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Vol. 10, No. 1 J Fall 1991 Chairman of the Board of Trustees F. William Hirt President/Publisher Dr. William P. Garvey Vice President of External Affairs Mary Daly '66 Contributors Ed Bernick Gary Bukowski 73 Lou Caravaglia Robin Cunco Dorothy DiSanti Rich Forsgren '84 Jack Grazier 71 Sarah Harding Lake Shore Visitor Pat Liebel '53 Mercyhurst Archives Rob Ruby William Smith'86 Times Publishing Co. Editor Kimberly Dillon Designer TypoGraphic Systems, Erie, PA Printing Seneca Printing, Oil City, PA

I McAuley Opend ltd Doors -* Even in the land of opportunity, few doors open easily without some education. But the portals of the McAuley Career Division are open wide to address the skills gaps that are occurring in many professional, technical and secretarial fields. k Mercyhurst Archaeologist n Uncovers Ice-age House While working on a site in the southern Ukraine, Mercyhurst archaeologist Dr. James Adovasio, who is recognized as a pioneer in excavation methodology, discovered a 15,000-year-old home made of mammoth bones.

h Hockey Scored New Arena The Lakers scored their biggest victory after the hockey season ended. On June 20, Mercyhurst College's Board of Trustees endorsed a plan to build a $1.4 million hockey arena on the Mercyhurst campus.

1A Mercyburdt Received \\j Four-Star Rating for Hodpltallty This year, the presidents of the Association of Mercy Colleges met at Mercyhurst for their annual conference. It wasn't what they expected.

About the Cover The Canterbury Clock: Students, faculty and administrators have nicknamed it "Big Bill," as it stands smack dab in the middle of Garvey Park, but the park's newest addition came from another classic Mercyhurst tradition - The Canterbury Feast. The profits from this highly acclaimed, highly successful Canterbury Feast were utilized to purchase the $20,000 clock, which was installed in early May. "The clock is the feast's gift to the college community to say thanks to everyone who helps bring it together," said Igor Stalsky, director of the Canterbury Feast. The clock stands about 15 feet tall and 36 inches square, and is mounted on a cast iron lamppost in the center of the park. Its Victorian foursided face has Roman numerals, chimes in conjunction with the chapel and has a lighted face. It is the focal point of the college "quad" that has impressively developed in the back campus. ( Shown in the photo are communications majors Karen McGuire '92, editorin-chief of The Merciad, and Glen Ondick '92.
Cover photo by Ed Bernick.

Mercyhurst Magazine is published three times a year by Mercyhurst College. The magazine is published by the Office of External Affairs, Mercyhurst College, Glenwood Hills, Erie, PA 16546.

CboiceJo/c Challenged:
The McAuley Career Division Difference
by Kimberly Dillon ven in the land of opportunity, few doors open easily without some education, so Mercyhurst has created the McAuley Career Division and designed it to be a junior college approach to opportunity education. The programs of study offered at this new division focus on one-year certificates and twoyear associate degrees in the fields of business, hospitality management, computers, religious education, police science and human services. "In this era of global competition, an educated workforce is essential because it will be the worker who is empowered to make decisions," said Dr. Robert Cisek, associate dean. "Students who increase their knowledge through programs such as these will be better qualified to enter and advance in the workplace." A survey by the Hudson Institute, an Indianapolis research group, and Towers Perrin, a New York benefits consulting firm, found that qualified workers are in short supply at more than half of the companies they surveyed. The McAuley programs, which focus on areas already a source of strength on the Mercyhurst campus, will help address this chasm. In addition, each of the three centers, which comprise the McAuley Career Division, will have its own academic thrust and its own unique identity. Because the Corry area is generally industrial, the Corry Center will have a manufacturing orientation to it. Many of these manufacturing programs will be offered in cooperation with the new Erie County Technical Institute when it begins in January 1992. "Corry will focus on a more skilled workforce," said Dr. David Palmer, director of the Corry Center. "We're offering people in industry-related jobs who never thought they could do college-level work a chance to improve their job skills and prepare for the more competitive global marketplace," said Palmer. There are currently 84 students enrolled at the McAuley Career Division at the Corry Center. The new location is in the old Corrian Hotel, which will be renamed the Bruce & Arlene Smith Education Center. The newly renovated facility will have seven classrooms and four administrative offices, a student union, a browsing library and faculty offices are planned
Top to bottom: Erie Center, North East Center and Corry Center.

for the near future. Corry students will be able to obtain a one-year certificate in nine skills areas, including the exciting new program in manufacturing technology. The manufacturing technology certificate program provides students with a basic understanding of production methodologies focusing on transforming raw materials into usable parts or finished products. "The Corry Center is a challenging assignment," said Palmer. "I'd like to see the local community get geared up to support it. To help get them involved, we'll be calling on them to support our recruiting efforts, and we will be offering local activities." For example, Mercyhurst's music and dance departments have plans to perform in Corry this year. "With hard work," Palmer adds, "we'll be successful. We have 10 years invested here." "The newest part of the McAuley Career Division is the North East Center, which will specialize in foundations students, a public safety academy and a culinary school," said James Lanahan, director of the North East Center. Foundations students are those who are interested in a four-year course of study, but who are not adequately prepared for the rigors of such a program. "We intend to make sure a student obtains competency in reading, writing and mathematics, as well as teaching them college survival skills," said Lanahan. "Knowledge empowers people so an investment in higher

education is the best investment a person can make in him- or herself. It's just that some people are afraid they cannot do college-level work. Our foundations program is designed to make a believer out of them," Lanahan added. Besides the foundations program, the North East site provides one-year certificates in six skills areas and an associate degree program in four specialized areas. Because of the foundations students, the North East Center will be the only one in the McAuley Career Division to have residence halls. Also, included on the beautiful 84-acre campus (formerly operated by the Redemptorist Fathers for 105 years as St. Mary's Seminary) is a gymnasium, observatory, cafeteria, a magnificent Gothic chapel and a three-story academic building. Mercyhurst spent approximately $600,000 this summer renovating the physical plant with $500,000 of that total coming from money raised by the North East Chamber of Commerce. North East enrollment this fall is 125 students, half of which come from the foundations program. The Erie Center (formerly the Mercyhurst College Career Institute), will continue programs for adults and traditional age students who seek additional training in the business or human services fields," says Catherine Anderson, director of the Erie

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Center. This includes medical secretaries, travel-tourism aides, computer technicians and office managers. Anderson, formerly director of the Adult College, also spent two years as program coordinator for MCCI. "No matter what my title has been, my job at Mercyhurst has been to open possibilities," said Anderson. "This new assignment will make the best use of that experience." The Erie Center offers one-year certificates in 12 skill areas and an associate degree in eight specialized areas. The new location for the Erie Center is in McAuley Hall on the main Mercyhurst campus, where the bottom floor has been renovated to include a new office technologies center, computer room, administrative/faculty offices and classrooms. The Erie Center offers a state-of-theart office environment including the latest typing and word processing equipment to augment the secretarial and word processing training. This makes McAuley-Erie the most modern and deluxe office technology labs in the region for preparing office personnel in the business, medical and legal professions. Another big program for development on the Erie Center is travel tourism, which trains students for careers with travel agencies, airlines, hotels, corporate travel departments and other travel-related businesses. Being conveniently located on the main campus, McAuley-Erie students have easy access to Mercyhurst's library and recreational facilities. The old MCCI program had been housed at St. Mark's Center for the past eight years, enrolling 210 students at its peak. The Erie Center is expected to have about 165 students, which would boost the total McAuley Career Division enrollment to a projected total of 366 students. There are also big plans ahead for developing the McAuley Career Division into a school of 500-600 students. By 1992, the North East site plans to start a Public Safety Institute incorporating new careers such as fire science and more police science choices. There will also be a Professional Development Institute, which will incorporate more business and career skills training. There are also plans for growth in the child care area and culinary training. "A McAuley education is different because it offers unparalo .c. leled choices, challenges and careers," said Anderson. "It is an exciting prospect for students as they can choose from three campuses and from diverse concentrations." All three sites include a liberal studies program for those who would like to transfer to a four-year college. The three sites also share in common the following programs: basic accounting, business administration, business office management, office assistant, human services assistant and word processing. The tuition costs are very competitive based on $5,000 for certificate programs, $6,000 for associate programs, compared to $8,200 for the regular college tuition. Although the three campuses have different focuses, students involved in the McAuley Career Division all share one thing in common the Mercyhurst motto of Carpe Diem!

Top photo left to right: Mary Ellen Forbes, Erie Center; Dave Gillis, Corry Center; and Kim Heinrich, North East Center.

FALL 1991


Mercyhurst Archaeologist Helps Find 15,000-YEAR-OLD BONE WELLING

By Jack Grazier 71 r /



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"The finding of the Mcrawlway reveals <j a striking parallel between the process of human adaptation in the old and new worlds I \ ;.. It will give us a better understanding of how humans solved I similar problems in similar climates at a different times.

Dr. fames Adovasio, director ofMercyhurst's Anthropology/Archaeology Department and professor of anthropology and archaeology, was one of the archaeologists who discovered underground entrance to an ice-age house composed of the mammoth bones shown above. The site is located near the village ofMezhiricn in the southern Ukraine.




hile working at a site in the southern Ukraine this summer, Mercyhurst College archaeologist Dr. James Adovasio participated in the discovery of the world's oldest underground entrance to a human dwelling a 15,000-year-old home made of mammoth bones. Dr. Adovasio and Dr. Olga Softer, a leading American archaeologist specializing in the Paleolithic period in Eastern Europe, uncovered the underground passageway to the house located near the village of Mezhirich. According to Adovasio, prior to this discovery, the oldest known underground entrances to human dwellings were believed to be used about 10,000 to 12,000 years ago. For the

past 60 years, prior to the discovery, archaeologists had believed dwellings of this kind were entered through large arched doorways. In Jean Auel's novel, "The Mammoth Hunters," for instance, the heroine rides a horse into one of these mammoth bone houses through an arched doorway made of mammoth tusks. The discovery of a tunnel entrance, much like those used by Eskimos and other groups in northern latitudes, means this would have been impossible. First of all, said Adovasio, humans of 15,000 years ago did not ride horses because the only domesticated animals they had were dogs. And second, he said, the heroine would have found it impos-


sible to bring a horse into the house through a small tunnel crawlway. "The finding of the crawlway reveals a striking parallel between the process of human adaptation in the old and new worlds," Softer said. "It will give us a better understanding of how humans solved similar problems in similar climates at different times." Humans of the glacial period at Mezhirich coped with the rigors of the climate much as Eskimos do, said Adovasio. "They built their homes to survive in much the same way Eskimos built their igloos," he said. "It was an imaginative and inventive solution to ice and cold in a glacial habitat." The first mammoth bone house was excavated and discovered in Russia in 1874, but all such sites excavated before 1929 were thought, because of their collapsed state, to have been prehistoric garbage dumps. Although similar dwellings have been found at 14 sites on the Eastern European Plain, the question of how they were entered has remained a matter of conjecture because none had yielded evidence of doorways. The biggest mammoth bone houses are about 18 yards across, according to Adovasio. "So a family of from eight to 12 folks could fit quite nicely in one," he said, noting that one of the mammoth bone houses is made from the bones of 38 mammoths. The arched tusks in these houses, formerly thought to form huge arched doorways, are not believed to have been used for roof supports, said Adovasio. "These people stacked skulls at the top of these homes so the tusks formed a dome. Then they roofed this over with cut blocks of sod or hide or maybe both, with a hole in the center to let the smoke out. It would have been toasty warm inside, although a little smoky." Adovasio and Softer were invited to participate in the excavation at Mezhirich by the chief investigator of the site, Dr. N. L. Kornietz, a paleontologist with the Geological Institute of the Ukrainian Academy of Science. The discovery of the underground crawlway will necessitate not just a change in archaeological concepts, but also the altering of reconstructions of mammoth bone dwellings at the Museum of Zoology in Kiev, the open-air archaeology museum in Dordogne, France, and at an exhibit slated to open at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.
FALL 1991

According to Adovasio, who is recognized as a pioneer in excavation methodology, the real entrances to the dwellings were not discovered before now because only traditional excavation methods were used. "I decided to 'pedestal' the house to cut a wall around the base of the dwelling which is standard practice for the excavation methods we employ," Adovasio said. "It was while cutting one of these walls that we discovered the entranceway." Adovasio and Softer say it makes sense that the houses were entered in this way because they were primarily winter dwellings, and winter temperatures in the Ukraine at that time reached minus 30 to minus 40 degrees centigrade.
Jack Grazier '71 is a writer for the Erie Daily Times. This article appeared in the Sept. 16, 1991, Erie Daily Times.

Pennsylvania Profiles * |

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This "Pennsylvania Profiles," which ran in Sunday's Times-News magazine section, shows just how famous Mercyhurst College's Dr. James Adovasio is. He achieved world acclaim in the 1970's when his excavation of the Meadowcroft Rockshelter, 30 minutes southwest of Pittsburgh, revealed that the site was the oldest in the Western hemisphere. Adovasio joined the Mercyhurst faculty last fall.

Hockey Scores

3coring came easy for Mercyhurst's hockey program last year, even though the team played its most difficult schedule to date. However, the Lakers scored their biggest victory after the hockey season ended. On June 20, Mercyhurst College's Board of Trustees endorsed a plan to build a $1.4 million hockey arena on the Mercyhurst campus. The professional-size rink (85feet by 200-feet) will seat 1,500. It is currently under construction on the site of the former tennis courts/ Baldwin parking lots. The multiuse facility will serve as the first home of the school's hockey team since it began NCAA competition. It will be completed in November. In a unique funding arrangement, Mercyhurst students agreed to pay for the building expansion through a $56 increase in their annual building assessment fee. The money will generate $80,000 each year, and will retire the school-backed bond in 30 years. "We're just delighted," said Mercyhurst President Dr. William P. Garvey, who credits the students and the school's student government for making the hockey facility possible. He told the students, "We think this is important, but we were not going to take the money away from academics to do it. If you want it, you're going to have to pay for it." The students, who followed the hockey team to the playoffs in Elmira last season, supported their team again with a resounding"Yes." The ice arena is being built by nationally respected Ice-Pro Inc., of Syracuse, NY, and McCormick

Materials of Erie will build the building. It will include a refrigeration room, Zamboni room, locker rooms, rest room facilities, coaches office and press box. "One of the most important features of the new facility is that it will be used for much more than hockey alone," said Garvey. "It's 17,000 square feet and can be used for a variety of intramural sports, from intramural hockey to indoor soccer, as well as school functions. It could seat 800 for a banquet, for example, or could be used for large student assemblies, such as graduation ceremonies." Students will be permitted to go ice skating for free, but public use will be limited to perhaps $40,000 to $50,000 a year in user fees, such as high school and youth hockey rental. "Originally, we had expected that a large portion of the funding would come from user fees, but that could have had a negative impact on the Glenwood facilities," said Mercyhurst Student Government President Dave Murphy, who played a leading role in the project. "We didn't want to hurt their operation, and we also wanted to accommodate many other college events at the center." Those events could include large

dances, concerts, and an expanded intramural sports program. Meanwhile, the hockey team would use the facility from mid-October to March. Not surprisingly, the news elated 32-year old hockey coach Rick Gotkin, who has built the program to national prominence in just three short seasons. "This is the greatest thing that's ever happened to Mercyhurst hockey," said Gotkin, whose team finished No. 3 in the nation among the 88 teams in NCAA Division III hockey last season. "Words can't really explain how happy we are," Gotkin said. "Dr. Garvey, the administration, the trustees and the students have worked really hard to make this possible. We'll have as nice an ice rink as any college in the country." The ice arena is a fitting reward to a hockey team that earned remarkable success last season while playing 27 of 33 games in out-of-town arenas, while enjoying an average academic grade point average that was higher than that of the general student body. The Lakers will play their first game in the new arena on December 8 against RIT.
Photo by Rob Ruby.


Sir Winston Churchill once said, "From the highest to the humblest tasks, all are of equal honor; all have their part to play." No where does this apply more than in the teaching profession where individual satisfaction usually comes from seeing the proverbial lightbulb come on in a student's eyes. However, this year at commencement, Sr. Mary Matthew Baltus and Robert A. Hoffwere recognized by their peers for their contributions.

Sr. Mary Matthew Baltus This marked the first year for recognizing faculty who have rendered especially long and exceptional service to Mercyhurst. As a way of expressing the school's gratitude for the consistent giving of oneself that is the heart of all true teaching, Mercyhurst created the Faculty Distinguished Service Award. The first award recipient is a familiar name. She is a woman of petite physical stature, but of great intellectual, moral and spiritual depth Sr. Mary Matthew Baltus, who has given three decades of distinguished service to Mercyhurst. Sr. Matthew first came to Mercyhurst in the 40s, not long after she found her vocation with the Sisters of Mercy. In 1961, she joined the Mercyhurst faculty as a teacher in the math and science departments where she served with distinction for over 30 years. It was Sr. Mary Matthew who founded the Mercyhurst astronomy program and, through the vibrant and engaging manner in which she conducted her classes, made it one of the most popular courses on the campus. In addition to teaching and advising her students, she expanded the use of computers in astronomy and statistics courses to show the impact of technology in those fields. It can be said that Sr. Matthew has never lost sight of her goal, which was to impart her knowledge and love of learning to the hundreds of students with whom she came in contact. In the midst of her teaching responsibilities, and her own ongoing education, she still found the time to serve the college through her ongoing membership on numerous committees. Although retired, Sr. Matthew will continue as a part-time math faculty member. Dr. Robert A. Hoff The winner of this year's Sears Roebuck Teaching Excellence Award is, in the words of one student, "A dynamic teacher who comes into the classroom with energy and enthusiasm even for an 8:15 a.m. class." This year's winner is Robert A. Hoff, director of the psychology department and professor of psychology. "It is always impressive and heartening when graduates write back to the college that what they have learned at Mercyhurst has had a lasting impact on their lives," said Dr. Michael McQuillen, academic dean, at commencement ceremonies. "Several have written to state that Robert Hoff had just such an impact." Hoff joined Mercyhurst in 1969 after graduating magna cum laude in psychology from Wagner College in 1966 and doing doctorate work in experimental psychology at the University of Minnesota. He has frequently served on various college boards such as the College Senate, Faculty Policies Committee and the Rank and Tenure Committee. The student letter that influenced Hoff's selection the most said: "The well-structured nature of his classes, and his down-to-earth manner of instruction made it not so much a challenge to learn, but rather a challenge not to. Since I have entered graduate studies, I have been introduced to many students who attended larger, more prestigious schools, and to many 'top-notch' educators who work at the graduate level. I can still confidently say that I have not met anyone who has a stronger undergraduate background than the one that Mr. Hoff gave to me, nor have I found a professor whom I would rate as better."


FALL 1991


At the Faculty Orientation on August 30, Dr. William P. Garvey, college president, announced a major restructuring of the administration creating three new deans and three new vice presidents. All those appointed have been serving in their positions for a number of years as directors. "Their new positions," Dr. Garvey stated, "more appropriately reflect the growing complexity of the college and of their work. It also brings them into line with their peers who hold similar titles and opens up the Mercyhurst career ladder for more advancement opportunities." One of the interesting aspects of the six top administrative appointments is that Mercyhurst and Gannon alums share the spotlight as new officers of the college. The college's three new vice presidents are Mercyhurst graduates and Mercyhurst's three newly ap pointed deans are Gannon graduates Together they serve on the president's staff headed by one of Gannon's most distinguished alums, Dr. Garvey. "This sounds like the Hatfields and McCoys," said Dr. Garvey, "but, in reality, this staff has held together 11 years. While the members are keenly aware of their alma maters, they are deeply committed to the progress and future of Mercyhurst College." Named to dean of their respective divisions are Thomas Billingsley, administrative services; E. William Kennedy, student services; and Andrew Roth, enrollment services. Vice presidents named are Gary Bukowski 73 for institutional advancement; Mary Daly '66 for external affairs; and John Maus 73 for finance. Thomas Billingsley Billingsley joined the Mercyhurst College community 21 years ago as an admission counselor. Subsequently, he served the college in various capacities, including assistant director of admission, registrar, director of enrollment services, director of planning and institutional research and assistant to the president. Currently, he

serves as Dean of Administration, which includes responsibilities for the areas of athletics, the computer center, maintenance, personnel, summer programs and the Registrar's Office. Prior to coming to the Hurst, Billingsley taught briefly in the Pittsburgh public schools, served as field artillery officer and as a first lieutenant in the U.S. Army, which included a tour of duty in Vietnam. He was awarded the Bronze Star and the Army Commendation Medal for Valor. Billingsley, who received his undergraduate degree in history from Gannon in 1965, serves as co-chair of the Middle States Self-Study Steering Committee and is a member of numerous college committees. He additionally has served on several Erie community committees including the Erie Conference for Community Development, the Erie County Home Rule Charter Review Committee, and the Erie School District Long-Range Planning Advisory Committee. He earned his master's degree in history from the University of Virginia in 1967 and is a doctorate candidate in higher education from SUNY-Buffalo. E. William Kennedy Kennedy joined the Mercyhurst College community 22 years ago as an instructor in English. Since then, he has served the college in various capacities, including director of student services. As Dean of Students, Kennedy is responsible for the supervision of resident life, career services, cooperative education, placement, counseling, campus ministry, security, food service and student activities. He also serves as a

resource person to the Campus Life Committee of the College Senate, and was a member of the Senate for five years. Prior to coming to Mercyhurst, Kennedy taught English at Cathedral Preparatory School, an all male high school in Erie. He received his bachelor's and master's degrees in English from Gannon in 1964 and 1968, respectively, and pursued doctoral studies in higher education at SUNY-Buffalo from 1979-81. He served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Erie County Library Board from 19821990 and was its president from 1986 through 1990. In addition, he serves as a member of the Board of Directors of Stairways, a local organization devoted to caring, housing and programming for the mentally ill, and the Alliance for the Mentally 1 1 of Erie County. 1 Andrew Roth Roth joined the Mercyhurst College community 17 years ago as director of the writing center. Subsequently, he served the college in various capacities, including associate professor of business, director of the Communications Department, founder and director of Summer-onthe-Hill, head coach of the nationally ranked women's soccer team, director of admission and director of enrollment. Before his Mercyhurst appointment, he taught English at Gannon for four years. Roth, who received his bachelor's degree in English from John Carroll in 1968, is a member of the Executive Board and is chairperson of the Admission Practices Committee of the Pennsylvania Association of Secondary School and College Admission Counselors. He is also a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of

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Higher Education Marketing, the National Association of College Admission Counselors, the Ohio Association of College Admission Counselors, the Founders Memorial Scholarship Committee of American Sterilizer Co., the board of trustees of the Boys and Girls Club of Erie, and the Board of Directors of the Sales and Marketing Executives Club of Erie. He earned his master's degree in English from the Case Western Reserve University in 1970 and an MBA in marketing from Gannon University in 1980. He has presented numerous papers at national conferences and is the author of several articles on marketing and recruiting, including being a regular contributor to THE PACER, the official publication of the Pennsylvania Association of College Admission Counselors.

became involved in the start-up of Patrick Media Group, which has since become a media giant. He graduated in 1973 from Mercyhurst with a degree in accounting. After graduation, he worked in public accounting for Root, Spitznas, and Smiley and Laventhal and Horwath Certified Public Accountants, where he was selected to "Who's Who in Finance." He joined Mercyhurst in 1976 as controller. In 1980, Maus became director of finance. At that time, he encountered a fund Mary Daly '66 balance of $250,000. Today, it is Daly began at Mercyhurst as a business major the same day that $1.4 million. Maus was responDr. Garvey joined as an instructor sible for packaging bond issues that in 1962. She was senior class totaled over $15 million and have president and Outstanding Day provided for the construction of the Student of the Year in 1966. She D'Angelo School of Music building, joined the college three days after Sullivan Hall, the cafeteria addition, graduation. Except for a one year the Briggs and Sesler apartments sabbatical during which she earned and the maintenance building in a master's degree from the Graduate 1987. In 1989, it included the School of Corporate and Political Carolyn Herrmann Union, the Gary Bukowski 73 Maura Smith Child Learning Center Bukowski was a member of the first Communication at Fairfield University, she is beginning her and, most recently, the new ice class of men who entered Mercyhurst 30th year at Mercyhurst. Through in the fall of 1969. He was a history the years, she has served the college arena. Last year, a financial arrangement with the Redemptorist Fathers major and for his senior thesis he as director of foundation research, of Brooklyn was made to purchase researched and authored "Mercyhurst director of public relations and the First Decade." Except for two publications, founding editor of the St. Mary's Seminary in North East, years as director of career services at "Mercyhurst Magazine," associate for the North East site of the Allegheny College, Bukowski's roots director of development, director of McAuley Career Division. Through his wise investments and financial have been firmly planted at special projects including Mercyhurst. He was founding Mercyhurst's Old Fashioned Fourth savvy, this year's budget ended with a surplus in excess of $400,000 and director of the career placement of July Celebration for the Erie an endowment that has grown office and served as director of community, and as assistant to the from $67,000 in 1979 to its present alumni relations, parent relations, president. She is the recipient of total of $2.9 million. Working development and of institutional the George Mead Distinguished behind closed doors with emphasis advancement. Gary has distinCareer Award in public relations on budgets and related accounting guished himself in the development and advertising, a three-time policies, health and commercial field by being one of a select recipient of CASE national education awards, listed in Who's Who of insurance matters, pension regulanumber of professionals in the American Women and is a regional tions and investments, his financial country to have earned the title of representative on the American experience is responsible for guidCertified Fund Raising Executive. Council on Education's Indentifica- ing the college through its phenomHis performance in the field has enal physical growth in plant assets increased Mercyhurst alumni giving tion Program for the Advancement of Women in Higher Education. over the past 11 years. He is the from $12,839 in 1980 to $156,640 president of Mercyhurst's Glenhurst in 1991 and annual giving from Food Service, serves on the board $214,000 to $778,183. He was also for Multiple Sclerosis, and on the John Maus 73 the day-to-day manager of the auxiliary board's finance and college's most successful 1984-1987 Maus came to Mercyhurst as a development committees for the capital campaign, which ended at transfer student from Lackawanna Diocese of Erie. $5.2 million. Bukowski balances Junior College. While there, John his professional and family life with a political career serving as the youngest member elected to Erie County government in 1977. Gary has been a delegate to the past three national Democratic conventions and is currently chairman of Erie County Council. He was voted 1991 Distinguished Alumni of the Year for his outstanding contributions to his profession and service to the college and Erie community. Together, Tom, Bill, Andy, Gary, Maiy and John bridge the old and new Mercyhurst and cany the spirit of Mercyhurst as taught by the Sisters of Mercy.

