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Historical Linguistics Final Project

I. What changes have occurred in each case? a) crabbe [krabb ] > crab [krab] / / apocope b) fisc [fisk] > fish [fI ] - [sk] [ ] palatalization c) ful [fu:l] > foul [faul] - [u][au] monophthongization d) gat [ga:t] > goat [gout] - [a][ou] monophthongization e) lfan [l:van] > leave [liv] - [][i] rising, [an] apocope f) te [te: ] > teeth [ti ] - [e][i] rising g) bridda > bird - [da] apocope h) slpte > slept - [][e] rising, [e] apocope i) ganra > gandra [d] insertion epenthesis j) waps > wasp metathesis k) talu [talu] > tale [teil] - [a][ei] monophthongization, [u] apocope l) Sk. sneha > Pali sineha - [I] insertion epenthesis m) L. iuvenis [j] > giovanne [dz] - [j][dz] manner of articulation n) Sp. Venr > vendr [d] insertion - epenthesis o) L. pacare [k] > Sp. Pagar - [k][g] voice assimilation, [e] apocope p) Engl. Triathlon > dialect triath[ ]lon - [ ] shua insertion II. Rewrite the sentences and state what changes mist have occurred. 1) It not belongs to you - it doesnt belong to you. Auxiliary was added. 2) It nothing pleased her master - Nothing pleased her master. Deletion of the pronoun it 3) He hath said that we would lift them whom that him please - He has said that we would lift those who please him. The form of has changed and we dont have to make the pronoun them explicit. 4) I have a brother is condemned to die - I have a brother who is condemned to die. The word who is added to make the sentence more understandable. 5) I bade them take away you - They asked me to take you away. The change was in the pronoun you because we moved it before the verb. We also exchanged the pronouns I and them and organized them in a way the sentence can be understood. 6) Christ slept and his apostles - Christ and his apostles slept. In modern English this sentence could also be written as Christ slept and his apostles did too, to understand it completely because if we just leave it like that we might think that theres information missing. 7) Me was told - I was told. The pronoun was changed from personal object to subject.

III. List 10 word that have entered the language in the last ten years. Facebook Google Laptop Top (as a blouse) Chat Megabyte Pixel Nice So Laser Sandwich IV. Write the etymology of these words and identify the source of formation. 1. Among Blending. Comes from OE ge- was a collective prefix, signifying together, and -mong is related to mingle so gemonge meant in a crowd or in the midst, surrounded 2. Ampersand Coinage. This means & 3. Elbow Clipping. It means arm bend. Comes from the Germanc alinobogan. This is a compound formed from alin forearm and bogan. 4. Gossip Back formation. Comes from the Anglo-Saxons godparent was godsibb, 5. Shelter Conversion. The origin of this word comes from shields. 6. Midwife Blending. A midwife is etymologically a with woman 7. Nickname - Proportional analogy. Means an additional name. The word was ekename. eke is as a derivation of a verb added to name to form the new word. 8. Worship Back formation. Formed from the adjective woth and the suffix ship wich means state or condition. 9. Donate Conversion. Comes from the noun donation. 10. Homesick Folk etymology. The origina is nostalgia. It is an anglicism of the earlier medical term. 11. Peddle Back formation. Comes from the noun foot. 12. LASER Acronym. Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. 13. Museum Conversion. The origin is a noun bases on the adjective mouseios of the muses. 14. Syphilus Coinage. The word apear on a poen from Girolamo Fracastoro, who was a doctor. Nobody knows where he took this term from.

15. Mageta Eponymy. Magenta is the name of a town in northwestern Italy. 16. Phychic Conversion. Comes from the Greek psychikos, that means"of the mind, mental". 17. Emote- Back formation. The original is emotion. 18. Marathon Eponymy. It is the name of the place where the Greeks won a battle against the Persians. 19. Baloney Folk etymology. It is loosely associated linguistically with the Italian sausage mortadella whose origins are found in Bologna. As time progressed the word "baloney" would labor under slang associations with nonsense. 20. Hiss - Proportional Analogy. It is a made up word which comes from a noise made by angry or frustrated geese, cats, swans, snakes, etc. 21. Chirp Conversion. It comes from the gerund chyrpynge 22. Televise Back formation. The original word is television. 23. Sensuous Conversion. The word comes from the noun sense. 24. Sonar Acronym. SO(und) NA (vigation) R (anging) 25. RSVP Acronym. It is the short form of the French phrase Rpondez S'il Vous Plat. 26. Levis Eponymy. Named after the creator of this garment. 27. Ouija Blending. Possibly derived from the French and German words for "yes", oui and ja. 28. Cinema Conversion. Comes from the Greek verb move 29. Radio Clipping. It is an abbreviation of radiotelegraphy 30. Vitamin Blending. Formedby the words from Latin vita and amine V. Identify the semantic process of the words 1. Aisle: Semantic extension. The set of appropriate contexts for this word increased. 2. Fair: Semantic Degradation. 3. Fame: Semantic Extension/Semantic Elevation. We know that when we say that a person has a bad reputation is the same as if we said that the person has bad fame of doing something, and at the same time we clearly understand that a famous person is that which everyone knows about, like a movie celebrity. 4. Business: Semantic Extension. Nowadays we can still say that what we are busy doing is our business and that would be a semantic extension because the adjective busy evolved to a noun business.

5. Discard: Semantic Extension. We could say that its semantic extension because before that word could only be used to talk about cards and now its meaning has chanced to reject certain thing. 6. Fond: Semantic Elevation. Before this word meant something bad and now it means something good. 7. Glamour: Semantic Elevation. In the past that word meant that the person was enchanted by another one who knows by what means and now it means that a glamorous person is actually attractive. 8. Disease: Semantic Degradation. In the past it only meant not being comfortable, but now the meaning of this word is that the person really suffers from an illness. 9. Go: Semantic Elevation: We can use this word when referring to move, walk etc. to another place and it doesnt matter if we are not doing it by foot. 10. Inquisition: Semantic Degradation: from meaning something good it become something mysterious. 11. Ordeal: Semantic Degradation: It was a word that meant a legal trial by physical test but now someone that has had a bad experience that looked like a test can refer to that as an ordeal. 12. Mischievous: Semantic Elevation: This word meant something bad and passed to be something not that good but not as bad as before.

Melissa Barraza Kay Zue Martinez.

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