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Paul and Juhl's Essentials of Radiologic Imaging 7th edition (September 15, 1998): by John H.

Juhl (Editor), Andrew B. Crummy (Editor), Janet E. Kuhlman (Editor), Lester W. Paul (Editor) By Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers

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Paul and Juhl's Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Contributing Authors Preface From Preface to First Edition Introduction: Physics

Charles A. Kelsey

Section I: The Osseous System

Chapter 1 Introduction to Skeletal Radiology and Bone Growth Lee F. Rogers Chapter 2 Traumatic Lesions of Bones and Joints Lee F. Rogers Chapter 3 Diseases of the Joints Lee F. Rogers Chapter 4 Bone Tumors and Related Conditions Lee F. Rogers and Martha A. Norris Chapter 5 Infections and Inflammations of Bones Lee F. Rogers and Martha A. Norris Chapter 6 Metabolic, Endocrine, and Related Bone Diseases Lee F. Rogers and Leon Lenchik Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Conditions Lee F. Rogers Chapter 8 Normal Anatomic Variants and Miscellaneous Skeletal Anomalies Lee F. Rogers Chapter 9 The Congenital Malformation Syndromes: Osteochondrodysplasias, Dysostoses, and Chromosomal Disorders Lee F. Rogers and Sam T. Auringer Chapter 10 The Superficial Soft Tissues Lee F. Rogers, Carol A. Boles, and Pamela A. Propeck

Section II: The Brain and Spinal Cord

Chapter 11 Intracranial Diseases W. Douglas Brown, Charles M. Strother, Patrick A. Turski, and Lindell R. Gentry Chapter 12 The Spinal Cord and Vertebral Column Mark C. Hollister and Arthur A. De Smet

Section III: The Abdomen and Gastrointestinal Tract

Chapter 13 The Abdomen Michael Davis Chapter 14 The Liver, Biliary System, and Pancreas Lisa M. Sullivan Chapter 15 Interventional Gastrointestinal Radiology Loren Ketai Chapter 16 The Pharynx and Esophagus Michael Davis Chapter 17 The Stomach and Duodenum Michael Davis Chapter 18 The Small Intestine Michael Davis Chapter 19 The Colon Michael Davis

Section IV: The Urinary and Female Genital Tracts

Chapter 20 The Urinary Tract Fred T. Lee, Jr. and John R. Thornbury Chapter 21 Obstetric and Gynecologic Imaging Edward A. Lyons

Section V: The Chest

Chapter 22 Methods of Examination, Techniques, and Anatomy of the Chest John H. Juhl and Janet E. Kuhlman Chapter 23 Pulmonary and Airway Problems in the Pediatric Patient Mary Ellen Peters Chapter 24 Chest Infections John H. Juhl and Janet E. Kuhlman Chapter 25 Chest Disease in the Immunocompromised Patient Janet E. Kuhlman and John H. Juhl Chapter 26 Diseases of the Airways Jannette Collins Chapter 27 Diseases of Occupational, Chemical, and Physical Origin

John H. Juhl and Janet E. Kuhlman Chapter 28 Circulatory Disturbances John H. Juhl and Janet E. Kuhlman Chapter 29 Tumors of the Lungs and Bronchi John H. Juhl and Janet E. Kuhlman Chapter 30 Miscellaneous Pulmonary Conditions: Inflammatory, Autoimmune, and Diseases of Unknown or Multifactorial Cause John H. Juhl and Janet E. Kuhlman Chapter 31 The Chest in Trauma, Postoperative, and Intensive Care Jannette Collins Chapter 32 The Mediastinum Srinivas Tummala and Janet E. Kuhlman Chapter 33 Diseases of the Pleura Barbara L. Knisely Chapter 34 Diseases of the Chest Wall and Diaphragm Janet E. Kuhlman and John H. Juhl Chapter 35 The Cardiovascular System Andrew B. Crummy, John C. McDermott, and Murray G. Baron

Section VI: The Face, Mouth, and Jaws

Chapter 36 The Paranasal Sinuses Lindell R. Gentry Chapter 37 Facial Trauma Lindell R. Gentry Chapter 38 The Temporal Bone Lindell R. Gentry Chapter 39 The Teeth, Jaws, and Salivary Glands J. Shannon Swan

Contributing Authors
Sam T. Auringer Associate Professor, Departments of Radiology and Pediatrics, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27157 Murray G. Baron, M.D., Ph.D. Professor of Radiology, Department of Radiology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia 30322 Carol A. Boles Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27157 W. Douglas Brown, M.D. Assistant Professor of Radiology, Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, 600 Highland Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252 Jannette Collins, M.D. Associate Professor of Radiology, Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Medical School, E3/311 Clinical Science Center, 600 Highland Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252 Andrew B. Crummy, M.D. Emeritus Professor of Radiology, Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Medical School, 600 Highland Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252 Michael Davis, M.D. Professor of Radiology, Department of Radiology, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, 915 Camino de Salud NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131-5336 Arthur A. De Smet, M.D. Professor of Radiology, Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, 600 Highland Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252 Lindell R. Gentry, M.D. Professor of Radiology, Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, 600 Highland Avenue, E3/311 CSC, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252 Mark C. Hollister, M.D. Assistant Professor of Radiology, Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, 600 Highland Avenue, E3/311 CSC, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252 John H. Juhl, M.D. Emeritus Professor of Radiology, Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Medical School, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252 Charles A. Kelsey, M.D. Professor of Radiology, Department of Radiology and Physics, University of New Mexico School of Medicine, 915 Camino de Salud, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87111 Loren Ketai, M.D. Assistant Professor of Radiology, Department of Radiology, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131 Barbara L. Knisely, M.D. Assistant Professor of Radiology, Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, 600 Highland Avenue, E3/311 CSC, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252 Janet E. Kuhlman, M.D. Professor of Radiology, Chief of Thoracic Imaging, Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Medical School, D4/346 Clinical Science Center, 600 Highland Avenue, CSC, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252 Fred T. Lee, Jr., M.D. Associate Professor of Radiology, Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, 600 Highland Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252 Leon Lenchick, M.D. Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27157 Edward A. Lyons, M.D., F.R.C.P.(C), F.A.C.R. Chairman, Department of Radiology, University of Manitoba, Health Sciences Centre, On104-820 Sherbrook Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3A IR9, Canada John C. McDermott, M.D. Professor of Radiology, Department of Radiology, Angio-Interventional Section, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, 600 Highland Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252 Martha A. Norris, M.D. Associate Professor of Radiology, Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, 600 Highland Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252 Mary Ellen Peters, M.D. Professor of Radiology, Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, 600 Highland Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252 Pamela A. Propeck, M.D. Associate Professor of Radiology, Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, 600 Highland Avenue, Room E3/3-3272, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252 Lee F. Rogers, M.D. Isadore Meschan Distinguished Professor of Radiology, Department of Radiology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27157 Charles M. Strother, M.D. Professor of Radiology, Neurology, and Neuroradiology, Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Clinical Science Center, 600 Highland Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252 Lisa M. Sullivan, M.D. Assistant Professor of Radiology, Department of Radiology, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131 J. Shannon Swan, M.D. Associate Professor of Radiology, Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Clinical Science Center, E3/311 Clinical Science Center, 600 Highland Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252 John R. Thornbury Emeritus Professor of Radiology, Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, 600 Highland Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252 Srinivas Tummala, M.D. Chief Resident, Diagnostic Radiology, Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, 600 Highland Avenue, E3/3, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252 Patrick A. Turski, M.D. Professor and Chairman, Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics, 600 Highland Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252

John H. Juhl, M.D. Emeritus Professor Department of Radiology University of Wisconsin Medical School Madison, Wisconsin Andrew B. Crummy, M.D. Emeritus Professor Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology University of Wisconsin Medical School Madison, Wisconsin and Janet E. Kuhlman, M.D. Professor of Radiology Chief of Thoracic Imaging Department of Radiology University of Wisconsin Medical School Madison, Wisconsin With 26 Contributors

Introduction: Physics Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Introduction: Physics
Charles A. Kelsey

C. A. Kelsey: Department of Radiology and Physics, University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87111.

Properties of X-rays Radiation Units Effective Dose The X-ray Generator High-voltage Transformer Filament Transformer Automatic Exposure Termination X-ray Tubes X-ray Production Variation in X-ray Output Changes in X-ray Spectra with Changes in Filtration Intensity Variation with Changes in kVp Half-value Layer X-ray Interactions Inside the Body Photoelectric Absorption Compton Scattering Image Detection and Display Image Formation Statistics Image Quality Receiver Operating Characteristic Tests X-ray Film Intensifying Screens Scatter Fluoroscopic Imaging Dual-mode Image Intensifiers Fluoroscopic Image Recording Television Recording Digital Imaging Resolution in Digital Imaging Data Compression Computed Tomography Mammography Diagnostic Ultrasonographic Imaging Doppler Ultrasonography Magnetic Resonance Imaging Radiation Protection Radiation Detectors Thermoluminescent Dosimeters Scintillation Detectors Risk Factors in Diagnostic Radiology Selected Readings

X-rays, which are a form of electromagnetic radiation, travel with the speed of light: 3 10 8 meters per second (6.7 10 8 miles per hour). Figure I-1 illustrates the location of x-rays in the electromagnetic spectrum. Only x-rays and gamma rays have enough energy to produce an ion pair by separating an orbital electron from its parent atom. The amount of radiation present is measured by detecting such ionization. Exposure is measured in units of either coulombs per kilogram (C/kg) or roentgens (1 R = 258 C/kg). Although the roentgen is no longer an official scientific unit, it is still widely used in radiology.

FIG. I-1. The electromagnetic spectrum.

When a patient undergoes a diagnostic x-ray examination, most of the radiation passes through the patient's body and strikes the film. The roentgen (or coulombs per kilogram) measures how many x-rays were present. From the patient's point of view, the more interesting quantity is the number of x-rays that stop in the body and how much energy is deposited by those x-rays. The radiation dose is a measure of the energy deposited. The new Systme International d'Unites (SI) unit of dose is the gray (Gy); 1 Gy is defined as 1 joule per kilogram (J/kg). The former unit of dose was the rad; 1 rad represents a deposition of 100 ergs per gram. One gray equals 100 rad. Some other types of radiation found near nuclear power reactors or in physics laboratories produce different amounts of biologic effect. Differences in biologic effectiveness are included in the dose equivalent units: the sievert (Sv), which is the SI unit of dose equivalent, and the rem. Table I-1 illustrates the relations between exposure, dose, and dose equivalent units.

TABLE I-1. Radiation units

Effective Dose The effective dose is designed to carry the same probability of detriment regardless of whether a portion or the entire body is irradiated. Different organs are given different weighting factors. The contribution from each organ is obtained by multiplying the organ weighting factor (W T) by the dose to the organ. The effective dose is the sum of the contributions of all the organs. Table I-2 presents the organs and their weighting factors used in calculating the effective dose.

TABLE I-2. Organs and their weighting factors used in calculating effective dose


Figure I-2 presents a schematic view of an x-ray generator. The x-ray generator circuit includes a high-voltage transformer, rectifiers to change the alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC), and a filament supply to control the temperature of the filament, which produces the current in the x-ray tube. The efficiency of x-ray production and the penetration of the x-rays strongly depend on the voltage waveform used to produce the x-rays.

FIG. I-2. Schematic diagram of x-ray generator with 100 kV applied across the x-ray tube.

Figure I-3A illustrates a single-phase waveform with voltage plotted as a function of time. When a rectifier circuit is added, a full-wave rectified single-phase (two-pulse) waveform is obtained (Fig. I-3B). The average value of the applied voltage is 71% of the peak voltage (V max).

FIG. I-3. A: Single-phase voltage waveform, unrectified. B: Full-wave rectified voltage waveform.

When two more waveforms are added, each 180 out of phase, a three-phase (six-pulse) waveform is obtained ( Fig. I-4). The average value of the voltage in a three-phase, six-pulse circuit is 95% of the V max.

FIG. I-4. Three-phase voltage waveform.

Three-phase (six-pulse) circuits have higher voltage and higher average current values than single-phase (two-pulse) circuits. X-ray production is more efficient at higher voltages. The higher average voltage of the three-phase circuit produces more x-rays per milliampere (mA) than can be obtained with a single-phase circuit with the same average current. Three-phase circuits are more complex, more expensive to purchase, and more difficult to repair than single-phase circuits. High-voltage Transformer The high-voltage transformer consists of primary and secondary wire coils wrapped around an iron core. The secondary winding has many more turns than the primary winding. The difference in windings produces a higher secondary voltage but a lower secondary current. Modern high-voltage transformers are sealed in an oil tank to provide additional insulation and cooling. The kilovolt peak (kVp) measures the voltage across the x-ray tube. Increasing the kVp increases the x-ray output (number of x-rays) and the maximum energy, as well as the average energy, and therefore increases penetration of the x-ray beam. The tube current is measured in mA and the duration of the current is measured in seconds (s). Different values of mA and time (s) that have the same product (milliampere-seconds, or mAs) produce the same number of x-rays (i.e., the same exposure). X-ray generators are connected with a center tap ground so that the high-voltage cables to the anode and cathode are required to withstand only half of the total voltage across the x-ray tube. For example, a center tap generator can apply 100 kVp across an x-ray tube by putting +50 kV on the anode and 50 kV on the cathode. By convention, the power rating of a generator is the product of the kVp and the maximum mA allowed at 0.1 s at 100 kV. For example, a generator capable of delivering 500 mA at 0.1 s and 100 kVp would be rated as a 50-kilowatt (kW) generator: 500 mA 100 kVp = 50,000 watts, or 50 kW Filament Transformer The filament transformer provides insulation for the large negative voltage applied to the cathode and also controls the current through the filament. The filament temperature and electron current are controlled by the filament current. Automatic Exposure Termination An automatic exposure termination circuit is designed to halt the x-ray production when the proper number of x-rays have passed through the patient and reached the x-ray film cassette. A radiation detector is located between the patient and the x-ray film cassette and is connected to a generator on-off circuit. The proper exposure for the film-screen combination in use is always achieved. If a heavier patient is being examined, the x-ray beam remains on for a longer time.

Figure I-5 illustrates schematically the operation of a modern x-ray tube. Electrons boiled off the heated filament are accelerated to the anode, and a small percentage of the electron energy is converted into x-ray energy.

FIG. I-5. Schematic view of x-ray tube with a rotating anode and a cathode assembly containing the filaments and focusing cap.

The recessed cathode shown in Fig. I-6 shapes the electric field to focus the electron beam on the anode focal spot. Some tubes have the cathode cup insulated from the rest of the tube. Application of a negative voltage to the insulated focusing cup prevents electrons from traveling from the cathode to the anode. Such a grid control x-ray tube is used in angiography and in other applications when a very short exposure time is required or when it is necessary to synchronize the x-ray pulses with a cine camera.

FIG. I-6. Cathode assembly with filaments recessed into focusing surfaces.

The anode is tilted about 15 in the direction of the x-ray beam, as shown in Fig. I-7. The heat produced by the electron beam's stopping in the anode is spread over a larger area than is projected on the patient. The effective or apparent focal spot size is always smaller than the actual focal spot size.

FIG. I-7. Tilted anode surface spreads the heat over a larger area.

Modern x-ray tubes have rotating anodes to spread the heat over the circumference of the anode. The heat capacity of the tube puts a limit on the peak tube current as well as time and number of x-ray exposures. Too high a tube current or too short a time can damage the focal spot. Too many exposures in too short a time can damage the anode or the entire x-ray tube. The heat capacity of a tube is measured in heat units (HU). For a single-phase generator, 1 HU is equal to kVp times mAs. Because of the difference in waveforms, three-phase generators deposit 1.35 times as many heat units as do single-phase units with the same kVp and mAs. The heat units from a three-phase unit are given by the following equation: HU (3f) = 1.35 kVp mAs

When the high-energy electron beam strikes the rotating anode, x-rays are produced by both bremsstrahlung and characteristic x-ray production. About 95% of the electron energy is deposited as heat in the anode, and only about 5% is expended in the production of x-rays. Figure I-8 illustrates a typical x-ray spectrum plotted as intensity (number) of x-ray photons having a given x-ray energy (E) versus E for a tube that has a tungsten target and an applied voltage of 110 kVp. Many low-energy x-rays produced in the x-ray tube cannot penetrate the x-ray tube housing and so have no clinical importance. The peaks in x-ray production result from characteristic x-ray production.

FIG. I-8. X-ray production for an applied voltage V max. The dotted line represents x-rays produced inside the x-ray tube but filtered out of the beam by the x-ray tube walls.

Variation in X-ray Output Changes in the mA (tube current) produce changes in the number of x-rays but not in the shape of the energy spectrum. That is, neither the energy distribution, the maximum energy, nor the penetration of the x-rays changes. Figure I-9 illustrates x-ray spectrum changes resulting from changes in mA. Increasing the mA only increases the number of x-rays.

FIG. I-9. Variation of the x-ray spectrum with changes in tube current (mA).

Changes in X-ray Spectra with Changes in Filtration Adding filtration to the x-ray beam eliminates more low-energy than high-energy x-rays from the beam. This tends to increase the average energy and thus the penetration of the x-ray beam. Figure I-10 illustrates the effect of adding filtration to the x-ray beam. The average energy of the x-ray beam increases because low-energy photons are selectively removed. The maximum x-ray energy does not change with changes in filtration. At least 2.5 mm of aluminum filtration is required for x-ray beams whose energy is higher than 90 kVp.

FIG. I-10. Variation of the x-ray spectrum with changes in filtration.

Intensity Variation with Changes in kVp Changing the kVp changes the intensity of the x-ray beam, and both the average energy and the maximum energy of the x-ray beam are altered. Figure I-11 illustrates the effect of changing kVp on the x-ray spectrum. The average energy of the x-ray beam is about one third the applied voltage. The variation of intensity with kVp depends on filtration, and kVp. A 15% change in kVp produces the same effect as a factor of 2 change in mAs.

FIG. I-11. Variation of the x-ray spectrum with changes in kilovolt peak (kVp).

Half-value Layer The half-value layer (HVL) is the thickness of material that will reduce an x-ray beam to half of its original intensity. Figure I-12 shows the results of an experiment in which layers of attenuator material are added to the x-ray beam. The resulting curve is not a straight line, because the heterogeneous x-ray beam contains many energies. The addition of the attenuator material selectively removes the less penetrating, lower-energy x-rays. The resulting beam is made up of more penetrating, higher-energy x-rays. For this reason, the second HVL always has a greater intensity than the first HVL. Typical diagnostic x-ray beams have an HVL in tissue of about 5 cm. Only about 1% of the incident x-rays emerge from a patient who is 30 cm thick.

FIG. I-12. Transmitted intensity as a function of added absorption material.


X-rays that pass through a patient are attenuated by absorption and scattering, as shown in Fig. I-13. The intensity of a beam (I) after it has passed a distance (d) through a material is given by the following equation: I = Ioexp (d) where Io is the original intensity and is the linear attenuation coefficient. The linear attenuation coefficient is related to the mass attenuation coefficient ( equation, m = /r where r is the mass density of the material in grams per cubic centimeter. Mass attenuation coefficients are useful because the effect of density has been removed. As an example, the mass attenuation coefficient (/r) of water has a single value for a specific energy, but the linear attenuation coefficient, , is different for steam, ice, and water at the same energy.

by the

FIG. I-13. Scattering and absorption interactions within a patient.

Inside a patient's body, diagnostic x-rays can interact through either photoelectric absorption or Compton scattering. Photoelectric Absorption Photoelectric absorption, shown schematically in Fig. I-14, involves the complete interaction and absorption of the incident x-ray photon by the atom. The incoming photon energy is given to one of the orbital electrons, which is ejected as a photoelectron. The ejected electron leaves a vacancy in one of the inner orbits, and this vacancy is immediately filled by an outer-orbit electron. The difference in binding energies between the outer and inner orbits is released as a characteristic x-ray. The energy (hn) of the incident photon is shared between the characteristic x-ray energy (E x-ray) and the energy of the photoelectron (E electron), as shown in the following equation: h = Ex-ray + Eelectron

FIG. I-14. Photoelectric absorption.

The mass attenuation coefficient of the photoelectric effect (/r) PE depends on the atomic number (Z) and the energy (E) according to the following equation: (/r)PE = Z3/E3 The photoelectric interaction decreases rapidly with increasing energy and increases rapidly with increasing atomic number. This is why lead is such an effective shield in protective aprons and why bone has more absorption than soft tissue. Compton Scattering In Compton scattering, the incident x-ray knocks an electron from an outer orbit, producing a scattered x-ray and a scattered electron. The incident photon gives some of its energy to the scattered electron, which has a range of less than 1 mm in tissue. At low photon energies (less than about 60 kVp), photoelectric interactions predominate; at about 140 kV, the photoelectric and Compton interactions transfer equal energy to tissue, and above about 200 kVp, most of the energy transfer to tissue is through the Compton interaction.


Image Formation Statistics The detection of x-ray photons in a digital imaging system, in a computed tomographic (CT) scanner, or in an image-intensifier tube is a random process. The number of photons collected in a particular 1-mm 2 area of an image intensifier is not the same from second to second. Figure I-15 shows the random distribution of photons collected in 1 second. Most of the time, the number of photons collected in 1 second is very close to the average number of photons, . The standard deviation is a measure of the difference between the average value and the measured values. The standard deviation (s) can be calculated by the following equation:

FIG. I-15. Random distribution of x-rays.

The shape of the distribution curve is described by s. The percentage of standard deviation (% s) is given by the equation,

The percentage of standard deviation is a measure of the statistical noise or quantum noise of an imaging system. As an example, the statistical noise level of an imaging system that collects an average of 2,000 counts per picture element (pixel) per exposure is calculated as follows:

As more counts per pixel are collected, the percentage of standard deviation (statistical noise) decreases and the fluctuations on the image decrease. This is true for all digital imaging systems, including CT and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Image Quality An x-ray image is formed as a result of differences in transmission of x-rays through various parts of the body. Variations in patient thickness or density give rise to differences in x-ray transmission called subject contrast. Subject contrast (C) is defined as follows:

where N o is the number of photons transmitted through the object and N s is the number of photons transmitted through the surrounding tissue. Subject contrast depends on thickness, density, and material composition, as well as kVp and beam filtration. Portions of the body with greater thickness or density have greater contrast than thinner areas or areas with lesser density. Materials with high atomic numbers (Z) have higher contrast because of the photoelectric effect. The difference in transmission depends on the filtration and kVp of the x-ray beam. Contrast materials use their high-Z components to increase x-ray absorption and improve contrast. Higher kVp values result in lower subject contrast because there is less difference between areas of similar density. Low-kVp examinations are inherently examinations of higher contrast than are studies using higher kVp. Spatial Resolution Spatial resolution measures the minimum separation between two objects when they can just be distinguished as two separate objects rather than as a single object. Spatial resolution is measured in line pairs per millimeter (lp/mm), and it is related to pixel size in digital imaging, CT, and MRI. One line pair consists of one dark and one light line. Two objects separated by a distance equal to half the reciprocal of the resolution in lp/mm can be resolved as two objects. In all radiographic imaging systems, unsharpness or blur causes a point to be imaged as a spot. There are four major sources of unsharpness in radiography: focal spot penumbra, absorption blur, motion blur, and detector blur. Focal spot penumbra is caused by the finite size of the focal spot. Smaller focal spots produce smaller penumbras and can be used to image smaller objects. Absorption blurring results because most in vivo objects have curved rather than straight edges. The differences in absorption near the edge cause a gradual blurring of the edge rather than a sharp edge. Motion blurring occurs when the object is moving during the x-ray exposure. Motion blurring can be reduced by decreasing the exposure time. As exposure time is reduced, the load on the anode focal spot increases, so there is a limit to the amount of exposure time reduction permitted in real clinical systems. Detector blur is produced either by a spreading of light in the film screen cassette or by the finite size of the radiation detectors in digital imaging systems. Measures of Image Quality The modulation transfer function (MTF) measures how faithfully the input signal is reproduced at the output display. MTF is measured in terms of spatial frequency. An MTF of 100% means that the display signal faithfully reproduces the input signal. The MTF of a complex imaging system is made up of the product of MTFs of the individual systems. Therefore, the MTF of an entire image-intensifier system can be calculated from the MTFs of the input phosphor, the focusing electrodes, the output phosphor, the focusing lenses, and the TV system. Each of these can be measured individually and combined to produce an overall MTF of the system. Figure I-16 illustrates the individual MTF values of the components of an imaging system.

FIG. I-16. Modulation transfer function (MTF) of image-intensifier system.

Receiver Operating Characteristic Tests Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) tests evaluate observer performance and hence the effectiveness of different imaging systems. ROC tests measure the characteristic curve of each observer for a given imaging system. Table I-3 presents all possible observer responses depending on whether a disease is present or


TABLE I-3. Possible responses

The sensitivity or true-positive fraction (TPF) is given by the following equation:

where TP is the number of true-positive responses and FN is the number of false-negative responses. The TPF is equal to the number of true-positive responses divided by the number of positive cases (TP + FN). The specificity or true-negative fraction (TNF), is calculated as follows:

where TN is the number of true-negative responses and FP is the number of false-positive responses. The TNF is the number of true-negative responses divided by the number of normal or negative cases (FP + TN). The accuracy or fraction of correct responses is given by the following equation:

where TP, TN, FP, and FN are defined as before, and their sum represents the total number of cases. The ROC curve plots true-positive responses as a function of false-positive responses. The true-positive fraction is the number of true-positive responses divided by the number of positive cases. The false-positive fraction is the number of false positive responses divided by the number of negative cases. Figure I-17 gives an ROC curve for a typical observer. Image perception theories predict that each observer has an individual characteristic curve that does not change without additional training and experience. The observer can change the shape of the curve. For example, an observer might decide to reduce the number of false-positive responses, but this can be done only while simultaneously reducing the number of true-positive responses. The curve shows that if an observer wants to reduce the FNF, the TPF also drops. If the observer wants to increase the TPF, the FNF inevitably increases. Similarly, any increase in the number of true-positive responses results in a corresponding increase in the number of false-positive responses.

FIG. I-17. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve.

X-ray film is the most common detector and display medium used in radiology today. In film radiography, the detector and the display medium are identical. To change the display characteristics, a different type of film must be used. X-ray film consists of a film emulsion containing silver halide crystals coated on a blue-tinted plastic base. After development, the areas that have been exposed to x-rays appear darker than those that were not exposed to x-rays. The darkness of the x-ray film is measured in units of optical density (OD), where OD is defined as the logarithm of the ratio of incident (I o) to transmitted (I) visible light intensity: OD = log (Io/I) Clinical radiographs usually have ODs ranging from 0.3 to 2.5 OD. The response of film to different exposures produces a characteristic curve. A typical characteristic curve that plots the film optical density against the logarithm of the relative exposure is shown in Fig. I-18. The slope gamma (G) of the characteristic curve is given by:

where D 2 is the optical density at exposure E 2 and D1 is the optical density at exposure E 1. Film speed is defined as the reciprocal of the exposure in roentgens required to produce an OD of 1.0 above base fog. Film latitude describes the range of exposures over which an acceptable radiograph can be obtained. Films with low contrast and low gamma have wide latitude.

FIG. I-18. Characteristic curve of film-screen combination.

Intensifying Screens In modern film-screen systems, about 98% of the film OD results from visible light produced in intensifying screens located on both sides of the film. The other 2% is produced by direct exposure of the film by x-rays. In an intensifying screen, fluorescent crystals are uniformly mixed in a transparent plastic binder coated on top of a reflective layer. The amount of light intensification is described by the screen speed. Thicker screens have higher speed, but because the screen light can diffuse laterally, they have poorer resolution. Intensifying screens are constructed either of calcium tungstate (CaWO 4) or of rare earth materials. Rare earth materials have higher absorption efficiency or higher conversion efficiency. Compounds with higher absorption efficiencies are more efficient in absorbing x-rays. Compounds with a higher conversion efficiency are more efficient at converting x-rays to light energy. Rare earth screens can be constructed to be 2 to 10 times faster than the conventional CaWO 4 screens. This results in lower tube loading and shorter exposures so that patient motion blurring is reduced. Many rare earth screens give off a lower-energy green light and therefore require a film with different sensitivity. Scatter Photons undergoing Compton scattering change direction but lose only a small fraction of their energy. Therefore, many Compton-scattered photons reach the detector system after having suffered only a change in direction. These scattered photons carry no diagnostic information and only reduce the contrast. Figure I-19 illustrates the effect of scatter on contrast. The amount of scatter is directly proportional to field size, and important reductions in scatter can be obtained by reducing the field size. Grids are also used to reduce scatter. Grids are thin sheets constructed of thin strips of lead and plastic. The alternate lead and plastic strips permit the unscattered radiation to pass through but attenuate the scattered radiation. Figure I-20 illustrates the use of a grid to reduce scatter. The grid ratio is the ratio between height of the grid (h) and the distance between the lead strips (D): GR = h/D

FIG. I-19. Addition of scatter reduces contrast.

FIG. I-20. Use of a grid reduces scatter.

Bucky grids move the grid to blur out the grid lines. With 100 or more lines per inch, the grid lines are so fine that they are hardly noticeable and moving of grids is not as necessary.

Figure I-21 shows schematically the operation of an image-intensified fluoroscopy unit. After passing through the patient, x-rays interact with the input phosphor of the image-intensifier tube. The input phosphor converts the incident x-rays into visible light, which causes the photocathode to emit electrons. These electrons are accelerated and focused by electrodes within the image intensifier onto the output phosphor to produce visible output light. The output light can be viewed directly through an optical system or by a television (TV) system. The output image is considerably brighter than the input because the high-voltage acceleration of the electrons and minification of the output image produce a net gain in brightness.

FIG. I-21. Image intensifier.

Dual-mode Image Intensifiers Dual-mode image intensifiers can switch the focal properties of the intensifier tube so that only the central portion of the input face is imaged on the output. This produces a magnified image of a smaller field of view but requires a higher patient dose. Fluoroscopic Image Recording Fluoroscopic images can be recorded either on film or on videotape. Cineradiographs recorded on film provide better spatial resolution but must be processed before viewing and result in a higher patient dose than videotape recording. Television Recording TV images are obtained by coupling the image-intensifier output to a TV system using either a vidicon or a plumbicon TV tube. Plumbicon systems are more desirable than vidicon tubes, because when the light levels change rapidly they have less image lag.

Analog-to-digital converters (ADC) produce digital signals by sampling the time-varying analog voltage at regular times called sampling intervals. Higher sampling frequencies (i.e., shorter sampling intervals) are required to digitize higher-frequency signals. Figure I-22 illustrates an analog signal and the resulting digital signal from the output of the ADC.

FIG. I-22. Analog signal, digitization levels, and resulting digital signal.

Resolution in Digital Imaging Two types of resolution are important in digital imaging: spatial resolution and contrast (gray scale) resolution. Spatial Resolution Spatial resolution describes the separation at which two objects merge into a signal image. Spatial resolution depends on pixel size, which is measured in millimeters. Spatial resolution is expressed in lp/mm. One line pair consists of one bright and one dark line. At least two pixels are required to display one line pair. Pixel size is calculated by dividing the length of an image side measured in millimeters by the number of pixels along that side. Contrast Resolution Contrast resolution measures how great a contrast difference must exist between two areas for them to be reliably perceived as distinctly different areas. The number of gray levels and the overall system noise determine the contrast resolution. Just Noticeable Difference in Contrast In a noiseless system, the minimum detectable contrast, or just noticeable difference (JND), is one gray scale level. The amount of contrast represented by one gray level depends on the number of gray levels, which depends on the number of bits used to represent contrast in the computer. A bit can be considered an on-off switch or a single power of 2. Eight bits are combined to form a byte. A word in a computer represents the maximum number of bits that is used at one time; 8-, 16-, and 32-bit words are common. Table I-4 presents the number of bits, the number of gray levels, and the minimum detectable contrast step for each choice of bits. For adequate contrast resolution, at least 8 bits must be devoted to signal contrast.

TABLE I-4. Bits, gray levels, and minimum detectable contrast levels

System Noise The total noise of a digital imaging system consists of quantization noise from the ADC, electronic noise in the TV electronic chain, and quantum noise caused by x-ray input fluctuations. Electronic noise is expressed in terms of the signal-to-noise ratio, which is the ratio of the object contrast to the background noise. Signal-to-noise ratios of 500:1 or 1,000:1 are typical. This means that the noise is, respectively, 0.002 or 0.001 times the full-scale input signal. Digitization errors arise because an ADC assigns a signal value to one of two adjacent gray levels. The ADC does not round off the analog value. The quantum noise depends on the number of photons per pixel at the entrance to the image intensifier and is directly related to patient dose. In a well-designed imaging system the image noise is dominated by quantum noise. This ensures the most efficient use of radiation, because if some other part of the imaging system were the major contributor to image noise, it would mean that patient dose could be reduced without changing the final image noise. Noise, Patient Dose, and Number of Gray Levels If the number of photons per pixel does not change (i.e., constant patient dose), an increase in the number of gray levels results in a decrease in the signal-to-noise ratio because the same number of photons is spread over a larger number of gray levels. To maintain the same signal-to-noise ratio, the patient dose must be increased when the number of gray levels is increased. Temporal Averaging Temporal averaging reduces the noise and improves the signal-to-noise ratio by combining the signals from several TV frames using signal averaging. The noise decreases by the square root of the number of frames averaged. Although temporal averaging reduces quantum noise, it introduces uncertainties because of patient motion. Temporal averaging over several frames produces improved contrast resolution because of the decreased noise, but there may be a loss of spatial resolution if the patient moves during the averaging time. Data Compression Digital data can be transmitted and stored in its original form or compressed to reduce the transmission time and storage space required. The amount of compression is expressed as the ratio of the size of the data file before and after compression. For example, a 30:1 compression ratio would result in a data file 30 times smaller than the original. Lossless compression techniques cannot compress data more than about 3:1. Modern data compression techniques can provide 30:1 compression ratios with no loss of clinically significant information. Lossless or recoverable compression can restore the data to its original form without any losses. Lossy or irrecoverable compression cannot recover the original data but in many cases no diagnostically significant information is lost.

CT scanning produces cross-sectional images of a patient rather than the conventional shadow images of conventional radiography. Figure I-23 schematically illustrates CT scanner operation. Confusing and distracting overlying structures are eliminated. In x-ray CT scanning, a fan x-ray beam from a source rotating about the patient passes through the patient, and the exit transmission intensity is monitored by a series of detectors. Spiral CT scanners move the patient through the x-ray beam while the tube continuously rotates around the patient. The x-ray beam cuts a slice about 10-mm thick through the patient. The transmission at any angle can be used to calculate the average attenuation coefficient along the length of the x-ray beam. By measurement of the transmission at many angles around the patient, a complex group of mathematical equations can be solved to calculate and determine the mass attenuation coefficient of small (about 1 1 10 mm) volume elements (voxels). The final cross-sectional image is then made up of a display of the gray scale value of every voxel. For historical reasons and convenience, the attenuation coefficients are reported in terms of Hounsfield units. In Hounsfield units, bone and other dense materials are +1,000, water is equal to 0, and air is equal to 1,000. CT scanning, like digital radiography, can separate spatial and contrast resolution.

FIG. I-23. Schematic view of computed tomography scanning geometry.

The matrix or memory size measures how large the computer memory is and how many pixels can be stored in the memory. For a given picture size, memory and pixel size are inversely related. When storing an image of a given diameter, a larger matrix is able to store more pixels and each individual pixel represents a smaller area of the object. Similarly, a scanfield of smaller diameter results in the same number of pixels' imaging a smaller field. Each pixel therefore images a smaller area, with correspondingly better resolution. The density or contrast resolution depends directly on the number of counts recorded per pixel. The difference in counts per pixel between two areas must be larger than the statistical fluctuations (quantum noise) for the two areas to be recognized as distinct. The signal usually must be about five times larger than the background or surrounding noise in order for a human observer to reliably recognize the difference as real. Density or contrast resolution depends on radiation dose and scan time. As the radiation dose or the scan time increases, the number of photons collected in each pixel increases and the statistical noise decreases. This results in an increased signal-to-noise ratio or a decrease in the signal required to achieve the just visible signal-to-noise ratio. An increase in either the pixel size or the voxel size (larger slice thickness) results in more counts per pixel collected and a corresponding decrease in the statistical noise. This results in the improved signal-to-noise ratio and an improved contrast resolution.

Mammographic systems are called upon to image fibrous, glandular connective tissues of low subject contrast and microcalcifications as small as 0.1 mm in diameter. Excellent spatial and contrast resolution is required. Mammography uses applied voltages in the range of 25 to 40 kVp; in this range, most of the interactions are photoelectric, resulting in a very-high-contrast imaging technique. A molybdenum (Mo) anode x-ray tube with a 0.03-mm Mo filter operated at about 30 kVp produces an x-ray beam whose energy is slightly less than 20 kiloelectron volts (keV). Some units have the ability to generate x-rays with both an Mo and a rhodium (Rh) anode. The Rh anode produces a beam of slightly higher energy. Modern mammographic systems use a vacuum cassette to hold the x-ray intensifying screen against the single-emulsion x-ray film. Breast compression should always

be used during mammography because it reduces the thickness of the breast near the chest wall as well as the overall thickness. The reduced thickness results in less scatter and improved contrast. Special low-ratio grids have been used with high-speed film-screen combinations to produce an image with reduced scatter, improved contrast, and an acceptable patient dose of radiation. Typical radiation doses for modern mammographic film-screen systems are 200 mrem per film.


Ultrasonography is made up of increases and decreases in pressure with frequency greater than 20,000 Hz (cycles per second). A transducer converts electric energy into ultrasonic energy. Figure I-24 shows a plot of pressure as a function of distance in front of the transducer. The wavelength (l) is the distance between two corresponding maxima or minima in the ultrasound wave. The frequency of an ultrasound wave (f) is the number of cycles that pass a given point each second. The period of a wave is the time required for one cycle to pass a given point. The velocity of an ultrasound wave (v) is related to its frequency and wavelength by the following equation: v = fl

FIG. I-24. Pressure distribution in front of ultrasonographic transducer.

Pulsed ultrasonographic imaging sends an ultrasonic pulse into the body and measures the time of echo return, which is related to the distance to the reflecting surface. Ultrasonic reflections are produced whenever there is a change in acoustic impedance, Z, which is defined as Z = rV where r is the physical density in grams per cubic centimeter and V is the velocity of sound in a given material in centimeters per second. The acoustic impedance, Z, is measured in rayls. The reflected intensity (I r) is equal to the incident intensity (I o) times the reflection coefficient (R), which is calculated by the following equation:

Tissues with large differences in acoustic impedance (i.e., physical density or velocity) produce reflections of almost 100%. Tissueair and musclebone interfaces always give large reflections. A coupling fluid must be used between the ultrasonic transducer and the patient's skin to avoid 100% reflection from the transducerair interface.

Doppler ultrasonography uses the frequency shift in the reflected ultrasonic beam to detect and monitor moving surfaces and fluids in the body.


Figure I-25 presents the essential components of an MRI system. A cylindrical magnet with an internal diameter large enough to accept the human body provides an external magnetic field along the body axis. Gradient coils add a smaller identification field. The external magnetic field, together with the gradient field, provides a net external magnetic field, Bo. The radio frequency (RF) coil provides a force to rotate the spins away from the direction of the external magnetic field. As the nuclear spins precess back toward the direction of the external magnetic field, they emit RF signals, which can be combined to form an image. Depending on the pulse sequences, the image can form maps of the proton density or can provide information regarding the local magnetic fields of the nuclear spins. T1 is known as the spin lattice relaxation time; T1-weighted images usually have tissues appearing darker. Different tissues have different T1 and T2 times. Images formed using T1 information are most heavily weighted toward proton density. T2 is called the spin-spin interaction. By varying the RF pulse sequence, the image can be made up of predominantly T1 information or predominately T2 information.

FIG. I-25. Magnetic resonance imaging: Schematic view of a patient inside magnetic field coils. B o, external magnetic field; RF coil, radio frequency coil.

There are three ways to reduce radiation exposure: 1. Reduce the time of exposure. 2. Increase the distance from the radiation source. 3. Provide radiation shielding between the individual and the radiation source. The maximum permissible dose for radiation workers is given in Table I-5 in both SI and traditional units. All medical institutions are required to subscribe to ALARA

(as low as reasonably achievable) principles. The entries in Table I-5 are to be considered maximum values, and radiation exposure should be reduced to ALARA. The values in Table I-5 are for exposures other than natural background and medical exposures. Radiation doses to nonradiation workers are limited to less than 5 mSv/year (500 mrem/year). The recommendation for pregnant women is to limit the fetal dose during pregnancy to no more than 5 mSv (500 mrem).

TABLE I-5. Maximum permissible doses for radiation workers

Radiation Detectors Gas-filled detectors apply a voltage across a gas-filled space and collect all the ions formed by the radiation in the region. At applied voltages of a few hundred volts, all the ions can be collected in an ionization chamber. In a Geiger-Mller counter, which uses a higher voltage of approximately 1,500 V, the ionized electrons gain enough energy to produce secondary ionizations and a larger output signal. Such a counter has very high sensitivity and can be used to survey regions for lost or spilled radioactive material. Thermoluminescent Dosimeters Thermoluminescent dosimeters undergo changes in their crystal structure when irradiated. Electrons formed by the ionizing radiation are captured in traps within the crystal and are held until the crystal is heated to more than 200C. The heating of the crystal releases the trapped energy, which appears as visible light. The amount of light released is a measure of the radiation dose. Scintillation Detectors Scintillation detectors give off light immediately when hit by x-ray photons. They do not need to be heated. Sodium iodide (NaI), cesium iodide (CsI), and bismuth germinate (BGO) are commonly used scintillation crystals. The scintillation crystal is connected to a photomultiplier tube, which converts the light from the crystal into an electric signal. Scintillation crystals are used in CT scanners. Risk Factors in Diagnostic Radiology Radiation produces either somatic or genetic effects. Long-term somatic effects include induction of cancer or leukemia and production of cataracts. Data on low-dose radiation effects have been obtained by extrapolation from high-dose data estimates. There is some controversy concerning the best way to extrapolate from the high-dose data to the low-dose region of interest in diagnostic radiology. The linear quadratic method seems to fit the animal data best, but the linear hypothesis is more conservative and has been used to set limits and make estimates of radiation effects. The linear extrapolation probably overestimates the number of cancers and leukemias induced per rad. Table I-6 presents typical effective dose values for some common radiographic examinations.

TABLE I-6. Typical effective dose values from common diagnostic examinations

Bushong SC: Radiologic Science for Technologists: Physics, Biology, and Protection, 6th ed. St. Louis, MosbyYear Book, 1997 Curry TS, Dowdy JE, Murry RC: Christensen's Introduction to the Physics of Diagnostic Radiology. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1984 Hendy WR: Medical Radiation Physics. Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers, 1979 Johns HE, Cunningham JR: The Physics of Radiology. Springfield, IL, Charles C Thomas, 1978 Mettler FA, Moseley RD: Medical Effects of Ionizing Radiation. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1985

Our purpose in planning the seventh edition of this volume is to present the basics of diagnostic imaging in a concise and lucid manner. With the increasing importance of newer modalities, such as computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), ultrasound, and interventional techniques, it is a growing challenge to do this in one manageable volume. Major revisions are aimed at including newer techniques and updating time-honored radiologic procedures. The chapters on the osseous system have been revised to emphasize the value of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging as well as use of isotopic bone scanning. In the section on the central nervous system, MRA is introduced and the value of MRI and CT in conditions affecting the brain and spinal cord is discussed. The chapter on the urinary tract has been updated to reflect current importance of MRI, CT, and ultrasound in the imaging of the kidney, ureters, bladder, and prostate. Since the last edition, the use of these newer modalities has evolved to the point that standard practices can be presented. For example, the chest section, which has been extensively revised, includes the current use of high-resolution, thin-section CT in the study of pulmonary parenchymal disease. The use of spiral CT is discussed where appropriate. Similar updates in the study of the cardiovascular system, including MRI of the heart, are also included. The use of the newer modalities in the study of the temporal bone, temporomandibular joint, facial bones, and paranasal sinuses is presented. The subspecialization found in academic medical centers has enhanced the application of CT, MR, US, and intervetional radiology to patient management. Therefore, we have increased the number of contributing authors, and we thank all of them for their efforts. Several of them have added new illustrations to augment the text. As in the past, the references have been updated with numerous additions in some chapters. We are indebted to the authors of these books and articles for their contributions. We wish to acknowledge and thank all of the typists, computer operators, and secretaries without whose help this work would be impossible. We are also indebted to our colleagues, who offered many worthwhile suggestions. We also wish to thank the staff of LippincottRaven Publishers, particularly Delois Patterson, who have been patient and helpful throughout the preparation of this text. John H. Juhl, M.D. Andrew B. Crummy, M.D. Janet E. Kuhlman, M.D.

From Preface to First Edition

In preparing this volume, it has been our aim to organize and to set down as concisely as possible what we consider to be the basic facts of roentgen interpretation. Designed to bridge the gap between the elementary text and the multiple-volume reference work, it will, we believe, serve equally well as a review source for the practicing physician and surgeons, for those taking postgraduate training in one of the specialties, and as a textbook for the undergraduate medical student. We have discussed briefly the roentgen anatomy of the various divisions of the body. The descriptions of disease processes are concise, with discussions of clinical and pathologic features limited to the information necessary to clarify the roentgen observations. The emphasis necessarily is restricted to roentgen diagnosis. All the common and most of the unusual conditions and diseases with positive roentgen findings are included. Roentgen differential diagnosis has been emphasized in the most common diseases. Methods of roentgen examination are described, particularly those dealing with the more complicated diagnostic procedures such as bronchography and myelography. The care of the patient before and after such investigations is important, and the referring physician should have some idea of what the examination entails and the way in which it is conducted. Technical methods are likely to vary somewhat from one institution to another; those described here are used by us at University Hospitals and give a general concept of the procedures and what they entail. We have avoided discussions of controversial matters, indicating only either the existence of controversy or the present lack of knowledge about some subjects. Because of the variable patterns and the changing character of disease processes, often from day to day, it is possible only to illustrate the signs most frequently encountered. The illustrations have been chosen to present as many facets as possible, but the reader should be aware that only infrequently can a single roentgenogram portray all of the possible variants. References have been selected carefully to direct the reader to a wide range of literature; books and articles have been chosen that contain more extensive bibliographies than it would be advisable to include in a book of relatively restricted size as this. We have been fortunate in having a group of associates who have been willing to give freely of their time to aid us in many ways. Dr. Edgar S. Gordon has reviewed two chapters (on the osseous system and the abdomen and gastrointestinal tract) and offered valuable criticism. Dr. D. Murray Angevine has done the same in the chapter dealing with diseases of the joints. Dr. Theodore C. Erickson kindly read two chapters covering diseases of the brain and spinal cord; Dr. Helen Dickie reviewed the chapters dealing with diseases of the lungs, and Dr. Richard H. Wasserburger, the cardiovascular system. To these and many others who gave us advice and encouragement go our most heartfelt thanks. Dr. Margaret Winston prepared several drawings. Dr. Arthur Chandler, Jr. prepared those for the chapters dealing with diseases of the cardiovascular system and the lungs. Other members of our staff who aided us in many ways during the preparation of the manuscript and the selection of illustrative material include Drs. Charles Benkendorf, Robert F. Douglas, Joyce Kline, Lee A. Krystosek, M. Pinson Neal, Jr., and John F. Siegrist. The photographic work has been under the supervision of Mr. Homer Montague, who has personally prepared most of the illustrations. To him goes the credit for the faithful reproduction of the roentgenograms. The typing has been done by Miss Lorena Carmichael with assistance from Mrs. Charlotte Helgeson. Their careful workmanship has made our task easier. Lester W. Paul, M.D. John H. Juhl, M.D.

Chapter 1 Introduction to Skeletal Radiology and Bone Growth Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 1 Introduction to Skeletal Radiology and Bone Growth

Lee F. Rogers

L. F. Rogers: Department of Radiology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27157.

Skeletal Scintigraphy Computed Tomography Magnetic Resonance Imaging Skeletal Growth and Maturation Ossification of the Skeleton Skeletal Maturation Prediction of Adult Height Disturbance in Skeletal Growth and Maturation Chapter References

Radiographic examination is the key to the diagnosis of many skeletal abnormalities. It is essential that each bone be examined in its entirety, including the cortex, medullary canal (cancellous bone or spongiosa), and articular ends. The position and alignment of joints are determined. In children, the epiphysis and epiphyseal line or physis must be observed. The adjacent soft tissues are examined. Obliteration of normal soft-tissue lines and the presence of a joint effusion are of particular importance. When disease is present, it is important to determine whether the process is limited to a single bone or joint or whether multiple bones or joints are involved. The distribution of disease is also a consideration. The presence and type of bone destruction and bone production, the appearance of the edges or borders of the lesion, and the presence or absence of cortical expansion and periosteal reaction are also noted. The radiographic findings are then correlated with the clinical history and the age and sex of the patient to arrive at a logical diagnosis. The diagnosis may be firm in some instances; in other cases, a differential diagnosis is offered because the exact diagnosis cannot be determined.

Skeletal scintigraphy or bone scanning is a valuable adjunct to standard film radiography ( Fig. 1-1).1 Bone-seeking radionuclides are taken up in areas of increased bone turnover. This occurs normally at the growth plate in children and at abnormal sites in tumors, infections, and fractures; in sites of reactive bone formation in arthritis; and in periostitis regardless of the etiology. Technetium-99m-labeled polyphosphates are the most common radiopharmaceuticals used, particularly technetium-99m methyldiphosphonate (99mTc-MDP). Fifteen to 20 millicuries (mCi) is injected intravenously, and a scan is obtained 2 hours later. Because the total body dose is 0.009 rad/mCi, the radiation-absorbed dose is very low. The agent is excreted in the kidneys and collects in the bladder. The target organ (i.e., the organ receiving the highest dose) is the wall of the bladder, which is exposed to approximately 0.275 rad/mCi. Bone scanning is more sensitive to areas of bone turnover and destruction than plain film radiography or tomography. The bone scan may be positive despite a normal radiograph (i.e., well before the radiograph becomes abnormal). However, the bone scan is less specific than the radiograph. Areas of increased activity are detected, but the cause of the increase often cannot be stated with certainty, and correlation with plain film radiography, computed tomography (CT), or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is necessary to establish a correct diagnosis.

FIG. 1-1. Normal bone scan. A: Normal bone scan of 23-year-old woman. Anterior view of the pelvis. The bones of the pelvis, lower lumbar spine, and proximal femurs are visualized but are poorly defined. The greatest concentration of radioactivity is within the bladder. B: Posterior view of the thoracolumbar spine. The scapulae, vertebrae, and ribs are demonstrated. Radioactivity is identified within the kidneys ( asterisk). C: Anterior view of the left upper extremity. The humerus, ulna, radius, and bones of the hand are seen. Diffuse activity is present in the carpus, but the individual carpal bones are not discernible. D: Normal bone scan of the right upper extremity of a 10-year-old girl. Note the band of increased radioactivity in the region of the growth plates, seen particularly well at the distal radius and ulna, metacarpals, and proximal phalanges.

CT is advantageous in the evaluation of the skeletal system. It allows visualization of adjacent soft-tissue structures and also the marrow in the medullary cavity. The positions of surrounding vascular structures can be determined by the use of contrast media. CT has the added advantage of being more sensitive for the detection of bone destruction than plain film radiography or standard tomography. CT images are displayed in the axial or horizontal plane, or even in the sagittal and coronal planes, with image reconstruction. However, image reconstruction degrades the image. Images are displayed with both bone and soft-tissue windows. The soft-tissue window setting allows visualization of surrounding soft tissue but is suboptimal for the bony skeleton ( Fig. 1-2A). The bone window setting maximizes the visualization of cortical and medullary bone ( Fig. 1-2B).

FIG. 1-2. CT of the third lumbar vertebra. A: Within the spinal canal, the soft-tissue window setting demonstrates the paraspinous muscles, the aorta ( A), the vena cava (V), and the thecal sac (T) and its contents. B: Bone window setting. This is the same slice shown in Figure 1-2A, but the window setting is set to accentuate bone. The cortex and intramedullary portion of the vertebral body are readily identified. Note the cortex of the pedicles and transverse processes. At this setting, the facet joints (arrows) are visualized but are not identifiable on the soft-tissue setting of Figure 1-2A.


MRI is of great value in the evaluation of the skeletal system, particularly in the detection and evaluation of joint disorders, tumors, infection, bone infarction, and ischemic necrosis.2,9 Because the image is dependent on the presence of hydrogen, which is abundant in marrow fat, MRI visualizes the bone marrow exquisitely. However, the hydrogen content of cortical bone is very low, and MRI therefore is not as sensitive as CT for the evaluation of cortical bone. Cortical bone is shown as black, or very dark, because of its low signal intensity, contrasting sharply with the bright marrow. Similarly ligaments, tendons, and menisci are also low in signal and are seen as black structures; they often are surrounded by a layer of fat that makes them readily apparent. MRI has the added advantage of displaying the anatomy in any plane, including the coronal and sagittal planes, which are distinctly advantageous for demonstration or visualization of abnormalities within bone and their relationships to surrounding soft tissues ( Fig. 1-3). Discrimination between and differentiation of various soft tissues and pathologic processes may be enhanced by varying the technical parameters used for the examination. Furthermore, vascular structures are demonstrated and are clearly visualized without the need for injection of contrast medium.

FIG. 1-3. Magnetic resonance image of the knee. A and B in the sagittal plane, C in the coronal plane. A: Note the black lines of the cortex and the white signal of the intramedullary bone and marrow. Muscle is seen as a streaky gray density. The subcutaneous fat and intrapatellar fat pad emit a strong signal because of the high content of hydrogen in fat. The quadriceps tendon is readily identified ( arrow). B: Sagittal section obtained more medially demonstrates the popliteal artery ( arrow) and the posterior cruciate ligament ( open arrow). C: Coronal proton density image demonstrates the lateral (LM) menisci and medial (MM), the medial collateral ligament (MCL), and the anterior (ACL) and posterior (PCL) cruciate ligaments.


Ossification of the Skeleton The process of bone formation in cartilage, known as endochondral ossification, causes bones to grow in length. Some bones are formed in membrane by a process known as membranous bone formation; the bones of the cranial vault are the principal example. Ossification occurs in both cartilage and membrane in the mandible and clavicle. The tubular bones grow in transverse diameter by bone formation within the osteogenic cells of the inner layer of the periosteum. This could be considered a form of membranous bone formation. At birth, the shafts of the long tubular bones are ossified, but both ends (epiphyses), with a few exceptions, consist of masses of cartilage. Cartilage is relatively radiolucent compared with bone; it has the same density as soft tissue on a conventional radiograph. Therefore, at birth the ends of the bones are separated by radiolucent spaces representing the cartilaginous epiphyses. At variable times after birth, one or more ossification centers appear in the epiphyses (the epiphyseal ossification centers). Exceptions occur at the distal femur and proximal tibia epiphyses, where ossification centers appear during the last 1 or 2 months of intrauterine life. The short tubular bones are similar to the long bones except that they have an epiphysis at only one end. The carpal bones are cartilaginous at birth. In the tarsus, ossification centers are present at birth in the calcaneus, cuboid, and talus; the remaining tarsal bones are cartilaginous. Three ossification centers are present in each vertebra, one in the body and two in the arch. Shortly after birth, the two halves of the laminae fuse. Union of the arches to the bodies begins at age 3 and is completed by about age 7. The cranial bones are ossified at birth but remain separated by fibrous tissue sutures. The individual pelvic bones are present but are separated by cartilaginous plates, the Y-shaped triradiate cartilage of the acetabulum. The distal femur and proximal tibia epiphyseal ossification centers can be used as indicators of fetal maturity. Formerly, radiographs of the mother's abdomen were obtained to visualize these centers and provide evidence of fetal maturity during the last month of gestation, before labor was induced or a cesarean section was performed. Fetal maturity is now determined by ultrasonographic (US) examination. 7,10 Because it does not use ionizing radiation, US can be employed throughout pregnancy and is safe, accurate, and free of side effects. After an epiphyseal ossification center appears at or near the center of the epiphysis, it gradually enlarges and takes on a shape distinctive for that particular bone (Fig. 1-4). In some areas, there is more than one ossification centerfor example, in the distal humerus. They appear at different times and eventually fuse. The ossified epiphysis remains separated from the shaft by a cartilaginous disc or plate known as the epiphyseal plate, growth plate, or physis. The epiphyseal plate gradually becomes thinner as growth proceeds until it finally ossifies, the epiphysis fuses to the shaft, and growth in length is complete.

FIG. 1-4. Normal ossification sequence of knee. A: One-year-old child. The epiphyses are largely cartilaginous, but there are small ossification centers for the femur and tibia. B: Two-year-old child. The ossification centers have grown considerably. The zone of provisional calcification produces the wide transverse lines at the metaphyses. Note the normal irregularity of the medial margin of the distal femoral epiphysis. C: Five-year-old child. The epiphyses have developed to a point where the ends of the bones resemble those of an adult. A cartilaginous plate (termed the physis, epiphyseal line, or growth plate) remains between the epiphysis and metaphysis. D: Eight-year-old child. The epiphyseal line remains distinct, and the femoral condyles approach the adult configuration. E: Ten-year-old child. There has been further ossification in the physis (epiphyseal line). Longitudinal growth continues until the epiphysis fuses to the metaphysis and the physis disappears.

The times at which the various epiphyseal ossification centers appear are good indicators of skeletal age during infancy and early childhood. fusion of the epiphyses can be used as indicators of skeletal age during late adolescence.


Similarly, the times of

The flared end of bone is known as the metaphysis, and the tubular midportion of the shaft is the diaphysis ( Fig. 1-5). Between the metaphysis and epiphysis lies the

physis or cartilaginous growth plate, which consists of four distinct zonesthe resting zone, the proliferating zone, the hypertrophic zone, and the zone of provisional calcification. In the zone of provisional calcification, mineral salts are temporarily deposited around the degenerating cartilage cells. Blood vessels subsequently grow into the lacunae left by the degenerated cells, bringing with them osteoblasts, specialized connective tissue cells whose main function is the production of osteoid. Osteoid is the organic matrix in which mineral salts are deposited to make bone. Osteoid is relatively radiolucent, and when it is present in large amounts it causes bone to appear more radiolucent than normal. As osteoid is formed, the zone of provisional calcification is replaced by trabecular bone.

FIG. 1-5. Normal anatomic divisions of the end of a typical growing bone.

It is rather common to see one or more thin, opaque lines crossing the shaft near its ends. These are commonly known as growth lines and, although there may be other causes for them, in most cases they probably indicate a temporary cessation of orderly ossification brought about by one or more episodes of systemic illness. Skeletal Maturation Radiographic determination of bone age is useful for judging physiologic age and growth potential and predicting adult stature. 4,11 Discrepancies between physiologic age (as indicated by the maturity of the skeleton) and chronologic age are clinically important. Childhood diseases and disorders that cause growth abnormalities produce differences between bone age and chronologic age. Deficiencies of thyroid and growth hormones cause the most severe degree of bone age retardation. Conditions such as thyrotoxicosis, sexual precocity, and even simple exogenous obesity advance bone age. The most well known and widely accepted method of determining skeletal bone age or skeletal maturation is that of Greulich and Pyle, described in their book, Radiographic Atlas of Skeletal Development of the Hand and Wrist.5 This method is particularly helpful for patients older than 2 years of age. The accuracy of this method for the American population is such that its use as the sole method of assessment is sufficient in most instances. The determination of skeletal age is based on comparison of radiographs obtained in the case in question with standard radiographs for age and sex in the text. 3,6,8 The age is based on the presence or absence of ossification centers and their configurations ( Fig. 1-6 and Fig. 1-7). The accuracy of this method can be enhanced by attention to detail. As a rule, the metacarpal and phalangeal centers correlate with chronologic age more accurately than the carpal centers do. The appearance of carpal centers is more variable than that of metacarpals or phalanges, and carpal centers are more commonly affected by congenital disorders. 11

FIG. 1-6. A: Hand of a normal 2-year-old girl. B: Hand of a normal 2-year-old boy. The differences in the appearance of the bones are subtle at this age. Note that the epiphyseal ossification centers of the proximal phalanges and distal radius of the girl in A are larger than those of the corresponding epiphysis of the boy in B. Epiphyseal ossification centers are present in the distal phalanx of the third and fourth fingers of the girl but are not present in the boy.

FIG. 1-7. A: Hand of a normal 13-year-old girl. B: Hand of a normal 13-year-old boy. The principal differences are in the width of the epiphyseal plates, the relative size of the carpal ossification centers, and the configuration of the epiphyses. Note in A that there is almost complete fusion of the proximal epiphysis of the first metacarpal and the distal epiphysis of the second and third metacarpals. Compare with the corresponding epiphysis of the boy in B.

The appearance and fusion times of various centers in the hand, wrist, and other bones are listed in Table 1-1 and Table 1-2.

TABLE 1-1. Ossification time table (females)

TABLE 1-2. Ossification time table (males)

Skeletal maturation is determined in part by the chronologic age and sex of the individual. Because girls tend to mature faster than boys, it is mandatory to use the standards that are appropriate for the sex. Furthermore, there are distinct racial and ethnic differences in skeletal maturation. Standards developed in American children may not be applicable to English or European children. Skeletal maturation of black American children generally exceeds that of white American children by approximately 0.5 standard deviations in each site under consideration; this racial difference is seen in both boys and girls. Before age 9, the changes in the appearance of the ossification centers of the hand are minimal, and it is difficult to determine skeletal age with sufficient accuracy by the Greulich and Pyle method. Standards described by Garn and colleagues 4 are useful in infants and young children. These are based on the appearance times of various ossification centers. Figure 1-8 shows the centers of maximum predictive value and ranks them in order of the greatest correlation value for both boys and girls.

FIG. 1-8. Predictive values of various ossification centers. The centers marked in black have the highest predictive value. The numbers represent the order of predictive value of these centers. 4 (Garn SM: Medical Radiography and Photography. Radiography Markets. Rochester, New York, Eastman Kodak Company, 1967. With permission of Stanley M. Garn, Ph.D.)

The method of Kuhns and Finnstrom is useful for premature infants and newborns. 9 Prediction of Adult Height In general, the most important factor in the determination of a person's ultimate adult height is the height of his or her parents (parental height). The maturity of an individual should not be confused with the size or height of an individual. The relative degree of depression or acceleration of skeletal maturation is compared with the present height to predict the ultimate height. If skeletal maturation is advanced and the present height is normal, the individual will ultimately be small. If maturation is retarded and the present height is normal, the individual will ultimately be taller than normal. Many methods have been developed for prediction of adult height. 5,12 The standards have been based largely on the growth of normal children whose heights fall within a relatively restricted range on either side of normal or mean stature. In clinical practice, it is the very tall or very short child for whom a prediction is most often needed. In these cases, such standards are found to have limited reliability. The older the chronologic age, the more accurate the prediction; in some situations it is not possible to predict the ultimate adult height of a young child with the desired accuracy. Greulich and Pyle reproduced the Bayley and Pinneau tables for predicting adult height using the skeletal age (as determined by the Greulich and Pyle Hand Standards) and the height and chronologic age. 5 This is reasonably accurate as an American standard. Disturbance in Skeletal Growth and Maturation The relation of the endocrine glands to skeletal growth and maturation is very important. Roentgen examination of the growing skeleton may yield valuable information concerning thyroid, pituitary, and gonadal disturbances. Delay in appearance or fusion or retardation of epiphyseal centers may result from deficient secretion by one or more of these glands, and hypersecretion may accelerate these processes. Chapter 6 describes radiographic findings other than changes in skeletal maturity in each of these conditions. Acceleration or deceleration of growth may be generalized and may involve all ossification centers, or it may be focal and limited to one ossification center. Generalized acceleration of skeletal maturation is usually associated with precocious development and early puberty. Among the conditions in which this is found are Albright's syndrome, granulosa cell tumor of the ovary, and hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex in childhood. Albright's Syndrome. Albright's syndrome consists of widespread osseous lesions of fibrous dysplasia and pigmented areas (caf-au-lait spots) in the skin. In girls, there may be precocious sexual development, rapid skeletal growth, and early fusion of the epiphyses; as a result, female patients usually show some degree of dwarfism. These changes usually do not occur in boys. Granulosa Cell Tumor of the Ovary. Granulosa cell tumor of the ovary causes precocious puberty, and the skeletal system responds by early closure of the epiphyses. Hyperfunction of the Adrenal Cortex in Childhood. Hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex may affect patients of either sex. In girls, it causes virilism; in boys, sex characteristics are intensified and puberty develops early. The epiphyses fuse prematurely, and patients tend to be dwarfed. Several rare syndromes have also been recorded in which there is accelerated skeletal maturation. Most affected persons have multiple defects such as facial

abnormalities, motor inadequacy, and mental deficiency. Generalized delayed maturation of the skeleton can occur as a result of hypofunction of the gonads, the pituitary, or the thyroid glands. Delay in maturation also occurs in association with severe cyanotic heart diseases, dietary deficiencies, and a number of chronic illnesses, including renal disease and celiac disease. Focal increases in maturation are usually caused by an increased blood supply or local hyperemia, associated with rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculous arthritis, hemophilia, or healing fractures adjacent to the joint. Focal decreases in maturation may occur after infection, burns, frostbite, radiation therapy, or trauma, particularly epiphyseal separations. These all impair the growth potential of the physis either by destroying the resting cells or by disrupting the blood supply, and growth may cease. Premature closure of the epiphysis may also occur as the result of bone infarctions, particularly in sickle cell disease. CHAPTER REFERENCES
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Buckler JHM: How to make the most of bone ages. Arch Dis Child 58:761, 1983 Ehman RL, Berquist TH, McLeod RA: MR imaging of the musculoskeletal system: A 5-year appraisal. Radiology 166:313, 1988 Frisch H, Riedl S, Waldhoer T: Computer aided estimation of skeletal age evaluations by the method of Greulich-Pyle and Tanner-Whitehouse. Pediatr Radiol 26:226, 1996 Garn SM: Neuhauser lecture: Contributions of the radiographic image to our knowledge of human growth. AJR Am J Roentgenol 137:321, 1981 Greulich WW, Pyle SI: Radiographic Atlas of Skeletal Development of the Hand and Wrist, 2nd ed. Stanford, CA, Stanford University Press, 1959 Gross GW, Boone JM, Bishop DM: Pediatric skeletal age: Determination with neural networks. Radiology 195:689, 1995 Jeanty P, Romero R: Estimation of the gestational age. Semin Ultrasound CT MR 5:121, 1984 King DG, Stenton DM, O'Sullivan MP, et al: Reproducibility of bone ages when performed by radiology registrars: Audit of Tanner and Whitehouse II versus Greulich and Pyle methods. Br J Radiol 67:848, 1994 Kuhns LR, Finnstrom O: New standards of ossification of the newborn. Radiology 119:655, 1976 Lange IR, Manning FA: Fetal biophysical assessment: An ultrasound approach. Semin Ultrasound CT MR 5:269, 1984 Poznanski AK: The Hand in Radiologic Diagnosis, 2nd ed. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1984 Tanner JM, Landt KW, Cameron N, et al: Prediction of adult height from height and bone age in childhood. Arch Dis Child 58:767, 1983

Chapter 2 Traumatic Lesions of Bones and Joints Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 2 Traumatic Lesions of Bones and Joints

Lee F. Rogers

L. F. Rogers: Department of Radiology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27157.

Methods of Examination Roentgenography Radioisotope Bone Scanning Computed Tomography Magnetic Resonance Imaging Types of Fractures Terminology Healing of Fractures Union of Fractures Delayed Union and Nonunion Fractures of the Skull Types of Skull Fractures Radiographic Interpretation of Skull Roentgenograms for Trauma Complications of Skull Fracture Injuries of the Spine Radiographic Examination of Spinal Injury Fractures of the Spine Cervical Spine Injuries Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures Fractures and Dislocations in Special Areas The Hand The Wrist The Forearm and Elbow The Shoulder Sternum and Ribs Fractures of the Pelvis Dislocations of the Hip Fractures of the Proximal Femur Fractures of the Femoral Shaft Fractures and Dislocations of the Knee The Ankle and Foot The Battered Child Syndrome Congenital Indifference to Pain Chapter References

Although a fracture may be obvious on clinical examination, roentgenograms are essential for precisely defining the nature and severity of the injury. In many instances, the clinical findings are questionable and a roentgen examination is necessary to determine whether a fracture is present. As a general rule, a roentgen examination should be performed if there is the slightest doubt concerning the possibility of a fracture or dislocation. After reduction of a fracture, roentgenograms are required to evaluate the accuracy of reduction and subsequently to monitor the progress of healing. No set rules can be given for the frequency of follow-up examinations, because the indications vary widely depending on the type of fracture, the bone involved, the method of treatment employed, and the age of the patient. A fracture treated by skeletal traction may require daily examinations, whereas a satisfactorily reduced and casted fracture may be examined only immediately after application of the cast and at intervals of several weeks thereafter until healing is complete.

Roentgenography An accurate assessment requires at least two views made at right angles, usually an anteroposterior (AP) and a lateral projection. At times the fracture line is visible in only one of several projections ( Fig. 2-1). A fracture cannot be ruled out solely on the basis of a roentgenogram in a single projection. Two views are also necessary to obtain a true perspective of the spatial relationships of the fragments ( Fig. 2-2). An additional oblique projection is usually required to accurately assess trauma in the region of a joint. Because of superimposition, it is not possible to obtain technically satisfactory direct lateral radiographs of either the hip or the shoulder; some form of oblique projection is mandatory. The radiographic examination of a long bone should include the entire length of the bone, from the joint above to the joint below. Although this may not always be necessary for injuries of the ends of the bone, it is mandatory for those involving the shaft or diaphysis. Fractures of the shaft may be associated with injuries of an adjacent joint, particularly the proximal joint, and if this joint is not included in the radiographic examination such injuries may be overlooked.

FIG. 2-1. Fracture of lateral malleolus identified with certainty on only one of two views. A: Anteroposterior view of the ankle demonstrates soft-tissue swelling about the lateral malleolus and a faint fracture line ( arrow). B: Lateral view demonstrates obvious long oblique fracture of the lateral malleolus.

FIG. 2-2. Spiral fracture of the femur. A: Anteroposterior view. B: Lateral view. The distal fragment is angulated medially and offset posteriorly. There is minimal comminution of the fracture distally. The relationship between the fracture fragments is best appreciated by viewing the fracture in two planes, preferably at 90 to each other.

A fracture that may have been very difficult to visualize initially usually becomes more obvious within 1 to 2 weeks because of resorption along the fracture edges (see Fig. 2-5).

FIG. 2-5. Occult fracture of the lateral condyle of the humerus in a 4-year-old girl. A: Anteroposterior view demonstrates no definite fracture. B: Repeat examination 8 days later demonstrates a linear, hairline fracture of the lateral condyle ( arrow). This is classified as a Salter-Harris type IV epiphyseal injury.

Radioisotope Bone Scanning Technetium-99m can be used in the assessment of skeletal trauma. The examination is obtained 2 hours after intravenous injection of the isotope. The isotope is localized in areas of increased bone turnover and therefore is concentrated at the margins of a fracture. Radioisotope bone scanning is more sensitive but less specific than roentgenographic examination of the skeletal system. Therefore, the isotope examination may disclose fractures that are not apparent on radiographic examination (Fig. 2-3). It is used under the following circumstances: (1) diagnosing of stress fractures, 29 in which the radioisotope scan may be positive as long as 6 weeks before the fracture is evident on radiographic examination; (2) diagnosing otherwise occult injuries after trauma, particularly in the assessment of scaphoid and other carpal injuries; (3) establishing the diagnosis of a battered child; and (4) assessing of the full extent of injury in the patient with multiple injuries. The principal objective of the isotopic examination is to identify fractures that are not apparent on radiographic examination. If there is no evidence of increased radioactivity, then a fracture can safely be ruled out, except in elderly persons who have a slow metabolic rate of bone turnover. In the elderly, a repeat scan may be required as long as 72 hours after injection of the isotope to identify the fracture site. The isotopic bone scan is nonspecific; areas of increased activity are also caused by tumors, arthritis, and metabolic bone disease. These must be ruled out before the diagnosis of fracture is accepted.

FIG. 2-3. Fracture of carpal scaphoid. A: There is no obvious fracture of the scaphoid. B: Technetium bone scan demonstrates focus of increased radioactivity in the region of the scaphoid ( arrow) and a general increase in the carpal joints as a result of traumatic synovitis. (Courtesy of Khalil Shirazi, M.D., Ann Arbor, Michigan.)

Computed Tomography Computed tomography (CT) has distinct advantages in the assessment of skeletal trauma at certain sites. 9,14 Because of the unique display of anatomy in the axial projection, these sites are usually difficult to evaluate by plain film radiography. CT is particularly useful in the evaluation of facial, spinal (see Fig. 2-32), pelvic, and acetabular fractures because it displays various components in isolation, free of overlap by surrounding structures (i.e., bony margins of sinuses, spinal canal, sacroiliac joint, sacral ala, hip joint, and anterior and posterior rims of the acetabulum). CT is also useful in the evaluation of the sternoclavicular joint and carpal and tarsal 9 bones (see Fig. 2-69). Its greatest limitation is the difficulty in determining the relationship of one axial image to another in the sagittal or coronal planes. This problem may be overcome by image reconstruction in the appropriate plane. To do so requires both thin sections and the absence of patient movement between slices. Acutely injured patients often cannot hold still. Helical CT is distinctly advantageous because it affords shorter examination times and therefore decreases the likelihood of patient movement.

FIG. 2-32. Burst fracture of the second lumbar vertebra. A: Lateral view demonstrates the anterior wedged compression of the second lumbar vertebral body. Note the retropulsion of the posterosuperior margin of the vertebral body ( arrow), which compromises the spinal canal. There is also a horizontal fracture through the lamina of L1 (open arrow). B: Retropulsion of a split fragment, with marked compromise of the spinal canal. There is also a fracture of the left lamina. The superior surface of the vertebral body is comminuted. Fractures of the transverse processes are also present.

FIG. 2-69. Comminuted fracture of the left calcaneus examined by computed tomography in the axial plane. A: Normal right calcaneus at the level of the posterior facet of the subtalar joint (arrow). B: Comminution of the left calcaneus that extends into the posterior facet. A small bone island is present within the talus ( asterisk). C: Scan through the normal right sustentaculum (arrow). D: Corresponding image on the left demonstrates a fracture separating off the sustentaculum tali. There is also a comminuted fracture of the lateral wall of the calcaneus. T, tibia; L, lateral malleolus of fibula; Ta, talus; C, calcaneus.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 6,8,12 provides direct visualization of soft-tissue structures, including ligaments, tendons, joint capsules, menisci, and joint cartilagesstructures that are impossible to see on plain film radiographs and often not clearly distinguishable by CT ( Fig. 2-4). It has the added advantage of displaying these structures in any longitudinal plane (i.e., sagittal, parasagittal, coronal, or oblique) in addition to the axial plane.

FIG. 2-4. Magnetic resonance image of the Achilles tendon. A: Normal T1-weighted image demonstrates the uniformly low-signal Achilles tendon ( arrows). This is sharply defined anteriorly by the pre-Achilles fat pad. B: T2-weighted image of a torn Achilles tendon demonstrates an area of high signal interposed between the two ends of the torn tendon ( arrows). The high signal is caused by a hematoma. The margins of the tendon are widened and contain irregular signal consistent with hemorrhage.

MRI, like radioisotopic bone scanning, is more sensitive than radiography and can detect intraosseous injuries that are not apparent on plain films is useful in the detection of stress, 11 insufficiency, and otherwise obscure fractures of the femoral neck and other sites.

(see Fig. 2-6). MRI

FIG. 2-6. Bone bruise or occult intraosseous fracture. The irregular area of low signal in the medial tibial plateau on this T1-weighted image indicates the presence of an intraosseous hemorrhage or bone bruise. Compare this signal with that of the lateral plateau and femoral condyles. Note also the irregular linear density in the midst of the surrounding irregular densities ( white arrow). This represents a crack or undisplaced fracture. This injury was associated with a complete tear of the anterior cruciate ligament and a partial tear of the medial collateral ligament ( black arrow). Compare with Fig. 2-63B.

MRI is used in the assessment of meniscal and ligamentous injuries of the knee and the rotator cuff and labrum of the shoulder, as well as traumatic disorders of other joints, including the wrist, spine, and ankle. MRI is also commonly used in the evaluation of tendons, particularly the Achilles, quadriceps, and infrapatellar tendons.

There are several ways in which fractures can be classified. They are easily divided into two major groups, open and closed fractures. An open fracture, previously known as a compound fracture, denotes a fracture in which there is a perforation, laceration, or avulsion of the overlying skin and soft tissues. The importance of an open fracture lies in the possibility of infection because of contamination at the time of injury. This possibility must be taken into account when follow-up roentgenograms of an open fracture are being evaluated. A closed fracture, one in which the overlying skin and soft tissues are intact, may be converted into an open fracture by the need for open surgical reduction and internal fixation with metallic plates, bone grafts, or other fixation devices. Although it infrequently occurs with good surgical technique, infection is always possible after such procedures. Terminology When describing displacement of fracture fragments, it is customary to refer to the displacement of the distal fragment in relation to the proximal, the latter being considered as the stationary part. Therefore, one speaks of a posterior displacement of the distal fragment of the tibia in relation to the proximal fragment rather than an anterior displacement of the proximal in relation to the distal. The same method is used in describing dislocations, the distal portion of the extremity being considered to be the dislocated part. For example, all dislocations of the elbow joint are displacements of the bones of the forearm on the humerus. In describing angular deformity, the distal fragment should be considered as being angled in relation to the proximal fragment. Therefore, a fracture of the distal tibia with lateral displacement of the foot would be described as lateral angulation of the distal fragment. As an alternative, the angulation may be defined at the fracture site. In the case described with lateral displacement of the foot, there would be medial angulation at the fracture site. The more common method is to describe the angulation of

the distal fragment. Apposition, overlap or overriding, and number of fragments are other important observations. The following groupings of fractures are useful for descriptive purposes, and the terms are those used in the roentgen and clinical evaluations. Some fractures do not fit into a specific group because they show mixed features. For example, a compression fracture may also show evidence of comminution; the line of demarcation between an impacted fracture and a compression fracture is not sharp; and a Colles' fracture at the wrist is usually comminuted as well as impacted. These limitations must be kept in mind when one attempts to classify any specific fracture. Complete and Incomplete Fractures The term complete is used to designate a fracture that caused a complete discontinuity or disruption of bone with separation into two or more fragments. An incomplete fracture does not extend across the entire width of the bone. Occult Fractures An occult fracture is one that is strongly suspected by physical examination but not visualized roentgenographically on the initial evaluation. These fractures may be demonstrated on a subsequent radiographic examination, because deossification occurs along the edge of the fracture line ( Fig. 2-5) and makes the fracture more readily visible. Such fractures may be detectable by bone scanning or MRI before they can be demonstrated by radiographic examination (see Fig. 2-3). Bone Bruise MRI evaluation of suspected meniscal or ligamentous injuries of the knee has revealed incidental intraosseous abnormalities that have been termed occult intraosseous fractures 12,26 but are popularly referred to as bone bruises. They appear as irregular areas of high signal intensity on T2-weighted images within the subchondral medullary space. T1-weighted and proton density images ( Fig. 2-6) show ill-defined, speckled areas of low signal intensity in these same areas. Occasionally, a linear or branching band of signal void is identified within the same area. Radioisotopic bone scans may show increased activity. These abnormalities can be identified in both the medial and lateral femoral condyles and the tibial plateau. Bone bruises are presumed to represent hemorrhage and edema associated with trabecular microfractures sustained as the result of compression or impaction forces applied to the joint surface. They often are associated with meniscal or ligamentous injuries but may occur as isolated findings. Similar lesions can occur in the joint margins of other bones. Hairline Fractures A hairline fracture is an undisplaced fracture with minimal separation of the fracture fragments. The fracture line is so fine that it is compared to the width of a single hair (see Fig. 2-37).

FIG. 2-37. Fracture of the waist of the scaphoid. Note that the fracture line is observed on the oblique projection ( A) but not on the posteroanterior view ( B).

Comminuted Fractures A comminuted fracture is composed of more than two fragments. Occasionally the bone may be extensively shattered, but more often comminution is less severe and the fracture has a fairly distinct pattern. For instance, a triangular-shaped fragment at one margin of a shaft fracture is referred to as a butterfly fragment ( Fig. 2-7A). Fractures that are at the end of the bone and that extend intra-articularly commonly do so in a T-, V-, or Y-shaped pattern, and these letters are used to describe the nature of the comminution. For instance, a T-shaped fracture in the lower end of the femur consists of a transverse fracture extending across the width of the bone in the supracondylar area and a vertical extension into the knee joint between the two condyles ( Fig. 2-7B).

FIG. 2-7. A: Comminuted fracture of distal tibia with large butterfly fragment ( arrows) and an associated fracture of the lateral malleolus. B: Comminuted T-shaped fracture of the distal end of the femur. In addition to the irregular transverse fracture through the shaft, there is a vertical fracture extending to the articular surface within the intercondylar notch.

Avulsion and Chip Fractures In an avulsion fracture, a fragment of bone is pulled away or avulsed from a tuberosity or bony process at the end of a bone at a site of ligament or tendon attachment (Fig. 2-8A). When the fragment is very small, it may be referred to as a chip or sprain fracture. These small cortical avulsions, also known as flake fractures, frequently occur in the ankle as a result of ankle sprains ( Fig. 2-8B) and are also commonly encountered in the finger, where the fragments are often tiny (see Fig. 2-34).

FIG. 2-8. A: Avulsion fracture of the greater tuberosity of the humerus. B: Soft-tissue swelling over the lateral malleolus is associated with small avulsion fractures (arrows) from the tip of the lateral malleolus. This is known as a sprain fracture.

FIG. 2-34. Fractures of the phalanges. A: Volar plate avulsion from the base of the middle phalanx ( arrow). The fragment is characteristically quite small. B: Baseball finger, with characteristic fracture of the dorsal surface at the base of the distal phalanx. C: Boxer's fracture of the neck of the fifth meta-carpal (arrow), with characteristic volar displacement of the distal fragment.

Segmental Fractures Two or more complete fractures may involve the shaft of a single bone. These differ somewhat from the more common form of comminuted fracture in that each is complete, leaving a segment of intact shaft between them. They are known as segmental fractures. In the common comminuted fracture, one or more small fragments have been separated along the line of a major fracture, but these pieces as a rule do not include the entire width of the bone. Impacted Fractures In an impacted fracture, the fragments are driven into one another, either along the entire line of fracture or along only one side. A radiolucent fracture line may not be seen, because impaction completely obscures it. Instead, the line of impaction is denser than normal because of the condensed bony trabeculae within it. In addition, an impacted fracture can be recognized by the disruption of normal bone trabeculae at the site of impaction and by the sharp angulation of the cortical margin at least on one side of the fracture. Two of the more common impacted fractures are the Colles' fracture of the distal radius (see Fig. 2-36) and the subcapital fracture of the neck of the femur (see Fig. 2-57A). Impacted fractures are also frequent in the vertebral bodies (see Fig. 2-26) and os calcis (see Fig. 2-68), where they are usually referred to as compression fractures.

FIG. 2-36. Colles' fracture. A: Note the comminution and posterior lateral impaction. The ulnar styloid has been avulsed and is faintly seen lateral to its normal position. B: Note the characteristic posterior angulation of the distal fragment.

FIG. 2-57. Two fractures of the femoral neck. A: Impacted subcapital fracture. Note the characteristic distortion of the superolateral margin of the junction of the head and neck, with a vague zone of increased density caused by impaction along the course of the subcapital fracture. B: Nonimpacted subcapital fracture. The shaft is drawn proximally and is externally rotated. The margins of the fracture are not in apposition.

FIG. 2-26. Compression fracture of the 12th thoracic vertebra. A: Lateral view demonstrates anterior wedged compression of the 12th vertebral body. The anterosuperior margin of this vertebra is irregular. The posterior wall of the vertebra remains intact. B: Tomogram demonstrates the findings with clarity. Note the zone of increased radiodensity in the upper portion of the vertebral body, representing impaction of bone.

FIG. 2-68. Compression fracture of the os calcis. A: Note the characteristic loss of Bhler's angle and impaction of fracture fragments manifested by an increase in density without an obvious line of fracture. B: Normal os calcis for comparison.

Greenstick Fractures Greenstick fractures occur almost exclusively during infancy and childhood. The appearance of such a fracture is similar to that obtained by trying to break a green twig. There are three basic forms of greenstick fractures. 22,23 In the first, a transverse fracture occurs in the cortex, extends into the midportion of the bone, and then becomes oriented along the longitudinal axis of the bone without disrupting the opposite cortex ( Fig. 2-9). The second form is a torus or buckling fracture ( Fig. 2-10). This is caused by impaction. The cortex is buckled and overlapped, but there is no distinct disruption of the cortex. The third form is a bow fracture, in which the bone becomes curved along its longitudinal axis but with no distinct buckle or break in the cortex ( Fig. 2-9). The bow fracture is most commonly encountered in the forearm, less commonly in the fibula, and rarely in the femur, clavicle, and humerus.

FIG. 2-9. Bow and greenstick fractures of the distal radius and ulna. A: Lateral view demonstrates anterior bowing of the radius without an obvious fracture line associated with a greenstick fracture of the midshaft of the ulna. B: Lateral view of opposite normal side for comparison.

FIG. 2-10. Torus fractures of the distal radius and ulna. There is anterolateral buckling of both the radius and ulna, but despite the slight angulation of the distal fragments, the fracture line does not extend across the width of the shaft.

Epiphyseal Fractures During childhood, a fracture may extend either partly or completely through the epiphyseal plate at the end of a long bone and may lead to displacement of the epiphysis on the shaft. This most commonly occurs at age 10 through 16 years and is most frequently encountered in the distal end of the radius, in the phalanges, and in the lower end of the tibia. 23,24 If the line of fracture is limited to the cartilage, it will not be directly visible and its detection will rest on the evidence of epiphyseal displacement or on variation in width of the epiphyseal line. In the absence of displacement, detection of a pure epiphyseal plate fracture is difficult; comparison with the opposite extremity is helpful in doubtful cases. In most cases, the fracture does not remain confined to the cartilaginous plate but angles sharply into the bone so that a corner fragment of the metaphysis remains attached to and displaced with the epiphysis. If there is no displacement, the oblique fracture line in the metaphysis indicates the nature of the injury. Because the epiphysis is responsible for bone growth, injuries involving the epiphyseal growth plate may result in an alteration in length of the involved bone. In children, dislocations and ligamentous tears are uncommon. Injuries that cause these conditions in adults produce epiphyseal separations in the younger age group.

The extent of the injury is important in assessing the likelihood of growth alterations. Prognosis depends on the degree of vascular damage, with growth disturbance paralleling the degree of arterial disruption. The Salter-Harris classification is commonly used to describe injuries of the epiphyseal plate ( Fig. 2-11A).24,25 Radiographic findings are distinct for each type, and prognosis usually varies with type. In general, injuries involving the lower extremity have a much more serious prognosis than those of the upper extremity, irrespective of the type. The classification is as follows:

FIG. 2-11. Fractures of the epiphysis. A: Diagram of the Salter-Harris classification of epiphyseal fractures. Type V injury is not included, because there are no radiographic abnormalities at the time of the initial injury. B and C: Salter-Harris type II fracture of the distal tibia and radius. Note the large, triangular, metaphyseal fragment, the corner sign ( arrow). There is an associated fracture of the distal fibula ( B). Dorsal displacement of the distal radial epiphysis accompanied by a small triangular fragment (arrow) from the dorsal surface of the metaphysis (C).

Type I. This is a pure epiphyseal separation. The line of cleavage is confined to the zone of hypertrophic cells within the epiphyseal plate. Because the fracture line is in the cartilage, it is not visible radiographically; displacement of the epiphyseal ossification center is the only positive radiographic sign. The prognosis is generally favorable, with no alterations in growth in most instances. Type II. A fragment from the metaphysis accompanies the displaced epiphysis, separating a segment of bone on the metaphyseal side ( Fig. 2-11). This is by far the most common injury, accounting for approximately 75% of cases. The most common site is the distal radius, which accounts for up to one half of all epiphyseal injuries. The distal tibia, distal fibula, distal femur, and ulna are involved in decreasing order of frequency. The prognosis is generally favorable except at the ankle or knee. Type III. The fracture runs vertically through the epiphysis and through the growth plate. A portion of the epiphysis is detached and displaced. Usually the displacement is minimal, without an associated fracture of the metaphysis. The most common site is the distal tibia. The prognosis is good if the fragment is replaced properly so that the joint surface does not become irregular. Type IV. This is a vertically oriented fracture that extends through the epiphysis and growth plate and into the metaphysis. The fracture fragment consists of a portion of metaphysis, growth plate, and epiphysis. The most common sites are the lateral condyle of the humerus in patients younger than 10 years of age and the distal tibia in those older than age 10. Growth arrest and joint deformities are the distinct hazard in this type of injury, although the incidence is reduced by proper reduction and surgical fixation. Type V. This rare injury is a result of crushing-type force, usually directed to the distal femoral or the proximal or distal tibial epiphyseal centers. It is most commonly associated with fractures of the shaft of the femur or tibia. There is no immediate visible radiographic alteration within the epiphyseal complex. Subsequently, some shortening or angulation occurs. Premature closure of an epiphyseal line and a slowing of the growth rate are the factors that result in deformity. Patients must be observed for a minimum of 2 years before the possibility of these complications can be ruled out. Pathologic Fractures A pathologic fracture is one occurring through diseased bone, characteristically resulting from a relatively trivial injury. Most are encountered in adults and are associated with foci of metastatic carcinoma (Fig. 2-12A) or, much less frequently, with a benign cause such as Paget's disease or benign tumor, particularly an enchondroma of the phalanges ( Fig. 2-12B). The lesions responsible for most pathologic fractures in children are benign. Patients with simple bone cysts of the proximal humerus or other sites often present with a pathologic fracture. Patients with osteogenesis imperfecta are subject to frequent fractures.

FIG. 2-12. Pathologic fractures. A: Carcinoma of the lung metastatic to the proximal radius. A transverse fracture has occurred through a lytic focus of metastatic disease. Note the endosteal erosion. B: Pathologic fracture through a phalangeal enchondroma.

Pathologic fractures are often transversely oriented at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the long bone. The ends of the fragments are often smooth or slightly irregular. Comminution is infrequent. In such cases, the fragment should be observed carefully for evidence of bone destruction, endosteal erosion, or periosteal new-bone formation indicating a pre-existing lesion. Pseudofractures Pseudofractures are transverse, fissure-like defects that extend partly or completely through the bone. They are frequently seen in osteomalacia and are sometimes called looser zones or umbauzonen. They are infractions of bone in which osteoid is formed in the defect but there is no calcium deposition. Healing is delayed, and the fissure persists as a roentgenographically visible defect. Multiple pseudofractures of this type were described by Milkman in 1930, and the condition sometimes is called Milkman's syndrome. Most investigators now believe that this represents osteomalacia in which the pseudofractures happen to be a particularly prominent part of the disease (see Osteomalacia in Chapter 6). A similar type of transverse fracture is seen in Paget's disease, fibrous dysplasia, and osteogenesis imperfecta. Some authorities contend that these differ from the pseudofractures of osteomalacia in that they are true fractures that have healed by fibrous or cartilaginous union. Roentgenographically they are similar to the pseudofractures of osteomalacia, but the basic change of the underlying bone disease (e.g., Paget's disease) is different and should lead to the correct diagnosis. A pseudofracture may become complete after an injury and may lead to displacement of fragments and the clinical signs and symptoms of fracture.

Birth Fractures Fractures of the fetal skeletal system occasionally occur during birth, particularly during difficult deliveries. 23 The most common site of fracture is the clavicle (Fig. 2-13). Occasionally the shaft of a long bone is fractured. Epiphyseal separations may also occur. These have been termed pseudodislocations because clinically they are mistaken for dislocations. The difficulty is compounded by the radiographic appearance. The fractures most commonly involve the proximal humerus, proximal femur, and distal humerus. Because none of the epiphyses are ossified at birth, the radiographic diagnosis may be difficult. True dislocations in newborns are unusual, however. Ultrasonography, MRI, or arthrography may be necessary to establish the diagnosis with certainty. The injuries usually occur in high-weight babies who are born to diabetic mothers, who present in unusual positions (e.g., breech presentation), and who undergo a difficult delivery.

FIG. 2-13. A fracture of the left clavicle that occurred during birth. Examination at 2 weeks of age demonstrates a large amount of callus at the fracture site.

Apophyseal Injuries Apophyses are the growth centers for bony projections and tuberosities, and they serve as attachments for muscles, tendons, and ligaments. They may be avulsed by the pull of the attached muscle or tendon. These injuries most commonly occur about the pelvis, particularly the ischial tuberosity, and the medial epicondyle of the elbow. Stress Fractures Stress or fatigue fractures occur in normal bone of healthy persons in response to the stress of repeated activities. They were first described in military recruits with painful feet and were termed march fractures. The majority have been reported in military recruit populations, 10 but more recently it has been recognized that they occur in athletes and the athletically inclined. 1,29 The radiographic examination is within normal limits initially, and usually no evidence of fracture is identified until 10 to 20 days after the onset of symptoms. A fracture may be visualized as a thin line of transverse or oblique radiolucency, as fluffy or compact periosteal callus without an obvious underlying fracture ( Fig. 2-14), or as a band of increased density indicating healing and possibly compression of medullary bone ( Fig. 2-15). The most common sites of occurrence are at the distal shaft of the metatarsals (Fig. 2-14A, B), the tuberosity of the calcaneus ( Fig. 2-15), the shafts of the tibia ( Fig. 2-14C) and fibula, the neck of the femur, and the pubic rami. 10,29

FIG. 2-14. Stress fracture. A and B: Stress fracture of the second metatarsal, the march fracture. Note the minimal subperiosteal new-bone formation along the medial aspect of the shaft (A). Examination 1 month later shows a considerable increase in the size of the callus at the fracture site ( B). C: Stress fracture of the proximal tibia manifested by periosteal new-bone formation along the posterior cortex of the proximal tibia ( arrows).

FIG. 2-15. Stress fracture of the calcaneus. A: Technetium bone scan reveals increased radioactivity in the posterior margin of the tuberosity of the calcaneus. B: Lateral radiograph demonstrates area of increased density caused by endosteal callus formation at the site of stress ( arrow). (Courtesy of Joseph Norfray, M.D., Springfield, Illinois.)

Bone scanning and MRI are useful in the diagnosis of stress fractures (see Fig. 2-15).1 Either technique can be positive before the radiographic findings are apparent. In cases with considerable periosteal callus formation, the lesion can easily be mistaken for a tumorparticularly an osteoid osteoma or even an osteosarcomaor for evidence of infection. When such a lesion is encountered, it is necessary to inquire about a history of athletic participation or unusual activity to avoid an error in diagnosis. Insufficiency Fractures Insufficiency fractures are the result of normal activity in weakened bone, as opposed to fatigue or stress fractures, which are the result of unusual activity in normal bone.8 The most distinctive variety occurs in the pelvis in elderly, osteoporotic women. 7 Similar fractures occur with rheumatoid arthritis, with renal osteodystrophy,

with steroid use, and after pelvic irradiation. Patients present with a history of pain, and the plain film findings are often obscure. Occasionally, an ill-defined sclerosis can be seen in the sacral alae, or an obvious healing fracture of the pubic ramus may be evident (see Fig. 2-55A). The body of the pubis may show patchy areas of lucency and sclerosis and, on occasion, an obvious loss of bone volume. The diagnosis can be confirmed by CT, which demonstrates patchy sclerosis, often with fissure-like fractures and no associated soft-tissue mass (see Fig. 2-55C). The lack of a soft-tissue mass aids in distinguishing insufficiency fracture from metastatic disease, which is often a clinical consideration in these patients. 13 Insufficiency fractures are often obscure and cannot be detected on plain films. Bone scanning or MRI may be necessary to disclose the lesions.

FIG. 2-55. Insufficiency fractures of the pelvis. A and B: Case 1: An 82-year-old osteoporotic woman with low-back pain. Anteroposterior film ( A) demonstrates mottled sclerosis of the sacrum and body of the right pubic bone. Bone scan ( B) demonstrates typical H-type pattern in the sacrum and increased radioactivity in the right pubis beneath the bladder. C: Case 2: Computed tomography scan of insufficiency fracture of the sacrum in a 71-year-old osteoporotic woman. A linear, lucent fissure is in the right sacral ala ( arrow) and is surrounded by sclerosis. Note the absence of a soft-tissue mass. There is also a small insufficiency fracture in the anterior portion of the left sacral ala.

Peculiar forms of fractures are identified in the lower extremity, and these result from no more than normal activity, particularly in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, whether or not steroids are used. At times these fractures may occur with resumption of ambulation after periods of prolonged bed rest. They often appear as linear, band-like densities in the metaphysis paralleling the joint surface and are similar in appearance to stress fractures in the same location. Similar fractures have also been described after joint replacement for osteoarthritis in osteoporotic individuals. Such fractures also occur in patients treated with fluorides for osteoporosis. Insufficiency fractures of the sternum occur in osteoporotic persons with severe dorsal kyphosis.

Union of Fractures When a fracture occurs, the soft tissues are lacerated, the periosteum is torn, and vascular channels in the adjacent soft tissues are opened. 22,23 A hematoma forms about the fracture site. Osteoid is laid down. There is production of new bone between the periosteum and the old cortex, and a solid mass of bone also replaces the marrow tissue. This new bone extends toward the fracture line and meets with similar bone produced on the opposite side of the fracture. All of this new bone is termed callus. Subsequently, there is a decrease in the bulk of the callus as the stronger adult bone replaces the weaker woven bone. Healing is delayed when there is significant destruction of the periosteum. Movement of the fracture edges tends to delay the healing process. Motion of the fracture site also increases the size of the callus. Roentgenographic Evidence of Bone Union Uncalcified osteoid is not visible roentgenographically. Failure to visualize calcified callus therefore does not necessarily indicate that the fragments are not held together. Eventually, the callus becomes more dense and compacted. Ultimately, in normal healing, the callus growing from the margins of the fracture joins and obliterates the fracture line. Clinical union occurs before there is complete obliteration of the fracture line ( Fig. 2-16). Clinical union is determined by the absence of tenderness and the ability to bear weight and use the extremity.

FIG. 2-16. Healing fractures. A: Injury shows long, oblique fracture of the midshaft of the femur. B: In 2 weeks, some hazy callus formation is identified at the margins of the fracture. C: At 4 weeks, considerable callus is evident. D: Three months after injury, there is a solid bridge of callus between fragments along the external surfaces. The fracture line is disappearing, indicating presence of endosteal callus. (Courtesy of Ralph C. Frank, M.D., Eau Claire, Wisconsin.)

The amount of visible periosteal callus varies greatly in different fractures. It is more extensive when there is displacement of fragments than when there has been accurate replacement and a close apposition of fragments. It is more prominent beneath large muscle masses. In bones covered with little or no muscle, periosteal callus will be slight. This is noted in fractures of the phalanges, which often unite with little evidence of periosteal callus. It also is observed in fractures of the tibial shaft, where heavy calcified periosteal callus may form along the posterior and outer side of the fracture but with very little over the anterior surface. The intra-articular portion of bone is not covered by periosteum, and therefore, intra-articular fractures such as those of the femoral neck do not form periosteal callus. The radiographic findings must be interpreted in light of the clinical findings. The absence of tenderness and the ability to use the part without pain are excellent indicators of satisfactory healing. There usually is clinical evidence of union before the healing process has completely obliterated radiographic evidence of the fracture line. Delayed Union and Nonunion General Aspects Fractures unite more slowly in the aged than in younger adults, and they always heal more slowly in adults than in infants and children. The rapidity of callus formation and bone union in fractures occurring during birth is striking. For example, a birth fracture of a clavicle may develop a fusiform area of dense periosteal

callus that is easily visualized in roentgenograms within 5 to 7 days after the injury (see Fig. 2-13). The term nonunion refers to a failure of bony union. When the rate of progress of healing of a fracture is slower than normal for the age of the patient and the particular type of fracture under consideration, it is termed slow or delayed union. Some causes of nonunion may also be responsible for delay in union. The principal difference between the two is that in a delayed union healing eventually takes place. Fractures in certain areas are noted for the frequency with which delayed union or nonunion occurs. These include fractures of the junction of the middle and lower thirds of the tibia, the carpal scaphoid, the central third of the shaft of the humerus, and the distal third of the ulna. The causes of delayed union and nonunion include (1) infection; (2) distraction of fragments, which is a separation or pulling apart of the fragments that leaves a gap between them, usually caused by excessive traction; (3) injury to the blood supply of one or both fragments; (4) improper fixation; and (5) interposition of soft tissues between the fragment ends. Roentgenographic Observations Nonunion is suggested if one or more of certain roentgenographic findings is present ( Fig. 2-17 and Fig. 2-18).22,23

FIG. 2-17. Fracture nonunion. A: Comminuted tibial fracture and transverse fibular fracture 3 weeks after injury without callus formation. B: Eight months later there is partial union of the fibula, but no definite callus bridges the tibial fracture. There is some eburnation of bone adjacent to the tibial fracture site. C: Old nonunited fracture of the medial malleolus (arrow).

FIG. 2-18. Malunion of the radius with marked volar angulation at the fracture site associated with pseudoarthrosis of a fracture of the midshaft of the ulna. Note the bony eburnation at the fracture site and the formation of a false joint.

At first, the ends of fracture fragments are ragged and irregular. A fracture that is not going to unite often shows, as first evidence, the development of smoothness of the margins of the fracture. Failure to demonstrate peripheral callus formation in a normal anticipated time for the site of fracture is an indication of delayed union. In atrophic nonunion, little or no peripheral callus ever appears. More commonly, however, callus formation occurs along the peripheral margins of the fragments but never bridges across the line of fracture. An irregular, translucent line remains and appears to be an extension of the fracture line. The fragment ends may undergo increasing sclerosis and eburnation when bony union fails to take place. The longer the duration of nonunion, the more eburnated the fragments become. In the absence of bony union, motion can be demonstrated when roentgenograms are obtained with and without the application of stress. This is an excellent way to demonstrate absence of union in patients in whom the clinical examination yields indefinite results. With rounding and eburnation of the fragments and continued motion at the fracture site, a false joint may be formed in the fracture line. The fracture line is filled with fibrous tissue. With sufficient motion, a cleft may appear in the fibrous tissue, simulating a joint cavity (see Fig. 2-18). This is termed a pseudoarthrosis.


Injuries of the intracranial contentsthe brain, vascular system, and meningesare much more important than any injury of the cranial bones. The demonstration of a skull fracture does not indicate the presence of an intracranial injury, nor does the absence of a skull fracture rule out the presence of an intracranial injury. The only plain film findings that indicate the possibility of an associated intracranial injury are a shift in the calcified pineal and a depressed skull fracture. If there is serious concern about the possibility of an intracranial injury based on the clinical findings, a CT examination should be obtained. This is an extremely sensitive method of identifying intracranial hematomas, depressed skull fractures, and fractures involving the base of the skull. Only approximately 20% of linear fractures of the skull are demonstrated by CT, but in the absence of intracerebral injury these fractures are of little or no clinical significance; therefore, the inability of CT to demonstrate them is not a serious deficiency. The percentage of skull examinations after trauma that reveal a fracture depends in large measure on the clinical findings. 23 If there has been a loss of consciousness or other neurologic signs or symptoms, the percentage approaches 40% or more. When there are no neurologic signs and symptoms or positive physical findings and the examining physician is doubtful that a fracture exists, then a fracture is identified in significantly fewer than 5% of patients. Types of Skull Fractures Linear Fractures A linear fracture is visualized as a sharp, dark, translucent line, often irregular or jagged and occasionally of branching character ( Fig. 2-19). Linear fractures often extend into the base of the skull, and their inferior terminations become invisible. A linear fracture must be distinguished from suture lines and vascular grooves. A vascular groove usually has a smooth, curving course and is not as sharp or distinct as a fracture line. Suture lines generally have serrated edges. Ordinarily, linear fractures without depression and without clinical signs of disturbed sensorium or neurologic findings are of little significance.

FIG. 2-19. Linear fracture of the skull. A: A linear fracture of the parietal bone extends posteriorly toward the occipital bone ( arrow). B: In this patient, a linear fracture line extends into the posterior temporal bone from the parietal area ( arrows).

Depressed Fractures After more severe trauma, particularly if the force has been localized to a small area of the skull, one or more fragments of bone may be separated and depressed into the cranial cavity. Such fractures are often stellate, with multiple fracture lines radiating outward from a central point and with one or more comminuted pieces present. When viewed en face, the line of fracture may appear more dense than normal bone because of overlap or tilting of fragments ( Fig. 2-20). This effectively increases the thickness of bone and therefore increases its radiographic density. Tangential views are essential to determine the amount of depression. If the underlying dura is torn, surgery is indicated; the greater the depression, the more likely an associated dural tear. However, the exact amount of depression indicating the need for surgery is a subject of some dispute. Depressed fractures are easily and advantageously evaluated by CT ( Fig. 2-20C).

FIG. 2-20. Depressed comminuted skull fracture. A: Lateral view shows an irregular fracture line with overlapping that results in increased density ( arrow). B: Anteroposterior view demonstrates the extent of depression. Note the inward displacement of the large bone fragment ( arrow). C: Computed tomogram of another patient demonstrates typical findings of a depressed fracture.

Diastatic Fractures A linear fracture may extend into a suture and separate it along at least a part of its course ( Fig. 2-21). Less commonly there is a separation of the suture without an associated linear fracture. This type of fracture is seen most frequently during infancy and childhood and most commonly involves the lambdoid or sagittal suture. Separation of a suture causes widening so that the suture stands out more clearly than normal. Occasionally, a normal coronal or lambdoid suture appears slightly wider than its mate because of a slight tilting of the head from the true AP plane. Sutures that are separated by 1 to 2 mm and that are wider than their opposite mate indicate fracture.

FIG. 2-21. Diastatic fracture. A linear fracture of the parietal bone extends into the lambdoidal suture with obvious widening of the suture line.

Basal Skull Fractures Fractures limited to the base of the skull are very difficult to visualize by roentgenographic examinations, including the basal view of the skull. Although the base of the skull can be shown in various radiographic projections, the detail is poor and the anatomic structures composing the base add to the difficulty in recognizing a fracture line. Many basal fractures extend into the vault for at least a short distance, and part of the fracture may be visible. A basal skull fracture often involves the sphenoid sinus, and, when lateral roentgenograms are obtained using a horizontal beam, an air-fluid level or complete opacification of the sinus may be demonstrated. Basal skull fractures are much more easily and satisfactorily demonstrated by CT; therefore, whenever there is a serious question of a basal skull fracture, a CT examination should be obtained ( Fig. 2-22).

FIG. 2-22. Basal skull fracture with pneumocephalus. A: A digital radiograph of the skull demonstrates opacification of the sphenoid sinus ( asterisk), air-fluid level in the posterior ethmoid sinuses (closed arrow), and pneumocephalus in the basal cisterns ( open arrow). The linear metallic density is a hairpin that was left on the patient at the time of the examination. B: Computed tomogram demonstrates small bubbles of air within the subarachnoid space of the middle cranial fossa and opacification of the sphenoid and posterior ethmoid sinuses with air-fluid levels. C: An arcuate, transverse fracture of the base of the skull is shown ( arrows).

Radiographic Interpretation of Skull Roentgenograms for Trauma The principal radiographic features to be determined when evaluating a traumatized skull are (1) the presence or absence of fracture; (2) the presence of a depressed fracture and the degree of depression, which may require a tangential view; and (3) the presence of pneumocephalus. Pneumocephalus If a fracture has extended through the frontal, ethmoid, or sphenoidal sinuses or the mastoids, air may enter the cranial cavity. The air is most commonly identified in the subarachnoid cisterns or about the sella turcica, but it may be found over the convexity or within the ventricular system. This condition is known as post-traumatic pneumocephalus (see Fig. 2-22). It is an uncommon but serious complication and can be recognized easily on CT scans and roentgenograms because of the translucency of the air in contrast to the density of the surrounding brain and cerebrospinal fluid. Cephalohematoma Cephalohematoma is found in newborn infants as a result of birth trauma, usually caused by the application of forceps. Injury to the external fibrous tissue covering the skull is followed by formation of a hematoma beneath it. This forms a localized mass that subsequently undergoes calcification. When viewed tangentially, the typical cephalhematoma is visualized as a homogeneous shadow of soft-tissue density showing a sharply demarcated convex outer border, which in time is marginated by a fine rim of calcification, the margins merging smoothly with normal bone ( Fig. 2-23). The bone beneath the area of calcification usually is normal. With the passage of time, a cephalohematoma tends to undergo gradual decrease in size and disappears completely if small, or at the most it leaves only an area of slightly thickened bone.

FIG. 2-23. Calcified cephalohematoma (arrow) after birth trauma. The dense, calcified mass shown here gradually decreased in size and eventually disappeared.

Complications of Skull Fracture Leptomeningeal Cyst If the dura is torn beneath an area of fracture, it may become adherent to the bone along the margins of the fracture and allow the cerebral cortex to come into contact with the bone. An accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid may form in this space and develop into a leptomeningeal cyst. In other instances, both cerebral cortex and dura adhere to the bone. Either condition predisposes to a gradual erosion of the bone overlying the cyst or cicatrix, apparently caused by the pulsating pressure of the blood vessels along the surface of the cortex. This condition is seen most frequently in infants and young children. It occurs most commonly in the parietal area after a diastatic type of fracture. The fracture may heal satisfactorily at first, but within a few months erosion of bone along the line of fracture becomes apparent ( Fig. 2-24). The bone is often destroyed sufficiently for a soft-tissue mass to bulge through the defect and to be obvious on inspection and palpation.

FIG. 2-24. A leptomeningeal cyst or growing fracture caused by meningeal adhesions to the inner margins of an old linear fracture. Swelling was noted over the region of previous fracture several months after injury. The elongated, slightly elliptical lucency with slightly sclerotic margins is characteristic of a leptomeningeal cyst.


Fractures and dislocations of the spine are most common in the lower cervical region from C4 through C7, at the thoracolumbar junction between the 10th dorsal and the 2nd lumbar vertebrae, and at the craniovertebral junction. 23 Fractures usually involve the vertebral body with or without associated fractures of the posterior elements of the affected vertebra. The important diagnostic observations in spinal trauma are whether the height of the vertebral bodies is maintained; whether the alignment of the spine is normal; whether the distances between the vertebrae at the intervertebral disc spaces, facet joints, and spinous processes remain normal; and whether the contiguous surfaces of the joints and vertebral end-plates remain parallel. 23 Fractures and dislocations are manifested by loss of vertebral body height, disruption of the cortical margins of the posterior elements, malalignment of the spine, and loss of the parallel apposing cortical surfaces of bone at the facet joints or intervertebral disc spaces. Fractures limited to the vertebral body or the posterior elements are considered stable. Those fractures that involve both the vertebral body and the posterior elements are considered unstable. Paraspinous hematomas may point to an otherwise obscure fracture or dislocation in the cervical or thoracic spine. The hematomas appear as retropharyngeal masses in the cervical spine and as paraspinous masses on the frontal projection in the dorsal spine. Radiographic Examination of Spinal Injury

Great care is needed in handling patients with suspected spinal injuries so as not to cause more extensive cord injury than may already be present. Therefore, it is wise to secure the lateral film for examination before additional views are obtained. Once it is determined that there is no subluxation or dislocation, AP and oblique views may be obtained. Often CT is necessary to verify fractures. 9,17 CT is particularly useful in the demonstration of bony fragments impinging on the spinal canal and, therefore, possibly on the spinal cord or nerve roots. It is also useful in the demonstration of fractures of the posterior elements. Horizontal fracturesfractures in the plane of tube movementmay not be disclosed by this method because of volume averaging. Reconstruction in either the sagittal or coronal plane is required. MRI has added advantages including imaging in the sagittal and coronal planes, which reveals the relationship of one vertebral segment to another; shows the status of the intervertebral discs and spinous ligaments; and, most importantly, visualizes the spinal cord and spinal canal, allowing direct disclosure and assessment of spinal cord injuries and bone fragments and hematomas that may compromise the spinal canal ( Fig. 2-25).

FIG. 2-25. Spinal cord contusion sustained in auto accident as a result of hyperextension of the neck. A: Lateral plain film demonstrates retropharyngeal soft-tissue swelling measuring 10 mm anterior to C4 (arrow). No evident fracture or dislocation is seen. B: T2-weighted sagittal magnetic resonance image reveals spinal cord contusion (arrow) and prevertebral hemorrhage and edema (open arrow).

Fractures of the Spine Compression Fractures A compression fracture is manifested by an anterior wedge deformity of the vertebral body or a depression limited to the vertebral end-plate, usually the superior end-plate. The fracture is caused by a flexion of the spine. The degree of deformity depends on the severity of the forces involved. A minor degree of depression may be difficult to recognize, because it consists of only a slight depression of the superior end-plate of the vertebra coupled with a bulging irregularity of the anterosuperior margin of the vertebra as seen on the lateral projection. A faint band of sclerosis is identified just beneath the deformed end-plate, indicating a zone of bony impaction. With a more severe degree of injury, there is a very definite narrowing of the anterior height of the vertebra ( Fig. 2-26). Rarely the injury is limited to the inferior end-plate of the vertebral body. With severe compression injuries, a portion of the vertebral body may be displaced into the spinal canal, compromising the spinal cord or nerve roots. This is most commonly encountered in the form of a teardrop fracture in the cervical spine and in burst fractures at the thoracolumbar junction. 1,23 Whenever a severe compression fracture is encountered, retropulsion of a fragment of the vertebral body must be considered. Fracture-Dislocations Fracture-dislocations occur most commonly in the lower cervical spine and at the thoracolumbar junction. Usually the upper vertebral body is displaced anteriorly, relative to the lower vertebral body. An anterior wedge compression fracture of the lower vertebral body and fractures involving the laminae, facets, or spinous processes are often present. Alternatively, there may be disruption of the joint capsule of the facet joints and interspinous ligament without associated fractures. At times, there may be no significant fracture associated with a dislocation, with the injury being limited to the intervertebral disc, facet joint capsules, and intervening ligaments. This commonly occurs in the cervical spine. The degree of dislocation is variable. If minimal, it is often referred to as a subluxation, whereas the term dislocation is used to indicate a more extensive or complete displacement of one vertebra relative to the other. Complete displacementthat is, a total dislocation of one segment of the spine relative to the otheris uncommon. Fractures of the Posterior Elements Fractures of the posterior elements do not commonly occur without accompanying fractures of the vertebral bodies, except for fractures of the transverse processes of the lumbar spine, the neural arches of the first and second cervical vertebrae, and the spinous processes at the cervicothoracic junction. Isolated fractures of the vertebrae at other locations are often difficult to diagnose and require CT 3,9,14 or MRI to establish with certainty. Cervical Spine Injuries In patients with potential injuries of the cervical spine, it is important to be certain that all seven cervical vertebrae are included on the film ( Fig. 2-27).23 Failure to visualize the seventh cervical vertebra is the most common error made in the radiographic assessment of cervical spine injury. Retropharyngeal hematomas point to underlying fractures or dislocations of the cervical spine. In adults, the soft tissues anterior to the arch of C1 measure approximately 10 mm; anterior to C4, 4 to 7 mm; and anterior to C6, 16 to 20 mm. Measurements of soft tissue in excess of these amounts should alert the physician to the possibility of underlying fracture or dislocation (see Fig. 2-25A). Measurements anterior to the midcervical spine on films obtained in the emergency room are variable, and measurements up to 7 mm are common. If the measurement is much greater than 7 mm, a fracture is likely and the neck should be immobilized until a fracture is identified or the situation is clarified. Under those circumstances, the injury is often ultimately found at either extremethe craniovertebral or cervicothoracic junction.

FIG. 2-27. All seven cervical vertebrae must be seen on the film. A: Initial cross-table lateral view demonstrates only six cervical vertebrae without apparent injury. B: Lateral view repeated while pulling down on the arms demonstrates a fracture-dislocation of C6-C7 ( arrows).

CT, particularly helical CT, is distinctly advantageous in the evaluation of the immobile, multi-injured patient or the patient with significant symptoms after injury whose plain films are unrevealing. Under these circumstances, obscure, otherwise inapparent fractures, notably of the lateral masses and posterior elements, may be

revealed. Fractures of the first cervical vertebra or atlas are relatively uncommon. The most common type is a fracture involving the posterior neural arch caused by hyperextension of the head on the neck. These fractures are commonly undisplaced and bilateral. Care must be taken to differentiate these fractures from gaps in the neural arch that occur as normal variations. Direct forces in the axial direction may split the vertebra both anteriorly and posteriorly, with resultant lateral displacement of the two fragments. This is termed a bursting or Jefferson fracture (Fig. 2-28). Characteristically it is identified by a bilateral offset of the lateral masses of C1 relative to C2 on the frontal projection. Tilting or rotation of the head may cause a unilateral offset, but this should be associated with a corresponding inset of the lateral masses on the contralateral side. If there is a bilateral offset, a Jefferson fracture is suggested. Often the fractures of the AP arch cannot be identified on plain radiographs; CT is the best means of visualizing the fracture sites.

FIG. 2-28. Jefferson fracture of C1. A: Open-mouth view demonstrates lateral displacement of the lateral masses of C1 in relation to C2 ( arrows). No fracture is evident, however. Normally, the lateral masses of Cl should align with the lateral masses of C2. B: CT reveals a fracture of the anterior arch of C1 and of the junction of the posterior arch with the lateral mass and an incomplete fracture of the posterior arch.

Fractures of the axis, C2, are produced by a hyperextension force such as that commonly experienced when the head or face hits the windshield or steering wheel in a motor vehicle accident. This can result in bilateral fractures of the neural arch anterior to the inferior facets. This is the same fracture caused by judicial hanging, and it is therefore often referred to as a hangman's fracture (Fig. 2-29A).23 The fracture lines are usually oblique and tend to be relatively symmetrical and often associated with dislocation of C2 on C3. There may be an avulsion fracture of the anteroinferior margin of C2. Fractures of the odontoid are also quite common. These commonly are transversely oriented and situated at the base of the odontoid ( Fig. 2-29B), or they may extend into the body of C2. The latter type is identified by disruption of the ring of C2 on the lateral projection. There may be anterior or posterior displacement, depending on the nature of the injuring force. 23

FIG. 2-29. Fractures of C2. A: Hangman's fracture of C2. Note the fractures of the neural arch ( arrow) associated with fracture of the inferior margin of the vertebral body (open arrow) and overlying soft-tissue swelling. B: Fracture of the dens with anterior displacement. Note the relationship of the posterior cortical margin of the dens (open arrow) with the posterior cortical margin of the vertebral body ( arrow).

In the remainder of the cervical spine, flexion injuries commonly produce anterior compression fractures that are usually readily visualized on lateral roentgenograms. Severe compression fractures with posterior displacement of the upper spine and a characteristic triangular or quadrilateral fragment arising from the anteroinferior surface of the vertebral body are often termed teardrop fractures (Fig. 2-30B). These are usually associated with spinal cord injury and are often the result of diving into shallow water.

FIG. 2-30. Fractures of the lower cervical spine. A: Hyperflexion strain of the fourth on the fifth cervical vertebra. The fourth cervical vertebra is displaced anteriorly on the fifth, and the facet joints are disrupted. B: Teardrop fracture of C5. Note the characteristic triangular anterior fragment and the posterior displacement of C5 relative to C6.

Flexion injuries may disrupt the intervertebral disc, facet joints, and interspinous ligaments with little or no fracture of the vertebral bodies. These injuries result from hyperflexion without axial compression and are often referred to as hyperflexion strains (Fig. 2-30A). Characteristically the interspinous distance is increased, the facet joints are disrupted, and the intervertebral disc is narrowed anteriorly at the involved level with an angulation of the spine at the same level. At times there may be subluxation or even complete dislocation (see Fig. 2-27). If the superior facets come to rest anterior to the inferior facets, this is referred to as a bilateral locking of the facets (Fig. 2-31A). Unilateral locking of the facets may occur because of a rotation and flexion injury ( Fig. 2-31B). This can be a diagnostic problem. Characteristically, one vertebra is displaced 25% of its width on the inferior vertebra. The vertebral bodies below this level are seen in lateral profile, whereas those above are in oblique profile. The distance between the posterior cortex of the lateral mass and the spinolaminar junction above the dislocation is decreased, or there is an overlap of these structures. Close examination reveals that one of the facets above is anterior to the facet below, whereas the opposite facet remains in normal alignment.

FIG. 2-31. Facet locking of the cervical spine. A: Bilateral facet locks. Anterior displacement of C4 on C5 exceeds 50% of the width of the vertebral body. The facets of C4 have come to rest in front of the facets of C5. B: Unilateral facet lock. There is anterior displacement of C5 on C6 approximating 25% of the width of the vertebral body. The vertebral bodies below the dislocation are in lateral profile, whereas those above are in oblique profile. The closed arrow points to the undisplaced facet and the open arrow to the rotated and locked facet.

Fractures are at times limited to the posterior elements. A fracture of the spinous process of C7 or T1 may occur because of rotational injury. This is known as a clay shoveler's fracture. Fractures of the lateral mass may occur. These commonly reorient the facet so that the joint surface of the facet is evident on the AP projection. Older patients with spondylosis of the cervical spine may sustain a spinal cord injury as a result of a simple fall. 23 Hyperextension of the head on the neck causes the cord to be pinched between posterior vertebral osteophytes and the hypertrophied ligamentum flavum, resulting in a spinal cord injury. This is often associated with a retropharyngeal hematoma secondary to a disruption of the anterior longitudinal ligament (see Fig. 2-25). On occasion a small fracture of the anteroinferior surface of the vertebra, resulting from an avulsion fracture at the site of the tear in the anterior longitudinal ligament, may be noticed. Whiplash Injury The so-called whiplash injury of the cervical spine is of considerable importance because of its legal implications. The injury is caused by a sudden deceleration of the body, as when an automobile is stopped suddenly by collision, or when a stationary automobile is struck from behind by a moving vehicle. The head is snapped back and forthwhiplashed. There is considerable difference of opinion about the importance of the whiplash injury as a cause of clinical complaints and disability. With a definite compression fracture or subluxation, the evidence of injury is obvious. When no fracture exists but the supporting ligaments have been injured, the diagnosis becomes more difficult, and it may be impossible to state from roentgenographic evidence alone whether an injury exists. The cervical spine may be straightened or the curve of the spine reversed because of cervical muscle spasm. Minor degrees of reversal of the cervical lordotic curve can be seen in normal people. A careful evaluation of the roentgenographic appearances with consideration of the age of the patient, the duration of the injury, and the character of the clinical findings and complaints is necessary in cases of this nature. In the author's experience, minor degrees of reversal of the cervical curve and minimal offset of one cervical vertebra on another may be produced by voluntary muscle contraction and therefore presumably can be produced by muscle spasm secondary to pain without any actual ligamentous injury of the cervical spine. This adds to the difficulty in assessing the significance of minor variations in the cervical spine. Care should be taken not to overemphasize these variations. Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures Most fractures of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae tend to be anterior compressions, which usually are readily observed in the lateral projections (see Fig. 2-26) and may be evident on the frontal projection because of loss of height or obliteration of the superior end-plate of the involved vertebra. Fractures of the upper thoracic spine usually are associated with violent muscular action such as occurs in convulsion or high-impact motor vehicle accidents. In the absence of such injury, compression of one of the upper four thoracic vertebrae should raise the possibility of an underlying pathologic condition such as a tumor or metabolic disease. On the other hand, fractures of the lower thoracic and upper lumbar spine are caused by flexion injuries. Burst fractures are common at the thoracolumbar junction. 2 In this injury, a fragment from the superoposterior margin of the vertebral body is displaced into the spinal canal (Fig. 2-32) and may cause a neurologic injury of the spinal cord, conus medullaris, or nerve roots. Every compression fracture should be examined closely for evidence of a retropulsed fragment. CT is an excellent means of visualizing such fragments. Horizontal fractures may occur with little or no compression of the vertebral body. These are known as Chance fractures or seat belt fractures, because they are commonly associated with the wearing of seat belts. A horizontal fracture of the posterior elements may be associated with a horizontal fracture through the vertebral body, or, alternatively, there may be a disruption of the ligaments and intervertebral discs without fracture ( Fig. 2-33A). The cause of these injuries is flexion of the trunk over an object that serves as a fulcrum, such as a seat belt. Because the fulcrum of the flexion forces is displaced forward to the object over which the body is flexed, the compression forces are removed from the vertebral body and no significant compression fracture results from such injuries.

FIG. 2-33. Fractures of the thoracolumbar spine. A: Chance fracture of the second lumbar vertebra. Note the absence of compression of the vertebral body. A horizontal fracture has extended through the lamina, the base of the pedicles, and the inferior posterior margin of the vertebral body. The L2-L3 disc is disrupted. B: Fracture-dislocation of T11-T12. There is anterior displacement of T12, and a characteristic small triangular fragment is displaced from the anterosuperior margin of T12 (arrow).

Fracture-dislocations are commonly encountered at the thoracolumbar junction with compression fractures of the involved lumbar vertebral body and associated fractures of the posterior elements, including the superior facet and laminae, and disruptions of the apophyseal joints ( Fig. 2-33B). The full evaluation of such injuries requires CT examination. Fractures of transverse processes may occur in association with severe injury anywhere in the spine, but in the lumbar area there may be an isolated injury caused by local trauma, the result of either muscle pull or direct local injury. Radiolucent lines simulating fracture of transverse processes may be produced by the psoas shadow, intra-abdominal gas, or nonunited ossification centers.


Most fractures and dislocations are easily recognized on roentgenograms and cause little difficulty in diagnosis. For a detailed analysis of the various types of fractures and dislocations, the mechanical principles involved, complications, methods of treatment, and the processes of repair, the reader should consult one of the

texts dealing specifically with these problems. 22,23 Only those features of importance from the standpoint of roentgen examination and diagnosis are considered in this section. The Hand The Phalanges Crushing injuries to the tips of the fingers may result in compression fractures of the ungual tuft. Dislocations of the interphalangeal and metacarpophalangeal joints are common. They are the result of hyperextension and are often associated with small avulsion fractures from the volar surface of the joint margin of the displaced phalanx. Hyperextension injury of an interphalangeal joint, more commonly the proximal than the distal, can also cause such an avulsion without an associated dislocation (Fig. 2-34A). Such fractures are called volar plate avulsions. The fracture fragment is often quite small, even minute. Avulsion fractures occur on the dorsal surface of the base of the distal phalanx with or without flexion deformities of the distal interphalangeal joint ( Fig. 2-34B). These are known as baseball or mallet fingers. The Metacarpals Fractures of the neck of the fourth or fifth metacarpal are referred to as boxer's fractures. Characteristically there is volar angulation of the distal fragment ( Fig. 2-34C). Fractures are also common at the base of the first metacarpal, where they may traverse the width of the shaft or extend into the joint with an associated dislocation of the metacarpal. The latter injuries are known as Bennett's fractures (Fig. 2-35).

FIG. 2-35. Bennett's fracture of the first metacarpal. A: Diagram illustrating the characteristic deformity. B: Radiograph showing lateral displacement of the shaft and characteristic oblique fracture of the base of the metacarpal.

The Wrist Most injuries of the distal forearm and carpus are caused by a fall on the outstretched hand. The age of the patient is an excellent indicator of the site of resultant injury. Before the age of 10 years, transverse or greenstick fractures of the distal radius and ulna are common; between the ages of 11 and 16, separations of the distal radial epiphysis occur; between the ages of 14 and 40, fractures of the scaphoid occur; and after 40 years of age, Colles' fractures of the distal radius are most common. Fractures of the carpal bones are very uncommon before the age of 12 years and after age 45. In general, fractures of the forearm bones are 10 times more common than those of the carpal bones. The pronator quadratus fascial plane, seen on the lateral radiograph anterior to the distal shafts, is a sensitive indicator of underlying fracture of the distal forearm. The fascial plane may bulge outward or be partially or completely obliterated by hemorrhage as a result of the underlying fracture. Colles' Fracture Colles' fracture involves the distal 2 or 3 cm of the radius, with dorsal angulation of the distal fragment ( Fig. 2-36). The deformity is usually obvious on clinical examination and has been described as a silver fork deformity. The fracture is usually impacted, with comminution along its dorsal aspect. Frequently there is an associated avulsion fracture of the styloid process of the ulna. Occasionally a fracture is encountered with anterior displacement of the distal fragment. This is a reverse Colles' or Smith fracture. Rarely, a fracture is limited to either the anterior or posterior rim of the distal radius. Undisplaced transverse fractures occur, and they may be difficult to identify. Changes in the pronator quadratus fascial plane are helpful clues to these injuries. The Carpus Three fourths of all fractures of the carpus involve the scaphoid, and 15% involve the triquetrum. Most of the others involve either the trapezium or the hamate. Fractures of the remaining carpal bones are rare. Fractures of the Scaphoid. The scaphoid is the most commonly fractured carpal bone. The majority of these fractures are transversely oriented and occur in the central part or waist of the scaphoid. Because displacement is minimal, visualization of the fracture line may be difficult ( Fig. 2-37; see Fig. 2-3). The best view to demonstrate the fracture is a posteroanterior projection with the hand in as much ulnar deviation as possible. The scaphoid is then seen in profile. The other fractures of the scaphoid occur in either the distal or proximal pole. After fracture of the scaphoid, the proximal fragment may become avascular because the principal blood supply enters through the dorsal surface of the distal fragment. Ischemic necrosis of the proximal fragment becomes apparent as disuse osteoporosis develops in the bones around it. The proximal fragment, having no blood supply, remains of normal density and is therefore more dense than the surrounding viable bone. Triquetral Fracture. The common triquetral fracture is a small avulsion from its dorsal surface visualized on the lateral radiograph of the wrist ( Fig. 2-38). It usually is not evident on the posteroanterior projection.

FIG. 2-38. Lateral view of the wrist demonstrates characteristic small avulsion of the dorsal surface of the triquetrum ( arrow) and overlying soft-tissue swelling.

Other Carpal Fractures. Isolated fractures of the trapezium commonly occur because of abduction of the thumb. This results in a vertical fracture through the lateral margin of the trapezium. Fractures of the dorsal surface of the hamate occur commonly and are seen on the lateral view of the wrist. They often are associated with a dislocation of the metacarpohamate joint. Post-traumatic aseptic necrosis of the lunate, lunatomalacia, or Kienbock's disease is occasionally encountered. The lunate is small, and fractures of the bone are commonly identified when a tomographic examination is performed. Combinations of carpal fractures may occur as a result of severe injuries. Most common is fractures of the scaphoid associated with those of the capitate, the so-called naviculocapitate (scaphocapitate) syndrome. Multiple fractures or fracture-dislocations often are heralded by displaced or angulated fractures of the scaphoid (see Fig. 2-40).

FIG. 2-40. Trans-scaphoid posterior perilunate dislocation. A: Posteroanterior view of the wrist demonstrates a widely displaced fracture of the scaphoid ( arrow) and an apparent overlap of the distal and proximal rows of the carpal bones. B: Lateral view demonstrates posterior displacement of the distal carpal row relative to the proximal carpal row with slight tilting of the lunate.

Dislocations Dislocations at the wrist usually involve the lunate. The lunate may be dislocated anteriorly from the radius and surrounding carpal bones. This is referred to as an anterior lunate dislocation, and it is most obvious on the lateral radiograph ( Fig. 2-39). More commonly, there is a posterior displacement of the distal carpus relative to the lunate; this is termed a perilunate dislocation. Usually the displacement is dorsal, the capitate being displaced posterior to the lunate, which remains in normal position, and therefore it is more accurately called a posterior perilunate dislocation (Fig. 2-40). These dislocations are usually associated with transverse fractures of the waist of the scaphoid and also are recognized best on the lateral radiograph of the wrist.

FIG. 2-39. Anterior dislocation of the lunate. In the posteroanterior view ( A), disruption of the normal joint space between the proximal and distal rows of the carpus is noted. On the lateral view ( B), the lunate is displaced anteriorly ( arrow) and has the profile of a quarter moon.

Dislocations of the metacarpal joints most commonly involve the fourth and fifth metacarpals. The displacement may be either dorsal or volar. The distal radioulnar joint may also dislocate. This more commonly occurs with an angulated or overriding fracture of the distal radius. The Forearm and Elbow Midshaft Fractures When a fracture or dislocation involves one of a pair of bones, there usually is a fracture or dislocation of the other, most commonly fractures of the shafts of both bones. Less often, there is a fracture of one bone associated with dislocation of the other. A common example of this principle is Monteggia's fracture. Monteggia's fracture is a fracture of the proximal ulna associated with a dislocation of the proximal radius at the elbow joint. The ulnar fracture is either angulated or overriding and is immediately obvious, but if the examiner is unaware of the possibility of Monteggia's fracture, the associated dislocation of the radial head can easily be overlooked (Fig. 2-41). Angulated fractures of the distal radioulnar shaft are associated with dislocations of the distal radioulnar joint. This is known as Galeazzi's fracture.

FIG. 2-41. Monteggia's fracture-dislocation of the elbow. There is an angulated fracture of the proximal third of the ulna, with overriding of the fracture fragments associated with anterior dislocation of the radius. This is an open injury evidenced by air within the joint and soft tissues.

Isolated fracture of one of two paired bones may occur as a result of a direct blow. The most common form is the nightstick fracture of the distal third of the ulna, which results from a direct blow to the forearm. These fractures are typically transverse and undisplaced without angulation of the fracture fragment. A similar fracture may occur from a direct blow to the radius.

Elbow Fat Pads Injuries to the ends of the bones forming the elbow joint are accompanied by joint effusions. Normally there is a small accumulation of fat adjacent to the anterior surface of the lower end of the humerus. If the joint capsule is distended by fluid, this fat pad will be displaced forward and upward. There is a similar fat pad along the posterior surface of the humerus, but in the normal person it lies largely within the olecranon fossa and is not visible on lateral views of the elbow. If the joint capsule is distended by fluid, the pad is elevated and displaced posteriorly and can then be visualized ( Fig. 2-42). Recognition of the abnormal position of the fat pad should lead to a careful search for bone injury if it is not readily apparent. Displaced fat pads are a sign of joint distention and also may occur in any disease or condition in which there is synovitis (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis).

FIG. 2-42. Impacted fracture of the radial head with hemarthrosis. A: The fat pads are identified as lucencies anterior and posterior to the lower humeral shaft. In the absence of a joint effusion, the posterior fat pad should not be seen. Visualization of the posterior fat pad is referred to as a positive fat pad sign. B: An impacted fracture of the neck of the radius is identified as a linear band of density at the junction of the radial head and neck.

In the absence of joint disease, no abnormal fat pads are ordinarily seen. Therefore, a positive fat pad sign almost always indicates trauma, and in the author's experience, fracture of the radial head or proximal ulna is present in almost all of these patients. We obtain oblique views when no fracture is visible on AP and lateral projections in patients with a positive fat pad sign and suggest a 2- to 3-week follow-up radiograph when no fracture is evident. Fractures of the ElbowAdults The most common fracture of the elbow in adults involves either the head or neck of the radius. The fracture is often a simple vertical fracture extending through the outer margin of the articular surface, and it usually is visualized best on the AP or oblique projection ( Fig. 2-43). Fractures involving the neck are of the impaction type, manifested by a slight buckling or angulation at the cortical junction of the head and neck (see Fig. 2-42). This may be visualized on either the AP or the lateral projection. Oblique views of the elbow are often required to visualize subtle fractures of the radial head and neck.

FIG. 2-43. A characteristic linear fracture of the radial head ( arrow).

Olecranon fractures extend from the joint to the adjacent posterior cortex of the ulna, with variable degrees of separation of the fracture fragments. Less common fractures are avulsions of the coronoid or olecranon processes of the ulna. Severe forces may result in fractures of the distal humeral shaft and condyles, which often extend to the joint surface. Fractures of the ElbowChildren A knowledge of the sequence of appearance of the various ossification centers in children is essential to avoid diagnostic errors. If the physician is unfamiliar with the developmental process, standard charts should be consulted. 23 In doubtful cases, it may be necessary to obtain a radiograph of the opposite normal elbow joint for comparison. The key is to look for the presence of the medial epicondylar apophysis. This is the ossification center that most often is separated and displaced or becomes entrapped in the joint after trauma to the child's elbow. The most common fracture of childhood is a supracondylar fracture of the humerus. This is usually the result of a fall on the outstretched hand with the elbow partially flexed. Typically there is a backward displacement or angulation of the condylar fragment in relation to the humeral shaft ( Fig. 2-44). Displaced fractures are easily diagnosed but represent a potential therapeutic problem. Care must be taken to avoid compression of the brachial artery against the proximal fragment, which would compromise the arterial circulation to the forearm and lead to the feared complication of Volkmann's contracture. At times the fractures are incomplete. Normally, the distal humeral surface is angulated approximately 140 with the shaft of the ulna. A line drawn down the anterior humeral surface (the anterior humeral line) should pass through the middle third of the capitellum. 23 In the presence of a subtle, incomplete supracondylar fracture, this line passes through the anterior third or even anterior to the capitellar center.

FIG. 2-44. Supracondylar or transcondylar fracture of the humerus in a 19-month-old child. A: Anteroposterior view demonstrates transverse fracture line ( arrows). B: Lateral view reveals incomplete greenstick fracture, with posterior displacement of the articular margin.

Fractures frequently involve the lateral condyle (see Fig. 2-5). These are Salter-Harris type IV injuries, the fracture line running through the lateral margin of the metaphysis and extending into the trochlear groove. Because the extensor muscles of the forearm are attached to the lateral condyle containing the capitellum, this fragment is often displaced laterally and posteriorly. Open reduction and pin fixation usually are required to avoid elbow instability or deformity. The medial epicondyle is often avulsed by a pull of the flexor pronator tendon. If there is wide displacement, open reduction and pin fixation are required. Less commonly, as a result of a valgus injury of the elbow, the medial epicondylar ossification center becomes entrapped in the medial joint space. In every child's elbow the presence and location of the medial epicondylar ossification center should be noted. The center usually appears at about age 5 and is always present by age 7. Entrapment of the center may also occur after the reduction of elbow dislocations in children. Dislocations of the Elbow Joint Complete dislocation of the elbow joint almost invariably consists of a posterior or posterolateral dislocation of the radius and ulna on the humerus. These dislocations may be associated with small avulsion fractures, particularly of the coronoid process, in adults. Complete dislocations of the joint are also common in children and are often associated with an avulsion of the medial epicondylar ossification center. As the joint is reduced, the epicondylar ossification center may become entrapped within the joint. It is therefore important to identify the medial epicondylar ossification center on both prereduction and postreduction radiographs of elbow dislocations in children. Elbow joint dislocations may be complicated by the subsequent occurrence of calcification in and around the elbow jointa post-traumatic myositis ossificans or periarticular ossificationwhich may lead to considerable impairment of function, even though the anatomic relationships of the bones have been restored. Isolated dislocations of the head of the radius are reported in infants and children. Care must be taken to rule out Monteggia's fracture-dislocation before accepting this diagnosis. At times the associated fracture of the ulna is a simple bow fracture without a disruption in the cortex. Isolated dislocations of the head of the radius are extremely rare in adults. Most are congenital dislocations. When a dislocation of the radial head is encountered, the entire ulnar shaft should be examined to rule out the presence of a fracture. The Shoulder Dislocations Dislocations of the shoulder are of two principal types: anterior and posterior. The anterior is by far the more common, accounting for 95% of all shoulder dislocations. The posterior dislocation accounts for only 2% to 4%, but it is of importance because the diagnosis is difficult and these dislocations are overlooked in as many as 50% to 60% of cases. In an anterior dislocation, the humeral head is displaced forward, anterior to the glenoid, and comes to rest beneath the coracoid process of the scapula ( Fig. 2-45). This is also known as a subcoracoid dislocation. The radiographic diagnosis is not difficult because of the characteristic location of the humeral head. It is the most common dislocation of any joint in the body. Recurrent anterior dislocations are quite common, particularly in younger persons, and may be associated with the Hill-Sachs defect, an impaction fracture having the appearance of an indentation or groove on the posterolateral aspect of the humeral head ( Fig. 2-45).23 Less commonly there is a fracture of the anterior rim of the glenoid.

FIG. 2-45. Anterior dislocations of the shoulder. A: Subcoracoid, anterior dislocation with characteristic displacement of the humeral head. The head lies anterior to the glenoid and beneath the coracoid process of the scapula. B: A chronic anterior dislocation of the shoulder. Note the indentation of the humeral head (Hill-Sachs) caused by impaction against the rim of the glenoid.

About one half of posterior dislocations are the result of epileptic convulsive seizures, and the remainder are produced by direct blows to the anterior aspect of the shoulder. Whenever a posterior dislocation is encountered, the possibility of epilepsy must be considered. With a posterior dislocation, the head of the humerus is locked in internal rotation with the articular surface facing posteriorly. Because the findings are quite subtle, the major problem lies in recognizing the possibility of a posterior dislocation on the AP radiographs ( Fig. 2-46).23 Normally, two views of the shoulder are obtained, one in internal and one in external rotation. Whenever a shoulder is fixed in internal rotation, the possibility of a posterior dislocation must be considered. The second most common sign of posterior dislocation is an impaction fracture of the medial joint surface, manifested by a vertical line of cortical bone paralleling the medial cortex of the humerus. This has been called the trough line. The third sign is widening of the joint, termed a positive rim sign. Normally, the space between the anterior glenoid rim and the medial aspect of the humeral head measures 6 mm or less. In posterior dislocations, this space is often widened. Once a posterior dislocation is suspected, axillary ( Fig. 2-46) and anterior oblique radiographs of the shoulder should be obtained for confirmation. The 60 anterior oblique view of the shoulder is easily obtained and quite helpful. This is sometimes known as the Y view because the scapula appears as a Y in this projection. The acromion process is the posterior limb, the coracoid process is the anterior limb, and the body of the scapula is the vertical limb of the Y. The glenoid is represented as a circular density at the junction of the limbs overlaid by the humeral head. In a posterior dislocation, the head faces posteriorly and lies below the acromion; in an anterior dislocation, it is in a subcoracoid position. Posterior dislocations are nicely displayed by CT. The real problem, however, is to consider the diagnosis in the first place.

FIG. 2-46. Posterior dislocation of the shoulder. A: Anteroposterior view demonstrates that the humeral head is held in internal rotation, characteristic of a posterior dislocation. Note the impaction fracture manifested by a notch on the medial margin of the humeral head ( white arrow) and the trough line (black arrow). B: Axillary view demonstrates the impaction fracture of the humeral head (arrow) and posterior displacement of the humeral head in relation to the posterior rim of the glenoid

(arrowhead). An asterisk marks the lateral margin of the clavicle.

Approximately 20% of shoulder dislocations have an associated fracture. An avulsion of the greater tuberosity or injury of the anterior lip of the glenoid commonly accompanies an anterior dislocation, whereas an avulsion of the lesser tuberosity is common in posterior dislocations. CT is an excellent method to detect shoulder dislocations. It is performed after reduction of some anterior dislocations, but it is more commonly done both to establish the diagnosis and after the reduction of a posterior dislocation. CT discloses associated fractures of the anterior glenoid rim and the greater tuberosity after anterior dislocations, as well as fractures of the lesser tuberosity and (rarely) the posterior glenoid rim after posterior dislocations. More importantly, CT and MRI, because of the axial display, are excellent means of assessing associated compression fractures of the humeral head. The Hill-Sachs defect of anterior dislocation is found posterolaterally ( Fig. 2-47A), and the trough-like defect of posterior dislocation is found anteromedially ( Fig. 2-47B). When the shoulder is examined while dislocated, the divot-like Hill-Sachs defect is hooked against the anterior rim of the glenoid in anterior dislocations, whereas the trough-like defect of the humeral head on posterior dislocations is hooked against the posterior rim of the glenoid.

FIG. 2-47. Axial magnetic resonance images of the left shoulders of two different patients with history of previous glenohumeral dislocations. A: Previous anterior dislocation, now reduced. Note Hill-Sachs defect ( arrow) in characteristic location, posterolateral aspect of humeral head. B: History of previous posterior dislocation. Note characteristic defect located anteromedially in the humeral head ( arrow).

Comminuted fractures of the humeral head and neck result in large hemarthroses. With a large joint effusion, the head is frequently displaced inferiorly and laterally, with a widened joint space and obvious incongruity of the joint surfaces. The joint appears to be dislocated, but this is not a true dislocation ( Fig. 2-48). It has been termed a pseudodislocation. After the joint is evacuated, the normal relationships are restored. Pseudodislocation of the shoulder may also occur in hemophilia and acute suppurative arthritis.

FIG. 2-48. Fractures of the proximal humerus. A: Comminuted fracture with pseudodislocation. Note that there are fractures of the surgical neck and avulsions of both the greater and lesser tuberosities. The humeral head is laterally and inferiorly displaced because of a large hemarthrosis. This gives the false appearance of a dislocation and therefore is designated a pseudodislocation. B: Impacted fracture of the surgical neck of the humerus, with avulsion of the greater tuberosity.

MRI is used to evaluate abnormalities of the tendons, labrum, and other structures of the shoulder joint. The examination is usually obtained in three planes: coronal oblique, parallel to the horizontal axis of the scapula; sagittal oblique, perpendicular to the horizontal axis of the scapula; and axial. The two most common indications are evaluation of the rotator cuff and tears of the glenoid labrum. Full-thickness tears of the rotator cuff usually occur in the supraspinatus tendon and are best seen in the coronal and sagittal oblique projections ( Fig. 2-49). They are more easily identified on T2-weighted images, which demonstrate a band of high signal through the width of the tendon contiguous with the joint space inferiorly and the subacromial bursa superiorly. Partial tears are discontinuities in the tendon that involve only the bursal or joint surface of the tendon.

FIG. 2-49. A: Normal coronal oblique projection, proton density image of the shoulder demonstrates intact supraspinatus tendon ( arrow) and muscle (asterisk). A, acromion; D, deltoid muscle; G, glenoid of scapula. B: Full-thickness tear of supraspinatus tendon, fat-saturated, T2-weighted image. The tendon ( arrow) is retracted medially. Fluid is present in the joint, and the joint is contiguous with the subacromial bursa.

Labral tears are better seen in the axial projection and best demonstrated after injection of contrast medium in to the joint (MR arthrography). 30 The normal profile of the labrum is triangular, but somewhat variable. Tears may be seen in situ but are more easily recognized when the torn fragment is displaced. Fractures of the Humerus

Fractures of the proximal end of the humerus are frequent in the elderly. They involve the anatomic neck, surgical neck, greater tuberosity, and lesser tuberosity, either alone or in varying combinations. The most common type is a fracture of the surgical neck, often accompanied by an avulsion of the greater tuberosity ( Fig. 2-48). All types of fractures occur in the shaft of the humerus. A pathologic fracture is a common presentation of a unicameral bone cyst in the proximal humeral metaphysis in children. Fractures of the Clavicle Fractures of the middle third of the clavicle are most common, and they may be of a greenstick variety in children. Fractures in the outer end are less common; they may be associated with disruption of the coracoclavicular ligaments or extend into the acromioclavicular joint. Fractures of the Scapula Isolated fractures of the scapula are uncommon, but usually they are not difficult to recognize in radiographs of the shoulder. They are frequently associated with crushing injuries of the chest and may be overlooked on the initial examination. Fractures usually occur in the neck or body of the scapula and less commonly involve the inferior angle, acromion, or glenoid. Fractures at the base of the coracoid process are difficult to detect. They may be associated with acromioclavicular injuries, particularly in adolescents. An AP view with a steep cephalic angulation of the x-ray beam of 40 or more is required to demonstrate these fractures. Stress fractures at the base of the coracoid have been described in trapshooters. Acromioclavicular Joint Injuries Subluxations or complete dislocations of the acromioclavicular joint are frequent injuries, particularly in athletes, and are caused by a fall on the shoulder. These injuries are sometimes called acromioclavicular separations. The dislocation may be incomplete, in which case the lesion is termed a subluxation. There are two principal considerations in the evaluation of acromioclavicular injuries: the status of the acromioclavicular joint and the status of the coracoclavicular ligaments that extend between the inferior, outer margin of the clavicle and the coracoid process of the scapula ( Fig. 2-50). Normally, the distance between these two structures measures less than 1.2 cm with intact ligaments. When this distance is increased, the coracoclavicular ligaments are disrupted. The status of these ligaments should be determined in every case of potential injury of the acromioclavicular joint. Acromioclavicular separations may not be evident on routine films and often require comparison with upright AP views obtained with 15- to 20-pound weights in each of the patient's hands. Stress films are required in every case of suspected acromioclavicular joint injury, unless a complete disruption of the acromioclavicular joint and of the coracoclavicular ligaments is demonstrated on the initial radiograph. Incomplete injuries widen the joint, but there is little or no upward displacement of the clavicle on the acromion process. The normal joint measures 3 to 5 mm in width. When dislocation is complete, the clavicle is displaced upward on the acromion and the ligaments attaching the clavicle to the coracoid process are ruptured. In evaluating the presence or absence of subluxation, the relationship of the undersurface of the clavicle to that of the acromion is important. The relative thicknesses of the acromion and clavicle vary in different persons, and the superior borders of these bones cannot be relied on to indicate normal or abnormal relationships. The inferior surfaces, however, usually lie in the same plane. As with many other injuries, comparison with the opposite shoulder can be very helpful in determining whether minor deformity exists.

FIG. 2-50. Third-degree acromioclavicular separation. A: The joint is widened (arrow), and the clavicle is displaced superiorly. There is also an abnormal separation between the clavicle and the coracoid, indicating a disruption of the coracoclavicular ligaments. B: A line drawing of this injury.

Dislocations of the Sternoclavicular Joints Dislocation of the sternoclavicular joint is uncommon and may be difficult to diagnose on plain radiographs. Retrosternal dislocation of the clavicle is less common, but prompt diagnosis is important because the posteriorly displaced clavicle may compress the trachea and vascular structures, producing a considerable amount of morbidity, including cough, dyspnea and dysphagia, voice change, and vascular compromise. On the other hand, anterior dislocation does not compromise the mediastinal structures and usually is readily diagnosed clinically by the presence of a palpable mass surrounding the anteriorly displaced clavicle. The diagnosis is difficult on plain film radiography. CT precisely defines the anatomy and discloses abnormalities with certainty ( Fig. 2-51). Because CT is the best means of evaluating the sternoclavicular joint, it should be used whenever there is a clinical question of injury or other abnormality of the sternoclavicular joint.

FIG. 2-51. Posterior dislocation of left sternoclavicular joint. A: Digital radiograph demonstrates that the left clavicle is slightly inferior to the right clavicle. B: Computed tomogram reveals head of left clavicle ( L) posterior to manubrium of sternum (M). The head of the right clavicle ( R) is in normal position.

Sternum and Ribs Fractures of the Sternum Fractures of the sternum are usually transverse, are often relatively undisplaced, and are best demonstrated in the lateral projection. A surrounding hematoma may lead to the recognition of an otherwise obscure fracture. Many of these injuries result from automobile accidents in which the driver is thrown against the steering wheel column, and they are often associated with myocardial contusions.

Fractures of the Ribs Displaced, complete fractures of the ribs usually can be identified without difficulty on roentgenograms obtained to show rib detail. Incomplete or undisplaced fractures are more difficult to recognize. The surrounding hematoma, an extrapleural sign, often points to an underlying fracture. Hairline fractures are very difficult to visualize and, in some cases, may not be apparent for several days after the injury, becoming evident as the fracture line is resorbed and the fragments are displaced by the muscular action of breathing. Others may not be evident until a delayed re-examination demonstrates the presence of callus formation. The visualization of undisplaced fractures is facilitated when the exact site of the suspected injury is known and it is oriented tangentially at the margin of the radiographs so as to reveal the surrounding hematoma and thus disclose the underlying fracture. One or more fatigue fractures may occur in the lower ribs as a result of repeated and severe coughing spells. These usually develop in the axillary arcs of the seventh, eighth, or ninth ribs and may or may not be a cause of pain. They have been discovered in roentgenograms of the chest in patients who have had no complaints referable to the fracture. As with fatigue fractures elsewhere, the line of fracture may be indistinct at first and may become obvious only after several weeks, when periosteal callus begins to form. These are termed cough fractures. Stress fractures occur in the lateral margin of the first rib. These have been found in military recruits after long marches while carrying heavy packs and in hikers and baseball pitchers. The stress of repeated throwing or carrying of a heavy pack leads to a fatigue or stress fracture in the midportion of the bone. Radiographically, these fractures are evidenced by periosteal callus formation and a lucent fracture line. Fractures of the Pelvis Fractures of the pelvis may conveniently be divided into stable and unstable injuries. 22,23 The stable injuries generally result from moderate trauma, as from a fall or athletic injury, whereas unstable injuries are the result of more severe forces such as those that occur in motor vehicle accidents. Because the pelvis is essentially a ring of bone, fracture in one area should alert the observer to the possibility of an associated second fracture or, alternatively, a subluxation of the pubic symphysis or sacroiliac joints. The ring of the pelvis is conveniently divided into an anterior arch, extending across the pubic bones from one acetabulum to another, and a posterior arch, extending from one acetabulum to the other through the sacroiliac joints and sacrum. Stable fractures involve one portion of the ring or the margins of the bony pelvis. Unstable fractures generally involve both the anterior and posterior ring, usually a fracture through the pubic rami and a fracture of the sacrum or dislocation of the sacroiliac joint on the same side of the pelvis. 19 Occasionally, injuries involving the two rings are on opposite sides of the pelvis. The most common stable fracture of the pelvis involves the pubic ring. It may involve one or both rami or the body of the pubis ( Fig. 2-52). Transverse fractures of the sacrum and coccyx and fractures of the iliac wing or apophyseal avulsions are uncommon.

FIG. 2-52. Fractures of the superior and inferior pubic rami. The inferior pubic ramus fracture is impacted.

Unstable fractures consist of fractures involving both the anterior and posterior arches of the pelvis. These may be caused by anterior or lateral compression or by vertical shearing. 16 The classic pelvic fracture as described by Malgaigne consists of a fracture of both pubic rami and an oblique fracture of the sacrum on the same side with vertical displacement of the hemipelvis ( Fig. 2-53). Anterior compression causes an opening of the pubic symphysis and of the sacroiliac joints. This has been termed an open-book injury. Lateral compression injuries do not cause significant displacements. They may cause bilateral fractures of the pubic bones, and the sacral component of the injury is often obscure. The deformity of the sacral fracture often is manifested by an irregularity of one or more of the sacral neural foramina.

FIG. 2-53. Malgaigne's fracture of the pelvis. Fractures of the pubis and an oblique fracture extending through the right sacral ala ( arrows) disrupt the sacral foraminal lines. Note the intact foraminal lines in the left sacral ala.

Pelvic fractures often involve the acetabulum, 18 with or without an associated dislocation of the hip. The important considerations are the positions of the fracture fragments, the location of the femoral head, and the possibility of entrapment of bony or cartilaginous fragments within the hip joint. The entrapped fragment is often difficult to see on the plain roentgenogram but is readily identified by CT, which is also of value in defining injuries around the sacroiliac joint ( Fig. 2-54).13 If there is any question of injury on the basis of the plain films, a CT examination should be obtained. 23 This very clearly demonstrates disruptions of the sacroiliac joint and fractures of the adjacent margins of the sacrum or iliac bone.

FIG. 2-54. Posterior dislocation of the hip. A: Anteroposterior view demonstrates characteristic posterosuperior displacement of the femoral head, with numerous surrounding fragments from the posterior wall of the acetabulum. B: Computed tomogram obtained after reduction of the fracture demonstrates fractures of the posterior rim of the acetabulum ( large arrow) and small fragments entrapped within the joint (small arrows).

A number of avulsion injuries in the region of the pelvis and hips occur most commonly as a result of muscle traction, particularly in young track athletes (e.g., sprinters, hurdlers) and even cheerleaders. Anterosuperior iliac spine avulsions result from the pull of the sartorius muscle and anteroinferior iliac spine avulsions from rectus femoris muscle traction, whereas the abdominal muscles may avulse fragments of the iliac crest. The hamstrings cause ischial tuberosity avulsion, whereas pull of the adductor muscles may produce injury in the region of the symphysis pubis and along the medial aspect of the inferior ischial ramus. Lesser trochanteric avulsions result from iliopsoas muscle traction. Stress fractures occur in the medial aspect of the inferior pubic ramus and are manifested by a transverse band of sclerosis. Transverse fractures of the sacrum and coccyx are the result of falls on the buttocks and usually can be identified without much difficulty on the lateral roentgenogram. In some people, the coccyx points directly forward to form a right angle or occasionally even an acute angle with the sacrum. This is a normal developmental variant, and it should not be confused with traumatic displacement. Insufficiency fractures of the pelvis occur in elderly persons, particularly postmenopausal women. 7,15 Patients characteristically present with pain of one to several months' duration, localized to the sacrum, to the low back, or within the groin. A history of trauma is denied or minimal. Most fractures are associated with osteoporosis, but a few have been related to hyperparathyroidism, radiation osteitis, or osteoporosis complicated by the administration of steroids. Osteoporosis complicated by steroid use is more likely the cause in men and in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The fractures are more commonly located within the pubis or sacrum but have also been reported just above the acetabulum and within the iliac bone. Usually, multiple sites of involvement are present. The radiographic findings are often subtle and easily overlooked but seen in retrospect after the lesions are identified by bone scanning. These injuries are manifested by poorly defined, patchy sclerosis in the affected site ( Fig. 2-55). Fractures may occur either in the body of the pubis at the symphysis or in the pubic rami. 7 They are more common in the body and are often bilateral. Radiographically, they are evidenced by irregular lysis and patchy sclerosis (see Fig. 2-55A). There is usually a distinct loss of bone volume, which can be seen by comparing one side with the other or by comparisons with previous films should both sides be affected. The pubis may be affected alone. Insufficiency fractures may be identified on radionuclide bone scans before they are evident on radiographs. 7 Multiple foci of increased activity are the rule and tend to suggest metastatic disease to the unwary. However, the location and appearance are sufficiently distinctive to allow a correct diagnosis by the informed physician. In the sacrum, the classic pattern is a broad band of increased radioactivity in both sacral alae, connected by a linear transverse band across the body of the sacrum (see Fig. 2-55B). This has been termed the H-type, butterfly pattern, or Honda sign, the latter because it resembles the logo for Honda cars. On occasion, there is only a single or double vertical band without the transverse component. In the pubis there is increased activity over the body, either unilaterally or bilaterally, that is easily obscured by activity in the bladder. The fractures may be confirmed by CT or MRI 15 (see Fig. 2-55C). This is particularly useful when there is a previous history of malignancy and the diagnosis of metastatic disease is a consideration. An insufficiency fracture is confirmed by identifying sclerosis in the appropriate location and visualizing fractures when present. The characteristic distribution, absence of a soft-tissue mass, and cortical disruption, other than the fracture and loss of bone volume sometimes identified with healing, differentiate insufficiency fractures from metastatic deposits. Dislocations of the Hip Dislocations of the hip may occur either posteriorly or anteriorly. The posterior dislocations are more common and are frequently associated with fractures of the posterior rim of the acetabulum (see Fig. 2-54). One or more fragments may become entrapped in the hip joint. Widening of the joint space or incongruity of the hip joint surfaces should suggest the possibility of an entrapped fragment and warrants a CT examination. The femoral head is displaced superiorly in a posterior dislocation and inferiorly into the obturator foramen in an anterior dislocation. Usually the displacement of an anterior dislocation is obvious, but on occasion the displacement in a posterior dislocation may underlie the acetabulum and be manifested only by a slight incongruity of the joint surfaces. Internal rotation of the femoral head and neck and adduction of the femoral shaft are clues to the diagnosis. CT is warranted after reduction of any hip dislocation to disclose or rule out entrapped fracture fragments and to identify any associated fracture of the femoral head. Fractures of the Proximal Femur Fractures of the proximal femur are quite common in the elderly but are unusual before age 50. The strength of bone is considerably weakened by osteoporosis, and most fractures result from simple falls. When femoral fractures occur in younger persons, they are the result of severe forces sustained in motor vehicle accidents or falls from great heights. The various types of fractures affecting the proximal femur are shown in Fig. 2-56. Subcapital and intertrochanteric fractures are the most common. The subcapital fracture may be either impacted or displaced ( Fig. 2-57). When it is displaced, the leg is held in external rotation. Intertrochanteric fractures are often comminuted, with fractures involving either the lesser or greater trochanter or both ( Fig. 2-58). Transcervical and basicervical fractures are rare. Transverse subtrochanteric fractures are frequently pathologic, through a focus of metastatic disease or in association with Paget's disease.

FIG. 2-56. Diagram of fractures of the proximal femur. A: The usual sites of fracture are 1, subcapital; 2, transcervical; 3, basicervical; 4, intertrochanteric; and 5, subtrochanteric. B: Impacted subcapital fracture. C: Displaced subcapital fracture.

FIG. 2-58. Two intertrochanteric fractures. A: There is a comminution of the greater trochanter. B: This fracture involves the lesser trochanter and is highly unstable.

The radiographic diagnosis of most fractures is made without difficulty except for the impacted subcapital fracture (see Fig. 2-53). In such a fracture, a distinct fracture line is not present and diagnosis depends on recognizing a line of sclerosis along the zone of impaction and a valgus deformity of the head in relation to the neck. Stress fractures involving the femoral neck usually appear as a band of sclerosis traversing the medial aspect of the base of the femoral neck. The principal blood supply of the femoral head enters at the lateral margin of the junction of the head and neck. Displaced subcapital fractures disrupt the blood supply, and nonunion is an inevitable consequence. Impacted fractures, on the other hand, usually leave the blood supply intact. Impacted fractures are therefore treated by the placement of multiple pins, whereas displaced fractures are treated by prosthetic replacement of the femoral head. Intertrochanteric fractures leave the blood supply intact but must be stabilized by internal fixation to mobilize the patient. A nail fixed to a plate placed along the lateral margin of the femoral shaft is commonly used. Fractures of the hip in the elderly are frequently associated with simultaneous fractures of the distal forearm and proximal humerus. Whenever a fracture is identified in one of these sites, the other sites should be examined closely for evidence of injury. Fractures of the Femoral Shaft All forms of fractures occur throughout the entire length of the femoral shaft (see Fig. 2-2 and Fig. 2-16). They are often the result of severe trauma and frequently occur in young persons. Subtrochanteric fractures should suggest the possibility of metastatic disease, and the fracture site should be examined closely. The principal diagnostic difficulty with the fractures of the femoral shaft is their frequent association with injuries around the hip, such as simultaneous fractures of the femoral neck or posterior fracture-dislocations of the hip. Similarly, they are frequently associated with fractures of the proximal tibia and of the patella and ligamentous injuries around the knee. To avoid diagnostic oversights, it is essential that the entire length of the femur, including the hip and knee, be included on the initial radiographic examination. Fractures and Dislocations of the Knee Fractures involving the distal femoral metaphysis are termed supracondylar fractures, and they should be examined closely for vertical components extending into the knee joint (see Fig. 2-7B). These usually lie between the condyles. Similarly, fractures involving the proximal tibia should be evaluated for vertical or oblique intra-articular extensions involving the tibial plateau. The knee joint may be dislocated anteriorly or posteriorly. Fractures of the distal femur and proximal tibia and dislocations of the joint are frequently associated with injuries and occlusions of the popliteal artery. Angiography may be required. Lipohemarthrosis Most fractures and dislocations are readily identified on the standard AP, lateral, and oblique radiographs of the knee. Lipohemarthrosis serves as a clue to otherwise obscure fractures involving the articular surfaces. 23 Intra-articular fractures allow fat from the marrow to extrude into the joint space. When the joint is aspirated, the fat in the aspirate floats on the blood. Radiographically, this can be identified by using a horizontal beam while obtaining a lateral radiograph of the knee. The fatfluid level is identified in the suprapatella bursa ( Fig. 2-59). The radiolucent fat floats on the blood in the joint and is observed as a relative lucency. Lipohemarthrosis may also be identified in other joints in the presence of an intra-articular fracture, particularly in the shoulder and elbow, but it is most commonly identified in the knee. When a fatfluid level is identified, it usually indicates that there is a fracture extending into the joint. However, it is possible that a fatfluid level could on occasion be found in association with a severe injury of the soft tissues without fracture.

FIG. 2-59. Lipohemarthrosis of the knee. A cross-table lateral view with a horizontal beam demonstrates a fat-fluid level in the suprapatellar bursa ( open arrow) caused by a fracture of the lateral tibial plateau ( arrow).

Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Knee MRI affords excellent visualization of the menisci, the cruciate and collateral ligaments, and cartilaginous joint surface. 8,26,27 On T1-weighted images the meniscus is of low signal and homogeneously black (Fig. 2-60). Subcutaneous fat and bone marrow are depicted as relatively high-intensity structures. The articular cartilage is significantly higher in intensity than the adjacent meniscus or cortical bone.

FIG. 2-60. Magnetic resonance image of the medial meniscus. A: Normal medial meniscus. Note the typical triangular shape of the anterior ( arrow) and posterior horns of the medial meniscus. There is a very low signal within the medial meniscus that does not extend to the joint surface. This is a normal finding. Note the medium signal of the joint cartilage and the high signal of the intermedullary bone. B: Torn posterior horn of the medial meniscus. Linear, low signal extends through the substance of the meniscus to the joint surface (arrow). The inferior portion of the meniscus is difficult to see by arthroscopy, and this tear could easily be overlooked.

The menisci are slightly elongated triangles in profile, and they are uniformly black or of low signal intensity (see Fig. 2-60). With aging, a variable degree of signal often appears within the meniscus. Only a signal extending to and through the surface of the meniscus (i.e., an intrameniscal signal that unequivocally extends to the articular surface of the meniscus) represents a tear. Changes in the profile or shape of the menisci are also important. Truncation and irregular elongation in shape are suspect. A displaced, torn meniscus is generally known as a buckethandle tear. The medial meniscus is most commonly involved. The displaced inner margin of the meniscus forms the handle, and the undisplaced periphery of the torn meniscus is the bucket. On coronal MRI sections, the profile of the meniscus is truncated, but this is often difficult to appreciate. However, low-signal, irregular bands or nodules may be seen in the intercondylar notch; they represent the displaced portion of the meniscus. On the sagittal projection the displaced buckethandle fragment often lies beneath and parallel to the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), giving rise to the double PCL sign of buckethandle meniscus tears. Buckethandle tears of the lateral meniscus are much less common. When present, however, they may give rise to the flipped meniscus sign, wherein the torn posterior horn of the meniscus is flipped or inverted anteriorly to come to rest against the normal anterior meniscus. When this sign is present, two triangular menisci are seen anteriorly, none posteriorly. Occasionally, buckethandle tears of the medial meniscus have a similar appearance. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and PCL are distinctive not only in their location and course, but also in their normal signal. The ACL is best seen in the sagittal plane with 10 to 20 of external rotation of the knee. Without such rotation, the entire length of the ligament cannot be captured on one image. The normal ACL is depicted as a low-signal band, commonly as two or three separate fiber bundles, extending from the anterior tibial plateau to the medial surface of the lateral femoral condyle (Fig. 2-61). The ACL is the most frequently torn knee ligament. Among patients who sustain injury sufficient to result in a hemarthrosis, 70% have a tear of the ACL. In an acute tear as depicted on MRI, either the ACL is obviously disrupted or its anterior margin is wavy or concave and not straight as when intact ( Fig. 2-61).

FIG. 2-61. Magnetic resonance image of the anterior cruciate ligament. A: T1-weighted image demonstrates normal ligament (white arrow). Note also the infrapatellar ligament (black arrow) and the quadriceps tendon ( open arrow). B: Torn anterior cruciate ligament. There is no clear demonstration of the substance of the tendon. The normal signal of the tendon is replaced by an ill-defined mass of intermediate signal ( arrow). Note also the presence of a joint effusion in the suprapatellar bursa (asterisk).

The PCL usually is readily identified by MRI as a solid black band of low signal intensity that extends in a smooth, convex arc from the posterior surface of the medial femoral condyle to the posterior, intercondylar surface of the tibia ( Fig. 2-62). Tears usually appear as foci of increased signal intensity, often accompanied by widening of the ligament ( Fig. 2-62B). Complete tears, manifested by separations of the margins of the ligament, are less common.

FIG. 2-62. A: Normal posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) is identified as a solid black band of low intensity that extends in a smooth convex arc from the posterior surface of the medial femoral condyle to the posterior intercondylar surface of the tibia. B: T1-weighted, coronal image demonstrates extensive region of high signal in the PCL (arrow), indicative of partial tear.

The collateral ligaments are visualized as thin, linear, dark bands of low signal intensity on both T1- and T2-weighted images ( Fig. 2-63A). The medial collateral ligament (MCL) consists of a superficial and deep portion. Complete tears are depicted by discontinuity and serpiginous irregularity. 26 This appearance is accompanied by surrounding hemorrhage and edema of intermediate signal on T1, which increases in signal on T2 ( Fig. 2-63B). Associated bone bruise of the lateral femoral condyle and tears of the ACL and menisci are frequent. Sprain of the ligament without tear leaves the ligament intact, but its margins are blurred by surrounding edema and hemorrhage.

FIG. 2-63. A: Normal medial collateral ligament (MCL) is visualized as a thin, linear, dark band of low signal extending from the medial femoral condyle to the medial surface of the tibial plateau ( arrow). B: Fat-suppressed, T2-weighted coronal image demonstrates edema and hemorrhage about torn MCL ( arrow) and bone bruise in the tibial plateau ( open arrow).

The lateral collateral ligament (LCL) is less commonly injured. It is a thin, linear, dark band similar in low signal intensity to the ACL. The LCL extends from the lateral surface of the femoral condyle to insert on the head of the fibula. The course is oblique, from anterosuperior to postero inferior, and therefore the entire ligament usually cannot be seen on a single image as the MCL is. The appearance of sprains and tears is similar to that of corresponding injuries of the MCL. The quadriceps and infrapatellar tendons (see Fig. 2-61A) are similar in intensity to the PCL, MCL, and LCL. Complete tears are manifested by retraction and wavy contours of the separated margins, a mass of intermediate signal on T1, and increased signal on T2-weighted images surrounding the site of the tear. 4,27 There are two relatively specific plain film findings that strongly suggest the presence of an associated ACL tear: the deep notch sign and the Segond fracture. The deep notch sign is seen on the inferoanterior margin of the lateral femoral condyle on the lateral view of the knee. A shallow, symmetrical notch measuring no more than 1.5 mm in depth is normally seen in this location, but when it is deeper (more than 1.5 mm), is asymmetric, or has sclerotic and angular margins it becomes the deep notch sign and heralds an accompanying tear of the ACL. Similarly, a small osseus fragment arising from the lateral margin of the lateral tibial plateau, as seen on the AP view of the knee, is known as the Segond fracture and is virtually always accompanied by an ACL tear. Fractures of the Tibial Plateau A valgus injury of the knee may result in a fracture of the lateral tibial plateau. At times these fractures are difficult to identify and are obvious only on oblique radiographs. The fractures consist of either a vertical split through or a depression of a portion of the joint surface ( Fig. 2-64). There may be an associated fracture of the neck of the fibula. When the fracture involves the lateral margin of the plateau or is associated with a fracture of the neck of the fibula, an accompanying disruption of the MCL is likely.

FIG. 2-64. Fracture of the lateral tibial plateau. There is a vertical component laterally and a depression of the joint surface ( arrow).

Fractures of the Tibial Eminence The ACL is attached to the anterior tibial spine. On occasion, a fracture through the base of the tibial spine is identified. This may be incomplete and undisplaced, or it may be complete with elevation and on occasion even reversal of the avulsed fragment. When it is displaced or reversed, surgical reattachment is required. Fractures of the Patella Most fractures of the patella are transverse, and separation of fragments may be severe because of the pull of the quadriceps muscle on the upper fragment. Infrequently the line of fracture is vertical, and it may be visualized with difficulty unless oblique or tangential views are obtained. In dealing with injuries to the patella, care must be used not to mistake a bipartite or multipartite patella for a fracture ( Fig. 2-65). This anomaly consists of one or several unfused ossification centers that remain along the upper outer quadrant of the bone. The rounded corners of an anomalous center and the generally smooth cortical borders are in contrast to the irregular edges of a fracture fragment. The condition is bilateral in about 80% of cases.

FIG. 2-65. A and B: Undisplaced fracture of the patella. C and D: Bipartite patella showing smooth cortical surfaces and characteristic location on the superolateral margin of the patella. The margins are not as sharply defined as in fracture.

The patella may dislocate laterally. The dislocation may be transient or complete. In either event, the dislocation is usually reduced before a radiographic examination is obtained. The importance of this diagnosis lies in recognizing that the dislocation is often associated with an osteochondral fracture of the joint surface (as described in the next section).

Evidence of previous, acute dislocations of the patella may be identified by MRI. During a lateral dislocation, the medial pole of the patella impacts against the lateral margin of the lateral femoral condyle, giving rise to bone bruises at both sites. A tear of the medial retinaculum of the patella and a large hemarthrosis are commonly encountered as well. The findings are best seen in the axial projection. Osteochondral Fractures Injuries may be limited to the surface of the joint, resulting in fragments that contain cartilage or cartilage and a small portion of subchondral bone. Pure cartilage fragments cannot be identified on a plain radiograph; however, those containing subchondral bone may be visualized. The bony fragment is often quite small. Most osteochondral fractures are caused by a transient or complete dislocation of the patella. The medial facet of the patella impacts against the lateral condyle of the femur as the patella is dislocated. An osteochondral fracture may result from either of these two surfaces. An axial or sunrise projection of the patella is usually required to demonstrate the fracture. Although the fragment may be visualized, it is difficult if not impossible to identify its site of origin. The joint cartilage can be identified and injuries visualized by MRI. Osteochondral injuries are best demonstrated on gradient-echo or T2-weighted images, which result in a high signal from joint fluid contrasting with the intermediate signal of cartilage, allowing visualization of defects in the joint surface. This may also disclose osteochondral fragments free within the accompanying joint effusion. When an injury of the knee is suspected but not immediately evident on the radiograph, the physician should search closely for evidence of small bony fragments indicating an osteochondral fracture, look closely at the lateral tibial plateau for evidence of fracture, and look at the base of the tibial eminence for evidence of fracture. Of course, there is no plain film radiographic evidence of the common injuries of the menisci and collateral ligaments. In adolescents, all types of epiphyseal separations of the distal femur or proximal tibia may occur, although Salter-Harris type II injuries are the most common. The Ankle and Foot Achilles Tendon Injuries Injuries of the Achilles tendon may be suspected on plain film by widening of the tendon, obliteration of the pre-Achilles fat pad, and a rather abrupt change in the contour of the tendon. However, such injuries are exquisitely demonstrated and confirmed by MRI in the sagittal and axial planes. 4 The tear in the low-signal tendon is directly visualized and contrasted with the higher-signal hematoma within and about the torn tendon (see Fig. 2-4). Fractures and Dislocations of the Ankle The ankle is a combination of bones and ligaments, and the injuries typically involve both components. Fractures commonly involve the lateral malleolus of the distal fibula, the medial malleolus of the distal tibia, and the posterior malleolus of the distal tibia ( Fig. 2-66).22,23 The most common fracture is a spiral or oblique fracture of the lateral malleolus (see Fig. 2-1). Most ankle injuries are thought to be caused by external rotation of the foot, relative to the leg. In actual practice, the leg is probably rotated internally relative to the fixed foot as the injury occurs.

FIG. 2-66. Fracture-dislocation of the ankle. There are fractures of the medial and lateral malleolus and the posterior malleolus (posterior tubercle) of the tibia. The malleolar fragments are characteristically displaced posteriorly with the foot.

Fractures of the joint surface of the distal tibia, the Pilon fracture, must be distinguished from those involving the malleoli. Pilon fractures are caused by compression forces that create comminuted fractures of the distal tibial metaphysis extending into and involving the joint surface of the ankle, often accompanied by fractures of the distal tibia. Ankle effusions, including hemarthroses, may be detected on lateral radiographs of the ankle by observing a teardrop-shaped density extending anteriorly from the ankle joint over the neck of the talus. These effusions may occur as the result of either bone or ligamentous injury. Because there is no direct evidence of ligamentous injury, it must be inferred from the relative position of adjacent bony structures. The ankle mortise measures 3 to 4 mm over its entire surface. Separation of the medial margin of the talus from the lateral surface of the medial malleolus by more than 6 mm indicates the presence of a deltoid ligament rupture. Normally, the syndesmosis extending between the inferior tibia and fibula measures no more than 5.5 mm. Measurements in excess of this amount indicate a rupture of the syndesmosis. Generally, the syndesmosis is ruptured to the lowest point of the fibular fracture. Therefore, in those fractures that lie more than 1 cm proximal to the joint margin there is some degree of rupture of the syndesmosis. Flake Fractures Ankle sprains are manifested radiographically by soft-tissue swelling. The ligament is usually ruptured in its midportion, and therefore there are no radiographic changes within the adjacent bone. On occasion, the ligament is ruptured at its origin or insertion and avulses off a small fragment of bone (see Fig. 2-8B). This avulsion fracture is sometimes known as a sprain or flake fracture. These fractures occur at the tips of the medial and lateral malleolus and the adjacent surfaces of the talus and calcaneus. There are many accessory ossicles around the ankle and foot. These may easily be mistaken for fractures. An accessory ossicle usually has rounded margins, is bounded by cortex around its entire periphery, and is separated from the major part of the bone by a space of relatively uniform width. A fracture, on the other hand, shows irregularity of the margin without a distinct cortex. Accessory centers of ossification occur at very predictable sites, particularly at the tips of both malleoli, the lateral margin of the cuboid bone, the dorsal surface of the distal talus and navicular, and the proximal pole of the navicular among others (see Chapter 8). Children and adolescents may sustain epiphyseal separations of either the distal tibial or distal fibular epiphysis. 28 These separations are evidenced by widening of the growth plate or associated fractures of the margin of the metaphysis, but they may be difficult to recognize if there is little or no displacement. All types of epiphyseal separations occur at the distal tibia (see Fig. 2-11B), the most common of which are Salter-Harris type II or III. The latter may involve either the medial or lateral margin of the epiphysis. Salter-Harris IV injuries involve the medial malleolus. Injuries of the distal fibular epiphysis are the adolescent counterpart of the common ankle sprain. These are Salter-Harris type I or II injuries. Fractures of the Os Calcis

Compression fractures of the os calcis occur as a result of a fall from a height in which the patient lands on his or her feet. The more severe injuries are visualized without difficulty on the lateral radiograph because of the extensive crushing and comminution. Lesser degrees of compression may be difficult to recognize unless one is completely familiar with the normal appearance. It may be necessary to compare the injured side with the opposite normal foot. Bohler's angle is of value in the determination of fractures of the os calcis ( Fig. 2-67 and Fig. 2-68). This angle is formed by drawing two lines, one from the anterosuperior margin of the bone and the other from the posterosuperior margin, to the highest point of the articular surface. In a normal persons, the complement of this angle is 20 to 40. When there is impaction, this angle is reduced and may become zero or even reversed. In many fractures there is an injury to the subastragalar joint. The extension of the fracture into the posterior facet of this joint can be demonstrated on an axial view. CT in the coronal and longitudinal planes precisely defines the degree of comminution, the involvement of the joint surface, and the displacement of the fracture fragments ( Fig. 2-69).11 Various types of avulsion fractures occur at the margins of the os calcis without affecting Bohler's angle. These fractures may involve the tuberosity, the anterior process, or the lateral margin of the calcaneus. They are visualized in the lateral and axial views of the calcaneus and in the AP and oblique views of the foot.

FIG. 2-67. Bhler's angle, the tuber-joint angle of the calcaneus. Diagram illustrates the method for determining this angle, which is normally between 20 and 40.

Fractures of the Talus Simple avulsion fractures occur from the dorsal surface of the head to the neck of the talus and must be differentiated from accessory centers of ossification. Vertical fractures occur through the neck just distal to the tibial articular surface. Because the principal blood supply to the bone enters through the neck, these fractures are often followed by ischemic necrosis of the articular fragments (see Fig. 7-23 in Chapter 7). In a subtalar dislocation, the talus remains in place within the ankle mortise but the subtalar joint is disrupted and the bones of the foot usually are displaced medially. These dislocations frequently are accompanied by fractures of the neck of the talus or of the malleoli. Fractures of the Navicular Fractures of the navicular are relatively infrequent and usually are undisplaced. The fracture may be either vertical or horizontal through the body of the bone, or it may involve the proximal pole situated on the medial side of the foot. The latter type must be differentiated from an accessory center of ossification, the os tibiale externum. Isolated fractures of the cuneiform and cuboid are rare. The os peroneum lies on the lateral margin of the cuboid and should not be mistaken for a fracture. Fractures of the Metatarsals and Phalanges All types of fractures occur in the metatarsals and phalanges, with or without dislocation of adjacent joints. They are commonly the result of crushing injuries or stubbing of the toe. Fractures involving the proximal tuberosity of the fifth metatarsal are frequent and usually are caused by an inversion injury of the foot ( Fig. 2-70). These may masquerade clinically as injuries of the ankle. It is essential that the base of the fifth metatarsal be included on every lateral radiograph of the ankle to rule out this common injury. Characteristically, the fracture line extends transversely across the proximal end of the bone, with separation of a triangular fragment. This fracture, which is oriented transversely, must not be confused with the normal apophysis that occurs on the outer edge of the tuberosity and is oriented with the long axis of the bone (see Chapter 8).

FIG. 2-70. Fracture of the base of the fifth metatarsal. Arrows indicate a typical transverse fracture without significant displacement.

Fatigue or stress fractures involve the neck or shaft of the second, third, or fourth metatarsals. They are manifested by an undisplaced transverse line of fracture or fluffy periosteal callus formation (see Fig. 2-14). They are commonly seen in military recruits, in runners, and, less often, after surgery to the foot. Dislocations of the Foot Any joint of the foot may become dislocated, but some are more commonly involved than others. The radiographic diagnosis usually is not difficult. The dislocations are often associated with avulsions or other types of fractures of adjacent bone. Dislocations of the tarsometatarsal joints are known as Lisfranc's fracture-dislocations. The dislocation usually involves two or more metatarsals. The most common is a lateral displacement of all five metatarsals or a lateral displacement of the second through fifth metatarsals and medial displacement of the first metatarsal. The deformity is best recognized on the AP and oblique views of the foot ( Fig. 2-71). A fracture of the recessed base of the second metatarsal and other smaller fractures at the margins of the joint usually are present. Normally, the first metatarsal is aligned with the medial cuneiform, the second metatarsal with the middle cuneiform, the third metatarsal with the lateral cuneiform, and the medial margin of the fourth metatarsal with the medial border of the cuboid. These relationships are best determined on the AP and oblique views of the foot.

FIG. 2-71. Lisfranc's fracture-dislocation of the tarsal-metatarsal joints, with lateral displacement of all metatarsals and numerous small fractures at the margins of the joints including the base of the second metatarsal.

Dislocations of metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints are common and are often associated with fractures of the apposing joint surfaces. Lisfranc's and other fracture-dislocations of the tarsus are a common manifestation of neurotrophic arthritis in diabetics (see Fig. 3-43 in Chapter 3). Unusual fractures or dislocations of the ankle or tarsus and those in patients without a history of trauma should suggest this possibility.


The hallmark of the battered child syndrome is clinical and radiographic evidence of repeated injury in children frequently younger than age 2 and usually younger than 6 years of age. 20 The skeletal changes can be extensive and rather bizarre. These changes are often discovered while the infant is being examined for some unrelated condition, and a history of injury may be unobtainable from the parents. In some cases, this may be a deliberate misrepresentation; in others, the traumatic episode may not have been noticed by other members of the family. The possibility of deliberate mistreatment of the infant by a parent or caretaker must be borne in mind. The condition is known as the battered child syndrome. The infant skeleton responds to trauma more easily and more rapidly than that of the older child or the adult. The lesions vary considerably in their roentgenographic appearance (Fig. 2-72).20 There may be separation of one or more small fragments from the corner of a metaphysis. Characteristically, the metaphyseal margin of one or more bones may show an irregular or serrated appearance, probably representing the effects of previous metaphyseal infractions. Skull fractures may be found in some patients and are often complicated by subdural hematoma. Lung contusions and lacerations can be found in association with rib fractures. Subluxation of one or more of the epiphyses, extensive subperiosteal callus, and frank shaft fracture showing evidence of callus may all be present in the individual case. Although the metaphyseal fractures and epiphyseal separations are classic manifestations of the disease, shaft fractures and skull fractures are more common. Typically, the lesions are found in multiple bones, although there is no particular symmetry to the distribution and they may vary in severity from one area to the other. Characteristically, there is evidence of multiple traumatic injuries of various durationsome recent, some old and well healed. The proper diagnosis in the absence of a history depends on the irregular distribution of the lesions in the skeleton, the otherwise normal density and texture of the bones involved, and the lack of clinical signs of infection or other serious disease. When the diagnosis of a battered child is considered on clinical grounds or suspected on the basis of radiographic evaluation, bone scanning may be helpful to disclose other sites of more obscure skeletal injury. The life of the child may depend on establishing the diagnosis so that the child may be removed from the environment and protected from future harm.

FIG. 2-72. The battered childthree cases. A: Acute fracture of the humerus associated with healing fractures of the sixth and seventh ribs and clavicle ( arrows) in a 19-month-old girl. (Courtesy of Mary Ann Radkowski, M.D., Chicago, Illinois.) B: Corner fractures of the distal femoral epiphysis ( arrows), periosteal new-bone formation along the shafts of the tibia and fibula, and a buckethandle fracture of the distal tibial metaphysis in an 8-month-old girl. C: Metaphyseal, corner fracture of the distal humerus and periosteal new-bone formation along the shafts of the humerus, radius, and ulna in a 10-month-old boy.


This is a rare disorder characterized by a congenital insensitivity to pain. The skeletal lesions are a reflection of this insensitivity and consist of gross fractures or healing fractures, various forms of osteochondrosis or ischemic necrosis apparently caused by repeated minor traumas, or osteomyelitis in its various phases. In some cases the roentgenographic evidence of trauma is similar to that noted in battered children, with metaphyseal infractions or corner fractures and periosteal callus formation. CHAPTER REFERENCES
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Chapter 3 Diseases of the Joints Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 3 Diseases of the Joints

Lee F. Rogers

L. F. Rogers: Department of Radiology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27157.

Infectious Arthritis Acute and Chronic Pyogenic Arthritis of the Peripheral Joints Roentgenographic Observations Tuberculosis of the Peripheral Joints Roentgenographic Observations Infectious Spondylitis Pyogenic Spondylitis Juvenile Spondyloarthritis Tuberculous Spondylitis Fungal Spondylitis Rheumatoid Arthritis Roentgenographic Observations Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Rheumatoid Variants (Seronegative Spondyloarthropathies) Arthritis Associated with Connective Tissue Diseases Dermatomyositis and Polymyositis Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Scleroderma Mixed Connective Tissue Disease Jaccoud's Arthropathy (Chronic Postrheumatic Fever Arthritis) Degenerative Joint Disease (Osteoarthritis) Roentgenographic Observations Osteoarthritis of Specific Joints Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (Dish, Forestier Disease) Neurotrophic Arthropathy Diabetic Osteoarthropathy Metabolic Joint Disease Gout Chondrocalcinosis Calcium Pyrophosphate Deposition Disease (CPDD, Pseudogout) Hemochromatosis Hyperparathyroidism Ochronosis Wilson's Disease (Hepatolenticular Degeneration) Primary Synovial Disease Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis Synovial Chondromatosis (Osteochondromatosis) Loose Bodies Transient Synovitis of the Hip Synovioma Miscellaneous Arthritides Amyloidosis Lipoid Dermatoarthritis (Multicentric Reticulohistiocytosis) Idiopathic Chondrolysis of the Hip Relapsing Polychondritis Hemophiliac Arthropathy Sternocostoclavicular Hyperostosis Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy Miscellaneous Conditions Popliteal Cysts Osteitis Condensans Ilii Hallux Valgus Hallux Rigidus Arthrography Radiographic Evaluation of Joint Protheses Chapter References

The ends of apposing bones, as portrayed on a roentgenogram, are separated by a space commonly referred to as the joint space. This space is occupied by articular cartilage and a small amount of synovial fluid, both of which have the same radiodensity and are therefore indistinguishable from each other. Loss of articular cartilage is manifested radiographically as a decrease in the width of the joint space. The joint capsule of the normal joint is of the same density as the surrounding soft tissue and is usually difficult to visualize. However, when the joint is distended by fluid, its outer limits may be seen if there is sufficient fat in the periarticular tissues to offer contrast (see Fig. 3-15, Fig. 3-16A, and Fig. 3-18). This is particularly true of the peripheral joints: the interphalangeal (IP) and metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints of the hand, the ankle, the wrist, the elbow, and the suprapatellar bursa of the knee. However, it is difficult to identify distention of the major proximal jointsthe shoulder, hip, and axial skeleton. Periarticular edema or hemorrhage tends to obliterate the fat and tissue planes. Close observation of periarticular soft tissues often permits the detection of early signs of inflammatory disease in the joint or adjacent structures.

FIG. 3-15. Early rheumatoid arthritis. Periarticular osteoporosis is identified. Soft-tissue swelling is present around the proximal interphalangeal and metacarpophalangeal joints. Small erosions are present at the radial side of the base of the proximal phalanx of the index finger.

FIG. 3-16. Advanced rheumatoid arthritis. A: Joint distention is evidenced by capsular swelling at the metacarpophalangeal joints. There are extensive erosions of the heads of the metacarpals and small erosions of the base opposing margins of the proximal phalanges. The proximal interphalangeal joints are symmetrically narrowed, and distinct marginal erosions are seen. B: Narrowing of the radiocarpal and midcarpal joints, with erosions of the opposing margins, particularly of the ulnar styloid, with overlying soft-tissue swelling.

FIG. 3-18. Rheumatoid arthritis of the fifth metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint. Note the erosive process involving the head of the fifth metatarsal and the opposing proximal phalanx. There is little or no identifiable destruction of the third or fourth MTP joints. On occasion, erosions are more obvious in the heads of the metatarsals than in the hand, as in this case.

Radiographs are used in diseases of the joints to confirm the clinical diagnosis of joint disease, determine the type of joint disease, and evaluate the extent of clinically known disease. 9 The radiographic findings may be either consistent or inconsistent with the clinical diagnosis. If inconsistent, an alternative diagnosis should be made on the basis of the radiographic appearance of the disease process. On other occasions, joint disease is observed on a radiograph obtained for some other reason (e.g., peripheral trauma); on a chest radiograph demonstrating changes in the spine or pectoral girdle; or on radiographs of the abdomen and pelvis revealing abnormalities of the spine, sacroiliac joints, or hips. In these situations, the joint disease should be categorized and included in the radiographic report. There are four principal radiographic signs of joint abnormalities or joint disease: (1) abnormalities of the apposing margins of both bones at a joint, (2) change in the width of the joint space (usually narrowing but occasionally widening because of an increase in synovial fluid), (3) malalignment of the joint (subluxation or dislocation with the joint margins no longer in apposition), and (4) periarticular swelling caused by distention of the joint capsule. The most common findings are narrowing of the joint space and abnormalities of the apposing articular margins of bone. Each joint disease has a more or less specific pattern of radiographic abnormalities. This pattern is based on the radiographic characteristics at each individual joint, the distribution of joint involvement, and the presence or absence of other ancillary radiographic findings. 13 When the characteristic pattern is coupled with the clinical history, physical findings, and laboratory examinations, the correct diagnosis can be established with reasonable certainty. The distribution of joint involvement is extremely important. At the beginning of a diagnostic evaluation, it should be determined whether the process is limited to one joint (monoarticular) or involves multiple joints (polyarticular). Each joint disease has a characteristic distribution of joint involvement ( Fig. 3-1); it is more likely to involve certain joints than others, and to involve those joints either symmetrically (simultaneous involvement of similar joints of both extremities) or asymmetrically (involvement of a joint on one side without simultaneous involvement of the corresponding joint on the opposite side).

FIG. 3-1. Sites and distribution of common arthritides of the hand ( A) and foot (B). The more common sites are encircled with heavy lines and the less common sites with lighter lines. Note the periosteal reaction or new-bone formation classically identified in Reiter's disease and psoriasis. Note also the potential for sausage digit distribution in psoriasis. When joints are encircled in isolation, the distribution is random and may be isolated to any joint.

The specific radiographic characteristics of importance in establishing or confirming the diagnosis often are the following: (1) whether the joint space narrowing is symmetrical or asymmetrical; (2) whether soft-tissue swelling is present and whether it is symmetrical (indicating a joint effusion) or asymmetrical (indicating a periarticular mass); and the presence or absence of (3) periarticular osteoporosis, (4) periarticular erosions, and (5) spur formation. Ancillary radiographic findings include the presence or absence of periosteal reaction of bones in the vicinity of the involved joint and the character of calcification or ossification of ligamentous attachments or tendinous attachments about the joint. Such calcifications and ossifications are referred to as entheses, and their diffuse presence in the skeletal system is known as an enthesopathy. Finally, the presence or absence of calcification within the joint cartilage ( chondrocalcinosis) is to be noted. This finding is characteristic of certain joint disorders. The clinical findings of importance are the age and sex of the patient, a history of previous trauma, the clinical appearance of the joint or joints involved, the presence or absence of associated diseases (particularly skin disease, uveitis, urethritis, and diarrhea), and identifiable tophaceous deposits. Laboratory values of importance are the erythrocyte sedimentation rate; the presence or absence of serum rheumatoid factor; the leukocyte count; and the serum levels of calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, and uric acid. The radiographic diagnosis is aided greatly by knowledge of the clinical and laboratory findings, and the opposite is equally true: the radiographic diagnosis of joint disease may be severely handicapped in the absence of knowledge of the results of clinical and laboratory examinations.

Joint diseases are classified in Table 3-1.

TABLE 3-1. Classification of joint disease

Acute and Chronic Pyogenic Arthritis of the Peripheral Joints The source of infection resulting in pyogenic arthritis may be hematogenous, from other infections of the skin, respiratory tract, or urinary system; it may be a direct extension from a focus of adjacent osteomyelitis; or it may be a consequence of bacterial contamination resulting from surgical procedures or open injuries of the joint. The course of the disease varies considerably. In some cases, it is relatively mild and subsides without residua. In others, a purulent infection ensues, causing pyoarthrosis with rapid destruction of joint surfaces. In still others, the disease follows a comparatively indolent and chronic course from the outset. In children, infection more commonly involves the major peripheral joints, and the source of infection is very likely to be an infection of the skin, upper respiratory tract, or lungs. In adults, the source is more likely to be trauma or surgery secondary to vascular disease, particularly in the feet of diabetic patients. Bacterial spondylitis is more common in adults than in children; it is often associated with a urinary tract infection or occurs after catheterization or other manipulative procedures of the bladder and urethra. Unusual sites of pyogenic infection occur in intravenous drug abusers, including the sternoclavicular and sacroiliac joints, and infections are often caused by gram-negative organisms. Septic arthritis may also complicate intra-articular injection of steroids. Roentgenographic Observations The radiographic findings described here occur in an untreated or inadequately treated infection of virulence. 13 With present-day therapeutic measures, most cases of acute pyogenic joint infection can be brought under control before appreciable damage occurs within the joint. Soft-Tissue Swelling In the first few days of infection, the only roentgenographic changes are those of soft-tissue swelling and distention of the joint capsule by fluid ( Fig. 3-2). This causes an increase in soft-tissue density about the joint ( Fig. 3-3). Periarticular edema tends to obliterate the tissue planes around the joint and often extends into the subcutaneous fat. In the absence of trauma, such findings, particularly in a febrile child with pain or tenderness in the area, strongly suggest the diagnosis of septic arthritis. Soft-tissue changes of this type are not specific, of course, and at this stage of the disease needle aspiration should be performed promptly to establish the diagnosis or rule out the possibility of infectious arthritis. The diagnosis of infectious arthritis should not await the appearance of radiographic changes.

FIG. 3-2. Acute pyogenic arthritis of the left knee in an 18-month-old boy. A: Lateral radiograph of the left knee. Soft-tissue swelling, joint distention, and obliteration of fascial planes is evident. There are no bony abnormalities. Compare with lateral view of normal right knee (B).

FIG. 3-3. Subacute suppurative arthritis of the shoulder. A: Anteroposterior view demonstrates destruction of the opposing margins of the joint. Note the irregularity of the humeral head and the poor definition of the glenoid rim ( arrow). The joint space appears widened. B: Computed tomography scan confirms the widening of the joint space and irregularity and destruction of the opposing margins of the joint. Note the joint distention and surrounding soft-tissue swelling with obliteration of fascial planes and partial obliteration of the subcutaneous fat.

Joint-Space Narrowing Purulent organisms excrete proteolytic enzymes that destroy articular cartilage ( Fig. 3-4), resulting in a decrease in the width of the joint space. In a virulent infection,

this may become evident 7 to 10 days after the onset of disease. If the infection is untreated or inadequately treated, the narrowing progresses rapidly and the joint space may disappear completely within several weeks. Early in the course of acute infection, the bones about the joint maintain normal density; however, if the infection becomes subacute or chronic, osteoporosis becomes evident. Joint narrowing and destruction in the absence of osteoporosis are indicative of a highly virulent infection.

FIG. 3-4. Chronic infectious arthritis of the knee. A: On the initial examination, erosion of the bony articular surfaces is identified medially and is associated with narrowing of the joint space both medially and laterally. B: In 4 months, further destruction of bone and the virtual absence of the joint space are evidenced, indicating destruction of the joint cartilage. C: Nine months after onset, the infection has subsided and there is early bony ankylosis. Note that periarticular osteoporosis has persisted.

Bone Destruction Bone destruction is manifested by irregularity of the subchondral bone at the apposing margins of the joint (see Fig. 3-3 and Fig. 3-4B). The destruction may be focal initially, but it eventually extends across the entire joint surface. Because bone destruction does not occur for 8 to 10 days, this sign is of no value in the early diagnosis of joint infection. Ankylosis If the articular cartilages are completely destroyed, bony ankylosis usually follows. Eventually, bone trabeculae form across the ends of the bones, and in time all evidence of the joint may disappear. If antibiotic treatment is ineffective or is discontinued too soon, the acute infection may be transformed into a chronic indolent process with a slowly progressive course extending over months. In this case, there is a gradual decrease in the joint space, the articular ends of the bone become roughened, and sequestra may form. As the infection subsides, the bones gradually regain density and bony ankylosis may occur. If the infection continues, fibrous or bony ankylosis may occur, resulting in little or no joint motion ( Fig. 3-4C). Neonatal Infections Septic arthritis frequently occurs as a complication of neonatal osteomyelitis. Such infections occur in premature and full-term infants who have undergone catheterization of umbilical vessels. In the neonate, the blood supply of the epiphysis is contiguous with that of the metaphysis, and extension of an infectious process into the joint is therefore very likely ( Fig. 3-5). Multiple sites of infection are the rule, and septic arthritis is common. The hip is involved in 45% of cases, the knee in 35%; remaining sites are the shoulder, elbow, and ankle. If the hip is involved, the joint distention may be sufficient to result in a dislocation accompanied by a large surrounding soft-tissue mass ( Fig. 3-6).

FIG. 3-5. Neonatal osteomyelitis and septic arthritis in a 2-week-old infant. A: Initial examination demonstrates only soft-tissue swelling around the shoulder. B: A repeat examination 13 days later demonstrates poorly defined destruction in the metaphysis, with surrounding periosteal reaction and marked distention of the shoulder joint with pseudodislocation. Note the inferior displacement of the epiphysis ( arrow).

FIG. 3-6. Acute osteomyelitis of the proximal metaphysis of the femur, with secondary involvement of the hip joint. There is a small focus of bone destruction in the medial margin of the metaphysis. The femur is displaced laterally by the large joint effusion. Note the marked soft-tissue swelling in the upper thigh.

Neonatal osteomyelitis also may occur in those who have not had umbilical catheterization. Under these circumstances, the signs are often vague and there is only a single focus of disease.


Tuberculosis of the joints is a chronic indolent infection having an insidious onset and a slowly progressive course. It usually affects a single joint (monoarticular). The

joint disease may result from hematogenous dissemination to the synovial membrane, or it may be secondary to a tuberculous abscess in the neighboring bone. The latter is common in childhood. Pathologically, tuberculosis usually begins as a synovitis. Proliferation of inflammatory granulation tissue, known as pannus, begins at the perichondrium and spreads over the joint surfaces. It interferes with nutrition of the cartilage, resulting in degeneration and destruction. In weight-bearing joints, and to a lesser degree in non-weight-bearing joints, there is a tendency for preservation of the joint cartilages at sites of maximum weight-bearing or close apposition of cartilage. This is in contrast to pyogenic infections, in which the joint exudate contains proteolytic enzymes that rapidly destroy the entire cartilaginous joint surface. Roentgenographic Observations Tuberculous Arthritis The earliest evidence of tuberculous arthritis of a peripheral joint is a joint effusion. In time, often after several months, the bones adjacent to the joint become osteoporotic. The osteoporosis is often severe and probably is caused by a combination of hyperemia and disuse ( Fig. 3-7). Eventually, destruction of articular cartilage is manifested by narrowing of the joint and erosion of bone. In the weight-bearing joints, there is a tendency for preservation of cartilage at the point of maximum weight-bearing (Fig. 3-8). The earliest evidence of bone destruction is the appearance of erosions at the margins of the joint. These marginal defects are sharply circumscribed and closely resemble erosions seen in rheumatoid arthritis. Marginal erosions gradually extend across the joint surface. With further progression, gross disorganization of the joint may occur. The articular cartilage disappears, ragged destruction of the articular ends of the bone occurs, and separation of dead fragments (sequestra) is noted ( Fig. 3-8C). Very little reactive sclerosis is observed in untreated tuberculosis.

FIG. 3-7. Tuberculous arthritis of the carpus in an 82-year-old woman. Diffuse osteoporosis is present, with narrowing of the radiocarpal and midcarpal joints and erosion and destruction of their opposing margins. The metacarpohamate joint is also involved. The distal margin of the ulna including the styloid is eroded.

FIG. 3-8. Tuberculosis of the knee in three different patients. A: The joint space is intact, but there are marginal erosions on the medial margin of the tibia and fibula, and a subchondral radiolucency is present in the tibia just beneath the tibial spine. B: The disease is more extensive than in A and is manifested by greater narrowing of the joint space and marginal erosions. C: Advanced disease is manifested by multiple sequestra producing the dense white bony fragments and considerable destruction of bone, particularly in the lateral tibial plateau.

Caries sicca is a relatively uncommon form of tuberculosis that is characterized by a chronic and indolent course and an absence of joint effusion. Except for the lack of fluid and associated swelling of soft tissues, the roentgenographic findings in this type of disease differ little from those described previously. This type occurs most frequently in the shoulder. Unilateral abnormalities of the sacroiliac joint should suggest the possibility of tuberculosis. Bacterial infections of this joint are also encountered in drug abusers. The radiographic findings are destruction of the joint margins with some degree of reactive sclerosis. In tuberculosis there is little tendency for spontaneous healing, and bony ankylosis seldom develops without surgical intervention. The differential diagnosis of tuberculous arthritis includes principally acute and chronic pyogenic arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. In acute pyogenic arthritis, there is early destruction of joint space and an absence of osteoporosis. In chronic pyogenic arthritis, the findings are very similar. Bony ankylosis is much more likely in a pyogenic infection than in tuberculosis. In a given joint, the differentiation between tuberculosis and rheumatoid arthritis may be difficult. However, the polyarticular nature and distribution of rheumatoid arthritis should distinguish it from tuberculosis, which is almost always monoarticular. Fungal Infections Joint involvement is rare in fungal infections. However, blastomycosis, histoplasmosis, actinomycosis, coccidioidomycosis, and cryptococcosis joint infections are occasionally observed. They are similar in appearance to tuberculosis. Diagnosis must be based on recovery of the causative organism.

Infections of the spine are initiated by hematogenous spread of organisms. These may be of arterial or paravertebral venous plexus origin. The latter is very likely to be the source of infections of the spine that are associated with infections of the urinary tract or occur after urinary tract manipulations. The bacteria lodge beneath the end-plate of a vertebra, usually anteriorly, and quickly extend into the adjacent intervertebral disc and then into the inferior end-plate of the adjacent vertebral body (Fig. 3-9).13 From here, the infection may extend out of the vertebra and along the spine, beneath the paravertebral ligament, forming soft-tissue masses and abscesses.

FIG. 3-9. Diagram of infectious spondylitis.

The radiographic findings indicative of infectious spondylitis are (1) narrowing of the disc space, (2) erosion and destruction of adjacent vertebral end-plates, and (3) a paravertebral soft-tissue mass (Fig. 3-10 and Fig. 3-11). In the cervical spine, the soft-tissue mass is identified on the lateral radiograph as an enlargement of the retropharyngeal soft tissues and, in the thoracic spine, it is a paravertebral soft-tissue mass that is best seen on the anteroposterior radiograph of the chest or thoracic spine (Fig. 3-11A). The soft-tissue mass associated with infection of the lumbar vertebral bodies is usually very difficult to see on the anteroposterior radiographs of the lumbar spine. In all locations, both the paraspinous soft-tissue mass and the degree of vertebral body destruction are readily identified by computed tomography (CT) (Fig. 3-12). In questionable cases, polytomography is the best method of evaluation because it clearly demonstrates the end-plates of the adjacent vertebral bodies. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrates all of the findings quite satisfactorily, including any encroachment upon or compression of the spinal cord (Fig. 3-10 and Fig. 3-11). Rarely, an infectious process is limited to the vertebral body or posterior bony elements and appears as a focus of destruction. In general, the posterior elements are not involved by the infectious process.

FIG. 3-10. A: Infectious spondylitis. Tomogram demonstrates erosion of the opposing margins of adjacent vertebral bodies anteriorly ( arrow), with some underlying sclerosis of bone. Note the minimal disc space narrowing. B and C: Anteroposterior and lateral views of infectious spondylitis of L5-S1 in a 10-month-old girl, more advanced than in A, as manifested by greater destruction of opposing margins of the vertebral bodies. The disc space is almost obliterated. The intervertebral disc space (B) is narrowed with destruction of the opposing margins of the vertebrae. T2-weighted sagittal magnetic resonance image ( C) reveals destruction of the intervertebral disc and opposing margins of the vertebrae with surrounding soft-tissue mass of increased signal intensity ( arrows). (Courtesy of Andrew Poznanski, M.D., Chicago, Illinois.)

FIG. 3-11. A and B: Tuberculosis of the spine. Note that the paraspinal mass ( A) is more localized on the right than on the left. There is a loss of disc space. A lateral projection is shown in B. Obliteration of joint space and destruction of the adjacent vertebral end-plates are demonstrated. C and D: Another case demonstrated by magnetic resonance imaging. T1-weighted images (C) demonstrates soft destruction of opposing margins of two vertebrae with a surrounding soft-tissue mass that bulges anteriorly and extends posteriorly to compress the spinal cord ( arrow). There is an area of decreased signal in the region of the destroyed intervertebral disc between the two involved vertebrae. On the T2-weighted image ( D) the area in the midst of the soft-tissue mass now emits a high signal. The spinal cord compression is clearly depicted.

FIG. 3-12. Infectious spondylitis of T6-T7. A: Lateral view demonstrates obvious disc space narrowing and destruction of the adjacent margins of the vertebral bodies anteriorly (arrow). B: Computed tomography demonstrates a paraspinous mass (arrows) and destruction of the anterior margin of the vertebral body. Note that the process does not extend to the spinal canal.

Pyogenic Spondylitis Infectious spondylitis caused by pyogenic organisms has a tendency to be confined to one interspace, and the paraspinous soft-tissue masses are not as large as those seen with tuberculosis (see Fig. 3-11 and Fig. 3-12). The earliest roentgenographic sign is a decrease in the height of the disc space. CT or polytomography

may be necessary to confirm destruction of the adjacent end-plates. The infections tend to be subacute, and the destructive focus often has a sclerotic margin. Juvenile Spondyloarthritis Calcification of one or more intervertebral discs in childhood is a rare disorder. Afflicted children are usually between 2 and 11 years old, with a predominance of boys. Patients usually complain of pain, with limitation of motion, muscle spasm, tenderness, and torticollis. Roentgenograms show calcification in one or more intervertebral discs, usually in the cervical area. The disease tends to be self-limited, and the calcifications gradually disappear over a period of several months. Although this condition has been regarded as an infection by some observers, there is evidence to indicate that some cases are of traumatic origin. Calcification of the disc in adult patients is usually found in the thoracic spine; it is a common condition and appears to be a degenerative change related to the aging process. Tuberculous Spondylitis Tuberculous spondylitis has a greater tendency than infectious spondylitis to spread along the spine ( Fig. 3-13; see Fig. 3-11). The spread occurs beneath the paraspinous ligaments, both above and below the initial site of infection. This spread forms an elongated paravertebral soft-tissue mass. Radiographically, the soft-tissue mass may be accompanied by irregular erosions or smooth, saucerized defects or scalloping of the anterior borders of several adjacent vertebral bodies. On other occasions, there is minimal radiographic evidence of disc disease but extensive paravertebral soft-tissue masses are present, there is little or no vertebral collapse, and the intervertebral discs appear to be preserved. In long-standing cases, calcification may occur in the paravertebral abscesses. These calcified or partially calcified abscesses remain throughout life. With quiescence and healing of the disease, the bones regain a more normal density and bony ankylosis may occur across the involved disc. In very old cases of tuberculous spondylitis, several contiguous vertebrae may have been destroyed to such an extent that their individual outlines are no longer recognizable and all evidence of the intervening disc spaces has disappeared. The resultant angled deformity of the spine is known as a gibbus, from the Latin word for hump.

FIG. 3-13. Tuberculous spondylitis with subligamentous extension. There is obliteration of the disc space and destruction of adjacent vertebral end-plates in the mid-dorsal spine. Note the superior and inferior subligamentous extension manifested by erosions of the anterior margin of the vertebral bodies ( arrows).

Fungal Spondylitis Involvement of the spine occasionally occurs in actinomycosis, blastomycosis, and coccidioidomycosis. Most lesions resemble those of tuberculosis. Coccidioidomycosis has a tendency to involve bony protuberances and may present as isolated destructive foci in the posterior elements.

Rheumatoid arthritis affects adults between the ages of 20 and 60 years, with the highest incidence between the ages of 40 and 50 years. Females are affected much more frequently than males. The clinical course of the disease varies. In most cases, it begins insidiously and then either runs a protracted and progressive course or undergoes remissions of variable length. Usually, the disease eventually leads to a variable degree of deformity of the affected joints. In the typical case, the disease begins in the peripheral joints, usually the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) and MCP joints of the hand and the carpal joints of the wrist. There is a tendency for symmetrical involvement of the joints on the right and left sides; this tendency is stronger in women than men. As the disease progresses, it affects more proximal joints, advancing toward the trunk in all extremities until finally almost every joint in the body is involved. The disease may become arrested at any stage. Pathologically, rheumatoid arthritis begins as synovitis. In the early stages there is edema and inflammation of the synovium and the subsynovial tissues. Joint effusion accompanies the synovial changes. If the disease advances, the synovium becomes greatly thickened, with enlargement of the synovial villi. This is followed by proliferation of fibrovascular connective tissue known as pannus. Pannus is responsible for the characteristic marginal erosions that first occur in the so-called bare areas between the peripheral edge of the joint cartilage and the insertion of the joint capsule ( Fig. 3-14). Ultimately, pannus grows over the surface of the articular cartilage, interfering with normal nutrition, which results in cartilage degeneration, and destroying foci of underlying articular bone. In advanced cases the joint becomes filled with pannus, articular cartilage disappears, and fibrous ankylosis results, frequently followed by bony ankylosis. As these changes are occurring in the joint, the adjacent bone undergoes osteoporosis and muscles atrophy from disuse.

FIG. 3-14. Marginal erosions in rheumatoid arthritis. A: The normal metacarpophalangeal joint. Note the so-called bare area between the site of insertion of the joint capsule and the peripheral margin of the joint cartilage. B: Synovial hypertrophy results in increased joint fluid, joint distention, and soft-tissue swelling and ultimately leads to marginal erosions beginning in the bare areas, the first site of bone destruction in rheumatoid arthritis.

Roentgenographic Observations Radiographic findings vary with each stage of the disease. The initial manifestations are soft-tissue swelling, symmetrical narrowing of the joints, periarticular osteoporosis, and marginal erosions ( Fig. 3-15). Radiographic manifestations of the disease are present in 66% of patients 3 to 6 months after the onset of disease and in 85% of those affected for 1 year. The distribution of joint involvement is characteristic. The disease begins in the PIP, MCP, and carpal joints (see Fig. 3-1A) with a more or less symmetrical distribution in the right and left extremities. In some cases the joints of the hand and wrist are equally affected, but in others the destructive process may be much more severe in the hand than in the carpus ( Fig. 3-16). In still others, it may be more severe in the carpus than in the hand, even extensive in the carpus and yet minimal in the MCP and IP joints ( Fig. 3-17). In the foot (see Fig. 3-1B), the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints, particularly the fourth and fifth, are often involved in the initial stage of the disease process. In fact, characteristic changes of erosion may be present in the heads of the fourth or fifth metatarsal when the radiographic changes of the hand are minimal or nondiagnostic ( Fig. 3-18). Therefore, it is important to examine not only the hands but also the

feet in the initial evaluation of a patient with rheumatoid arthritis.

FIG. 3-17. Advanced rheumatoid arthritis with carpal predominance. Note that the destructive process is much more marked in the carpal joints than in the peripheral joints of the hand. The hyperextension deformity of the interphalangeal joint of the thumb is typical of rheumatoid arthritis and is termed the hitchhiker's thumb.

Soft-Tissue Swelling The earliest roentgenographic evidence of the disease is periarticular soft-tissue swelling, which characteristically is symmetrical and fusiform (see Fig. 3-15). This swelling is easily identified in the PIP joints and to a lesser extent in the MCP and MTP joints. Joint distention can also be identified in the knee, ankle, and wrist. The joint effusion is caused by the synovitis. Periarticular Osteoporosis Local demineralization of bone occurs adjacent to the involved joint. In the metacarpals and phalanges, this involves the base and heads of the bone but spares the diaphysis (see Fig. 3-15). In the wrist, all the carpal bones are involved, as are the distal margins of the radius and ulna and the bases of the metacarpals. The bones in the affected area are more radiolucent because of loss of bone mineral. In early cases, this finding is often rather striking because of the symmetry of the process. In advanced disease, generalized osteoporosis develops, involving all portions of the skeleton. This is caused in part by the disease process and in part by disuse and may be compounded by the use of steroids. Symmetrical Joint Space Narrowing Narrowing of the joint space results from degeneration of the articular cartilages as pannus spreads across the joint surfaces (see Fig. 3-15). Typically this diminution in the joint is uniform and the joint space is symmetrically narrowed, in contrast to the asymmetrical narrowing that is characteristic of osteoarthritis. The narrowing may progress gradually until the ends of the bones practically impinge on one another. In the hip, thinning of the central aspect of the joint space causes displacement of the femoral head in an axial directionthat is, it moves upward and inward ( Fig. 3-19). The joint space characteristically is symmetrically narrowed. The acetabulum may become deepened, eventually leading to characteristic changes of protrusio acetabuli (Otto pelvis) ( Fig. 3-19). Rheumatoid arthritis of the knee characteristically involves all compartments--medial, lateral, and patellofemoral. When the knee is involved, there is an even or symmetrical narrowing of the joint space in all compartments, particularly medial and lateral.

FIG. 3-19. Rheumatoid arthritis. A: There is uniform thinning of joint space and deepening of the acetabular cavity, causing a moderate degree of protrusio acetabuli. B and C: Note the destructive lesions of the joint surfaces of the radius and ulna, the symmetrical narrowing of the joint space, and periarticular soft-tissue swelling. The bones are osteoporotic.

Joint-space narrowing also occurs in osteoarthritis, but it differs in some ways (see Fig. 3-34, Fig. 3-35 and Fig. 3-36). In osteoarthritis the joint-space narrowing is characteristically asymmetrical. In the hip the narrowing is more marked superiorly, and in the knee it commonly is limited to the medial compartment. These and other findings such as the absence of osteoporosis and the presence of subchondral sclerosis of bone, subchondral cyst, and marginal spur formation should facilitate the differentiation between rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

FIG. 3-34. Osteoarthritis of the hip. A: Characteristic joint changes consist of asymmetrical narrowing of the joint space, marginal spurs, subchondral sclerosis, and subchondral cyst formation. B: Computed tomography scan more clearly identifies the subchondral cyst formation and the marginal spurs on the anterior and posterior rims of the acetabulum. Note also the subchondral sclerosis and asymmetrical joint space narrowing.

FIG. 3-35. Osteoarthritis of the hands. A: Characteristic changes of the distal interphalangeal joints consist of asymmetrical narrowing, subchondral sclerosis, and marginal spur formation, with minimal subluxation. Note the relative sparing of the proximal interphalangeal joint. B: Osteoarthritis of the first metacarpocarpal joint. Notice the subluxation, subchondral sclerosis, and spur formation.

FIG. 3-36. Osteoarthritis of the knee. A: The medial compartment is narrowed, with marginal spur formation. A genu varum (bowleg) deformity of the knee is present. B: Lateral view demonstrates prominent spur formation of the patellofemoral joint and posterior margin of the femoral condyles. The joint space is narrowed, with subchondral sclerosis

Marginal Erosions After a variable interval, bony erosions occur as a result of the development of granulation tissue (pannus) at the peripheral margin of the joint cartilage (see Fig. 3-15, Fig. 3-16, Fig. 3-17 and Fig. 3-18). These appear as small foci of destruction along the margins of the articular ends of the bones. They may be very minute, but they represent one of the most significant roentgenographic observations of early disease. The use of a magnifying lens is helpful when searching for the smallest erosion. The most common sites are the radial sides of the heads of the first, second, and third metacarpals; the heads of the fourth and fifth metatarsals; the margins of the radiocarpal joint; the distal ends of the proximal third and fourth phalanges; and the ulnar styloid, as well as the adjacent margins of the distal radioulnar joint. The initial manifestation of the erosion may be simply a loss or interruption of the articular margin. The smooth, continuous articular margin may be disrupted intermittently, causing a dot and dash pattern, or it may be completely resorbed, giving rise to a bare appearance of the underlying subarticular trabeculae. MRI is more sensitive than plain radiography for detection of early bone erosions. 15 Characteristically, the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints are spared. Erosions occur at the sites of tendinous attachments, such as the Achilles tendon on the calcaneus and the plantar fascial attachment on the plantar surface of the os calcis. Joint Malalignment The degree of malalignment varies with the extent of the diseasethe worse the disease, the greater the malalignment. Ulnar deviation of the phalanges with or without associated subluxation or dislocation is characteristic. The distal phalanx of the thumb is characteristically hyperextended, giving rise to the hitchhiker thumb deformity (see Fig. 3-17). The carpus is characteristically rotated ulnarward. Other carpal subluxations may occur, such as a scapholunate dislocation. With advanced disease, the carpus is markedly foreshortened by a combination of a rotational displacement and erosions of bone (see Fig. 3-17). Joint Destruction Marginal erosions and joint destruction are more common in the smaller peripheral than in the proximal major joints. In fact, marginal erosions may be difficult to identify in the hip and knee despite the severe joint involvement manifested by narrowing and marked osteoporosis. In smaller joints, deep excavations may occur. These are particularly common in the base of the proximal phalanx and are often associated with destruction of the head of the metacarpal, giving rise to the pencil-in-cup deformity. The ends of the metatarsals, metacarpals, and phalanges may be sharpened almost to a point, like a pencil. Extensive destruction of the articular ends of the bones in the hands, wrists, and feet is often referred to as arthritis mutilans. Resorption of the distal end of the clavicle is common in severe to moderately severe rheumatoid arthritis. This can often be detected on the chest roentgenogram and may confirm or suggest the diagnosis. Other causes of absorption of the distal clavicles include hyperparathyroidism, scleroderma, gout, and post-traumatic osteolysis. Bony Ankylosis Destruction of articular cartilages may lead to the development of bony ankylosis. This is particularly common in the intercarpal and radiocarpal joints of the wrist. After all cartilage has been destroyed, bony trabeculae form across the previous joint space; the end result is complete obliteration of the joint and formation of a solid bony fusion. Spinal Involvement Spinal involvement in rheumatoid arthritis is usually limited to the cervical spine and more particularly to the craniovertebral junction. One of the characteristic changes is erosion of the odontoid process of the second cervical vertebra ( Fig. 3-20). At times the dens is almost completely destroyed. Atlantoaxial subluxation may occur (Fig. 3-21) in rheumatoid arthritis. Normally, the distance between the posterior aspect of C1 and the dens is no more than 2.5 mm in adults, and it remains constant in flexion. The subluxation occurs because of a laxity of the transverse ligament, which holds the odontoid in position, and the presence of pannus about the dens. In these patients the distance is increased, but a lateral view in flexion may be required to demonstrate this abnormality. It may be reduced in extension. There may also be upward displacement of C2 or, more accurately, settling of the skull and C1 about C2. This is identified radiographically by an abnormally low position of the anterior arch of C1 in relation to the base of the vertebral body of C2. Either process may give rise to neurologic symptoms because of impingement on the upper cervical cord or medulla. This is more likely when the subluxation measures 9 mm or more, or when the anterior arch of C1 appears to articulate with the lower half of the odontoid or the body of C2. The entire spectrum of abnormalities is nicely displayed by MRI. 11,12 The facet joints of the cervical spine also may be involved. This is most commonly evidenced by small erosions, but in some cases the involvement leads to ankylosis of the facet joints (see Fig. 3-24). This is much more frequent in the juvenile form of rheumatoid arthritis. In adults, disc-space narrowing may be identified with or without associated subluxation. The disc-space narrowing characteristically is not associated with subchondral sclerosis or spur formation, in contrast to osteoarthritis or spondylosis.

FIG. 3-20. Rheumatoid arthritis of the upper cervical spine demonstrating erosion and thinning of the odontoid process and lateral subluxation of C1 on C2. There are marginal erosions of the facet joints of C1 on C2 on the patient's left ( arrow).

FIG. 3-21. Atlantoaxial subluxation in rheumatoid arthritis. Note the increased distance between the posterior margin and the anterior arch of C1 and the anterior margin of the dens (arrows). The odontoid process is eroded.

FIG. 3-24. Still's disease of the cervical spine. Note the ankylosing of the apophyseal joints at C2-C3 and C3-C4.

Unusual Manifestations of Rheumatoid Arthritis Giant Bone Cysts. Subarticular bone cysts or geodes are uncommon but not rare. They may become 8 to 10 cm or more in diameter, usually occur in a subarticular position, and may expand the cortex and lead to pathologic fracture. They may be caused by synovial fluid that is under pressure and that extends into the subarticular bone by way of a defect in the articular surface, particularly in the upper tibia. Some authors have reported that the geodes contain rheumatoid granulation tissue, which may be an extension of pannus through an articular surface defect, and in certain instances geodes may be caused by intramedullary rheumatoid nodules. Rheumatoid Synovial Cysts. Increased intra-articular pressure may enlarge a joint capsule and produce cyst-like extensions. Alteration in connective tissue of the capsule may also be a factor. This has been reported adjacent to a number of different joints in rheumatoid arthritis. Cysts about the knee are the most common. Popliteal cysts may dissect into the calf, where they may present clinical signs resembling those of deep vein thrombosis. Arthrography and ultrasonography are used to make the diagnosis. Such cysts may occur in a number of other diseases associated with joint effusion. They are rare in children with Still's disease. Robust Rheumatoid Arthritis. Robust rheumatoid arthritis is a form encountered in people who characteristically remain active despite the presence of severe arthritis. It is uncommon, occurs more frequently in men than in women, and characteristically lacks osteoporosis. Marginal erosions are more likely to be asymmetrical and worse on the dominant side. Unilateral Rheumatoid Arthritis. Central or peripheral neurologic deficits in patients with rheumatoid arthritis may lead to a sparing of the paralyzed side. The degree of protection tends to be directly proportional to the amount of paraplegia. The cause is not clear. Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis The terminology for chronic arthritis in children is confusing. The term Still's disease is used by some to indicate all forms of rheumatoid arthritis in children, but others reserve the designation for that form that begins in infancy with systemic symptoms of fever and rash and findings of hepatosplenomegaly and lymphadenopathy, often with pericarditis, muscle wasting, and ultimate dwarfism. As a rule, systemic manifestations are more severe in the juvenile than in the adult form of rheumatoid arthritis. There is often a period of 2 years or longer in which the systemic symptoms are present before the roentgenographic features of joint-space narrowing and marginal erosions are observed. In general, the younger the patient, the more likely the disease is to be monoarticular, particularly involving a large joint such as the knee ( Fig. 3-22), ankle, or wrist. The disease may be limited to a few major joints. If the disease begins in an older child, there is more likely to be symmetrical involvement of the smaller peripheral joints, as in an adult. The disease is most often manifested by joint effusions, soft-tissue swelling, and periarticular osteoporosis. 13 Joint-space narrowing and erosion may not be visualized for many months. Periosteal reaction of the small bones of the hand is much more common than in the adult form of the disease. There is interference with skeletal maturation, usually manifested as acceleration of maturation, which is probably secondary to hyperemia with premature fusion of the ossification centers. The premature fusion leads to shortening of the involved bones ( Fig. 3-23). This is clinically manifested as shortening of the digits. Extensive growth retardation may lead to short stature. Involvement of the spine is much more common in children than in adults. The involvement may be manifested by atlantoaxial subluxation and erosions and eventually by bony ankylosis of the facet joints ( Fig. 3-24).

FIG. 3-22. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. The lateral radiograph of the knee demonstrates soft-tissue swelling with joint effusion without evidence of bone destruction (compare with Fig. 3-2). At this stage, the correct diagnosis is dependent on joint aspiration.

FIG. 3-23. Still's disease. A: Erosion of the articular surfaces in most of the joints of the hand and wrist, as well as severe osteoporosis, is demonstrated. B: In this older patient, Still's disease has resulted in marked shortening of the digits, deformity of the carpal bones, and erosions of the heads of the metacarpals.

Rheumatoid Variants (Seronegative Spondyloarthropathies) The term rheumatoid variants refers to a group of inflammatory arthritides that differ immunologically, clinically, and radiographically from rheumatoid arthritis. The diseases are ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, Reiter's disease, and colitic arthritis. Afflicted persons usually have a negative rheumatoid factor, but a significant percentage have the HLA-B27 antigen. The diseases are more common in men and usually cause symptoms in the axial skeleton. This in contrast to rheumatoid arthritis, which is more common in females and involves the distal appendicular skeleton. Radiographically, these diseases differ from rheumatoid arthritis in the absence or mild nature of periarticular osteoporosis or demineralization, the frequent occurrence of periostitis or periosteal new-bone formation, and the asymmetrical involvement of the peripheral skeleton. 13 Ankylosing Spondylitis Ankylosing spondylitis is typically a disease of young adult men, with a male-female ratio of about 15:1. In women the onset of the disease occurs later in life. The earliest clinical manifestation is usually persistent low back pain of insidious onset. The disease initially involves the sacroiliac joints and then the spine, progressively from the lumbar to the cervical area. The disease may remain confined to the spine, but in 30% of patients peripheral joint manifestations occur, principally in the major proximal joints of the hips, shoulders, and knees. Ankylosing spondylitis of juvenile onset differs somewhat from the usual form in the adult. Most of these patients present with complaints of pain in appendicular joints (i.e., hips, knees, or shoulders), with the more distal joints affected in decreasing frequency. Radiographically the peripheral joint changes predominate early in the disease. Eventually the typical axial manifestations of sacroiliitis and spondylitis occur. Roentgenographic Observations. The initial manifestation is in the sacroiliac joints. All patients with this disease have sacroiliac involvement. The absence of sacroiliac disease rules out this diagnosis. The process is characteristically symmetrical and is manifested by blurring and irregularity of the joint margins ( Fig. 3-25). The process involves both the iliac and the sacral sides of the joint, although it may appear more severe on one side or the other. The joints may appear irregularly widened. Eventually there is sclerosis and complete obliteration of the joint. Ninety percent of patients 100,200,310 demonstrate changes in the sacroiliac joint at the time of initial presentation. Early sacroiliitis is best seen on MRI. 3,10 Although this initially may be unilateral, the process characteristically is bilateral and symmetrical. Every young man who presents with chronic low back pain should be closely examined for radiographic evidence of sacroiliac disease.

FIG. 3-25. Ankylosing spondylitis. There is complete bony ankylosis of the sacroiliac joints and calcification and ossification of the interspinous ligaments in the lower lumbar spine.

Bony irregularity of the margins of the pelvis are common. This whiskering is caused by inflammation and periostitis at the attachments of tendons. These occur in the ischial tuberosities, in the femoral trochanters, and on the iliac wings. Erosive changes may also occur at the symphysis pubis. The initial radiographic manifestation of spinal involvement is squaring of the vertebral bodies, a term that refers to the appearance of the vertebral body on the lateral view (Fig. 3-26). The superior and inferior corners of the vertebrae are almost square, without the normal concavity. This is caused by a subligamentous erosive process involving the anterosuperior and anteroinferior margins of the vertebral bodies. Later, syndesmophytes form from ossification in the outer layers of the annulus fibrosis of the intervertebral disc. These tend to be thin, vertically oriented, and symmetrical, arising from the peripheral margin of the vertebral body immediately adjacent to the end-plate (Fig. 3-27). When extensive, they are responsible for the typical bamboo spine appearance of this disease. The apophyseal joints become ankylosed, and the interspinous and paraspinous ligaments ossify. Atlantoaxial subluxation and erosions of the dens may also occur in ankylosing spondylitis.

FIG. 3-26. Ankylosing spondylitis. The lateral view of the lumbar spine demonstrates squaring of the vertebral bodies, characteristic of this disease. Note the loss of concavity of the anterior margin of the vertebrae. There is also a syndesmophyte at the L5-S1 disc space.

FIG. 3-27. Ankylosing spondylitis. A: Note the complete ankylosis of the apophyseal joints and dense ossification of the anterior spinal ligament. B: Typical subligamentous ossification and syndesmophyte formation in the thoracic spine. C: Similar changes, noted on this anteroposterior view of the lower thoracic and upper lumbar spine, are sometimes referred to as a bamboo spine.

As the joints fuse, the spine and pelvis become osteoporotic. The spine then becomes susceptible to fractures that occur through the ankylosed intervertebral disc and posterior elements. Dislocations and spinal cord injuries are frequent. Occasionally a destructive process is identified at a disc space and is manifested by narrowing of the disc space and erosion of the adjacent margins of the vertebrae, mimicking an infectious spondylitis. The erosive process may have a poorly defined sclerotic border. This may be focal, involving only the anterior central margin of the end-plate, or it may be diffuse across the entire disc space. This process is most likely initiated by trauma, possibly the result of a stress fracture; motion at the site then causes the formation of pseudoarthrosis. Despite its similarity in appearance to an infectious spondylitis, there is no evidence of bacterial growth on culture of the tissues. Involvement of the extremities is uncommon, and when it occurs it tends to be confined to the proximal major jointship, shoulder, and knee. The small peripheral joints are rarely involved; when they are involved, the process is isolated and transient, without destruction. The peripheral disease is rarely symmetrical and is not associated with osteoporosis but frequently shows evidence of erosion and periostitis. Erosions and periostitis on the plantar and posterior surfaces of the calcaneus are common in ankylosing spondylitis, as in other rheumatoid variants. Psoriatic Arthritis Fewer than 10% of patients with psoriasis develop a peculiar form of arthritis, a smaller percentage develop classic rheumatoid arthritis, and an even smaller number develop some combination of the two. Psoriatic arthritis is a rheumatoid variant in which the serum is negative for rheumatoid factor. The extent of the arthritis does not correlate with the degree of skin disease. In some cases, the arthritis may even precede the skin manifestations by several years. Psoriatic arthritis tends to involve the small joints of the hands and feet ( Fig. 3-28 and Fig. 3-29; see Fig. 3-1). The process is characteristically asymmetrical and is not associated with periarticular osteoporosis. The most characteristic involvement is in the DIP joints of the hands and toes, usually in association with psoriatic changes of the nails. At times the asymmetrical involvement is confined to a single digit, sometimes referred to as a sausage digit, with involvement of both IP joints and occasionally the MCP joint of one digit of one hand. Ankylosis of the IP joints is also common ( Fig. 3-28 and Fig. 3-29). This is rarely encountered in the other rheumatoid variants or in rheumatoid arthritis. Also characteristic is a peculiar destruction of the IP joints that results in widening of the joint space, with sharply demarcated bony margins. This is not found in other forms of arthritis. Periostitis with periosteal reaction is frequent in the small bones of the hand and on the plantar surface of the calcaneus, as in other rheumatoid variants. Resorption of the tufts of the terminal phalanges may occur. In advanced cases, bone resorption and destruction result in arthritis mutilans.

FIG. 3-28. Psoriatic arthritis. There are erosions and fine periosteal new-bone formation at the margins of several joints. Note involvement of the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints of the index and middle fingers and bony ankylosis of the DIP joint of the index finger. The DIP joint of the middle finger appears somewhat widened.

FIG. 3-29. Psoriatic arthritis. There is a mutilating destruction of the metatarsophalangeal joints and ankylosis of the proximal interphalangeal joints.

Sacroiliitis is common and resembles that seen in ankylosing spondylitis except that it is often asymmetrical ( Fig. 3-30).13 Spondylitic changes are less common. The syndesmophytes in psoriatic spondylitis are typically broad, coarse, and asymmetrical ( Fig. 3-30). Vertebral squaring and apophyseal joint ankyloses are also less common than in ankylosing spondylitis.

FIG. 3-30. Psoriatic spondylitis and sacroiliac joint disease. Irregular destruction of both margins of the sacroiliac joints and slight widening of the joint space are evident. Note also the characteristic syndesmophytes ( arrows), which are broad, coarse, and asymmetrical in this disease.

Reiter's Syndrome Reiter's syndrome is characterized by urethritis, conjunctivitis, and mucocutaneous lesions in the oropharynx, tongue, glans penis, and skin, as well as arthritis. This is probably a postinfectious syndrome occurring after certain enteric or venereal infections. Arthritis occurs in 50% of those affected. Joint involvement is frequently asymmetrical on the two sides. In general, the radiographic manifestations are similar to those of psoriatic arthritis, except that the axial skeleton is not as commonly involved and changes in the upper extremity are rare. 13 The major joint involvement is the lower extremities, particularly the feet ( Fig. 3-31; see Fig. 3-1B). The sacroiliac joint changes tend to be asymmetrical. Spinal involvement is much less common than in psoriatic arthritis. The most dramatic radiographic finding is usually periostitis, particularly the exuberant, fluffy, or whisker-like periostitis at the site of tendon insertions, most frequently at the attachment of the plantar fascia, which forms a poorly defined spur on the plantar surface of the calcaneus ( Fig. 3-31C). The destructive process may involve the IP, MTP, and tarsal joints. Involvement of the ankle and knee is less common. Periosteal reaction is also found in metatarsal shafts ( Fig. 3-31B) and on the surfaces of the tarsal bones in the distal tibia and fibula. Periarticular osteoporosis is sometimes seen, in contrast to other rheumatoid variants.

FIG. 3-31. Reiter's syndrome. A and B: Anterior and oblique views of the forefoot. Note the periarticular osteoporosis and erosions of several of the metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints. Fine periosteal new-bone formation is demonstrated on the distal margins of the third and fourth metatarsals (arrows). C: A lateral view of the calcaneous demonstrates a typical fluffy, poorly defined, plantar spur ( arrow), characteristic of this disorder.

Colitic Arthritis Arthritis occurs in approximately 10% of patients with chronic inflammatory bowel disease, 2 more commonly in ulcerative colitis than in Crohn's disease. The most common manifestation is sacroiliitis, which is similar to but not as extensive as in ankylosing spondylitis and is usually symmetrical. Patients are rarely symptomatic, and the radiographic findings of sacroiliitis are often noted incidentally on abdominal radiographs obtained as part of a small bowel or colon examination ( Fig. 3-32). Joint effusions and soft-tissue swelling are occasionally encountered in proximal major joints as a result of transient synovitis, but deforming arthritis is rare. The axial skeletal disease is not related to the activity of the underlying process. Peripheral arthritis, when present, tends to parallel the activity of the inflammatory bowel disease.

FIG. 3-32. Colitic arthritis involving the sacroiliac joints. The marginal erosions and sclerosis of the sacroiliac joints were an incidental finding on radiographs of the

abdomen obtained for the evaluation of possible bowel obstruction in this patient with a long history of Crohn's disease.


Dermatomyositis and Polymyositis The most characteristic radiographic finding in dermatomyositis and polymyositis is soft-tissue calcification in the subcutaneous tissues and fascial planes. Bone and joint changes are rare. Severe flexion contractures occur in late stages of the disease, and osteoporosis secondary to disuse and steroid therapy is common. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Arthralgia is a very common complaint in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), but radiographic findings occur in only one third of cases, and these are usually nonspecific changes of soft-tissue atrophy and osteoporosis. The most characteristic radiologic finding is an abnormality of joint alignment without articular erosions. Involvement of the IP joints results in a swan neck deformity of the digit, consisting of extension of the PIP and flexion of the DIP joints. Involvement of the MCP joints and the IP joint of the thumb leads to ulnar deviation of the digit. Many patients are able to correct their deformities voluntarily. Similar alignment abnormalities occur in patients with Jaccoud's arthritis. Avascular necrosis of bone is common but is more likely related to steroid treatment than to SLE itself. Scleroderma Scleroderma is commonly associated with characteristic roentgenographic changes in the hand. These include atrophy of soft tissue in the tips of the fingers, which gives them a tapered appearance; resorption of bone in the terminal tufts, which results in a pointed appearance of the phalanx (termed acro-osteolysis); and small, punctate calcific deposits in the soft tissues, especially in the tips of the fingers ( Fig. 3-33). These changes may be associated with a variable degree of osteoporosis. Joint-space narrowing occurs occasionally in the intercarpal and radiocarpal joints and, rarely, there is intra-articular calcification. A peculiar tendency to involve the first metacarpocarpal joint, with extensive erosions and dislocation of the joint, has been noted. 13

FIG. 3-33. Scleroderma. There is minimal tapering of the distal soft tissues and punctate soft-tissue calcifications, changes characteristic of scleroderma.

Mixed Connective Tissue Disease Mixed connective tissue disease combines features of scleroderma, SLE, polymyositis, and rheumatoid arthritis. The radiographic findings are varied, consisting of diffuse and periarticular osteoporosis, soft-tissue swelling, erosive changes, narrowing of the joint space, terminal tuft resorption, soft-tissue atrophy, and, occasionally, subluxations. There is clinical variation ranging from no symptoms to features of scleroderma or rheumatoid arthritis. Jaccoud's Arthropathy (Chronic Postrheumatic Fever Arthritis) This is a migratory polyarthritis in which there is an insidious, painless onset of joint deformity after resolution of the active polyarthritis of acute rheumatic fever. Patients have rheumatic valvular heart disease. The joint deformities consist of ulnar deviation, flexion deformity, or subluxations of the MCP joints that are reducible early but later become fixed. The PIP joints are hyperextended. The toes may be involved with hallux valgus and subluxation of the great toe. Roentgenograms showing changes of severe deformity with minimal, if any, bone destruction should suggest the diagnosis in a patient with a history of rheumatic fever.


Pathologically degenerative joint disease is characterized by degeneration and shredding of articular cartilage. It is not an inflammatory lesion, and therefore the term arthritis is a misnomer. Some authorities prefer the use of the term osteoarthrosis, which removes reference to inflammation.1,7 It is mainly a disease of older people affecting the IP joints of the fingers, particularly the DIP joints (see Fig. 3-1A), and the weight-bearing joints of the spine, hips, and knees. Degenerative joint disease occurs in two major forms, primary and secondary. The primary form may be a generalized disease affecting all of the aforementioned joints. The cause is unknown, but it appears to be the result of aging, that is, the effects of wear and tear. The secondary form develops in joints disrupted by previous intra-articular trauma or other joint disease. It most commonly follows an intra-articular fracture or fracture-dislocation. In the hip, it may follow or complicate dysplasia of the acetabulum or Legg-Perthes disease or epiphysiolysis. The roentgen signs and pathologic changes are similar in the two forms. The primary form may be symmetrical, whereas the secondary form is limited to the joint or joints affected by the trauma or other primary disease process. Roentgenographic Observations The principal radiographic features of osteoarthritis are asymmetrical joint-space narrowing, subchondral sclerosis of bone, marginal osteophytes, and subchondral cysts (Fig. 3-34, Fig. 3-35 and Fig. 3-36). Asymmetrical Joint-Space Narrowing One of the principal characteristics of osteoarthritis is asymmetrical narrowing of the joint space. In contrast to that of rheumatoid arthritis, the narrowing of the joint space in osteoarthritis is almost invariably uneven and more pronounced in that portion of the joint where weight-bearing strains are greatest. In extreme cases, the cartilage may be completely destroyed, with the articular ends of the bones then forming the opposing surfaces of the joint. In general, the greater the degree of narrowing, the more severe the associated findings of subchondral sclerosis and spur formation. Osteophyte Formation One of the earliest changes is the development of small bony spurs or osteophytes on the apposing surfaces of bone at the peripheral margins of the joint. Osteophytes in the spine may become particularly large (see Fig. 3-38).

FIG. 3-38. Degenerative joint disease of the spine manifested by marginal osteophytes of the vertebral bodies.

Subchondral Sclerosis Subchondral sclerosis or eburnation refers to the increase in density of the subchondral surface of bone. In weight-bearing bones, this is often extensive. Subchondral Cysts Subchondral cyst formation is much more pronounced in larger joints and is frequently more prominent on one side of the joint than on the other. The cysts extend to the articular surface and may communicate with the joint (see Fig. 3-34). In the superior margin of the acetabulum they are commonly 1 cm or less in diameter, but they may reach a diameter of several centimeters in some cases. The cysts have a sclerotic border. Loose Bodies Calcified or ossified fragments of bone, termed loose bodies, may be identified within the joint but are particularly common in the knee. They represent calcified or ossified detached fragments of cartilage. In some instances, they may be formed by fragments of hypertrophied synovium. Osteoarthritis of Specific Joints The Fingers Primary osteoarthritis involves principally the DIP joints of the fingers and the first metacarpocarpal joint of the thumb (see Fig. 3-35). The PIP joints may also be involved, but never as severely as the DIP joints. The early findings consist of asymmetrical joint-space narrowing, with small, marginal osteophytes. These enlarge gradually to form well-defined, bony protuberances that cause an irregular, visible, and palpable knobby thickening known as Heberden's nodes, the most significant clinical diagnostic feature of the disease. The largest spurs form on the dorsal edges of the terminal phalanx and are best demonstrated on the lateral view. Eventually the joint surfaces become irregular and minimally malaligned, but the bony eburnation is never pronounced. The first metacarpocarpal joint at the base of the thumb is characteristically narrowed, with subchondral sclerosis and spur formation, with or without subluxation of the joint. In some cases, the changes are more severe here than in the DIP joints. The scaphotrapezoid joint is involved, in some cases, with or without involvement of the first metacarpocarpal joint. Erosive Osteoarthritis. Erosive osteoarthritis is an inflammatory form of osteoarthritis that occurs in postmenopausal women. It is usually limited to the IP joints of the hand. Clinically the joints are acutely inflamed; marginal erosions are prominent and are superimposed on the standard radiographic features of osteoarthritis. Erosions are often more pronounced at the PIP joints. The radiographic appearance may resemble rheumatoid arthritis at any given joint, but involvement of the DIP joints is very uncommon in rheumatoid arthritis, a fact that allows a distinction between the two processes. The involved joints may eventually undergo bony ankylosis, which rarely occurs in the more common form of primary osteoarthritis. This condition must be distinguished from ankylosis occurring in the IP joints in patients with psoriatic arthritis. The Hip The early and classic signs of osteoarthritis of the hip are superior joint-space narrowing, subchondral sclerosis of bone, and marginal spur formation (see Fig. 3-34). In contrast to rheumatoid arthritis, the decrease in the joint space in degenerative disease of the hip is characterized by its asymmetry, and because of weight-bearing it is confined to the superior portion of the joint in most cases. The joint space eventually may be completely obliterated. In far-advanced cases, the femoral head appears flattened and the hip is subluxed superiorly and laterally. As the femoral head migrates, the acetabulum is enlarged and bone is laid down around the medial and inferior margins of the femoral head. The medial cortex of the femoral neck is thickened. The apposing joint surfaces become markedly eburnated. A prominent osteophyte forms on the superolateral margin of the acetabulum, and a smaller spur rims the entire femoral head but is best seen in profile on its medial and lateral margins. Subchondral cysts develop on both margins of the joint and may be quite large on the acetabular side of the joint. Less commonly, the hip migrates medially or in an axial direction and may form an acetabular protrusio in some cases. 13 The Knee Degenerative joint disease is the most common type of arthritis encountered in the knee. It may occur secondary to previous trauma, particularly to some combination of the menisci and cruciate and collateral ligaments. The earliest sign is narrowing of the medial compartment of the joint (see Fig. 3-36). This is followed by subchondral sclerosis of the apposing margins of this compartment, the medial femoral condyle and medial tibial plateau. Marginal spur formation occurs on the medial margin of the joint. Spur formation may also occur on the tibial spine. Characteristically the lateral compartment, composed of the lateral femoral condyle and lateral tibial plateau, is not involved and the lateral joint space remains normal. The patellofemoral surface of the joint is frequently involved to a variable degree. Changes in the patellofemoral compartment are visualized on the lateral radiograph and are manifested by narrowing of the joint space and marginal spur formation on the superior and inferior joint margins of the patella. Eventually a varus or bowleg deformity develops. The medial compartment narrowing and the varus deformity may be better visualized on anteroposterior radiographs obtained with the patient standing or bearing weight. Joint effusions are frequent. The fluid is demonstrated in the suprapatellar bursa, seen on the lateral radiograph anterior to the distal femoral shaft just proximal to the patella. Subchondral cysts are infrequent. Loose bodies are a common feature of the disease in this joint. The Shoulder Degenerative arthritis is a common occurrence in elderly patients, particularly in association with tears of the rotator cuff. Few patients seem to be overtly symptomatic, and most cases are encountered as incidental findings on chest radiographs. The characteristic findings are superior displacement of the humeral head so that it articulates with the inferior surface of the acromion, subchondral sclerosis, glenohumeral joint-space narrowing, and marginal spur formation on the humeral head (Fig. 3-37).

FIG. 3-37. Osteoarthritis of the shoulder. There is superior migration of the humeral head, which articulates with the undersurface of the acromion. The glenohumeral joint is asymmetrically narrowed. There is slight subchondral sclerosis and marginal spur formation in the inferior aspect of the humeral head. The superior migration of the humeral head implies a tear of the rotator cuff.

The Spine An almost universal finding in patients beyond middle age is hypertrophic spur formation along the anterior and lateral margins of the vertebral bodies ( Fig. 3-38). This is the most common manifestation of degenerative arthritis or osteoarthritis (osteoarthrosis) of the spine. These marginal osteophytes are particularly prone to develop in the lower cervical and lower lumbar spine. In addition to the spurs, small calcific or bony deposits may form in the spinal ligaments or in the anterior margin of the annulus fibrosis, with or without attachments to the adjacent vertebra. In all but the mildest forms of the disease, some degree of thinning of the intervertebral disc space is present, particularly in the lower cervical and lower lumbar spine and commonly involving the lumbosacral joint. The narrowing of the disc space is usually uniform (Fig. 3-39 and Fig. 3-40). Occasionally a thin, wafer-like, translucent space is visualized within one or more discs severely involved by degenerative disease (Fig. 3-39). This is called the phantom disc or vacuum phenomenon (see later discussion). In scoliosis, osteophytic spurs and disc-space narrowing are more severe along the concave side of the curvature.

FIG. 3-39. Degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine. The L5-S1 interspace is markedly narrowed, with subchondral sclerosis of bone and marginal spur formation. Note the vacuum disc manifested by a thin, dark translucency within the disc space ( arrow).

FIG. 3-40. Osteoarthritis (spondylosis) of the cervical spine. A: Degenerative arthritis of the cervical spine. The C5-C6 and C6-C7 interspaces are narrowed, with subchondral sclerosis of bone and marginal spur formation both anteriorly and posteriorly ( arrows). There is also very minimal anterior subluxation or spondylolisthesis of C4 on C5 secondary to the degenerative disease within the facet joints. Note the narrowing and subchondral sclerosis of the upper cervical facet joints. B: Oblique view of the cervical spine demonstrates osteophytic spur formation at the joint of Luschka or oncovertebral joints at C6-C7 ( arrow), with encroachment on the adjacent intervertebral foramen.

The apophyseal joints may or may not be involved in the process. When they are involved, the changes consist of thinning of the joint space, marginal spur formation, and bony hypertrophy. These changes are best identified on axial CT examination. Subluxation of the vertebra may occur as a result of severe degenerative changes in facet joints. With facet joint disease, the uppermost vertebra slips forward on the vertebra below. This is referred to as a spondylolisthesis, and it is a common manifestation of degenerative disease in the spine. Spondylolisthesis more commonly occurs in the lumbar spine, but it may occur in the cervical spine as well (see Fig. 3-40A). Retrolisthesis, posterior displacement of the upper vertebra relative to the vertebra below, may occur in association with severe disc narrowing. This is usually minimal, amounting to no more than 2 or 3 mm. In the cervical spine, spurs on the posterior margin of the vertebra may be of sufficient size to compress the spinal cord or nerve roots and give rise to neurologic symptoms. Spur formation at the joint of Luschka or oncovertebral joint may give rise to nerve root symptoms (see Fig. 3-40B). This joint is located in the posterolateral margin of the intervertebral disc, and the spurs extend into the adjacent intervertebral foramen, impinging on the exiting nerve root. These changes are best visualized in oblique radiographs of the cervical spine. Vacuum Phenomena. Under certain circumstances, a radiographic examination of a joint reveals a thin, translucent dark line or space between the articular cartilages (see Fig. 3-39 and Fig. 3-57). This most commonly occurs in the lumbar spine in association with severe degenerative disease of one or more intervertebral discs. This has been called a phantom or vacuum disc. A similar appearance has been noted in the symphysis pubis of women during pregnancy. On other occasions, the vacuum phenomenon is produced by traction of the joint. This is most frequently seen in the shoulder and is particularly common in chest radiographs of children. It is not entirely clear whether this space represents a vacuum or whether it is filled with the gas liberated from the blood and surrounding tissues. Most consider this to be nitrogen gas.

FIG. 3-57. Osteitis pubis. The symphysis is narrowed, with subchondral sclerosis of bone at the apposing margins and a thin radiolucency indicative of a vacuum phenomenon within the symphysis. Although not shown here, some cases demonstrate erosions of the apposing margins of the pubis.

Traumatic Arthritis The term traumatic arthritis should be reserved to designate that form of secondary degenerative joint disease initiated by trauma, either a single episode or repeated injuries. Traumatic arthritis may develop after a dislocation or fracture that extends into the joint, or it may follow a severe sprain or recurrent injuries to the supporting structures of the joint. In general, the roentgenographic findings are similar to those seen in degenerative joint disease or osteoarthritis, the difference being that the arthritic process is limited to a single joint previously affected by trauma. Because the diagnosis of traumatic arthritis may have medicolegal implications, it is wise not to use this term unless it can be established with reasonable certainty that the joint was normal before the trauma occurred.


Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH) is a disease of older persons characterized by extensive hyperostosis or massive ossification of the paraspinal ligaments anteriorly and laterally, bridging the intervening disc spaces ( Fig. 3-41). It tends to be more pronounced in the lower cervical and thoracic spine than elsewhere. Minor expressions of this disorder are common, usually identified in the mid-dorsal spine on lateral radiographs of the chest. Bony bridging may be continuous or discontinuous. The anterior cortex of the vertebral body can be visualized within the ossification. Skeletal hyperostosis is also characterized by the tendency to ossify the ligaments or tendon insertions, to form entheses elsewhere in the body. 13 They appear as a regular outgrowth or whiskering of the iliac crest; the ischial tuberosites; the greater trochanters; and the margins of the acetabulum, sacroiliac joint, and symphysis pubis. 13 They also may be seen about the patella and the posterior and plantar surfaces of the os calcis. Ossification may occur in the iliolumbar and sacrotuberous ligaments and, in fact, in any muscular ligamentous attachment to bone.

FIG. 3-41. Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis of the lower thoracic spine. Note the typical ossification of the anterior longitudinal ligament applied to the anterior surface of the vertebral bodies. The underlying anterior cortex of the vertebra can still be distinguished. Minimal spurs are present on the anterior margins of the vertebra, beneath the ligamentous ossification.

The radiographic appearance bears a superficial resemblance to that of ankylosing spondylitis. The appearance of the spinal ossification is very irregular and unlike that of the thin, vertical syndesmophytes seen in ankylosing spondylitis. 13 The relative absence of changes in the lumbosacral spine and the absence of changes in the sacroiliac joint should differentiate DISH from ankylosing spondylitis. DISH is seen in older people of both sexes, whereas ankylosing spondylitis is characteristically a disease of young men.

Tabes dorsalis, syringomyelia, diabetic neuropathy, leprosy, trans-section of the spinal cord, and peripheral nerve injury impair the sensation of joints, rendering them susceptible to repeated trauma that may lead to severe disorganization of the joint. The resulting arthropathy is known as a Charcot's joint. The weight-bearing joints of the lower extremities are those most frequently affected in tabes dorsalis. Less commonly, there is involvement of the lower lumbar spine. Neuropathic arthropathy in the upper extremities is much less common but when encountered is usually a result of syringomyelia. Identification of characteristic changes of a neuropathic joint in an upper extremity should suggest this diagnosis ( Fig. 3-42). Diabetic neuropathic joints occur in the feet and ankles.

FIG. 3-42. Neurotrophic arthropathy of the shoulder secondary to syringomyelia. A: There is disintegration of the joint. Note the numerous small fragments of bone within both the joint and the soft tissues lateral to the humeral head. The humeral head is flattened and the joint is subluxated inferiorly. B: Repeat examination 1 week later demonstrates complete disintegration of the humeral head with multiple fragments of bone in and about the shoulder joint. The bony fragments are more widely dispersed than on the previous examination. Rapid dissolution of the joint may occur in neuropathic arthropathies. (Courtesy of Jerome Wiot, M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio.)

Pathologically, the source of the arthropathy appears to be repeated infractions, often of a minor degree but eventually resulting in fragmentation of the articular

cartilages and the apposing margin of bone. Hemorrhage occurs into the joint and surrounding soft tissues. The principal radiographic features of neuropathic arthropathy are soft-tissue swelling, bone fragmentation, and sclerosis of bone at the margins of the joint (see Fig. 3-42). In the early stages, the roentgenographic findings are usually limited to soft-tissue swelling due to joint effusions. The apposing margins of bone may become eburnated and fragmented. These changes are followed by a general breakdown of the joint structures, which eventually results in considerable disorganization ( Fig. 3-43; see Fig. 3-42). The progress may be very rapid (see Fig. 3-42). Multiple ossific fragments are found in and about the joint and in some instances are very quickly reabsorbed. The fragments may be so small that they suggest soft-tissue calcification. The debris may break through and extend out of the joint capsule by dissecting along fascial planes. Subluxation is frequent and may occur early. The rapidity of development of these changes is variable, but in some cases relatively advanced disease may occur within 1 to 6 weeks after roentgenograms have demonstrated a normal joint. In the spine, the vertebral bodies develop a marked increase in density and tend to undergo some degree of compression and fragmentation as well as alterations in alignment. Thinning or disappearance of the intervertebral disc accompanies these changes.

FIG. 3-43. Diabetic neuroarthropathy. A: Note the disorganized fragmentation and sclerosis about the metatarsotarsal joints. The fifth toe and metatarsal have been amputated. Soft-tissue swelling is present, with a radiolucency within it, indicating the presence of an ulcer in the soft tissues ( solid arrow). Periosteal new-bone formation is also identified along the distal lateral margin of the fourth metatarsal ( open arrow). B: The ankle joint is almost completely destroyed. Note the marked and almost complete destruction of the talus, subchondral sclerosis of bone, fragmentation, and periosteal new-bone formation about the distal tibia. There is calcification of the posterior tibial artery, characteristic of diabetes.

Diabetic osteoarthropathy differs somewhat from the other neurotrophic arthropathies. It is confined almost exclusively to the ankle and foot ( Fig. 3-43), rarely involving the hands, femur, and tibia. The principal radiographic features are fractures and dislocations, fragmentation, sclerosis, osteolysis, and periosteal reaction. Calcification of the smaller arteries of the foot is a frequent and important clue to the presence of underlying diabetes but may not always be evident. At times, destructive changes are extensive and lead to absorption of the distal ends of the metatarsals, with pencil-point narrowing and arthritis mutilans. The role of infection is not clear, but the two processes may coexist in some instances. This is discussed in Osteomyelites in the Diabetic Foot in Chapter 5. Fractures or fracture-dislocations of the tarsals or metatarsals are particularly common manifestations of diabetic neuropathic joints (see Fig. 3-1B and Fig. 3-43B). Often such fractures or dislocations are incidental findings on radiographs obtained for the evaluation of infections of the foot or complaints of swelling without a history of trauma. Less commonly, the neuropathic process appears to be initiated by a traumatic event that results in a fracture or dislocation. The subsequent radiographs may demonstrate the absence of normal healing, extensive fragmentation, sclerosis, and the other changes associated with neuropathic joint disease.


Gout Gout is a metabolic abnormality of unknown cause that affects predominately men. It is characterized by intermittent acute attacks of arthritis, an increase in the serum level of uric acid, and deposition of sodium urate in joints, bones, and periarticular tissues. Irregular, superficial, soft-tissue masses of varying size eventually appear. Known as tophi, they represent accumulations of monosodium urate monohydrate crystals. The tophaceous deposits occur in articular cartilages and tendinous and capsular insertions about the joint and in bones adjacent to the joint. As they enlarge, they create localized, punched-out defects at the margins of the joints and in the ends of the bone. Classically, the first MTP joint is the joint most often affected (see Fig. 3-1B). The clinical expression of the disease in this location is known as podagra. Other joints of the feet are often affected. The hands (see Fig. 3-1A), wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, and even the spine may be involved. Involvement of the metatarsotarsal and metacarpocarpal joints frequently occurs. Joint involvement is characteristically asymmetrical, both within any given joint and in comparison with the opposite side of the body. Radiographic findings of gout do not occur until the disease has been present for as long as 6 to 8 years. Therefore, a negative roentgenogram does not rule out the possibility of gout. The principal radiographic features of the disease are periarticular marginal erosions, asymmetrical periarticular soft-tissue masses with or without calcification, preservation of the joint space, and an absence of osteoporosis ( Fig. 3-44).

FIG. 3-44. A: Gout. Asymmetrical soft-tissue masses containing calcification are identified at the peripheral margins of both the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) and interphalangeal (IP) joints of the great toe. These are typical of gout. Erosions are present at the margins of the involved joints. Note the typical overhanging edge at the base of the proximal phalanx (arrow). Associated degenerative arthritic changes are present in the MTP joint, but the IP joint space is preserved. Note also the absence of osteoporosis. B: Gout of the proximal IP joint of the middle finger. There is a large, asymmetrical soft-tissue mass. Erosions are present at the margins of the joint, but the joint space is well preserved. The margins of the erosions are slightly sclerotic and have overhangs. This was a monoarticular process. The remaining joints in the hand were normal.

The margins of the erosion are typically rather sharply defined, are of variable size, are asymmetrical, and are often defined by a sclerotic margin with an overhanging edge or hook of bone at the periphery. If the deposit is entirely within bone, it may have the appearance of a cyst. If the deposit is at the margin of the joint, there is a minimal periosteal reaction, which forms a characteristic hook or spur-like projection of cortical bone at the peripheral margin of the erosion.

The soft-tissue masses, or tophi, are characteristically asymmetrical and often contain flecks of calcification. These soft-tissue masses appear at the margins of the joints of the foot and hand and in bursae, particularly the olecranon bursa, where they may be associated with underlying erosion of the olecranon. Characteristically, the bones maintain a normal density without evidence of osteoporosis. Disuse osteoporosis does not develop, because the joints are relatively free of symptoms between acute exacerbations. The joint space is often well maintained despite the presence of sizable erosions. Because of the deposition of urate crystals within the articular cartilage, eventually there is some thinning or degeneration of the articular cartilage, resulting in narrowing of the joint space. However, this does not occur early nor is it particularly severe. The diagnosis of gouty arthritis is largely clinical in the early stages of the disease. When the disease is far advanced, it may be confused radiographically with rheumatoid arthritis because of marginal erosions and soft-tissue swelling. The difference in distribution of the marginal erosions and the appearance of the soft-tissue swelling provide the key to the differential diagnosis. Characteristically, in rheumatoid arthritis there is periarticular osteoporosis and symmetrical involvement of the PIP, MCP, and radiocarpal joints, and the soft-tissue swelling about the joints is symmetrical. In contrast, gouty arthritis initially involves the feet, specifically the MTP or IP joints of the great toe; tophaceous deposits appear as asymmetrical soft-tissue masses; and there is no evidence of osteoporosis. Chondrocalcinosis Chondrocalcinosis is a descriptive term designating the presence of intra-articular calcium-containing salts within hyaline cartilage and fibrocartilage. It is a generic term, not a specific diagnosis. Calcium within the fibrocartilage is characteristically somewhat irregular, as seen in the menisci of the knee ( Fig. 3-45) or the triangular fibrocartilage of the wrist ( Fig. 3-46). The articular surface is composed of hyaline cartilage and, when calcified, appears as a fine, linear radiodensity closely paralleling the bony margins of the joint. Chondrocalcinosis is most commonly encountered in and characteristic of calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease (CPDD), or pseudogout, but it also occurs in hyperparathyroidism, hemochromatosis, ochronosis, Wilson's disease, and occasionally gout and degenerative arthritis.13

FIG. 3-45. Chondrocalcinosis of the knee. Note the extensive calcification of the menisci.

FIG. 3-46. Calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease (CPDD, pseudogout). A: Typical calcification in the triangular cartilage ( arrow). There is also a cyst within the lunate. B: Chondrocalcinosis involves fibrocartilage of the symphysis pubis.

Calcium Pyrophosphate Deposition Disease (CPDD, Pseudogout) Deposition of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals in the joint cartilage and periarticular tissues occurs in elderly persons and usually is manifested in the sixth and seventh decades by the radiographic demonstration of chondrocalcinosis, calcifications in the fibrocartilage and hyaline cartilage of the knees and wrists. Many afflicted persons are asymptomatic, but in others a spectrum of clinical presentations may be encountered. 13 These include (1) intermittent acute attacks of arthritic pain associated with a joint effusion resulting from an acute synovitis caused by the presence of crystals within the joints, (2) continuous acute attacks of arthritic pain, (3) progressive chronic arthritic pain with acute exacerbations, and (4) progressive chronic pain without acute episodes. The acute disease predominates in men and the chronic in women. Acute attacks and superimposed degenerative changes may occur without radiographically visible calcification in the joint cartilage. The correct diagnosis is established by the identification of typical calcium pyrophosphate crystals in the synovial fluid. The joints most commonly involved are the knee, the radiocarpal joints of the wrist, the MCP joints of the hand, the shoulder, and the hip. Chondrocalcinosis characteristically appears in the triangular ligament of the wrist (see Fig. 3-46A), the menisci of the knee, the symphysis pubis (see Fig. 3-46B), and the hyaline cartilage of the hip joint and shoulder. Calcification may also appear in the periarticular tendons and bursa. Linear calcification may also occur in the capsules of the small joints of the hand. Eventually, the changes of secondary osteoarthritis appear. These include narrowing of the joint, subchondral sclerosis of bones, subchondral cysts, and marginal spur formation. Involvement of the MCP joints, particularly the second and third MCP joints, is characteristic of this disorder (see Fig. 3-1A).13 The radiographic findings include narrowing of the joint, subchondral sclerosis of bone, and peculiar broad-based osteophytes arising on the margins of the heads of the metacarpals. Hemochromatosis also affects these joints in a similar fashion. Primary osteoarthritis is uncommon in those joints frequently involved in CPDD. Therefore, the possibility of CPDD must be considered whenever the radiographic changes of degenerative arthritis are encountered in unusual locations such as the radiocarpal (see Fig. 3-1A),13 shoulder, elbow, or patellofemoral joint. Subchondral cyst formation occasionally is so severe that it leads to bony collapse and fragmentation, with loose-body formation. These changes are more commonly seen in the hip and may be so severe as to resemble neuropathic arthropathy. Hemochromatosis Hemochromatosis is characterized by signs of cirrhosis, diabetes, and brown pigmentation of the skin. The disease is frequently associated with an arthropathy, which may antedate the other signs of disease. The joint involvement is very similar if not identical to that encountered in CPDD. 13 Osteopenia is characteristic.

Chondrocalcinosis is common, particularly in the knees and wrists, and is caused by deposition of calcium pyrophosphate. Hyperparathyroidism Primary and secondary hyperparathyroidism is sometimes accompanied by radiographic manifestations of arthritis in addition to the characteristic subperiosteal resorption of the radial aspects of the phalanges and erosive changes in the ungual tufts. These include chondrocalcinosis and capsular calcifications similar to those noted in CPDD, together with subchondral erosion of bone in the sacroiliac, sternoclavicular, and acromioclavicular joints; in the symphysis pubis and discovertebral junctions; and to a lesser extent in the MCP joints of the hand. 13 Spontaneous ruptures or avulsions of tendons may occur, usually involving the quadriceps and infrapatellar tendons. Ochronosis Ochronosis is a rare disorder of metabolism in which there is an abnormal accumulation of homogentisic acid in the blood and urine owing to a lack of homogentisic oxidase. It usually goes unrecognized until the fourth or fifth decade of life, when arthropathy appears. The urine is either very dark on voiding or becomes black after standing or after it is alkalized. The deposition of homogentisic acid results in degeneration of the articular cartilages. The most significant roentgenographic observation is extensive calcification of the intervertebral discs, especially in the thoracolumbar region. 13 Extensive calcification of multiple intervertebral discs should arouse the suspicion of ochronosis. In addition, the intervertebral disc degenerates and the disc space becomes quite thin, often accompanied by a vacuum phenomenon. Subchondral sclerosis occurs in the vertebral end-plates, but spur formation typically is minimal despite the marked thinning of the disc. Calcifications, subchondral destruction, and fusion of the symphysis pubis may be seen. Destructive changes are also encountered in the knee, shoulders, and hips but are rare in the more peripheral joints. This destructive process may be rapid and characteristically occurs in the shoulders. Wilson's Disease (Hepatolenticular Degeneration) Wilson's disease is an autosomal recessive disorder that is characterized by retention of excessive amounts of copper. Osteoporosis or demineralization occurs in about 50% of those affected. Bone and joint involvement is otherwise unusual. Joint manifestations include subarticular cysts and fragmentation of subchondral bones, chiefly in the hands, feet, wrists, and ankles. 13 The fragments are small and resemble accessory ossifications. The cysts are small and occur mainly in the small joints of the hands, wrists, feet, and ankles. Other findings include osteochondritis dissecans, irregularity of the vertebral end-plates, squaring of the vertebral bodies, and vertebral body wedging. Periarticular calcification may occur at the insertion of tendons and ligaments. The earliest articular changes usually take place in the MCP joints, especially the second and third, manifested by joint-space narrowing, small subchondral cysts, and broad-based osteophyte formationall findings similar to those seen in idiopathic chondrocalcinosis or CPDD. Cyst formation, erosions, and osteophytes may also occur in the carpal joint and, less commonly, elsewhere. A generalized osteopenia may be seen.


Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis Pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) is a disease of unknown origin that occurs in young adults and is characterized by villous and nodular hyperplasia of the synovium either in joints or in tendon sheaths. It is monoarticular, involving the knee in 80% of cases. Other joints affected, in decreasing order of frequency, are the hip, the ankle, the small joints of the hands and feet, the shoulder, and the elbow. The clinical complaint is pain. Joint aspirates are characteristically serosanguineous. Soft-tissue swelling is the most common radiographic finding; it is manifested in the knee by distention of the suprapatellar bursa. Osteoporosis is not a feature of this disease, and the joint space is maintained. Sharply marginated cortical and subchondral erosions occur in the majority of cases in joints with tight capsules such as the hip 4,5 and 6,13 (Fig. 3-47A), but they are relatively uncommon in the knee (fewer than 25% of cases). CT may demonstrate both erosions and nodular soft-tissue masses within the joint ( Fig. 3-47B). MRI is an elegant means of establishing the diagnosis. 8 The synovial proliferations characteristically are of low to medium signal on both T1- and T2-weighted images ( Fig. 3-47C, D) owing to the hemosiderin content. In contrast, other synovial diseases are of high signal on T2, with the single exception of synovial osteochondromatosis, which is also hypointense but easily distinguished in most cases by the characteristic calcification of loose bodies on plain films, a finding counter to the diagnosis of PVNS.

FIG. 3-47. Pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS). A: AP digital radiograph demonstrates marked erosions of both the acetabulum and the femoral neck and head. Most erosions have a fine sclerotic rim. There is no evidence of osteoporosis. B: Computed tomographic scan confirms the presence of erosions with a fine sclerotic rim. The joint space appears normal. The joint itself is distended. C: T1-weighted magnetic resonance image demonstrates marginal sclerosis with variable areas of low signal filling and distending the joint space. D: Coronal T2-weighted image demonstrates variable low signal of the masses filling the joint space. The findings of low signal on both T1 and T2 are caused by hemosiderin deposition within the hypertrophied synovial villi and are characteristic of PVNS.

Synovial Chondromatosis (Osteochondromatosis) Synovial chondromatosis is a rare disorder of the joint, tendon sheath, or bursa and is characterized by proliferation of synovial villi and cartilage formed by chondrometaplasia of the subsynovial connective tissue. 6,13 These masses may become detached and lie free within the joint, forming loose bodies. In larger joints they measure approximately 1 cm in diameter; in smaller joints they are smaller. The disease is encountered most frequently in the knee and elbow and occasionally in the shoulder and small peripheral joints. Calcification or ossification of the masses is common and typically produces a laminated appearance ( Fig. 3-48 and Fig. 3-49). Usually there are multiple bodies, but at times only a few or, less commonly, one or two are present. Often there is an associated joint effusion, and degenerative arthritis may occur. The loose bodies may cause pressure erosions of the bone at the margins of the joint. In a third of cases, there is no calcification and the diagnosis may be established by arthrography or MRI, which demonstrates the hypertrophied villi as irregular masses within the joint.

FIG. 3-48. Osteochondromatosis of the knee. There are typical laminated, calcific densities within the suprapatellar bursa and both anteriorly and posteriorly within the joint space.

FIG. 3-49. Synovial osteochondromatosis of the shoulder. A: Anteroposterior view of the shoulder demonstrates numerous irregular ossific radiodensities inferior to the coracoid process lying within the axillary pouch of the joint space. Other similar densities lie inferior to the medial aspect of the humeral head. B: Computed tomographic scan in a second case demonstrates irregular ossific radiodensities in and about the shoulder joint. Note also that a few densities lie within the tendon sheath of the long head of the biceps muscle ( arrow). (Courtesy of Col. David K. Shelton, M.D., Travis Air Force Base, California.)

Loose Bodies Intra-articular loose bodies may arise from any of several causes. Among these are (1) synovial chondromatosis, as previously mentioned; (2) degenerative joint disease; (3) osteochondral fracture, an intra-articular fracture with separation of a fragment of cartilage with or without underlying bone; (4) fragmentation of the meniscal cartilage in the knee, and (5) osteochondritis dissecans. Injuries account for the majority of loose bodies, and they occur most frequently in the knee. If composed only of cartilage, the fragment cannot be visualized on a roentgenogram but may be seen on an arthrogram or by MRI. Cartilaginous bodies become radiopaque as they calcify and then are easily visualized. The appearance of a loose body on MRI is variable (see Fig. 3-55A). If it is composed purely of cartilage, the loose body has the same signal intensity as joint fluid on T1-weighted images but is of lower signal than joint fluid on T2. If it is calcified or composed of cortical bone, it is of low signal on both T1 and T2, and if it is composed of intramedullary bone, it has a signal similar to that of fat, with a higher signal on T1 than T2. Most have mixed characteristics. Calcified loose bodies are formed in degenerative joint disease as a result of fragmentation of the articular cartilage. Joint bodies are also seen in neuropathic joints.

FIG. 3-55. Two popliteal cysts. A: T1-weighted sagittal image in a man with osteoarthritis. Note the oviod area of low signal ( arrow) overlying the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle (white asterisk). The cyst contains loose bodies of higher signal marginated by a fine rim of low signal ( black asterisk). Degenerative arthritis is present, manifested by narrowing of the articular cartilage and marginal spur formation, and there is a tear of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus. B: Axial T2-weighted image in a separate case demonstrates a posterior protrusion of a popliteal cyst ( asterisk), characteristically situated between the semimembranous tendon (arrow) and the medial head of the gastrocnemius (arrowhead). The Baker's cyst is contiguous with the joint space overlying the medial femoral condyle (C).

Transient Synovitis of the Hip Transient synovitis of the hip characteristically occurs in children younger than 10 years of age. The principal clinical manifestations are pain and limping. The thigh is held in flexion. The disease is self-limited and leaves no sequelae. A joint effusion may be evident, manifested by widening of the joint space. A secondary synovitis occurs in association with intra-articular osteoid osteomas. In this situation, the pain is long-standing, joint contractures may be present, and periarticular osteoporosis and joint effusion are common (see Osteoid Osteoma in Chapter 4). Synovioma Synovioma is an uncommon tumor most frequently arising in young adults, usually in the vicinity of a large joint in the periarticular soft tissue just beyond the confines of the joint capsule, most commonly around the knee and foot. It may be found at some distance from the joint, and it is unusual for this tumor to arise within a joint. The degree of malignancy is variable. The lesion is visualized on a radiograph as a mass of soft-tissue density adjacent to a joint ( Fig. 3-50). The outer margins of the mass are usually well demarcated from adjacent soft tissues. Hazy deposits or linear streaks of calcification are frequently seen within the tumor. Initially the underlying bone may be normal, but as the tumor increases in size the underlying bone may be eroded or actually invaded, with irregular destruction.

FIG. 3-50. Synovial sarcoma. The large soft-tissue mass adjacent to the distal radius contains irregular plaques of calcification. Note the absence of bone involvement.

Amyloidosis Amyloidosis is a rare disease characterized by the deposition of amyloid in various organs, including the bones and joints. The arthropathy of amyloidosis usually occurs in elderly persons. It most frequently involves the shoulders and hips, less often the wrists and elbows, and tends to be bilateral. Patients present with painful joints and a dramatic enlargement of the periarticular soft tissues. The swelling of the shoulders gives the appearance that the patient is wearing shoulder pads. 13 Bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome frequently accompanies wrist involvement. The radiographic appearance is characterized by juxta-articular osteoporosis, soft-tissue swelling, well-defined subchondral cysts (often large), and pressure erosions from synovial hypertrophy. Joint spaces are preserved until late in the disease. Pathologic fractures may occur through large subchondral cysts in the femoral neck. Lipoid Dermatoarthritis (Multicentric Reticulohistiocytosis) Lipoid dermatoarthritis is a rare disorder affecting skin and synovium; it causes an erosive polyarthritis. Roentgen findings include the following: striking symmetry of clearly defined erosive changes, spreading from the joint margins to the articular surfaces; IP joint predominance; early and severe atlantoaxial disease; minimal or no periosteal reaction; minimal osteoporosis; and soft-tissue nodules in skin, subcutaneous tissues, and tendon sheaths. 6,13 Idiopathic Chondrolysis of the Hip Idiopathic chondrolysis of the hip is a rare condition occurring in adolescence; girls are more frequently affected than boys. The clinical course is variable. There is an insidious onset of hip pain, which in mild cases lasts for 6 to 12 months. The radiographic manifestations are periarticular osteoporosis and progressive narrowing of the hip joint space. 13 Spontaneous recovery may occur in 6 to 12 months. In other cases, the disease progresses, with subchondral cysts, osteophyte formation, joint irregularity, and finally ankylosis. The rheumatoid factor is negative, and the cause of the disease is unknown. Relapsing Polychondritis Relapsing polychondritis is an intense inflammatory and degenerative process that may result from altered immunity or hypersensitivity. Joints of the hands, wrists, and feet are involved by erosion of articular surfaces accompanied by soft-tissue swelling. 13 Sacroiliac joints may also show erosive change resulting in irregularity of the joint space and partial obliteration of the space in some areas. Also, bony end-plates of vertebral bodies may show areas of erosion with sclerosis of adjacent bone. Cartilage dissolution in the ear, nose, trachea, and bronchi may also occur, leading to a saddle nose, respiratory disease, and death. Calcifications may appear in the ear cartilage. Hemophiliac Arthropathy Recurrent hemorrhage into the joints occurs in more than 50% of those afflicted with hemophilia. The knee, elbow, and ankle are more commonly affected, but any joint may be involved. Joint involvement is usually asymmetrical. As a result of repeated hemorrhages and the irritating effect of blood, a synovitis develops, ultimately resulting in degeneration of the articular cartilage and erosion of the bony surfaces. The initial radiographic finding is a joint effusion. Eventually, after repeated hemorrhages, the soft tissues become thickened ( Fig. 3-51). In chronic cases, the deposition of iron pigment in the tissues leads to a cloudy increase in density. Hemorrhage into the articular ends of the bones forms subchondral cysts. The joint margins are eroded and irregular ( Fig. 3-52). In the knee, enlargement of the intercondylar notch of the femur is characteristic ( Fig. 3-52): the joint disorder is nicely defined by MRI.16 Synovial hypertrophy is displayed as areas of low to intermediate signal intensity on T1- and T2-weighted images with occasional foci of increased signal on T2.

FIG. 3-51. Hemophiliac arthropathy. This child had repeated episodes of hemarthrosis. Note the massive, dense joint effusion caused by accumulation of iron in the soft tissues, minimal loss of joint space, and a slight irregularity of the joint surface.

FIG. 3-52. Hemophiliac arthropathy in a 25-year-old man. The joint surfaces are irregular with marginal osteophyte formation and subchondral cysts, but there is no discrete subchondral sclerosis. Of importance is widening of the intercondylar notch of the distal femur, characteristic of hemophiliac arthropathy.

Acceleration of epiphyseal growth from chronic irritation leads to an enlargement of the ends of bones. This is similar to that seen in other chronic inflammatory diseases with hyperemia, such as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and tuberculosis. Occasionally a hemorrhage may occur within a bone some distance from a joint and may result in the formation of a cyst-like, radiolucent, expansile cavity termed pseudotumor of hemophilia (Fig. 3-53). The ilium and calcaneus are frequently reported sites of this lesion.

FIG. 3-53. Hemophiliac pseudotumor. Note the large, expanding, cyst-like cavity in the os calcis.

Sternocostoclavicular Hyperostosis This disorder is characterized by hyperostosis and soft-tissue ossification between the clavicles and the adjacent anterior ribs and manubrium. 13,14 The majority of cases are bilateral. Men are more commonly affected than women and are typically 30 to 50 years of age. They present with pain or swelling in the affected area. The condition may be associated with ankylosing spondylitis or DISH. Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy Periosteal reaction occasionally occurs on the long tubular bones in association with or as a result of diseases of the lungs or other conditions. The periosteal reaction may be a source of pain and arthralgia. This condition is known as hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. Osteoarthropathy most often occurs in association with intrathoracic neoplasms, especially bronchogenic carcinoma and mesotheliomas of the pleura. For this reason, the condition was known in the past as hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy. However, it is now recognized that it may also occur in association with gastrointestinal diseases, particularly ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy appears radiographically as a fine, linear periosteal reaction along the external surface of the long bones. 13 In most cases, multiple bones are involved. The radius and ulna and the tibia and fibula are the bones most frequently affected; less commonly, the metacarpals, metatarsals, and proximal and middle phalanges are involved. As hypertrophic osteoarthropathy progresses, the periosteal reaction becomes thick and dense, and its outer surface develops a wavy outline (Fig. 3-54). The process often extends along the entire length of the diaphysis and metaphysis, but on other occasions shorter segments of the bone may be involved. Characteristically, the intramedullary and cortical bone are otherwise normal. No other condition in adults is likely to cause periosteal reaction involving multiple long bones of both the upper and lower extremities with completely normal underlying cortical and medullary bone. The principal differential diagnosis in adults is periosteal reaction secondary to venous stasis. This, of course, is identified only in the lower extremity and is limited to the tibia and fibula. The wavy, compact nature of the periosteal reaction is very similar in appearance to that associated with hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, however. Radioisotopic bone scans, usually obtained to evaluate the possibility of metastatic disease in a patient with carcinoma of the lung, may demonstrate linear areas of increased activity paralleling the cortices of the affected bones, mirroring the radiographic findings of periosteal reaction.

FIG. 3-54. Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. Note the irregular, wavy periosteal new-bone formation of the distal femur.

Pachydermoperiostosis is a rare disease, a familial condition transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait with variable penetrance. It is essentially an idiopathic type of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. In some patients, there is an associated thickening of the skin of the forehead and the face, with prominent creases and folds. This idiopathic form shows essentially the same radiographic features as described for hypertrophic osteoarthropathy; however, the bone scan is characteristically normal despite the presence of the periosteal reaction on the radiographic examination. Clubbing of the digits is a related condition that is more common than hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. Clubbing consists of thickening of the soft tissues of the ends of the fingers. It usually occurs in association with chronic pulmonary disease, particularly suppurative lesions such as bronchiectasis and lung abscess, or congenital cardiovascular diseases. Radiographs of the hands and feet demonstrate soft-tissue enlargement, but the bones are entirely normal. On occasion, clubbing may coexist with hypertrophic osteoarthropathy.

Popliteal Cysts Popliteal cysts, or Baker's cysts, are seen present clinically as a mass behind the knee ( Fig. 3-55A). They are synovial cysts formed in association with any knee joint abnormality that results in distention of the joint and most commonly occur in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. A true popliteal cyst communicates with the joint and has a constant location, arising between the tendons of the medial head of the gastrocnemius and semimembranous muscles ( Fig. 3-55B). These cysts may contain loose bodies ( Fig. 3-55A) or pannus. Popliteal cysts must be differentiated from aneurysms of the popliteal artery, a distinction easily accomplished by ultrasonography. Osteitis Condensans Ilii Osteitis condensans ilii is found almost exclusively in women and almost always follows one or more pregnancies. It appears as a zone of dense sclerosis within the ilium along the iliac side of the sacroiliac joint. It is usually bilateral and symmetrical, although some variation in intensity may be observed between the two sides ( Fig. 3-56). The joint space is not affected, and the sacrum is normal. The areas of sclerosis may be slight and may fade into the normal bone, or they may be several centimeters in width and sharply demarcated from adjacent normal bone. The cause of the condition is unknown, but it seems to be related to pregnancy and may represent the bony reaction to abnormal stresses occurring during pregnancy and delivery. It is discovered incidentally when a radiographic examination is performed to evaluate the abdominal or pelvic organs. The lesion probably disappears spontaneously in most cases, because sclerotic changes of this type are found very infrequently in older women.

FIG. 3-56. Osteitis condensans ilii. Sclerosis is present on the iliac sides of the sacroiliac joint. The joint space and margins of the joint are normal. There is no sclerosis within the sacrum.

Osteitis condensans ilii must be differentiated from a sacroiliitis associated with arthritis, particularly ankylosing spondylitis and the other spondyloarthropathies. Sacroiliitis affects the joint space and the articular surfaces of the apposing bones on both sides of the joints. Characteristically, the joint margins become blurred and eventually ankylose. Osteitis condensans ilii is confined to the ilium, and the sacroiliac joint remains normal. A similar type of sclerotic reaction is observed in the pubic bones adjacent to the symphysis ( Fig. 3-57). This too is seen almost exclusively in women who have borne children, and both pubic and iliac sclerosis may be seen in the same person. Hallux Valgus Hallux valgus is a deformity of the great toe consisting of a lateral deviation of the phalanges and prominent soft-tissue thickening over the medial surface of the head of the first metatarsal, commonly referred to as a bunion ( Fig. 3-58). It is often bilateral. The deformity usually develops after the age of 35 years. Osteoarthritic changes of the first MTP joint occur only after the deformity has been present for some time. There is often an associated widening of the forefoot, seen radiographically as an increase in the soft tissue between the heads of the metatarsals.

FIG. 3-58. Hallux valgus. Note the typical valgus deformity of the first metacarpophalangeal joint. The proximal phalanx is subluxated laterally. There is minimal, if any, associated osteoarthritis. Separation of the heads of the first and second metatarsals is characteristic of this disorder.

Hallux Rigidus Hallux rigidus is, as the name implies, a loss of flexibility of the great toe as a result of osteoarthritic or degenerative changes in the first MTP joint ( Fig. 3-59). It is usually unilateral and is distinguished from hallux valgus by the lack of angular deformity (the alignment remaining normal) and by the prominence of the osteoarthritic changes at the dorsal surface of the joint, asymmetrical joint-space narrowing, subchondral sclerosis, marginal spurs, and, at times, rather large subchondral cysts.

FIG. 3-59. Hallux rigidus. A: Anteroposterior view of the great toe demonstrates marginal spur formation, subchondral sclerosis, and asymmetrical narrowing of the first metacarpophalangeal joint. There is no angular deformity of the joint. B: Lateral view demonstrates characteristic large dorsal osteophytes at the margins of the joint (arrow). There has been a fracture at the base of the spur arising from the proximal phalanx.

Arthrography is the radiographic examination of the internal structures of joints accomplished by injecting contrast medium into the joint and obtaining multiple radiographic views under fluoroscopic control. The radiographic examination must be performed promptly after the injection because the contrast material is rather rapidly absorbed. A water-soluble contrast medium and air are used as the contrast materials. Use of water-soluble contrast medium alone is referred to as single-contrast arthrography. Single-contrast examinations are used in the hip, wrist, ankle, and elbow. Double-contrast arthrography uses both water-soluble contrast material and air and is preferred by many authorities for evaluation of the knee or shoulder. Arthrography of the knee has essentially been superseded by MRI. Arthrography of the shoulder is commonly used to detect tears of the rotator cuff ( Fig. 3-60) and disruptions of the biceps tendon and to verify reductions in the capacity of the joint. Arthrography of the hip is used to evaluate prostheses in adults and to verify the position of the femoral head in children. Arthrography of the wrist is used to evaluate the integrity of the triangular ligament and the compartments of the carpus ( Fig. 3-61).

FIG. 3-60. Shoulder arthrogram. Note that the contrast material extends superiorly to rest just beneath the acromion ( arrow), indicative of a tear in the rotator cuff.

FIG. 3-61. Wrist arthrogram. Contrast material injected into the radiocarpal joint extruded through a tear in the triangular fibrocartilage ( arrow) into the distal radioulnar joint.


Radiography is essential in the evaluation of prosthetic devices. Joint prostheses are commonly used in the treatment of severe forms of arthritis of the hip and knee and less commonly in the MCP and proximal IP joints and elsewhere. The prosthetic devices are made of some combination of a radiolucent high-density polyethylene and a nonferrous metal alloy. The hip is the joint most commonly replaced by a prosthesis. The indications for replacement are severe degenerative arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, avascular necrosis, and displaced fractures of the femoral neck. The complications of prosthetic replacement include fractures of the prosthetic device, the surrounding bone cement, or the surrounding femoral shaft; dislocations of the prosthetic joint; heterotopic ossification about the joint; and, most commonly, loosening and infection. Loosening or infection is usually manifested clinically by the onset of pain. Radiographic evaluation consists of plain films, isotopic scanning, and arthrography. The radiographic findings of loosening and infection are very similar and cannot be distinguished with certainty. On plain films, at the interface between the cement and bone there is normally a thin, lucent line measuring no more than 1 mm. A line that is 2 mm or more wide is strongly suggestive of infection or loosening ( Fig. 3-62A). Periosteal new-bone formation along the cortex is more indicative of infection; however, this is an infrequent finding.

FIG. 3-62. Loosening of a hip prosthesis. A: Note the wide radiolucency bordering the stem of the femoral component ( arrows). The homogeneous radiodensity surrounding the metallic component is methyl methacrylate. Wire sutures are present in the greater trochanter. B: A subtraction film of a hip arthrogram demonstrates contrast material extruded from the joint space around the stem of the prosthesis, indicative of loosening.

Loosening and infection may be present in the absence of an increase in this radiolucency along the cement-bone interface. In these situations, isotopic bone scanning and arthrography may be required. Increased activity is normally observed on the isotope scan up to 6 to 8 months after surgical implantation. After this, the image should return to normal. Diffuse increased activity and focal increased activity adjacent to the tip of the femoral stem are the most common patterns associated with loosening. Gallium scanning may be of value in differentiating an infection from loosening. The arthrogram of the prosthetic joint begins with an aspiration of the joint and culture of the fluid to diagnose or rule out infection. An arthrogram is then obtained. Normally the contrast material should be confined to the pseudocapsule of the joint. An abnormal hip arthrogram demonstrates a seepage of contrast material between the methacrylate and bone of either the acetabular or femoral components or between the metal and methacrylate of the femoral component (see Fig. 3-62B). Abscess cavities or fistulous tracts may occur with infection and can be demonstrated by the arthrogram. The evaluation of complications of prosthetic implants in other joints is similar to that in the hip. Loosening and infection are suggested by the presence of a radiolucent line at the margins of the prosthesis at either the cement-bone or implant-cement interface. Other plain film radiographic findings suggestive of loosening or infection are migration of the component or a change in the alignment of the component. CHAPTER REFERENCES
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Alexander CJ: Osteoarthritis: A review of old myths and current concepts. Skeletal Radiol 19:327, 1990 Bjorkengren AG, Resnick D, Sartoris DJ: Enteropathic arthropathies. Radiol Clin North Am 25:189, 1987 Bollow M, Braun J, Hamm B, et al: Early sacroiliitis in patients with spondyloarthropathy: Evaluation with dynamic gadolinium-enhanced MR imaging. Radiology 194:529, 1995 Cotten A, Flipo R, Chastanet P, et al: Pigmented villonodular synovitis of the hip: Review of radiographic features in 58 patients. Skeletal Radiol 24:1, 1995 Flandry F, McCann SB, Hughston JC, Kurtz DM: Roentgenographic findings in pigmented villonodular synovitis of the knee. Clin Orthop 247:208, 1989 Forrester DM, Brown JC: The radiology of joint disease, 3rd ed, Vol 2. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1987 Hamerman D: The biology of osteoarthritis. N Engl J Med 320:1322, 1989 Hughes TH, Sartoris DJ, Schweitzer ME, Resnick DL: Pigmented villonodular synovitis: MRI characteristics. Skeletal Radiol 24:7, 1995 Kaye JJ: Arthritis: Roles of radiography and other imaging techniques in evaluation. Radiology 177:601, 1990 Murphey MD, Wetzel LH, Banble JM, et al: Sacroiliitis: MR imaging findings. Radiology 180:239, 1991

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Chapter 4 Bone Tumors and Related Condition Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 4 Bone Tumors and Related Condition

Lee F. Rogers and Martha A. Norris

L. F. Rogers: Department of Radiology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27157. M. A. Norris: Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252.

Radiographic Analysis of Bone Tumors Diagnostic Criteria Age Location Specific Bone Internal Margins Periosteal New-Bone Formation Tumor Bone Formation (Matrix Calcification) Imaging Techniques in Bone Tumors Tomography Computed Tomography Magnetic Resonance Imaging Isotope Scanning Angiography Needle Biopsy Benign Bone Tumors Benign Cartilaginous Tumors Benign Osseous Tumors Benign Fibrous Tumors Cystic Tumors of Bone Malignant Bone Tumors Secondary Malignancies of Bone (Metastatic Carcinoma) Myelopoietic Lesions of Bone Primary Malignancies of Bone Differential Diagnosis of Solitary Bone Lesions Chapter References

Primary tumors of bone are relatively uncommon, whereas metastatic disease of bone is encountered daily. Because of the rarity of these tumors, physicians are often unfamiliar with them and feel uncertain about their diagnosis and treatment. The application of certain basic principles should allow a correct diagnosis or at least a reasonable differential diagnosis in most cases. Bone tumors are not easily classified. The classifications in common use are related more to the microscopic characteristics of the tumor and its presumed tissue of origin than to the radiographic appearance of the lesion 4,5,9. The initial pathologic diagnosis is usually based on a small portion of tissue that may well suggest the tissue of origin, but the radiographic manifestations of the process are often a better clue to the aggressiveness of the lesion. Therefore, the final diagnosis of most bone tumors should be based on a combination of both the microscopic and radiographic characteristics. The development of classifications is also hindered by the fact that benign lesions do not necessarily have malignant counterparts. Lesions are either benign and remain benign or are malignant from their inception. Very few primary bone lesions convert from a benign to a malignant character. The classification of tumors in Table 4-1 serves as a guide to the radiographic characteristics of lesions.

TABLE 4-1. Classification of primary bone tumors


The radiologist's role is to identify and characterize the lesion 9. A few benign types of bone tumors are quite characteristic in appearance, and they require no treatment. These are known as leave me alone lesions, lesions so commonly encountered and characteristic in appearance that a diagnosis can be made with absolute assurance on the basis of radiographic characteristics alone. These lesions are osteoma, bone island, and nonossifying fibroma. In other cases, the radiographic manifestations are sufficiently characteristic to allow a diagnosis with a high degree of probability. In the remainder, it may be difficult to establish a tissue diagnosis with assurance. In these situations, one should attempt to determine whether the lesion is benign or malignant and to differentiate tumors from infectious, metabolic, or dysplastic processes. The extent or limits of the lesion must be determined. In general, the diagnosis of the lesion is based on plain film radiography and is further defined by tomography. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) occasionally add to the tissue characterization of the lesion, but they are useful primarily in evaluating the extent of the lesion by determining the presence or absence of soft-tissue extension outside of bone and intramedullary extension within bone. The best site for biopsy should be determined on the basis of the radiographic characteristics. The most active or aggressive portion of the lesion can usually be identified, and tissue that best characterizes the lesion is likely to be found at this site. As a broad generalization, a benign lesion is sharply defined, the overlying cortex is intact, and there is no associated soft-tissue mass. In contrast, a malignant lesion is poorly defined, the overlying cortex is disrupted, and there is an associated soft-tissue mass.

The characteristics of value in the determination of a specific diagnosis are the age of the patient, 5 whether the lesion is single or multiple, the location of the lesion in relation to both the long axis and the central axis of the bone, the bone in which the lesion is located, the character of the internal margins of the lesion, 15 the presence or absence of periosteal reaction and its character, 20 the presence or absence of tumor matrix calcification and its character, 23 and the presence or absence of a previous history of malignancy (particularly in patients older than 40 years of age).

Age The age of the patient alone is an excellent indicator of the type of tumor encountered. 5 For instance, metastatic neuroblastoma is the most common malignant-appearing tumor before the age of 1 year, whereas between the ages of 1 and 20 years Ewing's tumor is encountered in tubular bones. Between the ages of 10 and 30, osteosarcoma and Ewing's tumor are encountered in flat bones. After the age of 40, metastatic carcinoma, multiple myeloma, and chondrosarcoma are more likely. Location Different types of tumors occur in relatively characteristic locations within the skeletal system ( Fig. 4-1). Location in relation to the long axis of bone is of primary importance. 11 Certain tumors arise in the metaphysis, others in the diaphysis or within the epiphysis. Location in relation to the central axis is likewise important. Some tumors arise centrally, in the central axis; some arise eccentrically, off the central axis; still others arise within the cortex or the surface of the cortex, referred to as parosteal. When lesions of long tubular bones that are characteristically eccentric in position occur in the smaller tubular bones, such as the fibula or metacarpals, they may easily involve the entire width of the shaft and lead to a ballooned expansion of the involved bone (see Fig. 4-16). This is particularly true of nonossifying fibromas, giant cell tumors, and aneurysmal bone cysts.

FIG. 4-1. Location of tumors.

FIG. 4-16. Two nonossifying fibromas in an 11-year-old boy. A typical nonossifying fibroma with eccentric location and a thin rim of sclerosis is present in the proximal tibia. The lesion of the proximal fibula has enlarged and expanded the cortex, but note that the cortex remains intact. There is a buttress of bone formed inferiorly and laterally ( arrow). (Courtesy of Theodore Keats, M.D., Charlottesville, Virginia.)

Specific Bone To a lesser extent, the bone in which the tumor is located is also of importance. Some tumors are more likely to arise in a specific bone than in others. the most common site of an osteoblastoma is the posterior elements of the vertebral body, whereas adamantinomas arise in the tibia. Internal Margins The internal margin of a lesion relates to the radiographic appearance of the tumorbone interface, the interface between the tumor and the bone from which it arises. 15 This is dependent on the nature of the disturbance of the endosteal surface of the cortex and the pattern of medullary destruction. Medullary destruction may be geographic, confined to a relatively specific area that is more or less easily defined; moth-eaten, with irregular patches of medullary destruction; or permeative, with rather poorly defined areas of destruction ( Fig. 4-2).

For instance,

FIG. 4-2. A: Pattern of medullary destruction. B: Margination of lesions.

The margin of the lesion may be sharply defined by a thin or thick wall of sclerotic bone ( Fig. 4-2). Some lesions, although sharply defined, have no reactive bone formation about them and are said to be punched out. Others are poorly marginated and less well defined, with the margin of the lesion more or less blending imperceptibly into the surrounding intramedullary bone. Zone of transition refers to the border between the lesion and normal surrounding bone. Well-defined lesions are said to have a sharp zone of transition, and those that are poorly defined are said to have a broad zone of transition. The aggressiveness of a bone lesion is manifested radiographically by the tumorbone interface. Indolent or slow-growing tumors are marginated by sclerotic bone,

whereas those with more rapid growth lack a sclerotic margin. Should growth be even more aggressive, the margin becomes progressively less well defined. A rapid growth rate may be encountered in benign as well as malignant lesions, and the opposite is also truethat is, some malignant lesions are slow-growing and have sharply defined margins. Therefore, although the radiographic appearance of the tumorbone interface indicates the aggressiveness and growth rate of a bone lesion, the interface does not in and of itself indicate benignancy or malignancy. Eosinophilic granuloma, aneurysmal bone cyst, most giant cell tumors, and chondromyxoid fibroma may have an aggressive radiographic appearance and yet be benign. Conversely, solitary myeloma, adamantinoma, and juxtacortical osteogenic sarcoma are slow growing and radiographically nonaggressive but in fact are malignant. A lesion may affect the cortex in several ways (Fig. 4-3). It may expand the cortex outward, distorting the normal outline of the bone with the cortex remaining intact; this type of lesion is said to be expansile or ballooned. It may erode and scallop the endosteal surface, referred to as endosteal scalloping. Some lesions have an invisible peripheral margin of cortical bone. In these, the peripheral margin is so fine that it cannot be identified on a plain film but may be visualized by tomography or CT. This is characteristic of aneurysmal bone cyst, chondromyxoid fibroma, and eosinophilic granuloma, particularly in a young child. Malignant tumors and infections lead to cortical destruction manifested by an irregular loss of cortical bone. Lesions arising in the periosteum or adjacent to the cortex cause a shallow erosion of the external surface of the cortex, referred to as saucerization. However, saucerization may also occur in Ewing's tumor and periosteal osteosarcoma.

FIG. 4-3. Patterns of cortical disturbance.

The lesion may be further characterized by the presence or absence of septation ( Fig. 4-4). Certain lesions either are or appear to be divided by thin walls or septa of cortical bone. A lesion without any evidence of internal septa is said to be nonseptated. This is characteristic of a unicameral bone cyst. Other lesions appear to contain multiple septa and are said to be multiseptated. In some, this is because true septa extend throughout the lesion; in others, the septation is actually caused by an erosion or scalloping of the endosteal surface, with the ridges of bone between the scallops giving the false appearance of septa when viewed radiographically.

FIG. 4-4. Septation in bone lesions.

Periosteal New-Bone Formation The presence and character of periosteal new-bone formation or periosteal reaction lend important clues to the nature of an underlying lesion ( Fig. 4-5).

FIG. 4-5. Periosteal new-bone formation.

A single layer of periosteal reaction (lamellar) is a faint, radiodense line of 1 to 2 mm width paralleling the cortical surface. This is a hallmark of a benign process; it is usually seen in acute osteomyelitis and is rarely encountered in neoplasms. Solid or wavy periosteal reaction is a solid reaction with an undulant outer margin. This is typical of long-standing peripheral vascular disease (varicosities) of the lower extremities and pulmonary osteoarthropathy. Solid, compact, or thick periosteal reaction represents multiple successive layers of new bone applied to the cortex overlying a lesion. This may also be referred to as cortical thickening or hyperostosis. It is encountered in osteoid osteomas, chronic osteomyelitis, eosinophilic granulomas, and central chondrosarcomas of long bones. A combination of lamellar and nodular periosteal reaction is typical of a benign process and is often associated with cortical bone abscess. Layered or laminated periosteal reaction created by several parallel concentric layers or lamellae of periosteal new bone is often referred to as onionskin reaction. It implies a more aggressive process but is encountered in both benign and malignant disease. It is most characteristic of Ewing's tumor (Ewing's sarcoma) but may be found in osteosarcoma, acute osteomyelitis, stress fractures, and eosinophilic granuloma in very young patients. Uniform, fine, parallel linear shadows oriented perpendicular to the cortex form the hair-on-end pattern, characteristic of Ewing's tumor. A sunburst or divergent

periosteal reaction is characteristic of osteosarcoma. The spicules of bone are more irregular and coarser than those encountered in the hair-on-end pattern. Periosteal reaction that is irregular and otherwise unclassifiable is typical of bone sarcoma and is often encountered in osteosarcoma. Periosteal new-bone formation may be interrupted or may incompletely cover the surface of a lesion, as is often the case with osteosarcomas. A triangle consisting of several layers of periosteal reaction may form at the margin of the lesion. This is known as Codman's triangle. Codman's triangle was at one time thought to be pathognomonic of bone sarcomas, but it is also encountered in osteomyelitis. The triangle is composed entirely of periosteal reaction and is usually free of tumor; therefore, it should be avoided as a site for biopsy. Periosteal new-bone formation associated with slow-growing lesions may result in a somewhat similar triangle of more compact and sometimes solid bone at the margin of the lesion. This is known as a buttress and is characteristic of benign lesions. Buttress formation is often associated with those lesions that have an invisible cortical margin, such as aneurysmal bone cyst, chondromyxoid fibroma (see Fig. 4-11), and eosinophilic granuloma in young patients.

FIG. 4-11. Chondromyxoid fibroma in an 11-year-old boy. An eccentric, sharply defined lesion arising in the metaphysis of the proximal tibia is partially marginated by a thin rim of sclerosis. Note the buttress inferiorly ( arrow). The medial margin of the cortex is completely destroyed, and the medial margin of the lesion is invisible. (Courtesy of Arthur Newburg, M.D., Boston, Massachusetts.)

Tumor Bone Formation (Matrix Calcification) Calcification occurring within the matrix of a tumor, particularly osteoid and chondroid tumors, occurs in patterns that are characteristic 4-6).

of the tissue of origin ( Fig.

FIG. 4-6. Tumor bone formation, matrix calcification.

Calcification of osteoid characteristically creates a cloud-like, amorphous, homogenous opacity (see Fig. 4-44 and Fig. 4-45). On the radiograph, it appears as if painted or chalked in in white.

FIG. 4-44. Lateral (A) and frontal (B) projections of an osteosarcoma of the distal femur. An area of irregular destruction is best seen on the frontal projection. Laminated or layered periosteal reaction is seen posteriorly; tumor bone formation, osteoid, is noted within the medullary canal and extends into the soft tissues of the lower thigh.

FIG. 4-45. Osteosarcoma of the distal femur in a 19-year-old man. A: Lateral view demonstrates sunburst pattern of dense periosteal new-bone formation anteriorly, dense osteoid in the medullary cavity, and cortical destruction with expansion of the lesion posteriorly. The lesion is poorly defined proximally. B: T1-weighted coronal magnetic resonance image (MRI) demonstrates proximal medullary extension of the lesion ( arrow). The entire distal medullary cavity is filled with tumor. The dense osteoid gives a low signal. The lateral cortex is destroyed. Note that the associated soft-tissue mass is less well defined than on the T2-weighted image. C: T2-weighted sagittal MRI clearly demonstrates the high-signal soft-tissue mass that bows the quadriceps muscle anteriorly. There is low signal within the lesion,

representing areas of osteoid bone formation. The cortex of the femur is perforated by the tumor both anteriorly and posteriorly ( arrows).

Calcific densities characteristic of chondroid matrix in small tumors are stippled or punctate, whereas in larger tumors nodules, flocculent (popcorn-like) rings, and arcs of calcific density are noted ( Fig. 4-7, Fig. 4-8 and Fig. 4-9).

FIG. 4-7. A: Enchondroma of the proximal phalanx of the fifth digit. Note the small calcifications distally, typical of cartilaginous tumors. B: Closeup view of the lower femur showing characteristic chondroid calcification within the medullary canal. Note the lack of boundary rim of sclerosis and the small, rounded areas of lucency representing islands of uncalcified cartilage. Note also the absence of endosteal erosion and cortical thickening (compare with Fig. 4-49, chondrosarcoma, and Fig. 7-24, bone infarction).

FIG. 4-8. Parosteal chondroma. The base of the lesion is bounded by a zone of sclerosis. Note the buttress at the distal margin of the lesion, the scalloping of the cortex, and the chondroid calcification within the lesion.

FIG. 4-9. A: Osteochondroma (exostosis) arising from the medial aspect of the distal femur. The pedicle is composed of cortical bone that merges with and is continuous with the normal femoral cortex. The medullary bone within the stalk of the lesion is likewise continuous with the medullary canal of the femur. B: Broad-based osteochondroma arising from the posterior cortex of the lower femur. The periphery of the tumor is composed of a mixture of cartilage, calcified cartilage, and bone. Note the characteristic chondroid calcification in the distal portion of the lesion. C: Computed tomogram of osteochondroma arising from the iliac bone. The lesion is sharply defined without an overlying soft-tissue mass. The cortex of the lesion is contiguous with the cortex of the iliac bone (compare with Fig. 4-50).

FIG. 4-49. Central chondrosarcoma. This lesion probably developed from an enchondroma in the medullary canal, designated by the arrow in A. Note the expansion and thinning of the cortex, with overlying periosteal new-bone formation designated by the white arrow in B (compare with Fig. 4-7B, benign enchondroma).

FIG. 4-50. Peripheral chondrosarcoma. This chondrosarcoma is presumed to have arisen from an exostosis of the iliac bone. Note the chondroid calcification. Malignant degeneration is revealed by the presence of the discontiguous calcifications extending into the large soft-tissue mass.

Reactive new bone forms in some tumors and at the margins of infections. The new bone forms on existing normal trabeculae at the borders of chronic bone abscesses and in the presence of certain malignant cells, particularly metastatic malignancies of the breast and lung (see Fig. 4-33 and Fig. 4-34). The osteoblastic response in these tumors is caused not by ossification of the tumor but by reactive new-bone formation surrounding the tumor. Reactive new bone is characteristically homogenous and amorphous.

FIG. 4-33. Blastic metastasis from carcinoma of the prostate. A: Bone scan demonstrates multiple areas of increased uptake in the lower lumbar spine and pelvis. B: Anteroposterior view of the pelvis. Multiple sclerotic lesions correspond to positive areas on the bone scan.

FIG. 4-34. Blastic metastases in carcinoma of the prostate. The areas of involvement are manifested by dense sclerosis that tends to obliterate the normal architecture. All of the vertebrae show some degree of involvement.


Tomography Tomography is used to augment the plain film and provides useful information in selected cases. It more clearly delineates and defines the lesion than plain films and may be helpful in the demonstration of matrix calcification and cortical destruction. Computed Tomography In most cases, CT adds little to the specific histologic diagnosis of a bone tumor beyond plain radiography, but it does give a better indication of the extent of the lesion, both within the intramedullary canal and in surrounding soft tissues, and its relationship to adjacent vascular structures (see Fig. 4-43)20. Both bone and soft-tissue windows demonstrate the extent of cortical destruction, but soft-tissue windows better demonstrate the extent of soft-tissue disease and involvement of the marrow. The normal marrow is of fat density and usually 20 to 40 Hounsfield units. When tumor involves the marrow, its density is increased to that of soft tissue, well into the positive range. Because CT is more sensitive than plain films, CT can delineate lesions indicated by a positive bone scan but inapparent on a radiograph (see Fig. 4-27 and Fig. 4-28). This is particularly helpful in the disclosure of metastatic lesions in the spine and pelvis and, less commonly, in the peripheral skeleton. CT can also identify fine bony margins of a lesion that are inapparent on plain films (see Fig. 4-20). CT displays calcified and bony matrix within lesions much better than MRI.

FIG. 4-20. Aneursymal bone cyst of the proximal tibia in a 15-year-old boy. A: An eccentric, markedly expansile lesion of the distal tibial metaphysis is bordered posteriorly by a very thin rim of bone. There is no matrix within the lesion, which is poorly defined anteriorly and superiorly. B: Computed tomography (CT) scan demonstrates the sharply defined, thin rim of sclerosis and the eccentric nature of the lesion. There is a variation in the density within the lesion, suggesting fluidblood levels. C: T2-weighted axial image confirms the presence of fluidblood levels within the lesion. Examination was performed in the supine position. Note that the thin rim of sclerosis is not as well defined by magnetic resonance imaging as it was by CT. (Courtesy of W. Michael Hensley, M.D., Parkersburg, West Virginia.)

FIG. 4-27. Metastatic carcinoma of the breast to the sacrum. A: Posterior view of a bone scan demonstrates increased radioactivity in the left sacral ala. There is also a focus in the lower lumbar vertebra. B: A subtle, lytic destructive lesion present in the left sacral ala is manifested by destruction of the sacral foraminal lines. The normal sacral foraminal lines on the right are identified by arrows. Note that the bone scan is actually a mirror image of the radiograph, since it was obtained and is displayed as though looking from the back, whereas the radiograph was obtained and displayed looking from the front of the patient.

FIG. 4-28. Metastasis to the right acetabulum from carcinoma of the lung. A: Anterior view of a bone scan demonstrates increased radioactivity in the right acetabulum and left greater trochanter. B: Closeup view of the right acetabulum demonstrates a vague radiolucency medially. C: Computed tomogram demonstrates bone destruction in the medial acetabulum posteriorly ( asterisk), with an adjacent soft-tissue mass.

FIG. 4-43. Primary lymphoma of bone. A: An ill-defined permeative process is present in the distal femoral metaphysis and is overlaid by periosteal new-bone formation (arrow). B: Computed tomography reveals the presence of soft-tissue density in the medullary cavity and the presence of a surrounding soft-tissue mass (arrows). The normal intramedullary canal has a fat density, whereas marrow infiltrated by infection or tumor has a soft-tissue density.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI demonstrates the extent of soft-tissue and marrow involvement and also defines the relationship of the tumor to the surrounding vessels 18,20,21. The direct sagittal and coronal images of MRI permit a more accurate assessment of the relationship of the tumor to adjacent normal structures along the longitudinal axis of the bone, particularly the neurovascular structures, spinal cord, joints, and physis 7,14,19. Most malignant bone tumors are inhomogeneous on both T1- and T2-weighted images. The degree of inhomogeneity varies with the type of tumor matrix and the extent of hemorrhage and necrosis. T1-weighted images are best for determining the extent of marrow involvement (see Fig. 4-45B), and T2 images are more useful for evaluating cortical bone destruction and soft-tissue extension (see Fig. 4-45C). MRI is not as useful in the evaluation of cortical bone because of the absence of signal. Matrix and marginal calcification and subtle cortical changes may be more obvious on CT. The hydrogen content of cortical bone is very low and therefore gives no signal on MRI, whereas the fat in marrow contains a high hydrogen content and gives a pronounced signal on T1-weighted images. The replacement of marrow fat by tumor, infection, or hemorrhage reduces the strength of the signal. MRI affords superior soft-tissue contrast, allowing better delineation and differentiation of soft tissues than is possible by CT (see Fig. 4-45). For these reasons, MRI has largely replaced CT in the evaluation of bone and soft-tissue tumors. Isotope Scanning Bone scanning is performed with technetium-99m-labeled phosphate compounds, most commonly methyldiphosphonate ( 99mTc-MDP). Fifteen to 20 millicuries (mCi) is administered intravenously, and 2 hours later a scan is obtained of the entire skeletal system. The radiopharmaceutical is taken up in all sites of active bone turnover irrespective of causetumor, infection, fracture, or metabolic. The increased radioactivity occurring at such sites is referred to as a positive bone scan. The bone scan is several times more sensitive than film radiography, and therefore activity may be demonstrated on bone scan in the face of normal x-ray findings (see Fig. 4-27 and Fig. 4-28). It is said that approximately 50% of trabecular bone must be removed from a given site before it is evident on a radiograph, whereas only 5% to 15% can be removed before it can be identified on a bone scan. Increased radioactivity occurs at practically all sites of primary or metastatic bone tumors, with the exception of multiple myeloma. Bone scanning is unreliable in the evaluation of patients with multiple myeloma, because the avidity of the tumor for the radiopharmaceutical is unpredictable and often nonexistent. Negative bone scans may be obtained in as many as 40% of sites of multiple myeloma. Bone scans are particularly useful in the detection of skeletal metastatic disease from tumors arising out of the skeletal system, such as lung, breast, and prostatic cancers (see Fig. 4-33). Bone scanning is less useful in primary tumors but should be used in the evaluation of Ewing's tumors and osteosarcomas that are likely to metastasize to other bones. Bone-to-bone metastasis in other primary bone tumors is most unlikely. Angiography Angiography is necessary in selected cases to determine the vascularity of the lesion and the position of adjacent vascular structures to aid the surgeon in the design of the surgical approach to a lesion. This can usually be accomplished by CT or MRI, however.

Needle Biopsy Percutaneous needle biopsy is used to establish the diagnosis of metastatic disease or infection. Its use in the diagnosis of primary bone tumors remains controversial, and the success rate is somewhat less than that for metastatic tumors. Bone tumors that are obviously benign and are characteristic in appearance often need not be evaluated by anything more than a plain radiograph. When surgery is contemplated, tomography or CT and MRI may be required to further evaluate the extent of the lesion. In primary malignancies of bone, the extent of the lesion must be determined. Usually this requires a CT scan or MRI (see Fig. 4-46). In primary bone tumors in which an amputation is contemplated, a CT examination of the chest should be obtained to rule out pulmonary metastasis. CT is much more sensitive to the presence of lung nodules than is plain radiography or standard tomography. An amputation is not performed in the presence of metastatic disease in the lung except under unusual circumstances.

FIG. 4-46. Osteolytic osteosarcoma of the distal femur. A: Bone scan demonstrates a large area of increased radioactivity in the distal femur. B: Anteroposterior radiograph reveals an ill-defined area of destruction in the metaphysis involving both medullary bone and the overlying cortex ( arrows). C: Computed tomography shows cortical destruction, possibly osteoid formation, and a surrounding soft-tissue mass.


Benign Cartilaginous Tumors Enchondroma An enchondroma is a benign cartilaginous tumor arising from cartilage cell that rests within the medullary cavity. It is the most common tumor encountered in the bones of the hand, its usual location. Enchondroma also occurs in the ribs, in the pelvis, and occasionally in the long bones. Roentgenographic Features. An enchondroma is a central lesion originating within the medullary cavity, usually at or near the epiphysis. The mass is radiolucent and usually contains calcification characteristic of chondroid matrix (see Fig. 4-6 and Fig. 4-7). It is stippled or nodular in the small bones; in the flat bones and long tubular bones, it is nodular and flocculent, with rings and arcs of ossification. In the small bones of the hand the tumor grows slowly. As it enlarges, it expands and thins the cortex (see Fig. 4-7A). The endosteal surface of the cortex is scalloped. The lesion is geographic, usually clearly defined, and marginated by a thin rim of sclerotic bone. Pathologic fractures may occur. Enchondromas occurring in the long bones arise within and are generally limited to the medullary cavity and contain typical chondroid calcification (see Fig. 4-7B). Many are manifested only by chondroid calcification without an apparent surrounding lucency or sclerotic rim. These must be differentiated from bone infarcts. The principal distinction is the characteristic nature of the chondroid calcification. Calcification in bone infarct is plaque-like and occurs on the surface of the infarct (see Fig. 7-24A in Chapter 7), whereas chondroid matrix calcification occurs within the central portion of the lesion. When the tumor occurs in the hands or feet, it is rarely malignant; but in the flat bones (e.g., ribs, ilium) and in the long bones of the extremities, malignancies are always a possibility. Changes indicating malignancy include a loss of marginal definition, cortical disruption, overlying periosteal reaction, and the growth of the previously identified enchondroma. Normally a patient experiences no pain from a benign enchondroma. When pain is present in the area, the possibility of malignancy must always be considered. In the long bones, an enchondroma is usually confined to the medullary cavity without affecting the surrounding cortex. Therefore, the presence of endosteal scalloping or thickening of the overlying bone suggests the possibility of a malignancy. Ollier's disease is a congenital osseous dysplasia characterized by the occurrence of multiple enchondromas at the ends of the long bones, very commonly in the hands, often in only one extremity or in the extremities on one side of the body. When this condition is associated with multiple cavernous hemangiomas, the rare combination is termed Maffucci's syndrome (see Chapter 9). Parosteal Chondroma (Juxtacortical) Parosteal chondroma develops in the periosteum or soft tissue immediately adjacent to the outer surface of the cortex. Ordinarily the lesion is relatively small. The most common site is the phalanges of the hand, but the lesion may occur at the ends of the long bones of the extremities or, rarely, in the carpal bones. It produces a small, saucer-like erosion of the underlying cortex, with a rather dense rim of reactive bone beneath the erosion (see Fig. 4-8). One or both of the margins may demonstrate a buttress of compact bone. The tumor does not invade the medullary cavity. Typical chondroid calcification may be found within the soft-tissue mass. The outer margin of the mass is not defined by a rim of bone. In some lesions, there is no chondroid calcification, but the cortical defect is sufficiently typical to suggest the diagnosis. Osteochondroma (Exostosis) Osteochondroma is a benign tumor composed of cartilage, calcified cartilage, and bone in variable amounts. The term exostosis is synonymous with osteochondroma. The lesion most likely represents a local dysplasia of cartilage at the epiphyseal growth plate. It retains a cartilage cap that cannot be recognized radiographically except by the presence of chondroid calcification within it. These tumors begin during early childhood, grow slowly, and cease growth when the skeleton matures at puberty. They occur frequently in the distal ends of the long tubular bones, particularly the lower end of the femur and the upper and lower ends of the tibia, but they may occur in any part of the skeleton preformed in cartilage. When practically all the bones are involved, this condition is known as osteochondromatosis or hereditary multiple exostosis. It is discussed in Chapter 9. Roentgenographic Features. The tumor arises from the cortex and grows outward, pointing away from the nearest joint. It is usually pedunculated and cauliflower shaped, the pedicle merging smoothly with the normal cortex of the bone (see Fig. 4-9). The cortical and cancellous bone of the stalk of the lesion is contiguous with that of the bone from which it arises. Occasionally, the lesion is flat and broad but has the other features of an osteochondroma. The tip of the osseous stalk contains chondroid elements and, in the absence of chondroid calcification, may be invisible. When the lesion is mature, its peripheral margin is distinct and is bounded by a thin rim of bone. As a rule, single lesions are asymptomatic unless the mass becomes large enough to interfere with function. Any osteochondroma is capable of becoming malignant, developing into a chondrosarcoma. When an osteochondroma begins to enlarge or becomes painful after a period of stationary size, malignant degeneration should be suspected. This has been reported to occur in approximately 5% of cases. Pain may also result from a fracture of the stalk of an

osteochondroma or inflammation within a bursa over the surface of the lesion. Chondroblastoma Chondroblastoma is a rare, benign variety of cartilaginous tumor arising in the epiphysis 4,22. The growth plate may have closed by the time the tumor is first discovered. The tumor is usually encountered between the ages of 10 and 20 years, with occasional cases in the first, third, and fourth decades of life. The usual locations are in the epiphyses of the proximal humerus, distal femur, proximal tibia, and proximal femur, and a few have been reported in the tarsal bones, around the acetabulum, and elsewhere. Roentgenographic Features. A chondroblastoma (Fig. 4-10) presents as a well-defined geographic area of bone destruction that may contain stippled or small nodules of chondroid calcification. The lesion is characteristically located in the epiphysis, but as it enlarges it may extend into the metaphysis. The tumor often extends into the articular surface but rarely into the joint. The lesion is often small and located eccentrically, and it sometimes has a scalloped appearance. There may be slight expansion of the cortex, and periosteal reaction is sometimes encountered ( Fig. 4-10B). The margin of the lesion is usually well defined by a thin rim of sclerosis, but the appearance depends on the aggressiveness of the lesion. When indolent the lesion has a sharply defined rim of sclerosis, but when aggressive it may expand bone, with less sharply defined margins and overlying periosteal reaction.

FIG. 4-10. Two cases of chondroblastoma in 14-year-olds. A: Sharply defined, lobulated lesion located in the proximal tibia epiphysis. The lesion is bordered by a thin rim of sclerosis. B: Slightly lobulated lesion with a sclerotic margin located eccentrically in the distal humeral epiphysis. It contains punctate chondroid calcification, and periosteal reaction ( arrow) is noted at the lateral margin.

Chondromyxoid Fibroma Chondromyxoid fibroma is a relatively rare, benign tumor of bone most frequently found in the metaphysis of long bones 24. Patients usually present in the second and third decade of life but on occasion may be encountered at less than 10 or more than 30 years of age. The proximal tibia is the most common site, followed by the distal femur and distal tibia, the tibia accounting for approximately one third of all cases. Two thirds occur in long tubular bones, but the tumor may also arise in the small bones of the hands and feet and in the pelvis, with sporadic examples in the vertebrae, ribs, scapula, and skull. Roentgenographic Features. The classic lesion arises eccentrically in the metaphysis as a sharply circumscribed zone of rarefaction that occasionally causes expansion of bone (Fig. 4-11). The lesion may abut the growth plate or be a variable distance from it. It is often elongated, with its long axis oriented with the long axis of the bone. Its margin is scalloped, and the sclerosis may vary somewhat in thickness in different areas of the lesion. In smaller bones, the lesion is located more centrally and expands the bone. In the long bone, the lesion usually causes a local thinning and expansion of the overlying cortex. In some patients, the outer cortex is invisible and appears to be completely destroyed; however, a thin shell of overlying bone is evident pathologically. A buttress of new bone may be found at the margin of the lesion. Although calcification may be evident microscopically, it is rarely visible on a radiograph. Benign Osseous Tumors Osteoma Osteomas are small, flat, bony growths of cortical bone that are believed to be localized exaggerations of intramembranous ossification. They appear as small, dense, structureless masses of cortical bone and are usually found in the skull, most often in the frontal or ethmoid sinus ( Fig. 4-12 occasionally on the surface of the outer table. Less frequently they arise from the inner table, but in this position they suggest the possibility of enostoses secondary to an underlying meningioma. The tumors show little tendency to enlarge and are rarely of clinical significance. Rarely, an osteoma in the paranasal sinuses enlarges sufficiently to cause bulging of the walls of the sinus or obstruct the orifice and lead to retention of secretions and sinusitis. Osteomas occasionally arise on the surface of long bones or ribs.

FIG. 4-12. Osteoma of the frontal sinus. A homogeneously dense, sharply marginated, slightly lobulated mass lies in the left frontal sinus. The location, density, and configuration are typical of an osteoma. This lesion is larger than average.

When multiple osteomas are encountered or a single osteoma is encountered in an unusual site, an examination of the colon is warranted because of the possibility of Gardner's syndrome. The syndrome consists of skin nodules, desmoid tumors, osteomas, and colonic polyps, the polyps having a high potential for malignant degeneration. The osseous lesions frequently precede the appearance of clinical and radiographic evidence of intestinal polyps. Bone Islands Bone islands, or enostoses, are asymptomatic, benign, radiodense nodules of compact cortical bone and have little clinical significance other than that they must be distinguished from other pathologic processes. They probably are not true neoplasms. They appear on a radiograph as ovoid, round, or oblong sclerotic areas of variable size but often less than 1.5 cm in diameter, with discrete margins ( Fig. 4-13)8. Thorny, radiating bony spicules extend from the periphery of the lesion, intermingling with the surrounding trabeculae. The lesions do not protrude from the cortical surface of the involved bone. They are most commonly found in the pelvis, proximal femur, and ribs, and occasionally in the vertebral bodies. 20 When found in the long bones, they usually occur in the epiphysis. Most appear to be static; occasionally they grow, and sometimes they recede and disappear. In most cases, the bone scan is normalthat is, without increased uptake in the region of the radiographic abnormality. The principal diagnostic consideration is a sclerotic, metastatic focus. The typical radiographic appearance of a bone island, the lack of

growth, and a normal bone scan are helpful in the differential diagnosis. Multiple small nodules of sclerotic bone are characteristic of osteopoikilosis, discussed in Chapter 9.

FIG. 4-13. Bone island. A: A typical small, dense nodule above the right acetabulum. B: Tomogram demonstrating a radiodense nodule of cortical bone with a sharply defined although slightly irregular peripheral margin in the second lumbar vertebral body.

Osteoid Osteoma Osteoid osteoma is a benign osteoid-forming lesion that in many ways resembles a low-grade chronic bone abscess. Most investigators now consider it to be a reactive process, possibly inflammatory in origin, but its pathogenesis is unknown. About 75% of cases occur between the ages of 11 and 26 years. It is more than twice as common in young men than in women of this age group. The tibia and femur are frequent sites of involvement, but the lesion may be found in any of the tubular bones, as well as in the pelvis and vertebrae. The patient complains of pain, usually of mild and intermittent character, worse at night, and characteristically relieved by aspirin. In some patients, pain is severe and virtually intractable. The central nidus of tumor is 1.5 cm or less in diameter and made up of irregular masses of osteoid in a vascular fibrous matrix, which may calcify. The histologic appearance is very similar to that of a benign osteoblastoma (giant osteoid osteoma) 4. The distinction is made on the basis of the greatest diameter of the lesion: if less than 1.5 cm, the lesion is an osteoid osteoma; if greater, it is an osteoblastoma. Most osteoid osteomas arise in the cortex, but they sometimes occur in the periosteum or in the medullary cavity within or adjacent to a joint. Roentgenographic Features. The cortical osteoid osteoma is seen as a small, lucent area surrounded by a dense, compact sclerosis ( Fig. 4-14A). The lucency or cavity is often no more than a few millimeters in diameter and may be difficult if not impossible to identify on plain radiographs. Usually the sclerotic reaction is intense, and it may be sufficient to obscure the cavity. The central lucent area may contain a nidus of calcification ( Fig. 4-14C). The periosteal reaction, the sclerotic wall, and normal cortex tend to merge into one another without sharp demarcation. Tomography or CT may be required to visualize the characteristic central lucency. In flat bones such as the pelvis, a diffuse zone of sclerosis of variable width surrounds the cavity.

FIG. 4-14. Osteoid osteoma. A: Osteoid osteoma of the humerus. A small lucency within the anterior cortex is surrounded by a considerable amount of reactive bone, resulting in thickening of the cortex. B and C: Osteoma of the proximal radius. In the bone scan ( B), a focus of increased radioactivity is identified just distal to the elbow joint. In C, a discrete, ovoid calcification ( black arrow) surrounded by a zone of radiolucency is identified. Note also the overlying periosteal new-bone formation (white arrow).

Osteoid osteomas that arise within the intramedullary canal adjacent to joints are difficult to identify radiographically, because the nidus has no surrounding reactive bone.5 The nidus may be identified as an intense focal uptake on bone scanning (see Fig. 4-14B) and may be visualized by tomography or CT as a small, discrete lucency. Joint effusions, contractures, and periarticular osteoporosis may accompany an intra-articular osteoid osteoma. Subperiosteal osteoid osteomas are small, round soft-tissue masses measuring approximately 1 to 2 cm in diameter and found immediately adjacent to bone. They most commonly occur about the neck of the femur and in the hands and feet. The masses cause pressure atrophy of the adjacent cortex, which radiographically appears as a saucerization or deeper erosion bordered by a rim of sclerosis. These lesions may cause an effusion in the neighboring joint and a periarticular osteoporosis similar to those of the intraarticular, intramedullary osteoid osteoma. Osteoid osteomas may be located in the posterior elements of the spine, where they typically cause a painful scoliosis. The surrounding reactive bone may be minimal, but the nidus is often calcified when osteoid osteoma is in this location. Bone scanning and tomography or CT are helpful. The essential part of the tumor lies within the central lucency. This must be removed completely at the time of surgical excision or the lesion will recur. It is not necessary to remove the surrounding reactive cortical bone, even though this may form the major part of the lesion. Bone scanning is helpful to identify the nidus and is particularly useful at the time of surgery to ensure that the nidus has been removed. Osteoblastoma (Giant Osteoid Osteoma) Giant osteoid osteoma or osteoblastoma is similar in histologic appearance to the nidus of an osteoid osteoma arbitrarily divided by size as described previously. This is a relatively rare tumor, occurring chiefly between the ages of 10 and 20 years. It is most frequently found in the vertebral column, involving the neural arch and pedicles; occasionally in the femur and tibia; and rarely in the ribs, hands, feet, facial bones, skull, patella, scapula, or ilium. When the tumor occurs in the posterior elements of the spine, it is characteristically lytic and expansile, with minimal marginal sclerosis. Stippled calcification or plaques of osteoid ossification are often present within the lesion. In the long bones, the lytic areas tend to expand the overlying cortex and are bounded by a sclerotic rim. Osteoblastomas of the spine must be differentiated from giant cell tumors and aneurysmal bone cysts. Benign Fibrous Tumors Nonossifying Fibromas and Benign Fibrous Cortical Defects Fibrous cortical defects and nonossifying fibromas are not true neoplasms but represent a localized defect in bone growth. These lesions were known in the past as

xanthomas, fibroxanthomas, or xanthofibromas. They are found in children and adolescents. It has been estimated that 30% to 40% of all children will develop one or more fibrous cortical defects. The lesions are rarely identified before the age of 2 years, are most frequently encountered at about age 10, and begin to involute at age 14. The lesions are rarely encountered in mature adults. Further information on the fibrous lesions of bones can be found in the work of Kumar and colleagues 12. The only difference between a nonossifying fibroma and a benign cortical defect is size. The pathologic characteristics of the two are essentially the same. If a lesion is more than 1.5 to 2 cm in its greatest dimension, it is usually referred to as a nonossifying fibroma. There are usually no symptoms referable to the lesions. They are found incidentally during examinations performed for other reasons, usually trauma. These lesions are encountered in the lower extremities and are usually metaphyseal in location. Common sites are the distal femur, proximal and distal tibia, and proximal and distal fibula. They may be single or multiple. Roentgenographic Features. These tumors are so characteristic in their radiographic appearance that the majority can be diagnosed with absolute assurance on the basis of their radiographic features, without requiring biopsy or treatment. The benign cortical defect is a small area of rarefaction, sharply marginated and bound by a thin rim of sclerosis ( Fig. 4-15). It often has a scalloped border and may appear multiseptated. It is found in or directly beneath the cortex and may cause a slight localized bulging or thinning of the overlying cortex.

FIG. 4-15. Benign fibrous cortical defect of the tibia. The lesion is radiolucent but is limited by a thin, slightly lobulated, sclerotic margin of bone. This was an incidental finding on a radiograph obtained because of trauma.

Nonossifying fibroma is a larger lesion, measuring more than 2 cm in its greatest dimension. It also appears as a sharply marginated area of radiolucency bound by a thin sclerotic shell ( Fig. 4-16). There is often an expansion or bulging of the cortex, but no periosteal reaction occurs. The lesions are eccentric and rarely extend completely across the shaft but may occupy the width of smaller bones such as the fibula and may expand them. Pathologic fractures may occur in larger lesions. These lesions rarely persist into adult life, but occasionally in younger adults some remnant of an involuting fibrous lesion may be identified, often by an area of amorphous ossification on the endosteal aspect of the cortex within the metaphysis. Desmoplastic Fibroma Desmoplastic fibromas are rare benign tumors consisting of fibroblasts set in a matrix of collagen fibers, and they must be distinguished histologically from low-grade fibrosarcomas.12 They are locally aggressive lesions that tend to recur after resection. The average age at presentation is 25 years. Radiographically, they present as purely lytic, honeycomb, often expansile lesions of the metaphysis, usually surrounded by a sclerotic rim. Ossifying Fibroma Ossifying fibroma is an unusual tumor occurring in the diaphysis of the tibia and fibula, in the mandible, and in the facial bones. In the tibia and fibula, the lesion usually occurs in the first decade of life and is manifested by an enlargement and bowing of the shaft. Characteristic radiographic features include an eccentric radiolucency that may be solitary or bubbly. 12 The external surface of the cortex is expanded and thin. Osteoid occurs within the lesion, resulting in a homogeneous, amorphous opacification of the tumor. In the mandible, the lesion is expansile and radiolucent; in the sinuses, it is also expansile but opacifies the sinus. The lesion often contains hazy, osteoid calcification and therefore may appear homogeneously dense. Cystic Tumors of Bone The lesions described as cystic tumors of bone do not all have the same tissue of origin. Most are true, fluid-filled, cystic lesions, but others are solid. They have in common the radiographic appearance of a cyst, being more or less sharply outlined, radiolucent cavities in bone. Unicameral Bone Cyst (Simple or Solitary Bone Cyst) Unicameral or solitary bone cyst is a lesion of unknown origin that arises in childhood or adolescence and is found most commonly in the proximal humerus and proximal femur.16 It may also occur in the tibia, fibula, or smaller bones such as the calcaneus and in flat bones, including the ribs and pelvis. It is twice as common in boys. The lesions usually are asymptomatic and are discovered incidentally on a radiograph obtained for another reason. Many patients present with a pathologic fracture. After fracture, some cysts heal by ossification. Most, however, do not, and these eventually require surgical intervention and packing with bone chips. More recently, unicameral cysts have been treated successfully by direct percutaneous injection of steroids into the cyst. Roentgenographic Features. A unicameral bone cyst is an expansile, radiolucent, centrally situated lesion with a well-defined, thin, sclerotic margin ( Fig. 4-17). The lesion characteristically arises in the metaphysis and abuts against the physis or growth plate. In the most common location, the proximal humerus, it does abut against the growth plate ( Fig. 4-17A), but in the proximal femur it is usually located in the intertrochanteric region and rarely extends into the femoral neck ( Fig. 4-17B). It does not cross the growth plate to involve the epiphysis. The cortex is often thinned by the expansion. Most cysts are not septated but are composed of a single chamberthus the term, unicameral. Some cysts have a multilocular appearance as though composed of multiple communicating cavities, but these result from ridging along the cortex rather than actual bone septa within the lesion.

FIG. 4-17. Unicameral bone cysts. A: Simple bone cyst of the proximal humerus in a 13-year-old boy. The lesion is sharply defined, slightly expansile with endosteal erosion, and abuts the physis. B: Magnetic resonance image of a unicameral bone cyst (asterisk) of the intertrochanteric region of the proximal femur in a 10-year-old boy. The lesion is sharply defined by a thin rim of cortical bone.

Bone cysts with a pathologic fracture may be noted to contain a spicule or fragment of bone in the dependent portion of the lesion. This is termed the fallen fragment sign and, although not common, it is quite characteristic of a unicameral bone cyst. During its active phase, the cyst is located near or adjacent to the epiphyseal plate. When it becomes inactive, normal metaphyseal bone may form at the growth plate; the lesion appears to migrate toward the diaphysis and may be found some distance from the growth plate. These cysts have a thin, sclerotic border and may be slightly expansile. It is uncommon for a simple cyst to be located in the diaphysis, and when faced with a lesion of this description one would have to also consider a brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism and fibrous dysplasia. Giant Cell Tumor Giant cell tumor is an expansile, destructive lesion usually found in the ends of long bones after epiphyseal closure and therefore rarely encountered in persons younger than 17 years of age. 3 It is essentially a lesion of early adult life and is uncommon after the age of 35 years. Its most common locations are the distal femur, proximal tibia, and distal end of the radius ( Fig. 4-18). It may arise in the ilium and other pelvic bones and in the ribs, spine, clavicle, metacarpals, metatarsals, and tarsal bones.

FIG. 4-18. A and B: Anteroposterior and lateral views of a giant cell tumor of the proximal tibia. C: Giant cell tumor of the distal femur. D: Giant cell tumor of the distal radius. The lesions are radiolucent, eccentric, and sharply defined, and they characteristically extend to the joint surface.

Roentgenographic Features. The lesion is radiolucent and arises at the site of the epiphyseal scar, extending into both the metaphysis and the epiphysis. Often the lesion is eccentric initially but may involve the entire width of the bone as it enlarges. In a smaller bone such as a metacarpal or fibula, giant cell tumors expand and balloon the bone. Characteristically, the lesion extends to the subarticular bone or joint surface but does not involve the joint. The lesion usually has a sharp zone of transition and is fairly well demarcated from normal bone, but there is no sclerotic rim. At times, the zone of transition is wider and the medullary extent of the lesion is not as sharply defined (Fig. 4-19). The lesions may appear to contain thin septa of bone, but these are actually ridges on the inner surface of the cortex and are not true septations. There is no periosteal new-bone formation unless there has been a pathologic fracture. Large lesions may destroy portions of the cortex.

FIG. 4-19. Giant cell tumor of the tibia. A lytic tumor that has expanded and has apparently destroyed the lateral tibial cortex. The margin is less sharply defined than those in Fig. 4-18, suggesting the possibility of a malignancy, although this lesion was benign.

Benign giant cell tumors have a malignant counterpart. Recurrences after surgical therapy are suggestive of malignancy. Lesions that appear aggressive, with destruction of the cortex and a wider zone of transition, also suggest malignancy. Local recurrence after curettage is common. Pulmonary metastases are very rare and tend to be indolent. Giant Cell Reparative Granuloma Giant cell reparative granuloma is an uncommon lytic lesion that usually involves the mandible, but it more recently has been recognized to occur in the metacarpals, metatarsals, and phalanges. Typically it presents as a markedly expansile and ballooned lesion in small bones. Aneurysmal Bone Cyst Aneurysmal bone cyst may arise de novo or in association with various benign lesions, such as giant cell tumor, chondroblastoma, chondromyxoid fibroma, and fibrous dysplasia, or malignant tumors, including osteosarcoma and chondrosarcoma. 4 One must be aware of this possibility when the diagnosis of an aneurysmal bone cyst is made. Small biopsy specimens or biopsies of only one portion of such a tumor may be misleading. In general, an aneurysmal bone cyst occurring in a patient younger than 20 years of age is primary, whereas an increasing percentage of those occurring in later years are secondary and associated with other tumors. Approximately half are found in the major long bones and the remainder in the axial skeleton, particularly the spine, the vertebrae, rather than the vertebral body, are the usual sites of origin or maximal involvement.

sacrum, and pelvis 16. The posterior elements of

The lesion may be difficult to distinguish from a giant cell tumor. The age of the patient is helpful. Eighty-five percent of giant cell tumors occur in patients older than 20 years of age, whereas 78% of aneurysmal bone cysts occur in younger patients. Roentgenographic Features. Aneurysmal bone cysts often have a characteristic radiographic appearance ( Fig. 4-20 and Fig. 4-21)2. Typically, the lesion consists of an eccentric, ballooned or aneurysmal, expanded radiolucency originating in the metaphysis. The margin is usually well circumscribed, with or without a sclerotic rim.

Trabeculation is sometimes seen within the lesion, but there is no significant mineralization or calcification. Soft-tissue extension is produced by bulging of the periosteum, resulting in a thin layer of new bone outlining the periphery of the tumor, which may or may not be visible. The elevation of the periosteum may result in a buttress or Codman's triangle at the periphery of the lesion. Aneurysmal bone cysts have been shown to demonstrate a fluidblood level on CT and MRI (see Fig. 4-20C). Although highly suggestive of an aneurysmal bone cyst, fluidblood levels have also been reported in cases of giant cell tumor, telangiectatic osteosarcoma, metastasis, and chondroblastoma.

FIG. 4-21. Two cases of aneurysmal bone cyst of the spine. A: This lesion involves the left side of the body and arch of T12 and the adjacent portion of the 12th rib. Note the absence of the left pedicle. The lesion is purely destructive. B: Computed tomogram of an aneurysmal bone cyst of L4 demonstrates an expansile lesion involving the pedicle, transverse process, and facet, with extension into the vertebral body. The lesion is obviously expansile and purely lytic.

The typical spinal lesion 1 consists of a purely lytic process of the posterior elements and body. Less commonly, it is limited to the posterior vertebral elements alone (see Fig. 4-21); involvement of the body alone is rare. An unusual feature of the aneurysmal bone cyst is its ability to cross the disc space and involve adjacent vertebrae. As in long bones, inability to visualize the thin outer cortical shell may suggest malignancy. The principal differential diagnostic consideration of such an expansile lesion of the spine is an osteoblastoma. Intraosseous Ganglion Intraosseous ganglion usually arises in the epiphysis or adjacent metaphysis, particularly in the region of the medial malleolus of the distal tibia and in the carpal and tarsal bones. Radiographically it appears as a solitary, sharply defined lucency with a thin rim of sclerosis. The small, common, rounded, cyst-like lesion in the neck of the femur, although suggestive of an intraosseous ganglion, is actually a normal variantthe so-called herniation pit, described in Chapter 8. Post-Traumatic Bone Cyst Small cystic areas often found in the bones of the wrist and hand may be caused by trauma, possibly forming as a result of a localized hemorrhage within the bone. Multiple cysts of this type have been reported in workers using pneumatic air drills. Similar cyst-like lesions also are found in persons without a history of previous injury. Some of these may be islands of cartilage that failed to ossify during the course of skeletal growth. Synovial cysts are discussed in Chapter 3. Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism is discussed in Chapter 6. Epidermoid Cyst (Cholesteatoma) A sharply marginated, cystic-appearing tumor is occasionally encountered in the cranial bones, usually in children or young adults. Pathologically, it is a cyst lined with squamous epithelium and filled with mushy, pearl-colored material consisting of cholesterol and cellular debris. These tumors are known as cholesteatomas, epidermoidomas, or epidermoid cysts. When the cyst is as described, the term epidermoid cyst is used. When dermal structures (e.g., hair, teeth) are also included, the lesion is known as a dermoid cyst. Dermoid cysts are usually midline structures found either within the occiput or anteriorly in the region of the nasion, whereas the epidermoid elements are found throughout the skull. Occasionally, primary cholesteatomas are encountered in the temporal bone. In the skull, epidermoid cysts are of congenital origin, arising from epidermoid inclusions at the time of closure of the neural groove. The lesion arises in the diploic space and expands the inner and outer tables ( Fig. 4-22). Viewed en face, it characteristically appears as a sharply outlined, rounded or ovoid area of bone deficit, with a thin surrounding zone of sclerosis. The edge of the defect is often slightly scalloped in places. When the lesion is viewed tangentially, it is apparent that the tables have been expanded symmetrically. The tumor grows very slowly and may be asymptomatic except for the deformity caused by the mass.

FIG. 4-22. Epidermoid cyst of the skull. An area of radiolucency is surrounded by a thin rim of sclerosis. The lesion is scalloped.

Epidermoid Inclusion Cyst A lesion pathologically similar to the epidermoid cyst is found in the terminal phalanx. These lesions are acquired by the implantation of epidermal cells occurring as the result of an injury such as a puncture wound by a sewing needle. Radiographically, the lesion presents as a sharply circumscribed, round or oval destructive lesion, often with a very clearly defined, thin, sclerotic rim marking the border between it and the adjacent bone. 5 A glomus tumor can have a similar appearance in the distal phalanx. Hemangioma of Bone Hemangiomas of bone are uncommon tumors except in the cranial vault and vertebrae. Multiple lesions are common in the spine but not elsewhere. They are benign lesions, corresponding histologically to the more common hemangiomas of the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Osseous hemangiomas are relatively common in adults but are infrequent in children. In the skull, the lesion appears as a small palpable mass; it is usually found incidentally in a vertebra. Rarely, the tumor may cause collapse of a vertebral body and result in clinical signs and symptoms of vertebral compression. The rare tumors of the long tubular bones may cause

symptoms because of growth of the tumor mass. Roentgenographic Features. In the skull, the lesion is a round, lucent area about 1 to 2 cm in diameter, often in the frontal bone. When viewed en face, it has a fine granular appearance. When viewed in profile, the lesion is a smoothly convex, bony mass protruding from the outer table, containing characteristic and fine vertical, radiating, sunburst-like striations ( Fig. 4-23A, B). Rare hemangiomas arising in the cortex of tubular bones or in flat bones such as the scapula or pelvis are similar in appearance to cranial hemangiomas. In extracranial locations, this may suggest an osteogenic sarcoma; however, the margin of a hemangioma is sharp and distinct, without an accompanying soft-tissue mass. Clinical symptoms are minimal or nonexistent.

FIG. 4-23. Hemangioma of bone. A: Hemangioma of the skull. Note the somewhat granular appearance in the parietal bone. B and C: Excised specimen of a benign hemangioma of the skull shown in two projections. Characteristic linear striation is noted in the tangential view. (Courtesy of Radiological Registry of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, D.C.) D: Hemangioma of a vertebral body. Note the characteristic palisade-like vertical striations. E and F: Magnetic resonance images of multiple vertebral hemangiomas in a 33-year-old man. T1-weighted image ( E) demonstrates obvious vertical striations across the entire L3 vertebral body (white arrow). The signal within this vertebra is mixed, containing some foci of higher signal. There are smaller foci of signal within the midportion of the fourth lumbar vertebra and the first sacral segment ( black arrow). T1-weighted image (F), taken after administration of gadolinium, demonstrates an extremely bright signal from the entire third lumbar vertebral body and small, rounded, similar foci within L4 and the first sacral segment. These findings are typical of hemangioma. T2-weighted images would give a similar although less intense bright signal.

In the spine, hemangiomas produce coarse vertical striations within the vertebral body ( Fig. 4-23C). The normal trabecular architecture is more or less completely replaced by these alternating vertical trabeculations and the clear spaces between them. Short, horizontal striations may extend between two or more of the vertical trabeculations to produce a honeycomb appearance. In some persons, a large number of vertebral bodies show some features of this pattern, perhaps to only a slight degree. In these persons, the changes represent hardly more than an anatomic variation. The vertebral processes are infrequently affected, and, rarely, the bone is eroded and soft-tissue extension produces a paravertebral soft-tissue mass. Hemangiomas are commonly encountered as incidental findings when the spine is examined by MRI. They appear as areas of mixed signal intensity, both intermediate and high, within the vertebral body on T1-weighted images, which become bright, high signal on T2 ( Fig. 4-23E, F). Hemangiomas within the vertebral body are interspersed with fat, accounting for foci of increased signal on T1-weighted images. The vascular component itself is of intermediate signal on T1. Foci of fat are commonly found within vertebral bodies by MRI. They are readily identified by high signal on T1 but reduced signal on T2, which distinguishes them from vertebral hemangiomas. Hemangiomas rarely occur in the intramedullary portion of long bones, and when they do they are expansile and trabeculated in a manner somewhat similar to that seen in the vertebral body. Soft-tissue hemangiomas and arteriovenous malformations occasionally invade bone, producing erosions. Phleboliths are often present in the soft-tissue component and should suggest the diagnosis. Diffuse Cystic Angiomatosis (Hemangiomatosis and Lymphangiomatosis) Diffuse cystic angiomatosis, a rare condition, is a congenital malformation involving endothelium-lined vessels that may contain blood or lymph. Widespread skeletal involvement, including the skull, vertebrae, ribs, and long bones, produces numerous lucent lesions of varying sizes and shapes. The cortex may be eroded and expanded. The condition is usually discovered in an adolescent after a pathologic fracture occurs. Individual lesions are clearly defined, and many have a thin, sclerotic margin. The prognosis usually is good unless the condition is associated with visceral involvement. Arteriography is useful in establishing the presence of visceral lesions. Malignancy is always a possibility, with hemangiosarcoma usually rapidly fatal. Spontaneous Osteolysis (Disappearing Bone) There are a number of syndromes associated with osteolysis that can be differentiated clinically and radiographically. paragraphs.

They are described in the following

1. Idiopathic hereditary osteolysis. This is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait and is manifested in early childhood by pain that may resemble arthritis. The carpal and tarsal bones are involved first, and the bone destruction may extend to involve adjacent long bones. There is no angiomatosis, no renal disease, and no threat to life. 2. Autosomal recessive carpal and tarsal osteolysis. Several syndromes have been described in which there is progressive and extensive destruction of carpals and tarsals. Elbows may also be involved. 3. Idiopathic osteolysis with nephropathy. This also involves the carpal, tarsal, and adjacent tubular bones of young children. These patients develop azotemia and usually die early in adult life. 4. Massive osteolysis of Gorham. This is a painless condition usually affecting the proximal skeleton; it is usually unifocal. There is complete destruction of all or part of the involved bone by angiomatous tissue, which may spread to adjacent bones and soft tissues. This syndrome occurs in children and young adults and is not life-threatening unless vital structures are encroached on. Some of these patients recover spontaneously, often with some residual deformity. 5. Post-traumatic osteolysis. This is a relatively rare phenomenon that occurs principally in the outer margin of the clavicle after repeated injury of the acromioclavicular joint. A similar process has also been reported after injuries of the distal ulna. The radiographic features of these osteolytic syndromes are those of bone destruction without evidence of callus formation, sclerosis, or an associated soft-tissue mass. Lipoma Lipoma is an extremely rare lesion of bone that is usually reported within the calcaneus or proximal femur. It is visualized as a lucent lesion with a sclerotic rim that is characteristically thin in the calcaneus but wider in the proximal femur. Occasionally, calcification fills most of the lesion. Lipomas commonly arise in the intertrochanteric region of the proximal femur ( Fig. 4-24) or in the calcaneus. They are sharply defined, rarely expansile, and sufficiently characteristic to allow the diagnosis to be established with confidence by radiographic and CT criteria. This is important because practically all patients are asymptomatic and the lesion is only found incidentally on radiographs obtained for trauma or other reasons. Lipomas have no malignant potential and are rarely the focus of a pathologic fracture; therefore, once the true nature of the lesion is recognized, no surgical intervention is required. Lipomas represent another good example of a leave me alone lesion.

FIG. 4-24. Intramedullary lipoma in an asymptomatic 47-year-old woman. A: Note the sharply marginated, slightly eccentric lesion with a heavily calcified, swirling, thick margin of calcification at the level of the lesser trochanter. The overlying cortex is intact. B: Computed tomography scan confirms the sharp definition of the lesion with a thick, irregular border contiguous with the cortex anteriorly and medially. The density of the center of the lesion is that of fat and confirms the diagnosis of lipoma.

Synovioma Synovioma is discussed in Chapter 3. Neurofibroma Neurofibromatosis, or von Recklinghausen's disease, is discussed in Chapter 9. Neurofibroma occurring as a solitary lesion without the other stigmata of von Recklinghausen's disease is a moderately common lesion. A neurofibroma of an intercostal nerve causes an extrapleural soft-tissue mass, often associated with pressure erosion of the adjacent inferior cortex of the rib. If the mass is large, the rib interspace may be locally widened. Tumors arising from a spinal nerve root often are of the dumbbell type, with intraspinal and extraspinal extensions. They are best evaluated by CT. Erosion of vertebral pedicles and widening of the intervertebral foramen are common, and the intraspinal component may cause concave erosion of the posterior surface of the vertebral body ( Fig. 4-25). The extraspinal component can be visualized as a rounded, soft-tissue mass adjacent to the spine in the thoracic area. In the lumbar spine, the extraspinal mass usually cannot be seen on a plain film unless it is very large, when it may cause a lateral bulge of the psoas muscle. Neurofibroma of a long tubular bone may cause a localized, cyst-like lucency in the shaft. Occasionally it is seen as a small excavation in the cortex of the bone, when it is described as a pit or cave defect. Neurofibromas of the cranial nerves often cause enlargement of the corresponding foramen. The acoustic nerve is the most common site of the tumor within the skull.

FIG. 4-25. Neurofibroma. A large neurofibroma arising from a lumbar nerve root has resulted in pressure erosion of the posterior aspect of the vertebral body and adjacent posterior elements of the spine.

Teratoma A teratoma is a tumor containing all of the germinal tissuesectodermal, mesodermal, and entodermal. A malignant tumor, either carcinoma or sarcoma, may develop within a teratoma, and the lesion is then referred to as a malignant teratoma. External teratomatous malformations are most frequently encountered in the upper jaw and the sacrococcygeal area. Almost all teratomas contain bone or calcified cartilage. The normal structure, jaw or sacrum, to which the teratoma is attached often shows abnormal ossification and may be grossly distorted. The characteristic locations, the presence of the mass at birth, and the finding of bone or calcification within it are reliable diagnostic signs ( Fig. 4-26).

FIG. 4-26. Sacrococcygeal teratoma. This large mass found in a newborn infant contains scattered areas of calcification and bone. The lower sacrum and coccyx are deformed.

Other sacrococcygeal masses include meningocele and myelomeningocele, chordoma, and neurofibroma 11.


Secondary Malignancies of Bone (Metastatic Carcinoma) Primary malignancies of bone are relatively rare. Secondary malignancies of bone are as common as primary bone tumors are rare. As a rule, when a bone lesion is observed in a patient older than 45 years of age, the primary considerations must be metastatic carcinoma and multiple myeloma. Cancer of the breast and prostate account for the majority of bone metastases, and the lungs, kidneys, and thyroid are relatively frequent sources. Metastatic disease to bone develops in two thirds of carcinomas of the breast and in 50% of carcinomas of prostate. Twenty-five percent of tumors in the lungs and kidneys produce

skeletal metastases, but skeletal metastases occur in no more than 10% of all other malignancies. Carcinomas of the gastrointestinal tract (esophagus, stomach, pancreas, and colon) and the genital tract (ovaries, uterus, cervix, and testicles), although common, rarely metastasize to bone. Likewise, sarcomas rarely metastasize to bone. The most common sites of metastasis are the axial skeleton (spine, pelvis, ribs, and skull) and the appendicular skeleton in the proximal ends of the humerus and femur. All are sites of persistent red marrow. 11 Metastases distal to the elbow and knees are infrequent but may occur. Bone metastases sometimes exhibit a pathologic fracture at presentation, but in most cases there is a history of pain at the site of the metastatic deposit. Some tumors are occult and may be discovered incidentally on a routine radiologic examination or bone scan. Bone scanning is much more sensitive than radiography in the detection of bone destruction.

is the nuclide most commonly used in bone scanning. Because of its sensitivity, a radionuclide bone scan should be the initial examination for the detection of metastatic disease to bone. 10 Only 3% of all patients with x-ray documentation of metastases have no evidence of increased uptake on bone scan. All sites of activity suggesting metastatic disease can then be radiographed for further evaluation ( Fig. 4-27 and Fig. 4-28). In symptomatic patients, the reverse order of examination is often usedthat is, sites of pain are evaluated by radiography and, in those cases in which the radiograph is negative or equivocal, a bone scan is obtained. CT and possibly MRI are more sensitive than radiography in the detection of metastases, particularly in the spine and pelvis. Therefore, in those patients with a positive bone scan in the spine and negative x-rays, consideration should be given to a CT or MRI examination (see Fig. 4-28 and Fig. 4-32B).

FIG. 4-32. Two cases of metastasis to the spine. A: Metastases from carcinoma of the breast to the left pedicle ( arrow) of a lower thoracic vertebra. Note the absence of a normal ovoid ring shadow of the pedicle. There are also destructive lesions in the ribs. B: T1-weighted magnetic resonance image. Metastases to the dorsal and lumbar vertebrae from carcinoma of the lung are identified by areas of low signal on T1-weighted image. Some vertebral bodies are almost completely filled by metastatic disease. A lower thoracic vertebra is compressed and the posterior wall protrudes into the spinal canal, compressing the spinal cord ( black arrow). In a midlumbar vertebra the end-plate has collapsed ( white arrow) and the intervertebral disc protrudes into metastatic deposit located centrally within the subjacent vertebral body.

MRI has a distinct advantage in those patients who have neurologic findings or significant collapse of vertebral bodies on plain film radiographs because it directly visualizes extension of disease from the vertebra that abuts, surrounds, or compresses the spinal cord (see Fig. 4-32B). Roentgenographic Features. Most metastases are osteolytic and purely destructive; a smaller number are osteoblastic and produce well-defined areas of increased density. Still others are of a mixed variety, combining both osteolytic and osteoblastic types. Osteolytic Type. The lesion begins in the medullary canal and is poorly marginated, often with a moderate to wide zone of transition. The margins are somewhat frayed and seldom sharp and smooth, and in almost all cases they lack a sclerotic rim ( Fig. 4-29). As the lesion grows, it erodes and thins the cortex, possibly leading to a pathologic fracture. There is usually no periosteal new-bone formation. The most common sources for osteolytic metastases are the breast, lungs, kidney, and thyroid.

FIG. 4-29. Metastasis of the femoral shaft from carcinoma of the breast. Distally there is a lytic, ill-defined lesion in the intramedullary canal. The white arrow demonstrates an ill-defined, lytic lesion within the cortex. The black arrow demonstrates a poorly defined intramedullary lesion, identified by the presence of endosteal erosion.

Tumors of the kidney and thyroid are prone to have a single metastatic focus, whereas metastases from breast or lung carcinoma are more often multiple when first encountered. Occasionally, metastatic foci from carcinomas of the kidney and thyroid are expansile and coarsely trabeculated, resulting in a soap-bubble appearance (Fig. 4-30). A solitary myeloma may have a similar appearance (see Fig. 4-41).

FIG. 4-30. Osteolytic expansile metastasis from carcinoma of the thyroid. The metastasis destroys and expands the inferior ischiopubic ramus.

FIG. 4-41. Plasmacytoma of the scapula. Note the soap-bubbly, slightly expansile process in the neck of the scapula.

Metastases are occasionally found limited to the cortex; they usually arise from a primary bronchogenic carcinoma of the lung and rarely from other sources (see Fig. 4-29). This is probably the result of unique characteristics of the cortical blood supply (see Cortical Bone Abscess in Chapter 5). When small, the lesions present as a well-defined radiolucency within the cortex. When they are larger, the overlying cortex is destroyed, leaving an elongated, saucer-like defect on the outer margin of the cortex. Osteolytic metastases within ribs are commonly identified on chest radiographs by the extrapleural sign ( Fig. 4-31). This is created as a metastatic focus grows, destroys, and expands beyond the rib, lifting the underlying pleura and bulging into the lung. This sign is seen in profile on the chest radiograph as a mound-like protrusion arising from the chest wall, broader at its base than in height, and having obtuse angles with the chest wall. The surface of the lesion is smooth and sharply defined against the underlying lung. Multiple myeloma ( Fig. 4-31B) and benign tumors may present in a similar fashion. Fractures of the ribs can also be recognized by an extrapleural sign because of the surrounding hematoma.

FIG. 4-31. Two cases of extrapleural sign. A: Metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the pharynx involving the anterolateral aspect of the third left rib. The lesion has a smooth, sharply defined interface with the lung and is broader at its base than its height. The angles formed with the chest wall are obtuse. Close inspection reveals destruction of the underlying rib. B: Multiple myeloma in the anterolateral margin of the third right rib in a 66-year-old man. The rib is expanded and the cortex destroyed. The lesion has a sharp, smooth interface with the underlying lung. The lesion is characteristically broader at its base than its height.

The principal sign of spinal involvement is a vertebral body collapse with cortical destruction and often a small, surrounding soft-tissue mass. The disease often extends into the pedicles and occasionally into the neural arches. Rarely, metastatic disease is limited to posterior elements. Involvement of the pedicle may be evidenced on anteroposterior radiographs of the spine by a destruction of some portion of its oval, cortical outline, the pedicle sign ( Fig. 4-32A). In actuality, destruction of any portion of cortical bone within the spine, not just the pedicle, is suggestive of metastatic disease. CT and MRI are more sensitive than standard film radiography in the detection of metastatic disease in the spine and elsewhere ( Fig. 4-32B). In patients having a positive bone scan and a negative radiograph, a CT or MRI examination should be considered, because either may demonstrate areas of cortical and trabecular destruction before they are evident on the radiograph. In the presence of a metastatic deposit, the normal high-intensity signal from the marrow fat found on a T1-weighted MRI is replaced by a lower-intensity signal from a metastatic deposit. Cortical destruction is better seen by CT than MRI. The disease that must be considered in the differential diagnosis is multiple myeloma. In the spine, myeloma is less likely than metastatic carcinoma to involve a pedicle but more likely to produce a large soft-tissue mass. In the skull and long bones, the myeloma deposits tend to be multiple and more sharply defined Osteoblastic Type (Sclerotic). Osteoblastic metastases are characterized by their pronounced density. About 10% of carcinomas of the breast and 90% of carcinomas of the prostate are osteoblastic. They may occur as more or less isolated, rounded sclerotic densities or as a diffuse sclerosis involving a large area in the bone such as an entire vertebral body or multiple bones ( Fig. 4-33 and Fig. 4-34). The density within the lesion is fairly uniform, amorphous, and homogeneous, similar to that of cortical bone. The normal trabecular architecture is lost. The involved intramedullary bone approaches cortical bone in density; therefore, for instance, where the entire width of a rib is involved one cannot distinguish between the cortex and medullary portion of the bone. The principal differential diagnostic task is to distinguish blastic metastases from Paget's disease. In Paget's disease, the cortex is thickened and the overall width of the bone is increased, with coarsening of the trabecular pattern of intramedullary bone. In metastatic disease, the patches of density are amorphous but without coarsening of the trabecular pattern, and the width of the cortex and size of the bone remain normal. With diffuse involvement of the entire skeleton, as sometimes happens in prostatic carcinoma, there may be a superficial resemblance to osteopetrosis. In men, the sclerotic metastases are usually secondary to carcinoma of the prostate, often associated with the increase in the serum acid phosphatase. In women, sclerotic metastases are usually secondary to carcinoma of the breast. Sclerotic metastases are also encountered from small cell carcinoma of the lung, from uroepithelial tumors (transitional cell carcinoma), and, less commonly, from gastrointestinal carcinomas (stomach, pancreas, and colon) and carcinoid tumors. Lymphoma and Hodgkin's disease also incite a sclerotic reaction in bone. Metastatic carcinoma of the prostate sometimes causes a sunburst periosteal reaction, which gives the metastatic focus the appearance of primary osteogenic sarcoma. Lesions of this type are also rarely encountered from primary lesions of the rectum and colon. Mixed Type. In the mixed type, there is a combination of destruction and sclerosis, usually with destruction predominating. The affected bone has a mottled appearance, with intermixed areas of rarefaction and increased density. About 10% of carcinomas of the breast and a similar percentage of carcinomas of the prostate are of this variety. Metastatic Neuroblastoma Neuroblastoma is a highly malignant tumor encountered in infants and children. It arises from sympathetic nervous tissue, often within the adrenal gland. A palpable mass in the abdomen may be the first evidence of disease, or the tumor may appear as a paraspinous mass in the thorax. Calcification often is visible within the primary tumor. The tumor shows a pronounced tendency to metastasize to the skeletal system. Roentgenographic Features. In the skull, neuroblastoma produces rather characteristic changes ( Fig. 4-35). The cranial sutures are spread, owing to plaques of

tumor tissue growing within the meninges over the surface of the brain. There are poorly defined areas of spotty rarefaction which create a permeative destruction within the skull. Thin, whisker-like calcifications frequently extend outward and inward from the tables of the skull. The combination of these findings is highly suggestive of metastatic neuroblastoma.

FIG. 4-35. Neuroblastoma metastasis to the skull. An area of mixed sclerotic and lytic involvement is seen in the frontal bone. The coronal suture is widened, indicating increased intracranial pressure secondary to metastatic involvement of the meninges. Patches of bone destruction are also demonstrated in the parietal bone.

In the long tubular bones, the metastatic foci are most often permeative or moth-eaten, and the cortex often eroded ( Fig. 4-36). Bilateral and symmetrical foci may occur. Periosteal new-bone formation may parallel the cortex or, as in the skull, form thin spiculations at right angles to the cortex.

FIG. 4-36. Neuroblastoma metastasis to the proximal humerus. Note the ill-defined permeative destructive process (compare with Fig. 4-51 and Fig. 4-52, Ewing's tumor). Round cell tumors of bone are very similar in radiographic appearance.

FIG. 4-51. Ewing's tumor involving the diaphysis of the femur in a young adult. Laminated, onionskin, periosteal new-bone formation extends over a considerable length of the shaft. The medullary destruction is permeative and poorly defined.

FIG. 4-52. Ewing's tumor involving the metaphysis and proximal shaft of the humerus. There is a permeative destruction and a well-defined, laminated Codman's triangle (arrow) at its distal margin.

All so-called round cell tumors of childhood, Ewing's tumor, neuroblastoma, and leukemia, may have a similar radiographic appearance, particularly in the long bones. Myelopoietic Lesions of Bone Multiple Myeloma (Plasma Cell Myeloma) Multiple myeloma is made up of plasma cells, which appear to arise from cells within the bone marrow, but the precise cell of origin is not clear. It is the most common primary tumor arising within bone, and it occasionally arises in extraskeletal tissues. It is associated with abnormal gamma globulins and an abnormal protein, the Bence Jones protein, in the urine. Multiple myeloma may be associated with amyloidosis. Myeloma is found chiefly in persons between 40 and 70 years of age and is somewhat more common in men than in women. The bones involved by myeloma are the same as those in metastatic carcinomathe spine, ribs, pelvis, skull, and proximal ends of the humerus and femur.

Roentgenographic Features. The lesions of myeloma are typically multiple, round, punched-out, clean-cut areas of destruction with no surrounding sclerosis. In the flat bones, such as the pelvis and skull, the individual lesions can be seen to best advantage; they appear as numerous small, punched-out defects ( Fig. 4-37). As a rule, the lytic lesions in the skull are smaller and better defined than those of metastatic carcinoma, but occasionally large and less well-defined lesions are observed. In some patients, the lesions in the skull are very small and produce a porous, salt-and-pepper appearance somewhat similar to that observed in hyperparathyroidism.

FIG. 4-37. A and B: Multiple myeloma in two patients. Multiple lytic areas are scattered throughout the calvarium. Note that the lesions tend to coalesce when widespread.

In the long bones, lesions tend to appear as small or coalescing discrete areas of lytic destruction frequently associated with endosteal scalloping ( Fig. 4-38). Lesions may enlarge or coalesce and lead to pathologic fractures. Pathologic fractures are particularly common in the ribs. On occasion, the lesions appear moth-eaten or even permeated. Occasionally, myeloma may cause expansion of the cortex and appear trabeculated or honeycombed (see Fig. 4-41). Extension into the surrounding tissues is common. Soft-tissue masses are more common in myeloma than in metastatic carcinoma. Myeloma may occasionally cross joints to involve adjacent bones (Fig. 4-39). This is exceedingly rare in metastasis and other malignancies and may be considered characteristic of myeloma. In the ribs, these tumors may produce large extrapleural masses that protrude into the thorax (see Fig. 4-31B).

FIG. 4-38. Multiple myeloma. The midfemoral shaft is involved by a number of lytic lesions. Note the endosteal erosion by several of the lesions.

FIG. 4-39. Plasmacytoma of the sacrum in a 72-year-old man. A: Anteroposterior view of the pelvis demonstrates a destructive lesion of the entire body of the sacrum that extends across the L5-S1 intervertebral disc to destroy the left inferior aspect of the fifth lumbar vertebral body and across the left sacroiliac joint to destroy the adjacent iliac bone. B: Computed tomography scan confirms a large destructive mass arising from the sacrum and extending into the iliac bone. There is no matrix within the lesion. The anterior border of the lesion is slightly lobulated.

In perhaps one fourth of cases, typical circumscribed defects are absent in the initial phases of the disease. In some patients, the bones may appear normal or simply osteoporotic. This is particularly true of spinal or rib involvement, in which the identification of discrete foci of disease is uncommon. Involvement of the pedicles in multiple myeloma is less common, and paraspinous soft-tissue masses tend to be larger than in metastatic carcinoma. Involvement of the spine leads to compression fractures of vertebral bodies similar to those seen in senile osteoporosis or metastatic disease ( Fig. 4-40). The collapse of several discontiguous vertebral bodies should suggest the possibility of multiple myeloma.

FIG. 4-40. Multiple myeloma of the spine. There are multiple compression fractures of the lower dorsal vertebrae and a biconcave lumbar vertebra. Discrete foci of disease are rarely identified in the spine in multiple myeloma. Note that the tomogram does demonstrate one single area of destruction in a vertebral end-plate (arrow).

Rare examples of myeloma have been reported in which the foci of disease were sclerotic rather than lytic. The sclerotic lesions may be solitary or diffuse, the latter simulating the osteoblastic metastases observed in metastatic prostate disease. Also, occasionally osteolytic lesions may have thin sclerotic margins. Bone scanning is not as sensitive to the presence of multiple myeloma as it is to metastatic carcinoma or other primary diseases of bone. Indeed, as many as 40% to 50% of patients with foci of multiple myeloma demonstrate no evidence of increased radionuclide activity. A negative bone scan does not rule out foci of myeloma, and a positive bone scan may miss a significant number of lesions in any given patient. Therefore, the radionuclide bone scan takes a secondary role to plain film radiography in the evaluation of multiple myeloma. As in metastatic disease, CT and MRI may be of value in demonstrating foci of disease that are inapparent on standard radiographic examinations. Solitary Myeloma (Plasmacytoma) Infrequently, myeloma occurs as an apparently solitary lesion, and some of these may pursue a relatively benign course, remaining as a single lesion for years. In most cases, however, the tumor develops into typical multiple myeloma and eventually becomes widespread. The average age at which myeloma is first detected is 45 years. The tumor is more common in men than in women. The favored sites are the spine, ribs, upper femur, pelvis (see Fig. 4-39), and upper humerus. Roentgenographic Features. In long bones, solitary myeloma causes a central area of destruction, usually in the shaft; expansion and trabeculation are common, with little or no periosteal reaction. In the pelvis, scapula, and ribs, markedly expansile and trabeculated tumors resembling soap bubbles may be encountered ( Fig. 4-41). Expansile lesions are also common in the spine, whereas others are purely destructive and cause a collapse of the vertebral body. A soft-tissue mass surrounding the vertebra is common. Extension into the vertebral processes is sometimes encountered. Acute Leukemia Bone involvement with radiographic findings is quite common in acute leukemias of infants and children. Occasionally, bone lesions precede typical findings in the peripheral blood, and the radiographic examination may suggest the diagnosis. Early findings consist of a transverse zone of lucency crossing the width of the metaphyses of long bones. These findings are similar to the lucent zone seen in infantile scurvy. Fractures may occur through such a weakened area and should suggest the possibility of leukemia, particularly in patients younger than 2 years of age. In others, there are metaphyseal or diaphyseal patches of moth-eaten or permeative bone destruction and laminated periosteal new-bone formation ( Fig. 4-42). These may be found in any bone and are often symmetrical. Larger areas of destruction may be encountered.

FIG. 4-42. Leukemia involving the tibia. There are poorly defined areas of destruction as well as periosteal reaction forming a Codman's triangle on the medial aspect of the tibia. Note the thin, translucent band crossing the upper and lower metaphyses of the tibia and, to a lesser extent, of the fibula (compare with Fig. 4-51 and Fig. 4-52).

Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia It is not to be expected that roentgenographic examination of the skeleton will yield any significant information in most patients who have chronic myelogenous leukemia. Although involvement of bone marrow is common, the disease rarely causes distinct roentgenographic changes other than, perhaps, a nonspecific osteoporosis. Although osteosclerosis has been described, it seems likely that most cases are actually examples of myelofibrosis that terminate with a leukemoid blood picture (see Chapter 7). Lymphoma of Bone Involvement of bone by lymphoma is not common, but when it does occur the lesions are usually destructive and osteolytic, resembling those of metastatic carcinoma (Fig. 4-43). Rarely the bone lesions are sclerotic, and occasionally they are of mixed density. It occurs mainly in older persons, most commonly after the age of 50 years, but occasionally between the ages of 20 and 50. Lymphoma may occur at both ends and in the diaphysis of long bones; it also appears in the flat bones such as the ilium, scapulae, and ribs, and occasionally in the vertebrae and sacrum. The lesion is typically permeative and ill-defined, arising in the medullary cavity and soon involving the cortex. Periosteal new-bone formation is frequently seen, but in some cases it is absent. The tumor incites reactive bone formation in some cases, and therefore patches of sclerosis may be identified. It is often associated with large soft-tissue masses. Pathologic fracture occurs in as many as 25% of cases. In older persons, lymphoma is similar in appearance to fibrosarcoma, malignant fibrous histiocytoma, and osteolytic osteosarcoma, as well as metastatic disease. The distinctions between these tumors cannot be made with any degree of certainty on the basis of radiographic appearance. Hodgkin's Disease Hodgkin's disease affects bone more frequently than does lymphosarcoma. In many instances, the lesions closely resemble those of metastatic carcinoma and the diagnosis of Hodgkin's disease cannot be made from the roentgenographic appearance. About two thirds of cases are mixed lytic and sclerotic, a few are lytic, and the remainder (about 10% to 15%) are sclerotic lesions. In the pelvis, the lesions are of mixed osteolytic and osteoblastic type. Sclerotic lesions tend to be confined to the vertebrae (ivory vertebrae), which are relatively common sites of the disease. In some cases, there is erosion of the anterior surfaces of one or several contiguous vertebral bodies, suggesting that the tumor invaded the bone by direct extension from adjacent lymph nodes. At times, there may be preservation of the cortex, suggesting a form of pressure atrophy from adjacent lymphadenopathy rather than invasion of the vertebra. As would be expected, the greatest incidence occurs in the upper lumbar and lower thoracic regions, corresponding to the sites of paravertebral nodes. Primary Malignancies of Bone Osteosarcoma Osteosarcoma is the most common primary malignant tumor of bone. It is more common in males than in females, with greatest incidence between the ages of 10 and

25 years. Less commonly, osteosarcoma occurs in patients older than 25 years of age. Some of these lesions originate in bone involved by Paget's disease, especially in persons older than age 50. 17 The most common sites of origin are the distal end of the femur and the proximal ends of the tibia and humerus. Less commonly, osteosarcoma appears in the pelvic bones, particularly in the iliac wings, the proximal femur, the mandible, the proximal fibula, and the distal tibia. Osteosarcomas may occasionally be encountered in almost any bone within the body. Pain and local swelling are the usual presenting symptoms. Bone formation may occur within the metastatic deposits and may be homogeneously dense. There are four histologic types of osteosarcoma: osteoblastic (the most common), chondroblastic, fibroblastic, and telangiectatic. 6 For radiographic purposes, three forms of osteosarcoma may be recognized, depending on the presence or absence of tumor matrix ossification, or osteoid formation within the tumor. The three forms are osteolytic, sclerosing or osteoblastic, and mixed. Roentgenographic Features. The mixed form of osteosarcoma is the most common, and it is characterized by a mixture of bone destruction and osteoid production (Fig. 4-44 and Fig. 4-45)6. One or the other may predominate, but in most cases the destructive aspect overshadows the productive. Bone destruction is characteristically ragged, uneven, and poorly defined, with a broad zone of transition. The tumor disrupts the cortex and extends into the soft tissue. Codman's triangles are frequently seen at the edges of the tumor ( Fig. 4-44A). Periosteal new-bone formation is either irregular, of sunburst appearance, or consisting of coarse radiating spiculations arranged in an arc about the mass. Patches of amorphous, homogeneously dense osteoid are scattered throughout the lesion and may occur within the soft-tissue component of the mass (Fig. 4-44 and Fig. 4-45). The osteoblastic (sclerosing) form of osteosarcoma arises within the medullary canal and is manifested by an amorphous haze of mottled sclerosis indicative of osteoid formation (Fig. 4-45). The amount and density of bone formed by the tumor are characteristic of this type of osteosarcoma. As the cortex becomes involved, its outline is lost within the sclerotic tumor. The lesion soon disrupts the cortex and extends into the soft tissue, often forming dense spicules and irregular patches of bone. Although there is always a destructive aspect pathologically, it is largely obscured by the proliferative reaction and the dense osteoid. There is a tendency for this form to metastasize to other bones as well as to the lungs, forming dense masses of metastatic tumor. The osteolytic form characteristically begins in the metaphyseal end of a long bone as a central area of poorly marginated destruction with little or no new-bone formation (Fig. 4-46B). Codman's triangles may be identified at the margins of the tumor. The margins of the lesion are poorly defined and ragged, and the cortex is involved early and destroyed. The tumor extends into the soft tissue, often with a rather large soft-tissue mass ( Fig. 4-46C). It may be difficult or impossible to distinguish between the osteolytic form of osteosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, reticulum cell sarcoma, and malignant fibrous histiocytoma on the basis of their radiographic appearance. In general, osteosarcoma tends to occur in younger persons more than do the other tumors. Osteosarcoma shows a great tendency to metastasize to the lungs. The pulmonary lesions are visualized as discrete, usually multiple, round nodules of variable size, sometimes partially or completely ossified. Pulmonary metastases may develop early, and chest radiographs must be obtained to rule out metastases. CT is more sensitive than the chest radiograph in the disclosure of metastases. Metastases may also occur to other sites in the skeletal system, including the skull, spine, and distal long bones, particularly in the osteoblastic form. Bone scanning is necessary to rule out this possibility. These metastases may be identified at the initial presentation or may occur subsequently and have the same appearance as the primary tumor. In some cases, there is an extended delay between the appearance of the primary lesion and appearance of the second site of osteosarcoma. The question then arises as to whether this represents a metastasis or the metachronous origin of a second primary tumor. This question is debatable and not easily resolved. Rarely, in young children, osteogenic sarcoma occurs in multiple sites in the metaphyses of long bones, all sites being osteoblastic and similar in appearance and size, suggesting that they originated synchronously or simultaneously. This condition is known as osteosarcomatosis. Parosteal and Periosteal Osteosarcoma. Two additional distinct types of osteogenic sarcoma are recognized, parosteal and periosteal. Each has a distinctive radiographic and pathologic appearance and prognosis, which allows them to be differentiated from the more common osteogenic sarcoma arising in the medullary portion of bone. 4 Parosteal osteosarcoma accounts for 4% of all osteogenic sarcomas, and periosteal osteosarcoma is even less common, accounting for about 1%. The prognosis is more favorable in these two types than in the standard osteogenic sarcoma. Both can be treated successfully by wide local excision. Parosteal Osteosarcoma (Juxtacortical Osteosarcoma). Parosteal osteosarcoma is an uncommon tumor that is found in a somewhat older age group than osteosarcoma, in a broad range of ages between 15 and 55 years, and it is more common in women than in men. The classic location is the posterior distal metaphysis of the femur in the region of the popliteal space ( Fig. 4-47). Less commonly it arises in the posterior metaphysis of the proximal tibia and the proximal metaphysis of the humerus, and rarely elsewhere. It is slow-growing but has a tendency to recur after inadequate excision, and it may metastasize.

FIG. 4-47. Parosteal osteosarcoma. A large, dense mass protrudes from the posterior aspect of the lower femur. There is no evidence of extension into the intramedullary canal. This is a typical location and appearance for this tumor.

Radiographically it is a broad-based, juxtacortical, densely ossified mass, the periphery somewhat less dense than the base. 13 The lesion often consists of three layers: At the cortical surface it is dense and compact, it has a middle layer of cloud-like amorphous dense bone, and in the outer layer there are dense compact spicules extending into the periphery of the mass. The mass usually is sharply demarcated from the soft tissue and often is lobulated. It is attached to the cortex at some portion of the base and tends to encircle the shaft, leaving a narrow, clear zone between the tumor and the cortex. The lesion may eventually progress to cortical destruction and medullary invasion, but these usually cannot be seen on the plain radiograph ( Fig. 4-48). CT or MRI is required to determine the medullary extent of the lesion and the presence or absence of cortical disruption.

FIG. 4-48. Parosteal osteosarcoma of the proximal humerus. A: Anteroposterior radiograph demonstrates an irregular, cloud-like density typical of osteoid surrounding the proximal humerus. There is no obvious intramedullary extension, nor is there evidence of cortical destruction. B: Proximal computed tomographic (CT) scan demonstrates extension of the disease process into the humeral head ( arrow). C: A more inferior CT scan demonstrates areas of cortical destruction (arrows).

The lesion bears a superficial resemblance to myositis ossificans. However, myositis ossificans is more densely calcified at its periphery and usually does not involve the adjacent cortex. Osteochondroma is another diagnostic consideration, but the stalk of an exostosis is contiguous with the cortex of the bone from which it arises and the medullary bone within the stalk is also contiguous with that of the adjacent bone. Chondroid calcification within the cartilaginous cap may be present and is also distinctive. Periosteal Osteosarcoma. Periosteal sarcomas occur in the second and third decades of life and characteristically arise in the mid-diaphysis of long bones, particularly the tibia, femur, and humerus. They are characterized radiographically as an eccentric thickening of the cortex that has a central, saucer-shaped defect, out of which rise radiating spicules of periosteal reaction. The location and superficial cortical erosion are highly suggestive of periosteal osteosarcoma. Usually, the medullary cavity is not involved. Chondrosarcoma Chondrosarcoma is about half as common as osteogenic sarcoma, develops at a later age, grows more slowly, and metastasizes later. It is more common in men than in women. Most patients are older than 40 years of age, and the peak incidence is between the ages of 50 and 60. Chondrosarcoma may be either primary or secondary. In the primary form, it originates without a pre-existing lesion, whereas the secondary type develops in a pre-existing enchondroma or osteochondroma (exostosis). Chondrosarcoma is reported to occur in about 10% of patients with hereditary multiple exostosis. The incidence of chondrosarcoma in a solitary exostosis is less than 5%. The change from a benign to a malignant chondroma may be difficult to recognize. Any enchondroma or osteochondroma that becomes painful or begins to enlarge should be suspected of malignant degeneration. Chondrosarcoma can also be classified as central or peripheral, depending on its location in the bone of origin. Chondrosarcomas occur most frequently around the hip, in the iliac bone or pubis, and proximal femur, and less commonly in the proximal humerus and around the knee. They also occur in the ribs and less commonly in the spine and sacrum. Despite the frequency of benign chondromas in the small bones of the hands and feet, chondrosarcomas are exceedingly rare in these locations. Central Chondrosarcoma. Solitary enchondromas may become malignant, the potential decreasing from the hip or shoulder distally to the fingers or toes. Central chondrosarcoma of a tubular bone presents as a geographic radiolucent area of bone destruction within the cancellous bone of the diaphysis or metaphysis; it is poorly marginated. It is associated with endosteal erosion of the cortex and at times rather compact periosteal new-bone formation, which results in an appearance of thickening and local expansion of the cortex ( Fig. 4-49). The tumor usually contains characteristic chondroid calcification, nodules, or floccules of dense calcification, the same as those seen in benign tumors. In some cases these are absent, but the cortical changes, the age of the patient, and other aspects of the radiographic appearance of the tumor should suggest the diagnosis. Eventually the tumor erodes through the cortex and forms a soft-tissue mass adjacent to the lesion. Benign enchondromas of long bones are usually manifested only by the presence of typical chondroid calcification (see Fig. 4-7B). Because the lesion is confined to the cancellous bone, it is usually poorly defined. Whenever endosteal erosion or cortical thickening is encountered in association with chondroid calcification, the possibility of chondrosarcoma must be considered. Under these circumstances, the lesion is more likely to be a chondrosarcoma than a benign enchondroma. Benign enchondromas are not associated with pain; therefore, the presence of pain suggests chondrosarcoma. Similarly, any change in the radiographic appearance of a previously identified enchondroma must be viewed with suspicion. Peripheral Chondrosarcoma. This type of chondrosarcoma arises within a pre-existing osteochondroma or exostosis. The presence of pain or mass around a known or pre-existing peripheral exostosis should suggest the possibility of malignant transformation. Peripheral chondrosarcoma arises adjacent to the external surface of bone and is more common in the flat bones, particularly in the pelvis ( Fig. 4-50). The lesions present as a soft-tissue mass adjacent to bone, are often large and bulky, and characteristically contain chondroid calcifications. Initially the underlying cortex may be intact or may show erosion of its external surface. Eventually the cortex is destroyed, and the tumor invades the medullary cavity as well as the adjacent soft tissues. Chondrosarcomas may also arise in parosteal chondromas. These are associated with saucerized erosion of the metaphyses of long bones, and they often contain chondroid calcification. The presence of an enlarging soft-tissue mass or poor definition of the adjacent bone should suggest the possibility of malignant degeneration. Ewing's Tumor Ewing's tumor is a primary malignant tumor arising in the red bone marrow and closely related histologically to reticulum cell sarcoma. It is found most frequently between the ages of 5 and 25 years and rarely occurs in persons older than 30 years of age. Males are affected more frequently than females. The most frequent sites of involvement are the long bones of the extremities, particularly the femur. Classically the lesion is said to occur in the diaphysis of long bones, but in fact it arises more often in the metaphysis. The tumor also occurs quite frequently in the flat bones of the pelvis, scapulae, and ribs. In patients older than 20 years, the incidence is higher in flat bones than in long bones. The tumor may also occur in the vertebrae and in the tarsal bones. This tumor shows a distinct tendency to metastasize to other bones, and multiple lesions may be present at the time of the initial study. The clinical symptoms of pain and swelling are often accompanied by fever and leukocytosis, suggesting osteomyelitis. On some occasions, particularly when these lesions are located in the metaphysis, the radiographic distinction between the two is not easy. Roentgenographic Features. In the long bones, the lesion usually involves a considerable length of shaft ( Fig. 4-51 and Fig. 4-52). Although it is said to arise in the diaphysis, it is more often limited to the metaphysis or located in the metadiaphysis. Characteristically there is a permeative, poorly marginated, destructive lesion that perforates the cortex and is overlaid by a laminated, onionskin periosteal reaction. In other cases, Codman's triangles are present at the margins of the lesion and the periosteal reaction is disrupted. Fine, hair-on-end spicules are identified in other cases, and in still others the periosteal reaction is irregular and interrupted. Sometimes the lesion appears to originate pariosteally, in which case there is characteristic saucerization of the diaphysis or metaphysis, with Codman's triangles at the margins of the lesion. In the long bones, differentiation of Ewing's tumor and osteomyelitis may be difficult. In a young patient, Ewing's tumor mimics the radiographic appearance of the other round cell tumors, leukemia, and metastatic neuroblastoma. Lesions occurring in the flat bones are also permeative and poorly defined; but in the flat bones, Ewing's tumor often stimulates osteoid formation and therefore there are patches of osteosclerosis ( Fig. 4-53). Similar patches of sclerosis are much less common but are sometimes encountered in the long bones.

