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The Family Reading Bible

Christmas Story Reading Chart



Jesus Christ “Let All God’s David’s Forever

Is Supreme Angels Worship Him” Kingdom
Colossians 1:15–20 Hebrews 1:1–14 2 Samuel 7:1–17
pg 85 pg 87 pg 17
❏ ❏ ❏
The Sign
of Immanuel
God’s Great Gift Isaiah 7:10–8:10 A Child Is Born
of Love pg 21 Isaiah 9:1–7
John 3:1–21 pg 25
pg 81 ❏
❏ ❏
From the Beginning
John 1:1–18
pg 77
❏ Jesus, the Son of The Branch from Jesse God’s People Ask
God, Is Baptized Isaiah 11:1–10 for Salvation
Matthew 3:13–17 pg 33 Psalm 80:1–19
pg 75 ❏ pg 29
❏ ❏
The Shepherds
and the Angels
Luke 2:8–20 God Will Come
to Save The Messiah Will
The Visit of the Magi pg 63 Come From Bethlehem
Isaiah 35:1–10
Matthew 2:1–12 ❏ pg 37 Micah 5:1–5
pg 71 pg 41
❏ The Birth of Jesus
❏ ❏
An Angel
Luke 2:1–7 Announces
pg 61 Jesus’ Birth
Mary and Joseph
Present Jesus
❏ Luke 1:26–56
pg 49 The Birth of John
at the Temple Foretold
Luke 2:21–40 ❏ Luke 1:5–25
pg 67 pg 45
❏ The Birth of ❏
John the Baptist
Luke 1:57–80 Joseph Has a Dream
pg 57 Matthew 1:18–25
❏ pg 53

If you would like to read the story of Jesus’ birth on Christmas Eve and the story of the shepherds and angels on Christmas Day, begin with “David’s Forever Kingdom” on December 13 and continue with one reading each day.

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