FALL 1991

Mercyhurst Receives Four-Star Rating

It wasn't what they expected a newspaper at the door every morning, fresh flowers, refreshments in the refrigerator, bathroom amenities. These you'd expect to find in only the best hotels, not a college apartment building. Even the presidents from 18 Mercy colleges, for whom the red-carpet treatment was laid, were impressed. "It was a very warm atmosphere with a lot of small touches. It made us feel welcome," said Dr. Kenneth Nielsen, president of the College of Saint Mary in Omaha, NE. The hospitality that was shown for this three-day annual June conference was matched only by its host Dr. William P. Garvey, president of Mercyhurst College and current president of the Association of Mercy

By Sarah Harding

Colleges. "Dr. Garvey runs a great show. No question about it," said Dr. Loring Hart of Saint Joseph's College in North Windham, ME. On arrival, the presidents toured the hilltop campus. Those who had been to Mercyhurst before noticed the metamorphosis. "The campus had changed quite a bit since I was here last," said Sr. Barbara Williams of Georgian Court College in Lakewood, NJ. "The campus is spacious and beautifully cared for. It seems a great deal of vision went into the way buildings fit the environment," said Sr. Grace Ann Geibel of Carlow College in Pittsburgh, PA. "The campus has a country atmosphere for only being a few blocks from the city," said Dr. Loring Hart, who continued, "That's very appealing." Later that night, the presidents attended the college's popular medieval dinner theater, The Canterbury Feast which this year, featured Gilbert and Sullivan's "Gondolier." The entertaining evening gave the presidents the unusual opportunity to get to know one another while eating without utensils. After touring the North East Campus of the McAuley Career Division, Mercy presidents were positive about Mercyhurst's new junior college approach to opportunity education. "The McAuley Career Division is a great idea, and it's part of the Mercy mission," said Dr. Pasquale DiPasqualeJr. of the College Misericordia in Dallas, PA. The conference was a mixture of business and relaxation. Highlighting the business portion of the program were talks on library automation by Sr. Sheila Megley, provost of Salve Regina College in Newport, RI, and international enrollment opportunities by Andrew Roth, dean of enrollment services, and new approaches to hospitalization insurance presented by John Maus, vice president of finance at Mercyhurst. Also under
continued on page 11

Who'd Who
Mercy presidents during tour ofMcAuley-North East: (l-r) Dr. Edward S. Pierce, Mount Aloysius Junior College, Cresson, PA; Dr. Lucille McKillop, Salve Regina College, Newport, RI; Dr. Pasquale DiPasquale, College of Misericordia, Dallas, PA; Sr. Barbara Williams, Georgian Court College, Lakewood, NJ: Sr. Janice Ryan, Trinity College, Burlington, VT; Dr. Isabelle Keiss, Gwynedd Mercy College, Gwynedd Valley, PA; Sr. Barbara Ciarico, Trocaire College, Buffalo, NY; Dr. William P. Gatyey, Mercyhurst College, Erie, PA; Dr. Ron Champagne, Saint Xavier College, Chicago, IL; and Dr. Kenneth Nielsen, College of St. Mary, Omaha, NE.

Dr. Ron Champagne, Saint Xavier College, Chicago, IL, (second from left), with Canterbury Feast actors and actresses (L to R) Cheryl Burgard, Kathy Baker (front row), David Durst and Linda Martin. Barry McAndrew, associate professor of English at Mercyhurst and Canterbury Feast actor (L) with Pasquale DiPasquale, College of Misericordia Dallas, PA, and Cathy Anderson, director of Mercyhurst College's McAuley Career Division Erie Center and Canterbury Feast actress. 10

Governor's School
The Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Arts (PGSA) spent its second summer on the campus of Mercyhurst College. PGSA is one of the state's six select summer schools for talented and highly motivated students. "We had a very talented and enthusiastic group on campus this summer numbering 200 strong from all over the Commonwealth/' said Thomas Billingsley, dean of administration. "From our standpoint, it was a positive experience," he added. The PGSA staff were housed in our new Carolyn Herrmann Union this year. An added benefit to having state high schoolers visit the campus is that they had a chance to see what life at the Hurst would be like as a college student. Mollie Halpern, who attended PGSA, decided to stay and enroll at Mercyhurst as a dance major. She was very impressed with Mercyhurst senior Tracey Yanckello '92, who attended an intensive summer dance workshop, and Mary Price Boday, dance instructor, who was on the dance faculty of PGSA this summer. ^K^W^^ continued discussion was a hospitalization plan for retirees. As no one college could afford such a plan, Dr. Garvey suggested that, maybe, all 18 colleges together could. The idea will be discussed further at other meetings. Local recreational facilities were also on the agenda, including a tour of the Flagship Niagara, dinner at Wellington-on-the-Bay and a cruise on the lake where one of Erie's sunsets was witnessed. Dr. Garvey summed up the conference this way, "It strengthened the feeling that Mercy colleges should do some things together and as a first step we decided to move toward being incorporated legally as the Association of Mercy Colleges. Once incorporated, it might some day set the stage for a National Mercy University. And, if so, it all began at Mercyhurst one fine summer day...."
Sarah Harding is a communications major at the University of Dayton in Ohio. She interned with Mercyhurst's External Affairs Office over the summer.
FALL 1991

Soviet Archaeologists Visit Mercyhurst on U.S. Tour

A delegation of "Who's Who" of Soviet paleolithic archaeologists visited Mercyhurst in early June as part of a 19-day tour of seven states. Dr. James Adovasio, director of the Mercyhurst Archaeological Institute (MAI) said the archaeologists studied the laboratory facilities on campus and inspected the remains of the pre-historic American Indian village discovered at a gravel pit in North East Township. "We feel very honored to have been included in this historic visit," said Dr. Garvey, who together with Adovasio, hosted the delegation during its Erie stay. "To be chosen as one of the stops when our Archaeology Department is only a year old is a tribute to the entire college." The international round-trip air fare for the delegation was paid for with a grant from the Baron Archaeological Foundation in Oil City, of which Mercyhurst trustee John Boyle is president.

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Associate professor of geology David Thomas and Cathy Pedler, director of the processing/receiving and lithics labs, watch Soviet archaeologist Evgenij Giria prepare to strike a piece of volcanic glass with the use of an elk antler to flake off a long, thin knife.

Tullio Room Opens

Tullio Room. The archives contain important books from Tullio's library and 31 indexed scrapbooks relating to his long and distinguished career. "Lou will be a mark against which all future Erie mayors are measured," said Dr. William P. Garvey, college president. "In addition to being the single most important resource for scholars of the Tullio years, the Tullio Room will be a place where the actual setting and atmosphere of his time in office has been preserved." Pat Liebel, who served as the city's business administrator under Tullio for 17 years and as acting mayor during his last weeks in office, said that Tullio took great pride in his memorabilia. Liebel is now director of alumni relations at Mercyhurst. College archivist Sr. Mary Lawrence Franklin is curator of the collection and was responsible for the impressive development of the room.

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On April 28, 1991, the Louis J. Tullio Archival Room was opened in Mercyhurst's Hammermill Library. Tullio, who served as Mayor of Erie from 1966 to 1989, instructed that his memorabilia and other materials relating to his career as an athletic coach, secretary-business manager for the Erie School District and as mayor,. go to Mercyhurst. All of the furniture, framed photographs, plaques and mementos originally housed in Tullio's office at city hall are in the


Mercyhurst Donates Police Cars

In December 1990, the Mercyhurst College Board of Trustees approved gifts to the City of Erie and County of Erie totaling $115,000 over a three-year period. In a resolution passed by the board, the college "purchased and gave the city three police cars valued at $20,000 each (to be paid for over a three-year period), and established a scholarship fund for $30,000 or $10,000 per year for three years for use by the city police for courses in criminal justice." In a similar resolution for the County of Erie, Mercyhurst Trustees approved the donation of a Mercyhurst College van (valued at $10,000) for use at the county prison and established an educational scholarship account for $15,000 or $5,000 per year for three years for courses in criminal justice or business courses as approved by the county executive. "Mercyhurst does not exist in isolation from the Erie community," Garvey said. "We depend on the city for essential service just as everyone who lives here does. In a time when cities everywhere are hard-pressed financially, we feel it's important to show our appreciation for these services by helping to ease the fiscal burden in whatever ways are open to us." Mayor Savocchio said," It is this type of cooperation between government and the private sector that will ultimately allow Erie to become a progressive city - sound economically and offering an excellent quality of life to all." Dr. Garvey is shown with Mayor Joyce Savocchio '65 and one of the new police vehicles.

Hirt Elected Chairman

F. William Hirt, retired chairman and chief executive officer of Erie ^ Insurance Group, r /jF\ was elected chair5 ^ j J B man of the Mercyhurst College Board of Trustees on June 20. He will serve a four-year term, succeeding James A. Zurn. Hirt has been a trustee of Mercyhurst since 1981, and has served on the board's executive committee and on the trustee's budget and finance committee. A native of Erie, Hirt holds a bachelor's degree in business from Wittenberg University and a master's in business administration from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He served for 21 years as a board member of the largest insurance trade organization in the country, the National Association of Independent Insurers; and he is a director and governor on numerous community service boards in the city. His wife, Audrey Sitter Hirt, is a graduate of Mercyhurst College, and is a past president of the Mercyhurst Alumni Association. The Hirts have two daughters, Elizabeth (Betsy) Vorsheck '77 and Laurel Whitney.

f Thanks Jim!

"Life is made up of beginnings and endings," said Dr. Garvey, at commencement. And that statement applied to more than just graduates. It included James A. Zurn, senior vice president of Zurn Industries, who had governed Mercyhurst's Board of Trustees since 1987. His last official act as chairman was to preside at graduation and to give the opening remarks. "As I am about to step down after four years as chairman of the board of trustees, I realized that this commencement is the dawning of a new day for me as well as for you," Zurn said. While Zurn was chairman, Mercyhurst witnessed unprecedented growth: The D'Angelo Music Wing

was built; the Hammermill library was refurbished and air conditioned; Sullivan Hall was built; the Grotto Dining Room was added; the Maura Smith Child Learning Center was opened; a third floor was added to Preston Hall; the Campus Center renovated and expanded to allow more room for student recreation; the playing fields were upgraded, the Carolyn Herrmann Union was built and the new hockey rink was approved. "It's a testament to his chairmanship that so much was accomplished," Dr. Garvey commented. "His virtues of careful planning and willingness to face risks were exactly what the college needed at this stage of its development. He has made a difference in the history of Mercyhurst and we deeply appreciate it."

New phone numbe for Mercyhurst:

The college has switched a new phone system considered to be state-of-the-art. Costing $425,000, the new system provides for phones in the student rooms and voice mail for both faculty and administration. The college switchboard number is now 824-2000. Calls coming from the outside using the old phone number will automatically be put through unkil January 1992. ,




By Joe Jordano

Joe jordano is Mercyhurst's director of sports information and baseball coach.

That describes the success of the Department of Athletics over the past year. The Lakers excelled both on and off the field. The men's baseball and hockey teams competed in NCAA tournaments, as did members of the men's and women's tennis teams. The Hurst also boasted one of the best women's soccer teams in the country. As a department, we won nearly 70 percent of all contests last year. Our proudest accomplishment, however, has been the performance of our student-athletes in the classroom. Over 50 percent achieved a 3.0 QPA or above during the 199091 academic year. This proves Mercyhurst's dedication and commitment to providing a competitive environment where student-athletes can effectuate the highest level of athletic achievement and academic accomplishment.

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The Laker football team under the direction of head coach jim Chapman scored every quarter and played a strong defense winning their first official game against Gannon University 40-7. This is the way we describe our present trend "On the Hill." Currently, our football team is off to a super 4-2 start, including a 40-7 thumping of crosstown rival Gannon University on September 21. The Lady Laker soccer team is ranked sixth in the country at 10-1, while the men's soccer team is enjoying a fine 9-2-2 season. Included in those nine wins was a thrilling double overtime win over host Gannon University to capture the Hamot Sports Medicine Soccer Classic. The baseball team finished its fall season at 5-1 including capturing its second straight Erie Fall Baseball Classic title. The Hurst defeated Gannon University 9-5 in the championship game.

The Lady Laker volleyball team under sophomore head coach Toby Eichas is also enjoying a banner season. The Lady Lakers are 16-6 including a huge straight victory over Edinboro University. Mercyhurst won the Mount Union Invitational, placed second at the Carnegie Mellon Classic and finished third at the First Annual Laker Invitational Tournament held at the newly expanded Mercyhurst Athletic Center more affectionately known as "The MAC." Our men's and women's cross country teams have made tremendous strides over the past year, too. Coaches Mike Fraley and Kathy Noble-Fraley have the harriers on the right course. The Lady Laker runners won the Pitt-Bradford Invitational this fall, which is the first tournament the team has won in some time. Secondyear head coach Dave Baugh has the Mercyhurst crew teams primed and ready to go for the exciting spring season. Baugh has brought several new innovative ideas to launch the Hurst rowers back to national prominence. The Laker golf program hit new heights this fall. The linksters swung into an aggressive and expanded schedule that included some of the finest tournaments in the region. The Hurst also hosted the First Annual Laker Golf Classic held at the picturesque Lake View Country Club. Twelve teams competed for the championship. The Lady Laker tennis program is looking to pick up where it left off a year ago. The netters are currently 4-5 and on a 3-match win streak. Waiting to begin their seasons are the men's and women's basketball teams and our hockey team. The men's hoop team will be directed by two-time national champ Bill Morse while the ladies will be headed by Paul Demyanovich. Hockey coach Rick Gotkin is singing Home-Sweet-Home. For the first time since the program's inception, the leers will play a home game. The first game for the new ice arena is scheduled for December 8, when the leers challenge the Rochester Institute of Technology.

As Vince Lombardi once said, "The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence regardless of their chosen field of endeavor." If that's the case, our studentathletes have a lot to look forward to.

Stayed tuned for more exciting news. We're on a roll!

FALL 1991


f V by Pat Liebel '53

Gary Bukowski 1991 Alumnus of the Year

Results ofAlumni Study:

Over 2,000 alumni, an impressive 36 percent return, responded to Mercyhurst's 1991 Alumni Survey. Of those, 12 percent were age 25 or under, 61 percent were between 26 and 45 years of age, and 27 percent were 46 and up. Upon leaving Mercyhurst, 726 of those responding went for advanced study, while 538 obtained master's degrees and 107 obtained doctorates or above. Over 59 percent rated a Mercyhurst education average and above average in preparing them for advanced study. However, 35 percent said the question did not apply. Respondents' overall satisfaction with their Mercyhurst education rated very high with 78 percent rating it above average or better. Ninety two percent rated the Alumni Office's effectiveness as average or better, however, about 58 percent said that they have never attended a homecoming. Less than 1 percent of respondents rated the Mercyhurst Magazine below average or poor the majority (over 96 percent) rated it average and above. Other interesting statistics are as follows: Extent to which your current job is related to major 44.87% said directly related; 21.66% said somewhat related; 16% said not related at all; Should co-op/internship be a requirement for graduation 60% said yes; Level of satisfaction in current position 72.35% reasonably or very satisfied; Current political views 50.85% said middle of the road; 26.9% said conservative; 18.5% said liberal; 1% said far left; .45% said far right. Total satisfaction with progress of alma mater 88.15% said proud and encouraged; Recommendations for assessing the impact of liberal arts courses 64.98% said maintain the current ratio; 13.91% said increase number of required liberal arts courses; 10.36% said decrease number of required liberal arts courses. Would recommend alma mater to prospective students 80.85% said yes; and Salary 22.6% said $25,000-$34,000; 20.6% said $15,000-$24,000; 15.55% said $35,000-$49,000; 6.7% said $50,000$74,000; 1.9% said $75,000-$99,000; and 1.3% said $100,000 and up; 14.8% said not employed or retired; 14.1% said less than $15,000.

"Carpe Diem," is his favorite phrase. And, no one has more school spirit than Gary Bukowski, vice president of institutional advancement, who was voted Alumnus of the Year by the Alumni Board for Homecoming 1991. In casting the unanimous vote, the 15member board cited his many successes over the past 11 years, his dedication to his alma mater and his efforts to enhance and increase the college's giving programs. Also honored were Theresa A'Hearn '31,

Joan Kostolansky '60 and Mary McCrady Thompson'31. Shown from 1-r are Gary Bukowski 7 3 , Lance Lavrinc '83, alumni board president; Joan Kostolansky Evans '60, alumni board secretary, and Dr. Garvey at a reception for the Alumni Board. All recipients were chosen because of their alumni and/or community involvement and that their lives reflect the fact that they have "Seized the Opportunity" as proud Mercyhurst graduates.

Here's what you thought ofMercyhurst Magazine:

"It's great!" "Excellent!" "Very professional and informative." "Better than comparable publications from much larger institutions." "Writers in the discipline not true of all colleges." Of the over 2,000 alumni who responded to Mercyhurst's 1991 Alumni Survey, 96 percent rated the magazine average and above, such as the person who wrote "First rate. Too bad it cannot be published more often." Or these comments, "Mercyhurst Magazine is a 'super' publication that I'm proud to show to my friends. It outshines Columbia, Simmons and William Smith, all of which I see regularly," or "Each issue gets better. The last one was outstanding." However, a few of the comments were like this: "Attractive, but would prefer less expensive publication on a more frequent basis." Or this one, "'A' for quality, 'D' for timely distribution." We appreciated all of these comments. Opening a line of communication with alums is what the Mercyhurst Magazine is all about. We also received some very useful suggestions. Here's what you said you would like to see: more pictures, more sports, more departmental news, more scientific research or events, more about the college, a feature each issue on an alum, more alumni news, more articles about current students and campus news, use more student work, athletic schedules, more historical stories and more pages in the magazine.


By Dorothy DiSanti

The Thirties
SUSAN (NEINER) KREIDER '36 recently visited Erie and stayed with her former classmate ALICE (MARTIN) BRUGGER '36 and her husband, Robert. While in Erie, Susan and Alice toured the Mercyhurst campus. Susan makes her home at 1423-01 Alders Gate Dr., Apt. L-l, Kissimmee, FL 34766. MARY RITA (OLIVER) HYDE '39, MARION (TOWNE) BENDER '39, VIRGINIA (DOOLEY) O'CONNOR '39, and MARY ALICE (KUHN) SCHULTZ '39 (pictured 1 to r) enjoyed each others company at a gathering held on February 2,1991, at Virginia's home in Spring Hill, FL.

The Forties
SR. MARY CHARLES WESCHLER, RSM '40 celebrated her 50th anniversary as a Sister of Mercy with a special liturgy and dinner/reception on June 15,1991. She is a member of the council and treasurer for the Sisters of Mercy of Eric and is president of the Board of Directors of Hospitality House. She serves on the college's Board of Trustees and the Board of Directors of Mercyhurst Prep School. Sr. Mary Charles resides at the Mercy Motherhouse, 444 East Grandview Blvd., Erie, PA 16504-2698. SR. MARY LAWRENCE FRANKLIN, RSM '41, Mercyhurst archivist, attended the Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference in Wilmington, DE, on May 2-4. The theme for the spring meeting was "Etnics, Security and the Law. Sr. Mary Lawrence resides at the Mercy Motherhouse, 444 E. Grandview Blvd., Erie, PA 16504-2698. CLAUDIA (EVANS) GARVEY '42 and her husband, Cyril, recently welcomed their 24th grandchild. The Garveys make their home at 1293 Yahres Rd., Sharon, PA 16146-3641 MARY ELLEN (LINNEY) AVERY '43 and DOROTHY (O'HARA) DOWNS '43 of Syracuse, NY, hosted a mini class reunion. Others attending were GLORIA LUTZ '43 of Bridgeville, PA, DOROTHY (McCARRON) WILSON '43 of Mt. Prospect, IL, and NORA JEAN (STEPHENS) DOWNEY >43 of Erie.