Fig. 4-53. Ewing's sarcoma of the ischium in a 10-year-old boy. A: Anteroposterior view demonstrates poorly defined sclerotic lesion of the ischium with cortical destruction and surrounding soft-tissue mass. There is periosteal new-bone formation at the margins of the lesion. B: T1-weighted coronal magnetic resonance image anterior to the inferior ramus demonstrates a large soft-tissue mass ( arrows), poorly defined medially and inferiorly. The lesion has a homogeneous intermediate signal. (Courtesy of Martin Gross, M.D., Detroit, Michigan.)

Vertebral involvement varies in appearance from pure lysis to sclerosis. Soft-tissue masses usually are present. The tumor has an extremely poor prognosis, which has been improved by the use of combined irradiation and chemotherapy. Pathologic fractures are common in the treated area. Fibrosarcoma Fibrosarcoma is a malignant lesion of bone arising from spindle-shaped cells that produce no osteoid, the malignant counterpart of the desmoplastic fibroma. It appears over a broad range of age, from the second to the eighth decades, and is generally more common after the age of 40 years. Men and women are affected equally often. It is most common at the distal ends of the bones around the knee but may be found in any long bone, and on occasion it arises in the midshaft. The lesion also occurs in the flat bones, in the sacrum, and occasionally in the spine and ribs. Fibrosarcoma is a known complication of Paget's disease, and it may arise after irradiation for either benign bone lesions or nonosseous tumors. There are no radiographic features that differentiate fibrosarcoma of bone from an osteolytic osteosarcoma. The lesion usually has poorly defined borders. At times it is somewhat geographic, but more often it appears moth-eaten or both moth-eaten and permeative. When the cortex is perforated, periosteal new-bone formation and soft-tissue masses are common. The differential diagnosis must include reticulum cell sarcoma, malignant fibrous histiocytoma, osteosarcoma, and Ewing's sarcoma in an appropriate age group. Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma Malignant fibrous histiocytoma is a recently recognized, rare tumor of bone that is reported with increasing frequency. It most commonly arises around the distal and proximal ends of the femur, proximal tibia, and pelvis but has been found randomly throughout most of the long bones. It occurs over a broad range of age, beginning at 10 years. The lesion occurs with a slightly greater frequency in males than females. Here again, the radiographic features are those of an osteolytic lesion that may be geographic with poorly defined margins or on occasion frankly moth-eaten or permeative, with cortical destruction and a soft-tissue mass. On occasion, the lesion is expansile, particularly in the ribs. Periosteal reaction may occur after pathologic fracture. Chordoma Chordoma is an infrequent tumor arising from remnants of the fetal notochord. There are three common sites of origin. The most common is the sacrum, the second is the region of the clivus, and the third is the area of the upper cervical spine. The tumors are more common in men than in women, and most occur after the age of 40 years. The tumors are rather slow-growing and of a low order of malignancy, spreading by infiltration and metastasizing only in the late stages of the disease. Radiographically, chordoma appears as a localized destruction of bone with an associated soft-tissue mass containing flocculent areas of calcification ( Fig. 4-54). In the cervico-occipital lesions, destruction of the clivus, the margins of the foramen magnum, or portions of the upper cervical vertebrae are seen. The mass may project into the retropharyngeal space and cause a demonstrable thickening of the soft tissues. In the sacral region, the lesion usually causes a sharply marginated area of destruction, often involving a large part of the sacrum. The mass displaces the rectum forward. There is usually very little in the appearance of the lesions to establish the diagnosis from roentgenographic findings alone, but whenever localized bone destruction is found in either of these two characteristic regionsand particularly when it is associated with soft-tissue calcificationsthe possibility of a chordoma should be considered.

Fig. 4-54. Two cases of chordoma of the sacrum. A: Anteroposterior view of the sacrum demonstrates destruction, with a soft-tissue mass containing calcification, findings typical of a chordoma. B: Computed tomography demonstrates to excellent advantage the extensive destruction and soft-tissue mass.

Synovial Sarcoma This disease is discussed in Chapter 3. Adamantinoma Adamantinoma of long bones is a peculiar neoplasm, based on its histologic appearance. The name adamantinoma was given to these tumors of long bone because of their histologic resemblance to the common adamantinoma (ameloblastoma) of the mandible. The lesion is rare and occurs equally in men and women after the age of 20 years. The classic site is the midshaft of the tibia. On occasion the tumor arises in the fibula, and on rare occasions simultaneously in both the tibia and fibula. Radiographically the most typical appearance is multiple, sharply circumscribed, lucent defects with sclerotic bone interspersed between, above, and below the lucent zones. Some lucent zones are entirely cortical. Typically, the lytic area in the midshaft is the largest and most destructive and appears to expand the overlying cortex. Malignant Hemangioendothelioma of Bone (Angiosarcoma) This is another rare tumor of bone that reveals itself mainly as a localized destructive lesion. A diagnosis based on roentgenographic evidence usually cannot be made. Multiple sites of involvement in a number of bones are common, as in the benign lesion cystic angiomatosis of bone. There is no tendency to produce sclerosis

or calcification. The peripheries of the individual areas of bone destruction produced by the tumor are poorly defined. Periosteal new-bone formation may occur when the lesion breaks through the cortex.


The most common solitary lesion is a cortical defect or a nonossifying fibroma. These characteristically occur in children before epiphyseal closure, arise in the metaphyses of long bones of the lower extremity, are radiolucent, and are sharply defined by a rim of sclerotic bone. The lesions are eccentric and tend to expand the overlying cortex. Osteochondromas arise at the ends of long bones, projecting beyond the bone, and should present no diagnostic difficulties. Enchondromas are radiolucent lesions characteristically found in the phalanges. They may contain small areas of stippled calcification. Simple bone cysts are sharply defined lesions in children; they arise in the metaphysis, particularly proximal in the humerus and intertrochanteric region of the femur. They have a thin rim of sclerotic bone. Giant cell tumors arise after epiphyseal closure and extend to the joint surface. They are characteristically at the end of the bone, are slightly expansile and radiolucent, and lack a sclerotic rim, although they are usually sharply defined. Aneurysmal bone cysts also arise at the end of the bone but characteristically do not extend to the joint surface. They are markedly expansile and ballooned radiolucent lesions. The peripheral rim of the cortex may not be visible. Chondroblastomas arise in the epiphysis in children before the growth plate closes. They may contain small stippled areas of calcification, and periosteal reaction is occasionally noted. Chondromyxoid fibromas are eccentric lesions that arise in the metaphysis and usually are well marginated by a thin rim of sclerotic bone. They may extend through the cortex, and the peripheral margin of cortical bone may be so thin that it is invisible on the radiograph. Eosinophilic granulomas arise any place within the bone, including the diaphysis; they are radiolucent in the long bones and cause a thickening or expansion of the cortex, often with overlying periosteal reaction. Malignant lesions are generally poorly defined, are associated with cortical destruction, and often have an accompanying soft-tissue mass. Metastatic lesions are by far the most common. Ewing's tumor occurs in childhood, classically in the diaphysis but probably more frequently in the metaphysis. It causes a moth-eaten or permeative destruction, with overlying periosteal new-bone formation that is classically onionskin in appearance. Other round cell lesions, metastatic neuroblastoma, and leukemia have the same appearance. Metastases to long bones usually appear as geographic, somewhat poorly defined lesions in the medullary portion of bone. Osteosarcomas occur at the metaphysis or metadiaphysis of long bones and characteristically contain osteoid matrix calcification that is homogeneous, amorphous, and cloud-like. They may be purely blastic, lytic, or mixed (both blastic and lytic). Chondrosarcoma occurs in persons older than 40 years of age and is characteristically found within the pelvis or proximal femur, but it may arise in any location; it is manifested by an ill-defined destructive lesion that contains nodules or floccules of chondroid calcification. In the long bones, it may be less aggressive and simply result in cortical thickening and endosteal scalloping. Multiple myeloma causes discrete, punched-out, lytic areas with endosteal scalloping in long bones and skull. Fibrosarcoma, malignant fibrous histiocytoma, reticulum cell sarcoma, and osteolytic osteosarcoma are similar, if not indistinguishable, in appearance. They are poorly defined geographic or moth-eaten destructive lesions with variable degrees of overlying periosteal reaction. Although it may be difficult or impossible to distinguish one from the other, they all definitely appear malignant. The most common tumor of the spine is a metastasis that usually involves the red marrow in the vertebral body and pedicle, resulting in cortical destruction and collapse of the vertebral body. Multiple myeloma is similar in appearance but may spare the cortex of the pedicles and at times is expansile. Osteoblastoma and aneurysmal bone cyst arise in the posterior elements of the spine and are characteristically expansile. Tumors can be differentiated from infections because they spare the intervertebral disc space, whereas infections characteristically result in narrowing of the disc space and destruction of the adjacent vertebral end-plates. CHAPTER REFERENCES
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Chapter 5 Infections and Inflammations of Bones Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 5 Infections and Inflammations of Bones

Lee F. Rogers and Martha A. Norris

L. F. Rogers: Department of Radiology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27157. M. A. Norris: Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252.

Osteomyelitis Pathogenesis Radiographic Findings in Acute Osteomyelitis Radioisotopic Bone Scanning Magnetic Resonance Imaging Computed Tomography Ultrasonography Subacute and Chronic Osteomyelitis Bone Abscess Involucrum and Sequestrum Formation Special Situations Neonatal Osteomyelitis Cortical Bone Abscess Osteomyelitis in Flat Bones (Skull, Pelvis) Osteomyelitis in the Diabetic Foot Osteomyelitis in Drug Addicts Osteomyelitis in Sickle Cell Disease Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Chronic Granulomatous Disease of Childhood Chronic Symmetrical Osteomyelitis Garr's Sclerosing Osteitis Tuberculosis Fungal Osteomyelitis Coccidioidomycosis Blastomycosis Actinomycosis Cryptococcosis Aspergillosis Madura Foot Echinococcus Syphilis Congenital Syphilis Latent Congenital Syphilis Acquired (Tertiary) Syphilis Leprosy The Rubella Syndrome Osteitis Pubis Sarcoidosis Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis (Caffey's Disease) Chapter References

Osteomyelitis was once a common, devastating, often crippling, and much-feared disease. Since the advent of antibiotics, it has become manageable, less common, and much less serious. The general improvement in personal hygiene, greatly improved surgical antisepsis, and early antibiotic treatment of lesions that predispose to septicemia have resulted in an appreciable reduction in the incidence of osteomyelitis. Infections of bone have been conveniently divided into three categories reflecting the source of the infection 14: (1) hematogenous osteomyelitis; (2) implantation osteomyelitis caused by bacteria implanted or introduced with an open fracture, penetrating wound, or surgical procedure; and (3) secondary osteomyelitis with the bone involvement secondary to a contiguous focus of soft-tissue infection related to peripheral vascular disease. Osteomyelitis may also be divided into acute, subacute, and chronic forms, depending on the virulence of the organism, the response of the host, and the effectiveness of antibiotic treatment. Staphylococcus aureus is the offending organism most frequently identified. In children, in whom hematogenous infection is the rule, multiple foci of disease are relatively common, whereas in adults the infection is usually limited to a single focus. The cause is usually established by obtaining a positive blood culture, a culture from an aspiration of the adjacent joint, or a direct aspiration of the involved bone or overlying soft tissues. Early recognition and treatment with antibiotics may minimize the radiographic findings of osteomyelitis. Pathogenesis Hematogenous Osteomyelitis The source of bacteria in the hematogenous form is usually infections of the skin, boils or carbuncles, insect bites, infected abrasions, or, less commonly, infections of the respiratory tract. The offending organism is usually S. aureus, less commonly Streptococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, or pneumococcus. The organisms enter the bloodstream and become entrapped in the terminal vascular networks of long bones, the site and consequences depending on the age of the patient ( Fig. 5-1). In childhood, these networks are located in the metaphysis just beneath the physis, and therefore the infections of childhood are most often located in and limited to the metaphyseal ends of long bones, particularly the femur and tibia 14,21 (see Fig. 5-4 and Fig. 5-5). Involvement of adjacent joints is rare. Terminal vascular networks are also located in the epiphysis, but isolated infections of the epiphysis are much less common than those in the metaphysis. 17 In contrast, in infants younger than 1 year of age, the vascular network commonly crosses the growth plate from the metaphysis to the epiphysis; therefore, infections in infancy are more likely to originate within the epiphysis or to extend quickly from the metaphysis into the epiphysis and then into the adjacent joint. 14,21 Extension of the infection into the adjacent joint is much less likely after the age of 1 years, except in the hip, where the metaphysis is located within the joint capsule. After the closure of the epiphysis, the terminal blood supply is located in the end of the bone. Therefore, in adults, the hematogenous infections occur at the end of the bone and may extend into the adjacent joint space. However, primary hematogenous osteomyelitis of long bones is uncommon in adults. Adults are more likely to have vertebral osteomyelitis or suppurative spondylitis, often secondary to infection or manipulation of the urinary tract.

FIG. 5-1. Vascular supply of bone. The principal blood supply to the end of bone is from the nutrient artery in the medullary canal. In the infant and until 18 months of age, small vessels perforate the physis to enter the epiphysis. After 18 months of age, the vascular supply assumes the pattern of childhood and the perforating vessels involute. The epiphysis and metaphysis then have separate blood supplies. In the adult, after closure of the physis, the branches of the nutrient artery extend to the end of bone. Note the blood supply to the cortex. Branches of the periosteal artery supply the outer cortex, whereas branches of the nutrient artery supply the inner cortex.

FIG. 5-4. Acute osteomyelitis in the distal tibia. A: The bone is completely normal; however, edema and soft-tissue swelling are present adjacent to the medial surface of the tibia, with obliteration of portions of the subcutaneous fat. This is the earliest radiographic sign of osteomyelitis. B: Repeat examination obtained in 11 days demonstrates irregular permeative and mottled destruction within the metaphysis, with a perforation and destruction of the cortex in several areas. Periosteal elevation is identified proximally ( arrows).

FIG. 5-5. Acute osteomyelitis of the distal radius. A: Initial examination demonstrates irregular lysis and destruction in the distal metaphysis. The epiphysis remains intact. B: Repeat examination in 9 days demonstrates obvious destruction, which now extends proximally toward the diaphysis. Cortical destruction and considerable overlying soft-tissue swelling are present. Note the periosteal new-bone formation. C: Eight-week follow-up examination. Healing is demonstrated by the compact periosteal reaction filling in a portion of previously destroyed bone. Note that the process did not extend into the epiphysis.

The infectious process begins in the intramedullary portion of the bone, eventually leading to the destruction of the trabeculae, penetration of the overlying cortex through vascular foramina, elevation of the periosteum, and extension into the overlying soft tissues ( Fig. 5-2).

FIG. 5-2. Pathomechanics of hematogenous osteomyelitis. Bacterial embolization occurs through the nutrient artery, and bacteria lodge in the terminal blood supply in the metaphysis. After the infection is established, it expands within the medullary canal toward the cortex and the diaphysis. The physis is an effective barrier. The infection then extends through the vascular channels in the cortex to elevate and strip the periosteum from the cortex. Periosteal new-bone formation occurs. Note that the bond between the periosteum and the perichondrium at the physis prevents extension of the infection into the joint.

The periosteum is easily elevated by the extension of pus through the cortex. Because the periosteum is tightly bound to the perichondrium of the physis or growth plate, the periosteum is preferentially stripped or elevated from the metaphysis toward the diaphysis, often well beyond the extent of involvement of the intramedullary bone or marrow. The tight bond between the periosteum and perichondrium at the physis prevents extension of pus into the epiphysis or adjacent joint except at the hip, where the metaphysis lies within the joint. In contrast to that in children, the periosteum in adults is tightly adherent to the cortex and much less easily stripped. Therefore, in adults, periosteal elevation is not as marked, the extent of periosteal stripping is more limited, and involucrum formation is uncommon. Implantation Osteomyelitis Implantation osteomyelitis is caused by bacteria introduced into the soft tissues and bone by a penetrating wound, surgical procedure, or open fractures and dislocations (see Fig. 5-8). Blood clot, necrotic marrow, muscle, and other soft tissues provide an excellent culture medium for the localization and colonization of pathogenic bacteria. S. aureus is a common offending organism, but other gram-positive organisms such as Streptococcus and gram-negative organisms such as Pseudomonas, Proteus, or Escherichia coli may be involved.

FIG. 5-8. Human bite with osteomyelitis. This man sustained a human bite on the tip of the index finger 2 weeks previously. He presented with obvious swelling and redness over the distal phalanx. The clinical question was to distinguish between cellulitis and osteomyelitis. A: Technetium-99m bone scan, 2-hour delay, demonstrates increased activity in the distal phalanx. B: Anteroposterior radiograph demonstrates a breach in the lateral cortex just beneath the ungual tuft and a hollowing or shelling out of the trabeculae in the distal phalanx. There is no periosteal reaction. Findings are indicative of osteomyelitis.

Secondary Osteomyelitis Osteomyelitis associated with vascular insufficiency is almost always encountered in the diabetic patient and localized to the foot, affecting the phalanges and metatarsals (see Fig. 5-16). Infection of bone is always secondary to an overlying cellulitis or deep penetrating ulcer of the skin. The most common offending organism is S. aureus or Streptococcus, although gram-negative bacterial infections are also encountered.

FIG. 5-16. Infections in the diabetic foot. A: Multiple small radiolucencies are present within the soft tissues of the foot underlying the metatarsals, identifying the site of a soft-tissue infection. No bony abnormalities are present, and therefore there is no radiographic evidence of osteomyelitis. Note the arterial calcification ( arrow), indicative of diabetes. B: An amputation of the third toe was performed previously. A large collection of air ( white arrows) identifies the site of an ulcer on the plantar surface of the foot. Note the lytic destruction of the apposing surfaces of the second metatarsophalangeal joint, with associated subluxation indicative of osteomyelitis and suppurative arthritis. Closer examination also reveals lytic destruction of the medial side of the head of the fourth metatarsal. There is also a fracture of the proximal phalanx of the great toe (black arrow) without a history of trauma, indicative of neurotrophic arthropathy.

Infections of bone are discussed in this chapter. Infections of joints and infectious spondylitis are detailed in Chapter 3.


In acute osteomyelitis there is a latent period of 10 to 12 days between the time of onset of clinical symptoms and the development of definite radiographic changes in bone.14 Because it is essential that adequate therapy be instituted as early as possible, one should not wait for the development of radiographic evidence of disease before instituting appropriate treatment. Radioisotopic bone scanning is very sensitive to the changes of osteomyelitis, revealing areas of increased radioactivity at sites of infection well before there is any plain film radiographic sign of disease ( Fig. 5-3). A bone scan is warranted in every case of clinically suspected osteomyelitis in which the radiographs are unrevealing.

FIG. 5-3. Acute osteomyelitis of the left calcaneus in a child. A: Lateral radiograph demonstrates no bony abnormality. Deep soft-tissue swelling is present adjacent to the posterior and inferior surfaces of the calcaneus. B: Technetium-99m bone scan reveals focus of increased activity in the left calcaneus. Bilateral increased activity at the distal tibial epiphysis is normal. (Courtesy of James Conway, M.D., Chicago, Illinois.)

The first radiographic evidence of disease is the swelling of soft tissues, characteristically deep and adjacent to bone ( Fig. 5-4; see Fig. 5-3A). The early swelling is recognized because of displacement or obliteration of the normal fat planes adjacent to and beneath the deep muscle bundles. At first the superficial fatty layer is unaffected. In contrast, with skin infection, soft-tissue swelling is superficial and does not involve the deeper tissues adjacent to the bone. The first evidence of disease in the bone is usually an area of indefinite rarefaction or destruction in the metaphysis ( Fig. 5-5 and Fig. 5-6). The area of destruction is poorly defined and has a fine, granular, or slightly mottled appearance. Associated with this or even at times preceding it is a minimal amount of periosteal new-bone formation laid down parallel to the outer margin of the cortex. The limits of the bone destruction remain poorly defined throughout the acute stage. The actual disease process is usually much more extensive than demonstrated by the radiograph.

FIG. 5-6. Acute osteomyelitis of the ulna. A: Examination obtained 10 days after the onset of symptoms demonstrates permeative destruction of most of the ulna, with periosteal new-bone formation surrounding the distal shaft and metaphysis. B: Repeat examination 1 week later shows an increase in the amount of subperiosteal new-bone formation. C: Examination 6 months later shows residual cortical thickening but no definite areas of bone destruction.

In a short time, bone destruction becomes more prominent, causing a ragged, moth-eaten appearance of the medullary bone, with foci of destruction intermingled with areas of apparently more or less normal bone. Periosteal new-bone formation is more pronounced, and both the periosteal reaction and intramedullary destruction extend into the diaphysis (see Fig. 5-6). In the neonate, the infection commonly extends to the overlying joint, forming a suppurative arthritis ( Fig. 5-7; see Fig. 3-5 and Fig. 3-6).

FIG. 5-7. Acute osteomyelitis of the femur associated with suppurative arthritis of the hip in an infant. A: Examination 7 days after the onset of fever and swelling of the thigh. Note the massive soft-tissue swelling and lateral dislocation of the femur, indicating an associated joint effusion. Minimal cortical destruction is evident in the medial aspect of the metaphysis. B: Examination obtained 3 months later shows extensive new-bone formation surrounding much of the shaft. Remnants of the old shaft are visible. Several rounded or oval radiolucencies are seen in the proximal femur, possibly representing residual foci of infection. The hip joint is no longer dislocated.

In the phalanges and other small bones there is little or no periosteal reaction. Bone is simply dissolved (see Fig. 5-16). At times this proceeds internally, hollowing or shelling out the bone by destroying intramedullary trabeculae, leaving only a thin rim of cortex ( Fig. 5-8). Radioisotopic Bone Scanning Technetium-99m radiophosphate (see Fig. 5-3 and Fig. 5-8), gallium-67 citrate, and indium-111 leukocytes have been used to diagnose osteomyelitis and to differentiate osseous infections from those limited to the soft tissues (e.g., cellulitis). 15,16 To distinguish skeletal from soft-tissue infection, a triple-phase 99mTc radiophosphate scan is performed (see Fig. 5-17). The three phases are perfusion, blood pool, and delayed images. Acute osteomyelitis is characterized by enhanced activity in the blood pool and delayed bone images, whereas septic arthritis and cellulitis demonstrate increased activity in the blood pool phase but normal or only slightly increased uptake in the delayed image. Sequential radiophosphate and gallium scanning may also be used, because increased radiophosphate uptake is nonspecific, occurring in areas of high bone turnover from whatever causefracture, infection, metabolic, or tumor. Gallium-67 uptake is more specific for infection. Indium-111 leukocytes deposit wherever there is an active migration of white cells, and therefore this examination is also more specific for infection. 16

FIG. 5-17. Diabetic patient with soft-tissue infection. The ungual tuft of the great toe was previously amputated for osteomyelitis. There is now evidence of skin infection and a question of recurrent osteomyelitis. A: Vascular calcification is present. The margin of the amputation of the distal phalanx of the great toe is poorly defined. B and C: Two views from a three-phase technetium-99m bone scan. The immediate static image (B) shows increased activity in the region of the great toe, and this is diminished on the 2-hour delayed film ( C), suggesting that the infection is a cellulitis without osteomyelitis. D: A gallium-67 scan was obtained for confirmation. The activity is no greater than that on the delayed 99mTc scan and confirms the absence of osteomyelitis.

Computed Tomography Computed tomography (CT) is a useful adjunct in the evaluation of osteomyelitis. 5,7 Increased attenuation occurs within the bone marrow early in the disease, before plain film changes and simultaneously with increased radioisotopic activity. The increased attenuation is caused by the presence of edema and pus, which replaces the fat within the marrow. The attenuation of normal marrow fat is on the order of 80 to 100 Hounsfield units, increasing in the presence of an infection to 10 Hounsfield units or higher, well within the positive range. This is similar in appearance to infiltration by tumors (see Fig. 4-43 in Chapter 4). Small bubbles of intraosseous gas may be seen within the intramedullary canal as a result of infection by gas-forming organisms. CT demonstrates to good advantage cortical destruction and associated soft-tissue changes ( Fig. 5-9). Fat-fluid (pus) levels have been reported to occur within the medullary canal and adjacent bursae. CT is also advantageous in the evaluation of chronic osteomyelitis, 5 allowing the detection and localization of bony sequestra, the demonstration of cortical defects leading to subcutaneous sinus tracts, and the identification of adjacent soft-tissue abscesses. Abscesses appear as sharply defined areas of low density within surrounding muscle or subcutaneous tissue.

FIG. 5-9. Osteomyelitis of the right pubic bone. A: On the anteroposterior view there is no definite abnormality. B: Computed tomographic scan demonstrates extensive soft-tissue changes anterior to the pubis and a break in the cortex ( arrow) consistent with osteomyelitis and overlying cellulitis.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has proved to be more sensitive than standard radiography, conventional tomography, or CT in the evaluation of osteomyelitis.3,6,11,19,22 MRI demonstrates changes in the marrow before they are evident on a radiograph. The initial manifestation of the disease is a reduction in the signal from the fat in the bone marrow, seen as a diminished signal on a T1-weighted image. On a T2-weighted image, the signal from the infected area is greater than that of the fat within the marrow, and the soft-tissue extent of the infectious process may also be demonstrated (see Fig. 5-14 and Fig. 5-15). MRI can distinguish between osteomyelitis and surrounding soft-tissue infection by demonstrating normal signals from the underlying intramedullary bone, which clearly indicates the absence of osseous infection. MRI does not reliably distinguish osteomyelitis from noninfectious bone marrow edema, however. Because there is essentially no signal from cortical bone, this method is not sensitive to changes within the cortex.

FIG. 5-14. Chronic osteomyelitis of the femur, with intermittent drainage over a period of 40 years. A: The cortex has expanded. Irregular patches of sclerosis and lucency are present throughout the diaphysis. A large radiolucency is present distally. Periosteal new-bone formation is present ( arrow). B: T1-weighted magnetic resonance image. Note the obvious atrophy of the involved extremity. The cortex is poorly defined and is expanded and thin. The intramedullary cavity has a low signal compared with the opposite side, indicative of persistent infection.

FIG. 5-15. Cortical abscess of the midfemoral shaft in an intravenous drug abuser. A: Anteroposterior view demonstrates considerable linear and nodular (sometimes known as lamellonodular) periosteal reaction overlying a lucent lytic defect in the medial cortex. This type of periosteal reaction is usually indicative of infection. B: Coronal T1-weighted magnetic resonance image demonstrates low signal within the marrow surrounding the lesion in the medial cortex. The overlying soft-tissue mass is not sharply defined. C: T2-weighted axial image. This image demonstrates a high signal from the surrounding soft-tissue mass surrounding the lesion and cortex (arrows). Note that the signal emanating from the intramedullary space is higher than that of the normal bone marrow on the opposite side. This is indicative of active infection. The cortical abnormality is well demonstrated. (Courtesy of Alfred L. Horowitz, M.D., Chicago, Illinois.)

Ultrasonography In pediatric patients with acute osteomyelitis, the presence of subperiosteal fluid or pus collections overlying the infected metaphyses of long bones may be identified or confirmed by high-resolution ultrasonography. 1,9,23 This is particularly true in those patients in whom deep edema is identified on radiographs. In normal bone, the periosteum is seen as an echogenic structure in immediate contact with the cortex. In the presence of subperiosteal fluid, the periosteum is elevated, forming a convex, linear structure over the cortex, and the intervening space is filled with variably echogenic fluid. 1,9 Such fluid collections in flat bones (i.e., the pelvis) are more difficult to identify by sonography and are more readily visualized by MRI. Ultrasonography is not useful in adults because the degree of periosteal elevation is limited.


Unless treated, osteomyelitis gradually progresses into subacute and chronic stages, with considerable variation in the time required for these developments. Among the factors involved are the virulence of the organism, the resistance of the host, and treatment with antibiotics. It has been suggested that the subacute form of osteomyelitis has become more prevalent, unrelated to the use of antibiotics 8 in the suppression of acute osteomyelitis. Bone Abscess The infection is gradually walled off by reactive bone formation, forming a bone abscess ( Fig. 5-10 and Fig. 5-11). Chronic bone abscesses, often called Brodie's abscess,18 are characterized by sharply outlined areas of rarefaction or lucency of variable size located in the metaphysis and surrounded by an irregular zone of dense sclerosis. The overlying cortex is usually thickened by periosteal new-bone formation.

FIG. 5-10. Two cases of subacute bone abscess in children. A: An elongated radiolucency in the proximal humerus, surrounded by sclerosis with overlying periosteal new-bone formation, extends for some distance down the humeral shaft. Proximally, it abuts the growth plate. B: Serpiginous lucency in the proximal metaphysis of the tibia extends across the growth plate into the epiphysis ( arrows). Note that it is marginated by a fine sclerotic rim. (Courtesy of Andrew K. Poznanski, M.D., Chicago, Illinois.)

FIG. 5-11. Chronic bone abscess, or Brodie's abscess. A: The abscess cavity is seen as a well-demarcated area of radiolucency surrounded by sclerotic bone. The overlying cortex is thickened by compact periosteal new-bone formation. B: Chronic bone abscess of the proximal humerus. A rounded radiolucency is surrounded by a relatively thickened wall of sclerosis. Periosteal new-bone formation is present in the metaphysis.

In subacute osteomyelitis of childhood, abscesses are often elongated, serpiginous lucencies with a sclerotic border and oriented in the long axis of the bone (see Fig. 5-10). They abut against the growth plate and may, on occasion, extend across the physis to involve the adjacent epiphysis. When examined in the axial plane by CT or MRI, they may be found to have breached the overlying cortex and to be contiguous with a well-defined soft-tissue abscess. Intraosseous abscesses examined by MRI are of low to intermediate signal on T1, brighter than normal marrow on T2 (see Fig. 5-15), and surrounded by a low-intensity rim on both T1- and T2-weighted images. 19,22 Involucrum and Sequestrum Formation Segments of cortical bone isolated in the midst of a chronic infection and devoid of blood supply are known as sequestra. Sequestra become avascular by losing their periosteal supply, as the periosteum is stripped and elevated from the cortex, and their intramedullary supply, because the infection of the marrow causes vascular thrombosis. Sequestra are evident on the radiograph as areas of dense bone surrounded by zones of rarefaction or lucency ( Fig. 5-12). They remain as dense as normal bone, standing out clearly from the surrounding demineralized bone. An involucrum is a shell of bone formed by the periosteum that surrounds and encloaks a sequestrum. Involucrum and sequestrum formation are more common in osteomyelitis in children than in adults, although sequestra often occur in secondary forms of osteomyelitis, particularly those associated with open fractures.

FIG. 5-12. Chronic osteomyelitis. The entire radius is involved. There are irregular cavities representing chronic abscesses, and a large, dense sequestrum surrounded by involucrum is noted within the cavity in the distal end of the shaft. The original cortex has been completely replaced.

The end result of a chronic osteomyelitis, after the infection has subsided, is a thickened bone with a sclerotic cortex and a wavy outer margin interspersed with lucent areas where sequestra have been absorbed or surgically removed ( Fig. 5-13). The cortex may become so dense and thickened that the medullary cavity is not apparent. Chronic osteomyelitis is subject to recurrent reactivation. Because of the irregular density and marked sclerosis, it is often impossible to determine with certainty whether an active infection is present. CT and MRI are used to visualize the interior of the bone ( Fig. 5-14). If the infection becomes reactivated, it is usually manifested by soft-tissue swelling, by new areas of periosteal new-bone formation, and by the development of sharply defined radiolucent cavities within the bone. Comparison with previous examinations is very helpful. The bone scan usually remains positive throughout the entire course of the disease and therefore cannot be used to determine the presence or absence of reactivation.

FIG. 5-13. Chronic osteomyelitis. Cortical thickening and sclerosis involve the entire shaft, particularly distally. Some ovoid radiolucencies can be seen within the thickening.

MRI is useful in the evaluation of chronic osteomyelitis 3,19 because of its ability to detect foci of persistent or recurrent infection. Scar and sinus tracts are of low to intermediate signal on both T1- and T2-weighted images, whereas a focus of active infection is similar to that of a bone abscess, low on T1, higher than marrow on T2, surrounded by a low-intensity rim on both, and possibly containing a sequestrum of low signal by both techniques.

Neonatal Osteomyelitis Osteomyelitis in the neonate, in the first month of life, is sufficiently distinctive to warrant consideration separate from osteomyelitis in older children. 10 The systemic manifestations of fever, malaise, and toxicity are much less pronounced or even absent in the neonate. Parents usually seek care for focal manifestations of diseaseswelling, tenderness, and decreased motion of an extremity, a pseudoparalysis. This commonly occurs within the first 2 weeks of life and may affect either full-term or premature infants. The majority have had an antecedent illness, frequently one that required umbilical catheterization or other potentially infective procedures, or exposure to illness in family members or other close contacts. S. aureus is the most common causative organism. Multiple sites of involvement are common. The infection most frequently involves the ends of the femur (particularly the hip), tibia, and humerus, with septic arthritis of the adjacent hip, knee, and shoulder joints in as many as 50% of cases (see Fig. 5-7 and Fig. 3-5). Significant residual deficits are common. Approximately 80% of affected neonates have radiographic manifestations at the time of presentation. The most common finding is deep soft-tissue swelling, and half have definite bone destruction or joint abnormalities. In a neonate, the radiographic findings of a joint dislocation associated with a surrounding soft-tissue mass are characteristic of septic arthritis (see Fig. 5-7). Technetium bone scanning is helpful in questionable cases and may demonstrate other foci of disease in those with overt radiographic evidence of disease at a single site. Cortical Bone Abscess Cortical bone has a dual blood supply, arising both externally from the periosteal blood vessels and centrally from the nutrient artery within the medullary canal. These two systems join in the middle of the cortex, forming an anastomotic network (see Fig. 5-1). Occasionally, foci of bacteria become entrapped and implant, giving rise to an infection manifested radiographically as eccentric, circular, ovoid, or elongated radiolucencies within the cortex of the diaphysis. 20 The outer cortex is usually either markedly thin or completely disrupted and the abscess surrounded by periosteal new bone ( Fig. 5-15). At times the periosteal response is so marked that a tomogram or CT is required to demonstrate the lucency with certainty. CT and MRI also demonstrate soft-tissue swelling and edema within the surrounding soft tissues ( Fig. 5-15B, C). The lesion may be difficult to distinguish from an osteoid osteoma on radiographic findings alone. However, clinical signs of infection or the characteristic pattern of nocturnal pain relieved by aspirin, indicating an osteoid osteoma, are helpful in establishing the correct diagnosis. A similar lesion may result from the cortical deposition of metastatic disease (see Fig. 4-29). However, the periosteal response is usually less prominent than that encountered with a cortical abscess. Intracortical metastatic disease is most commonly found in carcinoma of the lung but may be found occasionally with other primary carcinomas. Osteomyelitis in Flat Bones (Skull, Pelvis) Flat and irregular bones have anatomic subdivisions comparable to those of long bones. Apophyses, as encountered in the pelvis, are the equivalent of the metaphyses in long bones. Before skeletal maturation, metaphyseal-type vascular anatomy predisposes these sites to involvement by hematogenous osteomyelitis. Hematogenous osteomyelitis is relatively common at these sites and often poses diagnostic problems. CT is useful in the evaluation of suspected lesions in the pelvis (see Fig. 5-9). In children the most common presenting symptoms are a gait disturbance and pain about the hip with only mild limitation of motion. The patients may not be febrile and leukocytosis is variable, although the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is almost uniformly elevated. 13 Initial radiographs are usually normal. 99mTc and 67Ga citrate scans are abnormal. The diagnosis can usually be substantiated by CT or MRI, demonstrating foci of bone destruction with surrounding soft-tissue changes. Similar problems and findings may be encountered with infections of the sacroiliac joint in children 19 and adults. Osteomyelitis of flat bones is characterized by patchy destruction without sharp demarcation. In the skull, periosteal reaction is absent, but a certain amount of sclerosis may be present. In the pelvis, periostitis occurs but is not as prominent as in long bones. Osteomyelitis in the Diabetic Foot Diabetic foot is a term used to describe the peculiar combination of circulatory, infective, neuropathic, and degenerative changes affecting persons with long-standing diabetes. The radiographic hallmark of the diabetic foot is the presence of calcification of the small arteries of the foot and ankle, particularly the metatarsal arteries. Neuropathic and degenerative changes are described in Diabetic Osteoarthropathy in Chapter 3. Cellulitis and ulcers of the skin and subcutaneous tissues of the toes and plantar surface, beneath the head of the metatarsals and over the calcaneus, are common ( Fig. 5-16A). Such superficial infections may eventually involve the underlying phalanges, metatarsals, and calcaneus, resulting in secondary osteomyelitis. This is manifested initially by demineralization or rarefaction and subsequently by destruction of trabecular bone and cortex associated with periosteal new-bone formation, often underlying or adjacent to an obvious, lucent soft-tissue ulcer (Fig. 5-16B).14 The problem is to determine whether osteomyelitis is present when radiographic findings are minimal or absent, as is frequently the case (Fig. 5-17). Somewhat less frequent but equally difficult from changes caused by osteomyelitis are those caused by diabetic neuropathic arthropathy. This is further complicated by the relatively frequent simultaneous occurrence of both processes. In general, osteomyelitis is more likely a lytic, destructive process involving the phalanges and distal metatarsals, whereas neuropathy is more likely to be sclerotic and involve the tarsal bones, tarsometarsal joints, and proximal metatarsals. Soft-tissue swelling may occur in either and is often the result of a concomitant cellulitis. Pathologic fractures may occur in both processes osteomyelitis, usually through lytic foci in the phalanges; in neuropathy, as fragmentation of sclerotic tarsal bones. The combination of the three-phase radiophosphate bone scan and 67Ga-citrate scanning is useful in this determination (see Fig. 5-17). The three-phase radiophosphate scan is used to differentiate between cellulitis and osteomyelitis, as described previously. An increased uptake on the radiophosphate scan may be shown with both neuropathy and infection; however, 67Ga is taken up avidly by osteomyelitis, whereas neuropathic bone reveals no uptake or at best only modest uptake of 67Ga. Osteomyelitis in Drug Addicts Acute osteomyelitis and septic arthritis are common in drug addicts because of the intravenous injection of drugs using nonsterile paraphernalia. Drug addicts are particularly prone to vertebral osteomyelitis (suppurative spondylitis) and unusual joint infections, such as infections of the sacroiliac or sternoclavicular joint. 4 The infection may be secondary to an adjacent soft-tissue abscess, but more often it is hematogenous. There may be multiple sites of osseous involvement. Osteomyelitis in Sickle Cell Disease Sickle cell disease is frequently complicated by acute osteomyelitis. The infection is unusual in that it commonly involves the diaphysis instead of the metaphysis ( Fig. 5-18), and the causative organism is Salmonella in approximately 80% of patients. Multiple, often symmetrical lesions are occasionally encountered. The lesions may be extensive, involving the entire shaft. Large sequestra and extensive involucrum formation and pathologic fractures may occur. Differentiation from bone infarction, also common in sickle cell disease, may be difficult (see Chapter 7).

FIG. 5-18. Osteomyelitis in sickle cell anemia. A permeative process is present throughout the mid-diaphysis, with tunneling in the cortex but no overlying periosteal reaction. Although the most common offending organism in such cases is Salmonella, Escherichia coli was present in this case.

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Surprisingly, bone and joint infections are rare in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections. Bacillary angiomatosis is a recently recognized multisystem bacterial infectious disease that appears to represent an exception. 1 The disease consists of cutaneous vascular lesions that contain a bacterium similar to the bacillus of cat-scratch disease. Thirty-five percent of patients have multiple lytic lesions in bone. 2 The presence of bone lesions aids in differentiation of bacillary angiomatosis from Kaposi's sarcoma, which produces similar cutaneous abnormalities but no associated bone lesions. 1 Chronic Granulomatous Disease of Childhood Chronic granulomatous disease of childhood is characterized by infection, suppuration, and granuloma formation in the bones and lung. The basic problem is a defect of the polymorphonuclear leukocytes: They are able to ingest bacteria but cannot kill them. All other immune mechanisms, including plasma immunoglobulins, are normal. When the neutrophils die, live bacteria and their toxic products are released. Bone infection is very common and usually involves the small bones of the hands and feet. Initially it is similar to acute osteomyelitis, but it does not heal and proceeds to a chronic phase characterized by destructive, expansile, fairly well-marginated lesions that incite very little periosteal new-bone formation and usually do not break through the cortex or form sequestra. There may be a zone of rarefaction proximal to the growth plate, similar to that observed in children with leukemia. Chronic Symmetrical Osteomyelitis Chronic symmetrical osteomyelitis is a rare disease of childhood. It is a very indolent process, tending to involve the metaphyses, usually in the femur and tibia at the knee. The lesions are osteolytic, rounded, or oval and surrounded by a thin sclerotic rim. Cortical breakthrough with resultant periosteal reaction occurs but is not common. The distal tibial metaphyses and distal ends of the clavicles may also be involved. Generalized symptoms are minimal, but there may be short, febrile episodes. The sedimentation rate is moderately elevated, and there is often an increase in leukocytes. Histologic features are those of chronic inflammation, but organisms often are not isolated. Some authors believe that this condition is of viral origin. The course is prolonged, and healing may not be complete for a number of years. There are usually no significant residua, however. Garr's Sclerosing Osteitis As originally described by Garr, sclerosing osteitis was a peculiar type of osteomyelitis that, after an acute and virulent onset, subsided without drainage or the formation of sequestra, leaving only a thickened, sclerotic bone. The term Garr's sclerosing osteitis is now used infrequently. This is a rare condition, and many lesions so diagnosed initially turn out to be something else. If the possibility of other entities can be ruled out, the disease may be termed chronic sclerosing osteitis.

Tuberculous osteomyelitis is infrequent when compared with tuberculosis of the spine or joints. It may occur as a localized bone abscess or, less commonly, as a diffuse disease. The clinical onset is insidious. The infection is of hematogenous origin, and simultaneous pulmonary disease is often demonstrated. Disseminated tuberculous bone disease is not uncommon in heroin addicts and is usually associated with pulmonary tuberculosis. The ribs and spine are the most frequent sites of involvement. When draining sinuses are present, secondary infection may occur and the appearance may be similar to that of pyogenic osteomyelitis. Tuberculous osteomyelitis may be difficult to distinguish from pyogenic osteomyelitis by radiographic examination. The lesion is largely destructive, and periosteal new-bone formation is minimal. The radiographic findings are those of chronic, nonvirulent infection. 14 During infancy or childhood, tuberculous infection may involve one or more of the phalanges (tuberculous dactylitis) ( Fig. 5-19). It has a characteristic expanded cystic appearance, termed spina ventosa, with irregular destruction, expansion, and an absence of periosteal new-bone formation. In children and adults, there may be involvement of long tubular bones, characteristically a cyst-like lesion located in the metaphysis, with marginal sclerosis and overlying periosteal reaction. In some cases they are expansile. Ordinarily there is no sequestrum formation ( Fig. 5-20).

FIG. 5-19. Tuberculous dactylitis in a child. A: An expansile radiolucency with a slightly sclerotic rim involves the first metacarpal. The expansile nature of this process is characteristic of tuberculous dactylitis. Technically, the term should refer to an infection with similar changes in the phalanges. B: Tuberculous abscess in the distal end of the fifth metacarpal in an adult. The cavity is clearly defined and slightly expanded and has a sclerotic margin and some sclerosis of bone proximal to the abscess.

FIG. 5-20. Tuberculous abscess. A: The arrow indicates a radiolucent cavity in the olecranon process of the ulna, with very little surrounding reaction of bone. B: A radiolucent focus in the distal radius ( arrow) has slightly expanded the bone.

Bone tuberculosis may occur in children as a complication of intradermal vaccination with bacille Calmette-Gurin (BCG). The time interval between vaccination and appearance of detectable bone lesions ranges from 2 weeks to 2 months. The lesions are usually single and occur near the knee, in the metaphysis of the femur or tibia. There is an eccentrically located area of destruction, often with cortical erosion and associated soft-tissue inflammation and swelling. Periosteal new-bone formation is slight or absent. There is very little tendency to diaphyseal spread, but involvement of the adjacent epiphysis develops in about one third of patients. Atypical mycobacteria may also produce osteomyelitis, and most of the reported cases have been in children. Manifestations vary from an indolent, chronic local bone lesion to a widespread dissemination with a fulminant course. The organism may be difficult to isolate. The osseous lesions usually respond satisfactorily to antituberculosis therapy.

Fungal infections of bone are infrequent, the most common being blastomycosis and coccidioidomycosis. A lesion caused by a fungus is difficult to differentiate from other infections of bone. Fungal lesions are characteristically low-grade, chronic infections with formation of a chronic bone abscess and possibly a draining sinus. 14 The abscess resembles those seen in tuberculosis in that it is often found in cancellous bone, incites little periosteal new-bone formation, and characteristically has a relatively thin sclerotic margin. Findings suggestive of mycotic disease are (1) lesions arising at points of bony prominence such as the edges of the patella, the acromion or coracoid process of the scapula, the olecranon process, the styloid processes of the radius and ulna, the condyles of the humeri or extremities of the clavicles, the malleoli, and the tuberosities of the tibias; (2) solitary marginal lesions of the ribs; (3) localized destructive lesions of the outer table of the skull; and (4) focal destructive lesions of the vertebra involving the neural arch or spinous and transverse processes. Coccidioidomycosis Coccidioidomycosis is endemic to the San Joaquin Valley of California and arid zones of the southwestern United States. Hematogenous dissemination is uncommon in this disease, but when it does occur the incidence of bone involvement is approximately 20%. The disease is more likely to be disseminated in blacks and Hispanics. A clue to dissemination is the presence of hilar adenopathy in association with pulmonary disease. Multiple bone lesions are the rule, and the spine is the most common site. The bony tuberosities and neural arch may be involved without involvement of the body of the vertebra. 14 The disc is often spared or involved late in the course of the disease. Epiphyseal involvement of long bones is common, but there is very little tendency to extend into the adjacent joint. The major roentgenographic finding is a focus of bone destruction with a moderate sclerotic margin ( Fig. 5-21). Periosteal new-bone formation is uncommon. Paraspinal masses are common in vertebral disease and are often associated with involvement of the ribs, pedicles, and transverse processes. Recovery of the organism is necessary to confirm the diagnosis.

FIG. 5-21. Two cases of coccidioidomycosis in the ilium. A: Small, irregular radiolucencies are identified adjacent to the sacroiliac joint ( arrow), with surrounding sclerosis of bone. B: Computed tomogram demonstrates radiolucency in the posterior aspect of the ilium, with perforation of the medial cortex ( arrow). Note also a similar process within the body of the sacrum. Coccidioidomycosis characteristically involves bony projections and protuberances.

Blastomycosis Blastomycosis is endemic to the eastern Mississippi River valley, particularly Tennessee and Mississippi. Bones are involved in 25% to 50% of cases of the disseminated form of the disease. Blastomycosis commonly affects the skin and lungs, and this serves as an important clue to the skeletal disease process. Of patients with skeletal involvement, 75% have associated pulmonary disease. When an osseous lesion is encountered in association with disease of the skin or lung, the possibility of blastomycosis must be considered, particularly when the osseous process is distal to the knees or elbows. The most common sites affected are the long bones, ribs, short tubular bones of the hands and feet, and vertebrae. Facial bones may be involved, but the skull is rarely affected. In about one third of the patients, bone lesions are multiple. Epiphyseal involvement is common, with rapid extension into the adjacent joint and formation of fistulous tracts. In the spine, the disease usually begins in the disc space and involves adjacent vertebrae and contiguous ribs in the formation of a paraspinal abscess. The bone lesions are usually indolent, expand slowly, and develop a sclerotic margin ( Fig. 5-22). In the invasive form, bone destruction is rapid, inciting very little periosteal new-bone formation or sclerosis.

FIG. 5-22. Blastomycosis. A lytic radiolucency with destruction of the overlying cortex is present on the posterior margin of the tuberosity of the calcaneus. This patient

also had a lesion in the metacarpal that was quite similar in appearance to that in Fig. 5-19B and had a right middle lobe abscess caused by blastomycosis.

Actinomycosis Actinomycosis most commonly affects the mandible and forms sinus tracts. Involvement of the ribs is characteristically associated with underlying pneumonia and classically presents as marked periosteal new-bone formation along the margins of the rib. The bone involvement in actinomycosis most frequently occurs secondary to invasion from adjacent soft-tissue disease and results in a mixed osteolytic and sclerotic process. Cryptococcosis In cryptococcosis, osseous involvement is not common and usually occurs in patients with compromised defense mechanisms. The sites most frequently affected are the pelvis, ribs, and skull. The lesion tends to be lytic, with reasonably discrete margins and little or no periosteal reaction. Aspergillosis Aspergillosis of bone is also found in immunosuppressed patients. The organism is ordinarily a saprophyte but may cause osteomyelitis, with bone destruction and a spread from an adjacent infection. This most commonly involves the ribs or spine secondary to pulmonary aspergillosis. Involvement of the spine is rather indolent and involves adjacent disc spaces, with minimal bone destruction or paraspinous mass. Madura Foot Madura foot is a chronic infection of the foot caused by a mixed group of fungi endemic to Mexico and Central and South America. It involves the soft tissue, causing sinus formation, and may result in an extensive destructive process of the small bones of the foot ( Fig. 5-23).

FIG. 5-23. Madura foot. The metatarsals are all involved by a lytic process. The appearance is pathognomonic of this condition.

Echinococcal disease is endemic to the Balkan states, Iceland, Australia, South Africa, and Argentina. Hydatid cysts are characteristically formed in the liver or lungs. Osseous lesions are located mainly in the spine and pelvis. 20 The typical lesion is a round or oval, often multiple and confluent osteolytic defect, with sharp, slightly sclerotic margins. 20 Occasionally there is rib involvement, which may extend into an adjacent vertebral body. Involvement of long bones is rare. The disease tends to destroy bone and may encroach on the spinal canal and cord when it involves the vertebral body.

There are three types of syphilis of bone: (1) congenital syphilis, which present at birth or in early infancy; (2) late congenital syphilis, which appears later in childhood, in adolescence, or in early adult life and has the radiographic and pathologic characteristics of tertiary syphilis; and (3) acquired syphilis, which occurs in adults, the skeletal lesion appearing some time after the primary infection. Congenital syphilis is characterized by symmetrical involvement of multiple long bones, whereas tertiary syphilis or gumma formation is characterized by a dramatic proliferation of new bone. Similar findings may occur in yaws. Congenital Syphilis The principal radiographic features of congenital syphilis 12 are diffuse, linear, periosteal new-bone formation that symmetrically involves the shafts of multiple long bones and transverse bands of radiolucency of variable width within the metaphysis, located just beneath the zone of provisional calcification ( Fig. 5-24). In the proximal tibia, these bands are associated with erosions of the cortex in the medial aspect of the metaphysis. The lesions of the tibia are characteristic of this disease and are known as Wimberger's sign. There may be similar lesions of the medial metaphysis of the distal femur. Pathologic fractures may occur through these foci of metaphyseal disease. When the disease is extensive, focal destruction may be demonstrated throughout the shaft. The epiphyses are characteristically spared.

FIG. 5-24. Congenital syphilis. A: A fine line of periosteal new-bone formation parallels the diaphysis of the long bones, and focal areas of destruction are noted in the medial aspects of the metaphyses of the proximal tibia, distal femur, and distal tibia bilaterallycharacteristic of congenital syphilis. B: In this newborn infant, linear periosteal new-bone formation is seen to involve both femurs. A focal area of bone destruction at the medial margin of the proximal metaphysis of the tibia is present (arrow). A similar and less extensive focus is present in the distal femur.

Diffuse periosteal reaction must be differentiated from the periosteal growth of new bone encountered in the premature infant. The periosteal new-bone formation may also suggest the diagnosis of Caffey's disease (infantile cortical hyperostosis). This disease characteristically involves the mandible, radius, ulna, or tibia and is

asymmetrical and limited to a few long bones (see Fig. 5-30 and Fig. 5-31).

FIG. 5-30. Infantile cortical hyperostosis (Caffey's disease). This 5-month-old male infant had symptoms for 3 months. The mandible is thick and dense, with a thin shell of periosteal new-bone formation along the inferior margin of the ramus, characteristic of Caffey's disease.

FIG. 5-31. Infantile cortical hyperostosis (Caffey's disease) of the radius and ulna. There is extensive periosteal new-bone formation surrounding the shafts of both bones. The original cortex is barely visible.

Latent Congenital Syphilis Although the primary infection occurs in utero or at birth, in latent congenital syphilis the disease is not manifested until childhood, adolescence, or early adult life. The lesions of bone are manifestations of tertiary syphilis caused by gumma formation. Bone is destroyed, but the destruction is overshadowed by extensive new-bone formation. The disease characteristically involves the tibia. The affected bone becomes thickened as a result of chronic periostitis and new-bone formation. In the tibia, this is more intense on the anterior aspect and leads to a saber-shin deformity characteristic of latent congenital syphilis ( Fig. 5-25). Gummas appears as small rarefactions within the dense and thickened shaft of the bone.

FIG. 5-25. Chronic syphilitic osteoperiostitis of the tibia causing a bilateral saber-shin deformity characteristic of tertiary syphilis.

Acquired (Tertiary) Syphilis Dense sclerosis of bone, a dominant feature of tertiary syphilis, involves the long bones and skull. In the long bones, the new bone is laid down on both the outer and inner aspects of the cortex, and the medullary cavity is narrowed (see Fig. 5-25). The affected segment is dense and spindle shaped, with a rough external surface. The lesion is characteristically elongated; it may involve the entire circumference of the shaft, or it may be limited to just one portion of the cortex. There may be evidence of irregular destruction on the surface of the new-bone formation, giving a roughened or coarse appearance. Small foci of rarefaction or destruction may be identified within the thickened bone, representing areas of gumma formation. When the skull is affected, bone destruction is often seen but is usually limited to the outer table. Typically, the destructive process is surrounded by a considerable proliferation of new bone to such an extent that the lesion mimics fibrous dysplasia. Tabes dorsalis is another manifestation of tertiary syphilis. This may result in neurotrophic arthritis characterized radiographically by joint swelling and fragmentation, sclerosis, and resorption of bone (see Chapter 3).

There are two principal forms of leprosy, the cutaneous (lepromatous or nodular) and the neural. The cutaneous form is not often associated with disease of the skeletal system, but bone changes are frequently found in neural leprosy. The neurotropic changes of neural leprosy are found in the hands and feet. 14 The changes begin in the distal phalanges with a slowly progressive absorption of bone. The terminal tufts disappear, leading to a collar-stud appearance, followed by a gradual disappearance of the bone. The proximal phalanges are the last to disappear. Rarely, the metacarpals are affected, but the process does not ascend higher than this. In the feet, the absorption of bone begins in the metatarsal heads or in the proximal phalanges (Fig. 5-26). There is a gradual thinning of the shafts, and the ends become pointed. Eventually the involved bone may completely disappear. In some, a painless arthropathy resembling a Charcot joint develops, with gross disorganization of the articular ends of the bones. The lesions of neural leprosy are similar to those in a number of other diseases, including scleroderma, syringomyelia, tabes dorsalis, and the diabetic foot.

FIG. 5-26. Leprosy. All of the phalanges of the feet have been resorbed, with the exception of the fourth toe and the base of the great toe. Tapered thinning of the distal ends of the metatarsals is evident.

Granulomatous lesions occur in the hands and feet, producing focal areas of destruction; when healed, they appear as small, punched-out, rarefied cysts with sclerotic margins ranging from 2 to 6 mm in diameter. They produce a honeycomb or cyst-like appearance associated with soft-tissue swelling. Periostitis may involve the tibia and fibula.


During a virulent rubella epidemic in the United States in 1964, infants born of mothers who had the disease during the first trimester of pregnancy were found to have a syndrome of congenital heart disease, hepatosplenomegaly, and abnormalities of the skeletal system. The most frequent cardiac lesion is a patent ductus arteriosus, followed by pulmonary artery branch stenosis. Additional abnormalities include growth retardation, thrombocytopenic purpura, eye defects, and deafness. Changes occur in the metaphyses of long bones, best demonstrated at the knees. The most striking characteristic is the presence of alternating lucent and sclerotic striations which extend perpendicular to the epiphyseal plate and parallel to the long axis of the bone ( Fig. 5-27) and fade into normal-appearing bone in the diaphysis. This has been termed celery stalking. The zones of provisional calcification are poorly defined and irregular. Transverse lucent metaphyseal bands are also seen. The bone changes improve rapidly in those infants who do well. In those infants who do poorly, the abnormal trabecular pattern persists and the zones of provisional calcification become increased in density.

FIG. 5-27. Rubella syndrome. Note the vertical linear striations in the distal metaphysis of the femur and to a lesser extent in the proximal tibia. These marks are referred to as celery stalking and are characteristic of this disorder.

Similar skeletal changes have been reported in patients with cytomegalic inclusion disease or other intrauterine-acquired infections; therefore, such changes may represent a nonspecific response to intrauterine viral infections. The lack of intracranial calcifications in the rubella syndrome tends to differentiate this syndrome from cytomegalic inclusion disease, but intracranial calcifications have also been reported in patients with the rubella syndrome.

Osteitis pubis is the term given to an inflammatory condition that involves the pubic bones and that seems to develop chiefly after operations on the lower urinary tract, usually suprapubic or retropubic prostatectomies. The disease begins some weeks after the operation, with severe pain in the region of the pubis, aggravated by motion. A few weeks later, roentgenograms reveal rarefaction of the margins of the pubic bones. The affected bone has a washed-out appearance at first; later, complete dissolution occurs in the region of the symphysis ( Fig. 5-28). The process may remain confined, or it may spread into the pubic rami. After a variable length of time, usually at least 3 or 4 months, there is gradual reossification of the rarefied or destroyed bone. In patients with minimal involvement, the bone may eventually return to normal; in others, healing is shown by the development of sclerosis; and in those most severely involved, there is a permanent loss of bone in the body of the pubis adjacent to the symphysis, the margin of the defect being bounded by a zone of sclerosis ( Fig. 5-28). The cause of osteitis pubis is unknown, but the infectious theory has received considerable support.

FIG. 5-28. Osteitis pubis occurring after a suprapubic prostatic resection. The symphysis pubis is widened, and the margins are irregularly eroded.

Sclerotic lesions in the pubis with narrowing of the symphysis are fairly common in women who have borne children. Usually these women are asymptomatic and the lesions are found by chance. Osteitis pubis is similar to osteitis condensans ilii, which also is seen in women who have borne children (see Chapter 3). Both the pubic and the iliac lesions may be seen in the same person. The changes most likely represent a reaction of the bone to chronic stress.

Sarcoidosis is a chronic, often widely disseminated disease, the cause of which remains unknown. Although it was originally considered to represent a form of

tuberculosis of low virulence, the tuberculous nature of the disease has never been established. The incidence of bone lesions in patients with cutaneous or visceral sarcoidosis is difficult to determine, but the lesions have been reported to occur in approximately 5% of cases. 14 Osseous lesions are usually associated with involvement of the skin, but this is not a prerequisite. Sarcoidosis is generally a more severe disease in blacks than in whites, and the incidence of osseous involvement in blacks is said to be higher. Although the lesions have been found in practically all parts of the skeleton, the bones of the hands and feet are most frequently involved. The phalanges are commonly affected (Fig. 5-29). Usually the lesions in the digits are asymptomatic and are found on routine screening examinations or incidentally on radiographs obtained for the evaluation of trauma. Involvement varies from sharply defined, cystic radiolucencies to a lace-like or honeycomb pattern within the intramedullary canal. Destructive arthropathy and pathologic fractures are occasionally encountered.

FIG. 5-29. Sarcoidosis. A: Characteristic punched-out, cyst-like radiolucencies are seen in the ends of the phalanges. There is an erosive, destructive arthropathy involving the proximal interphalangeal joint of the ring finger. A lace-like trabecular pattern is present in the middle phalanges. B: The disease is more advanced than shown in A. The cystic areas are larger, and the lace-like pattern of the trabeculae is more pronounced. The terminal phalanges of the third and fifth digits are almost completely destroyed.

Sclerotic lesions are occasionally seen in the vertebral bodies and rarely elsewhere. No disc involvement appears to be present, but some of the destructive lesions may extend out to produce a soft-tissue mass in the paraspinal area. The posterior elements of the vertebrae are rarely involved.


Infantile cortical hyperostosis is an uncommon disease of early infancy, and its cause is unknown. Although in many respects it behaves like an infection, producing fever, irritability, and an increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, there is no proof of an infectious cause. The disease begins within the first few weeks of life, almost always before the age of 6 months but occasionally in older children up to the age of 4 years. There is sudden onset of an inflammatory process involving a few selected bones. The infant is febrile and irritable; hard, tender, soft-tissue swelling occurs around the affected bone. The favored sites are the mandible, the clavicles, the ulna, and, less frequently, the radius, ribs, tibia, and fibula. The mandible is almost always involved, representing the principal characteristic of the disease ( Fig. 5-30). The diagnosis should be seriously questioned in the absence of mandibular involvement. The disease has been described in every bone except the phalanges and vertebral bodies. There may be extensive involvement of the ulna with no involvement of the adjacent radius. Scapular lesions may be misinterpreted as malignant tumors, but malignancies of bone in this age group are exceedingly uncommon. The disease tends to show remissions and exacerbations, recovery taking place after a period of weeks to months. There is usually a prompt clinical response to corticosteroids; antibiotics have no effect. The radiographic findings are a combination of soft-tissue swelling and extensive new-bone formation along the entire length of the involved bone ( Fig. 5-31). Initial involvement may be limited to a short segment of the shaft, but eventually the process extends the entire length of the bone. The majority of the mandible is affected. Not all bones are affected simultaneously; some appear to be healing or improving while other sites become active or are reactivated. At first the subperiosteal new-bone formation is less dense than the cortex beneath it, but eventually the density increases. The outer margin may be rather irregular and wavy or smooth. As healing takes place, there is gradual resorption of the periosteal new-bone formation and the bone eventually returns to normal. Infantile cortical hyperostosis must be differentiated from congenital syphilis and hypervitaminosis A. In congenital syphilis, the diffuse symmetrical involvement of multiple bones, the destructive process in the metaphysis, and the absence of soft-tissue swelling should allow the distinction (see Fig. 5-24). In hypervitaminosis A, the process is again more extensive and symmetrical, without overlying soft-tissue swelling, and affected children are generally older. CHAPTER REFERENCES
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Chapter 6 Metabolic, Endocrine, and Related Bone Diseases Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 6 Metabolic, Endocrine, and Related Bone Diseases

Lee F. Rogers and Leon Lenchik

L. F. Rogers and L. Lenchik: Department of Radiology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27157.

Measurement of Bone Mineral Density Radiogrammetry Radiographic Absorptiometry Single-energy Photon Absorptiometry Dual-energy Photon Absorptiometry Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry Quantitative Computed Tomography Osteoporosis Generalized Osteoporosis Idiopathic Osteoporosis of Males Idiopathic Juvenile Osteoporosis Cushing's Syndrome and Endogenous Steroids Malnutrition and Related Causes Scurvy Osteogenesis Imperfecta Other Causes Regional Osteoporosis Disuse Osteoporosis Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome (Sudeck's Atrophy) Transient Regional Osteoporosis Periarticular Osteoporosis Primary Forms of Osteomalacia And Rickets Vitamin D Metabolism Pathologic Changes in Rickets and Osteomalacia Osteomalacia in Adults Atypical Axial Osteomalacia Vitamin Ddeficiency Rickets Neonatal Rickets Vitamin Dresistant (Refractory) Rickets Hereditary Vitamin Ddependent Rickets Hypophosphatasia Metaphyseal Chondrodysplasia (Schmid Type) Secondary Forms of Rickets and Osteomalacia Gastrointestinal Malabsorption Liver Disease Anticonvulsant Drugrelated Rickets and Osteomalacia Tumor-associated Rickets and Osteomalacia Parathyroid Disorders Hyperparathyroidism Hyperparathyroidism in Infants and Children Secondary Hyperparathyroidism Renal Osteodystrophy Hypoparathyroidism Pseudohypoparathyroidism and Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism Hyperphosphatasia Calcium Oxalosis Endocrine Disorders Hypofunction of the Thyroid Gland Hyperfunction of the Thyroid Gland Hypofunction of the Pituitary Gland Hyperfunction of the Pituitary Gland Hypogonadism Chemical Poisoning Lead Poisoning Fluorine Intoxication Hypervitaminosis D Idiopathic Hypercalcemia Hypervitaminosis A Retinoid Hyperostosis Chapter References

The skeleton is the hard, bony framework of the body. It is difficult to imagine its mobility, mechanical properties, and vital role in metabolism and hematopoiesis when we study it in its dried state in the anatomy laboratory. A radiograph of bone is a static image chiefly of the inorganic salts it contains and therefore is an inadequate reflection of the living quality of the skeleton. In its living state, bone is a blend of hard inorganic salts and resilient organic components. Bone tissue consists of a ground substance or matrix impregnated with inorganic salts. Calcium and phosphorus are the principal mineral salts, with 99% of body calcium concentrated in bone. The inorganic salts represent an essential mineral reservoir for the metabolic pathways of the body. The uncalcified organic matrix is known as osteoid; its main component (90% to 95%) is collagen. In mature bone, approximately 20% of the weight of the matrix is water. Bone is living tissue, and old bone is constantly removed by osteoclasts and replaced by osteoblasts with new bone. Normally this exchange is in balance, and the mineral content remains relatively constant. This balance may be disturbed as a result of certain metabolic and endocrine disorders. Metabolic bone disease encompasses a diverse group of disorders associated with altered calcium and phosphorus homeostasis. The terms osteomalacia and osteoporosis describe two common but distinct metabolic disorders. Osteomalacia is a failure of deposition of calcium salts in bone matrix, whereas osteoporosis is a deficiency of the organic matrix of bone. Unfortunately, the latter term is occasionally used nonspecifically to describe a general loss of bone substance. Many of the metabolic bone disorders, including osteomalacia and osteoporosis, produce findings of decreased radiographic density. A host of terms are used to describe a loss of bone mineral and decrease in radiographic density. These include deossification, demineralization, osteolysis, osteoporosis, rarefaction, and radiolucency. Although the terms are often used interchangeably, osteopenia is the preferred descriptive term used to designate general or regional decrease in skeletal density on conventional radiographs. The loss of mineral salts that causes bones to become osteopenic may result from lack of mineralization, lack of bony matrix, or an increased rate of bone removal. Certainly, the term osteopenia is preferred to the term osteoporosis largely because it is difficult to distinguish between the various causes of decreased radiographic bone density and because there are specific pathogenic implications attached to the latter term. The radiologic finding of increased radiopacity, or increased density, of bone is much less common. The increased radiopacity can result from either increased

formation of new bone, with the removal of bone remaining normal, or interference with normal removal of bone, with a normal rate of bone formation.


Bone minerals must be considered in two separate compartments, the compact cortical bone and the trabecular, intramedullary bone. The surface area of trabecular bone is four times that of cortical bone, and the turnover rate of trabecular bone is eight times that of cortical bone. In most metabolic disorders, bone mineral loss occurs more rapidly in trabecular than in cortical bone. The estimation of bone mineral density (BMD) on the basis of conventional radiographs is highly subjective and depends greatly on exposure parameters. This precludes an accurate evaluation. In particular, overexposed radiographs give the false impression of decreased bone density. In general, 30% to 50% of bone mineral must be removed before it is apparent on the radiograph. Because of the difficulties in the subjective assessment of BMD, a number of methods have been devised to measure the mineral content of bone more accurately than by observation of radiographs. Collectively known as bone densitometry, these noninvasive techniques include radiogrammetry, radiographic absorptiometry, single-photon absorptiometry (SPA), dual-photon absorptiometry (DPA), dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and quantitative computed tomography (QCT). Because many metabolic and endocrine disorders result in a reduction of bone mass, densitometric techniques that enable accurate, reproducible measurements of BMD are ideal for early diagnosis. The most important application of bone densitometry is in postmenopausal women, in whom it is used to diagnose osteoporosis, determine susceptibility to fracture, and monitor the effect of therapy. 22,23,32,33 Other clinical indications for bone densitometry include prolonged steroid therapy, radiologic osteopenia, primary hyperparathyroidism, and evaluation of patients before organ transplantation. 5,13 Radiogrammetry Radiogrammetry is the simplest method of quantitative BMD assessment. A conventional radiograph of the long bone is obtained, and the cortical thickness on either side of the medullary space is measured and expressed as a combined cortical thickness (CCT). The midshaft of the second metacarpal is most commonly measured (Fig. 6-1). In a normal person, the CCT of the second metacarpal is at least 50% of the width of the shaft. This ratio represents an excellent rule of thumb but is too imprecise to be used for clinical management.

Fig. 6-1. Comparison of the second metacarpal and proximal phalanx in a 19-year-old man ( A) and an 82-year-old woman (B). Note the thickness of the cortex and the absence of identifiable bone trabeculae in the midshafts of the bones in A, compared with the thinness of the cortices and the coarse trabecular pattern in B. The combined cortical thickness of the midshaft of the second metacarpal is 6 mm in A and 3 mm in B.

Radiographic Absorptiometry Another application of conventional radiography that has gained popularity for the diagnosis of osteoporosis is known as radiographic absorptiometry. In this procedure, a radiograph is obtained of the hand alongside an aluminum wedge and is sent to a central processing site, where bone mass is determined from the optical density of the radiograph. 41 Preliminary data show that this method has good accuracy and precision and that low bone mass as determined by radiographic absorptiometry is associated with risk of osteoporotic fractures. 41 If additional research supports these findings, radiographic absorptiometry may prove to be a low-cost alternative for the diagnosis of osteoporosis. Single-energy Photon Absorptiometry SPA requires an iodine-125 source, a sodium iodide scintillation detector, and intervening electronics to measure the beam attenuation through the radial shaft. 11 During this examination, the forearm is surrounded by a water bath, the g-ray source and detector are translated across the forearm, and changes in the beam intensity are measured.11 Because of dosimetric and statistical considerations, the low-energy 125I source cannot be used for body parts thicker than the forearm. This technique has been replaced with DXA in most clinical settings. Dual-energy Photon Absorptiometry The advantage of DPA over SPA is use of higher g-ray energies, permitting larger body parts to be scanned without the necessity of a water bath. 34 The usual source is gadolinium-153, which emits 42-keV and 100-keV photons. This method allows accurate and clinically useful estimation of trabecular bone mineral content. 11 However, the advent of more precise DXA has made SPA and DPA obsolete. Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry DXA differs from DPA in that an x-ray tube replaces the isotope as a source of photons. This greatly increases the speed and precision of DXA in comparison with DPA. X-rays that have two energy peaks are produced, allowing differential absorption of radiation by bone and soft tissue, from which the BMD is calculated. 11 Because DXA has the best precision (coefficient of variation, 0.5% to 3%) and the lowest radiation dose (1 Sv) compared with other methods, it is currently considered the gold standard for clinical BMD measurement. 17 Typically, a DXA examination consists of a two-site BMD measurement including the posteroanterior lumbar spine and the proximal femur ( Fig. 6-2). This technique yields a measurement of the sum of all the minerals within the scan path. In the spine, not only the predominantly trabecular bone of the vertebral bodies but also the vertebral end-plates and posterior elements, which contain a greater percentage of compact bone, are measured. Vertebral compression fractures, scoliosis, bone hypertrophy, and extraosseous calcification are also included in the measurement and may result in inaccuracies. 11 Therefore, measurement of additional sites, such as the proximal femur, lateral lumbar spine, distal radius, or total body, may be required. 10

Fig. 6-2. Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. A: In this normal 52-year-old woman, the lumbar spine bone mineral density (BMD) is 96% of the young-adult mean, and the T-score is 0.4 ( arrow). B: In the same woman, the proximal femur BMD is 92% of the young-adult mean, and the T-score is 0.6 (arrow). C: In this osteoporotic 55-year-old woman, the lumbar spine BMD is 71% of the young-adult mean, and the T-score is 2.9 ( arrow). D: In the same woman, the proximal femur BMD is 58% of the young-adult mean, and the T-score is 3.3 ( arrow).

Because DXA is a projectional technique that integrates cortical and trabecular bone in the path of the x-ray beam, the BMD measurements are expressed in grams per square centimeter. In contrast, QCT is a volumetric technique in which BMD is expressed in grams per cubic centimeter. On a printout from a DXA scanner, BMD measurements are expressed as percentages of the mean values for a young-adult reference population and for an age-matched reference population (see Fig. 6-2).10,13 BMD measurements are also expressed as the number of standard deviations (SDs) from the young-adult mean (T-score) or the age-matched mean (Z-score).10,13 The T-score (also called the young-adult Z-score) is the most relevant value clinically because it is used for diagnosis of osteoporosis and estimation of fracture risk (see Fig. 6-2).10,13,21 Quantitative Computed Tomography Quantitative bone measurements can be made on an imaging CT scanner using a software package and a calibration phantom. The calibration phantom is scanned either separately or simultaneously with the patient. 28,33,34 Typically, QCT examinations are performed on the lumbar spine. Single axial scans are obtained through the midplane of two to four lumbar vertebral bodies ( Fig. 6-3). Quantitative readings are obtained from a region of interest over the trabecular bone encompassing 3 to 4 cc of each vertebral body and from different reference solutions in the phantom. The readings are averaged and used to calculate the BMD ( Fig. 6-4).

Fig. 6-3. Quantitative computed tomography. A computer compares the density in a region of interest in trabecular bone with a K 2HPO4-calibrated phantom. The phantom contains several tubes of varying concentration. The density of trabecular bone is calculated by comparing it with the densities of the phantom.

Fig. 6-4. Quantitative computed tomography determination of bone mineral density (BMD) of the spine in osteoporotic women with vertebral fractures ( A) and hip fractures (B). Center line within speckled areas depicts the mean spinal trabecular bone in 419 normal women at 90% confidence limits. A: This diagram plots the bone mineral content (dots) in 74 osteoporotic women with vertebral fractures. The fracture threshold selected was the fifth percentile of spinal BMD values from healthy premenopausal women 45 years old. Eighty-five percent of women with osteoporotic vertebral fractures had spinal BMD measurements below that value. In addition, 64% had BMD values below the 5th percentile for age-matched control subjects. B: BMD of the spine in 83 osteoporotic women with hip fractures. Only 38% of patients with hip fractures had spinal BMD values below the 5th percentile for healthy premenopausal women, and only 9% had BMD values below the 5th percentile for age-matched control subjects. (From Firooznia H, Rafii M, Golimbu C, et al: Trabecular mineral content of the spine in women with hip fracture: Ct measurement. Radiology 159:737, 1986.)

Of all available methods of bone-mass measurement, QCT has the unique advantage of selectively measuring trabecular bone. Because trabecular bone is more metabolically active than cortical bone, QCT is considered the most sensitive method for detecting changes in BMD. 8 Detection of small changes in BMD is especially important in postmenopausal women with early bone loss. A further advantage of QCT over DXA is that QCT measurements are not influenced by the patient's size or by the presence of degenerative disease. 8,11 Despite these advantages, QCT is less widely used than DXA because of its inability to measure sites other than the spine and because of its higher radiation dose and lower precision when compared to DXA.

Skeletal disorders associated with osteoporosis may be conveniently subdivided into those associated with generalized osteoporosis of the entire skeleton and those associated with a regional osteoporosis, usually limited to a single extremity or portion of an extremity ( Table 6-1).

TABLE 6-1. Classification of osteoporosis

Generalized Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is not only the most common metabolic bone disease but one of the most prevalent conditions associated with aging. 14 In the United Sates, as in many other parts of the world, it is a major public health problem. 14 Recent therapeutic advances, including bisphosphonates and selective estrogen receptor modulators, are promising to reduce the prevalence of osteoporosis. 10,17 Generalized osteoporosis is often classified as either primary or secondary. The primary (idiopathic) form is considerably more common. It is further subdivided into type 1 (postmenopausal) and type 2 (age-related or senile). 17 Postmenopausal osteoporosis is encountered in women experiencing menopause, and although the cause is multifaceted, the role of estrogen deficiency is beyond question. 22 Senile osteoporosis is encountered in elderly women and men and probably is caused by a dysfunction of osteoblasts. Secondary osteoporosis has many causes, including those related to endocrine function (hyperparathyroidism, hyperthyroidism, acromegaly, hypercorticism, hypogonadism, diabetes mellitus), congenital factors (osteogenesis imperfecta, homocystinuria, mastocytosis, ochronosis), nutrition (malnutrition, alcoholism, scurvy), and drug use (corticosteroids, heparin). 10,17 The histologic changes seen in osteoporosis are predominantly quantitative; qualitative changes are considered much less important. Resorption of bone occurs in three locations (Fig. 6-5): the endosteal surface, resulting in thinning of the cortex; the haversian canals, giving rise to porosity of the cortex; and the trabeculae within intramedullary bone, significantly reducing internal structural support.

Fig. 6-5. Cross-section of normal bone (A) compared with osteoporotic bone (B). Note the thinning of the cortex caused by endosteal resorption, the widening of the haversian systems, and the reduction in the size and number of intramedullary trabeculae in osteoporotic bone.

The principal effect of loss of bone in osteoporosis is an increase in the fragility of bone; as bone mass decreases, bones are more susceptible to fracture. 23,29,30,32 Most fractures result from falls from a standing position by tripping or stumbling. The proximal end of the femur, the distal end of the radius, the proximal end of the humerus, the thoracolumbar spine, and the pelvis are common sites of fracture in the elderly (see Chapter 2). Each year in the United States there are 1.5 million osteoporotic fractures, including approximately 500,000 vertebral fractures, 250,000 femoral neck fractures, and 240,000 distal radius fractures. 17 The cumulative prevalence of all these fractures in women is about 7% by the age of 60 years and increases to about 25% by the age of 80 years. After hip fracture, approximately 20% of patients die within 1 year and 25% to 40% have significant morbidity. In the United States, the annual direct cost of osteoporosis exceeds $10 billion. 17 Among the reported risk factors for osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures are advancing age, female gender, Caucasian or Asian ethnicity, family history, estrogen deficiency, calcium deficiency, vitamin D deficiency, low body weight, sedentary lifestyle, alcoholism, and smoking. 10,17 Because most of these risk factors are strongly associated with low BMD, low BMD is considered the major risk factor for osteoporosis and the strongest predictor of fracture risk. 3,19,21,32 In normal persons, BMD reaches a peak between the ages of 30 and 35 years and then decreases progressively. In women, the loss of BMD increases dramatically at menopause. In men, the majority of loss occurs after 65 years. The cumulative loss of mineral from the vertebrae between young adulthood and extreme old age approaches 50% for women and approximately 15% for men. In general, each standard deviation drop in BMD below the young-adult mean increases the risk of fracture by 2 to 3 times. 3,14,19 The association between low BMD and risk of fracture is analogous to the relation between high serum cholesterol and risk of myocardial infarction or to that between high blood pressure and risk of stroke. Just as blood pressure and serum cholesterol measurements have become commonplace, the determination of BMD is rapidly becoming a standard of care in modern medical practice. In 1994 the World Health Organization developed a definition of osteoporosis based on bone densitometry. Osteoporosis was defined as a BMD measurement 2.5 SDs or more below the young-adult mean (Table 6-2).14 Osteopenia (low bone mass) was defined as a BMD more than 1 or less than 2.5 SDs below the young-adult mean.14 This definition of osteoporosis is useful to clinicians because it allows diagnosis before the occurrence of fracture and allows quantitative assessment of the severity of disease. 10 Because pre-existing fracture substantially increases the future risk of fracture, the clinical goal is to make the diagnosis of osteoporosis before the first fracture occurs. 10 At present, the only way to accomplish this goal is with bone densitometry.

TABLE 6-2. World Health Organization criteria for osteoporosis

Although conventional radiographs should not be used to diagnose osteoporosis because of the availability of more accurate methods such as DXA, one must be familiar with the radiologic manifestations of osteoporosis. Conventional radiographs in patients with early osteoporosis are commonly normal. In patients with advanced disease, radiographs may show osteopenia or fractures. The cortex of the affected bone is thin, and the trabecular pattern coarsened (see Fig. 6-1). Coarsening of the trabecular pattern is caused by a selective resorption of smaller trabeculae; when the smaller trabeculae are removed, the larger trabeculae become more evident and more sharply defined. In patients with osteopenia, it is important not only to evaluate the overall density of bone but to determine specific characteristics of both the cortex and trabecular bone. Conventional radiographs may help differentiate osteoporosis from osteomalacia, hyperparathyroidism, and multiple myelomaby showing Looser's zones in patients with osteomalacia, subperiosteal resorption in patients with hyperparathyroidism, and multiple lytic lesions in patients with multiple myeloma. The consequences of osteoporosis are particularly well demonstrated in the spine by the presence of anterior wedging, codfish deformities, or overt fractures of the vertebral bodies ( Fig. 6-6). The number of spinal fractures correlates well with BMD; the more fractures, the greater the degree of bone mineral loss. The midthoracic, lower-thoracic, and upper-lumbar vertebral bodies are more severely affected. The most characteristic abnormality is a codfish deformity of the vertebral body, so named because the end-plates become deeply concave, similar to the vertebral bodies of fish. This condition is caused by an expansion of the intervertebral disc or invagination of the disc into a vertebral body weakened by the loss of trabeculae. Multiple wedging of the vertebral bodies leads to a kyphosis of the mid-dorsal spine. This deformity is obvious clinically and is known as a dowager's hump. Elderly women may lose as much as 6 inches in height because of loss of vertebral height. Differentiation of osteoporotic fractures from acute fractures is described in Chapter 2. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be useful for differentiating osteoporotic fractures from pathologic fractures by showing contrast enhancement of bone marrow in pathologic fractures ( Fig. 6-7).

Fig. 6-6. Postmenopausal osteoporosis. A: There are multiple deformities of the thoracic vertebral bodies. The cortical margins are thin, the vertebral bodies are wedged anteriorly, and the end-plates are concave. The biconcave vertebral bodies are known as codfish vertebrae. B: In the lumbar spine, there is no wedging of the vertebral bodies, but note the concave deformity of the superior end-plates.

Fig. 6-7. An 87-year-old man with multiple spinal compression fractures. A: Sagittal T1-weighted magnetic resonance image (MRI) shows multiple spinal compression fractures. B: Sagittal T1-weighted MRI taken after administration of gadolinium shows enhancement of T10, T11, L1, L2, L3, and L5 vertebrae, suggesting that the fractures are pathologic fractures. Biopsy showed lymphoma.

Idiopathic Osteoporosis of Males Persons with alcoholism and cirrhosis have a reduced bone mass and an increased incidence of fractures of the vertebral bodies, hip, distal forearm, and proximal humerus, compared with controls. Although this condition was described initially in men, both men and women may be affected. The early onset of osteoporosis in men usually is associated with alcoholism and cirrhosis. The cause of bone loss is unknown, but undoubtedly there is a relation between bone mass, nutrition, and other variables such as physical activity and gastric surgery for peptic ulcer disease in alcoholic persons. The disease is usually manifested radiographically by deformities of the thoracic and lumbar vertebral bodies typical of osteoporosis (see Fig. 6-6) and by a generalized osteopenia in the peripheral skeleton revealed by thinning of the cortex and coarsening of the trabecular pattern. Loss of bone can be verified and quantified with bone densitometry. Idiopathic Juvenile Osteoporosis Idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis is an uncommon, self-limited disease of childhood. 36 Afflicted children present about 2 years before puberty with spinal and extraspinal symptoms that may simulate those of arthritis; pain in the ankles, slowness in walking, and abnormal gait are characteristic. Radiographs show multiple compressed or biconcave vertebrae and often metaphyseal fractures of long bones. The serum calcium, phosphorus, and alkaline phosphatase levels are normal. The differential diagnosis includes Cushing's syndrome, celiac disease, homocystinuria, osteogenesis imperfecta, leukemia, and metastatic disease. The main diagnostic problem is ruling out mild osteogenesis imperfecta and metastatic disease or leukemia. In idiopathic osteoporosis, the width of the long bones is normal, although the cortex is thin and metaphyseal fractures are common. In osteogenesis imperfecta, the width of the bones may be abnormally thin and most fractures occur in the diaphysis; metaphyseal fractures are rare. Patients with osteogenesis imperfecta also have blue sclerae and progressive cranial, facial, and pelvic deformities. In contrast to the qualitative abnormality of bone seen on histologic examination in osteogenesis imperfecta, biopsies in idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis reveal no qualitative changes in bone. Cushing's Syndrome and Endogenous Steroids Osteopenia is the principal skeletal manifestation of hypersteroidism, whether from endogenous or exogenous sources. Excessive endogenous production of steroids resulting in Cushing's syndrome is usually caused by bilateral adrenocortical hyperplasia or, less frequently, by an adrenocortical adenoma or carcinoma. Excessive steroids result in a demineralization of bone, particularly in the vertebrae, which are prone to collapse with multiple compression fractures manifested by anterior wedging and biconcave deformities of the vertebral bodies ( Fig. 6-8). Marginal condensation of the end-plates of compressed vertebrae is seen more commonly than in vertebral compressions resulting from other causes ( Fig. 6-9). It has been suggested that this finding is a manifestation of attempted repair with

excess callus formation. Rib fractures are also common. Fractures of the pubic and ischial rami may also occur. The rib and pubic fractures often have exuberant callus formation.

Fig. 6-8. Cushing's syndrome. There is a codfish deformity of all the lumbar vertebral bodies. Expansion of the intervertebral discs into the softened vertebral bodies causes this characteristic biconcavity of the upper and lower end-plates.

Fig. 6-9. Cushing's syndrome. There are multiple compression fractures of lumbar vertebral bodies. Note marginal condensation of the vertebral end-plates ( arrows).

Ischemic necrosis of the head of the femur (Fig. 6-10) and the head of the humerus is another frequent complication of hypersteroidism. 27 The exact cause is not known. The characteristic radiographic findings are an increase in radiodensity or sclerosis, sometimes called snowcapping; collapse of bone with loss of volume; and linear subcortical radiolucencies, the so-called crescent sign (see Chapter 7). On MRI, serpiginous regions of linear, low signal intensity, often paralleled by linear high signal, are virtually diagnostic of osteonecrosis ( Fig. 6-11). In addition to involving the epiphyses, osteonecrosis commonly involves the shafts of long bones and may be seen in virtually any bone of the skeleton. Although in its late stages osteonecrosis is apparent on conventional radiographs, early diagnosis requires the use of MRI (Fig. 6-12).

Fig. 6-10. Cushing's syndrome in a patient presenting with the chief complaint of hip pain. A: Characteristic changes of avascular necrosis of the femoral head manifested by increased densities and lucencies and slight collapse of the femoral head. Note the subchondral fracture ( arrow). B: Computed tomographic scan of the abdomen demonstrates presence of a left adrenal adenoma ( asterisk). Note the normal thin, linear right adrenal gland ( arrow).

Fig. 6-11. Cushing's syndrome in a 30-year-old man with knee pain. A: Coronal T1-weighted magnetic resonance image (MRI) of the knee shows multiple serpiginous areas of low signal ( arrows) in the proximal tibia and distal femur. B: Coronal T2-weighted, fat-suppressed MRI of the same knee shows serpiginous areas of low and high signal ( arrows) in the same regions, consistent with the diagnosis of osteonecrosis.

Fig. 6-12. Two cases of Cushing's syndrome and osteonecrosis. A: Coronal T1-weighted magnetic resonance image (MRI) of the shoulder in a 38-year-old woman with shoulder pain shows serpiginous low signal ( arrow) in the humeral head, consistent with osteonecrosis. B: Coronal T1-weighted MRI of the pelvis in a 39-year-old woman with left hip pain shows serpiginous areas of low signal ( arrow) in both femoral heads, consistent with osteonecrosis. Conventional radiographs were normal in both cases.

Nonskeletal findings of hypersteroidism on imaging studies include excess subcutaneous and intra-abdominal fat deposition and mediastinal widening. Extrapleural fat pads and epicardial fat accumulations may also be seen. Malnutrition and Related Causes Severe malnutrition and protein deficiency or abnormal protein metabolism cause osteoporosis. Osteoporosis and osteomalacia may both occur after periods of starvation. Osteoporosis may develop in nephrosis or celiac disease as a result of loss of protein; in poorly controlled diabetes; and in hyperthyroidism, probably owing to catabolic destruction of amino acids. Scurvy Vitamin C is necessary for normal osteoblastic activity. The organic matrix of bone cannot be laid down without it. Infantile scurvy is caused by a deficiency of vitamin C. Scurvy is not a disease of the immediate postnatal period but is encountered in children between the ages of 6 months and 2 years. There are no authentic cases of symptomatic or radiographic scurvy in infants younger than 3 months. It is a rare disease in present-day America. Heating of cow's milk for the purpose of pasteurization destroys vitamin C in sufficient amount to lead to clinical scurvy. In such circumstances, the addition of orange juice or ascorbic acid to the diet easily and effectively prevents scurvy. The clinical manifestations are irritability, digestive disturbance, loss of appetite, and tenderness and swelling, particularly of the lower extremities. Swelling of the gums is also characteristic. In far-advanced cases, hemorrhages occur in the skin, mucous membranes, and soft tissues because of the lack of intercellular substance in the capillaries. Because of the lowered activity of the osteoblasts, the serum alkaline phosphatase level is usually low or occasionally normal. The serum calcium and phosphorus are normal. Radiographic Findings The diagnosis of scurvy usually is based on the radiographic findings in the long bones, especially at their distal ends. As a rule, the findings are most marked about the knee (Fig. 6-13).

Fig. 6-13. Infantile scurvy. The white line of scurvy is particularly distinct in the metaphysis of the femur. Note the spur-like projection at the zone of provisional calcification laterally. The translucent scurvy zone is not visible because of impaction of the shaft into the zone of provisional calcification. Note the distinct ring-like contour of the epiphyses.

A diffuse demineralization of the entire skeleton gives rise to a ground-glass appearance. The normal trabecular architecture is disrupted, and the cortices are thinned. Characteristically there are two zones of increased density. The first forms at the margins of the epiphyseal centers. As the cancellous bone of the center becomes more translucent than normal, the dense outer rim has the appearance of a ring, known as the Wimberger's ring sign. The second develops in the zone of provisional calcification at the metaphysis of long bones. This zone of radiodensity, known as the white line of scurvy, represents an abnormally wide zone of provisional calcification and is caused by a failure of normal proliferation of cartilage cells so that the change from cartilage to bone becomes arrested. There are also two distinct areas of radiolucency. A small radiolucent area involves the cortex and trabeculae just proximal to the metaphysis. This is known as the corner sign of scurvy. It is an early and characteristic finding and represents the early development of the scurvy zone. The scurvy zone is a transverse band of radiolucency that crosses the shaft just beneath the white line of scurvy. This is an area in which active bone formation would normally be taking place but cannot occur in the presence of vitamin C deficiency. It is a weakened portion of the bone, and fractures may occur with or without displacement of the shaft, giving the appearance of an epiphyseal separation ( Fig. 6-14). The scurvy zone often disappears as the epiphysis, together with the zone of provisional calcification, becomes impacted into the shaft.

Fig. 6-14. Infantile scurvy. This examination was obtained shortly after the beginning of the patient's treatment. There has been an epiphyseal fracture, with lateral displacement of the right lower femoral epiphysis. Large calcifying subperiosteal hematomas are present bilaterally about the femurs. Note the distinct ring-like contour of the epiphyses.

During the active phase of the disease, extensive hemorrhages may develop beneath the periosteum. During infancy and childhood, the periosteum is loosely attached to the cortex of the bone and is easily elevated by hemorrhage beneath it. However, it is firmly attached at the end of the shaft; hemorrhage is limited at this point and therefore does not extend over the epiphysis. It is the subperiosteal hemorrhage that accounts for the swelling of the extremities. Healing is first shown by new-bone formation beneath the elevated periosteum (see Fig. 6-14). As a result of adequate treatment, bone is deposited throughout the area of hemorrhage surrounding the shaft, the scurvy zones recalcify, there is gradual remineralization of the skeleton, and cortices regain their normal thickness. As growth proceeds, the thickened zone of provisional calcification appears to migrate into the shaft, where it remains for a variable time as a thin, dense, white line (a growth-arrest line). In like manner, a ring of density may be visible within the epiphyseal center, as normal bone forms around the edge of the old center (ghost epiphysis, or bone within a bone). The calcified subperiosteal hemorrhages are gradually absorbed. Osteogenesis Imperfecta Osteogenesis imperfecta is a congenital form of secondary osteoporosis that is caused by a defect or deficiency of osteoblasts. It is discussed in Chapter 9. Other Causes Homocystinuria is an inborn error of metabolism resulting in osteopenia. It is transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait and may simulate Marfan's syndrome. Arachnodactyly is found only occasionally. 27 In the elderly, multiple myeloma can cause osteopenia of the spine, with or without associated vertebral fractures, and must always be considered in the differential diagnosis of generalized osteopenia.

The causes of regional osteoporosis are immobilization and disuse, reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome, transient regional osteoporosis, and inflammatory arthritis. Disuse Osteoporosis Disuse osteopenia or disuse osteoporosis is an acute form of osteopenia that occurs in an extremity because of lack of use. It usually occurs after immobilization of a fracture but occasionally is seen after other causes of forced inactivity. For example, there is a generalized disuse osteoporosis that occurs in astronauts because of the absence of gravity. The process consists of a resorption of trabecular and cortical bone. It begins rather abruptly at or just proximal to a fracture and extends distally to involve all bones beyond the fracture site ( Fig. 6-15). With resumption of activity, the process is reversed and the bone is restored. Because disuse osteoporosis is a focal rather than a generalized phenomenon, it usually can be differentiated from postmenopausal or senile osteoporosis. There are two distinctive radiographic features 12,30 peculiar to disuse osteoporosis: (1) a pronounced resorption of the endosteal surface of the cortical margins of the joints, resulting in a characteristic thin, radiolucent line beneath the articular cortex, and (2) a tendency for a broad, transverse band of accentuated resorption to develop in the region of the physeal scar in adults. The other characteristic radiographic findings are generalized osteoporosis, speckled or spotty osteoporosis, and changes within the cortex. The generalized osteoporosis consists of a loss of the finer trabeculae, which results in a coarsened appearance of the intramedullary bone. Spotty or speckled osteoporosis consists of small oval or rounded translucencies, found most commonly in the carpal and tarsal bones and in the bases of the metacarpals and metatarsals. The cortical changes consist of tunneling (thin, linear, longitudinal cortical radiolucencies caused by enlargement of haversian canals) and scalloping of the outer margin of the cortex.

Fig. 6-15. Disuse osteoporosis. These radiographs were obtained 6 weeks after fracture of the distal ulna. Note the loss of bone density distal to the fracture site within the carpal and metacarpal bones, particularly prominent about the carpal joints.

It is important to appreciate the similarities between the findings in this process and those associated with reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome ( Fig. 6-16). Radiographic evidence of disuse osteoporosis is present in most patients after 5 weeks of immobilization.

Fig. 6-16. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (Sudeck's atrophy). There is a severe osteopenia, which followed fracture of the tip of the lateral malleolus. The osteoporosis involves all the tarsal bones, and a zone of radiolucency traverses the shafts of both the tibia and fibula. The cortical margins are thinned but intact. The patchy and mottled character of the loss of bone is characteristic. Note also the subchondral resorption, which leaves the articular cortices of the tarsal bones as fine, sharply defined lines of cortical bone.

Chronic disuse osteoporosis may develop gradually when it results from partial limitation of activity, or it may be the continuation of an acute process (e.g., in a paralyzed limb). The bones involved show uniform osteopenia, thinning of the cortex, and a poorly defined trabecular structure. The osteopenia is limited to the paralyzed extremity.

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome (Sudeck's Atrophy) Reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome, also known as Sudeck's atrophy, is a severe form of local osteopenia that usually occurs after trauma with or without fracture. It may also follow infection, peripheral neuropathy, central nervous system abnormality, or cervical osteoarthritis. In about 25% of sufferers, no predisposing disorder is recognized. The cause is not clearly understood, but abnormal neural reflexes leading to muscle atrophy and sometimes marked hypervascularity have been implicated. Clinical manifestations consist of pain, often severe, that results in far more disability than would be expected to follow a relatively minor injury. There are atrophic changes in the skin, making it smooth and glistening. The pain is often aggravated by immobilization. The radiologic hallmark of reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome is osteopenia. 7 However, osteopenia may be absent in as many as one third of cases of nontraumatic cause, particularly during the early course of the disease process. The osteopenia has been characterized as spotty or patchy, but in reality it is little different from severe disuse osteoporosis (discussed previously). It is manifested by thinning of the cortices, loss of finer trabeculae, and tunneling of the cortex (see Fig. 6-16).7 In reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome, however, the osteopenia is generally more rapid in progression. Periarticular swelling is noted. Juxta-articular and subchondral erosions may be present. The diagnosis of reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome cannot be made on the basis of osteopenia alone. The diagnosis requires that the osteopenia be associated with pain or trophic changes or both. The course of the disease may be prolonged, or it may revert at any stage, although the longer the process continues, the less likely there is to be a subsequent remission. There is no effective treatment. Transient Regional Osteoporosis There are two general patterns of transient regional osteoporosis 27transient osteoporosis of the hip and regional migratory osteoporosis. Transient osteoporosis of the hip is usually observed in young and middle-aged men. Either hip may be affected. However, the disease was originally recognized in pregnant women, with the onset occurring in the third trimester and the process almost invariably involving the left hip. 2 Clinically, there is gradual onset of hip pain with no antecedent history of injury. There may be a joint effusion, and on biopsy a mild, chronic synovitis may be observed. Recovery usually occurs spontaneously in 6 months or less. Radiographic findings consist of severe osteopenia of the femoral head and, to a lesser extent, the femoral neck and acetabulum ( Fig. 6-17). Characteristically, there is no narrowing of the joint space. With MRI, the diagnosis often is made in the absence of radiographic osteopenia, in which case the name transient bone marrow edema is more appropriate.

Fig. 6-17. Two cases of transient osteoporosis of the hip. A: Technetium-99m bone scan of a young man with involvement of the right hip. Increased activity is present in the femoral head and neck. B: Anteroposterior view of the pelvis in the same patient. Note the marked reduction in density of the right femoral head and neck and, to a lesser extent, the acetabulum. The cortical margin of the femoral head is almost completely lost. The joint space is normal. C: T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination of the left hip of a 38-year-old women (TR 500, TE 40). Note reduced signal from the intermedullary bone in the head, neck, and intertrochanteric region of the left femur. The cortical bone is intact. D: T2-weighted MRI (TR 2000, TE 120) demonstrates increased signal from the same area. There is a small accompanying joint effusion, identified by the linear bright signal at the lateral and inferior margins of the femoral head.

Regional migratory osteoporosis is a transient, painful osteoporosis of the lower extremities in which the knee, ankle, and foot are involved more commonly than the hip. Women are affected more often than men. There is gradual onset of regional pain and swelling accompanied by a rapid development of osteopenia, localized to the painful area. Pain often lasts as long as 9 months, and there may be subsequent involvement of other areas in the same or opposite extremity. Typically, contiguous joints are affected. Conventional radiographs show osteopenia, similar to that seen in reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome (see Fig. 6-16). The trabecular pattern is coarse and irregular and tends to change slowly, gradually returning to normal over a period of several years. There are no alterations in calcium, phosphorus, or alkaline phosphatase levels. The cause is unknown. In both forms of transient regional osteoporosis, isotopic bone scans show a diffuse increase in activity on both sides of the joint (see Fig. 6-17A). When the process involves the hip, the activity is usually greater in the femoral head and neck than in the acetabulum. In both conditions, MRI scans 1,39 show bone marrow edema and joint effusions (see Fig. 6-17C, D). Although more sensitive than conventional radiography, MRI has difficulty in establishing the diagnosis of transient regional osteoporosis. Decreased signal on T1-weighted and increased signal on T2-weighted MRI scans is a nonspecific finding that may be seen in any process that results in bone marrow edema, including infection and neoplasm. Furthermore, the relation between transient osteoporosis of the hip and transient bone marrow edema is somewhat controversial, and some investigators question whether the two conditions in fact represent the same entity. 39,40 Another controversy concerns the relation between transient bone marrow edema and osteonecrosis. These conditions often coexist in individual patients, although no cause-and-effect relation has been established ( Fig. 6-18).39,40

Fig. 6-18. Osteonecrosis and bone marrow edema in a 47-year-old man with right hip pain. Coronal T2-weighted magnetic resonance image of the pelvis shows high signal in the right femoral head and neck, consistent with bone marrow edema. There is a small region of low signal ( arrow) in the right femoral head, consistent with osteonecrosis.

Periarticular Osteoporosis Periarticular osteoporosis refers to a pattern of focal osteoporosis at apposing ends of bone at a joint, usually associated with arthritis. It is a particularly common finding in rheumatoid arthritis but is also encountered, to a lesser extent, in other arthritides such as Reiter's syndrome, acute septic arthritis, and chronic infectious arthritis (see Chapter 3).


Normally the process of bone removal and formation is in balance. Unless adequate calcium and phosphorus are available, proper mineralization of osteoid cannot occur and the process of bone formation is arrested; removal of bone continues, and the balance is disturbed in favor of demineralization. When this happens in an adult, it results in a condition known as osteomalacia. During childhood, the effect is two pronged, affecting bone already formed in the same manner as in the adult and affecting new bone in the epiphyseal complexmetaphysis, physis, and epiphysis. As a result, the process of growth is greatly altered and changes are seen in the epiphyseal complex that have no counterpart in the adult. This form of osteomalacia is known as rickets. Osteomalacia and rickets are therefore essentially the same disease. The radiographic findings differ only because of the presence of the epiphyseal complex and actively growing bone in childhood. The causes of osteomalacia are varied and include an inadequate intake of vitamin D and failure of absorption of calcium and phosphorus, singly or in combination. The importance of calcium and phosphorus in the proper mineralization of bone is well recognized. The major effect of vitamin D is to increase absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the intestinal tract. It may also have a direct effect on bone. Certain renal diseases in which there is tubular insufficiency and failure of phosphorus resorption may also cause osteomalacia. Vitamin D Metabolism Vitamin D is in reality not a true vitamin. The metabolism of vitamin D is summarized in Fig. 6-19.27 The chemical compound vitamin D 3 is produced from the interaction of ultraviolet light with a natural, endogenously produced cholesterol derivative, 7-dehydrocholesterol, in the deeper layers of the skin. Small amounts of exogenous vitamin D3 may be derived in the diet from dairy products, fish, and liver oils. Vitamin D 2 is artificially prepared from yeast or fungi and is the compound used for food supplementation and pharmaceutical preparations. Vitamin D 2 and D3 are quite similar in their chemical makeup and physiologic action. Both are hydroxylated at the carbon-25 position in the liver to form 25-(OH)-D 2 and 25-(OH)-D3, respectively. 25-Hydroxyvitamin D 3 (or D2) is further hydroxylated at the carbon-1 position to form 1,25-(OH) 2-D3 (or -D2). Hydroxylation at this position occurs in the kidney and yields the most active form of vitamin D.

Fig. 6-19. Vitamin D metabolism. Deficiencies and diseases resulting in rickets and osteomalacia are identified in the boxes.

The hormone acts on three main target organs: bone, kidney, and intestine. The effect on the intestine is to increase the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. In the skeleton, it has two actions: the mobilization of calcium and phosphorus from previously formed bone and the promotion of maturation and mineralization of the organic matrix. The presence of vitamin D is essential for adequate deposition of bone mineral. Two hormonal roles are possible: the maintenance of adequate serum calcium and phosphorus levels and a direct effect on skeletal tissue. Vitamin D plays a lesser role in renal tubular resorption of phosphate and the regulation of parathormone excretion by the parathyroid gland. Vitamin D is excreted directly into the bile, where it facilitates the intestinal absorption of both calcium and phosphorus. The serum calcium level and deposition of calcium in bone are very sensitive to the renal tubular excretion of phosphorus. When the renal tubular resorption of phosphorus is excessive, there is an associated loss of serum calcium and a mobilization of calcium from the bone. Therefore, renal tubular disorders are an important source of rickets and osteomalacia. Pathologic Changes in Rickets and Osteomalacia Rickets causes a disorganization of the growth plate and subjacent metaphysis. The resting or proliferative zones of the growth plate are not significantly altered. However, the zone of maturation or hypertrophy is grossly abnormal, with a disorganized increase in the number of cells and a loss of the normal columnar arrangement, resulting in an increase in the length and width of the growth plate. Vascular intrusion from the metaphysis and subsequent calcification of the intervening cartilage bars are decreased and grossly disordered. Defective mineralization occurs in the metaphysis, resulting in the failure of proper formation of bone lamellae and haversian systems. Osteomalacia is characterized by abnormal quantities of osteoid (inadequately mineralized bone matrix) coating the surfaces of trabeculae and lining the haversian canals in the cortex. Excessive accumulations of osteoid may also be deposited beneath the periosteum. Bone trabeculae become thin and decrease in number. In the cortex, the haversian systems become irregular and large. Osteoid seams, known as Looser's zones or pseudofractures, form in areas of high bone turnover within the cortex. Considered to be insufficiency fractures, these focal accumulations of osteoid are the radiologic hallmarks of osteomalacia. The various clinical syndromes of rickets and osteomalacia are listed in Table 6-3 and Table 6-4.

TABLE 6-3. Clinical syndromes of rickets and osteomalacia

TABLE 6-4. Rickets: potential cause by age at onset

Osteomalacia in Adults The disease osteomalacia is the same as infantile rickets, but it occurs after bone growth has ceased. In the United States, osteomalacia probably is most often caused by faulty absorption of fat-soluble vitamin D and other substances from the intestinal tract owing to the steatorrhea of malabsorption syndromes, of which idiopathic sprue is the most common. Osteomalacia secondary to dysfunction of the proximal renal tubules (renal osteomalacia) is encountered less frequently, and dietary deficiency, the common cause of infantile rickets, is infrequent in the United States. Most cases identified in adults in the United States prove to be idiopathic. Some patients experience bone pain, and in others the condition is recognized incidentally on radiographs or at the time of initial evaluation for a fracture. Radiographic Findings Pseudofractures, or Looser's zones, are common in and characteristic of osteomalacia, although they may be found in a few other conditions. These are transverse, fissure-like defects or clefts extending partly or completely through the cortex ( Fig. 6-20 and Fig. 6-21). Pseudofractures are commonly found along the axillary borders of the scapulae, the inner margins of the femoral necks, the ribs, the pubic and ischial rami, and the bones of the forearms. Complete fractures may occur through these weakened areas. The condition, described by Milkman 20 and known as Milkman's syndrome, is considered to represent a mild form of osteomalacia in which pseudofractures are particularly numerous.

Fig. 6-20. Osteomalacia. This 35-year-old man complained of diffuse bone pain. A: Technetium bone scan demonstrates three small foci of increased uptake in the proximal shafts of the femurs (arrows). B: Anteroposterior radiograph of the proximal right femur demonstrates two short radiolucencies in the medial cortex, typical of pseudofractures.

Fig. 6-21. Osteomalacia in a 30-year-old woman receiving long-term diphenylhydantoin sodium (Dilantin) therapy who complained of diffuse bone pain. A pseudofracture of the lateral border of the scapula and a rib fracture are identified ( arrows).

The basic radiographic abnormality is a generalized osteopenia. The texture of the bones is coarse and poorly defined. This is caused by an irregular absorption of trabeculae; the number of trabeculae is decreased, and the primary trabeculae that remain are more prominent. Contrary to the case in osteoporosis, the cortical margins are not very distinct and the corticomedullary junction is ill-defined. Despite this distinction, it may be difficult to differentiate between osteoporosis and osteomalacia on the basis of the radiographic appearance. Because bone growth has ceased, the metaphyseal and epiphyseal changes that are part of the findings in rickets are not observed. Because osteomalacia causes softening of the bones, they may bend as a result of weight-bearing. In the pelvis there may be an inward bending of the pelvic sidewalls, with deepening of the acetabular cavities (protrusio acetabuli). In the skull, softening of the bones may lead to a downward molding of the skull over the first and second cervical vertebrae. The basal angle of the skull is flattened; this condition is known as platybasia. Atypical Axial Osteomalacia Atypical axial osteomalacia is a rare condition in which skeletal involvement is limited to the axial skeleton, sparing the extremities. A dense, coarse trabecular pattern primarily involves the cervical spine, but the lumbar spine, pelvis, and ribs are involved to a lesser extent. Looser's zones are not encountered. All reported patients have been adult men. Vitamin Ddeficiency Rickets Classic vitamin Ddeficiency rickets is uncommon in the United States because of the widespread addition of synthetic vitamin D to dairy products and bread and routine administration of vitamin supplements to infants. Worldwide, however, rickets represents a significant health problem. In temperate northern climates, the most common cause is lack of sufficient exposure to sunshine. This is more likely to occur during the winter months in crowded urban centers and occurs only in the absence of dietary supplementation. Vitamin Ddeficiency rickets also occurs in more tropical climates because of ethnic or cultural traditions. In some cultures, infants are wrapped and exposure to sunshine is prevented. Dietary staples, particularly grains, contain phytates, which act as chelators and bind calcium within the

intestine, resulting in a fecal loss of calcium that is so great as to cause rickets and osteomalacia. Dietary rickets is usually manifested between the ages of 4 and 18 months. The age of onset is an important clue to the cause of rickets (see Table 6-4). The earliest sign is craniotabes, manifested as a softening of the occiput and posterior parietal bones. In the thorax, there is both palpable and visible enlargement of the costochondral junctions, causing beading of the rib ends and formation of a row of knobs or beads (rachitic rosary). In the extremities, enlargement of the ends of the bones may be painful on palpation. Bowing of long bones may be seen and is more pronounced in the lower extremities than in the upper. The bowing is produced by gravity and by muscle pull on the softened bones. In severe cases, this results in a reduction in height (rachitic dwarfism). Radiographic Findings Rachitic changes are more obvious in regions of active growth. Therefore, the disease affects, in order of decreasing frequency, the costochondral junctions of middle ribs, the distal femur, the proximal femur, the proximal humerus, both ends of the tibia, and the distal radius and ulna ( Fig. 6-22). The zone of provisional calcification, which marks the distal extent of the metaphysis, disappears, and the metaphysis develops a very irregular coarse and frayed appearance. This is characteristic of rickets. Typically, the metaphyses become concave (cupping). The margins of the ossified epiphyseal centers become indistinct, and in severe cases the centers may be difficult to visualize or may even disappear because of pronounced demineralization. In severe rickets, thin, stripe-like shadows frequently parallel the outer cortical margins of the long bones. These resemble periosteal new-bone formation but actually represent zones of poorly calcified osteoid laid down by the periosteum, which would normally result in transverse growth of bone.

Fig. 6-22. Nutritional rickets in a 10-month-old girl. A: Distal radius and ulna. The metaphyses are flared, with concave or cupping deformity. The zone of provisional calcification is decreased in density, broadened, and brush-like. B: Normal wrist of a 10-month-old girl for comparison. C: Anteroposterior view of the knee demonstrates flaring of metaphysis with a broad, brush-like provisional zone of calcification. Note the widening of the growth plate and the poor definition of the epiphysis. D: Knee of a normal 10-month-old girl for comparison.

Nonspecific radiographic features of rickets include general retardation in growth and generalized osteopenia, giving the bones a coarse texture. The smaller trabeculae are resorbed, and the larger and coarser trabeculae remain. Because of the weakening effects of demineralization, bowing of the weight-bearing bones develops when the infant begins to stand or walk ( Fig. 6-23). Greenstick fractures may occur. These are more likely to develop in the older child than in the very young infant. Children with severe disease may develop pseudofractures or Looser's zones, similar to those seen in osteomalacia in adults.

Fig. 6-23. Results of therapy for infantile rickets. A: Initial examination shows typical changes of rickets. Note the varus deformity at the ankle. B: The same patient after 18 days of therapy. The metaphyses are beginning to recalcify. C: Four weeks later, the healing is well advanced. Bowing is present because the infant started to walk before therapy was initiated. Note that the growth plate has reduced considerably in width over the period of observation.

Demineralization of the cranial bones occurs, and in the young infant the sutural margins become indistinct. The bones are soft, and the skull is readily molded by pressure. The tendency for piling up of poorly calcified bone leads to the formation of prominences or bosses in the skull, particularly in the frontal bone. These are especially noticeable after healing begins. The changes noted in the metaphyses of the long, tubular bones also develop in the sternal ends of the ribs and lead to the clinical sign of rachitic rosary. Healing of rickets is manifested by remineralization of the zone of provisional calcification (see Fig. 6-23). At first, this is seen as a broad band of uniform density extending across the end of the shaft. Remineralization of the skeleton is a slow process and may take several months or even longer. The epiphyseal centers gradually regain normal density and sharpness of outline. The subperiosteal, poorly calcified osteoid is transformed into bone, and the periosteal stripes disappear. If the bones have become bowed or otherwise deformed during the active stage of disease, the deformities are likely to persist. When rickets has completely healed, only the deformities from bowing or fracture remain as evidence of the disease (see Fig. 6-23). Neonatal Rickets Neonatal rickets occurs in premature infants of very low birth weight. 26 The requirements for calcium phosphate and vitamin D in premature infants are greater than those of infants born at term. Rickets may be manifested in infants who have experienced necrotizing enterocolitis or neonatal respiratory distress syndrome. The radiographic diagnosis may be made on the basis of changes in the proximal humerus and ribs. The possibility of rickets in these newborns has been recognized, and it is successfully treated by oral administration of vitamin D. It is now rare to identify radiographic evidence of rickets in this population. Vitamin Dresistant (Refractory) Rickets Refractory rickets has also been called rachitis tarda or late rickets because it is found in older children (beyond the age of 2 years). It was formerly considered to be caused by a high tissue threshold for the effects of vitamin D, since massive doses of the vitamin are necessary to effect a cure. It is now known that refractory rickets can result from a number of renal tubular disorders. The diseases may affect the proximal tubules, the distal tubules, or both. This results in renal loss of phosphorus and is known as hypophosphatemic rickets. Four types have been reported: 1. Classic vitamin Dresistant (hypophosphatemic) rickets or phosphate diabetes is transmitted as an X-linked dominant trait. Most children with this type of rickets fall below the third percentile in height by the age of 2 years. Enlarged wrists and ankles, rachitic rosary, frontal bossing, and sometimes craniosynostosis are observed. 2. In vitamin Dresistant rickets with glycosuria, there is an abnormal resorptive mechanism for glucose and inorganic phosphate.

3. In the proximal tubular type (Fanconi's syndrome), there is defective resorption of phosphate, glucose, and several amino acids. The rachitic lesions are severe, but this type appears to be less refractory to vitamin D therapy than the others. 4. A rare type of hypophosphatemic syndrome does not become manifest until late adolescence or early adult life. It may be an acquired lesion and is probably of toxic origin. Radiographic Findings Rachitic changes at the growth plate are usually only mild or moderate in degree, much less severe than those encountered in full-blown dietary rickets. Characteristically, metaphyseal changes persist unchanged even after prolonged treatment with high doses of vitamin D ( Fig. 6-24 and Fig. 6-25). Bowing of the long bones of the lower extremities may occur, but the deformity is frequently minimal.

Fig. 6-24. Fanconi's syndrome, with vitamin Dresistant rickets. A: Distal radius and ulna, with mild changes of rickets manifested by minimal flaring and slight cupping of the metaphysis. B: Repeat examination after 10 months of high-dose vitamin D therapy demonstrates little change in the radiographic appearance of the rachitic changes.

Fig. 6-25. Vitamin Dresistant rickets in an adolescent. The growth plate is widened, and the metaphysis is slightly flared and cupped.

The trabecular pattern becomes coarsened as the patients become older, and by adulthood a generalized increase in bone density is characteristic, especially in the axial skeleton. Ectopic calcification in both the axial and appendicular skeletons occurs. The spinal changes may resemble those of ankylosing spondylitis. Calcification occurs in the paravertebral ligaments, annulus fibrosus, and capsules of apophyseal joints. In the pelvis, calcification may involve the ligaments and joint capsules of the acetabulum and the sacroiliac ligaments, partially obscuring the sacroiliac joints. Entheses (bony spurs) form at muscle and ligamentous attachments. Separate small ossicles may develop around various joints, particularly the carpus. Hereditary Vitamin Ddependent Rickets Hereditary vitamin Ddependent rickets is an inborn error of vitamin D metabolism. The clinical and biochemical features resemble those of advanced nutritional rickets. Symptoms may be present as early as 3 months of age, in contrast to nutritional rickets, and most patients are identified by 1 year of age. Rachitic bone changes may be severe and rapidly progressive, with insufficiency fractures. In contrast to vitamin Dresistant rickets, large doses of vitamin D lead to complete healing. Hypophosphatasia Hypophosphatasia is an inborn error of metabolism characterized by a low level of serum alkaline phosphatase and the presence of phosphoethanolamine in the urine and serum. It is probably inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. The lack of adequate amounts of alkaline phosphatase causes failure of proper mineralization of osteoid and results in an appearance similar to that of rickets or osteomalacia. The disease may be present at birth. The earlier the disease is detected, the more severe it is likely to be, and infants born with it seldom survive more than a year or two. In its mildest form, hypophosphatasia manifests itself chiefly by an increased tendency of the bones to fracture and by a low serum alkaline phosphatase level. The disease is very rare in adults. The essential histologic feature is the presence of abnormal amounts of osteoid. Radiographs of patients with hypophosphatasia show severe undermineralization of the metaphyses. The ends of the metaphyses have a coarse, frayed appearance similar to that of rickets. However, in contrast to rickets, the metaphyseal cupping is deep and irregular and often contains irregular linear streaks of calcification. The long bones in the newborn tend to be short and thin and have a coarse texture. The bones of the cranial vault are largely unossified, and there is bulging of the anterior fontanelle. Fractures of the long bones may occur. In older children, the changes are similar but less severe and resemble those of infantile rickets ( Fig. 6-26). If the patient survives and the cranial bones ossify, craniosynostosis often develops. Dwarfism also becomes a feature, and a genu valgum deformity is common. Anterior and lateral femoral bowing, early loss of teeth, pseudofracture, and fractures caused by minimal trauma are common.

Fig. 6-26. Hypophosphatasia in a child. There is deficient ossification of the metaphysis of the ulna. Note the roughened, frayed appearance of the metaphyses, more marked in the ulna than in the radius. The changes are somewhat similar to those of rickets, but the depth of the cupping deformity and its irregularity are characteristic of hypophosphatasia.

Metaphyseal Chondrodysplasia (Schmid Type) Metaphyseal chondrodysplasias encompass a variety of disorders having in common a generalized symmetrical disturbance of endochondral bone formation, primarily at the metaphysis. The Schmid type is the most common and has radiologic features very similar to those of vitamin Dresistant rickets (see Fig. 9-12). Normal levels of serum phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, and calcium differentiate these disorders from other rachitic syndromes. The disease is transmitted in an autosomal dominant pattern and is manifested in childhood with short stature and bowing of the long bones. In a child, radiographs show widening of the growth plates, as in rickets. In contrast to rickets, the metaphyses are well mineralized and may actually show increased density. In contrast to rickets and osteomalacia, the skull is normal and Looser's zones do not occur.


Gastrointestinal Malabsorption Rickets and osteomalacia may develop in small-bowel malabsorption states including sprue, celiac disease, regional enteritis, scleroderma, multiple jejunal diverticula, and stagnant loop syndromes. Decreased absorption in the small bowel and excessive fecal loss of vitamin D and calcium are contributory. Small-intestinal bypass surgery and partial gastrectomy have also been associated with osteomalacia. Liver Disease Metabolic bone disease is a complication of chronic hepatocellular and biliary disorders. Both osteoporosis and, less commonly, osteomalacia are found histologically. When present, the radiologic findings are usually those of nonspecific osteopenia. Pseudofractures indicate the presence of osteomalacia. Congenital biliary atresia is a rare anomaly that is manifested as progressive obstructive jaundice (beginning within the first 2 months of birth), hypercholesterolemia, and gradual liver deterioration. 15 Marked elevation of serum lipids leads to the formation of cutaneous xanthomata. The skeleton is normal at birth, but thereafter stress lines appear in the metaphyses and the bones become osteopenic; this is associated with lack of tubulation of the diaphyses and, sometimes, expansion of the metaphyses. The cortices of long and short bones become quite thin. There are no changes in the calvarium. Soft-tissue masses appear over the extensor surfaces of the extremities. The epiphyses and growth plates are relatively normal except during periods of rapid growth, particularly during the end of the first year, when changes of rickets may be evident. Insufficiency fractures are common. Anticonvulsant Drugrelated Rickets and Osteomalacia Radiographic findings of rickets and osteomalacia associated with anticonvulsant drug therapy, and particularly with the use of phenobarbital or diphenylhydantoin (Dilantin), have been noted. The findings are nonspecific and cannot be differentiated from those of rickets or osteomalacia resulting from other causes. Findings of osteomalacia may be quite severe in nonambulatory patients who are institutionalized for long periods. Tumor-associated Rickets and Osteomalacia Vitamin Dresistant rickets and osteomalacia have been associated with various neoplasms of soft tissue or bone occurring in both children and adults. Hypophosphatemia is the predominant biochemical feature and is secondary to a failure of renal tubular resorption, the cause of which remains unidentified. The most common soft-tissue tumor has been hemangiopericytoma. Bone lesions have included nonossifying fibroma, giant-cell tumor, osteoblastoma, and fibrous dysplasia. Patients present with generalized muscle weakness. Radiographic findings of rickets and osteomalacia may be advanced. A careful search for bone and soft-tissue neoplasms should be made in patients presenting with vitamin Dresistant rickets for which more common causes have not been identified. The removal of the responsible tumor is curative.

Hyperparathyroidism Hyperparathyroidism is categorized into primary and secondary types. 27 In primary hyperparathyroidism, increased parathyroid hormone secretion is the result of a parathyroid tumorusually a single adenoma, occasionally multiple adenomas, and rarely carcinoma. In 10% of cases, the excess secretion is caused by diffuse hyperplasia of multiple glands. Secondary hyperparathyroidism is induced by alterations in renal function that cause a hyperplasia of all parathyroid glands. The combination of renal failure and secondary hyperparathyroidism results in a spectrum of both soft-tissue and skeletal abnormalities commonly referred to as renal osteodystrophy.38 An excess of parathyroid hormone produces excessive bone resorption, resulting in elevation of serum calcium and reduction of serum phosphorus. Parathyroid hormone acts to increase the number of osteoclasts, with resulting deossification of the skeleton. It may also diminish resorption of phosphate by the proximal renal tubules. When the renal threshold is exceeded, calcium is excreted in increased amounts. Eventually, renal stones are formed and calcification occurs in the kidney (nephrocalcinosis). These changes may lead to an impairment of renal function, further aggravating the retention of phosphate and the loss of calcium. Patients with hyperparathyroidism may present with urinary tract calculi, peptic ulcer disease, or pancreatitis. A small percentage of patients complain of pain and tenderness in the peripheral joints or vertebral column. The diagnosis is substantiated by the characteristic biochemical findings of hypercalcemia, hypophosphatemia, increased urinary excretion of calcium and phosphorus, and elevated serum alkaline phosphatase. In fact, the diagnosis is often made on the basis of these biochemical abnormalities before symptoms appear and, more to the point, before there are radiographic findings. Radiographic Findings The principal radiographic features of hyperparathyroidism are evidence of bone resorption (particularly subperiosteal bone resorption), diffuse osteopenia, cyst-like lesions of bone, and chondrocalcinosis. 6 Bone Resorption. Subperiosteal resorption of cortical bone is virtually diagnostic of hyperparathyroidism. It is most common along the radial aspect of the phalanges of the middle phalanx of the index and middle fingers ( Fig. 6-27 and Fig. 6-28), although similar findings may be present in many other skeletal locations. Normally the peripheral margins of the cortex are smooth. In the presence of subperiosteal resorption, there is a fine irregularity along the outer margins of the cortex. Resorption of the terminal (ungual) tufts occurs in the distal phalanges ( Fig. 6-28). These findings constitute the earliest and most sensitive radiographic findings of hyperparathyroidism. Similar findings occur along the medial, proximal metaphyseal surfaces of the tibia, humerus, and femur and the superior and inferior margins of the ribs. Resorption of the lamina dura, the thin sclerotic line located about each tooth, is the equivalent of subperiosteal resorption. However, this is nonspecific, because it may result from infections and a variety of other dental diseases.

Fig. 6-27. Hyperparathyroidism. This child with renal osteodystrophy demonstrates characteristic subperiosteal cortical resorption of the middle phalanx. Note the lace-like appearance of the peripheral margin of the cortex, typical of subperiosteal resorption.

Fig. 6-28. Hyperparathyroidism. Subperiosteal resorption is less pronounced than in the patient in Fig. 6-27. Note also the resorption of the ungual tufts in this patient with secondary hyperparathyroidism.

Subchondral resorption of bone also is common and may occur at the acromioclavicular, sternoclavicular, symphysis pubis, and sacroiliac joints ( Fig. 6-29 and Fig. 6-30). This causes irregularity and widening of these joints and a tapering or destruction of the outer end of the clavicle. Occasionally, subchondral resorption occurs about the margins of the smaller joints of the hand and feet in a manner somewhat suggestive of rheumatoid arthritis. 9,27 However, the joint space is preserved. A destructive, noninfective spondyloarthropathy is occasionally encountered in secondary hyperparathyroidism. 24

Fig. 6-29. Hyperparathyroidism. There has been a loss of bone in the distal end of the clavicle. The arrows indicate the distal clavicle and the medial acromion. The resorption results in an apparent widening of the acromioclavicular joint.

Fig. 6-30. Secondary hyperparathyroidism, with erosion of the margins of the sacroiliac joint causing an apparent widening of the joint space.

Subligamentous bone resorption may occur at sites of tendon and ligament attachment to bone. This is particularly common at the trochanters, the ischial and humeral tuberosities, the inferior surface of the calcaneus, and the inferior aspect of the distal clavicle. Additionally, intracortical bone resorption may occur within the haversian canals and may be radiographically detectable as cortical tunneling. Endosteal bone resorption may cause scalloping of the endosteal surface. Trabecular resorption may result in a granular appearance, with loss of trabecular detail. Osteopenia. Generalized osteopenia frequently accompanies hyperparathyroidism. This is a subjective radiographic finding and is difficult to identify until 30% to 50% of bone mineral is lost. The degree of bone loss can be quantified with bone densitometry. The most characteristic manifestation of osteopenia is the salt-and-pepper appearance of the skull ( Fig. 6-31), which is caused by endosteal resorption of the bony tables.

Fig. 6-31. Hyperparathyroidism. Note the granular, salt-and-pepper appearance of the cranial vault associated with a decrease in overall bone density.

Brown Tumors. Localized destructive, cyst-like lesions of various sizes, referred to as brown tumors, are common in, and characteristic of, hyperparathyroidism. They contain fibrous tissue, giant cells, osteoclasts, and decomposing blood, which undergo necrosis and liquefaction. They appear as single or multiple well-defined lesions, frequently eccentric or cortical, commonly within the mandible, pelvis ( Fig. 6-32), and femurs, but they may be found in any part of the skeleton. With removal of the offending parathyroid adenoma, brown tumors may heal, with increased radiodensity.

Fig. 6-32. Brown tumor of the pubis in a patient with hyperparathyroidism. There is a lytic, slightly expansile lesion involving the superior pubic ramus.

Chondrocalcinosis. Radiographic evidence of calcification in and around joints is identified in fewer than 50% of patients with primary hyperparathyroidism and is very infrequently seen in secondary hyperparathyroidism. This calcification usually occurs within the joint cartilage (chondrocalcinosis) and is similar in appearance to calcification associated with calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate (CPPD) crystal deposition, described in Chapter 3. Less commonly, calcification occurs in the joint capsule, ligaments, and tendons. CPPD is a much more common cause of chondrocalcinosis than is hyperparathyroidism. The earliest radiographic finding of hyperparathyroidism is subperiosteal resorption, and therefore chondrocalcinosis in the absence of subperiosteal resorption is unlikely to be caused by hyperparathyroidism and more likely to be indicative of CPPD or some other cause of chondrocalcinosis (see Chapter 3). Osteosclerosis. Osteosclerosis is an infrequent finding in primary hyperparathyroidism but is a hallmark of secondary hyperparathyroidism or renal osteodystrophy. It is seen most often in the subchondral metaphyseal regions and is characteristically found in the superior and inferior margins of the vertebral bodies as poorly marginated broad bands of increased radiodensity resulting in the characteristic rugger-jersey appearance of the spine ( Fig. 6-33).

Fig. 6-33. Rugger-jersey spine in secondary hyperparathyroidism. Osteosclerosis is present in both the superior and inferior portions of the vertebral bodies, giving rise to a striped, rugger-jersey appearance of the vertebral bodies that is characteristic of secondary hyperparathyroidism.

Hyperparathyroidism in Infants and Children Primary hyperparathyroidism is occasionally encountered in infants and children. In infants, radiographs reveal severe bone disease, with subperiosteal bone resorption, periosteal bone formation, trabecular reduction, extensive erosions of tubular bones, and pathologic fractures. The degree of periostitis may be so severe as to simulate congenital syphilis. In older children, hyperparathyroidism is characterized by osteopenia, genu valgum, cystic lesions of bone, and clubbing of the fingers. Rickets-like changes of the metaphysis may be observed. Secondary Hyperparathyroidism Chronic renal insufficiency results in hyperplasia of the parathyroid glands, presumably because of phosphate retention and the consequent lowering of the serum calcium. The radiographic findings associated with secondary hyperparathyroidism are very similar to those of primary hyperparathyroidism, differing only in degree. The hallmark of secondary hyperparathyroidism, as in primary hyperparathyroidism, is subperiosteal resorption of bone, particularly of the phalanges of the hand, as previously described. Intracortical, endosteal, trabecular, subchondral, 9 and subligamentous bone resorption also occurs. Periosteal new-bone formation occurs in the metatarsals, femur, and pubic rami, although it may be visualized on any long bone. Referred to as periosteal neostosis, it appears as a thin layer of periosteal new-bone formation paralleling the cortex, from which it is frequently separated by a thin line of radiolucency. The presence of osteosclerosis tends to separate secondary from primary hyperparathyroidism. Osteosclerosis is a prominent feature of secondary hyperparathyroidism. It is encountered predominantly in the axial skeleton and more particularly in the superior and inferior margins of the vertebral bodies (rugger-jersey spine; see Fig. 6-33). Osteosclerosis is much less common and much less severe when encountered in primary hyperparathyroidism. In contrast, the incidence of brown tumors and chondrocalcinosis is much lower in secondary than in primary hyperparathyroidism. Lytic lesions of bone are found in patients with chronic renal failure who are receiving long-term dialysis therapy.

They are single or multiple, often small,

well-defined, juxta-articular lytic lesions without matrix calcification ( Fig. 6-34). Pathologic fractures may occur through such lesions, particularly in the hip ( Fig. 6-35). When biopsied, they are found to contain b 2-microglobulin, a type of amyloid, and a low-weight serum protein that is not filtered by standard dialysis membranes. Biopsy of spondyloarthropathies in hemodialysis patients has revealed the same substance. 24

Fig. 6-34. b2-Microglobulin deposition in the neck and head of the femur in a patient with chronic renal failure. The lytic deposit is well marginated superiorly and medially by a thin rim of sclerosis. Such depositions have served as a focus for pathologic fracture.

Fig. 6-35. Renal osteodystrophy in a 56-year-old woman. Axial computed tomographic image of the pelvis shows multiple lytic lesions caused by amyloid deposition. Note the pathologic fracture of the left femoral neck ( arrow).

Spontaneous ruptures of the patellar tendon may occur, manifested clinically as an inability to extend the knee and radiographically by a high-riding patella and widening and poor definition of the tendon ( Fig. 6-36).16 Less commonly, ruptures of other tendons, including the quadriceps tendon, may be seen. The ruptures are easily diagnosed by MRI (Fig. 6-36). Ruptures of these tendons have also been observed in patients with renal failure, systemic lupus erythematosus, and, rarely, primary hyperparathyroidism.

Fig. 6-36. Spontaneous rupture of the infrapatellar tendon in a patient with chronic renal failure. A: Lateral radiograph demonstrates markedly elevated patella with poor definition of its inferior cortical margin. A few small, irregular ossific densities are located inferiorly ( arrow). These represent avulsons from the inferior pole of the patella. B: T1-weighted sagittal magnetic resonance image (TR 616, TE 20) demonstrates elevated patella with hematoma ( asterisk) anteriorly and inferiorly. The infrapatellar tendon is wrinkled and remains attached to the tibial tuberosity. Note the variation in signal intensity within the tendon.

Renal Osteodystrophy The presence of chronic renal insufficiency has a profound effect on the skeletal system. 4,38 In childhood or adolescence, the underlying disorder is often some congenital structural abnormality of the urinary tract such as polycystic disease, hypogenesis, or congenital obstructions of the ureters, bladder outlet, or urethra. In adults, the underlying renal abnormality usually is a primary parenchymal disease such as glomerular nephritis or chronic pyelonephritis. The radiographic findings are a combination of secondary hyperparathyroidism combined with rickets in the child and osteomalacia in the adult. In addition, there are characteristic soft-tissue calcifications. Rachitic changes are identified in the growth plates ( Fig. 6-37). The radiographic features of rickets include osteopenia, irregular widening of the growth plate, and poor definition of the epiphysis.

Fig. 6-37. Renal osteodystrophy. There are severe changes in the metaphyses of the radius and ulna, with some medial epiphyseal subluxation.

Slipped epiphyses and spontaneous separations of the epiphysis are frequent complications of renal osteodystrophy. The capital femoral epiphysis is most commonly affected (Fig. 6-38), followed by the proximal humerus, distal radius, distal ulna, distal femur, and, rarely, the small bones of the hands and feet. Bilateral involvement is common. Slippage of the capital femoral epiphysis may be preceded by evidence of subperiosteal erosion of the medial aspect of the femoral neck, an increase in the width of the cartilaginous growth plate, and bilateral coxa vara.

Fig. 6-38. Renal osteodystrophy, with bilateral slippage of the capital femoral epiphyses. Note the widened growth plate and the erosive or brush-like appearance of the metaphysis. A large brown tumor is present in the left femoral neck. (Courtesy of Sandra Fernbach, M.D., Chicago, Illinois.)

Osteomalacia is manifested by osteopenia and poor definition of trabeculae and cortex. Looser's zones are uncommon, in contrast to primary osteomalacia in adults. Calcification in the soft tissues and vessels is frequently observed in patients with renal osteodystrophy. Periarticular deposits may reach considerable size, appearing as tumoral and radiodense masses about the hips, knees, shoulders, or ribs. Occasionally, there are bilateral symmetrical deposits. Arterial calcification is most commonly identified in the smaller arteries of the hand and foot as parallel linear radiodensities along the course of the artery ( Fig. 6-39).

Fig. 6-39. Secondary hyperparathyroidism (renal osteodystrophy) in a 21-year-old woman with chronic renal insufficiency. Subperiosteal resorption is noted, particularly along the radial aspects of the middle phalanges of the second and third digits. The bone texture is coarse, with prominent trabeculae. Calcification is present in the digital arteries.

The bone changes of renal osteodystrophy partially resolve in most patients after hemodialysis is begun. Septicemia, osteomyelitis, and septic arthritis are recognized complications of hemodialysis. The occurrence of osteonecrosis after renal transplantation is particularly common and may be in part caused by the administration of steroids. The most common site of osteonecrosis is the femoral head. Osteonecrosis is also frequently identified in the humeral head and, to a lesser extent, in the distal femur, talus, and elsewhere. The radiographic and pathologic manifestations of osteonecrosis are described in Chapter 7. The predominant changes are sclerosis, with varying degrees of lucency and ultimately collapse of the involved bone. A characteristic finding of osteonecrosis is a subchondral lucency beneath the articular cortex (the crescent sign), which often precedes the collapse of bone. Hypoparathyroidism Hypoparathyroidism usually results from injury or accidental removal of the glands during thyroidectomy. Spontaneous idiopathic hypoparathyroidism occurs but is uncommon. The clinical symptoms are those that result from the hypocalcemia (parathyroid tetany). Serum calcium is low, and serum phosphorus is elevated. Radiographic changes are relatively few, and in some cases the skeletal system is normal. In others, the bones show increased density, with widening of the cortices of the long bones, and the bones of the calvarium are thickened. In some patients, stippled areas of calcification occur within the brain. These tend to be symmetrically situated in the basal ganglia. Such calcifications also are seen in pseudohypoparathyroidism (PH), and occasionally they are idiopathic. In rare instances, paraspinal ossification is similar in appearance to that seen in diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH). Soft-tissue calcifications may also be encountered. Pseudohypoparathyroidism and Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism PH is a congenital disorder characterized by failure of the normal response to parathyroid hormone. Hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia are present, as in hypoparathyroidism, and there is little or no response to the administration of parathyroid hormone. Most patients are obese and of short stature, with a round facies, corneal or lenticular opacities, brachydactyly, and mental retardation. Usually all of the tubular bones of the hands and feet are short, but some, especially the fourth and fifth metacarpals ( Fig. 6-40), are shorter than others. The shortening of the metacarpals may lead to a positive metacarpal sign. Normally, a line drawn tangential to the heads of the fourth and fifth metacarpals does not intersect the third metacarpal or contacts only its distal aspect. In PH and pseudopseudohypoparthyroidism (PPH), such a line may intersect the third metacarpal, indicating a disproportionate shortening of the fourth or fourth and fifth metacarpals. This sign is not specific; it may be present in other congenital syndromes such as basal cell nevus syndrome, Turner's syndrome, multiple epiphyseal dysplasia, and other conditions. The sign is unreliable because the third metacarpal may also be shortened and because short metacarpals and metatarsals may also occur as isolated defects.

Fig. 6-40. Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism in a 33-year-old woman, manifested by shortening of both the fourth and fifth metacarpals. (Courtesy of Ronald Hendrix, M.D., Chicago, Illinois.)

Calcified or ossified deposits may be found in the skin or subcutaneous tissues. Stippled calcification is often found in the basal ganglia or elsewhere in the brain, as in hypoparathyroidism. In some patients, the cranial bones are thickened and the skull has a brachycephalic shape. The interpediculate distances in the lumbar spine may decrease from above downward instead of showing the normal increase. The general skeletal density is decreased, apparently owing to osteoporosis, and the trabecular structure may be coarse. However, increased density has been reported in some patients. The changes of secondary hyperparathyroidism may develop because of the hypocalcemia. In some infants, the hands and feet are at first normal but become abnormal as the child grows older. Dentition often is abnormal, including defective dentine, excessive caries, delayed eruption, and wide root canals. Other findings have been observed in some patients, including coxa vara or valga, bowing of long bones, and an occasional exostosis. The exostoses are frequently diaphyseal in location and project at a right angle to the bone, differing from those seen in multiple hereditary exostosis, which are usually at the metaphyseal end and directed away from the joint. The hereditary nature of PH has been established. It is possible for some members of the family to show radiographic findings characteristic of the disease with normal blood chemistry studies and no evidence of tetany. This entity has been called PPH, and it is considered to be the partial expression PH. 27 Families showing only the characteristics of PPH have been reported, and in some members the bone changes have been very minimal (e.g., shortening of one or more of the metacarpals). There also is a lower incidence of intracranial calcification in PPH than in PH. Among the entities to be considered in the differential diagnosis are (1) peripheral dysostosis, (2) chondroectodermal dysplasia, (3) multiple hereditary exostosis, and (4) Turner's syndrome. 27 These conditions have other radiographic, clinical, and genetic findings that allow accurate diagnosis (see Chapter 9). Hyperphosphatasia Hyperphosphatasia is an hereditary familial disease transmitted in an autosomal recessive manner. It is a rare disease characterized by elevation of the serum alkaline phosphatase and generalized bone thickening. Skeletal deformities include enlargement and bowing of the long bones and enlargement of the bones of the skull. The radiographic appearance is suggestive of Paget's disease, and therefore hyperphosphatasia is also known as juvenile Paget's disease, although the two conditions are not related. The characteristic finding is marked thickening of the diaphyseal cortex of all tubular bones, both short and long. Although the cortex is thickened, there is generalized osteopenia. Bowing of the long bones is a prominent feature. The bones of the cranial vault are thickened. Patches of sclerosis appear within the membranous bones, particularly within the skull and pelvis. The carpal and tarsal bones are normal, and the vertebrae show only minimal sclerosis. Chronic Hyperphosphatasemia Tarda (Van Buchem's Disease) Chronic hyperphosphatasemia tarda is most likely a distinct dysplasia and separate from familial hyperphosphatasia. The age of onset is later than in hyperphosphatasia, ranging from 23 to 52 years. The disease is asymptomatic. The major radiographic finding is a symmetrical cortical thickening of the diaphyses of all the long tubular bones, chiefly on their internal surfaces. Short tubular bones are also involved in a similar fashion. The femurs are not bowed, and the epiphyses are spared. The cranial bones show marked thickening of both the vault and the base. The maxillary sinuses and the mastoids are densely sclerotic. The mandible and clavicle may be affected. There is diffuse sclerosis of the pelvic bones and ribs. The vertebrae are spared. Serum alkaline phosphatase is elevated, and calcium and phosphorus levels are normal. Calcium Oxalosis Calcium oxalosis is a rare inherited metabolic disease 27 in which calcium oxalate crystals cause extensive renal damage leading to renal failure. Renal calculi and diffuse, extensive renal calcification are observed. The skeletal changes resemble those of secondary hyperparathyroidism. Subperiosteal resorption in the phalanges and rugger-jersey changes in the spine may be seen. Striking findings are noted in the hands and knees; these consist of irregular, transverse, sclerotic metaphyseal bands in the distal femur and proximal tibia and fibula as well as in the distal radius and ulna. There is a drumstick configuration of the metacarpals, evidently resulting from a combination of narrowing of the diaphysis and widening of the metaphysis.

Hypofunction of the Thyroid Gland Cretinism Congenital hypothyroidism, known as cretinism, produces characteristic radiographic findings. The time of appearance of ossification centers is greatly delayed, and their growth, once they appear, is slow. No other disorder causes so severe a delay in ossification ( Fig. 6-41). The centers that do ossify often are malformed and irregular in shape. Certain epiphyses, notably those of the proximal ends of the femurs, show a tendency to ossify from numerous small irregular centers rather than from a single one, as they normally should; the epiphysis does not grow properly, and the femoral head develops a flattened shape ( Fig. 6-42). The femoral head may resemble the flattened and fragmented epiphysis that is seen in Legg-Perthes disease (see Chapter 7), Morquio's disease, or dysplasia epiphysialis multiplex (see Chapter 9).

Fig. 6-41. Cretinism. Hand of an 8-year-old cretin ( A) shows delay in ossification compared with the hand of a normal 8-year-old child ( B).

Fig. 6-42. Epiphyseal changes in a cretin. The proximal femoral epiphysis arises from multiple centers. The femoral neck is broadened.

Stunting of growth may not be very obvious during infancy, but as the child grows older the thyroid deficiency results in dwarfism. Radiographic examination is useful in the follow-up study of patients who are undergoing treatment. The progress of skeletal development is a good index of the efficacy of therapy. Dental defectsdelay in development and eruption of the teethtend to parallel the delay in ossification of the skeleton. The teeth that do erupt are structurally abnormal and are subject to caries. Other findings include (1) increased thickness of the bones of the cranial vault, a narrow diploic space, and a brachycephalic shape; (2) wormian bones, which characteristically occur within the cranial sutures; (3) some degree of flattening of the vertebral bodies (bullet shape) and a thoracolumbar gibbus, with forward slipping of one vertebra on another, and wide disc spaces; and (4) slipping of a capital femoral epiphysis. Wormian bones may be present in the skull early in skeletal development but usually disappear when the bone age reaches 5 years. Dense metaphyseal lines may be present very early in life, but they tend to disappear at a bone age of approximately 6 months. Epiphyseal disturbances, particularly in the femoral head, persist beyond the bone age of 8 years. In many adult patients, little or no residual skeletal deformity persists, even though insufficient or no treatment was given. Juvenile Hypothyroidism When the thyroid deficiency is acquired after birth, the findings usually are less severe than in cretinism. The term juvenile hypothyroidism is used to designate this form of the disease. The radiographic findings usually are limited to delay in ossification. In determining the significance of alterations in skeletal age, it must be remembered that there is a range of normal variation and a difference according to sex, females maturing more rapidly than males. It is good practice to allow a variation of 3 months, plus or minus, during the first year of life and up to 1 year at the end of puberty before considering the skeletal age to be abnormal. This prevents the unnecessary treatment of children for supposed hormonal deficiency when none exists. In chronic cases, the metaphyses may appear irregular, somewhat suggestive of rickets. Slipping of the capital femoral epiphyses has been observed. In more severe cases, the radiographic findings may be similar to those of cretinism. Hyperfunction of the Thyroid Gland Hyperthyroidism occurring during childhood causes some acceleration of skeletal development, but frequently the skeletal age remains within or close to the normal range. In chronic cases, particularly in older children, there often is generalized demineralization of the skeleton. The loss of bone mineral is directly proportional to the duration of untreated hyperthyroidism. Thyroid acropachy is a rare manifestation of hyperthyroidism that usually occurs some years after partial thyroidectomy. The cause is unknown. Clinically there is swelling of the fingers and toes, exophthalmos, and pretibial myxedema. Radiographs reveal periosteal new-bone formation 18 involving the metacarpals and phalanges (Fig. 6-43). It may be quite extensive and have a spiculated appearance. It is most intense in the area of greatest soft-tissue swelling.

Fig. 6-43. Thyroid acropachy, a peculiar periosteal reaction that is slightly lobulated and irregular on its outer margin. The findings are pathognomonic. (Courtesy of Col. Albert Hale, M.D., San Antonio, Texas.)

Hypofunction of the Pituitary Gland The pituitary gland is responsible for proper bone growth, both directly and indirectly through the thyroid gland and the gonads. Decreased function of the pituitary gland during childhood leads to generalized disturbance in bone growth and maturation. The epiphyseal centers are slow in appearing and delayed in uniting; at times union never takes place. Because physeal closure is closely related to gonadal function, this is generally considered to be an indication of secondary hypogonadism. Because the bones do not grow normally in length or breadth, affected persons are small in stature but usually well proportioned. They have normal mentality but are sexually immature. In many patients, there is delay in eruption of the teeth, which tend to become impacted. Hyperfunction of the Pituitary Gland Increased secretion by the eosinophilic cells of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, as a result of either an adenomatous tumor or simple hyperplasia, leads to acceleration of bone growth. If this condition develops before growth has ceased, it results in gigantism. If it begins after adulthood has been reached, it results in acromegaly. Acromegaly There is no increase in length of the bones in acromegaly. However, certain well-defined skeletal changes are characteristic of the disease. Skull. The characteristic findings of acromegaly in the cranial bones are shown in Fig. 6-44. In most patients, some enlargement of the sella turcica is noted, caused by pressure erosion from the pituitary adenoma. The cranial bones become thickened and are increased in density. The diploe may be obliterated, and the cranial bones have the density and appearance of cortical bone. Hyperostotic thickening, hyperostosis frontalis interna, may develop in the inner table, causing the internal surface of the vault to appear irregular. The nasal accessory sinuses become enlarged and the mastoids overpneumatized. The prognathic jaw, one of the obvious

clinical features of acromegaly, may be demonstrated. There may be enlargement of the external occipital protuberance.

Fig. 6-44. Acromegaly. The cranial bones are thickened, and the frontal sinuses are markedly enlarged. The sella turcica is moderately enlarged by an eosinophilic adenoma of the pituitary gland ( arrow).

Long Bones. The terminal tufts of the distal phalanges enlarge, forming thick bony tufts with pointed lateral margins ( Fig. 6-45). These curve proximally and may actually impinge against the phalangeal shafts. Hypertrophy of the soft tissues leading to the typical square, spade-shaped hand can be visualized. In some patients, there is widening of the joint spaces owing to hypertrophy of the articular cartilage. This is best demonstrated in the metacarpophalangeal joints. Degenerative changes in the joints, manifested by marginal osteophytes and sclerosis of articular margins, may be seen even in relatively young patients. Measurement of the heel-pad thickness has been used as an indicator of the increase in soft tissues. This distance is measured from the inferior surface of the calcaneus to the nearest skin surface. In the normal person, this measurement should not exceed 25 mm.

Fig. 6-45. Acromegaly. The terminal tufts of the distal phalanges are spade-like, with spur-like bony projections. The soft tissues are thickened, and the joint spaces are slightly widened; this is best appreciated at the metacarpophalangeal joints.

Spine. The vertebral bodies may actually increase in their anteroposterior diameters, particularly in the thoracic region ( Fig. 6-46). Scalloping or increased concavity of the posterior aspect of the vertebral bodies occurs in a number of patients and is most prominent in the lumbar spine.

Fig. 6-46. Acromegaly. Note the increase in the anteroposterior diameter of the vertebral bodies of the lower dorsal spine.

Gigantism The radiographic features of gigantism are essentially those of an excessively large skeleton. This occurs because skeletal growth is accelerated before the physes close. Additionally, there usually are the signs of acromegaly, and if the disease continues after skeletal maturity the acromegalic features become more prominent. Hypogonadism Deficiency of gonadal hormones occurring before skeletal growth has ceased results in delay of physeal closure; therefore, the long bones become elongated and slender. The condition follows surgical removal of the gonads or atrophy due to disease and is known as eunuchoidism. Fusion of the epiphyses is delayed.

Lead Poisoning In adults, lead poisoning produces no recognizable alteration in the radiographic appearance of the osseous system. However, if lead poisoning occurs before endochondral bone growth is completed, radiographic findings occur that may be of considerable value in arriving at the correct diagnosis. The significant finding is the appearance of dense, transverse bands (lead lines) extending across the metaphyses of the long bones ( Fig. 6-47) and along the margins of the flat bones, such as the iliac crest. The width of the lead line varies, depending on the amount of lead ingested and the length of time it has been taken. The increased density is not caused by lead alone but also by increased calcium content as the result of a failure of resorption of calcium from the zones of provisional calcification. Approximately 3 months after inhalation of lead and 6 months after ingestion of lead, the lead line can be observed in growing bone. Except for the development of these transverse zones of density, the bones remain normal.

Fig. 6-47. Lead poisoning. A: The dense transverse band of radiodensity within the metaphysis is characteristic of lead poisoning and is often referred to as the lead line. The line is usually most obvious in the knee. B: Similar densities are seen in the distal radius and ulna and to a lesser extent in the metaphyses of the phalanges.

Because ingested lead can cause lead poisoning, abdominal films should be obtained as part of the investigation in persons suspected of having lead poisoning. If a child has unexplained cerebral symptoms that may be caused by lead poisoning, a radiograph of the knee is indicated, because almost all children with lead encephalopathy demonstrate lead lines. After the intake of lead has been discontinued, normal bone forms on the epiphyseal side of the metaphysis and the lead line appears to migrate into the shaft, becoming wider and less dense and gradually disappearing. In normal infants, the zone of provisional calcification in the metaphyses of the long bones, particularly the distal femur, often shows an unusual whiteness and appears wider than may be expected. This should not be confused with lead poisoning. Lead Arthropathy Retained lead bullets are generally considered to be chemically inert and of no consequence, providing they are not adjacent to major vascular structures through which they may erode and embolize to remote sites. However, retained intra-articular bullets are an exception. Bullets bathed in joint fluid gradually dissolve, and the lead is absorbed and initiates a proliferative, painful destructive arthropathy. 35 The earliest radiographic finding is a fine punctate deposition of radiopaque lead on the articular cartilage and synovium. This becomes larger, coarser, and more confluent over time ( Fig. 6-48). Resorption may be sufficient to cause systemic lead intoxication. 37 For this reason, bullets in joints should be removed.

Fig. 6-48. Lead arthropathy. This 41-year-old man had sustained a gunshot wound to the elbow several years previously, resulting in a fracture of the distal humerus that subsequently healed. The bullet was left within the joint and has partially dissolved. Coarse, irregular, dense particles of lead line the synovial surfaces of the joint. (Courtesy of Stephan I. Schabel, M.D., Charleston, South Carolina.)

Fluorine Intoxication Fluorine poisoning is a rare cause of osteosclerosis and is found mainly in adults, as a result of either an occupational exposure to high concentrations of fluorides or a high concentration of fluorine in drinking water. Radiographs show coarsened trabeculae and thickened cortices. Coarse sclerosis of the spine and pelvis is usually present. Calcific spurs (entheses) may form at sites of ligamentous attachment, and calcification may be observed in the interosseous membrane of the forearm. In spite of rather marked alteration in the bones, affected persons are free of symptoms and surprisingly healthy. Hypervitaminosis D Excessive intake of vitamin D can lead to changes demonstrable by radiographic examination. In adults, hypervitaminosis D is encountered in patients with rheumatoid arthritis who are treated with large doses of vitamin D. Serum calcium is elevated, and urine calcium is high. Radiographs of adults may show deposition of calcium in the soft tissues, particularly around the joints, and osteopenia is common. The calcium deposits have an amorphous, putty-like appearance. Calcification of the arteries may be seen, even in the young. Renal calcification often occurs. Because many of these patients have rheumatoid arthritis usually accompanied by osteopenia, the finding of osteopenia is nonspecific. In infancy, hypervitaminosis D usually is a result of errors in dosage. Metastatic calcification in the media of the blood vessels, kidneys, heart, gastric wall, falx cerebri, tentorium, and adrenals may be seen. In the tubular bones, there is widening of the zones of provisional calcification, causing dense bands extending across the metaphyses similar to those noted in lead poisoning. Later there may be cortical thickening. Also, in the later stages there may be alternating bands of increased and decreased density crossing the ends of the shafts, as well as an overall osteopenia. Idiopathic Hypercalcemia Idiopathic hypercalcemia is a rare disorder in which there is an elevated serum level of calcium and osteosclerosis. The osteosclerosis is similar to that seen in some patients with osteopetrosis (marble bone disease) and in infants with hypervitaminosis D. The cause is obscure, but it has been suggested that the disease represents an unusual sensitivity to vitamin D. The disease has been more prevalent in England than in the United States, and in the past the amounts of vitamin D supplement in foods were not well regulated in Britain. It has been suggested that some infants may have ingested excessive amounts of the vitamin in food and, as a result, developed vitamin D poisoning. More recently, stricter controls and limits have been put into effect, and the incidence of the disease has decreased considerably. The clinical observations mirror the effects of the hypercalcemia and include muscle weakness and hypotonia, anorexia, vomiting, and failure of the infant to thrive and to develop properly. There is mental as well as physical retardation. The radiographic findings ( Fig. 6-49) are essentially the same as those seen in hypervitaminosis D. The most specific sign in both is the demonstration of calcium in the falx, tentorium, and gastric wall during infancy.

Fig. 6-49. Idiopathic hypercalcemia. Note the poorly demarcated, dense zones extending across the metaphyses and the bone-in-bone appearance of the epiphyses. The changes resemble those of heavy metal poisoning and are similar to the changes seen in hypervitaminosis D.

Hypervitaminosis A Vitamin A poisoning is seen most frequently in young infants as a result of errors in dosage. Clinical manifestations include anorexia, failure to gain weight, pruritus, pain and swelling over the long bones, hepatomegaly, and splenomegaly. The serum alkaline phosphatase level may be increased and the serum proteins lowered. The level of vitamin A in the serum is high. On radiographic examination, linear periosteal new-bone formation may be found, mainly involving the diaphyses of long bones (Fig. 6-50A). The bones most frequently affected are the ulna and clavicle; next in frequency are the femur and tibia. Split sutures may be identified in the skull (Fig. 6-50B).

Fig. 6-50. Hypervitaminosis A in a 2-year-old boy. A: Periosteal new-bone formation is present along the lateral aspect of the shaft of the proximal femur ( arrows). Similar findings were present on the opposite side. B: Increased intracranial pressure has resulted in splitting or diastasis of the cranial sutures.

Hypervitaminosis A must be differentiated from infantile cortical hyperostosis (see Chapter 5). In the latter disease, the mandible is almost always affected and is usually the first bone to be involved. Both diseases are accompanied by fever and other signs of infection. Infantile cortical hyperostosis develops early in life, within the first few weeks or months; vitamin A poisoning usually occurs somewhat later, rarely before 1 year of age. The final diagnosis rests on the history of administration of excessive amounts of vitamin A and the determination of the level of vitamin A in the serum. Retinoid Hyperostosis Prolonged therapy with retinoid drugs (e.g., 13-cis-retinoic acid, chemically similar to vitamin A) for dermatologic disorders such as ichthyosis and cystic acne may result in a skeletal hyperostosis similar to that occurring in DISH. 25 The hyperostoses are often subtle, point-like, or conical, and they tend to occur at the corners and promontories of bones, particularly on the anterior margin of the vertebral bodies of the cervical spine. Entheses (spurs) are also reported to occur on the calcaneus. 25 CHAPTER REFERENCES
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Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Conditions Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Conditions

Lee F. Rogers

L. F. Rogers: Department of Radiology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27157.

Paget's Disease (Osteitis Deformans) Histiocytosis X (Reticuloendotheliosis) Gaucher' Disease and Niemann-Pick Disease Hyperlipoproteinemias Amyloidosis Avascular Necrosis and Bone Infarction Avascular Necrosis (Ischemic Necrosis or Osteonecrosis) Trauma Exogenous Steroids Alcoholism and Pancreatitis Caisson Disease Other Areas Kmmell' Disease Bone Infarction of the Diaphysis Osteochondrosis and Ischemic Necrosis Capital Femoral Epiphysis (Perthes' Disease) Other Osteochondroses Tarsal Navicular (Khler' Disease) Tibial Tuberosity (Osgood-Schlatter Disease) Vertebral Ring Epiphyses (Scheuermann' Disease) Metatarsal Head (Freiberg' Infraction) Apophysis of Os Calcis (Sever' Disease) Osteochondritis Dissecans Epiphysiolysis (Slipping of the Capital Femoral Epiphysis) Anemias Thalassemia (Cooley' Anemia) Sickle Cell Anemia Chronic Iron Deficiency Anemia Myelofibrosis with Osteosclerosis Systemic Mastocytosis Bone Changes Caused by Physical Agents Frostbite Thermal and Electrical Burns Radiation Injury of Bone Chapter References


Paget' disease is predominantly a disease of Caucasians. It commonly occurs in England, Australia, New Zealand, Scandinavia, Canada, and the northern United States but is relatively infrequent in the southern United States and is rarely encountered in Asia. 21 The average age of onset is between 50 and 55 years and rarely before the age of 40. It is twice as common in men as in women. The cause is unknown. 22 Paget' disease may involve any bone in the body. It may affect a single bone and never extend to others; it may begin in one bone, with others becoming involved at a later date; and at times, it is widely distributed throughout the skeleton when first discovered. 22 In order of frequency, the following bones are affected: pelvis, vertebrae, femur, skull, tibia, clavicle, humerus, ribs, and, rarely, the sternum, calcaneus, talus, phalanges, metatarsals, mandible, patella, and other sesamoid bones.22 Only 20% of patients are symptomatic, usually complaining of ill-defined pain at the site of involvement. Most cases are discovered incidentally at the time of a radiographic examination of the abdomen or a bone scan obtained to evaluate the possibility of metastatic disease. Characteristically there is elevation of the serum alkaline phosphatase, as much as 15 to 20 times normal. The serum calcium and phosphorus are usually normal; however, calcium may be markedly elevated in patients with Paget' disease who are immobilized. Renal calculi or nephrocalcinosis may develop from hypercalciuria under these conditions. Pathologically, Paget' disease is characterized by destruction of bone (lysis) followed by attempts at repair. There is usually a combination of destruction and repair, but the destructive phase may predominate at some sites. Roentgenographic Features. The radiographic appearance depends on the phase of the disease: lytic, reparative, or mixed. The principal radiographic findings are thickening of the cortex, coarsening of trabeculae, enlargement of bone, areas of lucency, patches of dense bone described as cotton wool or cotton ball, and evidence of bone softening. 16,17 In the long bone, the process almost always involves the end of the bone extending into the diaphysis. In the pelvis, it usually involves some portion of the acetabulum. Healing of the lytic phase has been described as a result of treatment with diphosphonates and calcitonin. 7,8 Pagetic bone takes up all radionuclide bone scanning agents avidlyin fact, more intensely than any other process. The diagnosis of Paget' disease can be made on the basis of a bone scan because of this intense activity and the pattern of bone involvementinvolvement of the end of the bone with variable extension into the shaft and often evidence of softening manifested by bowing of long bones and flattening of vertebrae ( Fig. 7-1).

FIG. 7-1. Technetium bone scan of Paget's disease involving the proximal right humerus, left femur, pelvis, several vertebral bodies, and skull. Note the intense activity, lateral bowing of the femur, and involvement of the ends of long bones, with variable extension into the shaft.

Computed tomography (CT) (see Fig. 7-3, Fig. 7-7B), mirrors the findings on plain film radiography in Paget' disease; expansion, with cortical thickening, coarsening

of the trabeculae, and focal sclerotic densities in intramedullary bone, the equivalent of cotton balls. The osteolytic phase demonstrates considerable thinning of the cortex of long bones and tables of the skull. 12

FIG. 7-3. Computed tomographic examination of Paget's disease of the skull in a case with plain films similar to those in Fig. 7-2B. The skull is markedly increased in thickness, with a coarsened and thickened inner and outer table and a widened diploic space. A coarsened trabecular pattern in the diploic space and small foci of increased density give rise to the cotton wool appearance of the skull. The foci of sclerosis alternate with foci of lucency within the diploic space. A ventriculoperitoneal shunt ( arrow) was necessitated by platybasia leading to hydrocephalus.

FIG. 7-2. Paget's disease of the skull. A: Osteoporosis circumscripta manifested by a large area of radiolucency sharply demarcated from the normal bone above it. B: Far-advanced Paget's disease of the skull. Note the thickening of the skull and the interspersed areas of lucency and radiodensity, the cotton wool or cotton ball appearance. In this case, the process also involves the base of the skull and is associated with basilar impression. The base of the skull is flattened (platybasia), and the dens projects well above both Chamberlain's and MacGregor's line. MacGregor's line is drawn from the posterior tip of the hard palate to the inferior cortex of the occipital bone. Chamberlain's line is drawn from the hard palate to the anterior margin of the foramen magnum.

FIG. 7-7. A: Paget's disease of the left hemipelvis manifested by cortical thickening, coarse trabeculation, and expansion of bone. There are also several small radiolucencies, particularly within the pubic rami. The thickening of the cortex is best appreciated by comparing the cortex on the two sidesfor instance, note the widening of the ilioischial line ( arrows). B: Computed tomogram of the pelvis. Examination just above the acetabulum demonstrates the marked cortical thickening of the iliac bone, with coarsening of the trabecular pattern and several lucent foci within the medullary cavity. Compare with the opposite side. The findings are typical of Paget's disease. Residual contrast material is present within the rectum.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) displays similar osseous changes as low signals on both T1- and T2-weighted images. 23 The marrow signal in the intramedullary and diploic spaces is variable, with high-signal foci of fat seen on T1 (see Fig. 7-9) and high-signal foci of fibrovascular marrow on T2-weighted images.

FIG. 7-9. Magnetic resonance image of Paget's disease of the fourth lumbar vertebral body. The T1-weighted image demonstrates expansion of the fourth lumbar vertebral body (arrow). Note the intermediate signal of the thickened cortical bone that gives the picture frame appearance. The signal from the medullary bone is slightly increased, particularly posteriorly, in keeping with the findings in Paget's disease.

Both CT and MRI are useful in the analysis of the complications of Paget' disease (i.e., spinal cord or neural compression, basilar invagination, and sarcomatous degeneration). However, it is more likely that Paget' disease will be encountered unexpectedly as an incidental finding when these techniques are used to evaluate for other diseases. Plain film correlation is advisable to avoid confusion. Skull. The classic expression of the lytic phase of Paget' disease in the skull is known as osteoporosis circumscripta (Fig. 7-2A). This is a sharply demarcated area of radiolucency within which the architecture of the bone is poorly defined. The lesion usually involves the frontal or parietal bones and may enlarge slowly.

Characteristically, the junction between the lucent and normal bone is very sharp. When repair begins, islands or patches of sclerosis appear, resembling cotton wool or cotton balls. The bones of the vault become thickened, usually only outward, and may measure 3 cm or more in thickness ( Fig. 7-2B and Fig. 7-3). The outer edge of the lesion is better seen with a bright light. The base of the skull may be involved, and there may be basilar invagination ( Fig. 7-2B) in which the cranium settles over the cervical spine and the craniovertebral junction protrudes into the base of the skull as a result of bone softening. Long Bones. In long bones, Paget' disease almost invariably extends to and involves the subarticular bone immediately adjacent to the joint ( Fig. 7-4 and Fig. 7-5). The length of involvement is variable, but in some cases the entire bone is involved. The cortex is thickened, and the overall diameter of the bone is increased. The intramedullary cavity is maintained. The trabeculae are coarse and thickened and therefore radiographically prominent but remain in the same direction and relative position as they would in normal bone. Between the coarsened trabeculae, cyst-like radiolucencies are often identified. The thickened cortex suggests increased strength, but actually the bone is weakened, as manifested by bowing of long bones, which is more pronounced in the lower than the upper extremities. Characteristically, the femur bows outward and the tibia anteriorly.

FIG. 7-4. Paget's disease of the tibia showing anterior bowing, irregular thickening of the cortex, coarse trabecular pattern, and a number of linear horizontal radiolucencies in the anterior cortex, indicative of pseudofractures.

FIG. 7-5. Paget's disease of the proximal humerus. A: Technetium-99m bone scan demonstrates markedly increased homogeneous radioactivity in the humeral head and neck. The intense activity is indicative of Paget's disease. B: Anteroposterior view of the humerus confirms the presence of Paget's disease. Note the increased thickness of the articular cortex and coarsening of the trabecular pattern within the humeral head. A faint radiolucency extends beyond the humeral neck into the proximal shaft, consistent with the lytic phase of Paget's disease.

The osteolytic phase is less commonly encountered in long bones than is the mixed form just described. Inactivity (e.g., bed rest, immobilization) tends to accentuate bone destruction. The osteolytic phase is characterized by a clearly demarcated zone of radiolucency extending a variable distance into the diaphysis from the end of the bone. The process is often referred to as a blade of grass ( Fig. 7-6), because the lucency is elongated and involves only a segment of the cortex, the periphery of the lesion is clearly demarcated, and its distal margin is flame shaped or V-shaped and thus resembles a blade of grass.

FIG. 7-6. Lytic Paget's disease of the tibia. A: Lateral view of bone scan demonstrates intense activity involving the entire proximal tibia with a flame-shaped distal margin. B: An anteroposterior radiograph demonstrates expansion and lysis of the proximal tibia, with thinning of the cortex. The process ends distally with a characteristic flame shape, beyond which there is normal bone. Compare the character of the cortex of the normal bone ( closed arrow) with that of the cortex in the lytic area (open arrow). This elongated lytic process with the characteristic pointed distal margin has led to the designation blade-of-grass appearance.

Pathologic fractures are common and are characteristically transverse rather than oblique or spiral as in normal bone. These have been referred to as banana fractures. Incomplete, transverse radiolucent fissures called pseudofractures are common in the cortex along the convex side of severely involved bowed bones (see Fig. 7-4). They are often multiple. Pathologic fractures may be initiated at the site of a pseudofracture. Pelvis. The most common expressions of Paget' disease in the pelvis are thickening of the cortex, which is best appreciated in the pubic bones, and coarsening of the trabecular pattern, which is most easily recognized around the acetabulum and the margins of the sacroiliac joint ( Fig. 7-7). Cyst-like radiolucent spaces may be encountered. Larger areas of radiolucency are common in the central portion of the iliac bones. The sacrum may be the first or the only bone involved, manifested by a thickening of the cortex that is best appreciated in the sacral foraminal lines. Coarse trabeculation causes a distinctive crosshatch pattern in the body of the sacrum. Less commonly, variable-sized patches of sclerosis may occur. These may resemble osteoblastic metastasis, but careful observation usually reveals that they are associated with typical coarse trabeculation and thickening of the cortex not encountered in metastasis ( Fig. 7-7). Often this can be done simply by comparison with the opposite side, but when both sides are involved, this is a greater problem. Because of bone softening, there may be intrapelvic protrusion of the acetabulum, termed protrusio acetabuli. When the pelvis and femur are both involved, there may be characteristic changes in the hip, manifested by concentric or medial narrowing of the hip joint unlike the superior narrowing commonly observed in osteoarthritis. Hypertrophic spurring is common in Paget' disease of the hip. Spine. The disease usually affects multiple vertebrae, occasionally is solitary, but rarely is universal. Involvement of the vertebral body is prominent, but closer

examination usually discloses involvement of the posterior elements, the laminae, the pedicles, and the transverse and spinous processes. The principal pattern of involvement is thickening of the cortex, which gives a broadened and somewhat smudged appearance. On the lateral view, owing to the cortical thickening, the vertebral bodies appear to be framed, the so-called picture frame vertebrae ( Fig. 7-8 and Fig. 7-9). Similar changes can be seen within the pedicles and spinous process and occasionally the transverse process on the frontal view. The trabeculae within the vertebral body are coarsened. Occasionally the vertebrae are diffusely dense, with coarse trabeculae in a pattern similar to that seen in small bones of the hands and feet. The overall size of the vertebrae is increased, and softening results in compression. The vertebral bodies then appear flattened and slightly expanded. Expansion of pagetic bone may compromise the spinal canal, leading to spinal cord compression and neurologic symptoms.

FIG. 7-8. Paget's disease of the spine. A: Anteroposterior view. B: Lateral view. The fourth lumbar vertebra is normal. Note the cortical thickening and expansion of the involved vertebrae. Compare the thickness of the end-plates, cortical margins of the pedicles, and spinous process of the fourth lumbar vertebra with the corresponding portions of the involved vertebrae. C: Computed tomogram (CT) of the third lumbar vertebra. D: CT of the fifth lumbar vertebral body and adjacent portions of the sacrum. The characteristic pattern of Paget's disease is manifested by thickening of the cortex and the coarse trabecular pattern interspersed with radiolucencies.

Flat Bones. In the ribs and clavicle, the bones are thickened and there is a general increase in density across their entire width. The trabecular pattern is typically coarsened. One or more ribs may be involved. The lesion always extends to one or the other end of the bone. Small Bones. Involvement of the small bones of the hands and feet is uncommon and almost invariably involves the entire bone. There are two principal patterns. In the calcaneus, prominent thickened trabeculae and thickening of the cortex occur, whereas in the phalanges, metacarpals, and metatarsals, the entire bone is enlarged and diffusely increased in density, and the trabecular pattern coarsened. Complications. The most common complication is a fracture that is characteristically transverse and often initiated at the site of a pseudofracture (see Fig. 7-4). Spinal cord compression may occur from expansion of the vertebral bodies. 1 Extramedullary hematopoiesis has been described, appearing as a mass adjacent to involved vertebral bodies and possibly leading to spinal cord compression. 22 Spinal epidural hematoma has also been reported in association with Paget' disease of the spine.13 Expansion of bone at the base of the skull may reduce the size of the neural foramen and canals, leading to neurologic deficits such as deafness. Heart failure is considered by many to be a complication and is thought to be caused by arteriovenous fistulae within the involved bone. However, it is argued that most patients are older and their congestive heart failure is primarily related to concomitant arteriosclerosis. Arteriovenous shunting in pagetic bone is rarely responsible for cardiac failure. Primary malignant tumors may develop in areas of pagetic bone. 18 Sarcomatous degeneration leads to osteogenic sarcoma in most cases ( Fig. 7-10) and less commonly to fibrosarcoma. The incidence is approximately 1%. Nevertheless, Paget' disease accounts for most primary osteogenic sarcomas after the age of 50. Giant cell tumors have also been reported. Tumors are more frequent in the pelvis and long bones and occur rarely in the vertebrae. The most common manifestation is an area of poorly defined destruction, with destruction of the overlying cortex and an associated soft-tissue mass. Periosteal reaction is infrequent. Fibrosarcomas are lytic, and osteosarcomas contain patches of sclerotic, blastic bone formation, particularly in the pelvis. Metastatic disease also occurs in the pagetic bone and cannot be differentiated from lytic primary tumors. Pathologic fractures are frequent complications of malignancy, and every pathologic fracture appearing in pagetic bone should be viewed suspiciously for evidence of an associated unsuspected malignancy.

FIG. 7-10. Osteosarcoma developing in a patient with Paget's disease of the humerus. Note the thickened cortex of the proximal humerus, indicative of Paget's disease. The tumor is largely sclerotic and extends into the soft tissues ( arrow). The homogeneous quality of the density indicates osteoid matrix.

The term histiocytosis X is the general designation for three conditions that range from the usually solitary, curable eosinophilic granuloma, through the disseminated process of Hand-Schller-Christian disease, to the fulminating and rapidly fatal variety known as Letterer-Siwe disease. The clinical presentations of the three syndromes are distinctive, but they share common microscopic features that cannot be distinguished histologically by pathologists. In Letterer-Siwe disease, lesions are widely disseminated throughout the body. It is a disease of infants and young children, who present with splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, generalized lymphadenopathy, a tendency to hemorrhage, and a secondary anemia. The course is rapid, and death occurs so early that radiographic changes often are not present, although the bone marrow may be extensively involved. Hand-Schller-Christian disease is a more benign process characterized by destructive lesions of the skull. It usually develops during childhood and at presentation the classic triad of diabetes insipidus, exophthalmos, and lesions of the skull may be seen. However, presentation with the classic triad occurs in a distinct minority of cases, usually before the age of 5 years. The clinical course may extend over a period of years. The flat bones (skull, pelvis, scapula, ribs, and mandible) are most frequently involved; less commonly, the long bones are affected. Eosinophilic granuloma is the most benign of these conditions; it usually occurs as a solitary process in children or young adults. Lesions may respond well to

curettage, steroid injection, or irradiation. Spontaneous regression may occur. It is widely distributed throughout the skeleton but is most often found in the skull, pelvis, femur, and ribs. Lesions are infrequent below the knee and elbow. Roentgenographic Features. Letterer-Siwe disease, although disseminated, rarely produces radiographic findings. The radiographic findings in Hand-Schller-Christian disease and eosinophilic granuloma are essentially the same and differ only in the number of lesions. Eosinophilic granuloma is more likely to be solitary and to occur in later childhood, adolescence, or early adult life. Hand-Schller-Christian disease occurs during childhood, and multiple lesions are usually present. In general, bone scanning is not as sensitive as radiography in the evaluation of the histiocytosis. Only 50% of the lesions or fewer may be disclosed by scintigraphy, and therefore radiographic skeletal surveys must be performed for the discovery of additional lesions. Skull. There are solitary or multiple areas of bone destruction. The edges of the individual lesions are sharply defined, punched-out areas that are slightly scalloped or irregular but have no boundary zone of sclerosis. The lack of a sclerotic boundary is characteristic ( Fig. 7-11). Typically, the lesion originates in the diple and involves one or both tables, causing a sharply outlined and slightly irregular translucent defect. The lesion has a beveled edge, caused by unequal destruction of the inner and outer tables. Rarely, a small fragment of bone remains within the radiolucency, resembling a sequestrum. In Hand-Schller-Christian disease, the lesions may become very large and map-like (Fig. 7-11A). The lesions of eosinophilic granuloma tend to be smaller, on the order of 1 to 2 cm.

FIG. 7-11. A: Hand-Schller-Christian disease. The lateral radiograph of the skull of a child reveals a large area of radiolucency in the posterior inferior parietal area. The margins of the lesion are scalloped and sharply defined without reactive sclerosis. B: Three lytic foci are present in the frontal bone. They are sharply defined, with a beveled edge caused by unequal involvement of the inner and outer table.

In the mandible, the lesions of histiocytosis cause destruction of bone without sclerotic reaction. The bone may completely disappear around one or more of the teeth, causing them to appear as if they were floating ( Fig. 7-12). This is characteristic of histiocytosis.

FIG. 7-12. Hand-Schller-Christian disease. A lytic lesion in the left mandible surrounds a tooth, the so-called floating tooth.

Patients may present with draining ears secondary to histiocytosis within the mastoids. Radiographic examination discloses a radiolucent focus of bone destruction within the temporal bone. Flat Bones. In the pelvis and scapula, the lesions appear as radiolucent areas that may be bound by a rim of sclerosis. In the ribs, the lesions are often expansile and may have surrounding periosteal reaction. Spine. Histiocytosis X causes extensive destruction of the vertebral body, leading to a uniform total collapse so that the body is thin and wafer-like, often referred to as vertebra plana (Fig. 7-13). Perivertebral soft-tissue masses may be identified in association with vertebral lesions. Vertebra plana in an adult should suggest the possibility of multiple myeloma, Gaucher' disease, or Paget' disease.

FIG. 7-13. Eosinophilic granuloma of a vertebral body. The vertebra is markedly compressed and wafer like. This is termed vertebra plana.

Long Bones. In the long tubular bones, the appearance of histiocytosis is somewhat different from that of the skull and is similar to that in flat bones. An area of bone destruction may be noted at any place along the length of the bone. It usually arises centrally but may be eccentric. The lesions may destroy or expand the cortex, and overlying periosteal new-bone formation is usually present ( Fig. 7-14). The periosteal reaction is usually compact but may be laminated in younger children. At times, in young children, the lesion may have no visible outer or peripheral margin. Compact periosteal reaction is typical of histiocytosis X but is also noted in chronic infections. In younger children, the lesions may suggest Ewing' tumor, but the geographic area of bone destruction and the compact nature of the periosteal reaction are more in keeping with histiocytosis.

FIG. 7-14. Histiocytosis X in the tibia. A: Anteroposterior view. B: Lateral view. A fairly well-defined, radiolucent lesion is present in the medullary bone, with expansion of the overlying cortex ( arrow). On the lateral view, periosteal new-bone formation is present posteriorly ( arrow).


Gaucher' disease is not a tumor but a metabolic disorder characterized by the abnormal deposition of cerebrosides in the reticuloendothelial cells of the spleen, liver, and bone marrow. These develop a characteristic histologic appearance and are known as Gaucher' cells. A very large spleen and a moderately enlarged liver are clinical features of this disease, and roentgenographic evidence, particularly of the splenomegaly, is present. There is a wide spectrum of radiographic findings in Gaucher' disease. 19,25 Infiltration of the bone marrow by these cells may lead to patchy areas of cortical destruction similar to those seen in myeloma. In some cases, there is only a rather generalized demineralization ( Fig. 7-15A). If the disease has existed for some time, expansion of the lower end of the femur may occur, resulting in the Erlenmeyer flask appearance ( Fig. 7-15B). This is suggestive but not diagnostic of Gaucher' disease.

FIG. 7-15. Gaucher's disease. A: Patchy areas of bone destruction with endosteal scalloping are present in the midtibia and fibula. B: A typical Erlenmeyer flask deformity of the distal femur. The deformity was caused by a lack of constriction of the metaphysis resulting from infiltration of the marrow by histiocytic cells of Gaucher's disease.

Involvement of the vertebrae may lead to collapse of one or more vertebral bodies, which on occasion may be markedly compressed, thin, and wafer-like, as in vertebra plana. In the long bones, there may be numerous sharply circumscribed osteolytic defects resembling to some extent the lesions of metastatic carcinoma or multiple myeloma. The cortex is thinned and scalloped internally, and there may be periosteal new-bone formation over the involved area. Pathologic fractures of the femoral neck may occur (Fig. 7-16). Occasionally, sclerotic areas are present. The skull and bones of the hands and feet are rarely affected.

FIG. 7-16. Gaucher's disease of the proximal femurs in an 8-year-old girl. Note the pathologic fracture of the right femoral neck ( arrow). The medial portion of the proximal femoral epiphysis on the left is sclerotic, in keeping with an avascular necrosis. There is a coarse, swirled pattern of trabeculae in the intertrochanteric region of the left femur, consistent with the presence of Gaucher's deposits within the intramedullary space.

Infiltration of the bone marrow may compress and compromise the arterial supply to the end of a long bone, resulting in avascular necrosis. This is most commonly encountered in the head of the femur (see Fig. 7-16) and in the humerus. The radiographic features of avascular necrosis are described later. The extent of bone marrow involvement may be assessed by technetium-99m sulfur colloid ( 99mTc-SC) bone marrow scanning.13 Niemann-Pick disease is apparently a very rare variant of Gaucher' disease occurring in families of whom about 50% are Jewish. It, too, is a form of lipid reticulosis, the lipid at fault being sphingomyelin. The effect on the bones is similar to that of Gaucher' disease, but it occurs in infants (younger than 18 months of age) and is usually fatal within a year of onset.

Primary familial hyperlipoproteinemias are a group of heritable diseases associated with an increase in plasma concentrations of cholesterol or triglycerides. They are subdivided into five major types, I through V, according to the plasma lipoprotein pattern. Xanthomas may be apparent in all five types. Localized deposits occur in the tendons of the palm and dorsum of the hand, patellar tendon, Achilles tendon, plantar aponeurosis, and peroneal tendons; around the elbow; and in the fascia and periosteum overlying the lower tibia. Tendinous xanthomas produce nodular masses in tendons (Fig. 7-17) that are characteristic of this disorder. They rarely calcify. Subperiosteal xanthomas are associated with scalloping of the external cortical surface. Intramedullary lipid depositions are well defined, with sharp zones of transition between abnormal and normal bone. In the hands and feet, they may have a symmetrical distribution.

FIG. 7-17. This is a type II hyperlipoproteinemia. Note the multiple, asymmetrical, noncalcified soft-tissue nodules of the digits. Within the phalanges are multiple small, sharply defined radiolucencies. The intramedullary space of the middle phalanges is lace-like and slightly expanded. The opposite hand was similarly affected.

Bone lesions are occasionally found in primary amyloidosis. The upper part of the humerus and the proximal femur are the most common sites. Amyloid lesions may occur in two forms. In the first type, large deposits of amyloid occur in and around the major joints; these are visualized roentgenographically as soft-tissue swellings. The masses may invade contiguous bones, causing multiple small erosions. In the second form, there is diffuse infiltration of the marrow, causing generalized demineralization with collapse of vertebral bodies, resembling multiple myeloma or other diseases causing diffuse demineralization, or there may be more localized areas of bone lysis. The most characteristic findings are soft-tissue masses around the shoulder and hip, with erosion of the adjacent bone ( Fig. 7-18). The lesions are caused by replacement of bone by large deposits of amyloid, and they appear roentgenographically as well-demarcated areas of destruction.

FIG. 7-18. Amyloidosis of the shoulder. Note the large erosion on the lateral margin of the humeral head and greater tuberosity, bordered medially by a coarse rim of sclerosis. (Courtesy of Theodore E. Keats, M.D., Charlottesville, Virginia.)


Trauma, several generalized diseases, and steroids are often associated with avascular necrosis of the ends of bone. Bone infarction involves the shafts, usually in areas of the metadiaphysis. Certain diseases such as caisson disease and sickle cell anemia are associated with both avascular necrosis and bone infarction. However, in most diseases the vascular disturbance is either avascular necrosis of the end of bone or bone infarction of the shaft. Avascular Necrosis (Ischemic Necrosis or Osteonecrosis) Ischemic necrosis of the ends of bone in adults is relatively common. The heads of the femur and proximal humerus are most frequently involved. In trauma, ischemic necrosis is limited to one site, but multiple sites are frequently encountered as a result of systemic disease. The principal causes of ischemic necrosis are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Acute trauma (fracture or dislocation) Steroid therapy Alcoholism Pancreatitis Sickle cell anemia Cushing' disease Collagen vascular disease (particularly systemic lupus erythematosus) Caisson disease Gaucher' disease Radiation therapy

The pathogenesis of ischemic necrosis involves a loss of blood supply. Traumatic disruption occurs in association with the fracture or dislocation of the joint. In sickle cell anemia, thrombosis is considered to be the cause. In Gaucher' disease, the medullary spaces are filled with Gaucher' cells, leading to vascular compression and occlusion. In other entities, the mechanism of vascular compromise has not been clarified. Roentgenographic Features. Pathologically, avascular necrosis consists of two principal stages: (1) vascular occlusion with cell death and (2) subsequent revascularization and repair of the involved bone. The radiographic findings reflect the pathologic changes. The earliest sign of avascular necrosis of the femoral head is the appearance of a thin, radiolucent line just beneath the articular cortex. This is called the crescent sign (see Fig. 7-20 and Fig. 7-25). In the femur, it is often best visualized in the frog-leg projection of the hip and may be seen in this projection when it is not apparent on the anteroposterior view. After this, there is usually a collapse and loss of volume, with impaction of bone leading to an increased radiodensity ( Fig. 7-19 and Fig. 7-20). The combination of repair and impaction causes bone sclerosis. These areas may be intermixed with smaller areas of radiolucency. Less commonly there may be a diffuse, homogeneous increase in density that represents deposition of reparative bone. This is seen without the crescent sign or collapse and is referred to as snowcapping. Snowcapping is more commonly seen in the head of the humerus (Fig. 7-21). The radiographic findings are similar, irrespective of the cause.

FIG. 7-20. Ischemic necrosis of the head of the femur after steroid therapy. Note the thin, lucent crescent separating the thin fragment of subchondral bone ( arrow), the crescent sign of ischemic necrosis. The head is flattened and sclerotic and contains a few areas of radiolucency. The joint space and acetabulum are not involved.

FIG. 7-25. Perthes' disease. A: In the anteroposterior projection, the density of the capital femoral epiphysis is normal, although the head may be slightly flattened. B: In the frog-leg projection, a thin translucent zone is noted beneath the subchondral bone superiorly, the crescent sign. It represents a subchondral fracture through avascular bone. This is the earliest radiographic sign of Perthes' disease.

FIG. 7-19. Ischemic necrosis of the femoral head in an adult. There is a loss of volume of the femoral head, with impaction of the articular surface. The head shows patches of increased density interspersed with areas of radiolucency. The distal margin of the lesion is demarcated by a zone of sclerotic bone.

FIG. 7-21. Avascular necrosis of the humeral head in sickle cell disease. The homogeneous increased density of the humeral head is sometimes referred to as snowcapping.

The bone scan is more sensitive than the radiograph to the changes of ischemic necrosis, and it plays an important role in the evaluation of ischemic or avascular necrosis. Technetium-99m methyldiphosphonate ( 99mTc-MDP) is the agent of choice. In the initial stages of infarction, the area of involvement is devoid of radioactivity (see Fig. 7-27). Later, this area of decreased activity may be rimmed by a zone of increased activity as a result of the reparative process.

FIG. 7-27. Perthes' disease in a 6-year-old boy with right hip pain. A: Normal radiograph of the hips. B: Bone scan reveals photodeficient right femoral epiphysis (arrow) consistent with Perthes' disease. (Courtesy of James J. Conway, M.D., Chicago, Illinois.)

MRI is considered the imaging test of choice in the evaluation for avascular necrosis ( Fig. 7-22).2,9 Infarction at the end of the bone causes changes in the fatty marrow, sharply reducing the normal T1 signal from the marrow. Therefore, in T1-weighted images, the normal intense signal of the marrow fat is noticeably decreased and becomes gray to black on the image. The area of decreased signal tends to extend into the metaphysis. The border of the infarct is often sharply demarcated by a rim of low signal, the ring sign, representing the margin of revascularization and new bone formation at the periphery of the infarction ( Fig. 7-22B; see Fig. 7-24B).

FIG. 7-22. Avascular necrosis of the femoral head in sickle cell trait. A: A fine-detail magnification view demonstrates no definite evidence of abnormality, with the exception of a suggestion of a short band of sclerosis ( arrow). B: Magnetic resonance image demonstrates bilateral avascular necrosis manifested on the right by a wedge-shaped area of decreased signal on this T1-weighted image ( arrow). On the left there is a lesion in the femoral head bordered by a zone of decreased signal, which corresponds to the site of sclerosis in A.

FIG. 7-24. Bone infarcts of the shaft. A: Bone infarct. The residual of the infarct remains as a triangular area of sclerosis bound by a sclerotic rim. This was an incidental finding on a radiograph performed to evaluate the fracture of the lateral malleolus. B: T1-weighted magnetic resonance image in a second case. The lesion in the metadiaphysis of the distal femur has a characteristic low-signal rim. Note the smaller, similar lesion in the proximal tibia. These were incidental findings on a study to evaluate internal structures of the knee.

Trauma After acute injury, there may be sufficient disruption of the blood supply to result in avascular necrosis of one or more of the fragments. This most commonly occurs in the head of the femur after a fracture of the femoral neck or a dislocation or fracture-dislocation of the hip. These injuries may result in a disruption of the blood supply of the femoral head. Conversely, intertrochanteric fractures of the femur are rarely associated with avascular necrosis, because the blood supply to the femoral head is left intact. Other common sites of ischemic necrosis after trauma are the proximal pole of the carpal scaphoid, the body of the talus as a result of a fracture of the neck of the talus (Fig. 7-23) or of the head of the second or third metatarsal (Freiberg' infraction) (see Fig. 7-31), and the entire lunate (Keinbck' disease) after injuries of the carpus.

FIG. 7-23. Ischemic necrosis of the body of the talus 4 weeks after open reduction of a fracture of the neck of the talus. The body of the talus is homogeneously dense and indicative of ischemia.

FIG. 7-31. Freiberg's infraction of the head of the second metatarsal. The distal end of the metatarsal is irregular, the articular surface is concave, and the head and neck are thickened. The joint space appears slightly widened, and the base of the opposing proximal phalanx is normal.

During the early stage, the devitalized bone usually appears denser than the adjacent viable bone and may be separated from it by a thin lucent zone. The dead

bone, being devascularized and having no blood supply, cannot change in density and therefore maintains the appearance of normal bone, whereas the surrounding vascularized normal bone becomes osteoporotic and therefore more radiolucent. Subsequently, the devascularized fragment undergoes compression, with a loss of volume and flattening of the articular surface. The lucent zone separating the devascularized from the vascularized bone becomes more distinct, and a dense sclerotic reaction develops in the viable bone adjacent to the dead fragment (see Fig. 7-19 and Fig. 7-20). The healing process is slow, with revascularization followed by removal of dead bone and the deposition of new bone and at least partial restoration of the involved bone. The larger the fragment, the less likely that this will be complete, but small fragments may be completely restored. Exogenous Steroids The potential musculoskeletal complications of corticosteroid therapy include osteoporosis, osteonecrosis, neuropathic-like articular destruction, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, and rupture of tendons. The occurrence of a generalized osteoporosis is well recognized and is manifested by a collapse of single or multiple vertebral bodies and fractures of the ribs. There is often a peculiar condensation of bone or sclerosis of the affected vertebral body end-plate. Osteonecrosis may follow oral, parenteral, topical, or intra-articular administration of steroids. The onset of symptoms and signs is usually delayed for 2 to 3 years after the administration of the drug, but on occasion symptoms may occur as early as 6 months after administration. Single or multiple sites can be affected. The most common sites are the femoral head, the humeral head, the distal femoral condyles, and the proximal tibiain decreasing order of frequency. Approximately 30% to 50% of patients who have steroid-induced osteonecrosis of one femoral head subsequently demonstrate changes on the contralateral side. The pathogenesis is unknown. The radiographic manifestations are the same as for other causes and include patchy osteosclerosis, the crescent sign, osseous collapse, and fragmentation. Steroid-induced osteonecrosis is particularly common in association with systemic lupus erythematosus and renal transplantation and is less common when steroids are administered for other conditions. Neuropathic-like articular destruction is more likely to occur after intra-articular injection of the drug, but the pathogenesis of the process is not certain. The hip and knee are most frequently involved, and onset and progression of the disease are often rapid. The radiographic findings consist of fragmentation, sclerosis, joint-space narrowing, and an irregularity of the apposing margins of the joint. Joint infections can complicate all types of steroid administration. Single or multiple joints may be involved. Ruptures of the patellar and quadriceps tendons are also encountered, particularly in association with systemic lupus erythematosus. Alcoholism and Pancreatitis The pathogenesis of ischemic necrosis that develops in association with alcoholism and chronic pancreatitis is uncertain, although several theories have been proposed, including that of fat embolism. However, the high incidence of trauma, often unremembered, in chronic alcoholics is well known. Many patients with chronic pancreatitis also suffer from chronic alcoholism, and the relation may be significant. In acute pancreatitis, multiple lytic bone lesions have been reported; these progress rapidly (in a period of 10 days or so), destroying cortical and cancellous bone with little if any periosteal reaction. This is thought to be caused by metastatic fat necrosis. Caisson Disease Caisson disease affects persons who have worked under increased atmospheric pressure and is caused by too rapid decompression. It is more familiarly known as the bends. It is the result of liberation of bubbles of nitrogen from the blood after the body has absorbed an excess of the gas while under compression. In aviators, a rapid ascent to high altitudes may cause aeroembolism similar to that found in caisson disease. In this instance, the condition is caused by a rapid reduction in atmospheric pressure. The bone and joint changes that may develop are the result of infarction. When infarcts involve the articular ends of the bone, ischemic necrosis results. The joints most frequently affected are those of the lower extremities and the shoulder. The radiographic appearance of these changes is similar to those seen from other causes. Bone infarcts also occur in this condition; therefore, the combination of avascular necrosis of the articular ends of bones and bone infarcts in the diaphysis should suggest the possibility of caisson disease. Similar changes may be seen in sickle cell disease. Ischemic necrosis of bone eventually leads to degenerative arthritis in the associated joint. Other Areas Spontaneous ischemic necrosis of the medial femoral condyle has been reported. 2,15 This occurs in elderly persons and is not associated with antecedent trauma. The pain precedes roentgenographic evidence of disease, often by months. Eventually, flattening and irregularity of the medial femoral condyle, followed by a semilunar break in the condylar margin surrounded by irregular sclerosis, is noted on the roentgenogram. The sequestrum formed usually is not detached, and the lesions tend to be larger than those seen in osteochondritis dissecans. MRI is more sensitive and may demonstrate conclusive findings of ischemic necrosis when the radiographic findings are questionable. On T1-weighted images, a somewhat wedged-shaped area of low signal is found based on the condylar joint surface. The area remains of low to intermediate signal on T2-weighted images but may be surrounded by a corona of slightly increased signal on this sequence. Ischemic necrosis of the medial tibial plateau has also been described. 15 Kmmell' Disease Kmmell' disease has been considered to be an avascular necrosis of a vertebral body that develops after an injury, with no roentgenographic evidence of fracture immediately after the injury. The lesion, however, may very well be an unrecognized fracture with compression of the vertebral body occurring later because of continued weight-bearing. It occurs infrequently, and some authors have expressed doubt about its existence. Progressive collapse of obviously fractured vertebrae occurs with some frequency and leads to a progressive kyphosis at the fracture site. These changes probably result from the combination of avascular necrosis and continued weight-bearing.


Infarction may occur in the shaft of bone, usually in the metadiaphysis, and has a distinctive roentgenographic appearance. In some diseases, such as sickle cell anemia and caisson disease, infarction may occur in both areas. Also in sickle cell anemia, infarction of one or more of the short tubular bones may occur (i.e., the hand-foot syndrome). At other times, only shaft infarction is seen. Not infrequently, bone infarction is completely asymptomatic and roentgenographic changes are found by chance on examination for some other reason. The cause of this infarction is unknown. During the acute stage of an infarct of the diaphysis, there are no radiographic findings, and infarcted bone does not undergo a change in density. Not until revascularization does the density of the infarcted area change. The margin of the area of infarction is gradually and irregularly calcified. Usually there is a thin rim of sclerosis at the margin of the lesion ( Fig. 7-24A), and this remains throughout the rest of life. This same rim is seen on MRI ( Fig. 7-24B). The principal differential diagnostic consideration is an enchondroma. Calcification in an enchondroma is typically chondroid, nodular or stippled, and more centrally located, and it lacks the rim of calcification typical of an infarct (see Fig. 4-7B in Chapter 4). Incomplete calcification of the rim of an infarct makes this distinction difficult at times, but this is rarely of importance. In asymptomatic patients, an absolute diagnosis is not necessary because neither condition requires treatment. In contrast, infarction of the shaft of long bones and the short tubular bones in the hands and feet in sickle cell anemia is usually symptomatic and has a different radiographic appearance, resembling that of osteomyelitis, with cortical destruction and periosteal new-bone formation. In some cases, both infarction and infection occur simultaneously. The distinction usually is made on clinical grounds, but in severe cases infarctions may closely resemble osteomyelitis clinically and radiographically. The combination of 99mTc-MDP and gallium scintigraphy may be helpful in the differential diagnosis. In infarcts, the activity of 99mTc should be greater than that of gallium, and the opposite is true of infection.

Osteosarcoma and malignant fibrous histiocytoma have been reported to arise in association with bone infarcts. This is rare.


Osteochondrosis and ischemic necrosis comprise two distinct groups of lesions, both involving an epiphyseal ossification center in one of the small bones of the hand or foot of a child or adolescent. The terms are not interchangeable. In ischemic necrosis, occlusion of blood vessels leads to death of bone. In the osteochondroses, the pathogenesis still is uncertain, and some may well represent nothing more than normal variations in ossification. Trauma, either an avulsion injury or chronic repetitive stress, is suspected as a causative factor in some cases. At one time or another, practically every epiphyseal ossification center in the body has been described as the site of osteochondrosis or ischemic necrosis and has had an eponym attached to it. Some of the eponyms firmly established in the literature have proved difficult to eliminate. Capital Femoral Epiphysis (Perthes' Disease) Ischemic necrosis of the proximal epiphysis of the femur is more commonly known as Perthes' disease or Legg-Calv-Perthes disease. Other names applied to this lesion include osteochondritis deformans and coxa plana. The cause of Perthes' disease is debatable. Some authors have classified it as an idiopathic type of ischemic necrosis, even though occlusion of major arteries often cannot be demonstrated. Trauma or repeated microtrauma, with injury to the vessels supplying the epiphysis, has often been suggested as a cause. Perthes' disease is a benign condition that runs a self-limited course and eventually heals. The pathology is one of degeneration and necrosis followed by eventual replacement of necrotic bone when revascularization occurs. It is a disease of childhood, with the greatest incidence at approximately 5 years of age. It is more common in boys than in girls and is bilateral in about 10% of cases. Limpness and pain, sometimes referred to the knee, are the most common presenting complaints. Roentgenographic Features. The early roentgenographic findings in Perthes' disease are largely in the soft tissues of the joint. The joint capsule is distended with fluid, and the joint space may be slightly widened, with a slight lateral displacement of the head of the femur. The joint effusion and displacement are caused by hyperemia of the synovium and subsynovial tissues. These changes are often subtle and require comparison with the opposite normal side for detection. Similar changes are also seen in the entity known as transient synovitis of the hip. Only about 6% of patients with this condition progress to Perthes' disease. Because there is a relation between these two diseases, patients with transient synovitis should be monitored closely. The first change in the femoral head is a thin, linear, arc-like, radiolucent zone that develops in the subchondral bone just beneath the articular surface, along the anterosuperior aspect of the epiphyseal ossification center. This lucency is the crescent sign, and it is best seen in the frog-leg projection ( Fig. 7-25). This is followed by a slight flattening and irregularity of the superior articular surface of the ossification center. During the early stages of Perthes' disease, the entire center may show a slight uniform increase in density ( Fig. 7-26A). This is more apparent than real and is caused by disuse osteoporosis in the viable bone immediately adjacent to the acetabulum and femoral neck. The head, having lost its blood supply, maintains the density of normal bone until it is revascularized.

FIG. 7-26. Perthes' disease. A: Initial film showing slight, uniform increase in density of the femoral head and several fine radiolucent fissures within it. The joint space was widened when compared with the opposite normal hip. B: Examination 10 months later shows increased flattening, sclerosis, and two lucent areas within the femoral head. C: Five months later, the central fragment appears to lie within a cavity and is fragmented. The density has returned to normal, but flattening persists.

The next well-defined stage is represented by crushing and fragmentation of the epiphysis ( Fig. 7-26B, C). The extent of involvement varies; in some the entire center is affected, whereas in others the changes are limited to an area of subchondral bone along the superior aspect of the head. Once revascularization has taken place, dead bone can be removed. In some patients, this happens before much new bone has been formed, and large areas of the epiphysis are absorbed. In others, reossification occurs before dead bone has been removed, with the new bone being laid down on the scaffolding formed by the dead trabeculae. This is the major cause of increased density of the head or its fragments at this stage of the disease. Compression of the bone causes impaction of trabeculae and may add to the increased opacity. At this stage, the revascularization process is well advanced and reossification is taking place. Eventually the dead trabeculae are removed, and the center returns to a normal density. In some cases, however, old trabeculae are never removed and the increased opacity of the head persists after healing is complete. Reossification begins adjacent to the epiphyseal plate, and the subchondral bone next to the articular surface is the last to ossify. Healing is a slow process and may require several years or longer. During the active stage of the disease, there often is a slight widening of the epiphyseal line. (The epiphyseal cartilage derives its blood supply from the same vessels that supply the head.) The surface of the metaphysis becomes irregular, sometimes with small cystic areas, and the femoral neck is broadened and foreshortened (Fig. 7-25B). The acetabulum is not involved in Perthes' disease. Bone Scanning. Technetium radiophosphate bone scanning has been used to demonstrate epiphyseal ischemia ( Fig. 7-27). High-resolution images with a pinhole or convergent collimator are essential to magnify hip structures for detailed assessment of the distribution of radioactivity. The diagnostic sensitivity approaches 100%. Bone scanning is much more sensitive than radiography to both the initial necrosis and the healing stages of the disease. The initial finding is a photon-deficient area involving part or all of the epiphysis (see Fig. 7-27). Healing is seen as a reactive zone of hyperconcentration or increased activity that surrounds the necrotic area. Eventually, with revascularization, radioactivity is demonstrated in the area of previous photon deficiency. In the early stages, photon deficiency may be demonstrated despite a normal radiograph (see Fig. 7-27). Similarly, scintigraphic evidence of healing manifested by activity in previously deficient areas is demonstrated before there is any radiographic evidence of repair. The major late complication of ischemic necrosis is premature degenerative disease of the hip joint, directly proportional to the amount of residual deformity of the femoral head. Another late complication is an increase in the incidence of osteochondritis dissecans of the femoral head. Discomfort in a hip previously affected by Perthes' disease should suggest this possibility. In one study, the average interval between the diagnosis of ischemic necrosis and the appearance of osteochondritis was found to be 8.8 years. The site is usually the superior lateral aspect of the femoral head. Separation of the bony fragment from its bed is uncommon. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Abnormalities of the epiphysis, physis, and metaphysis in Legg-Calv-Perthes disease are readily noted on MRI. In the capital femoral epiphysis, loss of uniform high signal intensity on T1-weighted images, areas of high signal on T2-weighted images, and lack of enhancement by gadolinium are commonly encountered. Metaphyseal extension of physeal cartilage and bony bridging across the physis can be identified, both of which are commonly associated with subsequent arrest. 10,11 Other Osteochondroses Some of the more common sites where osteochondrosis has been said to occur are described in the following paragraphs. As noted previously, some are now

recognized as being either avulsion fractures or chronic fatigue fractures instead of primary ischemic necrosis. Others may simply represent normal development. Tarsal Navicular (Khler' Disease) Infrequently, the tarsal navicular may be involved by a process similar to Perthes' disease ( Fig. 7-28). It occurs during childhood, and the roentgenographic findings consist of flattening, increased density, and a tendency for fragmentation of the bone. In some patients, the lesion is asymptomatic.

FIG. 7-28. Osteochondrosis of tarsal navicular in frontal ( A) and lateral ( B) positions. Note the dense, flat, and slightly irregular navicular, characteristic of the lesion known as Khler's disease.

Tibial Tuberosity (Osgood-Schlatter Disease) The tibial tuberosity develops as a tongue-like extension on the anterior aspect of the proximal tibial epiphysis. Although the major part of this epiphysis begins to ossify at or shortly before birth, the tuberosity remains cartilaginous until late childhood. When it begins to ossify, it frequently does so from one or more centers; these fuse to the major part of the epiphysis within a relatively short time and subsequently the entire epiphysis fuses to the shaft. The tuberosity serves for the attachment of the patellar tendon and therefore is readily subjected to injury. Osgood-Schlatter disease is more frequently seen in boys than in girls and is more common during adolescence (i.e., 13 to 15 years). Most investigators believe this lesion represents a stress or fatigue fracture of the tuberosity rather than an ischemic necrosis. The radiographic findings include irregularity, fragmentation, and an increase in density of the tibial tuberosity ( Fig. 7-29). The inferior portion is often elevated slightly from its normal position. Localized swelling of the soft tissues over the tuberosity can be visualized; indeed, in the absence of soft-tissue swelling the diagnosis is suspect.

FIG. 7-29. Osgood-Schlatter's disease of the tibial tuberosity. The apophysis is fragmented ( arrow), and overlying soft-tissue swelling is present.

The roentgenographic diagnosis of osteochondrosis of the tibial tuberosity should be made with caution and the findings should be correlated with clinical symptoms and signs, because there is considerable variation in the appearance of the normal tuberosity during the process of ossification. It may ossify from several centers, and its inferior portion may be elevated. The appearance may rather closely resemble that seen in osteochondrosis. Visualization of soft-tissue swelling over the tuberosity plus the clinical signs of pain and local tenderness should be present before the diagnosis of Osgood-Schlatter disease is made. As a sequela to healing, some of the fragmented portions may not unite but remain as separate small, round or ovoid ossicles. Vertebral Ring Epiphyses (Scheuermann' Disease) At age 13 to 15 years, thin, ring-like ossification centers appear along the upper and lower margins of the vertebral bodies. These may be involved by an osteochondrosis clinically manifested by pain, particularly in the midthoracic spine. The epiphyseal plates lose their sharp outlines, become irregular and somewhat sclerotic, and often fragment. The involved vertebrae tend to be decreased in height and wedge shaped because the reduction is more pronounced anteriorly. This in turn leads to a dorsal kyphosis ( Fig. 7-30). Although involvement of several or many vertebral bodies is the rule, occasionally the disease may be confined to only one or two. After the disease has healed, some irregularity of the disc surfaces, anterior wedging, and kyphotic deformity persist throughout life. Deficiency of the anterior portions of the apophyseal plates may cause a notch-like defect along the anterior corners of the bodies, as seen on the lateral view.

FIG. 7-30. Scheuermann's disease of the thoracic spine. One of the vertebra ( central arrow) is wedge shaped, and its end-plate is irregular as a result of the fragmentation of the ring apophysis. There is lesser involvement with Schmorl's node defects in several of the other vertebral bodies ( arrows). The anterior wedging of several midthoracic vertebrae resulted in a kyphotic deformity.

Schmorl' nodes are also common. These are small concave defects of the end-plates of one or more vertebrae, best seen on the lateral view. They are caused by a

defect in ossification of the vertebral end-plate, which allows herniation or protrusion of the nucleus pulposus of the disc into the vertebral body. The protrusion is surrounded by a thin rim of sclerosis. When Schmorl' nodes occur in isolation or are scattered throughout several vertebrae, they are normal variants. In Scheuermann' disease, however, multiple nodes occur in the area affected by the disease process. Metatarsal Head (Freiberg' Infraction) The Freiberg infraction is found in the head of the second metatarsal, less commonly in the third or the first metatarsal. Although originally thought to be a form of aseptic necrosis, it is now generally considered to represent an infraction or a type of stress fracture involving the metatarsal head. It is found during late adolescence. The articular end of the bone becomes flattened, sometimes concave, and irregular. With healing, the neck of the metatarsal becomes thickened and sclerotic (Fig. 7-31). Tiny fragments of bone may become separated from the articular surface and remain as small ossicles after healing is complete. Degenerative joint disease is frequently a late complication. Apophysis of Os Calcis (Sever' Disease) The apophysis of the os calcis is an epiphyseal plate that develops along the posterior border of the bone. It has been reported as the site of an osteochondrosis, the apophysis becoming dense and sclerotic and undergoing fragmentation. This apophysis normally varies greatly in density. In many normal children, it has a uniform chalky-white appearance and may ossify from several centers. The diagnosis of osteochondrosis involving the os calcis should be made with caution and is seldom justified on roentgenologic grounds alone. In addition to the foregoing, many other epiphyseal centers have been reported as sites of osteochondrosis. Because of the possibility of normal irregular development of epiphyseal centers, the need for caution is emphasized when the diagnosis of osteochondrosis is a clinical or radiographic consideration. An atlas of normal variants should be consulted. Osteochondritis Dissecans This lesion is a form of ischemic necrosis, but one that involves only a small portion of bone, usually the articular surface of the medial condyle of the femur. It occurs in young adults after epiphyseal closure, chiefly in men, and is characterized by the gradual separation of a button-shaped fragment of bone and cartilage from the condylar surface (Fig. 7-32A, B). It is bilateral in about 20% of cases. Why the disease involves this particular site is not clear. The fragment may separate completely from its bed and become a loose body within the joint, leaving a shallow defect in the articular surface of the femur. If it does not become completely separated, the button of bone may remain within its cavity, either becoming absorbed or eventually developing a new blood supply and becoming revitalized. The treatment of osteochondritis dissecans is partially determined by the stability of the bone fragment within the defect. This is best evaluated with MRI. 6

FIG. 7-32. A and B: Osteochondritis dissecans of the medial condyle of the femur. In A, the button-like, dense fragment of bone lies surrounded by an area of radiolucency. In the lateral view ( B), the fragment is quite clearly outlined along the surface of the medial femoral condyle. C: Osteochondritis dissecans of the talus. Note the defect in the cortical surface of the medial dome of the talus ( arrow). There are a few fine fragments of radiodensity lying within the defect.

Osteochondritis dissecans must be differentiated from a normal irregular, flake-like ossification of the femoral condyles. This is characteristically seen between the ages of 10 and 13 years and is situated on the posterior surface of the condyles, whereas osteochondritis dissecans occurs anteriorly and borders on the condylar notch. Less frequently, osteochondritis dissecans is found in several other areas, particularly in the head of the femur, the medial or lateral edge of the dome of the talus (see Fig. 7-32C), the capitellum of the elbow, the head of the radius, and the patella. Radiographic findings are similar to those seen in the femoral condyles: a shallow defect marginated by sclerosis, usually with an overlying flake or button of articular bone. At times the articular fragment is displaced or has been completely resorbed, leaving only the defect. Epiphysiolysis (Slipping of the Capital Femoral Epiphysis) This lesion has been classified by some as an ischemic necrosis affecting the epiphyseal plate of the proximal end of the femur, although the head of the femur does not become avascular. However, many believe that the lesion is probably caused by trauma, either an acute injury or chronic repetitive stress. The lesion develops during adolescence (ages 10 to 15 years) and is most common in overweight boys of the Frhlich type. (There is an increased incidence of epiphysiolysis in renal osteodystrophy in the hip and elsewhere; see Chapter 6.) The lesion is a gradual slipping of the femoral head on the neck or, more correctly, of the neck on the head. The head remains in the acetabulum. There is an upward displacement, external rotation, and adduction of the neck relative to the head. The head is displaced posteriorly, downward and medially. The initial displacement is seen to best advantage in a frog-leg view of the hip ( Fig. 7-33) and may not immediately be obvious on the straight anteroposterior view. On the anteroposterior view, a line drawn along the superior cortex of the femoral neck should pass through the lateral margin of the femoral epiphysis. When the epiphysis is displaced medially, the line either passes tangential to or does not transect any portion of the epiphysis. The displacement is accompanied by a widening of the physis or epiphyseal line and irregularity of the surface of the metaphysis. Treatment requires pinning of the hip with multiple threaded pins.

FIG. 7-33. Epiphysiolysis. A: No definite abnormality is observed on this anteroposterior projection. B: A frog-leg oblique projection reveals characteristic medial displacement of the epiphysis and irregularity of the metaphysis, findings not apparent on the frontal projection. Frog-leg oblique projections are necessary to rule out this diagnosis.

Both hips are affected in 20% to 40% of cases, so it is essential that the opposite hip be observed closely. Prophylactic pinning of the opposite side is occasionally performed. When the epiphysis fuses, the lesion stops progressing, but any deformity that has occurred will be permanent. The neck of the femur is remodeled to some extent and develops a convex superior surface instead of the normal concavity; the characteristic appearance is seen in straight anteroposterior views ( Fig. 7-34). As with Perthes' disease, the early development of degenerative joint disease in the hip is a frequent complication.

FIG. 7-34. Epiphysiolysis posteromedial displacement of the capital femoral epiphysis and irregularity of the metaphysis are obvious in this case.

The skeletal alterations of congenital hemolytic anemias are caused by erythroid hyperplasia of the bone marrow, which fills and expands the cancellous bone and disturbs the trabecular architecture. The three best-known anemias are thalassemia, sickle cell anemia, and hereditary spherocytosis (familial hemolytic anemia). In addition, variants of these three and other rare hemolytic anemias can cause similar, although usually much milder, changes. Also, changes in the skull similar to those caused by the congenital anemias have been found in chronic iron deficiency anemia, cyanotic congenital heart disease, and polycythemia vera in childhood. Thalassemia (Cooley' Anemia) Thalassemia, also known as Cooley' anemia or Mediterranean anemia, occurs predominately in Greeks and Italians and occasionally in persons of other nationalities. Cooley' anemia is the homozygous form of thalassemia inherited from both parents. The heterozygous form, thalassemia minor, is inherited from one parent. Persons with the heterozygous form usually have only a mild anemia and no skeletal stigmata. In adults, there may be some vertebral osteoporosis and minimal diploic widening in the skull. The radiographic changes are seen in bones containing red marrow, and therefore the pattern of osseous changes is different in children and adults. In the young child, red marrow is present in all bones, including the small bones of the hand; in the mature adult, red marrow is replaced by yellow marrow in the majority of the peripheral skeleton. In the mature adult, red marrow is limited to the axial skeletonthe spine, pelvis, skull, and most proximal portion of femur and humerus. In a child with Cooley' anemia, the peripheral skeleton is affected. The small bones (e.g., metacarpals, metatarsals, phalanges) have a rectangular appearance, the normal concavity of the shaft being lost, and the cortices are thinned. The medullary spaces have a spongy, mottled appearance. The trabecular pattern of the bone is coarsened (Fig. 7-35A). At times, thin transverse bands of increased density, or growth lines, can be seen crossing the shaft. In severe cases there is retardation of skeletal growth.

FIG. 7-35. Cooley's anemia (thalassemia). A: There is thinning of the cortex, with a decrease in the normal constriction of the midshafts. Normal trabeculation is not observed in the area of mottled radiolucency. The phalanges are less involved than the metacarpals. B: Lateral view of the skull illustrates marked thickening of bone in the frontal area, with characteristic vertical striations. (Courtesy of M.P. Neal, Jr., M.D., and T.R. Howell, M.D., Richmond, Virginia.)

In the skull, the diploic space is characteristically widened, particularly in the frontal and parietal bones (see Fig. 7-35B). The occipital squamosa usually is not affected. The outer table is thinned and may become deficient in areas so that marrow can protrude into the subperiosteal space. There frequently are radiating trabeculae of bone extending at right angles to the inner table, giving a hair-on-end appearance. The paranasal sinuses may be poorly developed, particularly the maxillary sinuses. Encroachment on the sinus air space is caused by a thickening of the bony walls resulting from marrow hyperplasia. Because of the absence of red marrow, the ethmoid cells are not affected. Enlargement of the maxilla may lead to malocclusion and overbite. In older patients, the changes in the small bones of the hands and feet become less striking and may disappear completely by the time of puberty. Changes may become more pronounced after puberty in the skull, spine, and pelvis, where red marrow persists. Occasionally, masses of extramedullary hematopoiesis are noted in the posterior mediastinum. These appear as multiple, bilateral, smoothly outlined soft-tissue masses projecting laterally in the posterior mediastinum. They apparently arise from bone marrow, extruded through the cortex of the ribs and vertebrae, after lysis of cortical bone by the expanding mass of hematopoietic tissue. Pathologic fracture may occur through weakened bone, although it is not common. Gallstones also occur, often in young patients, as a complication of thalassemia. Sickle Cell Anemia Sickle cell anemia is a hereditary disease and transmitted as a dominant gene among African Americans that results in an abnormal hemoglobin (hemoglobin S). Those who are heterozygous for the hemoglobin S gene have what is referred to as the sickle cell trait. Those who are homozygous, inheriting one such gene from each parent, develop sickle cell anemia. Sickle cell b-thalassemia is a doubly heterozygous condition in which the hemoglobin S gene is inherited from one parent

and the b-thalassemia gene from the other. Bone changes are similar to those of sickle cell anemia. In general, the roentgenographic findings are similar to those seen in Cooley' anemia ( Fig. 7-36). Loss of bone due to marrow hyperplasia, the most common finding, results in decreased bone density. The trabecular pattern is often sparse, with wide separation resulting in a wire-mesh pattern. In addition, bone infarction is common (Fig. 7-36B). During infancy, the infarcts tend to involve the small bones of the hands and feet, producing a dactylitis (the hand-foot syndrome). This is seen as an irregular, permeative or moth-eaten destruction with overlying periosteal new-bone formation, and it very closely resembles an inflammatory process. Indeed, infarction and infection may be present simultaneously, and their differentiation is extremely difficult because both cause rarefaction, periosteal new-bone formation, and occasionally sequestration. In older children, bone infarction is more common in the epiphyses and may cause an appearance quite similar to that of Perthes' disease.

FIG. 7-36. Sickle cell anemia. A: Lateral view of the skull illustrates thickening of the bones of the cranial vault in the frontoparietal area containing perpendicular striations. The outer table is indistinct in some areas and absent in others. Note premature fusion of the sutures. B: An infarct of the distal shaft of the femur is observed as an irregular, patchy increase in radiodensity. There was a similar lesion in the opposite femur. (Courtesy of M.P. Neal, Jr., M.D., and T.R. Howell, M.D., Richmond, Virginia.)

Severe bone infarctions occasionally occur in the shafts of adults. Normally there is no radiographic sign of acute infarction, but in severe cases a moth-eaten or permeative destruction is evident, with perforation of the cortex and overlying thin lamellar or layered periosteal new-bone formation. 4 The incidence of infarcts in the long bones tends to increase with age. As a result of infarction, thin, strand-like bone densities appear within the intramedullary canal, paralleling the endosteal surface of the cortex. This gives the appearance of bone within bone ( Fig. 7-37).

FIG. 7-37. Sickle cell anemia in an adult. Avascular necrosis of the femoral head is indicated by flattening, irregularity, and irregular areas of lucency and sclerosis. Infarction of the shaft has led to the characteristic bone-in-bone appearance of the proximal shaft ( arrows).

Hematopoietic marrow hyperplasia is a universal occurrence in sickle cell anemia. On MRI this results in a decreased signal from the marrow on both T1- and T2-weighted images. 20,24 Acute and chronic infarction results in areas of further decreased signal on T1. When infarction is acute, foci of increased signal are seen on T2, but if infarction is chronic, decreased signal is maintained on T2 as well. Osteomyelitis is a frequent complication of sickle cell anemia and can develop in any bone. 4 It differs from the standard form of hematogenous osteomyelitis in that it frequently occurs within the diaphysis, as opposed to the metaphysis, and the organism involved is frequently Salmonella (see Fig. 5-18 in Chapter 5). The radiographic manifestations of osteomyelitis are an irregular rarefaction with a permeative pattern and a lamellar or onionskin type of periosteal reaction ( Fig. 7-38). The findings are identical to those of a severe infarction. The differentiation of infarction from osteomyelitis is difficult on the basis of radiographic findings alone. Differentiation of the two processes by combined technetium and gallium scanning may be possible. Gallium has an avidity for infections, and in the presence of an infection usually reveals a greater activity than technetium, whereas in infarction the activity of the technetium scan is greater than that of gallium. Pathologic fractures may occur in bones thinned by both infarction and infection.

FIG. 7-38. Salmonella osteomyelitis of the tibia in a 29-year-old black woman with sickle cell anemia. A: Technetium bone scan demonstrates an area of increased radioactivity in the diaphysis of the left tibia. B: Permeative destruction of intramedullary bone is noted, associated with tunneling of the cortex and overlying soft-tissue swelling.

In the vertebrae, osteoporosis can be quite severe, leading to compression deformities. The vertebral end-plates become concave as the disc expands into the softened vertebrae. The vertebral contour in sickle cell anemia is characteristic, consisting of a localized central depression of the end-plates and a Lincoln log or H-type vertebral pattern (Fig. 7-39). This is in contrast to the biconcave or codfish vertebral contour seen in persons with osteoporosis and in those who use steroids. In adults, a diffuse sclerosis may be encountered resembling that seen in myelofibrosis. The vertebrae, in spite of a sclerotic appearance, are softer than normal and develop biconcave end-plates. This, combined with the sclerotic appearance, is distinctive for sickle cell anemia in the older child or adult. A hair-on-end appearance of the skull is infrequent, but there may be widening of the diploic space.

FIG. 7-39. Sickle cell anemia of the spine. Characteristic deformities of the end-plates of the vertebrae are manifested by a central depression, sometimes referred to as the H-type or Lincoln log vertebra.

When infarcts occur during childhood, growth disturbances may result. These consist of cupped metaphyses and triangular epiphyses, and there may be widening of the diaphysis near the metaphysis, usually in the lower femur, as a result of lack of modeling. A unilateral or bilateral tibiotalar slant may occur. This consists of a slant of the tibiotalar joint from above and laterally downward and medially, and it is probably a growth disturbance resulting from alteration in blood supply. Tibiotalar slant has also been reported in association with hemophilia, Still' disease, and epiphyseal dysplasia multiplex. In addition to bone changes, cardiomegaly, hepatomegaly, and splenomegaly are frequent. Cholelithiasis is fairly frequent and may be found in young patients. Chronic Iron Deficiency Anemia Iron deficiency anemia has been reported to cause widening of the diple of the skull and perpendicular trabeculation in the frontal and parietal areas, findings quite similar to those of Cooley' anemia. In other bones, changes are less striking, and they usually appear to be essentially normal, or at most slightly osteoporotic, even when well-marked skull changes are present. Myelofibrosis with Osteosclerosis Myelofibrosis runs a relatively benign course, and osteosclerosis develops in approximately half of those affected. The disease is also known as nonleukemic myelosis, agnogenic myeloid metaplasia, osteosclerotic anemia, and leukoerythroblastic anemia, to mention only a few. It is usually idiopathic, but at times it may be secondary to some other disease such as polycythemia vera. It is estimated that from 10% to 20% of patients with polycythemia vera may ultimately have myelofibrosis. Clinical manifestations include the following: anemia; a normal, lowered, or moderately elevated leukocyte count; the constant presence of immature red and white cells in the peripheral blood; and significant enlargement of the spleen and the liver. The osteosclerosis is often widely distributed throughout the bones of the trunk and some of the bones of the extremities, particularly the humerus and femur. In smaller bones such as the ribs, there may be a uniform increase in density, with loss of much of the trabecular architecture. In larger bones such as the femur, the sclerosis is more mottled and patchy in distribution ( Fig. 7-40). In the femur, the earliest changes can often be recognized in the distal end.

FIG. 7-40. Myelofibrosis with osteosclerosis. An anteroposterior radiograph of a portion of the femoral diaphysis reveals a mottled sclerotic increase in density distributed throughout the medullary canal. The cortex is thickened, and there are linear, stripe-like areas of increased density along the endosteal cortical margins.

When a diffuse increase in density of the skeleton is encountered in an adult, one should think first of the possibility of this disease. Osteoblastic metastases are rarely distributed as uniformly. Osteopetrosis (marble bones) is essentially a disease of the young. Systemic Mastocytosis Systemic mastocytosis is a rare cause of osteosclerosis. The osteosclerosis may consist of a generalized increase in density involving the skull, thorax, spine, and pelvis, and it closely resembles myelofibrosis. In other cases, the changes are scattered, well-defined foci of sclerosis. In still others, radiolucent zones have been found within areas of increased density, resembling mixed osteolytic and blastic metastases, from which the systemic mastocytosis may be difficult to differentiate.


Frostbite The initial radiographic manifestation of frostbite is soft-tissue swelling of the affected part, usually the distal portion of the foot or hand, particularly the toes or fingers. Superimposed infection frequently occurs, and amputation may be required. The first change in the bone is osteoporosis, which may be observed within 4 to 10 weeks after the incident and persists for months. Other bone changes usually develop late, from 6 months to years after injury. Often there is soft-tissue atrophy followed by the appearance of small areas of increased density at the ends of the involved bones, usually more marked in the distal than in the proximal phalanges. These are presumed to represent small-bone infarcts. Periosteal new-bone formation may occur along the shaft of the involved bones. In some cases, small punched-out areas ultimately occur on the articular surfaces (Fig. 7-41). When the joint surfaces are severely involved, fusion may occur. This is more common in children than adults. Acro-osteolysis, a resorption of the ungual tufts and distal portions of the phalanges, may occur.

FIG. 7-41. Frostbite. There is a loss of soft tissue distal to the metatarsal heads. The phalanges are osteopenic. Marginal erosions are present on the heads of the second through fifth metatarsals, and periosteal new-bone formation is identified along the margins of the metatarsals. The bone density is normal proximal to the heads of the metatarsals.

The more distinctive changes of frostbite occur in children. Freezing may lead to death of a portion or all of phalangeal epiphyseal growth plates, resulting in deformities and premature fusion of a portion or all of the affected growth plate ( Fig. 7-42). This usually is more severe in or limited to the distal phalanges, but it can occur in the middle phalanges and, less commonly, in the proximal phalanges. The proximal growth plates are not affected unless there is involvement more distally. The thumb is characteristically spared, because when subjected to severe cold, the thumbs are folded into the palms and covered by the fingers and therefore protected from frostbite.

FIG. 7-42. Residuals of frostbite in a young child. The epiphyses of the distal and proximal phalanges of all the digits have been destroyed. There is gross irregularity of the margins of both the proximal and distal interphalangeal joints. The epiphyses of the proximal phalanges, metacarpals, and distal radius are normal. The thumb is often spared, but not so in this case.

Thermal and Electrical Burns Heat results in a necrosis of bone, which is manifested initially by osteolysis and ultimately by bone resorption ( Fig. 7-43), periosteal reaction, and possibly sequestrum formation. Regional osteoporosis is common, as is secondary osteomyelitis. Ultimately, soft-tissue calcification may occur. 8 Periarticular calcification is particularly common around the elbow. Destruction of the articular surface and ultimately bony ankylosis may occur.

FIG. 7-43. Effect of burns in a 6-year-old. Third-degree burns about the shoulder have destroyed the epiphysis of the proximal humerus, resulting in shortening and gross deformity.

The changes of electrical burns may be limited to that portion of the body in immediate contact with the wire. For instance, if the patient stepped on a live wire, the changes may be limited to a narrow band across the base of all of the metatarsals. Defects are characteristic in that they are in a line. Ultimately, the areas that undergo osteolysis heal and are marginated by a thin rim of sclerotic bone. Joint injury from electrical burns is essentially a destructive atrophy, with changes similar to those caused by thermal injury. Radiation Injury of Bone The effect of irradiation on bone is often termed radiation osteitis, a term coined by Ewing in 1926. Radiation injury is limited to bone within the field of irradiation. The minimum dose is at least 1,500 rad; the mean dose is in the range of 4,000 to 5,000 rad. 3,14 These doses are achieved in the treatment of carcinoma of the cervix and prostate, resulting in changes in the pelvis; carcinoma of the breast, affecting the pectoral girdle and ribs; orbital tumors, particularly retinoblastoma, affecting the skull and facial skeleton; and neuroblastoma and Wilms' tumor, affecting the thoracolumbar spine and pelvis. The absorbed dose in bone with orthovoltage treatment techniques used in the past was probably twice as high as that received with current techniques using megavoltage. It is, therefore, likely that the incidence of radiation injury of bone will decrease. Pathologically, radiation leads to an inflammation and necrosis of the bone forming elements within the medullary space (the osteoblasts, osteocytes, and osteoclasts), which recover slowly over a prolonged period. An obliterative endarteritis reduces the blood supply to the affected bone. These changes are manifested radiographically 1 to 2 years after the irradiation by a minimal and subtle osteoporosis in the treatment area. Within 2 years, new bone is laid down in the treatment area and is manifested as coarsening of the trabecular pattern and irregular small patches of sclerosis. These sclerotic patches are interspersed with small lytic areas, generally no larger than 5 mm. Pathologic fractures occur particularly in the ribs and clavicle and are frequently asymptomatic ( Fig. 7-44). These fractures can be differentiated from metastatic disease by the absence of symptoms and radiographically by the absence of a surrounding soft-tissue mass. In the past, fractures of the hip were noted after irradiation of the pelvis. This is now much less common, because the femoral heads and necks are rarely included in the treatment portals when modern equipment

and techniques are used.

FIG. 7-44. Radiation osteitis of the ribs. The patient had received radiation therapy to the chest wall for carcinoma of the breast several years previously. Note an area of absorption in the axillary margin of the fifth rib with pathologic fractures of several ribs, some of which have healed.

Radiation osteitis must be distinguished from invasive or metastatic bone destruction. Radiation osteitis occurs years rather than months after the completion of radiation therapy. The bone changes are localized to the radiation portal. The simultaneous presence of changes in several adjacent bones such as the humerus, scapula, clavicle, and ribs and nowhere elseas seen after radiation therapy for carcinoma of the breaststrongly points to radiation change rather than metastatic disease. In most cases, radiation osteitis is only minimally symptomatic, whereas metastatic disease is quite symptomatic. The presence of multiple lytic areas or the presence of dystrophic calcification should always raise the possibility of radiation-induced sarcoma. Any alteration in stable radiation osteitis should also prompt consideration of the possibility of sarcomatous change. As a general rule, the absence of growth, destruction, or an associated soft-tissue mass favors radiation osteitis. Radiation injury in children differs from that in adults because of the presence of growth centers. 5 Radiation of growth centers may either destroy or severely disturb the growth plate, resulting in growth disturbances. In general, a minimum dose of 1,000 rad and a mean dose between 3,000 and 3,500 rad is required before injury is evident. Injuries are most commonly encountered in the spine after treatment of Wilms' tumor or neuroblastoma. In general, several years elapse after the radiation therapy before there is radiographic evidence of injury. In the spine, the radiographic evidence of injury consists of irregularity of the end-plates, an altered trabecular pattern, anterior beaking of the vertebral body, and asymmetry of vertebral body development, often with wedging of the lateral margin of the vertebrae toward the side of the original tumor. This ultimately results in a scoliosis. 5 If the iliac crest was included in the original treatment portal, a hypoplasia of the iliac bone may occur. If the acetabulum was in the treatment portal, it may be shallow and hypoplastic. Radiation treatment of the extremities is not as common, but it is used in the treatment of Ewing' tumor. If the growth plate is included in the treatment portal, growth arrest with reduction in length and angular deformities at the joint may occur. Radiation injury may ultimately induce neoplasia in bone. 3,5,14 The resultant tumors are osteosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, and, rarely, chondrosarcoma. The average dose exceeds 4,000 rad, and the tumor usually does not appear until 8 or more years after irradiation. The majority of cases appear as lytic destruction within an area of radiation osteitis. A soft-tissue mass associated with evidence of destruction is frequently seen. Frank osteoid new-bone formation occurs within an area of rapidly destructive change within the irradiated field. Chondrosarcoma would produce cartilage matrix with chondroid calcification. Radiation-induced sarcoma should be considered when any change is noted in the region of stable radiation osteitis. This must be differentiated from metastatic disease. Recurrent tumors usually appear much sooner than radiation-induced sarcomas. Osteochondromas (benign cartilaginous exostoses) have been noted to occur after radiation therapy in children. 3,5,14 These are similar in radiographic appearance to osteochondromas at other sites. They are usually incidental findings discovered on follow-up examinations and are rarely symptomatic. Osteochondromas are more likely to occur if the patient has been irradiated before the age of 2 years. They commonly arise from portions of the pelvis or posterior elements of the spinal column. CHAPTER REFERENCES
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Chapter 8 Normal Anatomic Variants and Miscellaneous Skeletal Anomalies Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 8 Normal Anatomic Variants and Miscellaneous Skeletal Anomalies

Lee F. Rogers

L. F. Rogers: Department of Radiology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27157.

Differentiation of Anomalous Bones from Fractures Normal Radiographic Findings Confused with Pathology Specific Anomalies and Normal Variants Ribs Shoulder Elbow Hand and Wrist Pelvis and Hip Knee Ankle and Foot Congenital Synostosis Developmental Dislocation of the Hip (DDH) Other Congenital Dislocations Clubfoot (Talipes Equinovarus) Chapter References

Unlike the congenital and genetic disorders described in Chapter 9, the anatomic variants and miscellaneous skeletal anomalies described here are encountered daily in the practice of radiology. A general familiarity with these structures and their variants is necessary to lessen concern, decrease confusion, and increase the accuracy and confidence of radiographic interpretation. Their importance lies in the fact that they can easily be misinterpreted as pathologic conditions by those unfamiliar with them, when in reality they are of little or no clinical significance. When misconstrued as an abnormality they may lead to costly and unnecessary additional examinations. One of the principal differences between the trained and experienced diagnostic radiologist and other physicians is the ability of the radiologist to recognize and dismiss normal variations, thereby avoiding a potentially expensive, added workup for the patient. The texts by Keats 9 and by Kohler and Zimmer11 are excellent, thorough references devoted to this subject. It is difficult to conceive of practicing radiology without one or both of them close at hand. In this chapter, only the most common variants of the peripheral skeleton are described. Many are found in the skull and spine and are covered in Chapter 11 and Chapter 12, respectively. Miscellaneous skeletal anomalies are isolated, anomalous developments. In most cases, they are sporadic and nonfamilial. They may be considered as (1) supernumerary developments, (2) a failure to develop, or (3) segmentation defects. Supernumerary development is usually seen in the hands and feet as the development of an extra digit (polydactyly) on either side of the hand or foot ( Fig. 8-1). These may be sporadic or genetically determined and, at times, are associated with malformation syndromes.

FIG. 8-1. Duplication of the thumb in the newborn. Note the two separate and distinct distal and proximal phalanges, with fusion of the intervening soft tissues.

Failure to develop is usually either hypoplasia of a structure or, less commonly, aplasia. Hypoplasia is most commonly identified in the middle phalanx of the fifth digit and is known as clinodactyly ( Fig. 8-2). This condition may be sporadic, familial, or associated with a whole host of congenital disorders. Hypoplasia and aplasia are most commonly encountered in the posterior elements of the spine, particularly in the pedicle and transverse process.

FIG. 8-2. Clinodactyly in a 53-year-old father ( A) and his 9-year-old son ( B), an example of familial hypoplasia. The deformity was bilateral in both father and son. A: The middle phalanx of the fifth digit is slightly shortened and curved inward. B: The middle phalanx of the fifth digit is short and curved inward distally. The proximal epiphysis of the phalanx is already beginning to close. Compare with the epiphyses of the distal and proximal phalanges.

Defects of segmentation are common. They may consist of a fusion of segments, commonly encountered in the vertebrae as a partial or complete fusion of two or more vertebral bodies, which is described in Chapter 12. Fusion occurs less commonly in the carpal (Fig. 8-3) and tarsal bones. The fusion of tarsal bones is often symptomatic (Fig. 8-39 and Fig. 8-40).

FIG. 8-3. Lunatotriquetral fusion in a 13-year-old girl. The lunate (L) and triquetrum (T) are fused, and there is a small, incomplete cleft between them distally.

FIG. 8-39. Tarsal coalition, calcaneonavicular bar ( arrow). Note also the thin, white line paralleling the distal tibial joint surface. This is an epiphyseal scar, the bony residua of the physis.

FIG. 8-40. Tarsal coalition, talocalcaneal fusion. A: Lateral view of the foot demonstrates pes planus, a prominent anterior beak of the talus ( open arrow), and poor definition of the posterior facet of the talocalcaneal joint. There is a suggestion of fusion of the medial facet in the region of the sustentaculum tali ( arrow). B: Normal side for comparison. C and D: Computed axial tomograms. Normal side (C) demonstrates normal appearance of sustentaculum tali (arrow). Affected side (D) demonstrates fusion of the medial facet of the talocalcaneal joint ( arrow).

The failure of segments to fuse is most commonly encountered in the spine, involving the laminae and spinous processes. This failure of fusion is known as spina bifida. When seen as an isolated radiographic abnormality, it is known as spina bifida occulta. It may be associated with other congenital abnormalities of the spine, as described in Chapter 12. Bifid structures may also occur. These may develop from a natural growth, as in the bifid anterior margin of ribs ( Fig. 8-4), or from a failure of fusion of structures that arise from more than one center, most commonly in the sesamoids of the great toe (see Fig. 8-36). Certain apophyses and epiphyses arise from multiple centers of ossification, which eventually fuse in most cases. Multiple centers of ossification are seen in the proximal humerus and elbow. The trochlear center of ossification of the elbow itself may arise from separate centers, as may the epiphyses of the proximal phalanx of the great toe. Less commonly, individual carpal or tarsal bones arise from separate centers of ossification.

FIG. 8-4. Bifid anterior third anterior left rib ( asterisk and arrows).

FIG. 8-36. Bifid sesamoids. Both the medial and lateral sesamoids of the great toe are bifid ( arrows).

Accessory centers of ossification and accessory bones are found rather frequently in the skeleton ( Fig. 8-5 and Fig. 8-6). An accessory bone represents either a supernumerary ossicle not ordinarily found in the skeleton or a secondary center of ossification that has failed to fuse and remains as a separate structure ( Fig. 8-7). On occasion, they may predispose to injury or degenerative change and be responsible for symptoms. 13,15,23 This is often associated with a positive bone scan in the region of the abnormality. Sesamoid bones ( Fig. 8-8) arise in tendons, particularly those of the feet, and are very similar in appearance to accessory centers of ossification. These small accessory bones and sesamoids may be mistaken for pathologic conditions, particularly fractures, and knowledge of their distribution and frequency is therefore important.

FIG. 8-5. The os tibiale externum (arrow), adjacent to the proximal pole of the navicular.

FIG. 8-6. Two accessory ossicles. A: Os peroneum. B: Os acetabuli.

FIG. 8-7. Common accessory ossicles in the foot. 1, Os trigonum; 2, os tibiale externum; 3, os peroneum; 4, os intermetatarseum; 5, calcaneus secondarius; 6, supranavicular; 7, secondary astragalus; 8, os vesalianum; 10, os sustentaculi; 12, sesamoid tibiale anterius; S, sesamoid bones. The small black dots over the metatarsal heads and proximal phalanges of first and second toes represent the most frequently observed sites of the sesamoid bones, but they may occur in other locations. There are no numbers 9 or 11 in this diagram.

FIG. 8-8. Sesamoid bones. A: Feet. Sesamoid bones underlie the head of each metatarsal ( arrows). There are two sesamoids on the great toe, a medial (tibial) sesamoid, and a lateral (fibular) sesamoid. The tibial sesamoid of the great toe and that of the second metatarsal are bifid, a common normal variant. Sesamoid bones are always present on the great toe and less commonly on the fifth. They are rarely encountered on the second, third, and fourth. Although the findings in this case are unusual, they are of no clinical significance. B: Hands. Sesamoid bones are found in relation to the heads of the first, second, and fifth metacarpals ( arrows). There is also a sesamoid at the base of the distal phalanx of the thumb ( arrow). There are two sesamoids at the head of the first metacarpal. Sesamoid bones of the hand and feet lie within the anterior joint capsule.


A fracture line is ragged along its margin, irregular, and poorly defined; anomalous ossification centers and sesamoids are characterized by smooth cortical margins (see Fig. 8-5, Fig. 8-7 and Fig. 8-8). An avulsion or small fracture has an irregular, uncorticated surface at the line of fracture and a defect in the adjacent bone that corresponds to the avulsed fragment. Fresh fractures are accompanied by swelling of the contiguous soft tissue, which should not be present about an accessory

center. Accessory centers and anomalous bones are commonly bilateral. Examination of the corresponding part of the opposite extremity is helpful in doubtful cases, but it is usually unnecessary. The precise diagnosis can usually be determined by reference to standard charts and diagrams (see Fig. 8-7 and Fig. 8-23).4

FIG. 8-23. The most frequent accessory ossicles in the hand and wrist. 1, os centrale; 3, os radiale externum; 4, os triangulate; 5, epilunatum; 6, os vesalianum manus; 7, epipyramis; 8, os styloideum; S, the most common sites for sesamoid bones in the hand. Number 2 is not included.

Normal Radiographic Findings Confused with Pathology Nutrient Canals and Foramina. Nutrient canals are present in all the long and short tubular bones. These are fine, sharply marginated radiolucencies that extend obliquely through the cortex, and they should not be mistaken for a fracture ( Fig. 8-9). Nutrient canals are less radiolucent than a fracture and have a characteristic course. Nutrient foramina generally occur at the ends of bones, appearing as a small circular radiolucency, and are seen most commonly at the intercondylar notch of the knee.

FIG. 8-9. Lateral view of the proximal femur demonstrating a vascular groove in the posterior cortex ( arrow). Note the slightly roughened but normal posterior surface of the cortex. This is known as the linea aspera and represents the site of insertion of the abductor muscles.

Interosseous Ridges. Ossification of interosseous membranes occurs between the tibia and fibula and between the radius and ulna. These are generally thin, slightly undulant, and smooth flanges of bone that may be mistaken for periostitis or periosteal new-bone formation ( Fig. 8-34). They are characteristically located on the apposing margins of the bones, although they may be more pronounced on one bone than the other. Ossification is more common on the diaphysis of the ulna and fibula and the proximal metaphysis of the tibia.

FIG. 8-34. Tibial tubercle and soleal line. A: Anteroposterior view. Prominent ossification of the interosseous membrane on the lateral surface of the tibia ( arrows) is known as the tibial tubercle. This is commonly present but is of variable size. A similar ossification is present on the apposing margin of the fibula. The soleal line is seen on edge as an oblique line projecting in the medullary canal ( open arrow). B: Lateral view. The soleal line is seen on the posterior surface of the tibial cortex (arrow). This may be misconstrued as evidence of periosteal new-bone formation associated with infection or stress fracture. The tibial tubercle cannot be seen on the lateral projection.

There are numerous osseous ridges and grooves at the sites of muscular and ligamentous attachments. Many of these bony prominences are commonly encountered daily and dismissed without equivocation, such as the deltoid eminence of the humerus and the linea aspera of the femur ( Fig. 8-29).

FIG. 8-29. Linea asperapilaster complex. A: The two long, roughly parallel lines ( arrows) represent the margins of the pilaster complex on the posterior surface of the femur. This represents the site of insertion of the adductor muscles of the thigh. Calcification is present in the femoral artery ( open arrow), and distally there is the conglomeration of calcium representing either an enchondroma or the residuals of previous bone infarct. B: Lateral view. Note the roughened surface of the posterior femoral cortex. This is the appearance of the pilaster complex or linea aspera when seen in profile. It is normal but could be misconstrued as evidence of periosteal

new-bone formation. Note the fabella (arrow).

Irregular and Bifid Epiphyses. Certain ossification centers are often irregular in outline at some point during the course of development. This is particularly true of the distal femoral epiphysis (see Fig. 1-4B) in the child younger than 5 years of age. The trochlear ossification center at the elbow is similarly irregular. Clefts may be seen in the epiphysis. 9 The basal epiphysis of the proximal phalanx of the great toe is the most frequent site, but clefts may occasionally be seen elsewhere and should not be mistaken for fractures. Characteristically they are well marginated, undisplaced, and have no surrounding soft-tissue swelling, allowing the distinction to be made with confidence. Metaphyseal Spurs. Small spur-like projections are often encountered at the periphery of the metaphyses of both long and short bones in infants. but may be mistaken for subtle evidence of injury or even child abuse by the unwary.

These are normal

Epiphyseal Scars. For variable periods after closure of a physis, a fine radiodense line is present at the site, referred to as an epiphyseal scar (see Fig. 8-39). This is eventually resorbed and is usually no longer evident after the age of 40 years. Just after closure of a physis, there may be a slight irregular margin at the peripheral edge of the epiphysis, possibly suggesting a fracture. This is most commonly encountered at the lateral edge of the distal radius. Bone Bars. In older persons, after the onset of osteoporosis and on occasion earlier, groups of horizontally oriented large bone trabeculae may be encountered. When seen on edge, usually on the anteroposterior view, they appear as a collection of punctate or increased densities; but when seen in profile on the lateral view, they are seen to represent elongated, horizontal bone trabeculae ( Fig. 8-10). These are encountered in the phalanges, distal humerus, femoral shaft, proximal tibia, and occasionally elsewhere. 12 They are referred to as bone bars. Their significance is unknown.

FIG. 8-10. Bone bars. A: Anteroposterior (AP) view. The bright dots ( arrow) of trabecular bone are even more dense than the cortex. This is a normal finding and should not be mistaken for evidence of bone infarction or chondroid calcification associated with an endochondroma. B: Lateral view. The bright dots on the AP view are these elongated, horizontal, coarse trabeculae ( arrow) seen on end. These are more commonly found in the osteopenic elderly at this site, the distal humerus, and elsewhere.


Ribs Bifid Ribs. The sternal end of a rib may be bifid or forked. The third and fourth ribs are most frequently affected (see Fig. 8-4). Fenestrated First Rib. Fenestration of the first rib consists of a smooth, rounded opening in the anterior end of the rib. The significance of this deformity lies in the fact that it may be mistaken for a cavity in the lung in roentgenograms of the chest. Student's Tumor. The anterior chondral margin of the first rib is frequently irregularly calcified and easily mistaken for a nodule or tumor mass within the lung ( Fig. 8-11). An apical lordotic radiograph of the chest should be obtained in doubtful cases to rule out the possibility of a true lung tumor. The irony is that underlying small lung cancers are sometimes obscured by calcification of the first rib.

FIG. 8-11. Student's tumor. Prominent ossification in the cartilaginous ends of the first ribs ( arrow). These are easily misconstrued as tumors in the underlying lung.

Cervical Ribs. A small rib occasionally arises from the seventh cervical vertebra and is called a cervical rib ( Fig. 8-12). It may occasionally give rise to a thoracic outlet syndrome and therefore may be of importance.

FIG. 8-12. Cervical rib. A: The transverse process of C7 is usually prominent, as seen in this case on the right. The cervical rib extends from this transverse process

in a manner similar to the thoracic ribs, as seen on the left ( arrow). B: The cervical rib is better seen in the oblique view ( arrow).

Hypoplastic Ribs. Hypoplasia of an entire length of a rib is sometimes encountered ( Fig. 8-13). Hypoplasia most commonly involves the 1st or 12th rib but may be encountered elsewhere.

FIG. 8-13. Hypoplastic first ribs. The first rib is hypoplastic bilaterally ( arrows). It is often difficult to determine whether there is a hypoplastic first rib or a cervical rib. The distinction is made by simply counting the ribs on both sides.

Fused Ribs. Occasionally the first and second ribs are fused anteriorly ( Fig. 8-14). This is rarely of clinical significance.

FIG. 8-14. Fusion of the first and second ribs bilaterally ( arrows).

Ununited Apophysis Transverse Process First Lumbar Vertebra Occasionally the apophysis of the transverse process of first lumbar vertebra fails to unite ( Fig. 8-15). This may occur unilaterally or bilaterally and rarely, if ever, occurs at other levels. It could easily be mistaken for a fracture or an abortive rib.

FIG. 8-15. Ununited apophyses of the transverse processes of L1. The transverse processes are not united with the main body of the vertebra ( arrows). Note that the medial borders of the transverse processes are slightly rounded and faintly sclerotic, as are the opposing margins of the base of the transverse processes. The sclerotic margin distinguishes this condition from a fracture. These may be either unilateral or bilateral.

Shoulder Sprengel's Deformity. Sprengel's deformity also is known as congenital high scapula or congenital elevation of the scapula. The scapula is small, high in position, and rotated so that the inferior edge points toward the spine. The deformity may be unilateral or bilateral. A fusion of the cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae, the Klippel-Feil syndrome, is present in almost all cases ( Fig. 8-16). This fusion anomaly may exist, however, without elevation of the scapula. In some cases there is a bony connection between the elevated scapula and either the fifth or sixth cervical vertebra. This bony connection is known as the omovertebral bone. It may join the scapula and the vertebrae by either bony or fibrous union ( Fig. 8-17).

FIG. 8-16. Sprengel's deformity. The left shoulder is affected. There is an associated abnormality of ossification of the cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae, with

irregular segments fused together (Klippel-Feil deformity). These deformities frequently coexist.

FIG. 8-17. The omovertebral bone in association with Sprengel's deformity. The bone forms an articulation with the scapula ( arrow) and the arch of one of the cervical vertebrae.

Pseudocyst of the Humeral Head. A normal area of rarefaction or lucency may be located in the lateral aspect of the proximal humerus, within the greater tuberosity (Fig. 8-18).20 This can be prominent on occasion, and it may be mistaken for a site of metastatic disease or other abnormality.

FIG. 8-18. Pseudocyst of the humeral head. A radiolucency is present within the greater tuberosity because of the relative absence of bone trabeculae. This is a frequent normal finding that is easily mistaken for evidence of metastatic disease or other abnormalities (see Fig. 8-34).

Deltoid Tubercle. The insertion of the deltoid muscle on the lateral surface of the proximal humerus normally projects as a flat cortical elevation. Humeral Epiphyseal Line. The proximal humeral epiphysis arises from two centers, which usually fuse by 6 years of age. When viewed in the frontal projection with the shoulder in external rotation, the anterior aspect of the growth plate is chevron shaped, whereas the posterior portion of the line is transverse and may be mistaken for a fracture (Fig. 8-19).

FIG. 8-19. Proximal humeral epiphysis. Anteriorly the growth plate is chevron shaped, whereas posteriorly it is transverse ( arrow) and could be misconstrued as a fracture.

Apophyses of the Coracoid and Acromion. In early adolescence, a flake-like ossification center appears at the superior aspect of the coracoid and the lateral margin of the acromion. These are normal ossification centers that may be mistaken for fractures. Rhomboid Fossa. The pectoralis insertion on the medial inferior margin of the clavicle is sometimes associated with a shallow, occasionally irregular marginal defect known as the rhomboid fossa (Fig. 8-20). This is often bilateral.

FIG. 8-20. Rhomboid fossa. The scalloped inferior margin of the medial clavicle ( arrows) represents the site of insertion of the pectoralis muscles. It is present bilaterally in this case but may be seen unilaterally.

Foramen for the Supraclavicular Nerve. A small radiolucency is sometimes seen in the superior cortex of the midclavicle ( Fig. 8-21).

FIG. 8-21. Supraclavicular nerve foramen. The small lucency in the superior cortex of the middle third of the clavicle ( arrow) represents a foramen for the supraclavicular nerve.

Elbow Supracondylar Process of the Humerus. A hook-like, bony projection may arise from the metaphysis of the medial surface of the distal humerus, curving inferiorly (Fig. 8-22). The projection may be mistaken for an osteochondroma. It is presumed to represent an atavistic trait and is said to be found in 2% of Scandinavians.

FIG. 8-22. Supracondylar process of the humerus. There is a hook-like projection of cortical bone arising from the medial surface of the distal shaft of the humerus. This is the characteristic location and position of the supracondylar process, which should not be mistaken for an exostosis.

Hand and Wrist Accessory Centers of Ossification. There are several reported accessory centers of ossification in the wrist and hand, but they are much less common than those in the foot. The most important ones are shown in Fig. 8-23. Pseudoepiphyses for the Metacarpals and Metatarsals. Partial cartilaginous clefts may appear in the proximal ends of one or more of the lateral four metacarpals or the distal end of the first metacarpal or metatarsal, where normally no epiphyses are found. 16,19 Less frequently the clefts are complete, in which case they are termed supernumerary epiphyses (Fig. 8-24).

FIG. 8-24. Pseudoepiphyses and supernumerary epiphyses. The former are represented by incomplete clefts in the distal ends of proximal phalanges and proximal end of the fifth metacarpal. The latter are present at the proximal end of the second and fifth metacarpals and the distal end of the first metacarpal.

Clinodactyly. Clinodactyly refers to curvature of a finger in the plane of the hand. It may involve any finger, but the usual pattern is radial deviation of the fifth finger at the distal interphalangeal joint associated with a short middle phalanx, shorter on its radial than on its ulnar side (see Fig. 8-2). Most affected persons are otherwise normal; however, clinodactyly is also found in a wide variety of disorders, including Down's syndrome. 19 Madelung's Deformity. Madelung's deformity is a chondrodysplasia of the distal radial epiphysis. Some investigators believe that this deformity is a minimal form of the dysplasia known as dyschondrosteosis (see Chapter 9); others believe that it can occur as an isolated deformity without other osseous stigmata. It causes a curvature of the shaft of the radius, resulting in a deformity of the hand at the wrist and giving the appearance of an anterior dislocation of the hand. The reverse type also is seen but is very rare. The lesion is usually bilateral and is first noticed at about the beginning of adolescence. The characteristic roentgenographic findings include shortening of the radius in comparison to the length of the ulna and a lateral and dorsal curvature of the radius (Fig. 8-25). There is early fusion of the radial epiphysis on the internal or ulnar side. This results in a tilting of the radial articular surface internally and anteriorly. The epiphysis develops a triangular shape. Because the radius fails to grow properly in length, the distal radioulnar articulation is disrupted and the lower end of the ulna projects posterior to the radius. The deformity of the radial articular surface leads to a derangement in the alignment of the carpal bones. The carpus assumes a triangular configuration, with the apex pointing toward the radius and ulna and the base formed by the carpometacarpal articulations.

FIG. 8-25. Madelung's deformity A: Oblique, B: Lateral, and C: PA projections demonstrate characteristic findings. The radius is curved and shortened in comparison to the ulna. The radial joint surface is tilted ulnarward and anteriorly. The hand is displaced anterior to the long axis of the forearm ( B). The corpus assumes a triangular configuration ( C).

Lunatotriquetral Fusion. Fusion of the lunate and triquetrum is encountered in approximately 2% of Africans and less commonly in Caucasians (see Fig. 8-3).19 It is the most common carpal fusion and, when isolated, is of no clinical significance. Os Styloideum. The os styloideum is an accessory center of ossification arising at the base of the second metacarpal; it is visualized on the lateral view (see Fig. 8-20). Occasionally, an unmovable bony protuberance is located on the dorsum of the wrist at the base of the second and third metacarpals, adjacent to the capitate and trapezoid bones. This has been referred to as a carpal boss. It may represent either degenerative osteophyte formation at the metacarpal joint or the presence of an os styloideum (Fig. 8-26). Patients may complain of pain and limitation of motion of the hand.

FIG. 8-26. Carpal boss with os styloideum (arrow). A: Lateral view. B: Posteroanterior (PA) view. Bony prominence dorsally at the base of the second metacarpal as seen on the dorsum of the wrist (arrow) is not easily identified on the PA view. It is often difficult to determine on the plain films whether this is simply a bony protuberance or a separate ossicle, the os styloideum.

Pelvis and Hip Os Acetabuli. The os acetabuli is a round or oval ossicle lying along the upper rim of the acetabulum (see Fig. 8-6B). There is normally an apophyseal center or centers for the upper rim of the acetabulum that appear at about the age of 13 years and fuse with the acetabulum within a very short time. Failure to unite results in the formation of an os acetabuli. In other instances, a small sesamoid may be found in this area, usually situated more laterally than the apophysis but called by the same name. Diastasis of Pubic Bones. Diastasis of pubic bones is ordinarily found in association with exstrophy of the bladder, epispadias, and other lower urinary tract anomalies. It may also be associated with cleidocranial dysostosis (see Chapter 9). However, it has also been reported in a family with no other anomalies. Pubic Synchondrosis. The pubic synchondrosis is the site of fusion of the inferior ramus of the pubis and ischium and is located medially on the obturator foramen (Fig. 8-27). The synchondrosis is often expansile and may be confused with a pathologic condition. It is usually most prominent at about the age of 10 years.

FIG. 8-27. Pubic synchondrosis in a 12-year-old. This represents the junction of the inferior ischial and pubic rami. The pattern of ossification is highly variable, often asymmetrical, and easily misinterpreted.

Herniation Pit of the Femoral Neck. A round or oval radiolucency surrounded by a thin rim of sclerosis is often identified in the proximal, superior aspect of the femoral neck in adults (Fig. 8-28).18 The radiolucency represents a cortical depression or cavity formed by the herniation of capsular soft tissues through defects in the cortex. This herniation pit is a normal finding.

FIG. 8-28. Herniation pit of the femoral neck. Note the circular sclerotic radiodensity on the lateral margin of the femoral neck ( arrow). In some cases, the pit may be smaller and the rim of sclerosis thicker.

Femoral Linea Aspera-Pilaster Complex. Frontal radiographs of the femur commonly demonstrate two longitudinally oriented, thin, parallel lines projected over the middle third of the shaft (Fig. 8-29).17 These lines, called the track sign, represent the site of insertion of the strong adductor and extensor muscles of the thigh. When seen in the lateral view, the surface of the linea aspera is often rough, undulant, and irregular. This may suggest periosteal reaction but is, in fact, a normal finding. Knee Bipartite Patella. The patella may be divided into two or even more segments (see Fig. 2-65C, D in Chapter 2). The smaller segment or segments are usually located along the upper outer quadrant of the patella. These may be mistaken for fractures. In approximately 80% of the cases, the anomaly is bilateral. Flake-like ossification centers also appear on the anterior and occasionally on the inferior surface of the patella. These are likewise normal. Fabella. The fabella is a small sesamoid bone that is very frequently found in the tendon of the lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle at the level of the knee joint (Fig. 8-29B). It may become enlarged and roughened in the presence of degenerative disease of the knee joint. Physiologic Bowlegs of Infancy. During early infancy, a mild degree of bowleg deformity is physiologic. It has been suggested that this bowing is the result of the normal internal tibial torsion that occurs during intrauterine life. This type of bowleg deformity tends to correct itself, and usually the legs have become perfectly straight by the time the child has reached the age of 4 to 5 years ( Fig. 8-30).

FIG. 8-30. Physiologic bowlegs. A: Initial views demonstrate moderate bowleg deformity. B: Approximately 1 year later, the bowing has largely disappeared. Note that the bowing involves both femur and tibia.

Occasionally the bowing is accentuated to the point where it may be considered abnormal Fig. 8-31) and the result of disease, particularly rickets or Blount's tibia vara. Differentiation from rickets can be made with assurance in most cases because the metaphyses are well ossified and none of the other findings seen in active rickets is present. It may not be possible to rule out rickets that has healed, but, because this type of bowing usually comes to the attention of the physician during the first months or year of life, there will seldom have been time for rickets to have been present and to have undergone complete healing. Differentiation from Blount's tibia vara may be more difficult.

FIG. 8-31. Blount's disease. There is bilateral involvement, with an angular deformity at the physis. The tibial shafts are straight and the femurs are uninvolved.

Tibia Vara, Blount's Disease (Osteochondrosis Deformans Tibiae). Blount's disease is an infrequent cause of bowlegs during infancy and childhood. Its cause is uncertain, but it often is classified with the osseous dysplasias. The possibility of ischemic necrosis as a causative factor has been considered by some investigators. A progressive, nonrachitic outward bowing of the legs is the characteristic clinical finding. The medial aspect of the upper tibial metaphysis is evidently the site of partial growth arrest, resulting in medial, flange-like broadening of the metaphysis in addition to shortening. This causes a rather sharp posteromedial slope of the medial tibial plateau. The amount of varus deformity depends on the angle of this slope. The deformity actually is an angular one rather than a curved bowing. It is centered at the junction of the proximal tibial epiphysis and metaphysis ( Fig. 8-31).6 Tibia vara must be differentiated from physiologic bowlegs. In tibia vara, the angular deformity is centered at the junction of the proximal metaphysis and epiphysis of the tibia. There is a broad, beak-like projection of the inner side of the metaphysis, within which are small islands of cartilage, and the tibial epiphysis tends to be triangular with the apex pointing medially. In physiologic bowing, both the tibia and the femur are affected, the femur often showing more deformity than the tibia. Irregular Ossification of Distal Femoral Epiphyses. Before age 5, the distal femoral ossification center is often irregular in outline (see Fig. 1-4B). This is a normal variant. In later adolescence, an irregular center of ossification often appears in the posterior margin of both condyles. This is likewise normal but is readily mistaken for osteochondritis dissecans. However, the latter occurs on the lateral margin of the medial femoral condyle anteriorly. Pelligrini-Stieda Disease. Pelligrini-Stieda disease is an irregular calcification that appears on the superior margin of the medial femoral condyle. It is probably related to previous injury of the medial collateral ligament ( Fig. 8-32).

FIG. 8-32. Pellegrini-Stieda disease. A thin, shell-like calcification is seen at the superior margin of the medial femoral condyle ( arrow).

Cortical Desmoid. The adductor magnus and the medial head of the gastrocnemius insert on the posterior superior junction of the condyles and metaphysis of the distal femur, often accompanied by radiographic evidence of cortical irregularity ( Fig. 8-33).21 This is a normal variant that may easily be misinterpreted as something sinister, such as a malignancy or infection.

FIG. 8-33. Cortical desmoid. Note the irregularity of the surface of the cortex of the distal femur ( arrows) at the site of the insertion of the adductor magnus and gastrocnemius muscles.

The Soleal Line. A prominent ridge of bone along the origin of the soleus muscle in the proximal tibia, as seen on the lateral projection, may mimic periosteal reaction along the posterior margin of the proximal tibial shaft. 18 The underlying cortical bone is normal. On the frontal projection, it is seen as a thin, obliquely oriented vertical band of sclerosis traversing the upper tibia ( Fig. 8-34). Tibial Tubercle. On the proximal medial metaphysis of the tibia, there is often a thin, smoothly defined flange of bone projecting into the interosseous space (see Fig. 8-34A). This could be mistaken for periosteal new-bone formation, but it actually represents ossification at the base of the interosseous membrane. Ankle and Foot The foot is a common site for accessory bones and sesamoids (see Fig. 8-7). As stated previously, these should not be mistaken for fractures. The most common of these are described in the paragraphs that follow. Os Trigonum. The accessory ossicle known as the os trigonum occurs in about 10% of the general population. It is a separate center for the posterior process of the talus, to which the talofibular ligament is attached. Its shape varies from a small triangular fragment to one more rounded or oval. The division from the talus may be incomplete. A fracture of the posterior process of the talus may resemble an os trigonum. Os Tibiale Externum. The unfused tuberosity on the medial proximal side of the tarsal navicular (scaphoid) is called the os tibiale externum (see Fig. 8-5). It is sometimes called the divided scaphoid or an accessory scaphoid. It is a common variation and is usually bilateral. Os Peroneum (Peroneal Sesamoid). The os peroneum is a small ossicle found in or adjacent to the tendon of the peroneus longus, just lateral to and below the os calcis and cuboid (see Fig. 8-6A). It occurs in about 8% of persons. Occasionally there may be two or even three separate ossicles, representing a bipartite or tripartite sesamoid. Calcaneus Secondarius. The secondary os calcis is a small, irregular bony mass found at the tip of the anterior process of the os calcis, where it articulates with the navicular. It is seen to best advantage in oblique roentgenograms of the foot. Its frequency is about 2%. Supranavicular. The os supranavicular is a small, triangular bone occurring at the proximal superior edge of the navicular and articulating with the talus and navicular. It is relatively common and can easily be mistaken for a fracture. Secondary Astragalus. A small, rounded bone found just above the head of the talus, seen only in lateral views of the foot, is the secondary astragalus. It should not be confused with the os supranavicular, which lies between the talus and navicular. Apophysis at the Base of the Fifth Metatarsal. An apophysis that appears at about the age of 13 years and unites shortly thereafter is a flat bony center found along the lateral side of the proximal end of the fifth metatarsal ( Fig. 8-35). It often is irregular in shape, but its long axis parallels the long axis of the metatarsal. A fracture in this location is also common ( Fig. 8-35), but the line of fracture invariably extends transversely across the long axis of the shaft. The fracture surfaces are irregular, the soft tissues overlying the area are swollen, and the proximal fragment often is displaced or rotated.

FIG. 8-35. Apophysis of the base of the fifth metatarsal. The secondary ossification center parallels the lateral aspect of the proximal end of the metatarsal. In this case, there is also an undisplaced transverse fracture ( arrow) at the base of the fifth metacarpal.

Os Subtibiale. The os subtibiale is a separate ossification center for the tip of the medial malleolus. Os Subfibulare. Corresponding to the subtibiale, the os subfibulare is a separate center for the tip of the lateral malleolus. It varies from a tiny, rounded ossicle to a fairly large triangular fragment. It is best seen in anteroposterior views of the ankle joint. Some of these apparent accessory ossicles around the ankle joint may be old chip fracture fragments that have smoothed off and have united with fibrous rather than bony union. Others may be foci of ossification that have formed as a result of soft-tissue injury. It often is impossible to determine their precise origin from a single roentgenographic examination. Bifid Sesamoids. The sesamoids of the great toe are commonly bipartite, particularly the tibial or medial sesamoid, which is bifid in 10% of cases. The fibular or lateral sesamoid is bifid in approximately 3% ( Fig. 8-36). Pseudocyst of the Calcaneus. A lucency is frequently encountered in the body of the calcaneus just beneath the tuber angle on lateral radiographs of the foot ( Fig. 8-37). It is simply an area relatively devoid of trabeculae and is of no clinical significance. Rarely, a lipoma, a simple bone cyst, or other tumor arises in this region. However, in contrast to a normal pseudocyst, they are usually sharply defined by a rim of sclerotic bone.

FIG. 8-37. Pseudocyst of the calcaneus. The relative radiolucency beneath the tuber angle ( arrow) represents an area devoid of trabeculae. This is a normal finding and is similar to the pseudocyst of the humeral head seen in Fig. 8-18.

A congenital synostosis consists of a fusion of two or more bones. It is a frequent anomaly in the thorax, where there may be a partial fusion of several of the ribs. This can affect any part of the rib, but it is more common in the lateral portions and at the vertebral ends (see Fig. 8-14). The proximal ends of the tibia and fibula occasionally are fused. Another uncommon site of fusion is at the proximal ends of the radius and ulna, resulting in an inability to supinate the forearm. In some cases, there is an associated dislocation of the head of the radius ( Fig. 8-38).

FIG. 8-38. Congenital radioulnar synostosis with congenital dislocation of the head of the radius. There is bony fusion between the proximal radius and the ulna.

Carpal and Tarsal Fusions. Fusions have been found in almost every combination in the carpal and metacarpal regions and in the corresponding portion of the foot. The fusions can be fibrous, cartilaginous, or osseous. Carpal fusions may be sporadic or hereditary. Lunatotriquetral fusion is the most common (see Fig. 8-3). In general, fusions between bones in the same carpal row are of less significance than those that occur between the carpal rows. The latter frequently are associated with other, often clinically significant, congenital abnormalities and are encountered in congenital malformation syndromes. 19 Congenital fusion of tarsal bones is commonly referred to as a tarsal coalition. The unusual rigidity of the fused joints may cause pain. The condition is often referred to as peroneal spastic flatfoot or rigid flatfoot. The latter term is preferred, because the rigidity of the tarsus is the result of a bony fixation and not spasm. In many cases, the clinical presentation suggests the correct diagnosis. Fusion may occur at any point between two bones but is most common between the calcaneus and navicular. Radiographic verification is important. Calcaneonavicular coalition often can be recognized on conventional radiographs of the foot ( Fig. 8-39). However, talocalcaneal coalition is frequently difficult to demonstrate radiographically, and special views supplemented by bone scintigraphy and CT may be necessary to demonstrate the site of coalition ( Fig. 8-40B).14 Talocalcaneal fusion is often associated with a prominent beak on the anterior, superior margin of the head of the talus ( Fig. 8-40A). Irregularity and a lack of definition of the posterior subtalar joint are indirect signs of talocalcaneal coalition. The coalition almost invariably occurs at the medial facet, between the talus and sustentaculum tali of the calcaneus, a joint not easily demonstrated by routine radiography. Patients who have clinical signs and radiographic findings suggestive of coalition should have a CT scan performed. Bone scanning may demonstrate a focal increase in radionuclide activity in the region of the coalition or in the talar beak and posterior facet of the subtalar joint. Coronal CT in the axial plane demonstrates the site and nature of the fusion quite satisfactorily and at the same time allows comparison with the opposite side (Fig. 8-40C, D).


The hip is the most frequent site of congenital dislocation. It is 6 to 10 times more common in girls than in boys, the left hip is involved more often than the right in the ratio of 3:2, and it is much more common in whites than in blacks. It is unusual for dislocation to be present at birth, displacement occurring gradually during the first year of life. It was formerly believed that faulty development of the hip joint and associated structures was responsible for the dislocation, referred to as acetabular

dysplasia. Most investigators now consider the fault to be in the supporting soft tissues of the hip joint, with the primary abnormality being a relaxation of the joint capsule. Others consider shortening or tightening of the muscles that cross the joint to be the primary cause. Diagnosis of the predislocation stage during the newborn period is important, since early treatment prevents the ultimate dislocation and results in a normal hip joint. The Ortolani maneuver of 45 of abduction and internal rotation of the leg is useful in detecting hips that are susceptible to dislocation. With this maneuver, the examiner feels a click as the hip dislocates. Roentgenographic Features. Roentgenographic examination of the hips for a suspected hip joint dislocation should include an anteroposterior roentgenogram of the pelvis (Fig. 8-41), obtained with the patient's legs straight or slightly flexed at the knee and with the toes pointing forward. A so-called frog-leg view is also included (Fig. 8-42). In this position, the thighs are flexed, externally rotated and maximally abducted, with the feet brought together in the midline. Careful positioning is necessary to make certain that the hips are symmetrically placed so that one side can be compared with the other.

FIG. 8-41. Congenital dislocation of the right hip in an infant. A: Roentgenogram of the pelvis. B: Tracing illustrating the method for determining the acetabular angle. Line A, drawn along the upper margin of the acetabulum, represents the bony roof of the fossa, although in an infant the acetabulum is composed largely of cartilage. Line H is drawn through the centers of the triradiate cartilages of the acetabular fossae. The vertical lines P, or Perkin's lines, are drawn through the outer limits of the bony margin of the acetabular roof of either side, perpendicular to the H line. The acetabular angle is larger on the right than on the left; however, this difference is not entirely diagnostic. The right capital femoral epiphysis is displaced laterally and very slightly superiorly. The curved broken line S, or Shenton's line, is disrupted on the right and normal on the left.

FIG. 8-42. Congenital dislocation of the hip illustrated in the frog-leg position, with the thighs abducted and externally rotated. Note the absence of an ossified center for the right capital epiphysis, the poorly developed acetabular roof on the right side, and the increased acetabular angle. The position of the femoral neck indicates the subluxation, even though the femoral head is not visible. The patient also had an extensive spina bifida in the lower lumbar and sacral spine. A: Roentgenogram of the pelvis. B: Tracing of the roentgenogram.

Increased Acetabular Angle. The acetabular angle is a measurement of the slope of the upper half of the acetabular wall. The method of measurement is shown in Fig. 8-41. The normal angles vary widely, and the upper limit of normal should be close to 40. The acetabular angle for the left hip is usually slightly larger than for the right. The normal angle decreases considerably between birth and the age of 6 months and to a lesser degree between the ages of 6 months and 1 year. These observations indicate that considerable caution should be exercised in the diagnosis of hip joint dysplasia based only on the finding of an acetabular angle greater than 30. When one hip is affected, the acetabular angle is a more useful indicator than when both are involved, and a definite discrepancy in the angles on the two sides is an important finding. Lateral Displacement of the Femur. Lateral displacement of the femur in relation to the acetabulum is an important finding. Because the ossification center for the head of the femur is not present at birth and does not appear normally until the age of 3 to 6 months, the neck of the femur must be used for this determination in the newborn. Perkin's line, as shown in Fig. 8-41, is useful when either one or both hips are involved. This consists of a vertical line drawn from the upper outer edge of the iliac portion of the acetabulum to intersect at a right angle the transverse line drawn through the centers of both acetabula. The beak of the femoral neck normally falls medial to this line in practically every case, whereas in the majority of abnormal hips (60%) the femoral neck is situated lateral to this line. 13 Disruption of Shenton's Line. Shenton's line is a smooth, curved imaginary line formed by the inner margin of the femoral neck and the inner surface of the obturator foramen, as shown in Fig. 8-41. Lateral displacement of the femur disrupts the smooth curve. Some degree of upward displacement is usually required before a significant break in the curve is seen. Delayed Ossification of the Femoral Epiphysis. The ossification center for the head of the femur normally appears between the ages of 3 and 6 months. In the presence of hip joint subluxation or dislocation, the center may be delayed in appearance, and, when it does appear, its growth lags behind normal (see Fig. 8-42). Later Stages. In older children and adults, gross displacement is usually present and the diagnosis is made without difficulty ( Fig. 8-43). In untreated subjects, the head and neck of the femur do not develop properly, remaining small and hypoplastic. The acetabular fossa is very shallow, never having accommodated the femoral head. The head often impinges against the outer pelvic wall above and behind the shallow acetabulum and forms a shallow pseudoacetabular cavity.

FIG. 8-43. Congenital dislocation of the left hip in an older child. The capital epiphysis has not developed an ossification center. The left acetabulum is hypoplastic,

with a marked increase in the acetabular angle.

Recognition in the Newborn. Diagnosis of developmental dislocation of the hip is based principally on clinical findings. In the newborn, the standard radiographic features described previously for the older infant are not applicable. At this stage, it is necessary to obtain an anteroposterior examination of the pelvis and hips with the legs in the Ortolani positionthat is, abducted 45 and internally rotated. In this position, a line bisecting the femoral shaft should pass through the acetabulum and the lumbosacral articulation. In the presence of a dislocation, the line passes laterally to both structures. Care should be taken that the line bisects the shaft and not the femoral neck, because this would give a false reading. Ultrasonography. Ultrasonography has a distinct advantage in that it uses no ionizing radiation. Real-time examination from the lateral projection allows visualization of the unossified cartilaginous portion of the acetabulum and the cartilaginous femoral head to determine the presence or absence of a dislocation ( Fig. 8-44).1,22 Ultrasonography is of particular value in the screening of newborns and young infants for developmental dislocation of the hip. 5,8

FIG. 8-44. Sonograms of two hips in coronal plane. The transducer is positioned lateral to the hip in both examples. A: Normal hip. The cartilaginous femoral head (white asterisk) lies within the acetabulum with more than 50% of the head covered by the acetabular roof ( arrows). B: DDH. The femoral head (white asterisk) is subluxed and lies superior and lateral to a shallow acetabulum ( arrow). Note the hypertrophied, echogenic, fatty pulvinar ( black asterisk). I = iliac bone, G = gluteal muscles. (Cases courtesy of T. David Cox, MD, Winston-Salem, NC.)

Computed Tomography. CT is a useful technique in the study of developmental dislocation of the hip, particularly in those cases in which there has been a failure to obtain or maintain a reduction of the dislocated hip. 2,11 In such cases, the iliopsoas tendon can interpose between the femoral head and the acetabulum, producing an infolding of the capsule and labrum. In other cases, there may be a hypertrophy of the pulvinar: a collection of fibrofatty tissue in the center of the acetabulum that decreases the capacity of the acetabulum and prevents relocation of the femoral head. The CT examination may be combined with hip arthrography to better visualize the unossified femoral epiphysis. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. MRI has proved to be a valuable adjunct in the assessment of congenital dislocation of the hip because of its superior visualization of cartilage and soft tissues. 9 It is of particular value in the demonstration of hip position and the source of obstruction to relocation.


Congenital dislocations affecting joints other than the hip are infrequent. Dislocation of the radial head is seen occasionally in the elbow joint. In these cases, the radial head is displaced forward on the humerus. In some cases there is an associated congenital fusion of the dislocated radius with the proximal part of the ulna, the latter bone maintaining a normal relationship with the humerus (see Fig. 8-38). This lesion may be unilateral, but more often it is bilateral. With the passage of time, the head of the radius fails to develop properly and the proximal end of the bone is smaller than normal. Traumatic dislocations caused by birth trauma are decidedly rare. Most prove to be separations of the epiphyses. These are more likely to occur in high-weight babies of diabetic mothers during the course of a difficult delivery. The proximal femur and proximal and distal humerus are the most common sites of injury.


Clubfoot is one of the more common birth defects. It may be sporadic and possibly is caused by intrauterine abnormalities including severe oligohydramnios, a constriction in the uterus, or the amniotic band syndrome. There is also an increased incidence in some families, and it may be associated with other congenital abnormalities, including cleft palate and congenital heart disease. Clubfoot is also a feature of certain malformation syndromes (e.g., Gordon and Pierre Robin syndromes). The three principal components of clubfoot are adduction of the forefoot, inversion, and cavus foot. In many cases the condition is bilateral. Everything demonstrated radiographically is better seen and evaluated by clinical methods. The radiographic findings are confirmatory and secondary. Elaborate radiographic procedures are unnecessary. On the radiograph, there is medial angulation of the forefoot, revealed by medial displacement of the navicular and cuboid in relation to the talus and calcaneus ( Fig. 8-45). The inversion deformity is shown by an inward rotation of the calcaneus under the talus. Cavus foot is associated with posterior displacement of the calcaneus. The superior surface of the posterior segment of the calcaneus lies near the tibia. The talus overhangs the calcaneus, projecting well beyond it anteriorly. Regional hypoplasia of the tarsal bone and soft tissues of the foot often accompanies the deformity.

FIG. 8-45. Clubfoot, talipes equinovarus in a newborn. A: Anteroposterior view of the foot demonstrates inversion of the foot. The varus deformity of the foot is obvious. Inversion has displaced the calcaneus beneath the talus in this projection. B: Lateral view demonstrates the associated equinus deformity with severe plantar flexion of the foot.

The diagnosis has been made in utero by ultrasonography. 2,3 When diagnosed in utero, it should suggest the possibility of other related abnormalities and syndromes,

as listed previously. The diagnosis should be made clinically in the newborn. It is imperative to differentiate the rigid clubfoot from the flexible clubfoot, which needs minimal or no treatment. This differentiation can be made by clinical evaluation of the foot. Radiographic demonstration of spina bifida, dislocation of the hip, or amyotonia congenita (arthrogryposis) indicates a poor prognosis. CHAPTER REFERENCES
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Bearcroft PWP, Berman LH, Robinson AHN, Butler GJ: Vascularity of the neonatal femoral head: In vivo demonstration with power Doppler US. Radiology 200:209, 1996 Benacerraf BR, Frigoletto FD: Prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of clubfoot. Radiology 155:213, 1985 Chami M, Daoud A, Maestro M, et al: Ultrasound contribution in the analysis of the newborn and infant normal and clubfoot: Preliminary study. Pediatr Radiol 26:298, 1996 Daffner RH: Skeletal pseudofractures. Emergency Radiology 2:96, 1995 Donaldson JS: Use of sonography in screening for developmental dysplasia of the hip. AJR Am J Roentgenol 162:39, 1994 Ducou le PH, Mousselard H, Rudelli A, et al: Blount's disease: Magnetic resonance imaging. Pediatr Radiol 25:12, 1995 Guidera KJ, Einbecker ME, Berman CG, et al: Magnetic resonance imaging evaluation of congenital dislocation of the hips. Clin Orthop 261:96, 1990 Harcke HT: Screening newborns for developmental dysplasia of the hip: Role of sonography. AJR Am J Roentgenol 162:395, 1994 Keats T: Atlas of Normal Roentgen Variants That May Simulate Disease, 5th ed. Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers, 1992 Kleinman PK, Belanger PL, Karellas A, et al: Normal metaphyseal radiologic variants not be confused with findings of infant abuse. AJR Am J Roentgenol 156:781, 1991 Kohler A, Zimmer EA: Borderlands of the Normal and Early Pathologic in Skeletal Roentgenology, 11th ed. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1968 Kursunoglu S, Pate D, Resnick D, et al: Bone reinforcement lines in chronic adult osteopenia: A hypothesis. Radiology 158:409, 1986 Lawson JP: Symptomatic radiographic variants in extremities. Radiology 157:625, 1985 Lee MS, Harcke HT, Kumar SJ, et al: Subtalar joint coalition in children: New observations. Radiology 172:635, 1989 Miller TT, Staron RB, Feldman F, et al: Symptomatic accessory tarsal navicular bone: Assessment with MR imaging. Radiology 195:849, 1995 Ogden JA, Ganey TM, Light TR, et al: Ossification and pseudoepiphysis formation in the nonepiphyseal end of bones of the hands and feet. Skeletal Radiol 23:3, 1994 Pitt MJ: Radiology of the femoral linea aspera-pilaster complex: The track sign. Radiology 142:66, 1982 Pitt MJ, Graham AR, Shipman JH, et al: Herniation pit of the femoral neck. AJR Am J Roentgenol 138:1115, 1982 Poznanski A: The Hand in Radiologic Diagnosis with Gamuts. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1984 Resnick D, Cone RO III: The nature of humeral pseudocysts. Radiology 150:27, 1984 Resnick D, Greenway G: Distal femoral cortical defects, irregularities, and excavations. Radiology 143:345, 1982 Terjesen T, Runden TO, Johnsen HM: Ultrasound in the diagnosis of congenital dysplasia and dislocation of the hip joints in children older than two years. Clin Orthop 262:159, 1991 Wakeley CJ, Johnson DP, Watt I: Value of MR imaging in the diagnosis of the os trigonum syndrome. Skeletal Radiol 25:133, 1996

Chapter 9 The Congenital Malformation Syndromes: Osteochondrodysplasias, Dysostoses, and Chromosomal Disorders Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 9 The Congenital Malformation Syndromes: Osteochondrodysplasias, Dysostoses, and Chromosomal Disorders
Lee F. Rogers and Sam T. Auringer

L. F. Rogers: Department of Radiology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27157. S. T. Auringer: Departments of Radiology and Pediatrics, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27157.

Radiographic Features of Malformation Syndromes Nomenclature of the Congenital Malformation Syndromes Osteochondrodysplasias Defects in Growth of Tubular Bones or Spine Identifiable at Birth Defects in Growth of Tubular Bones or Spine Identifiable Later in Life Malformation Syndromes Associated with Disorganized Development of Cartilage and Fibrous Components of the Skeleton Syndromes Associated with Abnormalities of Density of Cortical Bone, Diaphyseal Structure, or Metaphyseal Modeling Dysostoses Dysostoses with Cranial and Facial Involvement Dysostoses with Predominant Involvement of Extremities Miscellaneous Congenital Disorders with Osseous Involvement Marfan's Syndrome (Arachnodactyly) The Mucopolysaccharidoses Morquio's Disease (Type IV Mucopolysaccharidosis) Hurler's Disease Chromosomal Aberrations Trisomy Syndromes Chapter References Selected Readings

Congenital abnormalities of bone are relatively common. It has been estimated that approximately 3% of newborns have malformations and 1% have multiple malformations.26 Some abnormalities are so common they may be considered as variations of normal. These and minor congenital anomalies are covered in Chapter 8. In this chapter, the congenital malformation syndromes are described. The term malformation syndrome refers to a constellation of abnormalities that frequently occur together. 26 The syndromes are often referred to by an eponym, named for those who originally described the abnormality (e.g., Hurler's syndrome). Alternatively, they are designated by a series of Latin or Greek phrases that include the principal sites of abnormalities. An example is the acrocephalosyndactyly syndrome (Apert's syndrome), which consists of craniofacial, hand, and foot abnormalities. As is often the case, this syndrome is known by both types of names. The precise cause of most malformation syndromes is unknown. 20,24,26 A few, such as the mucopolysaccharidoses (i.e., Hurler's syndrome), are known to result from specific abnormalities in metabolism, and a small number have been related to chromosomal abnormalities such as trisomy 21 (Down's syndrome). Advances in genetic science have disclosed a number of chromosomal abnormalities, and more are anticipated. Osteochondrodysplasias are characterized by generalized abnormalities of cartilage or bone growth. 25 Dysostoses are malformations of individual bones that may occur singly or in combination; they differ from the osteochondrodysplasias in that they are focal and not generalized. Although the malformation syndromes present a complex, complicated, rather bewildering array of seemingly endless variation, it is possible to develop a systematic approach that will, under most circumstances, lead to the correct diagnosis. There is a common misconception that most of these syndromes can be diagnosed by chemical analysis of enzymes or by chromosomal studies. In fact, most diagnoses are based on the morphologythat is, the clinical appearance of the individual patientor on the radiographic appearance of the skeletal system. In many cases, the radiographic examination of the skeleton is essential for accurate diagnosis. A precise diagnosis is necessary to determine the prognosis, to offer genetic counseling, and to alert the physician to the presence of associated visceral abnormalities. Certain abnormalities are lethal either in the neonatal period or shortly thereafter. Many are associated with dwarfism or mental retardation. Several skeletal malformation syndromes are associated with congenital abnormalities of the heart, usually septal defects, and some with lenticular or retinal abnormalities affecting sight. Genetic counseling is necessary for those parents who have given birth to a child with a malformation syndrome or who have a family history of malformation syndromes. In general, evaluation of congenital malformation syndromes requires a thorough assessment of the clinical history and clinical findings, as well as a total skeletal survey. 20 The diagnosis of many malformation syndromes can be established in utero by sonography. 11,13 The radiographic examination of patients with a suspected malformation syndrome should include anteroposterior (AP) and lateral films of the skull and entire spine; AP films of the trunk, including the pelvis and both extremities; and a separate AP examination of the hands and feet. This allows evaluation of the length of bones and other important characteristics. It is important to realize that not all of the findings are present in each case. By the same token, if one is attempting to confirm a clinical diagnosis and significant radiographic findings are identified that are not included in the description of the disorder being considered, it is very likely that the clinical diagnosis is incorrect and that one is dealing with a different syndrome.


The following is a list of important considerations in the radiographic evaluation of malformation syndromes: 1. Relative lengths of various bones. Are the bones too short or too long? Is there some form of dwarfism? If so, is the trunk normal with affected extremities, or vice versa? If the extremities are affected, are the distal bones affected more than the proximal bones, or vice versa? Skeletal dysplasias may be identified in utero by ultrasonographic detection of short limbs and other characteristic features, both morphologic and skeletal ( Fig. 9-1).19,22

FIG. 9-1. A: Intrauterine ultrasonic detection of short limbs. The femur ( arrows) measured two standard deviations below the expected length for the age. The fetus proved to have thanatophoric dysplasia. B: Femur lengths of normal fetuses in utero measured by ultrasonography. Values from fetuses with skeletal dysplasia plotted on normal curve. EVC, chondroectodermal dysplasia or Ellis-van Creveld syndrome; OI, osteogenesis imperfecta; DD, diastrophic dysplasia; CD, camptomelic dysplasia; RS, Robert's syndrome. (From Hobbins JC, Bracken MB, Mahoney MJ: Diagnosis of fetal skeletal dysplasias with ultrasound. Am J Obstet Gynecol 142:306, 1982, with permission.)

2. Involvement of the spine. There is a major group of anomalies associated with abnormalities of the vertebrae. 3. Age at onset. Abnormalities seen in early infancy can be separated from those seen in later life. 4. Fusion of bones. Fusion of various bones may be diagnostic in certain conditions. Fusion of carpal or tarsal bones can occur as a sporadic anomaly or in association with various syndromes. Normal persons may have fusions in the hand, usually involving carpals in the same proximal or distal row (see Fig. 8-3 in Chapter 8), whereas fusion of carpal bones between rows is usually associated with a malformation syndrome. However, fusions in congenital malformation syndromes may also involve carpals in the same row. In the foot, the syndrome-associated fusions usually involve the distal portions of the forefoot, which may be fused to each other or to the metatarsals. This type of fusion almost never occurs as an isolated anomaly. Fusion of proximal tarsals, such as the calcaneus and navicular (see Fig. 8-40 in Chapter 8), is often isolated and not syndrome associated, but it may be seen in syndromes as well. 5. Appearance of the epiphyseal complex: epiphysis, physis, and metaphysis. Alterations in the epiphyseal complex are extremely important in the characterization of various abnormalities. In adult life, many of these findings disappear and the diagnosis is more difficult. In the neonate, diagnosis of disorders affecting the epiphyses may be difficult because very few are ossified. 6. Appearance of the diaphysis. Is the diaphysis thick or thin? Is the cortex abnormal? Is there bowing? 7. Abnormalities in the number of digits. Polydactyly or decreased number of digits is seen in a variety of conditions and may be a clue to the diagnosis. 8. Symmetry of abnormalities. Generally, symmetrical anomalies (e.g., polydactyly, absence of digits) are associated with a familial inheritance, whereas unilateral changes are more likely to be sporadic and not part of a major syndrome. 9. Abnormalities of density. Are the bones too dense or too lucent? 10. Skeletal maturation. In the majority of syndromes skeletal maturation is delayed so that it is, in itself, of little diagnostic value. However, advanced skeletal maturation can be an important clue to diagnosis. 11. Pattern of anomalies. Many of the individual malformations are nonspecific. However, when associated with other anomalies, they suggest a diagnosis. Triangulation is important in establishing the diagnosis. For instance, a child is noted to have multiple carpal bones and a dislocated hip. By examining a listing of syndromes associated with multiple carpal bones and a separate listing of multiple dislocations, it is noted that each of these conditions is present in several disorders but the combination of both is found only in Larsen's syndrome. Such listings are available in the texts by Poznanski 15 and Taybi and Lachman. 26 Several texts include full descriptions of the malformation syndromes and serve as excellent references; these include the works of Spranger and colleagues 24 on the bone dysplasias, Taybi and Lachman 26 on radiology syndromes and metabolic disorders, and Poznanski 15 on the hand in radiologic diagnosis. 12. Change with time. The radiographic appearance of many dysplasia syndromes varies with age. The age dependence of the radiologic phenotype is a potential source of considerable diagnostic difficulty: textbook-like features in one phase of life may be completely absent in another. The atlas of Spranger and associates 24 is a great aid in this regard because it demonstrates the chronologic changes in many conditions.


The designations of the congenital malformation syndromes used here are those adopted by the Committee for the International Nomenclature of Constitutional Diseases of Bone (1992). 23 The nomenclature was adopted to minimize problems resulting from the description of many syndromes under various names, and it is periodically revised to unify the terminology used in different parts of the world. It is not intended to be a classification of skeletal disorders.

Osteochondrodysplasias are generalized abnormalities of growth and development of cartilage or bone. 8 They are subdivided into those identifiable at birth and those identifiable in later life. The other two principal categories are (1) disorders with disorganized development of cartilage and fibrous components of the skeleton and (2) abnormalities of density of cortical or diaphyseal bone structure. Defects in Growth of Tubular Bones or Spine Identifiable at Birth Achondroplasia Achondroplasia is the most common form of dwarfism. It has been recognized since antiquity and has been commonly identified with court jesters and with clowns in circuses. It is an hereditary congenital disturbance transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait that causes inadequate endochondral bone formation and results in dwarfism. Membranous bone formation is not affected. The mental status is normal. Characteristically, the short limb bones contrast with the normal length of the trunk. The facies is characterized by prominent frontal bossing of the skull, saddle nose, and prognathic jaw. All achondroplastic persons bear a strong anatomic resemblance to each other. The following paragraphs describe the most typical changes in the skeleton. 18,24 Roentgenographic Findings Long Tubular Bones. Shortening of the long bones is responsible for dwarfism ( Fig. 9-2 and Fig. 9-3). The humerus and femur tend to be relatively more affected than the distal bones of the extremities (rhizomelic shortening). The diameter is usually normal, but the bones appear thick because they are short. The ends of the shafts are flared. The zone of provisional calcification may be smooth or irregular. At times there is a sizable V-shaped notch in the metaphyses, and the epiphyseal centers may be partially buried in the metaphyses; this is known as the ball-in-socket epiphyseal-metaphyseal junction (see Fig. 9-2). The fibula often is longer than the tibia, causing an inversion of the foot ( Fig. 9-3). Bowing of the long bones is common. The diagnosis can be established in utero by sonography. 11,13

FIG. 9-2. Achondroplasia in a child. The bones of the hand are short and broad; there are ball-in-socket epiphyseal-metaphyseal junctions at the distal ends of the metacarpals. Note the flaring of the metaphyses, particularly of the radius and ulna.

FIG. 9-3. Achondroplasia in an infant. The shortening of the femur is more pronounced than that of the tibia. Note that the length of the fibula is proportionally greater

than that of the tibia. The distal femoral metaphyses are tilted upward and laterally, with laterally placed epiphyses. Typical changes are present in the pelvis.

Short Tubular Bones. These bones show changes similar to those seen in the long bones. They are short and appear thick, and the fingers tend to be of similar lengths, the so-called trident hand (see Fig. 9-2). Pelvis. Characteristic changes occur in the pelvis. The ilia are short and square, and the sacrosciatic notch is small. The ischial and pubic bones are also short and broad. The acetabular angles are decreased in infancy. The sacrum articulates low on the ilia ( Fig. 9-4).

FIG. 9-4. Achondroplasia in an adolescent. The ilia are short and square, and the acetabular angles are flat. The pelvis is foreshortened in the anteroposterior direction, and there are characteristic deformities of the sacrosciatic notches ( asterisks). The sacrum is horizontal and projected on end. The interpediculate distance narrows progressively from the upper to the lower lumbar spine, the reverse of normal.

Spine. The length of the spinal column may be normal or nearly so, but vertebral development is affected. One or several vertebrae at the thoracolumbar junction (T12 to L3) may be rounded or wedged anteriorly. In the lumbar area, the interpedicular distances characteristically narrow progressively from above downward (see Fig. 9-4), the reverse of the normal. The pedicles are short and thick, and the posterior surfaces of the bodies are concave ( Fig. 9-5). The net effect is a stenotic spinal canal, which in the adult may lead to severe neurologic symptoms, especially if a herniated disc or degenerative joint disease or kyphosis develops ( Fig. 9-6). The lumbar lordosis is increased, and the lumbosacral angle becomes more acute than is normal ( Fig. 9-5). The long axis of the sacrum tends to be horizontal.

FIG. 9-5. Achondroplasia in a 6-year-old. The vertebrae at the thoracolumbar junction are rounded and are wedged anteriorly and concave posteriorly. The pedicles are short. The lumbosacral angle is accentuated by the horizontal orientation of the long axis of the sacrum.

FIG. 9-6. Achondroplasia. Sagittal magnetic resonance image demonstrates a severely stenotic foramen magnum with conus compression.

Skull. The skull is brachycephalic because the base of the skull is preformed in cartilage and therefore hypoplastic. The vault is relatively large, with bulging of the frontal bones. It is of membranous origin and therefore is not affected. The growth of the mandible is relatively normal and therefore appears prognathic. Other Bones. The carpal and tarsal bones are normal. The scapula is short, and the sternum may be thick and short. The ribs are short, causing a decrease in the AP diameter of the thorax. Thanatophoric Dysplasia Thanatophoric dysplasia was previously mistaken for a severe type of achondroplasia because of its many similar features. These similarities include dwarfing of the long tubular bones with a relatively long trunk; a prominent forehead with a short skull base and depression of the nasal root; small, square iliac wings with horizontal acetabular roofs; a narrow thorax with short ribs; and a decrease from above downward of the interpedicular distances in the lumbar spine. Thanatophoric dysplasia is the most common lethal neonatal skeletal dysplasia. Distinguishing features include Kleeblattschdel or cloverleaf skull; severe platyspondyly or extremely thin, wafer-like ossification of vertebral bodies with thick intervertebral spaces; very short limb bones with bowing, especially in the lower extremities (also known as French telephone receiver femurs); and no history of a similar disorder in other members of the family ( Fig. 9-7).

FIG. 9-7. Thanatophoric dysplasia. The limb shortening is more pronounced proximally than distally. Note the narrow thorax with short ribs and characteristic flattening of the vertebral bodies. The pelvis is deformed in the characteristic pattern. The femurs are short and bowed.

Affected infants are stillborn or die shortly after birth, possibly from respiratory failure owing to the short ribs and narrow thorax. Short ribs with a narrow thorax occurs in three principal dysplasiasthanatophoric dysplasia, asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy, and achondroplasia. Other changes common to achondroplasia may also be seen in the other two abnormalities. A small chest is also a feature of the short rib polydactyly syndromes. 26 Asphyxiating Thoracic Dystrophy Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy was first reported by Jeune in 1955 in two infant siblings who died of respiratory distress associated with small and relatively immobile thoraces. The major abnormalities identifiable on roentgenography consist of very short ribs and a variable degree of shortening of the long tubular bones with metaphyseal notching. The ribs project horizontally and may be so short as to barely reach the anterior axillary line ( Fig. 9-8). The shortened ribs reduce the volume of the thorax and are responsible for the respiratory distress. The cardiac silhouette often appears large, but this is probably an illusion because of the smallness of the thorax. In the pelvis, the ilium is shortened in its inferosuperior diameter, the acetabular roof is broad, and there may be a deep V-shaped notch in it. The disease may be fatal, with the infant dying from respiratory complications. Associated renal disease has also been reported, and renal failure may be the cause of death in patients with less severe skeletal changes.

FIG. 9-8. Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy. The thorax is extremely small and the ribs quite short. The cardiac silhouette appears large because of the smallness of the thorax. The vertebral bodies are larger and the intervertebral disc space is narrower than is the case in thanatophoric dysplasia.

Diastrophic Dysplasia Diastrophic dysplasia is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. The syndrome is characterized by the combination of scoliosis and clubfeet. There is also a delay in appearance of the epiphyseal centers and subluxation of various joints (especially the hips). The long bones are short and thick, with widened metaphyses, simulating achondroplasia. In the hands, the bones are short, especially the thumb, which may project at a right angle to the other digits, the so-called hitchhiker's thumb ( Fig. 9-9). The metacarpal of the thumb also may have an ovoid shape. The bones of the feet show changes similar to those in the hands. In addition, there is a bilateral clubfoot deformity.

FIG. 9-9. Diastrophic dysplasia. The hitchhiker's thumb is demonstrated with its short and ovoid first metacarpal. Note the short proximal phalanges and metacarpals.

The epiphyseal centers are late in appearing and, when they do appear, are apt to be flat and abnormal in shape. In the hand, the epiphyseal centers may be oriented parallel rather than perpendicular to the long axis of the phalanges. That is, the height is longer than the width, the reverse of the normal proportion. In most patients, laxity of ligaments and tendons causes subluxation of the joints. The subluxations are not present at birth but develop after the child begins to walk. Scoliosis and kyphosis also appear at about the same time. A severe kyphosis in the cervical region can be fatal in infancy. Other bones, including the vertebrae, skull, and pelvis, are normal. The tarsal bones may be distorted because of the equinovarus deformity but otherwise are normal. The differentiation from achondroplasia, in the average patient, is not difficult if all findings are taken into consideration. The normal appearance of the skull, vertebrae, and pelvis and the presence of clubfeet are helpful observations in this regard. Chondrodysplasia Punctata (Stippled Epiphyses)

There are 15 described types of chondrodysplasia punctata, 14 and the disease is genetically transmitted with both dominant and recessive or rhizomelic forms. Infants with the rhizomelic or recessive forms are frequently stillborn or die within the first year of life from associated abnormalities or intercurrent disease. The characteristic roentgenographic finding is the presence of numerous small, round opacities in the unossified epiphyseal cartilages ( Fig. 9-10). In some patients, the opacities appear to extend into the adjacent soft tissues. They also have been found in other cartilages such as the nasal septum, larynx, and trachea. Stippling of the vertebral cartilages is common in the more severe cases. The extremities may be dwarfed, and flexion deformities may also be present. The femur and humerus are most likely to be shortened in the recessive types. Many patients have congenital cataracts, saddle nose, hyperkeratotic dermatoses, and failure of proper mental and physical development. If the infant survives, the foci may ossify and then merge to form a fairly normal epiphyseal center in some cases. The fingers and toes may be short and stubby. The carpal and tarsal bones may be normal or show some irregularity in shape.

FIG. 9-10. Stippled epiphyses. Numerous tiny, dense foci were noted throughout the cartilages of the skeleton. They were most numerous in the right lower extremity. The bones are shorter than normal. (From Paul LW: Punctate epiphyseal dysplasia (Chondrodystrophica calcificans congenita) Am J Roentgenol 71:941, 1954. Copyright 1954 American Roentgen Ray Society, with permission.)

Stippled epiphyseal calcification has also been noted in the Zellweger or cerebrohepatorenal syndrome, other forms of chondrodysplasia punctata, warfarin embryopathy, and alcohol embryopathy. 14 Chondroectodermal Dysplasia (Ellis-van Creveld syndrome) Chondroectodermal dysplasia was first described among the Old Order Amish People of Pennsylvania. The disease is transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait. Cardiac anomalies (atrial septal defects being the most frequent) have been found in about 60% of those affected. The ectodermal component of the syndrome is manifested by small, friable nails; defective dentition; and, in a few cases, alopecia. The changes in the skeleton are usually characteristic. Polydactyly and syndactyly are almost universal. A partially or completely formed sixth metacarpal may be fused to the fifth (Fig. 9-11). Fusion of the hamate and capitate bones in the wrist is often present. Cone epiphyses are common during childhood. Shortening of the long tubular bones characteristically becomes more severe distalward, the opposite of the situation encountered in achondroplasia. The tibia and fibula therefore are much shorter than the femur (mesomelic shortening), and the distal phalanges are more dwarfed than the proximal. The distal end of the radius and the proximal end of the ulna are somewhat enlarged. Also, the radial head may be flared and frequently is dislocated. The proximal end of the tibia also is widened, and the epiphysis is offset medially. Frequently, a small exostosis is present on the upper inner cortex of the tibia. The intercondylar notch of the femur is shallow, and the tibial spine is small. A severe cervical kyphosis with spinal cord compression may occur.

FIG. 9-11. Ellisvan Creveld disease in a woman. There is progressive shortening of the bones distally from the wrist, with polydactyly, syndactyly, and carpal fusions. (Courtesy of M. Pinson Neal, Jr., M.D., Richmond, Virginia.)

The ribs are short. The ilia are flared and hypoplastic, with a trident deformity of the acetabular roofs. The skull and spine usually are normal. Metatrophic Dysplasia Metatrophic dysplasia is another form of dwarfism that may be confused with achondroplasia. Roentgenographic changes are apparent at birth, with shortening of the long tubular bones and hyperplastic, greatly flared metaphyses. There is overconstriction of the midshafts, so that the bones have a dumbbell shape ( Fig. 9-12). Epiphyseal ossification centers are delayed in appearance and, when they do appear, are deformed. The ribs tend to be short and the chest narrow. Kyphoscoliosis is present, as is platyspondyly (i.e., flattening of the vertebrae). In the pelvis, the iliac wings are short, the sacroiliac notches are short and deep, and the acetabula are horizontal. As the child grows older, there is lengthening of the long bones, more than is seen in achondroplasia. However, the platyspondyly and the kyphoscoliotic curvature worsen, and the child changes clinically from an appearance similar to achondroplasia to that resembling spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia. The base of the skull is not foreshortened, and the interpedicular distances in the lumbar spine usually remain normal, findings that aid in differentiating this dysplasia from achondroplasia during infancy.

FIG. 9-12. Metatrophic dysplasia. A: The long tubular bones are short, with greatly flared, dumbbell metaphyses. B: The spine is kyphotic with platyspondyly.

Spondylocostal Dysostosis Spondylocostal dysostosis 17 is a form of truncal dwarfism caused by segmental abnormalities of the entire spine ( Fig. 9-13). The extremities are normal. When severe, it may lead to death in the newborn. The spinal canal is normal, but the segmentation of the vertebral bodies is entirely abnormal. The ribs are thin and often fused medially, giving a fan-like appearance. The syndrome occurs in both autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive forms and is common among Puerto Ricans.

FIG. 9-13. Spondylocostal dysostosis. The trunk is shortened because of segmentation defects throughout the entire spine. The limbs are normal. Note the thin ribs with multiple interosseous fusions.

Defects in Growth of Tubular Bones or Spine Identifiable Later in Life Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia The characteristic finding in multiple epiphyseal dysplasia is the presence of multiple ossification centers for the affected epiphyses, giving them a fragmented appearance. It is considered to be transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait with complete penetrance but variable expression. The epiphyses are usually flat, and the ends of the long bones may be somewhat flared. The involvement may be limited to a pair of epiphyses, or all epiphyses throughout the body may be involved. Symmetrical involvement of the capital femoral epiphyses is common. Knock-knee or bowleg deformity may be present, and flexion deformities at the knee joint may be seen. A coronal cleft in the patellas (double-layered patella) has been described as a fairly consistent and characteristic finding in the tarda form. The vertebrae may be flattened in the thoracic spine, with irregular end-plates. The skull is normal. The long bones appear to be short and thick; the thickness is an illusion caused by the shortening. The carpal and tarsal bones are often irregular and the digits stubby. In many patients, however, the hands are normal. The clinical presentation is usually limpness, pain, or stiffness in the lower extremities in late childhood or adolescence. Irregularity of the articular plates frequently persists (Fig. 9-14) and leads to the early development of degenerative joint disease, particularly in the hips. At this stage it usually is impossible to determine what the primary disorder was, because the other epiphyseal dysplasias may also result in early degenerative joint disease.

FIG. 9-14. Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia in an adolescent. The articular surfaces are seen to be irregular in both the frontal ( A) and lateral ( B) projections. The joint abnormality often leads to the early development of degenerative joint disease.

When the heads of the femurs alone are involved, bilateral Perthes' disease and the epiphyseal dysgenesis of cretinism must be considered. Metaphyseal Chondrodysplasia, Schmid Type In 1949, Schmid reported a mild form of metaphyseal chondrodysplasia that is relatively common. It is transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait. Irregularity of the zones of provisional calcification resembles rickets and is caused by extension of cartilage into the metaphyses ( Fig. 9-15). The spine and skull are not affected. The skeletal changes are not present at birth but appear at 3 to 5 years of age. Bowing of the legs is marked, and patients have a waddling gait. There is bilateral coxa vara. The epiphyseal plates are widened. Again, the appearance may be similar to that of vitamin-D-resistant rickets. Differentiation may depend on biochemical analysis of blood and urine. Unlike rickets, the zone of provisional calcification and the metaphyseal collar are preserved, although they are irregular. 12

FIG. 9-15. Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia (dysostosis) of the Schmid type. The metaphyses of the radius and ulna are concave and irregular. Similar changes were present in the metaphyses of the other long tubular bones. The epiphyses are normal. The bones of the hand are not affected.

Cleidocranial Dysostosis Cleidocranial dysostosis is transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait. In most patients, the clavicles and skull are involved, but other structures may be affected as well. The major and most obvious abnormality is a deficiency or absence of the clavicles ( Fig. 9-16). There are many variations in the appearance, because the clavicle ossifies from three centers and any part may be absent. Clinically, the deficiency of the clavicles allows the patient to approximate the shoulders anteriorly, a significant feature of the disease. The cranial sutures remain open, and numerous wormian bones are present in the skull. Permanent patency of fontanelles is usually encountered. Often the anterior fontanelle is particularly large and extends forward between the frontal bones, with the metopic suture failing to close ( Fig. 9-17). The mandible is prognathic as a result of hypoplasia of the maxilla and other facial bones.

FIG. 9-16. Cleidocranial dysostosis. Note the ossification defects in the clavicles and the midline spina bifida occulta involving the upper third thoracic vertebrae.

FIG. 9-17. Cleidocranial dysostosis. The anterior fontanelle is open and greatly enlarged. There are numerous wormian bones adjacent to the lambdoidal suture.

In the pelvis, the bones are often underdeveloped and the symphysis pubis may be unusually wide. The sacrum and coccyx may be malformed, or the coccyx may be absent. Malformation Syndromes Associated with Disorganized Development of Cartilage and Fibrous Components of the Skeleton Hereditary Multiple Exostoses (Osteochondromatosis; Hereditary Deforming Chondrodysplasia) The anomaly known as hereditary multiple exostoses is characterized by the presence of numerous osteochondromas at the ends of the shafts of the tubular bones and other bones preformed in cartilage. Lesions also occur in the pelvic bones, ribs, scapulae, vertebrae, and, very rarely, base of the skull. The disorder is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait with complete penetrance in males and reduced penetrance in females, so it usually passes from a father to his children. Males are affected more often than females, in a ratio of about three to one. The lesions are not present at birth but usually are first discovered during childhood and, as a rule, are asymptomatic unless they cause pressure on other structures. They are most common at the sites of greatest growth (i.e., the knee, shoulder, and wrist). Their number may vary from a few to hundreds, but they are usually bilaterally symmetrical. Small lesions in the hands and feet are noted in some patients, and the metacarpals and metatarsals may be shortened; in others, the hands and feet are normal. Spinal lesions are rare but may cause neural encroachment or cord compression. The characteristic lesion is a broad-based, bony outgrowth with the apex pointing away from the nearest joint ( Fig. 9-18). It consists of a cortical shell surrounding a core of cancellous bone. The cortex of the lesion merges smoothly with the normal cortex of the bone, and the growth is covered by a layer of cartilage that acts as an epiphyseal plate. This is not visible in roentgenograms. Occasionally, the lesion is more pedunculated, with a narrow base and a bulbous outer extremity containing lucent areas of cartilage and stippled areas of calcification, similar to the solitary osteochondroma. The osteochondromas originate in the metaphyseal region of the long tubular bones and cause the ends of the shafts to be thickened and club-shaped.

FIG. 9-18. Multiple exostoses. A: Note the characteristic deformity of all long bones, a broad-based outgrowth with the apex pointing away from the nearest joint. B: The cortex of the lesions is contiguous with the adjacent cortex of bone.

In about one third of affected persons, there is a characteristic (Madelung-like) deformity of the forearm caused by shortening and bowing of the ulna, which does not extend far enough distally to take part in formation of the wrist joint. Another characteristic deformity occurs in the necks of the femurs. The neck is grossly thickened, particularly on the undersurface, as a result of irregular, bony overgrowth sometimes likened to candle gutterings ( Fig. 9-19), but also described as looking like the profile of the head and neck of a Brahma bull. The fibula may be shortened, and stunting of growth of other bones is seen in the more severe cases.

FIG. 9-19. Multiple exostoses in an adult, illustrating the characteristic appearance of the upper ends of the femurs in this disease. The broad neck with irregular bony overgrowths along the inferior surface is typical. There is also a large osteochondroma overlying the upper sacrum, manifested by chondroid calcifications, and another is arising from the left pubis.

Growth of the osteochondromas continues throughout childhood and usually ceases when the nearest epiphysis fuses. Malignant degeneration is said to have an incidence of about 1%. When an osteochondroma in an adult begins to enlarge or becomes painful, sarcomatous degeneration should be suspected. Magnetic resonance imaging is used for determination of cartilage thickness and to assess possible malignant degeneration. Enchondromatosis (Ollier's Disease) The basic lesion in enchondromatosis is the enchondroma, a proliferation of masses of cartilage within bone occurring in the ends of the shafts and causing an irregular, club-shaped enlargement. These lesions are radiolucent and contain characteristic spotty areas of calcification. In some cases, the lesions are limited to one extremity or to the extremities on one side of the body. The name Ollier's disease has been applied to the disseminated form. Even when it is widely disseminated, the involvement may be more severe on one side of the body than on the other. The femur and tibia are most often or most severely involved. Stunting of growth of the affected member is common, and at times a unilateral shortening of one leg has brought the patient to the physician. The epiphyses are not involved. The spine and skull usually are normal. The iliac crest and the vertebral border of the scapula may be affected in persons with more severe involvement. In the long bones, the lesions may appear as elongated, radiolucent streaks extending in the direction of the long axis of bones and involving the metaphysis and adjacent diaphysis. In the hands and feet, the lesions tend to be globular and cause considerable expansion of the bone ( Fig. 9-20). In other cases, the lesion involves the entire shaft of one of these short tubular bones. With growth, the lesions appear to migrate into the shaft. Eventually they may ossify, but residual deformity persists. Malignant transformation of an enchondroma into a chondrosarcoma can occur, particularly in the lesions in the long tubular bones.

FIG. 9-20. Multiple enchondromatosis involving the hand. Note the lucent lesions with expansion of the shafts of the first and second proximal phalanges and metacarpals.

A combination of enchondromatosis and multiple cavernous hemangiomas that may be widely distributed throughout the body is known as Maffucci's syndrome. The presence of calcified thrombi (phleboliths) may allow roentgenographic recognition of the vascular lesions. The disease is rare, but the potential for malignant degeneration of cartilage tumor is much higher than in other enchondromas. Fibrous Dysplasia Fibrous dysplasia usually begins during childhood and is characterized, pathologically, by replacement of normal bone by an abnormal proliferation of fibrous tissue. The disease may involve a single bone (monostotic) or the bones of one extremity, or it may be widely distributed throughout the skeleton (polyostotic). There is some predilection for the long bones of the extremities, but any bone can be involved. In the monostotic form, the femur, tibia, and ribs are the most common sites. The lesions are usually diaphyseal, but they may extend into the metaphysis. Most are discovered coincidentally on a radiographic examination obtained for trauma or some other reason. Occasionally, there is a pathologic fracture. The polyostotic form is much less common than the monostotic and is usually associated with caf-au-lait spots of the skin. Sexual precocity (Albright's syndrome) occurs in about one third of females with the polyostotic form but is rare in males. Other endocrine abnormalities are present in some of the patients. Acceleration of skeletal growth and maturation is fairly common, and thyroid enlargement (toxic and nontoxic) is found in about one fourth of the patients. Acromegaly and parathyroid hyperplasia are rare associated conditions. Roentgenographic Findings. The individual lesions vary, and some appear as well-defined lucent areas or cysts. 6,10 The cavity is filled with fibrous tissue rather than fluid, so it does not represent a true cyst. The margins often are ill defined, but in the cystic variety a thin, sclerotic rim may bound the lesion ( Fig. 9-21). The affected bone may have a milky or ground-glass appearance and may lack normal trabeculation ( Fig. 9-22). The cortex may be eroded from within and the bone locally expanded, predisposing to fracture. Fractures heal with ample periosteal callus. A sequestrum may be found within an apparent cavity in a long bone.

FIG. 9-21. Fibrosis dysplasia monostotic form. There is a lucent, cystic lesion bordered by a rim of sclerosis in the neck of the femur extending into the trochanteric

region and proximal shaft of the femur. (With permission from the Archives of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, DC.)

FIG. 9-22. Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia. Widespread involvement of the skeleton is manifested by expansion of bone, with areas of ground-glass appearance interspersed with cyst-like lesions.

In severe and long-standing disease, the bones may be bowed or misshapen. Some of the deformity may be the result of a previous fracture. The upper end of the femur characteristically has a shepherd's crook deformity and coxa vara, with lateral and anterior bowing of the shaft ( Fig. 9-23). Rib lesions have a ground-glass appearance, are usually well marginated, and occasionally are markedly expansile ( Fig. 9-24). A markedly expanded lesion in a rib in a young person should suggest fibrous dysplasia, whereas in an older patient a plasmacytoma is the most likely consideration.

FIG. 9-23. Fibrous dysplasia of the proximal femur. Shepherd's crook deformity of the femur is present, with considerable proximal migration of the shaft associated with an expansile lytic lesion that extends from the greater trochanter into the proximal femoral shaft. The femur is also bowed.

FIG. 9-24. Fibrous dysplasia of a rib. The second rib is markedly expanded, but the cortex remains intact. The bone has a ground-glass appearance. (Courtesy of Harold Jacobson, M.D., Bronx, New York.)

In the skull, the lesion appears as a somewhat multilocular, cyst-like area involving the diploic space and expanding the tables ( Fig. 9-25). The margins are somewhat sclerotic but not sharply defined.

FIG. 9-25. Fibrous dysplasia of the skull. A: Posteroanterior view. B: Lateral view of the skull. Irregular expansile lesion involves the parietal bone and extends across the midline. The margin of the lesion is slightly irregular and sclerotic. The process extends anteriorly to involve the frontal bone. The inner and outer tables are intact, as demonstrated on the lateral projection.

When fibrous dysplasia involves the base of the skull and the facial bones, the appearance is different. It causes a marked sclerosis and thickening. Thickening of the superior orbital wall giving rise to the winking eye sign on AP views of the skull and face is characteristic of fibrous dysplasia ( Fig. 9-26). The sinuses may be obliterated. Computed tomography is helpful in difficult cases. 5 Involvement of the facial bones is similar to that of the base of the skull, with thickening and sclerosis. This appearance is known as leontiasis ossea.

FIG. 9-26. Fibrous dysplasia of the frontal, sphenoid, and ethmoid bones in a 15-year-old girl. A: Bone scan demonstrates markedly increased uptake in the region of the right orbit and nasal fossa, with a separate focus in the right frontal bone. B: Anteroposterior view of the skull reveals homogeneous sclerotic density involving the nasal fossa and ethmoid region, with the process extending to involve the upper rim of the orbit ( arrows), giving rise to the winking eye appearance. C: Lateral view of the face demonstrates homogeneous thickening of the roof of the orbit extending into the base of the frontal bone. (Courtesy of John Ralsten, M.D., Parkersburg, West Virginia.) D: Computed tomography scan in the coronal projection in an 11-year-old girl demonstrates fibrous dysplasia involving the sphenoid and frontal bones. Note the characteristic mottled, sclerotic appearance of the involved bone. Although expanded, the cortex remains intact; there are small foci of lucency interspersed within the sclerotic bone. (Courtesy of Thomas Naidich, M.D., Miami, Florida.)

When skeletal involvement is extensive, there may be severe crippling and deformity. Solitary lesions or disease of lesser magnitude may cease to progress when skeletal growth is complete and may cause little or no permanent disability or deformity. Sarcomatous degeneration has been reported as a complication of fibrous dysplasia but appears to be very uncommon. Syndromes Associated with Abnormalities of Density of Cortical Bone, Diaphyseal Structure, or Metaphyseal Modeling Osteogenesis Imperfecta Osteogenesis imperfecta is an hereditary disorder characterized by an unusual fragility of bone, leading to multiple fractures often from a trivial cause. The underlying abnormality is a disorder of collagen. This results in fragile bones, thin skin, blue sclerae, poor teeth, and hypermobility of the joints. There are four main types. The two principal forms are types I and IV, formerly known as osteogenesis imperfecta tarda, and types II and III, formerly known as osteogenesis imperfecta congenita. The inheritance is variable from type to type; some are autosomal dominant, others are recessive. In the congenital form, the disorder develops in utero and the infant is born with multiple fractures ( Fig. 9-27). The diagnosis has been established in utero by ultrasonography through recognition of angular deformities of long bones. 1 It is the most common second-trimester ultrasound diagnosis of short, bent limbs. 1 Mortality is high and results from intracranial hemorrhage at birth or from recurrent respiratory infections in the first 2 years of life.

FIG. 9-27. Osteogenesis imperfecta in a newborn. Note the multiple fractures and deformities of all bones of the skeleton.

The tarda form of disease is first noted during childhood because of the unusual tendency for fractures. The joints are lax, dislocations are frequent, deafness caused by otosclerosis becomes apparent, and the teeth are discolored, fragile, and easily broken. Blue sclerae also become more apparent, evidently owing to the intraocular pigment, which shows through the thin sclerae. Roentgenographic Findings Skull. In the congenital type, the cranial bones are largely membranous at birth. If the infant survives, ossification progresses slowly, leaving wide sutures and multiple wormian bones (mosaic skull). Later the sutures become of normal width. Tubular Bones. In the congenital form, the infant usually is born with multiple fractures of the long bones (see Fig. 9-27). The shafts are wide and appear short owing to the multiple fractures and the width of the bones. The fractures heal readily, occasionally with exuberant callus 2 so extensive that a malignant tumor may be suspected (Fig. 9-28). The cortices are characteristically thin. In the tarda type, the long bones appear thin and gracile ( Fig. 9-29). The ends appear wide, and the zones of provisional calcification may be denser than normal. Trabeculae are diminished. There often is extensive deformity owing to recent fractures and to previous fractures that healed. The epiphyses are normal. Fractures involving short bones are less frequent, but otherwise they show similar changes.

FIG. 9-28. Osteogenesis imperfecta in an adolescent. Exuberant callus is present about the spiral fracture, forming a huge mass around and below the fracture site. This type of callus may be mistaken for a malignant tumor.

FIG. 9-29. Osteogenesis imperfecta tarda. The misshapen bones are caused by multiple healed fractures and abnormal softness of the bone. Note the thin cortex and relative thinness of the bone, sometimes described as gracile.

Spine. Growth of the vertebrae is normal, but they are osteoporotic and have thin cortical margins. Compression fractures are frequent, and multiple bodies may show biconcave disc surfaces (codfish vertebrae). The intervertebral disc spaces may be widened. Scoliosis is frequent. 21 Flat Bones. The pelvis may show changes in shape secondary to the osteoporosis, and protrusio acetabuli is common. Fractures of the ribs also are common. Osteopetrosis (Albers-Schnberg Disease; Osteosclerosis Fragilis; Marble Bones) Osteopetrosis is characterized by an unusual density or radiopacity of the bones. 8 Although dense, the bones are brittle and fracture readily. The disease may be discovered at birth, shortly thereafter, or not until adulthood. As with most of the other dysplasias, the earlier the disease is found the more severe it is likely to be. Growth is often stunted in the infantile form; myelophthisic anemia may become severe and lead to death. Jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly, and cranial nerve palsies are common. Death often occurs within the first year of life. This form of the disease has been treated successfully by bone-marrow transplantation. In the infantile (congenita) form, the disease has been found in utero and the baby may be stillborn. This form is transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait, whereas the adult form may be either autosomal dominant (majority) or recessive. In the adult form, the disease may first come to the attention of a physician because of a fracture of a long bone. 3 Characteristically, these fractures are of a transverse type. There may be a history of repeated fractures during childhood. Another presenting symptom may be an unexplained anemia. These patients often suffer from carious teeth and dental or jaw infections. Roentgenographic Findings Tubular Bones. In the infant, all of the bones may be affected, having a uniform, dense, structureless appearance with complete obliteration of normal trabecular architecture (Fig. 9-30). The medullary canal is obliterated by dense sclerosis and merges with the cortex. The density of the bones is thought to be the result of failure of normal removal of old bone while new bone continues to be formed. The sclerosis is usually uniform in the infantile form. Occasionally there may be alternating bands of sclerotic and normal bone at the ends of the shafts. The trabecular pattern is completely obliterated. The length of the bones usually is normal but occasionally is decreased. Characteristically, the bones are club-shaped owing to failure of normal modeling. The epiphyseal ossification centers are dense, but they mature normally. In the adult, the increased density is limited to bands of sclerosis at the bone ends, sometimes alternating with bands of normal density. The bones of the hands and feet are involved in the same way as the long tubular bones. The sternal ends of the clavicles may be widened.

FIG. 9-30. Osteopetrosis in an infant. The bones throughout the skeleton are chalky white, and no trabecular architecture is visible. Radiolucent bands cross the ends of the shaft, representing periods of normal ossification. The metaphyses are large and club-shaped, owing to a failure of modeling as the bones increased in length.

Spine. The vertebrae are uniformly involved by the sclerosis, and there may be impingement on the spinal nerves. In the adult type, the sclerosis may be limited to the upper and lower margins of the vertebrae, creating a sandwich or rugger-jersey vertebra ( Fig. 9-31) similar in appearance to that seen in renal osteodystrophy or secondary hyperparathyroidism, but the sclerosis in osteopetrosis is much more sharply defined than in secondary hyperparathyroidism. Other cases have a dense bone-in-bone appearance.

FIG. 9-31. Osteopetrosis of the spine in a 34-year-old man. Note the characteristic sandwich or rugger-jersey appearance of the vertebrae, which is caused by sclerosis of the vertebral end-plates.

Skull. The base of the skull shows the most marked sclerosis, but all of the cranial bones may be involved. The sinuses and mastoids may show complete lack of pneumatization. The cranial foramina are encroached upon, leading to various cranial nerve palsies such as blindness and deafness. The teeth are late in erupting and develop caries early. Dental infection may lead to osteomyelitis of the jaw. The lamina dura, the cortical margin of the tooth socket, may be unusually thick and

dense, and the disease may be suspected from dental roentgenograms. Pyknodysostosis Pyknodysostosis is easily confused with osteopetrosis because of the generalized dense, sclerotic appearance of the bones; however, it is separate and distinct and has characteristic and distinctive radiographic features that allow differentiation from the more common osteopetrosis. In the skull, there is a failure of closure of the cranial sutures, and fontanelles and numerous wormian bones are present ( Fig. 9-32A). The mandibular rami are hypoplastic, with a characteristic loss of the normal mandibular angle. Sclerosis and thickening of the cranial and facial bones may be severe. The sinuses may fail to develop, particularly the frontals, and the mastoids often are not pneumatized. The hands are short and stubby, with acro-osteolysis of the terminal phalanges ( Fig. 9-32B). The vertebrae are sclerotic, and there is a lack of fusion of the neural arches in some. Fractures are extremely common and often are of the transverse type. The stature is reduced, and deformity from old fractures may lead to further shortening of the long tubular bones. Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, the late 19th-century French lithographer and painter, very likely was afflicted with pyknodysostosis.

FIG. 9-32. Pyknodysostosis. A: Skull. The cranial sutures have failed to close. Note the markedly widened lambdoid suture. The skull is foreshortened. There is a characteristic deformity of the mandible, caused by a hypoplasia of the mandibular rami. Note the loss of the normal mandibular angle characteristic of this disorder. B: Hand. The bones are quite dense, and the hand is short with stubby fingers. The terminal phalanges are hypoplastic. Note acro-osteolysis of the terminal phalanges.

Osteopoikilosis (Spotted Bones) Osteopoikilosis is an asymptomatic disorder characterized by the appearance of numerous small, round or oval densities in the ends of the long bones ( Fig. 9-33), in the small bones of the hands and feet, and around the acetabula. The lesions are composed of dense, compact bone. They are discovered by chance on roentgenographic examination obtained for trauma or some other condition. The disorder is transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait and has been discovered in newborns as well as in fetuses in utero. The lesions may increase or decrease in size and number during the period of active bone growth and have been noted to disappear altogether. The lesions show normal uptake on bone scans.

FIG. 9-33. Osteopoikilosis. A: Shoulder. There are dense, rounded, and slightly elongated foci on both sides of the joint, but they are best visualized in the head and proximal shaft of the humerus. B: The hip in another patient. The sclerotic foci in this film are not quite as dense nor large as those in A but are seen on both sides of the joint.

Solitary sclerotic foci of the same nature are common throughout the appendicular skeleton and pelvis and are known as bone islands (see Chapter 4). Osteopathia Striata Osteopathia striata is similar in many ways to osteopoikilosis, but, instead of rounded foci, striae of dense bone extending toward the nearest joint are encountered. In children, the striae begin at the epiphyseal line and extend for a short distance into the diaphysis. In the acetabulum, the striae have a sunburst appearance, fanning outward toward the iliac crest. Any or all of the long bones and the pelvis may be involved. The lesions are asymptomatic and are discovered by chance. Tuberous Sclerosis Tuberous sclerosis is a rare familial disease manifested by a classic triad of adenoma sebaceum of the face, epilepsy, and mental deficiency. Hamartomas are identified in the kidney (angiomyolipomas) and in the subependymal tissues of the brain (see Chapter 11). The characteristic finding in the skeletal system is punctate osteosclerosis ( Fig. 9-34). These lesions may be round, oval, or irregular in outline, and they may vary in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters. Sclerosis can also occur in the ribs and spine. Periosteal new-bone formation along the shafts of the large and small tubular bones may be seen. Small, cyst-like lesions occur in the small bones of the hands and feet.

FIG. 9-34. Tuberous sclerosis. Note the irregular patches of sclerosis and periosteal reaction. (Courtesy of James C. Reed, M.D., Lexington, KY.)

In addition, there may be a reticular or honeycomb pattern in the lung and diffuse intracerebral calcifications. Melorheostosis Melorheostosis appears as an irregular thickening of the cortex along one side of a bone or bones of one extremity. The thickening may be external, internal, or both (Fig. 9-35). The appearance has been likened to that of molten wax flowing down the side of a candle. If an extremity is involved, the pelvis (or shoulder girdle) on the affected side is likely to show similar thickening. Fibrolipomatous masses, occasionally containing amorphous calcification, are sometimes encountered adjacent to the bony lesions.

FIG. 9-35. Melorheostosis. Dense sclerosis of the first to fourth metatarsals and the phalanges of the great toe of the left foot is evident. Similar changes were present along the inner cortex of the long bones of the left leg and the left hemipelvis.

The onset may be in infancy or not until late adolescence, up until age 20 years. The presenting symptom is pain, which may be severe. The disease does not appear to be hereditary. If it begins early in life, the epiphyses may fuse prematurely, causing shortening of the involved extremity. The lesions usually cease progressing when skeletal growth is complete. Regression has not been noted. Engelmann's Disease (Diaphyseal Dysplasia, Progressive Diaphyseal Sclerosis) The major manifestations of Engelmann's disease consist of symmetrical cortical thickening in the mid-diaphyses, particularly of the femur and the tibia. 9 The lesion tends to progress and eventually involves most of the diaphysis. The epiphyses and metaphyses are spared. The disorder may begin in early childhood, with difficulty in walking and a shuffling or waddling gait. The cortical thickening begins subperiosteally, but, with failure of resorption, the medullary canal may be encroached upon, leading to anemia and hepatosplenomegaly ( Fig. 9-36). The disease also progresses to involve other bones and, in some patients, may involve the short bones of the hands and feet as well as the bones of the trunk, skull, and face. The base of the skull may become thick and dense, with subsequent impingement on the cranial nerves. The vault is seldom involved except for frontal and occipital bossing. Muscles tend to be flabby and weak. Dental caries are often present. Mentality is not affected.

FIG. 9-36. Diaphyseal dysplasia (Engelmann's disease). There is diffuse cortical thickening involving the shafts of both tibias and fibulas. The process extends into the metaphysis but does not involve the bone adjacent to the growth plates.

Dysostoses are malformations of individual bones, either singly or in combination. Some of these are associated with craniofacial involvement, whereas others predominantly involve the spine, and still others the extremities. Dysostoses with Cranial and Facial Involvement Acrocephalosyndactyly (Apert's Syndrome) Persons with Apert's syndrome have characteristic facial deformities that include a flat face, shallow orbits, hypertelorism, and osseous and cutaneous syndactyly with hands and feet that appear as if they were in mittens and socks. The thumbs are usually broad and often short. Affected persons are often mentally retarded. The condition is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait, and most cases represent new mutations. The most important radiographic findings are in the skull, hands, and feet. In the skull there is premature fusion of the coronal suture, which results in a decreased AP diameter of the skull, or brachycephaly. In the hand there are osseous and cutaneous syndactyly, symphalangia, and a very broad thumb ( Fig. 9-37). In some forms, the changes are milder in the hand, with no syndactyly but with characteristic changes in the thumb.

FIG. 9-37. Acrocephalosyndacty (Apert's syndrome). A: Soft tissue and attempted osseous syndactyly gives the appearance of sock foot. B: Three-dimensional computed tomographic reconstruction demonstrates a brachycephalic small and coronal synostosis.

Klippel-Feil syndrome is discussed in Chapter 12. Sprengel's anomaly is described in Chapter 8. Spondylocostal dysostosis was discussed in the section on conditions identifiable at birth (see also Fig. 9-13 in Chapter 9). Dysostoses with Predominant Involvement of Extremities Brachydactyly A variety of syndromes associated with shortening of various bones within the hand have been identified. These are generally characterized by the phalanges involved (Fig. 9-38A). The most commonly used classification of brachydactyly is that of Bell. 15 Most of the brachydactyly conditions are inherited as autosomal dominant traits.

FIG. 9-38. A: Brachydactyly (Bell's type C). In this form, the middle phalanges are predominantly involved, and there may be peculiar epiphyseal centers or segmentation defects, as seen here in the proximal phalanx of the third digit. The ring finger is characteristically spared, as in this case. B: Symphalangism. There is congenital fusion of the proximal interphalangeal joints of the fourth and fifth digits and relative shortening of the phalanges. There is also a fusion of the capitate and hamate bones.

There are also a variety of syndromes associated with polydactyly and clinodactyly, or curvature of the fingers. These may occur as sporadic abnormalities, or they may be associated with familial disorders. Symphalangism is characterized by fusion of one phalanx to another within the same digit. Most of these abnormalities are inherited as autosomal dominant traits. Some are related to syndromes, such as Apert's syndrome. The incidence of involvement decreases from the fifth to the second digit ( Fig. 9-38B). The thumb usually is not affected. Associated carpal and tarsal fusions are common. 15 Cardiomelic (Holt-Oram) Syndrome Holt-Oram syndrome is an autosomal dominant inherited disorder consisting of characteristic abnormalities of the upper limbs and associated with congenital heart disease, usually an atrial septal defect. The most characteristic radiographic findings are in the hand, where there may be a triphalangeal thumb having a finger-like configuration (Fig. 9-39). This anomaly is uncommon in other disorders and should suggest Holt-Oram syndrome when it is associated with congenital heart disease. In some cases, however, there may be hyperplasia or absence of the thumb. Accessory carpals and carpal fusions may occur.

FIG. 9-39. Holt-Oram syndrome. Note characteristic bilateral triphalangeal thumb. At first glance the patient appears to have no thumbs. Carpal anomalies are also present. (Courtesy of Andrew K. Poznanski, M.D., Chicago, Illinois.)


Marfan's Syndrome (Arachnodactyly) Marfan's syndrome is a disease of connective tissue caused by abnormal collagen formation. It involves the heart and aorta, and one of its common manifestations is aneurysm formation, usually of the ascending aorta and often complicated by dissection. Afflicted persons are tall and slender, usually more than 6 feet in height. The muscles are poorly developed and have poor tone. Therefore the joints may be hypermobile, and dislocation of the hips, genu recurvatum, dislocation of the patella, and pes planus may be present. Ectopia lentis is common. The bones are of normal density but long and gracile. Their thickness is normal, but the increased length gives an illusion of thinness. In the hands, elongation of the

bones leads to a characteristic appearance, arachnodactyly, described as spider-like fingers ( Fig. 9-40). Scoliosis is common. The skull often has a dolichocephalic shape owing to increased length of the base. There is a decrease in subcutaneous fat, so that affected persons appear emaciated. Pectus excavatum often is present. The disease is transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait.

FIG. 9-40. Arachnodactyly (Marfan's syndrome). The bones are elongated and slender, characteristic of this disorder. The deformity of the fourth finger is secondary to old trauma.

Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome (Gorlin's Syndrome) The basal cell nevus syndrome consists of a combination of multiple basal cell epitheliomas, rib anomalies (e.g., bifid, fused), odontogenic cysts of the maxilla and mandible, cystic lesions in long and short bones ( Fig. 9-41A), and extensive calcification of the falx cerebri ( Fig. 9-41B).16

FIG. 9-41. Basal cell nevus syndrome. A: A poorly defined, elongated, oval radiolucent pattern appears in the metaphysis of both the tibia and fibula. Similar findings were evident in the metaphyses of all long bones, and lucencies were present in the phalanges of both hands. B: Heavy calcification of the falx cerebri ( arrow) is characteristic of this disorder. (Courtesy of Martin Gross, M.D., Detroit, Michigan.)

Neurofibromatosis (Von Recklinghausen's Disease) Neurofibromatosis was first described by von Recklinghausen in 1882. It is a disease of the supporting tissues of the nervous system. Although skin tumors are the most prominent feature, the disorder may involve other systems, including endocrine, gastrointestinal, and skeletal. Brownish pigmented areas (caf-au-lait spots) occur frequently on the skin. The extent of the disease may vary considerably. There is a tendency for the progression to slow or stop when skeletal growth is completed. A small percentage of the lesions may become malignant, indicating neurofibrosarcoma. There is an increased frequency of meningiomas. Kyphoscoliosis is common in the spine. 4 The scoliosis is usually sharp and angular, and its cause often is obscure because associated neurofibromas are not found (Fig. 9-42). The vertebrae often are wedge-shaped at the height of curvature.

FIG. 9-42. Neurofibromatosis. There is a sharp scoliosis in the lower thoracic spine, the vertebrae are malformed, and the lower ribs are thin, particularly on the left side.

The ribs often are thin and have been likened to a twisted ribbon (see Fig. 9-42). In the long bones, pressure from an adjacent tumor may cause a small local excavation in the cortex, the pit or cave defect. A neurofibroma may arise within bone, causing a sharply outlined area of radiolucency. A peculiar manifestation of the disease is localized enlargement of a part such as a finger or one extremity (focal gigantism). The bone, except for its greater size, appears normal. In the skull, absence of part of the orbital wall may cause unilateral exophthalmos, often pulsating. The clinoid processes of the sella may be absent on the affected side. As with some of the other bone changes, an associated tumor need not be present, and the loss of bone is not caused by pressure erosion. Localized widening of the lambdoid suture has been reported. A neurofibroma may affect a cranial nerve, particularly the acoustic, causing enlargement of the corresponding foramen. Bilateral acoustic neuromas are characteristic of neurofibromatosis. Lateral intrathoracic meningocele is found with some frequency in neurofibromatosis. It appears as a rounded, paraspinous mass projecting into the thoracic cavity and is usually associated with deformity of the contiguous vertebrae, including kyphosis, scoliosis, and erosions of the vertebral bodies, arches, and ribs. Scalloping of the posterior surfaces of one or more vertebral bodies is common. It has been shown that posterior scalloping of the vertebral body can occur in neurofibromatosis in the absence of any associated tumor.

A neurofibroma of a spinal nerve root often is of a dumbbell shape, having both intraspinal and extraspinal components. This type of tumor is prone to erode the contiguous vertebral pedicles, and, in the thoracic area, a paraspinous mass may be seen. A neurofibroma of an intercostal nerve causes a mass density along the thoracic wall, and often there is pressure erosion of adjacent ribs and localized widening of the rib interspace. It should be noted that a solitary neurofibroma may occur in many different areas of the body without the other stigmata of von Recklinghausen's disease. During the newborn period (and occasionally noted at birth), anterolateral bowing or a pathologic fracture may occur through a long bone, usually the distal one third of the tibia. The fracture fails to heal, the ends of the fragments become pointed or smoothly rounded, and pseudarthrosis results ( Fig. 9-43).4 Stigmata of neurofibromatosis, such as caf-au-lait spots, are present in about one half of these patients. When observed early, the lesion appears as a gradual local lysis of bone. In some cases, the fracture heals temporarily but refractures when weight-bearing is attempted. The condition is very difficult to treat. Some authorities contend that intraosseous neurilemoma is responsible for the lesion, but most investigators believe that it represents a mesenchymal defect or is perhaps related to the abnormal periosteum sometimes present in neurofibromatosis.

FIG. 9-43. A: Pseudoarthrosis of the fibula in a patient with neurofibromatosis. B: Pseudoarthrosis of the tibia in a 5-year-old without evidence of neurofibromatosis.

Congenital Fibromatosis Congenital fibromatosis is an entity characterized by progressive benign fibrous tumors noted at or shortly after birth; these may involve the subcutaneous tissues, viscera, and bone. The tumors are peculiar in that they grow for a limited time and then gradually regress over a period of 2 years. Skeletal lesions are lytic or cystic, with smooth, well-defined margins and occasional disruption of the overlying cortex ( Fig. 9-44). Pathologic fractures can occur. Before regressing, the lesions enlarge and expand bone. Residual abnormalities after regression are minimal. In a small percentage of cases, the vital organs and viscera may be involved and the patient may not survive. However, patients survive if the lesions are found predominantly within the skeletal system and there is little or no involvement of the viscera.

FIG. 9-44. Congenital fibromatosis. There are lucent lesions in the metaphyses of all the long bones and within the pelvis. The overlying cortex is eroded in the proximal tibia. The lesions characteristically regress with time. (Courtesy of Leonard O. Langer, M.D., Minneapolis, Minnesota.)

The mucopolysaccharidoses are a group of metabolic diseases characterized by the excretion of abnormal amounts of one or more mucopolysaccharides in the urine and an abnormality in elaboration and storage of these substances. The following types have been defined according to the mucopolysaccharide involved, the mode of genetic transmission, and the clinical and roentgenographic features. 26 Type I-H Type I-S Type II Type III Type IV Type V Type VI Type VII Hurler's syndrome Scheie's syndrome Hunter's syndrome Sanfilippo's syndrome Morquio's syndrome Vacant Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome Glucuronidase deficiency

From the radiographic standpoint, Hurler's disease, Morquio's disease, and the Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome are the most important. The others differ chiefly in their nonroentgenographic manifestations. Morquio's Disease (Type IV Mucopolysaccharidosis) Morquio's disease is caused by an abnormality in the elaboration and storage of the mucopolysaccharide keratan sulfate. The disease is rare and is characterized by dwarfism, kyphosis, severe disability, and normal intelligence. The dwarfism is caused primarily by shortness of the spine, although some degree of shortening of the long tubular bones is common. Both sexes are affected with the same frequency. It is hereditary and familial, the genetic transmission being autosomal recessive. Consanguinity has been noted in some patients. The first symptoms usually occur when the child begins to sit, stand, or walk. Roentgenographic Findings 26 Spine. The most characteristic change is universal platyspondyly, a flattening of the vertebral bodies. The disc margins are irregular and roughened, and an anterior, central, tongue-like projection is seen in the thoracolumbar region ( Fig. 9-45). A sharp, angular kyphosis at the thoracolumbar junction is one of the significant clinical observations. The intervertebral discs may be thick early in life but later are reduced in height. These patients are at risk for atlantoaxial subluxation. A hypoplastic or absent odontoid process is noted in many patients.

FIG. 9-45. Morquio's disease. Anteroposterior ( A) and lateral ( B) views of the lower thoracic and lumbar spine. The vertebrae are flattened and irregular. The anterior central beaking is best demonstrated in the lower thoracic vertebrae on the lateral projection. The ribs are broad peripherally but narrow at their vertebral ends.

Pelvis and Tubular Bones. The ilia flare laterally and constrict inferiorly, and the acetabular cavities are enlarged and have rough margins ( Fig. 9-46). Delay in appearance of the capital epiphysis; fragmentation, flaring, and irregularity of the metaphysis; and subluxation of the hip are common. Epiphyseal ossification centers may be multiple and are often irregular. They are late in appearing but mature normally. The degree of shortening of the long bones is variable. The zones of provisional calcification are irregular, and the metaphyses are broad. The proximal femur is often the most severely affected. The presence of coxa valga helps to distinguish Morquio's disease from most of the spondyloepiphyseal dysplasias in which coxa vara is more common.

FIG. 9-46. Morquio's disease. Characteristic changes in the pelvis and proximal femurs include the wine-glass contour of the pelvis; the large, irregular acetabula; and the small, poorly formed femoral epiphyses and broad femoral necks. The ilia are flared, and the hip joint is partially subluxed.

Short Tubular Bones. These bones often are short and have irregular epiphyseal ossification centers. The second, third, fourth, and fifth metacarpals often taper at their proximal ends. The metatarsals are similarly affected ( Fig. 9-47). The carpal and tarsal bones are late in appearing and, when developed, have irregular or angular shapes.

FIG. 9-47. Morquio's disease. There is moderate tapering of the proximal ends of the second, third, fourth, and fifth metacarpals.

Hurler's Disease Hurler's disease is usually first noted after the first year of life. Clinical characteristics include a large, bulging head, hypertelorism, and corneal opacities leading to blindness. The lips are thick, and the tongue is large. The teeth are poorly formed. The facial appearance has been likened to that of a gargoyle. Hepatosplenomegaly is present, often of considerable degree. The stature is dwarfed. The genetic transmission is autosomal recessive. There is excessive urinary excretion of dermatan sulfate and heparan sulfate. Roentgenographic Findings Skull. The skull often is scaphocephalic (elongated), owing to premature closure of the sagittal and metopic sutures. The AP diameter of the sella is lengthened and has an anterior depression, described as J-shaped ( Fig. 9-48). The sinuses and mastoids are poorly pneumatized. The mandible is short and thick, and the articular surfaces of the condyles are often concave, one of the characteristic findings. Hyperostotic thickening of the frontal and occipital area may develop, but the base does not become sclerotic.

FIG. 9-48. Hurler's disease. Lateral view of the skull showing the anterior depression of the tuberculum giving rise to the J-shaped sella.

Ribs. The ribs, especially the lower ribs, are broad and flat. Long Tubular Bones. The upper extremities are more involved than the lower, which may be normal. The humerus is short and the shaft widened, and a constriction with a varus deformity of the humeral neck may be seen (Fig. 9-49). The radius and ulna show similar changes, and the distal metaphyseal surfaces tend to be tilted toward one another (Fig. 9-50). The femoral neck is constricted, and there is a coxa valga deformity at the hips ( Fig. 9-51). The epiphyseal ossification centers are often flattened and irregular.

FIG. 9-49. Hurler's disease. The proximal humeral metaphysis has a characteristic constriction and a varus deformity. There is expansion of the middle and distal shaft.

FIG. 9-50. Hurler's disease. The hand and wrist show characteristic changes. The distal metaphyses of the radius and ulna are tilted toward each other. The bones of the hand are broadened, the cortices are thin, the trabecular pattern is coarsened, and there is a characteristic conical deformity of the proximal ends of the metacarpals.

FIG. 9-51. Hurler's disease. The contour of the pelvis resembles that in Morquio's disease (see Fig. 9-46). In Hurler's, the femoral epiphyses are better developed, the acetabulum is shallow, and there is moderate constriction of the femoral necks.

Short Tubular Bones. The appearance of the hands usually is characteristic. The bones have a coarse texture and wide shafts, and the metacarpals in particular have conical or pointed proximal ends ( Fig. 9-50). Similar changes may be seen in the feet. Flat Bones. The pelvis may resemble that seen in achondroplasia during early infancy, but in persons who survive its appearance comes to resemble that of Morquio's disease (see Fig. 9-51). Spine. There is an angular kyphosis or gibbus at the thoracolumbar junction; one or several of the bodies are hypoplastic and have an anteroinferior beak ( Fig. 9-52). Posterior displacement of one vertebra on the vertebra above or below is often present at the level of T12 or L1. The intervertebral disc spaces are intact.

FIG. 9-52. Hurler's disease. The lumbar spine shows anteroinferior beaking of L3, a moderate angular kyphosis, and malalignment of L2 on L3. The vertebrae are slightly flattened. Compare with Morquio's disease, Fig. 9-45.

Other Bones. The carpal and tarsal bones may be late in appearing and then may show irregular or angular contours. The clavicle may be thickened. The teeth are

poorly developed.

Trisomy Syndromes The normal human cell contains 22 pairs of somatic chromosomes (called autosomes and numbered 1 through 22) and two sex chromosomes (XX in the female and XY in the male), for a total of 46. The addition of a chromosome to one of the autosomal groups leads to one of the trisomy syndromes. The most common locations are trisomy 13, 18, and 21. Many of the radiologic signs of the chromosomal disorders may also occur as isolated anatomic variants in otherwise normal persons. However, their frequency in normal people is considerably less than in persons with chromosomal disorders. When several of these signs are present together, the diagnosis of a chromosomal disorder can be suggested. 20,26 Trisomy 21 (Down's Syndrome) Trisomy 21 (Down's syndrome) is the result of an autosomal trisomy of chromosome 21 and is by far the most common chromosomal disorder, occurring in 1 of every 660 births. A number of skeletal stigmata have been described, some of which are fairly specific and aid in recognition of the disease when clinical findings are equivocal during the early months of life. In the pelvis during infancy the acetabular angles are flattened, the iliac bones large and flared, and the ischia are elongated and tapering ( Fig. 9-53). The iliac index is decreased. The iliac index is said to be more significant than the acetabular angle in the diagnosis of Down's syndrome. This index consists of the sum of the acetabular and iliac angles on both sides, divided by two. The method for determining the index is shown in Figure 9-54 and Figure 9-55. In the newborn, the normal iliac index has a mean value of 81, with a range of 68 to 97. In trisomy 21, the index has a mean value of 62 and a range from 49 to 87. If the index is less than 60, trisomy 21 is very probable; if it is greater than 78, the child is probably normal. These changes are most significant during the first 6 to 12 months of life.

FIG. 9-53. Down's syndrome (trisomy 21). There is flaring of the ilia and elongation and tapering of the ischia, with flattening of the acetabular angles giving rise to the Mickey Mouse ears deformity of the pelvis.

FIG. 9-54. Method for determining the acetabular and iliac angles and the iliac index. This index is the sum of the acetabular angles (b and c) and the iliac angles (a and d), divided by 2. The diagram illustrates the proper placement of the lines necessary for determining the various angles. (Tong ECK: The iliac index angle: A simplified method for measuring the iliac index. Radiology 91:376, 1968.)

FIG. 9-55. Tong's method for determining the iliac index (A plus B, divided by 2). The measurement of the larger angles gives less chance for error than with the method shown in Fig. 9-54. (Tong ECK: The iliac index angle: A simplified method for measuring the iliac index. Radiology 91:376, 1968.)

Shortening of the middle phalanx (clinodactyly) of the fifth finger occurs. The manubrium sterni may ossify from two or three centers instead of one, as is normal, as identified on a lateral view of the chest. There may be only 11 paired ribs. Cervical spine abnormalities include atlanto-occipital and atlantoaxial instabilities ( Fig. 9-56). The lumbar vertebrae may be small in AP diameter and increased in height. Joint laxity is common, and patients may present with dislocated hips, elbows, and patellae.

FIG. 9-56. Down's syndrome (trisomy 21). Flexion (A) and extension (B) views of the cervical spine demonstrate posterior displacement of the occiput on C1 in extension in this child with occipital-atlantal instability.

Skull changes include brachycephalic microcephaly, hypoplastic nasal sinuses, and decreased interorbital distance (hypotelorism).

Visceral anomalies include congenital heart disease (usually an atrioventricular canal, and increased frequency of an aberrant right subclavian artery) and duodenal obstruction (duodenal atresia or annular pancreas). Turner's Syndrome Of the syndromes associated with abnormal gonadal development, the one that may show significant roentgenographic findings is Turner's syndrome, or gonadal dysgenesis. Most common is a relative shortening of the fourth metacarpal in relation to the third and fifth, the so-called metacarpal sign ( Fig. 9-57). This is determined by drawing a straight line tangential to the distal ends of the heads of the fourth and fifth metacarpals. If this line passes through the head of the third metacarpal, the sign is said to be positive. Normally, the line passes distal to the head of the third metacarpal. However, a positive sign occurs in some normal persons and in persons with other disturbances such as pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism, and it therefore is not pathognomonic (see Chapter 6).

FIG. 9-57. Turner's syndrome. Characteristic shortening of the fourth metacarpal gives the positive metacarpal sign. A line drawn tangential to the heads of the fourth and fifth metacarpals passes through the head of the third metacarpal. Normally it should lie tangential or distal to the head of the third metacarpal. (Courtesy of Andrew Poznanski, M.D., Chicago, Illinois.)

The time of appearance of epiphyseal ossification centers is normal, but fusion is occasionally delayed. The proximal row of carpal bones assumes an angular configuration somewhat similar to that seen in Madelung's deformity, with the apex pointing proximally. Various other abnormalities of the bones of the hands also have been described. At the knee, the medial femoral condyle is enlarged and the apposing tibial plateau is flattened or depressed. The medial part of the proximal tibial epiphysis may overhang the metaphysis, and in some cases an appearance similar to that of Blount's disease has been noted. There may be scoliosis and hypoplasia of the posterior arch of C1. An irregularity of the vertebral bodies similar to that seen in Scheuermann's disease also has been described. An increased carrying angle at the elbow (cubitus valgus), one of the significant clinical signs, also can be demonstrated radiographically. Other important associations include coarctation of the aorta, horseshoe kidneys, and prenatal nuchal cystic hygromas. CHAPTER REFERENCES
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Bulas DI, Stern HJ, Rosenbaum KN: Variable prenatal appearance of osteogenesis imperfecta. J Ultrasound Med 13(6):419-427, 1994 Burchardt A-J, Wagner AA, Basse P: Hyperplastic callus formation in osteogenesis imperfecta: Case report. Acta Radiol 35:426, 1994 Caluser C, Scott A, Macapinlac HA, et al: Patient with osteopetrosis. Clin Nucl Med 20:75, 1995 Crawford AH Jr, Bagamery N: Osseous manifestations of neurofibromatosis in childhood. J Pediatr Orthop 6:72, 1986 Daffner RH, Kirks DR, Gehweiler JA Jr, et al: Computed tomography of fibrous dysplasia. AJR Am J Roentgenol 139:943, 1982 Fisher AJ, Totty WG, Kyriakos M: MR appearance of cystic fibrous dysplasia. JCAT 18:315, 1996 Gabriel KR, Mason D, Garango P: Occipito-atlantal translation in Down's syndrome. Spine 15:997, 1990 Gorlin RJ: Craniotubular bone disorders. Pediatr Radiol 24:392, 1994 Kaftori JK, Kleinhaus U, Naveh Y: Progressive diaphyseal dysplasia (Camurati-Engelmann): Radiographic follow-up and CT findings. Radiology 164:777, 1987 Kransdorf KJ, Moser RP Jr, Gilkey FW: From the archives of the AFIP: Fibrous dysplasia. Radiographics 10:519, 1990 Lachman RS: Fetal imaging in the skeletal dysplasias: Overview and experience. Pediatr Radiol 24:413, 1994 Oestreich AE, Ahmad BS: The periphysis and its effect on the metaphysis: Part II. Applications to rickets and other abnormalities. Skeletal Radiol 22:115, 1993 Patel MD, Filly RA: Homozygous achondroplasia: US distinction between homozygous, heterozygous, and unaffected fetuses in the second trimester. Radiology 196:541, 1995 Poznanski AK: Punctate epiphyses: Radiological sign not a disease. Pediatr Radiol 24:418, 1994 Poznanski AK. The Hand in Radiologic Diagnosis, 2nd ed. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1984 Ratcliffe JF, Shanley S, Chenevix-Trench G: Prevalence of cervical and thoracic congenital skeletal abnormalities in basal cell naevus syndrome: Review of cervical and chest radiographs in 80 patients with BCNS. Br J Radiol 68:596, 1995 Roberts AP, Conner AN, Tolmie JL, Connor JM: Spondylothoracic and spondylocostal dysostosis: Hereditary forms of spinal deformity. J Bone Joint Surg Br 70:126, 1988 Rubin P: Dynamic Classification of Bone Dysplasias. Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers, 1964 Sanders RC, Blakemore K: Lethal fetal anomalies: Sonographic demonstration. Radiology 172:1, 1989 Scott CI Jr: Dwarfism. Clinical Symposia (CIBA-Geigy) 40, 1988 Sillence DO: Craniocervical abnormalities in osteogenesis imperfecta: Genetic and molecular correlation. Pediatr Radiol 24:427, 1994 Spirt BA, Oliphant M, Gottlieb RH, Gordon LP: Prenatal sonographic evaluation of shortlimbed dwarfism: An algorithmic approach. Radiographics 10:217, 1990 Spranger J: International classification of osteochondrodysplasias: The international working group on constitutional diseases of bone. Eur J Pediatr 151:407415, 1992 Spranger JW, Langer LO Jr, Wiedemann HR: Bone Dysplasias: An Atlas of Constitutional Disorders of Skeletal Development. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1974 Stanescu V, Stanescu R, Maroteaux P: Pathologenic mechanisms in osteochondrodysplasias. J Bone Joint Surg Am 66:817, 1984 Taybi H, Lachman RS: Radiology of Syndromes, Metabolic Disorders and Skeletal Dysplasia, 4th ed. St. Louis, Mosby, 1996

SELECTED READINGS Frater CJ, Murray IPC, Calligeros D: Multiple flexion-stress vertebral end-plate fractures: Osteogenesis imperfecta presentation. Clin Nucl Med 20:1055, 1995 Giedion A: Weight of the fourth dimension for the diagnosis of genetic bone disease. Pediatr Radiol 24:387, 1994 Kaplan FS, August CS, Fallon MD, DaLinka M, Axel L, Haddad JG: Successful treatment of infantile malignant osteopetrosis by bone-marrow transplantation: A case report. J Bone Joint Surg Am 76:617, 1988

Chapter 10 The Superficial Soft Tissues Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 10 The Superficial Soft Tissues

Lee F. Rogers, Carol A. Boles, and Pamela A. Propeck

L. F. Rogers and C. A. Boles: Department of Radiology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27157. P. A. Propeck: University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252.

General Considerations Mammography

Lee F. Rogers and Carol A. Boles Disorders of Muscle Myositis Ossificans and Heterotopic Bone Formation Myositis Ossificans Progressiva Muscular Dystrophies Muscle Atrophy Muscle Injury Calcification in the Soft Tissues Arterial Calcification Calcification of Veins Calcification of Lymph Nodes Parasitic Calcification Articular and Periarticular Calcification Interstitial Calcinosis Miscellaneous Forms of Soft-Tissue Calcification Subcutaneous and Intramuscular Calcification in Patients Receiving Calcium Gluconate Therapy Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Calcification in Tumors Gas In The Soft Tissues Subcutaneous Emphysema Gas Gangrene Tumors of Soft Tissues MRI of Soft-Tissue Tumors Bursae and Ganglion Cysts Lipomas and Liposarcomas Fibromas and Fibromatosis Neurofibroma and Schwannoma Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma Synovial Cell Sarcoma Other Tumors Chapter References Selected Readings

The soft tissues can be seen in every roentgenogram, even those that have been heavily exposed, by viewing the film with a strong beam of light (in addition to the usual illuminators). Some type of spotlight should always be available for the scrutiny of overexposed roentgenograms and particularly for the study of the soft tissues. Although the density of the soft tissues as a whole is close to that of water, there is enough difference between fat and other tissues to make subcutaneous fat distinctly visible on roentgenograms as a more translucent area beneath the skin ( Fig. 10-1). The fat also makes the outer surface of the muscles stand out clearly. Localized accumulations of fat near the joints aid in the recognition of joint effusion because of their displacement when the joint capsule is distended. If there has been wasting from disease with consequent loss of fat, the soft parts have a very homogeneous density.

FIG. 10-1. Normal soft tissues. This film demonstrates the difference in density of muscle and fat. The more radiolucent subcutaneous fat causes the muscles to stand out clearly.

When specifically indicated, a suitable selection of exposure factors (26 to 40 kVp) with relatively low filtration (e.g., 0.5 mm of aluminum) produces a roentgenogram of high quality in which the soft-tissue outlines are preserved and good differentiation of the soft-tissue densities is obtained. This type of roentgenogram is useful when the examination is made primarily for soft-tissue evaluation. These factors have been used in mammography. A small, localized soft-tissue enlargement such as a wart or a mole in close contact with the film cassette or tabletop can cause a sharply marginated increase in density that may be mistaken for a pathologic process within the tissues. It can be seen because it contrasts with the surrounding air. If a similar mass is placed within the abdomen, it cannot be visualized separately from the surrounding soft tissues of similar density. For example, a mole on the surface of the chest wall may produce a round density that can be mistaken for a nodule within the lung, and a similar lesion of the soft tissues of the lower back may suggest a renal or gallbladder calculus (Fig. 10-2). The nipples are a common source of difficulty in the interpretation of chest roentgenograms. If one breast is pressed more firmly against the film cassette than the other, the nipple on one side may form a sharply outlined round density while the other is invisible. Absence of one breast after radical mastectomy causes one lung to be more translucent than the other.

FIG. 10-2. A mole on the skin of the back was responsible for the round density ( arrow) seen in this film of the abdomen.

Contrast between soft tissues can be achieved by the injection of contrast material (i.e., angiography), which allows visualization of the lumina of arteries of the solid organs by perfusion (see Fig. 10-12). Computed tomography (CT) demonstrates the soft tissues with greater clarity than plain film radiography by clearly depicting the fat in fascial planes surrounding muscles and vascular structures ( Fig. 10-3); however, the density of these structures is similar, requiring the use of contrast agents for the identification of vascular structures. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) distinguishes among various soft-tissue structures by their different signal intensities (see Fig. 10-29). These can be varied by changing the parameters of the examination to exploit or modify the relative signal intensities from differing tissues. Vascular structures are directly identified by signal voids or variations created by the flow of blood. The use of sonography in the assessment of soft tissues continues to increase beyond its initial task of differentiating between cystic and solid structures. Ultrasound can be used to evaluate tissue interfaces and to assess tendon injuries. These newer technologies have freed the soft tissues from the radiographic shadows.

FIG. 10-12. A: Several irregular plaques are visible in the superficial femoral artery in the thigh. The femur is at the right. B: The uppermost plaque has caused narrowing of the arterial lumen, with lesser narrowing distally in this arteriogram. C: In this patient, there is calcification of the femoral artery of the type usually found in association with involvement of the media.

FIG. 10-3. Two cases of muscle atrophy secondary to long-standing poliomyelitis. A: Computed tomogram shows complete atrophy of muscles on the right. They are replaced by fat. The fascia remains intact at the periphery ( arrows). The femoral artery and vein are central (arrowhead). The overall size and cortical width of the femur are reduced in comparison with the opposite, normal side. B: Magnetic resonance image of a different patient. There is complete atrophy on the right, similar to that seen in A. On the left the adductors and vastus medialis are not affected. However, the remaining quadriceps are severely affected.

FIG. 10-29. Magnetic resonance images of neuroma of upper arm. A: T1-weighted image shows mass (asterisk) that is isotense with adjacent muscle. B: On T2-weighted image, the characteristic target appearance of a nerve sheath tumor is seen. H, humerus; B, biceps muscle; BR, brachialis muscle; and T, triceps muscle.

Myositis Ossificans and Heterotopic Bone Formation Calcification with subsequent ossification often follows trauma to the deep tissues of the extremities and is called traumatic myositis ossificans. In about one third of cases, a history of trauma is absent. Myositis ossificans may follow any local injury sufficient to cause bruising of the muscle or a frank hemorrhage within it. The rectus femoris and the brachialis are the two most frequently affected muscles in the body. Involvement of muscles of the thigh is observed frequently in athletes, particularly football players. An injury that is severe enough to cause a deep muscle bruise often traumatizes the periosteum as well, which may be elevated by hemorrhage. This calcifies as it matures over time.

Trauma leads to a proliferative repair within the connective tissue without frank inflammation. Osteoprogenitor cells, which are the source of heterotopic bone, are induced during this time of repair. Clinically, there is localized redness, heat, pain, and loss of function. The first finding is that of soft-tissue swelling. Peripheral calcification may become visible as a hazy shadow of increased density within a few weeks after the initiating trauma. Calcification subsequently develops in a centrifugal pattern, which is flocculent at first. Over a period of several weeks, it gradually becomes more dense and finally develops the appearance of actual bone. The mass has a laminated, or zonal, character and is characteristically more densely calcified on its periphery than centrally ( Fig. 10-4). The exact appearance of the lesion is closely related to its age and parallels the stage of maturation. Usually, after a period of about 6 months, the ossification gradually decreases in size; smaller masses may disappear completely.

FIG. 10-4. Traumatic myositis ossificans. There is intramuscular ossification along the inner aspect of the thigh. Note that the lesion is more calcified at its periphery than centrally. Marginal calcification is characteristic of myositis ossificans.

The active nature of the process results in the uptake of radioactive bone-seeking agents. In general, plain films are sufficient for diagnosis, especially if there is a history of trauma. CT scanning may be useful to demonstrate the peripheral calcification if the lesions are atypical on conventional radiographs. 64,79 Surgery. Heterotopic new bone may form after surgery about the joints, particularly after total hip arthroplasty. This new bone may be poorly defined initially, but it gradually matures to the characteristic appearance of bone ( Fig. 10-5).

FIG. 10-5. Heterotopic ossification after hip arthroplasty. The solid bone adjacent to left unipolar hip arthroplasty ( arrow) was not present immediately after surgery.

Burns. Heterotopic soft-tissue calcifications occur in about one fourth of patients with severe burns. They tend to be flocculent, and they occur more commonly in children than in adults. Some spontaneous regression is the rule unless tissues adjacent to and surrounding a joint are involved. In that case, a bony bridge may form, resulting in immobilization of the joint. Spinal Cord Injury. Muscle ossification is also found in 30% of patients after spinal cord injury or other central nervous system disease that results in paralysis. Heterotopic bone frequently forms distal to the level of cord injury and may lead to fusion across joints. Heterotopic ossification most frequently occurs about the hip, although it can occur about any joint ( Fig. 10-6). There is usually no history of trauma or inflammation in the affected region. The process begins as early as 3 to 4 weeks after injury and continues actively for 2 to 3 years to form mature bone. Early in the process the calcification is filamentous. When it is mature, radiographs demonstrate irregular sheets, bands, and plaques of bone. Surgery is occasionally required to excise a segment of the ossification to free a completely immobilized joint. Ossification may recur if surgery is performed while the process is active; skeletal scintigraphy may be performed before contemplated surgery to assess the activity of the process.

FIG. 10-6. Heterotopic para-articular ossification in a paraplegic patient. Large masses of calcium have formed in the popliteal area, and there is some subperiosteal calcification along the shaft of the femur.

Head Injury. Patients who are comatose from head injury may experience heterotopic ossification similar to that seen in patients with an injured spinal cord. Myositis Ossificans Progressiva Myositis ossificans progressiva is a rare disorder of unknown cause. It appears to be a congenital dysplasia. It begins in early childhood with the development of doughy and often painful swellings, chiefly in the muscles of the neck and back. As these swellings subside, a diffuse fibrosis is left, and this in turn is followed by the development of plate-like masses of bone ( Fig. 10-7). There is a slow progression. The abnormal ossifications are often observed first in the muscles of the neck and back. Initially, these ossifications are relatively hazy and somewhat difficult to identify. In time, irregular, elongated bony plates are observed extending along the long axis of the involved muscle. In later stages, numerous muscles become extensively ossified and the joints become virtually immobile. Associated anomalies of the small bones of the hands and feet are found in almost all patients.

FIG. 10-7. Myositis ossificans. Progressive extensive ossifications of back and shoulder muscles are evident in this child. Irregular bony plaques can be seen along the lower thoracic and upper lumbar spine, as well as around the shoulders.

Muscular Dystrophies The replacement of muscle by fat in muscular dystrophies results in a fairly characteristic appearance on roentgenograms of the extremities. The muscles do not shrink appreciably in size, but the extensive accumulation of fat within the remaining muscle bundles gives them a finely striated or striped appearance. In later stages, most of the muscle tissue is replaced by fat, and the fascial sheath bounding the muscle stands out as a thin line of increased density because it is visualized on edge (Fig. 10-8). One of the clinical subgroups is known as pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy (Duchenne's syndrome). It is characterized by the enlargement of certain muscle groups, usually those of the calves and shoulder girdles. The appearance clinically is that of a very muscular individual, but strength actually is markedly decreased. In addition to the extensive replacement by fat in this type of dystrophy, the muscles are enlarged. This is the only condition in which there is the combination of large muscles interlaced with fat ( Fig. 10-8).

FIG. 10-8. Pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy. The muscle of the calf is very large but contains fat, producing streaks of radiolucency. Note the wide fibular shaft.

Muscle Atrophy In patients with long-standing paralysis of one or more extremitiesincluding such conditions as poliomyelitis (see Fig. 10-3), spinal cord injuries, and cerebral vascular accidentsmuscles may contain stripes of fat. The affected muscle groups are decreased in size, but the subcutaneous fat layer may be thick. If complete paralysis of an extremity has existed for a long time, the muscle bundles are almost completely absent, and subcutaneous fat makes up most of the soft tissues that surround the bones. Muscle Injury Evaluation of muscle injury after trauma is often straightforward, and conservative treatment methods obviate the need for imaging. Often, however, the extent of injury cannot be determined by physical examination because groups of muscles act in concert, with compensation by the other muscles within the group when one is injured. High-performance athletes may require imaging to better delineate the site and extent of injury and aid in treatment and prognosis. Imaging may also be useful when the physical examination is equivocal. MRI is the most useful method to evaluate the extent of hemorrhage and edema within a muscle or group of muscles (Fig. 10-9). Partial and complete tendon avulsions can also be diagnosed ( Fig. 10-10). The edema and hemorrhage within and around the injured muscle demonstrates increased signal on T2-weighted images. 64 MRI is most frequently used to evaluate soft-tissue injuries about the joints (see Chapter 2).

FIG. 10-9. Muscle strain. A: Coronal short tan inversion recovery (STIR)-sequence magnetic resonance imaging reveals increased signal intensity within the adductors (arrows). B: Axial proton density and T2-weighted sequences also reveal the increased signal intensity within the left adductor brevis and magnus muscles, consistent with strain or partial tear ( arrowheads).

FIG. 10-10. Quadriceps tear. Sagittal T1-weighted magnetic resonance image of the left knee reveals disruption of the attachment of the quadriceps tendon to the patella (arrow) and retraction of the muscle ( arrowhead). There is no surrounding edema, and the tendon is irregular secondary to scarring. The injury occurred several months before the image was taken.

Ultrasound has an increasing role in the evaluation of soft-tissue injuries. A tendon tear or rupture may be diagnosed by demonstration of cystic areas within the normally uniformly echogenic tendon. This is most often used to evaluate the tendons of the rotator cuff and the Achilles tendon. Vascular malformations can be evaluated by demonstration of characteristic flow. Masses about joints can be confirmed as ganglia or popliteal cysts when they are anechoic, well defined, and have good through transmission. Hematomas typically are relatively anechoic with variable septations ( Fig. 10-11).31

FIG. 10-11. Use of ultrasound. A 37-year-old man presented with a small lump in his right thigh which he noticed 2 weeks after a weekend football injury. Ultrasound demonstrates a well-defined, hypoechoic mass ( open arrows). There is no cystic component as might be expected in a hematoma. This solid mass was removed and found to be a neuroma.


Calcification in the soft tissues can arise from a number of causes. It can be dystrophic, occurring in necrotic tissues, as in infections or tumors; it can be metabolic, occurring as the result of deposition due to abnormal concentrations of calcium salts, as in chronic renal failure or calcium deposition disease; or, it can represent ossification, which occurs in certain chondral tumors of soft tissues. Arterial Calcification Calcification in the walls of the larger arteries of the abdomen and of the extremities is a frequent observation on roentgenograms of persons of middle age or older. Intimal arteriosclerosis is characterized pathologically by the formation of atheromatous plaques in the thickened intima of the arteries. The atheromatous plaques may or may not be calcified. When they are calcified, they are seen as irregular plaques of variable size, from small flecks to larger areas 1 cm or more in length. They may be elongated or somewhat triangular, with a considerable variation in shape. They seldom completely encircle the lumen of the vessel and are distributed irregularly along the vessel's course ( Fig. 10-12). The amount of visible calcification bears no relation to the severity of the vascular occlusion; complete obstruction can exist with no visible calcification. Mnckeberg's medial arteriosclerosis is characterized by the deposition of calcium in the media of the vessel. These deposits do not narrow the vessel lumen, nor do they interfere with flow. Mnckeberg's arteriosclerosis is an almost constant finding in elderly persons, and it is frequently seen in those between 35 and 50 years old, particularly in diabetics. The vessels most often affected are the femoral, popliteal, and radial arteries. The calcification occurs in the form of closely spaced, fine, concentric rings. These may be complete or incomplete, but the process generally is diffuse, involving long segments of multiple vessels (see Fig. 10-12C). Calcification of the small arteries of the feet is characteristic of diabetes (see Fig. 5-16 and Fig. 5-17 in Chapter 5). Small-vessel calcification in both hands and feet occurs in patients with chronic renal failure (see Fig. 6-39 in Chapter 6). Calcification of Veins Phleboliths A phlebolith is a calcified thrombus within a vein. Phleboliths are found very frequently in the pelvic veins, and most adults have a few of them. They occur in the form of small, round or slightly ovoid, calcified shadows of variable size, from very tiny ones up to about .5 cm in diameter ( Fig. 10-13). They may be of homogeneous density, be laminated, or have a ring-like appearance. Phleboliths are common in varicose veins of the lower extremities. They frequently form in the dilated venous spaces of a cavernous hemangioma and result in one of the characteristic roentgenographic signs of the lesion. When a number of small, rounded calcifications are seen in a localized area of the superficial soft tissues, one should consider the possibility of a cavernous hemangioma ( Fig. 10-14). The phleboliths in a hemangioma very often have a ring-like appearance.

FIG. 10-13. Phleboliths in pelvis. Numerous rounded, calcific densities in the pelvis are typical of phleboliths. Note that many are slightly more dense on their periphery than centrally.

FIG. 10-14. Hemangioma of the volar surface of the distal forearm arising in the pronator quadratus muscle. Note the bulging of the fascial plane ( arrows). In addition to the phleboliths distally, there is a mottled lucency proximally ( open arrow), indicative of fat that is often found in hemangioma. The volar surface of the underlying radius is eroded.

Calcification Associated with Venous Stasis In the presence of venous stasis of long duration, usually secondary to varicosities and thromboses, thin, stripe-like shadows of calcification may be seen in the subcutaneous tissues. These usually appear as double parallel stripes or with distinctly tubular and branching characteristics. Additionally, plaque-like calcifications are often present in the subcutaneous tissues throughout the legs ( Fig. 10-15A) or as a more localized process in the neighborhood of a varicose ulcer. The calcification in some of these patients resembles very closely that seen in patients with diffuse scleroderma or dermatomyositis, except that it is localized to the leg. Phleboliths are often seen in association with the plaques. Smooth, wavy periosteal reaction along the tibial and fibular shafts is common ( Fig. 10-15B). The stasis ulcers that are often present may be seen as defects in the soft tissues when the film is viewed with a high-intensity light.

FIG. 10-15. A: Subcutaneous calcification in a patient with long-standing venous stasis. B: Periosteal reaction associated with chronic venous stasis. Note the characteristic, irregular, wavy periosteal formation along the tibial and fibular shafts.

Calcification of Lymph Nodes After being involved by infection, usually tuberculosis or histoplasmosis, the peripheral lymph nodes may calcify. The most common site is the cervical chain ( Fig. 10-16), with the axillary nodes second in frequency. Calcification of other peripheral nodes is very uncommon. The calcifications are visualized as mottled areas of calcific density, often multiple, which are distributed along the course of the cervical lymph node chains or in the axilla.

FIG. 10-16. Calcified cervical lymph nodes. Multiple calcifications showing a variety of sizes and shapes are observed in the cervical nodes.

Parasitic Calcification Cysticercosis. The larvae of the pork tapeworm (Taenia solium), known as Cysticercus cellulosae, may lodge in the brain, meninges, muscles, and other structures and become encysted. Usually the pig is the intermediate host, and human infestation occurs from eating improperly cooked pork. If the eggs are swallowed, the result is self-infection as the larvae enter various tissues and become encysted. Therefore, humans also act as an intermediate host. The encysted parasites may become sufficiently calcified to be visualized roentgenographically as small or slightly elongated masses of one to several millimeters in diameter or length. The small size of the calcifications and their wide dissemination, particularly in the brain, meninges, and muscles, is very suggestive of the diagnosis ( Fig. 10-17).

FIG. 10-17. Cysticercosis. Numerous tiny, round and oval calcifications are seen in the muscles of the leg. The patient had eaten a considerable amount of raw pork while he was a prisoner of the Japanese during World War II. (Courtesy of Margaret Winston, M.D., Madison, WI.)

Trichinosis. The encysted embryos of Trichinella spiralis are said to undergo calcification frequently, but the parasite is so small that it cannot be seen readily on roentgenograms. Therefore, the diagnosis of trichinosis usually cannot be made from roentgenographic examination. Hydatid Disease. Hydatid disease is caused by infestation with hydatid cysts, the larval forms of an echinococcal tapeworm. The cysts are usually found in visceral organs of the thorax and abdomen. Rarely, they occur in the soft tissues of the extremities, where they tend to be small and fragmented, in contrast to large visceral cysts. Therefore, the appearance is not characteristic, and the calcifications may exist in a variety of bizarre patterns. Dracunculiasis (Guinea Worm Infestation). Guinea worm infestation may be manifested on roentgenograms when fibrositis or myositis develops around a dead female guinea worm that migrates in the subcutaneous tissues before discharging eggs. The worm may calcify, particularly if it remains deep in the tissues. It appears as a long, string-like calcification, up to 10 to 12 cm, usually in the lower limbs. Articular and Periarticular Calcification Calcific Bursitis and Tendinitis Inflammatory changes in tendons and bursae are common, particularly in the shoulder. This results in pain and limitation of motion, and it is the most frequent cause of shoulder disability. It is referred to variously as bursitis, tendinitis, calcific tendinitis, or, more obscurely, as peritendinitis calcarea. Radiographically, calcium deposits may be identified in the tendons of the rotator cuff. These usually occur in the tendon of the supraspinatus and are found directly above the greater tuberosity of the humerus (Fig. 10-18). Similar deposits in the tendons of the infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor components of the cuff are less common. These deposits in the tendons are often associated with inflammation of an overlying bursa; hence, the clinical designation of bursitis or subacromial bursitis. The mass of calcium may erupt into the bursa, or the calcium may be spontaneously resorbed.

FIG. 10-18. Calcific tendinitis supraspinatus muscle. There is an elongated, ovoid, homogeneous, cloud-like collection of calcifications projected ( arrow) between the humeral head and the acromion; this is typical of calcific tendinitis.

It is not at all uncommon to find calcium deposits around the shoulder in patients who have no complaints, or at least none at the time of the examination. Therefore, the mere presence of demonstrable calcium does not indicate the existence of an acute inflammatory process. In addition to their presence in the shoulder, calcifications of a similar nature are at times found in the trochanteric bursa that overlies the greater trochanter of the femur. They are also encountered in the periarticular tissues around the elbow, hand ( Fig. 10-19), or wrist; around the prepatellar bursa of the knee; and in the retropharyngeal tissues of the upper cervical spine. 37

FIG. 10-19. Calcific tendinitis involving the flexor tendons of the thumb. Note the crescentic, homogeneous calcification ( arrow). The smaller, underlying ossific densities represent sesamoid bones.

Calcium Hydroxyapatite Deposition Disease Calcium hydroxyapatite has been identified as the crystal most commonly responsible for calcium deposits in tendons and bursae. This and other related calcium phosphate crystals may occur in association with both intra-articular and periarticular changes involving one or many joints. The combination of chondrocalcinosis and periarticular soft-tissue calcium deposits is known as mixed calcium phosphate deposition disease. 42,70 Calcium hydroxyapatite crystals are so small (75 to 250 nm) they are not individually visible by light microscopy, and they are seen only in the aggregate. Therefore, the diagnosis is usually presumptive and based on the radiographic findings. Calcium Pyrophosphate Deposition Disease The principal finding in this disease is chondrocalcinosiscalcium salts deposited in the joint cartilage and, less commonly, in the periarticular tissues. This entity and the differential diagnosis of chondrocalcinosis are described in Chapter 3. Interstitial Calcinosis Interstitial calcinosis is an uncommon condition in which there is either a localized or a widely disseminated deposition of calcium in the skin, subcutaneous tissues, muscles, and tendons. Calcinosis is often associated with collagen diseases, scleroderma, and dermatomyositis. However, it can exist in a relatively asymptomatic form with no signs of any associated disorder. Calcinosis Universalis (Diffuse Calcinosis) Calcinosis universalis is characterized by the wide dissemination of thin, calcific plaques of various sizes throughout the soft tissues, chiefly in the subcutaneous

layer, and occasionally within the muscles and tendons. From a clinical point of view, there are several types of diffuse calcinosis. (1) An asymptomatic has been reported but is rare. (2) Diffuse calcinosis associated with generalized scleroderma ( Fig. 10-20) includes the CREST syndrome (calcinosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, esophageal hypomotility, sclerodactyly, and telangiectasia) and the Thibierge-Weissenbach syndrome (calcinosis and acrosclerosis). (3) Diffuse calcinosis is associated with dermatomyositis (Fig. 10-21).

FIG. 10-20. Extensive calcification about the shoulder in a patient with scleroderma. Much of the calcification is located within and about the rotator cuff. (Courtesy of Harry Genant, M.D., San Francisco, California.)

FIG. 10-21. Dermatomyositis. Subcutaneous calcification of the arm is in two distinct patterns: a plaque anteriorly and a web-like, reticular pattern posteriorly. Calcification in dermatomyositis is characteristically located at the subcutaneous tissues.

In scleroderma and dermatomyositis, the calcification occurs in the form of thin plaques. In scleroderma, these are limited to the skin and immediate subcutaneous tissues; in dermatomyositis, calcification also occur in the muscles. The calcification appears in four distinct patterns: superficial masses, deep masses, deep linear deposits, and a lacy, reticular, subcutaneous deposition that encases the torso. This last pattern is of particular importance because it is associated with a steadily progressive deterioration and is therefore of prognostic significance. In addition to the plaques, there is a general loss of soft-tissue differentiation, with the subcutaneous fat layer becoming very scanty or disappearing altogether. Calcinosis Circumscripta In the localized type of calcinosis, the calcification occurs in the form of small, rounded foci having an amorphous appearance. These foci are found chiefly in the tips of the fingers and along the margins of the joints in the hands and feet. The changes are noted more frequently in the hands than in the feet and, when present in both areas, are usually more intensive in the hands. As is true with the diffuse form of calcinosis, the localized type occurs in several different clinical manifestations. Without Associated Skin or Vasospastic Phenomena. These lesions appear most frequently in elderly persons and are more common in women than in men. There may be some aching in the joints of the affected areas. The foci can be numerous, and some may be sufficiently large to cause visible swellings. Ulceration of the skin occurs over the larger lumps in some of these patients and is followed by extrusion of cheesy, whitish material and subsequent healing. With Associated Scleroderma. Calcinosis is common in patients with scleroderma affecting the fingers and hands. The calcification may appear as a few tiny, rounded, subcutaneous nodules or as larger masses. These are commonly found in the terminal phalanges or along the margins of the joints. Other roentgenographic signs of scleroderma often are present, including (1) diminution in the amount of soft tissues in the tips of the fingers, so that these digits develop a tapered or almost pointed appearance, and (2) absorption of bone. The latter begins in the terminal tufts of the distal phalanges of the affected fingers, so that the tufts disappear and the shaft of the phalanx becomes pointed. The absorption may extend to involve the shaft and can be sufficiently severe so that most of the bone disappears or fragments (Fig. 10-22).

FIG. 10-22. Scleroderma with associated interstitial calcinosis. Note the punctate calcifications in the soft tissues of the thumb and index finger. There is absorption of the terminal tufts, giving the phalanges a pointed shape. There is also some decrease in the amount of soft tissue at the fingertips. The latter two findings are particularly evident in the fourth and fifth digits.

Tumoral Calcinosis Tumoral calcinosis is a rare entity characterized by the occurrence of a large calcified mass, usually near one of the larger joints, particularly the hip. 16,58 The hallmark is the presence of large, multiglobular, para-articular calcific masses ( Fig. 10-23) usually related to the extensor surface of the involved joints. In order of decreasing frequency the hips (Fig. 10-24), elbows, shoulders, and feet are affected. Multiple masses may be present. In general, the adjacent bone is not involved. Clinically there is pain and localized swelling. The condition is benign but often recurs after surgical removal. Roentgenographic findings are those of a round or oval, well-circumscribed mass of calcium, which may be lobulated. It appears in periarticular soft tissues and consists of multiple smaller opacities separated by radiolucent lines representing fibrous-tissue septa ( Fig. 10-23 and Fig. 10-24A). Occasionally, fluid levels may be observed in upright films ( Fig. 10-23). Fluid levels are also demonstrated by CT, which also shows that the calcific collections arise in the fascial planes between muscles. CT demonstrates this phenomenon quite nicely with

dependent layering of the calcium and, less commonly, calcium lining a cyst-like structure ( Fig. 10-24B).2

FIG. 10-23. Tumoral calcinosis. There are multiple globular calcifications that are contiguous but separated by septae. This radiograph was obtained with the patient in the upright position. Note the fluid level ( arrows) outlining a large cystic collection. (Courtesy of Theodore Keats, M.D., Charlottesville, Virginia.)

FIG. 10-24. Tumoral calcinosis. A: A vague, large radiodensity occurs within the soft tissues of the upper thigh ( arrows). The bone is intact. B: CT scan demonstrates multilocular cystic collections containing several fluid levels. Note that the collection lies between the gluteus maximus (G) and quadratus femoris (Q) muscles. (Courtesy of Ginteras E. Degesys, M.D., St. Petersburg, Florida.)

Deposits of calcium pyrophosphate within the medullary space of long bones in this condition have resulted in a painful, inflammatory response, a diaphysitis, manifested by surrounding periosteal reaction and changes in the marrow signal on MRI. 58 Specific biochemical abnormalities have been identified in tumoral calcinosis, establishing it as a metabolic disease. These are hyperphosphatemia, elevated serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, and elevation of the renal phosphate reabsorption threshold. The serum calcium, parathyroid hormone, renal function, and alkaline phosphatase results are normal. Similar masses of calcium have been found in association with pseudoxanthoma elasticum, a rare hereditary disorder characterized by degeneration of elastic tissue. The most common findings are xanthoma-like lesions of the skin. Arterial calcification is common. Multiglobular masses of calcium, indistinguishable from those of tumoral calcinosis, may be encountered in patients with chronic renal failure who are undergoing hemodialysis ( Fig. 10-25).

FIG. 10-25. Calcium deposition in two patients with chronic renal failure. A: Amorphous, large collection of calcification within the trochanteric bursa in a 30-year-old. Note the subperiosteal erosion of the superior cortex of the femoral neck ( arrow), consistent with secondary hyperparathyroidism. B: Tumor-like calcification about the great toe in a second patient. Note also the degenerative arthritis of the metatarsophalangeal joint.


Subcutaneous and Intramuscular Calcification in Patients Receiving Calcium Gluconate Therapy When calcium gluconate is administered intramuscularly to infants or when it extravasates during intravenous injection, a tissue reaction occurs. This results in hazy, amorphous calcification in muscle and subcutaneous tissues that is not produced by the administered calcium, since no roentgenographic findings are present initially. Erythema and induration develop, causing a hard mass that begins to calcify in a few days and then becomes visible radiographically ( Fig. 10-26). The mass may continue to increase in size for about 2 weeks. There is then a gradual decrease in size, followed by eventual disappearance of the calcium. If large subcutaneous doses are administered, ulceration and extrusion of the calcium may occur. Calcification may also be observed in vessels in the area of extravasation.

FIG. 10-26. Calcium gluconate infusion occurred approximately 6 days before this radiograph was taken. After the infusion, swelling and erythema occurred. Note the

sheets of calcification in the soft tissues of the forearm and wrist. Clinical findings had suggested osteomyelitis.

