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LED lights are more than an energy-efficient lighting alternative theyre also a potential WiFi replacement technology. Researcher at Boston University are working on Smart Lighting, a wireless technology based on visible light instead of radio frequency. Data is transferred through the Smart Lighting system with LED light, so each light is essentially a Wi-Fi hotspot as shown in figure.

Initial speeds of the network will be about 1 to 10 megabits per second, and data transmission will occur over existing electrical wiring. LED wireless network are efficient significantly more so than a radio frequencybased network.

As light doesnt travel through walls or other opaque objects, chances of eavesdropping are lowered. BU`s technology is still in the prototype stage, but it could potentially rival radio frequency networks for wireless dominance



A block diagram representation of the schematic diagram of the transmitter design is shown in figure. Audio messages can be sent using the LED transmitter, and the receiver located at a distance around 20 m away can play back the messages with the speaker.
The audio amplifier is used to amplify the weak audio signal. A VCO chip is used to modulate the incoming audio signal variations from the audio amplifier and generate the FM signal.

 The audio (or data) signal is modulated onto the radio frequency carrier in this modulator stage.  The power amplification of the radio signal is carried out in the final stage of the block diagram. It makes the signal stronger so that it can be transmitted into the aerial.





RECEIVER: A block diagram schematic of the audio receiver is shown in figure. The photo-detector is used to detect a light signal from the transmitter and convert it into an electrical signal. The limiting pre-amplifier is used to amplify the electrical signal from the photo-detector for the next stage. The data-reproducing circuit is used to reconstruct the square wave. The differentiator circuit is used to produce pulses according to the square wave.

The pulse generator is used to convert the pulses from the differentiator into sharp pulses for use by the integrator and envelope detector in the next stage for demodulation of the signal. The band-pass filter is used to smooth out the distortions from the integrator and envelope detector to produce an appropriate waveform. The power amplifier is used to amplify the weak signal from the band-pass filter so that the audio signal would be comfortable for hearing.



An LED traffic-signal head made up of 441 high brightness LEDs has been implemented in the Industrial Automation Research Laboratory at The University of Hong Kong. Each LED is a Hewlett Packard high intensity AlInGaP type with a luminous intensity of 2000 mcd at 20-mA rated driving current, and the viewing angle is 30 .

The specifications of the LED traffic signal head are given in table below.


Signal colour: Red Construction: 441 red ultra-bright LEDs with a luminous intensity of 2000mcd @ 20mA. Diameter: 8 in Nominal usage: 17V, 2A Nominal power consumption: 8-34W Luminous intensity: 300cd Viewing angle 2q1/2 (half power): 30 deg.

A bit error rate (BER) experiment for the LED traffic light has been performed (figure shown below).

In the experiment, frames of data were transmitted continuously from a computer to the serial communication interface circuit via the printer port of the computer. The modulated signal is transmitted by the LED traffic light. The visible-light signal was transmitted to the receiver, and the serial communication interface performs demodulation of the data. The computer at the receiver side would compare the received data with transmitted data. The number of error bits would be recorded.

The transmission speed of the visible-light communication channel is 128 kbps.


Table shows the result of the BER test. Power of visible-light signal at the receiver BER:

0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.8

W: W: W: W: W:

2.1315*10^-3 5.2177*10^-7 2.4835*10^-7 9.1982*10^-8 <2.2155*10^-10

It is observed that the BER decreases as the power (or luminance) transmitted by the LED traffic light increases. In other words, the brighter the traffic light, the smaller is the BER.


High-brightness LEDs are increasingly being used in traffic lights due to their low power consumption and minimal required maintenance. The next stage of development will involve the threecolor LED signals. In Singapore, there has been a complete change of traffic signals from the incandescent to LED. An LED traffic light can be used as an audio broadcasting device, in addition to their normal function of being an indication and signalling device.

Applications can be found in a museum or exhibit-hall environment. The information on an individual exhibit can be broadcast via a plurality of LEDs, which is also used for the purpose of illumination. With the guest pointing the receiver to the relevant LEDs on a transmitter, with the head phone or ear jack attached to a portable receiver, he can listen to the audio message about the specific exhibit item he is interested.


LEDs and photo detectors capable of high speed operation are available at low cost. Like the IR, the visible spectral region is unregulated worldwide and FCC licenses are not necessary, as the commission does not regulate the visible light frequencies. Like microwaves, visible-LED light beams follow a straight-line path and are well suited for the wireless delivery of large quantities of voice and data information. For transmission to be possible there must be no obstructions standing in the way of the visible-LED light beam as it requires a clear LOS between the sending side (LED) and the receiving side.


They are suitable for short range only, as the photodetector current is proportional to the received power. The relationship between the radiant intensity and the distance from the receiver follows the inverse square law. Hence, as a communication medium, it has limited range and is subjected to noise arising from sunlight, incandescent lighting, and fluorescent lighting. It is not suitable for broadcasting signals over a wide coverage area or over long ranges.


High brightness LEDs are getting more popular and are opening up a number of new applications, especially with the improved efficiency and new colours. In this article, the novel idea is based on the fast switching of LEDs and the modulation of visible light is developed into a new kind of information system . A visible-LED audio system that makes use of visual light rays to transmit audio messages to remotely located receiver is described. Such a system made up of high-brightness visible LEDs can provide the function of open space, wireless broadcasting of audio signals. It can be used as an information beacon for short-distance radio communication. Any illumination device making using of high brightness visible LEDs can be used as a kind of short-range information beacon.. One example is an LED traffic light for the support of roadside-tovehicle communications. There are many potential novel uses of visible light from LEDs as a communication medium. This concurrent use of LEDs for simultaneous signaling and communications will open up many new applications.

REFERENCES: bulb/dimple lamp/wireless led screen.pdf. Research paper DR MAGDHA HAVAS Phd.

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