LAUREL M. (GROFF) McQUOWN '49, a faculty SR. M. EYMARD POYDOCK '43 member at Villa Maria Academy in Erie, received a Editor's Note: Sr. Poydock has recently retired and is no grant from the National Endowment for the longer doing cancer research. She would like to thank Humanities to participate in a six-week seminar on Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics, held at Boston everyone who donated to her work and encourages them to continue supporting Mercyhurst by giving to the college in University. She is one of 15 teachers selected another way. The following spotlight highlights her long nationwide to participate in this seminar. In addition to reading and discussing Aristotle's work, the and industrious career. participants saw films of Greek plays and attended a Instead of spending gallery lecture on the ancient Greek art collection at hours idly, noted cancer the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Laurel, who has researcher Sr. Mary Eymard taught at the Villa for the past 11 years, is the mother Poydock, a dedicated of six children and grandmother of three. She and her scientist, professor and husband, Terry, make their home at 1053 W. 29 St., artist, reads about art, Erie, PA 16508-1533. politics, medicine and eople. A member of the 943 graduating class of the college, Sr. Eymard received her master's degree from the University of Pittsburgh and her doctorate in biology and experimental medicine from St. Thomas Institute SARA E. "SALLY" (CARLOW) KOHLER '51, a member in Cincinnati, OH. of the college's Alumni Board, is employed as a school She did additional study at the National Science social worker/drop-out prevention coordinator with Foundation's Institute in Microbiology, Durham, SC, the Erie School District, a job she finds "very and spent two summers perfecting tissue cultures and interesting and challenging." Sally and her husband, bone marrow techniques at Roswell Park, Buffalo, NY. Joseph, reside at 341 Shenley Dr., Erie, PA 16505-2229. Her research with vitamins has proven that Vitamin CJEAN (SLAVIN) SAAD '51 and BETTY (RUSSELL) B complex stops cell division in mouse cancers with no SOTTILE '51 are both employed as teachers at LaSalle apparent side effects. Sr. Eymard had been working in Senior High School in Niagara Falls, NY. Jean and her cancer research since 1950. Her goal was to alleviate husband, Elias, make their home at 64 Wenonah the suffering of those afflicted with the dreaded Terrace, Tonawanda, NY 14150-7057, while Betty and disease. She celebrated her Golden Jubilee as a Sister her husband, Guy, reside at 949 McKinley Ave., of Mercy on June 19,1983, and was Distinguished Niagara Falls, NY 14305-1117. Alumna of the Year in 1984. SR. RITA PANCIERA, RSM In addition to all this, Sr. Eymard is an accom'53 was elected as a plished artist presenting over 20 exhibits and having councilor by the Sisters of sold more than 426 of her paintings. Mercy in Erie on April 6, 1991. Sr. Rita resides at the House of Prayer, 159 W. 4th DOLORES (DIVINCENZO) St., Erie, PA 16507. SCURA '46 was honored by the American Lung DOROTHYJ.ZUZULA'54 Association of New York retired in June 1991, from State with the 1991 the education profession. Christmas Seal Hall of Fame She had worked for the past 24 years for Township High Award, the organization's School District 214 in Arlington Heights, IL, having highest honor, in June. She held the position of test director for Rolling Meadows was recognized for her High School, one of District 214's six high schools. nearly 40 years of dedication Her responsibilities also included counseling students to the voluntary health and coordinating staff development programs. In organization, both at the 1989, Dorothy was one of the recipients of District state and local levels. Dolores is the first woman to 214's Principal's Award for Excellence in Education. receive this distinction. The previous three recipients After selling her home in Lake Barrington Shores, IL, were male physicians. "When they were small, I'd tell she is temporarily residing with her mother at 3524 my daughters we were going for ice cream. But first French St., Erie, PA 16504. we'd stop at the Lung Association office and stuff envelopes for the Christmas Seal campaign," said PATRICIA (EGAN) LANGMYER '55 is currently Scura. Dolores and her two daughters, Jane and serving as chairperson of the elementary department of Regina, are part of the Mercyhurst legacy. Jane F. Scura City Honors School in Buffalo, NY. Patricia has been 74 is coordinator of administration for the Rochester working at the unique and very successful City Honors City schools. Regina Scura Merz 77 also resides in School since its founding. The school serves as a Rochester. The Scuras reside at 4 Barone Ave., Mt. magnet for gifted students in grades 5 through 12. Morris, NY 14510-1402. Patricia and her husband, Henry, make their home at 8 SR. MAURA SMITH, RSM Mount Airy Dr., Orchard Park, NY 14127. '48 was re-elected to a fiveSUSAN (McCARTNEY) HOROWITZ '59 is a council year term as president of the member/mayor pro tern of the city of Iowa City, IA. Sisters of Mercy of Erie on She also actively recruits students from her area to April 6,1991. Sr. Maura attend Mercyhurst. Susan and her husband, Joel, reside resides at the Mercy Campus at 1129 Kirkwood Ave., Iowa City, IA 52240-5745. House, 501 E. 38 St., Erie, PA JOAN (HOTCHKISS) WELCH '59 serves as president of 16546. Families and Friends of the Mentally 111, a New York State affiliate of the Alliance for the Mentally 111. In addition, Joan serves on the Women's Boara of St Mary's Hospital in Rochester. Joan and her husband, James, make their home at 98 Fairview Crescent, Rochester, NY 14617-2706.

The Fifties

Pictured (I to r) are Mary Ellen Avery, Nora Jean Downey, Gloria Lutz, Dorothy Wilson and Dorothy Downs.

FALL 1991


The Sixties
DR. BARBARA CHAMBERS '60 received the 1991 Outstanding Educator Award from the Ohio Association for Gifted Children. Barbara, who resides at 7490 Andrea Dr., Concord, OH 44060-7210, presently serves as major work specialist with the Cleveland City School District. CHARLOTTE E. (WEINERT) KUNDRATH '60 has recently accepted the position of director of marketing for Whitney Center in Hamden, CT. Whitney Center is a life care retirement residence serving the New Haven and Yale communities. Charlotte and her husband, Donald, make their home at 18 Lochwood Dr., Clinton, CT 06413-1412. VIRGINIA (ROSSONI) ADAIR '61 and her husband, Bruce, continue to enjoy their residence in Lancaster County, VA. They moved there after selling their restaurant/motel Business on Cape Cod. Virginia dabbles in watercolor and pastels. The Adairs can be reached at P.O. Box 429, Lively, VA 22507-0429. (MARY) SUZETTE (CASSIDY) CASEY '61 and her husband, Jack, have retired this past year. Suzette is now spending her time substitute teaching and doing volunteer work with the homeless. The Caseys, who will celebrate their silver wedding anniversary this year, make their home at 5727 Shady Hollow Ln., Cincinnati, OH 45230-5125. MARILYN M. (DELVECCHIO) HEIBEL '61 is employed as administrator of national accounts and dealer contracts for the American Sterilizer Company's medical products division. Marilyn resides at 651 Montroyale Dr., Erie, PA 16504-2617. NANCY LEE (KILLMEYER) McNELIS '61 and her husband, Peter, celebrated their silver wedding anniversary in June. They have both retired, and reside at 2 Canterbury Cir., Kennebunk, ME 04043. Nancy and Peter's daughter is MICHELE McNELIS '89. EVELYN (RINN) PERSONETT-MITZEL '61 was selected as the 1991 Volunteer of the Year of Collin County, TX. She was chosen from a field of 81 nominees. Evelyn recently graduated from the Leadership Piano Class, a program designed for future community leaders. She and her husband, Lester, make their home at 1501 Aylesbury Ln., Piano, TX 75075-2728. VIRGINIA (ACCETTA) RATHBUN '61 is employed as a decorator consultant for Sears, and also recently'started a small business called Boutique Enchantments. Virginia and her husband, Gary, reside at 6981 W. Lake Rd., Fairview, PA 16415. BERNICE T. (PINCZEWSKI) SANKO '61 sends her best wishes to her classmates. Bernice and her husband, William, make their home at 7673 S. Quintero Ct., Aurora, CO 80016. JUDITH WIECZOREK '61, associate professor of sociology at the college, has been elected vice chairperson of Harborcreek Townships' Planning Commission. Judy makes her home at 3844 Hamilton Rd., Erie, PA 16510. SR. PATRICIA WHALEN, RSM '63 was elected to a five-year term as vice-president of the Sisters of Mercy of Erie in elections held April 6,1991. Sr. Pat resides at Sisters of Mercy, 417 W. Front St., Erie, PA 16507. SR.JoANNECOURNEEN, RSM '64 was elected a councilor for the Sisters of Mercy of Erie on April 6, 1991. Sr. JoAnne also serves as president of Mcrcyhurst Prep High School, and is a member of the Board of Directors of Hope House and the Board of Trustees at the

college. She recently celebrated her 25th anniversary as a Sister of Mercy with a special liturgy and dinner at the Mercy Mothcrhouse. Sr. JoAnne resides at Sisters of Mercy, 417 W. Front St., Erie, PA 16507. SR. M. FELICE DUSKA, RSM '64 was elected a councilor for the Sisters of Mercy of Erie on April 6, 1991. Sr. Felice resides at St. Patrick's Convent, 414 Tenth St., Franklin, PA 16323. M. PHYLLIS AIELLO '65, director of freshman studies at the College, received the Distinguished Service Award from the Rape Crisis Center for her many years of service and work at the facility. Phyllis has served as a board member for 11 years, nine of those as secretary/treasurer. She was presented with a plaque and the Katherine Scobell pin, the "Katie," which signifies her work with victims of rape. Phyllis also serves on the boards of the Victim Witness Center and Florence Crittenton Center. She makes her home at 2207 Wagner Ave., Erie, PA 16510-1531. HON. JOYCE A. SAVOCCHIO '65, mayor of the City of Erie, was honored by the French Creek Council Boy Scouts of America for a lifetime of community service and active involvement in making Erie a better place to live. As a past teacher and administrator of the Erie School District, Joyce was active in the Desegregation Plan Committee, the Long-Range Planning Committee, president of the Erie Education Association, teacher coordinator for the task force on curriculum development and a member of Delta Kappa Gamma (a professional educator association). As a public official, Joyce served on the Erie City Council for eight years and was its president in 1983. In 1989, she won the Democratic mayoral nomination, followed by her victory in the general election for mayor. Joyce makes her home at 4015 Allegheny Rd., Erie, PA 16509-1061. MARLENE (DiTULLIO) MOSCO '68 was inducted as an honorary member of Delta Mu Delta, the National Honor Society in Business Administration at an installation ceremony and reception held April 21, 1991, at Mercyhurst.' Marlene is currently senior vice president of tne retail banking division of Marine Bank in Erie, and is a member of the President's Associates at the college. She makes her home with her husband, Homer, and daughter, Emilv, at 3806 Beech Ave., Erie, PA 16508. DANIEL BURKE '69, professor of art at the College, showed three mixed-media works at the Juried Visual Arts Exhibition of the 32nd Annual Three Rivers Arts Festival in Pittsburgh. He also had a two-person show with former Mercyhurst assistant professor of art SHELLE (LICHTENWALTER) BARRON '74 at the Pittsburgh Center for the Arts and exhibited large-scale works on paper at SPACES in Cleveland. Dan also did a large mixed-media on canvas work entitled "Life and Science: No Exit" for the 86th Annual Erie Art Museum Spring Show, which received a juror's award. Dan and his wife, JANE (CRAIG) BURKE 70, reside at 223 E. 6th St., Erie, PA 16507-1523. PATRICIA (NICOLETTE) LONCTO '69, home and career skills teacher and middle school family life facilitator of Lew-Port Central School, received the 1991 Family Life Education Award from the (New York) State Education Department. The award was presented at the state's 8th Annual Family Life Education Conference held May 2,1991, in Rochester. Pat was listed in the Spring 1991 "Class Notes" for having been named "Teacher of the Year" in 1990. She makes her home with her husband, Frank, and their children, at 377 Wingate PL, Youngstown, NY 14174. PATRICIA (SULLIVAN) SACCO '69 (professional name - Patti Sullivan) was featured on the "Between the Lines" page of the Erie Sunday Times on February 24,1991. The full-page article highlighted Patti's musical career and personal interests. She currently

holds positions as music director at St. Patrick Catholic Church, director of the Villa Maria College Chorus, part-time faculty member at Villa Maria Academy, and liturgical soloist at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. In addition, Patti is involved in local theater and the Erie Summer Festival of the Arts, and can also be heard at many weddings, funerals, private parties. Most recently, Patti was the featured soloist at the memorial Mass for former Mayor Louis J. Tullio held in the Christ the King Chapel. Patti and her husband, Charles, make their home at 637 W. 6th St., Erie, PA 16507. MARY E. (FISHER) WIESEN '69 of Holland Metro, Inc. Realtors has been designated as associate broker by passing the licensing exam, completing the required courses, and submitting documentation of transactions completed during the past three years. She has been a member of the Holland Metro Million Dollar Club since 1988 by selling in excess of one million dollars of real estate each year. Mary is a member of the Greater Erie Board of Realtors, the Pennsylvania Association of Realtors, the National Association of Realtors, the National Marketing Institute and the Residential Sales Council. Mary, her husband, Tom, and daughter, Stacy, have moved to their new home at 3412 West 11th St., Erie, PA 16505-3602.

The Seventies
SR. ELISABETH LINTSEN '70, director of campus ministry and foreign student advisor'at the college, attended a workshop on racism and prejudice given by the chairperson of Black Catholic Ministry for the diocese of Washington, DC, in March 1991. Sr. Elisabeth makes her home at 3324 W. 12th St., Erie, PA 16505. DEBORAH O'KEEFE '70 is now spending time at home raisins her three daughters, Emily, 8, Molly, 4, and Cassidy, 2, after working 16 years as an art teacher at General Wayne Middle School. She is an active member of the Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsmen and the Loose Threads Quilt Guild. Deborah and her husband, William F. Beyer, and their daughters reside at 622 Pancoast Ln., Downingtown, PA 19335-1244. She would love to hear from her former roommates and friends. LORI (WEINER) WELLMAN 70, employed in the department of Veterinary Biology at the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine for the past nine years, recently received an Outstanding Civil Service Award in her department. In her position as a research lab technician, Lori's work has involved studying the neuroanatomy of transmitters involved in pain suppression. In her spare time, Lori directs the handbell choir at her church. She and her husband, James, make their home at 3621 Blaisdell Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55409. JEAN MARIE BOJALAD 7 1 , employed as a social studies teacher in the DuBois Area School District, serves as vice-president of the DuBois Central Christian High School Alumni Association. Jean Marie makes a trip to the Mercyhurst campus every summer, and currently resides at 404 DuBois St., DuBois, PA 158011827. JEANNE (BURCHELL) BROWN 7 1 is employed as a supervisor at the Massachusetts Department of Mental Retardation, and in two of the last four years has received the Department's "Pride in Performance" Award that honors state employees for outstanding job performance. Jeanne and her husband, William, currently reside at 18 Hialeah Ave., W. Yarmouth, MA 02673-2717. ROSEANNE (SAVINO) CORRIGAN 7 1 has resided in several cities since graduating, and now lives in







^ C Y H I ^

The Sixties
DR. BARBARA CHAMBERS '60 received the 1991 Outstanding Educator Award from the Ohio Association for Gifted Children. Barbara, who resides at 7490 Andrea Dr., Concord, OH 44060-7210, presently serves as major work specialist with the Cleveland City School District. CHARLOTTE E. (WEINERT) KUNDRATH '60 has recently accepted the position of director of marketing for Whitney Center in Hamden, CT. Whitney Center is a life care retirement residence serving the New Haven and Yale communities. Charlotte and her husband, Donald, make their home at 18 Lochwood Dr., Clinton, CT 06413-1412. VIRGINIA (ROSSONI) ADAIR '61 and her husband, Bruce, continue to enjoy their residence in Lancaster County, VA. They moved there after selling their restaurant/motel Business on Cape Cod. Virginia dabbles in watercoior and pastels. The Adairs can be reached at P.O. Box 429, Lively, VA 22507-0429. (MARY) SUZETTE (CASSIDY) CASEY '61 and her husband, Jack, have retired this past year. Suzette is now spending her time substitute teaching and doing volunteer work with the homeless. The Caseys, who will celebrate their silver wedding anniversary this year, make their home at 5727 Shady Hollow Ln., Cincinnati, OH 45230-5125. MARILYN M. (DELVECCHIO) HEIBEL '61 is employed as administrator of national accounts and dealer contracts for the American Sterilizer Company's medical products division. Marilyn resides at 651 Montroyale Dr., Erie, PA 16504-2617. NANCY LEE (KILLMEYER) McNELIS '61 and her husband, Peter, celebrated their silver wedding anniversary in June. They have both retired, and reside at 2 Canterbury Cir., Kennebunk, ME 04043. Nancy and Peter's daughter is MICHELE McNELIS '89. EVELYN (RINN) PERSONETT-MITZEL '61 was selected as the 1991 Volunteer of the Year of Collin County, TX. She was chosen from a field of 81 nominees. Evelyn recently graduated from the Leadership Piano Class, a program designed for future community leaders. She and her husband, Lester, make their home at 1501 Aylesbury Ln., Piano, TX 75075-2728. VIRGINIA (ACCETTA) RATHBUN '61 is employed as a decorator consultant for Sears, and also recently started a small business called Boutique Enchantments. Virginia and her husband, Gary, reside at 6981 W. Lake Rd., Fairview, PA 16415. BERNICE T. (PINCZEWSKI) SANKO '61 sends her best wishes to her classmates. Bernice and her husband, William, make their home at 7673 S. Quintero Ct., Aurora, CO 80016. JUDITH WIECZOREK '61, associate professor of sociology at the college, has been elected vice chairperson of Harborcreek Townships' Planning Commission. Judy makes her home at 3844 Hamilton Rd., Erie, PA 16510. SR. PATRICIA WHALEN, RSM '63 was elected to a five-year term as vice-president of the Sisters of Mercy of Erie in elections held April 6,1991. Sr. Pat resides at Sisters of Mercy, 417 W. Front St., Erie, PA 16507. SR.JoANNECOURNEEN, RSM '64 was elected a councilor for the Sisters of Mercy of Erie on April 6, 1991. Sr.JoAnne also serves as president of Mercyhurst Prep High School, and is a member of the Board of Directors of Hope House and the Board of Trustees at the

college. She recently celebrated 1 as a Sister of Mercy with a special the Mercy Motherhouse. Sr. JoA: Mercy, 417 W. Front St., Erie, PA SR. M. FELICE DUSKA, RSM '64 councilor for the Sisters of Mercv 1991. Sr. Felice resides at St. Patr Tenth St., Franklin, PA 16323. 1 M. PHYLLIS AIELLO '65, I director of freshman studies I at the College, received the I Distinguished Service Award I from the Rape Crisis Center I for her many years of service I and work at the facility. Phyllis has served as a board I member for 11 years, nine of those as secretary/treasurer. 0 She was presented with a plaque and the Katherine Scobell which signifies her work with vi{ also serves on the boards of the j and Florence Crittenton Center, at 2207 Wagner Ave., Erie, PA 16 HON. JOYCE A. SAVOCCHIO '( of Erie, was honored by the Freii: Scouts of America for a lifetime c and active involvement in makii live. As a past teacher and admii School District, Joyce was active Plan Committee, the Long-Rangi president of the Erie Education fl coordinator for the task force on development and a member of E professional educator associatior Joyce served on the Erie City Coi and was its president in 1983. Ir* Democratic mayoral nomination victory in the general election fo her home at 4015 Allegheny Rd.. MARLENE (DiTULLIO) MOSCC an honorary member of Delta M Honor Society in Business Admii installation ceremony and recepi 1991, at Mercyhurst. Marlene is president of the retail banking d: in Erie, and is a member of the P the college. She makes her home Homer, and daughter, Emily, at'. PA 16508. I DANIEL BURKE'69, professor J showed three mixed-media work Arts Exhibition of the 32nd Ann Festival in Pittsburgh. He also h. with former Mercyhurst assistair SHELLE (LICHTENWALTER) B. Pittsburgh Center for the Arts an works on paper at SPACES in CM large mixed-media on canvas wc Science: No Exit" for the 86th Ai Spring Show, which received a ji his wife, JANE (CRAIG) BURKE 6th St., Erie, PA 16507-1523. | PATRICIA (NICOLETTE) LONCTO '69, home and career skills teacher and middle school family life facilitator of Lew-Port Central School, received the 1991 Family Life Education Award from the (New York) State Education Department. The award was presented at the state's 8th Annual Family Life Education Confereru Rochester. Pat was listed in the! Notes" for having been named " 1990. She makes her home with and their children, at 377 Winga NY 14174. PATRICIA (SULLIVAN) SACCO name - Patti Sullivan) was featur the Lines" page of the Erie Simda 24,1991. The full-page article h musical career and personal inte

featured on the front 1 Stained glass lamp with school logo is a nice addition to any den. School logo on lamp shade. $89.95 2 The official Mercyhurst College chair, crafted out of top quality American hardwoods, is now available through the College Bookstore. Captain's chair is available in an all natural finish or black finish with natural seat. (This is not a stock item. Allow extra time for shipping. Order by 11/10/91 for Christmas.) $235.00 Additional shipping and handling UPS $15.00 For more information, please call the Bookstore at 814 - 824 - 0395. 3 Your ArtCarved college ring. A never ending link. A class ring attests to your success and pride. Stirring memories, it is a precious link to your memorable college days. There is no more personal piece of jewelry than your college ring. You can choose birthstone or gemstone, year-date, and degree in your choice of 10K, 14K or 18K gold. It's never too late to order your Mercyhurst College class ring with the year you graduated. For your college ring information kit and catalogue contact the Bookstore at 814 - 824 - 0395. Order by 11/10/91 for Christmas delivery. featured on this page 4 For your favorite Mercyhurst Dad! Heavyweight crewneck sweatshirt by JanSport with two-color imprint. 50% cotton/50% poly. Ash gray. M, L, XL $24.95 XXL $28.50 5 Gear mohair crew unsurpassed for year round comfort. Heavyweight poly/cotton fleece with colorful accent stripe on neck, sleeve and bottom trim. Billiard or navy. M, L, XL $26.95 6 Especially for Mercyhurst Moms! Crewneck heavyweight JanSport sweatshirt with bright imprint. 50% cotton/50% poly. White. M, L, XL $24.95 7 Plaid tackle twill letters look sharp on a heavyweight sweatshirt by JanSport. 50% cotton/50% poly. Ash gray. S, M, L, XL $32.95 8 Comfortable and oversized! Super heavyweight cross grain sweatshirt with beautiful new Mercyhurst Lakers graphic. Fabric is cut across the grain to reduce shrinkage. Rib-knit side gussets allow greater freedom of movement. 95% cotton/5% acrylic. Natural. S, M, L, XL $33.95 9 Gear super heavyweight white T-shirt. Pure cotton, generously cut with split tail. M, L, XL $12.95 XXL $14.50 10 Gear double crew collar heavyweight fleece. Sporty contrasting yoke and subtle muted gray striped body. Oversized, side seamed construction and spandex reinforced rib knit. Navy. M, L, XL $29.95 11 Alumni - show your pride! This heavyweight crewneck sweatshirt has unique embroidery and puff ink design. 50% cotton/50% poly. White or ash gray. S, M, L, XL $32.95 12 "Box-R-Bear" by Abel Creations with imprinted Mercyhurst plaid shorts. Available in brown or white. $12.50 13 Champion silver gray crewneck sweatshirt. Reverse Weave sweatshirt with the traditional athletic cut. S, M, L, XL $36.95 XXL $39.95 14 Gear double lap crew. Heavyweight poly/cotton fleece with tailoring touches not found everywhere. Double lap iced heather crewneck with subtle muted striped chest panel. M, L, XL $27.95 15 Work out in style. JanSport heavyweight sweatpants Print and puff imprint on left hip. Elasticized waistband with internal drawcord. 50/50. Navy or ash gray. S, M, L, XL $21.95 16 Gear Hurricane polar winter jacket. Outer shell is waterproof poly/nylon fabric that provides protection from wind and rain. Fleece lined. Collar is lined in a "Polar Plus" trim complete with rib knit cuffs and waistband. Billiard or royal. M, L, XL $59.95 17 Popular split "M" graphic on a super comfortable, oversized heavyweight cross grain sweatshirt. Two-color left chest and full back imprint. 95% cotton/5% acrylic. Ash gray. S, M, L,XL, XXL $38.95 18 Corduroy baseball hats with direct embroidery. Adjustable. Royal, white or green. $8.95 19 Mercyhurst knit stocking hat. $7.95 20 Soft and warm Mercyhurst knit scarf. $7.95 21 54" golf umbrella with imprint. Royal/white or kelly/white. $18.99 Shipping and handling an additional $2.00 22 Go Lakers! Comfy blue stadium cushion. $5.89

23 License plate. $5.95

24 Youth sweatshirt by Third Street, Navy with kelly trim and white imprint. 4T, 6 $9.95 8,12,16 $12.95 25 Youth sweatpants by Third Street. White Lakers imprint runs the length of the left leg. Navy. 4T, 6 $11.95 8,12,16 $14.95


8 # x















26 Large felt pennant with school seal. $5.95 27 Ceramic 20 oz. stein with gold seal. White, royal or green. $11.95 28 Golden Ram laser golf balls imprinted with two-color school logo and name. $6.50 per sleeve or $25.95 per dozen 29 Womens or mens "Caravelle" quartz watch by Bulova. Customized gold dial with handcrafted etched school seal and genuine leather strap. Mens $69.95 Womens $59.95 30 Necktie dotted with the official college logo. Woven in school colors. $19.95 31 Hurst Quenchers can huggies. $2.19 or 3 for $5.99 32 Ceramic coffee mug with school seal. Green, black, dark blue or white. $9.25 33 Pewter key chain with college seal by Spoontiques. $3.00 34 Collectable pewter spoon with the college seal. By Spoontiques. $3.00 35 Window decal. $0.99

We are pleased to present our 1991-92 Mercyhurst College Bookstore Gift Catalog. The Mercyhurst College Bookstore appreciates the support you have given us. We're here for all alumni, students, parents and friends. If you don't find an item you're looking for, please give us a call at (814) 824 - 2395. Your input is always appreciated.