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome The Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, a congenital dystrophy with hereditary and familial aspects, is a rare cause of disseminated subcutaneous calcifications. It is characterized by an unusual hyperelasticity and fragility of the skin and blood vessels, hypermobility of the joints, pseudotumors over the bony prominences, and disseminated, movable subcutaneous nodules. The subcutaneous nodules may calcify. They appear as round, discrete densities, usually ring-like with a central zone of translucency, ranging from 2 to 10 mm in diameter. They occur most frequently over the bony prominences of the forearms and legs. Additional findings include a variety of thoracic deformities, among which are scoliosis, kyphosis, pectus excavatum, and subluxation of the sternoclavicular joints. Calcification in Tumors Calcification is not a specific finding for any single type of tumor of the soft tissues, with the exception of hemangioma. Calcification in the form of phleboliths is a frequent finding in cavernous hemangioma and is often diagnostic (see Fig. 10-14). In other tumors, calcification results usually because of a deficient blood supply, with subsequent necrosis within a solid, slowly growing neoplasm. Deposits of calcium may be seen most commonly in lipomas, liposarcomas, fibrosarcomas, and synovial sarcomas (see Fig. 3-50 in Chapter 3). Chondral calcification is seen in parosteal chondromas (see Chapter 4) and in the less common cartilage tumors of soft tissues. Rarely, osteosarcoma has been found arising in the soft tissues, as a result of cellular metaplasia.


Accumulations of gas in the soft tissues can easily be recognized on roentgenograms because of the extreme radiolucency of gas compared with the opacity of the surrounding soft tissues. Occasionally, a localized deposition of fat (e.g., lipoma), may appear sufficiently lucent on roentgenograms with very high contrast to suggest the presence of a local pocket of gas. However, an accumulation of air or other gas of a size similar to that of a deposit of fat would appear considerably darker, and it usually requires little experience to differentiate the two. Two major types of gas can be found in the soft tissues. One is air that may have gained entrance through a wound or surgical procedure. The other is gas that has been formed as a result of anaerobic bacterial action. Occasionally, in patients with massive pneumomediastinum, gas dissects into the peritoneum and into superficial soft tissues of the face, neck, thorax, and abdomen. The presence of any appreciable amount of subcutaneous air is termed subcutaneous emphysema. Subcutaneous Emphysema Small bubbles or streaks of air are frequently seen in the region of soft-tissue wounds of penetrating nature. The air shadows may persist for several hours or longer after the injury, but they usually disappear after 1 or 2 days. Subcutaneous emphysema may occur after injuries to the thorax, usually rib fractures ( Fig. 10-27). There may or may not be an associated pneumothorax. Occasionally, after this type of injury, the subcutaneous emphysema becomes very extensive and the air extends widely through the fascial planes of the body. After surgical procedures on the thorax, fairly large amounts of subcutaneous emphysema may be seen for several days. Traumatic rupture of the trachea, larynx, or esophagus may also result in subcutaneous emphysema. Because of the free communication of the fascial spaces of the body, air may extend far from its point of origin. The recognition of subcutaneous emphysema is not difficult unless the amount of gas is small.

FIG. 10-27. Subcutaneous and mediastinal emphysema. There is air in the soft tissues of the neck, left axilla, and left side of the mediastinum, noted as linear radiolucent streaks in these areas. This condition occurred after an injury to the upper thorax.

Gas Gangrene Infection with gas-forming organisms may result in the roentgenographic visualization of bubbles or streaks of gas in the subcutaneous or deeper tissues. This may occur after penetrating or crushing injuries or surgical procedures. The organism most frequently found is Bacillus welchii (Clostridium perfringens). It is not possible to distinguish gas formed by anaerobic bacteria from air that has been introduced from without, and therefore the diagnosis of gas gangrene cannot be made from roentgenographic evidence during its very early stage. If the gas shadows extend for a considerable distance from the known site of the soft-tissue wound, infection can be suspected. If serial examinations over a period of hours or several days show definite evidence of increasing amounts of gas and spread of the gas shadows, the evidence for gas bacillus infection is more conclusive ( Fig. 10-28).

FIG. 10-28. Gas gangrene of the thigh after amputation. The gas forms irregular streaks and rounded translucent areas in the soft tissue of the thigh.

In diabetic gangrene involving the foot, it is common to find small bubbles of gas in the region of the gangrenous tissue and occasionally even more extensively throughout the soft tissues of the foot or in the distal part of the leg (see Fig. 5-16 in Chapter 5).


MRI of Soft-Tissue Tumors MRI is the technique of choice for the evaluation of soft-tissue neoplasms because of its superior soft-tissue contrast, ability to image in multiple planes, and lack of beam-hardening artifacts such as those encountered in CT. 7,50,66,79 Even so, it is often difficult to distinguish between benign and malignant processes. Most tumors are of low signal intensity on T1-weighted images but have a high signal intensity on T2-weighted images. Recent surgery or needle biopsy makes MRI evaluation more difficult. Hemorrhage and inflammation occasioned by this intervention result in an inhomogeneous signal intensity within the lesion. Benign tumors tend to be homogeneous in signal intensity, are sharply defined, do not invade bone or encase neurovascular bundles, and lack surrounding edema (Fig. 10-29). Malignant lesions are generally the opposite. Most malignant soft-tissue neoplasms are inhomogeneous in signal intensity on both T1- and T2-weighted sequences, usually most obviously on the latter ( Fig. 10-30). The margins of most malignant lesions are irregular, although some are well marginated. Irregular margins may be caused by inflammation rather than malignant extension. Increased signal intensity surrounding masses on T2-weighted images is commonly encountered with malignancies but may also be seen in infection or hemorrhage. Neurovascular encasement and invasion of adjacent bone are more common in malignant lesions. However, the exceptions to this generalization are numerous ( Fig. 10-31). The T1 and T2 relaxation times of benign and malignant lesions overlap considerably and therefore are not useful in establishing a distinction between them.

FIG. 10-30. Magnetic resonance images of poorly differentiated sarcoma of the hand. A: T1-weighted image reveals poorly defined mass of the palm and thenar eminence that is isointense with surrounding muscle. It is impossible to separate the mass from adductor pollicis muscles. 1, First metacarpal; 5, fifth metacarpal; M, mass. B: T2-weighted image shows mass of variable high-signal intensity with poor marginal definition.

FIG. 10-31. Magnetic resonance images of primary soft-tissue Ewing's sarcoma. A small, well-defined, homogeneous soft-tissue mass adjacent to the right femur is of intermediate to low signal intensity on axial T1-weighted ( A) and T2-weighted (B) images (arrows). Although the characteristics of a well-defined, small, homogeneous mass may suggest a benign tumor, this was an unusual soft-tissue Ewing's sarcoma.

Many tumors that involve the peripheral soft tissues of the body cause no roentgenographic signs other than a diffuse increase in density. Diagnosis of tumor type can be difficult or impossible, but differentiation between tumor and inflammation and between benign and malignant tumors should be the goal in the study of soft-tissue masses. Such features as relative density, homogeneity, the presence of calcification or ossification, the interface between tumor and adjacent tissues, alterations in adjacent bone or soft tissues, and rapidity of growth may help in the differential diagnosis. Plain films are of limited value except in lipomas ( Fig. 10-32A) and hemangiomas (see Fig. 10-14). CT is of greater value, particularly in lipomas ( Fig. 10-32B and Fig. 10-32C), but the ultimate examination to evaluate soft-tissue masses is MRI (see Fig. 10-29, Fig. 10-30 and Fig. 10-31), which can identify the presence and extent of soft-tissue masses with certainty. But it is still difficult to determine the precise histologic diagnosis by MRI. Lipomas, ganglia, and some neural tumors can be diagnosed specifically. The presence of fat can be confirmed by selective chemical fat suppression techniques. Intravenous gadolinium may demonstrate enhancement of a mass that is of uniformly low signal on T1-weighted sequences and uniformly bright signal on T2-weighted sequences. This is characteristic of a solid mass. Cysts have only mild enhancement of the thin wall after gadolinium injection.

FIG. 10-32. Two lipomas in a 59-year-old man. A and B: Lipoma of forearm. Radiolucency is present within the lateral soft tissues of the proximal left forearm ( A). The lucency is well defined and contains a few septations. Computed tomography ( B) demonstrates conclusively that this is a benign lipoma. The lesion is sharply defined, homogeneous, and of the characteristically low density of fat. C: Computed tomographic scan of a second lipoma arising within the tensor fasciae latae muscle (asterisk). This is likewise typical in density, sharply defined, and smooth, and indicates a benign lipoma.

Bursae and Ganglion Cysts Any bursa adjacent to a joint may become distended with fluid and develop the appearance of a cystic mass. This is particularly common in the prepatellar bursa of the knee and the olecranon bursa overlying the olecranon process of the ulna. Trauma may result in hemorrhage into these bursae. Olecranon bursitis is a frequent complication of gout. Extensive distention of the iliopsoas bursa associated with the hip joint has been found in rheumatoid arthritis. The distended bursa bulges into the pelvis and appears as a mass that displaces both rectum and bladder. Similar large, fluiddistended bursae may be found near other large joints in rheumatoid

arthritis. Such distended bursae rarely show calcification. Ganglia develop adjacent to sheaths or joints, and they are usually found in periarticular areas, especially the wrist. They are usually found in young adults and are asymptomatic. These lesions may change in size or resolve spontaneously. They are readily detected by both ultrasonography and MRI. Ultrasound reveals an anechoic structure, with or without septations, with good through transmission and a smooth wall. On MRI, typical ganglia are well-defined, with a homogeneously low signal on T1-weighted images and a uniformly bright signal on T2-weighted images. Septations are common in ganglion cysts and less common in bursae. Although septations may mildly enhance, the mass does not. 12 Lipomas and Liposarcomas Larger, deep-seated lipomas usually can be identified without difficulty because of the translucency of fat compared with muscle. 5 Only when the lipoma is small and located superficially is there an absence of this finding. The margin of the tumor is usually sharply defined. The lesions are clearly visualized by CT. Fibrous tissue septa occasionally are seen within the lipoma and cause a certain amount of striation of the fat shadow (see Fig. 10-32). Calcium deposits are sometimes found within a lipoma. Calcification occurs after ischemic necrosis within the central part of the tumor mass. On MRI, the signal intensity of a lipoma is the same as that of subcutaneous fat, high on both T1- and T2-weighted images. Selective chemical fat suppression confirms the fatty nature of the mass. Low-signal fibrous septation is frequently noted. The mere demonstration of fat within a lesion does not establish the diagnosis of a lipoma. Fat is also found in several other tumors including liposarcoma, lipoblastoma, hibernoma, hemangioma (see Fig. 10-14), and neural fibrolipoma. 11 Liposarcoma causes roentgenographic findings similar to those of its benign counterpart, except that the boundary of the mass may be poorly defined and there may be irregular extensions of fat into the adjacent muscles. 5 However, in many instances very little fat can be recognized radiographically in liposarcoma; it may also erode the adjacent bone. Liposarcoma tends to occur in deep intermuscular or periarticular planes, in contrast to the more superficial benign lipoma. Calcification within the tumor is somewhat more common than in lipoma. On MRI, liposarcoma should be considered if a fatty lesion is either inhomogeneous or has poorly defined, irregular margins. There may be no identifiable fat within the lesion. 51 Fibromas and Fibromatosis Benign fibroma is a superficial tumor of little radiographic significance. Juvenile fascial or aponeurotic fibroma arises from the aponeurotic tissues of the forearm, hand, leg, or foot. Calcification often occurs within the mass, which is also termed fascial fibromatosis. This mass may be very large and cause pressure changes in the shafts of adjacent bones. Nodular fasciitis tends to develop in the superficial soft tissues of the upper extremities. It appears as an oval or round subcutaneous mass that is clearly defined. There may be some difficulty in histologic differentiation between nodular fasciitis and sarcoma. Neurofibroma and Schwannoma In von Recklinghausen's neurofibromatosis, cutaneous nodules are widely disseminated. These are seen as rounded shadows of increased density on radiographs. These tumor nodules may cause round shadows overlying the lungs on chest films, which, on casual inspection, may simulate nodules within the lung. If the examination consists of more than one view, the superficial location of the soft-tissue nodules may become apparent. Nodular shadows along the margins of the chest wall may clearly indicate that the lesions are extrapulmonary and suggest the nature of the disease. Solitary neurofibroma and schwannoma can be identified on MRI by noting that the tumor is the axis of, and intimately related to, the course of a nerve (see Fig. 10-29). Schwannomas are more characteristically eccentrically related to the nerve. Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma Malignant fibrous histiocytoma is the most common soft-tissue sarcoma in adults, with a peak in the fifth decade. They most often occur in the lower extremities and less frequently in the upper extremities and retroperitoneum ( Fig. 10-33). They are usually intramuscular. These masses are typically inhomogeneous on MRI, with multiple areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. A low signal rim from a pseudocapsule may be seen on MRI. 63

FIG. 10-33. Magnetic resonance images of malignant fibrous histiocytoma. Axial images of the forearm demonstrate a poorly defined, superficial soft-tissue mass about the dorsal forearm. It is homogeneous and of intermediate signal on the T1-weighted image ( A) and has uniform contrast enhancement on the fat-suppressed T1-weighted image (B) (arrows). Masses in the hand and forearm often appear earlier as palpable masses and may not have the typical areas of necrosis found in the larger lesions of the thigh and retroperitoneum.

Synovial Cell Sarcoma Synovial sarcoma, which is typically found in young adults, accounts for 5% to 10% of soft-tissue neoplasms. The mass may be slow-growing, but pain is often present. More than 80% occur in the extremities, most in the lower limbs. Up to one third have soft-tissue calcifications. CT is useful to identify the soft-tissue calcifications and can confirm adjacent bone erosion. Neurovascular involvement is better evaluated with MRI. Lesions are usually markedly inhomogeneous and may demonstrate fluidfluid levels. The tumors may be predominantly cystic ( Fig. 10-34).53,82

FIG. 10-34. Magnetic resonance image of synovial sarcoma. Synovial sarcoma in a 14-year-old girl is predominantly cystic, with uniform increased signal on T2-weighted sagittal image of the right thigh ( arrow). Note the small, nodular, soft-tissue component superiorly ( long arrow).

Other Tumors Numerous other mesenchymal tumors arise in the soft tissues, including arteriovenous malformations, lymphangioma, intramuscular myxoma, desmoid tumors, fibrosarcoma, hemangiopericytoma, and rhabdomyosarcoma. Desmoid tumors, although benign, are often both of inhomogeneous signal intensity and irregularly marginated on MRI. Hemangiomas and vascular malformations are often irregular and of mixed or variable signal intensity on MRI ( Fig. 10-35). Feeding vessels may be obvious.

FIG. 10-35. Magnetic resonance image of vascular malformation in the foot. Sagittal STIR-sequence image of the foot reveals the tortuous tubular structures typical of dilated veins (arrows).

Pamela A. Propeck Breast Masses Breast Calcifications Miscellaneous Abnormal Mammographic Appearances Male Breast Postsurgical and Irradiated Breast Breast Implants Interventional Procedures Chapter References Selected Readings

Mammography remains the mainstay of breast imaging for the detection of cancerous lesions, with ultrasound and MRI playing critical ancillary roles. Breast cancer is an extremely important public health issue. The American Cancer Society estimated that approximately 182,000 cases of invasive breast cancer would be diagnosed in 1995.3 Incidence and mortality data indicate that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime, and 1 in 30 will succumb to it. 71 In addition, the failure to diagnose breast cancer has become the most common cause of the medical malpractice lawsuit. 20 The only method available at this time to manage breast cancer is early detection and treatment, because no effective methods of prevention have been established. Screening mammography allows detection of cancers of a small size and early stage; this can result in reduced cancer deaths. 13,17,30,81 The American Cancer Society currently recommends the following screening schedule: every 1 to 2 years between the ages of 40 and 49 and yearly after age 50. However, these guidelines are undergoing review and may be modified in the future. Risk factors for breast cancer include history of prior malignant breast disease, family history of breast cancer in first-degree relatives, high-dose radiation exposure, early age of menarche, late age of menopause, nulliparity or late age at first live birth, obesity, and no prior lactation history. 76 In spite of this, only a small percentage of breast cancer cases have been linked to epidemiologic analysis. 74 Mammography has undergone major changes with the implementation of the Mammography Quality Standards Act of 1992. This law mandates external review of each facility by the US Food and Drug Administration every year. This process includes review of clinical images; qualifications and continuing medical education records for all technologists, radiologists, and medical physicists; processor quality control; medical records outcome data; equipment service records; and on-site inspections. Because of this increased regulation and standardization of the mammographic examination, the quality of mammograms nationwide has improved dramatically. A fundamental knowledge of breast anatomy is essential for understanding mammographic findings. The breast is a modified apocrine sweat gland that is divided into 15 to 20 lobes. Each lobe is drained by a collecting duct with multiple branches that end in a terminal ductal lobular unit (TDLU). The TDLU consists of an extralobular terminal duct and a lobule, the smallest structural unit. The lobule consists of an intralobular terminal duct, ductules that have a sac-like appearance, and the surrounding connective tissue. 83 It is in the extralobular terminal duct that infiltrating ductal carcinomas occur; lobular carcinomas occur in the lobules. The TDLU is also the site of benign proliferative and epithelial changes and is the area in which cysts develop. Breast tissue can extend to the axilla and along the milk line in the anterior abdominal wall ( Fig. 10-36). Accessory nipples may also be present along the milk line.

FIG. 10-36. A and B: Bilateral mediolateral oblique views illustrating asymmetry of fibroglandular tissue with breast tissue extending up into the axilla on the right ( B).

The mediolateral oblique and the craniocaudal are the standard views performed for a screening mammogram. Some patients require a tailored diagnostic examination during which a wide array of additional views can be performed. Coned compression views are used to better define masses. Magnification views allow visualization of the borders of masses and the characteristics of microcalcifications. The 90 view helps determine whether densities are masses or summation shadows and helps determine location of the lesion if it is seen only on the mediolateral oblique view. Rolled views are used to separate out summation shadows, and implant displaced views are used for evaluation of the breast tissue in patients with breast implants. A magnifying glass and a bright light must be used to view the films to detect subtle calcifications and evaluate the skin. In spite of this armamentarium of additional views, it sometimes becomes necessary to use other imaging modalities such as ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Ultrasound is not a screening modality but should be the first examination performed in a woman younger than 30 years of age with a palpable breast mass. It is very

useful in other specific situations, such as evaluations of masses detected on mammography, palpable masses, and implants. 36,46 Ultrasonography allows one to determine whether a mass is cystic or solid. If the mass fulfills all the criteria of a simple cystanechoic, imperceptible walls, and increased through transmissionno further imaging workup is needed. Ultrasound is very useful for imaging the lactating breast to evaluate for breast abscesses and can be used to guide needle drainage of the abscess. 36 It can also be used to guide sampling of solid masses by fine-needle aspiration (FNA) or core biopsies and for cyst drainage in cases of symptomatic or complex cysts. Some have found ultrasound very useful in evaluating for the possibility of implant rupture, with specificities of 55% to 79% and sensitivities of 59% to 85%. However, others have stated that MRI is more accurate in detecting implant rupture. 6,26,44,72,77 In our experience, MRI has been the most beneficial in the evaluation of implant complications. MRI is not used as a screening modality at the present time. It has several inherent limiting factors: length and cost of examination, need for intravenous contrast agents, inability to visualize calcifications, and nonspecific breast parenchymal enhancement in women in the second half of their menstrual cycle. 77 In certain clinical scenarios, MRI can be quite useful. These include evaluating tumor extent in the preoperative breast for treatment planning; searching for a primary tumor that cannot be visualized on two views of the mammogram, particularly in patients with dense breasts; evaluating implants; monitoring for recurrence in women who have already undergone a lumpectomy; and resolving contradictory imaging results. 77 New imaging techniques on the horizon include scintigraphic imaging using technetium-99m sestamibi, positron emission tomography (PET), and computed tomographic laser mammography (CTLM). Scintigraphic imaging is the best developed of these, although all are still experimental at this time. Reported data show a sensitivity of 96% and a specificity of 85% for determining whether a lesion is benign or malignant. 47 The agent is concentrated in breast lesions based on two factors: blood flow (concentration in areas of neovascularity) and active uptake by mitochondria of the cancer cells. 49 The initial studies are being performed in an attempt to distinguish benign from malignant masses noninvasively. It is not being investigated as a screening modality at this time. PET has undergone limited clinical exposure. It has been used to determine whether a mass is benign or malignant and to obtain metabolic parameters that may have prognostic significance. 49 Drawbacks with this technique include the difficulty in obtaining agents (they must be made in cyclotrons) and the need for injection of a radioactive material. Some preliminary work is being done with CTLM, which uses CT and lasers to produce cross-sectional images of the breast. The laser projects transmitting and scattering energy into the breast, which is then picked up by detectors. This process is used to scan the entire breast. 68

Mammographic signs of malignancy fall into two groups: primary and secondary. The primary signs are (1) mass, (2) calcifications, and (3) developing density. The secondary signs are (1) architectural distortion, (2) skin thickening or retraction, (3) nipple and areolar thickening, (4) abnormal ductal patterns, and (5) lymphadenopathy. There are many possible origins for a breast mass seen on a mammogram. The radiologist's task is to determine the type of lesion causing the mass. The differential diagnosis of a breast mass includes cyst; fibroadenoma; benign tumor (papilloma, hamartoma); hematoma; abscess; skin lesion; sebaceous cyst; lymph node; lipoma; oil cyst; carcinoma; metastasis; and focal fibrosis. The margins, shape, density, location, and number of masses must be evaluated. 1 The most important of these descriptors is the margin. Magnification compression views may be necessary to optimize the margin evaluation. The margin should be placed into one of five categories: sharply defined or circumscribed (usually benign); microlobulated; obscured (if adjacent breast tissue prevents complete visualization); indistinct (raising the possibility of infiltration); and spiculated (highly suspicious for malignancy). 1 Some believe that margin characteristics are so important that if a mass is completely circumscribed, with no associated calcification, and nonpalpable, it can be monitored with mammography regardless of its size. 75 Shape descriptions range from round or oval to irregular or architectural distortions. The density of the mass also can be helpful in differentiating benign from malignant masses. Typically, if the mass is of lower density, suggesting it contains fat, it is very likely to be benign (oil cyst or hamartoma), although the possibility of a rare liposarcoma should be at least considered. 67 However, this sign is less helpful in women with large breasts who have very small masses, which may appear to be of low density although they are malignant. Location is important. Obviously, skin lesions and sebaceous cysts should be located in the subcutaneous tissues. Intramammary lymph nodes are typically in the upper outer quadrant but may rarely occur in other locations. 61 Caution must be exercised for any medially located mass, because this portion of the breast usually has more fatty replacement. Therefore, a density in this area is unlikely to represent an island of glandular tissue, and malignancy must be excluded. 32 Multiplicity is also helpful in that usually it signifies a benign cause (e.g., cyst, fibroadenoma). However, multifocal carcinoma can occur, and metastatic disease also must be considered in the appropriate clinical setting. Cysts are the most common breast mass identified mammographically. They arise in the terminal ductal lobular unit of the breast and are most prevalent in the 30- to 50-year-old age group. If they occur in an older patient who is not receiving hormonal replacement therapy, the possibility of cancer obstructing a duct and causing cyst formation must be considered.62 Cysts can be multiple and bilateral. Their size varies considerably. Calcification can occur in the cyst wall or internally as milk of calcium. Ultrasound is the cornerstone of management, because it allows for differentiation of a cystic from a solid lesion and evaluation of complex cystic masses (Fig. 10-37). In addition, it is used for guidance in aspiration of these complex cysts. We routinely aspirate complex cysts, because the rare intracystic carcinomas can present in this manner.

FIG. 10-37. Rounded masses in the breast. On the left ( A) these are cysts and on the right (B) the largest is a breast carcinoma. Ultrasound aids in the distinction between benign and malignant processes.

Fibroadenomas are the most common solid breast mass evaluated in breast imaging clinics. These usually occur in younger women, with a peak incidence in the third decade.67 Because of the younger age of these patients, a large number of masses are detected on physical examination and then evaluated with ultrasound. Mammographically, these are usually circumscribed masses that can vary greatly in size. Usually they are solitary, but up to 25% of women with one fibroadenoma have multiple lesions. 67 The classic appearance is coarse popcorn calcifications seen in degenerating fibroadenomas ( Fig. 10-38). Some radiologists who use ultrasound have stated that if the lesion is wider than tall it is more likely to be benign, and vice versa. 32 Ratios of length to AP diameter greater than 1.4 are suggestive of a benign process, but there is overlap between benign and malignant masses with these criteria. 39 Because these lesions are hormonally responsive, they may enlarge during pregnancy and tend to involute after menopause.

FIG. 10-38. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique ( B) views demonstrate dystrophic calcifications of a degenerating fibroadenoma.

Benign tumors include intraductal papillomas and most phyllodes tumors. Solitary papillomas typically occur in the retroareolar region of the breast, and they may develop the classic, mulberry-like calcification. These differ from the multiple papillomas that occur in the periphery of the breast. Although solitary papillomas have no malignant potential, there is an increased incidence of carcinoma in women with multiple papillomas. Phyllodes tumors range from benign to high-grade malignant varieties but are known for quickly attaining a very large size (up to 30 cm). These tumors are discovered in the fifth and sixth decade. 67 Mammographically, they appear as round or multilobulated masses ( Fig. 10-39).

FIG. 10-39. Mediolateral oblique ( A) and craniocaudal (B) views of a phyllodes tumor demonstrate the lobulated, well-defined mass.

Hematomas vary in size depending on the extent of trauma and can appear as circumscribed masses or ill-defined masses suspicious for malignancy. There may be associated skin thickening. History is of vital importance in these cases, as well as any evidence of external bruising. Although they usually are iatrogenic, breast hematomas have been caused by shoulder seatbelts 22 (Fig. 10-40). Hematomas usually resolve in 4 to 6 weeks, but architectural changes may continue indefinitely.

FIG. 10-40. Mediolateral oblique views immediately after trauma to the breast ( A) and 3 months later (B). Note the marked decrease in density of the breast parenchyma in the inferior breast over time.

Abscesses are best evaluated with ultrasound, not mammography. If there is a clinical concern of a breast abscess with the appropriate history (e.g., breast feeding, recent surgery, or instrumentation such as nipple piercing), along with an erythematous breast and fever, the patient should undergo breast ultrasound examination. Not only can the size and depth of the abscess and associated fluid collections be ascertained, but guidance for diagnostic and therapeutic drainage can be performed. The mammographic appearance of an abscess is that of a poorly defined mass with increased density and possibly skin thickening. Sonographic evaluation reveals hypoechoic masses, usually with associated complex fluid collections. Skin lesions and sebaceous cysts should be noted by the technologist on the patient data sheet. Moles, warts, and neurofibromas may be visible on the mammogram. Skin lesions characteristically have a lucent halo because of the trapped air surrounding the lesion ( Fig. 10-41). If there are only a few, the technologist can mark them with a marker before the films are obtained to prevent any confusion in interpretation.

FIG. 10-41. Skin lesion. Note the lucency around the margin of this lesion, caused by the trapped air between the periphery of the lesion and the compression paddle.

Intramammary lymph nodes classically occur in the upper outer quadrant, are less than 1 cm in diameter, are reniform in shape, and have a fatty hilum. Ultrasonography with color Doppler enhancement can be helpful in evaluating these masses; the central fat may be identified, as well as blood flow at the hilus where

the vessels enter the node. Nodes are typically hypoechoic, with a central hyperechoic focus. If the node is larger than 1 cm, has lost the fatty hilum, or is not in the upper outer quadrant, it must be further evaluated for the possibility of malignant involvement. Lipomas, oil cysts, and hamartomas (lipofibroadenomas) are fat-containing lesions that manifest on the mammogram as lucent masses (lipoma) or as masses with a center of mixed radiolucency-radiodensity and a lucent periphery (hamartoma) ( Fig. 10-42). These are all benign and are of no clinical consequence. However, patients may present with palpable masses caused by these lesions. Hamartomas can reach up to 10 centimeters in size. 67 Lipomas and hamartomas arise de novo, whereas oil cysts are the sequelae of prior breast trauma, often iatrogenic, and are a form of fat necrosis.

FIG. 10-42. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique ( B) views demonstrating a large, lucent mass replacing the mid ortion of the breast, consistent with a lipoma.

Carcinomas also frequently appear as masses, with the classic appearance being that of a spiculated mass ( Fig. 10-43). However, some carcinomas can appear as circumscribed masses. The greatest number of these are infiltrating ductal carcinomas, even though this is the typical appearance of the rarer mucinous, papillary, and medullary carcinomas. This discrepancy results from the overall higher incidence of infiltrating ductal carcinomas in comparison with the classic well-circumscribed carcinomas (i.e., mucinous, papillary, and medullary carcinomas) ( Fig. 10-44).

FIG. 10-43. Classic mammographic appearance of an infiltrating ductal carcinoma.

FIG. 10-44. Mediolateral oblique view of a well-circumscribed mass which was an infiltrating ductal carcinoma that had metastasized to ipsilateral axillary nodes.

Metastatic disease may involve the breast. The lesions typically appear as multiple, circumscribed densities seen throughout both breasts, but an appearance similar to that of inflammatory breast cancer can also be seen. The most common metastasis is to the contralateral breast. 67 However, other tumors can metastasize to the breast, including melanoma, lung cancer, sarcoma, and ovarian carcinoma ( Fig. 10-45). The clinical history of the patient needs to be taken into account.

FIG. 10-45. Multiple small densities scattered throughout this breast are metastatic melanoma deposits.

Lymphoma can involve the breast in several ways. Multiple bilateral masses can be circumscribed or spiculated, and there can also be a unilateral dense breast. Axillary adenopathy may accompany either presentation ( Fig. 10-46).

FIG. 10-46. Bilateral mediolateral oblique views in a patient with lymphoma. Note the marked bilateral axillary adenopathy. The mass in the breast on the left ( A) was a cyst.

Other conditions that manifest as masses include foreign bodies and normal anatomic structures. Hickman cuff remnants, glass fragments, needles, and other metallic objects may be seen on mammograms8 (Fig. 10-47). In the distant past in the United States and currently in other countries, women had injections of free silicone into their breasts as a method of breast augmentation. This silicone formed granulomata that subsequently calcified. Although there are no data to suggest that this procedure increases a woman's risk of breast cancer, it does significantly impair the physical examination, because the silicone granulomata can cause nodularity. The high-density silicone makes mammographic exposure factors unpredictable, sometimes impairing the mammographic images. Cancers could easily be obscured by all of the high-density calcified granulomata ( Fig. 10-48).

FIG. 10-47. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique ( B) views demonstrate the Hickman cuff remnant from prior use of a Hickman catheter.

FIG. 10-48. Calcified silicone granulomata in a patient who underwent injection of free silicone in the past.

An anatomic variant that can be confusing is the medial sternal insertion of the pectoralis major muscle. This appears as a flame-shaped or triangular density on the medial aspect of the breast, posteriorly on the craniocaudal view, whereas no abnormality is visible on the mediolateral oblique view ( Fig. 10-49). It may be seen bilaterally but often is seen only on one side. 10

FIG. 10-49. Two different views of the sternal insertion of the pectoralis major muscle. On the left ( A) the muscle is more completely imaged than on the right ( B), where it appears as a focal mass.

On the other end of the margin spectrum is the spiculated density. The differential for this category is shorter, including carcinoma, postoperative changes, radial scar, and sequelae of prior fat necrosis or abscess. 1 Invasive ductal carcinoma accounts for the majority (65% to 80%) of breast carcinomas. 73 The classic appearance of this tumor is a spiculated mass ( Fig. 10-50). The second most prevalent invasive carcinoma is lobular carcinoma, which accounts for 3% to 14% of breast cancers; 26% to 63% of these lesions appear as spiculated masses.73 Lobular carcinoma is much more difficult to detect on mammography and physical examination; the tumor tends to disrupt only adjacent structures late in the disease course because of its propensity to infiltrate in a loosely dispersed pattern throughout the fibrous matrix of the breast. MRI has been helpful in detecting invasive lobular carcinoma. The third largest group that is likely to present as a spiculated mass is the tubular carcinoma. This is a subtype of ductal carcinoma that is well differentiated, forming tubules in the fibrous stroma in an organized pattern. The frequency is between 2% and 8%, but some state it to be as high as 19%. 56,73 These carcinomas have a good prognosis because they have a lower propensity for metastatic spread compared with the other cancers.

FIG. 10-50. Stellate mass representing infiltrating ductal carcinoma. Mediolateral oblique ( A) and craniocaudal (B) views. Note small spiculated mass (arrow).

Postoperative dermal scars can mimic carcinoma by having a mammographic appearance of a spiculated mass. Clinical history and correlation with the surgical scar are of utmost importance in these instances. These lesions usually change appearance between the two views because they represent planar fibrous tissue and not a true mass. Radial scars can appear as spiculated lesions as well. They are benign but cannot be differentiated from malignancy by mammography and therefore should be biopsied. The classic appearance of this lesion is a radiolucent center with long spiculations. 80 However, on occasion radial scars have been found with dense centers and with calcifications. These lesions usually are not clinically apparent and, depending on their epithelial type, are not considered premalignant. 1 Fat necrosis is the result of some type of breast trauma, be it iatrogenic, infectious, or traumatic. The three mammographic findings are oil cysts, spiculated masses, and calcifications. The cysts may be lucent because of their fat content. The spiculated mass may cause parenchymal distortion, but the mass remains the same or decreases in size over time. Calcifications may also occur, usually within the first 3 years, and they are usually dystrophic or spherical ( Fig. 10-51). If they occur later, evaluation for an underlying malignancy should be performed.

FIG. 10-51. Mediolateral oblique ( A) and craniocaudal (B) views of fat necrosis with calcification after a reduction mammoplasty. The incision was made in the infra-areolar region where most of the mammographic findings are located.

Calcifications in the breast have a wide range of causes, from benign (associated with vascular changes, fat necrosis, or skin) to malignant. However, a wide overlap exists between the appearance of benign and malignant calcifications in the indeterminate category. Between 30% and 50% of nonpalpable carcinomas are identified only by the presence of microcalcifications. 9,28,29,33,85 Benign calcifications include eggshell and spherical shapes that are often the sequelae of fat necrosis, prior surgical intervention, or secretory disease. These calcifications are smooth and usually are round or oval. In secretory disease, large rod-like calcifications may also be seen. These are usually bilateral and appear as solid, smooth cores or hollow cylinders. Occasionally the ducts may leak, allowing the inflammatory material to seep into the adjacent tissue and causing a chemical mastitis with plasma cell infiltration--thus the name plasma cell mastitis ( Fig. 10-52). This is followed by the development of periductal calcification. Sclerosing adenosis describes a type of benign epithelial hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the breast, along with a proliferation of connective tissue. Secretions in the acini may calcify, leading to the development of clustered, rounded, homogenous calcifications that are usually diffuse and bilateral. This process may also appear as a mass. Cystic lobular hyperplasia is a form of adenosis in which the acini are dilated, forming microcysts. Milk of calcium forming in these cysts has a teacup appearance because of the meniscus of the calcium fluid layering on the 90 medial lateral view. When seen en face, the calcifications may be barely visible. The condition is usually bilateral. Vascular calcifications have the typical tram track appearance and trace out a vessel. However, early in their development vascular calcifications can mimic malignant calcifications. Involuting fibroadenomas may develop the classic popcorn calcifications. Dystrophic calcifications usually result from surgical or radiation changes. These are coarse calcifications with a bizarre or plaque-like shape 44 (Fig. 10-53). Other benign calcifications include those in the skin (occurring in sebaceous glands), which have the appearance of a solid or lucent sphere. Occasionally these may be suspicious for malignancy; a tangential view can be performed to determine whether they are located in the skin. Deodorants, skin creams, and tattoos contain metallic salts that can mimic calcifications on mammography. Therefore the patients must remove all topical skin substances, and tattoos must be marked to avoid misinterpretation.

FIG. 10-52. Secretory and plasma cell mastitis calcifications. Mediolateral oblique view. Note the linear, branching, ovoid calcifications.

FIG. 10-53. A and B: Bilateral bizarre, plaque-like calcifications in the breasts of a 20-year-old woman who had undergone radiation therapy for Hodgkin's disease. Note the Hickman catheter (A).

Malignant calcifications usually are distinguished from benign calcifications by shape, distribution, size, and contour 44 (Fig. 10-54). Pleomorphic calcifications, especially with branching forms, are worrisome for malignancy, as are those with a linear shape suggesting necrotic debris lining a duct. However, the malignant and benign linear forms overlap. Calcifications that are clustered in only one area of the breast are suspicious as well, and some experts state that four or more calcifications in a single cluster (with no other clusters in the breast) should be biopsied. 45 Segmental distribution of calcifications in only one quadrant of the breast and calcifications that are unilateral are also worrisome; biopsy of these areas is recommended. The term ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) covers a wide range of diseases, from well differentiated carcinomas to poorly differentiated ones. The most common mammographic presentation is that of microcalcifications, although DCIS may also appear as a mass. The calcifications develop within the framework of the proliferating ductal epithelium, which explains the extensive range of calcification appearances. DCIS also can be multifocal. The area of DCIS involvement is important. If it is greater than 2.5 cm, it has a greater likelihood of being multicentric.21 Also, if an invasive carcinoma has an extensive intraductal component, it is more likely to recur.

FIG. 10-54. Malignant calcifications. Linear, branching, and punctate calcifications. Magnified.

Because of the overlap between benign and malignant calcifications, there is a 33% positivity rate for biopsies of breast calcifications in several major mammography centers.28 Specimen radiographs must always be performed to ensure that the proper area has been sampled and the calcifications removed. Some institutions mark the area of calcifications on the specimen for the pathologist, to be sure the proper region is sectioned. If calcifications are not on the original specimen radiograph, the surgeon removes additional tissue. If after this the calcifications still have not been removed, the patient should be scheduled for a 6-week follow-up mammogram.28 Stability of malignant microcalcifications can occur. One study reported on a series of 26 patients with calcifications that were stable for more than 5 years and were malignant. 54 However, this is unusual; new or increasing microcalcifications are more suspicious. Short-term follow-up (less than 3 years) revealing no change does not exclude malignancy. However, sometimes the calcifications develop benign characteristics during the follow-up interval, such as rim calcification or the classic vascular tram-track appearance.


The usual mammographic appearance of breast carcinoma is a focal mass or suspicious calcifications. However, it can also appear as a unilateral dense breast with skin thickening caused by inflammatory breast cancer ( Fig. 10-55). This is caused by dermal lymphatic invasion by carcinoma. Usually a discrete mass is not present, but there may be associated axillary adenopathy. The mammographic image is similar to that seen in mastitis, and the clinical presentation may be similar as well. The breast skin is erythematous, and the process can progress very rapidly, suggesting infection. Clinical response to a course of antibiotics can be used to differentiate the two entities, but a dermal punch biopsy makes the diagnosis. Another consideration when dealing with increasing density of breast fibroglandular tissue, especially if it is bilateral and without associated skin thickening, is exogenous hormone use.

FIG. 10-55. A and B: Bilateral mediolateral oblique views demonstrating the unilateral dense breast ( B) in a woman with inflammatory breast carcinoma.

Another appearance of breast carcinoma is the asymmetrical density ( Fig. 10-56). Approximately 3% of women have normal asymmetry in their breast fibroglandular pattern.48 However, occasionally this is the only sign of a breast carcinoma. If asymmetrical density is a new finding, consideration should be given to biopsy of the area. If it is present on the patient's initial study, then close follow-up is warranted to document stability.

FIG. 10-56. Bilateral mediolateral oblique ( A and B) and craniocaudal (C and D) views demonstrate an asymmetrical density in left breast upper outer quadrant ( A and C). This represented an infiltrating ductal carcinoma.

Architectural distortion may be the only clue to an early underlying malignancy. This is manifested by disruption of the normal glandular pattern. Tenting and retraction of the normal contour of the periphery of the glandular tissue may be seen, as well as nipple and skin retraction ( Fig. 10-57). In addition to carcinoma, prior biopsies and infections can cause this appearance.

FIG. 10-57. Classic mammographic appearance of an infiltrating ductal carcinoma. Note the engulfment of nearby benign calcifications into the spiculated mass and the skin retraction along with architectural distortion.

Breast carcinoma occurs in men also at a much lower frequency, less than 1 case per 100,000 men. 18 The clinical presentation is usually that of a palpable mass. Mammographically, findings similar to those of female breast cancer are seen, that is, a spiculated mass ( Fig. 10-58). Suspicious microcalcifications are unusual in male breast carcinoma.14 The most common cause of a breast lump in a man is gynecomastia, which is the excessive development of the male mammary gland (Fig. 10-59). The causes for this condition are numerous and include certain medications such as digitalis, tricyclic antidepressants, ketoconazole, and cimetidine, as well as androgens and anabolic steroids. Patients with alcoholic cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma also may develop this condition. 18 The mammographic appearance of gynecomastia is breast glandular tissue in a flame-like pattern posterior to the nipple.

FIG. 10-58. Breast carcinoma in a man. The cancer appeared as a mass with associated axillary adenopathy.

FIG. 10-59. Gynecomastia. Mediolateral oblique view. Note homogenous density in the retroareolar area.


Breast conservation is determined by two factors: the presence of only one dominant carcinoma and a satisfactory postoperative cosmetic result. The preoperative mammogram is used to determine the size of the carcinoma, to detect the presence of multifocal carcinoma, and to assess the contralateral breast. 65 Postoperative mammograms are necessary shortly after the procedure and before radiation therapy if the cancer contained microcalcifications. Many of these patients have residual calcifications that represent residual carcinoma. If there are only a small number of such lesions, the radiation will sterilize the tumor, but if there are a large number of residual calcifications, which suggests a significant residual of tumor, re-excision of the tumor bed is necessary. Most experts then agree that follow-up mammography should be obtained 6 to 12 months after the surgery. Follow-up recommendations after that vary. Some recommend yearly mammograms, whereas others recommend examinations at 6-month intervals until the breast parenchymal changes are stable (2 to 3 years). 60

Findings on the early follow-up examinations include edema of the fibroglandular tissues and skin. The edematous changes are most apparent in the areolar region and in dependent areas of the breast. Most patients have resolution of the edema within 2 years. 55 Fluid collections such as hematomas and lymphoceles are common in the lumpectomy site. These are usually oval and fairly dense. These areas change to regions of architectural distortion, usually within 18 months after surgery. Because this distortion may be difficult to differentiate from a recurrence, it is essential to review prior studies. If the area of scarring remains stable in size for two successive studies and then changes in appearance or increases in size, carcinoma must be suspected. 59 Calcifications may represent new or recurrent tumor as well as fat necrosis. If the calcifications occur early (within 6 to 18 months), they are most likely the sequela of iatrogenic trauma (surgical or radiation therapy). After that time, consideration must be given to recurrence of cancer. Radiation causes edema of the entire breast. This is manifested by a generalized increase in density, with trabecular and skin thickening. 52,55 The edema caused by radiation therapy is more extensive and dramatic than that produced by surgery ( Fig. 10-60). The changes are greatest at 6 months after initiation of therapy. Usually most of the changes resolve within 1 year, although findings can persist.

FIG. 10-60. Postradiation mammogram. Craniocaudal view at 6 months (A) demonstrates increased density of the parenchyma and thickening of the trabeculae and skin. Surgical clips are visible at the surgical site. B: Marked resolution on the craniocaudal view is seen at 1 year.

The mammographic manifestations of a recurrence include the development of malignant-appearing calcifications or a new density, increase in size of a pre-existing density, an inappropriate increase in edema, and an increase in skin thickening. 21,41,67,69,78 The recurrence rate in the conservatively treated breast ranges from 3% to 19% at 8 years. 21 Sixty-five percent of these recurrences are located within a few centimeters of the tumor bed. 60 The greatest challenge to the radiologist in evaluation of the postsurgical and irradiated breast is deciding whether the mammographic changes are the result of fat necrosis, architectural distortion, hematoma, or edema secondary to surgery or radiation therapyor whether they represent of a recurrent or residual carcinoma. Only 67% of carcinomas are evident on mammographic examination after breast conservation therapy. 21 Therefore, meticulous technique, follow-up examinations, and review of all prior studies as well as the specimen radiograph are essential in the evaluation of this group of patients.

Placement of breast implants has become a relatively common procedure in the United States, with approximately 2 million women having undergone the procedure for augmentation or reconstruction purposes. 59 Our challenge as mammographers is to effectively evaluate these women not only for breast cancer but for implant complications. The standard evaluation of the breast augmentation patient includes the mediolateral oblique and craniocaudal views as well as the implant displaced views in both projections, as described by Eklund and colleagues. 23 Implant complications include rupture, capsular calcification, and capsular contraction. Silicone implant rupture may either be extracapsular or intracapsular in location. Extracapsular rupture is diagnosed by the identification of free silicone outside the contour of the implant and often tracking up into the axilla ( Fig. 10-61). Intracapsular rupture of silicone implants is not a mammographic diagnosis but can be diagnosed with MRI. In intracapsular rupture, the capsule around the implant remains intact but the shell of the implant collapses. This is demonstrated on MRI as the linguine sign 35 (Fig. 10-62). This same process can be identified with ultrasound as the stepladder sign, caused by imaging the collapsed implant. 19 Capsular calcification can easily be identified on the mammogram, whereas capsular contraction is diagnosed on physical examination and manifests as difficulty in performing the implant displaced views, caused by the fixed and immobile implants.

FIG. 10-61. Mediolateral oblique view demonstrating extracapsular rupture of a silicone implant with extravasation of silicone extending up toward the axilla.

FIG. 10-62. Magnetic resonance image demonstrating the linguine sign of an intracapsular rupture of an implant with an intact capsule. The linguine represents the collapsed shell of the implant. (Courtesy of Frederick Kelcz, M.D.)

Although mammography, ultrasound, and MRI allow the radiologist to propose a diagnosis, tissue sampling is needed to confirm it. The gold standard has been the surgical excisional biopsy with needle localization provided by the radiologist, usually under mammographic direction. Recently FNA and core biopsy procedures

under mammographic or sonographic guidance have been used as an alternative to the standard excisional biopsies. FNA is performed with the use of a 21- or 23-gauge needle to make multiple passes into several areas of the lesion. The cellular material is then expressed onto a slide and sent to the cytopathologist. Limitations with this procedure include a high percentage of inadequate samples and the cytopathologist's difficulty in definitively identifying benign lesions. Absolute essentials for instituting an FNA program include an experienced cytopathologist and mammographer and a method for correlating each aspirate diagnosis with the expected imaging diagnosis. If a discrepancy is found, the patient must undergo further evaluation, because the sensitivity and specificity of this method vary widely among different studies, from 65% to 99% and from 64% to 100%, respectively. 4,15,24,27,34,38,43,54,62 In addition, the patient must be compliant with follow-up protocols, because patients with benign aspirates are closely followed for up to 3 years. Sterotactic core biopsy is more invasive and time-consuming but yields better results than FNA, with a sensitivity of 95%. 25 In addition, it is rare to obtain inadequate samples with this method. This procedure is performed with a biopsy gun and a 14-gauge needle, using the triangulation principle of the three grid coordinates on a sterotactic unit. 25 Multiple passes are performed, and if calcifications are being sampled the cores are radiographically examined to ensure that the calcifications have been included in the biopsy. Core biopsies of masses can be obtained under ultrasound guidance as well. When the procedure is performed correctly, few complications occur. These include bleeding, infection, pseudoaneurysm, and the unlikely event of tumor seeding in the needle track. 40,84 Benefits of this procedure include decreased medical cost, improved patient convenience, and less deformity of the breast tissue. CHAPTER REFERENCES
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Chapter 11 Intracranial Diseases Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 11 Intracranial Diseases

W. Douglas Brown, Charles M. Strother, Patrick A. Turski, Lindell R. Gentry

W. D. Brown and L. R. Gentry: Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252. C. M. Strother and P. A. Turski: Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Clinical Science Center, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252.

Diagnostic Techniques Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computed Tomography Ultrasound Skull Films Angiography Approach to the Neuroradiologic Study Intracranial Calcification and Ossification Edema Specific Disease States Neoplasms Supratentorial Tumors Juxtasellar Tumors Other Supratentorial Tumors Infratentorial Tumors Other Intracranial Tumors Metastatic Tumors Arachnoid Cysts Dementia White Matter Disease Trauma Infectious Diseases Congenital Malformations Vascular Disease Epilepsy Chapter References

Successful radiologic evaluation of the brain and other cranial contents requires detailed knowledge of anatomy, pathology, and the technologies available. Although this chapter largely follows the usual descriptive format of a radiology text, the reader should always be cognizant that many cases seen in actual practice will not precisely match the classic textbook images and descriptions. Only critical thinking, with a solid foundation in neuroanatomy and neuropathology, will yield optimal diagnoses in difficult cases. Unlike most organs of the body, the brain is not made up of one or a few tissue types. The brain consists of countless tissues, each with different functional significance and susceptibility to various pathologies. A thorough understanding of the three meningeal layers is also clinically important. Until a few years ago, this detailed anatomy was visible in living humans only to the neurosurgeon. The situation began to change with the advent of CT. With the maturation of high-resolution MRI, the radiologist is constantly faced with tomographic images that present greater anatomic detail than has ever before been visible in the living patient. Many medical schools still do not teach detailed sectional neuroanatomy, so the imager who is beginning to train in neuroradiology must typically learn or relearn a great deal of anatomy. This information is clearly beyond the scope of this chapter, and the reader is referred to other sources. 21,22,25,70 An understanding of neuropathology that exceeds that taught in most medical schools is likewise of great importance. Most radiologists spend little time in the pathology literature. However, familiarity with the basics of neuropathology, 113 knowledge of major reference texts,62,133 attendance at brain autopsies, and positive interaction with local neuropathologists will make one a better neuroradiologist.

Knowledge of the technologies for neuroimaging is important in three major respects. A clinical radiologist is often faced with choosing the best or first imaging procedure for evaluation of a patient with certain history, signs, and symptoms. The radiologist must tailor any examination for best demonstration of the pathology. And the radiologist must know the strengths and weaknesses and especially the artifacts of each technology in order to correctly interpret the findings. Given the large and rapidly evolving array and complexity of technologiesultrasound, CT, angiographic, radionuclide, and especially new MR techniquesconsultation with an expert in neuroradiology is often very valuable. Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computed Tomography Exceptional contrast resolution, multiplanar capability, the ability to tailor the exam to emphasize different tissue characteristics, and the lack of known harmful effects combine to make MRI the preferred technique for the diagnostic evaluation of most patients with neurologic disease. Important exceptions where CT remains the technique of choice for initial examination are (a) evaluation of patients after acute trauma; (b) evaluation of patients suspected of having an acute intracranial hemorrhage; (c) evaluation of patients with diseases affecting primarily the skull base or calvaria; and (d) for patients with contraindications to MRI. Because of its speed, availability, and high resolution, CT remains an important and extremely useful diagnostic tool. The array of MRI techniques presently available is too large and complex for discussion in this chapter. However, to maximize information obtained from a particular examination, one must have not only an understanding of the changes occurring with various disease states but also some understanding of how images obtained from these altered tissues are imaged by various MRI pulse sequences. 162 In general, the use of a short-TR/short-TE sequence and long-TR/short- and long-TE pulse sequences (spin echo or fast spin echo) provides a set of images that provide an overview of the T1, proton density, and T2 characteristics of the tissue being imaged (Fig. 11-1); this is usually the minimum group of images for a diagnostic examination. Other sequences and sometimes intravenous contrast are added according to the suspected pathology. One must also tailor the choice of imaging planes. In almost all circumstances the imaging protocol should contain images in at least two planes; the optimal planes will depend on the nature and location of the lesions.

FIG. 11-1. Normal MRI. (A) Short-TR/TE (T1-weighted) sequence. (B) Long-TR/short-TE (proton-density-weighted) sequence. ( C) Long-TR/long-TE (T2-weighted) sequence. These images illustrate well the differences in signal intensities of cerebrospinal fluid, gray matter, and white matter as seen on these commonly used

pulse sequences.

There are also many different ways to perform a CT scan, and, as with MRI, each scan should be tailored to optimize clinical information in a particular case. Parameters to be varied include slice thickness, plane of imaging, radiographic technique (tube current and slice time), reconstruction filter, the use of contrast, the use of spiral imaging, and the windows used for printing the images. Good clinical information and careful decisions are needed to plan imaging for optimal patient care. The primary reason for the use of intravenous contrast in brain imaging is different from that in the remainder of the body. The agents used (iodinated contrast media for CT, paramagnetic media usually containing gadolinium for MRI) do not cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Because many lesions cause disruption of this barrier, intravenous contrast will localize in the brain tissue specifically at sites of these pathologies; this may add to both the sensitivity and specificity of the examination. For CT the administration of intravenous contrast also allows improved definition of both vascular and dural structures ( Fig. 11-2). The situation is more complex for MRI, where vascular enhancement depends greatly on the velocity of blood flow and the specific MRI sequence used ( Fig. 11-3); therefore, contrast is less often needed for vascular evaluations with MRI.

FIG. 11-2. Normal CT scan performed (A and B) following the intravenous administration of iodinated contrast medium. Arterial and venous structures at the base of the brain are prominent in these images. There is also enhancement of the falx cerebri and choroid plexus of the lateral ventricles.

FIG. 11-3. Normal MR scan (T1-weighted) A, B, C, D, E, F intravenous contrast medium. (A, B, C without contrast, D, E, F, with contrast.)

Although many lesions are seen better following infusion of intravenous contrast medium, the added information is often trivial compared with the added cost and increased time of the examination, and not clinically important. In general, intravenous contrast media need not be used for CT or MRI scans performed for evaluation of most congenital malformations, dementia, trauma, hydrocephalus, suspected stroke or hemorrhage, or in cases of chronic epilepsy. Contrast administration is indicated in the CT evaluation of many but not all patients with vascular abnormalities as well as for CT and MRI studies performed for suspected neoplastic, infectious, or inflammatory disorders. The routine use of a nonenhanced CT scan before an enhanced scan is of limited usefulness and is recommended only for the evaluation of lesions thought to have hemorrhagic or calcified components. The usual dosage for intravenous contrast medium results in the administration of 30 to 45 g of iodine, which can be given as an intravenous (IV) drip or as an IV bolus depending on the clinical situation. 71 For MRI, the dose of gadolinium agents is 0.1 to 0.3 mmol/kg. Intrathecal contrast media can also be occasionally used to advantage in cranial CT scanning. Scans performed shortly after the injection of low doses of water-soluble contrast medium (in the range of 1 g of iodine) into the lumbar subarachnoid space provide excellent depiction of the cisternal spaces about the brain. This technique may be indicated in certain circumstances when an MR examination cannot be performed or when information about cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks or the presence of communication between various CSF-containing spaces is required 37 (Fig. 11-4). Small volumes of subarachnoid air may also be used effectively as a contrast medium for CT scans,122 but with very few exceptions, the natural contrast provided by the CSF on MRI examinations has eliminated the need for CT scans with subarachnoid contrast medium.

FIG. 11-4. (A) Axial computed tomogram at level of the foramen magnum. Water-soluble contrast medium in the subarachnoid space outlines the margins of the vertebral arteries, cerebellar tonsils, and the medulla. ( B) Axial computed tomogram at midbrain level. Water-soluble contrast medium opacifies the subarachnoid space and allows clear definition of the midbrain and adjacent structures.

Ultrasound The use of ultrasound for evaluation of intracranial structures is limited by the thick calvaria in the adult. However, there are specific situations in which this modality is very valuable. Brain imaging in neonates and infants is excellent with high-frequency ultrasound thanks to the fontanels, which are still open. Ultrasound is usually the

imaging modality of choice for sick patients in this age range. Transcranial Doppler probes are optimized for evaluation of intracranial blood flow in adults through the relatively thin squamous portion of the lateral skull. These examinations may be very useful in the setting of possible vasospasm and during certain angiographic procedures. Extracranially, Doppler ultrasound is an important means for the noninvasive evaluation of the carotid arteries. Skull Films Skull radiography no longer has any meaningful role in the diagnostic evaluation of patients suspected of having neurologic disease. The technique is insensitive, nonspecific, and redundant because even when abnormalities are seen on skull radiographs, it is rare that the findings provide sufficient information on which to base patient management.152 Similarly, plain film evaluation of the sella turcica is very limited in its usefulness 155,156; skull films have been replaced by MRI for diagnosis of pituitary lesions. Even though skull radiography no longer plays a significant role in clinical practice, knowledge of skull anatomy is essential for proper interpretation of CT and magnetic resonance scans of the head. This knowledge may be facilitated through the study of multiple projections of skull radiographs, which provide a means for correlating the spatial relationships of structures seen on cross-sectional images. For a discussion of the changes that occur in the skull as a result of intracranial disease, see Yock 165 and Newton and Potts.111 Angiography Catheter arteriography remains an important tool in neuroradiology. However, as has been the case with plain skull films and more recently with CT, many of the indications for cerebral angiography have been eliminated by the information provided by MRI and MR angiography. Over the last two decades cerebral angiography has evolved from a technique used largely to detect the presence of structural lesions to one that is performed primarily to add specificity to ambiguous CT, Doppler ultrasound, or MRA findings or to assist in the planning of neurosurgical or interventional radiologic procedures for vascular disease. In the future, these indications will be further reduced through the increasing capabilities of MR angiography. In its current state, MR angiography is quite suitable in many instances as a screening and diagnostic examination for both intracranial and extracranial diseases that involve primarily the large vessels of the neck, skull base, or dural coverings ( Fig. 11-5).119

FIG. 11-5. Magnetic resonance angiography. ( A) Normal MR arteriogram (two-dimensional time-of-flight), axial slab, through the circle of Willis. ( B) Magnetic resonance arteriogram from another patient at the same level, demonstrating markedly diminished left middle cerebral artery flow as a result of internal carotid occlusion. (C) Normal MR venogram (two-dimensional phase contrast), median sagittal slab. ( D) Magnetic resonance venogram of another patient at the same location, demonstrating lack of flow in the superior sagittal and straight sinuses because of dural sinus thromboses.

The primary indication for cerebral angiography is for the evaluation of patients with vascular disease (atherosclerosis, aneurysms, arteriovenous malformations and fistulas, arteritis, and posttraumatic vascular lesions), either intra- or extracranial. Angiography is uncommonly required as part of the diagnostic assessment of neoplasms or other neurologic diseases. Conventional film-screen angiography is performed by rapidly injecting an iodine-containing contrast medium into one of the arteries supplying the brain or its coverings and then obtaining a series of roentgenograms in rapid sequence. The site of injection, the volume of contrast medium used, and the filming sequence employed all depend on the specific problem under evaluation. Almost all conventional cerebral angiography is now performed with the Seldinger technique, in which a catheter is inserted percutaneously into one of the femoral arteries and guided fluoroscopically to the appropriate site. Direct carotid puncture or brachial artery injections are rarely required or indicated. The risks of conventional angiography conducted by experienced personnel are small but significant in that they include stroke and damage to the site of arterial puncture. The age and general medical condition of the patient are important factors that influence the magnitude of these risks. The application of digital electronic techniques to angiographic equipment has eliminated much of the need for film-screen techniques in neuroangiography. Digital subtraction techniques allow one to perform angiography following either an intravenous or an intraarterial injection of contrast medium at a smaller volume and concentration than would be possible if film-screen techniques were employed. Intraarterial digital subtraction angiography allows procedures to be carried out in less time and at less expense than with conventional methods with, in most cases, an insignificant loss of spatial resolution.


As with any type of radiologic study (or history and physical examination, for that matter) the most reliable means to ensure that relevant information is gathered and reported is to have a habitual pattern for assessing the images and reporting the results. This pattern should be individually tailored and well thought through, so that the interpreter of the images has the highest possible likelihood of finding all significant abnormalities. Thus, the student of neuroradiology should take pains to develop explicit search patterns for viewing brain images that take advantage of his or her knowledge of neuroanatomy and neuropathology in general, the particular technology used, and the specific clinical information available for the current patient. In reporting the findings the neuroimager should always strive to be as precise as possible. For instance, one should never use the term meningeal enhancement. Dural enhancement and pial enhancement have clearly different appearances and wholly different clinical significance. Similarly, vague localizations such as frontoparietal can often be markedly improved by simply noting the location of the lesion with respect to the central sulcus. The radiologist should also avoid unnecessary equivocation. For instance, subarachnoid hemorrhage has a pathognomonic appearance; its reporting need not begin with a description of high-attenuation material surrounding the brain. The following sections deal with the general neuroimaging issues of calcium and edema. Intracranial Calcification and Ossification Certain structures within the skull normally calcify, whereas other calcifications seen on CT or other images are of pathologic significance. An outline listing the major causes of normal and abnormal intracranial calcification is found in Table 11-1. A few areas of normal calcification deserve brief discussion.

TABLE 11-1. Causes of intracranial calcification and mineralization

In adults there is almost always pineal calcification and usually calcification of the immediately adjacent habenular commissures. However, visualization of calcification in the pineal body on CT scans is rare in individuals younger than 6 years of age. Pineal calcification is usually in the form of a cluster of amorphous, irregular densities or may be solitary. The normal calcified pineal ranges up to 10 or 12 mm in greatest diameter but is usually between 3 and 5 mm. When calcifications greater than 1 cm in diameter are observed, the question of an abnormality such as a pineocytoma or arteriovenous malformation should be raised. Calcification of portions of the choroid plexus sufficient to allow visualization on CT scans occurs in almost all adults and is frequently present in children. Calcification is most frequently seen at the glomera (in the atria of the lateral ventricles) but may be present at any site. One should note that the choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle extends through the lateral ventricular foramina (of Luschka) and may therefore be seen as a calcified or enhancing mass in the cerebellopontine angle. Plaquelike areas of calcification and ossification are common in the dura, particularly in the falx and along both the free and attached edges of the tentorium. The free edges of the tentorium posterior to the sella (the so-called petroclinoid ligaments) are particularly prone to dense calcification. Heavy calcification of the falx, and less frequently of the tentorium, is reported as a component of the basal cell nevus syndrome; otherwise, these calcified plaques are of no clinical significance. Hyperostosis frontalis interna is an overgrowth of the inner table of the frontal bone with a very characteristic appearance; it is usually symmetric and is found chiefly in older women. The diploic space and external table are not affected. It is important to distinguish hyperostosis frontalis interna from the bony hypertrophy that results from meningioma or fibrous dysplasia; but except for the rare en plaque meningioma, there is little problem in making this distinction. Edema An increase in water in the brain tissues (edema) is a sign of many pathologic states. In general, this increased fluid is primarily intracellular (because of some insult to the cell) or extracellular (generally related to loss of the blood-brain barrier and resultant shifts of protein and water from the intravascular space into the intercellular tissue spaces). Thus, the former has been called cytotoxic edema and is seen in strokes, hypoxemic injuries such as near-drowning, viral cerebritis, and cortical edema resulting from status epilepticus. The latter has been termed vasogenic edema and is most often associated with metastatic or primary neoplasms and infection. These types of edema in their pure forms are easily recognizable. Cytotoxic edema is seen primarily in the neuronal cell bodies (hence, the gray matter). On CT this leads to a diminished density of gray matter and therefore to blurring or loss of visible distinction between gray matter and white matter. On MRI there is diminished signal on T1-weighted images and increased signal on T2-weighted images, as with other pathologies that have higher water content than normal brain. In contrast, vasogenic edema is primarily a white matter phenomenon because the intercellular spaces are larger in the white matter. A notable exception is the corpus callosum, which is so tightly bundled that there is little extracellular space, and therefore vasogenic edema does not spread through it readily. Significant edema in a significant volume of brain may also cause serious problems because of the resulting increase in brain volume versus the fixed volumes of the intracranial compartments. A localized area of increased volume as a result of a primary pathology or the edema it incites may cause brain tissue to be deformed or to herniate from one compartment into another. Brain herniation involves direct physical deformation of the brain parenchyma, injury of the brain along the edges of dural reflections across which it is squeezed, pressure on other portions of the brain (especially the midbrain and medulla), and often compromise of its vascular supply. It may also compromise other structures such as cranial nerves, as in the classic blown pupil caused by transtentorial herniation of the uncus and parahippocampal gyrus of the medial temporal lobe. Brain herniations may lead to death, particularly in the cases of downward brainstem herniation or cerebellar tonsillar herniation, which compromise the medulla. Increased brain volume within the fixed volume of the calvaria may also cause death through an overall pressure effect. The brain becomes ischemic and dies when intracranial pressure approaches and exceeds arterial perfusion pressure; no blood for the brain is able to enter the cranium. For these reasons, evaluation of brain volume and other sources of mass effect is an important part of the neuroradiologic assessment of patients with a large variety of primary pathologies.


Neoplasms Intracranial neoplasms have been classified by a variety of methods, their anatomic locations and cells of origin being the bases of the most common classifications. Precise anatomic localization of an intracranial neoplasm is of fundamental importance in that this information gives one the best hope of being specific about the diagnosis and prognosis of the lesion. The wide availability, increased contrast sensitivity, and multiplanar capabilities of MRI have made this technique the procedure of choice for the initial evaluation of patients suspected of having an intracranial tumor. There is no routine MR method that optimizes the capabilities of the technology for detection of all tumors. Most protocols include T1-weighted, proton density, and T2-weighted images plus T1-weighted images with contrast enhancement; these examinations are best performed both with and without intravenous contrast. If properly used, MR is quite sensitive and can detect the great majority of these lesions. Magnetic resonance imaging can also provide information that in many instances allows accurate identification of the tumor's site of origin and more precise localization of its anatomic extent. Some tumors of the central nervous system (CNS) tend to have a predilection for certain anatomic sites, whereas others occur throughout the intracranial space. It is thus useful to identify a lesion's location and to define whether it is within (intraaxial) or outside (extraaxial) the brain. Nearly 70% of tumors in adults are supratentorial, but the reverse is the case in children. The most common primary tumors of the adult are astrocytomas and glioblastomas; in children, at least half of all such lesions are astrocytomas of the cerebellum or brainstem. In general, an extraaxial location of a neoplasm implies a more favorable prognosis than does an intraparenchymal location. 133 The incidence of various intracranial tumors as listed by Potts 125 is as follows: gliomas, 43%; meningiomas, 15%; pituitary adenomas, 13%; acoustic neuromas, 6.5%; congenital tumors, 4%; blood vessel tumors, 3%; and miscellaneous, 9%. These figures vary somewhat depending on the source (i.e., surgical versus autopsy series). 24 Supratentorial Tumors Gliomas Gliomas are graded histologically on a numerical scale, from 1 through 4, a higher number indicating a more malignant tumor histology. Grade 4 tumors are called glioblastoma multiforme; grade 3 tumors are anaplastic astrocytomas; and grades 1 and 2 are the more benign astrocytomas. 85 It is important to realize that in many instances variations of grades occur throughout any particular tumor; therefore, biopsy samples are subject to considerable error. Classification of these tumors can also be based on cell morphology (fibrillary or pilocytic) and on site of origin (supra- or infratentorial). These data provide additional information regarding their biological behavior and eventual prognosis. As is the case with the numerical grading scale, these classifications are not without fault; gliomas are seldom of a pure histologic type. Except for the juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma, which almost uniformly has an excellent prognosis, it is difficult to offer guidelines about the biological behavior of these tumors based on imaging studies. 113 Glioblastoma Multiforme and Anaplastic Astrocytoma Glioblastoma multiforme is an invasive, malignant tumor of astrocytic origin; it is the most common of the gliomas occurring above the tentorium, forming about 40% of all such tumors. The tumor occurs most frequently between the ages of 40 and 60 years. The duration of symptoms usually is short, with the time between onset and the initial examination averaging about 6 months. Glioblastoma may occur anywhere in the brain; it is characterized by its infiltrative nature and its ability to spread rapidly. Involvement of both cerebral hemispheres via spread across the corpus callosum is common. The tumor also may spread through the ventricular system or subarachnoid space. True multicentric tumors of this nature are rare. Unenhanced MR scans classically show the tumor margin to be low signal intensity on T1-weighted images and of much higher signal intensity than the surrounding brain on T2-weighted images; the increased signal intensity is related to vasogenic edema. The great majority of these tumors show marked enhancement following

administration of intravenous contrast medium. This enhancement occurs because of the tumor's neovascularity and the resulting increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier. On gadolinium-enhanced scans, the margins of the tumor are usually irregular and the pattern of the enhancement is heterogeneous. Evidence of mass effect is usually present. Some displacement of the ventricular system away from the lesion is typical; often there is gross distortion of the ventricle on the side of the lesion. When the tumor involves the frontal or parietal lobes, it is prone to extend across the midline through the corpus callosum so that deformity of the opposite ventricle may also be seen. The central areas of these tumors are often necrotic. Gross cysts sometimes occur but are relatively rare in untreated tumors (Fig. 11-6).160

FIG. 11-6. Glioblastoma multiforme. (A and B) Axial contrast-enhanced T1-weighted MR images demonstrate a large necrotic mass in the right posterior temporal region extending into the right parietal lobe ( arrows). There is dilation of the right temporal horn; the distal portion of the temporal horn is trapped as a result of compression of the atrium. (C and D) Axial T1-weighted images with contrast at a higher level reveal extension of the neoplasm into the splenium of the corpus callosum (arrow); (E and F) Axial T2-weighted images demonstrate high signal intensity associated with the neoplasm and the adjacent vasogenic edema. The heterogeneous areas of lower signal intensity centrally indicate regions of microhemorrhage and calcification ( arrow).

Magnetic resonance scans of glioblastomas more closely reflect the pathologic changes of hypercellularity, hemorrhage, necrosis, and hypervascularity than do CT scans. Thus, on these examinations, areas of cystic change, hemorrhage, and neovascularity are more commonly demonstrated than on CT scans. The MRI also allows more precise recognition of the tumor mass than does CT. It has been shown to be impossible, however, to accurately differentiate the infiltrating margin of these tumors from adjacent normal brain tissue. The angiographic findings in glioblastomas vary somewhat, but typically the tumor is very vascular, and a bizarre pattern of neovascularity with irregularly dilated arteries and early filling of dilated veins is seen. On angiography these tumors may appear to be well circumscribed, and the extent of neovascularity may vary greatly from one area to another. Avascular areas within a glioblastoma are usually the result of necrosis or cyst formation. Vascular displacements away from the area of the lesion with stretching and straightening of branches are a common observation. In some cases a diffuse stain or blush is seen during the late arterial or capillary phase. Angiography is now seldom required for either the diagnosis or management of tumors of this type. Anaplastic astrocytomas are the second most common glioma occurring above the tentorium. This grade represents approximately 32% of all such tumors ( Fig. 11-7).

FIG. 11-7. Anaplastic astrocytoma. (A and B) Axial contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images reveal a large right frontal mass resulting in compression of the corpus callosum and subfalcine herniation. ( C and D) The axial T2-weighted images reveal high signal intensity within the neoplasm with a small amount of surrounding edema. Analysis of the surgical specimen revealed a spectrum of histologic features. Portions of the tumor were characteristic of anaplastic astrocytoma, and other portions of the tumor were more indicative of a lower-grade astrocytoma.

Low-Grade Astrocytoma The duration of symptoms at the time of diagnosis averages 3 years for low-grade astrocytomas. These tumors may involve any part of the brain; depending on their topography and biological behavior, the radiographic features of these tumors are quite diverse. This section discusses astrocytomas occurring above the tentorium; others are discussed subsequently. Large cysts commonly form in astrocytomas, particularly in those of pilocytic type, and the cystic element may predominate in both the pathologic and radiographic appearance of the lesion. Calcification occurs in the minority of these tumors. The degree of contrast enhancement varies, depending on both the aggressiveness and the cellular makeup of the tumor. It is important to recognize that in these tumors as well as in other neoplasms of the CNS, the degree of enhancement tends to be more intense and more extensive in malignant than in benign tumors, although this feature does not reliably predict the malignancy of a particular tumor. 127 Depending on the size of the lesion, enhanced CT scans may be normal or show only mass effect, with displacement, distortion, or compression of the ventricular system. In some small or low-grade lesions, there is very little mass effect, and the tumor may be difficult or impossible to detect on CT scans ( Fig. 11-8). Because of its increased tissue contrast, MRI is more accurate than CT in demonstrating the gross borders of these tumors. Most astrocytomas are slightly hypointense on T1 and hyperintense on T2 images. The degree of homogeneity varies, with the more benign lesions tending to be homogeneous and the more malignant ones heterogeneous. The degree of adjacent edema also varies, with more malignant tumors being associated with considerable edema. Most show no enhancement.

FIG. 11-8. Low-grade astrocytoma. The patient presented with new onset of seizures ( A). The contrast-enhanced axial CT scan fails to demonstrate the medial left temporal lobe neoplasm. A small amount of mass effect associated with the uncus of the hippocampus can be appreciated ( arrow). (B and C) The axial T2-weighted

images clearly indicate a high-signal-intensity neoplasm extending along the parahippocampal gyrus ( arrows).

The juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma, a variety of tumor that occurs predominantly in children, has features that usually allow accurate diagnosis by MRI. The great majority of these tumors occur either in or adjacent to the visual pathways or posterior fossa; they are well defined; and they enhance markedly on both CT and MRI. Cyst formation is common. Regardless of their location, these tumors are low grade and only occasionally recur after complete resection. 92 They are discussed further in the sections on juxtasellar tumors and posterior fossa tumors. The angiographic features of astrocytomas depend on the histologic nature of the tumor; lesions with predominant malignant features show abnormalities quite similar to those described for glioblastomas; tumors with mixed benign and malignant features show intermediate changes; lesions of a benign nature show only evidence of avascular mass effect or no changes at all. In the capillary phase of the arteriogram, a tumor stain may be present, at times either in a nodular component of the lesion or, if the entire mass is solid, throughout the tumor. Only rarely is angiography required for either the diagnosis or management of these tumors. Oligodendroglioma Oligodendrogliomas make up about 7% of supratentorial gliomas. Most of them are found in adults, the average age at the time of diagnosis being 45 years. Oligodendrogliomas usually grow slowly, and the duration of symptoms before diagnosis averages 11 years. These tumors occur almost exclusively in the cerebral hemispheres, and there is a definite predilection for the frontal lobes. Because of its slow growth, calcification within the tumor occurs very frequently; the calcium usually is distributed in the form of coarse, irregular strands. As in astrocytoma, other types of calcification may also occur, and the pattern of calcification does not allow one to make a specific histologic diagnosis. 91 The findings on MR scans are similar to those seen in other glial neoplasms such as astrocytomas. Because of a lack of neovascularity and minimal disruption of the BBB, the enhancement following administration of intravenous contrast medium is usually only slight. The presence of heavy calcification may provide a clue about the nature of the lesion but, as already mentioned, is a nonspecific sign. The calcifications in these tumors are seen on spin-echo sequences as areas of low signal intensity that may be confused with the signal void of abnormal vessels. 93 Cystic or necrotic changes are rare unless the lesion has undergone malignant degeneration (Fig. 11-9).160

FIG. 11-9. Anaplastic oligodendroglioma. ( A and B) The axial T1-weighted images reveal minimal heterogeneous contrast enhancement. The central areas of low signal intensity indicate necrosis ( arrow); (C and D) The spin density images better delineate the extent of the vasogenic edema and the vascular structures within and adjacent to the neoplasm (arrows); (E and F) The axial T2-weighted images demonstrate that large portions of the left temporal lobe are involved by the neoplastic process.

Arteriography shows displacement of vessels away from the mass, with stretching of small adjacent branches. Seldom is there significant neovascularity; the interior of the tumor usually does not develop a tumor stain during the capillary phase of the angiogram. Miscellaneous Primary Supratentorial Tumors Gangliogliomas are low-grade neoplasms presenting in children and young adults. Frequently the lesion is detected as a result of the new onset of seizures. The lesions often contain cysts ( Fig. 11-10) and may be predominantly cystic with a mural nodule. The cyst is well delineated, and the nodule may contain calcification. Common locations include the temporal and frontal lobes 35,65,121.

FIG. 11-10. Exophytic temporal lobe ganglioglioma. ( A and B) Axial T1-weighted images with intravenous contrast enhancement identify a large mass originating from the medial aspect of the left temporal lobe. The lesion has both solid and cystic components. A large exophytic component extends through the tentorial incisura into the superior cerebellar cistern. The tumor has also compressed the atrium of the left lateral ventricle.

Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumors (DNETs) are benign lesions that are frequently associated with cortical dysplasia and have an appearance on MRI similar to that of a low-grade astrocytoma. The lesion is cortically based and shows low signal intensity on T1-weighted images and increased signal on T2-weighted images (Fig. 11-11).90,116

FIG. 11-11. Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor. The T1-weighted images indicate a well-circumscribed neoplasm originating in the cortical region ( arrows) The inner table of the skull has been remodeled in response to the mass, suggesting a slow-growing neoplasm.

Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma is an unusual distinct subtype of astrocytoma. This slow-growing tumor is generally considered benign and presents with slow progression of symptoms related to increasing mass effect. An enhancing nodule with a surrounding tumor cyst is the most typical appearance. 95,120 Ependymoma Ependymomas comprise about 5% of all supratentorial gliomas. The duration of symptoms at the time of diagnosis is usually relatively short, being less than 1 year in many cases. The average age at the time of diagnosis in supratentorial ependymomas is reported to be 30 years. Infratentorial ependymomas occur most frequently in children and adolescents and are much more common than are the supratentorial variety. Many supratentorial ependymomas probably arise from ependymal cell nests situated about the margins of the lateral ventricles; they frequently occur near the atrium of the lateral ventricle. Ependymomas often contain scattered small or punctate calcium deposits, which may be visible on unenhanced CT scans. On these scans, ependymomas most often are isodense or slightly hyperdense as compared with the adjacent normal brain. Cystic changes frequently occur, and at times the lesion may appear to be almost entirely cystic. Most ependymomas are enhanced to some degree following administration of intravenous contrast medium. These neoplasms show no specific signal characteristics on MRI, but the multiplanar capabilities of MRI are advantageous in demonstrating the location and pathway of spread of these tumors.143 Meningiomas Meningiomas are extraaxial tumors that arise from the arachnoid; the great majority of them are benign. Common locations of meningiomas include sites along the superior sagittal sinus, particularly in the posterior frontal and parietal areas and overlying the convexities of the cerebral hemispheres a short distance away from the midline. Other frequent sites for development of these tumors are in the region of the tuberculum sellae or just anterior to the tuberculum along the olfactory groove; along the edges of the sphenoidal ridge; and somewhat less frequently along the margins of the falx cerebri and the tentorium. Grossly, meningiomas vary in shape from a globular configuration to a flat type of growth, the so-called meningioma en plaque. Meningiomas usually receive a major portion of their blood supply from the arteries that supply the normal dura at the site from which they arise. Aggressive or malignant types of this tumor may also parasitize the vasculature of the adjacent brain. Meningiomas that arise from or adjacent to the dural sinuses may invade and obstruct these structures. Most meningiomas that arise near bone incite some type of osseous response, 58 most often hyperostosis (hypertrophy). They may invade the bone and occasionally will extend through it to form a hyperostotic density along the outer table of the skull. In other instances, extensive bone destruction is apparent; rarely, the bone overlying a meningioma is completely destroyed, with a soft-tissue mass bulging externally. Tumors that cause a pure hyperostotic type of bone reaction tend to recur infrequently, whereas those that cause a destructive or mixed bone reaction recur much more often. In 60% to 65% of patients with meningiomas, changes seen on plain films of the skull will strongly suggest both the diagnosis and location of the tumor; nevertheless, these studies are not indicated because they do not allow assessment of the tumor's size and thus are not of value in deciding on management. Likewise, angiography provides typical findings but is now rarely used for diagnostic purposes. Depending on the size, location, and likely vascularity of the tumor, angiography may be indicated to decide whether removal will be facilitated by preoperative embolization. Initial assessment of all these features is best performed by MRI,28,57 which allows more precise assessment of the extent, location, and vascularity of these tumors than does CT. Calcification within meningiomas is found in 15% to 20% of cases. The calcium deposits typically are in the form of small punctate densities that are rather uniformly distributed throughout the tumor mass. 138 These sandlike deposits are known as psammoma bodies and are in part responsible for the homogeneous increase in attenuation that is typical of the unenhanced CT appearance of these lesions. Some very slow-growing meningiomas form densely calcified masses, which may have little if any soft-tissue component. 11 On unenhanced CT scans, most meningiomas are homogeneous and show slightly increased attenuation. The degree of edema surrounding them varies greatly; some lesions cause marked edema of the adjacent brain, and others do not. This feature depends in part on their rate of growth. Scans usually show a relationship of the tumor to the dura. Following intravenous contrast administration, the typical meningioma is enhanced in a homogeneous manner, has very well-defined margins (Fig. 11-12), and frequently manifests an adjacent dural tail. Slow-growing, heavily calcified lesions may not show any enhancement; aggressive or malignant lesions often show heterogeneous enhancement.110,134

FIG. 11-12. Convexity meningioma. (A) The T2-weighted images show a relatively isointense tumor compared to normal brain tissue. The central low-signal-intensity structures (arrow) are hypertrophied meningeal vessels supplying the meningioma. ( B) The axial T1-weighted images with contrast reveal a homogeneously enhancing dural-based neoplasm. Note the thickened dura adjacent to the meningioma; an enhancing dural tail is commonly observed associated with meningiomas (arrow).

On MRI studies, meningiomas are typically isointense to slightly hypointense with respect to gray matter on T1-weighted images and isointense to hyperintense on proton density and T2-weighted images. 168 Most of these tumors have sharply defined margins and homogeneous signal intensities. 33 The ability to perform brain imaging in multiple projections without the presence of artifact created by the bone of the calvaria greatly improves the ability to define the full extent of these lesions, especially when they involve the skull base ( Fig. 11-13).157 Most meningiomas enhance significantly following administration of paramagnetic contrast medium. 23

Enhancement of the dura adjacent to the bulk of the tumor mass is a useful diagnostic sign ( Fig. 11-14 and Fig. 11-15).

FIG. 11-13. Planum sphenoidale meningioma. The sagittal T1-weighted images with intravenous contrast enhancement reveal a dural-based neoplasm arising from the planum sphenoidale. The lesion extends posteriorly into the suprasellar region, resulting in the compression of the optic chiasm. Note the dural tail extending from the anterior margin of the meningioma.

FIG. 11-14. Tentorial meningioma. (A) The T1-weighted image with intravenous contrast enhancement indicates a large, dural-based, homogeneously enhancing meningioma. The right transverse sinus also enhances, suggesting that flow may be altered within the dural sinus ( arrows). (B) Lateral view of the left external carotid arteriogram indicates hypertrophy of the posterior branch of the middle artery ( arrow). Note the starburst pattern of increased vascularity related to the arterial supply to the meningioma.

FIG. 11-15. Parasagittal meningioma with invasion of the sagittal sinus. The coronal T1-weighted image with intravenous contrast material reveals an en plaque meningioma extending along the right parietal convexity, obliterating the sagittal sinus and extending along the superior aspect of the parietal lobe. Note the lack of flow void in the region of the sagittal sinus.

The angiographic findings of the typical meningioma are quite characteristic: the major arterial supply is from dural arteries; tumor vessels are usually uniform so that opacification is relatively constant throughout the tumor; the arterial branches surround the tumor in an arclike manner, sending small tributaries toward the center of the mass; and parenchymal staining is dense. Nonetheless, angiography is not required in the diagnostic evaluation of meningiomas unless there is concern about the ability at surgery to control the arterial supply because of the location of the lesion. In these instances, a preoperative embolization procedure may be required (Fig. 11-16).

FIG. 11-16. Convexity meningioma arising from the pterion. (A) The axial T1-weighted image with intravenous contrast material indicates a large dural-based homogeneously enhancing mass. There are multiple central flow voids indicating hypertrophied vascular structures ( arrow). (B) The axial spin-density-weighted image indicates extensive edema involving the right basal ganglia structures and white matter of the right temporal lobe. ( C and D) The right common carotid arteriogram indicates a hyper vascular mass supplied by branches of the right middle meningeal artery ( arrowhead). Note the intense tumor stain (arrows).

Juxtasellar Tumors Pituitary Adenoma The classification of pituitary adenomas divides these lesions into two major groups, those that are hormonally active and those that are hormonally inactive. The active ones are then further divided according to the hormones they secrete. Depending on their size, pituitary adenomas are designated as either macroadenomas (>1 cm) or microadenomas (< 1 cm). Macroadenomas are the majority of hormonally inactive tumors and typically become clinically manifest as a result of their size,

causing compression of adjacent neural structures, especially the optic chiasm. Patients with microadenomas usually seek medical attention because of abnormal hormone secretion. Specific types of pituitary adenomas include prolactin-, growth-hormone-, and ACTH-secreting adenomas. Prolactinomas in women are associated with galactorrhea and amenorrhea; in men, they most often cause hypogonadism. Growth-hormone-secreting adenomas that occur before bone growth has ceased cause gigantism, whereas those that occur later result in acromegaly. ACTH-secreting tumors are associated with Cushing's disease. Most pituitary adenomas occur in adults. 8 Magnetic resonance imaging is the technique of choice for evaluation of the juxtasellar area. 36,40 On T1-weighted MR scans performed immediately following administration of intravenous gadolinium contrast medium, most pituitary microadenomas are seen as an area of reduced signal intensity within the enhancing pituitary gland. 137 This pattern is variable, however, with exceptions occurring as a result of hemorrhage, with differences in the tumor histology, and as a function of the time elapsed between administration of the contrast and performance of the scan. Other MR findings seen with microadenomas are an increase in the height of the gland (normally < 10 mm), alteration in the contour of the upper margin of the gland from concave or straight to convex, erosion of the floor of the sella turcica adjacent to an area of hypointensity, and displacement of the normally midline pituitary stalk away from an area of diminished enhancement in the gland ( Fig. 11-17). Considerable variation occurs in the size and configuration of the normal pituitary gland, especially in women of childbearing age; great care must be exercised in the diagnosis of pituitary microadenomas on the basis of MR scans performed without associated evidence of a hormonal abnormality. 131,147

FIG. 11-17. Prolactin-secreting pituitary microadenoma. The T1-weighted image with intravenous contrast enhancement reveals the low-signal-intensity lesion in the left lobe of the pituitary gland. There is an upward convex margin of the left lobe of the gland, indicating focal expansion ( arrow).

Depending on their size and pattern of growth, pituitary macroadenomas have a variable appearance on MR scans. Most of them are hypointense or isointense on unenhanced T1-weighted MR scans; following administration of intravenous gadolinium contrast medium, marked homogeneous enhancement is typical ( Fig. 11-18). Cystic or necrotic areas occur frequently in very large pituitary adenomas; on MR scans these appear as areas of reduced signal on T1-weighted images. Many macroadenomas have areas of high signal intensity on the T1-weighted images; this reflects the presence of prior hemorrhage ( Fig. 11-19).

FIG. 11-18. The coronal T1-weighted image with intravenous contrast enhancement reveals a large intrasellar mass. The lesion measures greater than 1 cm in diameter, indicating a pituitary macroadenoma. Note the expansion of the tumor into the sphenoid sinus. There is also extension into the suprasellar cistern with partial compression of the optic chiasm (arrows).

FIG. 11-19. Hemorrhagic pituitary macroadenoma. The sagittal T1-weighted images without intravenous contrast material indicate a high-signal-intensity intrasellar mass. Close inspection indicates a fluid level within this lesion ( arrow). The pituitary fossa has been expanded, and there is suprasellar extension. Transsphenoidal surgery revealed hemorrhagic fluid within a pituitary macroadenoma.

Macroadenomas are best imaged with MRI because this technique provides the best means for visualizing the relationship of these tumors to adjacent neural and vascular structures. The extent of a suprasellar tumor is easily demonstrated in both coronal and sagittal images. It is more difficult to be sure about lateral extension of these tumors. Displacement of the cavernous segments of the internal carotid arteries may occur without tumor invasion of the cavernous sinus ( Fig. 11-20). Abnormal signal intensity lateral to this segment of the artery, however, usually indicates extension of the tumor into the cavernous sinus.

FIG. 11-20. Growth-hormone-secreting pituitary macroadenoma with invasion of the left cavernous sinus. The coronal T1-weighted images without contrast indicate a convex outward margin of the left cavernous sinus (arrow). The left internal carotid artery is elevated, and the patient presented with cranial nerve dysfunction on the left.

Pituitary macroadenomas must be distinguished from other mass lesions that occur in the juxtasellar area, such as meningiomas ( Fig. 11-21), giant carotid aneurysms (Fig. 11-22), and optic gliomas (Fig. 11-23).73,80 In most instances, the use of sagittal and coronal scans and intravenous contrast medium allows this to be determined without difficulty because the relationship of the mass to adjacent structures as well as the presence or absence of any associated bony abnormality can be well assessed. Only occasionally is angiography required as part of the diagnostic evaluation of a suspected pituitary macroadenoma.

FIG. 11-21. Juxtasellar meningioma. (A and B) The homogeneously enhancing lesion has encased the supraclinoid carotid artery and extends along the dura of the right cavernous sinus. Encasement of the carotid artery and dural extension are common findings associated with juxtasellar meningiomas.

FIG. 11-22. Giant aneurysm extending into the suprasellar region ( A). The sagittal T1-weighted images indicate a heterogeneous mass resulting in upward compression of the floor of the third ventricle ( arrow). (B) The coronal T1-weighted image reveals a large flow void ( arrow) within the lesion, indicating a partially thrombosed giant suprasellar aneurysm.

FIG. 11-23. Optic nerve glioma in a patient with neurofibromatosis type 1. Note the marked expansion of the right optic nerve as a result of the diffuse pilocytic astrocytoma.

Optic Glioma Gliomas that involve the optic pathways are slow-growing tumors that occur most often in children with neurofibromatosis type 1. They may involve one or both optic nerves, the chiasm, optic tracts, or optic radiations. Because of their early occurrence and slow rate of growth, optic gliomas frequently are associated with enlargement of the optic foramina and alteration in the configuration of the pituitary fossa. It is often impossible to distinguish these tumors either by their behavior or by their location from a primary glioma of the hypothalamus. 135 Magnetic resonance imaging is the technique of choice for evaluation of the patient suspected of having an optic glioma. These tumors are usually isointense on T1-weighted images and hyperintense on T2-weighted scans. They occasionally enhance following intravenous contrast medium administration. 175 Craniopharyngioma This congenital tumor arises from remnants of Rathke's pouch. Craniopharyngioma is largely a tumor of childhood and adolescence; however, occurrence in older adults is by no means rare. In younger children the presenting complaint is often related to increased intracranial pressure; in older children and adults, symptoms are most often of a visual or endocrine nature. Delayed growth is the most common endocrine-related symptom associated with craniopharyngioma. 77 Calcification occurs in as many as 80% of children with this tumor; it is much less common in adults. Most craniopharyngiomas are suprasellar in location, but at least 10% to 15% are confined solely to the pituitary fossa. Cystic changes of either a unilocular or a multilocular nature occur very frequently. The CT scan appearance of these tumors is variable depending on the amount of calcification and cystic change present with the tumor. 46 Tumors that have extensive cystic change most often appear as well-defined areas of decreased attenuation with areas of calcification about their periphery ( Fig. 11-24). Tumors that are mostly solid are usually of increased attenuation on noncontrast scans.

FIG. 11-24. Suprasellar craniopharyngioma ( A). The axial CT images were obtained without intravenous contrast enhancement. There is dense calcification within the wall of the neoplasm (arrows). Note the dilation of the temporal horn secondary to obstructive hydrocephalus. ( B) The sagittal T1-weighted image indicates a large suprasellar neoplasm expanding the pituitary fossa and compressing the third ventricle. The lesion is relatively homogeneous in signal intensity. ( C) The axial T1-weighted image with intravenous contrast enhancement indicates enhancement of the cyst wall. There is a small amount of enhancement involving the adjacent floor of the third ventricle. Temporal horn dilation secondary to obstructive hydrocephalus is again noted.

As is the case in evaluation of pituitary adenomas, MRI is the technique of choice for the evaluation of craniopharyngiomas. Thin-section coronal and sagittal T1-weighted images are particularly helpful. Craniopharyngiomas have a variable appearance on MRI, depending on their degree of calcification as well as the extent of cystic changes in the tumor. Solid portions of craniopharyngiomas are usually heterogeneous, with calcifications appearing as low intensity on both T1- and T2-weighted images, while noncalcified portions are isointense or hypointense on T1 images and hyperintense on T2 images. Cystic portions of this tumor are often filled with a lipid-type fluid or old hemorrhage that is of high signal intensity on both T1- and T2-weighted images ( Fig. 11-25).1 Following intravenous contrast medium administration, the capsule of cystic tumors shows enhancement on both CT and MRI. Solid portions of these tumors often enhance in a homogeneous manner.

FIG. 11-25. Craniopharyngioma. The sagittal T1-weighted image without contrast material reveals a large suprasellar neoplasm with two regions of high signal intensity (arrows). Craniopharyngiomas frequently contain regions of high signal intensity on T1-weighted images secondary to lipid material within the tumor cyst. Portions of the lesion may also show high signal intensity secondary to blood breakdown products from prior intratumoral hemorrhage.

Other Supratentorial Tumors Tumors of the Pineal Gland Tumors of the pineal gland are rare, contributing approximately 0.5% to 1% of all intracranial tumors; they are usually manifested during the first three decades of life. Pineal region neoplasms originate from pineal parenchymal cells (pineoblastoma and pineocytoma), germ cells (germinomas, teratomas, embryonal carcinoma, choriocarcinoma), or glial cells. This is also a common site for lipomas. Germ-cell tumors are the most common type and occur much more often in men than in women. Synchronous germinomas can arise in the pineal region and from the infundibulum ( Fig. 11-26).146 Tumors arising from the pineal parenchymal cells occur in equal numbers in men and women. A variety of glial tumors also occur in the pineal region. Because many of these tumors tend to infiltrate diffusely, it is often impossible to determine from imaging studies whether a lesion has its origin within the pineal gland or the adjacent neural parenchyma (especially the midbrain tectal plate).

FIG. 11-26. Synchronous germinomas involving the floor of the third ventricle and pineal region. ( A and B) The sagittal T1-weighted images with intravenous contrast demonstrate abnormal enhancement involving the pineal region ( arrowheads). There is also enhancement involving the optic and infundibular recesses of the third ventricle with involvement of the optic chiasm ( arrowheads). (C and D) The coronal T1-weighted images with intravenous contrast material confirm the presence of optic chiasm involvement. The chiasm is enlarged and enhances diffusely ( arrowheads). The patient presented with diabetes insipidus.

Teratomas and most pineal parenchymal tumors (pineocytomas and pineoblastomas) show some degree of calcification. The observation of calcification in the region of the pineal gland in a child under the age of 7 years is thus somewhat suggestive of a neoplasm because the normal pineal gland usually does not calcify at this age.169 In one study, fewer than 11% of children between the ages of 11 and 14 had pineal calcification present on CT scans. 170 The ability of MRI to provide high-quality coronal and sagittal images has made it superior to CT for evaluating patients with pineal region tumors. 167 Multiplanar images greatly assist in the location of the apparent center of a mass and, therefore, are useful in judging the nature of its origin. However, the various types of pineal and pineal region tumors cannot be distinguished accurately on the basis of MR scan findings alone, except for teratomas, which are almost always partially cystic and are markedly heterogeneous in signal intensity because of the presence of hair, bone, and especially teeth. 141 Germinomas and pineoblastomas often are isointense with gray matter on both T1- and T2-weighted images. All may have calcifications, and most show significant enhancement following the administration of intravenous contrast medium. 56 The pattern of enhancement varies; some are homogeneous, but others are not; some have well-defined margins, but the margins of others are indistinct. Edema of the brain adjacent to a pineal tumor is unusual. Because of their relationship to the aqueduct of Sylvius, many of these tumors are associated with hydrocephalus. 49

Colloid Cyst Colloid cysts develop in the anterior portion of the third ventricle, usually arising from the roof. Because of its location, the lesion may block either one or, as is more often the case, both of the interventricular foramina, thereby causing hydrocephalus. In some instances obstruction is intermittent. This tumor shows no predilection for either sex and usually becomes manifest during adult life. 88 As seen on unenhanced CT scans, a colloid cyst characteristically appears as a well-demarcated, symmetric midline mass of increased density located at the level of the interventricular foramina. An occasional colloid cyst that is isodense with the adjacent brain has been reported. On contrast scans, the outer margin of the mass may enhance slightly (Fig. 11-27).48 Because the diagnosis of a colloid cyst depends primarily on the recognition of its location and the ability to discern that the adjacent brain is normal, the multiplanar nature of MRI alone makes it the technique of choice for evaluation of these lesions. The contents of colloid cysts are variable; therefore, their signal characteristics on MRI are not specific. 151

FIG. 11-27. Colloid cyst of the anterior third ventricle. The coronal T1-weighted image without contrast material reveals a high-signal-intensity lesion adjacent to the foramen of Monro. The well-circumscribed margins of the lesion and location support the diagnosis of colloid cyst.

Because colloid cysts are benign lesions that cause symptoms only as a result of the hydrocephalus they produce, it is important that they be recognized so that appropriate treatment may be attempted. Treatment may be either removal of the cyst or decompression of the hydrocephalus without cyst removal. 161 Astrocytomas that originate from the tissue around the interventricular foramen can usually be distinguished from colloid cysts because they typically are poorly defined, have indistinct margins, and are either isodense or hypodense on unenhanced CT scans. Epidermoid Tumor Epidermoids are congenital lesions derived from ectoderm. They are found more frequently as intradiploic lesions in the bones of the skull than as intracranial lesions; both are uncommon. There is no age or sex predilection. Desquamation of cholesterol-containing debris from the lining of this tumor accounts for its slow growth. Symptoms usually occur as the result of compression of adjacent neural structures. The most common location for an epidermoid is the cerebellopontine angle cistern. 50 Other sites of occurrence are the juxtasellar area or in one of the lateral ventricles or the fourth ventricle. 150 The CT density of an epidermoid is the same as or slightly lower than that of cerebrospinal fluid. Calcification of the tumor's margins is uncommon, but when it occurs, it is one feature that helps in distinguishing epidermoids from arachnoid cysts on CT scans. Characteristically, the surface of an epidermoid is rough and nodular, and some are cauliflower-like with deep clefts; arachnoid cysts are smooth. This difference has been used to make a definitive diagnosis using intrathecal contrast. Epidermoids do not enhance after administration of intravenous contrast medium. On MRI, epidermoids tend to have signal intensities that are similar to that of CSF on all pulse sequences; occasionally heterogeneous internal signal intensity can be observed. Dermoid Tumor Dermoids are rare congenital tumors derived from ectoderm and mesoderm. Almost all dermoids occur in the midline, and, like epidermoids, most of these tumors cause symptoms because of compression of adjacent neural structures. Occasionally, a dermoid may rupture spontaneously into either the ventricular system or the subarachnoid cisterns, causing an intense chemical ventriculitis or meningitis. The lining of these lesions contains hair follicles and glandular elements as well as squamous epithelium. On CT scan the density of dermoids is variable but typically is similar to that of fat. Dense calcification representing partially formed dental elements is seen within some dermoids, and calcification of a portion of the outer margin is commonly observed. 100 The characteristic fatlike signal intensities from the secretions of these tumors often allow an accurate diagnosis to be made with MRI. On both CT and MRI, fat-fluid levels are sometimes seen within some dermoids; their presence within the ventricular system indicates rupture. 32 Dermoids do not enhance following administration of intravenous contrast medium (Fig. 11-28).

FIG. 11-28. Suprasellar dermoid. (A) The sagittal T1-weighted image without intravenous contrast material reveals a high-signal-intensity suprasellar mass extending along the planum sphenoidale. ( B) Following the administration of intravenous contrast material and fat saturation, there is a small amount of enhancement along the peripheral aspects of the lesion ( arrow). The majority of the mass suppresses with fat saturation. A dermoid was encountered at surgery.

Lipoma Lipomas, lesions derived from mesoderm, occur infrequently. Like dermoids, they usually occur in the midline, the most common locations being the corpus callosum, the vermis, and the quadrigeminal cistern. The majority of lipomas are incidental findings. When they occur in the corpus callosum, they are often associated with callosal dysgenesis. The fat density or signal of these lesions gives them a characteristic appearance on both CT scans and MRI. Calcification is frequent in their periphery, especially in lipomas that occur in the corpus callosum. Infratentorial Tumors

Astrocytoma Astrocytoma is the most common primary infratentorial tumor. Astrocytomas of the brainstem and cerebellum account for as many as 50% of childhood tumors in some series. These tumors range in their biological behavior from very slow-growing nodules to diffusely infiltrating lesions. Their radiographic appearance depends primarily on their histologic nature but also is influenced by their location. 64 Astrocytomas of the brainstem occur most frequently in children but are not unusual in adults. They account for about one-third of all infratentorial tumors. They may originate at any level of the brainstem but are most common in the pons. Rapidly growing, diffusely infiltrating tumors (fibrillary astrocytomas) are more common than the slow-growing varieties. 44 Because of diffuse infiltration of these tumors, large segments of the brainstem are often found to be abnormal. At the time of diagnosis, the clinical signs and symptoms produced by brainstem astrocytomas are often mild in relation to the large size of the tumor. It is not uncommon to observe a low-grade astrocytoma involving the entire brainstem and even extending into both the cervical portion of the spinal cord and the cerebellum. Astrocytomas commonly form exophytic extensions along the surface of the brainstem and occasionally can simulate an extraaxial mass lesion. In very low-grade lesions, the only indication of the presence of an abnormality may be distortion of the shape and increase in the size of the involved brainstem segment ( Fig. 11-29).145 Calcification in brainstem astrocytomas is not observed as frequently as in the case of similar supratentorial tumors. Following the administration of intravenous gadolinium contrast medium, there is a variable pattern; higher-grade or malignant tumors tend to enhance intensely while those that are less aggressive enhance slightly or not at all. 9

FIG. 11-29. Brainstem glioma. (A) The axial T1-weighted image without intravenous contrast enhancement reveals marked expansion of the pons. The basilar artery has been enveloped by the neoplasm. There is a small amount of hemorrhage along the left lateral aspect of the neoplasm ( arrow). The fourth ventricle is also compressed by the lesion. (B) The axial T2-weighted image confirms the marked expansion of the brainstem. There is low signal intensity in the region of the hemorrhage, indicating intracellular methemoglobin.

MRI is more sensitive than CT for detection of both the presence and the extent of these tumors. On T1-weighted images, most of these lesions are hypointense: on T2 images they are hyperintense. Small cystic changes are not uncommon. Astrocytomas arising in the cerebellum are a common CNS tumor of childhood. Two major types of cerebellar astrocytoma exist. The most frequent is the pilocytic variety, which is well demarcated, benign, and often cystic. Less common is the diffusely infiltrative (fibrillary) variety that is poorly defined and often malignant. Calcification is unusual in either the solid or the cystic variety of this tumor. 108 Most of the lesions of either type arise in the cerebellar hemispheres. 69 On MRI the cystic pilocytic astrocytoma is seen as a well-circumscribed mass with signal characteristics that are similar to those of cerebrospinal fluid. Often there is a mural nodule; the nodule and rim of the cyst enhance after administration of intravenous contrast medium. Solid varieties of these tumors are hypointense on T1-weighted images and hyperintense on T2-weighted scans ( Fig. 11-30).5

FIG. 11-30. Pilocytic astrocytoma. (A and B) The axial T1-weighted images with intravenous contrast enhancement reveal an irregularly shaped nodule along the posterior aspect of the tumor cyst ( arrow). (C and D) The axial T2-weighted images confirm the presence of a large tumor cyst producing compression of the fourth ventricle. The nodule connects to several septations within the cystic portions of the neoplasm.

The infiltrating variety of cerebellar astrocytoma (fibrillary astrocytoma) has an appearance on MRI that is similar to that of its brainstem counterpart. Hemangioblastoma These benign tumors, found mostly in adults, occur most often in the cerebellum. They also occur regularly, however, in the brainstem and spinal cord; supratentorial occurrences are rare. These neoplasms are sometimes associated with the von Hippel-Lindau disease; in this setting the chance of their being multiple increases significantly (Fig. 11-31). As many as half of all hemangioblastomas are mostly cystic; the remainder are divided between those that are partially cystic and solid and those that are entirely solid. Regardless of whether they are cystic or solid, hemangioblastomas have extensive vascularity ( Fig. 11-32).75 The cystic variety typically has a well-defined mural nodule that receives its blood supply from adjacent pial vessels. At times the vascularity of these tumors is so extensive that the masses may simulate arteriovenous malformations. Calcification is usually not seen. 10

FIG. 11-31. Multiple hemangioblastomas in a patient with von Hippel-Lindau disease. The axial T1-weighted image reveals multiple hemangioblastomas ( arrows). There is a large cyst associated with the right cerebellar hemangioblastoma.

FIG. 11-32. Solitary hemangioblastoma. (A) There is a solitary enhancing lesion located in the posterior left cerebellar hemisphere. ( B) The left vertebral arteriogram indicates a hypervascular lesion with arteriovenous shunting. Note the early filling vein ( arrow) indicative of a hemangioblastoma.

These tumors vary in appearance depending primarily on whether they are cystic or solid. On noncontrast CT, lesions that are largely cystic appear as well-defined masses with attenuation similar to CSF; careful observation will usually reveal an isodense mural nodule. Solid hemangioblastomas are most often isodense. Likewise, on MRI, the cystic portion of a hemangioblastoma typically has signal characteristics that are the same as those of CSF. Solid portions of these tumors are usually hypointense to adjacent brain on T1-weighted scans and hyperintense on T2-weighted images. Following administration of intravenous contrast medium, the solid portion of a hemangioblastoma enhances intensely both on CT and T1-weighted MR scans. On the basis of MR findings alone, it may be difficult to distinguish a cystic cerebellar hemangioblastoma from a cystic cerebellar astrocytoma. Angiography usually allows this differential to be made because the mural nodule of a cystic hemangioblastoma typically has enlarged feeding arteries and draining veins, a feature not common in astrocytomas of this nature. 144 Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumors (Medulloblastoma) These malignant tumors, traditionally called medulloblastomas when they originate in the cerebellum, are the most common posterior fossa tumors of childhood and are unusual in adults. 87 They spread both by direct extension and by dissemination of tumor cells throughout the subarachnoid space. 129 The great majority of childhood medulloblastomas occur in the vermis along the roof of the fourth ventricle. Most medulloblastomas in adults originate more laterally in one of the cerebellar hemispheres. It is unusual for a medulloblastoma to have a significant cystic component, the majority of them being composed of densely cellular tissue; likewise, calcification within these tumors is not prominent. With increasing length of survival of patients with these as well as some other malignant tumors of the CNS, there are increasing reports of extraneural metastases, particularly to lymph nodes and bone. Osseous metastases from medulloblastomas occur chiefly in the axial skeleton and may be osteolytic, osteoblastic, or of mixed type. 118 Because most medulloblastomas originate in the cerebellar vermis and grow into the fourth ventricle, obstructive hydrocephalus is common and is frequently the cause of the initial complaint. 132 On MR scans the most typical appearance of a medulloblastoma is a midline vermian mass. As with other posterior fossa tumors, MRI is superior to CT for depicting the origin and full extent of these lesions. 97 Probably because of their dense cellularity and scant cytoplasm, most medulloblastomas are of somewhat lower signal intensity on T2-weighted images than are most other primary brain tumors. 105 Both the primary lesion and its parenchymal and subarachnoid metastases enhance markedly after administration of paramagnetic contrast medium ( Fig. 11-33). Except for their location, tumors that originate in the cerebellar hemispheres have a similar appearance. On enhanced CT scans medulloblastomas show an intense increase in their density and are seen to have sharply defined margins. Both the subarachnoid and subependymal metastases of these tumors enhance following administration of intravenous contrast medium. 108,173

FIG. 11-33. Medulloblastoma with leptomeningeal dissemination. ( A) The axial T1-weighted images with intravenous contrast material reveal residual medulloblastoma involving the posterior fourth ventricle. ( B) A higher section indicates metastatic disease producing leptomeningeal enhancement ( arrows). There are also large metastatic deposits within the suprasellar cistern and within the ventricular system. ( C) Slightly higher section confirms the presence of extensive disease involving the lateral ventricles.

Ependymoma From 60% to 75% of ependymomas occur in the posterior fossa and usually have their origin along the floor of the fourth ventricle. Except for location, they are similar in appearance to supratentorial ependymomas, which have already been described. Their tendency to spread along the outlets of the fourth ventricle and into the upper cervical spinal canal, along with the frequent occurrence of prominent calcifications, helps to differentiate some cases from medulloblastomas ( Fig. 11-34). As an additional differential point, the enhancement seen in these tumors tends to be less intense and more heterogeneous than that which occurs in medulloblastomas.115

FIG. 11-34. Extraventricular extension of fourth ventricular ependymoma. The sagittal T1-weighted images without intravenous contrast enhancement reveal a large neoplasm encasing the basilar artery and extending caudally along the premedullary cistern into the upper cervical subarachnoid space. The extension of the tumor out of forth ventricle and through the foramen magnum is characteristic of an ependymoma.

Schwannoma Schwannomas are benign tumors that occur along the course of cranial, spinal, and peripheral nerves. The previous designation of these tumors as neuromas or neurilemmomas is misleading and should not be used. The discussion that follows is limited to those tumors that involve the cranial nerves. 102 Schwannomas are primarily tumors of adults and occur considerably more often in women than in men, a 2:1 ratio being reported in some series. The eighth cranial nerve is most frequently involved; most of the other tumors occur on the fifth nerve. There is no explanation for the tendency of these tumors to occur in sensory nerves almost exclusively. Of those schwannomas that originate from the eighth cranial nerve, approximately 75% involve the vestibular division, usually its intracanalicular portion. Because of their location, eighth-nerve schwannomas often produce signs and symptoms when they are quite small. These include a characteristic hearing loss, tinnitus, and less often vertigo or dizziness. 107 Large eighth-nerve lesions may also cause dysfunction of the fifth and seventh cranial nerves. Schwannomas account for the great majority of tumors that occur in the cerebellopontine angle. The appearance of an eighth cranial nerve schwannoma on an unenhanced CT scan depends primarily on its size. Large lesions are visible because of obliteration of the ipsilateral cerebellopontine angle cistern, displacement of the brainstem and fourth ventricle, and widening of the contralateral cerebellopontine angle cistern. Small lesions may be occult or may manifest themselves only by enlargement of the ipsilateral internal auditory canal. Following administration of intravenous contrast medium, schwannomas enhance significantly. Very small tumors that are confined to the internal auditory canal may not, however, be visualized on even the best routine CT scans. Magnetic resonance imaging is, therefore, recommended over CT as the technique of choice for the evaluation of patients suspected of having a cerebellopontine angle lesion. 96 Most schwannomas are well seen on thin-section (3 mm) T1-weighted scans performed in either an axial or coronal projection ( Fig. 11-35). On T2-weighted images, these tumors have reduced signal intensity compared to cerebrospinal fluid and may thus be visualized on thin-section T2-weighted images. Because of almost constant, intense enhancement after administration of a gadolinium contrast medium, this technique allows visualization of very small tumors within both the cerebellopontine angle cistern and the internal auditory canal itself.

FIG. 11-35. Left eighth nerve schwannoma. The axial T1-weighted images with intravenous contrast enhancement reveal a left cerebellopontine angle mass in the left internal auditory canal. The internal auditory canal is expanded secondary to the neoplasm.

Except for location, schwannomas of the other cranial nerves appear similar on MRI and CT scan to those of the eighth nerve. The MRI is also the technique of choice for evaluation of these lesions. Other Intracranial Tumors Choroid Plexus Papilloma This rare, benign tumor, which usually occurs in children, may originate anywhere that choroid plexus occurs but is most often found within either the fourth ventricle or one of the lateral ventricles. It is often pedunculated, giving it some mobility. It is frequently associated with hydrocephalus, the cause of which may be both obstruction of cerebrospinal fluid circulation and overproduction of cerebrospinal fluid. Because these tumors are within the choroid plexus and thus outside the BBB, contrast enhancement is marked. 171 Choroid plexus papillomas typically have multiple areas of calcification and cystic changes. Their vascularity is usually prominent, and areas of hemorrhage are common. The MRI appearance of these lesions reflects these characteristics so that these tumors typically have heterogeneous signal intensities on both T1- and T2-weighted images. In many instances, prominent areas of hypointensity caused by either calcification or vascularity are present. Contrast enhancement is prominent. Angiography is sometimes indicated before surgical removal of these tumors to outline their extensive blood supply, which is derived from the choroidal arteries (Fig. 11-36).30

FIG. 11-36. Choroid plexus papilloma. ( A and B) The axial T1-weighted images with intravenous contrast enhancement reveal a large, irregularly lobulated mass within the right lateral ventricle. The ventricular system is enlarged, possibly secondary to overproduction of CSF.

Chordoma Chordomas are benign but locally invasive tumors that arise from intraosseous remnants of the notochord. Their most common locations are at either end of the spinal columnthe body of the sphenoid bone and clivus and the sacrococcygeal area. They grow slowly but cause extensive local bone destruction. Neurologic signs and

symptoms are produced as the result of the compression of local neural structures. On unenhanced CT scans, chordomas of the clivus and sphenoid bone appear as areas of bone destruction associated with an irregular soft tissue mass, which may extend into both the basilar cisterns and the nasopharynx. Calcification is usually present within the soft-tissue component of the tumor. Most chordomas are somewhat enhanced following administration of intravenous contrast medium. On occasion these tumors may invaginate the adjacent brainstem and, on the basis of axial CT scan findings alone, may be difficult to distinguish from an intraaxial mass. They may sometimes resemble a clivus meningioma. Although MRI is inferior to CT for demonstrating the bone destruction associated with these tumors, it is superior in defining the extent of the lesion and usually allows an accurate diagnosis to be made. Typically these lesions are hypointense on T1 images and are hyperintense on T2-weighted scans. Metastatic Tumors Metastasis of a remote primary tumor to the brain, its coverings, and the skull is common. Most metastatic tumors arise as the result of hematogenous spread; the initial tumor implants thus tend to occur in the distribution of end arteries, that is, at the gray-white matter junction and in the distribution of deep perforating arteries. Common primary sources are melanoma and tumors of the lung, breast, colon, and kidney. Carcinomas of the breast and lung account for over half of all metastatic brain tumors. There is wide variability in the CT and MR appearance of metastatic brain tumors. Among factors that influence this variation are the primary source of the tumor (i.e., its cellularity); vascularity and biological behavior; the number and location of the tumor(s) within the brain; and whether previous treatment has been directed to the area of the tumor. On unenhanced CT scans, metastatic tumors most often are seen as multiple (solitary metastases also occur commonly, up to 40%) fairly discrete areas of isodensity or slight hyperdensity surrounded by low-density edema that extends along and through the white matter; in the majority of metastatic tumors the edema is substantial. For reasons that are not clear, however, some metastases produce almost no edema; when isodense with the adjacent brain, these may be occult on scans performed without intravenous contrast. Except for metastases from primary osseous tumors (especially osteogenic sarcomas), calcification is unusual in untreated metastatic brain tumors. Some metastatic tumors show a tendency to hemorrhage spontaneously; these include melanoma, renal cell carcinoma, and choriocarcinoma. As is the case in unenhanced CT scans, the appearance of metastatic brain tumors on scans performed following the use of intravenous contrast medium varies. Most metastases will be enhanced to some degree, but the pattern that they exhibit shows great variability; enhancement may be ringlike or diffuse (either homogeneous or heterogeneous). Tumors in individuals being treated with corticosteroids may not enhance as intensely because of the medication's stabilizing effect on the BBB. Metastases to the brain may involve the subarachnoid space because of pial involvement ( Fig. 11-37).139 This may occur either as an isolated phenomenon or may be seen in association with parenchymal tumors. These pial implants appear on contrast-enhanced CT as either areas of nodular high density or as generalized enhancement occurring along the subarachnoid cisterns, fissures, and sulci. 148,149 Melanoma is one tumor that is particularly prone to this type of involvement. 126

FIG. 11-37. Leptomeningeal carcinomatosis from metastatic breast carcinoma. (A and B) The axial T1-weighted images with intravenous contrast enhancement reveal marked leptomeningeal enhancement. Note the enhancement of the pial surface of the midbrain and the enhancement of the fifth cranial nerve ( arrowheads). Lumbar puncture confirmed the diagnosis of leptomeningeal carcinomatosis.

Magnetic resonance imaging is more sensitive than CT for the detection of CNS metastatic tumors and is thus the technique of choice for evaluating patients suspected of having such disease. 166 While many metastatic tumors can be recognized on noncontrast-enhanced scans, the use of intravenous contrast medium increases detection of small and peripheral tumor deposits. 72 As is the case on CT scans, the appearance of metastatic tumors on MRI is variable. Typically, however, the tumor is seen as an area of hypointensity on T1-weighted images and heterogeneous hyperintensity on T2-weighted images. Surrounding most metastatic tumors is edema, which has less signal variation (i.e., it is more homogeneous than the tumor itself). Hemorrhage, cystic change, and necrosis are all common in metastatic tumors and account for the variable signal intensities of these lesions. Most metastases enhance following administration of intravenous contrast medium; as with CT, the pattern of enhancement is variable. On the basis of CT or MRI scan findings alone, it is impossible to predict with accuracy the primary source of a metastatic tumor. Likewise, a solitary metastasis cannot reliably be distinguished from a primary neoplasm of the brain ( Fig. 11-38).

FIG. 11-38. Solitary metastasis to the left occipital lobe secondary to breast carcinoma. Note the relatively well-circumscribed enhancement and surrounding vasogenic edema. The lesion is located at the gray-white junction, a common location for metastatic disease.

Lymphoma In the absence of clinical or radiologic evidence of systemic disease, involvement of the CNS by non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is designated primary CNS lymphoma. This previously unusual lesion, representing fewer than 2% of all brain tumors, is now occurring with increasing frequency because of the AIDS epidemic. Patients who are immunocompromised are at increased risk for the occurrence of both systemic and primary CNS lymphoma. A significant number of these tumors are multicentric at the time of their diagnosis. Although some primary CNS lymphomas are responsive to treatment, the overall prognosis is worse than for tumors with similar histology occurring outside the CNS. 18 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma that occurs in the CNS as the result of spread of systemic disease is also uncommon. This type of involvement occurs most often with tumors of diffuse histology and in patients with advanced disease. Hodgkin's disease rarely involves either the brain or the meninges but is more frequent in the latter

site.81 All types of lymphoma are found most frequently in the cerebral hemispheres, with the basal ganglia, corpus callosum, and periventricular white matter being the areas that are especially likely to be involved. 130 On CT scans performed without contrast medium, these tumors are isodense to hyperdense. Following the administration of intravenous contrast medium, they typically are enhanced significantly ( Fig. 11-39). The pattern of enhancement varies but is generally marked and (except in patients with AIDS) usually homogeneous. On CT scan some primary lymphomas may closely mimic a meningioma. 29,104

FIG. 11-39. Primary intracranial lymphoma. ( A) The axial CT image without contrast material indicates expansion of the splenium of the corpus callosum. The lesion is hyperdense on the noncontrast exam. (B) Following contrast enhancement, there is very intense enhancement of the lesion with edema extending into the adjacent white matter.

On MRI, lymphomas tend to show hypointensity on T1-weighted images and to be hyperintense on T2-weighted scans. Almost all lymphomas enhance following administration of intravenous paramagnetic contrast medium. There are no specific signs that allow differentiation of CNS lymphomas from other neoplasms of the brain by MRI. 31 Leukemia With increasing survival of patients with many types of leukemia, CNS complications are of increasing incidence and significance. The major CNS complications of leukemia are infections, hemorrhages, parenchymal or subarachnoid leukemic infiltrations, and abnormalities related to therapy. Mild hydrocephalus is common. Computed tomographic scans are effective in demonstrating most of these, and the technique plays an important role in the management of such patients. 67,117 However, MRI is superior to CT for demonstration of parenchymal or subarachnoid infiltrations; it is less efficient in detection of small recent hemorrhages. Arachnoid Cysts Intracranial arachnoid cysts are found in various locations, with the most common being within the middle cranial fossa and sylvian fissure. Other sites of involvement are the cerebellopontine angle cisterns, the suprasellar region and choroidal fissures, the pericollicular area, and the interhemispheric fissure. The majority of arachnoid cysts are congenital. The symptoms they produce depend on both their size and location; it is by compression of the adjacent neural structures that they cause neurologic dysfunction. On CT scan they appear as well-demarcated, thin-walled masses with attenuation values the same as those of cerebrospinal fluid. They do not contain calcium or fat, and their margins are not enhanced following administration of intravenous contrast medium. Large arachnoid cysts may cause deformity of the adjacent calvaria. Some arachnoid cysts communicate freely with the subarachnoid space and ventricular system, whereas others are at least partially isolated. Computed tomographic scans performed with low doses of water-soluble contrast medium in the intracranial subarachnoid space are valuable in determining the cerebrospinal fluid dynamics associated with these lesions. 52,94 Largely because of their multiplanar nature, arachnoid cysts are demonstrated more clearly on MRI than on CT; their signal characteristics match those of CSF on all pulse sequences ( Fig. 11-40).

FIG. 11-40. (A) Sagittal T1-, (B) axial proton density, and ( C) axial T2-weighted images from a patient with a quadrigeminal cistern arachnoid cyst. The signal characteristics of the lesion follow those of cerebrospinal fluid. Signal from adjacent vascular and dural structures accounts for the low-signal intensity areas seen around the anterior margin of the lesion on the axial images.

Dementia Alzheimer's Disease Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of both presenile (onset before the age of 60) and senile dementia. Clinically, it is characterized by the gradual and relentless progression of cognitive impairment; by the terminal phase of the disease patients are totally dependent. Histologically, the differences between the findings in dementia of the Alzheimer type and those that occur with normal aging are quantitatively different but qualitatively the same (neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques). Both CT and MRI scans of patients with Alzheimer's disease are often normal, or they may show enlargement of the lateral and third ventricles and prominence of cortical sulci. The severity of these changes varies greatly, and they overlap with those that occur with aging. Recent studies indicate that structural (i.e., atrophic) changes in the temporal lobe, particularly the hippocampus, occur in Alzheimer's disease; high-resolution coronal MRI allows one to make hippocampal volume measurements. Perfusion and metabolic imaging with PET and SPECT show a characteristic pattern of early involvement of the temporal-parietal association cortices with later severe involvement of the prefrontal areas 27,89; in the earlier stages there are no anatomic correlates to the physiological deficits. Ischemic Dementia Atherosclerotic cerebrovascular disease, particularly when associated with chronic hypertension, is a common etiologic factor in dementia. Loss of intellectual capacity is frequently noted in patients who suffer large bilateral infarcts; cognitive decline is often stepwise as discrete infarcts accrue. Diffuse subcortical ischemic damage without large cortical strokes may also cause a slowly progressive dementing illness, which has been termed Binswanger's disease, 98 and these may occur together. 19 On CT and MR scans, patients with ischemic dementia have abnormal density or signal in large areas of the cerebral hemispheres. In multi-infarct dementia, these areas of infarction may involve the cortex, white matter, and basal ganglia. In classic Binswanger's disease the areas of ischemic damage are

confined to perforating vessel territories (i.e., the basal ganglia and deep white matter with sparing of the immediate subcortical tissue). Physiological imaging of patients with ischemic dementia tends to show a patchy pattern that corresponds to the multitude of ischemic lesions. 55,89 Other Causes of Dementia It should be emphasized that there is marked overlap in findings seen on imaging studies of many patients with Alzheimer's disease, multi-infarct dementia, and Binswanger's disease. The pathologic processes often coexist in older persons, and many cases of dementia are apparently of mixed cause. It is seldom that an accurate diagnosis can be made on the basis of anatomic imaging studies alone. 14 There are many other causes of acute or chronic loss of memory and cognitive function. Some, such as Huntington's disease (with severe caudate nucleus atrophy), Pick's disease (with extreme atrophy of the prefrontal and anterior temporal areas), occasional large frontal lobe neoplasms, and subdural hematomas and other traumatic injuries result in changes in the brain that are recognizable on routine CT and MRI scans. Other causes of dementia such as Parkinson's disease or chronic viral illnesses, or the dementia or delirium caused by a large variety of metabolic disorders, may produce no anatomic findings at all or only nonspecific volume loss. The pseudodementia of depression is also without findings on routine neuroimaging. White Matter Disease Multiple Sclerosis Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common demyelinating disease. The age of clinical onset of symptoms is most often after the age of 20 and before the age of 50; women are more often affected than are men. The disease is characterized clinically by exacerbations and remissions, and pathologically by multiple plaques representing areas of demyelination and varying inflammatory activity. Although the distribution of demyelination seen in multiple sclerosis is somewhat random, there is a tendency toward involvement of the periventricular white matter, the corpus callosum, and the visual system from optic nerves to the occipital lobes. The spinal cord is also frequently a site of involvement. Symptomatic cord involvement may occur with asymptomatic brain lesions, so that brain imaging in suspected MS is generally indicated. The lesions of MS have some tendency to be symmetric. Older imaging techniques had little place in the diagnostic evaluation of patients suspected to have MS, but MRI has proved to be sensitive for demonstrating multiple sclerosis plaques as an aid to diagnosis and is also useful for follow-up of patients receiving experimental therapies for this disease. The MS plaques are well seen as high-signal lesions on long-TR images ( Fig. 11-41) and are especially well demonstrated by flair sequences. Acute plaques (areas of active demyelination) often enhance following administration of intravenous contrast medium. The number and distribution of areas of demyelination do not accurately correlate with the clinical severity of the disease. On occasion, solitary plaques of multiple sclerosis may present as a large mass lesion. It is emphasized that there are no specific MRI findings of multiple sclerosis, and numerous other white-matter diseases may simulate this condition. 51

FIG. 11-41. Multiple sclerosis. ( A) Midline sagittal image using a flair sequence. MS plaques are visible in the genu and splenium of the corpus callosum. ( B) Sagittal flair image through the lateral ventricle shows the typical pattern of plaques radiating outward from the ventricular surface. ( C) Proton density fast spin echo image just above the ventricles, showing plaques in their typical axial appearance.

Necrotizing Leukoencephalopathy Necrotizing leukoencephalopathy is a disease that occurs primarily in children who have leukemia. It is seen most often in those who have been treated with a combination of cranial radiation and methotrexate. The outcome of the disease is variable. On CT scan necrotizing leukoencephalopathy is characterized by diffuse areas of hypodensity in the white matter; as the disease progresses, white-matter calcifications become common. During the active phase of the disease, contrast enhancement is typical, but the pattern is variable. 67,84 As is true for other white-matter diseases, MRI is more sensitive than CT for detection of necrotizing leukoencephalopathy; early lesions have increased signal on T2-weighted images. Toxic/Metabolic Demyelination Various toxic and metabolic abnormalities, especially large electrolyte shifts, can cause damage to myelin sheaths in the CNS. The best-known example is central pontine myelinolysis (CPM), which was originally a disease of treated alcoholics with massive sodium shifts 76 and has been seen in more recent years in liver transplant patients. Extrapontine myelinolysis is also seen in similar circumstances. 76,86 Other White-Matter Diseases Many other diseases involve the white matter either by destruction of normal myelin (myelinoclastic or demyelinating diseases) or because of inadequate myelin formation or maintenance (dysmyelinating diseases). The white-matter lesions of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) and AIDS are discussed in the section on brain infections; dysmyelinating diseases are touched on in the section on congenital diseases. A full discussion of white-matter diseases is beyond the scope of an introductory text; their radiographic manifestations are discussed in detail elsewhere. 38,39,114,158,163 Trauma Until recently, CT had supplanted all other radiographic techniques as a method for the diagnostic evaluation of patients with head trauma, whether acute or chronic. However, MRI is now gradually supplanting this role. In spite of the demonstrated superiority of MRI over CT for detection of posttraumatic injuries, CT remains the technique of choice for the initial assessment of patients with severe head injury. This is true both because a CT examination is faster than an MR scan and because it also allows accurate recognition of those patients who require acute neurosurgical intervention (i.e., hematoma evacuation). Following stabilization, patients who have had significant head injuries or who have unexplained neurologic deficits may benefit from an MRI examination because this technique has been shown to depict the full extent of injury to the brain more effectively than CT. 53 It is now possible to clearly visualize both the direct and the indirect effects of trauma on the brain with currently available CT and MRI techniques. Subarachnoid, intraparenchymal, and extraaxial (subdural and epidural) hemorrhages can occur as the result of both closed-head injury and penetrating trauma. These types of injuries are usually best evaluated with CT scanning. Contusions, diffuse axonal shearing injuries, and diffuse swelling of the brain also commonly occur after significant trauma. These types of injuries are often more clearly demonstrated with MRI than with CT scans. Traumatic parenchymal hematomas appear as clearly defined areas of increased density on CT scans. In the acute stage, their margins are usually irregular but very distinct, and there usually is little surrounding edema. Acute hematomas are typically very homogeneous in character unless there is impairment of the clotting mechanism. Traumatic intraparenchymal hematomas occur most frequently in the inferior aspects of the frontal and temporal lobes and in the basal ganglia.

Significant head injuries may be associated with the development of extraventricular obstructive hydrocephalus because of the associated arachnoid scarring, which causes blockage of the cerebrospinal fluid absorptive pathways. Shearing injuries are the result of severe stresses placed on the axons by rotational acceleration/deceleration of the brain. 172 Both axons and small penetrating vessels are susceptible to shearing injury as the brain is suddenly rotated during high-velocity trauma. The result of this type of injury is multiple, small, well-defined areas of edema and petecchial hemorrhages. The areas of the brain that are susceptible to injury tend to occur in the corticomedullary junctions, corpus callosum, and upper brainstem. Shearing injuries often reflect severe and extensive damage to the brain and are frequently associated with severe neurologic deficits ( Fig. 11-42).

FIG. 11-42. (A) Axial noncontrast computed tomogram of a patient with severe head trauma. A hemorrhagic contusion is present in the left frontal lobe adjacent to the orbital roof. Two small hematomas are present in the left temporal lobe; there is blood in the posterior portions of both lateral ventricles. ( B) Computed tomographic section at a higher level shows multiple white matter hemorrhages.

Contusions of the brain are often noted in those patients who have experienced significant head trauma. These lesions may not be visualized with CT scans performed shortly after an injury unless the contusions are very large or are associated with significant hemorrhage. After 1 to 2 hours, they become more apparent, appearing as areas of mixed low and high density because of the presence of small hemorrhages with surrounding edema. These injuries tend to be superficial and occur adjacent to bony prominences. They are especially frequent in the portions of the frontal and temporal lobes that lie next to the calvaria ( Fig. 11-42). Enlargement of a hematoma in an area of contusion occurring 24 to 72 hours following an initial injury is one of the complications associated with closed-head trauma. Computed tomography allows excellent detection and evaluation of intracranial foreign bodies and depressed skull fractures, making other radiographic techniques seldom needed in these conditions. Subdural Hematoma Bleeding into the subdural space is a frequent complication of head injury, resulting in the formation of a subdural hematoma. These lesions are most common over the convexity of the cerebral hemisphere but may develop at any site over the surface of the brain. They occur infrequently, however, in the posterior fossa. Bilateral subdural hematomas are not uncommon, occurring in approximately 20% of patients. The early use of CT scanning in those patients suffering from acute head trauma has significantly reduced the previously high mortality rate associated with acute subdural hematomas. The appearance of a subdural hematoma on CT depends on several important factors: the age of the blood, whether repeated episodes of bleeding have occurred, whether the lesion is unilateral or bilateral, and the level of the patient's hematocrit at the time of the injury. It is most useful to divide subdural hematomas into those that are hyperdense, isodense, and hypodense in relation to the adjacent area of the brain. 61 Blood within the subdural space is hyperdense in its early stage (110 days). Over a period of one to three weeks, the subdural blood becomes isodense. After one month, it appears as hypodense to brain tissue. There is extensive variation of this sequence of events due to occasional rebleeding into a subdural hematoma. The hematoma may also show differences in the attenuation values of blood caused by the hematocrit effect. Using CT scan criteria it is sometimes difficult to accurately classify subdural hematomas as acute, subacute, or chronic. In the majority of instances, however, hyperdense subdural collections have occurred recently, isodense lesions will have been present for at least several days, and hypodense lesions are likely to be of a chronic nature. With the exception of those instances in which the patient has a very low hematocrit, subdural hematomas studied with CT soon after their occurrence appear as hyperdense collections having a crescentic configuration. The degree of mass effect present in association with these lesions is almost always greater than that which can be accounted for on the basis of the size of the hematoma, a reflection of the underlying brain swelling and injury that accompanies these injuries. The medial margin of very large lesions may sometimes be straight or even convex, thus somewhat simulating an epidural collection. If scans are performed soon after the injury or if there are disorders of the coagulation system, the subdural collection may be heterogeneous, a phenomenon thought to be due to the presence of incomplete clotting within the hematoma (Fig. 11-43).

FIG. 11-43. Axial noncontrast computed tomogram shows a large subdural hematoma extending over the entire lateral surface of the left cerebral hemisphere. A sedimentation level is seen in this acute subdural hematoma of a patient whose clotting function was impaired.

Although they are encountered infrequently, it is important to be aware of the existence of isodense subdural hematomas because they may be occult, even on high quality CT scans. Unilateral effacement of cortical sulci, asymmetries in the gray-white matter junction, ventricular asymmetries, and unilateral mass effect are all signs that serve to alert one to the presence of a unilateral, isodense, subdural hematoma ( Fig. 11-44).60 Bilateral lesions of this nature may be more difficult to recognize. In older adults, the presence of a supernormal-appearing scan (i.e., one in which the cortical sulci and ventricular system appear like those of a much younger person) is one clue that such lesions may be present. The administration of intravenous contrast medium is valuable in that it results in opacification of the cortical vessels, thereby allowing good definition of the margins of the brain. The MRI is now the study of choice for evaluation of suspected isodense subdural hematomas.

FIG. 11-44. (A) Axial noncontrast computed tomogram shows inward displacement of the gray white matter junction of the left cerebral hemisphere. Although most of this chronic subdural hematoma is isodense, a small sedimentation level is apparent in its posterior portion. ( B) Computed tomographic section at the same level as A performed after administration of intravenous contrast medium. There is now good visualization of the lateral margin of the left cerebral hemisphere, which is marked by opacified cortical veins.

Chronic subdural hematomas usually appear on CT scans as well-defined crescentic collections. These lesions are hypodense as compared with those of the adjacent brain. As is the case with acute lesions, a very large chronic subdural hematoma may have a straight or even concave medial margin. In particular, certain scar-encapsulated subdural hematomas swell from osmotic forces as the blood breaks down, leading to a biconvex collection of the same shape as an epidural hematoma, though of water density. Compartmentalization and heterogeneous density or signal within the hematoma may indicate episodes of rebleeding. Occasionally, sedimentation levels are seen in dependent portions of such lesions. Calcification of the margins of these lesions frequently occurs. On MRI, subdural hematomas that appear hypodense on CT will have a high signal intensity on T1-weighted images because of the methemoglobin that they contain. Because of its sensitivity in detecting blood degradation products of different ages, MRI is more sensitive than CT for identification of subdural hematomas that have undergone multiple episodes of bleeding. These lesions are seen as having multiple foci of different signal intensities characteristic of hemoglobin breakdown products of different ages. The membranes separating these areas have low signal intensities on images made with all pulse sequences. Subdural Hygroma A subdural hygroma represents the accumulation of clear fluid in the subdural space. It is observed in up to 10% of patients following head trauma. It may be hard to separate from a chronic subdural hematoma on CT. These lesions are much easier to evaluate with MRI. The etiology is thought to be from traumatic tearing of the arachnoid membrane, which allows accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the subdural space. The mechanisms causing those that are noted in the absence of trauma are poorly understood but may include birth injury, congenital lesion, or minimal unrecognized trauma. Subdural hygromas are usually not symptomatic, and with time they resolve spontaneously. Except for their size, subdural hygromas appear similar on CT scan to the description given for chronic subdural hematomas. These lesions should not be confused with atrophic changes because the CT scan appearance of the two conditions is quite different ( Fig. 11-45). Atrophy produces widening of the cortical sulci, and the involved gyri are not significantly displaced away from the margin of the calvaria. Subdural hygromas can occasionally cause mass effect, displace the brain away from the skull margin, and obliterate the adjacent sulci.

FIG. 11-45. Axial noncontrast computed tomogram shows a small, low-density, extra axial collection over the right frontal lobe. There is slight mass effect and the adjacent sulci are compressed.

Epidural Hematoma Epidural hematomas occur as a result of injury to meningeal vessels and are most often the result of arterial rather than venous disruptions. The most common location of an epidural hematoma is over the lateral surface of the cerebral hemispheres, but, like subdural hematomas, they may occur in other places as well. In the first hour after injury a CT scan may show portions of the blood to be low in density on CT, denoting that the hematoma has not yet clotted or is still bleeding (hyperacute hematoma) (Fig. 11-46). This finding indicates a neurosurgical emergency. After 1 to 2 hours an epidural hematoma is mostly hyperdense (acute hematoma) on CT scans. Acute epidural hematomas can rarely be hypodense on CT scans in patients with severe anemia or disseminated intravascular coagulation. Because they occur between the dura and the calvaria, epidural hematomas are more constrained than subdural collections. This is the explanation for their typical biconvex configuration. It also accounts for the observation that they sometimes cross the midline because they can cross external to the reflection of the falx. Epidural hematomas do not usually cross sutures unless the meningeal artery is injured at another site. Angiography is no longer performed in the evaluation of patients with either subdural or epidural hematomas.

FIG. 11-46. Axial noncontrast computed tomogram shows an acute epidural hematoma over the lateral surface of the right cerebral hemisphere. The nonhomogeneous attenuation levels within it are the result of incomplete clotting.

Carotid Cavernous Fistula The internal carotid artery is situated so that a fracture of the walls of the carotid canal can easily result in laceration of the intracavernous internal carotid artery. This allows the high-pressure arterial blood to be shunted into the low-pressure cavernous sinus, creating an internal carotid artery-cavernous sinus fistula (carotid-cavernous fistula). Patients presenting with carotid-cavernous fistulas have usually suffered severe head trauma. Abnormal communications may also occur between the meningeal branches of the external carotid arteries and the cavernous sinus; these fistulae are, however, usually unrelated to trauma and are usually lower in pressure. Fistulae between the internal carotid artery and the cavernous sinus are usually high-flow lesions that produce striking ocular signs and symptoms.34 Endovascular techniques are the treatment of choice for treating carotid cavernous sinus fistula ( Fig. 11-47).

FIG. 11-47. (A) Left internal carotid lateral digital subtraction arteriogram shows rapid opacification of the cavernous sinus and both the superior and inferior ophthalmic veins (arrows). There is a tear in the cavernous segment of the internal carotid artery. ( B) Left internal carotid lateral digital subtraction arteriogram performed following detachment of a balloon within the cavernous sinus. The fistula is occluded and the internal carotid artery now appears normal. The margins of the balloon are faintly seen ( arrows).

The CT and MRI findings of a high-flow internal carotid artery-cavernous sinus fistula include enlargement of the cavernous sinus and the ipsilateral superior ophthalmic vein; proptosis may also be present. Depending on their size, dural or indirect fistulas may show similar findings or may be occult on both CT and MRI scans. Angiography provides the definitive diagnosis in both of these conditions. Child Abuse Nonaccidental trauma in the young child can take many forms. One of the most specific neuroradiologic findings is subdural hemorrhage, especially interhemispheric in location, in the absence of severe explanatory trauma such as a motor vehicle accident ( Fig. 11-48). Injuries caused by choking, squeezing, and throwing are often associated. The radiologist must be careful to identify the additional resulting brain lesions, often ischemic, because these have a major impact on prognosis.

FIG. 11-48. Shaken baby. Axial nonenhanced CT shows a large amount of acute subdural hemorrhage, both between the hemispheres and over the convexities. There is also diminished density and loss of gray-white differentiation in the left hemisphere because of associated hypoxic-ischemic injury.

Infectious Diseases The major classes of infection are well known to the physician: pyogenic, atypical bacterial, fungal, viral, parasitic. All of these affect the brain and its surroundings, as do the prion (previously called slow virus) diseases. The latter do not cause specific radiologic findings and are not discussed further in this chapter. In utero and perinatal infections are discussed in the section on congenital diseases. Because the imaging manifestations of CNS infection are limited in number, the information provided by diagnostic neuroimaging can be optimized only in the clinical setting in which an infectious illness occurs and is known. The role of imaging techniques in the diagnosis and management of patients with CNS infections is discussed elsewhere. 7,41,74,114,164 Meningitis, as the term is usually applied, refers to infection in the subarachnoid space; it therefore involves primarily the leptomeninges. The brain parenchyma, dura, and the subdural and epidural spaces may be secondarily involved. Depending on the virulence of a particular infection, the imaging findings are highly variable. At the most severe extreme there may be striking pial and ependymal enhancement, abnormal signal or density in the CSF caused by high protein content or frank pus, secondary brain edema, or strokes from the vasospasm caused by the CSF infection ( Fig. 11-49). Chronic fungal meningitis such as cryptococcus, at the other extreme, may cause no imaging findings or merely minimal ventricular enlargement. Findings caused by specific infectious agents are discussed below.

FIG. 11-49. Pyogenic meningitis. (A and B) Postcontrast axial CT images. Though this extreme case looks superficially like subarachnoid hemorrhage, the high-attenuation appearance of the pial surfaces and filling the subarachnoid spaces is abnormal enhancement caused by the meningitis; it was not present on noncontrast images. Patchy diminished density in the brain parenchyma may represent encephalitis or ischemic lesions from vasospasm caused by the subarachnoid infection.

Subdural and Epidural Empyema Although suppurative infections in the subdural or epidural space are uncommon, it is important that they be recognized because, untreated, they are associated with high mortality. Infections of this nature may occur in association with osteomyelitis of the skull, sinusitis, meningitis, or penetrating trauma. In general, on CT and MR scans, these lesions appear as extraaxial fluid collections; in the subdural space they may extend into the interhemispheric fissure or along the margins of the tentorium. Following administration of intravenous contrast medium, variable enhancement is seen about the margins of both subdural and epidural empyemas. Abnormal signal or density is often present within the adjacent brain. 99,174 Subdural empyemas, like subdural hematomas, are limited by the attachments of the dura; this may be the only way to distinguish an epidural from a subdural suppurative process. Cerebritis and Brain Abscess Primary cerebritis or (more generally) encephalitis is also seen in infections with various pathogens, or combined meningoencephalitis may be present at the time of imaging. Depending on the infectious agent, there may be primary involvement of white matter or gray matter; either a great or small amount of edema; and the presence or absence of enhancement or necrosis. Several specific examples are discussed below. Brain abscesses occur most frequently because of hematogenous dissemination of infectious agents, often from the lungs. They may also result from the direct spread of an infection from a location such as a paranasal sinus or the middle ear. Abscesses that develop from the hematogenous spread of microorganisms occur most frequently in the cerebral hemispheres, along the corticomedullary junction, and in the basal ganglia. A wide variety of organisms has been associated with brain abscesses; none of these produce totally characteristic radiographic findings. Immunosuppression, cyanotic heart disease, and pulmonary arteriovenous fistulas predispose patients to the development of brain abscess. The ability to define the extent and characteristics of a brain abscess with CT, MRI, and ultrasound, and the use of these methods as guides for the surgical treatment of abscesses, have greatly reduced the high morbidity and mortality previously associated with these lesions. During the course of its development, a brain abscess evolves through a number of stages. 15 Initially, it is a poorly defined area consisting of small, scattered foci of cerebritis; when mature, it is a well-demarcated, encapsulated lesion, the central portion of which consists of suppurative material and tissue debris. The appearance of a brain abscess on CT, MRI, or ultrasound depends primarily on the stage in its development during which the study is performed. 42 On CT scans, early infection may be seen only as areas of hypodensity, with little, if any, enhancement occurring after administration of intravenous contrast medium. Over time, as neovascularity and a collagen capsule develop, a pattern of ring enhancement will become apparent. The margin of an incompletely encapsulated abscess becomes thicker and shows increased intensity of enhancement on scans performed 30 to 45 minutes following intravenous contrast administration. The margin of a mature abscess does not show this temporal pattern and often may even decrease in intensity on delayed scans. Except in individuals who are taking corticosteroids, studies done before the onset of treatment usually show extensive vasogenic edema surrounding the area of a brain abscess ( Fig. 11-50). Except in the immunocompromised patient, multiple abscesses are unusual.

FIG. 11-50. (A) Axial noncontrast computed tomogram shows marked mass effect in the left frontal lobe. Ringlike areas of isodense tissue are surrounded by low-density edema. (B) Axial computed tomographic section at the same level performed after administration of intravenous contrast medium shows enhancement of the periphery of a multiloculated abscess cavity. The patient had a right-to-left cardiac shunt.

Magnetic resonance imaging is superior to CT for evaluation of patients with brain abscesses because of its increased contrast sensitivity (i.e., better detection of edema and characterization of the various elements of an abscess) and its superior ability to detect a subtle mass effect. 66 The abscess capsule is its hallmark, and this is best characterized on either contrast-enhanced or T2-weighted MRI scans. The thin, relatively smooth capsule has a tendency to be slightly thicker on its peripheral side and enhances uniformly. On T2-weighted scans the capsule is often hypointense compared to gray matter. Often, adjacent, smaller satellite capsules are present, particularly along the margin of an abscess that faces one of the lateral ventricles. Healing of an abscess is indicated by a decrease in its size. It is important to emphasize that both CT and MR enhancement of the capsule may persist for some time despite adequate treatment. Atypical Bacteria, Fungi, and Parasites As elsewhere in the body, mycobacteria may infect the brain and its surroundings in a variety of patterns. Most common is a granulomatous meningitis; this causes nodular pial enhancement, especially in the cisterns at the base of the brain, that is indistinguishable from sarcoidosis or other granulomatous meningitides. Mycobacteria may also cause encephalitis or a gross abscess in the brain parenchyma or in an extraaxial location, which may calcify when healed. Various fungi have widely differing pathologic patterns and, therefore, radiologic appearances. The microscopic abscesses of disseminated candidiasis are generally radiologically occult. Cryptococcal meningitis is also usually unremarkable radiologically, though rarely perivascular space gelatinous pseudocysts may be seen. Paranasal sinus mucormycosis is well known as a grossly destructive lesion, usually in diabetic patients, that may invade the cranial cavity locally. While Aspergillus is usually present in the sinuses as a saprophyte, when it is invasive it can behave in a locally destructive manner like mucormycosis. Aspergillus in the sinuses has a characteristically low signal on T2-weighted images because of its tendency to accumulate iron. Angioinvasive Aspergillus of the lung is associated with systemic embolization of the organism. Although this may cause cerebritis or brain abscess, the angioinvasive character of the organism predisposes it to invade vessel walls and present as strokes or primary hemorrhages that are not obviously infectious in etiology ( Fig. 11-51).20

FIG. 11-51. Aspergillus. Bilateral infarction and hemorrhage in the territories of the lenticulostriate perforating arteries caused by cerebrovascular involvement by angioinvasive Aspergillus, which has spread hematogenously from the lungs.

Of the parasitic infections, three that are seen with some frequency in this country have characteristic appearances that are mentioned here. The most commonly seen brain parasite at present is Toxoplasma gondii. A very high percentage of the adult population is seropositive for Toxoplasma; the dormant intracellular parasite becomes aggressively active under a compromised immune system, particularly in AIDS. The infection rapidly causes an area of necrosis with a surrounding rim of enhancement and a great deal of vasogenic edema, giving the appearance of an abscess. Because pyogenic infections are not a primary feature of AIDS, Toxoplasma recrudescence and lymphoma are the primary diagnostic considerations when an HIV-positive patient presents with a ring-enhancing brain mass. In utero, Toxoplasma is one of the TORCH agents that causes brain destruction and calcification, as discussed in the section on congenital diseases. Two other parasites that classically infect the brain are the tapeworms Echinococcus and Taenia solium. Echinococcal infection (hydatid disease) affects the brain in a minority of cases, but the cystic, ring-enhancing larva (usually solitary) is characteristic in appearance. Tissue infection by Taenia solium is the cause of the state called cysticercosis. The small larvae (usually multiple) that reach the brain may remain asymptomatic as long as they are living; but when the encysted larvae die, there is an inflammatory reaction that may lead to seizures and ring-enhancing brain lesions. Eventual punctate calcifications are the end stage radiologically. Viral Infections Mild nonspecific viral meningitides are common, but certain viruses may be listed that have particularly severe or characteristic involvement of the meninges and/or brain. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a relentless demyelinating disease that occurs in patients who are immunocompromised. Originally seen in patients treated for leukemia and lymphoma, then in patients immunosuppressed for organ transplants, it is now most commonly seen in patients with AIDS. The myelin destruction results from infection of oligodendroglia by papovaviruses, usually the JC virus. On CT and MR scans the lesions of PML are seen as areas of hypodensity or abnormal signal in the immediately subcortical white matter, with a tendency toward symmetry. Beginning as multiple discrete lesions, they grow to become a confluent abnormality with a scalloped peripheral border that simply represents extension into the white matter of the gyri. Mass effect is often absent, and enhancement is uncommon.26,39,101 Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Neuroimaging in AIDS has recently been extensively reviewed. 123,124 HIV directly infects the brain; this causes global volume loss and often a diffuse hazy high signal in the cerebral white matter on T2-weighted images, without enhancement or edema. The clinical correlate is the AIDS dementia complex (ADC). Clinically manifest neurologic involvement occurs in well over 50% of individuals infected by HIV; CNS abnormalities are even more commonly present on postmortem examination. A large variety of secondary infectious processes are commonly seen intracranially in individuals with AIDS; in many instances, multiple infectious processes and neoplastic diseases may exist simultaneously. Cryptococcal meningitis, Toxoplasma infection, and PML have already been discussed. Patients with AIDS or immune compromise for other reasons are also prone to cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection, which especially affects the retina, meninges, and ependyma. This infection is often radiologically occult or may cause brain volume loss indistinguishable from that caused by HIV directly. In some instances there may be a diffuse though usually mild enhancement of the ependyma or pia to signal the presence of CMV ventriculitis or meningitis. Many other secondary infections are increased in patients with AIDS, but these generally yield few or no specific radiologic findings. The immune system also plays a role in preventing and controlling neoplasms; two neoplasm that are common in AIDS are Kaposi's sarcoma and lymphoma. The former rarely affects the cranial contents. Lymphomas in AIDS may be either systemic or primary to the CNS. The CNS lymphoma in AIDS behaves somewhat differently than in patients without AIDS, possibly because of the lack of immune system control of its growth. It usually shows central necrosis (rarely seen in brain lymphoma outside of AIDS) and tends to incite a very large amount of edema. Thus, this lesion has an appearance essentially identical to that of the other common mass lesion in AIDS, Toxoplasma. Herpes Simplex. Herpes simplex virus type 1 usually causes a severe necrotizing encephalitis that can occur at any age but is most often seen in adults. Herpes encephalitis has a characteristic perisylvian anatomic distribution involving the temporal lobes, orbital surfaces of the frontal lobes, and insular cortex while sparing the basal nuclei. If untreated it is often fatal; those persons who survive are frequently left with severe neurologic deficits. Institution of antiviral therapy is therefore indicated as soon as this entity is clinically suspected, though brain biopsy may be required for definitive diagnosis. Most adults in the general population have antibodies to the herpes simplex type 1 virus. This organism is known to exist in a latent form within the trigeminal ganglia of many asymptomatic people; spread from this site has been proposed as an explanation for the typical anatomic pattern of this infection. 41 Computed tomography is insensitive at initial presentation; MRI is somewhat better. 74,82 Small areas of hemorrhage are typical slightly later in the course. Within a short time edema in the infected tissue leads to density and signal abnormalities and local mass effect. Early in the infection, enhancement is minimal if present; later, it often becomes striking. A gyral configuration of the abnormal enhancement is said to be characteristic, 43,63 though this is a nonspecific healing response in damaged cortex, as is seen commonly after strokes. Herpes simplex type 2 encephalitis is most commonly seen in neonates as part of a systemic infection, frequently from maternal type 2 genital infection. This type of herpes encephalitis affects the brain globally, without the typical geographic distribution of type 1 herpes infection. It is one of the TORCH agents discussed under congenital destructive lesions. The immune system response to an infection may play a significant role in the disease it causes. The fact that herpes encephalitis may be indolent in immune-compromised persons rather than taking its usual necrotizing course indicates the role of the immune system in the destructive nature of that infection. A classic example of a parainfectious disease (one that follows a viral syndrome but is not caused directly by viral infection of the CNS) is acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM). In this entity multiple lesions of the brain and spinal cord usually appear 1 to 3 weeks after a viral infection or occasionally after vaccination. These lesions may affect gray matter and white matter, are variably edematous in the acute phase, and sometimes show enhancement. ADEM is usually self-limited, though uncommonly it may recur in a patient. In many cases there is remarkable radiologic as well as clinical recovery, but more severe cases may lead to death. Early Infection. In utero or perinatal infection may cause severe damage to the brain. Of particular interest are the so-called TORCH agents; the name is an acronym for Toxoplasma, rubella, CMV, and herpes. These infections have been grouped together because in past years they have been common causes for severe global brain damage in early life and because they share such radiologic features as severe white matter loss and calcification. The reader is referred to Chapter 16 in Osborn 114 for further discussion and radiologic distinctions among these infections. Congenital Malformations Congenital abnormalities of the brain and its surrounding structures may be genetic in etiology or may occur as a result of discrete or presumed insults to the antenatal brain at various times in its development, commonly infection. The major brain malformations were described and named for their gross appearances before the mechanisms for disordered brain formation were understood. Though some remain idiopathic, recent research has significantly increased our understanding of genetic deficiencies, insults, and mechanisms that play a role in these disorders, 7,14,154 and this trend will certainly continue. The student of these diseases should therefore make an effort to understand brain formation and the known mechanisms for some of the major malformations. One should also understand that insults to the developing brain have different results depending on the amount of brain affected and on the time of the insult during development. It is a truism that congenital abnormalities are associated with other congenital abnormalities. Nowhere is this more evident than in the brain, and many of these associations can be traced to the time at which an insult occurred. It should also be noted that several malformations are associated with a block of CSF egress through the cerebral aqueduct or fourth ventricle and therefore cause congenital hydrocephalus. Migration Anomalies In the developing brain the primary site of cerebral neuronal cell origin is the periventricular germinal matrix. Glial cells form radiating pathways along which the neurons then migrate to the brain surface. This migration occurs in waves, which are associated with the development of the laminated cerebral cortex. 7,103 Further cell division within the developing cortex contributes to a massive expansion of its size (surface area) and therefore to the infolding that leads to the final pattern of gyri and sulci. This pattern of migration, cortical expansion, and formation of gyri can be interrupted globally or focally by an insult that acts at one moment or over an extended period; these factors lead to a wide variety of brain malformations. Severe generalized failure of neuron migration results in a very thick, disordered cortex that cannot form normal gyri. This thickened cortex is more easily seen by a

variety of MRI sequences than by CT. In almost all of these cases the sylvian fissure is primitive in appearance: a broad groove with absent or poorly formed opercula. Depending on the severity and surface features, this malformation is descriptively termed pachygyria (gyri present but few and large), agyria (no gyri present), or polymicrogyria (clusters of neurons form tiny irregularities on a brain surface that may be rather featureless grossly). These often occur together. The term lissencephaly (smooth brain) is also used, usually as a general term to include the gyral abnormalities discussed above. The small surface features of polymicrogyria are too small to be routinely seen radiologically; this entity may be present when the radiologic appearance is one of lissencephaly or schizencephaly (see below). However, very thin MR slices may show characteristic cortical irregularities. 7 Thus, these abnormalities are not fundamentally discrete diseases but different gross features of an underlying migrational disturbance that may result from genetic, infectious, or other causes. Two other migration anomalies have characteristic imaging appearances. A late wave of neuronal migration may be halted after the cortex is fairly well populated. In this circumstance, the cortex may form reasonably normal gyri and sulci, but there remains a stripe of neurons that are subcortical in location. This is called a band heterotopia. Or a group of neurons may fail to migrate at all from the germinal matrix area. These are focal, often multiple, and are termed nodular heterotopia; in these patients the cortex is generally well formed grossly. Because the clinical features of seizures and mental retardation (or lesser diminution of IQ) are related to the degree of cortical disorganization, they range from very severe in lissencephaly patients to sometimes very mild or absent in patients with small amounts of nodular heterotopia. Schizencephaly. Focal destructive lesions early in brain development, before major neuronal migrations, may result in a cleft in the brain that is lined by gray matter. This gray matter lining is abnormal, often showing the polymicrogyria pattern seen in focal cortical dysplasia. 7 This condition is termed schizencephaly and has been descriptively divided into open-lip and closed-lip varieties, depending on whether the cleft remains widely patent or the growing edges come into contact. The former, being the result of involvement of a greater brain volume, generally has a worse neurologic prognosis. Because the brain destruction extends from the ependyma through the cortex, closed-lip schizencephaly is associated with an underlying dimple in the ependymal surface. The cortex lining the cleft is not continuous at the ependymal end of the cleft. One should take care not to confuse the cortex-lined schizencephaly with the primitive sylvian fissure seen in some brain malformations; the latter will have continuous (abnormally thick) cortex beneath the prominent cleft, seen best by MR. Hypoxic-Ischemic Injury Occlusion of both internal carotid arteries is believed to lead to the condition called hydranencephaly, in which the brainstem and thalami are present and the head is fully formed but the cerebral hemispheres are absent. Focal destructive lesions that occur in utero, because the immature brain does not respond to injury with a gliotic response, may form thin-walled cystic cavities that often communicate with the ventricular system; such a cavity is classically termed porencephaly. In the second and early third trimesters the deep cerebral white matter and the involuting germinal matrix are particularly susceptible to hypoxic-ischemic insult. 7,83 Premature infants at this stage of development also have immature, pressure-passive cerebral vasculature, and they often undergo extreme cardiorespiratory stresses. When there is germinal matrix ischemic damage, this often results in the intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) characteristic of premature infants. The neurologic prognosis of these infants correlates well with the radiologic grading 114,136,159 of ICH: Grade I Subependymal hemorrhage only Grade II Subependymal plus intraventricular hemorrhage without ventricular enlargement Grade More severe intraventricular hemorrhage that More severe intraventricular hemorrhage that does cause ventricular enlargement III Grade Parenchymal hemorrhage beyond the germinal matrix, extending into the hemispheric white matter. This is believed to result from venous infarction caused IV by the germinal matrix hematoma59 Hypoxic-ischemic damage of the white matter surrounding the bodies and atria of the lateral ventricles in the immature brain is not as prone to hemorrhage. Such injury, termed periventricular leukomalacia (PVL), 153 appears in the acute phase as white matter that is hyperechoic on ultrasound. This area of infarction evolves through a partially cystic phase to total liquefaction. The end stage appears on CT and MRI scans as a local widening and irregularity of the atrium and surrounding parts of the lateral ventricles, symmetric or asymmetric and variable in severity. Because the affected white matter includes portions of the corticospinal tracts, the clinical correlate is the classic cerebral palsy findings of spastic diparesis or quadriparesis, usually more severe in the upper extremities. Holoprosencephaly. Major forebrain anomalies include the holoprosencephaly spectrum and abnormalities of the corpus callosum. The holoprosencephalies are midline malformations in which there is failure to induce the development of the most rostral part of the brain. 7 This leads to a variably severe failure of separation and development of the cerebral hemispheres and diencephalic structures. The holoprosencephaly spectrum is classically divided by severity into regimes termed lobar (hemispheres almost separated, and the corpus callosum only slightly abnormal) to semi-lobar to alobar (no hemispheric separation or corpus callosum, and the thalami completely fused). In the last case the forebrain is very severely malformed, often consisting of a flattened tissue mass without any normal structure; most of the intracranial volume may be taken up by the associated dorsal cyst. The holoprosencephalies are associated with varying degrees of hypogenesis or absence of olfactory and optic structures. One type of septo-optic dysplasia (SOD), which as the name implies consists of optic nerve atrophy and absence of the septum pellucidum, may be a disorder at the mild end of the holoprosencephaly spectrum. Other cases of SOD appear to be locally destructive in etiology. 4,7,16 Callosal Dysgenesis. Agenesis of the corpus callosum may occur as an isolated abnormality or may be seen in association with a host of other congenital abnormalities of the brain. The formation of the corpus callosum is well worked out in timing and mechanism. 3,128,140 This structure develops over a significant period beginning in the seventh week of gestation and follows a well-defined progression: from midgenu through body, then posterior body and anterior genu at about the same time, then splenium followed closely by the final elaboration of the rostrum. 6 Therefore, depending on the time of the arrest in its development, there may be no corpus callosum (agenesis); or the rostrum, rostrum and posterior segments, or all but the upper genu may be absent (hypogenesis or partial hypogenesis) ( Fig. 11-52). The formation of the cingulate gyrus is linked to callosal development. Therefore, the cingulate gyrus and sulcus may be wholly or partially absent in callosal dysgenesis, allowing the medial hemispheric sulci to radiate all the way down to the third ventricle. The normal cingulum is replaced by the abnormal white matter bundles of Probst. This causes a characteristic straightening (on axial images) and bull's horn appearance (on coronal images) of the frontal horns of the lateral ventricles. Because of the lack of splenium and the white matter connecting the occipital lobes, the atria and occipital horns of the ventricles are enlarged, a condition termed colpocephaly. There is often upward expansion of the third ventricle. The anterior commissure may be enlarged.

FIG. 11-52. Incomplete genesis of the corpus callosum. This midline sagittal T1-weighted image shows only a truncated genu and bulbous anterior body of the corpus callosum; the posterior body, splenium, and rostrum are absent. Note that the cingulate sulcus is absent and the medial hemispheric sulci radiate all the way down to the third ventricle posteriorly, where the corpus callosum has not formed.

Dandy-Walker Malformation. Major hindbrain malformation complexes include the Dandy-Walker malformation and its variants, and the various Chiari malformations. The classic Dandy-Walker malformation consists of agenesis of the vermis and ballooning of a fourth ventricular cyst, which enlarges the posterior fossa. The tentorium and its dural sinuses are elevated, and the occipital squamosa is enlarged. The term Dandy-Walker variant refers to partial dysgenesis of the vermis (the inferior portion being affected) with less severe distortion of the fourth ventricle and posterior fossa. This lesion should be differentiated from an arachnoid

cyst of the posterior fossa. Neural Tube Closure and Chiari Malformations. Maternal folate deficiency has been shown to increase the incidence of neural tube closure defects. The most common and extreme form of congenital brain malformation caused by failure of neural tube closure is anencephaly; this abnormality consists of the absence of the scalp, calvaria, and most of the brain. Of the less severe neural tube closure abnormalities seen in clinical practice, the most important are the Chiari malformations. Of the four hindbrain malformations originally described by Chiari, the first three designations remain in common use. The rare Chiari III malformation consists of a cervical encephalocele. The Chiari II malformation ( Fig. 11-53) occurs in patients with spina bifida from failure of closure at both ends of the neural tube. The primary feature of the brain malformation is marked downward displacement of the medulla and cerebellum and, therefore, the fourth ventricle, causing an enlarged foramen magnum and often a characteristic kinking of the cervicomedullary junction. The posterior fossa is very small with posterior concavity of the petrous bones, and the dural reflections are deficient. The crowding and high position (with respect to the midbrain) of the superior cerebellar vermis give it a heart-shaped appearance where it surrounds the beaked tectum of the midbrain. The deficient falx is associated with interdigitation of cerebral hemisphere gyri across the midline. Fourth ventricular compression and hydrocephalus are present, and syringomyelia is common. These features have been discussed in detail by Naidich and associates in a series of articles on this subject. 109

FIG. 11-53. Chiari II malformation. (A and B) Midline and paramedian sagittal T1-weighted images show the very low position of the medulla, cerebellum, and fourth ventricle. Note also the very low position of the transverse sinus (the flow void visible just above foramen magnum) and the beaked appearance of the midbrain tectum. (C) An axial T2-weighted image shows the inferior cerebellar hemispheres surrounding the upper medulla at the level of foramen magnum. ( D) Axial CT shows mild interdigitation of sulci anteriorly and the ventriculoperitoneal shunt catheter necessitated by this patient's congenital hydrocephalus.

In contrast, the Chiari I malformation is defined by low position of the cerebellar tonsils (at least 5 mm below the plane of foramen magnum) and sometimes the cerebellar vermis, with normal position of the brainstem and fourth ventricle ( Fig. 11-54). This abnormality may have several pathophysiological types. 7 In its more severe forms it causes cervicomedullary compression and hydrocephalus; it is also associated with an increased incidence of spinal cord cysts. Milder forms are generally asymptomatic and are found quite frequently on sagittal MRI imaging.

FIG. 11-54. Sagittal T1-weighted MR image from a patient with a Chiari I malformation. The cerebellar tonsils are displaced caudally through the foramen magnum. The fourth ventricle has a normal position.

Leukodystrophies and Other Metabolic Disorders. The number of identified genetic brain diseases is large and increasing rapidly. Many of these result in a handful of nonspecific imaging findings such as a small brain, relative paucity of white matter, or modest delay in myelination. Others cause gross abnormalities of the white matter and/or gray matter that present at birth, in infancy, or later in life. These include the leukodystrophies, mucopolysaccharidoses, mitochondrial diseases, and other groups of diseases. The reader is referred to several texts for discussions of these entities. 7,39,114 The best known dysmyelinating disease that presents later in life is adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD), an X-linked disease that usually presents in boys during late childhood or adolescence with progressive visual and behavioral disturbances, leading to quadriparesis, seizures, and death. The radiologic correlate is symmetric demyelination, which proceeds in a characteristic posterior-to-anterior pattern. There may be enhancement along the leading (anterior) edge of the demyelination. This genetic disease may also be seen in milder forms presenting in adult men or carrier women, usually in families with known ALD patients. In this form the brain is usually unaffected, but there is involvement of the spinal cord and peripheral nerves; the clinical disease is therefore referred to as adrenomyeloneuropathy. Neurocutaneous Syndromes There is another particularly important category of genetic diseases with which the neuroimager should be familiar: the phakomatoses, or neurocutaneous syndromes. Only a brief survey of the more common of these diseases is presented here; the reader is referred to other texts for further information. 7,114,142 The primary cephalic manifestations of von Hippel-Lindau disease are retinal and cerebellar hemangioblastomas. The latter are described in the section on brain neoplasms. The major components of Sturge-Weber syndrome (encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis) are a facial port wine nevus and a similar leptomeningeal vascular malformation over part of the cerebral surface. The name is misleading because the facial vascular malformation has no real connection with the trigeminal nerve or its branches. The pial vascular malformation leads to chronic ischemic damage to the underlying brain and a characteristic dystrophic calcification of that abnormal cortex described as tramtrack calcification. The pial vascular malformation also enhances strongly on MRI with intravenous contrast. Tuberous Sclerosis. Tuberous sclerosis is a disease of hamartomas throughout the body; two types of hamartomas are seen in the brain. There are large ill-formed surface masses (cortical only as the term is applied loosely) with a somewhat spherical appearance, which are referred to as cortical tubers and have given the disease its name. These hamartomas have high signal on T2-weighted images and, of course, lack a normal cortical architecture on high-resolution imaging. There are also small hamartomatous subependymal nodules, which typically calcify and are therefore quite characteristic in their CT appearance ( Fig. 11-55). These patients generally have severe mental retardation and seizures (though some persons with mild forms are found) and are therefore diagnosed early in life. The primary reason for later imaging is that these patients are prone to the development of a very characteristic neoplasm, the subependymal giant cell astrocytoma, which is identified as a large or enlarging, enhancing ependymal mass generally near the interventricular foramina (of Monro).

FIG. 11-55. Tuberous sclerosis. ( A) Noncontrast axial CT slice at the level of the top of the ventricles shows low attenuation near the cortex in the right hemisphere; these are cortical tubers. ( B) A lower CT slice shows several calcified subependymal nodules. ( C and D) Coronal flair images show the cortical tubers well, plus abnormal signal radiating out from the periventricular tissue to the surface, indicating the associated migration abnormality.

Neurofibromatosis. The neurofibromatoses (NF) are a category of phakomatoses whose characterization has undergone significant change in recent years. The best known are type I (von Recklinghausen's disease) and type II. The skull and brain manifestations of NF type I are protean and highly variable in penetrance. Classic skull malformations include hypoplasia of the sphenoid bone leading to a poorly separated orbit and middle cranial fossa and to sutural defects ( Fig. 11-56). Optic gliomas (described in the section on neoplasms) are common, as are other low-grade gliomas and hamartomas in the white matter and basal ganglia. Neurofibromatosis type II is characterized by bilateral eighth cranial nerve schwannomas as well as schwannomas of other cranial nerves and multiple meningiomas.

FIG. 11-56. Neurofibromatosis type I. Both CT scout image (A) and axial slices (B-D) show severe right sphenoid bone dysplasia in a patient with von Recklinghausen disease.

Developmental and Senile Volume Changes During rapid head growth in the young child, especially from approximately 6 to 18 months of age, there may be periods when the ventricles and the subarachnoid spaces become quite prominent. Such patients are usually studied because the pediatrician notes rapid increase in head circumference in an otherwise healthy child. The radiologist should, of course, search for evidence of abnormalities that may be associated with early hydrocephalus. But this finding is almost always a benign normal variant; the neurologically normal child with this finding should simply be followed clinically. If repeat imaging is performed (which is not generally indicated), by 2 years of age the enlargement of the CSF spaces will have resolved. At the other extreme of life, loss of brain substance is a normal function of aging. With aging there is both an increase in size of the ventricular system and an increase in the prominence of the cortical sulci 54; these alterations, however, do not correlate either with changes in the metabolism of the brain as measured with positron emission tomography (PET) techniques or with the presence or absence of cognitive impairment. This finding is best described as brain parenchymal volume loss rather than atrophy because (cortical) atrophy is a pathologic description, and its presence cannot be diagnosed accurately by imaging techniques. Hydrocephalus The term hydrocephalus generally refers to those conditions that produce an imbalance between the rate of production and absorption of the cerebrospinal fluid. Hydrocephalus normally occurs as the result of obstruction to the flow and absorption of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF); overproduction of CSF is very rare. Implied is the presence of increased intraventricular pressure; usually there is also an increased volume of CSF within the ventricular system. Hydrocephalus may be either congenital or acquired. Hydrocephalus may occur if CSF flow is blocked at any site along the normal route from the choroid plexus, through the ventricular system, to the arachnoid granulations, which are primarily in the superior sagittal sinus. It is known that alternate, though much less efficient, routes of cerebrospinal fluid absorption exist by way of both the ventricular ependyma and the arachnoid membrane. The term communicating hydrocephalus has been used to refer to instances in which there is a block to CSF flow outside the ventricular system; noncommunicating hydrocephalus correspondingly refers to the presence of an occlusion within the ventricular system. Hydrocephalus ex vacuo has sometimes been used to refer to increased CSF volume simply caused by the loss of brain tissue volume. All of these terms are incomplete and are potentially confusing. Because essentially all forms of hydrocephalus are related to obstruction of cerebrospinal fluid flow, the use of these terms should be replaced with descriptions that indicate the location of the obstruction. This classification system has been discussed in detail by Harwood-Nash and Fitz and more recently by Floodmark. 47,68 The development of hydrocephalus in children is usually associated with an increase in head size. This is unusual in adults. 45 Acquired Hydrocephalus. Many pathologic conditions, including inflammatory, infectious, traumatic, and neoplastic disorders, can cause hydrocephalus. The presence of increased intraventricular or intracranial pressure can rarely be diagnosed accurately using imaging techniques. In instances of suspected hydrocephalus, it is the goal of the imaging evaluation to identify any abnormality of the ventricular or subarachnoid space morphology and, if otherwise unexplained ventriculomegaly is present, to demonstrate the site and nature of any impediment to the flow of CSF that may be present. Magnetic resonance imaging is the best available imaging method with which to achieve this goal. Most patients with hydrocephalus have enlargement of the part(s) of their ventricular system proximal to the level of obstruction. Even in the face of increased intraventricular pressure, however, all portions of the involved ventricular system may not dilate equally. For example, in response to an obstruction of the basal cisterns, the temporal and occipital horns of the lateral ventricles dilate earlier and to a greater degree than the third and fourth ventricles. When there is significant obstruction of the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid, its passage through the ependymal lining of the ventricles into the adjacent white matter of the cerebral hemispheres occurs and may correct the imbalance between the rates of production and absorption. On CT scan this is manifested by periventricular hypodensity, which is often more pronounced in the parietal and occipital regions; it appears as a symmetric and smooth periventricular band of increased signal intensity on T2-weighted images. In children with patent anterior fontanels, ultrasound is an ideal way to assess ventricular size. Alternatively, MRI allows visualization of CSF movement as well as evaluation of the ventricles and sulci; on T2-weighted images, the low signal intensity of flowing CSF in the cerebral aqueduct stands out in contrast to the higher

signal intensity of the adjacent tectum of the mesencephalon, a useful sign of aqueductal patency. 12 Normal-Pressure Hydrocephalus. The term normal-pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) was originally used to describe the syndrome of dementia, gait disturbances, and urinary incontinence occurring in patients with ventricular enlargement and normal cerebrospinal fluid pressure. The diagnosis subsequently has been applied with such indiscretion that there is now great confusion in the literature about the pathogenesis, pathophysiology, and treatment of the condition. Although a full discussion of this subject is beyond the scope of this text, a few general comments are warranted. The finding of large ventricles and normal or small cortical sulci in the presence of normal CSF pressure has been called NPH by some. This does not reflect the original use of the term, and its use should be discouraged because these observations may be seen in a host of clinical settings, including normal variation and clinically unimportant leptomeningeal fibrosis. The success of surgical treatment of NPH (i.e., shunting) varies greatly among reported series. Improvement is most likely when treatment is reserved for those patients who show evidence of progression of mild dementia, ataxia, and urinary incontinence, and who are shown to have lateral ventricular enlargement and small or obliterated cortical sulci. 78 Recent MRI studies suggest that improvement is most likely to occur in those patients with the appropriate clinical findings (i.e., recent and slowly progressive dementia), gait ataxia, and urinary incontinence as well as evidence of rapid CSF flow in their fourth ventricle and cerebral aqueduct, seen as accentuated signal loss on heavily T2-weighted images. Vascular Disease Extracranial Occlusive Disease In 1914, Ramsey Hunt first suggested that stenosis of a carotid artery in the neck could cause a stroke. Since that time, a clear relationship between thromboembolic stroke and vascular disease of the carotid and vertebral arteries has been established. Current evidence suggests that at least as many ischemic episodes are caused by embolization of platelet debris from atherosclerotic lesions within these arteries as those that result in impairment of blood flow by hemodynamically significant stenosis. Ischemia of the brain may therefore result either from diminished blood flow occurring as the result of a significant stenosis or because of arterial blockage occurring as a sequel to embolization. Although the incidence and type of atherosclerotic lesions present in the extracranial arteries of asymptomatic persons are unknown, it is established that advanced lesions of this nature are sometimes present in the cervical arteries of neurologically asymptomatic people. This observation in part explains the controversy and lack of guidelines for diagnostic evaluation and management of patients with asymptomatic atherosclerotic disease. It seems prudent to regard these abnormalities as only part of a more generalized vasculopathy affecting arteries throughout the body and to direct therapy at the underlying cause of the disorder rather than to marshal all efforts toward correction of morphologic abnormalities found in isolated arterial segments. The diagnostic evaluation and management of those patients with symptomatic vascular disease is less controversial. Optimal application of established guidelines, however, depends on an accurate assessment of the type of arterial lesion that is present as well as precise characterization of the type of neurologic dysfunction. Once it has occurred, the course of an ischemic stroke is largely refractory to therapy, and the end result is persistent neurologic dysfunction or death in a majority of patients. An effective therapy must therefore be prophylactic, a restriction requiring recognition of the population at risk before they suffer neurologic damage. Risks known to be important in this regard are the presence of all degrees of arterial hypertension, smoking, and a history of intermittent episodes of neurologic dysfunction (i.e., transient ischemic attacks). Asymptomatic Vascular Disease Many patients with asymptomatic vascular disease, for a variety of reasons, have a carotid bruit. Although there is an increased incidence of stroke associated with an asymptomatic bruit, the risk is not confined to the arterial territory from which the bruit originates. Results of the Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis (ACAS) Study Group have shown benefit of endarterectomy in all patients with 60% or greater stenosis of the internal carotid artery. 2 Both duplex ultrasonography and magnetic resonance angiography offer means for the accurate noninvasive screening of patients in this category. When properly used either alone or in combination, these techniques allow recognition of hemodynamically significant lesions (reduction of arterial lumen by at least 80%) in the cervical portion of the carotid arteries about 95% of the time. In the unusual instances when these techniques are inconclusive or results are in disagreement, further evaluation may then be carried out using arteriographic techniques described in the following section. Symptomatic Vascular Disease Guidelines for the diagnostic evaluation of patients with specific symptoms of extracranial vascular disease, such as carotid artery territory transient ischemic attacks or an evolving or completed stroke, are reasonably well defined. Guidelines for the care of patients with nonspecific symptoms are much more ambiguous and are beyond the scope of this text. It has been established through a carefully performed multicenter randomized trial that carotid endarterectomy is highly beneficial in patients who have a carotid artery transient ischemic attack and an ipsilateral internal carotid artery stenosis of 70% or greater. 112 There is also general agreement that this procedure is acceptable but unproved therapy in patients with other combinations of symptoms and internal carotid artery stenosis. For a discussion of these guidelines, the interested reader is referred to the AHA consensus statement. 106 One requirement for the optimal application of this therapy is precise characterization of the morphologic status of both the intracranial and extracranial arteries. Recent improvements in duplex ultrasonography and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) now make it possible in most situations to modify previous guidelines stating that all symptomatic patients be evaluated with standard catheter arteriography. Today, MRA can be used in combination with duplex ultrasonography as the primary modalities for the diagnostic evaluation of most patients with symptomatic as well as with asymptomatic extracranial vascular disease (Fig. 11-57). The combination of velocity measurement and visualization of the artery in question with color or power Doppler provides the best method to assure accuracy when performing an ultrasound evaluation. Peak systolic velocities (PSVs) over 120 m/sec indicate the presence of a stenosis of 60% or greater, whereas the presence of PSVs over 150 m/sec indicate the presence of a stenosis of at least 70%. Cardiac arrhythmias, aortic insufficiency and a variety of other vascular abnormalities, either upstream or downstream from the carotid bifurcation, may cause inaccuracies in velocity measurements. Also, differentiation between an occluded artery and one that is nearly occluded, i.e., 99% stenosis, remains difficult using ultraso und techniques. Ultrasound techniques have not yet been proven to provide adequate information regarding the status of the intracranial vasculature. Such information is important in an evaluation that is aimed at deriving a recommendation regarding the benefit of endarterectomy. For this reason, the use of MRA using some combination of two- and three-dimensional techniques is recommended. In this way, it is now possible to accurately characterize in a noninvasive manner the significant features of the extracranial and intracranial vasculature in the majority of instances. Only in those circumstances where there is disagreement between an ultrasound and an MRA evaluation is the use of standard catheter angiography usually needed.

FIG. 11-57. Carotid stenosis by three angiographic modalities: ( A) digital subtraction catheter arteriography; ( B) two-dimensional time-of-flight MR angiography; and (C) three-dimensional time-of-flight MR angiography.

Arteriography, when required, is best carried out using digital subtraction techniques. There is now little need for and little place for film-screen techniques or intravenous digital subtraction techniques. Atherosclerotic vascular lesions occur most often at regions of hemodynamic stress, particularly at points of major arterial bifurcations. The principal sites of atherosclerotic lesions of the extracranial cervical vasculature are the origins of the brachiocephalic vessels, the carotid bifurcations, and the origins of the vertebral arteries. Stenosis produced by an atherosclerotic plaque tends to narrow the lumen of the involved artery in an eccentric fashion ( Fig. 11-58). Small discrete areas of calcification often can be seen adjacent to and within a plaque extending into a narrowed artery. The angiographic diagnosis of arterial occlusion is usually not difficult, the abnormality being characterized by a sudden termination of the arterial lumen. The configuration of an arterial occlusion varies with the artery, sometimes being rounded and at other times being quite angular. Arterial ulceration cannot be detected accurately using any currently available imaging technique other than those that employ radioactive platelets. Arterial ulceration may even go undetected on direct inspection of the involved vessel. Radiographic assessment of arteries involved by atherosclerosis should be limited to description of the vessel as smooth or irregular and to the degree of narrowing that may be present. The two methods most widely used to define the percentage diameter stenosis of the internal carotid artery require biplanar views of the artery. One method, the N or NASCET (North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial) method, defines the residual lumen as a percentage of the normal distal internal artery. The other, the E or ECST (European Carotid Surgery Trial) approach, defines the residual lumen as a percentage of the diameter of the internal carotid artery bulb. In general, the N method is best used for reports of angiographic examinations, whereas the E method lends itself to reports of ultrasound examinations.

FIG. 11-58. Lateral selective common carotid arteriogram. There is an irregular stenosis of the internal carotid artery. From this study, one cannot be sure whether ulceration is present.

Brain Infarction Brain infarction may occur as the end result of a large number of pathologic processes, by far the most common of which is atherosclerosis. Approximately 60% of ischemic brain infarcts are etiologically related to atherosclerotic disease of the extracranial segment of the internal carotid artery. A significant percentage of all embolic brain infarctions also result from emboli that originate within the heart. Other causes of brain infarction, besides atherosclerotic vascular disease, include other primary arterial diseases such as fibromuscular hyperplasia, arterial dissections, and arteritis; venous occlusive disease and a host of more unusual diseases such as septic and tumor embolizations may also be associated with infarction of the brain. Although CT continues to be the most commonly employed imaging technique for evaluation of patients with suspected strokes, MRI has been shown to be a superior method both in permitting earlier detection of ischemic changes and in allowing identification of infarcts not visible on CT scans. Nonetheless, with the availability of effective acute therapy, i.e., thrombolysis, for some individuals with an acute stroke, CT is the recommended imaging modality for initial evaluation of patients suspected of having a stroke. The reason for this is that in order to obtain rapid and appropriate stratification of individuals with ischemic stoke into therapeutic protocols, it is imperative that individuals with hemorrhagic lesions be accurately and quickly identified. Currently CT allows this to be done much faster and with more accuracy than does MRI. For evaluation of individuals in the subacute or chronic phase of a stroke, MRI does offer considerable advantages over CT. These advantages arise from the superior contrast and spatial resolution of MRI as well as from its freedom from artifact caused by the bone and air at the skull base. Current experience indicates that with the use of perfusion and diffusion imaging, MRI allows identification of areas of reversible ischemia (the penumbra) as well as of tissue that has been irreversibly injured. These techniques are rapidly becoming available in clinical practice and hold great promise for being useful in management of this common disease. Most symptomatic infarctions can be recognized with conventional MRI within 12 to 24 hours of their occurrence. The MRI is especially useful in demonstrating ischemic changes that involve the brainstem or cerebellum. In most instances, the use of intravenous contrast medium is not required for the diagnosis of infarction, either with CT scanning or with MRI. The suggestive evidence that the use of contrast-enhanced CT scans in evaluation of cerebral infarcts is associated with increased damage to neural structures provides added incent ive to avoid contrast administration when possible. The CT scan findings seen following an infarct depend on the size of the abnormality, whether the infarct is associated with significant hemorrhage, the amount of time that has elapsed between the occurrence of the infarct and the CT scan, and, to a lesser degree, the location of the infarct within the brain. Computed tomographic scans performed in the initial 24 hours following a nonhemorrhagic infarct may be normal, especially if the lesion is small or if it is located in the brainstem or cerebellum. A significant number of large infarcts involving one of the cerebral hemispheres will, however, be evident on CT scanning, even in the first several hours following their onset. Signs that may indicate an acute infarct are loss of the distinction between gray and white matter and subtle obliteration of cortical sulci. In typical examples, scans performed after an interval of more than 24 hours show an area of reduced density that can be related to a single vascular distribution. The character of the infarct evolves from an area of poorly defined heterogeneous reduced density, which causes mass effect, to one with no mass effect, sharp margins, and homogeneous attenuation values that may approach those of cerebrospinal fluid ( Fig. 11-59). The subarachnoid space and ventricle adjacent to an old infarct are usually dilated. These changes have a variable time course; however, it is highly unusual for an infarct to have significant mass effect after it has been present for 2 weeks, and within 3 weeks its margins should be clearly defined. If intravenous contrast medium is given, a variable pattern of enhancement may be seen from 4 to 5 days following occurrence of the infarct for as long as 2 to 3 months after its origin. Although the configuration of abnormal enhancement in a brain infarct often assumes a gyral pattern, this is not specific and may be seen in numerous other pathologic conditions. The distribution of abnormal enhancement does not correlate with the amount of brain parenchyma that will ultimately be destroyed.

FIG. 11-59. Stroke. Noncontrast CT slice at the level of the lateral ventricles shows infarction of the right middle cerebral artery territory, including the lateral lenticulostriate perforators to the caudate and putamen. Note the sharp boundaries, loss of gray-white differentiation, and edema causing shift of the midline.

Magnetic resonance imaging provides a means for demonstrating ischemic changes in the brain earlier than any other imaging technique: abnormalities have been

shown with some techniques within minutes following experimental arterial occlusion. On conventional T1-weighted images, areas of infarction are seen as an area of decreased signal intensity with a loss of the normal signal differences between gray and white matter. On T2-weighted images areas of infarction appear as high signal intensity (Fig. 11-60). In pathologic studies of infarcted brain tissue, small areas of hemorrhage into infarcts are very common; these small hemorrhages are often not apparent on high-resolution CT scans but are frequently seen on MRI studies. Depending on the stage of evolution of the hemorrhage, their signal intensities are variable, ranging from predominantly low signal intensities on both T1- and T2-weighted images in the acute stage to high signal intensities on T1- and T2-weighted images in subacute lesions and then again to low signal intensities in long-standing infarcts. For details of the evolution of the pattern of MRI signal intensities in parenchymal hemorrhages, see the following section.

FIG. 11-60. (A) Axial T1- and (B) T2-weighted images from a patient with acute and old infarcts. The acute infarct is in the right basal ganglia. On the T1-weighted image it is seen only as an area of vague mass effect. Contrast this with the old infarct in the left basal ganglia, which, because of the changes of encephalomalacia, is clearly seen as an area of low signal intensity. The old infarct has no mass effect.

Occlusion of dural sinuses, and particularly associated occlusion of surface veins, causes venous hypertension and slowed flow and may lead to venous infarction. Because of the association with midline dural sinus thromboses, these infarcts are often bilateral and more or less symmetric. Because arterial pressure to the infarcting tissues is preserved, significant hemorrhage is typical. Evidence of thrombosis or other abnormalities of the dural sinuses should be sought in patients with bilateral hemorrhagic infarction. Predisposing factors include dehydration (especially in small children), cancer with paraneoplastic hypercoagulation, and other clotting abnormalities. Nontraumatic Intracranial Hemorrhage Most intracranial hemorrhages are the result of trauma and have been discussed in a previous section. Nontraumatic causes of intracranial hemorrhage include hypertension, aneurysms, and vascular malformations. Careful analysis of the CT scan and MRI findings often allows determination of the likely cause of a nontraumatic hemorrhage. In addition to the causes discussed in detail below, hemorrhage into a metastatic lesion is relatively frequent, most commonly into metastases from melanoma and renal cell primaries. In older adults with otherwise unexplained peripheral hemorrhage in the cerebral hemispheres, especially if recurrent, amyloid (congophilic) angiopathy is a likely cause. Hypertensive Hemorrhages Hypertension is an important etiologic factor in intracranial hemorrhages. If chronic, it results in the presence of structural arterial changes that in themselves predispose to the development of hemorrhages. The presence of elevated blood pressure is also thought to increase the risk of hemorrhage from other unrelated vascular abnormalities such as aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations. Hypertensive hemorrhages occur most often in the external capsule. This location is followed in frequency by the thalamus, the internal capsule, the cerebellum and pons, and the lobar white matter of the cerebral hemispheres ( Fig. 11-61). Hematomas of this nature frequently rupture into the ventricular system but rarely are seen in association with subarachnoid hemorrhage. This feature helps in distinguishing these lesions from traumatic hematomas in which the opposite combination is the case. Although the use of contrast-enhanced CT scans is usually not indicated in evaluation of these lesions, it should be noted that as they resolve, hematomas of any nature may be enhanced to simulate closely other mass lesions (i.e., neoplasms and inflammatory abnormalities).

FIG. 11-61. Axial noncontrast computed tomogram showing a large hematoma in the left basal ganglia that has ruptured into the lateral ventricle and is causing marked subfascial herniation.

As is the case for hematomas of any etiology, hypertensive hemorrhages appear on CT scans as areas of high density with sharply defined borders. Unless there is still active bleeding or impairment of coagulation, the density of a hematoma is homogeneous. Acutely, on CT scans, edema is not seen in association with a hypertensive hematoma. Over a period of several days following the initial hemorrhage, however, edema develops, and low density is commonly seen peripheral to the margin of a hypertensive hematoma. Over a period of several weeks, the density of a hematoma changes from high density to isodense and finally to hypodense, the end stage being an area of encephalomalacia having attenuation values similar to those of CSF. The MRI appearance of a hematoma is variable, depending on a large number of interrelated factors. These include, among others, the age of the hemorrhage and, thus, the stage of degradation of both its cellular (erythrocytes) and noncellular (hemoglobin) elements; its location (i.e., parenchymal, subarachnoid, subdural, or epidural); the presence or absence of an associated abnormality (i.e., an arteriovenous malformation or neoplasm); and the magnetic field strength and pulse sequence used to obtain the image. A complete description of these variables and their effects on the MR image is beyond the scope of this text. For a further discussion, see Bradley. 13 In spite of the complexities and variations associated with the MRI appearance of hemorrhages, however, several relatively consistent observations are noteworthy. On MR scans performed within several hours of the onset of a hemorrhage, a hematoma not associated with an underlying lesion appears similar to most other brain lesions (i.e., slightly hypointense on T1-weighted images and hyperintense on T2-weighted images). During the first 24 hours, this appearance changes so that the hematoma is of definite low signal intensity on both T1- and T2-weighted images. Unlike on CT scans, surrounding edema (high signal intensity on T2-weighted sequences) may often be visualized on MR images obtained during this stage of a hematoma's evolution. During the first week after its occurrence, a hematoma becomes of predominant high signal intensity on both T1- and T2-weighted images. This change in signal intensity from low to high follows the development of methemoglobin within the lesion and occurs gradually from the periphery of the hematoma to its center so that there is a steady replacement of low-signal areas by high-signal areas. The rim of a hematoma at this stage of evolution is seen as a sharply defined zone of very low signal intensity; this is the result of accumulation of

hemosiderin, the end product of hemoglobin degradation. After several weeks or even months, a hematoma loses its mass effect and assumes signal intensities similar to those of the adjacent brain and CSF. Small areas of both high and low signal intensity may persist, however, almost indefinitely. Intracranial Aneurysms An aneurysm is a dilation of an artery. Most aneurysms that arise from the arteries of the brain are acquired as the result of hemodynamic stresses and are classified pathologically as saccular or berry aneurysms. Other types of aneurysms also occur in the CNS vasculature, but they are much less common. These include atherosclerotic, mycotic (infectious), and posttraumatic aneurysms. Saccular aneurysms most often become symptomatic during adult life because of rupture that results in subarachnoid and/or intraparenchymal hemorrhage. It is important to recognize that saccular aneurysms are common, being present in as many as 5% to 9% of the adult population of North America. Most aneurysms never rupture. However, there are currently no reliable guidelines to predict the likelihood of rupture; once rupture occurs, over 60% of affected individuals will either die or have major neurologic dysfunction. Almost all berry aneurysms occur at points of major arterial branching, the three most common sites being the proximal segment of the middle cerebral artery, the anterior communicating artery, and the junction between the internal carotid artery and the posterior communicating artery. Aneurysms vary in size from those less than 1 mm in diameter to those that exceed 5 cm; those greater than 2.5 cm in diameter are designated giant aneurysms. The first imaging study done on a patient with a suspected subarachnoid hemorrhage should be an unenhanced CT scan ( Fig. 11-62). Although less sensitive than lumbar puncture, a CT scan not degraded by artifact and performed within 24 hours of hemorrhage will allow detection of blood within the subarachnoid space in about 85% of patients in whom an aneurysm has ruptured. Computed tomographic scanning also provides a good means for detection of other abnormalities that may be associated with the clinical presentation of a subarachnoid hemorrhage, e.g., arteriovenous malformation, neoplasm, and spontaneous intraparenchymal hemorrhage. In instances in which there is clinical suspicion of subarachnoid hemorrhage but the CT scan shows no evidence of subarachnoid blood, a lumbar puncture should be performed. Magnetic resonance imaging is not an adequate technique for the detection of acute subarachnoid hemorrhage.

FIG. 11-62. Subarachnoid hemorrhage. (A-D) Nonenhanced axial CT slices show massive subarachnoid hemorrhage in the basal cisterns and supracerebellar cistern and lesser amounts in the sylvian fissures bilaterally. There is reflux of blood into the ventricular system, and acute hydrocephalus.

Although there is no absolute correlation between the location of subarachnoid blood and that of a ruptured aneurysm, the accumulation of blood predominantly on one side of the cranial cavity or primarily above or below the tentorium provides some evidence as to where the lesion is most likely located. It is impossible to distinguish with adequate certainty a parenchymal hematoma that results from aneurysm rupture from one of another etiology; however, the presence of associated subarachnoid hemorrhage favors the diagnosis of an aneurysm. Intraventricular hemorrhage without associated parenchymal hemorrhage occurring as a result of an aneurysm rupture is most often from an anterior communicating artery aneurysm; less likely is hemorrhage from one of the posterior inferior cerebellar arteries. In spite of the recent advances in MRA, standard catheter angiography is still the most sensitive technique for the detection of an intracranial aneurysm. Although the great majority of aneurysms larger than 5 mm in diameter can be well seen using MRA, the occurrence of slow and/or complex flow in some aneurysms can result in their not being visualized with MRA. Standard catheter angiography is also needed as a technique to allow planning of either endovascular or open surgical treatment of the lesion. Because of the occurrence of multiple aneurysms in as many as 30% of patients, the angiographic evaluation in suspected subarachnoid hemorrhage should include visualization of the entire intracranial circulation. Once an aneurysm is identified, special projections are often needed to define the relationship of the aneurysm to its parent artery and adjacent vascular structures ( Fig. 11-63). Angiographic signs of aneurysm rupture include mass effect adjacent to the aneurysm, irregularity of the aneurysm surface, and the presence of focal vasospasm. In the presence of multiple aneurysms, the larger aneurysm will be the site of rupture more frequently than the smaller one. In as many as 15% of patients presenting with subarachnoid hemorrhage, no abnormality is seen on the initial angiographic study. With few exceptions, under these circumstances the study should be repeated after an interval of 7 to 10 days.

FIG. 11-63. (A) Anteroposterior projection of a right internal carotid angiogram. Although an aneurysm of the right middle cerebral artery is seen ( arrow), the relationship of its neck to the adjacent branches cannot be appreciated fully. ( B) An oblique projection allows visualization of the neck of the aneurysm.

There are two major complications caused by major subarachnoid hemorrhage in the patients who survive the initial events. Acute and/or chronic hydrocephalus can result from intraventricular clots or from occlusion of the arachnoid granulations; this may be effectively treated with a ventriculostomy and eventual ventriculoperitoneal shunt. The second major complication is vasospasm caused by the irritating effects of the blood on the surface arteries of the brain. This spasm is sometimes treatable using intravascular techniques but often results in infarcts. Vascular Malformations Vascular malformations are developmental anomalies that have been classified in a variety of ways. McCormick's widely used classification separates these lesions into four principal types: (a) arteriovenous malformation, (b) telangiectasis, (c) cavernous malformation (cavernoma), and (d) venous malformation (venous angioma/developmental venous anomaly). Cavernous malformations and venous malformations are recognized frequently on CT and MRI examinations. Transitional types of vascular malformations also occur. Although much less common than cavernomas or venous angiomas, arteriovenous malformations are more familiar. They often become symptomatic because of their tendency to hemorrhage and to produce venous hypertension or a steal effect. Venous Angiomas (Developmental Venous Anomalies) Most of these lesions are asymptomatic and are found as a result of an examination performed for other reasons. Currently there is considerable debate whether these lesions in fact represent a malformation at all, or whether they simply represent normal variants of the venous drainage. There are, however, instances in which

venous angiomas are associated with hemorrhage as well as with more indirect symptoms such as headache or seizures. Venous angiomas are composed of abnormally dilated veins without any associated arterial or capillary abnormalities. The neural parenchyma in and around a venous malformation is histologically normal. There are no guidelines as to how to determine if a particular venous malformation is likely to become symptomatic or is more or less likely to hemorrhage. Venous angiomas are most frequently found in the white matter of the cerebral hemispheres but also occur regularly in the white matter of the cerebellum. On CT scans performed without the use of intravenous contrast medium, they may not be apparent or may be seen as small, well-defined areas of increased density. Contrast-enhanced scans show them as tubular areas of increased density extending from the deep white matter of the cerebral hemispheres or cerebellum to reach veins of either the subependymal or cortical drainage system ( Fig. 11-64). The reliable CT diagnosis of a venous malformation requires that one be able to trace the lesion from its nidus to either the ventricular or subarachnoid surface of the involved portion of the brain.

FIG. 11-64. Venous angiomas. (A and B) Postcontrast CT images show two tubular enhancing structures that extend from the ventricular margin to the brain surface through normal brain tissue. Superficially these became continuous with surface veins, which drained into the superior sagittal sinus.

Angiography reveals venous malformations as a cluster of enlarged deep medullary veins draining through one or more veins, emptying into a cortical or subependymal vein (Fig. 11-65). The draining veins of these lesions are enlarged, but neither they nor the nidus of the malformation causes mass effect. Some have compared the angiographic appearance of venous malformations to that of a caput medusae. Venous malformations are best seen in the late venous phase of an angiogram; no abnormality is present in the arterial phase of such a study.

FIG. 11-65. Venous phase of an internal carotid arteriogram. The venous angioma in the left frontal lobe resembles a caput medusae.

Arteriovenous Malformations Arteriovenous malformations are anomalous collections of histologically abnormal arteries and veins that may occur in any part of the CNS. They are most common within the distribution of the middle cerebral artery but are by no means unusual in other parts of the brain; most of them occur above the tentorium. These lesions may rupture and produce intracranial hemorrhages; they are also frequently a cause of headache, and at times they may produce neurologic signs and symptoms as the result of either a vascular steal effect or venous hypertension. Arteriovenous malformations have been classified according to the source of their arterial supply into pial, mixed pial and dural, and dural types. Of these, the pure pial malformations are the most common. There is frequently calcification in and around the vessels of an arteriovenous malformation; the adjacent area of the brain is often atrophic. Computed tomographic scans often provide clear evidence of the presence of an arteriovenous malformation. Lesions that have not caused hemorrhage have a variable appearance and may be seen on noncontrast scans as areas of either low density or mottled high and low density. Small or superficial malformations may not be apparent on noncontrast scans. Following administration of intravenous contrast medium, arteriovenous malformations show striking enhancement, the classic pattern being an irregular central area of increased density from which extend multiple, well-defined serpentine structures of various sizes ( Fig. 11-66). These structures represent the dilated feeding arteries and draining veins of the malformation. The enhancement of an arteriovenous malformation is the result of both the increased blood pool within the lesion and impairment of the BBB of the adjacent neural parenchyma. The CT scan appearance of an arteriovenous malformation that has hemorrhaged is often less characteristic because the resulting hematoma masks the features of the vascular malformation. The presence of vascular calcification and prominent calvarial vascular grooves and foramina, in association with an intracranial hematoma, suggests the diagnosis of an arteriovenous malformation. This diagnosis should also be suspected when intracranial hematomas are found in young normotensive patients who have no other historic feature (e.g., trauma) to explain the etiology of their hemorrhage.

FIG. 11-66. (A) Axial noncontrast computed tomogram shows areas of calcification and increased density in the left temporal lobe. There is a slight mass effect. The left temporal horn is dilated. ( B) Axial computed tomogram at the same level performed after administration of intravenous contrast medium. There is enhancement of the large feeding arteries, nidus, and draining veins of this temporal lobe arteriovenous malformation.

Magnetic resonance imaging is superior to CT both for the diagnosis of arteriovenous malformations and for determining their exact relationship to adjacent neural structures. The feeding arteries, nidus, and draining veins appear in most instances as areas of signal void on both T1- and T2-weighted sequences. The high signal

intensity sometimes caused by slow or turbulent blood flow and the frequent occurrence of calcification in these lesions often result in heterogeneous signal intensities, however, and make it difficult to determine with MRI whether there is either recent or old hemorrhage in the malformation. Although the diagnosis of an arteriovenous malformation can usually be made on the basis of CT or MRI scan findings alone, angiography is required to make a decision regarding the treatment of the lesion. Proper angiography requires the selective study of all arteries that may supply tissue in the area where the malformation is located. Because of the prominent arteriovenous shunting that occurs in these malformations, rapid sequence filming is essential to allow definition of the exact morphology of the abnormality. The typical angiographic appearance of an arteriovenous malformation is that of several dilated tortuous arteries supplying a tangle of abnormal vessels, from which emerge one or more enlarged draining veins ( Fig. 11-67). Arteriovenous malformations do not produce mass effect unless there has been a recent hemorrhage or there is an associated venous varix formation.

FIG. 11-67. (A) Towne projection of a left vertebral arteriogram. There is an arteriovenous malformation in the medial surface of the left temporal lobe. The enlarged feeder, the nidus, and the dilated draining vein are all seen on this film. ( B) This lateral projection of a left vertebral arteriogram provides better visualization of the relationship of the draining veins to the nidus of the malformation seen in A.

Vein of Galen Malformations (Aneurysms) This is a particular subtype of arteriovenous malformation that derives its name from the fact that the vein of Galen serves as the venous outflow of the lesion. The term vein of Galen aneurysm used in the older literature is misleading because the aneurysmal enlargement of the vein of Galen is only a secondary manifestation of the arteriovenous malformation. This lesion usually manifests during childhood. Large lesions with high flow cause high-output cardiac failure in newborns; less severe lesions typically are noted because of the occurrence of hydrocephalus. The arterial component of vein of Galen malformations is usually derived from the choroidal arteries and the anterior cerebral arteries ( Fig. 11-68). With current embolization techniques, many of these lesions can be treated effectively.

FIG. 11-68. Lateral projection of an internal carotid arteriogram. Enlarged anterior cerebral and posterior choroidal arteries are seen entering the nidus of a vein of Galen malformation. There is also opacification of the dilated vein of Galen.

Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas/Malformations Pure dural fistulas/malformations result either from the persistence of a normal embryonic dural arteriovenous fistula or from the creation of this fistula during the recanalization of a thrombosed dural sinus. The arterial supply of this type of lesion is derived from dural branches of the internal and external carotid artery and the vertebral artery; the venous drainage is in common with the brain. These abnormalities are associated with a wide variety of clinical presentations; some are incidental findings, others cause only a bruit, and still others are associated with severe symptoms because of intracranial hemorrhage, venous hypertension, or steal phenomenon. Dural arteriovenous fistula cannot be consistently diagnosed using either CT or MR scanning. Angiography is required both for diagnostic purposes and as a means to allow planning of optimal treatment. Interventional techniques (i.e., embolization) play an important role in the management of many of these lesions (Fig. 11-69).

FIG. 11-69. (A) Lateral projection of left external carotid arteriogram. There is early opacification of the sigmoid sinus and adjacent veins. The arterial supply to this dural arteriovenous fistula comprises the posterior branch of the middle meningeal artery and the transmastoid branch of the occipital artery. ( B) Lateral projection of a left common carotid arteriogram done following embolization of the dural arteriovenous fistula shown in A. The arteriovenous shunts have been obliterated, and the proximal segments of the feeding arteries have been preserved.

Epilepsy There are a limited number of functional reactions of the brain to injury. There may be local or global dysfunction, which takes a variety of forms. Or there may be abnormally increased firing of cerebral neurons, sometimes local, often primarily or secondarily global, that is manifest as seizures. Because it is a nonspecific reaction to cerebral cortical injury or chemical abnormality, a new seizure in an adult is commonly caused by (clinical or subclinical) ischemic disease or by metastatic or primary cerebral neoplasm, toxins and drugs, infection, trauma, or other insults. Chronic epilepsy that begins in childhood may also have a discrete cause such as

a global or focal brain malformation (including small areas of cortical dysplasia), slow-growing neoplasms such as ganglioglioma, or lesions such as cavernous angiomata or trauma. Often there is no grossly visible lesion. When the temporal lobes are involved, there is sometimes damage to the hippocampus that further potentiates or incites seizures. Temporal lobe epilepsy is generally difficult to control medically, and these patients are often imaged on multiple occasions over several years before eventual surgical therapy. Radiologically, lesional epilepsy (caused by a grossly identifiable malformation, neoplasm, or injury) is as straightforward as other situations in which a mass or brain injury is sought. However, specialized MRI techniques and very careful image analysis are required for evaluation of many epilepsy cases in which the radiologic findings may be extremely subtle, consisting of small areas of thickened cortex (dysplasia) or modest atrophy of the hippocampal formation (which correlates with the pathologic finding of hippocampal or mesial temporal sclerosis), which may be without significant signal abnormality. Specifically, a coronal section oriented obliquely so that it is perpendicular to the axis of the temporal lobe is generally the most valuable imaging plane. Three-dimensional imaging with very thin slices and good gray-white differenti ation (such as a spoiled gradient-echo technique) is excellent for anatomic definition of the hippocampal formations and the neocortex ( Fig. 11-70). Flair images are very sensitive for subtle abnormalities of signal in the hippocampus.

FIG. 11-70. Hippocampal atrophy. A coronal SPGR image through the central brainstem and bodies of the hippocampi shows significant left hippocampal atrophy in a patient with chronic temporal lobe epilepsy. No other lesion was identified.

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Chapter 12 The Spinal Cord and Vertebral Column Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 12 The Spinal Cord and Vertebral Column

Mark C. Hollister and Arthur A. De Smet

M. C. Hollister and A. A. De Smet: Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252.

Anomalies of the Spinal Column Embryology of the Vertebrae Embryology of the Intervertebral Disc Notochordal Lesions: Chordoma and Schmorl's Nodes Vertebral Fusion Anomalies Hemivertebra and Butterfly Vertebrae Spinal Dysraphism Sacral Agenesis (Caudal Regression Syndrome) Failure of Fusion of Secondary Ossification Centers Transitional Vertebra Pedicle Anomalies Degenerative Disease Methods of Examination Disc Disease Spinal Stenosis Spondylolisthesis and Spondylolysis Interventional Imaging of the Spine Discography Epidural Injections and Nerve Root Blocks Spinal Tumors Imaging of Spinal Tumors Intramedullary Tumors Intradural Extramedullary Tumors Extradural Tumors Trauma Cord Injury Epidural Hematoma Ligamentous Injury Nerve Root Avulsion Infection Infectious Pyogenic Spondylitis Tuberculous Spondylitis Epidural Abscess Meningitis Miscellaneous Conditions Multiple Sclerosis Radiation Myelitis Transverse Myelitis AIDS Myelitis Spinal Meningeal Cysts Vascular Malformations Chapter References Selected Readings

The radiographic diagnosis of developmental, degenerative, neoplastic, infectious, and other conditions affecting the spinal cord and vertebral column are considered in this chapter. Imaging of the spine with radiographs, myelography, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and angiography are discussed.


Embryology of the Vertebrae Familiarity with the embryology of the spine is critical to understanding congenital anomalies. The notochord is the column of cells derived from the endoderm around which the vertebrae develop. During the early weeks of embryonic life, the notochord forms a long, rounded column extending from the hypophyseal pouch to the lower end of the primitive spine. The mesenchyme surrounding the notochord undergoes segmentation with the formation of zones of densely packed cells, called sclerotomes, separated by less dense zones. The sclerotomes develop regions that form the anlagen for the vertebral bodies, the neural arches, the transverse processes, and the ribs. Eventually the notochord is completely surrounded by the regions arising from the sclerotomes, and the primitive vertebrae are formed. With further development, the notochord becomes squeezed into the regions that will become the intervertebral discs. The anlage for the vertebral body is divided initially into two lateral halves by an extension of the perichordal sheath. Centers of chondrification begin on either side of the sheath. The cartilage centers fuse but, for a time, there is left a remnant of the sheath in the center of the cartilaginous vertebral body, known as the mucoid streak. This is continuous with the remnants of notochord that come to lie within the disc regions. Ossification of the vertebral body begins from two separate centers at 312; to 4 months of fetal life. These do not correspond to the two centers of chondrification already mentioned but rather are situated dorsally and ventrally. Shortly after their fetal appearance, they fuse to form a single center for each vertebral body. The neural arch ossifies from two centers, one for each lateral half. At birth the vertebra consists of three separate ossification areas, one for the body and two for the arch; these are separated by zones of cartilage. Shortly after birth, the two halves of the neural arch unite, beginning first in the lumbar area and ascending to the cervical area. Union of the arches to the bodies begins during the third year of life and is completed by about the seventh year. This fusion begins in the cervical region and is completed in the lumbar region. At the time of puberty, secondary ossification centers appear for the tips of each of the vertebral processes, and a ring-like epiphyseal plate for the upper and lower edges of the bodies also begins to ossify ( Fig. 12-1).

FIG. 12-1. Normal vertebral ring epiphysis. Lateral view of the midthoracic spine in an adolescent.

Embryology of the Intervertebral Disc The masses of notochordal cells between the vertebrae, with the addition of mucoid material, fibrous tissue, and hyaline cartilage cells, form the nucleus pulposus of the fully developed intervertebral disc. Notochordal cells can be identified in the nucleus until adolescence or even later. During early life and until the age of 25 to 30 years, the nucleus pulposus forms a semifluid, noncompressible substance that is important in absorbing shocks and in distributing the stresses to which the spine is subjected. During the period of its development, the intervertebral disc is supplied by blood vessels derived from the periosteum and by vessels extending into the disc from the vertebral bodies. The latter penetrate the cartilage plate surrounding the nucleus pulposus. Shortly after birth, these vessels regress and disappear. Where the vessels penetrated the cartilage plates of the disc, defects in chondrification result, and these may persist throughout life. Notochordal Lesions: Chordoma and Schmorl's Nodes Although the remnants of notochord enclosed within cartilage disappear as the disc becomes avascular, there are areas where small masses of fetal notochord may persist throughout life. These are found most frequently in the region of the clivus at the base of the skull and in the sacrococcygeal area. It is in these locations that a tumor known as chordoma is prone to develop. Chordoma is a malignant neoplasm that seldom metastasizes but is very invasive locally. Remnants of notochord sometimes persist where the mucoid streak entered the disc. These are visible radiographically as smooth, cup-shaped or concave impressions in the end-plates of one or more vertebral bodies. Usually the defects are multiple, and they are seen most frequently in the lower thoracic and upper lumbar spine. These notochordal defects are areas through which protrusion of disc material into the vertebral body may occur. These herniations of disc material are known as Schmorl's nodes (Fig. 12-2). Schmorl's nodes are a common disc abnormality, with a prevalence of almost 20% on MRI studies. 31 Although they usually are considered to be incidental findings, they may on occasion be symptomatic.

FIG. 12-2. Schmorl's node. Lateral lumbar radiograph demonstrates multiple concave impressions in the vertebral end-plates, caused by intravertebral protrusion of disc material.

As noted previously, gaps in chondrification of the disc are formed by vessels arising from the vertebral body. These weak areas predispose to traumatic intravertebral protrusion of disc material. When the herniated material is composed only of cartilage, the defect may be difficult or impossible to visualize on radiographs. Usually, with time, reactive sclerosis forms around the herniated cartilage nodule and it becomes visible. These traumatic Schmorl's nodes usually occur near the center of the disc surface of the body, but they may be situated eccentrically. The defect is concave, and the wall of sclerosis is distinct. Thinning of the intervertebral disc space may or may not accompany herniation of disc material. Thinning of the disc in these patients is caused not so much by the actual herniation of disc material but by disc desiccation, which may either precede or follow the herniation. With degeneration, the disc loses turgor and elasticity, and its total volume is reduced. Vertebral Fusion Anomalies Fusion or partial fusion of two or more vertebral bodies occurs occasionally. Usually such congenital fusion can be differentiated from that resulting from disease by the fact that the sum in height of the congenitally fused bodies is equal to the normal height of two vertebrae plus the expected height of an intervertebral disc if one were present. Often, there is a slight hourglass configuration to the compound vertebra, caused by remodeling at the fused disc space. The bony structure of the fused vertebra is normal except for the fusion. In cases of partial fusion, it is normally the anterior aspect that fuses, while a rudiment of the disc remains in the posterior portion (Fig. 12-3). Clinical symptoms ordinarily are not associated with vertebral fusion except in atlanto-occipital fusion and in Klippel-Feil syndrome.

FIG. 12-3. Congenital fusion of two lumbar vertebrae (block vertebra). Note concavity of the anterior vertebral contour at the level of the expected disc space (not seen in surgical fusions) and the posterior remnant of the intervertebral disc.

Klippel-Feil syndrome is an extensive fusion of multiple cervical spinal segments. 45 There is numeric variation in the cervical vertebrae, with either complete fusion into one bony mass or multiple irregular ossified segments. The upper thoracic vertebrae may be affected in the same way, and there often are neural arch closure defects as well as other skeletal anomalies. The classic physical signs include shortening of the neck, a lowering of the hairline on the back of the neck, and limitation of motion of the head.61 Klippel-Feil syndrome is often associated with congenital elevation and medial rotation of the scapula (Sprengel's anomaly) and with cardiovascular and genitourinary anomalies. Hemivertebra and Butterfly Vertebrae Failure or incomplete development of a lateral half of a vertebral body results in a lateral hemivertebra. Embryologically, the fault probably lies in failure of development of one of the lateral centers of chondrification. A hemivertebra has a triangular shape when viewed in the anteroposterior (AP) radiograph; it causes scoliosis with an acute lateral angulation of the spine. A hemivertebra in the thoracic region has only one rib, which is on the side of the ossified center. Associated with a hemivertebra there may be numeric variations in the ribs, fusion of two or more ribs, and rudimentary development of other ribs. Except for the scoliotic deformity that it causes, a hemivertebra usually results in no clinical symptoms ( Fig. 12-4).

FIG. 12-4. Congenital hemivertebrae in the thoracic spine of an infant. Three adjacent hemivertebrae are noted ( arrow), as is an associated convex rightward scoliosis.

A dorsal hemivertebra probably occurs because of failure of development of the ventral fetal ossification center. This anomaly often causes a progressive kyphosis that may require posterior fusion at the level of the hemivertebra. A ventral hemivertebra caused by failure of development of the dorsal ossification center is rare. Occasionally the two lateral centers of chondrification for a vertebral body fail to fuse, and a cleft persists in the midsagittal plane, dividing the body into two lateral halves. More frequently the cleft is only partial, resulting in a characteristic shape that is described as a butterfly vertebra ( Fig. 12-5).

FIG. 12-5. Butterfly vertebra. A: Anteroposterior radiograph of a partial sagittal cleft of the 10th thoracic vertebra. B: Computed tomographic image demonstrates the axial appearance of a butterfly vertebral body.

Spinal Dysraphism Spinal dysraphism is the general term for the spectrum of neural tube closure defects, ranging from minor posterior element bony defects to large myelomeningocoeles.19 Patients with spinal dysraphism may also have a tethered conus, diastematomyelia, or intradural lipomas. MRI is the procedure of choice for assessing the extent of the spinal anomalies. 9,50 The presence of a vertical cleft or ossification defect in the midline of a posterior neural arch is common in the lumbosacral region and other transitional areas in the spine. This condition is known as spina bifida cystica when there are associated soft-tissue defects or a meningocele, and spina bifida occulta when no soft-tissue malformation exists. Spina bifida occulta is most frequent in the axis (C1), first thoracic vertebra, fifth lumbar vertebra, and first sacral segment. Spina bifida occulta generally has no clinical significance. Lumbosacral meningoceles are usually associated with spinal dysraphism. Most intrathoracic meningoceles occur in association with neurofibromatosis, are on the right side, and may appear as an intrathoracic posterior mediastinal mass. They often enlarge the intervertebral foramen and therefore may be mistaken for neurofibromas on radiographs. Communication with the subarachnoid space demonstrated on myelography or MRI confirms the diagnosis of an intrathoracic meningocele. Rarely, anterior herniation through a sacral defect results in an anterior sacral meningocele. A pelvic mass in conjunction with partial or total sacral agenesis suggests the diagnosis, which can be confirmed by MRI. Meningocele must be differentiated from teratoma in this instance. Diastematomyelia is a rare anomaly of the spine, consisting of a vertical division of the spinal cord or the cauda equina, the two portions usually being separated by a fibrous, cartilaginous, or osseous septum ( Fig. 12-6). This septum is attached anteriorly to one or more of the vertebral bodies. Diastematomyelia is found most frequently in the lumbar spine, less commonly in the thoracic region. The lesion is clinically significant, because the patient eventually will show evidence of impaired innervation to the lower extremities. Dimpling of the skin, local pigmentation, or excessive hair may be present over the area of the diastematomyelia at birth. Occasionally there is an associated meningocele. Diastematomyelia is much more common in girls, with only 15% of cases reported in boys. 9 Radiographs of the spine show widening of the interpediculate distances over several segments and, often, a fusion or partial fusion of vertebral bodies. Other commonly associated abnormalities include kyphosis, scoliosis, spina bifida, hemivertebrae, abnormal fusion of laminae, and narrowing of intervertebral spaces. If the septum dividing the cord is ossified, it may be visualized on AP radiographs as a vertical, thin, bony plate lying in the midline of the neural canal. CT scanning with intrathecal contrast medium or MRI can be used to define the septum and divided spinal cord.

FIG. 12-6. Axial computed tomographic scan after intrathecal contrast injection shows diastematomyelia with central bony septum ( large arrowhead) dividing the dural sac and conus medullaris ( small arrowhead) into two parts. (Courtesy of Patrick Turski, M.D., Madison, WI)

A tethered conus is a congenital anomaly with a low position of the conus, held in a posterior position. External signs of spinal dysraphism, including hypertrichosis, subcutaneous lipoma, dermoids, and sinus tracts, are present in about one half of these patients. Intradural abnormalities such as lipomas, dermoids, and widening of the dural sac were found in 10 of 24 patients reported by Fitz and Harwood-Nash. 22 These anomalies are well defined by MRI.

Sacral Agenesis (Caudal Regression Syndrome) Absence of part or all of the sacrum is an uncommon anomaly that is usually associated with maternal diabetes. 33 There is a high incidence of neurogenic bladder in these infants, with the complications of vesicoureteral reflux, hydronephrosis, and infection. Occasionally, patients with agenesis of the sacrum have a severe neurologic deficit below the level of the spinal anomaly. The changes associated with sacral agenesis have been termed the caudal dysplasia syndrome or caudal regression syndrome. 25 In addition to neurogenic bladder, there may be abduction and flexion deformities of the lower extremities with popliteal webbing so that the legs cannot be straightened. In severe cases, the lower extremities may be fused (sirenomelia). The radiographic findings are dramatic in severe cases with absence of the sacrum ( Fig. 12-7). In less advanced cases, only the distalmost segments of the sacrum are absent. Most patients have an equinovarus deformity of the feet and, less frequently, dislocation of the hips. The upper extremities usually are normal. Sacral agenesis is often associated with imperforate anus and cloacal malformations. MRI is recommended for assessment of these patients. 19

FIG. 12-7. Anteroposterior pelvis radiograph of severe caudal regression syndrome. The sacrum and lower lumbar vertebrae are absent. Secondarily, the ilia are drawn toward the midline.

Failure of Fusion of Secondary Ossification Centers Secondary ossification centers appear normally at the tips of all the spinous and transverse processes; occasionally one or more of these fail to unite and persist into adult life as a separate bony fragment. A small, triangular bony mass may be found at the tip of one or more of the inferior articular processes of the vertebrae. This represents a nonunited ossification center, and it can be confused with a fracture. The smooth corticated margins of the fragment help differentiate this anomaly from an acute fracture ( Fig. 12-8). A similar center occasionally is seen for the superior articular process but is much less common.

FIG. 12-8. Oblique lumbar spine radiograph showing a nonunited apophysis ( white arrow) of the L4 inferior articular process. The smooth, sclerotic margins indicate that this is not an acute fracture.

Anterior interposition of herniated nuclear material may prevent fusion of a portion of the peripheral ring apophysis with the adjacent vertebral end-plate. On lateral radiographs, this results in a triangle-shaped bony mass along the anterosuperior corner with a corresponding defect in the adjacent vertebral body and is known as a limbus vertebra (Fig. 12-9). This developmental phenomenon has been confirmed at MRI and is in the spectrum of intravertebral disc herniation, which includes Schmorl's nodes.

FIG. 12-9. Limbus vertebra. An nonunited accessory ossification center of the anterosuperior corner of the fourth lumbar vertebra is shown. The smooth bony margins and characteristic shape and location of this variant should prevent its being mistaken for a fracture. Limbus vertebrae are most commonly seen in the lumbar spine.

Transitional Vertebra At the junctions of the major divisions of the spine, a vertebra may take on part of the characteristics of both divisions. This most frequently occurs at the thoracolumbar and lumbosacral junctions. The first lumbar, and rarely the second, may have rudimentary ribs articulating with the transverse processes. The fifth lumbar vertebra may be partially sacralized, often with one transverse process fused with the sacrum, the other being free, and with only a rudimentary disc between them (Fig. 12-10). The first sacral segment may become partially lumbarized in the same manner. When the transition is complete, there may be 6 lumbar vertebrae and 4 sacral segments, or 13 thoracic and 4 lumbar, or various combinations. Usually, an addition of a segment to one division of the spine is corrected at another level. When surgery is being considered for a disorder of the spine (e.g., herniated disc), it is critical that communication of the level of the abnormality is accurate and consistent. This may be a problem when thoracic and lumbar MRI studies are used to assign vertebral level without benefit of radiographs, because transitional

vertebrae are more difficult to identify. One study of lumbar MRI found incorrect assignment of vertebral levels in 20% of cases.


FIG. 12-10. Transitional vertebra. The fifth lumbar vertebra is partially sacralized. Its left transverse process is enlarged and articulates with the sacrum. The right L5 transverse process is free.

The seventh cervical vertebra may have unilateral or bilateral ribs attached to its transverse processes. These cervical ribs may be only short structures or they may be long enough to articulate with the sternum. A cervical rib may be fused with the first thoracic rib, or it may form a pseudarthrosis with it. As the cervical rib passes anteriorly, it may compress the subclavian vessels, causing venous thrombosis or arterial insufficiency. Even when the cervical rib is short, a fibrous band may extend from its tip to the first rib or to the sternum and be a source of compression of a subclavian vessel. Pedicle Anomalies Absence or hypoplasia of a pedicle is occasionally observed in the cervical spine. Absence of a lumbar pedicle with compensatory hypertrophy of the opposite pedicle has been reported but is rare. The hypertrophy of the opposite lumbar pedicle differentiates this anomaly from a destructive lesion of a pedicle ( Fig. 12-11). With an absent pedicle, the ipsilateral intervertebral foramen is widened, and there is posterior displacement of the maldeveloped lateral mass. Absence or hypoplasia of a pedicle must be differentiated from erosions caused by neurofibromatosis, primary tumors, metastases, or arch fractures.

FIG. 12-11. Anteroposterior radiograph of the upper lumbar spine. The right pedicle of L2 is absent ( white arrow). The left pedicle of L2 shows compensatory sclerosis and hypertrophy.

Flattening or thinning of a pedicle at the 12th thoracic or 1st lumbar level, either unilaterally or bilaterally, is a common anatomic variant. may be straight, convex, or concave, and the outer margin may be flat or concave.

The inner cortical margin

Back pain is ubiquitous in our society; the lifetime prevalence of low-back pain alone approaches 80%. 53 Neck and back pain are often related to degenerative changes in the spine. Modern imaging techniques, especially MRI, accurately depict both normal and degenerative morphology of the spine. However, there is an inconsistent correlation between degenerative anatomic abnormalities and symptomatology. 4,31 A sizable minority (25%) of asymptomatic people have small lumbar disc protrusions visible on MRI. Conversely, some patients with significant, even disabling, clinical symptoms have minimal anatomic abnormalities on MRI. Careful consideration of the history, the physical examination, and the results of other diagnostic tests is required before clinical significance can be attributed to the morphologic changes depicted on imaging examinations. Still, the unique anatomic information that modern imaging techniques provide has greatly contributed to the understanding of spinal disease and will continue to influence diagnosis and treatment decisions. Methods of Examination Routine Radiography Although radiographs of the spine are frequently obtained in the evaluation of back pain, most episodes of back pain are self-limited and do not require imaging. Concern regarding the potential overutilization of plain film radiography led the American College of Radiology and other organizations to recommend that lumbar spine radiographs not be obtained for acute low-back pain unless specific clinical risk factors for fracture, malignancy, or infection are present. 12,62 When radiography is warranted, AP and lateral projections usually suffice. Oblique views of the lumbar spine may identify a nondisplaced spondylolysis that is obscured by superimposition in the lateral projection. In the cervical spine, oblique views are often helpful because they provide unobstructed views of the neural foramina, which may be narrowed by osteophytes (Fig. 12-12). On rare occasions flexion and extension views are warranted, usually in the setting of subacute trauma or in presurgical patients in whom evidence of instability is sought.

FIG. 12-12. Normal cervical spine. A: Lateral view demonstrates normal vertebral body alignment and intervertebral disc spaces. Lateral articular masses and facet joints project over the normal spinal canal. The foramina project anterolaterally and are not visible. B: The 45 anterior oblique view looks down the barrel of the widely patent nerve root foramina. Hypertrophy of either the facet joints ( arrows) or uncinate processes (arrowheads) may encroach on the nerve roots as they

traverse the foramina.

Myelography Myelography entails injection of iodinated contrast material within the thecal sac to render it and the enclosed neural structures visible by radiography or CT scanning. 56 Mixed with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), contrast material outlines the surfaces of the spinal cord, intrathecal nerve roots, thecal sac borders, and any abnormal masses or extrinsic impressions. Before the development of CT and MRI, myelography was the primary tool for radiologic diagnosis of intradural pathology and spinal stenosis. Today, myelography is usually used for problem solving. The most common current indications for myelography are when there are contraindications to MRI, when MRI findings are equivocal or images suboptimal (e.g., extensive spinal hardware, obesity), and when detailed bony evaluation is required in addition to soft-tissue information. To perform a myelogram, a 22-gauge (or thinner) spinal needle is used for lumbar puncture, and contrast material is injected under fluoroscopic control to ensure subarachnoid placement. To minimize the risk of side effects, a nonionic contrast medium is used. The volume and concentration of contrast material employed depend on the site being studied, the route of delivery, physician preference, and whether CT will be performed after the myelogram. For cervical myelography, contrast material may be deposited in the lumbar thecal sac and shifted cranially by gravity (iodinated contrast has a higher specific gravity than CSF) or by way of a carefully monitored lateral C1-C2 puncture, targeting the posterior third of the spinal canal 32 (Fig. 12-13). After injection of the contrast medium, AP, lateral and oblique radiographs of the desired spinal segments are obtained ( Fig. 12-14 and Fig. 12-15). CT scanning frequently follows the plain film myelogram, greatly adding to the diagnostic utility of the examination ( Fig. 12-16).

FIG. 12-13. C5-C6 disc herniation identified by cervical myelogram after posterior C1-C2 puncture. Shallow oblique frontal projection shows amputation of the C5-C6 axillary root sleeve, compression of the contrast column, and slight displacement of the spinal cord ( arrow).

FIG. 12-14. Normal lumbar myelogram, lateral projection. The contrast-filled lumbosacral thecal sac has a smooth ventral contour. Descending nerve roots are visible as linear, obliquely oriented filling defects. Note the wide ventral epidural space between the contrast-filled thecal sac and posterior vertebral margin ( arrowheads) which is greatest at the lumbosacral junction. Small disc herniations into this region may be invisible at myelography.

FIG. 12-15. Lumbar myelograms, oblique views. A: Oblique projection in a normal myelogram shows symmetric caliber and course of the exiting lumbar roots and good filling of all axillary root sleeves. B: Opposite oblique in a different patient with paracentral disc herniation shows displacement and flattening of the exiting S1 nerve root and nonfilling of its axillary root sleeve ( arrow). The upper lumbar roots are normal.

FIG. 12-16. Postmyelogram computed tomographic scan shows central disc herniation. An image at the level of the lumbosacral disc shows abnormal soft tissue (higher density than fat) in the ventral epidural space ( arrowheads) which effaces the anterior aspect of the thecal sac and slightly displaces the right S1 nerve root.

Computed Tomography (CT) CT scanning is an excellent technique for evaluating the bony spinal canal as well as certain intraspinal soft-tissue structures 11,28,29 (Fig. 12-17). In cases of degenerative disease in which bone contributes significantly to compression of the spinal cord or nerve roots, CT can be more useful than MRI, because MRI has difficulty resolving desiccated disc material from bony structures and also tends to artifactually overestimate the degree of stenosis caused by hypertrophic bone. 5 Standard CT techniques call for obtaining contiguous, thinly collimated axial or oblique axial slices through the involved segment of the spine. Varying the plane of sectioning to parallel that of each disc individually is not recommended because it hinders multiplanar reformatting and can result in missed diagnoses if portions of the spinal canal are not imaged because of failure to overlap slices. For example, one study found that spondylolysis was missed in 8 of 8 cases when scanning was done parallel to the disc spaces only. 24 To reduce loss of spatial resolution caused by partial volume averaging, 3-mm collimation is recommended; 1- to 2-mm collimation is frequently used in the upper cervical spine. Helical scanning of the spine is feasible but is sometimes limited by tube heating. Sagittally reformatted images are essential to assess vertebral alignment and provide a second plane for estimating the amount of extruded disc material 26 (Fig. 12-18). Images are filmed in both bone (wide window) and soft-tissue (narrow window) settings.

FIG. 12-17. Normal lumbar computed tomographic images. A: Axial image through the midportion of the L4 vertebral body demonstrates typical appearance of the spinal structures, including pedicles (P), transverse processes ( black arrows), spinous process (S), facet joints (curved arrows), ligamentum flavum (arrowheads), thecal sac (TS), and posterior epidural fat ( white arrow). Slightly higher-density soft tissue ventral to the thecal sac represents the posterior longitudinal ligament and epidural veins. B: Slightly more inferior slice through the L4-L5 disc space. Notice the slightly higher density of the intervertebral disc ( arrowheads) relative to that of the intrathecal cerebrospinal fluid and epidural fat.

FIG. 12-18. Sagittally reformatted lumbar computed tomographic scan. Midsagittal image shows normal contour of the L3-L4 disc, a small central disc protrusion at L4-L5, and a larger, inferiorly projecting disc extrusion at L5-S1. Note mild displacement of the posterior longitudinal ligament ( arrowheads).

With the addition of intrathecal contrast, the accuracy of CT for degenerative conditions in the spine approaches that of MRI, 64 but disadvantages such as the inability to directly image the spine in planes other than axial; the use of ionizing radiation; and the possibility of spinal headache, infection, or contrast reaction associated with myelography are not insignificant. Moreover, although disc displacements can usually be accurately detected with CT, more specific categorization (e.g., protrusion versus extrusion) and assessment of mass effect on adjacent neural structures are more accurately determined by MRI. 41 Tears of the disc annulus are not visible on CT but are easily diagnosed with MRI. Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI provides noninvasive, directly multiplanar and highly accurate anatomic images of spinal structures, making it the leading imaging modality for many applications. 39,44,48 MRI detects degenerative changes within discs earlier than CT and is more accurate and more reproducible than CT in classification of disc herniations. With the addition of intravenous gadolinium, MRI is particularly useful to differentiate enhancing postoperative scar from nonenhancing recurrent or residual disc material in patients who have had disc surgery 6,54 (Fig. 12-19).

FIG. 12-19. Large L4-L5 disc extrusion diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging in a 62-year-old woman 15 years after an L5-S1 discectomy. Sagittal ( A) and axial (B) fast spin-echo T2-weighted images through the lumbosacral spine demonstrate a large ventral epidural mass that follows the signal intensity of the nucleus pulposus. The extruded material extends behind the L5 vertebral body in the left lateral recess, displacing the thecal sac and contacting the descending left S1 nerve root (arrowheads). Sagittal T1-weighted precontrast (C) and postcontrast (D) images further confirm that the extruded material follows the L4-L5 disc in signal intensity and is contiguous with the L4-L5 disc space. Note the peripheral epidural enhancement around the extruded disc material ( arrowheads) as well as the posterior enhancement of the operative defect at L5-S1 ( white arrow). There is no evidence of recurrent herniation at the L5-S1 level.

Optimal diagnostic accuracy requires the use of proper imaging protocols and surface coils. Typical protocols include sequences in both sagittal and axial planes. In the lumbar spine, sagittal T1-weighted and multi-echo fast spin-echo (FSE) T2-weighted sequences are commonly employed. In the axial plane, axial T1-weighted or

multi-echo FSE T2-weighted images are used most often in the lumbar spine, and gradient-echo images (two- and three-dimensional) are most commonly employed in the cervical spine. T2-weighted images provide a myelographic effect (CSF bright, neural tissue dark), allowing accurate evaluation of the cord and nerve roots within the thecal sac. T2-weighted sequences also allow early detection of disc degeneration, which appears as a loss of signal intensity within the nucleus pulposus. Many prefer proton densityweighted images for the evaluation of disc margins because they provide sharp contrast between the posterior aspect of the disc and the adjacent thecal sac and posterior longitudinal ligament. T1-weighted images are useful in evaluation of the discs but also provide valuable information regarding the marrow space of the vertebrae. Replacement of the predominantly fatty tissue of normal marrow by tumor, inflammatory cells, blood, or calcification results in a change in signal intensity within the vertebra from white to gray or black ( Fig. 12-20). When more sensitive marrow imaging is required, fat-suppression imaging is frequently employed. Fast spin-echo short tau inversion recovery FSE-STIR and FSE T2-weighted sequences with frequency-selective fat suppression, available on most MRI systems, are excellent for this purpose (Fig. 12-21). Because of the small size of the structures being evaluated, slice thickness and interslice gap should be minimized on all pulse sequences. Most protocols utilize a slice thickness of 3 or 4 mm and an interslice gap of 1 mm or less. Epidural and paravertebral fat provide natural contrast with adjacent bony and neural structures on T1-weighted sequences but may reduce conspicuity of enhancement after introduction of intravenous gadolinium. Therefore, many centers favor fat suppression for postcontrast T1-weighted imaging.

FIG. 12-20. Thoracic vertebral metastasis. Sagittal T1-weighted image shows that the normally bright signal of the fatty marrow of a single vertebra has been completely replaced by tumor of intermediate signal intensity. Extension of tumor into the spinal canal is apparent, with compression of the spinal cord.

FIG. 12-21. Liposarcoma of the thigh, metastatic to the lumbar spine. Low-signal-intensity marrow in the L4 and L5 vertebral bodies and a ventral epidural soft-tissue mass of similar signal intensity at L5 are apparent in the T1-weighted image ( A) but much more conspicuous with FSE-STIR (B). The L3-L4 and L4-L5 discs are degenerated, but the inversion recovery image clearly excludes disc as the source of the epidural soft-tissue mass (unlike the case shown in FIG. 12-19). Additional sacral metastases are also identified with STIR images.

Disc Disease Degeneration Intervertebral discs consist of a central nucleus pulposus encircled by a strong annulus fibrosis. The nucleus pulposus is a dense gel of proteoglycans, collagen fibers, and water hydrophilically bound to macromolecules. The annulus consists of 15 to 20 concentric lamellae of collagen bands, the outer layers of which are tightly bound to the adjacent vertebral end-plates. 40 The earliest degenerative changes in discs are thought to be cracks or fissures in the inner layers of the annulus fibrosus. Concomitant alterations in the proteoglycan matrix of the nucleus pulposus results in loss of bound water molecules. This dehydration is associated with a loss of disc height, reflecting the diminished turgor and elasticity of the dehydrated nucleus pulposus. Decreased capacity for shock absorption in degenerated discs allows greater forces to be transmitted directly onto adjacent vertebral bodies. This stimulates the formation of vertebral osteophytes and the end-plate edema and sclerosis often identified with degenerated discs. Radiographs become abnormal in later stages of disc degeneration, beginning with loss of disc-space height. Normal cervical and thoracic discs are almost equal in height. Normal lumbar discs progressively increase in height from T12-L1 through L4-L5, the L5-S1 disc having a variable height because of its transitional status. Therefore, isolated loss of height at any one disc space is usually indicative of early degeneration. Degenerative changes progress to include osteophyte formation at the periphery of vertebral end-plates, end-plate sclerosis, and malalignment (scoliosis, retrolisthesis, anterolisthesis). Not uncommonly, gas is visible within markedly degenerated discs. This is thought to represent nitrogen gas drawn from the blood by the negative pressure generated in extension within the airtight degenerated disc. Severe degenerative disc disease occasionally progresses to spontaneous fusion between adjacent vertebrae. MRI of the spine identifies degenerative changes much earlier in the course of the disease than does radiography. Degenerative disc changes were identified in more than 50% of asymptomatic volunteers in one MRI study. 31 The loss of water in degenerated discs is evident on MRI scans as decreased signal intensity within the nucleus pulposus on T2-weighted images (Fig. 12-22). Although not all annular fissures are detected by MRI, some contain foci of fluid-intensity signal on T2-weighted imaging. These have been termed high-intensity zones (HIZs), and they are quite conspicuous 1,57 (Fig. 12-23). Annular HIZs on MRI are strongly correlated with painful discs at discography but are present in up to 15% of asymptomatic individuals. They appear to be a marker for internal disc disruption with reactive inflammation and may be the source of back pain in patients who have degenerated discs but no disc herniation.

FIG. 12-22. Lumbar degenerative disc changes as seen on magnetic resonance imaging. A: Midsagittal fast spin-echo T2-weighted image shows loss of height and fluid-intensity signal in the lower three lumbar discs (compared with the normal L2-L3 disc). Punctate foci of bright signal intensity are present in the posteroinferior disc margin of the L3-L4 and L4-L5 discs, annular disruptions known as high-intensity zones, or HIZs ( arrows). At L5-S1, there is a left paracentral disc protrusion

confirmed on the axial proton density image ( B). Note the asymmetric left-sided mass effect on both the thecal sac and the descending left S1 nerve root ( curved arrow).

FIG. 12-23. Annular high-intensity zone (HIZ). Axial fast spin-echo T2-weighted image at the level of the L4-L5 disc shows a linear band of high signal intensity in the posterior disc annulus (arrow). HIZs may be a marker for painful degenerated discs. Note also the myelographic effect of T2-weighted imaging.

Disc Herniation As degenerative disc changes proceed, chronic repetitive stress or acute injury may result in marginal displacements of disc material. Descriptive terminology for the spectrum of disc displacements is quite inconsistent in the literature and is a source of continued controversy. The lexicon of one of the more widely acknowledged classification schemes is described here. 20 A circumferential extension of the disc margin beyond the vertebral body margins is called a disc bulge (Fig. 12-24). Focal displacement of disc material (nucleus pulposus and/or annulus) beyond the margins of the disc space is called a disc herniation. However, a more specific classification of herniations is possible, especially at MRI. A disc herniation that extends beyond the vertebral margins but retains a base against the intervertebral disc margin that is wider than the maximum diameter of the protruding disc material is termed a protrusion (Fig. 12-25). On proton density- and T2-weighted sequences, a low-signal-intensity margin, indicating some residual intact outer annular fibers, can usually be discerned. A focal herniation associated with extension of nuclear material completely through the outer annulus is termed an extrusion. On MRI scans, the maximal diameter of the extruded nuclear material is greater than the width of the base of the herniation at the level of the intervertebral disc. Often, the low-signal-intensity border of the annulus is visibly interrupted in the region of the extrusion ( Fig. 12-26). When an extruded disc fragment separates entirely from its disc of origin, it may migrate within the epidural space or, occasionally, penetrate the dura and be seen intrathecally. Such disc extrusions are called sequestered fragments58 (Fig. 12-27). The term herniation should be reserved for situations in which a more precise classification cannot be made.

FIG. 12-24. Circumferential disc bulge. Computed tomography (CT) myelogram (A) and axial proton densityweighted magnetic resonance image ( B) in two different patients with circumferential extension of disc material ( arrowheads) beyond the vertebral body margins. Mass effect on the ventral thecal sac is minimal in both cases. Note incidentally the left psoas abscess on the CT image, from a discitis several levels above.

FIG. 12-25. Lumbar disc protrusion. Sagittal ( A) and axial (B) proton densityweighted magnetic resonance images show a focal extension of disc material ( arrow) beyond the vertebral margin, with a base against the disc margin wider than the maximal diameter of the protruding disc material. This is a small, right paracentral L4-L5 protrusion with some ventral flattening of the adjacent thecal sac.

FIG. 12-26. L5-S1 disc extrusion. Sagittal proton densityweighted ( A) and fast spin-echo T2-weighted (B) images show a loss of disc height and signal intensity at L5-S1 that is associated with a large disc herniation. The proton density image nicely demonstrates disruption of the outer fibers of the disc annulus ( curved arrows) and posterior longitudinal ligament. Axial T2-weighted images just above ( C) and at (D) the level of disc extrusion demonstrate near-complete obliteration of spinal

canal space at the level of the herniation. Despite this dramatic appearance, the patient had a relatively subacute presentation, with a 2- to 3-week history of right buttock and leg pain and new perineal numbness.

FIG. 12-27. Sequestered disc fragment. Lumbar computed tomography myelogram through the midbody of L5 shows abnormal soft tissue in the left lateral recess which is indistinguishable from the descending left L5 nerve root and causes mass effect on the adjacent thecal sac. Absence of contrast material in the left nerve root sheath is indicative of compression by the migrated disc fragment. Other images showed no residual connection between the migratory fragment and the disc of origin.

Although it is important to precisely characterize disc abnormalities, these anatomic abnormalities do not necessarily correlate with the presence or severity of symptoms. As mentioned previously, circumferential annular bulges have been identified in 50% of asymptomatic persons. 31 Disc herniations are also identified in asymptomatic patients, but the great majority of these are protrusions. Jensen and colleagues 31 found that 25% of asymptomatic persons had at least one disc protrusion, but fewer than 1% had a disc extrusion. 31 In a symptomatic patient, therefore, a disc extrusion is more likely to be a source of pain than is a disc protrusion. Of course, protrusions and annular bulges frequently do cause symptoms, but this often depends on additional anatomic factors, such as proximity of the abnormal disc material to nerve roots and the caliber of the bony spinal canal. In addition to characterizing the height, signal intensity, and marginal characteristics of intervertebral discs, all mass effect by disc and bony structures on the adjacent thecal sac, spinal cord, and nerve roots should be described. Although it may be useful to subjectively (small, medium, large) or quantitatively (cross-sectional diameter, area) assess the size of a disc herniation, no study has shown such characterization to be more useful than simply detailing its effect on adjacent neural structures. Most herniated discs occur in the lumbar spine, 90% of them at either the L4-L5 or the L5-S1 level. Most of the rest occur at L3-L4. In the lumbar spine, the disc annulus most frequently fails posterolaterally, where it is weakest, resulting in a paracentral herniation. Central (directly posterior) herniations are somewhat less common. Both central and paracentral herniations usually compress the descending nerve roots, often within the lateral recess. For instance, a left paracentral L4-L5 herniation frequently contacts the descending left L5 root. Foraminal and lateral extraforaminal herniations are less common and frequently represent the extension of larger herniations that originate paracentrally. Intraforaminal herniations compress exiting nerve roots at the same level (e.g., a left L4-L5 lateral disc herniation compresses the left L4 root); extraforaminal discs may also compress nerve roots from the level above as they descend in the paravertebral muscles immediately adjacent to the spine65 (Fig. 12-28).

FIG. 12-28. Lateral disc herniation. Axial ( A) and coronal (B) proton densityweighted magnetic resonance images demonstrate penetration of disc material through a focal defect in the right lateral annular fibers ( black arrowheads). The coronal image also shows displacement of the descending right L3 nerve root ( white arrowheads) by the disc material. The patient had a previous L4-L5 fusion.

Conjoined nerve roots and synovial cysts from degenerated facet joints are two additional entities that can mimic displaced disc fragments on imaging studies. Although either may be difficult to differentiate from disc material on CT images, the correct diagnosis is usually apparent on MRI. A conjoined root is a normal variant (1% to 3% of the population) in which the ipsilateral roots for two adjacent segments exit the thecal sac together. With CT, the conjoined root follows the density of the other normal thecal sac contents, whereas a displaced disc fragment is typically higher in attenuation. 30 Facet synovial cysts may vary in CT attenuation and MRI signal intensity, depending on the degree of inspissation of the contained proteinaceous fluid. However, their juxtaposition with a degenerated adjacent facet joint usually allows accurate differentiation from herniated disc material. 38 In the cervical spine, disc degeneration and herniation is most common at the C5-C6 and C6-C7 levels. Subclassification of cervical disc herniations into protrusions and extrusions is more difficult than in the lumbar region, because MRI detail is limited in these smaller structures. 43,55 Posterior vertebral body osteophytes, especially of the posterolateral uncinate processes, play a more prominent role in producing symptoms in the cervical spine than in the lumbar spine, often through nerve root compression in the neural foramina (see later discussion). Gradient-echo MRI tends to exaggerate the severity of foraminal and canal stenosis caused by such projections.5 Therefore, the advantage of MRI over CT is not as great in the cervical spine, except for evaluation of the spinal cord. Thoracic disc herniations are very uncommon. At myelography, disc herniations produce thecal sac and nerve root displacement or obliteration of the axillary root sleeve on the side of protruding disc material. Central herniations are best characterized in the lateral projection. Paracentral herniations are profiled tangentially in oblique projections (see Fig. 12-15). The more laterally positioned a disc herniation, the less likely it is to be detected at myelography because of the lack of direct mass effect on the thecal sac. Substantial L5-S1 central disc herniations may be completely invisible at myelography because there is often considerable ventral epidural fat at this level (see Fig. 12-14). Therefore, CT and MRI are much more sensitive than myelography in detecting lateral and L5-S1 herniations. Marrow Changes Vertebral marrow signal changes are frequently seen in the regions adjacent to degenerated disc spaces and have been classified into three distinct types. 42 Type I is an edema pattern: decreased signal intensity on T1-weighted images and increased intensity on T2-weighted and inversion recovery images (see Fig. 12-36). This finding is anecdotally correlated with concordant back pain at discography (see later discussion) and may be in the spectrum of stress-related microfractures of bone. It is important to differentiate this entity from the vertebral edema seen in association with infectious discitis/osteomyelitis. With infection, the disc is usually abnormally bright on T2-weighted images, whereas degenerated discs are usually dark (see Fig. 12-57D). An additional helpful sign in differentiating infection from

degenerative disc disease is the frequent association of paravertebral induration or fluid collections in cases of infection. Type II end-plate changes represent infiltration by fat; the marrow is brighter on T1-weighted images and dark on T2-weighted and fat-suppressed sequences. Some believe that this represents burned-out type I change, but no longitudinal studies have confirmed this. Type II changes are not correlated with pain. Type III end-plate change represents the MRI equivalent of degenerative discogenic sclerosis and appears as decreased signal intensity on both T1- and T2-weighted images.

FIG. 12-36. Grade 3 spondylolisthesis associated with L5 spondylolysis in an 18-year-old gymnast with 2-year history of increasing low back and bilateral lower extremity pain. Sagittal T2-weighted magnetic resonance image nicely demonstrates the associated central canal stenosis at the L5-S1 level, which is caused by a combination of spondylolisthesis and degenerative change in the intervertebral disc. Compare the normally hydrated upper lumbar discs with the involved level and with the sub-end-plate marrow edema (type I changes) at L5-S1 ( arrowheads).

FIG. 12-57. Thoracic discitis/osteomyelitis caused by tuberculosis. ( A) Paraspinal soft-tissue mass (right greater than left) is visible in the anteroposterior radiograph. The involved disc space is difficult to resolve. ( B) Obliteration of disc space and destruction of the adjacent vertebral end-plates is apparent.

Marrow edema is also seen in acute fractures of the vertebral body, but not in chronic compression fractures. Differentiation of malignant from benign vertebral body fractures is important but not always possible by imaging. Benign compression fractures typically demonstrate plate-like increased T2 signal beneath the fracture, with sparing of the remaining vertebral body and pedicles. Metastatic disease, on the other hand, is more frequently globular, involving more than half of the vertebral marrow and often extending into the pedicles. 66 In practical application, however, there is substantial overlap of findings between benign and malignant fractures, and biopsy may be necessary for definitive diagnosis. Gadolinium administration has not improved specificity for differentiating malignant from benign vertebral body fractures. Spinal Stenosis Spinal stenosis is a general term that refers to bony or soft-tissue narrowing of the spinal canal or neural foramina. Spinal stenosis sometimes results in low-back pain or lower-extremity symptoms. However, it is not uncommon to identify marked anatomic stenosis in a patient with minimal or no symptoms. Therefore, as with degenerative disc disease, it is imperative that imaging findings be correlated with clinical findings before clinical significance is assigned to morphologic abnormalities. There has been considerable confusion and disagreement in the imaging and clinical literature regarding diagnostic criteria for spinal stenosis. There is even less agreement on a standard radiologic nomenclature for categorizing spinal stenosis than for disc abnormalities. Symptoms of spinal stenosis include insidious pain and paresthesias with ambulation and back extension, progressive throughout the day and relieved by sitting or bending forward. The syndrome is typically associated with lower extremity pain, numbness, and/or weakness. The symptom complex has been called neurogenic claudication. Neurogenic claudication can be difficult to differentiate from vascular claudication clinically, but exertional ischemic pain is typically localized more distally in the leg and, unlike neurogenic claudication, is relieved by standing still. Spinal stenosis and disc displacements often coexist and may also be difficult to differentiate clinically. Leg pain referred in a dermatomal distribution, frequently reported in patients who have disc herniation, is less common in spinal stenosis. As with disc disease, radiographs in persons with suspected spinal stenosis are generally nonspecific, but they often show signs of disc degeneration, flattening of the normal lordosis of the lumbar spine, and osteoarthritic degeneration of the facet joints. CT and MRI are much more accurate than radiography in determining the presence, severity, and anatomic basis of spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosis may be classified anatomically into central, lateral recess, and neuroforaminal varieties, although these types frequently coexist. Central Spinal Stenosis Spinal stenosis is classically divided by cause into congenital and acquired forms. Congenital spinal stenosis may occur as an isolated condition or as part of a skeletal dysplasia, such as achondroplasia ( Fig. 12-29). Congenital stenosis is most common in the lower lumbar spine; it is two times more common in men than in women. Congenital cervical stenosis is rare except in patients with skeletal dysplasias. Most patients with congenital narrowing of the spinal canal or neural foramina are asymptomatic in youth, but they tend to develop symptoms of stenosis earlier in the course of acquired degenerative changes.

FIG. 12-29. Congenital and superimposed acquired cervical central stenosis in a 44-year-old woman with achondroplasia. Midsagittal fast spin-echo T2-weighted magnetic resonance image shows a congenitally narrowed anteroposterior diameter of the spinal canal and superimposed degenerative disc changes. Note punctate foci of increased signal within the cord below the narrowed foramen magnum and at the level of C5 ( arrows). This patient's rapidly progressive quadriparesis rapidly

improved after suboccipital decompression and pancervical laminectomy.

Radiographic measurements of spinal stenosis are limited by superimposition of bony structures in the spine, by individual and ethnic anatomic variability, and by the inability of radiographs to detect the contribution of soft tissues to the stenosis. An AP diameter of 16 mm or less on a lateral lumbar spine film has been said to indicate congenital lumbar spinal stenosis, but this can be difficult to measure reliably. 52 On MRI and CT, congenital stenosis is diagnosed by identification of decreased bony dimensions of the spinal canal. In the lumbar spine, sagittal diameters of less than 13 mm are considered abnormal, with diameters of 10 to 13 mm representing the intermediate zone of relative stenosis and those of less than 10 mm representing definite stenosis. Short pedicles, narrow interpediculate distance, coronal orientation of the articular facets, interlaminar angle less than 90, and shortening or thickening of the bony lamina have all been reported as signs of congenital stenosis. These features, however, do not account for the contribution of soft tissues, which is especially important in acquired stenosis. To incorporate this aspect, a subjective assessment of the relative degree of thecal sac narrowing or measurement of the cross-sectional area of the thecal sac is useful. For example, a cross-sectional area of less than 1 cm 2 represents stenosis. Acquired central stenosis is much more common than the congenital variety. The most common cause is degenerative disease of the disc spaces and facet joints, but spondylolisthesis, trauma, Paget's disease, and postsurgical complications can all produce narrowing of the spinal canal. In degenerative spinal stenosis, the thecal sac often takes on a characteristic trefoil shape when viewed in the axial plane, which results from anterior indentation of the thecal sac by bulging disc and posterolateral indentations by hypertrophied degenerated facet joints and/or ligamenta flava ( Fig. 12-30).

FIG. 12-30. Central lumbar spinal stenosis, congenital and acquired. In a 70-year-old man with symptoms of spinal claudication. Sagittal proton density magnetic resonance image (A) shows a generalized narrowing of the sagittal canal diameter (less than 10 mm) caudal to the L2-L3 disc. More severe stenosis is present at L4-L5 and is associated with degenerative disc changes, including a grade 1 spondylolisthesis. Corresponding axial image ( B) shows compression of the thecal sac ventrally by bulging disc and posterolaterally by degenerated hypertrophied facet joints and ligamentum flavum. The compressed thecal sac ( arrow) has an area less than 1 cm2 and the characteristic triangular or trefoil configuration.

Lateral Recess Stenosis The paired lateral recesses of the ventral spinal canal extend caudally from each disc space. They are bounded anteriorly by the vertebral body and disc, laterally by the pedicles, and posteriorly by the superior articular process of the adjacent facet joint. Nerve roots traverse the lateral recesses on exiting the thecal sac en route to the neural foramina. Hypertrophy of the superior articular processes of facet joints due to degenerative disease is the most common cause of narrowing of the lateral recesses, although disc protrusions and postoperative scars also frequently contribute. Narrowing of the lateral recess should be suspected when the AP width of the recess is less than 3 mm on axial CT or MRI scans 36 (Fig. 12-31). Clinical presentation includes low-back pain and radicular symptoms. Lateral recess stenosis frequently coexists with central canal stenosis. Failure to recognize and correct lateral recess and neural foraminal stenosis at decompressive surgery is a common explanation for failed back surgery syndrome. 8

FIG. 12-31. Lumbar lateral recess stenosis. Computed tomography myelogram shows pronounced narrowing of the space between the vertebral body and facet joints (lateral recess) caused by degenerative hypertrophic changes at the disc space ( large arrow) and facet joints (small arrows). The central canal is narrowed sagittally as well as transversely, though some contrast material is still visible within the thecal sac.

Neural Foraminal Stenosis In the cervical spine, nerve roots lie in the inferior aspects of the neural foramina, in close proximity to the posterolateral uncinate processes of the vertebral bodies. Degenerative hypertrophy of the uncinate processes and posterior facet joints is the most common cause of neural foraminal stenosis ( Fig. 12-32). Intraforaminal disc herniation or bulge may also contribute to foraminal narrowing. Bony foraminal stenosis in the cervical spine is well identified on oblique radiographs.

FIG. 12-32. Cervical degenerative changes as seen on computed tomographic myelography. ( A) Hypertrophic uncinate processes ( black arrows) project into the lateral spinal canal and entrance zone of the neural foramina. Combined with a midline disc herniation ( white arrow), mass effect on the cervical cord and effacement

of the ventral cerebrospinal fluid is apparent. ( B) A posterior vertebral osteophytic ridge at C5-C6 compromises the sagittal diameter of the canal, flattening the ventral aspect of the cervical spinal cord.

In the lumbar spine, hypertrophic osteophytes from facet joints and bulging discs may compromise the foramina, but typically later in the course of disease than in the cervical spine. On sagittal MRI or reformatted CT scans, the foramina appear as comma-shaped, fat-filled spaces just above the level of the intervertebral disc. Nerve roots exit via the bulbous upper portion of the foramen just below the pedicles, so early degenerative changes of the disc and adjacent facet joints are initially likely to efface only the fat inferior to the nerve roots. 34 Clinical CT and MRI examinations are currently performed with the patient in the supine position, which diminishes the effect of gravity on alignment and stenosis in the spine. It is possible that imaging of the spine in a weight-bearing position would reveal more profound stenotic changes. Imaging systems that scan patients in an upright position are now under development. If such scanners find clinical acceptance, criteria for spinal stenosis may need to be refined.


Spondylolisthesis refers to the displacement of a vertebra with respect to the subjacent vertebra. This slippage is usually in the anterior direction (anterolisthesis), but it can be posterior (retrolisthesis). Meyerding's classification of lumbar spondylolisthesis is useful for quantifying the degree of displacement ( Fig. 12-33). On the lateral radiograph, the superior end-plate of the lower vertebra is divided into four equal parts. A forward displacement of the upper vertebra of up to one fourth of the AP length of the lower vertebra is termed grade I spondylolisthesis; displacement of up to one half the distance is a grade II spondylolisthesis; and so on. Spondylolisthesis may also be subdivided by cause into several types: degenerative, spondylolytic, iatrogenic (e.g., prior laminectomy) and traumatic (e.g., posterior vertebral arch fractures). Congenital spondylolisthesis is rare and, when present, is caused by a thin, elongated pars interarticularis.

FIG. 12-33. Meyerding's classification of spondylolisthesis. The superior surface of the sacrum is divided into four quadrants. The diagrams (left to right) illustrate first-, second-, third-, and fourth-degree spondylolisthesis, here illustrated with an associated L5 spondylolysis.

Degenerative spondylolisthesis is the most common type. It is related to degenerative changes of both the facet joints and the intervertebral disc. It is most common in the lumbar spine, at the L4-L5 level (see Fig. 12-30). Because the posterior elements are usually intact, the degree of anterior subluxation is low, grade I or II. A bony cleft in the pars interarticularis, located between the superior and inferior articular processes of a vertebra, is called spondylolysis. It is relatively common, with a reported prevalence of approximately 7%. 23 Spondylolysis is usually bilateral but may be unilateral; it may or may not be associated with vertebral displacement or symptoms. Bilateral pars defects predispose to spondylolisthesis, which can be of high grade. The condition is observed most frequently in the neural arch of the fifth lumbar vertebra; occasionally, the fourth lumbar vertebra is affected. Rarely, spondylolysis occurs in the cervical spine, usually in association with spina bifida occulta at the same level. C6 is the most common cervical site of spondylolytic spondylolisthesis. 61 Spondylolysis is identified on lateral radiographs as an irregular lucency traversing the pars interarticularis in an oblique or horizontal fashion ( Fig. 12-34). When chronic, the defect often has thick, sclerotic borders, sometimes with reactive hypertrophic bone enlarging the region. Because of bony superimposition, standard AP and lateral views may not reveal a pars defect, especially in the absence of an associated spondylolisthesis. Oblique views are more sensitive than AP and lateral views. Pars defects have been described as a lucency across the neck of a Scottie dog, referring to the appearance of the posterior elements in the oblique projection. Axial CT with sagittal reformatted images is the best single test for detection and characterization of spondylolysis. MRI reveals most pars defects but is less accurate than CT at identifying fine bony abnormalities such as nondisplaced spondylolysis 27 (Fig. 12-35).

FIG. 12-34. L5 spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis (i.e., isthmic spondylolisthesis). ( A) Lateral radiograph demonstrates a gap in the bony isthmus (pars interarticularis) between the superior and inferior articular processes of L5. A grade 2 spondylolisthesis of L5 on S1 has developed. ( B) Parasagittal magnetic resonance image in a different patient reveals similar findings. Note the hypointense borders on both sides of the gap in the pars interarticularis ( arrows), indicating a chronic spondylolysis. The L5-S1 foramen is stenotic compared to the normal foramina at the levels above.

FIG. 12-35. L5 spondylolysis. Axial proton density image ( A) of the same patient as shown in FIG. 12-34B reveals normal L45 facet joints. A corresponding slice 8 mm inferior (B) shows a bulky, irregular, bony mass posterolaterally, the spondylolysis. The appearance mimics that of a degenerated facet joint, with which it is

frequently confused on axial magnetic resonance images.

Because spondylolysis is frequently identified in younger patients, the condition was initially thought to represent failed fusion of posterior arch ossification centers in development. However, the accumulated evidence indicates an acquired origin in most cases. A chronic stress or fatigue fracture has been implicated in some cases; in others, acute injury is the likely cause. There is often a history of participation in sports which require hyperextension of the spine, such as gymnastics ( Fig. 12-36).


Discography Discography is an interventional procedure in which contrast material is injected into the nucleus pulposus of one or several intervertebral discs. The images obtained demonstrate the internal morphology of the disc and most tears of the disc annulus ( Fig. 12-37). The most important information gained, however, is reproduction of the patient's typical low-back and/or lower-extremity pain (or lack thereof) when pressure within the disc space is increased by injection of contrast material. Discography has not gained universal acceptance, but it is experiencing a resurgence in popularity among spine surgeons, many of whom feel that it adds specificity to the sometimes indeterminate morphologic abnormalities detected by CT and MRI. Because the procedure can be painful and carries additional risks, including the possibility of disc space infection, it is usually reserved for surgical candidates who have multilevel disc abnormalities or findings of questionable clinical significance on noninvasive imaging tests.

FIG. 12-37. Computed tomographic (CT) discogram of lumbar disc protrusion. CT image of the L4-L5 disc after injection of contrast medium (which exactly reproduced this patient's typical low-back pain) shows contrast within the diffuse annular bulge and a small amount of air and positive contrast material within a central disc protrusion. Lumbar discs are accessed by a posterolateral approach ( arrow) passing just posterior to the exiting nerve root ( arrowhead) and anterior to the facet joint.

Epidural Injections and Nerve Root Blocks Percutaneous injection procedures are increasingly used for diagnosis and treatment of back pain syndromes. Facet joints, nerve roots, intervertebral discs, and the epidural space can all be safely and reliably accessed for delivery of medications, usually steroid preparations or local anesthetics or both. Although these procedures are often performed by anesthesiologists, studies demonstrating that fluoroscopic guidance leads to more accurate needle placement and reduced complication rates have stimulated increasing participation by radiologists. 17 Elimination of pain after anesthetic injection is strong evidence that the injected structure is responsible for pain generation. Lack of response can be helpful by ruling out potential pain generators. Epidural steroids may provide short-term and (in some patients) long-term pain relief by neutralizing the inflammatory component of pain, which in some cases is the primary mechanism responsible. 10 Potential therapeutic benefits include earlier return to work, more active participation in other rehabilitative therapies, and improved quality of life. In some cases, surgery can be deferred or avoided.

Primary tumors of the spinal cord and canal are relatively rare, the average annual incidence estimated at 1 to 2 per year per 100,000 population. Nittner, in a review of almost 5,000 adult spinal tumors, found the most common types to be nerve sheath tumors (23%), meningiomas (22%), intramedullary glial tumors (13%), and sarcomas (8%).47 The remainder included extramedullary ependymomas, dermoid and epidermoid cysts, lipomas, and hemangiomas. However, if vertebral body lesions were included, metastases were by far the most common group of spinal tumors, accounting for more than 50%. Primary spine tumors occur most commonly in young or middle-aged adults, although metastatic involvement most often is identified in the 50- to 70-year-old age group. With the exception of meningiomas, which occur much more frequently in women, the sex ratio is essentially equal. Noncontiguous multilevel involvement is rare (1%) in primary cord tumors and, if present, suggests neurofibromatosis. Pain is the most common presenting symptom, and it may help with localization. Although clinical presentation of these tumors is variable, some general principles are worth consideration. Spinal canal masses produce symptoms by involving long tracts of the spinal cord or the nerve roots. Intramedullary tumors are more likely to produce sensory disturbances. Nerve sheath tumors commonly produce radiculopathy. Slowly growing tumors may produce a spastic paresis, but rapidly growing tumors can result in a more acute presentation, with flaccid paresis and loss of reflexes. Classically, the differential diagnosis of spine neoplasms is narrowed by determining the location of the lesion in relation to the spinal cord. 18 Tumors arising within the cord are called intramedullary and are usually associated with fusiform enlargement of the cord and circumferential narrowing of the adjacent subarachnoid space (Fig. 12-38). Tumors between the cord and the dura are called intradural extramedullary and usually displace the cord away from the tumor, widening the ipsilateral subarachnoid space while narrowing the contralateral space ( Fig. 12-39). Extradural tumors, the third group, also cause displacement or compression of the spinal cord, but they result in narrowing of both the ipsilateral and the contralateral subarachnoid spaces ( Fig. 12-40).

FIG. 12-38. Intramedullary cord tumor. Anteroposterior cervical myelogram shows diffuse widening of the cervical cord secondary to intramedullary glioma. Note bilateral effacement of cerebrospinal fluid space ( arrowheads). The lateral view demonstrated a similar appearance.

FIG. 12-39. Intradural extramedullary tumor. Anteroposterior thoracic myelogram (via C1-C2 puncture) shows leftward displacement of the cord ( arrows), widening of the ipsilateral subarachnoid space, narrowing of the contralateral space, and a rounded intradural filling defect ( arrowheads). This proved to be a thoracic meningioma.

FIG. 12-40. Extradural tumor. Axial computed tomography myelogram shows anterior and rightward displacement of the cord and contrast-enhanced cerebrospinal fluid space (arrowhead) caused by a posterolateral epidural soft-tissue mass ( arrow), which proved to represent extradural lymphoma.

Imaging of Spinal Tumors Before CT and MRI, myelography was the mainstay of radiologic investigation of spinal tumors. Large areas of the spine can be imaged rapidly, making it a useful survey tool. Myelography usually permits accurate assignment of a mass to one of the three locations, as described in the previous section. With large masses, subarachnoid contrast material may not be able to pass beyond the mass and define the side opposite the injection site. This is called a spinal block. In such cases, a second injection above the block may be necessary. CT scanning adds to the accuracy of myelography, eliminating the problem of bony superimposition and providing a direct axial assessment of the spinal canal. Soft-tissue contrast within the cord, however, is still limited. MRI provides dramatically improved ability to resolve tissues of similar density by exploiting differences in magnetic properties between tissues rather than the differential attenuation of x-rays. The multiplanar, large field-of-view capabilities of MRI, especially in the sagittal plane, allow rapid screening of the entire spine. Gadolinium should always be administered when a spinal cord tumor is being evaluated. Enhancement improves lesion characterization and aids in the detection of subtle or small tumors. Fat-suppressed T2-weighted and especially STIR-sequence MRI provide exquisite sensitivity for detection of pathology within the vertebral bodies as well as the spinal cord. Intramedullary Tumors Intramedullary tumors account for about 25% of neoplasms that involve the spinal cord or canal. 67 The imaging hallmark of intramedullary tumors is fusiform enlargement of the spinal cord, usually over several levels. Myelography and CT myelography can outline the contour of the cord, but MRI is far superior in detailing the internal characteristics of a cord lesion, for example in the differentiation of cystic and solid portions of a tumor. Even so, specific diagnoses usually cannot be made solely on the basis of MRI characteristics. The differential diagnosis of intramedullary lesions includes gliomas, hemangioblastomas, metastases (though these are much more commonly extradural), syringomyelia, and other nonneoplastic causes such as multiple sclerosis, transverse myelitis, and sarcoidosis. Gliomas Gliomas account for 95% of intramedullary neoplasms. The common tissue types are ependymoma (65%) and astrocytoma (30%). Ependymomas arise from ependymal cells lining the central canal of the cord or rests of these cells along the filum terminale. They are the most common intramedullary tumor of early adulthood, and, in adults, they most commonly arise in the distal cord or cauda equina ( Fig. 12-41). They are typically 4 to 8 cm in length and are often associated with syringomyelia (see later discussion). Owing to their slow growth, ependymomas are more likely than other lesions in this group to result in bony remodeling (e.g., erosions of vertebral pedicles). Ependymomas of the conus medullaris begin as intramedullary masses but frequently appear as extramedullary intradural masses.

FIG. 12-41. Ependymoma of the distal spinal cord. Sagittal T2-weighted ( A) and T1-weighted postgadolinium (B) images show a large, fusiform, intramedullary enhancing tumor associated with an extensive syrinx of the more proximal spinal cord. (Courtesy of Donald Willig, M.D., Fairfield, CA)

Astrocytomas are less common than ependymomas overall, but they are the most common intramedullary tumor in the pediatric age group. Cervical location is more common, especially in childhood (Fig. 12-42). They tend to be longer than ependymomas, not uncommonly involving the entire cord. Like ependymomas, astrocytomas are often associated with syringomyelia.

FIG. 12-42. Cervical cord astrocytoma, low grade. Sagittal T1-weighted noncontrast-enhanced image shows fusiform expansion of the midcervical cord with relatively decreased central signal intensity. No enhancement was demonstrated after intravenous gadolinium. This magnetic resonance imaging appearance is nonspecific, but the lesion proved to be a cord glioma.

Imaging features of ependymomas and astrocytomas are very similar, and they are not reliably differentiable by imaging criteria ( Fig. 12-43). On CT, they are isodense to hypodense and show variable enhancement. On MRI, they are isointense to hypointense on T1-weighted images and variably hyperintense on T2-weighted images. Frequently, but not always, they enhance with intravenous gadolinium. Both may be solid or cystic with one or more nodules, and both are of variable length.

FIG. 12-43. High-grade astrocytoma of the distal cord. Sagittal T1-weighted postgadolinium image shows a complex solid and cystic tumor of the distal spinal cord with areas of intense contrast enhancement and slight expansion of the bony spinal canal. An aggressive ependymoma or intramedullary metastasis could have a similar appearance. (Courtesy of Donald Willig, M.D., Fairfield, CA)

Hemangioblastomas Hemangioblastomas are a rare but radiologically characteristic neoplasm, accounting for 1% to 3% of all intramedullary tumors. Eighty percent are solitary lesions, but multiple sites may be involved in patients with von Hippel-Lindau disease. In von Hippel-Lindau disease, hemangioblastomas of the cerebellum are more common than spinal cord involvement. Next to the cerebellum, the cervical spine is the most common location for a hemangioblastoma. Characteristically, there is a hypervascular solid nidus, which densely enhances and may be mistaken for an arteriovenous malformation. Cystic components or syrinx, or both, are present in more than half of cases. High-flow arteriovenous shunts, often associated with this tumor, may lead to visibly dilated abnormal veins, which appear as tubular flow voids in the tumor and subarachnoid space on MRI. Cord enlargement out of proportion to the size of the tumor appears to be unique to hemangioblastoma. Syringohydromyelia The term hydromyelia refers to an ependymal-lined, CSF-filled dilatation of the spinal cord central canal. Syringomyelia is a fluid-filled cavity outside the central canal lined by glial cells. Because imaging studies cannot reliably differentiate between the two, the compound term syringohydromyelia or, more succinctly, syrinx is used. A syrinx is seen in association with many spinal cord tumors, Arnold-Chiari malformations (especially type I), cord trauma, and certain inflammatory and ischemic conditions (Fig. 12-44).51

FIG. 12-44. Cervical syrinx associated with Chiari I malformation. Sagittal T1-weighted magnetic resonance image shows low-lying cerebellar tonsils indicative of Chiari I malformation and an associated central dilatation of the cervical cord, the signal intensity of which matches that of cerebrospinal fluid.

MRI is the preferred imaging method to identify and characterize a syrinx. 37,59 At MRI, syrinx appears as a longitudinal tube of fluid-intensity signal within the cord, associated with fusiform enlargement of the cord in more advanced cases ( Fig. 12-45). Certain artifacts of MRI can mimic the appearance of a syrinx on sagittal sequences. Therefore, images in the axial plane should always be obtained for confirmation, and they must cover the entire craniocaudal extent of the syrinx. Because of their association with cord tumors, the identification of a syrinx at MRI necessitates administration of gadolinium to seek enhancing solid nodules that may confirm the presence of a tumor.

FIG. 12-45. Thoracic syrinx. Sagittal T1-weighted ( A) and T2-weighted (B) magnetic resonance images show a focal fusiform dilatation of the spinal cord. The signal intensity within the dilatation matches that of cerebrospinal fluid in both pulse sequences. Axial images and postgadolinium images should be obtained to search for nodularity or abnormal enhancement, which would implicate tumor as the cause of the syrinx. (Courtesy of Donald Willig, M.D., Fairfield, CA)

Intradural Extramedullary Tumors This category includes the most common primary tumors involving the spinal canal, accounting for 50% of all primary spinal neoplasms. The majority of these are nerve sheath tumors (schwannomas and neurofibromas) and meningiomas. The differential diagnosis also includes metastases. In children, intradural tumors are usually developmental, lipomas being the most common. Nerve Sheath Tumors There are two basic types of nerve sheath tumors: schwannomas and neurofibromas. The principal cell type of both tumors is the Schwann cell, which forms the covering of the spinal nerve roots. Neurofibromas also incorporate fibroblasts, and frequently nerve fibers as well. Even with MRI, distinction between the two types is usually difficult. Schwannomas tend to be solitary and arise eccentrically from the nerve sheath. Neurofibromas are more often fusiform and multiple; when they are multiple, the diagnosis of type I neurofibromatosis should be suspected ( Fig. 12-46). One third of nerve sheath tumors have an extradural component, which may lead to an hourglass or dumbbell shape, often with bony remodeling of adjacent vertebral elements ( Fig. 12-47). Nerve sheath tumors are hypodense to isodense on CT; intratumoral calcification is rare ( Fig. 12-48). At MRI, they are typically hypointense on T1-weighted images and hyperintense on T2-weighted images. On both CT and MRI scans, nerve sheath tumors demonstrate prominent enhancement with intravenous contrast agents. Enhancement is uniform in smaller tumors but frequently heterogeneous in larger lesions.

FIG. 12-46. Neurofibromatosis type I. Precontrast ( A) and postcontrast (B) sagittal T1-weighted magnetic resonance images of the lumbar spine show numerous intradural extramedullary enhancing lesions, indicative of multiple neurofibromas. (Courtesy of Sheilah M. O'Connor, M.D., Fairfield, CA)

FIG. 12-47. Right C3 neurofibroma. (A) Anteroposterior radiograph shows apparent enlargement of the right C2-C3 nerve root foramen ( arrowheads), which is confirmed in the right anterior oblique view ( B). Preservation of sharp cortical margins indicates slow growth. Precontrast ( C) and postcontrast (D) axial T1-weighted images confirm the presence of a largely extradural, densely enhancing soft-tissue mass within the right C2-C3 foramen ( arrowheads). Only a small component of the tumor is intradural. This 44-year-old male patient presented with a 4-month history of suboccipital neck pain and no neurologic deficit.

FIG. 12-48. Intradural extramedullary neurofibroma. Cervical computed tomography myelogram shows pronounced posterolateral displacement and compression of the spinal cord, the crescentic filling defect surrounded by contrast medium ( arrowheads). The larger, round filling defect represents the neurofibroma, which is slightly lower in density than the cord.

Intraspinal neurofibromas are rare in children, but neuroblastoma or ganglioneuroma may produce an hourglass-shaped paraspinal lesion with an extradural

component that can compress the cord or nerve roots. Punctate calcification may be visible in these tumors. Erosive bone changes of an adjacent rib or vertebral body may occur. Meningioma Of primary spinal tumors, meningiomas are second only to neurofibromas in frequency and are the most common tumor encountered in the thoracic spine. Approximately 80% occur in women, the average age at presentation being 40 to 50 years. They are usually intradural and extramedullary in location, but approximately 15% may have an extradural component or be completely extradural. They typically arise in the posterolateral aspect of the spinal canal. Meningiomas are almost always solitary; in the 1% to 2% of cases that are multiple, type II neurofibromatosis should be suspected. Radiographic abnormalities, which include bony erosion and widening of the interpediculate distance, are uncommon, occurring in fewer than 10% of cases. Adjacent bony sclerosis may occur, but this is less common than in intracranial meningiomas. Calcification is frequently identified in histologic specimens and is often identified on CT scanning, but it is detectable on radiographs in only 3%. Meningiomas are easily detected by MRI, which is the preferred method of diagnosis. Relative to the cord, the tumor is isointense to slightly hyperintense on T1-weighted images and slightly hyperintense on T2-weighted images. A broad-based attachment to the dura, common in meningiomas, may be helpful in differentiating them from nerve sheath tumors, at least for smaller lesions. Meningiomas tend to be less hyperintense on T2-weighted images than nerve sheath tumors, appearing as a negative defect within bright CSF on T2-weighted axial images. Almost all meningiomas enhance with intravenous gadolinium ( Fig. 12-49).

FIG. 12-49. Meningioma. (A) Sagittal T1-weighted postgadolinium magnetic resonance image shows a uniformly enhancing, dorsal intradural extramedullary mass compressing the cord at the cervicothoracic junction. ( B) T2-weighted gradient-recalled echo image shows relatively low signal intensity within the mass, common in meningiomas. Nerve sheath tumors tend to be brighter on T2-weighted images.

Intradural Metastasis Intradural metastases are relatively uncommon and may result from hematogenous spread of systemic malignancies or so-called drop metastases, seeding of the subarachnoid space by primary intracranial neoplasms ( Fig. 12-50). The latter type includes the more aggressive central nervous system tumors, such as medulloblastoma, primitive neuroectodermal tumors, ependymomas, and glioblastoma multiform. Drop metastases are more common in children, especially those with medulloblastoma; more than one third of patients with medulloblastoma have drop metastases at initial presentation or first recurrence. Because of this risk, medulloblastoma patients undergo MRI screening of the entire subarachnoid space (cranial and spinal) at presentation.

FIG. 12-50. Subarachnoid drop metastases. Frontal view of the upper lumbar spine after injection of contrast medium for myelography. There is one large, rounded, intradural filling defect ( arrows) as well as more subtle nodular enlargement of nerve roots in the cauda equina, caused by subarachnoid seeding of a cranial malignancy.

Postgadolinium MRI is mandatory when intradural drop metastases are suspected. With appropriately thin slices, MRI can reliably identify lesions as small as 2 to 3 mm in diameter. Careful comparison with precontrast images and MRI fat-suppression techniques can reduce false-positive interpretations of normal fatty structures in the canal. Myelography, especially when combined with CT, usually demonstrates the nodular filling defects or rope-like thickening of perineural metastases. Noncontrast-enhanced CT is of limited value. Systemic tumors more likely to metastasize to the intradural space include breast carcinoma, melanoma, leukemia, and lymphoma. However, many other forms of malignancy have been reported to cause meningeal carcinomatosis. Developmental Tumors Developmental tumors represent only a small percentage of intradural extramedullary spinal tumors. Lipomas are by far the most common entity in the group, but dermoids, epidermoids, and teratomas are seen occasionally. Lipomas may appear as lesions of the filum terminale, spinal cord, or lipomeningomyeloceles, the latter often in association with a vertebral dysraphism. Lipomatous tumors contain variable amounts of fibrous connective tissue and are often adherent to the cord, meninges, or cauda equina. In some instances, the tumor may be completely or partially extradural. CT is diagnostic and characteristic, showing a low-density fatty mass with mass effect on the adjacent cord. However, because of the often longitudinal growth of these tumors, MRI is the ideal imaging modality. Fatty tumors are bright on T1-weighted images and dark on T2-weighted images. When present, fibrous components may be demonstrated as linear bands of low signal intensity on both T1- and T2-weighted images. When the differential diagnosis includes epidural hematoma, fat-suppressed images can be helpful in differentiation, because extracellular methemoglobin in a hematoma stays bright on all pulse sequences but fat has little signal. Extradural Tumors Extradural neoplasms account for 50% or more of spinal tumors, the great majority being bony vertebral metastases, with or without extension into the spinal canal.

Extradural metastases are estimated to be three to four times more common than primary vertebral tumors.67 However, the most common cause of an epidural mass effect is not neoplastic disease but herniated disc material or degenerative spinal stenosis. In addition to disc and tumor, epidural abscess, epidural hematoma, and lipomatosis are in the differential diagnosis of an extradural spinal mass. Metastases Patients with spine metastases typically present with new back pain and/or symptoms of nerve root or cord compression and a history of known malignancy. Carcinomas of the breast, lung, and prostate are the most common primary malignancies to metastasize to the vertebrae. Extradural metastatic tumors usually reach the vertebrae via arterial seeding, although prostate carcinoma may preferentially ascend to the lumbar vertebrae through Batson's venous plexus. Alternatively, they may involve the canal by direct extension of a paravertebral mass, as occurs in lymphoma and the round cell tumors of childhood (e.g., neuroblastoma, Ewing's tumor) (Fig. 12-51).

FIG. 12-51. Neuroblastoma, metastatic by direct extension. Cervical magnetic resonance image of a child demonstrates a large superior mediastinal tumor and secondary involvement of the epidural space ( arrow), with resultant cervical cord compression.

Radiographs of spinal metastases may reveal an area of lytic destruction, typical in myeloma, or blastic sclerosis, typical in prostate carcinoma. However, radiographs typically under-represent the extent of disease, especially when the lesion responsible for cord compression has developed in the posterior elements. Loss of the outline of one pedicle is sometimes the only clue to presence of a lesion. Lytic lesions must involve the cortex or replace 50% or more of the cancellous bone before they become visible on radiographs. MRI is the method of choice for screening the spine for vertebral metastases, especially in the setting of possible cord compression. Tumor cells replace normal marrow, which is typically fatty (bright with T1 weighting, darker with T2 weighting). Metastases appear as foci of low signal on T1-weighted images and higher signal on T2-weighted or fat-suppressed and inversion recovery images. STIR, because of its uniform suppression of fat signal and exquisite sensitivity to increased free water, is the most sensitive MRI sequence for detecting bony metastases (see Fig. 12-21). T1-weighted sequences are slightly less sensitive for detection of bone metastases. Combined with intravenous gadolinium, T1-weighted, fat-suppressed images are useful in differentiating epidural tumor from epidural fat or blood. FSE T2-weighted sequences, a mainstay of many spine imaging protocols, should be interpreted with caution when ruling out vertebral metastases, because fat remains bright on these sequences and may lower the conspicuity of high-signal-intensity metastases. When whole-body screening for skeletal metastases is required, radionuclide imaging is the method of choice. Whole-body MRI screening for metastasis is feasible but still in investigative stages. Multiple Myeloma Multiple myeloma is a plasma cell malignancy characterized by diffuse multifocal involvement of hematopoietic bone marrow. Vertebral body lesions are quite common. Compared with metastases, myeloma involves the vertebral pedicles and posterior elements less frequently. As with metastases, radiographs are considerably less sensitive than MRI in the diagnosis of multiple myeloma. However, because of the added expense and practical difficulties associated in screening the entire body by MRI, radiographs are typically used to survey the axial and appendicular skeleton to define the number and size of focal lytic lesions that are present. In the presence of pathologic fractures or possible neurologic compromise, MRI or CT can provide additional characterization. Bone scans are of limited use in the evaluation of myeloma, because one third of myeloma lesions found on radiographs are missed on radionuclide bone scans. 14

Vertebral column fractures are discussed elsewhere is this text. This section focuses on injuries to the spinal cord and adjacent soft tissues. Spinal cord injury occurs in association with 15% of all vertebral fractures and approximately 40% of fractures involving the cervical spine. Bony injuries of the spine should first be assessed by radiography and CT scanning. MRI may then be performed in patients with neurologic injury. The primary role of acute MRI is evaluation of the spinal cord for injury, but herniated discs, acute ligament tears, epidural hematomas, and many fractures are accurately detected as well. 13 MRI of the injured cord has been shown to have prognostic value in predicting partial recovery of neurologic function in the setting of cord injuries. 21 Cord Injury Cord injury in adults typically occurs at the level of a vertebral fracture, usually from compression of the cord by displaced bony fragments. However, even in the absence of fractures, vertebral displacement caused by ligamentous injuries may result in compressive, traction, or shear injury to the cord. Cord injury without radiographic abnormality is more common in children. This is probably related to their greater ligamentous laxity. Complete transections of the cord are rare. A complete, irreversible motor and sensory deficit at or above the level of cord injury is expected with cord transection. Contusions of the cord are more common and are usually associated with focal cord swelling. Contusions may be classified by MRI signal characteristics into three types, which have been shown to reflect prognosis. 35 Type 1 represents acute cord hemorrhage and carries the poorest prognosis. MRI shows inhomogeneous, decreased signal within the cord on T1-weighted sequences and a central, dark signal rimmed by a thin band of hyperintense signal on T2-weighted images. Gradient-echo imaging is more sensitive than spin-echo sequences for detection of small amounts of cord hemorrhage, owing to the local magnetic susceptibility artifact caused by deoxyhemoglobin and hemosiderin, which results in apparently increased size (blooming) of the dark signal regions within the cord, compared with T2-weighted images. Type 2 cord contusion represents edema without hemorrhage and carries a favorable chance of partial recovery of neurologic function. MRI shows isointense cord swelling on T1-weighted images and uniformly increased signal on T2-weighted images ( Fig. 12-52). Craniocaudal extent of edema within the cord has also been correlated with prognosis; edema extending for more than one spinal segment predicts a poor prognosis. 21 STIR sequences are the most sensitive technique for detecting edema within the cord.

FIG. 12-52. L1 burst fracture and conus contusion. Sagittal fat-suppressed T2-weighted image shows wedging and retropulsion of the L1 vertebral body fracture. The conus is displaced and contains a focus of uniformly increased signal that is several centimeters long (i.e., type II cord contusion).

Type 3 represents an intermediate pattern, with central punctate foci of low signal intensity surrounded by a thick band of high signal on T2-weighted images. The prognosis associated with this pattern is also intermediate. Epidural Hematoma In the spine, epidural hematomas are much more common than subdural hematomas, just the opposite of cranial trauma. In the skull, the outer dura is tightly bound to the inner table of the calvarium, but in the spine it is separated from the bony canal by a true epidural space. Tearing of veins that traverse the spinal epidural space is the cause of most epidural hematomas. Large epidural hematomas may compress the spinal cord and cause neurologic deficit, sometimes necessitating emergency decompressive surgery. MRI is the imaging method of choice for epidural hematomas, which are typically high in signal intensity on both T1- and T2-weighted images, owing to the presence of extracellular methemoglobin. Depending on the age of the hematoma, these signal characteristics may vary, as described in the section on head trauma. CT is fairly sensitive for detection in the lumbar spine, where there is enough epidural fat to provide contrast, but hematomas may be missed on CT when they are in the tighter confines of the cervical or thoracic spine. Radiographs may be entirely negative or show associated fractures. Other causes of epidural hematoma include coagulopathy, anticoagulant therapy, recent surgery, arteriovenous malformation, and idiopathic spontaneous bleeding. Ligamentous Injury Partial or complete tearing of the strong ligaments which maintain stability of the vertebral column are a frequent accompaniment to spinal injury and are sometimes the principal injury. Radiographs detect only the bony malalignment that sometimes accompanies such injury. MRI can directly image these structures and make specific diagnoses of ligamentous damage. Normal ligaments are dark, linear structures on both T1-weighted and T2-weighted images. When acutely injured, they are frequently outlined by bright edema or blood on fluid-sensitive sequences, making the torn ends quite conspicuous ( Fig. 12-53).

FIG. 12-53. Traumatic C4-C5 fracture subluxation. There is an anterolisthesis of C4 on C5 of almost 50%; this is associated with a fracture of the posterior C4 vertebral body and interruption of the normally black anterior longitudinal ligament and C4-C5 disc space. The bright signal in the spinal cord is a combination of edema and hemorrhage. The patient presented quadriplegic after a motor vehicle accident.

Nerve Root Avulsion With sufficient traction by trauma, nerve roots may be avulsed, usually in association with dural and/or meningeal disruption. This is most common in the brachial plexus and lower cervical-upper thoracic nerve roots and is usually unilateral. In general, such injuries are rare. Reported mechanisms of injury include motorcycle accidents, football injuries, and birth trauma. Root avulsion is very rare in the lumbar spine, probably because of the shielding provided by the bony pelvis. The diagnosis may be confirmed by either CT myelography or MRI. An empty, enlarged nerve root sleeve, often with extravasation of contrast material through a rent in the dura, associated with a visibly avulsed root, are the usual findings. Traumatic arachnoid cysts or diverticula may result. When these occur subdurally, additional nerve root or cord compression may result. Differential diagnosis includes meningoceles, pseudomeningoceles, and perineural cysts (see later discussion).

Infectious processes of the spine include vertebral osteomyelitis/discitis, epidural abscess, and meningitis. Spinal cord and subdural abscesses are also known to occur but are exceedingly rare. Infections of the spine are most commonly initiated by hematogenous spread of microorganisms, although direct contamination from recent spine surgery can also occur. Organisms are seeded more often through the arterial circulation than through the veins. Usual sources include the skin, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary tract, and lungs. Infectious Pyogenic Spondylitis The spine is involved in approximately 5% of cases of pyogenic osteomyelitis. 7 Infections of the disc (discitis) and the adjacent vertebral bone (osteomyelitis) are usually concurrent, so the entity is more generically named infectious spondylitis. The infections tend to be subacute; patients do not necessarily present with fever, elevated leukocyte count, or increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Most present with back pain of several weeks' duration. Signs and symptoms of neurologic compromise are late and inconstant features. The most commonly cultured organism is Staphylococcus aureus, but almost any organism may cause a spondylitis. In up to one third of cases, no organism can be isolated. Disseminated via small nutrient arteries, bacteria lodge beneath the end-plate of a vertebra, usually anteriorly, then quickly extend into the adjacent intervertebral disc and end-plate of the opposite vertebral body. From there, the infection may extend out of the vertebra, along the spine, or beneath the paravertebral ligaments, forming an inflammatory phlegmon and/or abscess (Fig. 12-54). Patients with infectious spondylitis caused by pyogenic bacteria usually present while the infection is still confined to one disc space. The paraspinal masses are not as large as those seen in more indolent forms of infection, such as tuberculous spondylitis ( Fig. 12-55).

FIG. 12-54. Infectious spondylitis, mechanism of spread, which begins with embolization, followed by extension to the disc and adjacent vertebra and subsequent subligamentous extension.

FIG. 12-55. Infectious spondylitis at T6-T7. ( A) Lateral radiograph demonstrates disc space narrowing, erosion of the adjacent vertebral end-plates ( arrow), and reactive sclerosis in the inferior vertebra. ( B) Computed tomographic image details not only the bony destruction but the extent of the associated paraspinal soft-tissue mass (arrows). No involvement of the spinal canal is confirmed at this level.

Radiographic findings of infectious spondylitis include narrowing of the disc space, erosion of adjacent vertebral end-plates, and paravertebral soft-tissue masses (Fig. 12-56). In the cervical spine, soft-tissue masses may be identified in the lateral view as focal swellings of the retropharyngeal soft-tissue stripe. In the thoracic spine, paravertebral soft-tissue masses are best seen in the AP projection as displacement of the paraspinal lines ( Fig. 12-57). In the lumbar region, soft-tissue components are more difficult to detect, owing to the similar density of adjacent normal tissues. With large paraspinal components of the infection, the psoas muscle shadow may be lost.

FIG. 12-56. Infectious spondylitis, two examples. ( A) Sagittal tomogram confirms subtle erosive destruction of the anterior end-plates of a narrowed midthoracic disc space, with some adjacent end-plate sclerosis, the latter finding probably reflecting subacute presentation (or early healing). B and C: L5-S1 infectious spondylitis in a 10-month-old girl. Lateral radiograph shows more advanced bony destruction of the vertebral end-plates and narrowing of the disc space. T2-weighted sagittal magnetic resonance image (C) reveals destruction of the intervertebral disc, erosion of adjacent vertebral margins, and an adjacent soft-tissue mass of increased signal intensity (arrows). (Courtesy of Andrew Poznanski, M.D., Chicago, IL)

Bony findings of infectious spondylitis are readily identified with CT scanning, but MRI is the diagnostic method of choice because of its improved capacity to evaluate the soft tissue and judge the extent of spread. On T2-weighted sequences, infected discs are typically quite bright because of the presence of pus in the disc space. The adjacent end-plates are also increased in signal and enhance with gadolinium ( Fig. 12-58). Type I end-plate changes of degenerative disc disease resemble this, but the disc is desiccated (low signal on all sequences) in degenerative disease rather than bright, and there should be no paravertebral soft-tissue mass. Inflammatory phlegmon enhances with gadolinium, and abscesses appear as rim-enhancing low-signal-intensity masses on T1-weighted images. As with tumors, fat suppression after enhancement with gadolinium improves sensitivity for detection of extension into the fat-filled paravertebral and epidural spaces.

FIG. 12-58. Pyogenic spondylitis in a cirrhotic alcoholic with fever, back pain, and known vascular shunt infection. ( A) Lateral radiograph at L4-L5 shows marked narrowing of the disc space, loss of sharp vertebral end-plate margins, and mild reactive sclerosis in the L4 vertebral body. ( B) T1-weighted magnetic resonance image shows extensive abnormal low signal within the adjacent vertebral bodies and the intervening disc, with loss of a hypointense border at the vertebral margins. (C) Postcontrast T1-weighted image shows pronounced enhancement of the involved vertebra and portions of the infected disc. No epidural involvement is evident. (D) Fat-suppressed T2-weighted image shows edema in the vertebral bodies and abnormally bright signal in the infected disc, corresponding to areas of low signal intensity in the postgadolinium image ( arrowheads).

Tuberculous Spondylitis Tuberculosis is the most common form of nonpyogenic infectious spondylitis in North America. It is also known as Pott's disease. Eighty percent of patients with tuberculous spondylitis have no evidence of pulmonary involvement. 60 Tuberculous spondylitis has a greater tendency to involve multiple segments of the spine than does pyogenic spondylitis. This occurs through subligamentous spread; the intervertebral discs frequently are spared until later in the course of disease ( Fig. 12-59). An elongated paravertebral abscess often forms, which may partially calcify with time or after therapy. Bony ankylosis may occur across the involved disc spaces in burned-out cases. Contiguous vertebrae may be destroyed to such an extent that their individual outlines and intervening disc spaces are no longer discernible. The resultant sharp kyphosis of the spine is known as a gibbus deformity, from the Latin term meaning hump.

FIG. 12-59. Tuberculous spondylitis with subligamentous extension. Sagittal thoracic tomogram shows obliteration of disc space and destruction of adjacent vertebral end-plates in the midthoracic spine. Superior and inferior subligamentous extension is manifested by erosions of the anterior vertebral body margins over several levels (arrows).

Other infrequent causes of nonpyogenic infectious spondylitis include actinomycosis, blastomycosis, and coccidiomycosis. In most cases, radiographic, CT, and MRI findings resemble those of tuberculosis. Epidural Abscess The term epidural abscess is frequently applied to any infectious phlegmon involving the epidural space, even those that do not demonstrate contained pus (true abscess). Epidural abscess may occur with any acute or chronic infectious spondylitis, but it is especially common in tuberculous spondylitis. Neurologic injury is more likely when the epidural space is violated; this is usually related to direct neural compression by infected material, but it is sometimes caused by vasoconstrictive ischemia in the absence of mass effect. Decompressive surgery or percutaneous drainage is often necessary to limit permanent damage, so prompt and accurate diagnosis is especially important. As has been discussed, MRI with intravenous gadolinium provides the best overall assessment of extent of epidural involvement (Fig. 12-60).

FIG. 12-60. Pyogenic spondylitis with epidural abscess in an intravenous drug abuser with rapidly progressive paraparesis and blood cultures positive for Staphylococcus aureus. A: Anteroposterior radiograph is deceptive but shows a large, paravertebral soft-tissue mass and an extra rib pair ( arrowheads) resulting from discitis and marked bony destruction of the adjacent T7 and T8 vertebrae. The appearance mimics that of a single normal vertebra. B: Midsagittal postgadolinium fat-suppressed T1-weighted image shows diffuse vertebral enhancement and obliteration of the intervening disc space except for two residual intervertebral fluid collections, again mimicking a single diffusely involved vertebral body. Note the large posterior epidural phlegmon and abscess ( arrowheads) as well as a large anterior vertebral soft-tissue mass. C: Parasagittal magnetic resonance image shows involvement of two adjacent posterior elements, confirming that the process represents a pronounced discitis/osteomyelitis of two levels.

Meningitis Most cases of meningitis are not imaged, because the diagnosis can usually be made by history, physical examination, and a lumbar puncture. The infection usually begins as an intracranial meningitis, so head symptoms tend to predominate. However, patients who have associated neurologic deficits that suggest cord or root compression, patients not responding to appropriate antibiotics, and immunocompromised patients should undergo MRI with intravenous gadolinium to rule out complications such as epidural abscess that may require surgical evacuation. Variable patterns of surface enhancement of nerve roots and the meninges have been described in meningitis, including linear, nodular, and plaque-like forms, but there is no correlation between enhancement pattern and the severity of presenting symptoms. Moreover, leptomeningeal and nerve root enhancement is nonspecific; tumor, prior surgery, and normal variation must all be considered in the differential diagnosis.

Multiple Sclerosis Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common noninfectious inflammatory disorder of the spinal cord. Progressive demyelinating plaques involve both the brain and the spinal cord in most patients. The lesions are characteristically scattered anatomically and temporally. MRI findings can support the diagnosis and document progression, but the diagnosis is made principally on clinical criteria. MRI typically reveals one to many small foci of increased signal on T2-weighted images, usually without mass effect. In the absence of cord swelling, myelography is of little value in the diagnosis of MS. Some particularly edematous acute lesions may cause a focal bulge in cord contour or show gadolinium enhancement ( Fig. 12-61). In such cases, the radiologist cannot rule out a neoplasm of the cord, because the imaging features may be identical. Identification of additional characteristic lesions in the brain can help solidify the diagnosis. Focal cord atrophy (myelomalacia) may result when MS plaques burn out with time.

FIG. 12-61. Multiple sclerosis of the cervical cord. A: Sagittal T1-weighted image shows focal swelling of the cord at the level of C3-C4, associated with subtle hypointense intramedullary signal. B: Corresponding FSE-STIR image confirms both swelling and an increase in abnormal cord signal intensity. C: T2-weighted axial image further confirms the extensive amount of increased intramedullary signal.

Radiation Myelitis High-dose radiation therapy to the neck or thorax can be complicated by a syndrome of transient or progressive neurologic dysfunction, even paralysis. The possibility that such symptoms are caused by cord compression resulting from progressive metastatic disease must be considered and can be ruled out with MRI. Chronic, progressive radiation myelitis is the most common form; it occurs 6 to 12 months after onset of therapy. As in the brain, the mechanism of injury appears to be ischemia resulting from sclerosis of capillaries and small arteries. MRI reveals regions of increased signal intensity on T2-weighted images. The cord may be slightly swollen, and enhancement is variable. Later, myelomalacia may be demonstrated. Radiation therapy also causes characteristic changes in the marrow of vertebral bodies. Hematopoeitic marrow is progressively replaced by fatty tissue, resulting in homogeneously bright vertebrae on T1-weighted images. The sharp margins of the radiation field are often clearly delineated. Transverse Myelitis The term transverse myelitis refers to a variety of conditions which share a common clinical presentation, acute paraplegia without cord compression. The cause is sometimes occult, but there are established associations with some viral illnesses (measles, varicella, polio). The entity is best reserved as a diagnosis of exclusion. MRI may show an edematous cord segment of variable length, but the findings are sometimes normal, especially in early phases of the syndrome. Imaging is often performed to rule out other, more treatable conditions rather than to specifically diagnose transverse myelitis. AIDS Myelitis Disorders of the spinal cord related to the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) may be acute or chronic. They include a spectrum of findings, from normal or atrophic to swollen and edematous, with variable enhancement; pathologically, there is often microscopic vacuolar myelopathy of the posterior and lateral columns. Damage may result from direct effects of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and secondary opportunistic infections or from indirect effects such as immune-mediated demyelination or ischemia due to vasculitis. 2 Spinal Meningeal Cysts Non-neoplastic extramedullary cystic lesions of the spine are occasionally encountered. Most of these are congenital diverticula of the dura, arachnoid, or nerve root sheaths. They can be divided into three categories: extradural meningeal cysts not containing nerve roots (type I), extradural meningeal cysts containing nerve roots (type II), and intradural meningeal cysts (type III). 46 Type I meningeal cysts are dural diverticula, sometimes connected to the thecal sac by only a thin pedicle. Over time they may increase in size, by a ball-valve effect and CSF pulsation, to the point that compression of neural structures occurs. In the thoracic spine, they often arise from the dura of a dorsal nerve root, with presentation typically occurring in adolescence. Sacral type I cysts are recognized in adulthood and are sometimes called occult intraspinal meningoceles. Either may result in erosion or remodeling of adjacent bone. Type II meningeal cysts are also known as Tarlov or perineural cysts. 63 They are common and usually appear as multiple dilated lumbosacral nerve root sheaths, noted incidentally on CT or MRI in adults. At myelography, they may or may not fill with contrast medium ( Fig. 12-62). On noncontrast-enhanced CT, they may be mistaken for nerve sheath tumors or sequestered disc fragments. They are almost always asymptomatic but when large or fast-growing may cause nerve root compression.

FIG. 12-62. Sacral perineural (Tarlov) cyst (i.e., type II meningeal cyst). A: Axial computed tomography (CT) scan through the sacrum demonstrates an enlarged left sacral foramen (arrowheads) filled with soft tissue of equal or slightly greater density than the adjacent thecal sac. The CT appearance of a nerve sheath tumor in this location could be identical. B: Oblique view from a myelogram of the same patient confirms that contrast material fills the cyst-like dilated sacral nerve root sleeve.

Type III meningeal cysts are often called arachnoid cysts. They represent intradural arachnoid diverticula, which may or may not show persistent communication with the subarachnoid space. Usually, they are asymptomatic and appear dorsal to the cord in the thoracic spine, but cord or nerve root compression can occur. Although usually congenital, arachnoid cysts may form as a result of scarring induced by surgery, trauma, or infection. Vascular Malformations Vascular lesions of the spine are rare. Patients may present with intradural or extradural hemorrhage or cord infarction. A complete discussion of this topic is beyond the scope of this text, but a brief discussion follows. Unlike the cranial circulation, aneurysms of spinal arteries are extremely rare. The more common congenital vascular abnormalities of the spine include arteriovenous malformations (AVMs), arteriovenous fistulas, cavernous hemangiomas, and capillary telangectasias. Patients with spinal vascular malformations (especially AVMs and fistulae) may present clinically with progressive or recurrent spastic radiculomyelopathy or, rarely,

with catastrophic paraplegia, the latter usually following an acute subarachnoid hemorrhage. When vascular malformation is suspected clinically, noninvasive imaging is carried out first; it is sometimes is successful detecting abnormally dilated vessels as well as the presence and location of hemorrhage, mass effect, or myelomalacia. Many malformations result in development of dilated vessels (usually veins) in the subarachnoid space, because of abnormally high flow in low-resistance vessels. These appear as tubular filling defects at myelography and as tubular flow voids at MRI (Fig. 12-63). CSF pulsation artifact can mimic or obscure this appearance on MRI studies, especially if cardiac and respiratory gating are not utilized. Care must be taken, therefore, to suppress such artifacts and to use gradient-echo techniques or intravenous gadolinium whenever there is a question of vascular malformation.

FIG. 12-63. Spinal arteriovenous malformation (AVM). Sagittal T1-weighted ( A) and T2-weighted (B) magnetic resonance images show numerous tubular and sacular low-signal-intensity structures within the spinal canal, which demonstrate the flow void appearance of dilated vessels in the subarachnoid and epidural spaces. These are typically the draining veins of the AVM nidus. (Courtesy of Donald Willig, M.D., Fairfield, CA)

Spinal arteriography is usually required to make a more specific diagnosis, especially to differentiate intradural from extradural AVMs and fistulae. catheterization of feeder vessels may allow embolization for definitive therapy or precede surgical resection of the abnormal mass of vessels. CHAPTER REFERENCES
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67.



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Chapter 13 The Abdomen Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 13 The Abdomen

Michael Davis

M. Davis: Department of Radiology, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131-5336.

The Abdomen Indications Normal Abdominal Organs Normal Abdominal Gas Abdominal Calcifications Mechanical Small-Intestine Obstruction Mechanical Colon Obstruction Paralytic (Adynamic) Ileus Intestinal Wall Gas The Peritoneal Spaces Anatomy Congenital Anomalies Inflammation Neoplasms Pneumoperitoneum Peritoneal Fluid Iatrogenic Disease Principles of Contrast Examination of the Gastrointestinal Tract Ultrasonography Computed Tomography Chapter References

Multiple options are available for radiologic study of the abdomen. Many, such as the barium enema, are directed at one organ. Plain films, however, allow one to view the entire abdomen before proceeding to a more specific investigation. 4 Indications Abdominal distention, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal trauma are the most common reasons for obtaining plain films. The presence of a palpable abdominal mass warrants imaging by computed tomography (CT) or ultrasonography. 7 Normal Abdominal Organs The liver forms a homogeneous shadow in the right-upper quadrant of the abdomen. Its upper border is limited by the right leaf of the diaphragm, which is confluent with the superior surface of the liver. The superior surfaces of the hemidiaphragms are outlined by aerated lung. The right-lateral margin of the liver is usually separated from the density of the abdominal wall by a thin layer of fat. The lower edge of the right lobe of the liver is seen because of the radiolucency of the adjacent omental and pericolic fat. Gas in the hepatic flexure and in the transverse colon also helps identify the lower margin of the liver. The inferior margin of the left lobe of the liver is not visible. The liver's complex shape interferes with determining the presence of hepatomegaly until the liver becomes quite large. The entire spleen or part of it can usually be seen in the left-upper abdomen. The normal spleen, approximately 10 to 14 cm long, is about the same size as the kidney. In rare instances the spleen is unusually mobile and may be found medial to the splenic flexure of the colon. The kidneys lie on either side of the lumbar spine. Visualization depends on perirenal fat, and their outlines may be lost in patients with markedly diminished body fat. The pancreas cannot be seen on plain films. The outer margins of the psoas muscles can usually be seen because of the fat surrounding them. A loss of body fat or a tapered lateral margin of the muscles may obscure visualization. Less attention is now being paid to the psoas margins in detecting retroperitoneal abnormalities because of the normal variations that exist. 8 The lateral margins of the peritoneum often are bounded externally by thin layers of fat sufficient to cause a radiolucent stripe. The three layers of abdominal musculature can be seen lateral to that stripe. The urinary bladder usually is visible if it contains urine and is surrounded by fat. In women the abdominal fat may allow visualization of the uterus. Supine films may show a mass created by accumulation of stomach fluid in the fundus. When the patient is in an upright position, the gastric fluid shifts to the antrum and the gas to the fundus. Normal Abdominal Gas Swallowed air is the source of the gas that is normally seen in the stomach. Some of that gas passes through the small bowel to the colon; it is common to see gas in limited quantities in nondistended small-bowel loops ( Fig. 13-1). The colon normally contains gas and feces, which can be easily recognized. Bacterial gas production has been found to be a significant source of colonic gas. The intestinal gas pattern of infants differs from that of adults in that gas is normally present throughout the small bowel. Within a few hours after birth, gas can be seen throughout the intestinal tract.

FIG. 13-1. Normal abdomen. Some stomach gas (open arrows), psoas muscles outlined by fat (arrows), liver edge ( white arrowheads), and kidneys (black arrowheads) can be seen.

Abdominal Calcifications Calcified mesenteric lymph nodes are observed most often in the right-lower quadrant or in the lower-central part of the abdomen ( Fig. 13-2). Calcification in nodes is believed to be secondary to granulomatous disease. Aortic and arterial calcifications are an almost inevitable consequence of aging and are seen frequently. This calcification often allows estimation of the diameter of the vessel. Aortic and iliac artery aneurysms are the most prevalent and can be confirmed and measured by ultrasonography if necessary ( Fig. 13-3). Venous calcification in the pelvis is very common. These round phleboliths often have a radiolucent center that distinguishes them from urinary tract stones.

FIG. 13-2. Calcified mesenteric lymph nodes. Calcified nodes are mottled areas of density lateral to the right margin of the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae.

FIG. 13-3. Abdominal aortic aneurysm. The diameter of the aneurysm can be measured because of the calcification within the aortic wall ( arrows).

Nodular hepatic and splenic calcifications are seen in people who have lived in endemic areas of histoplasmosis ( Fig. 13-4A). Simple splenic cysts often calcify and may be large (Fig. 13-4B, C). The episode that led to the calcification usually cannot be determined. Pancreatic calcification, which is actually pancreatic lithiasis ( Fig. 13-5A), occurs secondary to pancreatitis. Most patients with pancreatic calcifications have a history of alcoholism. About 10% of gallstones contain enough calcium to be visible on plain film. Often the calcification is ring-like, and it may be faceted ( Fig. 13-5B). Most urinary tract stones are calcified except for nonopaque calculi caused by uric acid, xanthine, or matrix stones. Intestinal contents that remain at one site for too long may calcify, forming fecaliths or enteroliths. There is a strong association of appendiceal fecaliths with acute appendicitis. Rupture of the appendix may allow the fecalith to move freely in the peritoneal space ( Fig. 13-5C,D,E). Enteroliths occur in Meckel's diverticulum and chronic, partially obstructing lesions of the small bowel and colon. Seed pits may sometimes provide the nidus for the enterolith. Adrenal gland calcification may be a consequence of tuberculosis or of hemorrhagic infarction that occurred when the patient was an infant ( Fig. 13-6). Many intra-abdominal cysts, which may calcify, can be found in the spleen, liver, adrenal gland ( Fig. 13-7A), kidney, and mesentery. Echinococcal cysts of the liver calcify, but amebic cysts do not (Fig. 13-7B).

FIG. 13-4. A: Calcified splenic nodules caused by chronic granulomatous disease. Note the variety of sizes and shapes of these calcifications. B: Calcified splenic cyst, lateral view of the abdomen. C: Computed tomography examination of the calcified splenic cyst.

FIG. 13-5. A: Chronic pancreatitis. Calcifications are seen throughout the gland. B: Large-faceted gallstones. C: Oval calcified fecalith in right-lower quadrant. D: Ultrasonogram of right-lower quadrant shows bright echo of fecalith ( arrow) and acoustical shadowing (arrowheads). E: Computed tomographic scan shows appendiceal abscess in right-lower quadrant ( arrowheads).

FIG. 13-6. Calcification in the adrenal glands is clearly defined on either side of the first lumbar vertebra.

FIG. 13-7. A: Calcified cyst of the right adrenal gland. The large cyst with a densely calcified wall is noted to lie directly above the right kidney. B: Large, round, peripherally calcified hepatic cyst is seen; it was considered echinoccoccal.

Ovarian teratomas may have calcification within them that simulates teeth and bone. These tumors often contain lipid material as well, which can be identified because of its radiolucency (Fig. 13-8A, B). A tumor that often calcifies is uterine leiomyoma ( Fig. 13-9), whose characteristic mottled mulberry calcification occurs as a result of degeneration. Other malignant tumors in the abdomen may also exhibit calcification. The mucin-producing carcinomas of the stomach and colon are an example. Degenerative calcification may occur in renal cell carcinoma. The psammomatous calcification within ovarian carcinomas can occasionally be seen. Neuroblastomas in children frequently contain calcifications.

FIG. 13-8. Dermoid cyst of the ovary. A: This cyst has a translucent center, indicating its fatty content. The wall is seen as a thin, circular density ( arrows). The bladder contains contrast material from a previous intravenous urogram. B: This cyst contains a cluster of teeth.

FIG. 13-9. A: Calcified uterine leiomyoma. B: More homogeneously calcified uterine leiomyoma.

Meconium peritonitis may occur as the result of intestinal atresia or meconium ileus with bowel perforation. In such cases, calcification may be widely distributed throughout the peritoneal space ( Fig. 13-10). Occasionally meconium is calcified while still within the bowel lumen.

FIG. 13-10. Meconium peritonitis in a newborn. There are scattered, small, irregular calcifications along peritoneal surfaces ( arrows).

Mechanical Small-Intestine Obstruction Abdominal pain, distention, and vomiting occurring in a patient with a history of previous abdominal surgery direct attention to the possibility of obstruction. A radiographic film of the chest combined with upright and supine films of the abdomen is a good routine to use in evaluating this situation. The upright chest film decreases the possibility of missing perforation of the gut manifested by subdiaphragmatic air and also allows assessment of the status of the lungs. In a simple obstruction, the intestinal lumen is occluded at a single point without any significant interference with its blood supply. Most often an adhesive band is responsible for the obstruction, although a neoplasm, gallstone, or internal hernia may be the cause ( Table 13-1).

TABLE 13-1. Common causes of small-bowel obstruction in adults.

Within 3 to 5 hours after the onset of an obstruction, gas and fluid accumulate proximally and can be seen on the abdominal film. On the upright film, distended bowel loops with gasfluid levels are present ( Fig. 13-11). In the very early stage or if the obstruction is partial, only a few gas-distended loops may be seen. With the passage of time, the caliber and the number of visible loops increase. The small-bowel loops are distinguished from the colon by their central location in the abdomen and by characteristic small-bowel folds that are close together and extend completely around the circumference of the bowel. This is unlike the colon, where the folds are not circumferential and are widely separated. If the obstruction of the small bowel is complete and enough time has elapsed for colon evacuation, little or no gas may be present in the colon. If the bowel obstruction is incomplete, there may be a normal amount of gas in the colon.

FIG. 13-11. A: Supine abdomen film shows obstruction with numerous loops of small bowel dilated. B: Upright abdomen with small-bowel obstruction. Note different level of fluid in each loop, which differentiates it from small-bowel ileus. C: Barium study shows site of obstruction caused by adhesion ( arrow). D: Upright abdomen film in advanced small-bowel obstruction with string-of-beads sign ( arrows).

Rarely, the obstructed bowel is entirely filled with fluid. This is likely to occur in proximal jejunal obstruction. In this instance the instillation of a small amount of contrast material through a nasogastric tube demonstrates the distended, fluid-filled small bowel ( Fig. 13-12).

FIG. 13-12. Adhesive band. In this film, exposed after the patient had a barium meal, the jejunal loops are noted to be considerably dilated. The mucosal folds have not been obliterated even though there is distention; the appearance resembles that of stacked coins.

Criteria to distinguish strangulation obstruction were developed many years ago but have not withstood the test of time. Currently, the ability of ultrasonography and CT to detect the bowel-wall thickening that goes with strangulation has made them more useful than plain films ( Fig. 13-13).5

FIG. 13-13. Computed tomogram of venous infarction of the small bowel. Intravenous contrast material fills the intramural portion of the markedly thickened

small-bowel loops.

Mechanical Colon Obstruction Colonic obstruction is usually caused by cancer or diverticulitis. Volvulus, hernia, and fecal impaction are other causes. The symptoms of obstipation and abdominal distention direct attention to the colon. In the presence of a competent ileocecal valve, colon obstruction is manifested by gaseous distention of the colon from the cecum to the site of obstruction (Fig. 13-14). A varying amount of fluid is present but usually is not as prominent as in small-bowel obstruction. If the ileocecal valve is incompetent, the colonic gas may move into the small bowel and partially decompress the colon. The key observation is that there continues to be a disproportionate enlargement of the colon in relation to that of the small bowel.

FIG. 13-14. A: Obstruction of the sigmoid colon. There is marked distention of the proximal colon to the region of the splenic flexure. No appreciable amount of gas is present in the small bowel, indicating a competent ileocecal valve. The obstruction in this patient was in the sigmoid. The end of the gas column shown on a single film of this type does not necessarily indicate the site of obstruction. In this patient the cecum is greatly distended; it ruptured shortly after this roentgenographic study was made. B: Upright film of the patient shown in A.

In sigmoid volvulus, two parallel, gas-distended colonic loops are seen rising out of the pelvis ( Fig. 13-15). In cecal volvulus, attention is usually directed to the left-upper quadrant, where the gas-distended cecum, which may mimic a gas-filled stomach, is observed ( Fig. 13-16).

FIG. 13-15. A: Sigmoid volvulus. The distended, twisted loop of sigmoid colon fills the entire abdomen giving an inverted U shape to the sigmoid colon. B: Barium given rectally shows the bird's beak appearance at the site of the volvulus.

FIG. 13-16. Volvulus of the cecum. Recumbent (A) and upright (B) views. The distended cecum forms an oval-shaped radiolucency with the tip pointed upward and to the right. There is gas distention of the small intestine in the left-lateral portion of the abdomen. In B, note the gasfluid level in the cecum and smaller levels in loops of small bowel. In the central abdomen, airfluid levels are noted in the cecum and in the small bowel.

When plain films suggest colonic obstruction, the diagnosis should be confirmed by endoscopy or barium enema. Prompt decompression averts cecal perforation. Paralytic (Adynamic) Ileus Laparotomy and other types of trauma may lead to impairment of intestinal motility. Hypothyroidism, drugs that inhibit intestinal motility, and hypokalemia also may cause an ileus pattern. Plain films usually show a proportionate distention of small bowel and colon ( Fig. 13-17). Early in the process, the upright films show little fluid in the bowel. Occasionally, the paralytic process involves only the colon. The films then suggest colonic obstruction, but endoscopy or barium enema will eliminate this possibility. As with mechanical obstruction, colonic ileus may result in cecal perforation. Cecal diameters in the range of 12 cm or larger are reason for concern. Either cecostomy or colonoscopy can be used for decompression.

FIG. 13-17. Adynamic ileus. Recumbent (A) and upright (B) projections show a considerable amount of gas in the small bowel and colon. Fluid levels are inconspicuous except in the cecum.

Intestinal Wall Gas In benign pneumatosis intestinalis, there is a collection of gas in the bowel wall that usually involves an extensive length of bowel ( Fig. 13-18); Table 13-2). It often appears as multiple gas cysts. Patients usually are not acutely ill. In contrast, patients with necrotic bowel and a linear or mottled gas pattern in the wall ( Fig. 13-19) are often desperately ill; sometimes gas is visible in the portal veins within the liver on plain films and on CT scans ( Table 13-3; Fig. 13-20).

FIG. 13-18. A: Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis. The plain film shows serpiginous collections of gas in the intestinal wall. B: A computed tomograph in a different patient shows the gas cysts (arrows) encroaching on the barium-filled bowel.

TABLE 13-2. Some common causes of pneumatosis intestinalis

FIG. 13-19. A: Right-colon infarction. Intramural linear collections of air that have a mottled appearance. B: Colon infarction. Supine abdomen shows some pneumatosis in right-lower quadrant (arrows) and markedly thickened mucosal folds caused by edema and hemorrhage ( arrowheads).

TABLE 13-3. Some causes of portal venous gas

FIG. 13-20. A: Portal venous gas. This decubitus film of the abdomen shows the branched gas pattern in the liver ( arrow). The presence of this quantity of gas in the portal vein is almost always indicative of intestinal infarction. B: Computed tomographic scan through liver shows portal venous air ( arrowheads). C: Computed tomographic scan through lower abdomen shows pneumatosis in intramural location ( black arrowheads) and in mesenteric veins ( white arrowheads).


The peritoneal spaces include the intraperitoneal spaces and extraperitoneal spaces. Each has its constellation of compartments, peritoneal reflections, fascial planes, and spaces. The anatomy is complex, but a basic knowledge of peritoneal anatomy is required to understand the potential for containment or actual spread of disease, primarily infection and malignancy. The intraperitoneal and extraperitoneal connections are the pathways for spread of disease. 6 The peritoneal space has little significance in health because it is actually a potential space. It is extremely important in disease and has been a problem in diagnostic radiology for many years. Anatomy The peritoneum is the serous mesothelial membrane lining the parietal abdominal and pelvic walls and encasing the abdominal viscera. The peritoneal cavity is a potential space between the parietal and visceral layers of the peritoneum. This continuous mesothelial-lined space is best defined by its adjacent structures, and its areas have been named accordingly (subdiaphragmatic, subhepatic, paracolonic). A pouch-like area, the lesser sac, lies behind the stomach. The peritoneal space extends down into the pelvis; the area in front of the rectum is the cul-de-sac. Another structure that is not intestine but is surrounded by peritoneum is the greater omentum, which drapes downward from the greater curvature of the stomach, forming an apron anterior to the small intestine and extending into the pelvis ( Fig. 13-21). The mesentery is a complex fold of the peritoneum that extends from the posterior abdominal wall and functions to support the small intestine, providing pathways for its blood supply, lymphatics, and nerves. The mesentery to the right colon (including the cecum) is incompletely developed, whereas the mesenteric transverse mesocolon and sigmoid mesocolon are fully developed.

FIG. 13-21. Relations of the peritoneal surfaces and spaces in the adult. (Wilson SE, Finegold SM, Williams RA: Intra-abdominal Infection. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1982. Reproduced with permission.)

Congenital Anomalies Congenital defects in the peritoneum are rare. Occasionally there is persistence of the embryonic pleuroperitoneal canal, leading to herniation of abdominal organs into the thorax (Bochdalek's hernia). The most common anomaly is mesenteric cyst, which may be quite large, may be present at any age, displaces the bowel, and creates a visible mass (Fig. 13-22). This mass may not be palpable and is usually asymptomatic. Ultrasonography is an excellent method to identify the cystic nature of these lesions.2

FIG. 13-22. Mesenteric cyst. A: Small-bowel loops are displaced by the extrinsic mass in the left side of the abdomen. B: Computed tomography clearly identifies the well-encapsulated fluid collection.

In gastroschisis, the anterior peritoneum and the other anterior wall structures are absent. In other disorders the peritoneum may be intact, but the lack of supporting structures leads to all types of hernias. Omphalocele and the prune-belly syndrome are examples of this, as well as the more common inguinal hernias. Internal hernias may occur in the paraduodenal areas and as a consequence of defects in the diaphragm. The most severe result is the mobilization of the entire gut into the thorax (Fig. 13-23).

FIG. 13-23. Congenital left diaphragmatic hernia. The gas-filled stomach and small bowel are seen in the left hemithorax, displacing the heart to the right side.

Inflammation Peritonitis begins with hyperemia, edema, and vascular congestion followed by transudate, then exudate, fluid loss reaching or exceeding 4 L in 24 hours. Abscesses usually form from bacterial contamination originating at a site of inflammatory perforation (diverticulitis, appendicitis), intestinal ischemia, or traumatic injury or as a result of surgery and its complications. Abscesses are also seen in association with severe inflammatory bowel disease and pancreatitis. Pancreatic fluid can extend into the thorax, deep in the pelvis, and throughout the peritoneal spaces. At times plain films of the abdomen are diagnostic. Gas-forming organisms and the inflammatory reaction form a recognizable roentgenographic appearance ( Fig. 13-24). When the abscess is filled only with fluid or contains only a little gas, CT and ultrasonography are useful. Both modalities are excellent for identifying and delineating these fluid collections ( Fig. 13-25). Real-time ultrasound distinguishes these collections from fluid-filled bowel because the abscess lacks motility. CT is aided by either a location of the abscess that is incompatible with the bowel or lack of intestinal contrast material in the abscess. The latter may be a problem if there is a large communication between the intestine and abscess that allows the ingested contrast material to fill the abscess. In some instances where CT is not definitive or is inconclusive, nuclear scanning for abscesses is useful. CT is important in planning the percutaneous drainage of these pockets. It is also used as a guide to find a safe, effective drainage route.

FIG. 13-24. Intra-abdominal abscess secondary to perforation of a carcinoma of the colon. The accumulation of mottled gas shadows ( arrows) is extraluminal, as shown by constancy in several other examinations and confirmed by surgical exploration.

FIG. 13-25. Abdominal abscess. Multiple small gas pockets can be seen in the multiloculated left pelvic abscess ( arrows).

Neoplasms Mesothelioma represents a primary malignant neoplasm of the peritoneum. Like the pleural form, it is believed to be related to asbestos exposure. The CT appearance is far from characteristic but may provide enough information to justify biopsy. Pseudomyxoma peritonei is perhaps too elaborate a name for what really is a low-grade metastatic malignancy commonly secondary to an appendiceal tumor. Metastases from breast, ovary, colon, and carcinoid tumors may show extensive peritoneal implants and cause ascitic fluid. Pneumoperitoneum Although pneumoperitoneum is a natural consequence of surgical exploration of the abdomen, it is distinctly abnormal under other circumstances and usually indicates rupture of either the stomach, duodenum, or colon. Upright plain films or cross-table decubitus films can detect very small quantities of peritoneal gas; additional studies such as CT usually are not necessary ( Fig. 13-26); Table 13-4).

FIG. 13-26. A: Upright abdomen film shows free air beneath both hemidiaphragms. B: Supine abdomen film shows falciform ligaments (arrows) outlined by free air

and double-wall sign ( arrowheads) from the same cause.

TABLE 13-4. Common causes of pneumoperitoneum

Peritoneal Fluid It is no longer necessary to rely on plain films to detect ascites and hemoperitoneum. Positive plain-film findings require the presence of an abundance of peritoneal fluid. Fluid-filled loops of bowel in the pelvis can be confused with free fluid. Ultrasonography is an extremely sensitive diagnostic modality and can detect very small amounts of free fluid or blood. The free fluid accumulates in the dependent areas of the pelvis and upper abdomen and changes with the patient's position ( Fig. 13-27).

FIG. 13-27. Ascites. A: Plain film shows numerous loops of small bowel collected centrally but separated by fluid between the loops. B: Ultrasonography shows thickened bowel loops floating in ascites. C: Computed tomographic scan shows massive ascites with barium-filled loops of small bowel.

Iatrogenic Disease Any of the implements used in a laparotomy may inadvertently be left in the peritoneal space. Because all sponges and pads are equipped with radiopaque markers, they can be identified by taking a portable abdominal film in the operating room ( Fig. 13-28). Occasionally, large items such as scissors, needle holders, and hemostats are left in the abdomen.

FIG. 13-28. Foreign-body-laparotomy pad without radiopaque marker. A: The pad had been left in the abdomen several months before this film was made and appears as a calcified mass. B: A barium study shows the foreign body as an extrinsic mass displacing and kinking the adjacent bowel.


Regardless of the kind or combination of contrast agents used, the principles in evaluating the intestine are similar.

Caliber. Narrowing of the intestine usually implies inflammation or neoplasm and ordinarily is an intrinsic process ( Fig. 13-29). Widening of the gut reflects either obstruction or muscle weakness (Fig. 13-30).

FIG. 13-29. Narrowed bowel lumen. A: A solid-column barium enema shows the narrowing caused by an adenocarcinoma of the colon (apple-core configuration). B:

In the same patient, the air-contrast examination again shows the lesion.

FIG. 13-30. Widened bowel lumen above a mild stricture.

Outpouching. Both diverticula and the various manifestations of mucosal ulceration create outpouchings throughout the gastrointestinal tract ( Fig. 13-31). Despite the inability to detect the presence or absence of mucosa in these outpouchings by radiologic methods, their morphologic characteristics make them easy to distinguish. Ulcerations vary from small erosions to giant ulcers that may form fistulas. As a rule they are slightly more irregular than diverticula, because mucosa is intact in the latter.

FIG. 13-31. Outpouching from the gut lumen. A: A gastric ulcer is seen in profile ( arrow). B: The same ulcer is seen en face (arrow).

Local Protrusion into the Lumen. Small intraluminal projections are usually neoplastic; they may either be in the wall of the bowel or arise from the mucosa. Small lesions tend to be benign ( Fig. 13-32). Malignant lesions frequently ulcerate as they increase in size ( Fig. 13-33); therefore, an ulcer within a mass is most often a malignant lesion. Mucosal lesions, such as polyps, project into the lumen and may have a broad base or a narrow pedicle. Carcinomas also project into the lumen, are usually broad-based, and are irregular or ulcerated and may be circumferential. Intramural lesions tend to be smooth but may have central ulceration, usually are not circumferential, and are less likely to obstruct than are mucosal masses. Differentiation is not always possible, however, because of wide variability in the appearance of the masses. Also it may be difficult to differentiate tumor arising in the bowel wall from inflammatory disease. Tumor edges tend to be more clearly defined and are often overhanging. The limits of inflammatory masses are usually more tapering and difficult to define.

FIG. 13-32. Intraluminal mass. A multilobulated polypoid carcinoma ( arrow) can be seen attached to the colonic wall.

FIG. 13-33. Ulcerated mass. This carcinoma of the esophagus creates an intraluminal mass, but the center of it is ulcerated and filled with barium ( arrow).

Pneumatosis. Gas occasionally can occur within the intestinal wall as a benign, idiopathic process. The major concern, however, must always be whether the gas is there because of dead bowel. Displacement. Because most of the gastrointestinal tract is not fixed in position, extrinsic diseasewhether inflammation, neoplasm, organomegaly, cyst formation, or fluid collectionswill move the gut away from its normal position. Miscellaneous. Intussusception (Fig. 13-34), volvulus, colonic urticaria ( Fig. 13-35), hernia, webs, and sphincters are all unique to the gastrointestinal tract. It is not

difficult to recognize them with the aid of contrast material, because the findings are usually characteristic.

FIG. 13-34. Intussusception. In this child with an ileocolic intussusception, retrograde filling of the colon shows the barium between the prolapsing ileal mass and the colon, creating the coilspring appearance.

FIG. 13-35. Edema of the colonic mucosa. The contrast material coats the colonic mucosa and brings out the polygonal pattern that reflects submucosal edema.

Ultrasonography The use of ultrasonography in bowel disease is of primary value in studying processes that extend beyond the intestinal wall. The ability to identify fluid collections is particularly valuable. Small amounts of free fluid in the peritoneal space can be detected, and nonpalpable intra-abdominal and retroperitoneal masses can be found. Common entities evaluated by ultrasonography include hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, bowel obstruction, appendiceal abscess, ascites, subphrenic abscess, lymphadenopathy, and retroperitoneal tumors. Every major intra-abdominal organ and complex system (e.g., hepatobiliary system) can be thoroughly examined by ultrasonography. Computed Tomography CT, like ultrasonography, is a powerful imaging technique for evaluating the abdominal walls, intraperitoneal and retroperitoneal spaces, all organs and systems, fascial plains, and potential spaces. Because a standard cross-sectional format is used, the images are easier to understand than those obtained by ultrasonography. The addition of contrast material to the intestinal lumen provides a marker. Intravenous contrast material is helpful in many ways. It allows identification of vascular structures and the enhancement of solid organs during different arterial and venous phases to demonstrate pathologic changes. CT excels in the evaluation of the pancreas and the abdominal lymph nodes. Intra-abdominal abscesses not only can be found, but also their exact anatomic position and extent can be defined, an invaluable aid in planning treatment. CT also permits study of the extent of lesions that involve the intestinal lumen, intestinal wall, and mesentery. CHAPTER REFERENCES
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Eisenberg RL: Gastrointestinal Radiology: A Pattern Approach. Philadelphia, JB Lippincott, 1983 Haney PJ, Whitley NO: CT of cystic abdominal masses in children. AJR Am J Roentgenol 144:49, 1984 Margulis AR, Burhenne JH (eds): Alimentary Tract Radiology. St. Louis, Mosby, 1983 McCort JJ, Mindelzun RE, Filpi RG, Rennell C (eds): Abdominal Radiology. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1981 Megibow AJ, Balthazar EJ, Chock C, et al: Bowel obstruction: Evaluation with CT. Radiology 180:313, 1991 Meyer MA: Dynamic radiology of the abdomen, 4th ed. New York, Springer-Verlag, 1994 Simeone JF, Novelline RH, Ferrucci JT Jr, et al: Comparison of sonography and plain films in the evaluation of the acute abdomen. AJR Am J Roentgenol 144:49, 1985 Williams SM, Harned RK, Hultman SA, et al: Psoas sign: Reevaluation. Radiographics 5:525, 1985

Chapter 14 The Liver, Biliary System, and Pancreas Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 14 The Liver, Biliary System, and Pancreas

Lisa M. Sullivan

L. M. Sullivan: Department of Radiology, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131.

The Liver Imaging Techniques Anatomy Diffuse Hepatic Disease Focal Liver Lesions The Biliary System and Gallbladder Imaging Techniques Anatomy Cholelithiasis and Cholecystitis Motility Disorders Biliary Dilatation Gallbladder Wall Thickening Congenital Anomalies Neoplasms Miscellaneous Iatrogenic Disease The Pancreas Imaging Techniques Anatomy Congenital Anomalies Pancreatitis Neoplasm Cystic Lesions Traumatic Lesions Chapter References Selected Readings

Imaging Techniques Ultrasound (US) is often the first examination requested in patients who present with right-upper-quadrant pain, abnormal liver function tests, or suspected malignancy. Ultrasound is an excellent screening tool. It is rapid, portable, and relatively inexpensive and does not involve radiation. With the use of color Doppler techniques, hepatic vascular abnormalities including venous thrombosis and findings of portal hypertension can be identified. This is particularly useful in evaluating vessel patency in patients after hepatic transplantation. Computed tomography (CT) is valuable for evaluating the liver for diffuse and focal abnormalities. Multiple protocols have been developed to optimize the detection and characterization of liver lesions. It is important to understand the basic rationale behind these techniques in order to tailor the examination for an individual patient. Noncontrast-enhanced CT is used in patients who have compromised renal function, for those who have an allergy to intravenous (IV) contrast agents, or when a high-density lesion is suspected. Most liver CT protocols involve the IV injection of a bolus of 100 to 150 mL of contrast material with dynamic imaging performed at different phases of hepatic enhancement. An advantage of CT is the identification of extrahepatic lesions as part of a comprehensive examination. CT portography is sometimes used before partial hepatectomy to search for additional metastatic liver lesions. An angiographic catheter is placed in the superior mesenteric artery or splenic artery and then the patient is transferred to the CT suite for imaging during injection of contrast material. Because metastases are not perfused by portal vein blood, they will show as negative filling defects. This technique is slightly more sensitive for the identification of additional liver metastases than is routine liver CT. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the liver is less commonly used than either CT or US. MRI has more limited availability. MRI can be an adjunctive method for patients who are allergic to contrast agents or have poor renal function or when CT findings are equivocal. In experienced hands it is particularly useful for solving problems. MRI appears to be slightly more sensitive and specific in the diagnosis of focal lesions than is CT. Nuclear medicine imaging is not often employed to evaluate liver disease, because of advances in US, CT, and MRI. Sulfur colloid liver/spleen imaging is done in patients with cirrhosis and suspected portal hypertension. Focal areas of decreased activity in the liver on a liver/spleen scan are nonspecific and include any space-occupying process. Lesions smaller than 2 cm may be missed. Technetium-labeled red blood cell (RBC) scanning with single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) can be helpful in the evaluation of lesions larger than 2 cm. The examination is specific for a hemangioma. Infrequently used, gallium scanning reveals increased activity in the liver in hepatoma, some metastases, abscesses, and lymphoma. Anatomy A basic knowledge of the hepatic vascular supply is essential for understanding hepatic anatomy and the variety of disease processes that can involve the liver. The liver has a unique dual blood supply, with approximately 75% originating from the portal venous system and 25% coming from the hepatic artery. The hepatic veins drain filtered blood from the liver into the inferior vena cava (IVC). The liver has three functional lobes: the right lobe, which has anterior and posterior segments; the left lobe, with medial and lateral segments; and the caudate lobe. The anterior segment of the right lobe is separated from the medial segment of the left lobe by the main lobar fissure, which contains the middle hepatic vein. The right hepatic vein separates the anterior and posterior segments of the right lobe and lies within the right intersegmental fissure. The left hepatic vein separates the medial and lateral segments of the left lobe and lies within the left intersegmental fissure ( Fig. 14-1 and Fig. 14-2). The caudate is positioned posteriorly and is separated from the rest of the liver by the fissure for the ligamentum venosum. The hepatic veins run in intersegmental fissures, while the portal veins, hepatic arteries, and bile ducts course together in intrasegmental parenchyma.

FIG. 14-1. Hepatic segmental anatomy. The venous anatomy provides the landmarks for dividing the liver into lobes and segments. RPS, posterior segment of the right lobe; RAS, anterior segment of the right lobe; LMS, medial segment of the left lobe; LLS, lateral segment of the left lobe; CL, caudate lobe; RHV, right hepatic vein; MHV, middle hepatic vein; LHV, left hepatic vein; PV, portal vein; IVC, inferior vena cava.

FIG. 14-2. Computed tomogram of normal liver. A: Liver at the level of the three hepatic veins and the inferior vena cava. B: More caudal image at the level of the right portal vein ( arrow), falciform ligament (curved arrow), and caudate lobe (asterisk).

Diffuse Hepatic Disease Diffuse diseases of the liver are rarely detected early by US, CT, or MRI. Usually the diseases are advanced by the time they become evident and produce alterations in size, density, and signal intensity that help characterize the broad range of diffuse hepatic disease. 9 Cirrhosis. Although there are numerous causes of cirrhosis, the most common cause in North America is alcohol abuse. 3 Viral hepatitis is responsible for 10% of cases.9 Pathologically, cirrhosis consists of varying amounts of hepatic necrosis, fibrosis, fatty infiltration, and nodular regeneration. Regenerative nodules can progress to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), which occurs in 11% of cirrhotics. The cirrhotic liver is enlarged early in the process and eventually becomes small, often with an irregular, nodular contour. There is relative enlargement of the lateral segment of the left lobe and caudate ( Fig. 14-3). The intrahepatic fissure can become prominent. 9

FIG. 14-3. Cirrhosis with esophageal varices and collaterals. Computed tomographic scan through the liver shows enlarged caudate lobe (CL), large gastric and esophageal varices ( arrows), and other collateral channels that have developed on the under surface of the liver ( arrowheads).

Cirrhosis often causes portal hypertension secondary to fibrosis of the hepatic vascular bed. Ascites, splenomegaly, portosystemic venous collaterals, and eventually hepatofugal portal blood flow can result. Tortuous, tubular vessels may be seen in the mesentery, surrounding the distal esophagus, and in the gastrohepatic ligament, splenic hilum, and retroperitoneum. Occasionally a large periumbilical collateral vein can be identified arising in the falciform ligament ( Fig. 14-4).5

FIG. 14-4. Computed tomographic findings with cirrhosis and portal hypertension. A: Massive ascites displacing the bowel centrally. B: Periumbilical collateral vein (curved arrow). The liver is enhancing inhomogeneously and ascites is present ( black arrows). C: The liver is nodular. Ascites ( arrowheads), collateral veins ( arrows), and splenomegaly are present.

The US appearance of advanced cirrhosis typically reveals a small liver with coarse, increased echogenicity. The irregular surface of the liver is often well visualized because of concomitant ascites. Noncontrast-enhanced CT may demonstrate either a heterogeneous or a homogenous decreased attenuation. After IV administration of contrast material, areas of fibrosis and regeneration may become similar in density to the remaining parenchyma. The liver may be heterogeneous on MRI. In advanced cirrhosis, a nuclear medicine sulfur colloid scan shows colloid shift, or relatively increased activity in the bone marrow and spleen compared with the liver. Additional findings include splenomegaly, heterogeneous uptake in the liver, and displacement of the liver from the lateral body wall by ascites. 3 Hepatitis. Acute inflammation from any cause prompts the hepatocytes to become swollen and edematous. Imaging modalities demonstrate very nonspecific findings, and clinical correlation is important. US may be normal in acute hepatitis, or it may show the classic findings of decreased echogenicity of the parenchyma with prominence of the portal venous system, causing a starry sky appearance. Chronic hepatitis may produce a coarse echogenic parenchymal pattern. CT and MRI are not typically used in the evaluation of patients with acute hepatitis. Fatty Infiltration. Deposition of fat in the liver is a reversible process caused by triglyceride accumulation within hepatocytes. It is common and represents a

nonspecific reaction to injury or metabolic derangement. Common causes include excess alcohol intake, diabetes, obesity, hyperalimentation, steroid therapy, pregnancy, and chemotherapy. Removal of or correction of the underlying cause typically reverses the process ( Table 14-1).

TABLE 14-1. Causes of fatty infiltration

The typical US appearance of fatty infiltration is increased liver echogenicity which can be diffuse, nonhomogeneous, or sometimes focal in nature. It is helpful to compare the echogenicity of the liver with that of the right kidney when evaluating for possible fatty deposition. On noncontrast-enhanced CT, fat causes decreased attenuation of the hepatic parenchyma. The liver is less dense than the spleen (normally the liver density is equal to or greater than that of the spleen). After IV administration of contrast material, the venous structures are easily seen against the low-density parenchyma ( Fig. 14-5).9

FIG. 14-5. Diffuse fatty infiltration of the liver. The liver density is much lower than that of the spleen.

Budd-Chiari Syndrome. Budd-Chiari is a rare syndrome caused by obstruction of hepatic venous outflow, which may be either intrahepatic or extrahepatic in origin. There are numerous causes of Budd-Chiari, the most common being idiopathic. Other causes include tumor thrombus, pregnancy, hypercoagulable states, trauma, sepsis, dehydration, and some medications. It is more common in women, and patients may present acutely with abdominal pain or have an insidious onset. 9 US with Doppler evaluation of flow in the hepatic veins and IVC is usually the initial imaging study. Findings include actual thrombus in the hepatic veins or IVC or nonvisualization of the hepatic veins. In cases of chronic Budd-Chiari there is often associated ascites and enlargement of the caudate lobe. 10 On contrast-enhanced CT, the enlarged caudate lobe may have increased enhancement and there may be early central liver enhancement, subsequent central washout, and delayed enhancement of the periphery of the liver. 9 MRI typically shows either absent flow or narrowing of the hepatic veins or IVC. A sulfur colloid scan may demonstrate a hot caudate lobe. Iron Deposition. Deposition of iron in the liver may be either primary or secondary. Primary hemochromatosis is an autosomal recessive abnormality that causes iron deposition in hepatocytes, pancreas, and the myocardium. Patients have an increased incidence of cirrhosis and HCC. Secondary hemochromatosis results in deposition of iron in the reticuloendothelial cells of the liver and spleen, usually secondary to multiple blood transfusions. 9,12 The echogenicity of the liver is usually normal. Noncontrast-enhanced CT demonstrates diffuse increased attenuation of liver parenchyma ( Fig. 14-6). MRI demonstrates decreased signal on T2-weighted images. MRI can be useful if other modalities are equivocal.

FIG. 14-6. Hemochromatosis. Computed tomographic (CT) scan through the liver shows white liver representing iron deposition. The liver should have a density on CT comparable to that of the spleen.

Focal Liver Lesions When considering the differential diagnosis of a focal liver lesion it is important to consider the clinical data. The patient's age and sex are important considerations. In patients older than 50 years of age, metastases are common and it may be worthwhile to search for metastases elsewhere and for a possible primary tumor. Hepatic adenoma, hemangioma, hepatic cysts, and focal nodular hyperplasia are more common in women. Other clinical data such as oral contraceptive use and a-fetoprotein levels may be useful. Imaging features that should be considered when evaluating a focal liver lesion include single versus multiple lesions; echogenicity, density, or signal intensity; sharpness of contour; homogeneity; and the enhancement pattern on CT and MRI ( Table 14-2).

TABLE 14-2. Solid liver lesions

Hemangioma. The cavernous hemangioma is the most common benign hepatic lesion; it may be either single or multiple (10%). The lesion is present in 4% to 20% of the population. Eighty percent occur in women, and incidence increases with age. Hemangiomas are usually asymptomatic and discovered incidentally. The most common location of a hemangioma is the posterior segment of the right lobe of the liver. They are often subcapsular or peripheral. The usual sonographic appearance is a well-defined, round, homogeneous, hyperechoic lesion ( Table 14-3). The larger the lesion, the more likely it is to be heterogeneous with areas of degeneration. The slow flow in the vascular channels is not detectable with color Doppler imaging.

TABLE 14-3. Echogenic liver lesions on ultrasound

On noncontrast-enhanced CT, a hemangioma is usually well-circumscribed and of low density. The typical appearance after IV contrast administration is initial peripheral nodular enhancement (equal to vessels) with near-complete filling-in on delayed images ( Fig. 14-7). Additionally, a hemangioma should retain contrast material for 20 to 30 minutes and not wash out when the portal vein is enhancing. Larger hemangiomas may demonstrate atypical enhancement ( Fig. 14-8).

FIG. 14-7. Liver hemangioma in the posterior segment of the right lobe has peripheral, nodular contrast enhancement. The enhancement is similar to that of the aorta (A).

FIG. 14-8. Giant hemangioma. A: Areas of early contrast enhancement are seen in the large lesion in the left lobe. B: On delayed images, the lesion almost completely fills in.

SPECT imaging with tagged RBCs is most useful if the suspected lesion is larger than 2 cm. The hemangioma demonstrates decreased activity on early images, with increased activity on delayed images. MRI is useful for lesions smaller than 2 cm and those that are atypical on CT. Hemangiomas are well defined, homogeneous, and markedly hyperintense on T2-weighted images. They enhance from peripheral to central after administration of a dynamic IV bolus of gadolinium, similar to the pattern seen on CT. Hepatic Cyst. The second most common benign lesion is a simple cyst. They can be single or multiple, and they occur in 2.5% to 10% of the population. Like hemangiomas, they are more common in women and increase in frequency with age. Cysts are usually asymptomatic. Cysts can be seen with disease processes such as tuberous sclerosis and polycystic kidney disease. Approximately 40% of patients with polycystic kidney disease have cysts in the liver, and 60% of patients with multiple hepatic cysts have polycystic kidney disease ( Fig. 14-9).

FIG. 14-9. Numerous cysts in the liver and left kidney in a patient with polycystic kidney disease.

The criteria for a simple cyst on US are anechoic or no internal echoes, sharp margins, imperceptible wall, and increased through transmission. The accuracy of US is 95% to 99% when these criteria are met. The typical appearance of a simple cyst on CT is that of a sharply defined, water-density lesion with no perceptible wall and no contrast enhancement. The density can be measured, or it can be compared with that of the normal gallbladder. Delayed images should show no contrast enhancement or change in density compared with noncontrast-enhanced images. MRI demonstrates a homogeneously low-signal-intensity lesion on T1-weighted images and a high-signal-intensity lesion on T2-weighted images ( Table 14-4).

TABLE 14-4. Cystic liver lesions

Pyogenic Abscess. Liver abscesses can be bacterial, parasitic, or fungal in origin. Approximately 85% to 90% are bacterial or pyogenic. Bacteria access the liver via the biliary tree or portal vein. Causes include biliary obstruction, diverticulitis, trauma, inflammatory bowel disease, and iatrogenic causes. Patients present with pain, fever, diarrhea, leukocytosis, and abnormal liver function tests (LFTs). The most common location of a pyogenic abscess is the right lobe. Treatment consists of percutaneous or surgical drainage and antibiotics. The mortality rate is almost 100% if the abscess remains untreated. On US, the lesions are usually heterogeneous, round, hypoechoic collections with irregular thick walls. Internal echoes and fluidfluid levels and debris are common. Acoustic shadowing suggests gas within the abscess. CT demonstrates a heterogeneous lesion with irregular margins and possibly peripheral contrast enhancement. Internal septations are common. Approximately 20% contain air (Fig. 14-10). The radiologic differential diagnosis includes cystic or necrotic metastases (ovarian or leiomyosarcoma), and hydatid and echinococcal cysts. Often the diagnosis of a bacterial abscess is suggested clinically. Nuclear medicine studies show a cold defect on sulfur colloid imaging and increased activity on a gallium scan. HCC and metastatic disease can have a similar appearance on nuclear medicine studies.

FIG. 14-10. Pyogenic liver abscess in the right lobe. The abscess has an enhancing rim surrounded by a low-density rind of edema.

Amebic Abscess. Amebiasis is a primary infection of the colon by the parasite Entamoeba histolytica. The parasite is transmitted by the fecaloral route. After colonization of the colon, the liver is accessed via the portal vein. Symptoms can be similar to those of a pyogenic abscess. The US and CT appearance is similar to that of a bacterial abscess, but the patient may have a history of travel. The abscesses are often peripheral and on aspiration or drainage classically contain anchovy paste material. The diagnosis can be confirmed with serology. Treatment is with metronidazole (Flagyl), frequently in combination with percutaneous drainage. Efficacy of therapy can be followed with US, but it may take up to 7 months for the lesions to resolve ( Fig. 14-11).

FIG. 14-11. Amebic abscess. A: On contrast-enhanced computed tomography, a fluid-density lesion is seen in the left lobe. B: Large amebic abscess marked by calipers on ultrasound. The lesion contains diffuse low-level echoes.

Echinococcal Disease. Infections caused by Echinococcus granulosis (hydatid cyst disease) are more common worldwide than in North America. Echinococcal disease causes symptoms similar to those of pyogenic abscess, but the clinical demographics may suggest the diagnosis. Abscesses are more common in the right lobe; they may be multiple and may involve the chest. They grow slowly and are often cyst-like in appearance. On US, classic descriptive terms such as double line sign, water lily sign, and racemose are used to describe the cyst walls. There is a double-layered cyst with an inner germinal layer membrane that gives rise to daughter cysts. Daughter cysts are visualized within the parent cyst in 70%. Fifty percent have shell-like calcifications in the thick wall around the cyst on CT or plain films (Fig. 14-12). Controversy remains concerning whether the drainage should be percutaneous or surgical because of the possibility of anaphylactic shock.

FIG. 14-12. Peripherally calcified echinococcal (hydatid) cysts in the liver on plain film of the abdomen.

Fungal Abscesses. With an increasing population of immunocompromised patients, there is an increasing frequency of fungal microabscesses of the liver and spleen. These are most commonly caused by Candida and other fungi. Other organisms include Pneumocystis carinii, cytomegalovirus, and mycobacteria (Fig. 14-13). In addition, immunocompromised patients may have hepatic involvement by Kaposi's sarcoma and lymphoma which are variable in appearance ( Fig. 14-14). Attempts to biopsy the lesions are often unrewarding. The patient's CD4 count and findings elsewhere in the abdomen can be useful to narrow the radiologic differential diagnosis.

FIG. 14-13. Candida microabscesses in the liver and spleen in a leukemia patient with candidiasis.

FIG. 14-14. Multiple liver masses caused by lymphoma.

Hepatic Adenoma. Hepatic adenomas are seen almost exclusively in women of childbearing age (98%) and are linked to use of oral contraceptives, as well as use of anabolic steroids and glycogen storage disease. They are composed of atypical hepatocytes with increased amounts of fat and glycogen. They are usually asymptomatic but can cause pain if they hemorrhage. They are considered a clinically significant lesion because of the propensity for hemorrhage and a slight malignant transformation potential. On US, they are typically well defined with variable echogenicity. They are virtually indistinguishable from focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH). On CT, they are discrete, low-density lesions with a mean size of 10 cm. They are multiple in 30% of patients. They can exhibit dense enhancement during early IV bolus injection. Half have areas of heterogeneity as a result of hemorrhage and necrosis. On MRI, hepatic adenomas are inhomogeneous on all pulse sequences, with some increased signal on T1-weighted images caused by increased amounts of glycogen and fat. Nuclear medicine imaging shows a cold lesion with sulfur colloid in 80%; 20% are of normal activity when compared with the remainder of the liver. Focal Nodular Hyperplasia. FNH is a nonencapsulated lesion that is more common in women and is usually asymptomatic. The lesion is more common than hepatic adenoma, and it is being discovered more frequently with dynamic CT imaging. FNH is composed of normal hepatocytes, Kupffer cells, and bile ducts in an abnormal arrangement. The lesion is usually less than 5 cm in diameter and rarely multiple. The most common location is the periphery of the right lobe. The classic appearance is that of a solitary, well-circumscribed mass with a central stellate scar of fibrosis. However, the central scar is seen in only 20% of cases ( Fig. 14-15).4

FIG. 14-15. Three focal nodular hyperplasia lesions. The lesions are of low density on noncontrast-enhanced computed tomograms.

FNH is of variable echogenicity on US. It may be seen only during the hepatic arterial phase of enhancement on CT. The only clinical significance of FNH is in its differentiation from other liver lesions, particularly fibrolamellar carcinoma, which can also contain a central hypodense area. MRI may be of benefit. On T2-weighted images, the central scar is of high signal intensity in FNH, while it is of low signal intensity in fibrolamellar carcinoma. The sulfur colloid scan is normal in 50% of patients with FNH; a cold area is seen in 40%, and a focal area of increased activity is seen in 10% of cases. Focal Fat Infiltration or Sparing. Focal fatty infiltration is more common in the right lobe of the liver and is associated with obesity, alcohol abuse, use of steroids, and hyperalimentation. It is an area of increased echogenicity on US in a lobar or segmental distribution. The margins are angulated, and there is no mass effect on adjacent vessels. CT shows a patchy or focal area of decreased attenuation. Typical areas occur adjacent to the falciform ligament or in the gallbladder fossa. There can also be areas that are spared of fatty infiltration. These can cause pseudomasses and should always be considered in patients with a fatty liver. The areas are hypoechoic on US and hyperdense on CT (Fig. 14-16). Characteristic locations for sparing are the caudate lobe, the periportal regions, and adjacent to the gallbladder fossa.

FIG. 14-16. Fatty infiltration of the liver with a large area of sparing, which is of higher density.

Hepatocellular Carcinoma. The most common visceral malignancy worldwide is HCC or hepatoma. In the United States, the most common risk factor is alcoholic cirrhosis. Worldwide, hepatitis B is the most common cause. Other risk factors include hemochromatosis, Wilson's disease, and glycogen storage disease. The disease is much more common in men. The three patterns of hepatoma are solitary mass (50%), multifocal involvement, and diffuse infiltration. Eighty percent of patients have underlying cirrhosis, which is usually evident on imaging studies. Invasion of the portal vein is seen in 30% to 60% of cases. Associated clinical findings include increased a-fetoprotein levels in more than 70% of cases, increased LFTs, weight loss, right-upper-quadrant pain, ascites, and hepatomegaly. The prognosis is poor, with an average survival time of 6 months. The US appearance of HCC is variable. A discrete hypoechoic mass may be present, or the tumor may be undetectable because of diffuse infiltration of the parenchyma. Hepatomas can be difficult to detect in a severely cirrhotic liver with a coarse echotexture. On a noncontrast-enhanced CT, a hepatoma is usually a hypodense mass, but it can have areas of increased attenuation or even contain fat density. Eighty percent demonstrate some contrast enhancement during the hepatic arterial phase ( Fig. 14-17).2,8 MRI demonstrates decreased signal intensity on T1-weighted images and increased signal on T2-weighted images relative to normal liver in most cases. A cold defect seen in a cirrhotic liver on a sulfur colloid scan is suggestive of HCC. The lesion has increased activity on a gallium scan.

FIG. 14-17. Hepatoma. A: Multifocal hepatoma. A large mass occupies the right lobe. B: Hepatoma with peripheral and central enhancement on dynamic computed tomography. Most hepatomas can be detected in the hepatic arterial phase of enhancement. C: Portal vein thrombosis (arrow) is associated with hepatoma.

Fibrolamellar Carcinoma. Fibrolamellar carcinoma is a subtype of HCC that occurs in younger patients without risk factors for HCC. The tumor has a better prognosis but can be large at diagnosis. 13 a-Fetoprotein levels are not elevated. The sonographic appearance on CT is that of a well-defined mass with a central area of low density, similar to the stellate scar seen in FNH. MRI can be useful to differentiate the two abnormalities. The central scan is of low signal on both T1 and T2 with fibrolamellar carcinoma. Additionally, the presence of calcifications in the lesion is suggestive of fibrolamellar carcinoma (55%) rather than FNH (2%). Metastatic Disease. The most common malignant lesion of the liver is metastatic disease. Metastases are 20 times more common than primary liver malignancies. Common primary tumors are colon, stomach, lung, breast, and pancreas. Patients can present with abnormal LFTs and hepatomegaly. Lesions are typically multiple and involve both lobes of the liver. However, a solitary metastasis occurs in 30% to 40% of cases. Liver metastases are calcified more commonly than primary liver tumors (Table 14-5).1

TABLE 14-5. Calcified liver lesions

Metastases can be solid, necrotic, cystic, or calcified, and they can mimic any other lesion on CT and MRI ( Fig. 14-18). The diagnosis should always be considered, particularly in patients older than 50 years of age and those with a history of a primary malignancy. CT portography or MRI can be used to evaluate the liver before surgical resection. 7

FIG. 14-18. Liver metastases. A: Large, centrally calcified liver metastasis from colon cancer seen on noncontrast-enhanced computed tomogram (CT). B: Multiple carcinoid metastases on contrast-enhanced CT. The metastases are hypervascular on the hepatic arterial phase. C: Huge right lobe liver metastasis from melanoma. D: Low-density area in the caudate lobe caused by lymphoma. Lymphoma in the liver has a variety of appearances.

Liver Trauma. The liver is the second most frequently injured intra-abdominal organ after the spleen. The most common site of injury is the posterior segment of the right lobe. Hepatic trauma is best evaluated by contrast-enhanced CT. 11 Liver injuries include contusions (poorly defined areas of inhomogeneity), lacerations (linear or stellate areas of low density), and intrahepatic and subcapsular hematomas ( Fig. 14-19). Liver hematomas are mass-like regions of decreased density, and subcapsular hematomas appear as crescentric fluid collections that compress the underlying parenchyma. If the capsule is damaged, the patient will have hemoperitoneum. Surgical series have shown that up to 85% of liver injuries can be treated conservatively, especially in the absence of hemodynamic instability. Delayed complications occur in about 20% and include recurrent bleeding, pseudoaneurysm, biloma, and obstructive jaundice from a biloma or hematoma. 6

FIG. 14-19. Liver laceration. Low-density clefts ( arrows) in the right lobe in a patient with a history of blunt abdominal trauma.


Multiple imaging modalities are available for investigating the biliary system. Methods vary in cost and invasiveness; all modalities can contribute to the goal of correct diagnosis. Because not all are needed in each patient, a careful evaluation of the clinical needs is required before proceeding. Also, it is important to tailor the diagnostic algorithm to local skills and equipment. Imaging Techniques The abdominal plain film (abdominal radiograph) is of value in finding gas or calcium in the biliary tract. Approximately 10% to 15% of gallstones are calcified and readily identifiable on plain films. At times there may be an accumulation of calcium in the gallbladder that simulates contrast material (milk of calcium bile) ( Fig. 14-20). Occasionally, the gallbladder wall is calcified (porcelain gallbladder), which is important because of the association of this abnormality with gallbladder carcinoma.

FIG. 14-20. Gallstones. A: Multiple faceted stones. B: Large laminated stone. C: Gallstones containing gas (Mercedes-Benz sign).

Gas may be seen in the center of gallstones in a triangular pattern (Mercedes-Benz sign). Gas in the biliary ducts implies an abnormal connection between the gut and the gallbladder or common bile duct. This may be caused by penetration of a duodenal ulcer into the biliary tract or by gallstone erosion into the stomach, duodenum, or colon. Biliary air is more centrally located in the liver compared with portal venous air, which is peripheral. Most commonly, biliary air is a consequence of surgical anastomosis of the gut to the biliary tract or sphincterotomy of the sphincter of Oddi ( Fig. 14-21; Table 14-6).

FIG. 14-21. Biliary and portal venous gas. A: Biliary air on plain film. B: Computed tomogram showing air in intrahepatic bile ducts. C: Portal venous air in a patient with intestinal ischemia. D: Air in the left lobe portal venous branches.

TABLE 14-6. Causes of biliary air

Gas is occasionally seen in the ducts as a manifestation of cholangitis caused by a gas-forming organism. Gas in the gallbladder and its wall (emphysematous cholecystitis) is the manifestation of a similar infection. Gas in the portal vein, seen peripherally in the liver, implies necrotic bowel, but it may occur with severe cholecystitis or cholangitis. Oral cholecystography (OCG) is based on hepatobiliary function. Ingestion of an iodinated compound that is absorbed by the small bowel, conjugated, excreted by the liver, and concentrated in the gallbladder by water absorption provides the opportunity to discover noncalcified gallstones as filling defects. In addition to gallstones, other intraluminal abnormalities of the gallbladder can be detected on OCG ( Fig. 14-22). OCG has essentially been replaced by US.

FIG. 14-22. A: Normal oral cholecystogram. Gallbladder is well opacified with contrast material. Incidental note of large pancreatic calculus ( arrowhead). B: Cholelithiasis. Note two gallstones in the dependent portion of the gallbladder, with central calcifications surrounded by a lucent halo representing cholesterol formation. C: Cholelithiasis. Numerous small cholesterol stones in the dependent portion of the gallbladder, with a large single cholesterol stone above them.

Gallbladder ultrasonography is the preferred screening method for biliary and gallbladder disease because of cost and convenience. After 6 hours of fasting, imaging is performed with the patient in the supine and decubitus positions. Jaundice does not interfere with the examination. The ability to detect biliary dilatation, wall thickening, and stones and to evaluate the parenchyma of the liver and pancreas is enormously beneficial. US can detect smaller stones than can OCG. A hepatobiliary scan or cholescintigraphy is a dynamic study of the pathophysiology of the biliary system. IV injection of technetium-labeled iminodiacetic acid compounds allows imaging of the gallbladder, and the radioactivity can be followed into the duodenum. A lack of filling of the gallbladder is indicative of cystic duct obstruction and is a highly reliable sign of acute cholecystitis. Delayed filling of the gallbladder (within 4 hours) is seen in chronic cholecystitis. The sensitivity and specificity are comparable to those of US for the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis. Cholescintigraphy has also been advocated as a procedure that can detect bile duct obstruction before duct dilatation occurs and is visible by US. It is useful to detect biliary leaks and to demonstrate the patency of biliary-enteric anastomoses. Cholangiography can be performed percutaneously, endoscopically, or directly, either intraoperatively or through a T tube. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) allows direct injection of the common bile duct lumen with contrast material. It is of special value in detecting common bile duct stones and both inflammatory and neoplastic duct abnormalities. Sphincterotomy, biopsy, mucosal brushings, stone retrieval from the bile ducts, stricture dilation, and placement of stents to relieve obstruction are all possible by ERCP. Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography is accomplished by injecting contrast material, with fluoroscopic guidance, through a narrow-gauge needle placed into the parenchyma of the liver and withdrawing the needle slowly, observing for bile duct opacification (see Chapter 15). It is valuable for the same reasons as ERCP and has the advantage of allowing the operator to institute biliary drainage if necessary. It is reserved for patients with biliary obstruction who need permanent or temporary biliary drainage. Needle biopsy of masses, drainage of fluid collections, and placement of external and internal drainage (choledochoduodenal) stents all can be accomplished percutaneously. Operative cholangiography is used to visualize nonpalpable common duct stones during surgery and T-tube cholangiography is used to visualize retained common duct stones after surgery ( Fig. 14-23).

FIG. 14-23. Cholangiography. A: Normal operative cholangiogram with a clamp on the cystic duct. B: In this patient, there is a residual stone in the lower end of the common duct (arrow). Obstruction is not complete because there is some contrast material in the duodenum.

Computed tomography can detect gallstones and dilated biliary ducts but is less sensitive than sonography. CT is useful in evaluating the liver parenchyma and pancreas for neoplasm. It also is more sensitive than abdominal plain films in detecting biliary and portal vein gas. CT is useful in the diagnosis and staging of gallbladder carcinoma. Biliary and gallbladder disease can be an incidental finding on CT of the abdomen. Magnetic resonance imaging of the gallbladder and ducts is relatively recent. MRI may be better than CT or US in biliary dilatation. Ionizing radiation is not used in this examination, which is an important consideration. 19,27 Anatomy The gallbladder is a thin-walled, cystic structure attached to the inferior and medial aspect of the right lobe of the liver. The fossa is at the junction of the right and left lobes of the liver, but occasionally it is intrahepatic in location. The neck of the gallbladder has a consistent relationship to the porta hepatis. The gallbladder measures approximately 10 cm in length and 3 to 5 cm in diameter when distended. A gallbladder with a diameter of more than 5 cm is enlarged or hydropic. The cystic duct is approximately 2 to 4 cm in length. The initial segment has characteristic tortuous mucosal folds, known as the spiral valves of Heister. The gallbladder wall should be less than 4 mm thick. Normal variants include a phrygian cap and septation of the fundus. The gallbladder may be congenitally absent, or it may be intrahepatic in location. CT is the best imaging modality for making these diagnoses ( Fig. 14-24).

FIG. 14-24. Intrahepatic gallbladder. Computed tomographic scan demonstrates the gallbladder ( arrow) to be well within the parenchyma of the liver.

The right and left hepatic ducts join to form the common hepatic duct, which courses with the hepatic artery and portal vein in the porta hepatis. The common bile duct is anterior to the portal vein and right of the hepatic artery in the hepatoduodenal ligament. The cystic duct joins the common hepatic duct to form the common bile duct. The site of the junction of cystic and common hepatic ducts can vary considerably. Additionally, the right hepatic duct may join the cystic duct rather than joining directly with the left hepatic duct. The common bile duct courses caudally in close relationship to the head of the pancreas and tapers distally as it ends in the sphincter of Oddi, which protrudes into the duodenum as the papilla of Vater. A slight dilatation of the distal lumen is called the ampulla of Vater. In 60%, the pancreatic duct merges with the common bile duct proximal to the ampulla (Fig. 14-25). Tumors of the region of the ampulla often obstruct both ducts. The common duct is less than 6 mm in diameter but can be a few millimeters larger in the elderly.

FIG. 14-25. Anatomy of the biliary system and pancreas.

Cholelithiasis and Cholecystitis The most common malady of the gallbladder is cholelithiasis. Ten percent of the population have gallstones. Women and people with hemolytic anemia, cirrhosis, diabetes, or disease of the ileum are more commonly afflicted. Most stones are comprised of cholesterol. US, the most common screening procedure for cholelithiasis, detects 95% of stones; those in the gallbladder neck may be missed. Stones are diagnosed by echogenic, shadowing foci within the gallbladder that move when the patient changes position. If the foci are not mobile, the sonographic differential diagnosis includes biliary sludge from concentrated bile, cholesterol or adenomatous polyps, adenomyomatosis, and gallbladder carcinoma ( Table 14-7). CT is less sensitive for the detection of gallstones, with 85% seen on CT. However, stones have a variable density, ranging from that of fat to that of calcium. Some may be the same density as bile ( Fig. 14-26).

TABLE 14-7. Causes of gallbladder filling defect

FIG. 14-26. Cholelithiasis. A: A longitudinal ultrasound scan shows multiple stones in the gallbladder that cause shadowing of the ultrasound beam below them. B: Ultrasonogram shows large echogenic defect in the gallbladder ( open arrow) with acoustical shadowing (black arrowheads). C: Cholesterol stones are seen as lucent areas in the gallbladder on computed tomogram (CT). D: Large, laminated stone on CT. The stone has a central calcification and a peripheral rim of calcification.

The most common cause of acute cholecystitis is obstruction of the cystic duct by a stone. Five percent to 10% of cases are acalculous. Acalculous cholecystitis occurs most commonly in critically ill patients, especially after surgery, trauma, or burns, or in patients receiving hyperalimentation. Acute cholecystitis is usually diagnosed clinically or by US or hepatobiliary scan. Normally, the gallbladder fills in 30 minutes on a hepatobiliary scan. Nonvisualization at 1 hour is consistent with acute cholecystitis. Other causes of nonvisualization include chronic cholecystitis, stasis, and hyperalimentation ( Fig. 14-27). The sonographic findings include cholelithiasis, wall thickeningoften with a lucent band in the wall (edema)and a positive Murphy's sign or pinpoint tenderness over the gallbladder. Generally, CT is employed only in atypical or complicated situations. The most common CT findings are wall thickening, stones, and pericholecystic fluid. 16

FIG. 14-27. Hepatobiliary scans. A: Normal examination with activity in the gallbladder by 30 minutes. B: Acute cholecystitis. Activity is seen in the biliary system and small bowel, but the gallbladder is never visualized.

Complications, which occur in 25% to 30% of patients with acute cholecystitis, include gangrenous cholecystitis, gallbladder perforation, emphysematous cholecystitis, and hemorrhagic cholecystitis. Gangrenous cholecystitis is necrosis of the wall. Sonographically the gallbladder wall is asymmetrically thickened, often with multiple sonolucent layers. Gallbladder perforation has a 25% mortality. Most wall off the lesion, forming a pericholecystic abscess. Emphysematous cholecystitis is secondary infection with a gas-forming organism. Diabetics are most commonly affected ( Fig. 14-28). The US appearance can be confusingbright echoes with dirty posterior shadows from the wall or lumen.

FIG. 14-28. Emphysematous cholecystitis. Air is seen in the gallbladder wall on plain film ( A, arrowheads) and computed tomogram (B, arrows).

The imaging findings in chronic cholecystitis are similar to those of acute cholecystitis except that the gallbladder is often contracted. Patients have gallstones, chronic inflammation, and recurrent biliary colic. The gallbladder is visualized at between 1 and 4 hours on a hepatobiliary scan. Motility Disorders Biliary dyskinesia is a term that has been used for a long time, but solid criteria for establishing a diagnosis have not been developed. Patients suffer right-upper-quadrant pain after meals that simulates biliary colic, but no abnormality can be found. Cholecystography after IV injection of cholecystokinin does not cause a contraction pattern that separates symptomatic patients from asymptomatic ones. Manometry of the sphincter is now being used to investigate these patients.

Sphincter of Oddi stenosis is a difficult diagnosis because there is no configuration of the distal duct that can be considered too narrow. Reliance is placed on ductal dilatation, abnormal sphincter pressures, biochemical abnormalities, and delayed bile-duct-to-bowel cholescintigraphic dynamics. Biliary Dilatation Biliary dilatation is not synonymous with biliary obstruction. Biliary dilatation can be present with or without biliary obstruction. Additionally, early biliary obstruction can be present without biliary dilatation. US is usually the initial modality unless the patient is obese or there is a high likelihood of malignancy. The findings on CT and US include branching tubular structures in the liver, a common bile duct larger than 5 mm in diameter, and a gallbladder diameter greater than 5 cm ( Fig. 14-29). Normal intrahepatic ducts can be seen on newer, high-resolution CT scans; the intrahepatic ducts should be few, scattered, and less than 3 mm in diameter. If biliary obstruction is suspected, an attempt should be made to determine the presence, level, and cause of obstruction.

FIG. 14-29. Biliary dilatation. A: Dilated intrahepatic biliary ducts. Ultrasonogram through the right lobe of the liver shows numerous tubular structures representing dilated bile duct ( arrows) secondary to impacted stone in common bile duct. B: Intrahepatic biliary dilatation is shown on contrast-enhanced computed tomogram in a patient with pancreatic cancer obstructing the distal common bile duct. Two peripheral liver metastases also are seen ( arrows).

CT is approximately 95% accurate in determining the presence, level, and cause of biliary obstruction. Benign causes of biliary dilatation are more common than malignant ones. The major causes of biliary obstruction are gallstones, tumor, stricture, and pancreatitis ( Table 14-8). A rare but interesting cause of biliary obstruction is Mirizzi's syndrome. A gallstone impacted in the gallbladder neck, cystic duct, or cystic duct remnant obstructs the common hepatic duct. Secondary inflammation is contributory. It occurs more frequently with low insertion of the cystic duct.

TABLE 14-8. Causes of biliary dilatation

Abrupt termination of a dilated extrahepatic biliary duct is characteristic of a malignant process even in the absence of a visible mass. Common tumors causing biliary obstruction are pancreatic carcinoma, ampullary carcinoma, and cholangiocarcinoma. A mass is often visible on CT at the point of biliary obstruction. Gradual tapering of a dilated duct is seen most commonly with benign disease such as inflammatory stricture, surgical or iatrogenic trauma, or pancreatitis. Calcifications in the pancreas are a clue to the presence of chronic pancreatitis. Gallstones obstructing the bile ducts are seen as calcific or soft-tissue density structures within the bile duct surrounded by a crescent of fluid-density bile. Some stones are isodense with bile and are not detected by CT. US detects 65% of choledocholithiasis. A contrast-enhanced cholangiogram is the best detector of choledocholithiasis. Stones appear as filling defects ( Fig. 14-30). The disadvantage is that it is invasive unless a previously inserted biliary tube is present.

FIG. 14-30. Causes of biliary dilatation. A: ERCP shows a focal, benign stricture of the bile duct. B: An irregular, distal stricture secondary to pancreatic carcinoma is shown. A T tube is in place. C: Multiple common duct stones are shown on ERCP. D: Choledocholithiasis. The ultrasonic image shows the bright echo ( arrow) indicating the stone within the tubular, dilated, fluid-filled common bile duct.

Primary sclerosing cholangitis is idiopathic or associated with ulcerative colitis or, less commonly, Crohn's disease. Secondary sclerosing cholangitis is caused by chronic low-grade obstruction or infection. Patients present with intermittent jaundice. ERCP nicely demonstrates the alternating areas of stricture and dilatation which has been described as a beaded appearance ( Fig. 14-31). The saccular outpouchings seen on the cholangiogram are strongly suggestive of the diagnosis. When the process is associated with inflammatory bowel disease, it is frequently confined to the intrahepatic ducts. Complications of sclerosing cholangitis include cholangiocarcinoma, cirrhosis, and portal hypertension. 20

FIG. 14-31. ERCP shows beaded appearance of the bile ducts in sclerosing cholangitis.

Ascending cholangitis is acute infection of the biliary tree. Most cases are secondary to partial or complete biliary obstruction. Escherichia coli is frequently one of the organisms responsible. Cholangitis is being reported with increasing frequency in association with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Cryptosporidia and cytomegalovirus are implicated pathogens. Manifestations include thickening of the wall of the bile ducts and gallbladder and intrahepatic changes such as sclerosing cholangitis. An important clue to the diagnosis is papillary stenosis. 14,15,23 ERCP is useful to confirm the diagnosis because the duct can be directly evaluated and biopsied and a papillotomy can be performed. Recurrent pyogenic cholangitis (Oriental cholangiohepatitis) is endemic to areas of Asia. Patients present with acute abdominal pain, recurrent jaundice, and fever and chills. The intrahepatic and extrahepatic ducts are dilated and contain soft, pigmented stones and infection. The most common location is the intrahepatic ducts of the left lobe of the liver. CT is considered better than US for diagnosis because some stones do not shadow on US. The diagnosis can be confirmed by cholangiography, which reveals ductal dilatation, strictures, and stones ( Fig. 14-32).25

FIG. 14-32. Recurrent pyogenic cholangitis. A: Computed tomogram shows dilated ducts in the left lobe that contain soft, pigmented stones and infection. B: Percutaneous cholangiogram shows similar findings.

Gallbladder Wall Thickening The gallbladder wall should be measured at the gallbladderliver interface after the patient has fasted. The upper limit of normal on US and CT is 3 mm. Causes of wall thickening include acute and chronic cholecystitis, hepatitis, HIV infection, low albumin, passive hepatic congestion (from portal venous hypertension or congestive heart failure), adenomyomatosis, and, rarely, gallbladder carcinoma ( Table 14-9).

TABLE 14-9. Causes of gallbladder wall thickening

Congenital Anomalies Choledochal cyst is an uncommon congenital focal dilation of the extrahepatic bile duct. The dilatation may be mild, mimicking a dilated duct from obstruction, or it can exceed 15 cm. There are three major types of choledochal cyst. Type I (Fig. 14-33), which is 80% to 90% of all, is fusiform extrahepatic biliary dilatation. Type II consists of an extrahepatic supraduodenal diverticulum. Type III is an intraduodenal diverticulum, also known as a choledochocele (Fig. 14-34). Intrahepatic bile duct dilatation is also frequently present. Choledochal cysts are discovered because of jaundice in children and young adult women. Two hypotheses are (1) that the abnormality is a result of anomalous insertion of the common bile duct into the pancreatic duct (with resultant reflux and dilatation of the common duct) and (2) that there is weakness in the bile duct wall. The cysts can rupture and cause biliary and duodenal obstruction. Patients with choledochal cysts are at increased risk of developing cholangiocarcinoma. US and CT show a cyst in the porta hepatis, separate from the gallbladder or fusiform biliary dilatation. The diagnosis can be confirmed with ERCP or hepatobiliary scan. Choledochoceles are difficult to diagnose with CT or US unless they are large. 17

FIG. 14-33. Choledochal cysts. A: In type I, ultrasound examination shows a cyst-like anechoic area ( arrowheads) that communicates with a normal-caliber duct (curved arrow). B: A type I cyst on computed tomography can have a similar appearance to other causes of a dilated duct. C: Choledochocele. A mass in the duodenum is caused by the distal part of the dilated common bile duct.

FIG. 14-34. Types of choledochal cysts. A: Type I, fusiform extrahepatic. B: Type II, extrahepatic supraduodenal diverticulum. C: Type III, intraduodenal diverticulum, or choledochocele.

Caroli's disease is a rare congenital cystic dilatation of the intrahepatic ducts. The dilated bile ducts may be quite large and resemble hepatic cysts. The most common form is associated with congenital hepatic fibrosis. Patients affected are predisposed to stones, cholangitis, and cholangiocarcinoma. CT, US, transhepatic cholangiography, and ERCP are all effective in demonstrating nonuniform dilatation of the intrahepatic biliary tree with focal areas of tubular and saccular enlargement (Fig. 14-35). This anomaly is often asymptomatic.24

FIG. 14-35. Caroli's disease. Computed tomogram shows the dilated ducts (arrows). Splenomegaly is also present.

Biliary ductal atresia is incompatible with life unless surgical correction is performed. Because ductal patency often cannot be restored, some patients undergo liver transplantation. Neoplasms Benign neoplasms of the biliary system and gallbladder are uncommon and generally cannot be differentiated from each other without histologic analysis. They include adenomas, fibromas, papillomas, and cystadenomas ( Fig. 14-36).

FIG. 14-36. Villous adenoma of the common bile duct.

Adenocarcinoma of the gallbladder occurs in association with gallstones in 70% to 80% of cases. Often, the presence of gallstones masks the diagnosis. The diagnosis is generally made late, at a time when surgical cure is not possible. Both US and CT can identify a soft-tissue mass replacing the gallbladder, a focal intraluminal mass, or focal or diffuse gallbladder wall thickening ( Fig. 14-37). Calcification of the gallbladder wall (porcelain gallbladder), a complication of chronic cholecystitis, is associated with a 10% to 25% incidence of developing carcinoma ( Fig. 14-38). Gallbladder carcinoma is more common in women. 18,28 Metastases to the gallbladder most commonly appear as focal nodular thickening of the gallbladder wall. Two thirds of cases are metastatic melanoma.

FIG. 14-37. Gallbladder carcinoma is seen on computed tomogram. There is wall thickening and a focal intraluminal mass ( arrow).

FIG. 14-38. Porcelain gallbladder. A: Calcification of the gallbladder wall is seen on computed tomogram. B: Calcified gallbladder on plain film. No contrast agent was administered.

Cholangiocarcinoma is a slow-growing carcinoma of the bile ducts that is almost uniformly fatal and occurs in older patients. A common site is at the junction of the right and left hepatic ducts (Klatskin's tumor) ( Fig. 14-39). Patients present with dilated intrahepatic ducts. Cholangiocarcinoma may be too small to identify on CT, or it may infiltrate surrounding tissues. Cholangiography most commonly demonstrates an intraluminal filling defect, frequently with an irregular surface, in the proximal biliary system. Predisposing factors include sclerosing cholangitis; hepatolithiasis; the liver flukes Clonorchis sinesis and Opisthorchis viverrini; Caroli's disease; choledochal cysts; and, rarely, familial polyposis coli.

FIG. 14-39. Cholangiocarcinoma. A: Klatskin's tumor occurs at the junction of the right and left hepatic ducts. B: An intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma is causing abrupt termination of the left hepatic duct ( arrow).

Miscellaneous The term hyperplastic cholecystoses has been used to describe benign noninflammatory gallbladder anomalies that involve hyperplasia of components of the gallbladder wall. The two entities, adenomyomatosis and cholesterolosis, are more common in women. They are seen in 5% to 25% of surgically removed gallbladders. Patients may be asymptomatic, or they may present with biliary colic. The diagnoses are suggested with US or OCG. In cholesterolosis there is focal deposition of cholesterol-laden macrophages in the wall with formation of cholesterol polyps. The most common sonographic appearance is a nonmobile echogenic focus that does not shadow and measures less than 10 mm in size ( Fig. 14-40).

FIG. 14-40. Multiple cholesterol polyps are seen on ultrasound. They can be differentiated from stones in that they are nonmobile and do not shadow.

Adenomyomatosis is overgrowth of gallbladder mucosa with development of mural thickening and intramural diverticuli called Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses. The process can be diffuse, segmental, or focal. The sonographic findings are variable and include a fixed mass, intramural echolucencies, or wall thickening. OCG can beautifully demonstrate the intramural diverticuli. Iatrogenic Disease The right-upper-quadrant complications of cholecystectomy include gallbladder fossa bleeding, bile duct ligation or injury, bile leakage, and infection. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, a popular alternative to open cholecystectomy, has a slightly higher incidence of biliary injury. 22,29 CT is useful to diagnose fluid collections (e.g., hematoma, abscess). Hepatobiliary scintigraphy is of value in diagnosing biliary leaks as well as postoperative biliary obstruction ( Fig. 14-41). Both T-tube cholangiography and ERCP are excellent methods to locate stricture sites or assess for leaks or residual stones. Endoscopic sphincterotomy may lead to a defective bile pathway with extravasation into the periduodenal tissues.

FIG. 14-41. Hepatobiliary scan demonstrates a bile leak. Extrahepatic bile is marked with arrows.

The infusion of chemotherapeutic agents via a catheter in the hepatic artery has resulted in several complications. Chemical cholecystitis, gallbladder infarction, sclerosing cholangitis, and bile duct necrosis have been reported. 19,26

Although the pancreas continues to present a clinical challenge, diagnostic capabilities are developing rapidly with new techniques in cross-sectional imaging procedures and ERCP. Imaging Techniques The normal pancreas cannot be visualized on plain abdominal radiographs. Plain film of the abdomen is of value in finding pancreatic calcifications and gas within pancreatic abscesses (Fig. 14-42). Pancreatic US is particularly satisfactory for examination of the head and body of the gland; however, intestinal gas often obscures the tail. Intraoperative US is useful for localization of small masses. CT provides images of the entire gland and its relationship to other structures. CT is the best modality for evaluating pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer. ERCP is invaluable for visualizing the pancreatic duct. 38 Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) is a relatively new, noninvasive technique that evaluates the biliary tree and pancreatic duct. 35 MRI is currently used for problem-solving and for localizing small islet cell tumors. 37

FIG. 14-42. Chronic pancreatitis. There are calcifications throughout the gland.

Anatomy The pancreas has five parts: the uncinate process, the head, the neck, the body, and the tail. The gland decreases in size with age, often becoming increasingly fat-replaced. The maximum diameters on CT are 3.0, 2.5, and 2.0 cm for the head, body, and tail, respectively. The main pancreatic duct is 3 mm in diameter and gradually tapers toward the tail ( Fig. 14-43). A normal pancreatic duct can be seen on a high-quality US or CT with thin sections. The pancreas does not have a distinct capsule and, therefore, inflammation and neoplasms can readily infiltrate the peripancreatic tissues.

FIG. 14-43. A normal pancreatic duct is visualized by endoscopically guided injection.

The pancreas is located in the anterior pararenal space of the retroperitoneum. It is bordered by the descending segment of the duodenum on the right, the stomach and lesser sac anteriorly, and the splenic vein, aorta, and vertebral body posteriorly. The left lobe of the liver can serve as an anterior sonographic window. The head of the pancreas wraps around the junction of the superior mesenteric vein and splenic vein. The superior mesenteric artery is located to the left of the vein, posterior to the neck of the gland. The tail of the pancreas is often slightly superior to the head, closely associated with the splenic hilum ( Fig. 14-44 and Fig. 14-45).

FIG. 14-44. Pancreas anatomy on computed tomography. The portal vein is formed by the fusion of the splenic vein and the superior mesenteric vein. The uncinate process of the pancreas is tucked between the portal vein and the inferior vena cava (IVC).

FIG. 14-45. Normal pancreas. A: Transverse ultrasound image of the pancreas. Pancreatic tissue is seen anterior to the splenic vein and portal confluence. B: Computed tomogram taken at the same level. The pancreatic duct can be seen within the parenchyma.

Congenital Anomalies The pancreas is the product of the fusion of the dorsal pancreas and its duct (Santorini's) and the ventral pancreas and its duct (Wirsung's). The main pancreatic duct (Wirsung's duct) and the common bile duct usually join and form a common channel at the major papilla (papilla of Vater). The distal dorsal pancreatic duct (Santorini's), which in embryonic life enters the duodenum at the minor papilla, is usually atretic at birth. Annular pancreas occurs when the dorsal and ventral pancreatic segments fail to rotate and fuse. The result is a ring of pancreatic tissue surrounding the second portion of the duodenum; this condition may be asymptomatic, but it can narrow the lumen and cause partial or complete duodenal obstruction ( Fig. 14-46).

FIG. 14-46. Annular pancreas. A: Annular pancreas encircles the second portion of the duodenum. B: Annular pancreas indents the lateral wall of the duodenum.

Pancreas divisum occurs when the ducts of Santorini and Wirsung do not join, which leaves a small ventral pancreatic segment (head and uncinate) duct that joins the common bile duct at the major papilla. The larger dorsal pancreatic segment (body and tail) drains through the minor papilla, as in embryonic life ( Fig. 14-47 and Fig. 14-48). Ten percent of the population has pancreas divisum. It is believed to be responsible for many cases of pancreatitis not caused by alcohol abuse.

FIG. 14-47. Pancreatic duct anatomy. A: Normal configuration of the main pancreatic duct (Wirsung's) with or without the accessory duct (Santorini's). B: Pancreas divisum with separate dorsal and ventral ducts.

FIG. 14-48. Pancreas divisum. Only the ventral pancreatic duct ( arrow) and the common bile duct are filled through the major papilla. The dorsal pancreatic duct empties separately at the minor papilla and therefore is not visualized by means of this injection.


Acute pancreatitis can result from a variety of causes. Alcohol abuse and choledocholithiasis (gallstone pancreatitis) are the most common causes. Gallstone pancreatitis must be excluded, because it may be correctable. Other causes of acute pancreatitis include trauma, drugs, peptic ulcer disease, viruses, and hereditary causes (Table 14-10). The diagnosis of pancreatitis is a clinical one. Imaging is used to determine prognosis and identify complications. CT, the imaging modality typically used, is normal in one third of cases. The CT findings of pancreatitis include pancreatic enlargement, decreased density due to edema, intrapancreatic fluid collections, and blurring of gland margins due to inflammation. US is used for follow-up of pancreatic pseudocysts. US is abnormal in only one third of cases of acute pancreatitis, where the echogenicity of the pancreas is less than that of the liver ( Fig. 14-49).

TABLE 14-10. Causes of acute pancreatitis

FIG. 14-49. Acute pancreatitis. A: The inflammation in the head and body of the pancreas has extended to the second and third parts of the duodenum. The duodenal folds are enlarged because of the submucosal edema, and the lumen is narrowed because of the enlarged pancreas. B: A longitudinal ultrasonogram shows a sonolucent mass (arrows) anterior to the vena cava. This represents the enlarged edematous pancreas.

