ANSYS Example: Linear Elastic Stress Analysis of A 3D Bracket

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ME 477

3D Bracket Example 1

ANSYS Example: Linear Elastic Stress Analysis of a 3D Bracket The bracket shown below is bolted to a beam at the four bolt holes located in the base. Washers with an outer diameter of 0.7 in are used with the 0.5 in bolts. The bracket is then loaded by a force F of magnitude 2500 lb, at a 45 angle to the horizontal through the hole in the flange. The bracket is made of steel (E = 30 Msi, = 0.3).

R = 1.5 in D = 0.75 in 20 1.25 in 0.75 in 0.75 in 1 in 6 in In this example, ANSYS will be used to analyze the stresses and deflections in the bracket due to the applied force. Since the bracket is three-dimensional, a full 3D stress analysis will be performed using 10 node tetrahedral elements (Solid 92). The bracket, constraints, and loading are symmetric about a plane 0.5 in that bisects the flange; therefore, only half the bracket will be modeled. The bolts and washers will be R = 0.25 in assumed to be rigid and frictionless, so radial displacements of nodes on the surface of the bolt holes will be constrained. In addition, nodes lying along the top surface of the base within a radius of 0.35 in from the center of the bolt holes (underneath the washers) 1 in 1 in will be constrained from displacing in the vertical 4.5 in direction to simulate the restraint provided by the washers. The force applied to the flange will be distributed as a pressure applied to the upper right quadrant of the hole. The magnitude of the pressure is calculated by dividing the force by the projected area over which it acts (bearing area). Since the bearing area only includes one quadrant of the bolt hole in this example, the pressure is p= F 2500 = = 9,428 psi (0.7071d)( t ) (0.7071)(0.75)(0.5) R = 0.5 in D = 0.5 in 1 in 1.25 in

ME 477

3D Bracket Example 2

ANSYS Analysis: Start ANSYS Product Launcher, set the Working Directory to C:\temp, define Job Name as 3D_Bracket, and click Run. Then define Title and Preferences. Utility Menu File Change Title Enter 3D Linear Elastic Stress Analysis of a Bracket OK ANSYS Main Menu Preferences Preferences for GUI Filtering Select Structural and h-method OK Enter the Preprocessor to define the model geometry: Define Element Type and Material Properties. ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Element Type Add/Edit/Delete Add Structural Solid Tet 10 node 92 (define Element type reference number as 1) OK Close ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Material Props Material Models Double Click Structural Linear Elastic Isotropic Enter 30e6 for EX and 0.3 for PRXY OK Click Exit (under Material) Begin creating the geometry by defining a Block (Volume) for the base of the bracket. Since symmetry will be used, we will only model half the bracket (depth). ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Modeling Create Volumes Block By Dimensions Enter 0 and 6 for X-coordinates, 0 and 0.75 for Y-coordinates, and 0 and 2.25 for Z-coordinates OK Change to an Isometric View using the Plot Controls Menu (right side of Graphics Window). The bolt holes will be created by defining Cylindrical Volumes, and subtracting these from the block we just created. The Cylinders are easily defined by rotating the WorkPlane (WP X-Y plane) so that the normal to the plane (Z direction) is directed along the axis of the Cylinder (simply rotate the WorkPlane about the X-axis by 90). Utility Menu WorkPlane Offset WP by Increments *** Move the Slider above Degrees to 90 *** Click once on the X button (Check the orientation of the WX-WY-WZ axes with respect to the X-Y-Z axes on the plot.) Click OK in the Offset WP window ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Modeling Create Volumes Cylinder Solid Cylinder Enter 1, 1, 0.25 and 0.75 for WP X, WP Y, Radius and Depth, respectively Apply Enter 5, 1, 0.25 and 0.75 for WP X, WP Y, Radius and Depth, respectively OK ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Modeling Operate Booleans Subtract Volumes Select (with the mouse) the rectangular block OK Select the cylinders we just created OK Utility Menu Plot Replot The flange will now be created by again moving the WorkPlane. First, reset the WorkPlane to the Global Coordinate System (active system), and then move it (without rotating it) to the lower left corner of the flange. Utility Menu WorkPlane Align WP with Active Coord Sys Utility Menu Plot Replot Utility Menu WorkPlane Offset WP to XYZ Locations + Type 0,0.75,2 in the Command Line of the Offset WP window (Global Cartesian coordinates) Apply OK