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Orchard Park, NY, where she teaches third grade in the MARY ELLEN West Seneca School District. Roseanne makes her home DAHLKEMPER 7 3 , Vice at 25 Braunview Wy., Orchard Park, NY 14127-2045. president of human resources for the Joseph B. MARY KAY (ZAMPOGNA) FRANK 7 1 teaches handicapped pre-schoolers, and also serves as director of Dahlkemper Co., Inc., the Kane Area Food Pantry. Mary Kav and her husband, recently completed an 18Steven, reside at 310 W. Pine Ave., Kane, PA 16735-1633. month post graduate program in organizational IDA (NEIBAUER) GORMAN 7 1 has been doing research and systems development as a magnetic resonance technologist for York Imagine from the Gestalt Institute of Center, a Research Beta Site for Siemens Corp., located in Cleveland. The program York, PA. In September 1991, Ida presented an original provides training for professionals who have manuscript on "T2 Manipulation in Order to Highlight experience and commitment to working in the area of Pathology" at a seminar in Stuart, FL. Ida and her developing organizations, work teams, communities, husband make their home at 5004 Balmoral Ct, government or political entities. Mary Ellen's Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-8307. practicum work during the program was contracted SUE ELLEN (LUTTRELL) HOLLANDSWORTH 7 1 is an . with Mayor Michael R. White in the Department of Personnel and Human Resources with the City of elder in the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church where she Cleveland. She is a member of the Personnel serves a youth leader, member of the choir, and a Association of Northwestern PA., and of the President's Deacon. She is also an EMT on the local ambulance Associates here at the college. Mary Ellen makes her squad. Sue Ellen and her husband, Daniel, can be home at 3203 Willis St., Erie, PA 16506-2531. reached at P.O. Box 83, Hillsboro, WV 24946-0083. JOHNA.DiSANTI,JR.73 SR. PAT LUPO, OSB 7 1 serves as director of environhas been appointed to the mental education, and assistant administrator at Glinodo Conference Center for the Benedictine Sisters in board of directors of the Erie. Sr. Pat has two Salvadoran godchildren: Wendy, 3, NorthWest (Pennsylvania) who lives in San Salvador, and Angelica Patricia, 1, who Kidney Foundation. John resides in Erie. Sr. Pat currently resides at the has been a member of Benedictine Motherhouse, 6101 E. Lake Rd., Erie, PA NWKF for seven years, and 16511. recently served as president of the bt Luke Parish School LINDA MARTELL-BEARSE 7 1 is director of music at Board, having been an the Lake Region Middle School in North Bridgeton, ME. officer of that board for five Linda, her husband, Lee, and their family enjoy skiing and sailing, and can be reached at Box 103, N. Bridgeton, years. He received his master of education degree in early childhood/elementary education from Edinboro ME 04057-0103. University of Pennsylvania in 1979, and is currently FRANCES E. (JUREWICZ) MOYLES 7 1 is currently employed as a Pre-Kindergarten teacher and Group employed as a third grade teacher in the Batavia City Supervisor at the Glenwood Park YMCA in Erie. John Schools. She and her husband, Tim, have two children resides with his wife, Dorothy, and children, Maria, 15, and reside at 120 Tracy Ave., Batavia, NY 14020-1502. John, 14, and Ann, 12, at 341 E. 37 St., Erie, PA 165041615. DOLORES (KRASINSKI) STOCKMAN 7 1 , an administrative assistant for the Catholic Diocese of Erie, LOUISE (HERBST) ROSENFELD 7 5 heads Rosenfeld is presently enrolled in a master's degree program in Research in Pittsburgh, and recently returned to the pastoral ministry. Dolores makes her home at 3013 Mercyhurst campus for a visit. Louise and her Charlotte St., Erie, PA 16508-1210. husband, Manny, make their home at 2415 Berkshire Dr., Pittsburgh, PA 15241-2405. ALBERT P. MESSINA 72 has relocated to Erie and accepted the position of executive director of the Boys JAMES T. CARROLL 7 6 has been named the new and Girls Club of Erie, Inc. Al previously served as director of youth services, Catholic Charities Eastern executive director of the Boys and Girls Club in Division of the Syracuse Diocese in Utica, NY. His Binghamton, NY, and as the assistant director of the wife, MARY ROSE (DeVIVO) CARROLL 76, received national program department for Boys and Girls Clubs of her master of science/reading teacher degree from America in New York City. While on the national staff, SUNY at Cortland in November, 1990. She teaches first he assisted clubs nationwide with program development, grade for the Utica City School District. Jim and Mary long-range planning, and managed several corporate and Rose and their daughters, Kristina, 12, Kathleen, 10, foundation accounts. Al and his wife, Janet, have moved and Colleen, 7, spent a week in the Finger Lakes during to 3004 State St., Apt. 6, Erie, PA 16508, with their two August 1990 with Ed and BECKY (BOVE) HART 7 6 daughters, Denise and Alyssa. ana their daughter, Sara. The Carrolls make their home at 50 Parkside Ct., Utica, NY. MELANIE SCHAFFNER 7 2 retired from teaching elementary vocal music after 13 years and has worked for SHIRLEY PASSLE HORDINSKI 76's work was selected the U.S. Postal Service for the last 5 years. Melanie has to be included in the Focus Pennsylvania Exhibition at recently moved to 8851 N. Oracle Rd., #171, Tucson, AZ the 32nd Annual Three Rivers Arts Festival held in 857377453. Pittsburgh from May 31-June 16,1991. The goal of the exhibition is to fociis attention on the outstanding DR. ALLAN BELOVARAC 73,(rJ former crew coach, work being done by Pennsylvania artists. Shirley teamed up with JIM MORYCZ '80 (I) and two other resides at 306 E. 39 St, Erie, PA 16504-2004. oarsmen from the Columbus, OH, area to win a gold medal in the Master's Four event (open to people over 27 DANIEL L. HEDLUND, O.D. 77 presented a 2-1/2hour lecture entitled "Optometric Management of the Headache Patient" at the Washington State Optometric 26th Annual Post Graduate Educational Seminar. The seminar, sponsored by the Washington State Board of Optometry for the purpose of continuing optometric education, was held in Seattle on March 23,1991. Daniel and his wife, Karen, currently reside at 1646 Berry St., Erie, PA 16509-2803. THOMAS HUBERT 77, assistant professor of art at the college, had an article years of age) at the Speakman Memorial Regatta in entitled '^Secure Wall October 1990. Allan served as acting crew coach, and Hangings" published in the had learned of Jim's residing in the area from former ace March issue of Ceramics Laker coxswain LAURIE (MAHNKEN) JOHN '82. Allan Monthly. Tom and his wife, and his wife, LEE (PITONYAK) BELOVARAC 74, make Maureen, make their home their home with their two sons at 637 E. 31st St., Erie, PA at 1975 W. Dutch Rd, 16504-1216; while Jim resides at 750 Autumn Branch, Fairview, PA 16415. Westerville, OH 43081-3104.

CHRISTOPHER VAN WAGENEN 7 8 was named top writer by the Texas Associated Press Managing Editors during their annual convention in San Antonio in March 1991. He also recently received first place in the Hearst Community Newspapers Division for a series on Vietnam entitled: "Beyond the Black Wall: Vietnam 15 Years Later," which ran in August 1990. Chris is a special projects writer for the Midland Reporter-Telegram in Midland, TX, and the brother of JEFF VAN WAGENEN '82. Chris's current residence is 4301 Raleigh Court, #1612, Midland, TX 79707. KAREN WESTON 7 8 was recently promoted to the rank of lieutenant in the Bureau of Police of the City of Erie. She is the first woman ever to hold this rank in the bureau. Karen presently serves as the city's traffic court administrator, and makes her home at 4020 Zoar Ave, Erie, PA 16509-1431. JoANN DeSANTIS 79 (BA) '85 (MS) recently received the "President's Award" from her employer, Carlisle Retailers, Inc. The award was given in recognition of her performance as the outstanding team leader in 1990. Coincidentally, JoAnn received the "President's Award" upon graduation from Mercyhurst in 1979. JoAnn is currently the corporate loss prevention director with Carlisle's, and makes her home at 3217 Loveland Ave., Erie, PA 16506-2722. PAULA J. FRITZ 7 9 has been appointed by the Pennsylvania Division of the American Cancer Society to be the executive director of the Potter, McKean and Cameron County Units. Paula is also very involved in the Girl Scouts, having worked for the Penn Lakes Girl Scout Council since 1983 as camp, program and field director. The Penn Lakes Council includes Erie, Crawford, Mercer, Warren and Forest counties. Paula currently resides at 52 Pearl St, Bradford, PA 16701. CRAIG MUNCH 79 is employed as a consultant for PA Consulting Group in Princeton, NJ. Craig and his wife, Teri, make their home at 1695 Cardinal Dr., Coatesville, PA 19320. PAULA PIZZAT 79 is pursuing a doctorate at the University of Virginia; ner field is educational psychology in gifted children. She received a master of education degree in education from Boston University and works part-time at the National Research Center as a research assistant for gifted and talented. Paula's new address is 742 Merion Greene, Charlottesville, VA 22901.

The Eighties
WILLIAM LINK '80 and his wife, Nancy, were also in attendance at the 10th anniversary celebration of the classes of 1979 and 1980 listed in last issue's Class Notes. Apologies from RAY GRUSS 79 for the omission. NICHOLAS GRANDINETTI '80 has accepted the position of food & beverage manager for Ladbooke Racing Corporation's newest off-track wagering facility in Greensburg, PA. Nick was the former general manager of Pizzeria Uno in Mt. Lebanon, PA, and resides with his wife, DONNA (ZAFFINA) GRANDINETTI 79 at 185 Orchard Spring Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15220-1711. MICHAEL J. PHILLIPS '80 announced his candidacy for a vacant seat on the Schenectady County Legislature in May 1991. He completed the evening division at Western New England School of Law in Springfield, MA, in December 1990 and passed the bar in February. He currently works as an independent contractor of legal research and writing services for law firms in Schenectady area. Michael's current address is 28 Old Fort Ave, Schenectady, NY 12306-1122. LISA (McGEE) ZETTS '80 graduated from Youngstown State University in March 1990, with a master's degree

FALL 1991


in elementary education curriculum. Lisa and her husband, MARK J. ZETTS '80, reside with their sons, Michael and Stephen, at 6969 S. Raccoon Rd., Canfield, OH 44406. MICHAEL MALPIEDI '81 has assumed a new position with WRKT Rocket 101-FM Radio in North East. He continues to serve as an active member of the college's Alumni Board. Mike and his wife, Tina, make their home at 1425 W. 34th St., Erie, PA 16508-2304. PATRICIA J. (McSHEA) PONGIBOVE '81 has been promoted to vice president at PNC Financial Corporation in Pittsburgh. Pat and her husband, Pete, make their home at 549 Filmore Rd., Pittsburgh, PA 15221-4025. PETER P. DAMICO '82 has been employed by ARA Services for the past six years, and was recently )romoted by the company to food service director at ndiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP). He previously held positions as director of purchasing and director of catering at IUP. Pete resides with his wife, Kay, and their children, Zachary, 4, and Abby, 2, at 1081 Hickory Lane, Indiana, PA 15701. MAUREEN (GALLAGHER) JACOBS '83 completed her master's degree at the College of William and Mary in December 1990. She is currently employed as a reading specialist for the Williamsburg/James City County schools, and resides with her nusband, Andrew, and baby daughter, Anna Rebecca, at 141 Old Field Rd., Williamsburg, VA 23185. JAMES J. DANIEL '84 was sworn in as an Erie City police officer on March 15,1990. He was one of seven new police officers certified by the Erie Civil Service Board. Jim recently attended a 13-week Pennsylvania State Police Training Academy in Meadville, PA. He graduated from the academy on June 20,1991, and was named class president of his graduating class. Jim and his wife, NANCY (CLUTTER) DANIEL '81, have moved to their new home at 2101 Raspberry St., Erie, >A 16502-2442. MELISSA (HECKMAN) KIESSLING '84 and her husband, Thomas, have been busy renovating their 200-year-old farmhouse. Melissa would like to hear from Gina "Bodo" Z. She resides with her husband and their infant son, Christopher, at R.D. 3, Box 361, Bridgeton, NJ 08302. BETH L. PASQUALE '84 was recently promoted to management/program analyst in the flight standards division of the Federal Aviation Administration at their national headquarters in Washington, DC. Previous to that, Beth was employed by the FAA as an employee development specialist in Los Angeles, CA. Beth's new address is 7704 White Cliff Terrace, Rockville, MD 20855. CAPT. MICHAEL SCHELLHAMMER '84 served in the Gulf War. Mike and his wife, KAREN (GENS) SCHELLHAMMER ; 84, make their home at 80 Cleveland Ave., Apt. A., Fredonia, NY 14063-1955. CAROLE J. DUBAJ '85 recently assumed the position of Orphans' Court investigator of the Erie County Court House. Carole is currently pursuing her master's degree in public administration at Gannon University, and makes her home at 325 E. 29th St., Erie, PA 165041017. FREDERICK G. FIEDLER '85 was recently promoted resident representative in the business safes department at Liberty Mutual Insurance Company's Jamestown, NY, office. Frederick joined Liberty Mutual as a business sales representative in its Erie office 2-1/2 years ago. He and his wife, Teri, have settled into their hew home at 118 Sunset Ave., Lakewood, NY 14750. CHRISTOPHER G. KINNER '85 has been appointed to the U.S. Customs Service as a customs inspector in Champlain, NY, on the New York/Quebec border. In accepting this position, Chris and his wife, Cathy, moved to a new home at 18A Lozier Place, Pittsburgh, NY 12901 GREGORY J. SCHILLER '85 is employed as an inspector at the United States Department of Treasury Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms in Parsippany, NJ. Gregory and his wife, Lisa, can be reached at P.O. Box 671, Saylorsburg, PA, 18353. 1ST LT. JAMES LENEGHAN '86, a pilot in the Marine

Corps, served in the Gulf War. He and his wife, JULIA (JUENEMANN) LENEGHAN '87, reside at 2150 Bancroft Dr., Kailua, HI 96734-4812. GEORGE D. MORRELL '87 holds the position of food service director in the Bentworth School District, where he also serves as a football and weight training coach. George and his wife, Julianna, make their home at 40 North Pine St., Ellsworth, PA 15331. SHEILA M. BOND '88 was accepted into law school at Stetson University College of Law in St. Petersburg, FL, and began classes there in August 1991. Sheila can be reached at Stetson University College of Law, 1401 61st St. S.; St. Petersburg, FL 33707. STEPHANIE L. SCHNEIDER '88 is currently employed with the Board of Cooperative Education (BOCES) as a teacher of emotionally handicapped high school students. She currently resides at 45 Grovcr St., Apt. #2, Wellsville, NY 14895-1010. PHILIP SORENSEN '88 is currently employed in the plant protection department of General Electric Company. Philip and his wife, Donna, make their home in Frie. AMY STURM '88 has taken a new position as the catering manager of the Holiday Inn/Allegheny Valley in Pittsburgh, PA. She can be reached at P.O. Box 38091, Blawnox, PA 15238. TRACY WASSON '88 is presently completing her master's degree in English at St. Bonaventure University where she serves as a graduate teaching assistant in the English Department, teaching freshman composition. Tracy has also completed her second year of teaching at the high school level and plans to attend Northern Illinois State University in DeKalb in pursuit of her Ph.D. in English (Creative Writing) beginning in the fall of 1992. Her current address is Box 141 Grant St., Duke Center, PA 16729-0141. MARGARET COFFEY '89 was recently promoted from account executive to vice president of sales for FaxPro Communications. Margaret makes her home at 2131 East Ave., Rochester, NY 14610. CHRISTOPHER S. JOHNSON '89 has been invited back to the Paine Webber Future Value Program in New York City. His above average production and client assets under personal management qualified him for this transfer. Chris was previously investment executive with the Paine Webber group for over one year in the Meadville/Titusville, PA, area. He can be reached c/o 1673 Treetop Dr., Erie, PA 16509-6901. MICHELE MARIE McNELIS '89 is employed as restaurant department head at the Marriott Courtyard in San Bruno, CA. Michcle is the daughter of NANCY (KILLMEYER) McNELIS '61, and currently resides at 141 El Camino Real, Apt. 201, Burlingame, CA 940105277.

regional sales award for the third and fourth quarters of 1990 at the Buffalo Marriott Hotel. This region also includes Rochester, Albany and Syracuse. On July 1, 1991, Anthony relocated back to his hometown of Cleveland, having been promoted from corporate sales manager at the Buffalo Marriott to business development manager at the Cleveland Marriott East in Beachwood, OH. Anthony's new address is 3020 Lucerne Ave., Cleveland, OH 44134-2626. CHRISTINE M. (DORNHOEFER) REGALLA '90 has been named training associate for the Manufacturer's Association of Northwest Pennsylvania. In this capacity, she will instruct a comprehensive schedule of courses for the Association's Training Center computer laboratory, including levels of Lotus and WordPerfect. She will also assist in the Association's Training Center marketing effort, working with area companies in orienting them to the benefits of computer training. Christine and her husband, Kenneth, make their home at 846 Silliman Ave., Erie, PA 16511.

Wedding Bells Best Wishes

David J. Curtis '83 exchanged vows with Maureen Crotty on July 5,1991, at Our Lady of Peace Church in Frie. A reception at the Erie Maennerchor Club followed the nuptials. Michael Falk '89 was married to Christine Cacchione in Christ the King Chapel. Kevin Goode '88, '90 (MS) and Suzanne Trumbull '88 exchanged vows in Christ the King Chapel on October 8,1990. Susan Imburgia '85 exchanged vows with Michael Parenti on August 11,1990, in Boston, MA. Clara Keith '90 and James Holden were united in marriage on November 10,1990, in Christ the King Chapel. The ceremony was followed by a reception at the Belle Valley Social Hall. The Holdens took a honeymoon cruise to the Caribbean. Mary Rose Landini '86 married Anthony J. Narus on August 4,1990, at St. Catherine's Church in DuBois, PA. George D. Morrell '87 and Julianna Kime were married on July 20,1991, at Immaculate Conception Church in Washington, PA. Joyce Murray '80 married Jim Marchwinski on May 4, 1991. The ceremony took place at the First Presbyterian Church in Woodbridge, NJ. Joyce and Jim enjoyed a honeymoon trip to Barbados. Joan O'Malley '60 and Francis P. Ciucevich were united in marriage on August 4,1990. Gregory Schiller '85 exchanged vows with Lisa Morley on January 5,1991, in St. Anthony Catholic Church in Sheffield, PA. A reception honoring the couple was held at St. Paul's Center in Sheffield. The Scnillers honeymooned in Orlando, FL. Thomas J. Shearon '88 and L. Angela Chirillo '89 were married on November 25,1989, in St. Bernard Church in Bradford, PA. A reception followed at Gino's Restaurant and Lounge. Philip Sorensen '88 and Donna Manchester exchanged vows in St. Julia's Catholic Church on November 17,1990. A reception at the East Erie Turners followed the nuptials. The couple enjoyed a honeymoon trip to Orlando, FL. Amy Sue Ward '88 exchanged vows with James B. Moody on May 26,1991, in The Federated Church in East Springfield, PA. The ceremony was followed by a reception at the East Springfield home of the bride's parents. The newlvweds spent their honeymoon in Captiva Island and Key West, FL.

The Nineties
CLARA (KEITH) HOLDEN '90 is employed by the Dr. Gertrude A. Barber Center as a residential manager. Clara and her husband, James, reside at 512 East 22 St., Erie, PA 16503. MICHELLE L. JOINT'90 has accepted a position with the Erie Police Department. Her duties include switchboard, computer, dispatching, report taking, and front desk. She plans on becoming certified to operate the CLEAN. (Commonwealth Law ^ /' / Enforcement Assistance Network) system. While at Mercyhurst, Michelle was a member of Alpha Phi Sigma, the national criminal justice honor society. She makes her home at 4240 Lancaster Rd., Erie, PA 16506. ANTHONY P. PRUSAK '90 was awarded the W.A.G.I.F.Y. (Where Are You Going in Future Years?)



Gregory Wieser '88 and Jane Ann Wagner were united in marriage at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Erie on December 29,1990. A reception at the Siebenbuerger Club followed the ceremony. The couple traveled to Niagara Falls, Canada, for their honeymoon.

Births Congratulations
Maribeth (Stitt) Cosper '80 and husband, Manley, twin sons, born November 14,1990. Jared Andrew weighed 6 pounds, 5 ounces, while Alexander Joseph weighed 6 pounds, 1 ounce. The boys were welcomed home by big sister, Jordan, 2. Diane (Saad) Giangreco 77 and husband, Samuel, a daughter, Anna Marie-Rose, born February 7,1991. Anna was welcomed home by her four brothers, Alex, 7, Adam, 5, Sammy, 4, and Nicolas, 3. Grandmother Jean (Slavin) Saad '51 is equally proud of this newest addition to the family. Janet (Gubish) Glover '79 and husband, Michael, a daughter, Elizabeth, born August 4,1990. Big brother, Andrew, 5, welcomed his new sister home. Mary Beth (Barrett) Habel '81 and husband, Daniel, a daughter, Jane Elizabeth, born February 24,1991, weighing 8 pounds, 3 ounces. Jane was welcomed home by big sister, Catherine, 3. Maureen (Gallagher) Jacobs '83 and husband, Andrew, a daughter, Anna Rebecca, born October 9, 1990. Melissa (Heckman) Kiessling '84 and husband, Thomas, their first child, Christopher Thomas, born December 14, 1990, weighing 8 pounds, 6 ounces. Ken '77 and Mary "Maggie" (Wegman) Link '80, a baby girl, Ali, born March 29,1991. Big brothers William 5, and Tommy 3, welcomed Ali to their family. Lorie (Chylak) McClure '81 and husband, William, a son, Eric Tyler, born May 11,1991, weighing 7 pounds, 6 ounces. ' Heidi J. (May) McLallen '85 and husband, Todd, a son, Nathan Smith McLallen, born August 31,1990. Nathan joins siblings Naomi, 3, and Phillip, 1. Craig Munch '79 and wife, Teri, a daughter, Rcgina, born May 13,1991, weighing 7 pounds, 4 ounces. Michael Paris '89 and wife, Kimberly, a daughter, Amanda Marie, born June 6,1991, weighing 7 pounds, 10 ounces.