Peripancreatic CT findings include peripancreatic fluid collections and stranding densities as well as thickening of retroperitoneal fat and fascial planes. The complications of pancreatitis are phlegmon (inflammatory mass), hemorrhage from arterial injury, abscess formation, pancreatic pseudocyst (encapsulated collection of fluid and debris), portal and splenic vein thrombosis, and pancreatic necrosis. Necrosis of the gland is liquefaction of the tissue, evidenced by loss of normal gland enhancement on a dynamic contrast-enhanced CT (Fig. 14-50).30

FIG. 14-50. Acute pancreatitis. A: Computed tomogram shows indistinctness of the tail of the gland and intraperitoneal free fluid. B: More severe case of pancreatitis. The gland has areas of necrosis that are not enhancing normally ( arrows). The peripancreatic fat is inflamed and edematous. C: A pancreatic pseudocyst occupies most of the tail.

Repeat bouts of acute pancreatitis can result in parenchymal atrophy and fibrosis or chronic pancreatitis. Chronic pancreatitis is manifested by calcifications and a ductal system that shows multiple irregularities of the lumen and beading with saccular dilation of the branches. The cause is almost always alcohol abuse or gallstones. Calcifications of the gland suggest alcohol abuse ( Fig. 14-51).

FIG. 14-51. Chronic pancreatitis. A: Computed tomogram shows a densely calcified gland with a pseudocyst in the tail. B: The main pancreatic duct is dilated and tortuous in its course. The side branches are dilated. Two small pancreatic pseudocysts are filled with contrast material ( arrow). C: Chronic pancreatitis with impacted stone. The main pancreatic duct is dilated, and its branches show dilatation, irregularity, and cystic changes. An oblong stone is lodged in the mid-duct ( arrows).

Neoplasm Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma accounts for 95% of the malignant tumors of the pancreas. This tumor has a poor prognosis because it is usually advanced at the time of diagnosis. The tumor may be detected by pancreatic US or contrast-enhanced CT as a hypoechoic or low-density mass, most frequently in the head of the pancreas. Tumors in the head or uncinate (60% to 70%) may be quite small but can still encroach on the bile duct, causing jaundice. Tumors in the body and tail develop without symptoms until they are large, when they cause pain as they involve the parapancreatic nerves. Secondary signs of pancreatic cancer on CT include atrophy of the distal gland, smooth dilation of the pancreatic duct, and dilation of both the bile duct and the main pancreatic duct (double duct sign). Biopsy may be needed to differentiate pancreatic neoplasm from focal pancreatitis in difficult cases ( Fig. 14-52; Table 14-11).34

FIG. 14-52. Pancreatic cancer. A: A low-density mass is enlarging the head of the pancreas. B: A pancreatic mass is encasing the second portion of the duodenum on an UGI.

TABLE 14-11. Focal mass in pancreas

Ninety percent of pancreatic adenocarcinomas are unresectable. 34 CT is useful to prevent an unnecessary Whipple procedure (resection of the distal stomach, duodenum, and part or all of the pancreas). Any of the following findings are CT signs of unresectability: liver metastases, ascites, local extension (except duodenum), arterial encasement, venous occlusion, and lymph node enlargement outside the field. Islet cell tumors of the pancreas can be functional or nonfunctional; if nonfunctional, the patient presents with symptoms related to mass effect. Insulinoma is the most common islet cell tumor, accounting for 60% of cases. Patients with gastrinomas (20% of all islet cell tumors) present with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome or peptic ulcer disease. Functional tumors typically are less than 4 cm in size and hypervascular on angiography and during the arterial phase of a dynamic CT examination. On US, functional islet cell tumors are usually hypoechoic but have hyperechoic liver metastases. Ten percent of insulinomas are malignant. The other islet cell tumors are more frequently malignant. Nonfunctional tumors are heterogeneous on CT and up to 20 cm in size. They can contain coarse calcifications. 31,32 Microcystic adenoma and mucinous cystic tumor are two cystic tumors of the pancreas. Both are typically large and occur in women. Microcystic adenoma is a benign tumor that comprises multiple small cysts. It can have either a honeycomb or a solid appearance on CT and may have a central scar with or without stellate calcifications. Mucinous cystic neoplasms have malignant potential. These tumors occur in the body and tail (80%) and produce cysts larger than 2 cm with thick, enhancing septa on CT. Liver metastases often appear cystic ( Fig. 14-53).34,36

FIG. 14-53. Mucinous cystic neoplasm of the pancreas on computed tomography. Large cysts are replacing the gland and causing biliary obstruction.

Cystic Lesions The most common cystic pancreatic lesion is a pseudocyst. The radiographic differential diagnosis includes a necrotic neoplasm, microcystic adenoma, mucinous cystic tumor, true cyst, and abscess (Table 14-12). An abscess should be suspected in a patient with a fever ( Fig. 14-54). If gas is not present in a fluid collection to suggest the diagnosis of abscess, aspiration of the suspicious fluid collection may be required. True cysts occur in 10% of patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease and in 30% of those with Hippel-Lindau syndrome. 36

TABLE 14-12. Cystic pancreatic mass

FIG. 14-54. Pancreatic abscess. The gland is replaced by a fluid collection that contains air.

Traumatic Lesions Pancreatitis, fracture, contusion, and pseudocyst may occur as the consequence of either blunt or penetrating trauma to the abdomen. CT findings of pancreatic fracture include a cleft (usually at the junction of the body and tail), fluid between the splenic vein and pancreatic parenchyma, and intraperitoneal fluid ( Fig. 14-55).33 Trauma (either accidental or nonaccidental) is the most common cause of pancreatitis in children.

FIG. 14-55. Pancreatic fracture on computed tomography. There is a low-density cleft in the body. In addition, the image shows hemoperitoneum and splenic trauma.

The Liver 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Baker ME, Relley R: Hepatic metastases: Basic principles and implications for radiologists. Radiology 197:329, 1995 Baron RL, Oliver JH III, Dodd GD III, et al: Hepatocellular carcinoma: Evaluation with biphasic, contrast-enhanced, helical CT. Radiology 199:505, 1996 Brown JJ, Naylor MJ, Yagan N: Imaging of hepatic cirrhosis. Radiology 202:1, 1997 Buetow PC, Pantongrag-Brown L, Buck JL, et al: Focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver: Radiologic-pathologic correlation. Radiographics 16:369, 1996 Cho KC, Patel YD, Wachsberg RH, et al: Varices in portal hypertension: Evaluation with CT. Radiographics 15:609, 1995 Frank MS, Stern EJ, Foy HM: Occult complications of nonoperative treatment of blunt liver injury: Detection by CT. AJR Am J Roentgenol 163:333, 1994 Harned RK II, Chezmar JL, Nelson RC: Imaging of patients with potentially resectable hepatic neoplasms. AJR Am J Roentgenol 159:1191, 1992 Honda H, Ochiai K, Adachi E, et al: Hepatocellular carcinoma: Correlation of CT, angiographic, and histopathologic findings. Radiology 189:857, 1993 Mergo PJ, Ros PR, Buetow PC, et al: Diffuse disease of the liver: Radiologic-pathologic correlation. Radiographics 14:1291, 1994 Ralls PW, Johnson MB, Radin DR, et al: Budd-Chiari syndrome: Detection with color Doppler sonography. AJR Am J Roentgenol 159:113, 1992 Roberts JL, Dalen K, Bosanko CM, et al: CT in abdominal and pelvic trauma. Radiographics 13:735, 1993 Siegelman ES, Mitchell DG, Semelka RC: Abdominal iron deposition: Metabolism, MR findings, and clinical importance. Radiology 199:13, 1996 Stevens WR, Johnson CD, Stephens DH, et al: Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma: Stage at presentation and results of aggressive surgical management. AJR Am J Roentgenol 164:1153, 1995

The Biliary System 14. Da Silva F, Boudghene F, Lecomte I, et al: Sonography in AIDS-related cholangitis: Prevalence and cause of an echogenic nodule in the distal end of the common bile duct. AJR Am J Roentgenol 160:1205, 1993 15. Farman J, Brunetti J, Baer JW, et al: AIDS-related cholangiopancreatographic changes. Abdom Imaging 19:417, 1994 16. Fidler J, Paulson E, Layfield L: CT evaluation of acute cholecystitis: Findings and usefulness in diagnosis. AJR Am J Roentgenol 166:1085, 1996 17. Kim OH, Chung HJ, Choi BG: Imaging of the choledochal cyst. Radiographics 15:69, 1995 18. Kumar A, Aggarwal S: Carcinoma of the gallbladder: CT findings in 50 cases. Abdom Imaging 19:304, 1994 19. Lee MG, Lee HJ, Kim MH, et al: Extrahepatic biliary diseases: 3D MR cholangiopancreatography compared with endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. Radiology 202:663, 1997 20. Majoie CB, Huibregtse K, Reeders JW: Primary sclerosing cholangitis. Abdom Imaging 22:194, 1997 21. Makuuchi M, Sukigara M, Mori T, et al. Bile duct necrosis: Complication of transcatheter hepatic arterial embolization. Radiology 156:331, 1985 22. McGahan JP, Stein M: Complications of laparoscopic cholecystectomy: Imaging and intervention. AJR Am J Roentgenol 165:1089, 1995 23. Miller FH, Gore RM, Nemcek AA, et al: Pancreaticobiliary manifestations of AIDS. AJR Am J Roentgenol 166:1269, 1996 24. Miller WJ, Sechtin AG, Campbell WL, et al: Imaging findings in Caroli's disease. AJR Am J Roentgenol 165:333, 1995 25. Okuno WT, Whitman GJ, Chew FS: Recurrent pyogenic cholangiohepatitis. AJR Am J Roentgenol 167:484, 1996 26. Pien EH, Zeman RK, Benjamin SB, et al. Iatrogenic sclerosing cholangitis following hepatic arterial chemotherapy infusion. Radiology 156:329, 1985 27. Regan F, Fradin J, Khazan R, et al: Choledocholithiasis: Evaluation with MR cholangiography. AJR Am J Roentgenol 167:1441, 1996 28. Rooholamini SA, Tehrani NS, Razavi MK, et al: Imaging of gallbladder carcinoma. Radiographics 14:291, 1994 29. Wright TB, Bertino RB, Bishop AF, et al: Complications of laparoscopic cholecystectomy and their interventional radiologic management. Radiographics 13:119, 1993 The Pancreas 30. Balthazar EJ, Freeny PC, vanSonnenberg E: Imaging and intervention in acute pancreatitis. Radiology 193:297, 1994 31. Buetow PC, Parrino TV, Buck JL, et al: Islet cell tumors of the pancreas: Pathologic-imaging correlation among size, necrosis and cysts, calcification, malignant behavior, and functional status. AJR Am J Roentgenol 165:1175, 1995 32. Buetow PC, Miller DL, Parrino TV, et al: Islet cell tumors of the pancreas: Clinical, radiologic, and pathologic correlation in diagnosis and localization. Radiographics 17:453, 1997

33. Lane MJ, Mindelzun RE, Sandu JS, et al: CT diagnosis of blunt pancreatic trauma: Importance of detecting fluid between the pancreas and the splenic vein. AJR Am J Roentgenol 163:833, 1994 34. Mergo PJ, Helmberger TK, Buetow PC, et al: Pancreatic neoplasms: MR imaging and pathologic correlation. Radiographics 17:281, 1997 35. Reinhold C, Bret PM: Current status of MR cholangiopancreatography. AJR Am J Roentgenol 166:1285, 1996 36. Ros PR, Hamrick-Turner JE, Chiecht MV, et al: Cystic masses of the pancreas. Radiographics 12:673, 1992 37. Semelka RC, Ascher SM: MR imaging of the pancreas. Radiology 188:593, 1993 38. Slater GJ, Schapiro RH, O'Neill MJ, Saini S: Endoscopic retrograde pancreatography: Imaging findings. AJR Am J Roentgenol 165:1181, 1995 SELECTED READINGS Saini S: Imaging of the hepatobiliary tract. N Engl J Med 336:18891894, 1997

Chapter 15 Interventional Gastrointestinal Radiology Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 15 Interventional Gastrointestinal Radiology

Loren Ketai

L. Ketai: Department of Radiology, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131.

Bleeding Treatment of Portal Hypertension Percutaneous Abdominal Biopsy Treatment of Enteric Strictures Gastrostomy and Jejunostomy Percutaneous Abscess Drainage (PAD) Cholecystostomy Biliary Decompression and Stone Removal Chapter References Selected Readings

Endoscopy is the diagnostic examination most frequently used in the evaluation of gastrointestinal bleeding. Nuclear medicine scans with labeled red blood cells are used to localize the site of cryptogenic bleeds and can detect blood loss rates as low as 0.1 ml/minute over a 10-minute period. Angiography is not as sensitive as nuclear medicine studies and requires flow rates of 0.5 ml/minute or faster ( Fig. 15-1). Bleeding is characterized by localized extravascular puddling of contrast medium which persists after washout of the contrast agent from the vasculature. Both conventional films and digital subtraction images can be used, but the latter may be degraded by artifact from the peristaltic motion of the gut.

FIG. 15-1. Gastrointestinal bleeding. A: Labeled red blood cell scan shows gastrointestinal bleeding arising from the hepatic flexure ( straight arrow). B: Superior mesenteric artery angiogram demonstrates extravasation from the middle colic artery ( curved arrow). (Courtesy of Anna Champlin, M.D., Albuquerque, NM)

Angiography is most often used when subsequent transcatheter treatment with vasopressin or embolization is being considered. 9,14,15,18 Transcatheter treatment can provide definitive therapy of some gastrointestinal bleeding, and in other cases it can temporarily halt acute blood loss, stabilizing the patient so that definitive surgical therapy can be performed. Intra-arterial administration of vasopressin may stop acute bleeding due to gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, colonic diverticuli, and other causes. Embolization, often with gelatin sponge (Gelfoam), may be effective in cases not responding to vasopressin, but it is controversial in the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries because of the risk of bowel infarction. Angiography is generally not used in the evaluation of venous bleeding, such as from esophageal varices, except to determine portal vein patency. It can not directly demonstrate the bleeding site, and therapy for varices depends on alleviation of portal hypertension rather than transcatheter treatment (see next section).


Treatment of portal hypertension is undertaken primarily to control and prevent variceal (esophageal, gastric, rectal) bleeding, which carries a mortality risk of more than 30%. Endoscopic sclerotherapy is frequently performed for esophageal varices, but despite an immediate success rate of 80% to 90%, there is a 50% incidence of rebleeding. Moreover, gastric varices are often inaccessible to this therapy. The mainstay of radiologic intervention for portal hypertension is the Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt (TIPS) ( Fig. 15-2).6,8 The goal of this procedure is to lower the portal venous pressure to less than 12 to 15 mm Hg. TIPS is performed by gaining access to a hepatic vein (usually the right) via an internal jugular vein. A long sheathed (Colapinto) needle is placed into the hepatic vein and passed though the liver parenchyma into the portal vein. This is the key step in the procedure. Although a variety of image guidance techniques have been proposed for puncture of the portal vein, operator experience is the most important determinate of success. After the portal vein has been entered, the tract is dilated and a metal stent is placed to maintain tract patency.

FIG. 15-2. Transhepatic intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS). A: Angiogram after placement of catheter from hepatic vein through the liver parenchyma and into the portal vein ( curved arrow). Injection of contrast material shows varices arising from the coronary vein ( straight arrow). B: Digital subtraction angiogram shows placement of stent (arrowheads) between hepatic vein and portal vein. (Courtesy of Anna Champlin, M.D., Albuquerque, NM)

After successful TIPS placement, hepatic encephalopathy is the most frequent complication. The shunts should be monitored with Doppler ultrasound because of the high rate of TIPS stenosis or occlusion (more than 40%) during the first year after placement. These malfunctions are usually treatable by angioplasty or additional stenting, or both.


Although vascular interventions in the abdomen can be life-saving, nonvascular interventions are much more frequently performed. 16 Of these interventions, percutaneous abdominal biopsy is probably the most common. Biopsies may be guided by ultrasound or computed tomography (CT) ( Fig. 15-3). Although CT better identifies bowel and bony structures, ultrasound provides real-time imaging which is advantageous if the biopsy path must be angled in more than one plane. 4

FIG. 15-3. CT-guided biopsy of a right adrenal gland mass. A similar technique can be used for percutaneous biopsy of any nonvascular abdominal mass.

Fine needles (20 to 22 gauge), larger cutting needles, and automated biopsy devices are all used to obtain tissue samples. Smaller-gauge needles should be considered in cases in which the risk of hemorrhage is high, as in biopsies of hepatomas and other vascular tumors. Larger needles and automated devices, which provide core tissue samples, produce a better diagnostic yield in biopsies of lymphoma and benign processes.


Enteric strictures (most commonly esophageal) can be treated nonsurgically with either an endoscopic or a radiologic approach. Strictures are dilated by passage of blunt dilators of increasing diameter (bougienage) or by balloon dilatation. Radiologic treatment uses the latter, which directs the dilating force radially and causes less shearing force along the enteric lumen ( Fig. 15-4). In a procedure similar to intravascular angioplasty, a guidewire is placed across the stricture under fluoroscopic guidance and a balloon catheter is advanced over the wire and inflated. 11,12,17 The major complication of balloon dilatation is gastrointestinal perforation, which has an incidence of 2% or less. Malignant strictures are less likely to respond to balloon dilatation than benign strictures, but they can also be treated with radiologically placed endoluminal stents. 2

FIG. 15-4. Balloon dilatation of the esophagus. A: Detail from an esophagram shows tapered narrowing of distal esophagus caused by achalasia. B: A balloon dilating catheter (arrowheads) has been placed across the narrowed segment and inflated.


Percutaneously placed enteral feeding tubes are used to provide long-term nutritional support to chronically ill patients who cannot maintain adequate oral intake (e.g., inability to swallow, impaired mental status). 7 Preprocedural evaluation usually includes fluoroscopy, abdominal CT, or ultrasound to confirm that the positions of the colon and left lobe of the liver do not preclude safe access to the stomach. At the time of the procedure, the stomach is insufflated with air, which makes it easier to puncture and displaces the transverse colon inferiorly. The midbody of the stomach is then punctured under fluoroscopic guidance. A guidewire is passed into the stomach, and a tract is formed by the use of dilators or a balloon catheter. The enteral catheter is then placed into the stomach or, if necessary, manipulated through the gastrostomy site into the jejunum ( Fig. 15-5). Although the small bowel can also be entered directly by percutaneous methods, this is done much less commonly.

FIG. 15-5. Feeding gastrostomy tube. A percutaneous feeding tube ( open arrows) enters the gas-filled stomach (s) and then loops in the duodenum and extends into the ileum.


Fluid collections within the abdomen and pelvis can be drained percutaneously as an alternative to surgical treatment. 5,13 In most cases a drainage catheter is placed within the abscess, but small focal collections, especially those within the liver, may respond to therapeutic aspiration alone. Image guidance can be provided with ultrasound, which is best suited to identify subhepatic and subphrenic fluid, periappendicial fluid, and those fluid collections caused by gynecologic conditions or found adjacent to renal transplants. CT can also be used to guide drainage of these fluid collections, and it supplants ultrasound in imaging collections masked by intervening bowel. Excellent bowel opacification is critical when using CT to identify abdominal and pelvic abscesses ( Fig. 15-6). Intravenous contrast medium is

useful primarily for increasing the conspicuity of abscesses in the liver and spleen.

FIG. 15-6. Psoas abscess that was drained percutaneously. Fluid collections related to the liver, pancreas, appendix, colon, and so on can be treated in a similar way.

Despite advances in CT and ultrasound, the only image finding diagnostic of infection within a fluid collection is the presence of gas, and this occurs in fewer than 40% of patients imaged. Definitive diagnosis of infection often depends on aspiration of the fluid and its subsequent Gram staining and culture. If it is decided to leave a drainage catheter in place within the fluid collection, the catheter can be placed by a trocar or Seldinger (over-a-wire) technique. An in-depth knowledge of anatomy is needed to place the drainage catheter safely. Catheters placed to drain hepatic or splenic fluid collections may traverse the pleural space if placed above the 12th rib posteriorly, risking pleural infection. Pelvic fluid collections may be drained through the sciatic notch if care is taken to place the catheter medial to the course of the sciatic nerve. Alternatively, pelvic collections can be drained transvaginally or transrectally with ultrasound guidance. PAD is successful in 70% to 90% of cases overall. Enteric fistulas are not uncommon, and although they do not preclude successful drainage, they usually require longer periods of drainage. 15 Success rates for drainage of pancreatic abscesses are somewhat lower than for abscesses at other sites, probably because of loculations and the presence of necrotic pancreatic tissue which does not pass easily through drainage tubes ( Fig. 15-7).1 In general, peripheral collections of pancreatic fluid (e.g., in the pararenal space) are more readily drained than central collections (e.g., in the lesser sac). 3 The role of image-guided drainage in the treatment of pancreatic pseudocysts is expanding.

FIG. 15-7. A and B: Pancreatic abscess. A large amount of debris remains in the abscess despite placement of large-bore drainage catheter. Surgical debridement was necessary.

Percutaneous cholecystostomy may be used to treat acute cholecystitis. The procedure is usually performed for treatment of critically ill patients, many of whom have acalculous cholecystitis. 10 The procedure can be guided by CT or ultrasound, but the latter is often preferred because of the advantages of real-time imaging and the ability to perform the procedure at the patient's bedside in the intensive care unit ( Fig. 15-8). A trocar is usually used for catheter placement, with a technique very similar to that used in PAD. Unlike catheters used in PAD, however, the gallbladder drain must be left in place for several weeks. This allows tract maturation and prevents bile leak after catheter removal.

FIG. 15-8. Percutaneous cholecystostomy. Ultrasound image shows catheter (straight arrow) entering thick-walled gallbladder. An echogenic gallstone is also seen (curved arrow).


Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage is performed for relief of chronic biliary obstruction and resultant symptoms such as pruritus. In many institutions endoscopic drainage and stent placement is tried initially, and the percutaneous approach is used if endoscopic attempts have failed or are precluded by a prior surgical procedure such as a Roux-en-Y anastomosis. 18 Either a transhepatic percutaneous or an endoscopic approach also may be used to emergently decompress the biliary system in the setting of biliary obstruction with cholangitis and sepsis. To access the biliary system, a 22-gauge needle is passed from the midaxillary line below the costophrenic angle into the liver parenchyma. As the needle is withdrawn, contrast material is injected until an intrahepatic biliary duct is identified. After the ductal system is opacified, any of several techniques can be used to place a drainage catheter into the biliary system. The biliary drainage catheter is advanced either into the common duct or past the level of obstruction into the duodenum (Fig. 15-9). After the biliary obstruction is relieved, edema within the ducts lessens. Other therapy can then be performed through the percutaneous access site, including biliary stricture stenting and percutaneous stone removal. Retained biliary stones may be removed in a similar fashion by means of T tubes left in place after cholecystectomy.

FIG. 15-9. Percutaneous biliary drainage catheter placement. Percutaneous catheter extends medially to enter the biliary tree and traverses a tumor site ( arrows). Catheter continues through biliary system and terminates in the duodenum distally ( arrows).

Major complications of biliary decompression include hemorrhage, bile leak, and systemic sepsis. Use of prophylactic antibiotics is important for prevention of the latter problem. Overall, major complications occur in 5% to 8% of patients, and the mortality rate is 1% to 2%. Patients with malignant biliary obstruction have a higher rate of major complications and death than patients with benign obstruction. CHAPTER REFERENCES
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SELECTED READINGS Whitaker SC, Greeson RH: The role of angiography in the investigation of acute or chronic gastrointestinal hemorrhage. Clin Radiol 47:382, 1993 Zuckerman DA, Bocchini TP, Birnbaum EH: Massive hemorrhage in the lower gastrointestinal tract in adults: Diagnostic imaging and intervention. AJR Am J Roentgenol 161:703, 1993

Chapter 16 The Pharynx and Esophagus Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 16 The Pharynx and Esophagus

Michael Davis

M. Davis: Department of Radiology, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131-5336.

The Pharynx Indications Anatomy and Physiology Methods of Examination Radiologic Pharyngeal Abnormalities Motor and Neurosensory Disorders Pharyngeal Diverticula and Pouches Pharyngeal Webs External Impingement Trauma Inflammation Benign Tumors Malignant Tumors Esophagus Indications Anatomy and Physiology Methods of Examination Alternative Nonradiologic Methods Esophageal Inflammation Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GRD) Caustic Agents, Radiation, and Oral Medications Miscellaneous Esophageal Infection Motility Disorders Secondary Motility Disorders Esophageal Varices Foreign Bodies Esophageal Neoplasms Benign Tumors Malignant Tumors Esophageal Trauma Postoperative Esophagus Chapter References

Indications Reasons for pharyngeal examination by radiologic methods include coughing, choking, or dysphagia; varying degrees of aspiration; nasopharyngeal reflux; a sensation of food sticking; a lump or tightness in the pharynx; a change in swallowing after head trauma, stroke, or brain tumor; or the inability to handle secretions. Anatomy and Physiology Structures observed on the pharyngeal swallow examination include lips, tongue, soft palate, epiglottis, valleculae, pyriform sinuses, and cricopharyngeus muscle. The myriad muscles supporting these structures and their nerve innervation is complex, and a detailed knowledge is required for thorough understanding of swallowing abnormalities. 16,17 A normal swallow begins with closed lips and trapping of the barium on the superior aspect of the tongue; this is followed by a muscular wave within the tongue that propels the barium to the oropharynx. The soft palate elevates and closes the nasopharynx, the barium bolus fills the valleculae, and a contraction of the oropharynx occurs with depression of the epiglottis, closure of the glottis, and propulsion of the barium to the hypopharynx. This is followed by contraction of the cricopharyngeus muscle (which is not normally seen except at the end of the swallow) and passage of the barium into the cervical and thoracic portions of the esophagus. All of the steps of the swallowing sequence must occur in an organized, coordinated fashion for a normal swallow to occur. Distortion of the normal anatomy or neuromuscular dysfunction results in swallowing abnormalities. Examination of the esophagus after a pharyngeal study is often required, especially if the cause of the swallowing abnormality is not clear. Esophageal tumors, strictures, involvement by extrinsic structures, motility disorders, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GRD) may all refer symptoms to the pharyngeal area. Methods of Examination The pharynx may be evaluated by routine barium-swallow studies. This is best done with the use of video fluoroscopic swallowing procedures in which the motion dynamics of the swallowing mechanism are recorded. Tape recorders capable of variable speeds and freeze-framing are invaluable. High-density barium (200% weight/volume) gives excellent mucosal coating and outlines the anatomic structures of the mouth and pharynx, which should be examined in frontal and lateral projections. Patients are usually examined in the upright position, but if a patient is unable to stand, he or she may be examined sitting on the fluoroscopy table footboard; sitting in specialized chairs that can be placed between the fluoroscopic imaging intensifier and the x-ray table; by fluoroscopic C-arm units with the patient in a wheelchair or on a stretcher 13; or on an x-ray table with an imaging tube mounted for cross-table lateral imaging and the patient in the supine position. Some investigators recommend that patients be examined in supine position. 22 Other investigators recommend oblique projections to augment the standard views. 40 Specialized video fluoroscopic swallow examinations are done on patients with severe disabilities from stroke, head injury, penetrating trauma (knife or gunshot wound), cerebral palsy, or other serious acute or chronic conditions. Speech pathologists and occupational therapists are often consulted to evaluate patients with swallowing disorders at the bedside and in the fluoroscopy suite with the radiologist. Thick and thin liquid barium and various foods mixed with barium paste are used to evaluate a patient's ability to swallow. If liquids and/or solids can be swallowed safely, without aspiration or nasopharyngeal reflux, a dietary regimen can be customized to improve patient's nutritional status and tube feedings can be discontinued.


Motor and Neurosensory Disorders Pooling of barium in the valleculae and pyriform sinuses is a common finding, especially with age, and may be considered a form of paresis, where the neuromuscular function is inadequate to express barium from these structures ( Fig. 16-1). Nasopharyngeal reflux of varying degrees and laryngeal aspiration are easily identified. Dysfunction of the cricopharyngeus muscle (upper esophageal sphincter) is also a common abnormality that may occur in older patients or may reflect a protective mechanism in patients with GRD6 (Fig. 16-2A).

FIG. 16-1. A: Normal lateral pharynx, oral cavity (OC), soft palate (SP). B: Normal frontal pharynx, oral cavity (OC). C: Frontal view of pharynx shows pooling of barium in the valleculae ( arrowheads) and piriform sinuses (arrows), consistent with pharyngeal paresis.

FIG. 16-2. A: Lateral view of hypopharynx shows curvilinear filling defect representing prominent cricopharyngeus muscle visualized throughout the swallow. B: Moderately large cricopharyngeal (Zenker's) diverticulum containing barium exerts narrowing effect on the cervical esophagus.

Pharyngeal Diverticula and Pouches Cricopharyngeal (Zenker's) diverticula develop just above the cricopharyngeus muscle, protruding posteriorly or posterolaterally, where mucosal herniation through a triangular zone of sparse musculature can occur ( Fig. 16-2B). The cause of these diverticula is obscure. They were once thought to be the result of cricopharyngeal muscle spasm or incoordination, but manometric studies showed this to be incorrect. It is now suggested that there may be an association with hiatal hernia and gastroesophageal reflux. These diverticula can grow to be sizeable. They can contain food and saliva that puts the patient at risk for aspiration and potentially leads to bronchitis, bronchiectasis, or lung abscess. Carcinoma is known to occur in a Zenker's diverticulum. Lateral pharyngeal diverticula occur through a muscle wall weak spot at the pharyngoesophageal junction. (Fig. 16-3A) They are lateral or lateroanterior in location and are usually associated with dysphagia. 18 Pharyngeal pouches usually occur bilaterally and tend to be large but are of no clinical significance. ( Fig. 16-3B).18

FIG. 16-3. A: Lateral pharyngeal diverticulum ( arrow) associated with Zenker's diverticulum (arrowhead). B: Bilateral pharyngeal pouches ( arrows).

Pharyngeal Webs Pharyngeal webs are usually singular but may be multiple, and they may involve a portion or all of the circumference of the pharynx at its level of origin ( Fig. 16-4A). The presence of cervicoesophageal webs associated with iron deficiency anemia and pharyngeal or esophageal carcinoma, reported in Europe years ago, was referred to as the Plummer-Vinson syndrome or Patterson-Kelly syndrome ( Fig. 16-4B.)9 Its decline in recognition coincides with improved diet and treatment of the sideropenic anemia. 8

FIG. 16-4. A: Lateral view of midpharynx and hypopharynx shows a thin mucosal web that extends from the anterior wall of the pharynx. B: Large web indenting anterior wall (white arrowhead) with associated stricture ( black arrowheads). Note distended upper pharynx secondary to the stricture.

External Impingement Cervical spine osteophytes are one of the most common causes of external pharyngeal impingement, although other masses such as lymph nodes, tumors, and

enlarged thyroids may also deform the pharynx (Fig. 16-5).

FIG. 16-5. Cervical osteophyte impingement. Lateral view of lower pharynx shows large osteophytes impinging on the posterior wall of the pharynx.

Trauma Swallowed sharp foreign bodies, penetrating trauma, caustic agents, and iatrogenic injuries are common causes of pharyngeal trauma ( Fig. 16-6).

FIG. 16-6. Slightly obliqued frontal view shows nasal intubation of feeding tube that perforated the left piriform sinus. The barium is extending along the cervical fascial plane that surrounds the piriform sinus.

Inflammation Epiglottitis shows smooth enlargement on lateral plain films of the pharynx. Enlarged tonsils are occasionally seen on plain film. Candida pharyngitis plaques and herpes pharyngitis ulcers can be seen in barium studies of patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Radiation of pharyngeal tumors can cause inflammation with mucosal irregularities. Other causes of inflammation are uncommon. Benign Tumors Benign tumors are uncommon and are usually composed of existing mesenchymal tissue. As they grow in size, dysphagia becomes the presenting symptom ( Fig. 16-7). Epithelial cysts are more common.

FIG. 16-7. Lipoma. Computed tomography scan through pharynx shows hypodense, smoothly marginated, fatty lesion representing a lipoma ( arrows), which deforms the pharyngeal airway (p).

Malignant Tumors The most common malignant tumor of the pharynx is squamous cell carcinoma. People with long-term histories of alcohol and tobacco use are at increased risk for development of this malignancy. Carcinomas may develop at the base of the tongue, epiglottis, pyriform sinuses, valleculae, and palatine tonsils. Enlargement of the tonsils may simulate carcinoma. Double-contrast technique appears to be the best conventional method for diagnosing malignancy where asymmetric or irregular surface mass lesions are detected. Ulcerations and asymmetry caused by the mass lead to the detection of these tumors. If the carcinoma is large enough, single-contrast technique can identify the lesion ( Fig. 16-8A). Computed tomography (CT) is helpful, not only in identifying the tumor but also in detecting invasion of adjacent structures (Fig. 16-8B). When examining patients with known tumors of the pharynx and larynx, it is important to examine the esophagus for the presence of a synchronous esophageal carcinoma, which may exist in up to 5% of patients with head and neck cancer.

FIG. 16-8. A: Pharyngeal carcinoma. Frontal view of single-contrast swallow examination shows large, irregularly shaped mass that involves the left aspect of the hypopharynx (arrows). B: Computed tomogram of same patient shows large, homogeneous mass that protrudes into the airway ( arrows) but shows no significant infiltration into adjacent soft tissues.

Indications The most common symptoms that lead to examination of the esophagus are heartburn from GRD, followed by difficult (dysphagia) or painful (odynophagia) swallowing. Motility disorders, when severe enough, may give the patient a feeling of chest discomfort or pain. Strictures of the esophagus (usually from GRD) may cause the sensation of food sticking. Anatomy and Physiology The cervical esophagus begins below the cricopharyngeus muscle (upper esophageal sphincter); at the thoracic inlet it becomes the thoracic esophagus, which then continues to the level of the lower esophageal sphincter, 1 or 2 cm below the diaphragm. The upper esophagus contains striated muscle, whereas the lower portion has smooth muscle. The transition is not abrupt, but rather there is a central segment of varying length which has both elements. In the thorax, the distended esophagus is indented on the left side by the aortic arch and the left mainstem bronchus ( Fig. 16-9). With age, a dilated thoracic aortic arch may significantly narrow the lumen of the esophagus, causing dysphagia ( Fig. 16-10). As the thoracic aorta elongates and extends into the left chest, it may displace the esophagus, especially if aneurysms have formed. An enlarged left atrium and/or left ventricle shows an extrinsic compression involving the lower anterior esophageal wall ( Fig. 16-11). The lower esophageal ring (mucosal ring or B ring) can be seen as a diaphragm-like structure in the distended distal esophagus when a sliding hiatal hernia is present. 29 It corresponds to the squamocolumnar mucosal junction. (See Chapter 17, Fig. 17-38A.)

FIG. 16-9. Normal double-contrast esophagram shows indentation by aorta ( arrowheads) and left mainstem bronchus (arrow).

FIG. 16-10. Displacement of esophagus by enlarged aortic arch.

FIG. 16-11. Enlarged left atrium. Double-contrast esophagram shows extrinsic compression of the anterior wall of the lower esophagus.

As a response to swallowing, the primary wave of esophageal motility that carries the bolus of barium signals the lower esophageal sphincter to open and then close immediately after the swallowed material passes into the stomach. The transport of food and fluid from the mouth to the stomach is aided by gravity in the upright position, but it can be accomplished by peristalsis alone in the recumbent position. Radiologic studies are used to evaluate both anatomic alterations and motility disorders. Methods of Examination Plain films of the chest are of limited utility but are indicated in certain situations, such as when an opaque foreign body (e.g., bone, coin) has become lodged in the esophagus. Cervical or mediastinal emphysema is visible on plain films and usually indicates disruption of either the esophagus or a site in the respiratory tract. This finding may lead to a contrast examination. Hiatal hernias are frequently seen on chest radiographs as a mass or air-nfluid level posterior to the heart. At fluoroscopy, the esophagus may be imaged by the single-contrast, double-contrast, or mucosal relief technique. Usually with overhead filming techniques, only single-contrast examination is done. The single-contrast technique uses a medium-density barium (50% to 60% weight/volume), whereas double-contrast examination employs a heavy or dense barium (200+% weight/volume) in conjunction with an effervescent powder that is given with water just before barium ingestion. In mucosal

relief technique the esophagus is filmed after barium has passed and the mucosal folds are collapsed yet remain visible. Alternatives to barium are the water-soluble solutions of iodinated organic compounds that may be used when perforation of the esophagus is suspected. Ionic water-soluble contrast agents are known to be innocuous in the mediastinum, but it is generally believed that barium in the mediastinum can cause mediastinitis. This belief is based on extrapolated data from laboratory studies that showed barium to cause peritonitis and granuloma formation in the peritoneum. A 1997 report states that barium is safe to evaluate for anastomotic esophageal leaks. Many leaks were found with barium, and no instance of mediastinitis developed. Barium also has better radiopacity than water-soluble contrast agent. 20 The disadvantage of the ionic water-soluble contrast media is that they are irritating to the tracheobronchial mucosa and can cause pulmonary edema. They are undesirable if either aspiration or tracheobronchial fistula is suspected. Nonionic water-soluble contrast agents are less irritating and, if aspirated, are absorbed or eliminated via the bronchi and trachea. Barium is nonreactive in the tracheobronchial tree, but if it reaches the bronchi and alveoli it remains there for some time. CT is valuable for studying the extent of disease in the esophagus and mediastinum. Endoscopic ultrasonography can evaluate the depth and extent of submucosal and mural lesions. Alternative Nonradiologic Methods Esophageal endoscopy is an accurate method used to view the mucosal surface of the esophagus. It has the advantage of allowing immediate biopsy of pathologic areas, but it is not a good method to study motility. Currently, it has the disadvantage of being more costly than radiologic methods and has the potential of causing iatrogenic trauma. Measurement of intraluminal esophageal pressures (manometry) and pH monitoring can be accomplished with tubes placed in the esophagus. There is no substitute for the information obtained this way. The ingestion of radioisotope-labeled food is another method of studying esophageal transport, gastroesophageal reflux, and gastric emptying.

Regardless of cause, the radiologic manifestations of inflammatory disease are quite similar. With a mild degree of inflammation of the esophagus, there are no radiologic abnormalities. As the process worsens, there may be a combination of any of the following: nodularity, thickened folds, erosions, ulcerations, and spasm. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GRD) Gastroesophageal reflux may occur and lead to esophagitis. Acid reflux is the most common type, and it is related to inappropriate relaxation or incompetence of the lower esophageal sphincter. 5,14,15 This scenario usually occurs in the presence of a hiatal hernia. The severity of esophagitis depends on the frequency of reflux and the length of time the refluxed fluid remains in the esophagus before being cleared by primary and secondary peristaltic waves. The pH of the reflux fluid, whether acid or alkaline (bile), also is a factor in the development of esophagitis. In addition to showing the radiopathologic changes caused by the inflammation, the radiologic examination can occasionally reveal the esophageal reflux. 12,30 Observation of gastroesophageal reflux at the time of fluoroscopy is of limited value unless substantial reflux has occurred and there is delayed clearing. Radiographic changes of reflux esophagitis are varied depending on the severity of the disease. Early changes of erythema are not visible radiographically as they are endoscopically. Radiologic changes of esophagitis include erosions, nodularity, thickened folds, luminal narrowing, diffuse ulceration with strictures, or any combination of these (Fig. 16-12). Nasogastric intubation allows for gastroesophageal reflux that can result in long strictures.

FIG. 16-12. A: Early esophagitis. Double-contrast esophagram shows diffuse nodularity of mucosal surface. B: Moderate changes of esophagitis. Lower esophagus shows thickened folds (arrowheads) and nodularity in distal esophagus. C: Severe esophagitis. Diffuse mucosal ulcerations with stricture formation.

Metaplastic columnar epitheliumlined esophagus (Barrett's esophagus) is a manifestation of chronic GRD, where normal squamous epithelium has been denuded and replaced with metaplastic columnar epithelium. 35 The extent of this special columnar epithelium varies considerably, from patchy small islands to short segments to long segments that diffusely carpet the esophageal wall. Endoscopically, the metaplastic columnar mucosa appears identical to normal gastric mucosa. This can be problematic if the metaplasia exists at the gastroesophageal junction and cannot be recognized. A substantial number of adenocarcinomas develop in the Barrett's epithelium at the gastroesophageal junction. 7 Barrett's esophagus occurs in 10% to 20% of patients with significant GRD. 37 At presentation it may be seen radiographically with a large, deep ulcer. Barrett's ulcers may heal with stricture formation distally or in the upper esophagus. A high esophageal stricture or ulcer in the presence of GRD is strongly suggestive of Barrett's esophagus (Fig. 16-13A, B). An increased incidence of adenocarcinoma results from Barrett's esophagus. 33 Barrett's esophagus has been detected in more than 40% of adenocarcinomas of the gastroesophageal junction and up to 80% of adenocarcinomas of the esophagus. 10 Barrett's adenocarcinomas comprise from 30% to 50% of all esophageal cancers. 24

FIG. 16-13. A: Barrett's esophagus. Double-contrast examination of distal esophagus demonstrates presence of large, deep ulceration involving posterolateral wall of distal esophagus (arrows). B: Smooth midesophageal stricture from healed Barrett's ulcer. C: Adenocarcinoma in Barrett's esophagus. Double-contrast examination of distal esophagus shows luminal narrowing, mucosal irregularity, and indentation along one wall of the esophagus where adenocarcinoma has formed ( arrows).

Caustic Agents, Radiation, and Oral Medications Either acid or alkaline substances can cause severe inflammatory changes. In infants and children, an accidental ingestion is usually the problem, whereas in adults it

is usually part of a suicide attempt. 28 Caustic ingestion may cause long, permanent strictures with an increased incidence of carcinoma after three and four decades (Fig. 16-14A). Radiation therapy is often responsible for severe symptomatic esophagitis, and stricture may occur many years later ( Fig. 16-14B). A variety of oral medications can cause mucosal irritation and ulceration when they adhere to the mucosa, usually because not enough oral fluids are taken with the medication. Antibiotic medications, such as tetracycline and doxycycline, are well known to cause this problem; other medications include potassium chloride, quinidine, vitamin C tablets, and oral ferrous sulfate. 11

FIG. 16-14. A: Caustic ingestion stricture. At least two thirds of the esophagus demonstrates marked narrowing from ingestion of caustic agent years before. B: Radiation stricture. Double-contrast esophagram shows smooth stricture midesophagus.

Miscellaneous Two conditions that have similar manifestations are pemphigus and epidermolysis bullosa. 41 Smooth filling defects indicative of an intramural process are seen in addition to ulcerations and scarring often followed by stricture. Crohn's disease rarely involves the esophagus but when present may produce aphthous ulcers, a corrugated mucosal pattern, and even pseudopolyps. Behet's syndrome is another disease that may show an irregular ulcerated mucosal pattern. Eosinophilic gastroenteritis may have esophageal involvement with fine ulcerations and a nodular mucosa.

Immunosuppression and general debilitation are frequently the background for herpes simplex, 25,34 cytomegalovirus (CMV),38 and Candida infections. 26,27 Candida infection is by far the most common. It is best seen on double-contrast esophagrams, which demonstrate plaque-like lesions often oriented in vertical fashion. When the disease is diffuse, the mucosa becomes markedly irregular or ragged in appearance. If Candida and viral esophagitis occur together, the Candida lesion may obscure the ulceration of the viral disease, which otherwise may be quite obvious ( Fig. 16-15).

FIG. 16-15. A: Advanced Candida infection. Double-contrast esophagram demonstrates markedly irregular mucosal surface pattern in which plaque-like formation tends to run in vertical fashion. B: Herpes esophagitis. Several oval, discrete ulcerations with normal intervening mucosa are seen. C: Cytomegalovirus esophagitis with ulcers seen en face and in profile ( arrows).

Few or numerous ulcerations with a lucent rim of edema are seen both in profile and en face. The ulcers are represented en face by collections of barium with surrounding lucent halos of edema. CMV ulcers can be quite large, as can the giant, noninfectious ulcers of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. They are indistinguishable radiographically, so endoscopy and biopsy are required for diagnosis. 36 Any esophageal infection may heal and return to normal, but it may also produce permanent esophageal stricture. Tuberculous esophagitis is rare and usually is seen only in advanced cases of pulmonary and mediastinal tuberculosis, which are increasingly common as AIDS complications. Tuberculous infections cause strictures, have a tendency to form fistulae, and rarely develop giant ulcers.

Primary motility disorders include achalasia, diffuse esophageal spasm, nutcracker esophagus, and nonspecific esophageal motility disorders. Achalasia. Achalasia is an abnormality in esophageal peristalsis and lower esophageal sphincter dysfunction. The process is slow and insidious in its development, and the cause is unknown. The patient frequently has a dilated esophagus before becoming symptomatic. Sometimes the diagnosis is first made on the basis of seeing a dilated esophagus on a plain chest film that was made for an entirely different purpose. On the upright chest film, an air-fluid level can be seen in the thoracic esophagus. When barium is given, there is a normal peristaltic wave down to the thoracic inlet but not beyond. The barium suspension outlines the fluid-filled, dilated esophagus and passes by gravity to the level of the lower sphincter. This area often has a bird's-beak appearance ( Fig. 16-16). Observation of the beak while the patient swallows reveals a momentary relaxation of the sphincter, which allows a small amount of barium to enter the stomach. Occasionally, weak tertiary contractions can be observed in the body of the esophagus.

FIG. 16-16. Achalasia. Single-contrast esophagram shows dilated, barium-filled esophagus with small, abrupt, bird-like beak distally ( arrows).

The pathophysiology of achalasia involves two features: a hypertonic lower esophageal sphincter that relaxes incompletely with swallowing and a lack of peristalsis in the body of the esophagus. Because the changes in the body are irreversible, treatment is directed at releasing the obstruction at the lower esophageal sphincter. Esophagomyotomy can be accomplished by either balloon dilatation or surgery. The simple dilatation that is effective for inflammatory strictures may not relieve the patient who has achalasia. After esophagomyotomy the radiographic picture improves only slightly despite genuine symptomatic relief. Occasionally, the treatment causes an esophageal perforation or enough destruction of the sphincter to allow free gastroesophageal reflux. Because the esophagus cannot generate secondary peristalsis, acid-pepsin reflux from the stomach can cause very severe esophagitis. Patients with achalasia have a significantly increased risk of developing esophageal cancer.32 Chagas's Disease. A picture like that of achalasia can result from infection by Trypanosoma cruzi. This disease is endemic in parts of South America. Diffuse Esophageal Spasm, the Nutcracker Esophagus, and Nonspecific Motor Disorders. A variety of conditions fall into the category of esophageal dysmotility. Classification is difficult and changes regularly. Accurate diagnosis requires intraluminal esophageal manometry. At present there are no reliable radiologic criteria to sort out these conditions, because their diagnosis depends on knowledge of the intraluminal pressure. They are important conditions because they can cause chest pain that mimics myocardial ischemia (Fig. 16-17 and Fig. 16-18).

FIG. 16-17. A: Probable corkscrew nutcracker esophagus. Numerous deep and wide contractions throughout the esophagus are seen in a patient with simultaneous chest pain. B: Diffuse esophageal spasm. Marked spasm throughout the distal two thirds of the esophagus caused formation of pseudodiverticula ( arrows) that disappeared with relaxation.

FIG. 16-18. Presbyesophagus. Single-contrast esophagram demonstrates numerous tertiary contractions in the middle and lower portion of the esophagus without significant advancement of the barium bolus.

Secondary Motility Disorders Scleroderma. As part of the progressive systemic sclerosis, smooth muscle atrophy with focal fibrosis dominates the histologic picture. This usually involves the lower two thirds of the thoracic esophagus, the smooth muscle portion, including the lower esophageal sphincter. When barium is given there is normal peristalsis down to, but not beyond, the aortic arch level. Because the lower esophageal sphincter is involved, there is easy flow into the stomach in the upright position (i.e., because of gravity), but when the patient is in the recumbent position esophageal transport is markedly delayed. Free gastroesophageal reflux may be observed. Peptic esophagitis and stricture can be a severe problem in patients with scleroderma. Most often the esophageal changes are only part of an obvious clinical picture of progressive systemic sclerosis. It is rare that the esophageal symptoms occur first ( Fig. 16-19).

FIG. 16-19. Scleroderma. Double-contrast examination shows distal esophageal stricture with unusual surface pattern that may reflect the underlying atrophy and fibrosis of the smooth muscle.

Esophageal Diverticula. Esophageal diverticula are common and are the result of esophageal motor disorders. 19 Diverticula can occur throughout the esophagus, but they frequently occur in the middle or lower third. With distal esophageal strictures, an epiphrenic diverticulum may develop ( Fig. 16-20A). Diverticula usually are formed by increased intraluminal pressure with eventual pulsion ( Fig. 16-20B).

FIG. 16-20. A: Epiphrenic diverticulum. Single-contrast examination shows epiphrenic diverticulum with inspissated food material. The diverticulum is just above a distal esophageal stricture ( arrowhead). Hiatal hernia is also present ( arrows). B: Double-contrast esophagram of distal half of esophagus shows wide-mouth diverticulum containing barium-fluid level.

Miscellaneous. Rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and alcoholism may have associated esophageal dysmotility. The easiest manifestation to recognize is aperistalsis. Unusual peristaltic patterns have also been described in patients with diabetes.

Most esophageal varices are produced by either liver disease with portal hypertension or thrombosis of the splenic-portal trunk. The varices occur in the distal esophagus. If they are large enough and bulge into the lumen, they are readily detected on radiographic examination ( Fig. 16-21). Because bleeding esophageal varices may not be detectable radiographically, endoscopy is considered a more sensitive and specific diagnostic test. Current enthusiasm for the treatment of varices by endoscopic sclerosis is conducive to combined diagnostic and therapeutic methods. After sclerotherapy the thrombosed veins may ulcerate and create a distinctive radiographic appearance (Fig. 16-21B).2 Thrombosis in the superior vena cava may lead to the dilatation of collateral veins in the upper esophagus, which have been aptly named downhill varices. CT and barium esophagrams have a similar ability to detect esophageal varices. CT has the advantages of imaging paraesophageal varices and other manifestations of portal hypertension. 4

FIG. 16-21. A: Esophageal varices. These large varices are easily distinguished from normal esophageal folds because of their tortuous contours. B: Esophageal varices after sclerotherapy. The thrombosed veins are well visualized, and there is also ulceration of a thrombosed varix ( arrow).

Children can, and do, ingest a variety of foreign objects. Because of an object's size or configuration, it may become lodged in the esophagus. If the foreign object is radiopaque, plain films are adequate for localization. Barium given orally is necessary for visualization of a nonradiopaque object. Detection is difficult in the cervical esophagus, where the bolus may pass so rapidly that a small object, such as a bone impaled in the mucosa, may be missed. Endoscopy can be used as well for search and removal of foreign bodies. In children, removal of many objects can be accomplished by inflating a balloon catheter distal to the foreign body and then withdrawing the object through the mouth. This is best done under fluoroscopic control. In adults the foreign object most likely to become lodged in the esophagus is an oversized piece of meat; this sometimes occurs when a person is inebriated or engrossed in conversation. Dentures or lack of teeth can promote the swallowing of large boluses. Effervescent powders in conjunction with intravenous glucagon have been tried with some success to treat such impacted foreign bodies ( Fig. 16-22). Endoscopic removal may be necessary.

FIG. 16-22. Reflux esophagitis stricture. Food bolus is impacted just proximal to a distal esophageal stricture ( arrowheads). Note that the impacted food is obstructing the passage of barium.

Benign Tumors The most common benign esophageal tumors are leiomyomas, most of which are asymptomatic and are found incidental to the search for another process. Leiomyomas in the esophagus do not ulcerate and bleed as do those in the stomach. A leiomyoma has the characteristic appearance of an intramural mass, with its margins at relatively obtuse angles in relation to the vertical lumen of the esophagus ( Fig. 16-23). Other benign intramural masses such as esophageal duplication cyst or lipoma may produce a similar appearance, and CT can often differentiate the cystic nature from fat density. 23 Epithelial polyps of the esophagus are rare. Influenced by esophageal peristalsis, they may develop a long pedicle. The stalk is occasionally long enough to allow the patient to regurgitate the mass into the oral cavity. Glycogenic acanthosis are multiple white plaques that are seen at endoscopy and create a nodular appearance on double-contrast esophagrams. They

represent a degenerative phenomenon of the aging process in which glycogen is stored in surface cells.

FIG. 16-23. Esophageal leiomyoma. Double-contrast examination shows typical appearance of intramural leiomyoma. Note the obtuse mucosal angle characteristic of an intramural lesion.

Malignant Tumors Primary. Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common histologic type found in the esophagus. Adenocarcinoma is also found, and it is thought to develop in the setting of dysplastic mucosa associated with Barrett's esophagus. Malignant esophageal tumors rarely bleed significantly, so they must attain a size sufficient to interfere with food transport before they are symptomatic. They begin as plaques, become polypoid or begin infiltrating, and eventually cause long, irregular strictures. They may ulcerate, develop a serpiginous vertical infiltrative pattern that resembles varices (varicoid carcinoma), and occasionally begin by superficial spreading of multiple nodules throughout the mucosa of an involved segment ( Fig. 16-24). Their circumferential growth eventually narrows the lumen enough to block passage of a bolus and cause symptoms of dysphagia.

FIG. 16-24. A: Plaque carcinoma with small central ulceration. B: Long segment of circumferential carcinoma of the proximal esophagus. C: Large, ulcerated carcinoma (arrows) in proximal esophagus. U, ulcer. D: Varicoid carcinoma (note serpiginous folds of the tumor that simulate esophageal varices). E: Numerous superficial carcinomatous nodules involving the mucosa at the level of the aortic arch. The smaller, darker, round defects at the lower portion of the image represent residual bubbles.

Radiographic detection of the early, flat lesion is possible with meticulous double-contrast technique. Later growth makes the lesion much easier to see. Sometimes during the course of the disease or after treatment a fistula to the trachea or a bronchus may develop. It is important to limit the volume of contrast material given in this situation. Staging of esophageal cancer using CT is useful. 31 CT may clearly identify adenopathy that is not amenable to resection ( Fig. 16-25). CT should be done for preoperative staging of esophageal carcinoma because it has an accuracy of more than 90% in detecting mediastinal invasion. 21 Magnetic resonance imaging has the same accuracy as CT in demonstrating nonresectability of esophageal carcinoma. 39 Liver metastases may also be shown. CT is less accurate in determining the local limits of the tumor when patients have a marked weight loss, and the fat planes that aid CT often are not present. Rarely, a primary lymphoma of the esophagus occurs (Fig. 16-26). An interesting but unusual tumor is the spindle-cell tumor, 1 which is also known as carcinosarcoma or pseudosarcoma. Evidence suggests that this tumor is of connective tissue origin. At presentation this neoplasm is often seen as a bulky intraluminal mass ( Fig. 16-27).

FIG. 16-25. A: Single-contrast esophagram demonstrates advanced circumferential infiltrating squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus. B: Computed tomographic scan through central portion of lesion shows markedly thickened esophageal wall (E), adjacent adenopathy ( arrows), and several lung metastases that are obvious. A, aorta.

FIG. 16-26. Lymphoma. Single-contrast esophagram shows widening of the lumen of the distal esophagus with irregular margins and leading edges of the tumor proximally and distally ( arrowheads).

FIG. 16-27. Carcinosarcoma. Large bulky mass expands lumen of midesophagus.

Metastatic Disease. Lung cancer can invade the esophagus directly, but even in the face of the present epidemic it rarely occurs as a clinical problem. Breast and renal tumors also may metastasize to the esophagus. 3 Melanoma spreads so widely throughout the body that it can involve any part of the gastrointestinal tract ( Fig. 16-28). The same is true of Kaposi's sarcoma, which is seen mostly in patients with AIDS.

FIG. 16-28. Metastatic melanoma of the esophagus creating a multinodular polypoid mass.

The esophagus may rupture in association with major trauma, but more often rupture occurs secondary to severe vomiting (Boerhaave's syndrome). The rupture tends to occur on the left side of the lower esophagus and may extend into the left pleural space. Eventually, swallowed air dissects into the mediastinum. Plain films show a combination of a lower mediastinal density, pleural effusion, and mediastinal emphysema. Fluoroscopic examination with a water-soluble contrast material or barium confirms the diagnosis, showing extravasation in the area of the rupture ( Fig. 16-29).20

FIG. 16-29. Boerhaave's syndromemesophageal rupture. Single-contrast examination with water-soluble material fills a rounded area just adjacent to the distal esophagus. The site of rupture is clearly seen ( arrows).

Instrumentation. Any type of instrument introduced into the esophagus may perforate that structure. Dilatation of the esophagus for the treatment of stricture or achalasia is the usual cause of perforation.

Surgical excision of the esophagus for tumors or strictures is commonly done, with subsequent anastomoses with the esophagus itself, the stomach (gastric pull-through), the colon (colonic interposition), or the jejunum (gastrectomy). Leaks are not uncommon, and contrast radiography is one of the most efficient means to detect leakage. Water-soluble contrast examination is usually done first, followed by barium with its greater radiopacity. Barium at one time was thought to cause mediastinitis but no data have been presented to substantiate this. 20 Ionic water-soluble agents should not be used if aspiration or a tracheoesophageal fistula exists or is suspected. CHAPTER REFERENCES
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Agha FP, Keren DP: Spindle-cell squamous carcinoma of the esophagus: A tumor with biphasic morphology. AJR Am J Roentgenol 145:451, 1985 Agha FP: The esophagus after endoscopic injection sclerotherapy: Acute and chronic changes. Radiology 153:37, 1984 Anderson MF, Harrell GS: Secondary esophageal tumors. AJR Am J Roentgenol 135:1243, 1980 Balthazar EJ, Naidich OP, Megibow AJ, et al: CT evaluation of esophageal varices. AJR Am J Roentgenol 148:131, 1987 Behar J: Reflux esophagitis: Pathogenesis, diagnosis and management. Arch Intern Med 136:560, 1976 Brady AP, Stevenson GW, Somers S, et al: Premature contraction of the cricopharyngeus: A new sign of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Abdom Imaging 20:225, 1996 Cameron AJ, Lomboy CT, Pera M, Carpenter HA: Adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric function and Barrett's esophagus. Gastroenterology 109:1541, 1995 Chen TS, Chen PS: Rise and fall of Plummer-Vinson syndrome. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 9:654, 1994 Chisholm M: The association between webs, iron and post-cricoid carcinoma. Postgrad Med J 50:215, 1974 Clark GW, Smyrk TC, Burdiles P, et al: Is Barrett's metaplasia the source of adenocarcinoma of the cardia? Arch Surg 129:609, 1994 Creteur V, Laufer I, Kressel HY, et al: Drug-induced esophagitis detected by double-contrast radiography. Radiology 147:365, 1983 Creteur V, Thoeni RF, Federle MP, et al: The role of single and double contrast radiography in the diagnosis of reflux esophagitis. Radiology 147:71, 1983 Davis M, Palmer P, Kelsey C: Use of C-arm fluoroscope to examine patients with swallowing disorders. AJR Am J Roentgenol 155:986, 1990 Dent J, Dodds WJ, Friedman RH, et al: Mechanism of gastroesophageal reflux in recumbent asymptomatic human subjects. J Clin Invest 65:256, 1980 Dodds WJ, Hogan WJ, Miller WN: Reflux esophagitis. Dig Dis 21:49, 1976 Dodds WJ, Logemann JA, Stewart ET: Radiologic assessment of abnormal oral and pharyngeal phases of swallowing. AJR Am J Roentgenol 154:965, 1990

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Chapter 17 The Stomach and Duodenum Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 17 The Stomach and Duodenum

Michael Davis

M. Davis: Department of Radiology, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131-5336.

The Stomach and Duodenum Indications Anatomy Physiology Methods of Examination Alternate Nonradiologic Methods Congenital Anomalies Gastritis, Duodenitis, and Ulcer Disease Inflammatory Diseases Motility Disorders Vascular Disorders Extrinsic Deformity Foreign Bodies Neoplasms Primary Benign Tumors Primary Malignant Tumors Metastatic Tumors Computed Tomography and Ultrasonography Trauma Hiatal Hernia Iatrogenic Conditions Instrumentation Postsurgical Complications Chapter References


Indications Symptoms of epigastric pain raise the possibility of peptic ulcer disease and lead to an examination of the stomach and duodenum. Hematemesis or melena is also a strong indication. Subacute or chronic nausea and vomiting raises the possibility of an obstructive lesion. A palpable mass in the upper abdomen may involve the stomach. Weight loss and anorexia are less specific symptoms but can occur with gastric cancer. All intra-abdominal structures can be seen by computed tomography (CT) or ultrasound imaging. Nevertheless, barium and other contrast materials remain invaluable for detection of alimentary tract diseases. Anatomy The stomach and duodenum are divided into segments that do not have sharply defined margins. The terms gastroesophageal junction (cardia), fundus, body, antrum, pyloric canal, and greater and lesser curvature are commonly used to identify the position of gastric lesions ( Fig. 17-1). The parts of the duodenum are described as the bulb and the second, third, and fourth portions ( Fig. 17-2). The stomach itself varies considerably in size and position. The asthenic habitus is associated with a vertically oriented body and antrum, with the stomach often dipping into the pelvis. Stouter patients have stomachs with a transverse orientation. The duodenum has few anatomic variations, mainly because most of it is retroperitoneal and fixed in position. Occasionally there is some redundancy in the postbulbar area. The mucosal folds in the duodenum are relatively constant in size ( Fig. 17-3), but there is a large range in the size of normal gastric folds. Gastric folds are particularly prominent along the greater curvature and in the fundus (see Fig. 17-1D).

FIG. 17-1. A: Posteroanterior view of barium-filled stomach. F, fundus; B, body of stomach; A, antrum; P, pylorus; D, duodenal bulb. B: Double-contrast examination of body and fundus of stomach. C: Air-contrast examination of lower body and antrum of stomach. D: Stomach partially filled with barium outlining the rugal folds. Note the abundance of rugal folds along the greater curvature.

FIG. 17-2. Normal duodenum. Duodenal segments are numbered D 1 through D4.

FIG. 17-3. A: Double-contrast examination of duodenal bulb and descending duodenal segments. Folds are normal in thickness. B: Double-contrast examination of duodenal bulb. This magnified view shows the velvety mucosal surface representing the duodenal villi.

Physiology The primary digestive process begins in the stomach, where the secretion of acid and pepsin creates an environment for both protein breakdown and peptic ulcer disease. Stomach content is carried to the duodenal bulb, where the pH becomes more neutral. The stomach and duodenum also have endocrine-type activity, with gastrin released from cells in the antrum and cholecystokinin released from the duodenal cells. Gastric motility is a complex process, but it can be divided into a churning phase and an emptying function. The stomach empties fluids much more rapidly than solids. Methods of Examination The fluoroscopic-radiographic examination of the upper GI tract with barium sulfate suspension has been standard for years. The single-contrast examination uses 6 to 10 oz of medium-density barium (50% to 60% weight/volume) (see Fig. 17-1A, D). Effervescent powders are given in conjunction with heavy or dense barium (200+% weight/volume) to create the double-contrast examination (see Fig. 17-1B, C). The double-contrast method provides improved visualization of the mucosal surface. This is particularly important for finding shallow erosions and small polypoid lesions. Some investigators employ the biphasic examination, which encompasses aspects of both the single- and double-contrast techniques. 20,30 Water-soluble contrast material is used if perforation of the stomach or duodenum is suspected. The use of glucagon in small doses to inhibit motility temporarily can be helpful. 9,22 CT and ultrasonography may demonstrate a large gastric mass quite well, but they are not considered the prime modes of detection of gastroduodenal lesions. CT is particularly of value in the preoperative staging of malignant lesions.25,37 Alternate Nonradiologic Methods Fiberoptic endoscopy is a magnificent method for visualizing the mucosa of the stomach and duodenum. Repeated studies show increased sensitivity compared with the radiologic method. In some parts of the world endoscopy has replaced the radiologic method as the primary examination. In others the disparity in costs for the two studies has kept the radiologic method primary.

Failures of Tubulation. Duodenal atresia is discovered quickly after birth. Upright plain films showing air-nfluid levels in the stomach and duodenum and no gas in the rest of the intestine are characteristic of obstruction, but similar findings may also be seen in infants with the duodenal bands associated with malrotation and with volvulus of the small bowel. It usually is not necessary to do contrast studies under these circumstances. A web as a manifestation of incomplete tubulation can manifest itself in the stomach as an antral diaphragm; this may not be symptomatic. In the duodenum an almost complete web can produce a complicated roentgenographic appearance. The web may balloon caudally like a wind sock; this appearance has been given the name intraluminal diverticulum. The web is primary, and the diverticulum develops later. Dextroposition. The stomach may be on the right, associated with total situs inversus. Rarely, there is dextroposition of the stomach only or situs inversus of the abdominal viscera only. Duplication and Diverticula. Diverticula of the cardia of the stomach that arise posteriorly are the only common gastric diverticula ( Fig. 17-4). Perhaps these are related to the multiple stomachs of the ruminants. Gastric and duodenal duplication cysts are rare ( Fig. 17-5). Duodenal diverticula are extremely common, particularly in the inner aspect of the descending portion, and are rarely of any pathologic significance ( Fig. 17-6).

FIG. 17-4. Double-contrast examination of the proximal stomach where a large wide-mouth diverticulum is present. Barium is pooling in the dependent portion of the diverticulum.

FIG. 17-5. Single-contrast examination of the duodenal bulb demonstrates a duplication cyst ( arrows). S, distal stomach.

FIG. 17-6. Single-contrast examination of duodenal sweep. The outpouching involving the medial wall of the descending duodenum represents a diverticulum (D)

Congenital Rests. Aberrant pancreatic tissue can occur in the gastric antrum and proximal duodenum. Although it has the configuration of an intramural mass, it may have a small central depression at the site of a miniature excretory duct ( Fig. 17-7).

FIG. 17-7. Ectopic pancreatic tissue in the gastric wall. The dimple in the mass is the ductal region and is quite characteristic.

Microgastria. A very small midline stomach may be found, but this is rare. Microgastria usually is associated with other congenital anomalies. Gastroesophageal reflux and esophageal dilatation are often present. Congenital Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis. Persistent vomiting in an infant at the age of 3 to 5 weeks suggests the possibility of pyloric stenosis. At times the hypertrophied pyloric muscle can be palpated; it can also be visualized ultrasonographically. The standard method of diagnosis is with oral barium sulfate. The diagnosis rests on seeing an elongated pyloric canal ( Fig. 17-8), often with thick muscle bulging into the base of the duodenal bulb. A delay in gastric emptying is not adequate for diagnosis because it can occur normally. Rarely, pyloric stenosis is found in an adult; in these cases it must be differentiated from circumferential antral carcinoma.

FIG. 17-8. Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis in an infant. The elongated pyloric canal is well demonstrated.

Annular Pancreas. Fusion of the ventral and dorsal pancreas so that it completely surrounds the duodenum is rare, but if it does occur it may cause partial or complete duodenal obstruction Fig. 17-9).

FIG. 17-9. Annular pancreas causing lateral compression of the descending duodenum.


Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is the causal agent of chronic gastritis and the primary cause in gastric and duodenal peptic ulcer disease. H. pylori also appears to be strongly linked to gastric carcinoma and primary gastric lymphoma. Genetic, environmental, nutritional, and lifestyle factors, when linked with H. pylori, produce a wide spectrum of disease in the stomach and duodenum. 10,11 Gastric Fold Enlargement, Mucosal Nodularity, and Antral Narrowing. The earliest changes of peptic disease in the stomach and duodenum may be hypertrophy

or enlargement of folds Fig. 17-10). In some instances the mucosal surface pattern can become irregular Fig. 17-11). Large gastric folds with or without ulceration and/or erosions are the best predictors of H. pylori infection. 24,35 Antral nodularity and narrowing are also indicative of H. pylori gastritis.5

FIG. 17-10. A: Double-contrast examination of fundus and upper body of the stomach shows thickened gastric rugal folds consistent with gastritis. B: Another example of gastritis. C: Double-contrast examination of duodenal bulb shows thickened folds representing peptic duodenitis. D: Single-contrast examination shows thickened folds in the duodenal bulb and descending duodenal segments consistent with duodenitis.

FIG. 17-11. Double-contrast examination of gastric antrum demonstrates some thickened folds and a markedly irregular, coarse mucosal surface pattern consistent with inflammation.

Erosions. Gastric and duodenal erosions are the most minimal manifestations of peptic ulcer disease that can be detected. Sometimes there is a small mound of associated edema; in other cases, only the erosion is present. The single contrast technique using compression is particularly effective in demonstrating these small lesions (Fig. 17-12). Such erosions can be responsible for both epigastric pain and bleeding. Because they are quite small, they heal quickly with treatment.

FIG. 17-12. Single-contrast examination of antrum shows numerous elliptic lucencies with central collections of barium, representing gastric erosions.

Ulcers. It is difficult to define the difference between an ulcer and an erosion, and indeed the spectrum is continuous. Ulcers are erosions that have penetrated more deeply into the mucosa, and ordinarily their diameter is greater than that of other erosions. The increase in size allows more ready radiologic detection. Ulcers, like erosions, may be seen anywhere in the stomach or proximal duodenum, but they are most common in the antrum, pyloric canal, and duodenal bulb ( Fig. 17-13 and Fig. 17-14).4 The lesser curvature of the body of the stomach is also a prevalent site, but ulcers may occur on the greater curvature as well. Very large benign ulcers found on the greater curvature are often caused by ingestion of drugs such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory compounds. The major sign is the ulcer crater, which usually projects beyond the gastric wall. There is often a smooth rim of edema at the edge of the crater (Hampton line). Mucosal folds are often observed extending to the rim or edge of the crater. Greater curvature ulcers are more varied in appearance and may resemble malignant lesions; in such cases, careful follow-up or biopsy is indicated. The radiologic method is valuable not only for detecting these ulcers but also for evaluating the effects of treatment. Patients with gastric ulcers who have H. pylori gastritis have a higher rate of gastric ulcer recurrence. 21

FIG. 17-13. A: Double-contrast examination of stomach shows a very large ulcer protruding from the lumen of the greater curvature ( arrows. U, ulcer crater. B: Single-contrast examination shows a gastric ulcer protruding from the lesser curvature of the body of the stomach. The thin, lucent line indicated by the white arrows represents Hampton's line, indicative of a benign ulcer. C: A single-contrast examination shows a large, flat ulceration along the lesser curvature of the stomach. Note the large, uniform gastric folds radiating to the ulcer crater with abrupt termination. This is consistent with benign ulcer. D: Shows an elliptic ulcer crater ( open arrow). The ulcer is considered indeterminate because there are no radiographic criteria to identify it as benign or malignant.

FIG. 17-14. A: Single-contrast examination of duodenal bulb shows a tiny ulceration ( arrow) surrounded by edematous folds. B: Active peptic ulcer. Single-contrast examination shows ulcer collection protruding from superior aspect of the apex of the duodenal bulb ( arrow). C: Benign peptic ulcer is demonstrated by double-contrast examination. Note the folds ( black arrowheads) radiating toward the ulcer crater ( white arrow).

Perforated Ulcers. A gastric or duodenal ulcer, often with few premonitory symptoms, may perforate into the peritoneal space. The symptoms then become quite dramatic. Plain films are indicated in this situation. Upright films show free air under the diaphragm. If the upright position cannot be achieved, a decubitus film of the abdomen with the patient's left side down demonstrates air between the liver and the right lateral peritoneum. Scarring. Although erosions leave no demonstrable scar, medium and large ulcers may heal with a considerable deformity. In the stomach, gastric folds radiating toward a central point are indicative of a healed ulcer Fig. 17-15). In the duodenum the craters tend to occur in the midbulb just beyond the pyloric canal, and they leave a characteristic cloverleaf or butterfly deformity Fig. 17-16). A gastroduodenal fistula through the pyloric canal area can produce a double channel between the stomach and the duodenum Fig. 17-17). Scarring of the pylorus and duodenum may become severe enough to cause partial or complete gastric outlet obstruction.

FIG. 17-15. A: Gastric ulcer scar. Radiating folds toward the site of the previous ulcer are observed. The normal polygonal areae gastricae pattern of the stomach mucosa is especially well demonstrated along the lesser curvature. B: Double-contrast examination shows folds converging toward the greater curvature in the distal antrum from an ulcer scar (open arrow).

FIG. 17-16. A posterior wall duodenal ulcer associated with the classic cloverleaf or butterfly deformity of chronic duodenal ulcer disease.

FIG. 17-17. Double pylorus. This actually represents the normal pylorus plus a fistula ( arrow) between antrum and bulb as a residual of a healed antral ulcer.

Hypergastrinism (Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome). A particularly severe form of peptic ulcer disease can be associated with gastrinomas or other sources of gastrin. The ulcers may be multiple and may involve the small bowel as well. The excessive gastric secretion may be evident in both the stomach and the small bowel. The inflammatory insult to the duodenum may cause edematous folds and eventual atony (megaduodenum) Fig. 17-18). These radiographic findings are indications for obtaining measurements of serum gastrin levels. H. pylori is not a risk factor for peptic ulcer disease in patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. 38

FIG. 17-18. Hypergastrinism (Zollinger-Ellison syndrome). The severe duodenitis with markedly edematous mucosal folds is secondary to the gastric hypersecretion.

Extrinsic Agents. Several agents, when combined with the acid-pepsin milieu of the stomach, can cause erosion and ulceration. Alcohol and anti-inflammatory drugs are the most common offenders. Whether steroids are causative agents has not been resolved. Either alkali or acid taken in strong concentration can cause severe gastric damage leading to a gastric stricture or multiple areas of constriction Fig. 17-19). The ingestion of ferrous sulfate tablets may cause severe gastric damage in infants and small children. Although many medications seem to cause gastric symptoms, it is unusual to find radiologic changes.

FIG. 17-19. Caustic ingestion. Single-contrast examination shows irregularity of the mucosa and narrowing of the gastric antrum ( open arrows) caused by the ingestion of caustic material. Lesser changes are seen involving the duodenum with nodularity and thickened folds.

Specific Infections. Tuberculosis and syphilis of the stomach are now uncommon entities; they cause thickening and rigidity of the gastric wall (linitis plastica). Strongyloidiasis is still seen, particularly in South America. In debilitated and immunosuppressed patients the usual range of opportunistic organisms, such as the herpes virus, can cause gastritis. 13 Anisakiasis of the stomach, with the roundworms causing thread-like filling defects, has been described by Nakata and colleagues in Japan.26 Crohn's Disease. There is a tendency toward pyloroantral and duodenal involvement in patients with Crohn's disease ( Fig. 17-20). This can occur without any manifest disease in the jejunum. The radiographic features are as similar and varied as in other parts of the bowel. Ulceration, nodularity, and luminal narrowing mimic both peptic ulcer disease and neoplasms such as lymphoma. Upper gastrointestinal involvement as the initial presentation in Crohn's disease is uncommon, so the key to the diagnosis is to find the characteristic changes in the more distal gut.

FIG. 17-20. A: Stomach of a patient with Crohn's disease. Double-contrast examination shows numerous rounded lucencies with central barium collection representing Crohn's aphthous ulcerations. B: Crohn's disease of the duodenal bulb. Numerous aphthous ulcerations are present.

Celiac Disease (Gluten Enteropathy). The radiologic findings of celiac disease begin in the duodenum and extend into the jejunum ( Fig. 17-21). Dilatation is the most reliable finding; it may be so severe in the duodenum that it warrants the description megaduodenum. At times the mucosal folds are enlarged. When celiac disease is diagnosed promptly by small-bowel biopsy there may be no abnormal radiographic findings.

FIG. 17-21. Celiac disease. Megaduodenum, dilated small bowel, and loss of small bowel mucosal folds are the findings in the severe form of nontropical sprue.

Miscellaneous Disorders. Mntrier disease is a syndrome of protein-losing enteropathy associated with huge gastric rugal folds. These large folds involve the

fundus and body of the stomach rather than the antrum (Fig. 17-22). Eosinophilic gastroenteritis is a diffuse process that may manifest itself with large distal gastric and small-bowel folds. At times, a cobblestone appearance predominates. Gastric manifestations of scleroderma are uncommon; there may be diffuse hypotonia causing prolonged emptying time and a smooth gastric outline caused by effacement of mucosal folds. The thick, tenacious secretions found in cystic fibrosis can cause megaduodenum (Fig. 17-23). Pancreatitis can cause inflammatory changes in the stomach and duodenum ( Fig. 17-24).

FIG. 17-22. Mntrier's disease. Huge gastric folds are present. In this patient, it is unusual that the antral folds are also large.

FIG. 17-23. Cystic fibrosis duodenum. Single-contrast examination shows marked enlargement of duodenum with thickened folds.

FIG. 17-24. Pancreatitis. The medial wall of the duodenum is narrowed by pancreatic enlargement. There is also duodenal fold thickening.

The stomach rarely loses its motility function. Gastroparesis can be seen in diabetics. Patients after truncal vagotomy have a disorder that combines lack of motility and diminished gastric acid secretion. As a consequence, food bezoars may form in the stomach ( Fig. 17-25). There are no identifiable conditions of gastric hypermotility.

FIG. 17-25. A: Gastric phytobezoar occurring after vagotomy, partial gastrectomy, and gastrojejeunostomy. B: Intact stomach enlarged by bezoar in a patient with diabetes mellitus.

Gastric Varices. Gastric varices can coexist with esophageal varices or be isolated, especially in cases of splenic vein thrombosis. In splenic vein thrombosis the splenic drainage is through the short gastric veins and thence through normal channels to the portal vein. Such gastric varices can be mistaken for either a mucosal or an intramural gastric tumor (Fig. 17-26).

FIG. 17-26. A: Gastric varices. Double-contrast examination shows the gastric varices in profile ( arrows). B: Gastric varices seen en face.

Duodenal Varices. Duodenal varices are rare, but they can be large enough to deform the duodenum and mimic peptic ulcer disease. 15 It is important to recognize this possibility when studying a cirrhotic patient with gastrointestinal bleeding. Angiodysplasia. The limits of the barium examination do not permit detection of angiodysplasia. Success has been reported with angiography. 33 Endoscopically, these have been described as the watermelon lesions. 16

The stomach or duodenum may be displaced or deformed by any adjacent organ or process (e.g., abscess, cyst) that becomes large enough ( Fig. 17-27).

FIG. 17-27. Extrinsic deformity of the stomach. Single-contrast examination shows the stomach being displaced toward the midline from the left by a greatly enlarged spleen (arrows).

Foreign bodies are less common in the stomach than in the esophagus. Often they pass spontaneously through the rest of the gut. Mentally infirm patients can swallow a great variety of objects. Occasionally, a trichobezoar forms from ingested hair. Persimmons have long been known to form gastric phytobezoars. They appear as large, irregular intragastric masses (see Fig. 17-25).

Primary Benign Tumors Benign Adenomatous and Hyperplastic Polyps and Villous Adenomas. These mucosal lesions, which can occur in the stomach and duodenum (see Fig. 17-26),29 may be single or multiple (Fig. 17-28).

FIG. 17-28. A: Multiple gastric adenomas. B: Gastric hyperplastic polyps. Double-contrast examination shows numerous polypoid defects protruding into the lumen (arrows). C: Hyperplastic polyp duodenum. Single-contrast examination shows large filling defect at the apex of the bulb. D: Duodenal adenoma. Barium examination demonstrates a large polypoid defect in the descending segment of the duodenum ( arrows).

Benign Intramural Tumors. Benign intramural tumors constitute another major group. Lipomas, neurofibromas, and leiomyomas are found in the gastroduodenal wall. Most often they are small and asymptomatic. An exception is the leiomyoma, which can attain a large size, and in the process the mucosa may ulcerate and bleed (Fig. 17-29). Some leiomyomas are calcified, which allows their histologic diagnosis based on radiographic analysis.

FIG. 17-29. A: Gastric leiomyoma. Profile view of a large, smooth mass (arrows). B: Gastric leiomyoma. Computed tomographic examination through the level of the stomach shows a smooth intraluminal filling defect (arrow). A, aorta. C: Duodenal lymphangioma. An elliptic lucent mass in the descending duodenum ( arrows) is shown.

Polyposis Syndromes. Gastric lesions have been observed in the polyposis syndromes (familial colonic polyposis, Gardner's syndrome, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, Cronkhite-Canada syndrome) (Fig. 17-30).6 Enlarged, nodular rugal folds have been seen in Cronkhite-Canada syndrome. 17 In the other conditions, polypoid masses are found.

FIG. 17-30. Gastric polyposis in a patient with familial polyposis. Double-contrast examination shows numerous small, rounded polyps carpeting the gastric mucosa.

Primary Malignant Tumors The incidence of gastric cancer varies widely by country and population, with higher risk among lower socioeconomic groups. In general, men are twice as likely to develop cancer and a higher incidence of the disease is seen in African-Americans in the United States. Factors most strongly associated with gastric cancer are H. pylori infection, diet, cigarette smoking, partial gastrectomy, radiation exposure, family history, pernicious anemia, and certain occupational exposures. 28 Adenocarcinoma. Adenocarcinoma of the stomach starts radiographically as a small plaque-like lesion. 7,12 This may or may not ulcerate. Great strides in the understanding and detection of small lesions have been made in Japan, where the disease is prevalent. Exquisite air-contrast studies are required to image the lesions. As the cancer grows it may become polypoid and easy to detect. Infiltrative lesions that just stiffen the gastric wall without causing either a mass or ulceration are the most difficult to detect. These infiltrative or scirrhous carcinomas are being detected in the proximal part of the stomach in greater numbers rather than in the classic form involving the distal stomach. Endoscopy has significant limitations in confirming the diagnosis, with positive pathologic findings in only 70% of cases. 19 The end result may be a diffusely involved, nondistensible (leather bottle, linitis plastica) stomach ( Fig. 17-31). Occasionally, the neoplasm is primarily ulcerative and can be identical in appearance to a benign ulcer. Adenocarcinomas of the duodenum are rare and usually are not found until they have grown enough to cause partial obstruction (Fig. 17-32). Mucinous adenocarcinomas of the stomach may have calcification in either the primary tumor or the metastases.

FIG. 17-31. A: Gastric adenocarcinoma. A large mass with central ulceration is seen in the antrum of the stomach ( arrowheads). U, ulcer. B: Gastric adenocarcinoma. A large polypoid mass (arrows) is seen in the antrum of the stomach. C: Gastric adenocarcinoma. The distal half of the stomach is narrowed and irregular ( arrows). D: Gastric adenocarcinoma. Resected specimen of lesion in C. Note the extensive infiltration beyond the wall of the stomach that is not visible on barium examination. E: Gastric adenocarcinoma. Computed tomographic examination shows two large polypoid lesions projecting into the stomach lumen ( arrows). Metastases to the liver are shown as rounded, low-density areas (arrowheads). F: Gastric adenocarcinoma. Single-contrast examination of dilated esophagus shows marked narrowing distally (arrows), representing submucosal infiltration of the distal esophagus from fundal adenocarcinoma. G: Gastric adenocarcinoma. Double-contrast examination of the antrum shows flattening and retraction of the lesser curvature ( open arrow) and margins of the spreading tumor (white arrows).

FIG. 17-32. A: Duodenal adenocarcinoma. Markedly irregular infiltrated lesions in the second, third, and fourth portions of the duodenum. S, stomach; D, duodenal bulb. B: Duodenal adenocarcinoma. An irregular barium collection is seen at the junction of the second and third portions of the duodenum ( open arrows). C: Duodenal adenocarcinoma. Computed tomographic examination of the lesion depicted in B. Note the marked wall thickening (arrows).

Lymphoma. Primary gastric lymphoma begins with the accumulation of lymphoid tissue (mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, or MALT) in response to H. pylori infection. 14 The sequence is H. pylori gastritis, followed by lymphoid hyperplasia, followed by monoclonal B-cell lymphoma. Eradication of H. pylori has resulted in complete regression of MALT lymphoma in early cases. 8 The usual lymphoma of the stomach mimics adenocarcinoma completely. Rarely, a lymphoma is manifested only by large gastric folds and some rigidity of the stomach ( Fig. 17-33).

FIG. 17-33. A: Lymphoma. Diffusively enlarged and irregular folds are seen throughout the body and fundus of the stomach. B: Lymphoma. Computed tomographic scan through proximal stomach shows marked wall thickening by lymphoma (arrows). C: Diffusively narrowed distal body and antrum of stomach caused by extensive submucosal infiltration by lymphoma. D: Computed tomographic scan shows diffusely thickened wall surrounding opacified lumen as depicted in C. E: Single-contrast examination of duodenum shows marked widening of the duodenal sweep. F: Computed tomographic examination in the area of duodenal sweep shows massive lymphadenopathy caused by lymphoma (arrows). This is the patient depicted in E. D, duodenum.

Leiomyosarcoma. Leiomyosarcomas start in the intramural portion of the stomach and become bulky tumors, often with huge ulcerations of their gastric surfaces. 27 They do not mimic the infiltrative type of adenocarcinoma. Carcinoid. Carcinoids of the stomach are rare but have gained importance since the introduction of acid secretion inhibitors. The most important type is the tumor that occurs in patients with chronic atrophic gastritis. Carcinoids of the stomach are rarely malignant. 3 Carcinoid tumors of the stomach can mimic any of the benign or malignant lesions. 2 There is no radiographic appearance that allows a correct prebiopsy diagnosis. Metastatic Tumors Melanoma, lymphoma, Kaposi's sarcoma, and breast carcinoma are the metastatic processes that involve the stomach more often than others. None is really common; they are submucosal lesions and may ulcerate. Melanoma, lymphoma, and Kaposi's sarcoma all may appear as multiple gastric nodules that may be ulcerated. Breast carcinoma can infiltrate the entire stomach and mimic the leather-bottle appearance of a primary cancer ( Fig. 17-34).

FIG. 17-34. A: Double-contrast examination of the stomach shows markedly irregular folds and numerous ulcerations ( arrows) caused by metastatic breast carcinoma. B: Two metastatic lesions in the stomach from carcinoma of the lung. Larger metastasis is seen en face, and smaller metastasis is seen in profile ( arrowhead). C: Computed tomographic examination through the stomach shows a mass lesion with central ulceration ( arrow) along the anterior wall of the stomach, representing metastatic melanoma. D: Numerous large, polypoid, gastric filling defects ( open arrows) represent stomach involvement with Kaposi's sarcoma.

Computed Tomography and Ultrasonography Although CT and ultrasonography may detect a gastric or duodenal lesion, they are more useful for tumor staging. CT can be used to detect lymphadenopathy, but it does not accurately image the true extent of pathology in patients with gastric carcinoma and should not be used routinely for staging purposes. 36 Both modalities are effective in finding liver metastases.

The stomach has a very thick wall, and because it is on a mesentery it can move. Therefore it is rarely damaged by blunt trauma and is more likely to be injured by a knife or a bullet ( Fig. 17-35). A tear of the diaphragm may occur that allows the stomach to move into the thorax (Fig. 17-36). Use of contrast material confirms that the hiatus is intact and the gastroesophageal junction is in a normal location; the stomach above the diaphragmatic rent is then easily appreciated. The duodenum, conversely, is fixed retroperitoneally and lies just in front of the spine. As a consequence of its anatomy, both hematoma and rupture may occur with blunt trauma ( Fig. 17-37). CT is valuable for obtaining a global idea of the damage. Water-soluble contrast material is an excellent choice when a duodenal rupture is being sought. Patients with hematomas of the duodenum may have partial obstruction caused by the intramural mass. The resolution of the hematoma can be monitored with barium studies, ultrasound, or CT.

FIG. 17-35. Gastric hematoma. Single-contrast examination shows large filling defect along greater curvature ( open arrows), representing intramural hematoma in blunt trauma.

FIG. 17-36. Rupture of the diaphragm. A small traumatic tear of the diaphragm ( arrow) allowed the stomach to herniate into the thorax.

FIG. 17-37. Second portion of duodenum is obstructed by large, rounded masses ( open arrows), representing duodenal hematoma in blunt trauma. S, stomach; D 1, duodenal bulb.

Undoubtedly more attention is paid to the diagnosis of small hiatal hernias than they deserve. A strong argument can be made that they are normal or are variations accompanying aging. One criterion is whether gastric folds can be seen in the thorax. Because the lower esophageal ring represents the squamocolumnar mucosal junction, the visualization of the ring above the diaphragm represents a second criterion ( Fig. 17-38). Regarding size, patients with larger hiatal hernias are more likely to have abnormal pH readings during 24-hour pH monitoring. Small hiatal hernias are poor predictors of abnormal gastroesophageal reflux. 31

FIG. 17-38. A: Hiatal hernia with mucosal ring (Schatzki's ring). Diaphragm delineated by open arrows. B: Hiatal hernia shows gastric folds protruding beyond the diaphragm (arrowheads). C: Normal double-contrast examination of the esophagus is shown, but a sliding hiatal hernia ( D) develops in same patient seconds later. E: Demonstration of gastroesophageal reflux.

Hernias have also been defined as sliding, paraesophageal, and mixed. In the sliding type, the gastroesophageal junction is the main element displaced cephalad. In paraesophageal hernia, the stomach is displaced cephalad alongside a normally positioned esophagus. The mixed version is a combination of the other two. These descriptions have no clinical utility, and they cannot be used with precision. There are hiatal hernias with clinical significance. These are the hernias that usually occur in later life. The entire stomach is found above the diaphragm. Sometimes the transverse colon also herniates through the hiatus. In this situation volvulus of the stomach may occur, not only obstructing the flow of food and secretions but also interfering with the blood supply to the stomach and (rarely) resulting in gastric infarction. Plain films in this situation may show multiple airfluid levels above the diaphragm (Fig. 17-39). Barium nicely demonstrates the obstruction.

FIG. 17-39. A: Plain film shows herniation of bowel into the right hemithorax. B: Barium study shows that the antrum of the stomach has herniated through the esophageal hiatus.

Instrumentation Intubation of the stomach rarely results in rupture; if it does, the thick, healthy gastric wall is self-sealing. Pneumo peritoneum has occurred after endoscopy and anesthesia with no patient morbidity. Postsurgical Complications There is a fairly lengthy list of postsurgical complications, most of which can be identified by radiologic study. Because vagotomy and pyloroplasty have been in vogue, the incidence of complications has been less than when gastric resection and gastroduodenostomy ( Fig. 17-40) or gastrojejunostomy were done for peptic ulcer disease. Immediately after vagotomy, gastric emptying may be slow or absent for several weeks. This delayed emptying almost always ceases spontaneously. Recurrent ulceration is the most common reason to study a patient after the immediate postoperative period. A gastric resection is necessary for gastric cancer. In this situation a search for recurrence in the remaining stomach is important.

FIG. 17-40. A: Billroth-I gastroduodenostomy. Anastomosis is indicated by open arrows. S, stomach. B: Angelchik prosthesis ( arrows) can be identified as a soft-tissue density containing a circular radiopaque marker. This doughnut-shaped device is used to reduce gastroesophageal reflux and is ordinarily seen below the diaphragm. In this patient, the prosthesis herniated through the hiatus into the thorax.

Gastric operations for the treatment of obesity have been done. Gastric diversion involves stapling the proximal stomach closed and performing a gastrojejunostomy. The prime difficulty is making the gastric reservoir too big or too small. 18,23,32 In a gastroplasty, the proximal stomach is stapled closed and then enough staples are removed to allow a narrow passage to the distal stomach. In this procedure a problem arises if the narrowing in the stomach is either too small or too large. 1,34 CHAPTER REFERENCES
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Chapter 18 The Small Intestine Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 18 The Small Intestine

Michael Davis

M. Davis: Department of Radiology, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131-5336.

The Small Bowel Indications Anatomy Physiology Methods of Examination Alternative Nonradiologic Methods Congenital Anomalies Inflammatory Conditions, Infestations, and Infectious Diseases Extrinsic Agents Specific Organisms Crohn's Disease Motility Disorders Vascular Diseases Foreign Bodies Metabolic, Allergic, and Miscellaneous Idiopathic Diseases Whipple's Disease Neoplasms Benign Tumors Malignant Tumors Hernias Trauma Iatrogenic Conditions Chapter References


Indications The presence of an abdominal mass or the suspicion of partial small-bowel obstruction often leads to examination of the small bowel. Unexplained diarrhea, malabsorption, and unexplained intestinal bleeding are also indications. Abdominal pain or tenderness may justify a small-bowel examination. In most cases, because the frequency of a symptomatic abnormality is much less in the small intestine than in the upper gastrointestinal tract and colon, a search is made first for diseases of these areas before the small bowel is studied. Anatomy The jejunum and ileum together are termed the mesenteric small intestine. Because the small bowel is not fixed within the peritoneal space, considerable shift of any individual segment can occur. The mucosal folds in the small intestines (also referred to as valvulae conniventes or plicae circulares) are normally 1 to 2 mm in width and regularly spaced. In the ileum, the folds become less regularly spaced and fewer in number, although fold width remains the same. At small-bowel follow-through, the jejunum is as much as 3 cm in diameter and the ileum 2.5 cm. Physiology As the chyme goes through the small intestine, the processes of digestion and absorption occur. Reabsorption of bile salts and water are important functions of the ileum. Motility of the small bowel has two active phases. In the churning phase, distal transport of chyme is random. The second phase is related to the migrating motor complex, the pacemaker of the bowel, which starts its activity in the stomach and gradually sweeps through the entire small intestine. It is extremely effective in delivering all the material in the small bowel to the colon. There is also a quiescent phase in which no motor activity occurs. Contractile activity of the small intestine is governed by the integration of myogenic, neural, and biochemical controls. 28 Methods of Examination Barium Studies. The conventional method of studying the small bowel with barium sulfate is to extend the examination of the stomach and duodenum. Ordinarily, the patient drinks a total of 480 to 600 ml of a medium-density barium (50% to 60% weight/volume). Overhead and fluoroscopic spot films of the small bowel are done at intervals of 20 to 30 minutes until the colon fills. During fluoroscopy, the small bowel is manipulated to observe the mobility of the loops and to detect any abnormal focal process such as an adhesion, mass, or hernia. This cycle is repeated until barium is seen in the colon when fluoroscopic spot films of the terminal ileum are done (Fig. 18-1).

FIG. 18-1. Normal small-bowel series. J, jejunum; I, ileum; C, colon. Note the increased number of mucosal folds in the jejunum in the left-upper quadrant and midabdomen. Mucosal folds are decreased in the ileum in the midabdomen and right-lower quadrant.

Thickening, straightening, dilatation, nodularity, or a combination of these fold patterns is found in several focal and diffuse small-bowel conditions. A precise diagnosis usually depends on correlation with clinical and laboratory findings. Biopsy may be necessary for final confirmation, but at times the correlation of the clinical findings and small-bowel studies results in a reliable diagnosis. Enteroclysis. In this technique, a nasointestinal tube is placed with the tip at or preferably just beyond the duodenal-jejunal junction, and barium is infused at a rate of about 100 ml/minute, which far exceeds the rate of gastric emptying. With this method, there is no overlap of the stomach on the small bowel, and there is complete control of the flow of barium during the examination. Infusion of the barium into the small intestine can quickly overcome restrictions such as masses or adhesions that normal peristalsis overcomes only slowly. In addition, methylcellulose may be infused after the barium to provide a see-through or double-contrast effect for better visualization of the mucosal folds. During the filling of the bowel, each segment can be observed with the fluoroscope. This small-bowel enema (enteroclysis) has the disadvantages of increased patient discomfort associated with nasal intubation and, usually, greater radiation exposure. There is disagreement regarding the efficacy

of the conventional peroral small-bowel examination versus enteroclysis ( Fig. 18-2).27 The dedicated or detailed small-bowel examination and enteroclysis show comparable sensitivities for common disorders. Enteroclysis better visualizes focal lesions and partial bowel-obstructive processes such as adhesions. 26

FIG. 18-2. Enteroclysis. A: Normal examination with barium only. Note separation of loops and straightening of mucosal folds resulting in good visualization of this portion of the small bowel. B: Normal examination with barium followed by methylcellulose, which creates a double-contrast image for see-through effect. C: Magnified view of B.

Peroral Small-Bowel Examination With Pneumocolon. Examination of the ileocolic area may be enhanced by the introduction of air into the colon via the rectum as barium arrives at the ileocecal area. Reflux Small-Bowel Examination. During barium enema examination, reflux into the small intestine through an incompetent ileocecal valve can opacify the small intestine. The entire small bowel may be filled this way, usually with some discomfort to the patient ( Fig. 18-3).

FIG. 18-3. Normal reflux small-bowel examination during barium enema.

Water-Soluble Contrast Studies. The use of water-soluble contrast agents to examine the small bowel is indicated if perforation is suspected; in all other instances its use compromises the examination.7 The dilution of the material that occurs in the fluid-filled bowel and the osmotic effect of the hypertonic solution interfere with the identification of pathologic anatomy. Water-soluble material is suitable as a radiopaque marker to determine passage of intestinal contents to the colon. It is also used effectively as a method to opacify the intestine for computed tomographic (CT) scanning, although it has no detectable advantage over dilute barium sulfate. In the presence of a palpable abdominal mass, examination with either ultrasonography or CT is generally more informative and is performed without earlier barium study. Nuclear medicine studies are of value for locating Meckel's diverticula that contain acid-secreting cells. The localization of small-bowel bleeding is another contribution made by isotype studies. Alternative Nonradiologic Methods Small-bowel push (external stomach compression) enteroscopy can potentially intubate the intestine up to 90 cm in depth, withan average depth of 45 cm past the ligament of Treitz. This technique can be used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes that include polypectomy, stricture dilatation, treatment of bleeding lesions with lasers, and treatment of problematic nasojejunal tubes and other enteral tubes. 6 Sonde enteroscopy uses a scope 250 cm in length and 5 mm in diameter. It provides the only method whereby the contents and mucosa of all or almost all the small intestine can be viewed directly. 15 Endoscopic enteroclysis is another alternative for investigating the small intestine. The enteroclysis examination is done through the endoscope.

Tubulation Defects. As in the duodenum, atresia and stenosis of the small bowel can occur. These lesions may be multiple and diffuse or localized. Symptoms usually occur immediately after birth, and plain films of the abdomen show dilated, fluid-filled small bowel. Barium studies are often unnecessary. Rotation Anomalies. The herniation of sac-encased intestine through a defect in the anterior abdominal wall at the level of the base of the umbilical cord (omphalocele) is one manifestation of lack of proper fetal development. Because this is such a visible process, radiographic studies are unnecessary. This anomaly may be identified in utero by ultrasonography. Nonrotation can result in location of the entire small bowel on the right side of the abdomen and the entire colon on the left. Frequently, the third and fourth portions of the duodenum are not fixed retroperitoneally and also are on the right side. There may be no associated symptoms ( Fig. 18-4).

FIG. 18-4. Nonrotation. S, stomach; J, jejunum; I, ileum; C, colon (see FIG. 18-1). The jejunum is normally in the left-upper quadrant (LUQ), the ileum in the midabdomen and the right-lower quadrant, and the right colon in the right-lower quadrant.

Midgut volvulus is a condition that is symptomatic. It occurs as a complication of a mesentery that is unduly long, allowing excessive mobility of the intestine, possibly complicated by infarction of the bowel. Peritoneal bands or veils that compromise the duodenal lumen also may be part of this anomaly. Barium studies can be done if the plain films do not provide enough justification for an exploratory laparotomy ( Fig. 18-5).

FIG. 18-5. Midgut volvulus. Small-bowel series show twisted loops of bowel with obstruction ( arrows).

Duplication Cysts and Diverticula. Duplication cysts can occur at any place along the bowel. Because they are fluid-filled, ultrasonography is particularly effective in diagnosis. Multiple diverticula of the small bowel may occur and may not be symptomatic until bacterial overgrowth in these pockets creates enough bile salt deconjugation or vitamin B 12 consumption to cause the classic symptoms of diarrhea, steatorrhea, and megaloblastic anemia. The diverticula are readily visualized with barium. It is important to understand that occasional jejunal and ileal diverticula are seen without causing symptoms ( Fig. 18-6).

FIG. 18-6. Diverticulosis of small bowel; arrowheads identify several of the many diverticula present.

Meckel's diverticulum deserves special attention because of its frequency and propensity to cause symptoms. This diverticulum represents the persistence of the omphalomes enteric duct. It is present in up to 4% of the population and most often is totally asymptomatic. However, it may cause problems as a site of volvulus or intussusception with resultant small-bowel obstruction. Inflammation and a perforation similar to that seen with vermiform appendix may occur. The diverticulum may contain acid-secreting cells that may cause ulceration of the sensitive ileal mucosa and subsequent hemorrhage. Enteroclysis is the only barium method that has had consistent success in finding these ileal diverticula ( Fig. 18-7).22 Technetium studies are helpful in patients who are bleeding and have ectopic gastric mucosa in the diverticulum. Rarely, the diverticula are very large, and sometimes they contain calcified enteroliths.

FIG. 18-7. A: Calcified enterolith within Meckel's diverticulum. B: Barium-filled blind pouch represents Meckel's diverticulum. C: Intraluminal small-bowel mass represents intussusception of Meckel's ( arrows). D: Computed tomographic scan of Meckel's intussusception. f, mesenteric fat; M, inverted Meckel's diverticulum (intussusceptum); I, intussuscipiens (arrowheads).


Extrinsic Agents Because the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum are buffers for damaging extrinsic agents, the small bowel is largely spared. Floxuridine, a pyrimidine used for treatment of carcinoma of the colon and rectum that has metastasized, can be infused into the hepatic arterial system or systemically by intravenous infusion. This drug causes severe diarrhea. Radiographic findings include thickening of the mucosal folds with effacement or segmental narrowing, usually in the terminal ileum. Radiographic findings are reversible when the drug is discontinued. 19 Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may cause diaphragm-like strictures in the small intestine. 21 The findings can resemble those of Crohn's disease. 20 Flucytosine is an antifungal drug used for the treatment of cryptoccocal meningitis and other fungal diseases. Ulcerative enterocolitis may develop in patients

receiving this drug. Radiographic findings include ulcerations, strictures, and thickening of the bowel wall.


Radiation enteropathy of the small bowel is less common now because CT can better estimate the tumor mass volume. This results in more accurate radiotherapy doses and less radiation to nontumor tissue. 17 Radiation effects occur late, with stricture and intestinal obstruction being the clinical manifestations. Early radiographic findings include edema and wall thickening, followed by narrowing, fixation, and sometimes kinking ( Fig. 18-8).

FIG. 18-8. Radiation enteritis. Several loops of small bowel show luminal narrowing, wall thickening, and mucosal irregularity.

Specific Organisms Intestinal parasites are extremely common worldwide. The mature ascaris (round) worm can easily be identified within the small bowel as a round or elongated filling defect in the bowel lumen (Fig. 18-9). The same is true with a tapeworm infestation (Fig. 18-10). Campylobacter and Giardia lamblia can cause an acute illness with recognizable small-bowel edema, 4 usually in the upper jejunum (Fig. 18-11). In its chronic phase, giardiasis may not show any radiographic abnormalities. Strongyloides stercoralis can cause severe small-bowel symptoms and radiographic findings. These findingsmedema, nodularity, and stricturemare most prominent in the jejunum (Fig. 18-12). The radiographic findings mimic those of Crohn's disease and are chronic in nature.

FIG. 18-9. Ascariasis. Two worms are present (arrowheads).

FIG. 18-10. Taenia saginata. The beef tapeworm creates thin, longitudinal filling defects that are most easily seen in the ileum.

FIG. 18-11. Giardiasis. Jejunal folds are thick and irregular.

FIG. 18-12. Strongyloidiasis. This parasite invades the wall of the gastrointestinal tract and can cause permanent fibrosis in both the stomach ( A) and the small bowel (B).

Tuberculosis of the small bowel is most common in the ileocecal area. Either the bovine or the human form may be responsible. The radiographic findings are not specific; the final stages usually are those of stricture, which quite often involves the cecum ( Fig. 18-13).

FIG. 18-13. Ileocecal tuberculosis. Coning of cecum with mucosal ulcerations and stricture of ileum is seen. Arrows indicate ulcerations. C, cecum; AS, ascending colon; I, terminal ileum.

Yersinia enterocolitica can cause an acute disease with changes in the terminal ileum that simulate those of Crohn's disease, but it is a self-limited process, and the bowel usually returns to normal in about 6 weeks. 8 Patients who are immunodeficient may develop cryptosporidiosis of the gastrointestinal tract. 2,5 This same group may have Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare infection. The radiographic findings are those of small-bowel edema, which causes thickened mucosal folds. Crohn's Disease Crohn's disease continues to be a very important abnormality in the United States. No etiologic agent has been discovered. The involvement of the small intestine usually begins in the ileum, and eventually all parts of the small bowel can be involved. The lesions may be spotty in their distribution, with normal segments of bowel (skip areas) interspersed between pathologic segments. The radiographic manifestations of Crohn's disease begin with aphthous ulcerations, mucosal fold thickening, and mucosal fold distortion (Fig. 18-14A).12 These can progress to deep linear ulceration, a nodular cobblestone mucosal pattern, and eventually stenosis ( Fig. 18-14B). Longer segments of involvement can occur (Fig. 18-14C). Fistulae and sinus tracts occur ( Fig. 18-14D, E). Abdominal abscesses can be very large (Fig. 18-14F). Barium examinations can give a good estimate of the extent and severity of disease, although the correlation of roentgenographic findings and symptoms is often poor. CT can add much to the understanding of the extent of disease 14 and is of particular value in identifying abscesses and fistulae.

FIG. 18-14. Crohn's disease. A: Early changes of nodularity, fold thickening, and mucosal irregularity in jejunum. B: The cobblestone pattern is a reflection of deep, longitudinal ulcerations that leave islands of edematous, nonulcerated mucosa. C: Long segment of involvement. Note absence of mucosal folds and areas of dilatation (arrows). C, cecum. D: Like spokes of a wheel, multiple fistulous tracts ( arrows) are seen leading to an extraluminal barium collection ( arrowhead). I, ileal loops. E: Computed tomographic scan shows fistula to left gluteal area from rectum (arrows). R, rectum. F: Computed tomogram demonstrates an abscessed area on the left side of the abdomen. The multiple small, circular air collections that do not fill with contrast material are easily distinguished from the normal bowel appearance in the right abdomen.

The risk for development of small-bowel adenocarcinoma in Crohn's disease is greater than in the general population, but the degree of risk is not clear. Risk factors for small-bowel carcinoma in Crohn's disease are male gender, duration of disease, presence of fistulae, and surgically excluded loops of bowel. 3

Scleroderma. The intestinal manifestations of progressive systemic sclerosis can be severe. The bowel becomes dilated with mucosal folds of normal thickness but closely spaced, giving a stack-of-coins appearance. The small bowel and colon may have outpouchings of mucosa (sacculations) that are characteristic for scleroderma (Fig. 18-15). The lack of transport in the small bowel may lead to bacterial overgrowth with the same symptoms as seen in patients with the blind-loop syndrome or multiple intestinal diverticula. Small-intestine abnormalities associated with lupus erythematosus and dermatomyositis may simulate those of scleroderma.

FIG. 18-15. Scleroderma. A: Jejunum (J) shows dilatation with thin, straight folds. B: Magnified view of small bowel shows several sacculations. Mucosal folds extend

throughout sacculation.

Intestinal Pseudo-obstruction. This condition is of unknown cause. Plain films strongly suggest mechanical small-bowel obstruction, but neither radiologic studies nor laparotomy demonstrates an anatomic lesion. Although the small-bowel manifestations are predominant, motility in the other parts of the gastrointestinal tract may also be abnormal. Myxedema. Another condition that can simulate mechanical small-bowel obstruction is chronic hypothyroidism. This condition is reversible with replacement therapy. Paralytic Ileus. Paralytic ileus, the most common motility disorder, occurs after surgery or injury. The small bowel and colon dilate with gas, and transport is inhibited. The diagnosis of this condition can easily be made in the proper clinical setting with plain supine and upright films. Usually there is equal distention of both the small bowel and the colon (Fig. 18-16). In contrast to mechanical small-bowel obstruction, air-fluid levels in the bowel occur only if the process persists for 5 to 7 days. Paralytic ileus is usually a self-limited process, and radiographic improvement is preceded by the passage of flatus. Postoperative potassium deficiency is the most common electrolyte imbalance in patients with adynamic ileus.

FIG. 18-16. Paralytic ileus. This is the usual appearance, with proportionate gaseous distention of large and small bowel.

Transit Time. Although barium might seem to be a good marker to measure small-bowel motility from stomach to colon, it is actually of little value. Occasionally barium may reach the cecum in less than 5 minutes without any clinical signs to suggest hypermotility. On the opposite end of the spectrum, transit times in the range of 5 to 6 hours can be seen as normal phenomena. Symptoms suggesting abnormal motor activity are common, but proof based on discrete myoneural pathology is frequently lacking. This may reflect inadequate investigative methods as currently used. Clinical correlation with laboratory confirmation is poor. 29

Intestinal Ischemia. One of the most serious problems involving the small bowel is infarction. Plain-film findings have been notoriously unreliable in making this diagnosis until gas is present in the intestinal wall. CT is more helpful, because the dilated, thick-walled, fluid-filled loop is enough to suggest the correct diagnosis. 10,13 Similar observations may be made with ultrasonography. 10 Ischemia without infarction can occur, and in this instance barium studies may show a narrowed, irregular lumen secondary to the submucosal edema and hemorrhage. Patients with postprandial pain and weight loss caused by ischemia often have normal barium studies. Angiography should be performed when this diagnosis is suspected. Generally, at least two of the three mesenteric vessels must be compromised; the exception occurs when the superior mesenteric artery is obstructed distal to the pancreaticoduodenal and middle colic arteries. Intestinal Wall Hemorrhage and Edema. Conditions that result in submucosal hemorrhage or edema all have the same radiographic manifestations. The fold pattern becomes prominent and eventually may be effaced ( Fig. 18-17). The process can be localized or diffuse. Examples of conditions with edema are hypoproteinemia from any cause, hereditary angioneurotic edema, and graft-versus-host disease. Sources of submucosal hemorrhage are anticoagulant overdose, mesenteric arterial embolus, mesenteric venous thrombosis, vascular low-flow state, and hemorrhagic disorders such as hemophilia and both thrombocytic and nonthrombocytic purpura. 15

FIG. 18-17. Intramural fluid. The accumulation of any substance diffusely in the bowel wall coarsens the mucosal folds and separates the loops. In this instance, there was diffuse hemorrhage into the bowel wall related to anticoagulant overdose.

Bezoars. Bezoars occasionally leave the stomach and become obstructing objects in the small bowel ( Fig. 18-18). This is particularly prone to occur in a patient with a gastrojejunostomy where the anastomosis provides less restraint than the normal pyloric canal. Bezoars composed of bran, dried foods, and excessive amounts of food have been reported.

FIG. 18-18. Bezoar. This bezoar (arrow) occurred after vagotomy and antrectomy and caused a partial small-bowel obstruction.

Drugs. The use of ingested, drug-filled condoms to illegally transport drugs across national borders results in a recognizable radiographic appearance. The condom may break, and the smuggler then becomes toxic. Abdominal films may be helpful in identifying the condoms, because most contain some gas. Enteroliths. Enteroliths can occur not only in a Meckel diverticulum but anywhere there is a partial small-bowel obstruction. Enteroliths are calcified and therefore detectable on plain films. Seeds may be the nidus for enteroliths (see Fig. 18-7A). Gallstone. Large gallstones may enter the duodenum through cholecystoduodenal, choledochoduodenal, or cholecystogastric fistulae. The stone can fail to move beyond the midileum or become impacted at the ileocecal valve and thereby cause intestinal obstruction, referred to as gallstone ileus. Air in the gallbladder and bile ducts, in combination with small-bowel obstruction, is a characteristic diagnostic finding ( Fig. 18-19). This usually occurs in elderly women.

FIG. 18-19. A: Gallstone obstruction. An intraluminal filling defect in the jejunum is suspected to be a gallstone because the contrast material shows a fistula to the gallbladder (arrow). B: Gallstone ileus or obstruction. A large gallstone is impacted in distal ileum, where the obstruction usually occurs ( arrows).

Miscellaneous Foreign Bodies. Animal bones and toothpicks are examples of sharp objects that may enter the small bowel and cause perforation. The combination of plain films and CT can assist in identification of the area of perforation and associated abscesses.


Celiac Disease. This disease, also known as gluten-sensitive enteropathy or nontropical sprue, is caused by gluten hypersensitivity. Malabsorption of fat and hypoproteinemia occur. The hypoproteinemia is responsible for the edematous mucosal folds seen in this condition. The bowel may be dilated and fluid filled. The intestinal loops contract poorly. The diagnosis is established by a small-bowel biopsy that shows villous atrophy. At the present time the diagnosis is often established before there are any radiographic findings. Patients with a long history of celiac disease have an increased risk for development of enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma (Fig. 18-20). Carcinoma of the pharynx and esophagus and adenocarcinoma of the small intestine also are increased in frequency in patients with celiac disease. Splenic atrophy, lung fibrosis, and epilepsy have been reported. 33

FIG. 18-20. A: Sprue. Note decreased number of mucosal folds and mucosal effacement. B: Development of lymphoma in same patient years later. Note dramatic change in appearance of small-bowel pattern.

Dysgammaglobulinemia. Prominent lymphoid follicles may be seen normally in the terminal ileum, but they represent an abnormal finding in the jejunum. The radiographic finding has been shown to correlate with immunoglobulin A deficiency (nodular lymphoid hyperplasia). Large mucosal folds can be seen in Waldenstrm's macroglobulinemia. Systemic mastocytosis may cause nodulation resembling lymphoid hyperplasia. Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis. Patients with eosinophilic gastroenteritis may or may not have peripheral eosinophilia. The radiographic manifestation is fold enlargement from the antrum of the stomach through the duodenum and into the small bowel. Abetalipoproteinemia. This extremely rare condition is manifested by a lack of b-lipoproteins and clinical manifestations that include steatorrhea. Mucosal fold enlargement may be seen. Amyloidosis. Recognizable amyloidosis of the small bowel is rare. Thickened folds have been observed in this condition. They may be symmetric and uniform in appearance, or irregular with nodular defects. Cystic Fibrosis. The submucosal glands become distended with the viscous secretions associated with cystic fibrosis. The distended glands create a nodular deformity of the mucosal pattern from the duodenum through the colon. Because respiratory symptoms predominate, a diagnosis usually has been made by the time the intestine is studied. Cavitating Lymph Node Syndrome. A group of patients with chronic diarrhea, splenic atrophy, and flat intestinal mucosa has been described. feature of this syndrome is large, cavitated, fluid-filled intra-abdominal lymph nodes. The CT appearance is diagnostic.

The characteristic

Behet's Syndrome. Ileal ulceration has been observed in this disease. More often, there is colonic ulceration simulating chronic ulcerative colitis.


Lymphangiectasia. Lymphangiectasia can be the source of malnourishment because there is leakage of lymph back into the intestine. Pedal lymphangiography can demonstrate flow from the thoracic duct to the intestinal lumen. Barium studies show large, edematous small-bowel folds caused by the hypoproteinemia 9 and may show the enlarged lymphatics (Fig. 18-21).

FIG. 18-21. Lymphangiectasia. Thickened, nodular folds are seen in the proximal jejunum.

Whipple's Disease Long suspected to be a gram-positive bacillus infection, but never cultured, the cause of this rare systemic disease of middle-aged men was finally discovered, by polymerase chain reaction, to be an actinomycete and given the name Tropheryma whippelii.30 Whipple disease causes fever, adenopathy, arthropathy and diarrhea from small bowel malabsorption. The radiographic appearance is diffuse irregular thickened mucosal folds without lumenal dilatation ( Fig. 18-22).23

FIG. 18-22. Whipple's disease. Nodular, thickened distorted folds are seen in the jejunum.

The success of antibiotic therapy in Whipple's disease suggests a bacterial cause, but this has yet to be proved. The radiographic findings are mucosal fold thickening and irregular fold distortion without dilatation. Small-bowel biopsy shows the characteristic periodic acid-Schiff-positive material in the macrophages ( Fig. 18-22).

Benign Tumors Solitary. Adenomatous polyps in the small bowel are rare, but intramural tumors that originate in connective tissue are common. However, connective tissue tumors are small, do not continue to grow, and are usually only a curiosity seen at autopsy. Leiomyomas occasionally may become large enough to be palpable. When smaller, they can cause an intussusception with bowel obstruction ( Fig. 18-23). Carcinoid tumors may occur as solitary intramural tumors in the distal small bowel. They are usually small and are rarely detected on routine examination of the small bowel. They may become malignant, and when they produce a desmoplastic response after extension into the mesentery there may be local distortion, separation, angulation, and fixation of the bowel ( Fig. 18-24).

FIG. 18-23. Intussusception caused by leiomyoma. The tumor is not visible, but the coiled-spring appearance is characteristic of intussusception.

FIG. 18-24. Carcinoid. Segmental narrowing of small bowel ( arrows) and mesenteric involvement, noted by separation of bowel loops, are depicted.

Multiple. Lipomatosis of the small bowel has been reported. In patients with Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, multiple small-bowel polyps can be found ( Fig. 18-25). They may also be found in the colon. Intussusception may occur. The presence of the characteristic circumoral melanin pigmentation confirms the diagnosis. It is believed

that the polyps are hamartomas.

FIG. 18-25. Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. The large hamartomatous polyps are seen in the distal jejunum. Intussusception and partial small-bowel obstruction occurred in this patient.

Gastrointestinal polyposis, alopecia, skin pigmentation, and atrophy of the fingernails and toenails are the hallmarks of the Cronkhite-Canada syndrome. The polyps are thought to be inflammatory in origin, and this is supported by a report of total regression of the polyps. 11 Malignant Tumors Primary. Adenocarcinomas of the small bowel are rare, with bulky leiomyosarcomas occurring more often. When large, they may become necrotic, and when filled with barium, these necrotic cavities appear amorphous and irregular. CT shows the thickness of the tumor best. Adenocarcinoma, leiomyosarcoma, and lymphoma may be indistinguishable ( Fig. 18-26). The most common lesion is non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, which has a greatly variable appearance. 18 There may be an intussuscepting mass, and there may be an annular constricting lesion. Additionally, lymphoma may resemble a dilated segment of small bowel ( Fig. 18-27). Crohn's disease may be difficult to distinguish from lymphoma. In addition to barium studies, CT is of great benefit in determining the extraluminal extent of the tumor ( Fig. 18-28).

FIG. 18-26. Leiomyosarcoma. A: Barium-filled irregular cavity. B: Computed tomographic scan of tumor (arrows).

FIG. 18-27. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. A mass with a large ulceration (arrows) within it can be seen in the right-lower quadrant. The dilated proximal small gut is a reflection of an incomplete small-bowel obstruction.

FIG. 18-28. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. A large soft-tissue mass incorporating loops of small bowel is seen on the right side of the abdomen, anterior to the psoas muscle.

Metastatic. Metastatic lesions may occur from breast, lung, or kidney cancers, melanoma, or Kaposi's sarcoma ( Fig. 18-29 and Fig. 18-30). In addition, there can be local spread from primary tumors of the uterus, ovaries, bladder, and colon. 31 Malignant carcinoid tumors characteristically spread to the mucosal surface of the small bowel, where they can grow and cause bleeding and intussusception with obstruction. They also spread to the serosal surface and into the mesentery, causing mesenteric fibrosis, angulation, and kinking of bowel loops. Barium studies of the small bowel are often very helpful in detecting these lesions.

FIG. 18-29. Melanoma. Metastatic target or bull's-eye lesions where the central barium collections represent necrosis or ulceration.

FIG. 18-30. Kaposi's sarcoma. Computed tomographic scan of barium-filled small bowel shows nonspecific mural thickening.

The small bowel has more of a tendency to enter right inguinal hernias than left. It is unusual to see small bowel above the diaphragm except in patients with a congenital absence of the diaphragm. A type of hernia that is very difficult to diagnose is the paraduodenal hernia. In this condition the small bowel enters through a defect in the posterior peritoneum and is entrapped in a retroperitoneal location. It is difficult on barium studies to appreciate this encapsulation ( Fig. 18-31). CT holds the greatest hope as an accurate diagnostic tool. The small bowel may slip in and out of the hernia, and partial or complete small-bowel obstruction may occur. Herniation through a mesenteric defect can also occur, but it is usually detected only when obstruction is produced. Even then, the cause of obstruction may not be evident on small-bowel studies.

FIG. 18-31. Left paraduodenal hernia. Proximal small bowel contained in the left-upper quadrant deforms the greater curvature of the stomach (S).

Radiographic methods are not of much use in the types of trauma that damage the small bowel. These are usually knife and gunshot wounds, and the nature of the injury demands surgical exploration.

Adhesions. Laparotomy almost inevitably leads to intraperitoneal adhesions. These fixed adhesions and the mobile small bowel may lead to intestinal obstruction, a process that slowly becomes symptomatic as food and fluid can no longer reach the colon. By the time patients with complete obstruction appear for medical care, the radiographic findings on the supine and upright films are diagnostic. The small bowel is distended, and air-fluid levels are seen proximal to the obstruction. There usually is little or no gas in the colon because it has been evacuated in the presymptomatic phase. If the obstruction is partial, the findings are less striking ( Fig. 18-32). The small-bowel distention is less, although fluid levels are present. There may be the normal amount of gas and feces in the colon. The site and cause of partial obstruction can sometimes be determined on barium study. Closed-loop obstructions may be complicated by intestinal ischemia or infarction. For this reason, patients with closed-loop obstruction present earlier and with more severe systemic symptoms. In this situation plain films may be normal, but the obstruction can easily be demonstrated with the use of contrast material.

FIG. 18-32. Adhesions. Several areas of narrowing caused by adhesion ( arrows) have resulted in incomplete obstruction between adhesions.

Ileostomies. The current trend for patients with a permanent ileostomy is to create a reservoir that can be emptied periodically. This continent ileostomy is subject to mechanical problems that create a partial small-bowel obstruction. Barium instilled through the ileostomy is an excellent method of studying the problem. Benign Pneumatosis Intestinalis. For unknown reasons, gas sometimes is observed in the wall of the small bowel ( Fig. 18-33). It has been seen in patients with blind loops associated with jejunoileal bypass for treatment of morbid obesity. It also has been reported with tube feeding into the jejunum.

FIG. 18-33. Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis. Gas is observed in the wall of the entire small bowel and colon.

Graft-Versus-Host Disease. Although the gastrointestinal reaction after bone-marrow transplantation may involve the entire gut, the findings in the small intestine are striking. Narrowed, tubular, separated small-bowel loops are seen. It is thought that this reflects marked small-bowel edema ( Fig. 18-34).

FIG. 18-34. Graft-versus-host disease. Note narrowed, tubular appearance of long segments of the small bowel.

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Chapter 19 The Colon Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 19 The Colon

Michael Davis

M. Davis: Department of Radiology, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131-5336.

The Colon Indications Physiology Anatomy Methods of Examination Alternative Nonradiologic Methods Congenital Anomalies Inflammatory Diseases Extrinsic Agents Specific Organisms Appendicitis Idiopathic Colitides Motility Disorders Vascular Disease Foreign Bodies Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis Neoplasms Benign Tumors Malignant Tumors Hernias Pneumatosis Coli Trauma Iatrogenic Conditions Chapter References

Indications The major reasons for studying the large bowel relate to colon cancer and inflammatory bowel disease. Both bright red rectal bleeding and chemical evidence of hemoglobin products in the stool are strong indications. Subacute or chronic diarrhea suggests the possibility of inflammatory bowel disease. Other symptoms and signs that may indicate the presence of colonic disease include a change in caliber of the stool, constipation, and weight loss, but most often no organic bowel disease is found in these patients. Severe anemia is sometimes seen with right-colon neoplasms. Abdominal distention raises the possibility of colonic obstruction. The presence of a left-lower-quadrant mass with tenderness suggests diverticulitis or tubo-ovarian abscess, and the same findings in the right-lower quadrant can occur with an appendiceal or tubo-ovarian abscess. The colon is often studied in patients with genitourinary malignancies to exclude invasion of the gut. Anatomy The mobile portions of the colon are the sigmoid and transverse portions; they have a longer mesentery and can shift more in position. The cecum also may be mobile if it has a long mesenterya situation that may lead to cecal volvulus. The rest of the colon has a short mesentery and is fixed in position. The rectum is an extraperitoneal structure and has a fixed position. There is considerable variation in the position of the appendix. Although it usually is in the right-lower quadrant, it can move with the cecum, may be retrocecal, and occasionally is long with the tip extending into the subhepatic region. Physiology Water absorption occurs in the right colon, but the main function of the colon is the storage and transport of feces. The contraction waves in the colon are not ordinarily a subject of radiologic study. The anal sphincter is under voluntary control. Methods of Examination Plain films of the abdomen have great value in detecting colonic obstruction, colonic ileus, and the toxic megacolon syndrome in inflammatory bowel disease. The dilated colon can readily be appreciated in all these conditions. Single- and double-contrast examinations with barium sulfate are the usual methods used to study the colon. In these combined fluoroscopic-radiographic procedures, the contrast agents are introduced through the rectum under fluoroscopic observation. A controversy exists concerning single- versus double-contrast studies, but the prevailing opinion is that smaller lesions of the colon, such as aphthous ulcers and small polyps, can be detected better with the double-contrast method. Of vital importance in barium enema studies is a clean colon. All combinations of cathartics and enemas have been tried. The regimens that work best include a purgative or laxative with copious amounts of oral liquids (the latter acting as a flush). 14 Enemas employing water-soluble contrast agents are indicated if colonic perforation is suspected, and they occasionally are used to soften a fecal impaction. Ultrasonography can be of great help in identifying abscesses and bowel-wall thickening that may accompany inflammatory disease. Occasionally, nonpalpable abdominal masses are also found by ultrasonography. Because of the presence of colonic gas, ultrasonography is not often a useful method for detecting the ordinary intraluminal lesions. Computed tomography (CT) is valuable for determining the presence and extent of extracolonic disease. Abscess, fistula, diverticulitis, and lymphadenopathy can be detected by CT. Alternative Nonradiologic Methods Colonoscopy is a competitive alternative to barium studies of the colon. There is a distinct advantage in being able to view the mucosa directly and to biopsy suspicious lesions at the time of this examination. The current disadvantages of colonoscopy are the inability to see the entire colon in some patients and the cost, which is considerably more than a radiologic study. Sigmoidoscopy continues to be a supportive and complementary adjunct to radiologic studies. The detection of anal canal lesions in particular is much better accomplished by direct observation.

Tubulation Defects. Although any part of the colon may be atretic, the most common clinical problem is anorectal atresia. By allowing intestinal gas to reach the sigmoid colon, the proximal site of the obstruction can be determined. Fistulae to the vagina and bladder can occur in the imperforate anus syndrome. Knowing the length of the atresia helps in planning reparative surgery. Colonic Duplication. Duplication of the colon is rare. The duplication may or may not communicate with the functioning colon. Barium studies may show a double lumen (Fig. 19-1). Ultrasonography can determine the cystic nature of a noncommunicating duplication anomaly.

FIG. 19-1. Duplication of the colon.

Failures of Rotation. Nonrotation places the entire colon on the left side of the abdomen. Incomplete rotation and fixation of the colon may leave the cecum unusually mobile and prone to volvulus ( Fig. 19-2).

FIG. 19-2. A: Incomplete rotation of colon. Note high position of cecum ( C). Small bowel (SB) is seen in right-lower quadrant. B: Nonrotation of colon. C, colon; TI, terminal ilium; SB, small bowel. Note that the entire small bowel is in the right abdomen and all of the colon is in the left abdomen.

Aganglionic Megacolon. Aganglionosis of the colon causes the colon to be functionally partially obstructed at the site where the aganglionosis begins. This site can be anywhere from the cecum to the rectum. Progressive dilatation of the colon occurs; barium enema and biopsy lead to the correct diagnosis. The colon may appear normal as it is filled with barium, but there is a failure to evacuate the barium through the aganglionic area ( Fig. 19-3). The most difficult type to detect is aganglionosis involving only the anal canal area. Patients with this condition commonly have the meconium plug syndrome at birth. The rectal meconium is obstructive until it is passed spontaneously or by the aid of an enema. Later the infant's constipation becomes apparent, and the colonic dilatation down to the anus is detected. Biopsy then confirms the aganglionosis. Functional megacolon may simulate aganglionosis of the anal canal on barium enema, except that in the functional type dilatation is usually greatest in the rectum.

FIG. 19-3. Aganglionic megacolon. Note hugely distended rectum filled with feces. Note abrupt tapering in distal rectum.

Extrinsic Agents It is rare for people to introduce damaging agents into the rectum, but colonic damage has been reported in children who were repeatedly given detergent enemas. Adults may have the cathartic colon syndrome, 47 in which the haustrations of the colon are obliterated owing to damage to the autonomic nervous system of colon, which leaves a very smooth internal contour ( Fig. 19-4). It usually involves the right colon more than the left and is caused by long-standing laxative abuse. Few cases of cathartic colon have been observed in recent decades, probably because the laxatives commonly at fault are no longer in use. 29,30 Radiation damage to the rectum and sigmoid after treatment of genitourinary malignancies is now rare. The strictures that occur are caused by damage to the small blood vessels. The radiographic findings are stricture or lack of normal distensibility.

FIG. 19-4. Cathartic colon. The dilated colon without a haustral pattern is a consequence of long-standing laxative abuse.

Specific Organisms Acute and self-limited infectious colitis is rarely studied radiologically. The same holds true for most types of subacute colitis. Amebiasis and tuberculosis are more chronic diarrheal diseases. Tuberculosis classically involves the ileocecal area with ulceration and stricture formation ( Fig. 19-5). Amebiasis tends to be a cecal inflammatory process, with the cecum sometimes completely obliterated after healing occurs ( Fig. 19-6).27 Tuberculosis and amebiasis may have skip lesions and closely mimic Crohn's disease. An amebic inflammatory mass, referred to as an ameboma, can occur anywhere in the colon and may mimic a neoplasm. Both tuberculosis and amebiasis may manifest as a diffuse ulcerating colitis. Schistosomiasis can produce a chronic ulcerating colitis and can go on to pseudopolyp formation, manifested by multiple small filling defects which project into the colonic lumen. Yersinia infection occurs in the distal ileum and right colon and can mimic Crohn's disease. Clostridium septicum and Clostridium perfringens have been observed to cause severe ulcerative colitis with gas formation in the colonic wall; patients with this condition often have malignant neoplasms. 38,39 Herpes simplex can cause deep aphthous and collar-button ulcers of the anus and rectum. 41 Campylobacter frequently causes a subacute colitis which can develop into toxic megacolon. 2 The radiographic findings are those of ulceration and edema not unlike those seen in ulcerative colitis. The lack of immune competence may lead to colitis caused by unusual organisms such as cytomegalovirus or Candida.13,42 Venereal-related colitis, usually proctitis, can be caused by gonococcus and many other organisms such as Mycoplasma and Entamoeba in addition to herpes simplex.16,43 Lymphogranuloma venereum infection can result in edema and ulceration followed by extensive strictures in the anorectal area. Pseudomembranous colitis is the result of a toxin liberated by Clostridium difficile. Because this organism frequently overgrows the colon after antibiotic therapy, this condition was previously called antibiotic colitis. The radiographic pattern is slightly different from the usual ulcerative process, because mucosal edema predominates ( Fig. 19-7). The colonic surface may appear irregular and shaggy as a result of the pseudomembrane and superficial ulceration. The disease usually involves the entire colon, but cases of rectal sparing have been reported. 37 When the disease is severe, barium enema is contraindicated.

FIG. 19-5. Tuberculosis. Classically, there is ileocecal involvement with both ulceration and luminal narrowing in intestinal tuberculosis.

FIG. 19-6. Amebiasis. The cecum is cone shaped in this instance and may become very small after healing.

FIG. 19-7. Pseudomembranous colitis. The marked mucosal irregularity is caused by the edematous colonic mucosa.

Appendicitis Obstruction of the appendix leads to a sequence of inflammation, perforation, and abscess formation. Although appendicitis is a very common condition, the use of imaging techniques for diagnosis is rare. Early in the disease process, plain films may be normal or may show slight gaseous distention of the ileum. With perforation and abscess the terminal ileum may be involved enough to resemble a partial or complete small-bowel obstruction. Plain films can also detect free air of perforation, right-lower-quadrant mass, obliteration of psoas muscle margin, fading or haziness of right transversalis fascia (flank stripe), mottled or soap-bubble gas collections, and scoliosis with the concavity toward the side of inflammation. An appendicolith calcifies about 10% of the time. It usually appears as peripheral concentric calcification, but a laminated and homogeneous calcification pattern can occur. The appendicolith may be seen in a radius of 6 to 8 cm from the middle of the right iliac bone. It should be seen on both the supine and upright plain films of the abdomen that must include all of the pelvis. Appendicoliths can move with change in body position but may be fixed if significant inflammation has developed. A stone in the appendix suggests the diagnosis. Barium studies in simple appendicitis have been somewhat controversial. It is agreed that lack of appendiceal lumen filling can occur normally and does not justify a positive diagnosis. The filling of the entire appendix does exclude appendicitis. Some believe that there is spasm of the terminal ileum and cecum in appendicitis and that it can be detected at fluoroscopy. Because this is such a subjective observation, it is difficult to assess. 7 With abscess formation, ultrasonography, CT, and barium studies are all helpful in identifying the morphologic changes ( Fig. 19-8).

FIG. 19-8. Appendiceal abscess. The extraluminal abscess deforms both the cecum and adjacent ileum ( arrows).

Idiopathic Colitides Ulcerative colitis (Fig. 19-9) and Crohn's (granulomatous) colitis ( Fig. 19-10) can most often be distinguished by radiographic changes ( Table 19-1). In a small percentage of cases a clear distinction is not possible even with microscopic study of the colon. Toxic megacolon, pseudopolyposis, and an increased risk of colon carcinoma occur in both conditions but are more common in idiopathic ulcerative colitis. 31 Two clear risk factors for cancer development are duration and extent of disease. Cancers arising in this setting of chronic colitis are from dysplastic epithelium and not from adenomatous polyps as is the usual case. 48 Barium studies aid the primary diagnosis, and ultrasonography and CT are helpful if complications develop. CT can directly image the bowel wall, lymph nodes, and adjacent mesentery for complications such as abscess, fistula, sinus tract, perirectal changes, and hepatobiliary, genitourinary, and musculoskeletal complications. 17 Identification of early carcinoma in ulcerative colitis requires colonoscopy and biopsy.

FIG. 19-9. A: Acute early ulcerative colitis. Note numerous ulcerations throughout the mucosa. B: Ulcerative colitis involves entire colon.

FIG. 19-10. A: Early Crohn's disease manifested by numerous small aphthous ulcerations ( arrows). B: Advanced Crohn's disease. Deep, penetrating ulcers of the lateral wall (rose-thorn ulcerations) ( arrows). C: Crohn's disease with two advanced areas of involvement ( arrows) and a long segment of relatively normal intervening colon. D: Crohn's disease with short stricture that simulates adenocarcinoma. Reactivation of disease is indicated by aphthous ulcerations ( arrows).

TABLE 19-1. Radiographic characterstics of ulcerative and granulomatous colotis

Diversion colitis is an ulcerative change that can be seen in that portion of the bowel from which the fecal stream has been diverted. 26,40 Behet's syndrome is a rare condition with buccal and genital ulcerations as well as skin and ocular manifestations. The colon and small bowel may have changes of inflammation mimicking those of the more common colitides.15,44 Neutropenic colitis(typhalitis) is a complication of acute leukemia, aplastic anemia, or cyclic neutropenia. Cecal wall thickening and intramural gas have been observed on CT examination. 11 Colitis cystica profunda is most often seen in young adults and is characterized by the presence of mucous cysts in the muscularis mucosa. The importance is that the segmental proliferative changes that are usually present in the rectum or sigmoid should not be mistaken for adenocarcinoma. 25 On barium enema, a narrowed, irregular lumen is seen ( Fig. 19-11). The cysts may produce intraluminal filling defects. Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome is a localized abnormality in the rectum that has both a polypoid and an ulcerative phase 6,8 and may produce stricture. Treatment is palliative, and it is important not to confuse this lesion with a neoplasm. Solitary colonic ulcers occur in areas other than the rectum; because of associated spasm and fibrosis, the lumen is narrowed and the condition can simulate an annular carcinoma. 12,33 Colonoscopy is valuable in distinguishing these lesions and avoiding laparotomy. Spontaneous healing may occur, rarely with stricture formation. 3

FIG. 19-11. Colitis cystica profunda and adenomatous polyps. The irregularity on right side of rectum ( large arrow) represents colitis cystica profunda. Multiple polyps are present proximal to this area ( arrows).

The contribution of radiologic methods to the diagnosis of spastic colon, constipation, incontinence, and diabetic diarrhea has been in exclusion of other diseases. In scleroderma, wide-mouthed diverticula (sacculations) are seen as a characteristic finding but are unrelated to colonic motility ( Fig. 19-12).

FIG. 19-12. Scleroderma. Numerous large sacculations (arrowheads), which are seen only in scleroderma.

Necrotizing Enterocolitis. Increasing survival rates for premature infants have led to more cases of necrotizing enterocolitis. It is proposed that this condition is caused by poor perfusion of the bowel wall. Pathologic changes range from mucosal ulcerations to transmural necrosis. Radiologic findings start with intestinal distention, followed by gas in the bowel wall and then evidence of bowel perforation ( Fig. 19-13). Contrast studies usually are not necessary, because laparotomy is done only if perforation occurs. This can usually be detected by finding free air in the peritoneal space.

FIG. 19-13. Necrotizing enterocolitis. The linear gas collection ( arrows) in the wall of the ascending colon is a manifestation of a loss of mucosal integrity.

Ischemic Colitis. Poor perfusion of the colon from low-flow state, venous thrombosis, or arterial embolism in adults can cause intramural edema and hemorrhage. Ischemic colitis is not limited to the elderly, and it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of colitis with melena in younger patients, especially females. Chronic constipation and a history of abdominal surgery are predisposing factors. 18 The process usually results in some mucosal necrosis as well. Bright red rectal bleeding is the common presenting symptom. Barium studies are characteristic. The intramural hemorrhage distorts the inner colonic contour and creates a thumbprint pattern (Fig. 19-14). If severe, ischemic colitis can simulate ulcerative colitis and can perforate, albeit rarely. Pneumatosis coli from ischemia can be seen on plain film and on CT in the bowel wall, mesentery veins, and liver. Ischemic colitis usually is completely reversible, but occasionally the damage is severe enough to result in a smooth stricture. Transcatheter embolization, vasopressin therapy, and ethanol infarction of other abdominal organs have all been associated with colonic ischemia. 5,24,36

FIG. 19-14. Ischemic colitis. A: Thumbprinting of distal transverse colon represents early stage of ischemic colitis. B: Large thumbprinting is seen in ascending and transverse colon segments (arrows).

Miscellaneous foreign bodies are sometimes introduced into the rectum. Many of these objects are radiopaque (e.g., vibrators, bottles) and can be recognized on plain films. The rectum is also a site used by drug smugglers, and radiographs at the customs stations are often diagnostic; the drug-containing condoms are visible on plain films.


The low-residue diet associated with the refined grain products customarily consumed today is blamed for the high incidence of colonic diverticulosis in the older populations. The incidence of diverticulitis is 10% to 20%. 9 Diverticulitis in patients younger than 40 years of age is not uncommon. Infection of an obstructed diverticulum, usually in the sigmoid colon, leads to diverticulitis. The diagnosis of diverticulitis can usually be made on clinical grounds, but imaging methods can demonstrate both intramural and extraluminal changes. With barium, evidence of an extrinsic mass narrowing the lumen is the most common observation ( Fig. 19-15). Occasionally, a sinus tract from the colon to the pericolonic mass is seen. Colonic intramural fistulae may be present. Fistulae to retroperitoneal structures, pelvis, thigh, and skin are further complications of this disease. Fistulae to the bladder, uterus, or vagina can be demonstrated. 45 Direct communication of the ruptured diverticulum with the mesenteric veins has been observed. Both ultrasonography and CT confirm the existence and extent of the inflammatory reaction around the colon.21 The diagnosis and treatment of diverticulitis have been improved remarkably by CT examination. CT should be the initial examination when the clinical features are atypical for sigmoid diverticulitis. 4,32 The usual site for diverticulitis is the sigmoid colon, but any part of the colon may be involved. One of the problems in diagnosis is distinguishing an annular carcinoma from diverticulitis; when that cannot be done radiographically, it is important to obtain a biopsy. All series of colonic carcinoma contain cases that were originally diagnosed as diverticulitis. The giant sigmoid diverticulum is an unusual variant. 23 Giant sigmoid diverticula are filled with gas on the plain film and may fill with barium at the time of the enema ( Fig. 19-16). Often they are asymptomatic.

FIG. 19-15. Diverticulitis. A: The intramural inflammatory process causes a localized narrowing of the lumen of the sigmoid colon. B: The diverticular abscess (arrow) is filled at the time of the barium enema.

FIG. 19-16. Giant sigmoid diverticulum.

Benign Tumors Benign Polyps. Both adenomatous and hyperplastic polyps occur frequently in the colon. Inflammatory polyps are rarely larger than 5 mm, whereas adenomatous polyps can attain a size of several centimeters. That adenomatous polyps can become adenocarcinomas has been established. Diameter size is the most important risk factor for carcinoma development. Adenomas less than 1 cm in diameter have a 1% chance of containing cancer, those of 1 to 2 cm have approximately a 10% risk, and larger than 2 cm have a risk of up to 50%. 28 It is important to find and remove these lesions. Air-contrast study of the colon is the most sensitive radiographic examination in finding polyps ( Fig. 19-17).

FIG. 19-17. A: Adenomatous polyp. Single-contrast enema shows moderate-sized filling defect with central dark area representing polyp's stalk ( open arrow). B: Adenomatous polyp. Moderate-sized adenomatous polyp seen en face with stalk clearly delineated ( black arrows). C: Multiple adenomatous polyps (arrows). D: Villous adenoma. A variety of adenomatous polyps represented by large polypoid mass with ill-defined irregular surface pattern.

Polyposis Syndromes. Familial adenomatous polyposis syndrome (FAPS) includes familial polyposis coli, Gardner's syndrome, and Turcot's syndrome ( Fig. 19-18) In FAPS, women and men are equally affected. Adenomas occur in the hundreds or thousands, although in some instances only a few polyps may be present. The polyps may be 5 mm or less and occur in all parts of the colon. Occasionally, the rectum is spared. Rectal bleeding and diarrhea occur in 75% of patients, but many patients are asymptomatic. All family members at risk should be screened by colonoscopy or barium enema but not before 10 years of age, because the polyps do not begin to grow until puberty. Total colectomy is mandatory because 100% of the patients will develop adenocarcinoma at some point. The procedure of choice is

mucosal proctectomy and ileoanal anastomosis.

FIG. 19-18. A: Familial polyposis. Entire mucosa is carpeted polyps of various sizes. B: Familial polyposis. Magnified view shows variation in size of familial polyps. C: Gardner's syndrome. Numerous small polyps are scattered throughout the mucosa. Note the decreased number of polyps compared with familial polyposis.

The rare combination of intracerebral gliomas and colon polyps is called Turcot's syndrome. Colon polyps are found in both the Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (hamartomas) and the Cronkhite-Canada syndrome (juvenile polyp histology) (see Chapter 18). Extracolonic Gastrointestinal Manifestations. All portions of the gastrointestinal tract that are lined with columnar epithelium are at risk. More than 50% of patients have gastric polyps. Fundic gland polyps (hamartomas) occur in far greater numbers than antral premalignant adenomas. Adenomas are found in the duodenum, especially in the periampullary region in patients with FAPS. Villous adenomas in the periampullary region have a greater chance of becoming malignant. Extraintestinal Manifestations. In Gardner's syndrome epidermoid cysts, craniofacial osteomas, neurofibromas, and fibromas occur in the soft tissues. Fibrous lesions (especially desmoid tumor), which are usually solitary, occur in the anterior abdominal wall, in the root of the mesentery, and in the retroperitoneum. Desmoid tumors can cause small bowel obstruction and hydronephrosis. Desmoids can occur in the surgical scar of colectomy and vigorously recur after excision from any site. Juvenile Polyps. Hamartomatous polyps that may cause bleeding or intussusception can occur in children ( Fig. 19-19). These lesions have no malignant potential, so removal is not necessary unless bleeding becomes a problem.

FIG. 19-19. Ileocolic intussusception caused by a benign polyp. Intussusceptum ( black arrowheads) and intussuscipiens (open arrows).

Carcinoid Tumors. Most colon carcinoids occur in the rectum. They are of neuroendocrine origin but rarely have been associated with the carcinoid syndrome. Lymphoid Hyperplasia. Double-contrast studies of the colon can demonstrate slightly enlarged lymphoid follicles on the colonic mucosal surface ( Fig. 19-20). They are seen most frequently on the right side of the colon, 22 and their clinical significance is unknown. Although there is some speculation that they are reactive changes related to inflammation of the colon, they can be seen in patients without symptoms.

FIG. 19-20. Benign nodular lymphoid hyperplasia in the ascending and transverse colon.

Intramural Tumors. In the colon, lipoma is the most common type of mesenchymal tumor (Fig. 19-21). Lipomas can be quite large, and the extraluminal aspect may predominate. In addition to characteristic barium studies outlining a submucosal mass, CT can prove that the tumor is composed of fat. 20,33 Multiple fatty tumors may occur.

FIG. 19-21. Lipoma of the ascending colon. This large, smooth mass without ulceration suggests an intramural lesion. Computed tomography has been successful in identifying the fatty nature of these colonic masses.

Malignant Tumors Adenocarcinoma. About 150,000 new cases of carcinoma of the colon and rectum are reported each year. There is an adenoma-to-cancer sequence that takes several years to develop. The polyp with carcinoma eventually spreads at its base, ulcerates, and may surround the bowel and eventually obstruct it. The radiographic diagnosis can be made at any of these stages ( Fig. 19-22). CT is of value in detecting spread to the lymph nodes and liver as well as showing the local extent of the primary lesion. 10 The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy for staging of primary carcinoma varies from 48% to 100%. The mean accuracy for detection of recurrent tumor is 90%.46 Because synchronous carcinomas exist in about 4% of cases, a thorough search of the colon for other filling defects is essential. Rarely, scirrhous carcinoma can involve the colon. This tumor spreads longitudinally as well as around the lumen, producing an elongated area of narrowing. Often the mucosal surface is normal in a portion of the lesion.

FIG. 19-22. A: Small adenocarcinoma. Single-contrast enema demonstrates an irregular polypoid mass that shows wall invasion ( arrow). B: Adenocarcinoma. Double-contrast enema demonstrates apple-core lesion consistent with advanced infiltrating carcinoma. C: Adenocarcinoma. Computed tomographic (CT) examination of rectum shows infiltrating mass (arrows) representing adenocarcinoma. D: Adenocarcinoma with recurrence. CT examination shows large mass lesion in left colon (arrowheads) with marked extension away from recurrence into pericolic tissues ( arrows).

Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Lymphoma of the colon can be a primary process. Frequently, the radiographic appearance is no different from that of adenocarcinoma. It can be multinodular and involve the entire colon (lymphomatous polyposis) ( Fig. 19-23).49 Also, it can be solitary and resemble a polypoid carcinoma.

FIG. 19-23. A: Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The nodular pattern is similar to that of benign nodular hyperplasia, but the nodules are larger. Slight umbilication of these nodules is manifested by the barium collections at the center of the filling defects. B: Lymphomatous polyposis. Scattered large polypoid masses of the right colon are seen (arrows).

Extrinsic Neoplasm. Any of the malignant tumors of the genitourinary tract, including the kidneys, may invade the colon. Direct extension of gastric and pancreatic tumors down the mesentery of the transverse colon creates an identifiable contour change, often a fixed irregularity. Endometriosis is another condition that can involve the wall of the colon, especially in the pelvis. Rarely, rectal bleeding occurs in synchrony with menstruation, so that the diagnosis can be made or suspected. Usually, some narrowing of the colon at the site of the lesion is observed. Because the mucosa is intact, the narrowing is smooth and often tapered. At times it may resemble annular carcinoma, however. A local endometrioma resembles any other submucosal mass ( Fig. 19-24). The lesions are usually in the lower sigmoid colon or rectum.

FIG. 19-24. Endometriosis. Double-contrast enema shows large mass infiltrating the wall and protruding into the lumen ( open arrows).

Appendiceal Tumors. A chronically obstructed, noninflamed appendix may dilate and fill with mucus. This appendiceal mucocele is often caused by a low-grade adenocarcinoma. Occasionally, the contents of the mucocele calcify (myxoglobulosis). Carcinoid tumors of the appendix are most often discovered by the pathologist during sectioning of an appendix removed for inflammation. The appendix is an unusual site for a malignant carcinoid tumor.

Because the sigmoid and transverse portions of the colon are on a long mesentery, they are the segments that are involved in hernias. The transverse colon may

normally move to a position between the right hemidiaphragm and the liver, and if there is a defect in the diaphragm it can herniate into the chest. Morgagni's hernia is more common and results from an anterior defect in the diaphragm. The transverse colon may also enter the thorax by way of the esophageal hiatus. Anterior abdominal wall incisional hernias may contain colon. The sigmoid colon seemingly has a penchant for left inguinal hernias ( Fig. 19-25); these should be reduced before barium enema, because distention of the colon in the hernial sac may prevent retrograde passage of barium to the remaining colon. The spigelian hernia associated with the defect in the fascia of the rectus muscle laterally may contain sigmoid colon. The colon herniates through the transverse and internal oblique muscles but is contained by the external oblique and therefore may not be palpable.

FIG. 19-25. Inguinal hernia. Sigmoid colon frequently is found in left inguinal hernias.

In pneumatosis coli, a striking radiographic appearance is created with multiple, small air cysts in the colon ( Fig. 19-26). The cause is unknown, and the condition is benign and self-limited.

FIG. 19-26. Pneumatosis coli. The intramural collections of gas indent the lumen but are easily identifiable as gas ( arrows) rather than soft-tissue masses.

Because the colon is more fixed in position than the small bowel, it is also more prone to rupture secondary to blunt trauma. The rectum may also be damaged by impalement. These circumstances mandate the use of water-soluble contrast material when studying the colon.

Catheter Therapy. Both catheter embolization and infusion of vasopressin to halt colonic bleeding have been associated with ischemia and infarction. Similarly, the colon has been damaged when ethanol infarction of a renal cell or other carcinoma resulted in reflux of the agent into the aorta. Surgical Anastomoses. Colocolic surgical anastomoses are not initially watertight, and gross disruption can occur, particularly in rectal anastomoses after anterior colonic resection. Strictures at anastomotic sites are unusual, but a diaphragm-like obstruction has been reported after a stapled anastomosis in the rectosigmoid region. Ileoanal Reservoirs. The principles of the continent ileostomy have now been applied to the anal area in an attempt to avoid an anterior ostomy. The anatomy and function of these reservoirs can be easily studied with the use of barium or water-soluble contrast material ( Fig. 19-27).

FIG. 19-27. Ileoanal-ileorectal reservoir. Double-contrast enema shows ileal reservoir ( white arrows) and the ileoanal reservoirrectal anastomoses ( black arrowheads). R, rectum.

Rectal Perforation Associated With Barium Enema. Rectal perforation still occurs occasionally with barium enemas despite the use of soft catheter material. 19,35 Balloon retention catheters can also be responsible for a perforation. Extreme care must be exercised not to inflate the balloon beyond the size of the rectal ampulla. If perforation occurs above the peritoneal reflection, surgical repair is usually necessary to decrease morbidity and mortality. Therefore, early diagnosis of extravasation of barium or air into the peritoneal cavity is very important. Toxic Megacolon. A hugely distended colon may occur from several sources, including ulcerative colitis ( Fig. 19-28), Crohn's colitis, pseudomembranous colitis, Campylobacter colitis, amebic colitis, ischemic colitis, and chemotherapy. Introduction of any contrast material into the colon in these conditions is contraindicated because of the danger of perforation. Patients with colonic ileus (Ogilvie's syndrome) have similar radiographic features, but their clinical course is more benign. 1 In

colonic ileus, contrast studies are not contraindicated and are of value in excluding mechanical colonic obstruction.

FIG. 19-28. Toxic megacolon. Plain film of abdomen shows markedly widened transverse colon with nodular margins in patient with acute ulcerative colitis.

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Chapter 20 The Urinary Tract Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 20 The Urinary Tract

Fred T. Lee Jr. and John R. Thornbury

F. T. Lee, Jr. and J. R. Thornbury: Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252.

Methods of Examination Plain-Film Roentgenography Excretory Urography Ultrasonography Computed Tomography Retrograde Pyelography Renal Angiography Percutaneous Antegrade Pyelography (Percutaneous Nephrostomy) Voiding Cystography or Cystourethrography Cystography Renal Scintigraphy Roentgenographic Anatomy The Kidney The Ureters The Bladder The Normal Urogram The Normal Cystogram Computed Tomography, Ultrasonography, MRI, and Radionuclide Anatomy of the Kidney Renal Anomalies Anomalies in Number Anomalies in Size and Form Fusion Anomalies Anomalies in Position Other Renal Anomalies Anomalies of the Renal Pelvis and Ureter Hydronephrosis (Obstructive Uropathy) Nonobstructive Hydronephrosis (Urinary Stasis) Congenital Hydronephrosis Acquired Hydronephrosis (Obstructive Uropathy) Renal and Ureteral Calculi Renal Milk of Calcium Nephrocalcinosis Low-density or Nonopaque Calculi Infections And Related Conditions Acute Pyelonephritis Renal Abscess Severe Diffuse Pyelonephritis Acute Infection of Pre-existing Renal Spaces Chronic Pyelonephritis (Atrophic Pyelonephritis) Renal Papillary Necrosis Bilateral Acute Renal Cortical Necrosis Pyeloureteritis Cystica, Pyelitis Cystica, Ureteritis Cystica Tuberculosis Renal Candidiasis Renal Trauma Renal Cystic Disease Simple Renal Cysts Renal Cystic Disease Associated with Multiple Renal Neoplasms Polycystic Kidney Disease Medullary Cysts Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney Extraparenchymal Renal Cysts Renal Vascular Abnormalities Polyarteritis Nodosa Renal Arteriovenous Fistula Renal Artery Occlusion Renal Vein Anomalies Renal Vein Thrombosis Renovascular Hypertension Tumors of the Kidney Benign Tumors Malignant Tumors Miscellaneous Renal Conditions The Ureter Tumors of the Ureter Other Ureteral Abnormalities The Urinary Bladder Congenital Anomalies Vesical Calculi Inflammation of the Bladder (Cystitis) Obstruction of the Bladder Vesicoureteral Reflux Megaureter Megacystis Syndrome Vesical Tumors Trauma of the Bladder Foreign Bodies Hernia of the Bladder The Urethra Anomalies of the Urethra Urethral Diseases Vas Deferens Calcification The Adrenal Glands Adrenal Cortical Tumors Adrenal Medullary Tumors Neuroblastoma Other Adrenal Tumors Miscellaneous Adrenal Conditions

The Prostate The Scrotum Testicular (Spermatic Cord) Torsion Epididymitis Testicular Tumors Hydrocele Varicocele Spermatocele Chapter References Selected Readings

Introduction of new methods and enhancements of traditional radiologic methods have greatly influenced the use of imaging to diagnose and treat patients who have urinary tract disease. In the past, plain films of the abdomen and excretory urography (EXU) were the starting point in the diagnostic imaging process. Today, computed tomography (CT), ultrasonography, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be requested initially. Choosing the appropriate method has become more complex because of the variety that confronts the physician. If physicians think critically about the selection of patients before requesting an imaging examination, they can improve their use of such examinations. 60 First, the physician must hypothesize a differential diagnosis. Then, based on personal experience and knowledge of the literature and before deciding whether to request the examination, the physician should answer two questions: (1) Is this examination going to affect my diagnostic certainty about the differential diagnosis I am considering, and, if so, how much? (2) Will the information I expect to receive from this examination change my diagnostic thinking enough to affect my choice of treatment? Particularly important is the action of linking the use of the diagnostic test to the choice of treatment. The following paragraphs present the most frequently used (or most useful) examinations for the specific diagnostic problem situations that are discussed subsequently.

Plain-Film Roentgenography Roentgenographic examination of the urinary tract may begin with a plain film of the abdomen, exposed with the patient in a supine position, that includes the kidneys and the ureteral and bladder areas. This scout film, which must be obtained before contrast medium is given for EXU, reveals the renal shadows and permits assessment of the size, shape, and position of the kidneys. The presence of calcium in cysts, tumors, or stones can be detected along with vascular or lymph node calcifications in the area. Psoas muscle shadows usually are well outlined, and asymmetry or other abnormalities can be noted. The ureters cannot be defined, but radiopaque calculi may be detected along the course of the ureter. The shadow cast by the urinary bladder often can be identified. Vesical calculi can be outlined. Vascular calcifications, including phleboliths and arterial plaques, frequently are seen in the pelvis and must be differentiated from urinary calculi. Doing so may require other examinations, such as intravenous pyelography, CT, or ultrasound. Excretory Urography Preparation of the Patient EXU, variably known an intravenous pyelography (IVP) or intravenous urography (IVU), is a frequently used imaging examination for general assessment of the urinary tract, which requires intravenous injection of radiopaque contrast material. Serial films are then obtained over 15 to 25 minutes as the contrast agent is excreted by the kidneys for visualization of the renal collecting systems, ureters, and bladder. Patient preparation before an elective examination often involves bowel cleansing, with use of cathartics such as castor oil, senna preparations (X-Prep), or bisacodyl (Dulcolax). Catharsis is particularly helpful in bedridden patients to remove gas and fecal matter from the colon, both of which obscure the renal areas. In ambulatory patients, gas and feces are not as much of a problem. Many variations of the approach just described are in use. Satisfactory urography often can be obtained with no preparation, particularly in ambulatory outpatients. There are situations in which adequate hydration is important. In patients who have multiple myeloma, renal failure, or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), and in those who are critically ill (including neonates), the preparation is altered to fit the patient's needs and avoid dehydration. Contrast Material The contrast media are organic iodides that depend on their iodine content for radiopacity. Currently there are two types of contrast material in use: ionic and nonionic. The former, represented by diatrizoate- or iothalamate-based media, has been standard for more than 40 years. In the early 1980s, a low-osmolar ionic agent, ioxaglate, was introduced for intravascular use. 120 Nonionic contrast media of lower osmolality were introduced in Europe for general use in the late 1970s. In 1986, after the initial European experience and subsequent testing in the United States documented much lower toxicity with decreased reaction rates (including deaths), the US Food and Drug Administration approved two new nonionic media, iopamidol and iohexol, for intravascular and myelographic use. In 1996, the first low-osmolar radiopaque dimer was introduced (iodixanol). These compounds are virtually iso-osmolar to blood and are well tolerated by patients during rapid intravenous injection. Clinical experience 58,94 indicates that the nonionic media have overall reaction rates about one third to one fourth those of the ionic materials (3.13% versus 12.66%). Severe reactions are reported in 0.22% of patients given ionic agents and in 0.04% of those given nonionic agents. The death rate generally considered representative by most experts for traditional ionic contrast agents is estimated to be about 1 in 40,000. 4 Estimates for the nonionic media are as low as 1 in 168,000.94 Given the favorable statistics for nonionic contrast media versus traditional ionic materials in terms of adverse reaction rates, why do some institutions continue to use ionic agents? The answer is complex and involves local issues, but the choice generally is driven by the greater cost of the new, nonionic agents. For most institutions, a selective-use policy for nonionic agents can represent a significant cost savings at a locally acceptable reaction rate. Nonionic agents are reserved for patients who qualify under the established American College of Radiology (ACR) criteria, including previous reactors, patients with a history of allergy or asthma, those with known cardiac dysfunction, and those who are severely debilitated. 35 Nonetheless, some institutions have continued a universal nonionic contrast material policy for all intravenous injections. As the cost of nonionic agents decreases as a result of competitive factors, more institutions are likely to convert to universal use.54,144 For ionic contrast agents, a meglumine diatrizoate medium is often used in a dose of 0.5 mL per pound of body weight. This method delivers 0.34 mg of iodine per kilogram of body weight, which is usually a satisfactory dose for patients with reasonably good renal function. These contrast agents are excreted almost entirely by glomerular filtration with very little, if any, tubular resorption. In children, dose ranges have been recommended that are based on body surface area. 46 The upper limit of dose for a contrast agent providing 300 mg/mL of iodine is 4 mL per kilogram of body weight for infants weighing less than 2.5 kg. The dose may be decreased in thin patients and increased in obese patients. A nomogram for dose determination has been provided by Diament and Kangerloo. 46 In premature and newborn infants, relatively larger doses of contrast media are required (up to 4 mL per kilogram of body weight) because of the relatively decreased ability of the kidney to concentrate contrast agents in this age group. Currently, however, ultrasonography is the most common modality used initially to evaluate abdominal masses in premature and newborn infants. Contraindications to injection of intravenous contrast material include (1) hypersensitivity to the contrast agent, (2) the presence of combined renal and hepatic disease, (3) oliguria, (4) a serum creatinine level higher than 2.5 to 3.0 mg/100 mL, (5) IDDM in combination with renal insufficiency (serum creatinine greater than 1.5 mg/dL), (6) multiple myeloma (unless the patient can be kept well hydrated during and after the study), (7) history of severe allergy, and (8) use of the oral hypoglycemic agent metformin (Glucophage) within the previous 48 hours. Patients who are using metformin are at risk for severe lactic acidosis if they are put into renal failure, and, given the high mortality that results (approximately 50%), most authors recommend stopping metformin for 48 hours before elective injection of contrastmedia. Emergency studies should be weighed on a case-by-case basis, and if the decision is made to proceed, renal function should be monitored for 48 hours before the patient is restarted on the drug. All of these contraindications are relative, and the value of potential information to be obtained must be weighed

against the risk in each patient. Adverse Reactions to Contrast Material Iodinated, intravenously injected contrast media can produce reactions of varying severity. 4,89,130 Minor reactions are the most common, having an incidence of about 5% to 10% for injections of ionic agents. The incidence of minor reactions to nonionic agents is less by a factor of approximately 6. 94,120 The most common signs and symptoms are urticaria, itching, nausea, and vomiting. These are usually self-limited, but on occasion antihistamine treatment may be required for more comfortable recovery. Minor reactions are more common in patients who have a history of allergy. It is not clear whether a history of minor reaction to a contrast medium causes a patient to be at significantly greater risk for a life-threatening major reaction from a subsequent injection. Severe major reactions are rare, with a reported incidence ranging from about 3 to 5 times the death rate. Reported death rates for ionic agents range from about 1 in 30,000 to 1 in 75,000. One study of nonionic agents reported an even lower rate of severe reactions, 0.045%. 94 Major reactions most often feature sudden onset of cardiovascular collapse, which can rapidly progress to cardiac arrest if not promptly and successfully treated. Less frequently, respiratory system collapse or central nervous system disaster is the predominant feature initially and also can progress rapidly to death. The precise mechanism of these major reactions remains obscure. They clearly are not classic antigen-antibodytype allergic reactions. There are no pretesting methods (e.g., use of an intravenous test dose) that can identify patients who are likely to have a major reaction. 57 However, some types of patients seem to have an increased risk of severe reaction and death. Such patients include those with (1) prior severe reaction to contrast media, (2) asthma, (3) severe cardiac or renal disease, (4) hyperviscosity conditions (e.g., macroglobulinemia, multiple myeloma), (5) advanced dehydration, or (6) anxiety states. 102 The radiologist should have a plan for response to a serious reaction. The equipment, the medication, and the personnel trained to manage severe reactions must be immediately available whenever and wherever contrast media are injected. If a major reaction appears to be developing, treatment should begin at once and an emergency call for skilled help should be made. Maintenance of an adequate airway is essential, and oxygen should be given in all major reactions. Table 20-1 indicates the various types of reaction and the methods of treatment along with the representative drugs and their doses.

TABLE 20-1. Treatment of acute reactions to contrast media

The prophylactic use of drugs to decrease reaction rates in high-risk patients is becoming more widely accepted. A blinded, randomized study demonstrated the protective effect of 32 mg of methylprednisolone given at 12 hours and at 2 hours before contrast administration, as well as the lack of protection from a single dose given 2 hours before injection. 105 One regimen that yields a low reaction rate (0.5%) in patients who have had a previous adverse reaction includes the use of a nonionic contrast agent, administration of 50 mg of prednisone at 13, 7, and 1 hour before intravascular contrast administration, and administration of 50 mg of diphenhydramine 1 hour before contrast injection. 68 It is important to realize, however, that prophylactic steroid treatment does not guarantee nonreaction. 31,105 Radiopaque contrast media also have a potential toxic effect on the kidney. The risk is very low in normal, healthy, young adults but begins to increase slightly in elderly patients with otherwise normal (for age) renal function. By age 65, about one fourth of normally functioning nephrons have been destroyed by the aging process. IDDM; chronic renal parenchymal disease (e.g., glomerulonephritis); shock from trauma or sepsis; renal ischemia; and other clinical problems with renal components (e.g., heart failure) considerably increase the risk of contrast-induced renal failure. 119 Such risk factors must be balanced against expected diagnostic value when one decides to request urography. Ultrasonography has replaced EXU in the imaging of patients with renal failure to exclude hydronephrosis. 93 Renal failure caused by obstruction implies that both kidneys are blocked, because a unilateral obstruction would leave a functioning contralateral kidney. Obviously, unilateral obstruction can cause acute renal failure in the presence of a poorly functioning or absent contralateral kidney. Ultrasonography is very sensitive and specific in detection of chronic hydronephrosis. However, serial examinations may have to be performed to exclude acute hydronephrosis, because dilatation of the renal collecting system may take up to several days to develop after acute obstruction. Renal size and cortical thickness also can be evaluated by ultrasonography. These parameters are important to the clinician, because normal-sized kidneys may have a reversible cause, whereas small kidneys usually imply more chronic disease. The echogenicity of both kidneys is diffusely increased in medical renal disease, regardless of the specific cause, although the sensitivity of this finding has been questioned. 150 Nuclear medicine renal scintigraphy is also valuable in the workup of patients with renal failure. Renal blood flow, acute tubular necrosis, glomerular filtration rate, renal function, and obstructive or reflux nephropathy can all be evaluated with the appropriate radionuclide. When the cause and level of obstruction are still unclear, retrograde pyelography may be necessary; this requires cystoscopy for ureteral catheter placement. Technique of Examination EXU (IVP) requires injection of intravenous contrast material. After injection, it is desirable to obstruct the ureters slightly with an abdominal compression band. Doing so retains some opacified urine in the kidneys and produces better visualization of the pelvis and calyces. Compression is not advised in patients with urinary obstruction (e.g., suspected acutely impacted ureteral calculus). In patients with known aortic aneurysm, the use of compression is unwise. The first roentgenogram is obtained about 1 minute after injection, and a second is obtained at 5 minutes. The decision about compression is made on review of the 5-minute roentgenogram. The compression band is then applied, and small frontal and oblique views of the kidneys are obtained at approximately 10 minutes. The compression band is released, and a postrelease view of the abdomen is taken at about 15 minutes. We use tomography on most patients, usually between 1 and 5 minutes after injection of a bolus of contrast medium. A minimum of three tomographic cuts are obtained at 1-cm intervals. Additional tomograms are obtained as needed, and each film is monitored as the examination progresses. Alterations in the procedure are made when indicated. Additional exposures of the bladder area may be necessary in some instances. We obtain a postvoiding film of the bladder in patients older than 40 years of age and in those with incontinence. Oblique films are of value in patients with suspected ureteral calculi and in those in whom questionable calyceal abnormalities are observed on anteroposterior films. When it is important to visualize the ureters, a film with the patient in right or left prone oblique position is useful, because the ureters fill better in the prone than in the supine position. If excretion of contrast material is delayed, it may be necessary to obtain roentgenograms for periods up to several hours after injection. In patients with acute ureteral obstruction (e.g., a ureteral calculus being passed), there is often a delay in excretion on the involved side. Delayed roentgenograms may show opacification of the renal pelvis and ureter down to the level of obstruction even when the immediate roentgenograms reveal only increased density of the renal parenchyma. In patients with decreased renal function, preliminary tomograms are necessary to provide a baseline with which to compare the faint opacification of renal parenchyma (nephrogram) or calyces and pelves. Calyceal appearance time is normally within 3 minutes after the injection of contrast medium. Several variations of this technique are used, such as hypertensive urography (see Renovascular Hypertension).

Ultrasonography The kidneys usually can be imaged adequately with real-time, high-resolution sector scanners. The right kidney can be scanned with the patient in a supine or decubitus position (left side down) with longitudinal, transverse, and coronal images. Similarly, the left kidney can be imaged with similar views and the right side down. Occasionally, a prone position may prove useful. The best images are obtained with the patient's respiration suspended; frequently, the end of partial or full inspiration brings the kidney into better view. A 5-MHz transducer is preferable to optimize resolution. If this does not provide adequate acoustic penetration, a 3.5-MHz transducer can be used. Duplex and color Doppler technology can be used to assess renal vasculature. This is particularly important in the evaluation of the renal transplantation patient (see later discussion). In cases of hydronephrosis, it may be difficult to follow dilated ureters to the point of obstruction because of overlying bowel gas. Varying the patient's position may provide a better view along with imaging in coronal, longitudinal, or oblique planes. The distal ureters often can be visualized through a full bladder. The distended bladder is optimally viewed from a suprapubic approach with the patient supine. Transrectal transducers also can be used, especially to view the bladder neck, distal ureters, and prostate. When the suprapubic approach is used, the gain should be adjusted so that there are no echoes within the bladder. Computed Tomography CT examination of the kidneys is tailored to the specific clinical indication. In general, there are three broad categories in which CT examination is used, and the examination is different for each of the three. The most common indication for CT of the kidneys is a morphologic examination for potential renal mass after an ultrasound, IVP, or other examination. This protocol can also be applied when searching for potential renal trauma or infection. CT examinations for these indications should include an initial noncontrast scan through the kidneys with narrow collimation (3 to 5 mm). This is necessary to search for calcifications, blood, and fluid collections before administration of contrast material. After the kidneys have been imaged by noncontrast scans, a bolus of contrast material (100 to 150 mL of 60% iodinated contrast) is administered, and the kidneys are rescanned. We start our contrast-enhanced sequence at the diaphragm, scan down to the kidneys with 1-cm collimation, scan the kidneys with 5-mm collimation, and proceed through the remainder of the abdomen and pelvis by 1-cm increments. The advent of helical CT now allows the kidney to be scanned at multiple time intervals if desired, including the so-called cortical phase (40 seconds after contrast injection) and the medullary phase (160 seconds after contrast injection). 34 Another indication for CT of the abdomen and pelvis is suspicion of urinary tract stones; this examination is called CT urography. 172 CT urography has been shown to be highly accurate in the evaluation of suspected ureteral and renal stones in the setting of acute flank pain. In addition, this technique often can determine a source for the patient's pain when renal calculi have been excluded. We perform CT urography with no oral contrast material and no intravenous contrast material. The patient is scanned from the top of the kidneys through the bladder using helical technique: 2:1 pitch and 5-mm collimation during several breath holds. Another indication for CT of the kidneys is CT angiography for visualization of renal vasculature. Although MRI is probably superior for the evaluation of renal artery stenosis (RAS), this examination has great utility in the workup of renal transplant donors and has now replaced preoperative renal angiography with lower morbidity and substantial cost savings. In CT angiography for renal donors, noncontrast sections are first obtained through the kidneys to rule out renal calcifications. A large bolus of contrast material (150 mL) is then given rapidly (5 mL/second) through an antecubital vein, and the kidneys are rapidly scanned using helical technique. 161 Axial source images and two-dimensional and three-dimensional reconstructions are filmed depending on the local surgeon's preference. An immediate post-CT plain abdominal film is obtained to evaluate the renal collecting system, ureters, and bladder. The bladder can be evaluated by using the low attenuation of urine as an in situ contrast agent. To obtain better distention of the bladder, a Foley catheter can be inserted and sterile saline, water, or contrast material introduced. Alternatively, air or carbon dioxide can be introduced through the Foley catheter with the patient placed in a position so that the air is adjacent to the region of abnormality. Intravenous contrast material should still be given at some point to identify the ureters. Retrograde Pyelography Retrograde pyelography, another method employed in the examination of the upper urinary tract, is generally used when the EXU has been unsatisfactory or inconclusive for visualization of the renal collecting system and ureters. Cystoscopy and catheterization of the ureters are necessary for this examination. Roentgenograms are obtained after direct instillation of contrast material into the pelves through the catheters. Roentgenograms are obtained after 3 to 5 mL of contrast material (intravenous contrast agent diluted to 20% to 30%) are slowly introduced through the ureteral catheter into the renal pelvis. The catheters are withdrawn, and another roentgenogram is obtained. Oblique views and delayed frontal views also may be necessary in some patients. The contrast medium may be injected by syringe or introduced by gravity with the vessel containing the medium no higher than 45 cm above renal level. Care should be taken to avoid overdistention of the collecting system, because the high pressure may produce backflow into the renal tubules, interstitium, lymphatics, or veins. The chief advantage of retrograde pyelography is that contrast material can be injected directly under controlled pressure into the ureters and collecting system. If performed correctly, this technique provides unsurpassed visualization of the ureter and collecting system in patients whose renal function is impaired. Renal Angiography There are several methods for the radiographic study of the renal arteries. The use of a vascular catheter, introduced percutaneously into the femoral artery by the Seldinger technique, permits wide variability in techniques. A midstream aortic injection is made first, using 40 to 60 mL of an organic iodide. This examination indicates the location and number of renal arteries and may define abnormal lumbar vessels in patients with metastatic tumor ( Fig. 20-1).

FIG. 20-1. A: Angiogram in the study of a renal transplant. The percutaneous catheter technique was used demonstrate the renal artery, which is anastomosed to the internal iliac artery. B: Digital subtraction transfemoral catheter abdominal aortogram. The abdominal aorta is normal. There is excellent fill of the celiac axis and of the hepatic and splenic arteries. There are single renal arteries bilaterally. Some branches of the superior mesenteric arteries overlie the left renal arteries.

Selective renal arteriograms are then obtained by manipulation of the catheter tip under fluoroscopic control into the desired renal artery and injection of small amounts (10 to 15 mL of the opaque medium) into the artery. The advantage is dense opacification of the renal artery and its branches, which is needed in a detailed study of the vessels. The disadvantages are that a small accessory vessel may be missed, and multiple injections are required when multiple vessels are present. Simultaneous study of both renal arteries can be obtained by midstream aortic injection with the catheter tip above the orifices of the renal arteries. This method fills accessory arteries that may be present and provides simultaneous visualization, allowing comparison of the renal vessels on the normal and abnormal sides. Rapid film changers are used, programmed to radiographically record the arterial, nephrographic, and venous phases of the examination. Magnification techniques

may be used to study vascular detail in one or both kidneys. Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) has begun to replace traditional cut-film angiography and has the advantage that lower doses of contrast agents can be used. In general, renal angiography is used only in selected cases where cross-sectional imaging is unable to give enough information for treatment decisions or when endovascular treatment is being considered, including renal angioplasty/stenting and renal embolization. Major renal arterial and venous anatomy can be directly imaged noninvasively with the use of helical CT angiography, magnetic resonance angiography, and, to a lesser degree, ultrasound. Percutaneous Antegrade Pyelography (Percutaneous Nephrostomy) A needle is placed percutaneously into the renal pelvis from a posterolateral approach, and either fluoroscopic or ultrasonic guidance is used. After a sample of urine is obtained for analysis, a contrast medium can be injected to evaluate the pelvocalyceal system and ureter. Subsequently, conventional percutaneous nephrostomy, brush biopsy, stent placement, stone dissolution or extraction, physiologic pressure-flow study, or dilatation of a stenosis can be performed using the access gained to the collecting system from the initial needle placement. Percutaneous nephrostomy is most often used for emergency drainage of an obstructed, infected upper urinary tract. For temporary, acute drainage, a standard percutaneous catheter with external drainage is effective. For chronic drainage, a locking loop nephrostomy or ureteral stent can be used. Percutaneous nephrostomy can also be used to introduce solutions such as sodium bicarbonate to dissolve uric acid stones. Using the percutaneous route, calculi can be treated by basket removal8 or by the use of an ultrasonic lithotriptor. Percutaneous nephrostomy can provide palliation in patients with terminal neoplastic disease and is used in renal transplantation for diagnosis and therapy. Voiding Cystography or Cystourethrography This examination is used in the study of patients with suspected lower urinary tract obstruction or vesicoureteral reflux and in children with persistent or recurrent urinary tract infection in whom vesicoureteral reflux is suspected. The examination consists of filling the bladder with radiopaque material to the point of urge to void, so that the voiding process can be imaged. The patient is examined before, during, and after urination. Voiding cystography should be performed on unanesthetized patients who have not had recent instrumentation. Bladder filling is monitored as contrast is instilled. Image-intensification fluoroscopy is necessary to obtain an adequate examination. In addition, spot films (70- or 90-mm or conventional spot films) are used to record the findings. The examination can be recorded on videotape if desired, because no additional radiation is used. Films are exposed with the patient in a lateral or an extreme posterior oblique position for best visualization of the bladder neck and urethra. If vesicoureteral reflux is present, films are obtained to show the amount and level of ascent of reflux, as well as the size of the ureters and renal collecting systems. Cystography Retrograde cystography is another method of studying the bladder. After voiding, a urethral catheter is inserted and the bladder is filled with opaque contrast material. Rarely, a small amount of contrast medium is absorbed from the bladder. Among the indications for cystography are suspected bladder rupture in a trauma patient and suspected bladder tumors, diverticula, or calculi. In many situations, direct cystoscopy has supplanted cystography. CT cystography is increasingly being used to evaluate patients after trauma or after pancreas or kidney transplantation to rule out bladder leak. Renal Scintigraphy The most common radionuclides used to image the kidney are technetium-99m pentetate ( 99mTc-DTPA) and iodine-131 ortho-iodohippurate ( 131I-Hippuran). These are used to evaluate overall renal function. Renal perfusion and glomerular filtration can be assessed by 99mTc-DTPA, and renal plasma flow and tubular function by 131I-Hippuran. A newer tubular agent, 99mTc-mertiatide, can be used much like 131I-Hippuran. The collecting systems can be evaluated by all of these radionuclides, although DTPA and mertiatide are the preferred agents because of better imaging properties. 99mTc-Gluceptate is an agent that can evaluate both glomerular and tubular function. Radionuclides such as Tc-99m dimercaptosuccinic acid ( 99mTc-DMSA), which permit evaluation of renal cortical morphology, are used only occasionally, such as for the evaluation of renal scarring in children with recurrent urinary tract infections or for the evaluation of the function of a renal mass that may represent fetal lobulation or a dromedary hump. intravenous injection of 10 to 20 mCi of 99mTc-DTPA is given, and images are obtained with a gamma camera at 1-second intervals for approximately one-half minute. These dynamic images allow evaluation of renal perfusion. Subsequent serial static images over the next 30 minutes, with delayed views as needed, allow assessment of renal function and the collecting systems. For the 131I-Hippuran renogram, 100 to 150 Ci is injected intravenously with simultaneous gamma camera and computer acquisition over the next 30 minutes. Using a region of interest over renal parenchyma, one can generate a time-activity curve (renogram) for each kidney. The renogram has three phases: the vascular, cortical transit, and excretory phases. Similar data can be obtained after injection of 99mTc-mertiatide. The usual dose is 5 to 10 mCi injected intravenously. A diuretic (Lasix) renogram is frequently obtained, especially in children, to distinguish functional from mechanical obstruction. Intravenous Lasix administration of 1 mg per kilogram of body weight in children, or 20 mg in adults, is given when retention of activity is demonstrated within the renal pelvis. The renogram is best performed with mertiatide, although Lasix can also be used with DPTA. A nonobstructed pelvocalyceal system (such as an extrarenal pelvis) will respond with a brisk diuresis and a decrease in radionuclide activity in the region of the pelvis. If a true mechanical obstruction is present, there will be no diuresis or change in radionuclide activity. Renal transplants can be evaluated with a 99mTc-DTPA perfusion study and an 131I-Hippuran or 99mTc-mertiatide renogram with static images. Usually, a baseline study is obtained within the first day after transplantation. Serial studies are then obtained as needed to evaluate transplant status.

The Kidney The normal kidneys are bean-shaped structures that lie on either side of the lower thoracic and upper lumbar spine, usually between the upper border of the 11th thoracic and the lower border of the 3rd lumbar vertebrae. In the upright position, the kidney descends 2 or 3 cm. The right kidney lies approximately 2 cm lower than the left. Both move moderately with respiration and with change in position. The long axis is directed downward and outward, parallel to the lateral border of the psoas muscle on either side. In the lateral plane, the axis is directed downward and anteriorly, so that the lower pole is 2 to 3 cm anterior to the upper pole. When the patient is supine, the renal pelvis and proximal ureters lie well posterior to the anterior edge of the vertebral bodies (shown well on CT). At L3, the average ureter is three fourths of a vertebral width from the posterior vertebral margin. It then curves anteriorly to the level of the anterior vertebral border at L4; at L5, it is anterior to the vertebral body by about one fourth of the anteroposterior diameter of this vertebral body. Normal renal size varies. The normal range of renal length in adults is 11 to 15 cm. The right kidney is usually shorter than the left, with the upper limit of variation in length being 1.5 cm. There is a relation between vertebral body height and renal length. As a rule, the kidney length is 3.7 0.37 times the height of the second lumbar vertebra measured on the same film using the posterior margins of the vertebral body. According to Batson and Keats, 12 97% of normal kidneys are within the range between the height of L1 through L3 and the height of L1 through L4. In children between 1 and 14 years of age, the renal length is about equal to the length of the first four lumbar bodies including the three intervening disks plus 1 cm. In infants, the renal size is relatively greater. In children, the normal difference in renal length on the two sides may be up to 1 cm. There is some variation in renal shape, particularly on the left side. Fetal lobulations may persist on one or both sides, producing rather clearly defined indentations or notches along the lateral aspect of the kidney. The left kidney may be generally triangular in shape with a local bulge or convexity along the left midborder, sometimes termed a dromedary hump. This may be related to the position of the spleen, or it may be a form of fetal lobulation, or both. The kidney is visualized in roentgenograms mainly because of the presence of perirenal fat. The increased radiolucency of fat makes the outline of the kidney stand out from the surrounding soft

tissues. If there has been much wasting caused by chronic illness or malnutrition, the loss of perirenal fat may make the renal outlines very indistinct or completely invisible. The kidneys are contained within the renal capsule and surrounded by perirenal fat, which is enclosed within Gerota's (perirenal) fascia. Perirenal hemorrhage, pus, or urine tends to be contained within this fascia and can be detected with CT or ultrasonography. The anatomy of the retroperitoneum can be quite complex, and a detailed discussion is beyond the focus of this chapter. Readers are referred to the classic work by Dr. Morton Meyers, Dynamic Radiology of the Abdomen.124 There are three anatomic spaces around each kidney: perirenal, anterior pararenal, and posterior pararenal (Fig. 20-2). The perirenal space is bounded by the anterior and posterior portions of the renal (Gerota's) fascia. The leaves of fascia fuse superiorly, laterally, and medially, enclosing the kidney, adrenal gland, renal vasculature, and emerging portion of the proximal ureter. This fascial envelope is functionally open caudally to just above the pelvic brim. At that point it communicates with the caudal extent of the anterior and posterior pararenal spaces. The ureter emerges from the perirenal space about midlumbar spine level to course caudad in the anterior pararenal space and ultimately to reach the bladder.

FIG. 20-2. Anatomic spaces around the kidney. (From Radiol Clin North Am 17:323-324, 1979, with permission of the author and WB Saunders Co.)

The anterior pararenal space is bound posteriorly by the anterior portion of the renal fascia, anteriorly by the posterior parietal peritoneum, and laterally by the lateral conal fascia. It contains the pancreas; the second, third, and fourth portions of the duodenum; the ascending and descending colon; and the vascular supply to the spleen, liver, pancreas, and duodenum. The posterior pararenal space is bound posteriorly by the transversalis fascia and anteriorly by the posterior portion of Gerota's fascia. It contains only fat and scattered vessels and nerves. All three spaces potentially communicate caudally near the bony pelvic brim. Therefore, blood or an infected fluid collection in the perirenal space can track caudally and then involve either or both ipsilateral pararenal spaces (see Fig. 20-2). A theory proposed by Molmenti and associates 128 suggests that fluid collections are more likely to collect in spaces between tissue planes rather than in the perirenal and pararenal spaces. The space anterior to the kidney, between the anterior pararenal space and anterior to the anterior renal fascia, is termed the retromesenteric space. The area between the posterior renal fascia and the posterior pararenal space is the retrorenal space. The Ureters The ureters normally course downward from the most dependent portion of the pelves to the midsacral region, then turn posterolaterally and course in an arc downward and then inward and anteriorly to enter the trigone of the bladder on either side of the midline. Slight redundancy is common, and alteration in size is frequently noted. Therefore, it is necessary to exercise care in making the diagnosis of ureteral stricture, displacement, or dilatation. There are three areas where normal narrowing of the ureter can be observed when it is filled with radiopaque material: the ureteropelvic junction (UPJ), the ureterovesical junction, and the bifurcation of the iliac vessels. These are sites where calculi often lodge in the course of passage. A common normal variant is symmetric deviation medially of the ureters as they enter the bony pelvis. The narrower the bony pelvis, the more medial the position of the ureters. The Bladder The normal urinary bladder is transversely oval or round; the inferior aspect normally projects 5 to 10 mm above the symphysis pubis. Its floor parallels the superior aspect of the pubic rami, and its dome is rounded in the male and flat or slightly concave in the female owing to the presence of the uterus above it. The size and shape of the normal bladder vary considerably. The internal aspect of the wall of the normal bladder is smooth as outlined by opaque material used in urography or cystography. The bladder is in a higher position in children than in adults and is slightly higher in males than in females. The bladder is relatively larger in children than in adults. A common normal variant is the anterior prolongation type, which results in a pear-shaped appearance. The Normal Urogram The renal pelvis varies considerably in size and shape but is usually roughly triangular, with the base parallel to the long axis of the kidney ( Fig. 20-3 and Fig. 20-4). It may be conical with the apex contiguous to the upper ureter. The range of normal is wide; some pelves are long, narrow tubes and others are large and globular. There is also a considerable variation in position of the pelvis in relation to the kidney. It may be almost completely within the renal outline (intrarenal) or almost completely extrarenal. In the former position it is usually small, whereas in the latter it is large. The average normal pelvis is partially intrarenal and partially extrarenal. Bifurcation or duplication of the pelvis is very common and is considered an anatomic variant rather than a congenital anomaly.

FIG. 20-3. Intravenous urogram of a normal person showing good filling of the pelves, calyces, and ureters down to about the level of the compression device, the superior portion of which overlies the lower fourth lumbar vertebra.

FIG. 20-4. Intravenous urogram of a normal person. The use of compression has resulted in a slight degree of blunting of the calyceal fornices. Note that there is some asymmetry on the two sides.

The calyceal system consists of major calyces that begin at the pelvis and extend into the kidney to the junction with the minor calyces. Each major calyx may be divided into a base (adjacent to the pelvis) and an infundibulum that is more or less tubular and extends from the base to the apex, or distal portion, from which one or more minor calyces project. The minor calyx consists of the body or calyx proper, beginning at the junction with the major calyx, and the fornix, which surrounds the conical renal papilla and into which the latter appears to project. The anatomic shape of the minor calyx is fairly constant, but because this structure is projected in various planes in the urogram there is considerable apparent variation. When viewed en face, it resembles a circular life preserver with a dense periphery and a relatively radiolucent center. In profile the appearance of a minor calyx is somewhat triangular, with the apex of the triangle pointing toward the major calyx; the base is pointing away from it and is sharply concave or cupped. By contrast, there is marked variation in the shape of the major calyces, which can be long and narrow or short and broad. There are usually two major calyces and 6 to 14 minor calyces, but the number can vary widely. The calyceal system is not always bilaterally symmetrical, which makes interpretation difficult in some instances. Coordinated peristalsis begins in the calyceal system of the kidneys. The collecting systems alternately fill and contract, activity that accounts for the variable appearance of the collecting system during intravenous urography. The discharge of urine from the pelvis into the ureter is accompanied by ureteral peristalsis. This occurs as broad waves at variable intervals (from 4 to 12 per minute). Ureteral peristalsis causes the ureter to have a variable caliber in different portions at the same time and a variation in contour in serial roentgenograms. The waves are visible as smooth areas of constriction or complete absence of filling that may separate one or more areas of slight dilatation. The effects of calyceal and ureteral peristalsis must be taken into account in the interpretation of the EXU. Renal Backflow The term backflow was initially applied to the escape of contrast material from the renal pelvis and calyces during retrograde pyelography as a result of an increase in intrapelvic pressure. The pressure is increased in EXU owing to osmotic diuresis and use of compression devices. Acute ureteral obstruction also results in increased intrapelvic pressure. Because similar phenomena occur in these instances, the term backflow has been carried over to describe changes observed in EXU. Backflow occurs in the normal kidney, and its recognition and differentiation from changes caused by disease of the kidney are therefore important. There are two major types of backflow, pyelotubular and pyelointerstitial (pyelosinus). Pyelolymphatic and pyelovenous backflow are merely stages of the pyelointerstitial form. Pyelotubular backflow is the most common type; when it occurs during EXU, it represents stasis in the tubules in the papilla rather than actual backflow. Roentgenographic findings consist of a brush-like tuft of opacity radiating into the papilla from the minor calyx ( Fig. 20-5). Pyelointerstitial (pyelosinus) backflow begins with minute (painless) rupture of the fornix of a calyx; this permits the escape of contrast material or urine into the renal sinus, which is the loose adipose and connective tissue surrounding the pelvis and calyces and supporting a venous plexus. When the amount of extravasation increases it extends medially into the peripelvic area, into the perirenal fat within Gerota's fascia, and downward along the ureter. The extravasated material may enter the lymphatics to produce pyelolymphatic backflow. A much less common occurrence is pyelovenous backflow, in which, presumably, the material enters the arcuate and other veins. Some investigators believe that the arcuate shadows observed in this condition are produced by perivascular extension of pyelosinus extravasation, not by filling of the veins. All forms of backflow may be observed at one time (Fig. 20-5).

FIG. 20-5. Backflow. This retrograde pyelogram shows a marked amount of pyelolymphatic backflow (upper arrow). Pyelotubular backflow is outlined ( lower arrow). There is also some extravasation in the vicinity of the ureteropelvic junction, representing interstitial backflow.

The roentgenographic findings in the early extravasation of the pyelointerstitial backflow consist of a horn-like projection of opaque medium extending from the fornix away from the papilla into the renal substance. As more material is extravasated, it extends medially to the hilum and along the upper ureter, producing poorly defined densities in these areas. Pyelolymphatic backflow is manifested by opacification of lymphatic channels that extend from the hilum of the kidney medially toward the para-aortic nodes. These channels tend to be redundant, somewhat tortuous, and branched. Extravasation of medium into the renal parenchyma also results when the catheter penetrates a calyx in retrograde pyelography. The roentgenographic appearance is variable, depending on the amount and distribution of the extravasated material. Arterial and Venous Impressions Arterial impressions or indentations on the renal pelvis and infundibula were found in 18% of 150 patients studied by Nebesar and colleagues. 136 They occur three times more often on the right than on the left. The most common site is the superior infundibulum on the right. The impressions consist of smooth transverse or oblique indentations on the infundibulum or pelvis. Most of the involved vessels are ventral to the collecting system. They usually cause no symptoms and are significant only in that they must be differentiated from pathologic processes ( Fig. 20-6 and Fig. 20-7). Rarely, partial infundibular obstruction is produced, leading to dilatation of calyces and pain and occasionally to infection. Oblique as well as frontal projections are needed to make the diagnosis. Confirmation by angiography may be necessary if other causes are suspected. Occasionally a slightly tortuous renal artery, renal artery aneurysm, or bulbous renal vein simulating a renal sinus mass (pseudotumor) is observed, particularly on a tomogram. The appearance is that of a round or oval mass in the renal sinus that is usually recognized as vascular, but angiography may be needed for differentiation in some instances.

FIG. 20-6. A: Urogram showing arterial indentations producing a vertical lucency on the lateral aspect of the pelvis ( upper arrow) and horizontal pelvic indentation

(lower arrow). B: Selective renal arteriogram, on the same patient as in A, demonstrates the relationship of arteries to the indentations noted.

FIG. 20-7. A: Unusual vascular indentation causing a persistent elongated defect in the upper pole infundibulum on the left ( arrow). B: Closeup view of the defect, which was persistent. A subsequent selective arteriogram showed a renal arterial branch causing the defect.

Venous impressions of the superior infundibulum are not as common as those produced by arteries. Urographic findings are quite characteristic 123 and include a wide, smooth filling defect of the proximal part of the superior infundibulum that is usually best shown on the prone film. Venography can be used to confirm the diagnosis but is seldom necessary. Ultrasound or CT is also frequently used to rule out the possibility of a renal mass mimicking a venous impression. The Normal Cystogram The normal cystogram outlines the contrast-opacified urine in the smooth-walled, rounded, or oval bladder. The urinary bladder is usually filled to some extent during EXU, and this examination is often sufficient to outline gross lesions. When additional study of the bladder is needed, especially to rule out bladder leak, cystography is used (Fig. 20-8). Films are exposed in frontal, lateral, and oblique projections; if necessary, upright and postvoiding roentgenograms may be obtained.

FIG. 20-8. Cystogram showing bilateral vesicoureteral reflux. The bladder outline appears normal.

A procedure termed CT cystography has been shown to be useful to detect small anastomotic leaks in pancreas transplantation patients with bladder drainage. The bladder is filled through a Foley catheter with up to 500 mL of iodinated contrast material and 60 mL of air. Scans are obtained before and after voiding. This approach may be useful to detect bladder rupture not detected by conventional techniques in trauma patients. 17 Computed Tomography, Ultrasonography, MRI, and Radionuclide Anatomy of the Kidney On CT, the kidneys appear as elliptical or round structures of soft-tissue density, with the central renal sinus composed predominantly of fat density. Because of the surrounding perirenal fat, the margin of each kidney is visible and should be smooth ( Fig. 20-9). The cortex and medullary portions cannot be distinguished on unenhanced scans but can be demarcated with a rapid intravenous bolus. The collecting system is best seen on enhanced scans because of the high attenuation values of the contrast agent. The renal vessels are best seen with dynamic or helical scans; the renal veins are usually larger than the arteries. The anterior pararenal, posterior pararenal, and perirenal compartments usually can be distinguished (see Fig. 20-2). Normally, Gerota's fascia is imperceptible or is seen as a thin fascial band. With certain pathologic processes (e.g., pancreatitis) Gerota's fascia becomes thickened and is more easily seen. Coronal and sagittal reformations allow estimation of renal size and volume.

FIG. 20-9. Normal left renal anatomy. Enhanced computed tomography shows smooth contour of left kidney.

The most prominent feature of the normal kidney on ultrasonography is the central renal sinus. This is quite echogenic, mainly because of the fat surrounding the pelvocalyceal system (Fig. 20-10). The amount of fat varies with the individual, and there is an increase in fat and echogenicity of the renal sinus with age. 157 There may be mild dilatation of the pelvis as a normal variant, but dilated calyces do not usually accompany this condition. Normal calyces usually are not seen. Vascular branching may mimic hydronephrosis. A vessel should not directly abut the renal pyramid as a dilated calyx in hydronephrosis would. Color Doppler examination can more definitively identify vessels in questionable cases. The peripheral cortex contains low-level echoes, whereas the pyramids are hypoechoic or anechoic. The bright, small, circular echoes in the region of the corticomedullary junction represent the arcuate arteries. The perinephric fat and capsule are seen as a variably hypoechoic or echogenic region surrounding the kidney. The normal ureter usually is not visible. The renal veins are readily visualized, but the arteries are more difficult to see.

FIG. 20-10. Normal renal anatomy. Longitudinal ultrasound of right kidney in which the echogenic central renal sinus is visible. The renal parenchyma is isoechoic or hypoechoic to adjacent normal liver. (Courtesy of Deborah Krueger, RDMS.)

MRI anatomy of the kidney is similar to that described for CT in the axial plane, but MRI has the advantage of multiplanar display ( Fig. 20-11). On T1-weighted images, the cortex has medium to high signal intensity, and the medulla has low signal intensity. Because of this, the corticomedullary junction is usually well seen. T2-weighted images reveal less signal contrast between the cortex and medulla. 113 Vessels in the renal hilum are easily identified, and associated flow void ensures vascular patency.

FIG. 20-11. Normal renal anatomy. Coronal T1-weighted magnetic resonance image. Multiplanar capability allows wide range of imaging planes.

The normal perfusion image with 99mTc-DTPA shows counting rates that are almost equal over both kidneys. Static images at 0, 5, and 10 minutes, and later as needed, reveal activity in the renal parenchyma and excretion into the collecting systems ( Fig. 20-12). The normal ureters are only occasionally visualized. Activity can be demonstrated in the bladder as early as the 5-minute image, although more often it is seen on the 10-minute image. The normal 131I-Hippuran renogram demonstrates an initial rise in counts owing to activity in the extrarenal and renal vessels during the vascular phase. The counts continue to increase gradually during the cortical transit phase because of the accumulation of 131I-Hippuran or 99mTc-mertiatide by the renal tubular cells. The peak occurs when the rate of uptake equals the rate of excretion into the collecting system. The counts then gradually decrease during the excretory phase because of the excretion of 131I-Hippuran into the collecting system (Fig. 20-13).

FIG. 20-12. A: Normal perfusion scan of aorta and kidneys, also showing spleen and lung bases, at 3 seconds per frame. B: Immediate static image from 99mTc-DTPA scan. C: Static image at 10 minutes from 99mTc-DTPA scan. Note excretion into collecting systems ( arrows).

FIG. 20-13. A: Gamma camera scans of 131I-Hippuran renogram. B: Normal time-activity curve for


I-Hippuran (x axis represents minutes).

Anomalies of the kidney and ureter result from errors in development. The kidneys arise from a mass of renal mesenchyme at the upper end of the ureteral buds, which in turn rise from the lower end of the mesonephric (wolffian) ducts. The mesonephron is the excretory organ lower in the phylogenetic scale, and in the human it functions for a short time in early embryologic development before becoming part of the male genital system. The ureteral buds grow dorsally, lying close together as the renal mesenchyme differentiates. Each bud bifurcates into an upper and lower sprout to form the major calyces. The ureter is anterior to the kidney as the latter ascends from the upper sacral area to its position in the lower-thoracicupper-lumbar region. As it ascends, the kidney rotates to bring it lateral to the ureter in the midlumbar region. The renal blood supply is attained after the kidney reaches its normal adult position. The lower end of the ureter loses its relation to the wolffian duct and opens into the bladder in a higher and more lateral position. The wolffian duct migrates distally, and its orifices are eventually situated in the distal portion of

the floor of the prostatic urethra to become the ejaculatory ducts in the male. The orifices of the wolffian duct become vestigial structures in the female. Anomalies in Number Renal Agenesis (Single Kidney) The occurrence of a single kidney is a rare anomaly. Care must be taken when making a radiographic diagnosis of unilateral renal agenesis, because a contralateral nonfunctioning or malpositioned kidney may not be readily visible. The single kidney tends to be larger in patients with agenesis of one kidney than in patients with secondary compensatory renal hypertrophy. Radiographic signs are an absence of a renal shadow on one side with an unusually large kidney on the other side. The trigone is usually deformed, with the ureteral orifice missing on the involved side, so that cystoscopy may confirm the diagnosis. At times, however, a portion of the lower ureter may be present in renal agenesis; in these cases, the trigone may have no deformity. Angiography confirms the absence of the renal artery, but renal venography is said to be more reliable than arteriography in making the diagnosis of renal agenesis. Other anomalies, such as congenital heart disease and a neuromuscular deficit accompanied by a small pelvic outlet, sacral agenesis, and bladder hypoplasia (caudal regression), may be associated with renal agenesis. With the advent of CT, MRI, and ultrasonography, the diagnosis of renal agenesis has become much easier, and angiography is no longer routinely used. Supernumerary Kidney Supernumerary kidney is a rare anomaly. The usual finding is that the anomalous kidney is small and rudimentary, and the other kidney on the same side is often smaller than the normal kidney on the opposite side. Demonstration of the presence of a separate pelvis, ureter, and blood supply is necessary to make the diagnosis. EXU can be used to outline the collecting system of the supernumerary kidney if it is functioning. Aortography can show the blood supply if that is necessary to confirm the diagnosis. CT, MRI, and ultrasonography are less invasive and may be helpful. Anomalies in Size and Form Hypoplasia Anomalies of renal size and form are more common than anomalies in number. Hypoplasia on one side is usually associated with hyperplasia on the other. The hypoplastic or infantile kidney functions normally and can be seen on EXU. It must be differentiated from the acquired atrophic kidney, which is small and contracted because of vascular or inflammatory disease. In congenital hypoplasia, the calyceal system and pelvis are small, and there is a normal relation between the amount of parenchyma and the size of the collecting system ( Fig. 20-14). In the secondarily contracted kidney the pelvis and calyces tend to be normal in size, so the decrease in renal size is caused by a parenchymal deficit. Furthermore, the function of the kidney in the latter case tends to be impaired. Despite these differences, it is often very difficult to distinguish between the two conditions without the use of renal arteriography. The size of the orifice of the renal artery is important: in hypoplasia it is small, and in an atrophic kidney it is normal but may taper to a very small size near the orifice.

FIG. 20-14. Hypoplasia of right kidney. Note the marked difference in size of the two kidneys. Function is present in the right kidney despite its small size; its limits outlined (arrows).

Hyperplasia The other anomaly in size, hyperplasia, is associated with agenesis or hypoplasia on the opposite side. Enlargement of the kidney is usually caused by conditions other than agenesis or hypoplasia, however, and it is then more properly termed compensatory hypertrophy. Several disorders can cause renal enlargement; these include obstructive hydronephrosis, polycystic disease, other cystic or dysplastic disorders, neoplasm, renal vein thrombosis, acute infection, Waldenstrm's macroglobulinemia, hemophilia, acute arterial infarction, and duplication of the renal pelvis. 76 Often the enlargement is bilateral, however, and there are clinical, laboratory, and urographic findings that help to make the differentiation. Conditions that characteristically cause bilateral renal enlargement include (1) acute glomerulonephritis, (2) lymphoma, (3) leukemia in children, (4) systemic lupus erythematosus, (5) polycystic disease, (6) bilateral renal vein thrombosis, (7) amyloidosis, (8) sarcoidosis, (9) sickle cell disease, (10) lipoid nephrosis, (11) lobular glomerulonephritis, (12) glycogen storage disease, (13) hereditary tyrosinemia, and (14) total lipodystrophy. Fusion Anomalies Fusion anomalies represent an alteration in form of the kidneys and can often be recognized or at least suspected on plain roentgenograms of the abdomen. CT provides more complete information about these anomalies than does EXU. Ultrasonography likewise provides better assessment of the renal parenchyma. Horseshoe Kidney The horseshoe kidney is the most common type of fusion anomaly. In this condition, the lower poles of the kidney are joined by a band of soft tissue, the isthmus, which varies from a thick parenchymatous mass as wide as the kidneys themselves to a thin, string-like band of fibrous tissue. The upper poles are rarely involved. The long axis of the kidney is reversed in this anomaly, so that the lower pole is nearer the midline than the upper. There is also an associated rotation anomaly on one or both sides that varies in degree, usually more on the left. The calyces are directed backward or posteromedially rather than laterally. As a result they are seen on end or obliquely, which alters their appearance considerably ( Fig. 20-15A). The ureters tend to be somewhat stretched over the isthmus, and partial obstruction on one or both sides is not unusual. This leads to dilatation of the pelvis and calyces and may also lead to chronic inflammatory disease and the formation of calculi. The roentgenographic diagnostic features on plain film are (1) alteration in the axis of the kidneys, (2) mass observed connecting the lower poles, (3) renal enlargement if present, and (4) calculi if present. Urography confirms these findings; in addition, the following are present: (1) malrotation, with the pelves anterior or anterolateral in position; (2) nephrographic demonstration of the parenchymal isthmus connecting the lower poles (if present); (3) often, varying degrees of dilatation of the collecting system on one or both sides; (4) possible nonfunction of one kidney because of massive obstructive hydronephrosis; (5) possible partial obstruction of both kidneys, usually at or near the UPJ; and (6) upper ureteral displacement, which varies with the amount of malrotation. These findings are often particularly striking on CT ( Fig. 20-15B) or MRI. Horseshoe kidneys are frequently supplied by multiple arteries, and the isthmus is often supplied by anomalous branches of the common iliac artery on one or both sides. Complications of horseshoe kidneys are common and include UPJ obstruction, stones, Wilms' tumors in children, and susceptibility to trauma.

FIG. 20-15. Horseshoe kidney. A: Note the reversal of the long axis of the kidneys. Rotation anomaly is present. The fusion inferiorly is faintly visualized on this reproduction. B: Enhanced computed tomogram in a separate patient shows isthmus crossing the midline.

Crossed Ectopy Crossed fused ectopy is an anomaly of form that is much less common than the horseshoe kidney. It consists of fusion of the kidneys on the same side; the lower one is ectopic and its ureter crosses the midline to enter the bladder normally on the opposite side. Both kidneys are often lower in position than normal, and various rotation anomalies as well as a wide variation in shape and type of fusion are noted. This anomaly is also frequently associated with partial obstruction, which results in inflammation and often in calculus formation. The pancake kidney is a variation in which there is fusion of both upper and lower poles, with failure of rotation, and the calyces are directed posteriorly. The renal mass lies in or near the midline and is low in position, often overlying the sacrum. The ureters enter the bladder normally. Several descriptive terms have been applied to other rare forms of fusion. All these forms tend to result in obstruction, which is turn causes hydronephrosis, infection, and calculus formation. These ectopic kidneys usually have an aberrant blood supply, often with multiple arteries. Extrarenal calyces occur rarely if the portion of the ureteric bud fails to invaginate the ectopic nephrogenic mass. The extrarenal calyx is large, probably because there is no supporting parenchyma, and mimics the blunt calyx resulting from obstruction or infection. CT and ultrasonography usually are more informative than urography. Anomalies in Position Anomalies of renal position are common. Malrotation has been described as being almost constantly present in fusion anomalies, but it also occurs as a single anomaly (Fig. 20-16). It results from incomplete or excessive rotation, and urographic study indicates the degree of anomaly. Rotation anomalies are usually of little clinical significance unless they are associated with obstruction, but it is important to recognize these as innocuous anatomic variations that do not produce symptoms. Retroperitoneal tumor masses may displace the kidneys and produce an alteration in rotation that must be differentiated from congenital rotation anomalies. Crossed ectopy can occur without fusion, and the findings are similar to those described in the preceding section except for the lack of fusion. The ectopic kidney is lower than the normal one in position and is usually described as a sacral or pelvic kidney, depending on its position. Failure to visualize the kidney in its normal position should lead one to suspect ectopy and to look for it, because agenesis of a kidney is rare. In many instances the kidney can be visualized only when contrast material outlines it, so that CT, EXU, radionuclide scanning, or retrograde pyelography may be necessary to indicate its position. A simple way to assess ectopic kidneys is by ultrasonography; however, overlying bowel gas may obscure visualization of renal parenchyma. If it is nonfunctioning, aortography may be used to identify the aberrant artery (or arteries) to a pelvic kidney, which may or may not appear as a pelvic mass on plain film. The pelvic mass representing an ectopic kidney may be discovered on study of the small bowel or colon as an extrinsic mass displacing bowel. Characteristically, the ureter of an ectopic kidney is only long enough to reach from the renal pelvis to the bladder, and this aids in distinguishing displacement of a normal kidney downward from development of the kidney in an abnormally low position. Superior ectopia of the kidney (intrathoracic kidney) is probably more common than reports in the literature would indicate. The possibility of intrathoracic kidney should be considered in the differential diagnosis of masses of appropriate size projecting into the posterior thora x from below the diaphragm. An intrathoracic kidney is usually unilateral. It may be associated with herniation through the foramen of Bochdalek or a congenital eventration of the diaphragm posteriorly. EXU or ultrasonography readily identifies the position of the kidney in these cases.

FIG. 20-16. Ectopic and malrotated right kidney. The calyces are dilated in comparison with those in the normal left kidney.

Nephroptosis is the term applied to downward displacement and more mobility of the kidney than usual. It is of doubtful clinical significance because obstruction ordinarily is not produced and surgical intervention is rarely, if ever, indicated. Roentgenographic demonstration of this condition can be accomplished by obtaining an additional exposure during urography with the patient in an upright position. Other Renal Anomalies Aberrant Papilla Aberrant papilla occurs occasionally. The papilla projects directly into the lumen of the infundibulum as a smooth, conical mass that appears round or oval when viewed en face. It bears no resemblance to a minor calyx in which a normal papilla projects. Other anomalies include multiple papillae entering a single calyx, which may simulate a blood clot or nonopaque stone. 16 Megacalyces The term megacalyces describes an anomaly consisting of enlargement of calyces in one or both kidneys associated with underdeveloped renal pyramids. There is no evidence of obstruction, and function is normal. Because of calyceal size, there may be stasis with a tendency for stone formation, which may result in infection that can alter the urographic findings. 180 Benign Cortical Nodule Cortical nodules are a normal variation resulting from the presence of more cortical tissue than usual in a portion of the kidney. Based on location, there are three types of cortical nodules: subcapsular, hilar lip, and septa of Bertin. The patterns of urographic appearance of cortical nodules have been described by Thornbury and colleagues 185 based on the elegant anatomic correlation done by Hodson. When the question of the differential diagnosis (cyst, tumor, or cortical nodule) is raised on EXU, ultrasonography is the most direct way to resolve the question if simple cyst is the most likely diagnosis. If tumor or cortical nodule seems more likely, CT

examination of the kidney usually provides the most definitive information to distinguish tumor from normal variant. A focal prominence of one or more columns of Bertin can mimic a mass lesion caused by a tumor or inflammation. However, it has a fairly easily recognized roentgenographic appearance in most cases. 185 It is caused by a variant of normal renal development in which there is more cortical tissue in an area than usual. Depending on its location this cortical nodule can distort the adjacent calyces and the adjacent surface of the kidney. Solitary Renal Calyx A solitary renal calyx is an extremely rare anomaly in which one or both kidneys have a single calyx that drains the entire kidney into a somewhat bulbous tube that represents the pelvis. Kidneys in several other mammals have a solitary calyx. This anomaly does not necessarily indicate renal disease, but other congenital anomalies may be associated with it. Anomalies of the Renal Pelvis and Ureter Ureteropelvic Junction Anomalies UPJ dysfunction or obstruction, the most common congenital anomaly of the urinary tract and the most common cause of neonatal hydronephrosis, is usually bilateral but not always symmetrical. The left side is often more severely involved than the right. The amount of hydronephrosis depends on the severity of obstruction. In the neonate, marked obstruction may be the cause of massive unilateral or bilateral renal enlargement. There is some controversy as to the cause of this anomaly. Most cases appear to result from of an intrinsic wall abnormality that is functional rather than anatomic. The peristaltic wave may fail to pass normally across the abnormal area. Occasionally the cause may be an extrinsic abnormality such as an aberrant vessel or band of fibrous tissue, either of which may angulate the ureter and tend to hold it in place while the pelvis dilates. Rarely, an intrinsic mucosal fold or web may be present. 1 If infection occurs, secondary fibrosis may aggravate the condition. Urographic findings vary with the severity of the condition. Caliectasis and pyelectasis are observed, along with a somewhat rectangular extrarenal type of pelvis that is rather characteristic. Often the UPJ is not dependent as in the normal individual, so the insertion of the ureter is high and posterior. Diuretic-influenced radionuclide study often helps determine whether the ureteropelvic narrowing is functionally significant. 190 It is important to carefully examine the contralateral kidney when a UPJ obstruction is diagnosed, because of the strong association with other renal anomalies. Duplication of the Pelvis and Ureter Incomplete double ureter is formed when the renal bud divides too early or the division extends into the ureter. length of major upper- and lower-pole calyces to duplication of the ureter for most of its length.

The division varies from an exaggeration of the

Complete duplication of the ureter can also occur. Each ureter has its own vesical orifice; the upper ureter usually drains the upper third of the kidney, whereas the ureter that drains the lower pelvis drains the lower two thirds of the kidney ( Fig. 20-17). The ureter that drains the upper pole is ventral to the lower one but crosses over and empties into the bladder into a ureterocele in a lower, more medial ectopic location (Weigert-Meyer rule); when one of the ureters empties in an extravesical location, it is the one that drains the upper renal pelvis. The upper pole moiety is prone to obstruction at the ureterovesical junction and may be associated with an ectopic ureterocele. The lower pole moiety in a duplicated system is prone to vesicoureteral reflux caused by distortion of the orthotopically located ureteral orifice.

FIG. 20-17. Duplication of the pelvis and ureter. The upper pelvis drains the upper pole of the kidney, whereas the lower pelvis drains the central portion of the kidney as well as the lower pole.

These anomalies of the pelvis and ureter may be unilateral or bilateral, with a tendency to be asymmetrical. Multiple budding occasionally results in multiple short upper pelves and ureters that are extrarenal in type. In this anomaly, each of several major calyces has its own pelvis and upper ureter, which usually joins with the others to form a common lower ureter. It is not uncommon for half of a double ureter to be obstructed. The radiographic findings of ureteral duplication are varied depending on the degree of obstruction and reflux that are present. If both ureters fill with contrast material, the diagnosis is usually simple. Commonly, however, the upper pole becomes obstructed and enlarged, and a nonfunctioning upper pole renal mass effect is the result. The lower opacified calyces may be displaced by the large upper pole mass (drooping lily sign). There may also be some rotation of the kidney, the amount depending on the size of the mass. If the mass is very large, the entire kidney and upper ureter may be displaced laterally. Calculi may occur in the obstructed or infected upper pole. When obstruction and infection result in nonfunctioning of the upper pole, the roentgenographic findings are varied. If there is a nonobstructive inflammatory lesion resulting in nonfunction, the findings are those of a calyceal system that drains only the central and lower pole of the kidney, so the calyces are fewer than normal in number and the most superior calyx does not extend into the upper pole of the kidney. To make this determination, one must obtain clear visualization of the outline of the upper pole. Anomalies in Position of Ureteral Orifice There are several possible anomalies in position of the ureteral orifice. This variation is usually better studied by cystoscopy than by radiographic means. In the male, the ureter may open into the seminal vesicles, the vas deferens, the ejaculatory duct, or the posterior urethra. In the female, the abnormal ureter may open into the urethra; beneath the urethral orifice near the hymen; or into the lateral vulvar wall, the uterus, the vagina, or, rarely, the rectum. Although ectopic ureteral insertion is present in all patients with ureteral duplication, it also occurs in patients with a single ureter. The sites, symptoms, and radiographic findings are similar except that there is no duplication. Ectopic ureteral insertion usually is associated with urinary incontinence in females resulting from insertion of the ureteral orifice below the urinary sphincteric mechanism. This is not the case with males because of the insertion of the ureteral orifice above the urinary sphincter. However, ectopic insertion in boys can cause urinary tract infection or prostatitis at a young age. Ureteral Jet Phenomenon The ureteral jet phenomenon can be seen on CT or IVP and is caused by a jet of opaque medium propelled by ureteral peristalsis, which may occasionally extend across the base of the bladder to the opposite side. The jet maintains the caliber of the ureter and simulates an anomalous ureter that opens on the opposite side of

the trigone (Fig. 20-18). When present, it excludes the possibility of significant vesicoureteral reflux or ureteral obstruction. 99 If there is a question about the cause of an apparent anomaly, another film will reveal a normal lower ureter in these patients. It is also possible to visualize a ureteral jet on color Doppler ultrasound examination of the bladder. Some authors believe that presence of a ureteral jet excludes functionally significant ureteral obstruction. 45

FIG. 20-18. Ureteral jet phenomenon. Note the apparent extension of the ureter across the midline. Cystoscopy revealed a normal position of the ureteral orifice on the left.

Retrocaval Ureter Postcaval or retrocaval ureter is limited to the right side except in situs inversus. It is caused by failure of the right subcardinal vein to atrophy and its persistence as the adult vena cava. Normally, the right supracardinal vein persists as the vena cava. The abnormal relationship may cause partial obstruction, leading to hydronephrosis, infection, and calculus formation. The ureter passes to the left, behind the inferior vena cava, then turns toward the right and courses downward in its normal position. In some cases there is redundancy of the ureter proximally, so that an S-type, fish-hook, or inverted J-type of deformity is produced. The site of narrowing or obstruction, if present, is proximal to the vena cava and at the lateral edge of the psoas, and it is caused by the pressure of the retroperitoneal fascia over the muscle. In other cases of retrocaval ureter with no redundancy, obstruction is less common and, when present, coincides with the lateral margin of the inferior vena cava. The diagnosis can usually be made on urography. In addition to the abnormal course of the right ureter in the frontal projection, its posterior position in the lateral view can be observed. The diagnosis can be confirmed by inferior vena cavography with an opaque catheter in the ureter but is more easily demonstrated by CT. The medial swing is usually maximum at L4-L5 and occasionally as high as L3. There may be partial obstruction at the level of the lateral wall of the vena cava. Medial deviation of the ureter (medial to the vertebral pedicles) may also be related to psoas muscle prominence associated with a narrow pelvic inlet. Retroperitoneal fibrosis and abdominal aortic aneurysm may also cause medial deviation. The deviations in the retroperitoneal fibrosis are bilateral, and there is no S- or J-shaped redundancy. Retroperitoneal masses (e.g., lymphoma) with ureteral displacement must also be differentiated, and CT is particularly helpful for this determination. Ureterocele There are two types of ureterocele, simple and ectopic. 189 The simple ureterocele consists of an intravesical dilatation of the ureter immediately proximal to its orifice in the bladder. It usually results from a combination of ureteral orifice stenosis and a deficiency in the connective tissue attachment of the ureter to the bladder. It varies in size from a scarcely perceptible dilatation to one that is moderately large and resembles a cobra head (or spring onion) in shape. There may be partial obstruction resulting in ureterectasis. In general, the simple ureterocele is smaller than the ectopic ureterocele. It occurs with equal frequency in males and females and is usually discovered incidentally. A calculus in the intramural portion of the ureter may produce dilatation simulating ureterocele, but the calculus produces pain and is usually visible on plain films. A tumor of the bladder, either primary or secondary, may also cause dilatation simulating simple ureterocele, a so-called pseudoureterocele. The ectopic type of ureterocele is usually discovered in childhood and is much more common in girls (6:1 or 7:1) than in boys. It is more likely to be associated with severe hydronephrosis, ureterectasis, or infection than the simple type. Both types tend to occur in the presence of duplication of the ureter; the ectopic type is almost always associated with this anomaly. The ectopic ureterocele consists of the submucosal passage of the distal portion of the involved ureter within the vesical wall to terminate in the urethra rather than in the bladder, as in the simple type. The submucosal portion of the ureter dilates and bulges anteromedially into the bladder to form the ureterocele. It may prolapse through the urethra to form a vulvar cyst, and it usually extends posteriorly to the vesical neck and proximal urethra. It invariably involves the ureter from the upper pole of the kidney ( Fig. 20-19).

FIG. 20-19. Ectopic ureterocele. A: Note the large, rounded mass encroaching on the bladder, chiefly on the left side. The collecting system on the left drains the lower left kidney. B: Retrograde pyelogram in which a ureteral orifice in the normal position was catheterized shows drainage of the lower kidney. The ectopic ureter draining into the ureterocele could not be catheterized. It drained the upper pole in the left kidney and was obstructed so that no function was present at the time of the urogram. C: Upper pole of the kidney on the left ( arrows).

The roentgenographic appearance of the simple type depends on whether the opaque medium fills the ureterocele. If it is filled, the lesion is outlined by a radiolucent wall that stands out in contrast to the filled bladder and to the filled, dilated, distal ureter. When the ureterocele is not filled with opaque material, it appears as a radiolucent mass within the opacified bladder in the region of the ureteral orifice. The shape may be somewhat fusiform with a narrow lower end resembling a cobra's head, but the larger ones tend to be more rounded in shape. When a calculus is present in the ureterocele, it is noted to lie on one side of the midline and remains there despite changes in the patient's position. Ectopic ureteroceles are larger than the simple ones and often extend to the anterior bladder wall when viewed in the lateral projection. The contact with the floor of the bladder is broad and extends to the internal urethral orifice. Obstruction of the other ureter is frequent, and the extravesical portion may distort the bladder. Several conditions can simulate ectopic ureterocele. These include hydrometrocolpos and cyst of the seminal vesicle produced when an ectopic ureter inserts into the seminal vesicle. The condition is less common in males than in females, but in males the incidence of infection is higher, the malformation is more complex, and the frequency of a single collecting system is greater. Eversion is also more common in males, and the tendency to prolapse into the posterior urethra, causing bladder outlet obstruction, is greater. EXU is the roentgenographic method of choice in diagnosis of ureterocele. An eccentric mass encroaching on the bladder floor in a patient with duplication of the

ureter is virtually pathognomonic. There is an acquired condition, called a pseudoureterocele, that simulates a simple ureterocele. 187 It is usually encountered on EXU. The contrast-delineated distal ureter simulates a simple ureterocele. On closer inspection, however, this dilatation usually is slightly asymmetrical. There may even be a very small eccentric beaked appearance of the tip of the contrast column in the ureter. It is important to distinguish a pseudoureterocele from a true ureterocele, because the pseudoureterocele may be the first indication of a neoplasm. Usually this is a transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder or invasion of the trigone area by carcinoma of the cervix. Benign conditions can also cause a similar appearance and include fibrosis of the ureteral orifice secondary to transient impaction of a ureteral calculus or injury from previous transurethral resection of bladder pathology. Cystoscopy and re-examination of the patient after discovery of the pseudoureterocele usually reveal its cause. Ureteral Diverticula A single ureteral diverticulum is probably a congenital anomaly and may represent a dilated rudimentary branched ureter. 38 When the diverticulum is filled with contrast medium, the diagnosis is easily made because the appearance is similar to that of a diverticulum elsewhere. Some of these diverticula have the appearance of a blind-end duplication without much dilatation and almost certainly are rudimentary or partially duplicated ureters. They are best demonstrated by retrograde pyelography but may be apparent on EXU. Most authorities believe that multiple diverticula are almost always acquired and are indicative of previous infection. They appear as ureteral outpouchings of various sizes and numbers with associated ureteral strictures, best seen on a retrograde pyelogram, but with good ureteral filling they may also be clearly defined on EXU. Importantly, ureteral diverticulosis is associated with an increased incidence of ureteral metaplasia and ureteral tumors. 33 Other Ureteral Anomalies Transverse Ureteral Folds. In infants, a corkscrew appearance may be demonstrated in the upper ureters on EXU. This appearance is caused by thin, transverse folds that represent inward projections of the full thickness of the ureteral wall. They appear as horizontal folds measuring about 1 mm in thickness on the urogram, probably represent persistence of fetal tortuousity of the ureter, are of no clinical significance, and represent a minor anatomic variant that occasionally persists into adolescence. Vertical Ureteropelvic Striations. The vertical striations occasionally observed in the pelvis and upper ureter usually are associated with reflux and are probably secondary to infection and mucosal edema. In rare instances, however, they appear to be a minor anatomic variant. They may be observed on EXU or retrograde pyelography. Ureteral Valves. A ureteral valve is a very unusual anomaly that is manifested by the following: (1) anatomically demonstrable transverse folds of ureteral mucosa containing bundles of smooth muscle fibers; (2) obstruction above the valve and a normal ureter below it; and (3) no other evidence of mechanical or functional obstruction. A ureteral valve is usually unilateral; it may be annular with a pinpoint opening, or it may be cusp-like in appearance. It may occur anywhere in the ureter, although it is slightly more common in the lower ureter than elsewhere. The cause of this anomaly is uncertain. 1 Patent Urachus and Urachal Cyst. The urachus represents the intra-abdominal remnant of the allantoic duct or caudal extension of it, which is continuous with the vesical portion of the urogenital sinus in embryologic development. Normally it constitutes the middle umbilical ligament. The allantois extends from the primitive urinary bladder through the umbilicus to the placenta. Four types of anomalies are possible: (1) complete patency (patent urachus), (2) patency at umbilical end or blind external type (urachal sinus), (3) patency at vesical end or blind internal type (urachal diverticulum), and (4) a urachal remnant that is obstructed at both ends (urachal cyst). Urachal prominence or urachal remnant is observed fairly often in patients with high intravesical pressure dating from birth or before birth. Examples are patients with myelomeningocele or posterior urethral valves. The blind external type and complete patency are usually recognized on inspection when the umbilical cord sloughs off but may be suspected earlier because of leakage of material from the umbilicus. Urachal cysts often go undetected unless they become infected, in which case the patient may present with fever, leukocytosis, and signs of sepsis ( Fig. 20-20). Long-term complications of urachal remnants include urachal carcinoma. This is an adenocarcinoma located at the dome of the bladder.

FIG. 20-20. Infected urachal cyst. A: Midline longitudinal view of the pelvis demonstrates a complex mass immediately superior to the bladder in a septic 18-month-old patient. B: Computed tomographic scan through the level of the umbilicus confirms the presence of a complex mass in the region of the urachus.

Roentgen visualization can be obtained by using contrast materials that can be injected into the umbilical end of the urachus. Cystography is needed to demonstrate the effect of a urachal cyst or patent urachus. The findings are those of a smooth-walled tubular structure lying in the anterior midline that extends into the plane of a line between the umbilicus and the bladder. The bladder may be distorted and elevated. The cyst may extend from the bladder to the umbilicus or end blindly when it begins at either end. When a cyst of the urachus is present without internal or external communication, roentgenographic findings depend on its size. If large, it may be noted as a midline, soft-tissue mass lying between the bladder and the umbilicus in the anterior abdominal wall. Gas-filled small intestine may be displaced, and study of the small bowel by means of barium meal will show comparable displacement. Rarely, calculi may form in a patent urachus or urachal cyst. CT and ultrasonography provide more complete assessment of the extent of this urachal anomaly. 101


Regardless of its cause, chronic obstruction of the urinary tract leads to hydronephrosis, which is dilatation of the pelvis and calyces with potential progressive destruction of renal parenchyma. The terms pyelectasis, caliectasis, ureterectasis, and hydroureter are more accurate in designating the location of the dilatation. The obstruction that produces hydronephrosis may be unilateral or bilateral, depending on the site of the lesion producing it. Unilateral obstruction is caused by a lesion at or above the ureterovesical junction, whereas bilateral obstruction may be caused by a lesion distal to that point. Enlargement of the urinary collecting system, including pelves, calyces, ureters, and bladder, may also result from causes other than obstruction. Nonobstructive Hydronephrosis (Urinary Stasis) Several nonobstructive conditions can cause dilatation of the renal pelvis, calyces, and ureters. Diabetes insipidus may be associated with relatively moderate hydronephrosis. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus tends to cause more severe dilatation, often with tortuousity of the ureters in addition to the dilatation. In this condition there is a tubular abnormality with insufficient absorption of water, leading to a large volume of hypotonic urine. 125 Urinary tract infection tends to cause segmental or generalized dilatation of the ureter, with poor or reversed peristalsis leading to pyelectasis and caliectasis. This may be augmented by vesicoureteral reflux, which is commonly found in association with urinary infections. The changes may decrease or disappear after the infection is successfully treated. Dilatation with stasis in the absence of urinary tract abnormality may also be caused by intra-abdominal inflammatory disease such as appendicitis or peritonitis, a finding similar to that of adynamic ileus involving the gut in patients with peritonitis. Excessive fluid intake (overhydration) may cause some dilatation. A variety of neurologic disorders are also associated with dilatation without obstruction. An adynamic, short segment of upper ureter can cause some dilatation of the pelves and calyces;

this appears on a urogram as a short, narrow ureteral segment with dilatation above it. Congenital Hydronephrosis Congenital hydronephrosis is the most common cause of an abdominal mass in neonates. It is caused by a variety of lesions. Because many of these can be found in combination with other genitourinary anomalies, discovery of one anomaly should prompt close examination of the remainder of the genitourinary tract. The most common cause of congenital hydronephrosis is usually an obstruction at the UPJ. However, vesicoureteral reflux, congenital ureteroceles with obstruction, urethral valves, congenital strictures, and bands also are known causes of hydronephrosis. In addition, there are instances of congenital hydronephrosis in which the cause is obscure; many of these are neurogenic in that they are associated with lesions of the spinal cord and with congenital megacolon. The dilatation is usually bilaterally symmetrical in patients with congenital megacolon. Therefore, congenital abnormalities may result in either obstructive or nonobstructive uropathy. In neonates, ascites at birth may indicate obstructive uropathy, often secondary to posterior urethral valves, but a variety of lesions may cause the obstruction. 69 Obstruction of the bladder outlet, ureteral atresia, presacral neuroblastoma, complex caudal anomalies including urethral and anorectal atresia, ureterocele, vesical neck valve, and myelomeningocele have also been reported as rare causes of neonatal ascites secondary to obstructive uropathy. If congenital hydronephrosis is severe, oligohydramnios may develop. This can lead to pulmonary hypoplasia, which may cause death depending on the severity. Mechanical ventilation can lead to pneumothorax or pulmonary interstitial emphysema (PIE) because of the elevated ventilatory pressures required to provide sufficient gas exchange. Rarely, UPJ obstruction may produce intermittent hydronephrosis related to overhydration in patients who have an extrarenal-type pelvis. In patients with symptoms of intermittent hydronephrosis, urography at the time of acute dilation after overhydration may confirm the diagnosis. As indicated previously, duplication with ectopic ureteral insertion into the urethra often results in hydronephrosis of the upper collecting system. This is a congenital anomaly, but acquired disease such as infection may be the major presenting sign when obstruction is observed in the adult. Rarely, there is lower-pole hydronephrosis in a duplicated kidney. Acquired Hydronephrosis (Obstructive Uropathy) Acquired hydronephrosis is caused by a variety of lesions, among which are tumors, calculi, strictures, radiation therapy, operative procedures, and prostatic enlargement. UPJ obstruction is the most common type of bilateral obstruction above the bladder. It may be asymmetrical. Congenital narrowing appears to be the most common cause of the obstruction. Pregnancy in the third trimester is often associated with hydronephrosis that tends to be more severe on the right than on the left. Ureters are dilated to the pelvic brim. The most likely cause is mechanical pressure from the enlarging uterus. Hydrocolpos and hydrometrocolpos also tend to cause ureteral obstruction. Abdominal aortic aneurysm may compress the ureter, or retroperitoneal bleeding (associated with aneurysm) may cause fibrosis leading to ureteral stricture and hydronephrosis. Granulomatous (Crohn's) disease of the small intestine or colon occasionally causes distal ureteral obstruction or ureterointestinal fistulae. There are all degrees of dilatation, and progression of the changes can be noted on serial examinations if the obstruction is not relieved. Imaging Findings Ultrasound is considered the test of first choice to evaluate patients with suspected hydronephrosis. Ultrasound is particularly sensitive to small amounts of fluid and therefore is well suited to detection of a dilated collecting system. Hydronephrosis is graded at ultrasound as mild, moderate, or severe depending on the morphologic findings, which may not parallel the degree of obstruction or the functional significance. A potential pitfall in the ultrasound diagnosis of hydronephrosis is the parapelvic cysts that may surround a nondilated renal pelvis. A contrast-enhanced study such as IVP or CT can confirm the presence of parapelvic cysts if necessary. Although controversial, work with Doppler ultrasound shows potential to be used to diagnose early renal obstruction. 151,191 Work by Platt and colleagues 151 calculated the resistive index (RI), which is equal to the peak systolic frequency shift minus the minimum diastolic frequency shift, divided by the peak systolic frequency shift. RIs higher than 0.70, or an elevation of 0.10 above the asymptomatic side, are suggestive of acute renal obstruction. CT often yields more specific information than urography as to the cause of obstruction, particularly when the cause is extraureteral (e.g., metastatic tumor). The earliest urographic change in hydronephrosis is a flattening of the normal concavity of the calyx and a blunting of the sharp peripheral angle produced by the papilla as it juts into the calyx. This early change is reversible and is readily produced by a small increase in pressure. The blunting of calyces found in early hydronephrosis is accompanied by a decrease in the rate of contrast material accumulating in the collecting system. Tomograms obtained immediately after injection of contrast material demonstrate an asymmetrical delay of caliceal opacification on the partially obstructed side. As the obstruction becomes higher grade or more prolonged, the pelvis enlarges gradually, but pelvic and calyceal dilatation are not necessarily parallel. The next calyceal change is that of clubbing, in which the concavity produced by the papilla is reversed ( Fig. 20-21 and Fig. 20-22). Calyces then gradually enlarge, with progressive destruction of parenchyma and enlargement of the collecting system. A prolonged and increasingly dense nephrogram is also quite characteristic of acute renal obstruction. Prolonged, high-grade obstruction eventually causes marked collecting system dilatation, until the kidney becomes a nonfunctioning hydronephrotic sac in which the normal anatomy is obliterated (Fig. 20-23).

FIG. 20-21. Minimal bilateral hydronephrosis. The pelves are not enlarged, but there is a little blunting of the calyces. Note the minimal pyelolymphatic backflow on the right (arrow).

FIG. 20-22. Bilateral hydronephrosis showing the value of delayed films. A: Intravenous urogram, obtained 15 minutes after injection of a contrast agent, shows dilatation of pelves and calyces with no definite ureteral opacification. B: This film, exposed 90 minutes after injection of the medium, shows dilatation of ureters extending down to stricture-like narrowing, which is a little higher on the right than on the left.

FIG. 20-23. Massive hydronephrosis in a child. The greatly dilated pelvis is opacified. It almost fills the entire left abdominal cavity. Physical findings were those of a large, somewhat fluctuant abdominal mass on the left.

Occasionally, acute obstruction leads to rupture of the collecting system, usually at a calyceal fornix. Extravasation of urine into the retroperitoneum occurs and can track along the psoas muscles. These patients do well clinically if the obstruction is promptly removed. Long-standing obstruction and urine leakage can lead to sizable urine collections (urinomas), which may require percutaneous or surgical drainage, particularly if complicated by superimposed infection. Renal function may be greatly diminished in severe hydronephrosis, and there is accumulation of opaque material in the parenchyma adjacent to the grossly dilated calyces. This forms crescentic areas of faint opacification, termed the crescent sign of hydronephrosis (Fig. 20-24). Later there may be faint opacification of the calcyces themselves. Infection can be a complicating factor; it tends to accelerate parenchymal destruction and cause signs and symptoms of sepsis. An obstructed, prefilled collecting system is a true medical emergency requiring rapid decompression, usually by a percutaneous nephrostomy tube. Radiographically, infection produces more irregularity in the dilated calyces than is seen in uncomplicated hydronephrosis. Also there may be bleeding with clots in the dilated collecting system, which may resemble intrapelvic tumor. Ultrasound may show echogenic material in a dilated collecting system, and CT images may also demonstrate material in the collecting system as well as a thick-walled renal pelvis.

FIG. 20-24. Crescent sign of hydronephrosis. A: Selective left renal arteriogram shows grossly stretched, narrow vessels with very few branches. Note the vessels stretched over the large renal pelvis medially. B: Later film shows the crescent sign caused by opacification in the thin rim of remaining renal tissue. Surgical removal confirmed the diagnosis of severe hydronephrosis. (Courtesy of Thomas L. Carter, M.D., and Richard Logan, M.D.)

In the evaluation of patients with dilatation of the pelvis and calyces, particularly children, it is important that the bladder be emptied before the urogram is obtained. A distended bladder may result in a false appearance of hydronephrosis. 13 When the bladder is empty, the hydronephrosis disappears. This finding is also seen during ultrasound examinations of the kidneys, and therefore the bladder should be empty before the diagnosis of hydronephrosis is made. Vesicoureteral reflux may accentuate the dilatation of the upper urinary tract in these patients, but it does not appear to be the major cause. When severe obstruction persists, there is usually increasing hydronephrosis, with so-called hydronephrotic atrophy resulting in loss of renal parenchyma of varying degrees. In some instances, function returns after relatively long periods of obstruction, provided that a reasonable amount of renal parenchyma remains. A combination of obstruction and ischemia occasionally results in decreased renal size after the obstruction is relieved. Ultrasonography can be especially helpful when contrast material is not excreted by the kidney ( Fig. 20-25). Ultrasound is also useful in assessing the amount of renal parenchymal atrophy or scarring in long-standing cases of hydronephrosis.

FIG. 20-25. Hydronephrosis in a renal transplant. Sonogram shows the dilated pelvocalyceal system and proximal ureter. The small anechoic space adjacent to the kidney is the bladder.


It is thought that upper urinary tract calculi originate as Randall's plaques deep in the lining of the collecting ducts in the renal papillae. 186 These may detach and pass into the renal collecting system. Calculi may lodge in the pelvis, often in the region of the papillae and calyces. The calculi may remain within the pelvis and gradually increase in size to form a cast of the pelvis and calyces, representing a staghorn calculus ( Fig. 20-26). Multiple calculi may form within the calyceal system; they may be similar, or they may vary considerably in size. Urinary stasis and infection are important factors in promoting the formation of calculi, but the exact cause is not certain in many instances. Calculi tend to be asymptomatic until they cause obstruction. Then typical renal or ureteral colic symptoms are produced. About 90% of upper tract calculi contain enough calcium to be visualized on plain-film roentgenograms. Calcium phosphate, calcium oxalate, and magnesium ammonium phosphate (struvite) stones are the most common. Stones usually are composed of a mixture of chemical compounds; pure stones are relatively rare. Diamonium calcium phosphate and magnesium phosphate stones are uncommon. Cystine, urate, and xanthine stones are rare and often of low density.

FIG. 20-26. Staghorn calculi. Note the calcification forming a cast of the pelvis and calyces on each side. Renal function was so poor that very little additional density was observed on these urograms. The ureters are faintly opacified, however.

Matrix calculi are a combination of about two thirds mucoprotein and one third mucopolysaccharide; they are radiolucent and usually form in the presence of Proteus infection. This amorphous mucoprotein is present in stone formers, and, since it is not present in normal urine, it probably plays a role in the formation of renal calculi. Hyperparathyroidism and other conditions with hypercalcemia, including some that cause dissolution of bone, may also be associated with calculi. These include osteolytic metastases, leukemia, multiple myeloma, and sarcoidosis. Gout and other conditions associated with high serum uric acid and hyperuricosuria increase the incidence of uric acid stones. Hyperoxaluria, whatever the cause, also tends to promote formation of renal calculi. There is some evidence to indicate that calculi may also result from RAS; the vascular insufficiency may cause parenchymal injury leading to calculus formation. Roentgenographic Findings The roentgenographic findings are those of an opacity of varying size and shape overlying the urinary tract. Often the plain-film diagnosis is easily made, particularly when the calculus forms a cast of the pelvis or calyces or both. Subsequent EXU is often used for localization and to determine the condition of the calyceal system. Oblique views may be necessary in addition to frontal projections to localize a calculus definitively. Urography, ultrasound, or CT may be necessary to find radiolucent low-density calculi. These calculi appear as negative shadows displacing the opaque contrast medium. On CT, radiolucent stones are easily visible as dense masses (more than 80 Hounsfield units) in the urinary tract. Stones of all types are readily apparent on ultrasound provided they are of sufficient size (larger than 5 to 10 mm), depending on the frequency of the transducer, the location in the urinary tract, and the patient's body habitus. Ureteral calculi cause a well-defined, echogenic focus with posterior acoustic shadowing on ultrasound. Patients with renal or ureteral colic usually have delayed excretion by the involved kidney. With the acute obstruction produced by the passage of a ureteral stone, the intrapelvic pressure increases to the point at which there is decreased glomerular filtration of contrast material. Increasing density of the kidney (nephrogram) is caused by slowed flow of urine through the collecting ducts in the parenchyma, and ongoing obligatory tubular water resorption in the nephrons results in increasing concentration of opacified urine. 181 Eventually there usually is some opacification of the calyces, pelvis, and ureter. It is, therefore, important to obtain films until opacification is adequate to make the diagnosis. If the urogram shows a prolonged density on the involved side, it is likely that serial films exposed at 30-minute or progressively longer intervals will show enough opacification to localize the site of the obstructing ureteral calculus and confirm its presence within the ureter ( Fig. 20-27). Prone and upright films can also be obtained to aid in localizing the site of obstruction. Rarely, it may be necessary to do cystoscopy and place an opaque catheter. The calculus can be localized in relation to the ureteral catheter by means of frontal and oblique roentgenograms.

FIG. 20-27. Right ureteral calculus. A: Note the density (arrow) just above the right iliac crest in this right posterior oblique projection. B: Urogram shows slight dilatation of the ureter extending down to the site of the calculus. This roentgenogram was obtained at 90 minutes after intravenous injection of contrast material. Earlier films showed no excretion on the right side, demonstrating that delayed films were essential to confirm the diagnosis of ureteral calculus in this patient.

Nonenhanced helical CT urography is now more frequently used in the diagnosis of renal and ureteral calculi. This technique does not require use of intravenous or oral contrast material and is therefore quite rapid to perform. Signs of an obstructing ureteral calculus include an ipsilateral enlarged kidney with fluid and soft tissue stranding around it, an enlarged renal pelvis, a dilated ureter above the calculus, and a normal ureter below. In addition, direct visualization of a renal calculus is possible in more cases than with IVP, because of the superior contrast resolution of CT ( Fig. 20-28). Evidence suggests that CT may be superior to IVP for the detection of calculi that cause minimal degrees of ureteral obstruction. An additional advantage of CT urography is the ability to detect other causes of flank pain unrelated to urinary calculi. 172

FIG. 20-28. Radiolucent ureteral stone. A: Filling defect in left ureter ( arrow) was not visible before contrast enhancement. B: Computed tomographic scan through the level of the filling defect demonstrates a high-attenuation mass in the ureteral lumen, confirming the diagnosis of a radiolucent stone. The term radiolucent applies only to the plain radiographic appearance of these stones.

The most common lodging site for ureteral calculi is at or above the ureterovesical junction in the pelvic portion of the ureter. Occasionally a calculus is passed before the examination is completed and no obstruction is then visible. If the calculus has lodged at the ureterovesical junction for any length of time, it is not uncommon to note a localized radiolucent indentation on the bladder caused by edema of the trigone above the ureteral orifice, even though the calculus may have been passed.

Ureteral calculi are usually small in size (1 to 3 mm in diameter). In general, these small stones pass quickly down the ureter to lodge at or near the ureterovesical junction. The great majority of stones pass in 72 to 96 hours. 186 The stones tend to be parallel to the course of the ureter when they are oval or elongated. Most lie above a line drawn through the ischial spines. However, angulation of the roentgen-ray tube or alteration of position of the pelvis may project these calculi lower in position. Larger calculi are not as likely to leave the renal pelvis and become lodged in the ureter. Ureteral calculi tend to be round or oval in shape. If the calculus remains within the ureter for a long time, it may become elongated and increased in size from deposition of urinary sediment. Large stones found within the ureter usually have been present for a considerable period of time ( Fig. 20-29). In patients with acute colic caused by an obstructing ureteral calculus, urography may demonstrate the classic findings of hydronephrosis, as described previously. In addition, pyelointerstitial backflow may be seen. Occasionally, forniceal rupture can lead to urine extravasation and urinoma formation, as previously discussed.

FIG. 20-29. Multiple large ureteral calculi on the left. The ureteral catheter indicates the relationship of the calculi to the ureter. The bladder is outlined by air.

Differential Diagnosis Suspected renal or ureteral calculus must be differentiated from other calcifications that can occur in the renal areas and along the course of the ureters. CT urography is a simple method for separating the various abdominal calcifications, although conventional radiographs and IVP in combination can virtually always perform this function as well. Gallstones are usually multiple, tend to be faceted, and often exhibit typical concentric rings of calcium. Oblique roentgenograms show their anterior position. Common duct and cystic duct stones may be opaque, but they also lie anterior to the kidney and ureter. Calcification of costal cartilages is common and usually readily identified. Oblique projections show the relationships of such shadows to the anterior lower thoracic wall if there is any doubt about their nature. Calcified mesenteric nodes and calcifications in the appendices epiploicae usually move enough from one position to another to be differentiated from urinary calculi. The same is true of opaque material in the gastrointestinal tract. Pancreatic calculi usually conform to the shape and location of the pancreas and can be identified readily. Calcifications in cysts and tumors of the kidney and elsewhere in the abdomen also must be differentiated. The contour of the cyst wall usually can be identified, and when a calcified tumor is present, it is usually large enough to be visualized as a soft-tissue mass. Occasionally the lateral tip of a transverse process of one of the lumbar vertebrae is easily visible in comparison with the remainder of the process and resembles a ureteral calculus; close inspection suffices to make the differentiation. Vascular calcification, either in pelvic arteries or in veins (phleboliths), is generally the most difficult calcification to differentiate from ureteral calculi. Arterial calcification usually occurs along the course of a large artery and tends to be elongated and to outline the arterial walls, forming a ring-like density when seen in cross-section and parallel lines when seen in longitudinal section. Phleboliths often have a fairly typical appearance, with a radiolucent central area, and tend to be more rounded in contour than calculi; some have a central calcific nidus surrounded by a zone of lesser density, which in turn is surrounded by a denser periphery. Roentgenograms obtained in anteroposterior and oblique projections are often sufficient to exclude the possibility of urinary calculus as the cause for the density or densities present. If they are not conclusive, EXU with oblique and special views, including delayed roentgenograms or fluoroscopy, usually provides the diagnosis. If there still is doubt, CT urography, contrast-enhanced CT, or cystoscopy with introduction of a radiopaque catheter into the ureter usually solves the problem. The ureteral stone stays in relation to the contrast medium in the ureter in all projections. In any patient having symptoms suggestive of ureteral colic, importance should be attached to any calcific density, no matter how small, occurring along the course of the ureter, particularly if it is found in the distal part of the ureter. Conversely, in a patient with no symptoms suggestive of ureteral colic, small, rounded calcifications in the lateral aspect of the pelvis can usually be disregarded because they probably represent phleboliths. Occasionally, impacted ureteral calculi do not cause dilatation of the ureter or collecting system. 200 Renal Milk of Calcium The term milk of calcium refers to a suspension of fine sediment containing calcium that is observed most often in a calyceal diverticulum or hydrocalyx with little or no drainage or in a so-called pyelogenic or calyceal cyst. 135 Films exposed with the patient erect show a horizontal level, indicating that the calcium is in suspension. The appearance is similar to that observed in the milk-of-calcium gallbladder. Similar suspension of liquid or semisolid calcium has been observed in association with renal cysts. Rarely, it has been seen in association with hydronephrosis. On upright films, several levels of calcium are noted in calyces. Findings on plain films that suggest the diagnosis include (1) a somewhat peripheral location, compared with the central location of stones in the collecting system; (2) an unusually large area; (3) circular, or almost circular, configuration; (4) faint calcification, particularly in relation to size; (5) diminishing density toward the periphery; and (6) indistinct margins. When these findings suggest the possibility, an upright or decubitus film can be obtained to confirm the diagnosis. Nephrocalcinosis Nephrocalcinosis refers to multiple calcium deposits within the renal parenchyma. Two forms of nephrocalcinosis have been described: cortical and medullary. The cortical type, which is the more uncommon of these conditions, is associated with renal cortical necrosis. Causes of this rare condition include hypotension (often from obstetric complications), chronic renal transplant rejection, chronic glomerulonephritis, Alport's syndrome (chronic hereditary nephritis), and oxalosis. The common pathogenesis of all these conditions is renal disease in which calcium is precipitated in damaged renal cortical tissue. Blood calcium levels usually are normal. Imaging findings of renal cortical necrosis are best shown by CT and ultrasound, although the MRI findings have been described. In acute renal cortical necrosis, the renal cortex becomes abnormally hypodense or hypoechoic. During the healing phase, crescentic or stippled calcifications are deposited in the renal cortex. Medullary nephrocalcinosis is found in association with several diseases characterized by abnormally high concentrations of calcium or phosphorus which result in precipitation of calcium phosphate in healthy renal tissue. Primary hyperparathyroidism is the best example of this group, and nephrocalcinosis occurs in approximately 25% of patients with the disease. Renal lithiasis, however, is more common than nephrocalcinosis. When the latter occurs, tiny calcifications confined to the medulla are usually present, with occasional larger calcifications occurring in the renal pyramids. Hypercalciuria of undetermined cause, hyperchloremic acidosis, hypervitaminosis D, milk-alkali syndrome, sarcoidosis, renal tubular acidosis, hyperoxaluria, carcinoma metastatic to bone, regional enteritis with secondary enteric hyperoxaluria, and idiopathic hypercalcemia are other conditions producing this type of nephrocalcinosis. Medullary sponge kidney can also cause medullary nephrocalcinosis (see later discussion). Roentgenographic findings depend on the extent of calcification, which varies from faintly visible granular densities to stippled calcification in the renal papilla and cortex (Fig. 20-30). The findings are relatively rare, and there are many instances of histopathologically proven renal calcification in which the calcium cannot be visualized radiographically in the living subject. Films of good quality in the low-kilovoltage range (70 to 76 kVp), exposed before a contrast medium is given, are necessary to demonstrate small amounts of calcium. Coned views that include only the renal area, as well as oblique views, are often necessary to localize the calcium within the kidney. Tomography, CT, and ultrasound are also very helpful in demonstrating and localizing calcifications in the kidney. At times, calcification is seen on tomograms or CT when it is not visible on the plain film. This is particularly true of low-density stones, which are best confirmed on CT.

FIG. 20-30. Nephrocalcinosis. Note the bilateral stippled renal calcific densities in this patient with renal tubular acidosis. There is overlying calcification of the costal cartilages.

Renal Tubular Acidosis Nephrocalcinosis and nephrolithiasis are the radiographic findings in patients with renal tubular acidosis. 36 The nephrocalcinosis is manifested by dense calcium deposits in the medullary portion of the kidney. Those patients who lose calcium also have osteomalacia. The calcifications occur chiefly in patients with distal tubular acidosis and not in those with only slight hypercalciuria. Radiographically, the dense medullary calcifications are somewhat similar to those observed in medullary sponge kidney, but the individual calcifications are larger in renal tubular acidosis and have less tendency to be oval or elongated than in medullary sponge kidney. Also, the calcification is somewhat more widespread in some patients. Low-density or Nonopaque Calculi Although 85% to 90% of upper urinary calculi are opaque and readily seen on the plain roentgenogram, the remainder are not. These calculi are most often predominantly cystine, uric acid, or xanthine stones. Stones reach the ureter, cause colicky pain, and become impacted, causing varying degrees of obstruction. EXU reveals the effects of the obstruction, but the deformity of the end of the ureteral contrast column often simply indicates an intraluminal radiolucent defect, which could be caused by calculus, tumor, or blood clot. In the past, retrograde pyelography usually was necessary to make diagnostic distinctions. However, CT is now the most reliable method for depicting the anatomy and distinguishing tumor from calculus from clot ( Fig. 20-31). CT detects even minimal calcifications, with the CT number measuring in the range of 75 to 140 Hounsfield units. Tumor or other soft-tissue-like materials measure less than 60 Hounsfield units. There is very little overlap, so tumor can usually be excluded with great confidence when the CT number exceeds about 70 Hounsfield units. 168

FIG. 20-31. Stone at the left ureterovesical junction. A: Computed tomographic urogram demonstrates a distended left pelvocalyceal system, enlarged kidney, and stranding in the perirenal space. B: Slice through the lower abdomen in the same patient shows a dilated left ureter ( arrowhead), implying that the point of obstruction is below this level. C: Slice through the pelvis reveals a small, dense calculus ( arrow) lodged at the ureterovesical junction.


Acute Pyelonephritis Acute nontuberculous pyelonephritis, which is among the most frequently encountered acute renal infections, is the least serious of a spectrum of related acute infectious problems. This spectrum extends from acute pyelonephritis, to acute renal abscess, to acutely infected pre-existing spaces such as renal cysts or hydronephrotic kidneys. The pathogenesis is similar in all these entities. Bacteria reach the kidney by the hematogenous route or by the ascending route from the bladder via the ureter. The course of the acute renal infection is then determined by the aggressiveness of the infectious agent, the immune response of the patient, and the predisposing conditions (e.g., urinary obstruction). The ordinary case of uncomplicated acute pyelonephritis is readily diagnosed by the clinical presentation of acute onset of flank pain and tenderness accompanied by sudden onset of substantial fever. These findings, coupled with bacteriuria and pyuria on urinalysis, usually confirm the diagnosis. No imaging is necessary to make treatment decisions unless the infection does not respond promptly to the usual antibiotic therapy. In that event, imaging (IVP, ultrasound, or CT) is used to determine whether the disease has progressed beyond simple acute pyelonephritis. Specifically, predisposing and complicating conditions such as obstruction, congenital anomaly, occult calculus, or renal abscess need to be excluded. Acute pyelonephritis shows positive urographic findings in about 25% of uncomplicated cases in which urography is done. 188 Findings include renal enlargement, diminished intensity of the nephrogram, decreased calyceal contrast density, delayed calyceal appearance time, distortion and attenuation of the calyces and infundibula, and pyelocaliectasis. Renal enlargement is the most common finding, usually on the symptomatic side. Occasionally, the contralateral kidney is also enlarged. CT better demonstrates positive findings. Unenhanced scans may be normal or may show regions of slightly decreased attenuation within the parenchyma. Contrast-enhanced scans demonstrate radially oriented or wedge-shaped regions of low attenuation that extend from the collecting system to the renal surface. 85 CT is more sensitive than urography in detecting acute infectious parenchymal changes and is the imaging nodality of choice. 188 Ultrasound is rarely useful in making the diagnosis of acute pyelonephritis, but it can help exclude significant complicating conditions such as hydronephrosis and renal stones. When present, ultrasound findings include renal enlargement and decreased echogenicity of the renal parenchyma, which may be diffuse or regional. Conventional color Doppler imaging and color Doppler energy have been investigated for the diagnosis of acute pyelonephritis, particularly the focal form. A focal nonperfused area of the kidney is suspicious for focal pyelonephritis in the appropriate clinical setting. Occasionally, the acute pyelonephritic process may involve only a portion (or lobe) of the kidney. This is termed acute focal pyelonephritis. On urography, the only suggestive findings are a focal parenchymal contrast blush and focal renal enlargement. CT and ultrasonography demonstrate the findings previously described for pyelonephritis in a more focal distribution. Clinical information is very important in distinguishing acute focal pyelonephritis from solid renal tumors, which can have an identical imaging appearance. If doubt concerning the diagnosis still exists, follow-up imaging after an appropriate course of antibiotics usually excludes tumor diagnosis. Emphysematous pyelonephritis is a rare special form of acute pyelonephritis affecting diabetics and patients with urinary tract obstruction. The finding of gas in and around the kidney in an acutely ill patient suggests the diagnosis. The affected kidney usually does not function well. Gas-forming organisms recovered include

Escherichia coli and Proteus vulgaris. Emphysematous pyelonephritis should be regarded as a complication of a severe necrotizing infection, usually indicating extensive destruction of renal parenchyma ( Fig. 20-32). Even with emergency surgical debridement, the mortality for patients with emphysematous pyelonephritis is very high.39

FIG. 20-32. Emphysematous pyelonephritis. Unenhanced computed tomogram shows bilateral collections of air in the kidneys ( arrows). The right kidney is almost totally replaced with air.

Renal Abscess Acute suppurative abscess of the renal parenchyma is rare, is usually hematogenous in origin, and begins in the cortex. Unless recognized and treated early, there is often extensive destruction of renal parenchyma. The most frequent causative organisms are ascending gram-negative bacteria. Skin infections and intravenous drug use can give rise to hematogenous abscesses caused by staphylococci, streptococci, and enterobacteria. When one or more small cortical abscesses develop in the parenchyma, no roentgenographic manifestations are present. If these small abscesses coalesce to form a large abscess, a plain-film roentgenogram often shows local enlargement of the kidney. The perirenal fat is blurred in the area of involvement so that the renal outline tends to be indistinct. The involved kidney may be fixed during inspiration and expiration. The psoas muscle is often indistinct. There may be scoliosis with the concavity toward the involved side; this suggests the complication of perirenal abscess. EXU is of value if there is enough function to outline the calyceal system. The findings are those of compression and displacement or obliteration of the calyces by the tumor-like mass produced by the abscess. The cortical abscess may break through into the collecting system, to appear as a cavity communicating with a calyx and simulating tuberculosis. A peripheral abscess may also break through the renal capsule and produce a perirenal abscess ( Fig. 20-33). Clinical signs of infection may not be present in some patients, particularly when the course is prolonged and the infection is chronic. Therefore, the differentiation from tumor may be difficult.

FIG. 20-33. Development of a renal abscess from acute focal pyelonephritis. A: Computed tomographic (CT) scan demonstrates an area of decreased attenuation in the left kidney caused by focal acute pyelonephritis. B: CT scan 2 weeks later, after the patient discontinued antibiotics, now shows areas of liquifaction from suppuration of the infected renal parenchyma.

The imaging diagnosis can best be established by use of CT. 82 Renal ultrasonography is an alternative if contrast use is contraindicated or the patient's condition does not warrant use of CT. 191 On CT, the findings of acute renal abscess are (1) round or ovoid regions of low attenuation, (2) an irregular wall that may exhibit varying degrees of enhancement, (3) a central fluid component that shows little or no enhancement, (4) extension into the perirenal space or pelvis, (5) gas within the fluid collection, and (6) inflammatory changes and associated fascial thickening surrounding the kidney in the perirenal and pararenal spaces. Only the finding of gas is specific for an abscess. On ultrasonography, findings highly indicative of acute abscess are (1) irregular margin, (2) fluid component (anechoic or low-level internal echoes), and (3) bright echoes representing gas. The distinction between acute focal pyelonephritis and renal abscess is important, because an abscess must be drained either percutaneously or surgically. When findings are equivocal, selective renal arteriography may be used if a necrotic neoplasm is a reasonable possibility in the patient's clinical context. The arteriographic clue of most reliability is demonstration of tumor vessels. However, inflammatory vessels on the periphery of an abscess can mimic tumor vessels. In that event, percutaneous fine-needle aspiration biopsy of the mass using CT or ultrasound guidance usually distinguishes a tumor from an abscess.149 Chronic Renal Abscess Chronic renal abscess is simply a later stage in the development of an acute renal abscess that does not respond to treatment or the patient's immune system. The abscess requires about 10 to 21 days to mature to a chronic state. The focal area of central inflammatory mass necrosis progresses to a more coalescent liquefaction state. The inflammatory parenchymal margin progresses to a definitive thickened wall composed predominantly of fibrotic tissue. The imaging approach is basically the same as in acute abscess, but imaging results often are less certain in distinguishing necrotic tumor from chronic abscess. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy and, on occasion, open surgery are required to make a definitive diagnosis. Perirenal Abscess Hematogenous infection in the renal parenchyma may also result in perirenal inflammatory disease and abscess formation. Rarely, the infection may actually arise in the perirenal area in addition to extending there as a complication of cortical abscess. Plain-film roentgenograms of perirenal abscess may show an absence of the perirenal fat shadow, causing an indistinctness of the renal margin. When the abscess is confined within the perirenal (Gerota's) fascia, the posterior and inferior portion of the perirenal space fills with pus; this may be outlined as a mass that is confined chiefly to the infrarenal area, since the perirenal space is largest in this area. The lower pole of the kidney is obscured. EXU may show upward, anterior, and either medial or lateral renal displacement, depending on the site of the abscess. There may be some compression of the collecting system if the abscess is large. Fixation of the kidney by the infection is demonstrated on roentgenograms obtained in inspiration and expiration, which show a failure of the normal movement of the kidney with respiration. The psoas muscle shadow is enlarged, and its margin is indistinct adjacent to the area of infection. Lumbar scoliosis with convexity away from the side of the lesion results from muscle splinting and is usually present. The diaphragm is often slightly elevated, with areas of linear subsegmental atelectasis in the basal lung manifested by small horizontal densities in the basal lung parenchyma. CT is the imaging modality of choice in evaluating for potential perirenal abscess ( Fig. 20-34), and either CT or ultrasound can show the size and extent of the fluid collection. Psoas abscess may displace the kidney and ureter, but it does not ordinarily spread to involve the kidney ( Fig. 20-35 and Fig. 20-36).

FIG. 20-34. Perirenal abscess. Contrast-enhanced computed tomographic scan shows a large perirenal abscess with involvement of the right kidney. Abscess also extends into the adjacent pararenal space.

FIG. 20-35. Psoas abscess. Note the large psoas mass (arrows), which displaces the left kidney and upper ureter. It also compresses the ureter. This is a chronic abscess that is so well localized that the psoas shadow is clearly defined.

FIG. 20-36. Psoas abscess. Unenhanced computed tomogram of a patient with Crohn's disease and a left psoas abscess. Note the bubbles of air anteriorly ( arrow).

Severe Diffuse Pyelonephritis Davidson and Talner 42 described the correlation of clinical setting and imaging findings in this rare complication of acute renal infection. This condition is characterized by rapid, aggressive hematogenous spread of infection in the kidney that overwhelms the patient's immune response. The result is a generalized, life-threatening infection featuring renal enlargement owing to severe diffuse inflammatory edema, which severely decreases the parenchymal renal blood supply. The early onset of septicemia in this rare infection accounts for the high mortality rate (30% to 40%). The clinical setting is almost pathognomonic. The usual acute pyelonephritis clinical signs and symptoms are exaggerated, and the patient often presents in septicemic shock. This occurs almost exclusively in patients with inhibited immune response caused by severe insulin-dependent diabetes, chemotherapy for cancer, or drug abuse. It is critical that the diagnosis be established immediately and that appropriate antibiotic and support treatment be initiated. The imaging examinations used may begin with EXU but usually go on to CT or Doppler ultrasonography to make the distinction between acute bacterial nephritis and acute renal vein thrombosis, the usual differential diagnosis. The renal veins are normal in acute bacterial nephritis. Urographic findings are (1) generalized renal enlargement; (2) faint, diminished nephrogram; and (3) delayed and severely diminished calyceal opacification. CT demonstrates patchy or diffuse regions of low attenuation on enhanced scans. If the infection is advanced, there may be progression to frank abscess that can rupture into the subcapsular and perirenal spaces. Ultrasonography is not as sensitive as CT in the detection of acute bacterial nephritis. The involved kidney is enlarged, with decreased echogenicity of the renal parenchyma. If there is abscess formation, this can appear as an anechoic focal mass. 29 Acute Infection of Pre-existing Renal Spaces In acute infection of a simple renal cyst or dilated collecting system of a chronically obstructed kidney, the clinical presentation mimics that of severe acute pyelonephritis. The cyst most closely mimics acute renal abscess on imaging examinations. The term pyonephrosis is used to describe an infected hydronephrotic renal collecting system ( Fig. 20-37). When severe acute infection clinically is associated with such obstruction, percutaneous needle aspiration to make the diagnosis and then to provide a route for percutaneous pyelostomy drainage is the usual approach. Often this is performed in an urgent clinical setting. 148

FIG. 20-37. Pyonephrosis. Infection involving a left congenital ureteropelvic junction obstruction. Note thickening of renal pelvis ( arrow) and thickening of Gerota's fascia (arrowhead). These findings suggest the presence of an acute inflammatory process requiring emergency drainage.

Chronic Pyelonephritis (Atrophic Pyelonephritis) The following criteria for the diagnosis of chronic atrophic pyelonephritis were suggested by Hodson 83,84: (1) the disease is centered in the medulla, with scarring eventually affecting the whole thickness of renal substance; (2) there is an irregular surface depression over the involved area; (3) the involved papilla is retracted because of scarring, with secondary dilatation of its calyx; (4) the dilated calyx has a smooth margin but variable shape; (5) renal tissue adjacent to the involved area is normal or hypertrophied, with a sharp definition between normal and abnormal; (6) distribution is unifocal or multifocal, involving one or both kidneys; and (7) there is a decrease in size of the involved kidney. Chronic bacterial infection of the kidney usually starts as a focal process in the medulla, which causes a localized area of fibrosis or scarring. As it progresses, the infection causes further scarring which results in loss of renal parenchyma, irregularity of the renal surface, and distortion of the calyx in the involved area as seen on EXU. The involved calyces become clubbed. Renal tissue between involved areas is normal or hypertrophied. Parenchymal loss may progress to the point that there are only a few millimeters of scar tissue between the capsule and the calyx. Unless there is obstruction or significant reflux, the distribution of the lesions is uneven (Fig. 20-38).

FIG. 20-38. A: Pyelonephritis. Chronic pyelonephritis in the left kidney. Note the blunted calyces and the parenchymal loss adjacent to the calyces (greater in the upper pole). B: In another patient with chronic pyelonephritis, the upper-pole calyces appear reasonably normal. Central- and lower-pole calyces are clubbed, and, on the initial film, marked decrease in lower-pole parenchyma could be observed.

The disease usually begins in childhood, but it may not be recognized until early adult life. The earliest roentgenographic sign is a decrease in the amount of renal parenchyma, often in one pole of the kidney. Later, the adjacent calyx or calyces exhibit clubbing. As the disease progresses, the findings become more generalized and are often bilateral but usually not symmetrical. Ureteral reflux and bladder infection, as well as focal ischemia, probably play a part in the development of changes in the kidney. Scarring and atrophy are most severe in areas in which there is intrarenal reflux in addition to the ureteral reflux into the collecting system. Hydronephrotic atrophy or obstructive atrophy of the kidney also causes progressive blunting of the calyces and narrowing of the renal parenchyma. However, this tends to be very symmetrical, in contrast to the irregular distribution of calyceal clubbing and the scars of chronic pyelonephritis. A similar appearance may be observed in patients with vesicoureteral reflux. Infection may be present in both conditions and can cause the focal parenchymal scarring that is found in pyelonephritis. When the disease begins in adult life, there is less scarring of the parenchyma, but the calyceal blunting is similar. EXU findings feature small, irregular renal shape; clubbed calyces approaching the scarred margin; and interposed focal parenchymal hypertrophy. CT reflects the same appearance. Ultrasonography demonstrates small, shrunken kidneys with increased echogenicity of the kidneys relative to the liver and spleen. The borders of the kidneys are difficult to visualize, because the irregular, scarred margins scatter the echoes so they do not return to the transducer. 165 Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis is a form of severe chronic inflammation of the kidney found predominantly in adult women with some degree of urinary obstruction, often from a staghorn calculus. The clinical findings consist of a history of easy fatigability and low-grade fever that may antedate urinary symptoms of dysuria, frequency, and a dull, aching flank pain sometimes associated with a palpable flank mass. Attacks may be recurring. Calculi are common, and there may be parenchymal calcification. The disease is usually unilateral, but the opposite kidney often is involved by pyelonephritis. The pathologic process consists of granulomatous involvement of the renal parenchyma associated with infiltration of foam cells (lipid-laden macrophages), cholesterol, extensive fibrotic changes, and atrophic glomeruli. Chronic obstruction at the ureteral, ureteropelvic, or major calyx level is almost always present. The process may be focal or diffuse; at times it may extend to produce a periureteric mass in the upper ureteral region. It may also extend to involve perirenal fat leading to the production of a fixed renal mass. P. vulgaris is commonly found in the urine but may not be the etiologic agent. Urographic findings consist of a nonfunctioning or poorly functioning kidney with calyceal dilatation and blunting, irregularity of papillae, decreased cortical thickness, and ureteral deformity and stricture that may resemble changes caused by extensive tuberculosis. Obstruction, often caused by a staghorn calculus, is frequently present. The kidney and psoas outlines may be indistinct. Retrograde pyelography reveals dilatation and gross distortion of the pelvis and calyces, indicating obstruction. In some patients a local mass resembling carcinoma is present; in others there is a poorly demarcated, diffuse mass, often associated with greatly diminished or no renal function. Angiography reveals displacement and stretching of intrarenal arteries with absence of small peripheral branches. Capsular and ureteric branches may be prominent. The nephrogram phase resembles that of hydronephrosis. In many instances the granulomatous mass cannot be differentiated from renal cell carcinoma by angiographic methods. CT better delineates the total parenchymal process, but often percutaneous biopsy is required to confirm the diagnosis. 65 Characteristic features of xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis on CT are low-density material (lipid-laden macrophages and debris) filling the collecting system and enhancement of the surrounding calyces. When these findings are present in combination with a staghorn calculus, the diagnosis of xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis should be strongly considered. An additional characteristic feature is local infectious invasion, particularly of the psoas muscle ( Fig. 20-39), but cases of xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis invading areas as distant as the mediastinum have been reported.

FIG. 20-39. Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis. In this case of long-standing ureteral obstruction (note bilateral ureteral stents, arrows), a large area of low attenuation in the left kidney ( asterisk) extends to and invades the left psoas muscle.

Pyelitis of Pregnancy The term pyelitis is applied to renal infection that accompanies pregnancy. Most pregnancies are associated with some degree of dilatation of the collecting system and ureter. One study found that 90% of right kidneys and 67% of left kidneys showed at least mild hydronephrosis. 146 The hydronephrosis is probably caused by both mechanical obstruction of the ureters resulting from increased uterine size and smooth muscle relaxation resulting from hormonal changes. The predominance of hydronephrosis in the right kidney has been attributed to the sharper angulation of the right ureter as it crosses the right iliac artery and ovarian vein at the level of the pelvic brim.51 The hydronephrosis usually clears 3 to 6 weeks after delivery. When infection occurs, however, urinary symptoms result from the combination of obstruction and infection. Infection is more common during the last two trimesters. Before use of ultrasonography, urography showed dilated collecting systems and ureters down to the brim of the pelvis ( Fig. 20-40). Infection, when present, is usually of recent origin, so that there are no anatomic changes directly related to it unless the patient has had repeated infections in the past or has chronic pyelonephritis.

FIG. 20-40. Hydronephrosis in pregnancy. The patient had an upper urinary tract infection. Combined with pregnancy, this condition is sometimes termed pyelitis of pregnancy. A urogram obtained 2 months after delivery showed a normal urinary tract. Hydronephrosis is present in the latter period of pregnancy in most gravid patients, but infection is relatively uncommon.

Ultrasonography provides a safe, easy, and noninvasive means of evaluating hydronephrosis associated with pregnancy. Although obstruction plays some role in the dilatation of the renal collecting system during pregnancy, there is no accompanying increase in the intrarenal resistive index in normal pregnant patients. 80 CT plays less of a role because of the radiation involved, but it can be valuable after delivery if hydronephrosis or infection persists. Renal Papillary Necrosis Renal papillary necrosis is characterized by infarction of renal papillae which results in necrosis and sloughing of the involved papillary tissue. The necrotic material may be passed in fragments or as a single mass, or it may remain in the calyx. When it remains, it may calcify peripherally to form a rather typical triangular concretion. The cause of the necrosis is not clear, but medullary ischemia probably can result from several causes. The condition is usually bilateral and may involve few or many papillae. It is more common in women than in men. The abuse of analgesics such as phenacetin over prolonged periods is associated with a chronic form of the disease. A chronic form also may be associated with sickle cell (homozygous-SS) disease; with heterozygous-SC hemoglobinopathy, minimal papillary necrosis develops without signs or symptoms. An acute fulminating form associated with infection occurs in patients with diabetes mellitus and in patients with obstructive uropathy, particularly when infected. In the acute fulminating form the diminished renal function may make EXU useless, but in most instances the diagnosis can be made with this examination. Therefore, retrograde pyelography is seldom necessary. Renal size is normal in the analgesic-abuse group of patients, but in those with the fulminant infectious form, the kidneys may be enlarged and kidney function decreased. Eventually there is enough destruction or atrophy to decrease renal size, so that the kidneys become small and smooth. Early papillary swelling may be very difficult to assess by EXU. The earliest urographic manifestations suggesting the diagnosis are those of necrosis with formation of tracts extending from the fornix into the parenchyma, paralleling the long axis of the papilla. There are three forms of papillary sloughing. 154 One is the central or partial type, in which there is a tract extending inward from the tip of the papilla. The shape of this cavity varies considerably from one calyx to another ( Fig. 20-41). In the second form, the necrosis occurs at the base of the papilla, resulting in sloughing of the papilla. The papilla may remain in the kidney or be excreted, and it can occasionally become lodged in the ureter, causing obstruction. The third form of papillary sloughing is necrosis in situ, in which the papilla remains attached, decreases in size, and eventually may calcify; it usually cannot be recognized until calcification occurs. A triangular radiolucent shadow ringed with a dense opaque shadow, the ring shadow, may be observed when the separated necrotic papilla remains in the calyx. Eventually, a typical concretion may develop; it consists of a dense, calcified shell surrounding a radiolucent center. Late in the disease, scarring may result in some distortion. The diagnosis can be histopathologically confirmed if some of the sloughed material is passed and recovered from the urine.

FIG. 20-41. Papillary necrosis. Contrast collection within the papilla ( arrow) is the hallmark of papillary necrosis.

Bilateral Acute Renal Cortical Necrosis This disease is characterized by bilateral, symmetrical, ischemic necrosis of the renal cortex, sparing the subcapsular cortex. It is a cause of acute renal failure and may be associated with a number of antecedent conditions such as severe burns, multiple fractures, internal hemorrhage, severe infections, transfusions of incompatible blood, peritonitis, and others. It occurs frequently in pregnancy, often in association with abruptio placentae. With the advent of modern treatment, including hemodialysis, several patients have recovered partially from the disease and certain roentgenographic findings have been observed that suggest the diagnosis. Initially, the kidneys usually are enlarged; this is followed by a decrease in size of varying degrees. Faint cortical calcification is seen on urography in the form of a thin, shell-like rim around the periphery of the kidney that appears in 50 to 60 days after onset. This is so faint that tomography or CT may be necessary for adequate visualization in patients suspected of having the disease. Tram-line or double-line calcification has also been reported. The calcification may extend into the interlobular septa, appearing as diffuse and punctate densities in the remaining cortical tissue. 143 The renal contour may be irregular and the calcification interrupted, depending on distribution of the disease. The renal pelvis and calyceal system appear normal, but function is usually so decreased after recovery from the acute phase of the disease that retrograde pyelography is necessary to outline the collecting system.

Pyeloureteritis Cystica, Pyelitis Cystica, Ureteritis Cystica Pyeloureteritis cystica and ureteritis cystica are manifested by small suburethelial cysts that elevate the epithelium of the ureteral wall and sometimes the wall of the renal pelvis in association with chronic urinary tract infection. These cysts appear as small radiolucent defects along the course of the ureter when it has been opacified by contrast substance. The appearance of multiple, small, mucosal filling defects is pathognomonic. The defects usually are more numerous in the upper ureter than elsewhere. They may become large enough to produce partial ureteral obstruction, and they range from microscopic size to 2 cm in diameter. Signs of active infection at the time of urography are often present in these patients, or there may be a history of previous urinary tract infection. Stones in the urinary tract are also common. The lesions may be unilateral (70%) or bilateral. The condition is relatively rare in the ureters and renal pelvis and is extremely rare in the infundibula and calyces.52 Tuberculosis Pathology The kidney is involved by tuberculosis in a manner comparable to involvement of other organs. The infection is hematogenous. The organisms are filtered out by the glomerular capillary bed, where they may produce small tubercles, some of which heal. However, necrosis may occur and organisms may migrate from the cortex to the region of the renal papilla. There, new tubercles are formed in Henle's loop, leading to destruction of medullary tissue and ulceration. These early lesions are often multiple but do not involve all the papillae. As the disease progresses, involvement of adjacent infundibula often leads to obstruction. Similar stricture formation leading to obstruction is found when there is ureteral involvement. If the disease does not heal spontaneously, the destruction continues, producing irregular cavities adjacent to the calyces. Eventually this leads to virtual destruction of the entire kidney. If ureteral obstruction is not a factor, the kidney may gradually decrease in size, or it may remain normal in size and gradually fill with caseous material along with some calcium to form the so-called putty kidney. If ureteral obstruction occurs before the kidney is destroyed and functionless, the result is a large hydronephrotic kidney in which there are irregular cavities adjacent to the calyces. The anatomic changes are visible on urograms and form the basis for the roentgenographic diagnosis of renal tuberculosis. This diagnosis should always be confirmed, as in pulmonary tuberculosis, by demonstration of the organisms in the urine from the involved kidney. Even though the disease is hematogenous, the initial source, usually lung or bone, may not be detected. Clinical evidence of renal involvement is unilateral in about 75% of patients, even though the organisms have presumably been disseminated to both kidneys. CT and ultrasound findings are similar to those found at urography. Roentgenographic Findings The roentgenographic findings on plain-film examination are those of alteration in size of the kidney and calcification within it owing to advanced disease. These are nonspecific findings but they may be suggestive, particularly if cloudy flocculent calcification outlines most of the renal shadow, indicative of extensive destruction of parenchyma, the so-called autonephrectomy. The calcification may be dense and irregular and may lie within the renal outline, often in the cortical area. In the early stages of cortical involvement, no urographic findings are present, and it is possible to have considerable parenchymal involvement without urographic change. The earliest finding is that of a slight irregularity of the involved calyx caused by ulcerative papillary lesions ( Fig. 20-42). Further destruction is manifested by loss of the normal papilla and irregular, ragged cavity formation ( Fig. 20-43). Often this is associated with a narrowing of the infundibulum to the affected calyx. The infundibulum may later become completely obstructed, so that the diseased area is not visible on retrograde pyelography. A careful evaluation of calyceal distribution in relation to the renal outline is necessary in all patients with suspected renal tuberculosis. Parenchymal destruction may result in cortical scarring with irregular narrowing of the parenchyma and irregularity of the renal outline. When the renal pelvis is involved, the mucosa is irregular because of ulceration. Later local constriction caused by fibrosis is also common, and dilatation results when there is obstruction at or below the UPJ. Ureteral involvement may result in stricture formation, often multiple; mucosal infection can also produce small local nodules that appear as filling defects along the ureteral wall. The appearance is quite variable, ranging from a beaded pattern, to a corkscrew pattern, to single or multiple strictures in some instances. In advanced involvement of the ureter it is common to find the ureter unusually straight, extending in a direct line downward from the renal pelvis to the pelvic brim (pipe stem ureter) without the usual slight curves seen in the normal ureter. The bladder, seminal vesicles, and vas deferens may also be involved in patients with renal tuberculosis. The bladder wall may be thickened and its capacity diminished. Tuberculous granulation tissue projecting into the bladder may resemble carcinoma in some instances. Irregular mottled calcification in these structures suggests the diagnosis.

FIG. 20-42. Renal tuberculosis. The calyces of the upper pole are involved and are irregular as a result of adjacent parenchymal destruction.

FIG. 20-43. Renal tuberculosis. A: There is extensive involvement with cavity formation superiorly and centrally. There is also irregular narrowing of one of the upper central infundibula. B: The right kidney is relatively normal, but the small, dense, irregular kidney on the left did not change during urography. This left kidney represents the so-called putty kidney.

Urography is used in renal tuberculosis as a method of making an anatomic diagnosis, to be confirmed by bacteriologic study. It is also of value in monitoring the renal lesion during treatment, in detecting complications (e.g., ureteral obstruction, infundibular obstruction), and in outlining the opposite kidney. Differential Diagnosis Differential diagnosis of calcium deposits must include consideration of renal calculi and nephrocalcinosis as well as cyst and tumor calcification. Calculi usually are more discrete and rounded than the calcification seen in tuberculosis. Tumor calcification often extends beyond the border of the kidney and tends to appear less hazy and flocculent than that seen in tuberculosis. Calcification in cysts occurs in the wall and tends to outline it in an arcuate form of varying size. This calcification also tends to extend beyond the shadow of the normal kidney. Urographic changes in chronic pyelonephritis consist of calyceal abnormality that may resemble early

tuberculous involvement, but the change is usually more general than in tuberculosis. The same is true in renal papillary necrosis, which is usually bilateral and tends to be more extensive than renal tuberculosis. In some patients, granulomatous changes predominate to the extent that a renal mass is formed, which must be differentiated from other renal masses. Usually other signs are present that aid in the diagnosis of these cases. Brucellosis may produce findings in the kidney identical to those caused by tuberculosis, but it is very rare. Renal Candidiasis Because renal candidiasis usually occurs in patients who have a chronic illness or whose immune system has been altered, the following factors are important in its development: acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), antibiotic therapy, prolonged use of indwelling intravenous catheters, treatment with steroids or chemotherapy, therapy with immunosuppressive agents, blood dyscrasias, diabetes mellitus, intravenous drug abuse, and chronic disease such as malignant neoplasm.32 In systemic candidiasis, involvement of the kidney is common. Renal candidiasis can assume three forms, which may be different stages of the same disease: (1) acute pyelonephritis, in which the fungi proliferate in the renal tubules to form cortical and medullary abscesses with interstitial edema and renal failure; (2) a more chronic process, with hydronephrosis and chronic pyelonephritis; and (3) disseminated candidiasis, which involves several organs including the kidneys. EXU may demonstrate multiple fungus balls in the renal pelvis and upper ureter in patients with pyelonephritis, but renal function may be so poor that retrograde studies, CT, or ultrasound may be needed to reveal their presence. The appearance is one of microabscesses in the renal parenchyma, and shaggy, irregular filling defects in the renal pelvis, often extending into the infundibula and upper ureter. 171 Acute papillary necrosis resulting from candidiasis is similar to that caused by other acute fulminating infections, except that in candidiasis more debris may be present in the calyces and pelvis, representing the sloughed necrotic papilla plus the fungus balls (mycelial masses) ( Fig. 20-44). CT findings are similar, although without corroborating clinical data the findings may be confused with other causes of luminal filling defects, such as transitional cell carcinoma.

FIG. 20-44. Renal candidiasis. A: Irregular filling defects are seen in the calyces of a patient with chronic candidiuria. B: Computed tomographic scan demonstrates a large soft-tissue filling defect (fungus ball) surrounding a ureteral stent in the right renal pelvis.

The kidney lies in a well protected area and is seldom injured. In patients with chronic renal disease, however, relatively minor trauma can cause considerable damage. Direct force over the renal area is the usual cause of injury. Trauma to the kidney is usually manifested by hematuria, which may be gross or microscopic. Hematuria after an injury indicates some type of damage to the kidney or injury to the lower urinary tract. EXU with tomography has been the traditional imaging modality to evaluate minor renal trauma, but now, particularly in major trauma, IVP has been largely replaced by CT, which is considered the imaging modality of choice to evaluate the kidneys after blunt abdominal trauma. CT reveals contusions, incomplete and complete lacerations, intrarenal and extrarenal hematomas, and fractured or shattered kidneys. 23,28 It is superior to EXU and other nonivasive modalities in differentiating major from minor renal injuries. 55,164 The choice of surgical or medical therapy depends on the severity of injury to the kidney, and CT therefore has a significant impact. It offers the added value of detection of extrarenal injuries in trauma affecting other visceral organs such as the liver or spleen. The CT scan should be performed with the use of an intravenous contrast agent and dynamic or helical technique to optimize detection of lacerations, extravasated urine, and hematomas. Dynamic CT is superior to conventional axial CT in assessing parenchymal renal injuries. Dynamic CT correctly diagnosed parenchymal injuries in 129 of 130 cases, compared with 116 of 130 cases for conventional CT, in a study presented by Lang and colleagues. 104 Injury to the renal pedicle should be suspected if there is delayed visualization or nonvisualization of the kidney on CT or EXU after a bolus injection of iodinated contrast material. CT has the advantage over EXU of being able to prove definitively the existence or absence of a nonfunctioning kidney in the event of nonvisualization after contrast injection ( Fig. 20-45). Patients with renal aplasia, hypoplasia, or other congenital abnormalities may have false-positive studies at EXU and receive unnecessary angiography.

FIG. 20-45. Renal trauma. A: Enhanced computed tomogram (CT) of a laceration in the midportion of the left kidney ( white arrow) with predominantly perirenal hematoma (black arrow). B: Enhanced CT of a different patient with perirenal, pararenal, and central sinus hematomas. C: Enhanced CT of a patient with a renal fracture and pedicle injury. Note lack of contrast enhancement of renal parenchyma on left.

Renal angiography is indicated in the post-traumatic period if there is suspicion of injury to the renal pedicle. Subintimal flaps, renal artery thrombosis, arteriovenous fistula, or laceration of the artery may occur. Arteriography is still considered the best method for demonstrating injuries to the renal artery, although MRI may have a role in the future. Angiography also has the potential of being therapeutic. Transcatheter embolization or balloon occlusion can be used to treat extensive hemorrhage or arteriovenous fistula. 104 If renal artery damage is demonstrated, immediate surgical correction of the vascular lesion may prevent permanent renal damage in some instances. The severity of parenchymal injury can vary from rupture of a calyx with extravasation of blood or urine into the parenchyma to more extensive fracture of the parenchyma with subcapsular and parenchymal extravasation. With more extensive injury, the capsule can rupture, producing perirenal hemorrhage and extravasation of urine. These nonpenetrating injuries can be classified into the following categories: (1) contusion, (2) cortical laceration (often with intrarenal hematoma), (3) calyceal laceration, and (4) fracture with laceration of the renal capsule. A fractured kidney may have associated lacerations of the calyces, infundibula, or pelvis. Nonparenchymal injury, such as rupture of the renal pelvis or rupture of an anomalous extrarenal calyx, may occur. Immediate surgical extirpation of the kidney may be required in some instances when there is extensive fracture with retroperitoneal and intraperitoneal hemorrhage. The opposite kidney should always be studied by means of EXU or CT before nephrectomy. Conservative management of the traumatized kidney, whenever possible, is being used more

often now than in the past, particularly if the patient is hemodynamically stable. The radiographic findings of renal trauma depend on the extent of injury. A simple contusion is usually manifested by renal swelling, decreased density of the nephrogram in the affected portion, and decreased or delayed excretion of contrast material into the collecting system. If perirenal hemorrhage is present, the renal shadow, and sometimes the psoas shadow, is obliterated or enlarged on the plain film. At times the hemorrhage remains localized in the perirenal area and produces a localized or generalized enlargement of the kidney. CT nicely demonstrates perirenal and pararenal hematoma ( Fig. 20-45). Kunin100 described bridging fibrous septa within the perinephric space, which can act to limit and stop the perirenal hemorrhage by tamponade. 100 Rarely, calcification of a hematoma in or around the kidney may be seen as a late finding in renal trauma. Subcapsular hematoma produces a lenticular indentation on the renal parenchyma ( Fig. 20-46). Accessory signs on plain films are scoliosis (convexity to the opposite side indicating muscle spasm); dilated small-bowel loops in the vicinity of the injury, caused by local adynamic ileus; and fracture of an adjacent rib, vertebral body, transverse, or spinous process. Urography demonstrates the amount of extravasation and may show calyceal compression and distortion caused by parenchymal and subcapsular accumulations of blood, urine, or both. CT provides a better view of the extent of extravasation in many instances (Fig. 20-47). The amount of extravasation is not necessarily proportional to the parenchymal or vascular damage, however. Because post-traumatic distortion and stricture are important, urographic studies should also be carried out during or after convalescence to outline any residual deformity.

FIG. 20-46. Renal trauma. Enhanced computed tomogram shows subcapsular hematoma. Note the indentation on the renal parenchyma (arrow) from the pressure of the hematoma confined by the renal capsule.

FIG. 20-47. Renal trauma. Enhanced computed tomogram shows extravasation of contrast material (arrow) in addition to the hematoma around the left kidney.


The classification of renal cystic disease is difficult, and there is much confusion in the literature because of disagreement among pathologists. For our purposes the classification of Hartman 72 is most useful for radiologists ( Table 20-2).

TABLE 20-2. Classification of renal cysts

Simple Renal Cysts The simple renal cyst is often a silent lesion of little or no clinical importance, but it is the most common unifocal renal mass. When cysts become large, they may cause pain and occasionally hematuria. Simple cysts rarely bleed, but they may become large enough to be noted as masses that can be palpated through the abdominal wall. They can cause renal damage because of their size, particularly if they are situated in a region where obstruction of the excretory system can occur. Lesions can be unilateral or bilateral. A cyst may be solitary, but often there are two or more in a kidney. They can be so numerous that differentiation from adult polycystic disease is difficult. The roentgenographic findings depend on the location. The chief importance of the simple cyst is that it may simulate a tumor in its appearance on plain-film roentgenography and EXU. Plain films may outline a smooth, local enlargement of the kidney. Occasionally (fewer than 1% of instances), there is a thin shell of calcium outlining the cyst wall or a portion of it. The cysts may reach massive size and actually dwarf the kidney. Urographic findings consist of crescentic defects and stretching of the infundibula and calyces when the lesion arises close to the calyces. If the cyst arises farther away there is less calyceal change, and if it is in a subcapsular position there is little or no pressure deformity on the pelvis or calyces. The following urographic signs are present in the great majority of cysts: (1) the lesion is peripheral so that it bulges out of the kidney; (2) the wall, if visible, is very thin and smooth; (3) the mass is quite radiolucent (compared with the adjacent parenchyma) and is sharply demarcated from the renal parenchyma. Often this appears as a beak-like deformity or claw sign ( Fig. 20-48). If all these signs are present, the lesion most likely is a cyst. After a urographic examination suggesting the diagnosis of a cyst, CT or ultrasonography is usually the next imaging examination, provided the patient would be treated if the lesion turned out to be a tumor rather than a cyst.

FIG. 20-48. The claw sign of a renal cyst (arrows). Nephrotomogram clearly outlines the smooth wall of the radiolucent cyst adjacent to the density of the opacified parenchyma.

On CT cysts are round, have a thin smooth wall, and have no attenuation increase after administration of contrast material. Attenuation values should be near that of water (10 to 2 Hounsfield units). By ultrasound, cysts should be round, be anechoic, have a smooth, thin wall, and have increased through-transmission. 153 Minimally complicated cysts that have thin, curvilinear calcifications in the wall and high density material within them (in the absence of any other signs of malignancy) also have low malignant potential. For further discussion on the differentiation of cysts from tumors see Renal Cell Carcinoma). Renal Cystic Disease Associated with Multiple Renal Neoplasms Bilateral renal cystic disease that develops during dialysis treatment is known as acquired renal cystic disease. The radiographic features are consistent with a large number of small (less than 3 cm) cortical and medullary cysts in the face of a small kidney. Complications include development of renal cell carcinoma in approximately 7% of patients 67 and retroperitoneal hemorrhage. Von Hipple-Lindau disease is a phakomatosis of autosomal dominant inheritance. There are a number of extrarenal manifestations of this disease, including retinal angiomatosis, central nervous system hemangioblastomas, and pheochromocytomas. Renal manifestations are usually limited to multiple simple cysts, and approximately one third of patients have multiple renal cell carcinomas. 112 Imaging findings demonstrate multiple solid and cystic masses in both kidneys in association with extrarenal findings. In tuberous sclerosis, renal cysts are usually small and of tubular origin. Rarely, cortical cysts large enough to produce distortion have been reported. Angiomyolipoma of the kidney is found frequently in association with tuberous sclerosis (see description of this tumor or hamartoma in Benign Tumors). Polycystic Kidney Disease There are two general categories of polycystic kidney disease, autosomal recessive and autosomal dominant. Both are inherited diseases characterized by multiple cystic abnormalities within both kidneys. Beyond those similarities, the two categories differ greatly in many aspects. The microdissection research of Osathanondh and Potter 142 in the mid-1960s established the pathogenesis and the embryologic defects that characterize the two basic categories of polycystic disease. Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease The pathologic-radiologic hallmark of this disease is the presence of grossly elongated, dilated collecting ducts throughout the renal parenchyma. The dilated ducts extend from the papillary tips to the surface of the cortex, and urine flow from nephrons into these ducts is slower than normal. When seen in profile, clusters of these ducts in each renal lobule look like straws seen from the side. When seen on end, the ducts appear like a cluster of straws seen on end. The kidneys are usually symmetrically and uniformly enlarged with correspondingly enlarged, but otherwise normal, collecting systems. The renal vasculature, nephrons, and ureters are normal. The surface of the kidneys is studded with a myriad of 1- to 2-mm vesicle-like protrusions representing the peripheral ends of clusters of dilated collecting ducts seen on end. The embryologic defect is a result of abnormal development of the interstitial portion of the ureteral bud in the first trimester of gestation. Genetically this is an autosomal recessive disease. The only cystic involvement of other organs occurs in the liver. It features generalized proliferation of the intrahepatic biliary ducts with associated periportal fibrosis. Grossly, this appears as generalized ectasia of the ducts, and it occurs to a greater or lesser degree in all cases. Caroli's disease, characterized by segmental intrahepatic ductal dilatation, periportal fibrosis, and renal tubular ectasia, is now considered one end of the spectrum of autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease. The clinical course is determined by the severity of the degree of involvement of the kidneys compared with the liver. There are four clinical subgroups based on the time at which the disease becomes clinically manifest. 18 The earliest is the perinatal group, in which about 90% of renal collecting ducts are involved. The disease is apparent at birth, with grossly and palpably enlarged kidneys. Patients usually die before the age of 6 weeks from rapidly progressive renal failure. The hepatic abnormality does not have time to become clinically manifest. The latest appearance is the juvenile group, in whom 10% or fewer renal collecting ducts are involved. The renal disease usually is not clinically manifest, but the liver disease is predominant and usually lethal. Clinical manifestations reflect severe progressive periportal hepatic fibrosis with portal hypertension, gastric and esophageal varices, and hematemesis. Age of clinical onset is usually between 4 and 8 years. In between the perinatal and juvenile groups are two intermediate groups: the neonatal group, in whom about 60% of renal ducts are involved, and the infantile group, in whom about 25% of ducts are involved. The radiologist, on the basis of urographic findings, can sort the patients into two main groups, which Elkin has called polycystic disease of the newborn and polycystic disease of childhood. 53 The former roughly encompasses the pathologic-based perinatal and neonatal groups; and the latter, the infantile and juvenile groups. EXU has been replaced by ultrasonography to a large extent. Findings on urography in the newborn category include bilateral massive renal enlargement (with smooth margins), prolonged nephrogram density (up to 72 hours), accumulation of contrast material in dilated collecting ducts producing a streaky parenchymal pattern, and normal collecting systems and ureters (when seen). In the childhood category, the hepatic component predominates. Urography usually shows mildly enlarged kidneys, a mildly prolonged nephrogram phase, a streaky parenchymal contrast pattern that is predominantly medullary in location, and gross hepatic enlargement. On ultrasound examination, the kidneys are enlarged and show a diffusely heterogeneous increased echogenicity. The cysts are too small to be seen on ultrasonography as fluid-filled regions but are large enough to cause echoes, mainly in the medulla. The periphery of the kidneys may be hypoechoic. Cysts may be seen in the liver. The hepatic parenchyma appears more echogenic because of fibrosis. Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease This disease is transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait with strong penetrance. Spherical, fluid-filled cysts, usually from 1 to 3 cm in size, are scattered throughout the renal parenchyma. Occasionally the cysts have curvilinear walls or intrarenal punctate calcifications. The superficial cysts produce a knobby appearance of the kidney surface. Between the cysts are scattered islands of normal parenchyma containing normal nephrons and collecting ducts. Kidneys are greatly enlarged, with correspondingly larger-than-normal collecting systems that are irregularly compressed by many adjacent cysts. In about one third of patients, large spherical cysts are scattered throughout the liver. These do not communicate with the biliary tree. Spherical cysts occasionally also involve the pancreas, spleen, lungs, and ovaries. There is an approximately 10% incidence of rupture of berry aneurysm of the arteries at the base of the brain with associated high mortality rates. 121 The embryologic abnormality is a sporadic failure of both the ampullary and interstitial portions of the ureteral bud. This results in failure to form normal nephrons and collecting ducts in areas scattered throughout the renal parenchyma.

Clinical manifestations most often appear in adults in the 30- to 50-year-old age group. Rarely, it occurs in young infants. The most common presenting problems are hypertension, microscopic hematuria, and presence of palpable abdominal masses and pain as a result of renal enlargement. Complications of the large number of renal cysts include bleeding, infection, stone formation, and urinary tract obstruction. The disease may be diagnosed on EXU, ultrasound, or CT examination. Urographic findings include enlarged, knobby-surfaced kidneys; round, radiolucent nephrogram defects; irregularly distorted collecting systems; and, in some cases, lucent hepatic defects representing cysts as an unexpected nephrogram film finding. Ultrasonography readily demonstrates the enlarged kidneys containing a multitude of fluid-filled, anechoic cysts. The hepatic cysts, likewise, are easily seen. CT shows to good advantage all the pathologic cystic findings described previously in the kidneys and the liver ( Fig. 20-49). For follow-up of a known disease, ultrasonography is less expensive, noninvasive, and easy to perform.

FIG. 20-49. Adult polycystic disease. Enhanced computed tomogram shows hepatic and bilateral renal cysts.

Medullary Cysts Medullary Sponge Kidney Medullary sponge kidney is a form of cystic disease involving the medulla of the kidney. It is more common in men than in women (ratio of about 2:1); it has been reported in siblings but does not appear to be hereditary. The changes are confined to the renal medulla and consist of dilatation involving the collecting tubules in the renal pyramids. Calculi can develop in the dilated ducts. The condition may be limited to a single pyramid but is usually more extensive; it is usually bilateral but not necessarily symmetrical. Renal enlargement may be present when the lesions are general. The defect appears to be a developmental one involving the formation of the collecting ducts. There may be morbidity caused by infection or colic when calculi are passed. Microscopically, the elongated or irregular cysts present a varied appearance. The epithelium varies from transitional to squamous or columnar, normal tubules are reduced or absent, and some degree of inflammatory change is usually present. The dilated ducts may contain calculi or masses of calcified debris. The urographic findings usually are quite characteristic. 145 The plain film demonstrates the calculi when present. Their medullary position and appearance are often diagnostic but can mimic stones in renal tubular acidosis. The calculi are usually multiple, small, and spindle-shaped, and they occur in clusters or in a fan-like arrangement in the renal pyramids. On EXU the dilated tubules are seen to be opacified unless infection has impaired renal function. Minimal dilatation produces a fine striated appearance; with increasing dilatation the appearance becomes more cyst-like, with rounded or elongated cavities enlarging and often distorting the papilla and minor calyx (Fig. 20-50). Adjacent calyces may show a considerable difference in the degree of involvement.

FIG. 20-50. Sponge kidney. A: Preliminary film shows mottled calcifications in the left kidney. B: Urogram of the patient shown in A demonstrates the relationship of the calcifications to several of the calyces. These calcifications are in dilated tubules in the renal papillae.

Medullary Cystic Disease Nephronophthisis (familial juvenile nephronophthisis, medullary cystic disease of the kidney) is a rare disorder of unknown origin usually found in children and young adults. Anemia, polydipsia, polyuria, salt wasting, and progressive uremia develop insidiously. The childhood form is inherited as an autosomal condition and is associated with blonde or red hair, multiple ophthalmologic abnormalities, neurologic abnormalities, growth retardation, bone deformities, and hypocalcemic tetany. The adult form is an autosomal dominant condition and is not associated with extrarenal abnormalities. Urine has a low, fixed specific gravity with absence of protein or formed elements. Histopathologic findings consist of alternating areas of cystic dilatation and atrophy in the proximal and distal tubules with marked thickening of the basement membrane. Interstitial fibrosis with round-cell infiltration is prominent. Glomeruli show minor focal thickening early, progressing to sclerosis and periglomerular fibrosis. Urographic study has been of limited value because of poor function. With high-dose urography, minor calyceal blunting, uniform contraction of the kidneys, and cyst-like areas of medullary lucency may be observed. Renal angiography shows marked cortical thinning and multiple cysts that spare the thin outer cortex, which is undulating because of the numerous cysts that also displace vessels. The cortex is best seen in the nephrogram phase of angiography. 122 Ultrasonography shows bilateral small, echogenic kidneys. 157 A few cysts may be visible as fluid-filled structures. CT may show small, smooth kidneys with cysts in the medulla or at the corticomedullary junction. Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney Congenital multicystic dysplastic kidney is a rare disorder usually considered to be a severe form of renal dysplasia related to ampullary dysfunction and urinary tract obstruction. 15 Pelvoinfundibular atresia results in a number of small cysts with little or no renal parenchyma. The renal pelvis is absent or small and does not communicate with the cysts. The hydronephrotic form is similar in appearance to the pelvoinfundibular type, with the exception of an enlarged renal pelvis which communicates with the renal cysts. The bilateral form results in renal nonfunction, whereas the unilateral form, which is more common, carries a good prognosis if uncomplicated by other anomalies. There is absence of normal renal parenchyma, the pelvis is small or absent, and the ureter is hypoplastic, stenotic, or atretic. The few nephrons that are present are hypoplastic with arrested development. Blood supply is variable. The kidney consists of a mass of cysts of varying size and is usually very large. The opposite,

uninvolved kidney is often hypertrophied, and there is an association with contralateral UPJ obstruction. At presentation, the patient is usually a healthy-appearing infant with a unilateral flank mass. The mass may be visible on plain film. The pattern on EXU of a large mass in the renal fossa with opacification of strands of vascularized dysplastic tissue and cyst walls surrounding radiolucent cysts, plus absent nephrogram and no identifiable collecting system or ureter, is virtually diagnostic. This is especially so if cystoscopy and retrograde pyelography have demonstrated absence of one half of the trigone or atretic ureter on the involved side. Shell-like calcification may outline some of the cysts. Occasionally there is delayed opacification of some irregular cystic spaces. There may be a small amount of functioning renal tissue scattered in the dysplastic kidney to account for this. Ultrasonography demonstrates unilateral multiple cysts of varying shape and size in the renal fossa ( Fig. 20-51). These cysts do not communicate (as opposed to the communicating appearance of hydronephrosis), and the atretic renal pelvis cannot be visualized. Occasionally, ultrasound-guided percutaneous cyst puncture is needed to distinguish renal dysplasia from hydronephrosis. Dysplasia is a benign lesion and need not be removed once the diagnosis is made.

FIG. 20-51. Multicystic dysplastic kidney. Longitudinal ultrasound image demonstrates multiple large, noncommunicating cysts in the renal fossa.

Segmental multicystic renal dysplasia may also occur and usually is associated with a duplicated collecting system. In the cases reported by Daughtridge, 41 there was peripheral and central calcification resembling that sometimes observed in renal cell carcinoma. Arteriography often reveals a sharply demarcated, avascular mass with no neovascularity. Differentiation from avascular tumor is difficult in this segmental form of the disease. Extraparenchymal Renal Cysts Parapelvic Cysts Parapelvic cysts are found in approximately 1.25% to 1.50% of autopsy cases. 79 Unlike simple renal cysts, they do not lie within the renal parenchyma. They are located in, and probably originate in, the hilus of the kidney in close proximity to the pelvis and major calyces. Their origin is obscure. Most authors believe them to be of lymphatic origin, arising from lymphatic obstruction and subsequent ectasia. Urographic findings are those of a mass in the renal hilus that causes compression and displacement of the pelvis and distortion and displacement of the major calyces and infundibula. Mild local caliectasis may result from partial obstruction caused by compression. They do not contain calcium. They resemble renal sinus lipomatosis when the latter results in a focal mass in the renal hilum. Because there is no renal parenchymal interface with this type of cyst, the nephrographic phase of arteriography or nephrotomography is somewhat different from that seen in the simple cyst. The parapelvic cyst appears as a spherical mass (of lesser density than the opacified renal parenchyma adjacent to it) surrounded by a halo of fat that is more radiolucent than the cyst ( Fig. 20-52). Ultrasonography demonstrates an anechoic structure in the renal sinus that does not branch. However, some of these cysts are difficult to differentiate from hydronephrosis. In those cases, CT (especially with delayed images that demonstrate the cysts around the collecting system) can make a definitive diagnosis.

FIG. 20-52. Halo sign of a parapelvic cyst. A: Nephrotomogram shows ill-defined radiolucency caused by compressed renal sinus fat surrounding the smoothly rounded cyst in the renal hilus. B: Enhanced computed tomogram of parapelvic cyst. Note that cyst displaces contrast-filled collecting system. This differentiates cyst from hydronephrosis or extrarenal pelvis, in which contrast material would enter the fluid-filled cavity.

Calyceal Diverticulum (Pyelogenic or Calycine Cysts) The term calyceal diverticulum refers to the small, cyst-like spaces that often communicate with a calyx but that occasionally are observed on urography to opacify despite no apparent connection with the adjacent calyx. This lesion may be a true congenital cyst. Cyst-like structures of similar appearance may result from inflammatory destruction of parenchyma adjacent to a calyx, or they may be associated with sickle cell disease. The diagnosis is made on EXU when a small, rounded space fills with opaque medium (Fig. 20-53).121 The cysts are filled by their own tubules and are visible despite lack of apparent communication with the calyceal system. In contrast to the cysts in the renal pyramids as found in sponge kidney, calycine cysts often arise from the fornix of the calyx and occur laterally rather than centrally in relation to the papilla. These cysts are of little clinical significance unless they become infected or are the site of calculus formation. Rarely, milk of calcium is observed, with a fluid level evident on an upright film ( Fig. 20-54).

FIG. 20-53. Calyceal diverticulum (arrow). The cyst communicates with one of the calyces of the upper pole.

FIG. 20-54. Milk of calcium in a renal cyst. This film, exposed with the patient in the upright position, shows calcium, which is somewhat granular in appearance, in a cyst located in the central portion of the left kidney. There is also evidence of calcium in the cyst's wall.

Pararenal PseudocystUrinoma The term pararenal pseudocyst is used to describe a complication of injury of the renal pelvis or proximal ureter. A rent in the renal collecting system or kidney can result in persistent extravasation of urine or blood into the perirenal space. This may produce compression of the pelvis or upper ureter and resultant hydronephrosis that may lead to eventual loss of renal function. Urographic findings consist of a mass effect that is medial and inferior to the kidney. The mass often displaces the kidney upward and rotates it laterally. Usually, a definite line of separation between the mass effect and the kidney is observed. EXU may opacify the mass (if contrast extravasates into it) and reveals the displacement of the ureter, kidney, or both. Retrograde study may be necessary to visualize the upper tract distal to the obstructing urinoma. Ultrasonography or CT can better delineate the extent of the pseudocyst and its relation to the space around the kidney ( Fig. 20-55).75

FIG. 20-55. Urinoma. A: Enhanced computed tomogram of renal transplant with fluid collection surrounding the kidney. B: Delayed scan reveals contrast within the urinoma.

Renal Vascular Abnormalities Renal Artery Aneurysm Aneurysm of the renal artery is not common but is well known to radiologists because the aneurysm wall can contain calcium. About 25% to 30% of these aneurysms contain enough calcium to be roentgenographically visible. The diagnosis usually can be made on plain-film studies in the calcified group. The rounded, ring-contoured, calcified aneurysm maintains a constant relationship to the renal pelvis in various projections. About two thirds of these lesions are located at the bifurcation of the renal artery and one third in the segmental branches. About half of those involving segmental arteries are intraparenchymal. They may be congenital, atherosclerotic, or post-traumatic (often false aneurysms). Systemic hypertension is present in about 15% of patients with aneurysm of the renal artery. Renal arteriography, CT, or MRI can be used for confirmation. Bilateral renal aneurysms are relatively common (about 20%), so arteriography is indicated on the opposite side when an aneurysm, either calcified or noncalcified, is found on one side. Calcified aneurysms generally do not rupture, but the incidence of rupture of uncalcified aneurysms is about 25%. Surgical repair should be considered for selected patients with noncalcified renal artery aneurysms. 174 Occasionally, such aneurysms are found incidentally on CT or ultrasound examinations. If indicated by the clinical setting (e.g., hypertension, size of the aneurysm), arteriography should then be considered. Polyarteritis Nodosa Multiple, small, intraparenchymal renal aneurysms are commonly observed in polyarteritis nodosa. Similar microaneurysms are present in other viscera involved by this disease. In the kidney, the multiple small aneurysms involving the interlobar and arcuate arteries are associated with scarring, which results from thromboses and infarctions. The aneurysms may rupture to produce renal hemorrhage ( Fig. 20-56). Clinically, the infarcts produce pain and hematuria. Renal arteriography outlines the aneurysms, and its use is essential for making the diagnosis. The small aneurysms found in this disease sometimes regress spontaneously.

FIG. 20-56. Polyarteritis nodosa. A: Enhanced computed tomographic scan demonstrates spontaneous perirenal hemorrhage as measured by cursors. B: Angiogram in same patient. Note multiple microaneurysms.

Renal Arteriovenous Fistula A renal arteriovenous fistula may be congenital or acquired. The etiologic background is undetermined in some, which may be termed idiopathic. Some congenital malformations are very large and may result in high-output cardiac failure, whereas others are very small and are of little clinical significance. Most arteriovenous fistulae in the kidney are acquired (usually after percutaneous biopsy), and they often heal spontaneously. Others occur after blunt or penetrating renal trauma or surgical procedures in the renal area, and some are secondary to renal neoplasms. Renal arterial disease occasionally may result in an arteriovenous fistula. When the fistulae persist, hematuria and hypertension may occur as complications. Urograms and plain films usually are not very helpful in determining the diagnosis, but plain films may reveal calcification; in the case of a large arteriovenous fistula, the collecting system may be displaced by the mass produced by the fistula. Often, color Doppler ultrasound can make the diagnosis noninvasively by directly imaging the fistula. Duplex Doppler interrogation of the renal vein demonstrates pulsatile, arterial-type flow if the fistula is of adequate size. Arteriography reveals the fistula along with early venous filling and often demonstrates venous dilatation and tortuousity secondary to the arteriovenous shunt ( Fig. 20-57). Renal function may be diminished on the side of involvement, depending on the severity of the shunt.

FIG. 20-57. Renal arteriovenous fistulas. A: Congenital fistula. Congenital fistulas typically demonstrate a grape-like sac of dilated vasculature along with an early draining vein. B through D: Acquired fistula from a stab wound is shown on computed tomogram as an area of contrast enhancement originating from the puncture site. Angiograms taken during arterial phase ( C) and venous phase (D) demonstrate a more globular fistula than in A.

Renal Artery Occlusion Renal arterial occlusion is most frequently caused by embolism in patients with cardiac disease. Thrombosis also occurs, most often secondary to atherosclerosis, but sometimes as a result of trauma. Regardless of cause, when a renal artery is occluded function is lost. Partial function may occasionally return after 1 year or longer. The roentgenographic findings in acute renal arterial occlusion consist of urographic evidence of a nonfunctioning kidney of normal size in which retrograde pyelography shows no abnormality. A peripheral rim of opacified cortex may be observed during the nephrographic phase. Presumably, this cortex is supplied by the collateral circulation of the renal capsule. Acute segmental infarction may be responsible for either complete nonvisualization on EXU or a local failure of calyceal filling. The cause for the complete loss of function in these patients is not certain. It may be that a shower of small emboli accompanies the segmental embolic block. 134 After total renal infarction without infection, the kidney decreases in size and usually remains nonfunctioning. Retrograde study reveals decrease in size of the calyceal system consistent with renal size. The late findings in segmental infarction are those of local decrease in size, which may distort the kidney locally and cause an irregular contour. Renal arteriography can be used to confirm the diagnosis in all types of arterial occlusion. Both left and right sides should be studied, because involvement is frequently bilateral. Doppler ultrasound can suggest the diagnosis of renal arterial occlusion. The role of MRI angiography is under investigation. CT findings parallel those of urography, but the effects of hemodynamics are better shown. Renal Vein Anomalies Valves are occasionally found in renal veins, as indicated previously. Anomalies of the left renal vein, specifically circumaortic or retroaortic left-renal veins, are occasionally seen on CT. Radiographically, this is recognized as a bifurcation or retroaortic position of the renal vein as it courses from the kidney to the vena cava. It is important to recognize these vascular anomalies as incidental findings and not mistake them for adenopathy or other pathology. Surgeons need to know of the existence of these variants before undertaking retroperitoneal surgery. Renal Vein Thrombosis Thrombosis of the renal vein occurs more frequently in children than in adults. In adults, direct invasion or extrinsic pressure by tumor and thrombosis of the inferior vena cava are among the more frequent causes. Acute enteritis is considered the chief cause in children, but any condition that produces dehydration, acidosis, and hemoconcentration may be an inciting factor. In infants who have had intrauterine renal vein thrombosis, a faint, lace-like calcification corresponding to intrarenal vascular structures may be observed on plain film. Because diagnosis is difficult from a clinical standpoint, radiographic methods are of prime importance. Roentgenographic findings depend on the rapidity of the occlusion and its relation to the development of venous collaterals. In acute renal vein thrombosis, the kidney is enlarged and EXU shows no excretion of contrast. The renal arteriogram shows delayed flow through narrow, stretched, interlobar arteries. Opacification of the parenchyma is poor, and the nephrogram phase is prolonged. Venous drainage cannot be identified. When the acute occlusion is partial, the kidney also becomes enlarged. Function as demonstrated by EXU is gradually regained in about 2 weeks as venous collaterals develop. In gradual occlusion, collateral circulation has time to develop, and the roentgenographic examination may show no abnormality whatsoever. When renal arteriography is carried out, the venous phase may show extensive venous collaterals. Dynamic CT also delineates the process well, when it is in an advanced stage. Direct visualization of thrombosis in the inferior vena cava and renal veins is possible if thin slices and dynamic or helical technique are used. The role of ultrasound in detection of renal vein thrombosis is unclear. Ultrasound signs include thrombus in the inferior vena cava, loss of corticomedullary junction, and hyperechoic streaks in the interlobar spaces surrounding the medullary pyramids. 103 The inability to detect flow in the renal veins using pulsed Doppler or color Doppler interrogation is a known finding of renal vein thrombosis. However, intrarenal renal venous signal may still be present as a result of collateralization. Renal transplants with renal vein thrombosis do not have intrarenal venous flow because of the inability to recruit collateral vessels. 77 When renal vein thrombosis is suspected, EXU should be performed. If the diagnosis is supported by absence or decrease of function and increase in renal size, renal arteriography should be the next step in the radiographic study of the patient. Evaluation of the renal arterial supply, intrarenal pathologic state, venous collaterals, or absence of renal vein filling and possibly demonstration of the actual obstructive site can all be accomplished with proper timing of the examination ( Fig. 20-58). Inferior venacavography and selective renal venography can alternatively be performed, but catheter insertion adds to the risk of thromboembolism.

FIG. 20-58. Renal vein thrombosis. A: Renal arteriogram at 2 seconds shows a large, vascular mass in the upper pole of the right kidney. Note the renal vein below the artery (arrow). B: Five-second film shows a continued opacification of the tumor and clear definition of the renal vein. C: Renal venogram. The tumor thrombus is

clearly defined in the inferior aspect of the renal vein at its junction with the vena cava, which is now outlined above the renal vein. Although there is partial obstruction of the renal vein, no collaterals are visible.

Renovascular Hypertension Gifford63 defined renovascular disease as the presence of a stenotic lesion in the renal artery or its branches. Diagnosis depends on demonstrating the stenotic lesion on imaging. The patient may or may not be hypertensive. In contrast, renovascular hypertension connotes the presence of a stenotic renal artery lesion plus relief of the hypertension by revascularization or removal of the affected kidney. In Gifford's experience, simultaneous occurrence of essential hypertension and coincidental renovascular disease is far more common than true renovascular hypertension. The clinical consequences of renal artery stenosis (RAS) include renovascular hypertension and progressive renal failure. Historically, the suspicion of renovascular hypertension most often prompted efforts to diagnose RAS as the cause. More recently, RAS has been recognized as an important factor in the development of progressive renal failure. 140 Atherosclerotic vascular disease affecting the renal arteries is commonly seen in patients with atherosclerotic vascular disease elsewhere.197 RAS is particularly prevalent in the large subgroup of patients with diabetes and peripheral vascular disease (50%). Atherosclerotic vascular disease affects both the large and the small vessels of the kidney. Small-vessel disease (nephrosclerosis) is not surgically treatable. On the other hand, macrovascular disease is a potentially treatable cause of rapidly progressive renal failure. Although the prevalence of RAS in atherosclerotic vascular disease is high, the proportion of patients in whom RAS causes progressive renal failure is unknown. A stenotic lesion of the renal artery is particularly significant in those patients with pre-existing renal disease, in which there is an overall reduction in nephron mass and an altered ability for the existing nephrons to compensate for the reduced perfusion associated with a renal artery lesion. However, because contrast angiography is contraindicated in these patients with renal failure, no suitable screening technique is available to identify and directly image the renal vasculature. With the advent of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty and improved surgical techniques for the correction of RAS, accurate diagnosis of this condition in order to preserve function or correct hypertension has become increasingly important. 27 Screening arteriography is not a viable option, because the use of contrast agents is believed to hasten the progression of renal failure in these patients. A noninvasive test that requires no nephrotoxic contrast agent would have tremendous clinical impact. The impact of such a test would be further enhanced by accurate computations of the threshold sensitivity of the test using cost-benefit analysis. Clinical Features In order to establish functionally significant RAS, diagnostic tests must accurately identify renal artery lesions which, when corrected, result in normalization of blood pressure or stabilization in the decline of renal function. Certain clinical features suggest the presence of significant RAS. These include rapidly progressive renal failure, onset of hypertension at an age younger than 20 years or older than 50 years, uncontrollable hypertension, rapidly progressive hypertension, hypertension responsive to angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors, and the presence of abdominal bruits. Diagnostic tests have focused on detecting renovascular disease in groups of patients selected to be at high risk for functionally significant renovascular disease based on these clinical findings. Although in general these clinical findings are poor predictors of significant renovascular disease, prior studies have demonstrated that the prevalence of renovascular hypertension is increased in such high-risk patients. The prevalence of renovascular disease in these groups has been demonstrated at 5% to 39%. 177 Similar selection strategies have not been implemented for detecting lesions in patients with renal insufficiency that might be caused by RAS, for example in diabetics, patients with peripheral vascular disease, and those with renal insufficiency. A diagnostic test that could identify those patients with RAS as a contributing factor to progressive renal failure would have important clinical impact when coupled with surgical techniques to improve renal perfusion. Current Diagnostic Tests Multiple strategies have been proposed for the diagnosis of RAS. In general, the strategies may be classified as those that demonstrate the anatomy of RAS and those that detect the secondary affects of stenotic lesions. Conventional arteriography, intra-arterial DSA, and intravenous DSA belong to the former category. Functional tests that measure the secondary effects of RAS may be divided into tests that measure renin production response to captopril stimulation and nuclear medicine renal perfusion studies. The most accepted measurements of renin production response to captopril stimulation include the captopril stimulation test and renal vein renin ratio measurements. 30,132 Indirect measurements of renal perfusion include rapid-sequence hypertensive urography, 131I-Hippuran and 99mTc-DTPA renography studies, and sonographic measurements of renal artery blood flow using duplex Doppler sonography. Arteriography Arteriography, either the cut film type or DSA, is the standard for detecting the anatomic lesions of RAS. 81 Findings on arteriography that suggest a functionally significant renal artery lesion include stenosis of greater than 75% ( Fig. 20-59), a pressure gradient of greater than 10 to 15 mm Hg, reduced size and perfusion of the affected kidney, and the presence of collateral circulation. 3,19,44 Renal arteriography is the only currently available technique that can demonstrate peripheral or segmental RAS associated with fibromuscular dysplasia ( Fig. 20-60).166 On the other hand, renal arteriography has not achieved wide acceptance as a screening technique for renovascular hypertension because it is invasive and expensive and is associated with use of a high contrast dose. Intra-arterial DSA has gained wider acceptance as a screening technique in groups of patients considered to be at high risk for renovascular hypertension for several reasons. Intra-arterial DSA can demonstrate lesions with similar anatomic resolution compared with conventional arteriography. In addition, peripheral and segmental vessels can be identified. Intra-arterial DSA has advantages over conventional arteriography because a smaller contrast dose can be administered and small catheters are used, which allows for the procedure to be performed with less risk. Therefore, the technique is considered to be much less invasive. However, because these techniques are invasive, require the use of contrast agents, and are expensive, they are not well suited for screening a population of patients with a low prevalence of RAS. As a result, many other diagnostic imaging screening techniques have been evaluated.

FIG. 20-59. Translumbar aortogram with good visualization of the renal artery. The site of a stenotic lesion ( arrow) secondary to arteriosclerosis in a 63-year-old man with hypertension is shown. Note the poststenotic dilatation of the renal artery.

FIG. 20-60. Fibromuscular dysplasia in an 18-year-old woman with hypertension. A: This urogram shows very slight hyperconcentration on the left. There are a few minor indentations on the upper-left ureter, suggesting the possibility of collateral vessels. B: This arteriogram shows a normal right renal artery. On the left there are multiple constrictions with poststenotic dilatation. There is great delay in perfusion of the left kidney, compared with the right. Note the collateral arteries in and below the renal hilus.

Atherosclerotic plaque-type lesions are the most common cause of RAS. Usually these are short and vary from a smooth circumferential narrowing to an irregular eccentric focal defect in the opacified renal artery. Most often these involve the renal artery orifice or the proximal third of the main renal artery, and they can progress to complete occlusion. Also common, but usually occurring in younger female patients, are varying types of fibromuscular dysplasia lesions. The right renal artery is involved more often than the left. The stenoses are located in the distal two thirds of the renal artery and extend into the segmental branches. The arteriographic appearance varies from a prominent string-of-beads appearance to tubular symmetrical or eccentric arterial lumen deformity. These lesions can progress in severity of luminal narrowing. Other rare renal artery lesions that can cause renovascular hypertension include those associated with arterial dissections, neurofibromatosis, musculotendinous bands, embolus, thrombosis, encasement by tumors, polyarteritis nodosa, scleroderma, aneurysms, arteriovenous malformations, and effects of renal trauma. Intravenous Digital Subtraction Angiography Intravenous DSA has been advocated as a less invasive method for directly visualizing the renal arteries and associated lesions. 25 The procedure is associated with less morbidity, because only a femoral venous catheterization is required. A significant problem associated with intravenous DSA studies is related to the high dose of contrast material required during multi-injection procedures. The high contrast load is an especially significant problem in patients with renal insufficiency, including the patients in this study population. Sensitivities and specificities for intravenous DSA in identifying RAS range from 83% to 100%. Svetky and colleagues 179 prospectively evaluated the accuracy for identification of various diagnostic stenoses causing renovascular hypertension. In their report, intravenous DSA had a sensitivity of 100% but a specificity of only 71% for predicting significant RAS. Most importantly, intravenous DSA is associated with a 6% to 12% occurrence of nondiagnostic studies, which are usually created by superimposition of bowel gas, poor cardiac output, or overlying visceral circulation. 81 In addition, branch or segmental renal arteries are poorly delineated, which limits the evaluation of peripheral stenoses and fibromuscular dysplasia. Few community diagnostic radiologists have been able to duplicate the results of academic centers, which typically have much greater experience with the use of digital techniques. In addition, although the procedure is associated with less morbidity, it is quite expensive. Radionuclide Renography In the absence of captopril stimulation, radionuclide renogram studies for the detection of RAS typically had fair to poor results. With the advent of captopril, which inhibits the angiotensin-converting enzyme, improved results of radionuclide renography have been noted 29 in patients being evaluated for renovascular hypertension. Addition of captopril enhances differences in glomerular filtration rate associated with the reduced perfusion state of RAS. It is clear that segmental RAS is not identified by captopril techniques. In addition, authors have noted significant false-negative findings in patients with bilateral stenoses. 116 A significant finding in captopril-stimulated renography is asymmetrical differences in perfusion and glomerular filtration rate. In symmetrical vascular disease (e.g., bilateral RAS), the incidence of false-negative results increases. This represents a significant problem for captopril-stimulated radionuclide renography in the diagnosis of RAS in patients with progressive renal failure, because the principal cause of renal failure is bilateral disease. In addition, the volatile volume status in patients with renal insufficiency further complicates radionuclide renography. Large, multicenter trials of radionuclide renography are currently underway and should determine the usefulness of this test in comparison with other imaging modalities. 81 Ultrasound Several investigators initially claimed that duplex Doppler evaluation of main renal artery velocity had potential value in identifying patients with RAS. Taylor and associates 183 used a renal-to-aortic peak velocity ratio to identify patients with RAS in a group of 29 patients with angiographic correlation. They found that a peak velocity ratio greater than 3.5 was associated with a sensitivity of 84% and a specificity of 97% for detecting RAS identified on angiography. More recent studies have generated conflicting results, including sensitivities and specificities ranging from 30% to 90%. 14 Therefore, there is little consensus as to the role of duplex Doppler sonography in the evaluation of RAS. Overall, the sample sizes have been small and the studies not well controlled. There is a wide variation in technical success, with reported rates of 82% to 98%, for obtaining Doppler signals from the main renal artery. One disadvantage of sonographic evaluation is the inability to accurately identify accessory renal arteries, which are seen in more than 20% of those examined. 14 Handa and coworkers71 studied the acceleration of systolic velocity in branches of the main renal artery. This study of 20 patients revealed a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 93% for detecting RAS. However, the number of patients was small and the examinations were unusually lengthy. These results are sufficiently promising to warrant further research, but the ultimate role of Doppler ultrasound for this diagnosis has not yet been completely settled. Magnetic Resonance Angiography Although magnetic resonance angiography has proved successful in the evaluation of circulation in the head and neck, renal artery imaging poses particular challenges because of artifacts from cardiac, respiratory, and bowel motion and problems with stationary tissue suppression ( Fig. 20-61). Problems are encountered in evaluation of renal vasculature because of overlap from renal veins, the inferior vena cava, and the adrenal/gonadal vasculature. Finally, the inherent vessel tortuousity and complex flow patterns, as well as widely disparate flow velocities in the aorta and renal arteries, create problems in imaging the renal vessels by magnetic resonance angiography. 175 These difficulties have translated into variable success in the assessment of renovascular disease using MRI. A report of 37 patients by Kim and colleagues 95 demonstrated an overall sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 94% for detecting stenoses greater than 50% by diameter. These authors used coronal and axial breath-held gradient-echo images (time-of-flight technique). As they pointed out, the spatial resolution of the technique was adequate only to evaluate the proximal renal arteries. The excellent results may therefore be explained at least in part by the atherosclerotic origin of all detected lesions. The proximal location of the lesions makes them amenable to diagnosis by magnetic resonance angiography. No branch vessel lesions, fibromuscular dysplasia, induced stenoses, or lesions in accessory renal arteries were among the detected lesions.

FIG. 20-61. Magnetic resonance angiography of the renal arteries. A: Normal axial magnetic resonance imaging made with phase-contrast technique. Aorta ( asterisk) and left renal vein (arrowheads) are shown. B: Renal artery stenosis. Note stenosis in proximal left renal artery ( arrow). Aorta (asterisk) and left renal vein (arrowheads) leading to inferior vena cava are shown. (Courtesy of Thomas M. Grist, M.D., Madison, Wisconsin.)


A renal mass may be seen first on plain film, urography, ultrasound, or CT. If a typical cyst is suspected, then ultrasonography should be performed to confirm this finding. If there is an atypical cyst or solid mass, then CT should be performed to evaluate the mass. Percutaneous fine-needle aspiration biopsies can be performed using CT or ultrasonography for guidance on indeterminate lesions and solid masses. Angiography should be reserved for equivocal findings on CT or ultrasonography; angiography or MRI can also be used to assess the renal vascular anatomy. Aspiration with contrast injection of atypical cysts may be required in some cases, but cyst punctures are not performed as often as they were before the use of CT and ultrasonography. Although not all solid renal masses are adenocarcinomas, because of the lack of accurate distinguishing features by any imaging modality, solid renal masses should be treated as if they represented a malignant lesion. 43 Benign Tumors Most benign renal tumors are small and asymptomatic; they are rare, and most are discovered at autopsy. Histologic types include adenoma, fibroma, lipoma, leiomyoma, hemangioma, and hamartoma; the renin-secreting juxtaglomerular cell tumor is very rare and is usually small, but it may be seen on arteriography as an avascular mass surrounded by a denser rim of compressed parenchyma. A few dilated, tortuous arteries may be present, and, of crucial importance in the diagnosis, there may be elevation of venous renin from the affected kidney. If the benign renal tumors are small, they may not be detected on EXU, although they may be seen on CT or ultrasonography. If they attain sufficient size, a plain-film roentgenogram reveals enlargement of the renal shadow at the site of the tumor. Urography may then show enough distortion of the pelvocalyceal system to make the diagnosis of renal tumor. The chief importance of these benign tumors lies in their differentiation from malignant tumors, which usually cannot be done with certainty by any imaging modality. A leiomyoma arising in the renal capsule may rarely contain calcium resembling that observed in other leiomyomas. Most benign renal tumors, except for hemangiomas, are avascular on angiography. Malignant tumors may be avascular, and benign tumors may exhibit abnormal vascularity. In current practice, CT and ultrasonography should be the imaging modalities used to evaluate renal masses. Angiography can then be used if needed to assess a tumor's vascularity and the renal arteries. Retroperitoneal masses arising near the kidney may be difficult to differentiate from renal tumors on EXU, since they may distort the kidney and displace the upper ureter ( Fig. 20-62). CT, ultrasonography, or MRI allows more accurate differentiation of intrarenal from extrarenal masses.

FIG. 20-62. Huge radiolucent tumor distorting the right kidney and ureter. This is a large retroperitoneal lipoma.

Renal Angiomyolipoma Renal angiomyolipoma (hamartoma) is one of the few benign renal tumors that can often be differentiated from other benign tumors and from malignant renal tumors. It is a mixed mesodermal tumor composed of adipose tissue, smooth muscle, and blood vessels in varying proportions. Angiomyolipomas may be associated with tuberous sclerosis, in which case they are usually multiple and bilateral ( Fig. 20-63). Angiomyolipoma may also occur as a solitary unilateral tumor, usually in older women. Clinical manifestations include signs of infection, pain, hematuria, or an asymptomatic abdominal mass. This tumor is prone to bleed, and patients may present in hypovolemic shock.

FIG. 20-63. Bilateral angiomyolipomas associated with tuberous sclerosis. Bilateral masses of fat attenuation are present in both kidneys in a patient with tuberous sclerosis.

Urographic findings are those of a mass that enlarges the kidney and distorts and displaces the pelvis and calyces. If much fat is present, the radiolucent areas within the mass suggest the diagnosis. If the tumors are multiple and bilateral, they may simulate polycystic disease. Typically, the angiomyolipoma appears as a focal hyperechoic mass on ultrasonography because of the fatty elements. However, Hartman and colleagues found in a retrospective review that a mixed or hypoechoic pattern could also be found. Renal-cell carcinoma can also have a hyperechoic pattern, so that this ultrasonic finding can be suggestive but not pathognomonic of angiomyolipoma. 59,73 The demonstration of fat within a renal tumor on CT is considered diagnostic of angiomyolipoma ( Fig. 20-64), although a few renal cell

carcinomas containing fat have been reported. 78,176 The ease of detection of fat on CT is proportional to the amount of fat in the angiomyolipoma, since partial-volume artifacts and bleeding into the tumor can alter density measurements. 21

FIG. 20-64. A and B: Angiomyolipoma. Enhanced computed tomograms at two different levels. Note the very low attenuation areas, compatible with fat in the tumor.

The most striking angiographic finding is the presence of many peculiar, small, regular outpouchings of the interlobar and interlobular arteries resembling berry aneurysms. In some patients, the interlobular arteries terminate in these aneurysms resembling a cluster of grapes, in contrast to the irregular size and contour of the tumor vessels seen in renal cell carcinoma. This appearance is present in the arterial phase and is obscured by the nephrographic phase. Later, there is irregular puddling, indistinguishable from that caused by malignant tumor. The venous phase is normal, not early as in renal cell carcinoma. Differentiation from renal cell carcinoma by angiographic means alone may be difficult. Multilocular Cystic Nephroma This rare condition consists of unilateral solitary cysts that contain numerous loculi that neither intercommunicate nor connect with the renal pelvis. 9 This abnormality is usually found in childhood. The remainder of the kidney is normal. Some consider it a form of renal dysplasia; others believe it to be a benign neoplasm, a multilocular cystic nephroma. Rarely, diffuse calcification is present, resembling that seen in renal cell carcinoma. Abdominal mass is the usual major presenting complaint. Roentgenographic findings resemble those of simple cyst on the urogram. Arteriography shows the mass to be avascular; vessels around it may be stretched, but no neovascularity or tumor stain is demonstrated. Ultrasonography and CT show a multichambered, cystic-type lesion. Cyst puncture is occasionally needed to eliminate the possibility of malignancy. Lipomatosis of the Renal Sinus This condition is also called fibrolipomatosis, fatty replacement, fatty transformation, lipomatous paranephritis, and lipoma diffusum renis. Because it may resemble tumor on urographic study, it is considered here. Lipomatosis consists of an excessive amount of fat in the renal sinus that distorts the calyces, infundibula, and renal pelvis to varying degrees. It is usually found as a replacement process in renal atrophy, whatever the cause, but it may occur in simple obesity. It is found in older age groups, usually in patients older than 50 years of age. The urographic appearance may simulate renal tumor, parapelvic cyst, or polycystic disease. It is important that differentiation be made, because lipomatosis is not a surgical problem. The condition can usually be suspected on EXU, but nephrotomography best outlines the changes and facilitates the diagnosis. The pelvis is flattened or irregularly indented on its lateral aspect; the infundibula are elongated and narrow and often appear stretched. The calyces may be relatively normal, but they may be dilated and blunted if pyelonephritis is superimposed. At times, the deposition of fat is localized so that cyst or tumor may be simulated. The diffuse type can also resemble polycystic disease. The infusion method of urography in conjunction with tomography demonstrates in sharp relief the relationship of the radiolucent fat to the opacified pelvocalyceal system ( Fig. 20-65). CT also nicely demonstrates the parapelvic fat in renal sinus lipomatosis. The fat can be recognized by its low attenuation values, with the site and extent of fatty replacement also delineated. 178 On ultrasonography, renal sinus lipomatosis appears hyperechoic, similar to but more so than normal fat in the sinus.

FIG. 20-65. A and B: Lipomatosis of the renal sinus. These tomograms show radiolucent fat in the renal sinus with elongation and narrowing of infundibula.

This process may be unilateral or bilateral. When it is bilateral, it is not necessarily symmetrical. Involvement on the left is often somewhat greater than on the right. The involved kidney may be enlarged, with some thinning of the remaining renal tissue. Renal Pseudotumor The kidney is capable of hypertrophy and hyperplasia. A focal mass or pseudotumor can be difficult to differentiate from a tumor on urography. Compression of the pelvocalyceal system, splaying of the calyces, and local enlargement with protrusion from the renal surface may be present. Because the calyces do not regenerate, the masses do not contain these structures. In addition to the demonstration of a mass, EXU may reveal the signs of renal disease, which results in the regeneration of renal parenchyma including nonobstructive caliectasis and irregular thinning of the cortex. Enlarged Bertin's column is an example of invagination of the renal cortex into the medulla, simulating a tumor. It is often found at the junction of the middle and upper third of the kidney. Angiography reveals spreading of the arteries, but no tumor vessels or arteriovenous shunts are present, so there is no early venous filling. The capillary blush equals or exceeds that of the remaining renal parenchyma, and there is no evidence of a wall or capsule. Ultrasonography, radionuclide studies, or MRI can be used to differentiate pseudotumors from true tumors. However, helical or dynamic CT is generally the procedure of choice. Pseudotumors should have similar attenuation values with other normal parenchyma on both precontrast and postcontrast scans. Tumors, in comparison, are generally hypoattenuating on contrast-enhanced images. Angiography is sometimes used for this indication. Some tumors on ultrasonography can have very similar echogenicity to normal renal parenchyma and be missed. A number of other conditions may resemble renal hilar or parenchymal masses. These include fetal lobulations, aneurysm of the renal artery, dilated veins, renal abscess, hematoma, xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis, renal tuberculosis, and, most importantly and most often, renal cyst.

Malignant Tumors Malignant tumors of the kidney can be divided into the following types: (1) renal cell carcinoma (adenocarcinoma or hypernephroma); (2) embryonal tumors (Wilms' tumor); (3) tumors of the renal pelvis (transitional cell carcinoma); (4) mesenchymal tumors (sarcoma); (5) lymphoma, including leukemia; and (6) metastases. The adenocarcinoma or renal cell carcinoma is the most common malignant tumor, and it can arise in any portion of the kidney. The tumor may attain great size before it causes symptoms. In general, solid renal masses in adults are surgically removed because of the difficulty in excluding malignancy by any imaging findings. Additionally, needle-biopsy specimens can be difficult for the pathologist to interpret without examination of the entire specimen. Renal Cell Carcinoma (Hypernephroma, Adenocarcinoma) Renal cell carcinoma occurs more frequently in men than in women and is most commonly seen in 40- to 60-year-olds. Clinically, the patient may present with weight loss, flank pain, palpable mass, or hematuria. Renal cell carcinoma has a propensity to metastasize to the lungs, liver, and lymph nodes, with tumor extension into the renal vein and inferior vena cava. Plain-film findings consist of local or general enlargement of the kidney, which varies with the size of the tumor. The renal border may be preserved (although lobulated or distorted), or it may be irregular and disrupted. The lesions are usually limited by the renal capsule until they are far advanced. It is not uncommon to note calcification, which may be irregularly scattered or curvilinear, within the tumor. Calcification may also be rim-like or curvilinear, outlining the periphery of the tumor. Renal displacement or tilting of the axis may result when there is a large medial mass in the upper or lower pole, or the entire kidney may be displaced if the tumor is large. Displacement of neighboring organs occurs when the tumor attains sufficient size. This may be apparent on a plain film, but is best appreciated with CT or MRI. 139,169 Urographic changes are caused by the distortion produced by the tumor mass. Calyces are elongated, distorted, narrowed, or obliterated. The renal pelvis may be altered similarly. Renal cell carcinoma usually produces more disruption of the calyces or pelvis than a cyst of similar size. This disruption is important, because although cysts can elongate and compress the pelvocalyceal system, they tend to cause less distortion. Large tumors can cause considerable displacement of the upper ureter and may partially obstruct the pelvis or upper ureter ( Fig. 20-66). There is usually enough function to visualize the calyces and pelvis on EXU, in contrast to the loss of function often noted in hydronephrosis (which can produce renal enlargement) or with transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis. Occasionally, infiltration of the kidney by tumor may be so extensive that no function remains. Also, function may be decreased by invasion and thrombosis of the renal vein.

FIG. 20-66. A through E: These excretory urograms indicate various findings produced by renal carcinoma. Note the considerable distortion of the calyces sometimes associated with the tumor mass. Tumor site in each case is shown by arrows.

The malignant cystic renal tumor must be differentiated from a simple renal cyst. In the past, urographic criteria were used to make this distinction. Renal cysts had a claw sign in the nephrographic phase and a crowding together of the calyces. Calyces were rarely amputated, and the cyst was attached to the periphery of the kidney. Renal tumors, conversely, demonstrated invasion of the renal pelvis, separation of the calyces, calyceal amputation, and a mass contiguous with the body of the kidney.158 These criteria, however, were not accurate in distinguishing cyst from tumor, which is currently done with the use of ultrasonography and CT. Pollack and colleagues153 demonstrated an accuracy rate of 98% for diagnosing a simple cyst when certain criteria were fulfilled on ultrasonography. These criteria included (1) enhancement of sound transmission beyond the cyst, (2) absence of internal echoes, (3) sharp delineation of the far wall, and (4) a spherical or slightly ovoid shape (Fig. 20-67). CT criteria for a simple cyst include (1) homogeneous attenuation value near that of water density, (2) no enhancement with intravenous contrast, (3) no measurable thickness of the cyst wall, and (4) a smooth interface with renal parenchyma ( Fig. 20-68).118

FIG. 20-67. Simple renal cyst. Longitudinal ultrasound of a large cyst in the upper pole of the right kidney. Note the absence of internal echoes and the through-transmission (arrows) beyond the cyst.

FIG. 20-68. Simple renal cyst. Dynamic enhanced computed tomogram of a cyst in the posterior aspect of the left kidney. Note the smooth interface with the renal parenchyma and the lack of enhancement within the cyst.

When cysts do not meet the criteria for a simple renal cyst, they are best categorized by the criteria of Bosniak. 20 This system classifies renal cysts into four types. Type 1 is a simple renal cyst. Type 2 is a minimally complicated cyst with increased attenuation values, thin calcifications in the periphery, or thin septations ( Fig. 20-69). Type 1 and 2 cysts have essentially no chance of malignancy. Type 3 cysts have thick septations or chunky calcifications, uniform thick wall, or nonenhancing nodules. Type 4 cysts are frankly malignant, with thick walls, enhancing components, and solid enhancing nodules. Type 3 and 4 cysts have a large chance of malignancy (57% and 100%, respectively). 5,20 More recent literature has reaffirmed the value of the Bozniak classification but has suggested that type 2 lesions have a higher rate of malignancy than previously reported. 198

FIG. 20-69. Hyperdense renal cyst. Unenhanced computed tomogram shows the homogeneous, high-attenuation cyst in the lateral portion of the left kidney.

Renal cell carcinoma on CT appears as a solid lesion (with or without cystic components) that deforms the renal contour. The interface between the tumor and normal renal parenchyma may be difficult to define on precontrast scans but is usually clear after injection of intravenous contrast material. Postcontrast scans usually show the tumor enhancing less than the normal renal parenchyma ( Fig. 20-70).49 Low-attenuation regions within the tumor that do not change after addition of contrast material are compatible with necrosis or hemorrhage. CT also can be used in the staging of renal cell carcinoma ( Fig. 20-71). More recently, MRI has been used in the evaluation of renal cell carcinoma. It is generally agreed that, although most renal cell carcinomas can be detected by MRI, some may be isointense to normal kidney on T1- and T2-weighted sequences. Newer literature suggests that fat-suppression and breath-hold techniques may be as sensitive as CT for detection of renal masses. MRI may be more advantageous in evaluating vascular patency ( Fig. 20-72), detecting perihilar lymphadenopathy, and assessing direct tumor invasion of adjacent organs.92 Staging of renal adenocarcinoma is now performed primarily by dynamic CT, helical CT, and MRI. 200

FIG. 20-70. Renal cell carcinoma. Enhanced computed tomogram shows lack of enhancement of tumor (asterisk) relative to normal parenchyma. Tumor thrombus involves right renal vein and extends into inferior vena cava ( arrows). (Courtesy of Phillip Murphy, M.D., Rochester, New York.)

FIG. 20-71. A: Helical computed tomography (CT) image during the arterial phase demonstrates a hypervascular mass ( arrow). Note fluid collection surrounding kidney (asterisk), consistent with a spontaneous bleed from this tumor. B: Helical CT during the parenchymal phase. The renal mass is now lower in attenuation than the surrounding normal renal parenchyma.

FIG. 20-72. Renal cell carcinoma. A: Coronal T1-weighted magnetic resonance image (MRI) of a large right renal cell carcinoma. B: Coronal MRI in a different patient shows tumor thrombus (arrow) within the inferior vena cava. C: Axial time-of-flight image demonstrates dark clot in caval lumen ( arrow).

Both ultrasonography and CT can be used to guide percutaneous biopsies of renal masses for cytopathology or histology. On ultrasonography, renal cell carcinoma can be isoechoic, hypoechoic, or hyperechoic compared with the normal renal parenchyma ( Fig. 20-73).59 Ultrasonography can also be used to evaluate renal vein and inferior vena caval involvement.

FIG. 20-73. Renal cell carcinoma. Longitudinal ultrasound study demonstrates a solid exophytic mass in the midportion of the kidney ( arrow), typical of renal cell carcinoma.

Angiography is infrequently used for the diagnosis of renal cell carcinoma. Angiography of renal cell carcinoma may show (1) increased vascularity with irregular pooling and arteriovenous communications with early venous filling ( Fig. 20-74), (2) relative avascularity of the entire tumor or a portion of it, (3) abnormal circulation by way of capsular or extrarenal vessels, (4) venous collaterals and abnormal peripheral venous channels around the mass, and (5) lack of constrictor response to epinephrine in tumor vessels. Transcatheter embolization of renal cell carcinoma has been performed. 61 It is done preoperatively to aid in surgical removal because the embolization causes tumor vessels to collapse, resulting in decreased operating time and decreased blood loss. In patients with inoperable tumors, it is undertaken to relieve symptoms and reduce tumor size. Materials that have been used for embolization include autologous clot, Gelfoam, Ivalon (a polyvinyl alcohol), microspheres, muscle tissue, steel coils, and ferromagnetic silicone. Balloon catheter occlusion has also been used.

FIG. 20-74. Renal cell carcinoma as seen on the selective renal arteriogram. A: At 1.5 seconds there are abnormal vessels within the lower pole mass while arteries surrounding it are stretched. B: At 3 seconds, more puddling and arteriovenous shunting is visible with many abnormal tumor vessels. C: At 16 seconds, the renal vein is opacified. Note also the abnormal veins lateral to the mass, outside the kidney.

Wilms' Tumor Wilms' tumor, or nephroblastoma, is the most common abdominal neoplasm of infancy and childhood. Wilms' tumor arises from embryonic renal tissue and tends to become very large. Most Wilms' tumors arise in the first 5 years of life but are rarely present at birth, in contrast to neuroblastoma or the fetal renal hamartoma of the kidney. Nephroblastomatosis, or persistence of subcapsular deposits of primitive nephroblastic tissue, is considered to represent a precursor of Wilms' tumor. Wilms' tumor is usually unilateral (at least 95% of cases) and appears as an abdominal mass. Hematuria is not common, and pain is present in about one fourth of cases. Scout roentgenograms show the outline of the mass with displacement of neighboring structures and elevation of the diaphragm on the side of the lesion. Wilms' tumor may occasionally contain calcifications, in contrast to neuroblastoma, which also causes a large tumor mass in infants and children but contains calcifications on plain film in 50% of cases. Urographic findings are those of a large intrarenal tumor that distorts the calyces and pelvis and often displaces and partially obstructs the ureter. The distortion of the calyces tends to be less than with renal cell carcinoma of similar size but is greater than with neuroblastoma, which often arises adjacent to the kidney and displaces it. Renal function may be impaired, but there is usually enough function to outline some of the calyces on urography and to differentiate this tumor from hydronephrosis causing massive renal enlargement. Ultrasonography usually shows a homogeneous, echogenic renal mass; there may be small hypoechoic regions that represent cysts within the tumor. 37 CT is useful to confirm the intrarenal location of Wilms' tumor ( Fig. 20-75) and can also demonstrate necrosis or hemorrhage, the absence of vessel encasement (vessel encasement would suggest neuroblastoma), and the distortion of the renal calyces. Retrocrural lymphadenopathy, if seen on CT, would suggest neuroblastoma. In one study of 15 patients with Wilms' tumor, no retrocrural lymphadenopathy was seen. 104 MRI is particularly useful in cases in which the intrarenal location of a retroperitoneal mass is in doubt because of the multiplanar reformat capability of MRI. Angiography is not often done. Arteriovenous shunts are not seen, nor is any puddling or pooling of contrast in venous lakes. Tumor vessels that are long and tortuous and that may resemble a creeping vine are seen. These vessels tend to be discrete, to be of large caliber, and to have an irregular diameter. Invasion, obstruction, or displacement of the inferior vena cava can be detected by cavography, although ultrasonography, MRI, or CT ( Fig. 20-76) is more commonly used now. Wilms' tumor tends to metastasize to the lungs and para-aortic lymph nodes and can also extend locally by direct invasion. Calcification in metastases has been reported but is extremely rare.

FIG. 20-75. Wilms' tumor. A: Longitudinal ultrasound examination of the left kidney shows a large mass arising in the lower pole, causing upper pole hydronephrosis. B: Computed tomography scan demonstrates similar findings. In contrast to neuroblastoma, note that the aorta and inferior vena cava ( arrow) are displaced rather than enveloped by the mass.

FIG. 20-76. Wilms' tumor. Enhanced computed tomogram shows involvement of the inferior vena cave ( arrow) by the low-attenuation tumor thrombus. The primary tumor is seen in the left kidney.

Tumors of the Renal Pelvis Tumors of the renal pelvis are of epithelial origin and present a different urographic picture than renal cell carcinoma. There are two major types of malignant lesions: transitional cell carcinoma and the squamous cell carcinoma that arises from squamous metaplasia of urinary tract epithelium. Transitional cell tumors, which comprise almost 90% of malignant tumors of the renal pelvis, tend to be somewhat less invasive than the squamous cell type. The latter is frequently associated with chronic infection, leukoplakia, or calculi. These tumors produce symptoms of hematuria, pain (obstructive type), and sometimes a palpable mass caused by obstructive hydronephrosis or a large tumor with perirenal extension. On the plain film, there may be no sign of tumor. Because hematuria is an early sign, the patients are usually examined when the lesion is small and therefore difficult to detect in the calyx or pelvis. The tumor causes a filling defect that may be irregular or smooth and may be small or large. These defects are outlined on urograms as radiolucent areas projecting into the opacified calyx or pelvis ( Fig. 20-77). Malignant tumors are usually more irregular than benign papillomas of the pelvis, but urographic differentiation of the various cell types of renal pelvis tumors is not possible. The urographic evidence of an infiltrating type of tumor may be minimal, but it can also become very large and produce major alterations in the renal pelvis ( Fig. 20-78). Blood clots and radiolucent calculi can produce similar defects. For this reason, it is common practice to follow EXU by retrograde pyelography when a filling defect is noted. If a blood clot or calculus caused the defect, the second examination will show disappearance or alteration in the size or position of the defect. Calcification may occur within this type of tumor but is rare. Ureteral and bladder implants occur frequently and produce small defects similar to those caused by the primary tumor in the kidney. Occasionally, a tumor may invade and infiltrate the adjacent parenchyma to simulate renal cell carcinoma.

FIG. 20-77. Carcinoma of the renal pelvis. Note the irregular filling defects of the upper-pole calyces and infundibula. The lesion was a transitional cell carcinoma.

FIG. 20-78. Infiltrating carcinoma (transitional cell) of the renal pelvis. Note gross distortion of infundibula and calyces. The pelvis does not opacify because it is full of tumor.

CT can be used to differentiate a tumor from a radiolucent calculus in the renal pelvis. 168 Baron and colleagues 11 recommended that CT be performed after EXU in patients with known or suspected transitional cell carcinoma for diagnosis, preoperative staging, and evaluation of whether limited resection is possible. On CT, transitional cell carcinoma appears as a soft-tissue density within the renal pelvis ( Fig. 20-79).152

FIG. 20-79. Carcinoma of the renal pelvis. A: Retrograde pyelogram demonstrates filling defect in the right renal pelvis. B: Enhanced computed tomographic scan of same patients as in A shows tumor in renal pelvis (arrow). Soft-tissue mass definitively excludes low-density renal calculus as cause of filling defect. (Courtesy of Patrick J. Fultz, M.D., Rochester, New York.)

Transitional cell carcinoma is relatively hypovascular on angiography. There is no pooling, arteriovenous shunting, or neovascularity. The residual parenchymal

vessels are occluded or encased by tumor and narrowed. These angiographic findings, however, may also be found in metastases to the kidney. Squamous Metaplasia of the Renal Pelvis. Leukoplakia or squamous metaplasia of the renal pelvis is probably caused by infection or chronic irritation from another source. It is included here because it may resemble carcinoma of the pelvis and often precedes squamous cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis. Infection is found in 80% of patients, and 40% have had renal calculi. The patient may describe passing tissue or gritty material, and the diagnosis is established by finding keratinized squamous epithelium in the urine. The condition is usually unilateral. Clinically, hematuria may be present with intermittent chills or fever also occurring. Radiographic findings are varied. Irregular areas in the renal pelvis partially surrounded by contrast material, large laminated masses presenting an onion-skin appearance, irregular plaques or bands producing linear striations, and roughening or wrinkling of the renal pelvis may be found. Any of these findings should suggest the diagnosis, but lucent calculi, hematoma, and carcinoma of the renal pelvis must be considered in the differential diagnosis. Sarcoma. Sarcoma of the kidney may originate from fibrous elements in the renal parenchyma or renal capsule or from smooth muscle rests in the parenchyma or blood vessels. Retroperitoneal sarcoma arising in or near the kidney often becomes so extensive that it is not possible to determine the site of origin even at autopsy. Renal sarcomas are rare tumors. Fibrosarcoma, liposarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, and even osteosarcoma of the kidney have been reported. Roentgenographic findings are those of a mass in the renal area that is often difficult to outline clearly and may obliterate the psoas shadow in its more cephalad aspect. Urograms tend to show somewhat less distortion of the pelvocalyceal system than is noted in a renal cell carcinoma of similar size. Neifeld and colleagues 138 stated that CT is valuable in suggesting more extensive involvement than may be appreciated with other diagnostic modalities or by clinical examination. CT can also be used to monitor patients for recurrence of the sarcoma. Liposarcoma is the most common retroperitoneal sarcoma. Lymphoma and Leukemia Involvement of the kidneys in patients with chronic leukemia may occur late in the disease. Renal involvement is more common in children with acute leukemia than in those with the chronic form. The leukemic infiltrate tends to be largely cortical in location. Renal enlargement, usually bilateral, is demonstrated on plain films. Urographic signs in addition to bilateral enlargement consist of enlargement of the renal pelvis (without dilatation or evidence of obstruction), stretching and elongation of the calyces and pelvis, and irregularity of the renal outline. CT is useful in demonstrating the renal enlargement, associated lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly, and complications such as hemorrhage. 76,91 Breatnach and colleagues 22 reported a case of intrarenal chloroma causing obstructive uropathy. The kidneys can also be involved with lymphoma; most cases represent secondary involvement. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma involves the kidneys more frequently than Hodgkin's lymphoma does. The distribution of disease is somewhat more varied than in the leukemias. Renal enlargement (caused by infiltration of the kidneys) is a common form of involvement. Other findings include distortion or elongation of the pelvocalyceal system, solitary or multiple tumor nodules, and perirenal masses that may engulf or displace the kidney ( Fig. 20-80). The solitary tumor nodules cannot be differentiated from primary renal tumors by urography, CT, ultrasonography, or MRI. Multiplicity of tumor nodules should suggest the possibility of lymphoma. Some lymphomas with multiple renal masses may resemble polycystic disease on urography or angiography, but CT or ultrasonography can be used to demonstrate the solid nature of these masses. Retroperitoneal adenopathy, along with the CT or MRI findings of renal nodules, renal enlargement, or renal infiltration, can suggest the diagnosis of renal lymphoma. 170 CT can also be used to evaluate the course of lymphoma and its response to therapy.90

FIG. 20-80. Renal lymphoma. Enhanced computed tomogram shows large soft-tissue masses involving both kidneys. (Courtesy of Bevan Bastian, M.D., Green River, Wyoming.)

Metastases to the Kidney Metastatic tumors to the kidney are twice as common as primary renal tumors. However, most of these are small and are discovered at autopsy. If lymphoma is excluded, lung cancer is the most common source of metastases. Breast, stomach, colon, cervix, pancreas, and contralateral renal tumors can metastasize to the kidney, as can melanoma. These metastases usually are bloodborne but can occur from lymphatic spread or direct extension. In a series of nine patients studied by Mitnick and colleagues, 127 the tumors were usually multiple and bilateral. Metastases to the kidney may be detected with EXU, but the increasingly widespread use of CT and ultrasonography in oncology patients may allow for increased detection rates. The metastases are best seen on dynamic enhanced CT scans as regions of low attenuation relative to the normal parenchyma. The appearance on ultrasonography in the series by Mitnick and colleagues 127 varied from hypoechoic to a mixed pattern of hypoechoic and more echogenic regions. The amount of vascularity and the histology of the primary tumor may determine the appearance on ultrasonography.


Amyloidosis Renal amyloidosis may be primary or secondary to chronic inflammatory disease. Plain-film findings include bilateral, symmetrical renal enlargement with normal collecting systems. Late in the disease the kidneys may become small and have diminished function. Angiographic findings recorded in a few reports include slightly decreased renal artery size, pruning, tortuousity and irregularity of the distal interlobar arteries, a relatively homogeneous nephrogram, nonvisualization of the interlobar arteries, prominent extrarenal arteries, and uneven involvement of the kidneys. Renal vein thrombosis is common. When the disease is restricted to the renal pelvis, linear submucosal calcification outlining the pelvis may be noted. CT findings reflect the angiographic features of the venous thrombosis component. Scleroderma Renal scleroderma may show changes similar to those found in the kidneys of patients with advanced malignant hypertension. In patients with scleroderma, the nephrogram phase of the roentgenographic examination is quite characteristic. Spotty lucencies are seen scattered throughout the kidney, with a delay in arterial flow manifested by persistent filling of arteries during the nephrogram phase. 199 Chronic Glomerulonephritis Renal cortical calcification somewhat similar to that observed in patients who survive acute renal cortical necrosis is seen rarely in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis. The kidneys of patients with chronic glomerulonephritis are usually symmetrically small with relatively normal collecting systems. Multiple Myeloma In multiple myeloma, renal involvement is the result of precipitation of abnormal proteins in the tubules. Findings are those of bilateral, smooth renal enlargement with

normal collecting systems. Parenchymal thickness is increased. Later in the disease, renal failure with oliguria may result in small kidneys. In this disease, it is essential that the patient be well hydrated during EXU to decrease the risk of precipitation of abnormal urinary protein in the tubules, causing renal failure. Agnogenic Myeloid Metaplasia When extramedullary hematopoiesis occurs in the renal hilus, it may simulate a parapelvic cyst or neoplasm. Hemophilia Nonobstructive renal enlargement has been noted in patients with hemophilia, primarily in children. Sickle-Cell Hemoglobinopathy Sickle-cell hemoglobinopathy may be a cause of renal papillary necrosis. It may occur in SS, SC, and SA disease. Papillary necrosis in these patients is similar to that in analgesic-abuse patients. Bilateral renal enlargement has also been reported in patients with sickle-cell hemoglobinopathies and in thalassemia but is not found in many of these patients. Sarcoidosis The hypercalcemia frequently observed in patients with sarcoidosis may result in nephrocalcinosis and nephrolithiasis. In addition, the granulomas of sarcoidosis may involve the kidney. The granulomatous disease is usually not severe enough to cause any recognizable alteration, but the nephrocalcinosis and renal calculi can be observed. Usually there is no deformity of the collecting system. There may be some irregularity of the renal outline secondary to scarring related to tubular atrophy in patients with long-standing hyperuricemia. Radiation Nephritis Acute radiation nephritis develops after a period of 6 to 12 months after radiation treatment for malignancy. The urogram and CT may show only slight diminution in excretion. In chronic radiation nephritis, there is glomerular damage, tubular atrophy, and interstitial fibrosis as well as damage to smaller arteries and arterioles. Atrophy involves the area irradiated, whether it be a portion of the kidney or the entire kidney, which is then decreased in size. The other finding is diminution in renal excretion, which may be observed when comparison is made with the opposite, normal kidney. Hypertension often develops in patients with severe renal damage. In some, the condition progresses to malignant hypertension, which is relieved if the involved kidney is removed. The cause of hypertension in these patients is not entirely clear. Nephrosclerosis Nephrosclerosis refers to the alteration in renal parenchyma that results from decreased arterial blood flow due to diffuse arteriosclerosis; therefore, the condition is associated with renal ischemia. Some patients have this small-vessel disease as a result of predisposing disease such as diabetes mellitus. Nephrosclerosis can lead to local infarction. The imaging findings depend on the type of involvement. The infarcts produce a renal scar that appears as an irregularity indenting the renal cortical margin. The collecting system is usually normal. When the disease is uniform and widespread, the kidney decreases in size and there is also evidence of decrease in function. Radiology in Renal Transplantation Patients Arteriographic studies are obtained on potential kidney donors to identify the number of renal arteries, to demonstrate unsuspected disease involving the renal arteries, and to outline the anatomic variations. CT angiography has been shown to be both cost-effective and efficacious for this purpose, and in some centers it has replaced conventional angiography. In the post-transplantation period, both radionuclide scintigraphy and ultrasonography are valuable imaging modalities. Radionuclide scintigraphy can be used to evaluate parenchymal failure in the renal transplant caused by rejection or acute tubular necrosis. 99mTc-DTPA and 131I-Hippuran are the radiopharmaceuticals most commonly used to evaluate the renal transplant, although use of 99mTC-mertiatide is becoming more common.182 Evaluation of renal perfusion, parenchymal accumulation, and transit time on serial scans can help to distinguish acute tubular necrosis from transplant rejection. Rejection usually is manifested by progressive deterioration of renal perfusion and function, whereas acute tubular necrosis shows improvement or a plateau in perfusion and function after an initial drop at about 24 to 48 hours after transplantation. 48 Radionuclide scintigraphy can also help to evaluate mechanical injuries to the blood vessels or problems with urinary drainage in the transplant. Ultrasonography may demonstrate several findings compatible with post-transplant rejection. Medullary edema, increase in transplant size, increase in cortical echoes, decreased parenchymal echoes, indistinct corticomedullary boundary, and decreased renal sinus echoes have been reported as anatomic features of rejection (Fig. 20-81). Serial scans are again important to document changes from a baseline study. Ultrasonography can also evaluate hydronephrosis and perinephric fluid collections around the transplant (e.g., urinoma, hematoma, lymphocele).

FIG. 20-81. Renal transplant rejection. A and B: Normal renal allograft. Ultrasound demonstrates normal renal sinus and cortex. Duplex Doppler study has normal computed resistive index (RI) of 70.7%. C and D: Acute rejection. Allograft is now swollen with loss of differentiation between sinuses and parenchyma. Collecting system is more prominent. Computed RI is now 87.0% with noticeable lack of diastolic flow.

Doppler ultrasound, both duplex and color, is widely used to evaluate renal transplants. Because of its ability to distinguish flowing blood from other structures, Doppler technology greatly assists in locating and characterizing transplant vascularity. Complications such as arteriovenous fistulae, RAS, renal infarction, renal vein thrombosis, and pseudoaneurysms may be diagnosed by ultrasound, often reducing the necessity for angiography. 173,184 Sampling of arcuate and segmental arteries with pulsed Doppler ultrasound in normal renal allografts yields characteristic low-impedance antegrade flow during diastole. Early studies showed that acute rejection could be diagnosed by demonstrating increased vascular impedance leading to decreased or reversed flow during diastole. 137,160 This was quantified by the resistive index (RI) or the pulsatility index (PI).

A PI greater than 1.5 or an RI greater than 0.9 was thought to be a specific sign of acute rejection. A resistive index of 0.8 to 0.89 was thought likely to correspond to rejection.160 Later work demonstrated that other complications, such as acute tubular necrosis, pyelonephritis, external compression, chronic rejection, and renal vein obstruction, can also elevate these indices. Therefore, needle biopsy, often performed under ultrasound guidance, is needed to evaluate transplant dysfunction definitively after surgical complications have been excluded. 47,155,156 EXU should play a limited role because of the possibility of renal damage and the availability of ultrasonography and radionuclide scintigraphy. Angiography also plays a more limited role currently because it is an invasive procedure and involves the use of a contrast agent. If an angiographic procedure must be performed, DSA may be preferable to evaluate RAS or an abnormal vascular pattern. The role of MRI in renal transplantation is still being evaluated. One study 61 was able to distinguish hematomas from lymphoceles. Patients with acute rejection showed a decrease in corticomedullary differentiation and a decrease in overall signal intensity compared with a baseline state. The corticomedullary junction could not be differentiated in chronic rejection. 61 MRI spectroscopy may prove useful in making the specific diagnosis of rejection noninvasively, but this remains under investigation. 70

Tumors of the Ureter Benign tumors of the ureter are rare but include papilloma, hemangioma, fibroepithelial polyp, fibrolipoma, and leiomyoma. Papillomas are the most common benign ureteral tumor.167 They are epithelial in origin, and there is some controversy regarding the premalignant potential of these tumors. Some pathologists consider papillomas to be grade I malignancies. Radiographically, papillomas most often appear as a filling defect that can not be differentiated from transitional cell carcinoma by imaging. The fibroepithelial polyp is composed of a core of fibrous tissue that is covered by a layer of transitional epithelium. The polyp is often a long, branched, smooth, intraluminal structure that becomes quite large. A polyp reported by Howard 86 measured 10 by 3 cm. Multiple polyps may be present. Polyps can cause obstruction or ureteral intussusception, but the obstruction may not be as severe as the size of the polyp might indicate. Fibroepithelial polyps can be quite mobile, with long, worm-like projections (Fig. 20-82). The nonpolypoid tumors are not as common. Endometriosis of the ureter may simulate tumor because the lesion can invade the ureter and penetrate the mucosa. Endometriosis more often is an extrinsic lesion that involves the adventitia. If the ureter is involved, this usually occurs below the pelvic brim. Obstruction may be severe enough to cause symptoms.

FIG. 20-82. Fibroepithelial polyp of the ureter. Note long stalk seen as a left ureteral filling defect ( arrows) with eventual protrusion through the ureteral orifice into the bladder (arrowhead).

Most malignant tumors of the ureter are epithelial. Transitional cell carcinoma is the most common epithelial tumor and is usually papillary in form. The papillary tumors tend to be multiple. When multiple tumors are found, this is usually attributed to a multicentric origin. Roentgenographic findings do not differentiate the various types of epithelial tumors. Obstruction of the ureter is common and leads to hydronephrosis. An intraluminal tumor mass may be seen in addition to the ureteral obstruction on EXU. An infiltrating carcinoma occasionally may result in local narrowing of the lumen, simulating a benign ureteral stricture ( Fig. 20-83). In some cases there is no ureterectasis above the tumor even if it is large. The ureter is apparently able to dilate locally to accommodate the tumor as it grows, so that obstruction does not occur. The entire length of the ureter must be seen in these instances. The only roentgenographic sign is an intraluminal mass appearing as a negative filling defect that must be outlined by contrast material within the ureter to be visualized. A localized dilatation immediately below the tumor has been described (Fig. 20-84). If retrograde pyelography is attempted, the catheter tip may coil in the region of localized dilatation, the intraluminal mass impeding its upward progress; this is known as Bergman's sign. The coiling of the catheter is then a sign of ureteral tumor, because local dilatation does not occur below a ureteral calculus unless it is large, calcified, and easily detected. It is difficult to demonstrate both the upper and lower borders of a negative filling defect on one examination. EXU may be required to demonstrate the upper border and retrograde pyelography to demonstrate the lower border in these cases. Tomography of the ureter at the time of urography is helpful in some instances. CT can be used to detect periureteral extension in patients with transitional cell carcinoma and can demonstrate metastases to enlarged lymph nodes. It cannot, however, distinguish tumors with muscle wall invasion from those limited to the mucosa. The tumors approach soft-tissue density, with some of the tumors noted to increase in attenuation value on the enhanced scans. 11

FIG. 20-83. Carcinoma of the left ureter (arrow) has produced partial obstruction hydroureter and hydronephrosis above it.

FIG. 20-84. Ureteral carcinoma. The tumor produces a filling defect that is somewhat irregular superiorly and demonstrates dilatation below the tumor.

Metastases to the ureter from tumors outside the urinary tract may cause local involvement with little or no extrinsic mass. Alternatively, the ureter may be caught in a retroperitoneal mass, displaced, and narrowed. Metastases to the ureter on CT are demonstrated as a soft-tissue thickening or mass in the ureteral wall ( Fig. 20-85). There may be associated ureterectasis and hydronephrosis proximal to the lesion. Although selective arteriography can be used to identify ureteral tumors and help differentiate them from strictures, it is rarely used.

FIG. 20-85. Ureteral metastasis. Enhanced computed tomogram shows the thickened right ureteral wall ( white arrow) in this patient with breast cancer. Note contrast in the normal left ureter ( black arrow).

Other Ureteral Abnormalities Ureteral Displacement The ureter may herniate into the inguinal canal, the femoral canal, or the sciatic notch or behind the inferior vena cava. The relationship of the ureter to these various structures usually determines the diagnosis, and there is often a portion of the bowel extending into the hernia. Ureters are also displaced in patients with uterine prolapse or procidentia. Primary or secondary tumors or massive lymph nodes may also displace one or both ureters and may produce obstruction. Fecal impactions in the sigmoid colon may displace the ureter in a manner simulating a pelvic mass. In patients with Crohn's disease, a ureter can be caught in an inflammatory mass and displaced or obstructed by the accompanying fibrosis. In patients with aortic aneurysm, there may be traction displacement medially of one of the ureters toward the aneurysm. Presumably this is an indication of retroperitoneal bleeding with resultant fibrosis causing the displacement. Pelvic lipomatosis may also result in alteration in the course of the ureters and in some instances may produce ureteral obstruction. More often there is alteration in the appearance of the bladder, which is elevated and elongated vertically (pear-shaped bladder). Schistosomiasis Schistosomiasis can cause calcification in the ureteral wall as well as medial deviation, a straight lumbar course, or a bowed appearance in the pelvis with medial and upward displacement at the level of the trigone. There may be some stasis and dilatation of the upper urinary tract, owing mainly to fibrosis rather than to mechanical obstruction. Polyarteritis Polyarteritis can cause dilatation and nodular irregularity of the ureteral wall simulating a string of pearls. Amyloidosis Amyloidosis may involve the ureter, causing a stricture-like defect that can partially obstruct it, producing colicky pain and hematuria as well as ureterectasis above the stricture. 108 Primary Megaureter (or Adynamic Distal Ureteral Segment) Primary megaureter is the most common cause of ureteral obstruction in the presence of orthotopic ureters and is responsible for 20% of cases of neonatal hydronephrosis. 24 It is characterized by varying degrees of dilatation of one or both ureters just above the bladder, often without evidence of anatomic obstruction or reflux. 147 Usually there is no upper ureteral, pelvic, or calyceal dilatation unless infection is present. Maximal dilatation occurs immediately proximal to the aperistaltic segment near the ureterovesical junction, which averages 1.5 cm in length and is relatively narrow. It may not fill on EXU. Videotaped fluoroscopy may be used to demonstrate the disturbed peristalsis. The peristaltic activity is normal or vigorous in the proximal dilated ureter, but peristalsis is absent in the distal ureteral segment. Other genitourinary anomalies are seen in approximately 40% of cases. 149 Retroperitoneal Fibrosis Originally called periureteral fibrosis, this disease is more aptly termed retroperitoneal fibrosis because it may involve lymphatic and vascular structures in addition to the ureters. The cause of the disease is unknown, and it is characterized by a fibrosing inflammatory process in the retroperitoneum that may extend from the kidneys caudally to the pelvic brim and spread laterally to involve the ureters. In addition to the idiopathic cases (about 70%), several cases have been reported in patients receiving long-term methysergide (Sansert) therapy for migraine headaches. If the drug is withdrawn, the process may regress. However, if methysergide therapy is resumed, the process seems to recur. Other drugs such as phenacetin and methyldopa have also been implicated. Patients with retroperitoneal neoplasms (primary or metastatic) may also have a fibrotic reaction similar to that seen in the idiopathic form. Fibrosis of the orbit, duodenum, rectosigmoid, common bile duct, and pancreatic duct have been reported in association with retroperitoneal fibrosis. Involvement of the splenic vein, vena cava, celiac axis, superior mesenteric artery, or iliac arteries may also be found. Males are affected twice as often as females, and the condition is usually bilateral. Retroperitoneal fibrosis affects patients 8 to 80 years old, with the peak incidence in the fifth and sixth decades. 78 The patients can have back, flank, or abdominal pain. A palpable abdominal or rectal mass is noted in 30% of cases.

The radiographic findings may suggest the diagnosis. The normal fat lines may disappear so that the outlines of the psoas muscle are not visible on plain film. EXU may show delayed excretion with varying degrees of hydronephrosis or absence of excretion caused by obstruction. If the ureters are opacified, they gradually taper to the area of maximum stenosis. The involved segment is often 4 to 5 cm in length, usually with medial deviation of the tapered ureters at the level of the lower lumbar vertebrae. Some slight redundancy may be observed in the ureter above the stenotic segment. Retrograde pyelography can also reveal the site and length of obstruction, and there is often a paradoxical ease of retrograde passage of ureteral catheters. Lymphangiography and inferior vena cavography were also used in the past to demonstrate lymphatic or vascular obstruction but are rarely used at present. CT can provide direct information about the fibrosis and also allow evaluation of vascular and urologic structures. The fibrosis is easy to recognize when it appears as a large, bulky mass. The appearance is nonspecific, and lymphoma, hematoma, sarcoma, and lymph node metastases can cause a similar appearance. The location may be helpful, because lymphomas are found higher in the retroperitoneum and the fibrosis is usually located caudal to the renal hilum. The attenuation values on unenhanced scans are in the range of muscle. After injection of intravenous contrast material, the density of the fibrosis may markedly increase, simulating a vascular neoplasm.70 Ultrasonography also demonstrates a solid retroperitoneal mass, which usually envelops but does not displace the adjacent vascular structures and ureters. MRI is becoming increasingly useful in the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with retroperitoneal fibrosis. In particular, MRI may help assess vascular patency and distinguish malignant from nonmalignant varieties based on signal characteristics. T2-weighted images in the malignant form show increased signal intensity when compared with T1-weighted images; benign retroperitoneal fibrosis has low signal intensity on both T1- and T2-weighted images. Some reports have shown overlapping signal characteristics of the different forms, although it is distinctly unusual for malignant retroperitoneal fibrosis to have low signal intensity on T2-weighted images. 2,6,133 Early recognition and surgical ureterolysis are important to preserve renal function in idiopathic disease. The vascular obstruction may be more important clinically than the ureteral obstruction in some instances.


Congenital Anomalies Exstrophy Exstrophy of the bladder is of imaging interest because of the wide separation of the pubic bones anteriorly at the symphysis that accompanies this anomaly and the increased incidence of bladder adenocarcinomas in the repaired bladder. The symphysis is separated by approximately the width of the sacrum; this leads to a rather square appearance of the pelvis ( Fig. 20-86). Exstrophy consists of an absence of the anterior wall of the bladder and of the lower anterior abdominal wall. The diagnosis is made on observation; roentgenographic examination is not necessary, but it is useful to study the kidneys and ureters, since ureteral obstruction is often associated. A characteristic dilatation of the distal ureters (hurley-stick ureter) is sometimes noted. Wide separation of the pubic bones is also found in some patients with epispadias.

FIG. 20-86. Bladder exstrophy. Note the wide symphysis pubis and characteristic hurley-stick dilatation of the distal ureters.

Duplication of the Urinary Bladder Duplication of the urinary bladder is extremely rare and is usually associated with urethral duplication ( Fig. 20-87). Incomplete duplication, in which a septum partially divides the bladder, may also occur, and a multilocular or multiseptated bladder has been described. There may occasionally be a partial horizontal septum, sometimes resulting in an hourglass appearance. The ureters empty into the lower compartment. Cystography is often necessary to outline these anomalies, but EXU with special films of the bladder may obviate the need for cystography.

FIG. 20-87. Duplication of the urinary bladder. Cystogram outlines the duplication with each bladder drained by its own urethra.

Agenesis of the Bladder Agenesis of the bladder is very rare and is usually incompatible with life, largely because of associated anomalies. Congenital enlargement of the bladder with hydronephrosis and ureterectasis is found in association with congenital absence or hypoplasia of the abdominal muscles, the prune-belly syndrome. This is a rare condition that occurs almost exclusively in boys. No obstruction can be demonstrated to account for the dilatation. Associated abnormalities include nondescent of the testes, malrotation of the intestine, and, more rarely, persistent urachus, dislocated hips, clubfoot, harelip, spina bifida, hydrocephalus, and cardiac malformations. The abdomen is distended and the skin wrinkled (prune belly). Bladder Ears Lateral protrusions of the bladder, caused by extraperitoneal herniations through the internal inguinal ring into the inguinal canal, have been observed. They are usually noted in infants and are associated with a high incidence of clinical inguinal hernia. This is not a true bladder anomaly but is rather a bladder deformity that occurs secondary to a large internal inguinal ring. The term bladder ears has been used in preference to hernia because the deformity does not usually persist beyond infancy. Roentgenographic findings at cystography or urography consist of anterolateral protrusion of the bladder into the inguinal canal, which is usually bilateral. The protrusion is most often observed in the partially filled bladder and tends to disappear when the bladder is completely filled. Oblique or lateral views

show the anterior extent of the protrusion. It is important to be aware of this condition so that surgical misadventures are avoided during inguinal herniorrhaphy. Pear-Shaped Bladder Some patients have this appearance as a normal variant caused by anterior prolongation of the bladder. However, the teardrop or pear-shaped alteration in the shape of the bladder was first described in patients with pelvic hematoma. Other abnormalities that also may result in an elongated bladder with a narrow base include pelvic lipomatosis, large iliopsoas muscles, enlarged pelvic nodes, lymphoceles, lymphoma and other pelvic tumors, and inferior vena cava occlusion. When the inferior vena cava is occluded, large venous collaterals may compress the bladder, altering its shape to this configuration. Vesical Calculi Obstruction and infection are the chief causes of vesical calculi. About half of these calculi are radiopaque and can be easily seen on plain-film roentgenograms ( Fig. 20-88). Others contain small amounts of calcium and are poorly visualized on plain films. The condition occurs largely in males.

FIG. 20-88. Vesical calculi. This roentgenogram of the pelvis, obtained without the use of contrast material, outlines five partially calcified bladder stones. Note their midline position.

Cystography with air or with diluted contrast medium can be used to outline radiolucent stones. CT and ultrasonography also readily delineate vesical calculi. Stones may be single or multiple, and they tend to lie in the midline except when contained in a bladder diverticulum. In such cases, the position of the calculus depends on the site of the diverticulum. Bladder calculi must be differentiated from calcification in lymph nodes, fecaliths, calcification in uterine fibroids, and prostatic and seminal vesicle calculi. Radiopaque bladder calculi are often laminated and very dense; when multiple, they may be faceted. Lymph node calcification usually is higher in position, and the nodes are mottled and not as uniformly dense as calculi. Uterine leiomyomas that contain calcium are often higher in position than bladder calculi and have a mottled appearance. Fecaliths of the sigmoid are rare but may simulate bladder calculi closely in texture and position. Oblique views and barium enema permit differentiation. Prostatic calculi are usually multiple and produce a mottled density, in contrast to the uniform or laminated appearance of vesical calculi; they are also lower in position. The same is true of calculi in the seminal vesicles. Cystography and cystoscopy may be necessary to differentiate bladder calculi from other causes of calcification. A foreign body within the bladder can act as a nidus for deposition of calcium and other salts to form a calculus. Foreign bodies may be introduced by way of the urethra during treatment or by the patient. They also may be introduced through penetrating wounds or left in or near the bladder during surgery. The shape of the calculus depends on the foreign body, which can often be visualized on plain roentgenograms. Foreign bodies in the bladder almost invariably become encrusted with calcium. Calculi in the prostate usually occur in the form of small granular deposits and are visualized overlying or directly above the level of the symphysis pubis in standard anteroposterior roentgenograms of the lower abdomen. As a rule, they offer little difficulty in differential diagnosis because of their position, characteristic small size, and multiplicity (Fig. 20-89).

FIG. 20-89. Prostatic calculi. The mottled densities above the symphysis pubis are characteristic of prostatic calculi. Their distribution indicates probable prostatic enlargement. The calcifications on the left, which tend to parallel the pubic ramus, are phleboliths ( arrows).

Inflammation of the Bladder (Cystitis) Acute inflammation of the urinary bladder usually does not produce changes that can be recognized and diagnosed on cystography. Chronic cystitis results in decreased bladder size. The wall may be smooth but sometimes is serrated; when serration is present along with major contraction at the dome, the so-called Christmas-tree bladder of chronic cystitis is formed. A bladder of this shape, also called pine-tree bladder, is also found in association with neurogenic bladder dysfunction although it may occur with any chronic bladder obstruction. Cystoscopy is more useful than cystography in the examination of bladder infections. Of interest roentgenologically is cystitis emphysematosa (emphysematous cystitis), an inflammatory disease of the bladder in which there is gas in the vesical wall or lumen, or both (Fig. 20-90). This condition is caused by gas-forming bacteria, and almost 50% of the reported cases have occurred in patients with diabetes mellitus. The gas may be present for only a short time, which probably accounts for its low reported incidence. Roentgenographic findings are characteristic. A ring of radiolucency outlines the bladder wall or part of it. There is often gas within the bladder lumen as well. The zone of gas expands and contracts with the bladder and is a transient finding unless the infection fails to respond to therapy. The bladder infection is often benign and transient and may produce very few symptoms.

FIG. 20-90. Emphysematous cystitis. Note gas (arrows) in bladder wall in this diabetic patient with pyuria.

Schistosomiasis Schistosomiasis (bilharziasis) is caused by a group of blood flukes of the genus Schistosoma, S. mansoni, S. japonicum, and S. haematobium. The lower urinary tract is involved mainly by S. haematobium. Large numbers of ova are deposited in the submucosa of the bladder wall, which becomes thickened, ulcerated, and sometimes papillomatous. In chronic disease, the distal ureters may be involved, leading to stricture, hydronephrosis, and renal damage. Calcification in the bladder wall, which occurs in chronic cases, has a characteristic appearance. When the bladder is empty, thin parallel lines of density are observed. The appearance resembles that of the postvoiding bladder on EXU, in which a thin coating of opaque medium outlines the bladder wall. When the bladder is full of contrast medium, a very thin radiolucent line, representing the thickened mucosa, separates the opacified bladder lumen and the thin rim of submucosal calcification ( Fig. 20-91). The ova in the bladder wall may calcify. Lower ureteral nodular involvement may produce the roentgenographic findings of ureteritis cystica. Bladder capacity eventually is reduced. The distal ureters may be calcified in a manner similar to that noted in the bladder. Calculi in the bladder, ureters, and kidneys are common.

FIG. 20-91. Schistosomiasis of the bladder. A: Plain films show parallel lines of calcific density in the wall of the empty bladder. B: Air cystogram shows a thin rim of calcium in the bladder wall. C: Renografin cystogram shows the thin rim of calcium separated from the lumen by a lucent line representing the thickened bladder wall.

Candidiasis Candidiasis may involve the urinary bladder in circumstances similar to those in which the kidney is affected. There may be gas within a fungus ball, giving a laminated appearance. Otherwise, the fungus balls appear as filling defects that must be differentiated from blood clots, radiolucent calculi, and tumors. Cyclophosphamide Cystitis Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan), used in the treatment of leukemia and lymphoma, may produce a hemorrhagic cystitis with hematuria of varying severity. Blood clots within the bladder may then appear as filling defects. On cystography, minimal mucosal irregularity is noted in addition to the clots. Later, contraction and thumbprinting secondary to edema and submucosal hemorrhage are evident. Ultimately, the bladder may be markedly contracted, and, very rarely, calcification may occur in its wall. Radiation Cystitis Radiation therapy may produce enough necrosis of the bladder wall to result in calcification that is similar radiographically to that observed in schistosomiasis. Lesser exposure can cause a small bladder with thick walls and lack of distensibility. Cystitis Cystica Cystitis cystica is a form of chronic disease of the bladder in which a number of small, cyst-like mucosal lesions are noted, mainly in the region of the trigone. In almost all instances, this condition is associated with infection, obstruction, tumor, calculi, or stasis. Its presence in children usually indicates that an associated chronic infection will be difficult to control. Radiographically, multiple filling defects are observed, chiefly in the region of the trigone. The irregularity and deformity, if severe, may resemble changes observed in bladder tumors. Although the lesions may be visible on cystography, cystoscopy is the best method of examination in patients with this condition. Cystitis Glandularis Cystitis glandularis represents metaplasia of the bladder epithelium induced by a variety of irritants. Most lesions occur in the region of the vesical neck and trigone. They appear as irregular, rounded elevations separated by deep ridges and are usually sharply demarcated from the normal mucosa. When they exist in the dome of the bladder, villus-like proliferations may occur, often several centimeters in size. The lesions are considered premalignant. Because their radiographic appearance is similar to that of cystitis cystica, cystoscopy and, often, biopsy are required for definitive diagnosis. The condition may also simulate bladder tumor. 40 Malakoplakia This rare chronic inflammatory disease is usually confined to the bladder, renal pelvis, and ureters. Malakoplakia may occasionally involve the renal parenchyma on one or both sides, and it causes marked enlargement of the involved kidneys. When renal infection with gram-negative organisms is an associated finding, xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis and infected polycystic disease should be considered in the differential diagnosis. Malakoplakia is probably caused by an unusual histiocytic response to infection (usually E. coli) and may result in renal failure when bilateral. The soft plaques formed in the bladder may not produce any recognizable roentgenographic changes on cystography. Obstruction of the Bladder Bladder obstruction may be caused by congenital or acquired lesions. Benign prostatic hyperplasia is the most frequent cause. Prostatic enlargement is difficult to assess by urography. However, when elevation of the bladder floor is accompanied by a J-shaped or hockey-stick appearance of the distal ureters, prostatic enlargement can be inferred. Prostatic carcinoma, acquired urethral stenosis, urethral valves, and neurogenic dysfunction (cord bladder) are other causes. The first

change in the bladder wall resulting from obstruction is hypertrophy of the bladder muscle, which can often be observed as a soft-tissue shadow, several millimeters thick, paralleling the opaque shadow of the inner bladder wall on EXU or cystography. The normal bladder wall does not ordinarily produce a visible soft-tissue shadow. As the muscle bundles enlarge, they cause irregular interlacing bands known as trabeculae. The intervening outpouchings are called cellules ( Fig. 20-92). Trabeculation becomes more prominent as obstruction continues, and the cellules may enlarge until diverticula are formed. There also may be reflux of urine into one or both ureters with development of hydronephrosis. It is more likely that reflux is caused by infection, however.

FIG. 20-92. Trabeculation of the bladder. Note the irregularity of the inferior and lateral bladder wall shown in this cystogram. The patient had a transurethral prostatectomy with opacification of the rounded prostatic bed after the operation.

As obstruction develops, the bladder may become decompensated, increasing in size and containing increasing amounts of residual urine, until it appears as a large lower abdominal mass on physical examination and on roentgenographic study. The plain roentgenogram demonstrates a large soft-tissue mass extending out of the pelvis, often displacing the bowel upward and posteriorly. Cystography outlines the large bladder with trabeculations standing out in a somewhat reticular manner, with cellule or small-diverticulum formation. Cystourethrography is used to examine patients with suspected bladder or urethral obstruction as well as patients (usually children) with chronic or recurrent urinary tract infections. There are differing opinions regarding the mechanisms of roentgenographic findings in bladder-neck obstruction that is not obviously caused by a mechanical blockage such as prostatic enlargement. Such functional obstructing problems have been better understood since the advent of urodynamic methods for investigating the bladder and urethra. Better understanding of bladder physiology and recognition of the infrequent voiding syndromes have cleared up previous ambiguities. Diverticulum of the Bladder A diverticulum of the bladder wall is a localized herniation of mucosa, usually having a narrow neck. These protruding defects, which may be single or multiple, vary in size from a small cellule to a large sac having a capacity greater than the bladder itself. Chronic obstruction is a frequent cause, but some diverticula are of congenital origin. Infection is also a factor in many cases. If the diverticula are small and empty completely, they are usually of no clinical significance. Large diverticula that do not empty completely are often the site of infection that is fostered by stagnation. Calculus formation is also common in this type of large diverticulum. Roentgenographic findings are confined to those diverticula that are noted at cystography or EXU unless the diverticulum is large enough to produce an actual mass shadow on a plain roentgenogram. Then the nature of the mass must be determined by means of cystography, cystoscopy, or ultrasonography. When the bladder is examined by means of cystography, the diverticulum is outlined by the opaque substance, and its size, shape, and position, as well as the width of its neck, can be determined (Fig. 20-93). It is often important to assess the presence and amount of urinary retention in a large diverticulum, and a roentgenogram obtained after voiding is usually sufficient for this purpose. If the bladder still contains enough opaque material to obscure the diverticulum partially, a second roentgenogram may be obtained after catheterization of the bladder. A tumor may occasionally occur in a diverticulum. This lesion is often difficult to visualize, but it appears as a filling defect on the otherwise smooth wall of the diverticulum. CT enables more complete assessment of such a tumor.