ME 477

3D Bracket Example 3

The front surface of the flange will be defined by creating Keypoints along the perimeter, and then defining Lines between the Keypoints. ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Modeling Create Keypoints On Working Plane Click on WP Coordinates in the Create KPs on WP window Type 0,0,0 in the Command Line of this window Apply Type 0,0.75,0 in the Command Line Apply Utility Menu Plot Multi-Plots (this makes it easier to visualize) Type 6,0,0 in the Command Line Apply Type 6,4,0 in the Command Line Apply OK ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Modeling Create Lines Lines Straight Line Define a horizontal Line along the base of the flange and two vertical Lines along the left and right sides, by picking the appropriate Keypoints (with the mouse) OK ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Modeling Create Lines Lines At angle to line Pick (with the mouse) the vertical Line on the right side of the flange OK Pick the upper Keypoint on the vertical Line on the left side OK Enter 290 or 110 (depending on how the vertical line was created) for Ang in degrees (angle measured CCW from downward or upward vertical) OK ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Modeling Delete Line and Below Click on the Line above the intersection point on the right side OK Now create the two Line Fillets on the flange and the circular Area in the flange. Create the Area that defines the flange, and then subtract the circular Area from the main flange Area. ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Modeling Create Lines Line Fillet Select (with the mouse) the Lines bounding the small Fillet (left side) OK Enter 0.5 for Fillet radius Apply Select the Lines bounding the large Fillet (right side) OK Enter 1.5 for Fillet radius OK ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Modeling Create Areas Circle Solid Circle Enter 4.75 for WP X, 1.25 for WP Y, and 0.375 for Radius OK ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Modeling Create Areas Arbitrary By Lines Select (with the mouse) the Lines and Fillets along the flange perimeter OK ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Modeling Operate Booleans Subtract Areas Select (with the mouse) the main flange Area (polygon) OK Select the Circle OK We can now extrude the flange Area into a Volume of depth 0.25 in. ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Modeling Operate Extrude Areas By XYZ Offset Select (with the mouse) the flange Area OK Enter 0.25 for DZ OK Reset the WorkPlane to the Global Origin, and then add the two Volumes (flange and base) together. Utility Menu WorkPlane Offset WP to Global Origin ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Modeling Operate Booleans Add Volumes Select Pick All OK

ME 477

3D Bracket Example 4

Finally, we must create the Area Fillet between the flange and base. Additional Areas on each side of the Fillet must then be defined so that the Volume within the Fillet can be created and added to the main bracket Volume. ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Modeling Create Areas Area Fillet Select (with the mouse) the two Areas (flange and base) OK Enter 0.25 for Fillet radius OK Use the Ctrl key and right mouse button to rotate the model so that one end of the Fillet can be seen, and zoom in on the end of the Fillet ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Modeling Create Areas Arbitrary By Lines Select (with the mouse) the Fillet and Lines at the end of the Fillet OK Use the Ctrl key and right mouse button to rotate the model so that the other end of the Fillet can be seen, and zoom in on this end of the Fillet ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Modeling Create Areas Arbitrary By Lines Select (with the mouse) the Fillet and Lines at this end of the Fillet OK Utility Menu Plot Ctrls Numbering Click Line numbers Off, Keypoint numbers Off and Area numbers On OK ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Modeling Create Volumes Arbitrary By Areas Select (with the mouse) the Areas surrounding the Fillet (you may need to rotate or zoom in on the model to select the Areas) OK Utility Menu Plot Ctrls Numbering Click Volume numbers On OK Utility Menu Plot Volumes ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Modeling Operate Booleans Add Volumes Select Pick All OK Since the geometry is irregular (typical for three-dimensional structures), we will use the Free Meshing option. Note that, when Free Meshing Volumes, only Tetrahedral Elements can be used (ANSYS cannot Free Mesh Volumes with Hexahedral Elements). Because of this restriction, it is wise to use 10 node Tetrahedrons rather than 4 node Tetrahedrons. In this example, we will choose an average Element edge length of 0.17 in (note all Elements will be approximately the same size). ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Meshing MeshTool Under Size Controls: Global click Set Enter 0.17 for Element edge length OK Under Mesh: select Volumes, Tet and Free Click Mesh Select (with the mouse) the Volume OK Another helpful meshing tool available in ANSYS is the Smart Size feature. When this feature is enabled, ANSYS will automatically adjust the size of the elements to place smaller elements (finer mesh) in regions of higher stress gradients (near holes, fillets, etc.) and place larger elements (coarser mesh) in regions of more uniform gradients. This is a very useful feature which should be used when free-meshing objects. To try it, first clear the existing mesh and then remesh with Smart Sizing enabled. ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Meshing MeshTool Click Clear Select the Volume OK Utility Menu Plot Volumes ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Meshing MeshTool Click Smart Size On Move the Slider on the Scroll Bar to 2 (near Fine) Under Mesh: select Volumes, Tet and Free Click Mesh Select (with the mouse) the Volume OK