Elaine (Gionti) Reyes '83 and husband, Robert, a son, Daniel Robert, born April 29,1991, weighing 6 pounds, 9 ounces. Regina M. (Kozlowski) Smith '81 and husband, Douglas, a daughter, born May 31,1991. Deserii (Luchetti) Steffan 79 and husband, Daniel, a son, Mitchell Gregory, born April 18,1991, weighing 9 pounds, 5 ounces. Mitchell was welcomed home by Nicholas, 2 1/2, and Danielle, 1. Beth S. (Farnen) Valkosky '85 and husband, Edward, their second daughter, Anne Marie, born April 15, 1991, weighing 8 pounds, 7 ounces. Anne Marie was welcomed home by big sister, Mary Rose, 2. Melanie (Miller) Verno '81 and husband, Greg, twin daughters, Stephanie Elizabeth and Valerie Joyce, born May 1,1991. The girls weighed 5 pounds, 0 ounces ana 7 pounds, 4 ounces, respectively, and were welcomed home by Crystal, 2 and Danny, 6. Jeff Van Wagenen '82 and wife, Lori, a son, Joshua, born in December, 1990. Michael J. Wallenhorst '82 and wife, Sandy, a daughter, Alice, born April 18, 1991. Alice joins big brother, Peter, 2. Richard 76 and Nancy (Nies) Washeck 75, a son, Shaun Patrick. Mark J. '80 and Lisa (McGee) Zetts '80, their second son, Stephen Andrew, born January 14,1991. Stephen was welcomed home by big brother, Michael Philip, 2.

Condolences And Our Prayers

To Catherine (McCarthy) Barren '51 on the death of her husband, Daniel Barren. To the family of Judy Ann (McMinn) Beam '61. To the Sisters of Mercy and the family of Sr. Mary Zita Callahan, RSM '37. To Mary Carol Brown '68, James C. Brown 75 and Cathy (Brown) Crawford '84, director of finanacial aid, on the death of their mother, Florence Lux Brown. To the family of Martha Chauncey, cafeteria worker. To the family of Jane (Denny) Danahy '49. To Mary D'Angelo, a member of the Carpe Diem Society, on the death of her mother, Julia Almonte. To Sr. Mary Mark Doubet, SSJ, director of research and information svstems, on the death of her sister, Rita Doubet Seidel. To the family of Mrs. Suzanne Dunn, former Carpe Diem Society member. To Rich Forsgren '84 on the death of his'grandmother. To Edward Gallagher,

professor of education, on the death of his father-inlaw, Hector DiTullio. To Mary (Russell) Gutwill '80 on the death of her father, Dr. W.D. Russell. To the family of Marion (Gage) Gwilliam '39. To the family of Mrs. Polly Heidt, a member of the Carpe Diem Society. To J. Thad Heinlein, a member of the President's Associates, on the death of his brother, W. Tighe Heinlein. To the family of Suzanne (Dashbach Hritz '59. To the family of Paul Iddings, adjunct faculty member in the Theater Department. To Brad Jacobson, assistant professor of sportsmedicine, on the death of his father, Quentin Jacooson. To Karen (Nally) James '80 on the death of her mother-in-law, Jean B. James '81, a member of the President's Associates and Carpe Diem Society. To Jessica Jiuliantc '82 on the death of her mother, Patricia Jiuliante. To Mary Agnes (Bacik) Kelley '60 on the death of her husband, Thomas Kelley. To the family of Michelle Anne Lachowski '93. To K. Jane Lampman '35 on the death of her husband, Charles R. Lampman. To Sally McCallion, serials supervisor, Hammennill Library, on the death of her mother-in-law. To the family of M'Evie Mead, a member of the Carpe Diem Society. To the family of Nancy Ruth (Blair) Gadd Meech '37. To the family of Dorothy E. Morard '33. To Gerald Moryc 73, '80 (MS), Michael Moryc 7 3 and Mary Moryc 79 on the death of their mother, Irene Moryc. To William F. O'Brien 79 and Eileen (Regan) O'Brien 79 on the death of his father, Gene O'Brien. To David Pinto, Director, Hammermill Library, on the death of his father, Eugene L Pinto. To the family of Catherine Pompura '89. To the family of Ray "Skip" Powell 75. To Dan Regovich '94 on the death of his brother, Michael Regovich. To John Saal '87 on the death of his father, Edward Saal. To Cass Shimek, director of the Carolyn Herrmann Union, on the death of her sister. To Rita Shanahan '53 on the death of her mother. To Susan (Cutter) Snyder '62 on the death of her husband, Phillip Snyder. To the family of James M. Stevenson '80. To Helen (Hucther) Storey '31 on the death of her husband, William Storey. To the family of Mrs. Natalie Strayer, a member of the Carpe Diem Society. To the family of Esther Rose (Fedei) Taccone '50. To Charlotte (Tisdel) Tesoniero '57 on the death of her husband, Angelo Tesoniero. To Barbara (Buerkle) Bowen '55 on the death of her sister, Beverly (Buerkle) Willis '56.

It's News To Us...

If you tied the knot, had a baby, received a promotion, a transfer, a new job, a graduate degree, an award, an appointment or anything else you would like your classmates to know about, you can help us fill the Class Notes pages. Just complete the form below with your news. We also welcome professional photographs, however, wedding pictures cannot be used. Photographs will not be returned unless requested. We will make every effort possible to print your news in the next issue, but because of early deadlines, publication may be delayed. Be patient. Mail your news to Dorothy DiSanti, Alumni Office, Mercyhurst College, Erie, PA 16546. Name Address City I | Check if this is a new address. News item State Class Phone. ZIP Degree

Name of spouse

Mercyhurst Class/Degree

Include maiden name if spouse is a Mercyhurst alum and the name of children and ages. We also welcome letters to the editor.

FALL 1991


urntuI Do now
CLASS OF 1929 Participation 50% DONOR Mary A. Robie CLASS OF 1930 Participation 8 3 % FOUNDER'S CLUB Margaret Burkhardt Kirk HONOR ROLL Bianca Surgo Abramoski

Donations represent a 30 percent alumni participation. Contributions betweenJuly ly 1990 and June 30, 1991.
CLASS OF 1934 Participation 4 3 % FOUNDER'S CLUB Alice Reeder Lockhart HONOR ROLL Margaret E. Bacon Virginia Renz Dwyer Margaret Clark Filson DONOR Regis O'Leary Crowley Ruth Sterrett Konnerth CLASS OF 1935 Participation 44% CORNERSTONE CLUB Kathryn Reiser Brugger HONOR ROLL Martha Myer Flanagan Iva Kreider Foster DONOR Margaret Clemens Crawford Kathryn A. Harrington Margaret Mullaney Hogle K. Jane Conner Lampman Mary A. Skene CLASS OF 1936 Participation 56% PRESIDENT'S CLUB Anonymous FOUNDER'S CLUB Alice Martin Brugger CORNERSTONE CLUB Virginia Mehler Peter HONOR ROLL Catherine M. Durkin, Esq. Marie Dillon LoGuidice DONOR Catherine Green Bogle Mary Moran Cotter Muriel Lehman Flecken Elizabeth Montgomery Fleming Anne R. Weiner CLASS OF 1937 Participation 7 2 % FOUNDERS CLUB Pauline Urich Jageman* TOWER CLUB Margaret). McMahon Mary Ciaiola Simson CORNERSTONE CLUB Margaret Anne Mooney Emling HONOR ROLL Marjorie M. Alge Adele Callahan Eleanor O'Sullivan Keller Martha Kettering Kessler Betty Taylor Kleindinst DONOR Inez Bellotti Elba Armstrong Blila Anna Chambers Finegan Rita Rectenwald Kantz Marcella Hartleb Lubin C. Jane Hurley Martin Jane Sawdey McCarthy Pauline Shanor Neuburger Alice Lyman Pratt Anna Fox Rainer Margery St. Lawrence Schmid Katherine Lechner Tellers Jean Lacey Weber CLASS OF 1938 Participation 70% PRESIDENT'S CLUB Adelaide Salisbury Maess CORNERSTONE CLUB Florence O'Neil Bernard M. Rita Brennan Britta Sullivan Ladd Madeline Wilbert McDowell HONOR ROLL Helen M. Durkin Annette Miller Greiner Frances Malaney Ellen Heintz Munson Mary Massello Pirrello Elizabeth Harrington Sullivan Mary Mead Thomsen DONOR Anne Morin Brown Florence Costello Daye Rita Ressler Downey Helen Barry Heinlein Sr. Carolyn Herrmann, RSM Marie O'Malley Kane Margaret Thompson Kirwin Jane Missimer Porter


CLASS OF 1939 Participation 5 5 % HONOR ROLL Ruth Hays Baker Marguerite O'Donnell Hannon Edna Londregan Mary Alice Kuhn Schultz Eleanor Cummings Spiegelhalter Eileen Richard Wardell DONOR Bertha Halperin Blau Eugenia Andrecovich O'Brien Virginia Dooley O'Connor Catherine Knauer Rose Betty Meyer Schreier Eleanor Eisert Watts CLASS OF 1940 Participation 4 7 % TOWER CLUB Virginia Bryant Carol Russell Cochran HONOR ROLL Marie Mclntyre Day MaryAnnice McCray Gertrude Pletz Merski Janet Griffith Tuttle Virginia Hileman Woods DONOR Margaret A. Stephens Bakley Josephine Murf Casavale Dorothy Davie Farley Collette B. Gabreski Ruth Weber Hanhauser Ruth Frost McManus Mary Matlehner McMurray Sr. Mary Charles Weschler, RSM Janet Eichenlaub Woodward CLASS OF 1941 Participation 5 0 % HONOR ROLL Ruth D. Brugger Helen M. Sullivan Mary I. Winston DONOR Rosemary Klos Jankowski Rita McCann Milan Eleanor Dumitru Romcea Betty E. Schutt Maryalys Klinger Sell Mary Leahey Walsh

DONOR Agnes Bremer Friant Irene Strahl Miller Cecilia J. Rybinski CLASS OF 1931 Participation 78% CORNERSTONE CLUB Dr. Edana DuGuay HONOR ROLL Teresa A'Hearn Brown Irene Dolan Carlson Helen Huether Storey Mary McCrady Thompson DONOR Margaret Burns Farrell Bertha McHale Ross CLASS OF 1932 Participation 56% CORNERSTONE CLUB Veronica A. Pyne HONOR ROLL Alice Dolan Stainbrook DONOR Mary Cronin Foht Cleland Driscoll Kelly Marie Cieslinski Kowalik CLASS OF 1933 Participation 4 0 % FOUNDER'S CLUB Catherine Ryan Cray DONOR Honey Daly Aiello S. Jeanette Bonnell Margaret Blair Maclnnes Helen Kowalski Reski Caroline Neuburger Walker

LEGEND M/M = Mr. & Mrs. Sr. = Sister Dr/ M = Dr. & Mrs. Atty/M = Attorney & Mrs. * = Deceased += Denotes those who have helped Mercyhurst College to secure a corporate matching gift.

GIFT CLUB CATEGORIES President's Club - $ 1,500 & up Founder's Club = $1,000-51,499 Tower Club = $500-5999 Cornerstone Club = $250-$499 Honor Rolh $100-$249 Donor = $1-$99



CLASS OF 1942 Participation 6 9 % FOUNDER'S CLUB Claudia Evans Garvey HONOR ROLL Giovina Musi Bradley Burnham Nehin Cutler Amelia O'Dea Hopkins Norma Brownyard Kirsch Elizabeth Donatelli Lofink Rosemary Ullrich DONOR Margaret Aaron Asel Virginia Conlan Byrnes Mary Parmeter Cawley Catherine Nyberg Cooper Feme Striffler Erskine Merri R. Holway Mary Walsh Kelly Virginia Kopec Barbara Dawson McCabe Sara McClain+ Catherine McMillan

HONOR ROLL Patricia Buffington McGrath Mary Walsh Seubert Wanda Grabowski Yost+ DONOR Evelyn Gerbracht Butler Margaret Crowley DeFede Mary Taylor Elliott Margaret Johnston Evans Eva Jacobs Eyermann Elinor Klos Frantz Mary Baltus Hymers Regina English Ingram Catharine O'Rourke Knapp+ Anne Klan Matuszak Charlotte Cushman Stoddard Gloria Heberle Sullivan Gloria Corrado Uhler Mary Crowe Waytenick

Mary Dobosiewicz Horkowitz+ Dolores DiVincenzo Scura DONOR Virginia Walsh Braun Mary Ellen Johnson Burns Helen Martin Calhoun Anne Devine Farnon Anne Cleary Joyce Teresa Lennon Quinlan Marie Gould Seaton F. Joan Wadlinger CLASS OF 1947 Participation 37% TOWER CLUB Elizabeth Fitzgerald Ashton+ CORNERSTONECLUB Dorothy Donatelli Cibulas Helen Fabian Mullen HONOR ROLL Mary Sitterle McLaughlin Dorothea Smith O'Donnell DONOR Dolores Ernst Aube Geraldine Meahl Baron Barbara Fleming Butler Mary Lou Costanzo Mary Culhane Grant Mary Ellen Henretty Janette Fournier Regner Marilyn Cummiskey Souders Margaret Peck Trojanowski+ CLASSOF1948 Participation 6 0 % TOWER CLUB Anne Nickum Gazda+ HONOR ROLL Kathleen Leehan Baskin M. Margaret Blatty Constance Schneider Dean Helen Jean Walters Donley Marilynn Miller Jewell Stephanie Melisz Supron+ DONOR Doris Wright Atkinson Mary McLaughlin Craig Jeanne Lawler Hacherl Elizabeth Rock Kirby Mercedes Baumbeck Lawry Rose Buehler Martyn Marjorie Dean McLean Eva Patrick Murphy Sally Gunn Ortolani Theresa Sabella Palumbo Danula Telerski Shearon Sr. Maura Smith, RSM Joan Knapp Spakowski Lucille Vitello Sturtzer Audrey Welther Twiss Constance Finch Wendlandt Natalie Cooper Woehrlen Angela Jestrab Zupan CLASS OF 1949 Participation 4 8 % PRESIDENT'S CLUB Audrey Sitter Hirt CORNERSTONE CLUB Alice Feehley Crotty HONOR ROLL Ellen Hickmott Ehrhart

Elizabeth Smith Hartnett Patricia Goodwin Jaffe Dorothy Maloney Stiglmeier Patricia Vanderveldt Wood DONOR Margaret Bodenschatz Cannin Lucille Heidt Clark Rosemary Guinnane Davies Theresa A. Dietsch Jane Eckenrode Drew Carolyn Wick Haley Mary Plack Healy Mary C. Jones Teresa Marshall Kelly Rose Ratajczyk Leonette Mary Harvey McMahon Laurel Groff McQuown Mary Ann Black Morton Elaine Forgette Murray Agnes Nakich Olesky Virginia Stephens Pompeani Jean O'Neil Rubino Catherine Munn Williamson CLASS OF 1950 Participation 45% HONOR ROLL Marilyn Langmyer Angevine+ Dorothy Zak Markes+ Ann HantzTorrell Janet Blackmore Walker Patricia Sontheimer Yahn DONOR Joan Riley Dori Mary Slater Dowling Colleen McMahon Doyle Patricia Jack Fessler Miriam Gemperle Helen Berkey Hanno Audrey Dudenhoeffer Hersch Agnes T. Kalata Jane Kelly McCrone Mary Kenny Phelan Ann Hamilton Rand+ Helen Walsh Redmond Kathleen Rahill Trimbach Cecile lewell Wolszon CLASS OF 1951 Participation 4 7 % HONOR ROLL Rayetta R. Beaver Sara Carlow Kohler Margaret Phelan O'Connell Dolores Wally Smith Betty Russell Sottile DONOR Mary Stephens Boyce Ann M. Deckop Barbara Huey DePaulis Mary Forche DeSantis Joan Oster Harf Aileen Yueh Huang Eileen Joyce, M.S.W., Ph.D. Mary Devine LashingenRosemarie Irrgang Sargent Mary Witt Sprowls Dorothy Klein Steigleder Claire Kraus Weber

',' " !;&-""'"'

Valma Blakey Mumford Jeanne Maley Pfadt Helen Mault Robinson Eileen Rehler Shannon Eileen Joyce Weithman Patricia Haughney Weithman Maudie L. White CLASS OF 1943 Participation 56% TOWER CLUB Ruth Turner Brandschultz CORNERSTONE CLUB Harriet Milloy Schaper HONOR ROLL Mary Ellen Linney Avery Genevieve Grotz Howen Gloria M. Lutz Frances Mientkiewicz DONOR Gene Hendrickson Coda Mary C. Kioecker Featherstone Rita E. FranklinsAnn Corbin Gartland Sr. M. Eymard Poydock, RSM Dorothy Szyplik Jeanne Fairgraves Weber Dorothy McCarron Wilson CLASS OF 1944 Participation 60% CORNERSTONE CLUB Eileen Walsh Thompson

CLASS OF 1945 Participation 6 9 % FOUNDER'S CLUB Loretta Crowley Bauer CORNERSTONE CLUB Patricia DeForeest McCotter HONOR ROLL Julia Reagle Brown Margaret Savage Darragh Elizabeth Rogers Kulyk Rita Rittenhouse Wiesner+ DONOR Margaret Scullion Cannon Sr. Kathryn Connolly, SSJ Margaret O'Connor Foster Dorothea Busche Higgins Charlotte Rumsey Jackson Alvina McDermott Johnston Rosemary Hurley Martine Dorothy Harrington Meseck Margaret Sullivan Polito Therese Kunzler Romaniuk Rosemary Held Schitea Marie Wolman Seetch Frances Honeck Sigler Anne Kingston Snyder Marilynne Cooper Sullivan Marjorie PuchnerTreis CLASS OF 1946 Participation 58% HONOR ROLL oanne Videtto George

FALL 1991


CLASS OF 1952 Participation 4 0 % PRESIDENT'S CLUB Elizabeth Meehan Greenleaf FOUNDER'S CLUB Mary jo Babowicz Maier+ TOWER CLUB Marilyn Garden Seach CORNERSTONE CLUB H. Patricia Curran HONOR ROLL Elizabeth Todd Dyring Patricia Moran O'Dea Jeanne Farrell Parker Mary Jo Royer Rodgers Norma Hoffman Watkins DONOR Lydia Davey Asplund Ruth Beck Bean Lois Youngberg Jordan Janet Sabella Miller Arlene Murphy Nuckton Therese Strobel Raven Dorothy Szawczuk Reese+ Bernadette Metzner Roche Elizabeth Peters Strong CLASS OF 1953 Participation 4 2 % FOUNDER'S CLUB Patricia J. Liebel TOWER CLUB Janet Davis Aroh HONOR ROLL Florene Cherry Joyce DONOR Norma Scott Crane Camilla DeCampli Fellner Joan Davis Goodknight Margaret Green Graves Mary Lou Benek Higgins Joann Weaver Johnson Marilyn Kelley Jones Louise M. Kamenjar Mary Dwyer Kaufman Mary Rawa Kingsley Helen Fogarty O'Connell Ann Cobbe Root Patricia Miller Schulze Mareanne Cole Simmons Mary Sennett Smith Frances j . Sullivan CLASS OF 1954 Participation 62% HONOR ROLL Pauline Solida Tiberi Janet Bremmer Willis DONOR Sofija Mazionyte Beiga Theresa Gorny Bradley Geraldine DeFazio Dougherty Mary Julia Ellermeyer Mary Anne Hayes Greg Rozella Ulan Harpst Donna Albrycht Hausman Rosemary McCabe Kaveney+ Geraldine Kingston Kearney Virginia Kelly Kreydt Catherine Drouhard Lewis Vija O'Deiko Liepa+

Ann Kennedy McMahon Ingeborg Loesch Nelson Mary Mullaney Schenk Mary O'Donnell Schultheis+ Pauline L. Turner Dorothy J. Zuzula CLASS OF 1955 Participation 44% CORNERSTONE CLUB Mary Nash McCormick HONOR ROLL Patricia Egan Langmyer Margaret Foley Ringwood DONOR Catherine McCarthy Barren Barbara Buerkle Bowen Janet Sawicki Groszkiewicz Margaret Kelsey Held Jane Conrath Husband Mary Kienzle-Smith Marjorie Williams Laughlin Katherine Eichenlaub Nuber+ Mary Ann Scirto Mary Theuerkauf Travers Frances Chang Tu Laquita Dujuambi Wise CLASS OF 1956 Participation 72% TOWER CLUB Mary Haughton Loftus CORNERSTONE CLUB Jean Bryson Burney+ HONOR ROLL Josephine Ciancaglini Helen Kennedy Holliday Mary Pyne Lillis DONOR Barbara Coole Ayers Patricia Murphy Azzarello Kathleen Canada Boring Patricia Maley Burns Joan Clancy Clingingsmith Martha McNulty Cuddy Carole Roberson Dyne Roberta Bartkowiak Gammon Phyllis Narby Graney Mary McCarthy Haney Dorothy Rudge Herschel Mary Cooper Hunter Judith Roseberry Kohl Elizabeth Coleman Kraus Joan Szymanski Mancuso Doris Bauer McKown Sr. M. Damien MIechick, RSM Georgia Lackey Patriarca Alyce Weber Piskura+ Virginia Guy Pollock Lorraine Enright Rogers+ Margaret Hirsch Whyte Beverly Buerkle Willis* CLASS OF 1957 Participation 5 9 % FOUNDER'S CLUB Rita Walter Weiss CORNERSTONE CLUB Ann Schultz McCormick HONOR ROLL Patricia Klein Burton+ Evelyn Tyburski Huey Rose Zinni Szadek+

Barbara Story Walk DONOR Dolores McGaughey Bensur Sheila Flynn Bianchi Joyce Baker Bowen Dorothea Morell Brown Noel Jaeger Burgoyne Mary Stephany Christenson Joan Coyle Clark Jeanette Mancuso Gerace Nancy Smith Hermen+ Virginia Katsaromitsos Donna Nashwinter Kellick Julia M. Kelly Ann McGinnis Minnium Priscilla Prenatt Oliver Audrey Huggler Roberts Marjorie Karaffa Rodenbaugh Marcia Meagher Shramek Mary Ann Bittner Simpson Josephine M. Unger Carol Eigabroadt Wolf CLASS OF 1958 Participation 44% FOUNDER'S CLUB Elizabeth Schnatter Guelcher Dr. Vivetta Petronio TOWER CLUB Patricia Murphy Bluemle HONOR ROLL Maryann Cunningham Cavanaugh Barbara Jakubowski Costello Virginia Flak Erickson+ Elizabeth Wahl Hilbert Marguerite McLaughlin Weibel DONOR Helen Clancy Bavisotto Linda M. Collin Sylvia Haise Colson Catherine Misfeldt Dickey Mary Jane Hagedish Doty Ruth Friel Doyle Judith Schwinden Duffin Joanne Schmalzried English Mary Kay Walsh Galvin Saranne Durkin Karalus Mary Carrig Kern Elizabeth Tatu Mackenna H. Maureen Clancy Merril Katherine King Tolhurst Jean Criswell White CLASS OF 1959 Participation 5 3 % TOWER CLUB Dorothy Yaple Wagner* CORNERSTONE CLUB Judith Aquino Hokaj+ HONOR ROLL Martha Lally Furey Martha Wurst Hilbert Frances Reynolds Quadri DONOR F. Berley Schaaf Adams Serafina Torchia Alo Elizabeth Phelan Amari+ Angela Moore Bishop Eleanor A. Cavanaugh Patricia Hooper Connolly