FIG. 20-93. Multiple bladder diverticula. The large opacified diverticulum on the right has a smooth wall, in contrast to the trabeculation of the bladder wall. There is also a small diverticulum on the left.

Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction Disease or injury involving the spinal cord or peripheral nerves supplying the bladder results in changes in bladder function that may produce either incontinence or retention of urine. The urographic appearance in neurogenic dysfunction is not related to the type of neurologic lesion producing it. Patients with small, spastic, trabeculated bladders often have upper motor neuron lesions, but simple outlet obstruction can cause the same appearance (pine-tree bladder). In theory, patients with lower motor neuron lesions have large, atonic bladders, but some have small, trabeculated bladders. The large, atonic bladder with little or no trabeculation often is found in association with tabes dorsalis, diabetes, or syringomyelia, but it may also be caused by infrequent voiding in patients with no neurologic disease. The following findings may be observed in patients with neurogenic dysfunction: a trabeculated bladder with a circular or pyramidal (pine-tree) pattern; an hourglass bladder; a small, hypertonic, trabeculated bladder; a large, dilated, hypotonic bladder without trabeculation; and variations in the contour of the vesical neck and prostatic urethra in which there may be saccular dilatation, funnel-shaped dilatation or contraction, and spasm of the bladder neck. The diagnosis of exact abnormality is based on urodynamic studies. Cystographic study delineates vesical size, presence or absence of trabeculation, reflux into the ureters, retention or lack of it, vesical-neck dilatation, and the presence of other associated gross anatomic changes. Vesicoureteral Reflux Vesicoureteral reflux in children is usually caused by abnormal anatomy of the vesicoureteral junction. Normally, the ureters enter the bladder at a shallow angle and proceed in the bladder submucosa before emptying into the bladder. This arrangement creates a valve mechanism that allows antegrade flow of urine without reflux. If abnormal anatomy is present, usually a shortened submucosal course of the ureter, vesicoureteral reflux is common. Reflux often spontaneously resolves as the child ages because of the lengthening of the submucosal portion of the ureter. In general, the worse the reflux at the time of diagnosis, the less likely it is to resolve spontaneously and therefore the more likely it is to require surgical intervention. 83,110 Infection is the most common adult cause of vesicoureteral reflux, which is also found occasionally in patients with lower-urinary-tract obstruction. The obstructive lesions include posterior urethral valves, urethral stricture, and median bar enlargement of the prostate. Neurologic disorders that result in neurogenic bladder

dysfunction, congenital anomalies such as ectopic ureter, and other anomalies of the distal ureter and trigone may also produce reflux. The study used for detection of reflux is the voiding cystourethrogram. If reflux is present, it is manifested by retrograde filling of one or both ureters. The ureters may dilate considerably, and there may be marked hydronephrosis associated with reflux. Children with unexplained recurrent urinary tract infection should have a urologic study including cystourethrography. Because evidence of reflux is sometimes fleeting, fluoroscopic spot-film examination or videotaping is important. Radionuclide cystography now provides a more physiologic method that uses a lower radiation dose to assess reflux. Renal parenchymal scarring, either local with a blunted calyx or extensive, may be seen by ultrasound or at EXU. About 60% of adult patients with reflux have extensive scarring. Mucosal striations in the pelvis and upper ureter are also observed in patients with reflux, probably as a result of edema and infection. 88 Megaureter Megacystis Syndrome The definition of this syndrome is somewhat controversial. However, the term megaureter megacystis refers to a large, thin-walled, smooth bladder. This is usually accompanied by severe vesicoureteral reflux with ureterectasis and recurrent or persistent urinary tract infection. It is usually discovered in childhood and is more common in girls than in boys. The trigone may appear large because the ureteric orifices are situated more laterally than normal. The intramural portions of the ureters are shortened and widened. The nature of the underlying disorder leading to the megacystis syndrome is unclear, but it may represent the most severe end of the vesicoureteral reflux spectrum. The enlarged bladder may be caused by the child's resetting his or her voiding urge so as to void less frequently. The enlarged bladder can accommodate the large volume of refluxed urine that drains back down into the bladder after micturition plus the additional urine that the kidneys excrete.52 There may also be a congenital disproportionate increase in size of the vesical base leading to reflux and infection. Cystography demonstrates the large bladder with vesicoureteral reflux on one or both sides. Vesical Tumors Benign Lesions Benign bladder tumors are rare and not as clinically important as malignant epithelial tumors. They include neurofibroma, leiomyoma, fibroma, fibromyoma, myxoma, hemangioma, lymphangioma, paraganglioma (pheochromocytoma), and nephrogenic adenoma. Other heterotopic types include dermoid cyst, rhabdomyoma, and chondroma. There are other conditions that may produce bladder changes, demonstrable by cystography, that resemble tumor. Endometriosis can involve the bladder wall or appear as an extravesicular mass. Hematuria may be present, although cyclic pain, dysuria, and frequency are more often present. Granulomatous disease can also involve the colon or small bowel adjacent to the bladder. Occasionally, localized cystitis glandularis or cystitis cystica may simulate bladder tumor. The radiographic findings are those of a mass extending into or indenting the bladder wall. There are no characteristics to distinguish the histologic type. Multiple and extensive masses can be seen in neurofibromatosis; most patients also have cutaneous involvement. Leukoplakia is associated with chronic urinary infection and is thought to be precancerous. The diagnosis is best made by cystoscopy, because the lesions usually are not demonstrable by cystography. Malignant Tumors Some malignant tumors of the bladder arise in the region of the trigone and tend to obstruct the ureteral or urethral orifices. The so-called benign papilloma, the most common tumor, is often multiple. Because this epithelial tumor is malignant or has malignant potential, the term benign is a misnomer. Many consider it to be a grade I papillary transitional cell carcinoma. Radiographic detection of the papilloma depends on its size; the small tumors are very difficult to visualize with cystography. Carcinoma of the bladder is usually of the transitional cell type; squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma are comparatively rare. Cystography demonstrates an irregular filling defect, usually at the base, often resulting in ureteral obstruction ( Fig. 20-94). Calcification may occur in the primary tumor and in metastases from it. The size and shape of these tumors vary widely. Double-contrast cystography can be used to study the bladder mucosa in patients with intravesicular tumors, but this is time-consuming and is not warranted if the patient undergoes cystoscopy. CT demonstrates bladder cancer as a soft-tissue density involving the bladder wall. The appearance of the tumor varies depending on its size and whether it is sessile or polypoid ( Fig. 20-95). CT cannot reliably differentiate involvement of the mucosa, lamina propria, and superficial or deep muscle; it is advantageous, however, in detecting extravesicular tumor spread. CT also is useful in evaluating extension of tumor to the pelvic sidewalls, lymphadenopathy, and hydronephrosis/ureterectasis caused by bladder cancer.

FIG. 20-94. Transitional cell carcinoma. A: Irregular filling defect represents tumor. Impression at bladder base is caused by enlarged prostate. B: Enhanced computed tomographic scan of the same patient as in A. Note rim of calcification involving tumor ( arrows). (Courtesy of James P. Bronson, M.D., Laconia, New Hampshire.)

FIG. 20-95. Transitional cell carcinoma. Unenhanced computed tomogram shows a sessile tumor along the right posterolateral bladder wall. A Foley catheter balloon filled with air is in the center of the bladder.

MRI of the bladder is most useful for staging of known neoplasms ( Fig. 20-96). MRI is probably superior to CT in staging of early disease, and both techniques are accurate in pelvic nodal involvement. Both CT and MRI have limitations in staging local bladder tumors, however, and there are problems of understaging tumors with both techniques. One study demonstrated understaging of bladder tumors in 32.5% by MRI, though several other studies have demonstrated better results. 26,87 The use of pulse sequences and phased-array coils may increase the accuracy of MRI staging in the near future. Particularly intriguing is the development of rapid dynamic gradient-echo techniques that utilize bolus injections of contrast material. 10

FIG. 20-96. A and B: Transitional cell carcinoma. Coronal and axial T1-weighted magnetic resonance images demonstrate invasion of the tumor through the perivesical fat to the pelvic sidewall. (Courtesy of Patrick J. Fultz, M.D., Rochester, New York.)

Rhabdomyosarcoma occasionally arises in the bladder and usually is discovered in the first 3 or 4 years of life or in late adulthood. The tumor originates from remnants of the urogenital sinus and wolffian ducts; it may originate in the submucosal or superficial layers, usually at the base. The tumor tends to involve the trigone and can become large enough to displace the ureters laterally. This sarcoma can also bulge upward into the bladder to form a lobulated filling defect in it. The tumor nodules may also force their way downward into the urethra, forming a cone of dilatation in the posterior urethra. Some appear as rectal masses; others may protrude through the vulva. Urinary retention caused by bladder obstruction is the most common symptom. EXU often demonstrates ureteral displacement as well as deformity and displacement of the bladder. Ultrasound, CT, and MRI demonstrate the soft-tissue mass. Biopsy is necessary to make the specific diagnosis. Rhabdomyosarcomas comprise about 10% of the malignant tumors of childhood, and there is a slight male predominance. Most rhabdomyosarcomas arise in the bladder, but they may also arise in the prostate, vagina, spermatic cord, or broad ligament. The tumor is sometimes termed sarcoma botryoides because of its polypoid appearance (Fig. 20-97).

FIG. 20-97. Rhabdomyosarcoma of the prostate. Large tumor mass displaces bladder anteriorly.

Metastases to the Bladder Three general types of metastases to the bladder may be observed: (1) bladder implant secondary to epithelial tumors of the kidney or ureter; (2) direct extension from primary tumors in the area such as prostatic, uterine, ovarian, and colonic neoplasms; and (3) hematogenous metastases from various sources such as breast, lung, or stomach or from melanoma arising at a distant site. Melanoma is the most common tumor that metastasizes to the bladder. Trauma of the Bladder Rupture of the bladder may result from a direct blow to a distended bladder as a single injury, or it may occur in association with more extensive injury such as pelvic fracture, penetrating wounds, or gunshot wounds. Instrumentation can also cause rupture of the bladder or urethra. Bladder rupture may be intraperitoneal or extraperitoneal. Intraperitoneal rupture is more common in children, because the bladder is mainly abdominal in location before maturity. Otherwise it is difficult to determine the incidence of intraperitoneal versus extraperitoneal rupture because the state of bladder distention is an uncontrollable variable affecting the type of injury and because in many series all pelvic fractures are grouped together when the incidence of bladder injury is determined. 163 Retrograde cystography is the preferred imaging modality to evaluate for bladder rupture. EXU is suboptimal because of dilution of the contrast agent and because small tears may not be demonstrated with the low resting intravesical pressure. Intraperitoneal rupture results in extravasation of contrast material into the peritoneal cavity, with outlining of the smooth outer walls of the pelvis and the lower abdominal and pelvic viscera. The actual site of rupture may not be visible on the roentgenogram because of overlapping shadows. Extraperitoneal bladder rupture usually is caused by blunt trauma associated with a fractured pelvis and produces a more varied pattern, depending on the site of rupture. The extravasated contrast material outlines the tissue planes of the pelvic floor and extends varying distances into the perivesical soft tissues in an irregular, streaky manner. CT offers the advantage over cystography of summary assessment of all pelvic structures and spaces (Fig. 20-98). Certain patients, such as those involved in motor vehicle accidents, also require evaluation of the upper abdomen, and CT of the abdomen and pelvis can be performed quickly. At times, the differentiation between intraperitoneal and extraperitoneal rupture is difficult. Rarely, spontaneous rupture of the bladder may occur, usually in patients with severe cystitis, extravesical infection, or malignant disease; it also may occur as a result of overdistention secondary to mechanical obstruction or neurogenic dysfunction. When evaluating patients with bladder-drained pancreas transplant, CT cystography (with injection of up to 500 mL of 10% iodinated contrast material and 60 mL of air before scanning) may now be the test of choice. 17 Pelvic and lower abdominal trauma may also result in perivesical hematoma without rupture. Cystography or CT then shows displacement of the bladder, which varies with the size and location of the hematoma.

FIG. 20-98. Extraperitoneal bladder rupture. A: Computed tomography shows the site of bladder rupture (arrow) in the right bladder wall. B: A more caudal slice shows the marked extravasation of contrast medium into the surrounding soft tissues.

Foreign Bodies Foreign bodies in the bladder can be seen on plain-film roentgenograms if they are radiopaque. Oblique and lateral views may be necessary to verify the position of the foreign body in relation to the bladder. Cystography outlines radiolucent foreign bodies and demonstrates associated changes in the bladder wall. Various oblique and lateral projections are usually necessary to ascertain the location. Ultrasonography or CT can be very useful in this situation. Cystoscopy is used for both diagnosis and treatment. A foreign body in the bladder usually has been introduced by the patient; the incidence is higher in adults with mental illness and in children. Occasionally, foreign bodies are introduced at the time of surgery or instrumentation, and they may also result from penetrating wounds. A foreign body can serve as a nidus for the deposition of calcium salts and the formation of a bladder calculus, as indicated previously. Hernia of the Bladder Bladder herniation is said to occur in 10% of all inguinal hernias in men older that 50 years of age, but large hernias with descent into the scrotum are unusual. 64 Herniation must be differentiated from diverticulum; this is usually accomplished on the basis of the hernia's location and the direction of its protrusion as well as its relatively wide mouth compared with a diverticulum. Films obtained with the patient in the erect and prone oblique positions are necessary to demonstrate these findings in most patients.

The retrograde urethrogram is the simplest radiographic method for examination of the urethra. It consists of retrograde injection of a radiopaque contrast agent into the urethra, after which films are exposed in various projections as the occasion demands. It is sometimes used in female patients to demonstrate diverticula that may be missed at cystoscopy. In the male, diverticula, strictures, abscess cavities, fistulas, and prostatic abnormalities and enlargement may be delineated. Videotaping may be used in selected cases when fleeting deformities are expected. Seminal vesiculography is a specialized urologic-radiologic method of examining the seminal vesicles. The technique and the normal seminal vesiculogram are described by Banner and Hassler. 7 Anomalies of the Urethra Posterior Urethral Valves Posterior urethral valves produce varying degrees of obstruction leading to infection, vesicoureteral reflux, and hydronephrosis, followed by destruction of the kidneys unless the condition is corrected. Valves are found almost exclusively in males, most often in children. Enuresis is a common symptom. Other symptoms and signs are bladder distention, dribbling, a poor stream, and failure to thrive. In the male newborn, signs of flank mass caused by urinary ascites coupled with respiratory distress should suggest the diagnosis. 129 The valves are located in the vicinity of the verumontanum. Voiding cystourethrography is the roentgenographic method used to demonstrate this lesion. Roentgenographic findings of the most common type of valve consist of a thin membrane arising near the verumontanum and coursing anteriorly, laterally, and inferiorly. This partially obstructs the urethra during voiding. The posterior urethra must be filled in order to distend the valve; otherwise, it will not be visible. A true lateral projection is necessary to identify the position of the valve. The valve stretches in sail-like fashion to obstruct the urethra. The valve itself may not be visible, but the dilatation of the prostatic urethra and a constricting ring at the vesical neck are characteristic. Rarely, anterior urethral valves may be present; obstruction with proximal dilatation similar to that seen with posterior valves may be present. The lucent defect of the anterior valve may be visualized on cystourethrography. Urethral Diverticula In males, some urethral diverticula are congenital, but most occur after trauma or infection. The diverticula are visible on urethrography. In females most, if not all, urethral diverticula are acquired; they usually result from retention in periurethral glands. Infection and calculi can complicate urethral diverticula. Voiding urethrography usually outlines these abnormalities in females, in whom retrograde urethrography is a difficult technique. Urethral Diseases Calculi. Calculi are almost always associated with diverticula and infection in females. In males, calculi occur proximal to obstruction, often in the prostatic or bulbous urethra. If the area is included on the plain film, the diagnosis can usually be made radiographically. Trauma. Trauma may result in complete or incomplete urethral rupture or in urethral laceration. Anterior urethral injuries (bulbous and cavernous urethra) are associated with direct blows or straddle injuries. Posterior urethral injuries (membranous and prostatic urethra) usually are caused by pelvic fractures or trauma. Urethrography demonstrates the abnormality by showing extravasation of opaque medium. As a rule, when there is complete urethral rupture, no medium injected into the urethra reaches the bladder because of retraction of the ruptured ends of the urethra. The anterior urethra can be examined despite placement of an indwelling Foley catheter. A small plastic feeding tube is gently inserted through the external meatus, and its tip is placed about halfway up the anterior urethra, next to the Foley catheter. With the glans compressed adequately, contrast material injected gently through this accessory catheter can delineate urethral injuries. Condyloma Acuminata (Venereal Warts). Condyloma acuminata occasionally spread into the urethra. Radiographic findings consist of varying numbers of flat, verrucous filling defects. Retrograde urethrography occasionally can be used in examining patients with this condition. Urethral Strictures. Urethral strictures may be caused by infection or trauma and rarely represent a congenital anomaly in males. The site, severity, length, and associated sinus or fistulous tracts can be outlined on urethrography. Urethral Tumors. Urethral tumors are more common in females than in males. Urethrography is difficult technically and not very successful in demonstrating tumors in females, but is useful in outlining the irregularity and intraluminal masses found in the male with urethral carcinoma. Rarely, polyps may occur in the prostatic urethra of boys; they are demonstrated as small, rounded or oval filling defects on urethrography. Vas Deferens Calcification Calcification of the vas deferens is occasionally present in diabetic men, but also occurs in nondiabetic, elderly, and hypercalcemic men. It probably represents a degenerative phenomenon in these patients. Roentgenographic findings are the presence of densely calcified, often bilaterally symmetrical, tubular shadows about 3 mm in diameter in the low midpelvis (Fig. 20-99), which have a distinctive appearance.

FIG. 20-99. Calcification in the vas deferens in a 45-year-old man with a history of diabetes of more than 20 years' duration.


The right adrenal gland is cephalad and slightly medial to the upper pole of the right kidney. The right adrenal is also just posterior to the inferior vena cava, which serves as a good landmark on CT. The left adrenal gland is also cephalad to the upper pole of the left kidney, but it is located more medially relative to the aorta than the right adrenal is (Fig. 20-100). The right adrenal has an inverted V shape, with its two limbs roughly paralleling the diaphragmatic crus. The left adrenal is usually wider and shorter and can have a variety of shapes, but it may have a seagull shape. The adrenals are small, the combined average weight being 11 to 12 g.

FIG. 20-100. Normal adrenal glands (arrows). Computed tomogram of right adrenal posterior to the inferior vena cava and left adrenal just lateral to left diaphragmatic crus. The shape of the left adrenal can vary; this left adrenal has the seagull configuration.

The most common cause of calcification in the adrenal is believed to be hemorrhage, often associated with hypoxia or birth trauma, severe maternal infection, hypoprothrombinemia, or increased vascular fragility. Calcification is often found in infants of diabetic mothers. There is a high incidence of abnormal obstetric history, including prematurity, use of forceps, and breech deliveries, in children with adrenal calcification. Neonatal adrenal hemorrhage, which may be massive, unilateral, or bilateral, is seen as a radiolucent suprarenal mass in the total-body phase of EXU in neonates. Adrenal hemorrhage can have a variable appearance on ultrasonography, depending on when the hematoma is scanned. Acutely, the hematoma can appear echogenic, but as it liquefies it usually assumes a more anechoic or hypoechoic appearance. 141 Calcification occurs rapidly around the periphery a few weeks after the hemorrhage, then contracts slowly to the original size and shape of the gland. If the hemorrhage is unilateral, the right adrenal is more frequently involved. Stippled adrenal calcifications may be found in adults without any signs or symptoms of adrenal insufficiency. The cause in these cases remains obscure. CT or ultrasonography can document calcifications within the adrenal. Tuberculosis of the adrenal gland is now a rare cause of adrenal insufficiency. About one third of tuberculosis patients develop calcification within the adrenal. The calcification may appear as amorphous granular density within the gland, or it may entirely outline the gland. Adrenal cysts also can contain calcium. Peripheral calcification is present in about 15% of cases. Peripheral calcification is suggestive of a cyst, whereas calcification within an adrenal mass is more suggestive of tumor. Adrenal cysts are rare, and they occur equally on the right and left sides. Their incidence is 50% higher in women than in men. Lymphangiectatic cysts and pseudocysts are the most common types, although parasitic cysts, epithelial cysts, and those occurring secondary to hemorrhage or necrosis are also found. These cysts are usually asymptomatic. Cyst puncture is advocated by some physicians in the diagnostic evaluation of adrenal masses, and the procedure can be done under CT or ultrasound guidance. Cysts that do not contain calcium may simulate a tumor on plain film, but they are not visible on plain film unless they become large ( Fig. 20-101). CT, ultrasonography, and MRI are all useful in the imaging of adrenal cysts. 50

FIG. 20-101. Cyst of the left adrenal gland. Note the large mass above and partly overlying the upper pole of the left kidney. The kidney is displaced downward but is not significantly deformed or distorted.

Adrenal Cortical Tumors Adrenal tumors are divided according to their origin into cortical and medullary types. The cortical lesions are glandular in type and mesodermal in origin. Benign adenoma and carcinoma are the two types that are found, and they can be either functioning or nonfunctioning. When these tumors produce a disturbance of function, they can affect both cortical and medullary function. Hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex can also disturb cortical and medullary function. The symptoms are varied and may be caused by an excess of androgens, estrogens, adrenocorticotropic hormone, or other hormones. Sex changes and Cushing's syndrome may be present. About 75% of patients with Cushing's syndrome have hyperplastic adrenals, and 25% have an adenoma or carcinoma. The hyperplastic gland is enlarged bilaterally and retains its normal shape (Fig. 20-102), whereas tumors tend to be round or oval and to produce an alteration in the contour of the adrenal gland ( Fig. 20-103). EXU was used in the past to localize suspected adrenal tumors. CT scanning and ultrasonography are now the primary diagnostic methods. MRI is usually reserved for characterization of the known adrenal mass. Ultrasonography may be somewhat limited in the evaluation of patients with Cushing's syndrome because of the increased adipose tissue. More invasive procedures such as arteriography, venography, or venous sampling may be necessary if CT or ultrasonography cannot demonstrate the adrenal mass. The angiographic signs are similar to those of tumor elsewhere and consist of dilated and displaced vessels, tortuous vascular patterns, and arteriovenous shunts.

FIG. 20-102. Adrenal hyperplasia. Left adrenal gland ( arrow) is enlarged but maintains its normal shape. This appearance is in contrast to that of adrenal tumors, which tend to produce round masses.

FIG. 20-103. Cushing's syndrome. Enhanced computed tomogram of a left adrenal adenoma (arrow) medial to the spleen.

Primary aldosteronism or Conn's syndrome consists of hypertension, hypokalemia, hyperkaliuria, and low plasma renin. The renin production is suppressed by the excess aldosterone. Seventy percent to 80% of patients with Conn's syndrome have a unilateral adenoma, which is often less than 2 cm in diameter. 195 Nodular bilateral cortical hyperplasia accounts for most of the remaining patients. Because of the risks of angiographic procedures, CT is preferable for the initial imaging. CT can demonstrate the small adenoma causing the hyperaldosteronism. Venography and radionuclide techniques can also be used to detect these small adenomas. Scintiscanning with 131I-labeled 19-iodocholesterol has been used to demonstrate increased radioactivity in the abnormal adrenal gland and to differentiate hyperplasia from cortical adenoma and adenocarcinoma. Nonfunctioning cortical adenomas and carcinomas also appear as solid masses on CT. Adenomas are usually small (less than 3 cm in diameter) and are unilateral. Because of high lipid content, adenomas often have density measurements that approach that of water ( Fig. 20-104).96 This high lipid content can help distinguish adenomas from adrenal malignancies, which lack this material. 109 In particular, unenhanced CT 97 or CT obtained approximately 1 hour after contrast injection 98 appears useful to help differentiate adenomas from malignancies. An unenhanced CT attenuation value of less than 18 Hounsfield units and a 1-hour postcontrast value of less than 30 Hounsfield units are strong predictors of adenomas. Carcinomas are usually larger than adenomas and can be bilateral. Most nonfunctioning tumors large enough to produce symptoms are malignant (Fig. 20-105).50 Myelolipoma is a rare benign tumor of the adrenal gland. It is composed of fat and erythroid and myeloid elements. If fat is found in an adrenal mass, the diagnosis of myelolipoma can be made with confidence ( Fig. 20-106).

FIG. 20-104. Nonhyperfunctioning adrenal adenoma. Incidentally found low-density adrenal adenoma ( arrow). (Courtesy of Luke E. Sewall, M.D., Madison, Wisconsin.)

FIG. 20-105. Adrenal cortical carcinoma. Large right adrenal mass typical for adrenal cortical carcinoma is seen. This invades both the liver and inferior vena cava.

FIG. 20-106. Adrenal myelolipoma. Large right adrenal tumor is composed primarily of fat. (Courtesy of Donald R. Yandow, M.D., Madison, Wisconsin.)

MRI can detect adrenal abnormalities with approximately the same sensitivity as CT. Currently, the most widespread use of MRI in adrenal imaging is to separate patients with adrenal metastases from those with nonhyperfunctioning adenomas ( Fig. 20-107). Because metastases to the adrenals and nonhyperfunctioning adenomas are both common, this can represent a significant clinical problem.

FIG. 20-107. Adrenal adenoma. Magnetic resonance imaging performed using an in-phase gradient echo sequence ( left) and an opposed-phase sequence ( right) demonstrates marked signal loss in an adrenal mass ( arrows) with the opposed-phase sequence. This finding is typical for an adenoma containing lipid.

Recent work has shown the potential of several imaging sequences in differentiating adenomas from nonadenomas. In particular, chemical shift imaging using in-phase and opposed-phased pulse sequences has been used successfully for this purpose. 117,126 These sequences also take advantage of lipids found in adenomas. Coexistence of both lipid and water components in a single volume causes a cancelling of signal at certain echo times (opposed phase) ( Fig. 10-107 and Fig. 20-108). Therefore, decreased signal in an adrenal mass on opposed-phase images compared with standard in-phase images is strong evidence of the presence of an adenoma.

FIG. 20-108. Adrenal metastasis. In contrast to adrenal adenomas, there is no signal loss in this adrenal mass seen on computed tomogram ( A) and on in-phase (B) and opposed-phase (C) magnetic resonance images. The increased signal intensity in the adrenal mass ( arrows) on opposed-phase images makes the diagnosis of malignancy much more likely. (Courtesy of Todd Kennell, M.D., Madison, Wisconsin.)

Adrenal Medullary Tumors Adrenal medullary tumors are ectodermal in origin. They include ganglioneuroma, ganglioneuroblastoma, neuroblastoma, and pheochromocytoma. Pheochromocytoma clinically is characterized by hypertension (secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine), which is paroxysmal in nature, with flushing, sweating, tachycardia, and anxiety. The diagnosis usually is made by measuring elevated levels of urine catecholamines. About 10% of pheochromocytomas are bilateral, 10% are extra-adrenal, and 10% are malignant. Pheochromocytomas are usually solitary and are located more commonly in the right adrenal than in the left. CT is very accurate in locating pheochromocytomas. In one review study, CT demonstrated the tumor in 52 patients who initially presented and in 8 patients with evidence of recurrence.194 These tumors are usually greater than 2 cm in size and may be solid or cystic. When the adrenal glands do not show evidence of tumor by CT, then the remainder of the abdomen and pelvis should be scanned. The retroperitoneum in the periaortic region and the organ of Zuckerkandl (located near the aortic bifurcation) are the most common locations of pheochromocytomas outside of the adrenal. The neck and chest are other possible sites. Pheochromocytomas are associated with the multiple endocrine adenomatoses (both type I and type II). MRI is also an effective way to localize suspected pheochromocytomas. CT should be used as the first method of imaging, but MRI can be valuable when the tumor is in an extra-adrenal location and in the patient who has had previous retroperitoneal surgery. 50,56 Pheochromocytoma is usually a very vascular tumor with arteriovenous lakes and early venous filling. Because of the danger of a precipitous rise in blood pressure in patients with suspected pheochromocytoma, the blood pressure and electrocardiogram are continuously monitored. Intravenous injection of iodinated contrast materials can precipitate a hypertensive crisis and therefore should be avoided if possible. Phentolamine should be available for immediate intravenous injection if blood pressure rises suddenly. An injection of 5 mg phentolamine usually is sufficient to control the blood pressure, but repeated injections may be necessary in some patients. Angiography usually demonstrates a hypervascular mass with an intense capillary stain ( Fig. 20-109). Less frequently, a hypovascular mass can be seen. Adrenal venography can also be used if arteriography is not successful. Ganglioneuroma, which is benign, usually causes no symptoms; the tumor is probably the differentiated form of neuroblastoma. Large ganglioneuromas may be visible on scout radiographs. If not, CT, MRI, venography, or angiography can be used for diagnosis.

FIG. 20-109. Pheochromocytoma. A: Angiogram demonstrates hypervascularity typical of pheochromocytomas. B: T1-weighted coronal magnetic resonance image. Pheochromocytoma (asterisk) is seen in the left adrenal gland of a second patient. C: T2-weighted axial image shows high signal typical of pheochromocytoma (asterisk).

Neuroblastoma Neuroblastoma, the most common malignancy in infants and children, is a tumor of adrenal medullary origin. About 30% of neuroblastomas are diagnosed in children younger than 1 year of age, another 15% to 20% in children younger than 2 years, 25% in children between the ages of 2 and 5 years, and about 90% by 8 years of age. The tumor may arise in cells of the sympathetic nervous system as well as in the adrenal medulla; therefore, this type of tumor may be found either below or above the kidney. Neuroblastoma is highly malignant and can attain great size before discovery. Two thirds of children with neuroblastoma have distant metastases (usually osseous) at presentation. Calcification in the mass is common (about 40% to 50% on plain films and 85% on CT) ( Fig. 20-110), whereas in Wilms' tumor, from which neuroblastoma must be differentiated, calcium is rare. The calcification has a fine granular or stippled appearance. Urography serves to indicate that the mass is extrarenal, with the kidney typically being displaced laterally. The tumor may fill most of the abdomen. CT is more sensitive for detecting calcification, is superior to urography in defining extent of disease, can evaluate possible involvement of the inferior vena cava, and can be used to evaluate recurrent disease. Ultrasonography is an alternative imaging modality that can provide similar information in the evaluation of neuroblastoma ( Fig. 20-111).

FIG. 20-110. Neuroblastoma arising in the left adrenal gland. Note the mottled, somewhat granular calcification in the left upper abdomen, which is typical of the calcification observed in neuroblastoma.

FIG. 20-111. Neuroblastoma. Transverse ultrasound demonstrates the lateral displacement of the left kidney ( K) by the solid retromantle of tumor ( arrows). S, spine.

Metastases to the liver and lungs as well as bone are common. The osseous metastases are often very extensive and characteristic, being of mixed lytic-blastic character. Often there is extensive involvement of the calvarium, with separation of the sutures. Because the tumor may revert to benign ganglioneuroma, spontaneously or during treatment, localization and treatment of the primary tumor are important. Other Adrenal Tumors Other adrenal tumors are rare. They arise in the adrenal stroma and include neuromas, fibromas, lipomas, neurofibromas, hemangiomas, myomas, sarcomas, lymphangiomas, myelolipomas, osteomas, and melanomas. Tumors metastatic from other areas are common in the adrenal glands and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of every adrenal mass. Metastatic lung carcinoma is the most common; melanoma and breast, colon, and thyroid cancer can also metastasize to the adrenals. Metastases are often bilateral. 50 CT is the preferred imaging modality for evaluation of adrenal metastases. The CT density is variable and can be solid or have low attenuation values ( Fig. 20-112). In patients with adrenal masses in whom proof of metastatic disease will alter therapy, CT- or ultrasound-guided aspiration biopsy can be performed. Melanoma metastatic to the adrenals has been reported to cause curvilinear calcifications simulating those noted in benign adrenal cyst. 193

FIG. 20-112. A: Enhanced computed tomogram of bilateral adrenal metastases in a patient with bronchogenic cancer. Upper poles of kidneys ( arrows) are separated

from adrenal glands by a fat plane. B: Coronal T1-weighted magnetic resonance image of a patient with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma shows bilateral large adrenal masses (asterisk).

Miscellaneous Adrenal Conditions Adrenal abscess is very rare, but it is a possible cause of adrenal enlargement in neonates. It must be differentiated from other adrenal masses such as hematoma and neuroblastoma. Total-body opacification was used in the past, but CT or ultrasonography is now preferable in evaluating abscess. It may be difficult to distinguish abscess from hematoma and from infected hematoma. Adrenal milk of calcium is a rare occurrence in which a suspension of calcification, resembling the milk of calcium observed in the gallbladder, accumulates in an adrenal cyst. 131

Recent innovations in ultrasound and MRI technology have led to increased interest in imaging of the prostate gland. Clinical interest has remained high because of the large numbers of deaths from carcinoma of the prostate, estimated at 39,200 in the United States in 1998. 103A Several factors make diagnosis, screening, and treatment of this disease difficult. Carcinoma of the prostate mostly affects older men. One autopsy series showed a prevalence of 30% in patients who died of unrelated causes. The question then arises, which patients have clinically significant tumors that will cause morbidity and mortality, and in which patients is the disease largely incidental? This question has not been completely resolved, although several authors believe that tumor volume predicts tumor behavior. Tumors 3 cc or larger are more likely to have extracapsular spread and aggressive histologic types. Therefore, even though tumors may be multicentric in a single patient, the largest tumor, or index cancer, will most likely have the most aggressive histologic changes, and will most closely predict tumor behavior. A second confounding factor is the complexity of internal anatomy and the changes the aging prostate normally undergoes. The prostate can be divided into an inner gland (transition zone) and an outer gland (central and peripheral zone). The transition zone, which lies in a periurethral location, is the site of benign prostatic hyperplasia, which can occlude the urethra when severe. The peripheral and central zones lie posterior and lateral to the transition zone. The peripheral zone is the primary tumor site in up to 70% of patients, whereas the transition zone is the primary site in approximately 15%. Tumor is more likely to escape the gland into the seminal vesicles, through the capsule, or into the neurovascular bundles when located in the peripheral zone; therefore, this area must be closely scrutinized when the prostate is imaged (Fig. 20-113).

FIG. 20-113. Prostate cancer. Enhanced computed tomographic scan demonstrates large prostate cancer with invasion of the bladder ( arrowheads) and rectum (arrows).

Transrectal ultrasound of the prostate ( Fig. 20-114) was introduced in the 1970s in Japan by Watanabe 103A and others. Until 1985, it was commonly believed that cancer arose centrally in the gland and was hyperechoic or of mixed echogenicity. During the late 1980s, whole-mount pathologic studies were performed, and it became clear that cancer was primarily hypoechoic ( Fig. 20-115). In addition, most tumors originated in the peripheral zone, a finding in accord with the pathologic literature. As tumors enlarged, the histology is more likely to become infiltrative, with tumor fingers extending into surrounding tissue. Because of this, echogenicity varies with increasing tumor size.

FIG. 20-114. Normal axial transrectal ultrasound study of the prostate. Transition zone ( asterisks) is prominent in this patient with benign prostatic hypertrophy. Peripheral zone is external to surgical capsule ( arrows).

FIG. 20-115. Prostate cancer. Axial transrectal ultrasound image shows large hypoechoic tumor mass ( asterisk) extending into periprostatic tissues. A second small lesion (arrowheads) is present on contralateral side of the gland. Note peripheral location and deformity of prostatic capsule ( open arrows).

Transrectal ultrasoundguided biopsy became widely available during the late 1980s. This technique is a useful tool in the diagnosis and staging of prostate cancer. Biopsy can now be performed simply and easily in an outpatient setting, and strategically guided biopsies can occasionally prove extraprostatic spread. The positive predictive value for cancer varies when biopsy of a hypoechoic nodule is performed, with one report yielding 46%. 106 This number is probably lower in an unselected population. The prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level may help select patients for biopsy. 106 The role of MRI in prostate cancer is unclear. Imaging of the internal architecture of the gland with body coil technology has been largely unsuccessful, and attempts to predict local spread have had mixed results. Conventional MRI techniques therefore are limited largely to detection of gross extraprostatic spread and enlarged pelvic lymph nodes. Two technologic advances may prove fruitful in the diagnosis and staging of local disease: endorectal surface coils and phased-array coils ( Fig. 20-116 and Fig. 20-117). Early work has been encouraging, but more study is needed. CT is largely limited to detection of nodal enlargement in the pelvis and metastatic disease elsewhere. CT does not play a significant role in the evaluation of intraprostatic or early extraprostatic disease (see Fig. 20-113).13,106,107,139,159

FIG. 20-116. Normal prostate gland in a 68-year-old man. Endorectal surface coil magnetic resonance T1-weighted image. TR, 600 ms; TE, 15 ms. The neurovascular bundles can be seen on each side ( curved arrows). (Courtesy of Howard M. Pollack, M.D., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.)

FIG. 20-117. Carcinoma of the prostate, stage C. Endorectal surface coil magnetic resonance T2-weighted image. TR, 3,000 ms; TE, 90 ms. The tumor involves the entire peripheral zone ( asterisk), which normally should be of high signal intensity. On the right side, at the 7-o'clock position, the tumor has extended beyond the capsule to involve the neurovascular bundle ( curved arrow). (Courtesy of Howard M. Pollock, M.D., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.)

The issue of screening for prostate cancer remains controversial. The roles of PSA, ultrasound, and MRI continue to evolve for this indication. Studies are currently underway to evaluate the best strategy for screening and to decide whether large-scale efforts are warranted.

Scrotal contents include the testis, epididymis, and spermatic cord. The testicle is covered by a fibrous sheath called the tunica albuginea, and this in turn is surrounded by the tunica vaginalis. The epididymal head is superior to the testis, and the body and tail are located posteriorly and inferiorly. The blood supply to the testicle derives from the spermatic cord, which contains the testicular artery. The testicle is imaged using both ultrasound and nuclear medicine techniques. 13,111,115,162 Ultrasound should be performed with a high-resolution, linear-array transducer. Doppler technology is also useful, particularly to assess for torsion or hyperemia associated with injury or infection. Nuclear medicine imaging requires the injection of an adult dosage of approximately 15 to 20 mCi of 99mTc-pertechnetate intravenously. Flow and static images are obtained with the penis taped up to the pelvis. Testicular (Spermatic Cord) Torsion Testicular torsion usually is discovered because of testicular pain in the newborn or adolescent male. The process is caused by a twisting of the spermatic cord, which compromises venous and then arterial flow. Diagnosis must be made promptly, usually within 6 hours, to ensure testicular viability. Nuclear medicine imaging with 99m Tc-pertechnetate has been the traditional method for diagnosis of testicular torsion. Acutely, decreased flow is seen in the expected position of the testis. If the condition remains untreated for more than 24 hours, a rim of increased activity with a photopenic central area may develop, the so-called halo sign. This sign of delayed torsion can also be seen with testicular abscess, hematoma, or tumor. Doppler ultrasound has become widely accepted as a sole modality to diagnose torsion. Acquisition of an arterial signal from the central portion of the testicle effectively excludes complete torsion, although partial torsion is still possible. The diagnosis of partial torsion should be considered when a dampened arterial signal, compared with that from the asymptomic contralateral testicle, is present in a symptomatic patient. Before making this diagnosis, it is important to confirm that normal flow is seen in the contralateral testis. This verifies that the Doppler instrument has sufficient sensitivity to document slow flow for small vessels and that imaging parameters are set correctly. Ultrasound has the advantage over nuclear medicine of being able to image the remainder of the scrotum. Often, if testicular torsion is excluded, ultrasound can suggest an alternative diagnosis. Epididymitis Infection of the epididymis is often associated with infection of other portions of the genitourinary tract. The main importance of this condition is differentiating it from testicular torsion, which is a surgical emergency. Nuclear medicine imaging in epididymitis reveals increased blood flow to the affected side. No photopenic areas are encountered. Ultrasound shows an enlarged, heterogeneous-appearing epididymis with increased flow by Doppler ( Fig. 20-118). If orchitis is also present, the testicle is usually swollen, hypoechoic, and hyperemic.

FIG. 20-118. Epididymitis. Transverse ultrasound image demonstrates an enlarged epididymal head ( asterisk). Color Doppler examination demonstrated increased flow to the epididymis.

Testicular Tumors The main job of the radiologist in evaluating a painless scrotal mass is to decide whether it arises from within the testicle or from elsewhere. Testicular abnormalities must be viewed with a great deal of suspicion and should be considered tumors until proved otherwise. Testicular tumors are a common neoplasm in men aged 25 to 35 years, with 7,600 new cases expected in the United States in 1998. 103A Malignant testicular tumors may be seminomas, choriocarcinomas, embryonal carcinomas, or teratomas/teratocarcinomas (Fig. 20-119). Other tumors that can affect the testicles include lymphoma, leukemia, and metastases. 62 In general, tumors are hypoechoic to normal testicle, and seminoma is relatively homogeneous in appearance. Predicting the tumor cell type by ultrasound findings has not proved accurate, however. If a testicular tumor is found, the retroperitoneum should be examined, usually with CT, for nodal spread. Involved lymph nodes are initially found at the sites of lymphatic drainage. Tumors from the right testis spread to nodes in the preaortic, precaval, and aortocaval areas. Tumors on the left drain to left para-aortic nodes. Trauma to the scrotum, in particular testicular hematoma, can mimic testicular tumor. It is important to monitor cases of suspected hematoma, which should undergo evolution and complete regression. Tumors stay stable or enlarge over time.

FIG. 20-119. Nonseminomatous testicular tumor. Transverse ultrasound image demonstrates heterogeneous, centrally placed testicular mass ( arrows). Comparison with uninvolved testis ( asterisk) shows size difference in testicles. (Courtesy of Kathleen Scanlan, M.D., Madison, Wisconsin.)

Hydrocele Hydroceles represent fluid collections between layers of the tunica vaginalis. They are often idiopathic but can be seen with almost any scrotal or testicular pathology, including trauma, infection, or tumor. Varicocele Varicoceles are abnormal collections of dilated veins of the spermatic cord. They are caused by an abnormal venous valvular mechanism or obstruction to blood return from the testis. The junction of the right spermatic vein and the inferior vena cava forms a valve-like mechanism owing to the acute angle of incidence. The left spermatic vein joins the left renal vein at a more obtuse angle and therefore is subject to increased retrograde venous pressure; for this reason, 90% of idiopathic varicoceles arise on the left. Varicoceles may also be found in association with venous obstruction secondary to tumor mass or other retroperitoneal process. If a patient presents with bilateral or unilateral right varicocele, a search of the retroperitoneum for a causative factor is strongly recommended. Varicoceles appear as dilated vascular structures near the upper pole of the testis. The Valsalva maneuver or scanning with the patient in the upright position causes an increase in size. Varicoceles may be a cause of male infertility because of increased scrotal temperature; they are amenable to surgical repair, or they can be thrombosed by percutaneous transcatheter placement of coils in the spermatic vein. In this approach, the spermatic vein is accessed by passage of a catheter through the left renal vein. Spermatocele Spermatoceles, or dilatations of efferent ductules, usually are found in the head of the epididymis. They are generally asymptomatic and should be differentiated from varicoceles. CHAPTER REFERENCES
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Chapter 21 Obstetric and Gynecologic Imaging Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 21 Obstetric and Gynecologic Imaging

Edward A. Lyons

E. A. Lyons: Department of Radiology, University of Manitoba, Health Sciences Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3A 1R9, Canada.

Obstetric Imaging The First Trimester Complications of Early Pregnancy Ectopic Pregnancy Estimating Gestational Age Assessment of the Fetus Fetal Death The Placenta Large for Dates Pelvimetry Postpartum Sonography Gynecologic Imaging Normal Anatomy Congenital Anomalies Uterine Masses Ovarian Masses Gestational Trophoblastic Disease Infertility Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Localization of Intrauterine Devices Chapter References Selected Readings

Obstetric and gynecologic imaging has undergone marked changes in the past 15 years, primarily because of the influence of new imaging modalities. The single modality that has most significantly changed the diagnostic approach to obstetric and gynecologic problems is diagnostic ultrasonography. The remarkable ability of this technique to display the anatomy of the gravid and nongravid female pelvis without the use of ionizing radiation motivated the development of techniques and instrumentation that have almost totally replaced many x-raybased examinations. The use of diagnostic ultrasonography for the evaluation of obstetric and gynecologic problems is the dominant theme of this chapter. Of all the other imaging modalities, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has found some favor in gynecologic and obstetric diagnosis. The high cost of MRI and the widespread availability of ultrasound have further limited the use of MRI in this area. It is beyond the scope of this chapter to discuss the physical principles of ultrasound, 219, x-ray, 102 and MRI165 examinations. Both ultrasonography and MRI are nonionizing imaging techniques that offer a lower potential risk to the developing fetus. The relative newness of MRI has not permitted a thorough investigation of its potential biologic effects on the developing fetus. Ultrasonography has been used to image the developing fetus for three decades, and no harmful effects in humans have been identified, despite extensive investigation of the potential biologic hazards of ultrasonography. The American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) has developed guidelines for the use of ultrasound in obstetrics which have been adopted in modified forms by most related organizations. 91 The current thrust has been in conjunction with equipment manufacturers to include indicators of ultrasound power output clearly visible and recorded on all images. The thermal index (TI) and mechanical index (MI) are relative indicators of the production of potentially harmful heat or ultrasonic cavitation. In addition, the AIUM is promoting the ALARA principle which encourages ultrasound practitioners to use ultrasound energy at a level that is As Low As Reasonably Achievable and yet still capable of providing diagnostic information. The last 10 years have seen a major improvement in equipment design and therefore in image quality. After all, most imaging equipment is simply a computer that can use ultrasound, x-rays, radioisotopes, or strong magnetic fields to generate an image. As the development of computers has skyrocketed, so has the development of imaging equipment. The units are now smaller, less expensive, and much more versatile. Virtually all ultrasound scanners manufactured today include color Doppler capabilities. This allows one to view the anatomy as a gray-scale image, with blood flow in vessels depicted as a color-coded overlay. The ability to combine anatomic and physiologic information has greatly improved the diagnostic potential of ultrasound. Manufacturers have also produced ultrasound transducers using arrays of crystals with very high frequencies (up to 12 MHz) that can provide much higher resolution than was previously possible. For example a 10-MHz transducer has the capability to resolve structures less than 0.5 mm apart. Additionally, the last 10 years has seen the introduction and widespread use of the endovaginal transducer. A probe that is 2 cm in diameter and 20 cm in length was developed to be placed into the vagina and allow significantly improved resolution of the uterus and adnexa. The transducer can be used almost as an examining finger to identify areas of tenderness within the pelvis. This information, along with the images and the history, allows for a much more complete examination and more accurate diagnosis. Newer scanners incorporate three-dimensional capabilities that have the potential to provide even more diagnostic information. To view the uterine cavity or an embryo in planes not now achievable should allow for better imaging and diagnosis. Finally, one must remember that ultrasound, more than any other imaging modality, is highly operator dependent, which means that if the individual performing the study fails to identify the abnormality, it is lost and cannot be retrieved through a subsequent review of the images obtained. The vast majority of examinations are recorded as a series of static, hard copy images that are representative of the anatomy examined. The abnormality will be recorded only if it is recognized for what it is and captured on film.

The First Trimester The first trimester of pregnancy begins with fertilization and implantation and extends through the 12th menstrual week. It is the embryonic stage of pregnancy in which the fertilized ovum develops into an embryo with major organogenesis occurring. When one discusses the various stages of development, a specific number of weeks of gestation usually serves as a reference. Embryology texts usually identify weeks of gestation from the time of fertilization, which in a normal 28-day menstrual cycle usually occurs on day 14, or at 2 menstrual weeks. In the sonographic literature, gestational age is equated with menstrual age. For example, if a patient is found to have an intrauterine pregnancy of a gestational age of 10 weeks, it means that 10 weeks have passed since the first day of the patient's last normal menstrual period; presuming she had a 28-day menstrual cycle, it is 8 weeks since fertilization. Therefore, the dates referred to in this chapter as gestational age are in fact menstrual age. The introduction of endovaginal transducers has permitted earlier and more precise visualization of intrauterine pregnancies. The earliest sonographic finding of an intrauterine pregnancy is the identification of an echogenic mass in a subendometrial location at 3.5 to 4 weeks' menstrual age. This is called the intradecidual sign. The identification of the gestational sac ( Fig. 21-1) is a more common early sonographic finding. The sac can be identified at 4.5 menstrual weeks by endovaginal ultrasonography and in the fifth menstrual week by transabdominal scanning. 100 A normal gestational sac has a well-defined, thick, echogenic rim, which is called the trophoblast. It is actually composed of the inner cytotrophoblastic and outer syncytiotrophoblastic tissue. The sac is surrounded by the thick, echogenic endometrium. Implantation usually occurs in the fundus but has been reported in other intrauterine and extrauterine locations. The sac usually measures approximately 1 cm at 5.5 weeks' gestation and gradually enlarges with increasing gestational age. The sac size is very useful as an estimate of gestational age. 125 The sac is measured as the mean sac diameter (MSD) which is the sum of three orthogonal dimensions of the fluid-sac wall interface divided by three. A rapid formula that can be applied to estimate gestational age in days from MSD is simply to add 30 to the diameter. Therefore a 5-mm MSD will be seen in a 5-week gestation. The normal sac grows at a rate of 1 mm per day.

FIG. 21-1. Pregnancy of 4.5 weeks. Sagittal endovaginal scan view of the uterus shows a small gestational sac ( calipers) lying just adjacent to the endometrial canal (arrow).

With modern equipment and the endovaginal approach, the small yolk sac is the next landmark to be visible within the gestational or chorionic sac ( Fig. 21-2). The yolk sac is actually the secondary yolk sac; it usually is seen at about 42 days or 6 menstrual weeks. It is a well-defined echogenic ring. If the yolk sac is not visible by the time the MSD exceeds 8 mm, then one must be concerned about a failed early pregnancy and repeat the examination in 1 week's time. 135 The embryo is seen shortly after the appearance of the yolk sac, at about 45 menstrual days or 6.5 weeks. It lies adjacent to the yolk sac ( Fig. 21-3). With most modern transvaginal ultrasound equipment, fetal cardiac activity is seen in the sixth menstrual week and should be documented in all studies thereafter. 136 At 8 menstrual weeks, a thickened area in the decidua denotes the early formation of the placenta. It is easily visible by 9 menstrual weeks ( Fig. 21-4). By 12 menstrual weeks (Fig. 21-5), the fetal calvarium should be well formed and easily identified. At 7 to 8 weeks, gross movement of the fetal pole is also easy to identify. As the extremities develop, the activity of the fetal extremity can be seen in the later stages of the first trimester. In addition to evaluation of the gestational sac and embryo, all ultrasound examinations in the first trimester should comment on the uterus and adnexal structures. Any uterine or adnexal mass should be recorded.

FIG. 21-2. Pregnancy of 6 weeks. A magnified endovaginal view of the gestational sac and a 4-mm secondary yolk sac ( calipers).

FIG. 21-3. Pregnancy of 6 weeks. An embryo (calipers) with a crown-rump length of 3.0 mm can be seen developing adjacent to the yolk sac.

FIG. 21-4. Pregnancy of 9 weeks. The embryo and yolk sac are seen in the middle of the gestational sac. On the left ( arrow) is a thick echogenic area of early placental formation.

FIG. 21-5. Pregnancy of 12 weeks with the fetal head lying to the left, face up.

Complications of Early Pregnancy One of the most common indications for ultrasound examination in the first trimester is vaginal bleeding. Ultrasonography is the most useful diagnostic test in making a differential diagnosisusually normal intrauterine pregnancy, abnormal or failed intrauterine pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, or gestational trophoblastic disease. Bleeding in the first 20 weeks is referred to clinically as a threatened abortion. This may be associated with mild cramping, but on examination the cervical os is closed. This is a common complication, occurring in 25% of clinically apparent pregnancies. 36 About 50% of these subsequently abort, with the rest continuing to delivery. Early pregnancy failure or blighted ovum may be diagnosed sonographically by several findings. A reliable sign is an embryo with a crown-rump length (CRL) of more than 5 mm and no cardiac activity. A gestational sac with an MSD of more than 16 mm and no apparent embryo or an MSD of more than 8 mm and no apparent yolk sac are ominous findings 159 (Fig. 21-6). The pregnancy should be rescanned in 1 week to see whether the yolk sac or embryo has appeared. Late gestational sac signs include an irregular gestational sac, a sac lying low in the uterine cavity, or a sac with an irregular or thin trophoblast. A sign that has generated some controversy but in our hands has been reliable is a yolk sac of greater than 6 mm internal diameter in a pregnancy of less than 10 weeks' menstrual age 137 (Fig. 21-7). Finally, a subchorionic hemorrhage, especially if it surrounds more than two thirds of the sac, is an ominous finding 28,87 (Fig. 21-8). If any of these signs are present, one must have a high degree of suspicion that the pregnancy will not continue to term. This information must be correlated with the clinical information and any available laboratory data, especially the level of the beta subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin (b-hCG).

FIG. 21-6. Early pregnancy failure. An endovaginal scan of a large empty gestational sac with a mean sac diameter of 35 mm. The sac is irregular, with a thin peripheral trophoblast and no yolk sac or embryo.

FIG. 21-7. Large yolk sac at 7 weeks' menstrual age. The inner diameter of the yolk sac is 7.3 mm, which is abnormally large, especially for this stage of gestation. The pregnancy went on to abort in 2 weeks.

FIG. 21-8. An endovaginal scan of a 7-week gestational sac with a large subchorionic collection of blood ( asterisk) surrounding a good part of it. The pregnancy aborted 3 weeks later.

Clinically, a pregnancy may be at risk if the patient presents with certain ominous signs. These include bleeding, particularly brownish spotting; a uterine size that is small for dates according to the last menstrual period; and even a change in the symptoms of early pregnancy, such as breasts being less tender or experiencing less morning sickness. If the clinical picture and the sonographic findings are in complete agreement for an early pregnancy failure, then the patient should undergo termination with a therapeutic dilatation and curettage (D&C). If there is any doubt whatsoever, then it is essential to give the fetus the benefit of the doubt and repeat the scan in 1 week's time. If there is still uncertainty, a second repeat is prudent. One must avoid aborting a potentially normal pregnancy based on excessive reliance on the sonographic findings in the absence of correlation with the clinical picture. Ectopic Pregnancy An ectopic pregnancy is a potentially life-threatening complication of early pregnancy that, unlike the previously mentioned clinical entities, almost always causes varying degrees of abdominal pain in addition to vaginal bleeding. Transvaginal scanning is superior to transabdominal scanning for evaluation of ectopic pregnancy, 203 although both examinations are necessary for complete evaluation. The transabdominal scan can even be performed without the usual bladder filling, in that one is looking for a large mass or large amounts of free fluid in the peritoneal cavity, which would be out of the field of view of the endovaginal probe. Large uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, and blood clots can all be missed if the transabdominal study is omitted. The pathognomonic sonographic finding of ectopic pregnancy is an extrauterine gestational sac that contains a live embryo. This finding is seen in approximately 30% of cases with transvaginal scans and 10% with transabdominal scans. 54,170 The exception to this rule is the heterotopic gestation, where there is an intrauterine and extrauterine pregnancy. Although the incidence of this is relatively low, about 1 in 6,000 pregnancies, in patients having in vitro fertilization the incidence can be as high as 1.5 in 100 pregnancies. 144 Additional sonographic findings include an empty uterus, a decidual cyst, an adnexal mass, particulate fluid in the posterior cul-de-sac, and the presence of a pseudogestational

sac in the endometrial cavity 128 (Fig. 21-9).

FIG. 21-9. Ectopic pregnancy. This is a sagittal endovaginal scan of a uterus which has a large, flat, sac-like structure that is the decidual cast or pseudogestational sac.

It may be difficult to distinguish between a normal early intrauterine pregnancy, as identified by the presence of a gestational sac, and a pseudogestational sac, which forms from the sloughed decidual cast in association with an ectopic pregnancy. 154 In a normal intrauterine gestation, there is the appearance of a double gestational sac created by the echogenic maternal tissue or decidua and the echogenic fetal tissue or trophoblast. There is usually a thin hypoechoic zone between the two, giving a double ring or double decidual sac appearance 26 (Fig. 21-10). With the pseudogestational sac of an ectopic pregnancy, only a single layer of decidual reaction lines the entire endometrial cavity. The presence of a normal intrauterine gestational sac with a viable fetal pole essentially excludes the possibility of ectopic pregnancy. 17

FIG. 21-10. Normal intrauterine gestation at 6 weeks' menstrual age. The inner echogenic ring, with calipers, is the trophoblastic layer of the gestational sac. The outer echogenic ring (arrow) is the maternal decidua.

A decidual cyst is a small 2- to 5-mm cyst that lies near the endomyometrial junction ( Fig. 21-11). It does not have an echogenic border as is seen in a gestational sac. In 14% of patients with proven ectopic pregnancy, decidual cyst was an early sign. 3 It can also be seen in association with, or before the appearance of, a normal intrauterine gestation.

FIG. 21-11. A sagittal scan of an empty uterus in a woman 7 weeks pregnant. There are three small cysts in the endometrium ( arrow). These are decidual cysts, and this patient has a gestational sac in the fallopian tube.

Adnexal masses in association with ectopic pregnancy have a variety of appearances and may not individually add much to the ability to make a specific pathologic diagnosis. An echogenic tubal ring of an early gestational sac is a helpful finding in the appropriate clinical setting of a positive pregnancy test and an empty uterus (Fig. 21-12). The presence of a yolk sac or embryo within the sac makes the diagnosis a certainty. A tubal ring is seen in about 50% of ectopic pregnancies and can be a very helpful sign. 78 Adnexal hematomas secondary to bleeding from an ectopic pregnancy are usually sonographically complex or solid in appearance. Hemorrhagic corpus luteum cysts can be seen with both ectopic and intrauterine pregnancies and can mimic the ectopic gestation. In some patients pre-existing masses, especially those caused by previous pelvic inflammatory disease that predisposes patients to ectopic pregnancy, may simulate the ectopic gestation as well. Bleeding from an ectopic pregnancy may be identified sonographically as echogenic fluid in the posterior cul-de-sac ( Fig. 21-13). Clotted blood can have substantial internal echoes and appear solid on the ultrasound images. A scan though the right upper quadrant is a routine in our laboratory. Echogenic fluid in the hepatorenal space means a large volume of free intraperitoneal blood. Echogenic free fluid does not always mean a ruptured ectopic pregnancy, and a ruptured ectopic gestation does not always have free fluid. 83 Although these additional findings taken individually are not specific, the presence of an enlarged uterus without a gestational sac, an adnexal mass, and fluid in the cul-de-sac in a patient with a positive pregnancy test is highly suggestive of ectopic pregnancy.

FIG. 21-12. A transverse endovaginal scan of the empty uterus and a 6-week ectopic gestational sac ( arrow) in the right adnexa.

FIG. 21-13. A: A midsagittal endovaginal scan of an enlarged uterus with fluid in the endometrial canal. This patient had just undergone unsuccessful suction therapeutic dilatation and curettage for an intrauterine pregnancy. In the posterior cul-de-sac there is echogenic blood and clots. B: A sagittal scan through the right upper quadrant showing free fluid, presumably blood, in the hepatorenal space. This would indicate a large volume of hemoperitoneum in this patient with a ruptured ectopic pregnancy.

An extremely helpful albeit not always available adjunct to the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy is the quantitative serum b-hCG determination. 184 This test, when performed as a radioimmunoassay, becomes positive approximately 10 days after conception. In normal intrauterine pregnancies, the b-hCG level doubles every 2 days in the mid-first trimester. In ectopic pregnancy, the b-hCG level is lower than in a normal intrauterine pregnancy, and it plateaus or does not rise with time. By the time the b-hCG reaches 1,000 mIU/L (Second International Standard) in a normal pregnancy, a gestational sac should be visible in the uterus by transvaginal scanning. 161 If no intrauterine gestational sac is identified and the b-hCG level is below the discriminating zone, there still may be an ectopic pregnancy; however, it could also be an early intrauterine pregnancy before the sonographic identification of a gestational sac. In this situation, serial quantitative b-hCG levels and follow-up sonograms are advised. Estimating Gestational Age Gestational age is determined by monitoring menstrual age-that is, the number of weeks since the first day of the last normal menstrual period. This convention is useful because there is significant variability in the time of ovulation, and it is frequently difficult to ascertain exactly when fertilization occurred. From a practical standpoint, the patient often can recall the first day of the last normal menstrual period. However, as many as 30% to 40% of women cannot document a specific date. 64 Several sonographic and radiologic parameters can be used to determine gestational age. In general, the earlier in pregnancy that an attempt is made to establish gestational age, the more accurate is its determination. This is because of increasing normal variability in the size of the fetus as pregnancy advances. In the first trimester, the size of the gestational sac can be used to estimate gestational age. 181 A much more accurate method is to measure the greatest length of the fetal pole and determine the CRL ( Fig. 21-14). This measurement is accurate in establishing the gestational age to 5 days, or about 8% for two standard deviations 101,182,189 (Table 21-1). This measurement is useful between 5 and 12 weeks of gestation.

FIG. 21-14. Crown-rump length measurement of 55 mm in a 12-week pregnancy.

TABLE 21-1. Menstrual age based on crown-rump length

After the 12th menstrual week, several other fetal physical parameters can be measured to estimate gestational age. The most common practice is to assess the fetal biparietal diameter (BPD), head circumference (HC), abdominal circumference (AC), and femur length (FL) and then to calculate the mean menstrual age from all four values. This gives an accuracy of 3 to 4 weeks from 26 weeks to term. 15 The fetal BPD is the measurement that has undergone the most extensive study. This measurement is made on an image that displays a transaxial section through the fetal calvarium at the level of the thalamus and cavum septi pellucidi ( Fig. 21-15). The measurement is made from the outer table of the calvarium closest to the transducer to the inner table of the far side of the calvarium. Extreme care must be taken to obtain the appropriate image and to ensure that the midline echoes are equidistant between the inner tables of the skull. When gestational age based on the BPD is reported, a mean gestational age should be stated ( Table 21-2), along with the range of normal based on two standard deviations from normal or a 95% confidence interval. The range of normal variation increases with gestational age. 59 From 13 to 19 weeks, the range is 1 week; from 20 to 26 weeks, it is 10 days; from 26 to 30 weeks, it is 2 to 2.5 weeks; and after 30 weeks, it is 3 to 4 weeks. 24

FIG. 21-15. Biparietal diameter (BPD) measurement of 6.9 cm. Transaxial scan at the level of the thalami. BPD is measured from the outer table anteriorly to the inner table posteriorly (cursors).

TABLE 21-2. Menstrual age based on biparietal diameter

Other fetal cranial measurements can be used as adjuncts to BPD in estimating gestational age. Most often used is the HC ( Fig. 21-16), which is measured on the same image as that used for the BPD. 99 Inner and outer orbital diameters can be roughly correlated with gestational age 145 as well as transcerebellar diameter. 148

FIG. 21-16. Head circumference measurement of 22 cm in a 25-week gestation. The measurement is made around the outer periphery of the head at the same level at which the biparietal diameter is obtained ( calipers).

Transcerebullar diameter can also be correlated with gestational age ( Table 21-3). This measurement is useful in the second and third trimesters, with a 95% confidence limit of 1 week between 14 and 22 weeks. 164 This measurement is most easily obtained with the use of a real-time scanner ( Fig. 21-17). The iliac bone is the easiest to find. After this bone is found, the transducer should be rotated anteriorly until the long bright echo is identified. This allows measurement of the full length of the ossified diaphysis of the femur. Multiple images for measurements should be obtained until a confident estimate of the greatest femur length is achieved. With high-resolution real-time scanners, the distal femoral and proximal tibial epiphyses can be identified later in pregnancy. 42 The distal femoral epiphysis and the proximal tibial epiphysis are the most widely used radiographic standards for estimation of gestational age. The distal femoral epiphysis is usually visible by the 36th to 37th weeks and the proximal tibial epiphysis by the 38th week. However, there is wide normal variation, ranging from 32 to 38 weeks for the distal femoral epiphysis and 33 to 41 weeks for proximal tibial epiphysis. 188 Charts that correlate the sonographic lengths of the humerus, ulna, and tibia with gestational age 112 are useful when it is difficult to obtain an accurate femur length. They are also helpful in the evaluation of fetal skeletal dysplasias.

TABLE 21-3. Menstrual age based on femur length

FIG. 21-17. Femur length of 2.9 cm measured in a 19-week fetus. The calipers show the correct measurement.

The fetal AC measurement is obtained at the level of the stomach and the intrahepatic portion of the umbilical vein ( Fig. 21-18). It may be calculated either as the length of the outer perimeter of the abdomen (usually done automatically in most scanners with an ellipse) or by the formula using two orthogonal diameters:

FIG. 21-18. Abdominal circumference is measured at the level of the intrahepatic portion of the portal vein. This measurement of 35 cm in a 25-week fetus was obtained with the use of the electronic ellipse available on this scanner.

AC = 1.57 (anteroposterior diameter + transverse diameter) Assignment of a gestational age is not always straightforward. The radiologist must be technically competent in obtaining the appropriate image and in making the appropriate measurement. Sometimes the fetal position compromises the ability to obtain the optimum image, and this must be considered when the value of a single parameter must be judged. The following guidelines should be used: (1) the normal variation of any biologic parameter that is measured generally increases with gestational age; (2) the CRL in the first trimester provides the most accurate estimation of gestational age; and (3) the mean menstrual age calculated from BPD, HC, AC, or FL measurements are accurate to 1 week from 16 to 26 weeks and to 2 to 3 weeks from 26 weeks to term. However, the practitioner must feel comfortably certain that the measurements used to estimate gestational age were obtained on the appropriately oriented images and that the measurements were accurately determined. Measurements of different physical parameters that correspond to within 1 to 2 weeks, depending on the gestational age, increase the level of confidence. Assessment of the Fetus The technical improvements and proliferation of ultrasound equipment in the past decade have greatly enhanced the assessment of fetal development and have allowed the identification of many fetal morphologic abnormalities. Ultrasonography can provide detailed analysis of fetal anatomy beginning early in pregnancy, and with real-time ultrasonography fetal activities such as breathing, swallowing, coarse and fine motor movements, and cardiac activity can be monitored closely. Consider the following aspects of normal fetal development. As previously mentioned, with transvaginal ultrasonography the earliest time that a fetal pole can be identified is at about 5 menstrual weeks. The flickering motion of fetal cardiac activity should be seen on real-time transvaginal ultrasound examination in all embryos with a CRL of 5 mm or more.115 Between 5 and 10 weeks, a small cystic structure can be identified in the chorionic fluid separate from the fetal pole ( Fig. 21-19). This is the yolk sac, the site of early blood formation, and it contributes to the development of the gastrointestinal tract. This is a normal structure and should not be mistaken for an anomaly.

FIG. 21-19. Magnified view of a 7-week gestational sac with an embryo of 9-mm crown-rump length surrounded by a thin membrane from the developing amnion. Anterior to the embryo is a small yolk sac (arrow).

By the late first trimester, most intracranial anatomy is visible, particularly with the transvaginal study. Most of the calvarium is filled with large, fluid-filled ventricles surrounded by a small amount of smooth primitive brain. As the brain develops throughout pregnancy, there is a progressive increase in the volume of brain tissue and a relative decrease in the size of the ventricles. The echogenic choroid plexi are prominent structures early in fetal brain development and gradually decrease in relative size with increasing gestational age. The best measure of the size of the ventricles is the transverse diameter of the ventricular atrium, which should measure 10 mm or less throughout pregnancy 73 (Fig. 21-20). The atrium is the area at the base of the occipital horn where it meets the temporal horn and body of the ventricle. With this measurement 93% of neural tube defects can be recognized, because ventriculomegaly is an important feature and almost always present. To detect an additional 4% of neural tube defects, the posterior fossa, cerebellum, and cisterna magna must be imaged ( Fig. 21-21). If the cisterna is between 2 and 11 mm, it is considered within normal limits. The Chiari II malformation associated with spina bifida shows a narrowed cisterna (less than 2 mm) and a flattened or banana-shaped cerebellum.

FIG. 21-20. Transaxial scan of the fetal head at the level of the atrium of the lateral ventricle. The echogenic choroid plexus is seen between the calipers that measure 6 mm.

FIG. 21-21. A: Transverse scan of the posterior fossa and cerebellum of a 30-week fetus. The two cerebellar hemispheres are measured as the transcerebellar diameter of 32 mm. Between the hemispheres is the normal, slightly more echogenic, cerebellar vermis. B: This transaxial scan of a 12-week fetal head shows a 5-mm measurement of the normal cisterna magna.

The fetal face is important to observe during the complete fetal evaluation at 18 to 20 weeks. A coronal view of the nose and mouth is essential in ruling out a unilateral or bilateral facial cleft lip. It is an easy view to obtain and of great diagnostic value. A midsagittal view of the face, mouth, and chin helps to exclude anomalies such as micrognathia or macroglossia ( Fig. 21-22).

FIG. 21-22. A: A coronal scan of the face of a 28-week fetus showing the nose and lips with the mouth open. This view excludes a possible cleft lip. B: A midsagittal scan of the same fetus showing a mouth that is open but with the tongue sticking out. As a transient event it is a sign of disrespect, but when prolonged it may indicate macroglossia associated with chromosomal abnormalities.

By the early second trimester, the fetal heart is recognizable as a distinct, contracting, fluid-filled structure. By the mid-second trimester, the cardiac chambers ( Fig. 21-23) and valves can be identified and studied with two-dimensional and M-mode fetal echocardiography. Fetal lungs appear as solid structures in the thorax with an echogenicity greater than that of the liver or spleen until late in pregnancy.

FIG. 21-23. Transverse scan through the heart of a 20-week fetus. The cursor line passes through the heart, and an M-mode tracing plots the fetal heart rate of 146 beats per minute.

As the fetus begins to swallow amniotic fluid, the fetal stomach becomes visible as a cystic structure in the left upper quadrant ( Fig. 21-24). It can be seen as early as 14 weeks and should be seen consistently after 16 to 18 weeks. The remainder of the fetal bowel is relatively echogenic and looks solid. Near term, the meconium-filled colon becomes more sonolucent, containing fine, low-level internal echoes. An important landmark to identify in the fetal abdomen is the course of the umbilical vein where it enters the portal sinus ( Fig. 21-25). The transverse image of the fetal abdomen is important in the assessment of fetal somatic growth, which is discussed later. The umbilical vein should not be mistaken for the fetal gallbladder, which can be seen later in the second trimester.

FIG. 21-24. Transverse scan through the upper abdomen of a 32-week fetus. The echogenic liver is seen filling the right side of the abdomen, and the fluid-filled stomach (arrow) is on the left.

FIG. 21-25. Transverse scan through the upper abdomen and liver showing the umbilical vein ( arrow) becoming part of the portal vein.

The fetal kidneys can be identified at as early as 15 weeks' gestation. 132 It is more important to document renal function by identifying the fluid-filled fetal urinary bladder in the pelvis. The bladder can be seen at as early as 14 weeks' gestation and should always be identified after 18 weeks' gestation ( Fig. 21-26). The fetal bladder may empty over a 30-minute to 2-hour period; if it is not visualized on the initial examination, the fetus should be re-scanned every 30 to 45 minutes until the bladder is identified.

FIG. 21-26. Coronal scan of the 22-week fetal trunk demonstrating the heart (H), gall bladder (G), and urinary bladder (B).

The fetal spine usually is visualized in the coronal plane to assess the widths between the pedicles throughout the length of the spine ( Fig. 21-27). Aside from the normal flaring in the cervical region, no localized widening should occur; if widening is present, a spina bifida must be ruled out. The spine is also assessed from the posterior aspect of the fetus in a sagittal view looking for masses such as meningomyelocele or absence of the spinous processes. Finally, each segment should be scanned in the transverse plane to assess that the posterior elements are pointing toward one another, divergence being a sign of spina bifida.

FIG. 21-27. This is a coronal scan of the spine of a 20-week fetus. To the left is the sacral spine, with the echogenic sacrum seen on either side. The pedicles and vertebral bodies are all seen together because this is a special thick slice giving a three-dimensional appearance. Normally only the pedicles or the vertebral bodies would be seen in one plane. To the right is the thoracic spine and lower six ribs.

The fetal hands and feet are essential to visualize during a routine scan at 18 to 20 weeks' menstrual age. They can be seen earlier, but by this time they are easily observed and should be counted to ensure the correct number of limbs and digits. The hand that opens is normal, while the hand that remains clenched may indicate a chromosomal abnormality. One can also look for extra digits or ones that are overlapping or fused. A full fetal survey with adequate examination of all limbs requires skill, patience, and quality equipment ( Fig. 21-28).

FIG. 21-28. A: Foot of a 21-week fetus taken with the thick-slice technique to show all of the metatarsals and phalanges. B: A conventional scan of the hand of a 16-week fetus. The echogenic bones of the fingers and thumb are seen to be flared out. This is a normal appearance.

The fetal aorta usually can be seen from about 16 weeks onward. With high-resolution scanners the major branches, including the iliac, brachiocephalic, and carotid arteries, can be seen (Fig. 21-29).

FIG. 21-29. Coronal scan of the trunk of a 16-week fetus demonstrating the thoracic and abdominal portions of the aorta and the common iliac arteries.

The discussion of the ultrasound diagnosis of fetal anomalies is beyond the scope of this chapter. Table 21-4 lists some anomalies that have been diagnosed and provides references to papers describing them. Amniotic fluid volume is an important indicator of the presence of a possible fetal anomaly. Open neural tube abnormalities, obstructive gastrointestinal tract defects proximal to the distal small bowel, some fetal skeletal dysplasias, and some cardiac defects are fetal abnormalities associated with polyhydramnios (increased amounts of amniotic fluid). Obstructive genitourinary anomalies and agenesis of the kidneys are associated with oligohydramnios (markedly reduced amniotic fluid). The presence of polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios is not a definite indication of a fetal anomaly, because polyhydramnios can be idiopathic or associated with maternal diabetes, Rh incompatibility, or multiple gestations. 2 Oligohydramnios of varying degrees can result from premature rupture of the membranes or can be associated with a growth-retarded fetus that is structurally intact.

TABLE 21-4. Fetal anomalies14,69,105,162,186

Ultrasound examination is extremely useful in assessing fetal growth. 108 Growth-retarded fetuses exhibit a much higher neonatal morbidity and mortality. Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) may result from maternal causes, such as severe diabetes, renal disease, hypertension, or drug abuse, or from primary fetal abnormalities, such as congenital anomalies, chromosomal abnormalities, or congenital infection. Primary placental abnormalities can result in IUGR as well. Generally, maternal causes and primary placental abnormalities result in placental insufficiency, leading to asymmetrical IUGR. Primary fetal abnormalities usually result in symmetrical IUGR. Symmetrical IUGR can be distinguished from asymmetrical IUGR by the HC-AC ratio. The HC measurement is obtained on the same image used for the BPD. AC is measured on a transverse image of the upper abdomen through the liver at the level of the umbilical vein. This ratio is normally greater than 1 until approximately 34 to 36 weeks, when the abdominal circumference becomes larger than the head circumference because of the deposition of increased amounts of subcutaneous fat. In asymmetrical IUGR, the most common form, there is preservation of central nervous system growth (HC) at the expense of somatic growth (AC). In symmetrical IUGR, there is proportional growth reduction of both the fetal head and body. Normal ranges for the HC-AC ratio have been compiled for various stages of gestation. 33 In addition to HC-AC ratio, fetal weight can be estimated. A variety of complicated formulas have been devised using BPD, FL, AC, and other factors. A useful chart compiled by Hadlock and colleagues 97 estimates fetal weight with an accuracy of 15% to 18% from the BPD, AC, and FL. A table of weights is used to estimate the 10th, 50th, and 90th percentiles. 67 The previously described measurements of physical parameters to estimate gestational age can also be used to quantify fetal growth rate. Serial examinations at 2- to 3-week intervals permit the plotting of a growth curve for an individual fetus when necessary. MRI may be useful in identifying IUGR. Growth-retarded fetuses have markedly reduced body fat, which can be identified on MRI studies. 131 Real-time ultrasonography enables assessment of fetal well-being through documentation of fetal activity. This sonographic biophysical profile includes assessment of variations in the fetal heart rate as well as fetal breathing activities, coarse and fine motor activity, fetal tone, and amniotic fluid volume. 142,210 Several scoring schemes provide useful information to the obstetrician, who must decide whether the intrauterine environment of the fetus has become hostile rather than protective. Doppler ultrasonography is the technique whereby blood flow within vessels is displayed as a color image that is superimposed on the high-resolution gray-scale anatomic image. The Doppler signal can be generated by the multicrystal transducers and is displayable in real time, simultaneously with the gray-scale image. These signals can be displayed as color Doppler images, which show velocity and direction; power Doppler images, which shows very low velocity but no direction; and spectral Doppler images, which show the velocity wave pattern. Doppler ultrasonography is being used increasingly to aid in the assessment of fetal well-being by noninvasive evaluation of fetoplacental and uteroplacental blood flow. 50 Whereas direct velocity measurements can be made from fetal vessels such as the carotid arteries and aorta, analysis of the Doppler waveform is the most commonly used technique. A variety of indices can be used to quantify the Doppler waveform, including the resistive index, the pulsatility index (PI), and the systolic-to-diastolic (S-D) ratio. 35 Currently, the measurements most commonly obtained are the ratio of

the velocity at peak systole to the velocity at end diastole (S-D ratio) and the PI in the midportion of the umbilical artery. Ranges of normal for various stages of pregnancy have been developed, but the S-D ratio and PI usually decline with gestational age. 4 Abnormally elevated umbilical artery S-D ratios have been associated with IUGR, pre-eclampsia, Rh incompatibility, placental abruption, and severe maternal illness. 35 Absent or reversed blood flow in diastole is associated with an increased risk of fetal morbidity and mortality. Fetal Death Radiographic signs have been described in association with intrauterine fetal death. Overlapping of the bones of the skull (Spalding's sign), marked curvature of the fetal spine, and gas in the fetal circulatory system are the most easily recognized signs. Ultrasound examination has replaced radiographic examinations for suspected fetal death. 171 The documentation of absent fetal cardiac activity and absent extremity motion is now the most sensitive way of detecting fetal death. One must be confident of a technically satisfactory examination with the ability to view the fetal thorax in an unobstructed fashion. Current real-time ultrasound equipment has a frame rate that is adequate to see fetal cardiac activity if present. Cardiac motion can be recorded with the use of M-mode, which displays the moving heart over a period of seconds, or color Doppler to detect motion or blood flow (see Fig. 21-23). Fetuses have periods of relative inactivity in which there is no motion of the extremities or the trunk. However, repeated examination over 15 to 60 minutes without documented fetal extremity motion or fetal cardiac activity is indicative, if not diagnostic, of fetal death. It is helpful to try fetal stimulation with manual ballottement of the anterior abdominal wall, which sends a shock wave through the amniotic fluid and may help to stimulate a fetus, particularly a very small one. Within days of the death of a fetus, the fetal skin becomes edematous and alterations in the fetal anatomy become obvious (Fig. 21-30). Gross fetal edema may also be seen in live, albeit at risk, hydropic fetuses. Flattening and overlapping of the fetal skull bones with dissolution of the intracranial anatomy is seen. The internal anatomy of the trunk is difficult to define. After a few weeks, the fetal anatomy is markedly distorted and the fetus may appear as an ill-defined echogenic structure with no easily identifiable anatomy except for a deformed fetal skull.

FIG. 21-30. This coronal scan of a dead 10-week fetus shows marked edema ( arrow) of the skin around the head and neck.

The Placenta A thickening in the decidual reaction can be identified by 7 to 8 menstrual weeks as the site of early placenta formation. By 10 weeks this location is clearly defined, and by the end of the first trimester the placenta is identified as a discrete structure. In the beginning of the second trimester, the amnion and chorion fuse to form the smooth fetal surface of the placenta, called the chorionic plate, which is identified as a bright or echogenic line at the interface of placental tissue and the amniotic fluid. The interface of the placenta and the myometrium is much less well defined, particularly in an anterior implantation. This basilar plate region of the placenta blends into the slightly more hypoechoic myometrium. The draining basilar veins usually can be seen as lacy structures near the interface of the placenta and myometrium (Fig. 21-31). Color Doppler scans can be used to highlight these veins.

FIG. 21-31. Placenta. Transverse scan of a lateral placenta in a 30-week pregnancy. The basilar plate is well seen, with normal basilar veins ( arrow).

The appearance of the placenta changes as the pregnancy progresses. It begins as a smoothly marginated structure with a homogeneous, fine echo pattern that is more echogenic than the adjacent myometrium. As the placenta matures, the fetal surface of the placenta develops undulations and the internal echo pattern becomes more heterogeneous. Hypoechoic areas representing subchorionic fibrin deposition, maternal lakes or perivillous fibrin deposition, intervillous thrombosis, or septal cysts can be identified. These are of no clinical significance and are seen in more than 25% of placentas. Septal cysts, perivillous fibrin deposition, and intervillous thrombosis have a similar sonographic appearance. Bright echoes with and without associated acoustic shadowing can be seen with calcium deposition. The deposits of calcium are found primarily in the basal plate and septa and are of no proven clinical or pathologic significance. 199 The degree of calcification increases after 29 weeks' menstrual age, appearing in more than 50% of term placentas ( Fig. 21-32).

FIG. 21-32. Placental calcification in a 36-week pregnancy. The focal calcific densities are seen at the basilar layer and in the septa between cotyledons.

Placental infarcts are seen at pathology but are not recognizable sonographically unless they are associated with hemorrhage. Only if there is infarction of more than 30% of the placenta volume will there be an appreciable loss of function.


Small infarcts are common at term.

The most common cause of vaginal bleeding in the second and third trimesters is placenta previa ( Fig. 21-33). Ultrasound examination has replaced all other imaging techniques in the assessment of possible placenta previa. The relationship of the placenta to the region of the internal cervical os can be identified through a distended maternal urinary bladder or by the transperineal, translabial, or endovaginal 192 approaches. The latter two are performed with an empty maternal urinary bladder. They are favored when there is a concern that the position of the distal placental edge cannot be assessed relative to the internal os. It is important to study patients before and after voiding, because a distended bladder compresses the lower uterine segment, bringing together the anterior and posterior walls, and may create a false previa because of the incorrect position of the internal cervical os. The cervix usually measures only 3.5 cm in length, whereas a collapsed lower segment gives the appearance of a very long cervix ( Fig. 21-34). Scans performed in the second trimester frequently show apparent placenta previa, but the incidence of placenta previa at term is much lower (0.5%). 38,53 This phenomenon of apparent change in position of the placenta with advancing gestational age is frequently called placental migration. It most likely represents a differential growth rate of the lower uterine segment later in pregnancy 119 (Fig. 21-35). Patients with suspected placenta previa identified early in pregnancy should be observed before the time of anticipated delivery to document placental location. In addition, they should have a translabial or endovaginal scan to more accurately identify the position of the distal placental edge. When the placenta overlapped the internal os by more than 10 mm in one study, then the risk of previa at delivery was 100%. 131 The true incidence of previa between 15 and 20 weeks is only 1.1% as detected by endovaginal scan. Only 14% of the 1.1% of previa persisted until delivery.

FIG. 21-33. These midsagittal scans of the lower uterine segment in a 28-week pregnancy with vaginal bleeding. A: A transabdominal scan showing a low-lying placenta; the exact relationship of the distal edge and the internal os cannot be determined. B: A transperineal scan with the bladder mostly empty showing the internal os (arrow) and the posterior placenta (PL), with the placental edge coming up to but not crossing the os.

FIG. 21-34. This is a midsagittal scan of the lower uterine segment in a 20-week pregnancy. There is an anterior placenta which appears to come down to the internal cervical os. This is a false placenta previa caused by a full urinary bladder which compressed the lower segment, creating a cervix 10 cm in length.

FIG. 21-35. This patient is 12 week's pregnant and presented with vaginal bleeding. A: The transabdominal scan shows a posterior placenta that appears to cover the internal cervical os. B: An endovaginal scan shows the cervical canal ( arrow), with the posterior placenta covering the os. C: A transabdominal scan at 16 weeks with a partially full bladder still shows the complete posterior placenta previa.

A patient with placental abruption typically has painful vaginal bleeding. Placental abruption is less common than placenta previa and can be identified on sonograms as a retroplacental lucency representing blood clot between the placenta and myometrium or as an echogenic structure in the amniotic fluid representing an extramembranous clot.196 Acute hemorrhage is hyperechoic to isoechoic compared with the placenta, and 1- to 2-week-old hemorrhages are sonolucent 158 (Fig. 21-36). The sonographic changes as described are uncommonly seen in cases of abruption. In at least some patients, the typical echolucent space disappears as blood is drained though the abundant venous network. The diagnosis may be made by noting marked tenderness of the uterus at the placental implantation site with or without an echolucent space.

FIG. 21-36. This patient presented at 20 weeks' gestation with right fundal pain and tenderness. The scan shows a retroplacental echolucent area ( asterisk), consistent with an abruption.

The placenta may appear grossly enlarged with cystic spaces in the presence of a hydatidiform mole which is either partial or complete. A complete mole has no associated fetus and is a large, amorphous, echogenic mass, often with small cysts. It is relatively avascular. If a fetus is present with a mole in a singleton gestation, then it is a partial mole and the fetus has a triploid karyotype (69 chromosomes) and is abnormal. Large for Dates Ultrasound examination can be extremely helpful in evaluating patients with the clinical finding of a uterus that is larger on physical examination than expected for the estimated gestational age. Probably the most frequent finding in this clinical setting is a single fetus that is normal but of advanced gestational age compared with the patient's recollection of her menstrual history. The discrepancy usually occurs at 4-week intervals and reflects an inaccurate menstrual history. Multiple gestation is another frequent finding when a uterus is large for dates. Ultrasonography can easily identify multiple fetuses. It is important to correlate the individual size parameters (BPD, HC, FL, and AC) for each fetus, because twins are at increased risk for IUGR. Discordant growth may also be associated with the twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, with an intraplacental arteriovenous anastomosis in a single shared cotyledon. 45 This syndrome is seen in approximately 15% to 20% of monozygotic twin pregnancies and can result in a growth-retarded donor twin and a hydropic recipient twin. 27 The perinatal mortality rate for all twin pregnancies is 5 to 10 times that for singletons. 195 The fetal growth charts used for singleton pregnancies are accurate in twin pregnancies only to about 30 to 34 weeks; thereafter, growth of twin fetuses slows. 93 Twins are generally smaller and have lower birth weights than singleton fetuses, and they deliver earlier, at about 37 weeks. In the first trimester it is possible to determine chorionicity and amnionicity with a certainty of almost 100%, 127 but in the second and third trimesters it is more difficult. Two placentas is indicative of a dichorionic diamniotic (DCDA) twinning, but 50% of DCDA twins have a single, fused placenta. It is important in twins with a single placenta to identify the presence or absence of an intervening membrane, because a higher fetal mortality rate is associated with monochorionic, monoamniotic twin gestations. A thick membrane is indicative of a DCDA twin pregnancy and is a reliable sign up to 22 weeks' gestation. 206 It is also important to identify the intervening membrane if amniocentesis is to be performed, so that the amniotic fluid from each amniotic sac can be sampled. The presence of a pelvic mass may also create the impression that a uterus is large for dates. 29 This mass may be of ovarian or uterine origin. The most common ovarian mass in pregnancy is a persistent corpus luteum cyst. It is usually a unilocular cystic structure that gradually diminishes in size but may persist beyond 16 menstrual weeks. On occasion it can be large, measuring up to 10 cm. The most common uterine mass is a myoma, which may enlarge during pregnancy and can undergo painful infarction. Documentation of the size and position of a myoma is important, especially if it is located in the lower uterine segment, and it may interfere with a normal vaginal delivery. Polyhydramnios is another possible cause of a uterus larger than expected for menstrual dates. Polyhydramnios can be idiopathic but may be associated with maternal disorders such as diabetes mellitus. Careful attention must be paid to the fetal anatomy to exclude the presence of a morphologic defect such as anencephaly or an obstruction of the upper gastrointestinal tract such as duodenal atresia. Pelvimetry Pelvimetry is the radiographic examination of the female bony pelvis to measure the size of the various bony structures. Anteroposterior (AP) and lateral radiographs with a known x-ray source-to-film distance and a strip of radiopaque material marked at 1-cm intervals placed on the patient permit measurements of the AP and transverse diameters of the inlet, the midpelvis, and the outlet of the pelvis. 114 There is significant controversy about whether this information is useful in assessing the potential for difficulty with a vaginal delivery. It is generally agreed that these measurements are of little value in predicting progression of labor with the fetus in the vertex position.116 The size of the bony pelvis represents only one of many factors that may affect the progression of labor and provides no useful information regarding the size and moldability of the fetal head and the contribution of maternal pelvic soft-tissue structures to cephalopelvic disproportion as a cause of arrest of labor. X-ray pelvimetry is a major source of ionizing radiation to the fetus. The United Nations Scientific Committee's report on the effects of atomic radiation estimated the mean fetal body dose to be about 620 mrad. 207 Data obtained in both the United States and England show an increased incidence of leukemia and other malignant diseases in children exposed in utero to diagnostic x-rays. For this reason, x-ray pelvimetry should be restricted to those patients in whom it will provide information not available from clinical examination or sonography. 152 Lower-dose techniques are now available which reduce the overall fetal dose to 25% or less of that for conventional pelvimetry. X-ray pelvimetry with air-gap techniques, digital x-ray techniques, 72 and computed tomographic (CT) scanograms have been described for pelvimetry with marked reduction in fetal dose. 8 The use of non-ionizing MRI 198 to assess pelvic size have been reported but because of the expense and limited effect on outcome its use is limited. 209 Postpartum Sonography After delivery there is a relatively rapid decrease in uterine size. Within 1 day of delivery, the fundus of the uterus can be palpated just above the umbilicus, in contrast to its subxiphoid location at term. In most cases, physical examination is adequate in monitoring the size of the uterus. However, in cases of postpartum hemorrhage, infection, and pain, sonography is the most useful imaging examination in patient management. Sonography is an accurate method of documenting normal reduction in uterine size after delivery. In 1 day it is near the level of the umbilicus, and by 2 weeks it can be palpated in the suprapubic region. By 6 weeks postpartum its size should be normal. For patients with postpartum bleeding that does not respond to usual clinical measures, sonography is helpful in excluding the presence of retained placental tissue. 226 Normally, the endometrial cavity is collapsed in the postpartum state. The retained placenta appears as a somewhat globular, echogenic structure that separates the wall of the endometrial cavity. Retained clot usually has a more linear configuration, conforming to the configuration of the endometrial cavity, but it may appear as echogenic as retained placenta. Liquefied blood or lochia in the endometrial cavity appears more sonolucent ( Fig. 21-37).

FIG. 21-37. Sagittal scan of a postpartum uterus with a normal amount of endometrial fluid.

Postpartum or puerperal infection is defined as a temperature higher than 38C on two separate occasions at least 24 hours apart, not including the first day after delivery. Infections occur in 2% to 8% of pregnant women, more commonly in those of lower socioeconomic status. It frequently develops on the second or third postpartum day. The most common route of infection in the endometrial cavity is through the vagina. A mixture of anaerobic streptococci, gram-negative coliforms, Bacteroides, and aerobic streptococci causes puerperal infections. Most patients respond to appropriate antibiotic treatment. In those who fail to respond, retained clot or products of conception may be a nidus for the infection. In these cases sonography is useful in documenting the presence of material or fluid within the endometrial cavity. An unusual finding is gas artifacts within the endometrial cavity, secondary to infections by gas-producing organisms such as Clostridium welchii, Bacteroides, or Escherichia coli. It should be kept in mind that air can be introduced into the endometrial cavity by a procedure, such as curettage, when an attempt is

made to remove retained products of conception. Postpartum pelvic pain can also be evaluated by ultrasound examination. Some patients have a palpable mass. With some difficult deliveries, patients develop broad ligament hematomas that appear sonographically as symmetrical sonolucent or complex masses in an adnexal location. In patients who have undergone a cesarean section, the area of hysterotomy and postoperative hematoma can be defined sonographically ( Fig. 21-38). A small hematoma is not uncommon at the hysterotomy site. It is contained by the myometrium posteriorly and the bladder wall anteriorly. It is best visualized with an endovaginal scan. It is not possible sonographically to distinguish absolutely between a postoperative hematoma and an abscess unless echogenic foci from air are seen in the mass ( Fig. 21-39).

FIG. 21-38. A sagittal endovaginal scan of the lower uterine segment of a patient 4 days after cesarean section. The incision site has a large inhomogeneous mass, a hematoma, that is confined by the bladder anteriorly.

FIG. 21-39. Endovaginal scan of the lower uterine segment in a patient 10 days after cesarean section. There is an inhomogeneous mass with focal densities ( arrow) that represent small pockets of air. This is an abscess at the incision site.

Normal Anatomy The uterus is an elongated, pear-shaped, hollow, muscular organ. It usually is located in the midline and anteverted in position. The myometrium exhibits a homogeneous, medium-amplitude echo pattern with a linear, bright echo representing the endometrial cavity ( Fig. 21-40). The most common normal variation in position is the retroverted uterus with the fundus posterior to the cervix. A more hypoechoic area often is identified surrounding the endometrial canal. Its appearance changes throughout the menstrual cycle, and this area is most prominent just before menstruation. 117 On CT, the uterus is usually seen as a homogeneous, soft-tissue density with variable degrees of enhancement after administration of intravenous contrast material ( Fig. 21-41). When sufficient fluid or blood is within the endometrial cavity, it appears as a low-density area in the center of the uterus. The apparent shape of the uterus on CT is variable because only transverse sections are obtained, and the contour of the uterus varies depending on the amount of bladder distention and the degree of anteflexion. On MRI, the appearance of the uterus changes depending on the pulse sequence used. Different layers of tissue display different signal intensities ( Fig. 21-42).

FIG. 21-40. Endovaginal scans of a uterus of a normal 30-year-old woman. A: Midsagittal scan of the body and fundus of the uterus showing the thin, bright endometrium and central cavity. B: Midsagittal scan of the lower segment and cervix, showing a tiny amount of free fluid in the posterior cul-de-sac. C: Transaxial scan of the uterine body.

FIG. 21-41. Normal uterus. Transverse computed tomogram of the pelvis shows the normal uterus (U), right ovary ( arrow), contrast-filled bladder (B), and bowel.

FIG. 21-42. Normal uterus. Sagittal fast spin-echo T2-weighted magnetic resonance image of a pelvis. The bright white signal ( asterisk) is from the normal endometrium in this anteverted uterus. (Courtesy of P.L. Cooperberg, M.D., St. Paul's Hospital, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.)

The region of the cervix can be identified sonographically by its contiguity with the vagina. The vagina is normally a midline structure with a bright, linear echo representing the collapsed vaginal canal. On CT the vagina is more easily identified if a vaginal tampon is in place, in which case the vaginal canal is identified as a circular, air-filled structure. The ovaries are identified lateral to the uterus. They can be identified in women of all ages, increasing in volume during puberty and decreasing after menopause. 95 The ovaries are best seen endovaginally and normally measure up to 24 cc (0.523 length weight height) in volume in women of reproductive age 51,181 (Fig. 21-43). The longest dimension can be up to 5 cm. Small cystic structures representing developing follicles can be identified in the ovaries, with a larger (2 cm) dominant follicle seen just before ovulation. The remainder of the adnexal structures, the fallopian tubes, the broad ligaments, and the mesosalpinx are not frequently visualized sonographically unless a moderate amount of ascites is present. The serpiginous, 7- to 14-cm-long fallopian tubes are best visualized by hysterosalpingography (Fig. 21-44), although new ultrasonic contrast agents are identifiable as they course through the tubes and can be used to assess patency.

FIG. 21-43. Endovaginal scan of normal ovary seen in sagittal ( A) and transaxial (B) planes. The calipers measurements are seen. Small follicles are seen in ( A) on the posterior aspect of the ovary.

FIG. 21-44. Normal hysterosalpingogram. The uterus is filled with radiopaque contrast medium, which also fills both fallopian tubes ( arrows). Contrast material is seen spilling out into the peritoneal cavity on the right and surrounding loops of bowel.

Pelvic musculature is best demonstrated with CT or MRI (Fig. 21-45). The iliopsoas muscles are visualized during routine pelvic ultrasound examination and should not be mistaken for the ovaries. The air-containing rectum is identified by its reverberation artifacts on ultrasonography and is more clearly defined on CT. Unopacified bowel on CT and fluid-filled bowel on ultrasonography may mimic pelvic pathology. Repeat CT scanning with adequate bowel opacification and observation of peristaltic activity using real-time ultrasonography are helpful in differentiating normal bowel from masses.

FIG. 21-45. Pelvic musculature. Coronal magnetic resonance image of the pelvis at the level of the femoral heads. The lower-intensity muscles are contrasted to the higher-intensity fat. The psoas muscle (P), iliacus muscle (I), obturator internus muscles ( open arrows), obturator externus muscle (closed arrows), and bladder (B) are also seen.

Hysterosalpingography consists of opacification of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes by injection of opaque contrast material into the uterus. A cannula or catheter is placed through the cervical os, and usually a water-soluble, iodinated contrast material instilled. Three to 10 mL is usually sufficient to opacify the endometrial cavity and fallopian tubes (see Fig. 21-44). This study is useful for evaluating the configuration and shape of the endometrial canal and also the patency of the

fallopian tubes. Hysterosalpingography is contraindicated in the presence of an active infection of the genital tract, recent or active bleeding, or suspected intrauterine pregnancy. The examination usually is performed under fluoroscopic observation with appropriate films obtained to document the anatomy and the spill of contrast material into the peritoneal cavity. Transabdominal pelvic ultrasonography should always be performed with the patient's urinary bladder distended. This serves as an acoustic window to visualize the deeper structures in the pelvis and displaces air-filled bowel out of the lower pelvis. Failure to have an adequately distended urinary bladder results in inadequate visualization of the pelvic structures and unsatisfactory examinations. Longitudinal and transverse images should be obtained to completely display the normal and abnormal anatomy. Examination is usually performed with a real-time scanner, with the examination recorded either on videotape in real time or on film as static images. Transvaginal ultrasound examination permits improved visualization of the uterus, ovaries, and adnexal structures. A specifically designed transducer is placed in the vagina. It has a higher frequency and shorter focal zone than a transabdominal transducer, and this allows higher-resolution images of the uterus and ovaries. Other advantages of the transvaginal approach are that a full urinary bladder is not required and the fat in the anterior abdominal wall, which always degrades the ultrasonic image, can be avoided. Practically speaking, in patients referred on an emergency basis who have just had a pelvic examination with the bladder emptied, the transvaginal examination is the ideal route. Congenital Anomalies Congenital malformations of the female genital tract occur in 1% to 2% of cases. Some are detected on physical examination, and others are identified on ultrasonography, often for an unrelated condition. 208 The mllerian ducts fuse to form the uterus and the upper two thirds of the vagina, and the unfused cranial portions become the fallopian tubes. Failure to fuse or incomplete fusion results in the most common types of congenital anomalies. Anomalies of the genital tract frequently are associated with urinary tract anomalies, and serendipitous identification of uterine or vaginal anomalies should trigger a thorough evaluation of the urinary tract. The urinary tract and the genital tract share a common time of development rather than a common embryologic origin. The ovaries develop from the gonadal ridge and therefore are separate from the mllerian ducts. One or both of the mllerian ducts may fail to form, giving rise to complete or partial uterine agenesis. Partial agenesis results in a unicornuate (single-horned) uterus with one fallopian tube and a normal-appearing vagina. With complete agenesis, a portion of the vagina exists but the uterus and tubes are absent ( Fig. 21-46).

FIG. 21-46. Complete uterine agenesis. This midsagittal transabdominal scan of an 18-year-old woman shows the vagina ( arrow) with no uterus behind the full urinary bladder. Only the echogenic air in a loop of bowel, probably sigmoid, is seen behind the bladder.

An imperforate hymen or partial atresia of the vagina may lead to distention of the vagina. This is called hydrocolpos (hematocolpos, if filled with blood) and may be accompanied by pain and a palpable pelvic or lower abdominal mass. This is most easily diagnosed sonographically as a primarily cystic mass which is located immediately posterior to the bladder. A small uterus may be identified near the most cephalad portion of the mass. The most caudal aspect of the mass is difficult to define because of its location on the perineum. If the perineal membrane is perforated, contrast material can be injected to display the distended vaginal and uterine cavities. Sonography or excretory urography is useful in evaluating the possibility of associated hydronephrosis. Hematometra results from an obstructing lesion in the cervix or is secondary to agenesis of the vagina. Its clinical presentation is similar to that of hematocolpos. It is most easily identified sonographically as a thick-walled pelvic mass that contains internal echoes caused by hemorrhagic material. This condition may be associated with hematocolpos, in which case the overall size of the distended uterus is generally smaller. The diagnosis can be confusing, but when combined with a history of no menstrual periods in an adolescent with increasing pelvic pain, the sonographic findings should be obvious. Fusion anomalies of the uterus result in a spectrum of findings. Complete lack of fusion of the mllerian ducts results in uterine didelphia, which is complete duplication of the uterus, cervix, and vagina. Partial duplications with varying degrees of septation of the endometrial cavity are much more common. These abnormalities are identified sonographically when the uterus is seen to have a wide transverse diameter and two endometrial canals are visible ( Fig. 21-47). Hysterosalpingography provides a more definitive depiction of the configuration of the endometrial cavities ( Fig. 21-48). Correlation between sonographic and hysterosalpingographic findings is especially important in those patients who have an associated obstructive lesion (hematometra) and a duplication anomaly. It is also important to distinguish between a bicornuate uterus and a uterine septum in a normally fused uterus. The difference is that in the former case there are two separate horns, and in the latter there is a single uterine fundus with the cavity divided by a septum. A uterine septum may cause first-trimester abortions and is often removed with direct hysteroscopic visualization and a cutting loop. If this is attempted in a bicornuate uterus, perforation may ensure.

FIG. 21-47. Bicornuate uterus. This transaxial endovaginal scan through the uterine fundus shows two widely separated echogenic endometrial canals. From this image alone one could not differentiate a uterine septum from a bicornuate uterus.

FIG. 21-48. Uterine fusion anomaly. Hysterosalpingogram of a patient other than that in Figure 21-47 shows a bicornuate uterine configuration.

Uterine Masses Leiomyoma or fibroid is the most common benign neoplasm of the uterus. Commonly asymptomatic, leiomyomas may be multiple; when they are symptomatic, pain and abnormal uterine bleeding are present. When large enough, this lesion can be identified on plain films as a soft-tissue mass. However, it may contain calcification in a characteristic popcorn configuration (Fig. 21-49). Lesser degrees of calcification are more easily identified on CT and endovaginal ultrasound. The typical sonographic appearance is that of a well-defined hypoechoic, isoechoic, or hyperechoic mass ( Fig. 21-50) with a thin hypoechoic border or pseudocapsule. The typical MRI appearance of a nondegenerated myoma is a well-circumscribed mass that has low signal intensity on both T1- and T2-weighted images 110 (Fig. 21-51). The degree of deformity of the uterine contour depends on the size and location of the leiomyoma. Subserosal leiomyomas may be pedunculated and may project in an exophytic manner from the uterine surface. Intramural myomas are more common and may result in a more diffuse enlargement of the uterus with or without displacement of the endometrial canal. Calcification is identified as a very bright echo with distal acoustical shadowing. Fibroids are influenced by the presence of estrogen and tend to grow during pregnancy. They may become large and painful. After delivery and in the postmenopausal period, they shrink and may calcify.

FIG. 21-49. Uterine leiomyoma. A: Mottled calcification characteristic of a leiomyoma of the uterus ( arrow). The soft-tissue mass above the bladder is the enlarged uterus. This film was obtained during excretory urography. B: Large, densely calcified uterine leiomyoma.

FIG. 21-50. Typical ultrasound appearances of leiomyomata. A: A sagittal scan of a uterus with two hypoechoic fibroids, 5 cm and 4 cm in diameter. The larger is occupying the whole uterine fundus ( calipers), and the smaller lies in the lower segment. B: Transverse scan through the uterine body of a 50-year-old woman with a hyperechoic mass on the left of the uterus. This has undergone hyaline degeneration. Notice the subtle shadowing behind the mass.

FIG. 21-51. Leiomyoma. This fast spin-echo T2-weighted magnetic resonance image of the midsagittal plane of the pelvis shows an anteverted uterus with a pedunculated fibroid posteriorly ( arrow). (Courtesy of P.L. Cooperberg, M.D., St. Paul's Hospital, UBC.)

Adenomatous endometrial polyps are not uncommon, and patients usually present with intermenstrual bleeding or spotting. They are best examined in the first half of the menstrual cycle when the endometrium is thin. They may appear as an echogenic mass, sometimes with a cyst. Color Doppler imaging demonstrates a feeding vessel going into the mass. If there is no fluid in the endometrial canal, then it is best to do a saline hysterosonogram to delineate the pedunculated mass, its site of attachment, and the size of the base. All of these features are important to provide the hysteroscopist with the necessary information to remove the polyp ( Fig. 21-52).

FIG. 21-52. Endometrial polyp. The long, echogenic, pedunculated polyp is seen lying in a fluid-distended cervical canal in these sagittal sonograms. A: Polyp (arrow). B: Polyps with blood flow in the feeding artery demonstrated by color ( arrow) but shown in black and white.

Adenomyosis is another condition that is receiving more notice since the advent of MRI. Deposits of endometrial glands within the myometrium give rise to pain, uterine tenderness, menorrhagia, and often metrorrhagia or intermenstrual bleeding. The condition can be focal or diffuse and is found in up to 40% of hysterectomy specimens. On MRI the deposits are low-intensity areas with asymmetrical thickening of the myometrium as a whole, and specifically of the low-intensity junctional zone just outside the bright endometrial signal. Sonographically, areas of mixed echogenicity with no well-defined margins may be seen. This is one of the main differentiating features from fibroids, which are well circumscribed due to their pseudocapsule. Both types of mass may cause shadowing. Cysts within the myometrium are almost exclusively a feature of adenomyosis. They can be found in fibroids, but this is most uncommon. A cyst or cysts in the subendometrial location in the second half of the menstrual cycle, in a patient with appropriate symptoms, should be considered to be adenomyosis ( Fig. 21-53). Cysts are dilated, fluid-filled endometrial glands that become noticeable during the secretory phase of the cycle.

FIG. 21-53. Adenomyosis. Midsagittal endovaginal scan of a patient at midcycle (day 15) with prominent 3- to 4-mm subendometrial cysts ( arrow). This patient had menorrhagia, uterine tenderness, and pain.

Carcinoma of the endometrium is the most common malignant neoplasm of the uterine body. The patient typically has abnormal postmenopausal bleeding. The diagnosis usually is made by direct examination of the endometrial tissue obtained by endometrial biopsy done in the office with a small catheter or by curettage in hospital. Usually, no changes are evident on plain x-ray studies of the pelvis. The diagnosis may be suggested sonographically when an enlarged uterus with distorted endometrial echoes is visualized. Other findings include an inhomogeneous or hypoechoic pattern of the myometrium, a hypoechoic ring surrounding a widened endometrial cavity, or a widened, fluid-filled endometrial cavity secondary to the presence of hematometra. Using an upper limit of 4 mm endometrial thickness, endovaginal sonography can be very helpful but is less specific in indicating endometrial pathology. 124,134 Even better visualization of the endometrium can be obtained if one instills saline into the canal and does an endovaginal scan at the same time. The anterior and posterior endometrial layers are separated and are more clearly delineated. 21 Ultrasonography, 214 CT,177 and MRI31,109,172 (Fig. 21-54) are helpful in staging of endometrial cancer. Table 21-5 lists a commonly used staging classification system for carcinoma of the uterus. CT and MRI are useful in detecting disease that extends to the lateral pelvic sidewall and adjacent organs. Metastatic adenopathy can be identified only as nodal enlargement. The images that are obtained as an aid in staging known uterine neoplasms also are helpful for planning radiation therapy.

FIG. 21-54. Endometrial carcinoma with myometrial invasion. This fast spin-echo T2-weighted magnetic resonance image of the pelvis shows a uterus with destruction of the myometrium (arrow) in the lower uterine segment posteriorly by invasion of endometrial carcinoma. (Courtesy of P.L. Cooperberg, M.D., St. Paul's Hospital, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.)

TABLE 21-5. FIGO surgical staging of carcinoma of the corpus uteri (1988)

Carcinoma of the cervix is the second most common uterine neoplasm. It usually is diagnosed by direct observation of the cervix and sampling of the cervical epithelium for histologic analysis. Imaging examinations do not play a significant role in the de novo diagnosis of carcinoma of the cervix. On occasion ultrasound may detect cervical irregularity, and the observer should be aware that this may indicate cervical neoplasia ( Fig. 21-55). Once a diagnosis is made, imaging of the pelvis is helpful in staging of carcinoma of the cervix. CT ( Fig. 21-56) and MRI are the best imaging examinations to aid in clinical staging. 185,202,217 In an adult, if a hematometrium or pyometrium is identified sonographically, it should raise suspicion of carcinoma of the cervix as the cause of the cervical obstruction. Imaging examinations for staging probably are not indicated for carcinoma in situ. MRI is more sensitive than CT in distinguishing the exact degree of extension of cervical neoplasm beyond the confines of the cervix 118 (Fig. 21-57). Extension to the contiguous organs and to the pelvic sidewalls can be identified with both modalities, and the presence of enlarged lymph nodes is indicative of lymphatic spread. As with carcinoma of the endometrium, the staging examinations can be used for planning radiation therapy and are useful in observing patients for progression or recurrence of disease.

FIG. 21-55. These are midsagittal transabdominal ( A) and endovaginal ( B) sonograms of the uterus. The posterior aspect of the cervix is enlarged and irregular (arrow) owing to cervical carcinoma which is invading the soft tissue about the cervix.

FIG. 21-56. Carcinoma of the cervix. Computed tomogram of the pelvis demonstrates an irregular soft-tissue mass (M) originating from the cervix. It invades the posterior wall of the bladder (B), extends to both pelvic sidewalls ( arrows), and involves the rectum (R).

FIG. 21-57. Carcinoma of the cervix. This fast spin-echo T2-weighted magnetic resonance image shows that the carcinoma has expanded the cervix but has not extended beyond it (arrow). (Courtesy of P.L. Cooperberg, M.D., St. Paul's Hospital, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.)

Leiomyosarcoma is an uncommon malignant uterine neoplasm representing only 3% of uterine tumors. 212 Sonographically, these tumors demonstrate a heterogeneous echo pattern and may contain areas of calcification that exhibit acoustical shadowing. In most cases, the appearance is not sufficiently dissimilar from that of a leiomyoma to distinguish the two. The uterine mass, central calcification, and areas of low density representing hemorrhage and necrosis can be identified by CT as well. Ovarian Masses Ultrasonography is the best screening examination for a woman with a suspected ovarian mass. The most common indication is a palpable abnormality at the time of routine physical examination. Unexplained pelvic pain and endocrine disorders are less common symptoms. Sonography is very sensitive for detecting ovarian masses; however, it frequently is not possible to make a specific pathologic diagnosis based on sonographic appearance alone. To narrow the sonographic differential diagnosis, it is extremely important to correlate with the clinical symptoms and signs. MRI is being used increasingly to evaluate pelvic masses. It is helpful in differentiating large uterine and ovarian masses, 215 and specific signal characteristics are associated with blood-containing masses, such as endometriomas, hemorrhagic cysts, some abscesses, and neoplasms. 151 It is more practical in most cases to repeat the sonogram in 1 month's time to see whether there have been any changes. A hemorrhagic cyst or endometrioma will change in size and in character. The functional cysts often resolve and disappear. An endometrioma may grow larger, but the blood within will change appearance, sometimes with the particulate matter layering out. It is important to remember that masses should always be interpreted in light of available clinical information. Endometriosis produces a rather classic history of painful periods with the pain beginning just after the period ends. A useful method to separate various pathologic entities based on the ultrasound findings is studying the internal character of the mass. 80,178,205 Cystic masses are fluid-filled structures that exhibit no internal echoes, have smooth walls, and display enhanced distal transmission of the sound ( Fig. 21-58). Complex masses exhibit both cystic and solid characteristics ( Fig. 21-59). They should be classed as primarily cystic with some solid elements, such as septa or internal debris, or as primarily solid complex masses with less dominant fluid-filled components. Solid masses that exhibit varying degrees of internal echoes in homogeneous or heterogeneous patterns constitute the latter group ( Fig. 21-60). Transvaginal ultrasonography can be used to provide improved anatomic detail regarding the internal character of pelvic masses in ambiguous cases. Table 21-6 lists some common ovarian masses based on their sonographic characteristics. The same pathologic entity may be present in more than one group because of a variety of gross pathologic presentations. As mentioned, the clinical signs and symptoms are often helpful in the differential diagnosis.

FIG. 21-58. Paraovarian cyst. It shows the typical characteristics of a unilocular cyst, with a strong back-wall echo and good posterior echo-enhancement behind the cyst.

FIG. 21-59. Tubo-ovarian abscess. This shows the typical features of a complex mass with solid and cystic areas.

FIG. 21-60. Ovarian fibroma. These transabdominal ( A) and endovaginal (B) scans show a solid, well-defined, mildly echogenic mass behind the uterus. The mass measures 6.3 by 3.7 cm and is of uniform echogenicity.

TABLE 21-6. Ovarian (Adnexal*) masses based on ultrasound appearance

Generally, cystic masses are benign. They can be followed conservatively if small enough. As the amount of solid tissue increases in complex masses and with heterogeneous-appearing solid masses or thick irregular septa, the potential for malignancy increases. 153,213 The presence of a cystic mass with papillary projections usually is an ominous sign and often is consistent with papillary cystadenocarcinoma ( Fig. 21-61). The presence of ascites is not an absolute indication that an ovarian mass is malignant, although it is more commonly seen with malignant than benign ovarian masses.

FIG. 21-61. Papillary cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary. This sagittal transabdominal pelvic scan in a 70-year-old woman shows a large cystic mass with a horizontal septum with papillary projections and a lobulated solid mass behind the septum.

Ovarian dermoids are commonly encountered on ultrasound. They occur in the childbearing years and are bilateral in 25% of cases. They have a variety of appearances from small, echogenic, intraovarian masses to larger, entirely solid or solid and cystic masses. They usually contain fat and bone or teeth, which are

sonographically echogenic with distal shadowing. The mass can be seen transabdominally and transvaginally, but if there is a preponderance of echogenic fat it may be very difficult to recognize on the transvaginal examination ( Fig. 21-62). Although malignant degeneration in dermoids is uncommon, it must be suggested if the mass takes on a less structured appearance.

FIG. 21-62. This 45-year-old patient presented with a right adnexal mass which on endovaginal scan ( A) had cystic and solid components typical of a dermoid. Three years previous to this study, she had a large, less well-defined, solid and cystic mass in her left ovary ( B) which proved to be a low-grade malignant dermoid at pathology.

Plain x-ray films of the abdomen are sometimes helpful in the diagnosis of ovarian masses. Dermoids frequently contain calcification that can be visualized radiographically. They can be curvilinear when located in the wall. Larger calcifications and areas of ossification can be seen as well, at times resembling teeth ( Fig. 21-63). Fine, sand-like psammomatous calcifications can be seen in papillary cystadenomas, papillary cystadenocarcinomas, and ovarian thecomas. Gonadoblastoma may contain a small, circumscribed, mottled pattern of calcification. Mucinous cystadenocarcinomas may be calcified as well. However, the small, calcified metastatic tumor deposits are better seen with CT.

FIG. 21-63. Dermoid. Plain radiograph of the pelvis reveals a calcified structure ( arrow) resembling a tooth.

In patients suspected of having an ovarian malignancy, further evaluation by ultrasonography or CT is indicated. Malignant ovarian neoplasm tends to spread throughout the abdomen by direct growth or peritoneal seeding. Table 21-7 lists a commonly used classification system for malignant ovarian neoplasm. Large masses of metastatic tumor involving the omentum, bowel, or other peritoneal surfaces can be diagnosed by CT, 218 ultrasonography,221 and MRI. However, these techniques are insensitive for detecting small peritoneal implants of tumor, which require direct visualization by laparotomy. The finding of ascites by ultrasonography is the most sensitive and reliable indicator of recurrent disease in a patient with known carcinoma of the ovary. Barium gastrointestinal studies may be helpful in delineating serosal involvement or invasion by directly contiguous tumor growth or metastatic peritoneal implants.

TABLE 21-7. International federation of gynecologic and obstetrics (FIGO) staging of ovarian neoplasms

Gestational Trophoblastic Disease Gestational trophoblastic disease affects 1 of every 1,500 to 2,000 pregnancies. It represents a spectrum of disease, including complete or classic hydatidiform mole, partial hydatidiform mole, hydatidiform mole with coexistent live fetus, invasive mole, and metastatic gestational trophoblastic disease (choriocarcinoma). An increased serum b-hCG level accompanies all of these entities and is a reliable marker for the bulk of the mass. The clinical hallmark is vaginal bleeding in the first trimester or early second trimester. The uterus may be appropriate, large, or small for dates depending on the class of trophoblastic disease. Patients may also exhibit symptoms of hyperemesis gravidarum or pre-eclamptic toxemia. Complete or classic hydatidiform mole can be distinguished pathologically from partial or incomplete hydatidiform mole. 201 Histologically, a complete mole shows no fetal tissue or amniotic membranes, as are present in an incomplete or partial mole ( Fig. 21-64). The classic mole most commonly has a 46,XX genotype, and partial moles have a polyploidy genotype. The gross pathology may be similar in both, with vesicles of varying size, from 2 mm early in the first trimester up to 2 cm in the second trimester.

FIG. 21-64. Partial mole. The 10-week fetus can be seen lying atop a placenta which is normal in overall shape but enlarged with at least two vesicles. The fetus was aborted and had an abnormal karyotype.

Sonography is the imaging modality of choice to confirm the presence of a hydatidiform mole. 156 The mole typically presents as an echogenic, solid-appearing mass that completely fills the endometrial cavity ( Fig. 21-65). In the first trimester, when the vesicles are very small, they may not be individually resolved except by endovaginal scanning, but by the second trimester the appearance is more complex, with the vesicles reaching 2 cm. Larger hypoechoic areas represent areas of hemorrhage. Theca lutein cysts of the ovaries are present in about 20% of cases and are usually bilateral and multiseptated in appearance. It is not possible at the time of the initial diagnosis to distinguish the various types of gestational trophoblastic disease reliably by the sonographic appearance. Sometimes an irregular, thick-walled gestational sac can be seen with a partial mole. At the time of initial ultrasound examination, the liver should be scanned for possible metastatic disease and a chest radiograph should be obtained before removal of the mole.

FIG. 21-65. First-trimester hydatidiform mole. A: This transabdominal scan of a patient 10 weeks pregnant shows an enlarged uterus with no fetus, just echogenic material with small cysts. This is a typical appearance of an early mole. B: This high-resolution endovaginal scan demonstrates the small vesicles in another patient, also at 10 weeks.

After evacuation of the mole, the most sensitive marker for residual disease is the serum b-hCG level. Sonography can be used to monitor the decrease in uterine size and decrease in the size of the theca lutein cysts. Persistent or invasive disease can be identified sonographically as an area of inhomogeneity within the myometrium which is typically very vascular with low velocity color flow Doppler. Color Doppler examinations should be performed for all patients who have had a mole evacuated and in whom the b-hCG fails to fall appropriately ( Fig. 21-66). CT can also be useful in identifying the vascular myometrial lesions. In patients whose b-hCG level fails to return to normal within 8 to 12 weeks after evacuation, further imaging evaluation with a chest radiograph, cranial CT scan, liver CT scan, and pelvic sonography is indicated. These represent the most common sites of metastatic disease, and the findings help to classify the patient as having high or low risk.223

FIG. 21-66. Invasive mole. These endovaginal scans without ( A) and with Doppler enhancement (B) were performed on a patient who had a mole removed 6 weeks previously. The gray-scale image shows marked inhomogeneity of the fundal myometrium with cystic space. The Doppler examination shows that these are all vessels with low peak systolic velocity and low resistive index. The patient had a very high level of b-hCG which was not dropping.

A mole with a coexistent live fetus is very uncommon. It may originate from a primary twin gestation in which one fetus developed from one fertilized ovum and the other developed into molar disease. This type of mole most commonly is a classic type. Others may have started as a single pregnancy with portions of the placenta undergoing molar degeneration; this most commonly is a partial mole. Infertility Infertility is usually defined as failure to achieve conception during a 1-year period in which no contraception is used. With increasing use of modern techniques of tubal reimplantation, pharmacologically induced follicular development and ovulation, and in vitro fertilization, the role of diagnostic imaging in the diagnosis and management of patients with infertility has become increasingly important. 147 Hysterosalpingography is still the imaging modality of choice to exclude anatomic causes of infertility. Tubular obstruction secondary to previous pelvic inflammatory disease, surgery, or other causes can be identified as failure to confirm peritoneal spill of adequate amounts of contrast material. Uterine anomalies and intrauterine synechiae as causes of infertility can also be diagnosed. Although initially performed as a diagnostic procedure, hysterosalpingography may also be therapeutic. Increased fertility rates have been reported after diagnostic hysterosalpingography in previously infertile couples, with possible mechanisms of therapeutic action being mechanical release of small intratubal obstruction, release of peritubal adhesions, stimulation of the mucosal cilia, and an effect on the cervical mucus. This therapeutic effect occurs with both oil-based and water-soluble types of contrast material. 52,139 Direct transcervical catheterization of the fallopian tubes for selective salpingography and catheter dilatation of proximal obstructions have been performed with good results, but this practice is still limited to very few centers. 129,204 Endovaginal sonography combined with saline installation or sonohysterography has been shown to detect almost all of the intrauterine abnormalities that hysteroscopy can identify and to detect tubal patency. 79 More than 97% of the polyps and submucous fibroids larger than 2 mm were detected. Uterine synechia were

confirmed 80% of the time. Diagnostic ultrasonography is used almost exclusively in the management of those patients undergoing pharmacologically induced follicular development. 76,146 The number and size of the follicles are monitored on a daily basis ( Fig. 21-67). Follicles are usually considered mature when they reach 18 to 20 mm. Ovulation is identified as a decrease in size of the follicle and the development of internal echoes secondary to hemorrhage. Endovaginal ultrasonography is also the accepted standard for the identification of follicles suitable for transvaginal ultrasound-guided aspiration for in vitro fertilization.

FIG. 21-67. Stimulated ovary. This endovaginal scan in a woman taking ovarian stimulants shows multiple developing follicles.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease The term pelvic inflammatory disease refers to a spectrum of clinical entities affecting women of childbearing age. These entities usually arise from ascending infections first affecting the endometrium and then the fallopian tubes and adnexa. The incidence of sexually transmitted diseases is increasing. Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia are the most common infecting organisms; however, polymicrobial infections caused by both aerobes and anaerobes also occur. Untreated infections can spread from the endometrium out through the fallopian tubes and into the pelvic peritoneal cavity. If the fallopian tube becomes obstructed, a pyosalpinx may develop. In the pelvis, localized areas of inflammation can develop into tubo-ovarian or cul-de-sac pelvic abscesses. More extensive pelvic infections can spread along the pericolic gutters and involve the upper peritoneal cavity. Peritonitis localized to the right upper quadrant, which causes a perihepatitis leading to fever and abdominal pain, is known as the Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome. In addition to the traditional route of infection, direct extension from a pelvic abscess (appendiceal or diverticular) or hematogenous spread by tuberculosis can occur and may appear as a unilateral infection. The patients usually present with pain, fever, pelvic tenderness, and vaginal discharge. A pelvic mass may be palpated. Sonography can be an important aid to the clinician in the diagnosis and management of pelvic inflammatory disease. 18 Early in the disease, no abnormality may be identified. 168 With progression of the disease, the endometrium thickens with or without fluid accumulation, indicating endometritis. As infection spreads into the pelvic peritoneal cavity, complex fluid may be identified in the posterior cul-de-sac ( Fig. 21-68). When the infected fluid becomes localized to form an abscess, it usually appears as a complex mass with thick, irregular walls. This sequela of previous pelvic inflammatory disease can be identified sonographically as well. Hydrosalpinx appears as a tubular or elliptical cystic mass located in the adnexal region ( Fig. 21-69). Adhesions secondary to previous pelvic inflammatory disease are not easily identified sonographically unless they are surrounded by ascitic fluid. These inflammatory adhesions may cause loops of bowel to become attached to the uterus or adnexal structures and may simulate an abnormal pelvic mass. As mentioned, hysterosalpinography is the diagnostic test of choice to assess for tubal patency in patients who have had previous pelvic inflammatory disease. Ultrasonography also is useful in the management of patients who are undergoing treatment for pelvic inflammatory disease with antibiotics. The size of tubo-ovarian abscesses can be monitored, and it can be used for guidance if percutaneous or transvaginal aspiration and drainage of abscess contents is desired.

FIG. 21-68. Endometritis after cesarean section. This midsagittal transabdominal scan shows an enlarged uterus with fluid and echogenic air in the endometrial cavity. The patient underwent a cesarean section 9 days earlier and has developed endometritis. B, bladder.

FIG. 21-69. Hydrosalpinx. This patient had a hysterectomy with the right tube retained because of adhesions. The distended tube is seen on the right lateral sidewall of the pelvis. Fluid aspiration showed tubal epithelium.

Localization of Intrauterine Devices Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are becoming less commonly used as a form of contraception. Most have an attached string or thread that extends through the cervical os into the vagina and is used to verify an intrauterine location of the device. When the thread is not palpated, the IUD is presumed to be lost. The potential causes include unnoticed expulsion, misplacement within the uterus, perforation, detachment of the thread; most commonly, the string has worked its way into the uterus to lie alongside the IUD. Sonography is the best method of confirming an intrauterine location of the IUD. IUDs appear as bright echoes in the endometrial cavity and have varying appearances depending on the type. Lippes' loop IUDs appear as a series of bright dashes on sagittal view ( Fig. 21-70), whereas others, such as the Copper-7 (Fig. 21-71), have a more linear appearance. Careful scanning with a high-frequency transducer demonstrates acoustic shadowing behind the IUD, which

aids in differentiating it from the normally echogenic endometrial cavity. The echogenicity of the IUD should be much greater than that of an empty endometrial canal, unless there is air in the canal or endometrial calcification.

FIG. 21-70. Intrauterine deviceLippes' loop. A: This sagittal endovaginal scan clearly shows the bright echogenic foci from the portions of the loop transected by the ultrasound beam. There is shadowing behind the IUD. The calipers indicate a small submucosal fibroid. B: Pelvic x-ray image demonstrates the radiographic appearance of a Lippes' loop IUD. Note that the radiograph alone cannot confirm an intrauterine location.

FIG. 21-71. Intrauterine deviceCopper-7. This endovaginal scan shows the bright, continuous echogenic structure within the endometrial canal. This is a properly positioned IUD.

The IUD may lie in whole or in part within the myometrium and be a source of persistent, unexplained pelvic pain. Ultrasound is excellent for assessing any extension into the myometrium (Fig. 21-72).

FIG. 21-72. In this midsagittal endovaginal scan of a woman with crampy pelvic pain, the IUD is seen extending from the endometrium into the myometrium posteriorly.

If the IUD is not located within the uterus on ultrasound examination, a plain x-ray film of the pelvis usually is recommended if the patient is not pregnant. (There is a small but finite incidence of pregnancy with normally positioned IUDs.) Ultrasonography is not very useful for the detection of an IUD outside the uterus because of inability to distinguish the bright echoes of the IUD from pelvic soft tissues and bowel. If the IUD is not seen on the x-ray film, then it was inadvertently expelled from the uterus. If it is seen on the x-ray film, then perforation is likely and it will need to be retrieved laparoscopically. CHAPTER REFERENCES
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Chapter 22 Methods of Examination, Techniques, and Anatomy of the Chest Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 22 Methods of Examination, Techniques, and Anatomy of the Chest

John H. Juhl and Janet E. Kuhlman

J.H. Juhl and J.E. Kuhlman: Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Medical School, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252.

Methods of Examination Radiography Fluoroscopy Bronchography Tomography Computed Tomography Ultrasonography of the Thorax Magnetic Resonance Imaging Pulmonary Angiography Technique Indications Bronchial Arteriography Percutaneous Transthoracic Needle Biopsy General Considerations in Chest Interpretation The Adult Chest Bony Thorax Soft Tissues Mediastinum Pulmonary Hila Lungs Diaphragm Pleura The Chest in Infancy and Childhood The Chest in Advancing Age Congenital Malformations of the Bony Thorax Anomalies of the Lung Accessory Lobes, Fissures, and Bronchi Pulmonary Isomerism Apical Herniation of the Lung Other Congenital Pulmonary Anomalies Chapter References

It is generally agreed that radiographic examination of the chest is extremely important in the diagnosis of pulmonary disease. Its value is equally great in the diagnosis of diseases of the mediastinum and bony thorax. It is a very cost-effective study and is the most frequently performed procedure in most departments. The chest roentgenogram serves as a record of the presence or absence of disease on the date it was taken, and follow-up examinations can determine progress or development of disease. On the other hand, the chest roentgenogram should not supplant the routine physical examination and clinical history, even though it demonstrates lesions that cannot be found in any other manner. It is possible to make positive diagnoses of several conditions on the basis of chest roentgenograms alone; in other instances a lesion is disclosed, the nature of which must be ultimately determined by bacteriologic, cytologic, or other laboratory studies. Cardiovascular disease can also be studied by radiographic and other imaging methods and is discussed in Chapter 35.

Standard roentgen examination of the chest varies in different institutions but should consist of at least a posteroanterior (PA) and possibly a lateral projection. Most departments include a lateral film in the standard chest examination of patients with suspected thoracic disease, although some studies suggest that its value is limited, particularly in patients younger than 40 years of age. 22 It is not cost-effective in routine follow-up or screening studies. The chest radiographs are obtained at a tube-film distance of at least 6 feet to minimize divergent distortion and magnification and are secured in full inspiration. Most radiologists prefer a high-voltage technique (120 to 150 kVp). This permits good penetration and visualization of retrocardiac and mediastinal structures. Chest radiographs taken at a higher voltage (350 kVp) have been used in some institutions. However, there is a difference of opinion as to the advantages of this method, 39,77 and it is not generally employed. It is desirable to visualize the upper thoracic vertebral interspaces and to define clearly the vascular markings behind the heart ( Fig. 22-1). It is also imperative to obtain films of sufficient penetration to permit identification of retrocardiac disease. Slight overexposure is preferable to underexposure, because viewing in bright light may compensate for overexposure but there is no way to compensate for underexposure. A stationary grid and ionization chamber timing are helpful in obtaining quality films. Fine-line grids do not detract appreciably from film quality but are not necessary when an air-gap technique is used. 97 It is advantageous to use copper-wedge filtration of the x-ray beam to secure good mediastinal penetration. Some departments use a tunnel or trough filter for this purpose.

FIG. 22-1. Normal chest. This frontal radiograph was obtained with a high-voltage technique. Note that the vascular markings at the left base are visible through the cardiac shadow. The upper thoracic intervertebral spaces are also visible.

Several other views are used in special circumstances to outline local lesions or to visualize areas that are not well seen on the routine roentgenograms. Oblique projections are obtained at approximately 45 angles and are named according to the side of the chest nearest the film and away from the roentgen-ray tube. For example, the designation right anterior oblique indicates that the patient is standing with the right anterior chest wall in contact with the cassette holder at an angle of 45 so that the left posterior chest wall is nearest the tube; the rays then traverse the thorax from posterior to anterior in an oblique direction. Greater or lesser degrees of obliquity may be used as desired. When small nodules below the level of the dome of the diaphragm are poorly seen on routine examination, the tube may be angled upward or downward as necessary. Special views may also be obtained tangential to lesions of the thoracic wall to define them clearly. The apical lordotic view is used to see disease in the pulmonary apices, which may be obscured by the clavicle and first rib. This roentgenogram is taken in an anteroposterior (AP) direction with the patient leaning backward on the cassette holder. An AP upright projection with the tube angled cephalad 15 may be used when it is difficult or impossible to obtain a standard apical lordotic view. This is somewhat easier for the patient and is more readily reproducible. This projection results in clear visualization of the lung apices because the clavicle and first rib are projected above the pulmonary apex ( Fig. 22-2).

FIG. 22-2. The value of the lordotic view is demonstrated. A: In the routine frontal projection, the disease at the left apex is partially hidden by the clavicle and first rib. B: The lordotic view shows several irregular nodules in this patient with pulmonary tuberculosis.

The lordotic projection does cause difficulty in interpreting basal abnormalities because there is an apparent elevation of the diaphragm and poor visualization of basal disease. Also, the aortic arch may be poorly defined, an apparent superior mediastinal widening may be present, the left heart border may be indistinct, and the left hilum is projected caudally and may be hidden by the heart. 42 The AP supine view, often used for portable films, may also be taken inadvertently in a somewhat lordotic position. Many of the patients are in intensive care facilities for severe problems and are candidates for basal pneumonia or atelectasis. When the tube is angled in a cephalad direction in these patients, the loss of left diaphragmatic definition may simulate these basal conditions. Care must be taken not to overlook this possibility. 116 Lateral decubitus views are sometimes indicated to outline fluid levels in cavities or in the pleural space and to determine the presence of free pleural fluid. The films are exposed with the roentgen-ray beam directed in a horizontal plane and with the patient lying on either the right or left side, as indicated by the PA and/or lateral views. If there is any question of obstructive emphysema (overinflation) involving a lung, lobe, or segment, a film in complete expiration in addition to a film in inspiration is indicated. This combination can also be used to record diaphragmatic motion in conditions affecting the diaphragm on one or both sides. Stereoscopic roentgenograms are used by some radiologists and are particularly helpful in localizing small, solitary nodular lesions and in studying chronic pulmonary granulomatous diseases, in which pulmonary opacities and cavities at varying depths can more readily be identified. Because there are two films, this method of examination also tends to eliminate the danger of misinterpreting an artifact. An automatic film changer is used, and two films are exposed in quick succession. The patient remains stationary, and the tube is shifted approximately one-tenth of the distance between the anode of the roentgen-ray tube and the film. There is some question as to whether this extra film is necessary and cost-effective, and routine stereoscopic radiographs have been discontinued in most radiology departments. It may be that stereoscopic radiographs are cost-effective in very-high-risk patients for the detection of lung nodules. 51 In the air-gap technique described by Jackson, 46 a 10-foot distance from the focal spot of the tube to the film is used. The patient is separated from the film cassette a distance of 15 cm by a suitable frame. Moderately high voltages are employed (average of 120 kVp for adults). There is no need for a grid. Jackson prefers to use the AP position. The outstanding advantage is the clarity of vascular markings in the lung. 97 Patient exposure to radiation is comparable to that of nongrid techniques and is less than that of grid techniques. The major disadvantage is the additional space required by the longer focal film distance. Direct magnification is another type of examination. Although used infrequently, it is of particular value in the examination of the chest of the newborn. 1 The distance between the object (chest) and the film is increased in this technique, but the focal spot size must be very small (0.3 mm or less) to avoid unacceptable lack of sharpness of the image. The prone chest film is useful in patients in whom the lung bases are obscured by fluid. Simultaneous frontal and lateral views may be useful in evaluating heart size and lung volumes in infants with respiratory distress. 35 An AP view with the tube angled caudad about 30 may be used to define posterior pulmonary lesions obscured by the dome of the diaphragm on standard chest films, but it is seldom used because oblique and lateral films usually suffice. The angle may be altered to fit the situation if this method is used. Supine radiographs are used extensively, especially in intensive care units, which have increased considerably in size and number in recent years. Technique is a problem, because patients often cannot cooperate very well. Therefore, shorter focal film distances are used; also, optimal equipment may not be available. High-kilovoltage equipment is necessary to obtain good-quality films. Newer techniques, such as digitization and processing of x-ray exposures on a special cassette or digital processing of radiographs using a laser scanner, show promise and may turn out to be very helpful in manipulating suboptimal supine films taken with portable equipment. 60,61,90 There is now a considerable interest in scanning systems and in production of digital images, directly and indirectly, in order to improve the diagnostic usefulness of chest images. 28,76,90 Among the most promising are (1) film digitization; (2) phosphor plates, which are photostimulable. 27,60,61; (3) direct digital radiography using a selenium drum detector 60,61; and (4) beam equalization radiography. 60,61 Advanced multiple-beam radiography (AMBER) uses a filter that is effectively patient-specific. 102 The ultimate place of these and other new systems in chest radiography remains to be determined. Computed radiography (CR), which employs photostimulable phosphor plates, is rapidly gaining clinical acceptance at many institutions, particularly for use in intensive care units for portable chest radiography. In these systems, the patient and a special, reusable photostimulable phosphor imaging plate are exposed to an x-ray beam with the use of currently available conventional portable equipment. The latent image stored on the imaging plate is read out by a laser beam which causes luminescence of the plate. The resulting light signal is captured, amplified, and converted into a digital signal. 2,60,61 A variety of image processing algorithms, including exposure recognition and analysis, contrast enhancement, and edge enhancement by unsharp masking, are then applied to the digital information to enhance the image. Optical density of the image is set and adjusted by the computer, which can compensate for overexposure or underexposure. The processed image can then be viewed on one or more video display monitors, recorded on film, and stored electronically, for example on optical disks. 60,61 The advantages of CR include its much wider exposure latitude compared with conventional film-screen combinations. CR is particularly useful under circumstances in which exposure is variable and difficult to control, as in portable radiography. CR also has the advantages inherent to all digital imaging systems, including improved image transfer and storage capabilities and improved image manipulation through advanced computer processing. 2 However, the spatial resolution of CR images (2.5 line pairs per millimeter) remains less than that achievable by film-screen systems (5 line pairs per millimeter), and CR imaging plates are more sensitive to scattered radiation. 61 Newer improvements in CR technology which may prove advantageous include high-resolution CR systems designed for dedicated chest radiography and a dual-energy system that allows generation of a soft-tissue and bone image of the chest. 60,61

There are several indications for fluoroscopy of the chest; they are discussed under the various conditions for which fluoroscopy is used. The dynamics of the cardiovascular system and respiration can be studied by this method. Fluoroscopy is also particularly useful in acute obstructive overinflation secondary to aspiration of a foreign body. Air trapping, regardless of cause, can produce mediastinal motion on respiration, which may be more readily apparent fluoroscopically than on films, particularly in children. Conditions affecting diaphragmatic motion are also indications for fluoroscopy of the thorax. Loculated effusions can be localized, if necessary, for thoracentesis. However, ultrasonography is now being used extensively for this purpose and carries no radiation hazard. Because there are radiation hazards to both patient and physician in the use of fluoroscopy, it is important to reduce radiation to a practical minimum. Image intensification is used to improve visualization and to decrease radiation. It is necessary to have chest roentgenograms available for study and to know as much as possible about the patient's problem before beginning fluoroscopy. This avoids unnecessary search for a lesion that is much better examined by radiographic methods. It is necessary to use the smallest possible aperture and to limit the total fluoroscopic time in order to reduce radiation exposure. A built-in timer that indicates the duration of radiation exposure is the best method for timing fluoroscopy. We attempt to keep the total fluoroscopic time as low as possible and always

less than 5 minutes. The actual procedure used in fluoroscopy varies with the indication and with the examiner, but the examination should be systematic. For example, diaphragmatic motion is observed during normal and deep inspiration in the oblique as well as in the AP positions; slight weaknesses can often be detected by having the patient sniff. It is sometimes helpful to observe diaphragmatic motion in both lateral decubitus positions to detect small variations in motion on the two sides. Valsalva's maneuver (forced expiration with the glottis closed) can be used to increase the intrathoracic pressure to empty or decrease the size of veins, cardiac atria, and arteriovenous malformations. Mller's experiment (forced inspiration with the glottis closed) can be used to decrease intrathoracic pressure and thereby increase the size of these thin-walled vascular structures. At times it is necessary for the patient to be examined while in the supine position, particularly when pleural effusion obscures the diaphragm on one or both sides. Fluoroscopy of the chest is often useful but should be undertaken only when roentgenographic studies do not or cannot answer the questions raised by the clinical problem at hand.

Bronchography is the study of the bronchial tree by means of the introduction of opaque material into the desired bronchi, usually under fluoroscopic control ( Fig. 22-3).

FIG. 22-3. Normal bronchographic findings. Note that the iodized oil has coated the trachea and outlines the bronchi, which branch in a treelike manner into the lungs. The peripheral bronchi are somewhat better filled in the frontal ( A) than in the lateral ( B) projection.

At present, bronchography is used rarely, if at all, at most institutions; it is not described in further detail here. Computed tomography (CT), a less invasive method of evaluating the airways, has replaced bronchography for most indications, including the evaluation of bronchiectasis, suspected bronchogenic tumor, and anomalies of the bronchial tree. In addition, direct methods such as fiberoptic bronchoscopy with biopsy, brush biopsy, and percutaneous biopsy permit a tissue or bacteriologic diagnosis that is not obtained with bronchography. Particularly with the advent of helical or spiral CT, the airways can be mapped in great detail and displayed in a variety of CT formats including traditional axial cross-sectional images of the bronchi, reformatted two-dimensional multiplanar images, and three-dimensional shaded surface displays or volumetrically rendered models of the airways (see Fig. 22-5B). CT data can even be used to generate interior views of the central airways similar to the perspective seen during bronchoscopy, so-called virtual bronchoscopy. 25,50,94

FIG. 22-5. A: Spiral CT uses new slip-ring technology that allows for continuous tube/detector rotation. This is coupled with continuous patient translation through the CT gantry. (Reprinted with permission from Siemens Operating Instructions Manual for Spiral CT.) B: Three-dimensional view of the airways using spiral CT data. Because the spiral acquisition process is much faster than conventional slice-by-slice CT, spiral CT allows for a volumetric acquisition of data during a single breath-hold, which greatly diminishes respiratory artifacts and allows for generation of high-quality three-dimensional images of the trachea and airways.

Tomography has been largely replaced by CT but is still used occasionally by some in the study of hilar abnormalities. This is a method of radiographic examination by which it is possible to examine a single layer of tissue and to blur the tissues above and below the level by motion. This is accomplished by simultaneous motion of the roentgen-ray tube and the film cassette during the exposure by means of a connecting rod or bar. The tube and film move in opposite directions, and the fulcrum of the bar or rod connecting the tube and film carrier is placed at the level to be examined ( Fig. 22-4). The amount of blurring depends on the distance of the object or tissue from the level of the fulcrum. The thickness of the plane of tissue examined is determined within certain limits by the distance traveled by the tube and film during the radiographic exposure. Zonography is a variation in which the thickness of the plane of tissue examined is increased by shortening the excursion of the tube. By raising or lowering the fulcrum, planes of tissue within the chest can be examined at various levels as desired. Some manufacturers of radiographic equipment also make or distribute attachments for linear tomography. Special tomographic units allowing circular, elliptical, and hypocycloidal motion are also available. These pluridirectional units are preferred to the linear tomographic units, 58 because linear tomography does not represent planar anatomy as accurately as pluridirectional tomography. When whole-lung tomography is used, the AP projection is employed. Posterior oblique tomography at a 55 angle is preferred when the hilum is being studied.

FIG. 22-4. Diagram illustrating the principles of tomography. The upper arrow indicates the direction of the tube shift. The fulcrum is at P on line AB. Note that the projected image of AB remains the same on the initial and final positions of the cassette, whereas the image of line CD, at some distance from the fulcrum, has moved

from right to left. Therefore, the tissues at the level of the fulcrum are clearly defined, and those above and below it are blurred by motion.

There were many indications for tomography of the chest, but standard tomography has been replaced for most of them by CT.

CT has become an integral part of the chest radiologist's imaging armamentarium, and many applications have been found for its use in the chest. 47,89 In the lung it is of value in (1) the evaluation and staging of primary pulmonary neoplasms; (2) the detection of pulmonary metastases from nonpulmonary primary tumors; (3) the characterization of solitary pulmonary nodules as benign or malignant through detection of calcium, fat, and contrast-enhancement patterns 87,95; and (4) the characterization of focal and diffuse lung diseases for diagnosis. It is helpful as a means of guidance in needle biopsy when fluoroscopy is inadequate. It is also helpful in the study of cavitary masses, peripheral lung tumors, and pulmonary collapse. In the mediastinum, CT is useful in the study of causes for mediastinal widening, staging of tumors that spread to the mediastinum (e.g., lymphoma), and characterization of mediastinal masses for diagnosis (i.e., differentiating cysts from solid tumors, vascular from nonvascular lesions, and fatty from nonfatty masses). In patients with myasthenia gravis, it can be used to evaluate possible thymic masses; in hyperparathyroidism it may be helpful in finding adenomas, particularly if they are ectopic and have not been located at surgery. In the pleura, plaques, masses, loculated fluid, and occult calcification can be localized and the extent determined. In the chest wall, masses involving soft tissue, bone, spinal canal, and adjacent lung can be studied advantageously. Additional uses include study of trauma involving the pleura, chest wall, mediastinum, and lung. Diffuse pulmonary disease such as emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis, and bronchiectasis can be accurately delineated as to extent with CT. In patients with lung cancer, CT size criteria are used to determine the likelihood of mediastinal node involvement by tumor, but because CT is not tissue specific, malignant involvement must be confirmed by nodal tissue sampling. CT is very useful, however, in mapping the mediastinal nodes for biopsy guidance. In masses adjacent to the mediastinum and chest wall, invasion can be simulated because of lack of tissue specificity. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) makes use of narrow-beam collimation (1- to 1.5-mm slice sections at 10-mm intervals) and a high-spatial-frequency, edge-enhancing algorithm to achieve CT images of the lung parenchyma with improved spatial resolution. Because of the increased visibility of image noise on HRCT images, optimal technique may also require higher kVp/mA settings than conventional CT. 107 Indications for HRCT include evaluation of interstitial lung diseases, bronchiectasis, emphysema, and cystic lung disease. Clinical applications include (1) detection of occult lung disease when the chest radiograph is normal or equivocal, particularly in the immunocompromised host; (2) further characterization of known lung disease for diagnosis; (3) accurate localization and quantification of disease extent; (4) determination and monitoring of disease activity, progression, or resolution. HRCT morphologic features of a variety of lung diseases have been described, including HRCT findings in sarcoidosis, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (usual interstitial pneumonia), other interstitial lung diseases (e.g., desquamative interstitial pneumonia, scleroderma lung, rheumatoid lung), histiocytosis X, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, lymphangitic carcinomatosis, pneumoconiosis, alveolar proteinosis, lymphangiomyomatosis, bronchiolitis obliterans, mycobacterial infection, pneumocystis pneumonia, pulmonary drug toxicity, emphysema, and bronchiectasis. In many of these disease entities, HRCT is more sensitive and specific than the chest radiograph in detection and characterization for diagnosis as well as for delineation of the extent of disease. 108 Spiral or helical CT technology is rapidly replacing older-generation CT models. Spiral CT makes use of new slip-ring technology that allows for continuous rotation of tube and detector (Fig. 22-5). This, coupled with multiple consecutive scans of 1 second or less and continuous patient translation through the CT gantry, results in a spiral acquisition of CT data that is then interpolated to generate axial CT images. The spiral acquisition process is much faster than conventional slice-by-slice CT and allows for a volumetric acquisition of data, often in a single breath-hold, which greatly diminishes respiratory artifacts and slice misregistration. 18,49,103 As a result, spiral CT is more accurate in the detection of small pulmonary nodules; generates higher-quality, respiratory motionfree multiplanar and three-dimensional images of the chest, airways, and vessels; and allows for more optimal use of intravenous contrast agents in the chest. 13,16,17,18,19,40,48,49,72,74,78,82,86,101,113,114 and 115


Ultrasonography, particularly real-time scanning, is noninvasive and may be very useful in certain conditions. There is no radiation exposure of the patient. It is used in patients with pleural disease. Fluid can be detected, localized, and differentiated from solid pleural masses and can be removed if necessary using ultrasound guidance. Fluid can also be detected in peripheral lung lesions that are in contact with the chest wall. Mediastinal cysts in contact with the chest wall can be differentiated from solid masses. Several conditions in and near the diaphragm can be detected, localized, and often diagnosed; these include loculated effusion (intrathoracic or subphrenic), hepatic abscess or cyst, and, in some instances, diaphragmatic rupture and hernia.


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has a limited but growing number of specific applications in the chest. There are several obvious advantages of this modality. First, there is no radiation hazard or other known biologic risk at imaging levels now in use. Second, the images may be obtained without the use of mechanical motion devices and views in multiple planes, including coronal, sagittal, and oblique views, can be acquired directly. MRI also allows for larger field-of-view images to display an overview of the anatomy. Third, intravenous contrast agents are not necessary to identify intrathoracic vascular structures or to show the presence of vascular flow (Fig. 22-6). Fourth, MRI has a greater ability than CT or plain films to differentiate types of tissues based on signal characteristics. Finally, magnetic resonance angiography is capable of demonstrating some vascular anatomy in a display format comparable to that of conventional angiography, but noninvasively (Fig. 22-6).5,7,9,37,41,63,64,83,92,111

FIG. 22-6. A: Gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance angiogram (MRA) of the aorta, pulmonary arteries, and pulmonary veins. MRA is a noninvasive imaging modality capable of demonstrating vascular anatomy in a display format comparable to conventional angiography. B: Magnified image of right pulmonary arteries and pulmonary veins.

MRI also has several disadvantages. First, motion artifacts caused by respiration, cardiac pulsation, and blood flow in the heart and major vessels cause degradation of the images, but these artifacts can be minimized with techniques such as respiratory compensation and respiratory triggering, cardiac gating, and presaturation of inflowing blood. Second, imaging of lung parenchyma is poor with MRI because of the low proton density of the lung tissue and the many airtissue interfaces that cause loss of signal. Third, patients with cardiac pacemakers, ferromagnetic intracranial aneurysm clips, metal fragments in the eye or near the spinal cord, cochlear implants, and neurostimulators cannot be examined. Fourth, claustrophobia may prevent a small percentage of patients from undergoing an MRI examination. Fifth,

biopsy and other interventional techniques require specially designed open scanner equipment, which is currently available only at a few centers. Fifth, the time required for most MRI examinations is greater than for CT scanning. Finally, the cost of MRI is significantly higher than for CT. It is likely that many of these disadvantages will be overcome as technology and instrumentation improve. 5,7,9,37,41,63,64,83,92,111 Currently, applications for MRI include the following: (1) assessment of aortic vascular disease, subacute and chronic dissection, vascular anomalies, and venous obstruction of mediastinal and subclavian vessels; (2) cardiac evaluation of selected congenital and acquired heart conditions and pericardial diseases; (3) evaluation of brachial plexopathy including determination of the extent of pancoast tumors; (4) evaluation of the diaphragm and peridiaphragmatic processes; (5) evaluation of intracardiac and paracardiac masses including staging of tumors that may potentially involve the heart, pericardium, or pulmonary arteries and veins; (6) assessment of chest-wall lesions and infections; (7) evaluation of breast implants for rupture and breast masses; (8) evaluation of congenital and developmental anomalies of the pediatric chest such as vascular rings, coarctation of the aorta, lymphangiomas, and sequestrations; (9) determination of the extent of posterior mediastinal masses, especially those with intraspinal extension; and (10) detection of ectopic parathyroid adenomas in the mediastinum. 5,7,9,37,41,63,64,83,92,111

Technique The purpose of this examination is to outline the pulmonary arterial system ( Fig. 22-7). This can be accomplished in several ways: (1) injection of contrast material into the superior vena cava with the use of digital subtraction angiography (DSA); (2) injection of contrast material into the right atrium using DSA; (3) direct injection of contrast medium through a catheter placed in a main pulmonary artery; and (4) selective injection of contrast material into a pulmonary artery branch using DSA or balloon-occlusion cineangiography or serial filming. 26,33 The nature of the process for which the procedure is performed tends to determine the method used. The advantage of DSA is that a very small amount of iodinated contrast material is necessary. The major disadvantages are artifacts produced by motion and the limited field of view. These may be overcome by the use of dual-energy rather than temporal subtraction and a large-field image intensifier.

FIG. 22-7. Pulmonary arteriogram showing normal findings. This is an example of selective pulmonary arteriography. The catheter is seen to lie in the left pulmonary artery near its origin.

Indications Pulmonary angiography is used in the study of patients with suspected pulmonary arterial or venous anomalies or diseases. Most important is the study of thromboembolic disease of the lungs by means of pulmonary arteriography. The procedure is not used routinely but may be needed when the diagnosis remains in doubt after roentgen and scintiscan studies or when the patient is not responding to treatment for presumed pulmonary embolism. A number of recent studies suggest that spiral CT with intravenous contrast may be a cost-effective alternative to conventional angiography for the diagnosis of pulmonary emboli proximal to the subsegmental vessels. 81,93,98,99 and 100,110 What role spiral CT will play with respect to ventilation-perfusion scans and Doppler venous studies in the workup of patients with suspected thromboembolic disease remains to be determined and awaits a multi-institutional study along the lines of the original PIOPED study of pulmonary emboli. 114

Bronchial arteriography requires selective catheterization of bronchial arteries. Its use in pulmonary disease is very limited, but it still plays a therapeutic role in the treatment of selected cases of life-threatening hemoptysis that may be mitigated with bronchial arterial embolization.


This method of examination is used extensively to obtain material for histologic and bacteriologic study. Indications include peripheral lung masses beyond the reach of fiberoptic bronchoscopy 8,53 and focal or general pulmonary infections in immunocompromised hosts. 104 In the hands of experienced operators, there is a high diagnostic yield and a low incidence of complications. The major complications are pneumothorax and hemorrhage. Pneumothorax usually is easily managed, but hemorrhage occurring after any of the percutaneous procedures can be difficult to manage and has been fatal in rare instances. 75 Therefore, these percutaneous procedures are contraindicated in patients with bleeding diathesis or thrombocytopenia, a suspected vascular lesion, recent severe hemoptysis, or severe dyspnea at rest, as well as in those who cannot cooperate.


Interpretation of chest roentgenograms requires that the viewer first find the abnormality. It is useful to develop a method of studying the film to make certain that all areas are searched. The mediastinum, including the heart and great vessels, trachea and central bronchi, lungs, diaphragm, bony thorax, soft tissues of the thorax and neck, and subdiaphragmatic upper abdominal structures should be inspected. It is helpful for the student or trainee to compare the two lungs interspace by interspace until the normal chest is thoroughly understood and variations and abnormalities can be recognized. Once an abnormality is observed, interpretation of the changes follows. We find it valuable to make the initial examination of the film without knowledge of the clinical findings. Before a decision is reached, however, roentgen observations must be correlated with all of the available clinical information. This requires a second study of the film, which has been found valuable in reducing errors. Specific questions may arise, the answers to which may not be available on the chart. Additional information must then be sought from the referring physician or from the patient. In the chapters on chest roentgenology to follow, the presentation is disease oriented. Patterns of pulmonary opacities of various types are observed. The terms interstitial and alveolar are used to describe the predominant pattern of pulmonary involvement. The terms are not intended to indicate that the pathologic process is necessarily interstitial or alveolar in each instance. The alveolar or air-space pattern is characterized by homogeneous opacity, which may vary from a small area, just large enough to be recognizable, to consolidation of an entire lobe or more. The alveoli are filled with exudate, transudate, blood, or tissue, which replaces the air. When the lung parenchyma is opacified by some type of fluid, the acinus may be observed as the anatomic unit that initially appears as a rosette measuring 6 to 10 mm in diameter; later, when filling is more complete, it appears to be spherical. The acinus may be defined as the lung parenchyma distal to a terminal bronchiole. As parenchymal disease progresses, individual acini are obscured by the overlapping of many opaque acini; this results in uniform density of the affected lung. Classic Streptococcus pneumoniae pneumonia is a good example of the alveolar pattern. Bronchi may become visible when such consolidation occurs; the air bronchogram is then observed, which indicates adjacent alveolar disease. Genereaux has analyzed diffuse lung disease, which he defines as an acute or chronic increase in radiographic density of lungs caused by fluid, cells, or other tissue

elements in the small air spaces, interstitium, or both. 29 When distal air spaces are involved to a relatively minimal extent, acinar involvement causes a small nodule (4 to 10 mm in diameter) with poor margination in which small radiolucencies are observed. The subacinar nodule is about the same size and configuration but contains many more radiolucencies than the acinar nodule. The subacinar nodule is interspersed against a background of tiny opacities, which cause a stippled, granular, or ground-glass appearance. The spoke-wheel nodule is infrequent, is difficult to define clearly, and consists of a central lucent area from which small linear radiolucencies radiate into the periphery. When these findings are minimal, it may be very difficult to differentiate the alveolar from the interstitial pattern. Interstitial pattern is characterized by an increased prominence of the perivascular, interlobular, and parenchymal interstitial spaces. Alveolar aeration is maintained, and the interstitial tissues increase in volume. The process may be localized, as in viral pneumonia, or general, as in extensive interstitial fibrosis. The pattern may range from reticular or lattice-like to reticulonodular, nodular, linear, or various combinations of these findings. Genereaux subdivides the reticular pattern into fine (e.g., berylliosis) or micronodular, medium (3- to 10-mm cystic spaces), and coarse (large cystic spaces such as histiocytosis X) types. 29 Combinations of interstitial and alveolar patterns may also occur. A common example of this is the patient with combined interstitial and alveolar pulmonary edema. Mycoplasmal and viral pneumonia are also sometimes observed to have a combined pattern. The localization and at times the recognition of pulmonary disease depend in many instances on the silhouette sign. Felson and Felson credited Dr. H. Kennon Dunham with making the initial observations and defined this sign as follows: An intrathoracic lesion touching a border of the heart, aorta or diaphragm will obliterate that border on the roentgenogram. An intrathoracic lesion not anatomically contiguous with a border of one of these structures will not obliterate that border. 24 This principle is very useful in a variety of chest conditions. Relative density is also a factor, because juxtaposed borders of similar opacity produce the sign but the borders of opacities that are markedly dissimilar may not be obscured. Furthermore, there must be sufficient exposure to penetrate the margins of the structures in question. In addition to air flow into alveoli through the bronchial system, there is peripheral communication, which may explain normal aeration or sometimes hyperaeration observed distal to an endobronchial obstruction. The pores of Kohn are small (3 to 13 m in diameter) openings in alveolar walls that are lined with alveolar epithelium. Collateral air drift probably occurs through these pores. Some collateral ventilation may also occur through the canals of Lambert, which are accessory epithelium-lined tubular communications between bronchioles (larger than the terminal bronchiole) and the alveoli. They range up to 30 m in diameter. There is some evidence to indicate that there are larger collateral channels, but their anatomic nature is not certain. 38


The roentgenogram of the adult chest outlines the heart, the lungs, the bony thorax including the ribs and thoracic vertebrae, the diaphragm, all or part of the clavicles, and all or part of the scapulae. The soft tissues making up the chest wall also are included. The thorax is divided by the mediastinum into right and left compartments, each containing an air-filled lung that is recognized by its relative radiolucency in comparison with the mediastinum, chest wall, and upper abdominal viscera. The greater part of the trachea is also included, so that most of the lower respiratory tract is visible. Bony Thorax Roentgenography of the chest is undertaken primarily for visualization of intrathoracic structures, but the shoulder girdles, ribs, cervical and thoracic vertebral bodies, and sternum are often well enough outlined so that disease or anatomic variation can readily be recognized. Therefore, these structures should be studied on all chest roentgenograms. The shape of the thorax varies with age and with body habitus, so the range of normal is wide. The angulation of the ribs varies considerably with body type; downward angulation is minimal in short, hypersthenic persons and maximal in asthenic patients. The intercostal spaces are numbered according to the rib above them. In describing disease in relation to intercostal spaces, the space must be designated as either anterior or posterior because there is considerable difference in position of these interspaces in relation to the horizontal plane of the lung. The costal cartilages are not visible unless there is calcification within them. When calcification is present, it assumes a rather characteristic mottled appearance ( Fig. 22-8). In men, calcification tends to be peripheral; in women, it tends to be central. The diaphragm in a normal adult is very slightly higher on the right than on the left and is at approximately the level of the posterior arc of the 10th rib or the 5th anterior rib or interspace in deep inspiration. The ribs below the level of the diaphragm usually are not as clearly seen as those above it because of the greater opacity of the contents of the abdomen. The rhomboid fossa is an irregularly rounded indentation on the inferior surface of the clavicle near its sternal end. It marks the attachment of the costoclavicular (rhomboid) ligament and varies from slight roughening to a deep, irregular indentation. It should be recognized on the chest roentgenogram as an anatomic variant of no clinical significance ( Fig. 22-9). Such abnormalities as inferior rib notching in coarctation and superior erosions of the fourth and fifth ribs in quadriplegia and poliomyelitis can be outlined readily on the chest roentgenogram.

FIG. 22-8. Calcification in costal cartilages. An unusually large amount of calcification is noted in several of the costal cartilages, two of which are indicated by the arrows. The mottled appearance of the calcium is characteristic.

FIG. 22-9. Rhomboid fossa. Arrows indicate the irregular, round indentation on the inferior aspect of the clavicle.

Soft Tissues The soft-tissue structures covering the bony thorax also produce shadows on the chest roentgenogram; they can project over the lung and pleura in a manner that simulates disease. Skin folds in patients who have lost weight can produce linear shadows running in any direction. Breast shadows usually are not difficult to identify but do result in increased opacity over the lower thorax bilaterally. Nipple shadows may appear as round opacities in the fourth anterior interspace or lower ( Fig. 22-10). They are usually bilaterally symmetrical, but a film with metallic nipple markers may occasionally be necessary to differentiate them from intrapulmonary lesions. The skin and subcutaneous tissues over the clavicles produce a faint, soft-tissue shadow paralleling the clavicles, the clavicular companion shadow. This

measures from 2 or 3 mm to 1 cm in thickness but projects beyond the lung so that it can be identified. Soft-tissue masses or nodules projected over the lungs can simulate pulmonary nodules. These nodules in the subcutaneous or deeper structures of the thoracic wall are usually more sharply defined than intrapulmonary lesions of comparable size and shape. Therefore, an extrapulmonary nodule can be suspected and examination of the patient will confirm its presence. At times, lateral, oblique, or other projections must be employed to localize some nodules observed on only one projection of the initial frontal and lateral roentgenograms. If a question remains regarding the location of a nodule, CT may be required.

FIG. 22-10. Nipple shadows. In this woman with a small amount of breast tissue, nipple shadows appear as small, rounded opacities ( arrows) in the sixth anterior interspace.

Mediastinum Anatomic Division and Contents The mediastinum is the space lying between the right and left pleurae in and near the median sagittal plane of the chest. It extends from the posterior aspect of the sternum to the anterior surface of the thoracic vertebrae and contains all of the thoracic viscera except the lungs. It is divided into three major partsanterior, middle, and posterior (see Fig. 22-14). The superior mediastinum has also been described; it lies between the manubrium sterni and the upper four thoracic vertebrae. It contains structures of the anterior, middle, and posterior mediastinum that extend into it from below and above as well as those that traverse it and the mediastinum below it. Therefore, the designations anterior, middle, and posterior mediastinum are most frequently used to include the length of the thorax without specific designation of the superior portion, which contains the aortic arch and its branches as well as the brachiocephalic veins, upper half of the superior vena cava, trachea, esophagus, thoracic duct, thymus, lymph nodes, and various nerves, some of which traverse the length of the mediastinum. If the three compartments are used to include their portion of the superior mediastinum, the anterior mediastinum is bounded above by the thoracic inlet, laterally by the pleura, anteriorly by the sternum, and posteriorly by the pericardium and great vessels. It contains loose areolar tissue, lymph nodes, some lymphatic vessels that ascend from the convex surface of the liver, thymus, thyroid, parathyroids, and internal mammary arteries and veins. It is termed prevascular space by Zylak and colleagues. 117 The middle mediastinum, or vascular space, 117 contains the heart and pericardium, the ascending and transverse arch of the aorta, the superior vena cava and the azygos vein that empties into it, the brachiocephalic arteries and veins, the phrenic nerves, the upper vagus nerves, the trachea and its bifurcation, the main bronchi ( Fig. 22-11), the pulmonary artery and its two branches, the pulmonary veins, and adjacent lymph nodes (see Fig. 22-13). It is bounded in front by the anterior mediastinum and posteriorly by the posterior mediastinum. The posterior mediastinum, or postvascular space,117 lies behind the heart and pericardium and extends from the level of the thoracic inlet to the 12th thoracic vertebra. It contains the thoracic portion of the descending aorta, esophagus, thoracic duct, azygos and hemiazygos veins, lymph nodes, sympathetic chains, and inferior vagus nerves. There is some difference of opinion regarding the limits of the mediastinal divisions and the contents of each, but the preceding description is used extensively.

FIG. 22-11. Normal chest. The arrows indicate the trachea and main bronchi.

FIG. 22-13. Normal chest. The hila are well outlined and indicated by arrows. Note the difference in height. Continuation of the hilar opacities can be followed in the lung, and these branch in a tree-like fashion. They represent pulmonary arteries.

FIG. 22-14. Lateral view of chest showing divisions of the mediastinum. The superior mediastinum lies above the line extending from the sternal angle to the fourth dorsal vertebra. A: The anterior mediastinum; B: the middle mediastinum; and C: the posterior mediastinum. In the superior mediastinum the trachea is indicated by arrows. The lower pair of arrows indicate the region of the superimposed hila. Compartment margins on the film are not clear, because the mediastinum is a conglomeration of the structures.

There are several other classifications of mediastinal anatomy. Woodring and Daniel analysis. Mediastinal Pleural Reflections


as well as Chasen and associates 14 have described the anatomy using CT

Anterior Junction Line. This is a thin vertical line anterior to the trachea and behind the sternum in the sagittal plane. It extends from the level of the sternal angle (the junction of the manubrium and the body of the sternum) downward and to the left for several centimeters. It represents the apposition of the visceral and parietal pleura of the upper lobes anteriorly and a small amount of areolar tissue and is 1 to 2 mm wide. It usually is projected over the trachea as a thin linear shadow, convex to the left.15 Posterior Junction Line. This is a thin vertical line posterior to the trachea and esophagus. It extends from the thoracic inlet downward to the level of the azygos and aortic arches. It represents the approximation of visceral and parietal pleura of the upper lobes posteriorly, is thicker and begins higher than the anterior junction line (above the sternal angle), projects over the tracheal air shadow, and is convex to the left. Azygoesophageal Recess. This recess extends from the inferior surface of the azygos arch (vein) downward and to the left to the level of the diaphragm anterior to the thoracic spine. It outlines the medial aspect of the right lower lobe and the right lateral aspect of the esophagus. The recess is usually concave on its right side. Right Paratracheal Stripe. This is a vertical stripe consisting of the right lateral tracheal wall and adjacent parietal and visceral pleura of the right upper lobe. It measures 1 to 4 mm in width at a level 2 cm above the azygos vein and is widened or altered by tracheal mediastinal and pleural disease. Paraspinal Interface (Pleural Reflection). On the right side posteriorly, the parietal pleura is closely applied to the lateral aspect of the thoracic vertebrae. This creates a vertical linear interface between these structures. Abnormalities causing soft-tissue thickening or widening are readily seen, providing that there is a normal pleura, pleural space, and adjacent lung. On the left side, the left lateral wall of the descending aorta creates an interface with the lung and often results in slight lateral but usually uniform displacement of the paraspinal interface when the aorta is normal. Lymph Nodes The mediastinal nodes are divided into two major groups: anterior mediastinal and paratracheobronchial. 85 The anterior mediastinal (prevascular) nodes lie anterior to the superior vena cava and the right innominate vein on the right side. On the left, they lie anterior to the aorta and carotid artery. One or two nodes, the ductus nodes, lie anterior to the ligamentum arteriosum in the region of the aortopulmonary window, which is a concave area between the inferior aspect of the transverse aortic arch and the pulmonary artery. When these nodes are enlarged, the concavity is effaced or a convexity is produced. The anterior group of nodes cannot be reached by mediastinoscopy, but a biopsy can be done through an anterior parasternal approach. The paratracheobronchial nodes can be subdivided into paratracheal, subcarinal (bifurcation), and hilar (pulmonary root) nodes. The right paratracheal nodes lie behind the superior vena cava and innominate vein, anterolateral to the trachea. The lowermost node in this chain, the azygos node, lies medial to the azygos arch. The drainage to the azygos node comes not only from the right lung and other nodes on the right but also from the left lung and nodes, so it is very important clinically. Biopsy of these nodes can be done by mediastinoscopy. The left paratracheal nodes are more posterior than those on the right, and they lie posterolateral to the trachea and posterior to the left subclavian artery and the adjacent portion of the aortic arch. The subcarinal (bifurcation) nodes lie below the tracheal bifurcation, and a few small nodes extend along the undersurface of the main bronchi. There may also be a few small nodes in the pretracheal and post-tracheal areas at the level of the carina. The hilar nodes, previously termed pulmonary root nodes, 85 extend in a variable manner along the central portions of the major bronchi and pulmonary vessels. They can be divided into anterior, posterior, superior, and inferior groups according to their relationship to the bronchi and vessels. A few inconstant nodes may be found more peripherally, the interlobar and the lobar or intrapulmonary nodes. The interlobar group lies at the division of the lobar bronchi and the lobar group at the division of the segmental bronchi. Radiographic differentiation of the hilar nodes from the more central interlobar nodes is virtually impossible. In addition to the node groups described in the mediastinum, there are three more peripheral groups termed parietal or extrapleural. The posterior group is variable and lies along the intercostal vessels and nerves and along the thoracic vertebral surfaces. The paravertebral nodes are more numerous along the lower half of the thoracic spine. The internal mammary nodes lie adjacent to the internal mammary arteries and posterior to the ribs and interspaces. They are more numerous superiorly. The diaphragmatic nodes lie anterior to the pericardium, usually lateral to the midline on both sides. As indicated, a biopsy can be done of the right paratracheal nodes but not of the anterior (prevascular) nodes at mediastinoscopy. The left paratracheal nodes are infrequently involved by lung tumors, but right paratracheal nodes are involved by right-sided and occasionally by left-sided lung tumors. Tumors of the left lung tend to metastasize to the anterior (prevascular) nodes such as the aortopulmonary window (ductus) nodes, which are visible on chest radiographs when enlarged. Subcarinal nodes are more commonly involved by lower lobe than by upper lobe tumors. Normal nodes are small and cannot be identified on chest radiographs. Some small normal nodes are sometimes observed on CT, however. The American Joint Committee on Cancer uses a numbering system and presents it in the Manual for Staging of Cancer.6 Other Roentgenographic Features of the Mediastinum The trachea and main bronchi are usually visible in a chest roentgenogram of good quality. These structures lie within the mediastinum, and the trachea is situated in the midline except for very slight deviation to the right at the level of the aortic arch. In infants, moderate tracheal deviation away from the side of the aortic arch (usually to the right) is common, but this is not usually observed in children after the age of 5 years. In older persons the trachea may curve slightly to the left above the arch and then to the right as it passes the arch. As a rule, the angle formed by the bronchi with the sagittal plane is equal bilaterally until the age of about 15 years. Then the tracheal deviation to the right causes an increase in the angle on the left, the normal adult configuration. The sum of the two angles, the subcarinal angle, averages about 60, but there is wide variation in normal subjects. The trachea extends from the level of the sixth cervical vertebra downward to the level of the fifth thoracic vertebra or slightly lower, where it divides into the right and left main bronchi. It is identified on the roentgenogram as a band of radiolucency in the midline that extends from the lower cervical region downward to the point of bifurcation. The main bronchi are somewhat smaller in diameter (see Fig. 22-11). The right main bronchus continues downward more vertically than the left in the adult and divides into two primary branches. The first branch is the upper-lobe bronchus ( eparterial bronchus), which curves sharply upward above the right pulmonary artery. The continuation downward is termed the hyparterial or bronchus intermedius, which continues as the right-lower-lobe bronchus. The middle-lobe bronchus arises from and marks the lower end of the bronchus intermedius. It extends downward and laterally from its point of origin. On the left side the main bronchus is somewhat longer, deviates laterally more than on the right, and forms a greater portion of the subcarinal angle. In addition to the lateral angulation, it curves outward in its distal portion and divides into a lower-lobe bronchus and a left-upper-lobe bronchus, which courses horizontally for a short distance before dividing. A continuation of the left main bronchus downward and laterally forms the lower-lobe bronchus. It is usually possible to outline the main bronchi and portions of the upper- and lower-lobe bronchi in the normal patient. These structures have an appearance similar to that of the trachea, namely a band of radiolucency, but are smaller in diameter. In the frontal projection of the chest, the mediastinum along with the sternum and thoracic spine forms the dense central shadow observed on the normal roentgenogram. On the right side, the superior border is formed by the brachiocephalic artery or vein, below which lies the superior vena cava. The ascending aortic arch usually is not border-forming, but in cardiac diseases or aortic diseases that produce aortic dilatation it may form the right border (usually convex) for a short distance. Immediately below the ascending aortic arch is the hilum. The smooth, convex border of the right atrium forms the lower-right mediastinal border. On the left side, the left subclavian artery forms the superior border of the mediastinum. Below this, the rounded convexity of the aortic arch is outlined. The aortopulmonary

window is a local concavity or notch between the aortic arch and the pulmonary artery. The pulmonary artery and the hilum of the left lung lie immediately below the aortic arch, and the left ventricle forms most of the left lower mediastinal border, although a short segment of the pulmonary outflow tract may be visible below the hilum. In infants, the thymus often appears as a large structure that lies in the superior portion of the anterior mediastinum. When visible, it produces widening of the mediastinum superiorly; this widening is often asymmetrical. The thymus then forms the lateral border of the upper mediastinum on both sides. At times, the inferior aspect of the enlarged thymus forms an acute angle on one or both sides, a configuration (sail sign) likened to a sail (see Fig. 22-26). It is not unusual to note some lobulation of the thymus. When such superior mediastinal widening is present, it may be necessary to obtain a lateral projection to prove that the shadow is in the anterior mediastinum and therefore represents the thymus. Moderate widening of the superior mediastinal shadow is not considered abnormal in infancy; this portion of the mediastinum usually assumes its normal width during the first year of life.

FIG. 22-26. Infant with enlargement of the right lobe of the thymus. A: Frontal view. Note the angulation on the right, which represents the sail sign. B: In this lateral view, an anterosuperior mediastinal density produced by the thymus is noted. This is also an example of an infant's chest.

The left superior intercostal vein arises from the second, third, and fourth intercostal veins posteriorly, courses downward in the lateral vertebral gutter, and turns anteriorly at the level of the aortic arch. It empties into the posterior aspect of the left innominate vein. In 75% of patients, this vein communicates with the accessory hemiazygos vein at its lower end. The course of this vein around the aortic arch is somewhat variable, 4 and when it is lateral, inferolateral, or superolateral to the aorta a small protuberance, the aortic nipple, is observed (Fig. 22-12). This represents the vein, seen in cross section, as it courses around the aorta. It was observed on 1.4% of normal chest films by Friedman and colleagues, 30 who found that it measured up to 4.5 mm in diameter in normal patients.

FIG. 22-12. Aortic nipple. The superior intercostal vein ( small arrow) is shown as it courses around the transverse aortic arch ( large arrow).

The lungs approach the midline in the anterior mediastinum. As a result, the air in the lung on either side defines a vertical linear shadow called the anterior junction line (described previously). It extends from a point near the level of the sternal angle superiorly to a point 3 or 4 inches below it. The line is visible on most roentgenograms of good quality. When one lung herniates across the midline, the line is displaced accordingly. The line thickens or diverges on either end. The lungs also outline a pleural interface in the paraspinal area on both sides. This is usually 2 to 5 mm thick when measured from the lung to the lateral vertebral margin and is often most clearly defined on overexposed high-voltage films. As indicated, the soft tissue between the vertebrae and the lung is usually thicker on the left than on the right. A pleural interface is also observed on the right in the lower thorax outlining the lateral esophageal wall (the azygoesophageal recess); this is medial to the right paraspinal interface in the normal person. The hilum of the lung contains the pulmonary arteries, the pulmonary veins, the bronchi, and the bronchial arteries and veins, as well as the lymph nodes. In the normal chest the pulmonary arteries and veins produce most of the opacity outlined on the roentgenogram ( Fig. 22-13). The left hilum is higher in position than the right because the left pulmonary artery extends above the left main bronchus and the right pulmonary artery crosses below the right-upper-lobe bronchus. The hilar height ratio may be useful in determining relative volume gain or loss in lower versus upper lobes. 43 It can be altered by intra-abdominal disease and by diaphragmatic abnormalities. The vertical diameter of the chest is measured by a line drawn parallel to the thoracic spine from the highest point of the lung apex to the diaphragm on each side. On the right side, the hilar level is measured at the angle between the right-upper-lobe artery coursing upward and the right-upper-lobe pulmonary vein as it courses toward the left atrium. On the left, the hilar level is measured at the midpoint between the superior border of the pulmonary artery and the superior border of the left main bronchus. The ratio is then calculated by dividing the length of the vertical line above the hilum by the length of the line below the hilum, so the ratio on the left is below 1.0 and on the right above 1.0. Measurements are made on standard full-inspiration films taken at 72 inches. Inspiratory effort is adequate if the dome of the right hemidiaphragm is between the anterior fifth and sixth ribs. The ratio on the right (mean standard deviation) is 1.31 0.21; on the left it is 0.84 0.09. 43 This ratio permits assessment of the height of each hilum without comparison with the other. Normal-sized lymph nodes in the region of the hilum do not contribute enough to the hilar opacity to be identified, but when these nodes are enlarged or contain calcium they can be recognized. The size of the hilum varies in normal subjects, so that it is difficult to set a standard beyond which hilar size is abnormal. Because the size of the pulmonary vessels is related to pulmonary blood flow, the vessels that make up the hila are increased when blood flow is increased and decreased in diseases that produce a diminution in pulmonary blood flow. In addition to variation in hilar size produced by the variability in caliber of the blood vessels, enlargement of hilar nodes may cause hilar enlargement. It is often difficult or impossible to distinguish the cause of slight hilar enlargement. In the lateral view of the chest the anatomic divisions of the mediastinum are well demonstrated ( Fig. 22-14). The superior mediastinum lies above the horizontal line and is included because of many references to it in the literature. The anterior mediastinum is seen as an area of relative radiolucency between the sternum and the heart. It is roughly triangular in shape, with the apex pointing downward. The large thymus is noted as an area of opacity in the anterior mediastinum in infants. The middle mediastinum is clearly defined in a lateral roentgenogram, since it contains the heart and aorta. The posterior mediastinum is the area lying between the heart and the spine. It is visualized as a radiolucency approximating that of aerated lungs in normal subjects because it contains no opaque structures such as the heart and great vessels. The trachea is visible in the lateral roentgenogram of the chest as a radiolucent structure that angles slightly posteriorly as it extends into the chest. The posterior tracheal stripe (wall), about 2 to 4 mm thick, is outlined by tracheal air anterior to it and air in the lung posterior to it. When there is sufficient air in the esophagus, a tracheoesophageal stripe may be seen; it is a vertical shadow composed of the adjacent tracheal and esophageal walls. The tracheal bifurcation is sometimes visible along with short segments of one or both upper-lobe bronchi if the patient is not in a true lateral position. The left-upper-lobe bronchus is lower than the right and is usually clearly outlined against the opacity of the left pulmonary artery, which lies immediately above it. In contrast, the right-upper-lobe bronchus, which is above the artery, is difficult to see in most instances. It lies about 1 to 2 cm above the left-upper-lobe bronchus. In this region an irregular, somewhat stellate shadow is noted that represents the vascular structures which produce the hila. The left pulmonary artery courses posterolaterally and lies above and posterior to the right pulmonary artery as viewed on the lateral film. If the patient is in a slight (5 to 10) right anterior oblique position, the pulmonary arteries are separated and, with

no overlapping, are both clearly defined. On the right, the bronchus intermedius is slightly anterior to the left lower bronchus, so the posterior wall of the bronchus intermedius is clearly outlined within the radiolucent band produced by the left bronchus in more than 50% of patients. Thickening of the wall of this bronchus can then be demonstrated if it is present. In the examination of the mediastinum it may be useful to opacify the esophagus by having the patient ingest thick barium paste. Then the relationship of the esophagus to the other structures in the mediastinum can be determined and abnormalities may be clearly defined that would otherwise be very difficult to outline. The relationship of the esophagus to the trachea as well as to the heart can also be determined. Computed Tomography of the Normal Mediastinum The images of the mediastinum obtained by CT depict cross-sectional anatomy that is quite different from the anatomy depicted in sagittal and coronal planes on chest radiographs. Individual structures can be recognized and the site of an enlargement can be determined. At the level of the sternoclavicular junction, which is at about the thoracic inlet, five vessels can usually be identified ( Fig. 22-15)on the right, the brachiocephalic vein and, posterior to it, the brachiocephalic artery (usually medial to the vein); and on the left, from anterior to posterior, the left brachiocephalic vein, left carotid artery, and left subclavian artery. The left brachiocephalic vein may be seen longitudinally as it crosses the midline. At a level slightly above the sternoclavicular junction, the paired jugular veins, carotid arteries, and subclavian arteries may be visible. The trachea and esophagus are recognized at both levels. The veins are usually anterior to the arteries and the carotids anterior to the subclavian. At the level of the aortic arch, only the superior vena cava and aorta are seen in addition to the trachea and esophagus. When the aorta is dilated and tortuous, the left brachiocephalic vein may lie anterior to the arch. At the level of the aortopulmonary window, immediately below the aortic arch and just cephalad to the carina, the ascending and descending aorta and the superior vena cava are seen in cross-section, as well as the trachea and esophagus. In about this area, the azygos arch may be visible as the vein courses anteriorly from the prevertebral area to enter the superior vena cava. At a level just below the carina, the aorta, the superior vena cava, and the esophagus are seen along with the left pulmonary artery, the left main bronchus, the right-upper-lobe bronchus, the right-upper-lobe artery (truncus anterior) just anterior to the bronchus, and the prevertebral portion of the azygos vein. A short segment of the distal azygos vein may also be seen as it enters the superior vena cava. Just below this level, the right pulmonary artery is seen as it bifurcates from the main pulmonary artery and courses from anterior to posterior in an oblique position behind the ascending aorta and superior vena cava. The descending aorta, bronchus intermedius, and left-upper-lobe bronchus usually are visible at this level. The hilar vessels and bronchi are discussed in greater detail in paragraphs to follow.

FIG. 22-15. Computed tomography (CT) of the mediastinum with a bolus of intravenous contrast material (mediastinal window) demonstrating normal anatomy in the mediastinum. A: The left subclavian artery ( large arrow), right brachiocephalic vein ( medium arrow), and left common carotid artery (small arrow) are shown. L, left brachiocephalic vein; B, brachiocephalic artery. B: CT at the level of the aortic arch. The transverse aortic arch ( open arrows), the superior vena cava at junction with brachiocephalic vein (large arrow), the esophagus (medium arrow), and gas (abscess) in anterior mediastinum (small arrows) are shown. C: CT at the level of the aortopulmonary window. The left pulmonary artery (medium arrow), esophagus (large arrow), and azygos vein (small arrow) are shown. A, ascending aorta; D, descending aorta; S, superior vena cava. D: CT at pulmonary artery bifurcation. The arrow indicates the right-upper-lobe bronchus. A, ascending aorta; D, descending aorta; M, main pulmonary artery; L, left pulmonary artery; R, right pulmonary artery; S, superior vena cava; V, vertebral body. (All photos courtesy of Robert Rosenberg, M.D., Albuquerque, N.M.)

At a level about 1 cm below the left-upper-lobe bronchus, the left and right atria, the aortic root, the descending aorta, and the main pulmonary artery are visible along with the esophagus and azygos vein. One or more pulmonary veins may be observed draining into the left atrium. The esophagus is just posterior to the left atrium at this level. Lower, at the level of the ventricles, the anterior pericardium is usually identified as a thin, dense, retrosternal structure with fat anterior and posterior to it. The inferior vena cava lies lateral to a narrow venous structure extending forward to the right atrium, the coronary sinus. The esophagus and descending aorta are also seen on this section. The septal groove is often identified anteriorly. When a bolus of intravenous contrast medium opacifies the ventricles, the septum is visible. Below the heart, the diaphragmatic crura are observed, with lung anterior to them and the esophagus, descending aorta, azygos and hemiazygos veins, and thoracic duct in the retrocrural space. This marks the lower extent of the posterior mediastinum. The superior aspect of the liver is observed on the right and sometimes on the left, where stomach and spleen may also be visible. Intravenous contrast enhancement can be accomplished by CT scanning during injection of contrast material that is administered by an automated power injector. After a 25- to 30-second delay following the start of the injection, a spiral CT scanning sequence or a series of rapid dynamic CT scans at the same or different levels is obtained. This method is used to identify suspected vascular structures or lesions. In many departments, CT of the mediastinum is routinely performed with intravenous contrast material in doses ranging from 100 to 150 mL of 60% contrast agent. Comprehensive review of CT of the normal mediastinum and hila, including anatomic variations, is beyond the scope of this book. Several texts and papers on this subject are available, including those by Kieffer and Heitzman (anatomy), 54 Lee and colleagues,57 Naidich and associates, 71 and Zylak and coworkers.117 Normal hilar anatomy is discussed in papers by Webb 106 and Naidich68,71 and their coworkers, and more recently by Rmy-Jardin and associates. 81,81A Pulmonary Hila The pulmonary hila consist of arteries, veins, and bronchi that have a fairly constant relationship to each other. The arteries and veins are best studied in relation to the bronchi, since bronchi are readily recognized. Scans must be studied in relation to each other to avoid misinterpretation ( Fig. 22-16 and Fig. 22-17).

FIG. 22-16. Computed tomography (CT) using windows to emphasize bronchial structures; serial 8 mm 8 mm sections. A: CT above tracheal bifurcation. The trachea (large arrow) and right apical segmental bronchus ( small arrow) are shown. B: CT at carinal level. The carina ( large arrow), left apical segmental bronchus (small arrow), right apical segmental bronchus ( medium arrow), and azygous arch (curved arrow) are shown. C: CT below carina. The origin of the right-upper-lobe bronchus (curved arrow) and the left apical segmental bronchus ( straight arrow) are shown. D: CT at the level of the bronchus intermedius. The left apical superior segmental bronchus (small arrow), bronchus intermedius (large arrow), anterior and posterior segmental right-upper-lobe bronchi ( medium arrows), and right superior pulmonary vein (open arrow) are shown. L, left main bronchus. E: CT at the level of the lingular bronchus ( curved arrow), left-upper-lobe bronchus (large arrow), and

bronchus intermedius (small arrow). F: CT at the level of the right-middle-lobe bronchus ( large arrow), superior segment bronchus of the right lower lobe ( medium arrow), and right interlobar artery ( small arrow). G: CT at the bifurcation of the right-middle-lobe bronchus into medial and lateral segments ( short arrow). The long arrow indicates the right-lower-lobe basal bronchus. H: CT at the level of the inferior pulmonary veins ( curved arrows), azygos vein (long arrow), and basal segmental bronchi (small arrows). M, medial; A, anterior; L, lateral; P, posterior. (All photos courtesy of Robert Rosenberg, M.D., Albuquerque, N.M.)

FIG. 22-17. Computed tomogram at the level of the superior segmental bronchus of the left-lower-lobe bronchus ( large arrow), left-upper-lobe bronchus ( curved arrow), and left interlobar artery ( small arrow). The represents a section between those shown in Fig. 22-14E and Fig. 22-14F.

Right Hilum The superior hilar scan is obtained at the level of the distal trachea just above the carina. The apical segmental bronchus of the right upper lobe is visible, with the artery medial and the vein lateral to it. Although other vascular shadows may be seen in this region, normally they are smaller than the vessels adjacent to the bronchus. At the next section, 1 cm lower, the carina is usually visible along with the apical segmental bronchus; the artery and vein appear medial and lateral to it, respectively. The next section is through the right upper lobe bronchus. The posterior wall of this bronchus is in direct contact with lung parenchyma. The pulmonary artery of the right upper lobe (truncus anterior), the first large branch of the pulmonary artery, is anterior to the bronchus and the superior pulmonary vein is lateral to it between the anterior and posterior segmental bronchi. The apical anterior vein from the upper lobe may also be seen as a small convexity anterior and medial to the truncus anterior. About 1 cm below this, the next section is through the bronchus intermedius, which is seen in cross-section; its posterior wall is in contact with lung parenchyma, which extends posteromedially into the azygoesophageal recess. The right main pulmonary artery crosses anterior to the bronchus intermedius and then courses downward as the interlobar artery, lateral to the bronchus intermedius. The superior pulmonary veins are lateral to the artery. When the pulmonary artery reaches the lateral border of the bronchus intermedius, it courses downward and its lateral border may appear somewhat irregular and triangular. The next section is at the level of the middle-lobe bronchus, which is seen in longitudinal section; the lower-lobe bronchus is seen in cross-section at about this level or slightly below it. The interlobar artery is lateral and adjacent to these bronchi in an angle formed by the bronchi. The superior pulmonary vein is medial to the middle-lobe bronchus as it enters the left atrium. In the section below this, the medial and lateral segmental branches of the middle-lobe bronchus may be seen at about the bifurcation. The middle-lobe artery is anterolateral to the bronchi, and the interlobar pulmonary artery has divided into its basal segmental branches, which lie posterolateral to the lower-lobe bronchus. This relationship is maintained when the bronchi divide into the basal segmental branches. The inferior pulmonary veins lie below the hilum, but lower sections identify pulmonary veins, which can be seen entering the left atrium; they are more horizontal than the arteries. Left Hilum The first section in the upper hilum is usually obtained at or slightly above the carina. The relationship of vessels to the bronchi is not as constant as on the right side. At this level, the apical posterior bronchus of the upper lobe is seen in cross-section, separated from the left main bronchus by the left main pulmonary artery as it crosses over the upper-lobe bronchus. The superior pulmonary vein is medial to the upper-lobe artery, and both vessels are anterior to the apical posterior bronchus. The next section is through the upper-lobe bronchus as it courses horizontally. The pulmonary artery crosses above the bronchus, turns downward and posteriorly, and becomes the interlobar artery. The superior pulmonary vein lies anterior to the upper-lobe bronchus, opposite the posterior position of the interlobar artery. The next lower section is through the inferior aspect of the upper-lobe bronchus. An upper-lobe spur divides the upper- and lower-lobe bronchi; the interlobar artery lies in the angle lateral to the spur, whereas the superior vein remains anterior to the upper-lobe bronchus. If the lingular bronchus is included, the lingular artery may be observed lateral to its origin. Pulmonary parenchyma extends between the aorta and pulmonary artery at the level of the upper-lobe bronchus, and aerated lung is seen adjacent to the posteromedial wall of the left upper- and lower-lobe bronchi. Any thickening or density in the retrobronchial area indicates abnormality. Below the left-upper-lobe bronchus, the next section shows the lower-lobe bronchus and, often, the origin of the superior segmental bronchus. The interlobar artery lies lateral to this bifurcation and posterior to the lingular bronchus. At lower sections, the left hilum is similar to the right. The arterial branches to the lower lobe lie lateral and posterior to the lower-lobe bronchus, and the inferior pulmonary vein courses horizontally into the left atrium just anterior to the aorta. Minor hilar variations are often observed, as indicated previously. Lungs Lobar and Segmental Anatomy The right lung is divided into three lobesthe upper, middle, and lowerby two fissures. The major or primary interlobar fissure separates the lower lobe from the upper and middle lobes, and the secondary (minor) fissure separates the middle lobe from the upper lobe. On the left side, there are two lobesupper and lowerseparated by the major interlobar fissure. The major fissures are sometimes visible on the lateral roentgenogram in the normal person and are readily seen in this projection when there is a small amount of thickening of the interlobar pleura or a small amount of fluid in the fissure. These fissures are visible in the frontal projection only when there is pleural disease, fluid, or pleural thickening. The minor interlobar fissure on the right is often visible in the frontal projection in the normal subject (Fig. 22-18); when pleural thickening is present, it can easily be identified in this projection as well as in the lateral view. It is generally horizontal and lies at the level of the anterior arc of the fourth rib or interspace. The major fissure on the right extends from the level of the fifth posterior rib downward and forward to the level of the sixth rib anteriorly, whereas the left major fissure is slightly more vertical and extends from the level of the third to fifth posterior ribs down to the level of the seventh rib anteriorly. The levels are somewhat variable in the normal person, and in those with disease there may be marked variation in lobar position. Occasionally, the major fissure on the right is directed slightly anteriorly into the sagittal plane in its lateral portion. It may then be visible as a vertical fissure line roughly paralleling the curve of the lower lateral chest wall. 20 This is observed frequently in adults with small amounts of pleural fluid and has also been described in infants, particularly those with cardiac enlargement. Occasionally, the anterior minor fissure may assume a sagittal position as well. It appears as an oblique linear shadow inferomedially. 34

FIG. 22-18. The minor interlobar fissure is indicated by arrows. It is slightly less horizontal in this patient than in the average person, and its lateral aspect is higher in position than normal.

When the major fissures are both seen in the lateral view, the left fissure usually intersects the diaphragm more posteriorly and more vertically than the right. Not infrequently, the major fissures do not extend to the mediastinal surface of the lungs, so that lobar division is incomplete medially. The pulmonary ligament (inferior pulmonary ligament) is a sheath of parietal pleura that extends from the pleural investment of the inferior pulmonary vein downward and somewhat posteriorly to the diaphragm. It is attached to the mediastinum medially, to the lower lobe laterally, and usually to the diaphragm inferiorly; it serves to stabilize the lower lobes medially. It is triangular when the lung is pulled laterally, 79 with the apex of the triangle at the level of the inferior pulmonary vein. Normally it is not visible on chest radiographs. However, it partially separates the anterior from the posterior hemithorax inferomedially, so that fluid can be trapped anteriorly or posteriorly to simulate atelectasis or other abnormality. It also anchors the lower lobe to the mediastinum and diaphragm when collapse or a large pneumothorax is present. Any process extending into it from the mediastinum may simulate an intrapulmonary mass. The ligament is frequently observed on CT. 84 It appears as a thin linear opacity extending posterolaterally at or slightly above the diaphragm. In a CT study of 129 patients, 84 the ligament was seen on the left in 67.4%, on the right in 37.2%, on both sides in 27.1%, and on neither side in 22.4% of patients. It extended posteriorly from its mediastinal attachment in 92%. The importance of bronchopulmonary segmental anatomy has increased now that segmental resection and subsegmental pulmonary resection are common procedures. These segments have been classified by several investigators 10,11; the classification by Jackson and Huber 45 is used here. The segments and subsegments are not strictly morphologic units, since arteries may cross from one segment to another and the segments contain veins that drain adjacent segments. The bronchi to the lobes and segments are not outlined on the chest roentgenogram unless they are diseased. When an opacity is present in a lung, CT is helpful for accurate localization of the lesion with respect to adjacent bronchi and lobar and segmental anatomy. In chronic inflammations, fibrosis and contraction commonly are sufficient to distort the involved and adjacent segments to the point that localization is often inaccurate if based on the plain chest radiograph and may be difficult even with CT. The positions and names of the bronchopulmonary segments are given in the accompanying roentgenograms and drawings ( Fig. 22-19).

FIG. 22-19. A: Right lung. Bronchogram with diagram of the normal bronchopulmonary segments in the frontal projection. B: Right lung. Bronchogram with diagram of the normal bronchopulmonary segments in the left anterior oblique projection. C: Right lung. Bronchogram with diagram of the normal bronchopulmonary segments in the lateral projection. D: Left lung. Bronchogram with diagram of the normal bronchopulmonary segments in the frontal projection. E: Left lung. Bronchogram with diagram of the normal bronchopulmonary segments in the right anterior oblique projection. F: Left lung. Bronchogram with diagram of the normal bronchopulmonary segments in the lateral projection. ( F, courtesy of Dr. J. Stauffer Lehman, Dr. Antrim Crellin, and Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, NY.)

Roentgenographic Features The normal lungs contain a considerable amount of air, and because chest roentgenograms are obtained in inspiration, they appear much more radiolucent than other structures making up the thorax and its contents. There is a distinct radiographic pattern that is produced largely by the blood vessels as they extend from the hilum into the lungs. The right midlung window is an area of decreased vascularity (and therefore increased radiolucency) adjacent to the minor fissure. It has been described on CT 32 and has been observed on plain films as well. The large bronchi can often be seen as radiolucent tubes in the hilum, adjacent to which are dense, smooth-walled tubes that represent the pulmonary arterial branches. These arteries branch in a tree-like manner and decrease in caliber rapidly as they extend into pulmonary parenchyma. This pattern is readily visible on the roentgenogram. The pulmonary arteries lie in close relationship to the bronchi. They branch and subdivide the same as the bronchi. Therefore, they lie within the pulmonary lobules. The pulmonary veins, on the other hand, have an anatomic distribution entirely separate from that of the bronchi. They begin at the periphery of the lobules in the pleura or interlobular septa and course to the left atrium between the lobules. The vessels can be identified to within about 1.5 cm of the pleural surfaces of the lungs except at the apices, where the distance may be 3 cm from the pleura. In the upright position, the upper-lobe vessels are smaller than those at the bases. The difference in size tends to reflect distribution of blood flow, which is greater in the lower lungs in the upright position but tends to be nearly equal in the recumbent position. The lungs are often divided arbitrarily into zones, depending on the size of the vessels. The inner third of the lung adjacent to the hilum (the inner zone) contains the large main trunks, the middle zone contains intermediate-sized vessels, and the peripheral third of the lung (peripheral zone) usually contains vessels that are less than 1 mm in diameter. The pulmonary veins cannot be differentiated from the arteries in the peripheral or middle zones, but in the central zone the veins do not course near the arteries. They lie below the comparable arteries and empty into the left atrium at the lower margin of each hilum (Fig. 22-20). They rarely fuse into a single common trunk, so there are usually two or more veins entering the atrium on either side. It is often difficult to outline them distinctly and to differentiate them from arteries, but on CT they are seen as smooth, elongated opacities extending into the left atrium in the lower hilum on either side. Occasionally, they are clearly defined on a routine frontal chest roentgenogram. This is particularly true in patients with congenital cardiac defects that result in high-volume, left-to-right shunts. In patients with pulmonary venous hypertension, the upper-lobe vessels can often be seen as horn-like structures extending into the lower hila from the medial aspects of the upper lobes.

FIG. 22-20. Right pulmonary veins, which are unusually clearly defined in this patient, are indicated by arrows.

As indicated, the pulmonary vessels at the bases are generally larger than the upper lung vessels, and because the right medial base is better visualized than the left, the trunks stand out more clearly in this region than elsewhere in the lungs. The AP diameter of the chest is greater inferiorly than it is superiorly, so that more vessels are superimposed at the bases. This factor also adds to the apparent difference in size and number of vessels between the upper and lower lung. The branched vascular markings tend to increase slightly in prominence with age, but there is marked variation in their size in the normal lung. Care is needed to avoid interpreting the chest roentgenogram as abnormal in a patient in whom these vessels are slightly more prominent than usual. The vessels can be identified by their smooth margins, decreasing caliber, and typical branching pattern as they leave the hilum. In addition to the vascular markings in the lungs, there are interstitial markings that are much less prominent. They produce a fine lacy or reticular pattern throughout the lung that is visible in some patients and may become more prominent with advancing age. These interstitial markings may stand out clearly in patients with emphysema and may be greatly increased in conditions that produce diffuse interstitial disease in the lungs. Pulmonary Apex The lung apices (radiographic) occupy the portion of the thoracic cavity above the level of the clavicles as seen on the PA roentgenogram. Because inflammatory disease or tumors may arise there, it is important to be able to differentiate pulmonary disease from the various shadows representing normal soft-tissue structures that overlie the pulmonary apex. This portion of the lung is in the peripheral zone, so the markings caused by vessels are very small and are often difficult to outline. Several soft-tissue structures can be demonstrated on most chest roentgenograms in normal persons. The supraclavicular border or companion shadow is a linear band of soft-tissue density that parallels the clavicle and extends for 2 or 3 mm to 1 cm above it, depending on the amount of subcutaneous tissue that is present. It represents the skin and subcutaneous tissue observed tangentially as they cover the superior clavicular margin. This shadow can be followed laterally beyond the pulmonary apex and can therefore be identified as being outside of the lung. It often fades off medially, or it may be apparent as far as the clavicular attachment of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. This muscle produces another soft-tissue density, which is a vertical shadow clearly defined laterally. It can be traced upward into the neck above the pulmonary apex and therefore can be identified ( Fig. 22-21). The muscle is not visible in all patients but is particularly well outlined in those who are old or emaciated. The medial borders of the pulmonary apices are formed by the mediastinum. The soft-tissue margin of the left mediastinal border is smooth and slightly concave owing to the curve of the left subclavian artery that forms it. On the right side, the medial soft-tissue mediastinal demarcation is produced by the brachiocephalic artery or superior vena cava; it is often slightly less distinct than on the left side, particularly in young individuals. When this artery becomes tortuous and dilated in patients with arteriosclerotic disease, this margin may become more distinct and often becomes convex.

FIG. 22-21. Companion shadows of the clavicle and sternocleidomastoid muscle are indicated by arrows.

The posterior portions of the upper three ribs and sometimes the fourth rib lie above the clavicle and are readily identified. Companion or border shadows are sometimes visible along the inferior aspects of the upper two ribs and are identified as smooth linear bands from 1 to 3 mm in thickness. The densities are parallel to the inferior rib margins ( Fig. 22-22). Occasionally, a very thin border shadow is noted in the same relationship to the posterior arc of the third rib. These findings are produced by the soft tissues beneath these ribs, which are at a tangent to the roentgen-ray beam. There is enough soft tissue (made up of pleura, subpleural connective tissue, and intercostal arteries and veins) to produce them.

FIG. 22-22. Companion shadows of the second (right) and first (left) ribs are indicated by arrows on the respective sides.

The pleura at the extreme lung apex often appears slightly thickened and irregular and is recognized on the roentgenogram as a soft-tissue opacity. These shadows are termed apical pleural thickening or apical pleural caps by some. They usually represent subpleural scarring, often the result of previous inflammatory disease, including tuberculosis. Several other causes of apical pleural thickening have been reported, including postradiation change, trauma, extrapleural fat, vascular abnormalities, and tumor, particularly the superior pulmonary sulcus (Pancoast) tumor. Most of the benign causes of apical pleural thickening produce bilateral and fairly symmetric changes in both apices and have no significance. Asymmetric apical pleural thickening or apical pleural thickening that increases over time should alert the observer to the possibility of malignancy. In such cases, comparison with previous films and careful examination of the chest radiograph for evidence of underlying rib destruction are always important, and further evaluation with CT may be indicated. Although benign apical pleural thickening often appears as a soft-tissue opacity below the inferior aspect of the second rib, there are certain characteristics that differentiate it from the companion shadow of this rib. In pleural or

subpleural scarring, the density and inferior margin are likely to vary somewhat in contrast to the smooth margin and homogeneous density of the companion shadows (Fig. 22-23). Although apical scars are frequently bilateral, they are not always absolutely symmetrical.

FIG. 22-23. Apical pleural thickening in a patient with minimal tuberculosis of the right upper lobe. Note the irregularity of the soft tissue at both apices.

Diaphragm The diaphragm is a muscular structure that separates the thorax from the abdomen. Its superior surface is covered by parietal pleura. There is a central membranous portion, called the central tendon, in which there is no muscle. The diaphragm arches upward toward the central tendon to form a smooth, dome-shaped appearance on both sides. It is attached to the xiphoid process and lower costal cartilages anteriorly, to the ribs laterally, and to the ribs and upper three lumbar vertebrae posteriorly. In the roentgenogram, the upper surface of the diaphragm is clearly defined as a smooth, dome-shaped structure that stands out in sharp contrast to the radiolucent aerated lung above it. In the frontal projection, the most inferior visible portion of the diaphragm meets the lateral chest wall at an acute angle. This is called the costophrenic angle or sulcus. It is sharply and clearly defined in the normal subject but may be obliterated in patients with diseases that produce pleural effusion, thickening, or adhesions. The position of the diaphragm varies considerably with the body habitus of the patient, with respiration, and with the position of the patient when the roentgenogram is obtained. These factors should be known to interpret correctly alterations in height of the diaphragm. There can be no accurate standard for position of the diaphragm, but in the average adult during moderately deep inspiration the dome of the diaphragm on the right lies in the region of the fifth anterior interspace or at the level of the rib above or below it, while that on the left is slightly lower in position. The position of the diaphragm in children and young adults is somewhat higher, and in the aged the diaphragm is usually lower. In the supine and prone positions the diaphragm is higher than in the upright position. On the lateral roentgenogram the right and left hemidiaphragmatic domes are outlined as separate structures, because they usually are not at the same level. The dome (or highest part) of the diaphragm is slightly anterior to the midpoint between the anterior and posterior chest walls. On the average, the anterior aspect of the diaphragm is at the level of the anterior arc of the 6th rib or interspace, whereas the posterior sulcus is at or slightly below the level of the 12th rib. It is usually possible to identify the diaphragm on each side in the lateral roentgenogram even though it may be at or very near the same level, because the anterior aspect of the left dome is obscured by the heart above it while the anterior portion of the right side stands out clearly. In addition, there is often gas in the stomach or colon immediately beneath the left hemidiaphragm, which aids in its identification in this projection. Also, the left major pulmonary fissure is more vertical near the diaphragm than the right fissure, and its diaphragmatic end is posterior to that of the right fissure. Furthermore, the ribs on the side away from the film are large. For example, in a left lateral radiograph the right ribs are larger than the left ribs; this may be of help in differentiating right from left. The several normal openings in the diaphragm as well as the several weak areas are indicated in Fig. 22-24. Diaphragmatic hernia may occur through these openings.

FIG. 22-24. Diagram showing the normal openings and areas of potential weakness in the diaphragm. The sketch is drawn viewing the diaphragm from above. The vertebral body (V) and the sternum (S) are labeled for orientation purposes, and the attachment of the pericardium to the diaphragm is indicated by the arrow. B, Foramen of Bochdalek; A, aorta; E, esophageal hiatus; VC, opening for the inferior vena cava; M, Morgagni's foramen (potential opening).

Pleura The pleura is a thin, serous membrane that is visible roentgenographically only when it is seen in contrast to adjacent structures that are more or less dense. Therefore, the visceral pleura is not often definitely outlined in the normal subject. When pneumothorax is present, it is seen as the thin outer wall or covering of the lung. It is also occasionally visible when a sufficient part of it is parallel to the roentgen-ray beam; for example, the secondary interlobar fissure on the right, made up of the visceral pleura covering the inferior aspect of the upper lobe and the superior aspect of the middle lobe, is visible in approximately 20% of persons as a thin, straight, horizontal line. The major fissures are occasionally visible on a lateral roentgenogram in the absence of disease. The parietal pleura covers the diaphragm and lines the thorax, but it blends with the other structures of the chest wall and is not identified separately on roentgenograms. The relationships of the visceral pleura to the bony thorax are shown in Fig. 22-25.

FIG. 22-25. A: Relationship of the visceral pleura to the bony thorax in the frontal plane. On the right, the upper arrow indicates the anteroinferior border and the lower arrow the posteroinferior border of the visceral pleura. In the left hemithorax, the anterior aspect is indicated by the upper and middle arrows and the posterior border by the lower arrow. B: Visceral pleura on the right as visualized in the left lateral projection. Note the primary and secondary interlobar fissures separating the three

lobes. C: Pleural outlines on the left as visualized in the right lateral projection.


In the newborn infant, the AP diameter of the thorax is greater compared with the transverse diameter than in adults. The diaphragm is higher, and this makes the vertical diameter of the thoracic cavity relatively less than in the adult. With growth the chest becomes narrower in its AP diameter, and the vertical and transverse diameters gradually increase. The ribs are almost horizontal in position in infancy and gradually angulate downward as the child grows. The sternum is incompletely ossified at birth; this structure ossifies in a segmental manner. There are two ossification centers lying side by side in each segment. The centers for the manubrium are united at birth, but the remainder may not fuse for several years. The centers are of radiographic importance because they appear as small, rounded opacities that may overlie the lungs in oblique or semioblique projections. They should be recognized as ossification centers and not be mistaken for lesions within the pulmonary parenchyma. The thymus gland is often large enough in early infancy to produce widening of the superior mediastinum. The roentgenographic appearance has been described previously (Fig. 22-26). The appearance of the heart in the infant and child differs from that in the adult. The heart in the newborn is globular and is relatively large in comparison with the diameter of the chest than in adults. The left ventricle becomes more prominent with age, resulting in downward displacement of the apex, and the relative heart size gradually decreases. These changes are discussed more fully in Chapter 23. The lungs in the infant and child tend to be slightly more radiolucent than in the adult, because the pulmonary interstitium usually is not visible, but the relative size of the visible vascular trunks is comparable. The root of the lung making up the hilar shadow is relatively high and usually is situated at the level of the third thoracic vertebra. The tracheal bifurcation gradually descends and reaches the adult level (fifth thoracic vertebra) at about 10 years of age. The diaphragm tends to be higher in infancy and childhood than in adult life, and in the newborn it is not unusual to note a reversal of the adult situation with regard to relative height. That is, the left hemidiaphragm is slightly higher than the right, probably because the stomach is frequently distended with air. There is considerable variation in position of the diaphragm in infancy and childhood, and the same factors of habitus and position of the patient are involved as noted for adult diaphragm (Fig. 22-27).

FIG. 22-27. Frontal (left) and lateral (right) radiographs showing normal chest in a 10-year-old child. Note that the heart is somewhat globular and that the anteroposterior diameter of the chest is relatively large in comparison with the transverse diameter.


There is gradual alteration in the shape of the bony thorax with advancing age. The amount of alteration varies widely, and there is also a great individual variation in the age at which these changes appear and become severe. The tendency is for a gradual increase in the dorsal kyphotic curve; this results in an increased AP diameter of the chest, which may approach or even exceed the transverse diameter in some instances. Varying amounts of osteopenia may be noted in the bones included in the chest roentgenogram, particularly in women. Rib irregularities caused by healed fractures are commonly noted, and calcification may be seen in costal cartilages. This calcification varies greatly in amount and tends to appear earlier and be more extensive in women than men. Its roentgenographic appearance is that of increased opacity caused by calcium outlining the cartilage extending from the anterior rib edge toward the sternum, often peripheral in men and central in women. The changes in the mediastinum with advancing age are caused primarily by alteration in the aorta and its branches, which tend to become elongated, dilated, and tortuous. As a result, the right superior mediastinal border may become more prominent and more clearly defined, because of increasing visibility of the brachiocephalic artery. The ascending arch of the aorta projects farther to the right and causes a convex shadow of soft-tissue density, the lower half of which overlies the right hilum. Similar prominence of the left-upper mediastinum may be apparent with sclerotic changes in the left subclavian artery, and the aortic arch tends to become increasingly prominent (Fig. 22-28). The presence of calcification in the aortic arch is common, and calcification in the brachiocephalic and subclavian arteries is not rare.

FIG. 22-28. The chest in the aged. Frontal ( A) and lateral ( B) view of a 71-year-old man with a considerable amount of calcification in the aortic wall as well as aortic dilatation and elongation. The lungs are slightly hyperlucent. There is a little increase in the thoracic curve, resulting in an increase in the anteroposterior diameter of the chest. The scattered parenchymal calcifications represent residues of previous histoplasmosis.

Alteration in appearance of the lungs varies widely with advancing age, but there is a general tendency for the vessels in the middle and peripheral zones to be separated by overinflation of alveoli and loss of alveolar walls, representing emphysema. An associated decrease in perfusion results in a decrease in size of the peripheral vessels. Pulmonary hypertension may develop. This is associated with increased size of the arteries in the hila. In addition, linear shadows produced by residues of previous inflammatory disease in one or both bases are often observed, and there is a tendency for the pulmonary interstitial pattern to become more pronounced. Small pulmonary parenchymal calcific foci are common, along with calcification in hilar nodes. Apical scarring that produces irregular soft-tissue opacities at the extreme apices is also found commonly in the aged, as indicated previously. One or both costophrenic sulci may be at least partially obliterated by previous basal pleural disease. The diaphragm tends to become lower and flatter, with alteration in the shape of the bony thorax and the appearance of senile emphysema. Irregularities of the diaphragm resulting from pleural inflammatory residuals are not uncommon. As the diaphragm becomes lower, the dome becomes

more horizontal and the costophrenic angles less acute (see Fig. 22-28).


Minor developmental abnormalities are common in the ribs and are usually of no clinical significance, but they should be noted and recognized as such on the roentgenogram. Cervical ribs are not unusual; they may be very small and difficult to outline, or they may be long and easily recognized as they project downward to overlie the pulmonary apex. They are usually asymptomatic but occasionally can be the cause of the thoracic outlet syndrome. Occasionally, the transverse processes of the seventh cervical vertebra are unusually long and simulate short cervical ribs. One or both first ribs are often rudimentary. The most common anomaly of the remaining ribs is an anterior bifurcation, which usually results in a broad, thin rib anteriorly that bifurcates near the costochondral junction. Complete fusion along the arcs of the ribs and pseudarthrosis between the ribs are other common anomalies. More severe rib anomalies may be associated with segmentation anomalies of the spine. Intrathoracic rib is extremely rare.109 The anomalous rib usually arises from the posterior inferior margin of an otherwise normal rib or from a vertebral body, most often on the right side. The rib is sometimes attached to the diaphragm by a fibrous band. It projects into the pleural space and may be surrounded by lung even though its location is extrapleural. Diagnosis is suspected on the basis of the chest roentgenogram and is confirmed by tomography or CT. Anterior protrusion deformities of the sternum resulting in the so-called pigeon breast, or pectus carinatum, are usually so mild that no significant abnormality is noted on the frontal projection and only in the lateral view can the diagnosis be made. In these patients the sternum protrudes anteriorly to a greater or lesser degree. The amount of protrusion is readily apparent on the lateral roentgenogram. This anomaly may be associated with right-to-left cardiac shunts. Funnel-chest deformity, or pectus excavatum, produces changes that can usually be recognized on a PA roentgenogram. There may be displacement of the heart to the left, often with a bulge below the pulmonary artery suggesting left atrial enlargement. In others, the heart is compressed between the spine and the sternum, resulting in pseudoenlargement in this projection. Often there is increased opacity in the right medial lung base, probably caused by a combination of crowded vessels and compressed lung in this area. In the lateral projection the posterior displacement of the sternum is readily discerned. Congenital midline defect or fissure in the sternum is a rare anomaly.56 The sternum is divided into equal halves by the fissure, which is easily recognized on the roentgenograms. Rarely, small accessory ossicles are noted immediately above the manubrium in the region of the suprasternal notch. They are termed episternal or suprasternal bones; they may be single or paired and may range from a few millimeters to more than a centimeter in diameter. 12 They may be fused to the manubrium or articulate with it, or there may be no contact with the sternum. Oversegmentation of the sternum may be associated with trisomy 21, and undersegmentation with trisomy 18. Scoliosis is a common abnormality in the thoracic spine and may be congenital. Hemivertebrae and other vertebral anomalies occur in conjunction with scoliosis and often produce it. In many instances, however, no definite anomaly is noted involving the vertebral bodies in patients with scoliosis. The deformity of the thorax is proportional to the severity of the scoliosis, and if it is marked, the anatomic alteration produced in the heart and lungs may result in altered cardiac and pulmonary function. Kyphosis often accompanies scoliosis and adds to the thoracic deformity. Kyphosis of the thoracic spine may also occur as an isolated deformity. It results in an increase in the AP diameter and a decrease in the vertical diameter of the thorax.


Accessory Lobes, Fissures, and Bronchi Azygos Lobe (Fissure) The azygos lobe is not a true accessory lobe or fissure but is commonly observed on the chest radiograph. It is formed when the arch of the azygos vein fails to migrate medially to lie in its normal position just above the right-upper-lobe bronchus. Since this vein remains in a lateral position, the small portion of the apex of the lung that lies medial to it early in development is deeply invaginated. The vessel carries two layers of visceral pleura and two layers of parietal pleura with it, because it lies peripheral to the parietal pleura. As a result, the azygos fissure is visible as a thin curvilinear line extending upward toward the apex to end at the parietal pleura of the apex. This line is usually bowed outward, and its base, formed by the vein itself, is comma shaped, with the tail of the comma pointing upward to the fissure. The upper end of the fissure usually ends in a small triangle of soft-tissue opacity with its base superior and its apex pointing downward continuous with the fissure (Fig. 22-29). The azygos lobe varies in size, but it is seldom very large. It is a common anomaly, occurring in about 0.5% of the population, and usually is of no significance.

FIG. 22-29. Azygos lobe. Note the vein below the sternal end of the clavicle and the fissure ( arrows) extending in an arc up to the pleural surface of the apex.

Accessory Fissures of the Lung Accessory fissures are common normal variants that can occasionally be appreciated on chest radiographs and CT. An accessory fissure may be complete or incomplete and is lined with visceral pleura. The portion of the lung demarcated by the accessory fissure is often referred to as an accessory lobe, but no additional lung tissue is present; only the fissure is extra. 31 Inferior Accessory Fissure. The inferior accessory fissure is the most common accessory fissure (in about 25% to 40% of humans). It outlines the medial basal segment of the lower lobe, which is then sometimes referred to as the inferior accessory lobe or cardiac lobe. 31 The fissure may be complete or incomplete and is seen on the PA roentgenogram as a faint line at the right or left medial base beginning at the diaphragm and extending upward toward the hilum. There is often a very small triangular upward projection of soft-tissue density at the diaphragmatic end of the fissure. This accessory lobe is supplied by the medial basal bronchus of the lower lobe on the right side and a branch of the anterior segmental bronchus on the left side. 31 The anomaly is probably less common on the left than on the right but is more difficult to see on that side because it is often hidden by the cardiac shadow. Therefore, it may be more common on the left than is generally realized. It is of no particular significance but occasionally becomes involved by disease, may limit the process, and is then more readily identified ( Fig. 22-30). In addition, the juxtaphrenic peak sign, an indirect sign of upper lobe collapse, is often caused anatomically by an inferior accessory fissure that forms a peak at its intersection with the diaphragm when sufficient upper lobe volume loss is present. 21

FIG. 22-30. Sketch showing positions of the two most common accessory fissures, the azygos (A) and inferior (I) accessory fissures. The secondary interlobar fissure is also indicated (S).

Other Accessory Fissures. The left upper lobe may be divided by a horizontal fissure in a manner similar to the division on the right, producing a left minor fissure that demarcates the lingula. In these instances, the interlobar fissure that divides the upper and accessory lobes is in approximately the same position as the minor fissure on the right. This is a rare anomaly and is of no clinical significance. The posterior or dorsal lobe is produced when the superior segment of the lower lobe is separated from the basal segments by a horizontal fissure, the superior accessory fissure. This accessory lobe is rarely identified radiographically unless it is involved by disease sufficient to outline the smooth fissure and separate it from the base of the lower lobe. It is somewhat more common anatomically, however, than radiographic examination would indicate. Supernumerary Bronchi Supernumerary bronchi are uncommon. They can be recognized roentgenographically on bronchography and on CT because they result in supernumerary segments rather than lobes. The most common site is the right upper lobe, where the anomalous bronchus arises from the lateral aspect of the right main bronchus above the upper-lobe bronchus; usually no symptoms are produced by this anomaly. Occasionally, an accessory bronchus arises from the lower right trachea, a right tracheal bronchus.66 It is less common on the left. It usually arises within 2 cm of the carina but may arise higher, and it usually supplies the apical segment of the upper lobe but may supply the entire upper lobe. Although usually asymptomatic, occasionally a tracheal bronchus may be of clinical significance because it may be associated with a cyst, obstructive emphysema, or bronchiectasis leading to infection, so there is an increased incidence of pneumonia in these patients. Other anomalies associated with tracheal bronchus are fairly common. A bridging bronchus52 is extremely rare and is usually associated with multiple anomalies including the presence of a pulmonary sling. In this anomaly, a bronchus arises on the left side and extends across the mediastinum to supply the lower lobe on the opposite side, the right lower lobe. Minor variation in origin of segmental bronchi is not uncommon, and a displaced bronchus is often difficult or impossible to differentiate from a supernumerary bronchus. Numerous minor variations of bronchial segmentation have been found in all lobes and are not uncommonly demonstrated on bronchographic examination, which is necessary to identify these bronchial variations. An entire lobe may be affected, or only one or a few segments may be involved (Fig. 22-31).

FIG. 22-31. Accessory lobe arising below the right-upper-lobe bronchus. The lobe is outlined on the bronchogram, but its branches are not filled because of the presence of an intraluminal lipoma obstructing it. Arrows indicate the bronchus on the frontal ( A) and lateral ( B) projections.

Bronchial Atresia and Stenosis Bronchial atresia and stenosis is an uncommon anomaly that usually involves the apical posterior segment of the left upper lobe. Such a stenosis also may be acquired. Usually the segmental bronchus is involved, but occasionally a lobar bronchus or a subsegmental bronchus may be affected. There is usually a mucus plug (impaction) at the point of atresia, which is observed as an elongated tubular shadow on the film. The lung distal to the atresia is usually overinflated, presumably as a result of collateral air drift. The involved segment may be opaque at birth, since fetal lung fluid clears slowly. This anomaly is usually asymptomatic, so no treatment is necessary.52 Absence of Fissures Variations of interlobar fissures are relatively common, but because they occur without alteration in bronchopulmonary segmentation, they produce no roentgenographic findings. In a study of 1,200 lungs in cases of sudden death, Medlar 65 found the interlobar fissure on the left complete in 82%, the major fissure on the right complete in 69%, and the minor fissure complete in only 37.7%. In the remainder the fissures were absent or incomplete. Pulmonary Isomerism Pulmonary isomerism is an anomaly in which both lungs are similar in that both have either two lobes or three lobes. Sometimes the anomalies are described as bilateral pulmonary right- or left-sidedness. In most instances there are associated splenic and congenital cardiac anomalies. In Ivemark's syndrome, there are bilateral three-lobed lungs and abnormal visceral situs associated with asplenia. There may also be congenital heart disease such as transposition, pulmonary stenosis or atresia, atrial septal defect, common ventricle, or total anomalous pulmonary venous return. In males, three-lobed lungs may also be associated with anisosplenia (multiple accessory spleens) and congenital heart disease. Bilateral two-lobed lungs in males are associated with polysplenia, a lower incidence of congenital heart disease, and normal visceral situs. In females, there may be anisosplenia and congenital heart disease sometimes associated with abnormal visceral situs in conjunction with bilateral two-lobed lungs. Corrected transposition, ventricular septal defects, common atrium, anomalous pulmonary venous connections, and bilateral superior vena cava are the cardiovascular anomalies associated with asplenia; pulmonary stenosis or atresia may also occur. Polysplenia is often associated with azygos or hemiazygos continuation of the inferior vena cava, septal defects, anomalous pulmonary connections, and bilateral superior vena cava. 55 These complicated anomalies often cause abnormalities observed on chest films. Accurate diagnosis often depends on extensive clinical and cardiovascular studies using ultrasonography and sometimes angiography. Apical Herniation of the Lung

Herniation of the lung into the soft tissues of the neck is more common on the right than on the left. It is a rare anomaly and probably represents a congenital defect in the costovertebral fascia that permits the upward extension of pulmonary tissue. Unless the mass increases or becomes incarcerated, no treatment is necessary, but surgical repair can be done if there are complications. 96 Other Congenital Pulmonary Anomalies Other congenital pulmonary anomalies that are likely to be encountered in the pediatric patient include pulmonary agenesis, aplasia, and hypoplasia; bronchopulmonary sequestration; bronchogenic cyst; congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation of the lung; congenital pulmonary lymphangiectasia; and infantile lobar emphysema. These entities are discussed in Chapter 23. CHAPTER REFERENCES
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Chapter 23 Pulmonary and Airway Problems in the Pediatric Patient Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 23 Pulmonary and Airway Problems in the Pediatric Patient

Mary Ellen Peters

M. E. Peters: Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252.

The Chest in Infancy and Childhood Congenital Anomalies Agenesis and Hypoplasia Bronchopulmonary Sequestration Congenital Pulmonary Venolobar Syndrome Bronchogenic Cysts Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation Infantile Lobar Emphysema Pulmonary Lymphangiectasia Cystic Hygroma Vascular Ring Pulmonary Artery Sling Pulmonary Cystic Fibrosis (Mucoviscidosis) Chronic Granulomatous Disease of Childhood Problems in the Neonate Respiratory Distress Syndrome (Hyaline Membrane Disease) Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Transient Tachypnea Meconium Aspiration Pneumonia Pulmonary Infections Hydrocarbon Pneumonia Airway Obstruction Acute Laryngotracheitis (Croup) Membranous Tracheobronchitis Epiglottitis Subglottic Hemangioma Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis Foreign Bodies Primary Pulmonary Tumors Chapter References


In the infant, the anteroposterior (AP) diameter of the thorax is relatively greater than in the adult. With growth, the chest decreases in its AP diameter, and the vertical and transverse diameters gradually increase. Also, the diaphragm is higher, making the thoracic cavity relatively smaller. The ribs are almost horizontal in position and gradually angulate downward as the child grows. The sternum is incompletely ossified at birth and ossifies in a segmental manner. The ossification centers are of radiographic importance because they appear as small, rounded opacities that may overlie the lungs in oblique or semioblique projections. They should be recognized as ossification centers and not be mistaken for lesions within the pulmonary parenchyma. The lungs in the infant and child tend to be slightly more radiolucent than in the adult, because the pulmonary interstitium usually is not visible. The relative size of the visible vascular trunks, however, is comparable. The hilar shadows are relatively high and usually are situated at the level of the third thoracic vertebra. The tracheal bifurcation gradually descends and reaches the adult level (fifth thoracic vertebra) at about 10 years of age. Often the left hemidiaphragm is higher than the right in infants because the stomach is frequently distended with air. The thymus is a bilobed structure located in the anterior mediastinum that can cause considerable confusion in the interpretation of the chest radiograph of the infant and young child. It is not until the age of 2 to 3 years that the radiograph of the child has an adult-appearing mediastinum, and in some instances persistent visible thymus is seen on the chest radiograph of the older child. The thymus can simulate cardiomegaly, upper-lobe pneumonia, and atelectasis. Additionally, it can appear as a pathologic mass if it is aberrant in location. On the frontal view, one lobe of the thymus may extend laterally, producing the sail sign. This is more commonly seen on the right ( Fig. 23-1). Because the thymus is a soft structure, the ribs can cause indentations on it, as seen on the frontal projection. These undulations are known as the wave sign ( Fig. 23-2). The thymus may completely obscure the heart on the frontal view, giving the appearance of cardiomegaly. Sometimes a notch can be identified at the most caudal extent of the thymus and a small portion of the cardiac border can be defined ( Fig. 23-3A). The lateral view is helpful to determine whether cardiomegaly is present. If the heart is enlarged, it will be seen extending posteriorly ( Fig. 23-3B). One other sign that is useful is the spinnaker sign. It is seen in the presence of a pneumomediastinum and is caused by air dissecting the lobes of the thymus and displacing them laterally and superiorly off the other mediastinal structures ( Fig. 23-4).

FIG. 23-1. Sail sign of the right lobe of the thymus in a 20-month-old.

FIG. 23-2. Wave sign in a 1-month-old. Note the undulating appearance of the left lobe of the thymus.

FIG. 23-3. A: The thymus almost totally obscures the heart in a 5-month-old. A notch can be identified ( arrow) indicating the most caudal extent of the thymus. B: The heart does not extend posteriorly on the lateral view, indicating that it is of normal size. The anterior mediastinum is opacified by the thymus.

FIG. 23-4. Spinnaker sign in a 2-day-old. The thymus ( arrow) is displaced off the mediastinum as the result of a pneumomediastinum. A pneumothorax is present on the right.

Normal thymus may extend posteriorly, simulating a pathologic mass on the chest radiograph ( Fig. 23-5A).225 Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can clarify that the mass represents thymic tissue by demonstrating that it is continuous with the thymus in the anterior mediastinum ( Fig. 23-5B).206,225 On rare occasions the thymus appears as an isolated ectopic mass in the mediastinum. 225 The most common location for ectopic thymus is the neck, where it may be cystic, solid, or a combination of the two. 50

FIG. 23-5. A: The superior mediastinum is widened to the right in this 6-year-old boy, suggesting a pathologic mass. B: T2-weighted image demonstrates that the right mediastinal mass is continuous with the thymus in the anterior mediastinum; the fact that they are of the same signal intensity indicates that the right mediastinal mass represents aberrant, normal thymus.

With CT and MRI, a normal thymus has uniform homogeneity and enhances uniformly. 206 In the infant and child, the thymus has a quadrilateral configuration; the lateral margins are convex outward, straight, or concave on CT and MRI. It is slightly brighter than muscle on T1 and is brighter than fat and muscle on T2. 150 At about the time of puberty, the thymus begins to have a triangular shape. A normal thymus should not have a multilobular appearance. 73 In general, a normal thymus does not displace mediastinal structures. However, displacement may be caused by an aberrant thymus. 9,198 Premature infants usually have little or no radiographically identifiable thymus, and this is also true of full-term newborns who are subjected to intrauterine stress. The thymus can involute rapidly during illnesses or systemic stress and rebound in 4 to 8 weeks. Rebound phenomena can also be seen in children after chemotherapy has been discontinued, in hyperthyroidism, and during treatment for hypothyroidism. 188,253 A rare occurrence is thymic hyperplasia. It is a benign hypertrophy that occurs in immunologically normal children and is asymptomatic. 130,183 In the newborn, the thymus may enlarge secondary to hemorrhage caused by a bleeding diathesis or birth trauma. 150 This is commonlyaccompanied by pleural effusion. Other causes for patho-logic thymic enlargement are thymic cyst, hemangioma-lymphangioma, and cellular infiltration in leukemia orlymphoma. 67,150

Agenesis and Hypoplasia

Agenesis indicates complete absence of a lobe or lung, including the bronchus and blood supply. In aplasia, there is absence of lung tissue and blood supply, but a rudimentary bronchus is present. These anomalies are very rare; radiographically and clinically the two need not be differentiated. Agenesis of a lung is usually unilateral and is generally seen on the left. 251 It has a high incidence of associated anomalies that are seen more commonly with right-sided agenesis. The anomalies include tracheal stenosis; fused tracheal rings; cardiovascular anomalies, most frequently patent ductus arteriosus and ventricular septal defect; gastrointestinal anomalies, most frequently tracheoesophageal fistula and anal atresia; renal anomalies; vertebral anomalies, most frequently abnormal segmentation of T1-T3; rib anomalies; limb anomalies, most frequently abnormalities of the ipsilateral thumb; and central nervous system anomalies, most frequently anencephaly, microcephaly, and spina bifida. 122,168,195 Agenesis of the right lung carries a higher mortality because of a greater mediastinal shift and torsion of the great vessels and bronchi. 195 The chest radiograph in agenesis of a lung demonstrates opacification of the involved hemithorax, except for the lucency of the herniated normal lung, which is hyperinflated; ipsilateral shift of the mediastinal structures; and elevation of the ipsilateral diaphragm. The normal lung may appear plethoric because it receives the entire blood supply. If it is not certain whether the radiographic changes represent agenesis, hypoplasia, or atelectasis, CT or MRI may be used to define the anatomy of the bronchial tree and the pulmonary artery. Agenesis of a lobe is most commonly associated with congenital pulmonary venolobar syndrome, which is discussed later. Pulmonary hypoplasia can be categorized as being either primary or secondary. In both types, bronchial generations and alveoli are decreased to a varying degree, depending on the type of insult and the gestational age at which it occurs. In the secondary type, the hypoplasia may be symmetric, asymmetric, or unilateral. Factors that cause symmetric hypoplasia include oligohydramnios secondary to renal agenesis, obstructive uropathy, or leakage of amniotic fluid; fetal abdominal masses or ascites; polyhydramnios; high diaphragm secondary to phrenic nerve agenesis and membranous diaphragm; bilateral fetal hydrothorax; and skeletal dysplasias with small thoraces. 83,146,195,227 Asymmetric hypoplasia can be the result of an intrathoracic mass or diaphragmatic hernia. 104,125,146,227 The ipsilateral lung is more severely affected than the contralateral lung, which is hypoplastic because of a mediastinal shift to that side. Unilateral hypoplasia is seen with stenosis of the tracheobronchial tree and agenesis or hypoplasia of a pulmonary artery. 52,146 The radiographic picture in secondary hypoplasia is variable depending on the cause. In unilateral hypoplasia, there is generally very little alteration in the size of the affected hemithorax, because some normal lung tissue remains. Mediastinal shift, elevation of the diaphragm on the involved side, and compensatory overinflation on the opposite side all help to fill the hemithorax. Primary pulmonary hypoplasia is rare. It has been questioned whether the cause is decreased fetal respiratory activity. 226 Presentation is usually within the first 24 hours after birth with hypoxia and tachypnea. The chest radiograph demonstrates small, clear lungs with a high diaphragm. The diagnosis may not be apparent until a series of radiographs demonstrates consistently small lungs. If the hypoplasia is severe, either in the primary or the secondary form, pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum may be observed. 132,227 Usually they occur subsequent to ventilation because the lungs are stiff and difficult to ventilate; however, they may be seen without ventilation. These complications are seen less commonly in cases of skeletal dysplasias and usually do not occur in patients with congenital diaphragmatic hernias and intrathoracic masses until after surgical intervention. 227 Persistent fetal circulation is commonly seen in newborns with primary hypoplasia. 227 It is the result of hypoxia causing patency of the ductus arteriosus and acidosis causing vasoconstriction and pulmonary hyper-tension. This leads to reversal of shunt through the ductus. Fetal circulation may also be associated with secondary hypoplasia, particularly in those newborns who have congenital diaphragmatic hernia. 227 Bronchopulmonary Sequestration Bronchopulmonary sequestration is a congenital anomaly in which a portion of pulmonary tissue supplied by an arterial branch of the systemic circulation is sequestered from normal bronchial communication, either within a lobe (intralobar sequestration, or ILS) in 75% 186 or outside of the normal lung (extralobar sequestration, or ELS). It is one of a spectrum of congenital anomalies termed bronchopulmonary foregut malformations. These anomalies include a wide range of defects: agenesis and hypoplasia of the lung, bronchopulmonary sequestration, aberrant systemic arterial supply to the lung, congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation, bronchogenic cyst, bronchoesophageal and bronchogastric communications, bronchial mucosal rests in the esophageal wall, congenital diverticula of the gastrointestinal tract and bronchi, tracheoesophageal fistula, esophageal atresia, esophageal duplication cyst, and neuroenteric cyst. Bronchopulmonary sequestration is termed intralobar or extralobar depending on the relationship of the sequestered tissue to the lung. Both types probably have a common embryologic origin, although it has been questioned whether some ILS are acquired. 217,235 ILS is an anomaly in which a systemic artery, usually one arising from the lower thoracic or upper abdominal aorta, extends into pulmonary tissue that is not connected to the normal bronchial tree and is therefore termed sequestered. Occasionally the arterial supply is from celiac, splenic, subclavian, innominate, internal thoracic, intercostal, subclavian, inferior phrenic, renal, or pericardiophrenic arteries, or from the ascending aorta. 66,172 The arterial supply is multiple in 16% of patients. 66 The sequestration usually is drained by the pulmonary venous system, but the drainage may be by the systemic circulation via the intercostal, azygos, or hemiazygos veins, or via the inferior or superior vena cava. 66 In 98%, the ILS occurs in a lower lobe, generally on the left. 66 There is no gender difference in its occurrence. 177 If uninfected, the lesion usually produces no symptoms. In infants there may be sufficient arterial shunting through the sequestration to the pulmonary venous system to cause congestive heart failure, but this is rare. 126 The diagnosis is usually made after the age of 20 years when the ILS becomes infected. The radiographic findings depend on the presence or absence of infection. In the patients in whom there is no infection, it is usually an incidental finding and is seen as a round or oval mass measuring up to 10 cm or more in diameter. It can also appear as mucoid-impacted, dilated bronchi, or as cystic change. Rarely, it is an area of hyper-radiolucency. It is usually found in the posterior lung base. Occasionally, a poorly defined, finger-like projection extends toward the mediastinum from the medial aspect of the mass, representing the artery supplying the tissue. When infection is present, a fistula to the normal bronchial tree can occur, so that fluid levels are often visible in a single cyst or in several adjacent or multilocular cysts, the walls of which are usually thin. Even though there is evidence of bronchial communication manifested by the presence of air within the cysts, the communication is not ordinarily demonstrated. Normal bronchial branches are usually draped around the mass. Occasionally, calcification may be seen within an ILS. 43,111,236 The lesion must be differentiated from an abscess, acquired infected cysts, and chronic pulmonary inflammatory disease with cavitation. The asymptomatic type, with no apparent connection to the bronchi, must be differentiated from tumors and cysts of other origin. The location of these lesions is rather characteristic, however, and when a soft-tissue mass or cyst is noted in the lung base, ILS should be considered (Fig. 23-6A, B). The diagnosis is established when the anomalous artery is demonstrated. Because it is noninvasive and can easily be formatted in multiple planes, MRI is an ideal modality for identifying the artery 59 (Fig. 23-6C). Doppler ultrasound can be useful, particularly in infants, for identifying the vascular supply. CT can demonstrate the cystic portion of the sequestration that may not be identifiable on plain films. High-resolution CT has shown air trapping in the sequestered lung and in the surrounding normal-appearing parenchyma. 214 The mucoid-impacted bronchi that may be present within the sequestration can easily be identified with MRI because of high signal intensity on multiecho images. 151

FIG. 23-6. A and B: Intralobar sequestration in a 5-year-old with a history of recurrent pneumonia in the left lower lobe. A poorly defined mass at the left posteromedial base is indicated by arrows. C: Magnetic resonance angiography demonstrates a juxtaceliac artery ( arrow) supplying the sequestration. Venous drainage is via the left-lower-lobe pulmonary vein.

ELS results when the sequestered tissue is contained in its own pleural covering. It may be located between the lower lobe and the diaphragm, within the diaphragm,

in the mediastinum, in the pericardium, in a fissure, attached to the chest wall, or beneath the diaphragm. 8,66,120 The arterial supply is similar to that of ILS. It is usually drained by the vena cava or the azygos or hemiazygos venous system, and occasionally by the portal system (in contrast to ILS, which usually drains into the pulmonary venous system). The sequestration is on the left side in 65% to 90% of cases, and it occurs four times more frequently in males. 177,186 The diagnosis is commonly made in infancy, because ELS is often associated with other anomalies that include diaphragmatic hernia, eventration, and paralysis; bronchoesophageal communication; congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation; and foregut duplication or diverticula. It also can be associated with polyhydramnios, fetal hydrops, and high-output heart failure secondary to the left-to-right shunt caused by the ELS. 66,186 Radiographically, it can appear as a triangular opacity adjacent to the diaphragm, as a paravertebral or a mediastinal mass, or as a bump on the diaphragm ( Fig. 23-7). In addition, pericardial effusions and pleural effusions may be seen secondary to an underlying ELS. 134,237 The diagnosis is confirmed with demonstration of the arterial supply. CT usually demonstrates a homogeneous mass; however, cystic changes may be present.186 Additionally, pulmonary cysts or emphysema commonly is identified in the lung adjacent to the ELS on CT. 111

FIG. 23-7. Extralobar sequestration in a 2-month-old infant. A retrocardiac mass rests on the diaphragm posteriorly as visualized in the lateral view.

Congenital Pulmonary Venolobar Syndrome Congenital pulmonary venolobar syndrome (CPVS) consists of a group of associated anomalies. It is also known as hypogenetic lung syndrome, scimitar syndrome, mirror-image syndrome, epibronchial right pulmonary artery syndrome, and vena cava bronchovascular syndrome. 3,74,81 The two most consistent anomalies are partial anomalous venous return and hypogenetic lung. 251 Other commonly associated anomalies are bronchopulmonary sequestration, systemic arterialization of the lung, absent or small pulmonary artery, absent inferior vena cava, and accessory diaphragm. 3,165,251 Less frequently observed are eventration of the diaphragm, partial absence of the diaphragm, tracheal trifurcation, phrenic cyst, esophageal and gastric lung, horseshoe lung, and anomalous superior vena cava. 251 CPVS is almost always right-sided. Hypogenetic lung is the result of agenesis, aplasia, or hypoplasia of one or more lobes; the right upper and middle lobes are most commonly involved. 251 The frontal radiograph demonstrates the right cardiac border to be ill-defined and the mediastinum to be shifted to the right ( Fig. 23-8A). It has been shown by CT that the ill-defined cardiac border is caused by contact of the mediastinum with the lateral chest wall ( Fig. 23-8C).3 On the lateral view, a band of increased opacity is seen in the retrosternal area, which is caused by the mediastinum being outlined by the lung posterior to it ( Fig. 23-8B).3 An ipsilateral apical cap and increased opacity at the costophrenic angle may also be seen on the frontal view. These have been shown by CT to be related to subpleural fat. 143 If only two lobes are present on the right, the bronchus on the right may mirror the left and be hyparterial. 81 Stenosis, diverticula, and atretic bands of the trachea and bronchi may also occur. 81 A rare association is tracheal trifurcation, with two main stem bronchi on the right and one on the left. 251

FIG. 23-8. A: Congenital venolobar syndrome in a 16-month-old. The mediastinum is shifted to the right, and the right cardiac border is ill-defined. Increased opacity is seen at the right apex secondary to subpleural fat. An anomalous vein ( arrow) is evident. An atrial septal defect causes the vasculature to be increased, which is more pronounced on the left. B: Increased opacity is seen in the retrosternal area ( arrows). C: Computed tomogram demonstrates a shift of the mediastinum to the right. The mediastinum contacts the right lateral chest wall. D: Absence of the right-upper-lobe pulmonary artery is demonstrated on the arteriogram. E: The anomalous vein is shown to return to the right atrium on the venous phase.

The anomalous partial venous return may involve all or part of the lung. Usually the venous drainage is to the inferior vena cava below the diaphragm. However, it also may enter the portal vein, hepatic vein, azygos vein, supradiaphragmatic inferior vena cava, coronary sinus, right atrium, or, rarely, left atrium. 3,251 On the radiograph, the vein may take the form of a curved opacity, which has been likened to a scimitar or a Turkish sword. It may be seen coursing along the right cardiac border, or it may not be identifiable because it is hidden by the heart or is too small ( Fig. 23-8E). The anomalous vein can also be straight, or multiple veins may be seen.81 Commonly, the right pulmonary artery is hypoplastic ( Fig. 23-8D). However, in a significant number of cases it is of approximately normal size. Rarely is it absent. 74 If hypoplasia of the right lung is severe, the vasculature of the left lung is increased. The associated bronchopulmonary sequestration may be either intralobar or extralobar. Bronchial communication may exist between the sequestration and the esophagus or stomach, forming an esophageal or gastric lung. Even without the presence of pulmonary sequestration, arterialization of all or part of the lung may be present. 3,81,102,251 The arterial supply can be from the thoracic or abdominal aorta. An accessory diaphragm is a thin membrane, occurring in the right thorax, which originates anteriorly with the diaphragm and extends posterosuperiorly to the posterior chest wall. 251 All or part of the right middle and lower lobes may be trapped. If the trapped lung is aerated, the membrane may be identifiable. The trapped lung has a high incidence of infection. 3,251 Horseshoe lung consists of an isthmus of lung joining the lower lobes behind the heart. The isthmus is usually supplied by the right pulmonary arterial and bronchial systems. Horseshoe lung is associated with malformations of the heart, lungs, and abdominal viscera. 61,76 CPVS patients with an associated horseshoe lung have a high incidence of respiratory problems. 74,229 On the frontal chest radiograph, the isthmus may be seen as an area of radiolucency at the left medial base. A linear density may be observed, marking its most lateral extent. 74 On CT, the isthmus and its associated vessels can be seen extending between the heart and the esophagus.143

Twenty-five percent of patients with CPVS have associated congenital heart disease, with the most common being an atrial septal defect. 81,251 Anomalies of the genitourinary tract, skeleton, and eyes as well as omphalocele and mental retardation, may be seen in association with CPVS. 251 Arteriography, CT, and MRI can provide anatomic de-tail if the diagnosis is in question or if surgery is contem-plated. supply, bronchial pattern, sequestration, horseshoe lung, and cardio-vascular anomalies can be assessed. Bronchogenic Cysts Mediastinal bronchogenic cysts can be a source of respiratory distress in infancy. This is related to the small size of the airways and ease of compressibility of the trachea and bronchi at this age. The two most common locations for mediastinal bronchogenic cysts in infancy are paratracheal and carinal. 182 Although a paratracheal bronchogenic cyst can produce sufficient compromise of the tracheal lumen to cause respiratory symptoms, it is the bronchogenic cyst located in the carinal region that is most often symptomatic. 60 Unilateral or bilateral hyperinflation, areas of atelectasis, or collapse of an entire lung may be seen on the chest radiograph when a bronchogenic cyst is located in the carinal region ( Fig. 23-9A).1,34,91,141,163 Frequently, the cyst itself cannot be detected, only its effects. Presence of the bronchogenic cyst may be demonstrated on an esophagram; it can be confirmed on CT or MRI ( Fig. 23-9B).34

Anomalous venous drainage, arterial

FIG. 23-9. A: Bronchogenic cyst in a 3-month-old. Hyperinflation is present bilaterally, more pronounced on the left; the mediastinum is shifted to the right. Subsegmental atelectasis is present bilaterally. The bronchogenic cyst cannot be seen, only its effects. (Also, it could not be detected on the lateral view.) B: A large, hypoattenuated mass consistent with a fluid-filled cyst is demonstrated on computed tomography. The bronchogenic cyst compresses the main stem bronchi.

Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM) is a rare hamartomatous lesion in which there is adenomatoid proliferation of the terminal bronchioles and cyst formation. Usually the involvement is lobar or sublobar; multilobar and bilateral involvement is rare. 115,187 The blood supply is predominantly from the pulmonary circulation, but it can be systemic. Three types have been described. Type I, which is the most common, has one or more cysts measuringup to 10 cm in diameter that may be surrounded by smal-ler cysts. In type II, the cysts are more uniform and mea-sure 1 to 2 cm in diameter. Type III, which is the leastcommon, is a large, solid-appearing mass that has micro-scopic cysts, with rare incidence of cysts measuring up to1.5 cm. 42,187 All three types have a slightly higher incidencein boys.56,98,187,216 Most patients with CCAM present in the immediate neonatal period with respiratory distress. 107,138,187 A small percentage present in later infancy, childhood, or adulthood with recurrent infections or pneumothorax, and in some the CCAM is identified as an incidental finding. 78,98,107,171,244 The time of presentation depends largely on the size of the CCAM. Large lesions can cause hypoplasia of the ipsilateral and contralateral lung, resulting in fetal or neonatal death. 187 The cysts can enlarge postnatally, causing progressive symptoms. 187 Polyhydramnios, placental edema, fetal ascites, and hydrops are common associated findings, particularly in type III. 115,187 Gastrointestinal anomalies and renal agenesis and dysplasia may be seen and are usually associated with type II lesions. 115 After surgical resection of the type I CCAM, the prognosis is usually good. 56 However, type II lesions have a poor prognosis because of the associated anomalies. The prognosis in type III lesions is also poor because of their large size. 56 Radiographically, type I and type II CCAM appear as multiple cysts within a lobe. In some instances, a single large cyst may be the predominant feature in type I. 244 Usually the malformation causes mass effect, with a contralateral shift of the mediastinum and atelectasis or hypoplasia of the uninvolved contralateral lung as well as the uninvolved ipsilateral lobe or lobes. The involved lobe may herniate across the mediastinum. In the immediate newborn period, the malformation may appear radiopaque because of retained fetal lung fluid, which eventually drains via bronchial communication. 56 Air-fluid levels may be seen within the cysts secondary to fetal fluid or at a later time as the result of an infection. Pneumothorax may occur secondary to rupture of a cyst ( Fig. 23-10).78 Type III lesions appear as large solid masses with only a rare occurrence of a macrocyst.

FIG. 23-10. A: Type I congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM) in a 29-week premature infant with a history of hydrops fetalis (nonimmune). On day 1 of age, there is diffuse opacification of both lungs as a result of edema. B: At 3 days of age, the left upper lobe is hyperlucent. Edema persists in the remainder of the lungs but has improved. The heart is enlarged. C: At 15 days of age, cystic changes are present in the left upper lobe. There is compressive atelectasis of the left lower lobe, and the mediastinum is shifted to the right. A pneumothorax is present on the left. The heart is now of normal size, and the edema has resolved. D: Computed tomogram taken at 20 days of age demonstrates multiple cysts in the left upper lobe. Most of the cysts are air-filled, but there are also fluid-filled cysts. The mediastinum is shifted to the right; the right lung is atelectatic.

CT is helpful in defining the cystic nature of the mass and the extent of involvement of the lung, and in evaluating the contralateral lung for a second lesion. Ultrasonography is also useful for defining fluid-filled cysts. Additionally, a prenatal diagnosis may be made by ultrasonography, allowing for fetal drainage of the cysts or fetal surgery. 35,58,96,98,115 Infantile Lobar Emphysema Lobar emphysema in infants may not be apparent until weeks or months after birth, rarely, it may be an incidental finding in childhood or in adult life. Therefore, the terms infantile and neonatal are probably more accurate than congenital in referring to this condition. A common cause for lobar emphysema is an abnormality of the

bronchus, which causes air trapping. Other causes that have been described are deficiency of cartilage in the bronchial wall, causing it to be flaccid and to collapse on expiration; bronchial stenosis and atresia; bronchial torsion; cartilaginous septa; redundant mucosa; and mucous plugs. 18,28,48,75,99,215 Cardiovascular anomalies are commonly associated and may be the source of the lobar emphysema as the result of compression of a bronchus. These anomalies include congenital absence of the pulmonary valve, right or double aortic arch, aneurysm of a pulmonary vein, patent ductus arteriosus, pulmonary artery sling, anomalous pulmonary venous return, and ventricular septal defect. 23,192,215 Intrathoracic masses such as bronchogenic cyst, neuroblastoma, teratoma, ELS, and adenopathy can also cause compression of the bronchus leading to lobar emphysema. 48,75,99,215 It has been reported in tracheal bronchus and as a sequela of bronchopulmonary dysplasia. 46,121 The polyalveolar lobe, in which there are three to five times the normal number of alveoli, is another cause of lobar emphysema. 230 In approximately half of the cases, however, no cause is found.48,155 There is a male predominance, with a male-female ratio of 3:1. 48 The left upper and right middle lobes are most often involved. Rarely there is involvement of both lungs, the lower lobes, or more than one lobe. Sublobar emphysema has been described, but it is less common than lobar emphysema. 18 In half the cases the clinical presentation is in the first week of life and, of these, one third present at birth. The remainder present before the age of 6 months, with the exception of a very small percentage who present at a later age. 122 In some instances, emergency surgery is necessary to remove the overexpanded lobe, but a large number can be managed medically. Marked hyperlucency is seen on the chest radiograph in the region of the involved lobe. The volume of the lobe is increased and may result in herniation of the affected lobe across the anterior mediastinum, contralateral displacement of the mediastinum, depression of the ipsilateral diaphragm, or separation of ipsilateral ribs. The vascular markings in the affected lobe are widely separated and attenuated, adding to the radiolucency produced by air trapping. Usually the remaining lobe or lobes have some degree of compression atelectasis ( Fig. 23-11). In the newborn, the initial presentation may be that of an opaque lobe secondary to retained fetal fluid. 65 Linear opacities, which represent dilated lymphatics, may be seen as the fluid clears. 2,39,65,75 It has been suggested that many of the cases that present with opaque lobes are of the polyalveolar type. 39 The chest radiograph may be all that is needed for the diagnosis. However, CT may be of benefit in demonstrating the cause of the lobar emphysema, and a ventilation-perfusion scan may be helpful to determine the management of the patient by showing the physiologic function of the affected lobe and nonaffected lobes. 142,170

FIG. 23-11. Infantile lobar emphysema of the left upper lobe. The lobe is hyperinflated and has herniated across the midline. The mediastinum is shifted to the right as the result of the mass effect of the lobar emphysema. There is compressive atelectasis of the left lower lobe, as seen at the left base.

Pulmonary Lymphangiectasia Noonan and coworkers 156 classified cases of pulmonary lymphangiectasia into three groups. In the first group are those that are associated with generalized lymphectasia (lymphedema, soft-tissue and bone lymphangiomas, and intestinal lymphangiectasia). Pulmonary involvement in this group is mild, and the prognosis is usually good. The chest radiograph may demonstrate a reticular interstitial pattern and a coexistent pleural effusion. The second group are those that are caused by pulmonary venous obstruction. The two most commonly associated cardiovascular lesions are hypoplastic left heart syndrome and obstructed total anomalous venous return; other causes include cor triatriatum, mitral valve atresia, and pulmonary vein atresia. Because of high pulmonary venous pressure, lymphatic drainage is impaired, causing the lymphatics to become distended. Pulmonary vascular congestion, Kerley B lines, and a reticulonodular pattern as well as pleural effusions and hyperinflation can be seen on the radiograph. The third group is the result of a primary developmental abnormality. The prognosis is poor, and most patients do not survive beyond 24 hours of age. However, a few survive several months or years. 193 A reticulonodular pattern is seen on the radiograph, and commonly there is hyperinflation. Kerley B lines, pleural effusions, and pneumothoraces may be present. 33,108,135,193,223 Congenital pulmonary lymphangiectasia can have a lobar distribution and can appear as a mass. 135 Cystic Hygroma Most cystic hygromas (lymphangiomas) arise in the neck, commonly in the posterior triangle. Of these, 10% extend into the mediastinum. 254 Usually they involve the anterior mediastinum; however, they may have peripheral extension of lymphatic channels that spread deep into the mediastinum. 202 Rarely, they occur as an isolated mass in the mediastinum. Associated capillary and cavernous lymphangiomas and vascular malformations may be present within the lesion. 255 Occasionally, cystic hygromas may be seen in conjunction with generalized lymphangiomatosis. Ninety percent are discovered by the age of 2 years, and 50% are evident at birth. 68 Those that extend into the thorax may cause respiratory distress in infancy. The chest radiograph generally demonstrates a homogeneous mass in the upper thorax with sharp margins and no or little lobulation. An associated soft-tissue mass in the neck usually is easily identified ( Fig. 23-12). CT demonstrates a cystic mass which may insinuate between mediastinal structures and extend posteriorly ( Fig. 23-13). Enhancement with contrast medium indicates the presence of an associated hemangiomatous malformation. On MRI, most cystic hygromas are heterogeneous, with low signal intensity on T1-weighted images and a higher signal intensity than fat on T2-weighted images. 203 Venous aneurysms, which have been described as an associated finding, may be depicted on CT or MRI. 116

FIG. 23-12. Cystic hygroma. A large, soft-tissue mass is seen in the left neck which extends in to the left upper thorax and displaces the trachea to the right.

FIG. 23-13. Cystic hygroma. A large, fluid-filled, cystic mass is present in the anterior mediastinum as seen on computed tomography. It extends into the middle mediastinum and displaces the trachea and esophagus to the right. It does not enhance with contrast.

Vascular Ring Vascular rings that encircle the trachea and esophagus can cause respiratory symptoms including stridor, wheezing, tachypnea, apnea, cyanosis, and recurrent pneumonia. Dysphagia is uncommon. These symptoms may develop in the newborn period. The most common symptomatic ring is the double aortic arch. The right arch, which is posterior, is usually the larger and projects cephalad. The anterior left arch can be atretic. The aorta usually descends on the left. If the aorta descends on the right, the left arch projects more cephalad. 218 The second most common symptomatic ring is a right arch with an aberrant left subclavian artery; the left ductus arteriosus or ligamentum arteriosum completes the ring. The aorta usually descends on the right. Other rings that can be symptomatic are a right aortic arch with mirror-image branching and left ductus or ligamentum and a left aortic arch with right descending aorta and right ductus or ligamentum. On the frontal chest radiograph of the double aortic arch, both arches may be identifiable. If only the right arch is seen, the radiographic picture is indistinguishable from that of a right arch with an aberrant left subclavian artery ( Fig. 23-14A). The trachea may appear narrowed, and air trapping may be seen unilaterally or bilaterally secondary to bronchial or tracheal compression in all types of vascular rings ( Fig. 23-15A).178,218 Anterior compression of the trachea may be evident on the lateral view. To confirm the diagnosis of a vascular ring, an esophagram should be performed. The double aortic arch produces indentations on either side of the esophagus, with the right usually being higher and larger than the left. This is the reversed-S configuration ( Fig. 23-14B). The right arch with the aberrant left subclavian artery also produces a reversed-S configuration, with the right indentation caused by the arch and the left indentation by the ductus or ligamentum. Slightly higher, an oblique impression may be seen secondary to the aberrant left subclavian artery. Posterior indentation of the esophagus is seen in both types of rings. The indentation is caused by the right posterior arch in the double aortic arch ( Fig. 23-14C). In the right arch with an aberrant left subclavian artery, the cause is the aortic diverticulum from which the subclavian artery arises. Findings of associated tracheomalacia may be evident at fluoroscopy. 106

FIG. 23-14. A: Double aortic arch in a 3-year-old who presented with expiratory wheezing. In this instance, only the right arch, which causes a shift of the trachea to the left, is identifiable. B: The frontal view of the esophagram shows the reversed-S configuration caused by impression by the right and left arches. Note that the impression on the right is greater than on the left. C: The posterior indentation caused by the right, posterior arch is evident on the lateral view of the esophagram.

FIG. 23-15. A: Double aortic arch in a 16-day-old with respiratory distress. The mediastinum is shifted to the left because of the hyperinflated right lung. B: On an axial magnetic resonance image, the right and left limbs ( arrows) of the ring are shown to be of almost equal size. The trachea is small. C: The right arch (small arrow) extends posteriorly. Note that the aorta descends on the left ( large arrow).

Some surgeons operate on the basis of the esophagram. However, others wish to have better anatomic detail, because it is often impossible to distinguish the type of vascular ring on the esophagram. Echocardiography has proved to be an accurate diagnostic tool for some clinicians, but not in the hands of others. 136,238 Angiography, CT, or MRI may be used to depict the anatomy of vascular rings. MRI has the advantage of imaging the ring in multiple planes and is better for detecting associated cardiovascular anomalies ( Fig. 23-15B, C). In axial imaging, the four-artery sign cephalad to the arch is seen in the two most common types of vascular rings. 137 The sign consists of the two ventral carotid arteries and the two dorsal subclavian arteries, which arise directly from the aorta. Usually the two most common types of vascular rings can be distinguished by determining the origin of the left common carotid artery. It arises from the left arch in the double aortic arch and from the right arch in right arch with aberrant left subclavian artery. 205 CT, MRI, and angiography cannot visualize ligamentous structures and therefore cannot differentiate a double aortic arch with an atretic left segment between the left common carotid and subclavian arteries from a right arch with an aberrant left subclavian artery. 205 An aberrant right subclavian artery, originating from a left arch, should not be confused with a vascular ring. It only produces a posterior, oblique impression, extending from left to right, on the esophagram. Inasmuch as it does not form a ring, there are no associated respiratory symptoms. Pulmonary Artery Sling Pulmonary artery sling is formed by an anomalous origin of the left pulmonary artery (LPA) from the right pulmonary artery. The LPA courses over the right bronchus

or trachea and extends between the trachea and esophagus at the level of the carina or slightly above it. 31 Rarely, it crosses in a subcarinal position. 57 Fifty percent of patients with the pulmonary artery sling present at birth with signs of respiratory distress; the remainder usually present by 7 months. 57 The symptoms are in part related to compression of the airway by the anomalous LPA, and they may be aggravated if a ring is formed by a left ductus arteriosus or a ligamentum arteriosum. 77 However, most of the respiratory problems are related to stenosis of the trachea secondary to complete cartilaginous rings that may also involve the main stem bronchi.12,57,94 The tracheobronchial tree can assume two different configurations. 57 In type I, it is either of normal configuration or has an accessory right tracheal bronchus. In type II, a bridging bronchus, which arises from the left main stem bronchus, extends to the right lung. Type II may also be associated with a right tracheal bronchus.12,57 The pseudocarina that is present with the bridging bronchus is at a lower level and assumes the configuration of an inverted T. Stenosis of the airway is more commonly associated with the bridging bronchus configuration, but it may be seen with a normal tracheobronchial configuration. 57 Another potential source of respiratory distress in these infants is tracheomalacia and bronchomalacia. 106 The chest radiograph may demonstrate air trapping or atelectasis involving either or both lungs. 31,245 Opacification of the right lung, secondary to retention of fetal fluid, has been observed in the newborn period. 57,245 The left hilum may appear inferiorly displaced as the result of the aberrant position of the LPA. 31 Because of the anomalous formation of the tracheobronchial tree with the bridging bronchus that may be present in some patients, the carina may appear low and an inverted T sign is seen as the result of the horizontal course of the bronchi. 57 It may be possible to recognize the tracheal narrowing ( Fig. 23-16A). On the lateral view, an opacity between the trachea and esophagus may be seen secondary to the anomalous position of the LPA, and there may be posterior compression of the trachea ( Fig. 23-16B). Also, the right main stem bronchus may appear to be bowed anteriorly. 31

FIG. 23-16. A: Pulmonary artery sling in a 6-week-old with respiratory distress. The carina appears low because of the presence of a bridging bronchus. The distal trachea is narrow. B: The lateral esophagram proves the presence of the pulmonary artery sling. There is mass effect on the posterior wall of the trachea and the anterior aspect of the esophagus caused by the left pulmonary artery ( arrow) extending between them.

The esophagram is often helpful in confirming the diagnosis, because the LPA produces anterior compression on the esophagus (see Fig. 23-16B). This finding may not be evident, however, if there is secondary rotation of the mediastinum as the result of a hyperinflated or an atelectatic lung. 57 Echo color Doppler may be able to define the pulmonary sling if a technically satisfactory study can be obtained.CT or MRI can provide anatomic detail of the pulmonarysling and define tracheobronchial abnormalities ( Fig. 23-17).118,176

FIG. 23-17. Axial magnetic resonance image demonstrates the left pulmonary artery ( arrow) arising from the right pulmonary artery and extending between the trachea and the esophagus. The trachea is small.

Pulmonary Cystic Fibrosis (Mucoviscidosis) The term mucoviscidosis is used to describe the generalized process of which fibrocystic disease of the pancreas is the most commonly recognized finding. It is a congenital disease, transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait, in which there is an abnormality involving the salivary, sweat, and mucous glands. Thick, tenacious mucus tends to obstruct the smaller airways, and also there is an abnormality of the mucociliary transport system. Pulmonary manifestations vary in degree but are almost invariably present if the child lives long enough to develop them. The earliest roentgenographic change in cystic fibrosis (CF) is hyperinflation, which is generally diffuse and symmetrical and is the result of air trapping caused by mucus obstruction of the small bronchioles. The degree of obstruction tends to increase to a different extent in various segments; small areas of opacity resulting from focal atelectasis are visible as the disease progresses. Findings of pneumonia are superimposed, because repeated pulmonary infections occur in these patients. The infection is usually widespread and is peribronchial in distribution, which leads to a rather irregular, stringy accentuation of markings extending outward from the hila. This is often associated with areas of poorly defined, hazy opacity caused by focal areas of pneumonitis. Rarely, lung abscesses develop. The bronchial walls are thickened; this is manifested by the presence of parallel lines, which represent bronchial walls seen in profile, or thick circles, when the thickened bronchial walls are viewed in cross-section. Repeated infection leads to a considerable amount of fibrosis and often to bronchiectasis ( Fig. 23-18 and Fig. 23-19). High-resolution CT is useful for identifying early bronchiectatic changes when the diagnosis is in question in the mildly affected adult. 200 When bronchiectasis is severe, cyst-like structures are visible, usually in the central and upper portions of the lungs. Fungus balls may be identifiable within these structures; they usually are more clearly demonstrated on CT.140 Segmental or lobar collapse may occur. Nodular and tubular opacities, caused by bronchial impaction, are frequently evident. The hila may be enlarged as the result of lymphadenopathy or enlarged pulmonary arteries resulting from pulmonary arterial hypertension. In adolescents and adults, pneumothorax secondary to rupture of a subpleural cyst may be seen. 232 The AP diameter of the trachea in the older patient may be increased; this is thought to be related to repeated bouts of infection. 86

FIG. 23-18. Cystic fibrosis of the pancreas with chronic pulmonary disease. There is extensive involvement throughout both lungs. Rounded and oval radiolucencies indicate thick-walled bronchi, some of which are dilated, indicating bronchiectasis. There also is evidence of some overinflation, bilateral hilar adenopathy, and patchy alveolar disease.

FIG. 23-19. Cystic fibrosis in the adult. A: A 28-year-old woman with cystic fibrosis who is not acutely ill. Note upper lobe predominance, particularly on the right, but disease is rather general. B: Nine months later, much of the acute disease has cleared, but thick-walled, dilated bronchi are more clearly defined; upper and central predominance is again noted.

Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) develops in 5% to 11% of CF patients. 133,147,153,196 The radiographic diagnosis of ABPA is difficult in the CF patient because of similarities of the radiographic changes in the two diseases. Peribronchial inflammatory changes, hyperinflation, bronchial impaction, upper-lobe predominance, atelectasis, and tendency for disease to recur in the same area are seen in both CF and ABPA patients. Additionally, central bronchiectasis is common to both, although CF also produces distal bronchiectasis. The radiographic clues to the diagnosis of ABPA in the CF patient are failure of radiographic resolution after the usual therapeutic regimen, presence of peripheral alveolar opacities, and improvement with a trial of steroids. Also, large mass opacities, which are the result of bronchial impaction with a surrounding pneumonitis, seem to be seen only in CF patients who have ABPA. Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy may develop in older children and adults. 152 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a major cause of disability in adults with CF. Infections with Staphylococcus aureus or Pseudomonas aeruginosa and cor pulmonale are common causes of death. Chronic Granulomatous Disease of Childhood Chronic granulomatous disease of childhood (CGD) is an inherited immunodeficiency that is usually X-linked but may be autosomal recessive. It is the result of the inability of the phagocyte to kill ingested microorganisms secondary to a lack of production of antimicrobial oxidants. 84,179,207 Because of this, catalase-positive microorganisms cause the most serious infections. 179 S. aureus is the most commonly involved organism. Other bacteria include Klebsiella, Escherichia coli, Serratia marcescens, Salmonella, Proteus, and Pseudomonas cepacia. Of the fungal agents, Aspergillus is most frequently involved, but infections may also be caused by Candida albicans and Torulopsis glabrata211 In a significant percentage of patients, however, no organism can be cultured. Presentation is usually by 2 years of age but may occur in the newborn period. Hepatosplenomegaly, suppurative lymphadenitis, pyoderma, pulmonary infections, anemia, and hypergammaglobulinemia are common clinical findings. Calcification may develop in the liver, spleen, and lymph nodes. Osteomyelitis is a common occurrence. It may be seen in the long bones, but it is more frequently present in the small bones of the hands and feet. 248 Gastrointestinal involvement is less commonly seen; it can manifest as diarrhea, perianal abscesses, esophageal stenosis or dysmotility, gastric outlet obstruction, or appendicitis. 103,207 Genitourinary tract involvement can also occur. More than half of the deaths of patients with CGD are related to pulmonary complications. 179 Recurrent infections that resolve slowly or incompletely or progress on antibiotic therapy may be observed. In some patients, the pneumonia may become round and clearly defined as it resolves. These encapsulated pneumonias may be single or multiple. 248 Abscesses are common in patients with CGD, and calcification may develop in the areas of infection. 26 Hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy and pleural effusions or empyema are frequently seen. Aspergillus can cause a diffuse reticulonodular pattern throughout the lungs, and it may also invade the chest wall, causing osteomyelitis of a rib or vertebral body. 36,179,212 Treatment includes the use of prophylactic antibiotics, chronic use of g-interferon, and bone marrow transplantation in selected cases ( Fig. 23-20).84,180

FIG. 23-20. A: Chronic granulomatous disease of childhood in a 7-year-old boy with a history of left anterior chest wall mass. Extensive opacification in the left upper lobe is seen. B: Computed tomogram demonstrates increased attenuation in the left upper lobe with contiguous involvement of the anterior chest wall. Acute and chronic granulomatous changes were found in the surgical specimen. No organism was cultured.


Respiratory Distress Syndrome (Hyaline Membrane Disease)

Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is seen primarily in infants of less than 36 to 38 weeks gestational age whoweigh less than 2,500 g; it predominately occurs in infantsof less than 32 weeks gestational age weighing less than1,200 g. 40,250 Factors other than prematurity in the development of RDS are maternal diabetes (high insulin levels); cesarean section without preceding labor; fetal asphyxia; and second of twins. 32,250 Males are more frequently affected than females, and white infants more commonly than black infants. RDS is the result of anatomic pulmonary immaturity and a deficiency of surfactant. 250 The pulmonary interstitium of the immature lung is thick; it begins to thin between 26 and 32 weeks of gestation. At this time, there is progressive development of the bronchi, bronchioles, and terminal sacs. 250 During this same period, type II pneumocytes begin to develop. It is the type II pneumocyte that is responsible for production of surfactant, which lowers surface tension and facilitates the expansion and stability of alveoli. 250 In the absence of surfactant, the alveoli are atelectatic and the lungs are difficult to inflate. Hyaline membranes form early and line the bronchioles and alveolar ducts. They are not specific to RDS. The clinical presentation of grunting respirations, tachypnea, and cyanosis is usually present in the first few hours and almost always before 8 hours of age. The radiographic findings of RDS depend on its severity and the timing of the administration of surfactant. Early on, despite therapeutic treatment with surfactant, the lungs are hypoaerated and have a reticulogranular pattern secondary to interstitial fluid and atelectatic alveoli. With progression of the alveolar opacities, a peripheral air bronchogramis seen. The findings are commonly more pronouncedin the bases. The administration of surfactant usually pro-duces some degree of clearing that may be symmetrical orasymmetrical; the asymmetry usually disappears in 2 to 5days. 17,40,55 At times, the clearing is irregular, giving a cystic appearance. 17,40 The lungs of larger infants may clear within hours after surfactant therapy. 228 Relapse may occur after an initial improvement; further treatment with surfactant in these infants is less effective. 17,55 In some infants, there is no clearing, and in others, pulmonary interstitial emphysema (PIE) develops. 17,55 With positive pressure, the lungs appear less opaque and radiographically improved. However, the clinical findings do not parallel the radiographic findings. The positive pressure that is required to aerate the lungs can cause disruption of the epithelium, producing interstitial and alveolar edema. It can also cause dissection of air into the interlobular septae and their lymphatics, producing PIE, 250 which has the appearance of tortuous, linear lucencies measuring 3 to 8 mm in length and small cysts measuring 1 to 4 mm.27 The interstitial emphysema can be symmetrical, asymmetrical, or localized to one portion of a lung. Secondary to the PIE, pneumothoraces, pneumomediastinum, pulmonary pseudocysts, pneumopericardium, and gas embolism may be observed. Increased pulmonary resistance develops because of a noncompliant lung, hypoxia, and acidosis. With improvement in the pulmonary status and a decrease in the pulmonary resistance, left-to-right shunting through a patent ductus arteriosus with congestive heart failure can develop. Enlargement of the heart and increased opacity secondary to edema are evident on the radiograph. Other causes for a sudden increase in opacification of the lungs are pulmonary hemorrhage, neurogenic edema secondary to an intracranial bleed, and a decrease in ventilatory settings. 40 With greater medical sophistication, premature infants of very low birth weight and gestational age are being saved. The radiographic presentation in this group in the first few hours to 2 days may be normal or near normal. 40 This then may be followed by coarse opacities. 40 Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Infants with RDS may develop bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), a chronic pulmonary syndrome. BPD is defined as positive-pressure ventilation for a minimum of 3 days during the first 2 weeks of the newborn period, persistent clinical findings of pulmonary insufficiency after 28 days of age, need for supplemental oxygen, and an abnormal chest radiograph consistent with BPD. 158 Not only infants with RDS develop BPD. The four major causative factors are prematurity, respiratory distress or failure, supplemental oxygen, and positive-pressure ventilation. 158 The original description of the development of BPD by Northway 157 included four radiographic stages. Stage I is a granular pattern present at 2 to 3 days of age; it is indistinguishable from the initial findings seen in RDS. Stage II is almost total opacification of the lungs at days 4 to 10. Stage III is the development of small, hyperlucent, cystic areas and hyperinflation at days 10 to 20. In stage IV, larger cystic areas are seen alternating with linear opacities, giving a bubbly appearance after 1 month of age. The progression through these four stages is uncommonly seen now because of better methods of ventilation, use of lower levels of oxygen, and surfactant therapy. Two patterns of chronic disease are presently observed. In the first group are those infants who develop diffusehazy opacities at 7 to 14 days, which clear within 2 to 3weeks.40,228 The opacities have been theorized to be causedby edema as a result of leaky capillaries. 228 In the second group, the hazy opacities do not clear, and a bubbly appearance of the lungs associated with generalized hyperinflation develops at days 21 to 28 ( Fig. 23-21).228 It has been suggested that the term BPD be used for the second group. 228 Those infants with RDS who are at a greater risk for developing BPD are those who have PIE, are of a lower gestational age and birth weight, and are infected with Ureaplasma urealyticum.49,110,228

FIG. 23-21. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia. The lungs are generally hyperinflated. Alternating areas of hyperlucency and increased opacity are present, giving a bubbly appearance.

Radiographic changes of BPD can persist into childhood. The most common findings are focal hyperlucencies, linear opacities, and some degree of hyperexpansion.88,166 The AP diameter of the chest tends to be decreased. 63,88 CT studies have demonstrated multifocal areas of hyperaeration, linear opacities, and pleural thickening. 166 Transient Tachypnea Transient tachypnea of the newborn (wet-lung disease, neonatal retained fluid syndrome, transient respiratorydistress syndrome) is the result of delayed clearance offetal lung fluid. There is an increased incidence in cases ofprematurity, maternal diabetes, cesarean section, breechdelivery, prolonged labor, hypoproteinemia, and hypervo-lemia.67,184,242 The clinical presentation of tachypnea and grunting is usually evident by 4 hours of age. Mild cyanosis may be present. However, radiographic changes may be seen without respiratory symptoms. Radiographically, the lungs are mildly to moderately hyperinflated. The vessels are enlarged; findings of interstitial edema are present that are manifested primarily as perihilar congestion, but Kerley B and A lines and widening of the fissures secondary to subpleural edema may be evident (Fig. 23-22). Occasionally, pleural effusions are seen that can contribute to widening of the fissures. Radiographs performed early may demonstrate alveolar edema. At times the findings are more pronounced on the right, and in some instances the heart is mildly enlarged. Resolution usually occurs within 24 to 48 hours, but findings may persist up to 72 hours. 80,128,184,224 The radiographic differential diagnosis includes neonatal pneumonia, congestive heart failure, obstructed venous return, and lymphangiectasia.

FIG. 23-22. Transient tachypnea. The vessels are mildly enlarged, and there are central interstitial opacities caused by edema. The widening of the left superior mediastinum is secondary to a duplication cyst in the middle mediastinum that was not symptomatic.

Meconium Aspiration Meconium aspiration is the result of fetal distress with passage of meconium into the amniotic fluid. The aspiration occurs in utero or with the first breath. It is seen in the full-term or post-term neonate. One of the most consistent radiographic findings is hyperinflation, which is caused by air trapping that develops from partial occlusion of the airways. 105 Other findings are nodular opacities representing atelectasis or consolidation, segmental or lobar atelectasis, and pleural effusion ( Fig. 23-23). Pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, and pulmonary interstitial emphysema, which are consequences of air block, may be evident. 175,252 The pulmonary interstitial emphysema may lead to the development of pneumatoceles. 71,204 Initially the radiographic picture is the result of the aspiration, but subsequently a chemical pneumonitis develops. 37,234 Clearing may begin within 24 hours; however, it may take days or weeks for complete resolution. Persistent fetal circulation and bronchopulmonary dysplasia can develop as a sequela of the aspiration. 32,72,148,218 Similar radiographic changes have been described in congenital ichthyosis secondary to aspiration of amniotic fluid containing desquamated fetal skin and also in the aspiration of vernix caseosa. 161,173 Less severe changes are seen with aspiration of noncontaminated amniotic fluid, and these usually clear within 24 to 48 hours. 175,223

FIG. 23-23. Meconium aspiration. The lungs are mildly hyperinflated. Diffuse nodular opacities are present bilaterally.

Pulmonary Infections Differences in response to pulmonary infection in infants and young children as compared with older children and adults are probably based on anatomic and immunologic factors.87 The peripheral airways in infants and youngchildren are relatively smaller than in the older childand adult and can easily be occluded by debris, mucus, oredema.87,169 The airways are also more collapsible. 87 The pores of Kohn are poorly developed, preventing collateral air drift, and therefore atelectasis and air trapping are more prone to occur. 87,169 Additionally, the number of mucous glands within the airways is relatively increased. 87,169 Most lower respiratory infections in infants and children are the result of viral or mycoplasma infections. In the age group from birth to 2 years, these pathogens can cause a picture of bronchiolitis. 67,169 The most common cause of bronchiolitis is the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), but other pathogens, including parainfluenzae types 1 and 3, adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, and Mycoplasma pneumoniae, may be involved. 169 Commonly, bronchiolitis is preceded by an upper respiratory illness before cough and respiratory difficulty develop. The pathologic changes caused by the viral infection produce edema of the airways, necrosis and lysis of epithelial cells, loss of cilia, and increased mucus production. 167 The most common radiographic finding is hyperinflation, which is most pronounced in younger infants and those with RSV.167 The hyperinflation is manifested by flattening of the diaphragm in both views, bulging of the lung between the intercostal spaces, and anterior bowing of the sternum. Atelectasis is also a frequent finding, and often it is observed to shift on sequential studies. It can be lobar or subsegmental, which is often seen as streaky opacities extending out from the hila. Peribronchial and interstitial opacities, which are most pronounced centrally, are also commonly present. The thymus often appears small as the result of hyperinflation and a decrease in its size secondary to stress ( Fig. 23-24). The usual clinical course is one of resolution in 5 to 7 days. However, in more seriously affected patients, clearing may not occur for 2 weeks or longer. In some patients, reactive airway disease persists for up to 10 years. 169 Adenoviruses, particularly types 3, 7, and 21, can cause obliterative b ronchiolitis that can result in the Swyer-James syndrome. 82,169,174

FIG. 23-24. Meconium aspiration. The lungs are mildly hyperinflated. Diffuse nodular opacities are present bilaterally.

In the first 3 months, RSV and Chlamydia trachomatis are the two most common pathogens in acute respiratory infections. 15 C. trachomatis, an obligate intracellular parasite, is acquired from infected mothers during passage through the birth canal. 249 The pneumonia usually manifests at age 3 to 12 weeks after a history of conjunctivitis and upper respiratory tract infection. 190 It is reported to account for 30% of all infants hospitalized for pneumonia up to the age of 6 months. 249 Clinically, the infant is afebrile and has a staccato cough. The radiographic findings include hyperinflation, diffuse bilateral interstitial opacities that are usually symmetrical, and atelectasis that may present as coalescent opacities. 181 The radiographic findings are nonspecific, and the diagnosis is confirmed by a clinical history of elevated

immunoglobulins, eosinophilia, age at onset, lack of fever, and conjunctivitis.


Most postnatal acquired infections are bacterial or fungal, in contrast to prenatal infections, which are usually viral. 250 The most common postnatal pathogen is group B streptococcus.190 Important perinatal infections include group B streptococcus, cytomegalovirus, and herpesvirus. 250 These three pathogens can produce changes similar to those seen in RDS; however, in infection the opacities are usually more coarse, the lung expansion is greater, and commonly pleural effusion is present. 250 The radiographic findings of the pneumonias in the newborn period are usually nonspecific. Mycoplasma pneumonia occurs frequently in the age group 5 to 14 years. 92 Although less frequently seen in the age group 3 to 6 years, it still is a significant cause of pneumonia. It is also a frequent cause of acute chest syndrome in children with sickle cell disease. 92 Staphylococcal pneumonia progresses rapidly in infants and children with early development of pleural effusion, empyema, and bronchopleural fistula with pyopneumothorax. Pneumatoceles are very common and usually occur as the pneumonia clears. The radiographic findings in pertussis are nonspecific and consist of hyperinflation, peribronchial opacities, lymph-adenopathy, and atelectasis that often has a shifting pat-tern. 11,223 The shaggy heart sign, resulting from centralsubsegmental atelectasis, has been applied to the radiogra-phic findings of pertussis; however, it is not specific forpertussis. 10,223 Round or spherical pneumonias were first described in adults but are more frequently seen in children. Because the usual agent is Streptococcus pneumoniae, they are commonly located in a posterior segment of a lower lobe ( Fig. 23-25). Often an air bronchogram cannot be identified within them, and they can simulate a parenchymal or mediastinal mass.189

FIG. 23-25. Round pneumonia. The large, round, mass-like opacity that is evident in the right lower lobe resolved with antibiotics.

Hydrocarbon Pneumonia Accidental hydrocarbon ingestion is common, especially in children. A number of products have been implicated, including furniture polish, lighter fluid, cleaning fluid, turpentine, kerosene, insecticides, and some synthetics. It is the general consensus that pneumonitis occurs as the result of aspiration and that absorption from the gastrointestinal tract has minimal or no effect. 4,62,95,222 The petroleum distillates cause an acute chemical alveolitis with exudation of leukocytes, fluid, and fibrin and a more chronic proliferative interstitial infiltration. The pathologic findings in patients who have died were those of severe hemorrhagic pulmonary edema, bronchiolar necrosis, and alveolar exudation. 62 The clinical and radiographic findings correlated poorly. There is considerable variation in the radiographic findings, depending on the severity of the injury. Usually diffuse opacities, either homogeneous or somewhat flocculent and confined to the bases, are present. The changes tend to be more pronounced medially ( Fig. 23-26). In severe cases, diffuse opacities extend into the upper lungs. When the involvement is less marked, mottled acinar opacities are noted in one or both lungs. Less frequently, the alveolar changes are confined to the perihilar areas. 22,112 Radiographic findings may be apparent as early as 30 minutes after ingestion, and most are evident by 12 hours. 112 Clearing of the radiographic changes usually lags behind clinical improvement, and it may take weeks or months for complete resolution. Pneumatoceles can develop, with the average time of appearance being 15 to 21 days after the ingestion of the hydrocarbon. 90,95 Rarely, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, and pneumomediastinum are seen. 6,112

FIG. 23-26. Hydrocarbon pneumonitis (gasoline). The parenchymal opacities, which are more pronounced on the right, are confined to the bases of the lungs.

Airway obstruction is a significant cause of respiratory distress in children. The most common sources are croup, epiglottitis, and foreign body aspiration. A child who presents in respiratory distress with hypoaerated lungs on a chest radiograph should be suspected of having upper-airway obstruction. 29 In severe upper-airway obstruction, pulmonary edema may develop before or after relief of the obstruction. 79,117,185,233 Acute Laryngotracheitis (Croup) Croup is usually caused by a virus and commonly occurs in children 6 months to 3 years of age. Most often the diagnosis is clinically evident and radiographs are not warranted. The lateral radiograph demonstrates thickening and fuzziness of the vocal cords and narrowing of the subglottic trachea with overdistention of the hypopharynx on inspiration. The epiglottis and aryepiglottic folds are normal ( Fig. 23-27). The narrowing of the subglottic trachea is the result of edema and paradoxical collapse secondary to an obstructed larynx. 221 On expiration, there tends to be ballooning of the cervical trachea. 51 The appearance of the hypopharynx is variable on expiration. 51 In some patients, no subglottic narrowing is detected on the lateral view. The only abnormalities evident are the fuzzy appearance of the thickened cords and poor definition of the larynx and subglottic trachea. The AP view is more sensitive for detecting the subglottic narrowing. This is because the narrowing is primarily located laterally and superiorly. 51 On the AP view, the glottic and subglottic areas have a funnel-shaped narrowing of the lumen extending for 1 to 1.5 cm, giving a steeple appearance ( Fig. 23-28).51

FIG. 23-27. A: Normal lateral soft-tissue view of the neck. The epiglottis (E), pyriform sinuses (P), valleculae (Va), aryepiglottic fold (AF), glottic ventricle (V), and subglottic trachea (ST) are clearly identifiable. B: Acute laryngotracheitis. Lateral view. The hypopharynx is overdistended. The subglottic region is obliterated, and the visualized trachea is narrowed.

FIG. 23-28. Acute laryngotracheitis. Anteroposterior view. The glottis and subglottis have a funnel shape or steeple appearance.

Membranous Tracheobronchitis Membranous tracheobronchitis (pseudomembranous croup, membranous croup, bacterial tracheitis) is a severe form of acute laryngotracheobronchitis probably caused by superimposed bacterial infection on viral disease or by bacterial infection alone. Hemolytic S. aureus is the usual cause. 93 The disease is more severe than viral croup and tends to affect a slightly older age group. 54,93,100 The submucosa is edematous, and an exudate is produced. Adherent and semiadherent membranes are formed, which may necessitate endoscopic removal because of airway obstruction. 93 Radiographically, there is narrowing in the subglottic region and the upper tracheal mucosa may appear thick and irregular. Detached or partially detached membranes may project into the tracheal airway, sometimes resembling foreign bodies, for which they may be mistaken (Fig. 23-29).93,100 The membranes may change in position on subsequent studies. 93 Frequently, the only finding is subglottic narrowing, making it impossible to radiographically distinguish membranous croup from viral croup. 93,197 Chest radiographs often demonstrate associated pneumonia or atelectasis secondary to bronchial obstruction by the mucopurulent material. 197

FIG. 23-29. Membranous croup. The subglottic region is ill-defined. The anterior wall of the trachea is irregular, and a partially detached membrane ( arrow) is seen.

Epiglottitis The child with epiglottitis presents acutely with inspiratory stridor; drooling and dysphagia may be accompanying findings. It is most commonly seen in the age group 3 to 6 years. The usual agent is Haemophilus influenzae type B, but it can be caused by group A streptococcus or a virus. 85 The lateral radiograph demonstrates an enlarged epiglottis and aryepiglottic folds ( Fig. 23-30). The laryngeal ventricle and valleculae may be obliterated. Typically, the posterior wall of the epiglottis cannot be defined, but in mild cases it may be distinct. The thickness of the aryepiglottic folds should be evaluated in the upper half, because they are normally thickened at the base in the area of the arytenoid cartilages. 113 In 25% of the cases, the frontal view demonstrates subglottic narrowing, producing a steeple sign that is indistinguishable from that seen in viral croup. 199 Less ballooning of the hypopharynx is seen in epiglottitis than in croup.

FIG. 23-30. Acute epiglottitis. There is marked swelling of the epiglottis and aryepiglottic folds ( arrow). The hypopharynx is mildly distended.

Other causes for an enlarged epiglottis in childhood are trauma, ingestion of caustic materials, radiation, Chlora-septic spray, hemophilia, retention cyst, lymphangioma, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, foreign body irritation, thermal injury, angioneurotic edema, and omega epiglot-tis. 101,129,145,239 The omega epiglottis,

which is a floppy epiglottis with downward-curving flaps, can be differentiated from epiglottitis by its normal aryepiglottic folds.


Epiglottitis can also occur in adults, but it is uncommon. In the adult patient, the involvement of the epiglottis may be overshadowed by more extensive edema of the soft palate, base of the tongue, uvula, and prevertebral soft tissues. 154,194 Emphysematous epiglottitis has been described in adults. 154 Subglottic Hemangioma Hemangioma is the most common subglottic mass in infants and young children. The clinical presentation of inspiratory or biphasic stridor usually occurs before 3 months of age.220 Associated cutaneous hemangiomas are present in approximately one half of the cases, and the condition occurs more frequently in girls. 47 Spontaneous regression tends to occur at 12 to 18 months of age. Usually the lesions are located on the posterior or lateral walls. A characteristic finding of a subglottic hemangioma has been considered to be asymmetrical narrowing on the frontal radiograph. However, in one series it was found that hemangiomas that are located posteriorly or are associated with fibrotic reaction produce symmetrical narrowing, and hemangiomas that are located laterally cause asymmetrical narrowing.47 Other causes for asymmetrical narrowing in the subglottic region include cysts, mucoceles, ectopic thyroid, papillomas, and granulomas. The differential diagnosis in symmetric narrowing is subglottic stenosis and croup. On MRI, the subglottic hemangiomas have a high signal intensity on T2 and have marked enhancement with administration of gadolinium-diethylenetriamine-penta-acetic acid (Gd-DTPA). 159 Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis The most common laryngeal tumor in childhood is recurrent respiratory papillomatosis, which is also known as juvenile laryngeal papillomatosis. The cause is the human papilloma virus, and a significant percentage of affected children have mothers with a history of condylomata acuminata. 24 The papillomas are benign and consist of a fibrovascular core that is covered by a stratified squamous epithelium. 44 They appear as single or multiple irregular nodular masses on gross inspection. 20 In most cases, the onset of symptomsabnormal cry, hoarseness, and stridoroccurs before 4 years of age, but presentation may be within the first 6 months of life.44,119 In almost all cases, papillomas are present within the larynx. The glottis is most commonly involved, followed by the supraglottis and subglottis. 20 The lesions spread to the trachea and the main bronchi in 2% to 5% of cases, and to the lung in 1%. 127,139 Involvement distal to the larynx is usually seen after surgical intervention. 38 The papillomas that involve the airway tend to regress at puberty. 119 The pathology of papillomatous involvement of the lung differs from that of the papillomas in the airway. The histologic changes consist of a proliferation of squamous epithelium that destroys lung tissue. 127 Involvement of the lung generally develops several years after the ini-tial laryngeal presentation. 119,210 Recurrent respiratory pa-pillomatosis may also occur in a less aggressive form inadults, predominantly in men.20 Malignant transformationof th e papillomas has been described in children and inadults. 20,53,119,210 Radiographically, the papillomas in the airway are usually seen as cauliflower-like masses measuring 3 to 6 mm. 213 Commonly, they are clustered, and they may be multifocal.213 With pulmonary involvement, nodules may be seen that can appear solid or cystic. 127 The walls of the cyst may be thick or thin, and airfluid levels may develop withinthe cysts. 127 The nodules tend to be in the posterior seg-ments and can become confluent. 127,164 Atelectasis can occuras the result of bronchial obstruction, and changes ofbronchiectasis may be seen secondary to superimposedinfection. 164,246 Foreign Bodies Air trapping is the most common radiographic manifestation of an acutely aspirated endobronchial foreign body. Because the bronchus is smaller in expiration than in inspiration, the bronchus is obstructed by the foreign body during expiration, preventing egress of air from the involved lung and producing a check-valve mechanism. Foreign bodies usually lodge in a main stem bronchus, but they may lodge in a lobar or segmental bronchus, or more than one bronchus may be involved. As the result of the air trapping, the involved lung is larger and hyperlucent. The hyperlucency is the result of a decrease in the vascular markings, which is related to hyperinflation and vasoconstriction. 64,223 The ipsilateral diaphragm is depressed, and a contralateral shift of the mediastinum is seen ( Fig. 23-31). The findings may be evident only on an expiratory radiograph. However, it can be difficult to obtain a satisfactory expiratory study on a small child. An assisted expiratory chest maneuver, which is performed by applying gentle pressure to the epigastrium by a lead-gloved hand, can be beneficial. 243 Decubitus views may also be helpful in demonstrating air trapping. 30 Normally on a decubitus view, the lung that is dependent is hypoaerated; if it is not, air trapping should be suspected. The mediastinal shift may be observed at fluoroscopy when it is not identified on plain films. 19

FIG. 23-31. A: Aspirated foreign body. Inspiratory chest radiograph. The left lung is more lucent than the right, and fewer vascular markings are seen on the left. B: Expiratory chest radiograph. The mediastinum is shifted to the right, and the left diaphragm is depressed. The hyperlucency of the left lung is more evident than on the inspiratory radiograph. The findings indicate air trapping on the left consistent with a foreign body in the left main stem bronchus.

As a result of the air block caused by the foreign body, alveolar rupture can occur, leading to pneumomediastinum and pneumopericardium. 25,231 If a foreign body completely obstructs a bronchus, atelectasis can be seen acutely. Pneumothorax may be seen adjacent to a collapsed lobe that has been obstructed by a foreign body.13 Additionally, foreign bodies can move from one bronchus to another, producing a changing radiographic pattern. Because of symmetry of the tracheobronchial angle in childhood, there is almost equal distribution of involvement. 41 Most aspirated foreign bodies are not radiopaque, and they commonly are food. High-kilovoltage radiographs of the airway may be useful in helping to identify a foreign body. 21 It is important to remember that one third of endobronchial foreign bodies do not produce radiographic changes. 131 A missed endobronchial foreign body can be the cause of atelectasis, pneumonia, pulmonary abscess, bronchiectasis, bronchial stenosis, or pulmonary hemorrhage. 149 CT and MRI may be helpful in demonstrating a foreign body in these cases. 14,160 Foreign bodies that cause partial obstruction of the larynx or trachea can lead to paradoxical enlargement of the cardiomediastinal structures during inspiration with a decrease in size during expiration. 29 The lungs may appear hyperinflated during expiration and relatively hypoinflated during inspiration. 89 However, in a large percentage of these cases the chest radiograph is normal. 19 Foreign bodies lodged in the upper esophagus can also be a source of respiratory distress. The tracheal lumen may be compromised by direct compression from the esophageal foreign body, by edema and inflammation surrounding the esophagus, or by fistulization into the trachea ( Fig. 23-32).124,208 Esophageal foreign bodies can also be the cause of aspiration and pneumonia. 208

FIG. 23-32. Lateral view of the thoracic inlet. A button is in the esophagus and the trachea is narrowed.


Primary pulmonary tumors are rare in the pediatric age group. The most common tumor-like mass in those 16 years of age and younger is plasma-cell granuloma. This lesion is also known as xanthoma, fibroxanthoma, histiocytoma, and inflammatory pseudotumor. 7 Plasma-cell granulomas are characterized by a benign proliferation of plasma cells, plasmacytoid cells, reticuloendothelial cells, and fibroblasts. 7 Most are asymptomatic and are discovered incidentally. Occlusion of the trachea, leading to death, has been described in a 13-month-old. 7,16,109,123 The cause of plasma-cell granulomas is uncertain; infection and an immune-mediated cause have been theorized. 7,16,123 Radiographically, they usually appear as solitary, round, well-defined masses measuring 5 to 6 cm in diameter, but they can become very large.16 Occasionally they appear as an ill-defined opacity or atelectasis secondary to intrabronchial involvement or encasement of a bronchus. 7,16,123,144 They can contain calcification and can cavitate. Contrast-enhanced CT may demonstrate an enhancing thick rim. 241 Primary mediastinal involvement can occur, but usually the involvement is secondary to invasion by a parenchymal lesion. 16,109,123 Bronchial adenomas and hamartomas are an uncommon occurrence in the pediatric patient. Bronchogenic carcinomas are rarely seen; most of the documented cases have been adenocarcinomas. 201 Although uncommon, sarcomas are seen more frequently than bronchogenic carcinomas. They may be undifferentiated sarcomas, rhabdomyosarcomas, or mesenchymal sarcomas.204 Most pulmonary blastomas seen in children are sarcomas and are composed of a malignant, embryonic-appearing mesenchyme. 45 These tumors vary from thin-walled intrapulmonary cysts to solid masses. 45 The cystic blastoma has a cambium layer of embryonic and rhabdomyosarcomatous mesenchyme.45 Other terms used for this tumor are rhabdomyosarcoma arising in a bronchogenic cyst or in a cystic adenomatoid malformation, embryonal sarcoma, and sarcoma arising in a mesenchymal hamartoma. On the chest radiograph, cystic blastomas are seen as a peripheral cyst, which can be single or multiloculated, and they may involve more than one lobe.45,97,240 The cystic lesion may be evi-dent on the chest radiograph for some time before the diag-nosis. 45,240 The solid blastomas can occur in the media-stinum, in the pleura, and in the lung. They tend toinvolve the upper lobes and to be peripheral. 219 They can become very large, contain calcification, and have cystic changes.45,162,209 Askin tumors are rare tumors of primitive neuroectodermal origin that are seen primarily in children and young adults. Most commonly the tumors arise within the chest wall and invade the lung; rarely their origin is within the lung. The most common initial radiographic presentation is a pleural tumor or effusion. 5,69 Chest wall mass, rib destruction, and spreading of ribs are also commonly seen. 191 Often there is an associated parenchymal mass that can be quite large. 5 Additionally, paraspinal or mediastinal masses, secondary to tumor invasion, may be evident, and calcification may be seen within the tumor. The tumors generally appear heterogenous on CT and MRI. 247 They are usually bright on T2-weighted images, and the signal intensity is usually greater than that of skeletal muscle on T1-weighted images. 247 Recurrent disease is most common in the thorax and the skeleton; the prognosis is poor. 5,69,70 CHAPTER REFERENCES
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Chapter 24 Chest Infections Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 24 Chest Infections

John H. Juhl and Janet E. Kuhlman

J. H. Juhl and J. E. Kuhlman: Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Medical School, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252.

Acute Pulmonary Infections Bacterial Pneumonias Klebsiella (Friedlnder's) Pneumonia Streptococcus pyogenesPneumonia Pseudomonas Pneumonia Viral, Mycoplasmal, and Rickettsial Pneumonias Chlamydia trachomatisPneumonia Other Infections Pulmonary Cystic Fibrosis (Mucoviscidosis) Pulmonary Tuberculosis General Considerations Primary Pulmonary Tuberculosis Postprimary (Reinfection, Reactivation) Tuberculosis Bronchiectasis Unusual Radiographic Manifestations of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Tuberculosis in the Immunosuppressed Patient Tuberculoma Healing of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Complications of Reinfection Pulmonary Tuberculosis Hematogenous Tuberculosis Miliary Pulmonary Tuberculosis Subacute and Chronic Hematogenous Pulmonary Dissemination Atypical Mycobacteria Surgical Measures in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Complicating Aspergillomas Actinomycosis Nocardiosis Mycotic Diseases of the Lung Coccidioidomycosis Histoplasmosis Cryptococcosis North American Blastomycosis South American Blastomycosis (Paracoccidioidomycosis) Pulmonary Aspergillosis Moniliasis (Candidiasis) Geotrichosis Other Mycoses Diseases of Spirochetal Origin Syphilis Leptospirosis Protozoan Diseases Amebiasis Toxoplasmosis Platyhelminth (Flatworm) Infestation Echinococcosis (Hydatid Disease) Cysticercosis Paragonimiasis Schistosomiasis Nemathelminth (Roundworm) Infestation Tropical Eosinophilia Chapter References

The treatment and management of chest infections is a rapidly changing field. The emergence of new infections and drug resistance in common bacterial infections and tuberculosis (TB) is an ominous trend. 14 As the number and types of patients with immunodeficiencies increase, whether from the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or as a result of treatment of other disorders, the spectrum of lung infections has rapidly increased. In this chapter, we discuss common and uncommon causes of acute lung pneumonia, both bacterial and nonbacterial in origin, as well as thoracic manifestations of TB and fungal infections. Diseases of the chest in the immunocompromised host are addressed in Chapter 25.


Acute pulmonary infections cause significant mortality and morbidity. Despite ongoing advances in diagnosis and treatment, respiratory infections still account for almost half of all deaths from infection in the United States, and most of these are pneumonias of unknown origin in patients older than 65 years of age. 14 Acute pneumonia may be caused by a variety of organisms. In some instances they produce a reasonably characteristic, gross pathologic pattern and therefore a recognizable roentgen pattern. The findings can be classified as follows. 1. Lobar (alveolar, air-space) pneumonia. This is exemplified by Streptococcus pneumoniae pneumonia. The organism reaches the periphery of the lung via the airways. Alveolar transudation (edema) is followed by migration of leukocytes into the alveolar fluid. As the disease progresses, peripheral homogeneous (consolidation) opacity spreads toward the hilum and tends to cross segmental lines. Alveolar (air-space) pneumonia is not necessarily confined to a lobe, nor does it involve an entire lobe in many instances. Therefore, the term lobar is a misnomer in most cases, but it is still used by many. 2. Bronchopneumonia (lobular pneumonia). This is often observed in staphylococcal infection of the lung. The disease originates in the airways and spreads to peribronchial alveoli. The process tends to be confined by interlobular septa, so the appearance is one of patchy disease causing poorly defined opacities. However, a variety of roentgen patterns may result, including a confluent consolidation resembling lobar (alveolar) pneumonia. 3. Acute interstitial pneumonia. This is usually caused by a virus or a mycoplasma. Often the interstitial involvement is masked by alveolar exudate. A variety of roentgen patterns is observed, but alveolar consolidation, if present, is not usually as confluent or as dense as in lobar or lobular pneumonia. 4. Mixed pneumonia. This is a combination of lobar, bronchopneumonia, and interstitial pneumonia. In the following discussions, we describe the most common gross anatomic findings in the pneumonias of various causes, as reflected in chest roentgenograms. The roentgenographic manifestations of pulmonary infections are so varied that the pattern observed often provides little, if any, information regarding the causative organism. Therefore, in each instance it should be remembered that roentgen findings must be correlated with clinical, bacteriologic, and laboratory data to ascertain the correct etiologic diagnosis on which treatment is based. The role of the radiologist is to locate and define the extent of disease and any complications such as lung abscess and pleural effusion or empyema. An opinion as to whether the pattern is indicative of pneumonia should also be given. Serial films can be very useful in differentiating pulmonary edema from infection and are also used to follow the course of the pneumonia, particularly when clinical problems arise.

Bacterial Pneumonias Pneumococcal Pneumonia The acute pulmonary infection caused by S. pneumoniae is commonly termed lobar pneumonia. However, the infection does not usually involve an entire lobe and may be termed alveolar pneumonia. S. pneumoniae causes about 70% of bacterial pneumonia in the United States, often in otherwise healthy persons, but the disease is generally more severe in those with alcoholism, neoplastic disease, chronic pulmonary disease, or altered immunity. There are more than 82 serotypes of S. pneumoniae, but most of the pneumonias are caused by types 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, or 12. Type 8 is the most common. Type 14 causes pneumonia in children but rarely in adults. The mortality rate for pneumonia caused by type 3 is higher than for the others. Recently, antibiotic resistance of S. pneumoniae strains to penicillin and many other antibiotics has emerged. As a result, many infectious disease experts have called for a reduction in the indiscriminate use of empiric antibiotics and wider use of the pneumococcal vaccine. 14 The organisms causing pneumococcal pneumonia are aspirated in droplets of saliva or mucus, so the lower lobes and posterior segments of upper lobes are most commonly involved. The onset is sudden, and the gross pathologic changes are evident early in the disease; roentgen findings can be observed within 6 to 12 hours after onset of symptoms. In some instances, dehydration may decrease the pulmonary manifestations of pneumonia, so that there is a delay in roentgenographic appearance of the disease. In these cases, hydration may result in apparent rapid development of visible roentgen signs, although there is conflicting evidence of this phenomenon. Involvement usually begins peripherally and spreads centripetally with homogeneous involvement that may cross segmental boundaries. The consolidation produced by the disease is manifested on the roentgenogram by homogeneous density. An entire lobe may be affected; more commonly only one or a few segments are involved. The density usually extends to the pleural surface. A peripheral, nonsegmental, sublobar consolidation is seen when peripheral spread across segmental boundaries occurs. 34 This tends to separate acute pneumococcal pneumonia from the pneumonias of segmental distribution, such as those caused by bronchial obstruction by tumor. The latter disease does not ordinarily cross the barrier formed by interlobar fissures and is therefore clearly defined by the fissure on either the frontal or lateral projection, depending on the lobe or segment infected (Fig. 24-1).

FIG. 24-1. Lobar pneumonia in the right middle lobe. Note the homogeneous opacity clearly defined by the secondary fissure in the frontal projection ( A) and by the major fissure as well as the secondary fissure in the lateral view ( B).

In pneumococcal pneumonia, all of the elements in the diseased lobe except the larger bronchi may be affected, resulting in almost complete airlessness. The larger bronchi can often be seen as air-containing, radiolucent tubes within the otherwise homogeneous density, the air bronchogram. There is often enough pleural involvement to result in elevation of the hemidiaphragm on the affected side because of pain. A small amount of pleural fluid, sufficient to obscure the depth of the costophrenic sulcus, is not uncommon. Because volume of the lobe or segment is not decreased significantly, opacity caused by this disease can be differentiated from that produced by atelectasis (Fig. 24-2).

FIG. 24-2. Right-upper-lobe pneumococcal pneumonia. A: Roentgenogram obtained the day after onset of symptoms shows the disease clearly defined by the minor fissure. Consolidation is not complete. B: Three days later, there is complete consolidation of the right upper lobe. The upper-lobe volume is slightly reduced, but there is no significant collapse.

Variations in the distribution of pulmonary consolidation may occur. The spherical pattern (round pneumonia) often reported in children is a form in which the well-circumscribed spherical consolidation may simulate a pulmonary or paramediastinal mass. 118 In patients with emphysema, radiolucent blebs surrounded by consolidation may simulate cavities. In some patients, the distribution of the disease is somewhat patchy or lobular, simulating the distribution in bronchopneumonia.34,48 Occasionally, an interstitial pattern may be observed, and sometimes a mixed alveolar and interstitial pattern is present. Therefore, as indicated previously, the roentgen findings are not diagnostic of pneumococcal pneumonia. The bronchopneumonic pattern is common in hospitalized patients, who frequently have underlying diseases. Resolution is fairly rapid if there are no complications. It tends to start at the hilum and to progress peripherally in the lobe or segment. The opacity becomes more irregular and patchy during resolution, in contrast to its homogeneous character earlier in the disease. Focal atelectasis often develops. Complications are few in otherwise healthy persons, because the disease responds well to antibiotics, which are often given at the first sign of respiratory infection. Complications include delayed resolution or nonresolution, empyema, and lung abscess. The roentgen finding in delayed resolution is persistence of density in the area, which becomes rather irregular and patchy but eventually clears. Very rarely the process clears incompletely, leaving some irregular fibrosis manifested by irregular strands of density in the segment or lobe, often with decrease in volume of the affected lung. The findings in empyema and lung abscess are discussed later. Bronchopneumonia Bronchopneumonia (lobular pneumonia) is an acute pulmonary infection, bacterial in origin, that usually occurs as a complication of various debilitating diseases, often at the extremes of life. It is most commonly found in the very young or very old who are afflicted with another disease. The infection is often mixed, so that several pathogenic bacteria can be isolated from the sputum. The disease originates in numerous adjacent areas of the lung, resulting in scattered foci of inflammation that vary in size and shape but produce enough density to be visible on the film. The inflammatory disease does not cross septal boundaries. Therefore,

the pattern of disease is discontinuous or patchy. The roentgen findings in bronchopneumonia are varied, because the disease may be localized to a single lobe or segment or may involve all lobes. The pneumonic consolidation causes densities of varying sizes that are usually rather small and poorly defined and may be described as mottled. The disease may progress so that these small areas coalesce to form large, irregular opacities. The location is usually basal, but disease may occur anywhere in the lung ( Fig. 24-3). It often occurs as a complication of another pulmonary disease, which may obscure the pneumonia or vice versa. It is particularly difficult to define and diagnose when it occurs as a complication in cardiac failure with pulmonary congestion and edema, which also cause basal opacity. It is also difficult to differentiate from other acute or subacute pulmonary diseases such as adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Occasionally, the process is extremely widespread and simulates miliary pulmonary disease, with small, poorly defined nodules scattered uniformly throughout both lungs. Because bronchopneumonia produces a variety of roentgen patterns and is caused by a number of organisms, its designation is now used as a descriptive term rather than a definitive one as far as etiology is concerned. In contrast to alveolar pneumonia, bronchopneumonia originates in the bronchial airways and involves the surrounding parenchyma. As indicated, it may become confluent and then resemble alveolar pneumonia. It should be remembered that neoplasms can be masked by patchy focal pneumonia, and if clinical symptoms persist unduly, progress roentgenograms as well as cytologic studies should be recommended.

FIG. 24-3. Bronchopneumonia. Note that the widespread, mottled opacity is more severe on the left than on the right. The disease is very extensive.

Aspiration Pneumonia Aspiration pneumonia is usually a mixed bacterial infection caused by aspiration of foreign material into the bronchial tree. The causes are numerous and range from aspiration of vomitus by a postsurgical or semicomatose patient to aspiration as a result of paresis or paralysis of the pharyngeal muscles. Tracheoesophageal fistula, gastroesophageal reflux, and various other esophageal lesions can also cause aspiration pneumonitis. Gram-negative organisms included in the aspirate may produce pneumonia followed by necrosis and abscess formation. 130 This complication is discussed in the section on lung abscess. The radiographic findings vary with the extent of disease and its location. The right lower and middle lobes are most frequently affected, but involvement of the left lower lobe is not unusual. Irregular, poorly defined areas of increased density are seen and may be extensive ( Fig. 24-4). Early in the disease these densities are focal, but later they may become conglomerate. In some instances the disease is acute and clears rapidly as the patient recovers from the condition that produced the aspiration. In other instances the pneumonia results from a chronic disease, and repeated aspiration leads to chronic basal pneumonitis, which causes patchy or linear basal opacity (Fig. 24-5 and Fig. 24-6). Aspiration of acid-containing gastric contents (Mendelson's syndrome), can produce a chemical pneumonitis causing pulmonary edema, often in a dependent portion of one or both lungs. The appearance is similar to basal pulmonary edema of other causes. The roentgen findings are therefore varied, and it may not be possible to differentiate this basal inflammatory disease from other nonspecific basal pneumonia or from the chronic pneumonia associated with bronchiectasis. However, correlation of the history with clinical and roentgen findings usually leads to the proper diagnosis.

FIG. 24-4. Aspiration pneumonia. Note the scattered patchy opacities in the lower half of the left lung and a similar but less extensive change at the right base. This was an acute process that cleared quickly on treatment.

FIG. 24-5. Chronic aspiration pneumonia. The pneumonia in the parahilar areas and at the right base is somewhat more clearly defined and stringy than the acute process shown in FIG. 24-4. This patient had partial esophageal obstruction and had aspirated intermittently for several months.

FIG. 24-6. A and B: Computed tomographic findings in a patient with chronic recurrent aspiration. Multifocal, patchy air-space disease is present bilaterally with a tree-in-bud pattern seen in the periphery of the lungs where aspirated material has become inspissated in bronchioles. Note also the dilated esophagus with retained contrast material within the lumen.

Pneumonia in Children Differences in response to pulmonary infection in infants and young children, compared with older children and adults, are probably based on anatomic and immunologic factors.9,64 Airways are small, soft, and easily collapsible; resultant air trapping with overinflation can be found in a variety of infections in the first 12 to 18 months of life. In the newborn period, B streptococcal pneumonia causes an appearance similar to that of hyaline membrane disease. In fetal aspiration syndrome, rapid roentgenographic changes result as the aspirated material is cleared and overinflation disappears. Staphylococcal pneumonia has a very rapid course, with early development (within hours) of effusion, empyema, and bronchopleural fistula with pyopneumothorax or lung abscess. 90 Pneumatoceles are very common as the pneumonia clears. Upper-airway infection may be associated with pulmonary disease, so a chest roentgenogram may be the initial study. When lungs are hypoaerated or edematous, obstruction due to epiglottitis should be suspected. It is very important to correlate the roentgen findings with clinical signs and symptoms. For example, Chlamydia trachomatis causes conjunctivitis in neonates and may produce pneumonia which is interstitial, scattered, and bilateral and is associated with overinflation of the lungs. Cough is often the only symptom, so a chest film showing these findings in a neonate with conjunctivitis should suggest the diagnosis. 113 Klebsiella (Friedlnder's) Pneumonia Klebsiella pneumonia is a confluent alveolar type of pneumonia caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae. The disease occurs most frequently in elderly and debilitated patients. The onset is usually sudden, and the illness is often fatal within a few days. It may begin as bronchopneumonia manifested by patchy areas of opacity, usually in one or both upper lobes, but spreads rapidly to become confluent. It may involve an entire lobe. The involved lobe tends to increase in volume, resulting in convexity of the adjacent interlobar fissure. Extensive destruction of tissues leads to abscess formation in many of these patients, and the abscess cavities are typically thin walled, if a wall can be demonstrated ( Fig. 24-7). Often, the confluent pneumonia surrounding the cavity obscures its actual wall. At times the necrosis is extensive and extremely large cavitation results when the necrotic material sloughs out. Pleural effusion is common, and empyema often follows the effusion. In the more chronic form, the disease tends to be patchier, the cavitation is smaller, and the lesions may closely simulate those of TB. Pneumatoceles may occasionally occur during resolution of Klebsiella pneumonia.

FIG. 24-7. Klebsiella pneumonia. A: The disease is extensive, with evidence of cavitation in which there are masses of dense necrotic material. B: Ten days later, considerable advance of the disease is evident.

The diagnosis should be suspected when a rapidly progressing confluent pneumonia is observed in one or both upper lobes, resulting in increased lung volume, in which cavitation forms quickly. When the disease progresses more slowly, it is often less confluent, and its distribution in one or both upper lobes plus the presence of cavities often leads to a mistaken diagnosis of TB. Bacteriologic studies are then needed for differentiation. In patients who survive, a considerable amount of fibrosis may result, leading to contraction of the lobe with secondary changes in the thorax resulting from the loss of lung volume. In this respect, the disease may resemble chronic TB. Enterobacter and Serratia are similar gram-negative bacteria that cause pneumonia infrequently. The most common of these is Serratia marcescens, which usually causes either a focal pneumonia or a diffuse process that may involve several lobes. Pleural effusion is common. Both Enterobacter and Serratia are usually found in debilitated hospitalized patients, often in association with other organisms as a cause for pulmonary infection. As an opportunistic pathogen in immunosuppressed patients, Serratia may produce a necrotizing bronchopneumonia but usually does not cause a frank lung abscess ( Fig. 24-8).

FIG. 24-8. Rapid progression of gram-negative pneumonia from right-upper-lobe consolidation ( A) to extensive cavitation ( B and C) in 10 days.

Staphylococcal Pneumonia Pneumonia caused by Staphylococcus aureus may be primary in the lungs or secondary to a primary staphylococcal infection elsewhere in the body. In the secondary type, there is hematogenous spread of the organism, whereas in the primary type the pulmonary spread is usually bronchogenic. The disease usually occurs in debilitated adults and in infants during the first year of life, and recurrent staphylococcal infections are common in patients who use intravenous drugs and those with AIDS. The onset of the illness is usually abrupt, with severe prostration. Death may occur within 24 to 48 hours. Because some of the many areas of involvement occur adjacent to the pleura, it is common to have pleural infection with empyema and bronchopleural fistula. In children, the roentgen findings are rather characteristic and consist of dense areas of pulmonary involvement that may be segmental and local or diffuse. 90 Consolidation rapidly spreads to involve a whole lobe (confluent bronchopneumonia); bronchi are usually obscured by exudate, so an air bronchogram is not ordinarily seen. Pleural effusion, empyema, and pneumothorax are common, and pneumatoceles are often noted. Abscess formation may also occur, and coalescence of small abscesses is frequent. A pneumatocele is distinguished from an abscess by its thin wall and rapid change in size. The pathogenesis of pneumatoceles is not known with certainty. The most popular theory hypothesizes that a check-valve obstruction develops between the lumen of a small bronchus and the adjacent interstitium. Multiple pneumatoceles may develop, usually in the first week of the disease, and they may become very large. Accumulation of fluid with airfluid levels is common during the active phase of pneumonia. Pneumatoceles may persist for months but usually disappear completely ( Fig. 24-9). In adults the findings are not as characteristic. Pneumothorax and pneumatocele are less common but do occur, and pleural effusion and empyema are not as common as in children, with the exception of patients with AIDS and intravenous drug users. Abscesses are slightly more common than in children and tend to coalesce ( Fig. 24-10). The disease is usually bilateral, may be diffuse and somewhat nodular, but is seldom lobar in distribution.

FIG. 24-9. Staphylococcal pneumonia in the left lower lobe resulting in the formation of a pneumatocele. A: Note the homogeneous opacity at the left base, indicating rather extensive pneumonia. There is a radiolucent area surmounting a fluid level. The pulmonary alveolar disease surrounding the pneumatocele makes it impossible to determine the thickness of the wall. B: The inflammatory disease has cleared almost completely, leaving the thin-walled, cyst-like pneumatocele. This film was obtained 1 month after that shown in A. C: The pneumatocele is no longer visible on this film obtained 3 months after the initial examination.

FIG. 24-10. Staphylococcal pneumonia. There is extensive disease in the left lower lobe, in which numerous small, rounded, lucent areas represent small pneumatoceles or abscesses.

Pleural effusion, often resulting in empyema, occurs in about one half of the patients. Rapid change and lack of correlation between severity of clinical symptoms and roentgen findings are often observed. Resolution is usually slow in both children and adults. When the disease is hematogenous, septic emboli may cause multiple small abscesses and widespread, small foci of pneumonia. Streptococcus pyogenes Pneumonia Pneumonia caused by S. pyogenes (Lancefield group A, hemolytic streptococcus) usually occurs after such acute infectious diseases as measles and influenza. This disease is now rare. It is roentgenographically similar to staphylococcal pneumonia in the frequency of pleural involvement, including empyema if antibiotic therapy is not initiated promptly. The pulmonary involvement has a tendency to be more diffuse and interstitial in type than in staphylococcal pneumonia, with fine opacities radiating outward to the periphery from the hila. The combination of rapidly developing, hazy, nodular opacities in an acutely ill patient with subsequent cavitation in many of the areas is highly characteristic of either staphylococcal or streptococcal pneumonia, with the former more likely. S. pyogenes infections usually do not cause pneumatoceles. Tularemic Pneumonia Tularemia is an infectious disease caused by Francisella tularensis, a small gram-negative bacillus. It is a disease of small animals and may spread to humans directly from the animals.127 The most common mode of infection is through the skin of hunters who dress small game. The infection may also be transmitted by means of tick bites as well as the bites of horse and deer flies. Pulmonary involvement in the form of pneumonia resulting from this organism is present in approximately 50% of humans affected. The roentgen findings are not characteristic, but some authors have reported a high incidence of oval lesions resembling an abscess without cavitation. However, others have indicated a great variability in pulmonary findings. 91 The infection may produce unilateral or bilateral pulmonary inflammatory disease, which is usually poorly circumscribed. Occasionally, the distribution is lobar, resulting in consolidation of an entire lobe. The infection is commonly a basal one, and there is usually more disease on one side than the other, so that it is asymmetrical when bilateral. A small amount of pleural effusion is not uncommon, 26 and hilar lymph-node enlargement is also present in many instances. The time required for resolution varies widely. In some patients complete clearing may occur within 7 to 10 days, and in others the disease may persist for 6 weeks. Because the roentgen picture is not characteristic, the diagnosis must be confirmed by laboratory methods. The organisms are difficult to isolate from the sputum, but if the disease is suspected, its presence can be proved by means of agglutination tests. Brucellosis Pneumonia Brucellosis in humans in the United States is usually caused by Brucella suis. Pulmonary involvement is rare, and symptoms are usually mild. 41,103 The roentgen findings are varied. Strands of opacity that radiate outward from the hila are often associated with hilar adenopathy and may be bilateral. Pleural involvement with effusion is occasionally encountered. In other instances, widespread miliary disease that resembles miliary bronchopneumonia is found. Solitary, circumscribed pulmonary nodules have also been described. The pulmonary roentgen changes appear quickly but tend to persist for long periods with very slow resolution. The diagnosis cannot be made on roentgen examination but must depend on the results of bacteriologic studies, agglutination, and skin tests. Calcifications in the spleen

that have a typical appearance may be a clue to the diagnosis in the patient with the appropriate exposure history. Pertussis Pneumonia

Whooping cough is usually caused by Bordetella pertussis. The organism may also cause pneumonia, an unusual but not rare complication. The pulmonary disease begins in the paroxysmal stage of whooping cough and extends into the resolution phase. It is usually found in children but may occur in adolescents and adults. The pulmonary disease tends to be central, with radiating parabronchial strands of opacity. The radiographic findings resulting from this distribution of disease consist of blurring of the cardiac margins and an irregular appearance termed the shaggy heart pattern. There may also be some subsegmental areas of consolidation as well as scattered areas of atelectasis, presumably caused by mucus plugs, particularly in older children and adults. In some instances, the pneumonia may be caused by other organisms complicating whooping cough, a widespread bronchopneumonia. Pseudomonas Pneumonia There is an increasing incidence of pneumonia caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a gram-negative bacillus. Cases usually occur among hospitalized patients and are often related to the use of antibiotics, steroids, and immunosuppressive and cytotoxic drugs. There is evidence that positive-pressure breathing apparatus, 57 suction and nebulizing devices, and tracheostomies are major factors in the development of this disease. P. aeruginosa is a water-associated organism found in many environmental sources, both in the hospital and outside it. 117 The causative organism is extremely difficult to eradicate once pulmonary disease is established. Several roentgen patterns of pulmonary involvement have been described: (1) bilateral pneumonic consolidation, with early patchy, scattered disease progressing and coalescing to involvement of the major portions of both lungs; (2) extensive bilateral pneumonic consolidation with abscess formation (abscesses may be multiple and small or few and large); (3) diffuse nodular or patchy densities with or without abscess formation; and (4) unilateral pneumonia, similar to the coalescent bilateral pneumonia. Many species of Pseudomonas are angioinvasive. Pathologic specimens show that bacterial colonies actually invade pulmonary blood vessels and cause a vasculitis and thrombotic occlusion. This predisposes areas of Pseudomonas pneumonia to undergo necrotic infarction, and lung cavitation is a prominent feature of many Pseudomonas infections. 29 Therefore, almost any pattern may occur, so the radiographic findings are not diagnostic ( Fig. 24-11). Pleural effusion may occur, but it is not a prominent feature of the disease. There is evidence that the presence of P. aeruginosa in the sputum of patients with chronic lung disease indicates underlying bronchiectasis.

FIG. 24-11. Pseudomonas pneumonia in a patient with chronic debilitating disease. A: Initial examination reveals bilateral diffuse disease at the right medial base and in the left parahilar area. B: One week later, note the mass-like opacity in the left midlung and more patchy disease in the right midlung and medial base. There is nothing characteristic about the disease pattern, as is often the case. C: Diffuse hematogenous dissemination in another patient. Note scattered, poorly defined disease, largely basal.

Although most Pseudomonas infections occur in debilitated or hospitalized patients, they can occur in otherwise healthy persons. Serious, even fatal, Pseudomonas pneumonias have been associated with use of home and motel whirlpool spas and jacuzzis, presumably because of inhalation of large numbers of aerosolized bacteria from contaminated units into the lungs. 68,117 Melioidosis, which is caused by infection with P. pseudomallei, is endemic in the tropics, chiefly in India, Burma, Sri Lanka, and South America. Since the Vietnam War, sporadic cases have been reported in the United States, chiefly in Vietnam veterans. 19 The infection may be acute or chronic. The acute form is more common and is characterized by indistinct nodular disease that is often widely scattered but tends to involve the upper lobes. The nodules coalesce and cavitate in a high percentage of cases. The chronic form simulates pulmonary TB, because the nodules often involve the upper lobes and frequently cavitate. Hilar adenopathy is uncommon, and pleural effusion is rare. Occasionally, pulmonary cavitation appears acutely years after the initial infection, so it should be suspected when a parenchymal cavity appears in an apparently healthy patient who was in an endemic area some years earlier. Anaerobic Bacterial Pneumonias Several anaerobic organisms may cause pulmonary infection. They include, among others, Bacteroides fragilis, Bacteroides melaninogenicus, and Bacteroides oralis; members of the genera Fusobacterium, Clostridium, and Eubacterium; and the gram-positive cocci of the genera Peptostreptococcus and Peptococcus. Most of the infections are caused by several organisms, because many are caused by aspiration of oral secretions, particularly in patients with poor oral hygiene. They may also occur in diabetic patients, those with malignant disease, and immunosuppressed patients. An alveolar type of pneumonia, which may be extensive, is usually produced. The right lower lobe is the most common site, but frequently more than one lobe is involved. About one half of patients have pulmonary disease only, about one fourth have pleural and parenchymal disease, and the remainder have only the pleura involved, usually with empyema. Abscess formation and necrotizing pneumonia are common complications. Abscess occurs in more than 50% of patients with pulmonary disease. Bronchopleural fistula may also complicate the disease. Anaerobic bacteria therefore are a prominent cause of aspiration pneumonia, lung abscess, necrotizing pneumonia, and empyema. The mortality rate is high in these patients, many of whom have depressed immune responses or leukopenia. 13 Other Bacterial Pneumonias Pneumonia caused by infection with Proteus vulgaris is largely basal, may be alveolar or lobular in distribution, and tends to produce cavitation. It may cause a decrease in volume of the involved lung. Rarely, Escherichia coli causes pneumonia, which is usually multilobar and basal. Pneumatoceles are occasionally seen in this infection, and the alveolar pneumonia caused by this organism rarely results in massive cavitation. Pleural effusion is common. Pneumonic involvement may occur in typhoid fever, usually as a bronchopneumonia with cavitation, pleural effusion, or empyema. Salmonella organisms other than Salmonella typhosa may produce a similar pattern in the lung. An acute miliary pattern has also been described in salmonella bacteremia. 42 Hemophilus influenzae, type B, is a rare cause of pneumonia 9 that is being seen increasingly in HIV-positive patients as a cause of pneumonia. In adults, these infections appear as acute lobular lower-lobe pneumonia or as a more confluent lobar alveolar process. The latter is somewhat more common. Pneumatoceles are rare but have been reported. Patients with alcoholism, who are immunocompromised, or who are undergoing chemotherapy are at risk. In infants, pleural effusion and empyema are common in addition to extensive alveolar disease. The latter may be a patchy, segmental type of density, but a variety of manifestations have been described, including reticular or linear, nodular, reticulonodular, ground-glass, and honeycomb patterns. Pleural effusion is fairly common and may be complicated by empyema. Cavitation is rare; roentgenographic findings clear slowly. Pulmonary involvement also occurs in patients with anthrax or bubonic plague. In anthrax pneumonia, there is often substantial mediastinal lymph node enlargement,

pleural effusion, and sometimes intrapulmonary hemorrhage in addition to extensive pulmonary disease. Plague can often involve the lung. 5 In secondary pneumonic plague, bilateral small densities are the most common early manifestation. The disease may spread to involve much of the lungs with a dense alveolar process, which is often fatal. Rarely, the pattern is that of bilateral extensive mottled densities, which resemble the pattern of ARDS. This pattern reflects intravascular coagulopathy in some instances. Legionnaires' Disease Legionnaires' disease, which affected almost 200 people at the Legionnaires' Convention in Philadelphia in July 1976, is caused by the aerobic, gram-negative bacillus Legionella pneumophila.27 Since this original description, 34 Legionella species and 52 serogroups have been isolated, with about half proving pathogenic to humans. The bacteria is associated with water reservoirs, including air-conditioning cooling towers. 116 Clinically, the acute disease is characterized by a high fever, chills, and a nonproductive cough, often associated with chest pain, malaise, muscle and abdominal pain, headaches, and gastrointestinal symptoms. Hyponatremia and elevated creatine phosphokinase are two abnormal laboratory results that can occur with Legionnaires' disease but are not often present in patients with other community-acquired pneumonias.116 Since the outbreak in Philadelphia, many sporadic and local outbreaks throughout the United States have been reported. Predisposing factors include smoking, alcoholism, diabetes, heart disease, and immunosuppression. Roentgen findings are largely those of an alveolar pneumonic process that is bilateral in about one half of the reported cases ( Fig. 24-12). There tends to be lower-lobe predominance. The alveolar disease may have a lobar or lobular distribution. At times, the alveolar process appears as a large, very poorly marginated, generally round or oval opacity. Some of these are central and some peripheral; they may be unilateral or bilateral. The round lesions appear to be somewhat more common than any other roentgen manifestation. The round, mass-like lesions often progress rapidly to involve an entire lobe. Early in the disease there may be patchy, ill-defined opacities that in many cases progress to a lobar pattern. One patient has been reported in whom there was virtually universal involvement of both lungs by an alveolar process in which air bronchograms were very prominent. Cavitation, presumably a result of necrotizing pneumonia, has been reported in several patients, most of whom were immunosuppressed. One patient has been reported in whom pneumatocele formation and spontaneous pneumothorax were manifest. Pleural effusion may occur, but its incidence is difficult to evaluate because many of the patients have complicating renal or cardiovascular disease. Resolution is usually slow and lags behind clinical improvement. An interstitial pattern may appear during resolution.

FIG. 24-12. Legionella pneumonia in a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. A: Initial film shows bilateral upper-lobe disease, which appears to present a mixed interstitial and alveolar pattern. B: Two and one-half weeks later, there is extensive bilateral disease which appears to be in a largely alveolar pattern. This disease is more diffuse and less mass-like than the original descriptions.

It is evident that there is a wide variety of roentgen patterns in this disease, so the diagnosis cannot be made on the basis of chest roentgenograms. However, the disease should be suspected in a patient with atypical pneumonia in whom roentgenograms show unilateral or bilateral, large, poorly marginated, rounded alveolar opacities that progress rapidly to involve one or more entire lobes. The Pittsburgh pneumonia agent (Tatlockia micdadei, Legionella micdadei) was described in 1979. It is a gram-negative, weakly acid-fast bacillus that appears to be identical to the Tatlock organism isolated 37 years earlier. It has been recognized as a disease seen mainly in renal transplantation patients and others treated with high-dose corticosteroid therapy. However, it has also been reported 94 in patients who were not immunosuppressed. Radiographic findings are those of an alveolar type of pneumonia, usually in one lobe, either segmental or subsegmental and nodular in appearance. In the compromised patient, it spreads very rapidly and occasionally cavitates. Pleural effusion is found in about 30% of patients. The organism is similar to L. pneumophila, and the two diseases are found simultaneously in a few patients. The diagnosis is made by lung biopsy. Pulmonary Infection in the Compromised Host (Opportunistic Infections) Diseases of the chest including opportunistic infections occurring in the immunocompromised host are discussed in Chapter 25. Hospital-Acquired (Nosocomial) Pneumonias Hospital-acquired pneumonias are important because the impaired resistance of the hospital patients renders them very susceptible to gram-negative bacilli such as P. aeruginosa, E. coli, and other Enterobacter species. Outbreaks of Staphylococcus, Klebsiella, Proteus, and other pneumonias have also been reported. Furthermore, the wide use of antibiotics has resulted in resistant pathogens that may also cause pneumonia. The lungs are involved in 10% to 30% of infections acquired in hospitals. In this patient population, mortality may be very high and every precaution must be taken to avoid contamination of respiratory therapy equipment, anesthesia machines, air-conditioners, and other devices used in patient care. Pseudomonas infection is particularly common in this group of patients, is very difficult to treat, and has a high mortality rate despite treatment with various combinations of antibiotics. Nosocomial pneumonia should be considered when a hospitalized patient develops leukocytosis, cough, or fever. In this situation, any new or increasing pulmonary opacity may represent pneumonia. There are no specific patterns for the various organisms involved, so the radiologist's role is to note the disease and suggest the possibility of pneumonia. Viral, Mycoplasmal, and Rickettsial Pneumonias Mycoplasmal Pneumonia Mycoplasma pneumoniae (the Eaton agent) pneumonia is responsible for a significant percentage of primary atypical pneumonia in children and young adults (15% to 20% or more). It probably accounts for almost 50% of pneumonias found in children younger than 16 years of age. The remainder of patients with primary pneumonia have disease caused by adenovirus, parainfluenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus, and probably other viruses. In many patients, the cause is not determined. Cold agglutinins are found in the serum of 50% to 60% of patients with Mycoplasma pneumonia. A titer of 1:32 or higher is considered positive and is usually found 10 to 14 days after onset of the symptoms. A high titer is usually present. Mycoplasmal pneumonia tends to occur in epidemics, as well as sporadically, so it is difficult to obtain meaningful figures as to relative frequency. The disease usually occurs in young, healthy adults. It is acute, mild, and self-limited in most instances but may be severe with widespread pulmonary disease. Occasional fatalities have been reported. The inflammatory exudate is sometimes more interstitial than in the bacterial pneumonias, but alveolar exudate, which contains fewer cells and more fluid than in the bacterial type, is also present. The onset of symptoms is gradual, and there is often a delay in the appearance of visible pulmonary density on roentgen examination for 2 or 3 days. Putman and colleagues 108 described two groups of patients with different clinical and radiographic findings. One group with acute chest pain, cough, and fever developed segmental or lobar air-space disease. The other group had a more chronic course, were afebrile, and had no cough or chest pain. They developed interstitial changes and a reticulonodular or mixed pattern of focal air-space and interstitial disease. Others have noted less relation between symptoms and anatomic distribution. Roentgen findings reflect the anatomic changes. Recognizable forms can be divided into several types: 1. Peribronchial or interstitial type. The findings in the peribronchial type consist of streaky densities extending outward from the hilum following the pattern of the vascular markings, limited to a single segment or affecting one or several lobes. Alveolar exudate may produce scattered patchy density as well as the linear

shadows. 2. Bronchopneumonic type. The roentgen findings are similar to those described for bronchopneumonia and may be just as widespread. Opacities that are usually poorly defined and scattered may be noted in any lobe or segment and may be bilateral. 3. Segmental and lobar types. The findings are those of homogeneous density representing consolidation in a segment, several segments, or a lobe. Single-lobe involvement occurs in almost 50% of patients. Air bronchograms may be present. The appearance of the consolidation is similar to that found in S. pneumoniae lobar pneumonia. Pleural effusion occurs in about 20% of patients with this type of disease and is rare in the interstitial type. 4. Diffuse type. A bilateral reticulonodular pattern throughout both lungs. Pleural effusion is rare. One or more of these gross anatomic types of the disease may be present in a single patient. There is a tendency for the disease to clear in one area and spread in another, often in the opposite lung. Atelectasis may be produced by bronchial obstruction and is frequently lobular and focal in type. Occasionally, a pneumatocele may result from check-valve obstruction and must be differentiated from lung abscess (see Fig. 24-7). Resolution is usually slow, and it is common to see persistent pulmonary lesions for a week or longer after the clinical findings have disappeared. Occasionally, the delay is considerably greater. Mycoplasmal pneumonia cannot be differentiated from viral infections of the lung, and when the distribution is segmental or lobar it is similar to bacterial pneumonia ( Fig. 24-13, Fig. 24-14 Fig. 24-15).

FIG. 24-13. Viral pneumonia. A: Extensive interstitial disease is seen throughout the entire right lung, with similar but much less marked change on the left. B: Diffuse involvement, which appears to be mainly interstitial, is confined largely to the right upper lobe in another patient.

FIG. 24-14. Viral pneumonia. In these two patients, the disease is largely alveolar in type, being rather diffuse in the patient shown in A and localized into an irregular, mass-like lesion in the patient shown in B.

FIG. 24-15. Mycoplasmal pneumonia. A: The air bronchogram denotes alveolar disease, but there also appears to be some interstitial change in the upper central lung. B: Alveolar pneumonia, which is probably subsegmental, is noted in the left lower lobe.

In the differential diagnosis, there are findings that help to differentiate mycoplasmal from bacterial pneumonia. They consist of the lack of pleural involvement, manifested by absence of elevation of the diaphragm and absence of pleural fluid in most cases. The delay in appearance of pulmonary disease after clinical onset is also helpful. The tendency to clear in one area and spread in another is more common in this disease than in bacterial pneumonia. Bilateral involvement is probably more common than in bacterial pneumonias, with disease often in one lower lobe and the opposite upper or middle lobe. However, because the roentgen pattern may vary widely, the diagnosis must be substantiated by clinical and laboratory findings ( Fig. 24-16).

FIG. 24-16. Viral pneumonia simulating minimal tuberculosis. A: Note the disease in the right subclavicular area. B: Close-up view shows the disease in the first anterior interspace. C: Roentgenogram of the same area shown in B, obtained 2 weeks later, shows complete clearing of the disease.

Adenovirus Pneumonia There are 28 types of the adenovirus, which is a common cause of upper respiratory disease and may cause pneumonia, often in epidemics. The disease is usually more severe in infants and young children than in adults. The most common roentgenographic pattern is that of a widely scattered patchy or confluent disease, usually in a peribronchial distribution. Slow resolution is usually noted, with residual bronchiectasis in some children and obliterative bronchiolitis and other chronic lung disease in others. This virus also causes acute bronchiolitis with overinflation in infants and can cause unilateral hyperlucent lung (Swyer-James syndrome). Bronchiolitis can also be caused by other viruses such as the respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, influenza virus, and parainfluenza virus, usually in children. It is unusual in adults and is rarely diagnosed. Although pulmonary involvement may be extensive, the acute illness may not be severe, particularly in adults. Other Viral Pneumonias Several viruses are capable of causing pneumonia, often in epidemics. 24 A number of new viral diseases, including Ebola fever and Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, have emerged in recent years as life-threatening epidemics. 14 The roentgenographic findings of most viral pneumonias are similar to those described for mycoplasmal pneumonia, so the cause cannot be established on the basis of these findings alone. In some epidemics, the pericardium is involved, leading to effusion, often associated with pleural effusion as well. Often the virus is not definitely identified in these patients and the diagnosis is based on clinical findings. The disease usually is not as prolonged or severe as mycoplasmal pneumonia. Epidemic influenza, which is a viral disease, may be associated with virus infection of the pulmonary parenchyma in addition to involvement of the tracheobronchial tree. Roentgen signs are variable, with findings often bilateral and extensive. Especially in severe epidemics of the past, the pneumonia was often of the interstitial type with hazy, strand-like densities radiating outward from the hila. These result in a coarse appearance of the bronchovascular pattern and irregular hilar thickening. In other patients, segmental or lobar consolidation may be present; it may be bilateral. A diffuse, patchy pattern resembling pulmonary edema has also been described. Pleural effusion is rare in uncomplicated influenza pneumonia. The diagnosis is often made from clinical findings during an epidemic. The roentgen changes are then largely confirmatory, but radiographic examination is useful to observe the course of the pulmonary parenchymal disease. A complicating staphylococcal pneumonia may also occur, particularly in epidemics in which influenza is severe. Most fatalities are caused by this complication. Herpes simplex pneumonia may occur in neonates and immunocompromised hosts. It is a severe, often fatal disease in neonates, with an initial interstitial pattern progressing to coalescent air-space densities and a diffuse alveolar white-out of both lungs in the fatal cases. The pathology is that of a necrotizing hemorrhagic pneumonia. The disease is usually widely disseminated in these neonates. Pneumonia associated with chickenpox (varicella) is believed by some to be viral in origin and has been reported occasionally. It usually occurs in adults with severe chickenpox. Roentgen findings consist of widespread, poorly defined, patchy or nodular densities associated with an increase in parahilar markings and occasionally enlargement of the hilar nodes ( Fig. 24-17). Densities are most marked in the parahilar areas and at the bases. Individual nodules are generally round but are poorly defined peripherally. There is often considerable change in the roentgen findings from day to day, because the densities are transitory. Clearing is usually slow, however. In patients with fatal disease, pulmonary involvement may be virtually total, with little if any visible aerated lung. In rare instances, scattered small calcifications result from varicella pneumonia in adults. No hilar node calcification is observed. It is entirely possible for bacterial pneumonia to appear in patients with these various viral diseases and there is no way to differentiate the cause on chest radiographs.

FIG. 24-17. Varicella pneumonia in an adult. Soft, rounded nodular opacities are noted bilaterally.

Measles (rubeola) is occasionally associated with pneumonia caused by the virus. 110 Pneumonia caused by other organisms sometimes complicates measles, however, so roentgen differentiation is not possible. The measles virus causes reticuloendothelial involvement resulting in hilar and mediastinal adenopathy. The virus may also involve the lung to produce an interstitial process that is manifested as a widespread reticular type of reaction, with predilection for the bases. Consolidation of lung with varying degrees of atelectasis most probably represents a complicating bacterial pneumonia. Atypical measles pneumonia occurs in adolescents and young adults after previous incomplete immunity conferred by killed rubeola virus vaccine. It is probably a hypersensitivity response in incompletely immunized patients. The pneumonia is usually segmental and bilateral but may involve most or all of a lobe. Other patterns include round pneumonia, diffuse perihilar opacity, and multiple nodules. Pleural effusion and hilar adenopathy occur in about one third of patients. Usually the patients have the skin eruption of measles. The acute pneumonia usually clears promptly, but rarely a nodule persists for 1 to 2 years. 83 Pneumonic involvement may occur with several other viral diseases, including smallpox, lymphocytic choriomeningitis, and cytoplasmic inclusion disease in infants and children. There is nothing characteristic about the roentgen appearance of the pneumonia associated with these diseases except that the pneumonia is usually bilateral and often extensive. Cytomegalovirus infection is the most common viral infection in immunosuppressed patients. In patients having cytomegalovirus disease, nodules have been reported involving the outer one third of the lungs. Lung biopsy may be necessary to establish the diagnosis. Hantavirus caused an outbreak of a new fatal pneumonia in young, otherwise healthy persons living in the southwestern United States in 1993. Since then, an increasing number of cases have been identified outside of that area as well. The virus is spread by rodents; inhalation of aerosolized, virus-infected rodent droppings is the mode of transmission to humans. Patients present with a prodrome of fever and flu-like symptoms, followed by cough, increasing dyspnea, and rapid progression to fulminant pulmonary failure, which is often fatal. 58,61 The chest film often shows bilateral, interstitial edema with rapid progression to a picture of noncardiogenic pulmonary edema with bilateral air-space disease and normal heart size. Widespread increased capillary permeability within the lungs is believed to be the cause of the roentgenographic findings and rapid development of pulmonary edema in infected patients. Copious secretions may be noted on bronchoscopy or on suctioning. 58 Pleural effusions are common. 61 Psittacosis (Ornithosis) Psittacosis, or ornithosis, caused by Chlamydia psittaci, is primarily a disease of birds and is transmitted to humans by members of the parrot family. 125 It is also found in other domesticated and wild birds and may be transmitted to humans by them. The disease may be unilateral or bilateral, focal or multifocal, resembling lobular pneumonia. This results in a roentgen pattern of patchy consolidation that may be relatively focal or bilateral and widely scattered. A reticular pattern (interstitial) has also been reported. Enlargement of hilar nodes may also be present. Pleural involvement is uncommon. The roentgen changes tend to persist for a long time (6 to 9 weeks) after the initial symptoms. The diagnosis is confirmed by serologic and bacteriologic studies but can be suspected when this type of disease is seen in a patient who has had contact with birds. Chlamydia trachomatis Pneumonia There have been several reports on the radiographic findings in C. trachomatis pneumonia in infants younger than 6 months of age, and this organism has been

reported as the causative agent in a distinctive pneumonia in this group. Radkowski and associates 113 reported on 125 patients observed over a period of 3 years. Although the x-ray findings are not diagnostic, most patients have hyperinflation plus a variety of patterns of bilateral disease, including relatively minimal interstitial disease, areas of atelectasis, patchy coalescent pneumonia involving small volumes of lung, and rare pleural effusion. 126 The clinical signs and symptoms are relatively few, so the chest findings on radiography are those of more disease than would be expected. The infants are afebrile but have a cough, conjunctivitis, and elevated serum immunoglobulins. In adults there are streaky opacities, usually bilateral, with associated atelectasis but rarely pneumonic consolidation. Rickettsial Pneumonias Q Fever. Q fever is caused by a rickettsia, an intracellular parasite considered to be intermediate between bacteria and viruses. The causative organism is Coxiella burnetii. The roentgen findings consist of a subsegmental, segmental, or lobar consolidation varying from a patchy nonhomogeneous shadow to frank air-space opacity in the area of involvement. Hilar node involvement and small focal lesions are uncommon. There appears to be a difference between sporadic and epidemic disease. 41 Round pneumonia, sometimes multiple, is common in the epidemic group but less so in sporadic cases. Pleural involvement is rare in epidemic disease and occurs in approximately one third of the sporadic cases. This is manifested by a small amount of pleural fluid. The roentgen findings usually appear within 48 hours of onset of disease and resolve rather slowly, so that the pulmonary consolidation persists longer than in pneumococcal pneumonia. This disease does not exhibit the migratory type of change often found in viral pneumonia. As in other pneumonias, the diagnosis depends on correlation of clinical, roentgen, and serologic findings. Other Rickettsial Pneumonias. Pulmonary involvement has been reported occasionally in patients with other rickettsial diseases such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever and typhus, when severe. The roentgen findings are not characteristic in these diseases, but the opacities usually are scattered and produce disseminated shadows on the chest roentgenogram. Other Infections Lung Abscess When an acute suppurative pulmonary infectious process breaks down to form a cavity, regardless of size, it is termed lung abscess. Most lung abscesses are bronchogenic in origin and result from aspiration of foreign material after dental operations, surgery of the respiratory tract and elsewhere, and various conditions that produce unconsciousness. This type of abscess may also be secondary to stasis of secretions from various causes (e.g., bronchogenic carcinoma) or other endobronchial obstructions that result in incomplete drainage of a bronchus. As indicated, anaerobic organisms are often the cause of lung abscess. Hematogenous lung abscess, which is usually produced by staphylococcus and occasionally by streptococcus, has been discussed in a previous section, as has the abscess formation in pneumonia produced by Klebsiella. Cavitation occurs in approximately 5% of patients with pulmonary infarction and, when infected, an abscess is formed. Because lung abscess is, in many instances, the result of aspiration of foreign material, it is usually found in areas of the lung that are dependent at the time of aspiration. The posterior segment of the upper lobe is the most common site, and the right side is affected more than the left. The next most common sites are the superior segments of the lower lobes, because these segments are dependent when the patient is supine. The basal segments of the lower lobes are also commonly involved, and abscess can occur in any segment of any lobe. The lesion is peripheral in relation to the bronchopulmonary segment involved, but on the frontal roentgenogram it may project in a central position. The pleura adjacent to the abscess is usually involved, so there may be pleural effusion. The early roentgen finding is consolidation that produces an opacity which is usually confined to one pulmonary segment. Characteristically, the lesion has an opaque center with a hazy and poorly defined periphery and is often roughly spherical in shape. When bronchial communication is established, the fluid contents of the cavity are replaced, at least in part, by air, and the radiolucent abscess cavity appears within the area of disease. It is usually incompletely drained, so that an airfluid level can be outlined within it. In these cases the fluid produces, in the dependent portion, homogeneous opacity that blends with the wall of the cavity. Drainage of the abscess may vary, so that at times it may contain more or less air. When the necrotic lung tissue has not sloughed completely, it is common to observe a crescent-shaped radiolucency caused by air in the superior aspect of the partially formed cavity. In some patients, several small cavities may appear within the area and remain as separate lesions or coalesce to form one or more larger cavities. These may be well outlined on the routine frontal and lateral roentgenogram, but small cavities can be hidden by the surrounding pneumonic consolidation. When cavitation is suspected, computed tomography (CT) may be indicated, because it can reveal lesions not seen on plain films. CT also aids in localizing and in defining the inner and outer walls of the abscess cavity and may identify complications such as rupture of the cavity into a bronchus or into the pleural space ( Fig. 24-18). In acute lung abscess the outer wall is usually poorly defined. As the abscess becomes more chronic, its wall thickens and the external surface is more sharply marginated. Complications are much less common now than before the use of antibacterial drugs, but empyema and spread of the infection locally or by aspiration of pus from the abscess into a more dependent portion of the lung may occur. CT occasionally may be necessary to differentiate lung abscess from empyema and may also be useful to guide percutaneous catheter drainage.

FIG. 24-18. Acute lung abscess. A: Note the irregular radiolucency in the right subclavicular area, in which there is a fluid level. There is a smaller cavity in the plane of the third anterior rib. B: Tomogram of the upper cavity, which lies posteriorly. The wall is difficult to define, and a considerable amount of inflammatory disease is present adjacent to the cavity. C: The smaller cavity is faintly defined on this tomogram. Its medial wall is visualized, whereas the inflammatory disease laterally produces homogeneous density, making the wall indistinct.

Differential diagnosis depends on the stage of disease when the roentgenogram is obtained. In the early stage, before excavation and communication with a bronchus have occurred, the process cannot be differentiated from that of a segmental pneumonia. However, excavation usually occurs early, and the abscess cavity can then be seen on the roentgenogram if the examination is made with the patient upright. The clinical findings of cough with profuse, foul-smelling sputum shortly after the onset of the acute process strongly suggest lung abscess. If the cavity is not visible on a plain film, CT is indicated. Chronic lung abscess must be differentiated from cavitary TB, the fungal infections that produce cavitation, infected lung cyst, and bronchogenic carcinoma in which the central portion of the lesion has sloughed. This differentiation can be very difficult to make roentgenographically, and examination of the sputum for bacteria and fungi along with appropriate cultures is used to confirm the diagnosis. Cytologic study of the sputum and bronchial aspirates is also indicated in patients with chronic abscesses, particularly in smokers older than 40 years of age, because of the high incidence of bronchogenic carcinoma. Middle Lobe Syndrome The term middle lobe syndrome, commonly used in the past, is not used frequently now. It refers to recurrent pneumonitis and atelectasis in the middle lobe caused by present or previous obstruction of the bronchus to this lobe. 31 The middle lobe bronchus arises approximately 2 cm below the origin of the upper lobe bronchus and is relatively pliable, and there are nodes adjacent to it that may produce compression of the bronchus when they become enlarged. When compression is sufficient to cause partial obstruction, infection can result. The obstruction may persist or decrease, leading to atelectasis, bronchiectasis, and chronic pneumonitis or to temporary resolution of the process. Endobronchial disease at the site of the lymph-node compression may result in gradually increasing stenosis of the middle lobe bronchus. The roentgen findings in the lung are somewhat varied, depending on the relative amount of pneumonitis and atelectasis. The lobe is usually decreased in

size. This results in downward displacement of the secondary interlobar fissure and an increase in opacity below and lateral to the right hilum. The opacity is sometimes difficult to see in the posteroanterior roentgenogram, although it may cause blurring of the right cardiac margin. It usually can be readily outlined on the lateral film. Then the middle lobe is clearly defined as a wedge-shaped or triangular area of opacity sharply bounded above and below by normally aerated lung. The apex of the triangle is at the hilum and the base is at the anterior inferior thoracic wall. When the lobe is not clearly defined in either projection, it may be seen in an anteroposterior lordotic view. When bronchiectasis is marked, the dilated bronchi may be visible as air-filled tubular structures within the consolidated lung. The hilar nodes producing the obstruction may contain calcium. The relationship of these nodes to the middle lobe bronchus can be determined accurately by means of CT. Collateral ventilation of the middle lobe appears to be relatively ineffective, compared with that of the other lobes. This may account for the persistent collapse of the middle lobe in this syndrome. Because bronchogenic carcinoma can cause similar findings, bronchoscopy, with biopsy or even surgical exploration, may be required to make the diagnosis in this type of disease (Fig. 24-19 and Fig. 24-20).

FIG. 24-19. Middle lobe syndrome. A: Note the contracted middle lobe below the right hilum, which obscures the central portion of the right atrial silhouette. B: The lateral view shows the contracted middle lobe ( arrows). C: The bronchogram shows obstruction (arrow) of the middle-lobe bronchus. The upper- and lower-lobe bronchi are partially filled.

FIG. 24-20. Acute pneumonia in the right middle lobe. A: Hazy alveolar disease below the right hilum at the medial base blurs the right cardiac margin in this area. B: In the lateral view, the disease is clearly defined. It lies in the right middle lobe.

Surgical removal is the usual treatment, because the bronchial changes are generally irreversible by the time the syndrome is recognized. Furthermore, there is a high incidence of bronchogenic carcinoma in patients with recurrent or persistent middle lobe infection and atelectasis. Pulmonary Cystic Fibrosis (Mucoviscidosis) Cystic fibrosis is the term used to describe the generalized process of which fibrocystic disease of the pancreas is the most commonly recognized finding. It is a congenital disease, transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait, in which there is an abnormality involving the salivary, mucous, and sweat glands. There also may be an abnormality of mucociliary transport. Sodium and chloride levels in the sweat are elevated, so the diagnosis can be confirmed by a positive sweat test (a finding of more than 50 mEq of chloride per liter of sweat) and by demonstration of decreased amounts of pancreatic enzymes in duodenal contents. This disease is discussed here because a major pulmonary manifestation is one of repeated airway and parenchymal infections. Thick, tenacious mucus tends to obstruct the smaller airways. Pulmonary manifestations vary in degree but are almost invariably present if the child lives long enough to develop them. The earliest roentgen change in fibrocystic disease is hyperinflation, which is diffuse and symmetrical. 59 This is often difficult to recognize in children, but films exposed in inspiration and expiration may indicate the distended state of the lungs. The degree of obstruction tends to increase to a different extent in various segments, so that small areas of opacity resulting from focal atelectasis are visible as the disease progresses. These patients experience repeated pulmonary infection, so findings of pneumonia are superimposed. The infection is usually widespread and peribronchial in distribution, which leads to a rather irregular, stringy accentuation of peribronchial markings extending outward from the hila on both sides. This is often associated with areas of poorly defined, hazy opacity caused by focal areas of pneumonitis. Segmental or lobar collapse may also occur, and the repeated infection leads to a considerable amount of fibrosis and often to bronchiectasis. Bronchial walls are thickened. This is manifested by the presence of parallel lines, which represent bronchial walls seen in profile, or thick circles when the thickened bronchial walls are viewed in cross-section. When bronchiectasis is severe, cyst-like structures are visible, usually in the central and upper lungs. The fibrosis and inflammatory disease produce irregular stringy and patchy shadows. The lung between the consolidated areas is emphysematous, giving a characteristic roentgenographic picture in far advanced disease ( Fig. 24-21). It is often possible to suspect the presence of cystic fibrosis early in the disease when hyperinflation, which may often be associated with small areas of focal atelectasis that are somewhat irregular in distribution, is noted in the infant. Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA), to which patients with cystic fibrosis are susceptible, 70 may be a complicating factor and is said to be present in 10% of patients. It is probably an important factor in clinical deterioration when it complicates cystic fibrosis. ABPA is discussed in the section on fungal chest infections.

FIG. 24-21. Cystic fibrosis of the pancreas with chronic pulmonary disease. There is extensive involvement throughout both lungs. Rounded and oval radiolucencies represent thick-walled bronchi, some of which are dilated, indicating bronchiectasis. There also is evidence of some overinflation, bilateral hilar adenopathy, and patchy alveolar disease.

An increasing number of patients live into adult life, and in these young adults there is often a rather characteristic radiographic appearance. The disease usually involves the upper lobes with a combination of patchy, linear, and nodular densities interspersed with radiolucent areas. In one study bronchiectasis was observed in 90%; hyperinflation in 76%, particularly in the lower lobes; and cyst-like air spaces in 24%. 36 There was an increase in hilar size in 74%. Parenchymal disease was more prominent in the upper and central lung in 70% ( Fig. 24-22); in the remainder, involvement was general. Mucus plugs with atelectasis were observed mainly in the upper lobes. In this study, 30 of 39 patients observed for 1 year or longer showed progression of the pulmonary disease on chest films. In chronic cases, architectural distortion develops, with upper-lobe hilar retraction. Rarely, lung abscess may develop. Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy has been reported in adults with cystic fibrosis. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a major cause of disability in adults with cystic fibrosis. Infections with S. aureus or P. aeruginosa and cor pulmonale are common causes of death. Adult patients with end-stage cystic fibrosis are now being treated successfully with bilateral lung transplantation.

FIG. 24-22. Cystic fibrosis in the adult. A: In this 28-year-old with cystic fibrosis who is not acutely ill, there is upper-lobe predominance, particularly on the right, but disease is rather general. B: Nine months later, much of the acute disease has cleared, but thick-walled, dilated bronchi are more clearly defined; upper and central predominance is again noted.

Chronic Granulomatous Disease of Childhood Chronic granulomatous disease of childhood is another genetically determined disorder in which pulmonary infections begin early in life and persist or recur at intervals. 131 Their leukocytes phagocytize bacteria normally but do not destroy them properly. Lobar and lobular pneumonia may occur in these patients, complicated by lung abscess and empyema. The organisms usually involved are staphylococci, Klebsiella, E. coli, S. marcescens, Nocardia, and fungi (see Fig. 24-48).

FIG. 24-48. Nocardia infection complicating chronic granulomatous disease of childhood. Computed tomogram shows multiple cavitary masses and nodules caused by disseminated infection.

The major features of the infections are hilar adenopathy and recurrent pneumonia, which often does not clear completely and may go on to abscess formation. In some patients, the pneumonia resolves slowly and may become clearly defined, with sharp borders and homogeneous density. It is then termed encapsulated pneumonia.

General Considerations The incidence of pulmonary TB in the United States decreased from 53 cases per 100,000 in 1953 to 9.4 cases per 100,000 in 1984. 123,129,129A After 1984, this steady decline in the incidence of the disease stopped, and in 1986 there was a 2.6% increase in reported cases that persisted through 1988. Increasing numbers of cases were being reported in patients with HIV infection, persons immigrating from countries were TB is endemic, the homeless, the jobless, intravenous drug users, prison inmates, and residents of nursing homes. These factors, combined with unsupervised and inadequate or noncompliant drug therapy, have led to a resurgence of multiple-drug-resistant cases as well. 17,98,123,129A These ominous trends stimulated renewed efforts in this country to curb the infection. New federal funding for TB control clinics to improve case findings and reinstitute the practice of direct observation of patient treatment appears to have reversed the trend. 123 Overall, new cases of TB in this country decreased to 8.7 per 100,000 in 1995. Nevertheless, incidence rates are much higher in some HIV-infected populations on the east coast. 85,123 Worldwide, the epidemic of TB goes virtually unabated, with an estimated 7.6 million new cases occurring in developing countries each year. As many as 3 million people die annually from TB worldwide. 20,123 Therefore, on all fronts, the disease is still of considerable social and economic importance. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is an aerobic bacillus that stains acid-fast red with carbol-fuchsin. 35 Most infections occur when aerosolized droplets containing the organism are inhaled into the lungs and deposited in the middle and lower lobes. 35 An initial focus of infection develops in the lung and subsequently spreads to regional lymph nodes. Further dissemination occurs via lymphohematogenous routes to other parts of the lungs, especially lung apices, and to extrapulmonary sites. The tubercle bacillus injures the tissues, resulting in an alveolar exudate termed tuberculous pneumonia. The disease may advance rapidly and cause a poorly defined pulmonary shadow of varying size and density. This is usually homogeneous when the lesion is small. If the process is halted by means of antibacterial drugs before caseation necrosis occurs, complete clearing of the process can occur. A chest roentgenogram does not permit a positive diagnosis of exudative TB, but the findings may be typical enough that the diagnosis of an exudative type of lesion can be suggested. Subsequent complete clearing then tends to substantiate the impression. In the majority of cases, however, primary TB remains clinically silent. Host defenses temporarily contain the infection by forming granulomas or tubercles consisting of epithelioid cells, lymphocytes, and Langhans' giant cells that wall off the bacilli. This corresponds to the development of delayed hypersensitivity to TB antigens that occurs around 1 to 3 weeks after inoculation. 35,96,134 By 3 weeks, a tuberculin skin test (PPD) is usually positive. 134 The tubercles that form may coalesce to form larger nodules that are visible as oval or rounded opacities on the chest radiograph. Tubercles may continue to enlarge and undergo central caseation necrosis, or they may heal with fibrosis and calcification. 10,96,106 Viable bacilli often survive within dormant tubercles, only to become reactivated at a later date to cause postprimary (reactivation) TB. When liquefaction occurs in the areas of caseous necrosis, infected material is extruded into an adjacent bronchus, leaving a tuberculous cavity

behind and spreading the infection endobronchially to other parts of the lung. Clinically active TB develops in only about 5% to 10% of exposed people. This most often occurs as reactivation of dormant infection sometime in the future, but it may occur as progression of primary infection or as uncontrolled dissemination if host defenses fail. 35,134 Dissemination of the tubercle bacillus is of three types: bronchogenic, hematogenous, and lymphangitic. Bronchogenic dissemination occurs when exudate from a cavity or small area of caseation drains into a bronchus and is aspirated into previously uninfected areas, either on the same or on the opposite side. This type of spread occurs frequently after bleeding and when there is a cavity emptying into a bronchus. Hematogenous dissemination leads to miliary TB and to extrapulmonary lesions throughout the body. Acute massive hematogenous spread causes miliary TB, whereas chronic spread in smaller amounts usually results in the chronic extrapulmonary foci. Lymphangitic dissemination is common in primary infection. It is responsible for involvement with subsequent enlargement of hilar and mediastinal nodes that is often seen in children. In adults, hilar and mediastinal adenopathy can be seen in both primary infection and reactivation. 11,52,71,78 On contrast-enhanced CT scans, tuberculous lymph nodes typically demonstrate low-attenuation, necrotic centers with rim enhancement. 7,11,52 The reaction to M. tuberculosis depends on the presence or absence of immunity to tuberculoprotein. In persons having no tissue hypersensitivity or immunity, primary TB results. In those with immunity produced by previous infection or bacille Calmette-Gurin (BCG) vaccination, reactivation (reinfection) disease may develop.* Primary Pulmonary Tuberculosis Primary, or first-infection, TB occurs when the living tubercle bacilli produce a local inflammatory process in the lung in a patient who has not been previously infected and therefore is not sensitized to the tuberculoprotein. This form usually occurs in children. 124 The disease remains often undetected because there are few clinical symptoms. If a roentgenogram is obtained in the early phase, the disease resembles any other segmental pneumonic process in that it is a poorly defined opacity, usually limited to a relatively small subsegment. In some patients, the diseased area is larger, with one or several segments or an entire lobe involved. In susceptible persons (e.g., blacks, poorly-nourished children), the disease may be more widespread and may occasionally cavitate; pneumatoceles may occur. 124 The lymphangitic spread of the disease to the hilar and paratracheal nodes results in enlargement, which may be recognizable roentgenographically. At times adenopathy can be massive. The changes produced in the lymphatics may occasionally be sufficient to appear as streaks of increased opacity between the primary pneumonic disease and the hilum. If serial films are obtained, slow resolution will be noted over 6 months to 1 year. At times the original lesion disappears so completely that it cannot be recognized on later roentgenograms, but there is often a small nodule that later may become calcified. The calcification within the hilar nodes and the parenchymal calcification then remain as the only residues of primary TB. This combination of primary parenchymal opacity plus regional node calcification is termed a primary complex or primary Ranke complex, and the parenchymal nodule is called a Ghon tubercle. The diagnosis cannot be made on roentgen study alone, but in many patients the appearance is so typical that the diagnosis is relatively certain. Progress roentgenograms tend to substantiate the conclusion, and the tuberculin skin test can be used to confirm it (Fig. 24-23). As a rule, the calcifications secondary to histoplasmosis are larger than those in TB.

FIG. 24-23. Primary tuberculosis. A: The primary disease is noted in the left upper lung, largely in the plane of the second anterior interspace. It consists of poorly defined opacity in the parenchyma, accompanied by enlarged hilar nodes. B: In a roentgenogram obtained 1 month later, there is a clearly defined strand of opacity extending into the area of the previous disease. The enlarged nodes have regressed.

The primary pulmonary parenchymal focus is usually solitary but may be multiple. There are several variations from the typical findings described. In some patients, the primary parenchymal opacity is so small as to be invisible on a roentgenogram, whereas lymph node enlargement in the hilum in the same patient may be considerable. Distribution in the lungs is random, so that lower-lobe disease is at least as common as upper-lobe disease. The lower-lobe lesions usually do not cause atelectasis in children, so they often escape notice. In some cases, no visible hilar node enlargement is demonstrated. Tuberculous Pleural Effusion Occasionally, the first manifestations of TB are pleural effusion and pleural disease, which may hide the parenchymal disease. As a part of the primary disease, pleural effusion is more common in adults than in children. The figures vary, but about 10% of children and 30% of adults with primary TB have pleural effusion, usually unilateral and on the side of the parenchymal disease. In some reports, the incidence of effusion is considerably higher. Tuberculous pleurisy develops when subpleural foci of infection rupture into the pleural space. It can occur at any time during the course of TB, but it most commonly occurs 3 to 7 months after the initial exposure. 35,51,96 Diagnosis is frequently very difficult, because the tubercle bacillus rarely can be cultured from the pleural fluid. Often a pleural biopsy is required to confirm the diagnosis. 96 Pleural effusions in primary TB usually clear completely in a month or two without treatment. Occasionally, the effusion persists, leaving a residual sac of fluid often encased in thickened pleura. Eventually, some of these pleural residues may calcify peripherally or centrally and form long-term sequelae of fibrothorax. Atelectasis A major cause of the opacity that is sometimes associated with primary TB in children is now known to be atelectasis, which usually results from compression of an upper-lobe bronchus by the large hilar nodes. Complete occlusion may occur when there is an added factor of bronchial infection or edema. The atelectasis may appear and disappear from time to time, producing opacity and decreased volume of the involved lobe or segment when present. If the atelectasis persists despite treatment with antituberculosis drugs, it usually indicates bronchostenosis. Surgical removal of the involved lobe may then become necessary. The more usual course, however, is for the atelectasis to clear as the inflammatory process subsides in the nodes and in the bronchial wall. Therefore, roentgen findings vary in these patients. They consist of the hilar node enlargement plus varying amounts of opacity in the involved lobe, depending on the amount of atelectasis present in addition to the actual tuberculous disease. The parenchymal opacity often remains after the atelectasis clears ( Fig. 24-24). Bronchiectasis may also result as a complication of this type of disease.

FIG. 24-24. Primary tuberculosis with atelectasis. A: Note the homogeneous opacity in the right upper lobe. The minor fissure is greatly elevated, indicating a considerable amount of atelectasis. B: In a roentgenogram obtained 5 weeks later, the upper lobe has expanded. Residual pulmonary disease is present above the right hilum; right upper hilar nodes are enlarged.

Progression The usual course of primary TB is slow resolution, which may occur in 3 to 9 months. Progressive primary TB may occur in several situations. It is most common in infants younger than 1 year of age, in patients using corticosteroids, and in other susceptible patients (often with other chronic illness). The pulmonary involvement increases; often cavitation occurs, with subsequent bronchogenic spread or pleural involvement with effusion and/or empyema and occasionally with bronchopleural fistula. Tuberculous Pericarditis Tuberculous pericarditis usually is caused by rupture of a caseous mediastinal node into the pericardium. This may cause acute tamponade, making immediate pericardiocentesis imperative. In other cases, a more gradual accumulation of pericardial fluid is associated with tuberculous pericarditis. The size of the cardiac shadow increases, and the presence of fluid can usually be determined by echocardiography. One, now rare, cause of calcific constrictive pericarditis is prior tuberculous pericarditis. Hematogenous Dissemination and Miliary Tuberculosis Widespread hematogenous dissemination of TB as the result of primary infection is uncommon but is a very serious complication because it may lead to miliary TB and to involvement of many extrapulmonary structures, including the meninges. This complication usually occurs in infants younger than 2 years of age and is much less common in older children. It usually develops within 6 months of the initial primary infection. Other Complications Occasionally the hilar or paratracheal lymph nodes may become so large that they extend into the adjacent pulmonary parenchyma and may require surgical removal. Bronchoesophageal fistula has also been reported, when caseating nodal disease extends into the esophagus and into a bronchus. Primary Tuberculosis in the Adult Unusual pulmonary manifestations of TB have been reported because of decreased exposure in childhood and development of the primary form of the disease in many adults.18,102 There is more lower-lobe disease in adults. Equal incidence or slight predominance of lower- and middle-lobe disease has been reported. 134 Choyke and associates 23 reported a 40% incidence of lower-lobe disease and a 58% incidence of upper-lobe disease in one series of 103 adults. Cavitation was present in 8%, which is higher rate than that reported in children. Pleural effusion was present in about 30%, also more common than in children. On the other hand, adenopathy occurred in only about 10%, almost half in the right paratracheal nodes. Others have reported a higher incidence of adenopathy. All of the patients with adenopathy had parenchymal disease demonstrated on chest roentgenography. In this series, about 15% of the patients were immunocompromised, so that TB can be an opportunistic infection. ARDS occurred as a complication of miliary TB in four patients. This is a particularly difficult situation, and prompt antituberculosis drug therapy may be life-saving. Postprimary (Reinfection, Reactivation) Tuberculosis Reinfection or reactivation TB occurs when tubercle bacilli produce pulmonary inflammatory disease in a person who was previously sensitized to tuberculin. Unlike primary TB, this condition tends to be progressive, leading to symptomatic pulmonary disease unless treated. Lymph node involvement is much less common than in primary disease. The disease has a considerable tendency to localize in the upper lobes. There is no certain way to distinguish between the two types on roentgen study, however. Early Reinfection Tuberculosis The upper lobes are the most common site, and the parenchymal disease is most often found in the apical and posterior segments of the upper lobe. The right side is affected somewhat more frequently than the left. However, it is not uncommon to see the initial opacity in the superior segment of the lower lobe on either side. The basal segments of the lower lobe are not often the site of the original disease in reactivation pulmonary TB. The disease is asymptomatic in its early stages, and a chest roentgenogram often indicates a lesion before the onset of subjective symptoms and before physical findings can be elicited on examination of the chest. As far as the roentgen findings are concerned, there is nothing characteristic about early tuberculous disease except its location in the upper lobe, which is usually fairly peripheral in relation to the hilum. Characteristically the disease appears as an area of mottled opacity that varies considerably in size, and the limits of the lesion are usually poorly circumscribed. The hazy character and poor definition of the lesions suggest a pneumonic or exudative process, in contrast to the more clearly defined, strand-like character of chronic fibrotic disease. It is not uncommon for this disease to be obscured to a greater or lesser extent by the clavicle or by one of the upper ribs and thus escape attention unless the roentgenogram is examined carefully ( Fig. 24-25, Fig. 24-26, and Fig. 24-27). In other patients the disease may be undetected until it is well advanced, so it is not unusual to find extensive disease with cavitation and bronchogenic spread to the opposite lung or the lower lobe of the same lung. In others, the initial chest roentgenogram reveals a large area of segmental or lobar consolidation representing tuberculous pneumonia.

FIG. 24-25. Minimal pulmonary tuberculosis in the right upper lobe. Note the hazy, poorly defined opacity in the first anterior interspace laterally, immediately below the clavicle. Some disease was also concealed by the clavicle. Compare this area with the same area on the patient's left side, which is normal. B: Somewhat more extensive disease is present in the right upper lobe in the supraclavicular area, in the first anterior interspace, and medial to the first rib. Some of the disease is

obscured by the clavicle. The left side is normal.

FIG. 24-26. Minimal tuberculosis in the left apex. The disease is clearly defined in the supraclavicular area. It contains some calcium. There were also several calcified nodes in the left hilum, some of which are shown here. Note the minimal amount of pleural thickening lateral to the pulmonary disease.

FIG. 24-27. Minimal tuberculosis. A: The disease is rather poorly defined, largely in the lateral aspect of the second anterior interspace. B: Close-up view of the upper-right lung shows the hazy opacity to better advantage. Its haziness and poor definition are compatible with active disease.

At times the disease appears as a relatively clearly defined linear opacity, resembling a fibrotic scar. However, it must be remembered that TB cannot be classified as inactive on the basis of a single study. Because there is a wide variation in susceptibility, the virulence and number of organisms, and the gross pathologic response to the disease, it is not surprising that roentgen study of TB should demonstrate a wide variation in the appearance of the disease. 134 In some patients the location and appearance of the initial tuberculous process are characteristic enough for the radiologist to make a presumptive diagnosis of pulmonary TB, but this should always be confirmed by bacteriologic study of sputum or of specimens obtained during fiberoptic bronchoscopy. Recently, a number of articles have reported on the characteristic findings of pulmonary TB on CT and high-resolution CT (HRCT) ( Fig. 24-28 and Fig. 24-29). HRCT has been shown to be more sensitive than chest radiography for detecting early active disease. 53,56,63,67,71,72,73 and 73A,89,95,100,101 HRCT findings of postprimary TB include 2- to 4-mm centrilobular nodules or branching structures (the tree-in-bud sign); cavities; bronchiectasis; lobular consolidation; ground-glass opacities; and small (6 to 10 mm), nodular opacities. These often, although not invariably, are seen in cases of active pulmonary TB. The tree-in-bud pattern is typical of endobronchial spread of TB but again is not specific for TB and can be seen in other disease processes such as diffuse panbronchiolitis, acute bronchitis/pneumonia caused by other infections, aspiration pneumonia, and bronchiectasis of any cause with mucoid impaction. 2,7,53 The tree-in-bud sign, however, is one of the earliest HRCT findings of bronchogenic spread of TB. On histopathology, this sign corresponds to impaction of caseous material within dilated, small distal bronchioles including the terminal bronchioles, the respiratory bronchioles, and the alveolar ducts. 54

FIG. 24-28. A and B: Computed tomographic findings of active tuberculosis. Multiple foci of patchy disease are noted bilaterally, characterized by larger nodular opacities (arrows) and surrounding areas of tree-in-bud formations ( arrowheads).

FIG. 24-29. A: Chest film taken at presentation of a 34-year-old man with a history of tuberculosis shows left pleural fibrosis and scattered nodular opacities in both apices and in the left lower lung. B and C: Computed tomography more clearly demonstrates the presence of open cavities in both apices and multiple areas of bronchogenic spread of tuberculosis to the left and right upper lobes, lingula, and left lower lobe. Left pleural fibrosis and bilateral calcified hilar nodes are also present.

CT findings associated with cases of inactive or stable TB include fibrotic irregular lines, parenchymal bands, calcified nodules and calcified adenopathy, architectural distortion of the bronchovascular bundles, bronchiectasis, and pericicatricial emphysema. 53,56,63,67,71,72 and 73,89,95,100,101 As with chest radiographs, disease inactivity can not be determined solely on the basis of CT findings on a single CT examination but requires confirmation of negative sputum cultures and serial examinations over time. CT findings of primary TB include lobar consolidation with hilar or mediastinal adenopathy. With intravenous contrast enhancement, tuberculous adenopathy typically shows rim enhancement with low-density, necrotic centers. 54,72 Areas of lung consolidation may show cavitation. 72 Bronchogenic Spread of Tuberculosis When enough necrosis is produced by the action of the tubercle bacillus, a cavity is formed and the necrotic material is extruded through a bronchus. The cavity appears on the roentgenogram as a rounded or oval area of radiolucency, usually surrounded by a moderately thick wall and often by a considerable amount of disease in the same area. Exudate from this cavity can be expectorated, or it may be aspirated, resulting in bronchogenic spread of infection to other parts of the same lung or to the opposite lung. New foci of infection are then set up that in turn may undergo eventual cavitation. Small foci of tuberculous pneumonia are started by these bronchogenic aspirates. All of these lesions may heal, go on to caseation and cavitation, or become productive lesions resulting in the formation of a considerable amount of granulation tissue and eventual fibrosis. The fibrosis may be extensive, leading to a considerable loss in lung volume and tracheobronchial distortion. Bronchogenic spread of TB results in a characteristic appearance on CT. In addition to the tree-in-bud sign, CT may demonstrate patchy areas of air-space disease consisting of poorly defined nodular opacities measuring 3 to 10 mm in diameter (see Fig. 24-28 and Fig. 24-29).37,67,96 Typically, these areas of involvement are widely scattered in different parts of the lung. An open cavity in the same or opposite lung is often identified. The nodular opacities of bronchogenic spread are less uniform, less well marginated, larger, and less evenly distributed than the smaller (1 to 3 mm), discrete nodules of miliary TB. 67,96 Not surprisingly, CT often reveals more extensive bronchogenic spread of TB than is appreciated on the chest radiograph (see Fig. 24-29).67,96 Cavitation The presence of cavitation in a patient with pulmonary TB is common and is often readily detected roentgenographically because the cavity is large enough to produce a distinct round or oval radiolucency with a moderately thick wall. If there is uncertainty about the presence of a cavity, CT should be used to confirm or exclude its presence (see Fig. 24-29). CT is very valuable in detection of cavitary disease and is more reliable than chest radiography. As with other aspects of tuberculous disease, there is wide variation in the appearance of tuberculous excavation from one patient to the next. The cavitations appear as radiolucent areas that vary widely in size but are generally round or oval. The inner wall of a cavity may be smooth or irregular ( Fig. 24-30). The walls are usually moderately thick except in tension cavities, which become fairly large and may exhibit thin walls. A tension cavity develops because a check-valve type of obstruction of the bronchus leading to it allows air to enter the cavity more freely than it can escape. This type of cavity may disappear very quickly after treatment is instituted, because the bronchial obstruction that contributed to its size may be relieved quickly and permit the cavity to collapse. Thick-walled cavities, on the other hand, often show little tendency to close, or they may close or decrease in size very slowly when treated. Although not as common as in lung abscess, fluid can occasionally be present in a tuberculous cavity, so fluid levels can be demonstrated on horizontal-beam roentgenograms or CT. Airfluid levels, however, may also be an indication of superimposed bacterial or fungal infection in a chronic tuberculous cavity. 35,67,96 In general, the walls of the cavities decrease in thickness and become less distinct as the disease regresses under treatment. Fibrosis, with contraction of the previously involved lung, and emphysema may result in production of irregular or oval radiolucencies that simulate cavities very closely. In these instances it is often difficult and sometimes impossible to differentiate a thin-walled cavity from an area of emphysema unless the disease has been well documented by repeated roentgenograms during its course. In these patients, CT is often of considerable value.

FIG. 24-30. Advanced bilateral pulmonary tuberculosis. A: Note the large apical cavity on the right in the supraclavicular area. The disease is extensive in the upper half of both lungs, and several suspicious radiolucent areas are noted on the left. B and C: In tomograms of the patient shown in A, the apical cavity on the right, some shift of the trachea to the right, and several small cavities on the left are evident.

If cavitation or extensive disease has occurred in a lobe or segment, fibrosis is a part of the healing process and results in volume loss, often with bronchial, hilar, and mediastinal distortion. Tuberculous disease activity can not be determined on the basis of radiographic or CT appearance of the cavity alone, and diagnosis must be made from results of sputum cultures and serial imaging analysis. 35,67,96 Even chronic cavities can continue to discharge viable bacilli. Bronchiectasis Endobronchial involvement in pulmonary TB is very common and leads to bronchiectasis in many instances. The presence of bronchiectasis in patients with TB can often be diagnosed or at least suspected on routine roentgenograms, because the thick-walled bronchi filled with air stand out in contrast to the diseased lung surrounding them. In other cases, particularly in less extensive disease, the diagnosis can be made with a high degree of certainty on CT. If the extent of bronchiectasis is to be determined before surgical removal, bronchography or, more commonly, CT is used to make this assessment. Bronchiectasis in patients with pulmonary TB may be saccular or cylindrical and is found in the lobe or segment involved by the disease. Occasionally, it is detected in an area where there is no obvious parenchymal involvement. Presumably, the bronchiectasis was caused by tuberculous disease which has resolved to the point where no roentgen evidence of parenchymal involvement remains. For this reason, many investigators consider that CT or bronchography is indicated before segmental surgery is undertaken in patients with pulmonary TB. Because antituberculosis drug therapy is very effective, surgery is now limited to the occasional patient with severe bronchiectasis, hemorrhage, or repeated infection localized to the site of earlier TB. There is some difference in the appearance of bronchiectasis in TB compared with that caused by other conditions. In TB there is often peripheral obliteration and more fibrosis with greater distortion of bronchi ( Fig. 24-31).

FIG. 24-31. Bronchiectasis in tuberculosis (TB). A: Note the dilation of the upper-lobe bronchi, which are also crowded in a patient who had previous extensive TB of the right upper lobe. There is very little alveolar filling, and the distal ends of the bronchi are obstructed. The latter finding is characteristic of TB. B: Bronchogram of a patient with far-advanced TB of long duration. The right upper lobe is contracted, and there is extensive saccular bronchiectasis, bronchial distortion, and failure of parenchymal filling.

Unusual Radiographic Manifestations of Pulmonary Tuberculosis In addition to the unusual distribution and other differences described in adults with primary TB, several other possible findings should be mentioned: 1. Multiple bilateral large pulmonary nodules. 2. Multiple small, scattered, cavitary foci that resemble hematogenous staphylococcal abscesses. These lesions remain unchanged and can therefore be differentiated from acute staphylococcal disease, which changes rather rapidly. 3. Pulmonary gangrene resulting from TB. The patients are very ill and this disease is often fatal. A large, homogeneous, lobar alveolar process is observed to increase in density; the lobe increases in volume, and cavitation appears with a large intracavity mass of necrotic tissue, similar to that sometimes observed in Klebsiella pneumonia.62 4. Rasmussen aneurysm, a rare pseudoaneurysm caused by erosion of a peripheral pulmonary artery branch within a tuberculous cavity. It can simulate a mass within a cavity. Complications include formation of an arteriovenous fistula, rupture with hemoptysis, and sometimes exsanguination. These aneurysms can be treated by embolization to occlude the involved pulmonary artery branch. 5. A nonspecific severe, widespread interstitial pattern throughout both lungs. This occurs in middle-aged and elderly patients with emphysema. The patients are not very ill, and there is no radiologic change over many months. Diagnosis is usually made by open lung biopsy. Response to good antituberculosis drug therapy is very slow. Pneumothorax may complicate this unusual form of TB. 102 Tuberculosis in the Immunosuppressed Patient The cell-mediated immune response (T lymphocytes) is largely involved in the destruction of tubercle bacilli. There are several situations in which cell-mediated immunity is depressed.93 They include acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) (see Chapter 25),104A aging, starvation, chronic illness, alcoholism, cancer, sarcoidosis, silicosis, pregnancy, radiation, and drugs such as corticosteroids, immunosuppressive drugs, and cytotoxic drugs used in cancer chemotherapy. Patients with these conditions are at risk if exposed to the organism. The highest incidence appears to be in elderly persons, debilitated persons, and patients with AIDS, chronic diseases, or malignancy. Although TB is difficult to manage in patients with silicosis, the incidence of TB in patients with silicosis is decreasing. Whether this will remain true in the future is not certain, since the incidence of TB may be increasing. The radiographic appearance of TB depends on the level of immunosuppression. It is similar to that in other patients except when T-cell depression becomes significant. Then the disease is likely to progress more rapidly, to become far advanced, and to develop miliary spread. This can occur in primary as well as in reactivation TB. Tuberculoma The term tuberculoma refers to the round, focal, tuberculous lesion that may be solitary or multiple. There are many inflammatory nodules in which tubercle bacilli cannot be found. The histopathologic findings are nonspecific. They are termed chronic nonspecific granuloma and cannot be differentiated from tuberculoma by roentgenographic methods. The tuberculous nodules vary in size from a few millimeters to 5 or 6 cm but usually range from 1 to 3 cm. They may or may not contain calcium and usually contain caseous debris. Small flecks of calcium may be scattered in the lesion, and in some instances calcium may form a more or less complete shell or ring in or near the outer wall of the nodule. Several concentric rings of calcium or an eccentric or central nidus of calcium may be present. The pathogenesis is varied, and the nodule may represent either primary or reinfection disease. Sometimes the nodule results when a cavity is sealed by obstruction of its draining bronchus. It may also be a residual localized area of caseation that persists when the remainder of the primary disease clears. It is not unusual to see a few tiny satellite nodules or poorly defined areas of opacity in the vicinity of a tuberculoma. All of these lesions are potentially dangerous, because they may contain viable tubercle bacilli for long periods and may break down at any time with resultant dissemination of the disease. They may remain constant in size or grow very slowly over a period of years. The roentgen finding is that of a round parenchymal nodule. If concentric rings of calcium are visible, the lesion is almost certainly a tuberculoma or other chronic inflammatory granuloma (Fig. 24-32). If no calcium is demonstrated on the routine roentgen study of the chest, CT is indicated. Calcium can often be seen on CT when its presence is not detected on the preliminary film. If no calcification is found, differentiation of the tuberculoma or other infectious granuloma from bronchogenic carcinoma, other lung tumors, or solitary pulmonary metastasis may be impossible. Recent preliminary studies by Swenson and others suggest that small noncalcified nodules that fail to show significant contrast enhancement on dynamic serial CT scanning while intravenous contrast is being administered are likely to be benign. 129A In the patient with a small, solitary nodule that is not clearly benign, resection must be considered, unless previous films from 2 or 3 years ago indicate that the lesion has been present for a long time and is unchanged. Transbronchial or percutaneous needle biopsy may clearly demonstrate granulomatous disease. If there is doubt or if malignancy is found, resection is necessary.

FIG. 24-32. Tuberculoma. Note the dense, calcified nodule in the right midlung. Some disease is also noted lateral to it and above it in the lateral aspect of the second anterior interspace. Some calcified hilar nodes are noted bilaterally.

Healing of Pulmonary Tuberculosis

In general, pulmonary TB heals slowly, so that it is possible by serial roentgenography to follow the gross anatomic changes in the disease. Differences can be noted in the manner of healing, which depends on the type of involvement and the susceptibility of the tubercle bacilli to the antituberculosis drugs as well as on the response of the patient. Complete resolution often occurs in some areas. It is a common observation that complete resolution occurs and is most striking in patients with relatively acute disease in which the process is presumed to be largely exudative ( Fig. 24-33). This accounts for the decreased thickness of the walls of cavities that is often noted in patients undergoing treatment. The exudative portion of the process making up the cavitary wall resolves, resulting in a decrease in thickness. In patients in whom the disease has progressed to the point of necrosis, complete resolution is not possible. In these patients, fibrosis with contraction of the scars results in shrinkage in the volume of the involved lobe or segment and sometimes a decrease in the size of the hemithorax. The mediastinal structures are retracted to the side of involvement. The hilum is elevated in upper-lobe disease, and sometimes the hemidiaphragm is raised. The lesions that contain granulation tissue as well as caseation, and are often noted as poorly defined nodules, show gradual reduction in size. The individual nodules tend to become more clearly defined on the roentgenogram, evidently also because of contraction and fibrosis. This type of lesion often is the site of calcium deposition and in some instances becomes densely calcified with the passage of time. Many of the lesions contain central areas of necrosis in which viable organisms can be found after long periods of apparent inactivity. In summary, as visualized roentgenographically, there is considerable difference in the healing process from one patient to another, but it is unusual to see the disease disappear entirely ( Fig. 24-34).