ME 477

3D Bracket Example 5

Enter the Solution Menu to define boundary conditions and loads and run the analysis: ANSYS Main Menu Solution Analysis Type

New Analysis

Select Static


Symmetry Boundary Conditions can be defined along the backside Areas of the bracket (rear Areas of the flange and base), and on the Areas inside the bolt holes to restrict the radial displacements of nodes there. ANSYS Main Menu Solution Define Loads Apply Structural Displacement Symmetry B.C. On Areas Select (with the mouse) the rear Areas of the flange and base and the Areas inside the bolt holes OK To restrict the vertical displacments of Nodes underneath the washers, we must first select the appropriate Nodes (i.e., Nodes on the top surface of the base within a radius of 0.35 in of the center of each bolt hole). This can be done by defining a Local Cylindrical Coordinate System at the center of each hole on the top surface, oriented with the Z-axis along the hole axis. In a Cylindrical Coordinate System, the X-direction represents the radial direction and the Ydirection represents the tangential direction. First define a Local Coord. Sys. at the left bolt hole (X = 1, Y = 0.75, Z = 1), and rotate it so that the Z-axis is along the hole axis. Utility Menu WorkPlane Local Coordinate Systems Create Local CS At Specified Loc + Enter the coordinates 1, 0.75, 1 (Global Cartesian) in the Command Line of the Create CS at Location window OK Enter 11 (any number greater than 10) for Ref number of new coord sys (KCN) Choose Cylindrical for Type of coordinate system (KCS) Enter 90 for Rotation about local X (THYZ) OK The new Coordinate System becomes active when it is defined. Now select the Nodes with a Zcoordinate of 0 and an X (radial) coordinate between 0 and 0.35, and apply Displacement Constraints in the Global Y direction to these Nodes. Utility Menu Select Entities Select Nodes and By Location Click on Z coordinates, enter 0, 0 for Min and Max values, click on From Full Apply Click on X coordinates, enter 0, 0.35 for Min and Max values, click on Reselect OK Utility Menu Plot Nodes (only the selected nodes should appear) Utility Menu WorkPlane Change Active CS to Global Cartesian ANSYS Main Menu Solution Define Loads Apply Structural Displacement On Nodes Select Pick All Select UY for DOFs to be constrained OK Utility Menu Select Everything Utility Menu Plot Replot Repeat this procedure for the right bolt hole (X = 5, Y = 0.75, Z = 1). Utility Menu WorkPlane Local Coordinate Systems Create Local CS At Specified Loc + Enter the coordinates 5, 0.75, 1 (Global Cartesian) in the Command Line of the Create CS at Location window OK Enter 12 (any number greater than 10, but dont duplicate previous number) for Ref number of new coord sys (KCN) Choose Cylindrical for Type of coordinate system (KCS) Enter 90 for Rotation about local X (THYZ) OK Utility Menu Select Entities Select Nodes and By Location Click on Z coordinates, enter 0, 0 for Min and Max values, click on From Full Apply Click on X coordinates, enter 0, 0.35 for Min and Max values, click on Reselect OK Utility Menu Plot Nodes (only the selected nodes should appear)

ME 477

3D Bracket Example 6

Utility Menu WorkPlane Change Active CS to Global Cartesian ANSYS Main Menu Solution Define Loads Apply Structural On Nodes Select Pick All Select UY for DOFs to be constrained Utility Menu Select Everything Utility Menu Plot Replot

Displacement OK

Finally, apply the pressure along the upper right quadrant of the hole in the flange. ANSYS Main Menu Solution Define Loads Apply Structural Pressure On Areas Select (with the mouse) the Area inside the hole where you want to apply the Pressure OK Enter 9,428 for Load PRES value OK Save the Database and initiate the Solution. ANSYS Toolbar SAVE_DB ANSYS Main Menu Solution Solve Current LS OK Close the information window when solution is done Close the /STATUS Command window Enter the General Postprocessor to examine the results: Plot the Deformed Shape and Stress Contour Plots of interest, and List the Nodal Reaction Forces to verify the loading is correct. ANSYS Main Menu General Postproc Plot Results Deformed Shape Select Def + undef edge OK ANSYS Main Menu General Postproc Plot Results Contour Plot Nodal Solu Select Stress and von Mises stress (or any other component) OK ANSYS Main Menu General Postproc List Results Reaction Solu Select All items OK Etc. . . .

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