Lucille Payne Dadeo Nancy Plunkett Evans Dorie Andrie Fauceglia Mary Ellen McGovern Higley Susan McCartney Horowitz Weiling Chang King Barbara Matts Kolstee Jane Wilcox Koszalka+ Barbara Dibble Kuenzig Joan Imhof Lockhart Emma Newby Mason Sally Fleckenstein Mastrog Marguerite O'Connor Mauro Rosemary Crawford McGinley Elaine Schwab Mildred Manzione Schwarz Eleanor Broscoe Steines Lois E. Vosmus Joan Hotchkiss Welch Frances Balzer Yokajty CLASS OF 1960 Participation 4 6 % CORNERSTONE CLUB Barbara A. Chambers Patricia Green Conner+ Mary Lou Kelly Jane Canada McNierney HONOR ROLL Constance Frank Alexandre Kathryn Heher Carson Joan Kostolansky Evans Mary Koss Flynn Barbara Ayers Frederick+ Patricia Cavanaugh Kirk Anonymous Adele Ontko Virginia Foht Strucker DONOR Janet McGough Balonick Joan O'Malley Ciucevich Carolyn Golanko Euliano Patricia Walsh Hills Karol Clayton Hutton Mary Bescher Johnson Margaret McGaughey Keough Elizabeth Dorsogna Kissel Charlotte Gray Kneidinger Charlotte Weinert Kundrath Dolores Natili Leal Laurel Lockhart Irene Mando Gayle Cummings Martin Janet Kuss Martin Mary Stark Miller Therese DeMatteo Mueller* Mary Schubert Obmann Marlane Franco Paruso Marilyn Smith Welch Barbara Chicoski Winter CLASS OF 1961 Participation 4 3 % CORNERSTONE CLUB Eileen Quinn Nill+ Judy Wieczorek HONOR ROLL Virginia Rossoni Adair Kathryn Cook Hoffman Rita Hinman Lohan+ Gretchen A. Malley Patricia Goss Mihalak



Jeanne Boes Morehouse Patricia Pepper Shevchuk DONOR Georgia LoomisAlford Mary Cassidy Casey Nancy Baird Hasted Carol Reed Kostley Judith Doehla McCarthy+ Nancy Killmeyer McNelis Rita Nerz Maureen Schedlin Nickel Evelyn Rinn Personett-Mitzel Eva Paul Plonsky Virginia Accetta Rathbun Louise Rubino Sacco Carol Sullivan CLASS OF 1962 Participation 38% CORNERSTONE CLUB Kathleen Dwyer HONOR ROLL Mary Stadter Rinderle DONOR Shirley J. Banic Elizabeth Filicky Begalla Susan Bye Cain Patricia Sullivan Crowley Denise G. Dwyer, Ph.D. Sondra Konkoly Eckstein Mary Jeanne Ferreri Holland jeannie Jackson McGinley Julia Ahern Nelson Patricia Richards Ogilvie Cynthia Percenti Ann Fondy Pysh Barbara Boyd Ravenstahl Judith Jones Roche Susan Cutter Snyder Myra Williams Spangenberg Roberta Donohue VanSlyke Jacqueline Pontello Vesely Therese Taccone Wilson CLASS OF 1963 Participation 4 0 % PRESIDENT'S CLUB Ann Lecker Jackson+ TOWER CLUB Charmaine Daly Drexler CORNERSTONE CLUB Colleen McCafferty Moren Loretta Stadelmaier Power Mary Kern SpringenDr. Therese Toflinski Walter HONOR ROLL Sheila Himes Fiscus Reinette Boling Jackovic Alice Welte Krause Dorothy Smith Kuzneski Judith Stark MacMillan+ Barbara Barrett Schumacher+ DONOR Rita Strobel Bajura Paulette O'Gorman Brown Joan Warnock Carlin Barbara Mikolajczyk Cyterski Nancy Ryby Delp Mary Lou Cuddyre Ghezzi Rosemarie Scarsella Janosko Yvonne Spirito Kemock Judith Spaeder Kendziora+

Bonita Kinsinger Barbara Sabo Leo Margaret Glembocki Mango Michaelene Kroko McCahan Gail Gleason Milgram Judith Wozniak Rainsberger Carolyn Anderson Ruth Amy Skinner Sargent Mary Schley Schin Nancy August Voskuhl CLASS OF 1964 Participation 43% CORNERSTONE CLUB Carol Weber Collis Josephine Fiorvanti Pelham Virginia Curnutte Umpirowicz+ HONOR ROLL Dr. Barbara Behan Emily Lincoln Costigan+ Mary Joyce Demetter+ Marion Michaels Markowicz DONOR Geraldine Walko Allison Anna Decker Bablak Delores Waida Bargielski Mary DeFonzo Budny Mary Nash Butke Joyce Hill Campbell Rita Cappello Judith Young Crews Wendy Beezub Devarieux Kathleen Bates Dilley Suzanne Gloekler Esser Mary Babko Farwell Patricia Gillot Fluckiger Tania Kwolek Hanlin Nona Suto Klein Maryann Cuneo Komazec Jeanne Genung Kuhns Carol Mueller Lyons Theresa Donohue Medlock Ann Froehlich Metzgar Veronica Sikora Mitchell Nancy Nolan Norberg Carol Fuller Palcic Marilyn Smith Pluta Harriet Kantor Raia Ellen Becker Scharff Anita Dorsogna Sullivan Denise Metier Szymanski Nancy Vasil Marilyn Schreiner Wagner Angela Mithadas Walsh CLASS OF 1965 Participation 4 5 % CORNERSTONE CLUB Mary Mahaney Baumeister HONOR ROLL Susan Smith Beidler Margaret Hock Heetmann+ Hon. Joyce A. Savocchio Marjorie Windsor Zalar DONOR M. Phyllis Aiello Mary Kelly Anderson Suzanne Matthews Bleil Judith Feldbauer Brody Mariann Daniello Budas Maryce Jaeger Cunningham

Karen Bobish DeCarlo Jacqueline Shuler Deevers Virginia Gorsak Degironimo Patricia Hodgkiss Elder Anne Ledoux Erwin Regina Conti Evans Kathryn Kanis Ferralli Elizabeth Bott Fitzgerald Margaret BIydenburgh Geary+ Janis Bodnar Hall Ann McCarthy Hebert C. Mary Coletta Hoke Mary Anne Bricher Junius Patricia E. Lawlor Frances Walczak Matusiak Marcia Rzepka Mestrits Elaine Berchtold Migchelbrink Sandra Leone Neumaier Marjorie Neverdale Podlogar Rosemarie Pucci Quagliariello Mary M. Salewic Katherine M. Scott Susan Marker Sharp Velma Cloyd Shipley Joyce Almeda Smith Helen Balzer Spalthoff+ Elizabeth Cicholski Vargo Marlene DeSantis Waldron Ann Langmyer Ward Kathie Davis Winseck Mary Magnotto Wood Susan Wurzbach CLASS OF 1966 Participation 35% FOUNDER'S CLUB Mary Daly HONOR ROLL Patricia Dubiel Birk+ Teresa DeFino Mannen+ Frances Catalano Minden+ Mary Rittle Tomasello DONOR Karen Green Antalek Sandra Selva Belfiore Cecile A. Ceremuga Sarah Schmitt Donadoni Susan Heutsche Dunn Judy Emling Kate Alexick Fatter Dorothy Delaney Glover M. Ruth Hull Anne David Lynch Maureen Bees Madonia Kathleen Cook Mastantuono Susan Spangenberg May Margaret Sandle McBride Kathleen Keim Meko Antoinette Cuneo Pavlik Mary Berloffa Temple Mary Kraus Tirak Sabina M.Wells Genevieve Mastrian Wiesen CLASS OF 1967 Participation 35% TOWER CLUB Rita Radanovich Bell+ Beverly Heintz DiCarlo Judith Pitney HONOR ROLL Rosalie E. Barsotti+

DONOR Jeanne Bricher Bender Kristine Monroe Camp Katherine McCarthy Cantoni Kathleen LaCamera DeSante Diane McKeon Friske Mary Mehl George Barbara Ann Kosciolek Cindy Konnerth Moorhead Marikae Sorvelli Moraski Donna Gemma Nolfi Jane Prosser Parrish Judith Bauer Salcedo Karen Lynch Strub Sigma Stacey Toth Marion Hughes Young CLASS OF 1968 Participation 4 6 % PRESIDENT'S CLUB Margaret Meager Pietraszek+ TOWER CLUB Camille Tyczkowski Schroeck+ Bernadette Hordinski Triola CORNERSTONE CLUB Marlene DiTullio MoscowMary Patalon Schaaf+ HONOR ROLL Mary C. Brown Sheila Andrews Brugger Kathleen Deger Byrnes Anne Canali Hermann Marcia Bojalad Hope+ Kathryn Willems Priddy Susan N. Sutto Janet L. Yaple+ DONOR Edrye M. Boraten Mary Kiebort Brown Gretchen Hinz Brugger Regina Dysard Bruns Kathleen Airo Buczynski Linda Salem Burtis Sandra Crytzer Burton Jane A. Carney Maureen Milan Carroll Susan Donahue Deet Helen Cozma Deneselya Elaine Wilson Dullea Ann O'Laughlin Greene Rita J. Guenther jeannine Phillips Hanley Mary Zeitler Hannibal Elizabeth Barczak Horrigan Christine Keim lwig+ Patricia Bruschi Jaraczewski Sharon Jenkins jean Jacob Kamats Carole A. Kaminski Sharon Labosky Korb Donna Lawton Lea Elaine Bigwood Lewis Patricia Nicolette Loncto Louise Curry Mason Linnie McAllister Kathryn Goetz McKeown MaryT. Mulligan Jeanne Keim Phillips Rita Banic Pyrdek Donna Rossoni Radloff Suzanne Steines Robertson

FALL 1991


Sarah Koss Rowse+ Shirley Miller Schilling Suzanne Riddle Selleny Barbara Kahl Shutes Marjorie Rogers Smith Catherine Considine Stemmler Mary Dysinger Szymanowicz Diane Doleski Weber+ CLASSOF1969 Participation 43% FOUNDER'S CLUB Elaine Kolat Kavanagh CORNERSTONE CLUB Mary Morton Bliley HONOR ROLL Kathleen Causgrove Aufrecht Helen Dowdall Billingsley Daniel V. Burke Marcella Mikulec Galitsky+ Mary Beth D'Alessandro Galla Barbara Ann Gutoski Johnson Meda Mitchell Lee+ Mary Jo Lipani Ann Brugger Schoeller Emily Fatica Sertz Lynn Varricchio DONOR Judith Lynch Allison Christine Syguda Bailey Jean M. Bajorek Patricia Beisel Anita Bernstein Mary Ann Brabender Maureen Walsh Brennan Rita Adams Daub Rosanna Pilarski DeNiro Ellen McWilliams Doane KathrynWelschlshler Kathleen A. Kennedy+ Belle Anderson Koncewicz Martha Duska Kurtzhals Nancy Regruth Latimer Karen Schreckengost Leahy Lynda Underwood Lefaiver Rita Kasun Losz Joyce Metzler McChesney Judith A. Meseck Irene Ryan Mortko Mary Pacileo Paulitz Rhonda Wimmer Petruzzi Diane Zareski Piper Kathleen Cermak Polito Carolyn Funari Radkowski Sylvia D'Aurora Reising Christine Riehl Simonsen Kathleen Kelley Smith Cheryl M. Stroup Rosalie Hodas Tellers Mary Delaney Wesdock Mary Fisher Wiesen Marlene Kelly Young CLASS OF 1970 Participation 28% PRESIDENT'S CLUB Sr. Elisabeth Lintsen TOWER CLUB Cheryl Shutts Albert HONOR ROLL Sheila Boss

jane Craig Burke Christine Dworakowski Dehouske+ Christine Bogdanski Finnegan Louise Durr Guarnaccia Roberta Carson Kase Linda Colvin Rhodes DONOR Sandra Przybyszewski Berchtold+ Rosemary Blieszner Elaine Marsh Britton Jean Polak Coleman Jeanne Mahaffey Donato Barbara Smerick Gerenser A. Christine Staynoff Gigliotti Isabella D. Hagelstein Nancy Carnicelli Jordan julianne Pascarella Karsznia Diane Fitzgerald Kramer Sharon V. Malizia Diane Molvin Myers Mary Cerk O'Connell Deborah O'Keefe Pamela Kline Parenti Ellen Wilson Paulucci Mary Schlegel Samios Martha Ann Soroka Susan Radanovich Stauber Joanne Baldini Stomka Karen Burke Traskey+ Julie Gillespie Uritus Lori Weiner Wellman Mary Pasikoski Widmann Kathleen Sullivan Yates CLASS OF 1971 Participation 33% PRESIDENT'S CLUB Claudia Weeks Seegraber+ CORNERSTONECLUB Dr. Nancy R. Ryan Margaret Fee Wargo+ HONOR ROLL Jean M. Bojalad Mary Turek Margolis Katharine Duda Newman+ Catherine Weisz Newton Maryann Schneider Yochim DONOR Julia Bandecca Susan Quadri Blecki Jeanne Burchell Brown Roseanne Savino Corrigan Joann Smith D'Ambrosio Beverly Eiswert-Gorski Patricia Kerr Ferrer Candace Kilbourne Filios Mary Zampogna Frank Mary Bartran Harvey Victoria Ray Hoff+ Sue Luttrell Hollandsworth Margaret Bostaph Hutzelman Margaret Froncek Kubiak Mary McCarthy Lahiff Gretchen Meehan Langner Margaret Fox Lape Sylvia Moore Lukasiak Anne Meyer-Wilber Frances Jurewicz Moyles Collette Pariseau Laurann Phillips Carolyn Billig Rapp Susan Souders Sidorick

Dolores Krasinski Stockman Marcia Jobes Welsh Rochelle George Wooding CLASS OF 1972 Participation 30% PRESIDENT'S CLUB Stephen Gutting HONOR ROLL Carol Klakamp Axelrod Thomas Becht Kathleen Maloney Campbelk Vincent F. Doran+ Beverley Skrobacz Kostek+ Albert P. Messina DONOR Mary O'Dowd Bauer Patricia Sutto Chiz Darlene Hilfiker Cushman Mary L. Deluca Robert Dillemuth William Dopierala, Esq. Stephanie Leon Fragle Ben J. Greishaw Mary Jo Bush Gumowski Lucy Vaughn Hackenberg Betty Frank Jones Rebecca Perry Kalista Adele Wilson Larsen Mary-Jean McGarrity Jean Shirley Okun M. Stephanie Rasely Melanie Carlucci Schaffner Susan Dieteman Schmitt Patricia A. Schramm Patricia Clancy Schupp Judith Szoda Weigold Linda Ruddy Zaycosky CLASS OF 1973 Participation 30% CORNERSTONE CLUB Gary L. Bukowski HONOR ROLL Dr. Allan Belovarac Mary Ellen Dahlkemper Susan E. Dwyre Gail Gerono Patricia Hunt Jane Steinbaugh Hynes Carol White Mohamed+ Kathleen Devine Pagni Linda Thanos Parks+ Robert W. Parks+ Mary Jawdy Santucci Louetta Roseto Shioleno Marlene A. Smith DONOR Bridget Sullivan Allburn Mary Sgro Altmire Barbara Lyon Andrews Anonymous Ann Hanrahan Barbour Cheryl Courtney Bates Maria Alvarado Bogdanski Kathleen Bennett Burgett William Chiodo Kathleen Claffey Susan Hurley Corbran John A. DiSanti, Jr. Patricia Jurewicz Flynn Thomas M. Frank+ Salvatore Gallo

Ellen B. Gloekler Marjory Souders Gorny David Horvath Jane Sharkey Kerrigan Jay R. Marcinowski Joseph Marrelli Ronald S. Mazanowski Margaret Benedict McEwen Joan Page Moore Gerald Moryc M. Kathryn Heintz Pashke Thomas Richter Phyllis Rzodkiewicz Karen Stofan Mary Beth Sullivan Wachter CLASS OF 1974 Participation 34% FOUNDER'S CLUB Dario Cipriani TOWER CLUB Jon T. Myrick HONOR ROLL Lee Pitonyak Belovarac Phyllis M. Herbstritt James F. Lieb Dr. Michael A. Minadeo Holly Henes Runo Jane F. Scura DONOR Eleanore Grelewicz Anderson MaryAmbron Baldwin Kathleen Miller Beith Christine Shenk Borden+ Carol G. Carion Margaret R. Carroll William Chatenka Charlene Kuntz Chmielewski David Collins Margaret Beirne Cregier Rev. Deborah R. Dockstader Gary Dudenhoefer Kathleen Maurer Dutch Deborah Gilevski Dwyer Cecilia Kelly Evans Russell J. Felix John A. Fosco Audrey Vanhorn Hartmann Thomas D. Heberle, Esq. Maureen Hunt Hinkle Mary K. Hoffman Rosemary Slater Johnson C. Steven Kim Karen Hunt Koza John W. Lawson Susan Robinson Livingston Sharon Perkins Lorei Frances Merry Makrush Donelle Davey Mando James D. Mando Jacqueline Wlodarczyk Mazanowski Jeff McConnell Tina Pastore McCracken Colleen McGraw McLaughlin Mary E. Michener Arthur Oligeri, III Sandra Herron Rieger John G. Ryck Joseph D. Salamon Georgette Urgo Schriefer Kathleen Thompson Swanson



Frances Daniels Tucker Julie Samick VanVoIkenburg Harold Weiss Mary Zieger Weiss John Wojdyla Marcia Sluser Zaremski CLASS OF 1975 Participation 25% PRESIDENT'S CLUB Kim Hedstrom Gutting CORNERSTONE CLUB Dr. James DiLoreto HONOR ROLL John B. Crupi James W. Gorzynski Mary Grace Klescz Gretchen Krampf-Dameron William J. Martin+ Catherine Riehl McMillin Beverly Welsh Pini Elizabeth Hicks Riley DONOR Tod C. Allen William Altmire Karen Schultz Benzel Grace Osborn Blount Daniel M. Bukowski Dr. Kathleen Jurkiewicz Bukowski Bruce A. Chase Mary McFarland Chatenka Mary Waida Coan Emil A. D'Alesio John F. Daley Evelyn Bogdanski DePalma Michael C. Geertson

Barbara Hewitt Weber Kathryn Zboyovski Deborah Zera-Laughlin CLASS OF 1976 Participation 24% HONOR ROLL Patty Malloy Crupi David Giancola H. Daniel Hill, III, J.D. Daun M. MillersThomas ). Ritchie* Frank P. Sirotnak DONOR Kathleen-Gail Atkinson Sally Schismenos Baumgardner Glenn A. Caruso Patricia Murphy Condron Joseph Cook Constance V. Currey Roseanne Quain Daley Dr. Edward J. Danial John G. Demeter Dorothy Meneely Diaco Michael Diaco David Eaglen Terry J. Frontino Robert Fulton William F. Glinka Mary Debias Graeb Edward Grotkowski C. Jeffrey Heintz John Heise Harold T. Herrmann

Cynthia Kowalewsky Way Mary Siudzinski Weismiller Timothy M. Yeager+ Richard J. Zywotko CLASS OF 1977 Participation 30% TOWER CLUB Jeffrey M. Best Rosemary D. Durkin, Esq. CORNERSTONE CLUB Cynthia A. Belczyk+ Patricia Mullaugh Burch+ HONOR ROLL Timothy E. Miller Mary K. Murray Eileen DelSordo Ritchie+ Kenneth M. White+ DONOR Deborah Janis Akin Kathleen MartzAlthof Diane Micklick Baranowski M. Lisbeth Page Barton Kerrin Benson Bloomquist Gary J. Bujalski Valorie Mclntyre Catalano Ann Condon Clark Denis Coan Mark Condron Carmine L. DeCarlo Mary Fischer Deschamps MarkT. Folland Maryann Lynett Frontino Elaine Hart Gabal Paul G. Gorniak Ray Haskins Dr. Daniel Hedlund Patrick Hood Mary R. Horvath Thomas P. Hubert Kathleen M. Kelleher Charles E. Kibler, Jr. Mary Beth Graf Kim Mark D. Long Molly Souders Lord Linda Storer Meier Regina Scura Merz Patrick Mikula Maureen Neary Murabito Joanne Murphy Denise Corbin Order Anne Pembroke Carol A. Quartuccio Carol Traut Repoff Sheila Walsh Richter Harold E. Rodehaver Patty Lord Ryan Joyce A. Scepura David Schroeder Mike Schweingruber Edward J. Stolarski, Jr., Esq. Judith Mahoney Streich Deborah Sturm Craig C. Sundberg CLASS OF 1978 Participation 2 1 % CORNERSTONE CLUB Roberta Donley Bukowski HONOR ROLL Regina Baldwin Diane M. Blake

Thomas J. Boltz+ Theresa Kresinski Pallardy+ Robert P. Radziszewski+ Barbara Withrow Ronksley James R. Scarpitti George Venuto+ Patrick J. Weschler, Esq. Robin J. Windrow+ Patricia Bailey Zembower DONOR Jane Allen John J. Beck, Jr. Judith Skrzypczak Bekeny Rev. Angelee Benner-Smith Margaret M. Biblis Cynthia Byham-Perfett Nancy Drummond Capinjola Margo Bowen Constantino Douglas Cornelius Linda McGinley Dinnocenzo Edward M. Erichson Valarie Ferro John GabledRonald Goldfarb Rodger Gregorich Mary E. Haug James F. Kelly Sharyn Hurst Nutter Anthony J. Quint Thomas Sanner John M. Schmitt Kathleen Megnin Smith Victoria Reider Stabile Wilbur P. Sydow Mary Bundy Urash Sandra Pulinski Veihdeffer Sharon White Vento Paul E. Young CLASS OF 1979 Participation 23% CORNERSTONE CLUB Kevin J. Rozich, Esq. HONOR ROLL Michael E. Heller Nancy Knobloch Heller Stephen G. Joyce+ Eileen Regan 6'Brien+ William F. 0'Brien+ Patricia Kohler Radziszewski+ Phyllis Pieffer Tomayko+ DONOR Mary Leone Baniszewski Mary Sontag Beck Nadine Belovarac James Beveridge M. Christine Bittorf Lynn Marcotuli Budziszewski Timothy L. Burrows Gary J. Calabrese David Cherico Ronald J. Coleman Patricia Johnston Davis Jo Ann DeSantis Philip A. Dubsky Shelagh Murphy Dubsky Christine A. Filippi+ Joel T. Foessett Paula J. Fritz William Gabal, Jr. Donna Zaffina Grandinetti David A. Gray Raymond S. Gruss


Bonnie Yost Hall Paula Komar Heath Kevin McQuade Helmick Charlene J. Kolupski F. Kevin Koob Denise Bole Krol+ Patricia Campbell Kubicek Cheryl Hellman Lossie Collen McManamon Mary jane McWilliams Ann Howard MillersLinda Hubler Moehler Peggy Ogorchock Mowrey Cheryl Frisina Peterson Louise Herbst Rosenfeld Jon Sedelmyer+ Dr. James J. Smith Laura GrotzingerThomforde David Tomczak Nancy Nies Washek

Thomas J. Heuer Shirley Passle Hordinski Jeanne Quinn Li 1 is 1 Joel F. Miller Barbara Connors Munro Ruth Gleisner Oligeri Roy Paul Reeves Robert Repko Patricia Kazy Rotar Mark Ruttenberg Judith L. Przybyszewski Sipple Joseph Snyder Christine DeDad Starr Robin Stegenga-Fox Connie A. Sturm Paul Toraldo Dianna Vacco Karen Wilmer Waldo Elisa Censullo Wallace Richard Washek

FALL 1991


Richard Haft David L Hunter, Jr., Esq. Patricia Palovcak Jarosinski Colleen Heher Kerr Carolyn Phillips Komo Rosella Bender Kwitowski Barbara J. Matlak Lynn McMasters Donald L. Mihoci Andrew B. Miller Janet Artuhevich Miller Scott A. Morrow Anne Valentine Neubert Gregory Orlando Roseane Law Paligo Richard S. Porris Joanna Nezovich Reynolds Bradley Richter Lisa Parlavecchio Salada Karen Kelly Schmitt Holly Chiappazzi Villella Judith Zewe Margery A. Zimmerman CLASS OF 1980 Participation 26% FOUNDER'S CLUB Roberta Bogart Batten+ HONOR ROLL Kelly A. Conaway Maribeth Stitt Cosper Richard P. Fischer Stephen J. Frisina+ Rev. Walter R. Green Corrine Halperin-Egan James R. Hertner Kevin G. Kane+ Michael P. Meehan DONOR Debbie Mcintosh Anderson Jane McLaughlin Blackburn Pamela Wolfe Bolen Kathleen Bowen-Loper Kate Faulkner Cornelius Kevin Cronin Mary Ferraro Dudenhoefer Catherine Gigante Even Regina O'Connor Ferguson Pauline K. Fisher Stephen Flatley Jeanne Fox Thomas J. Gay Jeanne Mates Gleason John Gleason Nicholas Grandinetti Linda Ravenstahl Gruss Mark J. Hardner Susan Williams Hardner Eileen Crerand Herrmann Amy Blood Karstedt Gordon A. Karstedt Anna Hurley Keidel Mark A. Kwitowski Mary Deger Laughlin Nola Weingard Lyons Therese C. Manning Kimberly Barbarini Matthews Karen Mickol Naccarelli Barry L. Neeb William G. Parlock Thomas J. Peganoff Susan Cavalancia Powell

