stated that Plaintiff’s refusal to tell Defendant Kuehnlein why he

was in the commuter lot was impeding the flow of a police officer’s duties. He also shouted that

Plaintiff did not have a right to privacy when he was out in public.

25. When Plaintiff again refused to answer personal questions, Defendant Kuehnlein

once again threatened to arrest him: “You know what, I think I’m gonna bring you with me.

Come on.”

26. Twelve minutes after approaching Plaintiff’s car, Defendant Kuehnlein conducted

a pat search of Plaintiff.

27. Finding nothing, Defendant Kuehnlein released Plaintiff.

28. Throughout the encounter with Defendant Kuehnlein, Plaintiff repeatedly told the

officer that he did not want any trouble. He was not intoxicated, incapacitated, a threat to the

safety of himself or others, or disorderly. He did not refuse to comply with Defendant

Kuehnlein’s orders or resist arrest in any way. He had not committed any criminal offenses.

29. Pursuant to St. George Police Department policy, Defendant Kuehnlein had a

video camera attached to his car. Throughout his encounter with Plaintiff, Defendant Kuehnlein

asserted that he had the entire conversation on tape.

30. Despite these assertions, the video tape was lost or destroyed, and the St. George

Police Department could not produce the tape for Plaintiff to view.

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31. As a direct and proximate result of the acts of Defendants, Plaintiff suffered the

following injuries and damages:

a. Violation of his constitutional rights under the Fourth and Fourteenth

Amendments to the United Sates Constitution to be free from an unreasonable search and

seizure of his person;

b. Loss of his physical liberty;

c. Intentional, offensive contact with his body; and

d. Fear of imminent peril resulting from an offer or attempt to injure him.

32. The actions of Defendants violated the following clearly established and well

settled federal constitutional rights of Plaintiff:

a. Freedom from the unreasonable seizure of his person.

33. At all relevant times, Defendants Kuehnlein and Doe were acting under color of

law and under color of authority as police officers, employees, and agents or servants of the City

of St. George, Missouri and as agents of the State of Missouri.


42 U.S.C. §1983 Against Defendants Kuehnlein and Doe

34. Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference ¶¶ 1–33.

35. Plaintiff claims damages under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 for the injuries set forth above

against Defendants Kuehnlein and Doe for violation of his constitutional rights under color of



Assault Against Defendant Kuehnlein

36. Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference ¶¶ 1–35.

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37. Defendant Kuehnlein assaulted Plaintiff by unlawfully offering or attempting to

injure him with apparent present ability to effectuate the injury under circumstances creating fear

of imminent peril when he pinned Plaintiff against the car and shouted in his face.


Battery Against Defendant Kuehnlein

38. Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference ¶¶ 1–37.

39. Defendant Kuehnlein battered Plaintiff by intentionally and offensively contacting

Plaintiff’s body when he pinned him against the car and when he conducted a pat search without

the requisite level of suspicion.


False Imprisonment Against Defendants Kuehnlein and Doe

40. Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference ¶¶ 1–39.

41. Defendants Kuehnlein and Doe falsely imprisoned Plaintiff by unlawfully

detaining him against his will. Defendant Kuehnlein had no reason to detain or search Plaintiff

because he did not reasonably believe that Plaintiff had committed an offense. Defendant Doe

participated in the unlawful detention.


42 U.S.C. § 1983 Against City of St. George

42. Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference ¶¶ 1–41.

43. Prior to September 7, 2007, the St. George Police Department developed and

maintained policies or customs exhibiting deliberate indifference to the constitutional rights of

persons in the City of St. George, which caused the violation of Plaintiff’s rights.

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44. It was the policy and/or custom of the St. George Police Department to fail to

exercise reasonable care in hiring its police officers, including Defendants Kuehnlein and Doe,

thereby failing to adequately prevent constitutional violations on the part of its police officers.

45. It was the policy and/or custom of the St. George Police Department to

inadequately supervise and train its police officers, including Defendants Kuehnlein and Doe,

thereby failing to adequately discourage further constitutional violations on the part of its police


46. As a result of the above described policies and customs, police officers of the City

of St. George, including Defendants Kuehnlein and Doe, believed that their actions would not be

properly monitored by supervisory officers and that misconduct would not be investigated or

sanctioned, but would be tolerated.

47. The above described polices and customs demonstrate a deliberate indifference on

the part of the City of St. George to the constitutional rights of persons within the City of St.

George, and were the cause of the violations of Plaintiff’s rights alleged herein.


Respondeat Superior of City of St. George

48. Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference ¶¶ 1–47.

49. Defendant City of St. George is liable for the assault, battery, and false

imprisonment committed against Plaintiff by Defendants Kuehnlein and Doe. The City of St.

George employed the officers, who committed assault, battery, and false imprisonment while

acting in the scope of their employment.


WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully requests this Court:

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A. Enter judgment in favor of Plaintiff and against Defendants;

B. Enter an order declaring Defendant Kuehnlein’s conduct unconstitutional;

C. Award Plaintiff compensatory and punitive damages against Defendants;

D. Award Plaintiff’s counsel reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs pursuant to

42 U.S.C. § 1988 and any other applicable provisions of law;

E. Enter a permanent injunction, upon proper motion, requiring Defendant

City of St. George to adopt appropriate policies related to the hiring and supervision of its police

officers; and

F. Grant to Plaintiff such other and further relief as may be just and proper

under the circumstances, including but not limited to appropriate injunctive relief.


Plaintiff demands a jury trial, pursuant to the Seventh Amendment to the Constitution of the

United States, as to all claims for damages.

Respectfully submitted,

ACLU of Eastern Missouri

/s/ Anthony E. Rothert

Anthony E. Rothert, EDMO Bar #518779
ACLU of Eastern Missouri
454 Whittier Street
St. Louis, Missouri 63108
(314) 652-3114 Telephone
(314) 652-3112 Facsimile

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Christopher M. Donohoo*
The Donohoo Law Firm, LLC
61 East Ferguson Avenue
P.O. Box 226
Wood River, Illinois 62095
(618) 251-6088 Telephone
(618) 251-6086 Facsimile
Cooperating Attorney for ACLU
of Eastern Missouri


Verified motion for admission pro hac vice forthcoming.


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