FIG. 24-33. Far-advanced bilateral pulmonary tuberculosis, showing the regression resulting from treatment with antituberculosis drugs. A: Note the extensive bilateral disease. B: Study made 9 months later shows great improvement. The remaining disease consists largely of fibrous strands with a few nodules in each lung.

FIG. 24-34. Far-advanced pulmonary tuberculosis. A: Initial film shows the bilateral disease. A large cavity in the right apex is rather poorly defined on this film. B: Nine months later, the right lung shows the result of treatment. The large apical cavity is more clearly defined. The upper lobe is contracted, but much of the exudative disease has cleared. C: Sixteen months after the initial examination, most of the residual disease has been resected and now the findings are those of surgical scarring in the right second anterior interspace and in the left subclavicular area.

CT is very helpful in demonstrating nodular residuals that cannot be clearly defined on routine chest roentgenography. Examination of surgical specimens has demonstrated that it is very difficult to be certain on roentgen examination that no residual disease is present. Roentgenographic changes observed during the healing process have very little prognostic value. Studies have shown that it is not necessary to take routine follow-up roentgenograms when a patient undergoing treatment has no clinical signs to warrant concern. After treatment, chest radiographic study is necessary if symptoms recur. When examining a patient with residuals of TB, it is imperative to compare the earliest available chest film with the current one, because changes are subtle and gradual and may be overlooked if only the most recent film is used for comparison. Complications of Reinfection Pulmonary Tuberculosis Pleural Effusion and Empyema Because pulmonary TB is a peripheral lesion, pleural involvement is common ( Fig. 24-35); effusion may be found in patients without an obvious pulmonary lesion. In some instances the opacity produced by the fluid obscures the parenchymal disease. In others, pleural effusion is the only roentgen manifestation and, even when the fluid has been removed or absorbed, no definite pulmonary parenchymal focus is roentgenographically visible. In some patients the fluid disappears spontaneously or can be successfully aspirated, and in others tuberculous empyema results. Occasionally, the pleural space may be involved by secondary infection. The tuberculous empyema is similar to empyema of nonspecific origin in its roentgen appearance. It is usually loculated and may become very large. If it is present and undrained for a long time, calcification may occur, producing marked radiographic opacity outlining the wall. Bronchopleural fistula may also occur, with drainage of all or part of the contents of the empyema and entrance of air into it. Pleurocutaneous fistula and bronchopleurocutaneous fistula are rare complications of chronic TB. In some patients with tuberculous pleural disease, considerable fibrosis in the pleural space results in marked pleural thickening and constriction of the adjacent lung or of the entire hemithorax if the disease is extensive, so-called fibrothorax. Calcification may then occur in or adjacent to either the visceral or parietal pleura or both. Occasionally, an empyema develops years after the initial pleural infection and should be suspected if the volume of the fibrothorax increases. The presence of fluid within the pleural space or between the layers of fibrothorax can be detected by ultrasonography in most instances; CT may also be useful in this situation, particularly if ultrasonography is equivocal. If the pleural infection remains active, chest wall extension of the empyema may develop; this is called empyema necessitatis.

FIG. 24-35. Pulmonary tuberculosis, showing the development of pleural effusion. A: Bilateral tuberculosis of the upper lobe is manifested by opacity that is rather homogeneous and more intense on the right than on the left. There is no evidence of pleural fluid on the right, and there was none on the left. B: Four weeks later, a

large pleural effusion on the right is evident. Note that the parenchymal disease has regressed slightly owing to treatment during the interval.

Bronchostenosis Narrowing of a bronchus may result from pressure of an enlarged lymph node that is involved by TB. This is usually found in children with primary TB. It is also caused by endobronchial inflammation and granuloma formation or fibrosis in the postprimary or reinfection form of the disease. Roentgen findings are not evident until the obstruction is sufficient to cause either atelectasis or obstructive overinflation. Broncho stenosis may also result in repeated nonspecific infections distal to the narrow bronchus. Complete bronchial occlusion as the result of tuberculous fibrosis rarely may be the cause of mucoid impaction. Broncholithiasis Occasionally, a calcified node adjacent to a bronchus erodes into the bronchus and the calcified material from the node is extruded into the bronchus, producing a broncholith. This may cause very few symptoms or on rare occasions it may result in bronchogenic spread of tuberculous disease or hemorrhage. The calcification may also cause bronchial obstruction with overinflation or atelectasis. This complication may also occur in patients with calcified nodes caused by lesions other than pulmonary TB. Radiographic findings vary with the situation. The calcified nodes are often visible, and their relationship to the bronchus can best be determined by CT (Fig. 24-36).

FIG. 24-36. Computed tomogram demonstrates a broncholith protruding into airway of the bronchus intermedius near the take-off of the middle-lobe and lower-lobe bronchi.

Tuberculous Pneumothorax When pneumothorax complicates pulmonary TB, it creates the hazard of widespread pleural involvement leading to tuberculous empyema and bronchopleural fistula. This is because the pneumothorax often results from rupture of a caseous subpleural focus into the pleural space in advanced disease. It is also possible for a small subpleural bleb to rupture, leading to a simple pneumothorax that resolves quickly without further complication. The roentgen appearance is similar to that noted in pneumothorax from other causes, but the tuberculous disease is visible and a considerable amount of adhesive pleuritis may result in irregular or loculated pneumothorax. This is an uncommon complication of TB. Dissemination to Other Organs Patients with pulmonary TB occasionally develop disease in other organs and systems such as the larynx, ileum and cecum, urogenital organs, and skeletal system. Gastrointestinal disease and laryngeal disease are frequently the result of contact with sputum and only rarely indicate a hematogenous spread. On the other hand, renal TB or skeletal involvement indicates hematogenous or lymphangitic spread. These lesions are discussed by organ or system in the appropriate chapters. Hematogenous Tuberculosis Hematogenous pulmonary TB includes several types of disease. When the organisms enter the blood stream, it is possible to get hematogenous involvement of numerous other organs and systems. The actual mode of dissemination is difficult to determine in any specific instance, but dissemination may occur by way of the lymphatics and enter the bloodstream through the thoracic duct, by direct rupture of a caseous focus into a vessel, or by formation of a subintimal tubercle that serves as a source of organisms. The invasion of the bloodstream may occur in any stage of TB. When hematogenous dissemination develops, numerous factors have a bearing on the resultant disease, including the age of the patient, the number and virulence of the organisms entering the bloodstream, the individual and racial susceptibility, the general health of the patient, and the patient's state of allergy and immunity at the time of the invasion. Prompt treatment with antibacterial drugs usually alters the disease considerably in a favorable manner. Miliary Pulmonary Tuberculosis Two clinical types of miliary TB are recognizedacute miliary TB and subacute or chronic miliary pulmonary dissemination. Miliary dissemination can occur at any time after the primary infection. 35 Acute miliary TB follows massive bloodstream invasion and produces a severe acute illness, frequently with fatal termination before the use of antituberculosis drugs. In infants and children it may result by spread from a primary site and produces severe clinical manifestations. It usually occurs in malnourished or chronically ill infants, who are unusually susceptible. In most children, however, the number of organisms is small and host resistance sufficient to prevent miliary spread of the disease, so there are no clinical manifestations. In adults, particularly in the older age group, the disease may be insidious and extremely difficult to recognize. Findings on chest roentgenograms depend on the size and number of miliary tubercles. The actual nodules visualized on a roentgenogram are the result of superimposition of many small parenchymal lesions that create sufficient opacity to be recognized as a small nodule. In the typical patient the appearance is that of a fine granularity or tiny nodulation scattered uniformly throughout both lungs. At times the lesions are rather clearly defined as innumerable fine nodules, each sharply delineated; in other patients they are less sharply outlined, with hazy margins ( Fig. 24-37 and Fig. 24-38). In some patients with miliary pulmonary TB, no lesions can be seen on the initial chest film, but in most instances a classic miliary pattern develops during the course of the disease. 39

FIG. 24-37. Miliary tuberculosis. Close-up view of the right upper lung in a patient with miliary tuberculosis shows the numerous small opacities along with a small increase in interstitial markings.

FIG. 24-38. Posteroanterior (A) and lateral (B) views showing miliary tuberculosis. Note the extensive miliary nodules, more dense and clearly defined than those in FIG. 24-37. The patient had weight loss, fever, and a cough.

Because miliary disease in adults can take up to 6 weeks to become apparent on chest radiographs, 6,43,47,96 CT may be helpful in detecting the disease earlier. In cases of miliary TB, CT demonstrates innumerable 1- to 3-mm, discrete nodules randomly distributed throughout the lungs 72 (Fig. 24-39).

FIG. 24-39. A and B: Miliary tuberculosis. Computed tomography demonstrates widely disseminated tiny nodules of uniform size and uniform distribution.

Some findings may suggest TB on the initial chest radiograph, however. Pleural involvement is common, resulting in unilateral or bilateral pleural effusion that varies considerably in amount. Rarely, recurrent pneumothorax complicates the disease. The cause is not certain, but subpleural caseating nodules may rupture into the pleural space in some instances. The individual lesions are largely exudative, and when treatment with antibacterial drugs is effective, the widely scattered foci usually disappear completely. They do not result in scattered pulmonary calcifications. The differential diagnosis of miliary TB is often difficult from a roentgen standpoint because numerous other diseases produce widespread scattered and miliary type of nodulation in both lungs. Correlation of clinical and roentgen findings is very important in all instances. Several acute processes cannot be differentiated from miliary TB on a single chest roentgenogram. Miliary bronchopneumonia, which may be of viral or bacterial origin, and bronchiolitis in children that results in widespread miliary nodulation may closely resemble miliary TB. In other diseases such as sarcoidosis, the pneumoconioses, and miliary pulmonary carcinomatosis, the history and clinical course usually permit differentiation. Several additional conditions can produce acute, diffuse miliary lesions in the lung. They include other bacterial infections such as staphylococcal and streptococcal pneumonia, viral and rickettsial infections such as chickenpox and Q fever, mycotic infections such as histoplasmosis and blastomycosis, and parasitic infestations such as schistosomiasis. Also included are the noninfectious diseases, acute berylliosis, miliary hemorrhages, and acute, diffuse, interstitial fibrosis as described by Hamman and Rich. It is therefore evident that the roentgen findings must be correlated with the results of clinical and laboratory examinations. In some instances, serial roentgenograms, spaced over a period of days or weeks, are helpful in establishing the diagnosis. In the immunocompromised patient and the infant with acute febrile illness and miliary pulmonary disease, and in difficult cases in elderly patients, lung biopsy to get a prompt diagnosis may be indicated, since a delay in treatment could be fatal. Subacute and Chronic Hematogenous Pulmonary Dissemination Subacute and chronic hematogenous pulmonary dissemination is a somewhat different clinical entity from acute miliary TB in that it is often asymptomatic. Repeated small episodes may occur, so that lesions, although widespread and distributed rather uniformly throughout both lungs, are likely to be somewhat more variable in size than in the acute miliary process. When this type of dissemination is extensive, the roentgen findings are similar to those in the acute type of miliary TB, but there is considerable difference in the clinical course. In other instances the hematogenous pulmonary dissemination may be relatively localized, producing small, poorly defined, rounded or oval areas of density in a segment or lobe. Some of these nodules may regress, and others may coalesce to form larger nodules; these may heal in a manner similar to that described for reinfection TB. In patients with far-advanced pulmonary TB and a considerable amount of cavitation, there may be hematogenous spread to the lower lobes or to the opposite lung, resulting in scattered lesions that cannot be differentiated from the secondary lesions produced by bronchogenic spread of the disease. Atypical Mycobacteria Some Mycobacteria species that can cause pulmonary disease that is similar to TB caused by M. tuberculosis but slightly different from the standpoint of roentgen findings. These mycobacteria have been classified according to growth characteristics when exposed to light into four groups 133: Group I. Photochromogens: M. kansasii, M. marinum, and M. simiae Group II. Scotochromogens: M. scrofulaceum, M. szulgai, and M. gordonae Group III. Nonphotochromogens: M. avium-intracellulare (Fig. 24-40), M. nonchromogenicum, M. terrae, M. novum, M. triviale, M. xenopi, M. malmoense, and M. ulcerans

FIG. 24-40. A and B: Atypical mycobacterial infection caused by Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare in a middle-aged white woman with chronic cough. Computed tomogram shows focal bronchiectasis and some surrounding inflammatory disease in the left lung apex and a cluster of nodular opacities and tree-in-bud pattern in the lateral aspect of the right upper lobe. Calcified granulomas are noted in the right hilum.

Group IV. The rapid growers: M. fortuitum, and M. chelonei The clinical and radiologic aspects have been discussed at length by Wolinsky, 132 Woodring and Vandiviere, 133 and others.3,25,107,121 The most important of these pulmonary pathogens are M. avium-intracellulare, M. xenopi (particularly in Ontario 121) (Fig. 24-41), and M. kansasii.

FIG. 24-41. Atypical mycobacterial infection caused by Mycobacterium xenopi. A: A large cavity with an airfluid level is present in the right upper lobe, and a calcified granuloma is noted in the left lower lung. B and C: Computed tomogram demonstrates a thick, irregular, walled cavity with airfluiddebris level. Bronchiectasis in noted medial to the cavity, and one of the dilated bronchi communicates with the cavity ( C).

M. avium-intracellulare (M. avium complex) infections appear to be increasing, particularly in persons with decreased cellular immunity or chronic lung disease, but also in those without predisposing cause. The radiologic features are slightly different from those of M. tuberculosis and show the following contrasts: 1. There is an increase in cavitation in relation to the amount of lung involved. 2. Thin-walled cavities without much surrounding disease are seen; cavities may be small. However, in general, cavities caused by atypical mycobacteria are indistinguishable from those caused by M. tuberculosis.3,25,84 3. Spread is more often contiguous than bronchogenic. 4. The anterior segment of the upper lobe appears to be involved more frequently than in M. tuberculosis. 5. There is marked pleural thickening over the involved areas of lung. 6. There is more involvement of apical and anterior segments of the upper lobes. 7. Clustered opacities around irregular translucent areas with radiating line shadows are seen; opacities resembling tumors occasionally occur. 8. Disease is usually unilateral even when far advanced. 9. It is usually found in older age groups. 10. Pleural effusion is uncommon and small in amount. 11. Adenopathy is uncommon. 12. Disease is often extensive when first discovered. 13. There is a marked predominance of whites to blacks (10:1). Although these findings differ somewhat from those in TB, the variety of findings in M. tuberculosis infections is such that roentgenographic differentiation cannot be made. At times atypical mycobacterial infection can be suggested, however. These atypical organisms usually do not respond well to antituberculosis drug therapy. M. avium complex appears to be particularly difficult to control; surgical removal of residual disease may be necessary and should perhaps be considered after antituberculosis therapy. Surgical Measures in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Despite the undoubted value of the various antibacterial drugs now available for the treatment of TB, in some patients cavities fail to close or tubercle bacilli continue to be discharged in pulmonary secretions. Tuberculous bronchiectasis may cause repeated hemorrhage, may cause repeated nonspecific infections, or may harbor an aspergilloma, which can also cause bleeding and be difficult to eradicate. These patients then become possible candidates for surgery, which is usually a resection of the residual disease. The roentgen findings after pulmonary resection for TB are similar to those described in Chapter 31. Before effective drugs were available, thoracoplasty and plombage were used in an attempt to close cavities and promote healing. Thoracoplasty is used very rarely today, and plombage is no longer used. Older patients who have had these procedures may be examined by means of chest films, so examples of patients who have undergone these procedures are included ( Fig. 24-42 and Fig. 24-43).

FIG. 24-42. Left thoracoplasty. This surgical procedure, which was used extensively before the advent of antituberculosis drugs, is employed rarely at present. There has been extensive resection of the upper seven ribs on the left, compressing the left upper lung. Regeneration of the ribs has formed a solid bony plate along the

upper lateral chest wall. The scoliosis is a common result of thoracoplasty.

FIG. 24-43. Lucite-ball plombage. Although this procedure has been abandoned, occasionally patients are observed with the rounded lucencies representing Lucite balls, usually at the apex of one hemithorax, as in this patient.

Complicating Aspergillomas Chronic tuberculous cavities may remain open long after sterilization and become colonized by Aspergillus organisms that develop into fungus balls or aspergillomas 115 (see Mycotic Diseases of the Lung).

Actinomycosis in humans is caused most commonly by an anaerobic organism, Actinomyces israelii. This organism occurs as a filamentous, gram-positive, nonacid-fast, rod-shaped bacterial form in the mouth and as a mycelial form in infected tissues. 69 Other actinomycetes can cause human infection, including A. bovis, A. naeslundii, A. ericksonii, A. meyeri, and A. propionicus. The organisms are now established as bacteria, but roentgen and clinical findings are often similar to those of mycotic infections in that they produce chronic suppurative infections. 69,122 The disease may affect any part of the body but is found most frequently in and about the jaw (the cervicofacial form of the infection). There is also an abdominopelvic form, often associated with appendiceal surgery or use of intrauterine devices, and a thoracic form of the infection. 4,69 Pulmonary infection is said to occur in approximately 15% of patients with the disease. However, in recent years, the incidence of pulmonary involvement has declined considerably; the classic empyema with chest wall sinus tracts and pulmonary parenchymal disease is rarely seen and is avoided by timely antibiotic therapy. Occasionally, however, it is still encountered as a complication of thoracic surgery or in debilitated patients such as alcoholics or those with COPD.69 This form of the disease is characterized by its tendency to produce suppurative sinus tracts and its ability to cross tissue planes that provide a barrier to the usual infections. Drainage from actinomycosis sinus tracts demonstrates sulfur granules, a hallmark of the infection. 4,69 The roentgen findings vary greatly. The disease may be unilateral or bilateral but tends to be unilateral unless widely disseminated. It produces a dense, confluent opacity in the affected lung, usually in a lower lobe peripherally, in which cavitation may be present ( Fig. 24-44 and Fig. 24-45). The cavity may persist after treatment as a thin-walled, cystic shadow. In the classic chest wall disease, pleural involvement results in varying amounts of pleural thickening and fluid. Infection of the chest wall causes soft-tissue swelling and may cause periosteal reaction and/or destruction of ribs with sinus tract formation. This is characteristic of advanced disease, which is now observed infrequently. The parenchymal involvement may resemble acute alveolar pneumonia in some instances. In other cases, the disease is manifested as a local, mass-like opacity resembling bronchogenic carcinoma. Another roentgen pattern is that of a fan-shaped consolidation near the hilum or radiating from the hilum into the superior segment of the lower lobe. Rarely, hematogenous spread from a focal area of disease results in a miliary pulmonary pattern. When the combination of pulmonary disease and chest wall involvement with empyema and sinus tracts is present, actinomycosis may be strongly suspected. However, it must be differentiated by bacteriologic examination from TB, chronic fungal infections, Nocardia, and tumors.

FIG. 24-44. Actinomycosis. The dense, confluent consolidation in the left lower lung obscures the left hemidiaphragm and left lower cardiac border. The patient also had a chest wall mass and sinus tracts typical of this disease.

FIG. 24-45. A and B: Actinomycosis infection of the chest wall. Computed tomogram shows a chronic draining sinus tract that can be traced from the skin surface into the abdomen, through the diaphragm, and into the right pleural space.

CT findings of thoracic actinomycosis include air-space consolidation with adjacent pleural thickening. Hilar or mediastinal lymph nodes (usually measuring less than 2 to 2.5 cm) are seen in 75% of patients on CT. Like adenopathy, cavitation and microabscesses are appreciated more often on CT than on conventional plain films in this infection. 4,69 With chest wall invasion, inflammatory chest wall masses, abscesses, and sinus tracts may be identified on CT. 4 MRI is probably superior to CT in demonstrating the extent of soft-tissue infection and sinus tract formation, since both of these demonstrate high signal intensity on T2-weighted images. CT, however, is better for demonstrating rib and bone destruction and periostitis. Traditional sinograms with contrast injection of sinus tracts may also be needed to follow the

course of these sinuses. Infections and sinus tracts have been known to communicate to the pleural space, to the chest wall, to the mediastinum, and through the diaphragm (Fig. 24-45).69

Nocardia asteroides is the most common of several species of Nocardia that can cause disease. It is an aerobic, gram-positive, filamentous, beaded acid-fast bacterium. It is recognized increasingly as an opportunistic infection in patients with underlying chronic debilitating disease or immunodeficiency, particularly in those who have undergone therapy with immunosuppressive or cytotoxic agents or steroids, including patients with cancer, organ transplants, diabetes mellitus, or chronic liver disease. Patients with congenital immune deficiencies and those with AIDS are also at risk. 16,112 In nocardiosis, pulmonary roentgen findings are varied. They may be similar to those of actinomycosis, mycosis, or TB and consist of homogeneous segmental or lobar air-space consolidation; or they may consist of one or more discrete nodules or rounded opacities. Cavitation is common. 16,44 Pleural involvement with empyema and chest wall invasion can also occur with Nocardia, and extrapulmonary dissemination to the central nervous system, cutaneous sites, and elsewhere have been reported ( Fig. 24-46, Fig. 24-47 and Fig. 24-48).16 The disease is frequently bilateral. It crosses fissures and anatomic barriers if not properly treated, but not as frequently as actinomycosis.

FIG. 24-46. Nocardiosis. A: This film shows a small amount of poorly defined opacity at the right base just above the diaphragm. B: Roentgenogram obtained 9 months later shows extensive progression of the disease with large, poorly defined nodular and patchy opacity in both lungs. A large homogeneous consolidation in which there is a cavity ( arrow) is seen in the right upper lobe. There has been open drainage of the pleural space in the right upper anterolateral chest wall.

FIG. 24-47. Necrotizing cavitary pneumonia caused by Nocardia infection.

On CT, the most common finding is one or more nodules or mass-like opacities which may or may not undergo cavitation. When compared with conventional radiography, CT shows more nodules and is better for characterizing the extent of disease (see Fig. 24-48).16 CT is also useful for localizing lesions when aspiration or biopsy is needed for diagnosis. This is often required, because isolation of Nocardia from sputum is difficult owing to the organism's slow growth and prolonged incubation period of up to 5 weeks. 16 The diagnosis is often elusive until material for histologic study is obtained by aspiration lung biopsy, transbronchial aspiration, bronchial brushing, or open lung biopsy. Pulmonary nocardiosis can present as an acute pneumonia, as a subacute process, or as a chronic indolent infection with prominent constitutional symptoms of fever, weight loss, and malaise. 16 The roentgen alterations in the lungs persist for long periods, frequently with little change unless the patient is treated with appropriate antibiotics. It is not unusual for the disease to run a protracted course with very little variation in the appearance of the pulmonary lesions and very few symptoms. Pleural involvement with empyema and extension to involve the ribs with production of chest wall abscess is not as common as in actinomycosis but can be seen with nocardiosis. Occasionally, Nocardia may involve the skin when inoculated in a traumatic event. Then, extremely rarely, it may spread through the bloodstream to the lungs to produce disseminated pulmonary disease. Mediastinitis with adenopathy and obstruction of the superior vena cava has been reported. Nocardiosis is one of the few benign diseases that can cause obstruction of the superior vena cava. 104 In addition to differentiation of this disease from TB, the other chronic infectious lesions of the lungs must be included in the differential diagnosis. Identification of the causative agent is necessary to confirm the diagnosis.


Mycotic diseases of the lung are caused by a variety of organisms, many of which are capable of producing acute lung disease (e.g., pneumonia, lung nodules), chronic stable or slowly progressive lung disease, or disseminated multiorgan infection. 86 Some fungal species are saprophytes or are of very low virulence, but in compromised hosts they may produce life-threatening acute pneumonia. The diseases must be differentiated from each other, from pulmonary TB, and occasionally from lung tumor. The ultimate diagnosis depends on demonstration of the causative agent in bronchial secretions or in sections of the lung. In some instances studies based on immunologic reactions are sufficient. These consist of skin tests, agglutination, complement fixation, and precipitation reactions. 119 The gross anatomic changes in pulmonary disease produced by these varied organisms may be similar. On the basis of roentgen examination it is often possible to indicate only that the lesion is a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown origin. At other times it is possible to make the diagnosis with a considerable degree of accuracy on the basis of clinical findings correlated with roentgen manifestations. Coccidioidomycosis Coccidioidomycosis is caused by the fungus Coccidioides immitis.28 It is an endemic pulmonary disease occurring in the arid southwestern part of the United States, particularly in the San Joaquin valley in California and in southern Arizona. Primary pulmonary coccidioidomycosis is usually asymptomatic and is discovered incidentally on a chest film (60%). There may be calcified granulomas in the lung or hilar nodes; in other cases, there may be a focus of pulmonary fibrosis or pleural thickening, and in some there may be no recognizable residual. If a chest film is obtained during the asymptomatic acute phase, a focus of alveolar pneumonia may be observed. The primary or initial infection may also produce an acute pneumonia associated with symptoms of an acute pulmonary disease, including fever, malaise, headache, and cough. Erythema nodosum is a common clinical manifestation during the acute febrile illness, and in the San Joaquin valley this clinical syndrome is known as valley fever. Erythema nodosum is often associated with arthralgias and occurs at about the time the reaction to the coccidioidin skin test becomes positive. It may be the only symptom and indicates a good prognosis. Before this time, some patients (about 10%) develop a toxic erythema, usually in the first few days of illness. The rash is a diffuse, fine, macular erythematous reaction covering the trunk and extremities and usually occurs in children with the disease. Roentgen findings in symptomatic primary disease are those of air-space pneumonia, which results in homogeneous opacity that is poorly circumscribed and may be segmental or lobar. It tends to involve the lower lobes and may be associated with some atelectasis. In other patients, there is patchy central disease that tends to

resolve quickly (in 1 to 2 weeks). Pleural involvement is found in about 20%, usually manifested by a minimal effusion. The hilar nodes are enlarged in about 20% of these patients, usually on the side of the alveolar disease. The roentgen findings in this type of involvement simulate those of other acute, atypical pneumonias. The pneumonia of coccidioidomycosis may be localized to one segment, but wider dissemination has also been reported, with multiple areas of pneumonic consolidation. Occasionally, the adenopathy in the hilar and mediastinal nodes is the predominant feature, and in these patients there may or may not be evidence of pulmonary parenchymal involvement. Multiple nodular parenchymal lesions have also been reported but are not as common as the more localized pneumonitis. Cavitation within the area of disease is not uncommon. The cavities are usually small and may disappear quickly in the primary type of infection. Occasionally, small pleural effusion is the only evidence of the disease noted on the chest roentgenogram. Although effusion occurs in about 20% of patients with coccidioidomycosis, pleuritic chest pain has been reported in 70%. Massive effusion is rare and may result from direct spread of pulmonary disease across the pleural space. Persistent pulmonary coccidioidomycosis is found in about 5% of patients. It is a much more significant type of disease and may be fatal. In these patients, coccidioidal pneumonia may persist for months, with large areas of dense consolidation clearing very slowly. The patients are often very sick with persistent fever, prostration, chest pain, productive cough, and occasional hemoptysis. This type of the disease usually occurs in susceptible patients and occasionally in immunosuppressed patients. Cavitation, either thick- or thin-walled, may also occur and may be chronic. Bronchiectasis and bronchial stenosis are uncommon. 87 A more benign type of residual or persistent pulmonary coccidioidomycosis results when the acute primary disease subsides without much dissemination. The primary disease may clear completely, but when there is residual disease, it usually assumes one of three general radiographic types: cavitation; nodules, which may be single or multiple; or pulmonary opacity, which may be relatively focal and occur in a single area or in several areas. The residual type of cavitation in this form of coccidioidomycosis often is thin-walled and may remain unchanged in size and shape for years. There usually is some fibrotic disease in the area of cavitation, but this is not always true. Studies of many patients have shown that the thin-walled cavity that was originally thought to be characteristic of the disease occurs in only 50% to 60% of patients, and the remaining cavities have relatively thick walls. Spontaneous closure of cavities occurs in about one half of the patients. Most of the cavities are single and in the upper lung, and more than half are 4 cm or less in diameter. Cavitation may be complicated by secondary infection, including formation of Aspergillus fungus balls, pyopneumothorax when the cavity is subpleural in location, or pulmonary hemorrhage, which usually is not significant. These complications are uncommon. Cavitation in coccidioidomycosis must be differentiated from that in pulmonary TB and other mycotic infections. This usually is not possible on roentgen evidence alone, but as a general rule the residual cavity in coccidioidomycosis has less pulmonary disease around it than is seen in untreated pulmonary TB, because bronchogenic spread is much less common. This finding is important in the differential diagnosis of untreated patients with chronic pulmonary disease in whom there is persistent cavitation (Fig. 24-49).

FIG. 24-49. Coccidioidomycosis. A: Note the cavity in the left subclavicular area. The elongated cavity has a moderately thick wall, but there is very little parenchymal disease around it. B: One year later, the cavity is larger, the wall is thinner, and again very little other parenchymal disease is observed.

Rarely, a pulmonary mycetoma (fungus ball) may be caused by C. immitis.109 Arthrospores and spherules may be present along with hyphae of the mycelial phase in a pulmonary cavity. The appearance is similar to that of an aspergilloma, a much more common cause of fungus ball. The nodular residuals of coccidioidomycosis vary considerably in size and number. They may or may not contain calcium. When single, they must be differentiated from those of other diseases that cause solitary pulmonary nodulation, including primary bronchogenic tumor. When multiple, the lesions must be distinguished from other mycotic disease and from pulmonary TB. These differentiations are not possible on roentgen examination and must be based on skin tests with coccidioidin and serologic studies. The infiltrative fibrotic type of residual disease is similar to the fibrotic residues of numerous other inflammations, so there is nothing in the roentgenogram to indicate the nature of the original disease. Pleural thickening and effusion are occasionally noted as the end results of this disease, but there is nothing characteristic about these findings. Cavities are often peripheral and tend to rupture into the pleural space, resulting in empyema. Occasionally, they cause spontaneous pneumothorax. Disseminated coccidioidomycosis occurs rarely when the initial infection fails to become localized. This is very uncommon in whites, but members of dark-skinned races are more susceptible. Clinically, dissemination is a continuation and progression of the primary infection, is often manifested by exacerbation of symptoms, and may result in acute respiratory failure. Occasionally, an acute form of the disease may progress rapidly and disseminate widely. Although the miliary spread usually occurs early in the disease, it is sometimes a late complication of chronic pulmonary or extrapulmonary forms. Radiographic findings vary considerably, from universal hematogenous spread of disease resembling miliary TB to local spread confined to the lungs. There is often bronchogenic dissemination to the opposite lung or other lobes, which results in scattered involvement of varying extent. Large cavities may appear, along with pleural involvement leading to empyema. Associated with the extensive pulmonary opacities in this form of the disease, there is often spread to abdominal viscera, the skeletal system, lymph nodes, and sometimes the brain and meninges. The disseminated type of involvement is usually lethal. Histoplasmosis Histoplasmosis is caused by the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum.40 It was originally thought to be a rare and fatal disease, but it is now known that the disseminated form, which may be fatal, is only one of several types of the disease. The primary form is much more common and is by far the most common fungal disease in the United States. It is endemic in the Mississippi, St. Lawrence, and Ohio river valleys and along the Appalachian Mountains. 86 In many areas, histoplasmin skin sensitivity indicating previous infection is almost universal in young adult lifetime residents. The disease is less common elsewhere in the United States but is found in almost all states, as well as in Mexico and Panama. The primary form of histoplasmosis, a localized pneumonic disease, is usually relatively benign and passes unnoticed in most instances (95%). The roentgen changes found in acute benign disease are varied, with single or multiple areas of pneumonic consolidation. The disease cannot be distinguished from primary TB roentgenographically. It is often segmental in distribution and may be accompanied by hilar node enlargement. The hilar node involvement may be more prominent than the parenchymal disease in some subjects (Fig. 24-50), particularly children. In addition to the localized pneumonic consolidation, there is a more disseminated form, which often occurs in local epidemics. Poorly defined, patchy or nodular lesions are scattered throughout both lungs ( Fig. 24-51 and Fig. 24-52). Later they become more clearly defined, round nodules varying in size up to 1 cm. With healing, some of the nodules may disappear completely, whereas others may gradually decrease in size and become calcified ( Fig. 24-53). Calcification often occurs in the involved hilar nodes as well.

FIG. 24-50. Histoplasmosis. The parenchymal disease is minor and consists of a small amount of patchy opacity above the right hilum; there is bilateral hilar node enlargement, more on the right than on the left.

FIG. 24-51. Disseminated pulmonary histoplasmosis. Note the small, poorly defined nodules scattered throughout the left lung. The patient had been ill for several weeks.

FIG. 24-52. A and B: Histoplasmosis. Computed tomogram shows a cavitating nodule in the right upper lobe and mediastinal adenopathy caused by histoplasmosis infection.

FIG. 24-53. Histoplasmosis. Examples of calcified pulmonary nodules. A: The nodules seen here are rather uniform in size, and all are calcified. B: Fewer nodules but less calcification and more variation in size are noted in this patient.

Histoplasmosis is the most common cause of broncholithiasis, which is produced when a calcified node erodes into a bronchus. Studies of large groups of people in endemic areas have shown that, as a general rule, the amount of calcification in parenchymal nodules and in hilar nodes is greater in histoplasmosis than in TB. The primary form of the disease may clear and leave no pulmonary residuals that can be recognized on roentgenograms. In other cases, a solitary calcified parenchymal nodule with or without calcified hilar nodes may be present ( Fig. 24-54). Caseous lymphadenitis is common during the primary infection ( Fig. 24-55; see Fig. 24-52). Cyst-like lesions may develop in the mediastinum and become very large when liquefaction occurs in enlarged coalescent nodes. These lesions can measure 10 cm or more in diameter and may be asymptomatic. Airfluid levels can develop within them when there is communication with the bronchial tree or lung. Remnants of lymph node tissue may be observed in these cyst-like lesions, which tends to confirm the impression that they represent excavated lymph nodes. Miliary parenchymal calcifications scattered throughout the lungs and large mulberry calcified hilar nodes are usually associated with histoplasmin sensitivity rather than tuberculin sensitivity.

FIG. 24-54. Histoplasmosis. There is a solitary, partially calcified parenchymal nodule in the right upper lung with several partially calcified right hilar nodes. The left

hilum is also prominent; enlarged nodes appear there.

FIG. 24-55. Histoplasmosis. There are enlarged nodes in the left hilum and some parenchymal disease in the lung lateral to the hilum, which appears somewhat nodular. No other disease was observed.

Symptomatic primary infection is usually found in infants and young children. In contrast to patients with the more benign common form, these patients usually have a cough and are often febrile for a few days, or occasionally for 2 to 3 weeks or longer. Roentgen findings consist of hilar and mediastinal adenopathy with a focal opacity representing air-space disease in the lung. Nodes may calcify and occasionally may obstruct a bronchus or rupture into it. The acute epidemic form of histoplasmosis reported in several localities in the endemic regions probably represents a heavy exposure that results in more pulmonary parenchymal involvement than in the usual primary form of the disease. Extensive bilateral lobular or nodular air-space disease may involve both lungs, and sometimes a miliary spread throughout both lungs is observed. The residuals are similar to those of the benign primary form, except that there may be more scattered, calcific, parenchymal foci in the severe acute epidemic form. It appears that reinfection may produce the acute, chronic, or disseminated form of histoplasmosis. Disseminated histoplasmosis is a progressive disease with dissemination not only to the lungs but also to other organs, including the bone marrow. The course may be extremely rapid and fulminating or slowly progressive, leading to cachexia and anemia. It usually occurs in infants, in patients with compromised cellular immunity, or in those who have been immunosuppressed. Marked variation has been found in the roentgen manifestations of disseminated pulmonary histoplasmosis, ranging from widespread granular nodulations throughout both lungs (the most common finding) to a lobar type of pneumonic consolidation. Scattered involvement simulating other types of pneumonia may also be noted, and occasionally there is massive pleural effusion. In infants younger than 1 year of age the acute disseminated form is often fatal; hepatosplenomegaly is common in addition to the extensive pulmonary involvement. There is an intermediate form of histoplasmosis that results in chronic active fibrocavitary pulmonary disease resembling reinfection TB clinically and radiographically. Cavitation along with local ill-defined opacities and nodulation similar to that seen in chronic pulmonary TB is often found. Pleural involvement, fibrosis, and contraction of the involved lobe or segment with alteration in the size of the thorax and mediastinal deviation may also be produced ( Fig. 24-56). Histoplasmosis involving hilar nodes adjacent to bronchi may cause collapse of the middle lobe (middle lobe syndrome) or of other pulmonary segments. It may also be the cause of broncholithiasis. In patients with chronic active pulmonary histoplasmosis, the apical posterior segments are involved and cavitation is common, often persisting for long periods. These persistent cavities often enlarge gradually and may become very large. Disease in the adjacent lung is common, and fibrosis may become extensive.

FIG. 24-56. Histoplasmosis. Note the conglomerate disease in the central and basal lung. There is also some pleural thickening and a small amount of fluid. No definite hilar enlargement is present. This is the same patient whose roentgenogram, obtained 5 years before this study, is shown in FIG. 24-55. Slow progression of disease as illustrated here is unusual in our experience.

Mediastinal involvement by histoplasmosis can result in fibrosing mediastinitis, a progressive fibrotic process that entraps, encases, and narrows mediastinal structures such as the superior vena cava, the pulmonary arteries and veins, and the central airways ( Fig. 24-57).79,86 The fibrosis may be either localized (mediastinal granuloma) or diffuse (fibrosing mediastinitis). 45 The primary disease may have been asymptomatic, but the resultant fibrosing mediastinitis can produce pulmonary arterial and venous obstruction, central lymphatic obstruction, pericardial involvement, and esophageal involvement in addition to superior vena caval obstruction. Most cases of fibrosing mediastinitis are now thought to be caused by an abnormal, hyper-reactive fibrotic response to H. capsulatum antigens.45,86 Viable fungal organisms are rarely recovered or grown from mediastinal tissue samples obtained from patients with fibrosing mediastinitis. 45 Both CT and MRI can be used to evaluate the extent of mediastinal fibrosis more effectively than conventional chest films. On MRI, fibrosing mediastinitis appears as abnormal soft tissue infiltrating the mediastinum with relatively low signal intensity on all pulse sequences ( Fig. 24-57). On CT, calcifications within the infiltrating soft tissue may help differentiate this condition from infiltrating lymphoma or carcinoma. 86 Effective therapy for fibrosing mediastinitis does not exist, and surgical palliation is of limited or no value. Rarely, calcification of the pericardium may result from Histoplasma pericarditis.

FIG. 24-57. Evaluation of fibrosing mediastinitis by magnetic resonance imaging. T1-weighted coronal ( A) and axial (B) and T2-weighted axial (C) images show low-signal-intensity fibrotic material encasing the airways and obliterating the right pulmonary artery.

In some cases, the sole manifestation of disease is a solitary pulmonary nodule, the histoplasmoma. This lesion may be associated with calcified hilar nodes, and there may be a few satellite nodules in the lung. Calcification may or may not be present in the lesion, which varies from 1 to 3 cm or more in diameter. The calcification may be laminated, annular, solid, or stippled, and it may be central with a laminated or annular peripheral ring. The vast majority remain stable for years, but occasionally a slow increase in size is observed, suggesting that some histoplasmomas contain viable organisms although most lesions are quiescent. Skin testing, complement-fixation studies, and mycologic studies are required to differentiate this disease from pulmonary TB; occasionally, both diseases are present in the same patient. When the nodule does not contain calcium, it cannot be differentiated from neoplasm on chest radiography, tomography, or CT; in such cases, biopsy may be necessary. Cryptococcosis Cryptococcosis (torulosis) is caused by Cryptococcus neoformans. Pulmonary lesions have been reported in increasing numbers of patients with and without involvement of the central nervous system. As in other chronic pulmonary infections, several forms of pulmonary involvement are found and the diagnosis cannot be made from roentgenograms alone.32,60 Three general types of radiographic change have been described. The first is a fairly well circumscribed, round mass or nodule usually occurring in the lower half of either lung, which must be differentiated from neoplasm and from other chronic pulmonary granulomas. They tend to be peripheral and may become large (up to 10 cm in diameter). At times, multiple, closely grouped, mass-like densities may be observed. The second form is a pneumonic type of lesion consisting of a somewhat irregular opacity more likely to appear in the lower than in the upper lobe. It represents granulomatous disease. 32 This type of disease may be extensive but usually is confined to one segment or lobe and often is associated with lymph node enlargement; cavitation is rare. This is the most common form. The third type is a widespread miliary variety of nodulation, often found in conjunction with severe central nervous system infection. This type of disease is frequently found as an opportunistic infection associated with such chronic processes as Hodgkin's disease, leukemia, and lymphoma; in patients who have received steroid or antibiotic therapy; or as a complication of AIDS. Cavitation may occur in this form; pleural involvement with effusion may be present but is uncommon. Often the diagnosis is not made until autopsy in patients having disseminated disease. In seven patients with AIDS complicated by cryptococcosis, Miller and associates 92 found that hilar or mediastinal adenopathy and interstitial pulmonary disease, alone or in combination, were the most common findings on chest films. They believe that the interstitial process is a manifestation of disseminated disease and its presence should initiate a search for silent cryptococcal meningitis. Although the diagnosis cannot be made on the basis of roentgenographic findings, the combination of signs of meningeal irritation and pulmonary lesions resembling those described is suggestive. When the disease is confined to the lung in a noncompromised host, spontaneous resolution without treatment occurs in most cases. North American Blastomycosis North American blastomycosis is caused by the yeast-like fungus Blastomyces dermatitidis. Although much less common than histoplasmosis, it occurs in approximately the same geographic areas of the United States but extends more eastward and northward. There are two general types, cutaneous and disseminated. In the disseminated form, the portal of entry is usually the respiratory tract, and 95% of the patients have some form of pulmonary involvement. The roentgen findings in pulmonary disease produced by this organism are not diagnostic and are related to the clinical form of the disease. 111 In the acute form, there are four major roentgenographic patterns. (1) Air-space involvement causing a patchy segmental or lobar consolidation is present in most patients. There are often several foci of disease, and involvement may be multilobar. The disease is usually located in the upper lung. In this type, resolution usually takes place slowly and may require several months. Cavitation may complicate this acute form. (2) A large, round, tumor-like mass or masses may be present and may cavitate. (3) An extensive reticulonodular or miliary interstitial pattern may be present. (4) A severe form of acute disease may occur in which there is bilateral exudate with the distribution resembling that of pulmonary alveolar edema. The onset is rapid, and the condition is very toxic in these patients. Several patients have developed ARDS as a result of this severe disease; this combination is usually fatal. The chronic form of the blastomycosis in the upper lobe resembles pulmonary TB. In the most common form, there is a fibronodular appearance consisting of pulmonary nodules and linear fibrotic strands ( Fig. 24-58, Fig. 24-59, and Fig. 24-60). Only slightly less common is cavitary upper-lobe disease in which the walls are moderately thick and smooth. Much less common is a mass-like appearance, which can closely resemble bronchogenic carcinoma ( Fig. 24-60). The disease may extend to the pleura, cross interlobar fissures, invade the chest wall, and cause rib destruction, but not as frequently as actinomycosis.

FIG. 24-58. North American blastomycosis. Note the extensive disease in the right parahilar and medial basal areas as well as in the central and right lung laterally. Adjacent to the dense homogeneous involvement, several scattered, poorly defined nodules are observed. Roentgenographic findings in this disease are nonspecific.

FIG. 24-59. North American blastomycosis. Numerous disseminated nodules, ranging up to 1 cm or more in diameter, are observed. On the right, either dense disease overlies the hilum or adenopathy is present, but no adenopathy is noted on the left.

FIG. 24-60. Blastomycosis. Chest film (A) and computed tomogram (B) show a large, mass-like consolidation in the left upper lobe plus multiple nodules in the opposite lung. The mass-like appearance of these opacities could be mistaken for a lung neoplasm with metastases.

Chest radiographic findings in 63 patients reported by Sheflin and colleagues 120 showed single upper-lobe involvement in 27 patients and multilobar disease in 21. In nine patients, the major abnormality was a pulmonary mass. Pleural effusion and/or adenopathy (hilar or mediastinal) was present in 20%. Cavitation was found in 23 patients. Five patients had diffuse disease, and only one had a miliary type of disease. Blastomycosis is unusual in children except in small epidemics, which have been reported on several occasions. Children develop alveolar disease, with multiple small, thin-walled cavities in about 25% of cases. Hilar adenopathy may also be present, and pleural effusion is not unusual. If children develop the disseminated form, it may be fulminant with a high mortality rate. Because these changes are similar to those noted in pulmonary TB, mycotic infections, and other chronic inflammatory diseases as well as neoplasm, the diagnosis must be based on mycologic studies. South American Blastomycosis (Paracoccidioidomycosis) This disease, caused by Blastomyces brasiliensis, is found most commonly in Brazil but has also been reported in the other South American countries. Pulmonary involvement is said to occur in 80% of patients with the visceral type of disease. The portal of entry may be the intestinal tract in this disease; the pulmonary lesions are secondary and are widespread and nodular in type, often associated with hilar adenopathy. The disease may also manifest as a cavitary pulmonary mass. 1 Destructive bone lesions are common in the disseminated form. Pulmonary Aspergillosis Aspergillus species are ubiquitous and cause a wide spectrum of pulmonary diseases. These include asymptomatic saprophytic colonization of the airways or pre-existing cavities (aspergillomas), ABPA, semi-invasive (chronic necrotizing) aspergillosis, and invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. 38 Aspergillus infections have also been categorized as primary or secondary. Most often, Aspergillus infection is a secondary process in patients who have been treated with antibiotics and in those with debilitating disease. However, it occurs rarely as a primary disease in otherwise healthy persons. Two clinical and roentgen types of the primary disease have been described. The first is an acute bronchopneumonic form with scattered multiple areas of pneumonic consolidation, some of which break down to form cavities. This disease may progress with severe invasive destructive pulmonary disease eventually leading to death. The invasive form is usually seen in infants. There is often enough hilar node enlargement to be recognized as such on the roentgenograms. The second type of primary disease is more chronic and milder. Irregular and rounded nodular opacities closely resembling those seen in pulmonary TB are present. The clinical course of this disease is less severe than that of TB; the diagnosis must be made on the basis of identification of the organism in the sputum, often with some reservation because the organism is so commonly found there. Secondary Aspergillosis Secondary aspergillosis is found in three classic forms, the aspergilloma (mycetoma or fungus ball), ABPA, and a severe life-threatening form (invasive pulmonary aspergillosis), which usually is found in patients with severe immunosuppression and neutropenia from aplasia-producing cytotoxic drugs, steroids, or other immunosuppressive agents. More recently, a more indolent form of Aspergillus infection has been recognized. Semi-invasive aspergillosis or chronic necrotizing aspergillosis is less aggressive than invasive pulmonary aspergillosis and occurs in milder forms of immunosuppression, often in patients who have underlying lung disease (i.e., patients with alcoholism, chronic debilitating disease, COPD, sarcoidosis). 38 Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis can develop in immunocompromised patients and, rarely, in immunocompetent patients. Patients with acute leukemia and granulocytopenia are particularly susceptible. Occasionally it occurs as a complication of influenza-like viral infections in the noncompromised host. It may be associated with other infections; mucormycosis appears to be the most common of these. 77 The radiographic changes are quite variable. Air-space disease in the form of round pneumonia resembling a poorly defined mass, single or multiple, seems to be a common finding. Many of these lesions eventually cavitate, and some are probably hemorrhagic pulmonary infarcts ( Fig. 24-61). The latter results when the organism invades and obstructs a branch of the pulmonary artery. Some of the cavitations exhibit an air-crescent sign, caused by a mass within the cavity, that does not move with a change in the position of the patient and probably represents necrotic tissue in an area of infarction. A diffuse bronchopneumonia pattern may develop at any time. This may progress to extensive bilateral pulmonary involvement. Chest wall invasion can occur, with bone destruction, but is not common. If this is complicated by empyema, the prognosis is poor. Rarely, a miliary spread throughout the lung is observed. In these patients the prognosis is also poor, and the immediate cause of death may be aspergillosis. Because the organism is difficult to demonstrate on sputum and blood cultures, procedures such as percutaneous transthoracic aspiration biopsy have low diagnostic yields as well.

FIG. 24-61. A and B: Computed tomographic (CT) scans of a 22-year-old man with acute myelogenous leukemia undergoing chemotherapy and severely neutropenic with fever. CT demonstrates the typical features of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in this patient population. Two inflammatory masses are seen, each with a surrounding CT halo of ground-glass opacity around the denser center of the mass. Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis invades pulmonary blood vessels, causing hemorrhagic infarction, and the CT halo corresponds to hemorrhage and edema around the focus of fungal infection.

The CT appearance of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis can be quite characteristic early in the course of the infection ( Fig. 24-61). CT may show one or more nodules or masses with the CT halo sign, a surrounding zone of ground-glass opacity which results from pulmonary hemorrhage around the focus of infection and infarction caused by the angioinvasive aspergillus organism. 66 This is a feature of early invasive pulmonary aspergillosis and precedes cavitation of the nodules on plain films or CT. CT is more accurate than chest radiography in detecting early lesions of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. The use of CT in the evaluation of the neutropenic patient is discussed in Chapter 25. Sometimes the invasive form of the infection invades the airways rather than the blood vessels. This has been called invasive aspergillosis of the airways or necrotizing aspergillus tracheobronchitis. Like the angioinvasive form of the infection, the invasive airway disease occurs usually in severely immunocompromised patients, but it is much less common than the angioinvasive form. CT findings may include lobar consolidation, peribronchial consolidation, centrilobular nodules, tree-in-bud opacities, and, less commonly, diffuse bronchiectasis indicative of an infectious bronchitis and bronchiolitis. 80 Semi-invasive or Chronic Necrotizing Pulmonary Aspergillosis This form of the infection usually occurs in patients with milder forms of immunosuppression, often in conjunction with underlying lung disease. Among those at risk are patients with sarcoid, diabetes mellitus, COPD, alcoholism, or malnutrition ( Fig. 24-62). Corticosteroid therapy and prior radiation treatment are also predisposing factors. 38 As the name implies, semi-invasive aspergillosis is more indolent and chronic than invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. It typically is more localized, usually begins in an upper lobe or lung apex, and slowly progresses. Its appearance often mimics that of reactivation TB. 38 Consolidation and then cavitation gradually progress over the course of weeks to months. Exuberant adjacent pleural reaction is a common associated feature, and infection may extend to chest wall or mediastinal invasion 38

FIG. 24-62. A and B: Semi-invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. This elderly man with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease developed a progressive right-upper-lobe pneumonia as the result of aspergillus infection. Computed tomography nicely demonstrates the patient's extensive emphysema and the extent of the necrotizing pneumonia.

Mycetoma (Aspergilloma) The aspergilloma (mycetoma) or fungus ball consists of a localized round or ovoid mass made up of Aspergillus hyphae (the mycelial form), blood, cellular debris, fibrin, and mucus that occupies a cavity slightly larger than the mass. This is a saprophytic, noninvasive colonization of a pre-existing cavity by Aspergillus organisms.38 The cavities and fungus balls are usually found in the upper lobe, probably because the primary disease that causes the underlying cavity, commonly TB or sarcoidosis, occurs in the upper lobe. A thin, radiolucent rim is observed surrounding the mass. This is caused by air in the space between the thin cavity wall and the mass and is referred to as the air-crescent sign or Monod's sign. 38 Air-crescent formation is also seen in invasive pulmonary aspergillosis, but the pathophysiology is different: in the invasive form, pulmonary infarction and cavitation are caused by the invasive fungal infection, but in the noninvasive aspergilloma the intracavitary mass usually moves within the cavity. This can be demonstrated on CT by imaging in the supine and prone positions. CT is often helpful in detecting and diagnosing mycetomas, particularly when there is extensive underlying lung disease that makes the plain film difficult to interpret ( Fig. 24-63). Calcification may occur within the mass and may be extensive. Hemorrhage is common, often recurrent, and can be severe and life-threatening. There may be no other symptoms, or the patient may have mild constitutional symptoms of weight loss and fatigue.

FIG. 24-63. A and B: Aspergilloma. This 37-year-old Tibetan monk had a history of surgery in the right lung apex for tuberculosis. A small residual apical space remained after surgery, and years later a fungus ball developed within it.

Rarely, other organisms can form fungus balls. Candida species, C. immitis, Monosporium, Sporotrichum, and Trichophyton species, among others, have been implicated. 38 About 10% of mycetomas undergo spontaneous lysis. Allergic (Hypersensitivity) Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis ABPA is seen in patients with chronic bronchial asthma and is caused by a hypersensitivity reaction to antigens of species of the genus Aspergillus, chiefly Aspergillus fumigatus.81 Both type I and type III hypersensitivity reactions are present in this disorder. Serum immunoglobulin E is elevated, and immunoglobulin G precipitins to Aspergillus antigens are present. The presence of peripheral blood and often lung-tissue eosinophilia is characteristic, as is positive immediate skin-test reactivity to Aspergillus antigens.38,129 The organisms colonize the airways and are sometimes found in the sputum during an initial asthmatic attack or early in the course of bronchial asthma. The patients usually have wheezing, fever, cough, and mucopurulent sputum, often with expectoration of mucus plugs. A history of asthma refractory to standard bronchodilator treatments is often elicited. The roentgenographic findings can be divided into transient and permanent shadows 65 (Fig. 24-64). Transient shadows are of several types. (1) Homogeneous consolidation may be present and may be large or small without loss of volume. These lesions may be massive, often are multiple, and tend to be central in location. (2) A nonhomogeneous shadow or patchy consolidation may be present. (3) Small, circular, or nodular shadows may be present. (4) Transient atelectasis of a segment, lobe, or lung may be present. (5) Band-like and gloved-finger shadows 2 to 3 cm long and 5 to 8 mm wide may be present; at times they have a rounded end, caused by mucoid impaction. (6) Two parallel hairline shadows may be present, with a radiolucent zone between the lines representing a normal bronchus (tram line). (7) A well-outlined, circular (ring) shadow with a diameter of 2 to 3 cm, also representing a bronchus, may be present.

FIG. 24-64. AC: Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA). Roentgenographic and computed tomographic (CT) images demonstrate central bronchiectasis, a characteristic feature of ABPA. The CT also shows some mucoid impaction in the left lower lobe ( B).

The permanent shadows include the following: (1) parallel lines similar to tram lines but with a width larger than that of a normal bronchus; (2) hairline ring shadow 1 to 2 cm in diameter; (3) decreased volume but with aeration in the segment or lobe involved; (4) narrowing or loss of vascular shadows; and (5) long-line shadows. Most patients progress to varying degrees of pulmonary overinflation, some develop areas of fibrosis, and others have small areas of atelectasis (segmental or less) that may persist. Pleural effusion is rare but may appear. Bronchocentric granulomatosis with severe bronchial necrosis and granuloma formation appears to be a variant. The toothpaste and gloved-finger shadows represent mucus plugs or impactions in most instances. Occasionally, mucoid impaction may occur in asthmatics without aspergillosis. The tram-line shadows represent bronchi that are normal in diameter, whereas parallel-line shadows represent bronchi that are increased in diameter. The ring shadow represents a dilated bronchus observed on end. The latter two findings indicate bronchiectasis, which is usually central and becomes permanent if the patient is not treated promptly. Long-line shadows probably represent a wall of a bulla in some instances and pleura in others. The diagnosis is made on the basis of a history of bronchial asthma, the presence of eosinophilia, and the changing roentgenographic pattern of the lungs as described. This disease usually responds quickly to corticosteroid therapy. The CT hallmark of ABPA is prominent, central or proximal bronchiectasis. Central bronchiectasis is so characteristic that if it is identified on CT in a patient with asthma or wheezing, the diagnosis of ABPA should be suggested. Areas of mucous plugging are very apparent on CT as well (see Fig. 24-64). In addition to asthmatics, patients with cystic fibrosis are susceptible. The complication of bronchopulmonary aspergillosis appears to be a major factor when these patients deteriorate rapidly, so prompt treatment is important. If it is important to outline the bronchi for detection of bronchiectasis as well as extent of the pulmonary involvement, CT is very helpful in evaluation of this disease. Bronchial wall thickening and bronchiectasis are usually clearly defined. Bronchocentric granulomatosis is now thought to represent a variant of ABPA in which a more localized Aspergillus infection produces granulomatous inflammation and disruption centered on the bronchioles. It occurs in young asthma patients. 129 Moniliasis (Candidiasis) Candida (Monilia) albicans is a yeast-like organism, frequently present in the normal mouth, that is usually saprophytic but occasionally mildly pathogenic for humans. Because the organism is often present in normal people, it is difficult to document this disease. The literature is very confusing, and many reported cases are probably examples of other diseases. However, most investigators agree that Monilia can produce bronchopulmonary disease, particularly in elderly or debilitated persons, immunocompromised hosts, and infants. It is therefore an opportunistic organism that can produce disseminated fatal disease in susceptible subjects. Roentgen findings consist of a rather fine, mottled type of nodulation ranging from 2 mm to 1 cm in diameter associated with some prominence of pulmonary markings or, more commonly, segmental homogeneous consolidation. It can also produce a diffuse bronchopneumonia pattern that may be bilateral. Segmental or lobar air-space pneumonia has also been described. In infants, it can be a fatal disease, with progressive alveolar consolidation and occasional cavitation. It also can be widely disseminated to other organs as well as the lungs. Cavitation, with or without a mycetoma, is rare but is simulated when the disease involves an area of lung in which there are pre-existing emphysematous bullae. There may be some enlargement of the hilar nodes. As with the other fungal diseases, the diagnosis must rest on identification of the organism. Bronchial secretions should be examined, rather than sputum, because the organism is a normal inhabitant of the mouth. Geotrichosis Geotrichum candidum is a fungus frequently found in the mouth and gastrointestinal tract of healthy subjects; it occasionally becomes pathogenic and causes pulmonary as well as skin and mucous membrane infection. Pulmonary manifestations of geotrichosis are not characteristic. Irregular, patchy densities are noted, often in the upper lungs. Cavitation may develop, the cavities having rather thin walls. Enlargement of the hilar nodes is frequent. The disease may closely resemble pulmonary TB (Fig. 24-65). Geotrichum has a tendency to produce an opportunistic type of pulmonary disease in severely debilitated or immunosuppressed patients. In these patients, bronchopulmonary involvement is often extensive, with air-space disease resembling extensive bronchopneumonia; often the infection is fatal. Endobronchial disease, with positive sputum cultures and no pulmonary involvement visible on chest films, may also occur in these patients. The diagnosis is based on a positive skin test plus demonstration of the organism on repeated sputum examination. Other fungal infections and TB must be excluded by appropriate studies, because, as in moniliasis, the organism may be saprophytic rather than pathogenic.

FIG. 24-65. Geotrichosis. Note the nodular disease in the left upper portion of the lung, which resembles pulmonary tuberculosis. Since the disease progressed slowly, resection was done, proving it to be geotrichosis.

Other Mycoses Sporotrichosis Sporotrichosis, produced by Sporotrichum schenckii, usually involves the skin, mucous membranes, and lymphatics. Rarely, pulmonary infection is the primary manifestation of the disease, presumably caused by inhalation of spores. Most reported cases have been in the Mississippi and Missouri river valleys. 105 Of all reported cases, 40% have been in alcoholics. There is nothing characteristic about the pneumonia it produces. 88 However, cavitation, which may be bilateral, is often observed, usually in upper lobes. The pulmonary infection may be local, indolent, and granulomatous and resemble chronic pulmonary TB, or it may be suppurative

and produce foci of bronchopneumonia. Scattered hematogenous small-nodular disease is rare, but hilar adenopathy is common. S. schenckii is sometimes found as a secondary invader in patients with chronic pulmonary TB. Penicilliosis Fungi of the genus Penicillium are capable of producing a pulmonary infection known as penicilliosis. This disease is very rare. The fungus can cause lung abscess that cannot be distinguished from cavitation produced by other organisms; there are no roentgen signs that would lead to the specific diagnosis. Mucormycosis (Phycomycosis) Mucor is a genus of fungus that is widely distributed in nature and not usually pathogenic to humans. Along with Absidia and Rhizopus, it is a member of the class Phycomycetes. Several cases of severe disseminated infection caused by this fungus have been reported in diabetics ( Fig. 24-66). This infection is also found in patients with other underlying debilitating disease, such as leukemia or lymphoma, and in immunosuppressed patients. It is an opportunistic organism found most often in patients with hematologic disorders. In some of these, a widespread, rapidly fatal confluent pneumonia that may cavitate is present. Like invasive pulmonary aspergillosis, mucormycosis is angioinvasive. The hyphae tend to invade and occlude vessels, and the resultant infarction leads to the cavitation. The chest film and CT findings may therefore resemble those of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. In some instances, mucormycosis may be the cause of a solitary pulmonary nodule.

FIG. 24-66. Mucormycosis infection in a diabetic patient. A large thick walled cavity is present in the right midlung and a second mass in the right lung apex.


Syphilis Involvement of the lungs in syphilis is very rare, but when it does occur it may simulate other chronic pulmonary diseases symptomatically and radiographically. The diagnosis depends on exclusion of other diseases and on laboratory studies as well as response to antiluetic therapy. Three radiographic types of pulmonary involvement have been described. (1) Interstitial fibrosis may occur, resulting in linear opacities radiating into the lungs from the hila. (2) A large, solitary mass (gumma) may be present. It may be clearly circumscribed and resemble pulmonary tumor. Because some irregular inflammatory disease may surround it, the lesion can simulate other types of inflammatory disease. 50 (3) Chronic lobar pneumonia may occur with fibrosis and decreased size of the diseased lobe. This type resembles chronic pulmonary TB. Another chest film finding in patients with syphilitic aortitis is the presence of extensive calcifications in the wall of a dilated ascending aorta, with ascending aortic disease occurring out of proportion to, or in the absence of, calcification involving the descending aorta. However, radiographic findings are not diagnostic, so serologic and histologic studies are necessary. Leptospirosis Leptospirosis is produced by a group of spirochetes called Leptospira. Four of more than 100 serogroups cause most of the disease in humans. Several clinical forms have been described, and pulmonary involvement (in 20%) is only a part of widespread disease in most instances. Occasionally, hemorrhagic pneumonitis is an early or striking manifestation. 74 Three general types have been described. The most common (57% of 58 patients in one study 55) consists of widely disseminated small areas of air-space consolidation representing hemorrhage and edema. The individual lesions are poorly defined, with hazy nodules that resemble other acute, disseminated pulmonary inflammations. A second type of leptospirosis (16%) is characterized by a large confluent area of consolidation similar to that found in lobar or segmental pneumonia. A third type (27%) consists of small, patchy densities that resemble bronchopneumonia or a more linear interstitial type of disease, such as is noted in virus pneumonitis. Im and colleagues55 describe this type as having a diffuse ground-glass appearance. Pleural effusion, often large, is common. Because the pneumonia is hemorrhage, it usually resolves within 2 weeks in patients who survive. The diagnosis cannot be made on the basis of roentgen findings and depends on bacteriologic studies.

Amebiasis Amebic infection of the thorax is usually secondary to gastrointestinal involvement, which follows the ingestion of the cysts of Entamoeba histolytica. It often is associated with hepatic amebiasis. Rarely (fewer than 5% of cases), amebic lung abscess or ameboma is found without other signs or symptoms of amebiasis. The roentgen signs are somewhat different in the two types of disease. In the pulmonary disease without hepatic abscess, parenchymal consolidation, often complicated by abscess, develops well above the diaphragm. The abscess is similar to that produced by other organisms. When an abscess evacuates into a bronchus, an airfluid level can be demonstrated in upright views. The abscess cavity may become very large, and associated pleural effusion is not uncommon. When an ameboma without cavitation is present, it resembles any other lung mass and must be differentiated from other inflammatory masses and from tumor. When the pulmonary disease or pleural disease is secondary to hepatic involvement, the appearance is somewhat more characteristic. The hepatic abscess causes elevation of the diaphragm, and fluid in the right pleural space is common. The lower and middle lobes adjacent to the diaphragm are involved by a confluent pneumonia in which cavitation may occur. In some instances the infection is confined to the pleural space, in which case an amebic empyema is formed; this is often loculated at the base. In other instances, there is a combination of pleural and pulmonary involvement, with empyema and lung abscess. An amebic lung abscess may rupture into a bronchus and drain spontaneously. Empyema must be drained if it does not rupture into the lung and drain spontaneously. Rarely, hepatic amebic abscess may extend into the pericardium, resulting in amebic pericarditis. The diagnosis is confirmed by the presence of E. histolytica in the sputum or in the pleural fluid. Toxoplasmosis Toxoplasmosis is caused by the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. The organism has an affinity for the central nervous system, the eyes, and the lungs. There is an infantile form of the disease in which it is not uncommon to find cerebral involvement, beginning in utero, resulting in scattered intracranial calcifications in the newborn. The disease behaves differently in the adult and involves the lungs primarily, rather than the central nervous system. The roentgen findings in the lungs are similar to those noted in bronchopneumonia or viral pneumonia, namely air-space disease, often with some interstitial involvement. Enlargement of the hilar nodes is frequently associated with the pulmonary involvement. Miliary dissemination produces opacities not unlike those noted in other acute miliary infections. If the disease

becomes chronic, it may result in scattered areas of fibrosis and in scattered nodules, some or all of which may become calcified. Toxoplasmosis can also be an opportunistic disease involving the central nervous system and the lungs. Radiographic changes in the lung are variable. Widely scattered, small, nodular or miliary densities have been described as the most common manifestation. In other cases there is focal air-space disease bilaterally, and changes simulating interstitial pulmonary edema have also been described. The diagnosis can be made by serologic tests.


Echinococcosis (Hydatid Disease) The small tapeworm, Echinococcus granulosus, is found in the intestinal tract of dogs. Its larval form is the cause of hydatid cysts. The ova are ingested by humans and migrate to the liver or lungs, where they produce a round or oval density that may become massive ( Fig. 24-67). Since the cyst is readily molded as it grows, the shape varies depending on its relation to the bony thorax. It appears on the roentgenogram as a round or oval, clearly defined, dense mass that may produce some adjacent atelectasis. A change in shape may be noted at fluoroscopy and with change in position of the patient. A wall, the pericyst, is formed and is composed of an external capsule produced by the host tissue. The hydatid cyst itself has a double wall composed of a thick outer membrane (the exocyst) and a thin inner wall of germinal cells (the endocyst). The cyst may rupture into a bronchus and empty part of its contents, in which case an airfluid level is noted. This indicates separation of the cyst from the host tissue capsule (pericyst). When this is observed, the roentgenographic diagnosis can be made with reasonable certainty. The collapsed cyst wall may float on the fluid surface and be outlined by air above it on an upright film (the water-lily, camalote, or iceberg sign). 15 This is virtually pathognomonic of hydatid disease.

FIG. 24-67. Echinococcal disease. A: Computed tomogram (CT) through the abdomen demonstrates a large cyst with daughter cysts in the liver. Infection has broken out through the liver capsule and transgressed the diaphragm; pockets of infection are present in the right lung base. B: A more superior CT slice demonstrates a nodule in the right lung apex caused by dissemination of the infection to the lungs.

Rarely, rupture of the pericyst or host capsule leaves air between it and the exocyst. The crescent or meniscus sign, representing radiolucent air between the cyst and the host, may then be observed; it is a distinctive roentgen sign of hydatid cyst. Pulmonary cyst walls rarely calcify, in contrast to the hepatic lesions, in which calcification is common. When the cyst ruptures, there is a possibility of spread to other parts of the lung, giving rise to multiple, small daughter cysts. Occasionally, many small cysts are scattered throughout the lungs. Rarely, the cysts form in the pleural space or rupture into the pleural space and cause pleural effusion. When calcified hydatid cysts are present in the liver and a pulmonary cyst is detected, the diagnosis can be made with a considerable degree of accuracy. 114 Cysticercosis Occasionally, humans develop autoinfection when they ingest eggs of the pork tapeworm, Taenia solium. The eggs emerge as oncospheres in the gastrointestinal tract, enter the bloodstream, and are carried to various organs and tissues where they metamorphose into cysticerci. The cysticerci may be found scattered widely throughout the tissues, including the lungs, where they produce scattered, soft-tissue nodular densities. When the tapeworms die, calcification occurs and multiple oval or spindle-shaped calcifications measuring about 3 by 10 mm can then be noted, scattered in the lungs and in other tissues as well. The disease, cysticercosis, is very rare in the United States but common in Africa, China, and India. Paragonimiasis The lung fluke Paragonimus westermani is distributed widely in the Far East, particularly Korea, Taiwan, and Indonesia; in Africa; and in parts of South America.12,22,99,128 Humans are infested by eating undercooked crayfish or crabs or drinking infested water. The larval forms are liberated in the jejunum and migrate through the diaphragm and pleural space into the lung, where they mature into adult flukes, usually in the lower lobes. The disease is mild and seldom fatal but does produce symptoms in some patients. Hemoptysis is a frequent symptom of infestation, along with cough productive of brown or rusty sputum and chest pain. In about one third of those infested, the organism causes an ill-defined consolidation in the lower lung in the form of a hazy shadow of low, uneven density. In about another third, the density is more homogeneous, is more clearly defined, and may appear lobulated. Thin-walled, cyst-like cavitations may develop within the area of consolidation. Often the cavities are multiple and have a bubble-like appearance. In some patients, the disease is manifested by linear streaks that appear within a shadow of low-density consolidation. The involved area does not usually occupy a very large volume of the lung and may be unilateral or bilateral. The basal and peripheral midzone pulmonary disease is often not very conspicuous because of the small volume of lung involved and the low density of the disease, which may disappear completely. Pleural thickening in the interlobar fissures is also observed, and fleeting densities thought to represent Lffler's pneumonia often accompany the disease. Dense linear opacities are caused by burrows of the organism, which can be demonstrated by bronchography to be independent of bronchi. The burrows probably communicate with the cavities. Pleural effusion is common (in about 50%) and may be the only manifestation of the disease in some patients. Reports differ somewhat as to incidence of various findings. Suwanik and Harinsuta 128 found the following: (1) ring-like, cystic cavities with crescent-shaped opacity along one side ranging from 6 mm to 4 or 5 cm in 82%; (2) poorly defined nodular opacities up to 3 or 4 cm, usually basal or peripheral, in 48%; (3) linear shadows at bases, usually associated with ring-like shadows, in 21%; and (4) pleural thickening in 21%. Calcification may develop, probably in dead parasites. Complications include empyema, bronchopleural fistula, and pulmonary cavitation. Ova may be found in the pleural fluid and in the sputum during the periods of hemoptysis. The disease may persist for many years. Schistosomiasis Schistosomiasis is caused by three blood flukes of the genus Schistosoma, S. mansoni, S. japonicum, and S. haematobium. It is common in many parts of the world, including Africa, Asia, and Puerto Rico, but is rarely if ever acquired in the United States. Pulmonary disease is usually caused by S. mansoni or S. japonicum. Several types of pulmonary reaction to the infestation may occur. As the larval forms pass through the lungs, an apparent allergic response produces transient mottled densities. Roentgen findings in this acute form consist of transient interstitial opacities, usually a fine nodular pattern that may resemble miliary TB but clears spontaneously without treatment. Ova reach the lungs from the veins of the bladder, intestine, and liver. They may implant in or around pulmonary arterioles, producing a necrotizing arteritis and intra-arterial and periarterial granulomas, which result in a chronic pulmonary disease. Either of these granulomas may obstruct the vessel. The organisms rarely cause multiple arteriovenous fistulae. Roentgen findings in the chronic form consist of central enlargement of pulmonary arteries secondary to pulmonary hypertension and evidence of cor pulmonale, which occurs in only 5% of patients with pulmonary disease. 82 More commonly, a diffuse, fine, reticular pattern is observed. At times, the appearance is more nodular, as reaction to the ova produces local densities in the interstitial tissue of the lung. The multiple arteriovenous fistulae caused by the necrotizing arteritis result in

cyanosis with very little change noted on roentgenograms; this is a rare phenomenon. Occasionally, a circumscribed nodule is produced by a granulomatous mass surrounding an adult worm. 21


Several roundworms cause pulmonary symptoms and transitory roentgen changes in the lungs as the larvae are carried to the lungs through the veins or lymphatics. As the larvae emerge from the alveolar capillaries into the bronchial tree, they produce an allergic response, usually accompanied by eosinophilia. A combination of edema and hemorrhage causes radiographic findings of patchy areas of poorly defined opacity scattered throughout the lungs. The changes are transitory, and their extent is related to the severity of the infestation. The following roundworms are among those causing such a reaction: Ascaris lumbricoides, Strongyloides stercoralis, Ancylostoma duodenale, and Necator americanus (hookworm). Ascariasis is often the cause of a Lffler's pneumonia, which changes rapidly and usually clears in about 10 days. Opportunistic pulmonary strongyloidiasis has been reported in compromised hosts, and it can be fatal. 49 However, it responds to treatment with antihelminthic agents if recognized soon enough. The usual pulmonary reaction to Strongyloides is similar to the reaction to Ascaris. In the opportunistic form, a variety of lung manifestations have been described, including miliary, lobular, and lobar patterns. Cavitation or pleural effusion is rare. Filariasis caused by infestation with Filaria or Wuchereria bancrofti, Wuchereria malayi, or Loa loa is probably the cause of tropical eosinophilia (see next section). Dirofilaria immitis (dog heartworm) may also cause pulmonary disease in humans. 75,76 Typically, it produces a solitary pulmonary nodule, often peripheral, without calcification and with a slightly irregular appearance. At first the small area of consolidation may be poorly defined; it then tends to decrease in size over a few weeks or months, after which it becomes more clearly defined. Rarely, multiple nodules are observed that may resemble pulmonary metastases. They produce no symptoms. Histologic examination of tissue is required to differentiate the nodule from tumor. Trichinella spiralis larvae usually produce no pulmonary reaction as they pass through the pulmonary circulation. In roundworm infestation, the diagnosis is made by discovery of the larvae or mature worm in a stool specimen.

Tropical eosinophilia or pulmonary eosinophilosis is manifested by symptoms of cough, fever, lassitude, wheezing, chest pain, and sometimes dyspnea and weight loss associated with an elevation of the leukocyte count. Eosinophilia is extreme (usually more than 3,000 eosinophils per cubic millimeter of blood) and persists for weeks. Most reported cases originated in India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Southeast Asia, North Africa, and some areas of South America. A few cases have been reported in the United States and elsewhere throughout the world, primarily in persons who had traveled to an endemic area. Some cases have been reported in persons who had lived in India but had been away more than a year before the onset of symptoms. The disease is mild and self-limited, but relapses may occur. Most cases are definitely caused by filarial infestation, usually by W. bancrofti, and the disease usually responds well to diethylcarbamazine, a drug effective in filariasis. 97 In other cases, the cause cannot be established. Roentgen findings are of several types. The most common appearance is that of increased pulmonary markings extending out from the hila, associated with mottled parenchymal disease that is rather general in distribution. The hilar nodes may be enlarged. Next in frequency is the addition of areas of patchy pneumonitis to the small mottled densities. Increased markings alone are almost as common, and extensive scattered involvement by a pneumonia-like process is noted occasionally. The apices are usually spared. CT findings may resemble those of miliary TB or hypersensitivity pneumonitis. On HRCT, small, centrilobular, rounded, nodular opacities may be seen through the lung fields ( Fig. 24-68).

FIG. 24-68. Tropical eosinophilia in a 22-year-old man from India with fever. High-resolution computed tomography demonstrates poorly defined centrilobular, nodular opacities resulting from infection by the filarial organism Wuchereria bancrofti, which causes a type of hypersensitivity reaction in the lung. Findings mimic those of miliary tuberculosis.

*The classification of pulmonary tuberculosis has been revised by the American Lung Association and appears in Diagnostic Standards and Classification of Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Diseases, published in 1974. The publication can be obtained from the American Lung Association at 1740 Broadway, New York, NY 10019.

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Chapter 25 Chest Disease in the Immunocompromised Patient Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 25 Chest Disease in the Immunocompromised Patient

Janet E. Kuhlman and John H. Juhl

J. E. Kuhlman and J. H. Juhl: Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Medical School, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252.

Overview of Infectious Complications The Patient with Aids Pulmonary Disease in AIDS Pulmonary Infections in AIDS Other Pulmonary Infections in AIDS AIDS-Related Neoplasm in the Chest Kaposi's Sarcoma AIDS-related Lymphoma Lymphoproliferative Disorders in AIDS Lymphadenopathy Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonitis Mucosa- or Bronchus-associated Lymphoid Tissue Lung Cancer and Other Non-AIDS-Defining Malignancies The Transplant Recipient Lung and Heart-Lung Transplantation Reimplantation Response or Reperfusion Edema Acute and Chronic Rejection Chronic Rejection and Obliterative Bronchiolitis Pleural Effusions Infection Airway Complications Hyperinflation of the Native Lung and Tension Pneumothorax Nodules Caused by Transbronchial Biopsy Post-transplantation Lymphoproliferative Disease Pulmonary Disease in Other Organ Transplantation Bone Marrow Transplantation The Neutropenic Patient with Leukemia, Lymphoma, or Bone Marrow Transplantation Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis Other Noninfectious Pulmonary Disorders in Patients with Leukemia Chapter References

The immunocompromised patient is susceptible to a variety of infectious, inflammatory, and neoplastic disorders. The type of immunodeficiency and its severity correlate well with the complications encountered in the chest. In this chapter, chest diseases affecting the patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), the transplant recipient, and the neutropenic patient are reviewed.


Several conditions alter a patient's defense mechanisms and lead to susceptibility to organisms that may or may not be pathogens in normal persons. Diseases and organisms often associated with these conditions include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Acute myelocytic leukemia and leukopeniaPseudomonas, Staphylococcus, Aspergillus, and Mucor; Chronic lymphocytic leukemia and lymphosarcomaStreptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus, Cryptococcus, Pneumocystis, and herpes viruses; Hodgkin's diseaseCryptococcus, Listeria, Pneumocystis, and organisms causing tuberculosis (TB) and toxoplasmosis; Myeloma and chronic myelocytic leukemiaS. pneumoniae, gram-negative bacilli, Pneumocystis, and the tubercle bacillus; Renal transplantationmany bacteria, Cryptococcus, Pneumocystis, cytomegalovirus (CMV), and organisms causing toxoplasmosis, nocardiosis, and histoplasmosis; Cystic fibrosisStaphylococcus and Pseudomonas; Sickle cell diseaseS. pneumoniae and Salmonella; Drug addictionStaphylococcus, mixed anaerobes, Pseudomonas, and Candida; Hypogammaglobulinemiagram-positive bacteria, Pneumocystis, and viruses; Chronic granulomatous disease of childhood Serratia, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus; Bone marrow transplantationCMV, herpes simplex virus, gram-negative bacteria, fungi, Pneumocystis, and combinations of organisms such as CMV and Aspergillus or Pneumocystis.

This list is not complete, and many of the organisms listed can cause pneumonia in several of the conditions mentioned. In addition, several other organisms have been implicated as the cause of pneumonia in these patients. Many of them are unusual or rare, and some are not ordinarily pathogens. Mortality is high, and treatment may be very difficult, because multiple organisms are often found in these patients. Therefore, an aggressive approach, employing percutaneous needle aspiration, transbronchial lung biopsy, or, at times, open lung biopsy, may be necessary to obtain material for specific bacteriologic diagnosis. The pulmonary findings in most of these pneumonias are described elsewhere. Chest roentgenography is more useful in identifying the pneumonic process and following its course than it is in suggesting the organism responsible for the disease. When fever develops in a patient with one of the preceding diseases, an opportunistic pneumonia may be developing. Any opacity that was not present on an earlier chest radiograph should arouse the suspicion of pneumonia. Computed tomographic (CT) characteristics of pulmonary infections in the immunocompromised host are helpful in (1) documenting the presence of pulmonary disease at an early stage, (2) characterizing the pulmonary involvement based on CT patterns that may narrow the differential diagnosis considerably, and (3) planning of percutaneous, surgical, or bronchoscopic lung sampling for definitive diagnosis. Although pulmonary infection is the most common and feared cause of new pulmonary disease in the immunocompromised patient, other inflammatory and neoplastic complications may also occur in the chest in these patients.


AIDS is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). First recognized in 1981, AIDS has continued to spread worldwide. 136A In the United States alone, an estimated one million persons are HIV-infected. 145,153 No vaccine or cure for AIDS has yet been developed, but significant progress has been made in prevention and treatment of infectious complications of AIDS and in slowing the progression of virus and its ability to destroy the immune system. 177A Combination drug therapy including the use of protease inhibitors dramatically decreases the levels of detectable HIV organisms in infected patients. The use of zidovudine (AZT) and other antiviral treatments may also slow the progression of HIV disease in many patients. Prophylactic treatments for infections such as Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP), TB, and pneumococcal pneumonia have dramatically changed the occurrence of fatal pneumonias in HIV disease. 153 Because of these major developments, it is now common to hear the phrase living with HIV, one indication of the improving life expectancy of HIV-infected persons. 153 Long-term survivors are increasing in number, and almost 51% of HIV-positive patients in one San Francisco cohort are still alive after 11 years of follow-up. 153 Manifestations of AIDS have changed as treatments have improved. Pulmonary infections such as PCP were often fulminant and lethal; now they are preventable with prophylaxis and represent survivable but also often recurrent problems in HIV-infected patients. In many ways, AIDS has become a chronic, slowly progressive

illness, with tremendous variations in the course of the disease from one person to the next. Not all the new developments related to the AIDS epidemic have been positive, however. In large part because of AIDS, there has been a resurgence of TB in the last 5 years and the emergence of multiple-drug-resistant strains (see Chapter 24). The face of AIDS in the United States also continues to change, from a disease confined primarily to homosexual men to a disease that affects all segments of society, with growing numbers of newly infected persons to be found in inner-city populations, among intravenous drug users, their partners, and offspring. Women and children currently are the fastest growing group of newly infected patients in the United States. 10A Pulmonary Disease in AIDS Diseases of the chest continue to account for 65% of all AIDS-defining illnesses, and pulmonary infections cause the majority of life-threatening illnesses in AIDS patients. 145 Radiologic diagnosis of pulmonary disease in AIDS can be difficult but rewarding when an integrated approach is used combining clinical information, radiographic pattern recognition, and an understanding of the natural history of HIV disease. 81,94,115,125,164,212 HIV disease and AIDS encompass a spectrum of disease states from the asymptomatic carrier of the HIV to the patient with terminal AIDS. In between, varying degrees of immunosuppression exist, and it is the degree of immune suppression that best predicts the type of pulmonary disease likely to be present in an HIV-infected patient. An extensive variety of opportunistic infections cause pulmonary disease, and unusual manifestations are common. Multifactorial disease may be presentKaposi's sarcoma (KS) with PCP, PCP with CMV, lymphoma with a disseminated fungal infection. Although few radiographic and CT manifestations are specific, certain patterns of involvement are encountered. Combining radiographic pattern recognition with knowledge of the clinical presentation, the CD4 count, the underlying risk group, and previous drug treatments can narrow the diagnostic considera-tions 115,117,124,125,209 (Table 25-1).

TABLE 25-1. Radiographic manifestations of AIDS

HIV causes deficiencies in humoral, cell-mediated, and phagocytic responses, the most serious being progressive reduction in the number of CD4-positive helper T-cell lymphocytes (the CD4 count). 145 The CD4 count correlates well with the type of AIDS-related disease encountered. More virulent organisms that are usually contained by cell-mediated immunity (e.g., TB) and encapsulated pyogenic bacteria that are usually kept in check by humoral defense mechanisms are frequently the first types of pulmonary infections seen, even before the CD4 count has dropped to 200 cells/mm 3 and AIDS has been diagnosed. Reactivation TB and recurrent community-acquired pneumonias may be the presenting illness for previously undiagnosed patients with HIV infection. Opportunistic infections in HIV disease begin to occur when the CD4 count drops to 200 to 250 cells/mm 3; P. carinii is the most common pulmonary pathogen. As the degree of immunosuppression becomes more severe and the CD4 count drops to less than 150 cells/mm 3, less virulent organisms become successful pathogens, including fungal species. CMV and Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) infections usually occur in patients with CD4 counts of 50 cells/mm 3 or less.145,164,165,209,233D It is at this severe level of immunosuppression that AIDS-related lymphomas usually surface. Demographics and underlying risk factors for acquisition of HIV also affect the type of AIDS-related lung disease. TB is much more prevalent in intravenous drug users who are HIV-positive, in AIDS patients with prior TB exposure or a history of a positive PPD skin test, and in HIV-positive persons from TB-endemic countries such as Haiti. 241 KS, on the other hand, occurs almost exclusively in homosexual or bisexual men and their partners who are HIV-positive. Septic emboli, recurrent staphylococcal infections, aspiration pneumonia, lung abscess, and empyemas are more common in intravenous drug users who have AIDS. 124,241 Various treatments for AIDS and its complications significantly alter the manifestations of AIDS-related pulmonary infections. 241 Antibiotic prophylaxis against PCP has changed the prevalence and natural history of this infection in AIDS. 165 Aerosolized pentamidine, another treatment for PCP, has been associated with cases of disseminated PCP, lymphatic calcifications, and upper-lobe and cystic forms of PCP. Widespread use of prophylactic antibiotics in patients with AIDS may also hamper diagnosis by masking culture results and obscuring the bacterial origin of pulmonary infections. AZT, antiviral agents, and the newer protease inhibitors, by slowing the deterioration of the immune system, will probably also alter the manifestations of AIDS-related illnesses in yet unknown ways. 124 Pulmonary Infections in AIDS Pneumocystis Infections PCP is most commonly seen in patients with AIDS, but may also be encountered in patients with bone marrow or organ transplants and in any patient receiving corticosteroids or cytotoxic agents for the treatment of connective tissue disorders, hematologic disorders, or solid organ tumors 28,198,208 (Fig. 25-1, Fig. 25-2, Fig. 25-3, Fig. 25-4 and Fig. 25-5). PCP may also occur in severely malnourished patients and was recognized as a cause of epidemic pneumonia in European orphanages back in 1952. 233 A few cases of PCP have even been reported in elderly patients who had no identifiable underlying illness or evidence of immune deficiency. 95

FIG. 25-1. Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP). A 70-year-old man with AIDS and a CD4 count of 4 cells/mm 3 presented with increasing shortness of breath and a 30-pound weight loss. Chest radiograph shows typical features of PCP, including diffuse, bilateral, ground-glass infiltrates.

FIG. 25-2. Asymmetric involvement of the lungs by Pneumocystis pneumonia in a 27-year-old homosexual man with AIDS. The right lung is affected to a much greater extent than the left.

FIG. 25-3. Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) in a non-AIDS patient. A 43-year-old renal transplant recipient who was taking corticosteroids presented with fever and shortness of breath. A: The chest radiograph shows diffuse bilateral air-space disease. B: Twelve days later the patient developed a spontaneous pneumothorax. Computed tomogram (CT) shows diffuse ground-glass attenuation of the lung, one of the typical CT patterns for PCP. Note also the tiny, subpleural cystic spaces (arrows) that have predisposed this patient toward development of a pneumothorax.

FIG. 25-4. Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP). This 80-year-old man with lymphoma after two cycles of chemotherapy presented with hypoxemia and shortness of breath. A: The chest radiograph showed new bilateral infiltrates with a reticular appearance. Left-lower-lobe atelectasis was chronic. B: Computed tomography (CT) better defines the pulmonary process as diffuse ground-glass attenuation. Note the thin-walled cyst ( arrow). Several other such cystic lesions were present at other levels. The CT findings are highly suggestive of PCP, which was confirmed at bronchoscopy.

FIG. 25-5. Computed tomographic (CT) appearance of Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) in a 43-year-old man with AIDS and a CD4 count of 160 cells/mm 3. Although this patient had been receiving trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim) for PCP prophylaxis, he admitted to missing some doses. CT shows patchy areas of ground-glass opacity typical for PCP ( arrows).

PCP remains the most common cause of life-threatening infection in AIDS. Although PCP is still the most common index diagnosis for AIDS in this country, significant advances in treatment and prevention have resulted in a decline in the relative incidence of this infection in AIDS patients in the industrialized world.47,102,111,155A,158,165,199,216 Studies in the United Kingdom and Canada have shown a dramatic decrease in the percentage of hospital admissions for PCP in AIDS patients resulting from widespread use of prophylaxis. 30,188 Both study populations were predominantly male and homosexual patients. Specific incidence figures for PCP depend on the geographic location, the risk category for AIDS exposure, and the ethnic group. In sub-Saharan Africa, for example, TB and bacterial pneumonia have always been more common than PCP as index infections for AIDS. 152 Prophylaxis has also decreased the number of recurrent infections due to PCP in this country. Without preventive prophylaxis, the relapse rate for PCP is approximately 60% in 1 year. 71,123,198 P. carinii was originally classified as a protozoan but is now believed to a species of fungus, based on analysis of ribosomal RNA. 198 It is ubiquitous in nature and exists in two principal extracellular formsa cyst and a trophozoite. 199 Pneumonia in humans begins when the Pneumocystis trophozoite attaches itself to a type I alveolar epithelial pneumocyte by interdigitating with the host cell membrane. The host type I cell dies, creating a break in the alveolar-capillary membrane. Proteinaceous fluid then seeps out into the alveolar spaces, which become filled with a foamy, eosinophilic exudate containing trophozoites, cysts, fibrin, and dead cells. 148,198,200 In the process, surfactant production is significantly hampered. 123,198 The host immune response to PCP includes proliferation of type II pneumocytes, which attempt to repair the gaps within the alveolar-capillary membranes. Lung macrophages and plasma cells are also mobilized, resulting in a mild interstitial pneumonitis. 149 As the lung tries to repair the damage, interstitial fibrosis develops. 199 P. carinii is cleared from the lungs primarily by macrophages, but cell-mediated immunity, aided by the CD4+ T lymphocytes, is critical for host defenses against the

infection. A fall in the CD4 count to 200 cells/mm 3 or lower results in a dramatically increased risk for Pneumocystis infection. 126,241 Even in the absence of CD4+ T lymphocytes, the infection induces mononuclear cells and macrophages to release destructive tumor necrosis factors and cytokines that cause a marked inflammatory response in the lung. 224 An intact humoral antibody system is also important for fighting the infection, with immunoglobulin M (IgM) or IgG serum antibodies detectable in many patients after one or more episodes of PCP. 224 CD4+ T lymphocytes probably resist infection both by cell-mediated means and by promoting B-cell production of targeted PCP antibodies. 123,224 We do not know if PCP is caused by reactivation or reinfection. Most persons develop titers to the organism by the age of 3 years, suggesting that if the immune system becomes sufficiently impaired reactivation will occur. 224 Reinfection or re-exposure may also be the cause of pneumonia. The report of a hospital outbreak of PCP among renal transplant recipients suggests that human-to-human transmission can occur, and animal studies suggest that airborne transmission of the disease is possible. 26,198 The rate of PCP infection in AIDS patients also has a seasonal variation, with an increase in late spring and late summer/early fall, presumably owing to more favorable environmental conditions for the spread of the organism. 149,150 Studies of health care workers caring for AIDS patients also indicate that some workers may be asymptomatic carriers of the organism.149 Therefore, re-exposure or colonization by the organism appears to occur, with disease developing when the immune system fails.149 Considerable variation exists in the clinical presentation of PCP. 114A Severity and onset of symptoms differ in patients with AIDS compared with those with other forms of immunodeficiency.114A Nonproductive cough, increasing shortness of breath, and fever usually occur in both groups, but in the HIV-positive patient the onset of symptoms may be acute or subacute, even developing over weeks to months. 198 Nonspecific constitutional symptoms of malaise may be the dominant feature in some AIDS patients with PCP. Other immunocompromised patients who develop PCP, including transplant recipients and those receiving corticosteroids or cytotoxic agents, usually present acutely with symptoms worsening over a 3- to 5-day period. 198 PCP in infants and children may follow a particularly rapid and fulminant course. 123,198 A number of laboratory abnormalities are seen with PCP infections: elevated serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), decreased arterial oxygenation, widening of the alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient, and low diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DL CO).198 Because P. carinii cannot be cultured, definitive diagnosis is made by identifying cysts on a methenamine silver stain or trophozoites on a Wright-Giemsa stain. 224 Induced sputum samples from HIV-positive patients with suspected PCP have a sensitivity for detection of approximately 77%. In those with negative induced sputum results, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) is performed; it has a reported sensitivity of 86% to 97% in HIV-positive patients. 224 Increased detection of the organism from induced sputum samples (80% to 90%) can be obtained by using immunofluorescent staining with monoclonal antibodies to the Pneumocystis organism. DNA amplification techniques show promise for ever higher detection rates which may in the future allow the diagnosis to be made from simple mouthwash samples, obviating the need for more specialized equipment. 149,152,198 AIDS patients with sufficient clinical and radiographic evidence for PCP are often treated empirically for the infection, and only if the patient fails to respond to adequate therapy or if the presentation is atypical is bronchoscopy with BAL performed. 149 In the HIV-positive patient, transbronchial biopsy is rarely used to establish a diagnosis of PCP because of the increased risk of pneumothorax and the higher mortality rate from the procedure in this population. 28,228A In the non-AIDS patient, however, transbronchial biopsy and/or open lung biopsy may be resorted to more often, because PCP is less prevalent and less often suspected in this population and the diagnosis may be more difficult to establish. 28 Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is the most effective treatment for PCP. It is also the agent used for prophylaxis against Pneumocystis infection. Intravenous pentamidine is an effective alternative treatment, but side effects include renal dysfunction, bone marrow suppression, and liver failure. 126,149,198 Aerosolized pentamidine given monthly was once used widely as a less toxic alternative to systemic intravenous pentamidine administration for prophylaxis against PCP, but it is now known to be less effective than oral trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Aerosolized pentamidine had other disadvantages as well. Diagnosis of relapse was made more difficult because previous treatment with aerosolized pentamidine decreased the diagnostic yield for organisms on BAL. 69,176,198 Relapse rates with aerosolized pentamidine treatments were higher than when trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim) was used. 126,199 Reports of disseminated, extrapulmonary infection and atypical clinical and radiographic presentations of PCP, including apical disease, cystic cavities, pneumothorax, and pleural disease in patients on aerosolized pentamidine, also began to appear in the literature just as this form of treatment began to be used widely. 139,147,199 Specialized equipment is required for delivery of the aerosolized pentamidine, and this method of delivery could spread other pathogens such as the tubercle bacillus. 139,147 Newer second-line drugs for PCP have been developed, including dapsone with trimethoprim, atovaquone, primaquine plus clindamycin, and trimetrexate, among others. 126 Fulminant PCP infection with respiratory failure still occurs in 5% to 30% of patients with AIDS who present with PCP. 216 The mortality rate is high, 45% to 72%, and once the patient requires intubation with mechanical ventilation the prognosis is poor. 47 However, earlier stages of respiratory failure due to PCP can be reversed with the adjunctive use of corticosteroids. 82B,155 Outcome in this setting is now comparable to that for other causes of acute res-piratory failure. 64 Ironically, the outcome from a single episode of PCP is now better in the HIV-positive patient than in other immunocompromised patients. 216 Corticosteroid treatment significantly improves survival and decreases intensive care unit admissions of patients with PCP with moderate to severe infection, and this treatment is recommended if the arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO 2) is less than 70 mm Hg or the alveolar-arterial gradient exceeds 35 mm Hg. 69,126,149,198,216 Corticosteroids probably work by muting the destructive inflammatory response of the host to the infection. 126,198 PCP in the Non-AIDS Patient PCP also occurs in non-AIDS patients with other immunodeficiencies, including patients who are immunosuppressed because of bone marrow and organ transplantation, those receiving aggressive treatments for connective tissue diseases, and those receiving chemotherapy for hematologic disorders and solid organ tumors (see Fig. 25-3 and Fig. 25-4). Corticosteroids and/or cytotoxic agents are the primary predisposing risk factors. 28 Organ transplant recipients often receive a number of immunosuppressive agents, including prednisone and cyclosporine, with or without azathioprine and antilymphocyte globulin to prevent rejection. 248 Because of the increased risk for PCP in this setting, most transplant patients receive PCP prophylaxis for at least 1 year after organ transplantation. 248 The incidence of PCP has dramatically declined in bone marrow and organ transplant recipients who receive prophylactic therapy. 182,245 Lung transplant recipients receiving prophylaxis currently have a prevalence of PCP of only 2%. When PCP occurs within the first year after transplantation, it is usually a result of noncompliance or inability to take medications because of drug side effects. 182 Late-onset PCP does occur in transplant recipients, often in those with graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) and/or CMV infection. These two complications appear to further impair an immune system that is already suppressed by corticosteroids and antirejection drugs, increasing the likelihood of Pneumocystis infection.83,245 For this reason, PCP prophylaxis may be extended beyond the normal 1-year period in patients with chronic rejection, those with CMV infection, and those requiring higher dosages of immunosuppressive agents. 6,123 Patients with connective tissue disorders that require aggressive treatments with immunosuppressive agents such as corticosteroids and cytotoxic agents, including cyclophosphamide and low-dose methotrexate, are at increased risk for PCP infection. These disorders include severe rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, polyarteritis nodosa, polymyositis, dermatomyositis, polymyalgia rheumatica, psoriatic arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and Wegener's granulomatosis. 76,98,128 Some of these patients present with PCP only as their corticosteroid dose is being tapered, suggesting that the infection is present all along but becomes manifest only as the host inflammatory response is unmasked by the removal of corticosteroids. 28,98,128 Patients with solid-organ malignancies, including primary and metastatic brain tumors, that are being treated with corticosteroids are also at risk for PCP. in this group is high, reaching 50%. 208 Radiographic Features of PCP PCP can have a variety of radiographic appearances, but most cases show typical features: diffuse, bilateral, fairly symmetric, finely granular or reticular infiltrates that may appear interstitial or more air-space in nature 49,79,106,123,165,198 (see Fig. 25-1 and Fig. 25-3). The pattern of distribution may vary, from primarily perihilar and lower-lobe disease to predominantly upper-lobe disease, a pattern often (but not exclusively) seen in patients undergoing prophylaxis with aerosolized pentamidine. 41A Bilateral but asymmetric disease is also seen (see Fig. 25-2). Typically, pleural effusions and lymphadenopathy are not seen on the plain film. If left untreated, the infection can progress to diffuse air-space consolidation and adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). 123 In AIDS patients with PCP who are undergoing treatment with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole or intravenous pentamidine, clinical and radiographic improvement in


the pneumonia usually occurs in 5 to 7 days. 198 Apparent deterioration in the chest radiograph within the first few days of treatment may be caused, in some cases, not by progression of the infection, but by increasing edema secondary to leaky capillary membranes and volume overload from administration of intravenous antibiotics; this problem usually readily controlled with diuretics. 79,164A Lack of response after 10 days indicates either treatment failure (a second-line drug is usually added) or the presence of a second pathogen. Although the chest radiograph usually clears significantly after 2 weeks of therapy, residual parenchymal changes may persist. These residual changes are even more evident on CT. 123,165 Less Common Manifestations of PCP Atypical patterns are seen in approximately 5% of PCP cases and have been reported in both AIDS and non-AIDS patients, with or without treatment with aerosolized pentamidine. 106 Isolated lobar disease, focal parenchymal opacities or nodules, cavitating nodules or masses, miliary patterns, endobronchial lesions, and pleural effusions may all occur as a result of Pneumocystis infection. 6A,87A,106,155A,165,204 In patients with lymphoma who are undergoing radiation therapy to the mediastinum, PCP may spare the radiated lung and cause pneumonia only outside the therapy port. 179 Because of the widespread use of PCP prophylaxis, patients with PCP now often present earlier and with more subtle clinical and radiographic findings. Approximately 10% to 39% of patients with documented PCP have normal, near normal, or equivocal chest radiographs on initial presentation. 7,37,49,103,176,225 For patients receiving aerosolized pentamidine, apical infiltrates, cystic lung disease, spontaneous pneumothorax, or disseminated extrapulmonary disease may be the first indication of primary Pneumocystis infection or relapse. 165 Although these atypical findings are often associated with aerosolized pentamidine treatment, they can occur without its use and are not limited to HIV-positive patients. 41A,106,123 Cystic PCP A cystic form of the infection also exists and is characterized by cystic, cavitary, or pneumatocele-like lesions in the lung parenchyma that may be thin- or thick-walled and regular or irregular in shape. 12,31,50,53,56,84,118,124,163,180,201,203,229,300 Cystic PCP is recognized more commonly in AIDS patients but rarely may be seen in other immunocompromised hosts (see Fig. 25-3 and Fig. 25-4). The cystic lesions may be surrounded by ground-glass infiltrates or be free of surrounding active pneumonitis. They have a predilection for the upper lobes and subpleural regions of the lung but are not found there exclusively. 56 Spontaneous pneumothorax secondary to rupture of a subpleural cyst is a common presentation of this form of the infection 12,31,50,53,56,84,118,124,164,180,201,203,230A (see Fig. 25-3). Based on chest radiographs, the prevalence of pneumatoceles or air-filled cystic lung lesions in PCP is approximately 10%. often better appreciated on CT. 124,165

The number and extent of the cysts is

Pathogenesis is still a mystery, but possible mechanisms for cyst formation include (1) focal lung destruction caused by proteolytic elastases, toxins, and tumor necrosis factor released from activated macrophages 26A,53,57,146A,163,188A,194A,199A,229; (2) ischemic lung necrosis secondary to vascular invasion by Pneumocystis organisms163; (3) bronchial obstruction of small airways by Pneumocystis infection causing a ballvalve mechanism; and (4) necrosis caused by granulomatous reaction.56,112,229 Smoking, intravenous drug use, and repeated prior infections may also contribute to the formation of cystic lesions in some AIDS patients with PCP.31,56,118,123 Pathologically, two types of cystic lesions are identified. One type is intraparenchymal, necrotic, thin-walled, and surrounded by inflammation that contains Pneumocystis organisms.57,229 The other type of lesion is subpleural or apical in location and looks like a bulla; it has either a fibrous or granulomatous wall but no surrounding inflammation or organisms. 57,118,229 One theory suggests that active, inflammatory lung cysts evolve into chronic, bland, bullous lesions by a process of migration, merger, and rupture of the cystic cavities into the subpleural space. 57,229 Spontaneous Pneumothorax Spontaneous pneumothorax occurs in 6% to 7% of AIDS patients with PCP. 39 Most occur secondary to rupture of subpleural cysts 39,92 (see Fig. 25-3). Pneumothoraces are frequently bilateral and often difficult to treat. Persistent air leaks caused by bronchopleural fistulae are common, and simple chest tube placement often fails to resolve the pneumothorax. 19A,52A,52B,62A,80A,91A,96A,208A Refractory pneumothoraces may require pleurodesis with tetracycline, talc, or autologous blood or more invasive operative procedures such as lung stapling. 19A,52A,52B,62A,80A,92 PCP with pneumothorax carries a high mortality rate, 33% to 57%, compared with an overall mortality rate from PCP of only 17%. 39,123,140,198,291 Extrapulmonary Pneumocystis Infection Dissemination of Pneumocystis infection beyond the lungs is rare; it is seen in fewer than 1% of patients premortem and in 2% to 5% of cases at autopsy. 38,61,195,198,227 Disseminated infection has been recognized more frequently as the number of PCP cases has increased with the AIDS epidemic and more patients have been treated with aerosolized pentamidine. 38,195 Because the distribution of aerosolized pentamidine is not uniform in the lungs, with better delivery at the lung bases than at the apices or periphery of the lung, smoldering infection may persist in some areas. 106 In addition, systemic levels of the drug achieved by this route of delivery are low and do not prevent vascular invasion by the organism and subsequent spread of the infection through the lymphatics or the bloodstream. 38,45A,139,195,219 Pneumocystis can spread to almost every organ system, including the lymph nodes and spleen, liver, bone marrow, skin, thyroid, choroid plexus and meninges, adrenal gland, kidney, ear, bowel and peritoneum, heart, and pancreas. 51,61,135,186,190,198,219 Patients with disseminated Pneumocystis infection may have no respiratory symptoms but signs related to other organ system involvement, such as hepatosplenomegaly and ascites, necrotic skin nodules, or fever of unknown origin. 51 CT and ultrasound findings of dissemination may include punctate or rim-like calcifications within enlarged lymph nodes or in the spleen, liver, or kidneys and low-attenuation abscesses in the same organs 61,82B,127A,135,191A (Fig. 25-6). Pleural and peritoneal effusions with punctate surface calcifications caused by disseminated Pneumocystis infection have also been reported. 123,135 Pleural effusions in most cases of PCP are rare, unless the patient has disseminated disease or persistent subpleural lung infection with tissue invasion and subsequent extension into the pleural space. 204,216

FIG. 25-6. A through E: Computed tomographic findings in extrapulmonary dissemination of Pneumocystis pneumonia. Punctate or ring calcifications in lymph nodes (white arrows), kidneys (arrowheads), or spleen (black arrow) can be seen in patients with disseminated extrapulmonary Pneumocystis carinii infection. (Reprinted from ref. 123, with permission.)

Airway Involvement

P. carinii may affect the airways causing asthma-like wheezing in some patients. Bronchiectasis has been identified on CT in some AIDS patients who have PCP. 143 Pulmonary function tests in such patients frequently demonstrate airway hyperactivity and reversible decreases in peak expiratory flow rates. 206 Rarely, PCP can appear as an endobronchial mass lesion. 68 Pathologic examination of lung tissue from patients with PCP also demonstrates bronchiolitis obliterans (BO), additional evidence that the small airways are adversely affected by this infection. 229 Detection of Early PCP Infection Early detection of PCP may be particularly difficult when the patient presents with nonspecific symptoms and a normal or near-normal chest radiograph. In these problematic cases, high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) or nuclear scintigraphy may be more sensitive than chest radiographs to detect infection. Computed Tomographic Features of PCP Several authors have described the CT findings of PCP in both AIDS and non-AIDS patients 9,116,123,161,165,212 (see Fig. 25-3, Fig. 25-4, Fig. 25-5 and Fig. 25-6). A spectrum of parenchymal abnormalities are seen on CT. Bilateral ground-glass opacities that may be diffuse or patchy are typically found. 9 Often the pulmonary infection is strikingly patchy in its distribution, producing a mosaic pattern with abrupt transitions between normal and abnormal lung. 116 Hartman and colleagues 87 found that the presence of ground-glass infiltrates in the setting of AIDS was highly suggestive for PCP and that when a confident diagnosis of PCP was made based on CT findings in their study, it was correct in 94% of cases. Thickening of the interlobular septa may also be identified, often in cases of recurrent pneumonia, presumably because of either chronic interstitial inflammation, edema, or fibrosis. 9,165 Residual linear fibrosis and apical and subpleural bullae may be identified on CT in patients with prior histories of PCP. 118 In the cystic form of the PCP, CT is more accurate than chest radiographs in demonstrating the number and locations of cavitary/cystic lesions, particularly their predilection for the subpleural zones of the lung. Associated signs of disseminated infection that may be identified on CT include enlarged lymph nodes with calcifications and calcifications in the liver, spleen, kidneys, adrenal glands, and pleural or peritoneal surfaces. 123 Nuclear Scintigraphy in the Diagnosis of PCP Gallium-67 citrate scanning is 80% to 90% sensitive for the detection of PCP, but only 50% to 74% specific. 77,173 Uptake of gallium in patients with PCP is variable and is affected by prior therapy, especially the use of aerosolized pentamidine, which alters typical patterns. Lymphoma in the lung accumulates gallium, but pulmonary involvement by KS does not. Gallium scanning is not a particularly rapid means of diagnosing PCP, because it often requires 24- and 48-hour scans. 123 Indium-111labeled human polyclonal immunoglobulins show lung uptake of tracer in the presence of PCP or any type of lung infection, but uptake is not specific for PCP. Neither KS nor lymphoma accumulates this tracer, however.149 Newer, radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies specific for Pneumocystis have been developed and demonstrate high sensitivity (86%) and specificity (87%) for PCP, but they are not widely available nor used on a routine basis. 77 Magnetic Resonance Imaging in PCP Lungs infected with Pneumocystis show higher than normal signal on T1- and T2-weighted images owing to the increased amounts of intra-alveolar fluid produced by this infection. 141 Other Pulmonary Infections in AIDS As the number of deaths due to PCP has declined in AIDS patients, other AIDS-related complications have increased in relative frequency and importance, particularly fungal infections and TB. The number of hospital admissions for these AIDS-related illnesses has also increased, including admissions for recurrent bacterial pneumonias and TB, particularly in certain risk groups (e.g., intravenous drug users). 152 These shifts also reflect the changing epidemiology of AIDS in this country, from a disease seen primarily in homosexual and bisexual men to a disease seen increasingly in intravenous drug users and their sexual partners. 47 Tuberculosis TB is discussed in Chapter 24. A few additional comments regarding its presentation in the immunocompromised host, particularly the patient with AIDS, are presented here. TB has become a serious infectious disease threat, not only to the AIDS community but also to the general population. Multiple-drug-resistant strains of TB have appeared in Florida and in New York City. 58 In-hospital transmission of these strains from patient to patient and from patients to health care workers has been documented on HIV wards. 185 Drug-resistant strains are increasing in incidence among HIV-positive prison inmates and intravenous drug users. 58,59,124,185 Except for the drug-resistant strains, TB in AIDS responds well to therapy. Despite this response, TB is often the harbinger of rapid decline, with most AIDS patients dying within 14 months after onset of their TB infection. 153 TB in HIV disease may be caused by reactivation or primary disease. 59 In the normal host, cell-mediated immunity isolates tubercle bacilli after primary exposure, controlling the infection. When the T-cell system fails, however, reactivation of dormant bacilli occurs relatively early in HIV disease. The median CD4 count in HIV-infected patients with TB is about 350 cells/mm 3, compared with less than 200 cells/mm3 in patients with PCP.58,145 Because it is more virulent than other opportunistic infections, pulmonary TB may be the first manifestation of HIV. The radiographic features of TB in AIDS depend on the degree of immunosuppression. 124 Early in HIV disease, TB tends to be seen in classic patterns: upper-lobe infiltrates, cavities, and bronchogenic spread ( Fig. 25-7). Skin tests frequently are positive at this stage, and the infection is confined to the lungs in more than 75% of cases.145,241 In more advanced AIDS, the presentation is more varied and may resemble that of primary infection, progressive primary disease, or disseminated or miliary infection (Fig. 25-8). The skin test is positive in only 20% to 40% of patients, because most patients are anergic. Radiographic findings include more atypical presentations: diffuse infiltrates, multiple pulmonary nodules or masses, and prominent mediastinal adenopathy. In other patients, the chest film may be normal, even with disseminated disease. 124 Extrapulmonary disease is found in 25% to 70% of AIDS patients and qualifies as an AIDS-defining illness. 145,153,241 Disseminated TB in AIDS often involves the lungs, bone marrow, liver, spleen, kidneys, and lymph nodes at autopsy. Miliary TB with marked necrosis and absent or poor granuloma formation is often found.59

FIG. 25-7. Tuberculosis mimicking Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) in an AIDS patient. A: The chest radiograph shows predominately upper-lobe infiltrates that are similar in character to those seen with PCP. B and C: The characteristics of the pulmonary infiltrates are better appreciated on computed tomography, which demonstrates cavities, areas of bronchogenic spread, and nodules that were found at bronchoscopy to be caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. (Reprinted from ref. 124, with permission.)

FIG. 25-8. Tuberculosis in advanced AIDS. Chest radiograph shows left mediastinal adenopathy and a left peripheral lung mass caused by disseminated tuberculosis. (Reprinted from ref. 124, with permission.)

In the adult patient with AIDS, adenopathy due to TB is seen more commonly than in the immunocompetent host. On CT, tuberculous nodes demonstrate necrotic low-density centers with rim enhancement when an intravenous contrast agent is administered. 182A,194 A similar appearance can be seen with infection caused by atypical mycobacterial infections such as mycobacterium avium complex (MAC). 171 Pleural effusions caused by TB are also more common in the HIV-positive patient. 124 A study by Leung and coworkers 129 compared the CT findings of pulmonary TB in HIV-seropositive patients with those in HIV-seronegative patients. HIV-positive patients with TB had a higher prevalence of lymphadenopathy, extrapulmonary disease, and miliary patterns. Compared with the immunocompetent patients, HIV-positive patients with TB had a lower prevalence of focal consolidation, cavitation, and postprimary distributions of disease. Finally, the presence of TB infection has become an indication for HIV testing. 241 Other Mycobacterial Infections A variety of nontuberculous mycobacterial infections are seen in patients with AIDS, the most common being MAC, formerly referred to as Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare. Other atypical infections include Mycobacterium kansasii and Mycobacterium xenopi.241 MAC is less virulent than TB, and most patients are in the terminal stages of AIDS, with CD4 counts lower than 50 cells/mm 3, when MAC infection manifests itself.223,241 Constitutional symptoms, including fever, weight loss, weakness, and prominent gastrointestinal complaints of diarrhea, are the dominant features, rather than pulmonary symptoms.145 At this stage, MAC can often be cultured from sputum, blood, bone marrow, and urine samples. At autopsy, MAC is found in up to 60% of AIDS patients.223,239 Prognosis for AIDS patients with MAC is poor, and treatment, even with four drugs, only marginally effective. 137,223 MAC usually is seen radiographically as disseminated disease, with widespread adenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, and thickened bowel loops demonstrated on CT. Pulmonary abnormalities due to MAC are uncommon, although infiltrates, nodules, and cavitary disease have been reported 124 (Fig. 25-9).

FIG. 25-9. A and B: Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) in a 44-year-old man with AIDS and a CD4 count of 18 cells/mm 3. Computed tomography shows bulky left axillary adenopathy ( B) and a small lung nodule in the right lower lobe ( A) caused by MAC.

Unlike MAC, M. kansasii and the other atypical mycobacterial infections are more likely to present as isolated pulmonary disease. inflammatory nodules and reticulonodular infiltrates. 124 Fungal Infections


Lung findings include multiple

A wide variety of fungal infections occur in AIDS patients. In advanced stages of AIDS, fungal infections are usually disseminated, with multiorgan involvement, rather than isolated lung infections. 164,165 Candida infection, in the form of oral thrush and Candida esophagitis, is the most common fungal pathogen in patients with AIDS. Lung infection due to Candida is rare, however, except as part of disseminated disease during the final stages of AIDS. 241 When it occurs in the lungs, both nodules and thick-walled cavities may be seen. The most common fungal infections to cause pulmonary disease in AIDS are Cryptococcus neoformans, Histoplasma capsulatum, and Coccidioides immitis. C. neoformans rarely presents as an isolated pneumonia. Usually, concurrent or preceding central nervous system (CNS) involvement is present in the form of meningitis (70% to 85%). 27,33,107,145,225,234 However, CNS involvement may not be recognized at the time of initial diagnosis of the pulmonary infection. Pulmonary findings of cryptococcosis include nodules and reticulonodular infiltrates ( Fig. 25-10). Mediastinal adenopathy is often present. Relapse of infection is common.27,33,107,124,225,234

FIG. 25-10. Pulmonary cryptococcosis in a 32-year-old man with AIDS and cryptococcal meningitis. The chest radiograph shows multiple, well circumscribed pulmonary masses caused by fungal infection with Cryptococcus. (Reprinted from ref. 124, with permission.)

In endemic areas, histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis, and blastomycosis may become pathogens in AIDS patients. Infection is usually disseminated, and the CD4 count is often lower than 150 cells/mm 3.145,241 Chest radiographs may show nodules (usually 3 mm or less in histoplasmosis) or masses (blastomycosis), cavities, and alveolar, interstitial, or reticulonodular infiltrates with or without adenopathy. 20,42,181 Diffuse involvement is more common than focal lobar pneumonia. An estimated 50% of patients with disseminated disease have a normal chest film. 42 Calcified granulomas are seen in 36% of cases. 42,124 In comparison with the neutropenic patient, the patient with AIDS less commonly presents with invasive Aspergillus pulmonary infection. Granulocyte and macrophage function are often preserved in AIDS patients even as the T-cell deficiency becomes severe, so these patients are less vulnerable to infection by Aspergillus. As AIDS patients have begun to survive longer, however, the incidence of Aspergillus infection has increased, particularly when these patients are treated with corticosteroids and medications such as ganciclovir and zidovudine that cause neutropenia ( Fig. 25-11). Aspergillus infections tend to occur in advanced stages of AIDS, when other predisposing factors such as neutropenia, broad-spectrum antibiotics, and use of corticosteroids are also present. Several types of Aspergillus infection are seen, including invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA), chronic necrotizing aspergillosis, and necrotizing bronchial disease with endobronchial plugs and pseudomembranes.110,151,221,241

FIG. 25-11. Aspergillus fungal infection is uncommon in AIDS patients except during late stages of the disease, when neutropenia is severe and compounded by drug-induced granulocytopenia and use of corticosteroids. The chest radiograph ( A) and computed tomogram (B) in this patient with AIDS show irregular masses in the upper lobes which proved on biopsy to be caused by Aspergillus infection.

Bacterial Infections Recurrent bacterial pneumonias occur in up to 30% of AIDS patients. 20,115,164,165 They often occur early in HIV disease and frequently precede the diagnosis of AIDS.96,153,241 The incidence of pneumococcal infection is very high, particularly among HIV-positive patients who are intravenous drug users. 96 Deficiencies in humoral antibodies are one of the first abnormalities to occur in HIV disease, and community-acquired pneumonia may be the first indication of HIV infection. 96 Most community-acquired pneumonias in AIDS are caused by the common pathogens, S. pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae.241 Intravenous drug users are also likely to present with recurrent staphylococcal pneumonia and gram-negative pneumonias, including recurrent Pseudomonas infections. 145 More unusual bacteria have also been reported to cause pneumonia in AIDS, including Branhamella catarrhalis, Rhodococcus equi, Nocardia, Legionella species, and Mycoplasma pneumoniae18,145,153, 271, 275, 294, 301 (Fig. 25-12).

FIG. 25-12. Rhodococcus equi is an unusual bacterial infection that can occur in AIDS patients. The computed tomogram in this case shows a cavitating mass.

The HIV-positive patient with bacterial pneumonia presents like the immunocompetent patient with an acute (usually less than 1 week duration), febrile illness with cough productive of purulent sputum. 145 Most bacterial pneumonias in AIDS patients start as focal lobar or multilobar infiltrates, but they may progress rapidly to cavitation and lung necrosis. Bacteremia is more common in the HIV-positive patient than the immunocompetent host. 241 Unusual presentations also occur, including large empyemas and unsuspected lung abscesses. 124 Septic emboli may be the presenting infection in the HIV-positive patient who is also an intravenous drug user. Bacillary Angiomatosis Bacillary angiomatosis is caused by infection from Bartonella henselae (formerly Rochalimaea henselae), a pleomorphic gram-negative rod. In the AIDS patient, bacillary angiomatosis most commonly appears as vasoproliferative skin nodules, but disseminated infection can occur involving multiple organ systems including the lymph nodes, liver (peliosis), spleen, CNS, skeleton (osteolytic lesions), and lungs. 36,90,156 Reported thoracic manifestations of bacillary angiomatosis include endobronchial lesions, lung nodules, interstitial lung disease, mediastinal adenopathy, pleural involvement, and chest wall masses. 36,90,156 Lesions in the chest may demonstrate marked hypervascularity on CT examination with intravenous contrast administration. 36 Diagnosis is made on the basis of biopsy results showing a positive Warthin-Starry silver stain, bacilli on electron microscopy, or 16S ribosomal DNA analysis. 36,156 Treatment is with erythromycin. The skin lesions of bacillary angiomatosis may mimic those of KS. Parasites Parasites such as Cryptosporidium, Strongyloides, and Toxoplasma may rarely also cause pulmonary infections in AIDS. 78,136 Cytomegalovirus and Other Pulmonary Viruses CMV infection is extremely common in AIDS patients, and the virus is frequently cultured from sputum, blood, and urine samples. The extent to which CMV causes

significant pulmonary disease is controversial, however.278 Frequently both CMV and PCP or other pathogens are cultured from the lungs of AIDS patients. 241 Reports of patients with CMV as the sole or primary pulmonary pathogen suggest that such patients will respond to appropriate anti-CMV therapy. 235 CMV may also cause debilitating esophagitis, colitis, adrenalitis, chorioretinitis, or encephalitis. 124,235,244 The herpes simplex virus causes a spectrum of diseases in AIDS, from mucocutaneous skin ulcerations to localized visceral involvement and disseminated infection. Pneumonitis caused by herpes simplex often begins with a tracheobronchitis and may progress to focal or diffuse lung disease. 145 Other viruses found in the lungs of HIV-positive patients include Epstein-Barr virus and respiratory syncytial virus. 124,145 Nonspecific Interstitial Pneumonitis A specific pulmonary diagnosis for interstitial infiltrates may be elusive in some AIDS patients. Despite extensive diagnostic efforts including lung biopsy, a specific pathogen may not be identified. Instead what is found is infiltration of the lung interstitium by a pleomorphic mix of mononuclear inflammatory cells and extensive damage to the alveoli. The pathologic diagnosis in these cases is nonspecific interstitial pneumonitis. 213,241,243 Chest radiographs typically show diffuse bilateral interstitial infiltrates that are persistent or slowly progressive over time. AIDS-Related Neoplasm in the Chest HIV infection is associated with an increased incidence of certain malignancies, including KS and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, which are both AIDS-defining cancers. Invasive cervical carcinoma is now recognized as an AIDS-defining neoplasm in HIV-positive women. 199A,240 Other malignancies have been reported in patients with HIV infection, including Hodgkin's lymphoma, testicular cancer, squamous cell cancers of the mouth and anus, lung cancer, and hepatoma. Whether these tumors have an increased incidence in AIDS, however, has yet to be determined definitively. 199A What is certain is that the number of AIDS-related lymphomas is increasing, probably because HIV-infected patients are surviving longer with lower CD4 counts. 161,177A,178 Both KS and AIDS-related lymphomas affect the chest. In addition, there are a number of lymphoproliferative disorders that may have thoracic manifestations, including AIDS-related lymphadenopathy syndromes (ARLS); lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis (LIP); atypical lymphoproliferative disorder (ALD); and mucosa- or bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (MALToma or BALToma). 122,142 Kaposi's Sarcoma KS is a tumor composed of aggregates of spindle cells that surround slit-like vascular spaces and extravasated red cells. In the lung, these aggregates proliferate within the interstitium, demonstrating a predilection for the peribronchial and perivascular lymphatics. 21,46,50,217,241 KS is a neoplasm that predated the AIDS epidemic. The classic form of KS was first described in 1872 by M. Kaposi, a Hungarian dermatologist. He described a slow-growing tumor in older men of Mediterranean or eastern European extraction. 2,80 The tumor was often limited to skin of the lower extremities but could eventually spread to other organs. 44 A more aggressive, endemic form of KS was later recognized in children and young men in central Africa, and an acquired form of KS is seen in immunosuppressed organ transplant recipients. 44,80 AIDS-related KS is also more aggressive than the classic form, with multisystem involvement of skin, mucous membranes, lymph nodes, gastrointestinal tract, lung, and visceral organs. 124,222 AIDS-related KS in the United States occurs almost exclusively (95%) in HIV-infected homosexual or bisexual men and their sexual partners. 8,153,175,233B,249 The percentage of AIDS patients presenting with KS in industrialized countries has declined from an estimated high of 30% to 40% 80 to fewer than 15% of patients. 8,21,66,102,155 Human herpesvirus 8 has now been identified as the causal agent of KS; it is found in all forms of KS, both AIDS- and non-AIDS-related. 237 KS is the most common AIDS-related neoplasm to affect the lung. 4,13,46,72,75,85,89,114,125,166,187,217,246 Pulmonary involvement occurs in 3.4% to 40% of patients with KS.21,22,46,88,165,166 When it is present in the lung, there is usually widespread, multisystem disease. 4,72,88,89,114,146,216,242,249 Skin lesions are apparent on physical examination in 95% of AIDS patients with KS. 65,132,241 Exceptions do occur, however, with cases of isolated lung involvement due to KS reported in the literature. 22,72,88,89,169,217 Approximately, 5% to 23% of AIDS patients with pulmonary KS do not demonstrate skin involvement. 21 Definitive diagnosis of pulmonary KS can be difficult. 50 Only 30% to 45% of patients demonstrate the characteristic blue-purple, violaceous, or cherry-red endobronchial papules on bronchoscopy, and their absence does not exclude deeper involvement of the lung by KS. 50,85,127,132,146,153,187 Transbronchial biopsies are positive in only 10% to 20% of cases. 50,85,127,153,187,241 Biopsies are often avoided because of the significant bleeding risk from these vascular lesions. 50,88,153 The chest radiograph and CT are often suggestive of the correct diagnosis in cases of KS 46,165,246 (Fig. 25-13). KS often demonstrates a typical bronchovascular distribution of disease. 46,109,165,167,246 Chest radiographs may show reticulonodular infiltrates that are bilateral and more prominent in the perihilar and lower lung zones. Thickening of the interlobular septa may be present. Larger tumoral masses or focal areas of air-space consolidation or collapse, as well as rapidly enlarging pleural effusions, have been reported. 50 The chest film is normal in 5% to 20% of patients with pulmonary KS. 50

FIG. 25-13. Kaposi's sarcoma in a 32-year-old man with AIDS. The chest radiograph ( A) and computed tomogram (B) show bilateral reticulonodular opacities in a bronchovascular distribution.

CT findings in pulmonary KS include fluffy or poorly marginated nodules that are distributed along the bronchovascular bundles ( Fig. 25-14; see Fig. 25-13). Subpleural nodules and nodular thickening of the interlobular septa are also seen. 46,87,165,167,246 Parenchymal masses with surrounding ground-glass opacity caused by peritumoral hemorrhage may be identified. 87 CT findings in one series of 53 patients with pulmonary KS included multiple nodules in 79%; masses larger than 2 cm in 53%; a bronchovascular distribution of disease in 66%; pleural effusions in 55% (76% bilateral; 24% unilateral); and thickening of interlobular septa in 28%. 109

FIG. 25-14. A and B: Computed tomographic appearance of Kaposi's sarcoma. Kaposi's sarcoma often demonstrates a marked predilection for involving the peribronchovascular interstitium.

Pleural effusions have been reported in 30% to 67% of patients with KS and are often bloody. 46,87,166,246 Lymph-adenopathy is seen in 30% to 35% of patients with KS.44,87,88,108,246 In general the intrathoracic lymph nodes are not enlarged to the same extent as seen in AIDS-related lymphomas or in mycobacterial or fungal infections in AIDS. Lymphadenopathy due to KS may show enhancement that exceeds that of skeletal muscle after bolus injection of intravenous contrast material. 89 A number of features of KS can be mimicked by one unusual infection that occurs in AIDS patients, bacillary angiomatosis. Skin nodules, visceral involvement, lytic bone lesions, and hypervascularity with contrast enhancement can be seen in bacillary angiomatosis, a disseminated infection caused by B. henselae and Rochalimaea quintana.222,226 Diagnosis of bacillary angiomatosis is made by skin biopsy or positive blood cultures in the presence of bacteremia; the infection is effectively treated with antibiotics such as erythromycin or doxycycline. 226 AIDS-related Lymphoma Lymphomas occur in the later stages of AIDS when the CD4 count has fallen to below 50 to 100 cells/mm 3.70,168 Despite that fact, lymphoma is the initial AIDS-defining illness in many patients. 192 The incidence of AIDS-related lymphomas is increasing as AIDS patients live longer and survive with more severe degrees of immunosuppression.41,70,161A,168 Approximately 2% to 5% of AIDS patients have an AIDS-related lymphoma.43,70,88,91,100,157,172,189 These are primarily non-Hodgkin's B-cell lymphomas, including poorly differentiated large or anaplastic lymphomas, Burkitt's lymphoma, and immunoblastic sarcomas. 70 Various cofactors, including viral agents, have been implicated as possible stimulators of the B-cell hyperproliferation that causes these lymphomas. 43,52 AIDS-related lymphomas are aggressive, high-grade tumors that grow quickly and involve extranodal sites (bone marrow, bowel, liver, spleen, kidneys, CNS, and skin) in 85% of cases.43,80,145,172,192,212A,250 Involvement of the thorax occurs in 6% to 40%. 52,212A,250 Ten percent of patients have parenchymal lung involvement 80 (Fig. 25-15). Patients typically present in late stages of lymphoma with severe systemic symptoms. 52,70 Although AIDS-related lymphomas respond to chemotherapy, relapse is frequent and prognosis is poor, with the median survival time being 5 to 7 months. 41,43,52,88

FIG. 25-15. A and B: AIDS-related lymphoma. This 41-year-old man with AIDS developed a right-lower-lobe nodule as a result of lymphoma.

A variety of chest abnormalities may be seen. Hilar or mediastinal lymphadenopathy is present in only 22% to 25% of patients. 52,80,88 More unusual presentations include chest wall masses, lytic bone lesions, pulmonary nodules, and masses with or without lymphadenopathy. 80,115,212A,250 Pleural effusions occur in 30% to 50% of patients with AIDS-related lymphomas.52 Parenchymal disease may consist of nodules, masses, reticulonodular infiltrates, or air-space consolidation. 52 Pulmonary nodules or masses are present in 10% to 30% of patients at presentation. 52,88 Masses resulting from lymphoma in this setting rarely cavitate and are usually well circumscribed (see Fig. 25-15). The presence of cavitary nodules in a patient with AIDS favors an infectious cause, and poorly marginated nodules should also suggest KS in the differential diagnosis. 52,122 Hodgkin's lymphoma may also have an increased incidence in AIDS, but this has yet to be definitively confirmed. 70,91 Patients with Hodgkin's lymphoma and AIDS present with more advanced and aggressive tumors, usually of the mixed cellularity type. Compared with Hodgkin's disease in immunocompetent patients, the tumors respond less well to therapy and prognosis is poor. Extranodal disease is common rather than an exception. 43,52 Rare, slow growing, primary T-cell lymphomas of the lung have also been reported in AIDS patients. 113 Lymphoproliferative Disorders in AIDS Lymphadenopathy Lymphadenopathy is an extremely common finding in the patient with AIDS. 1,112A Causes include infection from TB, MAC, fungi, or disseminated PCP; AIDS-related lymphoma; and the lymphadenopathic form of KS.112A,117,155C Lymphadenopathy may also be caused by lymphoid hyperplasia that occurs as part of the AIDS-related complex (ARC) and the persistent generalized lymphadenopathy syndrome (PGL). 14,112A PGL is defined as adenopathy at two or more extrainguinal sites that persists for longer than 3 months. No other AIDS-defining illnesses, infection, or drug reaction may be present at the time of diagnosis. 168 Because PGL is caused by overproduction of B cells, some patients with PGL eventually develop an AIDS-related B-cell lymphoma. 70 Patients with lymphoid hyperplasia frequently demonstrate, on chest CT examinations, moderately enlarged lymph nodes in the axillary, supraclavicular, and cervical regions. Extensive mediastinal adenopathy is not part of the PGL syndrome; if it is detected on CT or chest radiography, the differential diagnosis should include mycobacterial or fungal infection, AIDS-related lymphoma, or, rarely, the lymphadenopathic form of KS. 115,117,122,193,194,223A Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonitis Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis (LIP) is an AIDS-defining illness in children younger than 13 years of age ( Fig. 25-16). It also occurs in some adult patients with AIDS, primarily in blacks and Haitians 88,230 Pathologically, the lung interstitium is infiltrated by lymphocytes and plasma cells. 88,230 On chest radiography, bilateral

reticular or reticulonodular pulmonary infiltrates are present. Hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy may also be seen. 174A,197 In the infant with AIDS, LIP must be distinguished from PCP. LIP usually occurs in the HIV-positive infant who is older than 1 year of age, whereas PCP usually occurs at 3 to 6 months. 138,214 Epstein-Barr virus has been implicated as the infectious cofactor in LIP. 168 LIP is also seen in Sjogren's syndrome.

FIG. 25-16. A 1-year-old girl with AIDS and lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis. Chest radiograph shows bilateral reticulonodular infiltrates. (Reprinted from ref. 123, with permission.)

Mucosa- or Bronchus-associated Lymphoid Tissue The term BALT (bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue) refers to lymphoid aggregates that are found in the submucosa of bronchi and at bronchial branch points. Hyperplasia of these lymphoid aggregates occurs in patients with chronic respiratory diseases, and immunosuppression increases the frequency of lymphoproliferation. 23 BALT is similar to MALT (mucosa-associated lymphoid aggregates). Both are believed to be related to chronic airway antigenic stimulation that leads to lymphoid hyperplasia of polyclonal lymphocytes. BALT has been reported in association with recurrent pulmonary infections, AIDS, autoimmune disorders, and sudden infant death syndrome. Malignant transformation of BALT tissue from polyclonal to monoclonal proliferations of lymphocytes can occur and has been termed a BALToma.238 BALTomas and MALTomas are one type of lymphoproliferative disorder found in patients with AIDS. Chest CT findings in patients with MALTomas include numerous parenchymal peribronchovascular nodules, or focal mass or consolidation. 142 Lung Cancer and Other Non-AIDS-Defining Malignancies Whether lung cancers have an increased incidence in AIDS has yet to be established. 63,152,240 Most AIDS patients with lung cancer (more than 90%) are male smokers.16,62,160,178,220,228,240 These patients are younger than average and present with tumors at more advanced stages 16,62,154,178,220,228,240 (Fig. 25-17). Adenocarcinomais the most common tumor type.63,152,240 Prognosis is very poor, with less than 1 year survival after diagnosis. 11,16,24,62,63,101,122,170,220,228,231,240

FIG. 25-17. Lung cancer in AIDS usually appears at advanced stage. This 40-year-old man with AIDS had a large right-upper-lobe mass caused by poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. (Reprinted from ref. 124, with permission.)


Lung and Heart-Lung Transplantation Patients undergoing lung or heart-lung transplantation may develop a variety of pulmonary diseases and complications. The era of lung transplantation began in 1983; since then, almost 7,000 transplantations have been performed for end-stage lung diseases such as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, lymphangioleiomyomatosis, a1-antitrypsin deficiency, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis, Eisenmenger's syndrome, pulmonary hypertension, and sarcoidosis. 3,40,73,94 Improved long-term survival of lung transplant recipients is the result of improved surgical techniques and advances in suppression of rejection. Single-lung transplantation is performed primarily for fibrotic lung disease or COPD. 73 Double-lung transplantation is performed for septic lung disorders such as cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis. Heart-lung transplantations are performed for congenital heart disease with pulmonary arterial hypertension. 73 Because of the limited number of donor lungs available, selection criteria for lung transplantation candidates have been developed. Patients with any of the following are usually removed from the active candidate list: active infection, significant coronary artery disease, severe left ventricular dysfunction, malignancy, liver or renal failure, and CNS abnormalities. Cigarette smokers, drug or alcohol abusers, patients with severe psychiatric disorders, patients with systemic diseases affecting organs other than the lungs, and patients with diseases requiring more than 20 mg/day of corticosteroids are also usually excluded. 73 Donor lungs that show no evidence of penetrating or blunt trauma are potential candidates for transplantation. In addition to a normal chest radiograph, the donor ideally has normal cardiac function, noninfected sputum, and normal gas exchange. Donors and recipients are cross-matched for ABO blood type, CMV serologic status, and sizepatient height, chest circumference, and lung dimensions are taken into consideration. 73 Recipients are routinely evaluated with CT preoperatively to exclude occult malignancy and to determine which lung is the more severely damaged for removal in single-lung transplantation. 105 CT may also be helpful in detecting active pulmonary infection, another contraindication for lung transplantation. Complications after lung transplantation can be divided into early and late problems. 40,174 Many of the immediate postoperative complications are not unique to transplantation but can be encountered after any major thoracic surgery. These include mediastinal or pleural bleeding; respiratory failure from ARDS or from cardiogenic or noncardiogenic pulmonary edema; sepsis and multiorgan failure; lung torsion; tension pneumothorax; 30A pneumomediastinum; pulmonary embolism;155B transplanted lung atelectasis secondary to tension hyperinflation of the native lung; diaphragm paralysis; 138A and acute sternal dehiscence. 40 Complications unique to lung transplantation include reimplantation/reperfusion edema; hyperacute and acute lung rejection; bronchial anastomotic dehiscence; pulmonary artery or venous stenosis; and post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disorders. 35,40 Immunosuppression along with disruption of the lymphatics from the transplantation procedure and poor mucociliary clearance make lung transplant recipients susceptible to bacterial, fungal, and viral infections as well. 40,54,144,162,174 Reimplantation Response or Reperfusion Edema A chest radiograph taken within the first 24 to 48 hours after lung transplantation almost always demonstrates some degree of lung edema in the form of perihilar or

basilar interstitial or alveolar infiltrates 3 (Fig. 25-18). These findings of noncardiogenic pulmonary edema are often referred to as the reimplantation response or reperfusion edema, a phenomenon that is not well understood but may represent the transplanted lung's response to the injury or ischemia of transplantation. 3,40,54 The reimplantation response usually develops within the first 24 to 48 hours of transplantation, peaks before 5 days, and clears in 1 to 2 weeks in most cases; however, it may persist for much longer.3,40,54 Chest radiographic findings are nonspecific, and the differential diagnosis includes all other causes of cardiogenic and noncardiogenic pulmonary edema, acute rejection, and atypical pneumonia. 40,73

FIG. 25-18. Reimplantation edema of recently transplanted right lung. Hyperinflated, emphysematous native left lung is causing shift of the mediastinum to the right.

Acute and Chronic Rejection Several types of rejection occur in lung transplantation patients, including acute and chronic forms. Acute forms of rejection include the rare case of hyperacute hormonal rejection caused by IgG donor-specific human leukocyte antigen (HLA) antibodies 40,67 and the more common acute cellular rejection. Acute cellular rejection can occur at any time after lung transplantation and is caused by acute hyperproliferation of lymphocytes with infiltration of the perivascular and peribronchial interstitium. 54 The first episode of acute rejection usually occurs within the 7 to 10 days after lung transplantation, and multiple episodes of rejection are common in the first 3 months. 40,73 Chest radiographic findings of acute rejection are nonspecific but include pulmonary infiltrates, reticulation, poorly marginated nodules, enlarging pleural effusions, and edematous interlobular septa. 10,73 Ground-glass opacities may be seen on HRCT scans. 40,133 In patients with acute rejection, the clinical and radiographic response to corticosteroids is typically prompt. 73 Bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia (BOOP) occurs in approximately 13% of double-lung transplants and 5% of single-lung transplants. 25 BOOP is most often seen when there is also pathologic evidence of acute rejection, and BOOP may be a predictor of the eventual development of obliterative bronchiolitis from chronic rejection 25 (see next section). The chest radiograph may show multiple, bilateral, patchy alveolar opacities; an area of consolidation resembling pneumonia; or more diffuse ground-glass infiltrates. 25 CT findings of BOOP have been described by a number of authors and include a spectrum of findings: rounded peripheral areas of consolidations, ground-glass opacities, and pneumonia-like consolidations. 15 The pathologic hallmark of BOOP is the presence of granulation tissue plugs in the small airways that extend into the surrounding alveolar ducts and alveoli. 15 Chronic Rejection and Obliterative Bronchiolitis Bronchiolitis obliterans (BO) also known as obliterative bronchiolitis, occurs in lung transplant recipients and is distinct from BOOP clinically and pathologically. BO is the major cause of morbidity and mortality in long-term survivors of lung transplantation and the major manifestation of chronic rejection, occurring in 24% to 50% of patients. 25,196 Pathologically, BO is characterized by inflammation of the smaller airways with infiltration by lymphocytes and plasma cells which leads to fibrosis and obliteration of the lumens. 25 Both acute rejection and CMV infection have been implicated as contributory factors in the development of BO, which is probably the result of an alloimmune response and chronic rejection. 196 Clinically, patients with BO develop cough, wheezing, and increasing shortness of breath with progressive decline in pulmonary function tests, particularly the forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV 1), indicating obstructive lung disease. Early plain-film findings of BO are subtle and nonspecific ( Fig. 25-19). The chest film may appear normal or show hyperinflation. Areas of relative hyperlucency caused by attenuation of peripheral vessels may be appreciated. In more advanced cases, subsegmental opacities, peripheral foci of consolidation, peribronchial thickening and bronchiectasis, multiple nodules, and abnormal linear opacities may be seen. 73,144,159 On HRCT, findings include mosaic attenuation, bronchiectasis, bronchiolectasis, and air trapping on expiratory CT examinations130,154 (Fig. 25-19 and Fig. 25-20). Areas of low CT attenuation which contribute to the mosaic pattern are caused by a combination of hyperinflation from air trapping and reflex oligemia, which causes attenuation and diminution of the blood vessels in the same regions. HRCT in inspiration and expiration may be helpful in detecting BO. 40,130 The diagnosis is confirmed with transbronchial biopsy or is based on clinical grounds of progressive decline in pulmonary function tests. 25

FIG. 25-19. Bronchiolitis obliterans in a 30-year-old man 3 years after bilateral lung transplantation. A: Chest radiograph shows areas of relative lucency and loss of bronchovascular markings, particularly in the right lung and left lower lung. B: High-resolution computed tomography better demonstrates the extensive cylindrical bronchiectasis, peribronchial thickening, and bronchiolectasis of advanced bronchiolitis obliterans.

FIG. 25-20. A and B: Bronchiolitis obliterans in a 25-year-old woman 2 years after lung transplantation. Computed tomography performed during expiration shows mosaic attenuation of the right lung with areas of increased attenuation caused by ground-glass opacities and areas of decreased attenuation caused by air trapping

in some lobules (arrows).

Pleural Effusions Pleural effusions are common immediately after lung transplantation, and most are serosanguinous, noninfected collections that gradually diminish over time. 40,215 A rapidly accumulating pleural effusion in the immediate postoperative period should suggest the possibility of hemothorax or, occasionally, chylothorax, particularly in patients being transplanted for lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM). Enlarging pleural effusions after the first 2 weeks are often a sign of worsening rejection or an infectious complication. 40,97,215 Infection Infection remains the major cause of mortality and morbidity in patients who have undergone lung transplantation. 40,55 Common pathogens include CMV, bacterial organisms, and fungi. 40,92A Other opportunistic infections include herpes simplex, mycobacterial infections, and PCP. Types of infection include pneumonia, empyema, wound and sternal infections, generalized septicemia, septic emboli and line sepsis from infected indwelling central venous catheters, and tracheal-bronchial anastomosis infections.40,52C The most common early infections are bacterial pneumonias. 92A CMV infections usually do not occur until after the first month, but most (72%) develop by 4 months after transplantation, and 96% occur within the first year. 211 Fungal infections can occur at any time if immunosuppression and neutropenia are severe enough. 40,54,144,162,183 Lung transplant recipients are routinely given prophylaxis against P. carinii, so this infection is seen as a complication only when noncompliance or reactions to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole interrupt or necessitate discontinuation of anti-PCP antibiotics. 123 CMV is the most common pathogen in lung transplant recipients, occurring in 34% to 59% of patients. 211 The infection occurs primarily in the transplanted lung, usually within the first 4 months after transplantation. 211 CMV pneumonia can be fulminant and life-threatening. A link between CMV pneumonitis and acute and chronic rejection has been postulated as well. 13,211 Survival from CMV has improved with the effective use of the antiviral agent ganciclovir for treatment and prophylaxis against CMV. Both recipients and donors are carefully screened serologically for CMV, and CMV-seronegative recipients should receive seronegative donor lungs. 73 Chest radiographs may show diffuse or focal ground-glass infiltrates or areas of consolidation. 211 HRCT findings of CMV pneumonitis include ground-glass opacities, consolidation, reticulation, bronchiectasis, and poorly marginated, 1- to 3-mm nodular opacities involving the transplanted lung 32,40,48,67,99,211 (Fig. 25-21).

FIG. 25-21. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) pneumonitis in a 65-year-old man who received a left lung transplant for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. The patient had a fever and the computed tomogram shows innumerable tiny nodules which proved to be caused by CMV infection. (Reprinted from ref. 40, with permission.)

Fungal infections are often caused by angioinvasive species, most commonly Aspergillus, and may take the form of IPA, disseminated fungal septicemia, or necrotizing tracheobronchitis and bronchial anastomosis infections. Colonization followed by ulcerative tracheobronchitis at the bronchial anastomosis is often the initial and major manifestation of Aspergillus infection in lung transplant recipients. Subsequent dissemination to the lung parenchyma does occur, but IPA is less common in lung transplant recipients than in other immunocompromised, neutropenic patients. 211 Other fungal pathogens in this patient population include Candida torulopsis.40,247 Airway Complications Most lung transplantations are now performed either with a vascularized omental wrap around the bronchial anastomosis (omentopexy) or by a telescoping technique that overlaps the donor and recipient bronchi. 73,207 These techniques, along with the avoidance of high-dose steroids preoperatively, has decreased the rate of bronchial anastomosis complications, particularly dehiscence. 73 However, airway complications still occur in 8% to 17% of transplant recipients ( Fig. 25-22).40,45,203B,211 In lung transplantation, the systemic arterial supply to the donor lungs is not reconnected, but the development of bronchial collaterals is relied on. 73 Acute and long-term airway complications include bronchial anastomosis dehiscence caused by ischemia and/or infection, stenosis and stricture formation, and bronchomalacia. Helical CT using thin-slice collimation, single-breath-hold acquisition, and overlapping image reconstruction is the best noninvasive means of displaying the bronchial anastomosis site. Helical CT techniques also allow for generation of multiplanar and three-dimensional images of the airways that more accurately demonstrate the length and severity of anastomotic strictures. 40,73,191,205 Airway complications are confirmed with bronchoscopy, and treatment may entail surgical debridement of the anastomosis site, plugging of leaks with superglue, bronchoplasty, bronchial stent placement, or reoperation. 40

FIG. 25-22. A and B: Airway complications after lung transplantation. This patient developed necrosis at the bronchial anastomosis on the right ( arrow). Computed tomogram shows irregularity and mucosal debris within the lumen of the right main stem bronchus at the anastomosis site. Extensive pneumomediastinum is also present. (Reprinted from ref. 40, with permission.)

CT findings of bronchial dehiscence include generalized pneumomediastinum as well as focal air collections or outpouchings at the anastomosis sites. 40,207 Irregularities and debris at the anastomosis site may also indicate early dehiscence. 207 Care must be taken not to misinterpret the normal appearance of a telescoping

anastomosis as true dehiscence.40 Hyperinflation of the Native Lung and Tension Pneumothorax Particularly in patients with COPD who undergo single-lung transplantation, a unique set of problems may be encountered postoperatively. Because of the noncompliance of the native emphysematous lung compared with the normal transplanted lung, the native lung can progressively hyperinflate, causing a shift of the mediastinum and progressive tension compression of the transplanted lung, sometimes leading to respiratory failure and hemodynamic collapse. 32,40,48 Tension pneumothorax of the native lung may also occur, causing life-threatening respiratory distress. An expected outcome of single-lung transplantation in this setting, however, is the marked asymmetric perfusion to the transplanted lung compared with the native emphysematous lung. Most of the cardiac output goes preferentially to the transplanted lung because of the high vascular resistance and pulmonary artery hypertension of the emphysematous native lung. 3 This asymmetry of perfusion is seen on chest radiographs and CT examinations, which show increased overall opacity of the transplanted lung compared with the native lung, with apparent ground-glass opacity of the transplanted lung on CT and relative engorgement of the pulmonary arteries to the transplanted lung reflecting its increased perfusion. Nodules Caused by Transbronchial Biopsy Patients who have undergone lung transplantation frequently undergo surveillance bronchoscopy with transbronchial biopsy to evaluate the transplanted lung for pathologic signs of lung rejection and to exclude pulmonary infection. Nodules are often evident on CT and sometimes on chest radiography at the sites of transbronchial biopsy and may be mistaken for inflammatory nodules of fungal infection or lymphoproliferative disorders, particularly if this history of recent bronchoscopy with transbronchial biopsy is not known ( Fig. 25-23). These postbiopsy nodules do, however, have a fairly characteristic appearance on CT that points toward the correct diagnosis. 104 The postbiopsy nodules are usually small lesions, on the order of 5 to 10 mm in diameter. They may be cavitary or solid, and they have fuzzy margins with a faint halo, presumably caused by surrounding hemorrhage.

FIG. 25-23. Transbronchial biopsy sites in a lung transplant recipient. Computed tomographic scan reveals two thin-walled, cystic lesions in the right lower lobe representing biopsy sites from a recent bronchoscopy. These biopsy sites can mimic small cavities or nodules that may be interpreted mistakenly as signs of infection.

Post-transplantation Lymphoproliferative Disease Post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disorders (PTLD) include lymphomas and lymphoid hyperplasia, which occur in about 4% of transplant recipients. PTLD occurs in fewer than 1% of patients with bone marrow transplants but in 5% to 20% of patients with heart or heart-lung transplants. 23 Epstein-Barr virus has been implicated as the cause of these lymphoid proliferations that grow under the conditions of prolonged immunosuppression. Lymphoid masses may appear as early as 1 month to as late as years after transplantation; most occur within 1 year. 23 Many of these tumors regress if the immunosuppressive therapy is stopped or decreased. In the chest, most patients with PTLD present with lung nodules or masses ( Fig. 25-24). Adenopathy in the chest is significantly less common. Pleural effusions, pericardial disease, and thymic infiltration by lymphocytes can also be seen. 73

FIG. 25-24. Post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disorder. This 65-year-old male heart transplant recipient developed multiple nodules in the left lung, demonstrated on the chest radiograph (A) and computed tomogram (B and C), as a result of lymphoma.

Pulmonary Disease in Other Organ Transplantation Many of the infectious, inflammatory, and neoplastic complications of lung transplantation are also seen in transplantations of other types, including cardiac, heart-lung, renal, pancreas-renal, liver, and bone marrow transplantation. Patients with organ transplants develop similar opportunistic lung infections, with the most common pathogen being CMV. The incidence of PCP has decreased dramatically with the routine prophylactic use of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, but cases still occur in patients not on therapy, in noncompliant patients, and in those who must stop their medication because of adverse drug reactions. PCP is also one of the opportunistic infections that may occur late after cardiac and other organ transplantation, when the high-dose corticosteroids given during the first few months are tapered. Corticosteroids are known to suppress the inflammatory response to Pneumocystis and occult infection may blossom after corticosteroids are tapered. 5,123 Fungal infections are the other important pathogen in organ transplant recipients, particularly Aspergillus.5 Nocardia is another, but less common, opportunistic infection; it usually occurs later, at about 5 to 8 months after transplantation. Cardiac transplant recipients in particular are prone to this infection. 5,18,86 Both Aspergillus and Nocardia appear as lung nodules or inflammatory masses, with or without cavitation. 18,86 PTLD, including post-transplantation lymphoma, have an increased frequency of occurrence in recipients of solid organ transplants, and particularly in cardiac transplant recipients. 86 Cyclosporine immunosuppression appears to be the primary predisposing factor. Cyclosporine suppresses T lymphocytes, which are responsible for cell-mediated immunity against viral infections. Post-transplantation lymphomas are related to Epstein-Barr virus infection, which causes uncontrolled B-lymphocyte proliferation. 86 Reports estimate the frequency of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in cardiac transplant recipients to be 6% to 12%. 86 Such patients may present with nodules, masses, and/or adenopathy. Masses and parenchymal disease may be more prominent than adenopathy, and disease may regress with reduction of immunosuppression.86 BO occurs in heart-lung transplantation patients and is caused by chronic rejection of the transplanted lung. 218 BO also occurs as a complication of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation, 34 where it usually manifests itself within 1.5 years and is almost always associated with chronic GVHD ( Fig. 25-25). Mortality is high with this particular complication. 202 The radiographic and HRCT findings of BO in these patients are similar to those seen in lung transplantation patients and include mosaic attenuation of the lung, bronchiectasis, and air trapping on expiratory CT scans (see Fig. 25-20 and Fig. 25-25). Chest radiographs are often normal or show

hyperinflation 202 (see previous discussion). Pulmonary GVHD and BOOP are additional thoracic complications that occur after bone marrow transplantation. Radiographic and CT findings typically show patchy air-space consolidation in a peribronchovascular and subpleural distribution. 17,82

FIG. 25-25. This bone marrow transplant recipient with chronic graft-versus-host disease developed progressive shortness of breath. A: Chest radiograph shows coarse bilateral reticular infiltrates. B and C: Computed tomogram shows patchy ground-glass attenuation and mild bronchial dilatation caused by bronchiolitis obliterans.

Bone Marrow Transplantation Bone marrow transplantation is increasingly being used as a treatment for a variety of hematologic and neoplastic disorders, including leukemia, lymphoma, aplastic anemia, congenital immunodeficiency disorders, and selected solid tumors, breast cancer among others. 184 Before transplantation of donor marrow, the recipient undergoes intensive marrow ablation with high-dose chemotherapy and whole-body irradiation. Depending on the time it takes for marrow engraftment, the recipient may be severely immunocompromised for weeks to months after the transplantation. Marrow transplants may be syngeneic (between identical twins), allogeneic (HLA-matched but genetically different donor), or autologous (with the patient serving as his or her own donor). 184 Complications of bone marrow transplantation include infections, which may be bacterial (most commonly from Staphylococcus epidermidis as a result of line sepsis, but also from Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, and Staphylococcus aureus), fungal (Candida and Aspergillus), or viral (herpes simplex virus in the form of stomatitis, esophagitis, or pneumonitis). Other complications include acute GVHD, which occurs in 30% to 60% of patients undergoing allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. GVHD is caused by the reaction of donor T lymphocytes against the host tissues, producing skin, liver, and gastrointestinal tract disease. 184 Severe GVHD is treated with corticosteroids and cyclosporine, which cause additional immunosuppression. Chronic GVHD occurs in 30% of allogeneic bone marrow transplant recipients and may involve the lung in addition to other organs. 184


Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis Patients with acute leukemia, lymphoma, or bone marrow transplantation who are treated with aplasia-producing chemotherapy develop profound granulocytopenia that can be prolonged. Because prophylactic use of broad-spectrum antibiotics is routine during the period of bone marrow aplasia, the major risk for these patients is the development of other opportunistic infections, especially invasive fungal disease. 74,148 Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) is the most common of these, and unless it is detected early the mortality and morbidity from this infection are high. 60,74,148 Early detection is possible with the use of CT and a high degree of clinical suspicion. 114C,114D With prompt institution of appropriate antifungal therapy in the form of amphotericin B, survival from IPA, even during prolonged neutropenia, can be achieved. 1,19,148 Early detection of IPA by traditional surveillance tools such as the conventional radiographs or sputum cultures is often difficult. 236 Sputum cultures are often negative early in the course of the infection, when symptoms first appear. The first sign of lung infection is usually a small, poorly marginated, inflammatory nodule that may be difficult to detect on the plain film. More invasive procedures such as bronchoscopy or biopsy may be impossible because of the patient's respiratory distress or thrombocytopenia. Amphotericin B causes significant renal toxicity, so empiric use of the drug usually requires some substantiating evidence of invasive fungal infection. Fortunately, in the clinical setting of prolonged neutropenia, IPA can be diagnosed easily with CT. The disease has a characteristic appearance on CT, with a typical pattern of progression (Fig. 25-26 and Fig. 25-27). Early detection and improved survival can be achieved through the use of early CT examination and prompt institution of appropriate antifungal therapy. 19,119,120 and 121

FIG. 25-26. Computed tomography (CT) halo sign in a 69-year-woman with acute myelocytic leukemia and severe aplasia after chemotherapy. She developed pleuritic chest pain and fever while taking broad-spectrum antibiotics. CT shows an inflammatory nodule with a surrounding zone of ground-glass attenuation which is characteristic of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in this clinical setting.

FIG. 25-27. Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in the neutropenic patient with acute leukemia. A typical pattern of progression is illustrated by serial chest radiographs and computed tomograms (CT). A: Chest radiograph obtained in the febrile leukemic patient during the period of profound bone marrow aplasia after chemotherapy shows a barely perceptible nodule in the right upper lobe. B: CT better demonstrates a round mass with a surrounding zone or halo of ground-glass opacity caused

by early invasive pulmonary aspergillosis infection. C: Two weeks later, the small nodule has progressed to a larger area of rounded pneumonia. D: An additional eight days later, as the patient's bone marrow recovered and the neutrophil count returned, the chest radiograph now shows cavitation and air-crescent formation, a late sign of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis.

IPA follows a fairly characteristic and predictable course in the neutropenic patient (see Fig. 25-27). After aplasia-producing chemotherapy, a variable period of profound neutropenia occurs. During this period, symptoms of invasive fungal disease may occur, such as pleuritic chest pain and onset of fevers despite treatment of the patient with broad-spectrum antibiotics. It is at this point that the earliest findings of IPA can be detected on CT scans. CT findings in early IPA include the presence of one or more inflammatory nodules or masses. Many of these masses are surrounded by a zone of ground-glass opacity, giving the CT halo sign 119,120 and 121 (see Fig. 25-26 and Fig. 25-27). The CT halo sign is often better appreciated when the lungs are examined with the use of HRCT techniques. Nodules and masses showing the CT halo sign are seen early in the course of the infection, during the period of profound neutropenia and bone marrow aplasia. 119,120 and 121 Left untreated, early fungal lesions enlarge and eventually cause extensive pneumonia and respiratory failure. With early detection and prompt use of antifungal therapies, the fungal lesions can be stabilized until bone marrow recovery from aplasia occurs. Typically, at the time of bone marrow recovery, IPA lesions undergo cavitation and air-crescent formation. Because recovery may occur 1 to 3 weeks after the first detection of nodules with the CT halo sign, cavitation and air-crescent formation are a relatively late finding in this disease and may mark the onset of the resolution phase of the infection. 119,120 and 121 Lesions caused by IPA resolve in a pattern similar to resolving pulmonary infarcts: they shrink or fade from the periphery and may leave a linear tag or thin-walled cyst behind as a scar. 119,120 and 121 IPA is an angioinvasive infection. Fungi in the lung invade pulmonary blood vessels, causing a focal infarction of infected lung. The CT halo sign corresponds pathologically to the zone of hemorrhage and edema surrounding the focus of infection and infarction. 93,177 With bone marrow recovery from aplasia, the patient's new granulocytes begin to resorb the necrotic tissue within the nodules and cause cavitation. Other angioinvasive infections share similar pathophysiology and imaging features. These include other invasive fungal species such as Mucormycosis and C. torulopsis. Certain strains of Pseudomonas are also angioinvasive. It is also important to remember that in the patient who is not neutropenic the CT halo sign may be caused by a variety of entities other than fungal disease. Any process that produces a nodule in the lung and causes bleeding or edema around that nodule will produce this appearance. Early diagnosis of IPA depends on the detection of small inflammatory nodules. As with detection of any type of small nodule, CT is more sensitive than conventional chest radiography because of its cross-sectional format. In addition, chest radiographs in the neutropenic acutely ill patient are often of limited quality with portable films, further compromising detection of subtle lesions. CT can be invaluable in this setting to confirm the presence or absence of parenchymal lung disease and to characterize lung disease that is found as either typical or atypical for invasive fungal infection. 119,120 and 121 CT can also be quite useful for monitoring the course of infection and response to therapy. Often patients must be treated for prolonged periods even after bone marrow recovery, and CT can be used in a serial mode to ensure complete resolution of the infection. These patients are also at risk for relapse of fungal infection during subsequent cycles of chemotherapy, and CT can be used to detect early reactivation of infection in this setting. 119,120 and 121 Disseminated fungal infection also occurs in this patient population, but it is more often caused by Candida species. Typical features of disseminated candidiasis include multiple, low-attenuation lesions in the liver and spleen. 29 Findings of Candida esophagitis may also be appreciated on CT as abnormal esophageal wall thickening. 119,120 and 121 Long-term indwelling catheters such as Hickman lines can serve as a nidus for fungal infection and result in fungal septic emboli. Fungal infection may also involve the chest wall at the site of tunneling of the Hickman catheter and result in extensive chest wall necrosis. 119,120 and 121 Other Noninfectious Pulmonary Disorders in Patients With Leukemia Pulmonary opacities in patients with leukemia may also have a variety of noninfectious causes, including pulmonary edema resulting from volume overload, pulmonary hemorrhage caused by thrombocytopenia, leukemic infiltration of the lung ( Fig. 25-28), drug-induced pulmonary toxicity, leukoagglutinin transfusion reactions, and pulmonary leukostasis syndrome. 232

FIG. 25-28. A and B: Leukemic infiltration of the lung. Note that the distribution of disease on the computed tomography scan is along the bronchovascular bundles.

Pulmonary leukostasis usually occurs in patients with acute myelocytic leukemia who have high circulating leukemic cell counts (more than 100,000 cells/L). In this condition the leukemic cells clog the small vessels of the lungs, heart, and brain, causing cardiopulmonary and cerebral dysfunction. 232 Treatment is with chemotherapy and leukapheresis to decrease the circulating blast count. Chest radiographs may be normal in this condition, or they may show diffuse alveolar consolidations. CHAPTER REFERENCES
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Chapter 26 Diseases of the Airways Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 26 Diseases of the Airways

Jannette Collins

J. Collins: Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Medical School, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252.

Trachea Normal Anatomy Tracheal Disorders Causing Tracheal Widening or Narrowing Disorders Causing Tracheal Widening Disorders Causing Tracheal Narrowing Tracheal Filling Defects Tracheoesophageal Fistula Congenital Tracheobronchial Anomalies Bronchi Bronchial Anatomy Bronchiectasis Dyskinetic Cilia Syndrome Cystic Fibrosis Swyer-James Syndrome Broncholithiasis Bronchiolitis Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing Pneumonia Bronchiolitis Obliterans Respiratory Bronchiolitis Panbronchiolitis Other Small Airway Diseases Emphysema Asthma Chapter References

Normal Anatomy The extrathoracic trachea is 2 to 4 cm in length and extends from the lower border of the cricoid cartilage to the thoracic inlet. The intrathoracic trachea is 6 to 9 cm in length and extends from the thoracic inlet to the carina. 45 Tracheal shape is variable, depending on the phase of the respiratory cycle. The shape of the intrathoracic trachea is round or elliptical on inspiration images and horseshoe-shaped during and at the end of a forced expiration, owing to anterior bowing of the posterior, noncartilaginous tracheal membrane. 147 Normal coronal and sagittal tracheal dimensions as determined by chest radiographs are, respectively, 25 mm and 27 mm for men and 21 mm and 23 mm for women. The lower limit of normal for both dimensions is 13 mm in men and 10 mm in women.14 Normal tracheal dimensions in children, determined both radiographically and with computed tomographic (CT) scanning, have also been reported. 32,57,90 Chest radiographs exposed at full inspiration and at maximal expiration show only minimal differences in the coronal and sagittal dimensions of the trachea, whereas CT scanning can show dramatic changes in caliber. Mean CT anteroposterior and transverse diameters of the extrathoracic trachea, respectively, are 20.1 mm and 18.4 mm 15; these can increase by as much as 15% in men with aging.49 Stern and coworkers147 showed, from a dynamic CT study of young men, that tracheal cross-sectional area differs an average of 35% from end-inspiration to end-expiration, with a range of 11% to 61%. CT scanning is superior to chest radiography in allowing detection of abnormalities of the major airways. The sensitivities for detecting disease are 66% and 97% for chest radiographs and CT, respectively. 76 Although routine CT scanning can be extremely accurate in detecting focal endobronchial lesions, it is inaccurate in predicting whether a given abnormality is endobronchial, submucosal, or extrinsic (peribronchial). 106 Spiral CT, which allows for the acquisition of a whole thoracic volume during a single breathhold, thereby eliminating respiratory motion, is the technique of choice for noninvasive imaging of the airways. Volume acquisition has fostered a renewed interest in two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions applied to the tracheobronchial tree. Multiplanar 2D images are additive to transaxial CT, allowing for better definition of the longitudinal extent of abnormalities involving the central airways. 77,79,93 Potential clinical applications of 3D reconstructions include assisting with diagnoses, replacing bronchoscopy, and helping in surgical planning and endobronchial treatments. 36 In one study, 3D helical CT accurately assessed 36 of 36 central stenoses that were seen on bronchoscopy, but missed 2 of 3 segmental stenoses seen on bronchoscopy; 18 stenoses could not be passed with a bronchoscope, but 3D helical CT provided details for possible endobronchial procedures (length of stenosis, patency, and spatial orientation of distal bronchi). 68 More recently, virtual bronchoscopy simulations that use the volume-rendering technique have been introduced. 164 Virtual bronchoscopy's inability to render subtle mucosal detail or obtain diagnostic specimens does not obviate the need for conventional bronchoscopy, but virtual bronchoscopy may have a role in prebronchoscopy planning (choosing bronchial endoprostheses and planning laser treatments for stenoses), endoscopy training, and/or endobronchial therapy (calculating tumor volumes before brachytherapy). 36,164 Tracheal Disorders Causing Tracheal Widening or Narrowing A number of diseases can affect the trachea. Patients may be asymptomatic, or they may present with cough, dyspnea, wheezing, and stridor. The misdiagnosis of asthma is common.75 Tracheal disorders are generally organized into those that cause tracheal widening and those causing narrowing. CT scanning can demonstrate the degree of widening or narrowing in addition to the location and extent of tracheal abnormality and the presence of associated mediastinal disease, postobstructive atelectasis, and pneumonitis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) appears to be an ideal method for imaging the trachea because of its multiplanar demonstration of the airway, mediastinal vessels, and other structures simultaneously without the need for contrast media. MRI is particularly useful in patients with either vascular rings or tracheal compression by the innominate artery. The present resolution of MRI, however, does not permit detailed evaluation of the bronchial tree, which is better performed with CT.46 Disorders Causing Tracheal Widening Nonacquired diffuse tracheal widening is much less common than tracheal narrowing and has a more limited differential diagnosis. The Mounier-Kuhn syndrome, primarily affecting men in the fourth and fifth decades, accounts for almost all cases of nonacquired tracheal widening. 19 Mounier-Kuhn syndrome, thought to be congenital but possibly acquired, 9 is an abnormality of the trachea and main bronchi characterized by atrophy or absence of elastic fibers and thinning of muscle, which allows the trachea and main bronchi to become flaccid and markedly dilated on inspiration, with narrowing or collapse on expiration or cough. The abnormal airway dynamics and pooling of secretions in broad outpouchings (diverticula) of redundant musculomembranous tissue between the cartilaginous rings predispose to the development of chronic pulmonary suppuration, bronchiectasis, emphysema, and pulmonary fibrosis. 174 Patients may be asymptomatic, have minimal disease with good preservation of pulmonary function, or have progressive disease that leads to respiratory failure and death. The trachea is involved from the subglottic region to the carina, and although a tracheal diameter greater than 3 cm is required for diagnosis, tracheal widths up to 5.5 cm have been recorded. 19 The radiographic features of the condition include marked dilatation of the trachea and main stem bronchi, tracheal diverticulosis, and a variable incidence of bronchiectasis and chronic pulmonary parenchymal disease. The CT scan features are similar. 31,133 Many cases of this disorder probably go undiagnosed or are not recognized clinically or radiographically, but only on CT scanning. 133 Roditi and coworkers 126 studied 75 adults referred for CT assessment of possible bronchiectasis and a control group of 75 patients being staged for lymphoma and found that 7 (17%) of 42 patients with bronchiectasis had tracheomegaly and 2 of 33 patients without bronchiectasis had tracheomegaly on high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT). Tracheomegaly, therefore, may be a frequent finding in bronchiectasis. People with large tracheas,

which may be overlooked unless tracheal dimensions are measured, may be at risk for development of bronchiectasis. Several conditions can result in acquired tracheobronchomegaly that may closely resemble that seen in Mounier-Kuhn syndrome. Some degree of tracheal dilatation may be seen with aging38,49 and with certain occupations (musicians who play wind instruments, drill sergeants, and Moslem muezzins). 38 Chronic infection, cigarette smoking, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, cystic fibrosis (CF), inhalation of noxious fumes, chronic intubation, and diffuse pulmonary fibrosis can also result in tracheobronchomegaly. 13,173,174 Other conditions associated with tracheal widening, which may in fact be related to Mounier-Kuhn syndrome, are Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and cutis laxa. 18,166 Finally, although tracheal narrowing is the usual end result in relapsing polychondritis, a disorder of cartilaginous inflammation involving the nose, ear, trachea, and joints, diffuse tracheal widening has occasionally developed. 35 Nasal and ear cartilage abnormalities are absent in Mounier-Kuhn syndrome. Tracheobronchomalacia (Williams-Campbell syndrome), a disorder of cartilage deficiency, is an uncommon cause of tracheomegaly. Disorders Causing Tracheal Narrowing Tracheal narrowing is seen with saber-sheath deformity, amyloidosis, relapsing polychondritis, tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica, complete cartilage rings (napkin ring anomaly or congenital tracheal stenosis), scleroma, sarcoidosis, Wegener's granulomatosis, tracheobronchitis associated with ulcerative colitis, tracheomalacia and bronchomalacia, trauma (including postintubation stricture and surgical trauma), neoplasms, infectious disorders, extrinsic processes (vessels, nodes, thyroid and other mediastinal masses) ( Fig. 26-1), and mediastinal fibrosis; it can also be idiopathic. 5,75,131,149

FIG. 26-1. Thyroid carcinoma. A large enhancing thyroid mass causes tracheal narrowing and displaces the trachea to the right. There is no fat plane between the mass and the left common carotid artery (arrow). The patient also had pulmonary parenchymal and bone metastases.

Strictures of the trachea are usually caused by damage from a cuffed endotracheal or tracheostomy tube or trauma to the neck. 47 Postintubation tracheal injuries remain the most common indication for tracheal resection and reconstruction, despite identification of the causes of these lesions and development of techniques for their avoidance. 55 CT scans can demonstrate the site of narrowing in most cases, although a web or stenosis that involves a short segment may be missed because of volume averaging, and CT may overestimate the severity of a fixed stenotic segment and underestimate the length of the abnormal trachea. 75 Quint and colleagues 116 evaluated 27 patients who underwent lung transplantation and 17 nontransplantation patients with suspected airway abnormalities and found helical CT with multiplanar reconstructions to be more accurate than thin-section axial CT in the demonstration of mild stenosis, the length of a stenosis, and horizontal webs. Tracheomalacia, diagnosed when the trachea collapses more than 50% on expiration, can also result from trauma; it may be recognized only on expiratory CT scanning. 116,147 Saber-sheath trachea is an intrathoracic narrowing of the trachea, with the coronal diameter equal to or less than two thirds of the sagittal diameter when measured 1.0 cm above the top of the aortic arch. 51 More than 95% of patients with this deformity have clinical evidence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and saber-sheath trachea is considered a valuable sensitive and specific sign for COPD on standard chest radiography. 51,52 The CT diagnosis of saber-sheath trachea has been correlated with various functional, clinical, and radiographic signs of COPD. 157 Relapsing polychondritis is a systemic autoimmune connective tissue disease in which cartilage is affected diffusely by recurrent episodes of inflammation. The pinnal, nasal, laryngeal, and tracheal cartilages are most commonly involved. The major airways are involved in more than 50% of cases, and recurrent pneumonia is the most common cause of death in these patients. 19,43 Collapsibility of the major airways is seen in conjunction with softening and destruction of the cartilaginous rings. On CT scanning, a fixed narrowing of the tracheobronchial lumen with associated thickening of the wall is seen. 29,99 Dense calcium deposits may be seen in the thickened tracheal cartilage. 65 Rarely, diffuse tracheal widening can result. Amyloidosis of the respiratory tract, both primary and secondary, is a rare condition that produces irregular narrowing of the airway by submucosal deposits of amyloid in a focal or diffuse distribution. 47 Both chest radiography and CT scanning may demonstrate diffuse narrowing or show nodular protrusions into the tracheal lumen that may show calcification. 19 The average patient age is 53 years, and men are affected twice as frequently as women. 19 Tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica is a benign condition characterized by multiple submucosal osteocartilaginous growths along the inner anterolateral surfaces of the trachea. 81,130 Men are more frequently affected than women (3:1), and the average age is more than 50 years (range, 11 to 78 years). 19 Although the cause is unknown, theories have linked this disorder to chronic inflammation, degenerative processes, amyloidosis, and neoplasia. 3,167,177 Chest radiography and CT scanning show multiple sessile nodular tumors, with or without calcification, extending over a long segment of the trachea. The nodules in amyloidosis may be circumferential, but those of tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica spare the posterior membranous wall. Wegener's granulomatosis is characterized by granulomatous vasculitis of the upper and lower respiratory tract, usually in conjunction with renal and other organ involvement. The CT appearance includes circumferential narrowing of the airway lumen, abnormal soft tissue within the tracheal rings, and dense irregular calcification of the tracheal cartilages. 145 Sarcoidosis is another granulomatous disorder that may involve the trachea and bronchi. Granulomatous lesions may exist intrinsically in the airway, or enlarged hilar nodes may compress the bronchi extrinsically. CT scanning may show extrinsic compression by adenopathy and bronchial wall thickening. 88,171 Ulcerative colitis has a rare association with bronchitis, bronchiectasis, and bronchiolitis. 163 On CT scans, the tracheobronchial walls are thickened, producing irregular narrowing, and bronchiectasis may be seen. 75 Finally, the major airways may be involved in viral, bacterial, fungal, or other infectious disease processes. In North America, most cases of laryngotracheobronchitis are viral in nature; subglottic or laryngeal narrowing is common, but radiographically demonstrable tracheal narrowing is unusual. 75 Tracheal Filling Defects In adults, tracheal filling defects are usually produced by neoplasms. Other causes include ectopic thyroid, infection, hematoma, amyloidosis, tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica, foreign body, mucus, and invasion from an extrinsic process. Reported airway lesions in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) include Kaposi's sarcoma, tuberculosis, aspergillus, lymphoma, lung cancer, bacterial tracheobronchitis, bacillary angiomatosis, cytomegalovirus tracheitis, actinomycosis, Pneumocystis carinii tracheobronchitis, and granular cell myoblastoma. 67 Tracheoesophageal Fistula Tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF) in adults is almost exclusively an acquired lesion, occurring as a complication of intrathoracic malignancies (accounting for 60% of cases), infection, or trauma. 20,142 Diagnosis usually is made with a fluoroscopic contrast study, but it can be made in some cases by CT scanning. In addition to demonstrating the site of the fistula, CT scanning can suggest the cause and detect pulmonary and mediastinal complications. 161 Because of its ease of performance

in critically ill patients and its anatomic display, CT has been recommended as the diagnostic modality for TEF. 161 Because of free ingress of air from the trachea to the esophagus, the precise location and size of the communication is outlined by air contrast on CT scanning. Small fistulae may be intermittently blocked by food particles, inflammatory edema, and coagulated blood, and in these cases CT may not show the fistula. 11 Congenital Tracheobronchial Anomalies Congenital tracheobronchial anomalies include absent or accessory bronchi ( Fig. 26-2), tracheobronchial webs or stenosis, tracheobronchomalacia, short trachea, anomalous branching patterns, and association with and compression from anomalous pulmonary vasculature. Some of these represent life-threatening emergencies at birth, and others go undiagnosed for years. Clinical symptoms are often nonspecific, and radiographic evaluation is frequently required to localize and characterize the lesion before endoscopy, surgery, or medical management. The radiologist must be alert for unsuspected additional anomalies involving airway, lungs, and esophagus, which occur with relative frequency.

FIG. 26-2. Accessory bronchus. A focal outpouching of air is seen, arising from the anterior left-upper-lobe bronchus. This accessory bronchus, presumed to be congenital, arises from a wide neck ( arrowhead) and ends in a blind pouch ( arrow). Normal bronchial anatomy is otherwise present on the left.

Tracheal webs produce localized narrowings with no associated deformity of the underlying cartilage. Web thickness determines the severity of obstruction and the therapeutic approach. 17 Congenital tracheal stenosis can occur in any portion of the trachea; it usually involves more length and depth of the trachea than webs and is more likely to require resection rather than dilatation alone. Stenosis secondary to long-term compression by a dilated esophagus, abnormal great vessels, or cervicomediastinal masses results in a focal fibrous and cartilaginous deformity that persists for some time after the mass is removed. Congenital tracheal stenosis is frequently associated with bronchial stenosis; pulmonary hypoplasia or agenesis; tracheal bronchus; TEF; tracheomalacia; anomalies of vertebrae, ribs, and thumbs; and cardiac anomalies. Tracheomalacia is an abnormally flaccid trachea; it may involve all or part of the trachea and results in anteroposterior tracheal collapse during expiration. The innominate artery compression syndrome can result in secondary tracheomalacia where there is persistent narrowing of the anterior tracheal wall at the level of the thoracic inlet. Shorttrachea, resulting from the presence of 15 or fewer tracheal rings, can be diagnosed on CT scanning when the tracheal bifurcation lies above the fourth thoracic vertebral body in children younger than 2 years old or above the fifth thoracic vertebra in older children. 168 Aberrant tracheal bronchus (pig bronchus) is reported in 2% of children during bronchoscopic examination. 87 It almost always occurs in males, most often arises from the right lateral tracheal wall within 2 cm of the carina, and may be asymptomatic or result in right-upper-lobe infection, atelectasis, or bronchiectasis, usually from a stenotic bronchial segment and poorly cleared secretions ( Fig. 26-3). Two types are described. The supernumerary type is associated with a normal trifurcating right-upper-lobe bronchus. In the displaced type, the ectopic bronchus supplies the apical segment of the upper lobe. The CT appearance is that of a bronchus arising from the trachea in a section more cephalad than the carina and the presence of only two segmental bronchi arising from the anatomic right-upper-lobe bronchus when the anomaly is of the displaced type. 135 Accessory cardiac bronchus arises from the medial wall of the intermediate bronchus. 85 Bridging bronchus is an anomaly of the branching pattern of the tracheobronchial tree, with the middle and lower lobes of the right lung supplied by a bronchus that arises from the medial aspect of the left main bronchus and bridges the mediastinum in its course to the right lung. 50 Radiologically, the bridging bronchus can be seen branching from the left main bronchus at a thoracic vertebral level (T5-T6) lower than that of the normal carina. Bridging bronchus may be associated with left pulmonary artery sling,169,170 in which case the left pulmonary artery runs over the bridging bronchus and behind the left main bronchus to the left lung. The right main bronchus may supply the upper lobe of the right lung, or it may be absent or present only as a blind diverticulum of the airway at the carinal level.

FIG. 26-3. Tracheal bronchus. An accessory bronchus arises from the lateral right trachea ( arrow), above the level of the carina. There is associated right upper lobe pneumonia. (Courtesy of Janet E. Kuhlman, M.D., Madison, WI.)

Congenital bronchial atresia detected initially in an adult is usually an incidental finding. The atresia most commonly occurs in the upper lobes of the lungs, especially the apicoposterior segment of the left upper lobe. Both chest radiography and CT scanning show mucus plugging (mucocele) in a branching pattern, with associated segmental hyperinflation 117 (Fig. 26-4).

FIG. 26-4. Bronchial atresia. Posteroanterior ( A) and lateral ( B) projections show the opaque, finger-like mucocele distal to bronchial atresia of the left upper lobe. The lobe is overinflated and underperfused; therefore, it is relatively radiolucent.

Bronchial Anatomy The trachea bifurcates, giving rise to the left and right main stem bronchi. In adults, the right main stem bronchus is more vertical, wider by about 2 mm, and approximately half the length of the left main stem bronchus. 6 The right main stem bronchus ends at the lateral origin of the right-upper-lobe bronchus, and the main stem continues as the bronchus intermedius, which terminates where the middle-lobe bronchus originates anterolaterally and the superior segmental bronchus to the right-lower-lobe originates. The main airway continues as the lower-lobe bronchus, which divides into anterior, lateral, posterior, and medial basal segmental bronchi. Divisions on the left are similar except that there is a short left-upper-lobe bronchus, which bifurcates into the lingular bronchus and a short trunk that almost immediately divides into anterior and common apicoposterior segmental airways. After giving rise to the superior segmental bronchus to the left lower lobe, the lower-lobe airway continues inferiorly, dividing into three or four basilar segmental bronchi (in some instances there is a common anteromedial bronchus). The airways, to the subsegmental level, are visualized with CT scanning when 3- to 5-mm thin-section collimation is used. Woodring and associates 174 determined the normal dimensions of the main bronchi from chest radiographs to be 13 to 20 mm on the right and 11 to 17 mm on the left for men, and 11 to 20 mm on the right and 8 to 17 mm on the left for women. Bronchiectasis Bronchiectasis, defined as irreversible dilatation of the bronchial tree, may cause chronic sputum production and hemoptysis, or it may be asymptomatic. It can be described as cylindrical, varicose, or cystic in type. 121 Cylindrical bronchiectasis, the mildest form, is characterized by smooth, uniformly dilated bronchi; sectioned lengthwise these bronchi resemble tram tracks, and sectioned crosswise they appear round or oval. Beaded dilatation of bronchi describes the varicose type ( Fig. 26-5). Cystic bronchiectasis, the most severe type, is characterized by cysts in clusters, often with airfluid levels ( Fig. 26-6, Fig. 26-7). The theories of pathogenesis include obstruction, infection, and traction. 23,24,34,40,41,78,84,94,111,125,128,143 Traction bronchiectasis refers to irreversible dilatation of bronchi and bronchioles in areas of pulmonary fibrosis. It occurs predominantly in the peripheral portions of lung where bronchi contain less supporting cartilage. 172 There are numerous causes of bronchiectasis, including infection (bacterial, viral, fungal, mycobacterial), hypogammaglobulinemia and other immune deficiencies, dyskinetic cilia syndromes (Kartegener's syndrome), airway foreign body, neoplasm, CF, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, cartilage deficiency (Williams-Campbell syndrome), Swyer-James syndrome (secondary to childhood viral infection), broncholith, inhalation of noxious substances (ammonia and others), pulmonary fibrosis, and numerous other miscellaneous causes.

FIG. 26-5. Cylindrical and varicose bronchiectasis. Dilated, thick-walled bronchi are present bilaterally. A lingular bronchus exhibits the accordion or pleated appearance of varicose bronchiectasis ( arrows). High-resolution computed tomographic scan, 2-mm collimation, bone algorithm. (Case courtesy of Julie K. Mitby, M.D.)

FIG. 26-6. Cystic bronchiectasis, posterior basal segment, right lower lobe, middle lobe, and lingula ( open arrows). A cluster of grapes appearance caused by adjacent dilated cystic bronchi is present ( large arrow), as is the characteristic beaded appearance produced by consecutive areas of cystic dilation in a single bronchus (small arrows). High-resolution computed tomographic scan, 2-mm collimation, bone algorithm. (Case courtesy of Julie K. Mitby, M.D.)

FIG. 26-7. Cystic bronchiectasis. Thick-walled clusters of cystic bronchial dilatation are present in the left lower lobe. Some of the dilated bronchi are filled with mucus (arrow), and there are inflammatory changes in the surrounding lung parenchyma.

Although patients with bronchiectasis rarely have a normal chest radiograph (approximately 7%), 60 the chest radiographic findings are neither sensitive nor specific enough to be of value in the accurate assessment of bronchiectasis, and they are unreliable in determining the exact anatomic distribution of disease. 25,61,137 The common roentgenographic findings are loss of definition and increase in number and size of the bronchovascular markings (caused by peribronchial fibrosis and the presence of retained secretions), crowding of the bronchi and loss of lung volume, honeycombing, and cystic spaces approaching 2 cm ( Fig. 26-8). Accurate localization of diseased segments became a reality with the introduction of iodized oil (Lipiodol) bronchography in 1922. 136 Bronchography was, for a long time, the gold standard in making the diagnosis of bronchiectasis, but was not an ideal imaging modality for many reasons. Allergic reactions to the contrast medium, hazards associated with topical anesthesia, bronchospasm, and impaired ventilation from plugging of the bronchioles by the viscous contrast material in patients who already

have significant respiratory compromise are problems that have been overcome with the replacement of bronchography by CT scanning. In addition to being noninvasive, CT scanning has the ability to demonstrate obstructed or impacted bronchi, which may not be opacified on bronchograms, and to better evaluate associated findings in the thorax than plain radiography can.

FIG. 26-8. Extensive cystic disease or cystic bronchiectasis. A: Extensive bilateral inflammatory disease in which some rounded radiolucencies can be outlined. B: Right bronchogram shows extensive bronchiectasis, which is cystic and cylindrical.

Early studies assessing the accuracy of CT in diagnosing bronchiectasis, using conventional CT imaging with 8- to 10-mm collimation, resulted in a sensitivity of 60% to 80% and a specificity of 86% to 100%. 22,100,114,137 By using 1.5-mm collimation at 10-mm intervals, sensitivity improved to a range of 96% to 98% with a specificity of 93% to 99%.54,176 With the use of 4-mm collimation at 5-mm intervals, CT scanning was 100% sensitive for the cystic and varicose types and 94% sensitive for the cylindrical variety. 66 In a recent study, thin-section CT scanning (1.0- to 1.5-mm collimation at 10-mm intervals) allowed accurate diagnosis of cylindrical bronchiectasis in most cases. 70 The most reliable finding for the diagnosis of cylindrical bronchiectasis is visualization of bronchi within 1 cm of costal or paravertebral pleura or visualization of bronchi abutting the mediastinal pleura. Although lack of bronchial tapering and increased bronchoarterial ratios are helpful in the diagnosis of bronchiectasis, these findings can also be seen in 10% to 20% of healthy subjects. More recently, studies have shown helical (spiral) scanning to offer improvement in depiction of bronchiectasis over conventional thin-section CT 80 and HRCT,162 although at a cost of increased radiation dose with spiral CT. The potential problems associated with conventional thin-section CT include overlooking areas of bronchiectasis located exclusively in skipped areas, difficulty in perceiving the lack of tapering of bronchial diameter in bronchi located perpendicular or oblique to the axial plane, and the presence of mucoid impaction filling bronchiectatic bronchi, which can simulate pulmonary nodules, masses, or consolidation. 80 Despite the ease with which bronchiectasis can be identified on CT scanning in most cases, there are a number of potential pitfalls. 86 These include artifacts from both respiratory and cardiac motion, and inappropriate collimation and electronic windowing. A number of diffuse lung diseases can simulate bronchiectasis, such as pulmonary histiocytosis X, lymphangioleiomyomatosis, cystic changes in patients with AIDS and P. carinii pneumonia, and cystic metastases. The characteristic combination of cyst and accompanying artery is sometimes helpful in confirming bronchiectasis, as is variation in the size of bronchiectatic cysts with inspiration and expiration, a feature usually not seen with other types of cystic lesions. Following cyst-like lesions from one section to another and noting their relationship to central airways also allows an accurate distinction between bronchiectasis and other cystic diseases in most cases. Dyskinetic Cilia Syndrome The dyskinetic cilia syndrome, first described in 1976, 1 represents a spectrum of genetically determined defects in ciliary structure and function that interfere with mucociliary clearance. Although the term immotile cilia syndrome has been used, in many cases the cilia demonstrate some motility (although dyskinetic). Conditions including situs inversus, paranasal sinusitis, and bronchiectasis (a triad representing Kartagener's syndrome); recurrent upper and lower respiratory tract infections; and immotile sperm and infertility have been described ( Fig. 26-9). Prognosis is generally good, and the diagnosis is compatible with a full life span. 91 Chest radiography and CT scanning show bronchiectasis with a predilection for involvement of the anatomic middle lobe. 105

FIG. 26-9. Kartegener's syndrome. A: Situs inversus is present; the aortic arch and cardiac apex are right-sided, the minor fissure is on the left ( arrows), and the stomach bubble is on the right. Increased interstitial markings are seen at both lung bases. The patient also had chronic sinusitis. B: High-resolution computed tomography shows that the basilar interstitial markings represent cystic bronchiectasis.

Cystic Fibrosis CF is a relatively common genetic disorder affecting the upper and lower respiratory tracts, pancreas, liver and gallbladder, intestines, and genital tract. Approximately one in 1,600 live births is affected by this autosomal reces-sive disease, which occurs predominantly in Caucasians. In 1985 the CF defect was located on chromosome 7,158 and 4 years later the CF gene was identified by positional cloning. 69,124,127 This new knowledge gave rise to new therapies, including in vivo gene therapy. 28 The median survival age has risen from about 18 years in 1976 to 29 years in the early 1990s. 26,39 Chest radiographic findings in adult CF include peripheral nodular and nonvascular linear densities, specific findings of bronchiectasis, hyperinflation, atelectasis, and cystic air spaces. 44 Griscom and colleagues 56 showed that the anteroposterior tracheal diameter is enlarged in adults with CF, which does not correlate with severity of pulmonary disease as judged radiographically. A CT scoring system describing the presence, severity, and extent of bronchiectasis, peribronchial thickening, mucus plugging, sacculations or abscesses, bullae, emphysema, lung collapse, and consolidation, incorporates all the changes seen in the lungs of patients with CF.12 Swyer-James Syndrome Swyer-James syndrome (SJS), also known as Macleod's syndrome, is a postinfectious form of bronchiolitis obliterans (BO) that typically follows a viral respiratory infection in infancy or childhood. 27,118,119 Chest radiographic findings include a unilateral small lung with hyperlucency and air trapping ( Fig. 26-10). The air trapping results from gas which enters the air spaces by collateral air drift and cannot exit because of the bronchiolar obstruction. The hyperlucency is usually confined to one lobe or lung; the disease can be bilateral but is usually unilateral. The other diagnostic considerations when these findings are recognized include an obstructing tumor or foreign body in the airway. Bronchiectasis is present in some but not all cases of SJS. Radionuclide ventilation scans show delayed entry and washout of radiotracer in regions of air trapping. 110 Findings on CT scanning include hyperlucent regions of lung, air trapping, and bronchiectasis. 95 CT scanning is more sensitive than radiography and scintigraphy in detecting the presence, extent, and distribution of hyperlucent lung regions, and it is helpful in excluding other causes

of hyperlucency and central obstruction.

FIG. 26-10. Unilateral hyperlucent lung (Swyer-James syndrome). A: Inspiratory film. Note that the right lung is more radiolucent than the left, and fewer pulmonary vessels are visible. The left lung is larger, and the hemidiaphragms are almost equal in height. B: Expiratory film. Note that the heart has shifted to the left because of air trapping on the right, which results in some expansion of this lobe. The left hemidiaphragm is now slightly higher than the right.

Broncholithiasis The term broncholithiasis refers to calcified material in the airway and the effects of airway distortion or inflammation caused by calcified peribronchial nodes. 7,165 Most cases are caused by infective nodes, primarily after exposure to histoplasmosis, but also tuberculosis, actinomycosis, coccidioidomycosis, and cryptococcosis. Calcified material in an airway or luminal distortion caused by peribronchial disease results in airway obstruction which leads to collapse, obstructive pneumonitis, mucoid impaction, or bronchiectasis. Patients may present with cough, hemoptysis, recurrent episodes of fever and purulent sputum, and lithoptysis. Chest radiographs show disappearance of a previously identified calcified nidus, change in position of a calcified nidus, or evidence of airway obstruction. CT scanning shows a calcified lymph node within an airway or immediately adjacent to a distorted airway, distal changes secondary to bronchial obstruction, and absence of an associated soft tissue mass21,73,134 (Fig. 26-11). Depending on the patient's clinical status and underlying lung disease, observation, bronchoscopic removal of the stone, or surgical resection may be indicated. 30

FIG. 26-11. Broncholith. A: Left-upper-lobe atelectasis is seen, and a densely calcified left hilar node ( arrow) is present. B: Computed tomogram shows the broncholith (arrow) within the left-upper-lobe bronchus and the distal atelectatic left upper lobe. The broncholith is almost completely obstructing, accounting for the paucity of air bronchograms (arrowheads) within the atelectatic lung.

Bronchiolitis Evaluation of the bronchioles, defined as peripheral airways that do not contain cartilage, requires an understanding of the anatomy of the secondary pulmonary lobule, the smallest portion of lung that is surrounded by connective tissue septa. The secondary pulmonary lobule is best developed and most easily visualized in the peripheral subpleural areas of the lung. Located within the center of the pulmonary lobule is a lobular bronchiole and pulmonary artery. Pulmonary veins are located in the surrounding interlobular septa. The lobular bronchioles measure no more than 1 mm in diameter, 74 and their walls measure less than 0.1 mm thick. Since the limit of CT visibility is a 2-mm-diameter bronchus, normal lobular bronchioles cannot be seen on CT scans, although bronchiolar abnormalities may be detected when there is thickening of the bronchiolar wall, peribronchiolar inflammation and fibrosis, or bronchiolectasis with or without filling of the dilated bronchiole with secretions.103 Although the optimal protocol for the assessment of bronchiolar abnormalities has not been established, 1- to 2-mm collimation scanning at 10-mm intervals has been recommended.98 Mller and coworkers 98 classified bronchiolitis into four types according to the predominant appearance on CT scans: (1) centrilobular nodular or branching linear areas of increased attenuation in patients with infectious bronchiolitis, diffuse panbronchiolitis, or bronchiolitis complicating diseases of bronchi; (2) ground-glass attenuation and consolidation in patients with bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP) or respiratory bronchiolitis associated with smoking; (3) areas of decreased attenuation and perfusion in BO; and (4) bronchiolocentric opacities seen with several forms of chronic infiltrative lung disease, where CT may show associated findings for each particular disease. The CT findings can be helpful in suggesting the presence of bronchiolitis but are nonspecific and must be interpreted in the appropriate clinical context. One of the CT patterns of bronchiolar (small airway) disease is mosaic lung attenuation, which can also be seen with pulmonary vascular and infiltrative lung diseases. In cases of small airway disease, areas of variable lung attenuation forming a mosaic pattern represents air trapping, hypoxic vasoconstriction, and mechanical pressure on blood vessels. 150 On expiration, air trapping is recognized as lack of increase in attenuation or decrease in volume of areas of abnormally lucent lung. In small airway disease, the vessel size and number in the abnormally lucent area of lung is decreased relative to areas of higher-attenuation lung; this is also true in vascular disease but not in infiltrative diseases. Air trapping is seen with small airway disease, but not with primary vascular or infiltrative pulmonary diseases. Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing Pneumonia BOOP, also referred to as cryptogenic organizing pneumonia (COP), is characterized pathologically by an organizing pneumonia in the alveoli and by granulation tissue plugs in the lumina of the alveolar ducts and respiratory bronchioles. 33 BOOP may be idiopathic in nature; it may result from viral, bacterial, or fungal pneumonia, toxic inhalation, chronic eosinophilic pneumonia, or drug reaction; or it may arise as a complication of collagen vascular disease, irradiation, or bone marrow or lung transplantation. Clinically, patients with idiopathic BOOP present with a 1- to 4-month history of flu-like illness with nonproductive cough, low-grade fever, malaise, and progressive shortness of breath. Chest radiographs show unilateral or bilateral areas of consolidation, which is usually patchy but may have a peripheral distribution. 33 Mller and colleagues 101 described the CT findings in 14 patients with BOOP. All patients had areas of air-space consolidation, small nodules, or both. Ten patients had patchy unilateral or bilateral areas of consolidation, seven had small nodules, and two had irregular lines of increased attenuation. A predominantly subpleural or peribronchial distribution of the consolidation was seen in approximately 50% of patients. Bronchiolitis Obliterans BO, or obliterative bronchiolitis, is defined pathologically as irreversible fibrosis of small airway walls that causes the airway lumina to become narrow or obliterated.

Constrictive bronchiolitis, which emphasizes the fibrotic and extrinsic nature of the lesion, is a synonym for BO, and is favored by some authors to avoid confusion with BOOP. 152 The clinical criteria used for the diagnosis of BO are irreversible air-flow limitation with a forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV 1) that is less than 60% of the predicted value in the absence of emphysema, chronic bronchitis, asthma, or other cause of airway obstruction. 160 BO and BOOP are not thought to be related, although they may occur as a result of similar etiologic factors. BO is a common sequela of lung transplantation, where it represents chronic rejection, and bone marrow transplantation, where it represents chronic graft-versus-host disease. SJS is BO that occurs secondary to a childhood viral infection. Chest radiographs are usually normal but may show hyperaeration or, less commonly, a micronodular pattern. The CT findings of BO include direct signs of centrilobular branching structures and centrilobular nodules caused by peribronchiolar thickening and bronchiolectasis with secretions 112 and indirect findings of bronchiectasis, bronchiolectasis, and mosaic lung attenuation (caused by hypoventilation of the alveoli distal to the bronchiolar obstruction, which leads to secondary vasoconstriction and air trapping) 82,96,112,151 (Fig. 26-12). Interpretation of air trapping must be made with caution, because isolated areas of lobular air trapping can be seen in healthy persons.146

FIG. 26-12. Bronchiolitis obliterans. High-resolution computed tomogram shows nodular, linear, and branching centrilobular opacities in the periphery of the posterior right upper lobe, representing peribronchiolar thickening and bronchiolectasis with secretions.

Respiratory Bronchiolitis Pathologic changes occur in the small airways of essentially all smokers. 37,108,122 Respiratory bronchiolitis, also referred to as smoker's bronchiolitis, 104,175 involves the respiratory bronchioles and is characterized by mild chronic inflammation of the bronchioles associated with accumulation of pigmented macrophages in respiratory bronchioles and adjacent alveoli. The condition may be severe enough to produce clinical symptoms of cough and shortness of breath and CT abnormalities, including areas of ground-glass attenuation, centrilobular micronodules, and air trap-ping. 58,123 The abnormalities involve predominantly the upper lung zones (a distribution similar to that of smoking-related centrilobular emphysema) but may be diffuse. Panbronchiolitis Panbronchiolitis is an inflammatory lung disease of unclear origin that is prevalent in Asians but rare in Europeans and North Americans. Histologically, there is thickening of the walls of respiratory bronchioles and associated peribronchiolitis, and in advanced stages bronchiolectasis is present. 2 The chest radiograph may show disseminated small nodular shadows up to 2 mm in size. 64 The findings on HRCT have been classified into four types: (1) nodules alone, (2) nodules associated with branching linear opacities, (3) nodules with ring-shaped or small ductal opacities (probable bronchiolectasis), and (4) large cystic opacities accompanied by dilated proximal bronchi. 2 Other Small Airway Diseases Bronchopneumonia, caused by any type of infectious agent, may result in centrilobular nodules or branching structures on HRCT, related to peribronchiolar consolidation or pus-filled small airways. 59 Sarcoidosis, asbestosis, silicosis, and coal-worker's pneumoconiosis can also cause peribronchiolar nodules. In extrinsic allergic alveolitis, the response to a variety of inhaled allergens in a sensitized person, there is a peribronchiolar cellular infiltrate with poorly defined granulomas. CT scanning shows ill-defined centrilobular nodules and ground-glass opacification. 83

Pulmonary emphysema, as defined by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, is an abnormal permanent enlargement of the air spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles, accompanied by destruction of the alveolar walls, and without obvious fibrosis. 138,140 Three different morphologic subtypes of emphysema have been described according to their location in the secondary pulmonary lobule: centrilobular, panlobular, and paraseptal (distal lobular). A fourth type of emphysema, paracicatricial emphysema, results from and is always associated with pulmonary fibrosis and therefore does not meet the strict definition of emphysema. Emphysema is found at autopsy in up to 66% of adult patients, 141,156 but clinical detection of disease during life is difficult unless the condition is severe. Before the 1960s, the disease was recognized mainly by symptoms of cough and progressive dyspnea and the physiologic abnormalities of reduction in maximal expiratory flow rate and increase in residual volume. 115 The presence of air-flow obstruction alone is a more sensitive indicator of the presence of emphysema, but it is less specific because asthma, irreversible small airway disease, and certain forms of interstitial lung disease may also result in decreased FEV 1.48,139,140 Evidence of impairment in gas transfer, as assessed by carbon monoxide diffusing capacity, is more sensitive than abnormal spirometry for the diagnosis of emphysema, but it is nonspecific, and patients may have up to 30% of their lung involved with emphysema and have no evidence of functional impairment. 115 The accuracy of diagnosis based on findings on chest radiographs depends on the severity of parenchymal destruction and varies from 65% to 80%. 129,132 CT findings correlate with the presence and severity of morphologic emphysema better than chest radiographs or results of pulmonary function tests, 71,97 although several studies assessing 10-mm and 1.0-mm collimation CT scanning conclude that CT consistently underestimates the extent of centrilobular and panlobular emphysema and the severity of emphysema when compared with pathologic assessment.10,42,63,92 Despite these limitations, CT is the best way of recognizing emphysema in living patients. Objective quantification of emphysema by CT scanning can be performed by highlighting areas of abnormally low attenuation using a computer program, accomplished with a software program called Density Mask that highlights voxels within any desired range. Hayhurst and associates 63 first showed that patients with emphysema had more pixels with attenuation values between 900 and 1,000 Hounsfield units than did patients without emphysema. Mller and coworkers 102 compared the density masks with the visual and pathologic assessment of emphysema and found good correlation (0.89) between density mask score (especially by highlighting all voxels with attenuation equal to or less than 910 Hounsfield units) and pathologic assessment of emphysema. The correlation between the mean visual scores assessed by two independent observers and the pathologic score of emphysema was 0.90. A study by Rmy-Jardin and associates 122 assessed the accuracy of sliding thin-slab, minimum-intensity projection technique (a new CT reconstruction technique) in the detection of emphysema and showed the sensitivity to be different from that of thin-section CT (81% versus 62%, respectively; P = 0.01). Specificity for both methods was 100%. A major limitation of this new technique is that it cannot be used to study the entire lung in vivo. CT and HRCT may have an advantage over pathologic assessment in that all regions of both lungs are visualized, making sampling errors less likely, since emphysema in its mildest form is characteristically localized. 154 The most common form of emphysema, centrilobular emphysema, is strongly associated with cigarette smoking, and the severity of emphysema increases with the number of cigarettes smoked.8,109 Centrilobular emphysema results from destruction of alveoli around the proximal respiratory bronchiole and characteristically has a predominantly upper-lung zone distribution. Although the upper-lung zones are more severely affected by emphysema, the degree of emphysema in the lower zones has a stronger correlation with pulmonary function abnormalities, indicating that the upper-lung zones are a relatively silent region where extensive destruction may occur before functional abnormalities become known. 62 Panlobular emphysema has a characteristic lower-lobe distribution and is the predominant type of emphysema in patients with a 1-antiprotease deficiency. In panlobular emphysema, the alveoli are destroyed throughout the secondary pulmonary lobule. Paraseptal emphysema is a focal or multifocal abnormality involving the periphery of the pulmonary lobule; it is almost always seen in the periphery of the lung along the fissures and at sharp pleural reflections. Coalescence of paraseptal emphysema leads to the formation of bullae and is important in the development of spontaneous pneumothorax. 4,159

Paraseptal emphysema should not be confused with honeycombing, which has thicker walls and is associated with fibrosis. 148 Criteria for chest radiographic diagnosis of emphysema include two or more of the following: 1. Depression and flattening of the diaphragm on the posteroanterior roentgenogram with blunting of costophrenic angles. The actual level of the diaphragm is not as significant as the contour. (This can be determined from a straight line connecting the costophrenic junction to the vertebrophrenic junction on each side; if the highest level of the contour is less than 1.5 cm above this line, the diaphragm can be recorded as flat.) 2. Irregular radiolucency of the lung, caused by irregularity in distribution of the emphysematous tissue destruction 3. Abnormal retrosternal radiolucency, as seen on lateral view, measuring 2.5 cm or more from the sternum to the most anterior margin of the ascending aorta 4. Flattening or even concavity of the diaphragm contour on the lateral chest radiograph, as determined by the presence of a sternodiaphragmatic angle of 90 or larger.115 Other findings include increased anteroposterior diameter of the chest, saber-sheath configuration of the trachea, narrow cardiomediastinal silhouette, and enlargement of the central pulmonary arteries and right ventricular enlargement when pulmonary artery hypertension and cor pulmonale are present, respectively (Fig. 26-13).

FIG. 26-13. Chronic pulmonary emphysema (COPD). The diaphragm is flat, particularly as noted in the lateral projection. The retrosternal space is prominent. The lungs are hyperlucent, particularly at the bases, and the pulmonary artery and its main branches are somewhat enlarged.

HRCT provides valuable information compared with conventional CT scans in the diagnosis of emphysema because of its improved clarity and sharpness. A custom window setting can be created to facilitate the detection of emphysema; a more negative window level setting (800 to 900 Hounsfield units) with narrow window width (+500 to +1,000 Hounsfield units) provides favorable contrast between emphysematous or other air-filled cystic lesions and normal lung parenchyma. 148 HRCT shows centrilobular emphysema as focal areas of low attenuation up to 1 cm in diameter within a homogeneous background of lung parenchyma, not associated with fibrosis, 148 resulting in a Swiss cheese appearance. These areas of low attenuation are usually round or oval and have no definable wall. The appearance of panlobular emphysema on CT is that of large and extensive areas of uniform low attenuation with a lower-lobe distribution, associated with a reduction in size of pulmonary vessels. No peripheral preservation of the lobule occurs, and therefore no striking density difference exists between affected lobules and a homogeneous background of normal pulmonary parenchyma. Because of this, mild to moderate disease can easily be missed and the extent of disease underestimated. 144 Paraseptal emphysema appears as multiple, small, subpleural air spaces ranging from a few millimeters to 1 cm in diameter. 155 Giant bullous emphysema, or vanishing lung syndrome, is characterized by large bullae in the upper lobes ( Fig. 26-14). Bullae are described as air-filled structures larger than 1 cm in diameter, with thin walls, occurring in a subpleural or intraparenchymal location and associated with paraseptal, centrilobular, or panlobular emphysema. 120

FIG. 26-14. Bullous emphysema. A and B: The lungs are markedly hyperinflated. There is inversion of the diaphragm (especially on the left) and blunting of the costophrenic angles. The retrosternal clear space is widened, the cardiac silhouette is narrowed, and there is a paucity of pulmonary vessels. C: High-resolution computed tomography shows large bullous lesions bilaterally, consuming most of the left lung. This appearance has been referred to as vanishing lung syndrome.

There is no universally accepted definition of asthma; it may be regarded as a diffuse, obstructive lung disease with (1) hyper-reactivity of the airways to a variety of stimuli and (2) a high degree of reversibility of the obstructive process, which may occur either spontaneously or as a result of treatment. Patients generally have reversible airway obstruction characterized by an increase of more than 15% of the FEV 1 after bronchodilator therapy, or a positive methacholine challenge test (reduction of FEV 1 by 20% or more after inhalation of methacholine at a concentration of 8 mg/mL or less). 89 Both large and small airways may be involved to varying degrees. The three elements that contribute to airway obstruction in asthma are spasm of smooth muscle, edema and inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the airways, and intraluminal exudation of mucus, inflammatory cells, and cellular debris. Asthma is a complex disorder involving biochemical, autonomic, immunologic, infectious, endocrine, and psychologic factors in varying degrees in different patients. Asthma can be a benign, self-limiting problem, or it can be a chronic, recurrent disease that leads to debilitating, irreversible air-flow obstruction and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Emphysema is not a prominent finding in the lungs of nonsmoking asthma patients, even those with severe disease. 153 Chest radiographs of asthmatic patients may show increased lung markings, hyperinflation, and atelectasis. CT scanning shows bronchiectasis involving mostly subsegmental and distal bronchi (28.5%), bronchial wall thickening (82%), small centrilobular opacities (21%), and decreased lung attenuation (31%). 53 The bronchiectasis in asthma has been attributed to progressive bronchial destruction, subclinical allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, or a prior infection that occurred during infancy or early child-hood. 107,113 Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) is an immunoglobulin Emediated hypersensitivity to Aspergillus colonization of the airways that occurs with greater prevalence in patients with asthma or CF. Central bronchiectasis on chest CT scanning is the hallmark of ABPA. Bronchial wall thickening in asthma (which is assessed subjectively on CT scanning) may reflect bronchial and peribronchial inflammation and increased smooth muscle, mucous gland, cartilage, and submucosal area. 16 Areas of hyperlucency are caused by decreased lung perfusion secondary to reflex vasoconstriction in hypoventilated areas, and air trapping 146 (Fig. 26-15). Emphysema seen on the CT scans of asthmatic subjects is attributed to cigarette smoking. 72 Small centrilobular opacities may correspond to plugging or wall thickening of the bronchioles. 16 Because central airway lesions and mitral stenosis can produce symptoms attributed to asthma, the airways, cardiac silhouette, and pulmonary vasculature should always be evaluated closely on every chest radiograph obtained to evaluate a patient with asthma. The chest radiograph should also be assessed for evidence of pneumonia, which is known to exacerbate asthma, and pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum, which can result from wheezing and coughing associated with asthma.

FIG. 26-15. Asthma. A: Inspiratory high-resolution computed tomogram (HRCT) is normal. B: Expiratory HRCT performed at the same time shows a pattern of mosaic lung attenuation; there are areas of lung that are abnormally hyperlucent, containing smaller and fewer vascular structures, adjacent to normally perfused areas of lung that have a ground-glass appearance. In this case, the ground-glass opacification represents normal lung and the areas of hyperlucency are caused by decreased lung perfusion, secondary to reflex vasoconstriction in hypoventilated areas, and air trapping. The tracheal configuration changes from a round contour in inspiration to a horseshoe configuration in expiration, with posterior bowing of the membranous portion.

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Chapter 27 Diseases of Occupational, Chemical, and Physical Origin Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 27 Diseases of Occupational, Chemical, and Physical Origin

John H. Juhl and Janet E. Kuhlman

J. H. Juhl and J. E. Kuhlman: Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Medical School, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252.

Pneumoconiosis Silicosis Radiographic Observations Silicotuberculosis Coal Worker's Pneumoconiosis Caplan's Syndrome Asbestosis Pathogenesis Radiographic Observations Talcosis Rare Silicate Pneumoconioses Berylliosis Acute Beryllium Pneumonitis Chronic Beryllium Granulomatosis Hard-Metal Lung Disease (Cobalt Lung) Radiopaque Dust Pneumoconioses Occupational Diseases Related To Pulmonary Hypersensitivity Tracheobronchial Hypersensitivity Bronchocentric Granulomatosis Byssinosis Alveolar Hypersensitivity Bagassosis Farmer's Lung Pigeon Breeder's Lung Maple-Bark Disease Other Occupational Hypersensitivity States Diseases Caused by Chemical Agents Hydrocarbon Pneumonitis Industrial and War Gases Hrct Signs of Obliterative Bronchiolitis Silo-filler's Disease Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Paraquat Lung Vinyl and Polyvinyl Chloride Exposure Smoke Inhalation Drug-Induced Lung Disease Heroin and Cocaine Bleomycin Amiodarone Tocainamide Tricyclic Antidepressants L-Tryptophan Methotrexate Unusual and Miscellaneous Reactions to Drugs Irradiation Changes in the Lung Chapter References

The term pneumoconiosis refers to the group of conditions in which solid foreign substances, usually inorganic dusts of varying degrees of pathogenicity, are inhaled and stored in the lung 37. These conditions form a group of occupational diseases of considerable economic importance. In some instances there may be enough atmospheric pollution to cause pulmonary disease in people who live near the source. Many foreign materials are capable of producing fibrosis leading to decrease in pulmonary function, and some substances included in this section do not cause significant fibrosis or alteration in pulmonary function. The latter include coal dust (anthracosis), iron oxide (siderosis), barium sulfate (baritosis), and tin (stannosis). Benign changes have also been reported with exposure to titanium oxide and tungsten carbide. Some of these dust diseases occur together, in which case terms such as anthrasilicosis and siderosilicosis are used to designate them. The International Labor Office (ILO) 1980 International Classification System should be consulted when assessing pulmonary disability in patients with industrial or environmental exposure42. This system is also used to classify diseases for statistical or epidemiologic purposes because it provides a quantitative method using standard radiographs for comparison. It is the latest modification of a classification system that has been updated a number of times since 1930. 43*

Silicosis is caused by inhalation of silicon dioxide particles that are 0.5 to 5 m or less in diameter. Most particles 5 to 10 m in diameter are removed from the upper respiratory tract, probably by ciliary action. According to the US Public Health Service, concentrations of silicon dioxide particles less than 10 m in size at concentrations lower than 5 10 6 particles per cubic foot do not cause silicosis, whereas concentrations 100 10 6 or higher of similar-diameter particles cause silicosis in all exposed persons. The most active particles in producing the fibrotic reaction are those smaller than 3 m. When these small particles are deposited in the alveoli, they are ingested by phagocytic cellsthe alveolar macrophages. A number of macrophages are killed, stimulating the formation of collagen in the area. Relatively acellular silicotic nodules are then produced in alveoli, respiratory bronchioles, lymphatics, and lymphoid tissue. Some of them remain in the peripheral lymphoid follicles, and others reach the intrapulmonary, bronchial, hilar, and paratracheal nodes. There is some evidence to suggest that an adsorbed protein on the silica particle acts as an antigen, which results eventually in an antibody reaction. This would explain the long latent period as well as the progression of disease long after the patient has been removed from exposure to silica. Silicosis is found in many industries, including mining, foundries, rock drilling, and grinding involving the production of silica dust. The development of fibrosis requires time. In most occupations, the average time for development of disease in workers exposed to moderate concentrations of silica is 20 years or longer. Accelerated silicosis is said to occur when the exposure has been between 5 and 20 years. When dust counts are unusually high, exposure of less than 5 years can cause acute silicosis. This acute disease, produced by intense exposure over relatively short periods, may progress to severe respiratory failure and death within 1 year of the onset of symptoms. The patients are often acutely ill, with fever, cough, dyspnea, and weight loss. This type of disease may occur in tunnel workers, sandblasters, and workers involved in mining and milling of silica into a fine powder (silica flour). Roentgen findings are quite different than in simple silicosis. There is a perihilar alveolar process, with air bronchograms. The appearance is similar to alveolar proteinosis, except that it involves the suprahilar areas more than the lung bases. Silicotic nodular opacities are helpful in making the diagnosis, but they may not be present. Radiographic Observations Because the radiographic findings in silicosis early in its development are similar to those in a number of other diseases, it is essential to obtain an adequate history of exposure to make or suggest the diagnosis. Scattered small, round, nodular opacities are found in the upper and central portions of the lung as the initial

roentgenographic change ( Fig. 27-1). At first the opacities are discrete and small, on the order of 1 to 2 mm in diameter. At this stage, it is likely that an additive effect caused by overlapping nodules is necessary to make them visible. They are usually distributed symmetrically and widely, with a tendency to spare the lung bases. These opacities are usually clearly defined and uniform in density. They may be accompanied by small, irregular opacities, which are fewer in number than the round ones. The nodules gradually increase in size ( Fig. 27-2). This may be termed simple or uncomplicated silicosis.

FIG. 27-1. Silicosis. Scattered small nodules are associated with minimal prominence of interstitial markings representing early nodular silicosis. Category I, International Labour Organization classification, 1980. 31

FIG. 27-2. Silicosis. The disease is more advanced than in the patient shown in Fig. 27-1. The nodules are larger, much more easily outlined, and probably more profuse. There is also hilar node enlargement. This type of silicosis is similar to category III of the ILO Classification. 30

As the pulmonary nodules continue to increase in size, to 1 cm or more in diameter, they may coalesce and tend to become conglomerate (progressive massive fibrosis) (Fig. 27-3). The conglomeration and coalescence are usually accompanied by retraction toward the hilum, leaving the periphery of the lung overinflated and relatively free of nodules (complicated silicosis). By the time this stage is reached there is often enough emphysema present to cause downward displacement of the diaphragm and a decrease in diaphragmatic motion with respiration. There can be considerable variation in the relative amounts of nodulation, hilar enlargement, and emphysema. Hilar node enlargement is common and may become apparent at any time during the development of the pulmonary abnormalities. The hilar nodes may undergo fibrosis and decrease in size by the time the nodular parenchymal lesions are large enough to be detected readily. Occasionally there is calcification in the silicotic pulmonary nodules. This is a manifestation of long-standing disease. In complicated silicosis, progressive massive fibrosis may ultimately cause migration of the conglomerate nodules toward the hila, and often slightly above them. Large, dense masses are then observed slightly above and lateral to the hilum. Although this process is bilateral, it is not always symmetrical. When it occurs, peripheral emphysema may become very severe. Very few nodules or pulmonary vessels are observed in this hyperlucent peripheral pulmonary tissue.

FIG. 27-3. Category C silicosis. There is basal emphysema as well as conglomerate nodular disease (progressive massive fibrosis), which is extensive in both lungs.

The hilar nodes are sometimes outlined because of the presence of a thin shell of calcium peripherally. This has been termed eggshell calcification, and when present it is very suggestive of silicosis. However, this type of calcification has also been described in patients with no exposure to silica or silicates and in patients with sarcoidosis, postradiation Hodgkin's disease, blastomycosis, histoplasmosis, scleroderma, and amyloidosis ( Fig. 27-4; see Fig. 27-6C). Rarely, an eggshell node may erode a bronchial wall and become a broncholith.

FIG. 27-4. Eggshell node calcification in silicosis is demonstrated in frontal ( A) and lateral ( B) projections.

FIG. 27-6. Silicotuberculosis. A and B: Computed tomography shows cavitation in conglomerate masses in both lung apices. Conglomerate mass and surrounding small nodules are caused by silicosis. Cavitation raised the question of tuberculosis complicating silicosis, and cultures grew Mycobacterium tuberculosis. C: Mediastinal nodes show eggshell rim calcification from silicosis.

The diagnosis of silicosis can often be suspected on roentgen examination, but the clinical history is of great importance, because the diagnosis cannot accurately be made unless there is a history of enough exposure to silica-containing dust to produce it. Workers in dusty industries are often monitored at intervals by means of chest roentgenograms, and review of these serial films often leads to an accurate diagnosis. Extensive roentgen findings can be present without much alteration in pulmonary function, and the reverse is also true in some instances; therefore, there may be lack of correlation between roentgen appearance and pulmonary function. Computed tomography (CT) has been correlated with plain films and pulmonary function tests in silicosis 12,81. CT findings of silicosis and coal worker's pneumoconiosis include micronodules (7 mm or less), macronodules (8 to 20 mm), congolmerate masses, and mediastinal adenopathy often with calcifications ( Fig. 27-5 and Fig. 27-6)81. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) has been shown to be more sensitive than chest radiographs or conventional CT in the detection of micronodules in pneumoconiosis, and we routinely supplement our survey helical CT examination with HRCT slices in patients suspected of having occupational lung disease 72,81. Parenchymal nodules in silicosis and coal worker's pneumoconiosis on CT demonstrate an upper-lobe and posterior predilection 12,81. In addition, a typical CT feature of silicosis and coal worker's pneumoconiosis is the presence of subpleural nodules 72,81. Subpleural nodules are seen in only a few other diseases (e.g., sarcoidosis). As disease extent becomes more severe, coalescence of nodules and conglomerate masses are appreciated on CT, as is the surrounding emphysema, fibrosis, and pleural tagging associated with these lesions. CT features of conglomerate masses include irregular margins, calcifications within the masses, bilaterality, and surrounding emphysema 72,73 and 74,81. CT can be particularly helpful in detecting cavitation within conglomerate masses, which should raise the suspicion for complicating tuberculosis 72,81 (see Fig. 27-6).

FIG. 27-5. A and B: Computed tomographic findings of silicosis. Micronodules are seen bilaterally, with some confluence of nodules in the right upper lobe to form a conglomerate mass. Note tiny subpleural micronodules.

Tuberculosis is known to complicate silicosis. However, silicosis patients' immune systems are compromised, so they tend to be susceptible to other infectious diseases as well. Massive areas of density representing conglomerate fibrosis (progressive massive fibrosis) are seen late in the course of silicosis, and some believe that infection is necessary to produce these large masses. The typical location for progressive massive conglomerate fibrosis with or without tuberculosis is above and lateral to the hilum in the infraclavicular part of the lung. The masses are usually bilateral and are often symmetrical in size and location. Usually the mass does not reach to the periphery of the lung; rather, a zone of emphysematous lung is seen lateral to the area of fibrosis, the emphysema developing as the involved lung shrinks with increasing fibrosis. Atypical forms of conglomerate fibrosis are not uncommon. A mass of fibrous tissue may be present in one lung and not in the other, and the lesions may occur in areas other than the subclavicular zones. Progressive massive fibrosis is often present with little or none of the characteristic nodulation of silicosis in the remainder of the lung, so when massive fibrosis is observed in the presence of nodular silicosis, pulmonary tuberculosis should be suspected ( Fig. 27-7). Cavitation occurs in silicotuberculosis, but it is also observed in the absence of infection. Bacteriologic confirmation is necessary but is sometimes very difficult to obtain. In the absence of positive bacteriologic findings, silicotuberculosis should be suspected when the roentgenograms reveal large conglomerate masses in the upper lung and cavitation is present, when the disease is asymmetrical, and when there is a considerable amount of pleural disease. Patients with such roentgenographic findings should be monitored carefully by means of frequent chest roentgenograms and examinations of sputum and bronchial aspirates to exclude tuberculosis. Cavitation in conglomerate nodular silicosis, as noted previously, is not always indicative of tuberculosis. In one series of 182 patients with cavitation, 18% were found to be nontuberculous. In these patients the cavity evidently resulted from ischemic necrosis within the conglomerate mass.

FIG. 27-7. Silicotuberculosis, with bilateral conglomerate disease. Several cavities are present in the left upper lobe, and tubercle bacilli were found in the sputum.


Coal worker's pneumoconiosis occurs in coal miners and in those who work with coal elsewhere in extremely dusty conditions, such as in the holds of coal barges or ships. The condition is found chiefly in anthracite (hard coal) workers. The disabling pneumoconiosis is usually caused by silica and is, in reality, anthrasilicosis. There is a considerable variation in the amount of quartz (silica) in coal, so the disease varies somewhat in groups of miners who work in different mines. When most of the exposure is to coal dust with little silica, there is little tendency toward progressive massive fibrosis, and large nodules appear to represent the increasing size of small nodules rather than the coalescence of small nodules. There is less diminution of pulmonary function and fewer symptoms. Roentgen findings consist of granular-appearing nodules in the uncomplicated benign form; they are less dense than silicotic nodules. Progressive disease leading to massive fibrosis with nodules or masses that arise peripherally in the upper lungs and tend to migrate toward the hila is found in about one third of those with coal worker's pneumoconiosis. The characteristic appearance consists of (1) a flat lateral border which is often elongated and parallels the rib cage; (2) a thin mass in the sagittal plane; (3) thick-walled, eggshell calcifications within the mass; and (4) multiple satellite nodules 97. Cavitation may develop as a result of necrosis or tuberculosis; however, the cause is not definitely known. In some instances there may be enough silica to be a factor; in others, the condition may be caused or accentuated by infection such as tuberculosis. Caplan's Syndrome Caplan's syndrome is the combination of coal worker's pneumoconiosis with rheumatoid arthritis 63. Roentgen findings consist of rounded, peripheral nodules from 0.5 to 5.0 cm in diameter, which are clearly defined and may cavitate, on a background of nodular pneumoconiosis. This syndrome usually occurs in patients who have subcutaneous rheumatoid nodules but do not necessarily have arthritis. The pulmonary nodules may appear at intervals and often portend exacerbation of arthritis. They are similar to the necrobiotic nodules found in rheumatoid lung in patients without pneumoconiosis. This syndrome is uncommon, if not rare, in the United States but is evidently more common among coal miners in Wales.

Asbestos, a hydrated magnesium silicate, is a fibrous mineral used as an insulator against heat and cold and as a fireproofing material. The most important form from the standpoint of pneumoconiosis is the serpentine (wavy) mineral, chrysotile (white asbestos), which is magnesium silicate. This makes up 90% of the asbestos used in the United States and Canada. The other important forms (straight or amphibole) are amosite (brown asbestos), an iron magnesium silicate; anthophyllite, produced largely in Finland; and crocidolite (blue asbestos), an iron sodium silicate with very fine fibers that appears to have more carcinogenic properties than chrysotile, particularly as a cause of mesothelioma. In many industries, combinations of asbestos fibers are used, which creates problems in the study of relative carcinogenicity. Occupational exposure occurs in the mining industry and in the manufacture and installation of insulating materials containing asbestos. Asbestos exposure also occurs in ship building, in the automotive industry (gaskets, brake linings, undercoating), and in the manufacture of certain paper products (roofing felt, flooring felt) and textiles. A number of conditions result from exposure to asbestos, including (1) asbestos-related pleural effusions, (2) asbestos-related pleural thickening and pleural plaques, (3) rounded atelectasis, (4) mesothelioma, (5) lung cancer, (6) gastrointestinal cancer, and (7) pulmonary asbestosis ( Fig. 27-8, Fig. 27-9, Fig. 27-10 and Fig. 27-11). The malignant pleural manifestations of asbestos exposure are more fully discussed in Chapter 33.

FIG. 27-8. Asbestosis with mesothelioma on the left in a 61-year-old man with industrial asbestos exposure. Note scattered opacities in the right central and basal lung and the large mass at the left base, which extends into the interlobar fissure. Lung changes are obscured by the large left mesothelioma. Calcified pleural plaque at the right base and pleural plaques laterally indicate asbestos-related pleural disease as well as asbestosis.

FIG. 27-9. Computed tomographic findings in a patient exposed to asbestos. A: Bilateral calcified pleural plaques are present as a result of asbestos exposure. B and C: Fine reticulation, pleural-based irregularities, and architectural distortion are noted in the lung bases and periphery of the lungs; this is compatible with interstitial fibrosis.

FIG. 27-10. Computed tomographic findings of asbestos-related pleural disease. A: Extensive calcified pleural plaques are noted bilaterally, including plaques on the right hemidiaphragm. A right pleural effusion is also present, with more diffuse pleural thickening noted on the right side. B: More superiorly, nodular pleural thickening involves all pleural surfaces, including the major fissure and the mediastinal surfaces, as a result of an extensive mesothelioma.

FIG. 27-11. A through C: Computed tomographic findings of rounded atelectasis. Two pleural-based, rounded lung opacities are present. The bronchovascular structures curve into the opacities, producing the comet tail or vacuum cleaner sign. Adjacent pleural thickening and effusion are present. Both opacities proved to be caused by rounded atelectasis at surgery.

Pulmonary asbestosis is defined as chronic interstitial pneumonia with diffuse interstitial fibrosis caused by inhaled asbestos fibers. The term pulmonary asbestosis excludes pleural disease such as pleural plaques, diffuse pleural thickening, and pleural effusionwhich may, however, indicate prior asbestos exposure. Although asbestos fibers can be detected in the lungs of many urban dwellers, in Houston the amount was found to be very low and was below the limits of detectability in some residents 26. In contrast, small numbers of ferruginous bodies (asbestos bodies) were found in residents of San Francisco 20. Usually there is no tissue reaction and only a minor amount of fibrosis, so this level of exposure probably poses no risk. However, among people exposed in the neighborhood of asbestos mines and mills and those who repeatedly handle the clothing of asbestos workers, there is some risk of developing asbestosis and asbestos pleural disease. The extent of the risk has not been completely established. Pathogenesis The mechanical irritation of the long, stiff fibers when they become lodged in the lungs is believed to account, at least in part, for the fibrosis that results. There is circumstantial evidence to support a proposed autoimmune hypothesis for the pathogenesis in this disease, as in silicosis. The silicates are more soluble than silica, so the fibrosis may be a response to the silicic acid and metallic ions released in solution. Bronchoalveolar lavage in pulmonary asbestosis reveals that first there is an alveolitis with an increase in alveolar macrophages, lymphocytes, and neutrophils. Fibroblast replication is accelerated, eventually leading to fibrosis, which is typical of asbestosis. The changes occur in the respiratory bronchioles and alveolar ducts, and the fibrosis is peribronchiolar in location. The cause of the pleural changes is not entirely clear. However, there is some evidence to show that the pleural reaction is at least in part caused by mechanical irritation by the fibers that penetrate the visceral pleura. The disease does not develop unless there is a lengthy exposure, usually 10 years or more, to a fairly high concentration of dust. When the pulmonary lesion is established, it progresses even though exposure is not continued. The clinical findings are those of progressive dyspnea which is often out of proportion to the amount of change noted on the chest films. There is often cyanosis and cough with sputum in which asbestos bodies can be detected. However, many patients with asbestos fibers in the lungs are asymptomatic. The incidence of tuberculosis is not as high as in silicosis. There is an increased incidence of carcinoma of the lung in patients with asbestosis. In patients with asbestos exposure who smoke, lung cancer is 70 times more likely than in nonsmokers who have no asbestos exposure. The lung tumors often develop in areas of fibrosis and are therefore extremely difficult to detect at an early stage. Insulation workers in building trades are six to seven times more likely to develop cancer of the lung or pleura than those not exposed to asbestos. This high incidence is found despite the relatively light and intermittent asbestos exposure in this group. Increased incidences of gastrointestinal cancer and of pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma have also been established. However, in one report of 36 cases of mesothelioma, 19 were not associated with asbestosis 38. This is an unusual figure, however, because other reports indicate that only 11% to 16% of patients with malignant mesothelioma do not have a history of exposure to asbestos. Radiographic Observations The fibrosis produced by the foreign material results in the appearance of small, irregular opacities, primarily in the lung bases as the earliest finding (see Fig. 27-8 and Fig. 27-9). As the number of these opacities increases, there may be an accentuation of interstitial markings extending into the perihilar regions and bases. Later there is an increase in the basal fibrotic changes, which usually appear stringy, irregular, and reticular. The cardiac borders assume a shaggy, poorly defined appearance as a result of a combination of interstitial fibrosis and small, irregular opacities. Increasing fibrosis may lead to large opacities, usually when interstitial fibrosis is extensive. This is not very common in asbestosis, however. The lung bases are usually involved, and in some instances the disease may involve the central and upper lungs as well. As a result of extensive basal disease, the outline of the diaphragm may become poorly defined. Cavitation and peripheral emphysema with central conglomeration (as seen in silicosis) does not occur. HRCT is capable of detecting pulmonary parenchymal abnormalities in 96% of patients with clinical asbestosis 1,2. Most CT findings, however, are not specific for asbestosis and can be seen in a variety of other lung diseases and in patients without exposure to asbestos 11. CT findings that have been identified in patients with clinical asbestosis include dense fibrotic parenchymal bands, thickened interlobular septa and intralobular lines, thickened centrilobular core structures, architectural distortion of secondary pulmonary lobules, pleural-based nodular irregularities and subpleural dots, subpleural curvilinear lines, peripheral interstitial lines or reticulation, and honeycombing 5,6,32,55,56,58,65 (see Fig. 27-9). Although changes of interstitial thickening and honeycombing on CT are not specific for pulmonary asbestosis and can be seen with any cause of interstitial fibrosis, their identification usually in conjunction with asbestos-related pleural plaques is strongly suggestive of asbestosis in a patient with a significant exposure history and an appropriate latency period before the onset of symptoms. The roles of CT and HRCT in the diagnosis of asbestosis remain controversial, however. There is little debate that CT is more sensitive for detection of pleural plaques and parenchymal changes of interstitial fibrosis than chest radiographs in patients exposed to asbestos, 32,58 but the significance particularly of minimal or mild parenchymal abnormalities detected by HRCT is hotly contested. Standardization of HRCT criteria for diagnosis of asbestosis has not been established, and a lack of consensus among radiologists and pulmonologists as to th e ultimate role of CT in establishing a diagnosis of asbestosis remains. Definitive diagnosis of asbestosis is still a pathologic determination requiring histologic evidence of peribronchiolar fibrosis in association with asbestos bodies in the lung. 58 Other chest radiograph and CT findings seen in patients with a history of asbestos exposure include pleural thickening, pleural plaques, and rounded atelectasis (see Fig. 27-10 and Fig. 27-11). The pleural changes related to asbestos exposure occur independently and are often observed when no parenchymal disease can be detected. The following pleural manifestations may occur alone or in combination with the others: diffuse pleural thickening, pleural plaque formation, calcification in pleural plaques, and pleural effusion. Diffuse pleural thickening, which may extend into the fissures, is a common roentgenographic finding; it is usually bilateral and is more likely to be associated with interstitial fibrosis than the combination of pleural plaques and interstitial fibrosis. Diffuse pleural thickening involves the visceral pleura and can be recognized as such only when it extends into the interlobar fissures, where there is no parietal pleura. It may encase the entire lung. In asymptomatic patients, the presence of bilateral pleural thickening has a high predictive value for previous asbestos exposureabout 80% when patients with known causes (other than asbestos) for pleural disease are excluded. Parietal pleural plaques are often the only findings in asbestos-related pleural disease. The plaques vary in thickness from 1 to 10 mm. Because they often occur posterolaterally or anterolaterally in the midthorax, oblique films may be very useful in demonstrating them. However, oblique films also may be confusing and are more useful in demonstrating involvement of the major fissures in patients with diffuse pleural thickening. In problem cases CT is very useful, because it not only demonstrates the pleural plaques but also differentiates them from fat, which may cause confusion on plain films. Diaphragmatic plaques in the absence of calcification are more difficult to identify on CT, because the plane of sectioning is no longer perpendicular to the plaque. Plaques appear early as thin, local areas of pleural thickening in the midthorax, and they are often overlooked until they enlarge and become thicker. Fissural (visceral pleura) pleural thickening is common in asbestos exposure, and its presence may indicate pulmonary asbestosis even when the chest x-ray is normal 77. As indicated previously, asbestos-related pleural thickening is more easily detected on CT than on chest radiography, and extrapleural fat can readily be differentiated from thick pleura. HRCT has been shown to be more accurate than CT in detecting pleural changes. It can identify reduced lung function, indicative of restrictive lung disease, in patients with asbestos exposure and normal chest radiographs. 87

Calcification also occurs in pleural plaques. It is noted most frequently over the diaphragm in the form of a thin, curvilinear opacity conforming to the upper surface of the diaphragm bilaterally and is virtually pathognomonic. Oblique and lateral projections are useful in its detection. Unilateral pleural calcification, particularly when it extends upward along the chest wall, usually indicates previous infection, not asbestos exposure. Bilateral or unilateral pleural effusion can also occur, but the possibility of other causes must be excluded before effusion can be attributed to asbestosis. The effusion tends to be relatively small in amount (i.e., less than 500 mL), and it may be bloody or blood-tinged. It is often the earliest sign of asbestos-related disease and may be accompanied by pleural pain. In some instances, the effusion contributes to or causes diffuse pleural thickening. Multiple recurrences appear to be rare, but a single recurrence of fluid is observed in almost one third of patients. 60 The relative incidence of pleural findings has been studied by McLoud and coworkers 61. In a group of 1,373 exposed persons, 16.5% had pleural plaques and 13.5% had diffuse pleural thickening. In those with diffuse thickening, the radiographic findings appeared to indicate that it was caused by the residuals of effusion in 31.4%, represented confluent plaques in 25.4%, and was accompanied by pulmonary fibrosis in 10.3%. Malignancy and infection accounted for 25% of pleural thickening, and in 5% it was caused by obesity. As in silicosis, the diagnosis is based on correlation of the roentgen findings with the clinical findings, plus an accurate occupational history of exposure to asbestos 61 (see Fig. 27-8 and Fig. 27-10). Rounded atelectasis is another abnormality often found in patients with diffuse pleural thickening due to asbestos exposure, although not all cases involve asbestos-related pleural disease 1,2,95. Rounded atelectasis can often be suspected on the chest radiograph by the presence of a rounded peripheral opacity, typically in the posterior lower aspect of the lungs in association with pleural thickening. Serial chest films over time may show that the opacity is preceded by a pleural effusion and develops as the effusion resolves to pleural fibrosis. CT is very helpful in establishing the diagnosis of rounded atelectasis. The CT findings include a rounded or lentiform opacity that is in contiguity with an area of diffuse pleural thickening (see Fig. 27-11). Associated volume loss in the adjacent lung and the characteristic comet tail of vessels and bronchi leading into the opacity are also characteristic 1,2. The need for biopsy may be obviated if these CT criteria are met in the diagnosis of round atelectasis versus tumor. 1,2,95

Talc is a hydrous magnesium silicate in which there is no free silica. If no asbestos or silica is present, talc causes very little pulmonary dysfunction and minor radiographic changes. Widely scattered, small, poorly defined nodules have been reported in patients who inhaled cosmetic talcum powder, which contains no impurities. Other reports of changes in miners or workers in milling operations involving pure talc indicate minimal basal radiographic findings consisting of small, irregular nodules. When asbestos is present in talc, it causes pneumoconiosis in workers exposed to it in mining and milling operations. The roentgen findings are similar to those seen in asbestos workers. Pleural plaques, diffuse pleural thickening, pleural calcification, and pleural effusion may be observed. Pulmonary parenchymal findings similar to those of asbestosis may also be observed. When talc contains silica, the findings resemble those of silicosis and may be simple, with small nodules, or complicated, with progressive massive pulmonary fibrosis. Emphysema is also a prominent feature of this disease. A form of talcosis has been described in methadone abusers who inject oral methadone intravenously. Oral methadone contains talc, which appears to be the cause of a diffuse interstitial micronodular process in the lungs. This may progress to conglomerate upper-lobe, mass-like opacities similar to those of progressive massive fibrosis in silicosis. The masses may develop rapidly and are associated with basal emphysema and upper-lobe volume loss 82. The diagnosis, as in the other pneumoconioses, is based on correlation of historical, clinical, and radiographic findings ( Fig. 27-12).

FIG. 27-12. Extensive parenchymal fibrosis and reticulonodular interstitial changes on chest film caused by talcosis in an intravenous drug user.


Mica, a silicate-containing compound of potassium, aluminum, magnesium, calcium, and fluorine, is a rare cause of pneumoconiosis. Although the findings may be similar to those of asbestosis, the patients may have no disability and only minimal pulmonary fibrotic changes. A few cases have been reported in which mica seemed to be the cause of interstitial pulmonary disease leading to fibrosis and decrease in pulmonary function. 50 Kaolin (China clay), a mixture of sand, mica, and aluminum silicate, is another rare cause of pneumoconiosis. It may cause a complicated pneumoconiosis, with large masses (progressive massive fibrosis) in the upper lobes on a background of small, round opacities. The large masses are not always bilateral. 51 Cement dust can cause a pneumoconiosis in persons exposed to high concentrations for long periods of time. Roentgen findings are quite variable and are not diagnostic. Usually there is very little pulmonary disability. A mixed dust of iron ore containing silica and a form of asbestos (anthophyllite) can cause a pneumoconiosis known as Labrador lung after a brief exposure27. The latent period is short, but there is no abnormality of pulmonary function. Irregular, nodular opacities are noted on roentgenograms. Histopathologic study reveals various combinations of silicotic nodules, granulomatous reaction, large amounts of hemosiderin, and, in one specimen, a ferruginous body. Apparently this disease is localized to one geographic area and has not been studied extensively. Nepheline rock, which is milled to a fine powder and used in glazing of pottery, is also capable of producing a severe pneumoconiosis. Bauxite fibrosis is a form of pneumoconiosis that occurs in workers exposed to fumes containing fine particles of aluminum oxide and silica used in the manufacture of synthetic abrasives. The ore, known as bauxite, is fused in furnaces. The radiographic findings consist of fibrosis with a slight increase in interstitial markings progressing to extensive fibrotic change. Emphysematous blebs are commonly observed, and spontaneous pneumothorax is not uncommon. There is often a history of repeated spontaneous pneumothorax and, in some patients, there may be considerable pleural thickening. In severe disease the strands of reticulonodular opacities radiating from the hilum become coarse, conglomerate, and produce apparent mediastinal widening. In these late stages, emphysema is usually marked. The diagnosis depends on the history of exposure to the fumes of bauxite ore, along with the clinical and roentgenographic findings. The disease is believed to be caused by the silica, but it is known that aluminum oxide can also induce pneumoconiosis under some conditions. There may be a sensitivity factor in the latter disease. Diatomaceous earth is used widely in filtration processes, as insulating material, as a catalyst carrier, and as an admixture for concrete. The crude diatomite contains amorphous silica. In certain types of processing, some of the amorphous silica is changed to crystalline silica in the form of cristobalite, which produces a pneumoconiosis not seen in workers who handle crude diatomite. There is no increase in the incidence of tuberculosis in workers with this disease, and there is no alteration of the course of tuberculosis. The roentgen patterns are described as linear, nodular, or coalescent. The linear form results in accentuation of the

bronchovascular pattern, increasing to a reticular network of density throughout the lungs. Nodulation is very fine and granular at first; this may progress to coarse nodulation and eventually to confluent or coalescent masses, usually appearing in the lung apices. Emphysema is often marked; bullae may rupture, leading to spontaneous pneumothorax. There is no constant progression from one stage to another as in silicosis. Hilar adenopathy is not present in this disease, and eggshell calcifications are not present in hilar nodes.

Beryllium compounds are used in the manufacture of metal alloys in the aerospace industry, nuclear reactors, and gyroscopes. Workers in industries concerned with these materials or products may be exposed to small amounts of beryllium and develop hypersensitivity leading to a chronic form of beryllium granulomatosis. Workers in the beryllium-extraction industries may be exposed to larger amounts, leading to an acute pneumonitis. Laboratory research workers who have been exposed have developed the pneumonitis. The disease has also been observed in people who live in the neighborhood of plants that expose them to exhaust fumes that contain beryllium. The disease produced by inhalation of dust containing beryllium might better be termed beryllium granulomatosis or beryllium hypersensitivity, because the pathologic lesion is a granuloma resembling that found in sarcoidosis and because relatively small exposure can produce extensive diseasein sharp contrast to the pneumoconioses produced by silica and the silicates, which require years of continued exposure in dusty occupations 46. In addition to causing pulmonary disease, beryllium results in severe reaction in other organs and tissues wherever it is lodged. There is considerable variation in individual sensitivity to this metal. Two distinct types of pulmonary disease are observed: an acute beryllium pneumonitis that develops within a few days of exposure and a chronic beryllium granulomatosis that occurs after a latent period ranging from 3 months to 3 or more years after exposure. 25 Acute Beryllium Pneumonitis Acute beryllium pneumonitis produces pulmonary edema and hemorrhage. It may be fulminating if exposure has been overwhelming. Acute pulmonary edema and hemorrhage can be rapidly fatal. Roentgen findings are those of massive alveolar edema. In the less acute form, the onset is more insidious than for other types of chemical pneumonitis and tends to develop over a period of several days to 2 or 3 weeks or even months. After the initial pulmonary edema, there is often an alveolar exudate made up largely of plasma cells leading to a severe organizing pneumonia. Hyaline membranes similar to those seen in viral or uremic pneumonitis may be present. If the disease does not terminate fatally in 2 or 3 weeks, gradual recovery tends to take place over a period of several months and may be complete. The roentgen findings in the acute process are similar to those noted in pulmonary edema. There is a diffuse, symmetrical increase in density that is most marked in the midlung, with poorly defined, soft shadows noted peripherally. In other instances the densities are smaller and more patchy and tend to simulate widespread bronchopneumonia. As the patient recovers there is gradual clearing, which may be irregular, resulting in a more patchy or conglomerate nodular appearance. Complete clearing usually is slow and requires 1 to 4 months. The history of exposure to beryllium is necessary to differentiate this disease from chemical pneumonitis and pulmonary edema secondary to other causes. Chronic Beryllium Granulomatosis Chronic beryllium granulomatosis is characterized by a long latent period of 1 to 20 years after an initial exposure to beryllium of more than 2 years' duration. Roentgenographic findings are somewhat variable and may be extensive before symptoms are marked. Fine, diffuse nodularity that resembles fine sand may be observed (Fig. 27-13). In other patients, a diffuse reticular pattern plus nodularity is noted 7. The hila are fuzzy and indistinct. In some patients the lesions are larger and distinct nodules ranging from 1 to 5 mm in diameter, as well as linear scars, are present. Combinations may be observed, and both chest radiograph and CT findings of chronic berylliosis are indistinguishable from those of sarcoidosis. Hilar enlargement indicating adenopathy is a common finding. There is also enlargement of pulmonary vessels secondary to pulmonary hypertension leading to cor pulmonale. As the fibrosis continues, in the late stages there is some tendency toward confluence, but this is much less than is noted in silicosis. Emphysema is found and may be severe, with lung distortion and bullae. Spontaneous pneumothorax is common. There is no evidence of calcification in nodes. Pleural reaction leading to pleural thickening with pulmonary restriction has been observed but is not common. Tuberculosis is not ordinarily a complication; cavitation is not present, and the large conglomerate masses noted in silicosis are not commonly seen in beryllium granulomatosis. The diagnosis may be suspected on the roentgen examination, but it must be confirmed by adequate history of exposure. If history of exposure is lacking or open to question, pulmonary biopsy and chemical determination of the presence of beryllium in the tissues are necessary.

FIG. 27-13. Chronic beryllium granulomatosis. Note the massive hilar-node enlargement and nodularity throughout both lungs. Some of the nodules range up to 3 or 4 mm in size.


Hard metals such as tungsten carbide and the carbides of titanium, tantalum, and vanadium are bonded with cobalt and used as cutting or grinding tools and in diamond polishing. Cobalt seems to be the major, if not the only, substance causing pulmonary disease in such workers 23,24. The signs and symptoms are those of a work-related allergic alveolitis, often accompanied by asthma. A diffuse interstitial fibrosis that is perivascular and peribronchial is eventually produced in the lungs. Multiple multinucleated giant cells are observed in bronchoalveolar lavage specimens early in the disease, and open-lung biopsies have revealed a fibrosing alveolitis which evidently precedes the diffuse interstitial fibrosis. Early roentgen findings have the appearance of pulmonary edema of varying degrees of severity. This may clear rapidly if exposure is not repeated. Later, chronic changes consist of small, irregular opacities with a tendency to central and basal distribution. The opacities increase and are accompanied by a thickening of interstitial structures, causing a reticular pattern that may increase with time as the pulmonary fibrosis increases. Workers in the hard-metal industry who have symptoms should probably have a chest radiograph, and, if there are signs of disease, consideration should be given to removing them from exposure. Continued exposure to high concentrations of cobalt can be rapidly fatal. 66


A number of inorganic dusts are radiopaque, may be stored in the lungs following inhalation, and produce no fibrosis or other reaction. As a result they cause roentgen findings in patients with no clinical evidence of disease. Siderosis is a benign pneumoconiosis caused by accumulation of iron oxide in the lung. It is found in electric-arc and acetylene welders, silver polishers, and boiler scalers, as well as in grinders and burners in foundries in which there is insufficient silica to produce silicosis. The iron is inhaled as small particles or in fumes containing iron oxide produced by welding. The roentgenographic findings are caused by the fact that the iron accumulates in the lymphatics and interstitial tissues of the lung in sufficient quantity to produce radiographic opacity. No fibrosis or decrease in pulmonary function is caused, and there is no predisposition to tuberculosis in these patients. The roentgenographic findings consist of discrete, sharply defined, nodular opacities (1 to 3 mm in size) scattered uniformly and symmetrically throughout both lungs. The individual lesions are often more clearly defined than in silicosis, and there is no tendency toward conglomeration. There is no reticular pattern extending from the hilum into the lung and no hilar adenopathy. There is no emphysema, and no clinical symptoms are present. The opacities tend to regress

and may disappear after the exposure is discontinued. Baritosis is caused by deposition of barium sulfate in the lungs of workers in barium mines. The findings are similar to those of siderosis except that the density of the barium is greater and the individual lesions tend to be larger. When exposure is heavy, roentgen signs may appear after a relatively short time (1 to 2 years). The opacities disappear gradually after removal of the patient from exposure. The condition probably produces no alteration in pulmonary function. Fibrotic changes leading to diminished function have been reported, but the patients were also exposed to other dusts known to cause fibrosis, so uncomplicated baritosis is probably benign. Stannosis is found in ore handlers and grinders, in tin-smelting workers, and in those who pack tin oxide into bags. It is caused by deposition of tin in the form of stannic oxide in pulmonary tissues. This results in a pneumoconiosis similar to baritosis and is relatively benign. Antimony pneumoconiosis is a rare condition caused by inhalation of antimony, which is sufficiently radiopaque to produce small opacities on roentgen study. Acrylic resin pneumoconiosis can occur among dentists or dental students exposed to high levels of acrylic plastic in dental laboratories 8. The interstitial pulmonary changes observed tend to clear after the patient is removed from the environment, so it is possible that it is a hypersensitivity reaction.


Tracheobronchial Hypersensitivity In tracheobronchial hypersensitivity, the hypersensitivity response is in the form of bronchospasm or asthma. Bronchial asthma, allergic aspergillosis (usually with mucoid impaction), bronchocentric granulomatosis, and byssinosis are manifestations of this type of response. The roentgenographic findings in bronchial asthma are described in Chapter 26 and those of allergic aspergillosis in Chapter 24. Bronchocentric Granulomatosis Bronchocentric granulomatosis is a necrotizing granulomatous inflammatory lesion involving bronchial walls in which replacement of bronchial epithelium by palisaded granulation tissue is the major pathologic finding 44. Some of the patients are asthmatics; in these patients, the granulomas contain many eosinophils and peripheral eosinophilia is present. Fungi are almost always present, and the patients are usually young. In patients who do not have bronchial asthma, the granulomas contain plasma cells and very few have eosinophilia. Fungi are not present, and the patients are usually much older. The disease is evidently related to hypersensitivity and is very similar to allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis and mucoid impaction. The roentgenographic findings may be similar but are usually unilateral (about 75% of cases). There may be lobar or segmental alveolar disease or atelectasis; one or more large nodular or mass densities are observed more frequently than in alveolar-type disease. In these instances, the appearance simulates that of tumor. Small nodular or mixed nodular and linear patterns may also be seen. In some patients, more than one roentgen pattern may be observed. Pleural disease and adenopathy are uncommon. Bronchography in 4 of 22 patients reviewed showed segmental bronchial obstruction in 2, bronchiectasis in 1, and atelectasis with no bronchial abnormality in 1 44. In this series, the lesions were unilateral in three fourths of the patients, with upper-lobe predominance. Little radiographic difference was noted when comparing asthmatics with nonasthmatics. Byssinosis Byssinosis is a pulmonary disease that occurs in cotton-processing workers; it is sometimes called cotton-mill fever. It appears to result from inhalation of cotton dust, but the substance causing it has not been definitely identified. Symptoms consist of sneezing, coughing, and wheezing and tend to come on in attacks related to exposure to the dust. When the patient is removed from the dusty atmosphere, the attacks subside. The symptoms are most severe on the first day of work after a short absence (e.g., on Mondays), then tend to decrease on the following days. Many patients with symptoms have no detectable radiographic abnormality. When present, radiographic findings are nonspecific and consist of some accentuation of parahilar markings along with relatively symmetrical distribution of irregular opacities in the form of patchy, poorly defined densities in the central lung. They may not appear until after the patient has had a number of acute attacks, so there may be no radiographic findings early in the course of the disease. Emphysema and permanent fibrosis may result, particularly in smokers. There is some evidence that no significant alteration in pulmonary function occurs in nonsmoking cotton workers 39. Therefore, the public health significance of this disease remains open to question. The target tissue of the antigenantibody reaction appears to be the respiratory airways and not the alveoli, as in many of the other occupational diseases related to hypersensitivity. Alveolar Hypersensitivity Alveolar hypersensitivity, sometimes termed extrinsic allergic alveolitis or hypersensitivity pneumonitis, indicates a response of pulmonary tissue to antigens contained in a wide variety of organic dusts in which the particles are so small that they penetrate into the most distal lung parenchyma 31. Most of the conditions caused by such dusts are associated with specific occupations. Although chest radiographic findings are similar, some of the more common causes of extrinsic allergic alveolitis are described in the sections that follow. HRCT findings of hypersensitivity pneumonitis have recently been described and found to be a more sensitive indicator of early disease than the chest radiographs are57,83. In acute and subacute cases, HRCT may demonstrate areas of ground-glass opacity (increased CT attenuation of the lung that does not obscure bronchovascular markings), mosaic attenuation (adjacent areas of lung demonstrating increased and decreased CT attenuation), ill-defined centrilobular nodular opacities, and micronodules 4,57,89 (see Fig. 27-14B, C). Lobular regions of air trapping may also be demonstrated by HRCT scans obtained during inspiration and expiration15,89. In chronic cases, changes of interstitial fibrosis, cystic change, traction bronchiectasis, and honeycombing predominate, often with relative sparing of the apices and lung bases, but without a zonal predilection in the axial plane. Unlike idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, which has a definite peripheral predominance, fibrotic changes in hypersensitivity pneumonitis may be diffuse, subpleural, or peribronchovascular. 3,15,89

FIG. 27-14. A: Chest film of a 32-year-old woman with farmer's lung demonstrating fine, granular-appearing infiltrates more pronounced in the central and lower portions of the lungs. B and C: High-resolution computed tomography shows mosaic attenuation of lung parenchyma with areas of ground-glass opacity (higher attenuation) and areas of lower attenuation probably caused by air trapping. Bilateral chest tubes are in place to treat bilateral pneumothoraces that developed after open lung biopsy.

Bagassosis Bagasse is the product remaining after the juice has been extracted from sugar cane. Inhalation of this dust contaminated with Thermoactinomyces sacchari may cause symptomatic pulmonary disease. After an exposure of 2 to 4 months, the clinical manifestations appear in the form of an acute febrile illness with coughing and dyspnea that may become severe. The symptoms are believed to represent an antigenantibody reaction, with possible additional injury caused by the presence of

foreign bodies in the lung tissue. The clinical findings usually disappear slowly after the patient leaves the dusty occupation. Radiographic findings vary with the stage of the disease. Early in the acute stage, few, if any, abnormalities are present. During severe acute attacks, findings are those of pulmonary acinar disease, probably caused by edema. A fine nodular or reticulonodular type of opacity is noted bilaterally in a more subacute stage; this is usually symmetrical and fairly widespread. Regression is slow, and the roentgen findings clear gradually in 6 to 12 months if the patient leaves the environment. The findings progress if exposure continues, leading to fibrosis and permanent decrease in pulmonary function. The history of adequate exposure to the dust, along with the clinical manifestations and radiographic findings, lead to the diagnosis. The illness causes fever along with the nonspecific radiographic findings and must be differentiated from other chronic pulmonary inflammatory diseases. Therefore it is necessary to examine and culture the sputum when there are questions as to the diagnosis. Farmer's Lung Farmer's lung, or thresher's lung, is a pulmonary disease that occurs in farm workers after exposure to moldy hay, grain, or silage, particularly in a closed area. It is the best understood of the conditions causing hypersensitivity pneumonitis (extrinsic allergic alveolitis). The clinical symptoms, pathology, and roentgen findings depend on the stage of the disease. The acute stage is characterized by the sudden onset of intense dyspnea, cyanosis, cough, slight fever, and night sweats that usually start a few hours after exposure to moldy material. Respirations are rapid and rales are often present, but there is no typical asthmatic type of breathing. If the patient leaves the working environment, the course is one of gradual improvement in clinical and roentgen findings over a period of 6 to 8 weeks; this is the subacute stage. If the patient returns to the same working environment, symptoms recur. The disease varies in severity, but eventually the patient is forced to stay away from the source of the dusty material that causes it. Permanent roentgen and pathologic changes are then present, representing the chronic stage. It has been demonstrated that this is an antigenantibody reaction, with the principal antigen being Micropolyspora faeni and, to a lesser extent, other thermophilic actinomycetes. Histopathologic study shows a granulomatous interstitial and alveolar pneumonitis in early cases. Later, interstitial fibrosis may result after repeated exposure has produced chronic disease. Radiographic Observations There is a considerable variation in the radiographic pattern in patients with farmer's lung 36 (Fig. 27-14, Fig. 27-15 and Fig. 27-16). In the acute phase, the findings are those of pulmonary edema, acinar or alveolar, the extent of which varies with the severity of the pulmonary reaction. This is often superimposed on a fine nodular pattern of opacities, scattered in the central and basal portions of the lung, presumably representing granulomatous change in the lung resulting from earlier attacks (i.e., the subacute phase). The hila occasionally appear thickened and poorly marginated. The disease regresses over a period of 6 to 8 weeks, often in an irregular manner so that the lesions become mottled and patchy; there is often some accentuation of interstitial markings extending outward from the hila for some time after the major part of the opacity has disappeared. Eventually this interstitial type of disease may also clear completely. Pulmonary function studies often indicate a definite decrease in function even after all roentgen signs have disappeared.

FIG. 27-15. Farmer's lung. A: This patient had an acute episode of cough and fever. There are some poorly defined nodularities and an increase in interstitial markings, best seen in the central lung. B: The disease in this patient is manifested by some small, granular-appearing nodules at the bases, best observed on the right, along with a slight increase in interstitial markings.

FIG. 27-16. Farmer's lung. A: In this patient, there was a fine granular nodularity in the lower lung, which is not very well seen. B: In this enlargement, the nodular appearance is well defined on the right base.

In patients in whom there have been several attacks, permanent changes indicating chronic disease are present. These consist of evidence of pulmonary emphysema and interstitial fibrosis. The latter is manifested by a general increase in interstitial markings extending from the hilum out to the periphery, often resulting in a rather coarse reticular or reticulonodular appearance of the peripheral lung ( Fig. 27-16). As indicated previously, there is a remarkable variety of pulmonary radiographic patterns in this disease, so an accurate history is of vital importance in making the diagnosis. These patients may become respiratory cripples if they persist in returning to the dusty environment. 30 Pigeon Breeder's Lung The disease known as pigeon breeder's lung occurs in handlers of pigeons as well as other birds, so bird breeder's lung or bird handler's lung are actually the preferred terms to designate this condition. It appears to be caused by hypersensitivity to antigens in feathers, serum, and droppings. Radiographic findings include accentuation of interstitial markings with superimposed small nodulations. In acute or severe disease, scattered areas of poorly defined, patchy opacity indicating alveolar exudation are observed. On biopsy, a granulomatous interstitial pneumonitis is observed. Symptoms disappear and radiographic signs clear after the patient is removed from contact with the birds and their habitat. 93 Maple-Bark Disease Maple-bark disease occurs among sawmill or papermill workers exposed to the spores of the fungus Cryptostroma corticale, which lies deep in the bark of the maple tree. Radiographic findings are similar to those of other pulmonary hypersensitivity statesnamely, an increase in interstitial lung markings and nodularity producing a reticulonodular pattern in parahilar areas and lower lungs. More severe involvement results in a scattered alveolar exudate progressing to a confluent alveolar pattern. Removal from the environment results in clearing of the process. 28

Other Occupational Hypersensitivity States A number of other conditions have been reported in which pulmonary disease is caused by inhalation of material that evidently contains antigens to which the lungs react as a result of hypersensitivity. The radiographic findings in the lungs and the histopathologic manifestations are quite similar. However, the mechanism of the pulmonary reaction is not clear in all of these conditions. Examples include pituitary snuff-user's lung (from inhaled posterior pituitary extracts used in treating patients with diabetes insipidus), mushroom-worker's lung, malt-worker's lung, sequoiosis, wood-pulp-worker's disease, grain-weevil hypersensitivity, suberosis (cork), cheese-worker's lung, fishmeal-worker's lung, coffee-worker's lung, lycoperdonosis, alveolitis from contaminated forced-air apparatus and contaminated humidifiers, Bakelite alveolitis, and hypersensitivity to synthetic materials of various kinds, including nylon, polyurethane, acrylic fibers, and possibly polyvinyl chloride. A number of other occupational diseases have also been reported. These include sensitivity to organic chemicals such as isocyanates, including diphenylmethane diisocyanate and toluene diisocyanate, which are used in the manufacture of synthetic foams, synthetic rubbers, paints, and adhesives. 19,21


Hydrocarbon Pneumonitis A number of products have been implicated in hydrocarbon ingestion or inhalation, or both. They include kerosene, gasoline, furniture polish, lighter fluid, cleaning fluid, turpentine, insecticides, and some synthetics. Accidental hydrocarbon poisoning is common, especially in children. These products are usually ingested, but some of the irritant material is also aspirated or inhaled. The aspiration is usually the most important factor in the development of pneumonitis. The ingested hydrocarbon is absorbed and excreted into the lungs, adding to the pulmonary injury. If vomiting occurs, some additional hydrocarbon as well as particulate material may be aspirated. The petroleum distillates cause an acute alveolitis with exudation of leukocytes, fluid, and fibrin and a more chronic proliferative interstitial infiltration. The pathologic findings in patients who have died are those of severe hemorrhagic pulmonary edema, bronchiolar necrosis, and alveolar exudation. There are sometimes few, if any, clinical signs of pulmonary involvement despite roentgenographic evidence of pulmonary disease. Radiographic Observations There is considerable variation in pulmonary findings, depending on the severity of the injury. The early changes probably represent edema, fibrin, and cells in the alveoli secondary to acute chemical alveolitis. Usually diffuse opacityeither homogeneous or somewhat flocculent and confined to the lower lobesis present. In severe cases the diffuse opacity extends into the upper lung. When the involvement is less marked, mottled acinar opacities are noted in one or both lungs. The individual foci are hazy and poorly defined; there may be conglomeration in some areas ( Fig. 27-17). These changes develop rapidly and can be seen as early as one-half hour after ingestion. Less frequently, the alveolar changes are confined to the parahilar areas, resembling pulmonary edema and very likely caused by edema resulting from alveolar and/or capillary injury. Clearing of roentgen signs usually lags behind clinical improvement. Pneumatocele formation has been reported in these patients, and obstructive emphysema with long-term bullous changes may also occur ( Fig. 27-18). Rarely, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, and interstitial emphysema occur. The diagnosis is based on the history, along with the roentgen manifestations described. Some patients appear to respond quickly to corticosteroids.

FIG. 27-17. Hydrocarbon pneumonitis (kerosene). The disease is confined to the bases of the lungs and is more marked on the right than on the left. It consists of poorly defined, diffuse alveolar chemical pneumonitis.

FIG. 27-18. Sequelae of hydrocarbon ingestion. A 28-year-old man who ingested hydrocarbons as a child now shows a large, thin-walled, cystic lesion where lung was destroyed.

Industrial and War Gases A number of irritant gases are capable of producing pulmonary changes that can be visualized roentgenographically. They include nitric fumes (which consist of five oxides of nitrogen), hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, phosgene, and mustard gas, as well as a number of other irritating gases such as ammonia, manganese oxide, zinc chloride fumes, various insecticides, fluorocarbons, and chemicals found in glue. All of these gases produce pathologic changes in the lungs that vary with the intensity of exposure and the nature of the chemical. Inflammatory changes are found in the trachea and larger bronchi with minimal exposures. As the amount of exposure increases, the damage to these structures is intensified, with a tendency for the process to extend farther into the smaller bronchi and bronchioles. This results in pulmonary edema and congestion secondary to the chemical bronchitis and bronchiolitis. If the injury is severe enough, death may result. There is often a delay in onset of clinical symptoms after exposure, ranging from 1 to 2 hours to as long as 36 hours. Chest pain, cough, and dyspnea are the most common symptoms. Some of the gases are carried to the myocardium, liver, and kidneys after diffusion through the alveolocapillary membrane and may produce damage in these sites. Radiographic Observations The findings vary with the extent and severity of the injury. They consist of a patchy mottling, usually most marked in the perihilar areas, where the lesions may be confluent (Fig. 27-19). In the central and peripheral lungs, individual nodules may be visible that range up to 1 cm in size and are fluffy in appearance, with poorly defined edges. They resemble bronchopneumonia but probably represent alveolar edema. The periphery of the lung is usually spared unless the injury has been overwhelming. When the injury has not been severe, clearing occurs rather rapidly, with striking changes noted from day to day, and is often complete in 10 to 14 days. During this period the lesions become more irregular and asymmetrical, because small areas of atelectasis and often some patchy bronchopneumonia develop.

In some instances, complete recovery occurs. In others, the bronchiolar damage results in obliterative bronchiolitis, which may cause no roentgen findings but does cause decreased pulmonary function. If the bronchiolitis is severe enough, tiny nodules scattered in the area of damage are produced. These may gradually disappear, but some may persist. The diagnosis is based on the history of exposure to noxious gas followed by the symptoms of cough and dyspnea plus the roentgen findings of pulmonary edema as described.

FIG. 27-19. Chemical pneumonitis. A: Widespread, mottled, poorly defined densities resemble, and most likely represent, pulmonary edema. A history of exposure is necessary to differentiate this condition from others producing pulmonary edema. B: The lung changes cleared completely, as shown in this roentgenogram obtained 3 weeks later.


The HRCT signs of obliterative bronchiolitis or bronchiolitis obliterans (BO) have been recognized. They have proved useful in the early diagnosis of BO resulting from a variety of causes including exposure to toxic fumes, occupational inhalational injuries (see Silo-filler's Disease), viral infections, bone marrow or lung transplantation (as a complication), and collagen vascular disease. In cases of BO, HRCT typically shows diffuse but patchy areas of increased and decreased CT attenuation, referred to as mosaic attenuation. In addition, lobular areas of hyperlucency are noted on CT and represent regions of air trapping and digemia secondary to hypoxic vasoconstriction within the lung caused by small airways obliteration. The conspicuity of these areas of hyperlucency can be accentuated by obtaining HRCT scans in full expiration and comparing then with scans in inspiration 91 (Fig. 27-20). Many of these findings are easily identifiable on HRCT at a time when the chest radiograph remains normal or near normal. In more advanced cases of BO, damage to larger airways results in bronchiectasis, which is also more evident on HRCT than chest radiographs.

FIG. 27-20. A and B: High-resolution computed tomography demonstrates mosaic attenuation, with areas of low attenuation caused by air trapping ( arrows). These areas can be accentuated by obtaining the scan with the patient in full expiration. Mosaic attenuation and air trapping can be seen in extrinsic allergic alveolitis (hypersensitivity pneumonitis), bronchiolitis obliterans, asthma, and other small airways diseases.

Silo-filler's Disease It is known that nitrogen dioxide is produced in silos within a few hours of filling and reaches a maximum concentration about 2 days after a silo is filled. Dangerous concentrations of gas may remain in closed silos for 2 weeks. Any person entering such a confined space and remaining there is exposed to this irritating gas. Some persons succumb to the fumes and do not get out of the silo alive. Cough and dyspnea often occur immediately. Pulmonary edema in parahilar areas and at the bases may appear in a few hours. If the patient recovers, the edema usually clears rather rapidly. This may be followed by a period of relative freedom or remission of symptoms lasting 2 or 3 weeks. After this a second phase occurs, which may be fatal or may lead to recovery. This phase is characterized by fever, progressive dyspnea, cyanosis, and cough. The roentgen findings on films obtained during this phase consist of widespread, scattered miliary opacities resembling the lesions of acute miliary tuberculosis. Later these may become confluent, producing a more patchy and nodular appearance ( Fig. 27-21). The diagnosis is based on a combination of clinical history and roentgenographic findings. At autopsy, patients who died 1 month or longer after exposure were found to have BO, with each of the small opacities apparently representing the typical silo-filler's lesion. In patients who died immediately or within a few hours after exposure, diffuse pulmonary edema was found, similar to that described in deaths caused by inhalation of nitric fumes in industrial settings.

FIG. 27-21. Silo-filler's disease. A 49-year-old man was removed from a silo that had been filled 2 weeks earlier. A: Immediate film shows extensive, poorly defined bilateral opacities, most likely representing alveolar edema. B: Two days later the condition was much improved, although some residual linear opacities remain, and possibly some residual edema. This patient recovered completely.

Therefore, exposure to nitric acid fumes and oxides of nitrogen can lead to pulmonary damage sufficient to cause death within a short time after exposure, or symptoms may be delayed for several weeks or months and followed by a second, more chronic disease phase. It is likely that some patients recover completely with no residual illness; in others, there is enough bronchiolar alteration to produce fibrosis and emphysema, which develop over a long period after the initial injury. It is also probable that other irritant gases are capable of producing similar pulmonary alterations, which may lead to varying amounts of chronic pulmonary insufficiency.

Toxic exposure to liquid manure can produce similar clinical and radiologic findings, presumably caused by inhalation of toxic gases including hydrogen sulfide and carbon monoxide. This rare occupational disease is appropriately called dung lung.68 Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Acute carbon monoxide poisoning is frequently fatal, but in a number of persons who receive sublethal doses abnormalities may be demonstrated on chest roentgenograms. The following manifestations were found in 18 of 62 patients with acute carbon monoxide poisoning 85. A ground-glass appearance was observed in 11 patients; of these 11, a parahilar haze was noted in 2, 4 had a combination of parahilar haze and peribronchial and perivascular cuffing, and 3 had evidence of intra-alveolar edema. All of these findings are believed to represent pulmonary edema, probably caused by tissue hypoxia or the toxic effects of carbon monoxide on alveolar membranes, or both. Cardiac enlargement occurred in four patients and elevation of the right hemidiaphragm in sevenusually as a later manifestation indicating hepatic enlargement. Intra-alveolar edema and parahilar haze indicated a poor prognosis; the presence of any roentgenographic abnormality is an indication for intensive treatment with oxygen. 85 Paraquat Lung The herbicide paraquat produces acute pulmonary edema and hemorrhage, causing rapid death when large doses are ingested 84,92. When smaller amounts are taken, patients may survive for a number of days. In addition to its known cytotoxic effects on alveolar cells, paraquat induces an alveolitis in which activated neutrophils and macrophages are produced. The macrophages recruit fibroblasts and release a growth factor that leads to the development of fibrosis. Roentgenographic findings consist of fine granular opacities in the lower lung, which may be discrete in some areas and confluent in others. There is usually rapid progression into a pattern resembling severe pulmonary edema. Positive radiographic findings in the chest usually indicate that a fatal amount of paraquat has been ingested. Patients who survive show a pattern of diffuse interstitial fibrosis. Pathologically, the fibrosis is associated with pulmonary vascular disease in which there is muscularization of pulmonary arterioles; extensive fibrosis usually develops before these patients die. Vinyl and Polyvinyl Chloride Exposure Vinyl and polyvinyl, both used in the plastics industry, are known to cause angiosarcoma of the liver and a scleroderma-like syndrome. They can also cause pulmonary disease in workers. Symptoms include dry cough, an insidious onset of dyspnea, and exertional weakness. Pathologically, there is alveolar hyperplasia and desquamation of alveolar cells. Also there is an interstitial infiltration of mononuclear cells leading to fibrosis. Radiographic changes of a diffuse reticulonodular pattern most likely are secondary to the interstitial fibrosis noted pathologically. 21 Smoke Inhalation Because toxic effects of smoke inhalation on the lung depend on the content of chemicals present, a wide variety of potential injuries exists. Injury severe enough to cause pulmonary changes usually occurs within 24 hours. Most of the toxic materials inhaled cause pulmonary edema, so the radiographic pattern may be one of interstitial edema, including perivascular and peribronchial cuffing or blurring; a mixed pattern of interstitial and acinar edema; or alveolar edema, usually starting in the perihilar areas and progressing to involve greater volumes of pulmonary tissue. The edema may be asymmetrical, but it is usually bilateral. In addition to these changes, atelectasis occurs and can cause focal and/or widely scattered opacities with no consistent distribution. Lee and O'Connell 52 studied 45 patients from a major fire disaster, 33 of whom experienced acute smoke inhalation and had abnormal chest radiographs on admission. Bronchial-wall thickening was present in 29, pulmonary edema in 7, and subglottic edema in 13. The authors believed that subglottic edema and probably bronchial-wall thickening indicate upper-airway injury, which may herald parenchymal and bronchiolar damage requiring ventilatory support. However, the extent of pulmonary parenchymal, bronchiolar, and bronchial injury cannot be determined on chest radiographs, so the determination of blood carboxyhemoglobin levels and arterial blood gases is necessary in these patients. 52,71


Drug reactions are a major problem, because 5% of hospital admissions are a result of drug reactions and an estimated 10% to 18% of hospital patients have some form of drug reaction while in the hospital 76,78,79. Several types of drug reaction may occur. The major types are hypersensitivity reactions, idiosyncratic reactions, overdose, drug intolerance, and side effects. In this section, a brief discussion of the factors involved in hypersensitivity drug reaction, including the radiographic findings, is followed by a listing of the major radiographic patterns and drugs most commonly involved. Several drugs are listed in more than one radiographic pattern. A list of drug categories and some of the drugs in each is followed by a discussion of some of the major findings and problems. Pulmonary reactions to drugs are characterized by the following: The reactions need not be related directly to dosage. A latent period is needed after initial exposure to some drugs, but not on readministration. A minority of drug recipients are involved. There is often no direct correlation between the reaction and the pharmacologic properties of the drug. Other hypersensitivity reactions such as anaphylaxis, serum sickness, urticaria, contact dermatitis, or asthma may be present. Readministration of the drug reproduces the symptoms. The hypersensitivity reactions are usually accompanied by eosinophilia. In some, the onset is acute with sudden chills, fever, cough, and dyspnea; in others, it is insidious with increasing dyspnea and cough. The radiographic features consist of (1) a diffuse, acute alveolar type of disease resembling alveolar edema, which varies in extent and distribution but is usually bilateral; (2) an acute, diffuse interstitial pattern resembling interstitial edema; (3) a chronic interstitial pattern; (4) a pleuropulmonary or lupus-like pattern; and (5) hilar adenopathy, which may be accompanied by pulmonary changes ( Fig. 27-22). The drugs commonly involved are antibiotics, antimetabolites (antineoplastic agents), analgesics, anticonvulsants, vasoactive agents (antiarrhythmics), neuroactive agents (e.g., antidepressants), antirheumatics, and immunosuppressive agents.

FIG. 27-22. Mesantoin sensitivity. A: The patient complained of cough and fever. Note the paratracheal and hilar adenopathy as well as some basal pulmonary

involvement on the right. B: Three weeks later, after use of the drug had been discontinued, the chest appears to be normal.

Five major radiographic patterns in patients with drug reactions have been described by Morrison and Goldman 64: (1) diffuse interstitial or reticulonodular pattern; (2) diffuse air-space disease (consolidation); (3) pleural effusion or fibrosis; (4) hilar or mediastinal widening; and (5) localized areas of consolidation. Drugs associated with each of these findings are listed in Table 27-1. Several drugs appear on more than one list, and they can produce all or some of the findings in categories in which they are listed at any given time (Fig. 27-23, Fig. 27-24, Fig. 27-25, Fig. 27-26 and Fig. 27-27).

TABLE 27-1. Patterns of drug-induced pulmonary disease a

FIG. 27-23. Drug hypersensitivity (methotrexate toxicity). A: This film shows a pleuropulmonary reaction with some pleural fluid on the left and interstitial pulmonary disease in the left lung field and at the right base. B: Examination 4 days later shows a considerable increase in the amount of fluid and persistence of the pulmonary interstitial pattern on the left. There has been some improvement on the right. The changes cleared very slowly after the drug was discontinued.

FIG. 27-24. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) findings of methotrexate drug toxicity. A: A 60-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis being treated with methotrexate developed increasing shortness of breath. Computed tomography shows fine reticulation subpleural irregular opacities caused by methotrexate toxicity. Symptoms and findings cleared with discontinuation of the drug. B: In a second patient with methotrexate pulmonary toxicity, HRCT shows patchy ground-glass opacities that are most severe at the lung bases.

FIG. 27-25. Computed tomographic (CT) findings in bleomycin lung toxicity. Bleomycin lung toxicity has a variety of appearances on CT, including findings indistinguishable from those of interstitial fibrosis. It also can produce more nodular opacities, such as these, that can be confused with recurrent tumor or metastases. (From ref. 48, with permission.)

FIG. 27-26. Amiodarone pulmonary toxicity. A 66-year-old man with cardiomyopathy and arrhythmias who was receiving amiodarone therapy developed increasing shortness of breath. A: Chest film shows massive cardiomegaly and fine ground-glass infiltrates bilaterally. B: High-resolution computed tomography shows diffuse ground-glass opacities and coarser subpleural irregular opacities, findings similar to those seen on computed tomography in patients with adult respiratory distress syndrome.

FIG. 27-27. Computed tomography (CT) findings of amiodarone pulmonary toxicity. The area of left lower lobe atelectasis shows high density on this noncontrast CT examination as a result of the high deposition of amiodarone within this portion of lung. Amiodarone contains three iodine moieties and interferes with surfactant turnover. (From ref. 47, with permission.)

The various categories of drugs are listed in Table 27-2. They include (1) chemotherapeutic agents, used mainly in treatment of malignancies or as anti-inflammatory agents in some illnesses; (2) antibiotics; (3) immunosuppressive drugs; (4) analgesics and drugs acting on the central nervous system; (5) antiarrhythmics and cardiovascular drugs; and (6) miscellaneous drugs and preparations. New drugs are frequently added to the list of chemotherapeutic agents, as well as to some of the other categories. In addition, reactions to a number of other drugs have been reported. However, the major lung-disease-inducing agents are included in the table, and a number of comprehensive reviews of drug-induced lung disease are included in the references. 78,80

TABLE 27-2. Major drug categoriesa

As a rule, drug-related lung disease is diffuse and bilateral but not necessarily symmetrical. Pleural effusion may be the only radiographic sign, and a normal chest roentgenogram does not exclude injury caused by drugs. Patients receiving cytotoxic drugs for malignancy pose a particularly difficult problem because, being immunocompromised, they are susceptible to numerous opportunistic organisms that can cause pathologic changes similar to those observed in drug-related pulmonary disease86. In these patients, it is important to make an early diagnosis so that appropriate treatment can be given. Furthermore, some of these drugs can increase the effects of radiation on the lung. Diagnosis depends on a history of drug administration, the radiographic findings, and a high index of suspicion. The diagnosis of drug reactions is very often a difficult problem, and in some instances permanent pulmonary damage results. Heroin and Cocaine Drug addiction is now very common, and overdoses of a number of drugs are an increasing problem 90. Acute pulmonary edema is commonly observed in overdoses of heroin and is not accompanied by cardiac enlargement. With successful treatment, the extensive alveolar edema may resolve very quickly, but the overdose is often fatal. Injection of the drug is nonsterile in many instances, leading to septic embolism, subsequent lung infarcts, and abscesses. Foreign-body granulomas caused by cotton fibers may produce small nodules visible on chest films; this may progress to a varying amount of fibrosis manifested by linear opacities. Intravenous talc administration in addicts can cause vascular granulomas which may become confluent. As a result, nodules or conglomerate masses may be seen on the chest film, usually in the middle or upper lung. They may become very large, with peripheral and lower lung overinflation producing changes similar to those seen in silicosis and progressive massive fibrosis 78 (see Talcosis). Intravenous drug abusers may also develop peripheral bullous disease, with sparing of the central lungs. 35 Crack cocaine smoking, common at this time, can cause local pulmonary opacities, atelectasis, pulmonary edema, pneumothorax, and pneumomediastinum. Therefore, chest radiography is often helpful, particularly in patients with chest pain that occurs after the smoking of cocaine. 29,40 Bleomycin Bleomycin is a cytotoxic antibiotic which has long been recognized as being capable of producing permanent pulmonary damage, chiefly in the form of interstitial fibrosis. If pulmonary injury is minimal or moderate, resolution of pulmonary changes is usually complete. Radiographic findings range from a reticular or nodular interstitial pattern (which is often basal) to more extensive involvement by similar changes, to more confluent, irregular opacities which may be large 10. Bleomycin can also produce round nodular opacities that simulate metastases and recurrent tumor and probably represent drug-induced areas of bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia (BOOP) 78 (see Fig. 27-25). Detection of bleomycin lung toxicity with CT has been studied by several investigators. Bellamy and associates 10 reported that CT was more sensitive than chest radiography for detection of early changes of bleomycin toxicity, and the degree of pulmonary damage depicted on CT correlated well with the results of pulmonary function tests. Serial CT scans were also more accurate than the plain films in monitoring the extent of resolution of pulmonary damage after the drug treatment was stopped. CT features of bleomycin toxicity include reticular and nodular air-space opacities, usually confined to or more pronounced in the periphery of the lung and lung bases. Larger, confluent areas of consolidation may resemble BOOP, and small focal nodules mimicking

metastases may also be seen on CT.10,48 Amiodarone Of the antiarrhythmia agents, amiodarone is the one that causes the most serious pulmonary damage. Amiodarone is a tri-iodinated drug used to treat refractory ventricular and other tachyarrhythmias 45,70. Amiodarone causes numerous side effects, the most serious of which is pulmonary toxicity that may be progressive and fatal and occurs with an incidence of approximately 6% 70,78. Ten percent to 20% of pulmonary toxicity cases are fatal 70. Early recognition of amiodarone pulmonary toxicity is difficult because clinical symptoms are often insidious in onset and nonspecific in nature, mimicking cardiac decompensation, pneumonia, adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), or pulmonary infarction. Patients may present with fever, shortness of breath, cough, chest pain, or malaise 47,70. Early recognition of lung toxicity is imperative; even with prompt discontinuation of the drug, pulmonary insufficiency may progress. Often, however, resolution of toxicity occurs with cessation of the drug and improvement may be accelerated with the use of corticosteroids. 70 Few radiographic findings are specific for amiodarone pulmonary toxicity. Chest radiographs may show a variety of abnormalities, including areas of consolidation, focal atelectasis, or more diffuse interstitial lung disease. Serum levels of amiodarone do not correlate well with pulmonary toxicity, and pulmonary function tests, although usually abnormal, are nonspecific and not predictive of toxicity. A decreased diffusing capacity is commonly detected 70. Bronchoscopy with lavage yields nonspecific findings, numerous lymphocytes or neutrophils, and foamy macrophages 78. Biopsy samples show areas of fibrosis, chronic interstitial pneumonia, diffuse alveolar damage, and BOOP.75,78 CT in some cases may be useful in establishing a diagnosis of pulmonary toxicity from amiodarone 16,45,47,75 (see Fig. 27-26 and Fig. 27-27). CT findings in symptomatic patients with amiodarone toxicity include areas of consolidation, focal opacities, and areas of focal atelectasis that demonstrate high attenuation on unenhanced CT scans of the chest (see Fig. 27-27). Increased attenuation of the liver, spleen, and thyroid gland are another CT manifestation of the drug's propensity to accumulate within these body tissues. Nonspecific pulmonary infiltrates are also found on CT, including interstitial infiltrates that are indistinguishable from other causes of interstitial fibrosis or pneumonitis; ground-glass opacities; ARDS-like changes; and nonspecific air-space disease that can resemble eosinophilic pneumonia or BOOP (see Fig. 27-26). The CT finding of high-attenuation parenchymal opacities, however, is relatively specific for amiodarone exposure and is thought to be related to the iodine content of the drug and its accumulation and prolonged half-life within lung tissues. 75 Other causes of pulmonary consolidation or opacities with high CT attenuation include metastatic pulmonary calcinosis in renal failure or from infusions of large amounts of calcium salts in children undergoing cardiac surgery; amyloidosis; silicosis; sarcoidosis; hemosiderosis due to mitral stenosis; alveolar microlithiasis; aspiration or extravasation of contrast material; idiopathic pulmonary ossification; some metastatic tumors; and healed fungal, tubercular, or varicella infections 14,18,49,59. Most of these entities, however, are readily distinguishable from amiodarone toxicity based on the plain-film and CT patterns of involvement and the clinical history. The mechanism by which amiodarone induces pulmonary toxicity is not known. Toxicity may occur as early as hours after initiation of drug therapy, but more commonly it occurs months to years after its start70,78. High concentrations of the drug accumulate within lung macrophages and alveolar type II pneumocytes, where amiodarone collects within giant lysosomes, forming characteristic lamellar inclusion bodies. A druglipid complex develops that resists degradation and interferes with phospholipid metabolism, including surfactant turnover. This in turn may induce a fibrotic reaction in the lung. Immunologic and hypersensitivity mechanisms of lung injury may also play a role. 48 Tocainamide Tocainamide, another antiarrhythmic agent, can also produce a combination of interstitial and alveolar changes in the lung, which also responds to steroids. Tricyclic Antidepressants Tricyclic antidepressants are dangerous if an overdose is taken and may cause ARDS as well as pulmonary edema, which clears in patients in whom there appears to be less toxicity or perhaps a lower dose. 94 L-Tryptophan L-Tryptophan-induced eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome, caused presumably by self-medication, was reported in several states in 1989. It appears that certain lots of the material may have been contaminated, but the exact agent is not yet clear. In addition to eosinophilia and myalgia, many patients developed pulmonary symptoms. In a study of 18 patients, 9 had abnormal chest radiographs 98. Six had irregular linear opacities, chiefly at the bases, three of whom also had pleural effusion. The remaining three patients had pleural effusion with no pulmonary lesions. Several deaths were reported in patients with this syndrome. Because this substance is rarely used now, this syndrome is not likely to be seen again. Methotrexate Methotrexate-induced pneumonitis has long been known to be a hazard when used to treat neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases. Pulmonary disease is not strictly dose-related and may appear after some years of therapy; in some instances, it appears after treatment has been discontinued. Most patients respond to withdrawal of the drug and corticosteroid therapy 78. Methotrexate is the most frequently used antimetabolite, so more cases of pulmonary toxicity have been reported with it than with other antimetabolites. In addition, methotrexate is being used increasingly as an anti-inflammatory agent in a number of non-neoplastic disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and even asthma. In all of these conditions, the differential diagnosis for new pulmonary infiltrates includes methotrexate lung toxicity, opportunistic infection frequently due to Pneumocystis pneumonia, and pulmonary disease related to the underlying disorder, such as rheumatoid lung or BOOP. The pulmonary findings of methotrexate lung are varied and consist of an initial interstitial reticular pattern that is soon followed by alveolar consolidation, which may be patchy and is usually bilateral but not always symmetrical. Pleural effusion may also occur. CT often shows areas of mixed ground-glass attenuation and interstitial disease more severe in the periphery and lung bases (see Fig. 27-24). CT can be helpful in early detection and confirmation of parenchymal lung disease in cases in which patients receiving methotrexate have a normal or equivocal chest radiograph with new respiratory symptoms, cough, fever, dyspnia, or hypoxemia. Unusual and Miscellaneous Reactions to Drugs Angioimmunoblastic Lymphadenopathy Syndrome Angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy with dysproteininemia (AILD) is a rare syndrome of unknown cause. Approximately 30% of reported cases appear to be related to hypersensitivity reactions to drugs, such as sulfonamides, aspirin, phenytoin, methyldopa, griseofulvin, halothane, penicillin, and insulin. It is hypothesized that the provoking agent elicits an abnormal immune response that unleashes an uncontrolled proliferation of B cells 48. Most patients with AILD present with a lymphoma-like illness. Radiographic findings include mediastinal and hilar lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, pulmonary infiltrates, masses and reticulonodular opacities, and pleural effusions. Both diffuse and focal interstitial and alveolar patterns on chest films have been reported. On CT, in addition to adenopathy at multiple sites, AILD manifests itself as pulmonary nodular opacities with a predilection for the lymphatic structures along the bronchovascular bundles and in the subpleural zones ( Fig. 27-28). Approximately one third of patients with AILD progress to immunoblastic lymphoma. 48

FIG. 27-28. Two patients with angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy syndrome. Approximately 30% of reported cases appear to be related to hypersensitivity reactions to drugs. A and B: One patient developed extensive adenopathy in the axilla bilaterally and in the mediastinum. Nodes are swollen and show inflammation of the surrounding fat. C: Another patient with the same condition demonstrates multiple tiny, nodular opacities distributed predominantly along the bronchovascular structures.

Exogenous Lipid Pneumonia Lipid (lipoid) pneumonia is the term used to designate the granulomatous and fibrotic changes resulting from aspiration of various organic or inorganic fatty materials. In adults, the most common cause is the use of mineral oil for the treatment of constipation. Frequent or continued use of oily nose drops can also cause this condition. In children it is caused by aspiration of cod liver oil; in some instances, milk fats probably produce the condition in infants. Lipid pneumonia also occurs in achalasia. Inhalation of burning animal fats has also been reported as a cause of lipid pneumonia 67. As the result of aspiration of lipid materials, an inflammatory process is produced that results in consolidation of pulmonary parenchyma. Large phagocytes containing lipid material are noted in the alveoli and in the interstitial tissues. Chronic inflammatory cells may also be present in the alveoli. As the disease progresses, a considerable amount of fibrosis develops that causes contraction of the involved lung, compression of the alveoli, and often compression and obliteration of the bronchi. These pathologic changes result in abnormalities that can be outlined on chest radiographs. The radiographic findings are of two general typesdiffuse and nodular 33. In the diffuse type, there are scattered areas of increased density that are usually at the bases but may involve the right middle lobe and the superior segment of the lower lobe as well. Occasionally the condition involves the upper lobes. The individual lesions are usually poorly defined, with the opacity fading off into normal lung. The lesions are not unlike those found in other types of aspiration pneumonitis, but they tend to be more linear, with a fine nodular and linear pattern ( Fig. 27-29A). There is also reduction in volume of the affected lobe. Serial films show that the opacity in this condition persists with little change over a long period, in contrast to the changes noted in bacterial and viral pneumonias, which resolve leaving little, if any, residual opacity. In some of these patients, as lipid pneumonitis progresses the area involved becomes fibrotic and decreases in size. At times, there are persistent, irregular, patchy opacities scattered in one or both lungs which resemble chronic, nonspecific inflammatory disease. In the presence of a suggestive history, the diagnosis can be suspected and can then be confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging or CT. 17

FIG. 27-29. Lipid pneumonia. A: Diffuse type of lipid pneumonia, in which there is a rather marked increase in density at both lung bases. This close-up of the right base shows the strand-like increase in density, along with the somewhat nodular disease. B: This film illustrates the nodular type of lipid pneumonia. Note the large mass in the right medial base. Another mass of similar size situated behind the heart was best noted on a tomogram.

The nodular type of disease may also be unilateral or bilateral and probably results from a local conglomeration of the diffuse type. The area of opacity varies considerably in size but may reach 8 to 10 cm in diameter. It appears as a mass, usually oval or round in shape. The periphery of the nodule is usually irregular but occasionally becomes very smooth, so the lesion may resemble a tumor or cyst (see Fig. 27-29B). This lesion is also known as an oil or lipid granuloma. In some patients, the right middle lobe is involved. It is then contracted and completely airless, with its bronchus obstructed by inflammatory reaction. Lipid pneumonia usually produces fewer symptoms than comparable involvement by an infectious process. This is of help in differentiating it from infectious disease. Serial examinations also show more stability of the lesion than in most of the lesions it may simulate. The nodular type may resemble bronchogenic carcinoma or other intrapulmonary tumors, and in some instances biopsy is the only method of differentiation. There are a few reports of squamous cell and alveolar cell carcinoma occurring at the site of lipid pneumonia. However, it is not certain that the neoplasm is caused by the lipid material in the lung. If a history of ingestion of mineral oil or the use of oily nose drops can be obtained and the radiographic findings described are also associated with the presence of lipid-containing phagocytes in the sputum, the diagnosis can be made with a considerable degree of accuracy.


When tumors of the breast, lung, and mediastinum are irradiated, the lung tissue in the beam receives radiation in varying amounts. This is capable of causing injury sufficient to be noted radiographically and pathologically. The reaction in the lung depends on a number of factors, such as total dose, variations in the rate of treatment, port size, coexisting sensitizing agents, and individual sensitivity of the patient 22. These factors alter the relation between the total dose of radiation to the lungs and the damage produced by it. Changes on chest radiographs usually are not seen with radiation doses below 30 Gy, but they almost always are evident when the dose exceeds 40 Gy. 53,54 Two distinct clinical scenarios are seen in cases of radiation lung damage: an early acute phase reaction, referred to as radiation pneumonitis, and a late chronic phase caused by radiation fibrosis 22,34. The patient with acute radiation pneumonitis usually presents 4 to 12 weeks after radiation therapy with cough, dyspnea, and mild fever. The clinical course is variable; some patients resolving their pneumonitis, and others progress to fibrosis. Treatment of acute radiation pneumonitis is palliative, although corticosteroids may help some patients 22. Once radiation fibrosis has developed, usually about 9 to 12 months after treatment, patient symptomatology varies from no or minimal complaints to progressive dyspnea, cough, and respiratory insufficiency. 22 During the acute phase of radiation injury there is damage to the pneumocytes; this causes a decrease in surfactant and a deposition of fibrin-like material in the alveoli, producing a hyaline membrane. There is damage to or destruction of capillary and alveolar walls, and edema. These acute changes are often delayed for 4 to 6 weeks, just as the severe acute skin reactions are delayed, even though the injury occurred at the time of irradiation. Occasionally the findings occur many months after completion of irradiation. The late changes are those of fibrosis, resulting in thickening of the alveolar walls and a decrease in the caliber of the vessels. In some patients an acute reaction may be superimposed on the late fibrosis when multiple courses of radiation are given.

These pathologic alterations are reflected in the radiographic findings. During the early acute phase, when edema is a prominent feature, there is a hazy, poorly defined increase in density that usually is confined to the area of radiation but sometimes extends a short distance beyond it. This reaction may occur from 1 month to as long as 4 to 6 months after completion of irradiation. Most of the reaction is very likely caused by pulmonary edema, but there may also be some pleural reaction leading to a small amount of fluid and pleural thickening that contributes to the findings. Pleural fluid in significant amounts is rare. After a time the opacity becomes somewhat more irregular and patchy. Strands of opacity develop that radiate from the hilum toward the periphery. These manifestations may clear gradually and disappear completely after 1 year or longer, but if the original injury was severe enough there is sufficient fibrosis to cause permanent changes. These changes consist of contraction of the lung and a shift of hilar and mediastinal structures to the side or area of radiation ( Fig. 27-30 and Fig. 27-31). Both hila may be elevated after irradiation of the upper mediastinum. Pleural thickening may appear, manifested by increased opacity and irregularity of the pleural surface involved. Elevation of the diaphragm and tenting of its summit may also occur. Severe thoracic and pulmonary distortion may result. Chronic dry, irritating, persistent cough may be a problem in the more severely affected patients. Rarely, a unilateral radiolucent lung has been reported after irradiation 96. There may be a long latent period before this change becomes apparent. The cause is uncertain, but pulmonary embolism secondary to obliterative vasculitis is a possibility. CT studies have indicated that pulmonary vessel size decreases, which may account, at least in part, for the radiolucency. These vascular changes have been shown to occur outside the area irradiated on CT, but they do not appear to be detectable on chest radiographs. Maximum damage seems to be related to irradiation of the hilum or mediastinum. 9

FIG. 27-30. Radiation pneumonitis. A: Roentgenogram taken 5 months after completion of irradiation of the right upper thorax in a patient with breast carcinoma. There is a shift of the trachea and upper mediastinal structures to the right, elevation of the right hilum, and a rather diffuse, poorly defined density above the level of the anterior arc of the second rib, representing a relatively acute alveolar process. B: This film, made 2 years later, shows only a little strand-like density, largely confined to the clavicular and subclavicular areas. The elevation of the right hilum persists, but the tracheal shift is somewhat decreased.

FIG. 27-31. Computed tomography (CT) findings of radiation damage in the lung. A: CT demonstrates consolidation with traction bronchiectasis in the medial aspects of both lungs, right greater than left, caused by radiation therapy. The changes conform to the radiation therapy port and have an abrupt transition from normal to abnormal lung. B: The more focal, rounded opacity in the left upper lobe could be mistaken for an area of recurrent tumor or pneumonia, but it too is caused by radiation damage and falls within the therapy port. C: Radiation therapy also caused constrictive pericarditis in this patient. The CT scan shows pericardial thickening with calcification and an enlarged right atrium.

Cancer chemotherapy augments the effects of irradiation on the lung in some patients. Presumably this may be suppressed by corticosteroids, since irradiation pneumonitis has been reported in patients after withdrawal of the steroids as part of a chemotherapy program. Usually the signs of pneumonitis do not appear for several days, but they may be very severe. Reinstitution of corticosteroid therapy usually causes prompt remission of the irradiation changes. 69 The diagnosis of radiation injury is made on the basis of the clinical history plus the roentgen manifestations described, which are confined to the irradiated area. There is often accompanying evidence of radiation osteitis of ribs, consisting of fractures with demineralization of ribs in the area of fracture. There is no evidence of fracture healing for long periods, as far as can be detected on the roentgenogram. Acute radiation pneumonitis must be differentiated from recurrent tumor, opportunistic infection, and drug-induced pulmonary toxicity. This differentiation is often difficult if the radiation has been given for treatment of a lung tumor. In patients with breast cancer, the localization of the changes to the area of irradiation without lesions elsewhere is indicative of a radiation pneumonitis and not metastasis. The signs of decrease in lung volume are not found with metastases, and it is rare for metastatic carcinoma to involve one lung to any significant degree without evidence of disease on the other side. The problem of recurrence or residual disease after irradiation of the mediastinum for Hodgkin's disease offers a particularly difficult problem, because involvement of pulmonary parenchyma extending from the mediastinal tumor is found in this disease. These findings can simulate the fibrotic changes resulting from radiation after treatment of hilar and mediastinal nodes. All factorsincluding the clinical condition of the patient, the interval since irradiation, and the progress of the lesionsmust be considered in these instances. The acute pulmonary reaction must be differentiated from acute pneumonia caused by irritants or bacterial infections. This can be done on the basis of the clinical history plus the presence of the localized radiating strands that are common in postradiation pneumonitis. CT findings of radiation injury have been described by a number of authors 22,41. During the acute phase, ground-glass attenuation in the region of the radiation port is often seen. In other patients, more focal, patchy areas of consolidation or nodular opacities that may be mistaken for recurrent tumor are detected; again, they are usually but not invariably confined to the radiation therapy port. CT has been shown to be more sensitive than chest radiography in detecting early changes of radiation pneumonitis 41. Chronic radiation fibrosis has a very characteristic appearance on CT, including areas of fibrotic consolidation with sharp margins between abnormal and normal lung. Traction bronchiectasis is frequently evident within the areas of consolidation, and volume loss is evident on the affected side. Distortion of mediastinal and hilar structures as a result of retraction and scarring are often present in chronic cases of radiation fibrosis. Pleural and pericardial thickening and calcification may also be seen on CT 22,41 (see Fig. 27-31).
* The ILO 1980 Standard Radiographs may be purchased from the International Labor Office, 1750 New York Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20006.

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Chapter 28 Circulatory Disturbances Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 28 Circulatory Disturbances

John H. Juhl and Janet E. Kuhlman

J. H. Juhl and J. E. Kuhlman: Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Medical School, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252.

Pulmonary Edema Interstitial Edema Alveolar Edema Pulmonary Thromboembolism Pulmonary Infarction Embolism Without Infarction Septic Infarction and Septic Pulmonary Emboli Acute Chest Syndrome of Sickle Cell Disease Post-Traumatic Fat Embolism Pulmonary Hypertension Arterial (Precapillary) Hypertension Venous (Postcapillary) Hypertension Combined Precapillary and Postcapillary Hypertension Chapter References

Pulmonary edema is the term used to indicate an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the extravascular pulmonary tissues. 25 There is a constant flow of fluid and proteins from the microvascular spaces (arterioles, capillaries, and venules) in the lung into the interstitial space. 32 The interstitial space includes the alveolar wall interstitium and the interlobular, perivascular, peribronchial, and subpleural connective tissue spaces. The flow can increase from an estimated 20 mL/hour to about 8 to 10 times that amount in the normal person without causing pulmonary edema or an appreciable increase in extravascular lung fluid. Respiratory pumping action appears to be an important factor in lymphatic flow. Direction of flow is determined by valves in the lymphatics. The pulmonary lymphatic vessels begin in loose connective tissue spaces proximal to but not in the alveoli. There are five groups of lymphatics in the lungs 36: (1) Pleuralcommon over the lower lobes (95% to 100%) and uncommon over the upper and middle lobes (14% to 31%). The flow is for a variable distance on the surface and then to the hilum via the interstitial spaces of the interlobular septa. (2) Interlobulararise at the periphery of the acinus (not in the alveolar walls) and extend in the septa to join with the veins, where they become (3) the perivenous group, which extend to the hilum. (4) Peribronchialarise at the junctions of the alveolar septa and accompany the pulmonary arteries and bronchi to the hilum. (5) Anastomoticrun in the deep interlobular septa. The lymphatics in the juxta-alveolar spaces have a poorly developed discontinuous basement membrane and endothelium with partially open cell junctions so that fluid can be cleared rapidly. The pulmonary lymphatics carry the excess microvascular filtrate into the systemic venous system. When the capacity of the lymphatics is exceeded, edema results. Endothelial cells form a continuous lining of the alveolar capillaries and the remainder of the pulmonary vascular system. Connective tissue fibers weave through the interstitium in such a way that one half of two thirds of the alveolar capillary walls have an interstitial space; elsewhere, the capillary endothelium and the alveolar epithelium are fused. The endothelial cell junctions are not as tight as those in alveolar epithelium and are therefore more permeable. Fluid and sizeable protein molecules can escape through endothelial and epithelial junctions without causing permanent damage, which probably accounts for the rapid resolution of pulmonary edema in some patients after the inciting cause is removed. The major causes of pulmonary edema and conditions associated with them are as follows: I. Hemodynamic pulmonary edema (elevated capillary hydrostatic pressurethe most common form) 1. Left heart failure 2. Mitral valvular disease 3. Left atrial tumor (myxoma) 4. Pulmonary venous obstruction a a. Mediastinal fibrosis b. Mediastinal tumor c. Veno-occlusive disease 5. Neurogenic (hemodynamic in some cases, if not all) II. Permeability pulmonary edema 1. Narcotic overdose? 2. Salicylate poisoning 3. Smoke inhalation 4. Inhalation of chemical fumes including a. Oxides of nitrogen b. Oxides of sulfur c. Organic chemical fumes d. Carbon monoxide 5. High altitude 6. Near-drowning 7. Rapid re-expansion of lung (e.g., thoracentesis, removal of large pneumothorax) b 8. Snake venom and other circulating toxins 9. Aspirated hydrocarbons 10. Post-traumatic fat embolism 11. Irradiation 12. Epiglottitis (acute upper airway obstruction)? III. Combined hemodynamic and permeability edema 1. Shock lung, including septic shock 2. Adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)a variety of causes 3. Intravenous iodinated contrast media? 4. Narcotic overdose? IV. Renal disease edema?combination of hypervolemia, hypoproteinemia and increased hydrostatic pressure; fluid overload is similar to renal disease without hypoproteinemia V. Lymphatic obstruction edemamechanical, anatomic, or neurogenic VI. Edema of unknown origin The pathophysiology of several of these causes is still controversial, and the list is incomplete, since new conditions causing pulmonary edema are reported frequently. Decompression sickness in divers and tunnel workers is recognized as a cause of noncardiogenic pulmonary edema. 42 It occurs within 6 hours of rapid decompression. Because it can be life-threatening, hyperbaric chamber recompression is recommended. The pathogenesis of edema in these cases is complex because nitrogen bubbles may obstruct and produce ischemia, leading to altered permeability distally and an increase in hydrostatic pressures proximally, resulting in

overperfusion. A release of vasoactive substances has also been considered to be part of the process by some. Clinical symptoms of pulmonary edema are varied and depend on the associated disease or injury. When the edema is extensive and acute there is usually severe respiratory distress, but when the onset is insidious, particularly in uremia, there may be very few respiratory symptoms. There is a notable discrepancy between roentgen and physical findings in chronic pulmonary edema and in some patients with acute or subacute interstitial edema. Therefore, the radiographic examination of the chest is very important. Two major roentgen patterns of edema are observed, depending on the site of the transudatenamely, alveolar and interstitial. Fluid enters the interstitial spaces from the pulmonary capillaries to produce interstitial edema, and, as the amount of extravascular fluid increases, a point is reached at which it escapes into the alveoli. At first, the amount of alveolar filling may be minimal, but as the amount of fluid increases, the edema progresses and can become very extensive.

As indicated, interstitial edema precedes alveolar edema; therefore, it is necessary to be able to recognize the interstitial fluid in order to determine the presence of congestive heart failure or other causes of edema early in the course of the disease. There are several signs of interstitial edema which are reliable as a group, particularly when correlated with the clinical findings. They are: 1. Perivascular blurring or cuffing, in which the margins of the vessels become indistinct and widened in the parahilar area extending out to involve vessels in the lung parenchyma. 2. Peribronchial blurring or cuffing with loss of clear definition of the outer bronchial wall as seen in cross-section on the roentgenogram. 3. Hilar hazea loss of definition of large central pulmonary vessels with a slight general increase in opacity. This is very likely caused by interstitial edema anterior and posterior to the hilum, because the central vessels do not have perivascular interstitium until they enter the lung. This is probably the phase in which the alveolar wall interstitium contains excess fluid; it is very difficult to evaluate and is an accessory sign at best (see Fig. 28-1). It is often best appreciated when an earlier film is available for comparison; when a film is obtained after successful treatment of the edema, it can be recognized in retrospect.

FIG. 28-1. Interstitial edema. In the roentgenograms of this patient who had rheumatic mitral disease and a grossly enlarged heart, typical Kerley B lines are evident at both lateral bases. Some longer, finer lines in the upper central lungs ( arrows) probably represent Kerley A lines. A little parahilar haze is seen, particularly on the right side. A general increase in interstitial markings, producing a somewhat reticular pattern, is apparent and is noted best in the oblique projections. Also, a small amount of pleural fluid is present on the left.

4. Appearance of septal lines a. Kerley B lines are dense, horizontal lines that measure about 1.5 to 2.0 cm in length. They are best seen in the lower lung on oblique projections on films of good quality. They represent secondary interlobular septa thickened by fluid ( Fig. 28-1 and Fig. 28-2).

FIG. 28-2. Kerley B lines. Closeup view of the right lateral lung base in a patient with mitral stenosis and interstitial edema. The numerous transverse, short, opaque lines at the periphery of the lung represent secondary interlobular septa thickened by edema fluid.

b. Kerley A lines are longer and range in length from 5 to 10 cm. They tend to be straight or slightly curved and extend from the hila or parahilar area toward the periphery. They are seen in the upper lobes and tend to appear in acute interstitial edema. They represent fluid in the secondary interlobular septa, chiefly in the upper lobes (see Fig. 28-1). 5. A diffuse, reticular pattern may be observed in association with other findings noted in the signs already described. This is difficult to assess but probably represents interstitial fluid in these patients with edema. A similar pattern may be seen in patients with widespread interstitial fibrosis, but Kerley A lines usually are not present, so the differentiation usually is not difficult. In chronic congestive failure, interstitial edema may resemble chronic interstitial thickening associated with pulmonary disease. In some cases, the true nature of the process can be diagnosed with certainty only after treatment of the cardiac condition brings about regression. Interstitial edema often occurs in combination with the alveolar type (Fig. 28-3).

FIG. 28-3. Interstitial and alveolar edema. A: Interstitial edema. There is a general increase in interstitial markings, particularly in the parahilar areas and at the bases. The vessels are poorly defined, particularly at the bases, as a result of perivascular edema. Also, a little parahilar haze blurring the vessels is noted there, particularly on the right. B: Alveolar edema. Same patient shown in A, with renal failure and evidence of extensive alveolar opacity in the parahilar areas

and at the bases. There is now some pleural fluid bilaterally. The unequal distribution of the alveolar edema is not unusual.

Interstitial edema precedes alveolar edema in these instances, but often the onset is very rapid, with massive alveolar edema overshadowing all subtle signs. 6. Subpleural edema may be observed best adjacent to the minor fissure on the right, but it may also be observed along the major fissures in lateral projections. Peripherally there may be enough edema fluid to simulate pleural thickening. The fluid accumulates first in peribronchial, perivascular, and interlobular interstitial spaces to produce the findings as noted. Edema (thickening) of the alveolar wall probably does not occur until later, after the other interstitial spaces are filled. Then alveolar flooding may occur if fluid continues to accumulate in the lungs.

The classic roentgen findings of alveolar pulmonary edema are those of bilateral opacities that extend outward in a fan-shaped manner from the hilum on both sides (Fig. 28-4, Fig. 28-5, Fig. 28-6, Fig. 28-7 and Fig. 28-8). The peripheral lungs are relatively clear. This includes the bases as well as the apices except in congestive failure, in which basal congestive changes and edema produce changes there. Because interstitial edema precedes the alveolar form, some or all of the signs of interstitial edema may be observed. However, the alveolar edema may be so extensive that other signs are obscured. When the edema is moderate, the opacity is somewhat patchy and mottled, but it may become quite homogeneous as the amount increases (Fig. 28-4). In the latter instance, the fluid-filled alveoli surrounding the bronchi produce contrast with the air-containing bronchi and, as a result, the bronchi are visible as linear radiolucent spaces (air bronchogram) traversing the opaque edematous area (Fig. 28-5). The opacity is often bilaterally symmetrical, or nearly so. There are many exceptions to this rule, and a number of cases have been reported in which the edema was unilateral.

FIG. 28-4. Pulmonary edema. This is a rather typical example of alveolar edema, with a fan-shaped distribution in the parahilar and middle zones of the lungs. The patient had chronic renal failure.

FIG. 28-5. Alveolar pulmonary edema. Closeup view of the right lower lung shows air-filled bronchi (air bronchogram) in the otherwise dense, fluid-filled lung.

FIG. 28-6. Alveolar edema. The rounded, poorly defined opacities noted best in the upper lung and in the right central and lower lung represent the acinar type of fluid distribution.

FIG. 28-7. A 53-year-old woman with pulmonary edema caused by cocaine overdose.

FIG. 28-8. A 46-year-old woman with acute subarachnoid hemorrhage and neurogenic pulmonary edema.

Serial films often show rapid changes in the amount and distribution of the edema from day to day. When pulmonary edema is early and minor, it may produce scattered, localized opacities that simulate nodular disease ( Fig. 28-6). The nodules are poorly defined, however, and probably represent edema fluid filling the acini (the portions of lung distal to terminal bronchioles). Bizarre forms may also be present, with large, rather rounded areas of increased density that may simulate tumor. As a general rule, the alveolar opacity is hazy and poorly defined, so there is no difficulty in making the diagnosis. Pleural effusion is commonly associated with edema, particularly in congestive heart failure and in uremia. Numerous reports of unusual and asymmetrical distribution of edema have led to some experimental work and much speculation as to the factors involved in the distribution of edema fluid. 10 Gravity is undoubtedly a factor in many cases, but lateral views of patients who have been supine sometimes show the fluid to be in anterior or lingular segments or in the middle lobe. Lack of peripheral edema is probably related to better peripheral drainage of lymphatics and to the increased respiratory motion of the peripheral lung acting to pump the fluid out. The relative lack of compliance in the central lung and in lung that has been previously diseased may also be involved. Defective lymphatic drainage favors accumulation of fluid in areas of pulmonary disease; this has resulted in scarring or decrease in compliance. Gravity definitely plays a part in many patients with unilateral pulmonary edema. Other factors include differences in perfusion and in microvascular pressures in different areas. A gravitational shift test has been devised and studied to detect edema and to differentiate it from other causes of lung opacity. 41 The patient is kept in a supine or semierect position for 2 hours before a baseline bedside radiograph is obtained. Then the hemithorax with the lesser density is placed in a dependent position and the patient is kept in this lateral decubitus position for between 2 and 3 hours. A second bedside radiograph is then obtained. In this study there was a recognizable shift of fluid opacity to the dependent side in 85% of patients with edema and in 86% of patients with edema and inflammatory disease. There was no shift in 78% of patients with inflammatory disease only. Therefore, this test may be of help in differentiating edema from other pulmonary conditions in some cases. There are no constantly reliable changes that identify the cause, but in edema secondary to cardiac failure the observations of cardiac enlargement, pulmonary vascular redistribution to the upper lobes, basal edema, and pleural effusion are strong indications that the edema is the result of heart disease. Exceptions include the absence of cardiac enlargement in some patients with pulmonary edema secondary to acute coronary thrombosis and the absence of basal congestive changes in patients with edema secondary to acute left ventricular failure. As a general rule, pulmonary edema caused by uremia (azotemic edema) produces the classic central perihilar opacity of the lungs, with or without evidence of cardiac enlargement and balanced pulmonary vascularity. Pulmonary edema (injury edema, permeability edema) caused by inhalation of irritant gases tends to be somewhat more widespread than the other types and results in a mottled and patchy appearance extending farther to the periphery with slightly less central involvement than that seen in uremia; it also tends to be more basal. Roentgen distribution is not characteristic, however, and the history is of great importance in arriving at the diagnosis in these patients. Milne and coworkers studied the etiology of pulmonary edema and showed that the cause can often be determined on plain chest radiographs. 20,21 A remarkable degree of accuracy (91%) was obtained in differentiating capillary permeability edema from other varieties. The lowest accuracy (81%) was in distinguishing cardiac failure from renal failure, and the overall accuracy ranged from 86% to 89%. The factors listed in Table 28-1 were evaluated in this study.

TABLE 28-1. Radiographic features of pulmonary edema a

Computed tomographic (CT) findings of hydrostatic pulmonary edema have been recognized. They include engorgement and enlargement of the pulmonary vessels; smooth, regular thickening of the interlobular septa as a result of interstitial edema; areas of ground-glass attenuation caused by alveolar edema; and bilateral pleural effusions22 (Fig. 28-9).

FIG. 28-9. A and B: Computed tomographic features of congestive heart failure. Bilateral pleural effusions are present, as is smooth thickening of the interlobular septa, which are engorged as a result of interstitial edema. Secondary focal atelectasis is present at both lung bases.

Pulmonary embolism with or without infarction is a more common lesion than is generally realized. Because the majority of thromboembolic episodes cause no

symptoms, they are not recognized. In addition to its occurrence as a postoperative complication and in patients with cardiac disease, pulmonary embolism occurs in a number of other conditions, including immobilization for any reason (e.g., sitting or standing for long periods, leg casts, stroke, pregnancy, oral contraceptives, varicose veins). The most common sources of pulmonary emboli are thrombi in the deep veins of the thigh, the pelvis, and, to a lesser extent, the calf. If the embolus is very large and occludes almost the entire pulmonary arterial tree, death can occur very quickly. If the embolus is somewhat smaller it may or may not produce infarction, but it often causes immediate symptoms of chest pain and dyspnea. There may be no symptoms or signs with small emboli. 8 In addition to thrombi, a number of other materials can act as emboli. Air embolism may follow trauma, surgical procedures, intravenous procedures of all types, thoracentesis, percutaneous lung biopsy, or any manipulation with the potential of exposing a vein to air. The air is not usually demonstrated radiographically; it disappears very quickly if the patient survives. If air embolism is not immediately lethal, air may be observed in the pulmonary artery; air was observed in the heart of a patient who subsequently died. 15 Pulmonary edema may result when the patient survives, because venous air embolism affects the lungs. If air embolism is suspected, the patient should be placed in the left lateral decubitus position, to keep the air in the right atrium, if possible, until it is absorbed. Arterial air embolism results when air enters the pulmonary venous system; it affects the heart and brain. If it causes sudden death, the air can usually be demonstrated on postmortem films. Opaque contrast materials used in lymphangiography, hysterosalpingography, and myelography occasionally enter the bloodstream and have been demonstrated in the lungs after these procedures. A few cases of barium in the pulmonary vessels after barium enema have been reported in which fatalities have occurred during the examination. Metallic mercury injected intravenously has been reported in a few instances. Dense, small, globular, and branching linear opacities may then be demonstrated on the chest radiograph.

The incidence of infarction varies in different groups of patients with pulmonary thromboembolism. In patients with chronic heart disease and congestive failure, it approaches 100%, but in young, healthy persons, infarct with necrosis is rare unless there are complicating factors such as severe trauma. In the elderly and in chronically ill patients who are bedridden, the incidence of infarct is in the range of 60% to 70% of those who have pulmonary emboli. The roentgenographic diagnosis is often difficult to make. Often no abnormalities are present on the chest film. 9 The major error is usually failure to suspect infarction as the cause for abnormal roentgen findings in the chest. The roentgen signs are (1) elevation of the hemidiaphragm on the involved side, indicating decrease in lung volume; (2) unilateral pleural effusion, usually small; (3) pulmonary parenchymal consolidation; (4) atelectasis; and (5) linear shadows. An infarct must be differentiated from pneumonia, edema, and atelectasis as well as other local conditions, including infected cysts and abscesses. The lower lobes are most frequently involved, but the lesion can occur in any lobe. Elevation of a hemidiaphragm or a small, unilateral pleural effusion, or both, may be the earliest signs of infarction. At times the shadow of the infarct may not be visible and the effusion is the only sign. It takes 10 to 24 hours for an infarct to evolve to the point where it is visible roentgenographically. This is probably the hazy, poorly defined, edematous lesion that requires an additional 2 to 4 days and sometimes 1 week to form a well-defined, complete infarct. Infarction of a single secondary pulmonary lobule can occur, and, because not all lobules have a pleural surface, it follows that not all infarcts have a pleural surface. Infarcts are usually aggregates of involved secondary lobules, however, so the lesion usually extends to a pleural surface. Because this may be the interlobar pleura, its shadow is not necessarily peripheral as visualized in the frontal projection. The shape of the infarct depends on the location. The visceral pleura usually forms one side of the lesion, and often two or three sides. The long axis of the infarct is in the plane of the longest pleural surface with which it is in contact. The actual shadow may be round, wedge-shaped, or roughly triangular. It may assume the shape of the lingula or of the right middle lobe, or it may fill and obliterate a costophrenic sulcus if the lateral segment of a lower lobe is involved. Oblique views aided by fluoroscopic positioning may be necessary to bring out the relationship of the lesion to the pleura in many cases. The hilar aspect of the infarct is usually described as rounded or hump-shaped, rather than resembling the apex of a triangle. The appearance of a typical hump is unusual, if not rare, and almost any shape of opacity may be present. The amount of associated pleural effusion is usually not great, and multiple lesions may be seen in one or both lungs ( Fig. 28-10). At first, the periphery of the lesion is rather hazy and poorly defined, but as time goes on it becomes more sharply outlined, and as it heals it gradually becomes smaller. The size of the infarct can vary greatly, from a small, faint opacity to the greater part of a lobe. The average size is about 3 to 5 cm. The pulmonary changes resolve rather slowly. The complete hemorrhagic necrotic infarct requires 4 weeks or more for complete resolution. When infarction is incomplete and there is no necrosis, the local findings are caused by edema and hemorrhage. This process may clear quickly (i.e., within 1 week) and le ave no residue.

FIG. 28-10. Pulmonary infarcts. The oval opacity at the left apex represents an old infarct. There is a little fluid remaining in the major fissure in the region of the infarct, which is now quite well circumscribed. There are two infarcts in the right base. One produces a hump-like shadow obliterating the costophrenic angle and projecting above the level of the dome of the diaphragm; the other is somewhat rounded and lies above it. There is also some pleural effusion. The heart is greatly enlarged.

When the initial opacity is noted, it is not possible to determine whether it represents an area of infarction with necrosis or an area of hemorrhage secondary to an embolus. If the opacity clears in 1 week or so, it can reasonably be assumed that it represented an incomplete infarct (without significant necrosis). A complete infarct (with necrosis) slowly decreases in size over several weeks. About 50% of infarcts disappear completely without any scar or other residue. In the remainder, linear scars develop; in some, there is pleural change, either in the form of local pleural thickening or diaphragmatic adhesions. 18 Eventually only a linear band may remain to indicate the site of a previous infarct. 9 It may be quite small and inconspicuous. It is not certain that all of the linear opacities represent the same pathologic process. Some may represent plate-like or focal atelectasis caused by a combination of poor ventilation, narrowing of the bronchi, decreased compliance of the lung, and lack of surfactant, all of which occur in pulmonary embolism with infarction and eventually cause parenchymal fibrosis. Some probably represent linear shadows of pleural origin. Another possibility is that they represent thrombosed veins or arteries surrounded by fibrosis. Diaphragmatic change secondary to the pleural involvement and loss of lung volume is represented by elevation of the diaphragm. This may be the only roentgen finding in some patients. If the possibility of pulmonary infarction is kept in mind in bedridden, debilitated, or cardiac patients with sudden pleuritic chest pain, the presence of one or all of the signs just described should lead to the diagnosis, or at least to a suspicion of it, in most instances. The lack of a characteristic contour cannot be overemphasized because of the wide variety of shapes, depending on location; the size also varies greatly. Infarction can occur in the absence of congestive heart disease. There may be enough fluid in the pleural space to hide the pulmonary lesion, and decubitus films are of value to outline the basal lung when infarction is suspected. Because plain chest radiographs are not specific, they are of limited utility in the diagnosis of thromboemboli, and other diagnostic methods are used. The radionuclide perfusion scan is widely employed in patients with suspected pulmonary embolism ( Fig. 28-11). A negative perfusion scan excludes most embolisms and is therefore highly sensitive. However, a positive perfusion scan may be caused by a number of conditions other than embolism, so specificity is low. Ventilation-perfusion (V-Q) scans are more frequently used, and may add information. When an area of lung with a perfusion defect has normal ventilation, it is assumed to represent an embolus. However, abnormal ventilation in areas of abnormal perfusion have been reported in patients with pulmonary embolism, so matching V-Q defects do not completely exclude embolism. Pulmonary angiography may be indicated in those instances in which clinical suspicion is high. 26 Areas that are not perfused or ventilated have a low probability of representing emboli. The scintiscans must be compared with recent chest radiographs in these patients.

FIG. 28-11. This 59-year-old woman presented with acute shortness of breath, respiratory failure, and hypoxemia. A: The chest radiograph showed a new area of consolidation in the left lower lobe and a left pleural effusion, findings suspicious but not specific for pulmonary embolus with infarction. B and C: Perfusion scan shows multiple segmental perfusion defects. Ventilation scan (not shown) was normal. Ventilation-perfusion findings indicate a high probability for pulmonary emboli.

A retrospective analysis of V-Q imaging and pulmonary angiography in 246 patients with suspected pulmonary embolism was done by Biello and associates. 5 They used xenon-133 for the ventilation study, followed by an immediate perfusion scan using technetium-99m macroaggregated albumin intravenously (250,000 to 500,000 particles). All patients had abnormal V-Q scans, and 53 (36%) had pulmonary embolism documented by pulmonary angiography. Analysis of the scans revealed the following: (1) 92% of patients with two moderate or one large V-Q mismatch had embolism; (2) no emboli were found in those with small V-Q mismatch (19 patients); (3) 4.8% of those with matched V-Q abnormalities in radiographically normal areas had embolism; (4) 87% of those with a perfusion defect substantially larger than the radiographic abnormality had embolism; (5) 7.7% of those with a perfusion defect substantially smaller than the radiographic abnormality had embolism; and (6) 27% of those with matched perfusion and radiographic abnormalities had embolism. Therefore, the patients could be classified into groups with high, intermediate, or low probability of pulmonary embolism. The sixth finding was most inconclusive, so patients in this group were the most likely candidates for pulmonary angiography 38 (Fig. 28-12). Criteria similar to these were developed for interpretation of V-Q scans in the Prospective Investigation of Pulmonary Embolism Diagnosis (PIOPED) Study by the Nuclear Medicine Working Group in 1983 and have subsequently been revised 31,34 (Table 28-2). The accuracy of the revised PIOPED criteria for categorizing V-Q lung scans was studied most recently by Sostman and associates, 31 who found the revised criteria to be more accurate than the original PIOPED criteria. They also found that experienced readers of lung scans could improve the accuracy of their gestalt estimates for the likelihood of pulmonary embolism by applying the revised PIOPED criteria. 31

FIG. 28-12. Pulmonary emboli. This arteriogram shows several small lucencies representing emboli obstructing the pulmonary arteries ( arrows).

TABLE 28-2. Scheme for interpretation of V-Q imaging: revised PIOPED criteria

CT findings of pulmonary infarcts have been de-scribed 2,7,10A,24,38A (Fig. 28-13, Fig. 28-14, Fig. 28-15 and Fig. 28-16). They include the presence of a wedge-shaped, rounded, or humped-shaped peripheral opacity abutting the pleura or fissure. A feeding vessel leading to the apex of the opacity may be seen. Air bronchograms within the area of consolidation may be present. An associated small effusion may be identified. These opacities are frequently identified at the lung bases. When such opacities are identified, careful scrutiny of the central pulmonary arteries may reveal intraluminal filling defects caused by thromboemboli that have lodged in the central pulmonary arteries. These can only be detected if intravenous contrast material has been administered. There is growing evidence that spiral (helical) CT or electron-beam CT with intravenous contrast enhancement is a sensitive and specific imaging modality for the detection of pulmonary emboli proximal to the subsegmental divisions of the pulmonary arteries. 10A,11,22,23,33,35,37,40 The clinical significance of missed small subsegmental emboli is not known and is debated, but even using the gold standard of conventional angiography the rate of false-negative results in the detection of small, peripheral, presumably non-life-threatening emboli is estimated to be between 1% and 9%. 12 Rmy-Jardin and colleagues 23 reported a sensitivity of 91% and a specificity of 78% for detection of pulmonary emboli using spiral CT, and Teigen and coworkers 35, using electron-beam CT, reported 65% sensitivity and 97% specificity in their prospective evaluation of 60 patients with suspected pulmonary emboli. These promising initial studies suggest that fast-scanning CT with intravenous contrast enhancement may eventually replace V-Q scanning as the noninvasive test of choice for detection of pulmonary emboli and decrease the number of conventional angiograms performed for this purpose.12 Where CT fits into the diagnostic work-up of suspected pulmonary emboli has yet to be established, however, and a multi-institutional trial along the lines of the PIOPED study will probably be required to determine its efficacy relative to other imaging modalities. 34 Of note, many pulmonary emboli are asymptomatic and unsuspected. 38B,40 In one recent study of hospitalized patients scanned for other indications, the prevalence of incidentally detected pulmonary emboli on contrast-enhanced spiral CT examinations was as high as 1%. 40

FIG. 28-13. Computed tomographic features of pulmonary infarct. A wedge-shaped opacity abutting the pleura has a pulmonary vessel leading into the apex of the pulmonary infarct.

FIG. 28-14. A 28-year-old patient with unsuspected pulmonary infarcts. A and B: Posteroanterior and lateral chest radiographs show Hampton's hump at the posterior costophrenic angle on the lateral view. C and D: Computed tomographic scans show multiple subacute infarcts at both lung bases appearing as rounded or wedge-shaped opacities abutting the pleura. A vessel leads into one of the infarcts ( arrow).

FIG. 28-15. A 60-year-old man with pleuritic chest pain. A: Computed tomography (CT) scan through the lung bases shows a wedge-shaped opacity abutting the pleura, suspicious for pulmonary infarct. B and C: Spiral CT with intravenous contrast enhancement through the pulmonary arteries provides direct evidence for pulmonary emboli by demonstrating filling defects or clots in the left pulmonary artery ( arrow) and a tail of thrombus crossing over to the right pulmonary artery (arrowhead).

FIG. 28-16. A and B: A 65-year-old woman with shortness of breath and new right-lower-lobe infiltrate. The V-Q scan was indeterminate, with a matched defect in the area of the chest film abnormality. Computed tomography (CT) shows air-space consolidation of the right lower lobe resulting from infarction and right effusion. A massive clot (arrow) fills most of the right pulmonary artery on the contrast-enhanced spiral CT scan.

CT may also play a role in the diagnosis of chronic thromboembolic disease (see Fig. 28-26). Fast-scanning CT techniques with intravenous contrast enhancement demonstrate intraluminal and mural thrombi that line the walls of the central pulmonary arteries in patients with chronic thromboembolism. As pulmonary emboli begin to organize, the intraluminal thrombus begins to retract and the vessel begins to recannalize, giving this appearance. Chronic thrombi may demonstrate calcification within the clot. Abrupt tapering or cutoff of lobar and segmental branches and mural irregularities of the vessel walls may be noted. Peripheral, pleural-based scars seen on CT presumably represent remnants of prior infarcts. 27 In patients with pulmonary hypertension caused by chronic thromboembolic disease, high-resolution CT demonstrates mosaic attenuation of the lung parenchyma (sharply marginated regions of the lung showing variable CT attenuation that in this setting is caused by variable regional perfusion) and a disparity in the size of segmental vessels. 3,14 Areas of hyperattenuation are accompanied by engorged vessels, whereas regions of the lung showing hypoattenuation demonstrate smaller attenuated vessels. Pulmonary artery thromboendarterectomy is used to treat select patients with pulmonary hypertension caused by chronic thromboembolic disease. Success of the surgical procedure depends on accurate preoperative localization of the intravascular thrombus and determination of its extent. Some centers are now using spiral CT for preoperative planning for clot removal in these patients and for postoperative evaluation of the success of the procedure. 27

FIG. 28-26. Spiral computed tomography (CT) with intravenous contrast enhancement may be helpful in evaluating patients with chronic pulmonary hypertension to search for evidence of chronic thromboembolic disease. A: Chest radiograph shows enlarged central pulmonary arteries caused by pulmonary arterial hypertension. B: CT shows laminar clot lining the walls of the pulmonary arteries, particularly the right, compatible with chronic thrombus. C and D: Lung windows show mosaic perfusion with areas of decreased CT attenuation caused by decreased perfusion secondary to chronic recurrent pulmonary emboli. Although the central pulmonary arteries are enlarged, the peripheral pulmonary vessels are attenuated and pruned in those areas of decreased perfusion, findings compatible with pulmonary arterial hypertension.

Pulmonary arteriography is believed to be the most accurate method for establishing the diagnosis of pulmonary emboli and remains the gold standard, but selective segmental and subsegmental studies using oblique projections may be necessary to outline small-vessel involvement. Limitations of the technique and inter-reader variability in diagnosing subsegmental emboli are well recognized. The primary signs of embolism are a persistent intraluminal filling defect that may completely obstruct the involved artery and the abrupt cutoff of a vessel by the proximal end of a clot. Secondary signs, helpful but not diagnostic, are areas of avascularity, focal areas of prolonged arterial filling, and pruning or paucity of vessels. This method is used if a positive diagnosis of pulmonary embolism is imperative. Its use is usually limited to patients in whom surgical therapy of any type is contemplated, before thrombolytic therapy and, at least in some instances, before anticoagulants are used, particularly when the use of anticoagulants poses a threat to the patient for any reason. Some studies have been also been done using magnetic resonance imaging in patients with suspected pulmonary embolism, but there are a number of limitations, so its ultimate usefulness has yet to be determined.


Pulmonary embolism without infarction can be massive and life-threatening and is more common than embolism with infarction. Prompt diagnosis is of utmost importance in these patients. Roentgen findings are often absent, in contrast to the clinical findings in a desperately ill patient. Roentgen findings do not include the pulmonary opacity that is observed in patients with infarction and are, at best, only suggestive of the diagnosis. The central pulmonary arteries may be increased in size. The descending branch of the right pulmonary artery, measured at total lung capacity from the level of the bronchus intermedius to its outer border, is a maximum of 16 mm in adult men and 15 mm in adult women.6 Any measurement greater than these suggests the possibility of embolism. This finding is particularly useful when there is a change. If the patient had a roentgenogram of the chest in the recent past, comparison can be very helpful ( Fig. 28-17). The increase in size is caused by the mass of the embolus, and there may be a bulge in the artery in its proximal portion, with sharp tapering to a smaller diameter immediately below it. Oligemia distal to the obstructing embolus may be present, manifested by a hyperlucent area (Westermark's sign), but it is often difficult to assess. Loss of lung volume causing diaphragmatic elevation is the third sign. Occasionally a small pleural effusion may be present. Acute cor pulmonale, with secondary signs of dilatation of the superior vena cava causing some superior mediastinal widening on the right, azygous vein enlargement, and cardiac enlargement, may be helpful in diagnosis. At best, the diagnosis of massive pulmonary embolism can be suggested. Because embolectomy may be done when the patient is hypotensive and cyanotic, pulmonary arteriography may be indicated to confirm the presence of large central embolus, which can be removed surgically in such a patient.

FIG. 28-17. Pulmonary embolism. The patient experienced chest pain while in the hospital. A: Closeup view of the right lower lung on admission. B: One week later, on film exposed 1 day after the onset of chest pain, enlargement of the pulmonary artery, which was found to be the site of a large embolus, is demonstrated. The diaphragm is elevated. The horizontal linear opacities at the lung base probably represent areas of subsegmental atelectasis. The patient did not have infarction that could be recognized radiographically.

As in embolism with infarction, the diagnosis can usually be made by employing the combination of a chest roentgenogram and lung scan. When serious doubt regarding the diagnosis arises after these procedures, pulmonary arteriography can be done. The angiographic signs of pulmonary embolism are the same as those listed for embolism with infarction. In embolism without infarction that is not life-threatening, plain film findings are often very subtle and the chest is often normal. The steps in imaging are the same as those described for embolism with infarction.


When the embolus producing infarction contains or is made up of bacteria, septic infarction results and leads to tissue breakdown and formation of cavity ( Fig. 28-18). These lesions may occur in association with subacute bacterial endocarditis or in patients with septicemia. The lesions may be single but are usually multiple. There may be sequestration of the necrotic center of an infarct to produce a cavity without infection. Usually infection supervenes, however, and when the infarcts become infected the pneumonia surrounding them causes further increase in opacity with a poorly circumscribed periphery. The appearance is that of a central cavity within a poorly defined area of increased opacity. If there is a typical history and other infarcts or cavities are present, the diagnosis is not difficult to make, but in single lesions the differentiation between infarct cavity and cavity secondary to primary inflammatory disease is difficult, if not impossible, to make.

FIG. 28-18. A 27-year-old man with postanginal sepsis with septic emboli secondary to a neck abscess. A: Chest radiograph shows multiple peripheral, rounded opacities that are ill-defined. Early cavitation may be present in a few of the septic emboli. B: Computed tomography of the neck shows a large abscess involving the left neck with septic thrombophlebitis of the left jugular vein, the source of the septic emboli to the lung.

The CT findings of septic pulmonary emboli have been described by several authors 13,16 (Fig. 28-19 and Fig. 28-20). They include multiple peripheral nodules or nodular opacities, nodules in different stages of cavitation, wedge-shaped peripheral opacities abutting the pleura, and a feeding vessel sign (a pulmonary vessel leading to a nodule). 13,16 CT is more sensitive than chest films in detecting pulmonary nodules in general, and this holds true for septic emboli as well. In the proper clinical setting (intravenous drug use, bacterial endocarditis, septic thrombophlebitis, long-term indwelling venous catheters, bacteremia) the CT findings of septic pulmonary emboli are characteristic and the diagnosis can readily be established or confirmed with CT ( Fig. 28-20).

FIG. 28-19. Computed tomographic features of septic pulmonary emboli. Multiple, peripheral nodules are evident in various stages of cavitation. Several nodules show a feeding vessel leading to them.

FIG. 28-20. A and B: A 29-year-old woman with a lung transplant developed persistent fever with enterococcal sepsis from an infected central line. Unlike the chest radiograph, which was unremarkable, the computed tomogram shows multiple tiny nodules with feeding vessels caused by tiny septic emboli.


Patients with sickle cell disease because of autosplenectomy are at increased risk of developing pneumonia as a result of encapsulated bacteria. In addition, patients with sickle cell disease are also prone to develop episodes of the acute chest syndrome, which account for 25% of hospital admissions in this patient population ( Fig. 28-21 and Fig. 28-22). These patients present with acute chest pain, fever, cough, hypoxia, and pulmonary infiltrates on chest films and CT but are found to have no identifiable pulmonary infection based on sputum or blood cultures. 1,4 Although the exact pathophysiology of acute chest syndrome is not known, it is believed to be caused by microvascular occlusion leading to pulmonary infarction. Low oxygen tension in the pulmonary arterial bed results in hemoglobin-S polymerization, and the deoxygenated, sickled red blood cells occlude the microvasculature. 4 Repeated episodes of acute chest syndrome eventually lead to pulmonary arterial hypertension and cor pulmonale in patients with sickle cell disease. On CT, pulmonary infiltrates in patients with acute chest syndrome resemble pulmonary infarcts showing peripheral and segmental areas of consolidation or ground-glass opacity ( Fig. 28-22). CT scans may also show a paucity of small peripheral vessels, compatible with microvascular occlusion. 4

FIG. 28-21. A and B: Acute chest syndrome in a 22-year-old man with sickle cell disease. Parenchymal opacities caused by acute chest syndrome are noted at both lung bases. Pneumonia was excluded by multiple negative sputum and blood cultures.

FIG. 28-22. Computed tomography shows an acute lung infarct in the right lower lobe in a patient with sickle cell disease.

Recurrent pulmonary infections and episodes of acute chest syndrome result in chronic, irreversible damage to the lungs of patients with sickle cell disease ( Fig. 28-23). End-stage sickle cell lung disease on pathologic examination reveals pulmonary fibrosis and obliteration of pulmonary arterioles. 1

FIG. 28-23. Chronic changes in long-standing sickle cell disease. The chest radiograph ( A) shows an enlarged heart with large central pulmonary arteries. Chronic parenchymal opacities and scarring in the lower lung zones are the result of repeated episodes of pneumonia and acute chest syndrome of sickle cell disease. B: Computed tomography shows parenchymal scarring and architectural distortion in the right middle lobe and right lower lobe.


There is experimental and some clinical evidence to show that fat embolism is very common after bone and soft-tissue injury, particularly after fractures of the tibia and femur. However, despite the fact that many severely injured patients are observed, the clinical entity of post-traumatic fat embolism is relatively rare. As reported by Williams and associates, 39 fat embolism occurs in 0.5% to 2.0% of patients with long-bone fracture. It is likely that small amounts of fat may form emboli without symptoms and signs. The fat embolism syndrome is probably caused by the entry of neutral fat into the venous system; from there it travels to the pulmonary vascular bed. A second theory which accounts for some instances of the syndrome is that the stress of trauma causes a release of catecholamines such as epinephrine, which causes mobilization of free fatty acids from adipose tissue and induces coalescence of serum lipid (e.g., in cases of pancreatitis, burns, or sepsis). In most instances, traumatic release of fat from sites of injury directly into the venous system is the most likely cause. The fat is converted into free fatty acids in the lung, where they produce edema, hemorrhage, and leukocytic infiltration of interstitial spaces. The pathogenesis remains somewhat controversial, however. Some of the fat or fatty acid, or both, gets through the lungs into the systemic circulation. This accounts for the fat found in other organs and for the central nervous system involvement that is sometimes present. The roentgen findings are varied but are uniformly bilateral. They include the following: 1. Diffuse bilateral opacity, which resembles pulmonary edema except that there is more basal involvement than is usually observed in edema and the involvement is more peripheral, often with relatively little alveolar density centrally. 2. Bilateral, multiple small nodular opacities, often more in the lower lungs than elsewhere. At times the small opacities may be more linear than nodular. This probably represents a somewhat lesser involvement than the more confluent homogeneous edema pattern. 3. Usually there is no pleural effusion or cardiac enlargement. 4. Delayed onset, usually from 1 to 3 days after trauma. Clinical signs and symptoms occur within 24 hours of trauma in 60% and within 48 hours in 85% of patients who develop the syndrome. 39 Some patients do not manifest symptoms or signs for 72 hours or more. A high index of suspicion is necessary in patients with recent major fractures. It is likely that fat embolism is not recognized in many instances when symptoms are minimal. The delay in the appearance of symptoms and of radiographic signs in fat embolism is in contrast to pulmonary contusion with hemorrhage and edema, which appears as an abnormality on chest films taken very soon after injury. Also, contusion is usually unilateral or asymmetrical, in contrast to the bilateral symmetry of fat embolism. The diagnosis of fat embolism syndrome can usually be made on the basis of the history of chest pain, dyspnea, tachycardia, and cough 12 hours to several days after injury, along with chest findings as described. Resolution requires from 6 days to 2 weeks or longer.

Blood flow through the lungs and pulmonary artery pressure are dependent on a number of factors, including arterial and venous resistance, the amount of blood flow that may be altered by various shunts, and combinations of these factors. Pulmonary hypertension may be predominantly arterial (precapillary) or venous (postcapillary), or it may represent a combination of the two. Because the radiographic changes vary with the type and site of the major causative factors, the classification of pulmonary hypertension by Simon and coworkers 29 is useful: I. Precapillary (arterial) hypertension A. Increased resistance 1. Obstructivepulmonary embolism, idiopathic or primary pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary schistosomiasis, reverse shunts (ventricular septal defect, atrial septal defect, or patent ductus arteriosus) 2. Obliterativepulmonary emphysema, diffuse interstitial diseases (granulomatous, neoplastic, or infectious) 3. Constrictiveanoxia B. Increased flow 1. Large left-to-right shuntspatent ductus arteriosus, ventricular septal defect II. Postcapillary (venous) hypertension A. AcuteLeft ventricular failure regardless of cause B. ChronicMitral valvular disease, left atrial myxoma, anomalous pulmonary venous return, mediastinal fibrosis, idiopathic or primary veno-obstructive disease 17 III. Combined precapillary and postcapillary hypertension IV. Diffuse pulmonary arteriovenous shunting complicating chronic lung disease 28emphysema-shunt syndrome Pulmonary hypertension is defined as elevation of pressure in the pulmonary circuit above certain limits at rest or during mild exercise. These limits are generally accepted as 30 mm Hg systolic and 15 mm Hg diastolic, with a mean of 18 mm Hg on the arterial side. On the venous side, the upper limit is considered to be 12 mm

Hg; this is applied equally to the mean left atrial pressure and to the mean capillary-wedge pressure. Most of the diseases causing pulmonary hypertension produce an increase in pulmonary vascular resistance. In the upright chest film of the normal person, the upper-zone vessels are smaller than those in the lower zones. In recumbency, the difference disappears; this accounts in part for disparity between angiograms and routine films. Arterial (Precapillary) Hypertension There are distinct radiographic differences in the precapillary and postcapillary groups. The roentgen changes in pulmonary arterial (precapillary) hypertension include dilatation of the pulmonary artery and its central branches on either side and narrowing of the peripheral pulmonary arteries, usually at the origin of the lobar artery branches, resulting in a rather sharp falloff in size from central to peripheral arteries ( Fig. 28-24). Tortuousity of peripheral arteries, particularly in lower zones, is observed, along with a general decrease in caliber of pulmonary veins; and calcification may be observed in the pulmonary artery ( Fig. 28-25 and Fig. 28-26). Cor pulmonale or heart disease secondary to pulmonary diseasewith varying enlargement of the right ventricle caused by dilatation, hypertrophy, or bothis the eventual result. Signs of the underlying causative disease may be minimal, obvious, or absent. In general, increasing severity of the hypertension is accompanied by an increase in the radiographic signs, but there are exceptions, so caution should be observed in predicting pulmonary artery pressure ranges. The lungs are relatively clear unless the underlying pulmonary disease has produced considerable change. 29,30

FIG. 28-24. Pulmonary arterial hypertension. The pulmonary artery and its central branches are grossly enlarged, in contrast to the peripheral arteries, which are small. This patient had an atrial septal defect. She developed pulmonary hypertension, which resulted in reversal of the initial left-to-right shunt, and became cyanotic.

FIG. 28-25. Pulmonary arterial hypertension. Note the dense calcification of the pulmonary artery and ductus in this patient with patent ductus arteriosus. She had developed a reversal of the shunt as a result of the pulmonary hypertension.

Another situation is one in which pulmonary arterial hypertension develops as systemic high pressures are transmitted across congenital defects with left-to-right shunts at the aortopulmonary (patent ductus arteriosus) or ventricular (ventricular septal defect) level. A substantial high-pressure shunt at the aortic or ventricular level or a massive shunt at the atrial or great vein level will eventually cause a reactive sclerosis, intimal thickening, and medial hypertrophy in pulmonary arteries. This progresses to marked pulmonary arterial hypertension with resultant shunt reversal. The following roentgen signs are produced: 1. Marked enlargement of the pulmonary artery and its central branches extending out for a short distance along the lobar arteries. The central arteries are larger and the dilatation extends out farther than in pulmonary hypertension in the absence of a shunt. Calcification is occasionally observed in the pulmonary artery. 2. Constriction of segmental and peripheral arteries to normal or smaller than normal size. 3. Normal or small pulmonary veins. 4. The heart may show alteration consistent with the initial defect. However, eventually the right ventricle may enlarge to become the predominant chamber (cor pulmonale). Venous (Postcapillary) Hypertension Postcapillary hypertension is often accompanied by changes that cause a considerable increase in pulmonary density (e.g., edema). Slight distention of all pulmonary veins is the earliest roentgen sign, but this is very difficult to evaluate unless comparison films are available. Constriction of the pulmonary arteries and veins in the lower zones and dilatation of the arteries and veins in the upper zones caused by redistribution of blood flow to the upper lobes are the most reliable early signs. These must be evaluated on the upright film, because there is normally some redistribution of flow to the upper lobes in films exposed with the patient recumbent. These findings may be striking when present, but they are not well defined in every patient with venous hypertension. The signs may be obscured by pulmonary edema and congestion in patients with left ventricular failure. The cause for the basal constriction, indicating a redistribution of blood flow, is most likely the increased amount of interstitial fluid in the lung bases that results from the higher venous pressure. This restricts blood flow, and the larger vessels respond by a reduction in diameter. Blood flow to the upper zones is increased, and the arteries and veins dilate in these areas. Mild venous hypertension shows only the basal vascular constriction, which may be difficult to assess ( Fig. 28-27). As the venous pressure increases, additional findings of early interstitial edema can be observed; they include the appearance of Kerley B lines and Kerley A lines. A slight perihilar haze may be evident. Vascular margins are blurred and poorly defined in the lower zones, and there is a general increase in interstitial markings caused by an increased amount of interstitial fluid, which begins in the lower lungs ( Fig. 28-28 and Fig. 28-29). Alveolar edema and pleural effusion appear when venous hypertension is marked and left ventricular failure occurs. Chronic postcapillary hypertension, such as that found in mitral stenosis, and left atrial myxoma may result in irreversible constriction of lower-zone pulmonary vessels.

FIG. 28-27. Pulmonary venous hypertension. This patient with mitral disease demonstrates some parahilar haze and distinct difference in vessel size, the upper-lobe vessels being definitely larger than those in the lower lobe. This represents redistribution of blood flow and indicates pulmonary venous hypertension.

FIG. 28-28. Congestive failure in a patient with arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease. A: Central and basal vessels are poorly defined, indicating perivascular edema. No Kerley B lines are observed. Upper-lobe vessels are relatively prominent. Basal vessels are difficult to define because of the perivascular edema. B: Closeup view of the right base shows the poor definition of vessels in this patient.

FIG. 28-29. Congestive heart failure. A: The heart is distinctly enlarged. There is vascular redistribution and evidence of some parahilar haze and perivascular edema, noted best at the right base. B: Closeup view of area of involvement. The individual vessels are very poorly defined. There is a hint of a little interstitial edema peripherally, with short, horizontal linear densities that are poorly defined.

Combined Precapillary and Postcapillary Hypertension When there is a combined arterial (precapillary) and venous (postcapillary) hypertension, the roentgen changes depend on the sequence of events. Mitral stenosis is a good example. Venous hypertension occurs for some time and is followed by arterial hypertension. The roentgen findings are then in combination and develop as the disease developsa summation of changes. The subject of the pulmonary blood flow, its quantitation, and the changes in arterial and venous hypertension are thoroughly discussed by Simon.

Chronic lung diseases such as pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema cause increased pulmonary arterial resistance, resulting in pulmonary arterial hypertension. Occasionally general dilatation of pulmonary arteries and veins involving all of the lung zones develops. This is caused by diffuse arteriovenous shunting. There may be some interstitial edema, and the patients are dyspneic and cyanotic. It was postulated by Simon and colleagues 29 that a combination of increased pulmonary resistance and left ventricular decompensation probably caused by hypoxia results in this emphysema-shunt syndrome.

This has been reported in patients with postpulmonary lobectomy pulmonary venous thrombosis. Because this can be fatal, slow evacuation of a very large pneumothorax, massive pleural effusion, or hydropneumothorax is recommended by those who have written on the subject.

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Chapter 29 Tumors of the Lungs and Bronchi Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 29 Tumors of the Lungs and Bronchi

John H.Juhl Janet E. Kuhlman

J. H. Juhl and J. E. Kuhlman: Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Medical School, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252.

Malignant Tumors Bronchogenic Carcinoma Classification of Malignant Lung Tumors Roentgen Findings in Lung Cancer Roentgen Signs Indicating Metastasis or Local Invasion General Considerations Staging of Pulmonary Tumors Other Malignant Tumors Bronchial Carcinoid Tumor Pulmonary Sarcoma Kaposi's Sarcoma Pulmonary Blastoma Leukemia and Lymphoma of the Lung Hodgkin's Disease and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Malignant Histiocytosis Plasma Cell Diseases Metastatic Tumors Hematogenous Metastases Cavitation in Metastases Lymphangitic Metastasis Benign Tumors Hamartoma Lipoma Fibroma Leiomyoma Other Benign Tumors Chapter References

Bronchogenic Carcinoma There has been an absolute as well as a relative increase in the incidence of carcinoma of the lung in the past 40 years that is reflected in the mortality rate. In white male smokers the reported incidence of cancer of the lung is 15 to 30 times higher than in nonsmokers. Of all carcinomas this carries the highest mortality rate, but the rate may have reached a plateau in men. The incidence and mortality rate in women is now rising, with one study showing a drop in the male-female ratio from 15:1 in the years 1955 to 1959 to 6:1 in the years 1968 to 1971. 56 By 1987, the ratio had dropped to about 2:1, with an incidence of 20% of all cancers in men and 11% in women.65 This appears to be related to an increase in the number of female smokers and probably to an increase in environmental exposure to cigarette smoke. An increase in all cell types of lung cancer occurs in cigarette smokers, and it is estimated that 85% of all lung cancer deaths are associated with cigarette smoking.56 There also appears to be an increase in lung cancer in persons exposed to secondhand smoke, asbestos, silica, lipids, hydrocarbons, arsenic, beryllium, uranium, chromate, nickel, vinyl chloride, radon gas, radiation, and bis-chloromethyl ether (BCME) and in those with a number of pulmonary conditions such as fibrosis, probably pulmonary tuberculosis, and other chronic bronchopulmonary infections. The number of persons studied does not allow a final conclusion as to cell type predominance in these groups. However, lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death in the United States, the most common cancer of men in the world, and the most common fatal cancer in American women.56 Classification of Malignant Lung Tumors Numerous classifications of histologic types of lung tumors have been described, and several are now used by various groups. This lack of agreement makes it difficult to compare the numerous studies regarding incidence or predominance of various cell types associated with various carcinogens. The World Health Organization classifies malignant lung tumors into four major cell types 81 (Table 29-1).

TABLE 29-1. Classification of histologic types of lung cancer by the world health Organization 1981

Various reports regarding the incidence of the cell types are available. Recent estimates are as follows Adenocarcinoma50% (17.9% in men, 45.1% in women) Squamous-cell carcinoma30% (41.3% in men, 18.6% in women) Small-cell carcinoma15% (19.4% in men, 11% in women) Undifferentiated large-cell carcinomafewer than 5%


Mixed histologies also occur within the same tumor mass, the most common of which is adenosquamous carcinoma. 56 A considerable difference in the incidence of the various cell types was found in the Early Lung Cancer Cooperative Study done by Johns Hopkins University, the

Mayo Clinic, and the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. 72 A total of 31,360 men, all heavy cigarette smokers 45 years of age or older, were monitored for at least 5 years. Of the 223 lung cancers detected in this group, cell types were as follows: squamous-cell, 42%; adenocarcinoma, 32%; large-cell, 15%; and small-cell, 10%. The varied results in these large studies emphasize the problem of obtaining accurate statistics on the relative incidence of the various cell types. 37 Since the Early Lung Cancer Cooperative Study, however, an increasing frequency of adenocarcinoma and a decreasing frequency of squamous-cell carcinoma has been observed, and it is now recognized that adenocarcinoma is the most frequently found lung cancer. 56 Despite the advances in surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy, the overall 5-year survival rate from lung cancer remains very low, in the range of 10% to 15%. 56 In contrast, the 5-year survival rate for patients with small peripheral lung cancers staged as T1 lesions is greater than 50% after surgical resection. 59 This suggests that there is an opportunity to decrease the high mortality rate in this type of cancer. Earlier diagnosis by means of radiographic examination is one way in which it may be accomplished. There are more than 160,000 new cases of lung cancer per year and 140,000 deaths per year in the United States. 56,66 The majority appear to be caused by cigarette smoking. There are conflicting reports regarding the efficacy of screening the high-risk group (smokers older than 45 years of age) using chest roentgenograms, and there is no general agreement that earlier detection would result in decreased mortality. However, in the Cooperative Study, approximately 40% of radiologically visible cancers were stage I, with a 5-year survival rate after resection of almost 80%. 72 Therefore, it appears that screening warrants further study and consideration. 43 However, there is no consensus that screening is of value, because mortality rates have not decreased. In patients in the high-risk group who desire a screening chest radiograph, there is very little reason to withhold the examination. Furthermore, the radiologist who interprets chest roentgenograms in patients with a long history of smoking should make certain that all roentgenograms are of good technical quality and should attempt to double-read each radiograph, because independent double reading appears to improve sensitivity. The adenocarcinoma, with an overall incidence of about 50%, is the most common of the bronchogenic tumors. 56 Adenocarcinoma is the most common cell type found in women and nonsmokers.56 This tumor type is found in association with chronic lung disease such as focal fibrosis (scar carcinoma), diffuse fibrosis (as in interstitial fibrosis and scleroderma), chronic tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, and infarction. 56 Adenocarcinoma typically appears as a peripheral mass with lobulated or irregular margins. Pleural retraction or tethering may be seen. High-resolution computed tomography (CT) may demonstrate an air bronchogram in the mass or nodule. 30 Adenocarcinoma tends to be more peripheral than the other types, but in one study about 50% occurred centrally, as a hilar or mediastinal mass or as a combination of the two.80 This is the tumor most often observed peripherally in relatively young women. When adenocarcinoma of the lung spreads to the pleura, it can produce chest film and CT findings that are indistinguishable from those of other pleural neoplasms such as malignant mesothelioma. The bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (BAC), is a subtype of adenocarcinoma making up approximately 2% to 6% of lung cancers. 56 Thirty percent to 50% of BAC cases occur in women.23 BAC begins as a single focus of tumor arising in the air spaces distal to any recognizable bronchus and has a unique propensity for subsequent growth along the alveolar walls and septa (lepidic spread). 29 Aerogeneous spread of tumor cells to other parts of the lung results in diffuse pulmonary disease, whereas distant metastases occur via lymphatic and hematogenous routes. 70 Two general gross pathologic types are described: (1) the tumor-like or nodular form, which appears as a well-circumscribed, peripheral, solitary nodule ( Fig. 29-1), and (2) the diffuse type, which roentgenographically may resemble lobar, segmental, or diffuse pneumonic consolidation ( Fig. 29-2) or multifocal nodular disease. Patients with the solitary nodule form generally have a good prognosis after resection of the tumor, whereas those with the diffuse or multifocal form have limited life expectancy. 23 There are also two histologic subtypes related to the predominant type of tumor cells: columnar cells (bronchiolar type) or cuboidal cells (alveolar type). Many BACs show mixed histologies, with cuboidal type II alveolar pneumocytes, nonciliated bronchiolar (Clara) cells, or mucin-secreting bronchiolar cells. 23 Rarely a multicystic appearance occurs, which may or may not be associated with other solid lesions.

FIG. 29-1. A and B: Solitary form of bronchioloalveolar carcinoma. Computed tomogram shows a well-circumscribed, peripheral, solitary nodule with small lucencies in the nodule and pleural tags.

FIG. 29-2. Diffuse form of bronchioloalveolar carcinoma. The chest radiograph shows bilateral air-space disease with air bronchograms, an appearance that resembles diffuse pneumonia.

There is wide variation in the clinical course of the disease. Progression may be very slow or exceedingly rapid. Patients with a peripheral solitary BAC may be asymptomatic and the tumor may show little or no growth for years.29,70 Cough and dyspnea are prominent symptoms. Occasionally the cough may produce large amounts of mucoid sputum. In a review of 136 cases, Hill 21 found a nodule smaller than 4 cm in 23%, a mass larger than 4 cm in 20%, diffuse nodules in 27%, consolidation in one lobe or less in 7%, and diffuse consolidation in 23%. Bronchial dilatation and/or distortion, with air bronchogram best demonstrated by CT, appears to be characteristic in those cases with consolidation. Air bronchograms tend to be present in the bronchiolar cell type but not in the alveolar cell type. 58 A number of authors have described various CT patterns seen in patients with BAC. These include widespread or patchy ground-glass opacities in the diffuse pneumonic form of the tumor23,28; pseudocavitation, heterogeneous CT attenuation, and small lucencies in solitary BAC tumors 23,29 (see Fig. 29-1); stellate borders and pleural tags in solitary masses 29; the CT angiogram sign (an enhancing branching vessel within an area of low attenuation consolidation), most often seen in mucin-producing BAC22; and the air bronchogram or open bronchus sign, seen in the pneumonic and focal form of the cancer 23,75 (Fig. 29-3). Many of these features are attributable to the tumor's unique growth pattern, in which malignant cells proliferate along the alveolar walls without destroying the underlying lung architecture. Air-space disease results from filling of the alveoli with mucin (low attenuation on CT), secretions, and sloughed tumor cells; the bronchi and pulmonary vessels typically remain patent. Lucencies within areas of tumor correlate with patent dilated small bronchi or cystic air spaces at pathology. 23 Other, less common CT patterns include multinodular miliary disease 1 and multiple thin-walled cystic or cavitary lesions. 78

FIG. 29-3. A and B: Computed tomographic (CT) features of pneumonic form of bronchioloalveolar carcinoma. CT shows air-space consolidation and ground-glass opacity in the right lower lobe with air bronchograms running through the area of consolidation.

The epidermoid or squamous-cell neoplasm occurs predominantly in men, with a male-female ratio of 2:1 or 3:1, and is strongly associated with cigarette smoking. These lesions make up about one third of all bronchogenic tumors and tend to occur in relatively older age groups, with the peak incidence at age 60 years. This tumor often arises in or immediately adjacent to lobar and segmental bronchi but is occasionally peripheral ( Fig. 29-4). Patients with central endobronchial tumors often present with partial or complete lobar atelectasis and postobstructive pneumonia. When a primary tumor is noted to invade the thoracic wall, it is more likely to be epidermoid than any other type, and squamous-cell carcinoma is the most common cause of the Pancoast syndrome. Necrosis with formation of cavity may also occur (10%),56 and when a tumor with cavitation is found in an elderly man it is almost always epidermoid in origin. The well-differentiated squamous-cell tumor is more likely to remain confined to the bronchus of origin and adjacent nodes than are the other cell types, and the rate of growth is often less rapid than in the others. Invasion of veins with hematogenous metastasis does occur late in the course of the disease, however. Because of the central bronchial location of many of these tumors, squamous-cell carcinoma is the most likely occult tumor type to be detected by sputum cytology. It is also the most common type of lung cancer to cause hypercalcemia as paraneoplastic syndrome. 56

FIG. 29-4. A and B: Squamous-cell carcinoma appearing as an endobronchial, plaque-like lesion. Computed tomography shows subtle, but definitely abnormal, focal thickening of the posterior wall of the right main stem bronchus ( arrow). A small endobronchial protrusion caused by tumor is seen in the airway ( arrowhead).

The small-cell carcinoma, which makes up about 15% of bronchogenic tumors, often occurs centrally, with hilar enlargement and massive mediastinal lymph-node metastases (Fig. 29-5). This type of lung cancer may resemble mediastinal lymphoma, and it is the most common lung cancer to cause superior vena cava obstruction. 56 It does not often arise as a peripheral tumor but rarely appears as a solitary pulmonary mass. The tumor usually does not undergo necrosis to form cavitation. Small-cell carcinomas belong to a family of neuroendocrine neoplasms of varying degrees of malignancy that includes carcinoid and atypical carcinoid tumors. These tumors contain neurosecretory granules and may secrete chemically active substances such as ectopic hormones. Small-cell carcinoma is the most common lung cancer to cause Cushing's syndrome and secretion of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH). 56

FIG. 29-5. Small-cell bronchogenic carcinoma. A lobulated mass involving the right hilum and the superior mediastinum is noted to displace the trachea to the left. There is also tumor in the superior mediastinum on the left. This type of tumor cannot be differentiated from lymphoma on roentgenographic findings.

The undifferentiated large-cell carcinomas, which are also anaplastic tumors, comprise about 5% of lung cancers. They tend to be large, bulky tumors and usually occur peripherally, but they can occur centrally. Necrosis is often a prominent feature. Pleural involvement with effusion is common. As their name implies, these tumors are more aggressive and spread early, both locally and through distant metastases. 56 Roentgen Findings in Lung Cancer The changes caused by bronchogenic carcinoma vary widely, depending on the site of the tumor and its relation to the bronchial tree. 55 The tumor itself may or may not be visible. When the tumor is not visible, its presence can be detected by such findings as localized atelectasis and inflammatory disease, secondary to the tumor within or compressing a bronchus. Each radiologic sign of bronchogenic carcinoma may occur as the only evidence of tumor, or several of the signs may occur in a single patient. Any of the following may occur as the initial sign of bronchogenic carcinoma: 1. Atelectasis, which may be segmental or lobar (Fig. 29-6, Fig. 29-7, Fig. 29-8 and Fig. 29-9)

FIG. 29-6. Bronchogenic carcinoma. A: Frontal view shows a right hilar mass with an opacity in the anterior segment of the right upper lobe. The minor fissure is elevated, indicating that there is some atelectasis. B: Increase in the hilar opacity is noted along with the opacity in the anterior segment of the upper lobe. There is also some fluid posteriorly, noted only on the lateral projection.

FIG. 29-7. Bronchogenic carcinoma. This tumor is associated with atelectasis of the left upper lobe. A: The mass obscures the upper cardiac border and aorta and fades off into the lung superiorly. There is some mediastinal shift to the left and elevation of the left hemidiaphragm. B: Arrows point to the displaced fissure, with the partially atelectatic upper lobe anterior to it.

FIG. 29-8. Bronchogenic carcinoma, squamous cell type. A: Chest radiograph shows right middle and right lower lobe collapse with compensatory hyperinflation of the right upper lobe. A chest tube is in place for treatment of a spontaneous pneumothorax. A small right effusion is also evident. B: Computed tomography reveals the cause of the right middle and lower lobe atelectasis. An endobronchial mass is present ( arrow) and is causing almost complete obstruction of the bronchus intermedius.

FIG. 29-9. Bronchogenic carcinoma. A: Chest radiograph demonstrates complete left lower lobe atelectasis with shift of the mediastinum and compensatory hyperinflation of the right lung. A rounded area of increased density is noted in the left infrahilar, retrocardiac region displacing the left paraspinal line laterally. B and C: Computed tomogram shows a tumor mass (arrow) between the descending aorta and the left pulmonary artery branch to the lower lobe. The mass is obstructing the left lower lobe bronchus, causing left lower lobe atelectasis.

2. Unilateral hilar enlargement ( Fig. 29-10)

FIG. 29-10. Bronchogenic carcinoma. This large left hilar mass, seen in the frontal ( A) and lateral ( B) projections, represents a tumor that surrounds the upper-lobe bronchus and narrows it somewhat. There is no difficulty in diagnosis when the mass reaches this size.

3. Overinflation, obstructive in type, which may be segmental or lobar; this is a very rare sign

4. Mediastinal mass, often simulating lymphoma; this is usually found in small-cell carcinoma (see Fig. 29-5) 5. Apical pulmonary opacity with or without rib destruction; this is the superior pulmonary sulcus (Pancoast) tumor ( Fig. 29-11)

FIG. 29-11. Superior pulmonary sulcus tumor. A: Note the asymmetrical opacity in the right lung apex. Careful inspection reveals associated rib destruction of the posterior aspect of the right second rib. B: Thin-section computed tomography with bone window settings shows that the apical Pancoast tumor has begun to destroy the posterior second rib and the adjacent costovertebral junction.

6. Cavitation in a solitary mass, usually in squamous-cell carcinoma in heavy smokers ( Fig. 29-12)

FIG. 29-12. Bronchogenic carcinoma. A: The cavitary lesion in the left lung is an excavating squamous-cell carcinoma. B: Tomogram shows a slightly irregular mass projecting into the cavity medially and variation in wall thickness laterally. These signs are very characteristic of cavitary bronchogenic carcinoma, usually the squamous-cell type.

7. Segmental consolidation resembling local pneumonitis, which does not clear or which clears incompletely ( Fig. 29-13)

FIG. 29-13. Bronchogenic carcinoma simulating inflammatory disease. The patient was febrile when the poorly defined disease in the right medial base was discovered. The acute symptoms subsided, but the pulmonary disease failed to clear. Thoracotomy revealed an infiltrating carcinoma.

8. Parenchymal massa solitary mass or nodule larger than 4 cm in diameter is usually malignant ( Fig. 29-14). Rarely, a hamartoma or granuloma may attain this size. The mass or nodule may be sharply defined but is more often poorly defined and irregular; it may be surrounded by abnormal thickened vessels or spiculation best demonstrated on CT

FIG. 29-14. Bronchogenic carcinoma. A: Small-cell bronchogenic carcinoma arising in the lower lobe as a large solitary mass in a patient who was asymptomatic. B: Massive undifferentiated adenocarcinoma of the right lung in another patient who also was asymptomatic. C: Lateral projection shows that the massive tumor seen in B is largely in the superior segment of the right lower lobe.

9. Mucoid impaction distal to a small endobronchial tumor may be visible when a segmental bronchus is involved, because collateral ventilation may result in aeration of the distal lung. A persistent round or fusiform shadow, often with branching, is observed. It appears similar to mucoid impaction in allergic aspergillosis but is local and persistent rather than transitory and multifocal ( Fig. 29-15)

FIG. 29-15. Squamous-cell lung cancer presenting as a mucocele. A: Chest radiograph demonstrates a lobular, ovoid lesion on the left. B and C: Computed tomography (CT) shows the lesion to be tubular or sausage-shaped, with its axis along the superior segment bronchus. The CT findings are compatible with a mucocele in the bronchus. At bronchoscopy a small endobronchial tumor was found with distal mucoid impaction of the superior segmental bronchus of the left lower lobe.

10. Occasionally the initial sign is a very poorly defined, irregular, nonhomogeneous density that may be linear and may resemble a fibrotic scar. Therefore, it is necessary to be suspicious of almost every opacity in the lung that does not clear or that appears in a patient with previously normal lungs, particularly if the patient is a male smoker older than 40 years of age. In addition to those listed, a number of other roentgen signs may result from metastasis or local invasion. These include pleural effusion, hematogenous or lymphangitic intrapulmonary metastasis, elevation of the diaphragm secondary to phrenic nerve paralysis, and pleural masses with or without rib destruction. Atelectasis Atelectasis is probably the most common single radiographic sign of bronchogenic carcinoma. There may be segmental, lobar, or massive atelectasis of one lung. The radiographic signs of atelectasis resulting from tumor are similar to those caused by any lesion producing endobronchial block. The amount of opacity produced varies with the size of the bronchus obstructed. It is not uncommon to find a combination of atelectasis and tumor (see Fig. 29-6, Fig. 29-7, Fig. 29-8 and Fig. 29-9). This is most readily seen in the right upper lobe, where the atelectasis results in elevation and concavity of the secondary interlobar fissure laterally. A convexity medially with greater opacity there represents the tumor mass. In such patients the inferior margin of the lobe resembles the reversed letter S (Golden's sign). A combination of pneumonia and atelectasis may also occur, which may cause confusion. Persistence of the shadow despite antibiotic therapy or failure of complete disappearance is strong evidence of neoplasm. Occasionally a relatively central mass is visible in association with a more peripheral density representing atelectasis, infection, or infarction in various combinations distal to the central tumor. Unilateral Enlargement of the Hilum Unilateral enlargement of the hilum (see Fig. 29-10) may be very difficult to evaluate when only a single roentgenogram is available. If there is a difference in the size of the hilum on the two sides, every effort should be made to obtain any previous roentgenograms of the patient that may be available. If a film of an earlier examination is obtained, any difference in hilar size between the two films is of particular significance. CT with intravenous contrast enhancement, preferably with spiral or helical technique, should next be obtained to outline the tumor or local bronchial narrowing produced by it and to detect hilar lymph nodes. Local Overinflation (Obstructive) Bronchogenic carcinoma may not cause enough obstruction to interfere with air entering the segment, lobe, or lung supplied by the bronchus, but the slight decrease in bronchial size on expiration may result in partial obstruction to the egress of air. This causes overinflation, which may precede atelectasis by a considerable period of time. It is a rare sign of bronchogenic carcinoma. Films in inspiration and expiration and fluoroscopy accentuate the findings and may verify the presence of obstructive overinflation, but these methods are rarely pursued given the greater amount of information that can be obtained by going directly to CT examination. When a wheeze is detected on auscultation or the presence of local overinflation is suggested on the chest roentgenogram, helical CT scanning with narrow collimation and overlapping slice reconstruction is indicated to search for a subtle endobronchial lesion. If obstructive overinflation is found in a patient past middle age, bronchogenic carcinoma should be suspected. Then further evaluation with CT and bronchoscopy should be undertaken. Mediastinal Widening When the mediastinum is enlarged as a result of bronchogenic carcinoma, it often indicates the presence of a small-cell type of tumor. The primary tumor is usually in a stem bronchus and rarely beyond a lobar bronchus, so the primary tumor mass is often obscured by a large mediastinal mass. Therefore this tumor cannot be differentiated from lymphoma in some patients. The tumor is nonresectable when there is mediastinal invasion, but it may respond to irradiation or chemotherapy, or both (see Fig. 29-5). Apical Density With or Without Rib Destruction Apical density with or without rib destruction denotes the presence of a superior pulmonary sulcus tumor known as a Pancoast tumor. It is usually caused by either squamous-cell carcinoma or adenocarcinoma, but other cell types may be found. The four cardinal signs of the Pancoast syndrome are (1) mass in the pulmonary apex, (2) destruction of an adjacent rib or vertebra, (3) Horner's syndrome caused by tumor involvement of the stellate ganglion of the sympathetic chain, and (4) pain or atrophy of the muscles of the ipsilateral arm resulting from tumor involvement of the brachial plexus. 56 In addition to bronchogenic carcinoma, other tumors, including metastatic carcinoma and malignant neurogenic tumor, can cause the Pancoast syndrome. When only a small amount of parenchymal density or asymmetrical apical pleural thickening is visible representing the peripheral tumor, the diagnosis of malignancy is very difficult to make, because this density simulates the minor amount of pleural thickening often seen in the apex in elderly patients. The presence of pain should lead to the strong suspicion of tumor, and the other clinical findings of Horner's syndrome, loss of sensation in the forearm, atrophy of the hand muscles make the diagnosis almost certain. The tumor can grow rapidly and produce early destruction of the ribs (see Fig. 29-11). O'Connell and associates 48 reviewed 29 patients with this tumor. An apical mass was found in 45%, and 55% had unilateral apical pleural thickening. The apical lordotic view can be misleading in the detection of occult Pancoast tumors. Oblique projections may be helpful, but better delineation of the apical abnormality is often best obtained with examination of the apices by thin-section CT. Needle biopsy is the best nonsurgical method of establishing the diagnosis. In cases of known Pancoast tumor, CT can demonstrate the extent of bone di sease, particularly the presence of rib and vertebral body destruction, which is found in 34%. However, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the more accurate imaging modality for staging the extent of soft-tissue involvement by the Pancoast tumor. 19 MRI has the advantage of direct multiplanar imaging and is better at delineating invasion of the brachial plexus, spinal canal, and cervical and thoracic soft tissues. Solitary Cavity If a solitary cavity is found in an elderly man who has few if any signs of infection, the presence of bronchogenic carcinoma should be suspected. The cavity wall is usually thick and irregular, but it may be very thin, at least in some areas. If CT studies are obtained, almost invariably a local mass is seen projecting from the round or oval cavity wall into the cavity in one or more areas. Another helpful sign is the lack of evidence of inflammatory disease in the vicinity of the solitary cavity (see Fig. 29-12). The epidermoid tumor is the usual type in which cavitation occurs; necrosis leads to the cavitation. Most of these tumors are found in the upper lobes. A long history of smoking is common in these patients. Rarely, adenocarcinoma and large-cell carcinoma may cavitate, but small-cell carcinoma does not. Pneumonitis That Does Not Clear Partial obstruction of a bronchus by a tumor can cause inflammatory disease in the lobe or segment supplied by that bronchus. On radiographic study, the findings simulate those of an ordinary pneumonia localized to the area. If the process fails to resolve or clears incompletely, bronchogenic carcinoma should be suspected (see Fig. 29-13). Further, if the pneumonitis clears and then reappears in the same area, endobronchial tumor should also be suspected, and further studies including CT and bronchoscopy should be carried out to determine the cause. The opacity noted in these patients with disease that resembles pneumonia may be caused in part by tumor; CT may then outline tumor nodulation within the area of pneumonic consolidation. An air bronchogram is occasionally observed in this situation. Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (BAC) may simulate segmental or lobar pneumonia, as indicated previously. This opacity does not clear (see Fig. 29-3). Air bronchogram is commonly seen, and CT often reveals dilated or distorted bronchi, or both. Smaller, poorly defined opacities resembling very small patches of inflammatory disease may actually represent the first sign of bronchogenic carcinoma. When such a lesion is found, particularly in a smoker, it is important to obtain follow-up roentgenograms and also to obtain previous roentgenograms, if available, for comparison. When such a lesion does not respond to antibiotic therapy and does not contain calcium, bronchogenic tumor is a distinct possibility.

Large Parenchymal Mass Bronchogenic carcinoma that begins as a peripheral nodule may reach a very large size before causing symptoms. These large, lobulated but generally round or oval masses may lie far out in the periphery or adjacent to the hilum. They usually range from 4 to 12 cm in diameter, and sometimes are even larger. CT may show some areas of radiolucency, indicating necrosis within the mass. There is usually very little difficulty in arriving at the diagnosis of pulmonary carcinoma in these patients, because any solitary mass of large size in a patient in the age group at risk for carcinoma is most likely malignant and must be considered as such until disproved. There is often associated hilar-node involvement resulting in unilateral hilar enlargement (see Fig. 29-10). Solitary Pulmonary Nodule The solitary peripheral pulmonary parenchymal nodule presents a diagnostic and therapeutic problem that has been extensively investigated and discussed. 17,85,87 When such a nodule is seen on a chest roentgenogram, the question of lung tumor always arises. These nodules may range from a few millimeters up to 4 cm or more in size. When they are larger than 2.5 cm and contain no calcium, it is highly probable that they are bronchogenic carcinomas. Surgical resection of the solitary nodular bronchogenic carcinoma results in a higher 5-year survival rate than in lung cancer in which symptoms are present. The prognosis is better when the lesions are smaller than 2 cm in diameter and much better in patients younger than 55 years of age. Lillington, 32 in a comprehensive review of solitary pulmonary nodules, concluded that (1) most benign nodules are granulomas; (2) most resected nodules are malignant; (3) surgical mortality is low for resection of nodules; (4) prognosis is better than in other types of lung cancer; and (5) resection of nodular metastasis results in prolonged survival in a significant number of cases. Detection of a solitary pulmonary nodule is therefore very important. As indicated previously, double reading is very helpful in decreasing the number of false-negative results. CT has replaced oblique films and fluoroscopy whenever there is a question as to the location of a nodule seen on only one projection. Nodules can be seen when they are 3 mm in diameter, but true tumors can be separated from opacities that mimic them only when they are 8 to 10 mm in diameter. Many methods have been tried to improve radiographic detection of pulmonary nodules. Most have showed promise, but there is no consensus regarding a single best method. 61,73 Many other studies have been reported in addition to those cited here. 39 Although mass screening of adults older than 45 to 50 years is probably not cost-effective, the screening of heavy smokers older than 45 years of ageand particularly of asbestos workers who are heavy smokersmay prove to be effective. When a small nodule is found, certain steps should be taken to ascertain the nature of the lesion. If previous films are available, they should be reviewed. If the lesion was not present on films made within the preceding 1 or 2 years in a patient (particularly a smoker) older than 40 years of age, malignant tumor is the first consideration. Inflammatory granulomas occasionally appear in patients of middle age, but this is uncommon. If the nodule has undergone no increase in size for at least 2 years, it is more likely to be benign but should be observed at intervals for several more years. Yankelevitz and Henschke 83 raised several points of caution in using the 2-year rule of stability to imply benignity of a pulmonary nodule, after reviewing the data on which this recommendation was originally based. Slow-growing cancers do exist, and accurate detection of a change in size of small pulmonary nodules based on plain films alone can be quite difficult. Most malignant nodules have a volume doubling time of 20 to 400 days. Those that double more quickly are likely to be caused by infections, whereas those that double in volume at a slower rate are often benign (e.g., granulomas, hamartomas). There are exceptions, as many authors have pointed out. A nodule that remains unchanged in size for 2 years has a doubling time of more than 730 days and is more likely to be benign. The authors 83 pointed out, however, that it much more difficult to appreciate volume changes in a small nodule than in a large mass. A nodule that is 5 mm in diameter must only grow to 6 mm to have doubled in volume. This degree of change may be impossible to detect on the chest radiograph and has led some authors to advocate serial CT examinations as a more accurate way to detect small changes in size of smaller nodules. No matter what imaging technique is used, it is imperative to examine carefully not only the most recent but also the oldest comparison examination available in order not to miss subtle changes in size over time. 83 If the nodule is seen to have increased in size on review of films obtained several months or even years earlier, bronchogenic carcinoma is the first consideration in diagnosis, unless calcification can be demonstrated. CT should be used in the examination of patients with solitary pulmonary nodules to determine the presence or absence of calcification (Fig. 29-16 and Fig. 29-17). When calcification is present t he lesion is most likely benign, unless the calcification is focal and eccentric, which may indicate a calcified granuloma engulfed by tumor.

FIG. 29-16. Computed tomographic evaluation of solitary pulmonary nodule reveals a densely, homogeneously calcified nodule compatible with a benign calcified granuloma.

FIG. 29-17. A: Solitary pulmonary nodule identified on chest radiograph in a 44-year-old woman. B: Computed tomographic evaluation shows that the nodule is not calcified; several other smaller nodules were also found (not shown). The nodule proved to be a metastasis from a soft-tissue sarcoma.

The character of calcification is of significance. A central nidus, a laminated appearance, or both, almost certainly indicate an inflammatory lesion. Curvilinear and popcorn-like calcifications are also benign, usually appearing in hamartomas. As indicated, calcium in a malignant nodule may be coincidental, when the tumor engulfs an old inflammatory granuloma, or it may represent calcification in the tumor itself. The latter is very uncommon on plain-film study but may be observed on CT. Even when calcification is present, the lesion should be kept under observation by means of follow-up roentgenograms. A few cases of bronchogenic carcinoma have been reported in nodules containing calcium, but by far the majority of calcified nodules are benign. Determination of density using CT numbers was described by Siegelman and coworkers in 1980. 64 Because of variation in Hounsfield numbers from one CT scanner unit to another, Siegelman's colleague Zerhouni developed a phantom for standardization; this may make results reproducible and enable CT differentiation of calcium-containing granulomas from tumors, thus saving patients with high Hounsfield numbers from thoracotomy. 84 If the lesion containing calcium continues to grow, thoracotomy with removal should be considered because of the remote possibility of carcinoma; furthermore, if it is inflammatory, the growth indicates activity of the granulomatous process. It is also important to remember that not

all homogeneously calcified nodules are benign, the major exception being nodules caused by metastatic osteosarcoma which are totally dense on CT ( Fig. 29-18).

FIG. 29-18. A and B: Not all densely calcified nodules are benign granulomas. This patient had a history of previous resection of an osteosarcoma. The computed tomogram shows multiple pulmonary nodules that are densely calcified as a result of osteosarcoma metastases.

When CT fails to show calcium within the nodule, this does not mean the nodule is malignant but indicates that the possibility of malignancy cannot be excluded (see Fig. 29-17 and Fig. 29-19). Active inflammatory nodules may be irregular, and small satellite nodules are often present; however, in the absence of calcium these signs cannot be taken to exclude the possibility of carcinoma, because small satellite nodules may represent extensions of the tumor through the interstitium and lymphatics within it. There are several additional findings that are helpful in the roentgen differentiation of benign from malignant tumor nodules. The malignant tumors often have indefinite, irregular, or fuzzy borders, often with spiculation, in contrast to the sharp borders of benign tumors. Linear opacities are more often associated with inflammatory nodules than with malignant tumors. They may extend from the hilum to the nodule or from the nodule to the pleura, or both. The tail sign, a linear opacity from the nodule to or toward the pleura, is found in both benign and malignant lesions, so it is not helpful in differentiation. Lobulation of the nodule is more suggestive of carcinoma than of inflammation.

FIG. 29-19. Solitary pulmonary nodule caused by adenocarcinoma. Computed tomography shows a spiculated, solitary pulmonary nodule that is not calcified. Note the slight prominence of the surrounding interstitial markings around the nodule. Surgical resection revealed a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma with local lymphangitic spread of tumor within the interstitium surrounding the tumor.

Two studies, by Swensen and associates 71 and by Yamashita and coworkers,82 have correlated the degree of enhancement of a solitary pulmonary nodule on CT with its likelihood of malignancy. Both groups found that malignant neoplasms enhanced more than granulomas and benign neoplasms, with the occasional exception of some hamartomas. When noncalcified pulmonary nodules were imaged using serial thin-section CT slices obtained through the nodule before and dynamically after injection of 100 to 150 mL of nonionic contrast material administered at 2 mL/second, malignant neoplasms showed contrast enhancement over baseline of 20 to 108 Hounsfield units, compared with only 4 to 58 Hounsfield units for benign lesions 71,82 (Fig. 29-20). A multi-institutional trial to determine the accuracy of this technique for identifying benign versus malignant pulmonary nodules in a larger number of cases is currently underway.

FIG. 29-20. Benign pulmonary mass simulating a malignant tumor. A: The chest radiograph in this 32-year-old man revealed a small mass in the right lung apex. B: Computed tomography (CT) confirms the presence of a slightly irregular, noncalcified nodule in the right lung apex, with associated pleural tagging and a small satellite nodule. C: CT evaluation of the nodule during dynamic intravenous contrast injection showed no significant enhancement of the nodule over baseline measurements, favoring a benign lesion. The nodule proved to be a tuberculoma in this patient with a positive PPD skin test.

If the examinations described have indicated the possibility of malignancy, further steps must be taken. If there are no symptoms of involvement of other organs, extensive investigation of other systems probably is not necessary. Transthoracic thin-needle aspiration biopsy may permit a definitive diagnosis in the hands of experienced, skilled operators. Guidelines for percutaneous transthoracic needle biopsy have been published by the American Thoracic Society. 2 Their approach is conservative and worth study by anyone who performs or contemplates performing this procedure. Results in aspiration biopsy studies are widely varied. 16 There is very little morbidity and almost no mortality. When tumor is found, the results are almost 100% accurate. The same is true when a benign nodule with specific evidence of a particular benign lesion, either inflammatory or neoplastic, is found. When a specific diagnosis of a benign cause of the nodule cannot be made, this method is not accurate; some recommend thoracotomy in this situation. Khouri and associates 27 reported their experience with 650 patients. Malignant lesions were diagnosed in 95% of patients with malignant nodules, and benign lesions were diagnosed in 88% of those with benign nodules. Diagnostic thoracotomies were necessary in fewer than 8% of patients with lung nodules. Of a total of 25% with pneumothorax, only 5% of biopsied patients had pneumothorax requiring chest tube placement. There were no deaths, and minimal hemoptysis occurred in 5% of the second group of 350 patients in this study. Lesions near the hilum and those demonstrating on CT a bronchus entering into the mass (the bronchus sign) are accessible to transbronchial aspiration needle biopsy using the fiberoptic bronchoscope. 46,47 Usually, brushings and bronchial washings are obtained. Central tumors may be seen and biopsied directly. Unless there is satisfactory evidence that the nodule is benign, it should be resected. With the development of video-assisted thoracoscopy, tiny peripheral nodules that are of indeterminate origin can be removed easily without the need for more extensive thoractomy. Ideal lesions are very small nodules, in the subpleural

location which may be too small to sample with percutaneous needle aspiration techniques or for which such a technique has failed to give a definitive diagnosis. Roentgen Signs Indicating Metastasis or Local Invasion Pleural Effusion The presence of pleural effusion in a patient with a visible pulmonary tumor mass usually indicates that there is involvement of the pleura by direct extension or as the result of metastasis. At times, clear fluid may indicate only that lymphatics are obstructed and is not a definite indication of spread of tumor to the pleura. In this situation, when no malignant cells are found in the fluid, the disease is limited and should be staged as such. However, if the fluid is bloody, the pleura is almost invariably involved. Not infrequently, the effusion is massive and obscures the lung. When the fluid is removed, the tumor mass or secondary signs of tumor may be visible. Bronchopleural fistula may result in pyopneumothorax, and occasionally empyema occurs in patients with bronchogenic carcinoma. Hematogenous and Lymphangitic Spread Lymphangitic metastasis is the most common type of spread in bronchogenic carcinoma. The lymphatics drain toward the hilum; there are lymphatics located just beneath the visceral pleural surface that extend to the adjacent interlobular septa, where they turn toward the hilum. If lymphatics in the vicinity of the tumor are obstructed, the increased pressure overcomes the valves and lymphatic flow is toward the periphery. 20 This produces tumor extension toward the pleura, causing line shadows called the pleural tail. Desmoplastic reactions to tumor may also cause pleural tags. Line shadows may also extend from inflammatory masses to the pleura, so the finding does not necessarily indicate malignancy. When lymphatics are invaded without obstruction, malignant cells are carried to the hilar nodes. When obstruction occurs at or near the nodes, the lymph flow is also changed and is toward the periphery. As the disease progresses, linear opacities usually associated with lymphangitic metastases may appear. When the primary tumor is seen along with enlargement of the hilum or paratracheal nodes, it is most likely advanced and nonresectable ( Fig. 29-21). It is not uncommon to observe strands of density extending from the peripheral or midzone type of tumor to the hilum, representing involvement of the lymphatics. Rarely, lymphangitic metastasis is widespread and results in irregular, strand-like opacities extending into the lung from both hila. Hematogenous pulmonary metastasis occurs occasionally in bronchogenic carcinoma. There are then signs of the original tumor plus scattered parenchymal lesions that appear as rounded or oval masses of varying size, usually smaller than the primary lesion. Massive mediastinal involvement, which is observed in small-cell carcinoma, was discussed previously.

FIG. 29-21. Bronchogenic carcinoma with metastases. The large hilar tumor on the left produced some lower-lobe atelectasis, a pleural metastasis in the left lateral thorax, some pleural effusion on the left, and metastases to the right paratracheal nodes.

CT is useful and findings may be characteristic enough to suggest the diagnosis in patients with lymphangitic metastases. 44,44A High-resolution CT findings of lymphangitic spread include irregular thickening of bronchovascular bundles and interlobular septa; the beaded septum sign (nodular thickening of the interlobular septa resembling beads on a string); local or diffuse reticular opacities; polygonal lines; and an increase in thickness of peripheral, subpleural lines 25,54 (see Fig. 29-36). The process is focal in about 50% of patients, so CT is helpful in selection of lung biopsy sites. Pathologic correlation shows that the findings on CT are caused by endolymphatic deposits of tumor that infiltrate the interstitium with tumor cells, causing secondary desmoplastic interstitial fibrosis and interstitial edema through lymphatic obstruction. 25

FIG. 29-36. A and B: Lymphangitic spread of tumorcomputed tomography (CT) findings. CT demonstrates nodular thickening of the bronchovascular bundles and the interlobular septa in the right upper lobe, caused by lymphangitic spread of a poorly differentiated large cell tumor. Note the beaded appearance of some of the septa (beaded septum sign). A right pleural effusion and mediastinal adenopathy are also present.