William R. Rice Mark A. Richert Jeanne M. Sabol Cynthia F. Sopher Melanie R. Titzel Robert J. Tobin Paul E. Vitelli Bernardine Borinski Vojtko Nancy Foust Volk Robert A. Wilmer, III John J. Woodruff Colleen Walsh Zaczkiewicz Lisa McGee Zetts Mark Zetts Eileen Zinchiak CLASS OF 1981 Participation 22% PRESIDENT'S CLUB Jean B. James* CORNERSTONE CLUB Thomas J. Dore, Jr.+ Darlene R. Lyons HONOR ROLL Linda First Frisina+ Mary Barrett Habel+ Ernest E. Magaro, III Anne O'Neill-Klemensic Patricia McShea Pongibove+ Pierre W. Priestley DONOR Richard A. Alessi Julie Zaffino Allen Marianne G. Brown Linda Andrews Cronin Christine McCloskey Eacho Paula Miller Eller Michael R. Even Andrew N. Findlay Michele A. Frasca Anne Delmedico Gorey Susan Gustafson Hunter Deborah Arena Januszkiewicz Peggy Lasko Jordano Andrew E. Kwiatkowski Barbara Kowalski Kwiatkowski John M. Leisering Elaine M. Loftus Michael A. Malpiedi Barbara Kaminsky Marple Ann Rock Mihoci Cynthia Kupiec O'Leary Sandra Kronenwetter Quiggle Patrick G. Rossi Richard F. Seibel Anne Dixon Shields Linda LaVoice Shields Catherine Vilardo Strobl Christine K. Stroebel Diane Zorn Totaro Diane L. Witherup Cheryl May Young Ernest M. Zmyslinski CLASS OF 1982 Participation 18% CORNERSTONE CLUB Dawn Day Quinn+ Paul Quinn+ HONOR ROLL Michael E. Pizzat

Bonnie James Shaker DONOR James J. Borowicz Robert J. Breakstone Linda Boddorf Calabrese Peter P. Damico+ Charles P. Deufel, ]r. Andrew J. Giachino+ Valerie J. Hugo Laurie Mahnken John Barbara J. Johnson Kathy M. Kennerknecht Jennifer M. Larsen Valerie Kaminski Laufenberg Julie M. Madonia Rebecca Martin Jacqueline Dorich Meyers Andrea Herrmann Michali Christine Hafner Pittaway Mary Marchione Ricci Dr. Ravinder Sabherwal Mary McFarland Schmitt Steven Spies Leonard M. Swisher Teresa M. Borowski Taylor Mary Gausman Teufel Michael J. Wallenhorst Carla Cappabianca Watson Raymond Wolf Rose Forget Zmyslinski CLASS OF 1983 Participation 2 1 % CORNERSTONE CLUB Mary Kay Vona Abernathy+ HONOR ROLL Karl E. Ebert+ DONOR Gina Frisina Adams Patricia H. Benekos+ Debra Kay Conley Marc Cipriani Carolyn Gray Colicchio Keith A. Comi David J. Curtis Maureen Doyle James P. Faherty Michael C. Fitzgerald+ Marsha S. Fronzaglia Lisa Costello Heckman Lori Oatman Johnson Anna Maria Pavolko Kirk Cynthia Jarzab Kiskaddon Suzanne Mack Edward P. Mascharka Bruce Miller Marygrace Yakovac Miller Bruce S. Pancio Jerome J. Pilewski Robert T. Radcliffe Elaine Gionti Reyes Elizabeth Marzullo Rich Michael C. Smith Anne Marie Chisholm Studd Mark J. Sutkoff Mary Jo Cline Szewczyk Michael J. Thompson Michael J. Thompson Patricia Marchwinski Tobin Karen L. Wiederkehr Linda M. Wizikowski

CLASS OF 1984 Participation 22% CORNERSTONE CLUB Jeff W. Jones HONOR ROLL Bonnie Clark+ Gina Travis Doyle Sean P. Nee Robert G. Orris Mary Baldauf Wiedel DONOR Daniel). Abel Julie L. Annunziata Judith L. Blackstone Catherine Brown Crawford Leslie A. Curtis Robert C Dumeyer Suzanne Daley Esposito Melissa A. Heckman Kiessling Mary H. Kirk Douglas G. Kramer John A. Kuhl Patricia Clark Lightner Scott Lucas Arthur A. Martone T. Sean McCreary Cindy Gerenstein McCullough Karen R. Merkle James C. Miller Marilyn Moore Thomas J. Murphy i Marilyn Genck Newsham Judy Cusimano Pancio Carla A. Peebles John J. Salvatori Maria A. Santangelo Karen Gens Schellhammer Capt. Michael Schellhammer Leslie L. Schott Genee Suss Smith Margaret Doherty Smith Deborah M. Dixon Steiner Br. Jerome Sullivan, FSC Gregory G. Urmann Margery R. Vallimont Marvin Walker Brian K. Ward Kelly Meyer Wynn W. Patrick Wynn CLASS OF 1985 Participation 2 2 % PRESIDENT'S CLUB Mary Ann Mead Baldauf+ HONOR ROLL William G. Ball, Esq. Charles A. Glanding, III Leslee R. Gorzynski Michael J. Hetrick Gregory J. Lindner Joseph E. McGraw, Esq. Sharon A. Murphy+ Deborah Myers Strong James M. Sturm Eric H. Varon DONOR Kathleen Loringer Abel Kevin P. Armstrong Barbara Swanson Brown D. Shane Brown Martha ]. Camp Catherine Hewitt Carper Terrence G. Colvin Nicholas C. Felice



Regina Ryniak Felice Emily F. Feronti+ Teresa McKelvy Fitzgerald* Catherine Martz Grunebach Thomas Hanna Mary T. Kane Kevin R. Kaye jean Weber Landis Linda Bukowski Lipchik Robin S. Malinowski David D. Marshall Frances M. Moavero jane P. Mullaney Maureen O'Hara Nies Robert G, Nies Darcy Weidner Paradise Grace Ann Ricci Paul C. Sanders Theresa M. Sanders R. Todd Siple Beth Scalise Sivak Christine M. Stark Joseph A. Tarasovitch Tina Andrako Tomczak Gretchen Walsh Ward Dr. Cynthia A. White Elizabeth O'Brien White Matthew A. White CLASS OF 1986 Participation 19% CORNERSTONE CLUB Shirley A. Williams HONOR ROLL Rebecca j . Baldauf Thomas M. Buckley ames M. Fisher oanne Leister Fisher Beverly D. Narvett+ William F. Smith Joseph A. Svitek+ Paula Dischner Svitek+ DONOR Terri Loranty Almeter David A. Armstrong Michael Bauman Therese H. Bertsch Lisa M. Bradish Laura DeCarolis Caldwell Patrick Callahan

1st Lt. James J. Leneghan Suzanne Falkner Mulhall Timothy Mulhall Mark J. Paradise James M. Pleszewski Norma Cesnick Ryen Susan M. Sambrotto John A. Schoullis, Jr.+ Nina L. Serrins Maria Spancic Andree Hugar Sporer Mark Sweet Susan L. Trkula Peter A. Werbaneth Matthew Whelan CLASS OF 1987 Participation 13% CORNERSTONE CLUB David O. Hewett+ HONOR ROLL Heidi L. Beezub Christopher W. Fraser Barbara Wood DONOR Jodi L Abbey Karen Adams-Cerami Scott L. Bensink Richard R. Bernardini Diana L. Bird Cheryl L. Burgard Elizabeth Lawler Callahan Kathleen M. Dee John J. DeLuca Christine Young Hess Joseph D. Hines Patricia McGhee Hites Mary Beth Joseph Julie Juenemann Leneghan Cynthia A. Lochner Michelle S. Matheron Michael J. Moorehead Naomi A. Romanchok Patricia Miller Sacco Barbara A. Sayers Diane M. Schreiber Brian R. Sheridan Elizabeth R. Shewan Susan M. Wineland Kristin Vesely Wuttke CLASS OF 1988 Participation 9% HONOR ROLL Nita M. Balmas Yvonne Venesky Sharbaugh DONOR Elizabeth T. Altilio Jeremy P. Benson Richard K. Bentley Sheila Bassett Bond Paul G. Church Patricia A. Donze Richard W. Dyer Joseph L. Fessler Kathy Kunkel Gettis Timothy). Harrington Mary Herzing Hyman Heather M. Legere Maria DeLugt Lewis Maureen T. Mullaney Cheryl A. Patoka Donna Bava Perino+ Frank E. Rimpa Cynthia Carlson Rodgers Bernard S. Valento Amy S. Ward

CLASS OF 1989 Participation 14% CORNERSTONE CLUB Diane Erzen+ James O'Connor, ]r. HONOR ROLL Jane A. Boltz+ Alan W. Copeland Dorothy Kirk Douglas L. Webster+ DONOR John J. Berchtold, Jr. Sherri Lynn Bleil Sheila Ann Carone Joseph Francis Chiprean Matthew John Clark David W. Delzell Michael E. Falk William C. Fenton Leeann Gabriel Lisa A. Gierszal Susan M. Heltzel Kurt |. Houser

Joseph Andrew Rupp Paul Brian Smith Mara E. Sweterlitsch James Vincent Whitley M. Christine Wiesen Douglas John Wilbur CLASS OF 1990 Participation 6% HONOR ROLL Maureen Hanlin Webster+ DONOR Maria C. Bavisotto Ronald Blum, Jr. Diane K. Conley Lisa DiPlacido Michele L. Douma Leslie A. Edwards Christine Foley Nancy A. Glotzbach+ Annemarie Donofrio Harrington Jennifer T. Hayes Starr Lynn janicki Vincent G. Martin Ann Marie Melquist Susan Deets Moorehead Roderick I. Power Kimberly A. Thomas CLASS OF 1991 TOWER CLUB Robert B. Munson CORNERSTONE CLUB Joy McQuillen DONOR Linda J. Anderson Catherine Bich Dennis C. Boback Gregory D. Chesley Mary Lisa Demas Nancy A. DiLoreto Robin P. Engel Stephanie K. Filipowski Sandra G. Kearney John ). Kleiner Judith E. Luckey Ronald V. Manna Patricia A. Mattson Andrew R. Penhollow Kevin S. Petrone Natalie J. Thunberg

Susan M. Lanzel Michele M. Maxwell James Robert McKeever Michele Marie McNelis Donald Joseph Mitch Anastasia Maureen O'Conne Amy L. Pavlik Thomas M. Pearson Christine Densmore Phelps Richard James Porter Carolin Prichard Jeffrey W. Prichard Barbara E. Przestrzelski John Patrick Ritz

NOTE: Although we have taken great care to check all the names listed here, no such list can be foolproof. We would appreciate knowing of any discrepancies. Office of Institutional Advancement Mercyhurst College 501 East 38th Street Erie, PA 16546-0001 (814)824-2246

Beatrice C. Christiansen Mary Martin Cox Wendy Elmer Lynn C. Fisher Elizabeth A. Gilroy Christie Smith Henry Patricia Hautzinger Kibbe Anne Janosko Kovacevic Edward). Kriausky Mary Beth Tripp LaDuca

FALL 1991


TRUSTEES Participation 100% ). Robert Baldwin John E. Boyle Charles H. Bracken Charles A. Dailey Dr. George D'Angelo Dr. Vernon Dobbs Albert F. Duval+ Robert M. Eisert+ A. James Freeman+ Dr. William P. Garvey William F. Grant, CLU Elizabeth Meehan Greenleaf '52 Sr. Carolyn Herrmann, RSM '38 F. William Hirt Myron Jones F. Brady Louis Brian j . McHugh George R. Metcalf, III Roberts. Miller Dr. Helen F. Mullen '47 Janet Price Paul C. Roche, Sr. William C. Sennett, Esq. Sr. Maura Smith, RSM '46 Jane Theuerkauf+ Sr. Mary Charles Weschler, RSM '40 ames A. Zurn SISTERS OF MERCY PRESIDENT'S ASSOCIATES Participation 8 1 % John R. Baldwin Jeffrey M. Best 7 7 William C. Bloomstine Donald C. Buseck, Esq. Mary Ellen Dahlkemper '73 Beverly Heintz DiCarlo '67 Rosemary D. Durkin, Esq. 7 7 Jack L. Fatica Hon. Roger M. Fischer Robert A. Gierszal Stephen Gutting 7 2 Corrine Halperin-Egan '80 J. Thad Heinlein Edward J. Hess+ Robert Hessinger Peter S. Howard Jean B. James ' 8 1 * Len Kholos Randall K. Kimmel William H. Lander, III John P. Leemhuis, Esq. F. Brady Louis John W. Masterson+ Marlene DiTullio Mosco '68+ Robert B. Munson '91 Jon T. Myrick 7 4 Larry New Rev. Jan C. Olowin James H. Parr Thomas J. Roche Mary Patalon Schaaf '68+

Roder f Do now
Contributions between July I, 1990 andJune 30, 1991.
William Sesler, Esq. Gary J. Shapira, Esq. Marlene A. Smith 7 3 M. O. Smith Susan N. Sutto '68 Lawrence D. Vollmer, DDS Therese Toflinski Walter, Ph.D.'63 Patricia Sontheimer Yahn '50 Maryann Schneider Yochim 7 1 Barry Zembower Kathleen C. Zurn FACULTY/ ADMINISTRATION/ STAFF Participation 6 3 % Dr. James Adovasio M. Phyllis Aiello Catherine Anderson Marc Anselmi David A. Armstrong '86 Michael Barnes David E. Baugh Dr. Barbara Behan '64 Dr. Allan Belovarac 7 3 Lee Belovarac 7 4 Lupe Billingsley 7 6 Thomas Billingsley Mary Price Boday Adrian Bohl Diana Bohl Teresa Borowy Shirley Britt Dr. Gary Brown Irene Brown Joseph Brown Dr. Ludlow L. Brown Robert Buettner Gary L. Bukowski 7 3 Roberta Bukowski 7 8 Cheryl L Burgard '87 Daniel V. Burke '69 Richard L. Buser Dr. Raymond Buyce Renee Calabrese Terrence ]. Camp Dr. J. Michael Campbe Dennis Cerami Jim Chapman David Cherico 7 9 Dr. Robert Cisek Bonnie Clark'84+ Jean Rose Coffey Paul Coon Dr. Barry W. Copeland Catherine Brown Crawford '84 Robert Cullen David J. Curtis'83 Mary Daly '66 Harry Dammer Betty Damper Willie Damper Lisa Danko Paul Demyanovich Merrill Dever Michael Devine Dorothy A. DiSanti Robert Dolwick Dr. Thomas Donahue John T. Donnelly, Jr. Dr. Diane Dudzinski Lynn Fa Ik Marjorie Ann Fessler Sheila Himes Fiscus '63 Christopher W. Fraser'87 Teri Frisch Rosalina S. Fyke Christine Gagliano Edward Gallagher Helen Garr Dr. George Garrelts Dr. William P. Garvey Harold George Shirley George Daryl Georger Lisa A. Gierszal '89 Earleen Glaser Albert Glinsky Charlene Gee Glispy Rick Gotkin Dr. Frank Hagan Bonnie Yost Hall Penny Hanes Carol Mary Hill Robert Hoff+ Judith Horvath Cecile R. Hreha Thomas P. Hubert 7 7 Robert Hvezda Bradley Jacobson Marilynn Miller Jewell '48 Joe Jordano Antoinette Kaliszak Dorothy Kaliszak Dr. Frederick Keck E. William Kennedy Dorothy Kirk '89 James Lanahan Jo-Ann Lanzillo John M. Leisering 7 1

Val Leone Marie DeLugt Lewis '88 James F. Lieb 7 4 Patricia). Liebel'53 Sr. Elisabeth Lintsen 7 0 Dr. Lewis Lutton Vera Mannarelli Andrew Mauthe P. Barry McAndrew Sally McCallion Dr. Patricia McGarrey Brian J. McHugh James Robert McKeever '89 Joy McQuillen '91 Dr. Michael McQuillen Charles Miller Sr. M. Damien Mlechick, RSM '56 Brenda Moore Marilyn Moore Tyrone Moore Timothy Moriarty John Nee John Nesbit Marion Nies Dr. David D. Palmer Howard C. Paul Dr. Vivetta Petronio '58 David Pinto Erica Pinto Dr. Joseph Pizzat Janet Price Dawn Day Quinn '82+ Judith Richter Sheila Richter 7 7 Patrick G. Rossi Samuel Rotella Jr. Andrew P. Roth Nancy L. Rupp Peter J. Russo Diane Rutkowski Frank N. Scalise Madalyn Scardamaglia Kenneth Schiff Barbara Shaffer Janet E. Sheldon Catherine Shimek Sharon Sisco William F. Smith '86 Dr. Mary Hembrow Snyder Marie Sosinski Joseph Spusta Igor Stalsky Shirley Steiner Robert A. Sturm Wilbur P. Sydow Joseph A. Tarasovitch '85 David Thomas Carl Triola Todd Trout Ann Brooks Valento Bernard S. Valento '88 Maureen Walsh Dr. Barbara Weigert Mary Jeanne Weiser Vernon Wherry James Vincent Whitley'89 Judy Wieczorek '61 Patricia Wieser Lee Wilkins Diane M. Williams



Shirley A. Williams'86 Shawn Wilson Eleanor K. Winiarczyk Dr. Timothy Wise Kay Wojciak John Wolper Paula Wolper Barbara Wood '87 CARPE DIEM SOCIETY Participation 56% PRESIDENT'S CLUB Audrey Sitter Hirt '49 Jean B.James'81* Marion Zurn Roberts Pauline S. Scott Barbara Zurn Geraldine Zurn Jane H. Zurn Kathleen C. Zurn FOUNDER'S CLUB Arloween Todd TOWER CLUB Carol Russell Cochran '40 Mary D'Angelo Catherine Keim Barbara H. Walker+ CORNERSTONECLUB MaryAmbron Baldwin Kathryn Reiser Brugger '35 Beverly Heintz DiCarlo '67 Florence Fryling Miriam Leslie Darlene R. Lyons '81 Dolores Vollmer HONOR ROLL Joyce Amidon Cora Anderson Barbara N. Beatty Helene Becker Joan F. Bert Barbara E. Bracken Constance C. Brereton Frances Q. Buseck Susan Conner Betty J. Crandell Louise V. Curtze Bonney Daubenspeck Louise C. Druckemiller Mary Duval Virginia Renz Dwyer '34 Kathleen Frenzel Elizabeth Geigle Dorothy Giermak Rita Goebel Mary C. Illig Ruth S. Jageman Sally A. Lund+ Patricia M. McCain Betty Merwin Beverly Metcalf Jean Mussina Barbara Reeves+ Judith L. Rusin Hon. Joyce A. Savocchio '65 Emily Fatica Sertz '69 Kathleen Spafford Margaret Stolley Janice D. Underhill Janet Blackmore Walker '50

Florence F.Willis Patricia Sontheimer Yahn '50 Maryann Schneider Yochim DONOR Esther Anderson Nancy Andrews Nancy L. Bacon Hermine K. Bauschard Maryann Bauschard Alice H. Bean Patricia Biggs Irene K. Brown Mary Z. Bull Ruth H. Burton Remle Cann Lorraine Dart Thora Davis Patricia Dietly Colleen McMahon Doyle '50 Margaret Q. Dwyer Maureen Q. Dwyer Nancy Dwyer Ruth V. Ehrler Judy Emling '66 Laurana Fish Mary Culhane Grant Shirley G. Griswold Susan Henness Virginia Jarecki Margery Kibler Betty Kuhlman Mildred L. Lasher Elizabeth McLaren Billie Nagle Elizabeth Piper Patricia Quinn Molly Rooney Martha S. Roth Phyllis Scarpitti Mary Scolio Margaret D. Seip Frances Strong Audrey Welther Twiss '48 Freda Volanakis Catherine Walker Diane Doleski Weber '68 FRIENDS Anthony Ames James Aquilino Anonymous M/M Bernard H. Balmas Atty. Charles R. Barber Atty. John J. Barber M/M Justo Barzellato Howard C. Bates M/M jerry P. Baugh Atty. Stanley G. Berlin Edwin R. Bindseil Charles I. Blake Jerome H. Blakeslee Arthurs. Boldt Margaret Bonner Michael R. Bukowski Ryan M. Bukowski M/M DeWittM. Bull Thomas Carmody Dr. John S. Chaffee Anonymous

Michael S. Chase Margaret M. Clark Mario Cocuzzi M/M Richard J. Crotty George D'Angelo, II M/M Timothy Dailey Charles). Daly Damian Daly Dr. Clare L. Dana Walter A. Dart, Jr. Bernard Dascanio Rose Dascanio Dr/M D. Grant Daubenspeck Betty B. Davis Jitendra M. Desai Anonymous David C. DiCarlo B. DiStefano Hector DiTullio* Dominic Doldo Edward C. Doll* Nicholas Dragel C. Stuart Edwards Erie Education Association Erie Music Teachers' Association M/M Frederick R. Favo Neville Fernando Atty/M Edward Ferraro M/M Henry E. Fish Justice John P. Flaherty Dr. Marc A. Flitter M/M Howard F. Freed Anonymous Dr. Charles M. Furr Martha S. Gasche Joseph Giles Tina Glowacki Anonymous M/M Philip Goldstein Frank K. Gottschalk Walter Greenleaf Leonard A. Grieco Frank W.Griffith Richard Grudzien Dr/M Robert T. Guelcher J. D. Gujrati B. P. Gupta Bruce Guthrie Phyllis). Guthrie Sr. Margaret Ann Hardner Earl Hartman, Sr. M/M Paul L. Hartmam Honor Society of the American Legion Auxiliary Hospitality Management Association Robert M. Howe Insurance Club of Erie County Stephen Jackson+ Paul Jacobus Pauline Jacobus John F. Jageman Alan T. James J. Douglas James Atty. Stephen E. Jones . Dr. Agop Karamanian Ashnok N. Katti M/M Clarence W. Kearney M/M Richard T. Keating Dr. Dinesh C. Khera Dr. Mary Ann Kibler

H. Vira Kolisch Henry Krahe Arlene Lauber Atty. Thomas A. Leonard Edward A. Lesser Mace H. Levin James C. Levinson Mercyhurst Library Staff Trudy G. Lichacz Atty. Albert A. Lindner David A. Lyons Charles R. McCain Donald P. McCain, Sr. M/M Timothy McCormick Anonymous Bishop Michael J. Murphy Norm Murphy Steve Murphy C. J. Myron B. Shankar Nadkarni M/M James Nally, )r. Richard E. Narvett+ John L. Norton David O'Dessa Claire R. O'Meara Clarence Paoletta Marilyn Parilla Anonymous Dr. Vinod M. Patel Norman W. Plumb John J. Quinn Stephen S. Raj Dr. R. B. Ravi Richard Reeves John B. Reiser Bob Rimpa Nancy Bracken Roche M/M Robert I. Ronksley Shawn Rooney William A. Root Victor S. Rotunda Mary Castor Rudolph Linda L. Russell Jerome G. Scavone Atty. Will J. Schaaf Charles R. Schmitt P. Tylon Schuerman Jack Schultz Dr. M. Peter Scibetta Michael V. Sergi, )r. Terry L. Seyfert Dr. Jeffrey C. Shivers Ravi Shankar Singh Sandra Sirak Sidney E. Smith, Jr.+ Thomas W. Smith Dr. Paul L. Stagg James Stolley M/M Paul C. Sullivan E. S. (Ted) Swartz Anonymous Joan E. Tavernese Edward Taylor Wayne J. Teggerdine Grace Gunster Tullio Tyrone Covenant Presbyterian Church Dr. William Underhill Marguerite A. Urban Mark Vatavuk Aaron P. Wagner Ruth E. Waidley

