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Les couleurs

In French, the colours have to take the gender of the object they are related to. If I am talking about a masculine object, the colour will also be masculine. If I am talking about a feminine object, the colour will have to take the feminine form, as shown in the table below.

Masculine :

Feminine :

English :

Usually, to transform from masculine to feminine, you had an extra E at the end of the masculine word, as you can see in this first group of colours: vert gris bleu noir verte grise bleue noire green grey blue black

But, some colours here already end with a E at their masculine form. In these cases, there wont be any change needed from masculine form to feminine form: rouge rose jaune orange rouge rose jaune orange red pink yellow orange

And, of course, it would be too simple if it was all regaular! Here are three main exceptions which dont follow the normal rule: blanc violet marron blanche violette marron white purple brown

In French the colour will always come after the noun it refers to. A white bag Un sac blanc The purple flower La fleur violette

Nolwenn Jarnoux, MMU Melaka

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