Pleural Mass With or Without Rib Destruction The visceral pleura may be involved as a result of lymphangitic metastasis, as implied previously. Direct invasion of the parietal pleura and chest wall may result in a mass with or without destruction of the adjacent rib. This occurs in the superior pulmonary sulcus tumor and to a lesser extent with peripheral tumors elsewhere ( Fig. 29-22; see Fig. 29-11). The pleural mass is often obscured by effusion. Hematogenous metastasis to ribs may occur with destruction of bone and production of a soft-tissue mass that may extend into the thorax. The roentgen findings are similar except that pleural effusion is more likely to occur in the lymphangitic type. CT is very useful in detecting pleural involvement but can be misleading at times. Bone destruction is usually readily detected by CT.

FIG. 29-22. Peripheral lung cancer with chest wall invasion. The only reliable CT finding of chest wall invasion that is sensitive and specific is rib destruction, which is present in this case.

Diaphragmatic Elevation Elevation with evidence of paresis or paralysis of the hemidiaphragm on the side of the tumor is another late sign and indicates involvement of the phrenic nerve. Fluoroscopy or inspiratory-expiratory films can be used to demonstrate the findings. General Considerations Various combinations of the findings described may occur in any individual patient. Occasionally none of the characteristic findings appears, so some pulmonary malignancies cannot be identified by roentgen signs. An additional factor that makes the diagnosis difficult is the association of bronchogenic carcinoma with chronic inflammatory disease. Tuberculosis is estimated to be associated with bronchogenic carcinoma in 10% of patients with this chronic infection. In these patients, the association makes the diagnosis of carcinoma extremely difficult, because a tumor nodule may appear in or near the nodular tuberculosis or may arise in the wall of a tuberculous cavity and thus escape recognition for a long time. It is therefore important to keep the possibility of bronchogenic carcinoma in mind, particularly in elderly men with tuberculosis. There are several roentgen signs that are suggestive of tumor: (1) an increase in hilar size during treatment with antituberculous drugs; (2) the failure of a local lesion to respond to treatment, while in other areas the disease is regressing; and (3) an increase in size of a lesion despite treatment. The same difficulty may also occur in smokers with asbestosis or silicosis. The roentgen diagnosis of bronchogenic carcinoma is based on the finding of one or more of the signs described in the previous sections. In order to make this diagnosis, it is necessary to obtain good films in frontal and lateral projections. CT is of particular value in the examination of solitary parenchymal nodules for further characterization of benign versus malignant lesions and for staging known lung cancers. Bronchography may be of value in patients with segmental involvement in whom bronchoscopy fails to demonstrate the lesion, but it is rarely used, having been replaced almost completely by CT and fiberoptic bronchoscopy. Many lung tumors are more indolent than is commonly realized, so the importance of comparison of all available chest roentgenograms cannot be overemphasized, particularly when a small parenchymal shadow is present or when one hilum is questionably enlarged. Staging of Pulmonary Tumors Clinical staging of pulmonary tumors is important in determining the potential for surgical cure. The tumor-node-metastasis (TNM) classification of the American Joint Committee on Cancer is the system currently in use to stage lung cancer ( Table 29-2, Table 29-3 and Table 29-4); it has been reviewed more completely by several authors. 9,14,15A,36,40,41,53 CT has become the standard imaging modality most often used to stage lung cancer. Surgical resection remains the best treatment for early stages of lung cancer. Patients with N 2 disease (ipsilateral mediastinal lymph-node involvement) are still surgical candidates, whereas patients with N 3 disease (contralateral mediastinal lymph-node involvement), T 4 lesions, or M 1 disease are not. Despite early enthusiasm for MRI staging of lung cancer, this modality is reserved for problem-solving in specific situations. Although MRI is believed to have a definite potential for scanning the hila, and in the mediastinum it is almost as useful as CT, it is rarely used for routine staging. 10,74 In a study of 170 patients, there was no statistical difference between CT and MRI in staging of non-small-cell bronchogenic carcinoma. 10,75 However, MRI was more accurate than CT in the diagnosis of mediastinal invasion 76 and for determining chest wall invasion in patients with Pancoast tumors.19

TABLE 29-2. Definitions of T, N, and M categories for staging lung cancer

TABLE 29-3. Stage groupings for lung cancer a

TABLE 29-4. Regional lymph node stations for lung cancer staging

Both CT and MRI have limitations for determining the presence of malignant mediastinal nodes. Both rely primarily on size criteria for predicting the likelihood of malignant involvement, with a diameter of 1 cm generally considered the upper limit of normal for mediastinal nodes. 56,59 It is well recognized that normal-sized nodes may contain tumor and enlarged nodes may be caused by benign conditions such as reactive hyperplasia or inflammatory disease. 15,38 Therefore, mediastinal lymph nodes that are suspicious on CT are often sampled by mediastinoscopy or Wang needle bronchoscopic biopsy techniques to confirm maligancy. Recent work suggests that nodal staging using 2-[fluorine-18]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography (FDG PET) may be more accurate than CT because it relies on metabolic uptake of the tracer by tumor cells rather than size criteria to detect malignant lymph nodes. 68 Some doubt that either CT or MRI is necessary for preoperative assessment of T 1N 0M0 bronchogenic carcinoma, but this is still controversial. A study by Seely and colleagues 59 of the prevalence of mediastinal nodal metastases and the diagnostic accuracy of CT in T 1 lung cancer found that 21% of patients had nodal metastases at mediastinoscopy or thoracotomy. The sensitivity of CT for nodal metastases at individual nodal stations was 41%, with a specificity of 93%, when short-axis measurement of nodes was used; when long-axis measurement was used, the sensitivity was 55% and the specificity 86%. If adjacent nodal stations were included, the sensitivity and specificity of CT for detecting nodal metastases improved to 59% and 91%, respectively, for short-axis measurements and 77% and 73%, respectively, for long-axis measurements. The authors concluded that nodal metastases in T 1 lesions are more common than previously thought and that, although the sensitivity of CT for detection of mediastinal nodal metastasis was relatively low, CT should be used routinely in preoperative staging to guide nodal sampling. 59 CT should not be used to deny thoracotomy to a patient who shows no metastases except for possible lesions in enlarged nodes. The same can be said for the use of tomography to evaluate the hila, although its use is declining rapidly. 51 A CT scan showing mediastinal abnormality may be an indication for mediastinoscopy or mediastinotomy before thoracotomy in some instances. Therefore, its major value may be for directing biopsy in possible surgical candidates or for treatment planning in inoperable patients. In one study of patients referred for evaluation of suspected bronchogenic carcinoma, CT findings obviated thoracotomy in 20% because the findings indicated no tumor or a benign lesion. 52 When CT is used to study the mediastinum, direct invasion of vital mediastinal structures (heart, great vessels, trachea, esophagus, or vertebral body) indicates nonresectability and thoracotomy can be avoided ( Fig. 29-23 and Fig. 29-24). CT, however, is not particularly accurate in detecting subtle early mediastinal invasion, and CT findings of a mass abutting the mediastinum or obliterating fat planes are not very sensitive or specific. Contiguity of a mass with the mediastinum or pleura is not necessarily equivalent to direct invasion. CT findings of contralateral lung metastases, malignant pleural effusion, or extrathoracic metastases to the liver or adrenal glands also obviate the need for thoractomy, although biopsy of the suspected metastases may still be needed52 (Fig. 29-25). If the disease is confined to one lobe and the mediastinum is normal, thoracotomy is performed at some institutions with no further study provided there are no signs of distant metastases. Others advocate mediastinoscopy in all patients before thoracotomy because of the low sensitivity of CT for detection of micrometastases in normal-sized nodes. 52 It may also be difficult to differentiate tumor from surrounding infection and atelectasis in some instances on CT. MRI has more potential than CT for resolving this problem.

FIG. 29-23. Unresectable lung cancer with involvement of vital mediastinal structures. The large tumor mass encases and markedly narrows the right pulmonary artery (arrow).

FIG. 29-24. A through C: Unresectable lung cancer. Computed tomography shows the tumor mass involving the entire carina with invasion of the esophagus ( arrow). Tumor infiltrates the posterior mediastinum up to the descending aorta, and the right lower lobe pulmonary artery branch is encased.

FIG. 29-25. Unresectable lung cancer. Routine staging of lung cancer with chest computed tomography should extend through the level of the adrenal glands. This patient with bronchogenic lung cancer has bilateral adrenal metastases, liver metastases, and peripancreatic lymph nodes.

An orderly approach to diagnosis and staging in patients with lung cancer may include the following: 1. Chest roentgenography followed by CT characterization of solitary pulmonary nodules to exclude benign lesions such as calcified granulomas or hamartomas. 2. Biopsy by an appropriate method depending on site and extent of the lesionfor peripheral nodules, transthoracic needle aspiration or thoracoscopy; for central tumors, bronchoscopy and biopsy and/or bronchial washings; for mediastinal nodes or masses, mediastinoscopy, mediastinotomy, thoracoscopy, Wang transtracheal or transbronchial needle biopsy, or percutaneous transthoracic needle aspiration, depending on the size of the lesion and its location in mediastinum (at times open lung or mediastinal biopsy may be necessary). 3. Staging CT to include the upper abdomen and adrenal glands in patients considered for surgical resection; MRI in select cases of Pancoast tumor, chest wall

invasion, or cardiac or vascular involvement. 4. Search for distant metastases with appropriate imaging methods (e.g., bone scans, liver CT, head MRI or CT)only if symptoms and signs suggest involvement. Patients with small-cell carcinoma are treated nonsurgically. CT is used as a guide for radiotherapy or as a baseline study when chemotherapy is used. Other Malignant Tumors Bronchial Carcinoid Tumor Bronchial carcinoid tumors account for 5% of primary neoplasms of the lung ( Fig. 29-26, Fig. 29-27 and Fig. 29-28). Formerly misclassified as either bronchial adenomas or mucous gland tumors (adenoid cystic carcinomas, mucoepidermoid carcinomas, and mixed salivary gland tumors), bronchial carcinoid tumors are now classified as neuroendocrine tumors because they contain secretory granules and have the potential for releasing chemically active substances. 11 Although they were once thought to be benign, bronchial carcinoid tumors can invade locally and metastasize to distant sites. Ninety percent are well-differentiated carcinoid tumors that are usually localized; only 5% metastasize. 11 Atypical carcinoid tumors make up the rest and are more aggressive, with two thirds spreading to regional lymph nodes.11 Distributions of carcinoid tumors are as follows: lobar bronchi (75%), main stem bronchi (10%), and lung periphery (15%). 11 The carcinoid syndrome usually is not seen with tumors in the lung, but bronchial carcinoid tumors can secrete ectopic adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), causing Cushing's syndrome (see Fig. 29-27). CT may be useful for detecting occult tumors that are not evident on plain films in those patients with ectopic ACTH production or other symptoms suggesting the presence of a bronchial carcinoid tumor (e.g., cough, wheezing, recurrent hemoptysis, recurrent infection in one portion of the lung). 11

FIG. 29-26. Carcinoid tumor. A and B: Posteroanterior and lateral chest radiograph shows segmental atelectasis in the right lower lobe. C: Spiral computed tomography using narrow collimation and overlapping slices identifies a small, round mass protruding into and partially obstructing a lower-lobe bronchus ( arrow). Bronchoscopy with biopsy revealed a carcinoid tumor.

FIG. 29-27. This young woman presented with increased levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone. Ectopic production was from the carcinoid tumor found on her chest radiograph.

FIG. 29-28. Carcinoid tumor. Computed tomography demonstrates a large, central mass with scattered calcifications within it.

The 10-year survival rate is 90% or better for localized typical bronchial carcinoid. The tumors occur in women as frequently as in men, and they are found in younger age groups than bronchogenic carcinomas are. They occur most often in persons between the ages of 20 and 50 years, with the mean age between 35 and 45 years; a number of cases have also been reported in children. Our youngest patient was 12 years of age. Because the bronchial carcinoid tumor tends to bleed rather easily, repeated hemoptysis may be the major clinical finding. Most of the tumors are central, grow slowly, and gradually produce progressing bronchial obstruction leading to repeated attacks of pneumonitis and eventually to atelectasis. An unusual case of a diffuse miliary type of multifocal bronchial carcinoid in which the roentgenographic appearance of diffuse miliary densities did not change during the 2-year period of observation has been described. 67 Metastases to bone are rare in bronchial carcinoid, and, when present, are usually osteoblastic. Roentgen Findings. Occasionally the round or oval tumor may be visible as a solitary mass in the lung periphery. It usually arises in a large bronchus and is therefore near the hilum. More frequently, however, the tumor is not visible because of its small size. The diagnosis then rests on the manifestations of bronchial obstruction. The findings range from complete or partial atelectasis (see Fig. 29-26) to lobar or segmental obstructive overinflation when check-valve stenosis is produced. The latter is not very common in our experience, but there may be decreased perfusion which results in a decrease in radiographic density of the involved lung that may resemble the radiolucency found in obstructive overinflation. Signs of pulmonary infection and bronchiectasis are not infrequent in the lobe distal to the tumor. CT is useful when such a lesion is suspected. The round tumor mass may then be seen within a bronchus. If it is ossified or calcified, it may resemble a broncholith. 62 Calcification is identified in approximately 26% of bronchial carcinoid tumors on CT, more commonly in central than in peripheral tumors. 86 Helical CT with thin overlapping sections can often outline the endobronchial component of the tumor, which produces a smoothly rounded mass resulting in partial or complete obstruction (see Fig. 29-26).The differential diagnosis for a well-circumscribed endobronchial tumor includes, in addition to carcinoid, mucoepidermoid adenoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma, hamartoma, and mesenchymal tumor.8 Patients with ACTH-producing carcinoid tumors often become symptomatic when the tumors are quite small. These tumors can be missed on CT, particularly if they are located close to the hilar pulmonary vessels. Because bronchial carcinoid tumors demonstrate very high signal intensity on T2-weighted MR images, MRI m ay play a role in the search for an occult tumor in patients with ectopic ACTH production. 12 Because the

majority of carcinoid tumors are centrally located, most are accessible by bronchoscopy, which provides the opportunity to see and biopsy the tumor for definitive diagnosis. Atypical carcinoid is a neuroendocrine tumor with cellular features intermediate between typical bronchial carcinoid and small-cell carcinoma. 7 Lymph-node invasion develops in about two thirds, and 5% metastasize more distally. 11 In patients with grade 2 or 3 atypical carcinoid, the 5-year survival rate is 57%. 11 Radiographic features may differ from those of typical carcinoid, with identification of hilar adenopathy in addition to a mass. Pulmonary Sarcoma Primary sarcoma occurring in the lung is very rare, but leiomyosarcoma, neurogenic sarcoma, angiosarcoma, carcinosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, and, rarely, rhabdomyosarcoma have been reported. In some instances the cells are undifferentiated and difficult to classify. Occasionally they appear to be mixed, with some sarcomatous elements and some elements that resemble carcinoma. Leiomyosarcoma is more common in men (3:1 ratio) than in women. Although the lesion usually produces large masses, about 10% arise endobronchially. Chondrosarcoma may also arise endobronchially. Very rarely, teratoid tumor may arise in an endobronchial location. As in mediastinal teratoma, calcification may be present. Hemangiosarcoma may also arise in the chest wall, project into the thorax, and simulate a large peripheral bronchogenic sarcoma. Because these tumors usually arise peripherally and reach a large size before producing symptoms, they may be found on routine roentgen examination of the chest. Roentgen Findings. The roentgen findings often are not characteristic, but a large, sharply defined and somewhat lobulated mass is the usual presentation. When the lesion arises in the wall of a bronchus, obstructive signs similar to those described previously for other tumors are found, including recurrent pneumonia and atelectasis. In the rare primary pulmonary-artery sarcoma, the characteristic finding of a lobulated hilar mass projecting into the lung in a lobar or segmental arterial distribution has been reported. 41A Obstructing pulmonary-artery sarcoma with roentgen findings simulating those of acute pulmonary embolism also has been reported.50 Usually there is no lymph-node involvement in sarcoma of the lung, and pleural effusion is unusual. Since the various pulmonary sarcomas present as large masses, biopsy is necessary to make the histopathologic diagnosis. Kaposi's Sarcoma Pulmonary Kaposi's sarcoma is discussed in Chapter 25. Pulmonary Blastoma Pulmonary blastoma is a rare mixed tumor that has malignant epithelial and connective-tissue components. 49,77 Its histogenesis is controversial; some consider it to be a type of carcinoma, and others believe it arises from a multipotential mesenchymal blastoma, so it is sometimes called carcinosarcoma. The peak incidence is in the third and fourth decades. The tumor may be solid or multicystic, is usually peripheral, occurs predominantly in the upper lung, and commonly appears as a large pulmonary parenchymal mass that cannot be differentiated radiographically from other large masses in the lung. The prognosis is generally poor, particularly if the mass is more than 5 cm in diameter. It may cause pneumothorax. There is a tumor of childhood that resembles blastoma but presumably is somewhat different. 35 The tumor is made up of small primitive cells with blastomatous qualities and focal areas of rhabdomyosarcomatous, chondrosarcomatous, and liposarcomatous cells. Prognosis is poor. Because this tumor differs somewhat from the adult form, researchers suggest that it be distinguished by the designation pleuropulmonary blastoma. However, it appears to be termed a blastoma by most authors. 77 Leukemia and Lymphoma of the Lung The leukemias primarily involve the hilar and mediastinal nodes, but pulmonary parenchymal involvement may occur, usually late in the course of the disease. Pulmonary involvement is most common in monocytic leukemia (46%) and least common in chronic myelocytic leukemia (15%). 5 Often the involvement that is visible histologically is not seen on the radiograph. Adenopathy is more frequently seen in lymphocytic leukemia than in the myelocytic type. When the lung is involved by leukemia, there is extension of the tumor cells into the peribronchial and perivascular connective tissues. This results in strands of increased density radiating outward from the hilum on one or both sides, resembling diffuse lymphangitic spread of carcinoma. This is usually accompanied by recognizable enlargement of the hilar lymph nodes. Infection, edema, and hemorrhage are much more common than leukemic infiltration. Pleural effusion is also fairly common. Because infection is the most frequent pulmonary complication of leukemia, pneumonia should be the first consideration in the treatment of these patients. 34 Biopsy is sometimes indicated in late stages of the disease, however, when pulmonary opacities are observed and there are no clinical signs of infection. The roentgen findings are not characteristic and must be correlated with the known presence of leukemia in the patient. Local leukemic lesions may occur, including nodules and focal densities that are poorly defined, but these are rare and usually represent pneumonia or infarction with hemorrhage. Because infections are common in leukemia, they usually account for pulmonic involvement noted in this disease. Hemorrhage may also produce pulmonary opacities. Pleural involvement, resulting in effusion, is somewhat more common than pulmonary leukemic involvement. It tends to be unilateral and is often secondary to infection, heart failure, or lymphatic obstruction rather than to actual leukemic involvement of the pleura. The pulmonary diseases encountered in the neutropenic patient with leukemia are discussed in more detail in Chapter 25. Hodgkin's Disease and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma * Four types of lymphoma involve the lung: primary lymphoma of the lung, secondary or recurrent disease, post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disorders, and lymphomas related to the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). 31 The latter two categories are discussed in Chapter 25. Primary pulmonary involvement without hilar, mediastinal, or extrathoracic involvement is unusual (fewer than 1% of all lymphomas). 31 However, in secondary lymphoma such as recurrent Hodgkin's disease, parenchymal lung disease may appear in the absence of adenopathy in the hila or the mediastinum, particularly in the nodular sclerosis type, and it is more common than pulmonary involvement in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (about 11.6% versus 3.7%) ( Fig. 29-29, Fig. 29-30 and Fig. 29-31).13 The non-Hodgkin's lymphomas may involve the lung along with mediastinal nodes and rarely may be primary in the lung.

FIG. 29-29. Hodgkin's disease. A: Parenchymal nodules ranging up to 3 cm in diameter, with some enlargement of the hilar nodes. B: Mediastinal node involvement, most marked on the left. The rounded parenchymal mass at the left base ( arrow) was noted on tomography to contain a central cavity. C: Massive involvement of mediastinal nodes with direct invasion of adjacent pulmonary parenchyma and pleura, with some pleural effusion on the right.

FIG. 29-30. Pulmonary Hodgkin's disease with multiple excavating nodules. In the 2-month period of observation, the nodules increased in size, but there was a loss of soft-tissue tumor in their walls.

FIG. 29-31. Recurrent lymphoma. The patient had been previously treated for mediastinal lymphoma with mantle irradiation. Follow-up, serial computed tomographic studies demonstrated an enlarging pulmonary mass in the right lower lobe, just outside the margins of the radiation therapy port.

Primary non-Hodgkin's lymphomas are low-grade B-cell lymphomas, most of which are believed to arise from mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) 31 (Fig. 29-32). The primary pulmonary parenchymal form tends to be more benign than the secondary type and is usually lymphocytic. 4 Roentgen findings are those of a large mass or area of opacification, which is usually clearly defined, but slight haziness and irregularity of the edges are often observed. The mass grows slowly and, unlike bronchogenic carcinoma, does not ordinarily invade the bronchi and cause obstruction. Therefore, an air bronchogram can often be identified. When a segment or lobe is completely consolidated, the lesion resembles pneumonia. The tumor may cross interlobar fissures and invade the pleura peripherally. The rare primary histiocytic type may progress very rapidly early in the disease and resemble acute pneumonia. Mediastinal adenopathy is not a feature of this disease. Pleural effusion is rare, even though the tumor extends to a pleural surface. Other patterns of involvement in primary lymphoma include multiple nodules, bilateral air-space disease, and atelectasis. 31

FIG. 29-32. MALT lymphoma. A: A 63-year-old woman with a slowly enlarging, rounded opacity on chest radiograph. B: Computed tomography shows the opacity to be an area of dense consolidation or mass with air bronchograms traversing it. Biopsy revealed lymphocytic infiltration consistent with low-grade lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue type (MALT lymphoma).

Differentiating between primary low-grade lymphoma and benign lymphocytic infiltration of the lung can be difficult. Monotonous, monoclonal collections of lymphocytes usually indicate lymphoma. Pseudolymphoma is a benign, mixed-cellular, lymphocytic infiltrate that can appear as a mass or consolidation with air bronchograms on chest films. 31 Lymphadenopathy does not occur. Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia occurs in patients with AIDS, often in children who are infected with the human immunodeficiency virus, and in some patients with autoimmune disorders. A reticulonodular pattern is usually seen. 31 Mature lymphocytes, histiocytes, and plasma cells accumulate in the interstitium in this disorder. In lymphomatoid granulomatosis, T-cell lymphocytes accumulate around blood vessels in a distinct angiocentric pattern. Multiple nodular opacities are associated with areas of infarction, and cavitation of nodules is seen in 25% of these patients. 3,31 Many authorities now prefer to use the term angiocentric lymphoma to describe this disorder. 3 Secondary involvement of the lung in patients with mediastinal Hodgkin's or non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is usually a late feature of the disease. Only 12% of patients with Hodgkin's lymphoma and 4% of those with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma have lung involvement at the time of their initial presentation with lymphoma. 31 However, some form of pulmonary involvement eventually develops in 30% to 40% of patients with Hodgkin's disease 31 (see Fig. 29-31). This occurs in a variety of forms and produces a number of different roentgen manifestations: 1. Direct invasion of the lung in the presence of visible mediastinal mass, so that the sharp margins of the mediastinal mass become irregular and shaggy, a finding best outlined on CT. 2. Large, lobar opacities associated with mediastinal mass 3. Smaller pulmonary parenchymal opacities, either solitary or multiple, that may be well circumscribed and discrete or irregular and poorly defined; at times, clusters of these lesions cause subsegmental or segmental opacities. Occasionally, inhomogeneous involvement of large areas may progress to uniform density resembling pneumonia. Air bronchograms may be visible within the area of disease; if bronchi are compressed, atelectasis may occur, adding to the opacity. 4. A miliary pattern. 5. Pleural effusion. These manifestations are usually associated with hilar or mediastinal adenopathy or with disease elsewhere, so the diagnosis is not difficult to make on roentgen examination. Cavitation may occur in either the primary or secondary forms, but it is less common in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma than in Hodgkin's disease. Endobronchial mass with secondary atelectasis has been reported as the only finding in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. It is evident that roentgen manifestations are extremely variable, but the presence of associated adenopathy usually suggests that the disease is caused by one of the lymphoma group. The most common CT finding of recurrent lymphoma in the lung is one or more masses or areas of consolidation or multiple nodules (see Fig. 29-31). Air bronchograms are frequently identified in the opacities on CT and may be a clue to the diagnosis. On CT, one may also see a variety of other findings, including thickening or engorgement of the interlobular septa, a bronchovascular distribution of nodular thickening, a miliary pattern, or an area of consolidation. 31 Lymphadenopathy and pleural effusions are

more often appreciated on CT than on plain films as well. Unusual manifestations of lymphoma also include endobronchial masses and cavitary lesions.


In some patients with secondary histiocytic lymphoma, there is rapid development of pulmonary disease. When the lesion is bilateral and extensive, the symptoms may resemble those of pneumonia, with fever, chills, and purulent sputum. Biopsy may be necessary to make the differentiation. In patients with Hodgkin's disease, interstitial opacities involving the parenchyma, producing a coarse reticulonodular appearance, are fairly common. Poorly defined nodules and direct extension from a mediastinal mass are less common. When the parenchymal involvement is a direct extension of the mediastinal disease, the tumor advances in a compact manner and tends to destroy the tissue that it invades. Pleural effusion is often present, usually as a result of lymphatic obstruction. Parenchymal masses may be single or multiple and may be the only finding on the chest film; the other sites of the disease may be in nodes outside the thorax. Patients with Hodgkin's disease show a tendency to develop tuberculosis or fungal infections during terminal stages. Patients with peripheral T-cell lymphoma may present with diffuse pulmonary disease and angioedema. Pulmonary disease, in the form of diffuse basal alveolar and perihilar hazy opacity, is found at the time of diagnosis in 20% of patients and develops during the course of disease in another 20%. Massive adenopathy usually develops later. 18 Malignant Histiocytosis Malignant histiocytosis is characterized by a systemic proliferation of atypical histiocytes resulting in hepatosplenomegaly, adenopathy, and systemic symptoms of fever and cachexia.69 About two thirds of patients exhibit intrathoracic disease that can be identified radiographically. The most common manifestation is a combination of hilar and mediastinal adenopathy associated with coarse interstitial pulmonary opacities, which tend to radiate from the hila into the lungs. Pleural effusion is observed occasionally. Differentiation from non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is made by histologic study. Plasma Cell Diseases Plasmacytoma may involve the thorax and lungs. Usually it involves the lung as part of a generalized disease, multiple myeloma. Rarely, in the absence of multiple myeloma, a solitary plasmacytoma may originate in the lung parenchyma, where it resembles a peripheral type of bronchogenic carcinoma, often a lobulated nodule. This lesion may also arise in the trachea or in a major bronchus, producing signs of obstruction including atelectasis or recurrent pneumonia. It is also a rare manifestation of plasma cell myeloma. More commonly, direct extension into the thorax from a mass associated with an osteolytic rib lesion in patients with multiple myeloma produces a pleural or peripheral pulmonary lesion that may vary considerably in size. Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia is a rare disorder that occasionally involves the lungs, usually producing a diffuse reticulonodular pattern. Rarely, a solitary parenchymal mass is present in the lung in this disease. Pleural effusion is present in about one half of the patients affected. 79 Metastatic Tumors Hematogenous Metastases Hematogenous pulmonary metastases are usually multiple and consist of smoothly rounded nodules scattered throughout both lungs. They may be uniform or vary considerably in size. The nodules range up to 10 cm or more in diameter, with others in the same lung being smaller than 1 cm in diameter. Occasionally a solitary metastasis is present and cannot be differentiated from solitary primary tumor on the basis of plain-film findings; CT may reveal other lesions. The source of metastasis can be a malignant lesion anywhere in the body, but there are some tumors that show a marked tendency to metastasize to the lung. All of the sarcomas, including osteosarcoma and chondrosarcoma, as well as the various soft-tissue sarcomas and malignant melanoma, frequently metastasize to the lung. Carcinomas of the breast, kidney, ovary, testis, colon, and thyroid also commonly metastasize to the lung, but tumors of the stomach, respiratory tract, and prostate do so infrequently. A solitary metastasis may also appear as a solitary, round or lobulated pulmonary mass. Solitary lesions may originate from any tumor but are slightly more common from tumors of the rectosigmoid, bone sarcomas, and, occasionally, tumors of the kidney, testis, or breast. Roentgen Findings. Multiple nodules are seen and may be few or many in number. They may be uniform or vary considerably in size. Occasionally a solitary metastasis is observed as a solitary parenchymal nodule that may become large without producing symptoms. A solitary metastasis may arise from any organ. There are some differences in the roentgen findings in pulmonary metastases from different organs, but these are variable and are not reliable in differential diagnosis. Renal and thyroid tumors result in metastases that are few in number and often large in size. There are exceptions, however. Carcinoma of the thyroid occasionally produces very numerous (uncountable) small nodular metastases that remain unchanged for some time, the patient having very few or no symptoms. We have observed a few thyroid carcinoma patients with solitary lytic bone metastasis or with a few lytic bone metastases whose bone and multiple pulmonary metastases changed very slowly over several years, indicating a low degree of malignancy. Osteosarcoma metastasizing to the lungs may cause formation of tumor bone in the metastases that may be characteristic.26 Calcification may occur in metastases from osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, synovial sarcoma, giant-cell tumor, and papillary and mucinous adenocarcinoma of the thyroid, ovary, or gastrointestinal tract; in addition, it occurs rarely in metastases from tumors of other organs. Dystrophic calcification can also be seen after treatment of nodular hematogenous metastases from a variety of primary tumors. Ovarian and testicular tumors and chorioepithelioma often result in widespread, rapidly growing, metastatic lesions ( Fig. 29-33). Rarely endobronchial metastases occur, and in about one third of the patients the diagnosis can be made by bronchial biopsy. 60


FIG. 29-33. Hematogenous pulmonary metastases. A: Scattered nodules, mainly on the right side. B: Extensive nodular metastases. Despite the massive involvement, there was very little dyspnea. The primary tumor in both A and B was testicular seminoma.

Cavitation in Metastases Occasionally central necrosis with cavitation is found in metastatic nodules ( Fig. 29-34). Cavitation occurs in metastases from bone sarcoma, colon carcinoma, and squamous-cell tumors of the head and neck, as well as tumors of the genital tract in women. Cavitation is uncommon in metastases but is much more common when metastatic pulmonary tumors respond to treatment with cytotoxic drugs.

FIG. 29-34. Multiple cavitary metastases from colon cancer.

CT of the lungs is important in the search for nodular metastases. Among patients with a solitary nodule on plain-film study, almost 30% have additional masses demonstrated on CT. Muhm and colleagues 42 compared whole-lung tomography with CT in 91 patients. In 35%, more nodules were detected on CT than on whole-lung tomography. Of 31 patients who underwent resection of nodules, 27 were found to have malignancy, either primary or metastatic. The authors believe that CT is the method of choice for detecting pulmonary metastases. Buckley and colleagues 6 showed that helical CT scanning using 50% overlap in reconstructed slices increases detection rates of metastases and decreases false-positive rates when compared with conventional CT imaging formats. Lymphangitic Metastasis In contrast to the nodular hematogenous type of pulmonary metastasis, lymphangitic metastases tend to cause respiratory dysfunction leading to dyspnea, which may be severe. This type of metastasis is usually caused by primary tumors of the stomach, breast, thyroid, pancreas, larynx, cervix, or lung. It is generally agreed that they usually result from hematogenous spread to pulmonary capillaries, with subsequent invasion of the lymphatics and extension along the lymphatics toward the hila. Retrograde spread from central nodes to the lymphatics appears to be less common. Endolymphatic deposits of tumor also infiltrate the interstitium with tumor cells, causing secondary desmoplastic interstitial fibrosis and interstitial edema through lymphatic obstruction. 25 Roentgen Findings. The appearance of the chest in this type of metastasis is different from that in hematogenous metastases, although both may occur in a single patient. Sometimes there is enough hilar node enlargement to be recognized as such. This is particularly true if earlier roentgenograms are available for comparison. Massive mediastinal lymph-node involvement is not a prerequisite; most patients have vascular tumor embolization, as noted previously, which may account for the pulmonary insufficiency. Tumor cells extend into the connective tissue adjacent to the lymphatics, sometimes producing nodularity that can be detected roentgenographically. There is an irregular, strand-like network of interstitial-type density extending outward from the hila well into the parenchyma. When this change is early, findings are often minimal, and comparison with an earlier examination is necessary to be certain of the diagnosis. Later the findings become more characteristic (Fig. 29-35). In some patients, nodules range from a few widely scattered densities to extensive gross parenchymal nodularity associated with the linear lymphatic accentuation. Unilateral or bilateral pleural effusions may also be present. Occasionally there are small granular opacities associated with the reticular network of increased density extending into the parenchyma that may resemble sarcoidosis, hematogenous tuberculosis, or other inflammatory disease. Correlation of the roentgen and clinical findings usually permits a correct diagnosis in these instances.

FIG. 29-35. A and B: Lymphangitic spread of tumor. Chest radiograph shows increased interstitial markings and Kerley B lines. Note that patient has had a right mastectomy for breast cancer.

Thin-section, high-resolution CT is useful in detection of lymphangitic pulmonary metastases when the chest radiograph is normal or equivocal. These findings consist of irregular thickening of bronchovascular bundles and interlobular septa; the beaded septum sign (nodular thickening of the interlobular septa resembling beads on a string); local or diffuse reticular opacities, polygonal lines, and an increase in thickness of peripheral, subpleural lines 25,45,54 (Fig. 29-36).

Benign tumors are much less common than malignant tumors of the lung. Unless they arise in an endobronchial location, they are usually found as solitary nodules in asymptomatic patients.33 Hamartoma Hamartoma, the most common benign lung tumor, consists of a mass of tissue containing elements of the organ within which it develops but without organization and without function. Hamartomas of the lung may contain cartilage, muscle, fibrous connective tissue, fat, and epithelial elements. Often cartilage and fibrous connective tissue predominate. The tumor is usually peripheral in type and is found near a pleural surface. It may occur near the hilum, however, and 10% are endobronchial. It is usually relatively small in size and grows very slowly. The peak incidence is in the sixth decade. Roentgen Findings. Roentgenographic findings are those of a well-circumscribed, pulmonary parenchymal nodule, usually small in size (less than 4 cm in diameter). It is clearly defined and smoothly rounded or oval, but it may be lobulated. No satellite nodules are demonstrated in the area. Calcification is present in 25% to 30% of cases, and occasionally ossification is noted within the tumor. When calcification is present, it is scattered within the lesion; the distribution in some cases has been likened to the appearance of a popcorn ball. In others, the calcification is curvilinear or stippled. When such a mass is found within a lung, it is necessary to determine whether calcification is present. CT is indicated. If evidence of calcium is not visible on the routine roentgenogram, it may be visible on CT; fat may also be visible. This has proved very reliable in the diagnosis of hamartoma. 63 If no calcification or fat is present, the mass cannot be differentiated from the peripheral type of primary bronchogenic carcinoma or from solitary metastasis, so some type of biopsy is indicated. When calcification is present, it usually indicates that the lesion is benign, and the distribution of calcium may be characteristic enough to make a definite diagnosis. There may be enough fat in the nodule so that the diagnosis can be made on CT (Fig. 29-37). Occasionally, multiple hamartomas are present. This tumor has been observed to enlarge and, if no calcification is present, it may become impossible to differentiate it from malignant tumor, so biopsy or removal is indicated. When endobronchial hamartoma occurs, resultant obstruction of the bronchus may cause atelectasis or pneumonia.

FIG. 29-37. Hamartoma. Computed tomography shows a well-circumscribed, smooth, round nodule with a fleck of peripheral calcification. The center of the nodule is composed of tissue with low density in the range of fat (arrow).

Lipoma Most pulmonary lipomas are endobronchial and may cause bronchial obstruction, leading to atelectasis and infection. This type of lipoma is almost always found in men. Parenchymal lipoma appears as an asymptomatic pulmonary nodule, usually in a subpleural location. These masses may become very large. The low attenuation values of these tumors makes the CT diagnosis conclusive. Fibroma Fibroma is another rare pulmonary tumor that may arise in an endobronchial location. Those in the lung parenchyma tend to be peripheral, so the findings are similar to those of lipoma except for the difference in attenuation on CT. Leiomyoma Leiomyoma is a rare tumor that usually occurs in women older than 40 years of age. It appears as a peripheral nodule, usually round or oval, in an asymptomatic patient. There is a considerable variation in size. Occasionally, multiple tumors are present in the lungs. The tumor may also arise centrally in a bronchus, producing obstruction with atelectasis or infection distal to it. Pulmonary metastases from uterine leiomyosarcoma may resemble leiomyoma histologically, so this possibility must be considered when multiple lung tumors are found in a patient with uterine leiomyosarcoma.


A wide variety of tumors have been found within the lung. These include neurofibroma, fibrous polyps, chondroma, hemangioma, hemangiopericytoma, papilloma, endometrioma, chemodectoma, and the focal or nodular form of amyloidosis, which may be single or multiple and may be endobronchial ( Fig. 29-38). Granular-cell myoblastoma usually arises in a major bronchus, produces hemoptysis and bronchial obstruction, and can become very large. These tumors occur most frequently in middle age, often in black women. They are usually asymptomatic when they occur peripherally, and in some cases they may reach large size before being discovered because of the absence of symptoms. If calcification is present within the tumor it is probably benign, but if there is no calcification the possibility of malignancy cannot be excluded. Occasionally a lymph node is observed as a small, nodular mass in the pulmonary parenchyma, usually in a lower lobe.

FIG. 29-38. A and B: Benign intraluminal polyp. Spiral computed tomography with narrow slice collimation and overlapping image reconstruction exquisitely displays an endobronchial polypoid mass within the left-upper-lobe bronchus. The lesion was bronchoscopically removed and proved to be a benign fibrous polyp.

Roentgen Findings. Findings are similar to those described in hamartoma, except that the tumors usually contain no calcium. Because they are clearly defined and appear as solitary pulmonary nodules, there are no differential characteristics on roentgen examination. Occasionally these benign tumors reach massive proportions and fill most of the thorax on one side. They then appear as rounded, oval, or lobulated masses. CT should be used to define them clearly; if calcification is not present, biopsy is indicated to differentiate them from carcinoma. Rarely, one of the benign tumors mentioned may arise in a bronchus (see Fig. 29-38). Then the major findings are related to obstruction and consist of recurrent pneumonia and atelectasis.
*See Radiological Clinics of North America 28:4, July, 1990, for a series of papers regarding lymphoma.

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Chapter 30 Miscellaneous Pulmonary Conditions: Inflammatory, Autoimmune, and Diseases of Unknown or Multifactorial Cause Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 30 Miscellaneous Pulmonary Conditions: Inflammatory, Autoimmune, and Diseases of Unknown or Multifactorial Cause
John H. Juhl and Janet E. Kuhlman

J. H. Juhl and J. E. Kuhlman: Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Medical School, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252.

Atelectasis General Considerations Radiographic Considerations Lobar Atelectasis Computed Tomography in Lobar Collapse Atelectasis and Lung Torsion Altered Immunity and the Lung Pulmonary Hemorrhage Goodpasture's Syndrome Idiopathic Pulmonary Hemosiderosis Pulmonary Changes after Hemoptysis Eosinophilic Lung DiseasePulmonary Infiltrates with Eosinophilia (Pie) Lffler's Syndrome (Transient Pulmonary Infiltration with Eosinophilia, Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia) Chronic Eosinophilic Pneumonia Chronic Interstitial Pneumonias (Diffuse Fibrosing Alveolitis) Classic or Undifferentiated Interstitial Pneumonia (UIP) Diffuse Alveolar Damage and Bronchiolitis Obliterans (BIP) Desquamative Interstitial Pneumonia (DIP) Lymphoid Interstitial Pneumonia (LIP) Giant-cell Interstitial Pneumonia (GIP) Diffuse Pulmonary Fibrosis of Unknown Origin Hamman-Rich Syndrome Roentgen Findings Collagen-Vascular (Connective-Tissue) Diseases Polyarteritis (Periarteritis) Nodosa Rheumatic Pneumonia Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Progressive Systemic Sclerosis (Scleroderma) Mixed Connective-tissue Disease Rheumatoid Disease of the Lung Ankylosing Spondylitis Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis Sjgren's Syndrome Behet's Syndrome Immunoblastic Lymphadenopathy (Angioimmunoblastic Lymphadenopathy) Pulmonary Angiitis and Granulomatosis Lung Disease in Neurofibromatosis Amyloidosis Langerhans-Cell Histiocytosis Gaucher's Disease and Niemann-Pick Disease Lymphangiomyomatosis (Lymphangioleiomyomatosis, Muscular Hyperplasia, Myomatosis) Pulmonary Alveolar Microlithiasis Roentgen Findings Familial Dysautonomia (Riley-Day Syndrome) Polycythemia Cholesterol Pneumonitis (Endogenous Lipid Pneumonia) Roentgen Findings Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis Sarcoidosis Roentgen Findings Unusual Forms of Pulmonary Sarcoidosis Necrotizing Sarcoidal Granulomatosis Chapter References

General Considerations Atelectasis is a state of incomplete expansion of a lung or any portion of itma loss of lung volume (collapse). There is a decrease or absence of air in the alveoli. The volume of the involved lung is therefore diminished. Atelectasis may be caused by bronchial obstruction or by extrapulmonary pressure by fluid, air, tumor, and the like. It is always a secondary lesion and is therefore a sign of disease rather than a disease in itself. Its causes can be grouped into six general categories. Bronchial obstruction (resorption atelectasis) may be intrinsic, caused by tumor, foreign body, inflammatory disease, heavy secretions, and so forth. Extrinsic pressure on bronchi caused by tumor and enlarged nodes or bronchial constriction secondary to inflammatory disease may also cause it. In patients with airway obstruction, there is not always a decrease in volume caused by resorption of alveolar gas. Retained secretions may fill the bronchi and alveoli distal to the obstruction in some patients. In others, infection accompanied by exudate and transudate may fill the lung distal to the obstruction. The lung may therefore maintain its volume and increase in opacity. Also, collateral ventilation or air drift may occur through the pores of Kohn (in alveolar walls) or the canals of Lambert, which extend from preterminal bronchioles to alveoli. There may also be direct airway anastomoses allowing air drift. Therefore, air may be trapped distal to an airway obstruction and no collapse may occur. In collateral air drift, when air enters the obstructed segment more easily than it leaves, there may actually be an increase in lung volume (obstructive overinflation). When bronchial obstruction is acute, there is usually some replacement of the rapidly resorbed gas by a transudate (edema fluid), which may contain varying amounts of blood. Atelectasis (passive) caused by space-occupying process that can compress the lung occurs in a variety of conditions, including pneumothorax, pleural fluid, diaphragmatic elevation (regardless of cause), herniation of abdominal viscera into the thorax, and large intrathoracic tumors. Paralysis or paresis resulting in inability to expand a lung completely, as in poliomyelitis and other neurologic disorders, can also cause atelectasis. In addition to the weakness of the respiratory muscles per se, there is an inability to raise bronchial secretions, and this may add a factor of obstruction in these patients; however, the airways are generally patent. Restriction of motion as a result of pleural disease or injury is another cause of atelectasis. An example is chronic constrictive pleuritis, which causes a decrease in volume of one hemithorax or a part thereof, so that normal expansion cannot occur. Acute conditions such as pleural infections and thoracic or upper-abdominal trauma may also restrict motion and therefore produce some degree of atelectasis. Patients may be unable to remove secretions, so an additional obstructive element may be present. Airways are usually patent, however. Adhesive atelectasis refers to the nonobstructive airlessness found in patients with inactivation, decrease, or loss of surfactant. Hyaline membranes may then be

formed within the alveoli, as in newborn respiratory distress syndrome, acute radiation pneumonitis, and uremia. Cicatrization atelectasis refers to volume loss found in patients with local or general pulmonary fibrosis. Some prefer not to consider this a form of atelectasis, even though there is associated volume loss. Chest radiographs are useful and reasonably accurate in patients with tumors causing bronchial obstruction and atelectasis, but when the cause of segmental or lobar atelectasis is not established with reasonable certainty on chest radiographs, computed tomography (CT) should be performed. 109 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may have a place in determining the cause of atelectasis based on differences in signal intensity. 37 Radiographic Considerations The fundamental alteration in the thorax produced by atelectasis is a decrease in volume of the segment, lobe, or lung involved. The interlobar fissure or fissures are displaced toward the airless lobe or segment. Crowding and displacement of vessels may be observed if they are surrounded by sufficient air-containing lung. Air bronchograms may be present, and bronchi may be displaced. There are other roentgen signs, such as elevation of the diaphragm, shift of mediastinum to the side of involvement, hilar displacement, and narrowing of rib interspaces. Any of these signs may predominate in a given instance, depending on mediastinal and diaphragmatic fixation. In some patients the remaining lung on the involved side undergoes so much compensatory overinflation that there is no actual change in volume of the hemithorax and few of the signs mentioned are then present. The relative airlessness of the affected portion of lung may result in very little increased density unless it is enhanced by edema, blood, and/or retained secretions. Therefore the amount of collapse does not necessarily correlate with the opacity of the involved lung. The classic ground-glass appearance is most likely caused by the opacity produced by collapsed lung which contains some fluid, plus air in a lobe or segment anterior or posterior to it. This appearance is noted most commonly in atelectasis of the left upper lobe. The opacity is uniform but has a grainy character that has been likened to the appearance of ground glass. It is usually relatively opaque medially and fades to a lesser opacity laterally. Wide variations in opacity are possible, however, depending on the relative amounts of aerated, collapsed, and fluid-filled lung. Disease in the involved lobe may also add to its opacity. When atelectasis involves the entire lung, the opacity may be complete and homogeneous. The bronchi as well as the lung may become airless in atelectasis caused by obstruction; then there is absence of an air bronchogram. If an air bronchogram is present, complete bronchial obstruction is unlikely. Absence of an air bronchogram does not necessarily mean obstruction, but does suggest it. Associated with mediastinal shift there is often herniation of the opposite lung across the midline into the involved hemithorax; in chronic atelectasis this may become extensive. When there is right-lower-lobe atelectasis, the height of the right hemidiaphragm may not be ascertained. There is usually enough gas in the stomach or colon to outline the left hemidiaphragm, however. The cause of the atelectasis may be evident on the film and may add to the opacity (Fig. 30-1).

FIG. 30-1. Extensive atelectasis. A: There is a shift of the poorly outlined trachea to the right and almost complete density in the right lung. The heart is also shifted to the right. B: Atelectasis of the left lung. In this patient, there is a marked shift of the mediastinal structures to the left, elevation of the left hemidiaphragm, and very little air in the atelectatic left lung.

Lobar Atelectasis Lower-Lobe Atelectasis Lower-lobe atelectasis is easily overlooked, particularly on the left side, where the lobe may be hidden by the heart. The inferior pulmonary ligament attaches the medial aspect of the lower lobe to the mediastinum, so the lower lobe does not migrate upward toward the hilum. Also, the ligament keeps the base of a collapsed lower lobe in contact with the diaphragm. Occasionally, however, the inferior pulmonary ligament is incomplete, with no diaphragmatic attachment. In these cases, a paraspinal mass may be apparent on the posteroanterior (PA) projection, but the mass may not be visible on the lateral view, and the hemidiaphragm is not obscured posteriorly by the adjacent density usually present in lower-lobe atelectasis. This variation usually is present on the left side. When there are no pleural adhesions, the involved lobe moves medially to form ultimately a rather narrow triangle, with the apex at the level of the hilum and the base at the diaphragm. In the lateral projection the earliest sign of decrease in volume of a lower lobe is downward and posterior displacement of the major interlobar fissure. Later, as the amount of atelectasis increases, the opacity of the atelectatic lobe may obliterate the shadow of the posterior aspect of the diaphragm on the affected side. If the collapsed lobe is sufficiently dense (e.g., retained secretions, fluid), the lower aortic silhouette and the paraspinal line may be effaced on the PA view; on the lateral projection the density of the collapsed lobe adds to the density of the lower thoracic vertebrae, so that they become as dense or slightly more dense than the upper thoracic vertebrae. The signs of mediastinal shiftmdownward displacement of the ipsilateral hilum which may be hidden by the collapse, diaphragmatic elevation, and decrease in size of the bony thoraxmmay be present to varying degrees or may be absent. If they are absent, there is usually enough compensatory overinflation of the upper lobe on the left or of the upper and middle lobes on the ri ght to alert the observer to the possibility of lobar collapse. When the roentgenogram is of sufficient penetration, the triangular shadow of the collapsed left lower lobe is usually outlined behind the heart on the frontal projection. Right-lower-lobe collapse usually causes a similar shadow at the right medial base which may obliterate the cardiophrenic angle. On the lateral view, the inferior vena cava may be obliterated and the density of the lobe may simulate fluid in the major fissure. Kattan39 described upper mediastinal and aortic changes in lower-lobe atelectasis. In right-lower-lobe collapse, there may be an upper triangle sign. This is caused by a shift to the right of the anterior triangle consisting of the right and left anterior pleuromediastinal lines laterally and the clavicle above. The lines converge below as the anterior junction line. The triangle contains thymic, lymphoid, and areolar tissue and is not very dense. Although the triangle may shift to the left on left-lower-lobe collapse, it is hidden by the aorta. In severe left-lower-lobe atelectasis, the heart shifts to the left and may rotate in a clockwise direction to such an extent that the appearance is that of a slight right-anterior-oblique rotation of the heart (flat waist sign). 39 Obliteration of the top of the aortic knob (top-of-the-knob sign) may also occur in left-lower-lobe atelectasis. The lateral aspect of the left-upper mediastinum is continuous with the left border of the pericardium below the aortic knob. On the right side, the vascular structures consisting of the right descending pulmonary artery, the superior pulmonary vein crossing it, the middle-lobe artery, and arteries to the superior segment of the lower lobe form distinct converging points at the hilum. The right-upper-lobe arteries form a less distinct converging point above this level. In the presence of atelectasis of the right upper lobe, there is only one converging point. The same is true of right-lower-lobe collapse. Therefore, when one vascular converging point is present on the right, lobar collapse is suggested. The sign is not pertinent on the left, where there is only one converging point. 23 Right-middle-lobe Atelectasis Right-middle-lobe atelectasis may be complete or incomplete. When this lobe decreases in volume, the secondary interlobar fissure moves downward; it and the primary fissure can be outlined in contrast to the dense lung between them on the lateral projection. The middle lobe also tends to move medially so that in the PA view a triangular shadow appears medially above the diaphragm. Its base is at the mediastinum, and the apex points toward the lateral chest wall. As atelectasis becomes complete, the lobe may shrink to a very small size and may be difficult to see clearly in the PA projection. The opacity caused by the atelectatic lobe blurs the right cardiac margin. When this blurring is noted, the lateral view is confirmatory. In the lateral view, varying degrees of collapse are readily outlined. The appearance is that of a dense triangle, the apex of which is at or near the hilum and the base of which points downward and anteriorly. The upper and lower borders

of this dense triangle may be slightly concave. Collapse of the lateral segment only does not cause blurring of the right cardiac margin. Usually there is no discernible mediastinal shift, hilar displacement, alteration of the right hemidiaphragm, or detectable compensatory overinflation of upper and lower lobes because of the small volume of the middle as compared to the upper and lower lobes. Upper-lobe Atelectasis In upper-lobe atelectasis the roentgen appearance depends on the presence or absence of adhesions between the visceral and parietal pleurae. When adhesions are present they may hold all or part of the lobe in its normal position; this peripheral upper-lobe collapse can simulate local pleural disease or loculated pleural effusion, particularly in infants. The margins of the collapsed lobe are outlined by the overinflated lower lobe. When diagnosis becomes a problem, CT may be useful 22 (Fig. 30-2). If there are no adhesions, the lobe tends to shrink uniformly and move toward the hilum.

FIG. 30-2. A through C: Right-upper-lobe atelectasisappearance on computed tomography (CT). CT shows collapse of the right upper lobe as a result of obstruction of the right-upper-lobe bronchus by a large tumor mass ( arrows). This proved to be a carcinoid tumor.

In right upper-lobe atelectasis, the first sign is elevation of the interlobar fissure. If there are lateral adhesions, the inferior aspect of the lobe becomes concave, with elevation of the minor fissure in its central aspect. There may be a slight increase in opacity of the lobe if fluid is present within it. With progressive collapse, the lobe shrinks and flattens against the apex and upper mediastinum. Partial adherence of the lobe in one area or another may alter the general contour, so a considerable variety of forms is possible. In the lateral view, the major fissure tends to move anteriorly with increasing atelectasis and is usually visible; the upward displacement of the minor fissure may also be outlined in this projection. However, the atelectatic upper lobe may be difficult or impossible to identify in the lateral view. The middle lobe moves upward anteriorly, and the lower lobe upward posteriorly. Its superior segment may actually occupy the apex and rotate forward to lie in a cap-like manner over the collapsed upper lobe. This can sometimes be outlined in the lateral projection and can be predicted by the appearance of normally aerated or hyperaerated lung at the apex above the more dense atelectatic upper lobe in the frontal projection. The signs of mediastinal and tracheal displacement toward the involved side, elevation of the right hemidiaphragm and hilum, and decrease in size of the hemithorax, resulting in narrowing of the intercostal spaces, may also occur in varying degrees, but compensatory hyperinflation of the middle and lower lobes may be sufficient so that none of the other signs is present. Mediastinal displacement may be a prominent feature when there are extensive adhesions holding the upper lobe to the lateral parietal pleura. The hilum may also be elevated and retracted to the ipsilateral side in such cases. When atelectasis is relatively complete and there are no adhesions, the shadow of the upper lobe tends to move toward the hilum and upper mediastinum. On the right si de, it may then resemble slight mediastinal widening and occasionally may become so small that it is difficult to recognize. Kattan and associates 40 described a local elevation of the diaphragm, the juxtaphrenic peak, which is seen on the PA roentgenogram as a small shadow projecting upward from the highest point on the dome of the diaphragm. The shape varies from a narrow-based peak to a broad tent and is sometimes more round than angular. A similar peak may be caused by an inferior accessory fissure or by tangential projection of the medial aspect of the major fissure, so differentiation must be aided by other signs of atelectasis in some patients. The cause is uncertain, but it may be that a small amount of basal pleura with or without a wedge of lung tissue is pulled upward by negative intrathoracic pressure that increases when lobar collapse occurs. Atelectasis of the left upper lobe is somewhat similar to that of the right upper lobe, but the lobe moves superiorly, medially, and anteriorly rather than superiorly and anteriorly, and early change is more difficult to recognize in the frontal projection because there is no minor interlobar fissure. A ground-glass opacity is helpful if there is enough fluid in the collapsed lobe to produce it. In the lateral view the major fissure tends to move forward, and the opacity produced by the collapse is noted anteriorly with the lingula occupying a position similar to that of the middle lobe on the right. The partially collapsed lobe tends to be narrower inferiorly, owing to the smaller volume occupied by the lingula, and tends to extend upward and toward the periphery ( Fig. 30-3). At times, the overinflated lower lobe may extend forward medial to a collapsed left lower lobe, where it produces a clearly defined area of lucency medial to the more opaque atelectatic upper lobe. The secondary signs of mediastinal shift-mhilar and diaphragmatic displacement and compensatory overinflationmay be somewhat greater than in right-upper-lobe collapse because of the difference in volume. The juxtaphrenic peak may be present. Volume loss produces shift of the mediastinum similar to that noted in right-upper-lobe disease, except that it is in the opposite direction. When collapse occurs in patients with chronic pulmonary inflammatory disease such as tuberculosis, there is often a considerable amount of associated pleural disease and contracting fibrosis of the lung. The lobe or segment involved is then difficult to evaluate on routine projections. In these instances, CT may be necessary for study of segmental anatomy (Fig. 30-4).

FIG. 30-3. Left-upper-lobe atelectasis. A: Note the opacity on the left, which tends to fade toward the periphery. The border of the left side of the heart is blurred so that the heart is not clearly defined. B: A lateral view shows the opacity to be anterior. Note that the lower lobe extends to the apex above the partially atelectatic upper lobe. This is manifested on the frontal projection by the relatively normal aeration at the extreme left apex.

FIG. 30-4. A: Chest film shows compensatory hyperexpansion of the right upper lobe with right-middle and right-lower-lobe atelectasis. B: Computed tomography confirms right-middle-lobe atelectasis ( arrow) and right-lower-lobe atelectasis ( arrowhead).

Segmental Atelectasis It is often possible to ascertain with a fair degree of accuracy the segment involved by segmental collapse, since the area of opacity produced by the atelectasis occupies the general area usually occupied by that segment in the absence of severely distorting associated pulmonary disease. By using frontal, lateral, and oblique projections as necessary, the site of the opacity can be established and its relation to the interlobar fissures ascertained. The fissure tends to bow toward the site of the atelectasis; for example, in anterior segmental atelectasis of the right upper lobe, the secondary interlobar fissure elevates centrally to indicate that the volume of this lobe has decreased, and in the lateral view the density lies anteriorly. The same rules apply for lower-lobe segments, but the basal segments are very difficult to identify accurately (Fig. 30-5). In questionable cases, CT may be helpful.

FIG. 30-5. Segmental atelectasis. A: There is partial atelectasis of the anterior segment of the right lower lobe, producing an irregular, poorly defined opacity at the right medial base (arrow). B: In the lateral view, the opacity is immediately posterior to the major fissure, which is bowed backward ( arrows). A bronchogram revealed obstruction of the anterior basal segmental bronchus in this patient.

Focal (Plate or Lobular) Atelectasis When there is obstruction of a small subsegmental bronchus, a small area of atelectasis may result. This produces a thin horizontal or plate-like line that is most often seen in the basal lung, where it occurs frequently. These small areas of atelectasis have been termed plate, discoid, focal, or lobular atelectasis. They vary in size and sometimes cannot be distinguished from small areas of fibrosis. In some instances, these linear opacities are caused by a combination of subpleural collapse of lung plus an invagination of overlying pleura. They tend to occur in areas of pleural clefts, indentations, scars, and incomplete fissuresall sites of pre-existing pleural invagination. Pulmonary embolism is present in many patients with focal atelectasis, but the areas of atelectasis do not represent infarcts or occluded vessels. It is likely that focal atelectasis often indicates more widespread peripheral atelectasis than is radiographically evident. Therefore, it may indicate a greater disturbance in ventilation than is apparent 104 Films exposed at frequent intervals will show disappearance or change in position of the linear areas of density, and when this is evident the diagnosis of focal atelectasis is confirmed. The amount of involved lung is small, so the finding may be of little clinical significance, but, as indicated previously, it does indicate poor ventilation in the area. When it is observed postoperatively, it implies that aeration is incomplete and that there probably is an accumulation of secretions causing obstruction of some of the basal subsegmental bronchi. Restriction of diaphragmatic movement and elevation of the diaphragm are additional factors in production of this type of atelectasis ( Fig. 30-6).

FIG. 30-6. Focal or linear plate-like atelectasis. Note the horizontal opacities in both lower lungs. These disappeared in 1 week. At times, linear fibrosis may occur in the lung and simulate focal atelectasis.

It is fundamental to remember that atelectasis causes an area of increased opacity because of a combination of airlessness or relative airlessness and some fluid in the involved segment, lobe, or lung and that the resultant decrease in volume must be compensated by a decrease in total volume of the involved hemithorax or by an increase in volume of the uninvolved lobe or segments. Chronic isolated atelectasis of the middle lobe has been described and termed middle-lobe syndrome. Although it is usually thought to be caused by inflammatory disease, several studies have indicated a high incidence of malignancy. In one study of 135 patients, 43% were found to have malignant tumors, so persistent atelectasis of the middle lobe is potentially caused by malignancy and should be managed as such. 10 Round Atelectasis (Folded Lung) Round atelectasis was originally described in Europe and more recently in the American literature. 35 This lesion is formed in patients with pleural effusion, including those with asbestos-related pleural disease. A mass-like density is produced which must be differentiated from pleural and pulmonary tumors. The tumor-like mass is formed when a partially aerated portion of peripheral parenchyma floats on a pleural effusion and a collapsed section forms a groove, cleft, or fold on the lung surface. The floating lung tilts, and if this portion is lifted by the fluid, adhesions form. As the fluid recedes, a round mass of atelectatic lung is left adherent to the pleura. The

adhesions cause the tilted lung to remain atelectatic. The normal lung then expands around the mass as the pleural disease regresses. At times, the round atelectasis retracts centrally and is surrounded by aerated lung. Some lesions persist; others gradually regress. On plain films, there is evidence of pleural disease as well as a pleural-based round or oval mass ranging from 2.5 to 5 cm in diameter. A convergence of vessels and bronchi resembling a comet tail may be observed entering the mass. CT may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis. 24,60 CT signs include the presence of a round or wedge-shaped peripheral mass abutting the pleura with adjacent pleural thickening and/or effusion. Bronchi and vessels are seen sweeping or curving into the mass (the comet tail or vacuum cleaner sign). Rounded atelectasis may show contrast enhancement as it represents rolled-up collapsed lung 48,86,89,94,105 (see Fig. 27-11 in Chapter 27). At times, the mass may be irregular, lobulated, and poorly defined, so it must be suspected in a patient with a juxtapleural mass with evidence of pleural disease. Computed Tomography in Lobar Collapse When plain-film findings are atypical or equivocal, collapsed lung is associated with a pulmonary mass, fluid obscures the lung, or it is necessary to follow patients with lung tumor and atelectasis, CT may be of value for further evaluation. 69,70,77 Lobar collapse causes compensatory overinflation, which usually can be identified on CT except in middle-lobe atelectasis, where volume loss is so small that there is little overinflation of the other lobes. Therefore, this is a finding common to collapse of all but the middle lobe. In lower-lobe atelectasis (see Fig. 30-4), the lateral border of the collapsed lobe is concave or straight in the upper portion and either convex or concave inferiorly, so a convexity superiorly indicates an associated mass. The lobe collapses posteromedially and usually maintains contact with the diaphragm when the pulmonary ligament is complete. If the inferior pulmonary ligament is incomplete, the lobe may collapse toward the hilum. The major fissure is displaced medially, and the mediastinum is shifted toward the side of the lesion. Compensatory overinflation may be identified in contrast to the normal opposite lung. When pleural fluid is present, the collapsed lobe may be surrounded by the fluid, which may be less dense than the collapsed lobe. When the right middle lobe (see Fig. 30-4) is collapsed, the configuration is triangular, with the apex directed laterally. The triangle is small at the hilar level and its inferior aspect. If the lobe is high (rotated or tipped upward), the volume of the triangle of density is increased. The triangle is decreased when the lobe is low (rotated inferiorly); because it is more vertical in position, it is seen on more CT planes than with the more horizontal position (rotated upward). Many variations in position of this lobe are possible when it is atelectatic, particularly if there is distortion secondary to adhesions. The right upper lobe (see Fig. 30-2) collapses toward the mediastinum and may move toward the anterior chest wall and the lung apex to a varying extent. It appears as a mass in the anteromedial aspect of the upper thorax on CT. If a tumor is present in the lobe, there is a convexity of the posterolateral aspect of the lobe; the size and location of the convexity are indicative of the size and location of the tumor. When the left upper lobe is collapsed, the lobe tends to move anteriorly and medially, and may move superiorly, so that it appears as an anteromedial density on CT. Pleural adhesions may alter the position of any collapsed lobe so that an atypical appearance is produced. When the upper lobe is collapsed peripherally in an anterior position, the superior segment of the lower lobe may move anteriorly between the upper lobe and mediastinum to produce a radiolucent triangle medial to the posterior aspect of the upper lobe. This radiolucency may appear on the PA film as a stripe between the aortic arch and the collapsed lobe. As a result, the aortic arch is very clearly defined. Lingular collapse alone is usually against the left heart border. Endobronchial tumors can be identified within the lumen of a bronchus in most patients with obstructive atelectasis (see Fig. 30-2). The diagnosis of neoplasm is made more certain when a bolus of contrast material is used to aid in defining the tumor. Spiral CT scanning using narrow collimation and overlapping slice reconstruction obtained during a single breath hold optimizes CT detection of smaller endobronchial lesions. However, benign tumors cannot be differentiated from malignancies. Mucus plugs causing obstruction usually can be identified because of the branching pattern of the intrabronchial opacity, and the wall of the bronchus is visibly distinct from the mucus plug. In nonobstructive atelectasis, CT is useful to demonstrate patency of bronchi when the bronchi are identified by careful evaluation of the bronchial tree in the involved area. Collapse secondary to pleural effusion can be seen, and any underlying pleural mass can be detected. In cicatrization atelectasis, the lung is often distorted; therefore, CT can provide valuable information regarding the location of the collapse, the absence of endobronchial mass, and the frequent association with bronchiectasis. Atelectasis and Lung Torsion Atelectasis usually is present when there is torsion of the lung, a rare complication that occurs after traumatic pneumothorax or thoracic surgery. Occasionally it appears to occur spontaneously. 28,64 The radiographic signs include (1) a collapsed or consolidated lobe in an unusual position; (2) hilar displacement in an inappropriate direction for the involved lobe; (3) alteration in normal position and sweep of pulmonary vessels; (4) rapid opacification of the involved lobe after trauma or surgery; (5) marked change (usually opacification) of the involved lobe on sequential films. When the condition is suspected on the chest radiograph, CT is usually indicated if there is any question of the diagnosis, because mortality is high if surgical fixation is delayed. Pulmonary angiography may also be useful and may be diagnostic. 66 Findings include slow filling and decrease in caliber of the arteries to the involved lobe and little filling of the veins except for possible retrograde filling of a short segment of the venous stump near the heart. The contrast agent tends to clear very slowly from the involved lobe. When the middle lobe collapses after right upper lobectomy, findings may be similar to those of lobe torsion, so close clinical observation is necessary in these patients. 88


The immune system is composed of lymphocytes: the B (bursa) and T (thymic-derived) cells. The B cells secrete immunoglobulins and are responsible for humoral immunity. The immunoglobulins are IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE, and IgD. The T lymphocyte or T cell is responsible for cellular immunity. The immune responses are classified into four types: Type I is the IgE-dependent response, in which the antibody is E. There is an immediate skin test; the clinical examples are extrinsic asthma and anaphylaxis. Type II involves tissue-specific antibody; the antibodies are G and M. A clinical example is Goodpasture's syndrome. Type III involves immune complexes. Antibodies are G and M. Clinical examples are extrinsic alveolitis produced by organic and inorganic dust and intrinsic alveolitis including collagen-vascular diseases and fibrosing alveolitis. The first three are examples of humoral immune responses. Type IV is the cell-mediated response (delayed hypersensitivity). Clinical examples are intracellular infections, graft rejection, and cancer suppression. 80 Some of the conditions mentioned here are described in greater detail in the sections that follow. Pulmonary Hemorrhage Pulmonary hemorrhage can be categorized as focal or diffuse. Causes of focal pulmonary hemorrhage are infections (including tuberculosis), bronchiectasis, chronic bronchitis, and tumors. Patients with focal pulmonary hemorrhage usually (although not invariably) present with hemoptysis, and the chest film is unremarkable or nondiagnostic in 40%. When abnormalities are seen, they include focal air-space opacity or consolidation, atelectasis, and tumor mass or cavity. 76 Further evaluation with CT examination is often indicated in occult cases and may reveal unsuspected bronchiectasis, tuberculosis, or an endobronchial lesion. Frequently, however, plain film roentgenography, CT, and bronchoscopy fail to determine the cause of the hemoptysis. Diffuse pulmonary hemorrhage is characterized typically by bilateral air-space disease that often has a ground-glass appearance on chest films and CT ( Fig. 30-7). Patients present with hemoptysis and dyspnea and may have iron deficiency anemia if episodes are recurrent. Bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage reveals the evidence of both recent hemorrhage in the air spaces and an abundance of hemosiderin-laden macrophages in the air spaces and in the interstitium. 76 Causes of diffuse pulmonary hemorrhage include Goodpasture's disease (antiglomerular basement membrane disease); collagen vascular or autoimmune disorders, such as, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or Wegener's granulomatosis; idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis; bleeding disorders; drug reactions; infections; and


FIG. 30-7. A through D: Pulmonary hemorrhagechest film and computed tomographic (CT) scan in a 20-year-old man with hemoptysis. Chest film shows soft patchy bilateral alveolar infiltrates. CT demonstrates extensive bilateral ground-glass opacities caused by pulmonary hemorrhage and a small nodule at the right lung base. The differential diagnosis for diffuse pulmonary hemorrhage would include Goodpasture's syndrome, Wegener's granulomatosis, pulmonary hemosiderosis, and bleeding diathesis.

Goodpasture's Syndrome Goodpasture's syndrome is an autoimmune disease in which circulating antibodies have been demonstrated against the alveolar basement membrane and against glomerular basement membrane. In contrast to idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis, it occurs in young adults with a male predominance of 7:1 or 8:1. Goodpasture's syndrome is characterized by episodes of diffuse pulmonary hemorrhage, renal glomerulonephritis, and circulating antiglomerular basement membrane antibodies. Classic chest film and CT findings include bilateral, perihilar air-space consolidation or ground-glass opacity that spares the apices and costophrenic angles. As is typical for pulmonary hemorrhage from any cause, the air-space disease clears rapidly in a few days but then may give way to a reticular pattern of linear opacities and thickening of the interlobular septa as the acute hemorrhage clears. Atypical presentations including asymmetrical air-space disease and normal chest radiographs have been reported. The diagnosis should be suspected when a combination of hemoptysis and renal disease occurs in a young man. The diagnosis is confirmed by identifying the antibodies in the serum or appropriate immunofluorescent staining of the basement membrane on renal biopsy. Treatment is with high-dose corticosteroids and plasmapheresis. 76


Hemosiderosis is a term used to indicate the presence of macrophages filled with hemosiderin deposited in the alveoli and interstitial tissues of the lung. The cause is unknown, but some immunologic mechanism is a distinct possibility. There is an injury at the level of the alveolarcapillary membrane that allows the leakage of blood into the interstitium and ultimately into the alveolar space of the lung. This is manifested by recurrent episodes of acute illness in which dyspnea, cyanosis, and weakness along with cough, hemoptysis, and chest pain occur. The attack lasts a few days or weeks before subsiding. Recurrent episodes of bleeding ultimately produce marked roentgenographic changes. The prognosis is generally poor, although the disease may progress very slowly in some patients. It is somewhat more common in children than in adults. In children there is no sex predominance, but when it develops in adults, there is a preponderance of men of about 2:1 or 3:1. The roentgen findings in the acute phase are those of alveolar hemorrhage, which causes widespread, patchy alveolar opacities that clear gradually over a period of days. Residual deposition of hemosiderin in the interstitium produces thickening that appears roentgenographically as an increase in interstitial markings, producing a reticular or reticulonodular appearance ( Fig. 30-8). The diagnosis is made by correlating the clinical history with the roentgenographic changes. MRI may be of value83 in demonstrating the presence of widespread deposits of ferric iron throughout the lung. This may obviate biopsy or other invasive diagnostic methods, particularly in a critically ill patient. An association with celiac disease has been reported, but a pathogenetic link between the two diseases has not been established. 73 The disease must be differentiated from a number of other diseases that cause widespread interstitial change of this type and from other diseases that cause lung hemorrhage.

FIG. 30-8. Idiopathic pulmonary hemisiderosis in a 42-year-old man with a long history of repeated hemoptysis. Note the extensive interstitial disease, which is somewhat linear in the upper lung and is reticulonodular in the central and basal lungs. There is pulmonary arterial hypertension manifested by large central pulmonary arteries.

Pulmonary Changes after Hemoptysis When hemoptysis occurs and blood is aspirated, the roentgen findings vary with the amount and distribution of the blood. An opacity comparable to that of a patch of pneumonia of similar size is produced. It is usually hazy and poorly defined and may be local or widely scattered, depending on the sites and amount of bleeding. The opacity usually clears within 2 or 3 days, which aids in differentiating hemorrhage from inflammatory disease. Evidence of the disease causing the hemoptysis may or may not be present. In patients with pulmonary contusion causing hemorrhage, a relatively clearly defined mass (hematoma) may appear which is unlike the more diffuse change usually observed in patients with hemoptysis. It changes more slowly.


Eosinophilic disease includes a group of widely varied disorders. Several classifications have been used, none of which is entirely satisfactory because of the number of etiologic factors, the diversity of clinical syndromes, and the fact that tissue eosinophilia occurs in some patients, blood eosinophilia in others, and both tissue and blood eosinophilia in still others. 20A One of the classifications is termed the PIE syndrome. There are five major categories: (1) Lffler's syndrome; (2) chronic eosinophilic pneumonia or a chronic form of pulmonary opacities with eosinophilia; (3) chronic PIE with asthma; (4) tropical eosinophilia; and (5) polyarteritis or vasculitis in association with pulmonary opacities, which are the predominant part of the disease. There may be many manifestations in other organ systems in polyarteritis. 52 Lffler's Syndrome (Transient Pulmonary Infiltration with Eosinophilia, Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia)

Lffler's syndrome consists of fleeting pulmonary opacities associated with eosinophilia. Usually the subjects are allergic individuals, and the disease is believed to represent a pulmonary reaction to a variety of allergens. The symptoms are usually mild and consist of cough, malaise, low-grade fever, dyspnea with occasional wheezing, mild chest pain, and metallic taste in the mouth. It is associated with eosinophilia that ranges from 10% to 70%, and usually also with leukocytosis. The amount of pathologic material available is small because this is a relatively benign condition, but the findings in patients who have died accidentally consist of eosinophilic pneumonia in which the involvement is interstitial as well as alveolar. There is also some associated pulmonary edema, probably secondary to increased permeability of capillaries. Acute eosinophilic pneumonia can cause noninfectious respiratory failure, however. Although the symptoms may be severe, the disease usually responds quickly to corticosteroids. 4 Roentgen Findings The disease produces poorly defined opacities that may be single or multiple, unilateral or bilateral. The volume of lung affected varies considerably, and the individual areas of involvement are patchy in type and usually poorly outlined. They resemble pneumonia of other causes but are unique in that the homogenous densities are usually peripheral and rapid change is the rule. It is not unusual to observe clearing or partial clearing in one area and progression in another area of the same lung or of the opposite lung. In severe cases, pulmonary consolidation may be extensive and bilateral. Without therapy, change may be very slow. At times, the findings remain stable for several days. When such a changing opacity is observed and the patient is found to have eosinophilia, the diagnosis of Lffler's syndrome can be made (Fig. 30-9). A minor amount of pleural reaction resulting in small amounts of pleural effusion may occur, but the presence or absence of effusion is of no diagnostic significance.

FIG. 30-9. Eosinophilic pneumonia (Lffler's pneumonia). A: Note the poorly defined, scattered disease in the left central and lower lung, with a lesser amount of disease superiorly. B: Examination 15 days later shows that the disease has cleared. The patient had eosinophilia, had eosinophils in the sputum, and was allergic.

Because similar eosinophilic pneumonias may be caused by a variety of parasitic infestations, by infections, and by drugs, the term eosinophilic pneumonia should be used to denote those of unknown cause. The others are better designated as eosinophilic pneumonia caused by a specific drug, infestation, or other cause. The administration of cortisone usually produces rapid clearing of the pulmonary disease and a decrease in the circulating eosinophils. Chronic Eosinophilic Pneumonia Chronic eosinophilic pneumonia is similar to Lffler's syndrome except that the symptoms are prolonged and the course is more malignant. The disease usually occurs in women. Its onset may be sudden and its duration may extend from months to years. Episodes of weakness, weight loss, fever, cough, dyspnea, and hemoptysis may occur. Roentgen findings consist of a variety of patterns of opacity, some resembling confluent pneumonia, others consisting of coarse, strand-like densities that may be widespread. Although the disease tends to be peripheral in the upper lung zones, it may or may not appear so on plain films ( Fig. 30-10). CT is more likely to identify the peripheral location of the pulmonary consolidation when the location is not certain in patients suspected of having chronic eosinophilic pneumonia. Mediastinal adenopathy has also been reported on CT studies. 58 Changes in the pulmonary disease are common, as in Lffler's syndrome. Eosinophils are found in the biopsy specimens, which show interstitial pneumonia of varying degrees of severity, sometimes associated with fibrosis. There is also an elevated eosinophil count in the circulating blood. The lesions do not respond to antibiotics but clear dramatically with steroid therapy.

FIG. 30-10. Chronic eosinophilic pneumonia in a 71-year-old woman with cough, increasing shortness of breath, and fever. A: Chest radiograph shows air-space and reticular opacities most prominent at the periphery and lung bases. B and C: High-resolution computed tomography shows a mixed picture of focal rounded areas of consolidation at the lung bases and in the subpleural zones ( arrows), plus changes of interstitial fibrosis including thickening of the bronchovascular markings and interlobular septa. The patient had eosinophilia, and biopsy of the lung showed infiltration of the lung with eosinophils.


The term chronic interstitial pneumonia, as used by Liebow and Carrington, 53 indicates a pneumonia in which the most significant or persistent component of the tissue response in the lung is in the interalveolar septa and more proximal supporting tissues. Others, including Scadding and Hinson, 84,85 prefer the term fibrosing alveolitis to describe these diseases, many of which are of unknown cause. They believe that the categories described by Liebow and Carrington are not very clear, so the entire group of chronic interstitial pneumonias (fibrosing alveolitis) remain somewhat controversial. They then restrict the term pneumonia to denote inflammation of the lung characterized by consolidation produced by exudates filling the alveoli. Some believe the group of idiopathic interstitial pneumonias represent inflammatory responses of the alveolar walls to injuries of different types, durations, and intensities and are thus different aspects of a multifaceted fibrosing alveolitis. In view of the lack of knowledge regarding etiologic factors, two partial classifications are necessarymone histopathologic, the other etiologic. They are not mutually exclusive, because the cause is not often determined. The chest film findings in chronic interstitial lung disease progress at varying rates. The earliest manifestation is a fine nodularity, which is followed by or associated with a fine reticular or reticulonodular pattern. This may change to a coarse reticular or reticulonodular pattern with cystic areas. The most chronic form of the interstitial pneumonias is represented by interstitial fibrosis. In this end stage there is usually breakdown of alveolar walls in addition to fibrosis, which produces the so-called honeycomb pattern of pulmonary interstitial fibrosis. The honeycomb pattern usually implies far-advanced disease in that part of the lung, but not necessarily in all of the lung. Since the chest film findings are not a sensitive indicator of progression of interstitial lung disease; high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT), biopsy, and/or examination of cells obtained by bronchoalveolar lavage as well as gallium scans are used for this purpose. About 30% of patients with biopsy-proved alveolitis have normal chest roentgenograms. The radiologist does have a role in the study of the interstitial lung disease and should evaluate the following: (1) distribution of disease and lung volume; (2)

progression of the opacities; (3) presence of hilar nodes; (4) pleural abnormalities; (5) presence of conglomerate masses; and (6) malignant change. (There is an increased relative risk for development of lung cancer of 14.1 in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. 41,50) A high degree of radiographic diagnostic accuracy is not possible, but accuracy can be increased when the chest film is read in conjunction with an HRCT scan. 100 On the basis of histologic criteria and to some extent on radiographic and clinical criteria, Liebow and Carrington 1. UIPthe classic, undifferentiated or usual interstitial pneumonia ( Fig. 30-11 and Fig. 30-12)

described the following interstitial pneumonias:

FIG. 30-11. A 68-year-old man with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis or fibrosing alveolitis caused by undifferentiated interstitial pneumonia. A: Chest film shows coarse reticulation and honeycombing with a peripheral and basilar predominance. B: High-resolution computed tomography at the lung bases shows thickening of the interlobular septa, honeycombing, and architectural distortion.

FIG. 30-12. High-resolution computed tomographic findings in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis or fibrosing alveolitis. A: Computed tomography at the lung bases shows replacement of the normal lung architecture with multiple thick-walled cysts. Honeycombing such as this is a reliable sign of end-stage pulmonary fibrosis that will not respond to therapy. B: At a higher level, fine reticulation, thickening of the interlobular septa and bronchovascular bundles, and subpleural cysts are noted. Where the lung interfaces with the vessels, pleura, or mediastinum there is irregularity (the shaggy interface sign).

2. BIPnonbacterial bronchiolitis obliterans superimposed on UIP, now referred to as bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP) or cryptogenic organizing pneumonia (COP) ( Fig. 30-13)

FIG. 30-13. A 68-year-old man with a history of chronic shortness of breath developed abrupt, rapidly progressive deterioration of his pulmonary function leading to respiratory failure. A: Chest radiograph shows mixed interstitial and air-space disease at the lung bases and in the periphery. B and C: High-resolution computed tomography shows findings of interstitial fibrosis with reticulation and honeycombing but also areas of air-space consolidation ( arrows) and ground-glass opacity (arrowheads), suggesting an acute alveolitis superimposed on chronic interstitial fibrosis. Lung biopsy revealed bronchiolitis obliterans superimposed on changes of undifferentiated interstitial pneumonia.

3. DIPdesquamative interstitial pneumonia 4. LIPlymphoid interstitial pneumonia (Fig. 30-14)

FIG. 30-14. Desquamative interstitial pneumonia. A: Note the fine, bilateral interstitial disease, best seen at the lung bases. B and C: High-resolution computed tomography shows diffuse, bilateral ground-glass opacity (increased attenuation of the lung without obscuration of the bronchovascular markings).

5. GIPgiant-cell interstitial pneumonia. GIP is now thought to be caused by hard-metal pneumoconiosis. LIP is recognized as a lymphoproliferative disorder rather than a true interstitial pneumonia. Many

authorities no longer consider UIP and DIP to be separate diseases, but different stages of the same process of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. For an in-depth discussion, the reader is referred to an excellent review of the chronic interstitial pneumonias by McAdams and associates. 59 As noted in the following descriptions, the interstitial pneumonias exhibit a rather wide variety of roentgenographic patterns. The use of CT, including thin-section HRCT, in the study of patients with the various forms of chronic interstitial pneumonias including end-stage disease has been studied by many. These techniques are being used increasingly in patient management and diagnosis. Even with lung biopsy and histologic examination of tissue, the cause is not clear in most instances. As indicated previously, many prefer the term fibrosing alveolitis for these conditions in which there is ultimately more or less interstitial fibrosis. Classic or Undifferentiated Interstitial Pneumonia (UIP) This disease is the result of diffuse alveolar damage from a large variety of agents, including a number of inhalants such as oxygen in high concentrations, particularly when administered by intermittent positive-pressure breathing machines; viruses and mycoplasma; and conditions with altered immunity, such as scleroderma and rheumatoid arthritis. A number of drugs, bleomycin in particular, also can cause fibrosing alveolitis. In some cases a genetic factor may be involved. However, the cause of most chronic interstitial pneumonias is unknown. Whatever the cause, diffuse alveolar damage is produced, probably with some necrosis of alveolar epithelium and proteinacious exudates. The basement membrane usually is preserved. Hyaline membranes comprising exudate and remnants of necrotic alveolar lining cells may be present. Interstitial infiltrations of lymphocytes and mononuclear cells are also noted in this stage. Interstitial proliferation and fibrosis eventually occur in some areas. During the acute phase, the exudates plus the swelling of alveolar cells and the interstitial infiltrate produce a roentgen picture simulating the hazy appearance of pulmonary edema. Roentgenographic findings vary considerably. In the early fibrotic phase, a fine reticular pattern may be observed, often predominantly basal; in the more chronic forms of UIP, the opacity produced is coarse and strand-like and tends to extend radially from the hilum. Small, round radiolucencies may appear and become more prominent with increasing fibrosis and destruction of the alveolar walls; this represents the honeycomb pattern of pulmonary fibrosis. There is often an associated loss of lung volume, which suggests either UIP or scleroderma. As mentioned, radiographic findings are not specific. HRCT findings of UIP, fibrosing alveolitis, or idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis include reticulation, fibrotic thickening of the interlobular septa, architectural distortion, honeycombing, and traction bronchiectasis (see Fig. 30-11 and Fig. 30-12).100 The changes are more prominent in the peripheral subpleural zone, posteriorly, and at the lung bases. Varying degrees of ground-glass opacity may be seen in UIP; this may be caused by alveolitis in some patients, but in others biopsy shows only early alveolar wall interstitial thickening. Ground-glass opacity may be associated with areas of fibrosis and honeycombing. In other patients, garlands or arcades of ground-glass opacity outline the subpleural zones of the lung with increased lung attenuation. Although ground-glass opacity may be diffuse and the predominate feature in DIP, it is rarely so in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). More often it is a secondary feature to findings of fibrosis. As in all causes of interstitial lung disease, a prominent feature is the irregular interface sign: wherever the lung interfaces with another structure, be it the mediastinum, the pleura, the fissures, or the pulmonary bronchovascular bundles, the interface formed with the lung is shaggy and irregular. As pulmonary fibrosis advances to end-stage lung disease, honeycombing and subpleural cysts become the predominant feature. Diffuse Alveolar Damage and Bronchiolitis Obliterans (BIP) When there is damage to bronchioles superimposed on the lesion of UIP, BIP is produced; as mentioned, this is now referred to by many as BOOP or COP ( Fig. 30-13). Although the cause is not clear, this kind of damage can result from inhalation of corrosive fumes of strong acids. However, it appears to occur much more commonly as a result of a necrotizing bacterial bronchiolitis superimposed on viral pneumonia. The radiographic findings consist of streaks of flame-like opacity noted chiefly in the upper and central lung, although they can occur anywhere in the lungs. This may represent UIP with superimposed bacterial infection rather than a distinct entity. Desquamative Interstitial Pneumonia (DIP) DIP is an interstitial pneumonia characterized by extensive proliferation and desquamation of granular pneumocytes (type II alveolar-lining cells). It is associated with a mild interstitial cellular infiltration of plasma cells, lymphocytes, and eosinophils and with some septal and pleural edema. These desquamated cells and large aggregated macrophages may fill the bronchioles as well as alveoli. As in the other diseases affecting the alveolar walls, the cause is not certain, but in many an immunologic mechanism is a factor. Roentgenographic findings consist of bilateral basal shadows which often are hazy and may have a ground-glass appearance. As the disease progresses, the basal density increases. The pattern is variable, however, with more density in upper than in lower lungs in some patients. In many of our patients, the disease has been widely scattered with pulmonary opacities of varying configuration, often with a mixed interstitial and alveolar pattern ( Fig. 30-14). We have observed very few patients with classic medial-basal ground-glass disease as originally described by Liebow. 53 There is usually a favorable response to steroids; occasionally, however, the disease may progress to a nonspecific, honeycomb pattern of fibrosis with loss of pulmonary volume (the end-stage lung). 27,32 On HRCT, ground-glass opacities tend to be more diffuse and the predominant feature in many cases of DIP. Lymphoid Interstitial Pneumonia (LIP) In LIP there is massive and widespread infiltration of both lungs by lymphoid tissue, which histologically resembles lymphoma very closely. The history is that of a very chronic interstitial pneumonia with cough, dyspnea, fever, and weight loss over a long period. The infiltration is interstitial in the interalveolar septa and in the peribronchiolar and perivenous spaces. Local lymph nodes and extrapulmonary tissues are not involved. The infiltrate is a mixture of small lymphocytes, plasma cells, and occasionally large mononuclear cells, with the small lymphocytes predominating. Although the cause is not certain, some type of hypersensitivity appears to be a factor in most patients. Radiographic changes are variable and range from bilateral diffuse nodular opacities to peripheral opacities, which may be linear or branching, sometimes appearing rather poorly defined and conglomerate. Some of the peripheral linear opacities resemble Kerley B lines. As the disease progresses, alveoli are compressed and obliterated by dense, linear opacities. The disease is usually bilateral but not necessarily symmetrical. Ultimately, fibrosis may lead to honeycombing and the end-stage lung. This disease does not respond to steroids and tends to progress slowly. At times it can be relatively local, producing a rather conglomerate-appearing, poorly defined, mass-like opacity. Giant-cell Interstitial Pneumonia (GIP) This unique interstitial pneumonia is characterized by the presence of intra-alveolar giant cells and an interstitial infiltrate that is predominately lymphocytic. The giant cells are very large, and a single cell can almost fill an alveolus. Clinically, the condition is manifested by cough and dyspnea; there may be some weight loss and fever. Roentgen findings are varied. A confluent nodular process may be present in one or both lungs and in either the upper or the lower lobes. Sometimes, mottled nodular densities and strand-like or streak-like densities extending from the hilum to the periphery of the lung are noted. In our experience, this condition is very rare.


Fibrosis of the lungs may result from a number of diseases. These include infections such as tuberculosis, the fungal diseases, bronchiectasis, sarcoidosis, the collagen-vascular disease and other conditions with altered immunity, the pneumoconioses, and others. The cause can sometimes be ascertained in this group if clinical history, physical findings, laboratory findings, and roentgen alterations are correlated. The roentgen manifestations of the diseases of known origin are discussed in the appropriate sections. There is a large group of conditions in which fibrosis may be localized or scattered and in which there is no evidence of cause; these are the nonspecific fibroses of obscure origin. As more knowledge is gained regarding histopathology of the lung, it is likely that the number of patients placed in this idiopathic category will decrease. The roentgen findings are those of an increasing thickening of interstitial lung markings that is often more prominent in the bases than elsewhere. This produces a fine reticular pattern that gradually becomes more coarse. In end-stage disease a honeycomb pattern may be observed. In other instances, a more linear pattern is produced which at times may be associated with a fine nodular or granular pattern. Secondary pulmonary hypertension may develop, resulting in a gradual increase in the size of the pulmonary artery and its hilar branches, as well as evidence of right ventricular enlargement. The roentgen changes develop over a period of years or many months. The cause may never be determined; even at autopsy the findings can only be described as nonspecific fibrosis of unknown cause.


This condition, originally described by Hamman and Rich. 34 is characterized by an insidious onset of general malaise, fever, occasional dry cough, chest pain, and dyspnea, which soon becomes severe. The original patients died within 1 to 6 months of pulmonary insufficiency. Respiratory insufficiency and right-sided heart failure occur, and recurrent infections are common in the late stage of the disease. Microscopic examination shows marked fibroblastic proliferation in the alveolar walls, often associated with edema and an infiltration of lymphocytes and plasma cells. The presence of eosinophils has been noted by several investigators. Later the fibroblastic proliferation results in extensive thickening of alveolar walls and interstitial tissues, causing severe respiratory dysfunction leading to death. Review of the original case material indicates that the disease is actually acute interstitial pneumonia, similar to the adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), but the cause usually is not apparent. 6,71 The organized phase of diffuse alveolar damage is fibrosis. It does not represent the common chronic interstitial pneumonias or the usual chronic interstitial pulmonary fibrosis. Therefore, the term Hamman-Rich syndrome should probably be abandoned or used only to signify the acute, diffuse alveolar fibrosing disease that leads to death in less than 1 year and is now referred to as acute interstitial pneumonia. It is not a chronic interstitial pulmonary disease. 59 CT features of acute interstitial pneumonia are similar to those in ARDS and include bilateral, symmetrical air-space consolidation and patchy ground-glass opacities with a posterior and basilar predominance. 59 Roentgen Findings Early in the disease there is a slight increase in pulmonary interstitial markings and a slight decrease in diaphragmatic motion that can be noted fluoroscopically or on roentgenograms obtained in inspiration and expiration. As the fibrosis progresses, the interstitial markings become more prominent, resulting in thick linear shadows extending outward from the hila and a reticular pattern of increased density in the peripheral lung. The change is not necessarily symmetrical but is usually bilateral. In far-advanced disease there is extensive strand-like thickening, with considerable lucency surrounded by the thick strands resembling a coarse honeycomb or cystic pattern. The volume of the lung decreases progressively. Because the roentgen findings are not characteristic, the diagnosis must be based on clinical manifestations and a history of rapidly progressing dyspnea with failure to find any definite cause. Lung biopsy is necessary to make the diagnosis.


The collagen-vascular diseases consist of a heterogeneous group of conditions in which involvement of connective tissue, particularly the intercellular amorphous ground substance, is the common morphologic feature. They appear to be related to hypersensitivity in some instances, but hypersensitivity is not the only cause, because the tissue changes are known to be produced by a variety of dissimilar diseases. Polyarteritis (periarteritis) nodosa, rheumatic fever, rheumatoid arthritis, disseminated SLE, Behet's disease, mixed connective-tissue disease, and scleroderma (progressive systemic sclerosis) are all members of this group. Polymyositis, dermatomyositis, Sjgren's syndrome, and, possibly, ankylosing spondylitis are also included. 38 Wegener's granulomatosis, lymphomatoid granulomatosis, and immunoblastic lymphadenopathy are related and are included by many in this group of conditions. There is a considerable amount of overlap in the clinical findings, so lesions that are usually predominant in one entity may be seen in another. Individual cases have been reported in which four or five varieties of involvement were present Polyarteritis (Periarteritis) Nodosa In polyarteritis nodosa there is a necrotizing vasculitis involving the medium-sized arteries; their small branches are also affected, so the lesions are often found throughout the body. Pulmonary involvement is rare but can cause a variety of radiographic changes. Massive pulmonary edema can occur in patients who are acutely ill; this is possibly related to renal disease in most cases. Other pulmonary changes consist of scattered patchy opacities, some of which are secondary to infarcts; these may excavate and cause small cavities. When present, this cavitation is often multiple, and it is characteristic that one cavity becomes smaller and closes while another is in the process of forming. Clearly defined or hazy nodules may appear. Some may resemble hematogenous metastases, and others may simulate inflammatory nodules, raising the possibility of tuberculosis. At times the interstitial markings are increased. Basal congestion resulting in enlargement of vascular shadows and blurring of vessels is often noted, and pleural effusion may occur. Enlargement of the cardiac silhouette is not uncommon. In some patients this is caused by pericardial effusion; in others, there is dilatation of the heart. These pulmonary and pleural changes may undergo rapid clearing, or they may progress rapidly. There is nothing characteristic about the roentgen findings, but, in a chronically ill patient with involvement of other systems, these pulmonary, pleural, and pericardial findings are suggestive of this disease. The pulmonary roentgen changes usually respond rapidly and clear after institution of steroid therapy. As indicated, pulmonary involvement is rare in classic polyarteritis nodosa. In the variantssystemic necrotizing vasculitis, allergic angiitis, and granulomatosispulmonary involvement is much more common Rheumatic Pneumonia Rheumatic fever is a disease in which cardiac lesions are common and may result in secondary pulmonary congestion and edema. The pneumonia seen in this disease is often caused by pulmonary edema and congestion, and there is a considerable difference of opinion as to the incidence of actual pulmonary involvement. The roentgen findings of rheumatic pneumonia simulate those of pulmonary edema and congestion. They consist of hazy opacities, usually in the parahilar and midlung areas. They may be confluent or patchy and are often associated with basal changes indicating pulmonary congestion. At times there does appear to be involvement of lungs, so scattered opacities in the absence of cardiac failure in a patient with rheumatic fever is most likely indicative of rheumatic pneumonia. 26 Histopathologic study is often necessary to differentiate rheumatic pneumonia from pulmonary edema and congestion, but the clinical findings, along with radiographic findings, may permit the presumptive diagnosis Systemic Lupus Erythematosus SLE is commonly found in young and middle-aged women, with a female-male ratio in the range of 10:1. It is a multisystem disease in which autoantibodies and circulating immune complexes cause inflammatory changes in connective tissue, vessels, and serosal surfaces. Pulmonary or pleural involvement of some type occurs in 50% to 70% of patients at some time during the course of the disease; the incidence may be higher in patients with severe disease. In children, pulmonary hemorrhage is common and is associated with high mortality. The disease is chronic and often fatal, but repeated remissions and exacerbations may occur. A number of drugs are capable of inducing SLE. Pleural and pulmonary involvement can be seen in the drug-induced form of SLE, but there is no renal or central nervous system disease in drug-induced lupus. The disease subsides after the drugs are discontinued. Primary thoracic manifestations of SLE are varied and can be classified into parenchymal lung disease, respiratory and diaphragmatic muscle dysfunction, pleural disease, and vascular disorders. 12 The parenchymal lung disease can be acute and life-threatening, as in acute lupus pneumonitis and alveolar hemorrhage syndrome, or it can be chronic. Chronic lupus pneumonitis, interstitial fibrosis, lymphocyctic interstitial pneumonia, pseudolymphoma, BOOP, and obliterative bronchiolitis are all found in patients with SLE. Respiratory muscle dysfunction and atrophy result in the so-called shrinking lung syndrome, characterized by progressive bilateral loss of lung volumes over time. Pleuritis with or without pleural effusion is a prominent feature in patients with SLE who present with chest pain. However, many patients with evidence of interstitial fibrosis on CT are relatively asymptomatic. Pulmonary vascular problems seen in SLE include pulmonary hypertension resembling the idiopathic form, pulmonary emboli and infarcts, and the acute reversible hypoxemia syndrome. 12,29 Secondary chest manifestations of SLE and its treatment include opportunistic infections, pulmonary drug toxicity, and changes of cardiac and renal failure in the chest. Roentgen Findings Pleural effusion is the most common finding reported from studies of plain films in patients with SLE. The effusions are bilateral and usually small, but they can be massive. Eventually, pleural fibrosis occurs after repeated episodes of effusion. The diaphragm may move poorly, and basal lung volume may decrease. Pericardial effusion can also occur. The pulmonary parenchymal changes are varied, as in polyarteritis, and range from the soft, patchy bilateral air-space opacities of pulmonary edema to strand-like accentuation of bronchovascular markings, indicating diffuse interstitial disease (which is uncommon based on plain-film analysis). Occasionally the lesions assume a nodular appearance, and rarely they cavitate. Pulmonary air-space opacities are usually transitory. The pulmonary alterations, including atelectasis, tend to be basal in position ( Fig. 30-15). In addition to pericardial effusion, pancarditis may cause enlargement of the cardiac silhouette. When the pulmonary disease becomes chronic, resulting in basal fibrosis, the diaphram is often elevated and its motion restricted. The combination of bilateral pleural effusion, pericardial effusion causing enlargement of the cardiac silhouette, and a changing bilateral pulmonary disease suggests SLE. Pulmonary changes are less common

than pleural and cardiac involvement but may be bizarre, with cavitation in nodules, formation of pneumatoceles, and rapid alteration. Subpleural opacities are common; some are probably infarcts. Pulmonary infection may be superimposed on the lung changes produced by SLE; radiographic differentiation can be very difficult.

FIG. 30-15. Disseminated lupus erythematosus. Note the basal interstitial disease with a small pleural effusion on the right. Although this patient was male, the disease is more common in women, and pleural effusion is usually a more prominent feature of the disease in the thorax.

Patients with acute lupus pneumonitis (Fig. 30-16) present with acute fever, hypoxemia, dyspnea, and patchy bilateral pulmonary infiltrates in the absence of demonstrable pulmonary infection. The alveolar infiltrates are nonspecific in appearance and can not be differentiated radiographically from acute pneumonia. In the alveolar hemorrhage syndrome the presentation is similar, but an abrupt fall in the blood hemoglobin secondary to diffuse pulmonary hemorrhage usually indicates the correct diagnosis. 12

FIG. 30-16. Acute lupus pneumonitis with bilateral alveolar infiltrates at presentation.

HRCT findings in patients with SLE have been described and are similar to those seen in other collagen-vascular diseases affecting the lung. 7,29 Most of the changes are identified in the subpleural zone and the lung bases, including areas of ground-glass opacity, parenchymal bands, and thickened interlobular septa. Mild dilatation of the bronchi may also be noted. CT findings in some SLE patients are those of interstitial fibrosis with architectural distortion, traction bronchiectasis, and honeycombing. HRCT has been shown to be superior to chest radiography in detecting early parenchymal damage and fibrosis in SLE; but the findings are not specific for SLE and can be seen in progressive systemic sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. 7,29 Progressive Systemic Sclerosis (Scleroderma) Progressive systemic sclerosis is characterized by atrophy and sclerosis of many organ systems, including the skin, musculoskeletal system, and heart as well as the lungs. Raynaud's phenomenon with trophic changes in the fingers occurs in 80% to 90% of patients and may antedate other signs of the disease for years. The CREST syndrome is characterized by cutaneous calcinosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, and telangiectasia. Most patients develop some lung changes of UIP, although most remain asymptomatic from a respiratory standpoint. 5 As in the other collagen-vascular diseases, a variety of lesions may be observed, but the findings tend to be more stable in this disease than in the others. The basic lesion is interstitial fibrosis, which may take the form of accentuated interstitial markings, resulting in a fine reticular pattern that becomes more coarse and dense as the disease progresses, eventually producing a reticulonodular pattern. Although the lesion is usually basal with slow progression, rarely it ultimately may involve the entire lung. There is often some scattered nodulation in the parahilar areas and in the bases as well. Pleural effusion may occur late in the disease, but it is not a prominent feature, and pleural fibrosis is also an unusual finding. In a few patients with long-standing disease, subpleural cysts have been described that are apparently caused by a loss of alveolar tissue. This results in small cystic spaces surrounded by thick fibrous walls. CT is capable of detecting the linear basal opacities and small cystic spaces earlier in the disease than chest radiography can (Fig. 30-15). Occasionally, pneumothorax is observed; presumably it is caused by rupture of one of the cysts into the pleural space. The apices are spared in this manifestation of the disease ( Fig. 30-17). Decreased volume of the lower lobes is characteristic. When the esophagus is involved, aspiration, with the basal lung changes caused by aspiration pneumonia, may occur in addition to the changes produced by pulmonary scleroderma.

FIG. 30-17. Two patients with scleroderma lung. A: Chest radiograph shows fine reticulation at both lung bases, with sparing of the apices. B and C: High-resolution computed tomography in a second patient with scleroderma lung shows subpleural lines and opacities, septal thickening, ground-glass opacity, and tiny subpleural cysts. Note the dilated esophagus with an air-fluid level, a clue that the interstitial lung disease is caused by scleroderma.

HRCT is better able to detect early parenchymal damage caused by scleroderma. 79,87,100 The HRCT findings of scleroderma overlap those of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, though often the interstitial thickening and reticulation is more delicate and finer in character, particularly early in the disease. CT findings include subpleural lines or bands, septal thickening, subpleural cysts, ground-glass opacity, and honeycombing. The periphery and the lung bases are most affected. A delicate rim of subpleural cysts is sometimes a prominent feature (see Fig. 30-17). A finding of associated esophageal dilatation on CT may provide the distinguishing clue to

indicate the correct cause of the interstitial lung disease. 11 Compared with the chest radiograph, the finding of enlarged mediastinal nodes on CT is not unusual.


Several complications of scleroderma are important to recognize. Pulmonary arterial hypertension with cor pulmonale caused by scleroderma can occur secondary to end-stage scleroderma lung or can be isolated without evidence of lung disease. Patients with isolated pulmonary arterial hypertension have a very poor prognosis and die rapidly of right-sided heart failure. 5 Patients with long-term scleroderma lung have an increased incidence of lung cancer, as do patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis compared with the general population. A number of different types of cancers have been reported in patients with scleroderma lung, including alveolar cell carcinoma. 5 Mixed Connective-tissue Disease Mixed connective-tissue disease is an overlap syndrome combining scleroderma, SLE, polymyositis, dermatomyositis, and a nondeforming arthritis to varying degrees. Pulmonary involvement is common, with a large percentage of patients having pulmonary dysfunction and abnormal chest roentgenograms. The chest findings include basal interstitial disease and pleural and pericardial fluid. Pulmonary hypertension is sometimes observed in conjunction with severe interstitial pulmonary involvement. Although peripheral adenopathy is common, mediastinal adenopathy is rare. Findings on the chest roentgenogram are similar to those of the overlap syndrome of scleroderma and SLE, so the roentgen findings are not specifically diagnostic Rheumatoid Disease of the Lung Rheumatoid arthritis is occasionally accompanied by pulmonary disease, which is part of the generalized disease. Chest radiographic findings can be placed in the following categories: (1) pleurisy with or without effusion (the most common finding) in 50%; (2) necrobiotic nodules; (3) Caplan's syndrome; (4) diffuse interstitial pattern; and (5) pulmonary arteritis and hypertension. The pulmonary lesions tend to occur in patients with high titers of rheumatoid factor and subcutaneous rheumatoid nodules. As indicated, the most common finding in the thorax is pleuritis, which is often accompanied by pleural effusion that is minimal to moderate in amount and usually bilateral. The fluid may remain for months or years with very little variation. Pleural thickening may eventually occur in these patients. The most common pulmonary change (30% to 40%) is that of an interstitial pneumonitis, which may produce a reticular pattern of interstitial opacity similar to that seen in idiopathic interstitial fibrosis or in interstitial fibrosis caused by other collagen-vascular diseases. The distribution of the interstitial opacities may be diffuse, but at times it tends to be parahilar and basal ( Fig. 30-18). Sometimes, diffuse interstitial disease can be demonstrated on biopsy in patients with abnormal pulmonary function and normal chest roentgenograms. Occasionally the interstitial process may coalesce to form patchy areas resembling an alveolar type of pneumonia. Rarely, upper-lobe fibrosis and cyst-like cavitation may be observed in rheumatoid arthritis. The incidence of diffuse interstitial disease is high in severe arthritis, which it may precede by years. It may rarely progress to end-stage pulmonary fibrosis, or honeycomb lung. Men are affected twice as often as women.

FIG. 30-18. Rheumatoid disease of the lung. In this patient, there is basal interstitial lung disease that is quite similar to that often noted in scleroderma. Significant volume loss is present. Whittling of the distal clavicle ( arrow) and shoulder joint changes indicate the correct diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis with lung involvement.

Rheumatoid necrobiotic nodules of the lung are somewhat less common than the diffuse change ( Fig. 30-19). They can be multiple or solitary, and they vary from a few millimeters to several centimeters in size. It is common to observe them in a subpleural position, so occasionally pneumothorax may complicate this manifestation. Cavitation may occur and is often associated with pleural effusion, bronchopleural fistula, or both. The nodules occur most frequently in men, often associated with subcutaneous rheumatoid nodules. They may disappear spontaneously or persist and sometimes grow over a period of years.

FIG. 30-19. Rheumatoid nodules in a 60-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis. A: Chest radiograph shows poorly defined nodular opacities at the lung bases. B: Computed tomography better defines multiple, rounded masses and nodules at the lung bases and at the periphery of the lungs. Multiple biopsies revealed rheumatoid nodules.

Caplan's syndrome has been described in patients with coal worker's pneumoconiosis who have rheumatoid arthritis. The patients have crops of pulmonary nodules varying from 0.5 to 5 cm in diameter, often peripheral, on a background of pneumoconiosis, usually associated with exacerbation of rheumatoid arthritis and new subcutaneous rheumatoid nodules. At times, a single pulmonary nodule may be observed. This syndrome has been expanded to include asbestosis and silicosis acquired in industries other than coal mining. All pulmonary findings in rheumatoid arthritis are increased in cigarette smokers. Pulmonary arteritis leading to pulmonary arterial hypertension may occur as the only pulmonary manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis. It causes enlargement of central pulmonary arteries and right ventricular enlargement. Other pulmonary manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis may be present, however. Rmy-Jardin and colleagues 78 reported the HRCT findings in patients with rheumatoid arthritis with and without pulmonary symptoms. CT findings included bronchiectasis and/or bronchiolectasis with or without interstitial fibrosis (30%); pulmonary necrobiotic nodules, typically in a subpleural location (22%); and subpleural micronodules and pseudoplaques (17%). Other findings included nonseptal linear opacities, interstitial infiltration, patchy increased ground-glass attenuation of the lung, and honeycombing caused by interstitial fibrosis. Twenty-nine percent of patients with rheumatoid arthritis but without pulmonary symptoms had CT findings in the lung, though CT abnormalities were more common and more severe in patients with respiratory symptoms. This CT study also showed a higher frequency of rheumatoid nodules than previously reported based on plain-film analysis (22% versus 1%). The authors pointed out that subpleural nodules thought to be caused by rheumatoid necrobiotic nodules must be biopsied for confirmation, since lung cancer and other granulomatous diseases can occur concurrently in rheumatoid lung.

In a patient with rheumatoid arthritis who is undergoing treatment, other causes for new pulmonary infiltrates must be considered. Depending on the treatment being usedcorticosteroids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, gold injections, quinine hydrochloride, penicillamine, or methotrexatepulmonary drug toxicity and opportunistic lung infections such as Pneumocystis pneumonia can produce diffuse bilateral pulmonary infiltrates. Rheumatoid arthritis is also one of the collagen-vascular diseases associated with the development of BOOP Ankylosing Spondylitis Ankylosing spondylitis is accompanied by pulmonary disease in rare instances. The roentgenographic findings are those of bilateral upper-lobe fibrosis manifested by small nodular and linear shadows, which may coalesce to form linear and nodular opacities that may be very large. Obliterative bronchiolitis is present in some, if not all, of the patients with upper-lobe disease. In these patients, the coalescent lesions may be caused by obstructive pneumonitis. This may also occur in the rare similar upper-lobe disease observed in rheumatoid arthritis. Cavitation is frequent and in many instances is associated with aspergilloma. The disease may be stable for years, or it may progress steadily until extensive fibrosis results in upward retraction of one or both hila and upper-lobe bronchiectasis. In these instances, the roentgenographic appearance is quite similar to that of chronic pulmonary tuberculosis. In addition, apical pleural thickening may be present and may become extensive. These changes usually occur in patients with long-standing and extensive involvement of the spine and often involvement of the large joints as well. There is restriction of the chest wall, caused by involvement of costovertebral joints which become ankylosed Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis Interstitial lung disease is known to be associated with polymyositis and dermatomyositis, but with less frequency than with other collagen-vascular diseases (5% or less). It may occur at any age, with a mean of 50 years. The female-male ratio is 2:1. The roentgen pattern is one of a diffuse reticulonodular interstitial process, usually localized to the lung bases. In the more acute disease, there may be a mixed alveolar and interstitial pattern. Pleural effusion seldom occurs. Rarely, fibrosing alveolitis may complicate dermatomyositis and may progress rapidly. It causes an interstitial pattern which also increases in severity rapidly as the disease progresses. If there is pharyngeal or esophageal involvement, aspiration pneumonia may develop. When the diaphragmatic muscle is involved, there is elevation of the diaphragm and loss of lung volume Sjgren's Syndrome Sjgren's syndrome is a chronic inflammatory process characterized by atrophy of the lacrimal and salivary glands leading to decreased production of tears and dryness of the mouth in the primary form. In the secondary form, it is usually associated with rheumatoid arthritis (50%), but SLE, dermatomyositis, and scleroderma have also been reported to be associated with this syndrome. Pulmonary manifestations are frequent and consist of an interstitial process that is reticulonodular or nodular, similar to that found in rheumatoid arthritis (15%). Pleurisy and/or pleural effusion may also occur. The pathologic change is that of a benign lymphocytic infiltration. There is an associated broad spectrum of lymphoproliferative disorders ranging from extraglandular lymphocytic infiltration or LIP to pseudolymphoma, which may progress to malignant neoplasm such as lymphoma or Hodgkin's disease in patients with Sjgren's syndrome ( Fig. 30-20)

FIG. 30-20. Sjgren's syndrome complicated by pseudolymphoma. A: A 54-year-old woman with Sjgren's syndrome developed subacute onset of irregular nodular opacities in the right lung. B and C: Computed tomography demonstrates several irregular, spiculated mass lesions in the right lung with pleural adhesions. Biopsy showed focal areas of marked lymphocytic infiltration.

Behet's Syndrome Behet's syndrome is a vasculitis of large and small vessels associated with recurrent aphthous ulceration of oral mucosa, recurrent genital ulcers, skin lesions (erythema nodosum, among others), and eye lesions (uveitis, retinal vasculitis). It occurs in young adults, usually in the third decade of life. The worldwide incidence is higher in men than in women, but regional variation exists and in the United States the male-female ratio is 1:2 to 1:5. Vascular involvement manifested by migratory thrombophlebitis may result in obstruction of the superior or inferior vena cava and may cause mediastinal widening on the plain films. 3 Pulmonary involvement is caused by vasculitis and thrombosis involving the pulmonary arteries and usually appears along with exacerbations of the disease elsewhere. Other thoracic manifestations can include aneurysms of the aorta and pulmonary arteries; pulmonary hemorrhage and lung infarction; atelectasis; pleural effusions; myocardial and pericardial disease (conduction disturbances, endocarditis, myocarditis, pericarditis); pulmonary hypertension with cor pulmonale; and lymphadenopathy.96 The pulmonary radiographic findings include fleeting bilateral alveolar opacities produced by hemoptysis, which is probably a result of vasculitis. There may be round opacities, some of which represent aneurysms of lobular arteries; if they rupture, massive hemoptysis can occur. Pulmonary artery aneurysms may be unilateral or bilateral, single or multiple. When demonstrated on CT they often contain mural or intraluminal thrombus within them. Regression of pulmonary artery aneurysms with corticosteroid treatment has been reported. 96 Angiography with a large dose of contrast medium, venous puncture, and catheter manipulation carry an increased risk of complications in this disorder, including worsening of thrombosis and aneurysm formation at the puncture site. Spiral CT and MRI are less invasive methods that have been used successfully to delineate the presence and extent of mediastinal venous thrombosis and pulmonary artery complications of Behet's syndrome.96 HRCT of the lung parenchyma in this disease may reveal areas of ground-glass opacity caused by pulmonary hemorrhage or findings compatible with lung infarcts. Subpleural, lobular areas of hyperlucency have also been reported and possibly result from focal air trapping. 3,96 Central nervous system involvement appears to be the major cause of the high mortality rate (40%) observed in this disease, but massive exsanguinating hemoptysis can result from pulmonary involvement, as indicated Immunoblastic Lymphadenopathy (Angioimmunoblastic Lymphadenopathy) Immunoblastic lymphadenopathy is characterized by an acute or subacute onset of fever, generalized lymphadenopathy, and hepatosplenomegaly. In about one third of patients, a history of drug ingestion is obtained and a skin rash occurs at the onset of the disease. Histologically, this condition resembles Hodgkin's disease with an infiltration of histiocytes, plasma cells, eosinophils, and immunoblasts that replace lymphocytes and efface lymph-node architecture. There is also hyperproliferation of postcapillary venules and amorphous interstitial deposits consisting of cellular debris. In some patients the disease evolves into a lymphoma. Although the cause is not certain, an abnormal immune state is likely. Radiographic findings consist of pulmonary opacities, evidence of hilar and mediastinal adenopathy in 50%, and bilateral pleural effusion. The pulmonary opacities are varied and range from signs of diffuse interstitial linear or reticulonodular disease, usually basal, to an alveolar pattern which may resemble that secondary to pulmonary edema. It may be associated with an interstitial pattern in other parts of the lung. Superimposed infection may add to the pulmonary opacity and result in asymmetry. The response to steroids is dramatic in some of these patients. 110 Pulmonary Angiitis and Granulomatosis Most of the diseases in this group have a histopathologic similarity in that pulmonary vasculitis (angiitis) and granulomatosis, often with necrosis, are present in varying degrees. However, there are significant clinical differences, and there is some disagreement as to how they should be classified. The comprehensive review is given by Churg. 20 He includes a larger variety of conditions, including bronchocentric granulomatosis, angiitis associated with various bacterial and mycotic infections,

and rheumatoid nodules, in this category. Weisbrod 103 has also reviewed these diseases, dividing them into two categories: (1) angiocentric, which includes Wegener's granulomatosis, allergic angiitis, allergic granulomatosis (Churg-Strauss syndrome), lymphomatoid granulomatosis, and necrotizing sarcoid granulomatosis, and (2) bronchocentric, which consists of bronchocentric granulomatosis. Wegener's Granulomatosis Wegener's granulomatosis is a multisystem disorder characterized by vasculitis and associated necrotizing granulomata. Midline lethal granuloma, considered to be at one end of the spectrum of Wegener's granulomatosis, is a destructive process of unknown cause. It is often a fatal condition in which there is extensive destruction of the bony structures of the nose and paranasal sinuses. When this condition is associated with necrotizing granulomatous vasculitis of the lungs and necrotizing glomerulonephritis, which may be focal or general, the syndrome is known as Wegener's syndrome or necrotizing granulomatosis. The three main pathologic features are necrotizing granulomatous lesions of the upper respiratory tract, necrotizing angiitis of arteries and veins, and glomerulonephritis. When the kidneys are not involved and the disease is confined to the respiratory system, the term limited Wegener's is used. The cause of Wegener's granulomatosis is not known. The marked granulomatous response and deposition of immune complexes seen in this disorder suggest a hypersensitivity reaction. Some have postulated that infection may be the underlying stimulus to this abnormal response, and there does appear to be a relation between disease relapse and infection. In addition, some patients with Wegener's granulomatosis respond well to treatment with sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim. Pathologically, pulmonary Wegener's granulomatosis is characterized by a necrotizing vasculitis that may affect blood vessels of all sizesarteries, veins, arterioles, venules, and capillaries, but most often the medium-sized veins and muscular arteries. Lung tissue typically shows necrotic pulmonary nodules or microabscesses with surrounding granulomatous reaction and accompanying vasculitis. 95 The roentgen changes of Wegener's granulomatosis in the sinuses are those of soft-tissue opacity plus destruction of bone that cannot be differentiated from the destruction produced by malignant neoplasm. The granulomatous lesion of the lung, which is characteristic of the disease, is a nodule that may be solitary or multiple. Its size varies from 1 to 8 cm in diameter. The round nodules cavitate in 60% to 70% of cases. The cavity is usually small in relation to the size of the nodule, with an irregular inner wall, but the nodule may excavate completely, leaving a thin wall, and then eventually disappear. The outer margins of the nodules may be sharply defined, or they may be indistinct and have a shaggy appearance. When multiple, the nodules tend to be few in number and may resemble pulmonary metastases (Fig. 30-21). Occasionally a solitary mass resembling a primary lung tumor can occur. Other findings include areas of poorly defined consolidation resembling pneumonia. When the vasculitis extensively involves alveolar capillaries, massive pulmonary hemorrhage may occur; this is a very rare complication in this disease. As in the other granulomatous diseases with angiitis, there is nothing specific about the roentgen pulmonary changes. Pleural effusion rarely occurs late in the disease. On occasion, an endobronchial mass may cause atelectasis of a lobe or lung. This may be associated with pleural disease accompanied by effusion or pleural thickening. The effusion can be massive. Pneumothorax is a relatively rare complication.

FIG. 30-21. Wegener's granulomatosis. A: Chest radiograph shows multiple bilateral masses and nodules, some of which are cavitated. B and C: Computed tomography shows that many of the cavitary nodules have a feeding vessel leading toward them ( arrows). Other larger opacities are pleural based ( arrowhead) and resemble infarcts.

Chest CT features of parenchymal Wegener's granulomatosis include multiple nodules or masses ranging in size from 0.3 to 5.0 cm, a distinct feeding vessel leading to the pulmonary nodule or opacity (88%), and lesions resembling pulmonary infarcts (peripheral wedge-shaped lesions abutting the pleura). 47 Other CT findings include cavitation of nodules and air bronchograms within focal lung opacities ( Fig. 30-21). If the vasculitis affects primarily the capillaries, then pulmonary hemorrhage manifested as patchy, bilateral air-space disease or ground-glass opacity may be the only CT finding. With treatment and healing the focal nodular lesions of Wegener's granulomatosis develop significant scarring and spiculation, with architectural distortion of the affected lung and formation of pleural adhesions or pleural tags. The CT features of Wegener's granulomatosis overlap those found in other vessel-related disorders of the lung such as septic emboli, pulmonary infarcts, hematogenous metastases, and other angiocentric vasculitidies. Some of the CT features of Wegener's granulomatosis (nodules with feeding vessels and infarct-like lesions) are related to the necrotizing angiitis that affects pulmonary arteries and veins in this disorder. CT-pathologic correlation shows that the focal masses on CT correspond to necrotic nodules that are surrounded by a granulomatous reaction of inflammatory cells. Small pulmonary vessels leading into the nodules often demonstrate active vasculitis and thrombotic occlusion which results in further ischemia and cavitation. 47,95 In addition to characterizing the parenchymal lesions of Wegener's granulomatosis, CT may also be useful in demonstrating the extent and location of tracheal and bronchial stenoses associated with this disorder. 2,21,90 Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis Lymphomatoid granulomatosis is a type of angiocentric granulomatous vasculitis that resembles malignant lymphoma histologically because of prominent lymphoreticular proliferation. 36 In fact, some authorities prefer the term angiocentric lymphoproliferative disorder (Fig. 30-22). A necrotizing vasculitis differentiates it from lymphoma, and the lymphoid infiltrate is both angiocentric and angiodestructive. 13 Lymphomatoid granulomatosis is an aggressive, multisystem disorder that affects primarily the lungs and carries a poor prognosis. 13 Symptoms are cough, fever, malaise, dyspnea, weight loss, arthralgia, and occasionally hemoptysis. Skin lesions are found in almost 50% of patients. It occurs in the 30- to 60-year-old age group, and there is a slight male predominance. It generally involves the lungs, so the chest roentgenogram is usually abnormal. The most characteristic radiographic appearance is that of multiple, bilateral masses that are fairly well circumscribed and in more than 50% of cases resemble metastatic nodules. Some of the nodules may have a shaggy appearance, however. The lesions are usually confined to the middle and lower lungs. In those that do not resemble metastases, the most common appearance is that of large, poorly defined subpleural opacities, which may cavitate and resemble pneumonia. The cavities may have thick or thin walls and sometimes contain fluid levels. Hemoptysissometimes massivemay occur in patients with cavitation. At times the nodules are smaller, more numerous, and poorly defined. The presence of a single, large, unilateral mass has also been reported in patients with this disease. Occasionally mixed alveolar and interstitial disease may be observed, so that a radiographic diagnosis cannot be made. Hilar adenopathy may be present but is unusual, and pleural effusion is occasionally observed. 54 In about 10% of patients, the disease progresses to lymphoma, usually of the plasmacytoid or immunoblastic type. Biopsy is necessary to make the diagnosis. If untreated, the disease often progresses rapidly, with death caused by pulmonary disease, central nervous system disease, or frank malignancy.

FIG. 30-22. Lymphomatoid granulomatosis (angiocentric lymphoma) in a 49-year-old man. Chest radiograph ( A) and computed tomograms (B and C) show numerous bilateral pulmonary nodules. On CT one can appreciate the angiocentric nature of the disease; a feeding vessel ( arrows) is seen leading into each nodule.

CT findings of lymphomatoid granulomatosis resemble those of other vessel-related disorders of the lung and include multiple pulmonary nodules often associated with a feeding vessel or lesions resembling pulmonary infarcts (see Fig. 30-22). Allergic (Noninfectious) Granulomatosis and Angiitis (Churg-Strauss Syndrome) Churg-Strauss syndrome is a rare disease characterized by pulmonary vasculitis, neuropathy, extravascular granulomas, tissue and blood eosinophilia, and, frequently, asthma.57 Small and medium-sized arteries are involved; the granulomas are perivascular and contain giant cells and eosinophils. Pulmonary roentgen findings may closely resemble those of polyarteritis nodosa, and in 25%, an eosinophilic pneumonia is present, with peripheral distribution similar to that seen in other eosinophilic pneumonias. Nodules are common. Diffuse interstitial disease, at times with a miliary pattern, hilar adenopathy, and pleural effusions, may also occur. HRCT has been used in the study of patients with this disease and may be of value because thickened arterial walls caused by eosinophilic infiltration indicating vasculitis may be visible. 16 Pulmonary Hyalinizing Granuloma Pulmonary hyalinizing granuloma is probably caused by an exaggerated immune response. The clinical course is benign, with minimal signs or symptoms, but cough, malaise, fever, dyspnea, fatigue, and/or pleuritic pain may occur. Histologic findings in the pulmonary nodules consist of concentric hyaline lamellae with perivascular collections of lymphocytes and plasma cells. Radiographic findings are those of multiple pulmonary nodules (occasionally solitary) which are usually bilateral, well circumscribed, and solid. Their size ranges from a few millimeters to 15 cm in diameter. At times the lesions are irregular and poorly defined. Cavitation is not common. Most of the lesions resemble nodular pulmonary metastases. Sclerosing mediastinitis may complicate this disease. 25


Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis occurs in about 10% of patients with neurofibromatosis who are older than 30 years of age. The pulmonary disease does not become manifest until adult life. The cause is not known, but there probably is a genetic influence. Radiographic findings consist of linear interstitial opacity that is bilateral and tends to be basal. The interstitial changes may also be extensive, with a reticular and linear pattern involving most of the pulmonary parenchyma. Large upper-lobe bullae also are part of the disease, which produces relatively minor dyspnea. 99 Bullae may occasionally be predominantly basal. The presence of numerous cutaneous nodules is very helpful in making a radiologic diagnosis of this condition.

Amyloidosis can be either localized (10% to 20% of cases) or systemic (80% of cases). 74 The systemic form is usually classified as primary or secondary. The secondary type is found in patients with chronic inflammatory disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis, leprosy, Crohn's disease, chronic osteomyelitis, bronchiectasis, or tuberculosis. It also develops in patients with familial Mediterranean fever and in those with malignant neoplasms. 74 The secondary form is much more common than the primary type. 106 Amyloid is deposited in the spleen, liver, adrenal glands, and kidneys secondary to the chronic inflammatory disease or malignancy. Radiographically detectable amyloid deposits in the lung are rare in this form of amyloidosis. In the rare primary form of the disease, the amyloid is typically deposited in the heart, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, muscle, and skin. It develops in patients with no other disease and in those with plasma-cell abnormalities (e.g., multiple myeloma) or abnormal immunoglobulins; however, the cause is unknown. There is pulmonary involvement in 30% to 70% of patients with primary amyloidosis. Amyloid is made up of a protein matrix consisting of fragments of immunoglobulin polypeptide chains or a-globulins in a b-pleated sheet configuration that resists proteolytic degradation. 74 This protein material, when exposed to Congo red stain and viewed under a polarized light microscope, shows apple-green birefringence. 74 There are several chemical types of amyloid. In tissue, the deposits are polymers of a basic protein. Light-chain polymers are found in multiple myeloma and other plasma cell dyscrasias in which deposits may be found in the lungs. This material is deposited in the alveolar walls and around the interalveolar capillaries, as well as in the walls of the smaller blood vessels in the lung when pulmonary involvement is present. The myocardium is affected in approximately 70% of patients with the primary form of the disease. Deposits may also occur in bronchial and tracheal walls. The patterns of pulmonary amyloid deposition can be classified into three major types: (1) larygotracheobronchial in which amyloid deposition in the wall results in focal or diffuse thickening and distortion of the tracheobronchial tree; (2) nodular pulmonary in which single or multiple parenchymal nodules are produced by masses of amyloid that increase very slowly in size; and (3) diffuse alveolar septal in which amyloid is deposited in interstitial tissues, often perivascular, but also in alveolar walls and septa. Less commonly there may be diffuse tracheobronchial infiltration or, rarely, hilar-node involvement. Roentgen Findings The roentgen findings in the tracheobronchial form of amyloidosis are related to obstruction causing atelectasis or overinflation and sometimes postobstructive pneumonia. Bronchial distortion, tracheal irregularity, and luminal narrowing can be observed on bronchoscopy and CT. The nodular form consists of single or multiple masses that may become calcified or may cavitate (Fig. 30-23). The alveolar septal form may show a miliary nodular or reticulonodular pattern on plain films or CT. There may also be a form resembling diffuse fibrosis, with radiating strands extending outward from the hilum into the central lung. In the alveolar septal type there is often associated pleural effusion that may appear, regress, and then reappear. Pleural deposits may cause pleural thickening. As the disease progresses, the radiating strands increase and, in some instances, fine granular or more coarse nodular lesions develop. Calcification and bone formation may be observed in the pulmonary lesions and in the hilar and mediastinal nodes, best appreciated on CT. The bone formation is peculiar and resembles spike-like pieces of broken glass. The roentgen progression is accompanied by increasing dyspnea. This generalized type of involvement must be distinguished from other chronic diseases that cause interstitial fibrosis. It may resemble sarcoidosis. The nodular form of the disease consists of one or more homogeneous masses that may be somewhat lobulated and resemble primary lung tumor closely; the local form is usually found in elderly men. When nodes are involved, there is deposition of amyloid in hilar and mediastinal nodes with a gradual increase in the hilar size and blurring of mediastinal borders. The prognosis is poor in the tracheobronchial and the alveolar septal forms of the disease. Decreasing pulmonary volume and respiratory insufficiency are observed in the alveolar septal form, and obstruction is noted in the tracheobronchial form. All forms of pulmonary amyloidosis are relatively rare.

FIG. 30-23. A and B: Amyloidosis in a 76-year-old woman. The chest radiograph shows numerous calcified nodules that proved to be caused by amyloid.

A review by Pickford and coworkers 74 of the CT findings of amyloidosis reported that patients with systemic amyloid frequently had one or more of the following: adenopathy (75%), multiple pulmonary nodules (50%), and diffuse thickening of the interlobular septa (50%). 74 Calcification in the nodes, nodules, and areas of parenchymal fibrosis may be identified on CT in systemic disease. Patients with localized amyloidosis were more likely to have one (60%) or more subpleural or peripheral nodules that were less likely to demonstrate calicification (only 20%). Focal or diffuse laryngotracheobronchial disease was more common in patients with localized amyloidosis. 74 The nodular form of amyloidosis may show contrast enhancement on CT and MRI.

Eosinophilic granuloma is the most benign of a group of diseases of unknown cause which include Hand-Schller-Christian disease and Letterer-Siwe disease. Previously termed histiocytosis X, these disorders are now referred to as Langerhans-cell histiocytosis. All are characterized by an accumulation of Langerhans-like cells, a type of histiocyte. 62 Letterer-Siwe disease occurs in infants; it is acute and often rapidly fatal. Hand-Schller-Christian disease occurs in older children and adults and consists of the triad of bone lesions, diabetes insipidus, and exophthalmos; it is more benign. Eosinophilic granuloma occurs in young adults and is often localized and benign when occurring in bone. Eosinophilic granuloma has been found as a lesion occurring only in the lung with increasing frequency. In some patients (about 20%) the typical bone lesion is associated with the pulmonary disease, but in others the lung appears to be the sole site of involvement. The term pulmonary histiocytosis X is often used to indicate eosinophilic granuloma affecting the lung only. Pulmonary histiocytosis X occurs primarily in young or middle-aged adults, 90% of whom smoke, and cigarette smoking may be an inciting stimulus for this abnormal granulomatous response. The roentgen manifestations of pulmonary histiocytosis X are reasonably characteristic ( Fig. 30-24, Fig. 30-25 and Fig. 30-26). Generalized involvement is noted, manifested by a reticular pattern with small nodular lesions on the order of 1 to 3 mm in size. These nodules may be poorly defined, with hazy borders. They may be scattered generally throughout the lungs but tend to be somewhat more pronounced in the upper lungs. The disease regresses spontaneously in about one third of patients; in one third the disease persists but does not progress. In one third it progresses, with increasing interstitial involvement. The appearance is then that of a reticulonodular pattern which gradually becomes more coarse and develops small foci of cyst-like rarefaction, resulting in a honeycomb lung. Lung volumes are normal or increased, but not diminished as is typical for most other interstitial lung diseases. There is usually no hilar adenopathy and usually no pleural involvement. However, with the advent of CT, enlarged paratracheal nodes and mediastinal nodes at other sites have been reported. 13A HRCT reveals cystic air spaces with discrete, usually thin walls. As the disease progresses the thin-walled cysts become confluent, forming larger, bizarre-shaped cystic spaces in the lung. 45 Particularly early in the disease, small nodules may be present, some of which may cavitate. As the disease progresses more reticular changes develop, and with end-stage disease the HRCT picture is one of honeycombing and interstitial fibrosis (see Fig. 30-25 and Fig. 30-26).10 Fine reticular opacities and ground-glass opacities have also been reported in this disease. 14 Histiocystosis X also has a regional distribution, affecting to a g reater extent the upper or middle lung zones and sparing the costophrenic angles and lung bases. Spontaneous pneumothorax is fairly common, and some of the patients have diabetes insipidus. The CT findings of histiocytosis can mimick those of emphysema, although the cystic spaces of histiocytosis have a discrete, thin wall outlining them which is not seen in emphysema. The other differential diagnosis is pulmonary lymphangiomyomatosis (LAM), which affects women of child-bearing age. In LAM, cysts are more uniform in size and affect the lung diffusely, without regional distribution. Cavities and nodules are not seen. Most adult patients with pulmonary histiocytosis X are also cigarette smokers.

FIG. 30-24. Pulmonary histiocytosis X. A: The patient, a 40-year-old woman, had extensive pulmonary involvement consisting largely of tiny nodules and very few cyst-like areas, as shown in this closeup view. B: In another patient with chronic disease, a considerable amount of fibrosis has produced a honeycomb lung, noted best in the lateral aspect of the left central and upper lung. Elsewhere there are small granuloma-appearing nodules. There is a little emphysema with bullae at the left apex.

FIG. 30-25. Pulmonary histiocytosis X. A: Chest radiograph shows diffuse bilateral, coarse reticulation. B and C: High-resolution computed tomography demonstrates multiple small nodules, irregular cysts, and thickened interstitial markings.

FIG. 30-26. Pulmonary histiocytosis X. A 48-year-old woman with a long history of smoking presented with a nodule on chest radiograph. Computed tomography shows extensive emphysema and an irregular nodule in the right upper lobe. Surgical excision revealed histiocytosis X and no lung cancer.

We have observed several patients in whom the radiographic findings were very unusual, consisting of scattered and patchy areas of what appeared to be alveolar-type disease, most likely representing an active phase. Others have also observed local alveolar disease, a few upper-lobe nodules, a large area of alveolar consolidation, or other unusual features. 75 Because the roentgen findings are not characteristic and simulate those of other chronic interstitial pulmonary disease, the diagnosis must be based on clinical manifestations, a history of smoking in adults, and the HRCT findings. The pattern of cystic change and small nodules on HRCT is often quite suggestive of the diagnosis. The typical roentgen changes observed in bone are helpful when present. Lung biopsy is often necessary, but the diagnosis can be suspected in asymptomatic young patients with extensive pulmonary disease and little adenopathy or pleural involvement. There may be few symptoms, but some patients have chronic cough and later develop dyspnea. In the progressive form, the dyspnea increases and there is fibrosis resulting in cor pulmonale and end-stage lung disease.


Gaucher's disease is caused by an inborn error of metabolism in which there is an accumulation of glucosylceramide in reticuloendothelial cells. The lung may be involved, with roentgen findings of interstitial disease manifested by a diffuse reticulonodular or miliary pattern of pulmonary opacity. 108 Niemann-Pick disease is a related lipid storage disorder of phospholipid metabolism. Pulmonary involvement causes diffuse nodular disease with linear strands, producing a honeycomb effect or a coarse reticulonodular pattern on the roentgenogram of the chest. Basal Kerley B lines may also be present, and there may be some pulmonary calcifications. 49


Tuberous sclerosis is an hereditary disease characterized by mental deficiency, seizures, adenoma sebaceum (acneform rash) on the face with butterfly distribution, and hamartomatous tumors (angiomyolipomas) that may affect various parts of the body, including the central nervous system, liver, spleen, kidneys, and bones. Mental deficiency is common. There is reasonably good evidence to show that lymphangioleiomyomatosis is a forme fruste of tuberous sclerosis. LAM usually occurs in adults in whom there is no mental deficiency and no clinical evidence of central nervous system damage even though calcifications may be noted intracranially. 15 Although tuberous sclerosis affects both men and women, tuberous sclerosis with lung changes identical to LAM occurs almost exclusively in women. In patients without tuberous sclerosis, LAM is a rare disease, occurring in young women of child-bearing age, in whom there is an overgrowth of spindle cells resembling atypical smooth muscle cells along the bronchioles, alveolar septa, and pulmonary and lymphatic vessels. There may also be involvement of the hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes, extrapulmonary thoracic lymphatics and abdominal lymphatics. The disease is sufficiently similar to tuberous sclerosis to warrant an assumption by some authorities that it is a forme fruste of tuberous sclerosis, as indicated previously. Others believe there are enough differences to make the diseases separate entities. Radiographic findings that often are observed late in the course of LAM are similar to those observed in tuberous sclerosis. Recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax may occur before any pulmonary abnormalities are visible on the chest roentgenogram. The earliest pulmonary findings are those of a diffuse pattern of tiny opacities described as reticulo-nodular, granular, miliary, or interstitial. Later, a coarse reticular pattern is observed, often with septal lines. Eventually, a honeycomb pattern is seen, but its appearance is more delicate than the usual honeycomb pattern noted in end-stage interstitial disease. Lung volumes are typically increased in this disease, a characteristic that is helpful in distinguishing it from other forms of interstitial lung fibrosis. Chylous effusions are common. 18,92,97 The chylous effusions usually are large and tend to recur. CT has been used to study these patients. 1 The findings on HRCT are largely those of many cysts or cyst-like spaces, ranging from 3 to 40 mm in diameter, distributed uniformly throughout both lungs, with some sparing of the apices ( Fig. 30-27 and Fig. 30-28). The cysts have discernable thin walls (less than 4 mm in thickness) on HRCT, and the lung parenchyma between the cysts is normal in appearance. The cysts in LAM tend to be more uniform and round than those seen in histiocystosis X; they are diffusely distributed without zonal predilection; and they usually are not associated with nodules. These distinguishing features may help to differentiate LAM from histiocytosis X. Compared with the chest film findings of LAM, the CT features of this disease are not those of nodularity and reticular patterns. Aberle and associates 1 believed the reticular pattern on plain films to represent a summation of the walls of overlying cysts ( Fig. 30-27). CT findings appear earlier than changes observed on chest radiographs and tend to correlate well with pulmonary function studies. Although the diagnosis depends on lung biopsy, the disease may be suspected in young women who have chylous pleural effusions and repeated spontaneous pneumothorax with or without a reticulonodular pulmonary interstitial pattern and progressive increase of lung volume.

FIG. 30-27. Pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis in a 43-year-old woman. A: Chest film shows a reticular basilar and peripheral pattern. Blunting of the right costophrenic angle was caused by pleural fibrosis after a previous pneumothorax. B and C: High-resolution computed tomography shows replacement of the normal lung architecture with multiple large and small air cysts with very thin walls. A loculated residual posterior pneumothorax is seen on the right.

FIG. 30-28. High-resolution computed tomography in pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis. The lung is uniformly replaced by thin-walled, cystic spaces.


Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis is a rare disease characterized by the presence of small calcium-containing bodies in the alveoli of the lung. The cause is not known but there is a high familial incidence (50%), indicating that there may be an hereditary factor. 33,88A The disease is asymptomatic for long periods but eventually dyspnea appears, followed by cough, cyanosis, and right-sided heart failure. Because of the late appearance of symptoms, the disease usually is first discovered on routine chest roentgenography Roentgen Findings The appearance of the chest is characteristic. There is widespread uniform distribution of fine sand-like particles of calcific density, which are usually smaller than 1 mm in diameter. They are uniform in size, and there is no tendency to conglomeration. When extensive, some of the tiny calcifications may overlap and be difficult to define as individual particles. Overexposed films using a grid are of value in visualizing them, particularly when the disease is far advanced. The opacity is often great enough to obscure the heart and mediastinal outlines as well as the diaphragm. In some patients, the pulmonary opacity is so great that the pleura appears as a negative or black line shadow instead of a white one, and even the heart may appear radiolucent in contrast to the extensive pulmonary calcification. 42 There is no other disease that resembles this condition, because the tiny particles are calcified and are more dense than particles of comparable size in any of the miliary diseases. HRCT findings in pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis have been described and include high attenuation of the lung parenchyma and discrete calcified nodules. The black pleural line evident on chest radiographs in this condition has been shown to be caused by thin-walled, subpleural cysts (5 to 10 mm in diameter) that can be appreciated only on HRCT. Recurrent pneumothoraces are associated with this disease and are probably related to rupture of one of these subpleural cysts. 44 Pulmonary calcifications or ossifications can be caused by a number of other conditions, but there is no resemblance to alveolar microlithiasis. Infections such as histoplasmosis, chicken pox pneumonia in adults, chronic renal failure, renal transplantation, hypervitaminosis D, parathyroid neoplasms, altered calcium and phosphorus metabolism, chronic mitral stenosis, and metastatic tumors can cause pulmonary calcification or ossification. The appearance is quite variable. Rarely, pulmonary ossification may be idiopathic.


Familial dysautonomia results from dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. It is a familial congenital disorder transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait that occurs in infants and children, usually in the Jewish population. It was originally described in five children in 1949. Clinical findings consist of defective (decreased) lacrimation, excessive perspiration, blotchy skin, drooling, emotional instability, motor incoordination, hyporeflexia, and indifference to pain. Death usually is caused by pulmonary disease. The pulmonary findings are related to bronchial hypersecretion and resultant obstruction that often leads to infection. Pulmonary manifestations sufficient to produce roentgen changes on the chest film occur in approximately 65% to 75% of the patients. 30 Early changes consist of diffuse accentuation of markings resulting from interstitial infiltration. Patchy bronchopneumonia is common and often persists for long periods. The repeated episodes of pneumonia accentuate the findings and may produce areas of homogeneous opacity scattered in the lungs; these areas appear and disappear. Atelectasis of a lobe or segment is common and tends to persist for several weeks. The right upper lobe is frequently involved. Bronchiectasis is not commonly found. The pulmonary disease is usually more focal and not as widespread as in cystic fibrosis of the pancreas, but there is some similarity in the roentgen findings of these two diseases.

Polycythemia may develop secondary to anoxia in a variety of chronic pulmonary diseases and in congenital heart disease. In these instances it is a compensatory phenomenon and there are no pulmonary roentgen findings indicating its presence. Polycythemia vera, or primary polycythemia, is a hematologic disorder characterized by hyperplasia of the red bone marrow resulting in an increase in circulating red blood cells and in leukocytosis. In these patients, vascular engorgement results in prominence of vascular shadows in the lungs. Basal fibrosis resulting in increased basal markings is sometimes noted, along with changes suggesting basal congestion. Discrete, rounded densities in the midzones of the lungs that are believed to represent venous thromboses have also been reported; they vary in size and appear and disappear in a few weeks. Pulmonary thromboembolism is common. These findings are not diagnostic, but when pulmonary vascular distention is present without evident cardiac or pulmonary disease to account for it, the diagnosis can be suggested.


Cholesterol pneumonitis is a rare type of chronic interstitial inflammation of the lung in which the exudate consists of large mononuclear cells filled with cholesterol and cholesterol esters. These cells are noted to infiltrate the interstitial tissues and alveolar walls and to fill the alveoli. The cause is not clear, and the disease does not appear to be related to lipid pneumonia of the aspiration type. It is sometimes called endogenous lipid pneumonia, and deposits are often found associated with chronic pulmonary diseases that produce bronchial obstruction. For example, it may occur in chronic bronchial obstruction by an endobronchial neoplasm or in bronchiolitis obliterans with diffuse alveolar damage (BIP). It may also occur in the absence of obstruction in slowly resolving pneumonias (the so-called inflammatory pseudotumor) Roentgen Findings In the obstructive types, the signs of BIP or of an obstructive tumor may be observed. In the nonobstructive type, the disease is characterized by a single confluent homogeneous density that may be lobar or segmental in distribution. There usually is a decrease in the volume of the lobe affected by the disease. The process extends to the pleura. Hilar node enlargement may occur, and pleural fluid or pleural thickening is often present. The absence of endobronchial block and the fact that only part of a segment is involved in the segmental type of disease favor of cholesterol pneumonitis over tumor. The disease is more compact and clearly defined than exogenous lipid pneumonia, and its distribution, with the lesion extending to the pleura, is unlike that in exogenous lipid pneumonia. The diagnosis usually is made by biopsy.


Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis was described by Rosen and associates in 1958. 82 It is characterized by the presence in the alveoli of proteinaceous material that is rich in lipid and is positive on periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain. The exact nature of the material has not been determined; it appears to be produced by septal lining cells that slough into the lumen and become necrotic. Cellular infiltrate and reaction are absent or minimal. The cause is not known; inhalation of some of the newer chemical agents used in sprays and the like has been suggested, along with an infectious agent antigenically allied to Pneumocystis carinii. In some instances the disease is associated with immunoglobulin deficiency, and the incidence appears to be increased in patients with lymphoma or a hematologic malignant lesion. 17 The disease occurs in adults who are 20 to 50 years of age but may occasionally be observed in children. It appears to be a new disease, since no examples of it were

observed before 1955. It often runs an insidious course with no symptoms early in the disease or when pulmonary involvement is minimal. Later or in more severe disease, symptoms may occur, characterized by malaise, cough, dyspnea, and weight loss. Physical findings are minimal, and gross radiographic abnormality may be observed in patients with few symptoms. The course of the disease is also variable; in a few patients it is rapidly progressive, leading to pulmonary insufficiency with cyanosis, clubbing of the fingers, and death caused by the progressive loss of pulmonary function or intercurrent infection. It is particularly lethal in children, where the mortality rate approaches 100%, compared with less than 30% in adults. Secondary fungal infection is the cause of most deaths in this disease. Nocardia is the most common of these organisms, but Candida, Mucor, and Cryptococcus may also be the cause. In other pa tients the symptoms regress, with partial clearing of pulmonary changes; occasionally the disease clears completely. Tracheobronchial lavage of the involved lobes with saline solution has produced definite improvement in some patients. Steroids are ineffective, and their use is contraindicated. The roentgen findings at the height of the disease are those of parahilar opacities simulating pulmonary edema. The opacity appears to radiate from the hila chiefly to the bases; it is indistinct or soft and may have a somewhat irregular pattern resembling nodularity. There are variations of this pattern; at times the disease appears to be unilateral and it need not be perihilar; it is predominantly basal and central, however. A number of cases have been reported in which distribution of the alveolar opacity was quite atypical, so the disease must be kept in mind when alveolar opacities persist in an afebrile, relatively asymptomatic patient ( Fig. 30-29). Roentgen findings change slowly, and when clearing occurs there may be some residual fibrosis represented by linear opacities and small nodules. The diagnosis can be suspected on the basis of clinical and roentgen findings. The presence of PAS-positive material in the sputum is diagnostic, but, if it is not obtained, lung biopsy may be necessary to establish the diagnosis.

FIG. 30-29. Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis. A: There is bilateral basal involvement, with alveolar and interstitial infiltrates. B: High-resolution computed tomographic findings are characteristic of alveolar proteinosis. Patchy ground-glass opacities are demonstrated bilaterally, and there is regular, smooth thickening of the interlobular septa forming polygonal structures. The appearance resembles crazy paving.

HRCT findings of alveolar proteinosis have a typical appearance, and often the correct diagnosis can be suggested from the CT results (see Fig. 30-29). Characteristically, the appearance is that of bilateral patchy, ground-glass opacity in a mosiac or geographic distribution associated with smooth thickening of the interlobular septae. The secondary pulmonary lobules are sometimes so strikingly outlined that a network of polygonal shapes emerges, resembling crazy paving.67,101 The CT findings emphasize that alveolar proteinosis has both an alveolar and an interstitial component. The ground-glass opacity is caused by filling of the air spaces with phospholipoprotein and fluid. Eventually this material becomes assimilated into the interstitium, which becomes thick and edematous. The differential diagnosis for the CT findings includes infection from pneumocystis pneumonia, alveolitis caused by sarcoid, and mucinous bronchioloalveolar carcinoma.67,91,93,101

Sarcoidosis, or Boeck's sarcoid, is a granulomatous disease that may affect many organs and tissues in the body. The cause is not clear. Several theories have been advanced, but none has been proved. It is probably the result of interaction between an infective agent (not necessarily the same in all patients) and an individual with unusual immunologic responses. On average, there are 10 times more lymphocytes in the fluid from bronchoalveolar lavage of patients with sarcoidosis than in normal controls. Most are T lymphocytes, with a decrease in B lymphocytes. The ratio of T to B lymphocytes is reversed in the blood of patients with sarcoidosis, with an increase in T lymphocytes and a decrease in B lymphocytes. These changes in cell populations reflect the fact that pulmonary sarcoidosis is initially an alveolitis characterized by diffuse infiltration of monocytes, macrophages, and lymphocytes. As the alveolitis resolves, it is replaced by multinucleated giant-cell granulomas. It is known that most patients show no reaction or only slightly positive reaction to tuberculin, and 10% to 20% of patients with sarcoidosis develop frank tuberculosis. The process resembles a tuberculous granuloma except that there is no central caseation necrosis. The lesions develop slowly and may resolve completely in some instances. They may also heal by a process of sclerosis leading to fibrosis and tissue distortion that may be extensive. Pulmonary involvement is common; the reported incidence ranges from 90% to 95%. These figures include enlargement of hilar and paratracheal nodes as well as pulmonary parenchymal lesions. Definitive diagnosis of sarcoidosis is made when compatible clinical and radiographic evidence is accompanied by biopsy specimens showing noncaseous epithelioid granulomas. Negative cultures for bacterial, fungal, and mycobacterial organisms are also required Roentgen Findings Because sarcoidosis can be asymptomatic or nearly so for long periods, the roentgenographic changes produced by it are often noted for the first time on a survey film or on roentgenograms obtained as part of an examination performed before entrance into the armed services or industry. It is therefore somewhat difficult to be certain that the findings observed in these asymptomatic patients represent early disease. Roentgen findings can be classified as follows 43,63: Stage 0No abnormality is defined. Stage 1Hilar and paratracheal adenopathy without parenchymal involvement ( Fig. 30-30). This occurs at some time during the course of the disease in more than 90% of patients with sarcoidosis. Although bilateral hilar and right paratracheal adenopathy has been reported as characteristic of the disease, a study of 62 patients with sarcoidosis 8 showed that bilateral hilar adenopathy was most common, followed by adenopathy in the right paratracheal area or aortopulmonary window area on the left. More than one third had a combination of bilateral hilar adenopathy, right paratracheal adenopathy, and aortopulmonary window nodes. Anterior mediastinal nodes and para-aortic posterior mediastinal nodes are found only in patients with combinations of bilateral hilar nodes with or without right paratracheal and aortopulmonary window nodes.

FIG. 30-30. Sarcoidosis. Hilar and right paratracheal adenopathy, which is rather characteristic of sarcoidosis.

Stage 2Adenopathy with parenchymal involvement. The parenchymal involvement includes a diffuse accentuation of interstitial markings resulting in a reticular pattern, a miliary nodular pattern, and a reticular pattern plus miliary nodules (reticulonodular) or somewhat larger nodules ( Fig. 30-31, Fig. 30-32, Fig. 30-33, Fig. 30-34, Fig. 30-35 and Fig. 30-36). This combination of an increase in linear interstitial shadows plus nodules, the reticulonodular pattern, is more common than the occurrence of either of these changes alone. An air-space or acinar type of disease may also occur in the lungs. It resembles an acute inflammatory process with a poorly defined periphery and, at times, an air bronchogram. Although this is a matter of some controversy, alveolar sarcoidosis appears to be caused by collapse of the alveolar walls via a confluence of interstitial granulomas rather than by intra-alveolar fluid or cells (see Fig. 30-35 and Fig. 30-36). The amount of general interstitial change is varied when it is associated with nodularity. There is often an inverse relation between the adenopathy and parenchymal disease, the latter increasing while the adenopathy regresses. This does not ordinarily occur in Hodgkin's disease, from which sarcoidosis must be differentiated. 8

FIG. 30-31. Sarcoidosis. A and B: A 23-year-old woman with bilateral hilar and right paratracheal adenopathy plus multiple pulmonary nodules more numerous on the right than the left.

FIG. 30-32. Computed tomographic (CT) findings of sarcoidosis. A: CT shows a distinct bronchovascular distribution of disease with small nodules and interstitial thickening. Subpleural nodule is also present. B and C: Bilateral hilar and subcarinal nodes, some of which are calcified, are also present.

FIG. 30-33. Computed tomographic findings in sarcoid. Areas of coarse, irregular thickening and nodularity are seen radiating out from the hila along the bronchovascular bundles in the right upper lobe and in the left posterior lung.

FIG. 30-34. Sarcoidosis. In this patient there is bilateral hilar adenopathy, some paratracheal adenopathy (more on the right than on the left), and moderately extensive pulmonary parenchymal involvement manifested by small, widely scattered nodules and a small increase in interstitial opacities.

FIG. 30-35. Alveolar sarcoid in a 24-year-old man with minimal cough.

FIG. 30-36. Alveolar sarcoid in a 25-year-old man. A: The chest radiograph shows poorly marginated alveolar opacities bilaterally. An old bird-shot pellet is present on the right. B and C: High-resolution computed tomogram shows rounded areas of ground-glass opacity in the left lung apex and both lung bases.

Stage 3Parenchymal involvement without adenopathy (Fig. 30-37).

FIG. 30-37. Sarcoidosis. Example of extensive parenchymal involvement that is somewhat reticulonodular. Some of the nodules appear rather large. There is no evidence of hilar adenopathy.

Stage 4Fibrotic change progressing to pulmonary insufficiency, with cor pulmonale. There may be extensive distortion with conglomerate areas of fibrosis and emphysema. This is the late, irreversible form of the disease ( Fig. 30-38 and Fig. 30-39). It occurs in 20% to 25% of patients with sarcoidosis. It is somewhat more common in patients with the acinar form than in those having other forms of sarcoidosis.

FIG. 30-38. Sarcoidosis. Extensive chronic disease in three patients. A: Fibrosis with elevation of the hila is evident in this patient. B: In this patient unusual asymmetry is noted. C: Hilar adenopathy persists along with extensive parenchymal involvement in a third patient.

FIG. 30-39. End-stage sarcoidosis. A: Extensive fibrosis and cystic destruction of both upper lungs with hilar retraction caused by chronic sarcoid. B-D: High-resolution computed tomography reveals traction bronchiectasis, ground-glass opacities, and extensive cystic destruction of the upper lungs. Bilateral hilar and subcarinal nodes are also present.

Unusual Forms of Pulmonary Sarcoidosis46,56 Large nodular densities ranging up to 5 cm or more in size are occasionally found. They resemble hematogenous pulmonary metastases to some extent but are not as clearly defined, since the periphery of the individual nodules tends to be indistinct. They may become confluent. Occasionally, cavitation is seen in large nodular or alveolar sarcoidosis. 81 The cavitations probably are caused by ischemic necrosis of conglomerate granulomas. They are usually round with thin, smooth walls and range from 3 to 5 cm in diameter; they may persist for months with little change. We have also observed a unilateral, solitary nodular mass that resembled primary lung tumor. Unilateral interstitial disease may also occur. Calcification in mediastinal nodes is also observed in some patients. It usually occurs in those who have persistent long-term disease involving parenchyma, and nodes and may be peripheral (eggshell) in type. The calcification appears in the second or third decade after onset of the disease. Late in the disease a somewhat cystic pattern may be observed, usually in association with extensive fibrosis (see Fig. 30-39), which results in bullous emphysema. Pleural involvement is rare, but CT studies show that minor pleural changes may be present more frequently than earlier studies suggested. When present, pleural involvement may cause a small pleural effusion or pleural thickening. Mycetoma (fungus ball) may develop in patients with advanced fibrocavitary pulmonary sarcoidosis. 46 Other occasional findings include spontaneous pneumothorax and atelectasis, the latter evidently secondary to endobronchial involvement. Because the roentgen findings in this disease are so varied, sarcoidosis must be considered in all asymptomatic patients with unusual pulmonary roentgenographic findings. All of these manifestations may be seen at various times in a single patient, and the mediastinal adenopathy has been observed to regress and reappear in patients with disseminated pulmonary lesions. The node enlargement is often massive, but it is usually symmetrical in the hila, and the descriptive term potato nodes has been applied to the large masses. The enlarged nodes form slightly lobulated masses extending throughout the hilum. Characteristically, there is a relatively translucent space between the mass of nodes and the cardiovascular margin. This is more apparent on the right side, where the hilum normally is better seen than on the left. In contrast, Hodgkin's disease, which is a frequent source of difficulty in differential diagnosis, is more likely to involve the more centrally situated nodes around the tracheal bifurcation in addition to those in the hila, and the mass of nodes tends to merge with the cardiovascular silhouette. The radiographic findings are of some prognostic significance, because those patients in whom hilar and paratracheal adenopathy are observed without pulmonary parenchymal involvement often regress to complete disappearance of the large nodes over months or years. Miliary nodular or reticulonodular disease with or without adenopathy also regresses completely in most patients. Steroids are used effectively in some patients, but long-term studies show that the effect may not persist, so that the course of the disease probably is not altered. Several authors have reviewed the spectrum of CT findings in thoracic sarcoidosis (see Fig. 30-32, Fig. 30-33, Fig. 30-36, and Fig. 30-39).4A,14A,46,56,68 Thin-section HRCT is being used in several institutions to study patients with sarcoidosis and other interstitial diseases. 68 The CT findings of parenchymal sarcoidosis consist of small nodules and irregular linear opacities which often demonstrate a distinct distribution of disease along the bronchovascular bundles, interlobular septa, major fissures, and subpleural areas. 65 Sarcoidosis (along with silicosis) is one of the relatively few diseases that cause subpleural micronodules. A distinct bronchovascular distribution of reticulonodular opacities is typical of parenchymal sarcoidosis but is not specific; it can be seen in any disease that affects the peribronchovascular lymphatics, such as lymphangitic carcinomatosis, Kaposi's sarcoma, and lymphoproliferative disorders. Other patterns of involvement in sarcoidosis also occur, including a miliary distribution of nodules. Patchy focal increases in lung opacity or ground-glass opacity may indicate active alveolitis. 55 Rounded air-space consolidation with air bronchograms are seen in alveolar sarcoid. Obstruction of the superior vena cava, innominate vein, or pulmonary artery has also been reported in sarcoidosis which can produce a picture similar to fibrosing mediastinitis on CT. 46 CT findings also include upper abdomen adenopathy (10%); hepatomegaly (8%); splenomegaly (6%); and nodules in the spleen (15%) or liver (5%). 6A,98 CT may play several helpful roles in the evaluation of a patient with suspected or possible sarcoidosis. CT may demonstrate typical features of sarcoidosis in a patient with a nonspecific or equivocal chest film. Parenchymal involvement is now recognized at CT to be present in several cases designated stage 1 by routine chest radiography. This may be of value in determining the method of further diagnostic study in this and other interstitial diseases. Transbronchial biopsy is the most often performed sampling technique in suspected sarcoidosis, with a positive result obtained in 80% to 95%. 51 CT is more sensitive than plain films in detecting early parenchymal lung involvement and is helpful in predicting which patients will probably have a positive transbronchial biopsy. In a report by Lenique and coworkers, 51 bronchial involvement by sarcoidosis was identified at CT in 65% of patients with sarcoidosis and included CT findings of smooth, nodular, or irregular bronchial wall thickening; luminal narrowing; and extrinsic compression on bronchi by nodes. The authors concluded that CT could be helpful in predicting whether bronchial granulomas would be found on fiberoptic bronchoscopy with bronchial biopsy. 51 CT also may be of value in determining whether treatment for sarcoid is instituted. Assessment of disease extent, detection of reversible changes (ground-glass opacities, nodules, septal lines) as opposed to irreversible changes (honeycomb cysts and architectural distortion of end-stage lung fibrosis), and detection of subtle progression are easier and more accurate with CT examinations than with plain films. 68 Prognosis, classification, and physiologic correlation are discussed by McLoud and colleagues, 61 who used the International Labour Office UC classification for the pneumoconioses. Bronchoalveolar lavage and gallium scanning appear to be very useful for staging of patients and predicting prognosis. The roentgen diagnosis of sarcoidosis can often be made with a considerable degree of certainty. The symmetry of the bilateral hilar node enlargement along with the frequent associated enlargement of the right paratracheal and aortopulmonary window nodes is characteristic. The pulmonary parenchymal involvement is often symmetrical also, and this is of diagnostic importance. The discrepancy between the extensive roentgen changes and the mild symptoms is the third finding of diagnostic significance. Finally, when progressive roentgenograms are available, the long and slowly progressing or regressing nature of the process can be observed. The diagnosis must be confirmed by the presence of the typical granuloma in involved nodes; therefore, it is necessary to perform scalene node biopsy or a lung biopsy to secure positive proof of the disease. The fibrotic stage of the disease is probably irreversible to a certain extent, but improvement has been obtained in some patients with the use of steroids, perhaps indicating that the observed findings did not actually represent fibrosis. Differential Diagnosis Pulmonary lesions of sarcoidosis can simulate those of pulmonary tuberculosis to such a degree that bacteriologic and histopathologic studies are required to make the differentiation. However, it is often possible to be fairly certain of the diagnosis because of the relative lack of symptoms in the patient with sarcoidosis. In differentiating between sarcoidosis and carcinomatosis, the wasting and weakness usually noted in patients with carcinomatosis and the presence of a known primary tumor along with clinical and roentgen findings make the diagnosis of carcinomatosis almost certain. Hodgkin's disease and lymphoma may result in mediastinal lymph node enlargement that cannot be differentiated from that noted in sarcoidosis. However, these conditions usually produce more symptoms than sarcoidosis, and the adenopathy is not as symmetrical as in sarcoidosis. The more benign types of Hodgkin's disease, however, may be relatively asymptomatic, and biopsy is necessary to differentiate the two diseases. In general, the nodes are larger in Hodgkin's disease than in sarcoidosis. Other chronic pulmonary lesions such as mycotic infections, the pneumoconioses, and several conditions producing interstitial pulmonary fibrosis may result in opacities in the lungs similar to those noted in sarcoidosis. In these patients all clinical data must be evaluated along with the history to make the differentiation. Even then it is often necessary to obtain biopsy specimens of available peripheral or scalene nodes or of the lung. In some patients with the characteristic lesions and clinical symptoms of erythema nodosum, roentgen examination of the chest reveals enlarged hilar nodes and, occasionally, linear and patchy opacities in the perihilar zones, resembling in all respects the changes of sarcoid disease. This does not necessarily indicate that the primary disease is sarcoidosis, but the combination of findings is very suggestive of this diagnosis Necrotizing Sarcoidal Granulomatosis Necrotizing sarcoidal granulomatosis is another rare type of granulomatous angiitis in which there is marked infiltration with sarcoid-like granulomas around blood vessels. Radiologic findings consist of bilateral nodules or poorly defined opacities with or without cavitation. A miliary type of disease has also been reported. Pleural effusion may occur, but hilar adenopathy is infrequent. 31 The cause is not clear, but altered immunity is likely. CHAPTER REFERENCES
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Chapter 31 The Chest in Trauma, Postoperative, and Intensive Care Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 31 The Chest in Trauma, Postoperative, and Intensive Care

Jannette Collins

J. Collins: Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Medical School, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252.

Acute Chest Trauma Aortic Injury Lung Parenchymal Injury Tracheobronchial Injury Diaphragm Rupture Injuries to the Bony Thorax Pleural Manifestations of Chest Trauma Cardiac Trauma Soft-Tissue Injuries of the Chest Wall Esophageal Injury Role of Computed Tomography in Chest Trauma Patients in the Intensive Care Unit: Radiographic Considerations Portable Film Technique Accuracy and Efficacy of Portable ICU Films Cardiopulmonary Abnormalities Lines and Tubes Postoperative Chest Pneumonectomy Lobectomy Segmentectomy and Wedge Resection Esophageal Surgery Lung Volume Reduction Surgery Lung Transplantation Orthotopic Cardiac Transplantation Imaging after Cardiac Surgery Chapter References


Trauma is the leading cause of death in patients between the ages of 1 and 45 years, and it is the fifth most common cause of death in adults over the age of 65 years. 73,114 In the United States alone, more than 300,000 patients are hospitalized annually because of chest injuries. 108 Thoracic injury accounts for 25% of all traumatic deaths, and significant chest trauma is present in 50% of fatal traffic accidents. 17 Most of the chest trauma seen in civilian populations is blunt chest trauma (90%), and most blunt chest trauma is the result of motor vehicle accidents and falls. 68 After adequacy of the patient's airway, breathing, and circulation (ABC) have been ensured and the patient has been evaluated and stabilized clinically, a chest radiograph is usually the first imaging study obtained in the evaluation of trauma patients. This study is often compromised by limited exposure capability, expiratory views, poor or absent patient cooperation, suboptimal patient positioning, and magnification and distortion of the mediastinum on the supine chest radiograph. The role of chest computed tomography (CT) in the management of trauma patients is evolving. Although studies have shown CT to be superior to supine chest radiography in revealing findings of chest trauma, these same studies reported minimal if any change in management based on observation of these additional findings on CT. 76,122,143,156,183 Aortic Injury Traumatic rupture of the aorta alone accounts for 16% of fatalities resulting from motor vehicle accidents, and 85% to 90% of patients with traumatic aortic rupture die before reaching a medical facility. 187 In clinical series, 90% of aortic ruptures occur at the aortic isthmus, just distal to the origin of the left subclavian artery. 27,31,104,118 Chest radiographic signs of aortic injury include (1) widening of the mediastinum, (2) blurring of the aortic knob or contour, (3) hemothorax, (4) rib fractures, (5) tracheal shift to the right, (6) left apical cap, (7) depression of the left main stem bronchus below 40, (8) nasogastric tube displacement to the right, (9) pneumothorax, (10) pulmonary contusion, (11) widened left paraspinous line, and (12) abnormal mediastinal to chest width ratio, but they lack sensitivity and specificity. No single radiographic sign or combination of signs demonstrates sufficient sensitivity to indicate all cases of traumatic aortic rupture on plain-film chest radiographs without the performance of a large number of aortographically negative studies. 131 The role of CT in the evaluation of aortic injury is controversial. Contrast-enhanced CT scans with 5-mm slices can help exclude mediastinal hemorrhage and reduce the angiography rate in low- to moderate-risk patients with a widened or indeterminate mediastinum on chest radiography. 137 A review of studies, however, shows that a negative conventional CT scan does not exclude the possibility of an aortic laceration. 90,120,127,132,162 CT aortography may prove to be an alternative to conventional CT and traditional angiography. In one study, technically adequate axial helical CT detected and defined all injuries of the thorax, and CT angiography supplemented the conventional examination and could have replaced transcatheter aortography except for small tears or indeterminate studies. 54 A CT aortography protocol consisting of spiral scanning beginning at the top of the diaphragm and extending up through the aorta with a collimation of 5 mm, a pitch of 2:1, and 3-mm reconstruction after administration of 150 mL of nonionic intravenous contrast material can be used to evaluate for aortic injury. If mediastinal hemorrhage is present without any direct signs of aortic injury, and no other explanation for the hemorrhage is shown on CT, the patient is usually referred for conventional angiography. If direct signs of aortic injury are confirmed on CT, including aortic caliber change at the site of injury, focal outpouching of contrast material consistent with pseudoaneurysm, and intraluminal flap, the patient may or may not proceed to confirmatory conventional angiography, at the discretion of the surgeon (Fig. 31-1). Not only is CT useful for detecting direct signs of aortic injury, but CT can also show other causes of a wide mediastinum, including excessive mediastinal fat, adjacent lung contusion, artifact resulting from supine positioning, vascular tortuosity, and persistent left-sided superior vena cava. 121 CT has been shown to be falsely negative in a patient with injury of the left subclavian artery 16 and falsely positive in patients with atypical ductus diverticulum. 138 Another contender for replacing conventional aortography is transesophageal echocardiography, which in experienced hands has a reported sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 98% for diagnosis of acute aortic injury. 68

FIG. 31-1. Aortic laceration secondary to motor vehicle accident. A: The mediastinum is widened and there is a left apical cap, highly suspicious for aortic injury. B:

Contrast-enhanced CT shows an aberrant right subclavian artery ( arrows) arising from the posterior aortic arch and coursing posterior to the trachea and esophagus. C: A more inferior image shows an intraluminal flap at the aortic isthmus ( arrows). D: Aortogram performed after CT confirms a laceration at the isthmus (arrows) and demonstrates the aberrant right subclavian artery ( arrowheads).

Lung Parenchymal Injury Abnormal lung parenchymal opacification in trauma patients can result from atelectasis, aspiration, edema, pneumonia, contusion, or laceration and is commonly multifactorial in origin. Pulmonary contusion, resulting in leakage of blood and edema fluid into the interstitial and alveolar spaces, has been accepted as the primary lung injury in nonpenetrating chest trauma. Pulmonary laceration is a more severe injury, resulting in disruption of the lung architecture. Wagner and associates 205 proposed that pulmonary laceration is the basic component in the mechanism of injury in pulmonary contusion, pulmonary hematoma, pulmonary cyst or pneumatocele, and cavitation in pulmonary contusion. They classified lacerations into four types: (1) those involving an air-filled intraparenchymal cavity or an airfluid level in an intraparenchymal cavity; (2) those involving an air-containing cavity or intraparenchymal airfluid level within the paravertebral lung; (3) those involving a small peripheral cavity or peripheral linear radiolucency, which is always close to the chest wall where a rib has been fractured; and (4) those resulting from a previously formed, firm pleuropulmonary adhesion that causes the lung to tear when the overlying chest wall is violently moved inward or fractured and is diagnosed only at surgery or autopsy. CT is more sensitive than radiography in demonstrating contusions and lacerations. 122,156,160,172,183,197,200,205 On both chest radiographs and chest CT, pulmonary contusions appear as areas of consolidation or ground-glass opacification, or both, that tend to be peripheral, nonsegmental, and geographic in distribution ( Fig. 31-2 and Fig. 31-3). Isolated pulmonary contusion in young, healthy patients is not associated with increased mortality. 84 Contusions are evident at presentation or within 6 hours, and they resolve, often without permanent sequelae, within days to weeks. Pulmonary laceration, on the other hand, may initially be masked by coexistent contusion and other forms of chest injury on the chest radiograph or CT scan and generally takes weeks to months to resolve, sometimes with residual scarring ( Fig. 31-4). Lung laceration results in disruption of alveolar spaces and formation of a cavity, usually filled with blood or air, and with consequent production of hematoma or pneumatocele. The CT diagnosis of lung laceration is based on the presence of a localized air collection within an area of consolidation after trauma. 197

FIG. 31-2. Pulmonary contusions. A: Ill-defined areas of opacification involving the periphery of the lungs and the right base. Of incidental note is an accessory azygos fissure (arrows). B: The anatomic distribution of parenchymal contusions is better appreciated on computed tomography as peripheral, nonsegmental areas of consolidation and ground-glass opacification. The azygos lobe is also involved.

FIG. 31-3. Mediastinal hemorrhage and pulmonary contusions. A: Acute trauma radiograph, with portions of the backboard obscuring the lungs and mediastinum, shows areas of abnormal opacification bilaterally, with an upper-lung-zone predominance. B: Abnormal high attenuation of mediastinal soft tissues represents mediastinal hemorrhage from venous bleeding. An aortogram confirmed the absence of aortic injury. C: Lung windows best show the consolidation of the left upper lobe and bilateral peripheral areas of ground-glass opacification. Bilateral rib fractures are seen adjacent to areas of contusion.

FIG. 31-4. Pulmonary laceration. A: Bilateral, ill-defined areas of opacification and bilateral chest tubes are present. B: Bilateral pneumothoraces are seen only on the computed tomogram (CT). Consolidation at the right base obscures the underlying pulmonary laceration. C: CT performed 10 days later shows resolving consolidation at the left base, consistent with pulmonary contusion, and development of cavitation at the right base ( arrows), consistent with pulmonary laceration. Right posterior rib fractures are present.

Tracheobronchial Injury The incidence of tracheobronchial injury is reported to be 0.4% to 1.5% in clinical series of major blunt trauma and 2.8% to 5.4% in autopsy series of trauma victims. 75 There is no initial radiographic evidence of tracheobronchial injury in 10% of patients. 212 Failure to recognize tracheobronchial injury may result in death or allow cicatrization to occur, with airway obstruction arising days or months after initial injury ( Fig. 31-5). More than 80% of tracheobronchial injuries occur within 2.5 cm of the carina. 103,185 Rupture of the cervical trachea can occur as a clothesline injury when the neck is extended on high-speed contact with ropes, wires, or cables (e.g., in persons riding recreational vehicles or running). Tracheal laceration may also occur in a motor vehicle accident when the neck of a restrained driver strikes the top

of the steering wheel, compressing the airway against the spine.

FIG. 31-5. Delayed presentation of bronchial injury. A: An ill-defined area of opacification is present at the right medial base several months after trauma to the chest from a motor vehicle accident. B: The right-upper-lobe bronchus is normal ( arrow). C: More inferiorly, the bronchus intermedius is completely occluded secondary to remote trauma. D: At the level of the coronary sinus, atelectasis of the middle lobe and the right lower lobe is seen, with superimposed pneumonia of the right lower lobe. Partial aeration of these lobes occurs secondary to collateral ventilation through the pores of Kohn and the canals of Lambert, proven at the time of surgery.

Injury to the mediastinal trachea or major bronchi produces mediastinal emphysema that rapidly extends into the neck and face and down to the shoulders and chest wall. When the thoracic trachea or bronchi are injured, the aorta is the most commonly associated injured structure. 123 The most common radiographic findings of tracheobronchial injury are subcutaneous and mediastinal emphysema ( Fig. 31-6). A pneumothorax that does not resolve with functioning tube drainage is the sine qua non of mediastinal tracheal and major bronchial injury. 102 The fallen lung sign 145 is pathognomonic of bronchial tear and may be seen on chest radiographs and chest CT scans. This sign refers to the lung's falling laterally and posteriorly in supine positioning and inferiorly away from the hilum in the erect position, as opposed to what occurs in pneumothorax without tracheobronchial injury, where the lung collapses toward the hilum. An indication of tracheal tear is elevation of the hyoid bone above the level of C3 as seen on a lateral radiograph of the cervical spine. 155 This is caused by injury to the infrahyoid musculature, which results in unopposed elevation of the hyoid bone by the suprahyoid musculature. Another sign of tracheal transection is acute overdistention of the endotracheal tube cuff. In tracheal rupture, the balloon may approach the endotracheal tube tip owing to distal expansion of the balloon in the tear, with partial herniation of the balloon in the tear as the tube moves in the airway or is repositioned. 164 Another cause of acute overdistention of an endotracheal tube balloon is esophageal intubation.

FIG. 31-6. Tracheal laceration. A: Pneumomediastinum extending into the neck (arrows) and bilateral subcutaneous emphysema are present. B: Computed tomogram also shows a left pneumothorax (arrow). The circular endotracheal tube is radiopaque, and the surrounding lucency represents air within the balloon and intratracheal air. The endotracheal tube balloon is herniating through a tear in the posterior membranous portion of the trachea ( arrowheads).

Diaphragm Rupture Acute diaphragmatic rupture occurs in 1% to 7% of patients after major blunt trauma, 45,126,203 and the diagnosis is missed on initial presentation in up to 66% of these patients. 7,44,62,85,100,210,213 Seventy-five percent to 95% of patients with acute rupture of the diaphragm have abnormal chest radiographs, but only 17% to 40% have highly suggestive radiographic findings. 55,129,152 Plain-film findings of rupture include displacement of stomach, colon, or small bowel into the thorax ( Fig. 31-7), superior displacement of an intragastric nasogastric tube, pleural effusion, basilar opacity causing inability to visualize the diaphragm, irregular or lumpy diaphragm contour, and fractures of the lower ribs. 67 Rupture of the right hemidiaphragm, once thought to account for only 10% of all diaphragmatic ruptures, probably occurs with almost the same frequency as rupture of the left hemidiaphragm. 67 If diaphragm rupture is not promptly diagnosed, the patient may remain asymptomatic or develop incarceration of herniated abdominal viscera, which can occur at a time remote from the incidence of trauma.

FIG. 31-7. Ruptured diaphragm. The distended, air-filled stomach ( arrowheads) has herniated into the left chest through a large tear in the left diaphragm. In this case, a diaphragmatic tear could easily be confirmed with placement of a nasogastric tube.

Helical CT has been shown to be useful in making the diagnosis of acute diaphragm rupture, and it is superior to conventional CT because volumetric data acquisition allows high-quality sagittal and coronal reformations. Acquisition of data during a single breath hold decreases slice misregistration. 91 Individual diagnostic sensitivity for detecting diaphragmatic rupture is 54% to 73%, and specificity is 86% to 90%. 139 Direct CT findings associated with acute rupture include diaphragmatic discontinuity, intrathoracic herniation of abdominal contents, and waist-like constriction of bowel (the collar sign) ( Fig. 31-8). Associated CT findings include liver laceration, hemoperitoneum, hemothorax, splenic laceration, renal contusion, lower-lobe atelectasis, and lower rib fractures. Although local discontinuity of the diaphragm is said to be the most common finding in patients with a diaphragmatic tear, it should be noted that there is a normal increase in diaphragmatic defects with age, not related to trauma. Caskey and colleagues 23 found these normal localized defects in 13 patients (11% of patients studied). When the diagnosis of diaphragm rupture remains uncertain after CT or for delayed, nonacute, clinical, or radiologic presentation that suggests diaphragmatic injury, MRI should be done with T1-weighted sagittal and coronal sequences. 174

FIG. 31-8. Ruptured diaphragm. A: The liver has herniated into the chest and is causing leftward displacement of the heart. There is a left hemothorax. B: More inferiorly, the computed tomogram shows a portion of the ruptured right diaphragm adjacent to the posterior edge of the liver ( arrows).

Injuries to the Bony Thorax Significant injury to ribs, clavicles, scapulae, sternum, and spine can occur as a result of blunt chest trauma. Thoracic spine fractures account for 16% to 30% of all spine fractures and lead to complete neurologic deficits in 62% of patients. 125,149 A supine chest radiograph provides an opportunity to evaluate the thoracic spine, but optimal evaluation requires frontal and lateral collimated films. Seventy percent to 90% of spine fractures can be seen on plain-film radiographs; CT and MRI may show otherwise occult fractures and are the only techniques to evaluate the integrity of the spinal cord and the intervertebral ligaments directly. 68 CT and MRI are more helpful in distinguishing unstable burst fractures from stable, simple, anterior wedge compression fractures. 8 Fractures to the upper ribs, clavicle, and upper sternum are significant in that they may be accompanied by brachial plexus or vascular injury in 3% to 15% of patients. 65 Fractures of the lower ribs should increase suspicion of splenic, hepatic, or renal injury, which can be confirmed with CT. Double fractures of three or more adjacent ribs can result in the paradoxical motion of a flail segment during the respiratory cycle; this can impair respiratory mechanics and result in atelectasis and pulmonary infection. Rarely, a segment of lung herniates through a defect in the chest wall created by a flail segment. The diagnosis may be made by plain radiographs, but it is easier to detect by CT. 133 Sternal fractures occur in 8% of major thoracic trauma admissions. 77 The incidence of sternal fracture increases by 100% for drivers and 150% for front-seat passengers wearing seat belts compared with those not wearing seat belts, 168 although the avoidance of other injuries is such that the use of seat belts is advocated. Sternal fracture may be associated with myocardial contusion, which is often clinically silent. Posterior dislocation of the clavicle can result in injury to the great vessels, superior mediastinal nerves, trachea, and esophagus. Although sternoclavicular dislocations are demonstrable using angled chest radiographs, they are more easily detected by CT (Fig. 31-9).133

FIG. 31-9. Sternoclavicular dislocation. The head of the left clavicle is dislocated posteriorly ( arrows). Computed tomogram shows the relationships between the dislocated clavicle, the adjacent left brachiocephalic vein ( arrowheads), and the other great vessels in the anterior mediastinum.

Scapular fractures are diagnosed on the initial chest radiograph in only 57% of patients, according to one study. 79 In the group of patients in whom the fractures were not recognized, the fracture was visible and overlooked in 72%, not included on the examination in 19%, and obscured by superimposed structures or artifacts in 9%. CT of the chest should demonstrate most scapular fractures, especially if it is used in combination with plain films. Scapulothoracic dissociation is a rare injury characterized by lateral displacement of the entire forequarter with intact overlying skin, complete acromioclavicular separation, and usually multiple fractures of the ipsilateral upper extremity; it usually is accompanied by avulsion injuries of the brachial plexus and subclavian vessels. 146 Pleural Manifestations of Chest Trauma Pneumothorax, as seen radiographically, occurs in almost 40% of patients with blunt chest trauma and in up to 20% of patients with penetrating chest injuries. 6,29 All pneumothoraces in trauma patients should be considered potentially life-threatening, and chest tube placement should be considered. Even small pneumothoraces can rapidly enlarge and become clinically significant with positive pressure ventilation or general anesthesia. CT is much more sensitive for diagnosing pneumothorax in the supine patient than is chest radiography. 198,206 CT scanning identifies pneumothoraces that cannot be seen on conventional supine radiographs in 10% to 50% of patients sustaining blunt trauma to the chest. 198,206,214 Pneumomediastinum may occur in association with pneumothorax and can be diagnosed on chest radiography by the presence of streaky lucencies in the mediastinum that highlight the contours of the aorta and left main pulmonary artery and displace the mediastinal pleura laterally, and by the continuous diaphragm sign produced by the presence of air between the pericardium and the diaphragm. Pneumomediastinum can easily be identified on chest CT and may signal the presence of an underlying laceration of the pharynx, esophagus, or tracheobronchial airway. Pleural effusions developing in the acute post-traumatic setting usually represent hemothorax, and a rapidly expanding pleural effusion is most likely to be caused by arterial bleeding. CT can be helpful in distinguishing hematoma from other pleural collections by showing the high CT attenuation of blood 134 (Fig. 31-10). CT can best distinguish pleural fluid from other causes of radiographic density such as atelectasis, parenchymal injury, or pneumonia and can show loculation of pleural fluid and better delineate complex pleuroparenchymal opacities.

FIG. 31-10. Traumatic hemothorax. Unenhanced computed tomogram shows a large, high-attenuation fluid collection within the left pleural space, causing rightward

displacement of the mediastinum. Multiple bilateral rib fractures and subcutaneous emphysema are also present.

Cardiac Trauma Rapid accumulation of blood in the pericardial space often causes cardiac tamponade and severe hemodynamic compromise. Bedside sonographic evaluation of the heart is the study of choice to quickly and noninvasively detect pericardial fluid. CT is also very sensitive for detecting pericardial-space fluid, and pericardial hemorrhage may be indicated by the high CT attenuation of the fluid. Cardiac tamponade can be detected on CT by the distention of the inferior vena cava, hepatic veins, and renal veins and by development of periportal edema within the liver. 133 Pericardial rupture is a rare consequence of thoracic trauma, with an incidence of only 0.11% in one series. 52 The diagnosis can be made with chest radiography or CT when herniation of air-containing abdominal viscera into the pericardium accompanies diaphragmatic rupture. Pneumopericardium can occur when air enters through a pericardial disruption in the presence of pneumothorax. Cardiac contusion results from blunt chest trauma in 8% to 76% of patients. 87,165 The diagnosis usually is made by electrocardiography, nuclear cardiac imaging, or echocardiography. The right ventricle is most frequently injured, because it comprises almost three times more exposed anterior surface of the heart than does the left ventricle. 133 Chest radiography and CT scanning may show evidence of congestive heart failure, ventricular aneurysm, or massive cardiac enlargement. Soft-Tissue Injuries of the Chest Wall CT scanning can easily distinguish chest-wall from parenchymal or mediastinal injury, whereas this differentiation may not be possible with chest radiography. Soft-tissue hematomas of the chest wall are readily differentiated from parenchymal injury, and subcutaneous emphysema is not confused with pneumothorax on CT scanning. Trauma to the female breast can be caused by a combination of compression and shearing stress produced by a seat belt. Subcutaneous rupture of breast tissue has been reported. 40 CT scanning can show massive breast hematomas and rupture of silicone prostheses with silicone extravasation. 153 Esophageal Injury Esophageal disruption can occur from crushing of the esophagus between the spine and trachea, traction caused by hyperextension, and direct penetration by cervical spine fracture fragments. 130 Chest radiography can show persistent severe pneumomediastinum or pneumothorax, left pleural effusion, a widened paraspinal line, and retrocardiac opacification. CT scanning can show similar findings in addition to leakage of oral contrast material from the disrupted esophagus into the mediastinum or pleural space and changes of mediastinitis. Role of Computed Tomography in Chest Trauma CT scanning has been shown to be superior to chest radiography in demonstrating many injuries to the chest from blunt and penetrating trauma. The identification of more pneumothoraces, hemothoraces, pulmonary contusions, and fractures on chest CT has not significantly affected the clinical management of patients in some series. CT has obviated the need for conventional aortography in a significant number of patients, and CT angiography may become the standard for the diagnosis of acute aortic injury. Further studies on a larger population of trauma patients is required to determine the sensitivity and specificity of CT for this diagnosis. CT scanning provides a look at the entire chest in addition to the aorta, which is a distinct advantage over transesophageal echocardiography or conventional aortography. In addition to showing fractures, CT also shows related soft-tissue injuries, such as great-vessel injury from fracture-dislocation of the clavicle or splenic laceration from adjacent rib fractures. CT of the chest can be performed in 30 seconds or less with helical scanners and reveals most injuries to the chest that are caused by acute trauma. Chest CT could be performed quickly on all trauma patients who are referred for abdominal or head CT, as a way of detecting serious chest injuries early.


Patients hospitalized in intensive care units (ICUs) represent a population with unique and challenging medical problems. Because of the critical nature of the medical condition of patients in the ICU, radiographic studies usually are limited to portable, bedside examinations. Portable anteroposterior chest radiographs can be suboptimal owing to (1) poor patient positioning, including patient rotation; (2) inconsistent exposure technique, making comparison between serial radiographs difficult; (3) obscuration of pulmonary anatomy caused by portions of external monitoring and support devices overlying the patient; (4) limited exposure capability; (5) expiratory views; and (6) magnification and distortion of the mediastinum. Consistency in technique and positioning is important for optimal evaluation of patients on serial examinations. ICU nurse assistance in removing extrinsic tubing and other monitoring devices from the patient's chest is critical to produce a satisfactory radiograph for evaluation of the lungs and mediastinum. Successful imaging in the ICU depends on the cooperative efforts of the nursing staff, radiology technologist, clinician, radiologist, and everyone involved in the ordering and transport of the radiograph. Portable Film Technique Optimal radiographic technique for anteroposterior chest radiographs includes upright positioning (when possible), exposure at deep-end inspiration, and a target-to-film distance of 40 to 50 inches for supine patients or 72 inches for erect patients. 4,82 The kilovoltage should be between 72 and 100 kVp to optimize penetration and minimize the effects of scattered radiation. To minimize patient motion, mobile equipment should have adequate capacity to make a radiographic exposure in less than 0.1 second. Most constant-potential, battery-operated, or capacitor-discharge mobile units are capable of a 100- to 400-milliamperage (mA) output, and most chest exposures can be made at between 2 and 4 milliampere-seconds (mAs). 59 A high-kilovoltage grid technique (125 kV, 10:1 grid, 40 line pairs/cm) can provide a longer scale of contrast and reduced repeat examinations by a factor of 6. 157 Digital or computed radiography is becoming more popular as a portable chest radiography technique because of the consistent film quality and the wide latitude of exposure that is possible. The spatial resolution with computed radiography is inferior to that obtained with conventional radiography, but it is thought to be sufficient for the purposes of portable chest radiography. 119 Accuracy and Efficacy of Portable ICU Films The American College of Radiology (ACR) has provided working guidelines to improve the use of portable radiographs, embodied in the updated ACR Appropriateness Criteria. 4 In addition, the ACR has defined efficacy of a test in terms of three components 115: (1) diagnostic efficacy, or the utility of a test in assisting in diagnosis (e.g., evaluation of malposition of devices as well as cardiopulmonary findings); (2) therapeutic efficacy, or the effect of test results on patient management; and (3) outcome efficacy, or the ultimate contribution of the test and its results to patient morbidity and mortality. Therapeutic (management) efficacy is difficult to evaluate, because patient management decisions often reflect clinical factors in addition to imaging findings. No studies exist on long-term outcome efficacy. Numerous studies have reported contradictory results regarding the efficacy of portable chest radiography, 13,50,63,64,72,81,94,106,180 and a thorough review of efficacy studies was published by Henschke and colleagues. 82 Reasons for contradictory results included differences in patient populations (e.g., surgical ICU, medical ICU, underlying patient medical condition and reason for hospitalization); number of studies and patients studied; types of films included in the study (e.g., all radiographs taken versus routine morning radiographs versus postprocedural radiographs); and criteria for determining whether an abnormality was present on a radiograph. Few studies attempted to address the issue of management efficacy, and in those that did there were differences in study design regarding how the clinical information was obtained and how it affected management apart from the influence of the radiographic findings. Although it seems intuitive that daily clinical conferences with experienced thoracic radiologists would contribute to the optimal utilization and interpretation of ICU radiographs, this has not been evaluated scientifically. In the ACR Standards, it is stated that The radiologist should establish daily conferences or frequent consultations with attending physicians caring for ICU patients; in addition to the exchange of radiographic and clinical information, the appropriateness of the examination, as well as the accuracy of radiographic interpretation, should be evaluated during these sessions. 4 The overall incidence of abnormalities found on chest films in the ICU has been reported to be as high as 65%. 81 Henschke and colleagues 81 reviewed 1,132 chest films obtained from medical and surgical ICU patients, including routine morning radiographs as well as films taken for various clinical indications. New diagnostic information was revealed in more than 65% of the radiographsincluding malpositioned endotracheal tubes (12%), malpositioned central venous catheters (9%), and

changes regarding cardiopulmonary findings (44%)which were thought to have a meaningful effect on patient management, although management efficacy was not formally evaluated. More recent studies have questioned the need for routine ICU chest radiographs. Fong and coworkers 50 prospectively evaluated 1,003 chest radiographs obtained from 157 consecutive patients admitted to a surgical ICU and found that the likelihood of a clinically important finding was 17% for radiographs obtained for no clear clinical indication (routine), 26% for those obtained to verify the position of a medical device, and 30% for those obtained for suspected clinical conditions. Based on their findings, the authors concluded that chest radiographs should be obtained from surgical ICU patients only for specific indications, and that routine radiographs for ICU patients are justified only for patients with indwelling Swan-Ganz catheters. The radiologist's interpretation was not a part of the study, and patient management decisions were based on both clinical and radiographic data. In a review of 525 routine morning chest radiographs of patients admitted to the surgical ICU of a university trauma center during a 1-month period, Silverstein and coworkers 180 found a low yield of new findings for both medical device placement and cardiopulmonary pathologic processes. The design of the study did not include correlation of new or worsened radiographic findings with therapeutic changes. Based on available studies, the role of portable chest radiographs in the ICU needs further evaluation, especially regarding patient management and outcome efficacy. Cardiopulmonary Abnormalities Pulmonary parenchymal disease in the ICU is a common and challenging problem. The chest radiographic pattern is usually nonspecific, and the clinical causes of pulmonary opacities in a given patient are often multiple. For this reason, radiographic interpretation should be performed in conjunction with current clinical information. Pneumonia The diagnosis of pneumonia is often made on the basis of fever and elevated leukocyte count in addition to new pulmonary opacification on chest radiograph. These findings may not be reliable in the ICU. The radiographic appearance of pneumonia in the ICU setting depends on patient age, duration of illness, underlying disorders (e.g., pregnancy, emphysema, malignancy), recent surgery, drug administration (e.g., antibiotics, steroids), and immune status. 166 Previous chest radiographs are invaluable for assessing serial changes and help predict the cause of abnormal parenchymal opacification. Acute processes generally exclude neoplasm, and quickly resolving processes suggest atelectasis, hemorrhage, or edema as opposed to pneumonia. Even so, the overall accuracy of chest radiography for diagnosing pneumonia is only 0.50, and neither review of previous chest radiographs nor knowledge of clinical data improves this accuracy. 211 Most hospital-acquired pneumonias are caused by gram-negative bacilli such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Serratia marcescens or by gram-positive cocci. 170 ICU patients who develop pneumonia often have diffuse parenchymal opacification on chest radiographs, with either interstitial, alveolar, or mixed patterns ( Fig. 31-11). This nonspecific appearance is seen with viral, bacterial, tuberculous, fungal, or protozoal infections. The pattern of disease is affected by underlying chronic lung disease such as emphysema or fibrosis. Resolution after therapy in these patients is often delayed.

FIG. 31-11. Nosocomial pneumonia. There are bilateral areas of acute alveolar opacification caused by staphylococcal pneumonia. The endotracheal tube tip ( arrow) is in a satisfactory position above the carina, and the tip of the right jugular Swan-Ganz catheter is within the right pulmonary artery ( arrowhead).

Bronchopneumonia may result from aspiration of infected nasal, oral, or tracheal secretions; it often begins as acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis. The infection spreads through the walls of infected bronchioles into the alveoli. Most hospital-acquired pneumonias begin as bronchopneumonia and are caused by a variety of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Intubation leads to colonization of the proximal airways with a variety of bacteria, which can be spread throughout the bronchial tree with mechanical ventilation. The radiographic appearance of bronchopneumonia is that of multifocal, ill-defined opacities which may cause both narrowing of the bronchi and mucus plugging. 166 In patients with bacteremia, hematogenous pulmonary dissemination appears radiographically as multiple, patchy, ill-defined, peripheral regions of consolidation that may show evidence of cavitation. CT scanning can be useful to show evidence of septic emboli, such as peripheral cavitary nodules, often with identifiable feeding vessels. Interstitial pneumonia is often of viral origin and appears radiographically as increased reticular or linear markings, peribronchial cuffing, or nodules. A small nodular pattern can also be seen with disseminated tuberculosis or fungal infection. This pattern of disease can progress to diffuse involvement of both lungs, making etiologic predictions challenging. CT scanning offers superior resolution and sensitivity for evaluating chest conditions in ICU patients 154; CT can distinguish chest-wall from pleural, parenchymal, and mediastinal abnormalities much better than can chest radiography. In patients with suspected pulmonary infection, CT scanning can identify parenchymal abscesses and empyemas. The distinction between the two is important, because empyema requires chest tube drainage, whereas pulmonary abscess usually responds to antibiotic therapy. Chest CT scanning should be considered for ICU patients when the clinical course does not correlate with the chest radiograph and the patient is sufficiently stable to tolerate transportation to the radiology suite. Pulmonary Edema Pulmonary edema, particularly in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, may manifest as a heterogeneous pattern of opacification, appearing only where relatively normal perfusion exists. Cardiomegaly may or may not be present or radiographically detectable, making the distinction between cardiogenic and noncardiogenic edema challenging. With supine positioning, vascular redistribution is a normal phenomenon, and the upper-lobe vessels are the same size as those in the lower lung. In congestive heart failure when the pulmonary capillary wedge pressure is increased, the radiograph shows vascular redistribution and a bibasilar interstitial pattern, which can progress to alveolar edema with higher wedge pressures. Other signs of cardiogenic edema include pleural effusions (which may manifest as hazy increased opacification of the lung in the supine patient) and increased vascular pedicle width (i.e., measurement of the mediastinal width at the level of the azygos vein). Radiographically, noncardiogenic edema is not associated with redistribution, pulmonary venous hypertension, cardiomegaly, or pleural effusions. 82 Adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is one form of noncardiogenic pulmonary edema with clinical, functional, and radiographic manifestations including acute, severe, progressive respiratory distress; hypoxemia that does not respond to oxygen administration; decreased pulmonary compliance; and diffuse radiographic opacification of the lungs. The mortality rate of ARDS is estimated at 60% to 75%. 2 The underlying condition in ARDS is leaky capillary membranes; this is produced by a variety of insults, most commonly sepsis, shock, trauma, aspiration, drug overdose, ingestion or inhalation of noxious materials, multiple blood transfusions, or near-drowning. Three stages of ARDS have been described. Stage 1 (12 to 24 hours) consists of pulmonary capillary congestion, endothelial swelling, and microatelectasis. Stage 2 (1 to 5 days) is associated with fluid leakage from capillaries, fibrin deposition, and formation of hyaline membranes. Stage 3 (after 5 days) is associated with alveolar cell hyperplasia, collagen deposition, and microvascular destruction. The chest radiographic findings in stage 1 are minimal, and mild interstitial edema may be present at this stage. The patient requires mechanical ventilation with positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP). In stage 2, the radiograph shows increasing parenchymal opacification, which may appear patchy but rapidly coalesces to a uniform pattern. Involvement is usually bilateral and symmetrical, but marked asymmetry has been reported. In stage 3, the healing process appears as a developing interstitial pattern, and the result may be honeycomb lung. CT

scanning shows a more heterogeneous distribution of disease at all stages than does chest radiography Mechanical ventilation in the setting of ARDS leads to increasing intra-alveolar pressure, with increased risk of rupture of alveolar walls and subsequent dissection of air into the peribronchovascular bundle sheaths and interlobular septa, resulting in pulmonary interstitial emphysema. Discrete air-filled cysts or pneumatoceles may occur, commonly in subpleural locations ( Fig. 31-12). Irregular radiolucent mottling, interstitial air bubbles, and perivascular halos of air are manifestations of air dissection within the interstitium. 208 These air collections can dissect into the mediastinum and cause pneumomediastinum or rupture into the pleural space and cause pneumothorax. Mediastinal air can dissect into the fascial planes of the neck, into the retroperitoneum, or along the mesentery, leading to pneumatosis intestinalis and pneumoperitoneum. The lung may become so stiff that it does not collapse, even when a large pneumothorax is present.

FIG. 31-12. Adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). A: In this patient receiving mechanical ventilation, diffuse opacification of the lungs is present, as are bilateral, peripheral, thin-walled air collections consistent with pneumatoceles ( arrows). B: Computed tomogram (CT) shows the pneumatoceles (arrows) and areas of bronchial dilatation caused by parenchymal inflammation and destruction ( arrowhead). Numerous tiny cystic spaces within the consolidated lung are characteristic of the CT appearance of ARDS and represent parenchymal destruction, bronchiolar dilatation, and pulmonary interstitial emphysema. Pneumatoceles and interstitial emphysema can lead to rapid onset of tension pneumothorax and other manifestations of barotrauma in patients receiving positive-pressure ventilation.

Atelectasis Atelectasis is probably the most common cause of lung opacification on ICU chest radiographs. 192 Signs of atelectasis include (1) increased parenchymal opacification due to crowding of collapsed lung, (2) relative increased lucency due to decreased perfusion, (3) displacement of fissures, (4) elevation of the diaphragm, (5) displacement of bronchi or vessels, (6) approximation of ribs, and (7) displacement of the mediastinum. Air bronchograms may be present in an area of atelectasis, indicating that bronchoscopy would not provide improvement in aeration. The absence of air bronchograms in an area of atelectatic lung indicates a centrally obstructing lesion, commonly a mucus plug ( Fig. 31-13).

FIG. 31-13. Lung collapse. The right hemithorax is completely opacified, and there is shift of the mediastinum to the right, consistent with collapse of the right lung. The lack of air bronchograms within the opacified right hemithorax and the appearance of abrupt cutoff of the right main stem bronchus ( arrow) suggest an endobronchial obstructing lesion as the cause. A large mucus plug was bronchoscopically removed from the right main stem bronchus, resulting in complete re-expansion of the right lung.

Differentiation of atelectasis from pneumonia is often difficult on the supine chest radiograph, and atelectasis often occurs concurrently with pneumonia. Atelectasis appears in minutes to hours and may clear in hours; pneumonia often takes days or weeks to resolve. Both pneumonia and atelectasis are most common in the left lower lobe after a cardiac surgical procedure. 9 Atelectasis after cardiac surgery is related to paralysis or paresis of the phrenic nerve from stretch- or cold-induced injury. The diagnosis of pathology in the left lower lobe on supine chest radiographs must be made with caution. Zylak and colleagues 216 showed that loss of definition of the left hemidiaphragm can result from cephalic angulation of the central x-ray beam accompanied by projection of extrapleural fat onto the base of the left lung. Aspiration The reported incidence of aspiration in the ICU ranges from 0.10% to 76%, although estimates of the frequency of clinically significant aspiration range from less than one to several percent. 36 As many as 45% of normal persons experience aspiration during sleep or anesthesia. 32,33 Major aspiration is prevented through the act of swallowing and glottic closure, and any condition that interferes with these normal protective mechanisms predisposes the patient to aspiration. Although the number of conditions that may interfere with these mechanisms is large, they can generally be classified as being caused by (1) anesthesia and other states of depressed sensorium, (2) neurologic disorders, or (3) structural disorders of the swallowing mechanism and larynx. 178 In addition, interference with the normal protective mechanisms such as occurs with endotracheal and nasogastric intubation predisposes the patient to aspiration. When sterile materials are aspirated, a chemical tracheobronchitis or pneumonitis results. With minor aspiration, no symptoms or signs may be evident. With major aspiration, findings include apnea, tachypnea, cyanosis, hypotension, fever, and development of adventitial respiratory sounds on chest auscultation. The radiographic appearance is nonspecific. Opacities may appear irregular, confluent, or nodular, and the extent of disease may be minimal to extensive. 178 Most ICU patients are in a supine position when aspiration occurs, and the radiographic abnormalities are posterior in distribution. Because of the angle formed between the trachea and the right main stem bronchus, a higher proportion of radiographically demonstrated abnormalities are located on the right side. In one study, 111 51 (85%) of 60 patients with well-documented aspiration had abnormal opacities on the chest radiograph; these were bilateral in 41 patients (68%) and asymmetrical in 35 patients (58%). If the aspirated material contains microorganisms, infections of the lung may result. Although anaerobic pathogens are important in community-acquired aspiration pneumonia, pneumonias that develop after aspiration in the hospital setting have a significantly higher incidence of mixed aerobic-anaerobic or exclusively aerobic organisms.10,11,116 The pleuropulmonary infectious complication of aspiration may or may not be radiographically visible. When present, radiographic findings include areas of abnormal parenchymal opacification without cavitation, lung abscess, pleural effusion, and bronchopleural fistula. 69 Other radiographic manifestations of aspiration are hyperinflation, atelectasis, and shift of the mediastinum, in instances in which solid material is aspirated, causing airway obstruction. Pulmonary Embolism and Infarction Pulmonary embolism is a frequently missed clinical diagnosis that has absent or nonspecific findings on conventional radiography that include elevation of the

diaphragm; subsegmental atelectasis; patchy opacities that may result from associated edema, hemorrhage, or infarction; pleural effusions; and segmental or larger areas of oligemia. Pulmonary infarcts classically appear as peripheral, wedge-shaped, pleural-based opacities. Chest radiography has a true-positive rate for identification of pulmonary embolism of 39% and a false-negative rate of 61%, using pulmonary angiography as the standard. 66 Dynamic spiral contrast-enhanced CT scanning has been very accurate in the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism in some studies, with sensitivities and specificities of 90%. 57,161,194 Like CT, MRI can demonstrate pulmonary embolisms directly as intravascular filling defects on cross-sectional images. Experience with MRI in patients with suspected pulmonary embolism is more limited than with CT, and MRI techniques are still evolving. The potential advantages of MRI are (1) no use of iodinated contrast material, (2) ability to image the pulmonary arteries and deep venous system in a single examination, and (3) ability to perform perfusion imaging. Pleural Effusions Nonloculated pleural effusions on supine chest radiographs have a distinct appearance. The effusion layers posterosuperiorly, and the result is a diffuse, homogeneous, hazy opacity that increases in density in a cephalocaudad direction. Because patients are imaged with portable radiographs in various stages of upright or supine positioning, the appearance of the effusion can be variablefrom that seen on upright radiographs, where the fluid causes blunting of the costophrenic angles and elevation of the diaphragm, to the typical appearance seen on supine radiographs as just described. Supine chest radiographs have a sensitivity and specificity of 67% and 70%, respectively, for detection of pleural effusion, with an overall accuracy of 67%. 167 Abnormal Air Collections Many patients in the ICU are intubated and are receiving mechanical ventilation. Complications of pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, subcutaneous emphysema, or other extra-alveolar air collections develop in 5% to 15% of patients receiving PEEP. 150,209 Mechanical ventilation can lead to a rapid increase in the size and severity of a pneumothorax; any pneumothorax in a ventilated patient should be regarded as life-threatening, and consideration should be given to chest tube placement. The size of a pneumothorax correlates poorly with its clinical significance, and size measurements on chest radiographs correlate poorly with measurements obtained by CT scanning.82 The distribution of pneumothorax in the supine patientin the anteromedial, subpulmonic, apicolateral, and posteromedial pleural recesseshas been well described. 195 The thin line of displaced visceral pleura may not be demonstrated on supine radiographs. Increased lucency over the diaphragm or cardiac apex or a deepened diaphragmatic sulcus may be the only clue. Skin folds, bandages and other external materials, and chest tube tracts can all mimic pneumothorax. Lines and Tubes An important indication for chest radiographs in ICU patients is to assess placement and complications of monitoring and support devices such as thoracic tubes, lines, catheters, and wires. Approximately 60% of patients in the ICU receive life-support therapy, 35% have central venous lines, 18% have pulmonary artery catheters, and 38% receive mechanical ventilation. 204 Thoracic Venous Catheter The intrathoracic venous catheter is used for monitoring central venous pressure, maintaining proper nutrition, and administering fluids. To reliably reflect pressures within the central venous system, the catheter tip should lie between the right atrium and the most proximal venous valves. On the chest radiograph, the catheter tip should be visualized medial to the anterior portion of the first rib, at the junction of the brachiocephalic vein and the superior vena cava or within the superior vena cava, with a course parallel to the wall of the vessel. Many of these catheters have triple lumens with three separate ports. Peripherally inserted central catheters (PICC lines) are small-caliber tubes that can be left in place for long periods. Ideal position of these catheters is reported to be the superior vena cava 71,93; however, at our institution these catheters are placed by the intervention radiologists, under direct fluoroscopic guidance, into the right atrium. We have had no complications of atrial rupture or arrhythmia with this placement and have minimized the inevitable complication of peritip thrombus, which occurs in up to 90% of patients with superior vena cava placement.1 With larger-bore catheters, placement within the right atrium or intrapericardial portion of the superior vena cava can result in pericardial tamponade should rupture occur. A chest radiograph should be obtained after placement of a central venous catheter to confirm appropriate placement and detect pneumothorax. The incidence of pneumothorax ranges from 1% to 12%, depending on the experience and expertise of the person placing the catheter. 56,110,135 The most common location of a malpositioned central venous catheter is in the internal jugular vein ( Fig. 31-14); this occurs in approximately 15% of catheterization attempts. 207 Other areas of catheter misplacement include the contralateral innominate vein, subclavian vein, azygos arch, persistent left superior vena cava, and other smaller thoracic veins (Fig. 31-15). The catheter tip can also end up in the inferior vena cava or even in the hepatic veins. Catheters can migrate over time, and migration into the jugular vein can result in jugular vein thrombosis. 159 Catheter placement can cause vascular injury and perforation, which may manifest on chest radiography as an apical cap, pleural effusion, or mediastinal widening ( Fig. 31-16). A curved catheter tip or a catheter tip directed against the lateral wall of the superior vena cava can be seen in some cases before superior vena cava rupture. 199 Central venous lines lead to infectious complications in 8% to 32% of patients. 207 Knotting of the catheter can result from excess looping of the tubing or coiling of the catheter in the heart. Attempts to withdraw a looped catheter without fluoroscopy can cause catheter knotting, which predisposes to perforation, thrombosis, and catheter breakage. Shearing of the catheter can occur when an attempt is made to withdraw it through a sharply beveled needle. Reported complications of retained catheters are sepsis, pulmonary embolization, arrhythmias, and perforation ( Fig. 31-17). A 71% incidence of serious or fatal complications has been reported from cases of embolized catheters not removed. 48 Rarer complications of central venous catheter placement include air embolism; brachial plexus, phrenic, vagus, or recurrent laryngeal nerve injury; thoracic duct injury; internal mammary, carotid, or ascending cervical artery laceration; and venobronchial fistula. 207 Hinke and associates 83 reported the pinchoff syndrome which occurs after central venous catheter placement and compression of the catheter between the clavicle and first rib. This compression led to catheter fracturing or fragmentation in two patients.

FIG. 31-14. Malpositioned venous catheter. The left subclavian central venous catheter is directed cephalad, within the left jugular vein ( arrows). The catheter is kinked (arrowhead) at the origin of the left brachiocephalic vein, where it turns superiorly.

FIG. 31-15. Malpositioned venous catheter. The left jugular central venous catheter is directed horizontally, within a left intercostal vein ( arrows). Also note

right-upper-lobe atelectasis, with elevation of the minor fissure.

FIG. 31-16. Iatrogenic hemothorax. A: Before placement of a left venous catheter, there is no evidence of pleural effusion. B: Film taken after placement of a left subclavian central venous catheter shows rapid onset of a large left pleural effusion, consistent with hemothorax caused by vascular injury during catheter placement. A left chest tube drained bloody fluid.

FIG. 31-17. Catheter fragmentation and embolization. A: Right subclavian central venous catheter ends abruptly at the vascular insertion site inferior to the right medial clavicle (arrow). B: A long catheter fragment has embolized to a right-lower-lobe basilar segmental pulmonary artery branch ( arrowheads). The fragment was successfully retrieved percutaneously with the use of an intravascular snare device.

Swan-Ganz Catheter The flow-directed pulmonary catheter is used to measure right and left ventricular filling pressures and cardiac output, to obtain mixed venous blood samples, to calculate total body oxygen consumption and systemic and vascular resistance, and to quantitate right-to-left shunting. Measurement of capillary wedge pressure can help differentiate cardiogenic pulmonary edema from that caused by capillary leak and can assist in fluid management of the patient. A Swan-Ganz catheter is placed via an antecubital, jugular, subclavian, or femoral vein and advanced through the right side of the heart into the pulmonary artery, 2 to 3 inches distal to the bifurcation of the main pulmonary artery. The catheter tip should lie distal to the pulmonary valve and yet proximal enough not to occlude the vessel lumen, with the tip not extending beyond the proximal interlobar pulmonary artery. The catheter balloon should never be inflated except when a measurement is taken, and this should be evaluated on the chest radiograph by looking for a rounded area of lucency around the catheter tip, indicating that the balloon is inflated. A catheter that is too peripheral in position or has an inflated balloon can occlude a pulmonary branch and cause infarction or vessel perforation 21,37,49,182 (Fig. 31-18). Delayed pulmonary hemorrhage and development of pulmonary-artery false aneurysms can result. Pulmonary artery rupture occurs in 0.001% to 0.47% of cases, 101 with an associated mortality rate of 45% to 65%. If the patient survives, a false aneurysm may develop and lead to recurrent life-threatening hemorrhage. Contrast-enhanced CT scanning can demonstrate these false aneurysms as round masses with eccentrically enhanced lumina circumscribed by thrombosis. 47 Other complications of Swan-Ganz catheters are endocarditis, septic emboli, catheter knotting, cardiac arrhythmias (caused by redundant tubing within the right atrium or right ventricle) ( Fig. 31-19), and cardiopleural perforation, along with the previously mentioned complications of central venous catheters.

FIG. 31-18. Malpositioned Swan-Ganz catheter. The catheter was placed via the right femoral vein and is seen coursing through the right atrium ( long arrow), tricuspid valve, right ventricle, pulmonary outflow tract ( short arrow), and right pulmonary artery. The tip is positioned within a distal right-lower-lobe basilar segmental pulmonary artery branch (arrowhead). Potential complications from this placement include vascular perforation, pulmonary hemorrhage, pseudoaneurysm formation, and pulmonary infarction.

FIG. 31-19. Malpositioned Swan-Ganz catheter. The catheter tubing is redundant and is looped within the right ventricle and pulmonary outflow tract, resulting in ventricular arrhythmia. The endotracheal tube tip ( arrowhead) is also malpositioned, too far above the carina ( arrow).

Intra-aortic Counterpulsation Balloon Pump Intra-aortic balloon pumps (IABP) are used to increase coronary artery perfusion and to decrease the cardiac afterload. The result is a reduction in left ventricular work and oxygen requirements in patients with cardiogenic shock, those with severe ventricular dysfunction, and those undergoing high-risk cardiac surgical procedures. 88,112 The device consists of a fusiform inflatable balloon that is approximately 26 to 28 cm in length and that surrounds the distal end of a centrally placed catheter, usually placed via a femoral artery. Only the tip of the catheter is radiopaque. The balloon inflates during diastole and deflates during systole. During inflation, a long tubular lucency can be seen on the chest and abdominal radiograph, extending in a properly placed pump from the level just below the aortic knob to below the diaphragm, at the level of the renal arteries. The ideal location for the tip is just distal to the left subclavian artery, projecting over the aortic arch on the frontal radiograph. This allows maximal augmentation of diastolic pressures in the proximal aorta and decreases the risk of embolization of the cerebral vessels. The mesenteric and renal artery ostia are crossed by the balloon with normal positioning. If the catheter is advanced too far, it may either enter and obstruct the left subclavian artery or be positioned in the aortic arch, increasing the risk of cerebral embolus. If the balloon tip is positioned inferior to the aortic knob, suboptimal counterpulsation results. Aortic dissection occurring as a complication of intra-aortic balloon pump placement may be inconsequential clinically, or it may result in death. 39,148 Loss of definition of the descending thoracic aortic or widening of the para-aortic line on the chest radiograph can signal intramural malpositioning, which can be confirmed by aortography or contrast-enhanced CT scanning. Other complications of balloon pump placement include reduction of platelets, red blood cell destruction, emboli, balloon rupture with gas embolus, renal failure, and vascular insufficiency of the catheterized limb. Cardiac Pacemakers Since the era of artificial cardiac pacing began in 1952, 74 there have been dramatic changes in the types of generators, energy sources, and electronic components. In particular, newer batteries result in generator lifespans of a decade or longer. Interpretation of the radiographic appearance is challenging, and the clinical history is important in interpretation because of the numerous types of pacers and defibrillators being placed. The three major approaches to insertion of a pacemaker electrode into the heart include epicardial, subxiphoid, and transvenous implantations. With the epicardial approach, the pacemaker electrodes are sutured directly into the left or right ventricular myocardium, with a sensing lead placed in either atrial appendix, after open thoracotomy. The subxiphoid approach involves limited surgery, because the wires are inserted through a small subxiphoid or transxiphoid incision. The leads are implanted onto the diaphragmatic surface of the right ventricle. The most common approach today is implantation by the transvenous approach. With single-lead pacers, the wire is placed into the right ventricle by way of the cephalic, subclavian, or jugular vein. Wedging of the lead into the myocardial trabeculae near the cardiac apex provides stability and maximal contact with the endocardial surface. With dual-lead pacers, the leads usually are placed into the right atrium and right ventricle. It is important to know where the desired placement of leads is for each patient, because placement within the coronary sinus may be accidental or purposeful. After the electrode is positioned in the right ventricular apex, the generator is placed in a pouch in the subcutaneous tissues of the chest wall or beneath the pectoralis muscle. Failure of the pacemaker to elicit a ventricular response may be caused by (1) exit block, (2) lead fracture, (3) electrode dislodgment, (4) electrode malposition, (5) myocardial perforation, (6) thrombosis, (7) infection, or (8) battery failure. 207 Malpositioning, fracture, and perforation can be recognized on chest radiographs. Inadvertent positioning of a lead into the coronary sinus may be recognized only on a lateral radiograph, where the electrode tip is shown to lie along the posterior border of the heart, directed posteriorly. Approximately 2.7% of electrodes fracture, 42 usually near the pulse generator, at sharp bends in the lead wires, at the point of venous entry, or where the lead is embedded in the cardiac muscle. If the insulating sheath holds the ends of a fractured lead in close proximity, the fracture may not be readily visible on the radiograph. Tight anchoring ligatures at the venous entry site can produce lucency of the lead, giving the false appearance of a fracture ( Fig. 31-20). Electrode dislodgment occurs in 3% to 14% of patients, 189 usually during the first weeks after insertion. Late displacement is uncommon because of the fibrin sheath that develops between the electrode and the endocardium. Twiddler's syndrome is a rare complication seen in patients with implanted pacemakers or defibrillators; it results from the patient's conscious or unconscious twisting and rotating of the implanted device in its pocket, resulting in torsion, dislodgment, and often fracture of the implanted lead. 12,35 The diagnosis is confirmed by a chest radiograph that reveals a twisted, entangled, and dislodged pacing lead. A small amount of catheter play should be present during systole, but none during diastole. If the catheter is too short, dislodgment may occur, and the catheter may enter the right atrium, pulmonary artery, superior vena cava, or coronary sinus. If the lead is too long, a bend in the wire may occur, causing lead fracture. A redundant lead may also perforate the myocardium, a complication that usually occurs at the time of insertion or within a few days after insertion. The frontal or lateral radiograph shows the catheter tip outside or within 3 mm of the edge of the cardiac silhouette. Perforation can lead to cardiac tamponade or postcardiotomy syndrome. Inflammation and infection can occur within the vein or the generator pocket, the latter occurring in up to 5% of patients. 207 Major vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism are additional complications of pacemaker insertion.

FIG. 31-20. Pseudofracture of pacemaker lead. Tight anchoring sutures at the venous entry site produce lucency of the lead ( arrow), giving the false appearance of a fracture. The pacemaker was functioning properly.

There are several models of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators for treatment of life-threatening ventricular tachyarrhythmia; they generally employ a combination of two transvenously placed electrodes and one subcutaneous electrode. A thoracotomy is not required for placement. These devices can be combined with a preexisting pacemaker. It is imperative that the radiologist be familiar with the normal appearance and variations and with the complications of these devices, such as deformity of the subcutaneous patch electrode, lead fracture, and electrode malposition and migration. 193 Endotracheal Tube Mechanical ventilation by placement of a cuffed endotracheal tube (ETT) or tracheostomy tube is required when there is failure of the airway protective mechanism, inadequate gas exchange, or impending airway obstruction. Ideal positioning of an ETT, in the adult patient, is in the midtrachea, 5 cm from the carina (with the neck in neutral position). With flexion and extension of the neck, the tube can move approximately 2 cm downward or upward. An ETT placed too inferiorly will extend into the right main bronchus and prevent proper ventilation of the left lung ( Fig. 31-21). Between 12% and 15% of patients have significant malpositioning of the ETT on chest radiographs.82 Aspiration pneumonitis is the second most common complication of ETT placement, occurring in 8% of all intubations. 188 The cuff of the ETT should be inflated to occlude the airway but not to exceed the diameter of the trachea. Overinflation of the balloon cuff may result in damage to the tracheal mucosa, which can progress to tracheal stenosis or tracheomalacia. Tracheal rupture can occur with placement of an ETT; this appears radiographically with rapid development of subcutaneous emphysema, pneumomediastinum, and pneumothorax. Early signs of tracheal rupture include enlargement of the balloon cuff beyond the normal diameter of the trachea, distal migration of the balloon toward the tip of the ETT, and oblique orientation of the tube toward the right, mimicking right-main-bronchus intubation. 196 Another cause for acute overdistention of the ETT cuff is inadvertent esophageal intubation, which can be recognized on the chest

radiograph by the distended cuff, a very distended stomach, and, occasionally, visualization of the tracheal air column to the side of the ETT.

FIG. 31-21. Malpositioned endotracheal tube. The tip of the tube is within the bronchus intermedius ( arrow), resulting in collapse of the right upper lung (note elevation of the minor fissure) and the left lung. A backboard obscures portions of the left lung, and hooks from the patient's clothing are projected over the mediastinum and right lung.

Thoracostomy Tubes Pleural drainage tubes are used in surgical patients and for evacuation of pleural fluid and air. Several types and sizes of tubes are used, but all should be evaluated by chest radiograph for proper placement of the tip and side holes. The side hole of the chest tube is marked by an interruption of the radiopaque identification line, and it should be medial to the inner margin of the ribs. Placement of the tube tip in the subcutaneous tissues, in a fissure, or in the lung parenchyma can be diagnosed with chest radiography or CT scanning. CT scanning can also be used to identify loculated pleural collections and direct the placement of drainage tubes. Location within a fissure can be suspected when the tube reproduces the anatomy of the minor or major fissure or takes a horizontal rather than a vertical course as seen on frontal chest radiograph. Tubes within fissures may become occluded by the surrounding lung, and tubes advanced too far into the mediastinum, within the lung parenchyma, or through the liver, spleen, or diaphragm can result in bronchopleural fistula, hemorrhage, and infection. 196,207 After removal of a thoracostomy tube, a residual pleural or parenchymal line from the tube tract is often identified on the chest radiograph and should not be mistaken for the visceral pleural edge of a pneumothorax. If a large amount of pleural fluid is removed at one time, rapid lung re-expansion can result in pulmonary edema. Nasogastric Tubes Standard nasogastric tubes are used for suctioning gastric contents and for tube feeding. These tubes should be placed so that the tip is within the stomach, with the side port beyond the gastroesophageal junction. The most common misplacements are incomplete insertion and tube coiling within the esophagus. 51 Small-bore feeding tubes may be inadvertently placed into the lungs or pleura, or even through the diaphragm ( Fig. 31-22). Administration of tube feedings into the tracheobronchial tree can result in fatal pneumonia. 141,201,202 Esophageal perforation can occur from feeding tube placement or placement of balloon tamponade nasogastric tubes (Sengstaken-Blakemore), used in the treatment of bleeding esophageal varices. Radiographic findings from this complication include pleural effusion, pneumomediastinum, extraesophageal location of the tube, mediastinal widening, and mediastinal airfluid levels.

FIG. 31-22. Malpositioned feeding tube. The feeding tube was inadvertently placed within the airway, and the tip is within the periphery of the left lung ( arrow). Potential complications from this placement include pneumomediastinum, pneumothorax, and permanent sequelae from airway injury, pulmonary hemorrhage, and bronchopleural fistula. If fluids are administered through the tube, pneumonitis or empyema can result.

Ventricular Assist Devices Ventricular assist devices (VADs) are surgically implanted mechanical devices that perform the work of the right or left ventricle, or in some cases both, as a bridge to cardiac transplantation in patients with end-stage heart failure. With the severe shortage of potential organ donors, the implantable VAD is being considered as a more permanent device for use in patients with heart failure, as an alternative to heart transplantation. Reported complications from VAD placement, recognized on chest radiographs and CT scanning, include pneumothorax, hemothorax, infection, thromboembolism, bowel obstruction, and mechanical failure. 105 On plain radiography, the TCI Heartmate LVAD pump (Thermocardiosystems Inc., Woburn, MA) is identified in the left-upper quadrant of the abdomen. The inflow cannula of the pump inserts into the left ventricular apex, drawing blood from the heart into the pump, and the Dacron graft outflow cannula, usually 12 to 15 cm in length, carries blood from the pump to the ascending aorta. Much of the outflow cannula is nonradiopaque. The inflow cannula is directed at the mitral valve. The inflow and outflow conduits contain porcine bioprosthetic valves, located outside the pump. A drive line, exiting through a fascial tunnel in the left-lower quadrant of the abdomen, connects the device to an external portable console, which provides either pneumatic or electric power to the device.

Numerous surgical procedures are performed on the lung, the heart and other mediastinal structures, and the chest wall. The radiologist is responsible for interpreting the postoperative chest radiographs and therefore must be familiar with the types of surgery performed, the postoperative radiographic appearances, and the possible complications. Pneumonectomy Intrapleural and extrapleural pneumonectomies are performed for both neoplastic and non-neoplastic disease of the lung worldwide. In the United States, the most common reason for pneumonectomy is non-small-cell carcinoma of the lung. Most pneumonectomies performed for bronchogenic cancer follow an intrapleural plane of resection. If there is extension of tumor into the pleural space or parietal pleura, or in the case of malignant mesothelioma, an extrapleural pneumonectomy usually is performed, with the plane of resection being between the parietal pleura and the endothoracic fascia. 186 After pneumonectomy, pleural fluid accumulates in the pneumonectomy space, replacing the air which is resorbed at a variable rate. It is not uncommon for multiple airfluid levels to be present within the early pneumonectomy space, representing loculation of fluid, and this finding on chest radiography does not necessarily suggest a complication. Most of the air is resorbed within the first week after pneumonectomy, but residual air may persist for months; in a small population of patients, it may never be completely resorbed. Eventually, the pneumonectomy space contracts, with ipsilateral shift of the mediastinum and elevation of the

diaphragm, and the space fills with fluid and some degree of solid fibrothorax. Immediately after pneumonectomy, a thoracostomy tube is placed into the pneumonectomy space to regulate the amount of air and fluid in the space. Excessive or precipitous mediastinal shift caused by rapid removal of air and fluid can compromise venous return or cardiac output. Shift of the mediastinum away from the operated side, particularly when accompanied by increasing subcutaneous emphysema, indicates a buildup of air or fluid within the pneumonectomy space. If the airfluid level has not continued to rise, the cause of the contralateral mediastinal shift is probably a bronchial stump leak ( Fig. 31-23). If the airfluid level has continued to rise, the shift may be caused by hemorrhage, chylothorax, or empyema, with or without a bronchopleural fistula. A drop in the airfluid level indicates that fluid is draining through a chest tube or by thoracentesis, or through a dehiscence of the incision, an opening in the bronchial stump, or a rent in the diaphragm. 186

FIG. 31-23. Pneumonectomy stump leak. A: Immediately after right extrapleural pneumonectomy for malignant mesothelioma, there is elevation of the right diaphragm and a mediastinal shift to the right. The right pneumonectomy space is filled with air, as expected. B: One month later, there are persistent airfluid levels on the right and a new shift of the mediastinum to the left, secondary to a leak at the bronchial stump and bronchopleural fistula.

The mortality rate of pneumonectomy is approximately 6%, with the major causes of death being pneumonia, respiratory failure, pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, bronchopleural fistula, and empyema. 78,142 The incidence of empyema is 2% to 5%, often with associated bronchopleural fistula. 177 In the first postoperative week, empyema is caused by intraoperative soilage or preoperative pleural infection. Delayed onset of empyema is associated with bronchopleural or esophagopleural fistula in half of these patients. New air within the pneumonectomy space, in a previously opacified hemithorax, with contralateral shift of the mediastinum, is suggestive of empyema or bronchopleural fistula and bronchial stump leak. Many of these patients have recurrent tumor, which can be recognized on CT scans as a soft-tissue mass at the site of surgical ligation and soft-tissue deposits studding the periphery of the pneumonectomy space ( Fig. 31-24).

FIG. 31-24. Tumor recurrence after pneumonectomy. A: Less than 1 year after intrapleural pneumonectomy for adenocarcinoma of the left lung, there is an abnormal contralateral shift of the mediastinum, away from the side of surgery. This appearance could represent tumor recurrence, empyema, hemothorax, or chylothorax. B: Computed tomogram shows abnormal soft tissue at the site of the anastomotic clips (arrows), thickening and enhancement of the pleura, and enhancing soft-tissue tumor deposits studding the left pleural surface ( arrowheads). A cytologically confirmed large malignant pleural effusion is also present.

Intrapericardial pneumonectomy can result in cardiac herniation unless the pericardium is closed or patched. This serious complication usually occurs within the first few hours after surgery, and unless the hernia is reduced immediately, the patient usually dies. On the chest radiograph, right-sided herniation is recognized by rotation and displacement of the cardiac apex into the right chest, and left-sided herniation by the development of a new bulge along the left cardiac contour. Esophagopleural fistula that occurs early after pneumonectomy is usually a result of direct injury of the esophagus during lymph-node or pleural dissection. Delayed development of this complication is usually a result of infection, either empyema or mediastinal abscess. 186 The diagnosis is suggested by an enlarging pleural effusion on chest radiography and the presence of food particles in thoracostomy drainage. A rare complication of right pneumonectomy is obstruction of the left main bronchus due to extreme rightward shift and counterclockwise rotation of the mediastinum, which results in compression of the left bronchus between the aorta and the left pulmonary artery. This complication is termed the right pneumonectomy syndrome, and it has occurred from 1 to 37 years after surgery. 176 The diagnosis is suggested on chest radiograph by marked mediastinal shift to the right and inversion of the left diaphragm as a result of air trapping from narrowing of the left bronchus. 186 Lobectomy Lobectomy is performed for bronchogenic carcinoma, severe bullous emphysema, inflammatory processes (including complicated bronchiectasis), and congenital anomalies such as bronchogenic cyst and bronchopulmonary sequestration. The procedure is usually performed with the patient in a decubitus position, through the fourth intercostal space for upper-lobe resection or through the fifth or sixth intercostal space for right-middle-lobe, lingula, or lower-lobe resection. Early postoperative chest radiographs show mediastinal shift toward the side of lobectomy, elevation of the ipsilateral diaphragm, and compensatory hyperinflation of the opposite lung. The appearance of volume loss after lobectomy is similar to that seen with lobar collapse and depends on the lobe that was resected. Bronchopleural fistula and empyema can occur after lobectomy, although less commonly than after pneumonectomy. Other possible complications include atelectasis, pneumonia, hemothorax, and, rarely, lobar torsion. Segmentectomy and Wedge Resection Indications for segmentectomy (resection of a single pulmonary segment) include benign neoplasm, bronchiectasis, lung abscess, pulmonary cyst, metastatic neoplasm, and some malignant lung cancers. 95 A wedge resection, involving removal of a wedge-shaped area of parenchyma without regard for intersegmental planes, is performed for resection of some small peripheral lesions. Anastomotic staple lines can often be identified on the chest radiograph, indicating that a segmental or wedge resection has been performed. Complications are similar to those resulting from lobectomy. Esophageal Surgery Transhiatal esophagogastrectomy is performed for benign esophageal stricture or esophageal carcinoma. The esophagus is replaced with either the stomach or the colon if there has been prior gastric surgery or injury. Complications from this procedure, identified on chest radiography, include pneumothorax (58%), chylothorax (6%), and anastomotic leak with pleural effusion or mediastinitis (6%). Postsurgical lymphocele and intrathoracic bezoar formation can also occur. 147,191 Leaks are

best diagnosed with an esophagram, which shows the site and extent of leak. Lung Volume Reduction Surgery Lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) is currently being performed at designated centers across the United States as part of a multi-institutional study for treatment of severe emphysema. The surgery involves bilateral wedge resections of emphysematous lung, usually through a median sternotomy. Air leaks occur, but they are kept to a minimum through the use of pericardial strips that are applied to the staple line. In patients with centrilobular emphysema, wedge resections are taken from the lung apices, where the least perfused lung is located. In one study, patients undergoing LVRS had 82% improvement in the mean forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and a significant reduction in total lung capacity, residual volume, and trapped gas. 30 These changes were associated with marked relief of dyspnea and improvement in exercise tolerance and quality of life. There are no data comparing the long-term outcome beyond 1 year for patients undergoing LVRS with the natural history of patients with severe emphysema who are treated with conventional medical therapy and pulmonary rehabilitation. The distribution and severity of emphysema on presurgical CT scanning may predict patient improvement after LVRS. 181,215 Compared with chest radiography, CT scanning with 10-mm collimation can better demonstrate the presence, severity and distribution of emphysema. 15,128 Patients with areas of spared lung, which can be recruited after LVRS, are thought to be better suited for this surgery than are patients with homogeneously severe emphysema throughout both lungs and no significantly spared areas. Preliminary data suggest that the distribution of emphysema may prove to be a valid selection criterion for this procedure. Lung Transplantation Since the first successful lung transplantation, performed in 1983, more than 6,900 lung and heart-lung transplantations have been recorded by the Registry of the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation. 86 The most common complications of lung transplantation are reperfusion edema, acute and chronic rejection, infection, airway anastomotic stricture and dehiscence, and post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disease. 124,140,144 Patient mortality is reported to be highest in the immediate postoperative period because of result of pleural bleeding, respiratory infection with or without septicemia, ARDS, pulmonary edema, and multiorgan failure. 27A,43 Single-lung transplantation is the preferred procedure for lung replacement, because fewer donor organs are required compared with heart-lung or bilateral lung transplantation. In addition, the presence of one functioning native lung can be temporarily life-sustaining in patients with acute, potentially fatal complications such as hyperacute hormonal rejection. Cystic fibrosis is the most common indication for bilateral (double-lung) transplantation, because of the incidence of recurrent infections in the native lung after single-lung transplantation and institution of immunosuppression. 86 In single-lung transplantation, the chest is entered through the bed of the fifth rib. This avoids complications of a sternotomy, which is performed for heart-lung and double-lung transplantation. The surgery involves pulmonary artery, bronchial, and donor and recipient left atrial cuff anastomoses. 109 Infection is the leading cause of death in the lung transplantation population, accounting for 48% of early postoperative mortality. 46 Factors that increase susceptibility to infecon include immunosuppression, reduced mucociliary clearance, interruption of lymphatic drainage, and direct and constant contact of the transplant with the environment by means of the airways.43 Bacterial agents predominate in the first month after transplantation, cytomegalovirus infections occur mainly in the second and third months, and fungal infections occur both early and later after transplantation. 43,124,140,151 Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia is uncommon secondary to antibiotic prophylaxis. If cytomegalovirus pneumonia develops, a fulminant course proceeding to respiratory failure and death within a few days may develop. 18 Radiographic findings, when present, are seen almost exclusively in the transplanted lung. 179 Acute rejection may be observed at any point after transplantation; the first episode occurs in the first 7 to 10 days, on occasion as early as 48 hours after transplantation. Most recipients experience two or three significant rejection episodes in the first 3 months. 53 High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the chest is reported to be 65% sensitive and 85% specific in the diagnosis of acute rejection, with ground-glass opacification reported as the only significant HRCT finding 117 (Fig. 31-25). Chest radiographic findings of acute rejection include septal lines and new or increasing pleural effusions, without concomitant increase in cardiac size or vascular pedicle width, with a sensitivity of 68%, a specificity of 90%, and an overall accuracy of 83%. 14

FIG. 31-25. Acute rejection after bilateral lung transplantation. High-resolution computed tomography (CT) shows bilateral ground-glass opacification from severe acute rejection. Cytomegalovirus pneumonia should also be considered with this CT appearance, especially if it has been 2 to 3 months since transplantation, when this type of pneumonia usually occurs.

Reperfusion edema, also referred to as the reimplantation response, is considered a form of noncardiogenic pulmonary edema which is seen within 24 hours after transplantation and resolves over a period of days to months, usually within 1 to 2 weeks. The radiographic appearance ranges from mild perihilar haze to dense consolidation (Fig. 31-26). The condition results from surgical trauma, ischemia, organ preservation, denervation, and lymphatic interruption. 43 The diagnosis is one of exclusion and includes all radiographic changes beginning soon after surgery that are not caused by left ventricular failure, rejection, fluid overload, infection, or atelectasis. 53

FIG. 31-26. Reperfusion edema after left lung transplantation for pulmonary fibrosis. Immediately after surgery, there is diffuse consolidation with air bronchograms involving the left lung transplant. Hyperlucency under the left diaphragm represents a left pneumothorax, and hyperlucency of the right-upper abdomen represents pneumoperitoneum. The patient was receiving extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; the catheter tip is within the right atrium ( arrow). The left lung cleared within 2 weeks.

In patients undergoing single-lung transplantation for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, continued hyperinflation of the native lung can lead to significant mediastinal shift and impairment of ventilation of the transplanted lung. 26 The maximal transplanted lung volume remains small, at 35% of predicted total lung capacity even at 6 months, but eventually contributes 68% of the total ventilation and perfusion even with this restriction. Patients may require insertion of a double-lumen endotracheal tube and institution of differential lung ventilation to restore equal lung inflation and hemodynamic stability. 151 Pleural effusions are common after lung transplantation secondary to impaired fluid clearance through the lymphatics of the visceral pleura. Most effusions develop immediately after surgery and continue for up to 9 days, with output declining steadily during the first week. 97 Pneumothoraces are evident on postoperative radiographs in 60% of patients; they are usually small, bilateral, and apical in location. 25 One death from spontaneous tension pneumothorax after lung transplantation has been reported.136 The risk of lethal airway dehiscence after lung transplantation is estimated at 2% to 3%, and the estimated risk, per anastomosis, for development of any type of airway complication is 12% to 17%. 34,171,175 Debridement of granulation tissue, dilatation, bronchoplasty, stent placement, and retransplantation are treatment options for anastomotic stricture or dehiscence. Chest CT scanning can show focal collections of air adjacent to the anastomosis in cases of dehiscence ( Fig. 31-27) but cannot definitively predict which patients with dehiscence will require intervention. 173 CT with multiplanar reconstruction may be more accurate than thin-section axial CT for demonstration of mild stenosis, the length of a stenosis, and horizontal webs. 158

FIG. 31-27. Bronchial anastomotic dehiscence after bilateral lung transplantation. There is a large focal extraluminal collection of air adjacent to the left bronchial anastomosis (arrow). Bilateral pleural effusions and areas of consolidation and ground-glass opacification are secondary to acute rejection.

Lung torsion is a rare but serious complication that can occur after pulmonary surgery or chest trauma, and torsion of the left upper lobe has been reported after left lung transplantation. 28 The patient developed progressive shortness of breath, hemoptysis, and hypoxemia, and CT scanning showed displacement of the left major fissure, cutoff of the left main stem bronchus, abnormal orientation of the left pulmonary artery, and consolidation of the displaced left upper lobe. Pulmonary embolism occurs with a reported incidence of 12.1% after lung or heart-lung transplantation. 107 The risk of infarction from pulmonary embolism is greatest in the immediate perioperative period, because the newly transplanted lung does not have an alternate blood supply owing to the lack of a bronchial circulation. This complication can be associated with stricture of the pulmonary artery anastomosis. 144 The development of chronic rejection appears to be the major problem in patients surviving longer than 3 months; it occurs in more than 50% of patients. Bronchiolitis obliterans represents the pathologic finding in chronic rejection. The diagnosis is made when a decrease in post-transplantation baseline FEV 1 of 20% or more is documented, or when lung biopsy shows pathologic changes of bronchiolitis obliterans. HRCT findings of bronchiectasis, decreased vascular markings, and air trapping on expiratory scans are associated with bronchiolitis obliterans. 113,124,140 Post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disease, thought to be induced by the Epstein-Barr virus, manifests as a spectrum of lymphoproliferation, from a mild, polyclonal lymphoid hyperplasia to frank lymphoma. 28A Of all transplantation procedures, the disorder occurs most often after lung transplantation, with a prevalence of 8%.5 Intrathoracic involvement is most commonly characterized by the presence of discrete nodules, either solitary or multiple, with or without mediastinal adenopathy.5,38 Orthotopic Cardiac Transplantation Cardiac transplantation is an accepted form of therapy for selected patients with end-stage cardiomyopathy, coronary artery disease, or congenital heart disease. The transplantation technique involves anastomosis of the donor's left atrium to the recipient's left atrial remnant, which receives the recipient's pulmonary veins; anastomosis of the donor's and recipient's right atria; and anastomosis of the main pulmonary arteries and ascending aortas. Remnants of the recipient's right atrium, which are attached to the superior and inferior vena cava, are anastomosed to the donor's right atrium. 80 After heart transplantation, the cardiac silhouette often remains enlarged because of the discrepancy between the transplanted heart and the native pericardium. 70 Other radiographic findings after transplantation include mediastinal widening, left-lower-lobe atelectasis, and pleural effusions. The CT appearance of the chest after heart transplantation has been described. 80 Hyperacute rejection occurs within several hours or days, acute rejection between 2 weeks and 3 months, and chronic rejection between 6 months and several years after transplantation. 3 The radiograph may demonstrate enlargement of the cardiac silhouette, but this is not a sensitive or specific sign for rejection. Endomyocardial biopsy is required for diagnosis, and chest radiography is performed after biopsy to exclude postbiopsy pneumothorax. Pulmonary infections occur in approximately one third of patients within the first several months after transplantation and account for about 40% of postoperative mortality.3 Most of these infections are bacterial, but viral, fungal, and protozoal infections also occur ( Fig. 31-28). Post-transplantation lymphoma after heart transplantation has a similar appearance as after lung transplantation ( Fig. 31-29); in both cases, the treatment includes reduction in immunosuppression and possible surgical resection.

FIG. 31-28. Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis after heart transplantation. Bilateral ill-defined parenchymal masses, with surrounding areas of ground-glass opacification (arrows), are seen on this high-resolution computed tomogram.

FIG. 31-29. Lymphoproliferative disorder after heart transplantation. A well-circumscribed pulmonary nodule is present in the left upper lobe ( arrows), representing large-cell lymphoma. Other smaller nodules were scattered throughout both lungs.

Imaging after Cardiac Surgery Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is the most frequently performed thoracic surgical procedure in the United States, 163 followed by valve replacement. With improved surgical techniques, improved prosthetic valves, and improved postoperative care, the hospital mortality rates for aortic and mitral valve surgery are approximately 3% and 9%, respectively. 92,96,184 Evaluation of the first postoperative chest radiograph includes assessment of all tubes and lines and presence of atelectasis, edema, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or mediastinal bleeding. Most patients leave the operating room with an anterior and possibly a posterior mediastinal drain parallel to the heart, right-angle drainage tubes between the inferior border of the heart and the diaphragm, an additional thoracostomy tube in the pleural space, a central venous catheter in the superior vena cava, epicardial pacing wires, a Swan-Ganz catheter, an ETT, an IABP, numerous mediastinal clips, and sternal wires. 60 Normal placement of these tubes and lines, and their complications, have been described in this chapter. Atelectasis is an expected finding after CABG, occurring most frequently in the left lower lobe. The cause is related to cooling of the phrenic nerve, compression of the left lower lobe by the enlarged heart, and decreased surfactant. Phrenic nerve paresis or paralysis can last for several days or weeks. Pulmonary edema is also expected in the immediate postoperative period, because of increased capillary permeability, hemodilution, and hypervolemia from excess fluid replacement. Small pleural effusions are seen during the first 48 hours as a result of pleural irritation from the surgery, minor hemorrhage, or congestive heart failure. Large effusions suggest intrapleural hemorrhage, a malpositioned central venous catheter within the mediastinum or pleural space, or thoracic duct injury with chylous effusion. Surgical exploration for hemodynamic deterioration or brisk bleeding through the chest tube is required in 2% to 5% of patients. 89 Rapid, acute widening of the mediastinum on the chest radiograph is also an indication for exploration. This finding must be viewed with caution, because significant mediastinal hemorrhage can occur without significant change in mediastinal width, and marked widening of the mediastinum can be seen on the chest radiograph of patients who do not require exploration. 22,99 Pericardial effusion is common after CABG but is usually asymptomatic and of no clinical consequence. 190 CT scanning can detect focal intrapericardial hematomas and differentiate mediastinal from pericardial fluid. Postoperative pericardial defects can result in herniation of the heart through the defect. Radiographic findings of pericarditis, pleuritis, and pneumonitis in various combinations can occur several days to several months after CABG. These findings are part of the postpericardiotomy syndrome, which is usually benign and self-limited and is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs. 41,98 Poststernotomy wound infections occur with a frequency of 0.5% to 1.5%. 19,20,24,169 Goodman and colleagues 58,61 described the CT changes in patients scanned 1 to 2 weeks after uncomplicated median sternotomy: (1) the presternal soft tissues are normal; (2) the anterior and middle mediastinal fat is indistinct or obliterated because of edema, inflammation, or blood; (3) anterior mediastinal focal high-density fluid collections are noted in a significant minority of patients, as are small air bubbles; (4) the mediastinum usually returns to normal by the third or fourth week; (5) pericardial fluid or thickening is common in the first 2 weeks, and the epicardial fat may be indistinct during this time; and (6) the sternum frequently contains gaps of 1 to 3 mm, which close in most patients but may remain open for months or years. Sternal osteomyelitis may be associated with a deeper mediastinal infection. On CT scanning, sternal osteomyelitis appears as demineralization, destruction, and peristernal soft-tissue inflammation. CHAPTER REFERENCES
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Chapter 32 The Mediastinum Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 32 The Mediastinum

Srinivas Tummala and Janet E. Kuhlman

S. Tummala: Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252. J. E. Kuhlman: Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Medical School, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252.

Introduction Anatomy Inflammatory Diseases Miscellaneous Conditions Anterior Mediastinum Lymphoma Germ Cell Tumors Lesions of the Thymus Thyroid Masses Parathyroid Adenoma Middle Mediastinum Lymphadenopathy Mediastinal Cysts Foramen of Morgagni Hernia Vascular Lesions Posterior Mediastinum Neurogenic Tumors Esophageal Lesions Hiatal Hernia Paraesophageal Varices Foramen of Bochdalek Hernia Foregut Cysts Vertebral Lesions Lateral Thoracic Meningoceles Pancreatic Pseudocyst Chapter References Selected Readings

Primary mediastinal tumors affect patients of all ages. They encompass a long list of histologically diverse lesions that can arise from a wide variety of mediastinal structures.10 Over the past 10 years, advances in diagnostic imaging, biopsy techniques, and cytologic techniques have enhanced the physician's ability to localize, identify, and determine the extent of involvement of mediastinal masses. According to Hoffman et al, 10 approximately 50% of mediastinal tumors are discovered incidentally on chest roentgenograms. Such studies provide limited information regarding the morphology and extent of the lesion but are important in localizing the mass to one of the mediastinal compartments, 12 which helps to narrow the diagnostic possibilities. Computed tomography (CT) has proved to be the most efficacious study to evaluate a mediastinal abnormality observed on plain films. It provides excellent contrast discrimination between fat, air, calcification, and soft-tissue structures and eliminates the problem of superimposition of structures seen with the chest radiograph. Furthermore, with the use of intravenous contrast agents, CT can further define vascular structures and better determine the relative vascularity of structures other than vessels.8,10 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), on the other hand, has a limited role compared with CT. In evaluating mediastinal tumors its limitations include decreased spatial resolution, prolonged scanning times, and relatively highcost. 10,12 However, exceptions do exist. MRI allows improved imaging in nonaxial planes, identification of vascular lesions without the use of intravenous contrast material, and somewhat improved soft-tissue differentiation compared with CT. 12,13 In addition, it allows better evaluation of the hila and lung apices without contrast and is clearly superior to CT for evaluation of cardiac and paracardiac masses. 8,10 Anatomy The mediastinum is defined as the space within the thoracic cavity that is bounded anteriorly by the sternum, posteriorly by the vertebral bodies, superiorly by the thoracic inlet, inferiorly by the diaphragm, and laterally by the parietal pleura. 10,21 Anatomically, the mediastinum is divided into compartments by drawing a line from the sternal angle to the fourth thoracic intervertebral space. The area above this line is called the superior compartment, and the area below is called the inferior compartment. The inferior compartment is then further subdivided into anterior, middle, and posterior compartments. From a practical standpoint, however, most clinicians divide the mediastinum into three compartments as viewed on a lateral chest radiograph. The superior compartment is omitted and the anterior, middle, and posterior compartments are defined as extending vertically from the thoracic inlet down to the diaphragm. 3,7,10 Some of the diseases and tumors that can affect these compartments are reviewed here. Inflammatory Diseases Acute Mediastinitis Acute mediastinitis is a rare but life-threatening condition. Survival requires prompt diagnosis and treatment, because mortality can range from 50% to 75% when surgery is delayed. If therapy is instituted within 24 hours of the precipitating event, mortality can be reduced to 25% or less. 3,20 The most common causes are esophageal rupture and postoperative infection related to median sternotomy. 1,8 Esophageal perforation may occur secondary to penetrating chest trauma, esophageal instrumentation (endoscopy, biopsy, dilatation, or stent placement), or ingestion of a foreign body or corrosive substance. In addition, malignancy and Boerhaave's syndrome are additional possibilities. Boerhaave's syndrome is often caused by prolonged vomiting that results in a tear involving the left posterolateral aspect of the esophagus just above the gastroesophageal junction. A less common but still important cause of acute mediastinitis is the spread of infection from adjacent structures, such as the head and neck, lungs, pericardium, and spine. Clinically, the presentation can be dramatic and is characterized by fever, chills, dysphagia, chest pain, and often evidence of septic shock. On chest auscultation, an apical systolic crunching sound, known as Hamman's sign, may be present. 3 Often, the radiographic diagnosis is straightforward. Chest radiography may demonstrate pneumomediastinum, a widened superior mediastinum, or pleural effusions, with the latter two findings present in 66% and 50% of patients, respectively. 3 In Boerhaave's syndrome the pleural effusion commonly occurs on the left, often with left-lower-lobe consolidation. Other features better delineated by CT include obliteration of normal mediastinal fat planes, localized mediastinal fluid collections, and abscess formation. If esophageal perforation is suspected, an esophagram with Gastrografin or a nonionic contrast agent should be performed as soon as possible to detect extravasation of contrast material into the mediastinum and possibly to pinpoint the site of perforation. Brant and Helms 3 stated that the sensitivity of an esophagram

is highest if it is obtained within 24 hours after the perforation occurs. A separate but related topic concerns the complications of median sternotomy. Often, benign postoperative changes are difficult to distinguish from changes caused by acute mediastinitis. For example, on CT, postoperative granulation tissue can appear similar to a retrosternal hematoma or abscess. In addition, the direct effects of a median sternotomy may be impossible to separate from sternal osteomyelitis. 1 Clearly, the history and clinical findings are most helpful in differentiating these conditions. Chronic (Fibrosing) Mediastinitis Chronic fibrosing mediastinitis is an extensive fibrotic reaction involving the mediastinum. It most commonly occurs secondary to histoplasmosis, although other causes include tuberculosis, syphilis, drug (methysergide) therapy, and radiation therapy. 17 Rarely, lymphatic obstruction, nocardia, or sarcoidosis may be responsible. An idiopathic type, potentially autoimmune in nature and sometimes combined with retroperitoneal fibrosis, has been described. 1 The typical patient tends to be between 20 and 40 years of age. The patient may be asymptomatic or present with symptoms related to compression or occlusion of mediastinal structures. These symptoms most commonly include cough (45%), dyspnea or shortness of breath with exertion (42%), and superior vena cava syndrome (39%).17 Other less common findings may include chest pain, recurrent pulmonary infections, hemoptysis, dysphagia, or hoarseness. Radiographically, plain films may be normal or display slight mediastinal widening with preference for the right paratracheal area. If a pulmonary artery is severely compromised, unilateral pulmonary oligemia may be identified. In addition, bronchial, venous, or lymphatic obstruction may lead to atelectasis or pulmonary consolidation. 1 If the cause is histoplasmosis, then mediastinal or hilar lymphadenopathy with popcorn calcifications may be present. At CT, a localized mediastinal soft-tissue mass with calcification or more diffuse soft-tissue thickening throughout the mediastinum may be seen. In a patient with the appropriate clinical history, the diagnosis of fibrosing mediastinitis can be strongly suggested. Often in these instances, tissue sampling may not be required. 1,8,17 A clear advantage of MRI over CT in this disorder is that it can often differentiate adenopathy caused by fibrosing mediastinitis from that caused by malignancy. example, MRI usually demonstrates a signal intensity of the fibrotic tissue on T2-weighted images that is less than that of muscle. In contrast, lymphomas and carcinomas have higher signal intensity than muscle on T2-weighted images. 1,8,9,17 A disadvantage of MRI, however, is that it does not reliably demonstrate calcifications, which, when present, greatly aid in making the diagnosis. Miscellaneous Conditions Mediastinal Lipomatosis Mediastinal lipomatosis is a benign asymptomatic condition that is characterized by excessive accumulation of fat in the mediastinum. It is commonly caused by obesity, Cushing's disease, or exogenous corticosteroids, but in approxi mately 50% of cases there is no predisposing factor. 1,3,6,8 Plain radiographs typically demonstrate a symmetrically widened superior mediastinum with a lobulated border. Unlike tumor or hemorrhage in the mediastinum, there is no tracheal narrowing or deviation. Additional evidence of fat deposition includes enlargement of the epicardial fat pads, thickening of fat along the lateral chest walls, or accumulation in the paraspinal regions. 1,3 CT usually provides the definitive diagnosis, although it should rarely be needed. It demonstrates uniform fat density in the range of 100 Hounsfield units (HU) in the upper mediastinum without evidence of tracheal displacement or compression. 8 Furthermore, if the fat demonstrates heterogeneity (e.g., strands of soft-tissue density within it) or has a higher density than expected, other conditions such as malignancy, hemorrhage, fibrosis, or infection should be considered. Mediastinal Hemorrhage Mediastinal hemorrhage is a condition that usually requires immediate attention. Injury to the mediastinal vessels from blunt or penetrating trauma is the most common cause of this condition. Blunt trauma from a motor vehicle accident usually results in shearing effects at the aortic isthmus. Penetrating trauma, which may be iatrogenic in nature, commonly occurs during attempts at central line placement. The usual nontraumatic causes include bleeding from a coagulopathy or anticoagulant therapy and aortic rupture of a dissection or an aneurysm. Rarely, chronic hemodialysis, radiation vasculitis, or bleeding into a pre-existing mediastinal mass can cause mediastinal hemorrhage.1 Patients may be asymptomatic or present with retrosternal chest pain which may radiate to the back. Often further workup leads to aortography, but CT and MRI also play important diagnostic roles, with the most appropriate study being determined by the clinical situation. Plain films most commonly demonstrate widening of the mediastinum. If the blood is free flowing, it can track along the extrapleural space, giving rise to the so-called apical cap. 1 In addition, the hemorrhage can track along the bronchovascular bundles and give rise to an appearance similar to pulmonary edema. This finding, however, is quite rare. CT usually demonstrates fluid in the mediastinum which may be a localized collection or more diffuse tracking around the aorta and mediastinal vessels. With precontrast scans, high-density areas associated with fresh thrombus can be identified. Occasionally, a hematoma in the mediastinum can be difficult to differentiate from a mediastinal mass on CT. The proper clinical history may clarify this situation. 1


Lymphoma The lymphomas are malignant neoplasms of lymphocytes and histiocytes mixed with non-neoplastic inflammatory cells. 1 They are commonly classified into two types: Hodgkin's (HL) and non-Hodgkin's (NHL). HL comprises approximately 20% to 40% of all lymphomas.3,4 It is differentiated histologically from NHL by the Reed-Sternberg cell. The Rye modification of the Lukes-Butler system divides HL into four subtypes ( Table 32-1).1 According to this system, the nodular sclerosing subtype comprises 40% to 75% of cases and most commonly affects women.1

TABLE 32-1. Subtype of hodgkin's lymphoma (in order of frequency)

Traditionally, patients are staged by the Ann Arbor staging system ( Table 32-2). Under this system patients are further subclassified as A for absence of, or B for presence of, fever, night sweats, weight loss, or pruritus that is not explained by other disease.

TABLE 32-2. Staging of Hodgkin's lymphoma (Ann Arbor classification)

HL has a bimodal age distribution, affecting patients between 25 and 30 years of age and those older than 70 years of age. At presentation, 67% of patients have intrathoracic involvement. 1,4 Of these patients, 90% to 100% have anterior and/or superior mediastinal and hilar adenopathy. 1,4,19 This pattern is the most common manifestation of the nodular sclerosing subtype; peripheral and retroperitoneal adenopathy is more common with the mixed cellularity variant. Typically, multiple lymph node groups in the thorax are affected; this can produce a lobulated appearance on chest radiographs ( Fig. 32-1A,B). This lymph node involvement is characteristically bilateral, with contiguous progression from one lymph node group to the next. Adenopathy of the internal mammary chains can occur, but involvement of these nodes in the absence of lymphadenopathy elsewhere in the chest has not been described. 19 When the anterior/superior mediastinum is involved, invasion to the pleura, pericardium, or anterior chest wall may be seen. Furthermore, 15% to 40% of HL patients have pulmonary involvement, whereas such involvement is much less common in NHL.4,19 Pulmonary involvement can occur by direct extension from involved nodes, or it can take the form of pulmonary nodules that may be either ill- or well-defined. These nodules may be unilateral or bilateral, and they may cavitate. Other associated findings with intrathoracic HL include parenchymal consolidation, pleural effusions, and sternal erosions. 1,8,19 Localized disease is usually treated with radiation therapy, whereas diffuse disease is treated with chemotherapy.

FIG. 32-1. Hodgkin's lymphoma. A: Frontal view shows a large anterior mediastinal mass with a lobulated border bilaterally. It appears to involve mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes. No pulmonary involvement is identified. B: Lateral view shows slight posterior displacement of the trachea by the mass. C: Computed tomography with contrast shows the same anterior mediastinal soft-tissue mass with subtle areas of low attenuation.

NHL is four times more common than HL and represents approximately 3% of all diagnosed cancers in the United States. It is the third most common childhood malignancy.4,8 NHL is more frequently fatal than HL. 1 It encompasses a large variety of diseases of differing histology, prognosis, and treatment. Although there are many classification schemes for NHL, the most commonly used system in the United States is the Working Formulation for Clinical Usage devised by the National Cancer Institute. 1,4 Under this scheme NHL is categorized into three grades (low, intermediate, and high) based on histology and prognosis. 1,20 Patients with low grades usually present with widespread disease, whereas patients with intermediate and high grades usually present with extranodal disease. 1 At present there is no specific staging system for NHL. As a result, the Ann Arbor system is commonly used. Staging is less important in NHL for developing treatment plans, because about 90% of patients at initial presentation have advanced disease of differing stages and are treated similarly. 20 Although a definite cause for NHL has not been identified, there are several predisposing conditions that increase a person's risk. Patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection, organ transplants requiring immunosuppression, or collagen vascular diseases are all at increased risk for NHL. 4,8 This risk can be as high as 40 to 100 times the risk of a normal, healthy person. Also, a secondary NHL (usually large-cell lymphoma) develops in a percentage of patients with treated HL.20 Although NHL can affect persons of any age, the median age at the time of initial diagnosis is 55 years. 8 At presentation, 40% to 43% of patients have intrathoracic disease, with approximately 87% of these patients having mediastinal and hilar lymphadenopathy. 1,3 Although the middle mediastinum is most frequently involved, the posterior mediastinum and cardiophrenic angles can also be affected. Usually, however, the latter two regions are affected when involvement of a single lymph node is the only manifestation of intrathoracic disease. 19 In contrast to HL, NHL tends to appear as a single large, conglomerate nodal mass rather than as individual enlarged nodes. Other common nodal sites of involvement include the lung parenchyma, pleura, and pericardium. 8 In general, lower grades are treated with radiation therapy and higher grades are treated with chemotherapy. Radiographically, CT is the imaging study of choice for diagnosis, staging, and follow-up of patients with lymphoma ( Fig. 32-1C). It can help identify tumor not suspected on plain films, often altering treatment plans. 8 CT offers the advantage of better localization and characterization of the disease process. Furthermore, it can demonstrate compression and involvement of adjacent structures in the mediastinum better than plain films can. Calcification is also more readily apparent with CT. This is important because calcification is uncommon in untreated lymphoma, and its presence should suggest a different diagnosis. However, irregular, eggshell calcifications have been reported in patients with untreated malignant lymphoma. 1 On CT, nodes appear enlarged and demonstrate homogeneous attenuation similar to muscle with little enhancement. Central areas of lower attenuation, indicating necrosis, are present in 21% to 50% of patients with newly diagnosed HL. 19 These necrotic nodes, however, have no prognostic significance. 3,19 CT is commonly used to monitor the response to treatment. Although CT and MRI can both be used to monitor response to therapy, MRI has certain advantages. MRI defines invasion and/or compression of vascular and cardiac structures better than CT without the use of intravenous contrast media. This is a definite advantage in patients with poor renal function or other contraindications to the use of iodinated contrast agents. On T1-weighted images, lymphomatous tissue has a signal intensity equal to or greater than that of muscle but less than that of fat. This signal is usually homogenous, but in larger masses heterogeneous signal is common. On T2-weighted images, signal intensity is greater than that of muscle. These findings are independent of the grade of the tumor. 8 It is important to note, however, that residual disease after treatment usually demonstrates a higher T2 signal than scar or benign fibrous tissue. This is helpful because MRI can help differentiate benign tissue from residual tumor, sometimes obviating the need for further therapy. 1,3,8

Germ Cell Tumors Germ cell tumors are classically divided into seminomatous neoplasms (seminoma) and nonseminomatous neoplasms (teratoma, embryonal cell carcinoma, endodermal sinus tumor or yolk sac tumor, choriocarcinoma). They account for approximately 1% to 3.5% of tumors of the mediastinum. Although most are found in the anterior mediastinum, approximately 10% are in the posterior mediastinum. 3,4 These tumors begin during embryologic development when collections of primitive germ cells arrest in the anterior compartment on their journey to the gonads. 4,11 Because they are histologically indistinguishable from gonadal germ cell tumors, the diagnosis of a primary mediastinal germ cell neoplasm requires exclusion of a primary gonadal tumor with mediastinal metastases. 3 Patients are usually between the ages of 20 and 40 years, with an equal sex distribution. Benign tumors commonly affect women, whereas malignant tumors commonly develop in men (Table 32-3).8,19 Usually, patients with the benign types have normal levels of b-human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and a-fetoprotein, whereas malignant tumors may secrete high levels of either or both. These chemical markers can be used not only to diagnose the disease but also to monitor the effectiveness of therapy. 1 Clinically, these tumors have similar signs and symptoms related to local compression and/or invasion of adjacent structures. 1 Traditionally, CT has played a major role in the workup of mediastinal germ cell tumors, and MRI has been utilized to a very limited extent.

TABLE 32-3. Germ cell tumors

Seminomatous Neoplasms The seminomatous neoplasms (seminomas) are the second most common germ cell tumors, constituting 30% to 50% of germ cell neoplasms. They are the most common primary malignant germ cell tumors.3,4,8 These neoplasms are considered less aggressive than the nonseminomatous tumors. They secrete low levels of HCG and are commonly seen in young men.3 At CT, these neoplasms appear as large masses with sharply demarcated borders. They often have homogenous attenuation but may have interspersed areas of low attenuation, indicating hemorrhage and necrosis ( Fig. 32-2). Chest wall invasion and calcification is uncommon, and these tumors often extend to the left of midline. 1,4,19

FIG. 32-2. Seminoma. A: Frontal view demonstrates a large anterior mediastinal mass projecting to the left of midline, with smooth displacement of the trachea to the right. B: Lateral view confirms the anterior location of the mass in the mediastinum. C: Computed tomography with contrast. There is a large anterior mediastinal soft-tissue mass displacing the trachea and esophagus to the right, with a region of decreased attenuation in the left posterior aspect of the mass. The mass also encases the major vessels originating from the aortic arch.

They are usually treated with radiation alone, which has an 80% cure rate. Recently, cisplatin chemotherapy has proved to be an alternative treatment option for mediastinal seminomas. After treatment there can be a residual mass. If this mass is less than 3 cm in size, there is a low probability that it harbors residual malignant cells. As a result, unless the residual mass is noted to enlarge over time, it can be monitored closely without the need for surgical removal. 8 Nonseminomatous Neoplasms The nonseminomatous mediastinal neoplasms are more aggressive than the seminomatous tumors and secrete high levels of a-fetoprotein (80%) and/or HCG (30%). The teratomas are the most common nonseminomatous tumors and the most common mediastinal germ cell neoplasms. They can be classified into benign and malignant types. The benign varieties are composed of mature tissue elements from more than one embryonic germ cell layer, whereas the malignant varieties are composed of primitive, immature elements from these same layers. The benign variant has been termed a mature teratoma; it is classified histologically as an epidermoid, dermoid, or teratoma depending on the embryonic germ cell layers that are present ( Table 32-4). The malignant variant is called a teratocarcinoma; it can contain elements of seminoma, embryonal cell carcinoma, endodermal sinus tumor, choriocarcinoma, and sarcoma. 1,4

TABLE 32-4. Histologic classification of the mature teratoma1,4

The benign or mature teratoma can be found at any age but is particularly common in young women. The benign teratomas are asymptomatic and usually are discovered incidentally on plain-film chest radiographs or CT scans. On radiographs, they appear as large, well-demarcated, rounded masses in the anterior mediastinum. These tumors are located in front of the roots of the aorta and main pulmonary artery and project mainly to one side of the midline. 1,19 Calcification, ossification, or even teeth may be visible on radiographs. On CT, they usually appear as large, cystic masses that may contain elements from the different embryonic germ cell layers (Fig. 32-3). When ectodermal derivatives such as skin, sebaceous material, hair, and calcification predominate, they are known as benign cystic teratomas or dermoid cysts. They often have a thick, encapsulated wall that may enhance and may contain curvilinear calcification. 1,19 Approximately 50% contain fat or material with attenuation like that of fat. 19 Rarely, the cyst ruptures into the pericardium or pleura, in which case a fatfluid level may be present. The presence of a fatfluid level or fat within the mass makes the diagnosis almost certain. 1

FIG. 32-3. Teratoma. Computed tomography with contrast in this young female patient reveals a large cystic and solid mass with fat, fluid, and calcification within it. Note the shift of the mediastinal structures to the left. This mass involves not only the anterior but also the middle and posterior compartments.

The malignant teratomas, or teratocarcinomas, are also found in young adults, but they are much more common in men. The great majority are symptomatic. The plain-film findings are similar to those of benign teratomas except that the mass is often more lobulated in outline, rarely has calcification, and never has fat density. The malignant forms grow rapidly and frequently metastasize to the lungs, bones, or pleura. At CT, the typical mass has an irregular border with a thick capsule that enhances with intravenous contrast. The adjacent mediastinal fat planes usually are obliterated, and extensive local invasion is common. These tumors tend to be less cystic and have a more homogenous appearance, with interspersed areas of enhancement and low attenuation indicating hemorrhage and necrosis. These neoplasms are treated with cisplatin chemotherapy followed by surgical resection of residual tumor, if present. Patients with this type of tumor have a 50% survival rate after such treatment. 1,3,8 Lesions of the Thymus

The normal thymus lies in a retrosternal location behind the manubrium. It is commonly seen anterior to the proximal ascending aorta and distal superior vena cava. In the newborn it usually is larger than the heart; in older children it may often extend inferiorly to occupy the space anterior to the heart. 8,19 The size of the normal thymus is largest between 12 and 19 years of age. 19 The shape of a normal thymus is variable and has been described as resembling an arrowhead in 62% of patients, bilobar in 32%, and consisting of only one lobe in 6% of patients. 2,19 It typically has an approximately symmetrical shape, with the left lobe usually larger than the right lobe. 1 These lobes commonly connect in the midline, each lobe being surrounded by a fibrous capsule. 19 On chest radiographs, the diagnosis of a normal thymus may be suggested by a change in size and shape of the anterior mediastinal mass on inspiration and expiration. On CT the normal thymus conforms to the space anterior to the great vessels, and its attenuation is in the range of +30 HU. 19 In addition, the normal thymus undergoes fatty infiltration with age. 8 CT typically allows detection of the normal thymus in 83% of subjects younger than 50 years of age and 17% of subjects older than 50 years of age. 19 On MRI, normal thymic tissue has a homogenous signal similar to that of muscle on T1-weighted images and a signal intensity greater than muscle on T2-weighted spin-echo sequences. Thymic Hyperplasia Thymic hyperplasia is the most common anterior mediastinal mass in the pediatric age group up to puberty. Histologically, there is hyperplasia of the germinal centers. This lesion is often seen in association with hyperthyroidism, myasthenia gravis, acromegaly, or Addison's disease. 4,19 On the other hand, a form of thymic hyperplasia termed rebound hyperplasia occurs in children and young adults who are recovering from severe illness such as burns, after treatment for Cushing's syndrome, or after chemotherapy. The thymus may regrow more than 50% above normal transiently, and steroid treatment has been shown to reduce the size of this hyperplastic gland. 4,19 At CT there is diffuse, symmetrical enlargement of the gland. The gland conforms to the shape of adjacent structures, and its attenuation remains equal to or slightly greater than that of the surrounding chest wall musculature. 1,19 According to Stark and Bradley, 18 there appears to be no specific MRI signal pattern for thymic hyperplasia. Thymic Cyst Thymic cysts represent 1% to 2% of all mediastinal masses and are usually encountered in children. They are usually simple cysts (unilocular or multilocular); they can be congenital (persistence of thymopharyngeal duct), inflammatory, neoplastic, or postoperative in origin. 1,4,8,19 Thymic cysts may also be found within thymomas, thymic germ cell tumors, and in patients who have been treated for Hodgkin's disease with mediastinal radiation or chemotherapy. 1,4,19 They are commonly asymptomatic, but some patients may experience pleuritic chest pain if hemorrhage into the cyst occurs. 4,19 On plain films, thymic cysts are difficult to differentiate from other nonlobulated thymic masses. At CT, thymic cysts have the appearance of other fluid-filled cysts with water attenuation. If hemorrhage occurs, attenuation may be increased and calcification in the wall of the cyst may be seen. 1,19 On MRI, thymic cysts commonly have low signal on T1-weighted images and homogenous high signal on T2-weighted images, characteristic of fluid. If hemorrhage into the cyst occurs, the thymic mass may demonstrate increased signal intensity on both T1- and T2-weighted images. 1,8,18 Thymolipoma Thymolipomas are rare tumors that occur in patients from 3 to 60 years of age. These masses contain fat and normal thymic tissue and can grow to a very large size before becoming symptomatic (50% of patients have chest pain, cough, or dyspnea). 1,4,8 Because of their high fat content, thymolipomas usually mold to the adjacent mediastinal structures and diaphragm. 1,4 On chest plain films they may be mistaken for cardiomegaly or lung collapse. 1 CT demonstrates the fatty nature of the mass along with interspersed residual thymic tissue. On MRI, the fatty mass shows a signal intensity that parallels that of subcutaneous fat on all pulse sequences. 1,8,18 Thymoma

Thymomas are the most common primary neoplasms of the anterior mediastinum.4,8,18,19 They arise from both the epithelial and the lymphocytic components of the thymus gland. Traditionally, thymomas have been classified pathologically into four types: encapsulated thymoma (intact fibrous capsule), locally invasive thymoma, metastasizing thymoma (benign cytologic appearance with pleural and pulmonary parenchymal seeding), and thymic carcinoma (frankly malignant histology and worse prognosis than other thymomas).1,4,8,19 Approximately 30% to 35% of thymomas are malignant, as defined by invasion into adjacent mediastinal fat and fascia.1,4,19 These tumors commonly occur in patients older than 40 years of age, with 70% occurring in the fifth or sixth decade. 1,4,8 They are unusual before the age of 20 years and are equally common in male and female patients. 1,19 Thymomas are classically asymptomatic. When symptoms do occur, they may be a result of local mediastinal compression, or they may be related to several associated parathymic syndromes. For example, 30% of patients with thymoma have myasthenia gravis, and 10% to 15% of those with myasthenia gravis have thymoma. Other hematologic disorders such as red blood cell aplasia and hypogammaglobulinemia have been reported.1,4,8,19 Radiographically, thymomas are usually found in the anterior mediastinum anterior to the ascending aorta above the right ventricular outflow tract and main pulmonary artery (Fig. 32-4A, B). They may be situated as low in the mediastinum as the cardiophrenic angles, and they usually extend to one side of the midline. On CT, benign thymomas are typically well-demarcated masses with homogenous density and uniform contrast enhancement ( Fig. 32-4C). They may have areas of decreased attenuation (fibrosis, cysts, hemorrhage, or necrosis) and punctate or ring-like calcification. 1,4,8,19 On the other hand, malignant thymomas demonstrate heterogenous attenuation and may obliterate adjacent mediastinal fat planes. In addition, CT may detect pleural spread, which is seen as nodular masses against the mediastinal pleura, as well as pericardial seeding. 1,8 A sheet of neoplastic tissue may extend outward from the primary tumor, or drop metastases may occur at a distance from the primary lesion. 1,8,19 Experience with MRI suggests that it does not provide any additional diagnostic specificity beyond CT because there are no specific MRI signal characteristics for the various cell types. 1,18

FIG. 32-4. Thymoma. A and B: Frontal and lateral views show a subtle anterior mediastinal mass. C: Computed tomography with contrast shows a well-demarcated, round mass abutting the ascending aorta with uniform contrast enhancement and a focal area of decreased attenuation along the right lateral circumference of the mass.

Thyroid Masses Intrathoracic thyroid masses usually represent a multinodular (substernal) goiter, a thyroid adenoma, or, infrequently, a thyroid carcinoma. 1 These masses commonly extend down from the superior mediastinum into the anterior mediastinum with their vascular supply. 1,4,8 In contrast, ectopic thyroid tissue (i.e., without a connection to the cervical thyroid gland) in the anterior mediastinum is uncommon. 1,8 In the literature, there have been cases of mediastinal goiters thought to be separate from the cervical thyroid gland radiologically, but the majority of these masses were found to have a fibrous connection at surgery. 8 Diagnostically, demonstration of this connection provides an important feature differentiating thyroid masses from other mediastinal tumors. Intrathoracic Multinodular (Substernal) Goiter The substernal goiter represents approximately 10% of all mediastinal masses. Pathologically, most are multinodular. 19 In approximately 75% to 80% of cases, these masses are found in the anterior mediastinum; the remainder are found in the posterior mediastinum. 4,19 Patients are usually asymptomatic, but symptoms related to tracheal, esophageal, and recurrent laryngeal nerve compression can occur. 4 Radiographically, intrathoracic multinodular goiters may have a well-defined, lobulated appearance. These masses commonly displace and/or narrow the trachea. They may be located anterior or lateral to the trachea and at times are found posterior to the trachea, often separating the trachea and esophagus ( Fig. 32-5A, B).1,19 Although the latter situation is seen with bronchogenic cysts and anteriorly located leiomyomas of the esophagus, it is almost never seen with other mediastinal masses.1

FIG. 32-5. Substernal goiter. A: There is a right paratracheal mass causing left displacement of the trachea. B: The lateral view shows that the mass is also posterior to the trachea. C through E: Computed tomography without contrast at three contiguous levels shows a well-demarcated mass originating from the right lobe of the thyroid and extending into the middle and posterior mediastinum. Note the flocculent calcifications.

At CT, calcification with a nodular, curvilinear, or circumferential configuration may be seen ( Fig. 32-5C through E).1,4,19 Before administration of an intravenous contrast agent, the attenuation of the mass is usually greater than +100 HU. Afterward, because thyroid tissue concentrates iodine, these masses have marked and prolonged enhancement often lasting for longer than 2 minutes. 1,4,8,19 On MRI, T1-weighted images may show a signal intensity similar to that of muscle, with areas of low and high signal intensity representing cystic and hemorrhagic areas. T2-weighted images, on the other hand, typically demonstrate heterogeneous signal intensity, with higher intensity in the cystic portions of the mass. 1,8 Intrathoracic Thyroid Carcinoma

Primary thyroid cancer in the anterior mediastinum is quite rare. As previously stated, if it is present it is usually an extension of a thyroid malignancy in the neck. 1,3,19 Patients are usually symptomatic, often reflecting the rapid growth of these masses. It is seldom possible to distinguish between benign and malignant masses at CT or MRI, because malignant masses may be well- or ill-defined and may have areas of calcification or hemorrhage, identical to benign thyroid masses. 1 After intravenous contrast administration, however, primary thyroid cancer usually demonstrates a pattern of peripheral and inhomogeneous enhancement. Of course, lymphadenopathy and invasion of the adjacent mediastinal fat or chest wall suggest malignancy. 19 Parathyroid Adenoma Ectopic parathyroid glands are found in approximately 10% to 22% of the population. 4,8,19 This ectopic tissue is found most commonly in the anterior mediastinum (62% to 81%) and less commonly in the posterior mediastinum (20%). 4,8,19 In approximately 2% of the population, the parathyroid glands fail to separate from the thymus gland in the neck and descend into the anterosuperior mediastinum with this gland. 3 Less commonly, the glands originate in the chest. 19 In one third of cases, these ectopic parathyroid glands are found in patients with persistent hypercalcemia after routine neck exploration and parathyroidectomy. 3,8 This persistent biochemical abnormality is usually caused by an adenoma that has arisen from the ectopic parathyroid gland. Rarely, it is secondary to hyperplastic glands or a parathyroid carcinoma. 3 Parathyroid adenomas greater than 2 cm in diameter usually can be detected by CT. 1,3,8,19 Smaller parathyroid adenomas are difficult to differentiate from normal lymph nodes. 1,19 On MRI, these masses have a low signal intensity on T1-weighted images and a high signal intensity on T2-weighted images. 8,18

Lymphadenopathy Lymphadenopathy is a common finding in the middle mediastinum. It can be caused by malignancy, infection (tuberculous, fungal, viral, bacterial), and disorders such as Castleman's disease, angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy, and sarcoidosis. 1,3 Chest radiography is usually the first imaging study to detect enlarged lymph nodes in the mediastinum. According to Armstrong and colleagues, 1 mediastinal widening is apparent only if these lymph nodes are larger than 2 cm in short-axis diameter. Furthermore, this applies only to lymph nodes found in the right paratracheal area, the aortopulmonary window, the hilar regions, or the paravertebral areas. Lymph nodes of the same size found in the left paratracheal, pretracheal, subcarinal, and paracardiac regions often are not visible. Occasionally, calcification within a node may be detected. 1,3 Since its introduction, CT has proved to be more sensitive than plain-film radiography for the detection and evaluation of lymph nodes in the mediastinum. Typically, nodes measuring 1 cm or larger in short-axis diameter are considered abnormal. CT, however, is unable to distinguish between benign inflammatory nodes and those involved by malignancy. 1,3 Often, the administration of an intravenous contrast agent can help to differentiate vessels from lymph nodes. At present, MRI provides information comparable to that yielded by CT. It does, however, have certain advantages and disadvantages. As previously described, MRI allows imaging in various planes, easy distinction between vascular and soft-tissue structures, excellent contrast resolution between mediastinal nodes and fat, and better delineation of the hila without the use of intravenous contrast media. 1,3,8,10 However, as with CT, attempts at differentiating benign from malignant tissue in lymph nodes with MRI have been unsuccessful. 1,3,12,13 Other major limitations of MRI include decreased spatial resolution, prolonged scanning times, relatively high cost, and the inability to detect nodal calcification. 1,3,10,12 Castleman's Disease Castleman's disease, or giant lymph node hyperplasia, is an idiopathic cause of massive lymphadenopathy. Affected persons can be of any age but most frequently are young adults. 1,4 Although this disease can be multifocal and affect extrathoracic lymph nodes, it usually appears as a solitary mass in the middle/posterior mediastinum or hilar regions that may extend into the neck or retroperitoneum. 1,3,4,20 Traditionally, Castleman's disease has been separated into two types. The hyaline vascular type is the more common, occurring in 80% to 90% of cases. Patients are usually asymptomatic but may have a refractory microcytic anemia. 1,4 The plasma cell type occurs in 10% to 20% of cases. Patients may have fever, fatigue, anemia, hypergammaglobulinemia, and/or an elevated sedimentation rate. 1,4 Plain radiographs commonly show a large, well-demarcated, lobulated mass of lymph nodes that is often difficult to differentiate from lymphoma. 1,4 On CT, the mass is well defined and may have spotty central calcification. In addition, because of the vascular nature of these masses, CT and angiography frequently demonstrate intense uniform contrast enhancement. 1,3 MRI usually shows these same features.1 Angioimmunoblastic Lymphadenopathy Angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy is another form of lymph node hyperplasia that usually affects patients older than 50 years of age. 1,3 These patients may have constitutional symptoms, generalized lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, a skin rash, hypergammaglobulinemia, and a Coombs' testpositive hemolytic anemia.1,3 Affected patients may also manifest signs of immunodeficiency similar to the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). 3 In addition, up to one third may develop lymphoma or even succumb to opportunistic infections such as Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia or cytomegalovirus.1,3 Radiologic imaging most commonly demonstrates paratracheal, anterior mediastinal, or hilar lymph node enlargement with contrast enhancement as a result of their vascular nature. 3 In addition, patients may rarely have a reticulonodular parenchymal lung pattern, pulmonary nodules, and sometimes pleural effusions. 1 Mediastinal Cysts The term mediastinal cyst includes cysts of bronchogenic, esophageal, pericardial, and neurenteric origin. Bronchogenic, esophageal, and neurenteric cysts are classified embryologically as foregut cysts. Because bronchogenic and pericardial cysts frequently arise in the middle mediastinum, they are discussed in this section. Esophageal and neurenteric cysts are discussed in the section covering the posterior mediastinum, their most common site of origin. 1 Bronchogenic Cyst Bronchogenic cysts (bronchial cysts) are the most common type of intrathoracic foregut cyst. 4 They result from anomalous budding or branching of the tracheobronchial tree during development. 1,3,4 For these cysts to be classified as bronchogenic in origin, they must be lined by a columnar respiratory epithelium and contain seromucous glands. 1,3,4 Bronchogenic cysts are most commonly found in the middle mediastinum, usually in the region of the carina. Much less commonly, they are located in the lung parenchyma and may have a systemic arterial supply, in which case they may represent a form of pulmonary sequestration. 1,3,4 In children, these cysts occasionally compress or displace the trachea, bronchi, or esophagus, resulting in symptoms such as stridor, wheezing, or dysphagia. 1,3 In adult patients they usually are asymptomatic. On plain chest radiographs, bronchogenic cysts are well-defined, smooth, round masses located in the middle mediastinum near the carina, more commonly on the right (Fig. 32-6A, B).3,4

FIG. 32-6. Bronchogenic cyst. A and B: A well-defined, smoothly marginated, round mass is located in the right posterior mediastinum ( arrows). C: Computed tomography with contrast shows that the mass has homogenous attenuation of near-fluid density with a thin, smooth wall. It is located near the carina in the azygoesophageal recess.

On CT, a cystic structure that molds to the surrounding bronchovascular structures usually is demonstrated. These cysts should have a smooth or lobulated thin wall and may be unilocular or multilocular (see Fig. 32-6C).1 Rim calcification and milk of calcium within the cyst have been described but are uncommon. 1,3 Bronchogenic cysts are usually stable in size unless they are complicated by infection or hemorrhage, and the contents of the cyst should be near water density, with a range of 10 to +10 HU.1,3 MRI usually does not offer any advantage over CT for defining the morphology of the mass. 1 Typically, bronchogenic cysts have a low signal intensity on T1-weighted images and a high signal intensity on T2-weighted images. If the cystic contents are proteinaceous or bloody, then the T1-weighted images may demonstrate a uniform high signal. 1,3,18 Pericardial Cyst Pericardial cysts are the result of an abnormal outpouching of the parietal pericardium. 1,3 They can result from a defect in embryogenesis or as a sequela of pericarditis. 4 Pericardial cysts are usually lined by a single layer of mesothelial cells, are unilocular, and contain a clear serous fluid. 1 These cysts are typically discovered in patients aged 30 to 40 years and are usually asymptomatic. 1,4 However, one third of patients can have symptoms such as chest pain, cough, and dyspnea.1,4 Imaging studies frequently demonstrate a well-defined, round or oval mass, most commonly located in the anterior cardiophrenic angles (75%), with the majority located on the right. 1,3,4 Although this is a common location for a pericardial cyst, other considerations include a diaphragmatic hernia, an epicardial fat pad, lymphadenopathy, or a pseudoaneurysm involving a coronary artery bypass graft ( Fig. 32-7). A small proportion (20% to 25%) of pericardial cysts arise more superiorly in the mediastinum. 1,3,4 Occasionally, pericardial cysts extend into the major interlobar fissure, in which case they have a teardrop or pear shape on lateral chest radiographs.4 CT typically demonstrates a unilocular, cystic mass adjacent to the heart that has contents of almost water density. 1,3 Although MRI rarely is needed to make a diagnosis, it will reveal findings characteristic of a simple cyst. 1,3,18

FIG. 32-7. Pseudoaneurysm of coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). A and B: Frontal and lateral views reveal a right anterior cardiophrenic angle mass in this patient after CABG. Also noted are bilateral pleural effusions. C: Computed tomography with contrast shows the CABG pseudoaneurysm in the right anterior cardiophrenic angle, with mural thrombus noted within the graft.

Foramen of Morgagni Hernia A Morgagni hernia (1% to 2% of all congenital diaphragmatic hernias) is usually located in the anterior mediastinum but occasionally appears as a middle mediastinal mass. This herniation occurs through a defect in the parasternal portion of the diaphragm known as the foramen of Morgagni or space of Larrey. 1,3,4 and 5 These hernias commonly occur in association with obesity, trauma, or other causes of increased intra-abdominal pressure and are almost always on the right. 3,5 Herniation on the left is thought to be prevented by the pericardium. 1,5 Although liver, transverse colon, and small bowel may be found in the hernia, most frequently omental fat is the only structure present. 3,4 These hernias typically affect older children and adults and are often asymptomatic, although some patients may experience dyspnea, cough, nonspecific gastrointestinal symptoms, and sternal discomfort. 1 Plain chest radiographs often demonstrate a right-sided mass in the cardiophrenic angle. This opacity is usually of soft-tissue density and may be poorly or well defined. The diagnosis is definite if gas-filled bowel is visualized in the mediastinum. Not infrequently, however, gas-filled bowel is not visualized, and a contrast examination such as a barium enema may be necessary for diagnosis. 1,5 At CT, visualization of omental vessels within a fatty paracardiac mass is usually pathognomonic. 3,5 Coronal MRI sometimes helps to differentiate this entity from partial eventration of the hemidiaphragm by demonstrating the diaphragmatic defect. Vascular Lesions Congenital and acquired abnormalities of the heart and great vessels are commonly found in the middle mediastinum. They are not discussed in this chapter.

Many masses can arise within or extend into the posterior mediastinum. These include neurogenic tumors, esophageal masses, bowel (foramen of Bochdalek hernia), foregut cysts, vertebral lesions, lateral thoracic meningoceles, and pancreatic pseudocysts. Neurogenic Tumors The neurogenic tumors are classified according to their tissue of origin. Thery are organized into three major groups: those arising from the intercostal nerves (neurofibroma, schwannoma), from the sympathetic ganglia (ganglioneuroma, ganglioneuroblastoma, and neuroblastoma), and from the paraganglionic cells

(chemodectoma, pheochromocytoma). In adults, approximately 6% to 28% of neurogenic tumors are malignant, whereas in children this number is 50% to 60%. 10 Intercostal Nerve Tumors The two most common neurogenic tumors of the mediastinum are the schwannoma (neurilemoma) and the neurofibroma, with the former being more common.1,10 Although most of these tumors arise from the intercostal nerves, these masses can occasionally originate from the phrenic or vagus nerves. 1 When they arise near the spine, these neoplasms may extend through a neural foramen. Because the tumor is narrowed as it passes through the foramen, it assumes a dumbbell configuration, hence the term dumbbell tumor. 1,10 Although they are frequently discussed, they comprise fewer than 5% of cases. 1 Patients afflicted by an intercostal nerve tumor are usually young adults older than 20 years of age. These tumors may be solitary or multiple and in the latter case may be associated with neurofibromatosis type I. 1,3,10 Although most of these tumors are benign, malignant degeneration of a schwannoma occurs in 10% of cases.3,10,14 Radiologically, intercostal nerve tumors appear as well-defined, oval or round paravertebral soft-tissue masses ( Fig. 32-8).1,3,8 They typically maintain an acute angle with the vertebral column and posterior mediastinum. 1,3 In addition, they tend to be centered on an exit neural foramen or against the posterior chest wall. These tumors may erode the adjacent vertebral bodies or ribs and may even widen the intervertebral neural foramen. 1,3,8 Infrequently, curvilinear or diffuse calcification may be seen in the wall. 1

FIG. 32-8. Neurofibroma. A and B: Frontal and lateral projections of the chest show a well-defined, oval-shaped, right paravertebral soft-tissue-density mass. The lateral view clearly depicts the location of the mass in the posterior mediastinum.

On CT, the intercostal nerve tumors usually have lower attenuation than skeletal muscle because of their high proportion of lipids, interstitial fluid, and cystic degeneration. 8 On MRI, most schwannomas are of low to intermediate signal intensity on T1-weighted images and of inhomogeneous high signal intensity on T2-weighted images.1,13,18 Neurofibromas, on the other hand, may show a target pattern, with a differing signal intensity in the central portion of the tumor relative to the peripheral portion. On T2-weighted images, a low-intensity center is surrounded by high intensity in the periphery. 1,18 Sympathetic Ganglia Tumors Although the sympathetic ganglia tumors arise primarily in the adrenal gland, the mediastinum is the second most common location. 8 These tumors form a spectrum of disease and are classified into three main types based on their histologic composition. At the benign end of the spectrum is the ganglioneuroma, which occurs in patients from 1 to 50 years old but typically in children older than 10 years of age. 1,3,8,10,13 It usually attains a large size before symptoms occur. 10 The ganglioneuroblastoma is an intermediate tumor that contains elements of both benign ganglioneuromas and malignant neuroblastomas. 1,3,8,10,13 The peak incidence of this tumor is at 5 to 10 years of age. 13 At the malignant end of the spectrum is the neuroblastoma. It is the most common mediastinal tumor found in children younger than 5 years of age. 3,18 By the time of diagnosis, more than 50% have metastasized. 10 As a result, patients may be free of symptoms, or they may present with signs related to disseminated disease. 13 Frequently, the sympathetic ganglia tumors produce catecholamines. 3 Radiographically, these tumors typically appear as elongated, vertically oriented paravertebral soft-tissue masses with a broad area of contact with the posterior mediastinum (Fig. 32-9).3 They have a tapered interface with the adjacent chest wall or mediastinum, and their epicenter is against the vertebral body. 1 Erosion of adjacent vertebral bodies and ribs can occur, and the calcification seen in approximately 25% of cases is a helpful diagnostic feature. 3 This calcification tends to be dense and coarse in ganglioneuromas and ganglioneuroblastomas and finely stippled in neuroblastomas. 1

FIG. 32-9. Ganglioneuroma. A and B: Frontal view shows a large left paravertebral mass with a broad area of contact with the posterior mediastinum and a vertical diameter greater than the transverse diameter, both characteristics of this tumor. Note the significant displacement of the trachea and heart to the right as well as the dense calcification in the inferior and left aspect of the mass. C and D: Axial T1-weighted images after injection of gadolinium contrast medium show an enhancing ganglioneuroma in the left paravertebral location with tumor extension into the spinal canal ( arrows).

CT demonstrates features similar to those of the intercostal nerve tumors. On MRI, ganglioneuromas may have a whorled appearance, corresponding to the whorls of collagenous fibrous tissue and neural tissue present in these tumors. 1 Paraganglionic Cell Tumors Paraganglionic cell tumors arising in the mediastinum represent only 2% of thoracic neural masses. 1,8,16 Although most are located in the anterior and middle mediastinum, approximately 25% arise in the posterior mediastinum. 3 Paraganglionic cell neoplasms are divided into chemodectomas and pheochromocytomas. Mediastinal chemodectomas are nonfunctioning tumors that arise in the aortopulmonary window. They arise from the chemoreceptor tissue around the aortic arch,

vagus nerve, and pulmonary artery. 10 Clinically, patients usually have signs and symptoms related to mass effect. 10 Pheochromocytomas can be functioning or nonfunctioning. Most originate in the adrenal gland, but a small proportion can be found in the posterior mediastinum (2%) or in or around the heart or pericardium. 1,3,4 When located in the mediastinum, only 50% to 66% of these neoplasms secrete catecholamines. 1,3,10 Therefore, patients with functioning tumors present with signs and symptoms related to catecholamine excess, such as paroxysmal hypertension, headaches, perspiration, and palpitations. 20 Paraganglionic cell tumors are radiographically indistinguishable from the other neurogenic tumors. Angiography usually reveals enlarged feeding vessels, abnormal vessels within the tumor, and an intense tumor blush. Radioiodine metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) scanning shows increased activity in functioning neoplasms and has proved to be an excellent method for detecting functioning extra-adrenal pheochromocytomas. 1,3,8,18 On MRI, pheochromocytomas demonstrate signal intensity similar to that of muscle on T1-weighted images, and a high signal intensity on T2-weighted images. The MRI findings of mediastinal chemodectomas have not been described adequately in the literature. 1 Esophageal Lesions Many lesions of the intrathoracic esophagus can manifest as posterior mediastinal masses. These include neoplasms, duplication cysts, diverticula, diffuse dilatation, hiatal hernias (sliding and paraesophageal), and paraesophageal varices. Esophageal Carcinoma Esophageal carcinoma represents approximately 4% to 10% of all gastrointestinal malignancies. 4 There are numerous predisposing factors, including excessive alcohol consumption; tobacco use; ingested carcinogens (nitrates, smoked opiates); mucosal damage (hot tea, lye ingestion, chronic achalasia); and gastroesophageal reflux (Barrett's esophagus). 4,5,20 If the gastroesophageal junction is excluded, squamous cell carcinoma is the most common cell type (95%); adenocarcinoma usually represents the remainder of cases and is typically seen in Barrett's esophagus. 3,4 and 5 At presentation most subjects complain of progressive dysphagia and weight loss. This dysphagia usually begins with solids and then gradually progresses to include semisolids and liquids. 5,20 Other manifestations include substernal chest pain with fullness, hoarseness, anemia, and pulmonary complications such as aspiration pneumonia. 5 The esophagus does not have a serosa, and therefore direct extension of the tumor into the paraesophageal tissues is common. By the time symptoms develop, the prognosis is dismal. 3,5,20 Radiographically, plain films may demonstrate a widened mediastinum caused by the tumor itself or by a dilated esophagus proximal to an obstructing lesion. An airfluid level may be seen in the latter case ( Fig. 32-10A, B). Other plain-film findings include an abnormal azygoesophageal line, thickening of the tracheoesophageal stripe, and tracheal compression and deviation. 3,5 Traditionally, contrast studies have been used to identify and characterize neoplasms involving the esophagus.5,8,20 In early esophageal cancer, contrast studies demonstrate a flat, plaque-like lesion, frequently with central ulceration. As the cancer progresses, luminal irregularities may develop, indicating mucosal damage. 5 In advanced stages, the lesion may encircle the lumen completely (annular constriction), resulting in partial or complete obstruction. 5

FIG. 32-10. Esophageal cancer (poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma). A: Frontal view shows a large mass in the middle and posterior mediastinal compartments, with an airfluid level along the right side of the posterior mediastinum. B: Lateral view confirms the location of the mass and depicts the smooth anterior bowing of the trachea. C: Computed tomography with contrast demonstrates a large, heterogenous, lobulated mass with ulceration and displacement of the esophagus ( arrow). The mass also displaces the trachea anteriorly and to the right, encases the left subclavian artery, and abuts the left common carotid artery.

CT is the single most accurate method for preoperative staging of patients with esophageal carcinoma (see Fig. 32-10C).8,20 It can demonstrate an intraluminal mass, thickening of the esophageal wall, loss of fat planes between the esophagus and adjacent structures, and nodal spread to regional, celiac, and gastrohepatic ligament nodes.3,5,8,20 Although there is limited experience with MRI in esophageal carcinoma, its multiplanar capabilities may better define the relationship of the esophageal mass to adjacent structures such as the pericardium, left atrium, subcarinal soft tissues, left main stem bronchus, and posterior aspect of the trachea. 18 Esophageal Duplication Cysts These cysts are discussed later, in the section on Foregut Cysts. Esophageal Diverticula Esophageal diverticula are commonly acquired lesions that are classified according to their site of occurrence, in the upper, middle, or distal esophagus. They are further categorized into pulsion (false) and traction (true) diverticula. 5,7 Pulsion or false diverticula are commonly caused by increased intraluminal pressure resulting in herniation of the submucosa and mucosa through the esophageal musculature. 4,5,7 Traction or true diverticula, on the other hand, contain all layers of the esophageal wall. They result from an adjacent inflammatory, infectious, or postsurgical process that adheres to the esophagus and pulls the wall outward as healing and contraction occur. 4,5,7 Diverticula affecting the upper (cervical) esophagus typically do not appear as posterior mediastinal masses. Rarely, however, a large pulsion diverticulum, known as a Zenker's diverticulum, can extend downward through the thoracic inlet and appear as a posterior mediastinal mass. 5 This diverticulum originates from the posterior aspect of the pharyngoesophageal junction at the C5-C6 level in an area known as Killian's triangle. 7 This triangle is a point of anatomic weakness between the oblique fibers of the thyropharyngeus muscle and the more horizontal fibers of the cricopharyngeus muscle. 5,7 Upright chest radiographs may show an airfluid level within this mass; esophagram studies demonstrate a saccular outpouching connected to the posterior aspect of the esophagus by a narrow neck. 3,4 and 5 Diverticula located in the middle (thoracic) esophagus are classified as interbronchial or interaorticobronchial diverticula. 5,7 The interbronchial diverticula are almost always of the traction type and usually arise from the right anterolateral wall of the esophagus, primarily adjacent to the tracheal bifurcation. 4,5,7 Radiographically, these diverticula are best visualized by an esophagram study with the patient in the left anterior oblique projection. 5 In contrast, the interaorticobronchial diverticula are predominantly of the pulsion type and occur infrequently. 4,5,7 They arise from the left anterolateral wall of the esophagus between the inferior aspect of the aortic

arch and the upper aspect of the left main stem bronchus. 4,5 Radiographically, these diverticula are best visualized with the patient in the right anterior oblique position during an esophagram study. 5 Epiphrenic diverticula are predominantly of the pulsion type and usually arise from the distal 10 cm of the esophagus. 4,5,7 They typically originate from the right lateral esophageal wall and may be associated with a hiatal hernia, diffuse esophageal spasm, achalasia, reflux esophagitis, or carcinoma. 5,7 Radiographically, an esophagram typically demonstrates a diverticulum with a short and broad neck. 5 Esophageal Dilatation A dilated esophagus may also produce a posterior mediastinal mass. This dilatation may be caused by a functional obstruction from achalasia, Chagas' disease, scleroderma, postvagotomy syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, or diabetes. 3,4 It may also be caused by a mechanical obstruction from a benign stricture or carcinoma.3,4 On plain chest radiographs, focal dilatation of the esophagus may manifest itself as an airfluid level along the right side of the posterior mediastinum (Fig. 32-10A).3 A diffusely dilated air-filled esophagus, on the other hand, may appear as a thin, wavy line along the medial aspect of the right hemithorax or as a thickening of the posterior tracheal band. 1,3 The former results from outlining of the right lateral wall of the esophagus by intraluminal and right lung air, and the latter represents the combined thickness of the posterior wall of the trachea and the anterior wall of the esophagus. 1,3 As an isolated sign, thickening of the posterior tracheal band may also be caused by a normally collapsed esophagus. 1 However, if this sign is accompanied by anterior bowing of the trachea and carina, then esophageal dilatation can be diagnosed confidently. 1 Contrast studies and CT usually confirm the diagnosis, but determination of the cause of dilatation may require endoscopy. 3 Hiatal Hernia Hiatal hernias are often discovered incidentally. They may range from small hernias that are easily reducible to large hernias containing most of the stomach. Frequently hiatal hernias are asymptomatic, but patients may complain of gastroesophageal reflux, regurgitation, pain, or dysphagia. 5,8 Traditionally, hiatal hernias have been divided into sliding, paraesophageal, and mixed forms, the last group containing characteristics of both sliding and paraesophageal hernias. Sliding hiatal hernias represent approximately 99% of all hiatal hernias and occur when the gastroesophageal junction is displaced superiorly above the diaphragm. 4 They are termed sliding if they are reducible with the patient in the erect position or with changes in intra-abdominal or intrathoracic pressure. 4,5 The incidence of this type of hernia increases with age. It has been postulated that deterioration of the phrenoesophageal membrane over time is an important etiologic factor. 5,7 Chest radiographs may demonstrate an airfluid level within a mass just behind the heart, or they may show no abnormality at all. In the latter case, a contrast study of the esophagus is often needed to help make the diagnosis. 1,4,5 On CT, the presence of air and contrast medium within the esophagus or the stomach, or both, aids interpretation. 1,8 CT typically shows enlargement of the esophageal hiatus along with herniation of stomach, omental fat, and occasionally ascitic fluid. 1,4,8 Paraesophageal hernias represent only about 1% to 5% of hiatal hernias. 4,5 They are caused by progressive herniation of the stomach anterior to the esophagus through a widened esophageal hiatus, or occasionally through an adjacent defect in the diaphragm. 5,7 In contrast to a sliding hiatal hernia, the gastroesophageal junction remains in its normal position below the diaphragm. 7 Not infrequently, transverse colon, small bowel, omentum, and spleen accompany the herniated stomach.5 Reported complications include hemorrhagic gastritis, gastric ulcers, and gastric volvulus. 5 Radiographically, plain films, contrast studies of the upper gastrointestinal tract, and CT may demonstrate the typical anatomic features. Paraesophageal Varices Rarely, esophageal varices are apparent on frontal chest radiographs. They may appear as round, lobulated, or serpiginous structures in a retrocardiac location, or they may cause displacement of the paraspinal lines ( Fig. 32-11A, B). Because this is a nonspecific finding, other diagnostic considerations must be entertained, such as neural tumors or pulmonary, pleural, or vertebral abnormalities. The diagnosis should be straightforward in the appropriate clinical setting and with the aid of endoscopy, contrast studies, CT, or portal venography. 3,5 In addition, flow-sensitive gradient-echo techniques make MRI quite useful in detecting varices. 18

FIG. 32-11. Paraesophageal varices. A: Frontal chest film shows round, serpiginous paraspinal structures bilaterally. B: Computed tomography with contrast depicts serpiginous, enhancing structures around the esophagus, consistent with varices ( arrowhead). The patient had portal hypertension secondary to primary biliary cirrhosis.

Foramen of Bochdalek Hernia A foramen of Bochdalek hernia (85% to 90% of all congenital diaphragmatic hernias) occurs through a defect in the posterolateral aspect of the hemidiaphragm. 1,4,5,7 This embryologic defect occurs because of failure of fusion of the pleuroperitoneal folds with the septum transversum and the mesentery of the esophagus. 1 Because the herniation of abdominal contents occurs before fusion of these structures, a hernial sac usually is not present (80% to 90%). 7 About 80% of foramen of Bochdalek hernias occur on the left and about 15% on the right. The lower incidence on the right is thought to result from protective interference by the dome of the liver. 1,4,5 A smaller percentage (5%) of patients have bilateral hernias. 1,4,5 Although bowel, left lobe of liver, spleen, pancreas, and kidney often herniate into the thorax, stomach is rarely present in foramen of Bochdalek hernias. 4 In the newborn, these hernias are often associated with ipsilateral pulmonary hypoplasia and partial collapse of the contralateral lung due to shift of the mediastinum. 7 Associated symptoms include asphyxia and cyanosis, with most affected children dying shortly after birth. Those that do survive to adult life typically have associated severe cardiovascular, pulmonary, and gastrointestinal difficulties. Occasionally, patients are asymptomatic until early adulthood; about 75% of these patients eventually develop symptoms such as dyspnea, intermittent abdominal pain, and chest pain or other cardiovascular symptoms. 5 When large hernias are present, chest radiographs often show gas-filled loops of bowel in the thorax, making the diagnosis obvious. In these instances, contrast studies are rarely required. 5 If the hernia is smaller, plain-film radiography, contrast studies, and CT scans may be necessary for the diagnosis. Plain films may demonstrate rounded humps on one or both hemidiaphragms in a paraspinal or posterolateral location. 1 On CT, these humps may be seen to represent herniated kidney, spleen, or retroperitoneal fat. 1 Sometimes a muscle defect in the diaphragm or, in the case of a right-sided hernia, the presence of the liver in the chest may be the only finding. 1,5 Occasionally, the multiplanar capability of MRI is useful in evaluating the diaphragmatic defect. Foregut Cysts

Esophageal Duplication Cysts Esophageal duplication cysts comprise approximately 10% to 20% of all alimentary tract duplications. 4,13 They are fluid-filled structures that arise within the wall of or immediately adjacent to the esophagus. 3,13 They are caused by abnormal vacuolization of the esophageal lumen in the fifth to eighth week of gestation, and in most cases no communication exists between the cyst and the esophageal lumen. 5,13 Frequently they contain ectopic gastric mucosa, which may cause complications such as ulceration, bleeding, and perforation into adjacent structures. 1,4,13 The majority arise on the right, in the lower thoracic esophagus near the gastroesophageal junction (60%) (Fig. 32-12).4,13 Patients typically present in childhood, but initial presentation has been reported in patients as old as 61 years. 1 Esophageal duplication cysts may be clinically silent, or patients may have symptoms related to compression of adjacent structures. 1,3

FIG. 32-12. Esophageal duplication cyst. A through C: Three sequential computed tomographic images with contrast show a tubular structure in the posterior mediastinum following the course of the esophagus through the gastroesophageal junction with CT attenuation equal to water ( arrows). These findings are consistent with an esophageal duplication cyst.

When visualized on plain chest radiographs, esophageal duplication cysts may be seen as middle or posterior mediastinal masses. 13 Contrast studies of the esophagus commonly show an intramural or extramural lesion. If a rare communication with the gastrointestinal lumen exists, then air, an airfluid level, or contrast medium may be seen within the cyst. 1,3,4,13 CT and MRI usually confirm the cystic nature of these masses, which should be in close proximity to the esophagus. 1,3,13 Neurenteric Cysts Neurenteric cysts are foregut duplication cysts that have a persistent communication with the spinal canal (canal of Kovalevsky). 3,4,13 Typically, they are associated with congenital bony abnormalities of the thoracic spine such as anterior spina bifida, scoliosis, hemivertebrae, and butterfly vertebrae. 1,4,13 These vertebral anomalies are commonly located craniad to the duplication cyst itself. A careful search for these abnormalities should be undertaken, because they are an important clue to the diagnosis. 1 CT and MRI are the best imaging modalities for diagnosis of neurenteric cysts because they demonstrate the associated bony anomalies in greater detail than plain films do. In most cases, a fibrous tract or fistula extending anteriorly through the vertebral body to communicate with the cyst can be demonstrated. 13 Rarely, communication with the gastrointestinal lumen or subarachnoid space may occur. 1,13 In these instances, a contrast study of the gastrointestinal tract or myelography may prove useful.1,13 Vertebral Lesions A variety of processes that affect the thoracic vertebral column may manifest as posterior mediastinal masses, including traumatic, infectious, neoplastic, metabolic, and degenerative conditions. Although the bony origin of these lesions may not be obvious on frontal chest radiographs, they typically produce abnormal displacement of the paraspinal lines. 3 According to Brant and Helms, 3 these processes may produce a paraspinal mass by one of four mechanisms: (1) expansion of the osseous structures, (2) extraosseous extension as seen in extramedullary hematopoiesis, (3) pathologic fracture and paraspinal hematoma formation, or (4) protrusion of degenerative osteophytes. Extramedullary Hematopoiesis Extramedullary hematopoiesis is a commonly described entity that can appear as a posterior mediastinal mass. This is a compensatory response to deficient bone marrow production of red blood cells. The paraspinal mass that is formed represents extrusion of the bone marrow from the vertebral bodies and posterior ribs. 3,8 It is commonly seen in disorders associated with accelerated destruction or diminished production of red blood cells, including hemolytic anemia, sickle cell disease, thalassemia, hereditary spherocytosis, idiopathic severe anemia, erythroblastosis fetalis, iron deficiency anemia, pernicious anemia, leukemia, and Hodgkin's disease. 1,3,4,8 In 25% of cases, no hematologic abnormality can be detected. 4 Plain films usually demonstrate a paravertebral mass that may be solitary or may occur at multiple levels. It is frequently bilateral and has a lobulated and smoothly marginated appearance. 1,3,4,8 On CT, the lesion appears as a lobulated, bilateral, paraspinal soft-tissue mass and may demonstrate low CT attenuation because of the fatty nature of the bone marrow.1,8 Calcification is unusual, but bony erosion may exist. Lateral Thoracic Meningoceles Lateral thoracic meningoceles are paravertebral soft-tissue masses produced by herniation of the spinal meninges through an intervertebral neural foramen. They are more common on the right and are multiple in 10% of patients. 3 Most patients are 30 to 60 years old and asymptomatic. Occasionally, however, pain and neurologic signs and symptoms are present. These lesions are associated with neurofibromatosis type I in two thirds of cases. 1,3,8 Plain films usually demonstrate a well-defined paravertebral soft-tissue mass indistinguishable from a neurofibroma. There is usually bony scalloping and erosion of adjacent ribs and vertebral bodies. In addition, an important diagnostic feature is enlargement or widening of the adjacent intervertebral neural foramen. When kyphoscoliosis is present, the meningocele usually is located at the apex of the scoliotic curve. CT better delineates these findings and may also show a low-attenuation mass that consists predominantly of cerebrospinal fluid. With myelography, contrast material should be seen entering the meningocele. Diagnostically, MRI is excellent because it shows the herniated subarachnoid space with great detail. 1,3,8 Pancreatic Pseudocyst Rarely, a pancreatic pseudocyst can produce a posterior mediastinal mass by extending superiorly from the retroperitoneal space through the esophageal or aortic hiatus of the diaphragm. CT is the imaging modality of choice; it can show a fluid-attenuation mass in continuity with the retroperitoneum. CHAPTER REFERENCES
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Chapter 33 Disease of the Pleura Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 33 Disease of the Pleura

Barbara L. Knisely

B. L. Knisely: Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252.

The Pleura Pleural Anatomy Radiographic and Computed Tomographic Features Pleural Effusion Radiographic Features of Pleural Effusion Computed Tomography of Pleural Effusion Ultrasonography of Pleural Effusion Pleural Effusions Caused by Infection Bronchopleural Fistula Hemothorax Chylothorax Pneumothorax Pleural Masses Benign Processes Malignant Processes Unusual Pleural Space Disease New Approaches to Pleural Disease and Image Guidance Chapter References

Pleural diseases are common and encompass a variety of complex appearances depending on histologic features, location, and size. Imaging is integral in the evaluation of pleural disease, aiding in diagnosis and therapeutic interventions. Diseases of the pleura are often first detected and evaluated on chest radiographs. Conventional posteroanterior and lateral views of the chest may be supplemented by lateral decubitus views, and in the past oblique and highly penetrated radiographs were used. However, chest radiography is limited because of its low tissue specificity, and computed tomography (CT) more accurately characterizes pleural disease in terms of tissue composition, location, and extent of disease. 99 Ultrasound may direct therapeutic interventions, particularly guided thoracentesis for the detection and localization of pleural fluid, and may allow differentiation between soft-tissue masses and pleural effusions. Pleural Anatomy The pleura envelops the lungs with a serous membrane of mesodermal origin, comprising layers of visceral and parietal pleura. A small quantity of fluid lubricates the pleural space, allowing the lungs to readily alter their shape and providing a cushion between the lungs and the chest wall. Parietal pleura lines the ribs, diaphragm, and mediastinum, and visceral pleura covers the lungs and interlobar fissures. The two pleural layers join together at the pulmonary hila and at the inferior pulmonary ligament, becoming continuous. The two lungs contact one another at the anterior and posterior junction lines, representing the interface of the right and left pleural surfaces of the thorax. The blood supply of the parietal pleura is provided by the systemic circulation, with the visceral pleura being fed by both the pulmonary and bronchial circulations. 63,82 Lymphatics supply both the visceral and parietal pleura, but only the parietal lymphatics communicate directly with the pleural space. The pleural lymphatics ultimately drain into the thoracic duct, with a highly variable course of the lymphatic channels along the way. The innervation of the parietal pleura is through intercostal sensory nerves to the costal surface and peripheral diaphragm, with the phrenic nerve supplying the central diaphragm. 63 The visceral pleura lacks pain fibers and is relatively insensitive. 82,103 Radiographic and Computed Tomographic Features The pleura cannot be seen on chest radiographs, except where the lungs contact each other at the junction lines and where the visceral pleura infolds to form the fissures. CT and high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) cannot image the normal pleura, because the pleura cannot be separated from the surrounding structures at the lungchest wall interface. On HRCT, the intercostal stripe is visualized; it is composed of two layers of pleura, extrapleural fat, endothoracic fascia, and the innermost intercostal muscle. 69 The intercostal stripe runs along the lungchest wall interface overlying an intercostal space, producing a 1- to 2-mm, soft-tissue attenuation, linear opacity connecting the inner margins of adjacent ribs.

Pleural effusions represent the most common clinical manifestation of pleural pathology. 116 A mismatch between the rates of inflow and outflow of fluid in the pleural space leads to a pleural effusion. 25 The following mechanisms have been implicated in the formation of pleural effusions, either alone or in combination: (1) increased capillary hydrostatic osmotic pressure, (2) decreased colloid osmotic pressure, (3) increased microvascular permeability, (4) decreased lymphatic pleural drainage, (5) decreased pleural surface pressure, and (6) transdiaphragmatic passage of peritoneal fluid. 125 The analysis of pleural fluid allows classification of pleural effusions into transudates and exudates. Transudates result from a decrease in the colloid osmotic pressure, as seen in hypoproteinemia, or from an increase in the microvascular hydrostatic osmotic pressure, with the most important determinant being the systemic venous pressure. The diagnosis of a transudate eliminates the need for further diagnostic workup, because the pleura is normal. Therapeutic management of a transudate depends on the underlying systemic abnormality, which most commonly is congestive heart failure. 81 Other common causes for a transudative pleural effusion include cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, nephrogenic effusion, hypoalbuminemia, constrictive pericarditis, atelectasis, pulmonary embolism, and myxedema. Given the broad nature of the underlying systemic abnormalities, transudates are often bilateral. Exudates result from an alteration in the pleural surface, with either an increase in permeability or a decrease in the lymph flow, caused by pleural malignancy or inflammation. The diagnosis of an exudate necessitates further diagnostic procedures to elucidate the underlying cause. An exudative effusion is defined by either a ratio of pleural fluid to serum protein greater than 0.5 or a ratio of pleural fluid to serum lactase dehydrogenase (LDH) greater than 0.6. 81,83 Transudates and exudates together comprise the majority of pleural effusions in common clinical settings. Heart failure, cirrhosis, ascites, pleuropulmonary infections, malignancy, and pulmonary embolism account for more than 90% of pleural effusions. 70 Bilateral effusions are commonly transudates, but metastatic disease, lymphoma, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and pulmonary embolism are also causes. 115 Very large effusions are commonly seen in metastatic breast and lung carcinoma, heart failure, cirrhosis, tuberculosis, empyema, and hemothorax. 87 In a review of symptomatic and asymptomatic pleural effusions, more than 70% of the cases were found to result from heart failure, malignancy, lung infection, or surgery. 139 Radiographic Features of Pleural Effusion The radiographic appearance of a pleural effusion depends on the patient's position at the time of the examination and the mobility of the pleural fluid ( Fig. 33-1). The most sensitive radiographic projection for identification of pleural fluid is the lateral decubitus chest radiograph, which can detect as little as 5 mL of pleural fluid. 98 On the more common posteroanterior chest radiograph, accumulation of at least 200 mL of pleural fluid is needed to cause blunting of the lateral costophrenic angles, and at times 500 mL of pleural fluid may not cause any radiographically apparent blunting. 30 In the erect patient, pleural fluid initially collects in the subpulmonic

region.66 Identification of a subpulmonic effusion relies on the presence of the elevated hemidiaphragm sign. 156 The superior margin of the fluid collection mimics the contour of the diaphragm. This results in apparent elevation of the ipsilateral hemidiaphragm with flattening of the medial portion of the hemidiaphragm, causing the dome of the diaphragm to appear shifted laterally. Subpulmonic effusions are often transudates, related to hepatic cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, renal failure, and congestive heart failure. 35,155 Unilateral subpulmonic effusions are more common on the right side. 110 When they are bilateral, subpulmonic effusions may be overlooked, given the symmetry of the apparently elevated hemidiaphragms ( Fig. 33-2).155 Large pleural effusions may be missed on a supine anteroposterior chest radiograph, because the fluid layers posteriorly. Generally, the volume of fluid in the pleural space is underestimated in the supine patient. 123 Capping of the lung apex with pleural fluid is considered an early sign of a pleural effusion in the supine patient, because the apex is the most dependent portion of the thorax tangential to the frontal x-ray beam. 114 Other signs produced by pleural effusions in supine patients include increased hazy opacity of a hemithorax with preserved vascular markings, blunting of the costophrenic angle, hazy diaphragm silhouette, thickening of the minor fissure, widened paraspinal soft tissues, and the elevated hemidiaphragm sign. 47,67,96,114,121,123,153,164

FIG. 33-1. Pleural effusion. A: Anteroposterior chest radiograph shows characteristic features of free pleural effusion in an erect patient. A homogeneous left-sided inferior opacity with concave upper margin, higher laterally than medially, is seen, consistent with left pleural effusion. B: Left lateral decubitus view reveals free-flowing pleural effusion as a uniform band of soft-tissue density along the chest wall.

FIG. 33-2. Subpulmonic effusion. A: Anteroposterior chest radiograph of 67-year-old man with lymphoma. The apparent bilateral elevation of diaphragms with flattening of medial diaphragmatic domes represents bilateral subpulmonic effusions. Right paratracheal fullness ( arrow) is consistent with mediastinal adenopathy. B: Computed tomographic (CT) examination of chest shows posterior dependent position of bilateral pleural effusions. Major fissures ( small arrows) are depicted as thin curvilinear opacities. C: Enhanced CT scan of chest demonstrates precarinal (arrow) and axillary (curved arrow) adenopathy with accompanying bilateral effusions.

Loculated pleural effusions are accumulations of pleural fluid within the fissures or between the visceral and parietal pleura when the pleural layers are partly adherent (Fig. 33-3).81 Loculated effusions cannot shift freely within the pleural space, and they most commonly form adjacent to the chest wall ( Fig. 33-4).81

FIG. 33-3. Loculated pleural effusion. A: Posteroanterior chest radiograph shows bilateral pleural fluid with loculated right pleural effusion. Right-lower-zone oval opacity, with sharper medial than lateral border, characterizes a pleural or chest wall lesion. B: Lateral chest radiograph confirms loculated fluid in inferior right major fissure and along anterior chest wall.

FIG. 33-4. Loculated pleural effusion. A: Anteroposterior view of chest shows multiple pockets of loculated right pleural fluid. B: Enhanced chest computed tomographic scan shows the right pleural fluid in the more common posterior dependent portion of the hemithorax, along with loculations along the right lateral chest wall and mediastinum.

A loculated pleural effusion may occur within a fissure, particularly in patients with congestive heart failure. 44,68,159 Other causes for loculated pleural effusion include the sequelae from exudative effusions, empyema, and hemothorax (Fig. 33-5). A free-flowing pleural effusion may simulate a loculated pleural effusion or a mass if it

lies adjacent to the mediastinum or within the interlobar fissures. 64 The shift of free fluid that differentiates it from a loculated pleural effusion can be observed by obtaining radiographs with the patient in different positions ( Fig. 33-6).64

FIG. 33-5. Loculated pleural effusion. A: Posteroanterior view of chest shows features of right effusion with right-lower-zone opacity and hazy meniscus, higher laterally than medially. B: Lateral view of same patient reveals anterior location of loculated right pleural fluid. C: Enhanced computed tomographic scan shows enhancing pleural rind ( arrow) of right anterior exudative pleural fluid collection.

FIG. 33-6. Loculated pleural effusion. A: Anteroposterior chest radiograph shows hazy increased opacity of left hemithorax with preserved vascular markings superiorly and loss of left hemidiaphragm, consistent with large left effusion. B: Left lateral decubitus view reveals loculated left pleural fluid encased in major fissure.

Computed Tomography of Pleural Effusion Differentiation of pleural fluid from ascites on CT can be difficult when pleural fluid collects in the posterior costophrenic recess adjacent to the diaphragm. A number of CT signs, including the diaphragm sign, 6 the interface sign, 150 the displaced crus sign, 36 and the bare-area sign, 101 have been described to aid in distinguishing between pleural effusion and ascites in the peritoneal cavity. The diaphragm sign defines ascites as being inside the dome of the diaphragm, and pleural fluid outside the dome, in the presence of a noninverted diaphragm. 6,101 The diaphragm sign is useful only if the diaphragm can be identified. The location of the diaphragm usually is readily identified when ascites are present but may not be identified when a pleural effusion is present. 60 In one fifth of a series of 38 patients with peridiaphragmatic fluid collections, the diaphragm could not be identified. 61 A hazy interface between pleural fluid and the liver or the spleen describes the interface sign. 150 In the presence of ascites, the interface would be sharp. The displaced crus sign describes anterolateral displacement of the diaphragmatic crus, when pleural fluid collects between the crus and the spine ( Fig. 33-7).36,101 A collection of ascitic fluid would result in the opposite displacement of the diaphragmatic crus. In one series, this sign was indeterminate in one third of the cases, limiting its usefulness. 61 The bare-area sign uses the restriction of peritoneal fluid by the coronary ligaments along the bare area over the posteromedial surface of the right lobe of the liver, where pleural fluid is free to collect, as a means of differentiating ascites from pleural fluid (Fig. 33-8). The most accurate of these signs in the evaluation of peridiaphragmatic fluid are the interface and bare-area signs. 61

FIG. 33-7. Pleural effusion versus ascites. Enhanced computed tomographic scan reveals displacement of diaphragmatic crus ( arrow) away from vertebral body. Ascites would displace crus in an opposite direction.

FIG. 33-8. Pleural effusion versus ascites. Enhanced computed tomographic scan shows low-attenuation opacity posterior to liver, representing pleural fluid. Hazy interface (arrows) with liver and lack of bare area ( curved arrow) signify pleural effusion as opposed to ascites.

The sensitivity and accuracy of CT are greater than those of chest radiography for the detection and characterization of pleural effusions. The presence of pleural enhancement on CT imaging alone distinguishes between an exudate and a bland transudate. The split-pleura sign refers to the enhancement of the parietal and

visceral pleura on CT when an intravenous contrast agent is administered, consistent with an exudative pleural effusion. 145 In contrast, transudates do not usually exhibit pleural enhancement. The presence of parietal pleural thickening represents another differentiating feature; it is more common in the setting of pleural disease causing exudates rather than transudates. 10 Ultrasonography of Pleural Effusion When conventional modalities fail to differentiate between loculated pleural fluid and pleural masses, ultrasound may be useful ( Fig. 33-9). Ultrasound is a rapid and relatively inexpensive method for guiding diagnostic interventions, including thoracentesis and biopsy of pleural masses. Real-time sonography is particularly valuable, although it is limited by its operator dependency. The sensitivity of ultrasound in the detection of pleural fluid has not been formally assessed but is probably comparable to that of the lateral decubitus chest radiograph. 11

FIG. 33-9. Pleural effusion. A: Anteroposterior chest radiograph shows opacification of left hemithorax. Pleural effusion could not be differentiated from underlying mass radiographically. B: Ultrasound examination shows anechoic fluid collection ( curved arrow) and associated atelectatic lung ( straight arrow).

Pleural Effusions Caused by Infection An empyema represents a type of exudate, characterized by purulent fluid in the pleural space. Analysis of the pleural fluid obtained at thoracentesis is necessary for diagnosis, with one of the three following criteria fulfilled: (1) presence of an organism on Gram stain or culture, (2) grossly purulent fluid, or (3) an elevated leukocyte greater than 5 109 cells/L.62,81 The diagnosis of empyema is also made in the presence of a parapneumonic effusion with pH less than 7.0 or glucose less than 40 mg/dL, in which case insertion of a chest tube is indicated. 81 Pleural fibrosis may result from inadequate treatment of an empyema. The most common causes for empyema are sequelae of acute bacterial pneumonia or lung abscess, followed by thoracic surgery, trauma, and extrapulmonary spread from osteomyelitis of the spine or subphrenic abscess. 62 The imaging findings of an empyema on chest radiography include a unilateral pleural effusion or bilateral pleural effusions, with the infected side having the larger volume.62 The lenticular shape and the obtuse angles that loculated empyemas form with the chest wall differentiate them from round abscesses, which have an acute angle with the chest wall (Fig. 33-10).5,62

FIG. 33-10. Empyema. A: Anteroposterior chest radiograph reveals a large, oval airfluid collection filling a majority of the left pleural space. B: Lateral view shows obtuse angle (arrow) formed by pleural collection and posterior chest wall.

The CT features of an empyema include the radiographic findings of a lens-shaped fluid collection and obtuse angles with the chest wall, combined with a smooth wall, adjacent lung parenchyma compression, and the split-pleura sign. 16,145 Intrapulmonary abscesses, in contrast, have irregular, thick walls that may contain dots of air and that destroy instead of compress the adjacent lung. 145 The split-pleura sign, one of the most specific signs for an exudate, describes the enhancement of the thickened visceral and parietal pleura separated by fluid. 145 Important CT findings in an empyema include the split-pleura sign, pleural thickening, and air bubbles in the pleural space ( Fig. 33-11).145 Air in the pleural space may indicate introduced air from thoracentesis, infection by a gas-forming organism, or a bronchopleural fistula.

FIG. 33-11. Empyema. Enhanced computed tomographic scan reveals large left pleural effusion with anterior air bubbles ( curved arrow) and enhancing pleura (straight arrows), termed the split-pleura sign.

The therapeutic interventions for an empyema and for a lung abscess differ, making differentiation of an empyema from a lung abscess important. Chest-tube drainage is indicated in an empyema, whereas lung abscesses require antibiotics and postural drainage. In the past, the primary treatment of empyema was decortication; this is used less frequently today. More aggressive drainage is now employed, with multiple chest tubes, interventional placement of drainage tubes at targeted loculations, and the use of streptokinase/urokinase to break up loculated collections in the pleural space and improve drainage. Decortication may still be

warranted in cases of persistent pleural thickening or inadequate drainage on follow-up CT scans. Bronchopleural Fistula


A bronchopleural fistula represents a fistulous communication between the pleural space and the bronchial tree. The most common causes of bronchopleural fistula are necrotizing pulmonary infections and surgical lung resections. 62 Other common causes are penetrating and blunt lung injuries, pleural drains, thoracentesis, and ventilator support with end-expiratory positive pressure (PEEP). 111 On chest radiography, a bronchopleural fistula may be seen as a hydropneumothorax, an intrapleural airfluid collection. The pleural location of the airfluid collection is demonstrated by the extension of the airfluid level to the chest wall, revealing unequal linear dimensions on orthogonal views. An abscess may be differentiated by an airfluid level that does not extend to the chest wall and has equal linear dimensions on orthogonal views, consistent with an intraparenchymal location. The imaging modality of choice for demonstration of the communication between the airway and the pleural space in a bronchopleural fistula is CT scanning, including thin-section CT (Fig. 33-12).162 CT scanning provides information regarding the location, size, number, and cause of bronchopleural fistulas that is helpful in treatment planning.147 Current therapeutic interventions for bronchopleural fistulas include pharmacologic therapy for an underlying infection, surgical resection of a destroyed lobe, andsurgical or interventional radiologic occlusion with endobronchial vascular coils or glue. 113

FIG. 33-12. Bronchopleural fistula. A: Enhanced computed tomographic (CT) scan shows thin-walled air and fluid collection in left pleural space with bronchial communication (arrow). B: Ground-glass opacities in right lung parenchyma ( arrows) on chest CT scan represent pneumonia as the predisposing cause for fistulous communication with bronchus.

Hemothorax Hemothorax most commonly results from trauma. Less common causes are varicella infection, coagulopathies, and vascular abnormalities. 58 In the trauma setting, other causes for a rapidly accumulating pleural effusion must be considered, including iatrogenic causes (e.g., venous line placements), ruptured esophagus, chylothorax, and traumatic subarachnoid-pleural fistula. 59 Chest radiographs reveal a pleural effusion without any distinguishing factor to suggest blood in the pleural space. In the acute setting, a noncontrast-enhanced CT scan shows the characteristic increased attenuation ( Fig. 33-13) of the pleural fluid. 90 Loculations and fibrin bodies may form with the clotting of pleural blood. Fibrin bodies develop in fibrin-rich fluid, usually after removal or absorption of pleural fluid. 27 These fibrin masses are usually solitary, oval or spherical, homogeneous, well-circumscribed, and located in the lung bases. 27 Fibrin bodies commonly measure less than 4 cm in diameter, may be fixed or mobile, and may spontaneously disappear or persist unchanged for years. 42,151 Early evacuation of the pleural space is indicated to avoid organization of the hemothorax, with extensive pleural thickening (fibrothorax), which typically requires a decortication.

FIG. 33-13. Hemothorax. A: Anteroposterior chest radiograph shows large bleb ( curved arrows) in the right pleural space. B: Posteroanterior chest radiograph reveals new homogeneous opacity (arrows) replacing the previous air collection within the right bleb. Left costophrenic-angle lucency ( curved arrow) represents bullous disease related to emphysema. C: Lateral view shows the posterior, oval, pleura-based lesion. D: Enhanced computed tomographic (CT) scan shows emphysematous lucent lung parenchyma (arrows) adjacent to pleural-based lesion in right posterior pleural space. E: Enhanced CT scan reveals high-attenuation pleural fluid, consistent with hemothorax.

Chylothorax Disruption of the thoracic duct may result in a chylous effusion, or chylothorax. Fifty percent of chylothoraces are neoplastic in origin, 25% are traumatic, 10% are miscellaneous, and 15% have idiopathic causes. 86,143,154 Lymphoma makes up 75% of the neoplastic lesions. Surgery, in particular cardiac surgery, is the most common form of trauma causing chylothorax. The development of a chylothorax may lead to severe nutritional and immunologic compromise owing to the loss of chyle (lymph of intestinal origin). 154 Analysis of the pleural fluid obtained by thoracentesis demonstrates the characteristic finding of elevated triglycerides (110 mg/dL) and chylomicrons (causing a milky appearance). 143 Chylothorax usually cannot be differentiated from other effusions based on chest radiographs or CT scans. A single case report of a chylous effusion with low CT attenuation, apparently because of its fat content, has been described. 77 Rare causes for chylothorax include lymphatic developmental anomalies such as lymphangioma, lymphangiectasis, diffuse pulmonary lymphangiomatosis, and lymphangioleiomyomatosis. 12 Lymphangioleiomyomatosis, thought to represent a forme fruste of pulmonary tuberous sclerosis, shows proliferation of smooth muscle adjacent to pulmonary lymphatics on pathologic examination. Diffuse increased interstitial markings and increased lung volumes are characteristic features of lymphangioleiomyomatosis on chest radiography ( Fig. 33-14). CT scans of the chest further delineate the interstitial process, revealing small, uniformly dispersed, parenchymal lung cysts.

FIG. 33-14. Chylothorax. A: Posteroanterior chest radiograph shows moderate-sized right chylothorax and associated diffuse increased interstitial markings, consistent with lymphangioleiomyomatosis. B: Lymphangiogram reveals diffusely abnormal lymphatics. C: Enhanced computed tomographic scan shows right loculated chylothorax with residual Ethiodol ( arrow) from lymphangiogram. (From Knisely BL, Kuhlman JE: Radiographic and computed tomography imaging of complex pleural disease. Crit Rev Diagn Imaging 38:158, 1997, with permission.)

Pneumothorax Gas or air in the pleural space from any source defines a pneumothorax. Pneumothoraces are spontaneous or traumatic in nature. Spontaneous pneumothorax has two classifications: (1) primary, with no identifiable cause, often related to an apical intrapleural bleb rupture, and (2) secondary, with related underlying lung parenchymal disease (Fig. 33-15 and Fig. 33-16). Blunt or penetrating trauma is the cause of most cases of traumatic pneumothorax, although iatrogenic causes, including central venous catheterization, thoracentesis, and transbronchial or transthoracic lung biopsy, play a role in the hospitalized patient. Common presenting symptoms include dyspnea, pleuritic chest pain, and cough.

FIG. 33-15. Pneumothorax. Computed tomographic scan of chest shows left apical pneumothorax related to rupture of a subpleural parenchymal cyst ( arrow) in a patient with Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.

FIG. 33-16. Pneumothorax. A: Posteroanterior chest radiograph shows large right hydropneumothorax despite small-bore chest tube in right pleural space. Multiple round opacities in left hemithorax represent known pleuroparenchymal sarcomatous metastases. B: Chest computed tomographic scan reveals ruptured cavitary pleural metastasis (arrow) causing a peripheral bronchopleural fistula and persistent right hydropneumothorax. C: High-resolution computed tomographic scan of chest shows bilateral cavitary metastases and airfluid level in right pleural space, representing hydropneumothorax.

Diagnosis of a pneumothorax on conventional chest radiography requires identification of a radiolucent air space separating the visceral pleural line from the parietal pleura.45,49 Pulmonary vessels extend to the edge of the visceral pleural line, but not beyond. The deep sulcus sign, present in a supine patient with a pneumothorax, represents air collecting anteriorly within the lower hemithorax, causing a relatively lucent focus adjacent to the diaphragm, along the juxtacardiac region and extending into the lateral costophrenic recess ( Fig. 33-17).55

FIG. 33-17. Pneumothorax. A: Posteroanterior chest radiograph shows lucency at left costophrenic angle, representing basal component of left pneumothorax. B: Computed tomographic scan of chest reveals adhesion (curved arrow) preventing re-expansion of left lung.

Most pneumothoraces are detected on standard posteroanterior chest radiographs. Although expiratory views are sometimes recommended, the sensitivity for pneumothorax detection is equal for inspiratory and expiratory upright chest radiographs. 135 In light of the limitations of expiratory radiographs, inspiratory chest radiographs are recommended as the initial examination for the detection of pneumothoraces. Despite quality inspiratory and expiratory radiographs, some subtle pneumothoraces may not be apparent, especially in the supine patient. Occult pneumothoraces in the acutely traumatized or ventilated patient may be detected on

CT imaging.152 A tension pneumothorax occurs when an air leak through a tear in the pleura acts as a one-way valve. Tension pneumothorax, a life-threatening complication, accompanies trauma or mechanical ventilation, particularly in the setting of PEEP. 120,146 The persistent positive intrapleural pressure compresses normal lung, causing a restrictive ventilatory defect and ventilation-perfusion imbalance. 57 Immediate decompression of the pleural space, usually with a chest tube, reverses the cardiovascular compromise. The diagnosis commonly is suspected in the clinical setting of tachypnea, tachycardia, hypotension, cyanosis, and sweating. The radiographic findings of mediastinal shift and diaphragmatic depression are the most important in detection of tension pneumothorax ( Fig. 33-18).

FIG. 33-18. Tension pneumothorax. Anteroposterior chest radiograph shows large right tension pneumothorax with leftward shift of mediastinum and depression of ipsilateral hemidiaphragm.

Benign Processes Benign pleural masses include lipoma, localized pleural fibroma, asbestos-related disease, and rounded atelectasis. 51,80,163 Lipomas are well-defined, homogeneous fatty tumors that occasionally contain thin, fibrous septa. 29,41,54 Lipomas do not usually compress adjacent structures, are sometimes encapsulated, and may be pedunculated. 54 The majority of lipomas are between 2 and 13 cm in diameter, and patients usually are diagnosed in the fifth or sixth decade of life. 41,43,53 On chest radiography, lipomas are peripheral in location (the majority along the lateral chest wall); they form a sharp margin with the contiguous lung and an obtuse angle with the rib cage (Fig. 33-19). CT imaging characteristically reveals a homogeneous fat-attenuation (50 to 150 Hounsfield units), pleura-based mass occasionally containing linear or punctate calcifications, in the presence of fat necrosis. 41 The absence of any significant islands of soft-tissue attenuation differentiates lipomas from angiolipomas, thymolipomas, and teratomas. Liposarcoma rather than benign lipoma should be considered in the presence of patient symptoms or a mass with large size, infiltration, heterogeneity, or a higher attenuation coefficient (more than 50 Hounsfield units). 41 Despite these imaging criteria, low-grade liposarcomas may be impossible to distinguish from benign lipomas.

FIG. 33-19. Lipoma. A: Posteroanterior view of chest shows oval, pleura-based mass along left-lateral chest wall. B: Close-up view of pleural opacity reveals distinct medial border. C: Chest computed tomographic scan shows tapering margin and obtuse angles of pleural mass ( arrow) with adjacent chest wall.

The most common benign pleural neoplasms are lipoma and localized pleural fibroma. Synonyms of benign pleural fibroma include localized or benign fibroma, local benign or fibrous mesothelioma, pleural endothelioma, and pleural fibromyoma. 141 More commonly termed solitary or localized fibroma, they are not asbestos-related, and the underlying cause is unknown. 130 Patients in their sixth and seventh decades account for 50% of all solitary pleural fibromas, although persons of any age group may be affected.40 Both genders are affected to an equal extent, frequently without symptoms (50% of the time). 22,31 When symptoms are present, cough, chest pain, and dyspnea are common. Increased incidences of pulmonary osteoarthropathy (35%) and hypoglycemia (4%) occur in patients with solitary fibromas. 24 Eighty percent of solitary fibromas are of visceral pleural origin, and 20% originate from the parietal pleura. 106 Pathologically, localized fibromas consist of spindle-shaped submesothelial mesenchymal cells separated by collagen. The solitary fibroma exists in two separate forms, benign and malignant (ratio of 7:1, assessed histologically). 9 In the face of inconclusive histology, the presence of a pedicle is the most reliable sign of benignancy. 119 Stalks of pleural fibromas can measure up to 9 cm in length and occur in 50% of cases. On chest radiography, pleural fibromas are circumscribed, spherical or ovoid, often lobulated, pleural lesions measuring less than 1 cm or up to 30 cm in diameter (Fig. 33-20).39 Pedunculation, demonstrated on fluoroscopy by changes in position and shape with respiration, is a common feature. 33 Commonly, a smooth, tapered margin exists between the mass and the chest wall, rather than the typical obtuse angle with the chest wall. Indistinct tumor margins are common, but sharp margins may be seen on tangential views. Pleural fibromas may be located in the thoracic pleura (46%), a fissure (30%), the mediastinal pleura (18%), or the diaphragm (6%).130 CT imaging shows a solitary, homogeneous, well-defined, enhancing, soft-tissue attenuation mass intimately related to a pleural surface or fissure. Necrosis or calcification occurs in 7% of cases, and associated pleural effusions in 17% of cases. 130 CT imaging serves an invaluable role in distinguishing between a mass arising in the interlobar fissure and one within the lung parenchyma. 142 The CT characteristics of a pleural mass, as opposed to a parenchymal lesion, include compressive atelectasis of adjacent lung parenchyma, bowing of bronchi and pulmonary vessels around the mass, and a gradually tapering interface with the chest wall.91

FIG. 33-20. Localized pleural fibroma. A: Posteroanterior chest radiograph reveals large, round density ( curved arrow) abutting lateral chest wall. B: Lateral view of chest shows mass (curved arrow) arising from left major fissure. C: Enhanced computed tomographic (CT) scan reveals a soft-tissue intrafissural mass with coarse calcifications, a pathologically proven localized pleural fibroma. D: Two-dimensional CT scan reconstruction image in left parasagittal plane shows fissural origin of mass and proximity with left-lateral pleural surface. (From Knisely BL, Kuhlman JE: Radiographic and computed tomography imaging of complex pleural disease. Crit Rev Diagn Imaging 38:158, 1997, with permission.)

Manifestations of asbestos-related disease include pleural effusions, pleural thickening and discrete plaques, asbestosis (interstitial lung disease), pleural and lung neoplasms, and rounded atelectasis. 1 The most specific and frequent finding, pleural plaques, has a latency period of at least 20 years. 7,48,132 Primarily, pleural plaques cover the parietal pleura of the diaphragm and chest wall, sparing apices, costophrenic angles, and mediastinal surfaces. Occasionally, pleural plaques, composed of acellular collagen, extend into visceral interlobar fissures. 118,128 The severity of the pleural plaques and the severity of asbestosis correlate to a significant extent.8 Chest radiographs depict calcifications in pleural plaques in 15% of cases, with CT scanning identifying calcifications more frequently because of axial imaging and greater sensitivity in detecting calcifications. 148 Further improvement in sensitivity and specificity for detection of pleural plaques can be obtained with HRCT. 50,73,74 Pleural plaques on CT images appear as focal, thickened areas of soft-tissue attenuation along the paravertebral pleura, in the lung bases. Plaque calcifications range from 1 to 10 mm in thickness, with their greatest thickness adjacent to the ribs rather than the interspaces ( Fig. 33-21). In patients with no history of asbestos exposure who present with unilateral sheets of pleural calcifications, more extensive posterolaterally, infection and hemorrhage should be considered ( Fig. 33-22).

FIG. 33-21. Asbestos exposure. A: Posteroanterior chest radiograph shows focal calcified left pleural plaque. B: Close-up view of calcified left pleural plaque. C: Lateral view of chest reveals bilateral calcified diaphragmatic plaques ( arrows). D: Close-up view of thin, curvilinear, calcified diaphragmatic plaques. E: Chest computed tomographic scan shows bilateral calcified pleural plaques related to asbestos exposure. F: Close-up view of paravertebral calcified pleural plaques.

FIG. 33-22. Fibrothorax. A: Extensive left pleural calcification is depicted on posteroanterior chest radiograph. B: Enhanced computed tomographic scan reveals large, calcified pleural plaques involving anterolateral and posterior pleural surfaces.

Diffuse pleural thickening is another finding in the patient exposed to asbestos. Subcostal fat in the obese patient may mimic bilateral pleural thickening on plain chest radiographs. On CT scanning, diffuse pleural thickening, subcostal fat, and pleural plaques may be differentiated. 127 Pleural thickening appears as a smooth, symmetrical, soft-tissue attenuation parallel to the chest wall on CT scans. In contrast, subcostal fat appears as a low-attenuation tissue internal to the ribs and external to the parietal pleura. Round atelectasis, previously termed folded lung, atelectatic pseudotumor, or pleuroma, represents juxtapleural lung collapse. Any cicatrizing pleural disease may result in rounded atelectasis, with asbestos exposure the most common cause. 131,144 An exudative pleural effusion, the inciting event, leads to pleural adhesions and subsequent infolding and entrapment of adjacent lung in the lung bases ( Fig. 33-23). Recognition of the characteristic CT findings of rounded atelectasis is crucial, because this atelectatic mass of lung parenchyma mimics pleural or primary lung neoplasms. 93,94 Rounded atelectasis on CT imaging appears as a round or oval, wedge-shaped mass, 3.5 to 7 cm in diameter.93 Associated pleural thickening, thickest adjacent to the mass, is a constant feature. The classic comet-tail sign describes the incurving of vessels and bronchi toward the mass. 131 Rounded atelectasis remains unchanged over time, only occasionally progressing or regressing. On biopsy of rounded atelectasis to exclude malignancy, histologic findings of fibrosis confirm the diagnosis. 4,34 Biopsy results may be misleading and must be correlated with the characteristic radiographic and CT features of rounded atelectasis.

FIG. 33-23. Rounded atelectasis. A: Posteroanterior view of chest shows rounded configuration of left pleural process. B: Lateral view shows large posterior extent of pleural disease. C: Computed tomographic (CT) scan of chest shows two atelectatic masses with converging bronchi and pulmonary vessels, a classic appearance for rounded atelectasis. D: Mediastinal settings of chest CT scan shows underlying left exudative pleural effusion with enhancing pleura ( arrow).

Malignant Processes Metastatic pleural disease (95%)including breast and lung carcinoma, thymoma, and lymphomaand diffuse malignant mesothelioma (5%) account for the majority of malignant pleural masses.71,80,88,90 Malignant mesothelioma, a rare and aggressive pleural neoplasm with a prevalence of 2,000 to 3,000 cases per year in the United States, is expected to increase in incidence. 1 Mesothelioma affects men 2 to 6 times more often than women, with age ranging between 50 to 70 years. 112 Chest pain, dyspnea, cough, and weight loss are common presenting symptoms. The association between asbestos exposure and development of malignant mesothelioma has been strongly established. 17,71,157 A latency period of 20 years between exposure and development of the mesothelioma is common, and mesothelioma may develop despite relatively low levels of asbestos exposure. 38 Treatment has not significantly altered the natural disease course, which yields a mean survival time of 11 months.2,112 Current treatment modalities include extrapleural pneumonectomy alone or in conjunction with postsurgical radiation and chemotherapy.3,13,26,122 Malignant mesothelioma may be suspected on chest radiographs demonstrating irregular, nodular, peripheral pleural opacities with associated ipsilateral pleural effusion (Fig. 33-24).15 Tumor extension into interlobar fissures occurs in 40% to 86% of cases, with not infrequent contraction of the ipsilateral hemithorax. 71 On fewer than 25% of presenting chest radiographs, a focal pleural mass without a pleural effusion is demonstrated. 112 Pleural plaques, as evidence of asbestos exposure, are identified in only 20% of cases of mesothelioma. Rib destruction, signifying advanced disease, may be evident on conventional chest radiographs.


FIG. 33-24. Malignant mesothelioma. A: Posteroanterior chest radiograph shows diffuse right-sided pleural process with contraction of right hemithorax. B: Lateral view shows extensive pleural process. C: Enhanced computed tomographic scan reveals irregular, nodular pleural thickening involving entire pleural surface and encasing right lung, representing mesothelioma.

Malignant mesothelioma on CT imaging shows widespread nodular pleural thickening with mediastinal surface involvement, encasement of the lung, and extension into the interlobar fissures. Tumor may further extend to the thoracic wall, into the contralateral chest, and into the abdomen. 75,95 Frozen mediastinum, ipsilateral volume loss, and unilateral pleural effusion accompanying nodular infiltration of the pleural fissures are telltale signs of malignant mesothelioma. 126 Metastatic pleural adenocarcinoma may have identical imaging features. Histochemistry, immunochemistry, and electron microscopy are required to differentiate between metastatic adenocarcinoma and malignant mesothelioma because of their histologic similarities. 119 CT imaging accurately depicts extension of malignant mesothelioma to the chest wall, mediastinum, abdomen, or even more remotely, as seen in metastatic disease. 95 Assessment of the resectability of mesothelioma by CT criteria may be accomplished by evaluating the mediastinum; the preservation of normal mediastinal fat without tumor infiltration of the soft tissues suggests resectability. 109 Nevertheless, these tumors are considered nonresectable when more than 50% of mediastinal structures are surrounded with tumor, even without evidence of direct invasion. Signs of invasion and nonresectability include infiltration of the extrapleural soft tissues and displacement of the ribs. CT findings compatible with resectability include a smooth inferior border of the diaphragm adjacent to the liver on the right or adjacent to intra-abdominal organs on the left. Most pleural neoplasms are metastases, including metastases from lung carcinoma (40%), breast carcinoma (20%), lymphoma (10%), thymoma, and other primary sites.65 Extrathoracic primary tumors metastasizing to the pleura include breast, ovarian, uterine, renal, gastrointestinal, and pancreatic adenocarcinomas and occasionally sarcomas (Fig. 33-25 and Fig. 33-26).92 An uncommon intrathoracic primary neoplasm, invasive thymoma, tends to spread in a contiguous manner to the adjacent unilateral pleural surface ( Fig. 33-27). A thymoma may mimic malignant mesothelioma, particularly when the anterior mediastinal component of the thymoma is small. 20 Histologically, mesothelioma and thymoma are identical, with differentiation made on the grounds of invasion through the capsule at surgery, which is seen in the thymoma.52 Pleural spread of thymoma causes either widespread pleural thickening or multiple discrete masses.

FIG. 33-25. Pleural metastases. A: Posteroanterior chest radiograph shows large left pleural effusion. B: Chest computed tomographic (CT) scan reveals nodular, irregular pleural thickening. C: Enhanced chest CT scan shows soft-tissue attenuation of the pleural metastases. D: Abdominal CT scan reveals pancreatic mass (arrow) encasing celiac axis, representing pancreatic adenocarcinoma.

FIG. 33-26. Pleural metastases. A: Posteroanterior chest radiograph shows airfluid level ( arrows) in right pleural space, representing right hydropneumothorax, and a central mass obliterating right heart border. B: Lateral view shows anterior air collections ( arrows) in right pleural space and bilateral pleural effusions blunting posterior costophrenic angles. C: Enhanced chest computed tomographic (CT) scan reveals spiculated right-middle-lobe mass, which proved on biopsy to be bronchogenic adenocarcinoma. D: Enhanced CT scan of chest shows pleural metastases (curved arrows) and sharp cutoff of right-middle-lobe bronchus ( arrow),

secondary to lung carcinoma. E: Chest CT scan at a lower level reveals trapped atelectatic right middle lobe ( curved arrow) and right hydropneumothorax.

FIG. 33-27. Thymoma. A: Posteroanterior chest radiograph shows large left midlung opacity ( curved arrow). B: Lateral view localizes mass into anterior mediastinal compartment (curved arrow). C: Enhanced chest computed tomographic scan reveals enhancing anterior mediastinal mass with central areas of necrosis. Obliteration of fat planes is consistent with invasion ( arrow). (From Knisely BL, Kuhlman JE: Radiographic and computed tomography imaging of complex pleural disease. Crit Rev Diagn Imaging 38:158, 1997, with permission.)

Pleural metastases most commonly appear on chest radiographs as a malignant pleural effusion. In a general hospital setting in a population of older patients, 25% of all pleural effusions proved to be malignant in origin. 78 A massive malignant effusion is not uncommon, but the size is variable. 87 Variably sized, solid pleural tumor implants accompany the malignant pleural effusion. Malignant implants involve costal, mediastinal, and diaphragmatic pleural surfaces indiscriminately, along with the interlobar fissures. Metastatic pleural disease occasionally may be confused with a benign fibrothorax. In metastatic disease, the pleural thickening is more nodular, frequently encasing the entire lung, including the mediastinal surfaces. 80 Metastatic pleural disease represents a common clinical problem that is frequently evaluated extensively by CT imaging. The hint that a pleural effusion may be malignant in origin often is inferred from its association with pleural changes depicted on CT scans. Ideally, CT scanning should be performed after the removal of a pleural effusion, if it is large, because the fluid may obscure underlying abnormalities in the lung parenchyma. Malignant pleural abnormalities include smooth or nodular parietal pleural thickening, enhancing parietal pleura, pleura-based masses, and changes in the subcostal tissues. 107 Signs of pleural malignancy with high specificity include circumferential thickening (100% specific), nodularity (94%), more than 1 cm thickening of the parietal pleural (94%), and involvement of mediastinal pleural. 80 CT scanning includes evaluation of the lung parenchyma, which often reveals parenchymal masses, lymphangitic carcinomatosis, diffuse parenchymal metastatic nodules from an extrathoracic primary tumor, or encasement of the lung with restriction. Secondary signs of malignancy may be detected on routine examination of the mediastinum, looking for mediastinal masses or adenopathy. Metastatic lesions within the chest wall, mediastinum, or abdomen may be evaluated on CT imaging. The most common cause of pleural malignancy, bronchogenic carcinoma, constitutes 35% to 50% of cases in most series. 102,124,129 Diffuse pleural involvement with bronchogenic carcinoma and an associated pleural effusion make the tumor nonresectable ( Fig. 33-28). Peripheral tumors that directly invade the pleura locally, with extension into the chest wall, also fall into the nonresectable category. At times, determining chest wall and pleura invasion by lung carcinoma may be difficult even with CT imaging. The only reliable CT findings of frank chest wall invasion are findings of rib destruction and gross tumor infiltration of the chest wall soft tissues. If examination of the parietal pleura, assessed with cine CT through a lung cancer during breathing of the patient, reveals an adhesion to the pleura, it is highly suspicious for invasion. 136

FIG. 33-28. Metastatic bronchogenic carcinoma. A: Anteroposterior chest radiograph reveals bilateral pleural effusions and bilateral nodular opacities. B: Computed tomographic scan shows primary lung carcinoma (large arrow), pleural metastases (small arrows), and associated bilateral pleural effusions.

Lymphomatous involvement of the pleura occurs in both Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's disease. Discrete, broad-based, lymphomatous pleural plaques, consistent with direct pleural involvement, occur more commonly in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. 102 The subpleural lymphatic channels give rise to the lymphomatous plaques. 102 Occasionally associated pleural effusions are identified; they are thought to be related to either obstruction of the lymphatics by mediastinal or hilar adenopathy or direct lymphomatous involvement of the pleural space. 21 Involvement of the pleura with lymphoma may represent recurrence of disease or direct spread of pulmonary or mediastinal lymphoma. Rarely is primary pleural lymphoma the initial site of malignancy. The tendency of chest radiographs to underestimate the true size and extent of lesions or to fail to demonstrate tumor implants make CT the imaging modality of choice.46 The ability of CT imaging to detect noncontiguous pleural involvement changes the classification, particularly in Hodgkin's lymphoma, and may alter therapy. Imaging features on radiographic and CT scans of solid pleural lymphoma may include multiple masses, solitary nodule, and solitary or multiple pleural plaques with or without a pleural effusion ( Fig. 33-29).19 Radiographic and CT imaging findings in treated lymphoma differ from the untreated variety in that calcified pleural plaques and calcified mediastinal and hilar nodes or cystic changes in the tumor are present.

FIG. 33-29. Lymphoproliferative disorder. Chest computed tomographic scan reveals focal, pleura-based mass along left-lateral chest wall, which proved on biopsy to be a lymphoproliferative disorder, a variant of lymphoma in a cardiac transplant recipient. (From Knisely BL, Kuhlman JE: Radiographic and computed tomography

imaging of complex pleural disease. Crit Rev Diagn Imaging 38:158, 1997, with permission.)

Leukemic infiltration of the pleura or lungs, common pathologically, rarely causes pulmonary symptoms or significant pleuropulmonary radiographic findings. However, pleural effusion is quite common in leukemia. The frequent coexistence of pulmonary hemorrhage, edema, infection, and infarction makes it almost impossible to determine the underlying cause for an effusion as leukemic in origin. However, subpleural deposits of leukemic cells are commonly found at autopsy. Rarely, a mass of leukemic cells in patients with myeloid leukemia causes pleural thickening; this is called granulocytic sarcoma or chloroma formation (because of its green color). 84,108,137 Trapped lung occurs when atelectatic lung is prevented from re-expanding by a pleural peel of neoplastic pleural implants or after inflammatory adhesions ( Fig. 33-30). Pleural pressure decreases in the presence of a pleural peel, altering the balance of pleural fluid and causing pleural effusions. This theory may account for postoperative pleural effusions and effusions accompanying neoplastic bronchial obstruction. 125

FIG. 33-30. Trapped lung. A: Chest computed tomographic (CT) scan shows pleural metastases from an unknown primary adenocarcinoma (arrows). B: At a lower level, CT scan reveals large left malignant effusion surrounding atelectatic trapped lung.

Unusual Pleural Space Disease Thoracic splenosis and pleural endometriosis are rare pleural diseases. Thoracic splenosis occurs in the presence of simultaneous splenic and diaphragmatic rupture. 97 Splenic implants grow into small masses on the pleural surface, pericardium, and peritoneum. Incidental discovery of single or multiple small (usually less than 3 cm) pleural nodules on chest radiographs occurs months to years after the inciting trauma. Diagnosis of thoracic splenosis may be confirmed with a radionuclide scanusually technetium-99m sulfur colloid, used in liver-spleen scans, or 99mTc-labeled heat-damaged erythrocytes, which are sequestered by splenic tissue. The pleural implants take up the radiopharmaceutical, appearing as hot spots in the thorax. Splenic implants are functional and require surgical removal only if symptomatic. Pleurodiaphragmatic endometriosis clinically manifests as catamenial pneumothorax or, infrequently, as catamenial hemothorax. First described in 1958, catamenial pneumothorax affects parous females and is associated with menses, occurring 1 day before to 3 days after menstruation. 89 The pneumothorax almost always is right-sided, small, self-resolving, and recurrent. 28,56,138 The most widely accepted theory for catamenial pneumothorax is that air enters the peritoneal cavity through the genital tract during menses (through the cervix, which is not occluded by a mucus plug) and passes into the pleural cavity through diaphragmatic defects that may or may not be associated with necrotic endometrial implants. 100,138,140,160 Cure may be effected through hormonal suppression of ovulation or tubal ligation. 85,165 New Approaches to Pleural Disease and Image Guidance In recent years, the number of image-guided interventions directed at pleural-space disease has increased dramatically. 14,23,32,72,79,105,117,133,134,149,161 CT or sonographic guidance may be used to direct placement of small-bore, flexible catheters, through which fibrinolytic agents such as urokinase and streptokinase can be delivered to treat pleural empyema.23,37,72,117,149 After percutaneous placement of drainage catheters, sclerosing agents such as talc, doxycycline, and bleomycin can be delivered to treat recurrent chylothorax, malignant pleural effusions, or recurrent pneumothorax. 72,134 Benefits of these percutaneous approaches to pleural disease include less patient discomfort, more patient mobility, and less risk of infection compared with traditional operative approaches. 134 Imaged-guided localization of pleural or peripheral pulmonary lesions with spring-hook wires facilitates subsequent thoracoscopic surgery. 79,130 Recent reports demonstrate the efficacy of CT-guided percutaneous cutting-needle biopsy in the diagnosis of diffuse pleural thickening. 133 In summary, recent advances in image-assisted procedures have markedly improved therapeutic options for complex pleural disease. 76 CHAPTER REFERENCES
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Chapter 34 Diseases of the Chest Wall and Diaphragm Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 34 Diseases of the Chest Wall and Diaphragm

Janet E. Kuhlman and John H. Juhl

J. E. Kuhlman and J. H. Juhl: Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Medical School, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252.

Overview of the Chest Wall Computed Tomographic Techniques for Evaluating Chest Wall Disease Magnetic Resonance Imaging Techniques for Evaluating Chest Wall Disease Chest Wall Masses Lipomas Neurogenic Tumors Hemangiomas Lymphangiomas Vessel-related Pathology Malignancies of Chest Wall Soft Tissues Chest Wall Masses That Arise in Ribs and Cause Rib Destruction Chest Wall Invasion by Tumor Recurrent Breast Cancer and Chest Wall Lymphoma Infections of the Chest Wall Congenital Chest Wall Deformities The Diaphragm Changes in the Diaphragm with Age Motion of the Diaphragm Functional Disturbances of the Diaphragm Paralysis and Paresis of the Diaphragm Eventration of the Diaphragm Diaphragmatic Displacements Diaphragmatic Tumors Diaphragmatic Hernias Accessory Diaphragm Cysts of the Diaphragm The Diaphragm as Barrier to Disease Spread Chapter References Selected Readings

The chest wall and diaphragm are affected by a wide variety of conditions, including infectious and inflammatory diseases and primary and secondary malignancies. Diagnosis and characterization of chest wall masses by conventional chest radiography is limited, and cross-sectional imaging with computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or both, is frequently needed. Chest wall invasion by lung cancer, recurrent breast cancer, or lymphoma is a common clinical question that may be difficult to answer with conventional radiographs. Other practical issues involving the chest wall include determining the cause of brachial plexopathy and delineating the extent of infections and inflammatory diseases. This chapter also reviews the anatomy of the diaphragm and the pathologic conditions that affect it, such as diaphragmatic hernias and processes that transgress the diaphragm.


Chest wall disease is often first detected with plain films of the chest. 52 Initial evaluation may identify rib and bone anomalies as well as underlying lung pathology that may be associated with a chest wall lesion. 52 Plain-film findings of an extrapulmonary chest wall mass include the incomplete border sign. The chest wall mass loses its sharp outline where it interfaces with the soft tissues of the chest wall, but keeps its sharp outline where it is silhouetted by the lung. Extrapulmonary chest wall masses tend to have smooth, tapered borders and to displace both the parietal and visceral pleura inward. Plain-film evaluation of most chest wall conditions is limited and must be supplemented by further cross-sectional imaging with CT or MRI. Often, CT and MRI play complementary roles in the evaluation of chest wall processes.10,27,52 The advantages of MRI in evaluating chest wall conditions include direct multiplanar capabilities, improved soft-tissue contrast characterization, and flow-sensitive pulse sequences that allow the detection of blood flow without the use of catheters or intravenous contrast agents. 10,27,48,52 CT evaluation of chest wall disease, on the other hand, provides images with higher spatial resolution and depicts cortical bone erosion better than MRI does. 10,27,52 Spiral CT datasets can also be obtained during a single breath hold, allowing the generation of multiplanar and three-dimensional images to evaluate the extent and severity of disease. Computed Tomographic Techniques for Evaluating Chest Wall Disease Newer CT techniques such as spiral/helical scanning allow faster imaging of the chest wall during a single breath hold and can be used to generate multiplanar reconstructions that are free of respiratory motion artifact. Helical scanning protocols vary depending on the manufacturer, but for a routine evaluation, typical scanning parameters are a slice thickness of 7 mm, a table speed of 9.8 mm/second (pitch of 1.4), and a reconstruction interval of 7 mm. Additional scans with thin collimation (1 to 3 mm) can be done as needed, and these may be particularly critical for evaluation of apical masses for chest wall invasion. The use of an intravenous contrast agent is essential for the evaluation of most chest wall problems to delineate the extent of chest wall disease and to opacify important vascular structures. It is most effectively administered by a power injector, with 100 to 150 mL of iodinated contrast material (300 mg iodine per milliliter) injected at a rate of 23 mL/second.17,18,19 and 20 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Techniques for Evaluating Chest Wall Disease No standard MRI technique for evaluating chest wall disease exists. Each examination should be tailored to the clinical question in order to choose the appropriate pulse sequences, imaging planes, slice thickness, field of view, and imaging coil. 10,17,18,19 and 20,27 Many chest wall problems can be evaluated by traditional spin-echo sequences with the use of the body coil. However, newer surface, transmit-receive, and phased-array coils are available that provide images with higher signal-to-noise ratios and achieve higher spatial resolution. Torso and flexible coil configurations that wrap around the chest are excellent choices for many chest wall problems. Most examinations begin with large field-of-view images to survey the extent of the problem. These views are then supplemented with smaller field-of-view images in multiple planes. Frequently used pulse sequences include T1-weighted spin-echo sequences; T2-weighted spin-echo or fast spin-echo images; short T1 inversion recovery (STIR) sequences; and gradient-recalled acquisition in the steady state (GRASS) images for vascular assessment. Fast spin-echo sequences can often be substituted for the longer traditional spin-echo T2-weighted sequences, and magnetic resonance angiography techniques can be very useful in displaying the vascular supply of chest wall masses. Imaging planes (axial, coronal, sagittal, and oblique) are selected to best display the pathology and relevant anatomy. Slice thickness and interslice gap are adjusted to cover the region of interest. Cardiac gating along with respiratory compensation techniques are routinely used for chest imaging to minimize image artifacts. Gadolinium intravenous contrast enhancement may be helpful in differentiating recurrent tumor from scarring in the chest wall.17,18,19 and 20 Chest Wall Masses The extrapleural space and the chest wall are composed of fat and soft tissues, including nerves, blood vessels, lymphatics, muscle, bone, cartilage, and fibrous connective tissue. Chest wall masses can arise from any of these component tissues. 10,27,35,37 Typically, masses that are extrapleural displace both the parietal and visceral pleura as they expand into the thorax and create a lesion that forms obtuse angles with the chest wall on the chest radiograph and CT scans. 10,27,35,37 Associated bony changes in the adjacent ribs are common because most chest wall masses arise in or near ribs, and this is the best plain-film finding of chest wall

disease. Lipomas The most common chest wall mass is a benign lipoma52 (Fig. 34-1 and Fig. 34-2). Lipomas may be located in the subcutaneous fat or within the chest wall muscles, or they may insinuate through the ribs to become subpleural or intrathoracic masses. A more extensive growth of lipomatous tissue is called infiltrating lipomatosis. Often an intrathoracic lipoma can be suggested based on the plain-film appearance of a pedunculated intrathoracic mass which appears almost like a breast, with relatively more lucent radiographic density than the rest of the soft tissues of the chest. CT scanning readily confirms the fatty nature of the mass; CT attenuation of the mass is usually in the range of 100 to 160 Hounsfield units. Lipomas are also easily recognized on MRI by their signal intensity, which parallels that of subcutaneous fat on all pulse sequences: high signal on T1, high signal on proton-density, lower signal on more heavily weighted T2, low signal on STIR, and low signal on fat-saturation sequences. Chemical shift artifact should also be present at the interface of the fatty mass and surrounding water-containing soft tissues. Distinguishing between a benign lipoma and a liposarcoma, particularly a low-grade liposarcoma, is often difficult or impossible based solely on imaging characteristics. In general, however, benign lipomas are homogenous in texture and signal characteristics, with little or no internal soft-tissue components. High-grade liposarcomas are more heterogeneous in their tissue composition and usually contain soft-tissue elements as well as fat. The pleochmorphic type of liposarcoma may contain little or no fat and may demonstrate only soft-tissue characteristics on CT and MRI. 17,18,19 and 20

FIG. 34-1. A and B: Posteroanterior and lateral chest radiographs show an extrapulmonary chest wall mass that demonstrates the incomplete border sign. The sharp margin is lost where the mass interfaces with the soft tissues of the chest wall. The mass also has a pedunculated appearance, suggesting a lipoma.

FIG. 34-2. Computed tomographic (CT) confirmation of intrathoracic chest wall lipoma. CT density of the mass on axial, coronal, and sagittal images is the same as that of the subcutaneous fat.

Neurogenic Tumors Neural tumors that cause chest wall masses may arise from the peripheral nerves of the chest wall, the intercostal nerves of the thoracic cage, the thoracic spine nerve roots, or the paraspinal ganglion of the sympathetic chain 10,41 (Fig. 34-3 and Fig. 34-4). Neurofibromas, schwannomas (neurilemmomas), and neurofibrosarcomas arise from nerve roots. Neuroblastomas, ganglioneuromas, and ganglioneuroblastomas originate from sympathetic ganglia. 11

FIG. 34-3. Apical neurofibromas arising from the first intercostal nerves bilaterally. (From ref. 20, with permission.)

FIG. 34-4. Magnetic resonance image of plexiform neurofibroma infiltrating the chest wall ( A) and left upper extremity (B). Neurogenic tumors are hyperintense on T2-weighted images. Neurofibromas also demonstrate a characteristic target sign, with a low-signal-intensity center within the bright tumor mass ( arrow). (From ref. 20, with permission.)

Depending on the type of nerve affected, the plain-film findings of neurogenic tumors may include rib erosions, rib notching, and rib sclerosis for those tumors arising from intercostal nerves.10,41 Neurofibromas can even mimic Pancoast tumors when they arise from the first or second intercostal nerves in the apex of the thoracic cage.41 Patients with neurofibromatosis often have more extensive involvement of the chest wall by plexiform neurofibromas that infiltrate widely. Malignant degeneration occurs in approximately 15% of patients with neurofibromatosis. 10,41 Both CT and MRI are used to image neurogenic tumors, but in many cases MRI is the preferred modality to evaluate the extent of chest wall involvement. The intramuscular extent of neurofibromas is more difficult to delineate with CT because of limited soft-tissue contrast. On the other hand, neurofibromas and other neurogenic tumors demonstrate very high signal intensity on T2-weighted images, which increases their conspicuity with respect to other soft tissues and muscle of the chest wall.10 MRI is also better able to demonstrate the intraspinal extent of neurogenic tumors without the need for myelography. CT more readily identifies small calcifications within neurogenic tumors and better delineates bone destruction. Marrow involvement by malignant neurogenic tumors is detected more accurately with MRI.10 Neurofibromas often demonstrate a typical feature on T2-weighted MRI images that has been called the target signa high-signal tumor mass with a central focus of low signal intensity 10 (see Fig. 34-4). Pathologically, the low-signal target is probably caused by tightly packed collagen and Schwann cells within the center of neurofibromas, while the peripheral area of the tumor is composed of higher-signal myxoid tissue. Hemangiomas Hemangiomas are uncommon lesions affecting the chest wall, but they may form in the skin, subcutaneous tissues, muscles, ribs, or synovium of joints. 8,23,30 A spectrum of vascular malformations can occur, including cavernous hemangiomas and venous, arteriovenous, capillary, and mixed malformations ( Fig. 34-5). Calcified phleboliths are occasionally identified in larger hemangiomas on chest radiographs. 8,23,30 CT with intravenous contrast demonstrates an enhancing mass or serpiginous vessels, phleboliths, and underlying bone remodeling. 8,23,30 MRI often more accurately delineates the extent of soft-tissue hemangiomas, because these lesions typically demonstrate areas of very high signal intensity on T2-weighted images. 8,10 The bright signal on T2 is thought to be caused by slow-flowing or stagnant blood within dilated vascular channels. Depending on their type and morphology, hemangiomas may demonstrate a mixture of MRI signals owing to the combination of vascular elements, fat, and connective tissues within the mass, as well as the presence of old blood, hemosiderin, and thrombus. 8 A characteristic MRI feature of superficial hemangiomas is the presence of low-signal curvilinear structures on T1-weighted images that demonstrate high signal on T2-weighted images. Intramuscular lesions are frequently associated with muscle atrophy. 8,17,20 Larger-vessel arteriovenous malformations show flow void in larger feeding vessels on T1-weighted images and high signal caused by fast flow on GRASS or gradient-flow-sensitive sequences ( Fig. 34-5).

FIG. 34-5. Magnetic resonance image of chest wall arteriovenous malformation. Coronal T1-weighted ( A) and magnetic resonance angiography ( B) sequences demonstrate the extensive nature of the vascular malformation with numerous feeding vessels. (From ref. 17, with permission.)

Lymphangiomas Lymphangiomas are congenital malformations of the lymphatic system in which lymphatic saccules become sequestered from the rest of the lymphatic network 38,46,53 (Fig. 34-6). Most commonly they appear as a neck mass in the infant, but lymphangiomas may extend from the neck into the supraclavicular fossa, the axilla, the chest wall, and the mediastinum. 17,18,19 and 20,38,46,53 Their infiltrative nature and propensity for recurrence make lymphangiomas difficult to resect, and careful preoperative planning is critical to successful removal. 38,46,53 Cystic hygromas are a localized form of lymphangioma, usually identified in early childhood, in which the lymphatic channels dilate in a multiloculated, cystic mass. 38,46,53

FIG. 34-6. A and B: Magnetic resonance image of chest wall lymphangioma. These infiltrative cystic lymph saccules demonstrate high signal intensity on T2-weighted images. (From ref. 20, with permission.)

The plain-film findings of chest wall lymphangiomas are limited, and cross-sectional evaluation with CT or MRI, or both, is required for further delineation. Lymphangiomas appear as well-defined cystic masses on CT, with homogenous CT attenuation in the range of water. 38,46,53 Intravenous contrast is very beneficial in helping to define the margins of lymphangiomas from surrounding soft tissues and muscles. MRI exquisitely displays the extent of chest wall lymphangiomas because the dilated, fluid-containing structures demonstrate high signal intensity on T2-weighted images. 38,46,53 T2-weighted sequences with fat suppression and STIR sequences highlight the water content of lymphangiomas and are excellent for delineating the full extent of these lesions. Internal septations within lymphangiomas are frequently identified both on CT and MRI. 17,18,19 and 20,38,46,53 Vessel-related Pathology Extrapleural masses in the apex of the thoracic cage may be caused by aneurysms, false aneurysms, or perivascular hematomas of the subclavian artery or veins. These are frequently the result of complications of central line placements 17,18,19 and 20,53 (Fig. 34-7). Blunt chest trauma may result in chest wall hematomas of considerable size. Even cardiopulmonary resuscitation may cause chest wall hematomas, particularly in patients with underlying bleeding dyscrasias. Chest wall veins become excessively dilated when they serve as collateral drainage pathways around an intrathoracic site of obstruction, such as an obstructed or thrombosed superior vena cava.

FIG. 34-7. Postoperative chest wall hematoma around an axillary graft. High density within the fluid collection represents clotted blood. (From ref. 17, with permission.)

Malignancies of Chest Wall Soft Tissues Breast cancer is the most common neoplasm to arise in the soft tissues of the chest wall. 52 Mammography is currently the mainstay of breast cancer screening; however, gadolinium-enhanced MRI has shown some promise as an adjunct to mammography for distinguishing types of breast masses and for identifying multifocal breast cancers. The ultimate role of MRI in evaluating breast cancer has yet to be established. CT is used extensively to stage more advanced breast cancers, and both CT and MRI have important roles in the evaluation of local chest wall recurrences. 5,44,45,52 Less common soft-tissue tumors of the chest wall include soft-tissue sarcomas and desmoid tumors. Chest Wall Masses That Arise in Ribs and Cause Rib Destruction Chest wall masses that arise within a rib and cause rib destruction are often first detected on chest radiographs. In the adult, the most common causes of this finding are metastases or multiple myeloma 41 (Fig. 34-8, Fig. 34-9 and Fig. 34-10). The same differential diagnosis is also true for masses arising in the sternum that cause bone destruction48A (Fig. 34-11). In adults, the ribs and sternum are skeletal locations with remaining red marrow, making them susceptible to hematogenous metastases from cancers of the breast, lung, kidney, and thyroid. 52 In the child, Ewing's sarcoma and metastatic neuroblastoma are the most common cause of destructive rib masses.

FIG. 34-8. Multiple extrapulmonary chest wall masses with rib destruction caused by rib metastases from hepatoma. (From ref. 20, with permission.)

FIG. 34-9. Multiple myeloma. A: Lateral skull film shows multiple lytic bone lesions caused by myeloma. B: Chest radiograph shows an extrapulmonary chest wall mass with rib destruction caused by myeloma.

FIG. 34-10. A: Bone scan shows abnormal radiotracer uptake involving posterior left rib. B: Computed tomography demonstrates subtle posterior left chest wall mass with rib destruction caused by metastatic lung cancer.

FIG. 34-11. Sternal metastasis. A and B: Posteroanterior and lateral chest radiograph shows an enlarged azygous vein and subtle soft-tissue mass posterior to the lower sternum (arrow). C and D: Computed tomography shows soft-tissue mass destroying the right side of the sternum as a result of a metastasis. Note also absence of the lower inferior vena cava with azygous continuation.

A variety of primary malignant and benign tumors also arise in the bone or cartilage of ribs, but compared with metastases these are uncommon lesions. Such tumors include chondrosarcomas, osteosarcomas, fibrosarcomas, round cell tumors, giant cell tumors, osteochondromas, enchondromas, aneurysmal bone cysts, and hemangiomas.41,52 Non-neoplastic disorders also produce rib masses and rib destruction, as in conditions such as fibrous dysplasia, eosinophilic granuloma, radiation osteitis, brown tumors in hyperparathyroidism, or rib erosion caused by an expanding thoracic aneurysm 41 (Fig. 34-12, Fig. 34-13 and Fig. 34-14). Healing rib fractures are a common cause of a palpable rib mass or a lesion mimicking a pulmonary nodule on plain films. In patients with chronic renal failure and secondary hyperparathyroidism, metastatic calcifications in the soft tissues of the chest wall can simulate pulmonary nodules or bone tumors. Examination beyond the chest radiograph usually requires CT and sometimes MRI. In general, cortical bone destruction is more accurately detected with CT, because of its better spatial resolution. Infiltration of the bone marrow and the soft-tissue extent of chest wall masses are more accurately displayed with MRI.

FIG. 34-12. Chest wall mass with rib destruction seen on chest radiograph ( A) and computed tomogram (B) was caused by a brown tumor in a patient with secondary hyperparathyroidism and renal osteodystrophy from chronic renal failure.

FIG. 34-13. Metastatic soft-tissue calcifications caused by secondary hyperparathyroidism and renal failure. A: Chest radiograph shows a dense mass in the left lower thorax. B and C: Computed tomograms show a conglomerate mass of calcifications in the soft tissues of the posterior left chest wall, mimicking a bone tumor.

FIG. 34-14. Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia producing multiple chest wall masses as a result of expansile rib enlargement. (From ref. 20, with permission.)

Chest Wall Invasion by Tumor Lung Cancer and the Pancoast Syndrome The Pancoast syndrome is a clinical triad of ipsilateral arm pain, wasting of the muscles of the hand, and Horner's eye findings (exophthalmos, ptosis, miosis, and anhiydrosis). 9,10,27,32,34,52,56 It is caused by any tumor in the superior sulcus that invades the chest wall to involve the brachial plexus in the supraclavicular fossa and the sympathetic stellate ganglion in the upper mediastinum and lower neck. 9,32,34,56 Lung cancer is the most common cause of the Pancoast syndrome, but other tumors invading the superior sulcus, such as breast cancer, multiple myeloma, metastases, lymphoma, or mesothelioma, can produce similar symptoms.9,10,27,32,34,52,56 Patients with lung cancer show improved survival if their Pancoast tumor is treated by a combination of surgery with radiotherapy, with or without chemotherapy. Therapeutic decisions hinge on the presence and extent of tumor invasion through the lung apex. Lung cancers that demonstrate definite invasion by preoperative imaging usually are treated with radiation therapy first, followed by surgical

resection if the tumor responds. 9,10,27,32,34,52,56 CT evaluation of Pancoast tumors requires more than routine examination techniques. Ideally, spiral or helical CT scanning with thin, overlapping sections provides the best detail, as well as a dataset that can be used for multiplanar reconstruction in the coronal and sagittal planes to evaluate the superior growth of the tumor. Bone window settings should be used to evaluate rib destruction and adjacent vertebral body invasion by tumor. Even with these additional CT techniques, however, the best assessment of Pancoast tumors is often made with MRI. Compared with thin-section axial CT in the evaluation of Pancoast tumors, MRI has been shown to be more accurate in demonstrating tumor invasion of the chest wall. 9,10,27,32,34,53 Heelan and colleagues 9 reported an overall accuracy of 94% for MRI, compared with 63% for CT. MRI displays Pancoast tumors to greater advantage than CT because of its multiplanar capabilities and its wider range of soft-tissue contrast. 10 Coronal and sagittal MRI studies are used to demonstrate the superior extent of Pancoast tumors and tumor proximity to the brachial plexus and subclavian vessels 9,10,32,34 (Fig. 34-15).

FIG. 34-15. Pancoast tumor of the right lung apex. Axial T2-weighted (A) and coronal T1-weighted ( B) images show chest wall invasion of tumor with extension into the supraclavicular fossa. (From ref. 17, with permission.)

Lung cancer can invade the chest wall at other sites besides the lung apex. Stage and surgical approach to therapy must be adjusted accordingly, and en bloc resection of the tumor and contiguous chest wall is performed in an attempt to improve survival. 32,34 Preoperative determination of chest wall invasion with CT or MRI is difficult, with the overall accuracy of CT as low as 39%. 32 Several reports comparing CT and MRI suggest that MRI is slightly more accurate in detecting tumor invasion, particularly infiltration of the extrapleural fat and adjacent chest wall muscles. 9 Most CT findings for chest wall invasion are not sensitive or specific. Continuity of the mass with the pleura is not a reliable indicator of invasion. 32,34,56 Adjacent pleural thickening, the length of pleural contact, or the angle of contact between mass and pleura are not specific or sensitive for chest wall invasion. 32,34,56 The presence of rib destruction on CT is the best absolute sign of chest wall invasion. 32,52 On MRI, loss of the extrapleural fat layer is suggestive evidence of chest wall invasion, but high signal in the chest-wall soft tissues on T2-weighted images may be caused by tumor invasion or by reactive inflammation or edema. 10,27 Recurrent Breast Cancer and Chest Wall Lymphoma The depth to which tumors such as recurrent breast cancer, lymphoma, and mesothelioma penetrate the chest wall has important therapeutic and prognostic implications for the patient. 1,5,14,24,44,45 Local recurrence rates for breast cancer after mastectomy vary depending on the initial stage and grade of the tumor and the local therapy performed, but the range is from 8% to 30%. 44,45 CT is the primary imaging modality used to monitor patients with breast cancer to search for distant metastases and to detect the presence and extent of local recurrence. Breast cancer may recur in the chest wall at several sites, including the skin, the subcutaneous tissues, the axilla, the pectoralis muscles, the interpectoral nodes, the parasternal/internal mammary zone, and the region of the brachial plexus 5,24 (Fig. 34-16). Because soft-tissue chest wall deformities and scarring after surgery or radiation therapy often make evaluation for recurrent tumor difficult on physical examination and on CT scans, the radiologist must be familiar with the expected CT appearance of the chest wall after various types of mastectomy, including radical, modified radical, and lumpectomy procedures. 44,45

FIG. 34-16. Local recurrence of breast cancer presenting as a soft-tissue nodule in the deep subcutaneous fat of the anterior chest wall ( arrow).

It can be extremely difficult to differentiate recurrent tumor from postoperative/postradiation scarring. 5 Both conditions may cause symptoms of pain and arm swelling if structures such as the brachial plexus or axillary vessels and lymphatics are involved. 54 Radiation-induced scarring usually occurs within 30 months of treatment. 5 On CT, radiation changes include skin thickening; ill-defined fat planes; streaks or linear changes in the subcutaneous tissues which cause a subtle increase in the CT attenuation of the fat 53; and changes in the adjacent lung. Findings are typically confined to the radiation therapy port. 5,24,44,45,54 On MRI, the signal characteristics of radiation fibrosis vary with time. During the acute phase of radiation injury, which may last from 6 to 12 months after treatment, an inflammatory reaction produces areas of high signal on T2-weighted images within the subcutaneous tissues and in the affected muscles. 10 During the chronic phase, areas of radiation fibrosis demonstrate relatively low signal on T2-weighted MRI studies, compared with fat. 10 When a focal mass is seen on CT or MRI, tumor recurrence is more likely. 53 Occasionally scarring and deformities after surgery produce a focal, mass-like lesion on CT that is indistinguishable from recurrent tumor. In these problematic cases, MRI may be helpful. Focal masses caused by tumor recurrence demonstrate high signal intensity on T2-weighted and STIR images. They usually demonstrate rapid gadolinium contrast enhancement, similar to the breast cancer primary. The one exception may be some forms of scirrhous breast carcinoma which elicit a more desmoplastic reaction at the site of the recurrence. 10,11,49 Focal masses caused by scarring or fibrosis demonstrate low signal on T2-weighted and STIR images and usually do not enhance significantly with gadolinium contrast. Brachial plexopathy in breast cancer patients may be caused by tumor recurrence or radiation damage. 11 Radiation injury to the brachial plexus usually occurs only after 6,000 rad. 5 MRI is superior to CT in demonstrating tumor involvement of the brachial plexus or diffuse inflammation of the plexus, as may be seen in radiation-induced plexopathy ( Fig. 34-17).

FIG. 34-17. Recurrent breast cancer involving the right brachial plexus. MRI reveals asymmetrical thickening of the right brachial plexus on T1-weighted image ( A) and focal high signal in the same area on T2-weighted image ( B) caused by tumor deposit. (From ref. 17, with permission.)

The sternum, parasternal zone, and internal mammary lymph nodes are another common area for breast cancer recurrence and lymphoma. 39,40,48A,52 Metastases to the internal mammary lymph nodes spread to invade the chest wall, the mediastinum, and the sternum. The depth of mediastinal penetration is particularly important in patients with lymphoma, and evidence of pericardial involvement should be carefully assessed. The stage, prognosis, and preferred choice of therapy depend critically on the depth of mediastinal invasion in these patients. Chest wall involvement by tumors such as lymphoma or mesothelioma may be extensive.1,10,14 In these cases, MRI examination is often helpful in determining the extent of chest wall invasion, the presence of diaphragmatic involvement, and the spread of disease into the abdomen. 10 Infections of the Chest Wall Chest wall infections are potentially life-threatening. 25,43 They usually occur in patients with some degree of immunosuppression, diabetes, or previous thoracic surgery or trauma15,21,25,43,47A (Fig. 34-18). Pyogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus and Klebsiella cause chest wall infections, as do more unusual pathogens such as Actinomycetes, Nocardia, Blastomycosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and Aspergillus.15,25,43,47A Prognosis depends on early detection, the severity of the patient's immunosuppression, the causative organism, and the extent of infection. 15,25,43 Chest wall infection may be limited to cellulitis, or it may extend to deeper structures, causing pyomyositis, abscess, or more severe necrotizing fasciitis. 25 Physical examination is notoriously inaccurate in estimating the extent or severity of chest wall infection. Physical findings such as skin redness, discoloration, necrosis, focal tenderness, induration, or warmth may be absent or minimal in the immunocompromised or elderly patient.15,25,43

FIG. 34-18. Necrotizing fasciitis in a patient with diabetes. Computed tomogram shows air dissecting through the fascial planes and muscles of the left chest wall ( A) and into the mediastinum (B). (From ref. 17, with permission.)

Chest radiographs may reveal the presence of a chest wall or extrapleural mass. In chronic chest wall infections, many of which begin as pneumonia, a pulmonary infiltrate may be identified along with rib erosion, rib sclerosis, pleural effusion, and pleural reaction. Skin fistulae and airfluid levels within the subcutaneous tissues are additional findings that are occasionally evident on chest radiographs, often on the lateral view. 15,25,43,47A Both CT and MRI are useful in evaluating chest wall infections. Rib destruction is more accurately detected with CT, and CT is used to guide percutaneous aspiration and drainage procedures. Soft-tissue involvement and inflammation of the chest wall are better visualized with MRI without the need for intravenous contrast agents. On MRI, chest wall abscesses appear as high-signal-intensity, focal fluid collections on T2-weighted or STIR images. On CT, abscesses show slightly lower CT attenuation than muscle and are often better demarcated when an intravenous contrast medium is administered. CT has one very important advantage over MRI in the evaluation of chest wall infections: it is more sensitive for detecting gas formation within areas of infection. 15,25,43 A specific chest wall infection, the sternal wound infection, occurs as a complication of median sternotomy in 3% of patients undergoing this procedure 57,58 (Fig. 34-19). The severity of the infection may range from superficial draining sinuses to sternal dehiscence, mediastinitis, and sternal osteomyelitis. Sternal wound infections carry a significant mortality rate. In most cases, patients are symptomatic with incisional pain, skin redness, sternal discharge, fever, leukocytosis, and sternal instability on physical examination. There is an increased risk for development of sternal wound infections in patients with obesity, diabetes, or internal mammary artery grafting and in those patients who require re-exploration. 57,58

FIG. 34-19. Sternal wound infection with dehiscence and mediastinitis after median sternotomy for coronary artery bypass surgery. Computed tomogram shows widening and erosions of the sternotomy margins ( A) and a fluid collection with air bubbles in the mediastinum ( B). (From ref. 17, with permission.)

Plain-film findings of sternal wound infections are limited. 2A,4A Lucency within the sternotomy site may be a normal finding postoperatively, but new air appearing in the sternotomy site after the immediate postoperative period or new widening of the median sternotomy stripe in a symptomatic patient may be significant. 2A,4A Broken sternotomy wires are common and nonspecific, but, again, a change in the sternotomy wires or the appearance of new breaks in the wires may indicate an unstable

sternum. Subcutaneous or mediastinal air may be detected on the plain film, particularly on the lateral view.


Symptomatic patients are frequently further evaluated with CT. 7A,13,48A CT findings of sternal wound infections include (1) separation or widening of the sternotomy incision, often with irregularity or reabsorption of the sternal margins; (2) fluid, air, or soft-tissue collections within the subcutaneous tissues and/or within the mediastinum adjacent to the sternal incision; and (3) displaced or broken sternotomy wires 7A,13 (see Fig. 13-34). Retrosternal fluid collections, mediastinal air, and hematomas may be a normal finding on CT in the patients who have undergone median sternotomy within the last 2 weeks. 13 After 14 days, however, such collections when found on CT are strongly suggestive of mediastinitis. 13 Any device implanted in the chest wall can serve as a nidus for chest wall infections ( Fig. 34-20). Heart pacemaker pouches, when infected, may show air in the soft tissues around the pouch or a change in the opacity of the soft tissues surrounding the pouch on chest radiographs. Other implanted devices, including long-term indwelling catheters (Hickman catheters), automatic implantable cardiac defibrillator devices, and left ventricular assist devices, all can become infected and produce chest wall infections.