FALL 1991


Leon & Laura Wallerstein Greg Weglarz Roy Wetherbee Atty. Dennis V.Williams Constance L. Wolford George P. Wood John Young Mark H. Zeitiin, M.D. David M. Zurn Roger W. Zurn

PARENTS FUND Participation 18% Chairpersons: M/M Edward). Hess FOUNDER'S CLUB Atty/M Vincent B. Campbell M/M Andrew Colaruotolo TOWER CLUB M/M Edward J. Hess+ CORNERSTONECLUB Dr/M Robert Cisek M/M E. William Kennedy Dr/M Michael McQuillen Mr. Timothy J. O'Mara M/M Anthony SanGeorge+ HONOR ROLL M/M Ernest Aiello M/M Richard Andzel M/M Clyde Baker M/M James P. Brown+ M/M Kenneth Calhoun* M/M John Chmura M/M Larry Clark+ M/M Michael Connolly M/M Robert Crowell M/M Victor Davis M/M Raymond P. Engel M/M Frederick Falk M/M Bernard Fiscus M/M Daniel W. Handel M/M Louis B. Jannetto M/M Richard T. Keating M/M Arthur Kish M/M Henry A. Lague, Jr. Ms. Nina Hansen Light M/M Salvatore Marranca M/M Cecil Marty M/M James N. McCormick Dr/M John V. O'Connor Dr/M John O'Sullivan M/M Robert Pagni Dr/M David Palmer M/M James Pettinato+ M/M Andrew Roth M/M Jerome Rupp M/M William F. Smith M/M John M. Sullivan M/M Paul C. Sullivan M/M Joseph W. Tarrant M/M Stan U-Rycki M/M Richard Vignos M/M James A. Wiencek+ DONOR M/M Alan Aarons Ms. Donna R. Adams M/M David Albright M/M Gerald Altilio

M/M Carmen Arcadi M/M Robert B. Arrigo M/M Anthony Asquino M/M James Ballard M/M Ray Barger M/M Justo Barzellato M/M Robert N. Bateman M/M John B. Bauer M/M Loyal Bell M/M Jerrold Bergfalk M/M Edward G. Bich M/M Robert L. Bindeman M/M Robert Bisbe M/M William Bogdanski M/M John Bonghi M/M Lawrence Boros M/M Richard Brestensky M/M John Briggs M/M William Britt M/M John A. Brock M/M Richard A. Bruce M/M George Brunner+ Mr. Joseph Bruno M/M Leon Brynolfson Dr/M Raymond Buyce Mrs. Susan C. Bytheway M/M Terrence J. Camp M/M Robert P. Carbonetti+ M/M John M. Carey M/M Robert Carone M/M Thomas A. Cassidy M/M Reginaldo Colella M/M Roy Companey M/M John Constable M/M Anthony Constantino M/M David Corey M/M John Crosta M/M Richard R. Darko Ms. Ann Dasch Mrs. Mary Ann David Mrs. Mary Ann DeDad M/M Anthony G. DePaul M/M David Dick Ms. Barbara DiDomencio M/M Robert Dillahay Ms. Jacqueline Dodds M/M Robert Dolwick M/M Raymond Donnelly M/M Richard Eckl M/M Harold D. Farley M/M James Fatter M/M Francis Fayak Mrs. Margaret Filipowski M/M Larry Fink M/M Edward Fitzgerald M/M James Fitzgerald M/M Ronald T. Fuhrer M/M Phillip N.Gahring M/M Thomas Galkowski M/M Clarence Gates M/M Harold George M/M James Gilbert M/MJohnJ.Goodill Mrs. Barbara Gould M/M Roy Gourley M/M J. Robert Grine M/M John H. Halas Mrs. Elaine Hale M/M Drew R. Hamblin M/M Dennis Hart

M/M Edward Hartle M/M Leo Henner M/M Steven Hewitt M/M Michael Hilburger M/M James H. Houston M/M William Jensen M/M William Jett M/M J. M. Hamlin Johnson M/M John M. Johnson M/M Donald Jonischek M/M Cyril Kaliszak M/M Victor Kaliszak M/M Daniel J. Karg M/M Allan L. Katona M/M Jimmie Kellogg M/M Michael Kelly Mrs. Mary Theresa Kennedy M/M Thomas Kenny M/M Donald Kenton M/M Bernard j . Klocko, Sr. M/M Donald Knopfel M/M Roland Komar M/M Joseph Kokstansek M/M Richard Kotecki M/M Thomas Koviak Mrs. Mary Jean Koziarski M/M Eugene J. Krahe Ms. Marian J. Kraus M/M Douglas Krieger M/M Robert S. Kubiak+ M/M Kenneth Langford Mrs. Jessie Lantz M/M Thomas Lazur Ms. Deborah A. Leins Rev/M Barry Lewis M/M Richard Lockerman+ M/M Clinton Logan M/M Rene Lombardo M/M Paul E. Lovrencic Mrs. Patricia Mancuso M/M James Marquis Ms. Barbara J. Matlak M/M David McBride M/M James E. McCann Mr. Eric McEnroe M/M Samuel Medure Mr. Ralph Meleo, Jr. Ms. Janice Meli-Stemmer Ms. Jacqueline Mellors Ms. Catherine Merrill M/M William M. Metten, Jr. M/M Allan F. Miller M/M John P. Monahan M/M Robert Moore M/M Timothy Moriarty M/M Edward J. Mueller M/M Kevin T. Nixon, Sr. M/M Eric Nystrom M/M Michael O'Keeffe M/M Walter F. Oleski M/M Pietro J. Paolello, Jr. Mrs. Marilyn Parilla Mrs. Audrey Parry M/M Mark A. Parsons M/M Paul A. Platek Dr/M Loren Prichard

M/M Warren C. Randa M/M Louis Richter M/M Charles J. Ridgley M/M William J. Riley M/M T. Daniel Roberts M/M John Rush M/M Thomas Rutkowski M/M Dennis E. Ryan M/M Joseph A. Saccomanno M/M Kenneth W. Salem M/M John Scalise M/M James Scannelli M/M James Schreckengost M/M John S. Schultz M/M David C. Secrist M/M John F. Short M/M James A. Shultz M/M Edward J. Smith M/M Edward Soltis M/M David Stahl M/M Igor Stalsky Mrs. John Stark M/M Donald Stemmer M/M Frank Stepanik M/M Norman Strehle M/M James Sul M/M Edward Svitek M/M James A. Swick M/M Philip Tack M/M Joseph Taylor M/M Loren D. Thomas M/M John Thompson M/M Gerald J. Tierno M/M Victor K. Trapolsi M/M James Vanalstine M/M Robert G. Veres M/M Francis Weir M/M Charles Wertz M/M Brian E. Will M/M Ronald Wiltsie M/M Brian Winch M/M Don A. Wohlhueter Dr/M Charles Zeigler M/M Louis Zicarelli PAST PARENTS Chairpersons: M/M Edward Petrasek FOUNDER'S CLUB M/M George E. Willis TOWER CLUB M/M Robert A. Gierszal CORNERSTONE CLUB M/M Bernard H. Balmas HONOR ROLL Atty/M James Conway M/M E. Stanley Dockstader M/M Robert Erzen M/M Frederick R. Favo Atty/M Edward Ferraro M/M John C. Lillis DONOR M/M Gerald Altilio M/M Robert L. Bindeman M/M Theodore C. Bierbauer



CORPORATIONS/ FOUNDATIONS/ MATCHING GIFTS A & W Office Products Abbott Laboratories Fund Aetna Life & Casualty Foundation Allegheny Ludlum Corp. The Allstate Foundation American Express Co. American Home Products Corp. American Sterilizer Co. Ameritrust Corp. ARA Services, Inc. Associated Spring-Barnes Group, Inc. AT&T Foundation The Bank of New York Baskinds Beco Interiors, Inc. Bell Communications Research, Inc. Berkstone Fund Black & Decker Manufacturing Co. Charles I. Blake Family Foundation The B O C Group, Inc. Cadbury Beverages, Inc. Campbell Soup Co. Champion Bolt Corp. The Chase Manhattan Bank Chevron U.S.A. Inc. Chrysler Corp. Fund Cleveland Cliffs Foundation Art Cohen Co. Combustion Engineering, Inc. Conoco, Inc. Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. Coopers & Lybrand Foundation Corbett, Inc. Crum and Forster Foundation Charles A. Dailey Foundation Dailey Supply Inc. Deluxe Corp. Foundation Dow Jones & Co., Inc. Duquesne Light Co. The Equitable Foundation Erie Area Fund for the Arts Erie Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Erie Community Foundation Erie Conference on Community Development Erie Insurance Group Erie Plastics Corp. Erie Sand & Gravel Co. Ernst & Young Foundation First National Bank First National Bank of Western Pennsylvania The Fluor Foundation Ford Motor Co. Fund

Foundation for Independent Colleges Fryling Foundation Gannett Foundation General Electric Foundation General Telephone Co. of Pennsylvania The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Gray Family Foundation of DuBois, Pa. Graybar Electric Co. Inc. Greenleaf Corp. GTE Service Corp. Gunlocke Corp. H.J. Heinz Co. High Pressure Equipment Company Hoffmann-LaRoche, Inc. Hofmann's Church & Religious Goods House of Edinboro International Business Machines International Multifoods Foundation International Paper Co. Foundation Irwin Management Co. Inc. Johnson & Johnson Anonymous T. James Kavanagh Foundation Keating of Chicago, Inc. Kitchens by Meade KMart Corp. Knox, McLaughlin, Gornall & Sennett, PC Leadlines Studio Lincoln National Corp. The Lucius N. Littauer Foundation Lord Corp. Manufacturers Bank Marine Bank McCormick & Co. Inc. John J. McCormick Foundation Mead Johnson & Co. Foundation Mellon Bank Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. Metropolitan Life Foundation Miller & Company c/o Irwin Management Co., Inc. Millington Lockwood NCR Foundation New England Mutual Life New York Telephone Co. North East Community Foundation Northeast Utilities Occidental Petroleum, Inc. KPMG Peat Marwick Foundation J. C. Penney Co., Inc. Pennsylvania Council on the Arts PMA Group PNC Financial Corp. Polaroid Foundation, Inc. Premark International, Inc.

Price Waterhouse Foundation Provident Mutual Red Lobster Inns of America Rockwell International Ellen Rode Estate The Rubbermaid Foundation Russell Rea & Zappala, Inc. Sandoz Pharmaceuticals Corp. Arthur F. Schultz Co. The Sears-Roebuck Foundation Yvonne Sharbaugh Interior Design Shearson Lehman Hutton Shell Oil Co., Inc. SIFCO Foundation SmithKline Beecham Foundation Snap-Tite, Inc. Southern New England Telephone State Street Foundation Teledyne, Inc. Temple-Inland, Inc. Times Publishing Co. The Travelers Co. Unisys Corp. United Services Automobile Assoc. Vesuvius Foundation Wayneco Enterprises, Inc. Westinghouse Education Foundation Wolves Club of Erie, Den VIII The Xerox Foundation Zurn Industries, Inc.

Joseph Mizikowski Irene Moryc Gene O'Brien Eleanor Ostrowski Joseph R. Parks Eugene Pinto Ray "Skip" Powell 7 5 Jeanne Rectenwald Grayce Marie (Souders) Reiser '36 Dr. Michael J. Relihan Kathryn (Tansey) Sackett '43 Andrew L. Salzello Fritz Schmitz Edward Schroeck Ruth A. Shelhamer Joseph J. Sherrange Roy Shuttle James E. Toohey Louis J. Tullio Charles E. Walkow Louise Kunze Wells Beverly (Buerkle) Willis'56 Eleanor Rose Wittmann Scott Wurst

NEWLY ESTABLISHED SCHOLARSHIPS IN 1990-91 Mary Beth Bierbauer Scholarhsip Ellen G. Dailey Irish Scholarship First National Bank of Pa. Scholarship Class of 1941 Scholarship Margaret Mary Reese Eustace Scholarship LAKER CLUB M/M Robert B. Arrigo J. Robert Baldwin M/M Ray Barger M/M Justo Barzellato Thomas Billingsley James J. Borowicz M/M Richard A. Bruce M/M Robert P. Carbonetti Michael S. Chase Dario Cipriani M/M Andrew Colaruotolo M/M John Constable M/M Anthony Constantino M/M Robert Crowell Charles A. Dailey Foundation Barbara DiDomencio Dr. Vernon Dobbs Robert M. Eisert+ M/M Raymond P. Engel M/M Phillip N. Gahring M/M John H. Halas M/M Drew R. Hamblin M/M Dennis Hart Christie Smith Henry Edward J. Hess+ F.William Hirt M/M James H. Houston Mary Theresa Kennedy M/M Donald Knopfel M/M Henry A. Lague, Jr.


IN MEMORY OF: Julia Almonte Albert C. Anderson Michael J. "Mickey" Anderson John G. Bianchi Mary Beth Bierbauer '91 Florence Lux Brown Regina Brugger '42 Patrolman Richard Burchick Fr. Ralph N. Ciaiola Suzie Stoffa Sands Daly Robert DiVecchio Victor Donovan Margaret Mary (Reese) Eustace '29 A. Joyce Gallagher Marion (Gage) Gwilliam '39 Anita Crotty Hart Pauline (Urich) Jageman '37 Jean B. James '81 Mark Lloyd 7 4 Alice Long Mary Driscoll Maloney , John Maus, Sr. Harold McQuillen Stanley McShane Nancy Ruth (Blair) Gadd Meech 3 7 Anna Stoffa Meehan

FALL 1991


Nina Hansen Light Janice Meli-Stemmer M/M John P. Monahan M/M Edward). Mueller M/M Michael O'Keeffe Timothy J. O'Mara Marilyn Parilla M/M Paul A. Platek M/M John Rush M/M Kenneth W. Salem M/M John Scalise M/M James Scannelli M/M James A. Shultz Sandra Sirak M/M David Stahl M/M Paul C. Sullivan M/M Philip Tack M/M Joseph W. Tarrant M/M Stan U-Rycki M/M Brian Winch M/M Don A. Wohlhueter Zurn Industries, Inc.

NORTH EAST COMMUNITY FOUNDATION The following individuals and businesses are recognized for their dedication to and support of Mercyhurst-North East. Dr/M John Almquist American Folk Art American Meats Mrs. Edith P. Archer Archer Fruit Farm M/M James Archer Arundale Farm Alta Maud Bard Helen H. Bard Bayport Heating & Cooling M. K. Bemiss Agency Better Baked Foods Bowers Funeral Home Robert C Boyd Brett Maloney Landscapes Brown Thompson News Brown's Village Inn Atty/M James Bryan Dr/M Charles Burkhard Burkhart Boats & Boilers Car Care Center

M/M Tom Carangi M/M James P. Carley Chat-A-Wyle Vineyards Janet Chesley M/M Robert Cline M/M Emitt Clover Helen W. Collins Colonial Motel Cost Effective Coatings Cramer Motors, Inc. Crandell Hertner, Inc. Cunningham Chrysler/Plymouth Cunningham General Contractors William R. Cunningham D. C Cushman Jeweler Dean Custom Food Ltd. Decision Associates Louise O. Dunlavey Atty. Michael Dunlavey Elkin Funeral Home Fast Food Enterprises #3 Alan Felix Ferraro Ford, Inc. M/M August Fetcko First National Bank of Pennsylvania Flower & Craft Boutique M/M L. V. Foerschner Russell M. Fowler M/M Robert Fox Freeport Restaurant Fruit Acres GTE Christine Gagliano Gahring Optical General Exterminating Elsie F. Gladitz James Gorzynski '75 Grape City Beer Co. Graphic Concepts, Inc. M/M Carl Gregg M/M Tom Greenman Dr. Paula A. Gunduz H & R Block Dr/M Carl Haeseler Hair Masters I Hammer's Furniture Anonymous Isabel H. Hays Henderson Office Supplies

M / M H . Daniel Hill, III 7 6 Hill Engineering, Inc. Hillside Vineyards M/M Victor Hitchcock Marion K. Hirtzel Thomas L. Hogan The Holly Shop House of the Potter M/M Clarence Hutchinson Dr. Anthony Ignocheck Iroquois Tool System James Properties Robert A. ]ez M/M Alan Jircitano ones Builders unior Womens Club M/M James King King's Kloset M/M Jerome Kirschner Joseph P. Knizner Marjorie Kopcke La Casa De Pizza Sherry A. H. Lantz LaRocca's Men's Store M/M Alfred Larsen Lindsey Refrigeration Luke Vineyards Maas Repair, Inc. Mackay-Swift, Inc. Dr/M Mike Madden Marine Bank Dr/M Gordon Massey Mazza Vineyards McCord Farms M. Gloria McCord Gertrude Merski '40 Mike's Auto Repair M/M Robert Mikytuck M/M Timothy Miller'77 Dr/M William Mix Mobilia Farms Russell Mosier, Jr. M/M E. J. Mowry Muscarella & Son, Inc. National Bank of North East National Fab & Machine Dr/M Barton Neckers Dr. Richard J. Neuer North Coast Processing North East Auto Supply

North East Chiropractic Center North East Family Practice North East Motors Dr. Joseph M. O'Leary Paul's Loblaws Penelec Pennbank PET Inc. Gordon Post Lab Supply Presque Isle Wine Cellars Prozan Johnson Lajohn Max Reid Lumber Ridg-U-Rak M/M Don Riederer M/M John Rizzo George Sceiford Scene Stealer Boutique M/M Jacob Scotch Geraldine Smith South Shore Inn/ Delhurst Inn Southwick Farms Stacks Parkview Pub/ Venango Land Farming Stansbury & Paul, Inc. Stetson Brothers, Inc. Marjorie V. Stewart M/M Horace Stoddard Subway of North East Stephen J. Svetz Mabel L. Swift M/M Paul Taylor Dr. John Tedesco Temco Employees FCU Texas Lunch David Thornton Rental & Real Estate M/M Rocco Tomasino Town & Country Dr. Robert Towsey Dr. Michael Turner M/M Charles Valone The Villager M/M Ralph Walter Welch's Westgate Farms Wheeler Associates M/M Gary Wion Mary Lou Wittman

Remember Mercyhurst in your Will And Become a Member of "The O'NeilSociety


Suggested language to be included in your last will and testament: "I give and bequeath the sum of $ to Mercyhurst College, Erie, PA." If you have already made a provision for Mercyhurst College in your will o r w o u l d like to discuss h o w y o u can become a member of the O'Neil Society, please contact Gary Bukowski, vice president of institutional advancement, Mercyhurst College, 501 East 38th St., Erie, PA 16546. We can also send you a brochure that discusses how you can make a planned gift to Mercyhurst. Please give us a call at (814) 824-2245.




0-91 to recognize those individuals who have made a commitment to support Mercyhurst's future through their wills and 6ther planned giving arrangements including trusts and life insurance. The Society was named after nd Mrs. James E. O'Neil who made the Tower and Christ tR&.v^ King Chapel a reality through their planned gifts.

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Ms. Marjorie M. Alge '37

Dr. and Mrs. George D'Angelo r. Edana DuCuay '31 r. Charles M. Furr Dr. William P. Carvey Mrs. Margaret Burkhart Kirk'30 Mrs. Margaret Maclnnes'33

Mrs. Adelaide S. Maess '38 Ms. Deborah O'Keefe Mr. Norman W. Plumb :.;." Arloween Zurn Todd .* " Mrs. Gloria Corrado Uhler '44 Marguerite A. Urban Ms. Judy Wieczorek '61 Eileen Zinchiak '80 Six'AfUmni, Parents and Friends have asked to remain anonymous.

James O'Neil
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FALL 1991


Vol. 10, No. 1 J Fall 1991

Sr Mary

Lawrence F r a n k l i n ,




Non-Profit Org U.S. Postage PAID Erie, PA Permit No.10


November 16 22 & 23 25 30 December 2 6&7 9 12 14

Men's Basketball hosts Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Men's Basketball at Shippensburg Tournament Men's Basketball at Lake Erie Men's Basketball hosts Clarion Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Basketball at St. Vincent Basketball hosts Alex Invitational Basketball at Westminster Basketball hosts Edinboro Basketball hosts IUP Basketball at California

4 8 10 & 11 15 18 25
7:30 p.m. February 6/8 p.m. 8 p.m. 8 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 6/8 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8 p.m. 8 p.m. 8 p.m.

Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's

Basketball hosts Assumption Basketball hosts Pitt/Bradford Basketball at IUP Tournament Basketball at Clarion Basketball at Alvernia Basketball at UPJ Basketball hosts LeMoyne Basketball hosts Westminister Basketball hosts Gannon Basketball hosts UPJ Basketball hosts Lake Erie Basketball hosts Alvernia Basketball at Edinboro Basketball at LeMoyne

8 p.m. 8p.m 6:30/8:30 p.m. 8 p.m. 8 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8 p.m. 8 p.m. 8 p.m. 8 p.m. 8 p.m. 8 p.m. 8 p.m. 8 p.m. 8 p.m.

5 8 10 12 14 19
29 March 6


Men's Basketball at Gannon

January 3&4 8 11

November 22 &23 Women's Basketball at California/PA Tournament Women's Basketball 26 at Edinboro Tournament December 2 Women's Basketball at Clarion 7 Women's Basketball hosts Westminister Women's Basketball hosts Indiana/PA 11 Women's Basketball at Mansfield 14 17 Women's Basketball hosts Lock Haven Women's Basketball hosts Oakland 20

13 18 22 25 28
6/8 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6 p.m. 2 p.m. 7 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 7 p.m. February 5 8 11 15 20

Women's Basketball hosts Holiday Classic Women's Basketball hosts Pitt/Bradford Women's Basketball at Thiel Women's Basketball hosts Edinboro Women's Basketball hosts Pitt/Johnstown Women's Basketball hosts Gannon Women's Basketball at Pitt/Johnstown Women's Basketball hosts Mansfield Women's Women's Women's Women's Women's Women's Women's Basketball hosts LeMoyne Basketball at Penn State/Behrend Basketball hosts Gannon Basketball at Lock Haven Basketball hosts Clarion Basketball at Ashland Basketball at LeMoyne

6/8 p.m. 6 p.m. 1 p.m. 7 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 4 p.m. 7 p.m. 5:15 p.m 6 p.m. 6 p.m.

March 6

Women's Basketball at Gannon

November 1&2 Hockey at Canisius Tournament Hockey at Fredonia 5 Hockey at Plattsburg Tournament 8&9 22 & 23 Hockey at Elmira Tournament Hockey hosts University of Wisconson 29&30 December 8 Hockey hosts RIT 13 & 14 Hockey at Hamilton Tournament 19 Hockey hosts Colgate University

5/8 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 5/8 p.m. 5/8 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 5/8 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

January 11 12 17 & 18 24 25 28 February

Hockey at Hobart Hockey at Elmira Hockey at Lake Forest University Hockey hosts University of Scranton Hockey at St.Bonaventure University Hockey hosts Canisius Hockey at Fredonia University Hockey at RIT Hockey at Brockport University Hockey hosts Elmira University Hockey hosts Hobart University Hockey hosts Elmira University Hockey hosts St. Bonaventure University

4 p.m. 2 p.m. 7:30 & 2 p.m 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

1 7 8 14
15 16 22

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