FIG. 34-20. Soft-tissue infection of pacemaker pouch. ( A) Chest radiograph shows increasing soft-tissue swelling around the pacemaker box when compared with the old film (B).

Congenital Chest Wall Deformities A variety of congenital and developmental abnormalities can produce deformities in the configuration of the chest wall. Some of these deformities are relatively common, such as pectus excavatum and pectus carinatum. Others are rare disorders such as Jeune's syndrome (asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia). Chest wall deformities are also discussed in Chapter 22, in the section on congenital malformations of the bony thorax. Jeune's syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by a markedly narrow, elongated, bell-shaped chest with short ribs that have bulbous ends ( Fig. 34-21). Horizontal, bow-shaped clavicles and numerous other skeletal anomalies are part of the syndrome, as are associated anomalies of the kidneys and patent ductus arteriosus. The chest is so small and narrow that the lungs do not have adequate space to develop. Eighty percent of affected children die in infancy, but, with thoracic surgical correction, survival to the teen years and beyond has been achieved in some patients.

FIG. 34-21. Jeune's syndrome (asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia). ( A,B). Note the short ribs, very narrow anteroposterior diameter, and bow-shaped clavicles in this congenital deformity of the chest wall.

Preoperative planning for repair of chest wall deformities is often aided by CT evaluation, especially when axial images are supplemented by multiplanar and three-dimensional images of the thoracic cage. With spiral CT technology, datasets free of respiratory motion can be obtained and used to generate three-dimensional models of the chest wall. With the use of different reconstruction algorithms, various models of the chest wall can be created, such as those that display only the soft tissues and muscles of the chest wall and those showing only the bony thoracic skeleton.

The diaphragm is the muscle of respiration that separates the thorax from the abdominal cavity. An overview of the anatomy and pathology of the diaphragm can be found in articles by Panicek 31 and Tarver 50 and their colleagues. The muscle fibers of the diaphragm originate from the xiphoid process and from the 8th to 12th ribs and insert into the central tendon. The diaphragm consists of a central tendon, a right and left leaflet, and attachments to the spine, ribs, and sternum. 31,47 There are three normal openings through the diaphragmthe aortic hiatus, the esophageal hiatus, and the inferior vena caval (IVC) hiatus. Through the aortic hiatus pass the aorta, the thoracic duct, and the azygous-hemiazygous system. Through the esophageal hiatus pass the esophagus, the vagus and sympathetic nerves, and the esophageal branches of the left gastric artery. Through the IVC opening pass the IVC and the branches of the right phrenic nerve 31,47 (Fig. 34-22). On CT, normally only the anterior and posterior attachments of the diaphragm are readily identified. Anteriorly, diaphragmatic slips can be seen; posteriorly, the crura and medial and lateral arcuate ligaments can be identified. Posteriorly, the diaphragmatic crura arise from the upper lumbar vertebral bodies, originating as low as the third lumbar body. The right crus extends from L1 to L3, and the left crus extends from L1 to L2 31,47 (Fig. 34-23).

FIG. 34-22. Diagram shows the normal openings and areas of potential weakness in the diaphragm. The diaphragm is viewed from above. The vertebral body (V) and

the sternum (S) are labeled for orientation purposes. The arrow indicates the attachment of the pericardium to the diaphragm. B, Foramen of Bochdalek; A, aorta; E, esophageal hiatus; VC, opening for the inferior vena cava; M, foramen of Morgagni (potential opening).

FIG. 34-23. Insertion sites of the crura of the diaphragm. Note that the left crus extends to L2 and the right to L3.

The central tendon lies somewhat anterior to the middle thorax and roughly parallels the anterior chest wall. The muscle fibers anteriorly are relatively short and posterolaterally are two to three times longer, so that the major muscle mass is in the posterior aspect of the diaphragm. The position of the diaphragm is described in Chapter 22. The superior surface of the diaphragm is readily seen on the roentgenogram of the normal chest because it is clearly outlined by the radiolucent lung above it. Its lower margin is often visible on the left, at least in part, because there is usually some gas in the fundus of the stomach and gas or fecal material in the splenic flexure of the colon that define a portion of its undersurface. On the right side, the liver is of comparable density, so that the undersurface of the diaphragm cannot be seen unless pneumoperitoneum is present. The right hemidiaphragm is usually one interspace higher than the left. In full inspiration, the dome of the right leaf of the diaphragm is approximately at the level of the 10th rib posteriorly, whereas the left leaf is at the level of the 11th rib posteriorly. Using the anterior ribs as landmarks, the dome of the right hemidiaphragm lies between the level of the fifth rib and the level of the sixth interspace, measured on the standard 6-foot roentgenogram obtained with the patient in moderately deep inspiration. The dome tends to be higher in hypersthenic and obese patients and may be lower in asthenic subjects. The height of the diaphragm appears to be related to the position of the apex of the heart rather than to the position of the liver (i.e., the low hemidiaphragm is on the side of the cardiac apex); this is observed in patients with dextrocardia and normal abdominal situs. Changes in the Diaphragm with Age The esophageal hiatus gradually enlarges with advancing age. Diaphragmatic defects (areas of thinning) increase from zero in the third decade to 56% in the seventh and eighth decades of life. 3 The most severe defects are areas of discontinuity of the diaphragm associated with herniation of omental fat into the thorax. Defects are found largely posteromedially. Emphysema is a factor in the development of the defects, which have been found in 84% of patients with emphysema. The defects are more common in women, if the presence of emphysema is excluded. The status of skeletal muscle and obesity do not appear to be factors. Diaphragmatic muscle usually does not change in thickness with aging. Motion of the Diaphragm Asynchronous motion is common, and there is often more excursion on the left than on the right. The average range of motion is 3 to 6 cm, but it can be increased by training. In patients with emphysema, the motion range is often less than 3 cm. On rapid inspiration that is induced by a rapid inspiratory sniff, there is often a minimal temporary paradoxical motion, usually on the right. Then the hemidiaphragm moves downward normally. The momentary paradoxical motion is normal. With the patient in a lateral decubitus position, the dependent hemidiaphragm is high, and excursion is greatly enhanced. This position is helpful in assessing diaphragmatic weakness and significant paradoxical motion. Functional Disturbances of the Diaphragm The most common disturbance of the diaphragm is hiccough (singultus). This consists of sudden diaphragmatic contraction associated with closure of the glottis. It is either local in origin, caused by irritation of the diaphragm, or central, in which case it may be produced by encephalitis, uremia, or brain tumor. Occasionally it is hysterical in origin. Attacks are usually very short, but occasionally paroxysms may last for months or years. Radiography is of value only if it may serve to identify an irritating lesion producing the contraction. Fluoroscopy can be used to determine the severity of the contraction and to determine whether one or both hemidiaphragms are involved. Tonic contraction or splinting of the diaphragm often results when basal pleuritis, subphrenic abscess, or trauma has produced diaphragmatic injury. In any of these instances there is elevation of the diaphragm, which may be bilateral but is usually unilateral and may be confined to one portion of a hemidiaphragm. Chest roentgenography outlines the height of the diaphragm, and fluoroscopy reveals the amount and location of the limitation of motion. Paralysis and Paresis of the Diaphragm When the diaphragm is paralyzed, it is elevated, because intra-abdominal pressure is greater than intrathoracic pressure. The amount of elevation varies considerably, and paresis or paralysis may be unilateral or bilateral. When paralysis is complete on one side, paradoxical motion usually is visible at fluoroscopy. This means that during inspiration the paralyzed hemidiaphragm rises while the normal hemidiaphragm descends; during expiration the normal hemidiaphragm rises and the paralyzed one descends. This paradoxical motion can be accentuated by having the patient sniff. This causes a rapid but shallow inspiration. In paresis of the diaphragm there may or may not be visible elevation on chest roentgenograms, but a lag in contraction of the involved hemidiaphragm is readily visible fluoroscopically, and this is also accentuated by having the patient sniff. Normally there may be a slight difference in motion on the two sides. In our experience, the left hemidiaphragm moves slightly more rapidly than the right on deep, rapid inspiration. When there is much difficulty in determining relative diaphragmatic motion on the two sides, fluoroscopy with the patient in the lateral decubitus position is helpful, because motion on the dependent side is augmented and comparison is easier with greater excursion. Eventration of the Diaphragm Eventration of the diaphragm is the term used to describe an abnormal elevation of the diaphragm. 22 It is thought to result from a deficiency of muscular development that may be general or local. The local form is occasionally bilateral, but bilateral general eventration is very rare. Local eventration is almost always on the right side anteromedially. There is some difference of opinion as to the cause of eventration. Some observers believe there is a deficiency of nervous as well as of muscular tissue. The diagnosis is based on observation of the elevated diaphragm on a chest roentgenogram. There is no disease or tumor visible to produce the elevation, and at fluoroscopy the involved hemidiaphragm usually is observed to move. The movement may be normal or diminished, and paradoxical motion can be observed on rapid inspiration in some instances. The condition is often difficult to differentiate from hernia and may be impossible to differentiate from phrenic paralysis or paresis. Congenital eventration, manifested in childhood, is usually on the right, in contrast to eventration developing in adults, which is usually on the left and in males. When eventration is left-sided, there is often a long fluid level in the gastric fundus when the patient is in the upright position. The afferent and efferent limbs of the stomach or colon are widely separated in eventration, but they are together or almost so in congenital or acquired hernia, being constricted at the hernial opening. Ultrasound can be used to identify the intact diaphragm in these patients with eventration. Localized Eventration Local weakness of the diaphragm with upward protrusion of the liver is the most common manifestation of localized eventration. It usually occurs on the anteromedial aspect of the right hemidiaphragm, through which a portion of the right lobe of the liver bulges. This has been termed the anteromedial hump of the liver. The

smoothly rounded appearance of the bulge is usually characteristic, but, if the bulge simulates tumor, a liver scan or CT studies can make differentiation possible. In our experience, primary or metastatic hepatic tumor does not cause this type of local elevation. Local eventrations may occur elsewhere, particularly posteriorly, where upward displacement of the kidney may produce a rounded mass density simulating tumor. This probability should be considered when the mass is comparable in size to the upper pole of the kidney. When this is suspected, intravenous urography can be used to outline the kidney and determine its relationship to the diaphragm. However, ultrasound of the kidney is diagnostic in most instances. Diaphragmatic Displacements In addition to the elevation of the diaphragm noted in eventration, paralysis, and paresis, a number of intrathoracic and intra-abdominal conditions may result in elevation of the diaphragm. On the right side, tumors and cysts of the liver, subphrenic abscess, and right renal tumors may elevate the diaphragm generally or locally. On the left side the causes include enlargement of the spleen, left renal tumors, and dilatation or tumors of the stomach or of the splenic flexure of the colon. Ascites, obesity, large intra-abdominal tumors, and pregnancy may result in bilateral elevation. Intrathoracic diseases that decrease pulmonary volume cause elevation on the involved side. These include pulmonary fibrosis, chronic pleural disease, and atelectasis. The elevation may be relatively uniform or rather irregular. The amount depends on the severity of the lesion producing it. If the disease causing it is bilateral, elevation is bilateral. Irregularity of the diaphragm superiorly often occurs secondary to previous pulmonary inflammatory disease. This is termed tenting or adhesive tenting, and it often is associated with basal pulmonary fibrosis and obliteration of the costophrenic sulcus. The diaphragm is displaced downward by lesions that produce an increase in thoracic volume, such as large intrathoracic neoplasms, massive pleural effusion, pulmonary emphysema, and tension pneumothorax. Massive pleural effusion may cause inversion of the left hemidiaphragm, displacing the kidney, spleen, and stomach downward. This inversion may produce a pseudomass in the left upper abdominal quadrant which disappears when thoracentesis and removal of pleural fluid are accomplished. 49A Less commonly, the right hemidiaphragm is inverted by massive pleural effusion. 10A Ultrasound can usually identify the diaphragm in this condition, since it cannot be detected on chest radiography. Diaphragmatic Tumors Primary diaphragmatic tumors are rare and may be benign or malignant 16 (Fig. 34-24). The most common benign tumor is lipoma, but numerous other benign tumors have been reported; they include fibroma, chondroma, neurofibroma, angiofibroma, and angioma as well as congenital cysts such as cystic teratoma. Benign cystic teratoma is extremely rare but can be diagnosed on CT because it contains fat, calcium, and/or teeth, and soft tissue quite similar to ovarian cystic teratomas. Because malignancy cannot be excluded by any imaging method, these cystic masses should be removed surgically. The malignant tumors are all sarcomas; fibrosarcoma is the most common, but others such as fibromyxosarcoma, fibroangioendothelioma, undifferentiated sarcoma, myosarcoma, hemangioendothelioma, hemangiopericytoma, leiomyosarcoma, or mesenchymoma may occur. Malignant tumors predominate in a ratio of 3 to 2 over benign tumors arising in the diaphragm. These tumors produce basal masses that usually project above the normal rounded opacity produced by the diaphragm. They may be smooth or lobulated, and they vary considerably in size. When the tumor is on the left, it may project downward to encroach on the gastric air bubble. The limits of the tumor may then be outlined inferiorly as the tumor projects into the stomach and superiorly as it projects above the diaphragm. Conventional roentgen studies serve only to identify a mass. CT is used to determine the site and extent of the mass, and, if a lipoma is present, the diagnosis can be made. Because the other cell types produce no characteristic findings, biopsy or surgical exploration usually is indicated when a tumor is found in the diaphragm.

FIG. 34-24. Primary astrocytoma of the right hemidiaphragm. Axial (A), coronal (B), and sagittal (C) reformatted images.

Diaphragmatic Hernias Hernias involving the diaphragm include hiatal, Bochdalek, and Morgagni hernias, as well as focal areas of thinning and weakness of the diaphragm called eventrations(Fig. 34-25, Fig. 34-26, Fig. 34-27, Fig. 34-28 and Fig. 34-29). CT is used to identify the location of the hernia and to determine whether and how much stomach, bowel, and mesentery has herniated into the chest. 31,47 Hernias other than hiatal hernias occur at sites of potential weakness of the diaphragm. These area of weakness are the foramen of Morgagni, located anteriorly; the pleuroperitoneal canals, located posteriorly, where Bochdalek hernias form; and rents or focal areas of weakness that occur with aging.

FIG. 34-25. Hernia of the foramen of Morgagni. A: Frontal projection shows a mass at the cardiohepatic angle. B: The anterior location of the mass is noted. C: After diagnostic pneumoperitoneum, air is seen to extend up into the thorax through a defect in the diaphragm. D: Air extends upward anteriorly.

FIG. 34-26. A and B: A moderate-sized hiatal hernia is seen on computed tomogram.

FIG. 34-27. Intrathoracic stomach resulting from a huge hiatal hernia.

FIG. 34-28. Left Bochdalek hernia ( arrows). A: Axial computed tomographic image shows fat-density mass at the left base. B: Sagittal reformatted images show that fat has herniated up through the posterior defect in the diaphragm from the abdomen.

FIG. 34-29. A and B: More extensive hernia through large posterior foramen of Bochdalek.

Esophageal Hiatal Hernia Herniation of all or part of the stomach through the esophageal hiatus into the thorax produces a mass shadow at the left medial base that is often visible on the frontal roentgenogram. Not infrequently, gas and fluid within the thoracic portion of the stomach make the diagnosis apparent on plain-film roentgenograms; if not, the lesion can readily be identified by means of a barium swallow or CT (see Fig. 34-26 and Fig. 34-27). This examination also serves to identify the occasional diverticulum of the esophagus in this region and to differentiate the esophageal lesions from pulmonary cyst or abscess and from diaphragmatic tumor. Morgagni Hernia Foramen of Morgagni hernia is a rare diaphragmatic hernia that may result in a basal mass shadow, usually in the region of the cardiohepatic angle because it occurs mainly on the right 33,36 (see Fig. 34-25). It is most often observed in obese adults. This type of hernia through the retrosternal foramen of Morgagni (space of Larrey) on either side of the midline is usually small and often contains omentum. Theoretically a hernial sac should be present, but it is not always demonstrated at surgery. Occasionally a portion of bowel may lie within the hernial sac. In the latter instance, it may be possible to make the diagnosis on routine roentgenographic study of the chest, but a CT or sonographic study usually is required. If omentum is herniated, the fat can be identified. Other studies include barium enema, which may show upward angulation of the midtransverse colon when the hernial sac contains omentum. The pyloric end of the stomach and proximal duodenum may also be displaced upward toward the diaphragm. Rarely, the liver may herniate through the foramen of Morgagni into the thorax in infants and young children. This is usually accompanied by partial obstruction of the IVC. Inferior vena cavography demonstrates the kinking and partial obstruction of the IVC. When Morgagni hernia presents in infancy, it usually is accompanied by one or more anomalies. In one study, 13 of 17 patients had significant congenital defects, including cardiac defects such as dextrocardia, ventricular septal defect, anomalous pulmonary venous return, trisomy 21, and large omphaloceles. Liver, colon, and small bowel often are found in the hernia in infants, in contrast to the adult presentation, in which omental fat is often the only structure in the hernia and there are no associated congenital anomalies. 33,36 Bochdalek Hernia Normally the pleuroperitoneal hiatus or foramen is posterolateral in position, but in congenital hernias arising in this area the foramen may be very large, with absence of much of the involved hemidiaphragm. In such instances, most of the abdominal viscera may be in the thorax, leading to severe ipsilateral pulmonary hypoplasia. The presenting complaint may then be neonatal respiratory distress. These hernias occur predominantly on the left side (ratio of 2:1). In contrast to the foramen of Morgagni hernias, true pleuroperitoneal hiatal hernias do not have a hernial sac. This is because the abdominal contents enter the thorax before the space between the septum transversum and the pleuroperitoneal membrane is closed. 6,51 Herniation through the pleuroperitoneal foramen of Bochdalek is often large, and loops of bowel can be visualized and identified, so that differential diagnosis is not difficult. When the hernia is smaller and does not contain gas-filled bowel, the diagnosis is more difficult to make. The use of CT to examine the thorax and upper abdomen has revealed a higher incidence of Bochdalek hernias than was previously reported (see Fig. 34-28 and Fig. 34-29). An incidence of 6% was reported in a CT study of 940 patients. 6 The size of the diaphragmatic defect did not correlate with the size of the hernia. Most hernias contained fat, and they frequently were

found incidentally on abdominal or chest scans of adults. Large Bochdalek hernias usually are discovered at birth and produce respiratory distress and unilateral pulmonary hypoplasia. In some patients, however, no symptoms may appear for several months. In newborns with respiratory distress in the first 12 hours of life, the mortality rate is about 50%. High risk factors include right-sided hernia; stomach in thorax; pneumothorax; nonaeration of the ipsilateral lung; and less than 50% aeration of the contralateral lung. 51 The roentgen findings vary with the amount of herniation. Gas-filled bowel is recognized within the thorax when the defect is on the left. The liver may also extend into the thorax when the defect is on the right. The remaining diaphragm is often visible. CT can be used to identify the diaphragm and its relationship to the intrathoracic mass. Ultrasound also is sometimes useful in identifying the diaphragm in these patients, and real-time sonography may be particularly valuable as a bedside technique in critically ill patients. Traumatic Hernia of the Diaphragm Disruption of the diaphragm occurs in 0.8% to 8% of cases of blunt trauma. Traumatic rupture of the diaphragm usually results from severe blunt injury to the abdomen or, less commonly, to the thorax. 2,7,26,28,29 In severely traumatized patients, the combination of rib fractures and pelvic or vertebral fractures should raise the possibility of diaphragmatic ruptureespecially in patients wearing seat belts. Gunshot wounds and knife wounds may also lacerate the diaphragm. 12,26,42,55 About one third of diaphragmatic ruptures present immediately after the injury. Although the chest film is abnormal in 77% of these patients, the findings are nonspecific, 12 and the diagnosis is missed initially in most cases. Mortality of patients with unrecognized diaphragmatic rupture is 30% because of delayed herniation of abdominal viscera and bowel strangulation. 12,26 Early recognition and repair of diaphragmatic tears improves prognosis. As more and more patients with liver and splenic injuries are being treated conservatively without immediate surgery, the ability to detect diaphragmatic injuries with noninvasive imaging techniques becomes increasingly important.12 In recognized cases, diaphragmatic rupture is more common on the left side (77% to 90%) than the right. 12,55 Most tears are large (more than 10 cm) and occur in a radial orientation in the posterolateral location. The diaphragm is weakest at this location because this is where the pleuroperitoneal membrane finally closes during embryogenesis. 12 Visceral herniation, most often of the stomach, occurs in 32% to 58% of patients with diaphragmatic tears. Other viscera that may herniate through a ruptured diaphragm include colon, small bowel, spleen, liver, and gallbladder. 12,26,42,55 Seventy-two percent of patients with diaphragmatic rupture have other intra-abdominal injuries, and 42% have pelvic fractures, indicative of the severity of trauma in these cases. 16 Chest film findings of diaphragmatic rupture vary with the extent of the rupture and include an elevated asymmetrical or irregular diaphragm; abnormal, U-shaped course of the nasogastric tube; shift of the mediastinum to the opposite side; and herniation of bowel or abdominal organs into the chest ( Fig. 34-30). Serial chest films may show progressive changes diagnostic of diaphragmatic rupture. 7 Associated atelectasis, pleural effusions, lung contusions, or phrenic nerve paralysis may mask or mimic traumatic diaphragmatic tears.42 At times, no abnormality is observed. Pre-existing conditions such as diaphragmatic eventrations or an elevated hemidiaphragm may mimic diaphragmatic injuries. Apparent normal diaphragmatic motion does not exclude the possibility of hernia. Recognizable bowel shadows may be visible in the thorax and sometimes in the pericardial sac. Administration of barium by mouth and by rectum to identify the relationship of the gastrointestinal tract to the diaphragm usually confirms the diagnosis. Both loops of gut are kept close together by the diaphragm surrounding the rupture, producing an hourglass appearance, so that ordinarily there is no problem in differentiating this condition from eventration. Because there may not be immediate herniation of abdominal viscera into the thorax after trauma, serial films are sometimes useful in the post-traumatic period and should be obtained if there is any suspicion of diaphragmatic rupture. Other signs that suggest rupture include ipsilateral pleural effusion, mediastinal shift to the opposite side, and poor definition of the involved hemidiaphragm.

FIG. 34-30. Traumatic rupture of the left hemidiaphragm. Chest radiograph shows abnormal apparent elevation of the left hemidiaphragm with shift of the mediastinum to the opposite side caused by herniation of stomach through the torn diaphragm.

In patients with suspected diaphragmatic rupture who do not immediately go to the operating room, further imaging evaluation may be requested. Acutely, helical CT scanning is the quickest cross-sectional method of examination. Helical scanning technique should employ thin, overlapping sections acquired during a single breath hold, so that multiplanar reconstructions in the sagittal and coronal plane can be generated to look for discontinuities of the diaphragm. (We use 5-mm slice thickness, reconstructed every 2 mm, with a pitch of 1 to 1.5.) In stable patients or chronic cases, MRI may also be valuable in documenting disruption of the diaphragm. With MRI, coronal and sagittal T1-weighted images can be acquired directly to trace the course of the diaphragm from its insertion sites to the dome of the hemidiaphragm on the side with suspected injury. 42 MRI can be particularly helpful in the difficult case in which the differential diagnosis is between diaphragmatic injury and eventration or pre-existing elevation of the hemidiaphragm. The hemidiaphragm can be visualized with MRI as a hypointense band throughout its course, outlined by high-signal abdominal and mediastinal fat on the left and the liver on the right. 42 Also, low tears involving the crus of the diaphragm are more convincingly displayed with coronal T1-weighted images than with axial CT. 42 We reserve MRI evaluation for those stable cases in which CT is equivocal or nondiagnostic. CT findings of diaphragmatic rupture include a discontinuity of the diaphragm (73% to 82%); herniation of peritoneal fat, bowel, or abdominal organs into the chest (55%); the collar sign or a waist-like constriction of bowel (27%); identifying peritoneal fat, bowel, or viscera lateral to the lung or diaphragm or posterior to the crus of the diaphragm; the absent diaphragm sign; concurrent pneumothorax and pneumoperitoneum; and concurrent hemothorax and hemoperitoneum 26,55 (Fig. 34-31). Reported sensitivity and specificity of CT for detection of diaphragmatic rupture are 61% and 87%, respectively. 26 In an experimental swine model, surgically induced diaphragmatic tears were best detected by sagittal reformations of helical CT data (3-mm collimation; pitch of 1; reconstruction every 2 mm), with a reported sensitivity and specificity of 92% and 87%, respectively. 12 Sagittal and coronal reformations were superior to axial images in detecting tears and herniation of abdominal contents into the thorax. 12 It is important to remember that normal discontinuities in the posterior aspects of the diaphragm are identified in approximately 6% to 11% of patients with no prior history of trauma and may be related to congenital Bochdalek hernias. 26 In addition, with age, acquired diaphragmatic discontinuities become more prevalent; these have been reported in 35% of patients in their 70s. 3,55

FIG. 34-31. Traumatic rupture of the right hemidiaphragm. A: Plain film shows apparent elevation of right hemidiaphragm. B: Axial image shows torn retracted slip of diaphragm muscle (arrow). C: Sagittal reformatted image shows herniation of liver through diaphragmatic defect ( arrowheads).

Because the diaphragmatic defects do not heal spontaneously, traumatic rupture of the diaphragm may be followed by a traumatic herniasometimes years after the traumatic event. The roentgen findings are similar to those in the immediate type of post-traumatic herniation. Oblique and lateral views often permit localization of the defect. There may be partial or complete obstruction of the involved gut, either with or without vascular compromise, in both immediate and delayed herniation. Hemothorax or hydrothorax may also be present and raise the possibility of strangulation. The combination of a high left hemidiaphragm and splenic flexure obstruction in a patient with history of trauma is very suggestive. Right-sided rupture, which may be more common than reported figures would indicate, also can cause diaphragmatic elevation with partial or total herniation of the liver. A high index of suspicion when diaphragmatic abnormality is observed in a patient who has suffered thoracoabdominal trauma is necessary to suggest, and then confirm, the diagnosis. Immediate surgery is necessary in many instances. Epicardial Fat Pads Localized fat deposits often are present at the cardiac apex and in the cardiohepatic angle. Those at the apex are usually readily identified. When the amount of fat is unusually great, it can produce a mass in the cardiohepatic angle that simulates foramen of Morgagni hernia or diaphragmatic tumor. Deposits of fat usually are of less density than are the adjacent heart and diaphragm. However, this difference is small and not entirely reliable because the omentum, frequently present in foramen of Morgagni hernia, is of similar opacity. It is probable that a small foramen of Morgagni hernia is sometimes the cause of the shadow, but this is usually asymptomatic and the differentiation is then of no clinical importance. The fat pads tend to occur in obese patients, and when a fat pad is present in the cardiohepatic angle there is usually a fat pad at the cardiac apex as well. The association of these opacities is of some diagnostic importance. CT can be used to identify the fat in these masses, if necessary. Accessory Diaphragm Accessory diaphragm (venolobar syndrome, duplication of the diaphragm) is very rare and occurs on the right side. 4 It consists of a sheet of fibrous and muscular tissue, which represents a partial duplication, extending from the anterior aspect of the normal diaphragm upward and posteriorly to insert along the fifth to seventh ribs. It parallels the major fissure and may extend into it to separate the lower lobe from the upper and middle lobes. It usually is attached to the pericardium medially and has a medial hiatus. Pulmonary anomalies associated with accessory diaphragm include partial fissure anomalies, aplasia or hypoplasia of a lobe, partial diversion of the lower lobe by the anomalous diaphragm, and anomalous pulmonary vascular supply, including lower lobe venous drainage into the IVC, the scimitar syndrome, and anomalous arterial supply to the lower lobe from the aorta. This is the reason this complex of anomalies is sometimes called the venolobar syndrome.4 Roentgen findings include a shift of the mediastinum to the involved side because of hypoplasia and lack of clarity of the mediastinum on the same side with hazy opacity of the central lung. On the lateral view the accessory diaphragm may be visible; it resembles the major fissure but extends to the diaphragm and is more anterior in position than the normal fissure ( Fig. 34-32). Bronchography may show the lobar hypoplasia, and angiography may demonstrate the anomalous arterial supply and venous drainage that often accompany this anomaly. 4

FIG. 34-32. Accessory diaphragm on the right. A: Note the mediastinal shift to the right, with poor definition of mediastinal structures on the involved side. There also is hazy density in the medial aspect of the upper half of the right hemithorax. B: The lateral projection shows a somewhat curved line resembling an anteriorly displaced major fissure, except that it extends down to the diaphragm anteriorly ( arrows). An aortogram showed an anomalous artery originating below the diaphragm and supplying a portion of the right lower lobe.

Cysts of the Diaphragm Intradiaphragmatic cysts usually represent extralobar sequestration in which aberrant lung tissue is enclosed within the diaphragm. The left hemidiaphragm is involved in about 90% of cases. Occasionally, a coelomic cyst may be found in the diaphragm. Roentgen findings of a diaphragmatic mass are similar to those produced by benign diaphragmatic tumors. Sonography and CT are useful to demonstrate the cystic nature of the diaphragmatic mass. The Diaphragm as Barrier to Disease Spread The diaphragm serves as a natural barrier between the thoracic cavity and the abdominal cavity, limiting the spread of tumor or infection from one compartment to the next. This barrier is not absolute, however. Ascites and tumor cells can migrate from the abdominal cavity through the diaphragm into the thoracic cavity, either through small defects in the diaphragm or through lymphatic channels that cross the diaphragm. 31 Some conditions and disease processes have a propensity for traversing or transgressing the diaphragmatic barrier, either through direct invasion of the diaphragm or through one of the normal openings of the diaphragm. These transdiaphragmatic conditions include esophageal varices, esophageal duplication cysts, and congenital or acquired vascular anomalies such as azygous or hemiazygous continuation of the IVC and collateral vessel formation. Intra-abdominal conditions such as pancreatic pseudocysts or abscesses can spread through the esophageal hiatus into the mediastinum or create fistulae through the diaphragm into the pleural space. Malignancies that demonstrate a propensity to spread through the diaphragm include invasive thymoma, malignant mesothelioma, lymphoma, sarcoma, and ovarian cancer. One infection known for its transdiaphragmatic spread is echinococcal disease. Patients with massive ascites frequently develop pleural effusions, usually on the right side. It has been postulated that this right sided predominance is a result of the greater number of lymphatic channels on the right side. Neoplastic and non-neoplastic conditions of the ovaries may produce disease on both sides of the diaphragm. Meigs' syndrome, usually caused by an ovarian fibroma, produces ascites and pleural effusion. Endometriosis may spread from the pelvic peritoneal cavity through the diaphragm into the pleural space and then can cause catamenial pneumothorax. Ovarian cancer often spreads early by peritoneal seeding to cause abdominal carcinomatosis that can then cross the diaphragm into the pleural space. 17,18,19 and 20,31 CHAPTER REFERENCES
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Chapter 35 The Cardiovascular System Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 35 The Cardiovascular System

Andrew B. Crummy, John C. McDermott and Murray G. Baron

A. B. Crummy: Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Medical School, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252. J. C. McDermott: Department of Radiology, Angio-Interventional Section, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252. M. G. Baron: Department of Radiology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia 30322.

Methods of Examination, Anatomy, and Pathologic Conditions Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Heart


Andrew B. Crummy and John C. McDermott Methods of Examination Angiocardiography Coronary Arteriography Aortography Ultrasonic Investigation of the Heart Determination of Cardiac Size The Normal Heart The Adult Heart The Heart in Infancy and Childhood The Normal Aorta The Pericardium Enlargement of the Heart General Cardiac Enlargement Change in Cardiac Size Left Ventricular Enlargement Right Ventricular Enlargement Left Atrial Enlargement Right Atrial Enlargement Congenital Heart Disease Cyanotic Defects Tetralogy of Fallot Complete Transposition of the Great Vessels Tricuspid Atresia Tricuspid Stenosis Persistent Truncus Arteriosus Ebstein's Anomaly Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return Partial Anomalous Venous Return Other Cyanotic Defects Palliative Shunts for Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease Noncyanotic Defects Patent Ductus Arteriosus Patent Ductus with Right-to-Left Shunt Interatrial Septal Defect Atrial Septal Defect with Right-to-Left Shunt Atrial Septal Defect with Mitral Stenosis (Lutembacher's Syndrome) Ventricular Septal Defect Ventricular Septal Defect with Right-to-Left Shunt Persistent Common Atrioventricular Canal (Atrioventricularis Communis) Pulmonic Stenosis Aortic Stenosis Corrected Transposition of the Great Vessels Endocardial Fibroelastosis Coarctation of the Aorta Kinking of the Aortic Arch (Pseudocoarctation) Aneurysm of the Sinus of Valsalva Anomalous Left Coronary Artery Rotation Anomalies of the Heart Pulmonary Isomerism Key Concepts in Congenital Heart Disease Anomalies of the Aortic Arch and its Large Branches Left Aortic Arch with Right Descending Aorta Right Aortic Arch Cervical Aortic Arch Other Anomalies of the Aortic Arch and Its Large Branches Anomalies Forming Vascular Rings Congenital Anomalies of the Pulmonary Artery and its Branches Agenesis of the Pulmonary Artery Congenital Absence of the Pulmonary Valve Aberrant Left Pulmonary Artery Aberrant Vascular Connection between Right Pulmonary Artery and Left Atrium Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformations Diffuse Pulmonary Hemangiomatosis Pulmonary Varices Pulmonary Artery Coarctations Idiopathic Enlargement of the Pulmonary Artery Acquired Cardiovascular Disease Cardiovascular Calcifications Valvular Cardiac Disease Miscellaneous Acquired Cardiac Conditions Arteriosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease The Heart and Lungs in Congestive Failure Cor Pulmonale The Heart in Thoracic Deformities Diseases of the Myocardium (Cardiomyopathies) The Heart in Beriberi The Heart in Diseases of the Thyroid Cardiac Injuries

Tumors of the Heart Acquired Disease of the Aorta Arteriosclerosis of the Aorta Takayasus Arteritis Syphilitic Aortitis Aortic Aneurysm Atherosclerotic Aneurysm Traumatic Aneurysm Dissecting Hematoma (Aneurysm) Diseases of the Pericardium Pericardial Effusion Adhesive and Constrictive Pericarditis Pericardial Tumors Spontaneous Pneumopericardium Pericardial Defects Cardiac Pacemakers Changes after Cardiovascular Surgery Chapter References Selected Readings

The importance of plain-film examination of the heart has decreased in recent years because of the advent of newer, noninvasive examinations such as ultrasound (including Doppler evaluation), computed tomography (CT), and, most recently, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Nevertheless, plain films can provide a plethora of anatomic and physiologic information about the cardiovascular system in a well-accepted, safe, and inexpensive manner. The recognition of cardiovascular abnormalities on chest films taken for other reasons is very important. In some conditions the cardiovascular diagnosis can be made by roentgenographic methods alone, but these studies usually form only a part of the complete evaluation, and x-ray findings must be correlated with other data including clinical history, physical findings, electrocardiographic information, and more complex imaging studies. Roentgen examination usually consists of a posteroanterior (PA) and a lateral view of the chest. The size and shape of the heart can be determined, and indications of diseases of the pulmonary artery and aorta as well as shunts and anomalous vessels may be seen. In addition, the roentgenogram furnishes a permanent record of cardiac size and shape and therefore is very useful for follow-up. Oblique views, barium opacification of the esophagus, and fluoroscopy are seldom used today. The information previously provided by these techniques is now very readily and more accurately obtained by ultrasound, CT, and MRI. Angiocardiography Intravenous angiocardiography has been almost entirely abandoned in favor of selective injection of contrast media into the various chambers of the heart, the aorta, and its branches. Although angiocardiographic techniques can provide exquisite information, the less invasive techniques of CT and MRI with intravenous contrast generally provide sufficient information for diagnosis and management of a wide variety of cardiovascular problems. Coronary Arteriography On the basis of the sheer volume of patients with the disease, coronary atherosclerosis is the most important cardiac problem. Selective catheterization of coronary arteries with direct injection of contrast media to look for coronary artery disease is therefore the most widely applied special cardiovascular examination. The details of the technique are beyond the scope of this discussion. Aortography This examination involves injection of one of the organic iodides into the aorta via a catheter introduced through one of its major branches and placed into a desired position in the aorta. The examination has a place in the investigation of patients with congenital and acquired problems of the aortic arch. It is used in infants with congestive heart failure in whom there is evidence of a left-to-right shunt and in whom patent ductus arteriosus is suspected. Coarctation of the aorta in infants may also cause congestive heart failure. The lesion can be defined by aortography. In adults, aortography is used to define anomalies of the aortic arch and its branches and in studies of the aortic valve and the coronary arteries. It is also useful in patients with masses adjacent to the aorta in whom aneurysm is a possibility and in patients with suspected dissecting hematoma, traumatic, or other aneurysm. CT and MRI are replacing aortography in the evaluation of many conditions. Ultrasonic Investigation of the Heart The use of ultrasound in examination of the heart has increased greatly in the past 20 years, and it is now a well established and widely used diagnostic tool. Ultrasonic investigation is a noninvasive, safe, and comfortable study that demonstrates valve and chamber motion as well as wall thickness and size. Doppler examination allows determination of the cross-sectional area of a valve and quantification of gradients. It is of value in the study of hypertrophic cardiomyopathies, with and without associated subaortic stenosis, and in the study of the congestive cardiomyopathies in which there is chamber dilatation. With ultrasound, left ventricular diameter and outflow configuration can be determined; qualitative assessment of right and left ventricular size is possible also. The size of the left atrium can be measured accurately, and left atrial myxomas or other intra-atrial tumors can be detected. Ultrasound is also useful in the investigation of congenital heart disease, particularly in patients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, double-outlet right ventricle, and right ventricular volume overload. In addition, it is the most sensitive method for determining the presence of pericardial effusion. Transesophageal placement of the ultrasound transducer adds additional information and is particularly useful in assessing the descending aorta. Determination of Cardiac Size The size of the heart is related to body weight and height, body surface area, sex, and age. A number of methods have been described for correlation of these factors with cardiac size, as measured on the roentgenogram. However, it is in the borderline cases, in which determination of possible cardiac enlargement is most needed, that the mathematical formulas are most faulty, since there is a normal variation of approximately plus or minus 10%. Numerous factors such as depth of respiration, thoracic deformity, and pulmonary and abdominal diseases that elevate or depress the diaphragm affect the size and shape of the cardiac silhouette. Because normal and abnormal size cannot be determined specifically in an individual patient, most of the methods of measurement are of chiefly statistical value. These methods are usually based on direct measurement on teleoroentgenograms. The most common measurement used is transverse diameters. In general, the greatest transverse diameter of the heart should be not more than one half of the largest transverse measurement of the thorax. This is the easiest and quickest method of measurement of cardiac size; an adult heart that measures more than one half of the internal diameter of the chest is considered enlarged. The method is gross, because the cardiothoracic ratio varies widely with variations in body habitus. However, it can be useful as a rough estimate of cardiac size. The cardiothoracic ratio is most useful in assessing changes in heart size and monitoring progression of disease or response to therapy. Ultrasonography is now used widely in determinations of cardiac size. Cardiac chamber size and ventricular wall thickness can be determined with considerable accuracy by ultrasonic methods, and increases or decreases can be assessed by serial examination.


The Adult Heart The heart and its major vessels occupy the middle mediastinum and normally produce a uniform density that is readily recognized on roentgenography ( Fig. 35-1). The density of the great vessels is comparable to that of the heart, so that the contours of the silhouette are visible in contrast to the adjacent radiolucent lungs. The positions of the air-filled trachea and the main bronchi are useful markers in the mediastinum. On occasion, the position of the esophagus may be determined by the course of an indwelling nasogastric tube. Changes in position and contour of these structures may be used to infer changes in the cardiovascular structures. The inferior cardiac border has a density comparable to that of the diaphragm and often is not clearly defined. On the right side the shadow of the liver below the diaphragm blends into that of the heart, but on the left side there frequently is enough air in the stomach immediately below the dome of the diaphragm to outline the

inferior left border of the heart. Marked individual variations are noted in these relationships inferiorly, resulting in an inferior border that is difficult or impossible to define in some patients but clearly outlined in others. In the average person, about two thirds of the heart lies to the left of the midline, and one third to the right.

FIG. 35-1. The normal heart. A: The relative positions of the chambers of the right side of the heart in the anteroposterior projection. Horizontal lines outline the vena cava and right atrium. The position of the aorta is also indicated. B: The left side of the heart in frontal projection. Note that the left ventricle forms most of the left border of the heart. The position of the left atrium in the diagram is slightly above its usual position. C: The approximate positions of the valves in frontal projection. The mitral valve is above and to the left of the tricuspid. Aortic and pulmonic rings are noted at the roots of their respective arteries. D: Roentgenogram showing the normal cardiovascular silhouette. There are many variations, as indicated in the test. (From Dotter CT, Steinberg I: Angiocardiography. Annals of Roentgenology vol 20, 1951.)

Posteroanterior Projection In the PA projection, the right side of the cardiovascular silhouette is divided into two segments. The lower segment is usually convex and represents the lateral border of the right atrium. This segment often is separated from the upper border by an indentation. The upper segment is almost vertical in the young adult and usually is formed by the superior vena cava. In older adults, the aorta tends to dilate and elongate so that the right upper border becomes more convex. The convexity represents the right-lateral aspect of the ascending aortic arch. In asthenic persons with a vertical heart, it is sometimes possible to outline the reflection of the pericardium down to the inferior vena cava. It appears as a small, straight or slightly concave downward, continuation of the convex shadow of the right atrium. On the left side there usually are three visible segments. The uppermost is rounded and convex laterally. It represents the aortic knob, or transverse aortic arch. The descending aorta may also form a portion of the left border, particularly in persons with vertical hearts. The left-lateral wall of the aorta often can be followed downward behind the heart, in the left paraspinal area almost to the diaphragm, especially on overpenetrated films. Immediately below the aortic knob is another short segment, the contour of which varies considerably. It represents the pulmonary artery and, occasionally, its left main branch. In most normal adults it is straight or slightly convex. Considerable prominence of the pulmonary artery is a common finding in young women and should not be considered abnormal. The left pulmonary artery passes over the left main bronchus and the proximal left-upper-lobe bronchus. The main pulmonary artery arises just below the level of the left main bronchus. There is some variability, but the left auricular appendage usually forms the short segment of the left border of the heart just below the pulmonary artery. In some persons, a portion of the distal right ventricular outflow tract may form the border in this area. The left ventricle forms the remainder of the left cardiac margin, including the apex, and is by far the longest segment. The contour of this border depends on the body habitus. It tends to be relatively straight and descends sharply in asthenic persons; in hypersthenic people it is convex and angles outward considerably. There is thus a considerable range between the extremes of vertical and transverse cardiac configuration. Despite some difference of opinion, the wide use of angiocardiography has demonstrated rather clearly that the left atrial appendage normally does not project beyond the left ventricle along the left border of the heart. In patients with disease resulting in enlargement of the left atrium, the appendage may project to the left of the ventricle and produce a convexity immediately below the level of the pulmonary artery. The amount of this change varies with the amount and type of left atrial enlargement. These various segments can usually be identified on the roentgenogram, and their alterations aid in the diagnosis of various cardiovascular abnormalities. The cardiac apex usually forms the lower left border of the heart and usually is at or near the level of the dome of the diaphragm; it is somewhat angular, and the apex of the angle is rounded (see Fig. 35-1). A shadow that is less than the density of the heart often extends lateral to the cardiac apex; this is the apical fat pad. Lateral Projection In the lateral projection, the anterior aspect of the cardiovascular silhouette is formed superiorly by the ascending aorta, followed by the pulmonary artery, the right ventricular outflow tract, and the right ventricle. Slight rotation in the lateral position projects the right ventricle to form the border anteriorly. The posterior silhouette is formed by the left atrium above and the left ventricle below. The contours are indicated in Fig. 35-2.

FIG. 35-2. The normal heart in lateral projection. A: The right ventricle and its outflow tract along with the pulmonary artery are located beneath the sternum. B: The left atrium is located posteriorly above the left ventricle, which is along the diaphragmatic surface. C: The positions of the four cardiac valves are indicated. (Modified from Dotter CT, Steinberg I: Angiocardiography. Annals of Roentgenology, vol 20, 1951.)

The Heart in Infancy and Childhood At birth the right ventricle is relatively large, approximately the same size as the left ventricle. During early life the left ventricle grows more rapidly than the right, and its wall becomes thicker. The globular heart of the newborn extends to the right almost as far as it does to the left, in contrast to the adult heart, two thirds of which lies to the left of the midline. In addition to the globular heart shape noted on the frontal projection in infants, the chambers and great vessels are not defined as clearly as they are in older persons. There is great variability in size and shape of the heart in the newborn and during the first few weeks of life. Therefore, the diagnosis of cardiac enlargement should be made with caution. There often is more prominence in the region of the pulmonary artery and right ventricular outflow tract than in the adult, and the aortic knob is not readily visible in the newborn or young infant. In infants and young children, there frequently is enough thymic tissue to obscure the cardiac base and great vessels. Slight local displacement of the trachea away from the side of the aortic arch may provide a clue about its position. The heart generally maintains its globular shape for the first 6 months of life. It then begins to descend in the thorax, and as it does the long axis shifts from a

horizontal to an obliquely vertical position. This is a gradual process. By the time the child is 5 to 7 years of age, the silhouette approaches that of the adult heart, although the ascending aortic arch and knob are not as prominent as they will be later. As in the adult, the general contour of the heart is related to body habitus. This becomes apparent in the 5- to 10-year-old child. The size of the heart in relation to the thoracic size is somewhat greater in children than in adults. The long axis of a child's heart tends to be more horizontal than in adults, so that the cardiothoracic index ranges from an upper limit of 0.65 in the first year to 0.50 in the fifth year. From then on, the ratio is in the range of 0.50. Measurements of the heart in children are subject to the same errors as in adults, and there is the additional factor of inability to control the depth of respiration in infants and young children.


The border-forming contours of the aorta have been mentioned and are outlined in Fig. 35-1 and Fig. 35-2. In the PA view, the right-lateral contour of the ascending aorta is partially border-forming in adults with aortic dilatation or elongation. The medial border of the ascending aorta is not visible in the frontal projection, but the superior and lateral borders of the aortic knob are visualized as the upper-left margin of the cardiovascular shadow. In older adults, a portion of the descending aorta may be border-forming just below the aortic knob. It often is possible to outline the descending aorta even though it is not border-forming. It appears as a slightly convex, linear shadow extending downward, overlying the left-upper cardiac silhouette. Numerous methods of aortic measurement have been described. They are subject to the same errors as the various mathematical formulas used for determining cardiac size. The measurements are most faulty in the borderline group, in which accurate determination is most necessary. There is a gradual decrease in diameter of the aorta as it gives rise to its various branches. The portion of the ascending aorta before the origin of the innominate artery is the largest segment. This portion is intrapericardial. The diameter of the aorta at the abdominal bifurcation is approximately one half that of the ascending aorta. Detailed anatomy and pathology of the aorta may be portrayed by catheter arteriography, contrast CT, or magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). Arteriography gives the best display of the anatomy, but it is expensive and invasive. Where CT, especially spiral CT, and MRA are available, they are used unless exquisite detail is necessary (e.g., in preoperative planning).

The pericardium is a closed, endothelium-lined sac that envelops the heart. It consists of a visceral layer covering the heart and a parietal layer reflected to form a continuous sac. It normally contains 15 to 25 mL of clear fluid. The parietal pericardium fuses with the diaphragm below and with the mediastinal pleura laterally and anteriorly, except in the sternal area, where there is no pleura. The reflection of the parietal pericardium occurs in a line that begins at the superior vena cava, above its junction with the right atrium, on the right side and continues to the left over the anterior aspect of the ascending aorta to the pulmonary artery, which is covered by pericardium almost to the level of the ligamentum arteriosus. Posteriorly, the pericardium extends up as far as the proximal superior vena cava and down to the inferior vena cava. The pericardium cannot be visualized on a roentgenographic film in the normal person. However, it is well demonstrated by CT, MRI, and ultrasound. The apical fat pad frequently seen at the left cardiodiaphragmatic angle lies between the parietal pericardium and a reflection of the parietal pleura as it extends downward and laterally to cover the diaphragm in this region. A similar situation exists on the right, and a fat pad occasionally is noted in the cardiohepatic angle.


General Cardiac Enlargement General cardiac enlargement may be caused by disease that produces a toxic effect on the myocardium and weakens it or by conditions that cause an increase in the workload on the heart. This load usually is increased initially on a single chamber, and when that chamber fails a second one becomes enlarged; eventually all chambers may be involved. Therefore, single- or double-chamber enlargement may predominate in valvular disease, whereas there is more likely to be uniform and generalized cardiac enlargement in myocardiopathies. The roentgen appearance of the heart in myocardiopathies varies considerably, but the lateral contours on both sides often become more convex inferiorly, and the normal slight alterations in contour indicating the various segments frequently are effaced. The transverse diameter usually is increased more than the vertical diameter. Evidence of pulmonary congestion manifested by prominent and poor definition of pulmonary basal vascular markings may also be present. On ultrasound examination, pulsations are diminished and, in extreme cases, are so poor as to be difficult to define. When single- or multiple-chamber enlargement is present, the cardiac contour often shows characteristic changes that can be recognized roentgenographically. Change in Cardiac Size When viewing the cardiac silhouette, we are basically viewing the pericardium and its contents; therefore, whenever an increase in the size of the cardiac silhouette is observed, the possibility of pericardial fluid must be considered. Depending on the circumstances, fluid may be blood (e.g., ruptured ascending aorta), fluid from inflammation, or neoplastic involvement. Generally, we are not in favor of measurement to determine overall cardiac size or specific chamber enlargement on a plain film. One dimension of a three-dimensional biologic object cannot be very reliable for judging overall size. Such measures are best made with ultrasound. Left Ventricular Enlargement When there is increased workload on a cardiac chamber, the muscle fibers elongate in response to the added work and dilatation results. When the load is maintained over a period of time, the dilatation is followed by hypertrophy, which is represented by actual increase in the size of the individual muscle fibers. The initial dilatation that precedes hypertrophy is the means by which heart muscle increases its ability to work. When the workload becomes great, there is secondary dilatation that results from failure of the heart muscle to do its work adequately. This type of dilatation indicates cardiac decompensation and failure. Hypertrophy of the heart muscle is a clearly defined pathologic finding, but the roentgen changes often are minimal or absent, making it difficult to determine in many instances. However, hypertrophy may cause alteration in cardiac shape, usually manifested by rounding of the contour of the involved ventricle. Little if any change in size results when hypertrophy is present without dilatation. Conversely, dilatation causes an increase in size and may also alter the shape of the cardiac silhouette. The ventricles may be divided into two functional components, the inflow tract and the outflow tract. The blood flows into the left ventricle from the left atrium through the mitral valve, which lies posterior and somewhat caudad to the aortic valve. The inflow tract extends from the valve along the posterior wall of the left ventricle and posterior half of the septum to the apex. The outflow tract is anterior and extends from the apex along the anterior half of the septum and anterior portion of the lateral ventricular wall and anterior leaflet of the mitral valve. Any disease that produces an increased workload on the left ventricle may cause enlargement of this chamber. This is manifested first by elongation of the outflow tract. This produces an increase in the length of the left ventricular segment making up the left lateral cardiac contour as visualized roentgenographically. The second sign of enlargement of this tract is rounding of the contour of the left ventricle. As a result of this downward and leftward enlargement, the cardiac apex may extend below the dome of the diaphragm and may be seen in the air-filled gastric fundus. Enlargement of the inflow tract of the left ventricle, which follows that of the outflow tract, produces posterior enlargement. In addition to the enlargement downward and to the left as well as posteriorly, disease resulting in increased left ventricular work may result in concentric hypertrophy of this chamber. This indicates that the ventricle is hypertrophied without significant dilatation, so that there is very little actual enlargement. The hypertrophy is manifested roentgenographically by rounding of the left ventricular contour and apex as visualized in the frontal projection. Enlargement of the left ventricle is demonstrated in both the PA and lateral projections. The most marked enlargement of the left ventricle is caused by long-standing hypertension, aortic insufficiency, and myocardiopathy. Other lesions that produce enlargement of this chamber are aortic stenosis, mitral insufficiency, coarctation of the aorta, arteriovenous shunts (intracardiac or extracardiac), arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease, and hyperthyroidism.

Right Ventricular Enlargement The right ventricle is enlarged in persons with diseases that increase the work of this chamber. These include a number of pulmonary diseases as well as primary pulmonary vascular disease that results in pulmonary hypertension. Stenosis of the pulmonary valve or infundibulum and other congenital cardiac lesions such as truncus arteriosus and septal defects may also result in enlargement of this ventricle. Mitral valvular disease was formerly a common cause of pulmonary hypertension but is not often seen at present in developed countries. When enlargement occurs, the outflow tract is the site of the earliest dilatation. Enlargement of the outflow tract extends from the apex of the right ventricle to the pulmonary valve and includes the anterior wall along with the upper half of the interventricular septum. The inflow tract that extends from the tricuspid valve to the apex includes the lower half of the interventricular septum inferiorly and the lower part of its outer wall anteriorly. Enlargement of the outflow tract of the right ventricle results in lengthening of the anterior ventricular wall, which is manifested radiographically by prominence of the distal right ventricle or pulmonary conus. The result is an anterior bulge in the upper-anterior cardiac contour just below the pulmonary artery. There often is associated enlargement of the pulmonary artery, which adds to the anterior prominence of the upper border of the heart in this projection. When this occurs, there is more prominence and convexity of the pulmonary artery segment in the frontal projection than is normal. This results in straightening or convexity of the left-upper cardiac contour below the aortic knob. When the enlargement of the right ventricle becomes greater, the heart tends to be rotated to the left (counterclockwise as viewed from the front), so that the conus of the right ventricle may become border-forming. In the lateral projection, the anterolateral bulge in the region of the outflow tract of the right ventricle reduces the size of the retrosternal space between the upper cardiac border and the sternum. The pulmonary artery also contributes to this narrowing. When the inflow tract of the right ventricle enlarges, the diaphragmatic portion of this ventricle is increased in length, resulting in an anterior rounding or bulge in the right ventricular area. This enlargement may displace the left ventricle posteriorly and elevate the cardiac apex as seen in the frontal projection. This finding is most common in infants and children with congenital cardiac disease resulting in right ventricular enlargement. When right ventricular dilatation is associated with enlargement of the left ventricle, differentiation and evaluation of the relative size of each chamber is often very difficult. Left Atrial Enlargement Rheumatic mitral-valve disease was the most common cause of left atrial enlargement until the antibiotic era. Now, myocardiopathies are more common causes. Left atrial enlargement also occurs in diseases such as ventricular septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus, and left ventricular failure. The left atrium lies posteriorly and does not form any part of the cardiac contour in the frontal projection in the normal subject. Small amounts of enlargement often are entirely posterior. As this chamber becomes larger, it enlarges to the right and left as well as posteriorly. The left auricular appendage may then project beyond the left ventricle to produce a straightening of the left or localized convexity of the cardiac border just below the pulmonary artery segment. The atrial appendage usually is relatively larger in patients with rheumatic heart disease than in those with comparable left atrial enlargement secondary to other disease. This enlargement causes the contour change often termed the mitral silhouette, in which the appendage produces a considerable convexity of the left-upper cardiac margin just below the level of the pulmonary artery. The enlargement to the right may be sufficient to make the right border of this chamber extend beyond the upper aspect of the right atrium and the superior vena cava. This results in a double contour on the right as visualized in the frontal projection. There may also be a visible double contour on the right when the left atrium does not project beyond the right atrial border. This is caused by the increased density of the large left atrium. Elevation of the left main bronchus may also be visible, and the carinal angle may be widened. When the enlargement reaches this stage, the mass of this chamber is often large enough to produce an oval localized density that can be seen through the heart in the frontal projection. When enlargement is massive, the left atrium may form most of the right cardiac contour and part of the left-upper cardiac contour in the frontal projection. Rarely, the left atrium projects only to the left when it enlarges. When the left atrium enlarges posteriorly, it may be seen in the lateral projection as a bulge in the cardiac contour just below the tracheal bifurcation. Right Atrial Enlargement The right atrium is enlarged in atrial septal defect, tricuspid stenosis and insufficiency, and right ventricular failure. When the body of the atrium enlarges, it produces enlargement of the lower-right cardiac contour to the right, with increased convexity of this contour. Marked increase of this chamber produces great enlargement to the right in the frontal projection. Slight enlargement of the right atrium is very difficult to detect radiographically.


Accurate diagnosis of the nature of congenital cardiac malformations is now imperative because surgical techniques are available for the cure of a number of lesions and palliation of others. Radiography is a very important part of the examination of patients with congenital defects, but accurate diagnosis depends on correlation of clinical and laboratory findings, including those of echocardiography and cardiac catheterization with angiocardiography. In acyanotic patients, the presence of a cardiac anomaly such as an atrial septal defect with shunt may be recognized on a chest film taken for an unrelated reason. Because of the extended range of severity of single or multiple defects, there is variation in the roentgen findings in any single defect. For example, septal defects may be small and produce little shunting of blood and very little alteration in the appearance of the cardiovascular silhouette; or they may be very large and accompanied by a large shunt and marked changes in the cardiovascular silhouette. The same is true of the defects that produce cyanosis. A broad spectrum of physiologic and anatomic alteration is possible for each defect. The differential diagnosis in many cases is difficult to make, and it is helpful to classify congenital defects into those that produce cyanosis and those that do not. These can then be subdivided according to the radiographic appearance of the pulmonary vessels and the presence or absence of cardiac enlargement. By using this approach, each defect can be placed in a relatively small group and special studies can differentiate the members of that group. Comprehensive review of all congenital defects is not within the scope of this volume. Echocardiography is the most useful noninvasive technique and selective angiocardiography is the most useful invasive imaging method for the diagnosis of the congenital cardiac diseases. MRI is assuming a rapidly increasing and important role in the evaluation of congenital heart disease (see later discussion).

Tetralogy of Fallot The tetralogy of Fallot consists of two fundamental defects: (1) pulmonic stenosis and (2) high interventricular septal defect. The third and fourth alterations described in this tetralogy are secondary; they consist of (3) the aorta overriding the ventricular septum with dextroposition and (4) hypertrophy of the right ventricle. The pulmonic stenosis causes an elevation of pressure in the right ventricle; the septal defect and overriding of the aorta allow blood from the right ventricle (venous blood) to be shunted directly into the general circulation. This right-to-left shunt of unsaturated blood from the right ventricle into the aorta results in cyanosis. In addition to the abnormalities originally described, other anomalies often occur in combination. The most common is a patent foramen ovale. True atrial septal defect is less common; when this defect is present, the term pentalogy of Fallot is sometimes used. A right-sided aortic arch is present in about 25% of patients with tetralogy. Extracardiac anomalies consisting of malformations of the aortic arch system are also common. Rarely, abnormalities such as stenosis of peripheral pulmonary arteries, partial anomalous venous return, absence or hypoplasia of the pulmonary valve, persistent common atrioventricular canal, and tricuspid insufficiency may be associated with tetralogy of Fallot. The pulmonic stenosis is usually infundibular in type. The infundibulum generally is constricted into a long, narrow channel, and there may be an associated valvular stenosis. Valvular stenosis alone, however, is unusual in tetralogy. When it occurs, there may be some poststenotic dilatation of the pulmonary artery that alters the configuration of the left cardiovascular border. Occasionally, the stenosis is localized to the proximal infundibulum, the ostium infundibula. In these cases the infundibulum dilates to a greater or lesser extent, forming a third ventricle. The degree of stenosis varies from a very slight narrowing to pulmonary atresia. In t he latter instance, which is very rare, the bronchial arteries or a patent ductus arteriosus and pulmonary arteries provide the pulmonary blood supply. The roentgenographic findings vary with the degree of pulmonic stenosis and the amount of shunt. This lesion has been called a pseudotruncus. Roentgen Findings Heart Size. The heart is usually within the normal limits of size and may appear to be somewhat smaller than normal ( Fig. 35-3 and Fig. 35-4). Appreciable cardiac

enlargement in this condition is unusual unless the patient survives into adult life. The right ventricle hypertrophies but usually does not dilate.

FIG. 35-3. Neonate with the tetralogy of Fallot. The ventricular segment is enlarged and the apex is slightly elevated, indicating right ventricular enlargement. The trachea is displaced to the left, indicating that the aorta is on the right side. The pulmonary vascular pattern is somewhat decreased.

FIG. 35-4. Adult female with a previous systemic pulmonary shunt to palliate a tetralogy of Fallot. The pulmonary vascular pattern is normal. Note the right-sided aortic arch.

Pulmonary Artery. The pulmonary artery segment, as visualized in the frontal projection, is small, resulting in concavity of the upper-left cardiac margin in the region of this segment. The degree of concavity depends on the degree of stenosis; it varies from marked concavity to a pulmonary artery segment that cannot be distinguished from the normal. Occasionally in a patient with stenosis of the ostium infundibula, the dilated infundibulum produces a convexity in the left side of the heart border, at and just below the level of the left main bronchus, which represents the distal right ventricle. When poststenotic dilatation of the pulmonary artery is present in patients with valvular stenosis, there is slight convexity rather than concavity in the region of this artery. Pulmonary Vascularity. Pulmonary vascularity decreases, resulting in a decrease in the size of the vessels making up the hilum on both sides and relative avascularity of the lung fields. This is an indication of decreased pulmonary blood flow. In severe stenosis and in patients with pseudotruncus, the branching of the dilated bronchial arteries may produce a brush-like appearance, with small vessels of uniform caliber in contrast to the decreasing caliber of pulmonary arteries usually noted. In patients with minimal defects resulting in the so-called acyanotic tetralogy, the vascularity is usually normal. Heart Shape. The enlargement of the right ventricle results in elevation of the apex and a rounded configuration of the lower-left cardiac margin. When the enlargement is significant, the left ventricle is elevated and displaced posteriorly so that the left or posterior cardiac border has a convex prominence in its central portion well above the diaphragm. This represents the left ventricle in an abnormal position, sometimes termed the left ventricular cap. There is also unusual radiolucency in the region of the pulmonary artery that lies below and within the arch of the aorta. This is sometimes termed the aortic window. In the lateral view there is anterior and upward bulging of the heart, tending to fill the retrosternal space superiorly. The Aorta. The findings in the right aortic arch that occur in approximately 25% of patients with tetralogy of Fallot consist of absence of aortic shadow on the left and presence of a vascular shadow on the right at the aortic level. This is readily detected in adults and older children, but in infants the aortic arch may not be visible. The superior vena cava is displaced laterally, however, and the resulting convex density in the right-upper mediastinum may suggest the aortic position. Sometimes an indentation on the right side of the trachea identifies the site of the aortic arch. The aorta is enlarged in rough proportion to the amount of right-to-left shunt. Other Findings. When poststenotic dilatation of the main pulmonary artery occurs, as has been indicated, the pulmonary artery is normal or slightly larger than normal. The presence of a third ventricle also may alter the silhouette, as noted previously. It is apparent that the appearance of the heart in tetralogy varies from one in which there is very little deviation from the normal to one in which there is marked alteration. Angiocardiography. Angiocardiography outlines the right ventricle and shows immediate filling of the aorta from the right ventricle, often with little if any shunt into the left ventricle. The site of stenosis usually is outlined, particularly in the right anterior oblique or lateral view. Pulmonary artery size is also defined. Pulmonary Stenosis With Intact Ventricular Septum and Atrial Right-to-Left Shunt In this entity, sometimes referred to as trilogy of Fallot, the atrial defect is usually a patent foramen ovale. Cyanosis appears when right atrial pressure has increased enough to cause a right-to-left shunt through the patent foramen ovale or atrial septal defect. This often occurs early in life but may be delayed. Roentgen Findings Heart Size. The heart is moderately to markedly enlarged, with elevation of the apex indicating right ventricular enlargement. The aorta usually is normal in size, and the arch is on the left side. Pulmonary Artery. Poststenotic dilatation of the main and left pulmonary arteries results in prominence of the pulmonary artery segment in the frontal projection but is not always present. Poststenotic dilatation occurs with valvular stenosis, which usually occurs in this condition. Infundibular stenosis may result as a secondary change when muscular hypertrophy occurs in the infundibulum, or it may be primarily responsible for the high right ventricular pressure that occurs in an estimated 10% of patients. A small pulmonary artery distal to the narrowing occurs in infundibular stenosis. Pulmonary Vascularity. Pulmonary vascularity tends to be decreased but may appear normal when shunting is not marked. Heart Shape. The silhouette is that of right atrial and right ventricular enlargement; poststenotic dilatation results in prominence of the pulmonary artery. The left atrium may be enlarged. The apex is elevated, and the right ventricle is prominent in the left anterior oblique and frontal projections. Angiocardiography. Angiocardiography is a valuable examination in this condition. The films are exposed in rapid succession, or cine or videotape recording is performed after caval or right atrial injection. These recordings show the defect at the atrial level, with a jet of opaque material propelled through the defect and rapidly filling the left atrium, left ventricle, and then the aorta. This results in rapid opacification of the right chamber and simultaneous, or almost simultaneous, opacification of the pulmonary artery and aorta. The pulmonary stenosis may be directly visible in some cases. The poststenotic dilatation that is frequently present is also recognized easily on angiocardiography. Selective right ventricular injection is the most effective means of showing the enlarged right ventricle associated with

muscular hypertrophy. The pulmonary valve is usually thickened and often dome shaped, with a jet of opaque medium crossing the valve into a moderately dilated pulmonary artery. The infundibulum is long and smooth and shows rather marked change in diameter from systole to diastole, in contrast to the findings in tetralogy of Fallot. Surgical Interventions in Tetralogy of Fallot The major challenge in palliation of tetralogy of Fallot is to increase blood flow to the pulmonary artery. This will result in improved oxygenation and allow the infant to grow so that the definitive correction can be done later. There are four palliative surgical procedures that can augment pulmonary blood flow (see Palliative Shunts for Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease ). Complete Transposition of the Great Vessels The relative positions of the pulmonary artery and the aorta are reversed in complete transposition ( Fig. 35-5). This results in two closed circulations. The blood from the lungs enters the left atrium by way of the pulmonary veins, then enters the left ventricle and passes through the pulmonary artery back to the lungs. The systemic venous return enters the right atrium, goes into the right ventricle, and exits through the aorta back into the systemic circulation. Because this situation is not life-sustaining, complete transposition must be accompanied by other anomalies that allow intracardiac and/or extracardiac shunts. These consist of a patent ductus arteriosus and interatrial and interventricular septal defects. Ventricular septal defects occur in fewer than one half of patients, whereas an interatrial defect, which may be a small atrial septal defect or a patent foramen ovale, usually is present. The ductus arteriosus may be patent. Rarely, anomalous pulmonary venous return shunts blood from the lungs to the right side of the heart.

FIG. 35-5. Frontal chest film of a cyanotic infant shows a decreased vascular pattern, indicating a right-to-left shunt. The heart is slightly enlarged. The striking finding is the very narrow vascular pedicle, characteristic of a transposition.

This anomaly is more common in boys than in girls (ratio of 2:1 or 4:1). Prognosis is poor but is improving with advances in cardiac surgery. Roentgen Findings Heart Size. The heart usually is normal or almost normal in size at birth and for the first 2 weeks of life. Increasing size leads to definite enlargement in most patients in a few weeks. Almost all of these infants have enlargements by the age of 2 months. Heart Shape. Both ventricles are enlarged, and the general contour of the heart is oval or egg-shaped. The right ventricle usually is enlarged to a greater extent than the left. The shape of the heart in the lateral position tends to be round. In the frontal projection, the base usually produced by the great vessels is narrow, and the absence of normal thymic tissue accentuates this finding. The thymus may also be small or absent in other severe congenital heart conditions and in infants with severe, stressful, noncardiac disease. Pulmonary Artery and Aorta. There is narrowing of the shadow of the great vessels in the frontal projection, the result of a more anteroposterior course of the aorta, which arises anteriorly and tends to course directly backward. Because the pulmonary infundibulum is not formed normally and the pulmonary artery lies closer to the midline than normal, the convexity usually formed by the infundibulum and the pulmonary artery is not present. In some instances, a distinct concavity is noted in the left-upper cardiac border. The outline of the aortic arch is absent. Pulmonary Vascularity. Pulmonary vessels are enlarged and prominent. Occasionally, when there is pulmonic stenosis or the shunts are small, the pulmonary vascularity associated with transposition is decreased in size. Because the heart is not as large and the contour is not abnormal, the diagnosis of transposition with pulmonic stenosis may be very difficult to make. Angiocardiography. Venous angiocardiographic findings consist of a sequential filling of the right atrium, the right ventricle, and an anteriorly placed aorta from the right ventricle. There usually is very poor opacification of the pulmonary artery, and the shunt that makes this condition compatible with life may be visualized. If an atrial septal defect is present, it usually is apparent, with rapid opacification of the left atrium. A patent ductus may be demonstrated, but an interventricular septal defect is very difficult to define. The enlargement of the right-sided heart chambers can also be noted on the angiocardiogram. There tends to be some difference in the relationship of the great vessels, ranging from a pulmonary artery that lies posterior and slightly to the left of the aorta to one that lies directly posterior or, rarely, directly to the left of the aorta. Selective, right ventricular angiocardiography is somewhat more satisfactory than a venous injection, particularly in outlining ventricular septal defects and the pulmonary artery. Tricuspid Atresia Tricuspid atresia with hypoplasia or aplasia of the right ventricle is associated with several other malformations in order that circulation may be sustained. The tricuspid valve is atretic, and there is hypoplasia or absence of the right ventricle. Edwards and associates 10 classify these anomalies according to the relationship of the great vessels and the presence or absence of pulmonary stenosis. In type I, the great vessels are normally related and the following forms are found: (1) coexistent tricuspid and pulmonary atresia; (2) a narrow septal defect between the left ventricle and the infundibular portion of the right ventricle, a small vestigial right ventricle, and a small pulmonary artery (this is the most common form); or (3) a large interventricular septal defect with valvular stenosis and a normal pulmonary artery. Rarely, transposition of the great vessels occurs in this form. In type II, transposition of the great vessels without pulmonic stenosis occurs, and there is essentially a common ventricle. Rarely, this anomaly is found without transposition. As indicated, in type I there is some type of right ventricular or pulmonary artery obstruction. In these patients, an atrial septal defect is present so that the blood flows into the right atrium and is shunted across the septal defect to the left atrium and then to the left ventricle. The blood is then distributed by way of an interventricular septal defect and hypoplastic right ventricle through the pulmonary artery to the lungs. If the right ventricle or pulmonary artery is atretic, the blood must get to the lungs via a patent ductus. Tricuspid Atresia with Pulmonary Stenosis Roentgen Findings Heart Size. The heart usually is enlarged, but there is considerable variation; in some patients the enlargement is slight, but in others it is marked. Heart Shape. The heart often is boot-shaped and may resemble the silhouette of tetralogy of Fallot. The right side of the heart border is relatively straight or flat and may not extend to the right of the spine. The pulmonary artery segment is concave. The left atrium may be enlarged; this is a helpful diagnostic sign. The right atrium

usually is enlarged, sometimes significantly. Evidence of left ventricular preponderance on the electrocardiogram is helpful in determining the presence of left-ventricle enlargement, because right-ventricle enlargement can rotate the heart and produce a similar silhouette. The left side of the heart border is rounded with apparent elevation of the apex, simulating the elevation associated with right ventricular enlargement. The change in the contour of the heart that is commonly described to indicate absence hypoplasia of the right ventricle is not often found in this condition. This change consists of diminished convexity or actual concavity of the right-lower heart border in the frontal projection. The reason for the absence of this sign is that the right atrium enlarges so that it fills the deficit resulting from right ventricular absence or hypoplasia. Pulmonary Artery. There is concavity in the region of the main pulmonary artery in the frontal projection. It may be extreme, resulting in an angular junction between the aorta and the upper-left ventricular silhouette. Pulmonary Vascularity. Pulmonary vascularity usually is decreased, unless there is complete transposition of the great vessels. When this is present, vascularity is normal or increased. The Aorta. The aorta generally is enlarged. Angiocardiography. This examination is useful in establishing the anatomic diagnosis in tricuspid atresia. The finding indicates a large right atrium, below which is a triangular radiolucent notch, representing the defect caused by absence of filling of the right ventricle. A shunt from the right to the left atrium is observed and results in rapid opacification of the left side of the heart. The size of the pulmonary vessels is demonstrated, but the root of the pulmonary artery, the site of stenosis, and the right ventricular chamber may be difficult to outline. Tricuspid Atresia without Pulmonary Stenosis As indicated previously, this form of the anomaly usually is associated with transposition of the great vessels and a common ventricle. Roentgen findings consist of gross cardiac enlargement, narrowing of the great vessels at the base (indicating transposition), and some left atrial enlargement. The pulmonary vascularity is greatly increased. Correlation with electrocardiographic findings of left ventricular preponderance in a cyanotic child with hypervascularity is highly suggestive of the diagnosis. In patients with transposition and tricuspid atresia, the right atrial appendage may lie to the left of the aorta and the pulmonary artery, and behind the great vessels. It projects above the left atrial appendage. The term juxtaposition of the atrial appendages is used to describe this anomaly, which produces a characteristic large bulge high on the left cardiac border that suggests the diagnosis. Tricuspid Stenosis Congenital tricuspid stenosis is very rare and usually occurs in combination with other congenital cardiac defects. The only consistent roentgen finding is hypovascularity of the lungs. The enlargement of the right atrium that is present in these patients may not be recognized readily. In some cases, the appearance simulates that of tetralogy of Fallot. No consistent roentgenographic appearance has been described. Persistent Truncus Arteriosus There are four types of this rare anomaly, in which there is only one large arterial trunk that overrides the ventricular septum. In type I, the pulmonary artery arises as a branch of the common trunk. This is the most common type (48%) and carries the worst prognosis. In type II, there is a separate origin of pulmonary arteries from the dorsal wall of the truncus (29%). In a third form, one or both pulmonary arteries arise independently from either side of the truncus (11%). In these anomalies, the pulmonary vascularity usually is increased. Type IV consists of absence of the pulmonary artery with a truncus arteriosus that supplies the lungs by way of the bronchial arteries or other collateral vessels (12%). There is marked decrease in pulmonary vascularity in this type. Roentgen Findings The truncus usually is large and produces a convexity in the region of the ascending arch. There is often prominence of the peripheral pulmonary vessels, despite a concavity in the region of the main pulmonary artery. The heart usually is enlarged. Right ventricular enlargement predominates, resulting in an elevation of the cardiac apex that may be striking, so that the silhouette resembles that seen in severe tetralogy of Fallot, although it tends to be larger in truncus. In type IV and in pseudotruncus (see Tetralogy of Fallot), the ascending aortic arch is prominent and the pulmonary artery segment is concave. The pulmonary vascularity is markedly diminished. The bronchial arteries that supply the lungs are visualized as small vessels extending outward in a fine, brush-like pattern from the hila on both sides. The comma-shaped pattern of the pulmonary arteries is absent in these patients. The shape of the heart is often distinctive in the frontal position. There is a sharp right-angled junction between the vascular pedicle on the left and the upper-left ventricular border, or an acute angle may be present. Right aortic arch is present in about 25% of these patients. Angiocardiography demonstrates opacification of the large truncus from the large right ventricle and shows the pulmonary artery filling after the truncus has filled. In type IV and in pseudotruncus, the angiocardiographic appearance is similar to that of severe tetralogy. Ebstein's Anomaly This malformation consists of downward displacement of the tricuspid valve far into the right ventricle. The upper portion of the right ventricle is incorporated into the right atrium (Fig. 35-6). As a result, the ventricle is small and the atrium is large. The myocardium proximal to the abnormally placed valve is thin, and the large right atrium is unable to empty itself properly. Cyanosis is often present in this disease because there usually is an interatrial septal defect, through which venous blood is shunted from the right to the left atrium. If there is no intracardiac shunt, cyanosis is not produced. 1

FIG. 35-6. Epstein's anomaly. The heart is massively enlarged in this cyanotic patient. The left-sided structures are huge. Note the extension of the right atrium to the right, indicating enlargement of this chamber.

Roentgen Findings The heart usually is greatly enlarged, and the lungs are hypovascular. The right atrium and ventricle are the chambers involved. Enlargement to the right, with a shoulder-like prominence of the right-upper cardiac border, is characteristic. The left-upper cardiac contour often enlarges in a more sloping manner, caused by enlargement of the outflow tract of the right ventricle. This gives the heart a square or box-like shape, with a narrow vascular pedicle and a small aortic arch. If this is found along with hypovascularity of the lung and a small aorta, the roentgen diagnosis can be made with reasonable certainty, particularly when the findings are correlated with those of the electrocardiographic examination. Angiocardiography, therefore, may not be needed. On venous angiocardiography, the large right atrium

fills and empties slowly through the foramen ovale or atrial septal defect into the left atrium and through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. The right side of the heart remains opacified for an unusually long period. Selective injection of contrast medium into the right ventricle identifies the level of the tricuspid valve and shows tricuspid insufficiency when present. Occasionally, there is an associated pulmonary-valve stenosis that may be defined by this examination. In these patients, there may be a considerable right-to-left shunt manifested by marked hypovascularity. In patients without a shunt, the pulmonary vascularity is normal. Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return In this anomaly the pulmonary veins empty into the right atrium by one of several pathways. 16,18,32,34 Most commonly, this is the left innominate vein ( Fig. 35-7). In other cases the pulmonary veins empty (1) directly into the coronary sinus; (2) directly into the right atrium; (3) through a large vein into the right superior vena cava; (4) into a persistent left superior vena cava; (5) into the portal vein, ductus venosus, or inferior vena cava below the diaphragm; or, occasionally, (6) into the azygous or a hepatic vein. The last type occurs predominantly in males. In patients with a persistent left superior vena cava or vertical vein, the blood flows upward in this vein for a short distance to the left of the superior aspect of the aortic arch and then flows centrally, in the left innominate vein, which empties into the superior vena cava on the right. If all the pulmonary venous blood is returned to the right side of the heart, a right-to-left shunt is needed to provide compatibility with life. The most common anomaly is an atrial septal defect or patent foramen ovale. As a result of this combination of defects, the right side of the heart is overloaded and becomes enlarged while the left-sided chambers and aorta remain relatively small. Desaturation is present, but frank cyanosis is uncommon.

FIG. 35-7. A: Total anomalous pulmonary venous return. This is a typical example of a figure-of-eight deformity or snowman heart, with the large veins forming a convexity on either side of the upper mediastinum. B: Partial anomalous pulmonary venous return (scimitar syndrome). Note the typical hypervascularity and the large vessel paralleling the border of the right side of the heart and extending below the level of the diaphragm. This represents an anomalous pulmonary vein.

If the anomalous venous return is above the diaphragm, the pulmonary venous pressure is moderately increased, and minimal pulmonary edema often is present. In total anomalous venous return below the diaphragm, there usually is a greater increase in venous pressure and severe pulmonary edema is common in the newborn. Roentgen Findings In total anomalous pulmonary venous return above the diaphragm, the heart is enlarged. The enlargement is on the right side, although this fact may not be readily apparent. Pulmonary vessels are prominent because of the increased blood flow in the lesser circulation. When there is a persistent left vena cava, or a left vertical vein with total anomalous pulmonary venous connection to the left innominate vein, there is a characteristic figure-of-eight deformity of the cardiovascular silhouette. This is best appreciated in older children. The upper limbs of the figure-of-eight are formed by the vena cava on the right and the vertical vein on the left. They are dilated and form convexities on either side above the heart. The blood flows upward in the vertical vein, across to the right, and into the superior vena cava. In the occasional patient in whom the veins drain into the right superior or inferior vena cava, these veins may be visualized on the plain film roentgenogram. CT often can outline the abnormal vessel to good advantage. The aorta is small and hypoplastic, and the pulmonary artery often is enlarged to the extent that its upper border forms a horizontal shelf immediately below the hypoplastic aortic arch. Angiocardiography can be used to establish the diagnosis, but when the figure-of-eight is present, along with evidence of enlargement of pulmonary vessels, the diagnosis can be made with reasonable certainty on plain films alone. The thymic shadow may produce a figure-of-eight sign and must be differentiated. This snowman or figure-of-eight often is not apparent in the first few weeks of life. The lateral view may then be helpful, because the shadow of the anomalous vertical vein or left superior vena cava is denser and has a sharper anterior border than the shadow of the thymus. Most of the other sites of return show no characteristic vascular pattern, but, because there is a bidirectional shunt, pulmonary hypervascularity is present despite the patient's desaturation. There is right-sided cardiac enlargement with no evidence of left atrial enlargement. In total anomalous pulmonary venous return below the diaphragm, the right and left pulmonary veins converge to form a vein that passes through the diaphragm, usually at the esophageal hiatus, and drains into a branch of the portal vein, the ductus venosus, or, uncommonly, an hepatic vein. 18 A physical obstruction may be present where the two systems join, or the capacity of the abdominal venous may be such that a physiologic obstruction exists. The result is marked pulmonary venous hypertension and interstitial edema. A ground-glass appearance of the lung results. Partial Anomalous Venous Return The most common partial anomalous venous connection is to the right atrium. This results in a left-to-right shunt of modest proportions, which usually does not cause symptoms and often is found on study of patients with atrial septal defect. Roentgen findings are similar to those of atrial septal defect and include pulmonary arterial enlargement and hypervascularity related to the size of the shunt. A rare combination of hypoplasia of the right lung and anomalous right pulmonary venous return into the inferior vena cava is termed the scimitar syndrome because the anomalous vein is visible as a curved shadow in the lower right lung. 30,38,48,63 There may also be other associated anomalies, such as accessory hemidiaphragm, sequestration, and hepatic herniations. Frequently, an anomalous systemic artery that arises below the diaphragm supplies a portion of the lung at the base. The term congenital pulmonary venolobar syndrome has been used to describe this combination of anomalies, some of which may be absent in a given patient. Partial anomalous drainage of the left-upper lobe may occur by way of an anomalous vertical vein that produces a left paramediastinal density lateral to the aortic knob with a smooth, curvilinear border outlined against the lung. This appearance is similar to that of the left side of the snowman sign observed in total anomalous pulmonary venous return, but the anomaly causes no symptoms and the finding is often incidental. Linear or spiral CT may be used for better definition of the density. Other Cyanotic Defects Transposition of the Taussig-Bing Type This is a variant of transposition in which the aorta arises from the right ventricle while the pulmonary artery overrides the ventricular septum. A high ventricular septal defect is present. When this defect is above the crista supraventricularis and is closely applied to the origin on the pulmonary trunk, it represents the Taussig-Bing type of transposition. In another type, the ventricular septal defect is below the crista supraventricularis, remote from the pulmonary valve. In these cases, the left ventricular bloodstream is directed to the pulmonary artery. This results in enlargement of the right ventricle and atrium. The pulmonary artery is dilated, but its branches are often diminished in size, compared with the large main vessels. This is the result of vascular changes that cause pulmonary hypertension. Roentgen Findings Cardiac enlargement occurs primarily because of the enlarged right ventricle. This is associated with enlargement of the pulmonary artery segment and hilar vessels. The midzone pulmonary vascular channels may be full but become small when pulmonary hypertension develops. There may be left atrial and left ventricular enlargement as well. On plain films the two types cannot be differentiated. In the Taussig-Bing type, angiocardiography shows immediate filling of the aorta from the

right ventricle, with relatively poor filling of the pulmonary artery and its branches from this chamber. The pulmonary trunk is wider than the aorta. The aortic and pulmonary valves are at the same horizontal level and are superimposed in the lateral view. When the septal defect is below the crista supraventricularis, there is better filling of the pulmonary artery from the right ventricle. The valves are on the same horizontal plane, or the pulmonary valve may be slightly higher than the aortic valve. Similar lateral superimposition is noted. Congenital Heart Diseases in the Neonatal Period According to Gyepes and Vincent, 17 nine congenital heart lesions commonly produce cyanosis or distress in the first 2 weeks of life that may be life-threatening and require emergency diagnostic studies. They are (1) pulmonary atresia or severe pulmonic stenosis with intact ventricular septum; (2) pulmonary atresia or severe pulmonic stenosis with ventricular septal defect; (3) Ebstein's malformation; (4) tricuspid atresia; (5) transposition of the great arteries; (6) syndrome of coarctation of the aorta; (7) total anomalous pulmonary venous return with obstruction; (8) hypoplastic left heart syndrome; and (9) severe coarctation of the aorta. These lesions are grouped into three categories according to the cardiovascular pathophysiology ( Table 35-1). Group I is characterized by decreased pulmonary blood flow; pulmonary atresia, tricuspid atresia, Ebstein's malformation, and pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect are included in this group. Intense cyanosis occurs early, and there usually is a severely hypoplastic right ventricle incapable of dilatation. About 10% have a normal right ventricle that, however, is dilated; and when the right ventricle is dilated the right atrium may also be dilated. Group II consists of lesions with increased blood flow; transposition of the great arteries and the syndrome of coarctation of the aorta are included in this group. Group III consists of lesions with severe pulmonary venous congestion; this group includes total anomalous venous return, hypoplastic left heart syndrome, and severe coarctation with intact ventricular septum. In the coarctation syndrome in which there is a ventricular septal defect associated with severe coarctation, the ventricular shunt volume becomes greater than in patients with isolated ventricular septal defect, and failure typically occurs when the patient is 2 weeks of age.

TABLE 35-1. Common congenital cardiac defects

The chest roentgenogram in the PA projection may be very helpful, particularly in differentiating the groups. In group I, in which decreased pulmonary blood flow results in decreased vascularity, it is likely that the patient has pulmonary atresia, severe pulmonic stenosis, or Ebstein's anomaly. If gross enlargement of the right atrium can be detected, Ebstein's anomaly is likely. If the heart is only moderately enlarged or normal, the combination of pulmonary atresia or stenosis plus ventricular septal defect, or pulmonary atresia or stenosis with intact ventricular septum and a hypoplastic right ventricle, is likely. In tricuspid atresia, the heart may be normal or slightly enlarged. In some instances, there is discrete enlargement of the right atrium. In the second group, in which there is a normal or moderately increased pulmonary arterial pattern, transposition of the great arteries or coarctation syndrome are the most likely causes. If the heart is oval or egg-shaped, transposition is likely, whereas infants with coarctation syndrome have a combination of a large heart, increased pulmonary blood flow, and some degree of pulmonary venous congestion. Identification of the site of the coarctation usually is not possible in patients of this age. In the third group, in which there is cardiomegaly and pulmonary venous congestion, it is likely that the infant has either severe coarctation of the aorta or some form of the hypoplastic left heart syndrome. If the heart is normal or slightly enlarged in an infant with pulmonary venous congestion, it is likely that total anomalous pulmonary venous return with obstruction is present. Although these diagnoses or differentials can be suggested, the severity of the problem indicates the necessity of emergency echocardiography or MRI imaging or of cardiac catheterization and angiocardiography. The procedures usually are abbreviated, and only crucial diagnostic information is sought. Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome This syndrome consists of hypoplasia of the left ventricle associated with a number of anomalies including aortic valvular stenosis or atresia, an atretic aortic arch, and/or mitral stenosis or atresia. As has been noted, the hypoplastic left heart syndrome is one of the causes of congestive failure in the first week of life, usually within 2 or 3 days after birth. Roentgen findings consist of progressive cardiomegaly, increased pulmonary vascularity caused by venous congestion, and a somewhat globular-appearing heart. Failure is often impossible to control, with death occurring in the first week of life. Other Anomalies A number of other rare anomalies may be associated with cyanosis. They include the bilocular and trilocular heart, atrioventricularis communis, and a number of others often associated with obstruction to pulmonary flow. The roentgen findings are not characteristic in these conditions, but the heart usually is enlarged. Palliative Shunts for Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease In a child with cyanotic congenital heart disease, increasing the pulmonary blood flow may provide permanent palliation or an opportunity for the patient to grow and thereby be a better candidate for corrective surgery. There are four major options for establishing a systemic pulmonary shunt. The Blalock-Taussig procedure consists of surgical anastomosis of the subclavian artery to the pulmonary artery. This surgery is done on the side opposite the aortic arch. Necessarily, when the subclavian artery is used as a conduit, the blood flow to the upper extremity on that side will depend on arterial collaterals from the intercostal vessels and therefore isolated rib notching along the undersurface of the ribs will occur. 36 Likewise, vertebral steal may occur on the same side. The Waterston-Cooley shunt is a side-to-side anastomosis between the ascending aorta and the right pulmonary artery. The right pulmonary artery is chosen as the recipient site because of the frequency of either absence or kinking of the left pulmonary artery in the tetralogy of Fallot complex. The Glenn shunt is an end-to-side anastomosis between the superior vena cava and the ipsilateral pulmonary artery. Finally, the Potts shunt is an anastomosis between the descending thoracic aorta and the left pulmonary artery. Each of these shunts increases the blood flow to the lungs and results in improved oxygenation. Many of these shunts are established without the use of radiopaque devices that would give a clue to their presence. However, residuals of a previous thoracotomy may persist and indicate what has transpired.

The cardiovascular anomalies discussed in this section consist of defects that cause left-to-right shunts under ordinary circumstances and other anomalies, chiefly involving the valves. The shunting of blood from left to right depends on the pressure gradient across the defect. The pressure usually is higher on the left side, so that the shunt is maintained from left to right; if pulmonary hypertension results, the pressure in the right-sided heart chambers and pulmonary artery may exceed that

on the left. The shunt is then reversed, and cyanosis from arterial desaturation develops. The roentgen diagnosis of this group of congenital anomalies often rests in part on differentiation between right and left ventricular enlargement. The criteria for enlargement of these chambers described in previous sections may be useless in these patients because enlargement of one chamber may simulate that of another. Therefore differentiation cannot be made on plain film study alone, and radiographic findings must be correlated with clinical, electrocardiographic, echocardiographic, angiocardiographic magnetic resonance, and catheterization data. In patients with left-to-right intracardiac shunts, pulmonary inflammatory disease is common. Obstruction with lobular, segmental, and even lobar atelectasis may be found. These findings may be significant when the cardiac silhouette does not suggest the type of congenital anomaly. The large pulmonary artery associated with left-to-right shunts, plus a large left atrium, may cause complete atelectasis of the left lung. The bronchus is evidently compressed between the artery and the atrium in these cases. The result is a small, opaque, left hemithorax. Patent Ductus Arteriosus The ductus arteriosus serves to shunt blood into the systemic circulation from the pulmonary artery in intrauterine life and is patent at birth ( Fig. 35-8).10,27 Functionally, the ductus closes very early in life. Anatomic closure usually is completed in 2 months, but sometimes it is delayed up to 6 months or, rarely, 1 year. The ductus arises near the origin of the left pulmonary artery and empties into the aorta just distal to the left subclavian artery. Occasionally, a right-sided ductus is found.

FIG. 35-8. Patent ductus arteriosus. A: and B: This adolescent female was discovered to have a cardiac murmur. The frontal chest film shows that the heart is slightly enlarged and there is some minor increase in the vascular pattern. The aortic knob is large, indicating that the aorta is involved in the left-to-right shunt. These findings are indicative of a patent ductus arteriosus.

Roentgen Findings The findings on routine frontal and lateral roentgenograms are not always diagnostic, particularly in infants and young children, and must be correlated with clinical data. The left atrium and left ventricle are enlarged, and there is enlargement of the aorta proximal to the ductus. The pulmonary artery and peripheral pulmonary vessels are enlarged. The findings roughly parallel the amount of left-to-right shunt. In patients with small shunts, no detectable cardiovascular abnormalities may be noted radiographically. In left-to-right shunts, the pulmonary-to-systemic flow ratio must be at least 2:1 to be recognized as increased flow in the lungs. Heart Size. Slight cardiac enlargement is present in about half of the patients; in those with large shunts, a considerable amount of enlargement may be present. Heart Shape. There may be enough left atrial enlargement to produce a recognizable posterior bulge in the lateral projection. Left ventricular enlargement is also present, causing elongation of the left border of the heart in the frontal view. Continued increase in pulmonary blood flow may result in some degree of pulmonary hypertension, which in turn causes right ventricular enlargement. Pulmonary Artery. The most consistent finding in patent ductus arteriosus is enlargement of the pulmonary artery segment in the frontal projection. Pulmonary Vascularity. The vascularity in the hila and peripheral lungs is increased. Measurement of pulmonary arteries ordinarily is not very useful in the detection of enlargement because there is a wide range of normal. However, the diameter of the right descending pulmonary artery has been found to be almost equal to that of the trachea in children older than 2 years of age. In a study of 102 children with left-to-right shunts, the artery diameter was never less than that of the trachea, whereas these structures measured the same or varied within 2 mm in 90% of a group of 112 normal children. 8A Measurement of pulmonary arteries may be used to corroborate the subjective impression of arterial enlargement. A shunt is unlikely if the diameter of the descending artery is smaller than that of the trachea. The Aorta. The aorta often is enlarged. There may be a slight bulge of the descending aortic wall below the prominent knob, indicating minor enlargement in this region. This represents the infundibulum of the patent ductus. It is not a common sign in children and is not diagnostic, because similar slight convexity can occur in patients without patent ductus. Rarely there is calcification at the aortic end of the ductus in adults. This has not been reported in children. Occasionally, the ductus itself is visible as a small convexity between the aortic knob or transverse arch and the pulmonary artery. Angiocardiography. This examination is often disappointing but may show reopacification of the pulmonary artery from the aorta and slight enlargement of the left-sided heart chambers. The demonstration of local aortic enlargement at the site of the ductus or of a ductus diverticulum is helpful but not conclusive. A transient local defect in opacification of the pulmonary artery at the site of the ductus, caused by a jet of nonopacified blood shunted through the ductus, is diagnostic when it is visualized. Retrograde Aortography. This examination is much more useful than angiocardiography. The opaque material is injected directly into the aorta, and the opacified blood traverses the ductus and outlines the pulmonary artery and its branches. Patent Ductus with Right-to-Left Shunt In this condition, flow is reversed because the pulmonary arterial pressure exceeds that in the aorta. The pulmonary arterial systolic pressure normally is much lower than the systemic arterial pressure. 26 In cases of large patent ductus arteriosus, the pulmonary and systemic arterial pressures are equal. Equalization depends on a large-volume left-to-right shunt, increased pulmonary resistance, or a combination of the two. Pulmonary arterial disease may eventually develop to the point at which pulmonary arterial resistance is greater than systemic resistance. When this degree of pulmonary hypertension is reached, the ductus acts as a safety valve for the lesser circulation. A right-to-left shunt results, and the patient becomes desaturated. Cyanosis may be apparent in the lower extremities but absent in the upper extremities, because the desaturated blood enters the descending aorta. As a result of the pulmonary hypertension, the right ventricle becomes enlarged and the main pulmonary artery often is increased further in size, along with the vessels in the hila, whereas the vessels in the central and peripheral lung are relatively small. This difference in size of proximal and peripheral pulmonary vessels is a reliable sign only when it is unequivocal. There may be calcification in the pulmonary artery and aorta adjacent to the ductus as well as in the ductus in these patients. Isolated calcification in the pulmonary artery may occur in association with pulmonary valvular stenosis, pulmonary artery aneurysm, or pulmonary hypertension from any cause. However, when calcification occurs in the pulmonary artery and the adjacent aortic arch, the combination is suggestive of patent ductus with or without reversal of flow. The left atrium tends to decrease in size when the shunt is reversed in these patients. Interatrial Septal Defect Atrial septal defects are among the most common congenital heart lesions ( Fig. 35-9). Several types exist. The most common is a patent foramen ovale that is large enough to result in a shunt. When there is a defect at the fossa ovalis, it is termed an ostium secundum defect. A persistent ostium primum is a defect at the base of the atrial septum and is part of a spectrum of lesions that are associated with anomalies of the endocardial cushion. There also is a high atrial septal defect, sinus

venosum type, which usually is associated with anomalous pulmonary venous return from the right lung. As a result of these defects there is free communication between the two atria, permitting a shunt. The anatomic location of the defect is not as important in determining the volume of the shunt as is its size and the difference in atrial pressures. Because the pressure in the left atrium is usually higher than in the right atrium, the shunt is from left to right. As a result, the pulmonary blood flow is increased, and this increases the amount of right ventricular work.

FIG. 35-9. A: Atrial septal defect in frontal projection. Note enlargement of the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery as well as the increased pulmonary blood flow. B: In the lateral projection, some anterior bowing of the sternum is seen; this is indicative of some hyperinflation, a finding frequently seen with intracardiac left-to-right shunts.

Roentgen Findings Heart Size. The heart usually is slightly enlarged, but it may be normal in size. Heart Shape. Enlargement of the right ventricle and right atrium occurs and may be typical enough to be recognized, but differentiation between right and left ventricular enlargement is not always possible. The left atrium is not enlarged. The Pulmonary Artery. The pulmonary artery is enlarged, sometimes markedly so, causing a large convexity that may partially obscure the smaller aortic knob. The pulmonary artery segment in this anomaly usually is larger than in the other two common anomalies that produce left-to-right shunts, patent ductus arteriosus and ventricular septal defect. Pulmonary Vascularity. The hilar and pulmonary vascularity are also increased. The Aorta. The shunting of blood away from the left side of the heart into the lesser circulation results in decreased flow through the aorta. The aorta tends to be smaller than normal. This may be visualized easily, particularly in adults, but in infants and small children aortic size is often difficult to determine. Angiocardiography. Angiocardiography is used occasionally to visualize the shunt and indicate its size and location. Atrial Septal Defect with Right-to-Left Shunt Pulmonary hypertension may occur, causing a reversal of the shunt when the pressure in the right atrium exceeds that in the left. 25 Pulmonary hypertension is caused by organic changes in pulmonary arteries resulting in increasing vascular resistance. Arterial desaturation occurs, and cyanosis may then be observed. The right-sided heart chambers become more enlarged, particularly the right ventricle. The pulmonary artery also increases in size, and there may be a marked decrease in size of peripheral pulmonary arteries, a sign of pulmonary hypertension. This may result in a considerable difference in diameter between central and peripheral pulmonary arteries. Atrial Septal Defect with Mitral Stenosis (Lutembacher's Syndrome) This rare condition consists of atrial septal defect combined with either congenital or acquired mitral stenosis. It results in a greater increase in right ventricular workload than does an uncomplicated atrial septal defect of similar size, because the increased left atrial pressure results in an increased left-to-right shunt. An enlarged pulmonary artery is the characteristic feature noted on roentgenography. The heart usually is enlarged, and pulmonary vascularity is increased. The right ventricle and atrium are considerably increased in size, and there may be some enlargement of the left atrium as well. Angiocardiographic findings in this condition are similar to those in atrial septal defect. A jet of opaque medium crossing the plane of the septum from the left atrium to the right atrium is diagnostic of atrial septal defect. The mitral stenosis may also be demonstrated. Other indirect angiocardiographic signs that may aid in the diagnosis are (1) enlargement of the right atrium and ventricle along with the pulmonary artery, (2) reopacification of the right side of the heart after left-sided opacification, and (3) dilution in the right atrium when a large shunt is present. Ventricular Septal Defect This is the most common of the congenital cardiac lesions. The defect may occur low in the septal wall, but more commonly it is high. When the opening occurs high and adjacent to the mitral and tricuspid valves, it may involve the atrial septum and result in an anomaly known as atrioventricularis communis. Ventricular septal defect results in a left-to-right shunt because the ventricular pressure is usually higher in the left than in the right ventricle. As in the atrial septal defects, the size of the shunt is determined by the pressures on the two sides of the shunt and by the size of the defect. There may be very little change in the size and shape of the heart when the defect is small and there is not much shunt. If a sizable shunt is present, there will be alterations that can be visualized on the chest roentgenogram. Roentgen Findings The left ventricle and left atrium are enlarged, along with the right ventricle. The right ventricle increases in size as pulmonary arterial pressure rises. It is often difficult to determine which ventricle predominates. The aorta is normal in size. Heart Size. The heart may be normal in size but often is enlarged. Heart Shape. Ventricular work is increased on both sides, so both ventricles may enlarge. The left ventricle often enlarges first. There also may be left atrial enlargement. The Pulmonary Artery. This vessel is enlarged and prominent. Pulmonary Vascularity. Hilar and peripheral pulmonary vascularity is increased when the shunt is large. The Aorta. The aorta is normal in size. Angiocardiography. Angiocardiography shows a shunt of opaque material across the defect from the left into the right ventricle. Cardiac catheterization is a reliable diagnostic method in the study of this anomaly. Selective angiocardiography can be used to localize the site of the defect. The shunt may also be seen with echocardiography.

Ventricular Septal Defect with Right-to-Left Shunt Occlusive pulmonary vascular changes develop in patients with ventricular septal defect, leading to reversal of the shunt when the pulmonary arterial pressure exceeds the systemic pressure. The term Eisenmenger's complex has been used to indicate this complication of shunt reversal with cyanosis developing in adolescence or in adult life. Roentgen findings indicate cardiac enlargement, usually biventricular and moderate in amount. The pulmonary artery segment and central hilar vessels are very large, with disproportionate decrease in midzone and peripheral arteries indicating pulmonary hypertension. When a small left-to-right shunt or a right-to-left shunt has been present from early childhood, the heart is not as large and the arterial disproportion is minimal. In this type, plain-film study may reveal very minor changes or changes resembling those of isolated pulmonic stenosis. As the shunt reverses, the heart may decrease in size and become normal until cardiac failure occurs. Persistent Common Atrioventricular Canal (Atrioventricularis Communis) This defect varies. In the complete form, there is a low atrial septal defect, a high ventricular septal defect, and clefts in mitral and tricuspid valves. In a lesser form, the tricuspid valve is normal. In other forms, the tricuspid valve is abnormal or the ventricular septum is intact and the tricuspid valve is normal. As in other left-to-right shunts, the roentgen findings depend on the magnitude of the shunt and the presence or absence of pulmonary hypertension. Cardiac enlargement is present and usually is biventricular; hilar prominence and peripheral hypervascularity also are present. The heart is generally larger than in patients with atrial or ventricular septal defect. There may be left atrial enlargement. The aorta tends to be small. If pulmonary hypertension develops, the changes are similar to those noted in ventricular septal defect with right-to-left shunt. Pulmonic Stenosis The term pulmonic stenosis is used to refer to the two types of right ventricular outflow obstruction, namely valvular and infundibular stenosis ( Fig. 35-10). Valvular pulmonary stenosis is much more common as an isolated lesion. Occasionally supravalvular stenosis may occur.

FIG. 35-10. Valvular pulmonic stenosis in a 23-year-old man. Note the great enlargement of the pulmonary artery and the proximal aspect of the left pulmonary artery, resulting in large hilar vessels on the left, contrasted with the small hilar vessels on the right. This represents poststenotic dilatation.

Roentgen Findings In a number of patients no recognizable abnormality is noted. The characteristic findings in valvular stenosis are right ventricular enlargement and prominence of the main and left pulmonary arteries in a patient with normal peripheral pulmonary vascularity. The right atrium sometimes is enlarged. Isolated infundibular stenosis is rare. Heart Size. The heart may be normal in size but is enlarged in about half of these patients. Heart Shape. The enlargement is right-sided and results in a rounded right-lower cardiac contour in the frontal projection. The apex may be elevated and blunted. Pulmonary Artery. The most characteristic finding is enlargement of the main pulmonary artery, which results in convexity of the left-upper cardiac margin below the aortic knob. This enlargement of the main pulmonary artery is caused by poststenotic dilatation. The dilatation involves the main pulmonary artery and the left pulmonary artery, producing prominence of the arterial silhouette of the left hilum. The change in the left pulmonary artery may be seen best in the lateral projection as it arches over the left bronchus. The right pulmonary artery may be dilated, but this vessel is hidden by mediastinal density. Therefore, the size of the hilar vessels tends to be asymmetrical, in contrast to the symmetry often observed in pulmonary hypertension. This is a helpful differential diagnostic sign. Poststenotic dilatation occurs in valvular stenosis, whereas in infundibular and supravalvular stenosis the pulmonary artery is not prominent and there may be no roentgen findings to indicate a cardiovascular disease. Pulmonary Vascularity. The large main artery change is associated with normal size of the vessels in the lungs and in the right hilum. Angiocardiography. Angiocardiography may show enlargement of the right atrium and ventricle but usually provides a superb demonstration of the actual site and degree of pulmonic stenosis, along with the poststenotic dilatation of the pulmonary artery. Aortic Stenosis Congenital aortic stenosis may be subvalvular, valvular, or supravalvular. 2 The valvular type of stenosis is more common than subaortic stenosis of the ventricular outflow tract, and supravalvular stenosis is quite rare. The valve may be bicuspid, but more commonly there is one cusp. Usually the bicuspid valve is not stenotic ad primum, but there is a tendency to acquire deposits of fibrin and platelets that organize and become calcified. As this process continues, stenosis develops and the patient becomes symptomatic in the fifth or sixth decade of life. Eighty-five percent of patients with coarctation of the aorta have a bicuspid aortic valve. Roentgen Findings Poststenotic dilation of the aorta usually occurs in valvular stenosis. The dilatation characteristically is located in the ascending aorta and results in increased convexity of the right lateral aspect of the ascending aorta. The transverse arch or aortic knob is not enlarged. Left ventricular hypertrophy and dilatation also occur in this condition and result in enlargement of the heart downward and to the left. The heart usually is not greatly enlarged unless it has begun to decompensate. In almost half of patients (in whom the stenosis is minimal to moderate), no detectable roentgen abnormalities are found except for the slight prominence of the ascending aorta. When present, the findings are characteristic. Calcification of the aortic valve is diagnostic of aortic stenosis. It is best detected by fluoroscopy or CT. If seen on a plain film, it is most readily detected in the lateral view, and if the patient is not in cardiac failure, the gradient is usually 50 mm Hg or greater. Generally, because a gradient of this magnitude is considered an indication for surgery, this observation is significant. Subaortic stenosis is particularly difficult to diagnose roentgenographically because, in idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis, there is little if any poststenotic dilation; in the membranous type of stenosis, there often is no poststenotic dilatation, and the left ventricular hypertrophy often is minimal. The pulmonary artery, right side of the heart, and pulmonary vascularity are normal. In membranous subaortic stenosis, there is a discrete, fibrous membrane below the aortic valve. This

anomaly results in poststenotic dilatation in about 50% of patients. It is associated with other abnormalities; in descending order of frequency, they are thick aortic valves, aortic insufficiency, ventricular septal defect, dilated sinuses of Valsalva, coarctation of the aorta, and mitral insufficiency. Supravalvular aortic stenosis is a rare condition that is seen as an element of Williams' syndrome, which consists of mental and physical retardation, elfin facies, hypercalcemia, and peripheral pulmonary artery stenoses. In supravalvular aortic stenosis there is a tight, hourglass constriction of the ascending aorta just cephalad to the valve. Corrected Transposition of the Great Vessels Two major components of this anomaly are (1) transposition of the origins of the aorta and pulmonary artery, so that the aortic root is anterior and to the left of the pulmonary artery; and (2) inversion of the ventricles with their accompanying atrioventricular valves ( Fig. 35-11).29 There is also inversion of the coronary arteries. Venous blood enters the right atrium and flows through a bicuspid (mitral) valve into the anatomic left ventricle and to the lungs through the posteriorly placed pulmonary artery. Arterial blood returns from the lungs into the left atrium; it flows through a tricuspid valve into the anatomic right ventricle and to the general circulation through an anteriorly placed left-sided aorta.

FIG. 35-11. Corrected transposition of the great vessels. Note the slight convexity of the left-upper cardiovascular border produced by the ascending aorta. No aortic shadow is present on the right. There was an associated, very small atrial septal defect with a minor left-to-right shunt.

When this lesion exists alone, no functional circulatory abnormality is present and no symptoms occur. In most of these patients, however, there is an associated cardiovascular anomaly. Septal defects, especially ventricular, are the usual ones, and mitral valve anomalies are common. Pulmonic stenosis also is frequently present. The roentgenographic appearance depends on the associated defects. Signs caused by the anomalous position of the great vessels, however, may be quite characteristic. The ascending aorta often forms the upper-left border of the heart and may produce a slight convexity, a long straight line, or a very slight concavity of this border. The pulmonary artery does not form a part of the left border. In some of these patients, the outflow tract of the right ventricle is directed to the right, resulting in greater perfusion of the right lung and enlargement of the right pulmonary artery and its major branches. The right hilar vessels may then be much more prominent than the left ones. Angiocardiography can be used to confirm the diagnosis; the anomalous position of the great vessels is readily determined. Endocardial Fibroelastosis Endocardial sclerosis, congenital subendothelial myofibrosis, congenital idiopathic hypertrophy of the heart, prenatal fibroelastosis, fetal endocarditis, endocardial dysplasia, and elastic-tissue hyperplasia are all synonyms for endocardial fibroelastosis. 12 The disease is probably congenital or developmental in origin, although the cause is not definitely known. It is manifested by marked endocardial thickening that involves the left ventricle. The endocardium is involved by fibrous and elastic tissue without evidence of inflammation. The myocardium usually is markedly hypertrophied, and the left ventricle is dilated; but occasionally the left ventricle is small in the contracted form of fibroelastosis, which usually is associated with aortic stenosis. Valves are often involved by contracture, thickening, and sometimes adhesions of the leaflets. The mitral valve is the one most commonly and most severely affected and mitral regurgitation is common. The patients usually show no evidence of heart disease at birth and may develop normally for a variable period. Symptoms then progress rapidly and consist of dyspnea and evidence of congestive failure that soon leads to death. In some, the process appears to develop more slowly and the patient survives for a longer time. Roentgen Findings The heart usually is enlarged, sometimes significantly. It tends to be globular in shape, and there often is evidence of pulmonary congestion indicative of failure. The involvement of the mitral valve produces left atrial and ventricular enlargement. This can be recognized as bulging of the left-upper cardiac border, double contour on the right, and enlargement of the left ventricle downward and to the left. Pulmonary venous congestion may be present as well as pulmonary edema. When the history is reasonably typical and these radiographic findings are noted, the diagnosis is fairly certain. In many instances, the diagnosis is made largely by exclusion. Coarctation of the Aorta This congenital malformation consists of an area of constriction in the aorta ( Fig. 35-12 and Fig. 35-13).35 It varies in degree from slight stenosis to atresia. The most commonly associated abnormality is bicuspid aortic valve, which is found in about 85% of patients with coarctation. Two general types, or groups, are recognized. The most common is the type in which the site of constriction is at or distal to the ductus arteriosus. The constriction develops early in intrauterine life, resulting in stimulus to the formation of collateral circulation to the lower body. As a result the infant is born with some collaterals and there is no change in the circulation when the ductus closes. The other general group, termed the preductal type, consists of constriction proximal to the ductus. The coarctate segment usually is longer than in the other form, and this lesion often is associated with other congenital cardiovascular anomalies. In this type there is no stimulus to the development of collateral circulation for the lower extremities during intrauterine life, because blood from the pulmonary circulation is shunted into the descending aorta through the ductus. The preductal type, usually associated with other defects, is termed the coarctation syndrome.

FIG. 35-12. Coarctation of the aorta. This young adult was noted to be hypertensive on a routine evaluation. Physical examination showed a interscapular murmur and decreased femoral pulses. The heart is slightly enlarged secondary to left ventricular hypertrophy. The aorta appears to be unremarkable. However, rib notching, manifested by scalloping on the inferior surfaces of ribs with sclerosis, is present as the result of collateral circulation involving the intercostal arteries.

FIG. 35-13. Coarctation of the aorta. The heart is slightly enlarged secondary to left ventricular hypertrophy. The ascending aorta is somewhat prominent. The descending aorta has an indentation with some poststenotic dilatation indicating the site of the coarctation ( arrow). The left subclavian artery is somewhat enlarged on the left-superior aspect of the mediastinum.

Roentgen Findings The signs in the postductal type usually are characteristic enough to permit the diagnosis of coarctation on routine roentgen studies. Rib Notching. Rib notching, an important radiologic sign, is caused by dilatation and tortuosity of the intercostal arteries that serve as collaterals between the proximal aorta, the internal mammary, and the aorta distal to the coarctation. 31,35 It is almost universally present in adults but may not be demonstrated in children in the first 5 or 6 years of life. The sign consists of an irregular, scalloped, sclerotic appearance of the inferior margins of the ribs laterally. It is usually most common and discernible in the fourth through the eighth ribs. The third rib is sometimes involved, but the first and second are rarely notched because they are not involved in the collateral pathway. The irregularity usually is bilateral, but it is not necessarily symmetrical. A number of other causes for rib notching have been described. They include subclavian artery obstruction, arteriovenous fistula of the intercostal vessels, tetralogy of Fallot, and superior caval obstruction with long-standing venous engorgement. In this group of diseases, the rib notching is often local and almost invariably unilateral. Unilateral notching may also be seen after the establishment of a left-to-right systemic shunt to palliate congenital cyanotic heart disease. The Aorta. The appearance of the aorta may be characteristic. The ascending arch is wide, producing convexity on the right side while the aortic knob or transverse aortic arch is small. Normally the left contour of the descending aorta can be visualized as a straight or gently convex line extending downward from the knob until it is obscured by the shadow of the heart below the hilum. In coarctation, a small indentation may be visible just below the knob that represents the actual site of coarctation. This often is associated with convexity below the coarctation site, representing poststenotic dilatation. The appearance is that of two convexities, which represent the aortic knob and the dilated aorta distal to the coarctation. In other patients the actual indentation is not visible; the normal, clearly visualized, left aortic border, however, is discontinuous. There is frequently enough dilatation of the left subclavian artery to result in convexity or prominence of the left superior mediastinal contour; this often is noted to be continuous with the shadow of the aortic knob. This displacement is to the right, slightly anterior, and definitely below the transverse aortic arch. In the lateral projection, retrosternal increase in soft-tissue density may be seen as reflection of increase in size of the pulmonary arteries. Heart Size and Shape. The heart may be normal in size and shape, but the left ventricular workload is increased; eventually, left ventricular hypertrophy and dilatation result in enlargement of this chamber. The left atrium also may be enlarged. In infants with the coarctation syndrome and cardiac failure, the heart is relatively larger and there is evidence of pulmonary venous congestion as well as arterial hypervascularity, because the associated anomaly (e.g., patent ductus arteriosus, interventricular septal defect) results in a left-to-right shunt. It is difficult to ascertain how much of the change is secondary to shunting and how much results from congestive failure in these infants, who often go into failure 1 or 2 weeks after birth. Angiocardiography. This method is not ordinarily employed for the diagnosis of coarctation. Retrograde Aortography. This examination is more useful than angiocardiography and clearly defines the coarctate segment as well as the aorta and its branches above and below it. MRA is very useful in the study of coarctation. Kinking of the Aortic Arch (Pseudocoarctation) Kinking or buckling of the aortic arch is sometimes termed pseudocoarctation because it simulates coarctation roentgenographically ( Fig. 35-14).54 No aortic constriction or gradient is present, however. The abnormality presumably is caused by a short, taut ligamentum arteriosum; because this does not account for the elongation of the arch that may be observed in this condition, a more likely cause is variation in the normal differential growth rate of the aortic arch segments in early development.

FIG. 35-14. Pseudocoarctation of the aorta. A: The transverse aortic arch is high, and there is a very large, broad convexity of the aorta to the left, below the arch. B: In lateral view, the severe kinking is demonstrated.

Roentgen findings are variable, depending on the amount of elongation. The high aortic arch casts a round or crescentic shadow projecting to the left in the superior mediastinum, which may simulate a mediastinal tumor. Below this, a second convexity projects to the left; this latter represents the arch at and distal to the kink, and it may be more dense than the upper shadow. In other patients, the appearance is that of an unusually large aortic knob with an abrupt indentation at its inferior margin and a second convexity immediately below it, caused by actual dilatation of the aorta distal to the kink. The lateral views usually are diagnostic, because the indentation at the site of buckling can usually be identified. CT and MRA are very useful for this diagnosis. There is no left ventricular enlargement or rib notching. Aneurysm of the Sinus of Valsalva The aortic sinuses are three dilatations in the root of the aorta just above the aortic valves. They are named according to their corresponding aortic valve cusps: right, left, and posterior. The right and left coronary arteries originate in or above the corresponding sinuses of Valsalva, and the posterior sinus sometimes is termed the noncoronary sinus. Aneurysms usually are congenital and usually arise from the right aortic sinus. A sinus of Valsalva aneurysm may be seen in association with ventricular septal defects, Marfan's or Turner's syndrome, coarctation of the aorta, or bicuspid aortic valve. This sinus lies adjacent to the ventricular septum; occasionally, a fistulous tract develops into the right ventricle. Rupture into the right atrium has been reported also. When this occurs, a left-to-right shunt is created and an increase in size of the right ventricle and the pulmonary

artery and its branches occurs. When the aneurysm remains confined to the sinus, there usually is no alteration of the cardiovascular silhouette, but the aneurysm may be recognized by the calcification in the aneurysm wall. However, in the acquired type of aneurysm caused by cystic medial necrosis with or without Marfan's syndrome, there usually is aortic regurgitation leading to left ventricular enlargement and general dilatation of the ascending aorta. Aortic dissection is a frequent complication. The most common roentgen finding in any acquired type of aneurysm of the sinus of Valsalva is a local bulge of the right anterolateral cardiac contour. Aortography is useful to define the site and size of the aneurysm. Rarely, aneurysmal dilatation of all the sinuses of Valsalva may be associated with coarctation of the aorta. Anomalous Left Coronary Artery In this anomaly the blood supply to the myocardium is affected, because the left coronary artery arises from the pulmonary artery. As a result, the left ventricle dilates early in life, leading to marked cardiac enlargement. The roentgen findings are not characteristic, but the large heart is visualized and there often is evidence of pulmonary congestion. Although the left ventricle is enlarged, the signs commonly associated with enlargement of this chamber are not necessarily present. When large collateral vessels form, the blood flows into the pulmonary artery through the anomalous coronary. The patient has a left-to-right shunt. Pulmonary and coronary arteriography are necessary to make the diagnosis. Rotation Anomalies of the Heart The literature on classification and descriptions of various rotation and alignment anomalies is voluminous and somewhat confusing ( Fig. 35-15, Fig. 35-16 and Fig. 35-17). Rosenbaum's classification of cardiac alignments based on patterns of blood flow is presented because of its consistency with current embryologic thought as well as its relative simplicity and precision. 10A,49 The possible courses of blood flow are given in Fig. 35-15.

FIG. 35-15. Possible courses of blood flow from the right atrium. (From Rosenbaum HD: The roentgen classification and diagnosis of cardiac alignments. Radiology 89:466, 1967.)

FIG. 35-16. Diagrams of four fundamental ventriculotruncal alignments in situs solitus. Relationships are reversed in situs inversus. (From Rosenbaum HD: The roentgen classification and diagnosis of cardiac alignments. Radiology 89:466, 1967.)

FIG. 35-17. The four fundamental ventriculotruncal alignments in situs solitus and situs inversus, shown with both a right-sided heart and a left-sided heart. Note that the alignments of situs solitus with a right-sided heart are identical to those of situs solitus and a left-sided heart; the only difference is the location of the cardiac apex. Similarly, the alignments for situs inversus and a left-sided heart are identical to those seen in situs inversus with a right-sided heart. (From Rosenbaum HD: The roentgen classification and diagnosis of cardiac alignments. Radiology 89:466, 1967.)

Using Rosenbaum's definitions and combining them with the positional designations, a description of cardiac alignment includes designation of the ventriculotruncal alignment (e.g., isolated ventricular inversion, inverted transposition) and a secondary indication of, first, the presence of situs solitus or situs inversus, and second, a left-sided or right-sided heart. The abdominal visceral situs ( situs solitus indicating that the stomach is on the left, situs inversus that it is on the right) reveals the position of the atria according to Rosenbaum, 50 except in rare instances of isolated gastric inversion. Elliott and coworkers 10A believe that atrial position is more consistent with the side of the aortic arch. If the right atrium is on the side opposite the stomach and on the same side as the liver, almost all of the possible alignments can be determined with good biplane angiocardiograms. A few exceptions include the abnormalities associated with asplenia and polysplenia as well as some causes of common atrium. Although Rosenbaum's classification is not commonly used, it is valuable in defining the four fundamental ventriculotruncal alignments. Figure 35-16 and Figure 35-17 outline the possible variations in abdominal situs and cardiac positions and their relation to ventriculotruncal alignments. Dextrocardia with situs solitus is almost always associated with severe congenital cardiac malformation. Dextrocardia that is a part of complete situs inversus, a mirror image of the normal, almost always has a normal ventriculotruncal alignment. A right-sided heart that results from pulmonary, diaphragmatic, or spinal abnormalities usually has no associated cardiac malformations. Pulmonary Isomerism Pulmonary isomerism is an anomaly in which both lungs have the same number of lobes. Sometimes these anomalies are described as bilateral pulmonary right- or

left-sidedness. In most instances there are associated splenic and congenital cardiac anomalies. In Ivemark's syndrome, there are bilateral three-lobed lungs and abnormal visceral situs associated with asplenia. There may also be congenital heart disease such as transposition, pulmonary stenosis or atresia, atrial septal defect, common ventricle, and total anomalous pulmonary venous return. In males, three-lobed lungs may also be associated with anisosplenia (multiple accessory spleens) and congenital heart disease. Bilateral two-lobed lungs in males are associated with polysplenia, a lower incidence of congenital heart disease, and normal visceral situs. In females, there may be anisosplenia and congenital heart disease sometimes associated with visceral situs in conjunction with bilateral two-lobed lungs. Corrected transposition, ventricular septal defects, common atrium, anomalous pulmonary venous connections, and bilateral superior vena cava are the cardiovascular anomalies associated with asplenia; pulmonary stenosis or atresia may also occur. Polysplenia often is associated with azygos or hemiazygos continuation of the inferior vena cava, septal defects, anomalous pulmonary connections, and bilateral superior vena cava. These complicated anomalies often cause abnormalities observed on chest films. Accurate diagnosis often depends on extensive clinical and cardiovascular studies using ultrasonography and sometimes angiography.


The most common congenital heart defect is a ventricular defect, and it is most commonly located in the membranous septum. A cyanotic infant with increased pulmonary vascularity most likely has total anomalous pulmonary return. The most common atrial septal defect is of the ostium secundum type. If a newborn has a normal-sized heart and intense pulmonary venous congestion, alveolar edema, and interstitial edema, the possibility of total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage below the diaphragm should be raised. In analyzing a chest film of an infant with congenital heart disease, it is imperative to know whether the child is cyanotic or acyanotic. In an acyanotic infant with shunt vascularity, analysis of the size of the aorta and of the left atrium is very helpful. If the aorta is large it is involved in the shunt, raising the possibility of a patient ductus. Contrarywise, if the aorta is small an intracardiac septal defect should be considered. If the left atrium is normal or small, the shunt probably will be at the atrial level, whereas an enlarged left atrium suggests a shunt distal to the mitral valve. Certain descriptions have been applied to the cardiovascular silhouette in particular types of congenital cyanotic heart disease: coeur en sabot (boot-shaped heart), tetralogy of Fallot, snowman (total anomalous pulmonary venous with supracardiac drainage), egg on its side (transposition of the great vessels). Eighty-five percent of patients with postductal coarctation have a bicuspid aortic valve. Twenty-five percent of patients with tetralogy of Fallot have a right aortic arch; 90% of cyanotic patients with a right aortic arch have tetralogy of Fallot. After birth, the ductus closes and the pulmonary blood flow to the descending aorta is shut off, causing a sudden increase in left ventricular work. This often results in decompensation before collaterals are developed. If the patent ductus persists in coarctation of the preductal type, cyanosis of the lower extremities with normal oxygenation of the head and upper extremities may occur. Associated cardiac anomalies may result in an intracardiac right-to-left shunt. Desaturation is then generalized. In the infant, the roentgen findings are not characteristic. The heart is often grossly enlarged and there is evidence of pulmonary congestion. When coarctation results in congestive cardiac failure in an infant, the roentgen and clinical findings usually are not diagnostic. Retrograde aortography may be used to make the diagnosis. The use of MRI looks promising in this situation.


The embryologic development of the aortic arch and its branches is complex. Six pairs of aortic arches develop in the human embryo, but not all are present at the same time. They originate anteriorly in the aortic sac, which represents the proximal portion of the developing aortic arch. They course backward on both sides to join the dorsal aorta, which is bilateral. The arches develop in the fifth week, and their transformation occupies the sixth and seventh weeks of fetal development. The first and second arches disappear early. The dorsal aorta at these levels persists as part of the internal carotid artery and the third arch persists as the proximal part of the common carotid artery on either side. The external carotid arteries arise as separate buds from the aortic sac and later transfer their origins onto the third arches. The fourth arch persists on both sides. The left forms the permanent or left-sided aortic arch, while the right side forms the innominate artery. The fifth arches are transitory and disappear without a trace. The sixth arches arise from each dorsal aorta and extend across to the primitive pulmonary artery on either side to form the ductus arteriosus. The connection is lost on the right but persists on the left until after birth, when it closes to form the ligamentum arteriosum. Early in development the dorsal aorta fuses below the arch to form a single descending aorta. 51,56 Left Aortic Arch with Right Descending Aorta In this rare anomaly, the left aortic arch arises normally and passes backward to the left of the trachea and esophagus and crosses to the right side of the mediastinum behind the esophagus, where it continues as the right descending aorta. There is a left-sided aortic knob with absence of the aortic shadow below it on the left. There may be anterior displacement of the trachea as the aorta passes from left to right in a craniocaudal direction. Often the descending aorta is visualized to the right of the midline. Right Aortic Arch The five types of right aortic arch are classified according to arrangement of the arch vessels ( Fig. 35-18). Type I right aortic arch, or mirror-image branching, is the more common of the mirror-image types. The first branch is the left innominate artery, followed by the right common carotid and the right subclavian. The aortic arch is to the right of the trachea and esophagus and descends on the right. This is the type usually associated with tetralogy of Fallot and truncus arteriosus and, rarely, with tricuspid atresia, transposition of the great vessels, and truncus arteriosus. The aortic knob usually can be identified on the right. It displaces the superior vena cava to the right and often produces a slight local deviation of the trachea to the left. 55,56

FIG. 35-18. Right aortic arch in frontal ( A) and lateral ( B) projection. In this isolated lesion, there is no evidence of heart disease. The pulmonary vascular pattern is normal. The aorta can be seen to the right side of the trachea. In the lateral projection, there is slight anterior displacement of the posterior aspect of the trachea secondary to pressure from the vascular anomaly.

The second type of mirror-image branching is a rare condition in which the left innominate artery is the first major branch, the right common carotid is the second, and the right subclavian is the third. The left ductus arteriosus extends from the proximal descending aorta to the left pulmonary artery, forming a vascular ring. An aortic diverticulum may be present at the aortic origin of the left ductus. The arch descends on the right. This is a rare cause of a vascular ring, formed by the right arch on the right side and the ligamentum or ductus on the left; it extends from the pulmonary artery posteriorly and to the right behind the esophagus, where it joins the proximal descending aorta. Radiographic findings include the evidence of right aortic arch. Type III right aortic arch is one in which four vessels originate from the arch in the following order: left common carotid artery, right common carotid artery, right subclavian artery, and an aberrant left subclavian artery, which arises from the proximal descending aorta. In this anomaly, the aorta may descend either to the right or to the left of the spine. There are two variations. In one, the aorta ascends to the right of the trachea and esophagus, and the arch passes to the left behind the esophagus and usually descends on the left side. The left subclavian artery originates from the left posterior diverticulum of the distal aortic arch. In this variation, there is a large retroesophageal arch. A left ductus arteriosus may extend from the aortic diverticulum to the left pulmonary artery, completing the vascular ring. In the

other variation, the aorta ascends and descends to the right of the spine. The left subclavian artery arises from a diverticulum of the descending aorta and courses obliquely behind the esophagus, on which it causes extrinsic compression posteriorly. This rarely causes dysphagia. This type with the aberrant left subclavian artery is the most common of all types of right aortic arch and is often encountered as an incidental finding on routine chest film. The incidence of associated congenital heart disease is very low, approximately 5%. Chest film findings are those of the aortic mass to the right side of the trachea, often indenting it. The arch is often higher in position than the normal left arch. On the lateral film the retroesophageal aorta may be visible as a round mass displacing the trachea anteriorly; it is noted to displace the esophagus anteriorly if the esophagus is filled with barium. The descending aorta may be seen coursing inferiorly on the left side. In type IV right aortic arch, the left innominate artery is aberrant, arising as the third branch from the distal right arch and passing behind the esophagus, then dividing to form the left common carotid and subclavian arteries. The vascular ring is formed by the right arch, the retroesophageal innominate artery, and the left ductus arteriosus. In this anomaly, which is very rare, the right common carotid is the first branch and the right subclavian is the second. Chest-film findings include evidence of right aortic arch with posterior compression of the esophagus produced by the aberrant left innominate artery. In type V right aortic arch, the left common carotid, the right common carotid, and the right subclavian arteries arise from the arch, in that order. The left subclavian is connected to the left pulmonary artery by the left ductus arteriosus and has no connection to the aorta (isolation of the left subclavian artery). This anomaly also is uncommon. The chest-film findings include a right aortic knob and descending aorta. There also may be signs of cyanotic congenital heart disease, which frequently is associated with this malformation, most commonly tetralogy of Fallot. There is no vascular ring. In some patients, there is a subclavian steal syndrome in which this artery is supplied by the left vertebral artery. Cervical Aortic Arch Cervical aortic arch is a rare congenital anomaly in which the ascending aorta extends higher than usual so that the aortic arch is in the neck. 28,29,36 This is the result of persistence of the third primitive arch and involution of the fourth arch. The cervical arch is usually right-sided and courses high toward the supraclavicular fossa. Often it is palpable on physical examination. The characteristic feature of the cervical arch is the independent origin of the internal and external carotid arteries from the arch. The plain-film findings consist of absence of the normal aortic arch in the thorax, an apparent cutoff of the tracheal air column in the superior mediastinum, a mass on either side caused by displacement of the trachea by the arch, and superior mediastinal widening on the side of the descending aorta. Other Anomalies of the Aortic Arch and Its Large Branches The innominate artery may arise more distally than normal and cross anterior to the trachea from left to right. It produces slight indentation on the trachea and occasionally may cause respiratory distress in infants. Similar anterior indentation and compression may be caused by the left carotid artery when it arises more proximally than normal and must cross from right to left anterior to the trachea. Anomalies Forming Vascular Rings Double Aortic Arch The double aortic arch comprises a large group of anomalies in which there are many variants ( Fig. 35-19). The fundamental defect results from persistence of both the right and the left aortic arches, which encircle the trachea and esophagus and often produce partial obstruction of these structures. Either or both of the arches may function; they may be comparable in size, or one may be larger than the other. A portion of the smaller arch may be fibrous and nonfunctioning but may nevertheless form the ring. In a double aortic arch, the carotid arteries arise ventral and the subclavian arteries posterior in position on their respective arches. The aorta may descend on either the right or the left side, and anomalous origins of one or more of the great vessels often accompany this anomaly. The roentgen findings consist of evidence of compression of the trachea and esophagus by an encircling vascular ring. The double arch produces densities on either side of the midline that may be symmetrical. If necessary, MRA may be used to define the vascular ring in more detail.

FIG. 35-19. In this asymptomatic patient there is soft-tissue density on both sides of the trachea, representing a double aortic arch. The heart and lungs are normal. In the computed tomographic image, the arches can be seen on either side of the trachea.

Aberrant Right Subclavian Artery This is the most common of the anomalies of the great vessels (Fig. 35-20). The right subclavian originates as the most distal of the branches of the arch and reaches the right side by coursing obliquely upward and to the right, usually behind the esophagus. This defect is most often asymptomatic, but it may be associated with other cardiovascular anomalies. The major roentgen finding is an oblique indentation of the posterior aspect of the esophagus and trachea above the aortic arch, which extends upward and to the right. Usually it is outlined best in the lateral projections. In case of uncertainty, CT or MRA can clarify the diagnosis.

FIG. 35-20. Aberrant right subclavian artery. A: In the frontal projection, a vascular structure can be seen extending from the superior aspect of the arch obliquely to the right (arrow). B: In the lateral projection, there is slight displacement of the trachea by the aberrant right subclavian artery as it courses to the right ( arrow). C: In the computed tomographic scan, note the retrotracheal and esophageal position of the aberrant subclavian artery, which is somewhat ectatic.


Agenesis of the Pulmonary Artery This is an uncommon anomaly in which there is absence of one pulmonary artery ( Fig. 35-21).64 It is associated with an anomalous systemic arterial blood supply to the lung that arises either from the aorta or from one of its major branches. The anomaly often is associated with other congenital anomalies of the cardiovascular system. Occasionally the systemic artery supplying the involved lung is very large; this results in a large arteriovenous shunt that may eventually cause cardiac failure. The high pressure in this anomalous system is believed to be the cause of hemoptysis, the most common symptom of the condition.

FIG. 35-21. Agenesis of the right pulmonary artery. A: Frontal chest film shows a marked shift of the heart and mediastinal structures to the right. The branches of the right pulmonary artery are absent so that no hilar vessels are visible, and the entire right lung shows very little vascularity. B: The angiocardiogram shows the main pulmonary artery and its left branch. Note that the right pulmonary artery is absent.

Roentgen Findings The roentgen findings are characteristic enough in most instances to make the diagnosis or strongly suspect it. The involved hemithorax is smaller in size than normal. In addition to the difference in size of the bony thorax, the hemidiaphragm often is elevated and mediastinal structures are shifted to the affected side. There is often some herniation of the normal lung across the midline anterior to the aorta. The normal shadows of the pulmonary arterial branches in the hilum and in the lung are absent, and the vessels that are visible form a relatively fine reticular vascular pattern caused by the branching bronchial arteries. The result is an absence of the hilum shadow or an inconspicuous one. CT may be very useful to define clearly the difference in the hilar vessels on the two sides. Angiography can be used to define the main pulmonary artery and its remaining branch and to show the lack of filling on the opposite side. Agenesis of one or more lobes may occur in conjunction with agenesis of the pulmonary artery. Hypoplasia of one pulmonary artery may result in similar but somewhat less marked roentgen findings. Unless the hypoplasia is relatively severe, however, it is unlikely that the diagnosis can be made without the use of an imaging study. Congenital Absence of the Pulmonary Valve Congenital absence of the pulmonary valve is a rare malformation. It usually is associated with tetralogy of Fallot and occasionally with ventricular septal defect, but it may occur as an isolated anomaly. Roentgen findings in patients with associated anomalies include dilatation of one or both pulmonary arteries. The dilatation may be of such magnitude that wheezing caused by obstructive emphysema on one or both sides is usually present. To-and-fro murmurs along the left sternal border and absent or diminished pulmonary second sounds are common. Absence of the pulmonary valve without associated anomalies produces much less dilatation of the pulmonary arteries centrally, so that respiratory distress is not produced. Varying amounts of right ventricular dilatation and hypertrophy alter the shape of the cardiac silhouette. CT demonstrates the bronchial compression caused by the large artery. Aberrant Left Pulmonary Artery This anomaly, termed pulmonary sling, consists of a distal origin of the left pulmonary artery. The origin may be from the right pulmonary artery or from the distal main pulmonary artery. The aberrant artery passes over the right main bronchus, then passes backward and to the left between the trachea and esophagus to the left hilum. If it compresses the right main bronchus, obstructive symptoms result in respiratory distress. Roentgen findings include evidence of obstructive emphysema on the right; a low, small, left hilum; and, on the lateral view, a round mass indenting the barium-filled esophagus anteriorly, the key finding in this condition. Dysphagia usually is not present. The anomalous artery may also produce a right-sided mediastinal mass, particularly if it causes no symptoms and is observed in an older child or in an adult. There is sometimes decreased vascularity of the left lung. Pulmonary arteriography confirms the diagnosis. (See Chapter 23.) Aberrant Vascular Connection between Right Pulmonary Artery and Left Atrium This is a very rare anomaly. It causes cyanosis and clubbing of fingers and toes. The distinctive roentgen finding is a small, rounded mass that, on frontal projection, is seen overlying the midright atrium and protruding to the right beyond it; the lateral and inferior border is clearly defined. The diagnosis can be confirmed by right-sided angiocardiography. Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformations A pulmonary arteriovenous malformation is a congenital vascular anomaly, sometimes termed a fistula or aneurysm, through which a relatively large amount of nonoxygenated blood flows; therefore, the lesion represents a right-to-left shunt and is associated with varying degrees of desaturation of the arterial blood. 60 This malformation usually is multiple, and it occurs more frequently in the lower lobes than elsewhere ( Fig. 35-22). Because the caliber of the vessels within the mass varies, there is no quantitative correlation between the size of the anomaly and the amount of shunt. The pulmonary lesions may be accompanied by telangiectases elsewhere and are then a part of a generalized angiomatous process. Because these are right-to-left shunts that may be quite large, the filtering effect of the pulmonary capillary circulation is lost, and any embolic process arising in the systemic venous system may result in systemic embolization. Brain abscess is a common complication.

FIG. 35-22. Multiple pulmonary arteriovenous malformations. A: In the frontal chest film, several nodular densities are present. The largest is at the right base. Two large vessels are noted to extend from the mass toward the hilum. B: The large right basilar mass is located anteriorly in the middle lobe. C: Film in the frontal projection taken after embolization shows the presence of some radiopaque Gianturco coils that were used to occlude the major fistula. The artery to the fistula was

thrombosed, and both it and the malformation itself are no longer as apparent.

Roentgen Findings The malformation is represented by a round, oval, or lobulated mass or several masses, usually in the lower lobes. The lesion is clearly defined, and it often is possible to see a large pulmonary artery extending from the hilum to the lesion. Another vessel, the pulmonary vein, extends from the lesion to the region of the left atrium. If large vessels enter and drain the lesion, the diagnosis should be strongly suspected. CT is useful in outlining the blood supply and in clearly defining the lesions. When one is visualized, it is wise to look carefully for others, because often they are multiple. The malformations may appear as nodules (single or multiple) in patients in whom no such lesions have been seen in the area previously. This may present a very difficult diagnostic problem, because primary or metastatic tumor is then a consideration. Pulmonary arteriography is diagnostic. These arteriovenous malformations may be occluded with detachable balloons or coils inserted transvascularly, avoiding resection of normal lung. Because the fistulae increase in size with age, repeat treatment may be necessary. Diffuse Pulmonary Hemangiomatosis Diffuse pulmonary hemangiomatosis is a rare condition in which the lungs are the major sites of multiple hemangiomas that occur primarily along the bronchi, arteries, and veins and within the septa as well as in the pleura. Hemangiomas may also occur in other sites, such as spleen and thymus. Radiographic findings are those of diffuse, interstitial disease simulating fibrosis in children who have a history of repeated, often bloody, pleural effusions and pulmonary infections, usually with hemoptysis. Thrombocytopenia and anemia develop, and eventually dyspnea and cyanosis appear, in association with increasing interstitial disease and bloody pleural effusion. The prognosis is poor. Pulmonary Varices Pulmonary varix is another rare anomaly in which the arteries are normal and there is no capillary shunting. In the venous phase, the veins feeding the varix (or varices) become filled at the same time as normal veins are filling, but there is delay in emptying of the varix, which drains directly into the left atrium. This anomaly should not be confused with pulmonary arteriovenous malformations that cause right-to-left shunting of blood. Plain-film findings are those of densities resembling dilated, tortuous vessels, usually in the parahilar area. CT or pulmonary angiography confirms the diagnosis. Pulmonary Artery Coarctations A wide variety of pulmonary coarctations have been reported. The stenosis may involve the pulmonary artery above the valve and either or both of its main branches.15 Multiple peripheral stenoses involving many segmental arterial branches may also occur. The stenosis may be sharply localized, or it may involve a relatively long segment of the affected artery. The coarctation may be unilateral or bilateral, and it is associated with valvular pulmonic stenosis in 60% of patients. Supravalvular aortic stenosis also may be associated with pulmonary artery coarctations in Williams' syndrome ( Fig. 35-23). This syndrome may be the result of hypercalcemia; it consists of multiple pulmonary artery coarctations, supravalvular aortic stenosis, mental and physical retardation, and elfin facies.

FIG. 35-23. Peripheral pulmonic stenosis. A: In the frontal projection, the heart is slightly enlarged, secondary to right ventricular change. B: The pulmonary vascular pattern, when studied very closely, is somewhat irregular and there are changes in the caliper of the arteries. The pulmonary arteriogram shows that multiple coarctations are present throughout the pulmonary arteries in both lungs. The major involvement is on the right side. C: In the late (levo) phase, the ascending aorta is seen to be narrowed above the densely opacified left atrium, and the transverse portion of the aorta is somewhat enlarged. The combination of supravalvular aortic stenosis and multiple pulmonary artery coarctations is diagnostic of Williams' syndrome.

Roentgen findings are varied and depend on the location of the stenotic lesion, its length, and the presence or absence of poststenotic dilatation. In the central types, poststenotic dilatation may result in an increase of the hilar vascular shadow. When the stenosis involves a long segment of either the right or left pulmonary artery, or both, the hilar vascular shadow may be decreased, often with distinct increase in vessel size a short distance from the central hilum. In patients with multiple peripheral stenoses, the poststenotic dilatations may produce a nodular vascular pattern in the parahilar region unilaterally or bilaterally. These findings strongly indicate a diagnosis of pulmonary coarctation. Pulmonary arteriography is needed for definitive diagnosis. In many instances, the lesions are discovered on arteriographic studies performed for identification of other lesions or conditions. Idiopathic Enlargement of the Pulmonary Artery Dilatation of the pulmonary artery in diseases of the heart and lungs has been described. Occasionally, marked dilatation of the pulmonary artery occurs as an isolated finding. The dilatation may extend into the left main branch for a short distance and occasionally into the right branch. If all clinical and laboratory studies, including cardiac catheterization, fail to demonstrate a cause, this enlargement probably represents a true congenital aneurysm. The diagnosis is made by exclusion, however, because there are many known cardiac and pulmonary diseases that can result in considerable dilatation of the pulmonary artery. The only roentgenographic finding is prominence in the region of the artery, which results in convexity and enlargement of the artery segment as seen in the frontal projection. The enlargement also can be observed on oblique and lateral views. The diagnosis is made with caution because it is one of exclusion, and it cannot be made on the basis of roentgenographic findings alone. The pulmonary artery often is prominent in childhood and early adult life. The convexity produced by the pulmonary artery is moderately enlarged, with no sign of cardiac or pulmonary disease on roentgenographic examination. Examination reveals no cause for it, and the vessel evidently decreases in size because the finding is uncommon in older adults.


Cardiovascular Calcifications The end result of many pathologic processes is the deposition of calcium salts. The identification of such deposits is an important clue to the presence of disease. For the purpose of detecting calcium the following studies may be used, in increasing order of effectiveness: plain-film radiography, fluoroscopy, CT, and ultrafast and electron-flow CT. As a general rule, screening examinations to detect calcium in the cardiovascular system have not become widespread. However, some have advocated screening patients for the presence of cardiovascular calcification, especially in the coronary arteries. Frequently, calcium is seen on examinations performed for another

reason. Calcium in the cardiovascular system is always abnormal. However, the significance of such calcium deposits varies greatly. Calcified plaques in the transverse portion of the aortic arch in elderly patients, as seen on PA chest films, are so common as to be considered routine. Conversely, calcium in the coronary arteries seen in a plain film has an ominous import (see Fig. 35-27, Fig. 35-29, Fig. 35-32, Fig. 35-36, and Fig. 35-43). The significance of calcium in various disease entities is discussed under the specific headings. 5,6 and 7,51,60

FIG. 35-27. Frontal (A) and lateral ( B) projections of the heart show dense calcification outlining the contour of an enlarged left atrium. This calcification may be either in the wall or in the thrombus that lines the chamber. This finding is associated with an unfavorable prognosis.

FIG. 35-29. Aortic stenosis. The heart is slightly enlarged, with rounding of the apex secondary to left ventricular hypertrophy. An ascending aortic enlargement is manifested by the convexity of the right mediastinal border. The diagnosis of aortic stenosis is confirmed by the densely calcified aortic valve seen in the lateral projection.

FIG. 35-32. Left ventricular aneurysm. A: Frontal projection of the chest shows a slightly enlarged heart resulting from left ventricular dilatation. In addition, the pulmonary vascular pattern is congested and some Kerley B lines are present at the right base, indicating interstitial edema. A diagnosis of congestive heart failure secondary to myocardial infarction was made. B: Frontal film of the same patient taken approximately 3 weeks later shows that the congestive heart failure has resolved. However, the heart has increased in size, and there is a bulge along the left ventricular border, indicating a presence of a left ventricular aneurysm secondary to occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery.

FIG. 35-36. This elderly patient had abdominal pain and occult blood is his stools. Gastrointestinal examination shows that the patient has a carcinoma of the gastric antrum. In addition, a curvilinear calcification ( arrow) can be seen, indicating the presence of an asymptomatic abdominal aortic aneurysm.

FIG. 35-43. Pericardial calcification. A: In the frontal view a thick, irregular area of calcification can be seen along the inferior aspect of the cardiac silhouette. B: The calcification can be seen around the apex in the lateral view.

Valvular Cardiac Disease Mitral Stenosis Mitral stenosis usually is the sequela of rheumatic fever ( Fig. 35-24, Fig. 35-25 and Fig. 35-26). Because of widespread and effective use of antibiotics in treating streptococcal infections, the incidence of rheumatic endocarditis with subsequent valvular heart disease has decreased greatly in developed countries. It is more common in nonindustrialized nations, so the physician must be alert to its presence in the immigrant population.

FIG. 35-24. Mitral stenosis. A: The major finding is left atrial enlargement. The left atrial appendage can be seen projecting on the left below the pulmonary artery (arrowhead). Posterior enlargement in the frontal view is reflected by the right-sided double density ( arrow). B: In the lateral view, the enlarged left atrium is seen to project posteriorly below the left bronchus ( curved arrows).

FIG. 35-25. Pulmonary vessels in mitral stenosis. The lower lung vessels are constricted and are smaller than the upper vessels. This redistribution is characteristic of pulmonary venous hypertension.

FIG. 35-26. Kerley B lines. This close-up view of the right-lateral lung base of a patient with mitral stenosis shows short, horizontal, dense lines representing interstitial edema.

The symptoms maybe insidious, and patients may unknowingly change their lifestyles to compensate for restricted exercise tolerance. The murmur of mitral stenosis can be very subtle; therefore, the condition may be first recognized on a chest film taken for other purposes. Pure mitral stenosis is most common, but there is often some degree of mitral insufficiency. The left atrium must empty itself against increased resistance caused by the stenotic valve, and the chamber enlarges. The increased pressure is reflected back through the lesser circulation to the right ventricle. This results in changes in the pulmonary vessels and in the right side of the heart. Roentgen Findings The appearance of the cardiovascular silhouette in mitral valvular disease is often characteristic. Left atrial enlargement causes alterations. This may be the only change in the cardiac silhouette for some time. Often, the stenosis ultimately is great enough to cause right ventricular enlargement. There are also pulmonary vascular alterations. The signs of left atrial enlargement as seen in frontal projection are as follows. Convexity of the left-upper cardiac margin is seen just below the level of the left main bronchus. This represents enlargement of the auricular appendage. In patients with a transverse heart, the only alteration may be a straightening of the left-upper cardiac margin, in contrast to its usual slight concavity below the pulmonary artery. A double contour or double convexity occurs on the right. The atrium may be large enough to be border-forming on the right side, in which case a double convexity is visible. When it is not border-forming, the atrium often is sufficiently dense to be identified within the right atrial border, forming a more dense convexity within the longer, right atrial convexity. Sufficient posterior enlargement of the atrium enables it to be seen as an area of increased density within the cardiac margins on either side below the level of the carina. Elevation of the left main bronchus may be apparent. In lateral projection, the enlarged left atrium may be manifested by posterior projection of the upper cardiac border just below the bifurcation of the trachea. Calcium often is deposited in the mitral valve and its annulus. This may be difficult to demonstrate on roentgenograms of the chest. The valvular calcification usually indicates mitral stenosis, whereas calcium in the mitral annulus may not necessarily be associated with valvular abnormality. Annular calcification is a degenerative phenomenon rather than one that occurs secondary to rheumatic fever. The annular calcification has a somewhat elliptical shape; the ellipse is usually open medially

in a U or horseshoe shape. The dense calcification may interfere with valve closure and result in mitral insufficiency. Calcification in the left atrium is observed occasionally in patients with mitral stenosis ( Fig. 35-27). The calcium may be in the atrial wall or within a thrombus attached to the wall. When calcification in the atrium is suspected but not positively identified on the chest film, fluoroscopy or CT can be used to confirm the diagnosis. If the calcification is in the atrial appendage, it usually is associated with mitral stenosis. Calcification in the wall of the atrium or in the appendage often indicates severe stenosis and is an unfavorable prognostic sign. If the disease results in pulmonary arterial hypertension, eventually the right ventricle will enlarge and the signs of an increase in size of this chamber will be observed. Enlargement of the central pulmonary arteries should alert the physician to the presence of pulmonary arterial hypertension and possible right ventricular enlargement. As mentioned previously, alterations in pulmonary vascular pressure tend to cause progressive pulmonary changes. Initially there is venous hypertension. The first sign is slight general venous distention or engorgement that is difficult to assess. It is most readily identified when earlier films are available for comparison. As the hypertension becomes more marked, constriction of the lower-lobe arteries and veins and distention of the upper-lobe vessels results in a reversal of the usual pattern (in which the lower-lobe vessels are more prominent). Most of the blood flow is then maintained through the upper lobes. This alteration in the vascular pattern usually is readily identified early, but in long-standing chronic venous hypertension there may be enough interstitial change to obscure the vascular findings. As the venous pressure increases, more fluid escapes into the perivascular tissues and the lymphatics become dilated. The edematous interlobular septa can be identified as dense lines of varying length, depending on their location. These lines were first described by Kerley and are known by the eponym Kerley lines. 27 Kerley described three lines, which he designated A, B, and C. The A lines are 5 to 10 cm long, nonbranching, and extend obliquely upward and outward from pulmonary hilum in a fan-like manner. The B lines are best seen in the lower zones of the lung, perpendicular to the pleural surface, and usually are less than 2 cm in length. The combination of A and B lines forms a reticular pattern, designated as C lines. The C lines tend to be transient and difficult to visualize. They all represent edematous interlobular septa. The differences in size and orientation of the A and B lines reflect the size and orientation of the interlobular septa. The pulmonary lobules tend to be large and oriented obliquely to the pleura in the upper lobes, while in the lower lobes they are shorter and are perpendicular to the pleural surface. This results in the characteristic appearance of the B lines, which are the ones most readily identified (see Fig. 35-26). Eventually pulmonary arterial hypertension may occur. This results in dilatation of the main pulmonary artery and its branches centrally, which is associated with a constriction of arteries in the midlung and peripheral lung zones. These findings are then superimposed on those of chronic venous hypertension and right ventricular hypertrophy. Pulmonary hemosiderosis (deposition of blood pigments in the interstitial tissues) secondary to mitral disease is a frequent pathologic finding but is not commonly recognized as such on chest films. If sufficient amounts of these deposits are present, they are visible roentgenographically as fine granular or miliary shadows throughout the lungs. They may become large enough to produce nodular densities ranging from 2 to 5 mm in diameter. The appearance of the lungs may resemble that noted in miliary tuberculosis or early nodular silicosis. However, the associated findings of mitral disease are usually obvious, so that there is no difficulty in making the differential diagnosis. Pulmonary ossification or calcification is an uncommon finding in mitral stenosis. It is usually found in the lower lobes and produces multiple opacities resembling the calcified lesions of histoplasmosis scattered widely in the lung bases. These are late findings, and such changes usually are obviated by corrective surgery. Mitral Insufficiency Mitral insufficiency often is associated with mitral stenosis. This valvular defect increases the left ventricular workload and leads to dilatation of that chamber. It is manifested by enlargement of the heart downward and to the left, with lengthening and rounding of the left-lower cardiac contour. The left atrium also is enlarged, causing the signs described previously for enlargement of this chamber. Pulmonary congestion develops, as in mitral stenosis. Often it is difficult to differentiate mitral stenosis from mitral insufficiency. Relative mitral insufficiency commonly occurs in diseases that produce left ventricular dilatation. Its presence, although suspected, is often difficult to detect radiographically. Degenerative calcification of the mitral annulus may result in mitral insufficiency ( Fig. 35-28). Acute mitral insufficiency caused by ruptured chordae tendineae may occur as a result of bacterial endocarditis, rheumatic endocarditis, blunt trauma, or myocardial infarction. Idiopathic or spontaneous rupture may also occur. Usually there is an abrupt onset or sudden increase in dyspnea in a patient who may or may not have had cardiopulmonary disease. The chest film reveals pulmonary edema, moderate to no enlargement of the left atrium, and little if any cardiac enlargement.

FIG. 35-28. Mitral insufficiency. The heart is increased in size secondary to enlargement of both of the left-sided chambers. The dilated atrial appendage can be seen along the middle portion of the left cardiac silhouette. Also, a double density may be seen on the right side, another indication of increase in the size of the left atrium. The combination of left ventricular and left atrial enlargement indicates that the patient has mitral insufficiency. There may be associated mitral stenosis.

Combined Mitral Stenosis and Insufficiency Disease In many instances gross changes in this condition indicate a double lesion; in others, the findings are sufficiently characteristic to warrant the diagnosis of mitral stenosis without significant regurgitation. There is a third group in which differential diagnosis is difficult to make on roentgen study. As a rule, the left atrium is larger in combined stenosis and insufficiency than in stenosis alone. Left ventricular enlargement usually accompanies insufficiency, but this may be very difficult to detect. Rheumatic heart disease also causes aortic stenosis and insufficiency with resultant left ventricular enlargement. In addition to mitral insufficiency, possible aortic valve lesions must be kept in mind when left ventricular enlargement is present. When surgery is contemplated in patients with mitral valve disease, cardiac catheterization is used to assess pulmonary arterial and venous pressures and to quantitate the severity of stenosis or insufficiency, if present. Selective angiocardiography may be used in conjunction with catheterization to assess the amount of regurgitation, the severity of the stenosis, and the pliability of the valve. Echocardiography may be very useful in this evaluation. Aortic Stenosis Rheumatic heart disease was the most common cause of acquired aortic stenosis in the past. Today, the frequently seen aortic stenosis of adults is an acquired degenerative process superimposed on a congenital bicuspid aortic valve. This usually is seen as an isolated lesion or in association with coronary artery disease as an independent process. There is a high incidence (up to 85%) of bicuspid aortic valve with coarctation of the aorta. This can readily be assessed by echocardiography. Therefore, patients with surgically repaired coarctations must be monitored for the possible development of aortic stenosis. Some patients may be relatively asymptomatic despite the presence of severe stenosis. The symptoms of aortic stenosis are dyspnea on exertion, syncope, and arrhythmia that may result in sudden death.37 Therefore, recognition of the condition on a plain film is of considerable clinical importance. In such instances, the major finding would be calcification of the aortic valve. Calcific aortic stenosis may also occur in patients without anomalous valves and with no history of rheumatic heart disease ( Fig. 35-29). Aortic stenosis causes increased workload on the left ventricle and results in hypertrophy. Left ventricular hypertrophy produces rounding of the left-lower cardiac

border. Hypertrophy usually is present without dilatation (concentric hypertrophy); the heart may be within normal limits of size, and the only finding may be rounding of the apex. When dilatation occurs, the left border elongates, moving the apex downward and to the left. The aortic knob is normal in size, and the ascending aorta is enlarged, resulting in convexity of the right-upper cardiac margin. This enlargement represents poststenotic dilatation. There may be a considerable amount of calcification in the aortic valve. The calcification may be difficult to see in the frontal roentgenogram because the valve is projected over the shadow of the spine; however, it may readily be seen in lateral projection. Valve calcification is specific for aortic valve disease. The calcification is more readily detected with fluoroscopy or CT. Aortic valve calcification is also a reliable indication that the stenosis is severe, particularly when it is present in a young patient. If the patient is not decompensated, visible calcification on the plain chest film usually indicates a gradient of 50 mm Hg or more across the valve. This degree of stenosis usually is treated by surgery or balloon valvuloplasty. The roentgen findings in aortic stenosis may be diagnostic, but in some cases they must be supported by clinical findings to make the diagnosis. As a general rule, left ventricular enlargement is found late in the course of the disease as a result of dilatation, which may result in left ventricular failure. Aortic Insufficiency Aortic insufficiency may be caused by rheumatic fever (rheumatic valvulitis), by bacterial endocarditis, or, infrequently, by syphilis or arteriosclerosis. Incompetence of the aortic valve results in left ventricular dilatation and hypertrophy. The outflow tract of this chamber is the first to enlarge, producing an increase in length of the left-lower cardiac contour that represents the ventricular segment. The apex then extends below the dome of the diaphragm. The lower left ventricle contour also is rounded. As enlargement progresses with involvement of the inflow tract, the left ventricular segment increases further and the upper left contour tends to become more rounded. Posterior enlargement with rounding of the lower posterior cardiac margin becomes evident. The aorta may dilate, resulting in convexity of the aortic segment that makes up the upper right cardiovascular margin, and this dilatation may extend into the transverse portion of the aortic arch. Enlargement of the heart may be extreme in aortic regurgitation; when massive left ventricular enlargement occurs, it is sometimes described by the term cor bovinum. Combined stenosis and regurgitation may be present, but there is no way to ascertain the predominant lesion on roentgenographic study. When aortic valvular disease results in cardiac failure, the signs of pulmonary congestion develop along with the appearance of relative mitral insufficiency resulting in left atrial enlargement. When aortic insufficiency results in left ventricular dilatation, mitral valve insufficiency may ensue and the left atrium will increase in size. These changes may be associated with cardiac failure and its pulmonary manifestation ( Fig. 35-30).

FIG. 35-30. Aortic insufficiency. A: The heart extends almost to the lateral chest wall secondary to left ventricular dilatation. B: The large left ventricle can be seen in the lateral view to project posteriorly almost to the spine. In this patient, the ascending aorta in not enlarged, indicating that the valve lesion is acute.

In rheumatic valvular disease, both aortic and mitral valves are often involved, and there may be massive generalized cardiac enlargement along with enlargement of the chambers in which work is increased. At times it is possible to determine the predominant defect, but this is not always the case. When a proximal valve (mitral) is involved by stenosis and insufficiency, it becomes difficult to assess change in the distal (aortic) valve by roentgen means short of angiocardiography and aortography. Acute aortic insufficiency may result from rupture of the valve caused by trauma or, more commonly, by infectious endocarditis, as seen in intravenous drug abusers. The patient may have severe congestive heart failure with a normal-appearing heart. Pulmonary Valvular Disease Pulmonary stenosis usually is a congenital anomaly; the roentgen findings produced by this lesion were described in the section on congenital pulmonic stenosis. Pulmonary insufficiency is rare, and it usually is acquired as the result of sepsis. This may cause repeated pulmonary emboli. Right ventricular enlargement accompanied by enlargement of the pulmonary artery may be recognized. The findings in congenital absence of the pulmonary valve have already been described. Tricuspid Valvular Disease Acquired tricuspid valvular disease is uncommon, but this valve may be involved by rheumatic disease. Rarely the valve may develop vegetations (Libman-Sacks) in patients with lupus erythematosus and stenosis may occur. Relative tricuspid insufficiency is also caused by excessive dilatation of the right ventricle. Disease involving the tricuspid valve is manifested by enlargement of the right atrium, which may be extreme. The enlargement causes widening of the heart to the right and increased convexity of the right-lower cardiac margin. In the frontal view, there may be a shoulder-like projection of the right auricular appendage, producing a sharp angulation between it and the ascending aorta; this indicates marked right atrial enlargement and suggests tricuspid disease. The superior and inferior venae cavae tend to be enlarged. Because tricuspid disease tends to decrease the load on the lesser circulation, unusual clarity of the lung fields has been described, but this not a very helpful sign. Hepatomegaly may result from tricuspid insufficiency; it is recognized as a homogenous opacity in the right-upper abdominal quadrant with displacement of the air-containing bowel. The right hemidiaphragm may also be elevated. Mitral defects result in dilatation of the right atrium because of increased venous pressure, the result of stasis. In the presence of mitral disease the roentgen diagnosis of tricuspid insufficiency is difficult to make. Therefore, the roentgen signs of tricuspid valvular disease may be only suggestive and not diagnostic. Miscellaneous Acquired Cardiac Conditions Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease Persistent systemic arterial hypertension results in an increased workload on the left ventricle. Because the disease varies from a relatively mild form that causes little or no alteration in the cardiac silhouette to severe, long-standing disease that produces marked changes, the degree of roentgen change varies greatly. The heart may remain normal in size and shape for some time, but, in patients with persistent high pressures, left ventricular hypertrophy develops. The earliest change is rounding of the left-lower cardiac border caused by concentric hypertrophy. The heart then enlarges downward and to the left, with lengthening of the left ventricular contour and rounding of the apex, often resulting in displacement of the apex below the dome of the diaphragm. This enlargement also causes posterior convexity noted in the lateral projection. These changes indicate dilatation in addition to the hypertrophy that preceded it. The cardiac silhouette is similar to that seen in aortic insufficiency. It is important to remember that in transient or early hypertension no roentgen abnormalities are recognized. In addition to the alteration in the size and shape of the heart, aortic changes result from this disease. There is dilatation of the aorta that may be sufficient to produce convexity of the aortic segment of the right-upper cardiovascular silhouette and enlargement of the aortic knob ( Fig. 35-31).

FIG. 35-31. Hypertensive cardiovascular disease. There is moderate cardiac enlargement and rounding of the apex, indicating hypertrophy of the left ventricle. The transverse aortic arch is prominent, and there is a little calcification in it. The patient had a history of hypertension of long duration. The calcification indicates arteriosclerosis as well as hypertension.

When hypertension is relieved the heart may decrease in size. This represents primarily a decrease in the amount of dilatation. In many instances, irreversible changes have occurred, precluding the heart from regaining its normal contour after surgical or medical correction of the underlying disease. When decompensation occurs, there is often relative mitral insufficiency resulting in left atrial enlargement, pulmonary congestion, edema, and pleural effusion. Arteriosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of cardiac failure in elderly patients. Plain films play a minor role in the diagnosis of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in which coronary artery disease is the major condition. However, plain films are very useful in monitoring patients with ischemic disease and in diagnosing some of the complications. Coronary Artery Disease Atherosclerotic coronary artery disease is the most common cause of cardiac disease in the aging population.5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51, 52,53,54,55,56,57,58 and 59 The atherosclerotic plaque is the hallmark of coronary artery disease. Beginning as a fatty streak, the atherosclerotic plaque over time grows with added lipid deposition, smooth muscle proliferation, extracellular matrix synthesis, and calcium deposition. Autopsy findings detail the presence of atherosclerotic plaques in the coronary arteries of 50% of the people aged 20 to 29 years and 80% of those aged 30 to 39; coronary artery calcification is present in 50% of patients aged 40 to 49 years and 80% of those aged 60 to 69. 1 In vivo epidemiologic evidence and postmortem studies show that the prevalence of coronary artery calcification in a given decade is 10 to 100 times higher than the expected 2-year incidence of coronary heart disease events for persons of that age. In 1961, Blakenhorn8 detailed the evidence that coronary artery calcification occurs only at the sites of atherosclerosis. In 1964, Beadenkopf and associates 6 discussed the relation between calcification of coronary arteries and arteriosclerosis and myocardial infarction. Since that time, coronary artery calcification has been accepted as a marker of underlying coronary artery disease. Coronary artery calcification can be detected by plain films of the chest, fluoroscopy, helical CT, intravascular ultrasound of the coronary arteries, and electron-gun CT. Currently, electrocardiographically gated electron-gun CT with breath holding is the most sensitive method of detecting coronary artery calcification. Electron-gun CT is the only method that allows quantitation of the amount of calcium in the coronary arterial tree. Several caveats should be kept in mind: (1) a negative electron-gun CT study for coronary artery calcification does not exclude the presence of atherosclerotic plaque within the coronary arteries, including unstable plaque, but it implies a very low likelihood of significant flow-inhibiting coronary artery lesions; (2) a positive electron-gun CT study documents the presence of coronary artery atherosclerosisthe more calcium detected, the greater the likelihood of obstructive disease, although these findings are not vessel-specific; (3) electron-gun CT technology is not widespread at this time; (4) at the few centers with this technology, the cost (1997 figures) is about $300 to $400, and the study takes literally only a few minutes to complete; (5) the cost of plain films or fluoroscopy is trivial compared with the cost of the other methods of detecting coronary artery calcification, but their sensitivity is rather low and coronary atherosclerosis with stenotic lesions may exist without detectable calcification. At this time, screening for coronary artery calcification is not widespread. However, fluoroscopy of the heart to detect coronary artery calcification during upper gastrointestinal studies, carotid and peripheral arteriography, aortography, and pulmonary arteriography may detect coronary artery calcification and suggest further cardiac evaluation before operative intervention. Complications of Myocardial Infarction The complications of atherosclerotic disease, especially the ischemic type, are well evaluated by plain films. Cardiac failure, which is discussed in detail elsewhere, is readily detected. Changes in cardiac size may reflect the chronicity of the condition. However, the presence of cardiac failure in a patient with a normal-sized heart is frequently seen in acute myocardial infarction. Generally, the response of the patient's cardiac failure to therapy may be judged very well clinically and does not require serial filming. However, in questionable instances the use of serial examinations may be valuable. Ventricular Aneurysm The most common cause of ventricular aneurysm is coronary artery occlusion. Rarely, trauma or inflammation may produce a cardiac aneurysm. 7 The myocardial wall is weakened at the site of ischemia or trauma, and a local bulge develops. This can occur in any location but is most commonly detected by roentgenographic means in the distribution of the left anterior descending coronary artery. The situation is manifested on a plain film by a localized or somewhat diffuse bulge of the left heart border that distorts the cardiac silhouette. Previously, fluoroscopy to detect paradoxical motion or absence of motion was the primary method of evaluation. At the present time, nuclear cardiology and, more commonly, echocardiography are the preferred studies. These changes are exquisitely identified by left ventricular angiography, but because this is an invasive technique it is not generally used ( Fig. 35-32). False aneurysms of the left ventricle may result from local rupture of an infarcted area of the wall. The rupture is contained by pericardium which is adherent to the left ventricular wall around the site of the rupture along with some organized clot. Because the wall contains no myocardial fibers, this is a pseudoaneurysm. Generally, the ostium that connects the false aneurysm with the ventricular chamber is relatively small in relation to the size of the false aneurysm sac. This is obviously a reflection of the fact that patients do not survive large, free ruptures. Ruptures of false aneurysms occur more frequently than ruptures of true aneurysms. The site of a previous myocardial infarction on occasion may be identified as a thin arc of calcification in the myocardium ( Fig. 35-33). This calcification usually is thin and smooth, in contrast to the thick, irregular appearance of calcific pericarditis.

FIG. 35-33. Frontal (A) and lateral ( B) views of the heart show a curvilinear calcification extending most of the way around the apex of the left ventricle. A thin

calcification of this type is typical of a calcified myocardial infarct.

Left ventricular diverticulum is a congenital anomaly often associated with an anterior midline defect, such as a sternal, upper abdominal wall, anterior diaphragmatic, diaphragmatic pericardial, or intracardiac defect. 3 The lesion is important because of the danger of rupture. Some diverticula are so small that there are no roentgen findings; in other cases, an anterior cardiac soft-tissue bulge is present, often in association with one or more of the defects just listed. Rarely, a similar type of diverticulum may be found in the right ventricle, usually in association with another anomaly such as atrial septal defect, tetralogy of Fallot, or ventricular septal defect. The Heart and Lungs in Congestive Failure In cardiac failure there is almost always dilatation of one or more cardiac chambers, resulting in cardiac enlargement. The generalized enlargement may obscure the single-chamber enlargement that was present earlier. The transverse diameter of the heart usually increases; the vertical diameter may actually decrease with the patient in the upright position, because the cardiac muscle may be weakened to the extent that it does not maintain the normal cardiac contour against the pull of gravity. There is one general exception to the rule that the heart in failure is considerably enlarged, and that it is in acute left ventricular failure secondary to coronary thrombosis. In these patients there may be marked pulmonary congestion and edema with very little cardiac enlargement. When the left ventricle fails to expel blood at the same rate as the right side of the heart, left ventricular failure is said to occur. In this situation, left atrial pressure increases, resulting in an increase in pulmonary venous pressure and, finally, pulmonary congestion and edema. The roentgen findings consist of dilatation of the pulmonary veins, which causes accentuation of vascular markings. The vessels in the upper zones, both arteries and veins, are more prominent than at the bases. The individual vessels often appear blurred and less distinct than normal, indicating perivascular edema. Interstitial markings throughout the lungs also become increasingly prominent as fluid accumulates there. Kerley A and B lines may become visible. Small amounts of pleural effusion produce basal densities that obliterate the costophrenic sulci and often extend into the interlobar fissures. In acute left ventricular failure, alveolar edema is common. This produces bilateral parahilar and basal densities that may be diffuse or patchy but are poorly defined in either instance. Effusion and edema may become marked, depending on the severity of the failure (Fig. 35-34).

FIG. 35-34. Congestive heart failure. A: The heart is enlarged. There is some pleural effusion bilaterally, producing hazy density at the bases, obscuring the diaphragm, and blunting the costophrenic angles. There is also some fluid in the minor fissure on the right. The basal vessels are poorly defined, and on the right side there is considerable basal density, some of which is interstitial, and some of which appears to be alveolar, indicating edema. B: Follow-up film taken 2 weeks later. There is no longer evidence of edema or pleural effusion, and the heart has decreased in size.

In right ventricular failure, the blood accumulates on the venous side of the major circulation, causing dependent edema and congestion of the abdominal viscera. The lungs may be relatively clear. Right ventricular failure usually occurs secondary to left ventricular failure, so the findings mentioned previously may predominate. Cor Pulmonale Chronic cor pulmonale is the term used to indicate the right ventricular hypertrophy that may lead to right-sided heart failure; it is produced by any disease or abnormality (exclusive of primary cardiac disease) that results in increased pressure in the lesser circulation. Numerous pulmonary diseases can cause cor pulmonale, including congenital and acquired alterations in the thorax (e.g., kyphoscoliosis, thoracoplasty); pulmonary artery diseases (e.g., chronic recurrent pulmonary emboli); and chronic pulmonary inflammatory diseases such as pulmonary tuberculosis, the pneumoconioses, and suppurative diseases such as chronic bronchiectasis. Pulmonary emphysema is the most common cause. Usually the diseases cause changes in peripheral arteries and arterioles, or there is a primary disease of these vessels that leads to pulmonary hypertension. There is some controversy regarding pathogenesis in some of these conditions. In addition to the findings described in the following paragraphs, pulmonary changes caused by the underlying disease may be present. Roentgen Findings The heart is not necessarily enlarged; in the frontal projection is often vertical in type and appears small and round. There is prominence of the pulmonary artery segment in the left-upper silhouette and an increase in the size of the hilar arteries bilaterally. The pulmonary infundibulum is enlarged along with the pulmonary artery. There is a discrepancy in the caliber of pulmonary arteries: the hilar arteries are enlarged, and the midzone and peripheral arteries are either normal or smaller than normal in diameter. In some instances, there is a rapid and striking diminution in caliber of arteries in the parahilar areas. Not infrequently, the vascular changes must be used to suggest the diagnosis, because the cardiac silhouette may not be typical. There is no enlargement of the left atrium or left ventricle in this condition. Pulmonary emphysema often is present and may be severe. When the ventricular enlargement becomes great, there may be sufficient anterior protrusion and convexity to result in decrease in the retrosternal space anterior to the base of the heart as viewed in the lateral projection. Additionally, marked enlargement of the pulmonary outflow tract may produce a longer convexity in the region of the pulmonary artery segment. In patients with severe thoracic deformities or marked pulmonary disease, the condition causing the increase in pulmonary artery pressure may distort the heart so that chamber enlargement cannot be ascertained but the enlargement of the pulmonary artery is usually visible. In order to determine the diagnosis, correlation with clinical history, physical findings, and electrocardiographic findings should be made; when they are typical, the roentgen findings are reasonably reliable. Acute cor pulmonale is found in the other conditions that cause acute hypoxia or anoxia, including massive pulmonary embolism, pulmonary edema, and tension pneumothorax. These various conditions are discussed in the sections on pulmonary diseases. The Heart in Thoracic Deformities Kyphoscoliosis The heart usually is displaced to the side opposite the convexity of the dorsal spine. When the convexity is to the right, the right side of the heart border often is obscured by the shadow of the lower thoracic vertebrae. When the thoracic deformity is marked, there is often rotation and torsion sufficient to interfere with cardiac function. In patients with marked deformity of the heart produced by the thoracic change the normal landmarks are altered, 48 evaluation of chamber size and identification of chambers is very difficult.

Funnel Chest (Pectus Excavatum) This deformity consists of depression of the sternum, which may be severe and results in backward displacement of the heart to the left. 39 On the lateral view the position of the sternum is easily recognized and the diagnosis is made without difficulty. On the frontal view, several radiographic signs are diagnostic: (1) sharp downward angulation of the anterior arcs of the ribs, with the degree of slant roughly proportional to the amount of depression; (2) displacement of the cardiac shadow to the left with some convexity in the left upper border, so that the silhouette suggests mitral disease with enlargement and prominence of the left atrial appendage; (3) indistinct border of the right side of the heart, often obscured by the thoracic spine; (4) decreased density of the heart with more severe deformity, caused by the decrease in its anteroposterior diameter (in these patients the lower thoracic spine is more readily visible than in the normal person); (5) increased density and cloudiness of the medial aspect of the right lung base, caused by some compression of the underlying lung and accentuated by the visibility of pulmonary vessels that are often hidden by the right-lower cardiac border; (6) some straightening of the normal rounded curve of the thoracic spine or, in some instances, actual reversal of the curve; and (7) occasional backward displacement and compression of the heart between the sternum and thoracic spine, resulting in actual widening with an increase in the transverse diameter to the right as well as to the left. If most of these signs are present, diagnosis of this deformity in the frontal projection is not difficult to make. The differentiation from mitral valvular disease in the frontal projection is important ( Fig. 35-35). Fixation of the sternum to the central tendon of the diaphragm may result in paradoxical cardiac enlargement during inspiration in children with pectus excavatum. The diaphragm pulls the lower ste rnum posteriorly as it moves downward in inspiration, reducing the space between the spine and sternum and flattening the heart so that it appears wider and therefore larger in the frontal projection.

FIG. 35-35. Funnel-chest deformity. A: Most of the signs described in the text are present, including prominence of the left-upper cardiac border, shift of the heart to the left, slight increase in density below the right hilum, failure to visualize the border of the right side of the heart, and accentuation of the downward angulation of the ribs. B: The lateral view shows the marked posterior displacement of the lower sternum.

Diseases of the Myocardium (Cardiomyopathies) The cardiomyopathies are divided pathophysiologically into three main groups: congestive, constrictive, and obstructive. The congestive myopathies include idiopathic myopathies, the majority of which occur with a known systemic disease such as infectious, postpartum, or connective-tissue disease, or with a neuromuscular myopathy. The constrictive myopathies include conditions that simulate constrictive pericarditis, including infiltrative lesions of the myocardium and endocardium, such as endomyocardial fibrosis and endocardial fibroelastosis, either of which may also present as a congestive myopathy. The clinical manifestations of obstructive myopathies suggest an obstructive valve lesion. Included in this category are idiopathic, hypertrophic, and subaortic stenoses (hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy), as well as malignant infiltration of the myocardium by tumor. The roentgen manifestations of these diseases are not specific, but cardiac enlargement usually is present and may be massive. The enlargement is generally caused by dilatation of all the chambers. The contractility of the heart is decreased. The transverse diameter often increases more than the longitudinal diameter. The heart appears broad, and normal contours are effaced. Even with a markedly enlarged heart, there may be no signs of failure. In such patients, the differentiation from pericardial effusion is often difficult on plain films, although it is readily made with ultrasound examination. Infectious Myocarditis In infectious myocarditis, the degree of cardiac dilatation is proportional to the severity of muscle damage. There may be rapid progression to gross generalized enlargement of the heart, and this may be accentuated by pericardial fluid, which is often present. The amount of effusion often is small. The roentgen findings of generalized enlargement of the cardiac silhouette are similar regardless of the infectious agent. However, in parasitic disease (e.g., hydatid myocarditis), calcification may occur. Anemia In severe anemias there may be considerable cardiac enlargement. Correction leads to regression to normal unless there has been a great deal of muscle damage. Radiographically, the enlargement tends to be general with some pulmonary artery prominence. Postpartum Cardiomyopathy Postpartum cardiomyopathy is rare, but when heart failure develops for the first time in the postpartum period, cardiomyopathy is the likely diagnosis. Connective-Tissue Diseases In systemic lupus erythematosus, polyarteritis, or scleroderma, a cardiomyopathy, often associated with pericardial effusion, may be present. In rheumatoid arthritis, there is a greater tendency for involvement of the endocardium and the aortic and mitral valves than in any of the other three conditions. Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy Alcoholism may result in cardiomyopathy with severe myocardial damage and gross enlargement of the heart in some patients. In those with less severe myocardial damage, the findings are not as great and recovery may be complete, but the prognosis for those more severely affected is poor. Roentgen findings of cardiac enlargement vary with the severity of the disease. Thiamine deficiency may be a factor; it is possible that there is a combination of causes in some patients. Constrictive Myopathies The constrictive myopathies include infiltrative lesions of the endocardium and myocardium, such as endocardial fibroelastosis and myocardial fibrosis. 12 The findings in endocardial fibroelastosis were described previously. Myocardial fibrosis is seen most often in tropical environments and may be right- or left-sided; in some patients, both ventricles are involved. Roentgen findings are those of cardiac enlargement with evidence of right atrial dilatation. Often, pericardial effusion is present, making chamber identification difficult. The right ventricle is small, but the outflow tract and pulmonary arteries are large. When the left ventricle is involved, pulmonary venous hypertension and mitral incompetence result in an appearance simulating that of mitral valvular disease. In the biventricular form, the right-sided features tend to dominate, but there usually is evidence of enlarged upper-lobe pulmonary veins, in contrast to the pulmonary oligemia observed in isolated right-sided disease. Obstructive Cardiomyopathies

The obstructive cardiomyopathies include hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy and idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis. Because the muscle hypertrophy can be patchy, outflow tract obstruction may not occur, in which case alteration in the cardiac configuration will not result. When there is outflow tract obstruction producing increased left ventricular workload, the heart may enlarge, and secondary mitral insufficiency may develop, producing a mitral configuration. Usually there is no significant poststenotic dilatation of the aorta. Unless the mitral valve is involved, the only finding is that of left ventricular enlargement. Therefore, the diagnosis is not usually made by plain film. The Heart in Beriberi Vitamin B1 (thiamine) deficiency resulting in beriberi is uncommon in the United States but is occasionally encountered. The roentgen findings are those of cardiac dilatation that may be diffuse and symmetrical, producing generalized enlargement of the cardiac silhouette. Occasionally, the right ventricle is damaged more than the rest of the myocardium. This results in dilatation of the right ventricle and atrium. Pericardial effusion may be present and may contribute to the enlargement of the cardiac shadow. Successful treatment results in prompt regression of the enlargement and reabsorption of pericardial fluid. The Heart in Diseases of the Thyroid Hypothyroidism. Hypofunction of the thyroid gland resulting in myxedema causes general dilatation of the cardiovascular silhouette. Pericardial effusion is common in myxedema and may contribute to part, if not all, of the increase in cardiac size. Some patients with myxedema heart have massive pericardial effusions that contribute to most of the enlargement. In treated patients with myxedema the heart returns to normal quickly, but in those with chronic myxedema heart disease, return to normal may require months of treatment. Hyperthyroidism. The heart of a patient with hyperthyroidism is hyperactive, and the pulse pressure is usually high. The cardiac configuration is not characteristic, but cardiac enlargement frequently is present. The enlargement may be left ventricular, with rounding and elongation of the left ventricular border, but often the right ventricle is the chamber predominately involved. Some investigators believe that right ventricular enlargement is more characteristic of this disease than is left ventricular enlargement. It is generally agreed that there is cardiac enlargement in severe hyperthyroidism and that the size of the heart decreases when the disease is controlled but may not return to normal because of extensive myocardial damage. Cardiac Injuries Blunt cardiac injury may be suggested when chest films reveal fracture of the sternum, ribs, or clavicle or evidence of soft-tissue injury in the precordial area. 43 Contusion of the myocardium often occurs with no external evidence of chest injury and may simulate myocardial infarction, including the formation of a post-traumatic ventricular aneurysm. Trauma may cause rupture of the papillary muscles or chordae tendineae, which may result in acute mitral insufficiency manifested by pulmonary edema with a normal-sized heart. Artificial valves may be dislodged by trauma. Rupture of the interventricular system also has been reported. Penetrating injuries may cause death before the patient can be treated, but occasionally a wound causes hemopericardium without enough tamponade to cause immediate death. The roentgen signs are similar to those of pericardial effusion (see Diseases of the Pericardium). In addition, the injury that produces the hemopericardium may cause hemothorax or pneumothorax. Occasionally, metallic foreign bodies such as bullets can penetrate the heart wall or even enter one of the cardiac chambers without causing death. They are readily visualized and may be localized by fluoroscopy. The motion of the opaque foreign body can be used as an aid in identifying its position. When the projectile is within a cardiac chamber, a considerable amount of movement usually is visualized in a somewhat irregularly circular or pendulous type of motion, whereas a projectile imbedded in the myocardium moves in a more uniform manner. It is important to obtain studies shortly before surgery when foreign bodies are found within the heart or in its wall, because a foreign body on the left side may move out through the aorta into the systemic circulation, and one on the right may move into the lesser circulation. Occasionally, a small, opaque, foreign body (e.g., lead shot) has been observed to move through the venous system to the heart. Tumors of the Heart Benign or malignant primary cardiac tumors are rare. 9,46 The more common tumors are myxoma, fibroma, rhabdomyoma, and rhabdosarcoma, along with primary tumors of vascular origin. The most common benign tumor is the myxoma. It is found in the left atrium in about 75% of cases, and usually it arises from the septum near the foramen ovale. Most of the remainder arise in the right atrium. Ventricular myxoma is rare. The tumor usually is pedunculated and may cause intermittent obstruction of an adjacent valve. Roentgen findings in myxoma may then resemble those of mitral or tricuspid stenosis, depending on their location. Left atrial myxoma can be suspected when there is roentgen evidence of mitral stenosis with no previous history of rheumatic fever, an inconstant or changing murmur, and embolic phenomena occurring without atrial fibrillation. Right atrial myxoma results in roentgen findings suggesting tricuspid stenosis or Ebstein's anomaly. The murmur is inconstant, and embolic (pulmonary) phenomena occur. About 10% of atrial myxomas calcify, but this is rarely seen on plain films. Right atrial myxoma does not interfere with valvular function as often as does left atrial myxoma. Therefore, a right atrial tumor tends to become larger than one on the left before it causes symptoms. Echocardiography and MRI are useful in delineating intracardiac tumors. The other benign tumors, which tend to be intramural, include fibroma, hamartoma, rhabdomyoma, and lipoma. Most involve the left ventricular wall. They tend to produce cardiac enlargement and to calcify (20%), and they are most common in children. Rarely, intraventricular thrombi calcify and resemble intracardiac tumors. Malignant tumors such as rhabdomyosarcoma or fibrosarcoma are rare and usually arise in the ventricular walls, whereas angiosarcoma occurs most commonly in the right atrial wall. Echocardiography or MRI may be required to make the diagnosis. Masses projecting from the outer cardiac surface may produce peculiar cardiac shapes; the diagnosis, however, may be suspected on roentgen examination. CT is of great value for demonstration of the site and extent of a bizarre mass that appears to be intimately associated with the heart. Metastatic myocardial tumors are much more common than the primary tumors. Cardiac involvement by lymphoma, melanoma, and various carcinomas often results in pericardial effusion. The roentgen findings, therefore, may be caused by hemopericardium. An irregular cardiac mass occurring alone (or associated with hemopericardium) in a patient with known tumor virtually indicates myocardial metastasis. Pericardial tumors, like those of the heart muscle, are rare. Of the primary tumors, the benign and malignant forms occur equally, but metastatic pericardial tumors are much more common than the primary ones. Fibroma, fibrosarcoma, benign and malignant mesothelioma, vascular tumors such as hemangioma and lymphangioma, teratoma, thymoma, leiomyoma, hamartoma, and intrapericardial bronchial cyst may arise in the pericardium. All are rare and cannot be differentiated radiographically. They may cause pericardial or pleural effusion. The major radiographic feature of the tumor itself is alteration of the cardiac contour, which varies with the size and shape of the mass.


Arteriosclerosis of the Aorta Atheromatous fibrous plaques consist principally of an accumulation of intimal, smooth muscle cells loaded with lipid, chiefly cholesterol. The cells are also surrounded by lipid and by collagen elastic fibers. The plaque may become altered as a result of hemorrhage, calcification, cell necrosis, mural thrombosis, and/or ulceration. The most distinct characteristic of this complicated lesion is the presence of calcification. This is the type of lesion that often is associated with occlusive disease. The latter usually occurs at a bifurcation site or arterial fixation. Arteriography is used to outline these lesions. A certain amount of alteration in the appearance of the aorta with advancing age is caused by loss of elasticity. The change consists of elongation and dilatation. These anatomic changes produce roentgenographic changes in the configuration of the aorta. The ascending aorta becomes enlarged, and this results in greater convexity of the right-upper cardiac margin. The aortic knob on the left side becomes prominent and enlarged. The descending aorta curves to the left in the posteroanterior view and back to midline or even to the right side before passing through the diaphragm. In the lateral projection, the arch of the aorta swings in a wider arc so that it often angles forward and upward and, finally, backward. The result is widening of the area between the limbs of the arch. The descending aorta may curve far backward to overlie the thoracic spine in the lateral view. In arteriosclerotic disease of the aorta, the manifestations of elongation and dilatation occur earlier in life and plaques of calcium are often visualized, especially in the

transverse aortic arch. The amount of calcification varies considerably. The plaques are noted as dense linear shadows and are most commonly seen in the aortic knob, but they may be extensive throughout the aorta, and the entire wall of this structure may be outlined by calcium in extreme instances. Aortic arteriosclerotic disease may be asymptomatic unless it is complicated by dissection, aneurysm, or ulceration with embolization and is part of generalized atherosclerotic vascular disease. Significant stenosis is rare except just proximal to the aortic bifurcation. Often it is associated with stenosis of branch vessels, either at their origin or in the branch vessels themselves. Then the symptoms are related to the organs supplied by these vessels (e.g., angina pectoris, renal hypertension). Takayasu's Arteritis Takayasu's arteritis was initially called pulseless disease. It involves the aorta and its branches as well as the pulmonary arteries in an extensive manner. Most patients are younger than 30 years of age. The female-to-male ratio is about 8:1. Although its cause is not definitely known, it probably represents an autoimmune disease in which granulation tissue destroys the media of the large vessels and inflammatory cells are present. As the inflammatory reaction subsides, scar tissue in the arterial walls causes marked thickening, resulting in luminal narrowing and occlusion. Plain films show widening of the aorta, with irregularity of the aortic contour and aortic calcifications that are linear and may involve short or long segments of the aortic wall. Aortic insufficiency that results from dilatation of the aortic root is present in 10% to 20% of patients. The aortic valve is normal. Rarely, aortic dissection may occur in this disease. If the pulmonary arteries are involved, the roentgen findings may be those of pulmonary hypertension with prominence of the central pulmonary arteries. Partial occlusions of the branches may result in hypovascularity in the involved areas, but this may be difficult to define roentgenographically. The possibility should be considered, however, in young women with a dilated, irregular aorta containing calcium. Arteriography is useful in demonstrating the type and extent of involvement. Syphilitic Aortitis Luetic aortitis, which is now rare, produces alterations that can often be recognized radiographically before clinical signs of specific aortic involvement are present. Circumscribed dilatation of the ascending aortic arch may occur and be recognized as enlargement of this portion of the aorta before the signs of aneurysm appear. However, because similar dilatation may occur in arteriosclerosis and in aortic stenosis (poststenotic dilatation), this finding cannot be considered as pathognomonic. The dilatation in arteriosclerotic disease usually is more diffuse than that seen in luetic aortitis. Calcification in the wall of the ascending aortic arch is a more reliable sign of luetic aortitis. It is manifested by a thin, curvilinear shadow of calcific density in the outer wall of the ascending aorta projection. The appearance of the calcification has been likened to the irregularity of tree bark. In contrast, the calcification in arteriosclerotic disease is most marked in the transverse aortic arch. Calcification may occur in the ascending aortic arch in arteriosclerosis, but it usually is found in elderly patients in whom the disease is severe. Furthermore, the plaques are thicker and more irregular than the somewhat thin, linear shadows noted in syphilis. On pathologic examination of the aorta in arteriosclerosis, calcification is often found in the ascending aorta but is most prominent in the inner wall of the arch and may not be roentgenographically visible. Late syphilis is now so rare that it can be assumed that most patients with calcification in the ascending aorta have advanced arteriosclerotic disease. Aneurysms of the ascending aorta are frequently found in association with vascular syphilis. Aortic Aneurysm An aneurysm is a circumscribed axial or lateral area of localized widening in the wall of a blood vessel. Some dilatation of the aorta occurs in arteriosclerosis, and there is no sharply defined differentiation between simple dilatation and an aneurysm. The latter term is generally reserved to designate a clearly defined local area of cylindrical or saccular enlargement. Aneurysms involving the ascending aortic arch in the past were often of syphilitic origin, particularly when saccular in type, but connective-tissue disorders with medial necrosis (e.g., Marfan's syndrome) may also be associated with such aneurysms. Aneurysms of the descending aorta may be arteriosclerotic in origin; less frequently, their origin is mycotic, traumatic, or congenital. Roentgen studies often are sufficient to make the diagnosis. Local aneurysms of the descending thoracic aorta often produce no symptoms and are detected as incidental findings on chest roentgenograms. They usually project from the posterolateral aspect of the middle or lower portion of the descending thoracic aorta and appear as left-sided masses. They usually are of arteriosclerotic origin, although chronic traumatic and mycotic aneurysms are not rare. Atherosclerotic Aneurysm The most common location of an atherosclerotic aneurysm is in the infrarenal portion of the abdominal aorta. Many of these lesions are asymptomatic until a calamity such as rupture occurs. They may be detected on plain films as a mass, especially if there is calcification in the wall (see Fig. 35-36). They also may be seen on CT or ultrasound examinations performed for other reasons. If the patient is in reasonable health, resection of aneurysms larger than 5 cm in diameter is recommended. Aneurysms may be monitored for change in size by plain-film roentgenography if they are calcified, or otherwise by ultrasound. Some advocate routine ultrasound examination in the elderly to detect the presence of asymptomatic abdominal aneurysms. As yet, this is not a routinely used screening test. The development of covered stent grafts may result in less invasive methods for treatment of aortic aneurysms. If covered stent grafts are associated with decreased morbidity and expense, a more aggressive approach to the detection of asymptomatic abdominal aneurysms may be appropriate. Frank rupture of an aortic aneurysm is a catastrophic event and usually requires immediate surgical treatment. The diagnosis is made on clinical grounds with a minimum of diagnostic testing. If the rupture is contained and the patient is stable, some diagnostic testing may be warranted. Plain-film roentgenography, CT, MRA, or ultrasound reveals a juxta-aortic mass, and the associate aneurysm may be outlined by calcium. It must be emphasized that in such a situation free rupture may occur during this delay, and the possibility of survival under these circumstances is greatly reduced. Roentgen Findings An aneurysm results in a soft-tissue mass continuous with the aortic silhouette that varies considerably in size and shape among patients. It is not unusual to note widening of the superior mediastinum above the arch on the right when the aneurysm involves the ascending aorta and extends into the innominate artery. The mass of an aneurysm in the ascending aortic arch usually projects to the right, whereas that of an aneurysm in the descending arch projects to the left in the frontal plane. Aneurysm should be considered in the differential diagnosis of any juxtavascular mass ( Fig. 35-37).

FIG. 35-37. Thoracic aortic aneurysm. A: Frontal view of the chest shows the heart to be slightly enlarged with some rounding of the apex, indicative of left ventricular hypertrophy. Also, the apex extends to the left, indicating that the chamber is dilated as well. The arrow points to some soft-tissue density on the right-lateral aspect of the mediastinum. B: In the lateral view of the chest, calcification in the aortic wall and dilation of the aorta are seen, suggesting that the patient has an aneurysm. Frontal (C) and lateral ( D) views of a thoracic aortogram show the large aneurysm, which is located just above the aortic valve. There is no evidence of aortic insufficiency with the supravalvular contrast injection.

Occasionally the communication between the aorta and the aneurysm is very narrow (pedunculated aneurysm). The aneurysm may project in a direction not usually observed with the more common saccular lesions. In this situation, CT or MRI examination usually provides the essential information. Aortography is the most definitive method of assessing the nature and relationship of the aorta, juxta-aortic masses, and the origins of branch vessels. It usually is reserved for detailed study

before surgery. Arteriosclerotic aneurysms are most common in the infrarenal abdominal aorta but may occur in the arch or in the descending portion of the thoracic aorta. They are generally smaller than those of luetic origin and often show calcification. Rarely, there may be erosion of bone secondary to aortic aneurysm. When the ascending arch is involved, the erosion occurs along the posterior aspect of the sternum. Aneurysms of the distal arch may erode one or more of the dorsal vertebral bodies; abdominal aortic aneurysms may produce change in the lumbar vertebral bodies. This bone erosion is more commonly seen in syphilitic aneurysms. The vertebrae involved have a scalloped appearance because the discs resist the erosion. The vertebral bodies are then concave anteriorly. Traumatic Aneurysm Traumatic aneurysm of the aorta usually is caused by a deceleration injury. 13,14,24,42 Typically in horizontal deceleration, which is commonly seen in automobile accidents, the injury is located just distal to the left subclavian artery. In vertical deceleration injuries, seen after falls from heights, the aneurysm is located just above the aortic valve. Traumatic rupture just above the aortic valve has been reported in patients who were horizontally decelerated but restrained by an airbag. These two different locations of the traumatic aneurysms produce different pathophysiologic pictures. Those located distal to the left subclavian artery result in a mediastinal hematoma, with death frequently resulting from exsanguination. In the supravalvular location the aneurysm is intrapericardial, and death may be caused by pericardial tamponade. If all layers of the aorta are disrupted, death usually ensues. However, patients may survive, especially if the adventitia remains intact. The mediastinal hematoma may contain the leak, and in these circumstances the patient may arrive at the hospital alive. Survival in such cases depends on the tamponade provided by the mediastinal hematoma. Because of possible breakdown of the hematoma in the healing process, it is essential that the diagnosis be made expeditiously. This usually requires an imaging studyCT, MRI, or aortography. Some have advocated the use of transesophageal ultrasonography. This is not favored in our institution because it cannot be performed as expeditiously as the other imaging studies. Some surgeons prefer the detail provided by an aortogram; others are satisfied with the CT findings, particularly if the patient is undergoing scanning for other injuries. If sufficient detail is not provided, an aortogram is performed ( Fig. 35-38).

FIG. 35-38. A: An anteroposterior recumbent chest film shows widening of the mediastinum, displacement of the trachea to the right side, and an apical pleural cap. These findings suggest the presence of an extrapleural hematoma that has its epicenter to the left of the trachea. B: Retrograde transfemoral aortogram shows a traumatic aneurysm (curved arrows). The appearance is typical of a traumatic aneurysm caused by a deceleration injury.

Because of the large number of people who are injured in deceleration accidents, the development of criteria to select patients for further investigation has been pursued vigorously. The various signs that suggest the presence of hematoma secondary to traumatic injury are widening of the mediastinum; a pleural cap over the left lung apex, which indicates the presence of extrapleural hematoma; deviation of the esophagus to the right, which may be reflected by the displacement of a nasogastric tube; displacement of the trachea to the right secondary to a hematoma mass on the left; and inferior displacement of the left main bronchus. The presence of other injuries, some of which may be detected roentgenographically (e.g., fracture of the sternum, mandible, or femur), attests to the severity of the trauma and increases the possibility that the patient has a fractured aorta. Fracture of the aorta secondary to deceleration injury has also been reported in a right aortic arch; it was located just distal to the ligamentum arteriosum, just as is seen in the normal left-sided arch. There may be injuries to the great vessels, and these should be diligently evaluated on the imaging studies. Fracture of the innominate artery may be seen in persons who have been restrained by a shoulder harness. The protection provided by the shoulder restraint outweighs the possibility of innominate artery injury. When a patient survives with an undetected traumatic aneurysm of the aorta or one of its major brachycephalic branches, the diffuse mediastinal density eventually clears, leaving a fairly defined mass that represents the false aneurysm. Calcification develops in the wall in most of the lesions as they become chronic. The diagnosis can usually be made on the basis of the roentgen findings in a patient who has a history of thoracic trauma. Aortography, CT, or MRI is then used to confirm the diagnosis and localize the site of origin ( Fig. 35-39). When discovered, these aneurysms should be repaired.

FIG. 35-39. Chronic traumatic fracture of the aorta. A: Note the mass, with calcification in the wall ( arrow), in the vicinity of the transverse and upper-descending aorta (arrows). B: Aortogram shows the false aneurysm. A thin infolding of the aortic wall is also observed ( arrows).

Dissecting Hematoma (Aneurysm) A dissecting hematoma results from accumulation of blood in the aortic media. 19,65 This accumulation results from a primary bleed from the vasovasorum or a tear in the intima. The overwhelming number of dissecting hematomas occur in the face of an abnormal media (e.g., atherosclerosis, medial cystic necrosis). The exact cause of the medial bleed or the intimal disruption is not clear in most patients; however, there is a very high association with hypertension. A dissection produces a false channel, which may be so narrow that there is virtually no dilatation. In this instance, the term aneurysm is a misnomer. The DeBakey classification is widely accepted because it is useful in angiographic diagnosis and management of dissecting hematomas and provides some prognostic information. In this classification, dissecting hematomas are divided into three types. In type I, the dissection begins in the ascending aorta and continues through to the descending aorta distally for a variable distance, often as far as the common iliac arteries. In type II, the dissection is limited to the ascending aorta; this is most commonly observed in Marfan's syndrome. In type III, the dissection begins in the thoracic aorta distal to the subclavian artery and extends often into the abdominal or pelvic vessels. Another simpler classification, known as the Stanford classification, has been advocated. In this classification, type A dissections are those in which the ascending aorta is involved; in type B dissections, the ascending aorta is not involved. This classification has the advantage of reflecting the prognosis, which is much worse

when the ascending aorta is the site of dissection. Therapy differs also. In type A surgery usually is performed. Type B dissections are treated by control of blood pressure and general support, and only if a complication such as visceral or renal ischemia develops is surgery done. Currently, there is interest in the use of percutaneous intravascular techniques to establish distal communication between the true and false channels. Isolated successes have been reported, but the clinical utility of these techniques remains to be established. Common sites of intimal defects are in or adjacent to a sinus of Valsalva and in the descending aorta near the ligamentum arteriosum. Dissections may also start at the site of an atheromatous plaque. The condition ends fatally in a few hours or days in many patients. This is particularly true if the patient's hypertension cannot be controlled or if aortic insufficiency results from involvement of the aortic valve ring. In about 10% of patients, there is re-entry into the lumen, frequently in the abdominal aorta near its bifurcation. This permits the dissection to decompress, and in these instances the patient may live on for months or years. The weakened aorta may dilate eventually, with formation of a true aneurysm. The roentgen diagnosis is often difficult, and the findings must be correlated with the clinical history, which generally includes severe pain (frequently intrascapular) along with pallor, hemodynamic instability, and shock. There may be widening of the aorta, extending from the site of the dissection distally and occasionally proximally. This can be more readily apparent when a chest roentgenogram obtained before dissection is available for comparison. Roentgenograms obtained on successive days may show extension of the area of widening. When this is observed in a patient with a typical clinical history and findings, the diagnosis of dissecting aneurysm is almost certain. If the false channel is very thin, there may be little or no increase in the apparent width of the aorta. If the false channel is wide, there may be some displacement of the trachea to the right, and displacement of the esophagus by the dissection may be visible on an esophagram or by displacement of a nasogastric tube. In patients with extensive arteriosclerosis, it is sometimes possible to identify the inner wall of the aorta by means of visible calcification in atheromatous plaques. One can then judge the increased wall thickness caused by the dissecting hematoma, because the outer wall is readily visible against the radiolucency of the lung. This is not an absolute sign, because circumferential neoplasm or periaortic fat may cause an apparent thickening of the wall. Comparison with a previous film can be very helpful. Hemothorax, usually left-sided, is a common additional finding. Occasionally, recognizable enlargement of the branches of the aorta can be demonstrated, because dissection often extends into the walls of these vessels. When this enlargement is present, it is of considerable diagnostic significance. Because patients are often critically ill, roentgen examination is difficult and its use limited. In patients in whom the diagnosis is suspected early in the course of the disease, surgical measures may be warranted. Contrast-enhanced CT or MRA studies can be used to establish the diagnosis, the location and extent of the process, and involvement of aortic branches.


Pericardial Effusion The pericardium is a thin membrane that is not ordinarily recognized as a separate structure because it is of the same density as the adjacent heart. It is relatively inelastic. Conditions that produce rapid accumulation of fluid within the pericardium may compress the heart enough to produce severe alteration of cardiac function, which may lead to death. This occurs most commonly as the result of hemorrhage secondary to trauma. Roentgenograms are not usually obtained because of the acuteness of the situation. In chronic or subacute pericardial effusion, roentgen changes are produced when the amount of fluid reaches 400 or 500 mL. Smaller effusions (up to 300 mL) are not ordinarily recognized because they produce no significant alteration in the contour of the cardiovascular silhouette. With slow accumulation of fluid, the volume may reach massive proportions without producing tamponade. Roentgen Findings An increase in size of the cardiac silhouette depends on the amount of fluid present. The shape of the cardiovascular silhouette is also altered. With moderate amounts of fluid, the enlargement is generalized and the cardiohepatic angle appears more acute than is normal. As the amount of fluid increases, there tends to be disproportionate enlargement of the heart in the transverse diameter, as compared with the increase in the vertical diameter. Demonstration of rapid progression, or regression, of these findings is a valuable sign in roentgenographic diagnosis. Large effusions tend to obliterate the normal segments noted on either side, and the cardiac enlargement extends to the right as well as to the left. Dilatation of the heart in myocardial failure can produce a silhouette that simulates that seen in pericardial effusion ( Fig. 35-40 and Fig. 35-41).

FIG. 35-40. Pericardial effusion. A: The cardiac silhouette is grossly enlarged. The lungs are quite clear, and there is no evidence of pleural effusion. Two months earlier, the heart size had been normal. B: This film was exposed after pericardial tap. Some fluid was removed, and air was injected to determine the thickness of the pericardial wall, because there were leukocytes in the fluid. Note that the wall is several millimeters thick.

FIG. 35-41. Large pericardial effusion. The epicardial fat line was easily observed on cineradiography and at fluoroscopy. It was faintly observed on this roentgenogram (arrows). It lies well within the silhouette and is indicative of the presence of a large pericardial effusion.

The layer of epicardial fat beneath the visceral pericardium, if identified, may allow demonstration of the epicardium (i.e., the outer border of the heart). If this layer is separated from the pericardium, some material must be interposed between the epicardium and the visceral pericardium. 64 In most circumstances, this is fluid ( Fig.

35-42). In our experience, this fat is best demonstrated over the lower two thirds of the left cardiac margin anteriorly in the frontal and lateral projections. Because the heart in ordinary circumstances is closely apposed to the sternum, separation of the epicardial fat from the sternal border has the same significance as separation of the epicardial fat from the lateral border of the cardiovascular silhouette. If it can be demonstrated, this finding is of definite value; if it cannot be demonstrated, it is of no assistance. Therefore, in the very young and in patients with cachexia who do not have a sufficient amount of pericardial fat, one would not anticipate this sign to be useful.

FIG. 35-42. Hemopericardium. Thoracic aortogram outlines the dilated ascending aorta, with an anterior irregularity just above the aortic valve, indicating the presence of a leak. The arrows point to the epicardial fat, in which the coronary arteries can be seen. The epicardial fat is separated from the sternum, the result of a large amount of fluidin this instance, blood.

The most sensitive method for demonstrating pericardial effusion is echocardiography. CT is also very sensitive to the presence of pericardial fluid. Milk-of-calcium pericardial fluid, resulting from previous mediastinal irradiation, has been reported. 50 The calcium was readily seen on plain films, fluoroscopy, and CT. Its liquid nature was recognizable because of the distortion of the fluid produced by the beating heart. These findings are better demonstrated with fluoroscopy than with plain films. Although fluoroscopy has largely been replaced by ultrasound examination, in some instances (e.g., aortography to evaluate the trauma patient), it may be very informative to fluoroscope the heart for the presence of hemopericardium, which may require immediate pericardiocentesis. Adhesive and Constrictive Pericarditis Adhesive pericarditis without constriction usually is of little clinical significance. Adhesions between the pleura and pericardium may result in some irregularity of the cardiac silhouette in the neighborhood of the adhesions. The cause of constrictive pericarditis is often obscure, although a number of possibilities exist, including infection and trauma. Whatever the cause, the amount of pericardial fibrous-tissue reaction may reach a point at which constriction occurs. The visceral and parietal pericardium are adherent and also contracted. The basic abnormality is the inability of the ventricles to fill normally, which results in diminution of stroke volume. Venous pressure is elevated. When this occurs, there may be severe clinical symptoms but the radiographic changes are minimal. The heart is often normal or small, and engorgement of the great veins may be evident. Calcific plaques often occur in the thickened pericardium and may be visible on plain film, especially in lateral projection (Fig. 35-43). These are more readily seen with fluoroscopy, although CT best evaluates their presence and extent. At times the heart is almost encased in a calcific shell; occasionally, actual ossification occurs. When calcification is present in a patient with clinical signs of constrictive pericarditis, the diagnosis is not difficult. If no calcification is present, roentgen findings are often equivocal. Calcification on plain films is present in about 50% of patients with constrictive pericarditis, but the incidence is much higher when CT is employed. However, the presence of pericardial calcification does not necessarily indicate significant constriction. Hepatic enlargement and ascites may be evident on abdominal examination. The symptoms of severe cardiac amyloidosis with noncompliant myocardium are similar to those of constrictive pericarditis, but usually there is more cardiac enlargement in amyloidosis than in constrictive pericarditis. Pericardial Tumors The most common mass lesion of the pericardium is the pericardial or clear-water cyst. Primary pericardial tumors are rare and produce localized enlargements of various sizes and shapes that cannot be differentiated from cardiac tumors unless pneumopericardium is present or CT and MRI is used. Occasionally, sarcoma or mesothelioma arising in the pericardium can surround and enlarge the cardiac shadow. The pericardium is much more frequently involved by metastatic tumor, and the presence of pericardial and pleural effusions may obscure the actual lesion. Hodgkin's disease often involves the pericardium, and malignant melanoma occasionally metastasizes to the heart and pericardium. CT scanning and ultrasonography are widely used to evaluate patients with pericardial masses. The presence of masses elsewhere in the thorax suggests the diagnosis of metastatic disease. In the presence of a solitary pericardial or cardiac mass, percutaneous transthoracic biopsy or thoracotomy may be necessary for definitive diagnosis. Spontaneous Pneumopericardium This is a rare condition for which there are a number of causes. Left subphrenic abscess may penetrate the pericardial portion of the diaphragm, with resultant purulent infection producing pus and often gas within the pericardial sac. Direct extension of esophageal carcinoma may produce a similar situation. Occasionally, congenital diaphragmatic hernia occurs through a defect in the pericardial portion of the diaphragm. In this situation, gas-filled loops of bowel may be noted within the pericardial sac. Similarly, gas-filled loops of intestine may also be visible within the pericardium after traumatic herniation. Pericardial Defects The majority of congenital pericardial defects are on the left side. 11,22 They vary from small defects overlying the pulmonary artery to absence of the pericardium on the left or, more rarely, absence of the entire pericardium. The parietal pleura is also involved, resulting in the absence of a barrier between the heart and the lung. The defects occur predominantly in males, with the ratio being 3:1. Associated anomalies include patent ductus arteriosus, atrial septal defect, bicuspid aortic valve, pulmonary sequestration, bronchogenic cyst, diaphragmatic hernia, and tetralogy of Fallot. One or more of these conditions are found in about 30% of patients with partial defects. The roentgen findings in complete absence of the left pericardium are characteristic enough to make the diagnosis or strongly suggest it. The heart is shifted to the left. The left border of the heart is flattened as the heart extends to the left over the dome of the diaphragm. The pulmonary artery segment is long and more sharply defined than usual, and there is a radiolucent portion of lung between the aorta and the pulmonary artery that provides the contrast necessary for clear definition. The left ventricular segment is also distinct and clearly defined. In the lateral view, the pulmonary artery may be more distinct than usual. CT scanning is diagnostic. Partial defects may permit herniation of the left auricular appendage to produce a bizarre appearance of the left-upper cardiac silhouette. Right-sided defects permit unusually clear visualization of the great vessels including the aortic root; lung tissue may herniate medially the superior vena cava to clearly outline this vessel ( Fig. 35-44).

FIG. 35-44. Congenital absence of the left pericardium. This patient was asymptomatic but had a murmur detected on physical examination. The heart is shifted to the left, and the left border is flattened. The pulmonary artery segment is long and more sharply delineated than usual, and the lung extends between the aorta and the pulmonary artery. Although this appearance is characteristic, confirmation, if desired, is best obtained with a computed tomographic scan.

Protrusions of the heart, usually the atria, through surgical defects in the pericardium are not uncommon. This possibility must be considered when an unusual bulge or protrusion is noted in the postoperative period. Acute cardiac herniation with incarceration that causes obstruction of the superior vena cava may occur after surgery or major chest injury. Roentgen findings usually are diagnostic.

The use of permanent cardiac pacemakers has increased in recent years. 52,58 The power source and generator are assembled together and are buried in the subcutaneous tissues of the chest wall; a soft-tissue tunnel is created to provide for their passage to the external surface of the myocardium or, more commonly, to the venous system for entry of transvenous pacemakers. Epicardial electrodes are sutured in place; the transvenous electrodes are placed at the apex of the right ventricle. Because the power source, the leads, and the electrodes are seen well radiographically, their positions can be determined, and, in case of malfunction, follow-up studies may be useful. When the leads are not long enough, the electrodes may be displaced from the right ventricular apex into the high right ventricle or right ventricular outflow tract, or even into the right atrium or inferior vena cava. Initial malpositioning can also be detected ( Fig. 35-45).

FIG. 35-45. Broken pacemaker wire. Abrupt angulation of the pacemaker wire in the right atrium ( arrow) indicates that the wire has been fractured.

Occasionally, the right ventricle is perforated by electrodes projecting anterior to the cardiac wall. Fracture of the leads may be detected, usually at the fixation point in the myocardium when epicardial leads are employed, or at points of flexion over the margins of the clavicle or ribs when transvenous leads are used. Some fractures are subtle and can be demonstrated only with oblique views or with the patient in multiple positions during inspiration and expiration. Fluoroscopy is useful for these evaluations. The pacemaker generator may rotate and thereby pull the electrodes out of position. Misplacement in the coronary sinus occurs occasionally, and in this case the electrodes lie posteriorly instead of in their normal anterior position in the right ventricular apex. Battery failure can sometimes be detected by the presence of free mercury, which is radiopaque, in the radiolucent electrolyte areas, which become indistinct and somewhat opaque.


Changes seen on films of patients who have previously undergone cardiovascular surgery provide a great deal of information. Alterations in the bony thorax and the presence of radiopaque devices provide clues as to what has transpired ( Table 35-2).

TABLE 35-2. Incision for thoracic cardiovascular surgery

Most surgery on the descending aorta is performed through a left thoracotomy. Residuals of previous thoracotomy include resection or irregularity of the ribs where the rib retraction devices were placed. Alterations of the pleura, such as thickening and blunting of the costal phrenic sulci, are common. The presence of rib notching in a patient with changes secondary to a left thoracotomy suggest the diagnosis of a previous coarctation repair. The older a patient with a coarctation is when repair is performed, the more likely it is that rib notching will persist. Conversely, the younger the patient is at the time of repair, the more likely it is that the rib notching will involute or even resolve completely. Cardiac operations and surgery on the ascending aorta usually are performed through a median sternotomy. Continuity of the sternum is re-established with metal sutures that are easily recognizable. Many of the devices used for cardiovascular repair have radiopaque elements, and their configuration and position suggest their nature. Ring-like devices in the region of a valve herald a prosthetic valve or a support ring placed at the time of valvuloplasty. Multiple vascular clips along the course of the internal mammary artery indicate its use as a bypass conduit that may be unilateral or bilateral. Intravenous or epicardial pacemaker leads have a characteristic appearance. Fractures of the leads can be detected. Many surgeons place metallic markers at the site of the aortic ostia of saphenous vein bypass grafts to facilitate postoperative coronary arteriography if it becomes necessary. In the face of radiopaque sternal sutures and metallic markers on the ascending aorta, one can diagnose previous coronary artery bypass surgery. Metallic components of a percutaneously placed device to close an atrial septal defect or patent ductus arteriosus can be recognized by their appearance and position (Fig. 35-46).43,44 Vascular occlusion coils also have a typical appearance and can be identified readily (see Fig. 35-22).

FIG. 35-46. Frontal (A) and lateral ( B) projections of a child showing the metallic components of a Sideris occlusion device. The position indicates that it was placed in a patent ductus arteriosus.

Changes in the size and contour of the heart may offer important clues. During mitral valve surgery, the left atrial appendage is often resected. This results in a concavity along the left heart border just below the pulmonary artery. Likewise, striking decrease in cardiac size in very short period suggests the possibility of cardiac transplantation or pericardiocentesis.


Murray G. Baron Cardiac Gating Imaging Techniques Imaging Planes Mri in Acquired Heart Disease Ischemic Heart Disease Valvular Disease Cardiomyopathy Pericardial Disease Cardiac Tumors Mri in Congenital Heart Disease Identification of Cardiac Structures Rotational Anomalies Septal Defects Abnormalities of the Valves Ventricular Abnormalities Precatheterization and Postoperative Studies Chapter References Selected Readings

Evaluation of the type and severity of cardiac disease usually requires an accurate delineation of the anatomy of the heart and determination of its global and regional function. Until recently, multiple studies, often including cardiac catheterization and angiocardiography, were required to obtain these data. Most of this information can now be obtained from MRI studies. 21,45 Because of differences in the strength of signals returned from flowing blood and from myocardium and other soft tissues, the internal structure of the heart, the walls of the cardiac chambers and great vessels, and the pericardium are all visualized in detail on MRI scans. If the individual MRI exposures are triggered from the electrocardiogram (cardiac gating), stop-action pictures of the heart can be obtained at any desired points along the cardiac cycle. From these images it is relatively simple to calculate stroke volume, ejection fractions, and other physiologic parameters and to plot segmental wall thickening anywhere in the heart, throughout systole and diastole. Viewing these same images in rapid sequence produces a motion picture of the beating heart. MRI is a noninvasive technique that does not entail the use of ionizing radiation and, except for a few specialized examinations, does not require the injection of intravascular contrast agents. Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is the main competitive graphic diagnostic technique, but it has the drawback of being very operator-dependent, and the informational content of a study varies considerably with the expertise of the examiner. Because air is a good insulator against sound, echocardiography cannot see through air-containing lung. Therefore, because of the limited available acoustic windows, transthoracic echocardiography can visualize the heart only in a small number of planes. TEE does not have this limitation, because the probe is adjacent to the heart and there is no intervening lung. Cardiac data from TEE and MRI are comparable except that the former cannot image the great vessels as well, nor does it show anything of the surrounding structures in the thorax or those below the diaphragm.

The MRI representation is computed from signals emitted by the patient, who is lying within the magnet, after exposure to one or more radiofrequency pulses. In order to obtain a reasonably detailed image, many such data collections are required. The heart is beating and moving during the examination. Therefore, if each pulse sequence and data acquisition were to occur at random in reference to the cardiac cycle, the heart would appear different at each acquisition, and its composite image would simply be a blur, as is seen on nongated thoracic scans. By triggering each repetition of the pulse sequence from the R wave of the electrocardiogram, the data for each image is always collected at the same phase of the cardiac cycle, and sharply delineated images result.

The appearance of an MRI scan is largely determined by the pattern and timing of the radiofrequency pulses to which the patient is exposed. In the commonly used spin-echo sequence, the patient receives two different pulses for each data acquisition. Because rapidly flowing blood does not remain in the imaging plane long enough to receive both pulses, it generates no signal and appears as a black void set off against the grayish tones of the stationary soft tissues (black blood images). This is not an all-or-nothing reaction; if the blood is flowing slowly enough, it may receive both pulses and generate signals that mimic the appearance of clot. This occurs most frequently adjacent to a noncontractile segment of infarcted myocardium, but it occasionally is seen in the vessels of normal subjects as flow slows, toward the end of diastole. Only a single radiofrequency pulse is used for gradient-echo (white blood) imaging. With this technique, smoothly flowing blood gives off a strong signal and appears whiter than the surrounding tissues. When the flow is turbulent, the magnetic spins in the blood dephase rapidly and little signal is produced. The area of incoherent flow appears black. This is commonly seen with intracardiac or vascular shunts, in the area just beyond a valvular or vascular stenosis, and when there is valvular insufficiency. In contrast to the techniques just described, which are based on the amplitude of the signals returned from the magnetized nuclei, phase-contrast images (velocity-encoded images) are constructed from the phase information contained in the signal. 46 The resultant picture represents the velocity of flow and its speed and direction. Flow in a chosen direction is assigned various shades of black to gray, depending on its speed, and flow in the opposite direction produces shades of white to gray. Stationary objects and flows in other directions produce weak images or no signal at all ( Fig. 35-47).

FIG. 35-47. Transverse section at the level of the right pulmonary artery, gradient-echo image ( A) and phase-contrast (velocity-encoded) image (B). The ascending aorta (A) and main pulmonary artery (P) appear white because blood is coursing cranially. The aorta is brighter because the velocity of blood flow within it is greater than in the pulmonary artery. The superior vena cava (S) and descending aorta (D) appear black because blood is flowing downward, toward the abdomen. The right pulmonary artery (R) is poorly visualized because its flow is mostly on a horizontal plane, perpendicular to that in the other vessels. (Courtesy of Dr. R. Pettigrew.)

Recently, ultrafast MRI techniques have been developed that allow scanning of the entire thorax in less than 30 secondswithin a single breath hold. This produces a volumetric block of data that can be transformed by the computer into a three-dimensional image. The heart can then be rotated and viewed from any angle or sectioned in any plane. The high contrast of MRI scans is ideal for visualization of blood vessels. The resolution of current equipment is adequate for demonstration of vessels as small as 1 to 2 mm in diameter. With fast scanning techniques, MRA is competitive with selective catheter studies of the peripheral and cerebral circulations. A further increase in image quality seems imminent with the development of new intravenous contrast agents. However, it is not possible to obtain images of similar quality of the coronary arteries. Even though respiration is suspended, the vessels are in almost constant, complex motion as the heart beats. Data are acquired during several heartbeats, necessitating the use of cardiac gating, which extends the scan time over several breaths. The small size of the coronary arteries and their tortuous courses can cause difficulty in distinguishing between stenosis, occlusion, and irregularity of the vessel wall, especially when there is collateral flow. At present, only the proximal few centimeters of the coronary arteries can be delineated with reliable frequency with only medium-grade resolution. Although this situation will improve with use of the newer contrast agents, coronary MRA must be considered a work-in-progress at this time and not ready for clinical use. MRI can also be used to tag the myocardium so that the mechanics of its contractility can be recorded. Excitation pulses are applied to the heart before the imaging pulses to destroy the signals at specific locations, such as a series of crossing lines to form a grid. These portions of the myocardium do not return a signal during the data acquisition phase and so are effectively tagged. The preliminary pulses are applied during end-diastole, and the grid becomes deformed as the myocardium contracts. Myocardial strain and fiber lengthening and shortening can then be calculated for different areas and at different depths of the ventricular wall.

MRI is a tomographic technique, the sections usually being 10 mm or less in thickness. Only those structures within the imaging plane are clearly visualized on a section. Although this increases the visibility of imaged structures by eliminating the shadows of overlying shapes, it also creates problems with structures that extend over more than one section. This is especially true with tubular elements such as blood vessels and bronchi, whose appearances vary greatly depending on the angle at which they are cut. Even with multiple, contiguous sections, it is often difficult to follow such a structure with certainty from one slice to the next. The thin sections pose a further problem for interpretation because the anatomic landmarks used to identify chambers and vessels are not seen on many of the slices. This is different from an angiocardiogram, in which the heart is projected in full thickness on each frame. In order to interpret MRI examinations of the heart, it is best to learn cardiac anatomy on a slice-by-slice basis in addition to its standard three-dimensional appearance. Most MRI examinations are performed with the patient lying supine within the magnet. Images commonly are obtained in one or more of the orthogonal body planes. The coronal (Fig. 35-48) and sagittal ( Fig. 35-49) planes are comparable to the frontal and lateral views of an angiocardiogram, whereas the transverse images approximate the cross-sectional planes of the heart. This is not ideal for cardiac imaging, because the heart is tilted in regard to all of these body planes and therefore appears foreshortened in all of them.

FIG. 35-48. Normal heart, spin-echo images. A: At the level of the aortic valve, the aortic valve is seen as a thin line of soft-tissue density between the left ventricle (LV) and the ascending aorta (Ao). The main pulmonary artery (PA) is sectioned obliquely as it courses upward and posteriorly. RA, right atrium; S, superior vena cava; l, left innominate vein. B: Several centimeters posteriorly, the section cuts through the body of the left atrium (LA) and its appendage ( arrow), immediately posterior to the division of the main pulmonary artery and just in front of the tracheal bifurcation. The right pulmonary artery (R) courses to the right and slightly posteriorly, while the left pulmonary artery (L) heads straight backward. The distal portion of the aortic arch (Ao) is seen in cross-section just before it turns down to become the descending aorta. This is the part of the arch that forms the aortic knob on plain films. T, trachea.

FIG. 35-49. Normal heart, spin-echo image, sagittal plane. ( A) In midline section, the ascending aorta (Ao) is tilted slightly to the right as it courses upward, so that it lies in the same sagittal plane as the inflow portion of the right ventricle (RV). The anterior extent of the right atrial appendage ( arrow) is seen above the ventricle. The right pulmonary artery (RPA) is cut in cross-section as it courses horizontally through the mediastinum to the right lung. LA, left atrium; T, trachea; E, esophagus. B:

Several centimeters to the left of A, the section passes through the midportion of the outflow tract of the right ventricle (R) and the root of the pulmonary artery (PA). The muscular portion of the interventricular septum is seen on end between the right ventricle and the left ventricle (LV). L, left pulmonary artery; v, left inferior pulmonary vein.

When the heart must be visualized with a minimum of distortion, a second set of orthogonal projections is used, oriented to the long axis of the heart rather than that of the thorax. This is done electronically, with the patient remaining in the supine position. Each of the cardiac views represents a compound oblique projection. The four-chamber view is close to a standard transverse section but with its anterior margin and left margin tipped downward. On a level through the center of the heart, all four chambers are seen without any overlap; the mitral and tricuspid valves are optimally visualized, as are the interatrial, interventricular, and atrioventricular septa (Fig. 35-50A). A section 1 to 2 cm farther toward the head demonstrates the outflow tract of the left ventricle leading to the aortic valve ( Fig. 35-50B). Sections in the short-axis view (Fig. 35-51) are oriented perpendicular to the long axis of the left ventricle. The left ventricle is cut in true cross-section with a minimum of distortion. The muscular interventricular septum is visualized on end as a curved sheet, convex toward the more anterior right ventricle. Left ventricular volumes can be measured directly from the short-axis images without the need for compensatory mathematical formulas. Contiguous slices through the entire ventricle are acquired in both systole and diastole. The endocardial surface is outlined on each slice, and the cavity area is determined by computer. Multiplication of the area by the slice thickness gives the volume of the ventricular cavity on that section. The total of these values gives the true ventricular volume for that phase of the cardiac cycle. The inaccuracies of the method stem from difficulties in identifying the exact level of the mitral valve, which marks the base of the ventricle, and in accurately measuring the chamber cavity on slices near the cardiac apex, because of the sharp slope of the walls of the ventricle.

FIG. 35-50. Lffler's endocarditis, four-chamber view, spin-echo images. A: At the midventricular level, the tricuspid valve (T) lies anterior to the mitral valve (M). The atrioventricular septum ( white arrow) lies between the insertion of the two valves and separates the left ventricle (L) from the right atrium (RA). An endocardial plaque (black arrows), typical of this disease, is seen in the inflow tract of the left ventricle (L) just in front of the mitral valve. R, right ventricle; LA, left atrium; DA, descending aorta. B: At the level of the left atrium, the outflow tact of the left ventricle (L) leads into the aortic valve (A). v, pulmonary vein.

FIG. 35-51. Previous septal infarction, short-axis view, spin-echo images. The left ventricle (L) is seen in cross-section, separated from the right ventricle (R) by the interventricular septum. The septum is abnormally thin during diastole ( A) and shows no evidence of thickening during systole ( B). (Courtesy of Dr. R. I. Pettigrew.)


Ischemic Heart Disease Although MRI has limited potential for evaluating specific coronary lesions, it is the single most encompassing method for detecting the effects of coronary disease 41 and the presence, severity, and results of myocardial ischemia. 54 An acute myocardial infarct usually appears as an area of increased signal intensity on spin-echo images because of the increased water content of the edematous, ischemic tissue. These changes can be detected in the experimental animal within 3 to 4 hours after coronary occlusion, and they persist for about 3 weeks. However, the findings are not specific for infarction, because similar areas of increased signal intensity can occur in the normal heart, and because such areas are not seen with all infarcts. Normally the thickness of the left ventricular wall is about the same throughout the ventricle. Localized thinning almost always indicates previous myocardial infarction (Fig. 35-52). This thinning may not be present in the acute phase. A more sensitive sign at this early stage is abnormal contractility of a segment of the ventricular wall. Normally, as the ventricular myocardium contracts, it thickens evenly. A localized decrease in this thickening between diastole and systole is a common indicator of ischemic myocardial damage. The culprit vessel can be identified from the location of the hypocontractile segment.

FIG. 35-52. Left ventricular aneurysm after myocardial infarction, spin-echo images, transverse plane. A: At the level of the midleft ventricle, the apical portion of the interventricular septum and the anterior free wall of the left ventricle are thinned. The myocardium in this region has been replaced by fibrous scar tissue and bulges outward to form an aneurysm (white arrows). The dark curvilinear shadow anterior to the right ventricle ( black arrows) represents the pericardium and pericardial space. R, right ventricle; RA, right atrium; LA, left atrium; DA, descending aorta. B: Section at the level of the midleft atrium. R, right ventricular outflow tract; A, aortic valve; S, junction of superior cava and right atrium; v, pulmonary veins; LA, left atrium; DA, descending aorta. C: Section at the level of the pulmonary artery bifurcation. Signal within the superior cava ( arrows) is caused by blood that flows too slowly and not clot. AA, ascending aorta; PA, main pulmonary artery; R, right

pulmonary artery; L, left pulmonary artery; DA, descending aorta.

Two complications of myocardial infarction that produce confusing clinical signs are mitral insufficiency caused by rupture of an infarcted papillary muscle and a ventricular septal defect that occurs after infarction and necrosis of the septum. These are easily identified by the intracardiac flow patterns seen on gradient-echo movies. Both the regurgitant stream in mitral insufficiency and the interventricular shunt through a ventricular septal defect appear as signal voids primarily during systole, but they can be clearly differentiated by their locations. Older infarcted areas usually appear thinner than the normal myocardium during diastole and show little or no thickening during systole (see Fig. 35-51). A localized outward bulging of the wall indicates a ventricular aneurysm (see Fig. 35-52A). The MRI evaluation of a decrease in myocardial perfusion secondary to narrowing of a coronary vessel can be enhanced by intravenous injection of a paramagnetic contrast material such as gadolinium-diethylenetriamine-penta-acetic acid (Gd-DTPA). 61 This substance lengthens the relaxation times of tissues so that their signal increases in intensity. When the Gd-DTPA is combined with a large molecule such as albumin, its distribution is limited to the intravascular space, enabling its use as an indicator of myocardial perfusion. Muscle with a normal blood supply, which is well perfused by the gadolinium-laden blood, appears brighter on the MRI scan than does ischemic myocardium. First-pass images utilizing intravenous contrast agents and fast MRI sequences can also be used to demonstrate regional myocardial perfusion. Lesser degrees of coronary stenosis may show no deficit on these scans but become apparent when the study is repeated after administration of a vasodilator such as dipyridamole. A common problem after acute infarction is the differentiation of dead muscle from stunned myocardium. 57 The distinction is important, because stunned muscle can recover with adequate reperfusion. After intravenous injection of Gd-DTPA, both the stunned and the dead myocardium in the experimental animal emit weak signals shortly after the acute vascular insult. With reperfusion, signal from the stunned myocardium rapidly increases in intensity to reach equilibrium with signal from the normal myocardium. An irreversibly infarcted segment shows an even greater increase in signal after restoration of blood flow, its signal intensity exceeding that of normal myocardium, presumably because of loss of vascular integrity in the infarcted region and leakage of the contrast material into the extravascular space. 62 Valvular Disease A transient signal void on gradient-echo movies, extending retrograde from the tricuspid or mitral valve during ventricular systole or from the aortic or pulmonic valve during diastole, indicates incompetence of that valve ( Fig. 35-53). Because the regurgitation does not continue through an entire cardiac cycle, the signal void spreads out and becomes progressively more diffuse until it disappears, only to recur with the next cycle. A similar signal void can be caused by a tumor such as a myxoma prolapsing through the atrioventricular valve, but it persists throughout systole and usually flips back into the ventricle during diastole.

FIG. 35-53. Tricuspid insufficiency. Selected frames from gradient-echo movie, transverse plane, represent start of systole ( 1) through end-systole (4). As the right ventricle (R) contracts, the insufficient stream causes signal void ( arrow) in the right atrium. This become more diffuse with time, as the regurgitant jet ceases and normal flow is restored. l, left ventricle; d, descending aorta.

The severity of the valvular insufficiency can be estimated by comparing the size of the signal void with that of the recipient chamber. Another method for quantifying the regurgitation is to compare the stroke volumes of the two ventricles. Normally, these are almost equal. When a valve is insufficient, the backward flow of blood results in an increase in stroke volume of the involved ventricle, the increment representing the regurgitant volume. Because of the force with which blood is ejected from the ventricles, a broad area of signal loss is normally seen in the pulmonary artery and aorta during systole. When either semilunar valve is stenotic, the lucent jet spurting through it becomes narrowed, indicating the diameter of the valve orifice in that plane. It is also possible to accurately calculate the area of opening in the valve with phase-contrast techniques. If the imaging plane is positioned so that it coincides with that of the valve, the valve is viewed en face. The dark area in the center during systole represents the ejected blood and indicates the size and shape of the valve orifice. Cardiomyopathy In dilated cardiomyopathy, the left ventricle or both ventricles are enlarged and their walls are thinned. There is decreased contractility and thickening of the walls during systole. However, regional wall abnormalities also may occur, and often it is not possible to differentiate a dilated cardiomyopathy from a left ventricle that is dilated because of diffuse ischemic disease solely on the basis of the MRI. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy may be global, with equal hypertrophy demonstrated in all parts of the ventricular wall, or it may be asymmetrical and localized to one part of the chamber, frequently the interventricular septum. 41 The MRI criteria for asymmetrical hypertrophy (idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis) are a septal thickness greater than 15 mm with the septum being at least 1.5 times as thick as the posterior wall of the left ventricle; this is best evaluated in the short-axis view. Images in the transverse or four-chamber view show the abnormal dynamics of ventricular contraction and, often, the characteristic systolic anterior motion of the anterior mitral leaflet. In the presence of restrictive cardiomyopathy, systolic expansion of the ventricles is limited. The MRI appearance is essentially the same as with constrictive pericarditis, except that there is no evidence of thickening of the pericardium. Dilatation of the cavae and hepatic veins is common in either condition. MRI is the diagnostic study of choice for arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia culprit vessel. 47 The pathognomonic MRI study shows an irregularly thinned right ventricular wall with partial fatty replacement of the myocardium. This is best visualized on spin-echo images. Pericardial Disease4 The pericardium appears on spin-echo images as a dark (low-signal-intensity), curvilinear stripe, representing the combined images of the pericardium, the epicardium, and the contained pericardial fluid. It is best seen over the anterolateral margins of the heart, where it is set off between the brighter signals from the extrapericardial and subepicardial fat ( Fig. 35-52A and Fig. 35-54A). As the amount of fluid between the two layers increases, the pericardial stripe widens. A thickness of more than 4 mm is abnormal.

FIG. 35-54. Pericardial effusion. A: Free effusion. Because the motion of the fluid causes rapid dephasing of the nuclear spins, the large effusion (X) appears as a signal void. B: Loculated effusion. The loculated fluid (X) has a signal density similar to that of myocardium.

Regardless of whether the pericardial fluid is a transudate or an exudate, it will have a low signal intensity because the irregular motion of the fluid caused by the beating heart results in a rapid dephasing of its nuclear spins. When a pericardial effusion is loculated, the fluid is trapped and does not move freely. Its signal is similar in intensity to that of myocardium ( Fig. 35-54B). Involvement of the pericardium is not uncommon in patients with metastatic malignancy. The most common finding is a pericardial effusion, often with a thickened rind of infiltrated pericardium enclosing the fluid. In more advanced cases, the pericardial space may be completely obliterated by the infiltrating tumor. Cardiac Tumors 4 About 75% of cardiac tumors are benign, and most of these are atrial myxomas. Myxomas can be recognized equally well by echocardiography and MRI. Most arise from the interatrial septum near the atrioventricular valve, more commonly in the left atrium. Often they are pedunculated and prolapse into the ventricle during diastole. If the tumor is more sessile, it will not move. MRI cannot distinguish between benign and malignant lesions from the intrinsic characteristics of the masses themselves, nor can it accurately determine the extent of a lesion.


A detailed mapping of the cardiac anatomy is usually essential for the evaluation of congenital heart disease. The presence, size, and positions of the cardiac chambers and great vessels, their relationships to each other, the integrity of the cardiac septa, and the status of the cardiac valves must all be determined. Most of these data can be obtained from MRI studies, and in some cases (e.g., coarctation of the aorta), an MRI scan is all that is needed in addition to the clinical findings before surgery. Identification of Cardiac Structures In patients with acquired cardiac disease, the heart is assumed to be normally formed and the chambers and great vessels are identified from their relative positions and connections to each other. In many instances of congenital heart disease, these relationships are grossly abnormal and chamber identification must depend on intrinsic anatomic characteristics. The most constant radiologically detectable anatomic feature that differentiates the two atria is the configuration of their appendages. The right atrial appendage is trapezoidal in shape and communicates with the atrium through a broad opening; the left atrial appendage is more finger-like and has a narrow communication with its atrium. However, the appendages lie on an oblique plane and often are not well seen on MRI scans, so these criteria have little practical value. The atria can be identified because their side-to-side relationship is almost always coherent with the thoracic situs. In situs solitus, the right atrium lies to the right of the left atrium. The thoracic situs can be identified from a coronal section through the tracheal bifurcation. Normally, the right lung has an eparterial bronchus that courses over the right pulmonary artery, whereas the left lung shows a hyperarterial bronchial pattern with both the upper and lower lobar bronchi coursing under the pulmonary artery. The termination of the inferior vena cava is the most reliable indicator of the right atrium, because it almost always empties into that chamber. Except in rare instances, the right ventricle has a muscular outflow tract, the infundibulum, that separates its inflow and outflow valves. In the left ventricle, the inflow and outflow valves insert on the same fibrous tendon of the heart and are in contact with each other. The infundibulum is best visualized in the coronal or sagittal view (see Fig. 35-49B). The greater thickness of the right ventricular wall and its accentuated trabeculation ( Fig. 35-55A) are helpful but less reliable signs. The right ventricle can also be identified if the moderator band is seen. This is a prominent muscular trabecula that arises from the lateral wall of the ventricle and courses anteriorly, toward the septum. It often is seen on transverse sections, crossing the right ventricular cavity near its apex.

FIG. 35-55. Transposition of the great arteries. A: Coronal section through the right ventricle (RV). The aorta (Ao) arises from the infundibulum ( arrows). In this case, the ventricular wall is characteristically thick and heavily trabeculated. B: Coronal section through the left ventricle (LV), which gives rise to a markedly dilated pulmonary artery (PA). The cause for the dilatation is not apparent. RA, right atrium. C: Section corresponding to a left anterior oblique view. The aorta (Ao) arises anteriorly to the pulmonary artery (PA). The interventricular septum (S) is incomplete; the pulmonary artery arises across the septal defect ( arrow) and receives blood from both ventricles.

The great vessels are identified by their branches and the organs they supply. Rotational Anomalies These tend to be complex abnormalities. Although MRI usually is adequate for defining the underlying anomaly and some of the associated lesions (see Fig. 35-55), it cannot at present replace cardiac catheterization and angiocardiography. Conversely, MRI is valuable because the orientation of the chambers and vessels may be so abnormal that the limited choice of views with other diagnostic techniques may not be adequate to demonstrate the cardiac anatomy. Septal Defects The atrial septum is best examined in the four-chamber view. A discontinuity in the septum usually represents an atrial septal defect, but this is not a specific sign

because in some cases this simply represents an artifact caused by signal dropout. Because of its size and curved shape, the ventricular septum is projected on end in several views. Although it is clearly seen in the transverse, four-chamber, and sagittal views, it is perhaps best studied in the left anterior oblique projection, as in angiocardiography. In this view, the muscular septum is seen as a soft-tissue wall separating the bodies of the right and left ventricles. Because of the thickness of the septum, signal dropout does not occur, and visualization of a gap in the septum is a reliable sign of a septal defect (see Fig. 35-55C). Although the resolution of the technique is inadequate to demonstrate small septal defects, the turbulence caused by blood spurting through such defects usually is obvious on gradient-echo movies. The same is true with a patent ductus arteriosus. Abnormalities of the Valves The MRI appearances of congenital valvular stenosis and insufficiency are essentially the same as in the acquired forms of the disease. Valvular atresia is considerably more serious and usually affects the development of one or more of the cardiac chambers. When the tricuspid valve is atretic, there is no direct communication between the right atrium and the right ventricle, and the inflow portion of the right ventricle is underdeveloped. The two chambers are separated by a fibrofatty septum extending inward from the atrioventricular sulcus, best visualized in transverse or four-chamber sections through the right atrium and ventricle. A similar diminutive right ventricular chamber is also associated with isolated pulmonary valve atresia. The tricuspid valve in this condition is usually small but patent. Atresia of the mitral or aortic valve, or both, results in hypoplasia of the left side of the heart and the aorta. An endocardial cushion defect is recognized most effectively on the four-chamber view. The atrioventricular septum is absent, so the mitral and tricuspid valves insert at the same anteroposterior level on the crest of the muscular ventricular septum. A single atrioventricular valve spanning both orifices is indicative of a complete atrioventricular canal ( Fig. 35-56). Anterior displacement of the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle is characteristic of Ebstein's anomaly.

FIG. 35-56. Two-chambered heart. Note the single ventricle (V) and the common atrium (A). The linear soft-tissue density between the two is the common atrioventricular valve.

Ventricular Abnormalities In tetralogy of Fallot, a tilted coronal view usually is best for evaluating the degree of infundibular stenosis of the right ventricle. The angle of the imaging plane is determined from the sagittal section and is set to the angle of the long axis of the infundibulum. The ventricular septal defect in tetralogy is usually large and involves the subaortic portion of the interventricular septum. It can be seen well in oblique sagittal or transverse views. Differentiation of a double-outlet right ventricle from a tetralogy requires demonstration of a separation of the aortic and mitral valves by a ridge of myocardium in a heart in which the aorta arises from the right ventricle. The left ventricle communicates with the aorta through a defect at the base of the ventricular septum. In a persistent truncus arteriosus, the pulmonary arteries arise directly from the aorta and there always is a ventricular septal defect immediately beneath the truncus valve. Both lesions can be demonstrated in the coronal view.


With the more complex lesions, especially in the infant, cardiac catheterization is difficult because little can be predicted about the position of the chambers within the heart. Often, one or two angiocardiographic runs are needed simply for orientation. Because only a limited amount of contrast material can be injected safely at one examination, a second catheterization is often needed to complete the study. Time can be saved by performing the scout work with MRI and then planning the catheterization. Postoperatively, patients frequently require repeated follow-up studies to monitor the results of surgery, to evaluate the patency of created shunts, and to asses postsurgical areas of stenosis. Usually the entire examination can be performed by MRI, saving the patient significant radiation exposure as well as the considerable cost of multiple catheterizations. The value of an MRI examination of the heart depends largely on the design of the study. Maximum value will not be realized if standard recipes, that prescribe a set of views in advance, are employed. As with angiocardiography, cardiac MRI is a physician-intense, interactive procedure in which each scan should be interpreted online to determine the optimal choice of subsequent sectional planes. In most instances, the informational content of an MRI study is greater than that of two-dimensional or Doppler echocardiography. However, because the use of MRI is limited by problems of logistics and availability, it remains an adjunct to echocardiography for the study of the cardiac patient. CHAPTER REFERENCES
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Chapter 36 The Paranasal Sinuses Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 36 The Paranasal Sinuses

Lindell R. Gentry

L.R. Gentry: Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252.

Conventional Radiography Computed Tomography Embryology and Anatomy Inflammatory Disease Complications of Inflammatory Disease Polypoid Rhinosinusitis Granulomatous Disease Benign Tumors Malignant Tumors Metastatic and Invasive Tumors Non-Neoplastic Lesions The Postoperative Sinus Radiation Chapter References

Considerable progress in paranasal sinus imaging has occurred during the past decade as a result of refinements in computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). CT scanning has the ability to obtain thin-slice, high-resolution sectional images. CT has a higher intrinsic image contrast, whereas conventional radiography has very limited image contrast. CT scanning provides three-dimensional information, whereas conventional radiography produces two-dimensional images. For these reasons, CT scanning has largely supplanted conventional radiography for evaluation of the paranasal sinuses. This chapter attempts to incorporate all appropriate current imaging methods, emphasizing those that provide optimal information regarding a particular diagnostic problem.

Conventional (plain-film) radiography is no longer viewed as the primary diagnostic test for imaging of the paranasal sinuses. It can be helpful, however, in situations where CT scanning is not available. Conventional radiographs should be obtained with the use of close x-ray beam collimation, a suitable grid to eliminate scatter, and an appropriate film-screen combination. Ideally, the area of interest should be closest to the film to reduce unsharpness caused by magnification, and all views should be taken with the patient erect to demonstrate fluid levels. In the critically ill patient some compromises in positioning may be necessary, including the use of the supine cross-table lateral view for detection of fluid levels. 1 The conventional paranasal sinus examination should consist of a minimum of three views: the Caldwell (posteroanterior), Waters (occipitomental), and lateral views (Fig. 36-1, Fig. 36-2 and Fig. 36-3). The primary purpose of the Caldwell view is to visualize the frontal and ethmoid sinuses, whereas the maxillary sinuses are best demonstrated with the Waters view. In the lateral view the anterior and posterior walls of the frontal and maxillary sinuses are demonstrated, and there is a moderately unobstructed view of the sphenoid sinus.

FIG. 36-1. Caldwell (posteroanterior) view. F, frontal sinuses; E, ethmoid sinuses; ol, oblique line of orbit; sof, superior orbital fissure; or, orbital rim; hp, hard palate; lsw, lesser sphenoidal wing; gsw, greater sphenoidal wing.

FIG. 36-2. Waters view. M, maxillary sinus; lwm, lateral wall of maxillary sinus; ior, inferior orbital rim; of, orbital floor; z, zygoma; za, zygomatic arch; f, frontal sinus; n, nasal bones.

FIG. 36-3. Lateral view. AWF, anterior wall of frontal sinus; PWF, posterior wall of frontal sinus; S, sphenoid sinus; fms, floor of maxillary sinus; or, roof of orbit; st, sella turcica; pf, pterygomaxillary fossa; hp, hard palate; mr, mandibular ramus.

If CT is not available, additional information may be gained in problem cases with additional views, such as the submentovertical (base) view ( Fig. 36-4) and the Rheese (optic foramen) views. The submentovertical view visualizes the bones of the skull base and portions of the ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses and provides an axial view of the maxillary sinuses. The Rheese view is the only conventional projection in which the posterior ethmoid cells may be seen without the superimposition of extraneous osseous structures. 1

FIG. 36-4. Submentovertical (base) view. The maxillary sinuses (M), lateral walls of maxillary sinuses (LWM), sphenoid sinus (S), and ethmoid sinuses (E) are superimposed on nasal turbinates. lwo, lateral wall of orbit; gsw, greater wing of sphenoid; p, medial and lateral wings of pterygoid processes; tb, temporal bone.

The usual parameters for CT examination of the paranasal sinuses include a slice thickness of 3 mm, a 12- to 15-cm display field of view, 250 mA, a 1-second slice acquisition time, 120 kVp, bone and soft-tissue algorithms, and both axial and coronal sections through the entire sinuses. In some cases where the likelihood of pathology is low, only coronal scans are obtained. 1


The paranasal sinuses are derived from ectoderm and originate as outpouchings from the nasal cavity. All are normally paired, except for the ethmoid air cells, which are multiple. The maxillary sinuses are the first to appear embryologically, with recognizable development evident during the fourth month of gestation. They are located inframedially with respect to the orbits in the newborn, but extend laterally and inferiorly as they pneumatize the maxillary and zygomatic bones. Maximum pneumatization is not reached until the adult configuration is achieved, at approximately 12 years of age. They reach their adult size when the last of the molar teeth erupts. The mature maxillary sinus consists of a roof, floor, and three walls: the medial, anterior, and posterolateral. The roof and medial walls are shared with the orbit and nasal cavity, respectively, forming the orbital floor and lateral wall of the nose. Occasionally the normal maxillary sinus is compartmentalized by membranous or bony septations. The ethmoid sinuses do not begin to form until the fifth month of gestation, are extremely small at birth, and do not approach adult size until puberty. Bilateral, paired ethmoid cells may range from a few to 18 or more. Ethmoid cells are anatomically divided into anterior, middle, and posterior groups according to the location of the draining ostia. Two types of ethmoid air cells may be present. The intramural types are those that remain confined to the ethmoid bone; those that invade the adjacent bones of the cranial vault or face are called the extramural type. The frontal sinuses originate as extensions of the anterior ethmoid cells and usually are not recognizable at birth. Development accelerates after infancy but may not be complete until adulthood. Septation, hypoplasia, and aplasia are common. The sphenoid sinuses begin to develop during the fourth intrauterine month but usually do not exceed 2 mm in diameter at birth. Pneumatization is slow until puberty but usually is completed in the young adult. Pneumatization of other portions of the sphenoid bone, especially the pterygoid processes, is common. Failure of pneumatization, resulting in a permanent infantile appearance, occurs occasionally. All of the paranasal sinuses drain into the superior or lateral aspect of the nose. The ostia of the frontal sinuses, the maxillary sinuses, and the anterior and middle ethmoid cells drain into a depression called the hiatus semilunaris. It is located between the tip of the uncinate process and the ethmoid bulla cell in the anterior aspect of the middle meatus. The sphenoid sinuses drain into the sphenoethmoidal recess, which lies above the superior nasal concha, and the posterior ethmoid cells drain into the superior meatus. Some anatomic variability does exist. Occasionally, for example, the frontal sinuses may drain into the anterior ethmoid air cells. Certain ostia, notably the maxillary and sphenoid, appear to be poorly located physiologically. In the absence of normal mucociliary clearance, drainage of these sinuses may be incomplete, leading to accumulation of secretions and bacteria, particularly with the head in the erect or supine position. Recently, there has been a change in the concepts regarding the treatment of sinus inflammatory disease. This has resulted in a change in methods of surgery, from an open external approach to functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS). This approach attempts to retain the normal patterns of mucociliary clearance. FESS has led to a new anatomic concept regarding the anatomy of the frontal, maxillary, and anterior ethmoid sinus drainage. This concept is that of the osteomeatal unit (OMU). The OMU consists of the ostia of the maxillary sinus, ethmoid infundibulum, frontal recess, uncinate process, middle turbinate, and middle meatus ( Fig. 36-5 and Fig. 36-6). Obstruction of the maxillary, frontal, and anterior ethmoid sinuses is usually caused by abnormalities around the OMU. These include inflammatory mucosal disease in the OMU or obstruction of the OMU by common anatomic variants such as concha bullosa, deviated nasal septum, paradoxically curved middle turbinates, and enlarged agger nasi cells. 1,4

FIG. 36-5. Coronal computed tomographic scans taken at the level of the osteomeatal unit (OMU) ( A) and slightly posterior to the OMU ( B). The ostia (open arrow) of the maxillary sinus (M) opens into the narrow ethmoid infundibulum ( white arrow), which lies lateral to the uncinate process ( curved arrows). The ethmoid infundibulum drains through a C-shaped groove called the hiatus semilunaris ( white arrowhead]) which lies between the ethmoid bulla (B) and the uncinate tip. Secretions then drain into the middle meatus (m) which lies beneath the middle turbinate (T). Note the cribriform plate ( black arrowhead), ethmoid sinus (e), and an extramural supraorbital ethmoid air cell (s).

FIG. 36-6. Axial computed tomographic scan through the sphenoid (S) and ethmoid (e) sinuses. The sphenoid sinus drains through its ostium ( arrowhead) into the sphenoethmoid groove (arrow), which lies above the superior turbinate. Note the asymmetry of the sphenoid sinuses and the paper-thin lateral ethmoid wall, termed the lamina papyracea (open arrow).

Acute inflammation of the paranasal sinuses usually is caused by a rhinovirus and commonly occurs as an accompaniment of upper respiratory tract infection. Bacterial superinfection is most often caused by Hemophilus or Streptococcus. Chronic sinusitis often develops as an aftermath of acute or recurrent sinusitis that has proved refractory to treatment; cultures most frequently yield anaerobic organisms. Axial and coronal CT scans usually confirm the diagnosis of sinusitis. Fluid levels, mucosal thickening, and opacification of the normally aerated sinus lumen establish the diagnosis (Fig. 36-7). Air-fluid levels with intermixed air bubbles are most often the result of accumulated secretions in patients with acute sinusitis ( Fig. 36-7). Fluid levels may also occur as a result of antral lavage or bleeding after acute trauma. Prone coronal CT scans or supine axial CT scans are required for detection of air-fluid levels. Acute sinusitis may result from obstruction of the OMU by mucosal thickening ( Fig. 36-8) or from anatomic obstruction by Haller cells, paradoxically curved middle turbinates, or large pneumatized middle turbinate air cells (concha bullosa) ( Fig. 36-9).2,3,5,6

FIG. 36-7. Prone coronal sinus computed tomographic scan. Note the air-fluid level with bubbles in the right maxillary sinus ( open arrow), consistent with acute sinusitis. Note the moderate inflammatory mucosal thickening in the left maxillary sinus ( white arrowhead), which may be a result of chronic sinusitis, and the opacified ethmoid air cells (black arrowhead).

FIG. 36-8. Coronal sinus computed tomographic scan. There is a large area of mucosal thickening ( arrow) in the left maxillary sinus ostia and ethmoid infundibulum. There is slight deviation of the nasal septum (s), a small concha bullosa ( arrowhead) caused by pneumatization of the middle turbinate. An extramural ethmoid air cell pneumatizes the orbital floor (H), producing a Haller cell. There is inflammatory mucosal thickening (t) in the right maxillary antrum.

FIG. 36-9. Coronal sinus computed tomographic scan. There is narrowing of the maxillary ostium and ethmoid infundibulum ( arrowhead) caused by compression by a very large concha bullosa (C). A small mucous retention cyst or serous cyst is present at the base of the left maxillary antrum ( small arrowhead).

Mucosal thickening produces a soft-tissue opacity of variable width that follows the inner contours of the sinus walls ( Fig. 36-8). An opaque sinus is an airless sinus that is filled with fluid, thickened mucosa, or a combination of both ( Fig. 36-10 and Fig. 36-11).

FIG. 36-10. Caldwell view. The thin, white mucoperiosteal line of the normal right frontal sinus is indicated by the small arrowheads. The left frontal sinus is diseased, and the muco-periosteal line is indistinct ( large arrowhead).

FIG. 36-11. Axial computed tomogram of maxillary sinuses in a patient with chronic sinusitis. There is appreciable thickening of the bone of the posterolateral wall of the left maxillary sinus (black arrowhead). This thickening is the hallmark of chronic sinusitis. Also noted is complete opacification of the maxillary sinus as a result of mucosal thickening and trapped fluid. No expansion of the sinus is present to indicate a mucocele.

A decrease in density of the bony sinus walls may accompany sinusitis. This usually is most apparent in the frontal sinuses when the sharp white boundary of the mucoperiosteal line is diminished (see Fig. 36-10). On plain films the thin, bony walls of the ethmoid air cells are indistinguishable in the presence of ethmoid opacification. The density of the osseous walls of the remaining sinuses may more closely approximate that of the soft-tissue contents when mucosal thickening, fluid, or opacification is present. Although these changes may indicate demineralization, they also may be artifactually produced as a result of the loss of the normal air-bone interface. In the presence of chronic infection, the early osseous changes of demineralization may be followed by sclerosis with an apparent increase in density and an actual increase in thickness of the sinus walls, presumably as a result of stimulation of the periosteum by the irritant effect of the sinus infection. This usually is seen in the maxillary sinuses (Fig. 36-11) but may also be apparent in the other sinuses. It is often impossible to differentiate acute from chronic sinusitis by imaging methods, because mucosal thickening and opacification are common to both. The single distinguishing feature of acute sinusitis is the air-fluid level (see Fig. 36-7); in chronic sinusitis, the only characteristic finding is the sclerotic, thickened bone of the sinus wall (Fig. 36-11).6 The maxillary sinuses are those most commonly involved with both acute and chronic sinusitis, followed by the anterior ethmoid and frontal sinuses. Sphenoid sinusitis is reputed to be least frequent, although it has been greatly under-reported by conventional radiographic studies. The common occurrence of sphenoid sinusitis on CT scans of the head suggests a higher incidence than usually is assumed. Pansinusitis is prevalent in acute upper respiratory viral infections and in allergic states. Isolated sinus involvement is more often a result of acute or chronic bacterial superinfection. Fungal sinusitis can be caused by many different types of fungi. It often results from superinfection of a sinus after long-standing, incompletely treated bacterial sinusitis. The most common types of fungal infections are caused by Aspergillus species, Candida species, mucormycosis, and a large number of lesser known fungi. Aspergillus infection may be merely saprophytic in nature, semi-invasive, or deeply invasive ( Fig. 36-12). Candida infections usually are opportunistic, occurring in patients who are receiving long-term antibiotics or who are chronically ill or debilitated. The most devastating fungus infections, however, are those produced by the Phycomycetes group (Mucor species). Mucormycosis often occurs in an immunocompromised or diabetic host and is very aggressive in nature. These organisms are responsible for the development of rhinocerebral mucormycosis. 6

FIG. 36-12. Axial (A) and coronal (B) computed tomographic scans in a patient with sphenoid sinus aspergillosis. The right sphenoid sinus and right nasal cavity are opacified (arrows), and there is dense sclerosis of the sphenoid sinus walls ( arrowheads).


The complications of sinusitis include mucous retention cysts, serous cysts, mucoceles, osteomyelitis, cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis, and intraorbital and intracranial infections. The mucous retention cyst is a true cyst with an epithelial lining. It is formed by the accumulation of secretions within an occluded mucous gland. The serous cyst is produced by submucosal fluid accumulation, has no epithelial lining, and is therefore not a true cyst. Either type of cyst may appear as a smoothly marginated mass, usually in the inferior portion of a maxillary sinus. They are clinically asymptomatic and radiographically indistinguishable from each other, and they may persist for months. Mucoceles develop secondary to accumulation of secretions as a result of an occluded sinus ostium. Ostial occlusion may occur as a result of mucosal edema or inspissated mucus, often in patients with sinusitis or previous facial trauma. Mucoceles are characterized by total sinus opacification with thinning and expansion of

the sinus walls. Most mucoceles involve the frontal sinuses ( Fig. 36-13), but approximately 25% occur in the ethmoids (Fig. 36-14). Maxillary mucoceles are uncommon, and sphenoid mucoceles are rare. An infected mucocele is called a pyocele. 6

FIG. 36-13. Caldwell view in a patient with bilateral frontal mucoceles. Note the relative radiolucency of the mucoceles ( white arrows) compared with the adjacent mucosal thickening (black medium-sized arrowheads). Expansion and thinning of the mucocele wall are better seen on the right ( small black arrowheads). The expanded left superior orbital rim is no longer identifiable. Wire indicates previous surgery in the area of the frontal recesses.

FIG. 36-14. Coronal computed tomogram. A large mucocele replaces the right ethmoid air cells. The thickened lamina papyracea ( large arrowheads) bulges into the right orbit and displaces the globe laterally. Marked thinning of the medial portion of the orbital rim has occurred ( small arrowheads). (Case courtesy of F. Quiroz, M.D.)

Osteomyelitis usually develops as a complication of frontal sinusitis but occasionally develops from acute ethmoid and maxillary sinusitis. Osteomyelitis also can occur after dental infection, in the maxillary sinuses of children. In the frontal sinuses on plain films, there is loss of the normal mucoperiosteal line, followed by subsequent patchy osseous rarefaction that may progress to irregular areas of bone thickening, sclerosis, and sequestrum formation ( Fig. 36-15). When there is associated anterior pericranial (subperiosteal) abscess, the overlying swelling of the forehead is known as Pott's puffy tumor ( Fig. 36-16).3,6

FIG. 36-15. Caldwell view in a patient with chronic osteomyelitis of the frontal bone. There is dense sclerosis with areas of relative radiolucency that probably represent involucra (arrowheads).

FIG. 36-16. Axial computed tomogram, bone window, in a patient with Pott's puffy tumor. Note soft-tissue swelling over the left frontal area ( white arrow) and changes consistent with osteomyelitis in the walls of the opacified left frontal sinus ( black arrowheads).

Intracranial infection develops from sinusitis by direct spread through bone, along perineural soft tissues, or by a venous route. The frontal sinusitis is the usual source of infection, but it may also originate in the ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses. Intracranial abscess, meningitis, or cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis may result. The formerly high incidence of these life-threatening situations has been reduced to approximately 3% through the use of antibiotics. Infection of the orbits in paranasal sinus disease is most often a result of direct spread from the ethmoids or, rarely, from the sphenoid sinuses, through sinus walls or by venous channels. It is more common in children than adults, possibly reflecting a higher incidence of upper respiratory tract infection. The usual complications include orbital cellulitis, retrobulbar neuritis, subperiosteal orbital abscess ( Fig. 36-17), and optic nerve compression (Fig. 36-18). CT and MRI are the best imaging methods for establishing the diagnosis.

FIG. 36-17. Axial computed tomogram with intravenous contrast enhancement in a 4-year-old child with subperiosteal orbital abscess. The scan demonstrates opacified right ethmoid air cells (s), consistent with ethmoid sinusitis. There is extension of the inflammatory process between the orbital periosteum ( arrowhead) and the lamina papyracea caused by a subperiosteal abscess (a). Note the preseptal cellulitis ( curved arrow).

FIG. 36-18. Axial computed tomogram in a patient with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and invasive aspergillosis of the sphenoid sinus and posterior ethmoid air cell. The inflammatory lesion has destroyed the bone between these sinuses and the orbital apex ( small arrowheads). The inflammatory mass involves the orbital apex (large arrowheads) and the superior orbital fissure ( arrow). The patient presented with progressive visual loss in the left eye.

Polypoid degeneration of the paranasal sinus mucosa has been considered by some to represent a complication of sinusitis, although the precise cause has never been determined. Allergic reactions, tobacco, and certain drugs have all been incriminated. It is principally a disease of adults, occurring in approximately 4% of the population, although it is also common in children who have cystic fibrosis. The mucosal hypertrophy ultimately results in hypervascular polypoid masses ( Fig. 36-19) that contain inflammatory cells and eosinophils. These masses usually are seen in the nasal cavity but typically involve multiple sinuses as well. These patients often have coexistent sinusitis. CT is useful in delineating the polypoid character of the lesion and differentiating it from simple mucosal thickening. Continuous proliferation of the polyps may result in expansile and destructive changes in the sinus walls, mimicking those produced by malignant disease. 6

FIG. 36-19. Axial (A) and coronal (B) computed tomographic scans of the paranasal sinuses in a patient with polypoid rhinosinusitis. Polypoid mucosal hypertrophy involves the walls of both maxillary sinuses ( black arrowheads) and fills the anterior portion of the right nasal cavity ( open arrows), causing deviation of the nasal septum. Note the marked thinning and apparent destructive change in the medial wall of the right maxillary sinuses ( white arrows). A considerable amount of trapped inspissated fluid is present in the maxillary sinuses (f). The ethmoid sinuses are opacified by a combination of polypoid mucosal hypertrophy and retained secretions.

The nose and paranasal sinuses may be affected by a number of granulomatous diseases, including tuberculosis, syphilis, Wegener's granulomatosis, midline granuloma, and sarcoid. All of these originate in the nose and secondarily involve the sinuses, especially the maxillary antra. Initial mucosal thickening indistinguishable from sinusitis may result in varying degrees of destructive change that can involve the nasal septum, palate, and sinus walls, simulating malignancy (Fig. 36-20). Similar degeneration and destruction of the nasal septum can occur in patients who use cocaine ( Fig. 36-21).6

FIG. 36-20. Axial computed tomogram in a patient with Wegener's granulomatosis. The nasal cavity and medial maxillary sinus walls have been destroyed. Strands of abnormal tissue are present (small arrows). There is irregular thickening of the lateral antral walls ( large arrows). (Case courtesy of K. Shaffer, M.D., Milwaukee, WI)

FIG. 36-21. Axial computed tomogram in a patient with cocaine nose. Scan through the maxillary sinuses demonstrates a defect ( arrowhead) of the cartilaginous portion of the nasal septum caused by prolonged cocaine abuse.

Only about one third of the neoplasms that occur in the paranasal sinuses are benign. Except for osteomas, these tumors usually arise in the maxillary sinuses. They are similar in appearance, appearing as well-circumscribed soft-tissue masses that may expand or thin the sinus walls but are not characteristically destructive. Osteomas, epithelial papillomas, antrochoanal polyps, and plasmacytomas are among the more typical lesions. A variety of relatively rare benign tumors may originate from any of the neurogenic, vascular, or osseous cellular elements. The sinuses may be secondarily involved by extension of benign tumors from the pituitary gland, nasopharynx, orbit, or maxillary dental area. 2,5 The most common benign paranasal sinus tumor is the osteoma, which usually originates in the frontal sinuses near the frontoethmoid suture. Osteomas also are found in the ethmoids but are less common in the maxillary and sphenoid sinuses. Most osteomas are of the hard or ivory type and consist of compact bone. They appear radiographically as dense, well-marginated intrasinus lesions ( Fig. 36-22). A variant, the soft or cancellous osteoma, may be sufficiently lacking in density to be confused with a soft-tissue mass. Most osteomas show characteristic radiographic findings and are normally slow growing. These lesions usually are not removed unless there is obstruction of a sinus ostium or significant cosmetic deformity.

FIG. 36-22. Caldwell view in a patient with ivory osteoma. The large bony mass fills most of the right frontal sinus and extends into the left ( arrows).

The epithelial papilloma is a true polyp, as opposed to the pseudopolyps found in polypoid rhinosinusitis. Two types are identified, squamous and inverting, depending on the histologic disposition of the surface epithelium. The squamous papilloma is a simple polypoid growth. The inverting papilloma, however, tends to exhibit certain aggressive growth characteristics, which include bone involvement. It may be difficult to radiologically differentiate an inverting papilloma from a malignant lesion (Fig. 36-23). Moreover, although malignant transformation is virtually unknown in the squamous papilloma, it has been reported in as many as 10% of inverting papillomas.

FIG. 36-23. Coronal computed tomographic scan of the paranasal sinuses in a patient with inverting papilloma. A huge soft-tissue mass fills the entire left nasal cavity and maxillary sinus. The lesion has destroyed the entire lateral wall of the left nasal cavity ( open arrows). There is extension of the mass into the oral cavity along the hard palate (small arrow). Note the bony hypertrophy along the superior aspect of the posterolateral antral wall ( large arrow).

The antrochoanal polyp is an adenomatous polyp that, although similar histologically to the pseudopolyps found in polypoid rhinosinusitis, differs in behavior. It originates in a maxillary sinus and is extruded through the sinus ostium into the nasal cavity. It subsequently appears as a smooth, rounded mass in the nasopharynx (Fig. 36-24). Ipsilateral nasal and maxillary sinus opacification usually are present. 2

FIG. 36-24. Axial computed tomogram in a patient with antrochoanal polyp. A large soft-tissue mass fills the posterior aspect of the right nasal cavity and extends into

the nasopharynx (large arrowheads). Minimal mucosal thickening is present in the right maxillary sinus ( small arrowheads). This is exceptional; ipsilateral sinus opacification usually is present.

Extramedullary plasmacytomas are uncommon. Eighty percent occur in the head and neck, principally in the nose and paranasal sinuses, and most often in middle-aged men. They usually appear as solitary soft-tissue masses and may be polypoid or invasive; the prognosis is better with the polypoid type. Although these lesions are radiosensitive, the primary treatment consists of surgical removal. Radiotherapy is reserved for recurrence, which is common.

Malignant neoplasms of the nose and paranasal sinuses constitute approximately 3% of cancers of the upper aerodigestive tract. 1 Most are squamous-cell carcinomas; the remainder are mainly adenocarcinomas, adenoid cystic carcinomas, melanomas, and lymphomas. All other primary malignant sinus tumors are extremely rare; they consist essentially of different types of sarcomas. The majority of these tumors arise in the maxillary sinuses, except for melanomas, which more commonly originate in the nasal cavity. Because most of these neoplasms are advanced at the time of diagnosis, local invasion is prevalent. Five-year survival rates generally are poor, ranging from 10% to 25%, depending on cell type. In general, the best prognosis is found with squamous-cell carcinomas and lymphomas. 2,5 Malignant tumors characteristically appear as aggressive soft-tissue masses that occlude sinus ostia, exhibit local soft-tissue invasion, and cause bone destruction (Fig. 36-25).3 In advanced tumors the sinus of origin may be impossible to determine, but statistically the epicenter usually is in the maxillary sinus. Any or all of the osseous sinus walls may be destroyed, as well as adjacent bone of the face and skull. Involvement of the pterygomaxillary and infratemporal fossae makes surgery very difficult and reduces the rate of survival ( Fig. 36-25). CT is the best imaging method for evaluating bone destruction; MRI is the method of choice for visualizing the soft tissues for extent of tumor and separating tumor from retained secretions ( Fig. 36-26).

FIG. 36-25. Axial computed tomogram of the maxillary sinuses, bone window, in a patient with squamous-cell carcinoma. The right maxillary sinus and nasal cavity are opacified and there is destruction of both the medial and posterolateral sinus walls ( arrows).

FIG. 36-26. A: Coronal MRI, T1-weighted. Squamous-cell carcinoma originating in the ethmoid sinus. A mass of intermediate intensity is seen filling the right nasal cavity and ethmoidomaxillary sinus complex (arrowhead). B: The corresponding T2-weighted image clearly shows the demarcation between the intermediate signal of the tumor (small arrowheads), and the high signal of the retained secretions ( large arrowheads).

Approximately one third of patients eventually develop metastasis to the cervical lymph nodes. Distant metastases to lung and bone are more frequently caused by adenoid cystic carcinomas than by the other cell types. Adenoid cystic carcinoma is highly prone to spread in a perineural fashion. 2,5


The paranasal sinuses may be invaded directly by malignant intracranial neoplasms and tumors of the orbit, nasopharynx, oral cavity, and facial skin ( Fig. 36-27 and Fig. 36-28). Metastasis to the paranasal sinuses from distant sites is uncommon and usually occurs through hematogenous spread. The prostate, kidney, lung, and breast are the most common sources.2,5

FIG. 36-27. Axial computed tomogram in a patient with carcinoma of the left alveolar ridge. Necrotizing tumor has invaded the left maxillary sinus, pterygomaxillary fossa, and parapharyngeal space ( arrowheads). There is destruction of the hard palate, ipsilateral maxillary sinus walls, and pterygoid plates.

FIG. 36-28. Axial computed tomogram in a patient with basal-cell carcinoma of the face invading the left maxillary sinus. Bone destruction is present anteriorly ( large arrow). There is focal thickening of the antral mucosa ( small arrow).

Fibrous dysplasia, a bone disorder of unknown cause, is characterized by fibro-osseous proliferation with replacement of medullary cavities. Although it may involve more than one bone, the monostotic type is more common. The polyostotic form tends to produce asymmetrical deformities and is associated with Albright's syndrome. The lesions may appear cystic or sclerotic, or they may exhibit a ground-glass appearance, depending on the amount of fibrous tissue present. Facial involvement is usually asymmetrical and expansile, frequently obliterating one or more of the paranasal sinuses ( Fig. 36-29). The radiographic appearance usually is sufficiently typical to establish the diagnosis without biopsy. 2

FIG. 36-29. Coronal computed tomogram in a patient with fibrous dysplasia involving the right alveolar ridge and the inferior aspect of the maxillary sinus. The alveolar ridge has been markedly expanded by a ground-glass-like mass ( arrowheads).

Craniometaphyseal dysplasia is a rare hereditary disorder that, unlike fibrous dysplasia, always produces densely sclerotic expansile changes in the bones of the face and skull. Involvement tends to be symmetrical and produces appreciable deformity, often creating a leonine appearance. Splaying of the metaphyses of tubular bones is an associated finding. 2 Meningoceles and encephaloceles consist of herniated meninges or brain, respectively. These lesions can be congenital or acquired as the result of trauma. Protrusion of intracranial contents into the nose or paranasal sinuses occurs through osseous defects and may resemble a polyp or other soft-tissue mass ( Fig. 36-30). The defect in the bone is usually well circumscribed and may have a sclerotic border.

FIG. 36-30. Axial computed tomogram in a patient with intranasal meningoencephalocele. A soft-tissue mass ( arrowhead) is seen in the anterior right nasal cavity. Higher sections revealed that the meningoencephalocele had extended through a 1-mm skull base defect into the nasal cavity.

Rhinoliths are sclerotic masses that develop as a result of calcium deposition around a foreign body. Although characteristically found in the nose ( Fig. 36-31), they may occasionally occur in the maxillary sinus. 2

FIG. 36-31. Axial computed tomogram, bone window, in a patient with rhinolith. A large calcified mass is in the anterior portion of the left nasal cavity ( large arrowhead). Note the deviation of the nasal septum ( small arrowheads).

Other unusual, non-neoplastic masses include dermoids, nasal gliomas, hemangiomas, and globulomaxillary and odontogenic cysts.


The postoperative appearance of a paranasal sinus varies according to the type of surgery performed. Although similarities exist between related procedures, differences in surgical technique may produce considerable variability in the radiographic appearance. The following discussion is limited to a few of the more common operations. 6 The osteoplastic frontal flap was devised as a cosmetically acceptable treatment for the complications of frontal sinusitis. With the use of a radiographic template cut from an unmagnified Caldwell view, the frontal bone overlying the sinuses is exposed and separated at the periphery of the frontal sinuses with a saw. The diseased mucosa is removed, the sinuses are packed with muscle and fat, and the bone is replaced. Postoperatively the sinuses appear opacified, with changes that may occasionally be confused with those associated with a mucocele. 6 The Caldwell-Luc approach has been used for the treatment of chronic maxillary sinusitis, for removal of intrasinus masses, and for biopsies of masses. Sinus exposure is created through a maxillary antrostomy, which is made by a sublabial incision in the anterolateral gingival buccal mucosa. A defect is then made in the lateral nasal wall, producing a nasoantral window for improvement of sinus drainage. After healing has occurred, the sinus may appear radiographically normal or may reflect changes resulting from surgery, including decreased volume caused by antral contraction, fibro-osseous proliferation causing thickening of sinus walls ( Fig. 36-32), and compartmentalization of the sinus lumen by bony septae. 6

FIG. 36-32. Computed tomographic scan after right Caldwell-Luc procedure. There is marked fibro-osseous proliferation ( arrow), which encroaches on the sinus lumen. The Caldwell-Luc defect (arrowhead) is seen on the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus.

Ethmoidectomy may be performed endoscopically, by the external approach (the Lynch procedure), the intranasal route, or the transmaxillary route. The most widely used surgical procedure for sinus surgery, FESS, is now used to perform internal ethmoidectomies, maxillary antrostomies, and uncinate process resection. This procedure is used to provide a restoration of the osteomeatal complex in patients with impaired mucociliary clearance caused by localized disease. 4 During FESS, the middle turbinate may be fractured or removed for purposes of exposure. Intranasal ethmoidectomy usually is performed as a means of eradicating chronic ethmoid sinusitis. An attempt is then made to remove all diseased ethmoid cells and mucosa. Postoperative CT scans usually show loss of the middle turbinate, uncinate process, and several ethmoid air cells ( Fig. 36-33).

FIG. 36-33. Coronal computed tomogram after functional endoscopic sinus surgery. Scan demonstrates postoperative changes, including bilateral uncinectomies (arrowheads) and partial right middle turbinate resection ( arrow).

Partial or total maxillectomy usually is reserved for the treatment of rhinocerebral mucormycosis and malignant neoplasms. Because any of the adjacent bone or soft tissue may be sacrificed, the postoperative radiographic appearance can exhibit marked variability. Any reliable assessment of recurrence necessitates baseline postoperative CT or MRI studies for subsequent comparison ( Fig. 36-34).

FIG. 36-34. Axial computed tomogram after radical right maxillectomy. The right maxillary sinus, pterygoid process, and structures contained within the right nasal cavity have been removed. (Case courtesy of K. Shaffer, M.D., Milwaukee, WI)

Sphenoid surgery usually is performed for benign masses such as polyps or mucoceles. The sphenoid sinus is also entered when pituitary tumors are removed by the transphenoidal route, a procedure that often results in postoperative disease in this sinus. CT is essential to identify surgical changes in the sphenoid wall. Some degree of pneumatization is almost always retained.

Radiation therapy for malignant neoplasms can produce changes in both soft tissues and bone, the degree of which depends on initial tumor size, radiation dosage, and prior surgery. The usual reaction in bone consists of a sterile osteomyelitis or osteoradionecrosis; these appear radiographically as areas of rarefaction. It may be difficult to differentiate these changes from invasive or recurrent tumor. 6 CHAPTER REFERENCES
1. Som PM: Sinonasal cavities: Anatomy, physiology, and plain film normal anatomy. In Som PM, Curtin HD (eds): Head and Neck Imaging, 3rd ed. St. Louis, CV Mosby, 1991 2. Som PM, Brandwein M: Sinonasal cavities: Inflammatory diseases, tumors, fractures, and postoperative findings. In Som PM, Curtin HD (eds): Head and Neck Imaging, 3rd ed. St. Louis, CV Mosby, 1991 3. Unger JM: Head and Neck Imaging. New York, Churchill-Livingstone, 1987 4. Weber AL, Stanton AD: Malignant tumors of the paranasal sinuses: Radiologic, clinical, and histopathologic evaluation of 200 cases. Head Neck Surg 6:761, 1984 5. Wells RG, Sty JR, Landers AD: Radiological evaluation of Pott's puffy tumor. JAMA 255:1331, 1986 6. Zinreich SJ, Benson ML, Oliverio PJ: Sinonasal cavities: CT normal anatomy, imaging of the osteomeatal complex, and functional endoscopic sinus surgery. In Som PM, Curtin HD (eds): Head and Neck Imaging, 3rd ed. St. Louis, CV Mosby, 1991

Chapter 37 Facial Trauma Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 37 Facial Trauma

Lindell R. Gentry

L. R. Gentry: Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252.

Frontal Sinus Fractures Orbital Fractures Simple Fractures Complex Fractures Other Midface Fractures Isolated Medial and Lateral Midface Fractures Le Fort Fractures Zygomaticomaxillary (Tripod) Fractures Fractures of the Nasal Bones Fractures of the Mandible Chapter References

The incidence and severity of facial trauma have greatly increased during the last few decades because of the increased use of high-speed travel modes. Evaluation of patients with facial trauma requires special attention to the clinical situation, because many such patients also have injuries of other body systems. In all unstable patients, definitive evaluation of facial injury is best delayed for a few hours until the more urgent injuries have been treated. Thin-section high-resolution computed tomography, over the last two decades, has become the most important diagnostic study for evaluation of traumatic facial injury.1,2 Because computed tomography (CT) alone can answer the majority of clinical problems, it has replaced other diagnostic studies as the preferred initial examination for patients with facial trauma. 1 Conventional radiography is now relegated to imaging of very simple types of fractures. Magnetic resonance imaging is currently viewed as an ancillary diagnostic procedure reserved for assessment of specific soft-tissue complications of trauma, such as intraorbital hematoma, optic nerve injury, and vascular injuries. The facial skeleton comprises numerous thin bony struts that are oriented in multiple planes (axial, coronal, sagittal). 1 These struts are oriented in this pattern so that the face is protected from a variety of forces. There are many different types of fractures in the upper and lower face.


Frontal sinus fractures can be caused by localized trauma to the frontal sinuses. 1,2 More frequently, the frontal sinuses are injured when fractures in other areas (cranial vault, anterior skull base, lower face) propagate into these sinuses. Fractures may be linear, comminuted, or complex. Linear fractures usually involve only the anterior sinus wall. Complex frontal sinus fractures are commonly associated with other facial trauma and consist of fractures of both the anterior and posterior walls (Fig. 37-1). Signs of frontal sinus fractures include fluid levels, sinus opacification, orbital emphysema, and intracranial pneumocephaly. Frontal sinus fractures and their fragments are best demonstrated on axial CT scans. 1,2

FIG. 37-1. Complex frontal sinus fracture. A: Caldwell view. There is opacification of the frontal sinus ( large arrowhead). Multiple comminuted fractures are seen (small arrowheads). B: Axial computed tomographic scan in a different patient. There is comminution of both the anterior and posterior walls of the left frontal sinus (arrowheads), accompanied by sinus opacification and an airfluid level in the right frontal sinus.

Fractures of the orbit occur as isolated injuries or in combination with other facial or cranial fractures. They may be simple or complex. Simple Fractures Simple fractures are of two kinds: those that involve only the orbital rim, and those that involve only an orbital wall (blowout type). Because the orbital rim is the strongest part of the orbit, isolated rim fractures are uncommon. Blowout fractures are thought to be produced by a sudden increase in intraorbital pressure caused by violent impact to the anterior aspect of the orbit by a rounded object (e.g., fist, ball). This is thought to cause an increase in intraorbital pressure, resulting in a blowout fracture of the weaker portions of the orbital walls. The walls that are most susceptible to blowout fracture are the inferior and medial orbital walls. A blowout fracture is considered pure if only the orbital wall is fractured and impure if there is a coexistent fracture of the orbital rim. 1,2 and 3 Radiographic findings in blowout fractures include floor disruption, ipsilateral sinus opacification caused by hemorrhage, and orbital emphysema resulting from interruption of an adjacent sinus wall. 1,2 and 3 CT is required to precisely delineate the fractures and assess for complications ( Fig. 37-2, Fig. 37-3 and Fig. 37-4).
1,2 and 3

FIG. 37-2. Blowout fractures. A: Waters view. The right orbital floor is depressed ( medium arrowheads) and there is opacification of the right maxillary sinus ( large arrowhead). The right ethmoid air cells also are opacified ( small arrowhead), suggesting the presence of a medial-wall blowout fracture. B: Coronal computed tomogram in a different patient. An orbital-floor blowout fracture is seen. A trapdoor fragment ( arrow), consisting of a portion of the left orbital floor, is seen to be within the left maxillary sinus. A small amount of herniated orbital fat accompanies the fragment.

FIG. 37-3. Axial computed tomogram of an isolated medial-wall blowout fracture. There is depression of fracture fragments into the adjacent ethmoid air cells, which are opacified (small arrows). There is no evidence of entrapment of the medial rectus muscle ( medium arrow). Orbital emphysema is present (large arrow).

FIG. 37-4. Coronal computed tomogram of bilateral Le Fort II and left Le Fort III plane fractures. Bilateral comminuted inferior orbital-wall and rim fractures are seen (large arrowhead), consistent with Le Fort II plane fractures. Medial and lateral orbital-wall fractures are demonstrated on the left, consistent with a Le Fort III plane fracture (medium arrowhead). The right medial orbital wall is normal ( small arrowheads). Fractures of the nasal bones and pterygoid plates were seen on other slices.

The major complication of a blowout fracture is muscle entrapment. The inferior rectus and/or inferior oblique muscles can be entrapped in floor fractures, and medial rectus entrapment can occur in medial-wall fractures. 2,3 Fractures that involve the infraorbital foramen may produce anesthesia over the distribution of the infraorbital nerve. Enopthalmos, a posterior displacement of the globe in the orbit, is caused when a large amount of orbital fat is displaced into the sinuses at the time of the fracture.2,3 Complex Fractures Complex orbital fractures are those that involve multiple facial struts. All suspected complex fractures should be imaged with CT. Small fracture fragments and soft-tissue complications cannot be demonstrated adequately by conventional techniques ( Fig. 37-5 and Fig. 37-6).2,3 The complex fractures that involve the orbit are the Le Fort II and III fractures (Fig. 37-4), nasofrontoethmoidal fractures ( Fig. 37-7), and zygomaticomaxillary complex (ZMC) or tripod fractures.

FIG. 37-5. Axial computed tomogram of comminuted right orbital apex fracture. The right greater sphenoid wing is fractured ( large arrowhead), and there is displacement of fragments into the superior orbital fissure ( small arrowheads). An orbital apex syndrome developed in this patient.

FIG. 37-6. Axial computed tomogram of a fracture of the anterior wall of the left maxillary sinus. There is minimal anterior displacement of the fragment ( large arrowhead). Adherent blood clot (white arrow) and a small fluid level ( small arrowhead) are present in the sinus.

FIG. 37-7. Axial computed tomogram of a nasofrontoethmoidal complex fracture. This patient experienced a direct blow to the upper nasal region. The trauma caused the nasal bones to become displaced posteriorly, with telescoping into the ethmoid sinuses ( inside arrow). The medial walls of the ethmoid sinuses (lamina papyracea) have been laterally displaced into the orbits ( long arrows). The lateral walls of the orbits also have been fractured.

Nasofrontoethmoidal complex fractures typically involve the medial walls of the orbit. These fractures are caused by midline blunt trauma to the upper nasal area and the base of the frontal sinuses. This results in a posterior displacement of the thin bony struts in this region into the anterior aspect of the ethmoid sinuses ( Fig. 37-7). The medial orbital walls (lamina papyracea) usually are fractured and displaced into the medial aspect of the orbit. The structures most frequently injured are the medial rectus muscles, the optic nerves, and the frontal sinus drainage pathways. Cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea is also a common complication resulting from injury of the cribriform plate. 2. The bony struts that usually are fractured with the ZMC fracture are the inferior orbital wall and rim, the lateral orbital wall and rim, the anterior and posterolateral maxillary sinus walls, the lateral wall of the orbit, and the zygomatic arch. Complications related to ZMC fractures are similar to those that occur with blowout fractures. CT is the best study to demonstrate the fractures associated with this type of injury, although conventional films can demonstrate the zygomatic arch component of the fracture (Fig. 37-8).1,2,3 and 4

FIG. 37-8. Submentovertical projection of a comminuted, depressed fracture of the right zygomatic arch. Fractures can be identified anteriorly, posteriorly, and in the midportion of the arch (arrowheads and arrow). Elevation of fragments is necessary to prevent facial deformity.

The locations of orbital involvement in Le Fort II and III injuries are different ( Fig. 37-9). In the Le Fort II fracture complex, the anteromedial portion of the orbit is damaged, whereas both the medial and lateral aspects of the orbit are injured in Le Fort III fractures (see Fig. 37-4). These fractures are discussed in a later section.

FIG. 37-9. Le Fort fractures. Note the lines of the Le Fort I (1), II (2), and III (3). (From Dodd GD, Jing B: Radiology of the Nose, Paranasal Sinuses, and Nasopharynx. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1977, with permission.)

Linear fractures of the frontal bone may extend across the orbital roof and the orbital apex, which contains both the optic nerve and the group of nerves that pass through the superior orbital fissure into the orbit. Orbital apex fractures may be linear and undisplaced or comminuted (see Fig. 37-5). Occasionally the entire orbital apex is completely avulsed, with the apical fragment containing an intact optic foramen. 1,2,3,4 and 5 Complications can include optic nerve damage (traumatic optic neuropathy) and injury to cranial nerves III, IV, and VI (superior orbital fissure syndrome). The orbital apex syndrome is defined as a combination of traumatic optic neuropathy and the superior orbital fissure syndrome. 5


Fractures of the midfacial skeleton may be isolated to a single strut (e.g., nasal bone, zygomatic arch; see Fig. 37-8), or they may involve a specific combination of strut fractures (e.g., Le Fort fractures, ZMC fracture, nasofrontoethmoidal fracture). Single and multiple strut fractures can be either medially or laterally located. 1,2,4,6 Isolated Medial and Lateral Midface Fractures Isolated medial and lateral midface fractures usually result from a direct blow to a small area. If nasal bone fractures are excluded, midface fractures can be considered to involve principally the maxilla and zygoma. The anterolateral wall of the maxillary sinus and the alveolar process of the maxilla are frequent sites of predilection. Either fracture can be difficult to diagnose with conventional views of the facial bones, and both are more adequately visualized with CT ( Fig. 37-6). The zygoma frequently is fractured in complex midface fractures, but isolated fractures of the zygomatic arch are relatively uncommon. 1,2,4,6 Zygomatic arch fractures may be single or multiple, displaced or undisplaced. The zygomatic arch tends to fracture anteriorly, in the midportion, and posteriorly. Treatment is not required for an undisplaced fracture. Multiple fractures, which are more common, are often displaced and require reduction to prevent permanent facial deformity (see Fig. 37-8).1,2,4,6

Conventional radiography usually is sufficient for detection of zygomatic arch fractures. 1,2,4,6 Ordinarily the submentovertical projection, or an oblique variation of it known as the jug-handle view, is used. CT is necessary to confirm suspected coronoid process and temporalis muscle impingement resulting from zygomatic arch depression. 1,2,4,6

Le Fort fractures involve the midfacial skeleton in a predictable manner ( Fig. 37-9). Although Le Fort originally described these fractures as bilateral and symmetrical, they typically are asymmetrical, with one Le Fort type on one side and another type on the other side. More than one type may occur on the same side of the face. 1,2,4,6 The Le Fort I (Gurin) fracture is a transverse fracture that transects the inferior aspect of the maxilla above the line of dentition, the nasal septum, and the most inferior portions of the pterygoid plates. 1,2,4,6 It effectively results in a movable or floating palate. The Le Fort II fracture produces a major fragment that is pyramidal in shape (Fig. 37-10). The apex of the fracture starts at or near the base of the nasal bones. The fracture then extends obliquely and inferolaterally through the anteromedial portion of the orbits, across the infraorbital rim, and around the posterolateral wall of the maxillary sinus. The posterior continuation of the fracture lines terminates in the midportions of the pterygoid plates. 1,2,4,6 This fracture results in separation of the nasomaxillary region from the rest of the middle and upper face. Le Fort III fractures produce craniofacial separation. 1,2,4,6 The fracture line is essentially a horizontal fracture that transects the nasofrontal suture, the medial and lateral orbital walls, and the zygomatic arches, ending in the pterygoid plate bases. 1,2,4,6

FIG. 37-10. Waters view of Le Fort II fractures. The pyramidal configuration of the major fragment is denoted by the arrows. There are bilateral fractures of the inferior orbital floors and rims, comminuted nasal fractures ( upper white arrow), and bilateral fractures of the posterolateral walls of the maxillary sinuses ( lower white arrows). The frontal and maxillary sinuses are opacified by hemorrhage.

The pterygoid processes are invariably fractured with any of the Le Fort injuries ( Fig. 37-11). Other associated fractures include central or paramedian splitting of the hard palate (Fig. 37-12) and fractures of the anterior nasal spine of the maxilla ( Fig. 37-13).

FIG. 37-11. Axial computed tomogram of Le Fort II fracture. There are bilateral comminuted fractures of the maxillary sinuses ( small arrowheads) and pterygoid processes of the sphenoid bones ( large arrowheads).

FIG. 37-12. Axial computed tomogram of comminuted midpalatal split. The main palatal fracture line is diagonal in direction ( large arrowheads), and the left half of the hard palate is posteriorly displaced. Small comminuted fracture fragments are seen adjacent to the intact pterygoid processes ( small arrowheads). A mildly diastatic palatal fracture is present on the left ( white arrow).

FIG. 37-13. Axial computed tomogram of Le Fort I fracture. A fracture line also extends through the anterior nasal spine of the maxilla ( arrowheads).

The advantage of the Le Fort classification is that it allows the radiologist to categorize and communicate to the clinician, in a meaningful manner, the nature of the multiple complex fractures. The disadvantage is that Le Fort injuries seldom precisely fit the classic description, and the types tend to overlap or occur asymmetrically (Fig. 37-14).1,2,4,6 To obviate this problem, other methods of describing facial trauma have been devised; one of the more notable relates the significance of fracture type to the involvement of inherent facial struts. 2

FIG. 37-14. Coronal computed tomogram of Le Fort II and III fracture planes. A Le Fort III plane fracture is noted on the right ( black arrowheads), with fractures of both the medial and lateral orbital walls. Bilateral Le Fort II plane fractures are seen ( white arrows). This fracture is accompanied by bilateral fractures of the inferior orbital floors and the posterolateral walls of the maxillary sinuses.

CT is the diagnostic procedure of choice for evaluating Le Forttype fractures. 2 Reconstruction in orthogonal planes is frequently helpful, and many clinicians consider three-dimensional reconstruction valuable in planning and assessing the effects of treatment. 2


Although the zygoma is considered to be the second most commonly fractured bone of the midface, the fracture actually occurs more often at the articulations of the zygoma or in adjacent bones rather than in the zygoma itself ( Fig. 37-15).1,2,4,6 The zygoma forms four major articulations, one each with the maxilla, the temporal bone, the frontal bone, and the greater wing of the sphenoid bone. A ZMC fracture is defined as fracture or separation at the main attachments with the adjacent bones. Although considerable variability may be exhibited, the orbital floor, the zygomaticofrontal suture and lateral wall of the orbit, the zygomatic arch, and the lateral wall of the maxilla usually are involved. Displacement of the zygoma is very common. Although the ZMC fracture can usually be diagnosed with a conventional Waters view ( Fig. 37-16), CT is required to evaluate coexistent orbital soft-tissue damage. 2

FIG. 37-15. Zygomaticomaxillary (tripod) fracture. Common sites of zygomatic suture separation are zygomaticomaxillary (1), zygomaticosphenoidal (2), zygomaticofrontal (3), and zygomaticotemporal (4). (From Zizmor J, Noyek A: Orbital trauma. In Newton TH, Potts DG: Radiology of the Skull and Brain. Vol I: The Skull. St. Louis, CV Mosby, with permission.)

FIG. 37-16. Waters view of left zygomaticomaxillary fracture. The upper arrowhead designates the zygomaticofrontal suture separation; the middle arrowhead points to a fracture in the area of the zygomaticosphenoid suture; and the inferior arrowhead indicates a fracture in the lateral wall of the maxilla. The wire sutures on the right are related to an old zygomaticomaxillary fracture.


Fractures of the nasal bones are the most common fractures of the midface. Approximately half are isolated to the nasal bones; the remainder occur as part of a complex facial fracture, such as a Le Fort injury. 2 Most of the isolated fractures are linear and transverse, with the fracture usually occurring through the thinner lower third of the nasal bones. Depression of the distal fragment is common (Fig. 37-17). Longitudinal nasal fractures, which parallel the long axis of the nose, may occasionally be more difficult to diagnose because of confusion with the groove for the nasociliary nerve or supernumerary suture lines ( Fig. 37-18).

FIG. 37-17. Lateral view of nasal bones. There is a transverse fracture ( top arrowhead) through the anterior portion of the nasal bones, with depression of the distal fragment (middle arrowhead). The anterior nasal spine of the maxilla is intact ( bottom arrowhead).

FIG. 37-18. Lateral view of normal nasal bones. The large arrowhead indicates the site of the nasofrontal suture; the small arrowheads point to nasociliary grooves; and the medium-sized arrowhead indicates the nasomaxillary suture.

Fragment displacement is almost always present in comminuted fractures and does not follow any particular pattern ( Fig. 37-19). There may be an accompanying fracture of the anterior nasal spine of the maxillary bone or separation of the nasal bones at the nasofrontal suture.

FIG. 37-19. Comminuted nasal bone fractures. A: Lateral view. There are multiple displaced fragments ( arrowheads). B: Waters view in a different patient. The lateral displacement of the right nasal bone fragments ( arrows) is considerably greater than was suspected from the lateral view.

Conventional techniques usually are sufficient for imaging nasal bone fractures. 2 The lateral view is the most useful in determining the amount of distal fragment depression in transverse fractures and in assessing the general orientation of fragments in longitudinal fractures. In addition to the Waters view, an axial view using occlusal film is often a valuable method for assessing the degree of medial and lateral displacement of nasal bone fragments. 2


The mandible is the second most commonly fractured facial bone. Although the mandible contains major areas of strength that serve to withstand the pressures of mastication, there also are sites of inherent structural weakness that predispose the mandible to fracture. 4 These include the mental foramen and the thinner bone of the angle and condylar neck. Any area containing a dental socket or unerupted or impacted tooth is also a weaker area. 4 Various types of fractures occur in the mandible. They vary from the simple break with relatively little soft-tissue injury to the compound fracture in which there is cutaneous or mucous membrane disruption (Fig. 37-20).4 Either type may be comminuted. Greenstick fractures, which involve only one surface of the bone, are more common in children; they are important to recognize and treat, because significant displacement may subsequently develop as the result of muscle traction. 4

FIG. 37-20. Types of mandibular fractures. (From Kruger GO: Textbook of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 6th ed. St. Louis, CV Mosby, 1984, with permission).

Fracture location and type are related to the site of contact and the velocity of the initiating force. The most common fracture results from a blow to the body of the mandible; it consists of a fracture through the parasymphyseal area or mental foramen on the side of the blow and an angle or subcondylar fracture on the opposite side (Fig. 37-21).4 A blow that is directed to the symphysis can produce a symphyseal or parasymphyseal fracture as well as bilateral condylar fractures ( Fig. 37-22). Low-velocity blows tend to produce undisplaced fractures with a contralateral component, whereas high-velocity blows more often produce comminution limited to the

point of impact. The majority of mandibular fractures are multiple and bilateral. 4

FIG. 37-21. Posteroanterior view of mandible fractures resulting from a blow to the body of the right mandible. Fracture lines ( arrowheads) are present in the right mandibular body and at the left mandibular angle.

FIG. 37-22. Posteroanterior view of mandible fractures produced by a blow to the mandibular symphysis. There is a mildly displaced right parasymphyseal fracture (small black arrowheads). Bilateral condyle fractures are present ( white arrows), and there is a comminuted fracture of the right mandibular angle ( large black arrowhead).

Displacement of mandibular fractures depends on fracture site, direction of the fracture line, and muscle traction. 4 Fracture stability also is determined largely by the direction of the fracture line and is dependent on the muscle attachments or slings. The masseter muscle is particularly influential in causing fracture displacement by its contraction (Fig. 37-23).4 In a subcondylar fracture, contraction of the lateral pterygoid muscle produces anteromedial displacement of the proximal condylar fragment (Fig. 37-24). Bilateral parasymphyseal fractures produce a detached anterior mandibular fragment that may undergo posterior displacement as a result of the combined contraction of the genioglossus, geniohyoid, and digastric muscles ( Fig. 37-25).4

FIG. 37-23. Unstable left mandibular angle fracture. A: Oblique view of left mandible. There is displacement and rotation of the posterior fragment ( black arrowhead), caused by the pull of the masseter muscle. The oblique orientation of the fracture line ( white arrow) predisposes to this type of displacement. B: Posteroanterior view. The posterior portion of the left mandible is laterally displaced because of masseter contraction. A contralateral right parasymphyseal fracture through the right mental foramen is now apparent (arrows).

FIG. 37-24. A: Anteroposterior view of mandible with left subcondylar fracture. There is characteristic medial displacement of the proximal condylar fragment (arrowhead), caused by contraction of the lateral pterygoid muscle. B: Axial computed tomographic scan in a different patient. There are bilateral subcondylar fractures of the mandible. Note the medial displacement of the condylar head ( arrows) caused by pull of the lateral pterygoid muscles.

FIG. 37-25. Axial computed tomographic scan of bilateral parasymphyseal fractures. There is posterior displacement of the anterior symphyseal portion of the mandible (arrow) owing to contraction of the muscles of the floor of the mouth and anterior neck.

The treatment of mandibular fractures varies with fracture type and location. In general, treatment consists of fixation through use of interosseous wiring, miniplates, microplates, and intermaxillary fixation (IMF). IMF consists of fixation of the mandible to the maxilla by arch bars and interdental wire loops. 4 Because the mandible is essentially a membranous bone, bone union is primarily fibrous. Therefore, the interval between achievement of clinical stability and radiographic evidence of healing may be considerable. Complications related to mandibular fractures include infection, malunion, malocclusion, and facial deformity. 4 Both CT and conventional radiography are useful for imaging mandible fractures. The preferred conventional views are the posteroanterior, Towne, and oblique projections of the mandible.2 Panoramic tomography provides an additional means of fracture definition. CT is more efficacious than conventional methods for establishing the number and position of fragments and for assessing soft-tissue injuries. 2 CHAPTER REFERENCES
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Dolan KD, Jacoby CG, Smoker WRK: Radiology of Facial Injury, 2nd ed. New York, Macmillan, 1988 Gentry LR, Manor, Turski PA, Strother CM: High resolution CT analysis of facial struts in trauma: Osseous and soft tissue complications. AJR Am J Roentgenol 140:533, 1983 Lloyd GA: Radiology of the Orbit. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1985 Rowe NL, Williams JLI: Maxillofacial Injuries, Vols 1 and 2. New York, Churchill-Livingstone, 1985 Unger JM: Orbital apex fractures: The contribution of computed tomography. Radiology 150:713, 1984 Weiss RA, Haik BG, Saint-Louis A, Ellsworth RM: Advanced diagnostic imaging techniques in ophthalmology. Adv Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg 6:207, 1987

Chapter 38 The Temporal Bone Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 38 The Temporal Bone

Lindell R. Gentry

L. R. Gentry: Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252.

The Temporal Bone Conventional Radiography Computed Tomography of the Temporal Bone Anatomic Considerations Congenital Abnormalities of the Temporal Bone Inflammation Osteodystrophies Trauma Tumors Postoperative Change Chapter References


During the first half of the 20th century, the radiographic examination of the temporal bone was accomplished by the use of conventional film techniques. Since 1980, however, thin-section high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) has effectively supplanted other techniques by virtue of its inherently higher contrast resolution.

When conventional radiography was the only method available for imaging of the temporal bone, many projections were devised to minimize the interference produced by the adjacent bones of the skull. Lateral, oblique, anteroposterior, and semiaxial views and modifications of these views were produced by angulation of the x-ray beam or the patient's head. The lateral mastoid view ( Fig. 38-1) is the only projection still used in some imaging centers, largely to confirm a diagnosis of acute mastoiditis or substantiate previous mastoid disease.

FIG. 38-1. Temporal bone. Lateral (Law) projection. M, mastoid air cells; DP, dural plate; LS, area of the anterior wall of the lateral venous sinus; SA, sinodural angle or angle of Citelli (merging of DP and LS); tmj, temporomandibular joint; eac, external auditory canal; iac, internal auditory canal.


Computed tomography (CT) of the temporal bone requires very thin sections (1 to 2 mm), a small field of view (less than 10 cm), and a high-spatial-resolution reconstruction algorithm. It is best to use low milliampere-seconds (less than 240 mAs) and short scan times (less than 1 second). Representative axial and coronal CT scans are illustrated in Fig. 38-2 and Fig. 38-3. CT is currently the study of choice for evaluating the temporal bone. 1,4,5

FIG. 38-2. Temporal bone, coronal high-resolution computed tomographic images, bone algorithm. A: Plane of head of malleus and geniculate ganglion (most anterior plane). c, First cochlear turn; gg, geniculate ganglion fossa; m, head of malleus; mc, mastoid air cells; o, occipital bone; tc, tympanic cavity; tt, tendon of tensor tympani muscle. B: Plane of ossicular mass and midcochlea (c). cc, Carotid canal; f, first and second portions of facial nerve canal; lwa, lateral wall of the attic; n, neck of malleus; om, ossicular mass (malleus and incus); s, bony spur or scutum. C: Plane of incus. c, Basal turn of cochlea; eac, external auditory canal; i, body of incus; black m, head of malleus; white m, manubrium of malleus; p, cochlear promontory. D: Plane of oval window. i, Body of incus; iac, internal auditory canal; is, incudostapedial articulation; ow, oval window; ssc, superior semicircular canal. E: Plane of round window. f, Vertical portion of facial nerve canal; hsc, horizontal semicircular canal; jf, jugular fossa; rw, round window; ssc, superior semicircular canal; st, sinus tympani; t, tegmen tympani. F: Plane of cochlear aqueduct (most posterior plane. a, Mastoid antrum; ap, ampulla of posterior semicircular canal; ca, cochlear aqueduct; f, area of stylomastoid foramen; ssc, superior semicircular canal.

FIG. 38-3. Temporal bone, axial high-resolution computed tomographic images, bone algorithm. A: Plane of the hypotympanum (most inferior plane). cc, Carotid canal; eac, external auditory canal; ec, eustachian canal; jf, jugular fossa; mc, mastoid air cells; tc, tympanic cavity (hypotympanum). B: Midcochlear plane. c, Basal turn of cochlea (intermediate and apical turns are adjacent); ca, cochlear aqueduct; fc, vertical portion of facial nerve canal; m, handle of malleus; tc, tympanic cavity; ts, tympanic sinus; tt, tensor tympani muscle. C: Plane of the oval window. at, Attic (epitympanic recess); m, head of malleus; ma, mastoid antrum; ow, oval window. D: Plane of incudomalleolar articulation. fc, Facial canal; i, body of incus; iac, internal auditory canal; im, incudomalleolar articulation; v, vestibule. E: Plane of horizontal semicircular canal (hc). v, Vestibule. F: Plane of additus ad antrum (a). pa, Petrous apex; pc, posterior semicircular canal; sc, superior semicircular canal.

The temporal bone consists of five parts: squamous, mastoid, petrous, tympanic, and styloid process. The squamous portion forms a part of the lateral aspect of the cranial vault, and the petrous portion creates the division between the middle and posterior cranial fossae and contains the structures of the inner ear. The tympanic portion contributes primarily to the external ear canal, and the mastoid consists chiefly of air cells. The styloid process serves as a point of origin for the styloid group of muscles and ligaments. 1,4,5


Some normal anatomic variants need to be considered when evaluating the temporal bone with CT. The dehiscent (anomalous) jugular bulb ( Fig. 38-4) is the most common major variant. The aberrant internal carotid artery is much less common but potentially has more significance. Both of these variants may be clinically mistaken for glomus tumors. It is important for the radiologist to make the correct diagnosis.

FIG. 38-4. Coronal computed tomogram of dehiscent jugular plate. There is absence of the thin bony plate (jugular plate) between the internal jugular vein and the middle ear cavity. This allows the jugular vein (J) to bulge into the middle ear cavity.

Although congenital abnormalities of the temporal bone are relatively uncommon, some are correctable, and precise definition is therefore important before surgery is considered. HRCT is very important for proper management of patients with congenital defects. These malformations consist of two groups, which are separable on the basis of embryologic derivation. The first group comprises developmental defects of the external and middle ear, both of which are derived from the first and second branchial arches and clefts. This group includes those abnormalities that produce conduction defects that may be surgically correctable. The second group, which consists of structures that originate from the auditory vesicle, includes all of the inner ear anomalies. These lesions are associated with sensorineural deafness and, although not surgically correctable, may be helped by devices such as cochlear implants.1,4,5 Those defects that are related to branchial arch development include deformity of the auricle, partial or complete atresia of the external auditory canal, and ossicular abnormalities (Fig. 38-5). Any of these may be accompanied by anterior malposition of the facial nerve, the location of which must be identified preoperatively.

FIG. 38-5. Coronal computed tomogram of atresia of the external auditory canal. The external canal is not visible because of bony atresia ( white arrow). The mastoid segment of the facial nerve canal ( arrowheads) is anteriorly displaced into the same plane as the vestibule. Normally, the mastoid facial nerve canal is at the level of the posterior semicircular canal. The anteriorly positioned mastoid portion of the facial nerve canal is very susceptible to injury as the atresia plate is surgically removed.

Inner ear anomalies vary from abnormalities involving solely the semicircular canals to complete aplasia of the otic capsule. A rare but well known abnormality, the Mondini defect, is caused by partial or total absence of the cochlear turns ( Fig. 38-6).1,4,5

FIG. 38-6. Axial computed tomogram of the base of the skull in a patient with the Mondini defect. The right cochlear turns are absent except for a portion of the basal turn (arrowhead). The left cochlea was normal. (Courtesy of Dexter Johnson, M.D., Seattle, WA.)

Most of the inflammatory changes that occur in the temporal bone result from uncontrolled external or middle ear infections. The most common etiologic organisms are the b-hemolytic streptococcus and pneumococcus, except in children younger than 5 years of age, who are frequently infected by Hemophilus influenzae. Acute mastoiditis is a frequent complication of otitis media and is commonly seen on CT scans ( Fig. 38-7A). Acute petrositis, which may develop from the extension of mastoid infection into petrous air cells, also has become less common.

FIG. 38-7. A: Axial computed tomogram of acute mastoiditis. The mastoid air cells are opacified with fluid and hyperemic mucosa. There is a small fluid level in the maxillary antrum (arrowhead). The mastoid septae are well mineralized, and the air cells are of normal size. The mastoiditis is reversible in this stage. B: Coronal computed tomogram of coalescent mastoiditis. There is complete opacification of all mastoid air cells, with areas of mastoid sclerosis. Some cells are very large in size owing to erosion of adjoining septae resulting in air cell coalescence ( arrowheads). This signifies that the disease has spread to the adjoining bone. Treatment with antibiotics will not restore the mastoid air cells to normalcy.

Subacute and chronic mastoiditis usually are caused by recurrent otitis media. So long as the disease remains confined to the mucosa and air space, it is potentially reversible with treatment. Once it reaches a stage termed coalescent mastoiditis, the disease cannot be completely reversed (Fig. 38-7B). This stage signifies the conversion from mucosal disease to bone disease. The thickened infected mucous membrane and mucopurulent secretions erode the mastoid bony septa, eventually leading to bony sclerosis. 1,4,5 Tuberculosis and syphilis may also produce inflammatory changes in the temporal bone, but these are rare. Another unusual but potentially lethal inflammation is produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This organism, typically found in elderly diabetic patients, often causes an aggressive infection of the external and middle ear. The advanced osseous destruction of the temporal bone that occurs has led to the designation of this entity as malignant external otitis (Fig. 38-8).1,4,5

FIG. 38-8. Malignant external otitis. A Coronal computed tomogram, left temporal bone. The inflammatory mass (arrows) has destroyed the ossicles and walls of the external canal. B: Axial computed tomogram, right temporal bone. The extent of destruction of the anterior and posterior canal walls is demonstrated ( arrows).

When treatment of acute mastoiditis is not successful, a number of local inflammatory complications may result. The infectious process may break through the outer mastoid cortex into the subperiosteal space, resulting in a subperiosteal (Bezold) abscess ( Fig. 38-9A). The infection can extend through the inner mastoid cortex to cause sigmoid sinus thrombophlebitis and thrombosis ( Fig. 38-9A). It may also extend into the brain to cause a middle cranial fossa or posterior fossa brain abscess (Fig. 38-9B). Occasionally the mastoid becomes infected with anaerobic organisms, resulting in gas bubbles in the area of infection ( Fig. 38-10). The walls of the tympanic cavity and the mastoid process may be slowly eroded by the infectious process, giving rise to a large automastoidectomy cavity ( Fig. 38-10) which resembles a surgical mastoidectomy. 1,4,5

FIG. 38-9. Axial contrast-enhanced computed tomographic scans. A: Bezold abscess and sigmoid sinus thrombosis. This patient, who presented with poorly treated otitis media and acute mastoiditis, subsequently developed a subperiosteal abscess (Bezold abscess) ( arrow) along the right mastoid process. The sigmoid sinus does not enhance (arrowhead), indicating thrombosis due to thrombophlebitis. B: Brain abscess. A ring-enhancing brain abscess (ab) has developed in this patient with untreated acute mastoiditis.

FIG. 38-10. Axial computed tomographic scan. Chronic Bacterioides fragilis otomastoiditis with automastoidectomy. The entire mastoid and middle ear cavity have been destroyed by a chronic inflammatory process. The inflammatory debris within the area of destruction evacuates slowly in most cases resulting in a completely air-filled cavity. Note small air bubbles within the mass ( arrows), secondary to the anaerobic infection.

Primary cholesteatoma results from the inclusion of ectoderm in mesoderm as the tympanomastoid region forms. These lesions appear as small soft-tissue masses within the tympanomastoid region, with a normal-appearing tympanic membrane and mastoid cavity ( Fig. 38-11). Secondary or acquired cholesteatomas are common complications of chronic mastoiditis. They result from extension of external ear canal keratinizing squamous epithelium into the middle ear cavity. The usual mechanism for development of a secondary cholesteatoma is the formation of a tympanic membrane retraction pocket and its extension into Prussak's space in the epitympanic recess, where it grows and becomes encysted ( Fig. 38-12). Occasionally tympanic membrane perforations allow squamous cell epithelium to enter the middle ear cavity. 1,4,5

FIG. 38-11. Axial computed tomographic scan of primary cholesteatoma. A small, rounded soft-tissue mass is seen in the middle ear cavity near the malleus, consistent with a primary cholesteatoma. The tympanic cavity, tympanic membrane, and mastoid air cells are normal, excluding a secondary cholesteatoma.

FIG. 38-12. Axial computed tomographic scan of secondary cholesteatoma. The tympanic cavity and mastoid antrum are completely opacified, with areas of peripheral erosion of the walls of these cavities. The ossicles are not visible ( arrowhead) owing to complete erosion by the cholesteatoma.

As epithelial debris accumulates, adjacent bone is eroded either by pressure necrosis or by collagenase activity from the cholesteatoma matrix. Initial destruction of the lateral attic wall, particularly in the area of the bony spur, may be followed by ossicular damage and the production of a conduction defect. Erosion of the bony covering of the lateral aspect of the horizontal semicircular canal can create a perilymphatic fistula and cause vestibular symptoms. Destruction of the bony covering of the facial nerve canal or roof of the tympanic cavity (tegmen) may produce neurologic defects. Cholesteatomas may erode the tegmen tympani, causing a cerebrospinal fluid leak, an intracranial abscess, or a meningoencephalocele ( Fig. 38-13).1,4,5

FIG. 38-13. Tympanic cavity meningoencephalocele. A: Coronal computed tomographic scan demonstrates a large defect in the tegmen tympani ( large arrowhead) with a soft tissue mass (m) in the middle ear. B: Noncontrast T2-weighted magnetic resonance image confirms that the mass is a meningoencephalocele and composed of cerebrospinal fluid ( small arrowhead) and fragments of brain tissue (arrow).

Unless cholesteatomas are identified while they are small, surgery may not significantly improve hearing. CT is the procedure of choice for the identification of early cholesteatomas. Recurrent cholesteatoma may occasionally be found in the postoperative ear, and it then needs to be differentiated from granulation tissue. This is not always possible with imaging techniques.

The osteodystrophies that occur in the temporal bone may be isolated (e.g., otosclerosis), or they may represent an additional manifestation of a primarily extratemporal skeletal disorder such as Paget's disease, histiocytosis X, fibrous dysplasia ( Fig. 38-14), or craniometaphyseal dysplasia.

FIG. 38-14. Axial computed tomographic scan of fibrous dysplasia. There is expansion and sclerosis of the left temporal bone ( large arrowheads) and sphenoid bone (small arrowheads).

Otosclerosis is a disease of the labyrinthine capsule. It is somewhat more common in women than in men and usually does not become clinically evident before the age of 20 years. Early or active otosclerosis consists of osseous rarefaction or otospongiosis. There is eventual maturation into sclerotic or inactive foci, constituting the end or stable stage of the disease. 2 The earliest pathologic change occurs in the bone just anterior to the oval window in the region of the fissula ante fenestram. Subsequent involvement of the oval window and of the stapedial footplate usually results in ankylosis of the footplate in the oval window (fenestrial otosclerosis) ( Fig. 38-15A). This causes a conductive hearing loss. Surgical procedures are directed at releasing and restoring the ossicular chain. If there is progression of disease with involvement of the round window and basal turn of the cochlea (retrofenestrial otosclerosis), an uncorrectable sensorineural hearing loss may develop ( Fig. 38-15B). The purpose of imaging in otosclerosis, therefore, is to assess the type and degree of labyrinthine capsule involvement and to establish a diagnosis in questionable cases. 2

FIG. 38-15. A and B: Axial computed tomographic scans of fenestrial and retrofenestrial otosclerosis demonstrate areas of demineralized bone surrounding the basal turn of the cochlea (black arrowheads), representing retrofenestrial otosclerosis. A small focus of demineralization is present in the area of the fissula ante fenestram and anterior aspect of the oval window (white arrowhead), representing fenestrial otosclerosis.

The other osteodystrophies, although less common than otosclerosis, occasionally have distinguishing features that may be diagnostic. The changes of Paget's disease, for example, are fairly characteristic. Expansion of the base of the skull and temporal bone by the thickened abnormal bone produces a sclerotic-lytic appearance that can be demonstrated by CT. In those diseases in which hyperostosis is a prominent feature, such as craniometaphyseal dysplasia, sclerotic bone may be seen to expand the temporal bones, encroaching on the otic capsular structures and producing luminal narrowing. 1,2,4,5

Temporal bone fractures are the most common fractures of the base of the skull. They are classified according to the predominant plane of the fracture line as longitudinal or transverse. Longitudinal fractures follow the long axis of the petrous bone, and transverse fractures extend cross it. 3 Approximately 80% to 90% of all temporal bone fractures are longitudinal ( Fig. 38-16); they usually are caused by a direct blow to the temporal area or a blow to the mandible. Clinical features include bleeding from the ear and conductive hearing loss secondary to ossicular dislocation. The incus, because of relatively loose ligamentous attachments, is the most frequently dislocated ossicle ( Fig. 38-16). Although the facial nerve is damaged in 20% of longitudinal fractures, the damage is transient in 75% of these cases (Fig. 38-17). Dural tears may occur if the fracture involves the tympanic cavity or tegmen tympani. 3

FIG. 38-16. Axial computed tomogram of longitudinal fracture of right temporal bone. The fracture line follows the long axis of the temporal bone ( medium

arrowheads). The incus is subluxed laterally ( small arrowhead). The mastoid air cells are opacified with blood ( large arrowhead).

FIG. 38-17. Axial computed tomogram of longitudinal fracture of right temporal bone. The fracture line follows the long axis of the temporal bone ( small arrowheads). The fracture line is seen to cross the area of the geniculate ganglion of the facial nerve ( large arrowhead).

The less common transverse fracture is usually the result of a blow to the occiput. These fractures may involve the labyrinthine capsule, effectively destroying the cochlear and vestibular systems (Fig. 38-18). Signs and symptoms of labyrinthine fracture include hemotympanum behind an intact tympanic membrane, vertigo with spontaneous nystagmus, sensorineural hearing loss, and permanent facial paralysis in 50% of patients. CT is essential for demonstrating the details of fracture lines, small bone fragments, nerve injury, and ossicular damage. Coexistent damage to intracranial contents may be evaluated at the same time. 3

FIG. 38-18. Axial computed tomogram of transverse fracture of the temporal bone. A fracture line ( arrowheads) crosses the petrous pyramid at the level of the posterior posterior semicircular canal and posterior genu of the facial nerve canal ( arrow). This patient developed sensorineural hearing loss as well as facial nerve palsy.

Magnetic resonance imaging is now the study of choice for evaluation of benign and malignant neoplasms of the temporal bone and cerebellopontine cistern. CT has the ability to demonstrate soft-tissue masses, subtle bone erosion, and peripheral sclerosis related to tumor growth. However, magnetic resonance imaging is necessary to directly visualize many neoplasms smaller than 3 to 5 mm in size. The most common lesions are acoustic schwannomas, meningiomas, epidermoid cysts, arachnoid cysts, facial schwannomas, squamous cell carcinomas, and basal cell carcinomas. 1,4,5 Glomus tumors, which originate from paraganglion cells, are the most common primary tumors occurring within the temporal bone. They most frequently arise on or adjacent to the promontory of the middle ear and therefore are called glomus tympanicum tumors (Fig. 38-19). The glomus jugulare tumors, which occur in the area of the jugular foramen, are less common but potentially more locally invasive and destructive ( Fig. 38-20). Other benign tumors of the middle and external ear include osteomas and exostoses.1,4,5

FIG. 38-19. Coronal computed tomogram of glomus tympanicum tumor demonstrates a soft-tissue mass representing a glomus tympanicum (arrowhead) along the cochlear promontory (p) and the hypotympanum. Note that the carotid artery (c) is just inferomedial to the mass.

FIG. 38-20. Glomus jugulare tumor. A: Coronal computed tomogram. There is expansion of the jugular fossa (small arrowheads indicate lateral wall) and destruction of the petrous apex (large arrowhead). B: Digital subtraction angiogram, anteroposterior projection, external carotid artery injection. There is pronounced tumor vascularity (arrowheads). The arterial supply of the tumor is from the external carotid circulation, usually from the ascending pharyngeal branch of the external carotid


Eighty percent of tumors involving the cerebellopontine angle are eighth-nerve schwannomas ( Fig. 38-21 and Fig. 38-22). Almost all of the other masses of the cerebello-pontine angle are also benign; they include meningioma ( Fig. 38-23), epidermoid cyst (Fig. 38-24), arachnoid cyst (Fig. 38-25), fifth-nerve schwannoma, seventh-nerve schwannoma (Fig. 38-26), and aneurysm.1,4,5

FIG. 38-21. Gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted axial magnetic resonance image of vestibuloacoustic schwannoma. There is marked enhancement of a small tumor that occupies the internal auditory canal (intracanicular). It involves the medial aspect of the intracanicular portion of the eighth nerve ( large arrowhead). The normal right eighth nerve is indicated ( small arrowhead).

FIG. 38-22. Contrast-enhanced axial magnetic resonance image of vestibuloacoustic schwannoma. The scan demonstrates a homogeneously enhancing mass in the internal auditory canal ( arrowhead) and in the cerebellopontine angle cistern.

FIG. 38-23. Axial computed tomographic (CT) scan of a large, enhancing mass on the right that extends into the posterior fossa. It previously had been shown to contain calcium on a noncontrast-enhanced CT scan. The pathologic diagnosis was meningioma.

FIG. 38-24. Epidermoid. A: Coronal T1-weighted magnetic resonance image. A large homogeneous mass, which is slightly higher in signal than cerebrospinal fluid, fills the right cerebellopontine angle. B: On a T2-weighted image, the lesion is again noted to be hyperintense to cerebrospinal fluid.

FIG. 38-25. Axial T1-weighted magnetic resonance image of arachnoid cyst. The large, fluid-filled structure expands the left cerebellopontine angle cistern

(arrowheads). Note the elongation and thinning of cranial nerves VII and VIII ( white arrow).

FIG. 38-26. Axial computed tomographic scan of facial schwannoma, labyrinthine segment. A large, circumscribed, osteolytic area is seen in the labyrinthine segment of the facial nerve canal just anterior to the cochlear capsule ( small arrowheads). The bone changes appear to be more expansile than destructive. An adjacent old surgical defect is present (large arrowhead).

The malignant tumors that affect the temporal bone usually are the result of local invasion from adjacent structures such as the skin or salivary glands; or they may be metastatic from distant sites, most commonly the breast, kidney, or lung. Primary malignant rhabdomyosarcoma of the middle ear occurs in children, whereas carcinoma of the middle ear is more common in adults, usually spreading from the external auditory canal ( Fig. 38-27). Bone erosion may be found in benign tumors, but bone destruction is found only with malignant lesions. 1,4,5

FIG. 38-27. Axial computed tomographic scan of squamous cell carcinoma. There is marked osteolytic destruction of the mastoid bone ( large arrowheads). A soft-tissue mass fills the tympanic cavity and surrounds the ossicles ( small arrowheads).

Treatment of chronic infectious processes and cholesteatomas usually requires entry into the mastoid antrum and middle ear cavity. This usually is accomplished by one of several different types of mastoidectomy. A radical mastoidectomy ( Fig. 38-28) is an extensive surgical procedure that involves removal of the outer mastoid cortex, all mastoid air cells, the posterior-superior external canal wall, and the majority of the ossicles. A modified radical mastoidectomy leaves the ossicles mostly intact. An intact-canal-wall mastoidectomy leaves the ossicles and the external canal intact.

FIG. 38-28. Coronal computed tomogram of radical mastoidectomy. There is evidence of surgical resection of the mastoid air cells, mastoid antrum, external canal roof, drum spur, and ossicles. The reconstructed tympanic membrane ( large arrow) can be seen, as can the stapes ( small arrow).

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Chakeres DW, Kapila A: Computed tomography of the temporal bone. Med Radiogr Photogr 60:3, 1984 Chintapalli K, Unger J, Shaffer K, et al: Otosclerosis: Comparison of computed tomography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 6:85, 1983 Gentry LR: Temporal bone trauma: Current perspectives for diagnostic evaluation. Neuroimaging Clin North Am 1:319, 1991 Shaffer KA: Temporal bone imaging. In Unger JM: Handbook of Head and Neck Imaging. New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1987 Shaffer KA, Haughton VM, Wilson CR: High resolution computed tomography of the temporal bone. Radiology 134:409, 1980

Chapter 39 The Teeth, Jaws, and Salivary Glands Essentials of Radiologic Imaging

Chapter 39 The Teeth, Jaws, and Salivary Glands

J. Shannon Swan

J. S. Swan: Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Clinical Science Center, Madison, Wisconsin 53792-3252.

The Normal Teeth Dental Infections Dental Caries Pulp Changes Periapical (Periradicular) Infections Alveolar (Periodontal) Infections Dental Trauma Dental Manifestations of Generalized Disorders Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders Developmental Disorders Miscellaneous Disorders Cysts and Tumors of the Jaw Dental Cysts Odontogenic Tumors Nonodontogenic Cysts and Tumors Other Benign Tumors Malignant Tumors Infections of the Jaws The Temporomandibular Articulation Anatomic and Pathologic Considerations Less Common Temporomandibular Joint Conditions MRI of the Temporomandibular Joints The Salivary Glands Imaging Techniques Salivary Gland Tumors Other Salivary Gland Diseases Chapter References

Roentgen examination of the teeth is used by the medical profession largely to determine the presence or absence of infection involving the teeth and jaws. Certain changes in the alveolus result from generalized disease, and examination of the teeth is also helpful in these conditions. Tumors arising on the alveolar ridge, tongue, or other intraoral sites may involve the bony alveolus. Roentgen examination is used to detect, plan therapy, and follow the progress of these tumors. Specific techniques for dental radiography include intraoral dental radiographic study and the panoramic type of extraoral examinations. Three general intraoral methods of examination used: intraoral dental, bitewing, and occlusal. The standard intraoral films are placed in position and held there by the patient while the exposure is being made. These exposures should include the crowns and roots of all teeth. Bitewing films are used to examine the crowns of the teeth. These films have a central flap that is held between the teeth with the mouth closed. Each film then includes upper and lower dental crowns. The occlusal film is larger and is also employed as an intraoral film. It is used most widely in patients who are edentulous in a search for retained root fragments or local infection of the alveolus. It is also useful in the examination of small cysts or tumors of the alveolar ridge and jaw. Panoramic devices save time and radiation exposure. They are used as a dental screening device and as a method of examining the alveolar ridges and adjacent portions of the maxilla as well as the mandible. A number of panoramic devices are available, with a variety of special features to suit the needs of physicians interested in the teeth and jaws as well as those of the oral surgeon and dentist (see Fig. 39-11). These devices rotate around a fixed head position during filming. A single exposure may be used to survey all of the teeth as well as the jaws. The lesser quality of panoramic films is appropriate for examination of the mandible and maxilla and as a screening examination of the teeth. The panoramic methods reduce radiation exposure considerably, from a dose of about 15 rad for a full-mouth dental survey with two bitewing exposures to about 3 rad for a panoramic exposure plus bitewings. Lead-lined cones are effective in reducing skin exposure in dental radiography. The mandible is examined by means of special views in frontal and lateral oblique projection in most institutions. The low Townes' view is preferred in our institution to supplement a panoramic study. The temporomandibular joints (TMJs) also require special techniques and are examined with the mouth opened and closed. Films of the normal joint are usually obtained for comparison purposes. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are of considerable value in the examination of the TMJs, with MRI usually preferred for most circumstances. Arthrography of the TMJs is now used infrequently.

FIG. 39-11. Hypophosphatasia in a 2-year-old child. Panoramic film of the teeth and jaws. All deciduous teeth have been lost except the molars. The roots are small, the pulp cavities large, and the enamel and dentine are thinned.


The discussion of dental and jaw problems is necessarily limited in this text. Those interested in more detailed information should refer to texts such as Stafne's Oral Radiographic Diagnosis, edited by Gibilisco, 7 and Goaz and White's Oral Radiology.9 The teeth appear in two sets. The first are termed deciduous or temporary teeth. There are 20 deciduous teeth, 10 in each jaw, 5 in each quadrant. They are named from the midline as follows: central incisor, lateral incisor, cuspid, first molar, and second molar. In the adult jaw there are normally 32 teeth, 8 in each quadrant, named as follows from the midline: central incisor, lateral incisor, cuspid (canine), first bicuspid (premolar), second bicuspid (premolar), first molar, second molar, and third molar. Examples of these teeth are shown in Fig. 39-1, Fig. 39-2, Fig. 39-3 and Fig. 39-4.

FIG. 39-1. Examples of teeth in the upper jaw. From left to right: partially outlined unerupted third molar, second molar, first molar, second bicuspid, first bicuspid, partially visualized second molar, first molar, second bicuspid, first bicuspid, partially visualized cuspid, remainder of the cuspid, lateral incisor, central incisor. Note the radiolucency representing the floor of the maxillary antrum. There are metallic restorations (fillings) in the molar teeth and also in the second bicuspid on the far left.

FIG. 39-2. Examples of teeth in the lower jaw. From left to right: partially visualized and unerupted third molar, second molar, first molar, partially visualized second bicuspid, partially visualized second molar, first molar, second bicuspid, first bicuspid, lateral incisor, central incisor, lateral incisor, cuspid. Note metallic restorations in the molar teeth.

FIG. 39-3. Examples of developing teeth. The unerupted permanent teeth are noted in the alveolus, with some resorption of the roots of the deciduous teeth. A: Upper incisors. B: Lower bicuspid and molars. The deciduous molar is carious.

FIG. 39-4. Lower molar teeth. Lamina dura surrounds the dental root ( arrow). The bony alveolus extends to the neck of the tooth. The crown is above it, and the roots are embedded in the bone. The dental root canal is represented by the thin radiolucent line extending into the dental root. The alveolodental periosteum (periodontal membrane) forms a radiolucent line between the lamina dura and the dental root.

Each tooth consists of a crown, which is covered by enamel, and a root. The junction between them is called the neck, cervix, or cementoenamel junction. The roots, which are covered with cementum, lie in sockets in the alveolar process of the jaw and are attached by the periodontal ligament to the alveolar bone. Many variations in opacity are noted on dental radiographs. In decreasing order, they are (1) metal crowns and restorations, (2) enamel of the teeth, (3) dentin underlying the enamel, (4) cementum, (5) cortical bone, (6) cancellous bone, and (7) medullary spaces, canals, foramina, and soft tissues. The crown of the tooth is therefore slightly more dense than the root, and within each tooth is a narrow radiolucency termed the root (pulp) canal. Immediately surrounding each tooth is a radiolucent space representing the alveolar periosteum (periodontal membrane). Adjacent to this is a thin, dense structure composed of compact bone called the lamina dura (see Fig. 39-4). The mandible is composed of two equal halves united anteriorly at the symphysis. Each half consists of a body extending from the midline backward in a roughly horizontal direction and a ramus at somewhat less than a right angle. The ramus is almost vertical; it articulates with the base of the skull by means of a condylar process that projects upward from the posterior aspect of the ramus. The other upward projection anteriorly is termed the coronoid process. The lower teeth are set in the mandibular alveolar process. The upper teeth are set in the alveolar process of the maxilla. The lower aspect of the maxillary antrum is visible on dental films of the upper teeth. The mental foramen, which transmits distal branches of the third division of the trigeminal nerve (V 3) appears as a radiolucency below and between the lower bicuspids. The mandibular canal, which transmits the main trunk of V 3, extends forward, parallel to the alveolar ridge, and is a radiolucency that should not be mistaken for disease (Fig. 39-5).

FIG. 39-5. Mental foramen. The arrow indicates the foramen. The mandibular canal extends posteriorly from the foramen in this edentulous mandibular alveolus.

There are a few structures in the maxilla that also should be mentioned. The intermaxillary suture is observed in children and often in young adults. It appears as a midline radiolucent suture extending from the alveolar crest between the upper central incisors back to the posterior aspect of the palate. It may be interrupted in some areas. It has cortical margins that are smooth or slightly irregular. Usually there is no difficulty in differentiating it from a fracture. The incisive foramen (anterior palatine foramen) varies in size from a slit near the sagittal plane of the maxilla at about the level of the apices of the central incisors to a rather large round or oval foramen, usually clearly marginated and occasionally appearing somewhat bilobed. A radicular cyst, granuloma, or abscess, from which it must be differentiated, maintains its relation to the dental root in contrast to the foramen (see Dental Infections).

Dental Caries The presence of a cavity (or, more properly, dental caries) may escape detection by clinical methods of examination and yet be readily visible on a radiograph. Regardless of their cause, dental caries may lead to foci of infection involving the periapical tissues of the jaw and therefore are important lesions. On the roentgenogram a carious area is radiolucent and appears as an area of decreased opacity that is usually slightly irregular and may occur anywhere on the crown of a tooth or in its neck ( Fig. 39-6).

FIG. 39-6. Dental caries. Note the multiple radiolucent defects in the crowns of the teeth. These are very advanced lesions.

Pulp Changes The dental pulp contains the blood and nerve supply of the tooth. The cellular elements include odontoblasts and mesenchymal cells capable of differentiating into odontoclasts. Irritation caused by a number of external stimuli, including occlusal wear, dental caries, and minor trauma, may lead to formation of calcifications (pulp stones) or thickening of the walls of the pulp chamber. There may be resorption with pulp chamber enlargement when infection is severe; this is caused by metaplasia with formation of odontoclasts. Periapical (Periradicular) Infections All of the periapical inflammatory lesions represent chronic disease when they are advanced enough to produce roentgen changes. Chronic infection around the apex of a dental root is manifested by several changes that can be recognized and classified. The lesions may occur in the absence of clinical signs, which makes radiographic examination doubly important. Usually the infection follows the death of the pulp, and bacteria pass through the root canal into the periapical tissues. Condensing Osteitis. This condition may be caused by occlusal trauma or by infection, but it usually is associated with a pulp in the process of degeneration. It results in some thickening of the periosteum (periodontal membrane) at the apex of the root and is manifested on the roentgenogram by increased width of the radiolucent space between the lamina dura and the dental apex. The lamina dura is usually intact but may be thinned and partially resorbed ( Fig. 39-7A). There is typically sclerosis surrounding the thickened periodontal membrane. 9

FIG. 39-7. Periapical infections. A: Condensing osteitis. The arrow indicates an increase in lucency at the apex of the root surrounded by sclerosis. This tooth is also carious, with a pulp exposure. B: Periapical granuloma. The arrow indicates destruction of bone adjacent to the apex of the root of the first molar. Note that the crown is carious. (C) Periapical abscess. An abscess results in considerable destruction of bone around the apices of the involved teeth ( arrows).

Periapical Granuloma. This represents the chronic stage of periapical infection in which there is destruction of bone adjacent to the apex of the tooth. The resultant space is filled with granulation tissue. Roentgenographically there is a radiolucent zone, usually with clearly defined margins, which is located at the dental root apex. The lamina dura is usually destroyed, but the bony margin of the radiolucent zone is clearly outlined (see Fig. 39-7B). It should be realized that a granuloma, a radicular cyst, and an abscess may be similar roentgenographically and in many instances cannot be differentiated. Usually the granuloma is no more than 1 cm in

diameter, much smaller than the usual radicular cyst. Periapical Abscess. This is the stage of the disease in which there is actual suppuration. A radiolucent zone is noted around the apex of the tooth in this condition; the margin is somewhat irregular and poorly defined but may be sclerotic in disease of long duration. The lamina dura is destroyed in the area of the disease (see Fig. 39-7C). Radicular or Root Cyst. Proliferation of squamous cells frequently found in granulation tissue around a dental root apex is stimulated by chronic inflammation. This mass of epithelial cells breaks down to form a cyst-like cavity that gradually enlarges because of slow, constant pressure produced by the cellular proliferation. Eventually, a cyst wall is formed by dense fibrous tissue. Roentgen findings are those of a radiolucent area, which may be rather large, around the apex of one or more teeth. The margins are clearly defined, often with a thin layer of compact bone clearly outlining the cyst. A large cyst may expand the bone and displace contiguous teeth (Fig. 39-8).

FIG. 39-8. Radicular (root) cyst. A: Note the large rarefied area extending into the alveolus from the root of the lateral incisor. The cyst is moderately well circumscribed, with a clearly defined margin. B: Slightly different view in which the cyst overlaps the apex of the adjacent cuspid ( arrow). Note the small abscess or granuloma involving the first bicuspid. All of the crowns are carious.

The various manifestations of periapical infection may be difficult to classify into one of the groups described, but they should be recognized as lesions caused by infection; that is, they represent a focus of infection that must be managed by dental surgery. In a tooth so affected, the neurovascular supply to the pulp is necrotic, and the dentist refers to the tooth as being nonvital. Alveolar (Periodontal) Infections The earliest clinical manifestation of infection involving the alveolar tissues surrounding the teeth is gingivitis. The process begins with an accumulation of bacterial plaques on dental surfaces, which cause loss of the supporting structures because there is bacterial invasion of the gingival margins from the plaques. The accumulation of calculus above and below the gingival margin may play a role, but its relation to gingivitis is not clear. The infection progresses to the alveolodental periosteum, where chronic periostitis is produced. This results in absorption and destruction of bone surrounding the teeth, representing periodontitis (alveolar recession). When the process involves a single tooth and extends downward toward or to the apex it may be termed the vertical type of alveolar periodontitis. If the process is more generalized and results in destruction of the alveolar septa between several teeth, it is termed the horizontal type of periodontitis (alveolar recession).60 Radiographic Findings. The radiographic changes parallel the destructive process. At first there is some widening of the radiolucency between the root and the lamina dura at the neck, associated with some loss of the alveolar process. In the vertical type, the radiolucency around a single tooth increases. This indicates thickening of the periodontal ligament (membrane) and early bone involvement leading to loss of bony support and loss of the lamina dura. In the horizontal type, the alveolar ridge gradually disappears between the teeth until there is loss of bony support for several teeth. Roentgenographically, the presence of pus in these pockets of infection cannot be ascertained, but when the alveolar destruction is marked there usually is a considerable amount of local sepsis. Dense projections often appear at the necks of the affected teeth, representing calculus. Occasionally, root resorption occurs, resulting in loss of the root in one or more areas. This is manifested on the radiograph by an area of irregular radiolucency indenting the normally smooth surface of the involved root ( Fig. 39-9).

FIG. 39-9. A: Vertical periodontitis. Note loss of bone extending between the roots of the lateral incisor and cuspid in the lower jaw ( arrow). The process is localized in this patient. B: Horizontal periodontitis. The alveolus has been destroyed to a comparable extent throughout the incisor area ( arrow). The density surrounding the necks of the teeth represents calculus. C: Examples of severe periodontitis, with pockets extending almost to the apices of the involved teeth ( arrows).

Minimal trauma is a frequent occurrence, and there are no roentgen findings. If the pulp is damaged, it may be stimulated to lay down calcified scar tissue, which may fill the pulp chamber. Root resorption may also result from minor trauma. These changes can be observed roentgenographically. Trauma to a deciduous tooth may injure and thus impair the developing permanent tooth. 43 The enamel may be hypoplastic in some; in others, there is failure of narrowing of the pulp chamber, caused by degeneration of the pulp that cannot form dentin. A wide pulp chamber in an adult may be the result of childhood trauma. The opposite may also occur, for example, self-obliteration of the pulp by excess dentin deposition. Various types of trauma that are important in children have been described. Complicated crown fractures or crownroot fractures expose the pulp. This makes prognosis poor for saving the tooth. In uncomplicated crown or crownroot fractures, the dentin is not exposed and prognosis is better. The root fracture that is usually missed clinically can be detected radiographically, but tomography may be required. Other complications of dental injury in children are failure of union, traumatic bone cyst, and apical cyst.


In addition to outlining the teeth, intraoral dental films also include the alveolar process of the mandible, which may reflect changes in certain systemic diseases.

Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders Hypopituitarism. Delayed dentition along with delay in osseous development is characteristic of hypopituitarism; dental films show the delay in development as well as the small, underdeveloped jaw. There is a delay in general skeletal development. There is also a delay in loss of primary teeth and development of permanent teeth. The teeth are normal in size. Hyperpituitarism. In acromegaly and giantism there is an overgrowth of the mandible, so that the teeth are more widely separated than normal. The tongue is large and may protrude past the anterior teeth or past both teeth and lips. It also narrows the pharyngeal airway and may obliterate the valleculae. The greatest mandibular growth is in the incisor area. Rami may be normal or short. Radiographic study is helpful in differentiating this type of overgrowth from that associated with other conditions that produce abnormal enlargement of the jaw. Hypercementosis of the posterior teeth is common. Hypothyroidism (Cretinism). The delayed development of the teeth that occurs in this condition is associated with underdevelopment of the jaw. Primary teeth remain for several years beyond the normal time for exfoliation, and there is a comparable delay in appearance of permanent teeth. In myxedema (adult onset), no definite dental alteration is present. Hypoparathyroidism. Hypoplasia of the enamel occurs when the onset of the disease is early in life, before the enamel is completely formed. Hypoplasia of the dentine may also occur if the hypoparathyroidism occurs before the dental roots are developed. This is manifested by short, underdeveloped roots. In pseudohypoparathyroidism, dental changes are similar to those in hypoparathyroidism: hypoplasia of the enamel; short, underdeveloped roots; and delayed eruption or noneruption of affected teeth. Hyperparathyroidism. Thinning or loss of the lamina dura is noted on dental roentgenograms, along with marked decalcification of the alveolus. Dental films of the upper jaw also demonstrate a loss of the clearly defined outline of the bony floor of the maxillary antrum; this is also a result of decalcification ( Fig. 39-10). In severe disease, cyst-like rarefactions may appear in the mandible. After successful removal of the tumor causing the parathyroid hyperfunction, the alveolus tends to return to normal and the lamina dura reappears. This disease is now discovered at a relatively early stage in most instances, so no radiologic changes may be observed in the alveolus.

FIG. 39-10. Hyperparathyroidism. A: Note the absence of the lamina dura of the teeth. There is also loss of bone density in the alveolus and some alveolar resorption. B: Normal teeth with normal lamina dura and alveolar density.

Cushing's Syndrome. Moderate decalcification of the alveolus is noted on the dental radiograph in this condition, along with partial loss of the lamina dura. As a result, this structure is sometimes difficult to outline, but there are usually some areas in which it can be observed. Diabetes Mellitus. In severe diabetes, particularly in children, dental infection is a problem. Periapical as well as periodontal disease is commonly present and may be severe. These changes are readily outlined on dental radiographs, but they are not present in all patients and are nonspecific. Hypophosphatasia. There is loss of alveolar bone, enlargement of the pulp chambers of the root canals, and a decrease in thickness of the enamel and dentine. The roots, therefore, are thin and have wide pulp cavities. Deciduous teeth are lost early because of the absence of cementum, without early eruption of permanent teeth (Fig. 39-11). Mild forms of the disease may produce no dental findings. Developmental Disorders Midline Facial Clefts. In cleft lip and cleft palate, there are dental anomalies ranging from deformity and malposition of some upper central teeth, to the presence of supernumerary teeth, to absence of a number of teeth. The films outline the osseous deformity as well as the dental alterations. A number of other isolated anomalies of the jaws and teeth are clearly defined on occlusal films or on panoramic films of the mandible and maxilla. They include congenital hypoplasia or hyperplasia of the mandible and unilateral hypoplasia of the face. Osteogenesis Imperfecta. The characteristic dental alteration associated with this condition (dentinogenesis imperfecta type I) is replacement of the pulp canals by dentine, resulting in teeth that are uniformly dense. The finding of absent root canals is first observed in the incisor and the first molar teeth, which are the earliest to develop completely. This is an autosomal dominant trait. Osteogenesis imperfecta produces multiple fractures, blue sclerae, wormian bones, and impressive osteopenia. Dentinogenesis Imperfecta Type II. This is an autosomal dominant trait that is unrelated to osteogenesis imperfecta. The deciduous and permanent teeth are brown and wear away rapidly. Dental roots are small and conical; small molars have single roots. The root canal may be very small and partially obstructed, and pulp is diminished or absent. Amelogenesis Imperfecta. This is a disturbance that interferes with normal enamel formation. Both deciduous and permanent dentitions are affected. Most types of amelogenesis imperfecta are autosomal dominant or recessive, but some may be X-linked. There are may variants of this disorder, and they vary in appearance. Some produce squarish dental crowns with thin enamel of normal density with pits, or a normal thickness of enamel with the same density as dentine. Some produce enamel with less density than dentine on x-rays. Osteopetrosis. The dense, ivory-like bone characteristic of this disease is noted in the alveolus; the roots of the teeth are often incompletely developed. Achondroplasia. The delay in dental development in this condition is readily observed on roentgenograms of the teeth. Many of the teeth remain unerupted into adult life. Ectodermal Dysplasia. This disease is characterized by partial or complete absence of hair, sweat glands, and teeth. The degree of dental abnormality ranges from complete dental aplasia to congenital absence of a few of the teeth. Oculodento-osseous Dysplasia. Hypoplasia of the enamel is associated with microphthalmia, skeletal dysplasia and sclerosis, digital malformations, and, in some patients, calcification in the basal ganglia. Trichodento-osseous Syndrome. Dental abnormalities consist of delayed or partial dental eruption with wide and long pulp chambers. Dental caries with multiple periapical abscesses and associated condensing osteitis are frequently present. The infant has dark, curly hair that may become straight by the second decade.

Taurodontism. This condition is characterized by short dental roots, enlarged pulp chambers, and elongated dental bodies. It is observed in about 20% of patients with Klinefelter's syndrome. Chondroectodermal Dysplasia (Ellis-van Creveld Syndrome). This disorder is characterized by dysplasia of the fingernails, short stature caused by shortening of the tubular bones, polydactyly, carpal fusion, and dental abnormalities. Congenital cardiac abnormalities may also be present. There is usually a decreased number of teeth that are widely spaced and peg-shaped. Malocclusion is common; the mandible is always hypoplastic, and the undersurface often is markedly concave (antegonial notching). Cleidocranial Dysostosis. Abnormal dentition and abnormality of the jaws are very common in this condition. There is often a delay in appearance of the teeth, with numerous supernumerary teeth. Permanent teeth are frequently malposed and fail to erupt. Absence or hypoplasia of the clavicles and anomalies of the cranial bones occur; numerous wormian bones are common. Unilateral Hyperplasia of the Face. The teeth develop prematurely on the hyperplastic side of the face; films of the jaws showing the difference in development of the teeth may permit early diagnosis of this rare condition. The jaw is deviated to the normal side, and malocclusion is common. Unilateral Hyperplasia of the Coronoid Process. This is a rare anomaly of the mandible. Bilateral hyperplasia of the coronoid process may also occur. elongated coronoid process impinges on the zygomatic arch, necessitating resection to restore normal mandibular motion.


Hypercementosis (Exostosis of the Dental Root). Cementum that is somewhat denser than cortical bone is produced and accumulates around the root of an affected tooth, usually a permanent one, to cause this abnormality. The premolars (bicuspids) are most commonly affected, followed by the first and second molars. Radiographic findings reveal an enlarged, bulbous, dense root that may be unusual in shape. The relationship of the lamina dura to the root does not change; it covers the abnormal root as in the normal state. The cause is not clear, and it may represent a dental anomaly. Mandibulofacial Dysostosis (Treacher-Collins Syndrome). The teeth may be malposed, widely separated, hypoplastic and displaced; malocclusion is common in this syndrome in which there is hypoplasia of the facial bones, particularly the zygoma and mandible. Cleft palate, absence of the palatine bones or high palate, and underdevelopment of paranasal sinuses and mastoids may also be observed on roentgenograms of the facial bones. 35 Other Anomalies. There are a number of other developmental disorders in which abnormality occurs, but most are very rare. They include Rutherfurd's syndrome, in which deciduous teeth are unerupted and absorb with permanent teeth visible below them. 20 This is evidently caused by gingival hyperplasia of such an extent that eruption of the teeth is prevented. Oculomandibulodyscephaly (Hallermann-Streiff syndrome) is another rare condition in which teeth are malformed, erupt early and irregularly, and may be erupted at birth. The palate is high and narrow, and there is hypoplasia of the mandible. Dental and jaw abnormalities may also occur in dysosteosclerosis, in which there is dental hypoplasia and the permanent teeth fail to erupt. Sclerosis of bone is noted in the base of the skull, ribs, and vertebral bodies. Micrognathia may be congenital and is associated with a number of syndromes; it is sometimes acquired secondary to trauma or infection. In juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, the mandible is often underdeveloped and a rather deep local notch may be observed on the undersurface of the mandibular body, just anterior to the angle (gonion). There is also a congenital form of notching (antegonial), which is a uniform concavity of the entire undersurface of the body of the mandible. Melnick-Needles syndrome causes radiographic alterations in the mandibular rami, with a thin medial cortex, and absence of the outer cortex produces cyst-like lesions. Coronoid processes are hypoplastic, and molar teeth are absent or impacted. Radiotherapy of the jaw in childhood may cause dental anomalies and hypoplasia, depending on the age of the child and the radiation dose. Other causes of dental and jaw abnormalities include the mucopolysaccharidoses, chondrodystrophia calcificans congenita, hypotelorism, hypertelorism, Marchesani's syndrome, Marfan's syndrome, and various causes of retardation including trisomy 21. It is beyond the scope of this book to discuss all of these abnormalities. Miscellaneous Disorders Eosinophilic Granuloma (Histiocytosis X) of Bone. This lesion often involves the jaw, resulting in destruction of the area of bone affected, with no visible reaction. It is not unusual to observe the bone destroyed so completely that teeth are left with no visible bony supporting structure: so-called floating teeth. The bony lesions may be solitary or multiple within the mandible and may involve other bones. Several other diseases may destroy the mandible in a similar way; they include several of the non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, metastatic neuroblastoma, and Ewing's tumor. The teeth may appear to float, but there are often soft-tissue changes and other signs that tend to make the diagnosis. MRI using surface coils is helpful in defining the extent of bone and soft-tissue disease in these patients. Acrosclerosis and Scleroderma. An increase in the thickness of the periodontal membrane results in uniform widening of the radiolucent space between the dental roots and the lamina dura. The uniform widening of this space in all of the teeth differentiates acrosclerosis and scleroderma from inflammatory disease of the alveolus, in which the widening is rarely uniform. Osteomalacia. The decalcification caused by this disease is noted in the alveolus. The lamina dura is also involved; it is absent in some areas but usually can be visualized in others. Rickets. A deficiency of vitamin D may cause dental disturbances as well as the classic skeletal abnormalities. Hypoplasia of the enamel is frequently observed because the disease usually occurs in young children and infants. When the onset is late, as in rachitis tarda, the development of the dental roots may be retarded. This is caused by defective dentine and cementum that may result in poor attachment of the teeth and lead to periodontal infection. The pulp chambers are abnormally large. Renal Osteodystrophy. The dental findings are similar to those of hyperparathyroidism, with demineralization of the alveolus and loss of the lamina dura. In the child, delayed dental development is also observed. Congenital Lead Poisoning. This condition may cause a delay in development of the deciduous teeth as well as typical lead lines in the long bones and increased density of the cranial vault.


Many lesions in the mandible can cause a local radiolucent defect. Some of these are defined clearly by a sclerotic rim of bone, whereas others may have indistinct borders. Benign cysts and tumors are so similar to low-grade malignancies in the jaw that roentgen findings often are equivocal. In these instances, biopsy must be performed. It is worthwhile to describe these lesions, however, because at times they may be clearly differentiated on plain films. Dental Cysts Periodontal (Radicular or Dental Root) Cysts. These cysts, which are the result of chronic periapical infection, were previously described in the Periapical Infections section. The cystic cavity is clearly defined and usually is unilocular. The relationship of the radiolucent cystic structure to the dental root is important in the differential diagnosis. This is the most common cyst of the jaw; all others are relatively rare. Follicular Cysts. This type of cyst arises in relation to a tooth follicle. Three forms may occur, depending on the cyst content: dentigerous cyst, simple follicular (primordial) cyst, and cystic odontoma. The most common type of follicular cyst is the dentigerous cyst formed about the crown of a tooth. It develops around an unerupted, malposed tooth. Characteristically, it produces a sharply marginated, expansile, rarefied area with a formed or incompletely formed tooth projecting into the cavity along one side. Roentgen examination shows the large rarefaction, usually in the molar area, which causes expansion of the mandible. Its edges are clearly defined, and there is a

tooth or a part of a tooth projecting into the radiolucent cyst ( Fig. 39-12). These cysts may occur in the maxilla as well as in the mandible.

FIG. 39-12. Dentigerous cyst. In the mandible, note the clearly defined radiolucent cyst that has resulted in erosion of the mesial root of the first molar. The unerupted permanent second premolar is seen projecting into the cyst. Above, the unexfoliated deciduous second molar is present. A tooth associated with such a cyst usually establishes the diagnosis.

The simple follicular (primordial) cyst is rare. It arises from the epithelium of the enamel organ before development of the tooth; it is radiographically similar to the dentigerous cyst, except that there is no tooth associated with it. Because these follicular cysts are related to the developing teeth, they usually are found in patients younger than 15 years of age. Occasionally, this type of cyst may originate in a supernumerary tooth bud, in which instance it can occur in a patient with a full complement of teeth.48 Simple follicular cysts tend to occur in the third molar region of the mandible. Cystic odontoma is a follicular cyst that contains a mass of rudimentary teeth or a mass of very dense material that may be amorphous. Odontogenic Keratocyst. This cyst may occur as a solitary lesion, but it also may be associated with the basal-cell nevus syndrome. These cysts usually are found in association with unerupted teeth. They are lined by squamous cells. The radiographic findings consist of a cyst-like radiolucency of variable size, ranging from 1 to 9 cm. The cyst is clearly defined, but there is little or no sclerosis of the wall. It may be unilocular or loculated. Resorption of adjacent dental roots is rare. Occasionally some calcification is present within the cyst. The recurrence rate is high, up to 50%; therefore, it should be differentiated from a dentigerous cyst. Symptoms consist of pain, tenderness, swelling, and persistent drainage after dental extraction. Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Cyst. According to Gorlin and associates, 11 who first described it, this cyst occupies an anomalous position between cyst and neoplasm. Most of them occur in the mandible and are situated either centrally (75%) or on the gingiva causing superficial erosion of bone. Radiographic findings are those of a central lucent lesion with scattered, irregular foci of calcification. The margins are defined clearly, but there is no limiting area of sclerosis. The cyst is apparently benign but is locally aggressive and therefore may recur. Basal-Cell Nevus Syndrome. This is an hereditary disorder manifested by multiple, basal-cell epitheliomas of the skin, cysts of the jaws, and skeletal anomalies that include short fourth metacarpal, rib anomalies, vertebral anomalies, and ectopic calcifications in soft tissues. 1 The cysts in the jaw usually become symptomatic before the skin changes are noted, and they appear to be either odontogenic keratocysts or simple follicular or dentigerous cysts. Odontogenic Tumors Ameloblastoma (Adamantinoma). The adamantinoma is a slowly growing tumor that is malignant; local recurrence with eventual widespread local involvement may occur. It arises from the anlage of the enamel organ. It is found in children and adults of all ages, with an average age of 37 years. It may occur in either jaw but is more common in the mandible than the maxilla. The tumor may be divided into numerous compartments by bony septa, particularly in the mandible. The roentgen findings are those of a central tumor that produces destruction of bone and dental roots, as well as expansion of the cortex through which numerous complete or incomplete trabeculations pass, giving the appearance of a multicystic mass ( Fig. 39-13). Occasionally the tumor is unilocular with no trabeculation. This type is found in the maxilla more frequently than in the mandible. There is no attempt at new bone formation, but the mass is clearly defined by a smooth-appearing bony wall. The recurrent or more malignant form is more invasive, and its limits are not clearly defined. The unilocular adamantinoma may resemble a radicular cyst or a simple follicular cyst. The polycystic type may resemble a central giant-cell tumor, and radiographic differentiation is not absolute. Rarely, this tumor secretes pseudoparathormone, resulting in hypercalcemia. Removal of the tumor results in a return of calcium levels to normal. CT or MRI is helpful in defining the limits of the tumor.

FIG. 39-13. Ameloblastoma. This tumor in the body of the mandible is reasonably well defined ( arrows). It has destroyed the bone and dental roots in the premolar and molar areas and appears to be somewhat multicystic anteriorly.

Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor (Adenoameloblastoma). This tumor is benign. It is twice as common in women as in men. It usually occurs before the age of 30 and often before 20 years of age. It occurs commonly in the anterior maxilla, related to an unerupted tooth. Roentgen findings are those of a small (less than 2 cm) radiolucent area, usually clearly defined. It contains foci of calcification that rarely are extensive. Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor (Pindborg's Tumor). This tumor arises from odontogenic cells but is unlike the ameloblastoma. 37 Amyloid, which subsequently calcifies, is deposited in this tumor, which usually occurs in the premolarmolar area of the mandible in association with an impacted or unerupted tooth. About one third of these tumors involve the maxilla, and rarely the maxillary antrum, where an ectopic tooth is observed surrounded by a cyst-like cavity. As the tumor develops around the crown of an unerupted tooth, it resembles a dentigerous cyst but often contains numerous calcifications. However, as it increases in size, the periphery becomes poorly defined and calcifies in an irregular pattern that eventually may resemble an osteosarcoma. Complex (Complex Composite) Odontoma. This is a single mass made up of two or more of the solid dental tissues, including enamel, dentine, pulp, and cementum. Radiographically it is a densely opaque mass of malformed dental elements in either jaw, surrounded by a thin, radiolucent line similar to the periodontal membrane. There is condensation of bone surrounding the mass, resulting in an encapsulated appearance. The most common sites are the upper central incisor and the lower molar areas. Complex odontomas are usually found in the second and third decades of life. They are asymptomatic except that a mass is produced that may become very large. Compound (Compound Composite) Odontoma. This is similar to the complex odontoma except that the dense mass is composed of a bundle of dwarfed

misshapen teeth, which are recognizable as teeth. There is a radiolucent line surrounding the mass of teeth, representing the pericoronal space usually observed around the crown of an unerupted tooth. It is found most often in the cuspid (canine) area, with equal frequency in maxilla and mandible. Odontogenic Fibroma (Fibromyxoma). This evidently arises from dental tissue and may be associated with an unerupted tooth. It cannot be differentiated from a dentigerous cyst, because the roentgen appearances are identical. Radiographically it may be a multicompartmented, cyst-like rarefaction; the fine trabeculations may be angular, forming the multilocular appearance. Some of them are unilocular and have no trabeculation. The tumors may be expansile, with well-defined margins in some and poorly defined margins in others. Although usually benign, some may become locally invasive, probably accounting for the poorly defined margins in some lesions. Thinning of the cortex is present in large lesions. When the posterior maxilla is involved, the tumor may extend into and fill the antrum. MRI appears to be better than CT in evaluating the extent of the invasive-type lesions. 6 Cementoma (Cementifying Fibroma). The cementoma is of mesenchymal origin. It usually occurs in the mandibular incisors, is often multiple, and is more common in women, particularly black women. It begins in the periapical region with proliferation of connective tissue at its site of origin, the periodontal membrane of a developed, erupted tooth. In this stage it resembles a periapical granuloma, abscess, or radicular cyst because the mesenchymal mass is radiolucent. However, cementomas usually are asymptomatic and require no treatment, and it is therefore inappropriate for the dentist to initiate root canal (endodontic) therapy based on roentgen findings alone. Cementomas are differentiated clinically from abscesses, granulomas, and radicular cysts by the normal integrity of the pulp neurovascular tissue. Such a tooth is characterized by the dentist, after appropriate examination, as being vital. The second stage in cementoma development is one in which the fibrous tissue is converted into a calcified cementum-like substance. This dense mass then develops within the cyst-like space, and the periapical lucency becomes an opacity. There may be some associated hypercementosis of the adjacent dental root. Gigantiform Cementoma. This lesion, originating in the periodontal membrane, consists of a lobulated mass of dense, slightly mottled calcified cementum. It appears to be familial. Usually there are simultaneous masses in the mandible and maxilla. It may become such a large, dysplastic mass (or masses) that differentiation from other lesions such as Paget's disease and fibrous dysplasia may be difficult. The lesion may be expansile. Some appear to be densely and uniformly calcified, and in others there are scattered areas of lucency. 7 Medial Mandibular Bone Concavity (Stafne's Defect or Cyst). This is an asymptomatic, cyst-like lesion of the posterior mandible anterior to the angle. 56 It is a medial concavity of the mandible that may be related to salivary gland hypertrophy. Ectopic salivary gland tissue may be present in the concavity. Radiographically it appears as a small (usually less than 3 cm), ovoid, cyst-like lucency that is clearly defined by a narrow border of sclerotic bone. Unlike most other cysts or cyst-like lesions, it lies below the mandibular canal. It may be bilateral. Nonodontogenic Cysts and Tumors Incisive Canal Cyst (Anterior Palatine Foramen Cyst). As indicated previously, the normal incisive foramen may vary considerably in size. The roentgen diagnosis of a cyst in this canal must be made on the basis of the clinical history of a slowly enlarging mass, either in the anterior palate or protruding into the nose, associated with a midline cyst that usually has clearly defined borders of condensed bone. Because incisive canal cysts are benign, their course can be followed if there is any doubt as to the diagnosis. Rarely, a median mandibular cyst may occur; its appearance is similar to that of the incisive canal cyst except for location. Globulomaxillary Cyst. This lesion comprises about 21% of the radiolucencies of the midline of the maxilla. An important differential point is that it is always seen between a lateral incisor and a cuspid. The teeth are vital, and the appearance of the cyst has been described as an inverted pear shape 2. The cyst splays the roots of adjacent teeth apart. The splayed roots may be the best clue to this cyst's presence on panoramic films, because the maxillary alveolus may be significantly blurred. Aneurysmal Bone Cyst. An aneurysmal bone cyst occurs very rarely in the mandible. As in an aneurysmal bone cyst elsewhere, it tends to be a cortical lesion that expands the bone locally. It has the appearance of a trabeculated lytic cavity projecting from the bone in a manner that resembles a soap bubble. There may be marked expansion and thinning of the cortex. Its relation to trauma is not entirely clear, nor is its relation to reparative giant-cell granuloma. CT may show a thin rim of newly formed bone surrounding the lesion that may not be detected on the radiographs of the jaw. 8 Benign Giant-Cell Reparative Granuloma (Benign Giant-Cell Tumor). There is controversy as to how this lesion should be classified, but it is probably a nontumorous reparative process. The origin may be central or peripheral; a peripheral tumor originates in the alveolar soft tissue and may produce a smooth, pressure defect of the bone on the alveolar crest, but it does not invade bone. The central tumor may be unilocular and expansile, and it may resemble a large cyst, except that there is no condensation of bone forming the wall of the defect. Internal calcification occurs occasionally. Adjacent teeth may be displaced by the expanding mass, but there is rarely any dental resorption. However, the lamina dura may be eroded and lost. There may also be cortical thinning if the mass enlarges sufficiently. 19 The other form is multilocular. It may also expand the cortex and deform and displace adjacent teeth. The borders are not defined clearly by condensation of bone. This type cannot be differentiated from ameloblastoma on radiographic examination. Osteoblastoma. Osteoblastoma is another rare benign tumor that may involve the mandible. It is a tumor of young adults (younger than 30 years of age). When a similar lesion is less than 1 cm in diameter, it is termed osteoid osteoma. When it occurs in the mandible, its roentgen appearance is that of a spherical ossified tumor surrounded by a clear radiolucent halo, which, in turn, is surrounded by smooth, dense bone. Osteoblastoma occurs adjacent to and may engulf a dental root. It has the potential to become moderately large, unlike osteoid osteoma. Osteoblastoma usually is relatively painless, whereas osteoid osteoma frequently is very painful. Fibrous Dysplasia of the Jaw. The alveolar areas of one or both jaws may be involved by fibrous dysplasia locally or as part of a general disease. This is not a true tumor, but it does cause expansion of the cortex in the area involved. This is a mesenchymal abnormality, with replacement of bony matrix by fibrous tissue, coarse fiber bone, and islands of cartilage. There are also occasional cavities filled with serous fluid. 25 It characteristically involves a considerable extent of bone, and it may occur in both the mandible and the maxilla in the same patient. The roentgenographic findings consist of the appearance of an expanding bone lesion that may be extensive. At times, the lesion is dense, with a ground-glass appearance in which normal trabeculations are not seen. This sclerotic, expansile appearance is most frequently seen in the maxilla. These lesions may also be radiolucent, with irregular trabeculations giving them a multicystic appearance. This appearance usually is found in the mandible. At times the disease is localized, with a reasonably well-circumscribed area of mandibular expansion in which there are mottled areas of density and rarefaction. The teeth are not usually resorbed but occasionally may be displaced. Cranial bones may be involved in the same patient. A familial form (autosomal dominant) of fibrous dysplasia, aptly called cherubism, has been described. 41 It is characterized by mandibular involvement causing symmetrical swelling, which is noted in early childhood at about the age of 3 years. Poor development of teeth, separation, or absence of teeth may be noted. Maxillary involvement is variable. Other Benign Tumors Torus Palatinus and Torus Mandibularis. Torus palatinus is an exostosis arising at the margins of the palatal processes at the median palatal suture, usually bilaterally. The radiographic signs are those of a moderately flat mass of cortical bone projecting downward from the palate, often somewhat lobular with a midline groove (Fig. 39-14). Torus mandibularis is a similar dense exostosis projecting from the medial aspect of the anterior mandible. It is usually bilateral and may be accompanied by multiple masses that appear to be lobulated. The torus is significant only if it becomes large enough to interfere with speech or dental function.

FIG. 39-14. Torus palatinus. A: Frontal projection shows the dense bone forming the torus extending downward from the palate ( arrows). There is a poorly defined

midline groove. B: Note the somewhat elongated bony mass in the hard palate in this lateral projection ( arrows).

Miscellaneous Benign Tumors. Osteoma of the jaw may occur and resembles osteoma elsewhere. Multiple osteomas are not uncommon. As in other bones, they may be flat and broad-based or somewhat pedunculated. They are more common in the mandible than in the maxilla. Osteomas of the jaws and other bones associated with multiple polyposis of the colon, multiple epidermoid cysts, and desmoid tumors occur in Gardner's syndrome, a rare familial condition. Occasionally, ossifying fibroma may occur in the mandible or in the maxilla in the region of the maxillary antrum. The radiographic findings are those of a large, radiolucent, expanding lesion which is usually found in young patients ranging from 10 to 30 years of age. At first the lesions are usually entirely destructive and therefore radiolucent. The wall is clearly defined. Later, some calcification is noted within the tumor. Hemangioma of the jaw presents an appearance typical of this lesion in other flat bones. Malignant Tumors Osteosarcoma. Osteosarcoma rarely occurs in the jaw, and its appearance is similar to the appearance of this tumor elsewhere. As a rule, osteosarcoma of the jaw occurs 10 to 15 years later than peripheral osteosarcoma. The body of the mandible and the alveolar ridge of the maxilla are the most common sites. As a rule, the mandibular tumors are lytic and those in the maxilla are sclerotic, but lytic, sclerotic, or mixed patterns may occur at either site. A sunburst appearance also may occur. 5 Other Malignancies. Ewing's tumor is also found occasionally. The appearance of this tumor is similar to its appearance elsewhere. Solitary plasma-cell myeloma (plasmacytoma) may occasionally arise in the jaw, producing a lytic, expansile mass that is sometimes well marginated. Multiple myeloma develops eventually in most of these patients with solitary lesions. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma occurs infrequently in the jaw. Carcinoma of the alveolar ridge or carcinoma arising in the maxillary antrum may involve the alveolus by direct extension. This results in destruction of bone in an irregular manner, with no clearly defined wall and often with evidence of an associated soft-tissue mass ( Fig. 39-15). In patients with carcinoma that involves the alveolar ridge, there is often ulceration, and infection may involve the bone. Infection is characterized by sequestrum formation ( Fig. 39-16); these fragments of devitalized bone separated from the area of disease are always highly suggestive of osteomyelitis. Differentiation between infection and carcinomatous destruction of bone is sometimes difficult; biopsy is then required to make the diagnosis.

FIG. 39-15. Carcinoma eroding to mandible. Note the irregular destructive lesion on the inferior aspect of the body of the mandible, just anterior to the angle. This was caused by direct extension of a squamous-cell carcinoma in the submandibular region. There is no bone reaction, and the outline is irregular.

FIG. 39-16. A and B: Osteomyelitis of the mandible. Note the irregular, moth-eaten destruction of bone. There are a number of moderately dense sequestra forming a mosaic pattern in the area of disease.

The most common malignant lesion of the jaw is a metastatic malignant tumor. Tumors of the lung, breast, and kidney are the most common primary sources. In widespread multiple myeloma, lesions caused by this tumor may be visible. The manifestations are those of multiple areas of destruction without reaction in the osteolytic metastases; these are far more common in the jaw than blastic metastases.


Osteomyelitis may be of hematogenous origin, but it occurs more often secondary to dental infection and to carcinoma of the alveolus. Infection of bone may also follow jaw trauma and infection of the maxillary sinus. The roentgen findings of irregular bone destruction, sequestrum formation, periosteal reaction, and late sclerosis are similar to those of osteomyelitis elsewhere. Cellulitis adjacent to the mandible may cause periosteal new-bone formation without osteomyelitis. Chronic inflammations such as tuberculosis and actinomycosis may also involve the jaw, causing bone destruction. Soft-tissue involvement is common, especially in actinomycosis. Syphilis is rare but may cause a mixed lytic-sclerotic lesion of the jaw, as well as dental abnormalities.


Anatomic and Pathologic Considerations Dysfunction of the TMJs occurs for a number of reasons. These include forced and prolonged opening of the jaw associated with anesthesia and dental procedures, as well as trauma. In some instances, an inciting factor cannot be determined. A thin fibrocartilaginous meniscus separates the joint into superior and inferior spaces ( Fig. 39-17 and Fig. 39-18). The meniscus measures about 1 mm in thickness centrally and 3 mm peripherally, and it can be seen between the superior and inferior joint spaces. Anterior displacement of the meniscus is the most frequent abnormality; it may be persistent or may reduce spontaneously when the mouth is opened, often accompanied by a click or an irregularity of motion when the condyle slides over the thickened meniscus. The meniscus may reduce in some patients during mandibular movement but does not reduce in others. History of locking of the jaw may be present in both situations. Perforation of the meniscus may be present. Usually the perforation is at the posterior attachment of the meniscus.

FIG. 39-17. Normal temporomandibular joint. (A) The arrow indicates the mandibular condyle in normal relationship to the fossa and with a normal joint space. ( B) Film exposed with patient's mouth open. Note the condyle, which has moved forward (arrow), and the difference in its relationship to the fossa.

FIG. 39-18. Line drawing of temporomandibular joint anatomy as seen on magnetic resonance imaging. a, Anterior; p, posterior. A: Normal closed-mouth view of joint. 1, Anterior band of meniscus; 2, intermediate zone; 3, posterior band; 4, bilaminar zone; 5, articular eminence; 6, glenoid fossa; 7, mandibular condyle. The anterior band is located just in front of the condyle. The posterior band is in the 12 o'clock position relative to the condyle. B: Normal position of meniscus with opening of mouth. Note forward translation of the condyle. (Adapted from Drace JE, Enzmann DR: Defining the normal temporomandibular joint: Closed-, partially open- and open-mouth MR imaging of asymptomatic subjects. Radiology 177:6771, 1990.)

In some instances, the meniscus may detach posteriorly or may become fragmented. This is followed by degenerative arthritic changes in the articular surfaces of the joint, which are accelerated by perforation, fragmentation, or detachment. Normally the articular surfaces are smooth, and the mandibular condyle moves forward out of the glenoid fossa when the mouth is opened. The range of motion in the normal state is similar on the two sides, and the appearances are similar but not necessarily identical ( Fig. 39-18 and Fig. 39-19). Formation of the glenoid fossa ranges from a flat appearance to a deeply concave fossa. Pain on motion of the jaw, along with crepitation and limitation of motion, are often secondary to dental disease and malocclusion that may not be evident on radiographic study. Effusion in the joint is manifested by widening of the joint space. Degenerative changes are similar to those noted in other joints, with some eburnation of joint surfaces and narrowing of the radiographic joint space.

FIG. 39-19. Magnetic resonance images of normal temporomandibular joint. A: Closed-mouth position. Position of meniscus is as shown in Fig. 39-18A. The posterior band is in the 12 o'clock position ( arrow). c, Condylar head. B: Open-mouth position. Note the intermediate zone of the meniscus ( arrow).

The temporomandibular articulation is examined using plain films with the patient's mouth open and closed, and by means of tomography. Hypocycloidal tomography appears to be used only occasionally since the availability of CT. MRI is being used more frequently, and, if it is available, it is the method of choice when there is dysfunction of the TMJs. TMJ arthrography is then reserved for patients in whom the question of disc perforation is important, 16,21 but whether perforation changes clinical management has been questioned. 67 Also, a 20% false-positive rate for perforation has been reported with arthrography. 57 CT remains the examination of choice in patients with acute trauma of the TMJs. Both joints are often examined, so that one can be compared with the other. Additionally, CT can be used for preoperative evaluation of patients who are to have dental implants into the jaw tissues. CT can also be used for postoperative evaluation of TMJ implants that are nonmetallic.64 Rheumatoid arthritis may involve these articulations. In a study of 36 TMJs in 28 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, Larheim and coworkers 28 found that CT was not as useful as MRI in outlining the extent of bone abnormalities and the presence of associated soft-tissue abnormalities. In another study, Larheim and Kolbensvedt 27 found MRI to be superior to hypocycloidal tomography. Loss of joint space, irregularity, poor definition of joint surfaces, erosions of subchondral bone, subcortical cysts, subcortical sclerosis, and osteophyte formation are found in the mandibular condyle in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Ankylosing spondylitis is often accompanied by involvement of the TMJs with changes similar to those of rheumatoid arthritis, including narrowing of the joint space, erosions of bone, decreased motion, secondary changes of demineralization, extensive sclerosis, and, at times, joint-space widening. These diseases may also lead to fibrous and, occasionally, to bony ankylosis. Fibrous ankylosis may also result from trauma and may be incomplete so that the range of motion is markedly diminished. Various injuries of the TMJs may result in derangement of the meniscus, joint effusion, swelling of soft tissues in and around the joint, fracture of the condyle or condylar neck, or ischemic necrosis of the condyle. Patients with injuries leading to internal joint derangements who have had no previous fracture and have intact dentition may develop secondary osteoarthritis and facial changes (remodeling) of the condyle and temporal bone. 44,45 Occasionally, bony ankylosis occurs after septic arthritis. Less Common Temporomandibular Joint Conditions Joint Laxity. Patients with systemic joint laxity may have associated laxity of the TMJs, which often leads to joint dysfunction. This is found in patients with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome but may also be found in others with no definite detectable cause. 13 Osteochondritis Dissecans and Avascular Necrosis. The mandibular condyle may be involved by either of these lesions, which may be of unknown cause. In a study of 40 patients with either of these conditions, it was found that there was internal TMJ derangement in 31 of 34 without previous surgery. Alterations in condylar

morphology were found on MRI as well.46 Neoplasms. Neoplasms are rarely encountered in the TMJs, and only a few entities are discussed here. Synovial osteochondromatosis is characterized by synovial metaplasia with formation of foci of hyaline cartilage, which often contains calcification. Conventional radiography may show joint erosions, displacement of the condyles, swelling, and scattered intracapsular calcifications. CT is preferred for outlining these abnormalities, particularly in defining extensive erosions of bony structures.33 MRI is advantageous in outlining the expansion of the joint capsule and in delineating the boundaries of the capsule, bone erosions, and joint fluid. Both of these methods outline the typical loose bodies. 18 Chondrosarcoma of the TMJ has been reported. The tumor appears as a soft-tissue mass, usually containing calcifications within the joint, which often breaks through the capsule and may destroy bone. 62 Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis This condition of hypertrophic, hemosiderin-laden synovium causes a smooth erosion of bone adjacent to the joint. It is very rare. Clinically there is a soft-tissue mass in or in the vicinity of the TMJ, and this, in combination with smooth erosion, should suggest the lesion. 26 Findings are similar to those in other joints with this condition. MRI of the Temporomandibular Joints As mentioned, arthrography 16,21,30,31 and CT17 have been used in the evaluation of the TMJs. More recently, there has been great interest in MRI techniques. MRI is typically performed with surface coils. 42 Most institutions use dual coils which enable simultaneous imaging of both joints. Normal anatomy and pathology within the joint are demonstrated extremely well. MRI is noninvasive and uses no ionizing radiation; both coronal and sagittal imaging can be performed. The multiplanar capabilities of MRI are emphasized by the fact that rotational and medial or lateral meniscus displacements apparently occur in about 25% of patients with internal derangements.22,47 For these reasons, many authors recommend that MRI be the first imaging method used in patients with suspected internal derangement of the TMJ15,34,39,40,57 (Fig. 39-20 and Fig. 39-21). A typical imaging protocol includes sagittal proton-density and T2-weighted images in the open- and closed-mouth positions, and coronal proton-density and T2-weighted images in the closed position. 64

FIG. 39-20. Abnormal temporomandibular joint. Magnetic resonance images demonstrate anterior meniscal displacement without reduction. A: Note anterior displacement in closed position ( arrow). c, Condylar head. B: Meniscus displacement persists in open position ( arrow).

FIG. 39-21. Abnormal temporomandibular joint. Magnetic resonance images demonstrate anterior meniscal displacement with reduction. A: The meniscus (arrows) is of low signal intensity and is displaced completely anterior to the condylar head (c) with the jaw in the closed position. B: The jaw is in the open position and beyond the opening click. The meniscus (arrows) is recaptured relative to the condylar head (c) with anterior condylar translation. (Courtesy of Richard W. Katzberg, M.D., Sacramento, CA.)


Although the parotid gland is not divided into lobes, it is useful to think of it as consisting of a superficial portion separated by the facial nerve from the deep portion. The facial nerve leaves the cranium through the stylomastoid foramen and enters the parotid from its posterior aspect on a line drawn from the styloid process to the posterolateral margin of the mandibular ramus. The course of the nerve has been studied on CT scans by Wiesenfeld and Ferguson. 65 It is represented by an arc with a radius of 8.5 mm extending from directly lateral to directly posterior to a point, the center of which is the most posterior part of the ramus of the mandible. It is at the level of the lateral mass of the atlas and the mastoid tip on the scan. The deep portion of the gland is medial to the facial nerve. The superficial portion of the gland borders on the masseter muscle anteriorly, drapes around the sternocleidomastoid muscle posteriorly, and abuts the posterior belly of the digastric muscle posteromedially. The deep part extends posterior to the pterygoid muscles anterior to the stylopharyngeus aponeurosis. The submandibular glands curve about the posterior free edge of the mylohyoid muscle. Thus, a portion of the gland is in the floor of the mouth and a portion is in the neck. Wharton's duct courses across the floor of the mouth in the sublingual space and opens into a papilla on the floor of the mouth just lateral to the frenulum of the tongue. The sublingual glands are the smallest of the major salivary glands. Each glandular element drains through many small ducts into the floor of the mouth. Roentgen methods are used to study the salivary glands in patients suspected of having calculi, strictures, inflammatory disease, tumors, autoimmune disease, or sarcoidosis. Calculi are usually very dense (75% to 80% are radiopaque 63), and visualization is largely a matter of proper technique. Most calculi originate in the submandibular glands. 36 Submandibular glands and ducts are examined by placing an occlusal film in the mouth and using a submentovertex type of projection. Parotid calculi may be in the gland or duct. Intraoral, lateral extraoral, and anteroposterior or tangential extraoral films are needed. Sialography can be used for localization if required. The present discussion of the salivary glands and sialography is necessarily limited by space requirements. For those interested, the books by Rabinov and Weber, 38 Som and Bergerson,50 and Harnsberger,14 as well as articles by Som and colleagues, 53,54 and 55,59 are recommended. The more recent review articles by Weissman 63 and Sigal 49 are also recommended. Imaging Techniques

Sialography This examination consists of filling the salivary ducts of the parotid or submandibular glands with an appropriate radiopaque medium. A preliminary film is taken to check for calcification. The duct typically is entered with a fine, thin-walled tube with a tapered end. A number of needles and cannulas have been used for this examination.52 A dilator usually is not needed. The catheter is introduced for a distance of 1 to 3 cm and can be kept in place during the exposure. Local anesthetic (Xylocaine, Astra) may be used if necessary. When the parotid is to be examined, Stensen's duct can be catheterized for a short distance without much difficulty in most patients. Approximately 1 to 2 mL of the desired radiopaque medium is injected under very low pressure or hydrostatic pressure, and films of the parotid gland and duct area are obtained in lateral and frontal projections with the catheter left in place ( Fig. 39-22). The examination is best completed under fluoroscopic control because spot films can be exposed in suitable projections. We examine the submandibular gland much less frequently, and the injection of Wharton's duct is more difficult ( Fig. 39-23). A fine dilator and a thin polyethylene catheter with guidewire are used; the catheter may be introduced for a distance of 2 to 5 cm, and 1 to 2 mL of an opaque medium is injected under fluoroscopic control. After this, the films are checked. The patient is then given a few drops of lemon extract to stimulate salivary secretion, and another set of films is obtained after 10 to 15 minutes to evaluate evacuation of the opaque medium. Subtraction techniques may be used when fine ductal detail is desired. It is important to correlate the sialogram with the clinical findings. Ducts may be incompletely filled when obstructed by calculus ( Fig. 39-24). Tumors in and adjacent to the parotid may displace the ducts; malignant tumor within the parotid gland characteristically causes irregular filling of the ducts. Normally the glands empty in 30 minutes. Follow-up films can be obtained if desired, to study emptying of the gland. If the contrast substance remains in the gland for longer than 24 hours, abnormality is indicated. Sialography is contraindicated during active infections. 49

FIG. 39-22. Parotid sialogramnormal findings. A: Frontal projection shows the tree-like branching of the ducts, which are normal in caliber. B: Oblique projection shows findings similar to those in A.

FIG. 39-23. A and B: Normal submandibular sialogram in two projections.

FIG. 39-24. Sialogram showing small intraluminal defect in the submandibular duct; this proved to be a calculus. (Courtesy of June Unger, M.D., Scottsdale, AZ.)

Computed Tomography CT is also used to study salivary gland disease. 4,23 It can be useful in differentiating masses in the parotid gland from those in the pharynx, and in detecting extension of a tumor beyond the limits of the gland. Even with the continued development of MRI, CT is still believed by some to provide adequate information for evaluating neoplasms.63 CT is particularly useful, and preferred, in the context of acute infection, because small calculi are likely to be missed on MRI. 63 Abscesses are well delineated on CT ( Fig. 39-25).

FIG. 39-25. Parotid abscess, computed tomography with bolus contrast. A: The abscess (A) is defined clearly and has a moderately thick wall. The gland is virtually obliterated. S, Sternocleidomastoid muscle; J, jugular vein; M, mandible. B: A lower section again shows the abscess (A). The parapharyngeal space is involved, and

there is obliteration of soft tissue and fat planes ( arrowheads) and encroachment on the airway (curved arrow). J, jugular vein; i, internal carotid artery; e, external carotid artery; S, sternocleidomastoid muscle; h, hyoid bone (h). (Courtesy of Richard Logan, M.D., Madison, WI.)

Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI, performed with surface coils, is being used more extensively in the study of salivary gland disease. Advantages include multiplanar capabilities and lack of ionizing radiation; in addition, no contrast agents are needed (although they can be useful), and dental amalgam causes fewer problems than on CT. Furthermore, MRI is superior to CT in demonstrating tumor extension beyond the confines of the gland and in determining whether a tumor mass originated in the parotid or in the adjacent parapharyngeal space. 59 Gadolinium-enhanced MRI has been reported to be useful in differentiating postoperative fibrosis from recurrent tumor. 61 MRI has also been claimed to allow histopathologic differentiation of certain parotid tumors. 51,58 However, others state that parotid malignancies of various grades may not have distinctive findings on MRI. 63 Sigal49 summarized the advantages of MRI by stating that it is the optimal technique to answer the following clinical questions: (1) Is the mass confined to the gland? (2) Is the facial nerve involved? (3) Does the mass have benign or malignant imaging characteristics? and (4) Is perineural spread present? MRI is generally preferred in our institution. Ultrasonography Parotid ultrasonography can be useful in the examination of the parotid gland. 10,12 Calculi can be detected, and their relationship to the duct often can be established. Inflammatory disease results in an increase in echogenicity and a coarsening of the parenchymal pattern of the gland. 66 Tumors usually are relatively hypoechoic, whereas abscesses usually are anechoic and may resemble cysts or sialoceles. Deep tumors are best studied by MRI, but almost 90% of parotid tumors arise in the superficial portion of the gland, so ultrasound may be useful. However, ultrasound has not gained the acceptance in the United States that it reportedly has in Europe.63 The main disadvantages of ultrasound are operator dependence, lack of reference images, and inability to fully evaluate deep structures. 49


Approximately 80% of salivary gland tumors occur in the parotids, 5% to 10% in the submandibular glands, and the remainder in the minor salivary glands. The incidence of malignancy in parotid tumors is about 15% to 20%; in contrast, the incidence of malignancy is 40% to 45% in patients with submandibular tumors. MRI or CT may be helpful but is not always definitive in differentiating benign from malignant tumors ( Fig. 39-26). Generally, benign tumors are smooth and clearly defined; malignancies are poorly defined, irregular, and may invade adjacent fat and extend through fascial planes. 3 Malignant tumors tend to be less dense and, therefore, less opaque than benign tumors on CT. Fatty and vascular tumors may be identified specifically on MRI or CT. 63 Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common salivary gland tumor (Fig. 39-26), and it is the most common benign tumor. Adenomas tend to be well-circumscribed, and some calcification is distinctive. Warthin's tumor is bilateral in 5% to 15%, occurs in the parotid, and is the second most common benign tumor. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma is the most common parotid malignancy, and adenoid cystic carcinoma is the most common submandibular gland malignancy. 63

FIG. 39-26. Pleomorphic adenoma. A T2-weighted axial image demonstrates a well-marginated, high-signal lesion ( arrow). The slight dumbbell configuration is seen as a result of involvement of the deeper parotid, as the gland passes into the stylomandibular tunnel.


Conditions such as duct stenosis, sialectasis ( Fig. 39-27), and sialadenitis can be diagnosed most effectively by sialography. Calculi can be seen on ultrasound and on plain films and can usually be related to the ducts on sonography. If necessary, sialography can be employed. 28

FIG. 39-27. Parotid sialogram shows postinflammatory sialectasis. Note the numerous abnormal, small, globular dilatations manifested by collections of opaque medium involving the small ducts. (Courtesy of June Unger, M.D., Scottsdale, AZ.)

Autoimmune diseases are a clinically heterogeneous group of salivary gland disorders (e.g., Sjgren's syndrome) that cause thinning of salivary duct walls. In this condition, the contrast material escapes through the wall of the diseased ducts to form small, diffuse spherical collections termed pseudosialectasis.54 The collections may be punctate and small (less than 1 mm in diameter), or globular and larger (1 to 2 mm in diameter). In some instances, sonography shows sonolucent spaces compatible with the pseudosialectasis observed in Sjgren's syndrome, thus suggesting the diagnosis. 3 Larger collections are probably caused by secondary infections. Sjgren's syndrome consists of keratoconjunctivitis, a connective-tissue disease (usually rheumatoid arthritis), and xerostomia secondary to the salivary gland involvement. Mikulicz's disease has similar histologic findings; some investigators believe that this term should be abandoned and that the findings described for this disease should be included under Sjgren's syndrome or autoimmune diseases. 38 In the Mikulicz syndrome, sialadenitis, sialosis, and a multinodular gland may be found. 54 In sialadenitis, there is dilatation of the parotid (Stensen's) duct, often with pruning of distal ducts and acini. In sialosis, the gland is enlarged with sparse peripheral ducts. The multinodular gland is a very difficult problem. Parotid sarcoidosis

results in granulomatous nodules that do not fill on sialography. 53 Metastases and multiple benign tumors (usually Warthin's tumors) can cause similar findings. Multiple small nodules can also be found in tuberculosis, actinomycosis, and cat-scratch fever. Sarcoidosis often regresses on steroid therapy, but the others do not. In some patients with sarcoidosis there is diffuse enlargement of the gland, and in others there is a solitary mass. The parotid gland is involved in 10% to 30% of patients with systemic sarcoidosis. Patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection may present with parotid swelling. The swelling is caused by cystic and nodular changes in lymphoid tissue residing within the gland ( Fig. 39-28). Findings suggesting benign lymphoepithelial tumors24 include homogeneous high-signal appearance on T2-weighted images, multiple cysts, lack of enhancement of the cysts with gadolinium, and additional cervical lymphadenopathy as well as tonsillar enlargement. The clinical picture helps to distinguish these lesions from adenomas, which are solitary and show enhancement after gadolinium administration.

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